#very jinx and silco energy
croc-odette · 1 year
i love that ben stole a baby and then raised that baby as his own daughter and now she’s a teenager who runs around constantly causing problems for everyone but nobody can stop her because she’s the boss’s daughter and he’s just like ‘oh my daughter hates me right now, teens am i right’ like i always enjoy this dynamic because an evil guy stole a baby for fun and was like whoops! i’m a dad now.
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Jinx x f!reader and their first kiss, date, time, fight, all that couple stuff short little pieces of girlies being cute
★。/ get jinxed \。★
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pairing: jinx x f!reader
fandom: arcane
word count: 1,612
tw: canon typical swearing/slang, some light spoiler warnings, and some suggestive/NSFW content! MDNI!
notes: this is a fic i am really excited for! Thank you again for the request anon! It was really fun to write, and i got through it pretty quickly to be perfectly honest because of that haha. Not proofread because im tired, and i have no shame :D enjoy!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
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➼ first date with jinx 
You worked under Silco delivering shimmer across Zaun. Of course, you knew you shouldn’t have been doing this, it could get you arrested without question and you’d find yourself in Stillwater. But it paid well, and working so closely with the Eye of Zaun meant you didn’t have to worry as much about danger in Zaun. People saw you as a god-send, you gave them their weekly hit, if anything, the danger made them respect you. 
It was during this time that you met Jinx, while picking up your next delivery of shimmer from Silco’s warehouse. She had been there to speak with him privately about some arson issue that happened in Piltover. You had heard briefly about a lanky, blue-haired girl that would build bombs in the open space beneath the warehouse, but it was rare that anyone had ever seen her. But you managed. Somehow.
She intercepts you on your trade route, setting bombs off in the street just across from one of your clients. Jinx claims to recognise you from skulking around the warehouse. And at some point her chaotic energy and her strange inability to sit still seems to lull you into some sense of security. She’s just the perfect idea of unpredictability that you needed in your otherwise boring Zaunite lifestyle. (Though you were very lucky, all things considered.)
Your first date is a simple diner one. At first, you didn’t even know it was a date, just that she wanted to do something fun with you. She takes you in to meet her favourite bartender Chuck, who seems to almost slink beneath the counter when she drags you in. I feel like Jinx would give you a little monkey bomb as a gift for your first date - though it isn’t set, it’s pretty harmless. Other than that she bombards you with strange bursts of Jinx-aligned humour, and rambles at length about her various inventions, promising to take you down to her workshop to show you everything, while tightly gripping your fingers with chipped blue nails. 
And something in those bright, blue eyes makes you think that maybe this unpredictability could be quite fun. 
‘Don’t ya get bored frownin’ like that?’ jinx drums her nails on her glass, the clinking echoing throughout the empty bar. It was quite odd, you reckon, for it to be this quiet, but maybe its just jinx. 
In her own way of trying to get a smile out of you she starts spouting some random jokes. Tries telling her own funny stories. They all mostly revolve around bombs or explosive presentations she’s organised at piltover events. Mainly the absurdity of it all gets a laugh out of you, or you just smile at the giddy, child-like happiness you see in her eyes. Something that seems so pure (ignoring the fact that she’s probably an arsonist and on several watchlists)
‘There ya go!’ she cheers, grabbing onto your hands and interlacing your fingers. You think maybe you should paint your nails too to match her, see if it makes her happy. ‘You look so much prettier with a smile, trinket’
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➼ first kiss with jinx 
It was after your third or fourth date that you ended up spending your free time in the warehouse. Jinx begins showing you all the new inventions she’s making, and all her designs for cartoony monkey bombs, you even help her draw out a few, including a cutesy little cat one that she isn’t as fond of, but she still makes one for you. 
Most of your relationship consists of Jinx making you little trinkets, like keychains, safe bombs, little bracelets and rings, and strange, misshapen sculptures made of leftover metal pieces. 
She loves you, in a very Jinx-way. She’s touchy but never very pushy. Long hugs, cuddles on a couch that she has balancing on a metal propellor in her warehouse, letting you braid her hair when she’s tired (please brush her hair, she will melt, and she needs some softness), holding hands in Zaun or dragging you to her private meetings with Silco. Whether you like it or not, you have the Eye of Zaun as an adopted father figure now. He isn’t quite sure what to think about it either. 
It is one of those cuddle sessions, after she is plagued by the voices that taunt her, that you end up just holding her face into your neck and sitting with her. These are the most important to her, like she can feel safe for once. 
‘Thank ya toots,’ she curls around you, straddling your lap and looking down on you with an innocent pout on her face. You don’t have to ask what she’s thanking you for, this has become a pretty regular occurrence. 
In her moment of calmed silence, you untie one of her braids and begin to brush through her long, blue locks with your fingers. She immediately melts into your hands, leaning forward to lean into your chest, gazing up at you. 
‘I feel like ya deserve somethin,’ she says absently, tapping her chin with one nail. Then a mischievous smile crosses her lips. ‘C’mere!’
She eagerly grabs your cheeks, barely giving you a second to register what’s happening before she smushes your faces together. Her lips are chapped, but her kiss is so enthusiastic that you have to take a moment before returning it. Your hand grips her hair in between tight fingers. 
The rest of your cuddle sesh is spent with soft, hurried kisses.
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➼ first fight with jinx 
You don’t often fight with Jinx, you don’t like to yell at her or be upset, and watch her usually gleeful expression drop into that of a kicked puppy. But you were worried about her this time. 
She had gone up to piltover against Silco’s wishes again, most likely to stir up trouble, so he decided to send you after her to drag her back to Zaun. When you had gotten there however, you found only the debris of her explosions, the spraypaint she loved, clouds of coloured smoke, and guards everywhere. 
And no Jinx.
No sign of her or where she could be, you had no choice but to return to Zaun before you got dragged into the oncoming investigation, empty-handed. You spend the rest of the day worrying over where she might be in her workshop, sitting with your head in your hands on the couch. Is she hurt? Captured? She could be dead for all you know.
So when she shows up again, seemingly ignorant to how long she has been gone or the stress she has caused, you can’t help but raise your voice, crying about how you had expected the worst. You scream back and forth for a bit before she leaves you to burn off her energy.
‘Hey trinket,’ the door to her warehouse screeches open, and she stands in the entrance, looking at you as you sit on the couch, barely even looking at her. ‘Ya still mad at me?’
She sighs when she doesn’t get a response, coming close to wipe at the dried tear-stains on your cheeks, setting down her tools and her guns to favour your face between her hands. Jinx makes sure you can see only her.
‘I’m sorry i vanished, i didnt mean to scare ya, honest.’ she pulls you down to lean into her shoulder, still stroking your cheeks with her fingers. ‘Can ya forgive me, trinket? I’ll make it up to ya, i promise.’
Jinx cuddles with you on the couch for the rest of the day, showering you in kisses at your request. Safe to say, you can’t stay mad at her for very long at all.
|| ! mdni content below ! ||
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➼ first time with jinx 
Jinx has always loved touching you, whether it’s a hand on your knee, an arm around your shoulder, or a hug from behind. She just loves to be close to you. But when you begin talking about the idea of sex with her she immediately jumps on the idea (and probably jumps on you as soon as you bring it up, you only barely manage to drag her somewhere private)
She’s an enthusiastic lover in all things, of course. Fucking you isn’t going to be any different. But she’s gentle the first time, despite it all, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing, i don’t think Silco really prepared her for intimate relationships. 
But still, having sex with Jinx is amusing, its not serious, always cracking little jokes or tickling each other and finding little ways to be comfortable with the process. You can’t really find it in you to be nervous. 
She’d start slowly with you though, if you wanted, just to make you comfortable <3 
‘God trinket, ya look s’ pretty like this for me,’ she’s already slightly breathless, skirting her hands and dragging her chipped nails over your ribs. She lays you down on the couch in her warehouse, sitting between your thighs, looking up at you with half-lidded eyes.
‘Ya feel alright?’ she checks in occasionally, just to be sure. 
But she lets her hands wander at the same time, she can tell you aren’t going to say no just by the look in your eyes, urging her to continue. She lets her hands travel over your stomach and down in between your thighs, but she doesn’t hurry where you need her. No, she prefers to tease you. Just a little bit to get you squirming. 
When she does finally reach your core, dipping her fingers in between your folds, does she finally let up and give you what you want.
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luna-writes-stuff · 1 year
The type my favourite Arcane characters would fall for:
With Viktor, Jayce, Mel, Vi, Caitlin, Ekko, Jinx, Silco, and Vander
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Viktor is very much a person who prefers solitude over social interactions. He focuses on his job more than anything, and can not quite find the time nor energy to do anything after that. Though he loves to find solace in lonesome rooms, he needs a little sunlight occasionally; metaphorically and literally. Someone who drops in once every two hours to get him a drink, a note or simply sit next to him to distract him from his project momentarily. You could sit on an empty chair at his side, observing his work from a safe distance, careful to not shove your nose in there. Tiny questions would escape you, such as “what is that?” Or “why are you using that?”, and he would be delighted to answer them. Sometimes, he’d pull off his goggles to look at you shortly, a tiny smile gracing his face, before he returns to his work. You’d get along with Jayce quite easily - maybe too easy, but it’s all in good manners. Viktor tries to make time for you and take short breaks, but more often than not, he gets so caught up, he cannot afford the distraction. Jayce is more than happy to entertain you for the time being; he rather enjoys your presence as well.
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Jayce oozes charisma. Now usually, fire and fire don’t go well, but match his energy, and this is man is smitten. Absolutely at loss for words. Desperately in love, if you will. You tease him; the words disappear on his tongue. Now come the heart-eyes. You’d walk down the halls, and you could simply feel his eyes on you. He’d halt any conversation he held and stare at you in silence. Respectfully. Would you work in the same lab as him, this man cannot focus to save his life. Your jokes, your smile, your witty remarks….He’s gone. The worst is when you radiate serotonin. A job gone right, a good song, a funny joke? Anything that makes you smile, makes his heart skip a step. You know that hollow feeling in your stomach, but the good one? That’s him. He’s quick to pick up on little things you do once you get excited: Clap your hands, squeal, jump up and down, squeezing your hands in fists? He sees it. And there is that pit again.
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Listen, this woman is so busy and booked, she tends to miss out on the little things. She needs someone who will take little times a day where they will take a short walk, or do some painting together. Anything to get her mind off of work or business for a short second. A spontaneous decision often takes her aback, as she likes to plan things out, but once she trusts you, it’s all in, baby. During council meetings, you’ll sit on the side, silently calming her down when things get hectic or chaotic. You help her plan things out, but leave room for the fun things. She treasures this so much, she cannot even begin to explain it to you. Small touches on your arm or hand constantly to remind her you’re still there. Ironically enough, it keeps her from overworking. You’re simply so soothing to her.
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Bamf. Do I need to elaborate? Caitlin is the type of person to see the good in everyone, no matter how tiny it will be. ‘How bad can they be?’ is a regular question from her. She can be attracted to anyone, really. But if there was one type to capture her heart, it’s the bamf. The person who says things as they are, does as they please, witty remarks, teasing winks etc. The impression you leave on her is large, and she is in awe immediately. Even if she claims to not be amused. She is. Her heart is almost beating out of her chest. Someone get her some help, please. If you start flirting with her, this poor woman does not know what to do. Her cheeks turn red, her ears heat up, she freezes on the spot. But she loves it so much, though she would never admit it. And it’s great to get her flustered.
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Sure, Vi would love a badass and independent partner. But when that partner has a soft spot for children? Always sees the good in everything? Smiles when someone says hi? Don’t get me started. The way your voice changes when you speak to someone in a friendly manner: gone. Bye-bye, Vi. She is a bit rough around the edges, and can come of as cold at times. You contradict that in the best ways possible. Your kind waves to everyone you pass, the ‘how are you?’ when trying to pay for something, your loving hugs…All the things she’d 100% fall for. No question about it. She insists on holding your hand at all times. She says it is because you like it, but let’s be honest. She is not planning on letting you go and likes to let everyone know, you are indeed taken. 10/10 the type to make-out in public when someone takes your friendliness a bit too extreme. Her hand tugging on your waist, the glare shot towards the one flirting with you? Oof.
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Jinx has a teasing tone, as everyone might know. Though she could use someone to work against that, she would not necessarily find herself attracted to it. If you decide to throw a confetti bomb her way though? You just got yourself a new girlfriend. She is the type to cause mayhem anywhere and everywhere. If she finds someone to do that with, her heart is taken. There are times her emotions tend to get the best of her. You’ll have to calm her down gradually before she does anything stupid. Offer a listening ear, a supportive arm, and she’ll eventually calm down. She loves to do stupid things with you, but she needs breaks. Sit with her and help her tinker with new ideas. Your voice can truly be enough to simply soothe her.
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Ekko has a soft spot for nerds, no one can convince me otherwise. And I’m not talking technology nerd. I’m talking info-dumping nerd. Someone who knows a little bit about everything. With anything he encounters, you are able to tell a fun story behind that. “Is that a raven?” “Actually, it’s a crow. Did you know crows actually remember people and voices and can even hold a grudge against you? Even worse, crows gossip. What? They do.” Man has fallen head over heels. Your little ranting and rambling makes him feel all giddy inside. He actually used to hate it, but as he grew to realize it was love, he began to accept it. Now, the feeling is welcomed. He can listen to you talk for ages, as cheesy as it might sound. And he remembers everything you tell him. Sometimes he wishes he didn’t, so you could tell him again. You know you ramble, and you have often been told to shut up. So, when you notice you’re ranting again, you always stop suddenly, offering a meek ‘sorry’. He will not hesitate to shake his head wildly, grabbing your hands in reassurance, claiming he wants to hear more. And it’s not to make you feel better, he genuinely enjoys your little talks. It’s one of the things that makes you so special to him. He treasures every single word spoken to him.
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Now, Silco is not an easy one to fall. Not at all. Even with you, it might not have been love at first sight. You had to grow on him. But your mind, and your strategies? They were phenomenal since day one. And though he simply shrugged at it at first, he found himself being attracted to you for that exact reason. You had a solution to every problem, and you had a way of thinking that he simply adored. And from there, he started noticing other things about you. Had your eyes always held that sparkle in them? Were your hands always that delicate? Had your voice always sounded that soothing? It wasn’t until you once laid a hand on his shoulder to shake him out of dreamland, that he realized that he had indeed fallen. Because that touch seemed to linger on his shoulder even as you walked back to your seat at the table. And your eyes silently asking him if he was okay, suddenly looked so different. And then it all clicks. From that day on, his behavior towards you completely changes. Now he wants you in the room with him. Now he wants your opinion on everything. Now you have to follow him wherever he goes. He needs you closer to him now than ever before.
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Listen. Dad friend meets mom friend. It’s meant to be, what else can I say? Your warm-hearted personality, the way you kneel down when talking to children, your reasonable words always interrupting fights. That’s just a short list of things he adores about you. Being the voice of reason, but with that compassionate tone is something he greatly admires. Perhaps more than people usually would. But of course, carrying the day on your shoulder and trying to remain kind to others can take quite a toll on a person. At night, when you’re sure others will no longer come look for you, you tire yourself with thoughts of the day. He often comes to visit you around this time so you will not be alone. You share your worries with each other, but also try to encourage each other to keep it up. Those talks are something so precious and intimate to him. And he keeps on doing these even after being your partner through the years.
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
Arcane with an S/O who absolutely hates physical touch (even just a simple graze across the arm)
Arcane characters with a S/O who hates physical touch
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VI struggles a lot at first. She has been touch starved for so long, especially after getting out of prison so it'll take a while for her to understand your boundaries. But with time, she learns and adapts to them, especially if you show her affection through kind words and soft looks. She craves gentleness and compassion, no matter the form through which you choose to show them. She is also fiercely protective of you and will swoop in and help you out of any uncomfortable situation.
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JINX struggles with this the most out of everyone as she goes through periods of being disgusted by touch (often during her episodes), but she also has times when she is insanely clingy. However, she hates the thought of ever making you feel uncomfortable so she likes to simply hang out and be in your proximity for times when she needs you close. Please listen to her cute ramblings and show genuine interest in her artistic and somewhat deadly creations, it means so much to her.
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CAITLYN doesn't mind your aversion to physical touch as she herself often feels uncomfortable with it. What she looks for in a partner is a good sense of justice, competence, and overall a good heart. Instead of cuddling, she prefers to have you sit down with her and go over a case with her. Each time she falls more and more in love as she listens to you ramble about your thoughts and theories about each case.
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SILCO isn't phased by this at all and actually prefers it. He himself isn't a fan of physical touch, thinking of it as a sign of weakness. If someone were to witness him being affectionate with you, that would mean putting a direct target on your back. He much more longs for intelligence and a quick wit, someone who can challenge him intellectually and offer a different point of view on how to rule and control Zaun.
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SEVIKA is very blunt and rough around the edges and, most of all, she has a reputation to uphold. Going around smooching and cuddling would certainly endanger the image she has built over the years. She is also very busy so she prefers her partner to show her their love through acts of service. Cook her her favorite meal, listen to her vent about a tiring day at work, surprise her with her favorite brand of cigars and you'll have her wrapped around your finger in no time.
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JAYCE is a golden retriever boyfriend and, at times, will have a hard time holding back. Because of this, it is very important for you to communicate your boundaries or if you ever feel uncomfortable around him. Due to his absence and spending so much of his energy on work, he feels as if he has to make up for it in some way. So he loves to spoil you with expensive gifts as a reminder that, even if he can't be there physically, he always has you on his mind.
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VIKTOR has a very complicated relationship with physical affection as he is very shy and unused to it. He prefers showing his appreciation and love for you in other ways. He'll let you keep him company while he works, explain whatever piques your interest around his lab, and will often make little trinkets for you which prove to be both useful and sentimental.
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MEL dislikes people who are too touchy so she definitely prefers those who don't do physical touch at all. She is far more interested in the way in which her partner's mind works and will challenge this daily. As much as she prefers not to bring work matters home, she always looks for your opinion and guidance whenever she doubts herself. She needs a partner who will motivate her to better herself as a person and support her through all of life's challenges and difficulties.
a/n: i apologize for the delay, this was my first time writing for this many characters and i hope i did your request justice :)
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writerpey · 5 months
Omg wait, you have so many fandoms I love, ok, ok could you make like a list of characters from theses shows and what they’d be? Like regressed, caregiver, ect? (So I can send asks based on that) I’m so excited right now
Arcane, Detroit Become Human, Last airbender, Our flag means death, and Six of crows/shadow and bone
happy 2024! this has been in my inbox forever but looks super fun to do! here’s my take on what characters would be regressors/caregivers for arcane, dbh and atla. I totally wrote way more than I expected to but here u are! <3 I’ll do a separate post for ofmd and soc bc they have so many characters I have opinions on.
Agere Character Headcanons
(Arcane, D:BH, ATLA)
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(jinx is me cooking up this thread)
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Vi: As much as she’d be a wonderful caregiver, she’s absolutely a regressor. Being small reminds her of days spent with her parents and Powder, family trips to the fish markets of the coast and sunny days building sand castles at the beach. She tends to be on the older side, a natural tendency from a life spent as the older sibling, taking care of Powder. Vi’s a very active and vivacious little, playing outdoors and hanging off Caitlyn’s shoulders. Loves physical touch, hugs and high fives are the way to go.
Caitlyn: Caregiver all the way! I think she loves kids in general, and despite her awkward nature and sheltered upbringing, she finds it easy to take charge and step into the role of a protector. Definitely looks after Vi and is oftentimes too concerned about her safety. She loves taking the little out to the playground and to eat at Jericho’s food stall (even if she still refuses to eat a bowl of slop herself).
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Jinx: Tiniest, cutest, moodiest little troublemaker there is. Jinx regresses to about four or five years old, and absolutely bounces off the walls at all hours of the day. She’s not the quiet, sweet child she once was as Powder, but rather gets herself into trouble and feigns innocence. She loves to annoy both Silco and Sevika, clambering on the latter’s lap and hiding under Silco’s desk for games of hide and seek. Her mood changes rather drastically as well, as she can go from completely happy to hyperventilating sobbing from anything as simple as scraping a knee to refusing bedtime.
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Jayce: He’s a very attentive and high strung caregiver. Looking after Viktor is much easier than Caitlyn, Silco, or Sevika’s jobs, but Jayce always fusses over the little. He’s quick to scoop him up whenever it’s deemed necessary, and goes to Mel for help when he needs another pair of hands. Jayce loves caregiving because it gives him something to focus on other than his responsibility to Piltover, and enjoys simple play with his little like story time and building blocks.
Viktor: Super small and quiet regressor! Viktor can get very young, and has no qualms with depending on Jayce for help when he’s little. He likes to be snuggled up on a couch in a mound of blankets and is also content to sit and watch Mel paint the ships that go by the balcony of her apartment. Viktor is sweet and shy and doesn’t tend to verbalize his needs, but because Jayce is so attentive they mesh well together.
Detroit: Become Human
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Kara: Caregiver. Need I expand? It’s in her coding in the first place to protect and nurture. Upon her deviance, Kara realizes that even if she was made for it, she can still reclaim that part of herself for herself. She is quick to console whomever her little may be, and projects the kindest and warmest energy to the person she’s taking care of. Kara enjoys making up her own stories, and loves playing make believe with her regressor.
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Connor: One hundred percent a regressor. This little guy was shy and uncertain when he first started regressing, as he didn’t know what ‘normal’ behaviour from a deviant was, let alone how to process all the new emotions he was feeling. Connor loves to spend time at Hank’s house with Sumo, revelling in the feeling of the dog’s fluffy fur and laughing happily when he teaches Sumo all sorts of tricks. Connor is usually happy when regressed, but struggles with anxiety and asking for help. Hank is always there to walk Connor through his big feelings and encourages him to use his words.
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Markus: He’s one of the most chaotic caregivers there is. You picked the pacifist route in the game? Doesn’t matter. This guy is unhinged when it comes to caregiving. Spoiling his little at any time possible, letting them stay up hours past their bedtime, giving them candy for breakfast and encouraging colouring on the walls. He spent so many years being exactly who Carl wanted him to be while also tasting freedom through Carl’s art that it brings him so much joy to see a regressor’s eyes sparkle when he says yes to whatever their heart desires. He’s also amazing at comforting a regressor. Big hugs and gentle eyes!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Katara: Is a caregiver! Incredibly kind yet less patient than one (Sokka) might hope. Katara is quick to caution her little, always on the lookout for anything that they might hurt themselves with or on. But this doesn’t mean she hates fun! She adores the beach and using her bending to splash around, and is always ready to get her little an extra blanket or any snacks they ask for. She’s super sweet and falls into the role of a caregiver like she was made for it. Katara has even sewed a plushie or two as gifts, and has a knack for settling a regressor in front of a crackling fire and braiding their hair before bedtime.
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Sokka: Regressor for sure. Even though he’s a big brother he never let go of his goofy side, and it plays into so much of his behaviour when he’s regressed. He’s on the older side, around 6-8, and has so much energy he doesn’t know where to put it all. Queue him running around for hours, laughing at absolutely anything that Aang says and bothering Toph just so she’ll play with him. Sokka doesn’t cry, even when he takes a tumble (which is quite often) but is fussy when he doesn’t get his way. He’s a troublemaker, but his beaming smile lets him get away with plenty.
Aang: Honestly I think he’s a caregiver, but is more like a fun uncle than any other label. His sage airbender wisdom doesn’t come through often, which means he’s all about fun all the time. His childish side matches a little like Sokka’s constant energy, and he seems to vanish into a cloud of smoke when any tears come his way. And how did Sokka and Zuko get chocolate all around their mouths, you ask? Well, there’s no one to ask because Aang’s just taken off on his glider on some very important business.
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Zuko: LITTLE! REGRESSOR! TINY! Oh my goodness, he’s the first fictional character that I ever headcanoned as a regressor. There’s no need to delve into his trauma here, but the boy is in such a desperate need of healing his childhood that he regressed long before he even knew what it was. Regresses very young, between 2-5. Before meeting the Gaang he’d hang off of Uncle’s shoulder during Pai Sho tournaments on his ship and would shyly ask the crew members to play songs during music nights. His tough demeanour disappears completely when he’s regressed and he turns into a shy boy that is insistent on doing things himself and is quick to cry when he’s unable to, for example, wrap his robes the way he wants. Zuko has a turtleduck plushie that Katara sewed for him after Aang asked him what his favourite animal was and Sokka caught him cuddling up to Appa at night. Sweetest boy in the whole world.
Toph : Caregiver! Matches more with Aang’s style of caregiving than Katara’s, but still lands somewhere in the middle. Her earthbending gives her the ability to pick up on every tiny emotion that a regressor feels, and it means she’s prepared and in tune with every need, happy or unhappy, that someone needs. She tends to playfully tease Zuko and Sokka, but knows exactly where to draw the line with either boy based on the rhythm of their heart. Toph helps Aang when it comes to letting the boys do something Katara has specifically told them they’re not allowed to, and will always feign innocence when confronted by the eldest caregiver.
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freementallyillkid · 2 months
Toddler Hc
jinx x reader
Word count: 680
Sorry it’s kinda short. I wasn't feeling this prompt for some reason :/ hope you like it at least a little
-100% tricked when your toddler was a baby, they pretty quiet and went to bed without too much of a fuss
-Apparently they were just saving all their energy for when they hit year 2
-Very much like jinx in the good but slightly tiering way very artistic (though you struggle to figure out what they’re drawing) and always running around jumping off of something (which stresses the both you out to no end)
-VERY early on you realized how no toddler proof jinx’s lab is, which might seem obvious but when the both of you spent 90% of your time there you forget that the treasure chest of explosive is completely in reach for toddlers
-timeskip to 2 days later you’ve finished baby proofing it (probably) after that one you both really started to realize how stressful it is to much sure your kid is safe, not even in Jinx’s lab just living in the undercity
-This leads the both of you to become very protective of them (even more than before if it’s even possible) they will NEVER be allowed in the last drops bar no matter how old they are, any new staff will be going through teens stalking someone on the internet level background checks.
-Toddler is also 100% spoiled neither you or Jinx grew up with a lot so the baby will have anything they could want (maybe your both using it as a way to heal your inner child) + with silco king pen of the undercity they have the ultimate protection and spoil-y grandpa
-jinx makes HUNDREDS of little toys and crap for them
-on the more angsty side it was a real struggle to find a way for Jinx to be around as much as she wants to be with her episodes, she is prone to be way more reactive and violent
-Another thing that the both of you noticed pretty early on thankfully, you came up with a system just a random word or phrase maybe a noise to let you know when she could feel any kind of episode coming on and when she was already in one it was pretty obvious so you could take toddler somewhere/with someone safe so you could tend to Jinx
-This of course lead to you pretty often finding Jinx crying about how she was a ‘terrible mom’ you would always hold her and tell her how it wasn’t her fault and how being parent was going to be a wildly different experience for someone with mental illness
-and of course she does the same thing for you if you ever feel like you’ve failed as a parent in some way
-Jinx she wasn’t really old enough to remember much of her bio parents and even though Vander was a good father she didn’t get to be around him for very long and Silco isn’t really the best role model for what to be as a parent and if the you didn’t have a great parent you both feel like your not prepared to be parents
-not really knowing what should really be considered right or wrong while still wanting to let your kid know they do what they need to in order to protect themselves +when the hell do you even have that talk with your 2 year old??
-Jinx also being depressed about how your kid will never know their aunt, uncles or grandma and grandpas thinking it’s her fault
-She tries to find pictures of them and is only partly successful so she draws pictures of them too
-Being a parent in general is so hard already with tantrums, getting a toddler to sleep, feeding them, entertaining them, education (is there even a proper education system in the Undercity???), making sure they feel safe and loved.
-But all that in the first place but that as first time parents living in the undercity with at least one mentally ill parent???
-In the end no matter how tired ya’ll are you both love your toddler more than anything in the world and would commit multiple war crimes for them
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lullabyes22-blog · 11 months
Who is your favorite Arcane artist?
Oh lord.
Arcane has such an insanely talented array of artists - I legit wouldn't know who to choose, if I could choose at all.
I'll just dump love on 'em<3
@aromansoul is to artwork what Mozart is to symphonies - every single piece feels like a fantasy epic and will give you shivers with the sheer incoherent-making awesomeness. Just... the colors, the composition, the frames. Everything is drool-worthy.
@goathag has a wonderfully detailed style that's reminiscent of old Lemony Snicket illustrations but also so beautifully zany and unique (and in equal turns hilarious and heartwarming). I re-read their Jinx and Silco comics and go 'Aww' everytime.
@shahs1221 will knock your socks off with their brilliant use of coloring, and make you go Va-Va-Vooooom at the crisp linework, impeccable body language and stellar facial expressions. Shahs takes smoking hot characters and makes them smolder.
@iseutz has a style that makes you feel as if you've walked straight into an animated epic from the golden Don Bluth era of cinema. Every gradation of color makes your jaw drop and gives you butterflies. Also did I mention it's dizzyingly pretty? *_*
@silcosentropy is my absolute favorite for gritty linework, staggering levels of detail, and bold coloring. They also never 'filter' the lines, scars and wrinkles that are so intrinsic to a unique character design (and to the human experience) and the results are nothing short of breathtaking.
@dcartcorner will make you feel like you're in a 90's arcade with the poppy colors, fresh compositions, adorable expressions, and general atmosphere of whimsical nostalgia. Bonus: they do rarepair artwork and their AU's are loads of fun.
@captaincapslock takes the crown for the most awesome Saturday Morning Cartoons style. Their 'Welcome to the Lanes' comic makes me feel like a kid tuning in to watch my favorite show way back in the 90s, and the energy is sharp, zippy, and bold, with ingenious use of frames.
@frenchublog is a feast for the eyes and I cheer every time they post. Their mastery of dynamic poses, off-kilter angles and lively character expressions all pack so much personality and punch. Also their Silco & Jinx pieces break my heart.
@pluviofleur has the most fun and fantastic twists to each character. Their sheep!Silco and monkey!Jinx are delightful and full of so much drama and personality. Also they do ponies. So many ponies.
@zkyfall does fabulous line drawings and monochrome works that have such a classic Bond-era vibe. Their Silco also looks deliciously scrunkly and full of Tired Dad energy.
@perfectlywingedart takes the cake for artwork that makes you feel like you are EATING cake. The textures have such a smooth finish and the lines are so sleek and the colors are so yum. Very lickable artwork :3
@revewrites does delightful doodles with lovely pastel colors and a fabulous caricature style like you'd see on old school Victorian-era comics. Silco's ears hehehe...
@lipsticksandmolotovs would not call themselves a fanartist - but their gif designs, manips, graphics and web layouts are absolute eye candy and deserve all the kudos.
These are just some of the artists whose works I enjoy - and whom I can recall off the top of my head. This fandom has many, many, MANY awesome artists and each of them deserve all the praise and hugs.
Thank you for sharing your talent and making the fandom brighter 💗
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ace-of-zaun · 1 year
Yes or No?: Pt. 2
Silco x gn!reader - 3.1k words - SFW
Warnings: fluff, humour, flirting, soft silco, young jinx, tired dad silco, self-doubt, vulnerability 
Silco should have known better than to expect Jinx to stop meddling in his love life. But alas, that particular expectation was clearly just wishful thinking on his part, because Jinx would seemingly stop at nothing to ensure he finally took you on a date. 
Barely three days after the ‘Yes or No Fiasco’, Silco finds himself at his desk, frustratedly trying to plan the perfect date for you.
Granted, he’d liked to have started planning much sooner, but an unfortunate incident at one of the factories had taken all of his attention for the past few days.
It would seem that hiring a secret shimmer addict would not only result in an employee who surreptitiously stole the product, indulged during shifts, and handled dangerous materials whilst high, but would also culminate in a rather explosive mistake, costing half the factory’s stock. 
The damage to the building alone had cost him an immeasurable amount, even without factoring in the amount of product lost.
But now that the issue has been mostly solved, and with repairs to the factory well underway, Silco is finally able to take a few minutes for himself to simply think and breathe. 
Despite simultaneously trying to run an empire, fix the reckless mistakes of his staff, and raise a thoroughly energetic and enigmatic daughter, Silco finds his mind constantly wandering back to thoughts of you. 
Upon your departure from his office, Silco had held your note against his chest for a few weightless minutes, before hastily grabbing his pen to fill in his own note in, with an emphatic and resounding ‘Yes’.
Then, he’d felt like an embarrassed teenager and had promptly locked both notes in the drawer of his desk, with the knowledge that he'd never hear the end of it if Jinx caught even a glimpse of them.
His immediate plan had been to fetch a bunch of flowers from the market and hand-deliver them to your apartment that same evening, inviting you on a date that would hopefully lead to you finally being his. 
But less than half an hour after your exit, the news of the factory explosion had reached him, meaning his attention had been completely and overwhelmingly occupied until now.
Silco desperately hopes you’ll forgive him.
As he reclines in his chair, pushing the loose strands of his hair back with one hand, Silco wonders how he can make it up to you in a way that not only demonstrated his true affections for you, but relayed his sincere apologies for leaving you hanging, even after showing your obvious interest in him. 
He wanted nothing more than to show you just how much you mean to him. 
Ever the perfectionist, Silco crosses one leg over the other, leaning back into the creaky leather as he carefully considers the best course of action. 
What sort of date would you like best? Dinner at home or at a restaurant? A quiet evening walk or something more grand? A large, expensive gift or a simple, heartwarming token? 
It dawns on him that he doesn’t actually know that much about your interests or your personal life, despite having almost weekly meetings with you for what must be at least six months by now. 
He frowns at the realisation. 
How could he possibly live without knowing everything there is to know about you?
Releasing a deep sigh from the bottom of his soot-deteriorated lungs, Silco is about to push himself to stand - in desperate need of some liquid encouragement if he’s going to even begin to plan the perfect date for you - when the door to his office bursts open, slamming against the wall with a booming crash. 
He instinctively reaches for his knife, only stopping in time when he recognises the intruder to be none other than his daughter. 
Jinx bounds into the room, abruptly halting at the very edge of the rug beneath his desk, her entire energy radiating urgency. 
Silco tries his hardest not to yell at her, but his heart is now racing at the sudden shock, meaning the words fall out of his mouth in a startled rush. 
“Jinx! What have I told you about-”
“Quick! It’s an emergency!” she exclaims before swiftly turning on her heel and bolting back through the open door and into the corridor.
A millisecond passes before her words register in his brain and Silco feels the panic begin to set in. 
He all but leaps from his chair, rounding the desk to chase after her.
Upon reaching the door, he spots her nearing the end of the corridor, about to turn the corner.
“Jinx! Stop!” he yells, tearing down the hallway towards her.
But she ignores him, continuing her rapid dash through the halls of The Drop. 
As he sprints after his daughter in this sudden pursuit, his brain automatically tries to produce a potential reason for the so-called emergency. 
Clearly she was not injured given the way she was sprinting so easily through the building, and neither had she been captured or kidnapped. So what could have caused her to act like this?
He’s not left to wonder for long as Silco finally catches up to her, watching her disappear up a set of stairs that lead to a leftover, little balcony near the top of the idiosyncratic building. 
He dashes up the stairs two at a time, his heart just about ready to burst from his chest as he charges through the doorway, desperately looking around for signs of an emergency. 
But instead of spotting the distinctive bright blue of his daughter’s hair, he instead spots you waiting at the balustrade. 
His panic is briefly overridden by complete and utter confusion, before his chest begins to fall through his body as a new, sinking kind of panic threatens to drown him. 
Are you the emergency? Has something terrible happened to you?
Silco calls your name panickedly, rushing over to you in a matter of seconds. 
Immediately, you turn to look at him in surprise as he breathlessly demands an answer to his concern. 
“What’s wrong?”
His hand rests on your arm as he frantically examines the rest of you, searching for any injuries or signs of distress. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” you say, sounding completely baffled.
Silco glances up to meet your confused gaze, his own expression most likely matching yours, except his was undoubtedly laced with a considerable amount of worry. 
Over the noise of his heart still pounding in his chest and the blood rushing through his ears, Silco barely registers the clinking of bottles behind him. His attention is too focussed on you to even consider turning. 
“Jinx informed me there was an emergency and led me here,” he tells you, as he finally begins to get his breathing under control. 
You tilt your head to the side as you reply with a frown. 
“She told me that she wanted to show me something and then told me to wait here…”
Finally, Silco turns to sweep his gaze around the balcony, in the hopes that he’ll spot Jinx to have her clear up the misunderstanding. 
But instead of finding his daughter, Silco finds the usually empty outdoor table (the one he sometimes sits at to smoke a cigar when he needs a break from his office) now covered in a miscellaneous array of items. 
There are at least six full bottles of alcohol (mostly definitely stolen from the bar’s stockroom), two plates piled high with an assortment of sweets and candy, and a neon LED tube that appears to be in lieu of a candle…
Something that a child might prepare for a dinner date.
Comprehension dawns on him as his jaw goes slack.
She’d done it again.
His brilliant, beautiful, trying daughter had duped him again. 
Silco sighs heavily as he turns back to you, exhaustion seeping through his bones.
“I am terribly sorry for this inconvenience,” he tells you wearily, loathing the fact his plan to give you flowers and ask you on a date the next time he saw you had been completely demolished. “Please feel free to leave if you are busy.”
To his surprise, you give him a slightly offended look, your eyes darting between the bizarrely decorated dinner table and him. 
“And skip out on my favourite meal with my favourite person? No thanks,” you reply decidedly. 
Silco almost blanches. 
Did you just imply that he was your favourite person?
He has no time to fully process the idea because you continue speaking, moving over to the table to pick through the pile of sweets. 
“Jinx is very insistent that we go on a date, isn’t she?” you grin at him, causing his heart to squeeze at the sight. “Is she like this with all your employees?”
“Thankfully no. Just with you,” he admits. 
“Well, I feel very honoured.”
Silco crosses over to the table and slumps into the chair opposite you, pouring himself a generous amount of bourbon and downing it in one go. 
He leans back in the chair and stares at the upper levels of the city tiredly. 
“Is parenting meant to be this exasperating?” he asks with a loud exhale. 
The sound of your sweet laughter fills his ears as you also take a seat and Silco watches you pour yourself a drink from one of the many bottles. 
It leads him to wonder how Jinx managed to take so much of the stock without anyone noticing. 
And perhaps more importantly, where the hell did she manage to source an ungodly amount of sweets and an LED light (that was definitely once part of a building sign) on such short notice?
If she stole them, he hopes she wasn’t caught. 
And if she bought them, he hopes she used the bargaining skills he had taught her until she got a good price for them. 
His attention is pulled back to you as he notices you fiddling with the plate in front of you, eventually pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen that had been partially hidden under the mountain of sweets. 
A quick glance under his own plate reveals the same curious collection of items, which Silco works to free until he can see the page in its full glory.
It’s written on the back of a schematic and undoubtedly in Jinx’s handwriting, so the author of the paper is not lost on him.
At the top, there is space to write his name in the corner, followed by a brief set of bold instructions:
Since you too goofballs clearly need help getting together here’s a question-air so you can learn everything about each other and then finally kiss and get married (and buy me some cool wedding presents like a new gun and some exploding bullets!!!!!!!!!!)
The top of Silco’s ears turn a deep shade of red as he reads through Jinx’s words, not even daring to look up and view your reaction to them.
His eyes dart across the rest of the page, skimming the set of questions and spaces to write out each answer.
Questions about his age, birthday, favourite colour, food, type of gun, place in Zaun, song, book, animal…
In short, all the questions you’d ask your childhood crush in the school playground.
His hands clutching tightly onto the edges of the paper, Silco is seriously debating whether duct taping Jinx to the wall for a week would be considered good parenting, when movement from your side of the table catches his eye.
He looks up to find you carefully reading each question before jotting something down next to each one, all the while absentmindedly throwing the odd sweet into your mouth as you write.
Silco frowns for a moment before asking a simple, “What are you doing?”
You spare a brief glance up at him before propping your elbow on the table, allowing you to lean your cheek against your knuckles as you focus on the task at hand.  
“Filling in the questionnaire?” you reply nonchalantly. 
It strikes him how serious you look as you work to complete the questions. There’s no hint of that cheeky playfulness that lined your last conversation with him. 
“You don’t have to do that,” he says, his voice low and a tad too shaky for his liking. 
But you ignore him, your eyes skimming the questions before you quickly scribble down your answers.
One question in particular has your face suddenly lighting up. 
“Ooh, favourite song is a good one!”
You don’t wait for a response as you begin to scribble away, a smile etched upon your lips. 
An odd feeling begins to rumble through Silco’s chest, his frown deepening in a way that is a direct contrast to his usual reaction to seeing you smile. 
He says your name quietly. 
“I’m not sure I have a favourite gun, if I’m being completely honest with you,” you announce, seemingly not hearing him as you get lost in your own little world. 
Silco gently places his hand over the one you’re writing with, stopping you with a firmer utterance of your name. 
Your head snaps up in surprise, meeting his concerned gaze. 
“Why are you going along with all of this?” he asks quietly. 
He’s not sure why he’s suddenly doubting everything about this situation, but Silco finds himself feeling positively nauseous at the doubts running through his head.
Perhaps it’s just his natural instinct after being hurt and betrayed so many times in his turbulent life.
What if Jinx has put you up to this? What if this is all just a big laugh at his expense?
Why else would you go along with all this nonsense? And with such enthusiasm?
You seem surprised at his question, your eyes ticking over his face before giving your answer like it’s the most obvious thing in the whole world. 
“Because I absolutely adore both you and Jinx.”
Silco’s breath catches at your complete sincerity. 
“You do?” he exhales, hoping he doesn’t sound or look as desperate as he feels, that excitement bubbling away inside him. 
“Of course I do. Seeing you is the highlight of my week,” you tell him, your beautiful face moulding into the most ardent expression. 
It pulls on his heart strings, enough to make him want to give you everything he owns, but he still finds himself asking.
“You’re not just humouring me? For Jinx’s sake?”
He only becomes aware that his hand is still covering yours when you pull away from him, pushing to stand so you can move over to the balustrade.
Silco watches you in trepidation, his heart thundering in his chest as you look down at the city below. 
“You know, before I started working for you, I was saving up to buy a ticket to Ionia. And a few weeks ago, I realised that I finally have enough,” you tell him in the most thoughtful voice he’s ever heard you speak in. “I could start a whole new life if I wanted to,” you add on quietly. 
Silco thinks his heart might have skipped a beat as the panic that had only just subsided rushes into his veins again.
He’s drowning again, he must be. 
He stands from the chair, moving over to your side, utterly breathless at the idea that you might soon be gone from his life. 
“You’re leaving?”
A tiny smile as you shake your head and Silco can’t help but note that you’re still not looking at him, choosing to stare down at the people below instead. 
“As soon as I’d saved enough, I tried to imagine what it would be like leaving Zaun for good. Do you know what changed my mind?” you continue. 
And with this, you finally turn to look at him, slowly reaching for his hand until your fingers are entwined with his. 
Silco instinctively steps closer to you until your bodies are almost touching, and if you weren’t already holding his hand, he’s sure his fingers would be trembling. 
“The thought of never seeing you again. Of never giving Jinx another piggyback ride through the bar,” you say with a heartfelt smile and shining eyes. “Of never feeling that same rush of happiness I get whenever I think about you-”
He truthfully has no idea what possesses him to do it, but Silco finds himself pressing his lips to yours, really only a chaste peck as he finally, finally tastes you. 
Maybe it was in response to his panic that he might lose you if he didn’t act now; the mere mention of you leaving making him feel dizzy. 
Silco pulls back after a second, leaving you to stare up at him with your mouth agape in surprise. 
He’s just about to apologise when your mouth pulls into a delighted grin.
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for you to do that,” you tell him with a pleased sigh.
Then, you throw your arms around his neck, recklessly pulling him into a proper kiss, one that’s full of breathtaking passion as you kiss him like the world is just about to end. 
Silco’s worries are dispelled in an instant. 
By the time you both part for breath, Silco has pulled you fully against him. He rests his forehead against yours and finally takes the chance to ask you what he’d been in the midst of planning before Jinx’s interruption.
“Would you like to go on a proper date? One that doesn’t involve being conned by a certain young lady who is grounded for the next ten years?” 
You chuckle lightly, biting your lip in a way that makes Silco feel like pulling you back in for an entirely different kind of kiss. 
“I don’t know,” you tease, adding a sing-songy lilt to the words. “If you ask me, I think she should plan all of our dates. I mean, without her this might have never happened.”
He can’t help the smile that crosses his face when he leans down to kiss you again, his hand sliding gently into your hair to keep you close.
Now that he has you, he fully intends to never let go. 
This time, the kiss is slow and languid, a chance to properly explore one another, as if you had all the time in the world. 
And as he kisses you, out the corner of his corrupted eye Silco spots a bright flash of light followed by an entirely recognisable giggle from the rooftop. 
But he ignores it.
She’ll regret it when he has a word with Jericho to ensure she’s banned from the stall for the next three months. 
Besides, it’s not like he could possibly be pulled from your magnetism, even if he wanted to.
Right now, kissing you with all the love you deserve is exactly where he’s meant to be. Now, and for the rest of time. 
A/N: so i have a cheeky little idea for a part 3… are we up for it??
Also, hello, hi, sorry it’s been so long, i’m going through something difficult at the moment, but trying to get back into writing. i hope you’re all doing well x
Taglist: @pinkrose1422 @zbeez-outlet
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
Hi! I would like to make a request. Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Silco, Viktor and Jayce x Female!Paranormal Researcher!Reader. Reader explores something that defies any logical explanation. Simply put, she goes to different places to find at least some otherworldly activity, to fix the presence of a ghost, etc. Thank you very much!
Coming right up!
Arcane X Female Paranormal Researcher! Reader
Characters: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Viktor, Silco, Sevika, Licker and Jayce.
Tags: Supportive girlfriend, supportive boyfriend, protective girlfriend, protective boyfriend, worrywart, ghost hunting, Jinx being Jinx, soft lovers and fluff.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: Sorry I've been gone for so long but like my mom said, can't cry over spilled milk. I plan to get some requests done over the week so let's start strong!
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“Alrighty, toots! Ready for our next spot? I got the bombs, my guns, flashlight-. Okay, they can phase through all that, but you can never be too careless right?! Let’s go catch some ghosts!”
When you told Jinx that you were a Paranormal Researcher, she was honestly thrilled. When it came to the supernatural, she found herself intrigued by the possibility of the undead and unusual activities that could happen in Zaun, let alone Runeterra. So it came as no surprise that she decided to make herself your right hand partner in uncovering paranormal activity.
For the most part, she’s a valuable asset on the field with her equipment and off the field in the form of research. This Loose Cannon has no issue walking into the darkest depths if it meant you could uncover otherworldly phenomena. Just keep an eye out for her always trying to capture something or someone and claim it to be supernatural. She’s so sure she has a collection of ghosts in her hideout after a few stakeouts with you, but you’re positive she’s only caught one.
Violet “Vi”
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“Hey, babe. Going out hunting again for ‘the unknown’? Haha, no no, I’m not trying to make fun of you. Need company?”
So Vi is not as believing in the supernatural of Runeterra. But that doesn’t mean she believes in some phenomena. When you told her about your occupation, she found it interesting to say the least. At first, she kind of made sure her job and your job never mixed. But after you would come back home all dirty or even injured, this brute decided to make it her secondary job to explore supernatural areas with you.
With time, she saw it more as a hobby and even became interested in a few cases you two picked up. When she’s not playing enforcer or relaxing with you at home, she’ll be quick to come with you to find ghosts or paranormal activities. Unlike you, she’s not going to lose sleep over it or go over the top in regards to researching how to soothe ghosts, but if you need help, she’s right beside you. The only big con is that she will be quick to cancel an expedition if it meant you would be extremely hurt physically or mentally.
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“Why do you have your journal and your backpack?... Oh. Another hunt?... Okay. What are we trying to do now?”
When it comes to the paranormal, Caitlyn can be a half full kind of person one day, and half empty the next. She’s never been that interested in the supernatural, even as a kid, but after the kind of missions she’s gone on during her years as a beginning enforcer, she started to believe a little. She finds your research to be kind of cute, since your drive reminds her of her own when doing investigations.
Don’t expect Caitlyn to join you on the field often though. Because of her busy job and the lack of energy she has some days, the most she can do for you is paperwork and research on your targets. Every blue moon she will join you on the field to help find ghosts and supernatural beings. Though don’t count on it. Unless you’re out super late or missing for a day, she’s solely your bookkeeper and secretary.
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“Off to find something out of the ordinary? Alright then, don’t go without Sevika or Licker.”
So Silco does not believe in supernatural and paranormal events. He’s a straight cut man that only believes in technology and science. You told him you were a paranormal researcher and I kid you not, he laughed at first. No matter how much you tell him about your job, he will only see it as a mere hobby. That being said, that doesn’t change how deep down a worrywart he can be.
Whenever you say you’re going on a search, he will not let you go unless you are accompanied by one of his men. He’s fine with your ‘line of work’ as long as you are safe. Silco isn’t going to help you, but if you guys have a small talk about something you discovered, he’s all ears. Besides, there could be something to all the weird things that happen in Zaun. And if Jinx believes it, there could be some groundwork to all this paranormal stuff happening. But it will take a VERY LONG time to convince him.
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“Love! Wait! Before you go, I want you to have this. It’s to help lure some ghosts in your direction if any are in the area. It’s still in the prototype stages, but it should be helpful enough.”
Surprisingly, Viktor believes in the supernatural! Even if he is a scientist and focuses most of his time on researching ways to improve technologically, it doesn’t mean he thinks everything is solely logical. How would that explain alchemists or things suddenly disappearing one day? How would it even explain some material and beings around Runeterra that shouldn’t exist based on logic?
He immediately became your partner in crime when you told him you were a paranormal researcher. Similar to Caitlyn, he doesn’t go out on the field as often when you go searching, but he will create contraptions that can assist you on your travels. To add, he is also a cheerleader, pushing you on to find ghosts and continue to do the thing that you love. As long as you come home smiling and okay, he has your back one hundred percent.
Jayce Talis
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“Going out again? I’m about to head out too- I’ll see you when I get back, okay? Be careful out there.”
Jayce is a scaredy cat. Man will talk a lot about progress and being strong willed but as soon as he sees something moving at night that shouldn’t move, he’s screaming bloody murder. He likes to proclaim he doesn’t believe in ghosts for a man who believes in magic. Runes and crystals that produce electricity? Yeah, that makes sense. Spirits of the dead? Nope, that’s going too far.
Luckily, he doesn’t ridicule you for being a paranormal researcher and even asks you questions about your findings, but don’t expect him to extend a helping hand that much. He’s more concerned about the progress of Piltover to go ghost hunting with you. But it could be for the best. With how many times you have seen him nearly jump out of his skin while watching horror movies, you can only imagine how he would be on an expedition with you. He supports you, and that’s what really matters in the end.
Arcane Requests are open!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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jinx reaction to reader telling her that she inspired them to be more comfortable with themselves and that they look up to her
AH IM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE…amazing idea, anon. Thank you so much for requesting ILY 💋 This is a bit angsty btw. I wasn’t sure if you wanted this romantic or platonic so it’s somewhere in the middle. ENJOY~
Your Biggest Fan 🦋
Jinx was inconsolable right now. You’re not exactly sure what all was said, but Jinx came running out of Silco’s office with angry tears rolling down her cheeks. “Hey. Are you okay?” She pushed past you somewhat aggressively, stomping back to her room. “Jinx?” She ignored you still, her hands balled up into fists. You followed behind her, almost running she’s going so fast. “Hey! Jinx! Just talk to me.” As soon as she was in her doorway, she shut it right in your face.
At this point, there’s nothing left to do but wait. Usually when she was upset, she would let you in her room with her but continue to ignore you and just rage and do her own thing. So this means she must be really upset. Whatever was said to her in that office just broke her heart even more than it already was. You sit on the floor outside her door and just wait. It’s quiet for a moment before she starts playing music at an extremely loud volume. You can hear her screaming along to the lyrics. She is in the very angry, frustrated, reckless stage of her grief right now. You just have to wait it out.
After about an hour, you’re leaning against her door now and you notice that she isn’t scream singing anymore. The music stops and the door opens immediately after. You fall back into her room, looking up at her from the ground. “Hi…” she whispers with wet, red cheeks and a deeply set frown. “Hey…” You hate to admit it but she is so beautiful after she’s just cried. Her lips are slightly puffy, her eyes turn an almost greenish blue color and her face is covered in a light blush. She reaches down and grabs your hand then helps you to your feet. Before you can say anything else to her, she has you in a tight hug, her chest completely against yours, her arms fully engulfing you. You return the energy, holding her to you so tight you can feel her ribs up against your skin.
Her face is buried in your neck and she’s crying again. You can feel her tremble, you can hear her soft gasps for air, you can feel her tears on your skin. “Do you wanna talk about it?” You can feel her shake her head against your shoulder. Unsure of what would help her in this moment, you just continue to hold her close while you listen to her soft sobs. This is killing you…
“Uh…for what it’s worth, I think you’re so spectacular.” Suddenly, she sucks in a breath and holds it, trying to stifle her crying. She wants to listen to you and you notice this. “You’re brilliant, I can never even understand half the things you say to me. It all just goes right over my head. But I’m learning! You’re teaching me so much…about myself too.”
Jinx soon pulls back to look you in the eye and you offer her a sweet smile. “You taught me to be more fearless and strong and creative and flexible.” You barely notice it but her frown is slowly turning upward. “You’re literally the coolest person I know! And I feel…” You can’t help but blush at this point. “I feel cool when I’m with you. I feel invincible with you by my side.” She’s full blown smiling now, her eyes still glossy and damp. “But you are cool.” She mumbles in reply. “Yeah…well, I learned from the best.” Gently, you pinch her sides causing a laugh to erupt from her mouth. “And who’s the best?” And now you’re laughing. “You, Jinx!” Her face gets more serious and she’s looking at you with such soft, loving eyes.
“I’m seriously like your biggest fan.” “And I’m yours, (Y/N).”
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revelisms · 11 months
Silco, Sevika and Jinx Headcanons (music ver 🎵)
Since my playlists are running rampant (and they're largely how I get a sense for writing character voices/actions/etc.), I thought it'd be fun to share a few HC tidbits via some tunes :-)
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Silco — aka the Bloodshark, the Eye, Mr. Crime Boss himself; the man, the myth, the slippery bastard. Also clocking in with nearly 8+ hours worth of songs for this sack of bones...I am...side-eyeing myself. Anyway.
Foundation — Sunlit Grave, Saint Mesa
This basically kickstarted the playlist earworm, for him. At a high-level, this is the song I think of anytime I write him: it's dark, eerie, regal, persevering. I always get an image of someone sinking beneath the depths at the beginning, and clawing out of a deathly cage/prowling to a bloody pinnacle by the end. The lyrics themselves also capture a flavor of his character, as a dead man speaking to someone (potentially his killer and/or lover) who knew him before; who must choose to let go of their knowledge of who that dead man used to be. He is gone, irreparably changed, and he's not coming back—and he'll drag a kingdom to its knees, by the end. (Maybe it's what landed him in that grave, in the first place.)
Inner Voice — The Wondersmith and His Sons, Astronautalis
This gives a sense of past and present: a glimpse into the hard-cracked persona he'd built in the mines (which I associate with folksongs, especially of an English or Gaelic nature), twisted up into the sly, scheming charisma he harnessed as co-founder of the Lanes. For me, the song paints a potential tale of childhood (the lyrics tell of a family of swindlers, from which the narrator is the cleverest son) and a foreboding hint into the future (too much grease can break down a machine; for all their success, a brutal end is eminent). It also just feels like him—it's growly, arrogant, and jovial; drawling in some moments, and spit-fired in others.
On The Record — Time & Place, Queens of the Stone Age
In terms of what he'd actually listen to (of which I think he'd have a extensive range, to the point of his tastes skewing past eclectic into downright bizarre), this would fit easily between a swath of blaring industrial rock, crooning big band classics, jazz, folk-tunes, experimental funk, r&b, etc. It's got that flavor of 80s post-punk vocals that would be a staple in his sets, with a snappy flare in the instrumentals (something he'd nod his head or tap his pen to)—and, funnily enough, has a slight echo to Snakes (Vi's and Jayce's fightsong), which...oddly fits, given I see him and Vi as actually very similar, at their cores.
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Sevika — aka the Lioness, the Teeth, "step on me and I'll thank you for it" Miss King. She's badassery in a gilded package, baby—but there's a tender spot under it all, if you squint.
Foundation — Little Girl Gone, CHINCHILLA
Another song that kickstarted the playlist earworm. This is a baseball bat to the gut with prowess, swagger and Try That Again energy—and the transition of the whisper to the drop just hhh. Gets me every time. This song is the battle anthem from a woman who's earned her armor (fittingly, working under a gangster)—test her patience, and she'll be wearing red on her sleeve; dare to cross her in a fight, and she'll drink you down like liquor. I can visualize a snappy two-punch brawl every time I hear this.
Inner Voice — Milk, BONES UK
Dipping into that tenderness here, with a stark note of ceaseless ambition, we've got this song—a reflection, a demand, a love letter, a hunger. There's so many layers folded into this: the desires of a self-made life to be everything and more their host yearns for it to be, even if, underneath it all, what they truly yearn for is belonging. This feels like a young, angry, cropped-hair and bloody-fisted Sevika fighting down the world—and an older self looking fondly, if a touch melancholically, back on it all.
On The Record — Know Better, Janelle Monáe
Put her on the aux, and she'll have the dancefloor congealing into a neon haze of sweat and glitter. The mix of the sax and the bassline here just thrums with her energy, to me: self-assured, watchful, slow-smirking. It's often the kind of tracks she reaches for, especially for a crowd; she's got a bold streak in her, and it doesn't take much to stir it to full display (come here now, stranger; gimme that sense of danger).
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Jinx — aka the Loose Cannon, the Bombshell, everyone's favorite lil' gremlin. I tend to interpret her character in distinct "phases"—i.e., Powder, Jinx, and Jinx post-shimmer. These also factor into what I musically associate with her; each piece of her character feels very distinct.
Foundation — BLOODMONEY, Poppy
This is like...the Jinx song, to me. It's about distrust, sacrifice, self-identity, denial, rage, all wrapped up in a spiteful bow of religious allegories—a flash-cycle of whose opinion she worships, at any given moment (when nobody is watching, what do you believe?). It's also just a sensory meal with the sound design, and could even match up with soundbites of her voice so easily.
Inner Voice — Crimson, Skott
Take a stroll into Powder building Jinx's persona from the ashes. This is a haunting, beautiful song, with an undercurrent of something fight-eager, spiteful, and hopeful brewing beneath the surface. In the wake of tragedy, there's still a thread of strength; someone picking up the pieces while trying to find a path back to their own mind. I almost hear this as an apology and declaration of war, in turns, from Jinx to Vi.
On The Record — BOOM, Cassyette.
You know this little metalhead is listening to any splitzy mechanical tracks she can get her hands on (fuels the inventor muse, y'know?)—and I think she'd love this. I mean, c'mon. It's a song about explosions, told through a narrator saying how slipping into different mental spaces feels like a bomb waiting to blow. I could see her jamming to this on loop in her workshop while tinkering with a new flare gun. (Also, as a close runner up, I associate anything Djerv with her, given they were the artist for Get Jinxed—she'd probably have things like (We Don't) Hang No More always on the gramophone, singing to it word for word.)
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kissmejinx · 2 years
Date night with Arcane characters
Arcane x G/N reader
Characters: Jinx Vi Ekko Jayce
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As I said in past head cannons, I think Jinx has a soft spot for romantic gestures. And to the extent it bleeds over into your romantic date life. She'll set up fairy lights, actually cleaning up her lab so it actually looks like a romantic getaway and she'll have Silco buy some tasty sweets. 
Along with that, she'll set up a reel for you two watch (I don't know if there are movies in the Arcane universe so I'm just going to call them Reels) and get what passes for popcorn in the undercity for you to throw at the screen.
 And at the end of the night, barring if you two are engaging in other activities she'll present you with a single blue metal rose as a material sign of her affection. Please don't throw them away, just put them in a vase where she can easily see them in the morning.
Ta-da!!! I present the wonderful transmogrification from a perfectly functioning workspace to a romantic movie theater! Soooooo~ what'd you think toots~
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Vi on the other hand never really saw the point in big Grand romantic gestures. She likes the little things, the more domestic side of your relationship. So a date night between the two of you will likely just be spending a night in, where she takes a day off from her duties and you from your job. You two can just spend the night basking each other's energy
Oftentimes it'll just be an excuse for you to lazily make out while cuddling. Either that or she'll go to a (very legal) fighting ring and have you cheer her on from the sidelines. It's sort of a ritual you two have, you playing the adoring fan and her the star fighter. Is it kink thing? The world may never know.
She likes it when you plan the dates, she just has no idea what to do for them but if you hint enough, she'll be a little bit more romantic. But don't expect rose petals and champagne, more on the side of teasing nips to your neck and not knowing where one body starts in the other ends
Why don't we just, you know, staying for the night. Just you and me, no one forces, no counsel, no nothing. How's that sound Cupcake?
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Ekko's date is quite literally a night under the stars. You two go riding on your hover blades, before resting on a rooftop in one of the better parts of Zaun. He prepared a small picnic, fruits and cheeses, all procured from Piltover. You two get to talk about everything and nothing and mostly it's just a break from the chaotic world that is your everyday lives as Firelights.
He'll deny it all day and every day, but he loves it when you get romantic with him. Just please hand feed him little finger foods and let your thumb linger on his bottom lip, he will combust. You'll just have to wait a few minutes for him to get himself back under control before he reciprocates.
If you ever have an indoor date, he'll take pleasure in massages. Giving and receiving, he just likes to touch your skin in the non-sexual sense ( but he won't be complaining if it gets a little bit heated)
I know it ain't much but it's all I could scrounge up fro- …. Oh heh, I'm glad you like it babe.
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Jayce has the mantra of go big or go home and he certainly isn't going to have a date with you at his parents' house. He’ll probably take you out for a date on the waterfront.
If you let him, he’d love to hand feed you or on the other hand rest his head on your lap. Date nights are fewer and far between, what with Jayce being the face of Hextech so you take what you can get. He’s always enjoyed the outdoors and that’ll be his go to spot for a date. If there’s ever an event you want to go to, you can bet he'll take time out of his schedule for you two to have some fun.
And that’s really what he wants your dates to be. Fun. In the ever-changing landscape of Piltover, a few moments of levity are all he could wish for. He’d love it if you planned the dates, he secretly (not so much) loves it when you take charge.
I know we haven’t been able to do this much, but I just want to.. I want to spend time with you
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anyon-else · 1 year
Loyal and High on Devotion (Welcome to the Playground pt. 1) | Sukuna's power has grown to an unavoidable size for the council of Piltover to ignore it. However, their communication with the notoriously cruel leader incites a confrontation in which ghosts are seemingly brought back to life. (Arcane AU) – spotify playlist | read on ao3
Pairings | Silco!Sukuna x Jinx!Reader (platonic) + Toji Fushiguro, Megumi Fushiguro, Yuuji Itadori, Nobara Kugisake, Gojo Satoru, Mei Mei, Nanami Kento, Suguru Geto, Masamichi Yagi, Utahime Iori, Yoshinobu Gakuganji, Maki Zenin
Warnings | Manipulation, unhealthy relationship, violence, hallucinations, corruption, mentions of death
Word count | 8.1k
(next chapter) | (series masterlist)
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Sukuna wasn’t good with people. This fact was known by anyone who had any semblance of awareness in the Piltover. And if that awareness served them well, they steered clear of his territory and his people. He was known to be ruthless, both to enemies and allies. He wanted his power to be absolute, and any resistance meant that he hadn’t achieved that.
But what he hated more than rebels was traitors. How he dealt with his own people was kept private; word getting out about unrest among his ranks would leave people in the Undercity to question his authority. If he couldn’t even keep his own people in line, how was he expected to rule the city?
Well, rule was a relative term. There was nothing official about his power; no elections or documents gave him the influence that he so easily claimed. Just his power. And in the Undercity, that was enough.
However, his power was frustratingly limited in the grander scheme of things. Piltover remained just out of reach. Every time he got close, stepping one foot into the political game that controlled the city, he was violently forced back. Separation between Piltover and the Undercity had always been a contentious issue, but Sukuna’s rise to power had set off many alarm bells for the council. His violent control became notorious, and he happily took on the role of the monster under Piltover children’s beds—one that parents warned about and feared themselves.
The one downside of having a reputation for violence was a constant awareness of his movements. He couldn’t take one step out of the Undercity without having dozens of poorly disguised spies watching his every move. He normally humored their efforts, allowing them to tail him on his little errands into Piltover. Besides, everything he did while outside of the limits of the Undercity was done with the utmost discretion.
Everything except this. 
Evening was settling over the Undercity, though the sun never really reached its depths. Above, the gate leading into Piltover cast a tall shadow over Sukuna. His approach, while expected, still made the guards on duty stand at attention, eyes following him as he stepped onto the bridge. He cringed at the sight before him; the city was just as bright and disgustingly expensive as he remembered. 
The council’s expectations of him had been made very clear: come alone and unarmed. The latter was a bit redundant, and an essentially useless request. He was deadly with or without weapons. However, he didn’t have the time nor the energy to stay in Piltover any longer than was necessary, and he found that respecting their wishes was less of a hassle.
Well, one of their wishes.
You walked at his side, grin splitting your lips and hands clasped behind your back. Your chin was held high, and the slight skip in your step contrasted Sukuna’s even, steady gait. He knew that you were an unsettling pair. He counted on it.
Sukuna paused, looking over his shoulder at the stout guard who had spoken. He was practically trembling, though he gave his best effort at a brave face. You continued on, unfazed by the interruption.
“The counselors told you to come alone.”
“They did,” Sukuna hummed, “would you like to be the one to tell them, or should I?” 
“I’ve already sent someone to inform them that you haven't met their conditions."
“Wonderful,” Sukuna grinned. He titled his head, eyes roving over the man’s unimpressive physique. “Piltover must be short on guards, hm? Seems they’re allowing just about anyone to keep watch over their city.”
Sukuna brought a hand up and placed it on the man’s thinning, brown hair. The guard tensed at the touch, eyes flashing with a familiar, delicious fear. Sukuna grinned, titling his head to the side as he studied the man.
He remembered a story that Piltover liked to tell about him, one that the guard was likely knew as well. Years ago, a merchant from Piltover had double crossed him, backing out of a deal after Sukuna had already fulfilled his end of the exchange. Sukuna had cracked the man's skull with one hand.
While the story had been exaggerated over the years, the main details were true.
They’re right to be afraid. 
The thought made Sukuna’s smile grow wider. He loved this fear. The power that simple stories gave him over these gnats was addicting. He’d barely moved at all, but his mere presence was enough to make this man tremble.
He leaned down until his lips were inches from the guard’s ear. Sweat dripped down his forehead in a disgusting show of weakness. Sukuna’s grip tightened on his hair, and the guard let out a pathetic little noise. 
“Tell the council,” he began, voice low and rumbling in the man’s ear, “that I will not bend to their every command.”
Something in the guard seemed to snap at Sukuna's hot breath on his neck and he shrunk back, any forced bravery melting away.
“Sukuna,” you rested your arm on the guards shoulder, leaning on him until he stumbled. He looked between you and Sukuna with wide, terrified eyes, “you’re taking too long.”
“Be patient. Apparently, I need to send you home.”
“Oh?” you pouted, tilting your head to meet the guard’s eyes, “did you say that? What’s your name?” 
“Magnus. That’s a lovely name. Are you married, Magnus? You must be, look at the pretty ring on your finger!”
You took his hand and held it up for Sukuna to see. Your smile was giddy, and you were practically bouncing on your toes as you examined Magnus’ finger.
“That name does have a certain ring to it. And it sounds so familiar. I must’ve seen it somewhere...” you wrapped an arm loosely around Magnus’ shoulder, tapping a finger to your lips, “oh, I know! You were in the news! ‘Sergeant Magnus Cline Saves Family from House-Fire.’ You must be very brave, Sergeant.”
You released the still-trembling guard and took your place next to Sukuna, who watched Magnus boredly. 
“I loved the article, it really is a great story. I also remember there being a mention of your wife...Ethel, right? Ethel Cline, and your two children...Axel and Theo. They were mentioned too! You must be very proud to have such a lovely family. I hope you don’t mind, but I snuck a peak.” 
“H-how did you–” 
“Sergeant Cline, why don’t we make a deal? You like deals, don’t you? You made one with counselor Geto and got yourself a nice house in the city, perfect for a family of four. And one on the way, I think? Congratulations!”
Magnus had stopped breathing. He was cracking, and in a few moments, he'd fall apart at your feet. 
“So, I propose that you let me pass with Sukuna. I’ll let you guess what my condition is, though I’m sure it won’t be very hard.” 
“If you’re threatening my family,” Magnus was breathing hard now, short, uneven pants escaping him in quick succession, “I will have you arrested.” 
“Threatening? I haven’t said anything about hurting your family. Arresting me seems a bit harsh.”
This was getting tired. As much as Sukuna reveled in seeing the man squirm, that wasn’t why he came here. The sooner he arrived at his meeting, the sooner he could return home. He placed a hand on the back of your neck and pulled you away from Magnus, who was frozen to his spot on the pavement. The other guards stepped forward as Sukuna steered you back towards the city, all eager to find any excuse to shove him back down to the Undercity.
He pressed his thumb into the side of your neck in warning when you began to turn. You’d had your fun.
“I haven’t broken any of your laws. We are allowed passage into your city just like any other citizen.”
While true, this law was flimsy at best. Piltover guards had no issue finding reasons to keep their city separate from his. The difference now was that the balance of power was tipped in his favor. The council had come to him, crawling into the recesses of the shithole they liked to believe the Undercity had become. They had been forced into diplomacy. All because he had become too powerful to be stopped by any other means. Too feared.
When he turned back towards the city, he dropped his hand from your neck. It only took a moment for you to disappear from his side.
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Are you watching carefully? 
The voice made you chuckle, the beginnings of a laugh that you had to fight down. Yuuji always made the best jokes. He knew you were watching. He always knew, and he always knew what to say to make you laugh. 
The roof of the council’s meeting room gave you an overwhelming view of the city. From your vantage point, you could see all of the council members sitting in a pretty line behind their curved table. 
He’s getting desperate, Nobara whispered. You growled, shaking your head.
“Shut up,” you glared back at her, “Sukuna knows what he’s doing.” 
Sukuna was barely within your line of view, but you still saw the glance he shot in your direction. He looked just as regal and put-together as he always did. He never faltered, not even when he was faced with the most powerful people in Piltover. 
He’s just pretending, Megumi’s voice was full of malice. You wanted to laugh. You wanted to kill him, he’s terrified.
“No he’s not!”
He doesn’t really care about you.
“You’re a liar,” you grumbled, leaning forward against the edge of the skylight, “you’re all liars, just like always.”
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The inside of the council’s meeting room was just as grotesque as the rest of the city. It was dripping in gold that Sukuna could only assume was real. Piltover did like to invest in their aesthetics.
He took a moment to study the faces of each council member. Mei Mei sat on the far right, studying the intricately organized rings on her fingers and attempting to seem nonchalant about his presence. She adjusted them every now and then, but not once did she look up from her work. Next to her, Nanami Kento sat with his back straight against his seat. His damned glasses were folded and placed in front of him on the table, and one hand drummed a steady beat against the glossy, elaborately designed wood.
Sugaru Geto was the only counselor really looking at Sukuna. His smile was sickening. Sukuna’s respect never extended to people who wore their intentions like a badge of honor, and Geto was practically soaked in corruption. 
Saturo Gojo took up the seat on the far left. Sukuna wasted no time moving past the filthy waste of space. Masamichi Yaga and Utahime Iori took up the next two seats, and in the middle was Yoshinobu Gakuganji. The old man was still, eyes sunken so far that Sukuna could barely see them. He could’ve been dead for all Sukuna knew.
“You’re late,” Nanami spoke, breaking the tense silence, “and you’ve wasted our time.” 
“Valuable as ever, I’m sure,” Sukuna sniffed, pacing the edge of the curved table and tapping a sharpened nail on its edge. The table was enough of a barrier between himself and the council that he wasn’t within arms length of them, but the guards still straightened, hands tightening around their weapons.
“And your companion?” Geto was still smiling, chin resting on his clasped hands. Sukuna stopped in front of his chair. “We were told that you brought an uninvited guest with you.”
“Oh?” Sukuna raised a brow, “I was under the impression that your borders were open. I was just bringing them along for some sightseeing. They do love a good view, and it’s been so long since they’ve seen the sun.”
“Enough,” Gakuganji raised a hand, voice gruff and tired. He was completely useless. It infuriated Sukuna that this relic was the one making decisions for Piltover. There was no value in the old ways, and Sukuna was under the impression that Piltover valued evolution. Now he wasn’t so sure. Too strong of a wind, and Sukuna feared the old man may turn to dust, “I’m sure you're eager to get this over with, Sukuna, so let’s get to the matter at hand.”
Geto leaned back, meeting Gakuganji’s glare with a grin.
“We feel that we have been very fair in allowing our borders to remain open to the Undercity. However, since your rise to power, crime in Piltover has increased exponentially. We can’t help but see a correlation.” 
“A correlation?” Sukuna laughed, unable to hold back, “what are you implying?” 
“We’re not implying anything,” Gojo interrupted Gakuganji as the old man opened his mouth to respond, “we’re accusing. You’ve been encouraging your people to come to Piltover and disrupt the peace.”
“Peace,” Sukuna repeated, lips twisting into a scowl. Before he could stop it, the image of you sitting bloody and broken in the depths of the Undercity came to mind. His rage flared. “You should bite your tongue before you speak to me so carelessly. 
“You should remember your place,” Gakuganji leaned forward, hands tightening where they were clasped together on the table. “The Undercity has been left unchecked for far too long. We’re just correcting that mistake.” 
“Something will be done about your people,” Geto smiled wide, “and it’s up to you who makes those changes. If you ignore this warning, we will do something about this ourselves.” 
“For now, we’re closing our border. We have a duty to keep the people of Piltover safe, so yours are no longer welcome in our city,” Gakuganji explained. Sukuna kept still, thinking through his options. There was nothing surprising in this decision; in fact, he would’ve been shocked if the council hadn’t taken this action against his people. 
“And what do you suggest I do?” 
“That,” Yaga spoke up, breaking his silence with resound conviction, “is for you to decide. But you should decide soon, or our patience will run out.”
“Your patience,” Sukuna let out a laugh. “if it’s patience that we’re measuring, you should know that mine ran out a long time ago. Besides, I have no official power in the Undercity. If you want peace, you’ll have to be the ones to get your hands dirty.” 
“Bullshit,” Gojo’s smile did nothing to hide his frustration, “you have more power over them than any of us.”
“It sounds to me like you’re all just incompetent leaders.” 
“Careful,” Nanami spoke from the far end of the table, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose. He didn’t spare Sukuna a glance during this show of disinterest, but Sukuna could practically smell the man’s tension.
“In fact, incompetent,” he continued, “is a generous way of putting it. If you had any sense at all, you would’ve already found a solution to this little problem of yours. Instead, you’re crawling into the sewers and asking the rats to do your job for you.”
“That’s enough,” Gakuganji snapped. Despite his best efforts to keep it concealed, Sukuna couldn’t help the smile that spread over his lips. This really was the most fun he’d had in ages. 
“You have two weeks to find your own solution,” Nanami said. “If changes are not made in that time, we will elect an ambassador to represent the Undercity, and a police presence will be established to keep the peace.” 
“A wonderful idea. I’m sure peace is exactly what will come if more of your little guard dogs enter my city,” Sukuna strode forward until he was close enough to touch the table. The guards on either end of the room stiffened, grips tight on their weapons, “since I’m feeling generous today, I’ll offer you a bit of advice. Whether or not I decide to act on your orders, I can tell you that my word will do nothing to protect you and your police from the Undercity. If you send anyone there to keep them in line, I guarantee that they won’t last one night. With that said, I’m not unopposed to the idea.” 
“This meeting is over,” Yaga grumbled before Gakuganji could fall for Sukuna’s taunts. “You can go now.” 
Sukuna left the Capitol building with a grin stuck on his face. He couldn’t help but picture the beautiful chaos that would ensue if Piltover established a police presence in the Undercity. He almost wanted to encourage it, but the headache was likely not worth the entertainment. Not yet.
“Come out now, brat.” 
The guards on either side of the doors Sukuna had just come from jolted when you dropped in front of them. Sukuna watched as one lifted his gun just slightly before meeting his eyes. Whatever he saw was enough for him to freeze, slowly lowering the weapon until he pulled his finger from the trigger.
"You weren't very long," you took Sukuna by the hand and began guiding him towards the gate. Magnus had been replaced by someone new, but you didn't seem interested in toying with the guards anymore.
"They're all incompetent," Sukuna grumbled, begrudgingly allowing you to pull him forward, "and they're not worth any more of my time."
"That white haired one looked interesting," you hummed, letting go of Sukuna's hand and turning to face him. His expression remained uninterested, "maybe I'll come back later and find him–"
Sukuna's movements were too fast for you to avoid, and your body seized as he grabbed hold of your hair and jerked it back, forcing you to meet his eyes. You stared and waited for him to speak, mouth sealed shut.
"Under no circumstances are you to come back without my permission," his voice was the same as before, uninterested and bored, but his eyes were alight with fury. "Gojo Satoru is off limits. Understand?"
"Mhm," you smiled, pulling your head up when he released you, "geez, you're touchy today. Is he your boyfriend or something?"
"He's a nuisance. I don't want you around him."
"Fine," you sighed, flicking the hat of the closest guard as you passed over the bridge. The man didn't flinch, and his eyes stared forward in what was an obvious strain to keep from looking at you. You laughed, turning away with a wave as you crossed into the Undercity. Piltover guards were posted right up to the border that marked the official edge of the city limits, but it had been made clear to Sukuna many times that the entirety of the bridge was unofficial Piltover territory.
Officially, it was a neutral zone Sukuna had never understood this label being placed upon such as a small piece of land, but for the most part, he stayed on his side of the region. Until now, it had made things easier on him. A poorly planned shift into Piltover land could prove devastating, and any broken laws would only give the councilors and excuse to establish a police presence in his city. While that wasn't something he was necessarily opposed to, there would be a time for it.
He glanced at you, scanning you for any sign that something had changed since he'd sent you off before the meeting. Your comment about Gojo almost made him want to go back and kill the imp, but such actions had become few and far between with so many watchful eyes on him. It was quite annoying.
"I want you to find Zen'in," Sukuna spoke after a moment, eyes forward and hands clasped behind his back, "tell him that he'll get paid handsomely for his cooperation, and bring him to me."
You were gone the moment you reentered the Undercity. Sukuna couldn't help but be reminded of the fleeting image of a ghost, floating in the back of the mind with the constant reminder of unfinished business.
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You only gave the man a few seconds to respond before banging on the water pipe that stretched past his apartment window. You hadn't exactly kept track of the time, but you'd spent enough time walking through the familiar streets of the Undercity that it was dark now.
Your intrusion into Toji's apartment was frequent enough that his neighbors knew not to complain. You continued banging against the pipe until the window four stories above opened noisily and Toji stuck his head out, hair a mess and mouth twisted into a scowl.
"Do you know how fuckin' loud you're being? It's midnight."
"Is it?" you smiled up at him, rocking back on your heels, "I lost track of time."
"Sure," he grumbled, shutting the window with a slam.
Moments later, he was opening the entrance to the apartment complex, letting you in with a tired wave of his hand.
"Whadda you freaks want this time?"
"Dunno," you shrugged, pushing the door to Toji's apartment open and falling onto the couch situated against the far wall, "we just came back from Piltover."
"You were in Piltover?" Toji leaned against the door with crossed arms, guarded despite his curiosity. You grinned, unused to any interest from the man. "Why?"
"It's a secret," you pressed a finger to your lips, "if you wanna know, you have to come back with me. Sukuna wants to see you."
"Ah," Toji leaned his head back with a grin. Your own smile fell, and you sat up and watched him laugh quietly to himself, "so you don't know. Think maybe Sukuna doesn't trust you as much as you think he does?"
Toji would've seen your attack coming from miles away. Despite your reputation in the Undercity, if one knew just where to push, you were as predictable as the pigs in Piltover. And he knew exactly where it hurt.
Still, he could admit that being predictable wasn't as much of an achilles heel when you had the speed to make up for it. He'd barely blinked before you were in front of him, knife pressed against his throat. He just laughed again, the motion moving his neck against the blade enough to split the skin.
"Touchy. Didn't think I'd get to ya that easily. Expected more from Sukuna's right hand, but I guess you're just as weak as us lowly peasants, hm?
"You're brave," you sneered through a growing smile, "guess that's why Sukuna likes you so much. I keep telling him that we should kill you, but he just can't see how much of a nuisance you are."
"Is this what recruiting me looks like?"
"It's what threatening you looks like. Sukuna wants you, so you're coming with me."
"I'm on vacation," Toji scowled, pushing your knife away when he saw that you'd lost interest in threatening him. The anger drained from your eyes, replaced with a familiar and unsettling blankness.
"Maybe if Sukuna came himself, I'd be more inclined to follow his orders," Toji busied himself in his kitchen, perfectly visible from where you were back to lounging on the couch. You hummed, occupied with something else now. You were staring through the window with slitted eyes, watching someone pass by and disappear from your view before you found another person to watch. Toji just shook his head, dumping cold rice and chicken on two plates.
"If you're not going to be useful, I really will kill you," you said lightly, lifting your head and glaring at him as he brought you a plate and set it across from his own. His heavily scratched and dented table had been left behind by the previous occupant of the apartment, and it had seen better days. It was accompanied by two mismatched chairs, one bright blue and the other a deep sage. He sat on the blue one, kicking out the other with a painful squeal against the hardwood.
You didn't move, once again occupied by your people-watching. Your legs dangled over the side of the couch, kicking back and forth in a way that suggested unawareness.
"Do you know who Gojo Satoru is?"
Toji nearly dropped his fork at the question, eyes wide as he stared down at his plate. Before you could glance back at him, he did his best to regain his composure. You stood, eyes narrowed as you watched him clear his throat. When you'd taken the seat across from him, he sighed heavily and shoveled a spoonful of rice into his mouth.
"He's a councilor, right? Dunno that much about him."
"You're lying."
Toji wasn't sure what kind of skills you had cultivated to become what Sukuna fondly called his human lie-detector, but he cursed the man for sending you here right after he'd taken you to Piltover. He questioned if Sukuna was in his right mind.
"Look, it'd be dangerous for me to give you any information without approval from Sukuna. I'm still his dog."
The name was said with little malice; Toji knew that that was the truth of his role. He had accepted a long time ago that that was all his life would amount to while Sukuna was in power.
"If you stop asking me these damn questions, I'll pack up and come with you."
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While "willing" was a generous term for Toji's cooperation, he hadn't shown any of that chagrin to Sukuna. You watched from above, sitting on the pipes that overlapped right overtop of Sukuna's desk.
Below you, Toji was resting an ankle over his knee, head propped up on his palm in what looked like a force show of disinterested confidence. But for all his effort to seem unconcerned, Sukuna wasn't even looking at the man. His attention was on the window that gave him a wide view of the Undercity. Toji almost laughed at the similarities he saw between the two of you, but any emotion he may have shown was sucked out of him the moment Sukuna met his eyes.
"Do you remember what I told you the last time we spoke?"
Toji itched to look at the top corner of the room. He could feel your eyes on him, but he knew that any diversion of his attention from Sukuna would have consequences.
"I remember," he sat up straighter now, watching Sukuna carefully. "When?"
"One week. During the Progress Day speech."
"The...you didn't tell me that this was happening during one of the most important events in Piltover–"
"The information that I gave you," Sukuna interrupted, voice cold, "was the only information I deemed necessary to share. Anything else is irrelevant to you and your orders."
Toji scowled, showing more defiance than he ever had towards Sukuna, but he knew that he had no ground to stand on. With one word from his employer, his head would roll.
Besides, this was far from the first impossible job that he'd been given.
The conversation didn't last much longer than that. Sukuna had made his expectations of Toji clear long before today. Toji resented the fact that he'd been dragged here to be given directions which easily could have been given to him through you, but he supposed that Sukuna was trying to balance all of the pieces he'd been putting into place for years very carefully.
When Toji was finally given his leave, you dropped from the piping onto Sukuna's desk, sitting cross-legged in front of him with an irritated huff.
"Is this an assassination?" you tilted your head, "Y'know, if you wanted someone dead, you could've just asked."
"It isn't that simple. This is what we've been working towards all these years. And I've saved the exciting parts of the special day just for you."
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"It's...it's like he doesn't trust me! I mean, that Zen'in guy is a fine assassin, but that's all he is! Just okay! I'm supposed to be the one...the one doing this for him..."
Don't get so worked up. You always do this, you know, Yuuji said, so close that you could almost feel his breath against your ear. You flinched, backing away from him until you reached the far wall.
"Why are you always bothering me! Just shut up! Go away and leave me alone!"
You're being careless. Be quiet or he'll hear you, Megumi was next to Yuuji, arms crossed and tone disappointed, just like always. You shook your head. You couldn't deal with this. Couldn't deal with them and their confusing rambling. You turned towards the wall, pressing your palms against the cold concrete to try and ground yourself. If you just pretended they weren't there, they'd leave you alone. Just like always.
Sukuna's gonna find you like this. Then you'll be in trouble, Nobara laughed, her voice right in front of you. Your eyes squeezed shut, hands shaking uncontrollably as you tried to block out their voices.
"Shut up!"
You threw a fist at where Nobara was still laughing, feeling your skin split and blood begin to seep from the wounds when your knuckles hit concrete. You heaved in ragged breaths, opening your eyes and pulling your fist from the now blood-coated spot on the wall. Nobara had always been good at dodging attacks.
When you looked behind you, Yuuji and Megumi were gone, and you were alone.
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Progress Day
Toji arrived in Piltover earlier than was really necessary, but from what Sukuna had told him, the earlier he arrived, the less trouble he'd have.
As he crossed the border, he could tell that only a few of the guards knew who he was and why he was arriving. The guards who weren't privy attempted to approach him as he made his way across the bridge, but all of them were stopped. He continued on unhindered.
Gojo Satoru was waiting for him near the entrance doors, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and smile spread lazily across his lips. He was looking at Toji with that infuriating, knowing smile, and it made the man's skin crawl. The last thing he needed was for Gojo to be getting under his nerves.
"Got anything to tell me?" Gojo asked, and Toji scowled. He'd told his old friend many times that talking out in the middle of the city would have consequences, but his warning had never been heeded.
Gojo continued the conversation as he led Toji through the city's central building, now bustling with people preparing for the day's events. No one paid him much attention; he wasn't recognizable like Sukuna, and he was hoping that it would stay that way. After today, though, he knew things would change.
"Alright, alright, you can wipe that big frown off your face. We're in private now," Gojo leaned forward, chin resting on his clasped hands, "you said you had some information for me."
"Before I tell you anything, I want to get paid."
"Is my friendship not currency enough? I'm hurt."
Toji was beginning to feel a stress headache forming. Every conversation with Gojo went like this, and Toji needed to stop expecting anything different. Deflection was like an art to the councilor. Toji wondered if that was why he'd gotten so far in politics.
"You have no idea how much I'm risking just by talking to you," Toji murmured. "Betraying Sukuna is not something I'm doing for free. I expect payment and passage out of this city. You're not getting anything from me unless I receive the things I was promised. "
"Fine, jeez. Can't you joke around at all? It's Progress Day! Show some patriotism!"
"I'm no patriot," Toji bit out, watching as Gojo opened different desk drawers, moving papers and digging through folders until he finally pulled out a thick envelope.
"As promised," he held the envelope out to Toji, "now, if you please, some information."
Toji took the envelope and opened it carefully, satisfied with the number of bills he saw stacked together. He pushed the money to the side and scanned the boat ticket, departing that same evening. It would be packed with people leaving Piltover from the celebrations. A perfect cover to protect him from Sukuna and his spies.
"Sukuna sent me here to assassinate you and Nanami Kento," Toji finally leaned back, slipping the envelope into the pocket of his jacket and meeting Gojo's eyes. "He's coming to the celebration, and according to the plan he gave me, the two of you should be dead by the time he arrives in Piltover. He wanted things to happen on Progress Day, when the most people would be in attendance."
Gojo stared at him, waiting for something more. When nothing else was said, Gojo scoffed and shook his head.
"I can't believe this," he groaned, throwing his head back on his chair, "did I just waste half a fortune for that? That's nothing."
"An attempt on your life by one of the most powerful men in the country is nothing?" Toji sighed, "you rich bastards sure are brave behind all of your fancy walls and borders. If I were you, I'd be a little bit more worried. I wouldn't be surprised if he's known about our little meetings the whole time I've been working for him."
"Your information is faulty. So either he doesn't trust you," Gojo leaned forward, "or he gave you the wrong information on purpose. Think maybe you're the one who should be worried?"
"How can you possibly know that?"
Gojo just laughed, crossing his leg over his ankle and rubbing his hands together. He did look the part of a counselor, Toji would give him that. Corruption was easy to see on someone so well-versed in it.
"Why would Sukuna kill just me and Nanami? I know what kind of fire-power he's got down there. If he really wanted to make a statement, he'd take everyone out in one fell swoop. Instead, he chooses two counselors and one lousy assassin and makes it someone else's problem? No," Gojo tapped a finger on a photo, one that Toji hadn't noticed until now. His heart stuttered when he saw who was in it: Sukuna, as regal and dangerous as always, walking next to you. Your back was turned to the camera, and nothing recognizable could be seen, but everyone in the Undercity knew that you and Sukuna were inseparable.
"Who is that?"
Toji met Gojo's eyes, and for once, the man was looking at him with calculated eyes, fully focused on him and his reactions.
"I don't know."
"If you feel so comfortable lying to me, I'm not sure I can trust anything you've said to me."
"Thought we were old friends?"
Gojo's smile was back on his face in seconds, laughter bubbling up in his throat and escaping him in short bursts. Toji just stared.
"Whoever they are," Gojo finally pointed back at the picture once his laughter had died down, "they were seen with Sukuna the day he came to meet with us. Funny thing is, no one knows what they look like. No one in Piltover, anyways. The guard who saw them claims that he doesn't remember what they look like. Interesting, no?"
Toji could feel his hands beginning to sweat. This wasn't in his pay-grade. He should've asked Gojo for more money.
"But Sukuna isn't the only one with spies. And while we couldn't get eyes on them, we got some very interesting information. Didn't know you were lower on the totem pole than some kid."
"You're treading very dangerous ground, Gojo," Toji said lowly.
"Apparently not, if this plan of Sukuna's is real. What a sloppy attempt at causing chaos in Piltover. That is the goal, yes? Cause chaos, undermine the council, take control, yada yada. How cliche. Killing two council members won't do anything, so what else is there?"
"You said it yourself," Toji leaned back in his chair. "I'm low in Sukuna's ranks. He only trusts me with so much. This was the only information I was given, but there's more to this than just the assassinations."
"And this God among men doesn't suspect that you've double crossed him?"
"An advantage of being a pawn instead of a rook."
Gojo's face told Toji that the man still didn't believe him, but that was no longer his problem. He stood from his chair and turned towards the door.
He paused, turning his head with his hand resting on the door handle.
"This isn't a game," Gojo's voice was calculated and flat in a tone that he rarely heard from the man, "and once you're gone, the only one who will know where to find you is me. Remember that."
Toji walked through the door without a word, shutting it behind him and following the path back to the bridge and the Undercity.
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Progress Day was always an annoyance to Sukuna. Visitors coming to Piltover would always inevitably trickle into the Undercity, curious about its infamy. He never did much to deter the tourists; locals would take care of them if they caused any trouble. This year, however, he was wound a bit tighter than usual, so he couldn't be faulted for any unfortunate accidents.
He felt a rush of deja vu as he approached the bridge leading to Piltover, now home to a hoard of guards. All stood at attention, eyes forward and grip tight on their guns. When they noticed his approach, there was a shout from the front of the crowd, and then nearly twenty guns were pointed at his chest.
"Sukuna Ryomen," one shouted. The sound of his name in one of these brats mouths made his hand twitch, the urge to kill almost bubbling to the surface. While this day had been one he'd looked forward to for years, he was wound tighter then he's expected. "You and your people are not welcome in Piltover."
"No? How disappointing," he paused a distance away from the crowd of guards, "I was looking forward to the festivities."
"If you are not off of the bridge in the next minute, we will open fire."
Sukuna sneered, a laugh just barely contained behind his lips. He gave them a bow, turning on his heel and stopping on the edge of the bridge. It was there that he stopped, and there that he would wait.
He didn't have to wait long before the first bomb went off under the bridge, followed by the second in the center of the city.
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The bomb at the bridge had been meticulously placed, per Sukuna's instruction. You'd studied the ways around the guards on the bridge in preparation for this day, and you'd chosen the perfect spot for the explosive. It wasn't placed on the bridge itself, but on the sheet of dirt underneath it. The initial explosion was only meant to cause confusion among the guards. It was the second explosion that mattered.
You'd gone into the city under the cover of night, placing the second bomb on the skylight where you'd watched Sukuna's meeting with the councilors. That was where you would wait for Sukuna the next day.
"Got anything to tell me?"
The voice had come from the entrance of the building, but you still froze upon hearing it. You peeked over the edge of the roof curiously, bored enough to pass the time by watching the goings-on of the councilors.
It was too dark to make out the features of the man approaching the building. In the low lamp-light and from your height, you could just make out a head of poorly cut black hair.
They entered the building side-by-side, and you watched through the glass as they passed through the main foyer. It was silent once again with the glass buffering their voices, but light flooded the room as they stepped further into it, automatically switching on at their movement.
Your anger was the first thing to react to the face that you saw.
Toji looked tense as he followed Gojo into a private room out of your sight. You looked at the space where they had disappeared with wide eyes, head falling forward until your forehead hit the glass with a soft thunk. Your breathing was heavy enough to fog the glass as you thought through what you saw. There had to be some explanation, anything other than a betrayal.
You watched the door of Gojo's office until it opened once again, and Toji left alone. His face was grim, but the expression quickly fell into one of calculated blankness. You followed his movements until he left the building, then stood on the glass and tracked him until he disappeared from your view in the depths of Piltover's cityscape.
"Traitor," you muttered, turning to where Megumi was standing at the center of the domed roof, "he's a traitor."
Don't be hasty.
"What would you know," you grumbled, "you never even go anywhere. Don't you have any other friends?"
You turned, not expecting or wanting a response. You needed to tell Sukuna, but he'd given you your assignment. You had to stay in Piltover until the festivities began in earnest, but this warranted an exception. Toji knew too much to betray you and live long enough to cause more damage.
But Sukuna expected loyalty. Unfailing and unquestioning. He expected you to trust that he would take care of anything that went wrong, just as long as you did what was asked of you.
You just had to wait until daylight. The sun would rise, then Sukuna would know everything, and the traitor would be dead.
And according to Sukuna's instructions for you, Gojo Satoru would follow him.
You watched the horizon where the sun was rising over the bridge. People began flocking in from the left and right sides of it, but none from the middle where the path led into the Undercity. The only person you expected to see following the path of the orange sunlight was Sukuna.
The hours passed quickly as you imagined what Sukuna had planned for Piltover. He hadn't given anyone more information than they needed about today, yourself included, and you couldn't deny the sting you'd felt when he'd told you that you didn't need to know all of the details.
You spotted Sukuna at the top of the seventh hour, counted to sixty, and set off the first bomb under the bridge, then stood at the edge of the glass roof and set off the bomb at the peak of the dome. You felt your movements becoming robotic as you pondered on Sukuna and his sloppiness with Toji and the minimal information he'd given you. Maybe you were putting too much faith in him. Still, you followed his instructions perfectly, dropping down into the foyer of the council building. Panic had begun spreading; you could hear screams coming from all directions, echoing down the halls that opened into the foyer and mingled together to create one beautiful, mass panic.
Guards ran at you from all sides, guns raised and bullets flying, but their efforts became futile as you released grenades in their direction, filling the foyer with smoke and allowing you the cover to kill them.
Gojo's office was straight ahead, down a hall dripping in gold and crystal. The glass ceiling continued to crack as you walked the length of the hall, shattering piece by piece in a chain reaction of charges. The glass rained around you, cutting into your skin and clothes. The glass ceiling stretched to the end of the hall, and ended at the large wooden door to give Gojo's office some security.
The Kitsune mask that Sukuna had given you fit perfectly over your face, forming to your features to keep your identity obscured from Gojo. He'd given it to you with the expectation that Gojo Satoru was not to know what you looked like.
When you opened the door to Gojo's office, he looked largely unconcerned with the intrusion. He only watched you approach his desk with curiosity.
"Hm," he scanned you carefully, sitting up in his desk chair and leaning his elbows on his desk, "interesting. I was expecting Sukuna."
You pulled a gun from the holster tied tightly around your waist and pointed it at him, but his expression didn't change.
"You're his second in command?" he asked with a pleasant smile. You couldn't see his eyes through his black blindfold, but you could sense his gaze on you. You could smell his curiosity. "Now why did he send you?"
Toji had warned him about the attack. The snake had given him the chance to prepare, but Sukuna had likely already taken care of any extra security that had been placed at the bridge, and the trail of bodies behind you was a clear sign that his attempts to deter an attack had failed.
"I assume the guards are all dead," he sighed, looking past you and out the open door. He seemed more inconvenienced than concerned for his safety, "well, the extra security wasn't my idea."
You wanted to say something, to ask him why he was acting so casual about this. You were sent to kill him. And once Sukuna arrived, you'd be free to do as you pleased to him.
But questioning the situation would mean admitting weakness. So you kept your lips sealed shut and your gun trained at his head.
"But I have to admit, this whole plan Sukuna has seems sloppy. I don't suppose you'll tell me what he really wants?"
This was Toji's fault. Toji needed to die, right after you killed Gojo. They all needed to die for mocking Sukuna like this. For assuming that he was weak. You finger twitched on the trigger.
You could hear the mix of voices coming from the back of the building where the entrance to the auditorium was. Progress Day was a public event, meaning this side of the building would've been empty had it not been for Toji's warning.
From the beginning, Sukuna's plan hadn't made sense.
"Where is Sukuna?" Gojo looked past you again. His mouth twitched in a smile at what he saw. "There he is! Always a pleasure, Sukuna."
You fought not to turn when you heard his footsteps approaching the office. You recognized the slow saunter and the sound of his shoes hitting the concrete floor; it was unmistakable.
Sukuna stepped up to your side with his head held high, focused entirely on Gojo. You watched him come to a stop next to you with a trembling breath, suddenly nervous. This had never happened before. You thought you knew what was going on, but nothing about this made sense anymore. It was all a part of his plan, you knew it was. He was just waiting to tell you, and once he did, you would put all of the pieces together. He trusted you. He'd always trusted you, and that would never change.
You thought of his words just before you'd left for Piltover only hours earlier.
"You would never betray me."
It hadn't been a question, and there had been no doubt in his voice, but he'd looked at you expectantly. Your response had been immediate, the nod of your head quick and eager. Always so eager to please him, and to hear him tell you that you were useful. That you were worth something in the world that he lorded over.
Looking at him now, you saw the king that he had made himself into. You saw the dominance that he had over the room, and you felt the fear that he wanted anyone in his presence to feel. You glanced at Gojo, wondering if he felt it too. Ready to kill him if he didn't.
"Take your mask off."
It was not a request. He was ordering you, voice hard as stone and laced with glee. You did as he said immediately, like you had always known this was what he would have you do. Your loyalty to him was second nature, and the doubt that was creeping into the cracks in your mind made you want to throw yourself at his feet and beg for forgiveness. Who were you to doubt him? You were nothing without him. You were nothing.
You looked up at the unfamiliar voice, a snarl forming on your lips as you prepared to kill whoever it was that had spoken, but realized upon meeting his eyes that it was Gojo. His expression had fallen, and he looked and sounded like a completely different person than before. He pulled his blindfold down, revealing bright blue eyes that were wide with shock. He had paled considerably, hands held in front of him like he wanted to reach out to you. You glanced at Sukuna for some sort of explanation, but his only focus was Gojo. He looked thrilled by this reaction, and when Sukuna began laughing, all you could do was watch as Gojo's expression cracked into devastation while Sukuna reveled in his sorrow.
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Author's note | this is one of the first fics i began working on for this blog and honestly it's one of the reasons i made a new writing blog for anime. i thought the idea of a silco-inspired sukuna would be so fun, and having the reader as jinx kind of gave me creative freedom with their character. i hope you guys enjoyed (and if you did, don't worry because there will be at least one more part, probably two depending on how long it ends up being). anyways, thank you for reading and if you enjoyed, please leave me some love!
also i know i keep starting series but this has literally been in the works for months and i had to split it into two parts bc it was simply getting too long. the other two series are also being worked on and part two to this one is like halfway done. i'm not abandoning anything, i'm just slow.
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justgrey · 1 year
Oh idea! Jinx x sister reader who just as manicly full of energy as she is. But also is a pyromancer mage. Another abandoned kid taken in by silco. The two being those kind of sisters who are also best friends
Sure, like the concept of this one!
Jinx x Pyromancer Mage! Sister Reader - General Headcannons (Platonic)
Warnings : Swearing, light talk of Jinx's trauma
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Jinx would be in absolute awe of you when you showed her what you were able to do if you were both about the age she was first taken in by Silco.
She'd appreciate and be totally amazed by any cool tricks you show her and would become your biggest fan immediately.
At first, Silco would think about how he could use you and your abilities to his advantage before eventually growing to care for you and Jinx as his daughters and not as tools to help build his empire.
If you and Jinx were on the same level of insanity and were equally energentic then it'd be unhinged chaos for everybody.
Silco has had to cover for both of your asses multiple times and often needs to send Sevika out to get rid of any witnesses to your carnage.
Building are lit aflame, explosions in both the undercity and the outskirts of Piltover. True chaos.
Its to the point where Silco has to give you and Jinx your own part of town to fuck around in to keep you at bay.
Not that that stops you two though.
Jinx would actively encourage you to use your magic to help blow shit up.
Would also help her greatly if the magic was hot enough and could be easily controlled so you can help her meld materials together so she can make bombs to blow even more shit up.
One of your favourite things to do together is mess with the Firelights.
Is not a great influence on you at all if you couldn't tell like her decision making and moral compass would lead the two of you to death row if you were caught.
Obviously you'd do normal "sisterly" things like braid eachothers hair and talk smack about Sevika 24/7.
Has asked you to light Sevika on fire more than once but for the love of God don't do it she will see it coming a mile away.
Considering that Jayce's goal in the series is to like, recreate magic. If he ever found you he'd try to take you in to study you but it would go incredibly sour if you were with Jinx.
Jinx would risk her life for you since she sees Vi in you if Vi hadn't fucked up that bad. This may or may not bring on some tough feelings every now and then because she's still traumatised by that night.
Goes to you if she needs to think and you would help her by asking her if she wanted to graffiti some walls and light some trash on fire.
Would really appreciate any attempts to make her feel like she isn't a problem and a "Jinx"
Jinx would be the person you trust the most and understands that so she'd let you talk about your own feelings and would let you share the story of how Silco found you.
She'd be a very sweet yet very chaotic sister and you'd love her for it.
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I've seen your autistic reader headcannons with sevika and I was wondering, could you do an ADHD reader with her? :D
Hello! Sorry this took so long :)
I love this idea and some dumb bitch in my inbox asked something similar so I decided to combine them
@sxpphicfxiry : Can you do a sev x reader where the reader is ALWAYS full of energy, like even before they go to sleep or even when they just wake up. thank you bff <3
Sevika loves you, she does, but she would rather saw off her other arm than be paired with you on a mission. No thoughts run through that head of yours before doing some impulsive shit that causes her gray hairs
When you and Jinx are in close proximity she books it out of there. If you two separate are wild, then you two together are chaos
When you're perched on that lap, no you're not. It cannot be described as 'perched' when you're swapping thighs every five minutes. If her forearm is barring you from moving then you're squirming, tugging on her choker, fiddling with her arm, playing with her hair, knocking your foot against her leg, etc
She's very used to you touching her, whether that be tracing her muscles, drumming on any part of her body, intertwining your fingers with hers and swinging your hands
Will make you do her grueling workouts with her to burn some of that energy
Good god, are you wired before you go to bed. She doesn't let you have any kind of stimulation 30 minutes before you have to lay down. She's not above popping you sleeping pills, plying you with melatonin, or laying on top of you so you're forced to wind down
"So today, Jinx and I went to Jericho's and she actually made a really good point about tomorrow's mission, y'know how you said no bombs? Okay but what about-" Fingers wrap around your jaw mid conversation. A pill is pushed onto your tongue, barely halting your words for a second. Sevika's tuning you out in favor of focusing on your nighttime routine. Her hand stays holding your jaw while she half turns to grab a water bottle. "-she said that they'd just be paint bombs, not explody-fire ones-" "Drink." "-and I said I'd talk to you about it-"
She will also tire you out in other ways if y'know what I'm saying
Like sitting on you and letting you struggle
In the mornings you're talking her ear off while she gets everything ready. You have a reward system in place for when you can finish your breakfast in under 10 minutes
She has to repeat Silco's instructions for you several times because you forget, and also he just talks way too damn slow for you to pay attention
When she's talking to you she knows exactly when she loses you, your eyes glaze over or you're looking around the room at something else, so she'll tap your hand or grab your chin to focus your attention back onto her
Your little to no sense of danger is probably how you got involved with her. Anyone else is wary of the scary lady, but you saddled up right next to her at the bar and started chatting with her
"Hi! You're Sevika? They said to come to you for my assignment. I'm new, as you can tell. It's so nice to meet you! I love your eyes-" Sevika's taken aback by the inability of her glare to falter your words. You just keep going, emptying all of the thoughts rattling around that head of yours about her appearance, how you got the job, and your glowing review of the bar until she cuts in with tomorrow's instructions. Her one word responses and gruff replies do not deter you in the slightest. "Ca- oh, that's my favorite order here, too! Can I buy you a drink?" She blinks. "Mine are on the house." "That's awesome! Dinner then?"
You two are polar opposites
Thankfully her long legs allow her to keep up with you at the market in Zaun because you're fluttering rapidly between stands, distracted by shiny objects
She'll probably get you a makeshift leash because she can't turn her eyes away from you for a second lest she lose you
And it gives her a heart attack every time she does, which she shows in anger
She keeps a grip on your belt loop when she needs to talk to one of the vendors
Sometimes your inability to prioritize or your restlessness will have you tearing up in frustration. You don't have a good handle on your anxiety and you lose your temper often
Sevika will halt your pacing and pull you into her arms. She turns your gaze to hers while she tells you to breathe, that you're okay, you have all the time in the world to get your tasks done and she'll help you with them
She keeps up with your schedule and reminds you when she has to. She doesn't let you put anything off but she does reward you when you get things done
She'll smirk at how excited you get when you complete everything you need to do for the day. You'll be jumping up and down before she whisks you into her arms
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
So, unexpected magic happened and Silko found himself in his young body for exactly a month (the same time when he and Vander were young and hot men). At the same time, only the body changed - everything else remained the same.
How will Jinx, Sevika, Mel and the entire Silko gang react to the fact that some strange young guy, very similar to him, is now sitting in the place of their boss? (well, Sevika is more like “why the hell are you young again”)
(sorry for my English, it's not my native language)
On Silco's part, he'd be confounded at first. After all, he's learnt to live with his scars, and has taken the sloughing off of his 'softer' self as a necessary metamorphosis into becoming what he was truly meant to be.
And yet there's no denying certain perks. The restoration of a youthful elasticity to his mind and body. No Shimmer shots to his left eye. A countenance that doesn't make strangers freeze in shock or do disgusted double takes.
To say nothing of how much energy he's suddenly brimming with.
Who needs Shimmer, he thinks wryly, when you've got youth?
As for the rest of the party:
Confusion. Disbelief. Alarm.
Sevika would be torn between irritation and nostalgia. Nostalgia, because she forgot what a lovely effect his two ordinary eyes had, and how well they suited the rest of his unscarred face. Irritation, because he's taken to roof-hopping as a mode of travel, the way he used to do as a young man, and she's forgotten that he was basically a rubberized hellfiend in terms of stamina and flexibility.
To say nothing of the absolute harrowing circus of exhaustion this bodes for the bedroom.
The crew are taken off-guard by how much more hands-on the Boss is in his younger body. He seems to have excess energy in need of burning every hour, and wants to patrol every inch of the terrain on foot. Downside is that he's also x100 times more demanding and short-tempered, because being in the trenches means noticing a thousand little details that are not to his exact specifications.
Older Silco is more mellow and focused on the long game. A necessity as he, a) lacks the energy to sweat the small stuff - and b) has the wisdom to let it slide and let his enemies dig their own graves.
Mel is... intrigued. She'll try to deny it, but his younger self is rather fetching in a sharply delicate way. Also now they're physically the same age, so yay c:
A million Sumpside Waltzes are on the agenda.
The only one not thrilled by this change - this downgrade - is Jinx.
Where did her textured and crinkly Silly go? :c
Why does his voice sound different? :'c
Why is he wearing skanky leather pants? :''c
Why is he hanging in the rafters with her? :'''c
She will steer clear until his Old Man-ness resurfaces - at which point he will be pounced upon and bestowed with a hundred kisses and cuddles.
"Silly - you used to make such awful faces! And you were an eyeroller! I like your face much better now!"
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