#very happy with how this turned out :)
hmtaxidermy · 2 months
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missviviii · 5 months
a/n: god i am being hit by both sleepiness and sickness LMFAOOO
“My Home”
warning(s): none
summary: Life at home after marrying your beloved darling.
mizu x reader
Marrying Mizu was the happiest day of your life, especially since she fought for your hand against some nobleman. You tend to stay at home for often than travel with her, but she always made sure she’d come back to you whatever the situation might be.
You’ve met her friends—Taigen, Akemi, and Ringo—and you’ve found them to be very..well interesting in their own ways. Personally, you didn’t like Taigen, perhaps because he always tried to fight Mizu right after she got stitches over some wound.
You were sewing beside the fireplace, waiting for Mizu to get back from the city because she had to go pick up something and your home was a bit far away from the city. This was how life was usually, you would tend to her wounds and cook food while she cleaned up the house and went on errand runs for you while also defending you whenever needed. It may not be as fancy as it was before, but you both were happy.
“I’m home, my love,” Mizu said as she opened the door, the bag of groceries and other things you told her to get in hand. You hummed and nodded, turning around and smiling at her while she puts away the things.
She sat down right behind you, legs encasing yours and trapping you with her arms around your waist while she laid her head on your shoulder. “I got something for you,” Mizu murmured as she took something out of her pocket. It was a beautiful gold hair pin with pink flower petals and a matching hair comb. You gasped, taking it from her hands and admiring it.
“Mizu! Wow, you know you don’t have to do that for me, I’m already happy with what I’ve got,” you said as your fingers trace the pink blossoms on the hair pin, admiring the pink and red gems embedded on it as well.
“You do know I’m going to ignore you every time you say that, right?” Mizu rolled her eyes as she nipped your neck, earning her a light smack on the thigh as she chuckled and playfully gave your thigh and a squeeze. “I’m serious, my love. I don’t care what you say, I’m buying you gifts I know you’d like.”
You rolled your eyes, scolding her for spending so much money on you when you told her she didn’t have to do that. You were fine with what you have, especially because Mizu was by your side. But Mizu insisted, and she eventually wore you down. “Ten seconds to go eat your dinner before I chase you around with a wooden stick,” you threatened as she attempted to tickle you.
“Alright, alright, m’lady!” Mizu chuckles as she stood up and walked over to the table and sat down with you by her side. Your cooking was always the best, especially after a long night of working and being outside. “Love you, darling”
“Love you too, Mizu.”
a/n: ksjdnwksjsw I’m done
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balaclava-marks · 7 months
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1ST || gouache on paper
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0rchidm4ntis · 10 months
Dreamer of Dreams
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silver-velvet-860 · 3 months
More pixel coaches (and how I make them!)
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From left to right: Niki (Soy Yo), Moxie (Hollaback Girl), Maps, Fun, and Talk Extreme
I wasn’t going to stop after 100! People have been big fans of these little things and wanted to know how I make them. So I took pictures of the process of creating them. (The full process is under this cut.)
I use Perler beads to make these coaches. They can be found in just about any craft store, or on the official website. I use a large square 29x29 pegboard, although occasionally I connect smaller 17x17 pegboards if the design needs more space, like what I did here with Moxie.
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Every design starts out with this simple base right here:
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Then I figure out who I want to make and look up references. I choose the color palette from the images and pull out some colors that I might use. Sometimes these can change.
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Next, I change the outline of the base, adding and removing beads to shape it into a new figure. Once that’s done, I begin to add color, beginning with the outfit. I outline certain parts that will be filled in with color. Sometimes I look back at previous coaches for help— for example, I looked at Troublemaker for help for the beanie.
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Once the colors are all set, I do one last look-through and change aspects that I feel need changing. For example, I decided to change Talk Extreme’s hair color, since I believed that there was another color that looked more like the original. The way my storage system works lets me take color samples directly off the storage drawers (they’re held there with the power of Velcro) and compare them to the design in front of me. I recommend making a color key for your perler beads, it’s very useful!
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(A brief note: it's important to be aware of what your hands and/or sleeves are doing around the board. Accidents can happen, such as when I dropped my phone onto the pegboard and messed up a 90% done Maps…)
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Once the design is finalized, it's time to fuse the beads. I use parchment paper and a basic clothes iron on a normal, non-steam heat setting. It's important to iron in slow circles so that every bead gets melted properly. Certain colors also melt more quickly than others. Once the design starts to show through the paper and the beads' holes become small, it's time to peel the design off the paper and flip it over in order to iron the other side. The back side doesn't need as much time as the front, since the beads are already hot. Depending on the size and complexity of the design, ironing can take 2-5 minutes.
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When that side is done, I peel it off, and congratulations, it's done! It's pretty hot, though, so I set it down to cool. Once the plastic has cooled down to a reasonable temperature, it's ready to display.
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And that's how it's done! The full process can take from 20 mins to almost an hour. I might make digital versions of some of the coaches to use as references for people to make them at home. Who would you want the pattern for the most? I'll be saving these all under the tag #pixel coaches, so if you want to see who I've already made, check that tag out!
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stupidartthings · 18 days
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samstronomy · 11 days
i miss my wife tails. i miss him a lot. ill be back.
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legendary-guest · 2 months
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draconic-ichor · 5 months
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“So pull me closer and kiss me hard
I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart”
~ Bubblegum Bitch:MARINA
Some art of Sun, Moon, and my oc: Tabby
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foxbirdy · 1 year
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I repainted my baby sister's room :) ID in alt text!
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dxringred · 3 months
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when the moon loves the sun
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si-siwrites · 2 years
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The Moth of Snakemouth Den
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches im back
Very excited bout this fic, it's a favorite concept of mine that I haven't written before (I don't think)
havent had the best day but hopefully this will help both you and me
So yeah enjoy
It was a peaceful, warm (at least inside the common room it was), quiet evening in the gryfinndor common room.
Remus was curled up in his favorite armchair by the fire, reading.
For once it was a book he wanted to read to relax not for studying or school work.
He looked up after about half an hour of quietly reading. It was too quiet.
Something was wrong the small voice in his head told him. Maybe not wrong just missing.
Ah, gryfinndor's two resident trouble makers must be currently terrorizing someone else in the castle instead of making the common room as loud as a amusement park.
He shrugged and turned his focus back to his book, he had the feeling the common room wouldn't stay quiet for long so better make the best of it.
After another half an hour his prediction came true (you don't have to be a seer to know that James and Sirius wouldn't stay away for very long) as James and Sirius crashed through the portrait hole.
They hopped through, gigging like misbehaving little kids.Remus spared them a glance but then ignored them.
They walked over still in the heat of a post prank conversation and sat down, James on the edge of the couch and Sirius on the floor a few feet in front of Moony.
"Oi Remus," Sirius said, grinning like a mad-man. "Do you wanna hear about the prank me and James just pulled?" He giggled.
Remus responded with silence, his eyes still gliding down the page.
"Remus?" Sirius asked a little louder. "Helloooo!"
He waved he hands in front of Remus but still got no response. When you lived with three trouble-making idiots you got pretty skilled in the art of ignoring people.
Remus did respond with an surprised "Hey!" when Sirius snatched the book out of his hands.
"Aha! He lives." Sirius exclaimed triumphantly.
"Welcome back to the world of the living, Remus." James grinned at Remus' eye roll.
"Give me my book back." Remus demanded before Sirius could start on his epic story of James' and his' shenanigans.
"What this book?" Sirius wiggled the book and Remus nodded.
"Come and get it," Sirius stood up and held the book close to his side, protecting it from Remus grabbing it.
Remus sighed in 6'3 to Sirius' 5'10 and stood up as well, instantly reaching to take his book back.
Sirius moved it out of his reach doing it a second time when Remus went to grab it again.
"Sirius, stohop." Remus couldn't help but laugh at Sirius' antics sometimes.
"No! Ack-!" He shouted in surprise when Remus almost tore the book from his clutches before throwing it to James.
James grinned and jumped over the couch to escape Remus.
A game of monkey in the middle started, Remus against Sirius and James.
It was decently hard for James and Sirius to throw it over Remus' head because of his height but they managed.
"Come on, just grab the book." Sirius held it teasingly out in front of him but when Remus went to take it threw it back to James.
"Oh my god," Remus muttered as Sirius and James laughed.
When Sirius held it out in front of him again Remus didn't fall for that trick and instead tackled him to the floor.
The two immediately started wrestling for the book, rolling across the floor in front of the fire.
"Give it back!!" Remus shouted, crawling over to where the book lay.
"No!!" Sirius laughed, reaching it first and curling up with it in his arms.
Remus tried to pry Sirius open but to no avail.
He frantically moved his hands around Sirius' torso to see if there was an opening somewhere where he could worm his hands.
Instead he only managed to get Sirius to yelp and giggle a bit.
"H-hey! Nohoho tickling!" He said through some soft giggles.
"Tickling? What?" Remus asked before an idea struck him. It was his turn to grin before he wiggled his fingers and dug into Sirius' belly.
"Wait, hold on- Remus, nohoho!!" He laughed.
Remus reveled in his childish laughter, his hands tickling where ever they could reach to make Sirius laugh the hardest.
His fingers slipped under his shirt and softly fluttered around his belly button making Sirius' laughter to silent.
It came back with full force when Remhs switched back to kneeding tickles.
"Jahahames!!" Sirius yelled, getting his attention.
Sirius threw the book at James who caught it. James and Remus looked at each other before Remus got up and started chasing him.
James didn't get far before Remus tackled him to the ground too.
James was laying on the book with Remus sitting on his back to pin him.
Without hesitation he dug his fingers into James' ribs causing James to instantly start cackling.
"Not the rihihibs!!" He groaned.
Jamss flopped around uselessly before attempting to push himself up.
Sirius whom had been watching from a far, jumped in to help Remus.
He grabbed James arms and pulled them above his head. Remus let Sirius roll him over so that James was now lying on his back.
Remus took the book and layed it aside so that it wouldn't get further damaged.
Remus once again dug into James' ribs, wiggling his finders in-between the bones making his friend throw his head back and kick his feet.
"This is what you get for taking my shit!" He said to James' hysterics. He leaned down quickly and blew a raspberry on his ribs to see James' reaction.
He squealed and laughed harder, squirming relentlessly.
"He started it!" James nodded up at Sirius.
Remus and Sirius made eye contact for a good ten seconds before Sirius let go of James and ran with Remus right on his tail.
He grabbed Sirius around the middle, holding him in a trapping hug.
Sirius attempted to escape but was grabbed by James who had caught his breath enough to help Remus with Sirius.
Remus sat on his waist and James sat on his arms so that Sirius was rendered useless.
"What's wrong Padfoot?" Remus asked while Sirius giggled in anticipation. "Scared I'm gonna do this?"
He dug his hands into Sirius' thighs and grinned at Sirius' reaction.
"Oh, you though I was gonna go for your belly didn't you?" Sirius flushed red, hiding his face with James' leg.
"Don't worry, I'll tickle your belly Padfoot." James said digging into the sides of Sirius' belly, grinning when Sirius howled with laughter.
"Rehehemus hasn't been tickled yehehet!!" Sirius shouted before falling back into high pitched laughter.
Now it was Remus' turn to look scared as James grinned at him.
"Noooo.. no, James!! Dohon't- don't touch mE-!" He shrieked when James pulled him by his foot so now Remus was on the floor, on his back with James sitting on his waist.
James squeezed his sides and, using his thumb, kneeded into Remus' stomach.
Remus frantically giggled and latched onto James' wrists, pulling them away from his sensative torso.
"Oho no you don't," Sirius hoped up and grabbed Remus' hands, pulling them above his head.
Remus looked up at a grinning Sirius before Sirius dove down to kiss his neck, which Remus thought shouldn't have tickled but it did.
James moved spots to Remus' hips, squeezing them once to hear Moony yelp and let him now what was coming.
He was too busy gigging at Sirius' hands or lips to notice much.
James smirked and circled his thumbs into his hips, digging into the ticklish bundle of nerves.
Remus threw his head back and cackled which wasn't very smart of him because it opened up more places for Sirius to tickle.
"I give, i gihihive! You guys wihihin!!" James and Sirius immediately let go and high fived.
Sirius leaned down and actually kissed him this time but it was a little awkward because they had never kissed each other upside-down.
James and Sirius lay down next to panting Remus and stared up at the ceiling.
"You okay?" James asked Remus when he huffed out a little batch of giggles.
"Yeheheah, it still tihickles." They all chuckled at that.
"Go ahead and tehell me about the prank yohu two pulled.." Remus said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
Sirius instantly jumped right into the story of how he and James set up glittery dung bombs to go off at the slytherin table at breakfast of the next day, James adding along adds the story went on.
Quiet was nice, Remus could admit that. But he could deal with the noise these two brought along with them.
Hope you liked
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bughusbands · 5 months
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~Clefairy Moon~
(december pokemon illustration! A gift for my mother :3 )
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transguyhawkeye · 8 months
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[ID: a portrait of Moonshine Cybin from NADDPOD, drawn from the collarbone up. Moonshine is a fat Crick Elf with curly red hair and numerous mushrooms growing from her head to form a loose crown. She wears overalls and the straps have fallen off her shoulders. She has her eyes closed and her chin tilted down towards another figure (presumably Hardwon), visible from the nose down, with most of his face offscreen. He tilts his face up in response, baring his neck towards her. The background is pale blue and her head is framed in stars. end ID]
late night moonshine sketch :-)
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hologram-puppet · 11 months
joker out in the style of taylor swift's albums part 6: reputation
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also a bonus poster 'cause why not :))
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- yes, i manually did the newspaper thing on the side - only took me an hour or three to do, but worth it - my most favorite taylor album to date <3 - king(s) of my heart (body and soul ooh woah)
- difficult not to blush while making - a part of me thinks i should've just stuck to copy pasting the newspaper overlay thingy with taylor's name all over it - other than that, NOTHING.
my favorite album that has no skips so i'm really proud of this one. || + the reputation part of the jo written by taylor swift playlist is up!
(also feel free to use the edits or repost it to other sites, just pls give credits to hologram puppet on pinterest/tumblr, thanks!)
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