#vines 2018
loganslowdown4 · 2 months
Hey guess what year the very first Sleep short came out??
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2018 babyyyyyyyyyy 😁😁😁😁😴
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darcyolsson · 1 month
being in your 20s in crazy bc sometimes ill actually genuinely sit here and go "wow I kind of miss high school when I was genuinely miserable every day.... it was kind of a vibe now I think about it". like. HUH?
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honestlyobsessed · 1 year
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My takeaway from the rottmnt movie.
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vulpinesaint · 22 days
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all kids these days want to do is be a cat and not answer the phone when spider-man calls
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mikhaelchange · 28 days
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A scene that takes place in my Baronjitsu fiction right here ⏬
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Karkat: DAVE, SHUT UP!
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misteria247 · 2 years
Rise Donnie: I don't need friends, they just disappoint me.
Rise Donnie strikes a pose
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calumsash · 2 years
ever since i've heard red line i only had this video in mind and i just couldn't find it BUT today it suddenly appeared to me so i had to make this
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She-ra Characters as vines Pt1 :)
Glimmer - *scares Bow* Bow- AHH! Stop i could have dropped my croissant!
*Mermista fighting the Horde* You can't kill me I'm a bad bitch
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Fleshed Out AU as Vines
Rogelio: “Dear diary, today I couldn’t find my diary, so I’m writing this on both my Kung-Fu Panda 2 DVDs.”
Rogelio: “Do you ever wanna talk about your emotions, Lonnie?”
Lonnie: “No.”
Kyle: “I do!”
Rogelio: “I know, Kyle.”
Kyle: “I’m sad.”
Rogelio: “I know, Kyle.”
Both Rogelio and Lonnie in Season 4: “I am disgusted, I am revolted, I dedicate my life to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and this is the thanks I get?!”
Kyle, after the end of Protocol: (Crying) “Today was a good day. Can’t wait for tomorrow-” *Starts crying harder*
Lonnie: “I eat cheerios because they’re heart health! And my heart has been severely damaged…” *Grabs camera* “So Adora, if you’re out there-”
*Someone runs up to Baby Kyle*
Baby Kyle: “Daddy?”
The person, who is a Horde Soldier: “Do I look like your da-”
Lonnie at Catra: “Let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. Alright, I’m gonna go first. I hate you.”
Catra: *Sneaks up behind Lonnie on the couch*
Catra: *Shoots a gun at the ceiling*
Lonnie: *Falls off the couch* *Turns and points at Catra, who is laughing*
Rogelio, about either Catra or Lonnie: “She’s so rude. I hate her. She’s soo ugly. But she’s my best friend.”
Papa, at Thad: “Wow, son, your whips are getting really good.”
Thad: “Thanks, Dad.”
Kyle & Lonnie: “I hate myself. Oh, I really hate myself.”
Kyle: “And just remember that no one will ever hate you more than you already hate yourself!”
Kyle, in the barracks: (Scream singing) “I never wanna dance again! Guilty feet, I got no rhythm!”
(Pre-canon) Catra: *Jumps out from behind corner to scare Kyle* “Rah!”
Kyle: “AH! Shtap! I could’ve dropped my grey bars.”
Lonnie: “Oh good, you’re not busy.”
Rogelio: (Working on his audio log) “Actually, Lonnie, I am busy.”
Rogelio, in his audio logs: (About Catra and Adora) “And they were roommates-”
Person in the future: (Watching the logs) “Oh my god, they were roommates-”
Lonnie: (Driving a truck) “Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does.”
*Crashes truck*
Lonnie: “We all die, you either kill yourself or get killed.”
Lonnie: (Dancing) “Whatcha gonna do?” (dun, du dun dun) “Whatcha gonna do?”
Rogelio or Kyle: “When there’s too much drama at school, all you gotta do is: walk a wa-ay-ay~”
Lonnie: “Hey, you doing okay?”
Rogelio: “Yeah, just lately I haven’t been able to think straight.”
Rogelio’s thoughts: “Balls. Two guys holding hands. Clay Aiken. Weener.”
Kyle: “This one’s to end war!”
Kyle: *Throws basketball* *Somehow misses basket entirely*
Kyle: :(
Someone, at Kyle: “You can’t sit with us.”
Kyle: “Actually, Megan, I can’t sit anywhere. I have-”
Kyle: *Turns to camera*
Kyle: “Full body burns.”
Lonnie: “I just love working here, we all have a lot of laughs.”
Lonnie, at Catra: “Fuck off, Catra. I’m not going to your fucking invasion.”
Thad: “Kyle! Kyle, watch the Horde soldier, dude! Watch the Horde soldier.”
Baby Kyle: *Hits the Horde soldier head on with his tiny sword.*
Kyle: *Pours lemons into a bowl* “Well, when life gives you lemons.” (dun dun dun dun! DUN)
Lonnie: *Drops a staff during practice*
Lonnie’s Instructor: “LONNIE!”
Lonnie: “......”
Lonnie’s Instructor: “Get it together sweetie, we have a competition this weekend.”
Lonnie & Kyle, dancing in the barracks: “I hate. My body. I hate. My body. I hate-”
The Horde Squad at the end of season 5: “Fuck this shit, I’m out.” *Jumps into the Whispering Woods*
And of course:
Everyone in the Horde (minus Rogelio): “What the fuck is up Kyle?! No, what did you say, dude?! Step the fuck up, Kyle!”
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beast-feast · 2 months
It is REALLY funny re-drafting DoTM because I can TELL when I stopped writing for months and came back pumping out stuff leagues better than the previous chapters . I hope that doesn't happen with the Duskmagius fic I will literally cry /j
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bittlesbooty · 2 years
i could be remembering wrong but I believe THE KISS was published like two days before my 16th birthday
the kicker about my birthday in 2016 is my grandmother (the person who raised me) died roughly a month prior and it was all very tragic. I don’t really remember the rest of my sophomore year of hs I just remember teachers telling me not to worry about assignments and crying in literally ever class
then I was scrolling tumblr right after my normal shower wailing session and I saw some of the cutest art I had ever seen and it was of THE KISS and I’m not someone who cares about spoilers so I was invested in finding out how these two got together I read the whole comic up to that point that night. and everyone says when you can’t find a big reason to keep living find a little one. so for the next year and a half I had check please updates keeping me alive. and I couldn’t die *yet* I had to see what Bitty would do next. i also got really into hockey and Beyoncé and I named my insulin pump J.Z. and I met my best friend in the whole world and he had Free! buttons and I used to like the swimming anime too but I thought you know what this guy will loooove? immediately asked for his number to text him a link the comic and I don’t know if we would be buddies if it wasn’t for that…. all this too say, I love check please I’ve been going through a rough spot lately and it helps to remember that it still exists and it still makes me so so happy
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corruptpixel · 2 years
have this half-assed animatic i made at 2AM
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senseiwu · 1 year
Can't really relate to a lot of those "WHICH OF THESE COOL TOYS DID YOU HAVE" because 1. poor 2. we weren't allowed to have fun, apparently
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