#verse- remnants of despair
bullet-rebuttle · 4 months
Remnants of despair most to least dangerous
Most to least dangerous
*Dead most likely if encountered*
1: Mizumi Akemi
2: Giichi Kutsuki
3: Takumi Igurashi
4: Etsuko Ueharo
5: Yukino Kimura
6: Hayato Sakimori
7: Shigure Futaba
8: Raijin Hirose
9: Akihito Terai
10: Tsuyoshi Nishio
11: Rika Ikari
12: Naoko Suto
13: Ume Watanabe
*about a 30% chance to die*
14: Kaori Takushi
15: Sumiko Honda
16: Yamane
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Continued from here:
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Chiaki was surprised by the sudden hug, but smiled and returned it. It probably wasn't the most comfortable hug in the world, given that Chiaki's metal body was likely cold to the touch, but she was at least relieved that Ibuki didn't seem to be treating her any differently.
"I'm glad to see you again, Ibuki..." The android smiled and let go of her friend.
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more-than-a-princess · 5 months
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@ultfan asked: ACCOMPLICE :  for one muse to assist the other at the scene of a crime ritualistic courtly torture. (most likely in an ult despair context but lbr komaeda isn’t against this regardless)
A Comprehensive List of Scenarios
She didn't like having her beauty regimen interrupted.
It was, as Sonia was reminded time and time again, her greatest asset. Junko saw to that every time she graced the Queen of Novoselic with her presence: a purr into Sonia's ear before the queen took to the cameras, while she draped herself over the queen's lap as she sat upon the throne. when Sonia buried her face between Junko's perfect thighs as she brought her waves upon waves of pleasure and pain until Junko could be, at least temporarily, satiated in her lust for despair.
Beauty was the key. Beauty commanded, enslaved, teased, tortured, and conquered. Junko had run a manicured thumb over Sonia's mouth the last time, reveling in the blood and cum that lingered there, and had told her she was best, she was perfect, just like that.
And thus, in her absence, Sonia was meticulous. It had become a ritual, there in the once-lavish bathroom that had been her father's: from the silk robe she wore, to the two servants who escorted her, to the dripping tears that began to fill the white porcelain tub. At its edge, the two women clad in little more than undergarments carefully peeled the silk away from their Queen's shoulders, each taking a hand to help her climb into the tub.
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please!" The choked, strangled voice begged from above. Sobs and sniffles that, until that point, Sonia had ignored. Rather pathetic, really: the girl, no older than twenty if she had to estimate, couldn't even handle being stripped naked, branded on the buttock with the royal seal, and strung up with rope several meters above the bath.
She was beautiful, but she wouldn't last long. A pity: Sonia liked it best when it lasted.
"I...I am a hard worker! I will do anything, please just spare my brothers and sisters!" She babbled, her brown eyes widening as her lips parted at the sight of Sonia, pale and soft, flawless and naked in the porcelain tub below her. As if she had trouble deciding whether to plead for the lives of her siblings or plead for access to her queen's cunt instead.
Sonia's delicate mouth turned upwards into a smirk, watching her eyes glaze over. As their gazes met, the young woman dangling above her gasped, her cheeks reddened, and Sonia knew in that moment that saving her family was now the secondary goal of joining Queen Sonia's court.
"You are...most powerful, m-most beautiful.." She stammered, her gaze greedily dropping to Sonia's chest, her belly, the apex of her thighs. "P-please, I promise I can make myself useful to you-"
"You are noisy."
"H-huh?" A pitiful cry of confusion. The first time, since Sonia had sunk into the tub, that she'd been intrigued by her: not her long brown hair, or her round eyes, or the smattering of freckles just below her navel, or the pink nipples that had hardened at the sight of her queen, bare and resplendent beneath her.
"You are much too noisy," Sonia repeated, a soft purr to her voice as she reached over the side of the tub. "And not even the right kind of noisy. We will fix that."
"What do you mean, I-" The young woman tried to protest, right before a scream ripped from her throat. Her queen had retrieved the stick that rested by the edge of the tub. Or rather, what the woman thought was a stick. Instead, Sonia had grabbed the ceremonial spear, raised it upward, and cut her open from navel to nose.
"That's better," Sonia declared in a breathy sigh, her body relaxing against the tub. If she was going to be noisy, she'd at least do so in a way that pleased her. Organs succumbing to gravity and dangling below the open cavity she'd cut, blood spilling down, down, down to splatter over Sonia's elegant face, her full lips, her delicate shoulders, and down even further, over the swells of her breasts, her taut stomach, the curves of her full hips and thighs. "Mmm...that's much better."
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Noisy as she screamed and begged and bled, yet lovely and sweet and caring, and thus perfect for her bath. Junko would be proud, Sonia thought as she rubbed the girl's blood deep into her skin, starting with her face, down her chest and torso before finally settling her fingers between her legs. A modern Lady Bathory she was, she thought as she sliced at the young woman further, opening up her belly before pushing her over with the edge of the spear and cutting through the brand on her ass, a better version. The men she tortured lusted for her until she disposed of them but the women, beautiful and young and hopeful and innocent, Sonia savored them. Drained them of every single one of those qualities until the blood hardened against her skin, her moans of self-pleasure ceased, and the servants entered again to bathe their Queen in milk, rose-scented soap, and water, in that order.
The corpse would be moved away discreetly, a process that occurred while Sonia was dressing and another servant entered her bedroom, bowing deeply before her before announcing a friend had arrived. "A friend? I do not have those, you silly man." She'd insisted, before ordering that the guest be shown to the dungeons corridor alongside a few other, special requests. A friend coming to visit, hmm? Well, they'd better adhere to the rules of Court.
Clad in a clean gown, hair and makeup carefully applied, Sonia strode into the corridor with her retinue flanked behind her. "Well, as if I do not already have enough 'Servants,'" She teased, the corners of her mouth turning upward at the sight of the Servant. Or Nagito, as he'd once been. They were twisted now, all twisted now, around Junko's fingers and honey-sweet promises of Despair. "What brings you to my Castle? Well, we shall find out shortly. After your welcome ceremony. Please, come."
At her nod, two guards opened the door to one of the dungeon's many rooms. Inside, a skinny boy with mouse-brown hair, tattered clothes, and chained wrists waited. He whimpered at the sight of Sonia but considerably brightened upon seeing her companion. With a sweet smile, Sonia pressed two brightly-colored wrapped treats into his hands. "Go on," She urged Nagito with a silkiness, a playfulness, to her voice. "He's been told that the man with the fluffy hair has candy for him. He hasn't eaten in almost a week, you see." The boy, caked in dirt and smelling of piss and shit, crawled to Nagito eagerly on all fours, chained hands extended while babbling pleas for the sweets. "It's only proper when you visit someone's home to bring a gift, you know." She reminded him, arms folded over her chest as she waited, watched, eyes fixed on Nagito's hands and the way the little boy used the last of his strength to claw for them, begging for the food within.
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the-ultimate-muses · 6 days
💭 Gotta hear Kazuichi's thoughts on Gundham, of course.
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"It pisses me off how much I like him, but like...in a good way? He's such a fucking dork, but whenever he goes off on one of his stupid Overlord rants I just wanna kiss his dumb face off. Wonder if he'd get mad if I did..."
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hopefulindespair · 9 months
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From @anemolost: Seeing that you have Nekomaru in your muses, I am going to put my boyo on the back of his remnant verse.
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“What the?” Nekomaru felt a sudden weight on his back and turned his head to see the familiar brown hair poking out. He stepped away from the computer and went to swipe at Makoto but he remembered that they needed him alive. To bring Junko back, they all needed him and the Future Foundation to bring her back. He frowned and lowered his arms, just a simple mission his ass.
“The hell are you trying to do?” Well, maybe he should have waited before looking into the computer. He knew nothing about programming but it was what he was told to do. Servant told him, that Izuru told him to wait a second… He was going to kill Servant when he got his hands on him.
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toyboxfriends · 2 years
@despairedcoach​ wants to play a game!
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“Nnngh... don’t wanna...,” the gamer grumbled as the coach tried to get her out from under her blanket fortress. She had been pouting since Nekomaru interrupted her last killing game and killed her victims outright. It’s like he had no concept of ‘Finders Keepers’. “I’m gonna stay right here and control Monokumas forever if all anyone is gonna do is interrupt my games.”
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 11 months
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Request from @talesofreading: Hi dear ☺️ could I ask for an imagine with Bucky where you can't sleep, so you walk around through the compound enjoying the silence. Just as you find a wide awake Bucky as well. You then just talk about senseless stuff till you find yourself in each other's embrace on the couch where he finally gets the guts to kiss you and tell you how much you mean to him. Eventually you fall asleep and the others find you both tangled together the next morning and are very happy for you 🙊
Word Count: 1,895
Warnings: mostly fluff with a dash of angst at the beginning.
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1:00 AM.
2:00 AM.
2:30 AM.
It was too much. The thoughts. The dread. The guilt. All too much. 
You fought to throw back the covers which had wrapped around your legs as you'd tossed and turned for the last three hours. The last mission had been a disaster. So many people had died. You felt responsible. Here you were, safe and sound while the people you'd left in the remnants of their broken homes, mourning their lost loved ones.
What gave you the right to be surrounded by comfort? By warmth? By luxury? Who were you that you deserved to walk away without taking responsibility for your shortcomings?
Your mind raced like a little toy car set to spin around the same tiny track for eternity. You were well versed in the pain that came with the setting sun. This wasn’t the first night you’d chosen to pace the corridors of the Compound, choosing to use your body rather than your mind. Your autopilot carried you down the corridors, down past the Olympic sized swimming pool that Tony had insisted was necessary, and outside under the stars where you felt a sense of freedom. Freedom from your worries, from your responsibilities and freedom from your guilt. The vastness of the stars above you reminded you of how small your problems were in the grand scheme of the universe. The weight of your decisions seemed miniscule out here in the wide open space, far from anyone-
You were winded by the force of your impact with a very solid object. It wasn’t until a strong pair of hands were wrapped around your arms that you realized that the solidness belongs to another human being. In fact he was a very strong, very beefy human being. Sergeant Bucky Barnes, formerly the Winter Soldier, was holding you upright, well, just about.
“I’m sorry,” you wheezed.
“Are you alright, Buttercup?”
“Peachy,” you breathed out, finally getting some air back in your lungs. “How are you so … solid?”
Bucky huffed out a laugh, albeit a short lived one. You never failed to bring a smile to his face even if he was feeling miserable, in the depths of despair, plagued with guilt and confusion, it was you who was always there. You were a ray of sunshine in the melancholy that filled his life. You reminded him of the color yellow, which is why he had chosen to call you Buttercup. Not that he had ever told you the reason he had chosen this nickname. But you liked it, so it stuck.
“What’re you doing out here? It’s 3am!” You always worried about your friend.
Bucky shrugged. “You can see the stars out here.”
“Yeah, you can’t see the Milky Way from anywhere in the city. It makes me glad to be out here.”
“And why are you out here at 3am?” Bucky knew the exact reason you were out there.
You sighed. “Morpheus forgot to swing by my room tonight.”
“How inconsiderate of him.”
The two of you stood in silence, looking up at the stars until a cool wind picked up around you and you shivered. Your thoughts hadn’t involved dressing for the weather as you tried to escape from the prison of your own mind.
“Maybe we should go back inside.”
“Why?” Your stubbornness knew no bounds.
“I’m cold.” Bucky knew your obstinacy far too well.
You rolled your eyes but didn’t object, it was really rather a nippy night. Bucky started walking back into the facility, so you follow. You’d follow him to the ends of the Earth if he asked you. The amorous feelings you harbored for Bucky were something you kept well hidden for fear of them being unrequited. Sometimes you’d catch him looking at you with an intensity which made you feel like there was the potential for more between you, but the fear of losing his friendship had always held you back.
He led you to the small common room which had a kitchenette attached to it. It was your favorite because of the large windows which gave you a magnificent view of the dense tree line around the Compound.
“Sit,” he told you as he made his way to the counter.
“Yes sir,” you made a small face but did as you were told.
Bucky filled the kettle and set it to boil and popped two teabags into mismatched mugs. It gives you time to curl up on the couch under a throw blanket and you go back to admiring the stars. He joins you with two steaming mugs of your favorite herbal tea.
“Thanks Buck.”
“I know a story about the Milky Way.” You smiled at the fact that your words were basically a quote from a story you’d read as a young girl but it had stayed with you. You proceed to tell Bucky the story as best as you remember it.
He sat down close to you, close enough that you caught the scent of his shower gel. Sometimes, it was hard, being in his orbit. There would be times it frightened you and other times you grew bold, almost taunting with your affections. You wished from the depths of your soul that one day he would tell you that he cared for you the same way you did for him. 
“Once there were two angels in heaven, named Zerah and Zulamith. Zerah and Zulamith loved each other, just as we mere mortals fall in love with each other. But their love was forbidden by God.”
Bucky sighed. You took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
“Unfortunately, because the two angels had broken God’s law, they were banished to the furthest corners of the universe. Now, if God had banished them together, it wouldn’t have been a punishment at all. But sometimes God can be cruel-”
“You got that right,” Bucky muttered under his breath.
“-so he sent Zerah to be exiled to a star on one side of the universe, and Zulamith was sent to a star right on the other side of the universe. Between them there was an incomprehensible abyss, darker than the black of midnight which even the closest star couldn’t brighten. But for the two angels, the strength of their love surpassed the boundaries of the universe and even though they were worlds apart, they yearned for each other.”
You laid your head on Bucky’s shoulder as you spoke, unable to look at his expression as you told the tale. “Zerah’s longing for Zulamith was so strong and pure that she began to create a bridge made of light from her star. And Zulamith, who had no idea this was happening on the other side of the universe doing the same. For thousands of years they ached and suffered. But eventually their bridges of light met!”
Bucky squeezed your hand. You couldn’t see the way he looked down at you as though he understood exactly how those angels felt.
“As their bridges finally came together, they sprang into each other’s arms. All the anguish and loneliness they had endured was over because this bridge built by their love spanned the gulf between their stars of exile.
“But that’s not the end of the story, is it?” Bucky asked.
“No, because when the other angels found this bridge of light, they went to God and-”
“They ratted out Zerah and Zulamith,” Bucky broke in bitterly.
“Pretty much. They went to Him crying ‘see what these rebellious angels have done!’ But God hushed everyone who spoke in heaven. And through the silence he said, anything in this universe that is built with true love is not even something I can destroy. The bridge will stand forever. And it still does.” You looked up at the Milky Way from the window, lost in the romance of your story.
“You’re quite the Story Girl.”
Bucky’s words made you snap your face back to look at him. His face was so close to yours, it was unnerving.
“The Story Girl? You know the book?” you asked curiously. The Story Girl was the book where you’d read the story of Zerah and Zulamith.
“I remember reading it,” Bucky admitted.
An image of a young Bucky sitting and reading formed in your mind and it made you smile. You were surprised to notice that he hadn’t let go of your hand and was in fact rubbing small circles over the back of it with his thumb. He was looking at you with such tenderness that you felt a little flustered.
“I love that we share stuff like this. Even though we grew up with lives which feel like we're on opposite ends of the universe, we still shared these small things. Even if we can't share the bigger stuff.”
“Hey, thanks for not pushing too much on the reason for the midnight wandering.” Bucky’s voice was soft and sad. “I know I’m not the easiest person to talk to.”
“What? Bucky, don’t be absurd. I love talking to you, even in the middle of the night. I love spending time with you. I lo-” You cut yourself in time, maybe confessing your love when he was so vulnerable wasn’t the best idea. You decided to go back to looking at your stars.
Bucky didn’t miss the catch in your voice, or the blush on your cheeks. “What was that, Buttercup?”
“You're my best friend. Did you know that?” You felt like some kind of confession was due. “I mean I know Steve is yours. But you're mine.”
Bucky put an arm around your waist pulling you closer than you ever dreamed possible. “I am you know.
You looked at him a little quizzically. “What?”
His voice was barely audible, but it sent shivers down your spine and his grip on your waist tightened. You are completely paralyzed with shock. Did he mean what you think he meant? Or did he just mean that you were his best friend too.
Your silence was too much for him, Bucky withdrew his arm from the embrace he had you in, afraid he had said too much.
“Bucky!” you grabbed his hand, not letting him move any further. “Please?” You didn't even know what you were asking him for.
Bucky sighed, sitting back down but not as close as he was before. He was silent and still, like he was waiting. He knew how to be patient. He would wait an eternity for you if it meant he could have you. But he dared not say any more.
It was your turn to move closer to him. You crept forward, until your hands rested on his thigh. Every movement was slow, scared. But something in his eyes drew you forward, until your face was inches from his. Finally you threw caution to the wind and pressed a slow sweet kiss against his lips. Gentle and innocent but filled with promise.
His hands found your face, pulling you back for more. Embodying the yearning that Zerah and Zulamith had felt. It drew you closer until you were wrapped in each other's arms.
The embrace is how sleep finally found you and it was also how Sam and Steve found you later that morning. They smiled at each other, tiptoeing away to give you the peace you very much deserved.
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sanggatra · 8 months
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— "Will it be a bad ending for us two, gone astray?"
In the twilight of a dying world, where shadows clung to fractured skies, two souls intertwined in a dance of love and despair. Echoes of melancholy whispered through desolate landscapes as they embarked on a journey, hand in hand, chasing fleeting moments of solace.
Amidst the ruins, where concrete skeletons stood as silent witnesses, their love unfolded like verses in a forgotten poem. The moon cast its silver glow on the remnants of what once thrived, and their footsteps echoed in the haunting emptiness of an apocalyptic ballet.
Through fields of wilted roses, they ran, hearts pounding to the rhythm of an impending demise. He, a painter of dreams, brushed strokes of hope on the canvas of her weary soul. She, a poetess of the forsaken, wove verses of passion and rebellion against the encroaching darkness.
As the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that reached for their entwined silhouettes, they found refuge in the embrace of dilapidated cathedrals and forgotten libraries. Love blossomed like ivy reclaiming the walls, defiant against the crumbling reality.
"Far away in the universe, my love, Will you join me, like stars above?"
To a place unseen, where dreams take flight, "With you, my dear, in the eternal night."
In the final crescendo of chaos, as the symphony of destruction played its relentless tune, they faced the inevitable hand in hand. Their eyes, windows to a shared eternity, reflected the kaleidoscope of memories forged in the crucible of chaos.
And so, under the indigo canopy of a fading sky, they surrendered to the inevitable, embracing the cataclysmic finale. In the echo of their last breaths, a poetic silence enveloped them, and their love transcended the boundaries of a world spiraling into oblivion.
"Go to the end with me, my lover"
"Crush me in your arms. Give me a lovelier kiss, lover."
Together, in a final embrace, they whispered vows into the abyss, becoming cosmic dust entwined for all eternity. In the symphony of an apocalyptic swan song, their love story etched itself into the annals of a forgotten universe, a tale of passion that defied the very fabric of extinction.
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murmew · 9 months
Cafe 3 - Red Eye
"Ashes denote that fire was..." A steady cadence paired with arching pen strokes. The glowing letters floating in the air trembled, then dispersed into the sunlight streaming through the windows.
Another failure.
Sonetto calmly lowered her wand. Stationed in front of her book stand, she traced the poem on the open page again with her index finger, mouthing silently to herself with a deliberate beat.
"I thought you would be here."
Sonetto quickly straightened her back and turned around. Vertin had entered the study with two steaming porcelain cups.
"Timekeeper?" She checked the clock situated on the nearby wall and blushed in embarrassment. They were supposed to meet for lunch nearly half an hour ago. "Sorry."
Vertin shook her head and handed Sonetto her drink.
"Thank you." Sonetto accepted the cup with both hands, but even upon stepping back, it was clear her thoughts lay elsewhere.
Vertin followed her gaze to the open book. "Ashes denote that fire was - Revere the greyest pile." She glanced up at Sonetto who was taking a sip of her drink. "Were you trying to cast this verse?"
Sonetto's unique arcane skill was as powerful as her own imagination. A beautiful skill that brought poetry to life.
"The meaning of this verse..." Sonetto lowered her cup, eyes downcast. "I see... an ashen world, one that has lost the spark of life."
What a depressing image. It was clearly muddled, given that the verse refused to materialize. The intention of the author... The poem was one of reflection, not despair and loss.
"What about the fleeting beauty that fire has shown? The memories of what was."
"Revere the greyest pile... The remnants of fire that burned largest and brightest. The most precious memory."
Sonetto furrowed her brows, deep in thought. She was quiet for a long time, then she finally spoke, "What's lost is gone... But it is still a world bright with embers and flames, there will always be more to see and experience."
"Did that help?"
"Yes, very much. Thank you, Timekeeper."
Vertin smiled to herself, satisfied with the conclusion. "So, how's Red Eye?"
Sonetto seemed a bit confused by the question before remembering that she had a drink in her hand. "It's-"
It was her remark for the past two drinks by now. The pattern was too obvious by this point.
Sonetto nodded, but continued. "I think... I like this over the previous two drinks. The boldness is different from black coffee."
"It must because of the espresso shot."
"Espresso, the result of brewing coffee with high pressure..."
Vertin didn't think Sonetto of all people would like espresso, but it also wasn't too out of left field.
"If possible, I'd like to try espresso tomorrow."
"Sur- Wait, just espresso?"
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spittyfishy · 10 months
Hey, it's me, and I'm asking. Plz explain the dvr3 despair au playlist. Plzzzz
You got it!!
•New Americana by Hasely
This is one of the ones I listened to a bunch while first figuring out the au back in 2022! It’s mostly there for just general vibes for the whole cast
•I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers
This is one of the ones there for Kaito and Maki lol, hard to go wrong with evil ship-y songs
•P.S I Love You by Robin Sparkles
One of the most Remnant Tenko songs ever lol, every part of it fits, she’s going through it lol
•Mary On A Cross by Ghost
This one is there for Angie! Not necessarily for any specific lyrics but just for the vibes lol
•Villain by Stella Jang
Fully a Tsumugi song, largely because there’s a really cool animatic with her to that song on YouTube
•Murders by Miracle Musical
I put this one on there for Rantaro as Kamakura! It has the kind of unnerving vibes I like for him
•The Fine Print by The Stupendium
This just has generally good remnant vibes, and really most villains in general (it’s on my Carmen Sandiego playlist as well)
•The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley
Another Tenko one! Focusing on her fixation on Junko
•Killer Queen by Mad Tsai
This one just is for Junko lol, applicable for cannon as well
•Who is She? by I Monster
Also Junko, it’s a really neat song!
•Seventeen by Marina
This one’s there for Kirumi! I think at the time I was thinking it would be good for if the future foundation showed up and tried to reason with her and she was sort of arguing sort of explaining what happened
•Disobedient from Steven Universe
Another Kirumi one!
•Someone Gets Hurt from Mean Girls the Musical
I believe this one’s on there for Junko manipulating Kaito but I can’t fully remember
•Cough Syrup (Glee cast version)
First one we got for Himiko!
•Magic Dance by David Bowie
Another Himiko one, with the others as the goblins interjecting lol. Mostly it works because it mentions magic and that’s her whole thing lol
•Below The Surface by Griffinila
This one’s for everyone! I did an animation with part of it for the au and it was fun!
•Evil Like Me from Descendants
So this is in the context of remnant Tsumugi talking with the tsumugi ai that was put in the neo world program (the Chiaki equivalent) since the ai one isn’t actually in despair she’s just programmed that way lol
•Monster by Beth Crowley
I don’t remember who this was for specifically but really it could fit anyone lol
•We Will Rock You by Queen
I this one was a combo of characters with each verse being about someone else, I feel like Kaito and Kokichi were involved but really you could probably make anyone work
•All Star by Smash Mouth
Another that’s just for the group as a whole!
•Class Fight by Melanie Martinez
Tenko again! I’m pretty sure all the Tenko songs are related to her feelings for Junko lol
•Kiss With A Fist by Florence and the machine
This one if for both Tenko and Angie! Because they do not like each other one bit in the au lol (it also works Really Well for Kazuichi and Gundham lol)
•A Change Would Do You Good (Glee Cast Version)
Junko talking with the whole v3 group
•Don’t Speak (Glee Cast Version)
Gonna be honest I fully don’t know why this is on the playlist anymore lol
•Insane by Black Gryph0n
I think this was for everyone
•Cuphead the Musical by Random Encounters
This one’s for all the remnants planning on what to do with Makoto once the thh survivors defeated Junko
•That Beautiful Sound from Beetlejuice
Remnant Kaito and Maki >:3
•Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown
I think this might be the only Gonta song on the playlist, whoops?
•Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Another for the whole group! I did an animation for a bit of this one as well
•Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
Whole group!
•Lay All Your Love On Me by Abba
Everyone talking about Junko lol
•Tricks Up My Sleeve by Trixie & The Illusions
•You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi
I think this is another about Junko
•Mad World by Tears for Fears
Whole group
•Dirty Night Clowns by Chris Garneau
Kokichi I think?
•& by Tally Hall
Just a good remnant song in general lol, for any group of them
•Welcome to the Circus
Kokichi again! I think largely Junko taunting him
•Watermelon by Queen Chimera
Tenko still thinking of Junko lol (when isn’t she)
•E.V.O.L by Marina
Any of the remnant ships, take your pick lol
•Hypnotic by Zella Day
Junko manipulating everyone!
•EVIL by Melanie Martinez
I’m afraid I can’t remember who this was for because more recently I put it on my Akuma playlist for miraculous ladybug (for Vanisher specifically) so now that’s all in an think lol
•Oleander by Mother Mother
Tenko about Junko
•Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence
Remnants in general, it’s a fun fight song
•Gross by Penelope Scott
And Tenko once again!
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danggirlronpa · 10 months
Oh! I didn't expect you to turn it back on me and ask if I had any suggestions... But I actually do!
retrograde brain (why is boredom your fate?) by Firedawn (Serpyre): kyouko/ryouko & super interesting! I really liked their relationship in it, though I will admit it's not the only focus; Junko's sister-relationship with Mukuro gets some focus too. Mukuro might actually be one of my favorite parts aside from the relationship in this one, too; I think the ending is PERFECT as well. Definitely more on the heavy side of things, but a very good read.
I Can't Fix It (is this where i give in?) by TheImmortalFlame: this one features a trans girl!Ouma named Keiko, which might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I definitely liked. It's a lot of AUs in a trench coat, too; most notably despair!Ouma. The ships are Maki/Keiko & Junko/Keiko and is pretty dark/sad but has a happy ending in the end. Love wins!
The Threshold by tsurugikinjo: a Junkan first meeting reimagining (not compliant with DR3), and one of my favorite versions of it. Warning for contemplation of suicide though, nothing happens but there are thoughts.
Mission: Inshoppable by Ripley Scrolls: more Mukuro focused than romance focused, but Komaru goes shopping with Mukuro to try and find something for Syo for her birthday, very cute! Definitely one of the more fluffy ones on this list.
Hopeless Devotion by Snarky_Sociopath: another Junkan reimagining (not complaint with DR3). I would warn that there's background incest between Mukuro and Junko, but the author has said that's only because they are like that in the DR3 canon, and that they aren't trying to romanticize it. It's also not the focus. I definitely understand if anyone wants to skip it because of that, however, as the topic makes me uncomfortable, too. It also focuses on some of the twilight syndrome girls relationships to Mikan in a very enjoyable way, too!
Chiaki Nanami Doesn't Smile by Oceantoast: Enonami with despair!Chiaki; I'm so starved of enonami content that I eat all of these sort of fics up.
Absolutely, Unnaturally, Picture-Perfect by lonely_lowri: a Mahiru character study!!! Less romance focused, but it definitely has Sato/Mahiru & Hiyoko/Mahiru in it.
Her Smile is the Sun by Midnightdemonht: This one is a Junko character study through the eyes of the remnants (not DR3 complaint), so it's not exactly focused on the romances? But they are definitely there.
Everything You've Ever Dreamed by VanadisValentine: NON DESPAIR JUNKAN... it's very sweet. They do a lot of non despair/non abusive Junkan so if that's someone's vibe, I definitely recommend their works!
Write Your Name In Secrets by PekoIsBaby: one of my favorite Celestia/Kyouko fics ever!!! It's plot is pretty darn good, too—I definitely recommend it for anyone who even has a passing interest in these two, it's really good!
Remember by PekoIsBaby: Sakura/Aoi, and my favorite of the pairing I've read. I wasn't immediately sold on the premise of mythical creature au but this one is really, really good. Even if you too aren't immediately sold on the premise, I do recommend reading it anyways because it may just surprise you!
Red Fingernails by PekoIsBaby: Mikan recovering from Junko fic with a bunch of Mikan/girls pairings, aha, though a lot of them are only implied. Ibuki/Mikan is the main ship, if I remember correctly, but there's minor Akane/Mikan & Mahiru/Mikan too. Mikan recovery fic wooo let's go!!!
Sound Bites by starrylitme: Ibuki/Sayaka focus with some Ibuki/Junko, set in the IF-verse. I don't even ship Ibuki/Sayaka but this really made me a lot more interested in them! The way they both relate to music in different ways... very interesting.
Phantasmal Voices by Kayleen756894: ghost!Junko non despair Junkan AU... warning for suicide, but very very good so far! It hasn't updated in a few years, but I'm hoping it will eventually because it's super good.
Pink Heart Flutter by GalaxyAqua: VERY FLUFFY AND CUTE... miu/kaede, just pure fluff.
To Destinations Unknown by GalaxyAqua: a very good NWP post-V3 Miu/Angie AU. Probably my favorite Miu/Angie work out there, tbh.
Burning Your Eyes In The Sun by Jacynon: TENKO/ANGIE MY BELOVED... post-V3 NWP AU, and my favorite Tenko/Angie work I've read. I love Tenko/Angie & I think this work really incapsulates why.
like an island, just me and you by criminalheart: Mikan/Tenko in UTDP & really, really good!!! I loved how it explored Mikan & didn't shy away from her sometimes darker tendencies while still having Tenko be a light in the darkness for her... and it was very sweet, the whole thing.
you and god both got the guns by Jacynon: Tsumugi/Angie & a GREAT exploration of it. Tsumugi-focused.
Better Brighter by starrylitme: NANAMIKI PRE-DESPAIR... I love this one because Mikan is a bit unhinged in it. We need more toxic doomed Yuri nanamiki & I stick by that. This isn't exactly that, but it does scratch the itch somewhat. My favorite Nanamiki story out there!!
a series in poor focus by revolutionator: SATO/MAHIRU MY BELOVED.... probably my favorite Sato/Mahiru works!
Patient Logs by shsldespair: a Mikan-focused recovery fic, with past Junkan. She talks a lot about their relationship & some of the things she says are permanently ingraved in my head... this was written before DR3, I'm pretty sure, so it's not complaint with that.
stillness in woe by sonia (orphan_account): RYOUKO/MIKAN MY BELOVED... plus it's a goddess au which is so cool!!!
Incomplete by GalaxyAqua: Akane/Mikan, and probably the best of the ship I've read! Very good. A little on the sad side, but ultimately hopeful - it's set in a non despair AU.
Liar by monsterkiss: Sayaka/Junko & one of my favorites of the ship! It's from Junko's POV which is cool to see, & canon compliant.
Soft (But Only For Her) by Kayleen756894: a collection of nine abusive Junkan fics, very sweet!!
Those are just some of my favorites! I also didn't include any that I wrote (though you can go looking for them; my account is Buttercup_ghost and I do have a fair amount of them), just ones others wrote. Happy reading!!
Sorry this ask took so long to get to!! I held off to read all of them so I could offer my own thoughts, but I don't think I'll be able to for at least another month or two, and I definitely don't want to wait so long to share such a well crafted list T_T For now, I'll post it for others to see & so I can come back to it later!!
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lumiellle · 1 year
"on paper, in life"; haikaveh, m. 🌱🏛️
“Lie down for me,” Kaveh says as soon as Alhaitham allows him into his room, his face still carrying remnants of that which it becomes when he sleeps. It is a face that often convulses into shades of mockery and sometimes sinks deep into thought. After sleep, Alhaitham’s face is that of the in-between, half scowl, half child-like curiosity. It is a face Kaveh has looked at, a face he has caressed with his fingers and lips many times, and still, he can’t seem to ever get enough of it. 
Alhaitham does as he is asked, but Kaveh can read the question in his eyes.
“I want to look at you,” he explains, and Alhaitham’s eyes, in the face of his answer, roll up once, as if to say, “Again?”
“What’s it to you? You just lie back,” Kaveh says, following him onto the bed. Alhaitham, well versed in Kaveh’s many whims after years and years of companionship, takes hold of the seam of his shirt and pulls it off. It lands on the floor in a heap with his remaining clothes, until he is bare and vulnerable under Kaveh’s hungry gaze. Kaveh’s heart comes alive in his chest, its beat no weaker than it was the very first time—he has long lost count of how many times he has consumed this delightful sight with all of his senses, how many times he has tried to make it a part of himself. Tried to transfer it to paper, into the uncooperative bodies of wood and marble and alabaster, tried to express it in song and in writing, composed pieces for the dutar and despaired over it, for the results never succeeded to capture that which expands before his eyes when he looks at Alhaitham in the flesh.
His intelligent eyes, awakening slowly now, follow Kaveh’s movements as he settles over him. Kaveh fills his lungs with the familiar scents clinging to him, breathing him in, and kisses his lips, just once. He must not linger. Alhaitham doesn’t keep him there, he watches Kaveh intently as his lips travel lower, along the veins on his neck. Kaveh dips his tongue into the hollow by his collarbones, feeling the smooth heat of the emerald embedded into his pale skin. A ripple goes through Alhaitham’s body at Kaveh’s touch—it is one of the many secrets shared between them that this is where he is most easily aroused. Smiling to himself at the superfluous proof of this knowledge, Kaveh continues; he traces the swell of Alhaitham’s biceps, revels in the thin, delicate skin on the underside of his arms, taking in every little vein, every imperfection. There are scars and discolorations, unruly hairs—Kaveh maps out all of it. He takes one of Alhaitham’s hands in his, lifting it to his lips.
He can tell Alhaitham’s blood has grown restless under him, the blue of his eyes clear and wild.
“You’re unusually gentle today,” Alhaitham whispers.
“Quiet now,” Kaveh chastises, littering reverent kisses along Alhaitham’s wrist. He says it with love in his voice. Because, even when he and Alhaitham clash, hackles raised and teeth sharp and aiming to cut, there are layers, and the very bottom one, the one closest to Kaveh’s beating heart, is that of love.
Muscles flex under Alhaitham’s flushed skin as Kaveh descends deeper still, and he feels the inviting press of his arousal, reaching for him like a flower turning to the sun. Kaveh is not unaffected. His instincts never meshed well with his artistic pursuits, never when it came to Alhaitham. Countless nights and days has he fallen pray to his temptation—he knows he is weak; he is just a man, and he knows of the greed inhabiting his own body—and he intends to indulge himself fully, but not now. Not yet.
He needs to commit the picture before him to memory, the shape Alhaitham’s bent legs create, the flimsy grove of dark, coarse hair above his groin and the sparse curls covering his long, muscular legs. Each knuckle on his fingers, the shape of his jaw, the shade of silver that frames his face so handsomely.
Kaveh scrambles for the desk, then, grabbing a pencil, a torn piece of parchment, and begins to draw, sketching out Alhaitham’s shape to the best of his ability. Frustration sets in after the first few strokes have taken form on the parchment. Alhaitham is a stubborn man, never giving away what it is that he truly thinks, and his body behaves much in the same way, refusing to be captured and reduced to a feeble copy. And yet, chased by the waning of their youth and a fear of the unknown, Kaveh sets about capturing the present nonetheless, day after day, even if it ends up in failure. He was born to create, and not only playful courtyards and gardenscapes or the homely structures that make up city life, but the fleeting beauty of the human body.
“Kaveh,” comes Alhaitham’s voice from the bed. “How long are you planning to take?”
The pencil scratches along the parchment. Mid-attempt to replicate the line of Alhaitham’s chest, it comes to an abrupt halt. “So impatient,” Kaveh says, clicking his tongue. “Give me one second.”
So Alhaitham leans up on his elbows and watches as his mirror image blooms across the page. Kaveh feels his eyes on him. They are looking at him with love, too. He doesn’t understand Kaveh, not fully. They speak the same language, and at the same time they don’t. Alhaitham, very much Kaveh’s opposite in many aspects, has made Kaveh livid, brought him to tears, and slit his neck with words of cool rationality. He has hurt Kaveh deeply, but, in return, he allowed Kaveh to hurt him, too, and in that shared anguish they have found a compromise. That he allows Kaveh to study his body like this, worship it both on paper and claim it as his, fills Kaveh’s chest with pride and endless greed every time he is reminded of it.
The picture Kaveh has drawn is unripe; it is merely a seed, a shadow image of the real Alhaitham, who continues so stubbornly to bind Kaveh to himself without surrendering to the restraints of the page.
“You will never be satisfied with your work,” Alhaitham says. “Even when you’re old and gray, you’ll continue to gripe and moan, bent over your drawing desk, complaining of sore muscles from nights spent hammering away on your sculptures. You know that as well as I do, so won’t you stop for now and come here?”
Kaveh sighs. As is the case often, he can barely refute what Alhaitham throws so effortlessly at him. He dislikes it, but it is something he has come to accept. He puts his pencil down and strides over to the bed, tugging his blouse off as he goes. 
Alhaitham is already waiting for him. He accepts Kaveh’s body against his, his lips pressing a kiss to his hip. A fluttering sensation erupts right below where Alhaitham’s lips touch his skin, taking Kaveh’s breath away. Oh, how weak he is. He allows Alhaitham to strip him off his pants and underwear, to pull him onto the bed and on top of himself, holding him tight.
“Got enough of me yet?” Alhaitham murmurs into his ear as his hands move across his body, hot and sure. They caress Kaveh’s back before slipping down low to where his body burns hottest, gently circling the taut ring of muscle there with the tip of his finger. Kaveh exhales a quiet moan into the still air between them, control slipping from him like sand trickling through his fingers. Unthinkingly, he rubs himself against his lover, seeking, needing more. He has had his shot at taming Alhaitham’s body, at preserving it for posterity, but art can only do so much. It can try to replicate, to convey thought and emotion, but it cannot experience. Experience, feeling is reserved only for those who live. So Kaveh makes it his objective to experience all of Alhaitham, every touch, every sweet sound, every twitch of muscle, every drop of sweat on heated skin. 
“Never.” He allows himself to be taken completely, his mouth finally returning to Alhaitham’s. He soaks up the throaty sigh caught between their lips, savoring every vibration of it, and helps guide Alhaitham to sink into him, gently, slowly coaxing him deeper.
When they are connected completely, when Kaveh finds the strength to move, to accept all of Alhaitham into him with every rise and fall of his hips, his mind is filled with nothing but pleasure. This is the closest he can come to perfection with Alhaitham, he thinks. Intertwined like this, all he can do is feel, let it all consume him and know with selfish certainty that he is the only one who gets to experience this part of Alhaitham. This is only for him. This, he will take with him when he descends to his final resting place, a formless proof of Alhaitam’s love. He may never be able to recreate it, and it is this that makes it priceless. For now, maybe forever, Alhaitham is his, and Kaveh belongs to him in return.
They make love without haste, and even after both of them find release, they stay wrapped around one another, basking in each other’s warmth. Alhaitham whispers words of praise to him in the golden quiet of the afterglow, and when he is done, when he has claimed his reward from Kaveh’s lips, Kaveh gets up. Even before he can spare a thought for a bath, he hurries to the desk once more.
Even if it is futile, especially when it comes to Alhaitham, he can’t help but keep trying. It’s in his nature, he thinks, it is a fault, a hindrance to his own happiness that he keeps choosing regardless, over and over. In that way, he and Alhaitham might be the same, he thinks.
After all, Alhaitham keeps choosing him too. 
Once more, he begins a new sketch.
Once more, Alhaitham watches him, waiting for the cycle to start anew.
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queenlucythevaliant · 11 days
I'm sorry for asking again, but I noticed in your list of favorite works you had Lamentations, and with that being one of my personal favorites, it seemed genuinely fascinating. So could I request a 7, a 14, and a 17 with regards to it?
Oh goodness, don't be sorry at all. This is my favorite ask game in a while and I'm really enjoying these! It's a clever idea to pick a Biblical book too ☺️
7: how does the story compare to your initial impressions of it? has it surprised you yet? how?
How initial are we talking here lol?
I definitely remember being surprised when I found out, in like middle school or something, that "his mercies are new every morning, great is your faithfulness" came from Lamentations. That was actually probably the thing that first drew me to it, as I love both that verse and especially the hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness."
I think the beauty of the poetry always surprises me. I'm always finding new things in it. Theologically too, of course: but at this point in my life, I'm often finding that the Prophets have some of my favorite prose in the whole Bible.
14: how likely do you think this story is to break a reader's heart? If you're not done with the story, just guess.
I think it breaks my heart the way a grace does. And the way despair does. I think the heights of hope and the depths of hopelessness that coexist in this book are heart-rending in the best way.
That concluding verse always kills me: "Renew our days as of old— unless you have utterly rejected us, and you remain exceedingly angry with us." That's some incredible dramatic irony, man. My heart breaks for the writer, because he doesn't know yet. He doesn't know that Jesus is coming; he doesn't know that God will reject his own Son so as not to remain exceedingly angry, so that he can renew his people. It's ! ! !
17: compare this story to your usual tastes. how does it differ from what you've already enjoyed?
I love the Prophets, I love theodicy, I love tragedy and hope and the faithfulness of God's justice and the persistent hope-pain of the remnant. Of course, I was always going to love Lamentations.
Story ask game!
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coleszzzworld · 10 months
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ NAVIGATION ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
-Welcome to wonderland! , this is an yandere blog! , positively do not read If easily triggered!!-enjoy the fall.-🐇♦️🖤 𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹
About yours truly!:)- she/her pronouns please:) &I’m mixed with black and white<3 I’m nineteen years old!, I’m a big x fan🕊️ you can call me misery or phantom! Those are just some nicknames I like lol, I write for all fandoms, my favorite movie is Alice in wonderland!:) , I do request-“We’re all mad here.”♦️🐇🖤 𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹What I will and will not write! 𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹𖦹
Will write - yandere , fluff , angst , smut -
Will not write- R*pe , s3lf harm , inc3st , anything that has to do with age play , bodily fluids -
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My hero academia.
Dabi & hawks bully series pt one.
Dabi & hawks bully series pt two.
My hero prison au.
Bakugo band au.
Baby daddy bakugo.
Baby daddy hawks.
Baby daddy kirishma.
Demon slayer.
Inosuke Yandere head canon.
Inosuke Yandere one shot.
Zenitsu Yandere head canon.
Tanjiro Yandere head canon.
Tengen uzui one shot.
Tengen & wives series.
Across the spider-verse.
Miguel one shot.
Miguel nsfw head canons.
Yandere kai Martinez (jock) and Leo Garcia (apocalypse AU) Yandere kian Johnson (the plug.)
Meeting Yandere leo.
Kai Martinez head canons.
Kai Martinez fights for you.
Kai Martinez with a darling that plays an sport.
Kai Martinez with a darling that’s into art/theater.
Meeting Kai Martinez.
Reckless driving with Kai Martinez.
Smoking with kian Johnson (the plug)
yandere leo x reader pt 2.
Seven deadly sins.
Ban head canons.
danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.
Remnants of despair head canon.
Yandere fuyuhiko series part one.
Yandere fuyuhiko series part two.
Yandere fuyuhiko series part three.
Yandere atsumu series part one.
Yandere atsumu series part two.
For recently updated stories , check my Wattpad!! @skuallfa1ry.
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-“We’re all mad here.”-🐇♦️🖤.
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ultfan · 5 months
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                     while i write komaeda i think a lot about the difference between him when he's in the neo world program and when he's out of it. specifically when it comes to his knowledge about the outside world.
                     ultimate despair komaeda has a thought process he has justified to himself to get to the point he got to. as he puts it when talking to kamakura: he knows how to play along. he still has hope as his end goal and likely sees the tragedy as a stepping stone towards hope. he plays along because it suits his goals— that's what he tells himself at least. i do think that there were things that chipped away at him to make him more willing to go along with it. things that junko did to make him more susceptible to joining ultimate despair despite his deep hatred of her and the organization (although his feelings are definitely more complicated than plain hatred). regardless of what specifically got him to this point, we know from another episode that komaeda is still on the side of hope at the end of the day— even as a remnant.
                     so, when you cut to neo world program komaeda finding out about who they all are... and he has absolutely no context for it... he doesn't know why he would do something like that. all he knows is that he and everyone else seemingly fell into despair and committed horrible atrocities. his view of everyone else is tainted, that much is obvious, but his view of himself was also tainted. knowing that he seemingly threw away hope like that filled him with a deeper self hatred than usual. but because of the circumstances he saw a chance to redeem himself.
                     it's true that komaeda set up his murder to make it look like it was tortured. it was a multi-layered plan— first make them doubt each other due to shaky alibis and the idea someone may have tortured him for info. if they saw through that (which would be easy), make them think he committed suicide. and then, finally, they may come to the conclusion that it's impossible to find out who actually killed him. we know for a fact his goal was to put the remnants in a hopeless situation and allow hope to win out by keeping the freedom foundation's plant alive.
                     but i think about the brutality of it all and can't help but think komaeda also did that as an act of punishment to himself. of course, he had to make himself suffer to ensure his luck would actually swing in his favor (his whole bad/good luck cycle tends to work that way), but the excessiveness reads as something personal. he wanted to make himself suffer for the things he had done— because he deserved it. and in sacrificing himself he would get rid of all of the remnants of despair in one fell swoop— making him the ultimate hope.
                     upon exiting the neo world program i tend to assume that komaeda has all his memories (although it would be fun to one day make verses to play around with that idea). because he remembers everything he once again remembers his justifications— which make him less guilt-ridden than he was in the program. but on top of it he remembers his failure in the program. and i think that really shakes him up. his luck didn't necessarily fail him, but it did allow for despair to win out (in his eyes).
                    komaeda never expected anyone to believe in his worthless talent, even if he believed in it himself. and i think the fact he failed puts komaeda in this really bitter place. it was his one chance to be important and rise above what he thought he could be, and yet again his philosophy from early in the game proves to be true. you can't be anything more than what you're born as. he should've known better than to believe he could even be close to being someone worthy of the title "ultimate hope."
                     he's filled with a lot of conflicting feelings he doesn't know how to reconcile. which might actually make him more unreasonable than he was in the first place.
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toyboxfriends · 2 years
“What you gonna do? You gonna shoot me?! Better make it count! better kill me in one shot!” (For her non remnant verse
@despairedcoach | Powerful Starters
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Just as he requested, she shot down his character with a bow and arrow head shot from her sniper perch. This was suppose to be a co-operative survival game, but when he had said that to her jokingly aiming at him when returning to base, who was she to deny him? He was just outside the base, after all; it would be easy enough for him to respawn and get his stuff.
Well, she could also just jump down from her perch and get it for him, but.... nah.
"What? Did you think I wouldn't?"
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