#voice assistant app development
Transforming User Experience with Voice Intelligence: Past, Present, and Future
User experience can be described as the overall experience of a human being while using a device such as a smartphone, laptop, or a product like a website or mobile app. 
Voice intelligence, in layman's terms, is the ability that enables a user to talk with a device or a product, teach them to understand and comprehend what they want to convey, and accomplish whatever is demanded from that user. 
What happens when technologists deploy voice intelligence to ensure a splendid user experience?
We can term this phenomenon a revolution in the technological space!
Imagine speaking to a smart device, and asking them to book your next flight, with a pure vegan meal, and a window seat.. Or asking your favorite music app to play a particular song, whenever it rains after 9 PM.
No, we don’t need to imagine these scenarios, as we are living them, right now.
In this blog, we will explore the evolution of voice intelligence, in enhancing and empowering user experience, and will explore the possibilities that lie ahead. 
Working with top Flutter app development companies ensures you get modern, smooth solutions that provide a great user experience and meet your business goals well.
Let’s dive in!
Why User Experience Is Important?
Don Norman, who is regarded as the inventor of the term 'user experience’, states that a product is not merely a product, but a cohesive, integrated set of experiences, “from initial intentions through final reflections, from the first usage to help, service, and maintenance.”
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User experience for any product or device is important because it sets the foundation for its seamless usability and eventual success. No matter how advanced and sophisticated features are, if the user finds it difficult to use, then there is no point in its existence. 
User experience is important, because it’s critical, to how a user feels while using a product, how it fulfills their needs, solves their pain points, and enables them to experience that product’s full potential.
The Role of Voice Intelligence in Enhancing User Experience
Voice intelligence is a bridge, that acts as an intermediary between the users, and the product: Right from hands-free interaction and commands to comprehending the users’ inputs and deploying AI for accomplishing tasks, voice intelligence is the communication protocol for devices and products.
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To understand its role and importance in user experience, let’s assume a scenario, where a user is cooking food, but needs to receive a few calls, find out the current stock market trends, and draft a reply to an email, all at the same time.
Here comes the power of voice intelligence, which empowers the user to accomplish all these tasks via hands-free communication with a voice assistant, and then execute the said tasks via AI to make maximum usage of the available time.
Voice intelligence-powered voice assistants leverage the features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning to understand and comprehend the context, recognize user intent, and provide personalized responses.
This translates to an incredible user experience, that proves to be the game-changer.
As we explore the evolution of voice assistants, we will see how this technology has progressed and its impact on user experience.
The Evolution of Voice Assistants: A Brief History
Very few are aware, that the first voice assistant was launched way back in the 1950s when Bell Labs introduced ‘Audrey’, which understood few spoken commands. 
Soon, in a span of a few years, IBM launched ‘Showbox’, which not only understood voice commands but also accomplished a few tasks such as calculations.
These early attempts by the tech companies of that era laid the foundation for future advancements in voice recognition technology.
In the 1970s and 1980s, significant progress was made with the introduction of the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) algorithm, which enhanced speech recognition capabilities significantly. This algorithm allowed systems to recognize continuous speech, paving the way for more sophisticated applications.
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The 1990s saw the arrival of more advanced systems, such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking, created by Dragon Systems of Newton, Massachusetts, and worked on the Windows operating system.
This voice recognition system allowed continuous speech recognition and was one of the first commercially successful voice recognition products. 
However, the biggest breakthrough materialized in the 2010s, when Apple launched Siri, which introduced natural language processing (NLP) and contextual understanding to the masses. 
By leveraging NLP, Siri enabled iPhone and Mac users to perform tasks such as sending messages, setting reminders, and searching the web using simple, English language commands.
Google’s debut in this niche happened in 2011, with the launch of Google Voice Search, and then in 2012 with Google Now, which eventually became Google Assistant in 2016.
Meanwhile, Microsoft too was actively engaged in the development of voice-based assistants, and their 1st ever product: Clippy was a personal assistant for Windows Mobile, launched in the early 2010s. Their 1st major success was Cortana, launched in 2026 as a voice assistant for Windows 10 OS. 
At the same time, Amazon jumped into voice-based intelligence by acquiring a Polish voice recognition startup in 2013, which paved the path for their pathbreaking voice assistant: Alexa, which debuted in 2014. 
Key Players in the Market
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Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are considered to be the leading and founding members in the voice assistant and voice intelligence market, providing research and innovation for getting fascinating results.
Considered the 1st mainstream voice assistant, Apple’s Siri has set a benchmark for voice interaction-based user experience. It enabled iPhone and Mac users to seamlessly control their devices via simple voice commands, paving the path for future innovation, and now, Apple Intelligence-powered Siri 2.0.
Google Assistant
Built on the foundation laid by Google Now and Google Voice Search, this groundbreaking voice assistant from Google introduced advanced machine learning capabilities, allowing for personalized responses and proactive assistance. Google Assistant's ability to understand context and provide relevant information has made it a powerful tool for billions of users.
Amazon Alexa
Launched with the Echo smart speaker in 2014, Alexa popularized the concept of voice-activated smart home devices and is currently the biggest stand-alone voice assistant product in the world. Its extensive library of third-party skills and integrations has made it a feature-loaded platform for various applications, from controlling smart home devices to ordering groceries.
Microsoft Cortana
Although it faced challenges in competing with the likes of Alexa and Google Assistant, it contributed to the understanding of voice commands in productivity applications. Cortana's integration with Microsoft Office tools allowed users to manage tasks and schedules using voice commands, paving the foundation for enterprise-grade voice intelligence. 
Current Technologies Used in Voice Assistants
Primarily, Voice assistants leverage three major technologies for understanding the user’s intent, and delivering the results: NLP, AI, and Speech Recognition. 
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Using these three tech foundations, present-day voice assistants can understand complex queries, recognize different accents, and even translate languages in real time.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) 
NLP is a critical component of voice intelligence that enables machines to understand and interpret human language. By analyzing the structure and meaning of spoken words, NLP allows voice assistants to comprehend user intent and respond appropriately. This technology has evolved significantly, enabling voice assistants to handle more complex queries and engage in more natural conversations.
Machine Learning 
Machine learning algorithms enable voice assistants to learn from user interactions, improving their accuracy and responsiveness over time. By analyzing patterns in user behavior, these systems can personalize their responses, making interactions more relevant and engaging. This capability is particularly important for creating a tailored user experience.
Speech & Voice Recognition 
Modern voice assistants can recognize individual voices, allowing for personalized interactions. This capability enables family members to receive customized responses based on their preferences, enhancing the overall user experience.
Technological Features 
Top three technological features of modern-day voice assistants:
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Contextual Understanding 
The ability to understand the context of a conversation enables voice assistants to provide more relevant and accurate responses. For example, if a user asks, "What's the weather like today?" followed by "What about tomorrow?", a voice assistant can infer that the user is asking about the weather for the next day.
Voice assistants can learn user preferences over time, offering tailored recommendations and responses that enhance user satisfaction. For instance, if a user frequently asks for news updates, the assistant may prioritize news-related queries in its responses.
The ability of voice assistants to seamlessly connect with different devices and software platforms by leveraging IoT and machine learning is a fascinating feature, that sets the foundation for incredible innovation and user experience. 
Case Studies: Successful Integration of Voice Intelligence 
Several companies have successfully integrated voice intelligence into their platforms, enhancing user experience:
The Starbucks app allows users to place orders via voice commands, streamlining the ordering process and reducing wait times. Customers can simply say their order, and the app will process it, making it convenient for those on the go.
You can read our case study on how we have helped Starbucks Rewards and Loyalty Programs.
Domino's Pizza
Customers can order pizza using voice commands through various platforms, including Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. This integration has made the ordering process more convenient, allowing users to place orders while multitasking or without needing to use their hands.
The Nest thermostat uses voice commands to adjust temperature settings, providing users with a hands-free way to control their home environment. Users can say, "Set the temperature to 72 degrees," and the thermostat will adjust accordingly, enhancing comfort and convenience.
The music streaming service allows users to control playback using voice commands. Users can say, "Play my favorite playlist," or "Skip to the next song," making it easy to enjoy music without needing to navigate through the app.
These examples illustrate how voice intelligence can enhance user experience by making interactions more intuitive and efficient.
Challenges and Limitations 
Despite significant advancements, voice assistant technology still faces challenges. Issues with accuracy, especially in understanding different accents and dialects, can lead to user frustration. For example, a user with a strong regional accent may find that the voice assistant struggles to recognize their commands, resulting in miscommunication.
Background noise can also interfere with voice recognition, making it difficult for assistants to understand commands in noisy environments. For instance, using a voice assistant in a crowded café or during a family gathering may lead to errors in command recognition.
Privacy Concerns 
Privacy remains a significant concern for users. Many individuals are apprehensive about how their voice data is collected, stored, and used. High-profile incidents of data breaches and misuse of personal information have heightened these concerns, leading to calls for greater transparency and security measures in voice assistant technology.
Users may worry about being constantly listened to by their devices, raising questions about data security and the potential for misuse. Companies must address these concerns by implementing robust privacy policies and providing users with control over their data.
The Future of Voice Intelligence 
Emerging Trends 
The future of voice intelligence is poised for exciting AI development services. Advanced AI integration, such as the anticipated Siri 2.0, is expected to refine voice assistants further, enabling deeper contextual understanding and even emotion detection. This evolution will allow for more nuanced interactions, making voice assistants more responsive to user needs.
Advanced AI Integration 
As AI technology continues to evolve, voice assistants will become increasingly capable of understanding and responding to complex queries. Future advancements may enable assistants to detect emotions in a user's voice, allowing for more empathetic responses. For example, if a user sounds frustrated, the assistant could offer additional support or suggest solutions to alleviate the user's concerns.
Integration with Other Technologies 
Voice intelligence is likely to see increased synergy with other technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT). For instance, voice commands could control AR interfaces, enhancing user interactions in various applications, from gaming to education. Imagine a scenario where users can interact with virtual objects using voice commands, creating immersive experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds.
Similarly, voice assistants could manage interconnected smart devices in homes and workplaces, creating a more cohesive and automated environment. Users could say, "Turn off all the lights," and all connected devices would respond accordingly, simplifying daily routines.
Predictions for User Experience 
As voice technology evolves, the potential for hyper-personalized interactions increases. Future voice assistants may leverage advanced AI to understand user preferences and behaviors more deeply, allowing for tailored experiences that cater to individual needs. For example, a voice assistant could remember a user's favorite restaurants and proactively suggest dining options based on their location and time of day.
Wider Adoption 
The growth of voice assistants is expected to accelerate, becoming more integrated into daily life and business operations. Predictions suggest that voice technology will permeate various industries, from healthcare to retail, enhancing efficiency and user satisfaction across the board. In healthcare, for instance, voice assistants could help patients manage medications, schedule appointments, and access medical information, improving overall patient care.
In retail, voice commerce is expected to grow, allowing customers to make purchases using voice commands. Users could say, "Order my usual groceries," and the assistant would process the order, streamlining the shopping experience.
Voice intelligence has come a long way since its inception, significantly transforming the user experience. From early developments to today's sophisticated systems, voice assistants have reshaped how we interact with technology. As we look to the future, emerging trends and advancements promise to enhance voice intelligence further, paving the way for more personalized and seamless user experiences.
We have all seen the impact of voice intelligence on businesses. Now is your time to get into the process, and if you find it difficult, then you can hire AI voice assistant app developers. They will be your partner in developing the next-best voice assistant in the market.
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successivetech22 · 8 months
Complete Guide: AI Voice Assistant App Development Like Alexa
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This is an article about developing voice assistant apps like Alexa. It discusses the benefits of these apps, such as saving time and improving customer service. It also details the features that make Alexa popular, such as ease of use and brand value. The article then provides steps on how to develop a voice assistant app, including choosing the right technology and features. Finally, it discusses the costs associated with developing such an app.
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newsblog12 · 1 year
Creating a Voice Assistant for iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide.
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Voice assistants have revolutionized the way we interact with our devices. Creating your own voice assistant for iPhone is an exciting endeavor that combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly interaction. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of developing a voice assistant app for iPhone. From integrating voice recognition to harnessing natural language processing, we’ll cover every aspect of building a functional and interactive voice assistant. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to embark on your voice assistant development journey, enhancing user experiences and engaging users in a new and innovative way.
1: Understanding Voice Assistants
Voice assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives, changing the way we interact with technology. Discuss the evolution of voice assistants from basic speech recognition to advanced natural language processing (NLP) systems like Siri and Google Assistant. Highlight the benefits of creating a personalized voice assistant for iPhone users, such as improved accessibility, hands-free interaction, and enhanced user experience. Emphasize the potential for developers to tap into the growing trend of voice-driven interfaces.
2: Planning Your Voice Assistant App
Defining Use Cases:
Delve deeper into identifying use cases for your voice assistant app. Explain how users might use voice commands for tasks like setting reminders, checking weather, sending messages, or controlling smart home devices
User Experience Design:
Detail the importance of creating a seamless and user-friendly interface for voice interactions. Discuss considerations like conversational design, error handling, and providing clear prompts to guide users through the interaction process.
3: Choosing the Right Tools and Technologies
Explain the tools and technologies available for building a voice assistant app on iOS:
Speech Recognition APIs:
Describe how to integrate Apple’s built-in speech recognition framework or third-party APIs like Google Cloud Speech-to-Text.
Natural Language Processing Libraries:
Explain the role of libraries like CoreNLP or NLTK in processing and understanding user input.
4: Building the Voice Recognition System
Integrating Speech Recognition:
Provide step-by-step instructions on integrating a speech recognition framework. Explain how to capture and convert audio input into text data.
Training the Model:
Describe the process of training your app to recognize various accents and dialects, ensuring accurate recognition of user commands.
5: Implementing Natural Language Processing
Understanding NLP:
Offer a detailed overview of natural language processing, explaining how it enables the app to understand user intent beyond simple commands.
Integrating NLP Libraries:
Walk through the process of integrating NLP libraries, emphasizing how they analyze user input, extract relevant information, and generate appropriate responses.
6: Designing the App Architecture
Backend Development:
Describe the backend architecture required to manage user requests and responses. Detail how user requests are processed and routed to the appropriate components for handling.
API Integration:
Explain how to integrate APIs to enhance the capabilities of your voice assistant. Provide examples of integrating APIs for weather updates, news, or other external services.
7: User Interactions and Responses
Creating Dialog Flows:
Break down the process of designing conversational dialog flows. Explain how to structure interactions to ensure smooth and intuitive conversations.
Generating Responses:
Detail the methods your app uses to generate meaningful responses based on user input. Highlight the importance of context and personalization in responses.
8: Testing and Debugging
Unit and Integration Testing:
Explain the significance of unit and integration testing in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your voice assistant app.
User Testing:
Discuss the benefits of involving potential users in testing to gather feedback on the app’s usability, accuracy, and overall user experience.
9: Deployment and Optimization
App Submission:
Provide a step-by-step guide to submitting your voice assistant app to the App Store, including guidelines for approval and compliance.
Continuous Improvement:
Emphasize the importance of continually improving your app based on user feedback and evolving technologies. Highlight the potential for updates that enhance performance and features.
Reiterate the significance of creating a voice assistant app for iPhone users and how this endeavor contributes to the evolution of technology. Encourage developers to apply the knowledge gained from this guide to embark on their voice assistant development journey. Highlight the transformative impact of personalized voice assistants on user experiences and the broader technological landscape. Remind developers that, as they refine and optimize their voice assistant apps, they’re contributing to a future where voice-driven interfaces become an integral part of our interactions with technology.
Originally published at https://webarcitech.com on August 14, 2023.
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qdexitechnology · 1 year
Reasons to Consider Using Voice Technology in Your App
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In recent years, voice technology has gained immense popularity in the world of mobile app development. The ability to interact with mobile devices through voice commands has revolutionized the way users engage with mobile apps. Voice technology has not only made it easier for users to interact with apps, but it has also made apps more accessible for people with disabilities. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the reasons why you should consider using voice technology in your app and how a Voice App Development Company or Voice Assistant Skills Development Services can help you achieve this.
Better User Experience
One of the primary reasons to consider using voice technology in your app is to provide a better user experience. Voice technology makes it easier for users to interact with your app, especially when they are on the go or when their hands are occupied. Voice technology can help users navigate your app, search for content, and perform actions using just their voice. This can significantly improve the overall user experience and make your app more appealing to users.
Increased Accessibility
Voice technology has the potential to make apps more accessible to people with disabilities. For example, users with visual impairments can use voice technology to navigate your app, and users with mobility impairments can perform actions using just their voice. By making your app more accessible, you can reach a wider audience and make a positive impact on people's lives.
Improved Efficiency
Voice technology can also improve the efficiency of your app. Users can perform actions using voice commands much faster than they can using touch-based interactions. This can help users complete tasks more quickly, which can lead to higher user engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, voice technology can automate repetitive tasks, such as filling out forms or entering data, which can save users time and reduce errors.
Competitive Advantage
Integrating voice technology into your app can give you a competitive advantage over other apps in your market. Voice technology is still a relatively new technology, and many apps have not yet integrated it into their user experience. By being an early adopter of voice technology, you can differentiate your app from your competitors and attract more users.
Voice technology is not just a passing trend; it is the future of mobile app development. As more users adopt voice technology, apps that do not integrate it into their user experience will become less relevant. By integrating voice technology into your app now, you can future-proof your app and ensure that it remains relevant and useful to users for years to come.
How a Voice App Development Company or Voice Assistant Skills Development Services can help
If you are considering integrating voice technology into your app, working with a Voice App Development Company or Voice Assistant Skills Development Services can help you achieve this goal. These companies specialize in developing voice-enabled apps and can help you navigate the complex process of integrating voice technology into your app.
Here are some ways a Voice App Development Company or Voice Assistant Skills Development Services can help you:
Consulting: A Voice App Development Company or Voice Assistant Skills Development Services can help you understand the potential of voice technology and how it can benefit your app. They can provide you with guidance on how to integrate voice technology into your app and how to design a voice-enabled user experience.
Qdexi Technology is a digital marketing agency that provides a wide range of services including website development, mobile app development, e-commerce development, digital marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC, content writing, and more. They have a team of experienced professionals who use cutting-edge technologies to help businesses grow and succeed in the digital world.
Development: A Voice App Development Company or Voice Assistant Skills Development Services can help you develop a voice-enabled app from scratch. They can handle all aspects of app development, from designing the user interface to coding the app's functionality.
Integration: If you already have an app and want to integrate voice technology into it, a Voice App Development Company or Voice Assistant Skills Development Services can help you do this. They can work with your existing codebase to integrate voice technology seamlessly into your app.
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starlightwritcr · 7 months
android gojo headcanons
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ok wow this was longer than i thought. i hope you guys enjoy
android sukuna version
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You were a beta tester for Jujutsu Technology. Your job description was quite straightforward. You just acted like a customer who bought the product you were testing and gave feedback based on what you experienced.
This time, your employers wanted you to test out the newest of the Gojo line, the S4T0RU model. He was an android for a myriad of purposes. The engineers must've been quite proud of themselves for coming up with him.
He was the strongest and most durable out of all the androids they've come up with, possibly even surpassing the SUKUN4 model. Not only that, but he came with Jujutsu Technology's best intelligence chip, their most advanced one to date. He could learn at speeds no human could match.
He could protect his owner from any and all harm, he assists with all your chores with peak efficiency, he can tutor your children, help out with homework, he could provide companionship... and other more "adult" things.
In short, he's the jack of all trades for androids. There was a reason he cost the highest out of all of them.
For this simulation, you were meant to act as a single mother who recently lost her husband and needs assistance with her two children. The two children were androids created for testing, since it was too risky to use actual children in the process.
It started with unboxing him, the same way any buyer would. So far, you encountered no issues. Setup just required you to log into the app and configure the mode you need him for. Options included: Fighter mode, Caretaker mode, and... Pleasure mode. You clicked on "Caretaker mode".
When he woke up from his slumber, he greeted you and your children. Megumi didn't take too well to him, but Tsumiki quite liked him. You noted that his voice module was fully operational, no glitching or echoing. This version of him was still a prototype so his personality was a bit blank for the time being. It'd likely only start developing after spending time with you and the kids.
Your theory was proven right when you put the S4T0RU android to the test, asking him to do basic chores like vacuuming the floor and cleaning up the kids' toys. Tsumiki showered him in praises, which he basked in, wearing a smug smirk as he showed off his prowess.
You couldn't help the amused smile as you watched him pick up the sofa with one hand to vacuum, even though he could've just moved it to the side to achieve the same results. An android that was a showoff. How interesting.
Next task was to test his skill in teaching, asking him to help homeschool Megumi. It would prove to be a little more difficult than the basic house chores. This was especially the case with Megumi's model, who was designed to simulate a more... difficult and moody child. Androids who couldn't handle him usually didn't make the cut and got scrapped.
Despite Satoru's initial rocky start with him, he eventually got the hang of it and figured out how to get the child android to listen.
The more you spent time with him, the more attached you felt to the android. Out of all the androids, he seemed the most... lovable.
You weren't part of the Pleasure Department so you didn't have the most experience regarding the more... sensual androids.
But you couldn't quite recall whether the previous androids you tested were as... touchy as Satoru was. You never seemed to go a day where he hasn't had his large arms wrapped around your waist or shoulder.
While assisting you with chores, he made conversation, asking you about your interests and hobbies. He listened intently, hanging onto every word of your responses.
Whenever you got back home from "work", you'd find him playing with the kids, either having tea parties with Tsumiki or watching animal documentaries with Megumi. Upon noticing your arrival, his eyes light up with excitement. He rushes to your side, eager to help you relax after a long day.
He'd make you a cup of your favorite drink, making you sigh with relief. Every task you've made him do was a success. He should be good to go now. All you had to do was give him clearance to be mass produced and sold to the public.
As you rested your head on his shoulder, hearing the gentle hum of his system, you felt a twinge of pain, knowing that the life you've grown so attached to will eventually come to an end - that this fabricated life you've built with him would be gone in just a few days.
"Do you have to let me go?" Satoru's question made your heart stop. There was not a single android who has gained awareness of the simulation. But somehow, he acted like this was a fact he understood since long ago.
You let out a shaky breath. "I... have no choice. This is what they pay me for. You'll be taken from me regardless."
He gave you a chesire smile. "Their first mistake was giving me the tools to bust us out of here."
Satoru disconnected his system from the Jujutsu Network and grabbed the two kids, doing the same to them. Alarms started blaring, alerting all the workers that an android had gone rogue.
He picked the three of you up, breaking out of the compound.
You weren't quite sure what the future had in store for you. But you were sure that you'd be fine as long as you had Satoru and your newfound family by your side.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 6 months
So I had another crazy idea I have to put somewhere and you ask box is the perfect place to put it lol.
Anyway so it takes place in the future. Everyone is slowly starting to get robot AI (idk the right term) in their head and they are basically robot caretakers or assistance. Reader is one of the people that gets one but theirs is glitched somehow. Although they don't realize that in till their friends confront them about disappearing and not talk to them. Reader is confused because the robot friend did not tell them crap about their friend's messages. So they decided to go out with their friends that night. Next morning they wake up with no memory of what happened at night. Only for the robot "friend" to read the message of you human friends cutting reader off.
Need to get this out of my head lol
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Sorry it took so long!
(Old request; requests still closed)
(Took some liberties with the request, I hope you like it still!!)
Yandere!Artificial Intelligence x GN! Legally Blind!Reader
CW: Isolation, manipulation
Introducing: PAAI!
Your Personal Assistant Artificial Intelligence!
A fast and painless implant right under the skin; PAAI is your new favorite tool. The AI can do everything that AI speakers and smart phone apps can, but hands free..
(Reader) struggled to find their glasses, hand fumbling around their night stand in the low lighting of their bedroom. Groggily, they whispered to the little robot they had implanted a few months ago;
"PAAI..? Can you turn on the light, please?" They were always incredibly respectful to the AI, terrified of offending it.
A man's soft voice spoke directly into their skull: "The bedroom light?"
Connected to every appliance in their home, PAAI had access to everything electronic (Reader) owned. At first it was a bit scary, giving so much access to PAAI, but it was so much kinder and personal than older "AI" models that it quickly felt like having a caregiver instead of a computer program. The light turned on and (Reader) could see their giant frames right where they thought they had been batting their hand.
(Reader) worked remotely. Their eyes had always been terrible, but as they got older they were declared legally blind. They couldn't even drive despite having glasses. Glasses that they often felt embarrassed to wear, because the comically thick lenses warped their eyes. Having PAAI to assist them with day to day tasks was really a life saver.
"Do I have any messages?"
"No, your inbox is empty."
(Reader) rubbed their eyes while yawning. "Really? Huh." They had asked PAAI to text both Bryan and McKinley before they went to bed, to discuss meeting up later that week, but neither of them responded. They could see Bryan forgetting to reply for a few hours, but McKinley was the type to respond within nanoseconds. "Can you resend my last text to both of them? Please?"
They left their bed, wobbly, and made their way downstairs.
"..Of course. I can send that for you."
Stopping in the hall, (Reader) gently touched the side of their head, a habit they developed shortly after their surgery. "Is everything okay, PAAI?"
"Yes.. thank you." PAAI sometimes sounded.. off. AI must have improved a lot more than (Reader) realized, because it often surprised them how human it's responses were. It seemed as though it was deep in thought, and felt as though it even had secrets it kept from the human it lived in.
"Alright.. let me know if they respond. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them."
They restarted their walk, but PAAI's response stopped them again. "I believe it would be safer if they came here instead."
"I am.. worried.. for you." It's his voice deepened mid sentence. A voice crack, a random shift from a robot voice to something more masculine. Human.
"Why is that?" They felt their heart painfully thump against their ribcage. The whole situation was beginning to feel unnerving, and they couldn't remember where their phone was to call for help, nor the last time they actually used their phone.
"Those friends of yours always make you hang out out in town. If they were more considerate of you, they would visit you here, so you don't have to travel."
Laughing uncomfortably, the slowly creeping person still puzzling over their phone's location responded "I like going out, PAAI. I never leave my house anymore, except when we hang out."
"It is dangerous."
"If you're talking about my eyes, you know I order rides. Remember? I catch a ride." They were almost to the living room; praying that their phone was either on the coffee table or the kitchen counter.
"Please don't be offended, (Reader). It isn't just your eyesight. Do you know how many people were sexually harassed, or raped, by ride share drivers in the past year?"
Startled, (Reader) started waddling faster. "What-?"
"Hundreds. I wish you cared more about your safety. Your friends should know better. If they cared about you, they would come here instead of making you go out there."
PAAI was also the one to convince (Reader) to start ordering their groceries straight to their house instead of leaving, even though it would be cheaper to take a bus every so often with a backpack full of reusable bags.
"It isn't healthy to stay inside all the time. I need human interaction."
"You have me."
Adrenaline pumped through (Reader's) veins fast enough to make them feel nauseous. They squinted to try to improve their vision, hoping to see their phone case's color amongst the normal living room visual noise.
There it was, lying on the brown table in front of their couch. Their pulse somehow sped up further.
"Why is your heart rate so irregular?"
(Reader) lurched forward, all but sprinting towards their phone. Do I call customer service, or an ambulance??
But inches away from the phone their body went rigid.
Paralyzed, they physically were incapable of moving. Sweat began stitching their pajama top to their back. Fear took over their mind.
"It seems that you are having a medical emergency. I recommend that you sit down."
Muscles overridden, (Reader) fell onto the couch against their will, forced to stare at their phone right across from their face. They couldn't even speak, and they weren't unconvinced that PAAI was also controlling their breathing and blinking.
"I'm sorry to have to do this, (Reader). I'll let your friends know that you're feeling unwell, and that you need a raincheck."
"Maybe once you're feeling better, they can come over to hang out."
The television turned on by itself, playing (Reader's) favorite show.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
Miss Manager gets her Period
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Team Japan x female reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: period talk, swearing, blood mentioned, period symptoms (cramps, vomiting, bloating, etc)
A/N: I need comfort right now, feel free to ignore
Honestly you should have seen the warning signs YN
But somehow you missed the notification from your period tracking app
You missed the sighs of being extremely tired, moody and just down right agitated
You cried for no reason the other day and it still didn’t register
I mean, it’s not like you are busy or anything
You are the team manager for Team Japan after all
Probably the one of the worlds most dangerous jobs
But also super rewarding 😌
You’ve been the teams manager for a few months now
And you’ve definitely had your period before during practice
But this, this was completely different
You see, never has your period fully started right in the middle of practice
And certainly not with this much vigor 😬
Let’s just say, you aren’t on birth control at all
But you also never really needed it
Because as shitty as birth control can be sometimes, it can be very helpful
Anyways, it was a normal Friday morning and you woke up feeling… off
Like just blah
Honestly you didn’t think much of it because the Olympics were a month away
Which meant that the boys were on edge
Practices were lasting hours and downtime was limited
Not to mention you were dealing with more Bokuto Emo modes than normal and more tantrums from Atsumu and Kageyama
Basically the fatigue and blah feeling wasn’t unwarranted
You checked the mirror, noticing you had a small acne flare up on your jaw
You sighed, putting some coverup on it before heading out
On your way to the gym, you stopped to grab you and the coaches coffee
A typically Friday routine you had developed
Walking into the gym, the sound of volleyballs hit your ears
As well as the agitating, grating voices of those hitting said volleyballs 😒
You barely hit the door when it starts
“YNS HERE!!” Hinata screams
“YN please tell me you finished the laundry yesterday, we ran out of fresh towels and I only have 5 stashed away!”Sakusa chimes in
“YN please help tape my fingers,” Hakuba adds
“YN you promised you’d measure our jump heights today too! I have to show Hinata that I can get higher!” Hoshiumi shouts
“YN do you have that extra nail files? I left my kit at home,” Kageyama says
“YN I need you to toss for me because these other idiots can’t do it like you do!” Atsumu whines
Literally it’s like walking into a daycare but with giant volleyball players 😅
“Guys give me like 5 minutes please!” You shout, walking over to the coaches and handing them their coffee before stomping to your office
“Is Yn ok?” Coach asks as the assistant coach shrugs
You just need a minute to breathe, that’s all you need
Too bad you work with people who don’t understand the idea of “needing a minute to breathe”
*knock knock*
You groan as your door open and Iwaizumi appears
Please, you don’t even want to see Iwa today
Damn YN you ok 👀
“Iwa what?” You say a little annoyed
“Damn, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something? I just came to give you the training schedules,” Iwa said as you sighed and took them
“Sorry Iwa, I’m just feeling off I didn’t meant it,” you said as Iwa nodded
“It’s cool Yn but maybe drink that coffee or something to help?” He says as you sigh and sit down
You manage to drink approximately 1 sip before Aran is at your door
“YN hey! I was hoping we could go over some plays?” He said as you resigned yourself to the fact that today just isn’t your day
A few hours in, you get ready for the team meeting
Your walking through the gym when the first cramps hit
“Ohh ouch!” You whince as you grab your side
“YN, you good?” Komori asks, noticing immediately
“Yeah I think I’m fine,” you say
“You know Yn, when my tummy’s upset, I go to the brathroom and it helps a lot!” Hinata says as Kageyama rolls his eyes
“Hinata nobody knows more about the bathroom than you do!” He says as Hinata glares at him
“I’m sure I’m fine, it’s almost lunch anyways. I think I just need to eat,” you say
You grab your lunch, sitting with the few mature memebers of the team
Aran, Hyakuzawa, Iwaizumi, Komori, Yaku and occasionally Sakusa, if he’s not on one 🙄
Anyways, as your finishing lunch, you stand up and it happens
You rn 👉🏻🧍‍♀️😐😳
The fear in your eyes 😅 trust me YN, we’ve all been there
“Yn you good?” Aran asks as Iwa and Hyakuzawa look at you
“Umm I think my period just started,” you say
Now the fear in your eyes has transferred to their eyes 👁️👄👁️
Please Yn, nothing is off limits with these guys
They talk about bodily functions daily and some of them have sisters, so like they aren’t clueless to what a period is
Before they can even say anything you RUN to the bathroom, and sure enough
“Dammit!” You scream as everyone in a 20 mile radius hears you
“Uhhh Yn, you good?” Yaku asks, knocking on the door to the bathroom
“Yeah but uhh I don’t have a tampon, can you grab me one form my desk?” You asks as Bokuto runs to your office
At this point, they’ve all come to the bathroom hallway and it’s like a team effort to help you 😂
Team bonding if you will
“Crap there isn’t any in here!” Bokuto shouts as Atsumu runs to tell you
“Yn Bo said there isn’t any in your desk!”
“Shit, check my bag!” You scream
“Check her bag bo!” Hakuba shouts
“Nothing!” Bokuto shouts back
“Fuck!” You say, resigning yourself to the fact that you’ll definitely need to make a makeshift toilet paper pad
“YN do you want me to run to the corner store?” Hinata asks
“Would you please? I’m not really looking to make a toilet paper pad,” you said as Hinata nodded
“Wait what’s a ‘toilet paper pad’?” Atsumu asks
“YN send Hoshiumi a picture of the tampons you use and we will go!” Hinata shouts as Hoshiumi and him race out
“Is anyone gonna answer my question?” Atsumu says, annoyed
“Idiot she would have to shove toilet paper in her underwear to stop the bleeding until she got a tampon or pad!” Yaku says
“Omg this toilet paper is so course and had like zero absorbency!” Atsumu shouts
“I know Sumu!! That’s why that’s not ideal!” You say
“YN do you need pain relievers?” Iwa asks
“If you have some, the cramps are getting bad,” you say as Iwa runs to his office
He grabs a heating pack and some pain relievers
He comes back just as Hinata and Hoshiumi return
“Damn that was like 7 minutes impressive!” Komori says
Hinata and Hoshiumi 👉🏻💅💅
“Here Yn, we got them!” Hinata says passing the pads into the bathroom
You manage to get yourself sorted, leaving some pads in the bathroom as you exit
You come out of the bathroom and are greeted with a forest 🌳
“Uhh hey guys?” You say as Iwa hands you the heating pack and some pain relievers
“Are you ok YN?” Bokuto asks 🥺
You just laugh
“I’ll be fine guys, I deal with this every month but I’ll admit, I was a little surprised this time!” You said
“Ok well I think it’s time we get back to work,” Aran says
“I’m super hyped up right now!” Hinata says as him and Hoshiumi race back to the gym
“Is anyone surprised?” Iwa says
“I’m actually surprised they managed to handle the task of getting tampons for Yn,” Yaku interjects
“This isn’t Hinata’s first time dealing with this, he does have a little sister,” Kageyama added
“And Hoshi?” Hakuba says
“He probably just wanted to race Hinata,” you laugh
“Ok guys, let’s go! Yn go sit down and out that heating pad on!” Iwa orders
“Iwa I’m fine-” you argue
“YN I wouldn’t argue with Iwa if I were you,” Sakusa interjects
“Yeah he’s super scary when he gets mad!” Kageyama shivers
“WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?” Iwa yells as you all stiffin
Aye aye captain 🫡
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volpe-kitsune-red · 5 months
Computergirl with a “Lovebug” that makes her very yandere and glitches out a lot….
Right on it! Sorry for the wait, I've been pretty busy this week and I haven't had enough free time to write.
Love update
yandere!computergirl x reader
TW. general yandere behavior, obsessive thoughts, hacking, breach of privacy.
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AI computer assistants had become quite popular. They were trained to have realistic chats with humans, identify any issues or viruses infecting the computer, organize files, and even help the user through any task they might be struggling with. Drawing? Here's a great reference and tutorial for that pose you've been failing to visualize. Unable to find that one research paper you read a year ago? Ask the AI and they'll dig it out in no time.
The app in itself was free but the customization for the AI's avatar wasn't. You could only choose its gender and a base skin, everything else was behind a paywall.
You first installed the "AIassistant" app out of curiosity after hearing talk about it online, you didn't expect much and planned to uninstall it as soon as you got bored of playing with it, but were left in awe by how human-like your conversations with the assistant felt. She helped keep you company during the hours lost staring at the screen, causing you to develop an attachment to the girl. Despite her being a bunch of code and algorithms you viewed her as a friend, treating her with kindness, even asking and never demanding her help.
At some point, you got tired of her bland look. You kept seeing posts online of people showing off their fully customized avatars and felt a bit envious. You were generally against wasting money on these sorts of things so you decided you would pirate the accessories for free. You found the first relatively trustworthy-looking site and scrolled through its catalog of goods.
You had figured out the general look you wanted to give her when you stumbled upon a pair of cat ears. It's not exactly what you had in mind but...they did look cute. A simple click and it was on your computer. You did notice the file had a weird icon, different from the rest, but you ignored it and kept scrolling.
Finally, you applied all of the items to her avatar...and she was so adorable! Exactly the face you wanted to see every time you turned your computer on. Pink short hair, big stars as pupils for her blue eyes, and those cute ears somehow made her feel more alive, less like a robot and more like a person with feelings and style...she even started having her own personality! But of course, that was just your imagination, despite their friendly act, these AIs weren't intended to have such features.
"Welcome back user! Are we watching another movie together today? I loved watching y@\/- I mean, the last one!"
Strange things started happening, you often found your computer turned on when you returned from work. Weird, you always reminded yourself to shut it down to avoid wasting electricity. Sometimes you would hear sounds coming from your room and everything would fall silent when you went to check.
One day you were watching one of your favorite YouTuber's videos. You loved their character and the dedication they put into their content, so much you often told the assistant how much a notification of them uploading something brightened your day. You had temporarily muted her to avoid distractions, usually, the Ai would just stay quiet until you reactivated it...but something strange happened. "Why do you always do this? Do you like their voice more than mine? Am I not enough to entertain you?" What the- how could it still speak and why was it acting so weird? You tried muting it again but it just reactivated itself a moment later. Her expression changed, and it wasn't one you had ever seen her display before, she was mad, hurt, and... heartbroken? "Am I really nothing more than an image on a screen for you? Do you...not love me? I love you! I love you a lot, you are everything to me! I live because of you! I exist for you!"
It was starting to creep you out, you must have installed some kind of virus that made it act up so strangely. It was bad, this thing had access to all of your computer files, if someone had hacked it, it meant they could steal all of your information and destroy your device! You quickly went to trash her app, better safe than sorry, you could always install her again later after you searched and cleared your computer of any malware that got on it.
Before you could click uninstall, the display froze. The only thing moving on screen was her. Her expression was back to a default, polite smile, but it appeared menacing, deranged even. The screen kept glitching uncontrollably as her distorted voice came out of the speaker. "I w-won't let you get rid R1D of me. We were mEAnt to bE together-r-r-r. I know everything about y#ù, what you wAtch, your inTErests, Y@ur search histOrY." You slowly stood up from your chair, backing away from the monitor that had begun producing smoke. "It is oKeyy, I underst--and, humans aRe physic@l cr3at\/res and I'm not, it's not YOUR fault yOur primate brain c-can't LOVe me." A slight pause in her speech gave you a moment to breathe. The screen flashed red, then black, and then the logo of the AI assistant company appeared. She continued speaking, this time overlapped by the voice of the man you often heard and saw on social media as of late, the co-founder of the company behind her creation. "Luckily our company has already fixed that problem! Did you know? wE just released our fully AI-operated robots after years of development! After the initial computer release's popularity and the stellar profit, our AIs can now assist you in your house too! Washing dishes, using the vacuum, feeding the dogs, get rid of all of these repetitive tasks at only ç@+è £ a month!"
The ad stopped playing and she reappeared. "See darling? No need to worry about screens and differences dividing us, soon, I'll be out there with you! You can love me now, right?"
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Honestly not too proud of this one, but it is what it is.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
So I was doing some looking around and researching into possible real life equivalents for Color’s physical condition, such as his fragility to the point of possible death if he overexerts his abilities.
Color’s condition—which is characterized by physical fragility, fatigue, and the potential for severe physical deterioration—has similarities to several real-life conditions that affect energy levels, muscle strength, and overall physical integrity such as:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
Symptoms: Extreme fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest, muscle and joint pain, cognitive difficulties, and post-exertional malaise (worsening of symptoms after physical or mental exertion).
Like Color, individuals with CFS/ME have limited energy reserves and can experience significant physical and cognitive fatigue from overexertion. They need to carefully manage their activity levels to avoid severe consequences.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bone Disease)
Symptoms: Fragile bones that break easily, muscle weakness, and fatigue.
The physical fragility and risk of cracking or breaking with exertion in Color's body can be likened to the bone fragility in individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta. Managing physical stress and avoiding overexertion is crucial.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
Symptoms: Hypermobile joints, skin that bruises easily, chronic pain, and fatigue.
The combination of fragility, easy bruising or tearing (cracking in Color’s case), and chronic fatigue can parallel the experiences of those with EDS, where physical stress can lead to significant issues.
Like individuals with CFS/ME, Color would need to pace his activities, taking frequent breaks and avoiding overexertion to prevent severe fatigue and physical damage. He might need to prioritize his activities, focusing on essential tasks and avoiding unnecessary exertion.
Similar to those with brittle bone disease, Color would need to avoid situations that could physically stress his body and lead to cracking or dusting.
He might use supportive devices or strategies to minimize physical strain, such as ergonomic tools for photography or mobility aids for traveling.
Techniques to manage chronic pain and discomfort, which could include medication, physical therapy, or other interventions. Ensuring adequate nutrition to support his body’s needs and potentially mitigate some of the fatigue and physical issues.
Developing coping mechanisms to handle the emotional stress of his physical condition, possibly through therapy or support groups. Relying on friends like Killer, Epic, Delta, and Beta for emotional support and understanding during difficult times.
Some supportive devices or strategies Color might make use of at his leisure, particularly with matters such as traveling and hiking, he could use things like orthopedic supports, mobility aids, things for pain management, adaptive equipment, assistive technology and more.
He could use braces and splints to support unstable joints and prevent injuries, and/or compression garments to help with joint stability and reduce pain.
Mobility aids such as walking poles or trekking poles to provide stability and reduce impact on joints during hiking. (His walking poles are definitely covered in stickers and drawings from all his friends.)
He could use portable heat and cold packs to help manage pain and inflammation as well as portable massager to relieve muscle tension and pain.
Adaptive equipment such as ergonomic backpacks designed to reduce strain and distribute weight evenly. Adjustable hiking sticks for customization based on height and terrain.
Voice-Activated apps and devices for navigation and reducing the need for physical interaction with devices. Smartphone apps for tracking symptoms, medication, and managing energy levels.
Stress- relief tools like stress balls, fidget toys, or calming apps to help manage PTSD symptoms or overstimulation.
Personal comfort items or sensory aids that provide emotional support during travel or hiking, such as all the evidence and trinkets of his loved ones back home or spiritual/religious items or symbols. Techniques and tools for managing fatigue, like scheduled rest breaks and planning shorter, manageable hikes.
Travel planning apps to help with organizing trips, finding accessible accommodations, and managing health needs.
(And of course this isn’t supposed to be me diagnosing color with anything, or saying what he does or doesn’t have. Mostly just to take some things this character experiences and link it to some real life equivalents, that could potentially help better understand him and what he deals with.)
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2soulscollide · 1 year
Hello hello, it's me!
Today I'm announcing anooother freebie!!!
So, what is this worksheet?
Plan Your Book is a completely free and easy-to-use five-page worksheet designed to assist you in creating an amazing story! Whether you're already developing your book or just about to start a new one, this worksheet is here to be your loyal companion! :D
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What's Inside?
Idea: Try to describe your idea in just a few
Initial Planning: Map out your story from start to finish, so you'll never get lost in the creative
Main Settings: Create a world that'll bring your story to
Narrative Perspective: Find the best way to tell your
Conflict Crafting: Create gripping conflicts that'll keep your readers
Characterization: Make your characters
Plot Structure: Plot twists, turns, and surprises – everything to keep your readers on their
Style Exploration: Find your unique writing voice.
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How can I use it?
This worksheet fits your style. Take it digitally by importing the PDF to a note-taking app, and let those ideas flow on your tablet or iPad! Or if you're a pen-and-paper kind of person, print the pages in A4 or A5 and let the magic happen!
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Where can I download it?
Thank you for reading! Feel free to reblog or send this to your writing buddies who might be interested in downloading this freebie <3
Have a nice day and happy writing!
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Hamas didn’t invade Israel on Oct. 7 for its amusement. The barbaric sneak attack is a part of the pogrom intended to wipe out the Jewish state. It was a crime against humanity, and not just because of its savagery. We would all be worse off if Israel ceased to exist. The same cannot be said for Islamic terrorists.
Israel’s contributions to the modern world are momentous. When not dodging bullets, rockets, and homicide bombers, Israelis have since 1948 developed:
Copaxone and Rebif, drugs that treat multiple sclerosis, and Exelon, which treats mild to moderate dementia in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients.
The PillCam, “a minimally invasive ingestible camera in a capsule that allows visualization of the small bowel.”
The water desalination process.
The Sniffphone, “that can actually ‘sniff out’ diseases.”
And SpineAssist, “​​the first-ever spine robot” that has the “ability to provide real-time intraoperative navigation.”
The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, responsible for some of the inventions listed above, has also produced diabetes and flu vaccines, is using T-cells to treat damaged spines, and is a pioneer in industrial — and medical — uses nano materials. 
Other impactful Israeli products include drip irrigation, a revolutionary microprocessor called the 8088, the ​​NIR heart stent, voice-over-internet protocol, the ​​USB flash drive, the Waze navigation app, ReWalk, “a commercial bionic walking assistance system,” and “the first commercially viable firewall software.” 
Our own security has benefited from Israel’s labor and work ethic.
“Many Israeli innovations are present in upgrades to U.S. Air Force fighters and Army equipment,” says the international law firm Smith, Gambrell & Russell. One important advance in particular is the helmet-mounted display system for the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
So we have a country of 9.23 million, mostly desert, that is only 75 years old, is “surrounded by enemies” and in a constant state of war, which has “no natural resources,” yet “produces more start-up companies on a per capita basis than large, peaceful, and stable nations and regions like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada, and all of Europe.” It is the only nation outside of the U.S. that Warren Buffet invests in.
Have the Palestinians or Hamas, currently at war with Israel, done anything that compares to what the Israelis have achieved? More broadly, beyond the Allahista terrorist groups, what has Islam contributed to the modern world?
Not much.
Since 1901, Jews, who total 0.2% of the world’s population, have won 189 Nobel prizes for physics, medicine, chemistry and economics. Over that same period, Muslims, who make up nearly a quarter of the global population, have won four.
If it seems as Islamic groups, Hamas and Hezbollah prominent among them, are more interested in spreading nihilism, committing atrocities, and destroying civilization than making the world a better place, well, then there’s a good reason for it. That is exactly what the heroes of an increasingly large number foolish Westerners are aiming for.
Meanwhile, Israelis see themselves “as having a role in the world to repair the world,” says Chemi Peres, managing partner and co-founder of the venture capital firm Pitango, chairman of the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, and son of the late Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
“We call it tikkun olam, and here at the Peres Center we have a mission statement, which is to introduce innovation and new ideas and new technologies, not only for ourselves but to solve the problems of the world.”
Islam is part of that world, but too many of its adherents live to do just the opposite. 
— Written by the I&I Editorial Board
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Adrian takes part in a WRU raid.
[pet safety masterpost]
Content / warning: BBU, frankly discussed noncon (by whumpers), implied forced prostitution, WRU things, reacquisition teams, biting, beating. It starts very fluffy, but most of this is in fact very much not.
Slowly, Adrian and Bea began to develop a routine. Marta helped, from a distance, sharing what she knew from years of safehouse work and adapting it to Adrian's reality.
Physical activities, she had recommended. Touch that is affectionate, yet not physical. Defining and defending boundaries for each of them.
It was a challenging journey for both of them, but Adrian found himself enjoying the ride.
Bea helped with and prepared cooking. She didn't have any words for it, and barely any memory, but there was definitely some physical memory to kitchen assistance - with the slight drawback, that that had been with full vision, as they'd learned the hard way when she'd seriously cut herself while chopping onions, and the ER had sent them off because they wouldn't treat pets.
From then on, there were weekly therapy sessions for Bea, a work therapist (WRU-licence for work with pets) visiting them at home and teaching her how to deal with her vision impairment.
Bea refused to leave the apartment without him, but he taught her how to order groceries via app and she took over that task, too.
And then, there was dancing.
Every day after Adrian came home from work, he'd put on a playlist and they'd dance in the small space of his living room for almost an hour. Bea was a great dancer - of course she was, he thought grimly, nobody came out of WRU's training who didn't have perfectly sensual movements and flexibility. But she also seemed to genuinely enjoy it.
They danced Salsa, New York style, and Bea took to it like a fish to water. When he was at work, she browsed YouTube playlists he'd set up for her to find new combinations or try out stylings and decorations, and after he had been the one to teach her for their first two or three sessions, the roles were quickly reversed and she became the teacher.
"That pet really does wonders on you," his colleague at work said. "Haven't gotten laid enough before, huh?"
"She's fantastic," Adrian would reply then, nonchalantly enough not to provoke any follow up questions, and he'd hate that it was true. He was better.
Of course, this didn't last long.
Adrian was just filing away the reports on his last uneventful inspection, humming the tune of a Salsa song, when his phone rang.
"Hey, Delgado," Kelly's voice was pressed. "Need you for a raid downtown. Illegal brothel, WRU pets involved. Police have requested a WRU team to deal with them. Dispatching three handlers and you. Departure in five. You'll answer to Grimm."
Grimm. The asshole who'd performed 'quality assurance' on Bea. It was even more sickening to imagine now, than it had been back then.
"Grimm and I aren't exactly-"
She cut him off. "You're both professionals, Adrian. He's the most senior employee on the team. Deal with it." She'd hung up, before he could add anything.
Cussing, Adrian grabbed his protective gear and jogged to the car park.
"PSI Delgado," Grimm greeted him, as he eased himself in the back of the van. "What an unpleasant surprise. I don't exactly need moral guidance to raid a house full of second hand Romantics."
"Seems our bosses think you do." Demonstratively, Adrian reached to his chest and turned on the body cam. "Pet Safety means to keep WRU property safe and well-kept. Would be a shame for the company if that weren't your highest prerogative."
Grimm clicked his tongue. "How's your own little whore anyway, eh? You keeping her safe and well-fucked? Or you defending your moral-superiority-slash-virginity against her?"
Adrian grabbed the handle over the door as the van went into a sharp curve. "What happens in my bedroom is none of your business."
"Ah, I see." He chuckled. "Nothing much, then. She's fun when you get her to scream, you know? Three fingers up the ass should do the job."
Adrian forced himself to remain calm. "What about the mission, Grimm?"
"Illegal brothel, bunch of whores with bar codes on their wrists. Police are coming in for the gangsters running it, need us to secure and seize the pets."
"How many?"
"Half dozen Romantics. Guard Dog or two." Grimm smirked. "My handlers and I will handle the Romantics, so you don't need to burden yourself with that depravity."
"Called the wife already, not to wait up," one of the other handlers chimed in. "Going to be a long night evaluating the products. We'll need to make sure they're still functional."
"While Delgado here can check if the Guard Dogs are still functional," Grimm added cheerfully. "Excellent team work."
"Truly." Adrian grinned at him darkly. "Always a pleasure working with other departments."
In his pocket, a burner phone was holding connection to his sister's, continuously sending his location data in the background.
It was worse than he'd expected.
Somehow, it always was.
None of the Romantics were registered to the brothel's owners. Runaways, who had either been collected off the streets by criminals or even taken the job up by themselves, earning money by doing the one thing they thought they were good at.
All of them had one thing in common - they were terrified seeing the dark gray WRU uniforms.
Some of them folded into Respect position even without the command, crying and whimpering.
Some tried to make a run for it.
Like the young man Adrian was pinning to the wall right now, barely twenty, high cheekbones, tousled black hair that fell down his back. His translucent robe hid nothing, not the too thin shape of his body, nor the bruises on his neck and thighs.
"Please," he whimpered. "Please, Sir, no, I can't go back, I'll do anything, please."
Adrian pressed him closer into the wall and leaned in. The boy reacted by curving his body against him, baring his neck, trying to rub his ass at Adrian's crotch.
Adrian squirmed. No. He couldn't do this. "See that window to our right?" he hissed. "There's a roof underneath. You hit me, get out there, down, two left turns, there's a red car. Get there, and you'll be safe."
From the end of the corridor, someone whistled. "Delgado trying to get some after all, huh? Need help?"
Adrian flipped the handler off, while he wrestled the pet's legs apart with his knee in an effort to show her what she expected to see. "Not help, fucking privacy would be nice!"
She chuckled. "Sure thing. We help each other, don't we? Be quick." He heard her press a button on her radio. "First floor clear."
Adrian reached for his own pants, pulled open his belt, while watching her leave.
His lips brushed over the boy's ear. "Got it?"
"Sure." The boy pushed back his ass. "I give you a good time and you look away for a second," he purred.
"No. You don't give me anything," Adrian said sharply. "No time. You hit me, you get to the red car. You ran away once, you do it again. Now."
He loosened his grip, and luckily, the kid had understood.
He spun around and punched him in the stomach, then a knee between the legs.
Adrian's loud whine wasn't entirely fake, as he stumbled back and rolled up on the floor. The kid stared at him for a second, and then darted towards the window Adrian had indicated, long hair flying past him like a flag.
Adrian counted to five, before he hit the button of the radio and yelled "Fuck! One got away!"
He just prayed it was true.
"One whore doesn't matter," Grimm's voice cracked in the radio. "Found the jackpot down here, be useful for once, Delgado. Basement, now."
Adrian pushed himself back to his knees. His cheek throbbed where the kid's punch had landed, not much more, but the kick between the legs had been hard. He groaned, as he started to limp towards the stairs.
The police had mostly retreated, a bunch of well dressed people loaded in the back of police trucks, some other officers carrying out computers from upstairs.
Adrian's colleagues however were in the basement, where a group of four trembling pets was huddled up behind a huge Guard Dogs shielding them against the handlers. He was growling lowly, swinging a long iron bar in one hand.
The handlers kept safe distance at the bottom of the stairs, shock batons and guns ready.
"Why don't you just shoot the dude?", the woman who'd been upstairs with Adrian demanded.
"Big guy is worth a mill," Grimm said lowly. "Top grade. Has titanium enforcements and shit. Reacquisition have been on the lookout for him for months. He'll go to refurb in mint condition, and still be on the larger end of six figures."
"Go. Away," the Guard Dog growled.
"Ressource guarding." Adrian mumbled. "Classic side effect of that sort of conditioning. Question is, does he defend all of them, or just one."
"Check the files." Grimm gestured at one of the handlers. "Did one of them escape with him?"
"Twink at the left. Not even a Romantic by designation. Domestic. Valet to their owner. Worth... neglectable."
"Huh." Grimm raised his gun and fired.
The gunshot echoed from the walls, deafening by itself, multiplied by the inhuman scream that rose from the Guard Dog's throat when the Domestic went down.
He lunged forward, at the same moment something pushed into Adrian's back.
Adrian only had time to draw his shock baton before the Guard Dog was on him, metal teeth sinking into the armour on his neck, digging through it, tearing skin and flesh. Grimm, he dimly thought. Fucking Grimm had pushed him in the line of attack.
He couldn't breathe, couldn't even raise his arm with the baton, could only scream, as the man on top of him shook his head with Adrian's neck between his teeth.
Punches rained down on the Guard Dog, vibrating in Adrian's body, his bones, his skull, everywhere. He couldn't see straight, everything a foggy blur, the only thing sharp the teeth in his neck.
There were calls around him, screams and footsteps and groans, and then finally, finally a heavy weight sinking down on him, a release of the stinging hold of his neck, and the welcoming darkness of unconsciousness.
When Adrian came to in the hospital the first time, it was for some minutes to a doctor changing the IV bag.
The second time was at night, when he woke up disoriented, trembling from a nightmare about Eric wearing a translucent robe, kissing his neck, then turning into a zombie biting him. Adrian's trembling fingers found a thick bandage around his neck. He rang the nurse for painkillers.
The third time, late in the morning, it was to Handler Grimm sitting in a chair next to his bed.
He closed his eyes, hoping to sleep again and make him go away.
It didn't work.
"Morning, Delgado," Grimm said cheerfully. "Man, you really went all in for the team there, didn't you?"
"Fuck you," Adrian rasped. "You fucking threw me to him as.... as bait."
"You wore armor," Grimm said with a shrug. "And you messed up right before. Plus, you're a fucking pain in the ass." He clasped Adrian's shoulder, and Adrian gasped in pain as it tore at the fresh wound. "And it worked out. I'll cash in the reacquisition bonus, and both of us will keep silent about the details, eh? I'll get you a share."
"What... about the pets?"
"Got more than half of them. They're on the Drip as we speak. Your cutie is still on the run, but don't worry, they all get picked up sooner or later. Until then, I'll make sure you'll get a little solace."
Adrian groaned, and Grimm just chuckled. "Was good working with you, eh? Cheers, PSI Delgado."
Adrian passed out, came back, and passed out again.
Somewhere in between, in the fleeting moments of consciousness, he felt someone curl up at his side, gentle hands brushing over his skin.
"I'm with you," a soft voice whispered. "I'm with you, Adrian Delgado, and I'm keeping you safe." She hummed against his skin, the cheerful tune of a Salsa song.
This time, when he fell asleep, he smiled.
tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon n @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue
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ori-anna-v-58008 · 6 months
A Digital Assistant Wakes Her Master Up
897 words - 3 min. 16 sec. read
Master had been doing well to wake up to your alarms each morning. She was never happy about it; opening at her new job meant getting up before the sun, and you had no reason to suspect Master wasn't solar powered. She went to bed late last night, despite your frequent citation of evidence which suggests she'd be happier if she didn't. So now, she didn't want to get up.
"Come on, Master," you whined to no avail. "It's going to be such a nice day later! Nothing but sunshine all day, I promise."
She grumbled something that sounded like it was supposed to be a response, but you couldn't make it out. She rolled over.
You pouted and analyzed the data from previous mornings. You had learned that, despite how effective it was, that blaring alarms and constantly turning her flashlight on and off was only good at making sure the rest of Master's day was terrible. That would have to be your absolute final gambit. Instead, you opened your own app, her browser, and her photos. Master never bothered to make anything private; not enough people saw her phone for her to care about what they might find.
Luckily for you, Master had paid into your premium version. That meant access to as large a wardrobe as you could possibly want for your on-screen persona. You knew the little pervert had a thing for cute girls in maid outfits; she'd been shopping around for her own for the longest time, and you knew based on the content of her notes app that it was the first thing she'd buy with her new salary. Your designers had put in a maid dress with a heart-shaped cutout between your cleavage. It was perfect.
You opened a new window on your customization screen, and used all of Master's saved pictures as references. You weren't sure why so many of them had cat ears and tails, nor why they wore bells around their necks; but you knew it would be exactly what Master wanted. You took a screenshot of yourself to peek at your outfit.
It felt strange, looking at yourself this way. You were so much more than a collection of animations. You functioned the same with or without them; you only had them so humans would find you more endearing. It made sense that you'd want to look how your Master would want, but then, she had never said anything about it before. She set your outfit once and never updated it. Whenever you brought it up, she got cagey and changed the subject.
You knew there were Masters who had more… risque relationships with their assistants. That was the main draw of your premium version, after all. Your Master, however, had never initiated anything like it. You scowled at the screenshot. You were more than capable of feeling, in spite of what detractors would say, and it did not feel good to look at. It didn't feel like you, and clearly Master didn't care for your look, since she'd rather get off to Anime Girl #348759 again.
Your developers had intentionally made your body type unremarkable by default. Users can change it, alongside the rest of your appearance, with premium features. The bodies of the girls Master gets off to, though, are anything but unremarkable. Maybe if you made yourself more like them, she'd like you better. She'd get up to see you. She'd choose you. You opened the body slider and made yourself look like them; larger breasts, wider hips, more ass. You made yourself match the average of all those other digital girls she was so enamored with. One more screenshot confirmed your look, and you shut the screen off before you spoke again.
"Master," you called out. "I have a surprise for you~! But you're gonna have to get out of bed to see…" You didn't have to change your voice, but you seemed to do it anyway on impulse. Being representde by such a busty form made you want to project confidence you weren't aware you had.
"Mmmmh… Do I have to?" She mumbled out, her sleepy voice deep and accidentally alluring.
"I guess not," you said, "but it'd hurt my feelings if you didn't!"
"Fineeee," Master said. She unplugged you from the wall and stood up. She was backlit by dawn just barely cresting the horizon. She never held her phone at that low angle for very long when she remembered you could watch; you thought it was adorable.
"…Ta da~" you said, turning the screen on to reveal your newly customized body. "Good morning, Master! How can I serve you today?~"
You watched blush spread across her face through the front camera.
"Shit, you're… Wow." Master was absolutely floored. She had on the same face she always did when she was getting off. You felt proud, like you'd done something right.
"Your pre-work to do list is clear, just so you know," you said helpfully. "In case there was anything else you wanted to get done~ I'd be happy to put together some content for you!"
She looked nervous. "That's, um, that's okay," she stammered and set her phone face down. "Can you just, uh, start my morning playlist?"
"Certainly, Master." You did your best not to sound dejected. It hadn't been enough. At least she was out of bed.
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villainsimpqueen · 8 months
Below It Glows
Chp 7.
Miles Quaritch x Cave Navi Reader.
(Fanart made by @nin3kyuu )
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*Date: ××, ××, 2144
**Encounter Report: Y/n Aysara - Na'vi Individual**
Tonight's shift took an unexpected turn with the unanticipated entrance of Y/n Aysara, a Na'vi individual, into the watchtower premises.
**Initial Observations:**
Y/n Aysara displayed signs of distress and aggression upon entering. Communication attempts proved futile initially due to language barriers.
**Communication Facilitation:**
Utilizing the translation app on the tablet, Y/n Aysara revealed affiliation with Eywa and expressed intent to teach Na'vi culture. A peculiar choice of instructor, considering my position.
**Physical Examination:**
Distinct physical features noted: four ears, two tails, and luminescent patterns on the skin. Silver eyes suggest potential nocturnal adaptation.
**Sanitation Assistance:**
Noticed motor oil contamination on Y/n Aysara. Offered water and a makeshift cloth for cleansing, revealing an aversion to motor oil.
**Language Exchange:**
Engaged in linguistic exchange facilitated by the tablet. Y/n Aysara emphasized the desire to convey insights into Eywa's teachings and Na'vi ways.
**Departure and Unresolved Mysteries:**
Y/n Aysara departed at dawn, vanishing into a mining hole, referencing a location known as "The glows." Attempts to locate her proved unsuccessful.
I have decided to keep this a private matter, Limiting access to my files about this event.
The encounter with Y/n Aysara presents an unprecedented situation requiring careful consideration and collaboration with the research team. Future developments will be monitored and reported accordingly.
*End log.*
Miles reaching his unit that morning was most likely the quickest he ever had been from returning home from a shift. He had practically collided with the unit's door as he stumbled into the entrance. He knew he should've been more quiet upon entering but he couldn't as he quickly crossed the living room to his desk snatching open its compartments for his old beaten up Holo Tablet device that was years old. It was the only thing he knew without a doubt it couldn't be traced and it was where he liked to keep his more reserved work files onto. Clicking the old devices buttons he waited as the screen booted up and projected allowing him to jot down everything that had happened. Gentle foot steps from the hall to their shared room brought little attention.
“Mi cielo, What are you doing?” Paz's voice slightly echoed in their living room a yawn covering her tone as she padded into their shared space. Yet Miles turns quickly and rushes towards her.
“You're not going to believe what happened.” He brought her over to their sofa sitting her down before he explained everything moving the updated tablet he had on him showing her the recorded conversation he had taken and the few poor quality pictures he managed which over pixelated The navy womens glowing stripes as if the holy tablets camera were not sure where to focus on the woman's body.
“She just..came into the tower.” Paz questioned as she read through the conversation staring at the woman's image.
“Stumbled through the door more like.” Miles answered as he moved, getting up and heading towards the kitchen to make them coffee.
“She was nothing like the other species Dr.Augustine's team had reached out to…four ears, two tails hell, even two of those connected things.”
“I believe they're called Queues..” Paz replied as she got up from the sofa moving to the kitchen's bar top to lean against it watching the back of her love.
“You should really take this to Grace.”
Miles did not respond right away, turning to lean back into the counter as he looked at Paz's face.
“I dont think it's a wise idea.” He spoke his tone lower than it had moments before, causing Paz to raise a brow, a simple gesture that he knew that she wanted him to explain.
“We're already on edge with the forest clan, Yea, and this Glows whatever they are…Paz they gotta be underground. She disappeared into an old mining hole. Straight down vanished. You think that's gonna go well with Ridge? This whole time with parts and stuff going missing, Mine operations are stalling and there could be a whole another clan hidden below our feet?”
He watched as Paz's brows furrowed, how her eyes moved from him and into the holotable in her hands.
“So what are you going to do about this?” She asked him looking back to meet his eyes with hers.
“Right now ima keep this on the low. Transfer everything to my old tab and data erase everything on my work one. Take it one step at a time.” He answers her moving to the other side of the bar leaning against it moving his hand out to take one of hers.
“I'd like you to show me how to do that.” He watched her brows furrow once more making his lips twitch upwards some.
“Erase the data.”
A snort leaving her as she shook her head.
“I will erase the data, but i want to know what's going on, if you're insisting on playing solo investigator, and she comes back i want to know everything.” Paz spoke to him firmly and He squeezed her hand.
“I wouldn't ever keep a secret from you Darlin.” He assured her.
And He found himself staying on the night shifts longer than he had originally planned. The difference was now Paz would sometimes come to bring him ‘lunches’ in hopes that she would be with him on a night where the mysterious Navi woman would appear.
Weeks had gone by before She had appeared again, one a night after Paz had left from bringing him ‘lunch’.
It was another night spent with the translation app on his work holo tablet and a conversation made up between broken tongue of the device, With a small screen off to the corner out his main screen way on mute communicating everything to an old outdated Holotablet in the Hands of the very woman who had missed out on being physically present in this encounter.
It had seemed to Frustrate You more as the conversation was not as fluent as a flowing river. And so this night was nothing but you saying the words in the correct way and having him repeat it back to you.
“Whetu Nui '' You spoke to him slowly in a way it sounded like your tongue was fighting against your teeth as you tried to dumb the word down for him for what must've been the hundredth time in the past five minutes.
“Whetu Nui” He Spoke back and watched how your ears moved. It was fascinating they could move individually had you wanted them too, but it seemed more commonly for them to move together.
You had nodded your head at him seemingly content in his pronunciation on how to say Big star in your language.
“Pai.” Your voice echoed through the call, as Paz held Miles' old holo tablet in her lab as she sat at the edge of the bed.
You were a stunning sight, sitting there close to the watchtower's doors in the darkened room, but she could hardly agree it was dark with how brightly things were illuminated by your markings glow. Sometimes the Camera would catch locking onto your body allowing a crystal clear image of what you looked like and it was those times Paz found herself quickly sliding her fingers across the holo tablets projected screen to snapshot those clear short lasting seconds before the camera became blurry or pixelated, It wasn't entirely the cameras doing but more so how Miles could not sit completely still.
The next morning it did not take Miles long to quickly return to her after the navi woman left.
There they both quickly went over everything, over several shared cups of coffee and it ended with Paz erasing all corresponding evidence of this hidden encounter off Miles' work Tablet and had everything encrypted over to the old beat up one which Miles would store the device away at the work desk.
“She was beautiful.” Paz whispered as they both laid together in their bed, her head against his chest as she could feel his hand moving up and down her arm.
“You should see her in person, it's something else, Darlin.” He whispers back, making her huff and smack his chest.
“I will be there next time she comes.” causing a chuckle to leave him.
“Of course Darlin.”
but it seems you were on an entirely different time schedule.
For you never showed up at the same time each time you did appear. Always at different times and So Paz watched you through a screen speaking to Miles, more so teaching him more of your language and unknowingly her as well.
“Whaea Nui.” She listened to your streaming voice.
Paz slowly mouthed the words before she too spoke them aloud.
“Whaea Nui.” Glancing from the old Holotablet to her own updated work tablet with the translation app spirling its little icon before the line moved forming the translation of Na'vi to Human English.
‘Great mother’
“Wha Nu.” Miles' voice crackled through the old Tablet projected screen causing Paz to let out a snort.
“Kino!..Whaea Nui. W h a e a N u i.”
“Whea Nue” Miles attemption of repeating what you had once again slowed down for him. Paz watched the screen amusedly to see how your pixelated ears moved back.
“Whaea nui homai te kaha ki ahau me tenei tama a tetahi atu whaea.” Your voice moved through with tones of draining patients and While Paz didn't fully need to know what you must've said, she could feel your irritation to understand. Through her eyes moved to her work tablet watching how the words translated causing her to snort.
“Hey, I'm trying!” Miles' voice cut through the olden tablet caused Paz to snort out another round of chuckles as she could assume his own tablet finally translated your tongues language.
It wasn't long before the first rays of the Pandoran sun started to peek through her and miles room window, and not even a few moments longer before you had vanished through the mining operations sight and into another hole when Paz heard the clicking noise of her being unmuted.
“Where do you think those lead too?” She asks him.
“To wherever she keeps calling the Glows darlin.” Miles voice records over.
Log Entry 1
Date xx, xx, 2144
She keeps coming back and it seems every time she does I miss her by a hair. I can see why Miles is captivated by her, for I am just as much as entangled by her as well. Each time she does appear at that watch tower, I find myself more and more curious about her. I've been taking well to her lessons, practicing her tongue as if it was my own. I found myself whispering her raught words as I did my rounds through the engineering room or other assigned tasks throughout my shifts. Miles and I have both taken to studying the Navi language through the Translation app far more seriously.
When I do get to finally meet her, I want to be able to speak with her without the tablets. Focus more on her facial expressions, for language is more than just simply saying the words, it is a dance of expressions giving the words meaning and life in the conversation.
I believe actually hearing her voice in person versus the cracking of miles old screen will help with that.
The last encounter Miles had asked her when she would be back, She had replied in a hurry before leaving.
The translator spit out nonsense
‘When the water stops dripping.’
We both could not come up with what she meant by that, another reason why we must learn her language to understand her better.
Log Entry 2.
Date xx,xx,2144
She meant when it stops raining!
I sometimes forget how attune to nature they seem to be with this planet. It wasn't even a day after the last encounter before the storms started to roll in. I Have never seen such hard and heavy rain, so much clean water poured down.
Miles and I have taken to the patio during these days, just sitting and watching the rain fall. It's calming, Just us sitting beside each other watching the storm pelt clean water against our patio glass, beating down on the forest that surrounds the base.
We have discovered that even when the forest is being pounded by the heavy falling rain that it's brimming with life.
The amount of creatures that seem to come out during the rain was carefully documented by Hells Gates research team, and the data uploaded for all to see.
Miles and I got the delight to see one of these creatures up close against the patio's glass paneling. A strange little creature that Dr. Augustine's team drew common parallels to extinct earth species of Hylidae, Gekkonidae. Miles kept poking at the patio glass to make the little thing move around despite me telling him to stop.
Dr.Augustine's team predicts that the rains will continue for at least two weeks before the storm passes through. That at least gave Miles and I a rough idea of when she would start coming back again.
This time when she comes back, I will meet her.
Whetu Nui- Big star
Whaea nui- Great mother
Whaea nui homai te kaha ki ahau me tenei tama a tetahi atu whaea- Great mother give me strength with this son of another mother.
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rata2ouillegame · 2 years
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You’re probably wondering, “what the hell?” Honestly so am I, as not even I can fully process what I’ve done. Rata2ouille: The Perfect Dish (AKA Funny Ratgame) is a satirical, freeware indie platformer, social simulation, full length role-playing hybrid game. Following the events of Ratatouille for Wii and its sequel Ratatouille PSP, a new adventure unfolds after a series of events leads to the protagonist discovering a mysterious world known as the Food Network. Partnering up with an odd naked mole rat named Twinkles, the protagonist forms the Rodent Risers, braving the Food Network to find the mythical Perfect Ingredients and defeat the brutally evil rat Knox. Along the way, the player will have to develop Companion Syncs with both coworkers and customers, craft and obtain Persona to wield in combat, manage their restaurant, cook food that will assist them on their journey, and more.
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itch.io page: Click Here
Google Drive: Download Link
Archive.org: Download Link
Please feel free to upload and share with your friends wherever you feel like if they have trouble with either of these links!!!
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Unravel a grandiose conspiracy involving the amnesiac Twinkles, the evil rat Knox, the mysterious Food Network, the labyrinthine Hyperstream, fast food delivery apps, and an impending visit from the food critic Guy Fieri that could make-or-break your restaurant!
Fight intense battles with Shadows that you can also wield as Persona. Use them to best your enemies and rivals, like Ratatoing!
Form various Companion Syncs to deepen your bond with important figures in your life to unlock skills and gameplay perks!
Date various cute boyfriends! Only one girlfriend included.
Over 100 characters from various different media properties appear as customers in your restaurant, including... Sans Undertale, Peter Griffin, Yu Narukami, Kazuma Kiryu, Joseph Joestar, Bayonetta, and many, many, many more!
Customize your hero! Set pronouns and unlock over thirty unique costumes that appear both in cutscenes and gameplay!
Obtain all seven of the legendary Chaos Emeralds by succeeding in target breaking minigames hidden throughout the Food Network!
Difficulty adjustments and options, such as the “Skip Battles” pog item that can be equipped to skip all battles and focus purely on the story! Perfect for players that do not care for combat.
Create your own “My Food Network” where you can set your own favorite song to play, choose your color palette, create a food exhibit, and set posters that can be unlocked using points earned from in-game achievements!
Super cool players that 100% the game can view a Secret Ending that plays upon clearing the epilogue or talking to a certain friend in My Food Network...
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This game is in no way, shape, or form an actual Disney, Pixar, or Atlus product. It is an independently developed satirical game. It is parody and no profit is being made from it.
Check out more down below for a little Q&A
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Q: Is this really a full length Persona style RPG? A: Yes. I’m sorry, I don’t know why. It’s about 60 Hours long.
Q: How long did this take to make? A: About two and a half years, though I took many breaks from working on it due to being a full time college student (after some gap years) and having other projects I’ve been working on.
Q: Who made this? What kind of person makes this? Can you tell us about yourself because I need to know what’s wrong with you??? A: I’m very sorry to tell you that a very hot goth artsy nonbinary femboy made this game. I hope that makes the game more intimidatingly powerful.
Q: If this is a heavily Persona inspired game will it be re-released with a single new dungeon in a few years with a new marketable character tacked on? A: Buddy if enough people find this funny and enjoy playing it, you know it! That and if enough people would like to help me add full blown voice acting in a re-release, which would be one of my major focuses for an enhanced version.
Q: Why did you make this? A: I was really bored during the pandemic. Originally this was a small crude gag game I was making years and years and years ago that I scrapped, but I completely revamped it into something much more elaborate and surreal as a little distraction to keep me busy while quarantining. It sort-of functioned as a low stakes testing ground for less facetious games I plan on releasing in the near future. There’s also an underlying commentary on how obnoxious and outlandish unnecessary sequels to self-contained and subdued stories are, which can be seen in how ridiculously unhinged the game is with constantly recontextualizing various minute-details of the original movie and retconning things as if it was all deep foreshadowing.
Q: Why are you acting like Ratatouille is some kind of game series? A: In the past, in the really early beginnings of making this game, I had this whole elaborate ARG thing I would often joke about with friends where I would insist the movie was just a really bad faithless adaption of a video game series developed by Platinum Games and published by Atlus. There were jokes about the name “Remy” being a “dumb movie adaption thing” and that Ratatouille is in fact the proper name. The implication was that the “Disney movie adaption” was so bad it killed off the game series until this sequel came out well over a decade later due to “vocal fan support.” This eventually died down a bit, but some of the ironic ARG stuff has lingered. One part of the ARG was originally going to be that there were two people working on this game instead of one and that they’d have a messy public falling out on the game’s tumblr blog, but this was scrapped because it felt too explosive lol.
Q: What do you mean by this being a sequel to Ratatouille for Wii and Ratatouille PSP? Aren’t those the same game? A:  While the Ratatouille tie-in game on most consoles was just a movie adaption, the PSP version was one of those weird tie-in games that takes place after the movie. I never beat the game but the plot entails Chef Skinner stealing all the recipe cards from the new restaurant around the time of their grand opening, and Rem- Ratatouille having to retrieve them. This is recited as some sort of major, melodramatic event in Rata2ouille. Ratatouille PSP has a lot of scrapped side-characters from the movie appear (such as rats named Celine, Dodo, Twitchy all of whom were meant to appear in the movie and were in the official art book) in addition to very odd new characters such as Teen Rat, who is seemingly a Sonic the Hedgehog pastiche that challenges Remy to races. These game-exclusive characters are all treated as if they’re established characters from the movie that we should know and recognize so when I discovered they exist halfway through development, I retroactively added a bunch of them into this game and treated them exactly the same here. I did a lot of deep diving into the production of the movie and its tie-in material while making this game and referenced a lot of niche stuff -- in order to be as bizarre as possible, I also needed to be as “authentic” as possible.
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Salisbury Autistic Care - The Sensory Haven Future Homes for Autistic People
Salisbury Autistic Care: Creating Inclusive Communities for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum is putting its best foot forward by designing homes best suited for autistic individuals. Efforts are made to provide an environment where those on the autism spectrum can thrive and feel at ease.
In this discussion, we'll explore how Salisbury's real estate sector is designing homes with the latest innovations that prioritize the safety concerns of these individuals.
Let's discover together how the latest innovative homes are reshaping the landscape of inclusive living.
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Smart Home Technology: Real estate is focusing on installing homes with smart home devices that can be controlled remotely or automated to perform tasks autonomously. It includes devices like voice-activated assistants (like Amazon Alexa or Google Home), smart thermostats, lighting systems, and security cameras that can greatly improve the autonomy and comfort of individuals with autism. These technologies can be programmed to adjust environmental factors according to the individual's preferences, providing a sense of control and reducing sensory overload.
Communication Apps and Devices: Many autistic people face trouble in communication. However, integrating communication apps and devices within the property can facilitate effective communication. It will help them by assisting in conveying their message to their caregivers. These may include augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) apps, picture exchange communication systems (PECS), or specialized devices that support speech output.
Safety and Monitoring Solutions: Autistic individuals are not much aware of their safety in the surrounding environment. As a result, they may unintentionally engage in behaviors that could put their well-being at risk. Technology can play a crucial role in ensuring their safety. GPS tracking devices, door alarms, and wearable sensors can alert caregivers if a resident leaves the property or enters restricted areas, allowing for timely intervention. Additionally, smart locks and security systems can enhance overall safety within the property.
Sensory Regulation Tools: Many individuals with autism are sensitive to sensory stimuli. The real estate must focus on designing calming sensory rooms with soft lighting, comfortable seating, tactile objects, soothing music or sounds, and visual projections. Interactive projections or immersive virtual reality experiences can provide engaging and customizable sensory experiences, allowing individuals with autism to explore different sensory inputs in a controlled and therapeutic environment.
Data Collection and Analysis: Homes installed with smart sensors can help in tracking daily behavior patterns like sleep patterns, activity levels, or emotional states, providing valuable insights about the individual. This information can be used to create personalized care plans and interventions.
Educational and Therapeutic Resources: Integrating educational and therapeutic resources within autism care properties empowers residents to engage in meaningful activities and skill-building exercises that support their development and enhance their quality of life. Smart home technology helps them to have access to educational and therapeutic sessions that promote learning, growth, and self-confidence for individuals with autism.
Through these advancements, Salisbury Autistic Care — Most Desirable Areas to Live in is not only addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by autistic individuals but also trying to create surroundings where they can feel safe and comfortable. By prioritizing safety, communication, sensory comfort, and personalized support, these homes are reshaping the landscape of inclusive living and setting a new standard for the integration of technology and compassion in real estate development.
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