#vox machina x black oc
wakandan-flowerz · 1 year
Enter Neoma
A/N: This is the first fic I wrote for my Vox Machina OC. I fell in love with the show last year. I had been working on this privately and finally thought I’d share. I hope y’all like it!
Also like my old fics, this centers around a black woman
CW: Violence, cursing, character death
Grog obnoxiously yawned as the party walked through the woods on a cool night. “Are we there yet?” he groaned.
“Obviously not.” Vax said as they kept walking. “Are we even going in the right direction?”
“Of course, we are…” Scanlan said, sounding skeptical of himself as he rotates the map.
“Why did we even let him navigate us?” Percy grumbled.
“I know where we’re going! We should be almost there.” Scanlan said.
“You said that so long ago.” Pike said. “Let me see the map.”
“No way!” Scanlan said, holding his hand out to keep her away.
“Give it here, Scanlan.” Vex sighed, reaching for the map. 
“Get back, all of you.” Scanlan said, backing away. He gasped as he tripped over a root of a tree and tumbled down a hill.
“Can we leave him?” Vax sighed. 
Vex shook her head and motioned for the group to come along. The group made it safely down the hill with Grog choosing to log roll down. They saw Scanlan laying on the ground, staring off into the distance.
“Are you peeing laying down again?” Grog asked, crawling over.
Scanlan shushed them and motioned for them to get down. The group looked at each other in confusion. “What are you looking at?” Pike asked.
“Ssssh. I’m trying to enjoy the show.” Scanlan said. Percy rolled his eyes and kneeled with Scanlan, looking in the same direction.
“What is it?” Vex asked. Percy pushed his glasses up to see a dark-skinned woman kneeling on a rug with her hands on her knees, mouthing an incantation. She faced the moon, almost a smile on her face. 
“A woman, praying.” Percy said.
“I hope she’s praying for a hunk, because I’m about to answer those prayers.” Scanlan said, his mouth spreading into a grin.
“Scanlan!” Pike scolded.
“Wait, hush. You hear that?” Keyleth whispered, clutching her staff. The group stood, attentive as they heard loud footsteps. They watched as a giant in the distance walked toward the woman. 
“We should help her.” Vax said. 
“Against a giant?!” Keyleth said.
“She could need help.” Percy said, pulling his gun from his holster. The group ran down just as the giant came upon the woman. She looked up at him as he growled at her. The woman stood from her rug, reaching for her sword. 
“Is she about to fight him?” Pike exclaimed.
“Looks like it.” Vax said. They watched as the giant was about to swing it’s club at her, only for the woman to dodge it, rolling out of the way. She sprinted, moving her sword to her left hand. The giant turned, searching for her. He grunted in confusion as she ghosted behind him. The woman sliced at his Achilles’, cutting through with her sword like butter. The giant yelled as he was forced to kneel. 
“Looks like she’s got it, maybe…” Vex said, shrugging. When the giant reached for her, she ran up his arm, letting out a war cry and slashing the side of his neck. The giant fell to the ground, bleeding out. The woman slid off the giant’s bald head and dusted herself off. She sighed and returned to her things, but froze as she noticed the party staring at her. The woman snarled, flicking the blood off her blade and dropping her foot back to prepare to fight again.
“No, wait hold on!” Vex said, holding her hands out. “We were actually coming to help, but looks like you got him.” She laughed nervously. 
The woman’s face softened and she cracked a smile. “Ah, yes. I guess I did.” she said.
“Who are you?” Keyleth said.
“Oh, I’m Neoma…” the woman said. 
“Are you from the Inyangi tribe?” Percy asked.
Neoma cocked her head to the side. “I am. You know about us?” she asked.
“Iyanba?” Grog asked.
“Inyangi. A tribe of people who follow the Moon Goddess, Inyanga Ephezulu. But, they aren’t known to stray far from their own.” Pike said.
“Are you lost?” Vex asked.
“No, just wandering. Are you lost?” Neoma asked, curiously.
“No, we’re on our way to the town of C’Alto.” Scanlan said.
“Then you are lost, I fear. I just came from there, it’s that way.” Neoma said, pointing her sword in the opposite direction causing Keyleth to flinch. 
“Damn it, Scanlan!” Percy said. 
“Give me this!” Vax growled, snatching the map from him.
“I can take you back there if you like.” Neoma said, shrugging.
“Please, if you will.” Vex sighed.
Neoma nodded, smiling. She gathered her things, tucking her sword in the holster behind your back. She led the group through the forest, taking them to the city. “So Inyangis don’t stray? Why are you out here?” Vex asked.
“As I said, I’m wandering. We don’t usually get to see the outside world, so I left.” Neoma said.
“And your people were okay with that?” Percy asked. “From what I learned, your tribe is tight-knit. Only higher members of your society go through pilgrimages. And you don’t look like…”
“My mother and father were leaders of our tribe before they disappeared.” Neoma answered, solemnly.
“Oh, we’re sorry.” Keyleth said.
Neoma shrugged as she kept walking. “It’s been a few years. We still have hope they’ll return. Truthfully, I hope to find them.”
“So, uh…you got a boyfriend back home?” Scanlan asked, scurrying up to get next to Neoma.
Her brows furrowed. “No…” 
“So you’re available? Sweet.” Scanlan chuckled.
“No. I am not.” Neoma said. “Well, not for you anyway.” 
“What?” He said, raising an eyebrow.
“Us Inyangi choose partners and lovers based on physical and mental abilities. You got your group lost so I can’t say we’d make a match.” she said with a grimace.
“Now that’s just ableist.” Scanlan said, crossing his arms.
“Why? Because you’re dumb.” Vax joked. The group chuckled, following Neoma. An hour later, the woman walked the group through the gates of the city. “Finally.” Vax said.
“God, we can finally rest.” Keyleth sighed.
“We can finally drink!” Grog exclaimed.
“Easy big man!” Vax said.
“Neoma, you know the town…could you put us in the direction of a tavern?” Vex asked. “Join us for a drink as thanks?”
“Sure.” she said, waving them along. Neoma led them to a western corner of the town and walked them into the tavern. Neoma sat with the group, laughing at Grog and Scanlan. 
“So where were you headed when we came across you?” Percy asked.
“Wherever I want, really.” Neoma shrugged, running a finger over the rim of her mug. “Sometimes people need help here and there, other times I’m just wandering.” 
“So your tribe just let you leave?” Percy asked.
Neoma chuckled. “I didn’t really ask their opinions before I left. They all had their ideas and we closed ranks once my parents didn’t return. One night, I just packed up, left a note, and went on my way.”
“Do you plan on going back?” Percy asked.
Neoma sighed. “I should, I’m supposed to…seeing as I’m next in line to lead. You? Where are you from?” 
Percy sighed. “Whitestone…”
“I remember hearing about Whitestone. It was tragic what happened…” Neoma said, looking into Percy’s eyes. She felt a deep sense of grief in Percy. She studied the way his eyes dropped into his glass. “How young were you? When it all happened?”
Percy sighed. “Young enough that the nightmares don’t stop.”
Neoma nodded. “I understand.” An obnoxious laugh from outside and the ring of the bell pulled attention toward the door. The door swung open with a half-elf woman walking in with another crew of people. 
“A round for me and my friends!” the woman called out, waving her hand in the air. “Chop chop!”
Neoma looked at her wrist and her eyes widened. “No…”
“Something wrong?” Percy said, watching her stand up. Neoma shuddered, her breath staggered. Her eyes fixated on her wrist, the glint of the thick silver bands with a scripture on them. Her face twisted in agony and confusion.
“Neoma?” Vex asked, looking up at her. She as well as Percy looked in the direction that Neoma was. Entranced, Neoma stalked over to the woman, her steps heavy enough to break the wood of the floor. She stood behind the woman, her body rigid. 
“Can I help you, darling?” the half-elf woman chuckled.
“The wristlet…give it to me.” she said in a dark tone.
The woman chuckled along with her party. “Excuse me?”
“Take it off and give it to me…or I pull it off your corpse.” Neoma growled.
“Whoa, hey!” Vax chuckled. “Let’s not do this…” He put a hand on her shoulder. Pike stood up as did the others, rallying behind her.
“The wristlet…now.” she growled. The half-elf woman’s mouth stretched into a wicked grin. 
“Or what?” The woman said, reaching behind your back.
“Your options were already given. Choose now.” Neoma snarled.
“Neoma, dear. Let’s not do this.” Vex said, noticing other patrons looking on and glaring.
“You better listen to your friends, sweetheart. You don’t want a scuffle with me.” the woman chuckled.
“I’m going to paint the walls with your blood.” Neoma said as she reached for a gold cylinder on her hip.
“Hey!” the bartender yelled. “You get your arses out of here! No fighting in my bar!”
“Sir, please.” Percy said.
“Out, I said! Out!” the bartender said. “Or else…” the bartender stood up, his head nearly touching the ceiling. Scanlan audibly gulped.
“Yeah, let’s leave.” Scanlan said, nervously.
The half-elf woman snapped her fingers prompting her party to stand. She pointed towards the door, signaling them to leave. “Let’s go. I wouldn’t want to drink around dark trash anyway.” 
Neoma’s mouth stretched into a snarl as she started to lunge for the woman. Vax, Vex, and Percy reached holding Neoma back, struggling as she pulled against them. “Grog, help!”
“Huh? Oh!” Grog said. He wrapped his arms around them, lifting them up. 
“That’s not what we meant.” Vex said.
“Put me down!” Neoma yelled.
“You lot! Out! Go!” the bartender growled.
Grog carried Vex, Vax, Percy, and Grog out the door of the bar, followed by Scanlan, Keyleth, and Pike. He dropped them on the ground with Neoma landing on her feet and breaking out in a near sprint as they watched the other group disappearing in the dark edge of town. Percy grabbed her belt and yanked her back. “Let go of me, they are getting away!” 
“Neoma, stop!” Percy said.
“I said, get off!” Neoma said, spinning around and pushing Percy back. “Stay out of the way!”
“What’s with the gaudy bracelet anyway?” Scanlan growled.
“How dare you?!” Neoma growled at him.
“Neoma, please! Help us understand. Why were you so fixated on the wristlet?” Pike said.
“It was my mother’s!” Neoma cried. Her face contorted in pain as her eyes began to sting. “My mother…she always had that wristlet. It’s been in my family for generations…it belonged to our Goddess. It’s made from the same mineral as my tools. My mother was never without it, never! She never took it off, not even to bathe. It belonged to her, our family!”
“But if that woman is wearing it then…” Keyleth said, solemnly. The party looked at each other in despair, the night air turning cold. They looked back at Neoma whose eyes stared at the ground, teary, and her shoulders shaking.
“Neoma…I’m sorry.” Pike said.
“I’m going to get it back.” Neoma said as she turned away from them and started in the direction the group left in.
“Let us help you!” Vax said. 
“What?” Neoma said, turning to look at them in irritation.
“We can help. Let us return the favor for you bringing us to town.” Vax said.
“Taking on a group of vandals in exchange for being a tour guide doesn’t seem equal.” Scanlan said. Vex flicked his ear and gave him a scolding grimace. “But, sure yeah let’s do it.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Neoma said. “This has nothing to do with you.”
“It’d be wrong to let you go off alone. Not that you can’t handle yourself, but you helped us. We can help you.” Percy said, offering his hand to her. Neoma’s brow furrowed. She looked down at his gloved hand and back into his eyes. Her face softened from his sincerity. 
“Very well.” she said. “Let’s make haste though.”
With Vax tracking the party, the group came upon the vandals’ hideaway deep in the forest. It appeared to be a cave on the side of a small hill. “How do we know there’s no booby traps?” Scanlan asked.
Vax tossed a throwing knife at the entrance of the cave. A wire snapped causing a large log to swing through the trees in front of the entrance. “What’re the chances it’s the only one?” Pike asked.
“We could send the big guy. He looks sturdy enough.” Neoma said.
“Hey, I’m not turdy!” Grog whined.
“That’s not…nevermind.” Vex said.
The party made it past other traps and through the entrance of the cave. Pike and Keyleth led the way, shining light around the cave. Neoma walked shoulders tight and footsteps light. The group froze in their tracks at the sound of laughter and clattering. Neoma pulled the cylinder from her side and began to crouch and stalk to the source of the sound. Vex followed behind her with her bow and arrow ready. Neoma stuck to one side of the cave while Vex stuck to the other. They both spied two of the vandals. Vex made the first move, tucking the arrow back into her quiver and sneaking behind one vandal to strangle him. Neoma took the next assailant, the cylinder turning into a spear, knocking him unconscious as she swung the heavy handle at him. 
“Whoa, that’s…a lot.” Vax said. Neoma collapsed the spear and shrugged. 
“We need to keep going.” Neoma said. They carefully crept through the cave coming across a cot and chests of gold and other stolen goods.
“Jackpot!” Grog said. He was hushed by Pike as the others searched through the crates. 
“I mean, come on. We might as well make a killing off them.” Scanlan said, picking up a diamond necklace.
“Take what you want…I’m only here for what’s mine.” Neoma said, moving an arch covering and going still. “Sssh.”
The party froze and gathered at the arch. They heard the boisterous laugh of the female half-elf. She stepped into view, tossing a chalice. “I didn’t think we’d get so much off those last lads.”
“Think we should rob the idiots from the bar?” She chuckled.
“No, they’re too witless…that girl though. Seemed familiar.” the woman said.
“Seemed to be really into that wristlet of yours.” the other vandal said.
“Mmm, it looks to be more valuable than I realized…” she said.
“More than you know…” Neoma growled, walking through the arch.
“Oh look!” the woman chuckled. “The dark trash.”
“By the time, we’re finished with you, you’ll be less than trash.” Percy said.
“That one wasn’t very good.” Vex said.
“Not the point…” Percy whispered.
“You don’t want it with me, dear.” the woman said, pulling out a long blade.
“I told you that either you give me the wristlet or I take it.” Neoma said, pulling her sword.
“Come get it.” the half-elf woman snarled.
“Come along men!” the other vandal called out, prompting others to rush the group. 
Neoma made the first swing with her sword. The half-elf woman dodged and ran off. Neoma gave chase at full sprint. She pulled her spear, elongating both ends and throwing it in her direction. The elf woman gasped as the spear plunged into the cave wall, tripping over herself. She turned back to look at Neoma who lifted her sword and swung in her direction. The blade landed near her head, slicing through the rock. The half-elf kicked in her stomach, knocking Neoma back. She chuckled. “Maybe, I should take your sword to match my jewelry.” The woman stood, trying to pull her sword from the rock. Neoma stood, grabbing the woman’s hair and throwing her into the wall. Her hands wrapped around her neck, squeezing. The woman reached for an empty bottle, smashing it over Neoma’s head. She fell to the side, letting the woman go. The woman picked up her blade and ran down the hall. Neoma growled, gritting her teeth. She sprinted after the woman at an ungodly pace, throwing her spear in her direction.
Vax kicked the last assailant back. “Should we find Neoma?”
“Would she really even need our help?” Keyleth said. A scream rang out through the cave. The party rushed down the hall, sprinting in the direction that Neoma took. 
The woman staggered back, holding her ribs and coughing blood. She weakly held her blade up to defend herself as Neoma stalked closer, holding both the sword and spear. Her tattoos began to glow as did her eyes. She began to speak in a language unknown, causing the engravings in her sword to glow. “Wait, please…” the woman pleaded.
“Beg your gods when I send you to them.” Neoma said, her voice deep and echoing. She swung her sword, colliding with the half-elf’s blade. She thrust her spear into her thigh, causing her to scream out. The point of it, piercing flesh and splintering the bone. Neoma headbutted her, knocking her back into the wall of the cave. Her eyes shined brighter as she lifted her palm. The woman groaned as her wrist lifted. The bangle began to ring and the scripture began to glow. Neoma stretched out her wrist, letting the wristlet come to her. He slid on her wrist perfectly and began to hum. 
“You got what you want…let me live.” the woman said. “Take the loot, if you want. Just leave me.”
Neoma’s eyes continued to glow, she stood unphased. She lifted her sword and came down with a single swipe. The sound of the woman’s skull splitting echoed off the walls. The woman let out a single gargle then a whispery sigh. Neoma turned to look back at the members of Vox Machina. The glow of her skin and eyes darkened, and her shoulders dropped after yanking her sword from the now corpse. 
“Got yours?” Percy asked.
“Yeah.” Neoma said, flicking her sword to remove the blood and matter. She slipped her sword into the sheath on her back. She pulled her spear and collapsed it, tucking it back to her side. She glared at her wrist with a soft, yet sad smile. Once out of the cave, Vox Machina and their guest convened. 
“So you got your mother’s jewelry back.” Vex said.
“It’s more than jewelry. It’s a piece of our Goddess, our culture.” Neoma said. “It’s one of the last pieces of my parents…”
“You aren’t going to go looking for answers?” Percy asked.
“In my culture, we learn to accept what’s made clear. We don’t dwell in uncertainty.” Neoma said. “I may never know what exactly happened to my parents. When you found me, that was probably the millionth time I prayed to Inyanga for answers, for clarity. This may not be the answer I want…but this allows me to grieve, in the best way I can.”
“I’m sure it’s not going to be easy.” Vax said.
“No, it won’t…but no journey Inyanga ever gives is, which makes it all the more meaningful. I truly thank you all. You had no reason to help me and yet you did. If you ever need a favor and we cross paths again…” Neoma started.
“Actually…” Percy said. The rest of the crew turned to him, curiously. “Why don’t you come along with us? You aren’t going back home anytime soon. And while things can get a bit crowded…we could use another person.”
“Oh?” Neoma said.
“I mean, you can clearly hold your own and whatever magic you have could be great in a pinch. Why not?” Vex said.
“As long as you can drink!” Grog exclaimed.
“Hey, what’s the harm in adding another member to the crazy crew?” Vax said.
“It would be kind of nice.” Keyleth said.
“Everlight welcomes all, so why not?” Pike said.
Neoma studied their faces, the waves of sincerity caused a smile to etch onto her face. The wind blew, but instead of the night’s chill a warmth ran up her spine. She turned to the moon, a soft hum in her ears. She glanced down at her wristlet and smiled. Before they came across her, Neoma prayed for guidance. The fact that this group led her to find her mother’s wristlet told her what she needed. 
“Sure, where are we going next?” Neoma asked.
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kalolasart · 1 month
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How are they almost the same people? And their dynamics are so similar as well.
Screenshot from Vox Machina, which is my new hyperfixation
Percy and Vex are my new OTP from this show 💕
Also Vex's brother Vax is basically Gabriel in looks and character 😂
#vox machina bc edits
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laceswan · 1 year
Fic Recommendations <3
Stray Kids
1-am, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff-@northsoulss
Closer than Friends, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff- @dreamescapeswriting
Invisible Ties, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluff- @starseungs
7:30 pm, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, so much fluff- @dreamyyeosang
Lipgloss, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @hanjisick
Movies, photographer!Kim Seungmin x model!gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @comet-falls
Wanted if Forever, Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, angst, fluff ending, hurt/comfort- @miel-ji
(Untitled Christmas headcannons), Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, fluff- @sunboki
Dense, Bang Chan x fem!reader, angst- @sunwoowrites
Yeah, Flowers Follow, Seo Changbin x florist!fem!reader, fluff- @catiuskaa
Breakup HCs, Maknae line (hyung line is linked) x fem!reader, ANGST- @dazed—xx
Soft hours tag @rachalixie
Stray Kids Fic Rec List @insidetheravens
(Untitled first kiss drabble), Choi San x gn!reader, fluff, mild spice- @bubblyyeonjun
i'm glad i have you with me, Choi San x fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, childhood friends to lovers, slow burn- @mybelovedwoo
Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Hidden Messages in Foreign Languages, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @applebutter-and-cinnamon
Sleepy, Regulus Black x gn!reader, fluff- @queerpumpkinnn
so tired, Regulus Black x gn!reader, hurt/comfort- @gilmore-angel
Falling, Regulus Black x fem!ravenclaw!reader, fluff- @ardisia-florence-james
Kissing with Regulus Black would include, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @angelblacksmith
The Brothers Black, Regulus Black x fem!reader, slight angst, fluff- @sufferingstarlight
A Snake and his Little Bird, Regulus Black x fem!sunshine!reader, some angst, hurt/comfort- @robynlilyblack
Regulus Black Masterlist- @messers-moony
Deadly Favors, Theseus Scamander x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @spideyharrington
The Legend of Vox Machina (Critical Role)
(Untitled proposal fic), Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @saphirered
Floriography, Percy de Rolo x fem!OC, fluff- @leopardfang15
In the Glade, Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @finn-writes-stuff
Your Soldier, Knight!Takami Keigo x Princess!reader, Royalty AU, fluff- @livlivlivliv
Crimson and Cloves, Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader, Hanahaki AU, angst- @gcpards
(Untitled drabble), Shinsou Hitoshi x gn!reader, so much angst, major character death, fluff ending- @alienaiver
Iida Tenya Masterlist, CONTAINS SOME SMUT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED- @lovinkiri
HQ Masterlist- @215-luv
HQ Imagines Masterlist- @arhvste
(Untitled drabble), Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @kentolove
Touch-Averse, Sakusa Kiyoomi x fem!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ending- @watevermelon
You Look Pretty When You Do the Laundry, Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
I Need to Talk to You, Akaashi Keiji x fem!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
JuJutsu Kaisen
Sweet Love, Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @haruchuiyo
Kitchen Charm, Domestic!Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @itsfairly
rich bf nanami headcannons, Nanami Kento x impliedfem!reader, fluff- @kiyoily
Star Wars
If Only pt. 1 (part 2 is linked), Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!reader, angst- @make-me-imagine
(Untitled breakup drabble), Poe Dameron x gn!reader, angst- @never—doubt
The Arrival of the Pilots, Poe Dameron x gn!reader, mild angst, fluff- @gawaaine
Insomnia, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @junkdrawerfics
Heartbeat, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @3vergr3en
Squid Game
Eliminated, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @sweetenercode
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x fem!not korean!reader, fluff- @sophiewritesworld
The World Will Suffer, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, angst- @philomaay
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @saebyeoked
Real People
when you fall asleep, Chris Evans x actress!reader, fluff- @imyourbratzdoll
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
masterlist vii
Some links were going funky on my desktop so I’m adding a new masterlist to here so that it can be updated better
Tik tok tease 😈
Superman and Vash appreciation
Critical Role - coffee bae 💕 ☕️ //
Vox Machina - noble!reader // WEREWOLF PUPPY // taking care of them when exhausted // treating migraines // boys + period headcanons // you remember? // trouble in paradise // Birb Machina // reverse birb machina // Garmelie reveals through art // Grog romance // Vax and sweet bartender // Vax + childhood friend // you have beautiful eyes // close the door?? 🚪 // close the door 🚪 part 2 // day gone wrong 😅 // rizz them up ✨ // flying Treasure Planet style //
Song fic -Grog // song fic - (my) dandelion // song fic // Mothers Day - song - Percy // song fic - Vax angst //
Modern s/o series - different dance styles // bonding with Percy //
Mighty Nein - beach 🏝️ day // cuddle headcanons //
Song fic - Caleb // song fic - angst // song fic // song fic - outfield // song fic - 2 //
Bell’s Hells - song fic //
Crown Keepers - song fic + Dariax //
Ring of Brass - song fic //
Song fic for the ladies //
Castlevania - Hector A-Z NSFW // Dracula + fem!reader smut // drawing the boys // remember what they say // Alucard and his jealous lover // Alucard and art as a gift // got a black eye defending him // Isaac A-Z NSFW //
Marvel - Namor + nurse!reader // Guardians of the Galaxy fluff //
Star Wars 🌟- Poe fluff + Miguel //
Prey (2022) - Taabe smut //
Unicorn 🦄 Warriors Eternal - Edred headcanons // Aewulf HC’s //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon - horse riding with Aegon //
Ewan characters - Osferth and Tom //
Into/Across the Spiderverse - Miguel O’Hara fluff // biting kink headcanons // soft headcanons // angst headcanons // angst part 2 headcanons // sick headcanons // dancer!reader // touch-starved Miguel // Miguel and a shy reader // college boyfriend Miguel // fangs and claws oh my! 😍 // Miguel + parks & rec // incorrect quotes // Miguel AZ fluff alphabet // love nicknames // incorrect quotes + Gabriella O’Hara // good morning ☀️🌞// incorrect quotes part 2 // love me, choose me, pick me // Miguel Regency era // incorrect quotes part(s) 3-4 // wedding 💍 headcanons //
Assassin’s Creed - Connor Kenway fluff // AC OC Debut // Shay & Haytham + Assassin // Haytham NSFW // Desmond Mermay // barista bae ☕️ // Dad + kid just like mom // Haytham hurt & comfort // Haytham + hurt and comfort // love confession + “you” // Ezio birthday 🎂 headcanons // morning seggs + Haytham // codexmonthly - mirage // Ezio birthday headcanons part 2 // bath 🛁 headcanons 💕 //
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel 😈 - Crimson SFW and NSFW //
Blood of Zeus - Apollo x daughter of Nyx // pantheon smut // ares and Amazon!reader // dating Seraphim headcanons //
Legend of Zelda/ToTK - Sidon and his illicit affairs //
Dragon Age
DA Absolution - Miriam + kisses on face //
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kalolasfantasyworld · 5 months
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Multi fandom blog (Vox Machina, Klance ❤️💙 IwaOi 🩵🩵, Miraculous ❤️💚 and others)
My twitter, although I'm more active here
My Instagram with only chosen arts
My Tik Tok with animatics
Hi! My name is Lola.
This blog was set up to be my creative outlet, where I post my art, links to my writing and since I got to know some amazing people around here I interact with them ^^.
I'm a writer and an artist, both are very important to me.
This is mostly a Black Clover blog. I tend to circle around the Silva family (if my background art wasn't enough), but I love all of BC. 💕
I may organise events and then I could take requests. However I save myself the right to decline if I don't feel comfortable with a request.
One main rule: I don't tolerate hate here! No ship wars! No offending anyone! No toxic behavior! Let's be nice to each other and happy in our fandom.
I'm a multi shipper, AUs and OC enjoyer. Simply a dreamer 🫶
My ask box is open ^^ If you wish to know anything just ask
My main BC OC is Helena, who you see on the right of my header (her profile below) and she is shipped with Nozel. Below link to the canon compliant fan fiction about them.
👩‍💻 Writing
❤️ 💙 Paper Hearts BC universe - collection of works on Ao3 happening in the PH BC universe (collabs included)
Paper hearts -> Nozel x OC Helena fanfiction on Ao3, Wattpad
Paper Hearts explanation
Birdies (Silva next gens) one shots Ao3 1 2 3 4 5 6
Nozel is a closeted perv NSFW Ao3 1
⛸️ 🏒 Let's Puck Our Limits -> Asta x Noelle Black Bulls fanfic Cover Ao3 Wattpad
🏥 Against our own -> Nozel & Noelle & Nebra & Solid hospital heavy angst
KaLola BC Ships - Masterlist, Ao3
Excerpt ask game masterlist
⭐️ My Black Clover OCs
Character profiles:
Drazels: Helena, Luciana, awaiting an art and a profile: Gabriel, Maxim, Cecilia, Camilla, Patricia, Mateo and Antonio -> they will get a joint profile
The birdies (next gens): Natalia, Heinry and Noureen
Music witch (next gen): Hermione
Capital healers: Eric, Dina
Reference sheets:
Helena, Gabriel, Heinry, Noureen, Natalia
🎨 Some more memorable art:
Illustrations for some (let's say probably all after 14😂) chapters of #Paper Hearts (my fanfic) -> masterlist
cover 1 2 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 18.2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29.2 30 30.2 31 31.2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
#KaLola BC Ships art series masterlist
OC portraits season 1
❤️Cute Nozelena💙 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 tango!
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
Do you take requests? Are there any rules?
Hello! Yes, I do take requests.
I'll write;
Genres - Fluff, Angst, Crossover, Time Travel AU, Songfic, Isekai, Hurt/comfort, Character x Reader, HCs, One-shots, maybe a Mini Series, possibly Character x Oc, Character x Reader x Character, Love Triangles, Slow Burn
Fandoms I currently write for -
The Legend of Vox Machina
Once Upon A Time
The Witcher (game, series & books)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Steven Universe
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Shadowhunters (series, movie & books - I just finished the 2nd book so please no spoilers)
Black Butler (manga)
My Hero Academia
Spy × Family
Jujutsu Kaisen
Folk of the air
Pirates of the Caribbean
Thundercats (2011 bcs I haven't seen the 80s version yet)
Moriarty The Patriot
Bungou Stray Dogs
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Sherlock BBC
Doctor Who
Demon Slayer
TMNT (2003 and 2012 versions)
Gravity Falls
Stranger Things
Jurassic Park
Independence Day
Tim Burton movies
The Arcana
Inside Job
Blood of Zeus
Mia & Me
Maya and the Three
Beauty and the Beast
Transformers (Bay)
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse + Across the Spider-Verse
Good Omens
Howl's Moving Castle
Van Helsing 2004
Tales of Arcadia
I won't write; NSFW/Lemon/Smut (It'll only be implied), Incest, Character x Character, Pedophilia
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jcurneysend · 11 months
Pinned Post: [ WIP ]
Open Starters
Permanent Starter Call
Sprite Icons
[ Planning on: Easier Way to See The Muse List & Rules. ]
[ Planning On: Working on Muse Information ]
[ Planning on: Easier Directory Via Tags and whatnot ]
[ Planning On: Making a Proper Promo & Other things ]
Muse Information & Bios Directory: [ wip ]
Ancient Magnus Bride
Attack On Titan
Frieren Beyond Journeys End
Black Butler
Blend S
Blue Exorcist
Brand New Animal
Castlevania The Anime
Chainsaw Man
Code Geass
Darling In The Franxx
Demon Slayer
Devilman Crybaby
Fate Grand Order
Fullmetal Alchemist
Goblin Slayer
Highschool of The Dead
Inuyasha & Yasuhime
Jujitsu Kaisten
Komi San Can't Communicate
My Hero Academia
Mirai Nikki
Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid
My Life As A Villianess
Ouran High School Host Club
Oshi No Ko
Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Rosario Vampire
Rise Of The Shield Hero
Sailor Moon
Silent Voice
Soul Eater
Spy x Family
Studio Ghibli
The Promised Neverland
Toilet Bound Hanako San
Tokyo Ghoul
Wonder Egg Priority
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
The Owl House
Vox Machina The Animated Series
Lore Olympus
Ace Attorney
AI: The Somninum Files
Angels Of Death
Bad End Theatre
Baldurs Gate Three
Bioshock Infinite
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Catherine [ Game ]
Doki Doki Literature Club
Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem
Friday Night Funkin
Harvest Moon
Katawa Shojo
Legend of Zelda
Mad Father
Metal Gear Solid
Monster Prom
Mystic Messenger
Needy Streamer Overload
Night In The Woods
Octopath Traveller
Rain Code
Resident Evil 8
River City Girls
Rune Factory
Stardew Valley
Stray Gods
Sucker for Love
Super Mario
The Last of Us
Tales of Beseria
The Walking Dead Game
The World Ends With You
Undertale & Deltarune
Witchs House
Your Turn To Die
Zero Time Dilemma & 9 hours 9 Persons 9 Doors & Virtues Last Reward
And OCs tba
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hellooo, I am looking for a roleplay partner aged 20+.
1 am 24 F from the UK, and I'm also queer! I haven't roleplayed online in nearly 6 years and I really want to get back into it. I have been playing D&D on and off for a couple years also.
I am particularly interested in OC roleplaying, whether that's OC x OC or OC × Canon, however I prefer to not play as a canon character!
Here are a few fandoms I am open to exploring:
Dungeons & Dragons
Teen Wolf
Harry Potter / Marauders Era
The Legend of Vox Machina
Star Wars
How To Train Your Dragon
MCU (preferably Spider-Man)
DC Universe
Stranger Things
The Walking Dead
The Last Of Us
Avatar: The Last Airbender/ Legend Of Korra
Sword Art Online
One Of Us Is Lying
Total Drama Island
The Wilds
Gossip Girl
Gilmore Girls
Outer Banks
Fate: The Winx Saga
The School Of Good & Evil
The Dragon Prince
Reality TV/Dating Show
Disney (anything)
The Society
Heartbreak High
Sex Education
And many more…
I am pretty much interested in exploring anything from slice of life, supernatural, fantasy, reality, adventure/quest, apocalyptic, etc etc. So quite the variety!!
I am pretty much interested in exploring anything from slice of life, supernatural, fantasy, reality, adventure/quest, apocalyptic, etc etc. So quite the variety!
I prefer to do romance, platonic or companion roleplays. I am also LGBT+ friendly, and open to all relationship types, however I really want to do enemies to lovers with someone or black cat × golden retriever. I also have a wide variety of original characters with backstories, Pinterest boards, Spotify playlists and picrew designs. I prefer to play either female or non-binary characters.
I am looking to rp with someone in the third person and will do a minimum of 4-5 lines.
Please drop a like or comment if you're interested and I'II message you, thanks! <3
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kayspaceprince · 2 years
Tag Game!
Tagged by @thedietelf!
Three Ships:
According to my Ao3 bookmarks rn it's Holmes and Watson (Sherlock Holmes ACD Canon), Kirk and Spock (Star Trek:TOS), and Zoro and Sanji (One Piece)
First Ship:
Probably johnlock, BBC Sherlock got me into the Holmes stories and now I hate it (the show), whoops
Last Song:
The Trail We Blaze - Road to El Dorado Soundtrack (from an OC playlist!)
Last Film:
Glass Onion! Not as good as Knives Out, but it was still a good time
Currently Reading:
So. the thing is I read like 8 books at once. So currently:
Exterminate All the Brutes: One Man's Odyssey into the Heart of Darkness and the Origins of European Genocide by Sven Lindquist
From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death by Caitlin Doughty
I, Robot by Issac Asimov (a re-read for before bed)
Ryuutama - Natural Fantasy Role-Playing Game (a TTRPG system I want to try out!)
Restart After Coming Back Home and Restart After Growing Hungry by Cocomi
No Longer Human by Junji Ito
Plus I have a bunch of library books glaring at me from the corner of my bedroom
Currently Watching:
I don't watch much, but I have been watching The Legend of Vox Machina and Spy x Family with my partner!
Currently Craving:
A cup of really good decaf lavender black tea. I'm out at the moment :( Also flavor-blasted goldfish
@b9mischief, @cjoftheriver, @diary-of-c-of-c, @phthaloblues, @writinrealslow
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one-leaf-grimoire · 2 years
♡ || Welcome || ♡
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Thanks for dropping in!
» I'm OneLeafGrimoire, AKA Beth, and this is where I post a wide range of one-shots, headcanons, and occasionally longer fic chapters.
» I love writing, watching new shows/reading new manga, and making OCs! I also sometimes write longer fanfiction, which you can find in my Masterlist.
» I am also an artist! I may post my art on here, or on my art blog (linked in my carrd)
» I also love oc x canon content, and definitely will post some on here.
» you kind find a complete list of the fandoms I write for down below! Feel free to ask about anything that I didn't include, I may have just forgotten about it lol.
» I also just like chatting, so if you want to talk, gush, or anything in between, feel free to pop into my inbox or dms! I really value feedback on my work
☆ || writing requests are OPEN || ☆
» Please read the request rules + fandom list before sending in an ask! I can't wait to see your requests~
♧ || request rules || ♧
》》 writing
» for requests, I mostly write headcanons, short fics, drabbles
» I write only safe for work content (I have a new blog for spicy requests- linked at the bottom of this post. Needless to say that blog is 18 and over only)
» for each individual request, I ask that you send only a maximum of 3 characters.
» please do not request anything with themes of cheating, SA, or other disturbing content. This includes any situation that ships a minor with an adult.
» my old masterlist is not up to date, but I've linked it at the bottom of this post just in case. Most of those works are Black Clover centric!
» I will make a new masterlist as well for anything I write from now on.
» there is also a link to a prompt masterlist that I will compile! If you see a prompt you like, make sure to specify which list it is from.
》》 etiquette
» make sure to check my bio and pinned post for the open/closed inbox status! I will delete any request sent while the inbox is closed
» I am a college student and often go through very busy periods of work, so please be patient! I will do my best to keep you up to date on my status
◇ || fandom list || ◇
» black clover
» jujutsu kaisen
» chainsaw man
» genshin impact
» fire force
» demon slayer
» obey me! game
» jojo's bizarre adventure parts 1-6
» the legend of vox machina
» moriarty the patriot
» owari no seraph
》》 see you soon! thanks for stopping by 《《
》》 LINKS (wip) 《《
» art blog
» old masterlist
» new masterlist
» prompt list
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kalolasart · 24 days
Magnificent bitch face
Audio from The Legend of Vox Machina Perc'ahlia scene.
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kalolasart · 1 month
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You can just ask for a cuddle, you know?
#vox machina bc edits
Yet another Perc'ahlia/Nozelena edit 🥺 why are these so similar?
I'm planning to share soon how the whole hyperfixation started, let me say "art project".
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kalolasart · 1 month
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Helena: Nozel don't kill Yami! Helena: Everyone you have nothing to worry about! Helena: It's fine! Helena: internally screaming
PR master at her best
Vex and Percy!!! Just aaaaa! Watch me write something for them once I catch up with the series.
They're a bit more "mercenary" Nozelena 😂
#vox machina bc edits
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wakandan-flowerz · 1 year
Meet Neoma
I’m posting a little bio for my Vox Machina OC Neoma below. I’m going to post the first thing I wrote for her after this so keep an eye out. I hope you all like it.
Neoma is a young traveler from the mystic Inyangi tribe who worships a moon deity with an ancient history. She’s very bubbly and helpful. She has a firm resolve and will through her faith. When she comes to the party, she is young and quite daring. She, herself, has mysterious and untapped powers.
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer/Fighter
Appearance and Personality: Neoma stands at 5’9 which counts for short among her people, dark-skinned, thick, coily hair pulled back with three cornrows with gold cuffs with a tribal inscription from her fingernails to the nape of her neck on her left side. She has wide hips, an evident pudge to her, and a larger bust. During adventures, she wears a dark purple fitted shirt with only a right sleeve and a matching long skirt with side slits, black shorts underneath, and a belt over her waist with the seal of her religion to the right. Her civilian wear is a black cropped sleeveless tunic and her skirt, her waist beads on display.
Despite her bubbly nature, Neoma is known to be a very tough and formidable fighter, having trained with the military forces of her people. She often refers to her Moon Goddess and offers praises at moments of luck. She can be found to uplift her friends and those close to her. She can be quite loving and caring to others. Neoma is known to be quite bold and is known to be forward with her words. Though, she can be very intense and serious during dark times. She’s mild tempered, however, her rage can be destructive, especially depending on her powers.
Powers and Weapons: Neoma draws from the powers of her Goddess and the moon to fuel her magic. Her power and strength can depend on the phases of the moon, the full moon offering the purest of energy thus making her magic the strongest. Neoma, however, must charge at night in the moonlight, regardless of any phase. As long as she does not drain her magic, Neoma is usually fully charged. However, under the new moon and eclipses, she has access to different energy and abilities. With Neoma leaving her home during her training, her arsenal of spells is limited. Her powers can manifest as either telekinesis or spells. A common move is that she will enchant her sword or spear or the weapons of other adventures for an added boost.
She does have a natural healing factor but heals significantly faster during nighttime.  Her tattoos and eyes glow white when she uses her powers and the color can vary based on the phase of the moon. Her powers also have an effect on her emotions. When she’s fully powered, she can be upbeat, when drained or not fully charged, she can be quiet and somber.
Neoma's other ability is to sense emotions, something only a few of the Inyangis can do. Her ability allows her to distinguish those who are pure and truthful. However, someone skilled in lying and deception can prove difficult to decipher.
Neoma carries a long, rounded sword with jagged edges and a black shiny handle and a collapsible double-sided spear with a gold ribbed grip, both weapons common to her people. Both weapons are made from the metal, Atrenium, which her people harvest and use. During combat with multiple assailants, Neoma can dual-wield weapons. She keeps a lasso attached to her hip for hunting or capturing people.
History: Neoma’s family are believed to be direct descendants of their Moon Goddess, Inyanga, and her warrior lover. Her parents were the high priest and prime sorceress of her tribe before going on a pilgrimage and not returning. For the rest of her youth, Neoma was raised by her older sisters and was primed to become a leader of her tribe. Neoma chose to leave her home to adventure after feeling like her tribe tried to shelter her from the outside world. She had hoped to find her parents and do a pilgrimage of her own before she commits to her life with her people. However, she happened across a group called Vox Machina one night and joined them on their adventures
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