#valgrace brainrot
reddamselette · 2 months
Jason adjusted the book that laid flat against his thighs, sky blue irises skimming through the passages as he mentally noted down his notes.
Leo was laying on his stomach, feet kicked up into the air as he chewed on a pen cap and scribbled along the lines of his notebooks.
Minutes turned into an hour as they worked on class assignments and homework on the floor of the library in New Rome when Leo groaned incredibly loudly, the sounds echoing throughout the library that caused Jason to bury his face into the pages and shot a pointed look at the other once his embarrassment dissipated.
"What?" Leo whined, rolling onto his back and sprawled his limbs out to form a star. He huffed, hitting Jason's shoe with a closed fist, "I'm so tired, I want to go home."
Jason sighed. The son of Jupiter sat up and folded his legs under him, gently carding his hand through soft but rough brown curls. "Come on, you were doing well, Firefly."
"It was a good distraction for, like, twelve minutes. I miss camp. I miss being covered in grease and oil and dirt and-"
Jason chuckled, leaning forward to press a soft kiss into Leo's forehead and then pecked his nose and eyes that closed in content. "Only a few more weeks 'til break."
"Few weeks too long." Leo blew out a breath, the soft and cool air weakly moving outgrown blond locks. "Tell Nico that he'll see me hanging around downstairs. I'm dying. I'm dying, Mi Cielo. Do you have any last words for me?"
Jason leaned forward once more, pressing his lips against Leo's. He couldn't help but smile against his lips as warm arms wrapped around his neck and threatened to topple him over until they were both lying on the floor of the library.
"How about a last kiss instead?"
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
me, just chilling in 2022:
a ship consisting of an op white boy with glasses that was raised by wolves and his latino tech genius bf who can control fire:
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suddenly they are rotting my brain idek why or how this happened
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thecinnamonr0ll · 5 days
The PJO brainrot has taken over and I don't know how much longer I can last without writing something
Please dont make me finish my fi- (thank you hunger games au is now winning) {i should probaly start wrting} [nahhh]
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thank you for having valgrace brainrot in 2023
i’m not alone
I love Valgrace no matter the year
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groverapologist · 5 months
every few months the valgrace brainrot comes back stronger than before
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mayclair · 3 years
(about this post that i made)
think about it — leo as patroclus and jason as achilles. they’re both dark haired, have dark skin and are not really great with using a sword (leo uses his powers; patroclus sticks to healing most of the time). jason was a son of zeus, achilles is the son of thetis, both gods. they’re both blonde, really good with a sword and are natural leaders. achilles and patroclus were in a war with the trojans, just like leo and jason were in a war with gaea. patroclus was sent to live with achilles and jason was sent to the wilderness school where leo was staying. patroclus and leo died first and achilles and jason shortly after. the only difference is leo came back to life but patroclus didn’t.
tldr: jason and leo are literal incarnates of achilles and patroclus bc they parallel their love story so much <3
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my-apollo-gies · 3 years
me: willmon, valgrace and firstprince have the same energy so does this mean that jasons hiding the fact that hes s prince
me, 2 seconds later: oh shit he technically is a prince
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festito · 3 years
valgrace parallels patrochilles, and here’s why:
of course, we have jason as achilles: achilles was aristos achaon, best of the greeks. jason is put on a pedestal above the entirety of the twelfth legion as their praetor. his birth alters people’s perceptions of him: as the son of a king (jupiter/peleus), he’s expected to be a shining example of leadership and flourish as a warrior. jason’s been fated to be a hero from the day he was given to juno. he’s known nothing but this since before he can remember, so he doesn’t know that he doesn’t have to be a human weapon. it’s blind acceptance. 
then we have leo as patroclus: patroclus, thought to be good at nothing, thought to be simple, incapable, and worthless; patroclus, who found and befriended the best of the greeks; patroclus, who reminded achilles of his humanity, day after day and night after night. leo was disowned (patroclus, exiled) and thrown out to fend for himself. his family hated his existence, abused him, and he was isolated for his differences. patroclus believed himself unwanted. he wasn’t given the chance to practice what he was truly good at - medicine. patroclus’ medicine is leo’s engineering. he holds an inner strength that most don’t see at first, but it quickly becomes apparent to any observer. 
what makes patrochilles and valgrace parallel each other, though, isn’t just the characters. it’s what they become together. they bring out the best in each other, balance each other out. jason, like achilles, needs reminders of his humanity. leo, like patroclus, needs reminders of his worth. patroclus represents compassion, and achilles is raw anger. 
only in this, the stories diverge. anger and compassion are carried on both jason and leo’s shoulders, albeit in differing amounts. leo carries resentment; jason, compassion. this is not to say that either of them are characterized by these specific qualities, but that jason and leo are driven by them. nevertheless, they provide contrast and comparison to each other, and are narrative foils. (note: patroclus is not a facet of achilles’ person - rather, he’s achilles’ counterpart.) 
assume, then, that the affection between leo and jason is as that between patroclus and achilles. the love between them enlarges the amount of grief that results from death. “the greater the love, the greater the loss,” as they say. patroclus (leo) dies first in an act of sacrifice. achilles (jason) is immediately thrown into imbalance, having lost his other half. in his grief, jason abandons his life to search for leo, despite knowing that it’s a hopeless quest. just like patroclus and achilles, leo and jason are a tragic pair doomed by prophecy and fate.
anyway best friends who beef it together stay in love and in elysium together i guess????
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c10wn-wh0r3 · 3 years
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if valgrace isnt cannon what is this?
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reddamselette · 2 months
valgrace but one of them fell extremely sick, like deathly pale, fevers running high type of sick and the other doesn’t want to leave their side even though they could also get sick.
if it’s jason — leo is at his side once he’s awake from his nap, offering water and even warmth if jason is cold. jason’s too tired to speak but it’s fine because leo could speak enough for both of them. he gestures wildly as he catches jason up on what he missed, maybe even a little bit of exaggeration that gets shut down if the others visit like nico or will, piper, percy or annabeth.
if it’s leo — jason is the first to arrive at the infirmary alongside will, even opting to help out since he practically lives in the infirmary ever since leo became bedridden. more often than not, he’ll always pass by, asking him how he feels and what he needs, holds his hand and cleans the sweat off his forehead. jason would talk about what leo missed as well but go off topic, mentions the letters he receives from thalia or even reyna, talking about adventures that should be humanely impossible but aren’t.
and without fail, they’d fall into a conversation of creating plans and looking so far into the future that would have the fates reeling and angrily knitting.
and without fail, it’d end with: “in sickness and in health, right?”
“are…are you proposing to me right now?”
“maybe. would you say yes?”
“i’d always say yes.”
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heavensgateiowa · 3 years
it’s the way that jason and leo both perform different stereotypes of heterosexual masculinity, the unfeeling warrior/leader and the hopeless flirt, to mask their very real pain and loneliness…
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palmeritasconazucar · 2 years
I am very, very deep on a valgrace brainrot
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this isn't important but i am having ghostsoap and valgrace brainrot simultaneously and the ships are just so angsty i am in constant emotional pain. Every third fanart/fic i find about them is angst and it's HEARTBREAKING
But the fluff for both is so damn cute so i can't really complain
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