#vox Machina x gn reader
seb-reads31 · 7 months
Could you write some scenarios where the Vox Machina ladies are trying to listen to their Artificer S/O explain their invention, and just not understanding a word they're saying?
Tw's - me hinting that the reader is a caffeine addict,
Type - head canons
Genre - fluff
Comments - Awww, this sounds cute 🥹🥹 I'll try and work on the other Vox Machina series I started I swear 😭 (this is a gn!reader) let me know if you like the dialog or if it doesn't sound right, decided to try something 🤷
Uh.. That's very nice dear..
- Keyleth, my sweet baby, understands nothing
- She's sitting in a chair or on your bed in your little makeshift workshop, oggling at the contraptions and gadgets all around the room
- She tries to pay attention as you explain your newest invention.. uh.. she knows what it is just give her a second-
- She mostly nods along, trying to keep up with you while you're going a mile a minute, you had obviously had stayed up far too long and drank too much coffee
- She does ask you to repeat several things, but she loves it when your eyes light up when she finally clues in and understands a bit more
- Some things she won't ever understand completely, but she's happy with knowing you're happy with your rambles to her <33
"Hm? Oh- uh, yes! I'm still listening! Just.. uhm.. could you explain this part to me a little better? I uh, didn't get it fully.. hehe.."
- She sort of understands?
- She knows enough from Percy getting on a tangent or needing assistance with his gadgets that she can understand your half awake-half caffeinated rambles
- She might even take notice of something that might cause your invention to fail and will point it out
- Or she might not, just to see it poof and see how goofy you are lmao
- But all in all she is probably the best to ramble to
- She definitely looks for parts you mentioned you needed or thinks you might want/need while they're adventuring
"Yes, love, while this new trinket of your looks very great, this component here will cause it to misfire. Hmm, maybe I should be an artificer? That would certainly be handy."
- Kinda like Kiki, she has no idea what you're talking about
- She does, however, take great interest in your inventions
- She even asks you how to make something, like a music box to start with
- She loves learning about your craft and she adores the happy glint in your eyes when she first asked you if you could teach her
- She loves learning, she's a little nerdy even though she seems super stronk on the outside
- She obviously doesn't make the music box right the first couple of times, but she doesn't let it deter her!
- When she does finish it and tests it, she secretly enlists Scanlan's help to make a little music sheet to run through the music box
"Hmmm.. Hey, starlight? Can you help me with this part here? It doesn't want to fit and I'm a little afraid to break it, hehe.."
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simping-overload · 1 year
Hey so if you have any interest or ability to, can I ask for Vax'ildan x reader x headcanons from The Legend of Vox Machina? If not thats completely okay, I'm just super obsessed with it rn :)
Sorry for taking like a whole ass month to get to this🥹 work and school is taking up a LOT of my time, also ngl i fr I watched all of season 1 and some of season 2 bc of this.
Also, if anyone's willing and able, please consider donating to my kofi! I'm trying to save up so I can pay my vet expenses for my fur babies. Thank you!
Vax loves holding hands with you, often intertwining your fingers together, swinging your hands back together as you walk.
He likes it when you brush his hair. If he's tried enough, he could fall asleep to how soothing it is to him.
If you know how to braid hair, he'd wear them with pride. Totally brags about it, too.
He likes doing things with you, whether it be hiking, swimming, cooking, sparing, and so on, as long as he's with you. He's content.
Vax is a fairly protective partner, granted yes he trusts you to take care of yourself. However, he can be a tad overprotective, especially if you're fighting monsters and such.
He is a massive cuddler. He doesn't like going asleep without you. He has no preference on what position as long as he can feel you. He's happy.
He likes going on picnics. The calmness of just relaxing and eating in an open field without worrying about fighting monsters or demons is very nice. It's a plus if you bring some wine.
When you do get together, Vex is a little tough on you. She just wants to make sure you won't hurt her brother in anyway shape or form.
He likes kissing, like a lot. Good morning, kisses? A must, random kisses during out the day? Also, yes. Doesn't mind giving you a few smooches in public either.
He is fairly good with boundaries, so if you're uncomfortable with something, make it known, and he will accommodate it with no problem.
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railroad-migraine · 1 year
In honour of Legend of Vox Machina coming out, can we have a Percy x (fem/gender neutral) reader with the prompt "You feel like home to me." Maybe reader also lost their home (or they were from Whitestone too)
'Welcome Home'
-> Percy x GN!Reader
Notes: Angst and fluff, hurt comfort. I started writing this piece in January 2022. As of June 2023, I have now watched TLOVM. Sorry it took a while Anon, but I wanted to save your lovely request for when I eventually got into Vox Machina 💙 Can be read as platonic or romantic
~ Poet
It wasn't meant to be like this.
Things had not gone to plan. What was the plan, you say? That is debatable depending on who you'd ask.
To start, Vax was unfortunately spotted skulking around the enemy's camp. That then lead to small confrontation, one that he'd be fine to handle all by himself, one where he was suspiciously poked and prodded at innocently, but Keyleth instinctually stepped in to save him - thus getting the whole party involved and quickly overwhelmed. It was manageable until the exact moment where Grog lopped off the head of one of the bandits.
To put it simply, all hell broke loose and it all went to shit.
However, in the end, when the bandits lay dead and smloldering by the campfire, it was a victory for Vox Machina.
A victory, maybe. But not quite a win.
Wounds were in need of tending to, and Pike was far too exhausted to treat everyone. Camping in the woods did not seem to be the best option, the trees offering little cover, and neither did the cliff face nearby. Frustrated, tired, hungry - voices raising at each other prickled the hairs at the back of your neck and you knew you had to step up. To be the adult.
"There is a village," you start, but no one chooses to listen, your voice just another one in the argument.
"There is a village," you repeat, a little more firm and insistant, and the others begin to withdraw, eyes falling onto you, "not far from here. I- I didn't mention it before because it doesn't belong on the map. Not anymore, at least.
"We can go there, set up camp, sit down and just shut up for a few hours," you sigh.
Most of the party look hesitant but Scanlan raises a brow and shrugs with an easy nonchalance that you envy. "If you say it's safe, I'm down."
It wasn't meant to be like this.
"It is." You hope. "I promise.
Percy watches you carefully, the fading light of the Sun behind him casting shadows on his face, sharpens his already sharp jawline even further until it cuts into his coat's collar. Something dangerous in his expression. "Lead on, then," but he doesn't sound convinced.
And so you lead your friends to the home and earth that once nurtured your childhood, the very same that you abandoned all those years ago in favour of adventure.
You were still young. Like a child, scarrless, soft, green and new to the greater world that waited for you beyond your doorstep.
It wasn't meant to be like this, you think as you fall to your knees, taking in the grim sight before you. It's hard to tell what exactly happened, whether the homes had been raided and intentionally burned down, or if it had been a simple accident and the townspeople luckily fled somewhere safe.
How long had it been since you left home? What seemed like yesterday were many, many months for your people, and anything can happen in that time apart.
But you never expected to be returning home to a graveyard.
It wasn't meant to be like this.
"I'm sorry."
You sniffle and quickly wipe your nose with the sleeve of your shirt, choking back a bitter laugh. "Percy." He pulls his mouth into a straight line, a grimace of sorts. "You can be a thorn in my side at times, but why should you be sorry?"
He shifts his weight on his feet. "Because... because it's what people might have said to me when I was in a similar state. I'm not sure if it would ever have made me feel better, but I suppose it shows some level of... respect. Condolences. Comfort, sometimes. Or so I've heard."
He pulls his coat tighter around his torso, the bite in the air unforgiving even as you mourn for your childhood home while your knees press into dirt. You risk a glance up at his face, and his forlorn expression shatters your already broken heart. He feigns a weak smile, and ducks his chin in sympathy. "It's not for everyone, I suppose."
It's a cold comfort as your grip on the ashes of your home loosens, and slips through your fingers, like sand lost in the wind.
Percy says your name, clear and grounding, and you manage to tear your gaze from what's left of your history. "Look at me." You crane your neck to look to where he looms over your hunched form. "Home is a feeling... I know that more than anybody."
Slowly, so slowly and gentle as if caught in slow motion, he crouches down to meet your height. He appraises you for a hesitant moment, then reaches out to wipe a tear that trails down your cheek, one that you had accidentally neglected. It smears across your skin smoothly, leaving a clean line in the thin layer of dust you had acquired since the battle and trek over here.
He looks at you softly, and you nearly sob from the incredible amount of emotions you feel all at once. You grip his hand like a lifeline and press it into your face so that you can lean into the comfort he's providing, and a shudder washes over you at the warmth radiating from his glove.
Percy nudges your chin up with his free hand, and you have no choice but to meet his watery eyes.
"And you feel like home to me."
In that moment, you know you feel the same for him.
[posts this and RUNS]
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
May I ask for headcanons for Grog, Scanlan, Percy and Vax with gn shy s/o pretty please?
Shrinking Violet
Quiet and shy, you've caught the eyes of the men of Vox Machina.
Grog, Scanlan, Percy & Vax x Reader
Fandom: The Legends of Vox Machina/Critical Role
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: N/A
Gender-Neutral Reader
Whoever sends me a proper Percy request next is going to have my hand in marriage. -Finn
Grog has never been shy in his life. It often just doesn't occur to him to be nervous about talking to people. He has things he wants to say and do, so why would he not?
It creates an interesting contrast with you. His booming exuberance compared to your quiet restraint. There's a joke in the party that between the two of you, it averages out to the perfect usual amount of speech.
Grog wants you to feel comfortable around him! He understands on some level that people are often quiet around him because they're scared or intimidated, and he really doesn't want you to be.
You're definitely able to notice that Grog is gentler with you, trying to pull you out of your shell without scaring you off.
The extra obvious tell is Pike trying to very nonchalantly tell you about how Grog is totally chill and you can just talk with him! She isn't the most subtle of wingmen.
He has little restraint and even less shame. He will say anything that pops into his head, no matter how awful it is. Speaking to him will inevitably leave your ears burning.
Scanlan thinks it's kind of cute that you're so shy and makes a game out of getting you to laugh at his jokes and talk without seeming so nervous.
Seeing you when you're happy enough to forget how nerve-wracking social interaction is, melts him. The first time that he made you properly laugh, like a full, loud, straight from the chest laugh, he was left a little dazed.
The innuendos actually get worse. You don't brush them off with snark the same way most of the party does, and he absolutely capitalizes on it to double down on flirting with you.
Percy has a hack for social interaction and it boils down to being rich. He leans into the 'I am important and smart and well-spoken' part of his personality and it gets him what he wants. So even when social interaction is overwhelming, he can just default to that.
So, naturally, he teaches you the finer points of it to help you talk when you need to. He lets you practice with him and only laughs when you start making fun of him.
He is a big fan of leaving crowded situations to go work in his own space, and he will offer you the chance to come with him whenever he does. You just have to hold tools for him while he works.
If you're in a situation where you're stuck talking with strangers, he develops a habit of sweeping in with a convenient reason for you to leave the conversation. It satisfies something deep in his chest when he gets to play your knight in shining armor.
Vax'ildan, king of charming his way behind closed doors. He is pretty solidly at ease in conversations, and when he isn't, he can certainly fake it.
He'll tease you about how shy you are, he finds it adorable and he likes pushing to see how far it goes.
That doesn't mean that he allows other people to tease you or push is though. He will make them fuck off the moment you look uncomfortable.
As a kid, he was shy and nervous, but it has been a long time since he had to watch everything he said. He doesn't want you to feel that talking is going to get you in trouble. As much as he can be an ass, he genuinely wants you to be comfortable with him and the rest of the party.
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oneoftheextras · 2 years
pairings: percy de rolo x gn!reader / vax’ildan vessar x gn!reader
request: headcanons for percy & vax with touch starved gn s/o?
warnings: none, no spoilers for the campaign or show
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percy de rolo:
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It takes him a while to notice at first.
Percy, the gorgeously brilliant man that he is; is oblivious when it comes to being attentive to you.
His brain wanders to various different places, all the ways he can improve his inventions, but he misses the way you stutter when his hand brushes yours while explaining blueprints.
Or so you think.
He doesn’t entirely miss it. He makes a mental note of it and keeps watch for any more reactions that would help him draw a conclusion.
The answer only really hits him -quite literally- in the face when Vox Machina are fighting a mountain giant.
The giant’s club hit the ground with such force that the ledge you’re close to starts to crumble.
Percy immediately see’s what is going to happen before you even have a chance to register the club hitting the floor.
He snakes his hand around your waist and pulls you into him and away from the 500 foot drop.
His hand his strong against you. Protective. Afraid to let go.
But his heaving chest quickly calms when he sees you shyly averting his gaze and shifting in his grasp.
There were no words to describe how it felt to be in his arms, but the dopey smile on his face explained that he understood.
He uses the crook of his free hand to tilt your head up to look at him.
“Watch your step” he smiles as he lowers his mouth to meet yours.
From then on, he made sure to give you affection, even if it was a small touch to let you know he was there.
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vax’ildan vessar:
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Unlike Percy, Vax fully knows you crave his touch and thrives in knowing you want him.
He uses it to his advantage, purposely going out of his way to not let you touch him, always returning the interaction with a sly smirk and a knowing look in his eyes.
It’s infuriating, but it only makes you want him more.
At first you’re determined to catch up and make him pay, but the rogue is just too damn fast.
One night you almost catch his hand after dinner but he swipes it away at the last second with an ‘uh-uh’ and a wag of his finger.
He enjoys watching you start to get desperate for him.
Watching and hearing you whine and beg for his touch with your eyes.
Until you start to torture him back.
You purposely undress in front of him, knowing he won’t be the first to break, he’s too damn stubborn.
You hear his breath catch from the other side of the room and you smile inwardly knowing you have his attention.
This continues for a few nights until he finally snaps.
You don’t even get to do your nightly routine for him before he has you pinned to the bedroom wall
One hand on your cheek, the other holding your hip and his face unbearably close to your lips.
You inhale each other’s breath for a moment, then he airily chuckles “well played” and caves, kissing you passionately.
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@mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law @hereticpriest @enagmaticether @anxiousgoddest @kodzu-ken @moonnei @diesinspanishbcimhispanic  @fvckmeupyoonz @homosexualjohnwayne @notplutos @moth-baybee @answer-the-sirens @ochakoakabane
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laceswan · 1 year
Fic Recommendations <3
Stray Kids
1-am, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff-@northsoulss
Closer than Friends, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff- @dreamescapeswriting
Invisible Ties, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluff- @starseungs
7:30 pm, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, so much fluff- @dreamyyeosang
Lipgloss, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @hanjisick
Movies, photographer!Kim Seungmin x model!gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @comet-falls
Wanted if Forever, Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, angst, fluff ending, hurt/comfort- @miel-ji
(Untitled Christmas headcannons), Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, fluff- @sunboki
Dense, Bang Chan x fem!reader, angst- @sunwoowrites
Yeah, Flowers Follow, Seo Changbin x florist!fem!reader, fluff- @catiuskaa
Breakup HCs, Maknae line (hyung line is linked) x fem!reader, ANGST- @dazed—xx
Soft hours tag @rachalixie
Stray Kids Fic Rec List @insidetheravens
(Untitled first kiss drabble), Choi San x gn!reader, fluff, mild spice- @bubblyyeonjun
i'm glad i have you with me, Choi San x fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, childhood friends to lovers, slow burn- @mybelovedwoo
Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Hidden Messages in Foreign Languages, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @applebutter-and-cinnamon
Sleepy, Regulus Black x gn!reader, fluff- @queerpumpkinnn
so tired, Regulus Black x gn!reader, hurt/comfort- @gilmore-angel
Falling, Regulus Black x fem!ravenclaw!reader, fluff- @ardisia-florence-james
Kissing with Regulus Black would include, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @angelblacksmith
The Brothers Black, Regulus Black x fem!reader, slight angst, fluff- @sufferingstarlight
A Snake and his Little Bird, Regulus Black x fem!sunshine!reader, some angst, hurt/comfort- @robynlilyblack
Regulus Black Masterlist- @messers-moony
Deadly Favors, Theseus Scamander x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @spideyharrington
The Legend of Vox Machina (Critical Role)
(Untitled proposal fic), Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @saphirered
Floriography, Percy de Rolo x fem!OC, fluff- @leopardfang15
In the Glade, Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @finn-writes-stuff
Your Soldier, Knight!Takami Keigo x Princess!reader, Royalty AU, fluff- @livlivlivliv
Crimson and Cloves, Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader, Hanahaki AU, angst- @gcpards
(Untitled drabble), Shinsou Hitoshi x gn!reader, so much angst, major character death, fluff ending- @alienaiver
Iida Tenya Masterlist, CONTAINS SOME SMUT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED- @lovinkiri
HQ Masterlist- @215-luv
HQ Imagines Masterlist- @arhvste
(Untitled drabble), Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @kentolove
Touch-Averse, Sakusa Kiyoomi x fem!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ending- @watevermelon
You Look Pretty When You Do the Laundry, Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
I Need to Talk to You, Akaashi Keiji x fem!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
JuJutsu Kaisen
Sweet Love, Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @haruchuiyo
Kitchen Charm, Domestic!Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @itsfairly
rich bf nanami headcannons, Nanami Kento x impliedfem!reader, fluff- @kiyoily
Star Wars
If Only pt. 1 (part 2 is linked), Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!reader, angst- @make-me-imagine
(Untitled breakup drabble), Poe Dameron x gn!reader, angst- @never—doubt
The Arrival of the Pilots, Poe Dameron x gn!reader, mild angst, fluff- @gawaaine
Insomnia, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @junkdrawerfics
Heartbeat, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @3vergr3en
Squid Game
Eliminated, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @sweetenercode
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x fem!not korean!reader, fluff- @sophiewritesworld
The World Will Suffer, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, angst- @philomaay
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @saebyeoked
Real People
when you fall asleep, Chris Evans x actress!reader, fluff- @imyourbratzdoll
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ꕤ | Love Languages | TLOVM Headcannon
— VOX MACHINA : TLOVM x gn!reader
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✩ 𝙋𝙊𝙎𝙏 𝙄𝙉𝙁𝙊: headcannon, 623 words little wholesome headcannon about each character’s receiving love language!
vex’halia — you would have never guessed at first, but she’s enjoys physical touch quite a lot. elbow grazes, playing with each others hair, fixing clothing— vex’halia uses whatever excuse she can to put her fingers on you. she needs that reassurance, sometimes, that you’re there. soft kisses from her usually find their way from your lips to your neck, and she loves it when you return the favor with some teeth.
keyleth — you realize quickly that she seems particularly responsive to compliments, praise, and verbal affirmations. the response is usually a deep blush over her freckled face that you love so much. she looks adorable like that, so once in a while you pull her by the shoulders into your heat and whisper “atta girl, that’s right. you make me proud,” just to see her absolutely melt into you bubbling with incoherent sounds of flustered embarrassment.
vax’ildan — like his sister, he appreciates physical touch quite a bit. he’s enjoys brief touches though, as he’s not one for long periods of hugging or hand holding. but he enjoys the little kisses you give him as you walk by, and the way your hands squeeze his shoulders when he’s anxious. he particularly loves the feeling of your nails on any part of his body, though— you’ve learned that slow scratches in the right places are enough to keep him seated or laying around you for an extended while. you like to keep him in bed with you on lazy mornings with this technique.
scanlan — scanlan really enjoys quality time, actually. he likes to take you places, on dates and things, to show you new sights or to sing a song for you. he likes hanging out with you alone as much as he likes hanging out with you with everyone else, but he thrives off your attention. his heart swells when you sing along to his songs, almost as if you know them by heart, and he’s also written you countless ballads that he sings or hums to you every time he gets.
grog — grog is also pretty big on physical touch, but he’s huge on gifts. he keeps any little trinket or gift you give him in a little pouch that hangs by his waist, hoarding them until it gets too heavy sometimes and he has to leave a few home for safekeeping. then, he spends a whole day deciding which to leave home because they’re all so precious to him because they’re from you, and he wants to keep them with him all the time. it takes a few bear hugs and reminders that you’ll always be right next to him to give him more gifts before he can relax.
pike — pike is an acts of service kind of gal— she notices and is subtly appreciative of your love. you fold her clothes and leave it at the edge of the bed once, and after saying a thank you, she walked into the kitchen to make you a cup of your favorite tea or coffee. another time you cleaned her everlight shrine, and she was beaming for days after, boasting happily about the comfortable space and claiming that her connection with the everlight was stronger than ever.
percy — percy enjoys quality time a lot, particularly so he could still do work in his workshop. often times, you’d be in the room sitting somewhere with him in his peripheral as you read a book. besides the sounds of clinking metal as he tools with his pepper box, it’s quiet— quiet and peaceful. but he likes to be able to look up and see you there, oftentimes. your presence calms him whenever he felt the pull of orthrax.
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staratie · 1 year
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kinktober 2023
i’m going to participate in @chestharrington ’s Lazy Ghouls’ Kinktober! all writings are nsfw.
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week one: lovemaking
fandom: the legend of vox machina
pairing: percy x f!reader
week two: phone sex
fandom: stardew valley
pairing: haley x gn!reader
week three: exhibition/voyeurism
fandom: one piece
pairing: sanji x f!reader
week four: free use
fandom: the mandalorian
pairing: mando x f!reader
bonus: costumes
fandom: stardew valley
pairing: sam x f!reader
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pubbybutch · 1 year
May I request Vex, Pike, and Keyleth with a GN S/O who is kind of an idiot? Like they're stupid strong but if something complex is being discussed you can just see the thousand yard stare and the stupid grin as they imagine themselves doing literally anything else? And, being more brawn than brains, they have to bail them out of their bad plans. Who wants to fist fight a dragon? I DO!
VOX MACHINA X Dumbass (affectionate) Reader Head Canons
Thank you very much anon for your ask, I’m sorry this took forever! 💚💚💚
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Vex always knew that the lights were not all on upstairs, and she knew it would bite the entirety of Vox Machina in the ass. 
The first night she really realised how extreme your lack of common sense is, has you pitted against two half-orcs with some ties to some big thing in Wildemount (you didn’t quite catch whatever it was they said), two against one and with both your opponents skilled and highly trained fighters the outcome was plainly inevitable.
 So now here you sit, slumped over a chair, Vex rubbing your back soothingly her deft hands easing your breathing as you recover from being winded, a fierce punch to your stomach having completely squished the air from your lungs and was that pain in your side a broken rib? 
That's the first time Vex really notices. But now she knows how your mind works or perhaps doesn't work, she just sits and waits for you to fuck up enough to call to her for help or to fall onto the stool next to hers.
After ANOTHER repeat of your shenanigans, she ends up recruiting Vax to aid her in carrying your exhausted and very passed out body up the stairs of the parties tavern of choice and getting you situated on a bed.
Vex opts for the windowsill. She always does when this happens. Letting you take the bed to hopefully help in the recovery process and lessen the effects of tomorrow’s guaranteed hangover. 
Sleep doesn't come easy as Vex jolts up at every unconscious groan that escapes your lips as you turn in your sleep and pain popping up due to the movement. You dumbass, of course you wouldn’t win. Complete dim-wit, her dim-wit.
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Looking on at the mess that you had managed to create in the kitchen of Greyskull Keep was exactly when her suspicions were confirmed. Suspicions may not be the right way to describe it, despite how much has flown over her head in the past Keyleth was nearly certain that you were as reckless as… well something that was big and reckless and maybe just a little bit idiotic. 
And the penny finally dropped in her mind.
She has often tried and failed to hold you back from a fight after someone (usually some pretentious elven dickbag) bad-mouths her in the street, resulting in a fight that can only be described as completely avoidable.
Keyleth supports as much of your weight as she can when you get knocked out, attempting to get you out of the fray as quickly as possible, but she can barely drag the two of you behind a crate in a side alley.
You can almost always count on coming back to consciousness while Keyleth is doing her best to stop the swelling on your eye and trying to make sure your not bleeding internally.
She is so goddamn concerned for you, please stop scaring her like this.
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At this point Pike accepts that anytime you head out for a day of merrymaking (aka getting fucking black-out drunk in a tavern or two) she’s gonna be exhausted and have no spells left before you even get to sundown.
When you go unconscious, which is only inevitable, Pike always beelines towards you regardless of what is going on around her. Ignoring or brushing off any hits she may get in the process, she tanks through to get to you as quickly as she possibly can.
Even if she gets down to her last little cure wounds you can be guaranteed that she’ll save those spells for you if she can (much to the dismay of one Scanlan Shorthalt, his grumbles and annoyed mutters of ‘those should be my spells…’
As soon as you’re stabilised and safe-ish, you’re slung over her shoulder and Pike clangs her way through the destruction and chaos of the street-turned battlefield outside the pub, pushing past and far enough away so that you’re safe. Ignoring the shouts of Percy's pained yelps as his pepperbox explodes in his goddamn hands and Minxie doing her best to swipe a giant paw across someone’s torso, Pike always tries to get you outta there if she can.
Avoiding resurrections is of utmost importance when it comes to her sweetheart.
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I'm a writer and I haven't really posted any of my stuff one here but I've decided to start taking requests bc why tf not.
Fandoms I will write for:
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
The Amazing Digital Circus
Murder Drones
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Vox Machina
Doctor Who
Invader Zim
Things I will write:
Canon x Canon
Canon x Reader
GN reader
F reader
M reader
Past/mentioned rape/non-con
Thing I will NOT write:
CURRENT rape/non-con
Necrophilia (dead x dead is ok)
Thanks for reading! Feel free to send me requests.
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Headcanon or fic of the first time Keyleth spends the night with male! Reader please👀
Hi! I’ll admit, this is definitely short, but I hope you like it. I did 2nd person so it’s kinda gn, but I hope this works. This was my first try kinda a going for a headcannon like thing, so I really do hope this at least meets your expectations. Also, it’s sort of just a whole thing of fluff. So, yeah, enjoy ☺️.
She looks really cute lying in bed. She has the worst imaginable bed head and is sort of drooling on your pillow.
She stole all of the blankets and consistently snuggles further into the pillows.
She looks really peaceful, so you just lie there watching her. It’s nice to see her relaxing, she has so much anxiety from the pressures of her family.
You lie there for a little while playing with her hair. She moves closer to you, enjoying the little bit of affection your giving her while she’s asleep.
She wakes up eventually. She looks at you and smiles immediately. You both stay this way for a bit. You gently reach out to touch her cheek, and she places her hand a top of yours.
Both of you move closer together. You hold her close to your chest and just lie there together. You hold her hands as your arms wrap around her. She squeezes them comfortingly.
You smile and kiss the top of her head and she then kisses the palms of your hands.
“This is nice,” Keyleth says.
“Yeah, yeah it is,” you reply back.
You both stay there, together and happy, in infinite bliss of what is to come.
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seb-reads31 · 4 months
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Tw's - Cursing (I'm still awkward with cursing in my fics), a lot of murder talk 😭, angry vex, mean Vex and Vax dad, threats, corrupted religion talk sort of, crying (?)
Type - fic
Genre - Hurt/comfort
Comments - PART 2‼️ This is gonna be set in the Fey realm when you meet the twin's father 😋 AND OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK 😭😭😭 This deadass took me like, 3 days to write after trying to ignore it to the best of my ability cause I didn't know how to go about it, but here it is finally 😭 (up next is probably gonna be Vax. Him or Kiki)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (coming soon)
Demon worshiper, or redemption seeker?
It was about 9 in the evening as you creeped outside of a humble hut in a village, canvassing the area for any guards or restless souls that could see the crime you were about to commit.
It was easy, sneaking into the house, there was no form of lock on any of the windows or doors. “Careless, naive, damn near idiotic” clouded your thoughts while crawling through the window into the hut. It was supposed to be a simple in and out mission, like the ones before this. Sneak in, locate the target, kill him, then leave in the cover of night and collect the other half of your reward.
First part done, now you just need to find him. You shuffled through the hallways, quiet as a mouse, until you heard heavy footsteps. Bingo.
The footsteps fade away slightly, signaling that he was going the opposite way of your position. Time for step 3, kill him. Sneaking up behind him, you barely noticed his long, elven ear to twitch before he swung around and caught your hand before you sunk your blade down into his back.
Panic immediately sprung through your brain, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you tried to push the blade down with all your might. During the struggle, you managed to push him against a wall and knock into a table in the hallway, the corner of it pressing against his side, the pain splitting his focus from pushing away your blade causing him to lose some distance, and losing more as you finally got more leverage.
As you pushed the man further back into the wall, you saw a glint of something reflecting from the moonlight on the table in his side. It was.. a photo. The man, a woman, and two.. children. Oh gods, he was a father. You were paid to take away a husband and a father. You stopped pushing the blade down in your realization, the man following your gaze.
You slowly pulled away, kneeling down in front of the man. Tears start to pour down your cheeks as you take your hood off as you pull your mask down, revealing your scarred face. “Please, forgive me sir. I deeply apologize for trying to take you away from your family, and owe you so much for nearly doing so.” You look up at him, tears welded up and cascading down fiercely. He thinks for a moment, then crouches down to your level. “I won’t report you to any authorities if you do two things for me, understood?” You nodded quickly, silently begging him to tell you.
“Number 1. Leave your cult, and start anew. I don’t know of your past, nor do I care. The life of a Bhaal worshiper is disgusting, and unforgivable. You’re lucky I’m even considering letting you go. Number 2, you owe me a favor in the future, assuming we ever meet again. You are to do it no matter what it is. And I’ll be reasonable and not ask you to kill someone for me, I have no doubt you’ll refuse to do so after this. Now, leave. And let’s hope we never meet again.
Many years have passed since that day, and you’re so grateful for it. You got to make new friends, go on so many adventures, and meet your beautiful girlfriend, Vex’ahlia.
Your most recent adventure has become more so of protecting a big ass kingdom from coin and power hungry dragons, which led you with over half of your party in the fey realm. You all have had a very large roller coaster of emotions throughout this journey, a few of which have brought you and Vex together into a loving relationship. As much as you love her, you can’t bring yourself to tell her of your past due to the fear of losing her, leaving you riddled with guilt.
And that guilt was soon replaced with dread when you met her father.. The man you were paid to kill all those years ago. That’s why she and her brother looked familiar, they were his children, they were in the photo. And you knew it would only be a matter of time before he recognized you too. Your only way of hoping he didn’t recognize you was staying quiet.
Which didn’t last long, unfortunately.
You were standing between the chairs Percy and Vex were sitting in, who were discussing the twin’s father giving them safe passage through his newly transported lands in the Fey Realm until they left the walls, when he started to insult them and the journey you all have set out upon.
“You needn’t spin false tales of their exploits,” he held up his smoking pipe and examined it scrutinizingly as he spoke his next harsh words. “The very idea of Vax’ildan and Vex’ahlia standing up for the greater good is… well, rich.” And you had it, you impulsively raised your voice and spoke your thoughts. “I can’t believe you would say that about your own children, how heartless do you have to be to not see the good they’re trying to do for the entire country so YOU can go back home and not worry about being attacked by fucking dragons??” You glared at the man, a very familiar glare.. oh no, you drew attention to yourself, not to mention that you INSULTED the man you owed a favor to! You could see the recognition glint in his eyes, but he said nothing… Yet. He let out a small sigh, standing up from his chair, as he continued despite your outburst, “This is a trying time for all of us. Have you any idea the burden your sudden arrival has caused my family?”
Vax finally decided to speak up, walking closer to the man he was somehow related to. “We didn’t come for a reunion.” He stood just under his gaze but didn’t back down while he was below the gaze of the cold man, “And yet, here you are. Throwing around my name whenever it suits you-” “I despise your name.” Vex intervened as she saw the tension rising. “No, it’s fine.” She spoke carefully, pulling her brother away from their shared father. “No harm intended.” You tried speaking up again, not wanting her to just take the harsh words from her father, “but, he just said-” “It’s… fine.” She interrupted you, softly glaring at you to tell you silently to keep your mouth shut. However, you have a tendency not to listen..
“No, it’s not! I am not about to let your father disrespect you!” You didn’t really care about bringing her father’s attention to you at this point, but you were about to regret it.
“Oh? And what room do you have to talk, murderer?” The room went quiet, a shudder ran down your back as you suddenly remembered the favor he has yet to cash in, and you have a feeling on what it’s going to be..
“What? Love, what does he mean?” Vex is confused, and now her father is due to the nickname.. Welp, this is about to be a shit show. “Love? You really call this.. Disgusting creature love? Will you still love them if they were to tell you about their past?” You froze, your heart beating in your ears. He was grinning, for the first time since you arrived, you knew what that grin meant, shit.
“Go ahead, show her that horrendous mark on your body. Consider this me cashing in my favor from all those years ago.” Vex looked between you two, wondering what the hell was going on. Vax was about to ask what their father meant until you revealed the mark that was once hidden on your body, and the room falls silent again… Percival is the first to speak. “Is that.. the mark of Bhaal, the god of murder.?” He spoke carefully, covering his mouth as his eyes grew wide, matching Keyleth who was next to him, gripping her staff tightly.
“What.. in the loving FUCK do you mean god of murder Percival?!” Vex glares at him, then.. you. “Don’t tell me you.. Killed people to worship some hellish god! And what does he mean by ‘cashing in my favor’, tell me!” She grabbed you by your collar, pulling you close to her. Tears pricked your eyes as you finally told her the last thing you never wanted her to learn about your past.
“I-I.. I used to worship Bhaal.. And I accepted a commission from someone in a different section of the cult to kill your father when I was younger, the same age as you. I didn’t because I saw a family photo of you, him, your mother, and Vax. I finally realized that I was paid to end the life of a man with a family, Vex. He is the man who spared me from imprisonment and gave me the push I needed to leave the cult. Please, forgive me for not telling you.. I wanted to tell you, I swear! I was just afraid you would hate me, or leave me if I told you. Please just understand that-” “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT.” Vex yelled in your face, the tears that welded up in your eyes finally falling down your face as you saw the absolute anger and betrayal across her face as she lets go of your collar and storms out of the room muttering curses. You don’t follow her, knowing she needs time to calm down and process the absolute bomb you dropped on her, and your friends.
“You.. kept that from all of us, because you were scared?” Vax spoke in a low tone, almost daring you to answer, but you tried anyway, knowing you deserved it from keeping something so big from them. But before you did, Percy answered for you, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Yes, they did and for a good reason. They changed, and left that cult, and chose a path of redemption because they felt so bad about the lives they took. And yes, while being part of that cult is normally a very large issue, none of us know how they came to be a part of the cult in the first place. You need to understand that.”
Vax huffed, his glare softening just the tiniest bit. “That doesn’t excuse the fact that you hid this from my sister the entire time you’ve been together with her. Not to mention from all of us during our travels together,” he walked towards you, just like he did with his father, and pressed a finger to your chest. “And you better tell them when we find them again, or I will, and it won’t be pleasant for anyone.”
Vax left, assumingly to comfort his sister. Keyleth and Percy looked at each other, then pulled you in close to them. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Vex will come around.” Keyleth tried to comfort you, maybe give you some hope, but you couldn’t help but feel guilt and anger bubble up inside of you. Guilt for not telling Vex sooner, and that she had to find out this way. And anger for how she found this out, that she wouldn’t give you a second to genuinely explain yourself.
After.. that, you all met outside in an incredibly awkward atmosphere. You receive the scroll that gives you safe passage through the elven town, until you leave the walls. But as you received the scroll, another argument ensued, and on accident the twins taught their newly found out sister the words “fuck you.”
Anywayssss, you finally meet up with.. What’s his name again?? Uh.. Starts with a G.. GARMELIE, we both totally knew what his name was. You all found him writing outside of the town waiting for you. While he was talking with part of the group Vex walked off, sitting on an abnormally large mushroom, restringing her bow. You thought for a moment, but it only took a mere second of looking at her sad face for you to gather enough courage to go over there and genuinely talk to her without her yelling.. hopefully.
You sat a fair bit away from her, wanting to give her physical space incase she wanted you to leave. She looked up at you with a small glare, but all you could see was the sadness in her eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I wanted to, I thought about it every night I went to bed, anytime you said you loved me, when someone told a story from their past. I just.. didn’t want you to hate me, or to leave me.”
Silence engulfed the both of you, as she worked on stringing her bow a bit slower, showing that she was listening to you. With that in mind, you continued. “I was.. born into the cult, my parents being extremely loyal to Bhaal, and only teaching me how to kill quickly and silently while I was growing up, then teaching me how to read and write. I went on my first ‘religious quest’ when I was about.. 8. Then I kept going till I was 14, when I met your father for the first time. You don’t have to forgive me for this, or forget it, just know that I love you and never wanted to hurt you during all of this.”
She stayed silent, speeding up slightly when you finished telling your story. You let out a sigh and decide that this is your que to leave, until she stops you. “I’m upset, yes, but I don’t hate you. Yes, you should’ve told me sooner and not have me find out from my own father, but, you told me nonetheless. How it came about is obviously shitty, but you kept your word to him, and normally people wouldn’t admit to it over a favor from years ago. You kept your word, even though you knew the damage it would cause, and I thank you for that.”
She finishes her bow, then looks over at you and smiles. Vex reaches a hand out and places it on your cheek, stroking it softly. “I still love you, that won’t change for a very long time. Thank you for telling me your story, love.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 years
Can I request gn wizard reader x vox machina where the team witnesses getting pissed off in battle and suddenly lets loose a fireball? What would the team's reaction be?
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A/n: I genuinely didn’t know what to do for most of their reactions and came up with half assed ideas.
Normally you would enter most conflicts with a clear mind and straightforward objective of not fucking dying and or over exhausted yourself. However watching as the people you’ve come to begrudgingly call your comrades, your family, your friends being thrown against nearby walls by dark mages and warlocks or overwhelmed by blood hunters and paladins of the sort. You naturally grew more and more pissed off as the one sided battle continued and begin to feel the burning sensation of anger within your veins that stung pleasurably; growing ever stronger where as a flicker of flames began to grow between the open space between your palms till a fully formed fiery projectile the size of your hand and width of your palm embedded itself within the chests of your enemies.
Burning the flesh form their faces and a sickening scent of burning human meat lingered in the air to make anyone nearby gag on the smell or alternately release the contents of their stomach within the bushes on the outskirts of a nearby forest. Their screams lingered as the flames consumed them in their entirety, charring their remnants in a disturbing charcoal based art piece across the incinerated campsite that was their base of operations whilst the last of the flames flickered from existence like the life you snook from their breaths. Silence befell the field as the haunted and pained blood curdling screams could still be heard within your ears like that of ghosts whispering. The battle was over but the vivid memories of fire stretching up to meet the night sky would always remain as a hauntingly beautiful sight with grim and gruesome undertones.
Though he’d most definitely make himself a mental reminder to never piss you off if he wished to stay alive. Now regretting every time he took the piss out of you without a second thought that you could’ve possibly been a mere moment away for incinerating his obnoxious ass in a moments notice. He saw similar displays of strength from the likes of Keyleth and Pike but it never failed to level the half elf astonished and a little speechless.
Other then that Vax would found it quite haunting when the opposing side was suddenly engulfed in flames as It may or may not have reminded him of where he was at the time of the annihilation of his home thanks to the dragon. It brought back memories he didn’t want to remember. The vision of the field as far as his eyes could see was nothing but a sea of fire.
She’s been nothing short of a massive supporter in your training and advancements in magic, having been the reassuring voice or reason whenever a spell backfired or wasn’t coming to you as naturally as others would. So when she witness you come fully into your own it only reinforced her views of you being one of the best wizards in all of Tal’dorei.
In her mind no one could compare to the power you possessed. Though she had to run for cover when on of the projectiles nearly singed her arm in the process. It was cool and beautiful in one hand but deadly and dangerous on the other. Though rarely did she ever see you get pissed as much as you had then and there it was terrifying to know that beneath that cool exterior was a being capable of becoming a threat and warning to all to never dare cross. After the battle it would be as though she was walking on eggshells with you so you would become enraged again. You were scary when you wanted to be.
Another one who the potential within you way before you did. Percy can be encouraging when he wants to be as seen with Keyleth and how he’d saw potential in her. Percy could tell from the coterie of magic you had that you were only holding yourself back, almost as though you were downplaying your own abilities and skills to the point that you refused to believe you had what it takes to become stronger. Intentionally ignoring your talents in favour for acceptance from others.
Percy saw the flickers of frustration across your face as you were battered by the opponent, and as though the fire raging within was too much for you to handle, that was when the fire escaped and found a new home within the chests of the charred corpse of the enemies. It wasn’t like he could tell you to fucking contain yourself during battle if anything he would rather you expel the access magic within before a more dangerous scenario were to rear it’s ugly head.
Having a proud mother moment.
On a serious note she would find it quite daunting as the rest to find the furious look within you eyes as you burned the enemies without remorse. The sight of your anger was enough to silence anyone but to witness it take a form of absolute hellfire was another thing entirely. She too knew you had what it takes to become a great wizard. One many would talk about even after your gone.
Pike would in all honestly be thankful that she wouldn’t have to over do herself with healing everyone as that would only leave her a vulnerability and defenceless against any surprise attacks. She was thankful that she could focus of taking down any that somehow survived the fire which was highly unlikely and put her attention towards other matters.
Just like Vax I think she too would be unfortunately reminded of the tragedy that struck her home. Fuck just the scent of burning flesh that lingered in the air was enough to remind her but the fire only added onto that. The sounds of their cries didn’t help make things easier at all.
She would oh most defiantly would prefer a warning the next time you were to pull something as dangerous as that again though she would have to thank you because if it wasn’t for your sudden actions Vex was pretty sure most of Vox Machina would’ve been injured if not worse if you hadn’t acted. Even though she can handle herself just fine. Help is always appreciated.
Would be all pissy that you took away the kill he intended because that’s how Grog is and would probably wonder why you didn’t just do this shit earlier, save everyone the hassle but would probably have the idea of thinking his body could withstand the fire before Pike would have to intervene with common sense.
Shitting himself. Yep his pants are soiled and he’s also regretting every name he’s ever called you in the past and would probably try to conceal his fright by acting overly boisterous of having yet another powerhouse in Vox Machina and would probably turn this into one of his Ballard of how the wizard viciously destroyed the enemies with his aid of course!
He’d scream like a little bitch if even the tiniest of flame licked his boots over thinking at the aspect that he too was gonna be engulfed in fire as a means of getting back at him for everything he’s done. He was too hot to be on fire! He would even sing your praises as comeuppance to the point it would be unbearably obvious that he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of your anger.
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thekingthatwrites · 3 years
Request Rules
Please read these rules before requesting anything! If you do not, and send me an ask beyond my rules or against them, I will be blocking you.
Scroll to my master list to know who and what I will write for!
Do know that sometimes I do get tired of writing, so if I just stop writing then I will get back to doing so as soon as I can, please be patient with me.
I will get to requests as soon as I can.
I do write x readers but I do not feel comfortable with writing x female readers. I will only do x Male and x GN readers but mainly GN.
If you have a specific request then please make sure to give me the details I need to write what you want me to.
This is all for fun, as I want people to enjoy my writing, so if you’re unhappy with something I write then Im sorry.
You can also request me to try and write a character from media that I have listed and I will try my best. 
I will do x reader, as said before.
I will also write oneshots for just the characters as well.
I will also do character ships just ask!
You can also ask for more than one character
Podophilic ships
x Oc
Nor Abuse
Fandoms I write for:
Fullmetal Alchemist
Genshin Impact
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Five Nights at Freddys Security Breach
Identity V Detroit Become Human Bungou Stray Dogs
The Owl House
The Legend of Vox Machina
The Adventure Zone: Balance 
God of War: Ragnarok
Hermitcraft/Life Series
Characters I write as:
Encanto Camilo Madrigal (Main) Bruno Madrigal Mirabel Madrigal
FMAB Greed (Main) Ling Yao Edward Elric Envy
Undertale Sans (Main) Chara Frisk Papyrus Asgore
Homestuck Karkat Vantas (Main) Jade Harley Dave Strider Roxy Lalonde Rose Lalonde Tavros Nitram Eridan Ampora Feferi Peixes Gamzee Makara Nepeta Leijon Kanaya Maryam Sollux Captor Vriska Serket Cronus Ampora
Genshin Impact Aether (Main) Venti (Main) Noelle Childe Zhongli Xiao Kaeya Diluc Thoma Beidou Xinyan Scaramouche
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Sunnydrop  Moondrop Glamrock Freddy 
Naib Subedar William Ellis Norton Campbell Mike Morton Luca Balsa Ganji Gupta Antonio Paganini  Robbie White (Platonic Only) Detroit Become Human
Connor Nines Gavin Reed
Bungou Stray Dogs
Dazai Osamu (Mafia and Ada)  Atsushi Nakajima Chuuya Nakahara  Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
The Owl House 
Hunter (Main)  Gus Porter Willow Park Amity Blight Luz Noceda Raine Whispers King Darius  The Collector 
The Legend of Vox Machina
Percival De Rolo Vax Vex Scanlan Shorthalt
Steven Grant Mark Spector Peter Parker (Tom Holland)  Doctor Stephen Strange Tony Stark
The Adventure Zone
Barry Bluejeans Lup Tacco Taako Tacco Kravitz Magnus Burnsides Lucretia Davenport Angus Mcdonald (Platonic) Lucas Miller  Duck Newton Minerva Aubrey Little Ned Chicane Dani Indrid Cold Amber Gris Devo La Main Oksana
God of War Ragnarok
Kratos Atreus Sindri Tyr Thor Baldur Fryer
Hermitcraft Impulse Skizz Grian Scar Tango (?) Bdubs Etho (I Can TRY some others)
Thank you for reading!
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finn-writes-stuff · 1 year
Hello :) I must admit I've been binge reading your content. I was hoping I could request a Percy (Vox Machina) x gn reader where he gets very worried when reader either nearly sacrifices themselves for him or they take a risk that he didn't think was necessary? 10/10 worried perce is adorbs but i also feel guilty o.o 👉👈 ngl I live for when he be stressing and overprotective lmao. Poor Percy needs a vacation.
I Need You
Percy hadn't let himself care for someone this much ever since he lost everyone. How had you managed to change that?
Percy de Rolo x Reader
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina/ Critical Role
Format: Oneshot (1550 words)
Content Warnings: Fairly light descriptions of injuries, and an argument between Reader and Percy. Talk of potential deadly harm, as this takes place after a battle.
Gender Neutral Reader
Consider the image of Percy on vacation in one of those Hawaiian shirts and big sunglasses. Also I do not apologize for the amount of Pike. She is everything to me<3 -Finn
"Now, I know reckless in a fight," Pike said, carefully wrapping a bandage around the deep wound on your leg. "I have been reckless in a fight. But that? That was not reckless. That was stupid. And stupid will get you killed out there! And then where would we be?" 
You knew her well enough to recognize the concern under the scolding, even as she wrapped the bandage a little tighter than necessary to punctuate her point. You felt bad about letting her look after you even after she had burned the last of her spell slots, but she hadn't been keen on taking no for an answer after getting a look at the injury, dragging you to your room in the keep. According to her, it was a miracle you’d gotten back to the keep at all on that leg after the battle. Even when you insisted you could wrap it yourself, she waved you off. Too kind for her own good with a party like this. Sometimes she was the only thing keeping you all from running headfirst to your demises. (Or at least yanking you all back when you tried.)
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Pike. I just couldn't let Percy take the hit instead, he didn't see it coming, he would be worse off than I am now." You smiled at the cleric, shrugging your shoulders sheepishly. Pike didn’t look all that impressed, but you knew she understood. 
His gun had jammed in the middle of the battle, a familiar flaw of its mechanisms. But instead of teasing your lover about it like usual, you had seen an attacker lunge at him as he let his guard down. He was a ranged fighter, nothing should have been allowed to get that close in the first place. Of course, he dropped his guard for a moment. In any other fight, he would have been fine to unjam his gun while ducking back from the battle. 
It sent an uncomfortable chill down your spine when you imagined what might have happened if you hadn't been so close. Throwing yourself in the way and fighting off the creature had landed you with a blindingly painful wound on your leg and likely a couple of bruised ribs if the ache that came with breathing was anything to go by. It had been stronger than you'd expected, and getting hit with the flat of a weapon may have been better than the edge, but it still hurt like a bitch.
"Both of you were being stupid. If I see that happen again, you'll have Grog patch you up instead. And he hasn't quite gotten a handle on his bedside manner, yet." 
Laughing hurt, but It was good to know Pike was relaxed enough to joke. Meant that you probably weren't dying. 
"Pike! Are they-" Percy bolted into the room, looking for all intents a wild man, before stopping in his tracks at the sight of you. A load of tension dropped from his shoulders, but only for long enough for him to register your injuries. You knew you looked pretty rough. In all fairness, so did he, his white hair shot through with wisps of gray from gunsmoke and the black powder always left on his gloves. He must have been running his hands through it, if it’s messy style was anything to go off of. 
"Hey, Percy," you said softly, doing your best to offer a reassuring smile. It must have been closer to a grimace with the concerned noise he bit off  in response. There was something a little heartbreaking about the open stress and worry in his eyes as he stepped forward, hesitating to touch you. He so often had his emotions in check, that seeing them so openly on display felt unfair to him. You grabbed his hand, squeezing it a moment, and the contact seemed to pull him back out of his thoughts. 
"By the gods, what were you thinking? Are you insane? You could have gotten yourself killed! Who just jumps in front of an attack like that?" He wasn't quite yelling, wouldn't yell at you in your own room, but the panic set into his voice was more than a sufficient substitute. 
"Percy, it's not like you were dodging it, you would have been hit instead." You made an attempt at answering reasonably, trying to calm his worries, but if anything, it only made it worse somehow. 
"Then you should have let it hit me instead of throwing yourself at a blade! If it had hit you at a different angle it very well could have gone straight through you! Were you thinking at all?" He had dropped your hand now, pacing a circle in your room. 
"I was thinking about how you were going to get hit. Is it such a crime to look out for you?" 
"At the cost of yourself, yes!"
"I'm not going to sit and watch you get hurt if I can do something about it!"
"And make me watch you nearly die instead?"
Pike spoke up before you could say anything, pushing herself to her feet. "Both of you. Quit it." She was obviously both annoyed and exhausted. You and Percy both wilted under her tone as she turned to look at you. "That was a stupid and dangerous move today. Don't pull that again. Percy, Don't yell at someone who saved you, you sound like an asshole. They need to rest, so shelve your argument for later." 
The wind had been taken out of his sails, leaving him standing back by the wall, thoroughly chastised. "I, yes, of course, Pike."
"Don't walk on that leg today, take it easy," Pike said, looking back at you. "I'll be back in a couple of hours to double-check on you, but I need some rest. I'm plumb out of energy." 
"Don't worry about it, Pike, I'll be alright. Thank you." 
"Good. Now both of you, if I hear anything about you two arguing again, I'm setting Keyleth on your case." With that, she patted your shoulder and swept out of the room. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, Percy glancing around your room rather than meeting your eyes. He seemed to be debating on what to say, or maybe whether to follow Pike out the door to be out of your hair. 
"I apologize. I shouldn't have been so harsh with you. Especially not while you're injured. I didn't- I, well." Staring fiercely at his feet, his apology was stumbling. There was something endearing about it, in the way there always was when he extended a branch of vulnerability. "I was worried about you. Seeing you get thrown to the ground after taking a hit for me was...terrifying, to say the least."
"Oh, Percy," you sighed, beckoning him over. "It was pretty fucking terrifying to see you about to be hit, too." 
He walked up to you, stopping in front of you and kneeling down so as to look up at you instead of towering over you. "I...can understand that. I simply don't want you getting hurt on my behalf. Or at all, really."
"Wouldn't that be lovely? Being adventurers who never get hurt." You reached a hand out, resting it softly on his cheek. He leaned into your touch, and you could see through the worry to the affection underneath it. "I don't want you hurt either. If today didn't make that obvious."
"I know, dear, I do." He nodded, turning his head to press a kiss to your palm. It was achingly soft, like he was still afraid that you would break. You wouldn’t, but the gentle nature of his love still squeezed your heart. "Could I at least look after you while you recover? This is my fault." 
"Don't be an idiot, I moved of my own free will. But, I wouldn't deny some extra time with you. And I'll need the help if I'm supposed to stay off my leg." 
"We can discuss who's at fault tomorrow, love. Tell me what I can do to help?" There was an exasperated fondness in his voice, the familiar pattern the two of you always fell into. It was soothing after the sharp tension of before. 
"Just hold me? We could both use the chance to relax, I think." 
He let out a breathless chuckle, nodding and reluctantly pulling back from your gentle hold. He wasn't fragile either, not like glass ready to break. But you couldn't help but want to treat him with care, the same way he treated you as he carefully helped you lie down in your bed, shedding his coat to slip in beside you and draw you into his arms. 
There would be more fights to come, there would be more injuries and arguments, and worries. But if after them all, you could both be okay enough to end up like this, it would be alright. Your face pressed against his shoulder, his hands steady on your back. You could be safe here, together. 
As your heartbeats fell into synch, you gently pulled off his glasses, setting them aside. It made it easier to lean in and kiss him, slow and tired. 
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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seb-reads31 · 1 year
Could you write some headcannons about Vox Machina finding out their Oath of Redemption Paladin S/O used to be a Bhaal worshiper?
Tw's - SPOILERS, mentions of death, being assigned to unalived a child, betrayal, I'm going all out on this one so beware of a lot of death and unaliving people so that's just a general thing here 🧍, mentions of manipulation, a power corrupted priest, lots of unaliving words, kinda rushed at the end but I'll probably rewrite it later 😭
Type - Head canons technically but they're basically bullet pointed stories 🥲
Genre - Angst with comfort
Comments - THE FIRST VOX MACHINA ASK 💞💞 Of course nonnie 🥹 Let the research commence✨ From my research is that the S/O will be somewhat like Pike except that they will avoid actually unaliving people unless absolutely necessary, so this'll be interesting~ Let's just say that your secret was revealed while Vox Machina spoke with Osysa in season 2. Also, after realizing just how long Percy's was, I decided to split them all up-
Devil worshipper, or redemption seeker?
- Percy has his own secrets, everyone knows this. But he shares almost everything with you because, and only because you're his partner
- And he wants you to share your secrets with him, as long as you're comfortable with sharing.
- Your darkest secret, the one you planned on taking to your grave was revealed by the Sphinx, Osysa.
- You could do nothing as she saw through you, to the deepest darkest parts of your soul when you once worshipped Bhaal and was willing to do as he said without hesitation
- She announced this to all of your friends, the people you cared deeply about and never wanted them to know about your past, but Osysa had to ruin that, didn’t she?
- Percy was still trying to wrap around was Osysa said to him before he questioned what she said to you, not fully believing what Osysa said, but knew she wasn’t lying when he saw that petrified look on your face.
- He felt betrayed, hurt, unsure of who exactly he fell in love with, who he’s shared his deepest secrets with, you were once a devil worshipper..? And a killer.?
- He didn't want to believe it, you were the kindest person in their band of misfits, the first one to try and deescalate a bar fight, the one to bandage anyone injured after said bar fight, hell you even try to negotiate with enemies even though you knew how badly it would end.
- So how could you, of all people, have worshipped Bhaal at some point in your life? He wanted to ask so many questions, but he was overcome by betrayal and slight anger that he just remained silent, the voices of his friends talking to Osysa melting together into a mind numbing buzz as he thought about the many reasons you might've kept this to yourself.
- Eventually, after entering the underwater tomb he asked to speak to you alone, and for you to come clean about your past. And you did You explained how you were once an assassin, a killer, a heartless monster who only wanted to worship a god who was corrupt, and the day you finally left that cult.
- You were told by one of the priests that Bhaal wanted an innocent child taken care of. They were supposedly a "god killing" child, and was a threat to Bhaal's life. However, that wasn't the truth at all. You were suspicious due to the target being a child, so you decided to eavesdrop on a private conversation of the priest and one of the other devout followers and learned the truth.
- The priest had committed an act of adultery and wanted the bastard child out of the picture, all because it would ruin their reputation and status. Normally, you wouldn't have cared in any other situation, you had been assigned to kill parents, grandparents, why was a bastard child no one wanted different?
- You didn't know, nor did you care, but the only thing you knew in that moment as you stood there listening to the priest laugh about the child was that all you could see was red.
- Everything was a blur after that, but when you refocused, there was blood everywhere, and so.. so many lifeless bodies around.. all you could do was fall to your knees with shakey hands, and sob.
- You stayed there sobbing on your knees for around an hour before collecting yourself, and walking out of the bloodied temple in your equally bloodied clothes. You didn't know where you were going, but you knew you wanted to get as far away from the bloodshed you caused and quickly.
- After travelling aimlessly for a few days, you came across a small and cozy home. You hadn't eaten for days, only stopping briefly to rest because it had become too hard to walk, just to wake up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare, but you reluctantly walked up to the cabin and knocked on the door softly, but hard enough for whoever was inside to hear you.
- The door opened after a small feminine voice yelled back “Be right there!” Followed by small thumps, the door opened to reveal a tabaxi. She was patterned like a snow leopard and had the kindest smile on her face as she gave you a once over, that smile turning into a look of concern. "A-are you hurt? Come inside, let me check you for any injuries." You didn't even have a chance to say anything as she grabbed your hand and pulled you inside, making you sit at what you would guess was her kitchen table.
- "I'm gonna go grab some bandages and healing ointments just in case, stay right there, I wouldn't want you to make your injuries any worse." You were.. stunned to say the least. She had taken one look at you and wanted to help, she didn't care if you were a stranger who could take advantage of her kindness, she just saw blood and felt the need to help you, even though it wasn't yours...
- She quickly came back with 3 rolls of bandages and a couple bottles of ointments, setting them down before turning towards you with a soft expression on her face. "I got the bandages and ointments, now, I need to check your for any wounds or injuries.." You knew what she was implying, but you didn't want to, and it showed with your conflicted expression.
- She thought originally that you were either uncomfortable with taking off your shirt or just embarrassed at the thought, but after thinking for a bit longer, she realized that you weren't holding any of your limbs to stop them from bleeding, nor were you hunched over in pain..
- Then the thought that this wasn't your blood crossed her mind. She took a small step back, her ears folding downwards as her tail flicks slightly. "T-this.. isn't your blood, is it..?" She asked very carefully, preparing herself to run should you try and attack her, but all she was met with was sobs coming from you.
- She immediately went to calm you down, and once you did, you told her your story. She was shocked to say the least, but she didn't judge you. You were blindly following a god, not that it excuses you for killing people. All you wanted to do was please your god, like many others have done in the past.
- Once you finished, she pulled up another chair from the dining table to sit and think, and it was just for a minute, but that minute felt like hours, all you could hear was the thumping of your heartbeat in your ears. After what felt like ages, she finally said something. "I'm sorry you went through all of this. You never deserved to be manipulated, to carry out the wishes for a supposed god, only to be carrying out the sins of a corrupted priest."
- She took a deep breath after her small rant, then continued. "I know how to help you with your guilt, and how to relieve you if your sins, but it is a long and harsh path. I would know, I've taken it myself." She gave you that same soft smile from before, with eyes that understood the guilt you burdened yourself with. You gave her a questioning look, silently asking her to continue, and so she did.
- "It's called the path of redemption, it is a very harsh like I said before, but well worth it in the end. So, what say you? Do you wish to accept my help?" She held a hand out to you, one so inviting and kind that it would almost be cruel to refuse. So you took it, wanting to feel your sins lifted off of your back.
- After you took her hand, she gave you a delicious meal and bed, as well as a change of clean clothes for when you finished. "Tomorrow, we will start your training." You spent the next few years learning to forgive yourself, to learn how to help convince people to change their ways and join you on this path of redemption through words and not violence. Only engaging when absolutely necessary, and even then you were only to subdue them or restrain them.
- You looked up at the sky as you finished your story, not daring to look at Percy out of fear that you'll see a look of anger, rage, disgust. But he wasn't looking at you with disgust, rage, anger. He was looking at you with a look of sadness, understanding, and compassion.
- Sadness because he hated how you were nearly manipulated into dispatching a god killing child, understanding because he knows how it is to be manipulated, and compassion because he knew you had gone through so much in less than 24 hours and even tried changing yourself for the better, and even succeeded at it. Others would've cracked under the pressure of the training you went under and never would've redeemed themselves.
- Neither of you spoke, the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of the forest and your group of friends laughing and bantering by a crackling fire. You could feel your anxiety rise as you looked up at the dark sky, your mind racing as Percy just sat there in an uncomfortable silence.
- You were snapped out of your thoughts when Percy pulled you into a side hug, placing a hand on your head to lay it on his shoulder then started to lightly his fingers through your hair. You teared up slightly from the affection, not expecting it in the slightest after you had told Percy about the deepest darkest parts of your life.
- He knew you were a killer in the past, but he also knew that you had changed immensely since then. He didn't hate you for keeping this from him, the furthest thing from that. He understood why you kept it a secret, and promised that he wouldn't reveal your past to the rest of your friends until you were ready to.
- Eventually, the both of you returned to your group of friends who were bantering with one another. It was comforting, hearing them bickering amongst themselves.
- One day you'll tell them, and whether they choose to continue being your friend is up to them. But, you have a feeling that they won't care too much and will continue being your friends no matter what.
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