#victor beaumont
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izunias-meme-hole · 5 months
Since you’ve been doing a fair amount of Batman posting, mind if you list your favorite members of the Gotham Rouges?
Okay. I’ll list about 10 of my faves, though we’ll be counting backwards here.
Also I'll be listing the variations of my faves whom I like the most to make things clearer.
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Number 10. Poison Ivy (B:TAS) - If we're talking about character alone, this is the blueprint for literally every present day version of Poison Ivy, however this specific incarnation of the character has aged pretty well. She's every bit the dangerous eco-warrior that she makes herself out to be and will gladly turn someone into a tree for bulldozing a forest, but there is still a level of humanity to her character much like half the villains in the show.
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Number 9. Mr. Freeze (B:TAS & Batman Beyond) - I feel like this is a "to the surprise of absolutely nobody" moment, but come on! Mr. Freeze here not only was made into a more tragic character compared to his early comic counterpart, but he actually had a whole arc across the entirety of B:TAS which ended at Batman Beyond. Victor Fries was a scientist trying to save his wife, Nora, from a rare disease, so he put her into a cryopod to preserve her until he found a cure. Then he and Nora were almost killed, but Nora was still kept on ice, while Victor got turned into a literal cold hearted monster. Even after Nora was finally cured, Victor was forever unable to be with her due to his own condition worsening to the point where he was just a head in a jar, angry with the world. A couple of decades later, and he is given a new body by the Wayne Powers CEO, Derek Powers, and while things were finally going well at first and Victor was reforming as soon as he had the chance, things went horribly wrong again, resulting in Victor dying as Mr. Freeze. I may have missed some details here, but yeah that's a summary of this sad ice man.
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Number 8. Dr. Crane/Scarecrow (Nolan Trilogy) - Crane wasn't a big villain in the grand scheme of the trilogy, but my god Cillian Murphy does a great job with the character. Like I wish that his supervillain outfit wasn't just a bag over his face, but Scarecrow manages to be quite the dangerous loon with a mask of sanity in Batman Begins, an active member of the underworld in The Dark Knight, and the guy actively sending folks to their deaths in The Dark Knight Rises. Could we have had more of him? Yes. Did he use up his screen time well? Absolutely. Though his fear toxin could've been infinitely wilder.
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Number 7. The Phantasm (B:TAS but movie) - The Phantasm is the literal best darker counterpart to Batman a lot of levels.
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Number 6. Harley Quinn (B:TAS yet again) - The minor side villainess turned breakout character of the show. If anyone has seen B:TAS and then seen the rest of the media she's in, then you know why this is the best version of her. A good amount of things about the character being based around her actress (R.I.P Arleen Sorkin), her interactions with half the cast, Peak HarIvy content, the best representation of how bad her situation with her abusive ex was, and the perfect mixture between being a not-so-great-person and a precious lil' thing who deserves better.
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Number 5. Harvey Dent, Two-Face, & The Judge (B:TAS) - The first well developed Two-Face, and the definitive. I mean he was never a bad villain, but the character was never utilized to the fullest like he was in B:TAS. Harvey Dent was a good guy with an other half that was the literal manifestation of his bottled up anger, an anger that turned into something else entirely after the left side of his face got blown off. Now Harvey and his other half start their own crusade to eradicate organized crime by taking it over from within. In other words, Two-Face here wanted to originally wanted to achieve something good through something bad, and yes a lot of it is due to a fair coin flip. However Harvey began to disagree with some of the shit his other half was getting up to, and as a result developed a third personality that was so separate from both himself and Two-Face that it tried killing both of them and, by extension, himself. This third entity would end up being The Judge, a ruthless, wraith-like vigilante with a judge's attire. So after being detained in Arkham for good, all three Harvey's are literally stuck with each other, and in a spin-off comic set directly after that whole situation with The Judge, Two-Face was given another double headed coin that would constantly come up on the "good side," and spent a lot of time dismantling his criminal enterprise, before doing (another) suicide attempt. This take on Two-Face was something else.
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Number 4. Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham) - If I were to list everything that this smug snake has done, along with some of the shit that happened to him, we'd be here all day. However, this is the most well characterized iteration of The Penguin that we've ever had, in my humble opinion.
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Number 3. Catwoman (Batman Returns) - I'm dying on this hill gentlemen. Despite not being... anything like her comic counterpart, outside of name, confidence, etc, Michelle Pfeiffer's Selina is something great in her own right.
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Number 2. The Riddler (The Batman 2022) - Turning the Riddler into a a catholic, terrorist, cult leader that looked up to a young and angry Year-Two Batman, while also keeping the core elements of his character the same is something I'll never stop praising. He's still intelligent, he's still creative, he's still on the verge of breakdowns when his ego is badly damaged, etc.
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Number 1. The Joker (B:TAS & Batman Beyond) - This is a "to the surprise to absolutely nobody" moment, though in this case I cannot be blamed. B:TAS understood the assignment and provided the definitive iteration of The Joker, completely inspired by his early comic appearances and some elements from Jack Nicholson's take on the character. An ex-mafiosi turned Clown Prince of Crime that lives to only spread misery across Gotham in the most creative way possible with a smile on his face. That was the idea that Paul Dini and Bruce Timm ran with when conceptualizing this bastard, and they just explored the concept for all its worth. Not only that, but this was the first time that Mark Hamill ever voiced this bastard, and it was just perfect casting. Overall, nostalgia got me to re-examine this take on the character, and I can easily say that without a doubt, this is the best Joker.
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nemo-of-house-hamartia · 11 months
Dear mutuals, how are you all doing????
After so long since my last WIP Wednesday, allow me to share with you a few words from all the chapters I have been working on while I was without WIFI!! <3 I truly hope you will like them!
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(...) “I dare beg your pardon, mademoiselle,” Mathias murmured, his hands leaving the keys of the piano as if they had suddenly turned scalding hot. “It was not my intention to cause you torment,” With a quick gesture, he put on his soft gloves again, hiding away his scars, feeling the shame he always felt at the sight of them.
When Dorothea raised her face from her own hands to look at him, eyes were swollen from all the crying or her nose and cheeks splotched with white and purple stains, Mathias felt mortified for having been the cause of such heartbreak.
What caught him off guard and caused him to feel washed over with sympathy for her was the absolute emptiness inside those gray irises. That void, that absolute desolation, he had seen it and known it, times and times over, every single moment his dark eyes had the misfortune of landing in a mirror, after the great fire, when he thought there was no hope for a better day, no consolation in knowing that the dark of the night would soon end and the sun would kiss him again with his rays.
He stood there one moment longer, apprehension growing in his chest for he felt unfit in how to approach her, not knowledgeable in what to do or say to bring whatever comfort he could to that strange woman.
Had she been one of his sisters, he would have taken her in his arms and embraced her until all tears had left her; he would have jested, suggesting her that they could go for ride outside of Paris or pick up some flowers that he could braid in their hair.
But this woman was different, more akin to how his Lady Mother was in the way she carried herself. He tried to recall how his father would console his mother, but couldn’t.
He bowed his head, standing awkwardly next to the piano and considering if to take his leave so not to inconvenience her any further when she finally spoke.
She whispered something barely audible from the tightness of her throat.
“Pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle, I…I am afraid I didn’t hear what you said,”
“It was my father’s favourite,” she repeated with broken voice, her eyes looking at the piano with desperate affection.
She stood up, the gown that Colette had given her almost creating a tray behind her for how much bigger it was, it almost made her look like a ghost.
“I was afraid I would forget it, afraid that whatever happened to me - whatever made me lose my mind - might also take away whatever memories I had of the people I loved the most. So, I wrote the song down,” she started to say, heavy tears started to roll down her cheeks again as she caressed the keys with gentle hand.
Mathias could understand only partially what she said, but the pain behind her words was unmistakable.
“Your father played the piano, mademoiselle?”
She nodded, as a tiny smile full of bitter regret touched her lips.
“He did. He does. Splendidly so,” she hiccuped, heart squeezing in her chest. “As a child, I could always hear him playing at night. I would sneak out of my bedroom and sit just outside his solar door, listening. My mother used to sit beside him, there, always there, always at his right, and they would sing and sing and sing to one another, laughing. Byron would find me asleep in the corridor, and tuck me away in bed, and then I would dream of songs and laughter and dances and happiness,”
She sat at the piano bench, pressing one or two keys, before lowering her head to give her tears way to fall in silence once more, staining the light fabric of the nightgown as they landed on her knees. Her chest heaved, the only sign that she was sobbing, holding within all of her pain.
Mathias’s eyes turned down in sadness in seeing all that suffering.
Gently kneeling at her side, he looked at her, offering his most comforting smile.
“I do not pretend to fully comprehend what happened, Mademoiselle, nor am I so presumptuous to say that I know what you must feel. But I promise, on my honour, we will discover what happened to you, and if there is a way to bring you back to your family, if there is a path, we will find it. You have my word. As an Assassin.” Dorothea raised her eyes, furrowing her brow for a moment. Assassin? (............)
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(......) “Kill him.” Byron murmured. “But Lord Harrison-“ Byron walked up to his face. “If you think Lord Starrick would allow any piety toward our enemies, you have no wits to yourself whatsoever. Kill him, Master Barclay. I won’t ask it again.” Markus’ whole face transformed, body reacted almost against his will, and with hands trembling, he made the mistake of looking for one moment into the eyes of the Assassin sitting on the floor. The silent plea of mercy was there, all written in watery blue eyes. The gun went off with a deafening boom. Byron looked once more to the desolated rest of the two Assassins, his face not letting transpire a single emotion. If anyone were to look upon him, one would have thought him bored by the whole ordeal. But this would have been the furthest from the truth. He looked at Markus, whose face was pale and covered in sweat as if he was about to either retch or pass out. Byron narrowed his eyes as he walked just by him, his footsteps heavy as if to underline the solemnity of his pace He stood by the Master Templar without so much deigning him of a glance. When he spoke, he saw the man flinching. “I do not take insubordination kindly, Markus. Defy my order again and I will make sure that no one will ever find you ever again. You have taken an oath. You were given a second chance and I will make sure that you follow through with it. I will see you abide by it by any means necessary, or I swear on what I hold most dear in this life, I will make you regret the day you have set foot inside the Manor. Understood?” Markus turned to look toward the man that was towering over him, his voice a squawk that died in his chest before it could pass through his lips. A shaky nod was all that he could muster. Satisfied with the response, Byron walked past him, never turning to face either the Master Templar or the slaughter of the room. As he walked past the entrance door, he saw Victor reaching out to him, his dark eyes looking just past his shoulders with worries. “Mylord,” “Yes, Master Dorian?” “I received a message from Master Starrick the Youngest. You are needed in White Chapel as soon as you can,” Byron nodded, as he took the short telegram from his pupil’s hands. He skimmed through the message with careful attention: even if the words were written with great economy, the urgency of its tone couldn’t be denied. When he raised his eyes to meet Victor Dorian’s apprehensive gaze, his lips were thinned in a grimace of almost satisfaction. “Your Commands, My Lord?” “I shall answer the Young Master Starrick’s call. I will go alone. Keep Markus with you. And before you head back to London-“ Byron turned to look at the small house, hatred seeping into all his being like a poison spreading in his veins with every heartbeat.”- Burn everything and then spread salt upon the soil. I want to see this place erased from the face of the Earth,”
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 years
Love Will Come To You
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"Love is there when you open the door And you step off the trail you knew before Through the streets and the houses of gods you roam And on their altars you lay your heart of stone Till all laughter is claws on your skin And your moments of clarity scream the hell within When you fade like a rose in the gloom Love waits outside your room
Like morning dew Your love will come again to you"
"Love Will Come to You" - Poets of The Fall
Hello Hello.
Here I am with another artwork that I poured my whole heart into.
And let me tell you, it was long long long overdue.
It was truly time that I drew my Colette and Arno together, finally having found that happiness, that tranquillity both of them deserved SO VERY MUCH.
The funny thing is that Colette was created at the same time I created Dottie, but for reasons unknown to me (*ahemmyhyperfixationforjacobahem*), I never gave my darling Unity brainchild the love that she deserved.
But yesterday, while I was lying on the couch unable to do anything else (wasn't feeling too good, but nothing to worry about. Just the Monthly Curse coming and visiting me), I was listening to music and a song, the very same that gave the title to this artwork, spoke to me in ways that it never had before.
Or rather.
It's one of my favourites songs from PotF, so I listened to it quite often, but the thing is, I always associated it with another OTP of mine (and you can imagine which one, it's not exactly rocket science at this point lol).
But boy, I was wrong.
That song was Arno and Colette's all along.
And while I allowed myself to go to that happy place where all the feelings of love and joy and hope always envelop me when I allow myself to feel, I knew that I needed to draw them.
I needed to draw Arno finally happy, finally hopeful, finally at peace after a life of pain and strife at the side of his Colette.
I needed to draw the pure joy that comes from feeling like you have finally found your place in the world, secure, because you know that if something might happen, if the winds were to start blowing mercilessly, there is someone tethering you to the ground, offering you shelter and repose.
I needed to draw that.
I hope you will like this artwork, because I, for once, absolutely adore it.
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disneyboot · 1 year
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perfettamentechic · 1 month
14 maggio … ricordiamo …
14 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: América Alonso, nome d’arte di María Golajovski Zaira, attrice venezuelana. Sposata prima con con il produttore Mario Bertoul., successivamente si risposò con Daniel Farías. (n. 1936) 2020: Phyllis George, Phyllis Ann George Brown, modella e conduttrice televisiva statunitense. Phyllis fu sposata con il produttore Robert Evans e con l’ex governatore del Kentucky John Y. Brown, Jr.. (n.…
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rotting-ink · 5 months
Poly and Love Triangles Snippets
Written for if the player is bisexual. If the player chooses only  female love interests, then all the RO's are all women. Same as for if  the player chooses only male love interests.
Poly Groups
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“Darling, who is this?” The lady gazed at you, her gloved hand still lingering on Victor’s forearm.
He shot a smile at you, the spell between him and the Soprano broken the moment he cast his lazy green eyes over to you.
“They,” Victor slipped from her fingers and cupped your elbow, his secret, soft smile soothing your beating heart. “Are my companion for the evening.”
“Ah.” She stared at you for just a moment, but in that very moment, there was something dark and cunning and hungry slipped into her own pale green eyes. Then it dissolved into warm sea foam and she extended her hand for you. “Quincy Beaumont. Hope you enjoyed my performance, especially since you’ve stolen Victor for the evening.”
Victor stiffened up next to you a bit but Quincy didn’t even give him a moment to say anything, slipping her arm through yours and leaning in, almost conspiratorially. The hard glint of sea glass that was her eyes before had vanished, and now there was something else in them. Something you couldn’t quite place…
“Poor old J. Couldn’t hold a candle to you, can they?” She whispered, her satin gloved finger momentarily brushing your chin. “What a gem you are.”
You figured it out. In that moment, you realized that they had the same hunger in their eyes. Both looking at you like they could devour you whole.
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“I said no.” Starling finally gave up his act of aloofness. He tossed his book down to the side and sat up in his chair.
“But Star, I’ll be perfectly safe-”
“That’s not the problem.” You almost jumped out of your skin as a cold hand pressed against the small of your back, Zaniyah leaning forward to rest her chin against your shoulder. “The problem is that the good doctor is worried he might end up with someone else dead hanging around him.”
Starling grumbled in his chair, crossing his arms and eyebrows scrunched.
“Z, I-”
“Although…” Zaniyah gave you such a soft, fond look that it seemed to shut the doctor right up as he watched. “You’re less dignified than a bird, my little love. He won’t be able to stand your pawing at his trousers as he sews up cadavers.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit and pecked Zaniyah on the cheek.
“There. A peck instead of the dog licks I usually give you.” You teased her softly as she relaxed fully against your back.
You hadn’t noticed Starling’s silence, not until you finally stopped looking at your undead lover. He had a strange look on his face, the same he used to give you when you were bothering him with your questions a few weeks back. Except he was looking at Zaniyah with the same… Reluctant softness.
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Ambrose’s warm fingers were laid over your knuckles as you slowly woke up, his head buried into your side as he slept, breathing low and soft. You raised your head groggily, just to smile at his sleeping face, so serene, all sternness dropped. Like a slate wiped clean of dust and scratches.
“Didn’t expect him to be a heavy sleeper.” A voice from the doorway said, and you looked over to see Dietrich. “He used to wake up at the drop of a pin.”
You gave the professor a similar smile you gave Ambrose, as he made his way into the room, holding a tray precariously, laden with a pot of something hot and a few pastries.
“When you were kids?”
“Hmh.” Dietrich set it down on the bedside table and started to pour out the contents into two pretty, porcelain cups, leaving the third one empty. “He also had nightmares. Would take my hand in the middle of the night to make him feel better… Guess your hands are the ones he prefers now.”
You glance down at where Ambrose’s fingers were curled over your hand. Secure. Warm. Protective. Just like him. But… You couldn’t shake the almost sorrowful tone Dietrich’s voice carried. Glancing over at him this time, you managed to catch his soft eyes, fixed on your and Ambrose’ gently clasped hands. He felt your gaze, quickly blinking away and instead fixing up your saucer to have a pastry on the side as he handed it over.
His fingers felt soft, warm, against your own when he handed it over. You couldn’t help but smile up at him, and colour rose to his pale cheeks.
Love Triangles
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The nightmare wrenched you awake, and for a few short moments, everything was alright in the world. Until it wasn’t.
“Awh, afraid I’m going to take your place by the fire?”
“No. It’s just discourteous for a guest to outstay their welcome.”
“Hmmm. Your owner has allowed me to stay as long as I want.” Saleos’s soft voice lilted as she teased, an edge appearing to make it tip over into mocking.
“That’s because you’re nothing but a fucking tool.” Seir hissed, his voice growing darker with anger. You felt your connection tug. Better to get up and break up the fight. “And they know they can fucking use you.”
“Hmh.” Saleos hummed. “I bet they will. Such a sweet thing they are-”
There was a crash, glass breaking and you sat bolt upright in bed. Fuck.
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The two siblings sat on opposite sides of  the table, Luther nursing a glass of whiskey as Emilia tapped the edge of her cigarette off, into the ashtray, smoke curling up into her eyes. The atmosphere was frigid, still. A far cry from when you had met the both of them all that time ago.
It took them a moment to notice you in the doorway. Emilia spotted you first, straightening up in her chair and putting out her cigarette quickly. You couldn’t help but notice that her shirt was very thin and wasn’t wearing anything underneath it.
“Hey, angel eyes.” She grinned at you, exhaling the last bit of her cigarette smoke.
“Em.” Luther grunted, his calloused fingers tightening around his glass, his impressively broad shoulders tensing. “Stop it.”
“Don’t be such a puritan.” She snorted, leaning back in her chair, her eyes never leaving your figure.
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lorata · 5 months
It recently occurred to me that after the war, once Panem had stabilized enough for legal documents and the like to matter again, the victors from Two (and One) would probably need last names again? Like, it'd take a while for it to come up but I feel like in the new world, they probably can't keep signing themselves off with just a first name anymore? Do you have any ideas on what that might be like for everyone?
While I imagine many of them would just pick up their old name, would any of them with badddd histories with that name change it? I'm picturing Lyme, Nero, Claudius, and maybe Misha and Petra would have some reason to change it given the opportunity? I guess the ones with partners *might* just switch it to share with them? Or choose something new entirely?
Side note: Assuming it takes quite a few years for it to come up I've kind of had the headcanon that despite not being married Claudius would fully take Eibhlin's last name in the end rather than Beaumont (both for trauma reasons and so he doesn't get bullied for the rest of his life by Misha for having the most pretentious name of all time)
I actually don't think so! we have suggestions in canon that surnames aren't ... really a thing? like some people use them, some people don't, some districts it depends and some seem to disfavour them altogether. possibly there are identifiers, like eg family names (patronym/matronym/whatever) that get used within cultural groups but aren't helpful outside and so don't get used at the reaping.
most centre grads don't pick up their old surnames so i think there's a heavy basis of d2 citizens and even PKs running around without a last name, or with a fake one if they feel like it. now that you bring it up there's probably a asoiaf snow type surname that ex-centre kids wind up taking if they want, but i'd have to think about what it is
however you are correct, in all other universes claudius takes eibhlin's surname and is VERY relieved about it. if it ever came up in thg divergence he'd do the same here too and not think twice
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dalekofchaos · 11 months
Gunnverse Batman fancast
Fancast for James Gunn’s DCU/Batman!
DCEU recast
Burtonverse Recast
90′s Justice League
Reevesverse Batman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Justice League
Green Arrow
Teen Titans
Suicide Squad
Justice League Dark
Batman Beyond
The Dark Knight Returns
Telltale’s Batman
Legion Of Doom
Birds Of Prey
Jensen Ackles as Batman/Bruce Wayne
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Peter Capaldi as Alfred Pennyworth
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Jon Hamm as Thomas Wayne
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Lena Headley as Martha Wayne
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Courtney B. Vance as Lucius Fox
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Laura Dern as Dr Leslie Thompkins
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Bryan Cranston as James Gordon
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David Harbour as Harvey Bullock
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Stephanie Beatriz as Renee Montoya
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Bill Hader as Jack Ryder/The Creeper
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Jodie Comer as Vicki Vale
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Jesús Castro as Nightwing/Dick Grayson
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Kiera Allen as Oracle/Barbara Gordon
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Dacre Montgomery as Red Hood/Jason Todd
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Noah Schnapp as Red Robin/Tim Drake
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Kristen Stewart as Batwoman/Kate Kane
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Huntress/Helena Bertinelli
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Riley Lai Nelet as Batgirl/Cassandra Cain
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Mckenna Grace as Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
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Izaac Wang as Robin/Damian Wayne
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John Boyega as Batwing/Luke Fox
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Caleb McLaughlin as Duke Thomas/The Signal
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Alexander Ludwig as Azrael/Jean Paul Valley
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Michael B Jordan as Azrael/Michael Lane
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Ana De Armas as Catwoman/Selina Kyle
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Brian Cox as Commissioner Gillian Loeb
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Sam Witwer as Captain Howard Brandon
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Michael Weatherly as Detective Arnold Flass
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Robert De Niro as Carmine Falcone
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Gina Mantegna as Sofia Falcone
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David Dastmalchian as Alberto Falcone
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James Carpinello as Mario Falcone
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Al Pacino as Sal Maroni
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John Goodman as Rupert Thorne
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Michael Imperioli as Anthony Zucco
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Willem Dafoe as The Joker
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Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
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David Tennant as The Riddler/Edward Nygma
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Alfred Molina as The Penguin/Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
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Oscar Isaac as Two-Face/Harvey Dent
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Giancarlo Esposito as Mr Freeze/Victor Fries
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Viggo Mortensen as Black Mask/Roman Sionis
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Jane Levy as Andrea Beaumont/The Phantasm
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Adam Driver as Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
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Kevin Grevioux as Killer Croc
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Laz Alonso as Bane
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Doug Jones as Man-Bat/Kirk Langstrom
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Peter Stormare as Clayface/Basil Karlo
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Toby Jones as Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch
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John Lithgow as The Ventriloquist/Arnold Wesker
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Natalie Dormer as The Ventriloquist II/Peyton Riley
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Dohmnall Gleeson as Hush/Thomas Elliot
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Raul Esparza as Hugo Strange
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Poison Ivy
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Pedro Pascal as Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
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Frank Grillo as Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
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Finn Wittrock as Talon/William Cobb
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Karl Urban as Owlman/Thomas Wayne Jr
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Stephen Fry as Professor Pyg
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Stephen Lang as David Cain
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Daniel Radcliffe as Anarky
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Cluemaster
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Keanu Reeves as Prometheus
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Ming-Na Wen as Lady Shiva
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Ghassan Massoud as Ra’s Al Ghul
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Nadine Njeim as Talia Al Ghul
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Yasmine Al Massri as Nyssa Al Ghul
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Michael Fassbender as Dr Simon Hurt
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Kat Graham as Jezebel Jet/Black Glove
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Christian Bale as The Batman Who Laughs
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Saint: The Rhine Maiden (3.16, ITC, 1965)
"If I'm not back by ten, drive to the main police station in Baden Baden and ask for Inspector Glessen. Don't tell him I'm in trouble or that you think I need help."
"Because he'd be delighted."
"Well, what will I say?"
"Tell him I'm robbing the Schreiber Clinic, that'll bring him."
#the saint#the rhine maiden#1965#itc#leslie charteris#brian degas#james hill#roger moore#nigel davenport#stephanie randall#victor beaumont#anthony booth#george pravda#adina mandlová#frederick schiller#ernst walder#ernest hare#totti truman taylor#idk it just feels a little by the numbers this one.. it's odd because it has a good cast. Davenport is always good value as a guest#and perennial fave of mine George Pravda gets to be an utterly disinterested policeman#but the plot all feels a bit.. formulaic. maybe I'm getting Saint burn out? is that a thing? i feel sure @thisbluespirit would say it is#the old criminal escape route was a popular topic for classic tv‚ both ITC and otherwise (The Avengers did it too). it's not even#particularly clever here; the presence of a dr made me think there'd be plastic surgery involved but actually it's just a rubber mask on a#random corpse. not very ingenious. also the dr is a former nazi which is a weird thing to throw into the mix but again not an isolated#thing (there's a (better) ep of The Champions that deals with p much the same criminal escape thing also with a nazi dr involved). this#makes a curious (and imo unwise) decision to make the nazi the one of the three villains with a little more of a sympathetic portrayal (and#again! the champions did that!). it's just weird. why make him a nazi if you're then going to make him slightly less evil than his buddies?#one could wonder at the political landscape in 1965 as german relations with the US and UK were solidifying and there was a push toward#moving beyond ww2 memories and looking to the future.. but then WHY make the character not just a nazi but a literal wanted nazi war#criminal?? it beggars belief tbh. a very strange move. i got distracted. bland episode‚ meh out of ten
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To The Victor Chapter Three - Can't Be Claimed
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Summary: Although Omegas had won the legal battle for equal rights, society was slow to catch up. Thought to be the weakest of the genders, they struggled to find opportunities that Alphas and Betas took for granted. Known as the Guillotine, Emmaline Beaumont was woman with a secret. Head of her family’s company; she was smart, shrewd, and tough as nails. At sixteen she presented as Omega and she’s hidden it ever since. Suppressants and hormone reassignment therapy allowed her to live her life as the Alpha her family needed her to be. The perfect solution, so long as she never allowed herself to be claimed. As the President of Winchester Inc. Dean’s professional life was golden. As an unmated Alpha nearing forty, he was restless. Charming and devastatingly handsome, Dean was rarely without female company, but he wanted more. He wanted what his parents had. Someone made especially for him. His match, his true mate. Finding her on a trip to New York had been an unexpected dream come true, but no one ever said the road to love was easy.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!OFC, Dean x OFC, Dean Winchester x OFC
Characters: Dean Winchester, OFC, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, John Winchester, Jody Mills
Warnings: ABO dynamics, Heat/Rut cycles, Smut (Unprotected sex, knotting, oral sex, claiming bites), hurt/comfort, sickfic, hospitals and medical talk, fluff and angst, age difference (Dean is 39, OFC is 27), True mates, self hate (OFC struggles with gender)
Chapter Three: Can't Be Claimed
Word Count: 3348
To The Victor Masterlist
The twenty minutes it took for help to arrive were nothing short of agony for Dean. He kept Emma cradled close. Whispering sweet words of encouragement in her ear, telling her to hold on, that help was on the way. She never responded, but he had to believe that she could hear him or at least knew he was there. That he wasn’t leaving her. That he was going to take care of her.
God, she’s so cold!
Dean tugged the blankets closer around the two of them and rubbed her arms roughly, desperate to infuse every ounce of his own heat to her chilled flesh. Give her his strength. Surround her with his scent. In his mind, he kept going over the conversation with Emma’s sister.
Emma can’t be claimed. Family doctor treating her since childhood.
Just what the hell did that mean? If it hadn’t been for the insistent tone in Jess’ voice, Dean would have called 911 instead. As it was, he was doubting his decision.
He pressed a kiss to Emma’s temple, “Keep fighting sweetheart, I’m right here.”
The door to the suite opened without so much as a knock of warning and a short, slight man entered. He wore a slim black suit and tie with a matching fedora pulled down over dark hair. His unsmiling face was sharply featured with beady eyes and a crooked, hawk-like nose. Everything about him was severe and unpleasant. The expression he wore was a mix of displeasure and annoyance. Going by the classic leather satchel in his hand, this man must be the family doctor.
Dean shifted Emma’s unconscious body off his chest and stood, “You the doctor?”
The man removed his hat and placed it on the table along with his bag, “I am Doctor Lancaster, and you are the Alpha who caused all the trouble.” He never spared Dean a glance as he rifled through his bag. His tone suggested an absolute disgust with the situation.
Dean crossed his arms over his chest. He didn’t appreciate being judged by a gargoyle in cheap mortician’s suit. Especially not when his mate’s life was hanging by a thread. “Yup, that’s me. So, are you able to help her?”
Lancaster moved over his patient with efficiency. After he took a few vitals, he drew out a vial and syringe from his bag of tricks. “I believe so, it was a good thing you called when you did. Another hour and she’d be dead.” He swiped an alcohol swab over the crook of Emma’s elbow and administered a hefty dose of the drug.
“What are you giving her?”
The Alpha didn’t appreciate the sarcasm. He let out a low, menacing growl and clenched his jaw so that the muscle there twitched.
The doctor was equally unimpressed with the show of aggression. “It’s a combination of adrenaline, beta blockers and hormone booster.”
Dean frowned as he realized the implication, “She was on suppressants?”
“Ah! An Alpha with a brain! Nice to know at least one of you rutting beasts can think with something other than your nether regions.” Lancaster checked Emma’s pulse one last time. With a satisfied nod, he shut his bag and stood.
“Your Omega is going to be fine. Her temperature is already rising, and her heat cycle will now continue as normal.” The doctor gave Dean an appraising once over. “Judging by your own state, I’d say you are already aware of that.”
Dean was loathed to admit this quack was right about anything. The cavalier way he was treating a medical emergency should have him barred from practicing medicine anywhere in the civilized world. The fact that the emergency was his mate, made Dean want to rip the man’s throat out on principle alone. Yet, the little troll had done something right, because he could now pick up Emma’s scent. It was intoxicating, and stronger than it had ever been. Apple orchards and magnolia blossoms, it made his mouth water. His rut, that had been threatening since meeting Emma was now in full swing. His thoughts were quickly giving way to is Alpha instincts; protect, care for, and knot his mate.
Lancaster already had his hand on the door, knowing his presence wouldn’t be tolerated by a rutting Alpha for much longer. “She’ll wake in a couple of hours. When she does, the best treatment for her, is you.”
It was the faint, high pitched whine that finally pulled Emma from her dreamless sleep. She felt warm and secure. That lovely scent of sun-warmed cedar forest tickled her nose and she sighed in contentment, snuggling towards it.
The worry edged fear in that deep voice had her frowning before she even opened her eyes. When she did, Dean’s face was mere inches from hers, his handsome features tight with stress. The anxiety that rolled off him in waves made her heart clench. He was terrified.
She brought her hand out from under the nest of blankets and threaded it through Dean’s hair, “Alpha.”
Dean crushed her to his chest, his whole body trembled, weak with relief. After that wretched doctor left, Dean had ridded them both of their clothes and bundled them up under a mountain of blankets. He kept their bodies pressed as closely together as possible, his instincts telling him skin to skin contact was crucial to his Omega’s recovery. A warm, safe nest for just the two of them where he could protect her and look after her properly.
He scented her deeply, desperate to drown himself in the sweet fragrance. “Thank God,” he murmured over and over again.
“Shh, it’s alright. I’m alright,” she soothed, brushing kisses against his forehead. She held him tight as he shook in her arms. A virile, strong Alpha like him wouldn’t be scared by much, and that told her all she needed to know about how critical things had gotten.
He had taken care of her, gotten her help and no doubt saved her life. Now it was her turn to take care of him, “I’ve got you; I’m right here.”
He kissed her roughly, stealing her words along with her breath. Desperation and urgency in every heated pass of his mouth over hers. His hands groped her aggressively, pawing at any bit of softness he could find. It took him several minutes to regain his control. He abruptly pulled away, panting for composure he would not easily grasp.
“I’m sorry… sorry.” He let his forehead fall against hers as his chest heaved. His voice was low and hoarse. “You need rest.”
Emma studied Dean’s pinched features. The tension coiled uncomfortably, barely contained, under the surface, sweat dotted his skin and his rock-hard length twitched between them. His eyes were nearly black, overtaken by the hormones and lust ravaging his system. This whole mess had triggered his rut, God knows how long he had been suffering with it while she was unconscious. The added worry that his mate was dying had made it nearly unbearable.
Her heart broke for him then and with it came guilt. This whole thing was her fault. She knew the consequences of doing anything with an Alpha while she was still taking the treatments. It was reckless and irresponsible and unforgivably selfish.
She cupped the side of his face, gently brushing her thumb over the ridge of his cheekbone. He closed his eyes and leaned into her soothing touch. “I don’t need rest. I only need you.”
“No,” he muttered, trying to ignore the urges running through him. “I’m rough. Too rough. Don’t wanna hurt you.”
She continued to stroke his face, calming and soothing. “You won’t hurt me, I’m your Omega. And your Omega is a strong Omega.”
Dean mustered up a final ounce of control and looked into her deep, blue eyes. The comfort and consent he saw there eased the tightness in his chest. “’Mega mine.”
“Yours.” Emma confirmed softly and brushed her lips feather-light over his, “Mate now. Rest later.”
It lasted five days in total. Each of them seamlessly providing what the other needed most. Alpha and Omega. Balanced. Each a perfect counterpoint to the other. They relished in the joy of being together. Every experience was exciting and new, every touch satisfied in ways that surprised. Very few words were spoken, their connection was so strong that it over-rode the need to talk. That knowing, that deep down in the soul kind of certainty was staggering. The intimacy of their bond was deeper and more complex than either of them had ever known.
Now that their respective heat and rut cycles had ended, they were left with the rather mundane task of how to weave their lives together. These were the boring, yet very necessary details of the real world. The world outside of cozy one they’d created within the confines of the hotel suite. Neither of them were particularly excited at the prospect.
“So, going by this hotel room we’ve been honeymooning in, I’m guessing you’re not a New Yorker.”
Dean caught her gaze in the mirror as he deftly buttoned up the crisp, white dress shirt and smiled. Even her reflection caused his stomach to flip over. “Nope, Chicago. Born and bred. You?”
“You ever been to the windy city?”
“A couple of times,” she shrugged, tucking her legs up demurely under her backside. “It’s not bad for fly-over country.”
“Fly-over country?” Dean scoffed, “Chicago is in the heartland, the Midwest. Everything a big city has to offer with access to wide open spaces. Way better than this uptight sand bar.”
“Is that so? Then what’s a guy like you doing slumming it around the boroughs? Cruising for a mate?”
“Nah, I just got lucky.” Dean plopped down to sit beside her on the bed and kissed her loudly. “I travel a lot for work. I’m in New York once a month or so.”
“Will you come back more now?” She asked hopefully, the thought of only seeing him once a month had her heart twisting.
“Well, I thought that you’d come back with me. You know, live with me in Chicago.” Seeing her face fall, he rushed to reassure her, hoping that he wasn’t bungling things too much. “I’m sure you will need some time to get things tied up here, but I want you with me ‘Mega. And we can come back as often as you like.”
“Why don’t you move here with me?”
Dean nearly scoffed, but the earnest look in her eyes suggested a softer approach might be better. “Sweetheart, my business is in Chicago. I make a good living, an excellent living actually. I have an apartment there along with some property in the country. I’ll take good care of you; you won’t have to worry about anything ever again.”
She raised her chin to look Dean square in the eye, “My business is in New York. I make an excellent living and I own a beautiful Brownstone on the upper east side. I don’t have a country cottage, but I’m willing to work that into our negotiations.”
“Negotiations?!” He sat back with a laugh, “You are something else, you know that? Omegas don’t negotiate living arrangements with their Alphas.”
She leveled her gaze, “Yours does.”
His mate wasn’t one to give in easily, and he loved that about her. Her spirit. Her fight. She challenged him, made him earn her submission. Made him prove he was worthy of her. He was happy to oblige her.
He leaned in close, his mouth centimeters from hers but not touching. He ghosted over, getting tantalizingly close but never making contact. Catching on, she let him edge her backwards on the bed. It was one of those games teenagers play, like there’s an invisible barrier around their bodies that allow them to get close but never touch. They moved in tandem, he filled up space she had occupied only moments before. She retreated as he advanced.
Dean’s movements were sleek and slow, like a panther. He never stopped his progression, never broke contact with her gaze. He watched with hooded eyes as the glint of rebellion gave over to something softer.
He hovered over her body only a hair’s breadth away, his grin was predatory, “Lucky for you, I’m an expert negotiator.”
Emma struggled to keep her thoughts orderly. It was growing increasingly difficult as her mate hovered above her. His scent surrounded her, his arms and legs caging her in. He was everywhere and she could feel herself start to float on that heady, seductive cloud. She couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her lips. Nowhere in the whole world felt as good, as right, as being with him.
It wasn’t until he saw her eyes flutter shut that he broke that invisible barrier between them. His nose brushed the claiming mark and inhaled deeply before moving on to the spot just behind her ear. It was one of her favorites and he had discovered just how sensitive it was over the past few days.
When he nuzzled her then nipped, she moaned and brought her fingers up to comb through his hair still damp from the shower. “Mmm… you make a valid point.”
He chuckled as he continued his assault. Moving down the graceful column of her neck, he sampled silky skin.
“I have an idea,” she said as Dean made his way to the zipper of her hoodie and started to ease it down. When he didn’t reply but moved his fingers moved to her waistband, she gave a sharp tug on the short hairs at the base of his skull.
“Agh!” He grunted as she wiggled out from under him. With a pained sigh and a semi hard erection, he propped himself up on one elbow. “Better watch it, Sweetheart. You know I like it rough.”
Emma sat up, regal as a queen. Determined to get back to business. “I think we should date.”
“Date,” he repeated. “We’re mated. We’ve spent the last five days claiming each other in every way possible. Don’t you think we’re a little past the dating phase?”
A worried frown creased her brow, “You don’t want to date me?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“I know it’s a little… backwards, but so what? Why should we do things the way other people do?” She gave a shy smile as she appealed to him. “I want to get to know you.”
He sat himself up completely and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, “We are going to spend the rest of our lives getting to know each other.”
He instead of reassuring her, he felt her pull away. He felt like kicking himself, somehow, he’d managed to say something wrong. He crooked a finger under her chin and forced her to look at him. There was disappointment there, “It means that much to you?”
“Well, I thought it would be fun and I… I’ve never dated before. Not really, anyway.” She replied, struggling to keep embarrassment from coloring her voice.
Dean couldn’t help being surprised. Shocked. She was a beautiful woman, stunning actually. He had no doubt that his pretty little Omega had turned heads from an early age. She was so smart and fun and sexy, it seemed impossible that no one had ever tried to date her. Although the very thought had his possessive Alpha jealousy flaring.
“Never? No boyfriend ever?”
She shook her head and bit her lip. One of her more noticeable nervous tells. “No, not really. I mean, I’ve gone on a few dates but there was never anyone special.”
“Does this have to do with those black-market suppressants you were taking?”
“They weren’t black-market,” she countered, “I wasn’t getting shot up in back alleys, I was under a doctor’s care.”
“Oh, you mean that gargoyle that showed up? That guy was a dick, he had the bedside manner of a cab driver!”
“What he lacks in congeniality he makes up for in discretion.” Emma crossed her arms over her chest defensively. She wasn’t accustomed to defending her actions to anyone, especially regarding her presentation treatments. It was a well-guarded family secret, discussing it with anyone else made her very uneasy. Even if that person was her Alpha, the one person meant to protect her.
“Being an Omega is nothing but a liability, it’s a weakness. This city is full of Alphas who think they can drag me back to their cave by my ponytail. Or boss me around because the world order says they should be in charge of everything!”
Frustrated, she blinked back the stinging in her eyes. Tears that threatened to fall only seemed to undermine her point. Usually, she had a tight rein on her emotions but ever since being claimed, they refused to stay where she put them. They were like a storm she was constantly trying to keep from breaking through.
“I just wanted to live my life without having to worry that my presentation would get me overlooked for a promotion or kidnapped by a rut-crazed Alpha.”
Dean hated the fear and stress he felt from her. Her eyes bright with unshed tears. He knew the world wasn’t an easy place for Omegas. Emma certainly wasn’t alone in her feelings on the matter and many others had taken the same route. Suppressants and scent blockers were a common and safe method for most people who wanted a bit of anonymity.
“You’re right,” he said with a sigh, taking both of her hands in his. Reveling in how delicate they seemed compared to his. How easily they could be bruised or broken. “There’s nothing wrong with Omegas using suppressants. Hell, if I were in your shoes, I’d probably do the same thing. It’s just that reaction you had, you were so cold. I thought I was going to lose you. I’ve never been that scared. And then that creepy doctor… acting like he didn’t care if you lived or died. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.”
Emma leaned forward and rested her forehead against his. “I know. I’m sorry Dean, it’s my fault. I knew better, I just got caught up. And then when my heat started, I couldn’t think straight.”
“It’s understandable. I did kind of sweep you off your feet.”
“You did,” she smiled softly. “That’s why I had only been with Betas before.”
Dean pulled back and looked at her with curiosity, “So you’ve never been with an Alpha before me?”
His grin was instant and cocky as his chest puffed out. “Good.”
She rolled her eyes, “Shut up.”
He laughed and pulled her onto his lap, tucking her head under his chin. She fit there so perfectly; Dean knew he would never grow tired of holding her. Leaving New York without her, would likely be one of the hardest things he would ever do. He took a deep inhale of her sweet scent and groaned. “Okay Sweetheart, you win. Let’s date.”
Emma drew back and looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes, “Really?”
“Hell, why not!”
She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with such enthusiasm that he nearly toppled backwards. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Just you wait,” he muttered through their joined lips, “I’ve got all kinds of romantic cards up my sleeve.”
When her face lit up Dean felt his heart swell. Yeah, being separated for any amount of time would be torture, but worth it if it made her so happy.
She eyed him with suspicion. “You aren’t just giving me my way because I cried, are you?”
“I hate seeing you cry, but no. You made a valid point. It’ll take us time to get everything figured out, why not have some fun while we’re at it?”
The dimple in her left cheek appeared and her eyes sparkled with the smile that bloomed. She was practically glowing with excitement and hope. Shining like the sun, the new center of his universe. His whole future held in his arms.
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vallerianella · 7 months
Hi! i hope you don't mind me asking but do you have a list of all of your twst ocs?
hi! no worries at all, I love answering questions 🥸
as of right now, no one actually really has an official profile on this site bc well... I hyperfixate😅. I can however list off ocs and their origins. for any further information, it'd probably be more effective to send an individual ask about them 😔. I'll place that list under a read more!
betty dormire, the dormouse blake déchirer, the mirror shard (tangled)
satine aquila, just a mere eagle, probably...
claudio asteriidae, the little mermaid's knife diana nereide, the needle stabbing sensation the little mermaid experiences (I still have no idea how to paraphrase this 😔) loire operetta, sebastian
adelaide beaumont, belle (beauty and the beast) mirabilis (yvette) rhodantha, snow white gwendolyn viel, the evil queen's disguise/cloak
elaine perleau, the pottery warehouse roxie, the trojan horse
cherise lancaster, carmilla dorian schiele, the picture of dorian gray suji, the witch (hansel and gretel)
vallerianella (tangled fandorm);
gallerian morta, mother gothel sasha amönau, the tower tiara tourmaline, rapunzel's crown
an yao wen, the matchmakers (mulan) amora harmillan, victor's ring (corpse bride) ray exspiravit, zero (the nightmare before christmas) svetlana dovett, the blue fairy (pinocchio) yuyuka hoshikawa, the red shoes (the ballet)
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nemo-of-house-hamartia · 11 months
Welcome back! good to see you back here, I missed your content! for the aesthetic game, can you please do one for Dottie and one for Mathias? love them!
Hi there Nonnie! Thank you for your kind words, it's good to be back indeed! :D Allow me to present the Aesthetic for Dorothea and Mathias (also, keep an eye on my dash, because I have other requests for these two, so I have more aesthetic things coming for them :D)
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"Morning Star" - Blackmore's Night
"Winter's Bloom" - Adrian Von Ziegler
"Ghost of a Rose" - Blackmore's Night
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“Those freckles make you seem like a galaxy of stars, just waiting to be explored and loved.” - Nikita Gill
“All men have stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems... But all these stars are silent. You-You alone will have stars as no one else has them.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince
“...her who whose beauty is not like earthly beauty, dangerous to look upon, but like the morning star which is its emblem, bright and musical.”- James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die: Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?” ― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
Starlit sky; Northern Lights setting the sky blazing; stargazing alone on a secluded beach with the waves as gentle company; frost-covered roses in a hidden garden; walking down a path in the forest at night holding a silver lantern as a sole guide with the snow gently falling silently all around; abandoned manors hidden away in the depths of an ancient forest; ghosts still dancing together in ballrooms accompanied only by the music of their memories; sitting by the fireplace on an ancient rocking chair and reading an ancient tome under a thick pelt; sipping on warm rose tea while looking at the snow falling outside; snuggling under the comfort of heavy blankets in a canopy bed;
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"Hijo De La Luna" - Mecano
"Outdoor" - Roberto Cacciapaglia
"Adagio" - Il Divo
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“Because when he sings...even the birds stop to listen.”- Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”- Victor Hugo
“Now I want to live like everybody else. I want to have a wife like everybody else and to take her out on Sundays. I have invented a mask that makes me look like anybody. People will not even turn round in the streets. You will be the happiest of women. And we will sing, all by ourselves, till we swoon away with delight. You are crying! You are afraid of me! And yet I am not really wicked. Love me and you shall see! All I wanted was to be loved for myself. If you loved me I should be as gentle as a lamb; and you could do anything with me that you pleased.” - Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera
“He stared dully at the desolate, cold road and the pale, dead night. Nothing was colder or more dead than his heart. He had loved an angel and now he despised a woman.”-  Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera
A small nook to sit and reflect quietly; new quills and parchments; the perfume of freshly brewed coffee, the way the air smell when Autumn is about to arrive, the feeling when the fingers start tickling the ivories and a melody is born, completely encompassing one's soul; the sound of rain against the glass of the windows; riding a horse with the wind caressing one's hair, free from all fears and worries; songs sung together with friends; the perfume of orange flowers and neroli still lingering on the pillow; the sight of the full moon after a night storm; waves crashing against the sand in the distance;
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 years
💀 OC in goth/emo/scene attire, for whichever one of your ocs who would
*drops this here and resurrects from the slumber*
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Ngl, this ask.
this ask gave me SO MUCH UNLIFE (pun absolutely intended.) I was already in a goth mood for "reasons", so when I saw this in my ask I was like:
At first I had thought to go with Jacob and Dottie, ngl, because since I wanted to go with the whole Romantic And Victorian Goth aesthetic, they would have fitted to a T.
But then I realized that they would have been put in garments too close to what they usually wear already (plus, I already had some sketches in the making for them to be vamps, so I didn't want to repeat myself again).
So I thought.
MY ADORED UNITY BABIES as Vampy- Vamps, rocking that XIX Century Romantic vibes (ngl they are my romantic couple. Like, if Jacob and Dottie are romantic, Arno and Colette are hundredfold that).
So, there you have the results of my sleep-deprived brain. I got a tad carried away with the shading, but it soothed me while working on it, so I guess I was doing some therapy lol. Also, fml, Jacob is not the only one that can rock a freaking top hat. Arno "Walk Walk Fashion Baby" Victor Dorian CAN and WILL rock a freaking top hat, or Nemo's not my name forevermore.
Thank you again for your ask, I truly had so much fun working on it!
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cowherderess · 1 month
Broadway musicals and their source material
Oklahoma! – Green Grow the Lilacs, 1931 play by Lynn Riggs
Carousel – Liliom, 1909 play by Ferenc Molnár
South Pacific – Tales of the South Pacific, 1947 book by James Michener
Guys and Dolls – two short stories by Damon Runyon
The King and I – Anna and the King of Siam, 1944 novel by Margaret Landon
The Pajama Game – 7½ Cents, 1953 novel by Richard Bissell
My Fair Lady – Pygmalion, 1913 play by George Bernard Shaw
The Sound of Music – The Story of the Trapp Family, 1949 memoir of the real-life Maria von Trapp
Camelot – The Once and Future King, 1958 novel by T.H. White; Arthurian legend
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying – 1952 book of the same name by Shepherd Mead
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum – plays by Ancient Roman writer Plautus
Gypsy – Gypsy: A Memoir, by Gypsy Rose Lee
Oliver! – Oliver Twist, 19th-century novel by Charles Dickens
Hello, Dolly! – The Merchant of Yonkers, 1938 play by Thornton Wilder
She Loves Me – Parfumerie, 1937 play by Miklós László
Fiddler on the Roof – Tevye and His Daughters, 1890s short stories by Sholem Aleichem
Man of La Mancha – Don Quixote, 17th-century novel by Miguel de Cervantes
Mame – Auntie Mame, 1955 novel by Patrick Dennis
Cabaret – I Am a Camera, 1951 play by John Van Druten; Goodbye to Berlin, 1939 book by Christopher Isherwood
Two Gentlemen of Verona – Shakespeare play of the same name
A Little Night Music – “Smiles of a Summer Night,” 1955 film by Ingmar Bergman
The Wiz – The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, 1900 novel by L. Frank Baum
Chicago – 1926 play of the same name by Maurine Dallas Watkins
Annie – “Little Orphan Annie” comic strip
Sweeney Todd – 1973 play of the same name by Christopher Bond; Victorian-era penny dreadfuls
42nd Street – 1932 novel of the same name by Bradford Ropes
Nine – “8½” a film by Federico Fellini
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – the Biblical story of Joseph
Cats – Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, 1939 poetry collection by T.S. Eliot
La Cage aux Folles – 1973 play of the same name by Jean Poiret
The Mystery of Edwin Drood – novel of the same name by Charles Dickens
Les Misérables – 1862 novel of the same name by Victor Hugo
The Phantom of the Opera – 1910 novel of the same name by Gaston Leroux
Into the Woods – Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault fairy tale characters
The Secret Garden – 1911 novel of the same name by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Once on This Island – My Love, My Love: Or, The Peasant Girl, 1985 novel by Rosa Guy
Kiss of the Spider Woman – 1976 novel of the same name by Manuel Puig
Passion – Fosca, 1869 novel by Iginio Ugo Tarchetti; 1981 film “Passione d’Amore”
Beauty and the Beast – French fairy tale recorded by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
Sunset Boulevard – 1950 film of the same name
Rent – La Bohème, opera by Giacomo Puccini
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fog-and-rust · 9 months
At last I present to you ... the girl
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Found a Daily Prophet Template, had a boost of inspiration.
This is my Hogwarts Legacy MC, Ellie Reed.
Profile is under the cut
Full Name: Eleanor Henrietta Reed
Nicknames: Ellie (by everyone, even herself; many of her classmates didn't even know that it is a nickname, until her cousin Leander reprimanded her once in the Great Hall addressing her by her full name)
Birthday: 10th October (despite their dynamics, she is a few months older than Leander)
Blood Status: 3/4 pureblood (mother is a pureblood from Prewett family, father is half-blood)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Nationality: British
Residence: Dorchester, Dorset, England
Languages: English
MBTI: ENFP (Campaigner)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Strengths: Enthusiastic, loyal, resourceful, adaptive, quick learner
Weaknesses: Morally grey, biased, vengeful, competitive
Interests/Hobbies: Merlin Trials, flying, exploring Hogwarts and the surrounding area, violating the laws of physics
Height: 171 cm (5'7'')
Build: Average
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Complexion: Freckled
Wand: Spruce, Phoenix Feather core, 10¾ inches, slightly springy
Animagus: Nope (she doesn't have enough patience)
Patronus: Stoat
Boggart: Pensieve Guardian (at first, seeing it almost killing Professor Fig in Gringotts was as traumatic as the dragon attack); Inferi (later, after she found and killed Bardolph Beaumont); her friends looking like Isidora's victims (the memory with Isidora's father gave her creeps)
Riddikulus: Pensieve Guardian dancing cancan, Inferi turning into a scolding scarecrow, her friend performing one of Peeves' shenanigans and reciting his lines
Amortentia (what does she smell like to others?): Mallowsweet leaves (Viva la Merlin Trials), petrichor (due to excessive use of Thunderbrew potions), caramel
Amortentia (what does she smell?): TBD
Magical Abilities: Ancient Magic, expert Levioso caster
Broom: Customized by Albie Weekes and reminds a bicycle
House: Hufflepuff
Roommates: Poppy Sweeting, Adelaide Oakes, Lenora Everleigh
Best Subjects: Potions, Herbology, Flying, Arithmancy (because there is no need to use a wand for these subjects)
Worst Subjects: Divination, History of Magic (she doesn't sleep, but there is too much information)
Mother: Florence Reed (née Prewett)
Father: Mortimer Reed
Elder brother: Gregory Reed (has already graduated from Hogwarts)
Younger brother: Theodore Reed (will go to Hogwarts as a first-year when Ellie becomes a sixth-year)
Uncle and Aunt: Mr and Mrs Prewett (Leander's parents)
Cousin: Leander Prewett
Pet: a Puffskein called Olly (it actually belongs to Leander, but since his mother was against pets in her house, Ellie and her brothers took care of the pet), a barn owl called Otto
Best Friend: Leander Prewett
Other Friends:
Non-human: Peeves, Richard Jackdaw, Lodgok, Deek
Girls: Poppy Sweeting, Imelda Reyes, Adelaide Oakes, Lenora Everleigh, Natsai Onai, Zenobia Noke, Nerida Roberts
Boys: Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakkar, Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Everett Clopton, Lucan Brattleby
Ranrok, Victor Rookwood, Theophilus Harlow, Duncan Hobhouse, Charlotte Morrison
Food: Chelsea bun
Drink: Pumpkin Fizz
Candy: Fizzing Whizzbees (a good backup plan when jumping from high places)
Potion: Thunderbrew Potion (it's all about presentation)
Plant: Chinese Chomping Cabbage, Mallowsweet
Flower: Bluebell
Book: Three Men in a Boat by Jerome. K. Jerome (1889)
Colour: Grey
Beast: Puffskein
Animal: Squirrel
Season: Autumn (it's always Halloween in her soul)
Holiday: Halloween
Time of day: Dawn
Weather: Overcast
Place in Hogwarts: Astronomy Tower, Clock Tower Courtyard
Hamlet: Marunweem
Shop: Dogweed and Deathcap
Before the awakening of her magical abilities everyone was convinced that she was a Squib. She was homeschooled in subjects that don't require using a wand.
She gives names to her Chinese Chomping Cabbages.
Constantly breaks into Ravenclaw Common Room because she likes its aesthetic. She often asks friends from different Houses to help her because she is curious if there is a limit to nonsense the knocker accepts.
Prefers to wear variants of uniform with breeches since she jumps and runs around a lot.
More often than not forgets to put on her robe, professors got used to it and don't take points for uniform violation anymore.
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