taintedpvct · 4 months
@solstice-muse-collective asked: “I have to try and stay positive. it's the only way we get through this.” -for Vallius from Kit
Vallius nodded. "I can understand, positivity is good to have." He sighed softly, not wanting to damper the mood more. "But we also have to stay realistic." "We have to get rid of these nasty critters." His mind had been mostly on how to get these tadpoles out of their heads. It wasn't a good thing that they were in there, even if they hadn't turned yet. "Like Netty said, that druid Halsin. Might know more."
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my-name-is-dan · 4 months
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galar-flying-taxi · 11 months
Saying goodbye to one of the trained service Corviknight today. Farewell Vallius, have fun helping the kid
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kelpeaart · 2 years
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self-care is putting your and your friend’s ocs in a Tangled AU ✨💕 Vallius belongs to Von!
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from Roman emperor forenames
Aela Aemian Aeminus Aemitus Aemius Alba Albasios Albinius Albius Alenes Alentius Aletian Alexan Alian Alius Alla Allibius Allice Alucius Alus Anas Anasius Ander Anderac Anderius Andrius Anian Anius Anne Annerius Antheo Anthera Antinian Antius Anus Aracarus Aracrius Arcartan Arcian Arcius Arcus Arianne Arinus Arius Arta Artilius Artinus Arus Audian Audidius Audios Audius Augus Augustan Auracius Aurajoan Aurakios Aurel Aurian Aurius Avian Avitel Avitian Avitinus...
Balene Balenus Baleodus Baler Baletian Balexios Balus Basdos Basian Basilius Basio Basios Basius Cadian Cadidios Cadios Cadius Cadrian Cadro Calbinus Calbius Caletros Calus Caratius Carcas Carcian Carcitus Carcius Carcus Carian Carice Casdos Casios Casius Claurian Cleo Clerius Comac Comarcus Cominus Comius Commodos Comula Comulius Comulus Conas Conasios Conian Conikos Coninus Conio Conius Cono Conos Cons Constios Constius Contian Continus Dian Didianus Didio Dios Diostan Dius Dorian Dorobus Dosius Elaugus Elian Eliberus Elisaac Elius Ellus Flonsta Flordius Florobus Floros Flos Gaba Gabas Galbas Galbinus Galbius Galene Galenus Galeo Galeodos Galeodus Galexan Galian Gallian Galus Getian Getillus Getius Getran Glybrian Glybrius Glyce Gora Goratius Gordius Goricius Gorius Goros Grac Grajoan Grakios Graklos Gratios Hadio Hadius Hadrius Hael Haela Haellian Haemius Heminus Hemitel Heodoman Heodos Heodus Heonius Heonos Heophos Hera Herajoan Herian Hericius Herinus Hocallus Hocarcus Honos Honstus Horan Irel Ireligus Irentius Irenus Iscus Joan Joanian Joano Joantius Jordian Jordius Jorian Jorinius Jorius Joronos Joros Jovitela Jovitius Jovitus Jula Julianus Julibius Julienus Juliscus Julucian Julucius Julus Leno Lenoro Lenos Lenus Lerakios Lerius Lertius Lervalus Lexan Lexans Leximian Leximius Lexios Lian Lianas Lianian Libero Lice Lienes Ligulus Lippikos Liscus Lius Lucian Luciusta Macinus Macius Macrian Macrius Magalus Majan Majantil Majanus Majohn Majorius Majoros Manthos Mantian Mantimil Mantons Manus Maraklos Marcine Marcitus Marcius Marianne Marus Maudian Maudius Maurela Maurenus Maxeno Maxens Maxentin Maxenus Maximice Maximil Maximius Maxio Maxios Mian Miliano Minus Mitus Mius Nerac Nerian Nerinius Nerinus Nerius Nerus Nian Niantian Nikos Ninios Ninus Nios Nius Nuela Olybrian Olyce Olycera Olyceran Othemius Otheo Otheodos Othonian Othono Perakios Peran Perian Pericius Perius Perus Petinus Petius Petro Petros Phil Philian Philiber Philicer Phillus Philos Phocla Phons Phonstan Phorian Phorius Phoro Promius Promulus Prontian Prostus Quin Quinian Quinus Robus Romius Rommodos Romulius Ronine Roninus Ronios Rons Sephil Sepho Septil Severian Severva Seves Sevespas Sevetrel Stacalus Staugus Stus Tabalian Tabas Tacartan Tanas Tanorius Tasian Tasilius Tasios Themitel Themitus Themius Theo Theodos Theodus Theons Theophil Thera Theriano Therice Therius Thero Therobus Thertian Thordios Thorius Tian Tianax Tiantian Tianus Tiligus Timitus Tinus Tios Titustus Tius Trac Tracius Traclius Tracrius Trajohn Trakios Tran Tratian Trebono Trebons Trel Treno Trenstus Trobus Tromius Trono Tros Valba Valbinus Valbius Valene Valeo Valeono Valerus Valexio Valexios Vallius Vallus Valucius Valus Verajoan Verus Vespas Vetibius Vetilius Vetine Vetro Vian Vitus Zenstian Zentian Zentios Zentius Zentonax Zenuel Zenus
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vonstarlight · 2 months
another oc meme!⊹₊⋆
Credits to bluecrusader12 on dA! ^_^/
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1) Pick 10 OC's/Canon Characters in any order
2) Please don't look at the questions while picking characters, it's more fun and funnier if you don't!
3) Tag 2 - 4 people to do the meme (you don't have to if you want)
4) Have fun!
5) Credit me and link back to me
pick ten characters:
1. Aleksi
2. Desperado
3. Davy
4. Roldos
5. Rika
6. Vallius
7. Alice
8. Sid
9. Kiwi
10. Paprika
1. [6] is walking down some stairs when he/she slips and sprains his/her ankle. Who comes to [6]'s aid?
Vallius would rather bleed out on the floor than receive help from anyone……. except his husband, Rhys. he would insist he doesn’t need any help though, & walk on the fucked up ankle instead of showing pain.
2. [4] accidentally walks in on [7] while he/she were changing. What is [7]'s reaction? What does [4] do?
It’s not often Alice forgets to lock doors behind them, so having someone walk in unexpectedly would alarm them, instantly putting them in fight mode. Roldos is luckily witty & quick on her feet so she would quickly pardon herself & laugh at her mistake before she gets a knife thrown at her head.
3. [7] suddenly catches a cold. Who offers to take care of them?
Alice allows very few employees to live in their manor with them so they would opt to tend to themself. They hate doctors & medicine, so they’d power through any symptoms they feel.
4. [1] if you were dared to kiss someone who would you kiss.
Easy! He would kiss his boyfriend, Rylef!
5. [10] finds out that he/she have only has a few weeks to live. What does [10] do?
Oh nooooo Paprika! ;0; Pap would spend every last minute they have with their partners, & if they have the strength they would dance everyday.
6. [2] finds out that [9] ate his/her favourite food/snack. How does [2] react?
Desperado HATES sharing their food, so to find out someone ate their FAVE food!?! they would be beyond furious & chew Kiwi out….. but their rant wouldnt last too long bc Kiwi would give them huge puppy eyes & apologize sheepishly, & whole Des would still be pissed they can’t stay mad long at cute people.
7. (Questions 7-11) [3] is having a baby/babies. Who is the baby/babies father?
Davy’s husband, Fortune! <3 theyre both men so for the sake of the question we’ll use mpreg LMFAO
8. [3] finds out the gender/genders of his/hee baby/babies. What gender are/is the baby/babies?
twins, a girl & a boy!
9. [3] is craving something. Is it something he/she like or dislike? What [3] craving?
Davy is usually a huge fan of seafood, so during pregnancy he would crave it but the smell would make him unusually nauseous. He would suffer through it tho to enjoy his cravings LOL
10. [3] is in his/her room crying his/her heart out. [8] comes to check on [3] and asks why he/she is crying. What is the reason?
Sid would pat his shoulder in comfort rather than actually talking, & Davy would explain he’s so happy to finally be starting a family with Fortune after years of being apart from each other.
11. [3]'s water just broke and he/she is going to have the baby/babies. Who is there to take him/her to the hospital? How did the delivery go?
Pip, Davy’s long good friend & registered nurse, would drive him bc they’re the only one who can stay calm in the moment. Fortune would meet them at the hospital & be in the room during delivery, which would go well!
12. [1] accepts a job as a babysitter. Does he/she enjoy the job? Explain?
Aleksi may look a bit scary to little kids & he grew up an old child in solidarity so he doesn’t have a lot of experience with handling kids, but he has a very carefree spirit & doesn’t mind chaos LOL. He’d feel awkward at first but end up enjoying the job!
13. [8] makes a dinner for [5]. Is the food good or bad?
Sid can make a mean fried teriyaki with spicy mayo on the side, Rika enjoys seafood so she would like the food — especially the silence between them as they eat together LOL
14. [3] finds a Pegasus in his/her backyard. What does [3] do?
Davy would lose his mind in excitement & use his great animal handling skills to tame the Pegasus so he can brush & braid its hair c:
15. [9] do you have the guts to kill someone? Explain?
0_0 She may or may not……. have already killed ppl before….. so…… at one point yes she did but definitely not anymore
16. [6] has a secret that he/she is keeping to himself/herself. Does anyone try to get [6] to spill the secret?
Vallius’ life is built on secrets, you couldn’t torture anything out of him no matter how much you tried. He has a lot of secrets he plans to bring to the grave
17. The cops are at [6]'s door. What do they want? Did [6] do something wrong?
Thievery, trespassing, armed robbery, resisting arrest, identity theft… Vallius has a long history of crime they could be there for anything but it doesn’t matter bc he’s already jumping out the back window LMAO
18. [5] if you could be anyone in this meme who would it be? Explain?
This is tough but Rika would ultimately want to switch with Desperado, because they share a similar need to protect others & she’d want to know what it’s like being a werecat w the ability to shift instead of just part cat
19. [10] decides to look for a job. What job do he/she choose?
Paprika loves a calm environment so they’d want to work somewhere quiet, like a library!! c:
20. [2] what is your ideal partner? Explain?
Desperado doesn’t intend on committing to one partner currently so it’s hard for them to picture an ideal partner. They’d just have to have similar morals to them
21. [4] wants to buy a dog but [10] wants a cat. How do [4] and [10] decide on which pet they should get?
It would take a bit of debating bc Roldos would love a high-energy dog while Paprika would def prefer a calmer cat, they’d decide to go with the cat ultimately bc Pap, as a bunny, is part prey animal & dogs may not work out well LOL. Roldos would get to pick the cat’s name though, as compromise
22. Tag someone to do this meme or tell everyone [8]'s most embarrassing moment?
I tag…… my besties & anyone else who wants 2 do this!!!
here’s Sid’s most embarrassing moment too >:3c they got so wasted after a splatfest that they showed up to work 4 hours late hungover & passed out mid-tattoo sesh
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yukesdoodles · 3 years
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D&D doodle dump! from the latest campaign I've been in! the characters that are featured are Riven, Orin, Vallius, and my friend, @ bunnyrosejpart on ig!
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thenataliawrites · 5 years
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title: project dark side
genre: YA fantasy +lgbt
status: first draft
pov: third pov
trigger warnings: TBA
main characters:
Elion Dayfall
Fabian Arundel
Saeya Layard
Idona Kost
Vallius Farraday
After Elion Dayfall accidentally kills a student at the Enchanters Academy, he is sent into exile by the Council of Enchanters. Hurt and feeling betrayed, Elion runs to the far Province of the Dark Elves and raises a legion of Ghosts ready for an unknown attack. Three years after Elion’s exile, his best friend since they were kids, Fabian, is called by the Council of Enchanters to go to Elion’s fortress and kill him. Shocked by this request and the consequence of failing to do so, Fabian and two close friends are sent on a mission. Along the way the pick up the bastard prince to a kingdom that has been long gone and lose a valuable asset. Fabian is blinded by emotions as he wants nothing more to bring his lost friend back into the light and to take down any looming threat that could change the world as they know it.
taglist: @pied-piper-of-hamlet @alexwillow (ask to be added or removed)
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corgiss · 6 years
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@filibusterfrog designed a really neat race that are half tiefling, half aasimar and I just got invited to a dnd campaign, so I HAD to design one of these guys to play! Their name is Vallius and they’re a grave domain cleric!
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shit-she-wrote · 6 years
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Time After Time
WIP Intro
Genre: Historical/Romance, LGBTQ+
Status: writing the first draft
Major themes: death, life, eternity, immortality, soulmates, history
Content warning: lots of death, homophobia mention, war mention, drowning, talk about suicide in the later chapters
POV: 1st person (and the protagonist refers to her soulmate in the second person as if she’s addressing them)
Iltani is an immortal princess who lets time pass her by. She became immortal when her home city, Qatna, falls in battle in the 14th century BC and from then on she is witness to the entire world history all the way to the present. Her life, however, is eternally intertwined with her mortal soulmate, who reincarnates from one life to another. After acknowledging this, Iltani spends her time actively searching for her soulmate as well, determined and wishful of finding her as often as possible, while she simultaneously tries to adapt to the ever-changing world around her.
Tag list: @expositionpreposition , @wipshelves (if you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list, just let me know!)
(more under the cut)
Main characters:
The Soulmate
Side characters:
Yeshua and Yehudah
Hui and Kalinda
Arman and Ramin
Thorsteinn Eiriksson
Settings (each chapter is set in a different place and time, and each mostly begins with the moment Iltani meets her soulmate):
Qatna (in today’s Syria), 1340 BC
Smyrna (Turkey), 8th century BC
Cannae (Italy), 216 BC
Jerusalem, 33 AD
All over the world, the entire 1st millennium AD
Iceland, then somewhere in America, around 999-1010
Wagria and Polabia, 1147
somewhere in Austria (haven’t decided where exactly), 15th century (haven’t decided yet when exactly)
Paris, 1789
somewhere in Great Britain, 19th century
Yugoslavia, 1943
New York City, present time
We carefully made our way down the stairs, further and further into the dark depth. It seemed like an eternity had passed before we reached the bottom. My young eyes, wide and full of wonder, looked around the room, hidden so far down beneath the palace, catching the reflections of flames in the golden treasures, scattered around in perfect, sacred order. I admired every piece of jewelry, every single fine dish, and every enormous stone formation – they were graves, in which we buried the dead, I knew, since my mother had been buried inside of one just a year ago.
Without letting go of my hand, my father led me deeper into the room and sat me down on a bench. He placed the torch on one of the empty hangers and didn't bother to light up the other awaiting torches, seemingly satisfied with the dim light. He sat down beside me in solemn silence, gracing the dead with a quiet prayer.
"We are sitting with our ancestors," he whispered after a while. His every word was spoken with dignity and respect. "With all who have lived on this world before us, and who now only exist in our memories.”
His glance lingered on one of the graves for a moment. I couldn't see it very well, and it had been such a long while since I had last been down there, but I was sure that it was where my mother was resting.
To think about death was frightful to me back then, even if I hadn't been a stranger to it. I had wept along with our entire kingdom after my mother's death, and that pain still felt fresh whenever I thought about her. I had witnessed gruesome sacrifices of animals and people in rituals that appeased our gods and ancestors. After every battle with other kingdoms the general reported the number of fallen soldiers, and in the crowd before me, I could see the mourning faces of those who wailed after them.
"What happens after death?" I asked. My father smiled and – I admit, my memory is no longer what it used to be, so I cannot repeat his answer word by word. But he spoke of gods and of the afterlife – a place, to which the dead passed on and the living would never see or truly understand.
"Least of all you," he finished.
"Me? Why not?" I asked, perplexed and maybe unwilling to understand. Everyone died once. No matter what you did, there was no escape from the grasp of death. You could pray, try to hide, but ultimately, death would find you. You could not live forever.
I told my father as much and again, he merely smiled. Then he stood up, held out his hand and told me we should return. I followed him with a confused frown, perplexed with both the conversation and the questions it had arisen in my head.
- Chapter 1: North Wind
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sophiavalliusart · 5 years
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”Jack” by Sophia Vallius
A painting I did of my boyfriend about nine months ago right before we started dating.
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taintedpvct · 4 months
have some remade Vallius pics bc I did him first.
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sophiavallius · 5 years
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”Jack” by Sophia Vallius
Old painting I did of my boyfriend about nine months ago right before we started dating.
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bailingnotoptional · 6 years
Escort work
[ A few thousand years ago... ]
:: Hey Bailtrack! I need you to run a slightly different task for me. I need you to assist another mech as they are my current delivery agent. This is an important delivery too, so I need it to arrive safely and intact. I need you to guard them. ::
Bailtrack huffed abit as he listened back to the encrypted comm message Slickade left for him. As much as he enjoyed indulging his... current boss, he wasn’t a body guard, nor did he ever want to be one.
:: His name is Deepspace. Here is an attached image of his looks. He is a big bot, so I doubt you will miss him. ::
Big bot huh? Great. The question was his actual size.
:: I need you to meet with him at the Spaceport of Vallius-XI and deliver the cargo to another planet within the same star system. I have attached the coordinates for you. ::
Bail pulled up his mapchart as he located the star system and the planet. Vallius-XI... Neutral territority. No need to hassle with Autobots or Decepticons. Cybertronians aren’t blacklisted from there either. Sweet, he wouldn’t have to waste his ammo on fanatic organics trying to get on his back.
:: And don’t worry, you will be paid well for this round. ::
Just as he finished listening to the comm message, his ship was put on autopilot. It was time to meet Deepspace.
As he parked his ship by the spaceport and cloaked it, he headed out to meet his contact, who was...
right there by the Communication Hub of the Spaceport.
 Primus, he was massive and twice his own height.
Shaking his helm, he finally headed over to Deepspace, knocking on his thigh lightly.
“Guess Slick was right that you’d be one hard-to-miss mech.”
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vonstarlight · 3 months
oc tag meme >:3 ‧₊˚✩
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1.) Which of your characters represent you the most? ★ staring out w a hard one wtf!!! im one of those oc makers that puts pieces of himself in every character i make :'3 but 4 the LONGEST time (8th grade to freshman year of college!!) i had a specific oc named Thomas, i basically treated him like a sona w/o really realizing it haha 2.) Which of your characters represent you the least? ★ any character that's super suave & flirtatious LMAO i have zero rizz. also i have a few characters that are very stoic & serious like Aphelion & Charlotte, & i can never take myself seriously ^_^ 3.) What is your favorite design you made? ★ from a design point..... i think one of my faves has to be Roldos - you can tell everything abt her just by looking at her (bard + major lesbian + pink is the superior color). she has had a couple revamps in the past & her design just keeps getting better c: 4.) What is your favorite design inspiration? ★ def my friends' cool ocs <333
5.) What is your oldest character? ★ i can still remember my first oc ever lmfao. but regarding more current ocs that i actually still talk abt/draw, it would be Vallius 6.) What is your newest character? ★ Lina! i used her original design 4 a school project ^_^ 7.) Favorite human(oid) character you own? ★ absolutely 100% Desperado, my current dnd pc 8.) Favorite anthro character you own? ★ atm i only have 1 sooooo it goes to her lol, Echo 9.) What character has the most art? ★ that would definitely be Davy my beloved swashbuckler!!! 120+ images in his art folder but that also includes some art of him w his lover 10.) What character is the fan favorite? ★ also Davy c': ive gotten lots of gift art of him, we love this silly guy <333 11.) Any characters you co-own? ★ just one, it was a random character me n my friend designed together during an art collab! it's been so long tho i don't remember the character's name lol 12.) If you had to give up all your ocs but one, which would you keep? ★ this question is SICK & TWISTED!!!!! HOW COULD I CHOSE?!?!? i can't believe ur even asking me this..... so anyway it would be Davy 13.) Any characters based off of show/book/movie/game? ★ Sid & Moody are splatoon characters + Echo is based on Gargoyles + Demure is my Stardew Valley farmer! i don't make a lot of fan ocs but the ones i do have i luvvv 14.) Your smartest character? ★ Erran <333 15.) Your clumsiest character? ★ Zedd lol 16.) Your evilest character? ★ Lucias!!!! this motherfucker starts a war 17.) Your sweetest character? ★ Zelda <333 they don't have a single mean bone in their body 18.) Which of your character's names do you like most? ★ OOOOO this is tough!!! it'd say it's a tie between Zelda & Rosalina c: (maybe bc they share names w fave video game characters?? LOL) 19.) Which character have you drawn most? ★ Marius possessed me & for an entire year straight i drew so. SO many fucking pics of him 20.) Your most unique character? ★ girl idfk ._. most of my ocs are bisexual vampires
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soft-n-tired · 5 years
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My newest child, Vallius! He's a dark elf, he loves Marilyn Manson and Queen, and he smiles a lot!
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