#voltron king alfor
jiveyuncle · 1 year
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For a fic that only exists in my head ✨
Galtean Klance AU that leads to the rise of the Galra Empire
Alteans are wary. The Galrans first arrive as refugees, learning and studying under the Alteans after they drained their own home planet dry. A generation has settled and integrated in with Altean society, and Galrans find themselves being accepted into positions of power.
Keith trains to become a part of the royal guard, butting heads with another loud, charming Altean trainee - Lance - who eventually becomes Allura’s personal guard. When a marriage is arranged between the princess and Lotor, Keith is assigned to protect Lotor, becoming the first Galran to achieve royal guard status.
While experimenting with Quintessence, Honerva glimpses a future in which the Galrans nearly wipe out the Alteans. Lotor brings this to Princess Allura’s and King Alfor’s attention, but they refuse to send the Galra away. "To do so would be a death sentence for them." "To keep them is a death sentence for us." "Based on what? Things that haven't happened? A people that have hurt us none?" Lotor decides that, in order to save his people, a sacrifice must be made.
Lotor arranges a private meeting with King Alfor regarding the marriage arrangement between Allura and himself. Before Keith can excuse himself from the room, Lotor snatches the blade from Keith’s hip and kills the king. Keith turns on Lotor.
Allura and Lance arrive to find the King dead via blade wound and Keith about to kill Lotor - the man he was assigned to protect - with the very same bloody blade. Keith is successfully set up. The Galra are not to be trusted. Tensions and mistrust between Alteans and Galrans sky rocket, and war breaks out a few days later, setting into motion the future that Honerva warned against. A very messy rivals to lovers to enemies to lovers
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pbjamie17 · 1 year
Voltron AU‼️‼️
(Lots of Coran and Lance bonding because Coran is the best uncle :))
When Lance was 10, he was locked out of his first room in the castle. It was his parent's–King Alfor & Queen Melenor–office. He'd been caught by a maid scribbling family portraits on very important legal documents.
Allura thought it was hilarious. She knew her twin brother was a trouble maker, but she never thought he'd actually get banned from a room. Melenor believed he had it coming, but that didn't mean she wasn't a twinge upset that her son wouldn't be bursting into the office sharing whatever strange fact he learned that day, usually regarding unique Galra behaviors.
The next thing Lance is banned from is meetings. Well, just the meeting room in general. He was 15, and it might've effected him more than he'd ever admit to his father. Or his mother. Or even Allura.
But the one person he did admit it to was Coran. His father's right-hand man. His best friend, his- well, Lance wasn't exactly sure what they were, but he didn't press it.
After he'd been kicked out of meetings, Lance had been sentenced to a constant monitor to make sure he wasn't causing any problems. That monitor was Coran. At first, Lance hated it. He hated being babysat like he couldn't take care of himself.
But it didn't take long for Coran's helicopter parenting to calm down. Eventually, he'd just wander around the castle, blabbering on about how much things had changed since he was younger, and despite the pulling feel in his stomach to wander off, Lance followed. He helped Coran with repairs, and even had his interest in Galra etiquette renewed when the older Altean mentioned them.
His happy days didn't last more than a few months, though. After Lance was banned from two more things.
First, it was family photos. After a particularly infuriating photo shoot, where Lance had refused to make a straight face, Alfor pulled him aside and announced that he didn't want Lance in the photos until he could learn to behave himself. So, never.
Hearing his father's words made Lance want to break down, sobbing and begging for his forgiveness, but he didn't. Instead, he made a sarcastic comment and ran off before the king could see how hurt he was.
Unfortunately for King Alfor, banning his son had the opposite effect of what he'd hoped for. Lance began acting out more instead of less, and his stunts became more and more chaotic.
Rumors about the Royal Alteans began to spread, and after an especially great show involving a lot of illegal drinks and a public appearance from the prince, Alfor knew he had to step in.
He approached Lance about a week before the twin's birthday. Lance was told that at the end of the birthday party, the king would make an announcement.
At the end of the day, Lance would be sent to a border patrol ship at the edge of Altea's reign. Which was a far distance from the atmosphere itself.
Lance almost laughed. Sure, he'd been a bit of a handful as of late, but he didn't think that it was that bad. But the king made it clear his mind was made up. He said that Lance could return to the ground as soon as he proved himself.
So, on his 16th birthday, Lance was banned from one final place.
His planet. His home. The Castle of Lions.
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Sorry, this probably sucks ass, but I had time on my hands and an AU in my head.
I'll probably update more about this, and maybe even upload it on Ao3 at some point, but just so you know, in this universe the war starts a few months after Lance and Allura turn 19, and Lance still hadn't returned to the castle by that point, but yada yada we'll get into that later. ;)
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themagicmerci · 10 months
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Did I post these twos here, already? No…good.
Yet another item of my AU for these two,
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tebsel · 2 years
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did this one a little while ago :)
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galraluver · 7 months
Hello again, I hope your well or at least better than you have been lately.
I'd like to request a platonic reader x Alfor scenario at the juniberry festival. Idk if you or anyone else remembers it but it was briefly talked about in episode 9 I believe of season 1, when Allura is talking with hologram Alfor
I'll try my best. I wish that DreamWorks gave us a little more info about the Juniberry festival because it honestly sounds fascinating
With the juniberry festival coming up Alfor had been busy seeing to the preparations; the juniberry festival was the biggest celebration on Altea and every year everyone looked forward to it. (Y/n) couldn't wait to see Alfor, her childhood best friend, at the festival since they couldn't hang out while he was busy. The young altean woman got to see Alfor's fiance, Melenor, a couple of times and they had the chance to hang out together at one of the little cafés near the palace. Melenor didn't mind Alfor being friends with (Y/n) since the other altean woman wasn't attracted to Alfor, Melenor knew Alfor only had eyes for her. The juniberry festival was everyone's favorite event of the year, adults and children alike looked forward to it all year.
On the day of the festival (Y/n) put her favorite outfit and shoes on, styled her long silky hair by curling and made sure she was ready before leaving her house which was located near the palace where the festivities would be held. The juniberry fields were in full bloom which made the area nearby smell absolutely heavenly, not to mention it was finally juniberry berry season. Juniberry berries had a particularly sweet flavor that everyone on Altea loved, not to mention they could be used for all kinds of baked goods, drinks and so much more. (Y/n) had a look around the festival grounds before she went to go look for Alfor and Melenor so they could go get some juniberry berry cookies at one of the food stands. After searching around for a while (Y/n) was confused because she couldn't find her best friend and his wife, thankfully the altean king and queen saw her before she saw them.
"(Y/n)! We're over here!" Alfor called out when he and Melenor quickly walked over to the young altean woman, happy to see his friend.
(Y/n) waved to her friends before she began weaving through the crowd, politely excusing herself each time she accidentally bumped into someone. Sometimes people from neighboring planets would come to the juniberry festival because of how popular it was and everyone always had a good time. Blaytz, Gyrgan and Trigel were somewhere, although they were at different parts of the festival during that particular moment; Zarkon was usually a killjoy and didn't come to the festival, although Sendak and a few of his buddies did. By the time (Y/n) made it to Alfor and Melenor the back of her hair was a little messy; she reached back so she could smooth it down so that it hopefully wouldn't get too tangled. Alfor and Melenor held each other's hands while they waited for (Y/n) to make her way through the sea of people; that year's festival was particularly crowded, they weren't expecting so many guests.
"I don't remember last year's juniberry festival being this crowded. Anyway, I'm starving after looking for you two, shall we go get some juniberry cookies before they run out." (Y/n) commented before she suggested they go get some cookies; there were a lot of people, which meant the bakery might actually run out before the end of the day.
"That sounds wonderful." Alfor agreed wholeheartedly, since the festival officially started he and Melenor could finally just enjoy themselves for a while.
(Y/n) beamed and the three of them headed to the local bakery in hopes of buying some freshly made juniberry cookies; the soon-to-be married couple were exhausted after everything they'd done and they could barely wait to have a normal day at the festival. On the way to their destination the three young adults crossed paths with Coran and invited him to tag along, it was only proper for the king of Altea to have his royal advisor nearby. The sound of people chatting and the scent of food in the air was certainly different compared to the usually calmness near the castle, the juniberry festival was fun for everyone. Thankfully the bakery hadn't run out of juniberry cookies by the time they arrived and there was even a table available for the four of them to sit at, although it helped that Alfor was the king and Melenor would soon be his wife. Later they would go play some of the carnival games together, but until then they enjoyed eating the juniberry cookies they bought.
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justmultifandom · 8 months
What if?
I was rewatching the first episode of Voltron: Legendary defender when Allura spoke about the lions abilities and who was gonna pilot them.
She said that the red lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master, it's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. In the Italian dub, Allura say the adjective "vulnerabile" wich means "vulnerable". Since I'm Italian and I watch Voltron for the most part in Italian, and idea came in my mind.
We all know that before Keith the paladin of the red lion was Allura's father, King Alfor, and how did he died? Killed by his best friend and his trusted leader. In fact, as we see in the flashback, the red lion is the first to connect with his paladin, and Alfor didn't no anything.
So my theory is that the red lion want her paladin's trust before let the paladin piloting her because of what happened to Alfor...
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monsterinmyboxers · 11 months
allura's dad fine as fuck
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spacedaddysblog · 2 years
Voltron Season 1 Finale into Season 2 Episode 1 Quote Rant:
Recap: Team meets Alteans a few days prior. Allura self sacrificed for Shiro-(It's questionable if they both could have escaped if she'd just threw him over her shoulder and ran the small distance between the half melted door and the escape pod.) Team then decided to rescue her. After they do the paladins face Zarkon and Haggar head on and wind up severely injured and disorganized on the way out.
Paladins: *Are scattered and thrown through a dark magic void after saving her*
But it would also make sense where Allura's logic is at. She has only known them for a few days therefore her sentiment is set more on her father, his Voltron legacy, and vengeance. Her sentiment seems more detached like Keith's was on risking Voltron for someone they barely knew. (Not only that she was pretty dreadful those first few days after waking and demanding the paladins fight the Glara 🤣)
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Sam reflects on the fateful day on Daibazaal when everything began to change.
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Call of action___||
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A fun starter call for the Good king Alfor!
Takes place PRE-Events of voltron creation|| Open to anyone and Everyone
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1800rue · 9 months
Hey there!! Can I get a Keith Kogane x waterbending reader and their childhood friends with Allura?Anyways he kinda thinks their just there because they doesn’t fight them or have advice like Coran but one day they waterbends to save him and he thinks they are kinda cool
Keith Kogane X GN!Waterbending Reader
characters included: keith kogane
scenario: in an act of saving ones friend, reader was quick to protect their crush from sudden death.
warnings: shitty writing, unedited !
a/n: i'm not sure how to feel about this, i feel like the ending sucks and most of the characters are OOC :(
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He met you the same way he met Coran and Allura. Pure accident. Lance caught Allura who fell out of the tube, and Keith caught you,
He noticed the marks on your and Allura's cheeks and when he touched you, your ocean blue markings glowed.
He wasn't sure if it was his fault, or it was just yourself who caused them to glow.
When Keith caught you, you were still asleep, but the sudden feeling of someones warm body made contact with your cold one. Your eyes fluttered open to be greeted with a jacket.
A red and white jacket.
Your arms were held by black gloved hands, and when you got a good view of your holder, purple eyes met yours and you suddenly screamed. Pushing him away and raising an arm into the air.
Keith groaned, hitting the floor with a thud, but soon froze and raised his head that follwed a water blade that was pointed at it throat.
"Who are you!" You demanded an answer. However the by didn't have enough time to answer as you shouted again,
"What are you doing in the castle?"
"Where is King Alfor?"
You asked, looking up and around the Castle walls.
Your smile formed on your lips, noticing your Altean friend stand by another boy you've never seen before.
Keith watched as you hugged the other Altean. For some reason he couldn't keep his eyes off you. Suddenly, another tube rose from the ground, and soon all eyes were on a man with orange hair, and a bushy orange mustache.
Ever since that day, Keith's curiousity for your waterbending abilites grew...and so did your love. However, you had no idea if Keith liked your back?
Does he even notice you?
Sure, there are times he's asking about your powers, but when you told him you don't fight, or have any interest in fighting, he's kinda been dying down on being curious. Almost learned all about you are your powers.
The others adored your powers, and loved it when you showed off to them what you can do. Keith would just stand by and watch, not complimentimng at all.
You don't blame him...you don't hold any purpose then being Allura's childhoodfriend. The other explained he's just like that, and he's not really a people person. However, you can't help but think your not good enough for him.
Timeskip to a Galra attack on a planet you've been visiting. To think this could have been a break from all the Galra attacks, but NO. Voltron has yet to be form, but the Lions were set free and ready to be piloted by their Paladins.
Of course, you were left in the castle with Shiro and Coran, for now Allura was now the Blue Paladin, Lance was the Red Paladin, and Keith was the leader of Voltron.
Nothing changed with you.
"KEITH!" You suddenly jumped hearing Lance's loud shout to his rival, "Come on, man! I had that!" You took a deep inhale to calm your nerves.
"They were coming at you at three different sides, you didn't have it!" Keith retorted.
You sighed, hearing both Keith and Lance argue.
"Out of all the times you guys fight, this is not the time!" Pidge shouted over coms, barely dodging a laser blasted from a Galra cruiser. "Hunk! Jet on your 6!"
It was chaos out there, and all you can do over here is watch while Shiro attempted to order everyone around. However, ever since Keith became the leader, he found it a bit hard.
You wanted to go out there and help, but Shiro kept you back, not knowing if you'll even make it a foot out there without a lion, or even a ship!
As the chaos around you roared, you looked at your hands. You kept thinking about things you could do to help your team, yet nothing seemed to light up.
In your train of thought, Keith's sudden scream caused you to look back up to his lion get hit with a laser beam and fall to the dirt. A dirt cloud covered the area of his lion.
"KEITH!" Everyone shouted over coms.
Your heart felt like it got stabbed seeing Keith's lion hit the ground na dnot emerge from the dust.
Come on, Keith. You whispered under your breath. Come on! You felt your stomach twist in turn from nervousness. No one around can help because there all pinned down from the Galra fighter jets.
You squeezed your hands, watching the screen in front of you. You felt your lips quiver, and thats when you snapped.
Coran noticed your sudden form, and looked over to you and was about to ask what's wrong, but he was too late when you suddenly darted out of the control room.
"Y/N!" Shiro shouted out in frustrastion.
Once your feet hit the dirt, you ran faster then you ever could below the battle. Destroyed Galra jets fell from the sky, causing you to use your waterbending abilites to push you forward toward Keith's lion. Meanwhile, the ones already on the ground? You just jumped over to ran around.
"Y/N, you are going to get yourself kil-" You shut your ear communicater off, your running only increased.
Upon reacing the Red lion, you touched its large leg as it started to stand up. However, it was really shaky, almost like it was about to fall again.
"Keith! Keith- can you hear me?" You turned your com on, and your heart relaxed when you heard his voice.
"Augh...augh..Y/N? Yeah, Yeah, I can hear you!"
You smiled softly, knowing he's aiive, but possibly ingured due to the movement of his lion.
Just as soon things seemed okay, and Keith can get back into battle, Pidge's voice rang though your com...and she didn't sound happy..more like..
"Y/N! KEITH! Move, NOW!"
Your eyes widedned as you felt the presence of something coming for you at a high speed. Not wanting Keith to get more hurt then he already is, you raised your hands up from your sides.
The water from the river around the planet rose quickly, and merged into one around you. A large ball of water was soon thrown toward the Galra jet that was flying low toward you, and with a spin of your heel the ball of water smashed against the ship.
The blast you threw was hard and heavy, the fighter jet flew backwards, hitting the dirt and exploding.
Heavy breaths left your mouth as you relaxed your arms back to your side, the area around you wet and cold.
"Y/N.." Keith called out for you. With a soft and tired smile you circle back around to face Keith's lion that stood over you. You looked at the creature in the eye and chuckled,
"Talk me after you formed Voltron...and after I take a nap..."
You sighed, your knees giving out. However, the Red Lion caught you in it's mouth and hovered over the trees, placing you down in a safer place in the trees around the river you used as a weapon.
"Thank you..."
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sonekwi · 1 month
☆ ⸻ the white paladin, keith x reader
chapter six: so sorry, pidge!
characters/pairings: keith kogane, female reader
genre: fanfiction
summary: keith invites you to spar with him, and poor pidge walks in on something rather questionable.
word count: 1,596
links: previous, next, wattpad, masterlist
a/n: i'm so sorry for being gone for a month! i wrote a shorter chapter this time to stand in as a filler, next one will be the usual 3,000+ words. thanks for reading though, i hope you enjoy!
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A week has gone by and you find yourself missing Earth more with each passing day. The team managed to form Voltron again and you've been training with them as much as you can, but no matter how busy you try to keep yourself, your mind always finds its way back to Earth. When it does, homesickness grabs you and doesn't let go.
You and Lance often find each other at the end of the day and sit in each other's company. Even if your brother is in a good mood and smiling when he's around the team, you know that facade disappears when everyone's gone. You both miss your family more than anything, but having each other makes it a little bit better.
You spend your time in the White Lion's hangar whenever you're not training or sleeping. You'll sit on the floor, leaning against its massive, metal paws, simply talking about whatever is on your mind. You haven't gotten around to asking Coran about the mysterious Lion yet, still wondering why King Alfor would hide it away. When you ask the White Lion directly, the answers feel cryptic and unclear, as if it doesn't know itself.
Footsteps echo along the tall walls of the hangar and you look up from the small gadget in your hands. Pidge had asked your help with it, knowing that you had taken a couple of engineering and computer science classes at the Garrison. So far, you haven't been able to get anywhere with it.
Keith walks over to you, his bayard in his hand and dressed in clothes fit for exercising. You look him up and down, your heart beating anxiously in your chest. It takes everything in your power to keep a calm exterior. You don't know what you would do if he found out about your little crush on him.
"I'm heading to the training deck," he announces, "Do you want to join? I could use a sparring partner."
You can't help yourself from suddenly fantasizing about the various scenarios that could happen, nearly all of them involving a sweaty, panting Keith who takes off his shirt. You quickly feel a flustered heat rising to your neck and face, and honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself. He is your friend, and will probably only ever be your friend.
As you stand, you shove the thoughts and rising embarrassment away, excitedly accepting Keith's offer, "Sure! I'll go get my bayard."
After being scolded by Allura for the umpteenth time for not keeping it nearby, you only had to walk across the hangar to retrieve it. Once the cool metal of the handle is within your grasp, the weapon materializes into its scythe form. You test the weight of it in your hand as you turn back to Keith.
     "Alright, let's go!" you smile.
     As you and Keith make your way to the training deck, you try your best not to stare at him. It's a short walk, thankfully, and you don't have to fight yourself for very long.
     "What are you thinking? Weapons, no weapons?" you ask as you step further into the room. It's wide and open, and you've gotten familiar with the space after spending most of your time here. You can almost hear Allura's voice still echoing off the walls.
     "We can start with no weapons," Keith says and sets his bayard down on the floor. He takes off his jacket as well, your eyes not-so-discreetly watching him. When he looks at you, you shamefully avert your gaze.
     Focus, (y/n)! He's your friend! You scold yourself, rubbing the back of your neck with embarrassment. You can practically feel the heat rising off of it.
     Keith places himself in the center of the room and stretches as he waits for you. You set your bayard near his and roll your shoulders. When you start before Keith, you bring your fists up and ask, "Do you want to count down–"
     Keith moves fast and you barely manage to block the attack. Your arm throb at the impact, and you glare at him. "Oh, it's so on."
     Your friend only chuckles, and the two of you quickly settle into your sparring match. You don't hold back, making Keith work for his victory if he wants it.
     Memories of the Garrison pop up in your mind. You and Keith would often train together after class. Sometimes well into the night before a faculty member would kick you out of the gym, chewing you out for being out past curfew.
     Even back then, you were fighting your feelings for him. You tried to convince yourself you only admired and adored him so much because he was your friend. It worked, for a short while, until he dropped from the Garrison. At that point, your anger overpowered your hopeless crush.
     Your reminiscing distracts you, and Keith knocks you on your feet and pins you down. He sits on top of you, holding your hands above your head, his legs straddling your hips to keep you from rolling. As you stare at him with wide eyes, the panting, sweaty sight of him makes your cheeks burn.
     He stares back at you as his grip on your wrists tightens. "Do you yield?" he asks, a proud grin spreading on his face.
     It was a simple question he would always ask when he had you pinned, restrained, or disarmed, even if he knew you wouldn't. But the tone of his voice was different this time...
     His eyes flick down for a second before returning to yours. Your flustered thoughts race faster, knowing exactly what he glanced at. You panic, and your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest.
     "Hey, guys? Shiro wants us–"
     You and Keith look toward the door.
     Pidge stands there, silently wishing to crawl into a hole as he tries to figure out what he just walked in on. But then he promptly turns to leave, "You know what? I don't even want to know. Just change and meet us on the bridge."
     Immediately, you push Keith off and scramble to your feet. You run your hands over your face and stride over to your bayard. "He is never going to let us live that down," you say.
     "I don't know, he looked like he probably never wants to bring it up. Ever," Keith says.
     "Wanna bet?" you ask.
     "Knowing you, you'd try to make the odds in your favor," Keith shakes his head, feigning disappointment. But you catch the small tug on the corners of his lips.
     "You're right," you chuckle. "I so would."
Standing on the bridge, you look around at the glass panels lining every inch of the room. The sky is a beautiful baby blue with soft and fluffy clouds drifting past, and your mind wanders to Earth as you watch.
Shiro's words unfortunately go through one ear and out the other, and it doesn't go unnoticed. But even after he promptly scolds you, you still don't pay attention. That familiar weight in your chest sinks in, and you stare down at your feet with dejection.
Homesickness is a bitch.
A hand brushes against yours, the contact bringing you back to reality. Beside you, Keith keeps his attention on Shiro as one of his fingers hooks yours. You smile softly, remembering your friend's words from a few days ago.
He kept true on his promise.
The next few hours are spent doing team bonding exercises again with Allura, Coran, or Shiro failing to direct the ragtag group of teenagers. You give them the benefit of the doubt, though, because you yourself have no idea what you are doing. The White Lion had finally started acting as if something were wrong, and you struggled to keep your control over it.
But as lunch rolls around, the White Lion is more than happy to listen to you for once as you bring it back to its hangar. You are more than happy, too. You can feel a headache coming on while you listen to Lance and Keith bicker over the comms. The former had tried kicking a ruined Galra ship like a soccer ball, ultimately knocking Voltron on its ass from the lack of balance.
Part of you is grateful you were crucial to forming Voltron. You would probably go insane.
You're already sitting in the dining room waiting for Coran's "nutritious Paladin meal" when the others enter. Lance and Keith are still arguing, and you groan as you rub your temple, hoping to dull the sharp throbbing.
"Alright, save your energy for fighting Zarkon!" Shiro barks and the two boys effectively shut up. However, as they sit down, they resort to silently glaring at each other.
With Lance sitting beside you, you kick his shin and grumble, "Stop acting like a child."
"I'm not! Keith started it!" your brother argues.
Keith rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say."
Lance irks at the comment, but you manage to slap a hand over his mouth before he says anything back. He glares at you, and you cuss as he drags his tongue over your palm.
"You are so gross!" you hiss, wiping your spit-covered hand on your brother's armor.
"Hey!" he barks.
"It's your spit!"
Shiro snaps. "What did I just say!?"
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themagicmerci · 11 months
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Once Honerva and the remaining, known, hostile commanders were dealt with, many of the blades and freedom fighters went into some state of retirement or civilian status. Once Thace had offically moved into one of the blade’s grounded stations, he’d Sid Alfor in joining him as his partner. With things settled down it was time that he’d do something at was more common with the humans, not as official or tedious as the courting measures, a date.
And a night one for his mate. It was different, and seeing how he was convinced by Alfor to try some earth clothing, they did have a nice time. More relaxing and slightly secluded then they’d been used too. It was fitting for them both.
You took WAY too long. Then again, I got distracted once again…well, they are done now!
They did deserve some calm after the massive storm. (Both in and outside of my little AU/shipping)) I also Stan Alfor having a coffee/soft aesthetic while in human clothing or just in general.
USED TOOLS; (this is gonna be a new thing ima put
IbisPaint —Lineart/sketches
Procreate —Color/Shading/lighting || Background
Digital -fully
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hood-ex · 5 months
Finally finished all of Voltron. Some thoughts:
The last seasons actually weren't as bad as I thought they'd be based on what I heard. I mean, yeah the Lance/Allura ship was unnecessary, and yeah the final episode wasn't super satisfying or good lmao, but all in all, the plot still kept me invested. Only time I felt truly bored was during those god awful filler episodes. Genuinely only liked one filler episode which was the carnival one where Shiro was arm wrestling people.
Wish Shiro had a heavier presence in the show after he got his conscience shifted into the clone body, but at the same time, it was cool to see him captain Atlas. I was so glad they at least included him in the final battle with Honerva.
Lance and Hunk definitely felt like they took more of a backseat in the character focus department. Like yeah, they had arcs of sorts though not super obvious ones imo. Lance was a big flirt who could be cocky, and he matured and became a reliable second hand. Hunk ended up showing more courage and willingness to bring people together, and he did have a passion for food, so I like that he had least had a hobby/passion of sorts. I just feel like I didn't really know them quite as well as the other paladins, Lance especially. I'm honestly very surprised Lance didn't get more focus as say Shiro or Keith. He seems like the type of character to have a bigger focus.
My main beef with Shiro is that he didn't really have any flaws over the course of the show. He was always the loyal and caring leader. Of course, we got to see him lose his patience with Slav which was really fun. Other than that... he was almost just like... too nice. Too perfect. The change for his character mostly happened through life events. I think if they had fleshed out that side of Shiro more, Shiro would've been my favorite character.
It wasn't until maybe Season 3 or so that I finally got over the fact that the paladins were flying lions around. I'm sorry but I thought flying lions were so lame when I first started watching it. These are supposed to be made by King Alfor, an Altean, so why did he choose an Earth animal as the design for Voltron? Like huh? Allura and Coran didn't even know what a cow was, how did they know what a lion was alkdjsa. Whatever, I got over it eventually. (Edit: I just remembered that the white lion is a thing that exists and that Alfor knew about it sooo I suppose he got inspo from that).
"Form Voltron!" and then the long ass sequence of all the lions forming together. I got so sick of seeing that every single episode. Voltron actually would've been cooler had the paladins only transformed into it like once or twice every season rather than every episode. Like only bring Voltron out for the biggest baddies. I found it so much more fun when the paladins all fought separately. And a lot of the time, the paladins had to end up dissolving Voltron to win a fight so like??
Black lion my beloathed, red lion my beloved. Nah idc, I have beef with the black lion. The red lion was by far my favorite lion, but I liked it more when Keith was with the red lion. Feels like they could've done more with the red lion as well with it being the fastest and all.
The Blade of Marmora was cooler than Voltron to me. All their fight sequences were sick. Also, Keith looked so good in that uniform, hello. I definitely enjoyed the hand-to-hand combat in this show possibly more than I enjoyed the lion fights.
Lotor/Allura was the only ship I enjoyed until Lotor went off the rails. Idc, Lotor was a fun character with an interesting backstory. It's too bad his character arc had to go the way that it did. Also not totally opposed to how it ended up though.
Matt gave me the ick as soon as he started fawning over Allura in an obnoxious way. Felt kinda ooc for him as well. But after that was over with, I enjoyed him well enough. That one episode where Pidge went to the memorial planet with all the graves... that was heavy as hell. Kinda wish Matt actually had died for the full weight of that episode to hit bc that was such an intense moment.
Loved how Pidge was shown to do basically anything to get cool video games in some episodes lmao. I also thought it was interesting how she was the most tech savvy of the team, but she formed a connection with the natural world, as did her lion.
The first 2 seasons were definitely funnier than the rest. The first season had me laughing at least once every episode. The jokes tapered off later on, which I suppose makes sense bc the plots got heavier.
Loved the Hunk and Shay relationship. Balmerans were pretty cool in general.
Tbh, I didn't really care that Shiro's boyfriend died because we only saw him in a short flashback. I do think they should've given Shiro a longer or better reaction to finding out that his boyfriend died though. Also, speaking of Shiro and men, it was so fruity how the last scene of the entire show was Shiro kissing his husband. Voltron said gay rights for space dads.
Kosmo was cool, and I especially liked how he was Nightwing color coded. Plus teleportation powers?? Nice.
Keith and Shiro's bond was really touching. I just wish they would've divulged their shared backstory together earlier on in the series to help me understand why Keith had so much respect and loyalty to Shiro from the jump. That goes for a lot of the paladins, actually. A lot of their backstory info should've been released earlier on in the series instead of shoved into the last few seasons. The only ones who didn't suffer from this were Pidge and Allura.
Some seasons were only 6-7 episodes which was wack.
Keith definitely had some good moments giving advice to Lance or Hunk. He had a pretty satisfying arc overall. Well, out of all the other characters anyway. He's gotta be my favorite character in the show. He had flaws that he worked through, and he came out as a strong leader. I also can't forget how he and the Blade of Marmora planted bombs to destroy the Galras in line to rule the Galra empire, but when Keith realized Shiro was with the Galras, he immediately raced back to deactivate the bombs. We love a loyal man who will do anything for his brother.
Shiro took on a lot of damage and trauma that just wasn't addressed in any satisfying way, especially in regard to his arm. He did make one sarcastic remark to Lance about how he wasn't in tip top shape because he got his arm cut off/his conscience moved into a clone body. Wish they would've touched on the loss of his arm more. And not just his human arm, but his other arms as well.
Allura's death was just like... I don't remember what she said to Keith before she decided to give up her life, but all I could think about was when she was cold to him because he was half Galra.
I thought it was so funny in the last episode when they showed all the realities in every universe and there were just like... 50 of them or something lmao. Like Honerva really didn't have to do much to end them all. They really did rush the ending, huh?
Even though I haven't watched the original series this was based off of, I enjoyed the small references I did catch like with Sven and such.
All in all, I had a fun time. Will I rewatch it any time soon? No... but I will definitely be reading fanfics of it going forward.
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ang-900 · 3 months
The Original Voltron Adaptations Vs Their Original Japanese Counterparts.
Beast King Go-Lion:
Go-Lion/Voltron's backstory is that he got split due to his hubris after thinking he could take on the space goddess.
Voltron is a sentient being who lived long before time.
Voltron's title is king of the beasts.
All the pilots, save Fala/Allura, are from Earth.
All the boys are effectively in the same boat as VLD Shiro and have the gladiator backstory.
Earth is dead and gone, consumed by World War 3 by the start of the show.
Allura is canonically 16.
Raible/Coran's a strategist.
Altea/Arus's people were assumed to all be destroyed (especially the royal family), but they're all hiding out.
Allura's parents and siblings are executed by Daibazaal/Zarkon's hand while she was a year old baby. Zarkon didn't know she existed.
Hiroshi Suzuishi/Pidge is descended from Ninja.
There's so much blood and gore. People get cut in half vertically and horizontally. We get the privilege of watching people drop dead on screen with these horrifying faces and screams. Zarkon and Sincline/Lotor drink blood, too.
Honerva/Haggar has this bs called occult science.
Akira Kogane/Keith and Allura are so slowburn to the point it might not exist between them.
King Raimon/Alfor's ghost comes back from the grave to tell the paladins how much they suck.
Pidge threatens to eat the space mice twice.
Shirogane Takashi/Sven dies and and a later episode introduces his younger brother, Ryou/Sven, who was captured as a slave among others before Earth was fully destroyed.
A tragic side character commits suicide at the end of an episode
Amue/Romelle's older brother is willingly turned into a robeast. Her older brother and father are both murdered by the Galra during a battle with Voltron.
Earth is completely destroyed and uninhabitable. The boys become honorary citizens of Arus.
A scene depicting Pidge's mother shows her seeing him off his mission. It's the last time he sees her.
Lotor has a dream about his mother where it suggests Zarkon had a hand in her disappearance. A flashback occurs showing us she was a good person and was killed for moral differences.
Coran's son, Saint/Garret, died as an infant while he and his mother were escaping from the castle. They are buried by a local group of people. The Galra dig up this grave to clone him.
Hys/Nanny is shot by Garret and dies.
A father-daughter bond is implied between Coran and Allura when the latter comforts the former after the Garret incident.
The Galran foot soldiers are living beings.
Romelle almost died via firing squad.
One notable robeast involved a snake like being who survived a civil massacre amongst her people and was introduced burying her deceased child. She adopts Pidge within the same episode. She dies at the end from blood loss.
Another notable side character was a sand person. Allura befriends this one by giving it her bracelet. The sand person is turned into a robeast. It's implied the sand person dies at the end, though it is unclear why.
During the final battle, Lotor sends out trapped prisoners in bubbles as bombs so Voltron can't move without killing them. Lotor also shoots them as missles. Haggar also shoots at the prisoners so Voltron can move and end Lotor's career.
Haggar's motive in helping Voltron lies in that Lotor killed Zarkon.
Haggar is Zarkon's mother.
Ryou dies fighting Lotor.
Honerva dies. Zarkon dies. Lotor dies.
Voltron: Defender of the Universe:
"We don't need clothes." Keith, 1984.
Arus is still alive, they just get attacked.
Voltron's backstory is that Haggar disguised herself as said space goddess and wrecked Voltron into five pieces.
Coran's a diplomat.
Voltron's title is King of the Robots
Galaxy Garrison exists here.
Allura grew up an only child and seldom saw her parents because they were busy.
Sven is severely injured and is, instead, sent to another planet to recuperate, but gets captured as a slave on planet Doom and thinks he's crazy.
Zarkon disrespects Haggar likes it's nobody's business.
King Alfor built Voltron.
Zarkon has a nephew
Pidge has a sister who's stated to be training as a pilot.
That same tragic side character is said to have returned to her home planet offscreen
Romelle's older brother is willingly turned into a robeast. He swims out to see in the middle of a battle with Voltron. Romelle's father in consequence goes mad and is implied to have died as a result.
Balto is ravaged by Lotor's forces. Pidge becomes an honourary citizen of Arus.
Pidge is an orphan and the scene of his mother depicts his adoption
Lotor has a dream about Allura instead. Allura's nightmare shows us she's afraid of Zarkon.
"Lotor, my beloved son, you're a nitwit." -Zarkon, 1984
Doom/Drule council.
Coran's son, Garret, and his wife are said to be alive in another dimension they were beamed to when the Galra attacked them. The clone is robotic like.
Allura when comforting Coran after the Garret incident, calls him a good man.
Lance is a country boy.
The Doom foot soldiers are robots.
Romelle was sentenced to be shot by a firing squad with stun guns.
Lotor and Haggar look for a new robeast victim among the Medusans. Audibly noting that they're all in a deep rest. That Medusan lady chooses to adopt Pidge. She also gets hurt, but it's implied she lives.
The episode about the sand people goes relatively the same way. However, the sand person is stated to be exhausted, but alive.
Sven is injured and sent back to planet Pollux to heal.
During the final battle, Lotor sends out robots in bubbles to trap Voltron. Keith can't move him because the bombs would blow up in their face. Lotor shoots them as missiles. Haggar shoots them down so Voltron can end Lotor's career.
Zarkon lives. Haggar lives. Lotor lives.
Pidge has a brother, Chip.
The same:
The Robeasts sometimes have unique tits (long, metallic, and spiky).
Lotor has three different kinds of chins and noses he alternates between.
Allura's only living relative is her aunt.
Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV:
The show begins with a strong theme linked to the lifestyle and aspirations of young sailors staking their life on the sea.
The Galaxy Alliance's goal is to create a star map of the universe, explore planets, and potentially colonize one.
Shinji Ise/Commander Hawkins is unsure if there are any lifeforms other than the three species in the Galaxy Alliance.
There are three planets in the Galaxy Alliance: Earth, Mira, and Sala.
Miranda Keats/Krik has telepathy.
Barros Karateya/Zandee is possibly from New York.
The cook can sing and cook.
Krik and Moya Kirigas/Cinda are Mirans.
Shota Kreutz/Wolo and Saruka Katz/Tangor are Salans.
The main fleet has spent 7 months in space.
Manabu Aki/Jeff hates spicy food.
Tatsuo Izumo/Shannon has no deeper reason to hate the Galveston/Drule other than they've been fighting one another recently.
Sim/Sandu dies as a pilot with his ship.
Wolo's brother dies.
Haruka Kaga/Lisa's singing when the force is stalled on the weather planet.
Captain Barataria/Brak kills himself.
Walter Jack/Cliff's brother's name is Jimmy.
Cliff has a magic hobby. He wants to be a member of the Magic Castle in Hollywood.
The Dairugger crew/Vehicle force sing the theme song when sending off Captain Dick Asimov/Stanley.
The planet Hawkins saw blow up was a consequence of the Galra not wanting a base to be built on that planet - Planet Apollo.
Krik on his shift as commander simply orders the teams to head to their vehicles.
The Vehicle Force are observing the artifact they collected in a previous episode with hopes and doubts the civilization survived.
Commander Hagi/Kernel Klaus dies.
Director Wakasa/Marshal Graham is peeved the people aren't taking Drule threat seriously.
Drake/Mongo dies. Teles/Hazar has a devastating reaction to it.
Krik is implied to be a prince.
Sirk/Dorma has no biological relation to Hazar and instead is his adjutant.
Hazar's father is a Homeworld secretary socrat and he's immediately dismissed from this position when Hazar returns to Galveston.
Planet Mira has flowers similar to purple orange-spotted flowers.
The Vehicle team learned space combat at the space fortress.
The queen of Eldora states the Galran frontline base is east of the planet Eldora, in the area where the blue light shines.
Earth gets attacked, and are fending off the Galra.
Yasuo Mutsu/Chip trained really hard at the space fortress' juvenile school in terms of science.
The pendant Lisa gives Jeff is what her mother gave her before Dairugger's departure from Earth. Lisa considers this a souvenir.
Commander Date/Kernel Kerbert* and crew die due to how damaged the ship is.
Patty Ellington/Ginger planted a seed she found in her room. She compares the growth of the plant to their perseverance.
A sunset reminds Cliff of his hometown.
Hazar gets promoted to commander of the attack fleet.
Pidge dreams of driving his mother to Mt. Fuji. We see her physically in the back seat.
Krik's letter is from his father who states harvest is good on Mira. Cliff's letter's from his father who sends his greetings to Ginger.
The photo of the baby is Jeff's newborn nephew. He has at least one sibling.
Chip is a lonely single child.
Lisa and Chip are childhood friends. They were in the same class in juvenile school, and they trained together at the space fortress.
Kazuto Nagato/Hutch and Tasuku Izu/Marvin insult the three girls. They're mad because Kai Shinobu/Rocky previously talked about Emma/Twyla continuously, whilst Hutch says he grows tired of the three. Ginger trips Hutch and he cries.
Commander Twyla dies.
The crew of the Space Explorer play rugby with a squad of Galra soldiers. They all die.
Both the buck and the fawn die.
The two dolphins die. One was a calf. The mother swims head on to a bomb.
Ginger is grievously injured, and is piloting her machine while fighting off sleep medication. She is dedicated to fighting by her team.
Hazar hesitates to land a killing blow and his gun is shot from his hand. Dorma shoots the body guard and in pain he shoots about wildly, accidentally striking Emperor Corsair/Zeppo - who dies.
The date by the time of the Drule evacuation is Feb 9 in the space year 2203.
Commander Newley agrees the Drules should have the third planet of the 26 system as they have nowhere to go.
Commander Hazar is assassinated by three Galveston soldiers. One of whom is Sandu's younger brother.
Jeff gives Lisa's necklace to Hazar's corpse.
Voltron: Defender of The Universe - Vehicle:
The Galaxy Garrison's motive is to find a second planet because Earth is suffering overpopulation.
It's implied the Vehicle Team and crew already encountered Hazar. He is described as a pirate.
The Vehicle Force call themselves the Voltron Force.
The Vehicle Force can only stay combined for five minutes.
Lisa is implied go be an alien.
Wolo's planet has seven moons.
There is a spy aboard the Galaxy Cruiser for the Drules. This is never touched upon again.
The food is crap.
Krik's from a water planet and it was at one point saved by Voltron.
Krik has ESP abilities.
The Drule have a confirmed child soldier among their ranks.
Shannon's brother was taken prisoner and is currently being held on Planet Doom.
Commander Hawkins pours hot chocolate from kettles.
Wolo's brother is implied to have survived the encounter with the beast.
Lisa talks about past African civilization when the Force is stalled on the weather planet.
Commander Brak says he'll move to another planet if the Galra choose to be peaceful.
Cliff is a country boy. Has a confirmed younger brother named Ginny* and two other brothers.
The Voltron Force are singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" for Captain Newley's farewell party.
Commander Hawkins saw a planet, Orus*, get blown up. The reason for its destruction is unknown.
Krik on his round as commander gives orders with great enthusiasm which is noted by his teammates.
The chef paints as a hobby and the Vehicle Force spend an entire scene roasting his painting.
Kernel Klaus lives and wants to continue building bases.
Marshal Graham is down in the dumps when people joke about him and other high ranking personnel.
Mongo took an experimental time travel ship 😭 and left the empire for good because he no longer wanted to be a part of war.
Hazar drops the photo of him and Mongo because he's clumsy. He looks at it and wishes the latter luck.
The Drule are searching for a new planet due to a transient sun while the Galaxy Garrison are searching due to overpopulation.
Commander Hawkins and Jeff's relationship is funnier than it needs to be.
Ginger got run over twice by joggers.
Lisa invented a carrot and cabbage cocktail she calls 'C & C'.
Pidge and Chip are twins.
Jeff's favourite food is spaghetti.
Jeff has been intentionally skipping Professor Page's plant seminars.
We see Krik's family photo.
Hazar and Dorma are brother sister and he has a good relationship with her.
Commander Nerok escapes in an escape shuttle.
The crew drinks hot chocolate in their downtime.
Earth gets attacked and wins against the Drule.
Ginger brought an unknown plant seed aboard ship and is growing a small plant.
Jeff explains a learned philosophical viewpoint to Commander Hawkins, and the latter's answer is that Jeff would make a great politician.
Lisa bought a good luck charm from a wizard on Planet Korb*. Jeff doesn't believe in that, but he wears the necklace the following episode.
"There is a good chance the lieutenant could be damaged." & "You're a brave fool." -Krik, 1985
Pidge and Chip studied solar energy as a hobby.
Kernel Kerbert* and his crew survive by fleeing in escape ships.
Jeff has a dog named Rover. He named a planet after said dog, an idea Commander Hawkins shoots down.
Krik's father bought another hydro bionic farm that he will inherit one day.
It's implied Cliff writes about Ginger to his brother as they want to meet 'that smashing Ginger'.
Jeff's family sent his baby photo. He thinks he's still cute.
Lisa and Chip are close enough she recognizes his hand writing.
Chip dreams about Pidge. He worries greatly about his brother after the lack of a letter.
Hutch insults the three girls based on their looks implying Twyla is hotter. Ginger trips Hutch after he, Marvin, and Rocky insult all three female members of the Voltron Force and he cries.
Commander Twyla escapes in an escape shuttle.
The Voltron Force play football with the Drule. Jeff finds Lieutenant Antor seriously hurt under rubble, but they heal him and he lives.
The buck dies but the fawn lives.
The dolphin is a single dolphin who somehow managed to disable a missile and survive.
"We just signed an important peace treaty right at this table. I've agreed to let Ginger slurp up her spaghetti, and she's agreed to let me slurp up my soup." -Cliff to Jeff, (Ginger present).
"Well I didn't sign and I want my own table away from you." -Krik to Cliff and possibly Jeff, (Ginger present).
Episode 45. Episode 45 is way too funny. Krik and Cinda crave coconuts out of the blue, ask Commander Hawkins if they can stop at a planet for some, and Krik salutes to his commander that it was a 'dumb idea'.
Ginger has PTSD from an experience as a child where she survived a ship blowing up.
The Drule home-world had destructive material buried under the surface.
Hazar spares Zeppo, but the latter's body is slumped on the throne.
Captain Newley relocates the Drule to a planet in the fourth quadrant in the far galaxy.
Hazar lives.
Krik is passive-aggressive.
The Drule blow up perfectly good planets they can't have.
The Same:
Krik has ESP abilities.
Krik can possibly play an instrument. He holds it the entire time, however.
Jeff, when he takes the first shift as Commander, is disgusted and reluctant to sit beside Commander Hawkins much to the amusement of the man.
Commander Hawkins is passive aggressive.
The Drule homeworld is getting hotter. All the residents have moved below ground, and starvation is prominent.
Krik pilots Voltron when Jeff is out of commission.
Krik shoves a whole gun into Jeff's pants.
The Sky Team ft. Krik drive a tank/enemy patrol car.
Dorma is kidnapped and asked to join the resistance which she steadily accepts.
Original Japanese:
All the foot soldiers are organic.
Consequences. Consequences everywhere.
A good portion of one note characters die.
Adapted Shows:
Stun guns. Stun guns everywhere.
All the foot soldiers are robots.
Bonus Voltron season 3:
King Alfor's ghost can bend the fabric of space. He can also shoot lasers without a gun.
Nanny lives.
Pidge has formed murderous intent towards the castle mice.
Fifth castle mouse.
Commander Cossack a.k.a. Cossack the Terrible.
Lotor drinks something called a mean potion that increases his meanness.
Queen Merla.
King Deus Ex Machina Alfor.
Lotor gets put in jail and has his allowance revoked.
"You don't know Zarkon like I do." -Lance, 1985.
Bonus Bonus Fleet of Doom:
Chip is taller than Pidge.
Hunk is buddies with Modac.
Wolo and Lance used to lightly "bully" Cliff.
Keith and Jeff are competitive with each other.
6 year-old Keith got lost in a forest.
Haggar has two wolves within her (not literal wolves).
*Not sure what the confirmed spelling is but I did my best to spell it like it sounds.
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