#voltron AUs are very fun
linipik · 5 months
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Witches ✨
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vldsideblog · 6 months
Writing Shiro crying is honestly kind of therapeutic
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themagicmerci · 1 year
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A little art piece I had in mind from a threat over on one of the threads I’m doing, also just wanted to see what kind of line style I wanted. It’s soft and that’s what I wanted!
Romelle and Matt had been peacefully talking. Until Regris raced in for the untouched Paints near them.
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 10 months
Like just single dad space cowboy Lance au, that keeps rotating in my head, absolute bullshit but just know it is inspired by Smokin Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy
#It is such a funny au (to me) nothing makes sense#Basically it starts with s2 Shiro survives Zarkon dies but Black Lion is also VERY damaged=>#This leads to the war to be in bit of a standstill for few years=>#Keith still does his whole went with BoM missions thing =>#At some point with more years later there is a major fight that breaks up the team =>#Lance runs away and gets stuck in what is essentially the Mid Western Cowboy theme part of the universe =>#(It is a very big part of the universe btw) =>#He lives a few more years as an outlaw travelling from one yeehaw planet to another yeehaw planet =>#And then meets this very feral 11 year old who is on a hunt to fight her shitty ass dead beat dad=>#Lance who hasnt seen any of his friends or family in years is like 'is anyone gonna adopt this child?' and didnt wait for an answer =>#But yeah this girl is familiar and Hang On!! =>#Yeah so her dead beat dad turns out to be Keith. Now she cld be a clone (makes more sense) or result of a one night stand (funnier) =>#But point is she really wants to fucking fight him and Lance is like 'ok how about you just tell him to fuck off instead?' =>#Also Kuron is there. Lance found him and Kuron was like 'Lance you found me! It has been years dont you remember i am Shiro!!'#And Lance who has been ghosting Shiro for years is like 'no you are not?' clone revealations. Not fun. Anyway the au isnt even about that#It is about Keith's pre teen daughter who wants to kick his ass and Lance who is like please calm down kid and Kuron who is just so confuse#and they are all cowboys#lance mcclain#lance voltron#lance serrano#takashi shirogane#keith kogane#keith voltron#kuron#voltron kuron#voltron#voltron legendary defender#empty thoughts
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starbooksye · 1 year
I made a mistake
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The artwork is showing Pidge at his Childhood village and what it looked like when he was younger.
So the reason this was a mistake is that I made this on the same file and so ah fuck
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608 layers
Why do I do the things that I do
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starlightvld · 2 months
20 Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀꜱ
Tagged by the lovely @snarky-magpie - thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on A03? 13 (for now...☺️)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 429,228
3. What fandoms do you write for? Voltron: Legendary Defender and Call of Duty: MW Reboot
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? - Couch Surfing (COD, soapghost) - Broken Bones & Shattered Hearts (COD, soapghost) - Up in Smoke (COD, soapghost) - Formalities (Voltron, sheith) - Research and Development (Voltron, sheith)
5. Do you respond to comments? YES. I love talking to people in the comments. 😍
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Couch Surfing because it's an "in progress" ending. But it's still mostly happy because I can't really write anything else. LOL
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Formalities? But all of them are pretty tooth-rotting...
8. Do you get hate on fics? No
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, but it's always slow burn smut with feelings (hi, I'm ace).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I love thinking about crossovers, but I haven't written any yet (unless you count the AU from question 13, I guess).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? The soapghost Punisher AU I'm working on with @kibagib - You're my mask, you're my cover, my shelter - is basically co-written. Kiba gives me the outline for what they want to happen in the scene, and I write it out, adding my own flare here and there. It's been so much fun to work together to bring Kiba's visions to life!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? As much as I love soapghost, I think sheith will always have my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So far, I've finished or am actively working on all my WIPs... 😯 I do have an idea for a soapghost inter-dimensional-travel, angst-with-a-bittersweet ending fic, but that one hasn't gotten past outline phase. That's the closest I have to a fic I might never finish. (This fic would also win "angstiest ending," btw.)
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I write dialogue and emotions/introspection pretty well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle with descriptions - they are often what I "add in" during the editing phases. I'm also a VERY SLOW writer, which is why it takes so long to update sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don't do it unless I have a native speaker willing to help me with the translation. Otherwise, it's just English but in italics. LOL
19. First fandom you wrote for? Dragon Age (long ago with a different user name)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love them all, but my first sheith fic - In Sunshine and in Shadow - will always be special to me because it helped me process that atrocious VLD ending.
Tagging... errmmmm... @oodelally9 @kayluvlygrey @hawkeykirsah @ticktockclockwork @ursae-minoris-world @insomnikat-mused @chalkofthevalley
No pressure! Ignore or play as you like!
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wanderlustmagician · 4 months
Welcome weary intergalactic tumblr travelers to my humble blog amongst space.
I am Wander (or Magi). A simple alien who enjoys writing, learning, and is in general a very excitable dog in a trench coat.
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Fun Facts about me can be found at the tag -
#wander facts
I apologize if you came here for my writing and found a lot of shit posts and yelling about food crimes. I use the following tags for;
Shit posts/posts about life: #wandering thoughts
Food related: #food talk
I have several feral cats (mutuals) that I interact with a lot that have their own tags. I did absolutely steal the alliteration thing from Cheeto. No regrets. :D
hotcheetowastaken - #cheeky cheeto
somer-writes - #sassy somer
evablueblanket - #effervescent eva
estelian-01 - #effortless este
marcusdoodlesalot - #marvelous marcus
needfantasticstories - #super skip
There a probably a couple I’m missing but I’ll update this as we go.
I am always open to receiving asks.
Please do not be afraid to send me something. I will be very enthusiastic about answering any questions*. 💛
*unless the ask is rude, cruel, or mean in nature. This is a safe space for fun and silliness. Anything of the prior listed nature (rude, cruel, or mean) will be unanswered and deleted.
As I said before, I do write! I have an AO3 account under the same name -> wanderlustmagician
My current word count there is: 31,020
My goal word count for the end of Feb 2024: 45,000 (69% achieved)
Writing tags:
#wandering pen / #theres an au for that
I currently mostly write and post for Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda). Though I have written for HxH (some works still up under an old user), Tokyo Ghoul, D. Greyman, DC Comics/Batman/Young Justice, Voltron: Legendary Defender, and Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn. Some are posted under a different user, some have been taken down due to personal reasons, and some will never see the light of day.
All tags will be listed in the tags on the post
Now that you’ve had a wandering glance me and who I am… Click the Read more to see my current posted works, ongoing writing projects, and future projects.
My Current Series:
Everything but Blood -> Linked Universe Modern AU
Posted Works Count: 2 // Status: Ongoing
Visions of a Calling (Complete)
Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop, Want to Stop (Complete)
[Stealing Clothes WIP]
[Adopting Imp WIP]
Tags: #lu modern au // #everything but blood
Cataclysmic -> Linked Universe Witch AU
Posted Works Count: 2 // Status: Ongoing
The Truth Begins (Ch 1/?)
Heretic (Complete)
Price of Ignorance (Complete)
Tags: #lu witch au // #cataclysmic
Skyloft Valley -> Linked Universe Stardew Valley AU
Posted Works Count: 1 // Status: Ongoing
Welcome to Korok Town (Complete)
Into the Valley (Year One) (Ch 2/3)
Tags: #lu stardew valley au // #skyloft valley
The Sages Journal -> Linked Universe Atlantis AU
Posted Works Count: 2 // Status: Complete
Lanaryu’s Blessing (Complete)
Path to Thriving (Complete)
Tags: #path to thriving // #lu atlantis au
My Other Posted Works:
Ongoing Works:
Lost & Found (Ch 5/?)
Also known as the big brother Time AU of my Modern AU setting.
Tags: #lost & found // #lu modern au
Potential Upcoming Projects:
A Links Meet series that I’m called Forged. It’s still in the planning stages and I’ve not decided the end of it yet.
All of these will be updated as I make and post content. I have over 300 notes of writing. So there is always something in the works! Drop me an ask or at @ if you’re ever curious.
Thanks for wandering through and sticking around for that bad joke!
Hope to see you wandering into my asks or comments soon! Gotta blast!
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jsabaddict · 2 months
Okay I finally figured out something to ask you, what is the inspiration behind your au
Oh yay everyone gets to see this now
Voltron. Voltron Legendary Defender. That was the original inspiration to all of this I even had mechs some time ago based off of the lions KGJRJGREJ (though they didn't turn into the giant robot we all know Voltron for, they still were there. Blixer had a dragon, Cuna a cat, Rune a wolf and Delixa a bird) My AU has long since drifted from that, but it probably has some elements still relating to it? I know there's the whole space theme (which, y'know, is the entire gist of the AU, Throughout The Galaxies and all that) and also the cruiser ships I have brewed up are inspired by the Galra cruisers (still kinda iffy about myself going for this but it's the best concept I have)
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Nowadays I guess my inspiration for my AU is my love for space and futuristic themes. But yeah, my love for Voltron is what started this all, as far as I remember.
OH YEAH AND FUN FACT! There used to be a draft for the AU where Blixer and Cuna were siblings and Delixa and Rune were a couple, and these two pairs were fighting! Almost forgot to share that, since it's silly how they're now all siblings. (the concept wasn't very fleshed out and probably why I was comfortable changing the plan like that)
So yeah! That's.. basically all it! I probably forgot something considering my poor memory, but so be the ways.
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yo Jackie, what's one trope or situation type shit that u wish people would write more fics about. like we all know ur a brown-eyed lance truther, so am I so don't snipe me down babes, but like what else would u wish the fandom would agree on more. like u wish there was more lance and pidge sibling type fics, or more modern fics, or like more dating in secret fics for keith and lance? I'm interested
thank you for asking i have several. full disclosure i am kind of a hater in some of these. did not realize how much i had locked and loaded.
1. doesn’t need to be said but i’m saying it anyway. brown-eyed lance. if i don’t get that tag within a year i am rioting.
2. i LOOOOOOOVE modern aus. they are my bread and butter. i will read a thousand of them. i will WRITE a thousand of them. i love seeing a world built around the essence of these characters, and i love building them more. where would lance be, if he wasn’t in voltron? which of the characters are friends before the whole group finally connects? how do coran and allura fit? where do they work? where do they live? i love it. every decision is a confession.
3. i think everyone needs to have more fun with shiro and allura’s characters. for whatever reason (racism), people like to write them as the villains?? or as boring assholes who are incapable of fun and/or emotions?? anyways it’s the worst. let allura and shiro be stuoid and young and fun 2k23.
4. my favourite thing to write is weird, half analytical backstories/prequels for all the characters, and i love reading them too. what are their families like? what pets if their childhood shaped the way we see them now? who did they learn their habits from? i need to know everything. i have a specific hunk & lance fic i’m thinking about that was never finished, but that changed my entire perception of both of their characters forever. i am so nosy and people in this fandom who create these entire intricate backstories for these characters we already love are so important to me
5. keith’s fanon character in general lowkey pisses me off. i feel like people are OBSESSED with writing him very one dimensional??? like either this kind of mean emo or like tsundere blushing schoolgirl??? anyways it’s weird. keith loves his friends SO much. he cares about everyone everywhere all the time, he’s literally always thinking about what he can do to help people (or he’s being a dorky dumbass lol), he cares so much so often and so deeply. he tries his hardest and puts his all into everything. he loves hugs even though he’s awkward with it. he cries frequently. he wants a mom and at the same time he doesn’t. he loves his brother and his teammates. like??? please please PLEASE i’m begging y’all don’t do keith dirty okay
6. okay you know what’s crazy?? somehow whipped keith and whipped lance ARENT tags. insane to me. like obviously both of them are stupid wicked down bad disgustingly whipped. to me these tags are like. obvious. anyways i wish there were more works under those tags
7. instead of going on a tangent on how each individual character has been done dirty in several ways by fanon, i’m just going to beg everyone in the fandom: please please PLEASE stop making them cruel to each other. okay? they’re young. they’re struggling. they’re constantly under stress literally all the time. they don’t know how to work properly with each other yet. but they LOVE each other, okay?? so much. they would do anything to protect each other. like yes, they mess up, and sometimes they say mean things, and sometimes they just say the WRONG things, and sometimes they’re just awkward with each other!! but they aren’t fucking cruel. not a single member of that team is a cruel person. remember that they want each other to be happy and safe, okay? please. if i read one more fic where the biggest conflict is born by hatred rather than miscommunication or something i am going to lose my mind
8. however there is one specific beef i have with one character’s portrayal in our fandom: HUNK IS NOT A SMOL UWU CINNAMON ROLL. i have no idea why people pretend that he’s this guy who is just constantly smiles and sunshine and who is nice to everyone. let’s not forget that hunk is lowkey a bitch. y’all remember how he acted with nyma and rolo? he is a Judgey Person, yall. he is very dry and quick. remember that he has a little tiny smidge of a superiority complex. do y’all realize how fun it is to have someone who can just constantly cut through anyone’s shit?? who is very kind but is not, necessarily, nice??? it’s AMAZING. peak comedy. also reminder that there is a fine line with making hunk an awesome amazing talented chef and making him, the only fat character, food obsessed. please do not do that to my boy.
9. i love weirdo aus. like aus that are entirely unique and one and their own. aus for movies that have never been au’ed before. brings me so much joy
10. okay this used to be a big thing for me and i don’t write it much anymore (largely bc i don’t feel i’m very qualified too) but genderqueer lance is very important to me. genderqueer all of the team, honestly, i think we should fuck around with all of their shit, not just pidge! i read this one author who would make literally all of the teams trans & nb and it was awesome. nb hunk was something i never knew i needed but something that was so obviously true. i don’t write it too often bc i tend to make everyone very feminine (i love being a girl i love being a girl so so much it blows my mind that not everyone doesn’t want to be a girl all the time it’s AMAZING and thank you trans women for teaching me that), and i know it’s a genuine problem with over-feminization of queer characters in fanon so i don’t do it to often. but there are some amazing trans authors out there who fuck with the team’s gender beautifully and it’s a pleasure to read every single time!!
11. lol and as my username suggests, i’m a big fan of autistic lance!!! i’m also huge on adhd keith, which i know very few other people have in their fics, but i wrote an essay on it a while back and i do very much agree that autistic lance and adhd keith are canon and i would LOVE to see more people write it!!
12. you said it and i one hundred percent agree — secret dating fics my LOVE. i don’t write them much either bc a lot of my fics are very team-focused but they’re so so fun to read anyway honestly
13. EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT TO ADD. i love writing lance’s full name as Leandro Agustín Nuñez Carmen Esposita-McClain — or, shortened, Lance McClain
i have so many things honestly. so many tags that are everything to me and also thank you so SO much for the ask i love having a reason to ramble
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
i need to know everything about your pjo voltron au
okay so basic plot premise: Thalia, Luke, Jason, Percy, Maria di Angelo, and Bianca all work at the Garrison and get sent on 3 separate missions (Thalia & Luke, Jason & ??? or maybe he's just by himself, then Percy & Maria & Bianca) which are all "lost" and they're declared dead by the Garrison.
Of course they were actually all abducted by aliens. Maria probably dies pretty early on in that whole situation. Thalia gets separated from Luke and ends up escaping and becoming a rebel. Luke, Jason, and Percy & Bianca all separately (except for Percy & Bianca) end up gladiators. Luke becomes The Champion and basically ends up a Kuron/Sendak-type character situation. Is he being mind-controlled? Unclear. He has a giant alien scythe-sword though. Bianca probably dies buying Percy time in the arena. At some point Percy and Jason find each other and decide to try and stick together.
Hazel is a human raised by her galra dad in space with the Blade of Marmora. She knows she has a half-brother through her dad out there somewhere but not anything else about him. She ends up running into Jason and Percy on a mission and helps them escape cause they're humans too.
Back on Earth, Piper, Leo, and Annabeth are all Garrison students. Or Annabeth is possibly in a Keith-type situation where she used to be a student but got Kinda Pissed Off about all her loved ones disappearing into space and ended up getting kicked out. Nico is in a Pidge-type situation where he snuck in as a student under a false name to figure out what happened to his family's mission. Percy and Jason crash on earth, the gang finds them, they find the Blue Lion, and Percy pilots it to the Altean castleship where they meet Reyna and Frank. Reyna is the Altean Princess, because her sister Hylla was queen. Frank is the son of a high-ranking general or something and he and Reyna are a duo.
Rest going under a cut cause this got long -
Lion adventures happen - Annabeth pilots the Green Lion, Jason pilots the Black Lion. Nico finds the Red Lion and meets Hazel when he does and brings her back to the castle. Hazel pilots the Yellow Lion. Nico very quickly realizes he's half-Galra and Hazel's brother and joins the Blade of Marmora. Percy swaps from Blue to the Red Lion. Piper starts piloting the Blue Lion. Leo, Frank, Reyna, and Nico end up the home-base support team. Percy probably keeps the blue paladin armor and Piper gets the spare pink armor for color association reasons and also cause that's usually the format for every iteration of Voltron anyways. It works out nicely. Everybody has extra lion compatibilities too/every Lion has a back-up basically cause I'm still mad vld canon dropped the lion lore/sentience plotlines and we never got cool dynamic lion swapping instead of just the usual single switch. We're having fun here.
Then everything else I don't have much for other than Annabeth and Nico basically swap Keith and Pidge roles once they join Voltron so Nico goes and has his galra identity crisis adventures and Annabeth reunites with Thalia at some point, who is basically in a Matt-type role. And Luke functions as the Sendak-level antagonist who Annabeth probably gets to fight with a swap back to Keith's role in a whole Keith & Kuron emotional situation. Kronos and Gaea are probably analogous to Zarkon and Haggar/Honerva here but not necessarily in that order, and obviously it's more of an either "Emperor and his advisor mom" or "Empress and her prince son" but in either one somebody's doing magic and people are probably getting possessed. Hades, Persephone, Iaepatus/Bob, and Damasen are all with the BoM. The Titans/Giants are probably all Empire generals. Who's Lotor? Octavian? Calypso? I don't know. Who are all the gods? I dunno. We'll workshop it.
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discordiansamba · 4 months
So, I finally had a chance to watch pacific rim. Promptly dreamt up a vld crossover.
The basics- Shiro and Keith are jaeger pilots based in either Japan or Hong Kong (dream unclear) and the higher ups (Coran and Alfor) have a plan to make a larger Jaeger but need five people to split the load.
Shiro’s twin (kuron/kuro/Ryou) is called in with his team (Lance and Hunk, because where in the rules does it say they have to start at the same characterization of vld season one) and the higher ups are like “perfect! You’re twins so you and your teams should drift perfectly” and Shiro and his Twin are like “uh, did you not get the memo on why we’re leading separate teams on opposite side of the pacific?”
Higher ups of the higher ups don’t care, they still have to test the darn thing under the watchful eyes of Allura and Pidge (who’s brother and dad are jaegar pilots)
And promptly things go sideways because despite being twins, Shiro and twin have trauma from when they did work together and drifting together freaks them both out. Keith meanwhile is surprised that he’s compatible with anyone other than Shiro
Bonding ensues after
Anyway, things go sideways while Shiro and Twin go to visit someone (???) and the base gets damaged, the only way out is for Pidge and Allura to join up.
They have some trouble, and get help from Matt and Dad, as well as the twins who would like their partners to stay alive and that’s it so far?
Thoughts? At least for Allura and Pidge
I think this sounds very interesting!
The way things take some time to figure out the ultimate configuration for the Voltron jaeger is really good (and that feels like a very Sanda move to just. ignore what Shiron and Kuro tell her about not being drift compatible. I know you said the higher ups were Alfor and Coran, but that's such a Sanda move she has to be involved somehow). The idea of Allura and Pidge joining in the middle of a disaster and discovering that they are drift compatible with the other three and getting out together is really great!
It sounds like it could be a very fun AU!!
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milesprowerpower · 6 months
i have several little aus of tails that live in my head occasionally. i'm not a big au person and i usually keep my aus separate. but here they are:
tails but eggman raised him - tails in his mad scientist era, probably built metal sonic. defects to sonic's team but has some guilt over, you know, making metal sonic
tails was a cis girl all along but faked being a boy to hang out with sonic and ends up getting outed at some point but everyone's cool with it - i read a fanfic about this waaaaay back in the day and as a little girl kid i loved the idea of tails being a girl, i love female characters who are good at technology and have actual arcs. it would be a real 'voltron pidge' moment. i imagine basically nothing else would change, tails is just a girl in this au
tails with brown eyes - just think this would be very cute. no further changes. if i'm feeling spicy i combine this with fem!tails
dr eggman is tails' dad - read an au of this on tumblr once and it was really silly and angsty and nonsensical. but. it was a lot of fun. i can't imagine actually running a whole au fic about this concept because getting too deep into the angst seems ooc for tails. and i don't even wanna think about who tails' mom would be in this world v_v
anyways don't take my aus too seriously, I'm basically just rotating my blorbo and thinking "hmm but what if this happened..."
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flowerflamestars · 4 months
Hey! So I went to check your bookmarks and alas you have none, but what are the chances you would still have Jason Todd fic/author recommendations? Assuming I've read none. Or just any favorite Batman fics?
I'm getting a little overwhelmed with all the different fandom tags and timelines 😅
So, as someone who is also relatively new-ish to the Batman fandom but binged A LOT of content early on, my best advice is going to be to find your own vibe.
I've been on tumblr since 2012 and wandered through a ton of fandoms- and yet? Batman has bowled me over with it's sheer....in fighting? (This is obviously not like. Voltron-level stuff. Do yall remember tumblr when Voltron was raging?) People are SO SURE their thing is The Correct Thing. Despite the fact that there are a near endless amount of canon permutations. SO MUCH ship discourse, babe.
So, of course, I have many recs, mostly from ships people get mad about.
A good Jason character intro: Give Thanks to Broken Bones by thepartyresponsible. a VERY GOOD Jason, but one the other hand, technically an Avengers fic. Highly readable, maybe doesn't 100% land the ending, but an extremely good mix of the two worlds.
My favorite Bruce Wayne: Masking by BombusBombus. As much a loving meditation on neurodivergence as it is a a love story, Superbat at their most husbands. (teen baby Jason running around, being lied to by Bruce about why his dad is just. staring at pictures of Superman's hands.)
Smut: make me (say your name) by Naheka. Dick/Jason, character study wrapped around smut that is just. SO in character. Not wildly explicit, but earning the rating.
Fluff (not vigilantes au): no ordinary by SPQR. Dick/Jason. They're teenagers at boarding school and it so SO perfectly captures that hazy late teen longing AND Jason's bone deep direness about all kinds of love. I'd read 8x more words of this.
Further fluff: a blue curtain is a damn blue curtain by heartslogos. I have no idea if Jason canonically knows the language of flowers, but it pops up a surprising amount? And frankly, feels right. Short, sweet, disaster vibes. Heartslogos has literal hundreds of fics, I haven't shifted through them all, but it seems like a good mix of gen and romance.
Bats being messy as all hell: Strings Attached by FabulaRasa. I love love love what a (justified) bitch Jason is in this one. Primarily a Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan story, but the background Jason/Dick absolutely got me. Everyone's an adult and everyones being characteristically fucked up. Trigger warning for some messy internalized homophobia stuff being worked through. A lot of stuff about Bruce and Jason just...loving and hating each other.
Casefic that works as a romance with fun Adult elements: do you wanna feel a little beautiful, baby by sister. A rare gem in terms of everyone found familying about while not acting like that's a restrictive container. Jason/Tim. Plot important booty shorts. Easily the most realistic/best Stephanie Brown I've come across. Obsessed with the little snaps of Jason's vulnerability we get in this one.
I'm definitely forgetting or leaving out some fun ones, but this is a start! Happy reading :)
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badsongpetey · 1 year
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Danger Zone, page 9: The dogfight continues...
As I have said many times before, I started this comic so early into my art (and klance) journey that it's become as much about me learning to draw as anything else. When I first started this back in April (?), I sort of looked at every page as a chance to practice everything I was learning at that point. And while it's true that every drawing is practicing, I've recognized that throwing everything I've got at every page is slowing my progress down considerably. I had what I believe is called a "come to Jesus" moment with myself, and realized that at this point (about a year into drawing klance), what I want for this comic is to focus on the storytelling and not practicing whatever new thing I've learned about art on every page.
I like having nice lineart, but I've been trying to find ways to cut back on some details and go a bit simpler with shadows and colors. At one point I considered not coloring it at all, but I, personally, just like the color, so it stays :) Anyway, while design on this comic is an evolving thing, I do have a super fun, very klance story outlined for this that I hope now might go a bit faster (I'm anxious to share it with you all!). Thanks for reading and putting up with the constant changes lol
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qprsmackdown · 11 months
what submissions have the most convincing propaganda: rather for being silly or being serious
hi anon. mod zazie here. i read through every single one of the submissions to answer this because i am insane. and the results are as follows ^-^
techno & phil fans are INSANE over "for you phil, the world!!" as they should be!! i, too, read bunfloras' phil & techno fics. but even if i didnt already know who emeraldduo was, you all have VERY GOOD propaganda. Immortal lifelong best friends... <3
dsmp fans i love you im holding out my hand to you in a gesture of friendship. hello. both mods are also mcyt fans and dsmp fans. we know abt characters vs ccs. we also despise cc!dream. you are safe here. im sorry that previous polls have traumatized you :((
c!tubbo/c!ranboo fans also fucking turned out you have VERY convincing propaganda
ive never read the locked tomb, know nothing of the characters, but to the submitters who sent in Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus youve convinced me. VERY good job. where can i find your media i need to learn more. no like fr
jrwi fans are you okay. good lord /pos. also youll be pleased to know WE HAVE NOT ONE BUT TWO SUBMISSIONS OF THE GREATER MANA POLYCULE
to the etho/skizz fan who submitted an essay. hi. i think youre so right for putting them in a httyd au. very convincing propaganda. also are you okay.
hi silmarillion fans. do you need hot cocoa.
jrwi fans are literally so not normal about their guys. sorry to call you out but oh my god not a single one of you is normal /pos. its great.
not a fnaf fan but "Theyre also both canonically queer, if that helps. That has nothing to do with the lobotomies or the dying and being revived as a soulless walking corpse, though." is the sentence of all time. i hope whoever wrote that is doing well.
good evening to the homestuck fan who wrote jake & dirk propaganda so convincing that for a moment i wanted to go check out their media only to remember its Homestuck and ONLY to the homestuck fan who wrote jake & dirk propaganda so convincing that for a moment i wanted to go check out their media only to remember its Homestuck.
we've been over the jesus christ/mary magdalene submission but did you know apparently there's actual evidence to back it up? lots of it in fact? i did not expect to read that tonight (for future reference slash in case you're curious i am an atheist & cycad is christian)
the little women fan has some SERIOUS propaganda. my respect o7
hello to the autistic sp (south park) fan who wrote a genuine essay on kenny mccormick and eric cartman. wish you well (and like, we got a voltron submission as well. i dont know either of those shows/fandoms at all besides vague knowledge that they're not great but eh we're here to have fun. who cares (this is in response to you mentioning you didnt know if sp was allowed (i dont know actually youd have to ask cycad but im like 95% sure its fine (can you tell i have adhd))))
GIGOLAS FAN SPOTTED. they didnt write a lot of propaganda but HELL YEAH WE GOT SOME LOTR FANS HERE. theyre so qpr to me you dont even KNOW
i didnt even think about link/zelda being a qpr before this but you have convinced me. youre so right. they Are
besties who drink poison together STAY together!!! (merlin and arthur). fuck yeah baby!!! i have never seen merlin bbc
oh moirails are a homestuck thing i saw those in our asks and was unsure what they were
CANON QPR IN FABLE SMP? oh i need to check that out. fable smp fans ik this is a long shot but if anyone wants to give me reccomendations for where to start watching.
hiya qsmp fans. no need to worry you have turned out in both numbers AND propaganda. wowzers.
we have One submission for q!quackbur but now im wondering why no one has submitted c!quackbur. theyre literally homoeretic business rivals whose relationship could be viewed as platonic or romantic. smh
Roman and Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman have very dedicated fans.
divorce quartet the divorced qp polycule ever but also im very biased. (both scott/cleo and scott/martyn were submitted multiple times)
we have some very fun ocs & real life qp relationships and im so here for it.
oh hey lifesteal smp i know those guys. wow damn theyre kinda fucked up arent they.
Hi. Person who submitted both jesus/mary magdalene and now hamlet/ophelia. I love you. You are here to cause CHAOS and i for one applaud you for it. Can we kiss /j
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x-i-l-verify · 5 months
20 Questions For Writers
Was tagged by @kuraiarcoiris and decided why not. :V
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35. I have more on other sites, but since I've made my AO3 account, that's how many I've posted there.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
656,547. Give or take a couple thousand.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? Dream SMP. But I also have an Inscryption WIP and a couple Kpop WIPs that I really should get back to one of these days. orz But I've written for all sorts of fandoms over the years.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5) Its Suffering Was Real [Inscryption]
This is the one that came as the biggest shock to me when I went and looked at my kudos count in preparation for this write-up. Like, really? People like the fic where I torture the sassy robot trapped in the body of a stoat for 7k words that much??
4) A Shoulder to Lean On [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
WHERE did all these people come from, I have like 6 comments on this thing (not counting my replies)??? I mean, I'm flattered, but ??!!?!
3) Accepting Amelioration [Voltron: Legendary Defender]
I mean, it's a Voltron fic posted back when the fandom was in full swing, it doesn't really surprise me the kudos counter is considerable, though I am still surprised it got that much traction considering the fic is gen and not shippy. Am still proud I made the first daemon AU in the entire fandom, though, if this is my claim to fame, then I'm ok with that. :p
2) Temporary Shelter [Astro / VIXX]
I seriously have no freaking clue how this little self indulgent Kpop crossover fic became so popular, I really don't. I mean, Kpop crossovers are niche at the best of times, and these two groups aren't exactly the most popular Kpop fandoms on AO3 if you know what I mean. It basically started as "wouldn't it be fun if my two favorite Kpop groups were secretly friends all this time? How would I have that happen, tho?" and then snowballed from there. I, uh. I'm glad so many other people like it, ig? 0_0
1) Paved with Pawprints [My Hero Academia]
Of course it's the MHA pet AU fic. Of course. OF COURSE-
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely. It's only fair I reply if someone takes the time to read on my work and actually give me feedback about it, wouldn't you say? Plus, like most authors, I enjoy talking about my own work, so sue me. >:p
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually do angsty endings; I prefer happy or at least bittersweet ones. I guess by default, it has to be the fic where I slowly killed off America and China from Axis Powers Hetalia for 13k words, while the rest of the cast had already been dead for centuries at that point. So yes, the entire cast of that series was dead by the end of that fic. :))) IN MY DEFENSE, ok, I was actually trying to give them a bittersweet ending by reuniting them with all of their old friends and family by finally letting them rest after so long alone, but it still turned out really sad. TT TT It's basically my only fic where I can't go back and reread it more than once every couple of years, because I still end up a sobbing mess by the end.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, I guess that's what you define "happiest" as. The most cathartic? The one with the least amount of trauma and extreme bodily injury incurred by the characters? 🤔 I guess by the latter definition, it would Kaleidoscopic Perceptions, a very fluffy USPH college AU that I actually enjoyed writing a lot despite me not usually enjoying romance or college AUs.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, thankfully. I've gotten a couple kinda weird comments, and of course the obligatory "It's been X months since you updated were you aware?????" comments, but no outright negativity.
9. Do you write smut?
LMAO. Absolutely not.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! I really love crossovers. I have a few common fallbacks that fit with a lot of fandoms (daemon AUs, Firefly AUs, etc.), but I also enjoy fandom-specific crossovers when I can figure out how to pull them off.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No idea. I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Just once for this Gravity Falls fic.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes. It had a few ups and downs, but it was overall a really positive experience, and I think it turned out really well!
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
idk that I have an ALL TIME favorite ship, especially since I hardly ever ship anything, but Frobin is pretty choice, I gotta say.
Tumblr media
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Er, none of them, hopefully? I hope that I eventually get to finish all my WIPs at some point, even if it might take me awhile. >.>; But I suppose if I had to pick ONE to abandon, I'd probably pick Written In, my D&D Inscryption crossover AU. I like the IDEA for it, but writing it out is like pulling teeth, and after the first installment where the party gets together, I don't really have a lot of ideas on where to take the plot. :/ Like I have the general overarching idea but no plot structure or anything but small disconnected story beats.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I like to think I do a pretty good job with descriptions while not bogging the story down too much with too much detail?
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh, staying motivated ig. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you're asking my weakness about mechanics, though, uh... exposition, I guess? Dialogue in general, sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If there is actual information included in the other language, then you better provide a translation. If it's just for flavor, though, have at it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TMNT, specifically the 2003 show. It's never been posted anywhere on the internet and never will. :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Becoming Real, a Kpop fanfic based on VIXX's Voodoo Doll MV. However, it can easily stand on its own as its own original work. I consider it the most accessible story I've ever written, and it also was just very easy for me to write. Writing is often like pulling teeth for me, but not this story.
Tagging: @breezy-cheezy, @quicktothebatjalopy, @hiding-in-the-vault, @variablememory, @bleue-flora, @theriu
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