#vanessa e williams
imthefailedartist · 2 years
I'm tired of reboots and remakes as much as the next person. That said, I want a remake of Mario Van Peebles 1991 classic, New Jack City.
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Nino Brown is a fantastic character, but his story is cut in half because of the cops story. I don't give a flying fart about the cop story. I want to see Nino Browns rise and fall.
A ten episode mini series.
1. Series starts with Nino and crew taking over the tower.
2. Nino's rise and how crack ripped through Black communities in the 80's.
3. Nino has big plans. He's meeting with plugs and other dealers. The community is affected badly, but also Nino gives out food for the holidays he pays for college and after-school programs
4. The Lackeys episode. Focus on Gee Money, his childhood friend, he wants out because Nino treats him like shit. Duh Duh Duh Man, the quiet one who keeps to himself. Keisha likes chaos and being Nino's ruthless right hand. Ends with Keisha's death
5. Pookies episode. Informants in the house means spring cleaning. Nino starts putting big plans into action. Bye bye-bye Gee Money
6. The cop episode. Nino thinks he's on top. However, the cops are watching.
7. He's arrested, but Nino's not going out a loser and makes a deal with the DA.
8. Nino's living the high life in prison and seeing the repercussions of his drug kingpin days. He's changing his ways.
9. A dad whose kid died because of Nino's drugs episode. Follow him, trying to live his life, as reminders and memories of his kid haunt him. Or just a man who lived in the community his whole life who watched its quick deterioration because of Nino and his crack and wants revenge.
10. Nino's five years is over he's free. He's changed his life. No more drugs. He's being a perfect citizen. The dad or the concerned citizen can't stand to see Nino living the life his kid or city should've had. Bye-bye, Nino Brown.
The soundtrack would be full of 80's bangers.
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lepitorus · 11 months
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so like. vanessa's probably a gamer, right
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twinktor-frankenstein · 11 months
The Great Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Debate
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Mike accidentally brought Freddy's when they were eating at Sparky's and then laughed when Abby called it a restaurant. Vanessa and Abby gang up on him and say that it's a restaurant, in the middle of their argument Ness walks over and says, "Listen, there's four different things that something can be qualified as if it's job is to have food in it. First is a person, the second is a grocery store, the third is a grain silo, and the fourth is a restaurant."
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soupmanspeaks · 3 months
silly salvaged and its william just being a looney toons character and just decides to possess random electrical things throughout the pizzaplex and is like "HAHA! TRY TO CATCH ME NOW, MICHAEL!" and then stuff like ovens and lights and pat pats all go haywire and the staff have no idea whats going on but Freddy just is frantically running all throughout the pizzaplex trying to catch william and its just getting real annoying for mike and he's like "God how did cassidy keep doing this for years"
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yeoldenews · 8 months
A Guide to Historically Accurate Regency-Era Names
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I recently received a message from a historical romance writer asking if I knew any good resources for finding historically accurate Regency-era names for their characters.
Not knowing any off the top of my head, I dug around online a bit and found there really isn’t much out there. The vast majority of search results were Buzzfeed-style listicles which range from accurate-adjacent to really, really, really bad.
I did find a few blog posts with fairly decent name lists, but noticed that even these have very little indication as to each name’s relative popularity as those statistical breakdowns really don't exist.
I began writing up a response with this information, but then I (being a research addict who was currently snowed in after a blizzard) thought hey - if there aren’t any good resources out there why not make one myself?
As I lacked any compiled data to work from, I had to do my own data wrangling on this project. Due to this fact, I limited the scope to what I thought would be the most useful for writers who focus on this era, namely - people of a marriageable age living in the wealthiest areas of London.
So with this in mind - I went through period records and compiled the names of 25,000 couples who were married in the City of Westminster (which includes Mayfair, St. James and Hyde Park) between 1804 to 1821.
So let’s see what all that data tells us…
To begin - I think it’s hard for us in the modern world with our wide and varied abundance of first names to conceive of just how POPULAR popular names of the past were.
If you were to take a modern sample of 25-year-old (born in 1998) American women, the most common name would be Emily with 1.35% of the total population. If you were to add the next four most popular names (Hannah, Samantha, Sarah and Ashley) these top five names would bring you to 5.5% of the total population. (source: Social Security Administration)
If you were to do the same survey in Regency London - the most common name would be Mary with 19.2% of the population. Add the next four most popular names (Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Jane) and with just 5 names you would have covered 62% of all women.
To hit 62% of the population in the modern survey it would take the top 400 names.
The top five Regency men’s names (John, William, Thomas, James and George) have nearly identical statistics as the women’s names.
I struggled for the better part of a week with how to present my findings, as a big list in alphabetical order really fails to get across the popularity factor and also isn’t the most tumblr-compatible format. And then my YouTube homepage recommended a random video of someone ranking all the books they’d read last year - and so I present…
The Regency Name Popularity Tier List
The Tiers
S+ - 10% of the population or greater. There is no modern equivalent to this level of popularity. 52% of the population had one of these 7 names.
S - 2-10%. There is still no modern equivalent to this level of popularity. Names in this percentage range in the past have included Mary and William in the 1880s and Jennifer in the late 1970s (topped out at 4%).
A - 1-2%. The top five modern names usually fall in this range. Kids with these names would probably include their last initial in class to avoid confusion. (1998 examples: Emily, Sarah, Ashley, Michael, Christopher, Brandon.)
B - .3-1%. Very common names. Would fall in the top 50 modern names. You would most likely know at least 1 person with these names. (1998 examples: Jessica, Megan, Allison, Justin, Ryan, Eric)
C - .17-.3%. Common names. Would fall in the modern top 100. You would probably know someone with these names, or at least know of them. (1998 examples: Chloe, Grace, Vanessa, Sean, Spencer, Seth)
D - .06-.17%. Less common names. In the modern top 250. You may not personally know someone with these names, but you’re aware of them. (1998 examples: Faith, Cassidy, Summer, Griffin, Dustin, Colby)
E - .02-.06%. Uncommon names. You’re aware these are names, but they are not common. Unusual enough they may be remarked upon. (1998 examples: Calista, Skye, Precious, Fabian, Justice, Lorenzo)
F - .01-.02%. Rare names. You may have heard of these names, but you probably don’t know anyone with one. Extremely unusual, and would likely be remarked upon. (1998 examples: Emerald, Lourdes, Serenity, Dario, Tavian, Adonis)
G - Very rare names. There are only a handful of people with these names in the entire country. You’ve never met anyone with this name.
H - Virtually non-existent. Names that theoretically could have existed in the Regency period (their original source pre-dates the early 19th century) but I found fewer than five (and often no) period examples of them being used in Regency England. (Example names taken from romance novels and online Regency name lists.)
Just to once again reinforce how POPULAR popular names were before we get to the tier lists - statistically, in a ballroom of 100 people in Regency London: 80 would have names from tiers S+/S. An additional 15 people would have names from tiers A/B and C. 4 of the remaining 5 would have names from D/E. Only one would have a name from below tier E.
Women's Names
S+ Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah      
S - Jane, Mary Ann+, Hannah, Susannah, Margaret, Catherine, Martha, Charlotte, Maria
A - Frances, Harriet, Sophia, Eleanor, Rebecca
B - Alice, Amelia, Bridget~, Caroline, Eliza, Esther, Isabella, Louisa, Lucy, Lydia, Phoebe, Rachel, Susan
C - Ellen, Fanny*, Grace, Henrietta, Hester, Jemima, Matilda, Priscilla
D - Abigail, Agnes, Amy, Augusta, Barbara, Betsy*, Betty*, Cecilia, Christiana, Clarissa, Deborah, Diana, Dinah, Dorothy, Emily, Emma, Georgiana, Helen, Janet^, Joanna, Johanna, Judith, Julia, Kezia, Kitty*, Letitia, Nancy*, Ruth, Winifred>
E - Arabella, Celia, Charity, Clara, Cordelia, Dorcas, Eve, Georgina, Honor, Honora, Jennet^, Jessie*^, Joan, Joyce, Juliana, Juliet, Lavinia, Leah, Margery, Marian, Marianne, Marie, Mercy, Miriam, Naomi, Patience, Penelope, Philadelphia, Phillis, Prudence, Rhoda, Rosanna, Rose, Rosetta, Rosina, Sabina, Selina, Sylvia, Theodosia, Theresa
F - (selected) Alicia, Bethia, Euphemia, Frederica, Helena, Leonora, Mariana, Millicent, Mirah, Olivia, Philippa, Rosamund, Sybella, Tabitha, Temperance, Theophila, Thomasin, Tryphena, Ursula, Virtue, Wilhelmina
G - (selected) Adelaide, Alethia, Angelina, Cassandra, Cherry, Constance, Delilah, Dorinda, Drusilla, Eva, Happy, Jessica, Josephine, Laura, Minerva, Octavia, Parthenia, Theodora, Violet, Zipporah
H - Alberta, Alexandra, Amber, Ashley, Calliope, Calpurnia, Chloe, Cressida, Cynthia, Daisy, Daphne, Elaine, Eloise, Estella, Lilian, Lilias, Francesca, Gabriella, Genevieve, Gwendoline, Hermione, Hyacinth, Inez, Iris, Kathleen, Madeline, Maude, Melody, Portia, Seabright, Seraphina, Sienna, Verity
Men's Names
S+ John, William, Thomas
S - James, George, Joseph, Richard, Robert, Charles, Henry, Edward, Samuel
A - Benjamin, (Mother’s/Grandmother’s maiden name used as first name)#
B - Alexander^, Andrew, Daniel, David>, Edmund, Francis, Frederick, Isaac, Matthew, Michael, Patrick~, Peter, Philip, Stephen, Timothy
C - Abraham, Anthony, Christopher, Hugh>, Jeremiah, Jonathan, Nathaniel, Walter
D - Adam, Arthur, Bartholomew, Cornelius, Dennis, Evan>, Jacob, Job, Josiah, Joshua, Lawrence, Lewis, Luke, Mark, Martin, Moses, Nicholas, Owen>, Paul, Ralph, Simon
E - Aaron, Alfred, Allen, Ambrose, Amos, Archibald, Augustin, Augustus, Barnard, Barney, Bernard, Bryan, Caleb, Christian, Clement, Colin, Duncan^, Ebenezer, Edwin, Emanuel, Felix, Gabriel, Gerard, Gilbert, Giles, Griffith, Harry*, Herbert, Humphrey, Israel, Jabez, Jesse, Joel, Jonas, Lancelot, Matthias, Maurice, Miles, Oliver, Rees, Reuben, Roger, Rowland, Solomon, Theophilus, Valentine, Zachariah
F - (selected) Abel, Barnabus, Benedict, Connor, Elijah, Ernest, Gideon, Godfrey, Gregory, Hector, Horace, Horatio, Isaiah, Jasper, Levi, Marmaduke, Noah, Percival, Shadrach, Vincent
G - (selected) Albion, Darius, Christmas, Cleophas, Enoch, Ethelbert, Gavin, Griffin, Hercules, Hugo, Innocent, Justin, Maximilian, Methuselah, Peregrine, Phineas, Roland, Sebastian, Sylvester, Theodore, Titus, Zephaniah
H - Albinus, Americus, Cassian, Dominic, Eric, Milo, Rollo, Trevor, Tristan, Waldo, Xavier
# Men were sometimes given a family surname (most often their mother's or grandmother's maiden name) as their first name - the most famous example of this being Fitzwilliam Darcy. If you were to combine all surname-based first names as a single 'name' this is where the practice would rank.
*Rank as a given name, not a nickname
+If you count Mary Ann as a separate name from Mary - Mary would remain in S+ even without the Mary Anns included
~Primarily used by people of Irish descent
^Primarily used by people of Scottish descent
>Primarily used by people of Welsh descent
I was going to continue on and write about why Regency-era first names were so uniform, discuss historically accurate surnames, nicknames, and include a little guide to finding 'unique' names that are still historically accurate - but this post is already very, very long, so that will have to wait for a later date.
If anyone has any questions/comments/clarifications in the meantime feel free to message me.
Methodology notes: All data is from marriage records covering six parishes in the City of Westminster between 1804 and 1821. The total sample size was 50,950 individuals.
I chose marriage records rather than births/baptisms as I wanted to focus on individuals who were adults during the Regency era rather than newborns. I think many people make the mistake when researching historical names by using baby name data for the year their story takes place rather than 20 to 30 years prior, and I wanted to avoid that. If you are writing a story that takes place in 1930 you don’t want to research the top names for 1930, you need to be looking at 1910 or earlier if you are naming adult characters.
I combined (for my own sanity) names that are pronounced identically but have minor spelling differences: i.e. the data for Catherine also includes Catharines and Katherines, Susannah includes Susannas, Phoebe includes Phebes, etc.
The compound 'Mother's/Grandmother's maiden name used as first name' designation is an educated guesstimate based on what I recognized as known surnames, as I do not hate myself enough to go through 25,000+ individuals and confirm their mother's maiden names. So if the tally includes any individuals who just happened to be named Fitzroy/Hastings/Townsend/etc. because their parents liked the sound of it and not due to any familial relations - my bad.
I did a small comparative survey of 5,000 individuals in several rural communities in Rutland and Staffordshire (chosen because they had the cleanest data I could find and I was lazy) to see if there were any significant differences between urban and rural naming practices and found the results to be very similar. The most noticeable difference I observed was that the S+ tier names were even MORE popular in rural areas than in London. In Rutland between 1810 and 1820 Elizabeths comprised 21.4% of all brides vs. 15.3% in the London survey. All other S+ names also saw increases of between 1% and 6%. I also observed that the rural communities I surveyed saw a small, but noticeable and fairly consistent, increase in the use of names with Biblical origins.
Sources of the records I used for my survey: 
Ancestry.com. England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988 [database on-line].
Ancestry.com. Westminster, London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1935 [database on-line].
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sineva · 2 years
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The Love Witch (2016) Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle by James Sant Alexa Demie for Wonderland Vivienne Westwood AW 2020 Olivia Cooke in House of the Dragon (2022 -) Medea by Alphonse Mucha Medea by William Wetmore Story Katie Mcgrath in Merlin s3 promo The Death of Lucretia by Joos van Cleve Judith with the Head of Holophernes by Fede Galizia Rekha in Deedar-E-Yaar (1982) Vanessa Hudgens Gaultier FW 2008 Lucretia by Rembrandt van Rijn   The Field Guide to Evil: Cobbler's Lot (2018)
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starysky1289 · 9 months
stepsis + corruption kink? vanessa starts gentle then edges reader?
Ooo I’ve never written corruption kink ( atleast on purpose) so this’ll be fun!!! This is kinda like, soft curruption but it still works
StepSis!Vanessa X Reader. First time for everything.
It had only been a week since your mom had married William. You had gotten to know him better, but he was a quiet man, he never spoke much. His daughter, your new step-sister, she was rather different.
Vanessa Afton, her name was. She was taller than you, with that gorgeous blonde hair that you’d only see on models. She was a pleasure to talk to whenever she was over. But there you where, sitting in your old room at your parents house, you told your mom you’d stay for a bit to get to know Will better, but as of right now neither where in the house right now.
You scrolled through your phone, bored as hell, until you heard a knock on the door downstairs. You got up, and made your way downstairs, looking out the window to check who it was, Vanessa. You quickly opened the door, smiling softly.
“ H-hey! Vanessa! Didn’t expect you over. “
“ wanted to drop by on the newlyweds, where are they? “
“ oh uhm, there out shopping. You can come in though, if you’d like. I’m sure they’ll be home soon. “
You opened the door wider for her, welcoming her in. She kicked her shoes off at the door, and graciously waltzed in. You shut the door behind her, sitting besides her on the couch, only a few inches away, you could feel your stomach twisting almost instantly.
“ s-so…how’s policing been? Anything good..? “
“ it’s been good. Ya know, one minute your putting some drunk dude in a cell, next your handing out parking tickets. Always something. “
You chuckled quietly, staring down at your feet. Something about her made you warm, fuzzy, made you want something more than just a casual conversation.
“ Are you alright Y/N? You’re looking kinda red…”
Vanessa asked softly, feeling your forehead with the back of your palm. You practically squirmed in your seat, god what were you doing? Attracted to your stepsister?
“ I-I’m fine it’s just..warm in here…”
“ Y/N…are you sure you’re ok? “
She held your face with her palm, her green eyes staring into yours. You couldn’t speak, you were too stunned by her, how she held you. All you wanted to do at this point was kiss her, pull her ontop of you and let her have her way with you.
“ i-i….Vanessa I just….i can’t be around you…”
“ why? Y/N what’s wrong…I’m worried…”
“ y-your so..beautiful and gorgeous….i-i…”
You stood up quickly, holding the bottom of your shirt in fisted up bunches. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her, but you knew she was worried.
“ Y-you should stay down here till our parents come back, I’ll be in my room. “
“ Y/N wait- “
You quickly walked upstaires, your eyes only focused on the ground. This was stupid, how could you let that slip up, she’d hate you now.
You slammed the door behind you, imeadiatly sitting against it. You were acting like a baby, like a child. You shouldn’t grow up and get over your stupid feelings but you let them consume you, let them make you feel these ways over your own Stepsister. It’s not like she was your sister sister, but it still felt just as bad.
“ Y/N…can we talk..? “
It was Vanessa, her voice was hushed, she was trying not to freak you out again. She knocked, and you sighed, getting up and slowly opening the door, just enough to stick your head out.
“ I-I’m sorry..”
“ no, don’t be. Will you explain what’s wrong, and we can talk this out. “
You opened the door more, Vanessa leaned against the doorway, giving you a soft comforting look. You squeezed your own hand, you were in it now, nothing else you could do.
“ e-ever sense we…first met…I..I just…something happens in me around you….y-you’re just so pretty and s-smart…but you’re also my sister s-so I’ve gotta grow up and stop this…”
“…you like me, huh? “
You only nodded, you couldn’t make yourself look at her. You felt her gentle hand pull your face to face her, her eyes gently gazing into yours.
“ you hate me…think I’m weird…”
“ no…i think…”
Vanessa moved her hands down to your side, pressing her forehead against yours.
“ I think you’re charming, and kind, and beautiful…and…I like you too..”
She pulled you into her, and kissed you gently. You blushed profusely, akwardly chuckling as she pulled back.
“ N-nessy I- “
“ you can keep a secret, can you? “
“ yeah..”
Vanessa moved her hands lower, as they gently grazed your rear, and dragging them back up to your sides.
“ then why can’t we just keep this our secret…? “
“ a-are you sure though..? I don’t wanna…make you uncomfortable..”
“ I’ve had eyes on you sense we meet…I just didn’t know you did too…please..”
You smile gently and nod, pulling her in and kissing her again, longer this time. Vanessa stepped into your room, keeping you against her as she kicked the door close. She held your face as you kissed, letting her tongues press against eachothers.
“ O-oh Vanessa…”
“ are you a virgin, sweetheart? “
You felt yourself grow warm again at her question and nodded. Vanessa snickered, holding your face.
“ use your words baby. “
“ I-i am…I’m still a virgin…”
She smirked, pushing you onto the bed. You sat on the edge, your legs instinctively spread. Vanessa sat next to you, kissing you as she worked her hands up your clothes thighs.
“ N-nessy…”
“ shh…breaking a virgins the fun part of all relationships…besides…there’s a first for everything. Even fucking my stepsister. ”
“ you’ve done it before?…t-the virginity thing…“
“ a really old fling. Don’t worry…I’ve got you…”
Vanessa gently stripped you of your pants and undergarments, leaving your lower half bare. You were already soaked as she gently traced your folds, you gripped the bedsheets as she pulled you into a gentle kiss.
“ you’ll be good right? Keep quiet incase they come home? “
“ y-yes nessa…”
“ good girl…”
She gently slid her middle finger into you, holding your hand with her open hand. She would get into a steady rhythm, moving it in and out gently to get you used to her. You let out small quiet moans, trying your best not to show how ruined you already were becoming.
“ is that good? Feel good Y/N? “
“ F-feels…feels s’good. Oh v-Vanessa…”
She slowly gave you another finger, giving you gentle kisses down your neck. You moaned louder, biting your lip to desperately try and appease her.
“ doing so good…taking my fingers so well…”
“ I-i wanna be good…Good for you Vanessa…”
She chuckled, pressing a thumb against your clot and rubbing it gently. You threw your head back, moaning into the open air, eventually Vanessa pulled out, focusing only on your clit.
“ N-nessy no…g-go back…”
“ you’ve waited for me for this long…you can wait a little longer. You’ll still cum baby, don’t worry~ “
She pulled you into her, kissing your neck gently. Her fingers ran through your hair, making you whimper slightly. She was all over you, owning you like a pretty pup.
“ N-nessy please…oh I’m so close. “
“ a bit longer Y/N. I wanna make it feel good for you…cmon..why don’t you tell me some pretty little fantasy’s you’ve had about me. There’s no way you haven’t with how you’re acting. “
You burried yourself into her shoulder with her words. She wouldn’t stop unless you said something, and the build was destroying you.
“ I-I…I fucked my hand the other night…thinking it was you taking me from behind…u-using me…nessy…”
“ aww…I bet you’d love that huh? Just a little more Y/N. “
She slammed back into you, this time with three fingers, and using her open hand to cover your mouth. You could hear your parents pulling in from your room, as you tried to have Vanessa get off.
“ no your not. You’ll get to cum, just a little longer baby come on…”
“ Y/N? Vanessa, you two up here? “
Vanessa cleared her throat before responding to your mother.
“ Yes Mrs. L/N!! Y/N is just showing me something, we’ll be down in a few! “
She went back to you, fucking your throat with two fingers to keep you silent. Your eyes rolled back into your head, and with one finally kiss to your neck, she relaxed you.
“ go on baby, cum for me. Cum for me and be the pretty girl I know you can be. “
You would have screamed in pleasure if you could, but you choked yourself down on Vanessa fingers, groaning as you rode your high out.
“ shh..shh…so good for me…breath honey..”
She removed her fingers from your mouth and hole, letting you lean against her. You felt warm and fuzzy, you wanted to have her hold you all day.
“ so..do i get to take you out for dinner tonight Y/N?“
“ y-yeah…you can…”
Vanessa kissed your forehead, and helped you back into your pants. She stood you up and helped you settle onto your feet.
“ I love you v-Vanessa…”
“ shh…I love you too…you ok? “
You hugged her tightly, nuzzling into her one more time, before standing back up, opening the door and walking out.
“ I’m ok. Better than I could be. “
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tangent101 · 4 months
Imagine if Max's Rewind vanished...
One of the huge assumptions for Sacrifice Chloe is that by seeing Chloe die, Max gained the Rewind. Thus by going back in time to the Butterfly photo and not saving Chloe, that fixes everything. If you just pick at one or two threads the whole things falls apart and becomes what it truly is: a selfish divinity wanting a human sacrifice. But what if this was in fact the truth... that by not seeing Chloe die, Max doesn't gain the Rewind.
So then... there is one point in which Max would not have the Rewind and that would be when Max tries to save William. She would not have the Rewind. She would have no way of stopping William. He walks out the door and she knows he's going to die... and she doesn't go forward in time. She's stuck there. She is 18 years old and trapped as her 13 year old self.
However, Max has a far greater understanding of the world as a result and can fix the mistakes she made the first time around. And that would be that she refuses to stop talking to Chloe this time. She does everything to stay in touch. She goes to the library and e-mails Chloe. She works on her own mental health, knowing what she herself went through that first time, she goes to the school counselor perhaps, she mourns with Chloe (if from afar)... and something new happens this time around.
Max is there to witness the start of the problems with David.
Naturally Max is going to tell her to go to the authorities. Report David for abuse. But much as likely happened the first time, Joyce handwaves it away, the police ignore it, Blackwell ignores it. Max would be horrified by the fact Chloe is being abused by this asshole and no one will do anything.
But there's a huge difference this time. Because Max is in her life. Perhaps she talks to her own school counselor about this abuse and how no one is doing anything. Maybe she talks to her parents. In fact, I think she would do the latter... and I think that Ryan and Vanessa would listen to their daughter. More, they might even listen to how the police won't do anything and they know how worried Max is... so they contact Joyce. They offer an alternative.
Let Chloe come up to Seattle for the summer. It will give Joyce and David a break from the conflicts with Chloe, Chloe can settle down and be with her best friend... and I think Joyce would jump at that possibility. She may claim she wants a "family" in LiS but what she really wants is for the fighting to stop. She wants security. And I think that with time away from Chloe... Joyce might realize that she's happier with her daughter living away from her.
Perhaps Joyce is the one who suggests that Chloe start attending classes in Seattle. If the Caulfields don't mind. Nor do I think Ryan and Vanessa would mind. They see how much their daughter has just... brightened and become more alive with Chloe in her life. Chloe would likely have to start a year back because her grades did suffer after William's death, and having someone she knows attending the same year would help Chloe settle in.
Chloe meanwhile is flourishing. She is exploring the city with Max. She misses her dad something fierce but Max is by her side. Max is there to hold her when she cries, Max cries with her, Max doesn't tell her she has to toughen up, she says it's okay to cry. And I think Chloe would heal. She wouldn't be quite the punk she is in the timeline where she remained in Arcadia Bay to be abused and ignored, though I think she's embrace some elements of it. (Max would likely encourage her to dye her hair blue.)
Max would be surprised, but only a tiny bit, when Chloe dares her to kiss her. She'd jump at the opportunity.
There'd be no return to Blackwell. Max would be more interested in staying with Chloe, and let's be honest, Mark Jefferson was only ever an excuse to return to Arcadia Bay. And Max would be surprised to learn that Rachel Amber went missing one day. Perhaps she might even send an anonymous letter recommending the authorities investigate Nathan Prescott.
The death of Kate Marsh shocks Max. She wasn't there to save her. She doesn't remember her face. It's been five years for her. She forgot that she was on the roof, that she was the one to talk her down. But there is one thing that happens... and that's the arrest of Nathan Prescott for questioning a couple days later... and then Mark Jefferson going on the run as he sees the noose closing around his own throat.
Fortunately, Max now has Chloe there. I don't know if Max would ever tell Chloe the truth about the time travel. I mean... she might. She wouldn't be able to prove a thing, but I think Chloe would believe her because... Max changed that day. She stopped being the meek girl she was... and she remained in touch. Max was the one who reached out and helped Chloe find a new home when she was being abused. And Max would have to admit how the first time around, she just didn't stay in touch and she refused to make that mistake this time around. Maybe she couldn't save Chloe's dad but... she saved Chloe.
Would there still be a Storm? Would Arcadia Bay be destroyed three days after the death of Kate Marsh? Or would things go differently this time around? Without Chloe to be there for Rachel, would the spirit of Rachel seek to destroy Arcadia Bay? Or would she and Kate watch as Jefferson fled, a fugitive, as justice was served?
Ultimately it doesn't matter. Max and Chloe have a different destiny now. They are together in Seattle, falling in love all over again, slower perhaps, but more deeply. And they'd move on and live the life that was denied to them in another time.
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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Tile Art is an informative volume that traces the rich tradition of these sumptuous tiles and fully illustrates their varied designs. The author deals lucidly and extensively with various manufacturing and decorating processes, as well as with the most significant designers and potteries in Britain, on the Continent and in the United States. Dutch Delfware tiles are described in detail, as are Portuguese azulejos, Italian maiolica panels, Scandinavian stove surrounds, British and American Arts and Crafts exemples and French and Ductch Art Nouveau creations. The contributions of artists and designers such as William Morris, Walter Crane, Vanessa Bell and Louis Comfort Tiffany are noted, and the technical advances pioneered by such companies as Mintons, Pilkingtons, Low and Maw are described in relation to the increasing sophistication in tile design during the 19th century. 
Libro sulla storia delle piastrelle in ceramica decorative. Una storia che inizia dall’ Antica Persia, con le facciate e gli interni dei templi decorati secondo l’arte islamica. L’arte della ceramica si diffonderà successivamente in tutto il mondo, arricchendo castelli medioevali, chiese Vittoriane, negozi e abitazioni domestiche dei giorni nostri.
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quackpackweek · 8 months
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We usually don't post anything unrelated to the Quack Pack, but this news has us pretty upset. Although this is not an English speaking area, but a Latin American Spanish speaking area, it is still sad to say that a Latin American Spanish speaking voice actress named Erica Robledo died last week. :(
Yes, she acted in many series and gave many voices in Latin American Spanish dubbing, especially in the roles of Tanya Ratonovich (Tanya Mousekewitz) in An American Tail, Princess Ariel in The Little Mermaid Disney TV series, Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz (anime version), Princess Esmeralda in Magic Knight Rayearth, Ran Mouri (Claudia Guzman) in Detective Conan, Nemo in Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland, Princess Irene in The Princess and the Goblin, Princess Flora in the Babar series, Hollyhock, Wanda Pierce and Maude in Bojack Horseman, Heidi in the film of the same name, as well as the role of Mary Magdalene in the film Jesus, Princess Zarina Leprechaun 4: In Space, Vanessa in Lupin III and some roles in the Maradona series and in other dubbings she gave. Wife is Leonardo Araujo, director of Latin American Spanish dubbing and mother of son Álex Araujo, who is an excellent voice actor for Latin American Spanish dubbing.
Yes, she also voiced Louie Duck in Quack Pack, in the Latin American Spanish dub and was very successful at it. Although the original American version is not bad, the Latin American Spanish was really great and you should listen to it (if there are those videos available on the internet at all) and a big thanks to her for voicing Louie. It is a great pity to lose her. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2oVz1mN0wB
Erika Robledo fue una actriz de doblaje de Los Ángeles. Hermana de la actriz de doblaje Rocío Robledo e hija de la fallecida actriz de doblaje Guadalupe Romero. Estuvo casada con el también actor y director de doblaje Leonardo Araujo y es la madre de Álex Araujo, razón por la cual durante un tiempo fue acreditada como Erika Araujo.
Fue conocida por su versatilidad al poder realizar voces de niños y niñas, mujeres jóvenes, adultas y ancianas, talento que compartía con su hermana Rocío, actualmente retirada del medio. Ambas hermanas dieron voz a Ariel en Las nuevas aventuras de la sirenita. Entre otros de sus personajes más conocidos destacan la Princesa Esmeralda en Las Guerreras Mágicas, Tania Ratonovich en Un cuento americano, Claudia Guzmán (Ran Mouri) en Detective Conan y Dorita (Dorothy Gale) en la versión anime de El Mago de Oz doblada en Los Ángeles. También fue la voz de Luis en Quack Pack, Mimi Cardona / Siniestra en Las aventuras de Saint Tail y de las actrices Anna Kendrick en la saga de Crepúsculo, Alicia Silverstone en Ni idea y Natasha Henstridge y Michelle Williams en Especies, entre muchos otros personajes.
Asimismo, Erika realizó doblaje al inglés, destacándose el rol de la actriz mexicana Verónica Castro en la serie original de Netflix "La casa de las flores".
Falleció el 22 de enero de 2024.
Source: https://doblaje.fandom.com/es/wiki/Erika_Robledo
Rest in peace, and thank you on a beautiful childhood. Amen.
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valentinbelleyh505 · 7 months
my theory about the FNAF movie
in Mike's dream sequence sees that Garrett was William's first Victim, so it means that Garrett is not really Crying Child from the Movie. and it means that the next movie Garrett will posses The Puppet, and actually he is Charlie from the movie universe. and his death is very similar to Charlie, also in my theory the location that Garrett's body It was left, I think it was the location of the pizzeria from FNAF 2 (because Garrett's death was in 1987 and this is the year of FNAF 2), and then Puppet saw it and tried to save it but they arrived too late. similar to Charlie, and in the credits appears FNAF 2 minigames voice and talk "C-O-M-E, F-I-N-D, M-E" i believe that Garrett as The Puppet talked this when The Puppet's Music Box ends.
and also the fans theorizes that Abby is Elizabeth from the movie, but in my opinion Abby is half version of Elizabeth in the movie, because in Charlie's trilogy is confirmed that Charlie have a Brother named Sammy. so for me, Abby actually is the movie version of Elizabeth and Sammy.
also not to forget, the man with the endo skeleton is very similar to mr. Schmidt, and it also means that Mike's father is Henry Emily from the movie, and also William kidnapped Garrett for his insane envy/jealousy for your ex-best friend/partner
also i think Vanessa is the half version of Crying Child from the movie, because both goes on the hospital in Coma. and i think in the next movie will not just have somethings about the FNAF 2, i think will also have somethings about FNAF 4, because of Vanessa in the Hospital.
and Mike when he talking with Vanessa, he said that his mother died, it means that she might possessed a Animatronic from Freddy's or maybe not.
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ominous-arcade · 3 months
Character Onions for Curtain Call
posting them here for no particular reason I suppose! they'll be easier to find this way too
Put under the cut for convenience
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Vanessa Shelly
Kim - Scott Pilgrim
Alice Liddell - American McGee's Alice
Helly R - Severance
Care - Petscop
Carrie White - Carrie 1976
Bea Santello - NITW
Sidney Prescott - Scream
Jack Townsend/Deputy O'Brien - Tales from the Gas Station
Asuka Langley Sohryu - Evangelion
Narrator - Fight Club
Asa Mitaka - Chainsaw Man
Mima Kirigoe - Perfect Blue
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Glados - Portal
Friend Computer - Paranoia
SCP-079 - SCP foundation
AM - I Have No Mouth and I must Scream
Old L Corp - Project Moon
Doctor Money - Presentable Liberty
P03 - Inscryption
You Must Be Happy - Lobotomy Corporation
AUTO - Wall-E
BOB - Sam & Max Save the World
Mr.Milchick - Severance
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The Velveteen Rabbit - The Velveteen Rabbit
Spinel - Steven Universe
Pyro - Team Fortress 2
Photo negative Mickey - Abandoned By Disney
"Mima" - Perfect Blue
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? - Limbus Company
Raggedy Ann - Raggedy Ann
SCP-1048 - SCP foundation
Happy Teddy Bear - Lobotomy Corporation
Robbie the Rabbit - Silent Hill
Bugs Bunny - Looney Toons
Crimew - Real Life
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Spring Bonnie
Bear - Bear in the Big Blue House
Barney - Barney & Friends
The Velveteen Rabbit - The Velveteen Rabbit
Friend Francis - Angel Hare
Bucky Beaver - Shipwrecked 64
Salvador - Presentable Liberty
Elsie the Borden Cow - Real Life
Angel Gabby - Angel Hare
Teddy - Beyond the Sleep
Truman - The Truman Show
Fred Rogers - Mr.Rogers' Neighborhood
Toriel - Undertale
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William Afton
Nick - Parents 1989
Forge Fitzwilliam - D&D: Honor Among Theives
Victor Frankenstein - Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
Calvin's Dad - Calvin and Hobbes
Terry Blake - The Stepfather 1987
Madam Hotel - The Hotel Podcast
Willy Wonka - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Sea Leopard - Real Life
Scar - The Lion King
Steve Raglan - Five Nights at Freddy's (movie)
Mr.Voice - Little Misfortune
Dexter's Dad - Dexter's Laboratory
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Carol Afton
Lady Miss Kier - Deee-lite
Linda Flynn-Fletcher - Phineas and Ferb
Clarabelle - Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers
Madam Hotel - The Hotel Podcast
Scary Godmother - Scary Godmother comics/movie
Miss Frizzle - The Magic Schoolbus
Morticia Addams - The Addams Family
Julie Joyful - Welcome Home
Midge Campell - Astroid City
Linda Belcher - Bob's Burgers
Elvira - Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
Esmé Squalor - A Series of Unfortunate Events
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Nemesis (Goddess of revenge and retribution) - Greek Mythology
Tomie Kawakami - Junji Ito
Nano - Girl from Nowhere
Ant-mimic spider (Myrmarachne) - Real Life
Raguel (Angel of Justice) - Abrahamic Religion
The Phantom of the Auditorium - Goosebumps
James (Clone) - Goosebumps show (2023)
Columbo - Columbo
Themis (Goddess of Justice) - Greek Mythology
Kowaru Nagisa - Evangelion
Jesus of Nazareth - Abrahamic Religion
Snowy Owl - Real
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Zombie Mike
Mettaton Neo - Undertale
Alpha Dave Strider - Homestuck
Wallace Wells - Scott Pilgrim
Funtime Foxy - Sister Location
Lucas Lee - Scott Pilgrim
Dorian Electra - Real Life
Orwelle Peck - Real Life
Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider
High Roller - Toontown Corporate Clash
Johnny Cage - Mortal Kombat
Tyler Durdan - Fight Club
Ricky "Jupe" Park - Nope
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Michael Afton
Nitro Rad - Real Life
Mike - FNAF Logbook
Angel Torres - Nope
Dave Strider - Homestuck
Netzach - Library of Ruina
Jack Townsend - Tales from the Gas Station
Chesed - Lobotomy Corporation
Toby Billings - Hide and Seek (Fazbear Frights: Blackbird)
Sans - Undertale
Mr.Renner - Animatronic Apocalypse (Tales from the Pizzaplex: Submechanophobia)
Mike - You're the Band (Fazbear Frights: Felix the Shark)
Bill S Preston - Bill & Ted
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awardseason · 2 years
2023 Critics’ Choice Awards — Film WINNERS
Best Picture “Avatar: The Way of Water”  “Babylon” “The Banshees of Inisherin”  “Elvis”  “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER “The Fabelmans”  “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”  “RRR”  “Tár”  “Top Gun: Maverick”  “Women Talking” 
Best Actor Austin Butler – “Elvis” Tom Cruise – “Top Gun: Maverick” Colin Farrell – “The Banshees of Inisherin”  Brendan Fraser – “The Whale” — WINNER Paul Mescal – “Aftersun”  Bill Nighy – “Living”
Best Actress Cate Blanchett – “Tár” — WINNER Viola Davis – “The Woman King”  Danielle Deadwyler – “Till”  Margot Robbie – “Babylon”  Michelle Williams – “The Fabelmans”  Michelle Yeoh – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” 
Best Supporting Actor Paul Dano – “The Fabelmans”  Brendan Gleeson – “The Banshees of Inisherin” Judd Hirsch – “The Fabelmans”  Barry Keoghan – “The Banshees of Inisherin” Ke Huy Quan – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER Brian Tyree Henry – “Causeway” 
Best Supporting Actress Angela Bassett – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” — WINNER Jessie Buckley – “Women Talking” Kerry Condon – “The Banshees of Inisherin”  Jamie Lee Curtis – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” Stephanie Hsu – “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  Janelle Monáe – “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” 
Best Young Actor/Actress Frankie Corio – “Aftersun” Jalyn Hall – “Till”  Gabriel LaBelle – “The Fabelmans” — WINNER Bella Ramsey – “Catherine Called Birdy”  Banks Repeta – “Armageddon Time”  Sadie Sink – “The Whale” 
Best Acting Ensemble “The Banshees of Inisherin” “Everything Everywhere All at Once” “The Fabelmans”  “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” — WINNER “The Woman King” “Women Talking”
Best Director James Cameron – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Damien Chazelle – “Babylon”  Todd Field – “Tár” Baz Luhrmann – “Elvis” Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNERS Martin McDonagh – “The Banshees of Inisherin” Sarah Polley – “Women Talking”  Gina Prince-Bythewood – “The Woman King”  S.S. Rajamouli – “RRR”  Steven Spielberg – “The Fabelmans” 
Best Comedy “The Banshees of Inisherin” “Bros” “Everything Everywhere All at Once” “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” — WINNER “Triangle of Sadness” “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent”
Best Animated Feature “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” — WINNER “Marcel the Shell with Shoes On” “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” “Turning Red” “Wendell & Wild”
Best Foreign Language Film “All Quiet on the Western Front” “Argentina, 1985” “Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths” “Close” “Decision to Leave” “RRR” — WINNER
Best Original Screenplay Charlotte Wells – “Aftersun” Martin McDonagh – “The Banshees of Inisherin”  Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER Steven Spielberg, Tony Kushner – “The Fabelmans” Todd Field – “Tár”
Best Adapted Screenplay Rian Johnson – “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”  Kazuo Ishiguro – “Living”  Rebecca Lenkiewicz – “She Said” Samuel D. Hunter – “The Whale” Sarah Polley – “Women Talking” — WINNER
Best Cinematography Russell Carpenter – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Linus Sandgren – “Babylon”  Roger Deakins – “Empire of Light” Janusz Kaminski – “The Fabelmans” Florian Hoffmeister – “Tár” Claudio Miranda – “Top Gun: Maverick” — WINNER
Best Production Design   Dylan Cole, Ben Procter, Vanessa Cole – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Florencia Martin, Anthony Carlino – “Babylon” — WINNER Hannah Beachler, Lisa K. Sessions – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” Catherine Martin, Karen Murphy, Bev Dunn – “Elvis” Jason Kisvarday, Kelsi Ephraim – “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  Rick Carter, Karen O’Hara – “The Fabelmans” 
Best Editing Stephen Rivkin, David Brenner, John Refoua, James Cameron – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Tom Cross – “Babylon”  Matt Villa, Jonathan Redmond – “Elvis”  Paul Rogers – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER Monika Willi – “Tár” Eddie Hamilton – “Top Gun: Maverick”
Best Costume Design Mary Zophres – “Babylon” Ruth E. Carter – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” — WINNER Catherine Martin – “Elvis”  Shirley Kurata – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” Jenny Eagan – “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”  Gersha Phillips – “The Woman King”
Best Hair and Makeup “Babylon”  “The Batman”  “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”  “Elvis” — WINNER “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  “The Whale” 
Best Visual Effects “Avatar: The Way of Water” — WINNER “The Batman”  “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”  “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  “RRR” “Top Gun: Maverick” 
Best Song “Lift Me Up” – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” “Ciao Papa” – “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” “Naatu Naatu” – “RRR” — WINNER “Hold My Hand” – “Top Gun: Maverick” “Carolina” – “Where the Crawdads Sing”  “New Body Rhumba” – “White Noise”
Best Score Michael Giacchino – “The Batman” Justin Hurwitz – “Babylon” John Williams – “The Fabelmans”  Alexandre Desplat – “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio”  Hildur Guðnadóttir – “Tár” — WINNER Hildur Guðnadóttir – “Women Talking” 
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Because it's FE race day today, here is the Formula E grid of 2024 US motorsport number ones edition. Enjoy 😊.
Lucas Di Grassi (11st August 1984) - Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters
Sam Bird (9th January 1987) & Edoardo Mortara (12th January 1987) - The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian
Sebastien Buemi (31st October 1988) - Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind Of Love
Jean-Eric Vergne (25th April 1990) - Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Robin Frijns (7th August 1991) & Antonio Felix Da Costa (31st August 1991) - Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Nico Muller (25th February 1992) - Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy
Stoffel Vandoorne (26th March 1992) - Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last
Norman Nato (8th July 1992) - Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
Oliver Rowland (10th August 1992) - Madonna - This Used To Be My Playground
Jordan King (26th February 1994) - Celine Dion - The Power Of Love
Jake Hughes (30th May 1994) & Mitch Evans (24th June 1994) - All-4-One - I Swear
Nick Cassidy (19th August 1994) - Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories - Stay (I Missed You)
Pascal Wehrlein (18th October 1994) - Boyz II Men - I'll Make Love To You
Nyck De Vries (6th February 1995) - TLC - Creep
Jake Dennis (16th June 1995) - Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
Kelvin Van Der Linde (20th June 1996) - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Tha Crossroads
Max Gunther (2nd July 1997) - Puff Daddy, Faith Evans & 112 - I'll Be Missing You
Sergio Sette Camara (23rd May 1998) - Mariah Carey - My All
Joel Eriksson (28th June 1998) - Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine
Jehan Daruvala (1st October 1998) - Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Dan Ticktum (8th June 1999) - Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
Sacha Fenestraz (28th July 1999) - Will Smith ft Dru Hill & Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West
Paul Aron (4th February 2004) - OutKast - Hey Ya!
All added to this playlist 😊
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lionydoorin · 11 months
Even when I was the age that the ghost kids were when they were killed, I still knew not to go places with strangers, even if it was like. Chuck E. Cheese (because that's essentially what the Spring Bonnie suit is if you think about it)
So what if the reason they, or at least some of them, went with William was because they were Vanessa's friends, and they knew he was her dad? And Vanessa's dad would never hurt them.
Something something William always telling her it's her fault they trusted him enough to follow him. THE GUILT. IT'S ABOUT THE GUILT.
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(freddy and evan ☝️)
this DEFINITELY works, specially for the older kids, who would be harder to trick!!!! in susie's case, i've seen people say that william used her dog to convince her to go with him (which makes me think like imagine if. if the cupcake is susie's dog LMFAO it'd explain how it's so Feral Unhinged n like. not sharing the same soul as chica)
imagine young vanessa looking for her friends only to find their bodies inside the animatronics (without the head, like when mike found max's body with her brother and their friends) in the storage room. running out screaming and crying, looking for her dad, only to bump into a (bloody) spring bonnie outside. when she connects the dots, it's even scarier, but her dad makes her swear he won't say anything, all while blaming her for making them trust strangers.
and she was so young 😭😭😭😭 of course she didn't know any better 😭😭😭😭 and that's her DAD i mean. i don't know how nice he was to her before that but. it's her Father behind all of this.
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hybridshaverisen · 9 months
So I finally watched the FNAF movie! Here’s my live reaction!
* 1st dream scene: so if Mike is an Afton, and Garrett is a stand in for CC, this could mean that CC died first.
* Phone guy = W. Afton theory?? Hello???
* Vanessa’s appearance: THEY REFUSE TO SAY MIKE’S LAST NAME
* Side note: if this is the Aftons, we got the sibling ages. Michael as the oldest, CC as the middle child, and Elizabeth as the youngest. I mean it fits lol.
* “[The killer] influences them.” I CALLED IT!!! ITS JUST LIKE THE FUCKING BOOKS!!! FUCK YEAHHH!!!
* “I won’t be any used to you.” -Vanessa. Hello?? 👀👀
* Abby with the arcade: JUST LIKE THE OPENING OF SILVER EYES!!
* Wait, but that was Charlie in that position. Is Abby supposed to be Charlie???
* I love his voice :)
* Hello FNAF 4 mini game :)
* Eh.. The death could’ve been done better.
* But at least we got confirmation that it wasn’t an instadeath :)
* Fun fact! I showed the FNAF 3 cutscene to my mother who’s a doctor and told her what was happening. She said that depending how he got steward, he could’ve been alive for weeks before finally dying.
* Wait. Could the “Vanessa is W. Afton’s daughter” a false memory? Just like the game?
* Distorted voice: C O M E F I N D M E
* “Come find me”???????
* So this is obviously said by W. Afton. It’s used with the same voice by the FNAF 2 mini game. Does this mean that the voice in FNAF 2 also said by W. Afton?
* My dad told me that the actress for Abby is going to be in the second movie which clearly takes place in FNAF 2 location. If she’s a stand in for Charlie, she’s going to die here.
Final thoughts:
Overall, I’m really happy how it turned out! It’s defiantly prioritized the most hardcore fans, and that’s ok!
The biggest criticism I have is that the Afton death scene could’ve been done so much better. This is one of the most iconic moments in FNAF. I wish it recognized that.
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