#villain rpg
probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
Ways to make your villain morally ambiguous:
Eats babies, but only for medical reasons.
Every time they kill someone they make a clone, ensuring that strictly speaking they're having no effect on the amount of life in the universe
Want to end all bad things but only has a gun to do it with.
Has exactly five (5) noble traits: tips waiters, donates to medical gofundmes, tidies your bathroom, buys milk for orphans, once gave a dog a hat.
Never attacks anyone who can't fight back unless it's convenient for their plans or they really want to.
Uses your correct pronouns when informing you about the horrible death trap they put you in.
Actually has an antipoverty machine powered by blending orphans. Look, they know its contrived, but you can only play the cards you're dealt, right?
Is pretty sure they're doing the right thing. They haven't actually checked, they've been busy, but they're pretty sure!
Is only doing evil because they got hit by an Evil Ray that makes you violent and dangerous.
Hasn't ever done anything wrong and is actively helping the heroes. It's a very light shade of morally grey.
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alastor-simp · 3 months
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Yelp new character to add to my simp list❤️🥰
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aristenfromwarsaw · 5 months
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Orin The Red
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oldschoolfrp · 3 months
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Superheroes battle a cthulhoid monster summoned to devour San Francisco, in Steve Perrin's "The Star-Devourer," adventure for Chaosium's Superworld, Hero Games' Champions, or FGU's Villains & Vigilantes (in Different Worlds 35, July/August 1984, with Steve Purcell art)
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cosmicdusky · 2 years
random bios & locs
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻 : 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝗒 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝖾ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   や 𝗂 𝖽𝗂𝖽𝗇'𝗍 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗍, 𝗶𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗺𝗲.
ㅤNo God, no religion  ϟ  just bad, 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨.
I'll never know who I was before I faded away into the ﹕ 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚢.
ㅤI'm just a d̲e̲a̲d̲ man 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 tonight. I'm gonna have a drink and walk around.  ⬖   i got a lot to 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 about.
ㅤㅤㅤcome closer, i'll show you my 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 secret. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 eyes, 𝐫𝐞𝐝 lips. I would give you 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.
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2minutetabletop · 2 months
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The Acid Pit
Patchwork Paul, a man consumed by unrelenting pain, seeks a twisted retribution against the world that abandoned him to his fate. ☣️
→ Read the article and download the included battle map here!
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superbellsubways · 24 days
i bet alot of my following arent even aware of how big of a mario fanatic ive been since forever. i had a Super Paper Mario lunchbag at 9 years old. i thought i was the coolest kid at school you wish you were me.
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graveyardzhift · 10 months
since i’m actually thinking about it today, i’m gonna talk about my very not-canon-compliant fake Mario & Luigi fangame
it’s viewed better on pc but im not stopping you
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yea i know what you’re thinking and i PROMISE THERE IS A REASON FOR MAGICALLY BRINGING BACK ALL OF THE VILLAINS (it’s also because i miss them but there is a legit reason)
here’s where it gets long, so if you hate reading:
TL;DR, Alien kingdom is destroyed except for the king (King Galivus), his daughter (Princess Europa) and the royal advisor (Obriel). Galivus is separated from the two and doesn’t actually know they’re alive. The king speedruns thru like 4 stages of grief but he can’t accept this so he wants to rebuild his entire kingdom DIRECTLY on top of the Mushroom Kingdom.
oh and he’s only there in the first place because to rebuild his kingdom he needs dark energy and magic which he gets from reanimating the previous m&l villains since their souls are a potent source of dark magic. he promises them a new and better world (and a second chance at fighting the Mario Bros.) but in the end he’s only going to use them for their power to get back his family and his subjects and then discard them
bowser is the only one that isnt coerced into king galivus’ bullshit so he the bros team up with the princess of voidspell to stop her dad from destroying the world yadda yadda
yeah, that was the tldr now get ready for the big guns (longer and more detailed version)
King Galivus (new guy beside Fawful in the image) was once the noble king of a distant kingdom out in space, the Voidspell Kingdom. That is, until it was destroyed by a rogue Starswallower; colossal space wyrms closely related to Blarggs that are thought of as deities across the galaxy. Galivus was thought to be the only survivor, and so he reluctantly fled through a portal before he could be caught in the falling debris. This coincidentally led him all the way across space to— you guessed it— the Mushroom Kingdom.
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Before he arrived, Galivus rashly decided that he would bring back his fallen kingdom at any cost. For that, he would need a tremendous amount of dark energy. Which is why he headed directly to the Mushroom Kingdom— he had picked up on such a powerful energy signal, and a dark one at that. It was clear, this was the place to rebuild. The energy signal is actually remnants of Mario’s past foes, Cackletta, Fawful, The Shroob Princesses, and Antasma. Their very souls are brewing with dark energy, a perfect source of power. With all this magic combined, it would be enough to rebuild the entirety of Voidspell AND bring back Galivus’ loved ones.
So, he does the sensible thing, and uses his Twisted Staff to revive each villain. Some are reluctant to go along with his scheme, and others are ecstatic to be alive/in working order again and will gladly go along with Galivus’ plan. In exchange for their cooperation, he promises a nice little spot for them in his new world… and another chance at exacting their revenge on the Mario Bros.
What Galivus wasn’t aware of, was that there were two other survivors; the royal advisor and the princess of Voidspell, Galivus’ own daughter. They had escaped to the Mushroom Kingdom in a separate portal, out of Galivus’ reach. The queen and the rest of the castle’s inhabitants had been lost, but with Princess Europa alive, there was a chance at bringing Galivus back down to earth and stopping his selfish acts. She and the royal advisor, Obriel, seek out Mario and Luigi to help stop Galivus from destroying the Mushroom kingdom, its neighboring countries, and possibly the entire planet.
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Also, Queen Jaydes certainly isn’t happy about Cackletta (and the rest of the villains, but mostly her cuz she’s died like two times now) being let off the hook so easily. Her and the bean witch definitely still have beef with each other.
There’s probably a lot that I missed or haven’t written down yet, but that’s most of it!! If you’ve taken the time to read all that, i love you <3 HAHAHA
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theworldbrewery · 8 days
1d12 reasons to kill all the gods
because the gods put mortals in the untenable position of having to do their dirty work for them, either because of a cold-war-type pact of avoiding direct action against one another, or because they're too proud/think of mortals as disposable.
because the gods are merely ascended mortals who have amassed power that is rightfully dispersed throughout all peoples.
because the gods tried to kill you first.
because you lost something precious that can never be restored, and you hate the gods for not thinking it was important enough to intervene.
because the gods use children as their soldiers and oracles, and these children inevitably die horrible early deaths.
because you crave their power for yourself.
because the gods are parasites, sucking mortals dry of belief and faith and will to act.
because the gods were created by mortals, not the other way around, and the mortals who created the gods use them to enact a cruel cultural hegemony.
because you serve dark forces from the lower planes, and those dark forces aspire to overthrow the gods; you will be rewarded. You will.
because the people were in this universe before the gods arrived in it, and the gods are a colonial power you want to overthrow.
because the gods are the arbiters of good and of evil; you will cleanse the world of sin by destroying the judges.
For the Lulz.
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Villain: Brother Humble, the Unlikely Usurper
Your party has been hired to escort a delivery to a monestary high in the mountains, not the most glorious job, but it pays well. Word is that an early frost has stirred up the monsters in the region and has the local bandits looking to fill their larders before the snows force folk off the roads. Best to be quick, quiet, and be ready for anything. 
It’s a hard few days trekking up the mountains, and the heroes’ feet are aching by the time they catch sight of their destination. The monks are happy to welcome them but even more happy to receive what they carry: A large reinforced box containing the bones of one of the members of their order, lost  for some years while she was out on pilgrimage and now finally returned home to rest. Such an act of charity has more than earned the party a few nights of rest and hospitality and the monks, who happen to be as skilled brewers as they are devout souls, are more than happy to provide. Among the crowd of holy hermits the party might just notice a dour faced monk in fraying robes unloading their cart despite wearing ankle fetters, though their hosts ask them to pay no mind: Brother Humble is always in a sour mood and not even an act of god is going to change that. 
Screams wake the party that night, followed by sound of the great bell and the smell of smoke. The monks are being slaughtered, and before they can do a thing about it the part of the monastery they’re staying in catches fire. Just as they’re forced to flee they catch sight of Brother Humble, smiling toothlessly as he runs one of the other monks through with a sword of unearthly black metal, laughing as the world around him burns. 
Adventure Hooks: 
Trying to divert the mad monk from his slaughter turns out to be a hopeless task, as despite the fact that the old man should barely be able to lift the sword he fights with an inhuman strength and speed and a skill that far eclipses the party’s best. He’ll toy with them at first but should any of the heroes try to make a stand he’ll make sure to give them something to remember him by: a brutal scar, a missing hand, a burn as he presses their body up against the building as it goes up in flames. Should they somehow manage to hold their own he’ll bring the whole place down on top of their heads, leaving them to wake up and pull themselves free of the rubble in the morning. 
Though well protected in a concealed compartment within the saint’s bone box, there’s a chance the sword will be discovered during the journey either because of the party’s curiosity or a random encounter mishap. In such a case, the party will feel a calm will wash over them as they inspect the blade, a presence intoning that they are a sacred weapon sought by the monk, and it was sent to the monastery so that a great wrong may be righted. What the party do from that point is up to them, though their might be forces that would steal the sword back should they wander too far astray. 
If you’re using this adventure as the launchpad for a campain, consider the party ending the first leg of their journey taking a rest at a local outpost, or friendly mountain town before continuing on to the monastery. Not only will it give your party a break from the action and a chance to connect before shit goes down, but it will also prove a poignant moment when they limp back into the haven with whatever few survivors managed to escape the massacre. 
Background: Before he was a monk the man known as brother humble was named Firodon and he was the disinherited elder sibling of the realm’s previous soverign. Born to rule and a peerless swordsman, Firodon was unfortunately a monster who awnsered any flaw or failure with anger and delighted in petty acts of violence. He wasn’t thinking of the consequences when he dangled his youngest sister over the castle ramparts, he just wanted the brat to know her place. The ensuing fall would mean the girl would always need a chair to get around and showed the king and queen that their eldest was unfit to inherit their name, letalone a crown. 
A hunting accident was contrived, and while it would have been easiler (and saved everyone else a lot of grief in the longrun) to put a bolt through the back of prince Firodon’s head his parents were goodhearted people, and thought that with a little guidance the boy might grow beyond his wickedness outside the pressures of royal expectation. And so a body was produced, a story concocted, trusted servants sword to secrecy. Firodon was dragged to the monestary in chains and finally humbled. The queen and king might’ve been right in their thinking. Though Humble raged at the indignity of his birthright denied, life in the abby was good for him. The rigors of life living so far from the palace gave him an outlet for the energy that spurred his darkest impulses, and the monks were not affraid to correct him when he was wrong, as so many others had when he was crown prince. He was not happy, he never allowed himself to be, but he found peace, or atleast he would have had the sword dreams not started. 
Firodon’s family decended from an ancient line that first rose to power through a compact with Orcus, the now dead god of oaths, part of which involved the bestowal of Dominion, darksteel sword of great power and the service of a spirit set to watch over and guard the royal house. Working from behind the scenes this spirit served Firodon’s parents faithfully, as was its role, but upon their deaths its protection transfered not to their chosen heir but to their displaced eldest child who had never abdicated and was thus the “rightful” king in accordance with the ancient pact.  Since that day it has been working tirelessly to put the sword in Firodon’s hand and see him back on the throne regardless of how much blood it needs to shed in order to do so. 
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Webtoon screenshots out of context: part 7
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frostcoldhere · 2 months
I cooked.
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reblogs appreciated!!!
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demonboyhalo · 2 years
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hobgoblinart · 26 days
I like this type of villains
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This is a redraw of something I made a long time ago. Here's the original:
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snonuy · 9 months
i love how off can be theorized that batter is a self aware protagonist in the way he knows he has plot armour and he knows hes basically unstoppable and took advantage of that, the ending where you stop having the batter as a protagonist and can no longer 'control' him must be a humbling experience for the batter
honestly i love that theory because its such a spin of "protagonist who fights but have strong plot armour"
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if barbatos is also a spider then what if he and ik got bit by the same radioactive spider somehow and he has massive beef with her because 1. she keeps stopping him from doing evil shit, but mainly 2. because she just got the cute spider powers but he's got these awful mutated limbs that make it impossible to live a normal life
oh holy crap that's so good. barbatos is absolutely filled with an anger that no one could possibly understand and the only person who could even begin to try is some dumb kid, and even then she didn't get turned into a monster like he did
okay hey we were talking about why he only has three pairs of the spider-leg things... this is a little silly but maybe he hides the final pair somehow? so that ik won't be able to make that connection and attempt to reach out to him
so ik doesn't know why her spider-sense feels a little off whenever she's fighting him. then there's the big climactic stop-the-world-from-ending final battle where she subdues him, sees the eighth pair of legs, and finally has the "you're like me" moment
50/50 whether barbatos breaks down or just immediately attempts to kill her in response
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