#very soft at the end but thats because i promised a friend it would be so
helluvabun · 7 months
Lucifer xreader?
authors note: Inspired by a comment :) um, learning I really like writing nothing burgers but I'm pretty happy with this one...
Lucifer and Alastor argue over you
TW: mentions of a sibling? idk if thats a trigger
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Alastor had really done it this time. You knew he wasn’t the most genuine of friends, aware he was just being nice for personal gain. But as time went on and you and he settled into the gentle routine of quiet afternoon teas listening to jazz in his half-open bedroom under the stars, you allowed yourself to believe maybe he enjoyed your companionship. Then you lay in bed, crying over finding out your sibling ended up in hell, and he had the audacity to offer you a deal. Not even a good deal: he’d get them to the hotel in exchange for your soul. You yelled at him angrily and stormed down to the bar, face still puffy from your sobs. You demanded the strongest thing on hand from Husk before burying your hands in your arms. He poured you a double shot with a small smile.
Lucifer entered the empty bar and walked over to you. He stood quietly, waiting for you to acknowledge his presence. Eventually, he spoke, his voice barely a murmur. "I heard what happened."
You hastily wiped your eyes, looking up at him with a nervous smile. "What? How?"
"Everyone heard what happened… you weren’t exactly quiet, kiddo," he sighed gently, taking a seat on the stool beside you. "I already sent Maggie to retrieve the new sinner, so don’t worry your head about that, okay?"
You nodded silently at the information, taking another sip from your glass. You didn't know what to do; you were still so angry, but you didn't want to yell at Lucifer too, even though you wanted to yell at everyone and anything that could hear. His presence somehow seemed more comforting than the empty stool that was next to you just a few seconds ago.
Lucifer stayed silent for a moment, thinking of what to say next. He cleared his throat slightly before speaking in a soft voice, "I'm sorry about what happened with Alastor. He was never the most trustworthy demon." He leaned back against the bar and sipped his drink. "But I promise you that I will do everything in my power to ensure that your sibling is well taken care of at the hotel. And don't worry, I won't ask you to give up your soul in exchange."
You smiled softly and turned to thank him, but as soon as you opened your mouth to speak, you were interrupted by the voice you least wanted to hear.
"I don't recall being untrustworthy." You almost jumped out of your skin. After all this time, you’re still not used to him appearing randomly behind you. "At the very least, I can be trusted to uphold my end of the bargain. No need to vilify me."
"Oh really? Because I seem to remember you agreeing to take this poor sinner’s soul in exchange for getting their sibling to the hotel! Isn’t that right, Alastor dear?" The devil spoke up, a playful yet firm edge to his voice, his expression remaining steady.
"I don’t remember this deal involving you," Alastor said pointedly, placing a hand possessively on your shoulder, ignoring your stiffening under his touch. "Can we discuss this matter upstairs, my dear? This really should stay a matter between two friends."
"We were having a conversation, and I think it’s rather clear she’d rather continue that than leave with you," Lucifer interjected.
Alastor, with a wide grin that can only be described as predatory in context, slowly slid his hand off you, a slight shiver running down your spine. Lucifer's eyes turned cold, and his smile disappeared, a chilling silence filling the air. Lucifer slowly stood from the stool and looked directly at Alastor with an angry expression. Alastor stared back with a calm and confident expression, not backing down from the argument.
"Come with me, my dear. This was just a misunderstanding we can get through."
"You think she would ever choose you over me?" The King laughed. "Even if she could forgive you for your actions, she'd rather be with someone whose heart isn't filled with hatred and fear. Someone who wouldn't use her for their own gain. Someone like me."
"Are you really going to side with him? You know as well as I that Lucifer is nothing more than a deceitful, tyrannical tyrant that cares nothing for the soul of a mere sinner. Now please take my hand and let's discuss this upstairs, shall we?" He didn’t give you a choice, grabbing your hand and pulling you gently. Lucifer grabbed your other hand to hold you in place. You were in a very awkward position now, caught between a rock and a hard place. Lucifer and Alastor continued to bicker. Their voices were becoming louder and louder with each passing moment. You wished they would just shut up and leave you alone for a few seconds.
Lucifer seemed to be the only one who wanted to do the right thing for you without expecting anything in return. And you know what? He's right. Alastor is untrustworthy, manipulative, and cruel. You're so glad he's on your side.
"Will you two just shut up!" you finally said loudly, causing both of them to stop mid-sentence. "You two can’t just argue over me like I’m the last piece of pizza. Alastor, I don’t want to go with you."
"Well, you heard the girl! She doesn’t want to go with me! And since she doesn’t value me as a friend, I’ll be on my way," Alastor said, his tone unreadable, smiling broadly at Lucifer before turning to leave.
Lucifer's grip on your hand tightened a bit as he watched Alastor walk out the door. He let out a long exhale and looked at you with a soft expression.
"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, his voice full of concern. You nodded silently, feeling relieved that the confrontation was over.
The Devil smiled warmly at you before releasing your hand. "Would you like to stay for another drink? On the house, of course."
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planefood · 3 months
I was telling some friends last night I'd be going more indepth with Mikey too so here it is
Sometimes I worry I infantilise Mikey a lot, he is a favourite character of mine and he's an amalgamation of the most vulnerable parts of myself. He's also given the short end of the stick from his life and the people around him as well which makes me very defensive about him in general.
If I'm a gobstopper and each of my characters are a specific layer of it, Mikey would be my soft centre
(I swear they have gum in the centre I promise thats a thing)
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BUT just like I don't wanna give people the impression that Tandy is just a one sided grumpy pants, I don't wanna give the impression that Mikey is a perfect victim or incapable of fending for himself either. Max is incredibly over protective of him which causes a lot of strain in their relationship. Mikey hasn't been treated very kindly by people around him because he's very high maintenance and not very good at making people feel like he cares about them even if he does. Which makes him latch onto robots like Max who treat him with any amount of kindness. Max will defend him from pretty much everything. But after awhile Mikey starts lashing out because, truth be told, Max doesn't really view Mikey as an equal despite the kindness he shows him. Which eventually gets on Mikeys nerves. Max doesn't give him the proper space to heal from past traumas. Maybe I can sometimes pull a Max on him unintentionally when I write about him or draw him.
I created Mikey in a middle of a particularly grueling work week, feeling totally out of my element and very vulnerable. I believe I made him around the time I had started some antidepressants I reacted really badly to or just after I had to quit them cold turkey. I rolled up all those feelings I had at the time and sculpted it into Mikey. It's no wonder he looks absolutely miserable on his first ref
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I also based him off an old dell laptop I had when I was a kid, windows 7. I broke it because I accidentally turned it off while it was updating and turned its computer brain into soup. That left a particular impression in my mind of what Dell computers were like: easy to break, badly. I turned that into Mikey being a lot more emotionally fragile compared to a lot of my other characters. I imagined what I'd be like if I was a Dell computer and I figured I'd probably not be happy. I recently got an old Dell Laptop that's similar to Mikey as a gift from a friend. He doesn't have a battery so he needs to be plugged in at all times but otherwise he works fine and I find him to be quite charming.
Everytime I see him I think about how I write Mikey. I wanted to make a character that represented the worst parts of my mental health but also gave a view into how other robots could quickly turn on a fellow robot if they viewed them as being too burdensome or annoying. But I don't want Mikey to just be a "hey maybe bullying people is bad" 90s kid cartoon style moral for Tandy. I enjoy writing him as a character in general. He is dipping his feet into writing and creating comics and I'm keen on exploring other facets of him as time goes on.
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zwolfgames · 6 months
MHA yandere headcanon breaking up with bakugo and shoto. But they take it very poorly
(I've never done headcanons before so forgive the weird way these are phrased! A bit shirt but I hope you like it. And thank you for the request, I'm littarly squeeling each time I get one.)
Requested: skinnyfattyyy
Warnings: violence, yandere, degrading, kidnapping, forced marrige
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This relationship had started of rocky already. Bakugo wasn't the nicest or the most affectionate.
When he realised you genuingly liked him, his behavior got a bit sweeter, more loving. Less barking you out as if you just blew up the planet. Bakugo truly enjoyed having a partner that enjoyed him and his explosive personality… he didn't have to play tough or soft for you… just be himself.
It was nice for a while, untill you started noticing some of his strange behavior. You found your stuff in his room. Combs, that shirt you lost like a month ago… Your plushie? But fine… he's your boyfriend… you suppose he can have some of your stuff. Thats fine right?
Not for long. It quietly became clear that he was an insecure prick. Wich made him irrational, possesive and absolutly obsessive.
So, naturally, as anyone who felt in danger, you talked to him and asked to break up.
Bakugo didn't take it lightly. Stopping his breathing for a moment while waiting for you to announce that it's a joke.
When that line doesn't happen, he grab you by the wrist, pulls you to him before you get pinned to the wall.
He yells, a lot. A ringing in your ear is left from his barrage of insults and degrading comments about how you'd never find someone else and how you had promised to stay with him.
So to ensure that this never happened again, he gave you one chance to apologize. You didn't take it and his hand set on your lower back let out an explosion.
He muffled your yell of agony with his hand and held you to him, what would you do with a broken spine and a burn wound, huh? Run? He doesn't think so. His guilt ate him up for hurting the one he loves. A hero was supposed to protect the people he loves…. But this was… a way of saving you, yes. Saving you of a diffrent bad relationship. He's the better option.
You have no choice but to accept his harsh care as he treats your wounds and lets your spine heal while you're stuck in bed.
You'd never try again, would you? This was enough of a warning, right? You'd stay his now right?
If you dared try and break up with him again then he figured further injury was needed…
So be a darling and stay with him, that's all he asks <3.
Just like with Bakugo, the first part of your relationship was a bit rocky, mostly because of Shoto's inability to properly share his feelings.
He did eventually tell you everything, his past, his toughts, his struggles. And you had held him lovingly. As a good partner would
Now that you were aware of his past and his flaws, you would stay with him, right?
Shoto was a lot more delusional then Bakugo. He truly believes you're meant to be his since you get him, since you accept him.
So when his strange behavior starts showing, you get concerned. He threathend one of your friend's to stay away… had way too many drawings and paintings of you then you would have been comfrotable with.
So after a while of trying to talk this out and try and have him be a normal boyfriend again, you give up as it makes his behavior even worse.
The day you suggest breaking up the heartbreak is clear in his mis-matched eyes. He doesn't want to hurt you. He really doesn't. He wanted you safe and with him.
You end up frozen to the floor by your feet before a hit to the head knocks you out like a light.
Finding yourself in an unfamiliar room when you awoke again was quite scary. Well… atleast it wasn't a basement?
Shoto had announced that you'd be staying in this room up untill you were both of age and could legally get married. You think a part of your soul left your body at that info.
And so it happened. You married into the Todoroki family and you were barely ever seen again.
But, you were his. As you were supposed to be. His soulmate.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
So for the devil and the angle ;) I think there should be a time when reader is with/has been with, a guy and it was just awful and they mock her (and also make her feel better *ahem*!!)
I realise I'm not sure if they're physical or ghostly or in the mind!!
But thats the humble offering
A/N: sdfghjkl THE HUMBLE OFFERING! what am I, a norse god!?!? long may I reign (I know that's not what you say to gods, but you get the picture)
also, i lowkey wrote half of this first where it was afterwards and they were just going to town with her, but then I got this idea and it was too good not to start all over...
Word count: 584
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | devil & angel AU masterlist
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“Oh my god, what was that?” Eddie mocked your faked moan, nearly bursting out a laugh as he watched you from on top of the desk on the opposite side of your friend’s room, “are you seriously trying to make this guy feel better? Make him think that what he’s doing is actually making you feel good? That’s actually kind of cute.” 
Your shoulders tensed up at the forceful rhythm Jonathan kept his hips to, though none of his clumsy efforts would even be possible if you hadn’t stealthily sneaked a dollop of your own spit down to prepare yourself before he had begun. There were many things about your predicament that you were beginning to regret, however, your position, the regret of that snuck up on you like a thief in the night. You’d thought that being on your hands and knees, unable to look at your friend, would make it all easier and it did, for a time, but then you opened your eyes and saw them. Saw how they had moved and were now just sitting there, watching you. 
“Seriously, you know that we can’t do anything about this, right?” Eddie went on as the novelty started to wear off for him, “that you are the only human we can touch. You trying to piss me off, to piss us off? Do you really want me to rip this thread that tethers me to you, just so that I can get my hands on this guy? Strangle him till I feel his last fucking breath? You wanna see me get jealous? Get angry? Because I can, just you wait, if you keep going like this, whoring yourself out, I promise you’ll regret it, I’ll make sure of that-”
“Eddie, that’s enough!” Steve finally snapped, having previously just gone completely silent, either averting his gaze entirely or flashing you the most heartbreaking of puppy dog eyes, “are you okay?” he asked sincerely, and after you offered him a discreet nod, he took a step forward and kneeled down on the floor right in front of you, “sweetheart, you don’t have to do this,” his pleading voice shook you to your very core, “you can stop, it’s not too late. This doesn’t have to be something you see till the end,” as he gently grasped your scrunched up expression in his hands, you saw the edges of his face quiver in despair, “please, I don’t want you to feel this way, I never want you to feel this way.”
“Dude, you know how stubborn she is, she’s not gonna back down, wouldn’t hurt her friend’s feelings like that,” Eddie growled, then gave up completely, “fuck, at least just give her a hand!”
Steve’s eyes washed over your lightly distressed expression, as he gently caressed the side of your cheek, “do you want that, honey? You want me to help you?” sounding painfully desperate in his powerlessness. It wasn’t something that you had to think about for long, because as the next of Jonathan’s unskilful manoeuvres jolted your whole body with painful stings, you felt your head nod in the angel’s grasp. “Alright, okay, just look at me, sweetheart,” he didn’t hesitate to let one of his hands slide down your body and stop between your tense thighs, just above where your friend’s cock was awkwardly hammering into you, “feel me, not him,” he planted a soft kiss on the bridge of your nose and leaned his forehead against yours, “just me… just us…”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble
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arialice · 2 months
Hey malevolent fans, let me tell you of the most malevolent coded album, Counterfeit Arcade by Shayfer James.
So many of the songs either in lyrics or vibes remind me so much of this show, so in a few words I'm going to attempt to explain my thought process about each song (be prepared, it's long)
Weight of the World - I don't have much to say about the lyrics. They kind of fit.
"That's just the weight of the world/We do what we must to stay alive/That's just the weight of the world/And we'll all be the weak and the weary sometime"
The instrumentals, tune and vibes is what really makes this song shine for me. Piano (obviously), the general deranged vibes and so on.
For the Departed - reminds me so much of part 20, thought I can't personally decide who's 'singing' the song. It lowkey works from both John's and Arthur's perspective.
"Save yourself/I am far beyond repair/They will bury me alive/But I'm not inclined to care"
More inclined to think Arthur because of the lines:
"Now I must finish what I started, oh-oh/I'll write a symphony for the departed/And I have no time for second chances/So I survive on bourbon, blood, and backward glances, oh"
"And so, the scene begins/Your cries become the wind/A desperate plea best left unheard/Then my contrived goodbye/A poet's pantomime/A drunken jester's final words"
Where we belong - this song. It's literally malevolent in a song. This is the most literal one. I would quote the entire song if I could, but here's some key lines:
"I know we're far beyond the point of no return/Let's say we light a fire and be the first to burn"
"Do you recall the day when we went wrong?/Time is flying/Ease your weary mind, we'll be alone"
"There's a freight train coming, barreling around the bend/There's a red light flashing, oh, ladies and gentlemen, this is the end/I do believe that we've a lesson left to learn/So take your seats, your salutations, and your turn"
"And on the way to our salvation, we'll be making plans/To overthrow the king and pick apart the promised lands"
L.V.S (Your Lady Waits) - makes me think about Oscar, specifically BlindFaith. Very much "you are my reason" vibes. I think it's the overall softness of the song, the emotion in it is so palpable.
"Oh, the mountains bow before ya/Oh, the clouds are open wide"
"Oh, and we, my friend/Will meet again"
"Upon this Autumn morn/Your laughter lingers on"
Villainous thing - This song is so, so, so obnoxiously Kayne to me, as in it feels like a song thats meant to be sung by him. The kinda cheery tune mixed with the lyrics sell it for me.
"Welcome, won't you come inside?/Oh I fear the passing year did not deserve you"
"Soaked and shivered from the rain/You have always been a delicate disaster" - singing about Arthur
"Waste no worry for the world/Let it be a tragedy of love and glory/While they wait by gates of pearl/We'll be building palaces in purgatory" - makes me think of him pitching the the deal with John in like a reverse psychology way. "Oh I'm sure Arthur is fine you can keep building your empire here in the Dark World, king."
Battle Cry - Works in general considering the 'monster of the week' trope this podcast sometimes falls into.
"Hear my battle cry, hear that mighty sound/They've come before and many more will try to strike me down/Hear my battle cry, hear that mighty roar"
The second verse is what really stands out to me though.
"I met a stranger on my way to here from God knows where/He won my lover in a dirty game of solitaire/He stole my crown and placed it crookedly upon his head/He turned around, I took him down and this is what I said" - again, thinking about part 20 (can you tell its my favorite?) The 'stranger' is The King/Hastur/Yellow/Whatever. 'But he's not a stranger?' He kind of is. After Arthur and John are together for so long, even the King admits that he doesn't know why his other half would pick Arthur. John himself had been making small steps at redemption, and just those baby steps made him pretty duffrebt from the King.
"You'll sacrifice the truth to justify your sins/But I don't need an excuse to let the darkness in" - again Arthur and the King. The King does 'bad' shit simply because he wants, yet when Arthur does something moraly 'bad', he has to justify it to himself.
Peace - Very part 31, aka Arthur's Scratch induced nightmare.
"I'd rather live alone than live a lie/I will never deserve peace" - the confessions we get from Arthur about how he felt about Bella
"I spoke to the ghost on my way to asleep/But the boards in the floor called my footsteps a thief" -reminds me of the argument with James. My line of reasoning is that James is the 'boards', and he's calling him a thief because he 'stole' Bella's life by stepping into it, marrying her when he didnt love her, if that makes sense.
"I will never deserve peace/I will never deserve peace/I will never deserve peace" - general self deprication
Diggin' Up Hatchets - makes me think of Larson or in general season 3. A little bit cult-y. It's mostly tune and vibes but the lyrics kind of work
"We're diggin’ up hatchets today/And sharpening the blades/In case, a stitch of hope remains/In this hell that we've raised"
"Hey! We're witnessing the waking of the dead/We’re ripping all the wires from our heads"
"We're burying mercy and grace/In unmarked shallow graves"
"There’s a plan for us lunatics and liars/We have faulty gears and wires/They can't save us, but they’ll do the best they can"
Under the Willow - John theme song in my mind, can't convince me otherwise. Song about discovering one's self and purpose.
"Mother, mother, I think I found my soul/While I was hiding under the willow"
"I've been the portrait of despair/Despite this hat and badge I wear/I've been a captive and a coward" - 'hat and badge' in this case is the crown and robe of the king
"I met a wise man under the willow/Lover, lover, look for me no more/I've been right here under the willow" - Arthur, obviously
"I've been a bastard and a fool/Rewritten nearly every rule/But I believe I'm worth redemption" - the redemption line alone is perfect.
Godspeed - the Jarthur divorce song. Arguing with someone but knowing that in the end you'll find each other again.
"There’s many ways to hide a heart that bleeds/But I prefer the ease of rolling up my sleeves" - might be imagining bit I sweat once John told Arthur that he wears his heart on his sleeve, if not I apologize.
"You’ve got some nerve to be coming/around with that card up your sleeve/And those thorns in your crown" - I think 'card up your sleeve refers to a plan, a secret, which John had many of
"Funny how the night is not as long,/when you depend upon/The dark before the dawn" - John deceiving Arthur many a times. Works well with the repeating line "I used to be someone that you could belive", Arthur starts ignoring and going against John (see, the entire thing with Oscar)
"Good luck, godspeed, I know I’ll see you again/I’ll always call you a friend indeed" - They always get over it and play nice again, until the next argument of course.
Have a Seat Misery - Coda and Intermezzo vibes. Short and sweet. Reads like a conversation between Kayne and Arthur.
"Have a seat, misery/Lord how I’ve missed you/Don’t go crying to me/That I kept you away for too long/Just put your feet up, friend/cause I read all your postcards/And in a way, I am happy to say/That you’ve never been gone"
"Let me light that for you/Seems your hand’s a bit shaky/We’ve got damage to do/And I know you’ll need smoke in your chest/So have a seat, misery/And don't ever mistake me/Of all of my friends, you know/You are the one I like best"
Conclusion/TLDR: Counterfeit Arcade by Shayfer James is, to me, THE malevolent album. Are some of these conclusions a stretch? Probably considering some of the lyrics I didn't present do actually go against the messages of the show, but I had fun writing this and the good(things matching up really well) outweighed the bad(some contradictions). Also go listen to the album or just Shayfer James in general
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!The bnha boys with an s/o who’s just tired of life and who feels like theyre all alone and a burden to everyone around them!
Tw: SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND ATTEMPTS (all prevented and with kinda fluffy endings?)ANGST!
This one hits very close to home...
Characters included:- Eijiro Kirishima ,Katsuki Bakugou,Izuku Midoriya,Denki Kaminari
Kirishima Eijiro
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He would be shocked! Completely BAFFLED
how could his s/o think such a thing?????!!!!
They mean the world to him!!
This cannot go on
He holds you tight like your lives depend on it,and in a way yours does....
You hug back because you feel his love for you through his hug,through how he’s holding you like he’s going to lose you
He knew you had bad thoughts but he’d never thought itd get this far!
He clings onto you and drags you down onto the fluffy sheets and wrapping you like a burrito,he holds you again
And you wriggle your arms out to hold him too
You fall asleep like that,that night
And when you awake the next day,you see his sleeping form peacefully dreaming away and remember that no,you werent alone
You had your best friend turned boyfriend with you
And you knew he’d always be there.
Katsuki bakugou
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When he comes through the door he hears you not just crying out but howling as you cry and he’s instantly on the defensive
He was ready to fight whoever had you captive
He readied his palms and slowly tip toed into the doorway and as soon as he looked in,
He noticed it was just
You were looking up at the ceiling,tears streaming down from your eyes like rivers, and howling out you were clearly in distress
So he instantly softened and slowly made his way towards you
As he was approaching,you turn around and scream out of shock and fall to the floor with you hands on your head
You start to cry again,begging the ‘intruder’ to just put you out of your misery
His heart absolutely shatters!
He immediately falls down next to you and,to his surprise,he’s crying too
It hurts him to see the one person he cares about most,hurting to such an extent
He slowly whispers your name and you open your eyes,the comforting sound of his voice momentarily calming your mind
you look up and are immediately filled with a sense of guilt
How could you let him see you like this
You didnt want to be a bother
And he doesnt let a single apology escape your lips before he captures you in a hug
He’s never hugged anyone this tightly...
And after a second he says,with a shakey voice, “dont you ever fucking apologize you fucking idiot!!! What the fuck?! Why didnt you call me!!!i love you more than ive ever loved anyone or anything!id blast this whole fucking planet to ashes if itd make you smile and thats a fucking promise!!!!”
And this time you could feel his tears through your tee shirt
Katsuki has never EVER been like this
And the fact that he said those words
It made you feel so whole,
And you KNEW bakugou didnt just say shit
He actually meant it
And that was all the clarification you needed
to know whether he was being honest or not
You relaxed into the hug and just held eachother there and ultimately fell asleep
Once you awoke you smelled fresh pancakes and you were also in bed-
You got out of bed and were met with the sight of your boyfriend making you breakfast and as soon as he saw you he put the plates down and within seconds was before you,
He pressed a gentle yet passionate kiss to your lips and the love he felt was clearly visible in his normally-menacing,yet currently soft and kind,eyes🧡
Denki kaminari
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It had been a long day and it was only the first half of said day!
He thought of stopping by your room,youd called in sick and he wasnt afraid of a lil old bug!
Besides he needed to give you your notes! And what sort of a boyfriend would he be if he didnt give you your notes!
He walked into your room and immediately knew something was off
It felt different
It felt WRONG
and also chillingly familiar,hed been here when it was like this before...and he knew it wasn’t good..
He set his books down and slowly walked to the toilet.
It was the only lit part of the room
He heard your sniffling and sniffing and darted in
And you stopped like a deer caught in the headlights!
You were removing several panadols from your casing and had a tall glass of water beside it all.
Denki didn’t know how many were there but he Did know that it was no where near the recommended dosage...
He immediately rushed to you and stopped just a few centimetres away and when you didnt react negatively he picked up all the tablets and shoved em into the trash can
He looked back to you and your tear stained face and swollen eyes
And the fear in HIS eyes was almost primal
If be hadnt been there then,he might have just lost you
He thanked whatever higher power had made him want to stop by your room before his next class
He held your hands in his and broke down cryinf right before your eyes
“But i didnt wanna bother you too-”
“You mean the world to me y/n and i dont know what id do if i lost you.please,never do it.”
He skipped class that day,and when he told mr aizawa,he understood.
He and you got comfy and momo made yall one of those ceiling projectors.
You guys watched your favorite comfort movie and fell asleep in eachothers arms.
The next day he took you to all your favorite places and suffice to say,it was the best day you’d ever had!
Izuku Midoriya
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GIF by ageofthesith
Izuku is scared
He’s scared as HELL
Like he loves knowing abt everyone and everything
But he hasnt seen you like this
At least not this bad.
So he’s scared that he’ll do some wrong
He didnt want to hurt anybody,most of all you
So he stood there for a while and when you turned to where he was standing, something just broke
And you ran into his arms
He was still in shock but out of instinct,he held onto you and he held on like his life depended on it and it did in a way
You were his everything his first love and the only person who had always been in his corner(other than his mom)
He loved you to the moon and back
And the fact that you were suffering alone all this time shook him to his core
And that night he listened as you let go of all your sadness and frustrations
All you misery and all your anger
He listened and he understood
Because to even a certain extent he too had felt the same way
And you both found comfort in how you would always be there for eachother.
No matter what,come rain or shine, izuku would be there,till the end of the line!
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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(#jaya writes #jaya writes for mha0_o #jaya writes for bnha 0_o)
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moonxmagix · 2 years
Daddy's Girl NSFW
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Fem Reader
CW: Age gap, teacher frank, student reader, light smut, daddy issues, soft frank, underage drinking, mentions of the word daddy, def sexual tension
Summary: Frank is your teacher and you two hit it off. Y/N has heavy daddy issues and Frank takes you in. He treats you like what your childhood self deserved, safety and love.
A/N: This is VERY long. I wrote 11 pages on Google Docs so I'm very sorry LMAO. It might be a bit wordy and not super smutty if thats okay. I wanted to write something softer in nature. Also apologize if there are any grammar mistakes. :)
Reblogs appreciated!
As I sat there in an uncomfortable school chair, surrounded by the ghosts of my past, I stared out the window that was covered in rain. The day was gloomy, constant thundering and on and off downpour. I tapped my foot up and down while playing with my bunny keychain as my anxiety washes over me. School always made me anxious and hate myself, constantly feeling at battle with myself and others. 
It was my senior year and I just turned 18, so all I had to do was wait to get out of here. Kinda like prison if you think about it. Our school had uniforms and if anything that was the best  part about this place, not to mention it looked like some old money school for rich kids. Which was funny because a lot of the kids here come from nothing, like me. 
My drug addicted mother raised me semi alone, meaning that she constantly had men in and out of her life. My real father left when I was only a few months old so I never had that strong, protective father figure in my life. I craved someone to love me, hold me tight, whatever fathers do with their daughters. My moms boyfriends that were long term, aka 6 months, would try their best to be there for me but as soon as I got comfortable with them they were gone. 
I tried to stay out of relationships out of fear that the same cycle would happen to me. 
“Y/N? Are you listening?” Mr. Iero said, pulling me out of my daze. My head quickly turned to him, almost embarrassed, “Yes sir, sorry.” He turned back to board, continuing the lesson. Mr. Iero was my english/music teacher, he taught both. The first day I walked into his class I had a massive crush on, like journaling and daydreaming about him crush. I never made advances to him because what would he think?
I can’t get him in trouble and I can’t jeopardize my education for some man. I once again zoned out heavily, staring out the window. I watched as a father checked out his daughter early for school it seems, hugging each other under the umbrella as they smiled together. I sighed, rolling my eyes at the sight. Almost disgusting to me but that's just the jealousy getting to me.
“Y/N? Please pay attention, we have an important test coming up and you can’t miss this,” he sighed, putting a hand on his hip. Everyone turned to stare at me as I got smaller in my seat. When I looked back at everyone else to me they had dark eyes, something evil brewing but also something dead. I know realistically that a lot of the people here never paid attention but were much better at hiding it I think. 
“Please see me at the end of school,” he said and a few people let “Ooo” escape their mouths. Thanks Mr. Iero for embarrassing me. I wanted to hate him for that but another part of my brain desired to have that alone time with him. Even a hug from him would suffice my animalistic hunger for him. Just, “I’m proud of you,” would motivate me for the rest of the year. 
Class was dismissed and I quickly got out of there but he caught my wrist before I could, “Promise me you’ll be here after school. You can’t ditch like the last time.” I nodded and promised him that I would be back. The last time that happened I left out of pure anxiety, I threw up in the hallway on my way to his class. But safe to say this time I could get myself through it. 
I went to my locker to change out books and my best friend Livvy came up to me, “Wanna hang out after school? I wanna get coffee,” she said excitedly. “Maybe, Mr. Iero wants to see me after my last class,” I said, I didn’t want to disappoint her. “Omg again? Did you space out again (nickname)?” she said, lightly punching my arm. 
“Yeah, I just hope it’s quick. If so, I’ll make sure to call you when I’m done,”  I said with a smile. We said our goodbyes as I went to all of my other classes. I watched the clock as it quickly rang, I took a few deep breaths as I prepared myself to see Mr. Iero. I know it couldn’t be that bad but my anxiety tried to convince me otherwise. 
I looked through the glass of the door and saw no one inside so I thought maybe this could be my excuse as to why I didn’t show. “Right on time!” a voice behind me said. It startled me so I turned to see that it was Mr. Iero. I softly smiled as he unlocked the door to let us in. I didn’t see it but I heard him lock the door behind me. 
I stood in front of his desk leaning against a student's desk. He stood in front of me also leaning against his desk. I kept my eyes to the ground for the most part, “Are you okay? You’ve been very quiet and dazed in almost every class,” he said in a soft voice. My tense shoulders relaxed, still not sure how to respond, “You can tell me, Y/N.” He took a couple steps closer. 
“Look at me,” he said in a more demanding tone. I looked at him and he smirked, I wanted to fall to my knees right then and there. He rolled up his sleeves to reveal his tattoos, “I..I’ve just been going through a lot at home,” I said to put it simply. “Sit, let’s talk about it,” he said sitting in the students chair next to me. I sat down hesitantly, I don’t know if he actually cared about me or what. I guess we’ll find out. 
I told him about my mom and everything that I’ve been struggling with. I didn’t outright tell him about my struggles with men and not having a father figure of sorts. But he’s smart, so he could probably piece things together based on  how I answered some of his questions. At the end of my story I let a few tears escape from my eyes, he reached his hand up and gently wiped them. 
He placed his other hand on my knee, rubbing his thumb on it. “You have nothing to worry about with me hun,” he said sweetly, maintaining tense eye contact. He was such a good listener and never interrupted me. “Your secrets are safe with me, I’m so glad you’re finally opening up to me. Since the beginning of the year I’ve had my eye on you, there’s something special about you, Y/N,”  he said, whispering the last sentence. 
He grabbed my hand and held it tightly in his. I felt my face heat up like a thousand suns and my heart rate picked up. I couldn’t help but let a smile form on my face, “That’s my girl. No need to be sad when you’re around me. Hey, I’ll even move your desk closer up to mine, yeah?” I nodded, feeling like such a typical schoolgirl. 
He looked at the clock, “I should probably let you go now. Here,’ he said, handing me a little piece of paper. I pocketed it in my bag and before I left he gave me a big, warm hug. The smell of cigarettes and cologne hit my nostrils, it was a smell so intoxicating that it would stay with me throughout the rest of the day. I left and ran out of there to my house, it downpoured on me though. It made me feel like I was in a movie of sorts, I let the rain fall and drench my uniform and hair.
I ran inside and went straight to my room to text Livvy, it was Friday so I told her to come spend the night with me. I really didn’t want to tell anyone about what happened but she was the only person I could trust with this information, she understood. She literally has a sugar daddy, she has no room to judge me! 
Livvy came over and got settled right in with snacks and cute pajamas. “Tell me everything!” she said excitedly. I giggled, “He asked me if anything was wrong, I avoided but he pried so I spilled everything. And now he’s moving my desk up to his, he touched my leg and hugged me!” We were both laughing and blushing over this. 
“Oh! I think he gave me his number,” I told her, remembering the paper he gave me that I still haven’t opened yet. “Bitch show me!” she said excitedly. I got the paper from my bag and counted down from 3, I opened it and it had his number inside. “Text him now!” she said getting my phone from my nightstand. 
I input his number into my phone, “What do I say though?” I bit my nails. “Something flirty for sure,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. I started to type: hii its Y/N, miss our time together already xo 
“Bitch that's good!! He’s bound to fall in love with you now,” she joked. 
Hours went by without checking my phone and it was around 8pm. I checked my phone during our movie and he asked to call me, I sat up straight with my eyes wide. “He wants to call,” I said suddenly. “Oh shit! I’ll turn the tv down and I’ll stay quiet,” she shushed herself. 
I gave the phone a ring and he picked it up almost instantly, I put it on speaker phone. 
Frank: Doing okay? 
Me: yeah, thanks for letting me vent. Made me feel a lot better 
Frank: I’m glad, honey. 
Livvy looked at me with shock, “Honey?!” she mouthed covering it with her hand. 
Frank: Um, I wanted to ask if you wanna hang out tomorrow? You don't have-
Me: Yes. I’d love to! 
Frank: What time are you free then?
Me: Umm maybe around 12?
Frank: Sounds like a date then
We both hung up and we’re screaming with joy, I never thought this day would come. Hanging out with a teacher outside of school? Is that legal? I couldn’t back out now, my fate was decided. “What am I gonna wear?” I said, asking Livvy for help. She’s always been the cooler one in terms of fashion, so I can trust her to dress me. 
It was 10 am and I had just the right amount of time to get ready. I checked my phone and he said he’d be picking me up at my place. Livvy left already and I sat down in front of my floor length mirror and put on light makeup. I got dressed in a black skirt, sheer black leggings, doc martens, and a white and black striped sweater. 
The clock finally turned 12 and I looked out my window to not see a car yet. I sighed with relief because in reality I definitely didn't feel ready. I checked my phone and Mr. Iero said he would be there in 5. I went ahead and stood out front to wait for him. 
His car pulled up and he got out to greet me, “Wow, you look great!” he said with a smile. He had on sunglasses and chewed his gum kinda obnoxiously but hot. He gave me a big hug and opened the door for me, his car was super clean surprisingly. “Where are we going?” I ask timidly. 
“Downtown, get some coffee and donuts,” he smiled, placing his hand on my thigh. “How’d you know where my house was?” I asked. “Teachers have access to those kinds of things,” I just nodded in response staring out the window. It was pretty cloudy and I was kinda hoping it’d rain. 
We got to the coffee  place downtown, “This is my special spot, for a special girl,” he smirked. I felt my stomach overfill with butterflies and a sparked joy I didn’t know I could feel around  somebody. He got out the umbrella and interlocked arms with me, I looked at him with such content but confusion. I felt like I didn’t deserve any of this, none of the kindness, none of the listening, nothing. 
He told me to sit down at a booth while he ordered us stuff. I texted Livvy while sitting there: 
Me: Liv i think im in love no joke 
Liv: i would be too 
Me: were getting coffee rn ill update soon 
He came back and sat a delicious smelling coffee in front of me, “Thank you Mr. Iero,” I said. “Call me Frank, no need for that outside of school,” he said, he grabbed my hand that was on top of the table. I looked at him, blushing hard, what if someone saw us? 
We talked about the things we both liked and hated, we actually had a lot in common. “You like Elvis?!” he said, shocked. “Yeah and?! It’s a comfort thing,” I defended. “Explain,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Sometimes when my mom was out I’d spend the night with my grandfather and in the morning while cooking breakfast he’d play Elvis,”  I said, reminiscing when I actually had a somewhat stable relationship with a man. 
I think Frank noticed my mood diminish into something solemn. “Let's grab those donuts, I have somewhere else I wanna show you,” he said, grabbing my hand. He showed me off proudly, it felt like he was telling everyone around him to look at me but not in the way I’m used to. He put his mouth close to my ear, “We’ll have to share a donut, they’re almost out of everything,” he said, placing a kiss on my cheek. 
We walked under the umbrella together as we started to share the donut, “Don’t lift a finger princess,” he said while holding the donut up to my mouth. He basically gave me the whole thing while he only had a couple bites. “Why do you treat me like this?” I asked him, curious as to why he is so fond of treating me like…a girlfriend? 
“I think you deserve it, Y/N. I’ll explain more later,” he said with such sincerity, gripping my hand tighter. Was this going to be a whole day affair? My mom hasn’t been home for a few days so I didn’t feel the need to tell her where I was, it wasn’t like she was answering my messages anyway!
“What’s wrong hun?” he said, taking down the umbrella as the rain had stopped and the sun came out. “My mom hasn't answered my messages, it's been days,” I said, a little disappointed. “I’ll look after you, don't worry about it,” he said as we showed up to a record store. I gasped as I could never afford to buy my own records, it felt like a dream. 
We went inside and looked around, I looked around for a ‘The Cure’ album. As I kept looking I felt a body press up behind me and place their arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. He placed soft kisses on my neck causing me to giggle, I felt him do the same in my neck. “Find what you need?” he asked. “Yeah, did you?” his hands were empty. “Yeah,” he smiled playfully like he was up to something but not sure what. 
“Bullshit. You need to get something or else I’ll feel bad that you spent all your money on me,” I said feeling slight guilt about him buying things for me. “I have you, that’s all I need,” he said, pulling me to the register and pulls out his card faster than I can reach for my purse zipper. 
He handed me the bag of my records and we left. We didn’t do anything much except go thrifting and it was already 7 PM. “I have one place left to go,” he smiled, pulling out of the spot. “I feel like we’ve been everywhere already,” I said, whining. “Be a good girl and don’t whine for me, okay?” that immediately put me in my place and I complied. I could see a smirk on his face, he knew what he did to me. 
I heard a song on the radio that I liked and immediately turned it up, it was You Get Me So High by The Neighbourhood. “You like them?” he asked. “Love them! I’ve seen them in concert  twice already,” I said proudly. Livvy knew I couldn’t afford it but she ever so kindly  bought them for me. 
After a short drive we made it to our destination, a bar. It was quite crowded, I wasn't even old enough to drink yet. I looked at him worried, “I’m not 21..” I said. “I can get you in darling, don’t worry,” he said reassuringly. I trusted him but I tightened my lips anxiously. He was able to get me in because he was close friends with the guy at the front. 
We got in and the music was at a comfortably loud volume. He dragged me to the bar and ordered me a drink but I couldn’t tell you what it was. Tasted great though! 
I downed a couple drinks and I basically became a melting mess in Frank's hands. I held onto  him for dear life like someone was trying to pull me away from him. I dragged him outside for a cigarette break, I pulled them out of bag and I forgot my lighter, “I forgot my fuckin lighter.” He laughed at my tone and lit my cigarette for me. 
We stood inches apart, he held my waist with his tattooed hand. I took a huff of my cig and blew it in his face, “Naughty girl,” he chuckled. He pulled me in to kiss him and our lips collided. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol mixed perfectly with each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to release. 
I shared my cigarette with him and he whispered in my ear, “How about you come over to my place for the night?” My heart was beating out of its chest, “Are you sure that's okay? I would need to get my stuff at home,” I said. “We can stop by your place first baby, I do have a few room-mates if that’s okay,” he said looking away embarrassed. “More the merrier!” I joked. 
We drove back to my place and I led him up to my room, he sat on my bed and I packed up a couple things. I turned around putting my hands on my hips, “All packed,” I smiled. He patted his hand insinuating for me to sit on his lap, so I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck, “My pretty girl,” he whispered while pushing my hair out of my face. 
“I really don’t understand why you like me, Frank,” I said, that feeling of undeservingness washing over me. “Look at you Y/N!. What is there not to like about you? We have so much in common and I can’t get over how beautiful you are,” I need all the reassurance I can get. What if he leaves me? Would another man treat me like Frank does? 
“Do you promise not to leave?” I asked tearfully. “What? Of course I do, Y/N. How could I do that to you sweetheart?” he said, hugging me tightly. “We should get going,” he said softly. I nodded and he grabbed my bags for me as we walked back to the car. 
We got to Frank's place and it was dimly lit, it smelled of cigarettes and expensive musky candles. I saw band equipment set up, “What’s all this?” I asked. “Oh, me and my friends do gigs on the side,” he chuckled as we walked to the kitchen. A timid man turned around to greet us, he gave Frank a hug and gave me a handshake. Firmly. 
“Nice to meet you,” I said shyly. “Franks said a lot about you, nice to meet you,” he smiled kindly and I furrowed my brows a little confused. He talks about me? What did he say? More  questions to be answered. 
Frank hurried me to his room, it was spacious and had a few of his guitars displayed on the walls. He disappeared for a second and brought back a shirt and pajama pants of his, “Put these on,” I took them. I went into the bathroom bringing my toiletries along with me. I changed into his oversized clothes and  washed my face. 
I brought out my phone and snapped a pic of me in the mirror sending it to Livvy. She replied almost instantly: not you going home with him !! be safe !! she replied.
I went back out and put my other clothes back in my bag, “You have such a nice room,” I complimented. “Biggest one in the house,” he brags. I hadn’t noticed before but he turned the radio on and it was on a classic rock station. The room was filled with cigarette smoke and incense. Lamps created the perfect sensual ambience. 
I laid my head on his soft pillows and Frank hovered over me, caressing my face with his hand. Something came over me, my eyes filled with tears and escaped the corner of my eyes. “What’s wrong princess?” he said, worried. I shook my head, sobbing. Never was I good enough to ever receive a love like this before. Here I had it. 
“Tell daddy what’s wrong princess,” that broke me. I couldn’t tell if I was imagining all of this or if it was some sick joke. I straddled his lap, crying into his shoulder. His hand rubbed up and down my back sensually. “I’ve never felt such an overwhelming amount of love and adoration from a man before,” I stated plainly. 
He asked me to talk about it so I did. I told him about the men this time, while I did we drank. It got to the point where I only started seeing flashes of my surroundings. One minute I was taking off my clothes, then I was sitting on top of Frank, then throwing my head back and moaning. 
I remember seeing Frank go down on me and him forcing my legs open as I was ready to release on his face. Flashes of Frank saying things like, “You're daddy’s good girl…I’ll never hurt you…you’re safe with me…shh you’re okay sweetheart.” His voice vibrated through my skin. 
Soon enough I passed out, naked and covered up by the warm sheets. I woke up groggy and still a little drunk around 3 am and had my clothes put back on. I groaned and didn’t see Frank in bed with me but playing guitar across the room. “Frank?” I said, rubbing my eyes. He immediately rushed to my side to comfort me, “Are you okay princess?” he said. 
I nodded, “Could you get me some water?” I asked because my voice was hoarse. He brought back water to me and I downed it as fast as I could. He got into bed with me and I cuddled up at his side, holding on for life. 
I grabbed Frank's face pressing our lips together, I longed for his kiss and his desire. He pulled away and cupped my face, “If you were my little girl, I’d do whatever I could do for you,” he said softly. “I am,” I stated so desperately wanting him to take me in, live with him, devote my life to him. “I’d even run away and hide with you if I could. You’re daddy’s girl,” he said pulling me into his chest. 
To be safe and sound in his heart forever. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
I have a very important ask to send you...
I took my baby Lilly on her first walk today ^^ we went to the store.
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I promise I didn't leave the flap open the whole time xD and even so, she has a little leash inside the backpack for her own safety.
Lilly was very well behaved at the store, helped me pick out some soap, and she got plenty of attention from the clerks ^^ she was silent the whole walk, which kinda scared me, but she was more fascinated with the whole world than scared ^^ and yes, I gave her treats when we came home. That is very important 🤍🖤🤍🖤
(Ngl now that I'm home, I can't help but imagine myself with my responsible F/O's like "Your mission, should you choose to accept it," *hands over kitty backpack and the baby* "You must take Lilly on a walk and give her lots of love while I'm at work." XD also, for you, Moony would be going insane over pet backpacks and would get one for Cake.)
Oh my goodness, Lilly's big day out <3 Of course the clerks loved her!! XD I bet she was the highlight of their day! ☀☀☀☀
And that thing the backpack) is SO CUTE XDD I've only ever seen pram versions, I didn't know their were backpack versions that is adooorabe!! Omg, Moony with one of these 💥💛💥💛💥 ! ! ! Thats it, thats the cute overload for today-
Also- below, find your responsible F/O's (Plus Ryan- I'm not sure if he counts XD) reactions to their mission XD
You; "Your mission, should you choose to accept it," *hands over kitty backpack and the baby* "You must take Lilly on a walk and give her lots of love while I'm at work."
Jerry: He is not wearing that, but he will take the BEST care of Lilly I promise XD She will live in his lap or on his shoulder for the duration of your work day. Imagine Jerry walking around his house doing his thing (Whatever that may be, when he is not luring in dinner or scaring off teenagers) with LILLY ON HIS SHOULDER-
Imagine him talking to her. Should I have the O Negative or the AB Negative for lunch? Come on, you're a soulless creature of the night, too, don't judge me. // Do you like MTV? // Oh look, Peter Vincent on channel 9- Still an idiot I see... Sure is entertaining, though.
Imagine Billy telling on him for all his chatter when you get back XD
Kingston: Kingston's gonna end up with scratched up hands you're going to need to wrap up because he lets Lilly use him (His hands, his arms, his back, whatever) like a cat toy. Its like he doesn't even feel the pain, he's having too much fun playing with the kitty XD
RJ: "... okay." *Has Lilly living on his shoulder all day while he works, givin her treats and neck scratchies*
Tiffany: "Oh baby, you got it! C'mon, Lilly, come with momma."
Lilly my come back with painted claws, but she sure as hell was loved during her time with Momma Tiff XD
Of course he accepts the challenge, and he takes it very seriously, and treats Lilly with the utmost softness; taking extra care not to hurt her.
He lets Lion visit with the little cat, but watches painfully closely and takes Lilly away the instant that he notices the look in Lion's eyes change from adoration and amusement to hunger.
Wheezy (And Ryan!): These two go and hang out with Terry at his place for the day to get away from their crazy roommates and they all watch TV for the day taking turns holding and petting Lilly. Ryan and Terry make Wheezy take regular smoke breaks so he wont smoke around her (Yes, make. I dunno about Terry but Ryan throws things at Wheezy if he doesn't go. He's taking his new friends health very seriously, here!! XD It is a baby, after all. Damn. (Wheezy goes though, he agrees its a good idea. But fuck is it hell. Lucky yer cute, he says, holding the kitten).
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COD things I think about just price being a dad towards his team makes me soft, also nik and price being married is so funny and also gives good angst prompts, and I always see this but graves trying to makes moves on soap and everyone stops him because they know he is a red flag (they are also jealous how graves make soap laugh so much he puts his hand on his chest) and prevents him for going further with soap.
I’ve been seeing so many Nik x Price fanarts on my twitter timeline and I’m living for it aye, that shit is just so good.
The one prompt I’ve got sticking out in my mind about Nik and Price is Nik coming back from his own little mission, tired as anything but excited to see his not-husband-husband (because ‘Nik, I’ll not say you’re my husband if you don’t give me a proper wedding day. I haven’t lived this long for nothing.’)
But he’s excited, smiling to himself as he thinks of the man, but the first thing he comes across is so wildly reminiscent of a husband coming home after work to his kids and partner in absolute chaos that he just freezes and stares for far too long.
There Soap and Gaz are, halfway up a flagpole and yelling down at Ghost who literally looks like he’s about to climb the damn thing, while Price stands to the side looking like a tired dad that can’t help but be endlessly amused and fond.
Nik walks over, still staring at the scene but taking a moment to pull Price into his side so he can kiss the side of his head before he’s asking what the fuck is going on.
Price snorts, waving a hand toward them uselessly as he speaks, “Oh y’know Soap. He was being a shit and dragged Garrick into it which ended up with Simon in the middle. They figured he’d have too much pride to climb a flagpole to get them but he’s seriously been considering it.”
Nic hums, smile cracking across his face when a startled scream and dread filled wail escape the two sergeants once Ghost actually starts climbing the damn thing.
“And you haven’t done anything because?” Price sighed again, head falling to the side so he could bury his face in Nik’s neck in an attempt to block out their madness.
“Was waiting for you to get back so you could give me some patience.” The pilot laughs a little louder this time, giving the man a longer lasting kiss for his troubles before sending him off.
“Do this now and I’ll make you some of that stew you enjoy so much.” Price is reluctant still, but he’s afraid of what will happen if he actually lets Ghost reach his sergeants while they’re still up that pole so he goes.
And if Nikolai’s promise of good food and his company makes him just a touch less harsher than he should’ve been then you won’t see any of the guys complaining about it.
Oh my god! The 141 glaring Graves down or purposely steering Soap away from him at every available chance? Oof, thats fun.
That mf would get so salty he’d purposely start getting bolder with his flirting attempts and make shittier jokes, because if his time with Soap is gonna get cut down he’s gonna make sure it’s still worth it.
Price desperately wants to just kick the American out on his ass and call it a day but he knows Soap’s got a bit of a soft spot for him, plus he’d actually face very real and very serious repercussions from his superiors if he did that with no reason… viable reason that is.
Gaz shamelessly interrupts and drags Soap away whenever he catches so much as a glimpse of Graves near them. He can barely stand him on a good day, let alone one where he’s constantly going after his best friend.
Ghost doesn’t do much more than stare him tf down in that silent, semi-creepy way he has. Graves gets wildly unsettled by it because he knows (in his little lizard brain) that if he were to go toe to toe with him, not only would he lose but he’d also disappear off the face of the Earth. And that’s the last thing he wants right now.
Soap of course doesn’t have a damn clue, is honestly just happy to be with his team as often as he has been lately. He also enjoys hanging out with Graves, he likes having someone he can just have casual, light conversations with where its nothing more than good laughs and friendly interactions.
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Random Benedict Bridgerton Drabble
A/N: I've always wanted to write for him but never really had an idea of what to write. so here's something small. also, Vampire AU because thats been on my mind lately.
Warning: alludes to sexy time at the end
"It's not that I don't trust your friends, but...you're sure it'll be safe?" you wring your hands together during the carriage ride to Ben's friend's estate.
Benedict gives you soft smile and nod of reassurance, "I promise you it'll be safe. You won't be the only human there. Plus, we're mated. No one would dare touch you unless they want their head ripped from their body.
That statement shouldn't have made you aroused, but Benedict's tone and the dark look in his eyes...it definitely did something to you.
So in-tune with you, listening to your pulse quicken, breath hitch, scent change, Benedict gives a dark chuckle.
You glare at him, "Stop it."
He holds up his hands, "I'm not doing anything."
"You know exactly what you're doing, Benedict Bridgerton."
He smirks, "Perhaps we should...take care of that before we enter the party."
You bite down on your lip to prevent you from smiling, "If you insist."
"I very much do insist," he murmurs as he's immediately pulling you onto his lap, lips on your neck.
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
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PROPAGANDA (under the readmore):
Mochizuki and Yoisaki
HELLO I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM……. it’s the way that honami made kanade’s home feel like… a /home/ again. how she brought warmth and kindness to a lonely and empty place that kanade was rotting in. it’s the way honami cared enough about kanade to drag her out of the house and take her to a wedding showcase, as a way to clear her mind. as a way to take her mind off of things. it’s about the domesticity of them, of a housekeeper and a lonely girl who lives alone. can you get what i’m getting at. kanade is ALONE she is LONELY and she often doesn’t have direct human contact with people BUT HONAMI IS THERE. honami is a constant in her life, someone detached from her group (that she does also love very much) that allows her to not get vortexed into the same routine. honami MAKES FOOD for her. honami gets kanade away from her computer and her composing (which she has dedicated her life to, to an unhealthy extent (she’s working on it though)) and makes her breathe in fresh air and feel the sunlight against her skin. all with her soft voice and gentle demeanor. they are literally married a million times over i love them so bad.
Will and Grace
ok so the WHOLE SHOW is about how theyre more important to each other than anyone else. Will is gay so their feelings are never romantic. Grace gets married and we get like a 5 second scene of it, and then a whole of a lot more time of the two of them dancing alone on the roof promising each other that that doesn't mean they arent still each other's Person. at one point they try to have a baby together and only dont because they physically cant bring themselves to have sex with each other. Will breaks up with his s/o on the first run of the show because the guy wasn't ok with Grace being as big a part of their life as she would be, and he told the guy he did end the show with that he had to know Grace would Always be His Person (and he was ok with that). at the very end theyre seeing a house for sale but tell the real state agent they arent buying bc they "arent actually a family" but are best friends whove always lived together and are having kids at the same time and love each other and they want to spend the rest of their lives together. and the real state agent says "that sounds like a family to me." THEY END THE SHOW PLANNING THEIR LIVES TOGETHER WHERE THEY LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE AND RAISE THEIR CHILDREN LIKE SIBLINGS. THATS A QPR BABY
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ingo4you · 10 months
Tw: soft, Description of corpses/Vomiting.....i Guess thats all.
,,I brought you here" He said excitedly. What does he really want from me?
,,why?" There was a hint of fear in my voice.
,,It's simple, I'm lonely and you're lonely too, so why not be friends? So neither of us will be alone!"
Rusty wheels turned in my mind before finally clicking into place.
,,how old Are you.....?"
,,im 12! And im a big man that fears nothing!" In his speech, he unconsciously brought me closer to his mouth. Those teeth. Those sharp teeth that could easily crush me. Tommy was still babbling, but I didn't notice, I was just focused on his teeth. So sharp.
,,you good big man?, You don't smell very well. oh! that reminds me I still have to fix your leg"
Tommy pulled me closer to his chest now, crawling deeper into temple.
Wait.......how? He. can smell? Feeling??? My head didn't mind, So i let it go. I can deal with this when I'm safe.
That human didn't sound too happy, I messed it all up again. I slowly crawled towards my nest with the human in my hands. I knew where to go, I've lived here for as long as I can remember. And I also follow the smell. I don't need to see when I can smell. I dont know how to describe it.
I put the human on the "table" and started looking for some old bandages.
,,So? We'll be friends......?" I asked hesitantly.
Wilbur was quiet. A golden snake emerged from Tommy's hair and looked in Wilbur's direction, and he hissed something. Tommy listened to him. He said the human/Wilbur was trying to escape. The snakes were also like eyes for Tommy. He couldn't see through, but they always told him what was going on or what something looked like, but not otherwise.
After Tommy turned around, Wilbur carefully got up and tried to run away. He reached the edge of the flat stone on which Tommy laid him. Shit. It was too high. Suddenly he hears a hiss. He turns that way and there's that golden snake hanging from Tommy's hair. He had the same color as Tommy's hair.
Tommy suddenly turned in Wilbur's direction. Shit.
,,where are you going? I thought you'd stay a while, a-at least until I fix your leg"
The snake has already disappeared. It was just me and Tommy. He sounded disappointed, and he looked it too. His ears were drooping and his shoulders slumped, he was holding some bandages in his hands.
As I was looking at him like that, I didn't notice the tail that was behind me. Out of nowhere, something spun around me and squeezed.
He placed me back in front of him with the end of his tail. I still had the end of his tail wrapped around my waist. I shed a tear again. There were more of them. I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into tears
,,p-please, just let me go o-or kill me already, please, s-stop playing with me like that"
,,what-? W-wait! Like I said, I don't want to hurt you, I just wanted a friend"
,,So you'll keep me as a pet?!"
,,no i dont! I promise!" Tommy wanted to cry, he hated being yelled at.
,,So leave alone please! I-i want to go back to my family!"
Tommy didn't answer, his mouth twisted and he began to whimper. He squeezed his tail a little harder around Wilbur. Wilbur felt a little bad, he was a child after all.
Tommy wiped his tears over his handkerchief and adjusted his ears. He seemed to be listening, so Wilbur started.
,,Tommy im sorry i yelled at you but you have to understand that I can't stay here, I have a family who are probably worried about me now because I disappeared, so please let me go"
Tommy kept whining.
,,um- T-Tommy? can you put your head on the table?"
Tommy nods and rests his head on the table. Very reluctantly but determinedly, Wilbur steps closer. He doesn't go directly to his face but to his head. He leans against his head into a hug. Tommy's hair is so soft and fluffy. Wilbur would never want to interrupt this moment. Tommy's hand rests on Wilbur's back. Wilbur doesn't even notice as he is caught up in such a beautiful moment. His hair even smells nice. Like strawberries and vanilla yogurt.
"Phil.....? Phil!" The sudden panic in his son's voice woke Phil up. "U-uhgh what's going on?"
"Wilbur's gone!" Phil finally fully woke up, he didn't understand what was going on. “W-what do you mean gone?!”
he looked around the camp but he didn't see his other son anywhere, Techno was right wilbur was gone.
"Where could he have gone? Do you think he went ahead?" Phil asked even though he knew it was stupid, Wilbur wouldn't just go anywhere by himself, especially not when they were on a trip together.
"No, I do not think so" Techno looked at the map.
"There's a temple or something nearby, maybe Wilbur went there if someone didn't kidnap him" He packed the last things, turned to Phil and waited for him to leave.
"What?! Techno stop saying such nonsense, who would kidnap him? And um- maybe he really did go to that temple..........Okay let's go" He said walking towards Techno.
After about half an hour they arrived in front of the temple. The temple was huge. The doors of it were gigantic, the whole temple looked gothic. Techno melted over the beauty, you don't see a temple like this often. It was unique. Meanwhile, Phil shuffled from place to place, wondering what could have happened to Wilbur.
"So let's go inside" Techno moved closer to the entrance, Phil went too, albeit a little more cautiously. something didn't seem right to him here.
They walked down the long corridor for about a few minutes. Phil noticed something on the ground. It was dark but you could still see quite a bit. They should have taken torches.
"Is that Wilbur's backpack.....?"
"yeah, looks like he was there"
We continued down the corridor. The waning sun shone on our way through the broken ceiling. But the light was slowly fading. I think the temple is partly set in the rock.
"Can you hear that too?" Techno stopped and listened.
"hear what?" I listened too. I didn't hear anything for a while but then I did. It was some shuffling. It wasn't footsteps, it sounded more like something sliding across the ground.
"What do you think it is?" I whispered.
"I don't know and I don't want to find out, we're going there" Techno whispered and quietly made his way to one of the side corridors. It was closer. The sound was getting closer. I think it already know about us.
It was darker. I ran into something. It was Techno.
"sorry mate, but....why you stop?" I whispered.
Techno just turned to me and covered my mouth with his hand. And with his other hand he signaled for me to be quiet.
I nodded and waited. There were sounds in front of us. It sounded like tearing fabric.....or flesh.
I'm afraid what happened to Wilbur. The sounds stopped, and now the footsteps were different from the previous ones. These were already 100% steps. Fortunately, the sounds were receding. After the noises stopped, we waited for a while and then went to the front part of the corridor. We appeared in a small, circular and rather devastated room. A strong stench of the unwelcome hit our noses. I looked to the left of the entrance, and there he saw two corpses rolling in their own blood. One had her stomach ripped open and all her entrails gone, the other had her head crushed And the arms and legs broken in an unnatural shape, the entrails were also gone. I almost threw up, Techno was probably the same, but when I turned to look away on the other side there was more of them. They were all variously deformed and inhumanly mutilated. I couldn't take it and threw up. We hadn't eaten anything the night before, so the stomach acid was burning in my esophagus. It hurt like hell.
Techno supported me and we both left the room. We walked slowly through another corridor, there was more light here than in the previous ones, we are probably in the front part again. Techno sat me down with one pillar on the other side, and took water and a piece of bread from his backpack and offered them to me. I accepted and ate. I probably forgot to mention but.....those "hallways" were actually rooms....I guess...it was that huge.
Have a cookies :3 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Tag list: @andy3110
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
Hello are you ok?, i hope of time i asked hahah ,and I was wondering if you could imagine that Reader's five-year-old younger sister saw Ian Wright and said he's very handsome, and Reader would scold her, but her sister would say "but you say he's beautiful, why can't I speak"
thank you for letting me know
Lol i love this okay Ian x Fem Reader.
Sister Knows Best
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Today was not a great day for you, you was running slightly late because your babysitter called out sick so it would mean you had to bring your younger sister to the facility.
You called magic and told him the truth and the situation you was slightly facing and they said it was okay lucky for you. Your sister behaves well and you filled her bookbag with things she would like to do.
Then you had a small bag with her little snacks because you told her you would go out for lunch. Which she agreed. "Is this where wright works y/n" ylur sister ask cutely.
You chuckle "yes bunny this is were Ian works the pretty one" you smile blushing lightly when your younger sister does kissy faces to you "h-hey please don't do that in front of them"
"No promises" she giggles when you told her you would get her extra nuggets. The whole team was there as you walked inside "guys im really sorry i am late i just i couldn't find a proper babysitter but i promised she is well behaved." You said quickly
Magic chuckles "i told them already we were just waiting on you to come so we can meet her" they all nod and Ian was sitting on their chair smiling at you.
Your little sister peeks her head and looks at everyone and smiles waving shyly "hello" they all said hello you pushed her gently to the front "im Magic" she giggles and says hello magic then afterwards Addison and Jenn introduced themselves then Ian "hello I'm Ian Wright im the brains here" they all rolled their eyes including you playfully.
"Your handsome Ian" your youngest sister said making raise a brow "b-bunny i told you not to-" "thats no fair y/n you called them pretty why can't i call them handsome" she pouted cutely.
Ian was grinning but their was a light blush there, the rest of your friend was trying to hide their laughs and smirks Jenn giggles. Ian got up suddenly and picks your younger sister up. "Hmm i think I'll take my first watch with her she looks smart enough to handle Ziggy" they walked away
Addison and Jenn laughed Magic tapping your shoulder "good luck" when he walked away the girls came closer "you better hope your younger sister doesn't tell them everything." Jenn said laughing
Addison held your hand "it was nice knowing you y/n" you blush deeply and nod "uggghhh lets work you guyss" you all left to work.
Around Lunch time you walked towards the break room getting your youngest sister McDonald's since it is what she wanted and yourself a little sandwhich. Of course Magic, Addison and Jenn was watching from his office and had the audio on. They totally wasn't trying to play match maker.
Your youngest sister managed to see what everyone did but they ended up staying real close to Ian. So when you walked in their and saw Ian playing tic tac toe with her it was a sight to see but also your heart was beating fast.
"Oh y/n we was just talking about you." You did a nervous laugh "good things i hope" you glare at your sister who sticks her tongue at you.
"Yes there were good things including how much of a crush you have on one of the programmers here" you pause mid-step and looked confused.
"I like to know who the only one i talk about is you-" your sister giggles loudly "i told you y/n will do that"
Magic and the rest laughed while watching you blush deeply glaring at your little sister "why you little" "mmm don't harm the messenger y/n besides that means the feelings are mutual." You looked at Ian blushing more. "I like you to y/n i just wasn't sure you felt the same and now that i know you do i can finally do this"
By that time they was in front of you and kissed you softly on the lips where you was to surprised to respond before responding soon after and kissing them back. "Get a room and where is my nuggets" your younger sister said pouting. The team on the other end just laughed now leaving to finally join them.
You pulled away blushing and sat between your sister and Addison while Ian was on the other side of your sister talking with the rest of the team. Jenn was playing with your youngest sister ever so often and you trying to ignore how cute Ian was eating their food but sneaking fries from your sister who literally ended up feeding them a fry.
You suppose your sister knows best.
Taglist: @justaproudslytherpuff , @sherazyjade , @the-masked-scorpio , @sugakookieswithacupoftae16 , @happilydangerousworld , @harlekin6 , @supermegapauselouca
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. oatmeal with saltine cracker eater lefty eyebag 😅
Sorry I fell asleep early last night because of the headache. I still have it, I think it's because of my eyes. Not sure. But I am hating every minute of it.
How are you today?
Yes of course I read it! But it wasn't too dark. I enjoyed it. I have a few questions though. Since Nat has been gone for 2 months, why hasn't there been any fliers of her missing? Or when Dreykov was brought in, why didn't he ask why she was gone from work for such a long time?
Same, I wish they kept Love longer. I really liked their dynamic together. Even though it's toxic, but I like her character. Hm that's interesting, so Joe, Love and Joker.. that's a very interesting mix of characters combined.
No, I just ride the bus or Uber. When it is summer time, I usually bike.
Ah yeah overthinking sucks. It creates trouble thats not even there in the first place hahaha
So do you give second chances to people who have hurt you in the past? Or after the initial disappointment, you stop all contact and move on?
Same for PDA, I don't mind holding hands in public and the occasional hugging and all that. But if they act crazy and it makes me uncomfortable and others, then I can't lol
Hahaha I love that you add not the cereal at the end! You're corny!
Hello darling righty eyebag!
how r u feeling now? i'm sorry u hv another headache. yeah i think it's because u havent wear glasses the last few days right? when the glasses will be ready?
i'm okay.. not much..
oh yayy! i'm glad u enjoyed it! oh u r a reader who pays attention to detail pretty good! I love it. about the flier n stuff, it will be in future part,n i cant tell u which one. For Dreykov, i picture him as that pervert man who only care about himself n doesnt care about women more than just sexual object,n he is a selfish man. Plus R brought him home after dragging him on the road with her car and he is all bruised up n wounded, in pain, confussion, and fear for his life. So when he saw R talks to Nat, he instantly thinks that she knows R, n of course all he thinks at that moment if Nat can make R stop torturing him and he wouldnt care when Nat has been or why she hasnt come to work for few months. all he cared about was his life n to get out of there alive. I hope it makes sense?
Yeah i love Love too. She is pretty but so compulsive. haha. Sometimes I think she is worse than Joe haha but i feel bad for her. After what she did for Joe, n he cheats on her. I wish the same, i wish they didnt kill her character that fast.
Ah i see, okay. I'm like that when I was in indonesia. mostly use uber, taxi or motorcycle taxi. I didnt drive there.
About second chances, It depends on the situation. Even though if I give them second chance, I will not be the same person to them. It will be hard for me to be as warm n caring as before. I cut some ties to some people before. When it comes to toxic people, I will not hesitate to cut them out. I would cut ties with my ex gf if it wasnt because the promise i made to her. I promised her that we'll stay friends no matter what. N i always keep my promise so it's kinda hard for me no matter how much I want her out of my life.. so thats why i dont talk much to her like before but still sometimes reply when she messaged me.
Haha yeah, i like PDA but not a public soft porn one. 🤣🤣🤣 people dont wanna see that.
Haha i can b corny sometimes. Oh by the way, i learned it from u a bit.lol 🤣
Next question?
Cheerio! (Not the cereal one) 😅
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mademoisellegush · 6 years
NSFW Chargestep inspired by that fantastic snippet and basically im back in fallen hero hell
There's a camellia on the far table. Not blossoming, not yet, not the season. But. Solana thinks she knows what colour it'll be. She reaches out to touch the stem, careful. Fragile - her, or the plant? She isn't sure. Not with the shards of her self glued back together so haphazardly. "Recognize it?" comes Ortega's voice at her back, and she nearly jumps out of her own skin. Shit, she’d forgotten he was there. "I wasn't able to save all those you kept going, but I was able to grab this one. Before... before the funeral."
She doesn't like how soft his voice's gotten, stuffed to the brim with the regret of seven lost years instead of the evening's joking, light flirtiness.
"There was another pot, too. It had purple flowers, I think-" "The hyacinth," Solana mutters, hand on the little blue plastic watering can near the camellia. "They'd flowered only once." Unwelcome memory; a shard sticking out of where she'd slotted it. Careful. "I tried to save it, but you know me," he laughs, hollow in the emptiness of the room. "Two black thumbs." "You kept this one alive, though," she says despite herself. She can't face Ortega. Not when she feels so raw, and control is a rapidly fading dream. "Of course I did. I couldn't lose more, not all of-" He coughs. “Had to prove I wasn’t a complete failure, Sol,” comes the joke, and she turns back to face him.
“Shut up,” is the only thing that comes to mind, because right now Solana can’t stand how jagged everything feels.
And then she punches him.
Like last time, she doesn't know who kisses who first, but one moment Solana stares up into Ricardo's stupid, trusting face, the next she's up on the tip of her toes while he bends closer and cradles her head. It's awkward, to say the least. She barely reaches up to his chin, has to tug him down by the shirt and try not to tip over the camellia.
But this isn’t the first time they try to make out. They stumble closer to his couch, interrupted only when Ricardo falls backwards, bringing Solana down with him. Down there the size difference is less jarring, less bothersome. Kissing Ricardo is like - taking a breath. She's missed that. It's a small reminder of what home could be, and how she can never, ever have it. His hands... Oh no. Wandering hands, like after the dinner. Solana pushes down the panic, covers it up with rash decisions. "Stop wriggling," she says, trying to pin him by the wrists. "You're like a worm, Ilio, I swear." "Ah, and you're the early bird? Because-" "Finish that sentence. I dare you," she smiles, all teeth. "Or what? You'll kiss me some more? Such a terrible fate, Sol, ¿Cómo podría soportarlo?" and that decides it. She goes for the throat. Can't bear it, right. And oh, he hasn't changed. That still revs him up, no matter how much he laughs, no matter how he bares his throat. They’re not in their twenties anymore, the wear and tear of the years heavy on them both, but still. He’s hard against her hip. With one hand she pins both of his above his head, worrying the pulse point on the right side of his neck. The other wanders down, slowly, while her traitorous hips rock down and grind over his thigh. If Ricardo notices how desperate she is to stay on top, he doesn't say. At last she unzips his jeans, careful to keep his attention on both her very insistent hand and the mouth - and teeth - at his throat. "Come on, So- oh," he moans as she palms him through his boxers - bright red, with the little lightning bolts. Sentimental.
She needs her second hand to push his pants down, lets go of his wrists. "You will," she can't stop the reply, before spitting in one palm. Urgh, what a terrible line. But she can't stop grinning. This banter feels so familiar, so easy. Too easy. Ricardo notices - opens his mouth to reply, to joke - and then she's back on him, mouth working along his jaw while her hand picks up rhythm. And poor Ricardo, how he looks. Flushed and tortured, one hand grasping at leather that must have seen much. Theories; as useful as a fever dream. No point chasing them. She breathes, reminds herself to come back to the present. "Feels good?" Solana asks, voice hoarse and sounding so unlike her. She struggles not to cough or laugh. Her hand is slick with spit and pre-cum; Ricardo must like the sight of it all, with his eyes almost glazed over.
He opens his mouth to reply when she bends back down and licks a path up his cock, alongside the vein, and he loses hold of whatever he was going to say. Who knew he could be this quiet, even with someone's head between his thighs? If anything, she'd have thought him bolder, louder. But that gives her an edge. Keeping hold of his gaze, she swallows him whole, tongue flat in her mouth. There's no way for Solana to know exactly what he thinks - not for the first time, she doesn't know if that's a disadvantage. She doesn't want to confront whatever may be inside his head, especially now. Not with how his fingers flex with every small hum, or how his hips stutter when she straightens up, and he pops out of her mouth with an obscene sound in the quiet of the room. His hand shoots out to catch her free one, flat against his thigh - warmth seeping through the fabric, an anchor, and the small circles his thumb rubs on her skin setting as many fires. His other hand runs through mousy brown hair and even if she knows he does his best not to push, she leans her cheek into his palm. That seems to do the trick, if the fingers tangling in and lightly pulling her hair are any indication. From tales of past exploits she knows he likes using his mouth, would have liked to kneel and worship.
That's out of the question.
His breathing's shallow, small noises torn from half-open lips. She thinks she can hear variations of her name, knows she's doing good when the syllables turn to bilingual vulgarity. It's exhilarating, the sight of the ex-Marshall turned a needy mess. It's inebriating, to be the one doing it.
His hips stutter, his hand still holding hers tightens and-
She stops.
He throws an arm over his eyes, face raised upward to the plaster ceiling. "Ah- Sol, please," Ricardo begs, and Solana leans back, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. "You waited twelve years," she says, unsure where this particular bitterness comes from. "You can wait a bit longer." But let no one say she isn't magnanimous: one hand keeps working at him, fingers slick, constant. It's... something else, to have her oldest (only?) friend exposed like this, after a little more than a decade on the knife's edge. By all rights this should never have happened, and yet. She keeps making mistakes. But then she catches sight of Ricardo's hooded gaze, and feels herself relent. He spends himself with a whine, face twisted up like he took a hit (and she feels like she did, too, a punch to the stomach at the sound) while he comes over her hand and his stomach. Solana keeps pumping for a few more heartbeats, slowing down until Ricardo lowers his legs on either side of her on the couch. The only sounds are their breathing and the mechanical ticking of the clock. She wipes her hand on his discarded hoodie, unsure how to proceed. His hand still grasping her left one surprises her. Shit, she'd forgotten she was holding it. "C'mon, let me help you out," he says. No, no no no no no- "Sol? What's wrong?" Shit, this can't happen. She never should have been so stupid, everything is ruined, or will be- She has to push him away. Before- "You can't!" she blurts out, "Ilio, I can't." Ricardo stops, sits up. "Clothes on, I swear. I don't even have to look, if that's what worries you." And sure, that sounds tempting, but. But. It's too risky. "Sol, look at me." She can't look at him in the eye, so she resorts to staring at a spot between his brows. "You deserve to feel good. I know it doesn't feel true, or right, but it is." Shit. Fuck. Son of a bitch, he's pulling the puppy eyes. "I don't think I'll ever be ready for any of that," she says, because it's true. Even with the truth of what she is. "Can I hold you, at least?" he asks, like that'll fix everything. Solana wants to believe the lie that it might. She nods. Ricardo pulls her closer, slowly, like sex made him sluggish. Or like Solana's some stray, feral animal that might lash out any second. That might be true. She lets him. Is she terrified of bolting? Desperately craving some touch she very well can't have? The thoughts burn through her mind until she's level with Ricardo's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Louder than the mechanical clock. "I got some mouthwash, if you need it," says Ricardo. His voice is a pleasing grumble she feels more than hears. Solana tilts her head up. "How thoughtful," she smiles, then kisses him. "Mierda, Sol, come on! That's my own-" "It's okay, you got mouthwash," she snorts.  This feels... right. The rhythm of a heartbeat under her ear, the kiss on her forehead. It's soothing. Solana lets herself believe the lie that this might last, that maybe she's worth holding onto. This could be home, if everything was different.
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vneuns · 3 years
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author's note(s): red rabbits won so here’s a nice hc list for our favorite white boy <33 just reblog cause this took for eva
cw warning: light cursing, shitload of fluff
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Dream is 110% affectionate. He’s a big softie. Cuddling all the time, going on boba dates in the most disgusting hours of the night. And getting teased by Sapnap and George 24/7
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be such an amazing friend. Teasing you all the freaking time. Tickling bleh, checking up on you when he feels like you're being distant and forcing you to make him baked good
you worked at the apple store together. During your breaks youd spam the phones with silly pictures of yourselves and walk around the mall on your lunch break making fun of mannequins in the windows for whatever reason
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves it. Half the time he’s the big spoon, because he needs to feel manly for whatever reason, but on the off chance he’s the little spoon he’s being a big baby about it
Complaining about you not doing it right but then when you threaten to sleep on the couch or stop all together and all of a sudden he’s being all nice talking about how you should do this more often
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Of course he does. He was thinking about getting married the second the two of you went on your first date.
He’s a wonderful cook except only does it occasionally and cleaning. He'd be a neat freak to an extent, and would complain about your messes whilst he cleaned it. (like make it make sense)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Wouldn't happen. You’d have to go on 15 million breaks before that shit happens let me tell you. The Love is too intense for something like that. Neverever ever
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s ready to to commit buying you little promises rings all the time and whispering how he’d love to get married to you whilst he thinks you’re asleep
Id say around a year and half of being together he’s proposing
And if you didn't already know you said yes
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically he soothes you with little rubs on your side
And emotionally he makes sure you're okay all hours of the day
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it?)
Your hugs are the highlight of his day literally.
If you're in his eyesight you're hugging. And he won't let go unless he HAS to and even at that.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The first time would be while your sleeping at your second sleepover when he realized he was falling for you
And the second time would be on complete accident when you’re cooking together and after he freezes but then relaxes when you reciprocate the feeling
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It’s a game of cat mouse between the two of you
Its giving when dream gets jealous of quackity when he even talks to george
The second he gets tagged that you’re in a call with someone on the smp *poof* hes awake from the dead
Attempting to gain your attention at all times and then tweeting on his priv (which he thinks you're not in) about how you always ignore him and is surprised when you say something aloud about it
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft as fuck. No questions asked. Like you could just kiss him all day. Very addicting 10/10 on yelp ya know?
Mouth kisses, neck kisses, shoulder kisses, and small smooches on your nose for good luck
Dream would probs enjoy jawline kisses since thats as close as youd get without him having to bend down cause hes a fucking skyscraper
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Absolutely fucking adorable. Lets them tackle him and indulges in conversations he can't understand, and you just sit back and think about how great of a dad he’s gonna be
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Very very lazy. Kissing for a good five minutes and then talking about what you have planned for the day before ultimately deciding if youre gonna be productive or stay in bed (giving a bones or no bones day)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Fluffy as fuck. It’s one of those disgusting (/pos) where you stand next to each other brushing your teeth and here and there do a charcoal mask
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I feel like itd probably be pretty early and he’d tell you so he wouldnt scare you off and you had time to leave if you wanted to
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Have you seen dream? Are we talking about the same person?
With you he’d probably walk away here and there but for the most part would try not to argue with you
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s been talking notes since day one. He knows everything and every single little detail no questions asked
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Watching you play minecraft for the very first time and just laughing every time you die to a mob
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s you’re security guard on twitter. He sniffs out those negative tweets and is ending their entire life.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Above and beyond. Candles roses(or your favorite flowers) making a homemade meal specifically your favorite and giving you a nice message after.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Being super toxic during game night with the boys. He’d start yelling and talking shit to the point where half the time if you leave he doesn't notice
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He knows he’s fine. But if he's ever insecure you’re right by his side pushing down all the negative comments that leave his mouth
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Of course he would. You’re his missing piece.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Dreams hands are on your hips squeezing at your love handles as you smother him with random kisses
“Promise me something?”
“Hmm” he raises an eyebrow leaning forward to press a kiss to the tip of your nose
“Don't be toxic this game night, or ill steal patches while you’re sleeping”
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Nothing. He’s a simp. Biggest simp you will ever find.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s gotten into the routine of you being there when he sleeps so he will literally stay up until you’re in his arms
Despite telling him he should sleep even when you’re not there he never listens.
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@inniterhq @basilly @yamturds @dysfunctionalcrab @tinyegg @ttakinou @charnease @i-mmunity @b3l0v3ds @alice-blue-skies @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @mitzimania @joyfullymulti @dreamzluvrr @multifandomgirl-us @sufloerfs @sunniewrites
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