#very easy to find me some death coded Loki
iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Hey! This is a bizarre ask but hopefully a welcome one after *gestures at the destruction and fire*. I’m completely new to the Loki/thorki fandom, having essentially come in via the exit door by watching the Loki tv series first. I was honestly just watching it for junk value to have something in the background while I knit. However, when I realized that I didn’t understand anything by the middle of Ep. 1, I went back to watch Thor 1 so I could get what was going on. And HOLY SHIT I was utterly captivated by Loki’s character in the original movie, as well as by the Loki-Thor and Odin family dynamics. I’ve now watched through the films and have been increasingly disappointed by the portrayal of Loki (since Avengers 1 frankly) save a few glimmers of good characterization here and there.
I can’t believe that I’m getting myself into another queer coded (and now more than coded wtf) “villain” with a tragic backstory who’s done dirty by the fandom at large, but here we are! I’m also super into thorki because goddamn… they sure do have a Dynamic™.
So I guess my question is, what is actually good here? I feel like I’ve been trying to fight my way back to Kenneth Branagh!Loki, and have been largely unsuccessful within canon content. Do you have suggestions for a newcomer re: fics, fanart, and meta that actually treats Loki seriously? (and thorki as well?)
Hey! Welcome! Sorry about the mess *gestures at the garbage fire that is the TVA Show The Larry Show The "Loki" Show*
And this isn't a bizarre ask at all. It was really nice to receive actually! And yeah! I'm so glad you went back and watched the originals. The TV Show character is a completely new character played by the same actor who has nothing in common with the original character (who yes is absolutely fascinating and captivating and multilayered). Honestly I just think of the tv character as Larry, Loki's dumb lookalike cousin bc they have nothing in common lol. So glad the show led to you discovering good content...and thorki. And yeah Thor 2011 is amazing! It's so underrated. If you want meta relating to that and also just gushing about the film you can def check out my Thor 2011 tag.
My thorki tag of course has thorki stuff including art etc. I've also got an art tag which has both thorki and non-thorki works. If you want fic recs you can look in my fic rec tag which has a bunch of good stuff both thorki and gen.
Also here are some good thorki fics to start out with that I've really enjoyed. Most are ones I read early on when I just discovered the ship. Also @illwynd has a great thorki blog btw that you should def check out (and also their sideblog @throwbackthorki). Edit: I’ve also added some gen fic recs.
Thorki Fic Recs:
Chaos War by astolat (words: 34,203 | rating: E)
It was never easy to find Loki when he wanted to hide, but he wasn't doing a particularly good job of it at the moment. Probably he didn't think anyone from Asgard would be wasting their time hunting for him while the shining ones churned their way steadily through all the realm.
Loyalty at Any Price by seidrade (words: 22,663 | rating: E )
“This whole time, I’ve been searching the Nine Realms— alone— for answers to questions I barely know how to ask. I thought Heimdall at his watch, our father upon the throne, and most grievously… I thought you lost to me forever.” Thor’s resurgence of anger gives way to something like despair. He can’t tell whether he wants to pummel Loki into one giant bruise, or hold him and weep like a child.
When Thor returns to Asgard and exposes Loki’s deception, his demands for answers and Loki’s reluctance to give them soon bubble over into a cathartic confrontation.
Born to be Kings by Kadorienne (words: 66,618 | rating: T)
When the princes of Asgard made their ill-fated jaunt to Jotunheim, Odin arrived to fetch them before the frost giant grabbed Loki's arm. Odin was able to carry out his plan to make Loki his puppet king of Jotunheim. But how long will Loki remain an obedient puppet?
Yidrigar by epistolic (words: 5,174 | rating: M)
Sometimes I am envious, but never doubt that I love you.
The Heavy Crown by orphan_account (words: 10,024 | Rating: M )
Odin is dead. Loki must take up the mantle of King even as war threatens Asgard, Thor remains bereft of both Mjolnir and his immortality, and stress coupled with the knowledge of his heritage drives Loki to the brink.
No Common Thing by ravenbringslight (words: 8,283 | rating: E)
Loki follows Thor to a brothel and gets the shock of his life.
On the Eagle's Wings by illwynd (words: 2,975 | rating: T )
After Loki falls from the Bifrost, Thor begins to write him letters every day.
How long we were fooled by Ark (words: 28,227 | rating: E )
Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees.
sunshine by thorvaenn (words: 18,257 | rating: E )
A post Infinity War fluffy piece.
Thor and Loki are among those who are trying to pick up the pieces, but must first fix each other.
Edit: And Some Gen Fic Recs too:
lose my idols to find my voice by Lise (words: 1,548 | rating: T)
This is no homecoming.
monstrare by Lise (words: 1,174 | T )
Loki is Asgard's second prince, brother to Thor, son of Odin and Frigga.
Isn't he?
farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear by Lise (words: 3,113 | rating: T)
Loki and the terrible, horrible, no good, very long delayed reckoning.
Five Times Loki Could Have Been A Villain by Kadorienne (words: 3,344 | rating: G | Character Death)
Five AUs where Loki is not a mere antagonist, but an actual villain.
He would have acted very differently.
When It Sings, When It Lies by dreamsthebirds (words: 14,145 | rating: G)
Thor AU, based on an awesome norsekink prompt for a scenario in which Heimdall doesn't open the Bifrost to Jotunheim, Odin doesn't ride to the rescue, and Loki is forced to take matters into his own hands.
Interdimensional journeys, shattering emotional revelations, and walking trees ensue.
Ichor in Violet by tirsynni (Words: 14,574 | rating: T)
When Thor learns that Loki can travel to other realms without Heimdall seeing, of course he convinces Loki to take them both to Jotunheim to hunt Frost Giants. There an accident unravels centuries of lies and threatens to unravel Loki, too.
The Sinking Feeling of Anticipation by JaggedCliffs (words: 8,624 | rating: G)
When Æsir come of age, they receive a gift from their parents, one meant to aid them in their adult lives. When a prince of Asgard comes of age, their gifts are not just for themselves, but for the realm.
Loki watched Thor receive Mjolnir at his coming of age ceremony – one of the greatest weapons in the realms, for one of its greatest warriors. Now, it's Loki's turn, and he knows Odin will grant him something just as magnificent.
Won't he?
Exsanguination by Lise (words: 8,610 | rating: G)
exsanguination /ex·san·gui·na·tion/ v.intr. To be drained of blood. (And all the rest.)
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gwydionae · 3 years
So I have been trying to read the paper on the destruction of Asgard for days now, and I was hoping to get some input/theories on it. I first wanted to read it because I was curious if Loki actually knew the Hulk was involved in Ragnarok in some way after using him in his salad example (or if he just simply was thinking about getting back at Hulk for what happened in Avengers lol). But the whole thing ended up being more interesting than I thought it would be, and I wanted to share my thoughts and hear from anyone else who would like to share their own.
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After much zooming and squinting, here is what it says (anything in [brackets] is my best guess based on font, word length, and sentence structure):
Event Analysis: Ragnarok (Class Seven Apocalypse): Total planetary body deletion of (1) Asgard (file: IPB-ASG-001)
Casualties: 9,719 (Entire Civilization Annihilation) (file: IPB-ASG-010)
Time Status: Displaced by 000:000:002:162
Cause of Displacement: Codename: Revengers (IPB-SAK-324) (see case file: IPB-ASG-012) see case files: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, IPB-ASG-157, IPB-ASG-892
Event Summary: Full event analysis may be requested. Please see IPB-[TVA-452?]. IPB-ASG-001 fell 000:000:002:162 off [schedule in?] an attack by IPB-ASG-012. IPB-ASG-012 was one of four (4) [possibilities?] for the event [IPB-ASG-893?]. These alternatives can be found on Page 7 of the IPB-ASG-895. Cause of displacement of the event was due to IPB-SAK-324 (see: Revengers), but with the completion of the event, the time variance displacement has been [deemed?] inconsequential by IPB-TVA-001. IPB-ASG-012 of IPB-NIL-001's destruction of IPB-ASG-001 has been deemed in totality. IPB-ASG-895 will be the final file of the IPB-ASG sequence. All other files regarding the further events of the people of IPB-ASG-001 can be found in IPB-ARK-001 and onwards.
RELATIVE CASE FILES Planetary Body: IPB-ASG-001, IPB-NIL-001 Event Causes: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, IPB-ASG-010 Displacement Causes: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, IPB-ASG-157, IPB-ASG-892, IPB-SAK-324
(Further case files can be found in IPB-ASG-895)
(This gets very long... I’m sorry. XD)
First thing I want to touch on is all the dang CODES in this freaking thing, lol. Here is a (possible) full list of all of them:
IPB-ARK-001 IPB-ASG-001 IPB-ASG-004 IPB-ASG-005 IPB-ASG-010 IPB-ASG-012 IPB-ASG-157 IPB-ASG-892 [IPB-ASG-893?] IPB-ASG-895 IPB-NIL-001 IPB-SAK-324 IPB-TVA-001 [IPB-TVA-452?]
There are two we know for certain what they stand for:
IPB-ASG-001 = Asgard IPB-SAK-324 = Revengers
These are explicitly stated in the document. Knowing this, ASG seems to stand for “Asgard” and SAK would be “Sakaar”, which is where the Revengers were first formed. The other code letters used are ARK, NIL, and TVA. The last one is pretty obvious, and one could guess from context that ARK is likely referring to the Statesmen ship the Asgardians escaped on as it would be likened to an ark taking them to a new home and the fact that the letters have nothing to do with Tønsberg, Norway or New Asgard:
All other files regarding the further events of the people of IPB-ASG-001 can be found in IPB-ARK-001 and onwards.
Another possibility is it standing for “after Ragnarok”, but as ASG was referring to a physical place and not a time, it seems unlikely.
That would leave NIL. Let’s look at the context:
IPB-ASG-012 of IPB-NIL-001's destruction of IPB-ASG-001 has been deemed in totality.
IPB-NIL-001 seems to be another planet, one that IPB-ASG-012 is coming from. But this struck me as strange. The above sentence is talking about who is responsible for destroying Asgard, but the being in question has an ASG designation. Surtur is from Muspelheim, which not only doesn’t match the ASG code but doesn’t match NIL either. You could argue that Loki - who summoned Surtur - would fit ASG, but NIL doesn’t work for Jotunheim either.
Hela - who had long been banished to Niflheim - would, however, be a match on both counts. And to further bolster this theory, look at this line:
Cause of Displacement: Codename: Revengers (IPB-SAK-324) (see case file: IPB-ASG-012) 
The Revengers formed because Thor and Valkyrie wanted revenge against Hela, so it would make sense that to get further backstory on the Revengers, you should go look up Hela’s case file. So by this logic, this document is listing Hela as the one who destroyed Asgard, not Surtur or Loki.
I find this very interesting. I was under the assumption that Thor, Loki, etc got all of the remaining survivors out, but the death total of 9,719 made me wonder if that wasn’t the case. However if these are deaths caused by Hela, it could be that she killed over 9,000 people before Loki summoned Surtur to destroy the planet, so my initial assumption could still be true.
As for other unknown codes, IPB-ASG-010 could be referring to either the population of Asgard as a whole or the prophecy of Ragnarok based on these lines:
Casualties: 9,719 (Entire Civilization Annihilation) (file: IPB-ASG-010)
Event Causes: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, IPB-ASG-010
The first use seems to lean towards the population but the second leans more towards the prophecy.
IPB-ASG-895 seems to point to Ragnarok in general as it’s own file as it is the last of the Asgardian files:
IPB-ASG-895 will be the final file of the IPB-ASG sequence.
And on top of that, the file we can read - pertaining specifically to the Hela side of the destruction - says to look through IPB-ASG-895 for further details:
(Further case files can be found in IPB-ASG-895)
And IPB-TVA-001 is pretty obviously either the Timekeepers or the TVA in general. So knowing/guessing all we do of the codes, let’s insert them into the file:
Event Analysis: Ragnarok (Class Seven Apocalypse): Total planetary body deletion of (1) Asgard (file: Asgard, planet)
Casualties: 9,719 (Entire Civilization Annihilation) (file: Asgard, prophecy)
Time Status: Displaced by 000:000:002:162
Cause of Displacement: Codename: Revengers (see case file: Hela) see case files: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, IPB-ASG-157, IPB-ASG-892
Event Summary: Full event analysis may be requested. Please see IPB-[TVA-452?]. Asgard fell 000:000:002:162 off [schedule in?] an attack by Hela. Hela was one of four (4) [possibilities?] for the event [IPB-ASG-893?]. These alternatives can be found on Page 7 of the Ragnarok file. Cause of displacement of the event was due to the Revengers, but with the completion of the event, the time variance displacement has been [deemed?] inconsequential by the TVA. Hela of Niflheim's destruction of Asgard has been deemed in totality. Ragnarok will be the final file of the Asgard sequence. All other files regarding the further events of the people of Asgard can be found in the Statesmen files and onwards.
RELATIVE CASE FILES Planetary Body: Asgard, Niflheim  Event Causes: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, Asgard, prophecy Displacement Causes: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, IPB-ASG-157, IPB-ASG-892, the Revengers
(Further case files can be found in the Ragnarok file)
There are still a few file codes we don’t know. I had initially wondered if these codes:
Cause of Displacement: Codename: Revengers (see case file: Hela) see case files: IPB-ASG-004, IPB-ASG-005, IPB-ASG-157, IPB-ASG-892
were meant to be for the members of the Revengers themselves (Thor, Valkyrie, Hulk, and Loki?), but Hulk isn’t Asgardian and therefore shouldn’t have an ASG designation, and Hela is #012, but she was born before Thor and Loki (who might actually have a Jotunheim code rather than an Asgardian code, come to think of it), so it’d be weird if they had lower numbers then she did. I suppose the #004 and #005 could be Odin and Frigga, but other than being Hela’s parents, I don’t see why their files would be listed under the cause of the event and displacement.
Which leads me to what the file is actually saying, which personally I find fascinating! But first off we have to address the elephant in the room:
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The “Zero Variance Energy Detected” that is so prominent in close ups is not actually in the document. Obviously this was simply an oversight, and they didn’t want to redo the entire page, so for ease’s sake, we’ll just pretend it’s in there.
So, based on that, it’s easy to see how Loki came to his conclusions about the variant being able to hide in apocalypses as this file directly states that there WAS some amount of time displacement caused by the Revengers during Hela’s attack but that no energy variance was detected. But even more interesting is this line:
Hela was one of four (4) [possibilities?] for the event [IPB-ASG-893?]. These alternatives can be found on Page 7 of the Ragnarok file. Cause of displacement of the event was due to the Revengers, but with the completion of the event, the time variance displacement has been [deemed?] inconsequential by the TVA.
Hela was only one out of four different possibilities to destroy Asgard, so when Mobius says that “it’s more complicated than that” in response to Loki saying that a nexus event is caused by “someone doing something they’re not supposed to do”, he wasn’t kidding! I wonder what the four different possibilities were. Was Surtur considered one? Who else could possibly be in that position to not only cause the destruction of the planet but also have killed all those people? Just how much wiggle room is there in this Sacred Timeline?
And this wasn’t even the 100% “correct” version of events! Remember, the Revengers did something that either brought the event on quicker or caused it to happen later than the Timekeepers planned through their Sacred Timeline. Thor did say that Loki was “late” in showing up, so maybe this is a nod to that line from the film.
Anyway, it is getting quite late, and I have written a lot. I’m not entirely sure it all makes sense anymore, but I have been thinking about this a lot and wanted to put it out there in case anyone else had any differing ideas that made more sense, lol. If you made it this far, have a virtual high five! XD
(I’m just really loving this show so far, ok? lol)
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gingerwritess · 5 years
All I can think is “ vending machine “ idk why?? Maybe you can do something with that??
lmao i don’t think many people like this pre-dating idiots kick i’m on but look i’m just proud of myself for actually managing to create a plot and i rly love this so oops have some more t e n s i o n
also i’ll answer asks asap so sorry it’s taking me a while!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thirteenth floor. Break room down hall H. Use code 1217. Now.
Who is this?
Your lover.
Right. Your lover, the not-yet-released psycho who’s pretending to be a doctor in the same facility where you work, and now apparently has a phone.
And your number.
We’re not dating, you type back. I’m busy.
I’m dying.
Good for you.
You grin to yourself—nice one.
A couple minutes pass with no response and you wonder if he’s actually dying…would that be the worst that could happen?
No. No, I don’t think that’d be too terrible.
But why would he ask you for help? I mean, it’s not like you’re friends—but then again, you’re the only one who knows who he really is…who else can he ask?
Fine. Be right there.
Turns out your fake doctor boyfriend already has a higher clearance than you. Your ID stops unlocking doors by the seventh floor, much to your chagrin, and you have to use the code Loki gave you to enter the psych/physiology floor.
Hall H turns out to be the furthest hallway from the elevators, so by the time you find it and start looking for the break room, you’re pretty sure he’ll already be dead. Since he was dying, after all.
You’re half expecting him to be lying in a puddle of his own blood, some other worker having discovered his real identity and not having as much self control as you did, but nope.
He’s still Robert Laing, reddish-blond and donning a lab coat that’s a little too short for him, staring at the vending machine in the corner.
“You came.” He doesn’t look up when you walk in, a dollar in one hand and two quarters in the other. “I’m shocked.”
“Of course you’re not dead,” you groan, turning right back around to walk out the door. “I gotta admit, by the fourth floor I was hoping—”
“I’ve given you every opportunity to kill me,” he snaps, making you stop in your tracks.
“You’re hard to kill. I shot the hell out of you that first time.”
He rolls his eyes. “Oh, please, your heart wasn’t in that.”
“Well, gee, I’ll be sure to mean it next time—”
“Next time?”
“I’m not very optimistic about our relationship, Doctor.” You cross your arms over your chest, scowling at him from the doorway. “Why’d you call me all the way up here? Just to rub it in my face that you have a higher clearance than me?”
“That was just an added bonus,” he sighs, turning back to the vending machine and waving his dollar at it. “I, erm…could use some assistance.”
Oh my god.
“You don’t know how a vending machine works??”
“I’m from another realm, stop laughing,” he hisses, and one of his quarters bounces off your forehead.
“Just help me, woman. Please.”
“Well, since you said please…” you can’t help one more snort of laughter as you head over to him and take his money out of his hand. “Okay, what are you trying to buy?”
He points.
You try not to laugh.
“Okay, you have to punch in the code underneath it. B-4, see?”
“Here?” He points again.
“On the keypad, idiot.” You point to the keypad and watch him carefully enter the code. “Now you have to put in your money. Coins in here, bills in here. It’s a dollar fifty.”
“But I only have a dollar twenty-five—”
“Yeah, cause you threw one of your quarters at me, genius.” A big part of you wants to just tell him oh well, guess you can’t eat, but you fish around in your pocket for another quarter.
“Here.” You press it to his open palm, trying not to sound too annoyed. He’s just a big baby, you’re quickly discovering, death threats aside. “Found it on my way up, get your candy bar.”
There’s a beat of silence—shouldn’t have done that.
“…thank you.”
He sounds genuinely surprised.
“No problem. I mean, you are dying, after all.” You brush it away with a chuckle, smoothing out the corners of his dollar before trying to slip it in the machine.
“I didn’t know how to get you up here,” he admits, watching you closely. “Though nobody usually responds to my death announcements anymore.”
The machine spits his dollar back out and Loki huffs, trying to shove the bill back in the slot.
“Easy, Loki, stop it,” you laugh, taking the bill from him and trying to flatten it again. “Don’t force it in, just let it take it gently.”
You guide the dollar back in and this time it takes, whirring to life to retrieve Loki’s Snicker bar.
“That’s what she said,” you mumble to yourself as an afterthought, realising what you just said.
Loki coughs behind you.
“Sorry.” You turn around and give him a sheepish grin—he’s a little red in the face, but that might just be part of the facade. “Can’t help it.”
“That’s…quite alright,” he replies smoothly, taking the candy bar as you hand it to him. “Although…is that what she would say?”
“You disgust me.”
“And here we almost had a decent moment.”
“Almost,” you sigh, throwing up your hands in a helpless shrug. “I almost forgot you were Loki, to be completely honest.”
“Ouch. That seems unnecessary.”
“Dr. Laing isn’t completely unbearable,” you continue, holding up a finger to shush him. “So you can take…like, fifteen percent of the credit.”
He rolls his eyes again, ripping open his candy bar. “How gracious of you.”
“No need to thank me.”
You just stand there for a moment, arms crossed as he takes a tentative bite.
“Y’know, you seem more like a KitKat kind of guy.”
“I like chocolate,” he shrugs, “even more so when it comes with caramel.”
“Seriously?” You can’t help but grin—the more you talk to him, the less and less intimidating he becomes. There’s no way you’re letting this guy actually threaten you anymore.
“It used to be considered a delicacy meant only for the gods.” A flash of light fills the room and Loki’s back to Loki, gesturing at himself. “Back before your kind corrupted it.”
“Um, Loki, hate to burst your bubble, but humans invented Snickers.”
“Well, you’re not all terrible.”
Figuring you might as well take advantage of the opportunity, you flop down on one of the couches, staring at the god across from you.
…munching happily on a Snickers.
“Why are you doing this?”
He blinks and clears his throat, taking a couple steps closer. “What?”
“What are you getting out of this, all this pretending to be a doctor, getting hired here?”
“I have nothing better to do,” he answers carefully, studying your face with a quizzical gaze. “I certainly don’t want to be sitting in a cell talking through my emotions, so I might as well be putting my skills to use.”
“You’re actually taking patients??” You can only imagine what happens to them—Loki doesn’t come off as the kind of guy who’s taken his pledge to never harm. “What kind of doctor even are you?”
“To use your terminology, you’d consider me a neurosurgeon.” He sighs and lowers himself onto the couch across from you, still working on that candy bar. “Maybe in part a physician, as well.”
“Damn,” you whisper, undeniably a bit surprised. “That’s…a lot of work—for humans, I mean. Did you go to school for that?”
“I’ve studied my entire life. Never one particular subject, on Asgard w—they steer clear of limiting children’s knowledge to one specific field.”
“That’s pretty smart. Here, you’ve gotta pick one thing and just try to be good at that.”
“Identity can be terribly limiting,” he says quietly, picking at the candy wrapper. “If I identified myself as a ‘good’ neurosurgeon and only that, I don’t think I’d ever have discovered my aptitude for diplomacy, writing, mathematics, anything else.”
Diplomacy, neuroscience, math, writing, chocolate, caramel—this guy has layers, that’s for certain.
“So is this some kind of redemption plan?” You try for a smile, maybe feeling a little bit guilty for laughing before. “Gonna help a bunch of people to prove yourself and then make a big reveal to your brother?”
“That’s not a terrible idea.” He stands and stretches, crumpling his empty candy wrapper and tossing it into the trash bin. “Though I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I were ever redeemed.”
“You need to meet a nice someone, maybe settle down for the next few centuries,” you laugh, following him out the door as he shifts back into Dr. Laing. “Have a few creepy, greasy-haired babies. Might be good for you.”
He laughs and holds the door for you to leave the room, heading away down the hallway as you wait for the elevator. “That’s the furthest from a future I’d ever want, darling.”
“I’m not your darling, dipshit.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, please reblog and feel free to send me ideas!
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loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney @anxiousamandapanda @padmeisgay @authordreaming13 @lokisironthrone @theunknowinglys @highfuncti0ningfangirl @epicfallenismine @stubby-toe-589331 @fandomnerdsarecool @retrofantasyland @arch-venus25 @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @littleredstarfish @marshyrebelcloud @okie–loki @atterodominatus @stfxlou
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shadowhunter250 · 4 years
Avenger Preferences #2 How you Officially Meet
You were walking around when you saw Director Fury. You were supposed to be on a mission with Clint who at the moment decided to sneak out on you and go somewhere with Natasha. You sighed but followed him to see a man with dark, chocolate, brown eyes, black messy hair and in a suit. You raised an eyebrow and noticed that it was the man the lab. He walked up to you and you crossed your arms. He smirked as he put an arm around your shoulder. "Hey Beautiful I'm Tony, Tony Stark."
"I'm (name)." you said giving him a glare. "Aw come on don't be mad at me." He said giving you a pout and you couldn't help but smiled back and said, "Fine Stark."
"(last name)!" Fury yelled from down the hall. You sighed but said bye to Tony and ran down the hall.
You were up on deck when you heard a chuckle. You turned around to see a man with black hair and dark brown eyes looking down. You walked up to him since you need help with direction and you didn't see anyone else. You gave him a smile and said "So... you're?"
"Hu? oh hi, I'm Bruce banner." He said nervously as he gave you a closed eyed smile. "Oh, so you're the doctor I've been hearing about."
"What have they been saying?" Bruce said with an eyebrow raised and you could sense the worry in his voice. "Oh, nothing really, just how you help out a lot of our agents when they come back from missions."
"Oh." He said with a smile, "So do you need help with anything?"
"Well I was looking for the meeting room since Fury wants me to meet him there, but I don't know where that is."
"Oh I can help you Ms...?"
"Oh right, I'm (name)."
"Well nice to meet you." He said with a smiled as he leads you to the meeting room.
You took a deep breath, you put on your parachute and looked to Tony. He gave you a smirk and said, "Well I'm not going with you this time."
"Why not Tony?" You ask giving him a slight pout, the two of you were close and did almost everything together... and it would get on Fury's nerves most of the time. He chuckled and said, "Well Fury want's the Captain to go with you." Just then Steve walked in and he was having trouble getting his parachute on. Tony was laughing at him and you rolled your eyes and went to help him. You knew that he was still adjusting to the way things were now and that the new parachutes were a little bit different from those before. He gave you a smiled and said, "So you must be (last name), Tony talks about you a lot."
"Do not!" Tony said quickly as he went and pouted. You gave Tony a small smile and said "Aw... Tony you do care." He just smirked and left the room. "So, you're the Captain, right?"
"Yes Ma'am, but you can call me Steve."
"Okay then you can call me (name)." You said with a smile. "You ready?" You asked he nodded and the two of you jumped out of the plane.
You were climbing a tree just for fun when you got to the top you grabbed your bow and arrow and aimed it at the target. You were about to fire when someone tackled you. You hit them with your bow and then you two were free falling from the tree. You were both wrestling to use the other one to soften your fall when suddenly you landed on something hard. You groaned, and you pushed yourself up. "Next time wait for me." You heard a woman said with a sigh. You quickly put up your guard and got into fighting position. You took a deep breath and turned as you saw the man you were supposed to take out with a woman with red hair and in a tight black cat-suit. "Whoa, whoa, whoa wait a second we-" but you cut her off by swiping her feet from under her and she landed with a thump. You looked at Hawkeye and you tackled him. You both fell off the flying car as soon as the woman got up. You were again fall and when you hit the ground with a thump. You were about to punch him in the face, but you couldn't you sighed, and he flipped you over quickly. He pinned you to the ground and you couldn't move. "I want to help you. Join our team and don't be what you are."
"Why should I trust you?" You said as You fought back the tears that were threatening to hit your eyes. You have been told that lie too many time to start believing it now. "I'm Clint Barton, I work with the Avengers trust me." He said.
You looked into his blue eyes and you saw the man he was, and you found yourself slowly nodded. "I'm (name), but I go by (code name)."
"Okay, welcome to the Avengers.... well you may want to say sorry to Black Widow first." He said with a slight chuckle as the two of you looked towards the angry red head.
You were walking in the park when you saw the man from earlier that week. You were surprised that you would get to see him again, this time he was wearing normal clothes and you decided to go up to him. He was sitting on a bench and then you decided to sit next to him. "Hello?" You said slightly nervous since he looked like a giant next to you. "Oh, hello fair maiden!" He boomed as he looked at you. You were slightly taken aback about how loud his voice was but your recovered quickly before saying. "Hello um... what's your name?"
"It is I the mighty Thor." He said trying to be quieter since he noticed the scared look in your eyes. "Well then Thor, I'm (name)." You said giving him your hand to shake and he kissed your hand instead making you blushed. "Uh... Thor what are you doing?" You heard a man ask from behind you. Thor looked up to see Tony Stark. Thor smirked at you and said, "Well it looks like I have to go (name)." He said before he left but he got your phone number, so he could talk to you later. As he walked away you heard him asking Tony to teach him how to use a phone without breaking it and you let out a slight laugh.
You were in a library getting some books when you heard someone growl in anger from the bookshelf behind you. You quickly walked over to see if they could use some help. You were surprised to see the same man from the coffee shop. You walked over to him and said, "Do you need help?" the man turn, and it was clear that he was about to yell until he saw that it was you. "Oh, um hello..." he said unsure of what else to say until he remembered that you asked a question and he said, "Well I was looking for (favorite book), do you perhaps know where I could find it?"
"Yes follow me. I have checked it out three times before I bought it. By the way I'm (name)." He gave you a smile before saying "I'm Loki."
You were running down the street and what were you running from? Hydra agents, they started to shoot at you and since it was supposed to be just recon you didn't have a gun or at least enough bullets or refill your gun. Your lungs were burning since you had been running for almost an hour. You tripped, and your vision was starting to give out. You saw the men walk up to you and one of them aiming a gun at you, then you saw someone punch them and that was when everything went black. When you woke up you were in a dark room and you looked out the window and saw that it was dark out. You also noticed that your shirt was missing and then bullet wound that was in your stomach was patched up. You sat up slowly and then the light went on. it was the Winter Soldier. he still had his mask on, but you could tell that he was slightly blushing under his mask. you were too tired, hungry, and worried to care that you weren't wearing a shirt. he walked up to you and handed one of his. you put it on and then he said "I'm um the Winter Soldier, but um I think my um real name is um Bucky." You looked into his eyes you could tell that he wanted to make conversation. You smiled and said "I'm (name)."
"Well I was able to patch up your bullet hole it will take a while to heal." You nodded understanding as you said "So can I take you into S.H.I.E.L.D., I know that you will probably say no but just hear me out. We want to help you figure out your memories. I'm not say that it's going to be easy in face it's going to be hard as hell. You are going to want to give up and you are going to get angry but trust me, it's going to be worth it." He slowly nodded his head "How else are you going to get out of here without killing yourself?" He said, and you could tell that he was smirking you rolled your eyes and he helped you downstairs and to the car. When you got in you took him to the S.H.I.E.L.D. hell carrier.
Grant Ward
You were walking towards your new Hydra base and as you walked in you saw Grant Ward. He was standing tall and proud and his arms were crossed over his chest. You started to walk to him and you could tell that the new recruits were looking at you like a piece of meat and thinking about what they could do to you if the two of you were alone. You rolled your eyes and once you were a few feet away from him you said, "You going to be helping me, Ward?" He gave you a small smile as he turned to face you and give you a smart remark until he saw you. He was awestruck and you stood there awkwardly as you opened your mouth to say something until he said, "Um yeah, I'm going to help you whip these guys into shape." "Very well then, you start with the left and I'll start with the right. You all will have thirty minutes until we switch. And just know that if you don't finish don't expect not getting beaten to a pulp. Understood?" You said as you gave them death stare waiting for them to speak up and they all nodded in agreement. And you and Ward split up but you didn't notice that Ward was staring at you nearly the whole time.
You were walking down the halls when you got called into Phil Coulson's office. You sighed as you walked in and you were surprised to see Peter and the others here. They were just as surprised. Then the six of you were taken to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Peter walked over to you and said, "Wait didn't I bump into you earlier this week?" "Um yes?" You said but it came out as more like a question than an answer. "Peter, by the way, Peter Parker." He said as he stuck out his hand for you to shake. You let a faint smile come to your lips and you shake it and say "(first name)." "What's your last name?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and you were about to tell him when to doors opened to show Fury.
Black Widow
You were being assigned a new mentor today and as you walked into the room you saw the same redhead from when you first started to work here. You were shocked but didn't show it. You gave her a smile and then looked at Director Fury. He took a deep breath and said "I am pairing the two of you up because I know that you two are going to improve each other's skills and experience in the field. Agent (last name) this is Black Widow and she will be your new mentor." You both sighed but nodded in agreement and walked out.
You sighed not being able to get the girl out of your head. As you walked down the hall you saw her. You decided that you might as well try to talk to her. You walked over to her and said " Hi, um I just wanted to say if you need help with anything you can go ahead and tell me. Beside Coulson always has me keep an eye on the new people anyways. And this way it won't be as creepy." She gave you a small and said: "Sure so what's your name anyway?" A light blushed came to your cheeks and you blurted out "(name)" and then ran down the hall not looking back to see the smile on Skye grow.
You sighed as you walked back to the lab to drop off some papers when you bumped into the man who screamed about the money earlier that week. You saw his eyes widened and a light blush come to his cheek. You gave him a small smile and then said: "You are the guy that Jemma wanted to introduce me to right?" "Um yeah, oh um hi I'm Fitz." He said as you set the papers down and shaken his hand. "(your name)" you said with a smile and he said, "That's a beautiful name." You blushed and said "Um thanks..." and then Jemma walked into the room and said "Oh hey! You two finally met!"
The was the day after you saw the newbie and you were training by yourself with music blasting through the room. You were hitting the punching bag when all of a sudden it flew off towards the door and hits the person the walked through it. Your eyes widened and you ran over to them. You said sorry about ten times before you saw who it was. It was the newbie. You helped him up and said "Sorry about that I guess I should have my strength down by now but the past is kind of hard to forget and- well it doesn't matter. Hey, I'm (your name) by the way." You held out your hand and he shook it with an eyebrow raised "Logan." He said and then looked at the punching bag that busted open. You rubbed the back of your neck and said: "Sorry about that again." "No problem, it was an accident," Logan said with a small smile. "So if I wasn't a girl you would have tackled me already right?" "What makes you say that," He asked looking into your (eye color) eyes. "That fact that when you were looking up you looked about ready to kill someone but when you saw that it was a girl it quickly fade but it caught her." You said with your hands behind your back with a smirk on your lips. "Well, I don't normally attack pretty women." He said with a smirk as he left the room. You stood there shocked but didn't say anything as he left the room. You felt a blush on your cheeks and you made yourself look away from the already closed door. Bother's didn't know that your sister and brother were looking at the two of you through the window surprised that you were actually blushing and for him.
Hank/ Beast
You were training with Logan and as you pinned him to the mat someone walked in. You looked up and saw that it was the guy that you bumped into earlier that week. You got off of Logan and Logan walked over to him as you went to go and get a drink of water. As you did you noticed that he was walking over to you. You put down your water bottle and looked at him. "Hello!" You said with a slight smile. He returned it and then said, "Um you dropped this when you bumped into me earlier this week." He said as he handed you a ring that you were wearing that you thought you lost. " Oh, thanks um..?"  " Oh um I'm Hank." He said with a light blush came to his cheeks. "(name)" you said as you shook his hand with a smile.
You enter the building of Stark Tower. You walked in and put on your best smile as you ran into Piper Pots. " Oh hey, Piper sorry to run into you. I was just trying to find out where Tony was." "Oh, he's upstairs. He's trying to figure out where you are." "Oh well, I better not keep him waiting." She said as you gave her a smile and head towards the elevator. As you got to the top floor you saw Tony standing there. "Hey, Tony." "Oh hey (your name). hey, do you know where my new assistant is?" "Yeah, you're looking at him." You said with a laugh. "Oh OK then since that makes me your boss I hired you so you could help me out with the Avengers." "Well OK... I guess I could do that." "Great because you have no choice." He said as he called them in. You rolled your eyes as he introduced the Avengers but one caught your eye. You saw the girl that helped you picked you up. She noticed you too and you gave her a wave and said: "Hey I think I've seen you somewhere before." She gave you a smile and said: "Yeah sorry about my brother for running over." "Oh, that was you? Sorry man I thought that you were someone else. No hard feelings though right man." You gave him a smirk and said: "Yeah if I can date your sister." Tony laughed and Steve groaned and said "Great another Tony." "No need to worry Steve I just flirty nothing else. I don't like taking advantage of women no matter what." Tony smirked and nodded his head and said "He still is trying to find "The One." Tony said with air quotes. You punched him in the arm and said: "There is nothing wrong with that." You head a small giggled and saw Wanda trying to hide her laugh behind her hand.
Victor Creed
You were trying your best to keep an eye on Victor and James so when they finally decided to join you were glad. You have grown to like Victor and Logan. You were called to Striker's office and you quickly went there knowing that Striker wanted you to show the newbies around. You walked over to them and you sighed as you opened the door. Wade pounced on you and growled at him and pushed him off. "Hands off the merchandise." You said as you walked up to the desk. "What do you need a boss?" "Well, I need you to show Victor and James around." "Wait didn't I-" "Yeah, we kind of fought I mean you lunged at me and Striker called me back so I don't think you can call that a victory but anyways call me (your name)." You said as you walked out and Logan and Victor started to follow you as you showed them what they were going to be doing.
You were hanging out with the Avengers when Tony said: "Alright we have three new people that will be joining the team." As he said that three new people walked in and Tony continued "Pietro A.K.A Quicksilver, Wanda A.K.A Scarlet Witch, and Vision. These three will be joining the Avengers so talk gets to know each other and what not." Tony then went somewhere but you were just looking at Pietro. You gave him a smile and said: "Hey haven't I've seen you around before?" Pietro smirked and said, "Maybe... so you must be (Code name) right?" "Yeah but since you're an Avenger now you can call me (Your name)." "(Your name)? Hu, I like it." He said with a smirk as you took a sip of your drink. "I think we are going to get along just fine (your name)." And with that, he left and went to go talk to the other Avengers.
Phil Coulson
You were trying to find James Cameron. He was an ex- hydra agent. You were chasing him on the rooftop. And as your feet slammed the ground of the building you jumped on you looked up to see SHIELD agents. You sighed you were about to pull out your guns when you saw him. The man that you save a few days ago. You looked at him through your mask. You had your (favorite color) hoodie up and you were wearing black jeans with it. You had multiple weapons hidden all over you. You sighed and then said " Alright SHIELD I knew you were recruiting but I didn't know you would stick so low as to take in ex-Hydra agents. Especially the likes of him. Do you even know what he's done?" You spoke with venom in your voice and then James stood up straight and said "  (Your name)? No, it can't be you. I killed you and your brother when you were five. "You let out a cruel laugh and said " Yeah you killed my brother with a gunshot to the head and you made me watch. He told me to run and I did. Into the woods and you shot me in the arm but I fell down just so you could think I was dead. I already knew that you wouldn't dispose of the bodies because you always were sloppy and you thought that the explosion would take care of it but it didn't. And ever since that day I have been training under Victor Creed so that why I could be strong enough to kill you. You should stop doing half the job and finish them. S are you ready to finish what you started James?" James smirked and said, " You really think you could take me?" You laughed and said, " are you going to attack or not?" James gave you a cruel grin as he lugged at you with a knife. You quickly dodged and blocked all of his attacks. Your hood came down to show your (Hair length) (hair color) hair and your (eye color) eyes filled with hate. You remembered what Victor taught you and you quickly kneed him in the stomach grabbed his knife as he fell on his back and just as you were about to stab him in the chest you stopped. You sighed and got up and said: " You're not even worth it." You started to walk to the end of the building and before you let you turned and looked at the man from before and said: " See you around Phil." You smiled as you tossed him his badge and you stepped back. You smiled you knew that Phil was someone you could trust and you knew that you would be seeing him again.
Agent May
You were being moved to another team by Nick Fury. As you arrived at the base you noticed that it was in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing but a plane. You shrugged your shoulders as you walked over to it with your bag. You walked on board and the doors closed behind you. You noticed that there was someone behind you and you quickly turned around and grabbed their fist in the process. You gave them a smirk as you saw Grant Ward. He smiled as he said, "Good work you might be good enough to go against me." You rolled your eyes and right when you were about to shoot him a remark you heard someone say "Grant." You both turned towards the sound and saw that it was The Calvary. "Hey, it's good to see you again. Last time I saw you we were in a fight against Hydra." "I remember you were the guy taking them our left and right. You got what it takes to be on this team so don't blow it. I'm agent May and you are?" You already knew that she knew your name but you decided to just tell her anyways. "Agent (last name)."
You were working on your hand to hand combat with the person that you were closest to, Victor Creed. You were pinned to the ground as you growled at him. "Give up yet (your name)?" "In your dreams Creed." You said as you flipped him over on his back. You were about to give him a blow to his face until you got tackled yet again by the red and black suited man. You growled and pushed him off of you as you got up and grabbed him by the collar he gave you a chuckle and smile by what you could tell through the mask that he wore. He stuck out his hand as he said: "Nice to meet you, fair lady." You raised an eyebrow but a small laugh came from your mouth as you set him down and said, "Nice to meet." "I'm Wade Wilson but everyone here mostly calls me Deadpool." You smiled at him as you said, "(your name) but most people just call me (code name)." Wade nodded and then smiled at you as he said, "Well I got to run before fur ball find out what I did too-" "Wade!" You heard a very pissed of Logan yell and you saw Wade's face drop as he ran out of the room before he said, "I'll see you later alligator!" You laughed at him but couldn't help saying "In a while crocodile."
Black Panther
The three of you arrived at the meeting place when you sat down Fury said "So as you can see there is a new member that has come to join our ranks. He will be joining you as an Avenger and will be living at Avengers Tower. Agent (last name) will be showing him around today. If you have any questions ask-" but he was cut off when Tony said "Aw... but I don't want to share (name) with anyone else. I already have to share here with Capsical." Fury gave him a glare but nodded towards you two letting the two of you leave the room. once the two of you exited the room you said "I'm (name) by the way." He gave you a small smile due to his mask not being on so you could see his face. "I'm T'Challa." He said and you smiled at his as you showed him around the hell carrier.
Agent Zero
It was tomorrow at six in the morning. You sighed as you walked into the training room to see the men in their uniforms. You gave them a smirk as you said "Give me your first name. If I'm going to yell at you I might as well know who the hell you are." "I'm Wade Wilson." The one flinging the swords around said with a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes as you said "Okay Logan, Victor I already know you two. He what's your name?" The guy in the corner looked up at you. You saw him holding a gun and you smirked as he said "Agent Zero." You smirked and nodded as you said "I'm (code name). No run eight laps. Then we will start on the rest of our warm ups." They all groaned but started to run laps along the forest following behind you. You smirked as you thought "Agent Zero..."
Peter (DOFP)
You broke Eric out and that was when he finally introduce himself. " I'm Peter." You gave him a smile as you looked at him. A light blush was on your cheeks as you held out your hand and said " (your name)." He gave you a cheeky grin as he kissed your hand and said " That's a beautiful name." Unit Logan picked you up and put you on the other side of him blocking the two of you from talking to each other anymore. You gave him a glare and he smirked at you as he whispered "He's too old for you. He'll be twice your age when we get back."
You have been apart of the X-Men for a year now. You haven't seen battle as much as you train. You know why the X-Men fight with the Brotherhood so much and to be honest you wanted to fight too. You don't think that human should be under your foot but at the same time you don't think that it should be the other way around. You want to be treated as an equal which is why you hid your mutation for so long. You wanted to stop hating yourself for being different. But it didn't mean you hated them for making you feel this way. In fact when you thought back to it you would understand why they hated mutants. They were different, they had abilities that can change the world around us. Some can kill with a single look, or flick of their fingers is they wanted to. Even if they consider themselves good what is stopping them from using their abilities to get what they want? You knew what was to come and you hated it. This fear, this hatred the humans have towards mutants like you is apart of the reason you want to join the brotherhood. They will make sure that it doesn't happen but at the same time you know that it isn't the way you would want it. You don't want them to be slaves or for you to be slaves. You don't want either race to be restricted. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to see Scott. You gave him a small smile and said, "Hi, do you need my help planing the next mission?" "Actually the professor was thinking that you could be in the action this time." Scott said as he adjusted his ruby quart glasses." Your eyes slightly widened but you nodded and said "I'm ready, so where are we going anyways?" "We have to go to Genosha, we need to talk to Magneto himself." Scott said as you two started to walk towards the Blackbird. You gave a nod as you tried to see what would happen once you made it to the island but you couldn't. Your ability to see the future wasn't fully under your control. You put on your suit before entering the Blackbird. You sat down next to Logan playing with your hands and looking out the window trying to calm yourself down. "It's going to be okay kiddo."
You pouted slightly when he called you that. "Can you please stop calling me kiddo, I'm 21 I am an adult."
He gave you a small chuckle. "It will be alright , there is nothing to worry about."
"Oh so that's why we brought you along Wolvie." He let out a small growl when you called him that. He hated when you called him by your nickname for him. You just rolled your eyes and turned to face the window. You were glad though , knowing Wolverine was coming along was somehow calming to you. You bonded in a way that the others wouldn't expect. You dozed off for what felt like a few minutes until you pillow shrugged you off. You groaned but got up and saw that Rouge was your pillow for today. You gave her a small smile as you tiredly got up. You followed the rest of the X-Men off the Black Bird to meet Magneto. You saw that he brought along some "friends" which you were expecting considering the amount of backup Charles had with him. You noticed Pyro, Sabertooth, which you have heard much about from Logan, and the blue woman named Mystique. You were glad Jean was there to give you a run down of who everyone was. Magneto took quick notice of you and gave a small laugh, "I see you got our little predictor. Did she tell you how things were going to turn out when you came here?"
"Now, now Eric you know that's not why I came here." Charles said and you began to tune out of their conversation until you felt an arm pull you away. You were quickly on alert as you pulled away and got into fighting stance. You faced your opponent to see that it was Mystique. You tilled your head slightly but kept your guard up. "Are you going to lower your hands now (name)?"
You froze when she said it, "How did you-"
"We were planning on recruiting you that day in the park, of course we know you name. Even back then we knew your name. "
You slowly lowered your hands and said, "Why did you pull me away from the others?"
"Because I want to know how this is going to go down. How far can you see in the future. Can you tell me which side wins?" Your eyes flashed back to your nightmares where you can't control your powers at all. You don't know which year it happens but all you do remember are the cries and screams as the sentinels kill the mutants. You forced yourself to hold the tears as you whispered, "I can't see that far  into the future." She sighed but pulls you back to the group and you hung your head as you just thought about what was to come.
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Beta, Theta, and Me
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Avengers (Movies) Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: PG Warnings: Swearing, Homelessness, Minor Nudity Relationships: Loki x Reader (But not right now) Characters: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts, Thor(Marvel), Loki(Marvel) Additional Tags:  A/B/O, Sorta, More Of An Exploration Of Life And Self Expression Within An A/B/O Framework, Loki Does What He Wants, But Loki Does Not Actually Do What He Wants, This First Chapter Is Mostly Setup, Bear With Me
Summary:  A homeless drifter enters a building, and wanders into a new life.
It was starting to get warm again. The danger of freezing to death on the streets was passing, but that meant a new danger approached: people. More people out and about meant more opportunities for you, but more danger as well.
More people meant more to beg from, but also more people that would be willing to hurt you in some way or another. It also meant more competition from other street people, who you knew from experience, absolutely were willing to hurt you.
You were surprisingly good at surviving out here on the streets. It wasn't ideal, not by a long shot. You suffered, you shivered, you starved, just like everyone else out here. But you didn't get sick as much as the others, you always seemed to know the best places and targets for begging. You were still relatively young, and could feign cuteness.
Most of the people out here were betas. Alphas didn't generally end up homeless, and Omegas were usually snapped up before it could happen to them. Just another example of social inequality.
You were no Omega, but you had the same, strong sense of smell. It helped you avoid danger sometimes, and choose begging targets-mostly Omegas, who were soft. Your dumbass, prepper parents had at least taught you some useful survival skills: climbing, rough shelter, even what weeds could be eaten. Sure, you weren't supposed to eat things that grew close to roads or buildings, but you were also eating literal garbage sometimes, so you were in no position to worry about that.
While the city center wasn't your usual haunt, with its hostile architecture, and its increased police presence, you had accidentally fallen asleep on the subway, and this was where they had kicked you out. It was a long walk back to the suburbs you liked to hide in, and you really had to pee.
The Avenger's Tower Museum was a landmark now, and a tourist trap. It was easy to slip in and find a restroom. With everybody so caught up in learning about famous heroes, no one paid attention to a random patron, even if she was dirtier that the usual visitor.
You knew the Avengers had a separate training compound somewhere out in the countryside, but that they could sometimes also be found here. You knew Tony Stark, in particular, had moved back to the upper reaches of the tower, after his house had been blown up. Perils of being a superhero, you supposed. You hoped they weren't here today. You were going to take advantage, and it felt a bit wrong if the heroes were here.
The bathroom was big, and the stalls were spacious and sparkling clean. You felt like a mud smear on the immaculate walls. Well, that was okay, you were hoping to take care of that problem, at least a little bit.
You hid out in one of the stalls, stripping your shirt off, but leaving your jacket on. You'd done this a few times before, and it was always risky, and took forever, but you had to clean up somehow.
When there was no one in the bathroom with you, you rushed out of the stall, soaked your shirt in the sink, wrung it out slightly, then dashed back into the stall. With the door locked behind you, you stripped off your bra and jacket, then began scrubbing yourself with your wet shirt. Darting back out, you got some soap, and rubbed it all over yourself back in the stall. You cleaned your whole body this way, drying yourself off with your sweatpants.
Now for the hard part.
Partially dressed, you soaked, soaped, and scrubbed each article of clothing in turn, hanging them around the stall to dry. This part took forever, and was extra risky, but it wasn't as if you had anything else to do today, and you didn't get the opportunity to clean your clothes very often.
It proved to be too risky. Someone must have noticed that you were acting suspicious, because the next thing you knew you were being hauled, half dressed, out of the bathroom and across the main floor. They were actually going to toss you out on the street without even all your clothes on!
“Oh hey, what do we have here?” Someone asked. It was a voice that didn't seem used to being ignored.
“Just a drifter, Mr. Stark. We caught her shooting up in the bathroom.” One of the security guards said. You both bristled at the total lie, and sank at the sound of the mans name. You hadn't wanted any of them to see you.
“I was not!” You protested. “I was washing up! There's nothing against the law about getting clean!”
“Is that why she's naked?” Stark asked, a little incredulous over what he was seeing.
“I was drying my clothes, but they pulled me out of the stall before I could get them back on.” You grumbled, not expecting anything to come of it. Maybe he would get you your clothes back before you were tossed out. Otherwise, you would be needing to dig around for a pair of pants.
“Seriously? All those training videos I pay for, and you really think throwing a half-dressed woman out on the street is part of acceptable procedure?” Stark snorted. “No, no, no. You-” He pointed at you with a flourish of his hand. “Come with me. And you two get ready for some sensitivity training sessions.”
He led you away from the security guards and staring tourists, into the back hallways used by staff. It vaguely occurred to you that you ought to be distrustful of being a homeless, half-naked woman practically alone in a hidden hallway with a powerful man, but...well, he was Iron Man. Yes, he had a reputation as a former womanizer, but no one had yet come forward to say that any of it hadn't been consensual.
Besides, if he really was like that, Mrs. Potts probably would have torn his spine out through his ass. As Alphas went, she seemed the very no-nonsense type. Maybe not arrogant, so much as not willing to put up with much in the way of shenanigans. Perhaps she'd chosen the wrong mate. Or perhaps her influence kept him from getting into even more trouble than he already did.  
“Were your clothes dry? Do you want me to send someone to get them?”
“Nah, they were still pretty wet. I was just gonna put them on and leave. I really wasn't doing anything wrong, seriously. I just wanted to wash up and get out. Didn't wanna bother nobody. But they are still hanging in the stall, so someone oughta get them.”
“Okay, can do. Here.” He tapped a code into a pad, and a closet door opened up. Peeking inside, you saw a lot of very organized janitorial equipment, including carts, vacuums, waxing machines, and uniforms. Stark pointed at those. “Get yourself some pants, please. I feel like a sleazebag here.”
You grabbed some pants as he turned his back.
“Get yourself a shirt too. And one of those vests. And a hat.” He said, and you did, putting on the new clothes. “I swear, my whole security team makes me look like some kind of tyrant. They're so severe! I mean, I guess that's what I should have expected, hiring on former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. But they needed jobs after Nat dropped that truth bomb about HYDRA all over the internet...You knew about that, right?”
“Yeah, I think squids living under a rock at the bottom of the ocean even heard about that.”
“Well, they're good people, mostly, but they're just so serious. They had to be, to do their former jobs, and they just brought it with them into this job. It doesn't occur to them that tossing a naked lady out onto the street makes me look really bad, and isn't very nice to you either. Even if you were getting high in the bathroom, I don't really care. I'm not perfect, I've indulged in the occasional magic brownie. Can't judge. Grab that cart will you? Wall chart says it's about time for that bathroom to get cleaned.”
The man was an absolute chatterbox, and you had your hands on the cart before it registered that he had even said it. Was that how he always got his way? You were no Omega, and he was no Alpha, but he was powerful nonetheless, and he overwhelmed you with words. You just found yourself doing whatever it was he said.
You followed him out to the bathroom, fully dressed, and dragging the cart behind you, expecting to collect your wet clothes and leave.
“Now, don't forget to put on your gloves, and one of these masks here, so you don't breathe in the cleaners. You know,” He said at your bewildered glance. “Since you like cleaning things so much.”
“Code's twenty-four thirty, check the wall chart for what's next. You can read and write?”
“Great! I'll get an application sent to you at the end of the shift. Have fun!”
He strode off into the crowd without a second glance back, and disappeared into the crowd, leaving you deeply confused, hopeful, and just a little repulsed.
You had a job now, it seemed. All of a sudden, you were gainfully employed. He had the power to completely reorder your life on a whim. That was terrifying, but also an opportunity you didn't want to let slip. If he was feeling generous, you would take advantage of it.
You put on a pair of gloves, and slipped a paper mask over your face. It was time to go to work.
This was a little harder than you had thought it would be. Since you hadn't done this before, or gotten any training at all, you were mostly just guessing what cleaners to use, and what proper toilet cleaning procedure might be. You weren't sure how to open the automatic paper towel dispensers in order to put in new rolls, or where to put the wet floor sign when you mopped. Also, people kept coming in and ruining your work, though you supposed that was part of the point.
It took about an hour for you to get the whole place scrubbed, restocked, and shining. You had cleaned every speck of dust or dirt, and paid close attention to every tiny detail. That ought to be satisfactory.
You wheeled the cart back into the Employee's Only halls, only to be stopped by a tall, frowning woman.
“Who are you?” She demanded. “Who told you you could take this cart?”
“New hire.” You said, hoping she would see that you were busy and let you go on your way. You didn't like the look of her.
“I wasn't informed of any new hire!”
“Very new. Just came on this morning.”
She grasped the cart, stopping you in place.
“I run the janitorial department. I wasn't informed of any new hire. I'm notifying security.”
“Mr. Stark brought me on himself!” You protested. “Just this morning! It was real sudden, but that's what happened.”
“Bullshit. I'll just ask him directly, shall I?” She whipped out a very smart looking phone, and pressed a single digit on its nearly flat face.
A minute passed. Dragged. Stretched. The woman's' frown grew deeper, and you struggled to refrain from sarcastic comments about her perceived self-importance.
Finally, the phone picked up.
“Yo.” Came Stark's bored voice.
“I've caught a vagrant in the D-3 hallway. She's either trying to steal or to spy. She says you personally hired her this morning.”
“Huh? Who?”
Your heart sank. Seemed like the game was over.
“Oh yeah! She's our newest janitor. Real passion for cleaning.”
“Wh-really? But sir!”
“Don't worry. Florence. Didn't you just send me an email suggesting you were short-handed since Anne got married? Well, there you go! Problem solved, and almost immediately. Get along now. Bye!”
“But-” The phone went dark again. You were honestly surprised he had answered in the first place. The man was a billionaire, on top of the world, a hero and one of the most famous figures mankind had ever known. Smash together King Tut, Einstein, and Elvis, and the resulting super-person would still have nothing on the fame of Anthony Stark. And 'Florence' here was a grump who seemed to think a bit too much of her own importance.
She glared at you. You shrugged.
“Fine. Show me what you did.”
You took her to the bathroom, proudly showing off your sparkling work.
“So you took this cart at nine fourty-six, and have only gotten back now...it took you an hour to do this?”
You weren't completely in love with her tone.
“Where did you get your training?”
“Thought so. He just grabbed you and tossed you into this didn't he? Look, taking a whole hour to clean one bathroom is not going to cut it. This building is ninety-three floors, and each one has several bathrooms which, incidentally, will not be the only things you will be expected to clean. You will have to speed up.”
She glanced around. “I see what you've done here. You've scrubbed literally everything. Behind the toilets. The underside of the sinks. The trash cans. You can't do this every time. It'll just take too long. You need to learn the basics before you start doing all the extra stuff.”
Well that was new. Getting reprimanded for doing your job too well.
“Come along. We'll do another bathroom. I'll show you the basics.”
You followed her out of the bathroom and into the hidden halls.
“We don't go wheeling the bathroom carts out among the museum tours.” She lectured. “Even though we are cleaners, anything associated with toilets becomes associated with filth, in the laymans eyes. There are maps here and there, but if you think you're going to work here, you'll get the layout memorized quickly.”
You spent another hour and a half learning basic bathroom cleaning techniques. This was apparently what you would be spending most of your time on. Every bathroom on the ten museum floors was scheduled to be cleaned once per two hours, and every bathroom on the dozens of office and lab floors at least three times per day. You would not be alone in doing this task, but since, as had been pointed out, the janitorial team was shorthanded, you would have to do many of them, and you would have to learn to do it fast. Florence didn't seem terribly convinced that you would be able to.
She sure had a lot to say about you; carefully cloaked jabs at your appearance, hygiene, and intelligence. She even seemed to insinuate that you smelled bad, on the elevator up to the highest level of labs that you would be given access to. You felt that was rather unfair; you had technically just washed, and you were even wearing fresh clothes!
Upon disembarking the elevator, Florence led you to each of the bathrooms on the floor, and you glanced into the labs. Away from the museum, you didn't have to sneak through hidden halls to avoid being spotted by the general public, and could see what was going on around you.
There was a lot of...very sciency stuff going on in those labs, and you didn't understand a lick of it. But it might be nice to learn sometime.
A loud, but faraway sound penetrated the lab, like a roaring wind. You'd have guessed that it really was nothing but the wind, rushing around the building, dozens of floors higher into the air than you'd ever been, except...
Except that everyone, Florence included, paused in what they were doing, and looked toward the ceiling. As if they'd heard it before, and knew it heralded something. One man, far down the hall, left his lab and booked it to another elevator.
“What was that?” You asked, mildly nervous.
“Nothing we need to concern ourselves with.” She answered. “We should go back downstairs. Khalil should be getting in soon; I'll have him show you how the floor waxers work, and where the box and trash compactors are, while I scrape you up an application, and get you entered into the system.”
As she led you away, a column of prismatic, screaming light faded from a special platform, far, far above you, and two people stepped onto the very top floor of the tower.
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
MC Character Challenge
Tagged and Created by @cptaincarswell 
(If there is another one like this I was never tagging in so…) Thank you so much for tagging me! Honestly this is a lot harder than my Jacob’s one! I hope I did a good job explaining my MC…
Rules: Choose five characters (movie or tv show) that represent your MC/ MC’s different layers.
1. Sirius Black - Harry Potter
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Let’s just get the obvious out of the way =p 
Where to start…
Dramatic entrances
Just dramatic tendencies
Good hair (even after 12 years in Azkaban, the rest may be a mess but the hair is looking fabulous! =p)
Love Remus Lupin
Okay, a bit more siriusly now 😉
Unwavering loyalty and fiercely protective nature (that may be taken too far…)
Witty and sarcastic (“run along and play with your chemistry set” - classic! =p)
Charming and charismatic (she can probably convince almost anyone to do anything… maybe a bit manipulative too…)
Rebellious and mischievous
Flirtatious and seemingly confident
Secretly really insecure
Dark vengeful side, can be vicious towards those he hates
Sure, we have magic, but you know what’s satisfying? Punching someone in the face!
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2. Emma Swan - Once Upon A Time
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Forced into be the Savior seems fitting, right? Fine, if she has to do this, she will, because no one else will =p Plus she’s probably the best at it anyway 😉 It may be stressful and a weight on her shoulders but she’ll handle it herself and appear cool and collected while doing it.
A natural leader and hero even though she may not want to be (Have to deal with the Cursed-Vaults and R/Cabal even though this is definitely not what she signed up for)
Strong and independent (but also lonely)
Practical and realistic
Strong sense of justice
Will do anything to protect and save those she cares about
Self-sacrificing (which is easy to do if you don’t care really if you live or not)
Dark Side
Distances herself from others to protect them
Trust issues
Abandonment issues
Very guarded with her feelings (particularly when it comes to love)
Feels like she has to appear strong and keep things together despite how stressed and overwhelmed she is with great responsibility thrust onto her shoulders - probably also feels like she has to handle it all by herself/on her own
Gets Captain Hottie Hook =p
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3. Kate Beckett - Castle
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I think Kate shows how determined and even obsessed Keira is with finding her brother. She’ll push herself to her limits and doesn’t care about placing herself in dangerous situations, even engaging in reckless behaviors that could severely harm or even kill her to find her brother. And she’ll try to do it all herself. (Also I love Stana Katic!)
Strong sense of justice (even if it’s her own set of morals/ethics)
Strong and independent
Her own savior/hero
Doesn’t like when someone tries to control her or even protect her - she demands respect and wants a partner, not a protector (Keira just doesn’t do well with being told what to do/authority figures - she wants to do what she wants when she wants!)
Determined and hard working 
Determined almost to the point of obsession and recklessness - doesn’t care about what happens to her as long as she succeeds and will cross lines to do so
Can be secretive
On a one-woman mission
Speaks multiple languages
Likes to keep her past and personal life/feelings private (Keira doesn’t really talk about herself much to her friends - her mom, life in Canada, etc.)
The loss of her mom drives her - serves as her motivation to become a detective (while Keira lost her mom as well, the loss of Jacob is a strong motivator for her influencing even her career choice as well)
However, wants to be defined more than just by her mother’s death (Keira wants to be defined more than her brother and the Cursed-Vaults)
Struggle to love herself and accept someone else’s love
Survives getting shot to the chest (it’s very difficult getting rid of Keira =p)
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4. Mazikeen “Maze” - Lucifer
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(Kind of looks like a batarang right?! =D )
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She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face (and then stab you and rip your throat out). Keira enjoys a good fight but also has a darker side that primarily gets unleashed when people she cares about are threatened or harmed. She can and will cross the line and do what’s necessary especially in difficult and stressful times. And those clothes!
Quick to anger and acting out violently (prefers getting mad than showing she’s actually sad)
Gets a thrill and pleasure from fighting (Duelling is fun and all but Keira does really enjoy physical fighting. May also have a taste/skill for knives - related to Bellatrix afterall 😜)
Confident in her fighting abilities
Can come off as cold and uncaring
May sometimes act impulsively especially when angered (Keira has a classic fiery Irish temper)
Struggles with showing vulnerability and opening up
Secretly lonely and insecure about her friendships - like she cares more/does more for them and they don’t really care for her - worried about betrayal 
Fiercely loyal and protective - so much she easily becomes a sadistic vengeful killer if anyone harms those she cares about (well Maze is a demon =p - Keira definitely has a dark side that hasn’t really needed to come out much but after this Rakepick stuff…. Anyway she’d have no problem torturing or inflicting pain and destroying someone’s life if they hurt those she cares about)
Keira would definitely wear a lot of Maze’s clothing actually - leather, duh =p badass and a little sexy 😜
(Bonus - since you included Eve in yours 😉) 
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5. Jamie Moriarty - Elementary 
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Besides the fact that I just love Natalie Dormer, I also want to highlight Keira’s intelligence and manipulative capabilities, as well as her not really being good or evil but as more of a neutral. (If she wanted to run a criminal empire she could =p Who knows what the future will hold? =p) Also could possibly show what she could become if she didn’t have her friends. (More reasons she needs Bill as a partner).
Diabolical mastermind
Clever and cunning
Manipulative - uses people to do her dirty work or distract them from interfering
Likes a challenge/mind games
Likes to feel smarter than others  
Likes to be in control/have the upper hand/be one step ahead
Confident (possibly overconfident) in her skills, intellect, and abilities
Gives credit where it’s due and respects other intelligent, manipulative, and clever people
Can view situations as a game (but she’s pretty sure she’ll - and determined to - win)
Focus on benefitting herself and doesn’t care who she has to take down in order to get what she wants
Will stop at nothing to protect those she cares about (i.e. her daughter)
Doesn’t like to appear/show her vulnerability (aka her daughter)
More dramatic reveals?! Yes please =p Love a good plot twist!
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Honorable Mentions: The Witch - Into the Woods; Blair Waldorf - Gossip Girl; Veronica Lodge (or maybe even Cheryl Blossom) - Riverdale; Loki - Marvel; Wolverine - X-men; Selene - Underworld
Summary: (This got long - don’t have to read! You can probably see the running themes here)
Keira comes across as a strong, confident, sarcastic person who actually hides a lot of insecurities, trust issues, and overwhelming stress. While charming and charismatic she actually is quite guarded and doesn’t like to open up or be vulnerable but that also leaves her feeling alone. While appearing even flirtatious at times she is particularly guarded and insecure about the whole ‘love’ thing and struggles with believing anyone would actually accept her for her, flaws and all. Takes awhile for her to feel comfortable around others and a long time for her to feel safe opening up and even then she rarely shows her vulnerability to those close to her. Likes being independent and handling things on her own even if that means struggling and being overwhelmingly stressed - doesn’t like to admit she needs helps or can’t handle things on her own (even though she needs support she prides herself on her independence). Normally pretty cool and calm but definitely has a fiery temper than can easily be set off causing her to lash out angrily and even violently. Also has a flair for the dramatics and can be quite rebellious and mischievous. 
Is an incredibly determined and resilient individual, particularly when it comes to finding her brother, but in general when she wants something it’s hard for her to let it go and she’ll cross lines to get it and even push herself to extremes and engage in dangerous and reckless behaviors - doesn’t matter what happens to her as long as she succeeds. Normally likes to take things into her own hands without involving others, in a way to protect them, but also keeps her at a distance from them so maybe also in a way to protect herself from her fear of being betrayed by people she has opened up to and trusted - again leaving her feeling alone, especially when she truly does need support. But she also just doesn’t like being told what to do =p 
She has a strong sense of justice, and has a hard time keeping her mouth shut when she sees an injustice, and is fiercely loyal and protective towards those she cares about; however, is a true neutral, living more in a grey area, so her code of ethics may be different than others (she’s not a Death Eater but she totally understands killing Dumbledore, would have done it herself if they asked! And she’ll fight Harry about it! =p). She doesn’t normally get involved in things (such as the second wizarding war) unless necessary and rewarding from her own perspective. She enjoys a good fight and is probably the first to sign up for some dangerous mission (as long as she feels she’ll get something out of it even if it’s just the thrill and adrenaline rush). While she may have insecurities when it comes to her relationships with others, she’s confident, maybe too much so, in her skills, intellect, and capabilities (and therefore does not handle defeat well and does not like being the one be to used and manipulated when she likes to have the upper hand and be one step ahead). 
She definitely has a dark side, particularly when anyone she cares about is threatened or harmed or when she feels it’s called for in difficult situations. She can be vicious and has no issues torturing, inflicting pain, and completely destroying someone’s life - quite literally will cut a bitch =p (and if she needs to be a bitch she can be a bitch =p) She can be very manipulative and vengeful, no problems using others has her puppets, although again normally only does so to protect or avenge those she cares about (i.e. doesn’t do so for her own personal amusement). Also I think she’s good at compartmentalizing. Honestly feels like her friends need her because, let’s face it, they’re too “nice” and “good” and they need a friend willing to do the dirty work and cross that line into the darkness… even if they don’t know about her doing that…because she does try to keep that darkness in her hidden from her friends. (But her friends and that support truly keep her from snapping and acting out more violently and diving into that darkness as easily as she would alone).
Think that’s it =p Hope I explained her well, I don’t know…
Tagging: @wilhelminafujita @bluerosesburnblue @arnyan @callmederok @jadeowl19 @missnight0wl @changeling-fae @sly-vixen-up2nogood @gryffinpuffthunderbird @unforgivablecurse-breaker and anyone else who wants to!I’m sure I’m forgetting people - I’m sorry, it’s not personal I swear! Just please do it and tag me! =)
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loki-fanfic-whore · 5 years
Inhuman ch. 11
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Warnings- kidnapping, depression, self neglect
Chapter 11 Fractured
Tom awoke and for just a brief second the phantom feeling of you snuggled in bed gave him hope. He turned to see nothing but pillows and a blanket half kicked around. He sighed and stood up, his body aching like he was hungover. He would have preferred to stay in bed but he had to help you...he had to find the answer, for you, and for him.
He went quickly to Vruces lab ignoring Natasha as she asked if he wanted breakfast. He sat at the computer and began to work on decoding your genome to isolate your immunity.
After several hours Bruce came in with two coffee cups. He sat one down infront of Tom.
"How close are you?" Bruce asked as the computer scanned through your codes.
"As soon as I can isolate the immunity then I'll be very close." He spoke rubbing his face thirdly. He felt utterly hungover and wanted nothing more than to cry.
An alarm blared overhead alerting the avengers of a mission. Bruce sighed and excused himself. The others filed into the living room as Gury began yelling orders. Tom wasnt interested in that though. He needed to help, he had to help.
Natasha knocked on the lab door then slowly entered.
"We have to go on a mission...please promise me you will be safe and take proper care of yourself." She seemed worried for him. Tom sighed and nodded his head. Grabbing the now cold mug of coffee and taking a swig.
"I promise Nat. I just have to keep going..."
"For her..." Natasha finished and nodded. She let the door close and left with the others. Tom was alone in the tower and all of them worried a little for him.
Days passed, Tom slept in the lab while the computer ran through the codes. He ate one meal a day and even that was forced. He was growing a beard and his hair was oily. He didnt even care. He was obsessed with cracking this code.
'Tomas....' the hologram started back up.
'I knew you would do this. Please take care of yourself. You dont have to be this cruel to yourself.' You spoke in a computerized version of your voice.
'You need to-' the hologram fizzled and then dissapeared. A huge explosion rocked the building throwing Tom across the room.
"Knock knock!" Came a deep voice. Tom stood and dashed towards the voice. Standing before him was a team of about six people. He recognized one as Dr. Maddox, but the others didnt look familiar.
"So Tomas! Tell us how you are feeling?" The deep voices man spoke followed by a laugh. The others split up and began ransacking the tower. Tom jumped towards the closest person, which was a thin female in black clothes and blonde hair pulled into a tight bun. He swung and connected his fist with her face. She knocked out immediately. Dr Maddox approached and smiled.
"Hello Tomas. Please tell me about your experiences with the Terrigen crystals?" She seemed sincere but was backing him into a wall. He heard the alarms blaring in the lab. The computer had isolated the gene mutation. He needed to synthesize it and then he could cure everyone. He would have the antidote.
"What do you want?" Tom spit angrily.
"Easy there Tomas. If you get too hot headed you could erupt like the others. Just try to take it easy. We would like for you to come with us. We need to run some tests pertaining to your levels of terrigen." Dr. Maddox smiled again.
"Not gonna happen doc." He spoke curtly.
"It wasnt a question Tom." The large deep voiced man spoke again closing the gap between them.
Tom needed that vial. He held up his hands.
"Wait...I'll go but let me get some things together. You can watch but please just give me a minute." He spoke as if he had given up looking dejected. The man laughed and spoke to the doctor.
"Too fucking easy. He is so weak now that she is dead." Tom winced as the anger boiled inside him. He went into the lab and grabbed a bag shoving a book and blanket in it. He grabbed a syringe and the small vial of your genes and quickly drew up a little of the mixture into the syringe. He injected it into his shoulder like a flu shot, wincing before he tucked the vial away. He quickly set the computer to continue to make vials and whispered overhead.
"Dont reply Jarvis, you know what to do." Then he walked out with his bag. They shackled him and loaded him onto their jet.
"Sir there was a break in at the tower. Master
Tomas has been taken, but he was able to successfully extract the mutated DNA into an antidote. He has several vials ready at the lab." Jarvis spoke into Tony's suit.
"Roger that Jarvis. I'll let the team know." He fell back and told each member individually.
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Blame It on Your Beats (2)
Bucky x Reader Series
Chapter Content: Fluff
Summary: A brush with the underworld leads you on a run, away from what was supposedly your normal life, with Bucky Barnes. You two do not seem to be in sync as Bucky tries to keep you alive, trying your best not to kill each other. Or that’s what you think you are doing.
Series: contains smut, adult content in there somewhere in the future chapters so please look at the chapter content and warnings before you proceed.
Chapter Warnings: Psychopaths, pain.
A/N: This series is written for @littledarlinhavefaithinme ‘s MK Writing Challenge. Thank you so much for hosting. I am having a lot of fun with the prompts. I hope I can do justice to them and put the entire series up before the deadline. :D
Tags for this fic are open
The comms Friday had guided you to in Bruce’s desk worked, helping you reach out to Tony Stark- who you prayed was not busy somewhere in some grand event- to help you and the treasured fabric you were holding so close to your heart.
“Who’s this?”
“Oh, thank God!” you finally inhaled, hiding under the desk now, “Mr Stark, it’s me, Y/N.”
“Y/N, I told you to close the lab four hours ago. What are you still doing there?” Stark authoritative yet caring voice came over the comms.
“I-I know but I had to finish the curing tonight and now I am stuck in the lab with two very suspicious guys with guns standing outside the lab, telling me to hand over the Old Word of the Late,” you explained hastily as your voice quivered, “they’ve cut off the power to the facility and are trying to break through the lab security to get it.”
“Chances of lab breach at 10 per cent,” Friday’s voice came over the comms for both you and Stark to hear.
There was a moment of silence on the other end, making you wonder if he had left you for the dead, your mind stabbing itself to stop thinking the worst and making your heart go into cardiac arrest.
“Mr Stark?” you were on the edge of tears.
“I’m here, kid. Is there anyone else still in the building?”
“No, I don’t think so. Melvin, the security guy, made his last round about an hour or so ago. He told me everyone had gone home.”
“Okay.Good. Now I want you to look inside the second desk drawer on the left of Banner’s desk for a blue box. It will have a ring-shaped tracker inside it.” Tony instructs you as precisely as possible, making it easy for you to find it in your first try. “Found it.”
“Good. Wear it so that it activates using your heat signature.”
Without a delay, you shove the duo-chrome band over your finger.
“I can see her. I’m on my way,” comes another voice.
“Okay, good. We’re getting you out of there-”
“N-no, Mr Stark,” you interrupt the man, turning to watch the men looking at their watch and signalling you the time through their fingers, “there are more of them outside-”
“Easy kid. Breathe,” Stark reassured, making you follow his instruction as you took in one good breath and tried to exhale the anxiousness through your mouth, “they didn’t take over my system. Someone on their side was clever enough to make Friday believe there had been a breach. Friday is rebooting the essentials one by one. I already have their numbers on here, alright?”
You nodded.
“O-okay,” you blurted out after a few seconds of realisation.
“Now keep yourself out of the range of their weapons, grab only the essentials and hide till we get to you. How much time do we have?”
You turned to look at the man who signalled his fingers at you again, smiling at you, his emotions reaching his eyes in the most horrifying way.
“Eight minutes.”
“Where are you going to take those, sweetheart?” The filthy man called out as he watched you- from beyond the still burning fire- gather your laptop, phone and bag, rolling the OWL into its tube container. You didn’t feel the need to respond- mostly because your senses were trying to avoid any confrontation from your potential murderer.
“At least give this poor man a word before signing off, sweet thing.”
And suddenly you froze at the hazy familiarity of those words you had heard over the chat during your last shady tournament that nearly put you behind bars, turning to look at the man- his grey eyes looking more haunting in this absurd fire burning in front of him.
It didn’t take him long to register the horror on your face, making you comprehend what you had just given away.
“You were one of them,” he voiced, his eyes going wide, so did his smile, “weren’t you? The noobs we hired for the security breach.”
Not knowing how to respond to that, you ran back with all your stuff to the safety of the only brick wall and desk, your heart nearly in your mouth as your breaths grew erratic.
“You know I’ll find you, sweet thing,” his voice echoed, making you feel a cold chill run through your bones, “and unfortunately I’ll have to kill you now.”
“Whatever you do,” Clint’s grim voice came through the comms, “do not fart while you’re in there.”
“Thanks for the heads-up, Barton,” Bucky mumbled as his bike’s tires screeched to a halt in the soil before he left it on the ground and ran towards the direction of one the hidden passages out of the facility that led straight to the vents of the main building right where you were trapped.
Tapping in the code, he was inside the cooling system controls, watching the tracker beep on his watch, telling him your position.
“How much time do I have?”
“Four minutes Barnes,” Bruce answered, “it seems like they’re trying to weaken the impenetrable glass. W-wait, hold on-”
Bucky was already inside the shaft that was as tall and wide as him, rerunning Clint’s direction to the lab in his mind.
“James,” Tony’s solid voice spoke over the comms, “you have to hurry.”
“I am hurrying,” Bucky asserted.
“The man standing outside the lab hired her for the job she almost got destroyed for.”
The layers inside Tony’s words opened up. Bucky realised the gravity of the situation, accelerating his pace through the shafts that kept getting smaller with the distance.
“Take a right here and crawl till the second opening. That’s the lab,” Clint instructed the sergeant.
Bucky found the opening and slid it open, his gun ready as he slid down and landed on top of a table that had research papers scattered all over it. The transparent walls were all somehow covered in fire from the ceiling to the floor, huge cracks already developing over the glass.
He turned towards the desk while silently landing on the floor, keeping his huge body mute on his toes as he crouched towards the side, your figure hidden behind it partially coming in his view.
Your back- the usual way he had seen you for the past one week whenever he passed the lab, swinging with your earphones plugged in, listening to heavens know what that made you work while dancing about the entire area of this room- was towards him, making him come for your shoulder.
One moment, Bucky’s hand landed on your exposed cold skin, and another, a searing pain ran through him, sending his body into a red swirl of fireworks.
Continued here
@magiclolipopqueen @choke-me-sweet-pea @smexylemony @hazzastyles2471 @lokis-lady-death @lokixme @l0kisbitch @tarithenurse @hiddlestonstansworld @itheoneofmanyfandomsi @nalokoniloki @fuckidontknow @qualitynerdwasteland @cryinglots @unipanda1006 @literalangels @meganlikesfandoms @kcd15
(Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the future chapters/fics. Send me an ask if you have a request/would like to leave me feedback/just want to have a nice chat. xx)
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wickednerdery · 6 years
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Title: FrostBitten: Cold Sweat Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Loki x Thanos (& Jotun!OC) Rating: Mature Summary: “I guess this is mutiny.” Notes: This is a series/multi-chapter fic - Masterlist Here. Ulfr is a Frost Giant, more clearly so than Loki, and “played” by Lee Pace. This piece is mostly Loki (and Thanos, kinda), but the end connects Ulfr to the main events. The whole thing in general is dark and this one’s got angst and violence bordering on torture…For that and length it gets a “Read More”.
He remembers those words. He remembers everything that came before them too; all that pain he didn’t know. Searing hot, like fire in the veins, until he begged for a simple strike. The way they would scramble his mind, undo whatever moment of peace he might search for. He had heart, but they’d cure him of that. No need for heart, for sentiment, as King. Gods don’t care for ants...
Loki dares to hold his gaze high in fear that doing any less will reveal him as weak once again. He cannot be weak; if he’s weak he cannot rule and, if he cannot rule, he serves no purpose. Not for them, for Him.
“I give you a gift...” It’s only a voice; He does not deign to show himself to such a disappointment. “And you leave it open to whomever may have desire for it.”
“Forgive me, I...”
“Are so incompetent you’re ignorant of your own people’s actions?”
The fire alights, twists in his belly, and Loki cringes in effort to remain standing.
“Would you like to witness it? The betrayal you could not see under your very nose?”
“P-Plea...” The burn within spreads like wildfire and all energy goes to remain standing. The god’s breath holds, then explodes through gritted teeth. “Please.” Stop. Show me...show me whatever you like, just stop the burn.
It is not displayed openly; it’s shoved into his mind’s eye so there’s no option but to buckle under it. A flash of Jacob stepping from the elevator, his mindless walk through Stark’s destroyed lab, flickering hand racing quickly through the second code...a sight Loki focuses on until he drops to hands as well as knees. “I...I d-did not...” reveal the codes to anyone. Type them before anyone’s eyes save a select few, of which only one still lives.
“Perhaps I was mistaken, perhaps you are not worthy of this task.”
“The Avengers are gone, Midgard is mine, and I’ve secured the Tesseract -”
“But you haven’t, have you?”
Sweat soaks fast - skin, clothing, hair. “I...” Salt stings the eyes, tears begin to stream, mix. “Will fix this.”
“Will you?”
Head dips, snaps back up as Loki forces himself up off hands. “Give me time.” Rocks burrow through leather, into knees, but he deals with it. He has to.
“It took your subordinate no time at all.”
Scenes again flash through Loki’s mind. Ulfr’s determined walk, his easy kill, his glare down at...Loki? No. No, not Loki. The Tesseract...Ulfr’s looking down at the Tesseract.
“Perhaps I should have chosen him instead?”
Loki sees Ulfr’s hand stretch, fingers splay, and it’s as if the man grips his brain in his hands…Fingers grow thick and crushing as they become those of Thanos…
“Perhaps he will treat such power with more respect…”
Digging in, around, pain fries and seizes Loki’s very existence. He wants to scream, wail, beg for it to stop, but can only roll his eyes up and gasp as he drops forward, curls up into a ball. He goes Jotun blue, tries to keep cool through the flaming pain, then conscious through the draining feel that takes over...
Ulfr’s looks in the mirror, examines his human appearance, and works to dull his Jotun lines. Dull to nothingness; just like the red of his eyes as he pales them to various Midgardian colors, playing at a mixture of hues. Then the red returns and strange blue follows...an unfixed form of Loki’s current eye color. Ulfr ticks his head in confused interest, but a sudden, hidden, call reaches out and he gives up his play.
At the end of the hall he enters what was Stark’s room, but now his king’s. Eyes run over furniture and books, across walls and closets, all lush in green and gold and black. Within heavy-lidded casket, cradled in soft fabric, he finds what draws him. Two strides and the scepter’s in his hands, jewel at the center glowing in the same pulsating manner as the Tesseract.
Body hums in floods of excess energy, power. Ulfr pants, sweats, without notice...not until the heat starts to burn. He cringes, curses, lets the scepter fall back to its cradle. Deep breaths work to calm, cool, himself, before the Frost Giant again goes to hold it. It seems to allow, accept, him this time.
“Well then...” Ulfr’s smile turns to wicked grin as he sets the scepter onto the floor with an authoritative stamp. “I guess this is mutiny.”
I’m gonna break this down a bit: Thanos saw what happened in the last piece, just as Ulfr planned. He summons/yanks Loki from the reader’s bedroom to wherever to “speak with” - aka punish - him for his oversight. Heat torture for sadistic reasons aside, Thanos also pulled some of the power Loki was getting from the Tesseract and his scepter out of Loki and, because Ulfr happened to be touching them around the same time, that power was then transferred into Ulfr. ...And that’s all I’m gonna say because, haha, spoilers! 😉 Hope it makes some kind of sense though...and this was worth the wait in general, lol!
(Gif made by me via two gifs I found on Google.)
Tagged: @welcome-to-fangirl-hell @chibiyanai @wadeyouwitch @creedslove @lady-crowned-with-stars @moonfaery @annievvv7  @ladyfluff @holykryptonitekitten @lokilvrr @janebrownnie @lokis-little-kitten @alexakeyloveloki @theangelsfightwithdevils @the-blue-tiefling @lokis-lady-death @dangertoozmanykids101 @prometheasmother @vethrvolnir  @wintertink @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @drakonwild @starscreamloki @helayes  @hiddles-rose  @the-lady-witchitery @galaxies-inside-my-head @jackheart180  @lukeevansandjdmobession…Thinks that’s everyone, you want on the list, just lemme know!!  (Also @manip-loki, Loki whump? lol)
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tempestaurora · 6 years
i hope we’re all impressed that i’m still doing this and haven’t given up yet. This is because I’m thinking about Civil War again. AO3
Blue. Everything was tinged with blue.
Like sunlight on ice-
 The glint off the metal arm, the sunshine reflected in vibranium.
 -like the outfit of the superhero. The saviour. America’s answer to injustice and danger. Captain America. There was always ice where that man was concerned. Always cold, a separation, the inability to break through and see the real picture.
Or maybe he’d thawed the ice, just not for Tony. Just not for the world and their safety.
But for—
 He’s my friend. (So was I.)
 Captain America crashing into the water, into the ice and freezing there for seventy years. Father, Father, Father – Howard Stark searching and searching, telling tales to a young Tony, too wide-eyed to know what would become of the man in the ice and how his story would loop around his, inexplicable and inextricable.
There was a slither of Tony’s being that wished to go back in time and tell his younger self that he could hate Captain America all he wanted; he should use it as his very own shield, heft it high and carry it always, so when the good Rogers himself swung a punch, Tony would already be deflecting it.
There was ice in the story of Sergeant Barnes too; falling to his death – not death, not death, not death – off the side of a train, snow burying his body, arm torn from his torso. Was it snowing that night he killed Tony Stark’s parents? Mid December, country roads away from the city, Tony sitting by himself on Christmas day, alone, alone, alone.
Captain America and ice. And the way he was found in a block of it, melting and still alive. And the way they took down the Hydra base, covered in snow, where they met the twins and Ultron was born at last; finally possible, finally probable – oh look, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Murdering JARVIS, tearing his coding apart. Not Captain America’s fault, but Tony remembered the judgement there.
Then this. Then the way his suit was the only thing keeping his heart beating, sending out distress signals because there was nothing else to do but die.
 A shield, cracking through the arc reactor, the suit losing all power.
 It had to happen in the ice, too. In the place where the sun shone off it in blue; blue like Cap’s clothing, blue like the way he felt that Christmas morning, blue like the Tesseract and the glow of Loki’s sceptre as aliens poured out of the wormhole – oh, that was blue, too.
Blue like Tony’s lips, fingertips; like the way shivering felt. Blue like the spots that were forming behind his eyes, like the walls and the ground, like the sky – though that was more grey, now the clouds had banded together to cover the sun, finally realising that today was not a day for sun; there was nothing good about it.
He was in and out. There and not. The suit had emergency power to send out the calls, one after another. Vision. Rhodey. Happy. Pepper. Pepper. Pepper. Where was she? Oh, right – they were on a break and she’d never come for him in fucking Siberia.
It was his fault, likely, that she’d gone. He was supposed to stop making suits, was supposed to reinvest himself in their relationship, in the company – but there was always another threat around the corner, and this time it came in the form of Steve fucking Rogers, who’d shared meals with him, and lived with him, and had more than once been drunk by his side and so incredibly giddy-
He wasn’t supposed to be making suits still, but he had been, and Pepper had left and now he was falling asleep amid the ice of Siberia, a shield he didn’t even fucking want sitting by his side.
 My dad made that shield!
 He didn’t want anything his father had ever touched, including himself, including Steve Rogers, including the Avengers that had decided that Barnes was more important that the public-
No, scratch that. He wanted one thing. He wanted his Aunt Peggy, but she was six foot under and he hadn’t even gone to the funeral. He’d been trying to clean up Rogers’ mess, and Rogers was right there, carrying her coffin down the aisle and not at all wondering where Tony Stark, godson to the wonder woman of Peggy Carter, was.
He was in and out, still. There and not. One minute blinking into the cloud-covered sky and the next he was in a slumber he couldn’t help but awake from. He shot out of it each time; a shield ramming into his chest.
 I thought it was going to be my head.
 There was a figure, above him, red in hue and all he could think was thank god it’s not blue. It carried him, they carried him, his head tilting back, eyes drooping – then, he’d shudder. The Winter Soldier strangling the life from his mother. Captain America fighting with everything he had.
Tony hadn’t used half of his weapons. He’d gone fucking easy and he was the one left in the ice. Maybe he should’ve frozen there, been left there, been thawed out in a hundred years and been the new man out of time, but maybe there wouldn’t be another hundred years, because there was always something coming for Earth-
There was an endgame, a monster lurking in shadows, waiting to tear them apart for all they were worth.
And the Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes, were fractured, were split.
Tony had just wanted to bring them in quietly, save them from the hit squad that wouldn’t hesitate to shoot them dead. He’d just wanted to trust the people around him – and he had, until Natasha Romanoff showed she was still a double agent, no matter how she acted. No matter the long nights of insomnia they spent side by side, or the morning cups of coffee they inexplicably shared.
No matter what Tony gave them, or what he said, they were all waiting to turn on him.
 He awoke with a start, the shield crashing into the arc reactor all over again behind his eyes. He was in a medbay; a heart monitor beeping somewhat steadily behind him. The door to his room was open and no one sat by his side.
Tony blinked through the sleep and sat up, hissing at the pain in his left arm – it was always the left arm – and reaching out to grab the chart sitting on his bedside table.
Half the words were in German, so he could guess where he’d been shipped back to – but the ones in English listed minor injuries, one after the other, then hypothermia. Tony huffed. That made sense, too, in its own stupid way.
That Captain America could leave him for dead in the tundra and all he would get is hypothermia and nightmare fuel to last a lifetime.
There was the sound of chattering from outside his room and Tony looked up, searching for it. This was likely a private hospital, or maybe part of a government building, so why did it sound like there was a child walking the halls?
Ah. Him. Tony watched Happy usher Peter Parker, the Spiderling, through the hall, the older man looking weary and worn. Peter was talking, rushed and happy, about something or other, when they looked over to see Tony sitting there in his bed.
Both fell to a stop outside the door, and Tony could see the worry in Happy’s eyes and the confusion in Peter’s. Most of all, he could see the hesitance in stepping into the room.
For some reason, Tony made the decision for him. “Hey, kid.”
Peter’s face changed expression, just slightly. “Hey, Mr Stark!” he said, entering. Happy rolled his eyes, following him in, and immediately taking the chart from Tony’s hands to have a look over it, as if he hadn’t already read it a hundred times. “Are you feeling better? Happy said you got a bit injured.”
“Yeah, yeah I’m alright now. What about you? That was a hell of a fight you put up.” He didn’t know why he was even talking to the kid, let alone starting up a real conversation. Maybe he was starved of positive attention. Maybe his girlfriend, the love of his life, had left him, and maybe his only friends had all betrayed him, and maybe his best friend in the world had fallen and lost the use of his legs-
Maybe there was only a handful of people on the face of the planet who could’ve provided Tony with positive attention, and all of them had left him bar the ones in this room. And Happy was being silent, regretful, maybe – but Peter.
Peter didn’t know half the shit that weighed Tony down daily. He was still looking at Tony Stark like he was a superhero, not a failure of a boyfriend and an Avenger.
“Oh, I’m good. I had a few bruised bones or something, but they’re all healed up now.” Tony raised his eyebrows at that and Peter elaborated: “Enhanced healing. I’ve got this one on my jaw, still, but otherwise I’m good.” Peter tilted his head and Tony saw the purple mark, already mostly healed before nodding, satisfied.
“That’s good, kid. Thanks for the help out there the other day.”
“It’s no problem, Mr Stark! I mean I fought with the Avengers! How cool is that? And the suit’s amazing, Mr Stark – it’s so much better than what I used to wear, and-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tony said with a smile, waving him off. The fact he was smiling at all was a miracle, in Tony’s opinion. “Glad you like it. Hey, Hap, are we heading back to the States soon?”
“I was gonna stick the kid on the private jet in about an hour, yeah.”
Tony nodded. “I’d rather be anywhere but here.”
Happy nodded like he understood and excused himself to find the doctor who would discharge Tony with enough pestering. Peter glanced nervously at Happy’s retreating back before looking over to Tony.
“How old are you again?” Tony asked, noticing how young he looked.
“Fourteen,” Peter replied. “But I’m almost fifteen.”
Tony nodded, blowing out a breath. “You don’t tell your hot Aunt about this, okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry, Mr Stark – I’m not gonna tell her about Spiderman. She’d ground me for a century and force me to eat her cooking for the rest of my life.” He cracked a smile and Tony exhaled one of his own.
“That Walnut and Date Loaf was not great.”
Peter pulled a face. “I keep trying to tell her but she won’t listen. The other day she got so excited because she hadn’t burned dinner and when we started eating we realised she hadn’t burned it because the chicken was still raw.”
Peter wasn’t blue, part of Tony’s subconscious realised. He may have had blue walls in his bedroom, that blue jacket with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows – but he was not blue. He was not Captain America. He wasn’t Iron Man, either, despite the red focal points of his suit. (Tony wondered what it meant, absently, that the Spiderman suit was coloured both Iron Man red and Captain America blue – would it mean he’d fall into the same traps both of them had triggered, or would he dodge them and become greater than them both? He hoped for the latter.)
But Peter wasn’t blue, so Tony felt himself smiling despite the hypothermia, despite the pain in his left arm, despite the way he couldn’t stop seeing the shield swooping down to catch him in the throat – no, the chest. Would Cap have ever gone for the kill?
They took the private jet back to the States, concocted a lie on Peter’s camera to serve as an alibi, and Tony let the warmth of Peter’s nervous chatter slowly push the bad thoughts out of his mind. When his head was clearer, he could see solutions, unfolding in front of him. He could see Spiderman protecting Queens, could see fixes to the Accords and a set of high-tech braces for Rhodey’s legs. Could see a way to keep tabs on the missing Avengers, a way to keep the press at bay, a way to maybe win Pepper back and never let her go again.
Peter chattered, as not-blue as a person could be, and Tony closed his eyes against it. There was darkness, behind his eyelids; a backdrop for whatever horrors his subconscious wanted to send him in his sleep.
Tony didn’t have a lot of things to be thankful for in that moment, but he had two for sure: the constant chatter of a kid who didn’t know any better, and the knowledge that there was no ice in Manhattan.
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largebeeffriedrice · 6 years
Choose Your Deity Carefully - Chapter 2
Also on AO3 if that floats your goat more. 
Chapter 2: Terms and Conditions
There's a 90's country song that goes something like, '...before I know it Saturdays gone, but it's Sunday now and you can bet that I'm alright.'
Indeed, the Sunday following my run in with Loki was quite uneventful. Which was marvelous for me.
I'd stayed in my apartment and nothing bad happened to me. My cable didn't cut out, all the neighbors were surprisingly quiet, and someone even ordered a pizza that I got because somehow the driver had the wrong address but also somehow had an extra pizza.
That last one I was very suspicious about and wondered if my potential new deity had anything to do with it. If he had then I was pretty prepared to accept becoming a worshipper. My only problem was that I was still a skeptic and wanted proof that this act was tied to him.
Especially since he didn't seem like the type to do good will favors or at least not without some fanfare. Even if it was just to convince me to convert.
But by Monday, I was back to dragging my feet and attempting to not cry at every misfortune that befell me.
The bakery I went to every Monday was closed due to a handful of health code violations, my bus drove right by my stop, and the sole to one of my flats suddenly started tearing away. Forcing me to walk to work with my stomach growling and my foot aching from the continuous slap of my sole smacking into my heel with every step.
I tried to reason that this is just stuff that happens to people.
Especially stuff that happens to me. But it was just getting more and more unusual how much happened in one day. Even one week. Hell, I'd go so far as to even say a month!
But I'd be damned if it didn't make me more tempted to take up Loki's offer.
The temptation rose when Megan from accounting visited me on the third floor to ask me again how to spell my name and, "Oh, weird. I'm not even showing you on the payroll now."
It reached its climax when I went to go take my lunch and found that someone had eaten all of my food before putting my empty lunch sack back into the fridge with a note that said, 'Should have put your name on it.'
My full name was still visible on the wrinkled up bag.
After lunch, I had returned to my desk and started researching what I could about Loki and then, once I'd learned some mythology, started looking up what kind of offerings Norse Gods accepted.
I'd opened a couple different tabs from some sketchy looking websites but had to admit they seemed pretty detailed. Though some of the stuff went over my head--- was I supposed to actually find real dragon blood or just the incense?--- I felt confident that it would be easy to keep the trickster pleased with small tokens of worship. Who doesn't like alcohol and burying coins in exchange for good luck?
I was about to Google and see if there were particular prayers or something required of me when my computer screen suddenly went black.
I tapped, banged, and pleaded with the screen to come back on. I even unplugged and replugged in the tower to try and get the piece of shit working. But, inevitably, I had to accept defeat and call someone from IT to come look at it.
It was while I was waiting that everything fully cemented into my mind. Full acceptance of Loki's deal washed over me, as I realized that I was going to have to explain to some tech guy why I was looking up Norse mythology when I was supposed to actually be working.
Later that night, I set to work making a sort of altar spot for him in my living room. All of the blogs I'd seen had dedicated the color green to him so I went with it. I'd bought green candles, incenses, a tiny planting pot for whatever coins I found around the apartment, and a pretty fake plant.
The plant was really more for me but it seemed to fit on the crate I bought for all my worshipping needs so I left it there.
The faint aroma of burning meat started flooding my apartment as I lit the candle and incenses and carefully placed them away from the plastic leaves of my plastic hydrangea.
That was another thing I had ended up learning. Not from my computer but from the IT person sent to fix the damn thing. After she had tried to explain to me what was wrong with the computer, thankfully not a virus, she had then chatted me up on the content still sitting guiltily in my browser.
Apparently, she was a major history buff and had been more than pleased to tell me about how people would go so far as to burn meat as a form of sacrifice to the old gods. Something about how it symbolized their level of devotion since they were willing to give up valuable food to keep the deities happy.
It made sense after she explained it and I even agreed to talk to her more about it over lunch one day; partially because I wanted to know more and partially as a way to thank her for her willingness not to tell anyone that I hadn't been working.
Of course, I didn't really have money to go out and buy meat specifically for this so I had to accept the burning crisp death of a roast I'd planned to make for dinner that night. Maybe I'd ask for a favor that involved Megan from accounting since I felt like this was somewhat her fault.
But as the meat burned, the candles flickered, and the incense tickled my nose, I realized nothing was happening. I'd completely forgot to finish looking up what else I was supposed to do to actually summon Loki back to me. I should have asked the IT woman.
So, I did the only thing I had some knowledge of and kneeled beside the homemade shrine and bowed my head to pray.
"Loki. I don't even know what I'm supposed to say in a prayer. But I'd like to discuss the deal you offered me. Umm. Very interested. Thank you."
That was good. Right?
Still, nothing happened.
I stayed kneeling next to the altar for a few more moments before finally deciding to go check on the meat. The way my luck had been running I was risking sending my apartment up in a fiery blaze from my antics.
I rounded the corner into the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks at the sight. My prayer had been answered.
Loki sat crossed legged on the island, staring worriedly at my oven, and mindlessly rubbing at his chin.
It is still not clear if he just happened to notice me standing there or if I had maybe made a gaspy noise, but his eyes suddenly flicked my way and he finally said, "Mortal, you know that you have a perfectly ruined piece of roast in here, right?"
'Yeah, it's a sacrifice or something for you."
The arched eyebrow look again, "How mundane and wasteful. We could have had that for dinner."
The annoyance that surged through my body helped me move into action and I stomped further into my kitchen to turn the oven off and 'save' the roast from it's burning coffin.
"Well, it's not like you told me how I was supposed to call upon you or anything."
He didn't respond as he continued eyeing the roast. Even as it sat burnt and black on the stovetop. I'd never been great at reading people but it almost seemed like he had a hungry gleam in his eyes.
It was enough of a glint that I decided to risk it and ask, "I can fix something to eat if that's really what you want?"
He licked his lips, slowly, before answering, "No. I don't have time for that now. We need to talk about you doing a better job as my acolyte."
How long had he been in here staring at the charred hunk of meat? I tried to think about how long I had been in the living room preparing but honestly couldn't remember.
"I haven't actually agreed to it yet."
"But you want to. I already know," his hands rolled around one another, causing a flash of green light to abrupt in the empty space between them. The light blindly filled the whole kitchen and then quickly faded to reveal a rolled up scroll.
As his right hand grabbed at the floating parchment paper, his shockingly green eyes finally looked away from the roast and pinned me with a fiendish smile.
Loki held the paper out to me and softly spoke, "This is the terms and conditions."
Hesitantly, I reached out and gingerly took the scroll from him. A thought flitted through my mind and briefly, I paused and wondered if I was technically accepting the offer just by taking the paper.
But curiosity was my worst enemy and I clutched the paper a little tighter and fully pulled it from his hand.
His mirthful expression only grew as he watched me unravel the scroll and scrupulously read over it.
"Wait. I thought I was the one asking you for favors?"
"I said that there would be times I would require acts from you. Those are just the ones that I know about ahead of time."
"You want me to help you gain how many new followers?! You are the same guy who attacked New York aren't you?"
This only earned me a quick scowl before the God of Mischief recovered and replied, "Yes, but look at the benefits."
"Literally the benefits of me helping you get that many worshippers are that you don't kill me. I could always refuse to not accept this deal and not die. Right?" I didn't wait for him to answer as something popped into my brain, "Why do you even need this?
What are you really getting out of 'helping' me?"
Loki tsked me and shook his head disdainfully as if I was stepping out of line by asking such a question. I gave him another second or two before it became obvious that he had no intention of clarifying anything.
I wish this had rattled me more than it did at that moment. But sadly I just accepted his silence and had gone back to reading over the terms and conditions. Letting myself get swept up into the whirlwind chaos of the God of Mischief.
"So, you don't have an actual church?"
"Ew, no."
"Where are people supposed to go to pray to you then?"
He childishly turned up his nose and crossed his arms, "Praying is terrible and I want no part of it. It's dull, unimaginative, and normal."
"How am I suppose to truly worship you then? How am I supposed to communicate with you when I can't find you?"
These were the right questions and his jade eyes fixed on me with a flare of excitement.
With a quick and loud snap of his fingers, a second scroll appeared in his left hand. He pointed at me with the rolled up paper and hissed, "Once you sign and agree to that paper, I will gladly hand over this list of everything you'll need to know for proper offerings and all the works. Plus, I'll go over how to send word to me."
My eyes narrowed and kept glancing back and forth between Loki's smug, long face and the scroll resting loosely in his hand.
Again, past me should have followed her gut on how shaken she'd felt at having heard that the actual required acts were being kept on a different paper for AFTER she sold her soul.
But whatever. I'm still here. For now.
"Are you actually going to kill me if I don't succeed with your side mission?"
'No. Too messy. I'm already in enough trouble. But I can make your life very miserable."
That obviously didn't sound promising but the allure of having a year of better luck somehow won out in my mind. If my death was messy then no way he would actually really commit to tormenting me forever. Right?
"Also, I don't have to have sex with you, right? If that's on that paper in your hands then I refuse."
An exasperated huff, "No. That's not on the paper."
"Okay then, God of Mischief and Chaos," I paused when he held a finger up as if to correct me, but he scrunched his nose up instead and motioned for me to continue, "Get me a pen and I'll agree to a year of being your lackey."
"Wonderful," another snap of his fingers and a pen apparated into my right hand, "this is going to be so much fun."
As I signed the document in my hand I noticed that a symbol had appeared in the section marked off for Loki to sign. It didn't surprise me that he'd use magic instead of his own hand but I couldn't make out what it was supposed to be.
"What is that symbol for?"
"It's my corresponding rune."
And just like that the ink of the paper glimmer and glowed in a golden aura before I had to slightly shake my head and blink rapidly. It looked as if there were double words on the paper and I couldn't figure out why my brain was hallucinating that.
Except my mind wasn't.
The doubled ink suddenly pulled itself together at the bottom of the paper and then slowly bled and trickled its way towards my left hand. I gasped and roughly started shaking my hand, trying to get it to let go of the scroll.
But my fingers held tight against my will and the wild shaking did nothing to deter the ink from continuing its path now towards the inside of my wrist. Once it had all gathered there the ink started to sizzle against my flesh and then evaporated completely by the time I could even release a pained howl.
Where the ink had just been there was now a seared version of "Loki's rune" resting on my pink and inflamed skin.
"What the hell!? I didn't agree to be branded!"
The God of Mischief laughed hardily at my indignation and even slapped his hand on his knee a few times.
The merriment ended just as suddenly as it had begun and in its place, an exhausted expression took over Loki's face. It was as if he'd aged a couple sleepless years in an instant. Dark circles rested below his eyes and some frown lines were a little more visible next to his mouth.
With a tired sigh, he held out the other scroll and murmured, "Hold on to both of those papers. They are going to be your best tools for the next year."
I'm not even sure what had happened to the pen--- and I never gave it any thought until just now--- but I reached out my right hand and tugged the paper quickly from him. Not wanting anymore more trickery tonight.
He simply arched another brow in amusement and then blinked out of existence.
Leaving me standing alone in my kitchen with a burnt roast and two old ass looking scrolls.
"Okay. So. That all happened," I muttered while making my way back towards the shrine in the living room, "Though I don't know what I'm going to do about work since I'm not allowed to have a tattoo."
With my own weary sigh, I blew out all the still burning candles and snuffed out what was left of the incense. Then I rolled the contract up and placed it neatly next to my new fake plant.
I'd intended to just leave the new scroll rolled up with the contract, and look at it tomorrow, but something tickled at that back of my head and wouldn't let up until I started to unfurl the parchment.
Sure enough, my hands began shaking and one of my eyes started to twitch rapidly.
I had failed to consider that Loki was not just the God of Mischief. Not just the God of Chaos.
But most importantly... he was the God of Lies.
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faith-in-dean · 7 years
I’d Rather Be Dead
Summary: You had been in a relationship with Arthur Ketch for a while now but you couldn’t do it anymore. You couldn’t continue to try to see the good in him. And that was why you decided to leave. If it was only that easy.
Words: 984
Pairing: Arthur Ketch x Reader
Warnings: “hints” of Abusive Relationship, very light hint of Smut, Angst, Violence (coming from both sides). If you are not sure if you can read this but want to, shoot me a message I can tell you the rough possible triggering contents and you can decide for yourself. 
A/N: This has been inspired by the promo for 12x20 so see it as some sort of spoilers.
Days like these, your mind had been a mess. You were trying hard to sort your thoughts and it seemed to get harder and harder with every day.
You had agreed to a relationship with Arthur way before you knew about all the people he killed, way before truly knowing about his task with the British Men of Letters. The first few people he killed... you just stopped thinking about it.
But when he killed Mick… you had no idea how you were supposed to cope with that. Mick had always been one of your close friends and now that he was gone? It just didn’t feel right.
All this time you were assuring yourself that it was only because of the Code. You tried convincing yourself that he didn’t want to kill all these innocent people. You tried convincing yourself that you still loved the man that seemed to become such a stranger to you.
You knew he was working at this moment but you just needed to convince yourself of your love for this man.
So you made your way down to Arthur’s office, lifting up your shirt to pull it over your head almost immediately when you entered the room.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Arthur asked, his brows furrowing together as he looked at you.
“I want to show you how much I love you. Let me show you,” you hummed slightly and went to straddle his lap, your arms wrapping around the other's neck.
“I have to work, Y/N. I can't right now,” he tried to shove you off but you needed this. Needed to know where your true feelings for him were.
“Please Arthur. We can make it quick, please,” you practically begged him and finally, he gave in.
Though the feelings you had, weren’t what you expected. The closure to Arthur didn't feel right anymore. It didn't feel like you were in love with him anymore.
And that was the last thing you had needed to convince yourself that you couldn't be with Arthur anymore.  
All those innocent people he killed… who knew who was next. He wouldn't change and you were sure about that. Even if you didn't want to believe it.  
The feelings you once had for this man weren't there anymore. And who could even blame you for that? The pictures of him killing your friend were running through your head every day. You just couldn't do this anymore.
Though the hardest part was yet to come. The part of telling Ketch you're leaving. In all honesty, you had no idea on how he would react to this. Whether he would flip or not care at all. Guess you could only find out.
For days you had been thinking about this, slowly packing your belongings together though you had been careful with it. He couldn't notice your plan beforehand.
But today was the day. Today you would grab your bag and leave. Escape this hell.
And Arthur knew something was going on as soon as you entered the conference room with your bag.
“Hey, Y/N. Where are you going?” he asked, walking over to you.
“I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you anymore. I am leaving. Leaving you,” your voice was shaky and you were ready to go but you didn't notice Arthur's hardening gaze.
That was why it took you off-guard when Arthur suddenly gripped your arm tight and pulled you back.
“No, Y/N. You can't leave,” his voice was harsh and cold, his face almost scary.
“Don't touch me and you can't tell me what to do,” you hissed at him, trying to pull your arm free. You really needed to leave.
“I won't let you,” his grip tightened on you, his form becoming bigger in front of you.
“I said don't touch me,” you repeated and took all the courage you had, punching his jaw and catching him off-guard this time. Lucky for you, he let you go. But neither of you expected what happened next.
Just as you planned to turn around, Arthur lunged out and punched you right back.
Shock was written over both of your faces as you felt tears coming up in your eyes.
“What's next?! You'll kill me too? Like you killed Magda, Mick, and all those other innocent people?” you yelled between sobs. You had expected him to flip but you would have never expected him to put a hand on you.
“I-I'm sorry. Don't leave me, Y/N. You're the only one I have left,” his voice was still rough, though you could notice some cracks of humanity shining through. But if you didn't go now, you would never make it out of this relationship.
“Too bad you just ruined it. Goodbye Arthur,” you muttered and turned around and headed for the exit just before you heard him scream no and felt a sharp sting on the back of your head, collapsing to the ground as your sight went black
“I can't let you leave,” Arthur just murmured, picking up your unconscious body.
Your head was pounding when you woke up, though you noticed as soon as you wanted to rub your head and couldn't, that Arthur must have tied you up. And your thoughts were confirmed when you opened your eyes and saw you were tied to a chair. And Arthur was watching you from the other side.
“You think this will make me stay?” you spat, though your voice was hoarse.
“At least you can't leave,” he said coldly.
“You sick bastard… I'd rather be dead than be with you any longer!” you hissed at him.
“Too bad you don't have a say in this. I will see you for dinner,” Arthur said and went to leave the room. He turned off the light and shut the door, locking it afterwards as darkness surrounded you.
@evyiione @fuckyeahfeysand @lokis-quinn @xtina2191 @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @noor-xo @gabavaldman @youromglittlesunshine @hexparker @craftersdust @isoldmysoulforspn @applepie-and-angelwings @kayteonline @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @kristiisaidjit @jinksy-ride-with-your-ass @badsongwinchester @donnaintx @deaths-maiden @diehadess @lucifer-in-leather @little-red-83 @heyitsilverwolf @a-banana-for-your-thoughts @captainemwinchester @melodyhiddleston @holywaterbucketchallenge @bestieswithmydarkthoughts @mogaruke @mysaintsasinner @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @wayward-mirage @giny-l @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @apocalypsecastiel 
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novarainart · 7 years
Made for Each Other (Chapter 1)
Like any other day at the tower, when the fate of the world wasn’t being threatened by some villain of the week, the Avengers were making use of their down time by resting, training, or in Tony’s case, fixing.
Today, Steve decided to accompany Tony in the workshop as the genius finished repairing his once mangled motorcycle (thanks a lot, Loki). Steve was capable of making basic repairs, but the damage to his Street 750 during their last battle was too much for simple elbow grease. The frame itself had been crushed and needed someone with additional know-how. And there was no one with more mechanical know-how than Tony.  
While lounging on the worn down couch, sketchbook in hand, Steve watched Tony work his magic. It was like watching an interpretative dancer: a study in movement. Tony filled the room with life, with energy; he bobbed his head to the beat of the ambient music, hips swaying him between holo-screens and machinery, hands moving with methodical grace. Steve was always inspired to sketch when Tony worked, a fact which prompted him to smile at the irony.  
Their friendship had evolved so much since their fateful meeting in Germany, feeling like ages ago, but really only a little over a year. Despite a rocky start, Steve and Tony developed a grudging respect for one another, eventually learning to appreciate their differences. Differences that complemented more than contradicted each other in battle and in life. They grew to trust each other; they cared about each other.
They became family.
The last time Steve felt this close to someone was with Bu-
Shutting the memory away in a forgotten corner, Steve forced his attention back onto his sketchbook, pencil poised over a half-finished line. Thankfully, Tony was too busy to notice anything was amiss with his back towards Steve, now crouched at the front end of the motorcycle. 
It wasn’t about Steve being distrustful of Tony with his vulnerabilities. It was for the simple fact he already tried processing the losses he suffered after the ice. Steve was tired of repeating the same vicious cycle: chasing after lost scraps of his past, letting memories fester like a cancer, then insisting to anyone willing to humor him that he was “fine,” always “fine.” In reality, he felt primed to shatter at any moment.
It took Steve longer than he liked to admit, but he learned to accept that living in the past was not healing. Finding Peggy and clinging onto her every lucid moment, obsessively touring the Smithsonian museum, visiting and revisiting Brooklyn for any shred of familiarity...he wasn’t cherishing memories; he was torturing himself. 
When that epiphany struck, Steve made a conscious choice: to live. He wanted to be more than “fine.” He wanted to be happy.
But sometimes, it was still hard.  
The quiet left by the absent music was jarring, breaking Steve’s reverie, eased only by the sounds of Tony tinkering.
“Something wrong, Tony?” Steve asked, curiously.
“Not wrong, per se,” Tony hedged, still working. “I just wanted to get your feedback.”
“Feedback on what?” Puzzled, Steve didn’t understand why Tony was suddenly tip-toeing. Normally, when the genius wanted an answer he’d simply ask. Or demanded. Tony was flexible like that.  
“How would you feel about a once in a lifetime offer?”
“I guess it’d depend on the offer,” said Steve, uncertain where the conversation was going, but setting aside his sketchbook to give Tony his full attention.
“How about having your best friend back? You know. Bucky.”
The world seemed to haze around Steve as if submerged in water, his lungs stopped working, his heart caught in a vice. He felt blindsided. All the while Tony rambled, gesticulating with tools in his hands as Steve relearned to breathe.   
“I mean, I can’t give you Bucky-Bucky, you know? But I can give you the next best thing: a JARVIS, but a Bucky. Of course, I’d need your help with coding the AI just right ‘cause research isn’t going to cut it by itself. You know his personality, mannerisms--all the important stuff.” Tony tightened the last bolt to the front fender before tossing the wrench aside, then grabbed a stained rag to rub at his grimy hands. Completely oblivious to Steve’s inner crisis.
“I’ve been working on a side project for, well, for personal reasons--actually, no, nevermind the reasons. But! It’ll help you show me what I’ll need for inputting the correct data so the AI can perform as accurately as the real deal.” Tony turned to face Steve with a small, genuine smile. “What do you say?”
“I…” Steve had to clear his throat, words escaping him. “I don’t know what to say, Tony.”
“That’s easy, Cap. Say ‘yes,’” said Tony, softening his next words. “Frankly, I think it’s long overdue.”
Steve promptly stood from the couch, his posture stiff, hands flexing at his sides. Whether to punch or strangle something Tony wasn’t sure, either way, a prickle of alarm traveled up his spine.
 “Um...or not?” Tony took a tentative half-step back before Steve suddenly lunged at him. “Ste-!”
Tony felt his feet leave the workshop floor, his very breath crushed out of his lungs as he was bear-hugged by an overgrown super-soldier. He wriggled in Steve’s unyielding arms, trying to find purchase to escape, but his arms were pinned to his sides. Noticing a dull pain start to throb in his chest, the arc reactor aggravated by the tight embrace, he winced and finally managed to pipe up.
“OK, big guy,” Tony wheezed out, “less huggy, more breathy.”  
Steve flinched, realizing just now how hard he was hugging Tony, before carefully setting the other back down on his feet. He gave the shorter man the most sincere expression he could muster.
“Sorry, Tony, I’m just...” Tony noticed Steve’s blue eyes take on a dangerous sheen, “I’m just reminded of how thankful I am to have you as my friend.”
“Yeah, well, being my friend always deserves some type of recompense,” said Tony, shrugging off Steve’s gratitude with a flippant air.
Steve frowned disapprovingly at Tony, wanting to argue the self-deprecating jab, but experience taught him the stubborn man would just dig his heels in further. He’d have to express his appreciation in another way because praise to Tony was just lip service. A lifetime in the spotlight while surrounded by sycophants will do that to a person. And that’s not even touching on the betrayals. Knowing that, however, didn’t lessen Steve’s frustration.
For a genius, Tony could be downright clueless when it came to heartfelt sentiment. Gestures were more his speed, a language he understood and practiced fluently, but complicated by how much Tony repelled gratitude like a cat to water. Steve knew it was better to meet Tony where he was at than to force the issue by doing it his way and risk arguing like in their “I’m right and you’re wrong” heyday.
This “thank you” mission was going to require finesse.
Meanwhile, Tony was staring at him expectantly.
“Yea or nay, Cap? The choice is yours.”
A part of Steve pointed out the obvious conundrum: wouldn’t crafting a substitute for his dead best friend be the very antithesis of moving forward? Wouldn’t it prevent him from embracing his second chance? The other part of Steve wondered if this was his opportunity to finally break the chains tethering him to the past. To rid the constant weight of grief from his heart that he merely learned to shift away, rather than truly lift.    
Memories flashed bright and merciless in his mind’s eye. Memories of Bucky, his face solemn and a hand gently resting on Steve’s shoulder, their clothes soaked through by the rain as they stood at Sarah Rogers’ grave. Bucky grinning ear-to-ear, eyes sparkling with mischief, dragging Steve along to meet a couple of dames for a double date at Coney Island. Bucky dressed in his army uniform, glaring down at Steve, and cursing his stupidity and dogged attempts to enlist. Bucky half-dead, strapped tight to a laboratory chair, muttering nonsense and caked in sweat, dirt, and blood.   
Bucky with his face contorted in a terrified scream, drowned out by the roar of the train hurtling across the cliffside tracks, plummeting into an all consuming white void of death.  
This was his second chance.
“When can we start?”
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