#crying in the library sounds nice actually
reddamselette · 5 months
Jason adjusted the book that laid flat against his thighs, sky blue irises skimming through the passages as he mentally noted down his notes.
Leo was laying on his stomach, feet kicked up into the air as he chewed on a pen cap and scribbled along the lines of his notebooks.
Minutes turned into an hour as they worked on class assignments and homework on the floor of the library in New Rome when Leo groaned incredibly loudly, the sounds echoing throughout the library that caused Jason to bury his face into the pages and shot a pointed look at the other once his embarrassment dissipated.
"What?" Leo whined, rolling onto his back and sprawled his limbs out to form a star. He huffed, hitting Jason's shoe with a closed fist, "I'm so tired, I want to go home."
Jason sighed. The son of Jupiter sat up and folded his legs under him, gently carding his hand through soft but rough brown curls. "Come on, you were doing well, Firefly."
"It was a good distraction for, like, twelve minutes. I miss camp. I miss being covered in grease and oil and dirt and-"
Jason chuckled, leaning forward to press a soft kiss into Leo's forehead and then pecked his nose and eyes that closed in content. "Only a few more weeks 'til break."
"Few weeks too long." Leo blew out a breath, the soft and cool air weakly moving outgrown blond locks. "Tell Nico that he'll see me hanging around downstairs. I'm dying. I'm dying, Mi Cielo. Do you have any last words for me?"
Jason leaned forward once more, pressing his lips against Leo's. He couldn't help but smile against his lips as warm arms wrapped around his neck and threatened to topple him over until they were both lying on the floor of the library.
"How about a last kiss instead?"
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James Potter x Hufflepuff fem!reader
Summary: Girls can be mean and your darling boyfriend isn't having any of it.
Prompt: Angsty hurt and comfort - "Oh shit. Are you crying?"
Warnings: slight bullying, insecurities
~ I hope you love this @livinginafantasysworld! i love YOU 💖 also this is much longer than my usual blurbs, i got carried away 🫶 ~
You've fallen asleep on your potions book, your hair sprawled messily across your arms as your chest rises and falls. James is too busy feverishly correcting and polishing your essay to realize you've dozed off.
"Hi, Potter," a girl's voice suddenly calls from behind him, a sharp giggling follows his name and James turns, ink stains peppering his hands as his tongue pokes out of his mouth. 
It's Samantha—something—from Charms. She's also in Gryffindor and she sits behind him in class, constantly talking his ear off. Sirius tells him he's too nice to her and honestly, he's starting to believe him.
James peers back at you, just now realizing you're sound asleep, and he smiles fondly. 
"Are you busy?" Samantha asks, her eyes narrowing in your direction almost judgmentally.
James turns to her again, catching the look and he frowns. "I am, actually," he turns his attention back to your essay and dips his quill in the ink. He's only focused on you now, occasionally looking up from the essay to admire your sleeping form. Samantha huffs but eventually leaves you and James alone in the library. 
After another half-hour of his work and your soft breaths, James leans over, his arm sliding across the table as he rests his chin on his upper arm. He smoothes his hand over your hair, gently coaxing you awake again. He has a late evening Quidditch practice he can't miss. 
"Dovey," he whispers, his eyes loving as you slowly wake up and look at him. The pages from your potion book stick to your cheek and your boyfriend chuckles, pushing them away. "Hello, sleepy-head."
You sit up, wiping some drool from your lips and your cheeks burn. "I fell asleep?"
James hums and sits straighter, sliding over the parchment with your essay. You look down. 
"You finished?"
"Yup." James pops the 'p' and then smiles at you. "Wasn't a problem. I know potions like this like the back of my hand," he says with a wink and you can't help but smile at him. You glance at the clock and realize you've been asleep for more than an hour. 
"Sorry I fell asleep," you whisper. 
"It really wasn't a problem, lovie," James assures you with a chuckle and he stands. You stand as well as James folds your essay and puts it into your book, slipping the book into your bag and running his thumb under one of your bleary eyes. 
"I love doing things for you. What else am I here for?"
You smile, leaning into his hand. "Well, being my boyfriend doesn't mean you have any obligation to help with my assignments—especially since I feel asleep," you tell him, your tone soft and unsure.
James chuckles. "Well, good thing I don't do it because of obligation but because I want to." He kisses your forehead and swings his bag over his shoulder. "I'll see you at dinner, okay? Imma be late for practice."
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips and then he disappears amongst the bookshelves. You stand there, his taste still lingering, and you've never felt luckier��to have him. You touch your cheeks, checking their temperature and then you smile into your hand.
Your happiness is short-lived however because as you walk through the library, you overhear a group of girls talking about your boyfriend. 
"And James has never turned me down until now," one of the girls, a taller brunette with olive skin, says as she leans against one of the desks pressed up against a window, her friends surrounding her. She's a Gryffindor. You've seen her hanging around James and his friends a few times. You're pretty sure she's in his Charms class.
"And I knew the rumors—but I didn't think he'd actually be with her." Her friends laugh and you press yourself against a hidden bookshelf, listening in.
"Who is she anyways?"
The girl scoffs almost cruelly. "Some sixth-year Hufflepuff," she looks at her nails and then smirks, "I thought Puffs were supposed to be hard-working. Instead, he was doing all the work while she drooled all over her potion book." 
Your heart sinks and your hand tightens around the strap of your bag. 
"James deserves someone better. Someone like me—"
You hold in your tears, deciding there is no use in standing there and just listening to the rest of this girl's rant. You don't have the energy to confront her either. It isn't like you haven't thought the same things she has. 
You aren't enough for him.
He deserves someone so much better.
* * *
You're the only person on James's mind as he struts into the Great Hall. His hair is still wet from his shower but that only accentuates his curls. He's smiling happily, excited to have you in his arms again. He walks by where you usually sit with your friends at the Hufflepuff table, intending to persuade you to sit with him but he frowns slightly when he sees you already sitting with his friends. 
"Hey," he says and plops down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
You don't move. Your head is lowered and you're poking your fork into your chicken. James looks up at his friends, who only send him confused looks, and then Sirius mouths, "She hasn't said a word since she sat down."
When James sees your eyes, he panics. "Oh shit, are you crying?"
Your shoulders shake and James is quick. He stands and pulls you up with him, holding your wrist as he drags you along and outside into the mostly empty hall. He gently pushes you against the wall, his knee slotted in between yours just to keep you still as his hand cups your cheeks and he tries to calm your soft cries.
"Hey, hey, why are you crying, sweetheart? What happened?" 
James doesn't understand. He'd left you alone for barely three hours and now you're in tears?
"I'm sorry," you say, your voice small. James's thumb wipes at your tears instantly.
And now you're apologizing?!
"What are you sorry for, dovey?" James asks as he looks at your sad expression and his chest hurts. 
"I-I think we should break up," you whisper, your voice shaky. 
James's eyes widen and his chest tightens. "What?!"
You cry a little harder as you try to explain yourself. "I- just– you deserve some head-strong Gryffindor girl who doesn't fall asleep when you're helping her. Someone prettier, smarter, someone who isn't like me. Someone who is more like you."
James's eyes darken when he hears you. "What are you talking about?!" He looks genuinely furious as he pushes some hair behind your ear and continues to hold your cheeks in his hand.
"You're talking nonsense. Don't you dare say things like that? You are what I deserve and so much more, do you understand me?"
You blink at him. You open your mouth to protest but James shakes his head and presses his thumb against your lips, looking at you pointedly. "If you wanna break up with me, I'm gonna need a better excuse than that."
He sounds serious and then he adds, "For example, 'oh, Jamie, I lost my memory and I can't remember you,'" he pauses his very inaccurate and rather cute impression of you for a moment, "but I think even then you'll be stuck with me so you're shit out of luck, huh??"
You laugh at the humor in it all and he finally smiles. 
"There," James kisses your cheek to remove any lingering marks of your tears. "That's much better. Now, where did all this come from?"
You clutch his shirt and mumble something incomprehensible as James pulls you in and kisses your hairline, smiling against your hair. 
"Gonna have to say it louder, sunshine."
"I heard some girls talking about me, about you—about us. It just made me feel so awful." 
James's jaw tenses. He has a sneaking suspicion he knows which girls— or which girl. He has to remember to take Sirius's advice and tell Samantha to piss off when he sees her next.
It's one thing to annoy him, it's another to hurt his girl. No one hurts you and especially no one makes you feel like you don't deserve to be with him.
"Don't listen to anything they say," James says sternly, "They don't matter. I love you. I chose you a million times over." He pulls back and tilts your chin with his hand. You lean your head back on the wall and look at him, sensing the truth behind his words and finally, your heart relaxes. "I love you," he adds.
"I love you too, Jamie," you say quietly. 
"Good," he leans and kisses your lips. He pulls away again and grins, "Now, excuse me while I go make that a public announcement—" he turns to walk away, heading for the doors to the Great Hall and your eyes round.
Knowing your boyfriend, he has no trouble shouting out his love for you, you rush after him, feeling much better. 
tags: @mischievousmoony, @sayitlikethecheese, @longlivedelusion, @fangirl-swagg
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vampiresbloodx · 6 months
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Older!librarian!Wanda finally takes you out on a date after being too nervous and having that doubt that you don't actually even like her the way she thought you did, you two talk all the time whenever Wanda has a break on her shift, it's her favourite part of the day, just seeing you, smiling and laughing.
She was right about you being in college. It seems you're in your last year and still have no clue on what to do with your future. Wanda can see how much stress you're in with the finals coming up, it pains her to see you like this. She'd give you the whole universe if she could.
She doesn't know why she's so interested in you, these feelings are definitely not like anything she's already experienced. She was slightly confused herself, what she actually feels towards you, but what she does know is that it's love.
Wanda wants to hold you close to her, kiss you, make you happy, make you laugh, cry, and smile. She wants to see all of it. All of you. Every inch of you.
Maybe she's been reading too many romance books and sapphic fiction.
She just wants to wake up next to you, go to sleep with you every night.
And of course, there are other sinful things she wants to do that she finds herself thinking of when she's at work, in the shower, at home, it doesn't matter where, god, the sound of your voice, the way you look at her, ignites a flame inside her that she didn't know was even there.
Wanda grew up in a pretty Christian neighbourhood. It sucked. She was so used to tradition, how everything should be, not how she feels it should be.
Then you changed her mind on it all.
With one smile.
Wanda hasn't been on a date since.... Forever. Hell she doesn't even know who it was with. It probably was pretty bad then. She has been getting used to her phone so she can text you more and call you, just to hear you speak, when she asks you out, she was expecting a humiliating rejection, but when you smiled up at her, adorably so, you accepted.
"pick me up at 8?"
You said to her.
She nodded.
"see you then."
She watches you walk away, releasing a breath she didn't even know she was holding in.
Her hands were shaking, her heart hammering in her chest.
She felt like she was in highschool again.
Wanda had rushed home after her shift ended and she closed up the library for the night, she was panicking, unsure of what to wear and if she should bring wine or flowers, Wanda decided on both, and chocolate, but what if you were allergic? Dark chocolate. Or just roses.
She wore her best dress that made her feel young again, did her make up, and she felt good.
It was time to pick you up, she drove to your address that you had given her, it was a nice little apartment building she parked outside of and went to the door, pressing on the number of the button you told her to do.
There came your voice.
"hi, it's Wanda."
"oh hey! I'll be right down."
When she saw you, her mouth gaped open, her eyes widened, she felt so lucky, you looked gorgeous, you shy away from her gaze as she eyes you up and down, she steps closer, grabbing your hands as she kisses your knuckles.
A shiver went down your spine when you felt her lips, wanting to kiss her immediately.
"you look stunning."
Your cheeks burned.
"uh... Um, you look really beautiful too. Like really beautiful."
It was her turn to blush.
You chuckled, leaning in as you pressed a kiss to her cheek, her face practically turning red.
God you don't know what you're doing to her.
She took you out to a fancy restaurant, she saw your reaction and how surprised you looked, she chuckled, enjoying the way your eyes wondered all over the place.
"ms. Maximoff?" A guy at the counter greeted her, she nodded, smiling at him.
"your table is ready" he guided the two of you to a nice private era, with a candle lit.
Once he left you spoke up.
"damn, I was not expecting this. No one has ever taken me out to a restaurant!" You gushed.
She grinned, "how come? Anyone would feel lucky enough to show you off."
You bit down on your lip.
"keep flirting with me like that we won't even last till dinner."
She laughed, shaking her head.
The dinner went perfectly, and for a surprise, she took you back to the library, where you two first met, in that same spot.
"are we allowed to be here?" You asked in a whisper.
"hon, I practically run it."
"I know but what if we get caught!" You said, standing close to her.
"we won't" she says, unlocking the door.
You both entered as she locked the door from behind so no one else could get in, you two laughing as she brought you to the same spot she first saw you, you got quiet as you remembered it exactly, she smiled, caressing your cheek with her hand as she pressing her body against yours, your back hitting the book shelves.
"you look so pretty" she cooed, "god, I want to ruin you."
You whimpered, her eyes darkening at the sound as she leans in, kissing you on the lips, your hands coming up to wrap around her neck.
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yujinnieswifeu · 3 months
DomG!p Wonyoung(Big dick Wonyyy) 🙏 Sub femreader
You invite her to your house and when she realizes that your parents are not home she 'attacks' you (Wony taking advantage of her innocent best friend 💔💕)
Pairings: sub!fem reader x g!p dom!wonyoung
Warnings: lots of smuttt, dubcon? (I think it is, if it isn’t, please help i’m new to this😭), wony has a dick, red flag wony towards the end, a bit of manipulation (again, i’m not rlly sure but i think so??)
a/n: guyss, oml someone teach me how to write it short cause i always write it so long, i just dk how to, this one might be my longest one yet!! Also, i’m gg to change my italics for the thoughts and exaggeration hehe. Anyws, i kinda enjoyed writing this, thanks for the ask anon! And hope you like it too! <3
It was near the exams, and being smart, you did not really need help with studying, but your best friend Wonyoung told you she needed. She had asked you for help a few weeks back and so you two scheduled to meet up regularly so that you could teach her. Usually, you two would go to the library to study, but recently, she wanted it to be more private, telling you that she could not concentrate in the library and there were still distractions.
So you two decided to study at either of your houses instead, and that was when Wonyoung knew she had to step up her game. From a few years back, when you two had become friends, Wonyoung had always found you amusing. She did not know why, but when you started becoming close, you would always touch her unconsciously, such as her thighs, even sitting on her lap sometimes. It would make Wonyoung hard, and even when you felt the bulge in her pants, and asked her about it, she would tell you that it was just her pubic bone and gosh, you believed her.
She figured that either you were just too dumb or too innocent, or maybe both, to even realise it was something else. It made her jerk off after you leave every time, to the thought of ruining your innocence, wrapping her cock that was twitching around her fingers and imagining that it was your mouth, the thought of seeing you cry as you take her big dick down your throat, telling her it was too much was making her go feral, and she would come like this right after, moaning your name. Gosh, she could not wait to ruin you.
It was going to be 4 when Wonyoung would come to your house to study, and for some reason you were getting nervous. It was the first time that you two studied alone without your parents so maybe that was why? But she was your best friend, you should not be nervous, so why were you feeling this way? The thought of how Wonyoung has been acting recently crosses your mind, she has been touchy with you, which was fine, but sometimes it left you wet down there, and you did not understand that. Ding ding. Suddenly, the sound of your doorbell started ringing, making you step out of your thoughts and alerting you that Wonyoung was probably waiting outside of your door.
You quickly went out of your bedroom, and to the living room as you opened the door for her. “Hey bestie!” She greets you and you gave her a hug, as usual, before ushering her in. “Do you want any drinks?” You had asked, seeing her as she scans the room. “Water is fine. Say y/n, your parents aren’t home today?” Her brow was raised as she looks at you, and you nodded your head, pouring her a glass of water as you two walked into your bedroom, she had placed her bag on your chair at your desk, before lying down on your bed, something that you two were comfortable enough to do at each other’s houses.
“Mhm, they aren’t, my mom and dad actually is overseas right now on their honeymoon.” You replied, placing the mug down on the small table that you had taken out, since you two would be studying, or so you thought. “Oh, that’s nice. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” She sat up now, looking at your direction. Behind her eyes, she was thinking of how to ruin you, since whenever you two would study, there would be people around, now was her time.
“I guess i didn’t think it was important Wony.” You shrug your shoulders, looking at her as she settles next to you now, where the small study table was. “I see, well, that’s true, shall we start the studying now?” She says, flashing you a small grin that makes your cheeks flush slightly, her fingers tapping at your thigh. You didn’t even understand why she affects you this much, but you just nodded, brushing that thought away as you two started studying. Through the session, you found yourself shifting uncomfortably, Wonyoung had her hands on your thigh still, except it started inching near to where you felt the wetness. Sometimes when she talks, she gives you a flirtatious wink, or even say stuff that makes you red.
“You okay y/n? You seem a little red.” She tilts her head, and you nod your head. “Y-yeah, maybe it’s just hot in this room.” You answer meekly, your breath hitching when she slides her hand at your inner thigh, giving the flesh there a soft squeeze. It makes your breathing hitch, wondering if this was normal between best friends, and why you were feeling this way. “Hm, you sure? You seem…a little uncomfortable.” She finishes her sentence, now closing the gap between you two as her fingers lies directly on your core. It makes you let out a small moan, and she bites her bottom lip to not let out the groan she is dying to. “W-wait Wonyoung, what are you doing?” You gasped instead, feeling her rub her fingers at your wetness that has you whimpering, but not stopping her because why does it feel good?
“Hm, you don’t want this? But i want this, i wanted this for so long now.” She whispers against your ear, feeling her fingers press against your bundle of nerves. “Nmmmp, n-no Wony, i-it’s just..we’re best friends, this looks wrong.” You could hear her sighing, removing her fingers from your buzzing core instead and you almost whimper. “Is this what best friends do? Gosh y/n, you have been teasing me every single time when we’re together, sitting on my lap, placing your hand on my thigh, and i even caught you staring at my lips sometimes, you really think of me just as your best friend?” She pushes her hair back with her fingers frustratingly, giving you a look of annoyance that makes you throb. It was true, when she said you had stared at her lips, they just looked so kissable at that moment, and you may have thought how it would feel, her lips on yours.
Why was she affecting you so much anyway? Why were you feeling all hot and bothered when she just did that when you should be worried about it instead. “Unnie…i-i’m just confused, i…i’m not sure why.” You say honestly, and Wonyoung bites her lip, gosh did you look so cute all lost like that. It just makes her want to ruin you even more. “Do you want me to help you with your confusion?” She inches closer again, her thumb brushing your cheek as she makes you look at her. “Yes p-please.” You could feel your cheeks heat up, eyes locked on hers and she leans in, kissing you with hunger.
You try to return the kiss, moaning softly against her lips as you feel her fingers trace down your back, your hands were awkwardly at your lap, clenching at your own skirt as you two made out. She pulls away, her tongue licking at your bottom lip teasingly. It just made you feel the throb between your legs, and you did not understand why. “Wony..” You whined, and she smiled, the nickname rolls off your tongue so easily, it makes her heart swell sometimes. “Yes y/n/n (your nickname)?” She bit her bottom lip now, her eyes shows feigned concern, knowing what you were going to ask her. You were just that innocent weren’t you?
“I-i have this feeling…between my legs, and it’s uncomfortable.” You continue to whine your frustrations out, and Wonyoung only smirks, her plan was working, so well in fact. “You want me to help you with that then?” Her fingers draw circles on your back, and you nodded your head shyly. She stood up, asking you to sit on the edge of the bed and you did just that. “You know…i’m feeling that way too right now, can you help me with that first baby?” She tilts her head, her fingers palming at her own crotch over her skirt as she stands over you, and that was when you realise that she had something sticking out. You could feel your heart race, realising it was what you think it was.
“Y-you..have a dick?” You blurted out, feeling your cheeks flush at the “d” word that felt crude to you, yes you learnt that during science class, you knew what it was and why does it stand up, you just did not know that it was possible for a girl to have one. Regardless, it was making you feel even more wetter down south, and you couldn’t hide how much it was affecting you as you shift on the bed. “Yes i have one, but you like it don’t you?” You only whimper, rubbing your thighs together instead. She sees this, feeling her cock throb uncomfortably. “Gosh, you make me so hard again, just like that time.” She groans, removing her skirt and her panties, and you watch as it slaps against her pelvis, your eyes widened at the size, and it has you squirming on the bed.
“You think you can help me with this y/n/n?” She looks down at you, her fingers stroking her hard on with a pout on her face. You weren’t sure how to help so you just nodded your head, feeling her tap her tip on your lips. “Open your mouth for me.” She huskily says, and you part your lips, feeling her rock her hips slowly as she fucks into your mouth.
You could feel the throbbing between your legs only intensifies as you let her pleasure herself with your mouth. She starts to rock her hips faster, her cock only goes halfway down your throat as you start to choke, trying to free yourself as it starts to get harder to breath, Wonyoung just abusing your mouth instead. She has wanted this for so long, no way would she miss the opportunity to see you struggle to take her cock around your mouth, watching your tears roll down your cheeks as she continues to fuck your mouth.
“F-fuck y/n/n, you’re taking me so well, you’re so good at this.” She moans, her eyes rolling slightly as she continues to fuck into your mouth, her left hand was wrapped around your hair like a hair tie, while the other was wiping your tears away. “You look so beautiful like this…you have no idea how l-long i’ve wanted this.” She moans out, before pulling her cock out, your drool mixed with her pre-cum now dripping down her red and swollen cock and down your thighs. You gasp, finally being able to breath, and you could not deny that it all felt oddly good to you, you could not explain it but she was only making you throb even more when she ignored your pleas to stop.
“How was that?” She places a finger under your chin, making you look up at her, your eyes still slightly teary and your lips puffy was making her dick painfully hard, as her other hand goes to stroke at her cock. “I-it felt good.” You could feel your cheeks flush, and she smirks, helping you to lie on the bed instead as she straddles your hips, her front pressed on yours. “I’m going to help you now okay y/n/n?” You nodded at her words, wanting her to just touch you at the area you needed her the most, to get rid of the feeling.
“P-please..” She did not need to hear another word from you, as she kissed you harshly, wasting no time to undress you, getting rid of your blouse and your bra before her fingers rubs at your nipples, feeling you moan into the kiss as she takes the opportunity to stick her tongue between your lips, exploring every inch of your mouth before pulling away. “Unnie please, it feels weird down there.” You whimper, and she coos at you, helping you out of your skirt as she sees a dark patch on your panties. She bites at her bottom lip, helping to take them off before she places it near her clothes (she def will use it to jerk it off later🤭). “You’re so wet, it’s because of me right?” She teases, and you could feel the hotness on your cheeks, as you nod your head shyly. She lowers down to your core, before blowing at it which has you whimpering. “P-please Wony?” You move your hips, wanting the throbbing feeling to dissipate as she teases at your core. She would make you beg the whole day if she could, but right now, she wanted this. No, she needs this, she needed to taste you.
She leans into your heat, her tongue flicking against your bundle of nerves repeatedly as you moan loudly, your eyes rolls back at the pleasure and you leg twitches slightly. Her fingers go up to your breasts as she stimulates them, moaning at your core. It makes a vibration feeling pass through your body, making you shiver. She continues to lick and suck at your bundle of nerves, and soon, you start to moan louder, the need to pee alarming you. “W-wait Wony!” You cry out, and she knows you’re close, her hands wraps around your thighs, locking you as she flicks faster against your clit, making you squirm desperately, trying to push her off as you fail, whimpering as you could feel yourself letting go, and the feeling goes away.
She pulls away now, and comes up to you, seeing that you had your hands on your face, cooing as her fingers brush in your scalp. “You just came baby, that’s all.” She says comfortingly, knowing it was your first time as she plants a kiss to your forehead. You removed your hands that was covering your face that was bright red, making her giggle. “Look down if you don’t believe me.” She whispers, and you look down, seeing that you had not peed, and you let out a sigh of relief.
“So..that’s cumming?” You asked, and she tried to hold back from smiling, the sight of you so innocent asking such a question makes you look so cute, and she just nod her head, humming in response. “Yes y/n/n, how did it feel?” She asks and you could feel yourself turning shy. “I-it felt good.” You squeaked out, and she bites her bottom lip. Gosh, she really has to ruin you now. “You want to feel good again? I can make it feel..so.much.better.” She emphasises her words, and you moan softly as her cock brushes between your folds. “B-but you’re so big, what if it doesn’t f-fit?” You stutter, your heart was racing quickly again, the rush of adrenaline through your body was making you all hot and bothered again.
“Then..i’ll make sure it does.” Wonyoung holds her cock, pushing it slowly past your hole. You were wet enough that her tip slides in easily, and you whimper at the feeling of being stretched. She only coos at you, her fingers brushing in your scalp comfortingly as she slowly thrust herself inside of you. You start to moan, the pain feeling subsiding and turning to pleasure as she continues to thrust in and out of your hole slowly.
She groans softly, looking down at your expression, your eyes crossing with pleasure and your lips part. Fuck, she really has ruined you, the once innocent y/n was now fucked dumb. The thought makes her thrust faster, still staring down as some drool slides down the edge of your lips, the pleasure was making you lose focus of your surroundings, all that was in your head was how good her cock was making you feel as it rubs along your walls.
She moans softly, her fingers go to stimulate your nipples, which makes you moan louder. The feeling of your walls closing around her cock makes her groan softly, feeling the need to come as she continues to drive inside of you faster. “I-i’m cumming Wony!” You cry out, the feeling of needing to pee comes back and you let go, your body spasms as you feel something wet comes out instead, and Wonyoung groans at the sight, you were squirting.
It makes Wonyoung pulls out her cock, asking you to open your mouth as she thrust back in, her other hand moves to rub at your bundle of nerves as she overstimulate you, feeling you moan around her cock as she stutters her hips, thrusting in all the way as she forces you to take all of her cum. You choke on her cock, trying to take every last drop before she pulls away, panting hard as she lies on the bed next to you, her fingers plays with your hair which now sticks to your face. “How was it?” She whispers, inching closer to you as you had a small pout on your face.
“I-i just peed didn’t i?” You whimper, now feeling ashamed and Wonyoung giggles instead. “I’m sorry i didn’t tell you, i might have lost control earlier. But no, it’s called squirting, and that was hot y/n/n.” She bites her bottom lip, now staring at your reaction which seemed to be red. Wonyoung was now certain it was more than just wanting to ruin you, after all, she has wondered if she ever liked you, which she can confirm she did now when she stares at you. She wants you to be hers, to only have your pussy stuffed with her cock, be her cumslut a-
“Wony…about us? What are we?” You asked, now realising what you two had done, this was not something best friends would do. “Before that..is it okay..if i stay over?” She asks, hoping you would say yes since your parents would not be home anytime soon. “Yes, you can Wony.” You answer shyly, and she smiles, answering your question. “We can discuss about that question of yours tomorrow then?” Wonyoung asks, her fingers playing at your hair comfortingly. Behind her smile and her eyes, she was scared of the outcome, but if she needs to get it through you, she would. She has decided she wants you to be her cum slut and she will make sure you become her perfect dirty whore.
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graceslcver · 5 months
all da ladies love leo valdez ! leo x daughter of poseidon!reader
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ in which, leo has a crush on yet another girl that’s beyond his league, percy’s sister … and his friends flame him for not being able to confess his feelings!
— this is set in like… university ?? obviously jason doesn’t die…hope u enjoy my first ever fic on here!! might be ooc, soz🫐 also jeyna is a thing…. sorry not sorry!! 🤓😂 (it’s actually not even relevant to this story, but i thought i’d let u know…)
IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 4th, 2024
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beauty queen
do yall ever wonder how it’s impossible to not pull hoes
like it sounds like a real SKILL issue
who are you talking about, pipes?
beauty queen
who do u think I’m talking about???
the only mfo who doesn’t have a gf???
do NOT play dumb jason grace
latino elf
oh wow
talking shit in the gc is crazzyyy
i wasn’t!
she was.
beauty queen
do not make me pull up our private messages
latino elf
i see how it is…..
😔 it’s always the bitches u think u can trust…
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beauty queen
why is he the driest man alive
this why we didn’t last ong😭
latino elf
or maybe because ur lebanese ???
she’s cherokee huh
wait is that supposed to say lesbian?
latino elf
isn’t that what it says…
beauty queen
ok… anyway can we talk about the fact that leo has
been madly in love with y/n since like… forever???
latino elf
no thanks
didn’t ask
not true
lying on my name
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yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night
beauty queen
he’s down bad shhh
latino elf
ok so what if i like her shes so fine
and so nice and sooo mermaid 🧜‍♀️
beauty queen
she is very fine and very nice
and yes she’s very mermaid
we all know he isn’t going to say
anything to her, though, right??
latino elf
hahaha 😂 wdym 😂
i’d tell her if percy weren’t her brother
that didn’t stop you from trying to
flirt with MY sister though???????
latino elf
yeah that’s different tho
she COULDNT go out with me
beauty queen
not like she wanted to anyway
latino elf
anyway i don’t plan on telling her that
i have any slight interest in her! 😎
you should though
bet she likes you too
beauty queen
don’t feed into his delusions
gosh pipes, pipe it down a notch
latino elf
fr listen to my bro ‼️
how would i even tell her dawggg
yeah i guess so
but yolo ???
latino elf
yolo my ass bro😒
ok sorry for trying to help
beauty queen
this why she dont want u
latino elf
yeah nd thats why yo relationship was a LIE 🤣
beauty queen
latino elf
lol ur mad
ok bye u guys are a snooze fest 😴
beauty queen
go talk to ur gf
latino elf
i will, beauty queen 🫡
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 4th, 2024
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leo 🛠️
hey hey mermaid
y/n 🦈
hi leo !
whats up :)
leo 🛠️
the sky duh
nothing much tho, just chilling in my dorm
u should totally pull up
y/n 🦈
we’ll see 🧐
i’m in the library rn
leo 🛠️
nerd alert ‼️
y/n 🦈
ok but when u fail our exams dont come crying
leo 🛠️
if it were math/science i would be resting peacefully
but no fr i did study, trust 🙏🏼
y/n 🦈
not that u needed it though
you’re smart enough
leo 🛠️
wowie thanks mermaid
da ladies wish they had my smarts
y/n 🦈
leo 🛠️
sorry that came out SO wrong 😭
y/n 🦈
ok ok well pull up to the library
perhaps i need ur smarts
leo 🛠️
si señora
will be there in a few 😎
shark_girl • 2h
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send message ♡ ➣
pipermstealer replied to your story
omg he wants uuu 😳😳🤣😂
why are u insane
i am not insane he wants u
what boy willingly wants to study w a girl
one that’s my friend???
friend my ass bro
he wanna kiss u so bad…
matching usernames??? THE MAAAN WANTS UU 😭
be fr we’ve had them since we were
like fifteen 🙄🙄
bro get out I’m actually DONE
u have to wake up queen 😭🙏🏼
IMESSAGE, PIPER & JASON July 5th, 2024
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pipes 🌸
i am so SO DONE with yn
jason ⚡️
pipes 🌸
bc she’s convinced that leo don’t want her
jason ⚡️
i think its very obvious
do you think yn wants leo thats the real question
pipes 🌸
she has extreme heart eyes for him
but she’s better at hiding it
jason ⚡️
wait are you being serious
a girl out of his league actually wants him 🤨
piper 🌸
wait I thought u knew???
jason ⚡️
uhm no
she must be good at hiding it
piper 🌸
or boys are just dense
jason ⚡️
ok well…….
we have to get them together
cause I’m so tired of hearing leo ramble abt her
piper 🌸
ok well i’m tired of yn too
how do we get them together
jason ⚡️
uh I don’t know?????
now why would you think I know
aren’t YOU the daughter of aphrodite
maybe YOU should know 😒
pipes 🌸
someone’s mad
but i don’t know?
one of them has to say something eventually….
jason ⚡️
no way, leo would never… not too sure about yn though.
leo cares too much about their friendship
and he is convinced she only sees him as a friend
and he’s deathly afraid to ruin their friendship
pipes 🌸
why do we have dumb friends
why can’t THEY SEEEE
jason ⚡️
yeah it’s very annoying
man, maybe we shouldn’t interfere?
let them figure it out themselves
pipes 🌸
unless u want leo to date the first girl
who gives him the opportunity to date her,
i think we SHOULD interfere! not a lot just a tiny bit 🤏🏼
jason ⚡️
well i guess you have a point… but how?
pipes 🌸
OK hear me out fr
u share a dorm with leo, yeah?
he always leaves his phone unattended
go into twt and make sure he isnt logged into his private account
jason ⚡️
where is this headed
pipes 🌸
ok shut up
OK but make sure hes on the main
since he always talks about her on his priv
so if yn sees a tweet about her then
jason ⚡️
FIRST OF ALL thats an invasion of privacy
SECOND OF ALL what if she doesn’t see it before
leo realizes that wasn’t tweeted on his private account
pipes 🌸
no she like stalks his twitter so she’ll see!
and uhm so what if it’s an invasion of privacy
he’ll thank us once he gets the girl of his dreams 🙄
jason ⚡️
ok then….
i’ll do it
but if this backfires i was not apart of it
pipes 🌸
yeah yeah whatever
i’ll take the blame
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IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 10th, 2024
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latino elf
it was so nice knowing u two
don’t kys ur so sexy haha
what happened though
latino elf
i accidentally tweeted something
about yn.
on my main.
hey man, maybe she didn’t see?
beauty queen
yeah she probably didn’t
latino elf
yeah u guys are RIGHT 😅
she DIDN’T SEE IT!!!
beauty queen
latino elf
you’re being oddly quiet…
beauty queen
sorry????? IM BUSY
latino elf
yeah huh
you’re crazy
latino elf
oh my god i’m gonna throw up
my friend ship is over with her
she messaged meEEE
latino elf
no i’m leaving her on delivered
beauty queen
i swear to gods if u don’t message her
jason and i WILL jump you 😭😭
latino elf
it was so nice being her friend 🫤
beauty queen
latino elf
ok fine
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 10th, 2024
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y/n 🦈
leo did u mean to tweet that?
leo 🛠️
tweet what 🤨
y/n 🦈
you know what I’m talking about
you’re not stupid
leo 🛠️
you’re crazy
i got hacked by
y/n 🦈
you’re crazier for thinking I’d believe you
so… u did mean to?
leo 🛠️
i don’t want to ruin our friendship
please don’t let this ruin it
you’re my bestest friend
y/n 🦈
gosh let me talk
i thought you didn’t like me
so i never said anything…?
but i like you, leo. i really do
leo 🛠️
oh my god
are you serious
wait i’m going to your dorm
y/n 🦈
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Leo looked at his phone for a good second and then left it on his bed, unattended. he ran to your residence hall— it didn’t matter to him that it was quite literally on the other side of campus. he needed to hear you say the words he had been waiting to hear since he was fifteen. he’d always had a slight crush on you, mostly off and on.
But during the summer, he had fallen for you even harder than he thought he could. he never thought that he could love someone as much as he loved you. anyway, he was practically dying as he ran to your dorm! his hair was disheveled, and he was panting a bit. he wasn’t sure if he was sweaty because he was nervous, or because he had just ran to get to your dorm.
He knocked on your door three times.
You jumped out of your bed. you felt like throwing up from how nervous you were. you quickly slid on your slippers, and looked in the mirror before you opened the door for him. (making the poor boy wait). you adjusted your hair, making sure it sat right.
You took a deep breath before opening the door. you almost didn’t, but a voice in your head was telling you that you’d be an idiot if you didn’t open the door. your hands gripped the doorknob, and then unlocked it. leo was practically dying because you were taking years to open the stupid door. you finally opened it, getting met by a disheveled-sweaty-flushed leo valdez.
“Hi.” he croaked out, his voice cracking slightly. he felt like he was on fire, literally. he wanted this to be over with! well, no, that’s a lie. he just wanted to be your boyfriend already.
“…Hi.” you answered, your voice was quiet. you had an awkward smile on your face. you were praying that you would just drown at this moment. you’d much rather enjoy that than this.
He cleared his throat, and finally spoke after a long minute of awkward silence. The two looked at each other “I really… really like you. I.. Uh.. You obviously know that already, but I wanna tell you in person?” he said, nodding along with his own words. his hands went to fumble with the hem of his shirt, anxiously waiting for your response.
“I really like you, too.” You replied. you didn’t feel as nervous as anymore when he started to talk. you felt your face getting hotter, and your smile getting bigger. he grinned at you like an idiot.
He thought that he was dreaming when you said you liked him. The start of something. “Really?” He asked, just wanting to hear you say it again. He couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. He thought never in a million years that you’d ever like him! You were totally out of his league. you were so awesome, so pretty, and so sweet.
You nodded again, rolling your eyes. “Yes, really.”
🎶 let the light in : lana del rey (feat. father john misty)
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Liked by percysbeth, lava_boy, pipermstealer, and 122 others
shark_girl happy three million years with my boy!!! i love u so so so much leo 🫶🏼🫶🏼
tagged: lava_boy
View all 16 comments
lava_boy who is that sexy man in the 2nd slide
→ shark_girl idk i found him at the store……
lava_boy we’re literally like this 🤞🏼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lava_boy te quiero !!
→ shark_girl 🤍🤍
lava_boy ugh why do we literally solo everyone in new rome
→ shark_girl ntm on percabeth !!!!
→ percysbeth 🫡🫡
pipermstealer yeah you’re welcome 🥱
→ supermantaylorsversion i did all the work
→ pipermstealer i gave u the idea
→ lava_boy thank u jason 😒 thank u piper 🙄
→ pipermstealer i hope she leaves u
→ shark_girl woah guys no need to say that
percysbeth i support 🤫 (pls cook for me leo)
→ lava_boy on it 😎
🎶 ivy : frank ocean
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Liked by supermantaylorsversion, shark_girl, and 98 others
lava_boy I would like to thank poseidon for being a father to my wonderful girlfriend of THREE DECADES 😎
tagged: shark_girl
View all 19 comments
→ lava_boy the start of nothin 🦈
shark_girl i’m taylor lautner
→ lava_boy FORREAL
shark_girl hi bf 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
→ lava_boy hello girlfriend.
→ shark_girl 😭😭😭
pipermstealer no because you guys are actually cute
→ lava_boy ACTUALLY cute 🤨
→ pipermstealer what do u want me to say yall are actually ugly
→ shark_girl pipe it down a notch 😔
supermantaylorsversion he’s a romantic now
→ lava_boy erm i’ve always been one get out 🤓
percysbeth no cause yn has actually dressed up as a shark
→ lava_boy send pics or it didn’t happen
→ percysbeth check imsg
→ shark_girl i thought that was PRIVATE
→ shark_girl you’re done….
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ hello….. first smau done 😎 hopefully u really like this bc i died ten times whilst making it !!! uhmm pls lmk what you thought about it 🥲!!! i was sort of rushing at the end, so umm.. shhh 🤫…. @thelostheroo @amoosarte
also i will have a master list soon….???? (hopefully) and my requests are OPEN! so, plsplsplspls request…. con amor, mo!
361 notes · View notes
Thanks to @fungifanart for giving me the ok to use the promt
Yuu loved his friends they were rowdy sometimes sure but that didn't stop them for being friends.
Yuu loved his friends even when they were rude with him.
Yuu loved his friends even when they called him out for having no magic
Yuu loved his friends even when they freeloaded at his dorm
Yuu loved Grim even if he would exchange Yuu's soul for some tuna
Yuu... didn't know if he actually loved his friends anymore.
It was draining for him to deal with them.
Time passed and Yuu barely couldn't stand them anymore.
Yuu was tired to be used over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVE-
By the headmage... or for his friends... even willing to give up his living place for their well being. But if that was true why were the photo's of them taken by the ghost camera moving less and less everyday... maybe... just maybe he could...
The first photo Yuu ever took was the first one to come alive. And as he took it out of the photo album 3 of the five people jumped out of the photo. Ace, Deuce and Grim the only two remaining in the figure were Yuu himself and Crowley.
"Yuu... what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Yuu didn't even notice he was crying.
"Hey! I can't have a sad henchman cmon smile!" Said the Grim
"Prefect don't cry... you know that crying is lame when you smile it's better!"
One by one copies of their so called friends jumped out of the photos.
They were all... so nice to Yuu... Yuu wanted to be never apart from them.
Grim was preoccupied. The Prefect exited less and less put of his room nor to lesson. The whole dorm wrapped in a inky smell. Grim sensitive nose couldn't andle it. He himself was passing more and more night at other dorms than his own.
Grim looked around in class: their henchman wasn't in class... again.
Grim was terrified of Yuu... everyone was...
As Grim and the first year group (minus Yuu) was walking to Sam store they saw the prefect searching from something.
"Prefect long time no see!" Said Epel approaching Yuu. Epel was scared when he saw the look the prefect gave him "oh hi Epel as I was saying last night-"
"Last night? What do you mean last night?" The realisation hit Yuu in the face he was talking to the wrong Epel.
Epel backed away as the magicless boy began to laugh holding his head left eye twitching while looking around in desperation. Only to run away minutes later.
The other first year's whatced the scene unfold looking lost and with a newly gained fear of the magicless prefect.
Yuu returned to his room to his RƏaŁ friends he looked happily around the room recognising the now disfigured silhouette of Vil and Rook. He couldn't here anything as the ringing in his hears got louder and his vision blurry...
A crazed laugh sounded trough the whole campus.
Riddle Roseheart was going to the library to do a quick rewiev of alchemy for the test that was happening the day after. When the laugh reached his ears. He felt goosebumps.
Trein was displeased and worried. The prefect didn't show up to class anymore. He needed to confront the prefect about this!
As he came to the door of Ramshackle Lucius meowed (Trein be carefull there is something wrong with this place) opening the door Trein found sight of no one only a black liquid dripped infront of him. Noticing the familiar liquid, Trein ran back out before calling the professor emergency line.
"Trein I swear if this is another of your lectures about hygiene I'm closing this call." Said Crewel sounding annoyed "Not this time I need all of Yuu at Ramshackle now!" Trein closed the call.
After a while the professors arrived (and Sam too) "Trein what's happening why call us at the pup's dorm!" Asked Crewel amused "Come after me" the old history teacher said firmly
After that event, even the staff was afraid of Yuu.
Idia had never found a blot concentration bigger than ramshackle dorm. So much blot that it was scary. Even if the blot couldn't make the prefect go overblot it still affected his behaviour and healt. It was also strange how all of the blot came from an objected that didn't produce blot.
The prefect was taken by S.T.Y.K.S in a cage... like a beast without reason.
The prefect was not himself anymore.
The real prefect was living in an idilliac world were everyone was always nice with him and nothing did go wrong. Then he noticed something...
Wasn't Grim tail pitchforked? Why is it normal? The world started spinning around when suddenly Yuu found himself locked in a cage with cushion walls... was he? In an asylum?
What had happened? Where did all of his friends go... then he started to remember...
That day after he met Epel, the pictures stopped moving. No more of his friends were there... only distorted figures of them. After that, the memories were a fuzzy mess. All the good things that happened... was it all a sick dream? What was he doing in the real world while dreaming of such perfect place.
Black tears streamed down his face as he started to call for somebody... anybody...
A figure appeared at the door of the cell. Idia Shroud. The look in his face was full of dread and esitation, but he still entered the cell.
"Yuu... how are you feeling?" "Idia, why am I here? I don't know where I am. I'm scared. What's happening?"
Idia expression softened before running towards the prefect, hugging him: "Yuu I'm so glad you're back... the others are also gonna be so happy..."
Little did Yuu know that no one except the shroud brothers would see him as before for the others. He would be from that moment the human who turned in a beast. Yuu wasn't told that he had MURDERED a student during his beast like state... Idia covered it up... Yuu would live from that moment encased in a piercing depressing reality in eternity searching that idilliac word he once lived in...
From that moment Yuu would fear to death the ghost camera and the dangers that come with it.
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aiai0 · 2 months
Train Buddy
Aone x reader
I felt like writing this because of the very sad fact that everyone avoids sitting next to my precious boy Aone on trains 💔💔
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"Shoot! I'm gonna be late!" You complained to yourself, nibbling on your bottom lip as you checked your watch every five seconds.
It was your first day at a new school, Date tech.
Taking the train wasn't ideal, financially, but it was much quicker, and with the time you had, you couldn't take the risk of taking the bus. Letting out a sigh of relief, the train headlights lit its path, slowing down and eventually coming to a halt.
You had to practically tackle your way through the crowd of people pushing their way through the doors, desperate to get on. At some point, one of your earbuds was yanked off, almost ripping it off its wire.
Stupid men always resorting to brute strength!
You held tightly onto the pole, holding your bag close to your chest as you felt strangers bump into you the faster the train got.
You hated situations like this. Random people not being able to hold their own weight, depending on strangers to catch them if they fall. Honestly, it wasn't hard to hold onto a damn pole.
Your attention was snapped towards the sound of a baby crying. The baby may have caught your attention, but what held it was the boy who had his hand up, waving at the cute little thing. He was waving but he had a.. frown?
What was odd was the fact that there were two empty seats on either side of him. Four empty seats yet the people standing refuse to take a seat? That's rare..
The guy had buzzed white hair, his face slightly round and his expression, although attempting to look friendly, gave off a kinda hostile look. From his behaviour, you doubted that he was any type of threat. What type of violent person would wave to a baby? Stupid baby, crying at a nice gesture.
You also noticed that he was wearing your schools uniform. Maybe this was your opportunity to actually make a friend, or at least an acquaintance.
You pushed your way through the crowd, huffing as you plopped down onto the seat next to him, placing your bag onto your lap.
The boy tensed up, his hands balling up into fists on his lap as he straightened himself.
You looked up at him, trying not to giggle at his nervousness. Seriously, did he always experience this type of rudeness from people? What was so bad about sitting next to him?
Taking out an earbud, you stretched it out towards him, offering it with a gentle smile.
He raised an eyebrow at you, slowly taking it and placing it in his ear.
He probably noticed your uniform and decided you were also a safe person.
When you got off, the boy had bowed and scurried off, leaving you behind. You sighed, realising you'd have to enter the school by yourself, not being able to avoid the looks and glances from other students, wondering about who you were.
The rest of the day flew by. A mediocre day.
The only good thing about the school was its library.
It was a cozy and lovely room, perfect for just sitting and reading. If music was allowed, you'd also listen to something fitting for such a wonderful experience, but the librarian made it very clear with her not so nice warnings whenever your phone was spotted.
The only thing keeping it from being absolute perfection in its entirety was the fact that the gymnasium was only 3 minutes away.
You were able to very clearly hear the squeaking of the shoes, the bouncing of the balls, and most especially, the laughter and the cheering of the students.
Grumbling to yourself, you decided that they were being inconsiderate, and they had to be shushed.
Damn... maybe the librarian was rubbing off on you.
Storming into the gym, you grit your teeth as you stamped your foot.
"Hey! Keep it down-"
Your eyes caught onto a familiar face.
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling at his cute volleyball uniform.
Your train buddy from the morning.
"Hey you! Fancy seeing you here!" You giggled, making your way towards the dumb founded boy.
He stood there, frozen and unable to get out a word.
Everyone's eyes watched as you stopped in front of him, reaching out a hand to shake.
"My name's (L/n) (Y/n). Let's take the train together from now on." You said, giving him a toothy grin.
It was a good deal. You offered great music and company, and he was able to save you at least four seats to pick from every morning.
You heard gasps come from his friends when the white haired boy took your hand in his, shaking it quite quickly.
"Aone Takanobu. I will save you a seat."
Four long months had passed since your first day, and you were loving it.
You got up every morning with a pep in your step, excited to see the one person who made school worthwhile, Aone.
You didn't want to admit it, but special feelings had festered in your heart. You wanted something more than a friendship. Every time he accepted your earbud, your heart ached by the fact that it was only a gesture between friends, and nothing more.
You may have been the talkative one, but you were always shy and awkward when it came it love.
Did you love him?
As you boarded the train. You looked around, walking from car to car, trying to spot the boy sitting alone.
No sight of him.
Where was he?
By the time you had walked up and down the entire train, your stop had arrived. Frowning, you trudged your way to school, not liking the distasteful turn your morning had taken.
The first place you went to was the gym.
If he wasn't on the train, then he could've arrived to school a little bit earlier. You did remember that one of his team mates had told you that they were preparing for a match against a rival school.
As you got closer, you heard the squeaking of shoes and the yelling of the coach, proving your suspicions right.
Aone was there. But why didn't he tell you? You wouldn't have tired yourself out from desperately searching for him.
You couldn't stay mad at him. As soon as you laid eyes on him, your heart skipped a few beats, your cheeks heated up and your palms started to sweat.
Nobody noticed you, and you took it as an opportunity to run away. Maybe if you took some time to yourself, you could sort these feelings out and not utterly embarrass yourself in front of the one boy you actually wanted to stay friends with.
Later on, at lunch, you received a message from Aone.
How smart of him to send it hours after it was actually necessary.
Train Buddy🫦- hello, I would like to have lunch with you, like always. Where are you?
Rolling your eyes, you shut your phone, continuing to eat your lunch in your classroom.
You figured he'd be smart enough to come and check the one place you'd eat lunch by yourself, but by the time you had finished eating, he never showed up.
You took it upon yourself to go and find it. You weren't going to get anywhere if you didn't talk about your feelings, and bottling them up wouldn't help either.
You were definitely sure that if you yelled at him, you'd lose him, so that was no way to go.
You knew where he'd be. The club room.
He ate there whenever you weren't in school or able to eat with him, so you knew that's where he'd be.
And you were right.
As you got closer, you heard his deep voice sound from the other side of the door.
You couldn't quite make out what he was saying but Kosuke's response made you stop and eavesdrop.
"Why don't you tell all this to (L/n)?"
"Because I'm scared..." Aone started, his voice holding more emotion than usual.
"It's like whenever she sits next to me, I wish she was closer. Whenever she laughs, I want to be the only one making her laugh, and whenever she talks, I want only me to hear her voice.." he trailed off. A moment of silence took over the atmosphere and then a second later, cheers and a bunch of 'aw's erupted from the other side of the door.
"Our Aone is in loveee!"
Slamming the door open, everyone's attentions snapped to you. You have a glare to all of them, motioning for them to leave. You didn't actually expect them to, but they all followed cue, leaving one by one.
Including Aone.
You pulled him back into the room, shutting the door behind you.
Not knowing exactly how to start the conversation, Aone fiddled with him thumbs, looking anywhere but at you.
It was honestly giving you motion sickness from how fast he averted his attention from one thing to another.
Gently cupping his cheeks, you made him look at you.
His face had gone completely red at this point, you could practically feel the heat radiating off of him.
You swallowed your nerves, gently planting a soft kiss onto his lips.
It was a short but sweet kiss, erupting butterflys in your stomach as you pulled away and peered into his eyes.
"I like you too, train buddy."
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lixie-phoria · 10 months
" wish I were Heather "
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summary : time was a funny thing, slipping unnoticed through your fingers until it was too late to go back. time was exactly like lee felix. you tried so hard to hold on, clutching onto breaking strands, but he slipped through your grasps anyways, leaving behind an aching warmth that only he could bring.
lee felix x gn!reader | angst w no comfort :) | warnings - reader is insecure and depressed
an : it's 3rd of December so here's a small fic very loosely based on Heather by Conan Gray 🫶
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you could feel your fingertips freezing as the snow caught in your hair, the coffee in the paper cup you clutched now long cold.
you were probably going to regret not wearing something warmer before stepping out. your fault. again.
your eyesight was hazy as you stared at the couple in the distance. he had his arm around her. she was snuggled into his side. they were probably warm. you were slipping away.
she said something that made him throw his head back laughing like a little kid. the sound was lost along the way. you were glad. you weren't sure you could stand hearing it.
too hopeful.
you sipped at the cold drink. it tasted terrible. too sugary. you hated it.
you sipped at it again.
would things be different if you had just told him? would you be snuggled into his side instead? would you be the reason he laughed so heartily?
you got up just as he did, watching as his blonde locks slipped from his beanie and she stood up too, immediately tucking them back in. you didn't notice when your hand had extended too, ready to tuck his hair back. but you reached out to nothing. she reached out to him. you turned your back to them. she turned her back to him as he tried to sneak in a kiss.
was that it? were you not good enough? would you tamper his reputation? was he embarrassed of you?
a burden.
maybe you shouldn't have gone to all those study "dates" in the library with him. maybe he didn't actually want you there but was too nice to say no.
felix was a dream. he was everything. he was your breath of fresh air on a terrible day. he was sunshine incarnate.
you were nothing to him.
your phone buzzed in your pocket. you fished it out to see han's contact glaring at you from the screen. should you pick up? none of them had heard from you for over a week. ever since felix had asked her out. you hit decline. the phone buzzed again.
a bad friend.
you turned back to look at them. you wished you hadn't as you felt your heart sink deeper. they looked so happy. so carefree. you wished you could feel happy for them too.
this time chan calls you. you couldn't decline his call. you knew he'd worry a thousand times worse than the others.
your body works by itself as you hold the phone to your ear, its cold metal body sending a shiver down your spine.
chan's voice is comforting, and you can practically hear his relief.
you try to speak back. a lump in your throat stops you. a broken gasp escaps your chapped lips.
oh. you were crying.
chan asks you where you are. you didn't answer. you couldn't. you hit decline, sending him your location instead. he pleaded with you to stay there, promising he was on his way. you knew he'd berate you when he saw what you were wearing. but that was the least of your problems.
you could feel you finger tips freezing as you sipped the last of your coffee. felix had been there all the other times to warm you. this time he wasn't. and it was all on you.
your sun was lost. probably forever.
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taglist : @foxinnie8 @hamburgers101 @starlostlaiba @jiisungllvr (send an ask to be added/removed)
©lixie-phoria, 2023
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sweatervest-obsessed · 10 months
Never Gone
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
WC: 3.8k
TW: S4 Stranger Things triggers, drams, blood, injuries, migraines, Swearing
A/N: Based off of this request. I had a lot of fun writing this request! Thank you so much for asking me to write it. I haven't written Steve in a hot minute, so that was really nice to revisit him <3
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When Steve heard that you had headaches, he almost didn't think anything of it---keyword is almost. 
You had always been one to get migraines, and this was exactly that time of month anyways. First of the month, migraine. It was like clock work. 
Which was ironic to you considering it felt like ticking was nonstop in your head the past week. 
Luckily for you, it was a Saturday, and you could stay in bed. You hadn't been scheduled at the library, and your dad was running around, chauffeuring your sister, so the house was empty and you could die slowly in your bed from your headache. 
Steve didn't even knock, he just slid the window up, and crawled through to your bed. 
"Hey gorgeous." 
You hummed a response as he took his shoes off and slid into your bed. He was dressed in his yellow sweater and sweatpants. He knew he was coming over to lay in bed with you all day, and nothing else. 
When he wrapped his arms around you, you moved in closer to him, your face against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat was calming---sometimes it felt like it was melting the headache away. 
"How's your head baby?" His voice was soft and low, as he ran his hand up and down your back. 
"Feels like it's pulsing my brains out of my ears, so nothing new." 
He placed his lips on your forehead. 
The two of you stayed like that for a while, listening to one another's heartbeats, just enjoying each other's company. 
“How’s Max doing?” You whispered to him. 
He tensed up a little bit. It’s not that he wasn’t thinking about the red headed girl down in the Wheeler’s basement, it’s just that you didn’t exactly know what was going on with the kids he ‘babysat’, and he didn’t want you to find out either. 
“She’s–uh, She’s been better. She’s still, uh, sick. Really bad head…..” His voice trailed off as he stared down at you. 
You gently called his name as he trailed off into thought. 
His eyes widened as his heart started to beat a little faster. This was just your usual monthly migraine right? You always got these—there was nothing out of the ordinary….right? Were you hearing ticking? Were you having nightmares? What if you—-
His eyes were wide, and you could feel how shallow his breathing was. “Hey–hey, I’m sorry I brought her up.”
He shook his head and looked down at you. “How’s your headache?” 
You shrugged and slid your hand up to cup his cheek. Your thumb ran gently across his face, looking into his eyes to see if you could find anything wrong. 
“I wish you’d stop ignoring me and answer.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows and paused. “Steve I did…”
“No.” He huffed and pulled away. “All you did was shrug. That’s not a real answer.” 
He sat up and moved away from the bed. “I shouldn’t have come here today. I have so much shit do today other than to sit in bed with you while you bitch and moan about your head.” 
Steve had shocked you into silence as your eyes began to well with tears. 
“Oh great. And now you’re crying. Did you ever realize how fucking annoying it is to constantly have to cheer you up all the time. Don’t you think I have other things going on in my life that need me more than you do when you’re sobbing about fucking anything.” 
“What the actual fuck steve.” 
Steve was sliding on his shoes. “You know what, y/n? I don’t need this bullshit. I don’t need your bullshit.” 
“No Y/n. Wake up.” 
You froze and frowned. “What?” 
Your eyes shot open and you were suddenly back to your position where you had been previously, laying down, tucked securely in Steve Harrington’s loving embrace. 
“I–” You went to speak but you noticed Steve’s eyes were suddenly filled with that worry from before, but there was something else starting to cloud over—fear. 
“What did you see?” 
“What. Did. You. See.”
“Fucking pushy harrington.” You grumbled as you pulled away slightly. 
Your eyes rolled as you looked up at him. “It was just a daydream Steve. A bad one. W—We were, uh, arguing.” 
You shook your head. “Nothing Steve, really. Just something stupid my brain made up.” 
“I–.” Steve bit his lip and sat up. “I need to make a call real quick.” He was out of your bed before you realized what was happening, and was suddenly across the room at your desk where your phone was. He picked it up and quickly dialed a number. All the while, you were sitting up on your elbows, watching him. Your headache was not going away which wasn’t uncommon, but rarely did they stay this bad for this long. 
Steve was muttering into the phone, clutching it really tightly. Every now and again, he’d look over at you. You’d furrow your brow and he would seem to get even more worried than before. You had caught some of the words, like Max and No Absolutely Not, no I’m serious Dustin it’s not happening.
You were beyond confused as to why Steve was talking to the kid he babysat, or why he even called him in the first place, but all you knew was that your head hurt, and Steve, who was usually your rock, was getting all jumpy and acting really fucking weird.
Once he hung up the phone he gave you a sheepish smile. “So, uh…” 
“What’s going on Steve?” 
“We’re taking a field trip.” 
You snorted laid back down, not entertaining this anymore. 
“I’m serious Y/n.” 
“I think you’re delusional but okay.” 
You sat up once more and looked at him. Something about the concern he felt about your little maladaptive daydream, made you slightly worried about your headache. But he loved you, and if it would make him feel better about it, you’d humor his worry. 
“Fine. But we’re stopping by the diner and we’re getting food and shakes before we go where we’re going because I want something to eat.” 
“Okay but, we really don’t—”
“No Steve. That’s my final offer. Either I get my milkshake, or I’m staying in this bed.” 
He huffed from across the room, but walked over and sat down next to you on the bed, taking your hand. “Fine. If it will get you out of bed.” He was feigning annoyance, but you could see the mild relief in his eyes at you agreeing to indulge his anxieties, with little to know explanation from him.
“Seriously Steve?” 
“Please, just…” 
“Just what? You bring me to the Wheeler’s basement, filled with a bunch of children, including your ex-girlfriend and my former best friend, all the while knowing I have a raging migraine happening, and then you expect me to not ask any questions.” 
“No Steve. Seriously. Then you go and try to tell me that you’re going out with a really weird group of people, no offense guys.” You didn’t even glance at the group staring at you both. “To go what…traversing into the woods to look for someone who has serial killer allegations, and you want me to come with you, with not a single explanation as to why.” 
“He’s not a serial killer–” Dustin tried to cut in but you shot him a glare. 
“If you heard me Henderson, I said allegations. Might want to turn on those listening ears.” You turned back to Steve. “Tell me what’s going on, or I’m just going home Steve. I’m seriously not in the mood to deal with this.” 
Steve was just looking at you, alongside the rest of the group. This felt so out of character for you to be so openly bitchy in front of people, and you had never had an issue with Nancy before. You’ve actually always really liked Nancy so why now? 
“Y/N. Please…” 
You scoffed and shook your head. “Drive me home or I’m walking.” 
“You can’t be serious right now.” 
You didn’t even dignify that with a response, you just turned around and walked right up the stairs. Steve, who was just as exasperated as you, looked between his friends and they all were unsure what to do. It’s not like they wanted to drag someone else into their messy world, but they didn’t want you to die just like the rest of those poor high schoolers. 
When they all heard the front door slam shut, Steve jumped at the sound and then quickly ran up the stairs and followed. 
You could hear as Steve called your name, but you kept on walking. You were so in your own world, you completely missed where you were walking. You fell and hit the ground hard. When you looked at your hands, they were covered in dirt and grime, which was unexpected for Mr. Wheeler’s lawn, but you didn’t think anything of it until you looked back up and the sky was red. You heard your name again but it wasn’t Steve’s voice, it was grovelley and at least four octaves deeper. Yet you still called out for Steve anyway, hoping he might be there. 
Why would he chase after you? He doesn't care about you. 
You looked up at the..thing…in front of you and shook your head, trying to escape whatever hellscape your mind conjured up. 
But the voice wouldn’t leave you alone. It said your name again, and you got up off the ground, taking off. You didn’t dare to look behind you as you ran through this wasteland. Your heart was beating irregularly fast and you went and hid behind a building, trying not to breathe heavily as tears slid down your cheeks. When you looked around you realized you were close to Steve’s neighborhood. It was some sort of fucked up version of Hawkins. 
You really think I can’t find you Y/n?
You whipped around, coming face to face with one of the grossest things you could possibly imagine. It was like all of his flesh had been burned off and the skin that grew back, grew back like vines, twisting flesh and muscle. His eyes were the scariest part, since they looked right at you, as if you were a piece of meat. 
You slowly backed away from whatever this thing was, but your heel caught the curb, and down you went—landing hard on back, your head hitting the ground. There was definitely going to be bruising afterwards. You landed on your wrist, causing you to scream out in pain. 
Whenever you were little and had sleepovers with your friends, your favorite game was “Never Have I Ever”. It’s not that you were boring, you actually enjoyed showing off how much you had done as you got older. But your starter was always “Never have I ever broken a bone”. Not anymore. 
The crack was audible. 
Your eyes opened and you were on the ground in front of the Wheeler’s—your wrist bruised, and head pounding. Steve was crouched in front of you, one of his hands on your cheeks and nothing but pure fear in his eyes. 
“Holy shit.” He whispered, yanking you into his chest and holding you tightly. He felt you start to shake as you silently cried into his shirt, overwhelmed by the pain you felt and by what you had seen. 
“Shit shit shit.” Steve’s hand was fisted in your shirt and his hand in your hair. 
Your head was on his shoulder, and as you opened your eyes, you made eye contact with Max. Her walkman was in her hands, as if she was ready to shove it at someone. Max didn’t look like everyone else in the group, she seemed sadder, more resigned. Something you felt you could resonate with. 
You couldn;t see them, but you knew the group of kids on the other side of Steve were whispering to one another. Dustin cleared his throat. 
“Why don’t we go back inside, yeah? We need to look at her wrist.” 
Steve muttered something in agreement, and pulled back slightly, both hands still holding onto you. “Are you okay?” 
“My wrist.” you whispered, flinching just thinking about it. You decided you’d tell Steve about what you saw later. Right now, you really wanted to wrap your wrist up, and lay down. 
“Steve, you've got to be joking.” 
Usually when Steve would huff out of frustration, you’d find it cute and endearing, but right now you found it annoying. 
“Why would I lie to you about this?” 
“I-I don’t know but I think you’re hanging out with kids too much—no offense.” 
The kids muttered various forms of protest and agreements, but it was Robin who spoke up next. 
“You have no idea how much I wish he was lying—like when I first found out it was in a secret russian base and  I honestly didn’t even know what was happening and then we got tortured and—all that to say–it’s real.” 
“Is this the shit Eddie was telling me about? The new strain or whatever, that ‘hits different’. Are you giving kids drugs Steve?” 
Steve let out a groan and dragged a hand down his face. “I can’t.” 
You crossed your arms, which was a bit more difficult considering your arm was wrapped up tightly with gauze, and fitted in one of Mike’s old wrist braces. “You have to hear yourselves right? Think about it from my point of view. You’re telling me you're friends with this…girl, who has telekinetic powers, and that's the reason that Byers kid went missing, and then you’ve fought different otherworldly monsters each year since? And now, you’re fighting this Veneca, Vatican, whatever bullshit guy, who is actually murdering people and the town drug dealer is taking the fall for it?” 
Everyone in the basement was silent. 
“She’s got a point, we sound fucking crazy.” Max was the first to speak up. 
“Language.” Steve muttered. He hadn’t taken his eyes off you the whole time you’ve been down here. He was watching you as if you’d disappear. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say. You all sound crazy.” 
Steve looked over at Robin, and they had one of those really annoying silent conversations. You looked between the two, trying to figure out whatever they were thinking. 
Just then, Robin got up from her seat. “Alright kids, let’s head upstairs for a moment. Give these two some time to figure this shit out. “
The collective of children groaned, but Nancy helped to corral them, giving you a sympathetic smile as she went up the stairs behind the gaggle, closing the door softly. 
Steve had moved to sit down next to you, pulling you down so your head was in his lap. And before you could make a snarky comment about it, his hand was in your hair, playing with it, but also massaging your head. His other arm rests across your stomach with his hand on your hip, rubbing his thumb up and down soothingly. 
The two of you stayed like this for a couple of minutes: you were destressing, and him reassuring himself that you were alive and in front of him. He was humming your favorite song under his breath, causing you to smile a bit. 
“I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it’s true.”
“I want to believe you Steve but…”
He sighed and nodded. “Remember last summer?” 
You closed your eyes and nodded slightly, images of Steve’s face and body flashed across your mind. His entire face was bruised, and his torso…you didn’t like to think about it. You draped your arm across his and took his hand, squeezing it tightly. “How could I forget Steve. You looked like you were beaten to death.” 
“It was from the Russians Dustin was talking about.” 
You frowned and looked up at him. “Steve….” 
“Look, you don’t have to think it’s real, you can call me fucking crazy for all I care, but I really just need you to trust me—humor me if you have to. But I can’t….I can’t lose you y/n. So please just…indulge me and….”
“Does it really mean this much to you?” 
Steve nodded. “Please.” 
“Alright baby. What do you need me to do? “
You didn’t see Steve for the next forty-eight hours, and it worried the shit out of you. 
You were not one to believe in all that bullshit story Dustin and the others were trying to tell you about, but you knew something was wrong since Steve had literally disappeared. 
You were still having headaches, but you listened to your favorite song over and over and over again, as much as you could. Luckily for you, you had a few blank cassette tapes, and a new stereo that held up to four cassettes. So you loaded your favorite song on a loop onto three of them, and then your favorite album  onto the fourth, to add some variety. And you had been playing those on repeat for the past two days, just like Steve had told you to. When he didn’t show up the next day like he promised, you grabbed your walkman and your stereo, and drove over to Steve’s house, just to find it empty. 
So you stayed there for the next twenty four hours, and that’s when the earthquake hit. It was terrifying, waking up and watching as everything went crashing to the ground. All you could do was think about your parents, think about Steve. 
It wasn’t until eleven pm when you heard the front door open. You had been sitting on the couch, wrapped up in one of Steve’s sweaters, near the fireplace since the power had gone out because of the earthquake. He looked up at you, and you swore you could commit murder at the sight of him. 
“Oh my god Steve. What the fuck happened to you.” You were by his side before he could even respond. Your fingers gently flit around his face, taking in all of the scraps, and then moving to his neck, where you could see the angry red skin flowering with bruises underneath. 
Steve loved you for so many reasons, but right now, he loved you the most for not asking questions. You didn’t ask him about the weird combat outfit. You didn’t ask him why he was covered in dirt. You didn’t ask him why his neck looked like barbed wire had been around it, and you didn’t ask about the fact that he was limping. 
You just slowly cupped his face in your hands, and kissed him softly. There wasn't any sort of push to make this kiss more than it was. It was just simply to tell him you love him. A reminder he’s with you. 
“Can you make it up the stairs?” 
He nodded and you took his hand, taking into account how bruised and scraped up his hands were. 
“I was so worried about you. They kept finding bodies and then….the…”
He nodded, still not speaking. If he opened his mouth he would start sobbing, and never stop, and he didn’t want to burden you with that just yet. 
You opened the bathroom door in his parents room, and walked him inside. You both were smart enough to make him take his shoes off before making your way upstairs, one less thing to clean up. But you made him sit on the toilet, as you slowly took a look at his injuries in a better light. You slowly helped him out of his jacket, noticing that it took a lot more effort than usual, since he was wincing, and even hissed out in pain during one particularly sharp movement. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Harrington, I’m seriously not in the mood for how you downplay everything.” 
He bit his lip and shook his head. “I’ll be in bed in a few minutes. Why don’t you go get ready.” 
You raked your eyes over him, not enjoying the sheer amount of blood splatter on his clothes and shook your head. “No I’m—”
When his voice cracked, you caved. You leaned over and kissed his forehead. “If you need me for anything Steve, and I mean anything ... .Please call for me.” 
He nodded and took your hand in his. “I’ll be five minutes max I swear.” 
You whispered an okay to him before you left him alone in the bathroom, heading back downstairs. You grabbed the bottle of vodka from the cabinet along with some of the cranberry juice Steve had bought you at the beginning of the week, and then a bag of his favorite chips, and headed back upstairs. You had a gut feeling he hadn’t eaten in a while, and that he was in a lot of pain. 
Ten minutes later, he appeared in the doorway. You were in his bed, under the covers, head resting against his pillows, softly in sleep. 
He tried to quietly get into bed without waking you up—he failed. Not because he was loud, but because you always knew when he got into bed next to you. 
“Sorry sweetheart.” he whispered, his voice hoarse. 
You shook your head and went to curl up in his chest, but he shifted slightly and adjusted your hands so they weren’t touching his stomach. You decided to continue to hold in your questions once he had gotten some sleep. 
“How’s your headache?” 
“It’s gone.” You whispered, kissing his shoulder. “You need some sleep Stevie.” 
“I–..” He closed his eyes and licked his lips. “I was so worried I was going to lose you today.” 
He shook his head, and you let him finish. “And then…I thought…I was going to die without ever telling you just how much I fucking love you.” 
Tears filled your eyes immediately. “Steve. I–”
He kissed your lips softly, not letting you get your words out. You could taste your tears in the kiss, but then you realized you werent the one crying. You felt a sob wrack his body, and you immediately kissed him back with more force, more love. 
When you pulled away, you rested your forehead on his. Whatever he had just endured, whatever he was going to tell you about when you both woke up, was an issue for later. Right now, all you had to do was hold him in your arms, and be so grateful that you could. 
But while Steve fell asleep, you just played with his hair, staying up for the second night in a row. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was that creature, looming over you and laughing. The clock still ticking in the back of your mind. You could hear his laughter as he told you to give up. 
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luvkyu · 11 months
rivals ( lee donghyuck/haechan ) part one
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donghyuck x male!reader
maybe donghyuck's school rival isn't as bad as he thought?
content : 2k words, angstish/fluff at the end, high school!au, academic rivals trope, toxic parents ( reader's ), just a little crying ( reader ) but hyuck is a sweetheart about it so it's fine <333
part two
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"lee donghyuck!"
donghyuck snapped out of his trance, turning his head toward his deskmate.
"class is over," jaemin said with a small snicker. he exchanged glances with jeno, who now stood beside his desk while clutching his bag over his shoulder.
"staring daggers at y/n again?" jeno teased.
donghyuck clicked his tongue in disgust as he looked back at y/n.
"he's top of the class again. he's a menace."
"pfft," jaemin scoffed, "he's a menace? he literally just studies and basically never talks. he's the opposite of a menace. he's actually very nice."
donghyuck only gave his friend a side eye in response.
"he's nice?" jeno asked, genuine.
"mhm! he lended me some money for lunch last week. he hasn't talked to me since, or asked me to repay him."
"he's a menace," donghyuck insisted. "next test, i'll get top of the class for sure. and he'll be stuck with second."
"that's what you said last time.." jeno muttered.
"guys!" renjun's voice suddenly infiltrated their classroom. "you're like, the last ones left in here. c'mon."
"tsk." donghyuck gently flicked jeno's head as he stood up and gathered his books. jaemin laughed again, the three of them finally leaving with renjun.
y/n still sat at his desk while slowly packing up his bag, actually the last student left. a small smile tugged at his lips as he thought about what he'd overheard.
"haechan is very loud for such a gentle looking person," he mumbled, before snickering.
y/n looked up at the sound of his nickname. mark now stood in the doorway of his classroom, waiting for him.
"can i walk you home?" mark asked happily.
"you always walk me home."
mark smiled and nodded, "i know. but i still like asking."
y/n rolled his eyes. as his neighbor and best friend, mark was always very attentive to y/n. especially since all y/n ever did was sleep, eat, and study. mark always wished he'd be more social - he thought it'd do him some good to stop worrying about his grades so much. but y/n's parents would definitely disagree.
after walking for a while, the pair finally made it to their neighborhood. y/n seemed way too in his head today, and it made mark worry even more.
"are you coming to the dance showcase tonight? jisung and i have been practicing for weeks."
y/n sighed and shook his head.
"can't. i'm tutoring tonight. i'm sorry."
mark frowned at first, but quickly perked up.
"that's okay! i'll get someone to video it for you," he assured. "what about tomorrow? you can hang out since it's saturday right?"
"sure, that's fine. wanna see a movie or something?"
mark nodded eagerly, "love to!! we can go in the evening and you can stay the night at my place if you want."
y/n nodded and gave him a small smile.
"sounds good. good luck with your dance tonight, let me know how it goes."
"mm! see you tomorrow!" mark replied.
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donghyuck walked into the local public library, a small prance in his step. he always enjoyed tutoring other students, as odd as that may sound.
he found a small table and began setting out his study materials while waiting for his tutee. the smile that had been resting on his face, however, did not last long. after looking up, he found that y/n was sitting at another table not far from his. he scowled under his breath.
"our teacher got the top students to tutor others, but we were supposed to find different places. tsk." he quickly stood from his chair and trudged over to y/n.
"..." donghyuck waited for y/n to look up from his book, but the male was stubborn. or maybe he just didn't care enough to spare donghyuck a glance.
"if you're going to speak, then speak. if not.." y/n spoke while making a shoo gesture with his hand. donghyuck's brows furrowed.
"why are you here?" he asked, not caring about the rude tone of his voice.
y/n finally looked up from his book. donghyuck was pretty, y/n would give him that, but that was about it.
"i'm tutoring chenle. and what about you? are you stalking me?"
donghyuck felt a surge of panic run through his body. "wha- no?! i'm supposed to be tutoring here. you go somewhere else!"
y/n simply gave the other a blank stare. "sure," he answered sarcastically. "i'll go somewhere else, stand up chenle, and he'll fail our next test. then it'll be your fault. you really wanna be the reason chenle fails? i thought you were better than that, lee donghyuck."
"you-.." donghyuck clenched his jaw.
"y/n..?" chenle's voice broke between the two. he gave a small, awkward bow as donghyuck moved aside.
"chenle! ready to get started?"
chenle nodded while looking nervously at donghyuck. he didn't like seeing him aggravated, nor did he wanna get in the middle of something between him and y/n.
"i can give you guys a minute if-"
"no," donghyuck stopped him, "we're done."
y/n sent donghyuck an insincere smile before watching him go back to his table to continue waiting for his own tutee.
their tutoring sessions lasted about two hours, and the whole time, donghyuck would steal disgusted glances at his rival. he kept wondering how jaemin could say he's actually nice.
"maybe he's not nice to you cause you always give him such a hard time," jaemin had once argued. donghyuck scoffed. no, that couldn't be it. y/n had to be the problem.
donghyuck looked up from the paper he was supposed to be reviewing. y/n had a kind smile on his face as he moved his pencil from question to question, explaining the answers to chenle.
"yeah, he's definitely the problem," he whispered in annoyance.
donghyuck perked up, remembering the pupil beside him.
"mm? oh, nothing! let's go over these."
his student nodded as donghyuck slid the worksheet over to him. donghyuck's eyes naturally drifted to y/n one more time before taking a big breath and beginning to review the paper.
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it just had to be raining when y/n stepped out of the library to start his way home. he sighed and stopped under the last awning of the building.
"fucking great," he muttered.
taking his phone out, he scrolled down to his mother's contact which he had at first planned to call. but then, he thought, his parents were the last people he wanted to see or be driven home by. so with that, he began walking.
usually, walking home was no problem for y/n. it was around a twenty minute walk to his neighborhood from both school and the library, as the two were only a couple blocks away from each other. his walks gave him time to listen to music and enjoy the weather, or just to be on his phone without the prying eyes of his parents.
but today, y/n could already feel the rain starting to soak through his clothes. the water dripped down from his hair and onto his face, making him let out another sigh.
"maybe i'll get sick this weekend and have an excuse not to study," he hoped quietly. his small smile fell after thinking about it for a minute. "if i get sick, they'll blame me for walking in the rain, though."
crossing his arms, he walked faster and lowered his head. while watching his shoes slap the puddles on the ground, his mind kept wandering. he felt incredibly sad. he wished his parents could just be his parents, instead of borderline dictators. education didn't mean anything to him, and yet he tried so hard to be top of his class just to earn some kind of validation from them.
before he knew it, he was crying. not a heavy sob, just quiet tears that blended with the rain while the color of his eyes faded into a tint of red.
suddenly, the rain stopped hitting him. his brows furrowed. the drops were still hitting the ground around him, but he couldn't feel them.
"idiot. you'll get sick if you keep walking in this weather," donghyuck scolded. y/n looked up to see the male holding a black umbrella over themselves. as much as he hated donghyuck, he was freezing, so he took the offer and mumbled a quiet, "thank you."
donghyuck had never been this close to his rival. their shoulders were touching, and he thought he should've hated it, but instead there was a small, exciting spark running up his spine.
"why are you walking?" donghyuck asked. when y/n didn't answer, he leaned over to see the other better under their umbrella. his face dropped with the realization that y/n was crying.
"ah.." he stood back up straight, unsure of what to say now. he hated that he felt bad for someone he was supposed to despise. but y/n was, after all, just another person.
"are you okay?"
y/n scoffed as he wiped his tears. "if i said yes, i'd be lying."
donghyuck nodded and looked around a bit awkwardly. he never thought himself good at comforting people, but he'd definitely try.
"wanna talk about it?"
y/n suddenly stopped walking. he could feel the rain hit him again when donghyuck kept walking, taking the umbrella with him. he turned in surprise before hurrying back to y/n to shield him from the water.
"why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?" y/n asked.
donghyuck met his eyes, quiet. y/n's eyes looked tired and strained from his tears, but beautiful despite this. he almost felt entranced from his gaze.
"i dunno.." donghyuck mumbled, "you're just a person, right? regardless of whether i hate you or not. and i don't mind listening if you wanna talk."
y/n's lips thinned into a line as he thought about it. he looked down at his soaked shoes.
"i don't wanna go home," he muttered out.
donghyuck frowned. something was definitely wrong, but he'd feel wrong if he pried into y/n's home life.
an idea struck him as they arrived at a sheltered bus stop. he pulled y/n's arm and finally lowered the umbrella to sit him down on the dry bench. donghyuck could see that the male was beginning to shiver, his jacket turned to a darker drenched color.
"take that off," he said while tugging at the wet fabric of y/n's sleeve.
"take it off. you'll definitely get sick if you keep that on. take mine," donghyuck said while holding his now discarded jacket out to his rival.
y/n's brows furrowed in concern. "but you won't have anything to wear.."
donghyuck shrugged, "i'm dry. and i like the cold. really, please take it."
y/n nodded and slowly took his jacket off. it felt gross to handle such a wet piece of clothing around his body, but the dry and heavy fabric of donghyuck's jacket quickly made up for it. he sat back and snuggled into it with a content smile.
"thank you."
donghyuck nodded and set the other jacket aside. he could tell y/n was trying to keep his smile at bay, but he decided not to pester him about it. what mattered was that he was safe and dry now.
"..why don't you want to go home?" he finally asked. y/n's smile faltered.
"my parents are home."
donghyuck didn't really understand, but he didn't plan on being any more nosy. he looked around and spotted a restaurant behind the bus stop, deciding to focus on that.
"have you eaten?"
y/n looked at him in slight confusion. "what?"
"have you had dinner yet? we can go eat together before you have to go home."
"where?" y/n realized right after he asked that it didn't really matter where. any place would be better than a house with his parents.
"maybe that place?" donghyuck answered.
y/n turned to see the restaurant donghyuck was pointing at. he'd actually been there a few times with mark, so he quickly nodded.
"yes please."
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unicyclehippo · 7 months
flew for the first time in a very long time, since well before covid started, & oh i missed it so much. first, how remarkable an invention a plane is, how clever, how world changing!! it can seem so normal but actually we are FLYING. i looked down on the clouds that look down on me. the sun rose & everything was brilliantly incandescently white. i stared out the window for the entirety of the admittedly too-short flight & cloud spotted—i saw lions & palaces of cloud & a fleet of dolphins breaking out of the waves. mostly it looked like quilting wadding. i love to fly. i love to people watch, i love to cloud watch, i love the clouds, i love the captains & the cabin crew. when i fly i feel like i will never run out of things to love about humans
a short list of things i loved about the two flights i took:
- special shoutout to the cabin crew, ground crew, they’re incredible. literally all the crew i interacted with had the biggest smiles & were so so friendly & helpful. if ur a crew member out there, i love you. huge shout out to the mid 50s (?) hostess on my first flight—short, super sharply put together in the “im a modern witch” kinda way—who had a quip for almost every comment directed her way. the only one i rmbr was when an elderly passenger called her love she replied “how’d you know my name is love? you must be a psychic!”
- all the passengers i saw were calm & unruffled at the least & sometimes very nice! all around me i could hear people meeting & passing with those small human courtesies repeated & repeated—pardon me, d’you mind if i duck past, hey do you need help with your bag, oh mind their head there, where are you headed, can you get by do you need some room, thank you, thank you, thank you, can i help you, can i help you, can i help you
- special shoutout to the passenger w the crying baby. he was such an upset baby & the only thing that calmed him was being walked up & down the aisle over & over. every time he came down the aisle, i saw heads turn toward him & people smiling their baby smiles—exaggerated, kind, often accompanied by a scrunch of the nose or a tiny wave. ‘he doesn’t sound happy poor thing,’ i heard a lot, or things like it, as his dad bounced him in his arms, & then, invariably, help was offered. ‘my mother swears by this trick‘ — ‘my husband does this to calm our kids” — ‘my wife always does this’. the flight was delayed by nearly fifty minutes. no one was allowed out of their seat as we idled on the tarmac except for this unhappy baby & his dad, walking up & down the aisle.
- special shoutout to my seat buddy, who had a wonderful bright yellow backpack with rainbow straps. i have a matching one & told her so. she said it was a whim, on account of the yellow & rainbow. i told her it’s a very durable bag & one of my favourites. there’s a softening that comes with a compliment, a small comment when we meet—it’s an invitation from then on to say whatever little something pops into our heads. are you listening to music? what book are you reading - oh it’s a library book! good on you mate! we gotta use them more. do you know how to get the headphones working—ooh i figured it out. mind if i use your charger, mines not working. hey the refreshments are headed this way did you want anything? are you headed home? my family is in the row in front & she smiles every time they twist uncomfortably to chat through the gaps in the seats. later, as we are waiting to disembark, she confesses she was on the flight before but it was cancelled . you mean i could’ve had more space, i teased. she laughed, apologises. i could have had far worse company…but not by much, i teased a little more, & she laughed harder. get home safe, we say to each other—i don’t know her name, she knows mine just because my mother whispered it through the seats (are you too hot back there? do you have enough leg room? i can’t move the seat but - oh your sister wants me to recline my seat onto you, im going to squish you!). get home safe, i hear echoed by ten more people to their seat buddies as i hurry off the plane. the last is from a smiling crew member (refer back to my first point. i love you crew members).
- a turbaned man held his baby up at the huge windows looking out to the planes. she clung to him for a minute then tried to dive out of his arms, her own spread wide like the wings of a plane, laughing.
- the women having dinner in the food court as we waited for our plane. i was facing away from them & somewhat half heartedly eavesdropping but every now & again they said something so familiar that it may as well have been my own sisters sitting behind me. ‘—don’t hate her but some of the things she says-‘ ‘i know, i know. can she even hear herself? it’s like. so self-centred.’ ‘and she THINKS she’s being the nice one or she wants us to think it? i don’t even KNOW anymore. like, either she’s so conceited she thinks we love everything she does or she knows she’s behaved badly & is enjoying, i don’t know, us not knowing what to say?’ ‘i KNOW. and, like, we have to be honest,’ ‘absolutely,’ ‘but at the same time it’s like. she should know.’ ‘she should KNOW.’ ‘but she doesn’t or she’s pretending not to and im so done.’ i don’t know who you ladies were, i never saw your faces, i wish you all the best with your friend.
- the Intensely Cheerful & Organised Mother who was my seat buddy on flight 1. you were corralling three teen daughters &, from the glimpses of your notebook i caught, were studying for a test on medicine or maybe nursing. i know you were all on your way to see taylor & you were Determined that it was going to be the perfect trip. i have never seen someone work so hard at getting their luggage to fit in the overhead compartments but you managed to find a space for all of it & i applaud you now
i know there’s more but im for bed. basically i love to fly & im so happy to have done it again
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'You're An Angel ʚ♡ɞ
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E1610Miles x Halle Coded!BlackFem Reader ingredients: Sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of smiles! Tws: I don't think any? Awkward/accurate Miles? W/C: 882 A/N: I TRIED MY HARDEST TO CAPTURE HALLE IM SORRYY
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"You're literally the sweetest!"
"She's an angel, oh my god."
"Thats my baefy for real, she so sweet!"
Everywhere you went, you seemed to earn yourself a reputation for being a great person. From your gentle and patient character, your calming voice, and your honesty when it came to tough situations. Every one of your friends always said you could do no harm, and always being someone's shoulder to cry on. When people say everyone in Brooklyn Visions says everyone loved you, they mean everyone. So what happens when a strange boy you've never seen before comes speeding down the hallway, looking lost and stressed during your shared free period?
The library doors banged open aggressively, revealing a panting and hunched over Miles as he silently apologized to the people staring at him. You whipped your head towards the source of the noise, quickly locking eyes with a sweet-looking boy as he gave a sideways smile and a nervous 'sorry'. You gave him a warm smile and a thumbs-up before returning your focus back to your notebook, jotting down notes for your Honors Chemistry class so you could actually pass this semester. It was silent for the most part, you humming along to the music playing in your right ear as you refrained from banging your head on the table over some dumb isotopes. After a moment of silence, the boy from a couple seconds earlier sat across from you, two seats to the left as he clearly struggled to control his breathing.
You leaned over the table, gently tapping him with the tip of your pencil. You whispered a small "Are you alright? You look a little stressed, would you like some water?" you asked as you offered him a water bottle from your lunchbox. His eyes widened a fraction as he turned to you, clearing his throat and giving you a very shaky "I'm alright! Thank you." You nodded your head, turning your attention to the library doors once again as your friends came swarming in like a group of NYC subway rats. As soon as you were in their sights, there was a swarm of girls rushing to give you a spine-breaking hug as they squealed things that sounded like 'Hey girl!' 'How are you!' and 'Heyyy!"
This caught Miles's attention, watching as the table slowly filled itself up as your friends wasted zero time in making quick convo, whispering and gossiping about whatever it was that they were talking about. Miles was immediately caught off guard by your voice, having already heard it a couple minutes prior, but just now registering how soft and reassuring it was. The way you muttered small praises and loving nicknames to each of your friends caught him for a loop, and he found himself staring at your gorgeous side profile as you spoke to your girls. "Uhm, excuse me do you have a problem?" Hailey spoke, immediately snapping Miles out of his mini-trance as the rest of the table whipped their heads to look at where the issue was. Miles quickly stammered, muttering a tiny 'no' as you gave Hailey a firm glare before returning your attention to the boy across from you.
"I am so sorry! She doesn't mean it, she's in a mood right now." You giggled, offering Miles another warm smile. "What's your name by the way?" You asked, leaning your head on Hailey's shoulder while still maintaining eye contact with the boy. "Oh-Uh What? Oh! I'm Morales- Ah, Miles! Miles!" he blurted, giving you an awkward smile as you nodded slowly. "Nice to meet you, Miles! Let me know if you ever need anything, okay?" You smiled, turning your attention back to your friends as Miles gave you a small nod. And that simple conversation changed the trajectory of your relationship forever.
Miles began talking to you more frequently, making up excuses to start a conversation so he could hear that soft little voice of yours as often as possible. He fell face-first into your polite and caring nature, learning why everyone spoke so highly of you as he began learning your character. He found himself drawing Gwen in the past, but when It came to you it was a whole different story. He sketched you like something out of a bible picture book, with wings spanning across pages and a halo like the sun as you flashed that perfect smile of yours. He even found himself painting you a couple of times, lively watercolor and paint markers mixing together as each feature of yours occupied his canvas.
He rushed up to your locker, watching as you emptied any unnecessary books or material into the blue metal as he leaned against the neighboring locker. "Oh, hey Bambi! What's up?" you smiled, closing your locker to face him as he gave you a nervous smile. He waved, handing you a tiny folded-up piece of paper before seemingly disappearing twice as fast as he gave it to you. You smiled in shock, unfolding the paper as you scanned over the note.
'pls go out with me'
You giggled, finding his shy and nervous demeanor cute as you placed the note in your pocket. You kind of thought you were already a thing, but it was great to have that confirmation!
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6okuto · 8 months
Monster mhin headcannons???? Or just mhin headcannons in general I've been starving with the lack of mhin content lately
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gn!reader | mhin time! :3 i'm going to let the knowledgeable and big brained people mostly take care of monster mhin bc I fear a girl like me is silly and less capable...
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as for my limited monster thoughts it'd be nice if their first transformation was done to protect you rather than an involuntary thing and letting it act as a symbol for your growing relationship. but Who Knows at this point
i assume there's some level of lost conscience when they transform So if there's a scene where some part of them refrains from hurting you I Will Start Eating Tree Bark.
Oh...and a scene where they've transformed back and you try to help them...them flinching and confused (though their voice comes out angry? frustrated? at first) about why you haven't run away....letting you cover them and bandage their injuries... 😵‍💫
moving on. they're on the verge of if not threatening people when it comes to co-op games like pico park or heave ho, especially if they're playing with people like vere and ais. no one's ever heard them speak this much someone needs to get them out of there
window seat enjoyer :-)
secretly enjoys when you send posts that remind you of them. the first few times they're like ? what do i do with this. but learn to appreciate it even if they don't actually reply in chat (sometimes if you're like "this is u" and it's Too accurate mhin's like Can you stop no it isn't (yes it is))
"when you're complaining about someone and your best friend is meaner" or however that trend goes. that's them. very direct with saying that person sounds like shit and you should stop talking to them
mhin may not like big, loud festivals, but i think they'd enjoy celebrating things with you alone ^^ maybe eating their favourite dish (tang yuan?)....it'd mean a lot to have someone to share with again
also!! having it for the first time and them mentioning their family and the last time they had it with people... the intimacy of it all...
and !! they reciprocate it!! they do!! they take note of any festivities you say you like, especially one that you wish you could celebrate or haven't in a long time. whether it's cultural, your birthday, your pet's birthday—mhin plans something for you and 'offers' to spend time together that day if you'd like. 'offers' as in shows up and mentions they'll be free some time in the conversation
^ more for the beginning of a relationship (platonic or romantic)... it'll take time, they'd be more direct eventually!
they care for you quietly and by...noticing. folding your laundry and putting it away when they know you're busy. picking up your favourite snacks when they notice you're running out. automatically getting ready to catch you or pull you back when the time calls for it. watching you from across the room at a party and noting where you are and how long you've been gone. that kind of deal
mhin's wary and off-put by being spoiled, but if you're stubborn enough, you'll find them using whatever you got pretty regularly. for example they'll tell you they don't Need a new softer comfier blanket, theirs is Fine, but then the one you buy is the only one they ever want to use. they will pretend like it isn't a big deal if you try to tease them about it
they don't like reading things online and would rather have a physical book. not that i'm projecting or anything of course. they take care of them too and don't lend them to just anybody
i think mhin has actual bookmarks, or would at least like them. they might also use a receipt to mark their page but won't fold the corners...
they always put books back where they found them at the library/book store. if they find one in the wrong section, they'll put it in the right place themself
they can get upset, but don't cry super easily, but that's mostly because they've gotten used to suppressing their emotions. they do their best to channel it into anger instead
mhin isolating themself when they're upset,, conflicted over wanting to be happy and letting themself drown in the sadness. but in the end they hope and survive and will continue to do so
hmm... keeps information of their family and history close to them, but at some point i do think they'd (bittersweetly) share stories with quiet fondness
mhin seems like a silver jewelry kind of person but i just think they'd look really nice with gold earrings while pushing their hair behind their ear...
they see You in formal attire for the first time and keep trying to glance at you the entire night btw. they might not take initiative to compliment you, but if you ask if you look alright, they'll say yes you look nice
...? likes earphones more than headphones. can't tell you why i feel this way
light sleeper. i think. they always know when you can't sleep and they'll stay up with you. if you say you'll go sleep somewhere else so you don't bother them, they're like ..? no.
...affectionate mhin....NOOOOO... it takes so long for them to reach that point it's literally like when a cat finally trusts you and lies next to you/on your lap You Cannot Move Now. You're both obligated to stay here and don't Want to do Anything else.
like imagine cuddling them and they hug you back and their grip tightens in their sleep when you shift around. mhin burying their face into your neck and taking a deep breath. please
if you're an introvert and you both finally get home after a long day out, it's just like. Thank god. and i think they'd understand if you'd rather spend time alone to recover ^^ but depending on the crowd there will be a gossip/complaint session at some point
mhin is one of the top LI's for me when it comes to scenes of like, fixing their collar/clothes. the intimacy of them clasping your necklace, the tension and bated breath because you've never been this close. the surprise on their face when you reach to fix their hood etc.
they enjoy sneaking up on you. they end up in some corner of the room and while you're scanning the crowd to look for them, they suddenly speak from behind you. there's a hint of an amused smile when you jump
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@semifilms @mitskiologist @sweet-milky-tea705 hiii
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magicratfingers · 7 months
hey! when you say you're doing konmari, what specifically *are* you doing? is it one of her books or a course or smth?? a lot of the struggles you've talked about working through with all of this are similar to ones I struggle with so I'm interested in giving something like that a shot!!
Hiiiii!!!! I’m followin her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The whole deal! I started it with just whatever info was free on the internet but actually bought the book a bit into the process. The daily posts were to be silly but it became pretty nice to look back & stay with it. So I admit maybe I didn’t really do the first step “envision the life you want” part very deeply actually what even are the rules
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Rule 1 yeah ok I was pretty excited to start I had always wanted to try it I once met a woman at a party who said everything she owned could fit in one box and I thought that sounded so cool and I just really wanted to do something kinda “big” I was feelin pretty stuck pretty overwhelmed and also Marie calls it a “Tidying Festival” which is so goofy and sweet
Rule 2 ok I kinda didn’t do much work here it was more like “idk man who even am I let’s find out” I had done something similar for a “nutritional therapist” (kinda bullshit but I don’t regret it) once and found it difficult so I really just have uh a brain feeling of ease and playfulness I’m thinking of as a lazy Sunday energy
Rule 3 I do get a bit stuck here in that I don’t always know where I want to put my stuff so I find myself doing some surprise deep cleaning. But! This means I’ve cleaned a ton of areas without wanting to cry or barf and it feels weird to admit as a grown ass gender but it’s probably the first time I’ve felt actual pride
Rule 4 - this and 3 are probably the secret sauce for me. It’s a nice structure and it keeps the steps simple enough to not freak out but just challenging enough to wanna do it.
Rule 5 the order did sound a bit random (clothes, books, paper, Komono, sentimental items) but it rips. Clothes are so unavoidably functional and emotional that it really is the easiest. Books are surprisingly aspirational?? Very “I want to be the kind of person that wants to read this” and I had to figure out how to divorce potential from actual appreciation. I did books three times. Like. I can just go to a library such low stakes with discarding books. Paper I wanted to die but what a gift
Rule 6 being the thing that everyone knows. I really have been making myself TOUCH THE ITEM and genuinely thank it. It’s also the part people don’t do?? Which is wild!? It’s so helpful??? Thanking things dissolved all the anxiety and loss aversion or guilt. It was also really fun to pick up something that gives you the giddy and imagine what it could be like to feel that for everything in the house. I mean why not it’s achievable. Oh also people think it’s about minimalism (it’s not) and getting rid of stuff you need (no) or replacing everything with a fancier thing (definitely not)
Oh wow I wrote a lot hahaaa
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missed call | rafe cameron x reader
requested by Anonymous
Summary: After a simple miscommunication, you’re forced to deal with the wrath of Rafe’s controlling ways.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: 18+ content, angst, arguing, manipulation, boyfriend!rafe, cursing, emotional abuse, crying, sad!reader, mean!rafe, naive!reader
a/n: this was requested, i changed some things up to make it a little longer, but i hope you enjoy it anon! i do plan on working through more requests, i'm just a college student but after finals this week i'll have more time to actually work through my requests so i can do longer fics. anyways, i hope you like this 😭
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“Alright, class dismissed,” The professor stated over the sounds of students packing their bags and pulling out their chairs. You give a sigh of relief that the class is over, tossing your bag over your shoulder as you make your way along the sea of people leaving the class.
“Make sure to have those speeches done! First ones begin on Monday!” His words go in one ear and out of the other as you rush out the classroom, ready to get the day over with and relax at home. You pause once you’re out of the classroom, leaning against the wall and opening your messages. 
Almost like he could sense it, your boyfriend’s face pops up on your phone as he calls. You roll your eyes as you chuckle to yourself, it’s just like Rafe to be waiting to call you after class. You’re about to answer when a hand on your shoulder grabs your attention.
“Hey, are you ready to go?” Daniel smiles at you. You mimic the action as you nod, you push your phone into your back pocket and make the mental note to text him once you get to study hall. 
“Where’s Jen?” 
“Already in the library with Michaela. They got a study room,” He explained, and you quickly fall into small talk as you make your way across campus. Your friends are already working when you guys enter the small room, and you smile at them. 
“Hey guys,” You greet, sitting next to Jen as Daniel sits across from you. 
They both respond in unison, “Hey.”
You spend the first half hour bullshitting around. You’re not used to being able to just hang out with your friends. Most of the time you’re with Rafe. You didn’t complain; you loved being around him. But it’s nice to be reminded you have a life outside of him. 
“So we already split up who’s gonna say which sections, we just need to practice jumping off of each other and the transitions,” Michaela led, clicking her pen as she swirled around in her seat. 
“Okay, let me get my notes,” You reach into your bag. “Who’s first?” 
“I’ll do the intro to our product and the ‘problem’ it’s supposed to solve,” Jen starts. 
“Then Daniel will jump in..” 
“Honestly, the guy’s a complete asshole,” Michaela laughed as you walked from the entrance of the library. The four of you were walking in a little huddle, you and Michaela taking the forefront while Jen talked with Daniel behind you. 
You’d been discussing the nerves around giving the speeches, hoping it would all go well and you would all remember your parts. Because Lord knows if you didn’t, the asshole who sits in the front of the classroom would be the first to point it out. 
You made a noise of agreement, nodding as you pointed out, “And he sits in the front row just waiting to say something that’s wrong with the speech.” 
“Then he gets up there s-s-stuttering,” Jen interjects, making all of you break out into a round of laughter. You’re about to say your goodbyes and text Rafe that you need to be picked up when Michaela stops in her tracks. 
“Uh. Y/N,” Michaela drags, eyes pinched together as she pointed towards the sidewalk. You followed her direction, seeing Rafe standing there in the sea of people walking towards their next class. His hands were shoved into his pockets, a hard look on his face as he looked at you, eyes bouncing around to your friends. 
“How’d he know you were even here?” Jane whispered, and you looked over at them with a sheepish expression. The girls simultaneously roll their eyes, and you sigh at what’s to come out of their mouth. 
“I thought you said you were gonna talk about not sharing your location anymore,” Jen continued in a hushed tone. 
Michaela muttered, “For this reason exactly.” 
“I did,” You defended, voice growing higher at the look of disbelief on their faces. “We did. He just likes to have it just in case. It’s not like I don’t have his either.” 
“Yeah but you don’t use it to pop up randomly,” Michaela remarked, motioning towards Rafe. You grabbed her arm, putting it back down as you frowned at her. 
“Stop,” You said, looking at Rafe again to see him shifting more in his stance, telling you he was growing tired of waiting. You start to walk towards him, turning to wave at the girls. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow? We can finish going over it.” 
“Okay, we’ll text you if we add any more notes,” Jen called out, a stressed out look on her face at you once again ignoring her concerns. But you’ve heard it all before and you knew it wasn’t going to change how you felt. You put a smile on your face as you grow closer to Rafe, but he doesn’t give you any indication of what’s going through his mind. That scares you. 
If it was one thing you loved about Rafe, it was his unpredictability. The random night trips to the beach where a small picnic just happens to be waiting with a bottle of wine. Randomly coming to the apartment with a bouquet of flowers. Popping up when you’re pulling an all nighter at the Student Center to just sit with you while you work. It kept you on your toes; excited you. 
But that same quality had the ability to make you feel… unsure. When Rafe was quiet, it didn’t normally mean a good thing. It meant that his brain was the opposite, thoughts running a mile a minute. You wondered if something happened today, running through your head how he was acting before you left for class this morning. 
He seemed okay; passed out in the bed and yet sending you off with a lazy kiss to the lips and going right back to sleep. You’d been texting him up until you went into your last class of the day — and then completely forgot to text after. Realization hit that it slipped your mind to text Rafe once you got to study hall, and you sigh to yourself. 
You reach his car in the student parking lot, having to pick up your pace the whole way to match Rafe’s long strides. He got to the truck first, opening the passenger side door and letting you get in. He slams it shut, making you jump as you put your seatbelt on and wait for him to get in. 
You start to feel more unsettled when he does, your boyfriend not sparing you a glance as he starts the truck and takes off. He’s speeding, and you feel the annoyance start to bubble up inside of you; he knows you don’t like it when he drives recklessly while you’re in the car.
“Are you gonna say anything?” 
You watch as his jaw clenches, his fingers flexing on the steering wheel as he ignores you at first. Your eyes stay on him, trying to get him to talk. If he just talked to you about it, you can try to come up with some sort of solution. 
You hated when he was mad at you, because he had mastered the skill of icing you completely out. The sweet boyfriend you got ninety percent of the time is nowhere to be found, the only thing left being someone who seemed like their main goal was to hurt you. 
“I called you,” He responded simply, the only sign of his agitation being how hard he was gripping the steering wheel, knuckles growing white. You sighed, thinking to yourself 
“I know, I-” You started to explain, Rafe cutting you off in a stern tone. 
“And texted. Multiple times.” 
“I told you that I was going to be with my group after class today,” You reminded him, turning to face him in the seat. You remembered it vividly; right before you left for class that morning you told him that you’d be staying on campus after your last class to work on the project. 
Never mind the fact that you’ve told him at least two other times in the last week. 
Rafe scoffs, lip quirking in mock amusement, “I’m not seeing where that explains how you couldn’t answer a phone call.” 
“I meant to answer but then..” Pausing, you remembered what exactly distracted you. When Daniel came up to you, you completely lost track of mind and didn’t even think to answer Rafe back. It was a simple mistake, but you knew that Rafe would hear one syllable of Daniel’s name and assume the worst. “I’m sorry. It slipped my mind and I really didn’t see your texts.” 
“What were you gonna say?” He asked, looking over at you for the first time since you got in the truck. “You meant to answer and then..” 
You sighed, not wanting to lie straight to his face. “Then Daniel came up-”
Another scoff leaves him, and you raise your tone a little in defense and frustration at what you know is coming, “-And we walked to the library together.” 
Rafe was silent again, flexing his jaw in annoyance and turning on the street to your apartment. 
“So I come to get you after class — like I always do — and you’re not there or answering me because you wanted to walk with Daniel?” 
You lean on the middle console, pinching the bridge of your nose as you sighed, “I’m not arguing about him again.” 
“We’re not arguing about him. We’re arguing about you,” He retorted, reaching over and grabbing your wrist, pulling the support for your head. You meet his gaze, his blue eyes cold as he spits, “I told you I don’t like you around him and you go out of your way to be around him and decide that’s the time you don’t want to answer your phone.” 
“I didn’t go out of my way-” 
He cuts you off again, letting go of the iron grip he had on your wrist as he parks in front of your building. You lean back into the passenger side as he continues, “You didn’t even tell me he was going to be there but you’re not answering me because you’re busy hanging out with him.” 
“And Michaela and Jenn,” You snapped. “It wasn’t just us. And I wasn’t even looking at my phone we were going over the project-” 
He turns off the car, sole attention on you now, and you don’t know if that makes you feel better or worse. He’s grown more and more agitated the longer you continue to argue, and this isn’t how you wanted to spend a Friday night. He was supposed to ask you how it went and you were supposed to cook dinner that you both were supposed to enjoy. Now, you’d be lucky if this night even ended in you sleeping in the same bed. 
“You know I come to get you after class and you don’t check your phone?” 
“Because I told you that I was-” You start to explain, anger getting to you as you give an exasperated sigh, “I don’t want to argue about this!” 
“Then don’t do the shit!” He shouted, breathing in as he leaned back into the driver's seat, head resting as he closed his eyes. You feel the tears start to prickle at your eyes, and you blink them away as Rafe looks at you. “I’m sorry for wanting to walk my girlfriend after class when it’s the only time I get to see you during the day.” 
You don’t mean to respond sarcastically, but at this point you’re over the argument and how Rafe’s acting. “Rafe, we live together. You would’ve seen me in an hour.” 
He gives a dry laugh, nodding to himself as he unbuckles himself and gets out of the car. You start to get out of the car, watching as Rafe starts to walk ahead before pausing on the sidewalk. He walks back, opening your door for you and waiting for you to get out. 
You start to walk to the apartment, Rafe’s hand hovering over the small of your back. When you make it inside, you reach for him only for him to ignore you, pushing past to walk to the bedroom. 
“Please don’t-” You start to plead, following him to the room as you drop your bag on the floor. 
“Don’t what?” He asks monotonously, digging through his nightstand. “It’s fine. You don’t want me to see you after class. I won’t.” 
“That’s not what I want,” You start to say, Rafe ignoring you as he finds what he’s looking for, shoving it into his pocket as he starts to leave the room. You grab his arm, pulling him to you as you ask him to just stay here. If he stays, you can talk about it. If he leaves, he’s only going to come back as someone you couldn’t stand to be around. 
He looks over you, only giving in to kiss you as he mumbles, “I’ll be back later.” 
It’s been two days since the argument. As you expected, Rafe made you sleep alone that first night. It should’ve been more of a punishment for him; having to sprawl out on the couch. But the two of you knew the arrangement was hurting you a lot more. When you’d gotten the place, you shared your feelings about not wanting to sleep alone. 
“Kind of defeats the whole purpose of living together,” You point out as he runs his fingers up and down your thighs. Laying on the couch with your legs thrown across his lap is a regular occurrence now that you live together. That is unless he’s out until five in the morning with his colleagues - sparking the current conversation. 
“I’m only out on the weekends, babe,” He rolls his head over to give you a pointed look, fingers pinching your thighs playfully. “And you know I’ll come home every night.” 
“I’m just saying,” You grumble, playing with the strings of his sweatpants. “I think it’s important we sleep together. Even if you come home late and you’re scared to wake me up. I like sleeping with you. It makes me feel safe.” 
“Well in that case..” He leans his body towards yours, catching your gaze and pulling you into a kiss. You hum contentedly, Rafe giving you a couple more pecks before letting you go. “I will make it my sole mission to make sure you don’t sleep alone.” 
You’ve gotten into arguments before, but they always ended in apologies — more so from you — and him climbing into bed with you. However, this time you felt like you didn’t have anything to be sorry for. You made sure to tell him about your plans, and you’d attempted to text him the second you were done with your group. 
But that was the first day of the cold shoulder. 
You were still irritated by him grabbing his pillow and the thin sheet off the bed before walking to the living room without so much as a glance in your direction, so you weren’t exactly itching to have a conversation with him. He was gone before you woke up to get to class, and you begrudgingly rolled your eyes when you noticed as you texted your friend Destiny to pick you up for that day. 
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why you needed one when you have a very.. dedicated boyfriend. All it took was one look when she asked for her to realize that you two were arguing. When she asked, you were so irritated about being left that morning that you just spilled. Normally you try to keep the problems you and Rafe have to yourself, not wanting to hear the opinions of your friends. 
“Don’t,” You cut her off, wincing at the harshness in your tone. You sigh, giving her a defeated look. “Please, I'm already annoyed. I really don’t want to hear it.” 
“Well I’m sorry but you’re going to,” She replied, “He’s a fucking asshole, Y/N!” 
“No he’s not,” You defended him. “We’re just fighting right now-” 
“Over what?” She exasperated, giving you an incredulous look.“Literally over what? Because you weren’t pinned to the wall waiting for him to come get you like normal?” 
You scoff in offense, crossing your arms. “I don’t pin,” You mumble. 
“Y/N. You pin. And you wait. And you call. And text. And share your stupid location!” You fidget in your seat as you look out the window, used to this lecture and not wanting to hear it on top of already feeling like crap. She continues, “God, we can’t even go out to the bar without him having to check in on you every thirty minutes. And that’s only if he doesn’t invite himself!” 
“Because he knows how nervous I get,” You weakly state, knowing it doesn’t hold up as well as you want it to. His words parrot in your head, and you shrug. “And how dangerous being out is. He’s a concerned boyfriend, not a monster.” 
“So how he’s acting now is him just being concerned?” 
“No,” You reply honestly. Right now, he was being a douche.“I’m just saying that we’ve been good for a while. This is just a hiccup, and I’m gonna talk to him when I get home today and we’ll be fine. He’s just being.. Rafe.” 
“Well I don’t like the Rafe that’s mean to you,” She softens some, giving you a look of pity. “And spiteful. He knows how you are and he uses it to his advantage.” 
“Can we just.. stop talking about this?” You mumble, feeling your throat tighten. It’s easy for you to rationalize Rafe’s actions in your head, but when someone else points out how messed up it is you want to crawl into a hole.
When you did get home that afternoon courtesy of another ride from Destiny, you were ready to just talk the situation out so you could stop walking around the subject. You just needed to talk; nine times out of ten Rafe just likes to be heard and you can ease his frustrations.
When you did get home that afternoon, instead of a greeting you got a simple ‘Be back later’ by your boyfriend as he was walking out of the door. You sighed at the time, knowing he was trying to avoid this conversation, and sat on the couch as you waited for him to get home. 
He didn’t come home until after midnight, and you were passed out by then. You expected him to wake you up, and then you would try to have the conversation. But the next morning when you woke up on the couch, you knew he just slept in your room and didn’t even attempt to wake you up, like he normally would. 
Every time you tried to talk to him, it was ignored. When you tried to wrap your arms around his waist while he was cooking in the kitchen, he just moved from your embrace. When you got up earlier in the morning to catch him before he left, he would just mumble that he had to go and leave instantly. And you don’t even need to get started on the lack of intimacy. 
When Rafe got like this, he withdrew every ounce of affection he would normally give you. He knows you’re a physically affectionate person, that much was known since your first date. It took him some time to get used to it, and even longer for him to randomly reciprocate the attention, but once he did it was like he never wanted to stop. 
His hand being laced around your waist at parties. His fingers tracing random things on your thigh when he’s driving. The hand on the back of your neck when you’re walking down the street. The random kisses and when he would just come lay down with you because he missed you. 
They were all aspects of your relationship that you enjoyed, and you could always tell when Rafe was upset because he would completely halt every act of affection, and it drove you crazy. 
Still, you didn’t expect him to still continue when he was upset. It hurt, and sometimes you could tell he wanted to touch you but stopped himself. A part of you knew he was doing these little things to purposely punish you, but you even rationalized that. 
He was angry. And as much as you didn’t like him when he was angry, you loved being around him when he wasn’t. He’s had the ability to make you feel things no one else has since the moment you met him, and he’s always so gentle and considerate. When things were good, he was amazing. So you just wanted to get back to the good place — you needed to. 
By the time you came to that conclusion it was reaching the end of the three day mark of him ignoring your existence. The silent if not absent dinners, sleeping alone, him not touching you or even kissing you — it was becoming overwhelming. You missed him. He would be right down the hall and you miss him because he refuses to budge. 
So you did. 
Rafe walked into the house, fighting the familiar urge to call out for you. He sighs, irritated at your stubbornness. 
It’s not that Rafe liked withdrawing affection from you. In fact, he hated it. He’d just learned over time that ignoring you was more effective than getting high and berating you. He’s not used to you holding out this long; after the first day you’re normally sneaking your way onto the couch to sleep with him. 
He felt bad every time he saw the pout on your face when he didn’t talk at dinner. And he’d be lying if he said he hasn’t heard you tossing around in bed when he’s sleeping in the guest room. It didn’t stop the part of his mind from telling him he needed to do this. The more silent he was, the more apologetic you’d be. 
He wouldn’t be as upset if the topic of the argument wasn’t something he’d already told you not to do. It doesn’t make sense that you weren’t waiting for him after your last class. It doesn’t make sense for another guy to catch your attention enough for you to not answer your phone. 
It drove Rafe crazy thinking about the fifteen minutes you were probably alone with him. Your lack of understanding made him want to drive his fist into the wall. 
He loosens his tie as he sits on the couch, reaching for the remote. The TV becomes background noise as he goes back and forth on how long he wants to keep up with this. The prideful part of him wants to hold out longer than you, while the other part misses you. Your comfort, your laugh, you. 
.. but every time he thought about it all he saw was red. He’s said he doesn’t want you near the bastard. He threatened the idiot within an inch of his life when he got too close to you at a party. Your defiance on the subject fueled his anger; it should be enough for him to just tell you not to talk to him. 
The only thing that stops him from going up the stairs is that he can feel the cracks in your resistance. 
He was sitting on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through the channels on the TV when you walked slowly over to him, not knowing exactly how you would approach this. You stand next to his legs, watching his face as he doesn't even glance at you. That little action caused everything you’d been feeling over the last few days to reach a breaking point. 
Tears stung at your eyes as you moved his arm out of the way, climbing into his lip so you were straddling him. He shifted in protest, but you wrapped your arms around him as your legs tightened to keep him there. You bury your face into his neck, taking in the warmth of him. 
“Stop,” His voice came out firm and cold. It just made you cry, hating when he got like this. You whimpered into his neck as he grabbed your waist as he tried to push you off, only pulling him closer into you. “Y/N.” 
You sniffle as you whisper against his neck, surprised he was even able to hear it, “Stop being mad at me.” 
“I’m not mad,” He said, still monotone as he tried to stand up. You push him back onto the couch in protest, knowing if he got up now he would just leave and you would have gotten nowhere besides being even more embarrassed and hurt. “Y/N.” 
“I’m sorry,” You pulled your head back to face him, fingers rubbing the side of his neck. “I’ll check my phone next time.” 
“And I’ll wait for you,” You added as Rafe’s thumb comes to wipe the falling tear from your eye. “I like you coming to get me, babe.” 
He doesn’t reply, eyes scanning your face as he wipes away your tears. You hate being the sensitive one in times like this; where you’re bearing your soul and all of the cards are in his hands. You’d be ashamed to admit to your friends that this is normally how it ends up. But you didn’t care. 
In your eyes, this was a small bump in the road. All that mattered was getting the Rafe that you love and that loves you, back. 
“Please? I’m sorry,” You say, eyes closing when he leans forward to give you a kiss on the forehead. That tiny slither of affection was enough for you, because it meant he was breaking the facade and you could actually talk about this and just move on. 
“It’s okay,” He mumbled, hands grasping your face and not continuing until you opened your eyes to look at him again. “I just got worried when I saw that you weren’t there. And then when you didn’t answer..” 
He trailed off, a flash of irritation crossing his face. Inhaling deeply, the dark look that came across his face disappeared just as soon as it came. His hands grip your face a little tighter as he continues, “You know I just don’t want anything to happen to you? I like being there to make sure nothing does.” 
“I know,” You place your hand on his, placating him. “But I told you that you don’t have to worry about me.” 
“Do you worry about me when I’m not around?” He asks, and you want to say that yes you do, but not for the same reasons and you never take it to the extent that he does. But that’s a different argument that you’re not trying to have right now, so you just nod. “I love you. And you’re so sweet that you don’t see people for who they are sometimes and I want to be around to make sure no one takes advantage of that. Hell, if it were up to me you’d never leave my sight.” 
You chuckle lightly at the statement you’re pretty sure is only a half joke, Rafe moving his hand to settle on the small of your back as you throw your arms back around his neck. He kisses you then, giving his own sigh of relief at the feel of your lips against his after days. You share the sentiment, just happy that you weren’t the only one suffering these last few days. 
He rubs his hands up and down your back as he breathes you in, trapping you in his kiss. He pulls away after a few minutes, pressing his forehead to yours. 
You brush your lips against his, “You’re gonna have to put a ring on it if you want to cage me up.” 
His hands tighten around your waist as his eyes harden, kissing you in a more possessive way. He pulls back, “Trust me, I will.” 
You sit on his lap for a while longer, the two of you only talking occasionally but mostly just feeling each other. It felt nice to finally get back to where you were, and part of you can admit that it shouldn’t have taken this long. But you knew when you started dating Rafe that you would deal with the complexities of his mind and actions. 
You’ve come to realize that as long as you tried to get ahead of it, or just eased his tensions that you would get better results. It was worth it to you. 
“Now can we have dinner?” You joke, Rafe chuckling in response as he pecks your lips. 
“Yes, baby,” He states, a familiar glint in his eye. “I’ll go make the plates. You start the movie.” 
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umiewrites · 2 months
FLUFF ❀˖° SFW ❀˖° Can be read platonically, romantically, or familial ❀˖° Reader can also be any character insert
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Rei Sakuma × GN! Reader (Fluff, no pronouns, gendered terms, clothing mentioned for reader. SFW, slight angst! Mentions of loneliness, childhood trauma for Rei. Platonic, Romantic, Familial ok. Rei calls you dear once. Character insert ok)
Syn: It's been so lonely for Rei when he's up at night, spending his time in the library. Worried, you decide to accompany him...
Mm, that's a twist he didn't expect. That's rare... With how much he's read in his life, he hardly comes across a plot twist he hasn't seen or predicted before. He sighed, sinking into the couch of the library.
It's strange. He's got more friends than ever now, and yet it's like he's back to his old childhood days. Unable to be with the other kids in the sun, he turned to books to keep himself company... It won't make him cry, but it is a rather saddening memory.
Such is the norm, the expected, the fate of being born this way. He'll always be different, alienated somehow even if no one means to. Indirectly or not, he's always going to be singled out... He knows he's being dramatic. It's not like he's lonely again. He's sure there are people up at this time. Kaoru is just busy. Adonis and Koga are sleeping. He can't bother them. Still, that didn't wipe the way his mouth naturally slid down to a frown even if he's unaware of it. Nothing to smile for, not now.
"Some company would be nice..." He thought to himself as he closed the book with a thud. A small thud like that was usually enough to echo throughout the whole library, being quiet and lonely as it is at this time.
So surprise and curiosity was sparked on his face, when he heard the even louder sound of the door swinging open. He couldn't have mistaken that, no. He hadn't been aging that much...
Rei stood up and walked calmly over to the door, his face transitioning to a confused one. He surely wasn't mistaken... He heard it open, and while he stepped over, he knew he subconsciously heard another pair of footsteps. As much as a paranormal activity would be exciting, he doesn't expect or want that right now.
"Excuse me—" you try to get his attention.
Rei hadn't flinched like that in a long time— nothing could've prepared him for the surprise. He was in the middle of thinking, and you... You snuck up on him...
But he breathed a sigh of relief quickly and calmed down when he only sees that it's you.
"Goodness, you scared this poor old man half to death~" Rei picked himself up and smiled at you. It'd be embarrassing to jump in fear... Besides that, though...
"What are you doing here, at this time? You should take this old man's advice and go to sleep... Don't tire yourself out, if there's something bothering you, let this old man help, feeble as he is." He smiled so gently, not at all bothered by the spook earlier. He's just worried for you.
"Actually..." You try to explain to him.
The way you've noticed him walk outside alone, every time you're around the Seisoukan. How his silhouette walks out alone to the direction of the library when everyone else drags their feet to bed... You couldn't help but wonder what he's doing. Maybe you can't help your worries either, seeing him alone... He did look like it whenever he walked off after all.
"Mm...?" He listened, his face telling you that he hadn't expected this, and he really didn't.
Someone who noticed something so small... And yet because it's so small, he thinks he wasted your energy worrying for him. Shame on him, he shouldn't worry the others like this...
...but he smiled regardless. A look of relief on his face, and thankfulness.
Want to or not, shame or not, disgrace or not, perhaps he wished secretly that someone would accompany him. How thoughtful of you...
"A worried attitude and a desire to help every little thing would tire you out one day, I warn you." He warns, but it doesn't feel that cautionary.
"But this old man will accept your kindness. I am thankful you came, and it'd be rude to turn you away after you've stayed up and walked all the way here... So let this old man entertain you for a while. Come, I'll indulge a little chat with you. Would you like me to read you a book, like old grandpas do?"
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