#v's xmas special
vespersposts · 2 years
🎄The blue ribbon
Happy December to all! ⭐
Happy holidays, well-earned rest and good time to fantasize about some nice KNB boys.
Since it is now a tradition of mine, I'm gonna open this series with my favourite demon Daiki, who needs your help to step out of the Grinch's shoes.
❄Oh, it'll be a fun task, you'll see! ❄
Raising my glass to you! 🥂
with love, V. 💝
This is a special present to my beauties:
🎁 @storyhuntress13
🎄 To the Masterlist
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"Hate, hate, hate.
Double hate.
Loathe entirely! " you mimic him, assuming his own intimidating stance.
Arms folded, feet firmly planted on the ground and a sinister pout painted on his face. Your personal Grinch shrugs his shoulders, gives you a sharp look only to remind you that the idea of wasting Christmas Eve afternoon in a crowded mall to carry out the foolish purpose of giving Momoi her favourite French macaron in the limited-edition box, was yours. 
"Always spoiling Satsuki! " he grumbles, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans.
"I'm just trying to show her some love , since she's the one who puts up with all your team tantrums!" you smile cheerfully, turning your gaze to a toy store window where it has suddenly started snowing.  
Few people in the world love Christmas as much as you do: the sound of the bells, the lights, that warm and bright atmosphere that still makes you believe in people's goodwill. Daiki, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. He doesn't care about presents,decorations, pyjama parties with friends or gingerbread cookies. Snow has no effect on him, nor do the lights or the tall Christmas tree he helped you decorate, after a shower of threats and pleas. The same tree that remains alone, unlit, ignored all day long in the dark, dreary isolation of his apartment. He had even forbidden you to give him any kind of gift, making it clear that all you would get for Christmas would be a take-out dinner in his apartment, because "He was not an idiot who has to follow social norms" but he still wanted to celebrate by doing something special, first and foremost for you.
"What a hassle!" he snorts, putting one foot in front of the other to follow the slow line leading to the bakery.
"I thought you liked me!" you mock him again, moving a little closer to rest your forehead on his chest, silently asking for a caress that is not long in coming. "I like you to bits, what I can't stand is all that Christmas crap!" he sighs, pulling you a little closer, heedless of the puzzled looks of the other people standing in line. "You are the Grinch, indeed!" you smile, earning an amused look.
"Not to brag, but I'm much cooler!" he replies, inspecting your expression with his incredible eyes, smiling playfully now that he has every intention of shushing you with a long kiss.
Too bad someone else needs his attention. A male face appears before your eyes, a grown man you can't put a name to. A few minutes later, and actually throughout the afternoon, you listen to your boyfriend talk to his former high school coach, a man who is charming and distinguished, but also terribly curious. 
"What's his name, again?" you ask, later that evening, as you finish tightening the golden ribbon around the beautiful red tin box in which Momoi's pastries lie, diverting the young man's attention from the refrigerator.
"Who, Harasawa?" he asks as he walks over to you and picks up the card for his childhood friend, twirls it between his fingers, and stops to sign it quickly.
"Crushing on my ex-coach, babe ?" he laughs, seeking your gaze.
You shake your head walking near him, leaning on his arm to whisper behind his shoulders "Mr. Harasawa owes me. I've been waiting for a kiss since this afternoon, and it's almost bedtime. He owes me all those missed kisses" you emphasise, slipping out of his sight with a caress and disappearing into the darkness of the living room, where he admires you standing still in front of the tree, contemplating lights and decorations.
Then you plug the lights it in and turn it on, making it the brightest object of the whole room.
He slowly catches up with you, with that lazy but incredibly attractive walk of his, and stops at your side to watch the tree lights playing on your lovely face.
"Have I been unbearable today?" he asks, smiling as soon as you turn your eyes toward him.
"Not at all" you reply softly, slipping under his arms to let him cradle you, enjoying the slow caress of his fingers in your hair, the peace of his slow breathing, the absolute well-being his presence generates in you. Snuggled in his arms, you let yourself be lulled by his voice.
"I was wondering...Do you think you could convey some Christmas spirit to the Grinch himself?" he asks you seriously, smiling in delight at your startled reaction when you feel his muscles tighten against your body.
"Quoting a wise man. If I give up, there will definitely be nothing" you state, poking his ego with one of the references with which also Tetsu often teases him.
"Mischievous Santa's helper likes to get into trouble, huh? Fine!" he bites back, running his long fingers under your collarbones, gently grazing your round breasts until he reaches and squeezes your waist, pressing searing kisses between the hollow of your shoulder and your neck, making your knees weak, and your senses wildly alive.
You rise on tiptoe, caress his neck to bring his lips closer to yours, let him move his hands all along your back, tilt your face to allow him to explore deeper, pressing your soft body against his own, looking at him briefly as you catch your breath.
" Sweetheart, you're getting me so many thoughts..." he smirks on your lips "but no good one about Christmas, damn it!" his deep voice keeps teasing, tingling every sensitive spot in your body.
"That's because ... You're so wicked that you need many more kisses, you Grinch!" you reply, biting his lip to seal the best deal ever. 
And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?
🎄 to the North Pole Masterist
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oh2e · 6 months
We were discussing our favourite Christmas films at work but the only one I’d seen was the Muppet Christmas Carol. However, who needs Christmas films when you’ve got the Thanktival special on DVD?
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wolfofwinchester · 5 months
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@casketdweller (beloved) asked: For Claudia to find tucked in among the gifts for the children, was a stuffed toy of her own. Shaped in the form of Gelert, There was a blue-green ribbon tied around its neck. There was obviously no, indication who left it for her, but it had her named written in that familiar script on the tag lovingly attached to the ribbon.
It was the boy that found it first, somewhere among the rain of paper and ribbon, and bounding black hounds chasing hollow wooden balls tossed by giggling maids. It was cleverly hidden, Vincent thought to himself, tucked behind the biggest boxes beneath the branches of the pungent tree (one's nose would clear right up if got too close!). The little canine was carefully retrieved and given an eyeballing, and the name tag, after a moment, earned something of a sly and smug grin.
Poke. Francis's new wooden sword jabbed Vincent right in the shoulder, earning a playful and muted 'ooow' as he drew a hand to clasp the spot. ”What are you smiling about over here?” She inquired suspiciously, twirling the wooden end side to side as if to dig in. “Bring it out. You are meant to open your gifts where we can all sight it.”
“It's not mine,” Vincent responded, wiggling the mini Gelert at his little sister who scrunched her brows curiously. “it's ma's. Let you have three guesses as to who it came from.” His grin only widened, knuckles crowning beneath his chin.
Down drooped the wooden sword as the young maiden examined it, eye quick to catch the tag dangling from the ribbon. Her brows scrunched deeper, tapping it up to the light. “How did he get in here? The morning has been too busy, someone should have seen him.”
“You are only asking now how he gets into the manor? Only now?” Vincent chuckled. “How many times have we spotted him and we hadn't the slightest clue where he popped from? He could be coming down the chimneys for all that we know. Would you be surprised if there was a secret door through the solarium?“
That earned a scoff and a roll of those blue eyes. ”Not in the least.“
”Ask not from whence Mr. 'Callows' came, my little sister.“ Vincent tapped at Francis's nose before giving it a buzz with a pinch. ”Ask where he is going only.“
”Beneath our pine?“
”Perhaps he is hidden amongst the ornaments, shrunken down to the size of a thumb.“
”You're daffy.“ The sword drew up and gave a gentle bonk to Vincent's noggin. ”Give mama her present, it is not polite to hold hostage gifts meant for ladies.“
”Since when is it that ma has enjoyed being treated with the courtesy of a lady~?“
Another bonk. ”Daffy boys are run through with swords and left outside for crow's pinochle, you know. National decree by the Queen herself.”
“Oo,” Vincent made a face, squinting his eyes at his little sister and pointing at her. “You, my sword maiden, are malevolent.” A swat at the sword and a rustle of his fingers through her hair with very audible protest, and Vincent rose up and wandered across the floor to Claudia at last. Francis was naturally tailing him, fixing her hair with grumbles beneath her breath and huffs. “Ma?“
Ma — Claudia — was somewhere on the nearest lounge buried beneath a long draped blanket, a shawl, a slumbering wolf, and fresh curly wood shavings, her wood cutter's blade fiercely at work shaping out the crude satyr. Her brows popped in acknowledgement, white-pupiled eyes flicking up from her work. ”Aye? Are we ready to move outside?” She inquired with a grin and squint of the eyes. Oh yes, despite the horrible fact that it was sheet upon sheet upon sheet of snow out there, Claudia would expertly drum up the interest of playing in it with the children. Just because she hated the blasted cold did not mean they needed to inherit her grudge for the season!
But lo, her eyes hooked onto the Gelert and lit up into a bloom. “Ohhh.”
“It's for you.” Vincent offered, hopping up next to his mother, never minding the wood chips. Francis flanked on the other side, very much minding the wood chips and sweeping them off before getting cozy and burying her face into Gelert's coat. “Hidden in the tree.”
Crooning with adore, Claudia abandoned her work to cradle the toy and bring it in close to embrace, stroking fingers over the head and tapping at the little ears, her expression completely melted with drooping lips and a matching hum. ”Did you fall asleep again? You got a pup now!” She remarked to the wolf, who only snored in response. Her eyes rolled and a hand clapped heartily at his side with affection before pinching at the name tag.
Ah, there it was. A knowing, twisting smile grew across unpainted lips. Her heartbeat skipped a few regulated pulses. Vincent and Francis both observed, sharing a look with one another that matched in thought before glancing back to their mother and her 'mysterious' unnamed gift.
“Isn't that the sweetest little wolf ya ever seen?” Claudia asked, winding both arms around her children to yank them in and hug them close, patting the small wolf to her chest. “Soft the touch, too. Either of you really felt him?” Her head tilted, wiggling it at Francis's nose and making it give her a kiss, which made her face scrunch, yet earned a small smile in its wake. “He's even got a ribbon! I don't know whether to keep it tied, or put it on one of you.”
“All the better to noose Vinny with.” Francis hummed, leaning her head into Claudia's shoulder and finally reaching up to actually pet the little wolf plush, stroking the top of its noggin. Claudia gasped with false shock, hand drawn to her chest.
“Ma, she is wicked this morning.” Vincent shot, fist pinning to his cheek. “I don't think Franny should have gotten any presents for such behavior. She's likely to turn green and grow warts with that very attitude. It's more fitting for a goblin.”
“I am deserving of them. I have dealt with you all this year, have I not?” Francis clicked. “You are utterly incorrigible and sneaky as a fox.”
Vincent fluttered his eyes at Claudia. “I?”
“You.” Claudia smirked, gently elbowing his shoulder. Her son only sighed defeated, shoulders slumped. “She does have a point, you know.”
“If I may say,” Tanaka spoke from his perch behind the chaise, a gentle but impish smile of his own on his face. “he has you for a role model, my Lady.”
A scoff! “I?!“ Claudia exclaimed.
”You.“ All three responded.
”Damn and double damn.“ She relented, holding mini Gelert up to her face and wiggling him. ”Am I worthy of this persecution, little Gelert?“
The toy wolf's eyes only shined in the light of the morning. While it held no opinion itself just yet, perhaps the stealthy gifter would be a fourth to agree.
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chrisevansonly · 6 months
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𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 101 (𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐣𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐜 3)
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: why buy christmas wreathes at the store when you can make them yourselves, a craft your boyfriend is more than happy to make with you
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none, v cute xmas blurb
𝐚/𝐧: hi hi, so here is fic number 3 for my jingle bell ball! i’m still out of town and seem to have come down with a cold :( booo h8 being sick sm, so this is a tad shorter :(
“Am I doing this right lovie?”
Your boyfriend of 4 years Harry, asked from his place across the large oak dining table. The table that was filled with ribbon, fake cranberries, fake snow and of course the most important part in homemade wreath making, evergreen and spruce sprigs scattered almost everywhere now.
“Oh H, yours looks great!” you replied
“Are y’sure..? It looks a little wobbly…”
You couldn’t help the laugh that spilled from your lips as you took a closer look, sure some little sprigs were sticking out and the fake cranberries were falling off, but that’s what made it special
“I think it looks perfect baby..”
Harry wasn’t so convinced, especially when he looked over at yours which had delicate ornaments weaved throughout and a bright red bow at the bottom.
“Look at yours! Mine is shit lovie, don’t have to lie”
“Now why would I lie? Yours is special and perfect because you made it! Besides…i’ve been making wreaths longer than you baby”
Wreath making had been a craft you’d enjoyed since you were a little girl, and you’d only just asked Harry this year if he felt like joining in on the tradition, after seeing how eager he was to join you, it should have been asked much sooner.
“Well i’m not leaving this table until mine looks like yours, I don’t care how long it takes.”
Letting a laugh bubble out of you, your eyes lighting up in surprise at the sheer determination Harry held in this moment, you couldn’t help but lean forward and press a sweet kiss to his lips.
“Alright my love, let me help you then, we’ll make one together”
When his eyes met yours you wanted to melt, the slight pout on his lips, his eyes soft and full of nothing but love and adoration for you, because that was all he ever felt when it came to his sweet angel.
“Yeah?” he finally smiled
“Yeah baby..”
Sitting down next to him he kissed your cheek sweetly before letting you gather some more supplies, helping to explain all the steps again. These were his favourite moments, the soft and quiet ones with you, especially during the holidays and joining in on your crafts.
Even if he still sucked at making Christmas wreaths…
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all2angels · 6 months
WHITE CHRISTMAS | santa!gerard x gn!afab!reader (short) christmas special fic <33 merry xmas to those who celebrate, here's my gift:
warnings: p in v smut, no protection (wrap it before you tap it), a little dub/con & somno, dom!gee sorry i couldn't help myself, smut written by a virgin, there might be missed grammer & spelling mistakes (tell me if there are any pls)
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it was late, you had already fallen asleep before twelve expecting to wake up on christmas morning. that was, until you felt a person remove the blanket that was lying so comfortably on top of you. you whined, feeling the cold air hit your skin, but you were too tired to do anything about it, deciding to just sleep it off.
but it didn't end there, you felt the buttons of your pajamas get undone, and before they could get to the last button you stopped them, grabbing their hand gently wondering who was doing this to you. despite your exhaustion, you open your eyes to gerard dressed in a santa costume. you giggled, thinking it was silly.
"whatchu doin', gee?" you asked fully awake now. he ticked his tongue.
"don't laugh, baby. you've been naughty all year round. 'm just gonna take care of you," he said, undoing the last button. you felt a shiver run down your spine as he was now working on removing your pants and underwear, exposing your bare body to him.
he undid his belt and tossed it off to the side with a loud thud and you hear him unzip his trousers. then he lines up the tip of his dick on your cunt, teasing your clit with his tip. The teasing makes you feel like you're about to explode if he doesn't fill you up soon so you whimper to get him to hurry up.
"shh, I know..." he coos. gerard spits in his hand and gives his shaft a few pumps before sliding it in you without much of a warning. you let out a little moan under him, feeling all of him inside you.
he held your hips tight, his pace was nice and slow at first but got faster and rougher with each thrust. he rammed over and over in your cunt, hitting your special spot every time.
you rolled your eyes and held onto his red jacket, he fucked into you raw, barely holding back. you weren't going to last any longer. his thrusts began to get sloppier, you could tell he couldn't hold it in anymore as well.
"gonna c-cum?" you managed to let out, he nodded and you felt him go faster, building upon his high and deepening his thrusts. you groaned and came on his cock. he followed shortly after, feeling the hot load of semen inside you. he panted, wiping the sweat on his forehead, pushing his hair to the side.
he pulled out, leaving you feeling empty, missing the feeling of being filled. he kissed your cheek, "there's your white fuckin' christmas." he laughed, laying down on the bed next to you.
but you weren't done yet. you crawl on top of him, "think it's my turn..." you mumble, his eyes widened. you sat on top of him, going in for another round.
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f3rbaliciou5 · 6 months
Xmas miracle! My v special fur for Mister Furblesworth's birthday surprise was originally predicted for early January, but it showed up today ! I have started his FINAL FORM, and we can only hope i fond enough time to finish by his bday!
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minimoefoe · 6 months
wild blue yonder thoughts
(initial live watch and next day rewatch)
- the very beginning for a second was giving me ascension of the cybermen vibes, like bright, green, really calm idk
- not sure if the newton stuff was funny or cringe
- all that happening bc donna spilt some coffee is so dumb 😭 like okay the tardis is weak as fuck
- the amount of cgi was mildly off-putting at times but also like obviously a corridor like that would need to be in large part cgi
- 14 may have just meant newton was good looking generally and also his 'is that who I am now' comment was probs more of a 'oh am I the kind of person to find ppl attractive/be open about it' rather than a 'do I fancy men now' moment (tho donna assuming it was kinda funny) but also I'm hoping 14 being kinda openly attracted to men is a sign for what 15 is gonna be like. like let's keep it going and have a male love interest.........?
- fake donna and fake 14 were so creepy like I stg right as fake 14 showed up to the way it was shot made me feel weird bc it just wasn't showing him and I was like well show him then and then it did and I was like oh he's normal okay but then it went down hill fr dt was v creepy
- the long ass arms and stuff was simultaneously unserious and creepy as fuck
- flux and timeless child mention ahhhhh I kinda am obsessed with it and I really hope it's a sign that rtd is gonna explore it a bit more (which based on xmas special info he seemingly is). I love the way it ended with 13 but there's defo room there to explore more about how the doctor really feels about it all and accepting it. bc it's one thing to decide you don't want the memories but it's another to actually come to terms with it all
- the vibes were kinda midnight-y, like monsters impersonating and tryna copy someone and replace them yknow
- wilf <333333
- I'm writing this up right after it ended and I haven't looked at what other ppl thought and I didn't type up my thoughts as I was watching so I probs forgot a ton of stuff that I had opinions on but anyways. I cheered
- ppl getting mad that isaac newton isn't white is so predictable like omg I couldn't imagine giving a fuck. that scene is defo cringe tho but it's fine. I like the 'have you got the controls set to famous' line
- the tardis playing that song is so funny like she looooves the drama tbh
- I hope the mavity thing continues for a long time but I don't want it to get mentioned every episode bc that'll get old very quick
- 14 acknowledging that newton was hot and then being like 'is that was I do now' is defo a him being like oh do I notice attractiveness and be open about it now situation and not an oh am I gay now situation bc the doctor has BEEN fancying men. and it fits with the moments from the star beast where he says he loves people and is like oh do I say that now
- the let's go and kick it's ass line, and the way it's shot idk, is not very good
- seeing the outside of the ship was sooo weat/tdf vibes
- the doctor joking around with donna about dying is my fave I miss the doctor being like this fr (that's NOT a chib diss)
- the timeless child and flux mentions and the doctor finally being open with someone but then it ends up not actually being donna oh I'm gonna lose my whole mind I'm so obsessed with that scene and then meanwhile donna figures out she's with the fake doctor like the genius she is
- and THEN the doctor's little tantrum that I and most others was clowning on before the ep came out but actually it ends up being kinda harrowing liiiiike woah
- obsessed with the scene where they're separated by the glass wall
- fake donna in the tardis and real donna stuck out there.. ctate actor of all time
- I really did think for a second that donna was gonna die on first watch and how wild would that have been especially if the doctor didn't end up noticing fake donna and we were stuck with her for the giggle. probably woulda been a nightmare tbh so I'm glad it didn't happen but also idk
- donna saying the doctor timed getting back to avoid the awkward convo makes me think of all the times chib had shit happen to avoid having the doctor and (usually) yaz complete a convo, it used to drive me crazy it was so annoying
- wilf <33333
- I kinda wish we saw the toymaker in the background during all that drama that was going on at the end
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stesmancaveart · 5 months
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Hello and welcome to 2024. It was an awful start to the year, as I've been really ill and unable to start any new pieces. Luckily for you lot, I was drawing right up till the first week of this month. So here are 4 (relatively) new pieces. Dredd and Santa Xmas special, Dredd V's IT, a TMNT piece inspired by The Last Ronin and a Ghost/Papa/GhostRider mashup. Enjoy, and hopefully more art to come very soon.
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vespersposts · 2 years
🎄V's Christmas special
Hello everyone! 🎄
It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!
I thought it would be a good idea to transform myself into a Santa Claus elf and give all my friends and Tumblr readers some presents to thank them for all the support, love and spice. 🎁🎁
I would like to leave you with a series of short fluff/SFW stories featuring Knb guys, you and Christmas, each wrapped with a colourful ribbon.
I hope you enjoy the gift and that your holidays are filled with joy, laughter and good food.🍪🥛
Oh, we're under the mistletoe! 🌠
A big kiss,
(If you have a request drop them until January 3rd, 2023.)
-> more knb stories here 🏀
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🎄 The blue ribbon - (Daiki Aomine)
🎄 The golden ribbon - (Ryota Kise)
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hurricane-heatt · 6 months
ao3 wrapped: 16, 17, 20, 27 :))
hello sacha!!!!! answers under the cut :)
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
still AU! i think this is v interesting, i love an au. vampire sebmark is my most recent and i rlly wish i could bring myself to beta the nearly 10k i wrote in summer of vampire sebmark but its so bad that i cringe. maybe over the xmas period!!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
now previously i would’ve said seb but honestly i often write from mark pov and that’s been fun this year. also writing from oscar pov for both my secret landoscar fics was rlly interesting!!!!! i love my aussies
my unrevealed ot3 (sooo excited for the fest) where i wrote lewis pov was also great. i always feel like i don’t do lewis justice because there’s so many amazing lewis pov fics out there that just really feel like him! but i worked super hard on it so hopefully when the fics r all out it’s good and people like it :)
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
i am an avid rereader and i have zero shame about it bcus i wrote it for me most of the time! would probably say good men die too verse for all the aforementioned reasons. very special to me
27. What do you listen to while writing?
wow this is difficult. for one shots prompt fills and anything i can write in one go it’ll just be my normal mix, lots of 2000s pop, shoegaze, the nbhd, frank ocean
but for au’s / big wip projects like good men die too and bad for business i have playlists specific to the vibes!! general sebmark i also have a playlist for. often ill be listening to music and then write a fic, thats what happened with do me a favour!!!
thank you for the questions!!!
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yuukimiyas · 6 months
chlobun my sweets (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) popping into the city of lovers to give you the biggest smooch in the world ! i hope today is treating you kindly bc you deserve the best of the best ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ᰔ i’m so obsessed with you and kaeya omigosh !! i hope reo isn’t getting too jealous teehee. speaking of reo !! do you know what you’re going to get him for christmas ?? and what do you hope the new year brings for you and your lover boy? ^_^ sending you infinite amounts of love !! mwah ! ᰔ
sweetest aims!! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১ a huge smooch from the worlds lovliest? don’t mind if i do!! returning a huge one back to you bby!!! ( ᵕ̤ɜᵕ̤(ૢᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤ૢ ) my weds has been v well!! :3 but getting to chat w you automatically makes today the greatest weds in HISTORY!!! <33 hehee tysm my love!! kaeya & i have been enjoying each others company w only the finest of wines ૮꒰っ´༥'ς꒱ dw! im makin sure reo stays good by giving him extra smooches!! oooo xmas shopping for lover boy is always tough bc what can you possibly gift the man who has everyth?? ૮꒰ྀི ∩៸៸៸∩ ‎꒱ྀིა but i try to do smth special w experiences!! like renting out a concert hall all to ourselves, decorated so pretty & festive ໒꒰ྀིㅅ´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა where we have many xmas slow dances & make out sessions hehee!! & i hope the new year continues to bring reo all of the best luck & success w everyth he does!! & that i’ll be able to remain by his side while he accomplishes it all ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა (& ofc the world cup!!) im sendin sm holiday magic & love to you & mr kuroo!! we’re def gonna have to have a lil holiday baking day w the boys soon!! i am smooching you so SO MUCH!! MWAH MWAH!!
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (18-24 Dec 2022)
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🥰👂‍ Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman (Lucy Worsley, author & narrator) - an excellent biography
😍 All That You Are to Me series (2bestfriends) - 87K, shrunkyclunks - holiday reread, 'the lumberjack steve/twink bucky fic of our hearts' - main fic 67K, sequel fic 20K
😍 It's the Best Time of the Year (chicklette) - 40K, shrunkyclunks, holiday time fic - reread of a fave with baker!Bucky & Cap!Steve - perfect blend of angst, fluff and action
😍 (if only in my dreams) (jehans) - 45K, stucky no powers AU - reread of holiday season friends2lovers/2nd chance with some QUALITY pining
💖💖 +323K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
SHOCKING! Spiderman's Alien Baby: Friendly Neighborhood Hero and His Hanukkah Blessing (AggressiveWhenStartled) - MCU: Peter Parker v the Geriatric Supersoldier Husbands, 4.8K - no one writes the adventures of a hapless Peter tangled up with the Geriatric Supersolider Husbands like AggressiveWhenStartled - pure hilarity throughout (and ZERO alien babies despite the title)
One Does Not Simply Walk Into JoAnn Fabrics (And other millennial lessons from The Winter Soldier) (attackofthezee (noxlunate)) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 11.9K - forever fave; holiday reread of a recovering WS who gets a job working at JoAnn's and falls hard for a customer
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and Other Lies He Tells Himself) (betts) - MCU: stucky no-powers AU, 14K - holiday reread of recovering vet Bucky & single dad baker Steve
Here Comes Santa Claus (AidaRonan) - MCU: stucky, 6.7K - holiday reread - hilarious and hot - Bucky meets Santa!Steve and this santa definitely fucks
then a small thing happened (BeaArthurPendragon) - MCU: stucky no-powers AU, 35K - new holiday fave about recovering photojournalist Bucky and astronaut Steve - LOVED LOVED LOVED
rockin' around (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: Steddie/Ronance/Fruity Four, 13K - an absolutely DELIGHTFUL advent collection of ficlets - every day was a pop of pure joy to read
Knit One, Purl Two (mollus) - MCU: stucky, 32K - holiday reread, forever fave - recovering WS/Cap with healing via crafting with a delightful knitting group
Taskmaster - s14, e1-10
Glass Onion
Single All The Way
Decoder Ring Plus - Encore: ‘You’ve Got Mail’ Got It Wrong
Switched on Pop - Anitta & Rosalía on the borders of Latin pop
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tumbleweed Christmas Tree
99% Invisible #519 - Balikbayan Boxes
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Priscilla’s Homecoming
It's Been a Minute - (Almost) 20 years of 'Love Actually'
Off Menu - Ep 41: Joe Lycett (Christmas Special)
Into It - Matt Rogers Has Heard of Christmas, But 'Do They Know It's Christmas?'
Off Menu - Ep 175: Alex Horne (Christmas Special)
Simply Christmas (Deluxe Edition) [Leslie Odom Jr]
Merry Christmas…Have A Nice Life [Cyndi Lauper]
Trans Siberian Orchestra playlist
Classical Christmas
A Sunny Brazilian Christmas
A Merry Little Christmas [Linda Ronstadt]
A Legendary Christmas [John Legend]
Jingle Bell Swing
It's a Holiday Soul Party [Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings]
Twelve Songs Of Christmas [Etta James]
Home for Christmas [Daryl Hall & John Oates]
A Very Too Many Zooz Xmas [Too Many Zooz]
A Heavy Metal Christmas [Christopher Lee]
A Heavy Metal Christmas Too [Christopher Lee]
Merry Flippin' Christmas Vol. 1 and 2 [Bowling For Soup]
Punk Rock Christmas
Classic Soul Christmas
my rockabilly christmas playlist
my xmas playlist
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weretheones · 1 year
Merry Christmas! Hope you are well!
Could I request a pinning (she/her) Daryl/reader where it is around winter where reader is late from their run and they are worried until she arrives with a car filled with supplies acting as gifts :)
You can add more to this, I just thought this was cute :)
merry christmas!! I hope u had a lovely day
I'm doing well, thank u! my bf & I got to visit almost all my family over yesterday and today, which was so special. it was also our first christmas in our own apartment together which was... yeah 🥺✨. im feeling v thankful, warm, and so so happy.
as for your request, what a cute idea <3 I can't promise it'll be that long bc I am exhausted but ill get started on it right now :) hoping to have it up tmr for a late xmas gift!
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bunnywand · 2 years
ellie plays pkmn (2003-2017)
started writing a list of when it was i did some of my recent pokemon playthroughs, and then it morphed into trying to figure out when it was i first got Every one of the (main) pokemon games i have 😳 and it took a while, but i think this is probs abt as detailed as i’m gonna be able 2 get 🤔 gonna split this up into 2 posts tho, bcos i ended up writing a Lot 😦
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so ruby was the first pokemon game i ever got, for my 7th birthday 😝 i’d been into pokemon a while before this, collecting the cards + watching the anime etc, but i’d never played a pokemon game b4 ruby 😧
my cousin then gave me his old copy of red when we went to visit them the following summer, so i can more or less pinpoint the date i got it too
i then got silver for my 8th birthday, as well as firered bcos it came out the day After my bday, and then i’d have got emerald the following xmas
yellow i got given by one of my mom’s friends from work at some point, but i can’t remember how/when i got sapphire and leafgreen.. they were definitely After emerald but Before pearl tho, so i’ve put them around 2006 🤔
i can’t even begin to guess how many times i’ve played any of these games 😅 i kept my original ruby, firered and emerald saves for years, and mainly used sapphire and leafgreen to do replays, but i even deleted + started replaying ruby and emerald at some point.. firered i definitely only ever played through that once tho, cos i traded it to a friend in secondary school at some point 😔
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i can start being a lot more precise once i get to gen 4 and beyond tho 😈 mainly bcos i either started getting games when they came out, instead of as presents, or bcos they’re recent enough i can still remember 😌
so pearl and platinum i got on launch, which i can remember 1) bcos i originally wanted diamond, but we went out looking on the day it released and it had sold out everywhere, so i ended up getting pearl instead 😭 + 2) bcos i preordered platinum and got a cool giratina figure w/ it, that’s unfortunately lost atm 🙁 i kept these original pearl/platinum files all the way up til 2018/2020 respectively, which is the first time i ever replayed them 😦
soulsilver i remember getting around easter 2010, and that playthrough was the only time i’d ever played through the full game up until last year 🤯 i don’t know exactly when it was i started that 2nd playthrough, but i know i definitely started a new save while i was on holiday in 2015, and i’m p sure it wasn’t too long b4 that
i can’t remember exactly when it was i got black + black 2, but i’ve got no reason to think it wasn’t when they came out 🤔 those original playthroughs are still the only time i’ve played gen 5, and i still have the save files now.. but i think they’re probably my next games up for a replay 😳
side note: from platinum up to black 2, i used my online nickname “munchy” as my trainer name in game 😝 so, while a few years ago i released + traded nearly all of my pokemon that had my deadname as the ot (except for a few special ones, like my original swampert from ruby, and some shinies i caught in emerald 🥺) i still have all my pokemon from these games!!
i got gold from a carboot sale on holiday around 2013, along w/ a pikachu game boy colour, a ps1 and crash bandicoot 2 😝 i’ve never played it tho (apart from checking it still worked, which it did!!) but i got it cos it was cheap and a nice thing 2 have 😅
y was one of the first games in a while that i didn’t get around release, bcos i didn’t have a 3ds at the time 😔 but i’m fairly sure it was the announcement for the gen 3 remakes that made me go out and get a 3ds, along w/ y finally as well 😭 and then i got omega ruby when it came out 😎
moon i got on release, and it was the last main game i got b4 figuring out my gender, so it was the last main game i used my deadname in 😦 i did start a replay of this a year or 2 ago, but i didn’t get v far b4 abandoning it, and i should probs pick it up again soon 😔
a replay of red on the virtual console was the last game i actually used my deadname in tho.. i can’t remember exactly when it was, but i know it wasn’t v long b4 i came out, cos i was pissed off i’d just completed it and now i’d have 2 restart w/ my new name 😭 altho actually i ended up deleting the file but never replaying it, cos let’s go, pikachu! came out 😧 i also got a physical copy of blue around the same time, but i never played it
and that’s my pokemon history from 2003-2017!! ☺️ gonna do another post 4 everything since then tho, otherwise this post is gonna be Way too long 😳
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Just listened to all bar luke. Everything abt it is so sad imo
Yep v tragic but isn’t it great? I genuinely think it’s some of his best writing.
Spoilers below cut
Love the happy ending in the Xmas special though, and the gf in the end being the only other voice we ever hear in the series is perfect.
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greensparty · 2 months
Preview: 2024 IFFBoston
Forget about Xmas, this is the most wonderful time of the year!  It is now my favorite time of year in Boston! My favorite film festival in Boston, in Massachusetts and possibly the world is Independent Film Festival Boston (read my coverage here).  I have a special place for this festival: in 2014 my documentary Life on the V: The Story of V66 had its World Premiere at the festival, and in 2015 I was on the Documentary Jury. The 2024 festival is at Somerville Theatre (Somerville), Brattle Theatre (Cambridge), and Coolidge Corner Theatre (Brookline) from Wed. May 1 to Wed. May 8, 2024!
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2024 IFFBoston logo
Here are just some of the Official Selections that are on my radar:
Wed. 5/1/24:
The Opening Night Film is the recent Sundance hit Ghostlight, about a construction worker who joins a theater group!
Thurs. 5/2/24:
One of the most highly-anticipated movies of this year is I Saw the TV Glow about two teens who bond over their fandom of a mysterious TV show. I caught director Jane Schoenbrun's last film We're All Going to the World's Fair when it was was at the 2021 IFFBoston and while I had a mixed response to the film, I'm excited to see their follow up.
In a festival first, they are going to be doing their first episodic screening with the first episode of a 3-part documentary series Ren Faire airing on HBO later this year. While IFFBoston is very much a film festival and not a TV festival, I think it's kind of cool they are expanding their reach to include this doc about a Texas renaissance faire.
Fri. 5/3/24:
In the recent Sundance hit My Old Ass, an 18-year-old's mushroom trip brings her face-to-face with her 39-year-old self played by Aubrey Plaza (who makes everything she's in better).
Sat. 5/4/24:
In addition to all of the shorts package programs, it's always exciting to see IFFBoston do a Students Short Showcase made up of student films.
After my friend Michael Gill passed away in 2022, my hope was that his long in the works documentary about Billy Ruane, owner of legendary Boston rock club The Middle East (actually Cambridge, but a big part of the Boston music scene), would somehow get completed and released. I met up with Gill a few times before he moved around 2017 as I had heard about his doc and there was a lot of overlap with his doc and my doc Life on the V: The Story of V66 in terms of interviewees and subject matter. I am thrilled to see that co-director Scott Evans completed The Road to Ruane and it is finally premiering. The fact that the doc features loads of Middle East archival footage and interviews with members of Dinosaur Jr., The Lemonheads, Buffalo Tom, Letters To Cleo, Morphine has my attention too!
Sun. 5/5/24:
In the comedy Tallywacker, a two-member rock band's friendship is tested when one of them gets a gig touring with a major rock star.
My friends director Dan Habib and editor James Rutenbeck were at the 2018 IFFBoston with the great doc Intelligent Lives. Now they are back with a new doc The Ride Ahead co-directed by Dan's son Samuel about his own personal journey to becoming an adult. “But no one tells you how to be an adult,” Samuel says, “let alone an adult with a disability.” I've been hearing a lot of great things about this doc!
The always good Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a comic genius, but she's flexed her dramatic muscles in films like You Hurt My Feelings. In Tuesday she plays a mother who must confront death with her teenage daughter in the form of a talking bird.
Mon. 5/6/24:
My friend Mark Phinney's film Fat was at 2014 IFFBoston when I was there with Life on the V: The Story of V66. We've remained good friends since then and I'm super excited to see his new feature Fear of Flying about a man struggling with his anxieties while trying to maintain his relationships.
Earlier this year I got to cover the Oscar-nominated Short Films and one of the nominees for Best Documentary was Nai Nai & Wai Po from director Sean Wang. Without missing a beat, Wang is back his with his Sundance award-winner Didi.
Tues. 5/7/24:
In My Own Normal, director Alexandre Freeman turns the camera on himself: living with cerebral palsy since age two he is now an adult about to become a new father and how his parents react to this. This is produced by Friends producer Kevin S. Bright, Oscar-winner Chris Cooper and my friend Ariana Garfinkel (she's an IFFBoston alum having produced Best and Most Beautiful Things, You Don't Nomi, and On These Grounds).
Sing Sing stars recent Oscar nominee Colman Domingo as a man imprisoned at Sing Sing who is involved with a theater troupe for incarcerated men. This movie actually walks the walk and features the majority of its cast made up of formerly incarcerated members of the real life theater troupe the film is based on.
Wed. 5/8/24:
The Closing Night Film is the comedy Thelma starring Oscar-nominee June Squibb as an elderly woman who is scammed by a caller claiming to be her grandson and goes on a city-wide quest to get back what's hers. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this one!
For tickets and info to IFFBoston
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