tingitana · 1 month
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The great Chilean curator Andrea Pacheco González put together this amazing exhibit about the artist Valeria Montti Colque at the Venice Biennale 2024. Below is the text that accompanies this show, which I had the luck to see in late July 2024. It provides its own explanation and commentary. It is titled COSMONACIÓN.
One of the greatest challenges of the coming decades will be to adapt the archaic construct of the nation to the diversity and mobility of the identities that inhabit our contemporary societies. We borrow the term cosmonation from anthropologist Michel S. Laguerre to acknowledge that diasporic communities do not break off relations with their places of origin but remain transgenerationally connected to them. Thus, diasporic people inhabit a multisite nation, a cosmonation, in which geographically distant territories are connected through their life stories.
Valeria Montti Colque was born in Stockholm in 1978, two years after her parents fled the Chilean military dictatorship and settled there in the context of Sweden's institutional commitment to the overthrown government of Salvador Allende. She grew up on the outskirts of the city, in a suburb that was home to groups of exiles and displaced people from different continents. The particular social coexistence that sheltered the artist in her early childhood, full of cultural richness, solidarity, love and nostalgia for the original land, is the source that has constantly nourished her artistic practice.
This exhibition results from the hard work and the sisterhood of a group of people around Valeria's work; a practice that links worlds, channeling everything that we need to recover as humanity. Many hands and hearts have come together to create Mamita Montaña (Mother Mountain), a piece that arises from nostalgia and the artist's desire to experience her Andean horizon in Nordic lands. The artist and knitter Elvira Espejo Ayca uses the Aymara expression yanak uywaña to refer to "the mutual nurturing of the arts." An ancestral idea that allows us to understand what this monumental textile sculpture represents: a symbolic refuge to all bodies and identities of that imagined nation that exists outside the nation. Around this mountain, we find a procession of ceramic figures, deities, or mythological beings in transit –they dialogue with the characters of this extravagant set of buildings. The woman in the video, strange in her own setting, makes the tiring ascent to the summit; her body is a territory populated by dreams and memories. In the Cosmonación that we present here, the natural landscape merges with the urban one; bodies-collages, existences-mosaics are inhabitants of an intimate geography in which, nevertheless, we are all invited to enter.
Andrea Pacheco González
Madrid, Marzo 2024
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drenix004 · 11 months
Veleria Garza Headcanons
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Headcanons of Valeria being your alpha, sorry but i had to do it. i had the idea in my head for days and i think there are no headcanons of Valeria being alpha of omega reader. enjoy this little headcanon with the owner of our uterus :)
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Valeria has a closely guarded secret, something she hides very well from her enemies. It was even more protected than she was herself.
That something was you, you were the most valuable thing to the alpha of the most dangerous cartel in Latin America. You were her precious Omega, her partner and wife, something she protected with her life.
As something valuable, you could not go out on the street as if nothing, Valeria had you in a cage.
A golden cage with all the existing and future comforts.
Do you want more blankets for your nest? You don't have to say it twice, Valeria buys all the omegas blanket stores in Las Almas just for you.
Do your clothes itch? She'll burn it and buy you a new brand name, cotton-only clothing keeper for your sensitive skin.
Valeria was aware that she had you locked up, that's why she gave you the best of the best, even though sometimes you didn't ask for it because you thought it was an unnecessary expense.
Ridiculous, Valeria was filthy rich. She wouldn't stay poor for buying you clothes, blankets or whatever you wanted.
Valeria is the kind of alpha who loves to perfume you every night without fail, was she too late? No matter, she'll climb into the nest and kiss the mark she left on your neck while releasing her pheromones. She loves to drown you in her scent, it relaxes her inner alpha.
You love having Valeria's scent on you, it makes your inner omega very happy.
Valeria loves to see you in your animal form, she loves to run her hands through your brown fur.
"come here mi chula" she calls you with a brush in her hand, she loves to comb and groom you when you are turned into a wolf. You let her comb your hair, you love the feel of her hands on you.
When you are both turned, Valeria loves to bite your tail and ears just to tease you.
Her wolf by law bigger so it takes you more than two hours to brush all her fur.
Her fur was as dark as her hair, even her eyes were dark.
Valeria's protective instincts in her animal form are tripled, so she wraps her body around you like a donut while you groom.
There are days when she likes to be on top of you, she is mindful of her weight so she doesn't reload her whole body on you.
As an alpha, her instincts to protect and provide are stronger since she mated with you years ago, this leads her to hunt at least twice a month to calm her instinct to provide for you.
She makes sure to always get the biggest and healthiest prey for her omega. Her alpha ego was enlarged when you greeted her with happy squeals as you wagged your tail.
Valeria had learned to make nests just for and because of you, the day she asked her omega to teach her they had a little blush.
Valeria sometimes has internal debates with her alpha, her she-wolf wants to be with you all the time, especially when she is in the middle of important meetings. This makes her frown, making her partners worry thinking she didn't like what they were saying.
Valeria never courted her omega in the traditional way; flowers, outings and gifts of clothing did not. Her nature always was, is and always will be direct. She went straight to hunting prey (this was the last part of the courtship, when the couple was planning to unite forever) she always had a proud smile with a look full of confidence, her message was more than clear; she wanted to unite with you, she had no doubts. He knew what he wanted, and that was you.
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— Rhys
Hello, dearest Rhysand! And thank you for the ask! (This relates to this shifting ask game, go check it out!)
🍒: What drew you to shifting, how did you learn about it?
I learned about shifting through a YouTube video of a man bashing on shifters. At the time, I laughed it off and forgot about it for almost two years. Then, I came across a Veleria Potter post on TikTok, and I was hooked. This was almost a year ago now, and I’ve attempted to shift almost every single night since, and I’ve shifted to parallel realities many times.
🌻: has shifting affected your life in your or?
I do believe it has. It’s given me a type of peace, a knowing that even when the worst shit happens in the reality I’m in, I have someone and something I can go home to that will bring me peace and joy. I don’t want to say I’ve stopped caring about certain things, but I’ve stopped letting them bother me as much. I’m happier now, even when I get stressed out, because I can go anywhere, be anyone or anything, and it’s so incredible.
🏆: what’s your favorite method?
Okay, so my favorite method is one that I’ve detailed before and it helped someone shift and I got so mad because I hadn’t gotten fully to a DR yet 😭 (not really though, I’m glad they shifted). But the main point: pick a playlist that reminds you of your DR, turn it on and make it loud. I put it under my pillow personally. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes, about how long it takes for the whole left-brain/right-brain thing. The end of the timer should just be “stop playing,” and not anything you’ll need to turn off. I usually start my affirmations then, but sometimes earlier if I feel like it. I usually merge this with the Julia Method and just repeat “I am” because I’m too lazy to use/can’t remember long affirmations lol. And then I affirm until I shift (*cough, get scared and chicken out, cough*)! I always get wild symptoms with this method.
🍯: have you ever told anyone in your life about shifting? Would you ever tell someone in your DR about shifting?
A few months ago, I told my sister about shifting, but she didn’t seem very interested. I thinks she’s mostly forgotten about it lol. As far as telling people in my DRs, Loki knows because I want to share everything with him. Out of every DR I have, he is the person in the multiverse who knows me best, and I want him to know everything about me and my lives.
🌲: what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in your DR/you’ve ever scripted?
In my Ted Lasso DR, which doubles as a baker DR, I drop an entire cake on my boss (who is a very tall and initially intimidating woman who owns the entire football club). I’m talking like six tier cake with all the fixings. I think that’s really it for that, I don’t really like being embarrassed, it makes me super super uncomfortable so I avoid it at all costs. Most other embarrassment is plot based/incredibly personal, so I’d rather not share ☺️.
Please send me more of these, people, I had so much fun doing this 😭
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cod-dump · 1 year
Valeria, to her cat: Now this is most interesting, isn't it, my little fluffy one?
Diego: Sure is, sweetie pie.
Veleria: Not you, puta. Cleo!
Diego: What's so interesting about her?
Valeria: No! Maldito idiota! It's not Cleo that's interesting.
Cleo: *gets fluffed and upset*
Valeria: Ohhhh no no my pretty pet, of course you are interesting.
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Second Battle of Cinza ( 08/01/79 )
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battlefield location of Cinza Farm.
the second battle of Cinza, was a conflict in the Sud Rumeliana region in the second Balt Rhein - Turkish war (78 - 80 CTR) that took place on the 8th, Month of Lale, 78 CTR. in a Cinza rice field, beside the Scoglio river. The Balt Rhein army once again attacked the Sud region led by Generals Fretzen, Adam, and Dirk Witcher. The war ended in victory for the Stratocracy, dashing Balt Rhein's further aspirations to seize sud territory.
The background of this war is unknown. according to Franz Babinger, the invasion of the sud region was carried out in order to take advantage of the reduced strength of the Turkiye troops guarding this region. because most of the troops were diverted for the invasion of the Balt region. however, it seems that the invasion of the sud region was not based on the orders of the capital St. Michael. according to Rhoads Murphey, the initiative of this invasion was from General Fretzen as the general commander in this military operation. without heeding the orders of the central government, asking him to gather soldiers in St.Michael after the fall of the city of Gol. Fretzen saw an open opportunity for the empire to invade the Sud. After sending some Rod Orm in order to consensus the Turkish forces. he began to make preparations in the Rhein region, gathering several commanders and troops with him.
On the 1st, the Balt Rhein Army began to enter the Sud. but bypassed the routes of Cantar, Veleria, and Letra. The Balt Rhein troops attacked several villages, market towns, and looted agricultural produce for military use. reports of this attack quickly reached Saruca Pasha, as Beylerbey Sud, in Espada through Turahan Omer Bey who served as Sanjakbey Cinza. when these reports reached him, Saruca Pasha ordered Turahan Pasha, Karaca Pasha, and Hadim Sinan Pasha to mobilise.
Balt Rhein's troops continued looting until they entered Cinza's rice fields which would later become the battlefield. while the Pashas and Beys of Sud made preparations to attack the Empire.
Between Balt Rhein and Turkiye Troops
The number of Turkiye troops defending Sud is still disputed. first estimates reached 60,000. while the Balt Rhein's own estimate from the census was 40,000. the Balt Rhein historian Schiltberger has his own aesthetic number, that the number of Turkiye troops reached 65,000. This contradicts Fretzen's letter to Adam about his census, which states that the Turkiye army was only 40,000 strong. this may have been due to volunteers taking part in the battle. the Turkiye soldiers were all Janissary infantry. and none were on horseback. they were reinforced with a few cannons.
Fretzen's army consisted of 60,000 imperial standby troops, which were supported by 20,000 light Rhein Hussar troops. the main troops under their own commander were at the core of the flank formation. the left flank was commanded by Tott. the right flank troops were commanded by Mark Blumenthal. as for the cavalry troops that were on the second flank of the troops, they were commanded by Adam and Dirk Witcher.
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Cinza Battle formation
On the 6th, the Balt Rhein Army entered Cinza via the Scoglio River, and began plundering the fields, and agricultural products for supplies during the war. the Turkiye army led by Saruca Pasha had reached Cinza the day before and began evacuating the locals. he let the Balt Rhein army continue to plunder in order to exhaust itself in marching and attacking. and after the Balt Rhein army had collected a fair amount of loot, he began to attack them on the 8th.
The two armies consisted of three columns. the Turkiye right flank was led by Turahan pasha and his son Omer Bey. the left flank was led by Hadim Sinan Pasha. and the core of the Turkiye army was led by Saruca and Karaca pasha who faced Fretzen's army.
The battle began in the afternoon. The Turkiye army was able to withstand the Balt Rhein's attack for a while. but then the hussar cavalry troops led by witcher and Adam began to attack the right and left sides of the Turkiye army. Hadim Sinan Pasha and Turhan Pasha were forced to retreat. next, Witcher began to attack the core of the Turkiye forces on the centre flank. and began to destroy the Turkiye forces on the centre flank. as a result, Saruca and Karaca began to retreat. at the start of the battle, it was clear that the Turkiye forces were suffering a defeat. they fled to a camp near the town of Cinza that had been fortified with cannons, muskets, crossbows and wagen fort. and prepared for the next wave of Balt Rhein forces' attacks.
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wagenfort, or chariot, which was used for self-defence against cavalry in the 15th century.
The hussars swiftly attacked the turkiye camp with great vigour. thinking they had won. however, the turkiyee troops accompanied by the volunteer troops guarding the camp rained cannon, musket and crossbow fire on them. killing half of them. adam was killed with an arrow threatening his neck. while the witcher fell from the back of his horse, but managed to escape. seeing that it was getting late, and there was chaos among his troops, Fretzen decided to retreat, and return to his camp.
Saruca Pasha made good use of this momentum. towards midnight, he quietly mobilised troops and volunteers. then made noise with fireworks and gunpowder explosions. instantly panicking the Balt Rhein troops, even for their divisions who were on guard that night. fretzen once again tried to mobilise his troops and make a defensive position. Saruca pasha this time used the wagen fort he had used to guard the camp as a means of attack by arranging it vertically. it was then pushed by buffalo to slaughter some of the Balt Rhein troops and destroy their fences. the Balt Rhein troops tried to escape out of the camp, but ended up as prisoners in the hands of the Volunteer troops. fretzen was mortally wounded trying to fight back, but a janisarry soldier managed to cut off his head with his halberd. now the Balt Rhein troops no longer had a leader, they fled the chaos of war with their comrades. Vasco describes the celebrations after the night battle of Cinza; "the excitement reached its peak, every citizen and Turkish soldier made his comrades laugh at each other. While the locals began to loot the camps of the Imperial troops and reclaim the goods they had looted, others harassed the captive enemy soldiers by cutting off their ears and noses (as a form of revenge)".
Casualties on the imperial side were very high. around 40,000 people were killed in the night attack on cinza. and almost all the commanders were killed in the attack, except Dirk witcher who managed to escape. the initial prisoners after the war were around 10,000 personnel. however, this number increased to 20,000, because Saruca Pasha after the War continued to conduct sweeps of Balt Rhein troops who tried to flee back to Rhein territory. some of them got lost and were killed by local residents. those who managed to return safely were only around 20,000 people.
Casualties on the Turkiye side vary. some say 3,000 soldiers to 8,000. but the second opinion seems to be stronger. the second battle of Cinza was a psychological victory for the people of Sud and for the Turkiye forces. and for the first time, the cooperation of both sides was able to break the Balt Rhein Invasion for the second time since the first invasion 3 years ago. since then the Balt Rhein's dream of reclaiming sud territory was completely dashed. until the fall of their empire a few years later.
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popsartattic · 8 months
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Art done during artfight 2023 of avery_braindump's character Veleria
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ketakicreation · 1 year
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oreoskys · 3 years
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I have a webcomic now!! go check it out if you want! 
It’s sci-fi, drama, and comedy <3 https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/veleria/list?title_no=705107
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sailbiz · 4 years
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tryingtoliv3 · 2 years
"los peores errores se cometen por amor."
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lookilike · 3 years
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carrtoonfreak · 4 years
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Feliz Quinceañera!!
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the-atta-boy · 6 years
Yeah man com'on
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hawk-feathers · 2 years
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A gryphon! Have a character portrait of Veleria for Saylor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow me on Patreon for more art, WIPs and videos.
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exficatsalley · 3 years
Woo!!! I officially have 3 players confirmed for my DnD campaign now~ I just need to wait for one of my players to finish making their character now.
Here’s the character sheet template I drew up, as well!!! I’m going to be drawing all of their PCs on their character sheet, as well, so stay tuned!!! I’m super excited about finally being able to DM my own campaign soon!! This is a long overdue game, but I’m so glad that I waited until I developed things a bit more. Also, here’s an over world map of Veleria, which is the nation that my campaign is taking place on. I’ve been working on this world for well over 8 years now, and the campaign for about 4years now.
The name of the campaign is Veleria: Tales of the Void, and this is the description I wrote for it on dndbeyond.
“Veleria was once a vivacious land filled with many civilians and creatures from coast to coast. These vibrant localities have grown monochrome, however, now devoid or color and life. Parisha’s once vivid red elegant elvish cities have become as grey as the ash falling from the volcano the cities are built around. The glittering goldstone walls of the Wilolan Mines which dwarves call home have become dull and faded. The orange peaks of the orc’s Vemorian Mountains which once shined in the morning light have grown shadowy and grim. The once glistening yellow-orange Goblin caverns of the Aeclugoth Caves have become subdued. The gleaming yellow sands of the Kaleric Desert that the cradic had adapted to only a few decades before have become dim and pale. The yellow-green grasses of the Creomirus Savanah have become lifeless and wilted. The grand green leaves of the Berumian Forest that wood elves reside in have become barren and bleak. The Rullubis Swamp’s blue-green deluge where half-elves live has become impoverished and desolate. The sparkling blue underwater cities of the Godriac Sea that triton populate are now all but muted. The blue-violet-hued Nebruthra Icelands where humans are located has become colorless and stark. The shining purple shaded snow of the Varjonian Tundra where drow take refuge gas kits all shine and has become dismal.The red-violet stones of the Fractioned Vale that half-orcs occupy is dreary and somber.Even the island of Violl’s Garden has begun to feel the spiritlessness of the central lands.
Heroes and adventurers alike hav been called forth to the now desolate city of Noirvera in the middle of the lands to discuss how the Provinces and Tertiary Zones have become so lackluster; how their help is needed to return the essence of the lands back to normal. Celia Belford has decided to pay a visit to the city of Noirvera, and is holding a conference to discuss the recovering of the Primary Heart Gems which were stolen from the Province’s capital cities deity tree statues and are now being used in the temples by the six corrupted weather priests.
The lot of you have traveled from all over this devastated nation to seek solace in the central city. Vairdan Ilric, the leader of Noirvera, has invited you all to the local seminar in hopes that you all will find some comfort. You each enter the city, some accompanied by companions, others venturing on their own. On this fated day, you all begin to make your way to the city hall where Celia is scheduled to speak.
What will you do?”
I don’t know when we’ll be starting yet, or what day we’ll choose to play on, but I’m still super excited about this. 💙 💙 💙
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yokai-johnsculpture · 7 years
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Some sculpts from last week....
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