#vote blue. dammit!
nap13ppy13 · 5 months
This should tell you something
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short-wooloo · 5 months
I cannot overstate this enough, but with the threat of trump and project 2025, there is GENUINELY a chance that this year's pride month could be the last...
I want y'all to really think about that, think about it when you hear or think "I'm not voting" or "both sides are the same
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dchan87 · 3 months
People on this site will get rightfully worried about Project 2025 and then disregard the best way to prevent it from happening.
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tribblesoup · 7 days
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I voted for a candidate who was less than perfect
Some policies I don't like might go into effect
Some online friends are mad at me
I got called angry names on Tumblr
Most damning of all, I think I can live with it.
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kingtrash-fox · 1 month
To anyone living in Swing states Like PA or something:
My entire household thinks that Harris is Dangerous and don’t think that Trump won’t start a damn Dictatorship!
Please do research, and remember all the bad shit Trump did in his first Run for Presidency
I don’t want the US to become a new hell on earth
For Everyone on this planet
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
So it's been revealed that Joe Biden is staying in the face and I wanna say something to these weak spineless Congress Democrat and these spineless Democrats I've seen in the last two weeks.
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Now given the recent polls (Even though I don't like to go on polls, what really matters is what happens in November):
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And I estimate the number for Biden will go up with the general public finding out more about Project 2025 and Trump's involvement to it (not to mention those furry hackers revealing CHINA AND RUSSIA are funding that bullshit project) but I just wanna say, should Biden win in November NONE of you turncoat traitors DESERVE to get credit for Biden winning.
You let some washed out movie star (George Clooney) and some piece of shit network CNN dictate and try to turn on Biden? ESPECIALLY with all the GOOD he's done in for the country? ESPECIALLY with getting a more diverse Whitehouse congress along with all the stuff he did for the LGBTQXIA+ community?? You guys are some WEAK ASS LOSERS and you guys belong with MAGA tbh. Go hang out with pieces of shit like the Hodgetwins, Amber Rose and etc. Leave the REAL Democrats to back Biden because he is the ONLY PERSON standing between a psychotic madman who wants to turn us into North Korea, Russia, Pakistan, Iran and other fucked up places in the world.
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justmenoworries · 28 days
"NoT eVeryONe wHO's aGAiNst vOTIng is a BoT!11!!"
Might as well be, the way you're actively working to bring the worst case scenario.
"I have a right to my opinion!"
You do. And I have the right to tell you your opinion sucks and you're an idiot too far up their ass to see what you're tacitly supporting. You wanna spread anti-voting propaganda? Fine. But don't whine when you get called on your bullshit by the actual adults in the room.
As for the rest of you
Vote Damnit!!!
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memoryaqua · 1 day
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Only with a blue wave Will Lady Liberty be saved This November take the dive Stop Project 2025
The attempt at poetry is by yours truly.
I hope to draw an original piece featuring this diddy.
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killervelveteenrabbit · 2 months
A reminder to all that you've got no reason to sit this one out if you're LGBTQIA+ or love someone who is.
You think you're safe because you're not trans? It is to laugh. Once they've stomped them down in the dirt, they'll come for you next.
You've heard of people voting with their wallets? This election, vote with your junk to keep this junk out of the White House.
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vincent-marie · 2 months
Online influencers who tell you not to vote for Biden have just as much to gain from him losing as the mainstream media outlets:
Clicks & clout for posting online about how much it sucks to live under fascism.
As opposed to not having anything to complain about during the comparatively calm monotony of recovery.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
If I see anyone blaming Biden for student loan forgiveness being struck down I'm gonna lose my shit
Because if you think this is Biden's fault, you're a vapid fucking dumbass
The republicans have fought against loan forgiveness from the start
The republicans filed lawsuits against it
The republicans took it to scotus
And the republican controlled scotus is the one that struck it down
Biden did not have the power to just snap his fingers and make student debt go away, the office of the president is not a king
And don't you fucking dare say anything about "bIdEn CoUlD hAvE eXpAnDeD tHe CoUrT"
60 votes, the Democrats have 51
Biden and the Democrats are not to Blame here, it's the republicans, it's fucking always the republicans
Vote blue in 24, vote blue no matter what, every election
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dchan87 · 3 months
Vote for Biden/Harris anyway
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He ain't lying tho....
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sunshine-tattoo · 11 months
Can DC artists (and fan artists too for that matter) PLEASE stop drawing Bruce and Clark so similar?
One, its just lazy art to have every dude be a chiseled square-jawed gym bro with an eight pack.
Two, it makes differentiating them in the panels a pain in the ass.
Three, there are much better ways to draw them where the only similarities are dark hair and blue eyes. Make them contrast dammit!
long muscles and a rangy body built for stealth
sharp jawline and features, think a bird of prey
weirdly pale skin because that bitch never sees the sun
steely eyes in both expression and color
very long fingers and legs
black hair is straight and a little jagged
emphasis on geometric shapes and sharp edges
when in costume hes terrifying
out of costume hes a vapid supermodel
think early 1900s circus strong man
muscular in a chubby way because body fat keeps muscles from breaking
lots of very rounded organic shapes
big pecs and biceps
brown skin from years of being outside
eyes are unnervingly blue when not hidden by glasses
black hair that is very curly and bouncy
when in costume he looks strong and powerful but still gentle and approachable
when out of costume he has Dad Bod and has been voted "Most Huggable" by the Daily Planet staff several years in a row
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calissarowan · 7 days
Duman: Hello, people of America! I called this press conference for a very important reason! And no, it’s not just so you can all watch me beatbox again, though that was fun. I’d like to introduce you all to my new vice president! My friend Ogron encouraged me to hire her!
Reporter: Mr President, how did you get elected without a vice president?
Duman: Let’s not drag ourselves down with continuity. Anyhoo, Stella Allbright, everyone!
Stella: Whattup, America? Now, first of all, I was thinking: White House is so last week; let’s paint it blue!
Bloom, watching from home: Dammit. I knew Ogron was gonna get me back for voting for Duman. Well, only one thing for it.
Sky: Leave it alone?
Bloom: *hysterical laughter*
Bloom: No. This of course means war.
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