#vi x reader x caitlyn
Vi & Caitlyn
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(X) = Smut
Don't Cry Over Spilled Paint @pastel-peach-writes Summary: You spill paint on Vi jacket and Vi gets really upset. Caitlyn is stuck in the middle. Warnings: Outburst of anger Special Tags: Polly Au,
Doormate @pastel-peach-writes Summary: You have a bad day at work. Caitlyn and Vi are trying to make you feel better. Warnings: Outburst of anger Special Tags: Polly Au,
Brat @inari-zaheer Summary: You start to act up after going a while without sex. Warnings: Mentions of sex Special Tags: Polly Au,
Midnight I saw you @pathetic-sapphic (X) Summary: vi really likes to eat you out and Caitlyn likes to watch. Warnings: None Special Tags: Polly Au,
Stressful Days @inari-zaheer (X) Summary: You and Vi start make out while waiting for Caitlyn to come home form work. Warnings: None Special Tags: Polly Au, Voyeurism
Baby, I'm yours @sweetcyberangel Summary: Vi and Caitlyn can not get enough of you. Warnings: None Special Tag: High Fem Reader
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
Not that Bad (Vi x Reader x Caitlyn)
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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You suppose waking up when your rest was so peaceful and so deserved and so needed, is always a hard task. 
 Still, you try to make the best of it. You try to make the most of it. Taking it slow. Taking it one day at a time. And learning how to appreciate the little things. The little moments. The little pieces of happiness that exist all around you. The bed is cramped, but you’re together. Your apartment is cold, but they’re warm. You’ll have to get up eventually, but for now, you won’t. Things could be worst. Things could be a lot worst.
 And so when you wake up, the first thing you notice is the heavy arm around your waist. Slung down low and holding you so tight. A body has no business being that warm. The second thing you notice is the tickle of a warm breath brushing against your skin. Soft and steady and ready to lull you back to sleep if it so wanted to. And it looks like it did. A body has no business being that comforting. 
 But the second thing you notice? It’s the sound of your son. Giggling, shouting, and banging on your bedroom door. Ready to take on the morning. Ready to seize the day. And most of all- ready to terrorize you until someone gets up and handles him. Or he tires himself out.
 Whichever comes last.
 “Ugh,” It’s Vi who reacts first. Out of the three of you, she’s always been the lightest sleeper. And so, it’s her groan that really gathers everyone’s attention. It’s what knocks you out of your trance-like state of listening to your son’s usual shout of wanting someone to eat breakfast and play cars with him as soon as possible. If it weren’t for Vi, you probably would have laid there for an additional three minutes before your mind finally caught up to what you were listening to. But then again, if it weren’t for Vi, you probably would have been this tired in the first place. Man, that girl can snore. “Your Hell Spawn has awoken.”
 As she brings up the very affectionate yet oh-so-unfortunate nickname she has for your son, Vi turns her head to look at you and uses the arm slung over your waist to deliver a quick pinch for good measure. In an instant, you’re frowning and scrunching up your nose in response. A quick bloom of pain spreads over your body. And then just as quickly, it vanishes. Leaving you alone with Vi’s warm yet sleepy gaze peering into your eyes beneath a mess of pink hair. You try not to think about that smile she gives you as you mentally prepare yourself for a fun-filled morning of your son serving you cereal and begging you to play race car driver. You try not to but it’s never that easy. Not when she starts to pull you in and pull you close like now. But by then, the other person in your bed has already begun to stir.
 “Don’t call him that,” Caitlyn mumbles simply, a wave of sleep still washing over her voice. You turn your head away from Vi’s to face Caitlyn. All it takes is a simple crane of the neck, and suddenly, you’re face to face with her as she tucks herself further into your grip. Her breath just brushes past your lips as you take in the sight of her before she ducks in for a quick kiss on your skin. Like Vi, she sports the messy hair and an exhausted look all too well. But unlike Vi, she’s more than content with just laying at your side and keeping her eyes closed as she lets the sounds happening outside your bedroom window rock her back to sleep. And with a short delay, she continues in a voice no less heavy than a thousand rocks “He’s not that bad.”
 You open your mouth to resort. You know your son. You raised him, fed him, clothed him. Protected and comforted him. Hell, you’ve ever spoiled him rotten on more than one occasion. And there will not be an ounce of hatred in your blood towards your son. Ever! That’s why the sudden bout of silence coming from the other side of the room surprises you. It’s unlike your son to give up so easily. Never mind that the milk and cereal are put in a place where he could access both all the spoons he could ever want or need to his heart’s content. Never mind all that. He wanted to pour everyone some cereal, and then he wanted to assign everyone a car. You had a feeling he was going to keep shouting until he got his way.
 At least, that was what you thought was going to happen. 
 The silence coming from the other side of the room suddenly makes itself known to you. It’s a dull sound. One that you more than appreciate. But it’s one that makes you concerned as well. After all, this is your little boy. Your loveable tyke. Your tiny terror. And if it’s one thing that you’ve learned after five years of being a Mom, it’s that silence can just as good as it is bad. And for some reason, you have the
 “He’s quiet…” Vi remarks, the same type of suspicion growing in your stomach now present in her voice. She pulls herself to sit up, the covers sliding off of her body and settling in a weird position on top of you and the girl still trying to doze off right beside you. You suppose you can’t really blame Caitlyn for taking the chance to snuggle closer to you and tug the covers over her body to keep warm. The poor girl did have to pick up an extra couple of shifts these past few days. And you don’t blame Vi for starting to get a little worried about your son’s sudden shift to silence. She’s an older sister. She knows how they work. She knows what they mean. 
 And now?
 It’s sad to say that all three of you can imagine what that means.
 At the sound of things falling down and falling apart in your apartment, you shoot up in bed- Caitlyn following close behind you. A couple of seconds of racing hearts and stuttered breaths fill the air before you hear the tell-tale sound of a guilty party. The infamous “Uh-oh” from a very, very concerned little boy. Unsure of how to fix whatever it is that’s now broken and needs to be replaced (Or hidden, until the next fragile piece of whatever comes in the mail). 
 And sadly, you can already imagine your son rummaging around for a brush and a broom so he can clean the floors of whatever mess he threw himself into. 
 So at this point in time, you release a deep breath. Right beside you, Caitlyn lets out a sigh, almost ashamed of the fact that she had just defended your son a couple of minutes prior. On the other side, Vi lets out a thoughtful huff, almost as if she’s ready to take Caitlyn’s position and lay down the law for your little one. And as tempting as it is, you know she would be just about ready to break once your son hits her with a set of puppy dog eyes. And while you’re sure Caitlyn would fare much better in a lecture against your son, you have a feeling the soft snores that are starting to fill the air tell you that’s not an option. At least, not now. 
 So with a reluctant spirit and a brave heart, you push yourself up and crawl out of bed. It’s an agonizing process. You feel the cool air of your apartment push up against you as the blankets fall from your body. And when you leave the comfort of your bed shared by two others, you’re more than ready to give up and let someone else deal with it. Especially now that your feet are touching the Undercity’s shittiest, coldest tiled bedroom floor in the world. But you don’t let that stop you. No, you just hold your head high, take a deep breath, and you-
 A hand grabs your wrist. A gentle, yet firm grip. It’s no surprise that it’s Vi’s warm, comforting hand circling around your arm. But it is a surprise that she’s tossing up an eyebrow at you expectantly and giving you a half-smile. 
 “We’ll go together,” She tells you evenly as if there’s no room for debate. Not that you would, anyways. It’s said in a quiet tone you appreciate in your still somewhat sleepy state. An offer you can’t refuse. Not on a slow morning like this one, at least. And a second later, she adds to it. With a quick turn of her head to the woman who was sleeping on your opposite side, now pushing even more exhausted-looking self out of your bed too. “Come on, Cupcake. Up and at ‘em.”
 “Don’t rush me,” Caitlyn responds pointedly with a yawn. Her eyes are still just barely open, but she manages to find her way to the two of you as she takes a hair tie off of her wrist and puts her hair up. You open your mouth to tell her it’s okay- that she can go back to bed instead of dealing with this. After all, you know she had a long, long couple of days. But she’s quick to raise her hand in your face in a shushing motion, her mind already made up as she settles to stand in front of you two. “Well… shall we?”
 A hand grabs your left one. Another grabs your right. You look to both sides and see varying gazes of preparedness. But you wasted long enough. It was time to face the little monster (who you can now hear sweeping through your thin, thin walls) on the other side of the door.
 “We shall.”
 But that all being said, you suppose things could be worst. Things could be a lot worse. Sure, you know a pink-haired secret softie who would be no good at lecturing your son because she’d break within twenty minutes might not be the best help with your current predicament. But she’s already standing on your left. And yeah, you know a sleepy, sharp-eyed snoring solider who looks like she’s about to go back to dreamland who would do even less to help your cause. But she’s already up and swaying on your right. But honestly? You don’t mind that much. You have the two women you love most of all by your side, ready to take on the world with you. So things can’t be that bad. Besides, at least, he’s not doing anything else that could-
 …On second thought…
 …maybe things couldn’t be worst. Maybe they couldn’t be worse at all.
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jinxfestival · 11 months
Mascs? MASCS!!
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baambied · 3 months
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pastel-peach-writes · 4 months
Hello! I adore your writing. Can I request a fic with female arcane characters when they have a touch starved gf? (Definitely asking for a friend ahah 😅)
RAHHH. ARCANE LADIES LETS GOOO. tbh, im not that in tune with Mel and Sevika as characters so they may be OOC. Thanks for requesting!
Arcane Ladies w/A Touch-Starved Reader | Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Mel, and Sevika with a touch-starved lover and/or discovering said trait.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Lower Case Intended (Kinda?), Suggestive Themes (Mel/Sevika), Not Proofread, Short
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
JINX ᝰ๋࣭𝜗᭡
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- In a romantic setting (or really any setting), Jinx is touch-starved herself.
- when taking hostages or messing with those in her way, she will often touch them such as stroking her nail along their jawline or grabbing their chin when they're hurt and on their last limb.
- now she does this not because she's a bit insane and wants to add salt to their wounds but because she's curious. "What would this feel like?" "What would happen if I do this?"
- Much like most things in her life, curiosity is the main thing that gets her into trouble
- in terms of touching, you're not exempt from her touching curiosity.
- she'll drag her nails along your spine. cup your cheek and chin, and squeeze you like the baby you are to her.
- it's not until you linger after a hug that she notices your touch-starved like her
– since that moment, she made a mental note to cuddle you, kiss you, or poke at you more
– even if you tell her to stop annoying you or that she should focus on her work and not mess with you, she'll continue to poke and hold you.
– why? well because you're smiling through your complaints and she can't get over that smile you try to hide when you let yourself melt in her touch
VI メ
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– much like her sister, Vi is touch-starved herself.
– y'all saw how she acted with Caitlyn and when she reunited with Jinx. She was all OVER them. With you, she's the exact same
– With her, you're more reluctant with touch. You want to hug her, cuddle with her, cling onto her like the clingy thing you are but you're scared to.
– you didn't grow up in an environment where that was normalized so it was out of your comfort zone to go out and cling to someone.
– in the beginning of your relationship, Vi was touchy until she noticed you weren't super comfortable with it.
– when she noticed, she had a discussion with you. – "Hey, are you comfortable with me hugging you 'n stuff? I noticed you get kinda tense when I first hug you." She'll ask you on a random night in the living room. You were hesitant at first, wanting to immediately ease her insecurities and tell her everything was fine.
– But if you lied, even if the lie was more a half-truth, your initial reaction to her touch would be the same. Tense at first then ease seconds into the touch.
– So, because you couldn't do anything but bite the bud, you told her
– Since telling, Vi said she'll help you work on getting more comfortable with touch.
– She'll even tease you when she notices you're more hesitant than normal.
– "Oh, come on," she'll tease you with her arms squeezing around your torso and your cheeks smushing to another. "You know you love it! Ease up, Mufifn."
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- With Caitlyn, you literally CANNOT get off of her. Can't blame you though.
- 6' foot something to cling onto? YUM.
- Caitlyn didn't mind your touchiness. She assumed you were that way so she didn't think anything of it.
- It wasn't until she met your family that she saw that your touchy side is something you keep hidden from your family, if not the world.
- You were so stiff around them, uncomfortable dare she say. You kept to yourself, restricted that pretty smile of yours, and you wouldn't let yourself ease into her touch.
- At home, she brought this up to you and you told her that being affectionate wasn't something your family did. To them, holding each other, hugging, expressing hellos and goodbyes with kisses was weird. Unfortunately for you, you're a naturally touchy person so you had to keep that part of you concealed.
- Caitlyn didn't like the thought of you hiding yourself from your blood kin. You didn't deserve that treatment so at home, after the event, Caitlyn went out of her way to be more touchy with you.
- she cradled your head when cuddling on the couch, gave you kisses on the cheek, and when she complimented you on something or congratulated you, she kissed the top of your head while giving you a polite squeeze.
– being super-duper-mushy-gushy-affectionate wasn't something she wasn't used to but she'll do anything for you. Plus, a couple extra kisses and squeezes haven't killed her yet.
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- You didn't care about touch all that much before your relationship with Mel. At the start of your relationship, you and Mel were younger so you had fewer responsibilities. All your free time, literally all of it, you guys spent with each other
- walking arm-in-arm while shopping, resting on each other on hot Summer days with your feet in a body of water, and mindlessly playing with each other's clothes or hair during late-night talks.
- but as she got busier, you saw her less, and seeing her less meant fewer touches.
- Mel wouldn't call herself touch-starved but starved for your touch.
– She'll miss your lingering touches on her fingers while you lay in bed, your lips on her back as you held each other, and your face in the crook of her neck.
– In a way, you both were touch-starved for each other. Maybe even a different word but this is a PG-13 space LMAO.
– at night, you would wrap your limbs around her tight and in the morning, you'd cling even tighter. What do you mean it's time for her to go already? She just got in bed!! (it's been 7 hours.)
– with Mel, your touch-starving-ness doesn't go unnoticed. In fact, whenever there's a time she notices you're more touchy than normal, she'll make it up to you
– And you never once complained about her way of making it up to you.
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- oh lord, where do i start with this one, hm?
– One, Sevika loves the crap out of your touch-starved-ness. She won't admit this out loud but she thinks its the cutest thing in the world.
- She'll see you go in for a hug or maybe a wrap around her arm but then decide against it because of your own insecurities.
- Sometimes she'll take matters into her own hands and wrap her arm around you, pull you into her lap, or sneak a kiss on your cheek but other times she likes to make you suffer.
– "Mm, what was that?" she'll tease with a smirk on her lips. "Oh, did you want to hug me? Kiss me? Cling onto me or something?"
- Tbh, if you're with Sevika, you gotta be a little bit of a brat, right? right. So, you'll refuse the allegations she put on your name.
- That is until she pushes and pushes and boom. Like a perfectly boiled egg, your shell has been cracked and peeled, and the softness of your personality has been brought to light.
– with embarrassment plastered along your body and face, you'll do what you were too shy to before. (Cling, hug, kiss, etc).
- Sevika plays a big game but she loves it when you cling to her because just like you, she's a bit touch-starved too. The only touches she gets on a day-to-day basis are punches, kicks, etc.
- When you swallow your pride at home, you'll pull her down to your chest and hold her tight. She'll ask what's up but you'll just ignore her and she'll melt into your body like you intended.
WC: 1,229
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unluckiestmember · 2 months
YAY, YOU'RE BACK TO WRITING FOR ARCANE. How would the arcane characters react (mainly vi, ekko, and jinx because i would marry, marry, and marry them all!!) to a reader who is sooo affectionate and finds every last thing they do so cute they get cuteness aggression and just jump at them like a cuddle bug often? thank you so much!!
Coming right up!
Arcane x Cuddle Bug! Reader
Characters: Powder/Jinx, Violet "Vi", Ekko, Caitlyn Kiramman, Viktor, Jayce Talis, Mel Medarda, Sevika and Ran.
Warning: None really. SFW.
A/N: Am I the only one who wants to snuggle into Caitlyn? Ugh, I love her so much.
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“Oh! Hey there, sugar! You want to cuddle? Don’t have to ask me twice! I’ll cuddle you so much that you get tired of me! But you’d never get tired of me, right?”
Jinx is a super clingy person, so for you to be as clingy as her it’s like you two are a match made in heaven. There’s barely any time that passes when you two are not touching each other and she lives for your cuddles. It doesn’t matter if you hug her out of nowhere or she sees you about to embrace her, she is stopping everything she is doing and pulling you into the tightest of hugs.
Most of the time if she isn’t causing mayhem in the streets of Zaun or busy with her inventions, she will spend her time just holding you so close and showering your face with the cutest but most childish of kisses. She doesn’t care if it’s in private or public, she will make it known that you two can’t keep your hands off each other. You are her cuddlebug and she is yours and that won’t ever change.
Violet “Vi”
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“Woah there, cuddle bug! You’re gonna make me screw up my workout… Oh forget it. How can I say no to you?”
Because Violet is absolutely touch starved, she will never decline your cuddles, even if you take her by surprise a few times with how you hug her so suddenly. She finds it adorable how you fangirl around her and find everything she does to be awesome or cute. Granted she does wish you’d call her hot or sexy, but knows that isn’t really in tune with your personality.
Regardless, she tries to make sure you know how adorable you are, always telling you while you two are cuddled up together how lucky she is to have you and how you are so adorable. Even when you visit her at work, she’ll try to drop everything and have you run into her arms to pick you up. And every time she’s got time off work or is coming back from a job, she’s automatically looking for you so she could hook you in her arms and never let go.
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“Y/N, haha! You know we gotta keep this private, babe- The kids are gonna pounce on us any second now!”
Does Ekko love hugging you? Absolutely. The warmth of your arms around his body makes him stop everything he’s doing and just hug you while calling you his firelight or firefly. Unless he’s calling you an angel or lovebug, which never fails to make Scar either look at you two in awe or roll their eyes in mock annoyance. Unfortunately, Ekko does try his best to make sure you two don’t get super affectionate around the children, especially when it comes to hugs.
Why? Because as soon as you hug him, the children find this as an invitation to gather around him and have him nearly die under a cuteness overload of a group hug. It’s nice as a once in a while occurrence, but all the time? Maybe not. Outside of the reactions you two garnish and even the teasing of you being the firelight king/queen, Ekko lives for your cuddlebug energy, wanting to be in your arms after a long day’s work. It’s always the best way to end the night… 
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“And that’s why if I am able to block this end of the road, I’ll- Oh!... Oh come here, sweetheart. If you wanted to cuddle so badly, you could’ve asked.”
Caitlyn has always been someone who was more subtle with her love, pulling you into brief kisses, cupping your cheek and holding you by your waist. She usually leaves the more out there gestures like hugging and cuddling for you to initiate. But when you do? It might be harder for you to get her off of you instead of the other way around. It can be at work, in her home, outside of work or at an event. As soon as she feels your arms wrap around her slender body, she’s stopping for a second to hold you back and kiss your forehead.
She will continue working if you interrupt her during a briefing or in the middle of cracking a case, but the entire time, she will have at least one arm around your body and make sure you are comfortable. Her comrades tease her about it and she’ll scowl a bit, but she doesn’t care. As far as she can tell, she’s extremely lucky to have you as a lover.
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“Ah! Oh, it is just you, zolotse. Remember, you have to warn me of these cute little hugs of yours.”
At first, Viktor wasn’t used to your physical affection and how you were in awe of everything he did. He actually thought you were mocking him at first or being silly. But after a while, especially when the two of you became a couple, he grew accustomed to your affections. He does get a bit startled when you hug him out of nowhere and he does have moments where you cheering him on does make him a bit bashful, but he enjoys your sweet gestures regardless.
He does find it difficult to be as outgoing with his love for you as you are with him, but he does try his best to make you realize he loves you, especially in the form of quality time and calling you by sweet pet names bound to make you blush. Viktor has a tendency to pass out from working too hard and waking up in your arms. And though he’d never say it out loud, you know based on the way he snuggles into you, he adores it and adores you.
Jayce Talis
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“I know what you want and I want it too- So bring it in! I’ve waited all day to be in your arms!”
Because Jayce is always out at work, it’s kind of hard for you two to be around one another all the time. That’s why when he does reunite with you after hours or you two can be together on days off, he’s spending the majority of his free time with you or wrapped around you. He sort of craves for your praise and compliments as much as he craves your cuddles.
Many would compare the councilman to a needy dog wanting his owner’s undivided attention and he definitely gets that through you. Though he may try to act all cool or play coy, everyone knows that you mean so much to him and that he becomes putty around you. Even if they don’t, you’re not afraid to say it aloud. Just make sure Jayce isn’t around or that man will become redder than a beet.
Mel Medarda
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“What’s wrong?... I know that look. You want to- Ah! Well looks like you beat me to the punch, darling. How about we take this to the bed, hmm?”
Mel wasn’t really given physical affection when she was younger. She was more someone who preferred verbal affection with words of affirmation. So when it came to you and how affectionate you are, she found herself adapting and loving physical affection as much as telling you how much she loved you.
Your cuddles and sweet gestures are her personal heaven she loves returning to after a long day’s work, especially if she can spend an evening with you platonically in your shared bed. In your arms, she feels she can air out anything that’s bothering her or interests her, especially when you admit how cute it is when she does. Though this kind of intimate affection is delegated to private quarters, anyone can know from the way Mel speaks of you outside of home and at events that you mean so much to her.
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“Yeah! So then I was like screw you, I can do whatever- Hold on. Uh, Y/N. I thought we agreed to not do this at work?”
Sevika is considered the Right Hand of Zaun, a woman who is feared if not respected by her peers. And she’d like to keep it that way. Which means that while you two are at work, she prefers it if you don’t cuddle her around co-workers and give them something to tease her about. You two can only flirt and kiss and even then, it has to be sexy…
But alone, when both of you are away from the public eye, Sevika is at your beck and call wishing for nothing else but to hear your sweet praises and melt into your arms and touch. Expect her to call you the cutest thing ever and tease you on occasion, but afterwards she’s basically a big needy cat, or as she prefers to be called, a panther. It’s moments like these where you can really consider yourself lucky to see a raw side of Sevika. And it was only preserved for you.
If you got any requests for Arcane or X-Men '97, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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pow-pow1111 · 4 months
𝘼𝙍𝘾𝘼𝙉𝙀 𝙏𝙀𝙓𝙏𝙎- 𝙐𝙣𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙉𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙠
Arcane x reader
Summary: you message them pretending to be a stranger hitting on them
Includes: Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Viktor, Jayce, Mel, Ekko, Sevika
Note: So sorry that the pictures are so blurry!!!! I hope you can tell who everybody is, idk why the quality is so bad :(
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candyfloss5000 · 15 days
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nsfw sevika headcannons.
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author's note - this is really short sorry but hi i'm making a comeback.
- def into choking. she loves seeing you claw at her arm, loves seeing your eyes get all glassy eyed from how stupid she's making you on her cock.
- she loves marking, seeing bites she littered on your body from the night before gets her all hot and bothered. "who did that to you, bunny?" , she always asks you the next morning, thinking it's so cute how flustered you get.
- she can't get enough of manhandling, especially if you're on the heavier side. it's such an ego boost when she's able to pick you up and throw you around, hauling you into any position she'd like.
- face fucking is a must. she'll make you look at her while she grinds her clit up on your tongue, her juices spreading all over your face. or she'll force you to go all the way on her dick, sevika will swear up and down that she can feel the way throat constricts when she shoves her strap all the way down your throat, relishing in the way you gag, making some of the prettiest sounds she's ever been blessed to hear.
- show!sevika would probably be too afraid to do anything in public for the sake of your safety, but modern!sevika's favorite thing is to fuck you in the most public of places. fingering you on trains, eating you out in a resturant's bathroom stall, sometimes, she loves to use those long distance vibrators whenever you're out alone.
uhhh that's all i have sorry :3
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nickeverdeen · 8 months
arcane charaters with knowing the reader has a crush on them and like them back? How ould they react?
Arcane characters knowing reader has a crush on them and their feelings are mutual
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Vi's tough persona doesn't disappear, but it softens into a teasing banter
She might playfully tease you about your crush, often accompanied by a smirk or a wink
Vi, being a protector by nature, would subtly demonstrate her care for you
Whether it's offering an extra jacket in the cold or keeping an eye out in crowded situations, she shows her protective side
Vi would actively seek out opportunities to spend time with you, engaging in shared adventures or missions
These situations allow her to be close to you while maintaining a sense of camaraderie
Vi, known for her straightforwardness, would genuinely show interest in your thoughts and feelings
She might ask about your day or share aspects of her own life, fostering a deeper connection
While not overly affectionate, Vi might incorporate subtle touches—a hand on the shoulder or a reassuring pat
Or the cupcake moment she did with Caitlyn
These gestures convey her comfort with you and add a layer of intimacy to your interactions
Vi may initiate friendly challenges or competitions, showcasing her competitive side
It's a way for her to bond with you and share moments of triumph or friendly banter
As the mutual feelings deepen, Vi might find herself gradually opening up about her own vulnerabilities and past
This creates a sense of trust and intimacy between her and you
Vi's loyalty extends to you, and she becomes a reliable source of support
Whether it's standing up for you in tough situations or providing a listening ear, she ensures you know she's there for you
Vi's affection is expressed in more subtle ways
A genuine smile, a lingering look, or a thoughtful gesture—these moments showcase the depth of her feelings without compromising her tough exterior
Although she will definetly flirt with you
Vi becomes comfortable in shared silences with you
These moments, where words are unnecessary, speak volumes about the connection they share
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Caitlyn maintains her professional demeanor but subtly lets her guard down around you
She still prioritizes her duties but might show a softer side in your interactions
Caitlyn engages in conversations that encourage you to share your thoughts and feelings
She's genuinely interested in getting to know you on a personal level
Caitlyn discovers and explores shared interests with you
Whether it's enjoying a mutual hobby or discussing topics they both find intriguing, she creates connections beyond their professional relationship
Caitlyn, in her own reserved way, expresses admiration for your qualities
She may offer subtle compliments, acknowledging your skills or unique attributes
Despite her busy schedule, Caitlyn carves out quality time to spend with you
Whether it's shared meals or quiet moments, she values their time together
Caitlyn becomes a reliable and trustworthy presence for you
Her commitment to upholding justice extends to ensuring the well-being and happiness of those close to her
Caitlyn's protective instincts may surface subtly
She might take extra precautions or subtly intervene if you find yourself in a challenging situation
Caitlyn, though reserved, allows moments of vulnerability to surface
She may share personal stories or experiences, allowing you to see a more genuine side of her
In a composed manner, Caitlyn acknowledges the mutual feelings between them
She might express her sentiments indirectly or through actions, allowing you to understand the depth of her feelings
Caitlyn shows her affection through thoughtful gestures
Whether it's a small gift, a handwritten note, or acts of kindness, these actions reflect her appreciation for you
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Jinx thrives on playful banter and teasing
She'd likely playfully taunt you about your crush, using a mix of sarcasm and genuine interest, creating a dynamic and unpredictable atmosphere
Jinx would involve you in her mischievous escapades
From planning pranks on Sevika or Silco to causing a bit of chaos together, these shared adventures become the backdrop for their budding connection
Jinx might enjoy the thrill of secret rendezvous with you
Sneaking away for clandestine meetings adds an extra layer of excitement to their relationship
While maintaining her tough exterior, Jinx may allow occasional glimpses of vulnerability
These moments could be brief and fleeting, revealing a more complex side to her personality
Jinx's expressions of affection may be unconventional
Instead of traditional gestures, she might gift you something quirky or set up unexpected surprises that align with her unpredictable nature
Jinx, in her own impulsive way, may unexpectedly come to your aid or defend you when the situation calls for it
Her actions reflect a sense of protective loyalty
Jinx seeks out experiences that provide an adrenaline rush
Whether it's daring stunts or exploring abandoned places, she involves you in activities that fuel your shared thrill-seeking tendencies
Jinx communicates a lot through body language
From playful nudges to intense eye contact, her expressions convey a range of emotions that add depth to their interactions
Jinx's emotions can be unpredictable, swinging between intense passion and moments of vulnerability
You experience the full spectrum of her feelings, creating a unique and dynamic connection
Jinx's loyalty to you is fierce
She stands by you in moments of chaos, showcasing her dedication and willingness to go to extremes for those she cares about
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Jayce would be naturally friendly and approachable, making you feel comfortable in his presence
His charismatic nature would shine through, creating an inviting atmosphere
Jayce would actively seek out shared interests with you, whether it's in the realm of technology, innovation, or personal hobbies
He sees these commonalities as opportunities to deepen the connection
Given Jayce's intellectual pursuits, he'd engage you in meaningful conversations
From discussing the latest inventions to exploring ideas and theories, he values stimulating intellectual exchanges
Jayce would be genuinely supportive of your endeavors
Whether it's personal goals or professional aspirations, he encourages and believes in your potential, providing a strong pillar of support
Jayce, with a thoughtful nature, might express his affection through small gestures
Whether it's surprising you with a meaningful gift or arranging a special experience, he invests effort in making you feel valued
(And yes I do realize I keep writing “Wheter” 🥲)
A touch of chivalry might be present in Jayce's interactions
He could exhibit traditional gestures of politeness and consideration, reflecting his respect and admiration for you
Jayce will 100% flex his muscles from time to time when you’re alone
While maintaining a respectful tone, Jayce might engage in occasional flirtatious banter
His charm manifests through playful remarks and subtle compliments, adding a layer of romantic tension
Jayce recognizes the importance of quality time in building a connection
Whether it's shared meals, outings, or quiet moments, he ensures you have meaningful experiences together
Jayce is attuned to your emotions and needs
His empathetic nature allows him to understand and navigate the complexities of your feelings, fostering a deeper emotional connection
While maintaining a level of professionalism, Jayce may display subtle forms of public affection
A reassuring touch, a shared smile, or a glance that communicates your connection without being overly conspicuous
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Ekko's interactions would be filled with playful banter and teasing
He enjoys keeping the atmosphere light-hearted and fun, making you comfortable in expressing your feelings
Ekko would actively involve you in his adventures and experiments
Whether it's exploring new hextech creations or navigating the undercity together, he values shared experiences
Given Ekko's interest in hextech, he might engage you in collaborative projects
Working together on inventive ideas becomes a way to bond and strengthen your connection
Ekko, as a natural inventor, might surprise you with unique and thoughtful inventions
These surprises reflect his creativity and the effort he puts into making you feel special
Ekko's time-manipulating abilities may add an interesting twist to your interactions
He might create moments where time seems to slow down, emphasizing the significance of your connection
Ekko is perceptive and empathetic
He pays attention to your feelings and is understanding of your emotions, creating a supportive environment for open communication
Ekko's adventurous spirit means that he actively seeks out exciting and daring activities
Whether it's exploring hidden places or taking on challenges, he involves you in his quest for excitement
Despite his playful nature, Ekko is capable of having deeper conversations
He might share his thoughts and feelings, creating moments of emotional intimacy that strengthen your bond
Ekko might express his feelings through physical affection, such as playful nudges, high-fives, or even inventive ways of showing closeness without being overly romantic
Ekko sees the relationship as an opportunity for mutual growth
He encourages you to pursue your interests and supports you in your endeavors, fostering a sense of personal and collective development
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Viktor values deep and meaningful conversations
He would engage you in discussions about innovation, progress, and your personal interests, creating a connection through shared intellectual pursuits
Recognizing your passions and talents, Viktor might involve you in collaborative projects
Working together on scientific or technological endeavors becomes a way to strengthen your bond
Both driven by a desire for progress, Viktor and you would share a common vision
You collaborate on projects that contribute to the betterment of Zaun and Piltover, emphasizing your shared goals
Despite his stoic exterior, Viktor is empathetic
He provides emotional support to you, understanding the complexities of your feelings and offering a steady presence during challenging times
Viktor might express his affection in subtle and thoughtful ways
Whether it's a shared moment of silence, a reassuring touch, or a small, meaningful gesture, these actions convey his feelings
Viktor and you would reflect on the progress of your relationship and personal growth
He values a partnership where both individuals contribute to each other's development
Viktor's strategic mindset extends to relationship dynamics
He might plan thoughtful dates or experiences, considering your preferences and creating moments that deepen your connection
Viktor understands the balance between ambition and personal life
He ensures that you feel valued and prioritized, demonstrating that your relationship is an integral part of his life
Viktor sees the relationship as an opportunity for continuous learning and growth
Whether exploring new areas of science or embracing personal interests, they embark on a journey of discovery together
Despite the seriousness of his work, Viktor would appreciate the importance of light-hearted moments
He might engage in occasional humor or playful activities, allowing the relationship to have a well-rounded dynamic
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r3starttt · 2 months
CW: hate sex. mean! dom! Caitlyn. shower sex. strap-on sex. sucking on strap. degradation kink. choking. lots of slapping... everywhere
AN: for @clairoscharm <3 and all the Cait lovers surviving with crumbs | TAGLIST
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Her hands hovered over the softness of your stomach. The warmth of the water mixed with the wet kisses being displayed on your neck. The sharpness of her teeth eventually biting at your skin, sucking and licking as her fingernails traced small patterns up your body
"Cait-" you tried to beg, desperate for anything of her. Her hand moved up your throat, her nails digging very slightly on each side. “oh shut up,” she groans, her other hand moving on the valley between your breasts, her arm barely caressing your hardened nipples, as desperate for attention as the rest of your body. “shut up, i dont wanna hear another stupidity out your mouth"
The pads of her fingers cupped your already wet pussy. It made you feel ridiculously exposed, you were supposed to feel bad, not get wet. But it's also what she wanted, to get you vulnerable so you would remember what your place was.
“you’re so fucking stupid,” she cooes, “aren’t you? can't do what I ask, mhm?" you shake your head rapidly, feeling her palm slap at your cunt. Her hips bucking to yours purposely giving you the smallest friction.
“no?" The hand on your neck moves up your jawline, to your chin and finally to pucker your cheeks, a slap on them before she let's go, taking a last glance of your already teary face with such proud on her eyes.
At each slap against your clit she presses a kiss on your shoulders, on your back and neck. Her other hand taking its chance to hold your breasts, her nails digging into your flesh, pinching and gripping harshly at your nipples and the soft skin around them.
The feeling- knowing shes making your hips twitch against hers- her fingers move between your folds, up and down without pressing much into your clit. Her palm rubbing against your pussy, with such ease she needs to moan with you.
Your body jerked, the stimulation on your clit, her hands eventually ssisoring your folds, her nails on your nipples, the slaps- a muffled cry rip from your throat. The salty of your tears mixing with the water.
"Did that hurt?" Her voice right next to your ear. You could see her from the corner of your eye- her mocking replied with a weak nod "Mhm quite a shame, isn't it?"
"But you're so wet?" Her finger abandoned your clit, moving to your lower back. Another spank followed by her firm grip, harsh against your flesh.
"Get on your knees" Suddendly the water feels heavy, way too hot. But you can't do else than to obbey.
The floor is slightly cold. It's tiles digging into your skin. You look up at her, struggling as the water keeps on running, each minute colder.
"What're you staring at?" Her hand comes closer to your chin again, leaning towards you. She smacks at your cheek. "Suck"
You take a good deep breath, your pupils in awe at the sight in fron of you, wrapping your lips round' the tip. Caitlyn's hands twine the locks on each side of your head, the pads of her fingers massaging tenderly. Her flushed face tilting down to get a nice look of you.
She presses her pelvis further upon your lip, forcing you to open up. Your lips part to make enough space for her strap to fit in. The grasp on your head tightens, pushing the strap to a greater extent that bounds it to the back wall of your throat.
You let out a couple of muffled moans, quickly shushed by her. “nuh-uh, take it,” tears springing from your eyes as you moan “see? isn’t it easy to obbey?”
You begin bobbing your head on your own, slow but deep. Her nails move to the back of your head, holding enough to give you liberty and let you do the work. Her clutch on your hair firmly enough, a non-verbal way to lead you.
Until you catch a pace decent enough for her, leaving your head alone to rest her hands against the cold tiles. Her pretty eyes never leaving yours.
There's something about it- her hair cascading on the sides of her face and down her back, the water running all over it, down her body. her chest raising and falling, her pretty breasts exposed for you, so tempting. Then her stomach, you can see it tensing.
But there's nothing like the sight right in front of your current position. Her legs, very slightly appart from each other. The water running down them, making them shine. And the strap, the way it hugs her skin, the way she bucks her hips against you-
Thrusting your head faster, her own moans and whines grow, overlapping with your quiet gags. The water blinding you, your mouth full and drooling for her. You can barely whine but it's there.
"good girl" her tone comes quiet but firm, mockingly. She's still mad at you and it elicts the most weak moan through your lips. Her eyes meeting yours as you fight the water to take a look of her.
All the light covered by her body. One of her hands comes back to the back of your head. She's close.
And from that on it just gets worse for you. Her hips thrusting the strap harder and deeper, your gags louder and more frequent. But she couldt care any less right now. "You deserve it, stop crying"
Her eyes narrow at you, eyebrows clenching at the bridge of her nose in annoyment, suddenly replaced by the overwhelming pleasure running all over her body. Her teeth bite her bottom lip, you can't really tell but her nose is scrunched a bit. You're mostly focused on not stopping, not until she's off her high.
Her eyes completely locked on yours, it makes you want to do anything for her. Anything to prove your worth it, you'll stay here for hours If that's what she needed, if that's what she wanted. You just wanted her to feel good.
You feel her fingers collect as much hair as possible. Tiny whimpers escaped her lips at each breath she took.
She pulled you of the strap with force. A trail of saliva connecting you to her and the drool down your chin running down your body along the warm water covering you both.
"Be good and take one more"
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(X) = Smut
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder @jinxs-gf Summary: You’re an artist, giddy at the thought of creating a portrait of Jinx, your lover. Except she can’t understand why you’d want a portrait of her. Warnings: None Special Tag: Fluff Jinx
lessons in lust @dykeishh (X) Summary: Ellie meets with her hot tutor for calculus and somehow ends with an anatomy lesson!  Warnings: None Special Tag: Public Sex Ellie Williams
lessons in lust @dykeishh (X) Summary: Ellie meets with her hot tutor for calculus and somehow ends with an anatomy lesson!  Warnings: None Special Tag: Public Sex Ellie Williams
Sick @notbadforafailedvessel Summary: Reader is sick and seeks comfort in Alcina. Warnings: None Special Tag: None Alcina
and then what happened? @flowrmoth (X) Summary: Your date last night with another girl got real juicy and ellie couldn't help but ask about it... Warnings: None Special Tag: Mulity Chapter Ellie Williams
YOUR WOMAN @r3starttt (X) Summary: Abby is beyond exhausted and your needy. Warnings: None Special Tag: None Abby Anderson
Baby, I'm yours @sweetcyberangel Summary: When your friends leave you stranded at a club you find yourself in the helpful hands of the club's bouncer, who - by the way - is super hot and definitely your type Warnings: None Special Tag: Mulity Chapter Abby Anderson
Baby, I'm yours @sweetcyberangel Summary: Vi and Caitlyn can not get enough of you. Warnings: None Special Tag: High Fem Reader Vi Caitlyn
Good Luck Charm @fr3sh-tragedies Summary: Jinx has been told she's a mistake and a...well, a jinx her whole life, which is why it's such a surprise when you tell her she's your good luck charm. Warnings: None Special Tag: Angst, Fluff Jinx
Outback @catfernn (X) Summary: the night shift at a remote petrol station sounded like easy double pay. but nights get lonely. you've gotta find something to keep yourself entertained. Warnings: None Special Tag: Trucker Au Abby Anderson
The Wolf and the Prophet @burnednotburied Summary: Abby goes looking for Owen and ends up on the wrong end of your knife. Warnings: Cult-like Ideas, Blood, Injury Special Tag: Slow Burn, Muilty Chapter Abby Anderson
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sevikasupremacy · 3 months
Could I request all of the arcane ladies with a plus sized S/O?
Having a Plus Sized S/O
Slight NSFW
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➼ Prepared to be touched 24/7
➼ Not only because she’s touch starved but Vi also loves the feeling of your skin against hers.
➼ Cuddling is her favorite—
➼ Especially when you’re the big spoon. YOU’RE JUST SO WARM AND SOFT (and it’s also because she wants to feel your tits against her back—).
➼ Looooves to nuzzle her face into your tits and ass ;)
➼ She’ll literally sleep like a baby the moment her face comes into contact with them.
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➼ She would not stop complimenting you (and undress you with her eyes).
➼ Please let her burrow her face into your tummy—
➼ She’ll sneak a couple of kisses every time she gets to nuzzle into you.
➼ She’s so calm and collected on the outside but on the inside? Only feral thoughts—
➼ She’s the reason why you guys can’t get a good night sleep cos she keeps pushing her face into your tits or tummy (You’re always scared that she’ll suffocate).
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➼ Oh Sevika fucking loves it
➼ Let’s just say that this woman will not be able to keep her hands to herself.
➼ She will find every single chance to touch you.
➼ Looooves to grab and squeeze your thighs (Kiss and bite too;))
➼ She once accidentally did the grabby hands at you right in front of Silco’s goons and it was the cutest thing you ever saw. After that Jinx and Ran couldn’t stop making fun of her.
➼ Would definitely fuck you in front of a giant mirror (So both of you can admire just how beautiful you are.)
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➼ She is head over heels for you let me tell you that—
➼ Just like Caitlyn, Mel definitely undresses you with her eyes and she doesn’t even bother to hide it.
➼ She’ll snake her arm around your waist all the time. Not only to keep you close but just to be able to feel you was soothing enough.
➼ Especially when she’s so stressed from all the councilor duties she had to fulfill— You were like her personal stress reliever.
➼ Backhug her and she’ll immediately melt in your arms.
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➼ Every night she’ll pepper kisses all over your body, telling you how beautiful you were underneath her.
➼ She’ll do literally ANYTHING to be able to hold and kiss you.
➼ The only thing on her mind during work is how she can’t wait to jump into your arms and cuddle with you.
➼ Grayson has to fight back the urge to just ditch her job sometimes because she didn’t wanted to leave the warmth of your embrace every morning.
➼ If you visit her during work, prepared to be groped and kissed cos this woman will not hesitate (She once left Marcus mid-convo just to pull you into a corner and kiss you).
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icanbeyour · 2 months
Leave my legs shaken pls...
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baambied · 4 months
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vi in a enforcer uniform🎀🎀
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redr0sewrites · 4 months
ahem ahem... I saw your requests were open and i am viciously starving for arcane content sooooooo
Praise n Mommy kink w/ Service top Caitlyn x fem reader? 👀
🥀A/n : GRRRRR I LOVE U FOR THIS- it has a twist at the end i really enjoyed hehe, so i hope u like it too!!! gen considering making this a series...
🥀 Pairing(s) : Caitlyn x fem!reader
🥀Cw : smut, aftercare/fluff at the end, mommy kink, praise, safeword mention, pwp, Vi walks on on yall at the end, sub!fem!reader
🥀 minors dni
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you hurry up towards Caitlyn's room, navigating the familiar passageways of her mansion towards your lover. you were stopping by to visit her after hearing about her return to Piltover, and you couldn't deny that you were excited to hear about the experience. she had sent you a letter in the middle of her trip, but you were practically dying for more details.
while it had only been a few days since you'd last seen her, you were already bubbling with anticipation. you had heard all about her theories and hoped, for her sake, she had caught a lead.
you had also heard about her escapades with a certain red head from the undercity, and above all, you were intrigued about the new acquaintance she had seemingly made.
as you approached the door to her room, you felt a moment of hesitation overcome you as your hand hovers over the door knob. you hope she wasn't too tired, Caitlyn had a tendency to wear herself out after long days and difficult jobs. you didn't want to wake her if she was sleeping, but your desire to see her trumps your worries.
knock, knock.
you gently knock on the door, and after a beat of silence, a familiar voice beckons you in. however, before you could enter, Caitlyn opens the door without you even touching the handle and pulls you into a tight hug.
"hey, baby.. you okay?" you ask, gently carding a hand through her hair. she releases you, a tired but warm smile on her face. "i'm better now that you're here, darling." she gently pulls you into her room, closing the door to reveal its emptiness. you were both relieved and disappointed, as you were hoping to meet Vi, but grateful for the time alone.
the room is quiet as you move towards the bed and sit down, the mattress dipping beneath you. you kick off your shoes before climbing fully onto the bed and, after a beat of silence, you broke the tension.
"soo... how'd it go?" Caitlyn heaves a sigh, flopping down beside you on the bed and groaning. she takes off her shoes and outer layers, and begins to rant. "so much happened, it was incredible, and terrible, and life-changing all at once... and even after all that we- I failed. i found the truth about the undercity, about the crystal, everything, and yet- i couldn't retrieve it." Caitlyn sighs again, and turns to press a kiss to your temple.
"i'm sorry.." you whisper, unsure of what to say. fuck, why is comforting people so hard? Caitlyn chuckles, her breath light against the side of your face. "it's okay, none of it is your fault. i'm just a bit... stressed, darling. nothing to apologize for."
Caitlyn's gaze meets yours, and your breath hitches as clear blue eyes meet yours. "y'know.. i know something that can help with stress," you tease, and shoot Caitlyn a corny wink. she bursts out laughing, lurching forward slightly and your noses brush together as you both giggle.
"oh, shut it, you!" she laughs, but pulls you into a kiss. the mattress creaks slightly as she gets onto her knees, and you follow her lead. she sits up on the bed and you follow, lips chasing hers as she ravishes you.
the soft whine that escapes your lips made your cheeks heat as Caitlyn pulls you onto her lap. how is this woman so composed? her lips immediately find yours again as she pulls you in, both of her hands frame your face as you meet in another electric kiss.
even though it had only been a few days since you had seen eachother, Caitlyn was determined to make it up to you.
you struggle to ground yourself, gasping between kisses as Caitlyn gently pushes you down upon the bed. she moves to straddle you, her muscular thighs are firm against you and in the moment, you can think of nothing but her. fuck, how did i pull her? the thought evaporates in an instant as she leans down to kiss you again, her skirt riding up as your lips press together.
this kiss is more fierce, a sloppy and entrancing mixture of teeth and tongue. delicate hands travel down to your waist as your back arches off the bed, and you feel a twinge in your gut as Caitlyn rolls her hips against you. "hngh-" you gasp, and Caitlyn pulls away slightly to take in your flushed features.
"is this okay, darling?" you nod fervently, your back arches slightly as your hands find purchase on her hips. Caitlyn chuckles at your enthusiasm but says nothing, before climbing off of you completely. you almost let out an indignant whine, when Caitlyn quickly begins to undress. immediately understanding, you follow her lead, until your both bare except for your undergarments.
"your so pretty, darling," she murmurs, and kisses your collarbone. your breath hitches as her trail of lovemarks and affection travels lower and lower, until she reaches your navel.
Caitlyn presses a gentle kiss on your happy trail before hooking her fingers through the waistband of your soaked panties. her gaze drifts down to your drooly pussy, yet she doesn't move an inch.
"is this okay, my sweet?" the sight of her piercing gaze on your clothed cunt combined with her velvetty words made you tremble, and you nod yet again. your brain is already turned to mush, and both of you know that you're too far gone for words at this point. you have been dating Caitlyn for a few months, and yet you still fold from just a few simple touches. maybe you are pussy whipped.
Caitlyn removed your panties and tosses them to the side before gently toying with your soaked pussy. you clench around nothing as nimble fingers trace through your folds, gathering your slick.
"already so wet, such a good girl," Caitlyn whispers, before leaning down to press a kiss on your clit. simultaneously, she curls a finger inside you, slowly stretching out your gummy walls and easing you into a comfortable rhythm. you can't help but squirm at the intrusion, and the addition of another finger only makes your brain more fuzzy.
"thats it, that's my girl," she coos, curling two fingers against a spot that makes you see stars. at the same time Caitlyn leans down and licks a stripe up your cunt, sucking on your pulsing clit and stimulating all the places her fingers can't reach. "o-oh!" you gasp, your back immediately arching as you begin to slowly grind against her face, desperate for friction. Caitlyn chuckles against your aching cunt, and the vibrations against your pussy make your head spin.
"ffuck- Caitlynnghhg-" you mewl as she slips a third finger into your clenching heat. your slick coats her lips and fingers, and you can feel your release approaching. "m close, please please mommy-" you whine, throwing your head back as your thighs begin to tremble. your lover notices the familiar pet name and realizes how close you are, and begins to speed up her fingers' pace.
in tandem with her strokes, Caitlyn sucks harder on your clit, her tongue working wonders as it swirls over your needy bud. "mommy, please-" you keen, feeling the coil in your stomach tightening to a breaking point.
your cunt flutters and siezes around her fingers as she pushes you over the precipice. with a final, guttural moan, your back arches and your thighs squeeze around your lovers head as your first orgasm of the night washes over you.
as you begin to come down from your high, you realize that Caitlyn has stood up and is scuffling around by your bedside table. your stomach flips in excitement as you see her take out a familiar strap. Caitlyn quickly joins you on the bed, and fastens the harness.
"you did s'good for me, darling, so good. now, i need you to suck on mommy's cock n' get it all wet, okay?" your cheeks flush at her words, and you realize how lewd you had sounded before. "don't get shy on me darling, i need you to stay with me. now, open up, okay?" Caitlyn reaches out to grab your face as you lay on your stomach in front of her. your neck cranes to "taste" her silicone dick as it rubs against your cheek, and you take her cock in your mouth.
you make sure to swirl your tongue over the tip, making direct eye contact with Caitlyn as you do so. a sliver of drool slips past your lips and she doesn't hesitate to scoop it up with her thumb. the amount of trust between you two, combined with the vulnerability of your position, only makes you more needy.
Caitlyn gently pulls her strap out of your mouth, careful not to move around to much lest she choke you. her silicone cock is dripping with your own spit, and she orders you to lay back on the bed.
"relax, dear, just give me a second.." Caitlyn murmurs, crawling atop you and aligning her dripping strap with your soaked cunt. she pauses as she rubs her dick against your folds, and makes eye contact with you. "do you remember the safeword?" you nod, tucking your head into the crook of her neck and whispering it in her ear.
"good girl," Caitlyn murmurs, almost absentmindedly. she aligns her strap with your aching cunt, one hand rubbing soothing circles on your thigh while the other toys with your clit. "your so sweet for me.." she whispers, and slowly begins to push her cock inside of your cunt. you mewl at the intrusion, burying your head into thr crook of her neck as your gummy walls clamp down on her strap.
"you can take it, darling," Caitlyn purrs, and thrusts fully into your soaked heat. swift fingers continue to toy with your clit as you fall apart, crumbling even though she hasn't even moved yet. Caitlyn seems to realize this, and slowly pulls out before pushing her cock back inside of you. her strap reaches places inside of your pussy that your fingers could never hit, and your eyes roll back from pleasure.
"mnghh-ommy!" the term of endearment slips out yet again before you even have the time to think, and Caitlyn curses under her breath. her thrusts begin to increase in pace, reaching deeper and deeper inside you as tears well up in your eyes. the pleasure is mind numbing as she continues to circle your clit with her thumb, and your hips instinctively roll up off the bed towards her touch.
Caitlyn's hair slips over her shoulders, framing the both of you in an indigo silhouette. you can already feel your release beginning to build as Caitlyn thrusts in, buried to the hilt in your sloppy pussy. your clit pulses beneath her touch, already yearning for release.
"mommy, please," you mewl tearily, thighs quaking as your eyes roll back into your head. "m close-" Caitlyn shuts you up with a kiss, burying her tongue in your mouth. you can taste your own slick, and the thought only makes you needier. Caitlyn's thrusts begin to grow sporadic as the bed shakes, and you know that you won't last much longer.
as if on cue, Caitlyn breaks away from your kiss to whisper in your ear. "its okay, baby, you can cum," she murmurs, accentuating her words with a deep thrust. the tip of her cock ever so gently brushes against your cervix and you sob from the mixture of pain and pleasure. the coil in your abdomen is tightening beyond belief, and a few more wanton moans fall past your lips.
Caitlyn rolls her hips especially deep, rocking against you as the sound of skin slapping against skin and your own moans drown your senses.
"go on, hah, darling. you can cum," Caitlyn's voice slurs, her breath tickles your face as your bodies collide. all it takes are these few words for you to come undone, your back arches and your eyes roll back as you fall into ecstasy. tears stream down your face as pleasure washes over you like a tidal wave.
as you come down from your euphoric high, Caitlyn presses soft kisses across your face. "you did so good for me, my sweet, so good. 'm so proud," she coos, brushing the hair out of your face and pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. all you can do is nod, too fucked out for anything else.
"lets get you cleaned up, okay darling?" again, you nod, melting into her embrace as she scoops you up. and head towards the bathroom. fuck, she's strong, you think, nestling into her embrace as she presses yet another kiss to your forehead. you wouldn't have it any other way.
suddenly, a knock on the door startles you both and, without warning, a red haired girl barges in.
"Caitlyn! i have something to- OH SHIT" the girl turns away, face almost turning the color of her hair in shock. you rush to cover yourself with a nearby robe, flushing under the scrutiny of the stranger in front of you. Vi, you recognized internally. Caitlyn had only been able to send you one letter while she was in the undercity, but it had told you a bit about the red haired stranger in front of you.
"Vi! what did i tell you about knocking!" Caitlyn is flushed, and quickly wraps a towel around her bare form. Vi, clearly embarrassed, turns away, and you can't help but laugh at the sight of such a gruff individual looking so awkward.
Caitlyn soon joins you in your laughter, and Vi rolls her eyes. "can you two please get decent so i can talk to you?" she huffs, and you can't help but smile. "alright, alright", Caitlyn sighs, pressing a kiss to your temple. "you bathe without me, okay? i'll join you in a minute, after i get decent". she accentuates the last words in a mocking tone, and Vi grumbles again. "lovebirds.." she sighs, and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
"that should teach her to knock," you giggle, and Caitlyn shoots you a look. "knowing her, it won't," she chuckles, and you squeeze her hand. you can tell she's concerned about whatever Vi had to say, and you know how important this case is to her. "go talk to her, she wouldn't have barged in if it wasn't important."
"i don't want to leave you-"
"i can handle myself, Cait. now seriously, go. i think Vi will throw a fit if you don't join her soon," you reply, kissing Caitlyn again on the nose.
"i love you, darling," she murmurs, and you watch as she gets dressed. blowing you one last kiss, she leaves the room, where you can see Vi's silhouette in the hallway. Caitlyn closes the door behind her and you enter the bathroom, relaxed and content. you knew Caitlyn would join you soon, but for now, it would be best to enjoy a peaceful shower alone. you hope your next meeting with Vi would be less chaotic, and more, as she put it, decent.
Caitvi x reader slowburn multi chapter fic... what do yall think... ummm...... these woman are corrupting my brain hhhhhh..... aaaaaaaa!!! would yall want Decent to become a series?? anyways GOSH this took wayyyyyy too long like i could NOT finish the smutty part in the middle i hope it wasn't too obvious🙏🙏🙏 i actually really enjoyed this req ehhehee- hope u enjoyed too!!!
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