#variant talk
lowpolyshadow · 11 months
forced to once again remember how shadow is laughing when he says "i think i figured out what the ultimate lifeform is! it might be you!"
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dinoserious · 9 months
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what the
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cupiidzbow · 2 months
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we’re autism4autism have i ever mentioned that
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 17
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quillpokebiology · 11 days
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My mom lives in the Wild Area and has a large garden, which attracts a lot of Pokemon. Most of the time it's Skwovet or Applin or Blipbug, but sometimes, she gets something really interesting, like this Espeon! As you've probably guessed right now, it's not a standard Espeon. But, I'm not going to tell you what it's mixed with, you'll have to guess yourself 👀 (I'm making a post explaining the breed, dw!).
//Og image from Pinterest
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toskarin · 4 days
elona+ exists in a really weird design space, being a speed-focused turn-based rpg. the fact the speed stat scales high enough that the "turn" as a unit can mean anything from "an enemy attacks once" to "an enemy attacks 50 times in a chain, applying a stun to do it again before you can take a single step" is just so deeply, deeply interesting because of what it does to stopped time
stopped time is exactly what it says it is, and it's only as useful as the distance between the user and the enemy they're fighting. stopped time usually only comes in as an effect that freezes time for a single turn, so early on, when that distance is negligible, it's easy to wonder what the point of it even is
you get one free move without retaliation, without anything else being able to move, and that's really it. that's not useful when an enemy is doing maybe two turns to each of your turns on the high end
but as the numbers creep up, the actual utility of stopped time is really cool: a lot of fights actually do end up coming down to who's fastest, and stopped time completely negates that and declares the one using it "the fastest one, for one turn"
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vigilskeep · 3 months
the acceptance of polyamory for producing heirs in orzammar opens up so many questions, like “were these three pitted against each other from birth by their mothers who were competing consorts of the king, or are they in fact just Like That”
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didderd · 25 days
I'm gonna be doing quick kofi doodles to help with moving costs!
So here's how it's gonna go:
Each $5 gets 5 minutes of doodle time. So up to $20 for a 20 minute doodle. I won't go over 20 minutes, so if you tip more than that, you will not get more time for your doodle.
Only 1 character per doodle.
If you want something specific of the character, keep it simple.
Make sure to provide a reference for the character if it is an OC.
I will do suggestive, but no full NSFW.
And no ship children of sanscest, font***t, or frans. (The latter two would be block on site.)
Ofc, you must be 18 or older for this. No minors here.
These will just be done when I find moments to do it! So if it takes a while to get to yours, do not worry, I will get to it eventually.
Example of a 5 minute doodle:
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(I don't wanna bother with sketching more than that for examples atm, so this is all the example you get.)
I don't know how long I'll be doing these. I will let y'all know when I am closing them.
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sciderman · 25 days
thoughts on this dearest sci
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misteria247 · 8 months
Ya know what I miss? I miss Bruce Wayne.
Like Bruce from the Animated series where he was sympathetic and wanting to help the criminals of Gotham because he knows that circumstances can change people. Or Bruce from the Justice League animated series where he talked to a child who was basically dying or who helped people. I miss the Bruce who had problems yes, but he didn't let them stop him from, ya know. Living his life, making friends. I miss the Bruce that loves his batkids and it shows with his actions.
I miss Bruce Wayne, the serious crime fighter who was also secretly a sarcastic dork. Just......man I miss him ya know????
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cold-neon-ocean · 6 months
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My dogs my beloved dogs!! The first line of beastial spirit vine soldiers from my LoK AU. Created by Baatar when during experimentation, he discovered the spirit energy after being condensed causes the vines to react strangely to machinery and processed material. Turning the inorganic to organic.
These soldiers are comprised of spirit vines that have mutated in reaction to the condensed activated spirit energy and adhered themselves to the suits. Similar to "mimics" in a way, they can conceal their mouths fully so they're indistinguishable from human soldiers, though very astute earthbenders may notice they neither breathe nor have a heartbeat.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
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pokemonranch · 3 months
hey clay! you mentioned that you like claydol so i thought i would share
i work at a university that studies claydol variants! we have a whole bunch from around the world and work to try and learn more about them. i made sketches of my favourites
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Bert and Xochitl are from the same excavation site. we think they were made as guardians for their families - and the handprints on them is like a bonding mark for them so they can find their owners. We think bert was a generational claydol since he has many handprints.
hestia and kratos are two different types of claydol from the same geographic location. Hestia was recovered from a shipwreck. we think 'she' was a sort of navigator for ships - and was designed to travel overseas with cargo. kratos is very elaborate - and he linkes to float upside down and carry things. We think he is a servant claydol - as similar figures are drawn on him alongside humans.
ooc: claydol based on globular mesoamerican jars, and greek amphoras and kraters
Oh this is AMAZING and a great investigation work! We knew that Claydol took their Hoennian form from ancient figurines, so it makes sense they'd change depending on the cultures that made them. Are they all Ground-Psychic types or did they evolve differently? Are Baltoy also different??? I need to know everything about 'em!!
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alicerovai · 10 months
but, seriously. how did we get to the point of Loki falling in love with a female Loki variant?
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queenretcon · 1 year
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I like when he’s clingy
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catwouthats · 8 months
For all y’all pointing out that Loki took the being Mobius’ pet thing a little too seriously
I hope you realize and know the overlap between kink and queer coded.
Those bitches are queer coded.
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