#vague posting about a situation that didn’t even happen on here
mooseonahunt · 30 days
You’d think after the hate mail I get on here I’d have thick enough skin to take hate mail everywhere else and yet.
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pepprs · 2 years
i like uh. literally cannot believe what is happening is still happening btw.pain and suffering (update omg i hit tag limit CRINGE but i think i was done anyway lol)
#purrs#ive felt sort of beholden to keeping it quiet on here bc i felt bad since it was still kinda a secret irl. but i think the word is#traveling fast irl so im giving myself permission to talk about it with my dearest belovedest mutuals some of whom are irl friends i have#ghosted for the last week and a half despite initially trying to set something up bc i have been so miserable over it that i can’t function#and for that i apologize and i swear to god i will get it together eventually. but ok. the thing that happened is that. lol i am crying#typing it bc how do i even say it. my supervisor who is also my mentor who is also dare i say my friend who is also my close colleague who i#is also the reason i even got to the place im in to begin with in so many ways… got a new job. and didn’t tell us she did and dropped it on#us last week. literally a week after i started my new job and i was so so so looking forward to getting to work closely with her in this new#way at last and um. that is not happening anymore. and it could be so much worse like thank GOD she didn’t *** or whatever which is#something i worry about literally constantly. but this hurts. it’s devastating and i feel betrayed even though im so happy for her and she d#deserves it so much. and im so fucking sad and do fucking scared bc there’s literally 3 of us now and we have to NOT PANIC and act like we#are processing this totally fine or else we will face Consequences which are the same reasons she’s leaving probably. lol. idk. it’s very#cringe to post about it and not vague and i know it’s like weird to be close to work and to your colleagues and whatever but it has never#been just work and it’s like. how can this person come into my life and utterly transform it and we go on this journey together and we JUST#reached this beautiful glorious pinnacle but then you leave?? and who knows how long she was planning to do this. lol. and despite how s#much i care abt her im the least close to her personally out of everyone on the team so i am suffering and withering and exploding and#sobbing and howling and barking and i want to talk to her so bad and tell her how much she means to me and that it is physically painful to#think about doing this without her bc she was supposed to like. help me and stuff bc she went thru baiscally the same path im on lol and we#have a lot in common in terms of identity / life situation and i was like ummmmm hi can you teach me how to be a fuller version of myself.#and this ks like such a wake up call that no *i* need to teach me that and no one can. but i don’t want that to mean losing her and im so#scared that she won’t be in my life anymore and i am going to miss her so much. im going to miss every little thing and it’s killing me and#i can’t stop crying about it and it feels like a fucked up nightmare and everything is different now and im temporarily secon in command who#which is like wtf no that’s YOU. come back. how could you leave. but she needed to i guess and i just didn’t know how bad. but it hurts ummm#lol. and if she knew how hard ive been losing my shit i think she would be angry and sad and like surprised bc i think she thinks im#normaler than i am now but it’s like god. there was so much to look forward to and i was already feeling weird about the future and now it’s#like the little parts of it i at least knew i could count on are totally gone because she’s leaving us for fucking ****** of all places LMAO#delete later#i know it’s like weird to vent abt irl stuff / ppl so candidly i know what it suggests about me but this is like my best possible coping#mechanism rn i guess or at least it feels the best bc ppl like the posts and you don’t even have to say anything it just lets me know that#like. im not insane for it iwguess. even though iwreally feel like it. idk. i just am going to miss her so much. i wish i could stop crying
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mokulule · 9 months
A Pinch of Salt - snippet 2
Okay, so I have been reminded by @clockwayswrites that I could post some things instead of just hoarding them like the dragon in my icon. So here ya go. Maybe I'll even get around to updating Catnip in the coming days who knows. Previous
Fuck, Danny cursed internally as he struggled to keep up with the long-legged stride of Trenchcoat. Whatever had happened to that ghost to make it into something like that was not good, he needed to do something! But as long as Trenchcoat was here he couldn’t exactly do as he usually would: transform and punch it. The man had seemed very ready to do something to Danny and the unspeakable soul situation going on had Danny extremely leery of finding out what that something was.
At least getting eaten seemed unlikely from the man’s earlier horrified response.
So running.
They went down a hallway, up a staircase, down another hallway and into a would have been shop. They stopped for a moment in the square space catching their breath. Trenchcoat let go of him to go peek back around the corner. Finally Trenchcoat’s shoulders relaxed.
“We lost it for now.” Actually it was more like the ghost lost interest in them; as they’d gotten further and further away from the central plaza of the mall the ghost had stopped following them. Not that Danny was going to tell Trenchcoat that. He had no idea how he’d explain it in a way that didn’t make him extremely suspicious. His hair was dripping salty water making it hard to forget he’d already been assaulted twice - he did not wanna know what else the man stored up his sleeves.
Preferably, somehow he’d get Trenchcoat to leave.
The moment of inattention cost him as he was grabbed once again by Trenchcoat and towed through the would-maybe-someday be a store to a door in the back. This led to a store room and a door to the outside. It was unlocked it turned out and Danny realized this was probably how the man had gotten in.
“Alright, kiddo, time to leave.”
Trenchcoat opened the door and pushed at Danny’s back.
“No way!” Danny exclaimed digging his heels in.
“Yes way,” Trenchcoat mocked, “go home kid, I’m a professional.”

 There was no way Danny was leaving, not at this point. Ghosts were his area of expertise - or well, Danny couldn’t really claim to be an expert, but they were his responsibility at least! He had a unique skillset and no matter what Trenchcoat claimed, he did not look any sort of professional. He made his opinion of his claim known by giving the man his most dubious look.
John hated teenagers and this teenager in particular.
He didn’t know what it was about teenagers, but they were just merciless in their judgment in a way adults were probably usually too polite to be. In any case that little up and down there, with the slightly raised eyebrow made him feel like he’d worn a clown costume to an accounting job.
“Bloody Hell, will you just leave before I decide to feed you to the specter!”
The boy crossed his arms, standing his ground. “You can try.”
John dragged a hand down his face, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.
“What are you even doing here?” “I’m here for the ghost.” Plain, even, said with not a smidge of hesitation. “You’re here for the-“ John cut himself off, hands opening and closing, inwardly cursing children and their stupid dares. “And what pray tell where ya gonna do when you found the ghost?”“I figured I’d try talking to them.”“You what?!” John spluttered. He’d expected him to say he hadn’t expected to find a ghost, there went his theory of this being a dare.
“There is no talking to that!” He pointed vaguely in the direction they’d lost the spectral storm. “Of all the sodden-“
John’s thoughts screeched to a halt. “What?” “Them. They are a them, not an it or a that.”
John opened and closed his mouth. Was he really getting a lecture on pronouns?
“It is a spectral storm. Whatever poor spirit it used to be, is not there anymore. There’s no mind there, it’s pure emotion out of control. There’s no way back from that.”
The boy scowled at him, clearly disagreeing. It didn’t matter. 
John pointed at the door.
“Leave.” “No.” They stared at each other neither giving an inch.
Urgh, this had to be why Batman was so grumpy all the time. John could not do this. He threw up his hands and turned around. He worked around things, not through them and here he was engaging in the folly of arguing with a bloody teenager.
“Suit yourself.”
Gods, he needed a smoke. He’d hardly finished the thought before he was pulling the package of smokes out of its pocket with practiced ease. He was lighting the smoke by the time he noticed the unimpressed look he was getting. Satisfied, he took a deep drag and slowly breathed out the smoke. The kid grimaced and John smirked.
“Those are gonna kill you.” “As opposed to the rest of my lifestyle?” He returned with a nod in the direction of the Storm that probably couldn’t kill him, but the kid didn’t know that. Satisfied at the way the kid’s nose scrunched, he walked back the way they came from.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Kid asked falling in step with him, and John just knew he was being annoying on purpose with that tone of voice. He was not gonna bite. He was an adult. He kept his gaze straight ahead as the kid started guessing.
“Excorcist? Ghostbusters wannabe?”

There was a pause, then a flash of a sly smirk John only caught because he’d stopped to look down the hallway.
“Ectologist?” The suggestion hit John like a metaphysical sledgehammer and he recoiled in disgust.
“Fuck. No.” He shuddered an extra time as if that would remove the oily feeling. “I’m an occult detective. You happy now? Shit kid, you don’t pull your punches do you?”
“So what’s the plan, Trenchcoat?”
“Trenchcoat,” John mouthed to himself before shaking his head. “The plan is you keep out of the way and I deal with the raging ghostie.”
“Yeah, no, you’re gonna do better than that. This is not my first time dealing with a ghost. But I don’t know what occult detectives do.”
John pondered the statement about this not being the first time he’d dealt with a ghost, and maybe there was something to the death magics he gave off after all. He groaned internally, why was he doing this?
“Standard practice, kid. Contain and banish.” He held up first one finger then two.
Danny rolled his eyes. It didn’t sound too different from his approach to ghosts, he caught them and sent them back to the ghost zone, but Mr Occult Detective didn’t exactly carry around a Fenton thermos.
“And how do you contain? No,” he offset the clearly sarcastic response. “I mean what are your requirements?”
Trenchcoat rolled his eyes, but humored him.
“I need a large enough open space and a small moment of preparation, then just gotta lure it in and do a binding spell.”
Danny narrowed his eyes and looked towards where he felt the raging storm of ghost energy. “Like the plaza.”
“Ideally yes.”
“So you need a distraction.” Danny started walking. A hand fell on his shoulder.
“Where do you think you’re going? If you’re so insistent to stay, you’re not leaving my sight.”
Danny shrugged off the hand and turned around.
“The plaza is the center of the their power. You need someone to lure them away.” Danny watched the emotions flash across the man’s face with a small bit of amusement. He really didn’t want Danny involved if he could help it. Finally the man’s face settled on exasperation.
“I will figure something out.”
Danny smiled, taking a step backwards.
“No, you will give me a ten minutes headstart to lure our ghost friend far enough away they won’t immediately notice your stench so close to the heart of their haunt.”
As if sensing his intentions Trenchcoat made another grab for him which he dodged. And then he ran. He was sure it was only the threat of the ghost that prevented the man from yelling after him.
He just hoped he’d listened, because Danny was about to go piss off an already raging spirit. Trenchcoat better be ready.
Fun times.
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AITA for sleeping with a 20 year old?
tw: mentions of potential grooming, age gap relationships, nsft/nsfw, vague discussions of sex
So, me (38m) and my wife (39f) are in an open relationship. Basically, we’re both bisexual and not quite ready to limit our sex lives to one person yet. So, we decided to allow friends with benefits situations outside of our relationship. No romantic stuff, no dating, just sex.
In January, my wife went to stay at her best friend’s (28f) house and have some fun together. I don’t mind at all, I was kind of glad to have our apartment to myself for a week. Now, there’s this queer bar that me and my wife frequent and it’s a good mix of all age demographics and identities.
There’s this one trans guy, I’ll call him M, that most people in the local community know because he’s very attractive. He reminds me of a very short Eric Draven mixed with Eddie Vedder. (Oddly specific, I know) Like, he has long-ish curly brown hair, big brown eyes, the sweetest smile ever and he dresses very well. A little grunge here, a little rockstar there. Good jewelry. You get it.
I always catch people staring at him when he’s at the bar with his friends. (We live in Europe btw, legal drinking age is 18.) In short, I find him very cute. He’s basically a micro celebrity among the community and he doesn’t even know it.
So, while my wife was away I went down to the bar and his friend group invited me to come sit with them. We started talking, he’s super funny and we began talking about Pearl Jam because of the shirt I was wearing. Found out he’s obsessed with the music scene of the 90s, specifically rock and grunge, and I happen to have a collection of merchandise of the big 4. I invited him to come check it out and he eagerly accepted. None of his friends wanted to come, so it was just us two. Showed him the stuff, he got super excited about it and I even let him keep one of my Soundgarden shirts and some CDs.
I offered to cook dinner, we ate and then had some weed brownies for dessert. We got posted on the couch, talked for a good while and he began confiding in me. I’m not gonna go into detail because that’s shitty, but he basically told me he’d never had a positive sexual experience up to that point. Apparently all of his exes were switches leaning submissive and he’s purely submissive, so things never really worked out and he never finished with any of them.
I told him about me and my wife’s arrangements and some other stuff about our sex life. (Don’t worry, my wife is 100% okay with this. Even in this context.)
Here’s where I might be the asshole, if not the creep:
Now, I was pretty high at that point and I joked about how I could give him a positive experience. To my surprise, he actually eagerly accepted. I was a bit hesitant because we were both buzzed, but he kept reiterating that he’s consenting and that he’s sure he wants this. So, I made sure he had a good night and he actually ended up sleeping over and we cuddled. It was super nice and he seemed genuinely ecstatic about it the next morning, it was adorable. I was honestly just happy that I was able to give him a positive sexual encounter.
We exchanged numbers, kept texting for two days and he ended up coming over again. Had some more fun together and he went to go sleep over at a friend’s place. At that point, I sort of realized that I may be catching feelings for him. Which is against me and my wife’s rules and also just a horrible idea, especially considering the age gap. So, I let him know that I need some distance and he was super understanding. He was understandably a bit disappointed but didn’t complain or anything.
Once my wife came back, I told her about everything. This is just a thing we do because it helps avoid speculation and unnecessary jealousy. We always tell each other about what happens with our other sexual partners, but only if they consent to it. Which most of them do because they’re our friends. She seemed a bit unnerved by it, not because of the fact that I had feelings for him, but because of the age difference. She said it’s weird and predatory and told me she needed some time to think.
Apparently, she went to go check in on M and asked him if I pressured him into anything. He said it was a 100% mutual thing and he’s very much into older guys, so he enjoyed it quite a lot.
This put her mind at ease but I’m still quite shaken by it. I never stopped to consider the fact that the age difference is quite concerning. I can’t help but feel like a nasty creep that bribed some poor 20 year with old band shirts to come sleep with him. I don’t like that I didn’t even think about it. Talking with M came so easy and we share a lot of interests. I’m not about to go and say he’s 'mature for his age' because he isn’t, he acts like any other 20 year old.
I was just so focused on how attractive and interesting he is to me, I fear I might’ve acted extremely selfish and should’ve stopped to take his lack of experience and his naivety into account. Of course he’d sleep with me, he’s 20 and doesn’t know any better. It should’ve been my job, as the older adult, to put a stop to it. Please don’t hesitate to give it to me straight.
What are these acronyms?
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to-thelakes · 4 months
banged up
pairing; frank castle x fem!reader
summary; after being friends with daredevil gets you into a sticky situation, frank takes care of your wounds
warnings; fluff, hurt/comfort, reader is very injured but also very stubborn, soft frank, not proof-read, mentions of torture + wounds. some insecurity from reader
notes; okay this one-shot was written ages ago and i just got reminded that i could post it when i got an anon request (which i am going to work on if that anon sees this post ;) ) about the reader not liking swallowing pills. that's a big thing in this fic because I have been taking like 4-5 medication/supplements a day for the past 6+ months and honestly, i hate it. so so does the reader here <3 i hope you enjoy this little fic, i was debating on writing a part 2 that would be a little more angst-focused because frank hates when people he cares about gets hurt but feel free to lmk if y'all would be interested in that <3
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part two
“Hey, hey,” A gruff voice pulled you back from unconsciousness. Your eyes slowly blinked open and the first thing you felt was pain. A cry escaped your lips as your hand shot to your side where the pain seemed to be radiating from. But the quick movement only seemed to make you feel worse and you cried out again, “Stop- Stop moving,” The voice repeated. It took you a minute for your eyes to adjust to the gloom and you turned your head to see Frank kneeling on the edge of the bed. There was a frown on his lips.
“It hurts,” You muttered. He sighed and gently took a hold of your bandaged wrist, pulling it down towards your side again.
“I know, sweetheart. You gotta stop moving,” He retorted. Your eyes fell closed again, the pain seemed to be coming from everywhere. Your side is where it hurt the most and as you shifted, the pain rocketted through your system. Eyes squeezed shut and another whimper fell from your lips. Frank sighed, “Sweetheart.” His tone was a warning and you balled your hands into fists by your side which made more pain shoot up.
“What happened?” Your voice was croaky. Your throat was dry and even trying to say a word made your body hurt. Your throat was scratchy, it was so uncomfortable. A ragged breath escaped your lips and you heard Frank’s heavy footsteps moving away from the bed.
“You got banged up pretty bad. Gotta stay there, sweetheart,” He insisted as his footsteps only seemed to get further away. Your eyes opened again and you turned your head to see that he was in the other room of your apartment. You didn’t know what he was doing and you knew that you should have stayed down but you never really listened to him.
With a deep breath, you slowly pushed yourself to sit up. It made your entire body ache and you cried out when the pain bloomed across your side again. But you fought against it to get onto your feet. Frank came rushing back into the room and managed to catch you just as you were about to fall on your ass. You hadn’t expected your ankle to hurt as much as it had when you put pressure on it.
“I told you to keep your ass on the bed,” He snapped. Though there wasn’t as much conviction behind his words as there usually was when it came to Frank. If anything, he seemed concerned that you were hurting yourself.
“What happened,” You repeated your earlier question. Frank sighed and he led you back to the bed so that you could sit down.
“Told ya,” He retorted. You scoffed and then whimpered when your side began to hurt again. Frank gave you a warning look before he disappeared out of the room again so that he could get the glass of water and painkillers he had initially gone out for. The room was silent and it made you pause, you could vaguely remember it now. The torture. The men. You didn’t even know who they were but they wanted to know who Daredevil was. They needed Matt’s identity and they were willing to kill you to get it.
“Where’s Matt?” You croaked out as Frank walked back into your bedroom with a glass of water and pills. You stared at them and then at him. He knew that you hated taking pills. You always bought the liquid form for your own sake. The only reason you had normal pills is because of him and Matt and Karen for when her periods got bad.
“He’s patrolling, making sure you’ll be safe,” Frank explained. You were glaring at the pills that he offered out to you and he sighed. He placed the glass on the table and put the pills next to it, “You’re a real pain in my ass, you know that?” You rolled your eyes and watched as he walked back to the kitchen. Everything hurt. Your face, your body, your feet, your ankles, your hands. When you lifted your hands up, you could make out the bruises in the gloom and there were ugly marks around your wrists from where you had been tied up.
You shoved your hands under your armpits, hiding them from your sight as you waited for Frank to return but even that movement made you hiss out in pain. After a moment Frank returned, with your usual bottle of painkillers. You always bought the kids stuff because it was the only one that was reliably in liquid form. You knew it was silly but you hated swallowing pills and your periods were too bad to force yourself to swallow them down.
“Thank you,” You mumbled. He nodded and then he got onto his knees in front of you so that he was on your level. He didn’t want to make you feel any worse by looming above you as he spoon-fed you painkillers like he would a baby.
“I patched you up. Red dealt with the rest,” Frank informed as he poured some of the liquid onto a spoon with the precision only a Marine would have. Usually, you spilt the liquid everywhere but he seemed to have practice with it.
“Explains why it hurts so much,” You retorted, practically teasing him. He narrowed his eyes, holding the spoon of painkillers away from you, “Frank,” You whined. He chuckled and then moved the spoon forward so that you could take it into your mouth. You swallowed down the liquid and watched as he poured another spoonful, “How long is it gonna hurt for?” It was a stupid question, you knew that. It was probably going to hurt for weeks, if not months considering the damage that they had done but you wanted him to lie.
“You’ll just have to see, sweetheart. Gonna have to take some time off work with an injury like that,” He said as he held the spoon out to you again. You took it gratefully and then he poured another one just for good measure.
“My boss is gonna kill me,” You mumbled. Frank scoffed and he then held the last spoonful of medicine out to you.
“If he gives ya any trouble, I’ll deal with it.” If it was anyone else, you would have laughed off those words but this was Frank and you knew he meant what he said. A soft sigh escaped your lips once Frank put the spoon onto the bedside table. He then twisted the cap back onto the bottle before he placed it down beside your glass of water.
“How bad is it?” You asked after a beat of silence. Frank was just looking at you, concern etched across his features.
“I’d still call you a pretty lady,” He said. You let out a soft huff and glanced over at the water but Frank passed it before you could hurt yourself doing it. You took the glass gratefully and cautiously took a long sip. It soothed your dry throat and you were so glad to get something to drink. You were sure that you were incredibly dehydrated after all the tears and the blood.
Frank took the glass back from you when you had drained the whole thing and he slowly got to his feet. It seemed he was going to get you another glass and you wanted to go with him. So, once he was in the other room, you pushed yourself to your feet again. It was slow and you made sure to keep the pressure off anywhere that hurt and you were on your feet, comfortably.
Each step was slow and he heard you step into the other room, his head snapping back. He narrowed his eyes, placing the water jug down before he turned to look at you. He shook his head slightly at the fact that you were walking around.
“They could have done worse,” You said before he got the chance to comment, “Can still walk.” There was a small smile on your face, trying to make light of what had happened but it was hard considering how much your body hurt with every movement.
“Don’t tempt them, darling,” He retorted. You made it over to the kitchen counter and he took a hold of your waist, keeping you steady as you took the glass. You downed the water again before placing the glass down and limping over to the fridge. You needed something to eat, your stomach was growling for it but when you looked inside, there were no leftovers. Your roommate - who worked the night shift - must have taken them with her.
“Hungry?” He asked. You nodded and he glanced over your shoulder before he grabbed a few things from the shelves, “I’ll make you something, go lie on the couch.” You let out something akin to a ‘yes’ before you hobbled over to the sofa and lay down. Your head hurt, your body hurt and you were glad that Frank was here.
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chloeangelic · 5 months
I’ve spent the past week getting slandered in this community with not a shred of evidence, proof, or receipts of me being a mean girl, “Wish Regina George”, a bully, an asshole, someone who spends more time answering anons than I do writing, or any of the other things I’ve seen people say about me out of absolutely fucking nowhere, seemingly because people have grievances towards Gracie that I know nothing about. I appreciate everyone who has checked in on me and asked how I’m doing. 
ETA: I have spoken to one of the people who posted statements and anons about me and we have squashed the beef. The statements made about me have been debunked and they have deleted their posts. Please leave me and my friends alone - I've gotten harassed directly and indirectly by anons and posts for two months and I'm tired. I'm not gonna prostrate myself and try to convince the internet that I'm a good person when I know I've done my best to always be kind and respectful in this community. My words will inevitably be twisted and I feel paralyzed. The damage to my reputation has already been done.
This is the only time I’ll address this, and my anons will not be turned back on because this is literally slander and a waste of everyone’s time. I’ve seen multiple vague posts about me as well and I’ve chosen to ignore it all, but it gets to a point where it feels like bullying and I’m done with it. When someone goes on tumblr live to rehash the same shallow shit talking post about me (i.e. talking shit about people they’re accusing of talking shit), that’s when I feel like my limit has been crossed, and since that same live devolved into an advertisement for the host’s own writing… This no longer reads like vigilante justice. 
Let me get one thing straight: I am here to write about dick, cock and that old man. I am extremely grateful for the friends I’ve made along the way, and I am beyond appreciative for my readers who support me and who like what I come up with. I am 27 years old, I have a fulltime job, and this is one of my hobbies. If you think I’m going to spend my time in a fandom spamming group chats and being catty, I literally don’t know what to tell you. The few uncomfortable situations I’ve had on here have been addressed and squashed very quickly, whether that’s misunderstandings, accusations or anything else. In a creative space, you are bound to butt heads with people occasionally, or have people who dislike you, and that is fine. I know I have an aloof persona on here, I don’t expect everyone to like me. 
I didn’t block anyone up until two days ago when this tumblr live host posted three anon asks in a row about me, and I decided to block the people who seemingly agreed with anons insisting I’m a mean girl, asshole etc. cause why the fuck wouldn’t I? Wouldn’t anyone? I don’t understand why on earth they’re so mad about me blocking them if they dislike me so much already. My shit is still on ao3 if they want to read it. 
I don’t know what my mutuals do in their own DM’s, or group chats they’re in that I don’t participate in, because I stay in my lane and I spend my time writing. Of course I don’t condone bad behavior but how am I supposed to know what happens in GCs and servers I’m literally not in? Or conversations in servers where I’m not active? I have not witnessed any of my mutuals talking shit in any GCs, period. That’s all I can say. Additionally, this whole big/elite writers discord people were talking about a while ago - if that exists, I wasn’t even invited lmfao how’s that for being a big writer? 
One anon said I was an asshole when they tried to have a conversation with me months back, and I assume this was my Rendezvous anon who I was snarky to cause they were snarky to me. I make it very clear that I have limited patience for anons, and when people in my comments respond back to them, they are responding to a statement that is separate from the person who sent it. 
I am not entertaining this insanity any further than this. I will continue to post my old man porn and interact with my mutuals and reblog gif sets of that same old man cause that’s what I’m on here for. If you don’t like me, you are well within your rights, I assume you have your reasons, and that is ultimately none of my business. Everyone has the right to curate their own experience on a website like this. 
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rockalillygirl · 6 months
Murderbot Holding Hands
(Minor spoilers alert for Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy pls check the tags)
First real post because I’m shy. Don’t know why it’s going to be a hyper-specific murderbot meta but here we go:
I’ve been rereading all the books after finishing System Collapse <3 and I want to talk about a small moment in Artificial Condition that I’d never noticed before. It’s near the end of the book when Tapan is in ART’s medsystem after nearly dying, and SecUnit says that when Tapan wakes up it’s holding her hand.
When Tapan woke, I was sitting on the MedSystem’s platform holding her hand. (Artificial Condition, p. 155 in my ebook)
I thought it was a really sweet moment, but it also kind of puzzled me because of SecUnit’s aversion to touch. Later when I was reading Exit Strategy, I noticed a similar moment when SecUnit holds hands with Mensah to help disguise them as they’re trying to escape TranRollinHyfa.
[Mensah] took a deep breath and looked up at me. “We can look calm. We’re good at that.” Yeah, we were. I did a quick review to make sure I was running all my not-a-SecUnit code, then I thought of one more thing I could do. As we stepped out of the pod, I took Mensah’s hand. (Exit Strategy, p. 87)
Reading these scenes felt different in a couple ways. In my opinion, SecUnit taking Mensah’s hand in Exit Strategy seemed like more of a big deal because it was a part of SecUnit’s reunion with Mensah, and we see its thoughts and emotions leading up to it. And it tracks that SecUnit might feel ok holding Mensah’s hand in that situation because of their close friendship. But the moment in Artificial Condition is more mysterious. We don’t get any of SecUnit’s internal monologue at the beginning because the scene opens when Tapan wakes up. And even though it’s clear in the book that SecUnit likes Tapan along with Rami and Maro, I wouldn’t say their relationship is anywhere near as close as its bond with Mensah. So why did it hold her hand?
I think it’s a neat moment that’s fun to ponder! And I have some vague ideas I’d like to share about it. (Some of this is based on the books and some is my speculation as an ace/aspec person dealing with touch aversion.) (Also none of these thoughts are mutually exclusive!)
Maybe SecUnit saw holding Tapan’s hand as a form of first aid after her traumatic experience and didn’t want her to panic waking up in a strange ship’s medsystem. This fits with SecUnit bracing itself to hug Mensah in Exit Strategy. (The memes of this moment are perfect lol)
But I was the only one here, so I braced myself and made the ultimate sacrifice. “Uh, you can hug me if you need to.” She started to laugh, then her face did something complicated and she hugged me. I upped the temperature in my chest and told myself it was like first aid. (Exit Strategy, pp. 82-3)
But I feel like SecUnit might not care as much about comforting Tapan in a similar way if it hadn’t already built up some kind of trust with her? Which brings me to Thought 2:
I think SecUnit might have felt safe holding Tapan’s hand because of the moment in Artificial Condition in the second transient hostel when Tapan laid down next to it. (Ofc I think rescuing Tapan from Tlacey’s ship was also a factor, trauma-bonding and all. But to me this moment in the hostel is more important.)
Thirty-two minutes later, I heard movement. I thought Tapan was getting up to go to the restroom facility, but then she settled on the pad behind me, not quite touching my back… I had never had a human touch me, or almost touch me, like this before and it was deeply, deeply weird. (Artificial Condition, pp. 136-7)
This is one of my favorite sequences in Artificial Condition (which is also my favorite book in the series because of ART! And because I find it quiet, reflective, and weirdly cozy even though objectively few cozy things happen now that I think about it). The scene is pretty mundane with a lot of fun bits like SecUnit pretending to need to use the restroom, be on a diet, etc. And we usually don’t get to see SecUnit hanging out with only one person. So it gives room for some small, but important feelings that I don’t think SecUnit has time to explore when it’s busy saving the day. Like how it feels about physical contact with humans.
(idk it reminds me of how like in ghibli films there’s usually at least one scene with the characters eating a meal or something because it sort of grounds everything else. I just like it!)
Tapan being close to SecUnit seems to throw if off-guard, but the context of the scene feels non-threatening and pretty mellow. So I think this gives SecUnit the opportunity to check-in with itself about this new experience. It still feels weird about it, but not in a scary or upsetting way. I think it’s almost this mutual vulnerability (Tapan feeling vulnerable and seeking comfort and SecUnit feeling vulnerable about her closeness and its own boundaries) that creates a bond between them, and that’s why SecUnit reaches out to Tapan to comfort her when she wakes up onboard ART.
That scene has become really special to me. And I would argue that it’s an important moment to SecUnit too because it brings it up again in Exit Strategy, along with a later moment in Rogue Protocol, thinking about times when it’s experienced physical contact with humans in a non-traumatizing way.
Except it wasn’t entirely awful. It was like when Tapan had slept next to me at the hostel, or when Abene had leaned on me after I saved her; strange, but not as horrific as I would have thought. (Exit Strategy, p. 83)
These moments seem to lead up to SecUnit offering to comfort Mensah later on because it’s reached a point where it feels willing to do so for her sake, even if it doesn’t want to seek out that kind of comfort for itself. And it’s really cool to see SecUnit navigate this throughout the books.
SecUnit starts the series with a strong innate sense that it doesn’t want to be touched by humans, but it’s allowed to refine those feelings in light of its new experiences. It’s boundaries are situational and personal, and even well-meaning humans sometimes struggle to understand them at first. Other times, SecUnit finds it difficult to understand it’s own feelings regarding touch and even changes its mind. But, importantly, the narrative always presents this as valid and worthy of respect.
This is a much more nuanced and realistic portrayal of defining boundaries than I’ve seen in a lot of media- one where it’s a constant and sometimes confusing process of self-discovery.
And these might seem like obvious concepts to some people, but they weren’t for me growing up. I really wish I’d read these books when I was younger, and maybe I would’ve given myself more grace to define my comfort level, grow, and change. But I’m glad that I’m in a place now where I can see and appreciate these things in what’s become one of my favorite series.
Anyway, I don’t want to say "thanks for coming to my TedTalk” lol. But very grateful to anyone who reads this and hope it was thought-provoking. Would be interested to hear other people’s thoughts on these scenes!
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outofangband · 4 months
Textual significance of Morwen being accused of witchcraft
Aka the essay draft I’m posting earlier than I should be because I wanted to post this on my birthday
my tag for this topic is word ran among them where there are way too many posts. I’ve written at length about the implications in universe and real life connotations but here are some thoughts on why Tolkien chose to include this detail in The Silmarillion and The Children of Húrin
This is my first draft of this, written as bullet points. I’m going to make a more essay style version with more sources. Pretty much all of these I have posts about, and as I said, I’m very fixated on this topic so I’m definitely looking forward to elaborating a lot of this
I actually have studied the history of witchcraft accusations and their sociopolitical contexts for years and I’m so happy it’s going to such great cause :/
cw: discussion of misogyny both in universe and historical
It’s also worth mentioning that while these accusations didn’t exist in the very first drafts of The Children of Húrin, such as the book of lost tales version, they exist in pretty much every version that Morwen herself exists in as Morwen (that is, not in the book of lost tales versions or versions of The Lay where her name is different)
-It makes Morwen’s situation precarious when her survival is needed for the plot and the doom; she’s hated and feared and shunned but not directly attacked due to that fear. She’s alive but in danger, poverty and isolation.
It also puts the reader in fear for her. Good things do not happen to women who are accused of witchcraft
Witch hunts and witch trials are events that bring cruelty, paranoia and betrayal. The invoking of this adds to the bleak atmosphere of post Nírnaeth Hithlum. The phrasing, “word among them” or rumor ran among them, depending on the version , adds to this atmosphere of paranoia and whispers, and not knowing who to trust.
-It highlights the regressive beliefs of her accusers*. and emphasizes certain aspects of Morwen’s character. Morwen is very clearly not a witch. She is however a severe and intelligent woman who canonically challenges the men around her.
She’s also presumed to be a widow. Historically, especially when women were thought to be the property of their husbands, it has often been unmarried women and widows who were persecuted as witches*
The exact reasons given in the text are somewhat vague. “But so great was the beauty and majesty of the Lady of Dor-lómin that the incomers were afraid and whispered among themselves that she was perilous and a witch skilled in magic”, “proud and fair as a queen she was…Witchwife they called her and shunned her”. These descriptions alongside other descriptions of Morwen’s personality and countenance can easily track with commonalities among women who have historically been accused; she is fiercely independent, blunt in her words and proud.
“These were women given to speaking out, to a bold tongue and independent spirit. It is no surprise that such unwelcome, even feared speech, could be mistaken for wicked enchantment”Mona Chollet wrote in a recent nonfiction book on the history and legacy of witch hunts.
-Morwen specifically being related to the elves (“he had thought that he looked in the fell eyes of an elf”, “word ran among them that she was perilous and a witch who had dealings with the elves”, “Witchwife it is but elf friend in the new language”) also is used to show how deeply Melkor has managed to turn human and elven populations against each other
I cannot say if Tolkien intended this but this aspect mirrors a common theme in witch hunts historically. I talked about this before but many if not most accused women were accused of either obtaining their alleged powers through communion with non humans or otherwise engaged with them.
I have…way too many posts about this specific connection
-I also definitely want to do more about what exactly the lore is for witches in first age Beleriand, what it’s believed they are and what it’s believed they can do
-Morwen being feared by the occupiers mean that she is largely left alone by them. She’s still suffering, we know there were times that she and Niënor nearly starved, and its implied she faces harassment and intimidation but despite the doom on Húrin’s family, she is able to resist being driven from Hithlum for decades.
Morgoth canonically sews dissent, mistrust and prejudice. The prejudice of the occupiers here has the potential to interfere with Morgoth wanting to use Húrin’s family to hurt him. This fits neatly into Tolkien’s themes of evil hindering itself.
-It highlights her as a cultural outsider. It is specifically Morwen, a refugee and exile who is accused of having sinister powers and alliances with an enemy. I think this is especially interesting because, in the earlier version of The Children of Húrin, the occupiers were comprised largely of men from Hithlum
-It adds to the power of her character and makes parallels with other confrontations and struggles with villains that members of her family have. It’s easy to parallel for example the lines about Húrin not being daunted by Morgoth’s eyes or Niënor staring down Glaurung with the encounter between Morwen and Brodda. And while it is true that he might not be quite as powerful or dangerous as Morgoth or Glaurung, if he kills or hurts her, she’s going to be just as dead or traumatized as she would be if he were a god or dragon. Her courage is extraordinarily powerful and harrowing. Does this make sense?
Anyways happy birthday to me, thank you for reading all of this and for your patience with my rambling which I have done so much of on this topic and will continue to do more of
End note: I wanted to add another note about how the position Morwen is in can also be used to show Aerin’s bravery in helping her; Aerin takes great risks to help her people and the danger she faces for her aid to Morwen is even more extreme; she faces extreme physical abuse for it. But I have several posts about this already and I think it deserves its own post
Fearless Wives and Frightened Shrews: The Construction of the Witch in Early Modern Germany
Mona Chalet, Stacy Schift
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arsunorie · 2 months
Hi! I might be late to this, but i'd really like to contribute a little bit to a certain situation happening around the analog horror community:
ALEX KISTER's allegations: the copying fetish
This post refers to only that one aspect, since that's the one i can confidently talk about, and i'd like to spread awareness about the whole thing somehow.
How did this come to be?
On March 12, 2024, twitter user STIRRINGJUICE posted a google document, which consisted of mainly relationship problems and grooming allegations against Alex Kister, creator of The Mandela Catalogue, although there was another aspect of it which people were posting more and more about: Alex Kister made Mandela Catalogue around his fetish about impersonating people.
To be more clear, this meant that the creator got off to/felt aroused by the act or impersonating others and 'becoming' them.
However, this was mostly a misinterpretation from the community, since the only text on the og document i could find was this:
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I think the first image is cropped, so i'll post the text: "Alex has a scent fetish and would specifically enjoy copying people’s poses because he wanted to pretend to be them. DB didn’t know at all."
We can point out two things about this:
- The only thing being called a fetish is the scent, only saying that he enjoys copying people's poses and pretend to be them.
- In the discord message, Alex only mentions that he would have loved taking pictures in those poses, which was only a vague example (A bad use and lack of evidence imo).
So far, this is the only text that addresses this at all, the rest are just: 60% accuser's shitty relationship, and 40% the grooming allegations.
Now, i'd like to imagine that users mixed scent fetish, with copying people, and got the "Copying fetish", like in these posts:
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(Don't send hate to anyone here, i will erase names if asked!)
We can agree that this is a misinterpretation of the document, because of users assuming that, if Alex Kister has a copying fetish, then TMC must be a fantasy about it! (And i don't blame them, it's logical with the main themes being that demons copy people).
When i saw this, i immediately called bs, and this is the point of the post:
The Mandela Catalogue doesn't exhibit any trait of fetish work.
Why? Simple!
A very common thing in fetish work, are these two things.
Romanticize the fetish: especially for weird, and straight up illegal fetishes! They might downplay the severity, and play the scene as something normal, TMC never does this, it portrays the Alternates as terrifying because of their abilities to kill without even harming the victim physically, and their near-immortality.
In Made in Abyss, the weird scenes where the kids speak about sexual stuff is shown as a normal scene, like if it was something kids normally talk about.
Using the fetish as the main thing: this means focusing on the fetish itself and giving them too much screentime, to show them in a good light. The fetish specifically means copying another, and most of the alternates never quite copy other people perfectly, the most infamous ones are deformed, non-human appearing and most don't even copy a character we've already seen, and viceversa, we don't see much of the alternate version after we've know about the real person. (Caesar Torres and his alternate, Preacher, the scary hallway guy, and the archangel Gabriel and his Alternate, to name a few)
You might expect the fetish content focusing only on the act that involves the fetish, which leads me to my last point.
They never show an alternate actually changing into somebody else, morphing their features to look like the exact person, a fetish scene might be where the alternate is slowly morphing their features in front of the other person, to the exact same traits in front of them.
A few more points:
Mark Heathcliff, the character interpreted by Alex Kister himself, doesn't really have it's own Alternate, 'Caesar' only becoming him after Mark dies, and only like a frame, i feel like someone with that fetish would insert themselves more? I'm not sure how to explain.
If the story was about the fetish, i don't think the series would even have the biblical references.
To back up my previous point, the inspiration of Mandela Catalogue is about the creator's existential crisis with Christianity, Covid, Local58, and the Walten Files, cited by both Wikpedia and an interview.
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(So sorry for taking a photo, i really struggle with my phone)
And that's all i have! If you have any more evidence or points, feel free to know and i'll add them! Any criticism is welcomed, since this is my first post and i'm not an english speaker! I know it might be weird since i'm never active and i don't post about TMC, but i just had to support this thing somehow, thank you!
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mitsubinyuri · 1 year
MILGRAM Guilty/Innocent verdicts, according to my father
MILGRAM, but instead of forming my own opinions I scroll randomly through the YouTube comments of each video, take the first theory I see, explain it poorly to my father and have HIM judge them guilty/innocent based off of that.
A 50 year old Taiwanese man’s opinions on MILGRAM characters. (He, as a doctor, had a LOT to say about Shidou)
[note that this was posted between It’s Not My Fault and Triage.]
ME: State your name and occupation, please.
DAD: Dad, Physician.
Haruka (no. 01) (no idea how to sum up the common consensus on him, but yknow what I’m thinking of) - INNOCENT
“I dunno... I think this guy needs treatment. I don’t know, there’s actually no causal link between having a learning disability, being neglected, and like, killing small creatures.” 
“They say killing animals in your youth is a risk factor for predicting if someone’s gonna grow up to be, an actual, y’know.” 
“I mean, so, forgivable? I mean, only in the sense that y’know, this may be part of him that’s sort of intrinsically broken and he really just needs treatment.”
Yuno (no. 02) (abortion “theory”) - INNOCENT
“Well, I mean, I don’t really have any- to me this is not an issue... I don’t think there’s any particular moral wrong here, I mean y’know, she does what she does, she was in a position that she found herself pregnant and she didn’t want to be pregnant so she had a perfectly legal and safe medical procedure to take care of it.”
I brought up the fact it might not have been legal.
“Well, I mean, either way, I don’t see that it’s an issue. I don’t have any issue with it.”
Fuuta (no. 03) (doxxing/cyberbullying theory) - GUILTY
“Yeah, well, I don’t really think there’s anything particularly excusable about this one.”
Muu (no. 04) (bully -> bullied “theory”, I brought up the lesbian theory to him and presented it as an additional option as well) - GUILTY
“I dunno. I mean, honestly, I don’t really have much sympathy in this case. If you’re gonna dish it out you better be ready to take it.”
“Look, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, alright?! Y’know, I mean, seriously!”
“This is like, at best it’s just pure hypocrisy, okay, well turnabout. You didn’t think about it until you were the object.”
My sister makes an Ace Attorney reference referring to the word ‘turnabout’. He texts her an Ace Attorney meme. 
Shidou (no. 05) (organ harvester theory) - GUILTY
“This is not how any of this works, okay? You cannot just whip organs out of one person and bung (?) ‘em into someone else and it’s gonna be like ‘Wow, that’s awesome’!”
“Yeah, see, that to me is too far out there. I can’t even say because that’s now how it functions.”
I ask him if hypothetically you could, what the verdict would be.
“Even if you had a whole... You could some how make it work... it’s still not- no.”
“Besides, you can’t even perform surgeries at 29 unless you went through med school very quickly.”
Mahiru (no. 06) (toxic relationship + suicide theory) - GUILTY
“She sounds... extremely emotionally immature. I don’t think she was ready for a relationship.”
“Now, why didn’t the guy just dump her and walk away?”
I explain the ‘breakup ritual’ line, and bring up the ‘both sides toxic’ theory.
“Well, I mean, is there any evidence at all to support that sort of thing?”
I explain the vagueness of the video.
“Yeah, I dunno, I mean absent to any further data I’m not inclined to be merciful here.”
Kazui (no. 07) (cheating + suicide theory) - INNOCENT
“I mean, sad to say, it’s not an uncommon phenomenon. It’s a thing that happens, y’know,”
“So I don’t really, I mean, depending on how he broke it to her, I suppose, and if he actually DID have an affair or had just contemplated one.”
“Or even then, I sort of feel like jumping off a balcony over it is a little bit of an overreaction.”
“A lot depends on the specific details about how this came out, assuming that’s the correct story. I mean, the situation is sad, but at least the way it’s presented I don’t feel like I can hold him at fault for her deciding to throw herself to her death.”
“Well, I mean, and I think legally you couldn’t really say anything about it. I mean, he’s responsible in part but it’s not like he pushed her or anything like that.”
Amane (no. 08) (cult theory) - INNOCENT
“I mean, the thing is. This is one of those classic cases- assuming she’s been completely brainwashed by this cult, that’s one of those cases where deprogramming has to be the first step.”
“It’s related to not guilty by reason of insanity, this is someone who’s worldview has been warped to the extent that they’ve presumably sworn their unthinking allegiance to whoever their leader is.”
“Obviously she’s directly responsible, though I don’t know how a twelve year old can beat someone to death.”
“You would need therapy and deprogramming, before you try to bring it to trial.”
“It also depends on if the therapy turns out successful or not.”
I mention she’s twelve.
“Alright, so like, automatically guilty then.”
Mikoto (no. 09) (DID “theory”) - INNOCENT
“I mean... really? Does this alter even have a name?”
“I mean, legally you can’t render judgement here.” 
“I mean, assuming the alter was the one murdering people?”
“Yeah, I mean, I dunno, if he truly is suffering from this disorder, it’s like the other ones, we can’t hold him responsible.”
Kotoko (no. 10) (vigilante “theory”) - GUILTY
“So, basically... did she intend to kill him? Or did she try to beat him up and get carried away?”
I explain that she did intend to kill.
“Y’know, the fact of the matter is, as great as it sounds, I don’t really condone vigilantism. She knows exactly what she’s doing, right?”
I say yes.
“Okay, well, in that case, then I would think that she should be prepared to face the consequences.”
“Yeah, so this also sounds like someone who feels that they are above society’s rules. Not something I feel completely comfortable with, even if now they appear to be doing things on the right side.”
also said, at the end: “Just because someone cannot be held morally responsible for their actions also does not mean we should have them out roaming the streets.”
bold (no italics) is things that I said. Italics is things he did. 
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fluffydice · 9 months
you should definitely write that yandere saiki idea you posted a bit ago if given the chance bc i would go feral. ur writing so good. scratches brain just right.
Kicking and screaming I REFUSE (until i clear up my writing schedule for the month,,,) you CANT MAKE ME-
Wordcount: 810
Warnings for referenced abusive relationships, and vague implications of dehumanization (treating someone more like a pet than a human)
The word ‘abomination’, no matter how harsh, kept brushing Kusuo’s thoughts. This Kuboyasu was so meek and dependent, the exact opposite of his own. Always on his heels like a loyal dog, staring at him attentively at the slightest movement. It made his stomach cramp. That wasn’t who Kuboyasu was. This boy had been twisted by his alternate self, and yet refused to see it. 
Kusuo stalked up his stairs and tried to think. Maybe it was a blessing he couldn’t read his mind. (Side effect of being from another dimension?) Kusuo didn’t want to hear his thought process, didn’t want to hear the praises and adoration for him that no doubt suffused this Kuboyasu’s thoughts. Telepathy would only keep Kusuo further away, out of pure disgust for what had happened to the other. It-
Oop. It might have kept Kusuo from ripping open his door and walking in on the other Kuboyasu changing. Kusuo froze in shock, his face beginning to burn, entirely unaware of what to do in this situation. This was never a problem he’d had to deal with before. What did people even do!? Oh, good grief, shit, normal people had it rough-
“Oh, you’re back!” Kuboyasu smiled, entirely too eager for someone standing in just their boxers. He was holding the shirt Kusuo had snatched from regular world’s Kuboyasu’s room, and in one smooth motion, it was tugged over his head. He hadn’t even jumped when Kusuo came in, like he was entirely certain of his safety here. 
Crazy. Kusuo couldn’t even fathom the idea. “Sorry,” he offered, a bit late. 
Kuboyasu gave him a confused look. “For what?”
…Ugh. “Nothing,” Kusuo sighed, realizing it wasn’t worth it. Kuboyasu sat down on Kusuo’s bed to tug up his pants, and Kusuo found himself staring. 
This Kuboyasu was abnormally pale. It made him look sick. But everything else pointed to a high degree of health; He was a nice weight and lacked even a hint of eye bags. His hair had a pleasant sheen to it that seemed to belie the assumption of low vitamin D, which made Kusuo think that the other him was even accounting for things like that. Pills, maybe?
Pills that Kuboyasu wouldn’t even be allowed to get himself. He had to rely on alternate Kusuo for all his needs, in complete control of another human being. 
Kusuo was suddenly reminded of his brother. He gave a hidden camera a quick glare, inwardly wondering what he made of the situation. 
Kusuo looked down, viscerally uncomfortable in his own body, then steeled himself. He forced his gaze back up. “Kuboyasu,” he said, getting the other’s attention. The boy straightened up, but Kusuo didn’t miss the flash of hurt at the usage of his last name. “What did you do? Before me?”
Kuboyasu’s eyes, without his glasses, were so wide. Guileless. Despite Kusuo’s Kuboyasu’s genuineness, he never looked like that. Fully trusting, nothing on his mind beyond adoration for the person speaking to him. It made Kusuo think about the dogs he saw sometimes, staring up at their owners like they were their whole world. Hell, Kusuo was this guy’s whole world. It was all he was allowed to see. 
A person who would never betray him, someone who would only ever see the good in him. Someone who loved as easily as they breathed because that’s all they had been trained to do. 
For a sickening moment, Kusuo could almost see the appeal in having that full-bodied trust, that security of love. Someone who would never hurt him by leaving.
A beat. Then- “I don’t remember,” Kuboyasu responded, smiling sweetly again. “Nothing, maybe. There wasn’t anything before you.”
So romantic. So heart-stoppingly, gut-churning horrific. Kusuo took a step back, shaking in sudden terror at himself. Alternate him, him-him, whatever it was. Other him had gone drunk with power over someone. That’s all this was. But there was a biting shame at the realization that this was something he himself was capable of, too. If he was pushed just enough, abandoned just one time too many-
Kusuo tugged open the door and fled. For a moment, he thought about leaving, but found himself stopping at the top of the stairway, breathing hard and squeezing his eyes shut. 
He was in charge of Kuboyasu’s care right now. It obviously upset the other when he left. Alternate him had made this mess, and now Kusuo had to accept the fact that he was the one holding the reins for now. 
He could hear Kuboyasu approaching hesitantly, obviously unsure of his place after being rejected by Kusuo so many times. He forced himself to turn around and cleared his face of any discomfort. 
Kuboyasu was too fragile to go through a new environment, a new reality, without his security blanket. Kusuo couldn’t push him away; it’d break him. 
And something told Kusuo that alternate him would be none-too-pleased to get his favorite pet back in pieces.
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Missed Alot - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan x reader daughter
Warnings: none
Word count: 746
Summary: A long time ago when the order was still intact, Obi-Wan had a fling with that resulted in a baby. He was never there but now that the Orders gone and he’s free in a sense, why not go find her?
Authors Note: I swear I had someone in messages that wanted to be tagged in all Obi-Wan stuff when I did post some but I went through every single conversation I have and I could not find you so I’m sorry! I believe this is my first Obi-Wan Imagines so I hope you all enjoy it!
Happy New Years Eve!
(Thought this was a good one that goes with new beginngs. Start of something new like a new year)
STARWARS Masterlist
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(He's not necessarily as old as he is in the gif for this fiction cause this fiction is kinda like months after Revenge of the sith)
“What are you doing here?” Y/n grumbled not even turning to look at the man who’s presence she felt. She couldn’t believe he was showing up here. After everything, it was a bold move.
“I came to see you.” Obi-Wan stated but he still felt unsure about what he was doing here. After all, he had a lot to make up for.
Y/n shook her head and scoffed, turning to face him. “Why? Why now?”
“No. You haven’t been in my life before. So why now?” Y/n crossed her arms staring at him. Obi-Wan couldn’t get an exact read on her or her emotions. He decided to do it. But knowing it and actually having to face it are very different.
“I couldn’t before, not with the order and its rules.” It was a pathetic reason, he knew that. But it was true.
“So what? Now that Anakin turned against you and the Jedi are gone you want to be here? Or cause you can?” Y/n asked even though she could feel her heart clench at her own words. Afraid of knowing how true and right she might be.
“You know about Anakin’s turn?” Obi-Wan asked with a very deep confusion. How’d she know about Anakin's turn to the dark side?
“He’s visited me before.” Y/n was vague, giving a lift of her shoulders. Her father's padawan had visited her before, multiple times over the years. They met once, Anakin was in trouble and Y/n had happened to be there and saved him. Using the force to save him. “So? Tell me.”
Y/n still wanted an answer to why he was suddenly here and wanted to talk.
“It’s not that I didn’t want to be there but the order has rules. Rules not easily broken.” Obi-Wan explained with a sad sense of dasavue, having said the same thing to Anakin once.
Y/n shook her head in disbelief even though she wasn’t shocked that that was his answer. “You broke them easy enough to sleep with my mother and help create me.”
She had him there. No denying that. “Your right.”
“I know.” Y/n stated shifting on her feet not liking the situation that kinda felt like a stand off. But she wasn’t going to just back down and let him walk into her life he’d been there for all of it.
“I can’t take back never being there. But I did check up on your mother and you over the years.” He told her knowing it didn’t make up for never being there but hopped it gave her some idea that he really did care. That he wanted to be there for her but couldn’t.
“I know that to.” Y/n gave him a small smile which he returned but with questioning eyes. He never came up to them or talked to them. How could she of known? “I could sense you.”
“Sense me? You mean.” And then it dawned on Obi-Wan. She inherited the force from him.
“Yeah. I’m force sensitive.” Y/n finished for him. Completing his thought.
This intrigued the older Jedi, he had many questions. “Can you do things?”
Y/n nodded confidently before answering. “Yes. I taught myself how to use and control it.”
Y/n had taught herself all the ways to use the force. She had to do it all on her own, with no help. Y/n felt proud of herself for that. But Obi-Wan yeah he felt proud of her but he also felt bad that she had to go through all that alone.
“That's wonderful.” Obi-Wan smiled proudly at her. Even though he felt horrible that she went through all that alone but she did it on her own. That made him more proud than anything.
“Look if you want to try and make a relationship between us then we can try. But no promises, and no judging.” Y/n offered but also had to add the condition of ‘no judging’. She didn’t learn to use the force through Jedi ways and Y/n knew even if he wouldn’t say it, it might bother him that she doesn’t use the force ‘in a Jedi way’. She doesn’t use it for bad either but the Jedi were strict on that kind of stuff.
“I’d like that very much.” Obi-Wan smiled he could do that if it meant finally getting to have a relationship with his daughter.
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AITA for venting?
(Couldn’t think of a better title I’m sorry/TW for talk of suicide)
Alright so a bit of backstory. I (15M) have a younger sibling who I’ll call L (13NB). L has a friend group that I kinda got sucked into consisting of V (13NB) and N (13M) (& another few people who weren’t as involved and I haven’t talked to much/at all). So the group was recently in quite a lot of drama that I for the most part won’t get into because it isn’t relevant & I want to maintain as much anonymity as possible but 4 important details are:
1.There is a group chat that the 4 of us are one (that I ended up muting for my own sanity)
The drama was mostly between V and N
L mostly took N’s side and I was mostly on V’s
I thought the drama was (for the most part) the stupidest thing ever (specifically in terms of the topic vs the reaction)
Now here’s the part where I might be TA. I was getting sick of the constant fighting and it got to a point where I was being dragged into it more. Partially for a small thing that I understand I shouldn’t have done but mainly for something that both then and now while I 100% do not regret. Now I’ve typed this sentence a million times trying to find a way to say what I did vaguely but all of it just kinda makes me seem like an AH for the thing I’m not even asking about so I’ll just say what they were mad at me for. Earlier in the drama N sent a post to the group chat basically saying “Fuck you. This situation is so stressful for me and I’m going to kill myself or at least try” which caused me (who has a history of seriously suicidal friends & suicidality myself) to have a panic attack and text & call his mom (who from what I’d seen & heard was pretty understanding of that sort of thing) at 10PM about it (keep in mind I had a similar thing happen to me a couple years ago except I was the one who’s mom was being called in the middle of the night mid panic attack). I didn’t want anyone to know who told her because I didn’t want to make the drama worse but a few days later I let slip to L that I was the one who told and they told N from there. (sorry that wasn’t really relevant but I couldn’t think of a shorter way to say it.) Anyway, back to what actually happened. I got fed up with them and vented at first to a few tumblr mutuals (no names or accounts were mentioned and it was all to people who didn’t know them) and then when it got worse I made a post about it, first making sure to block N (L doesn’t use tumblr and in retrospect I should’ve blocked V too but I didn’t think it was necessary because IDK they were the ones being yelled at/made fun of/whatever by L and N) and again, didn’t mention any names or urls, just stuff that was said in the group chat. Anyway V ended up showing L and N the posts and they got pretty mad (which TBF I understand) and long story short after yelling in the group chat I wasn’t paying much attention to both of them at different times ended up talking to me on PMs and they both apologized to me/I apologized to them and whatnot and this post is ABSOLUTELY NOT about calling anyone TA for anything except what I’m specifically asking. What I’m asking is AITA for talking to those people and making those posts? I wasn’t doing it to spread rumors or to vaguepost (if I was I wouldn’t have taken the care to make sure they didn’t see it and no one knew who they were) I was doing it because I was pissed and seriously felt like I was going insane, but also I do understand why they’re mad. So AITA?
PS: if you think you might be one of the people involved here I just want to make it clear I’m not doing this to start or continue anything. I’m just doing this because I’m curious about whether I’m in the wrong objectively for this specific thing. When I said I hated drama and it takes a serious toll on me I meant it, I really just want this situation over and would rather it not start up again because of a post (which is why I’m sending this on AITA and not making a normal blog post). Also sorry everybody for the bad formatting 😅
What are these acronyms?
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berrychanx · 1 year
TMMN EP 16 Analysis
I have so much to say i don’t know where to start, I’ll focus on the character development and the episode itself I love that Lettuce seems more confident in herself, cares for her looks, takes the lead, volunteers to help etc.
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Yes it’s all means to an end for her, to get closer with Shirogane but his words really left an impact on her,
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 even before that she already wished to change at the start of episode 8
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But if it wasn’t for his words she would probably never have the courage to change.
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Look at that happy smile. even Zakuro notices she has changed and its doing all of this for a reason. Zakuro LITTERALY is the big sister of the group.
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LOL, Ryou is in another world ..... Poor Lettuce is getting chrushed and pushed on into his chest...You can feel the embarassement in her face ... while Ryou is just there being Ryou ... he’s not even aware...He acts so different with the other girls and Ichigo...If it was Ichigo in Lettuce play he would start bashing her.
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Sorry for this two random screesnhots but this just proves my theory about this season, exploring the Blue Knight identidy and the search for the mew aqua
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Ryou notices something’s wrong with Lettuce. he calls out for her (probably worried and to snap her back to reality) ... I feel sad for Lettuce, relating to the Little Mermaid story
Meanwhile Kish appears and tries to steal the earrings, everyone thinks it contains Mew Aqua but Ryou ain’t gonna let that happen. I’M SO GLAD FINALLY A CHARACTER THOUGHT ABOUT GRABBING HIS LACE XD
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Anyways Kish and Lettuce fight, Kish wins the battle and retreats?? Because? Letttuce is thrown out by the window and into the ocean, sinking and comes in contact with a light, thinking its mew aqua Similar to episode 19 of the original anime
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She gets transported into another time, when the aliens still inhabited this planet and we get more lore (seperate post)
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Lettuce then helps her new friend by giving her some advice and words of encouragement like someone once did to her.
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Back into her own timeline, Shirogane goes to her aid. Finally alone with Ryou, Lettuce comes to accept her feelings for him, and know the viewers have a confirmation that it was actually love
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He even forgets his cool act
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At least he thanks her for having the courage to say something so important. BUT LIKE I SAID A COUPLE OF TIMES, THIS MAN ONLY LIVES FOR ONE THING AND ITS HIS LIFE WORK / PROJECT
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He completely didn’t say no nor did he said yes..... it’s left on open and i hope once the season ends this subject is brought up again.
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Like I mentioned on this post, Shirogane really cares for everyone, the burden he carries etc. Go read the post here,
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I would translate it too, I’m sorry but I can’t answer your feelings right now, Lettuce
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She took this in such a mature way, not loosing her compuster in from of him...
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Ryou’s aware he hurt her feelings, that she’s broken, wanting to cry but holding it lal inside
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He smiles at her and leaves her alone, despite being sad and heartbreaking, it was the best option in my opnion. She wouldn’t have cried in front of him.
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She really is the big sister of the group, the big sister to all of the other girls.
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It’s ok, you’re alone now, you can cry, let it all out.
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And the episode ends with Lettuce crying in Zakuro arms. It was a fantastic episode in my opinion, I would love if it focused a bit more on the aliens culture, Lettuce asking questions  but I understand, the alien situation was there for Lettuce to compare herself with the earrings original owner and their situation and inspire her to confess to Ryou.
The original anime had thrown in this Ryoutasu moments but it was all very vague, New at least develops her feelings. I hope in the end she gets a definitive answer, if that never happens...nothing I can do but accept it, we know in a way the Mew Project is never “finished”, A la mode gave us the roses crusaders Return had the girls dealing with loosing parasites. There’s the PS1 game. So maybe leaving their relationship in open its for the best.
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queer-reader-07 · 9 months
ok buckle up cuz we’re talking about ✨religious trauma✨ today (i’m allowed to sparkle emoji it this is entirely a self insert meta)
ok so aziraphale in the context of religious trauma. specifically, why i think his character is one of the most accurate and real portrayals of religious trauma in media. and i want to explore that because i’ve seen it talked about a little bit but my raised catholic turned queer trans self has some more thoughts.
a lot more under the cut
i’m sure we’ve all seen the “why would aziraphale leave crowley?” “why would he go to heaven?” “doesn’t he know heaven is bad?” posts. or some flavor of the same idea.
and they seem to be coming from the same crowd who also think that aziraphale going to heaven was “out of character”. which isn’t true if i’m being perfectly honest.
when we look at aziraphale through the lens of trauma, his actions begin to make a lot more sense. he is in an abusive and toxic relationship with heaven. and we all know (or at least we all should know) that leaving toxic/abusive environments isn’t an easy feat. and more often than not, abuse victims are very likely to end up in an abusive situation again.
aziraphale only knows heaven. while he and crowley have both seen that heaven doesn’t always do the best things (e.g. killing everyone in the flood, wanting to kill jobs kids, armageddon 1 AND 2), crowley has seen first hand that heaven is bad. crowley has fallen (or sauntered vaguely downwards), he’s been told that he isn’t worthy of heaven. that he isn’t enough. and he knows that what heaven does is so often wrong. he see that, because heaven already cast him out. why would he bother defending them?
but aziraphale only has heaven and has only ever had heaven. yeah he doesn’t agree with heaven or God on all fronts but heaven is still the right side,,, right? heaven is still his side.
aziraphale is comfortable with heaven. he’s used to it. and admitting to himself that heaven is toxic or problematic or bad would dismantle everything he’s ever told himself. it would mean admitting that he is a part of that toxic/etc institution. and possibly complacent in it.
(side bar: i would argue he isn’t complacent. we’ve seen him defy the will of God or heaven multiple times. see: giving up the flaming sword & lying about it, saving job’s kids and lying about it, stopping armageddon)
speaking from a personal perspective here: religious trauma is a beast to deal with. and a lot of people with religious trauma (myself included) go back to The Church over and over again despite being burned by it so many times.
for me it was knowing that The Church didn’t care about my reproductive rights. and knowing that they didn’t condone my queerness. and knowing that they think i’m somehow sinful for the music i listen to or the clothes i wear. and knowing that they believe my friends who are wonderful people and i love deeply are doomed to eternal damnation because they aren’t catholic.
aziraphale is the same way. for him it was being shown over and over again that heaven doesn’t care about him. doesn’t care about humanity. doesn’t care about what he thinks. doesn’t care (and in fact actively hates) the one being he loves more than anything. doesn’t care about anything but “triumphing over hell” (whatever that means).
but he kept going back. and i kept going back. i kept going to sunday mass for years after i figured out i was queer. i kept going long after i settled on my leftist politics that are far too radical for the catholic church. and aziraphale kept going back. despite having worked side by side with a demon for millennia. despite heaven wanting to kill his best friend/lover/most important person. despite wanting to destroy humanity (not just in armageddon, the flood did happen).
it takes a lot of work to even begin stepping away from toxic and abusive institutions. aziraphale gets better. season 1 is very “i am an angel you are a demon we cannot work together (but also we definitely are)” but by season 2 we have “our car” “my former people” “i thought we carved [this fragile peaceful existence] out for ourselves”. he’s beginning to realize that heaven does not have his back. he is on a side with crowley. they are in it together.
and yet. he still goes back to heaven. after all this time. all the failed attempts to get heaven to hear him out. why is he going back now? after a love confession from the demon he loves more than literally anything ever.
because he wants to enact change. he wants to finally see heaven rebuilt so that humanity is safe. so that the things he loves about the world are left unchanged. and most importantly, so crowley is safe. and he can only do that if he fixes heaven, right?
i know i’m not the only one who’s thought to myself “i’d be more religious if only i could fix The Church” or something adjacent. this idea that it’s an institution that can be fixed. when in fact, organized religion can’t be fixed. the structure it’s built upon is inherently flawed. personal faith is beautiful and i value my own, but organized religion will always bear systemic issues and oppressions.
aziraphale wants to be the change. he wants to fix it. that’s why he went back. he didn’t reject crowley. he didn’t leave crowley because he doesn’t love him back. he went back because he loves crowley. he went back because if he fixes it, crowley will finally be safe.
and i for one, want to see him succeed. i want him to be able to actually fix heaven. i want him fighting tooth and nail to make the world a safe place for the love of his life.
i want him to succeed in the change the rest of us never managed. i want him fulfilling what was mine and so many others dreams.
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llycaons · 18 days
I’ll make this my last message since I don’t want you having to spend all day on another 15-paragraph essay because that’s just sad. I’d just like to state a point that apparently didn’t come across in my original message—one I didn’t think I *had* to state—which is that fanfiction *isn’t* published fiction. It’s amateur, free content on the internet and shouldn’t be held to the same critical standards and practices as critiquing trad pub fiction. That’s why it’s bad etiquette to, say, put fic on Goodreads, for example. Again, didn’t think I’d have to say that to someone who obviously spends so much time (so, *so* much time) reading fanfic, but here we are!
And just a note: if it’s ableist to say the word “weird” to you specifically and insinuate you, specifically, should go outside—which I *know* you do, I literally used to follow you lmao—then I sincerely apologize. That being said, I *know* you go outside, so I fail to see how that’s a broader shot at the housebound when… you are not. And I know that. And it’s shitty that you’d turn around and banter with your mutual who’s calling me a cunt. That’s fair game somehow, but “weird” is too far? Ok lol. Guess your pearl-clutching over what’s problematic only goes one way. Good to know 👍 Will hard block then! Cheers
it's a good thing that this is their last message but since they're hard-blocking it feels like a waste to even answer this one. I don't even have any other arguments since I was so thorough and said everything I wanted and ig they have no actual rebuttals so I'm taking this win. 'don't want me to spend all day writing 15 paragraphs' yeah right, they just don't want their argument to be DEMOLISHED again lmao and I don't think it's sad, I like covering all my bases. man I smoked that one. and I didn't spend all day on it, it took like half an hour? I was at work all day man lmao. and now I'm being held responsible for things other ppl have said? I mean I stand with my mutuals, but I literally never said that stuff in the actual reply
like I never said fanfic was just like real books, I just said you need to be held responsible for what media you create? did anon even READ my carefully crafted responses? friends. I am bereft. they're asking like this was an obvious oversight on my part but it's just inane to act like not being published equates to freedom from all criticism, which is what I SAID. it's not formal criticism, it's just what I think. you remember thinking? I can't turn it off! and since when was my SINGLE page a goodreads account?
as soon as they pull out the term 'pearl-clutching'...man how did this cunt used to follow me. that's right. I didn't even call then a cunt earlier when kiera did (WHAT bantering??? I posted my response AFTER I got this message) but now I WILL. you gotta be careful about who you tell to go outside, anon. and calling ppl a cunt isn't ableist lmao and I think it's perfectly reasonable in this situation. also if they used to follow me wouldn't they know my views already? what did they think would happen??? and since WHEN was saying cunt problematic???
and furthermore I appreciate the apology bc the comment about my tagging WAS out of line but irrelevant. my bigger complaint was more that 'weird' was a really vague criticism of my behavior. like nothing in ANY of those messages was compelling arguments that I should feel bad about what I was doing they just kept leaning on the morality of the words 'weird' and 'strange'. also just because you used to follow doesn't me you know me as a person?? ugh I just have to call them a presumptuous cunt again I'm afraid.
however this is bar none THE stupidest person I've ever argued on anon with so I will be sorry to see them go. it was so easy to win their weak, unsubstantial, shame-and-normalcy-based but somehow unapologetically amoral arguments...well it looks like I've written another lengthy response but that's fine, I like to chat on my blog to my neighbors and friends and anon shan't shame me out of that one either. how are we all this morning.
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