#waaaayyyy too long
drugsforaddicts · 9 months
Oooh, a line from a fic, you say??? How about Upon A Star, Bojan and Jere on the couch in front of the fireplace? Or is too Christmas-y now that the holidays are over?
And now here they were, alone together and the lines finally crossed. It had been a day of glittering frost and the smell of pine and Jere’s surprisingly good gingerbread, and now he was about to fall asleep in the arms of a man whose body fitted his own as though they were made for each other. All was calm, all was bright.
Yeeeeah, since I’m the #1 christmas hater, one christmas themed drawing is enough. BUT I still tried my best to somehow stay in the mood, thinking about the light coming from the fireplace etc…
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Thanks for dropping by!! 💛💛💛 Now I’m going to take a break and continue tomorrow 😮‍💨
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theamazingannie · 5 days
Kevin is so simple minded lol. Someone tells him something as part of their own gameplay and he’s just like “oh shit really?” Absolutely no doubt that they’re telling the truth whatsoever
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spacedace · 10 months
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Almost 65k words written for NaNo and I still don't have anything I'm ready to post on any of my fics.
If anyone wants some random snippets of the stuff I wrote (with the understanding that said snippets may be stuff for much later in my fics than currently posted chapters and will likely lack context of what's going on/snippets of fics that I'm not ready to post yet) let me know and I'll post some stuff
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wilsons-journey · 1 year
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Now my Cats can do some very fine stretches :D
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closetgardener · 2 years
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I love seeing the first new growth on a propagated sucker ❤️ I’ve done this over and over since I started gardening in 2020 and I’m still amazed every time
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sugarcubetyrant · 4 months
big fan of cultivating my own online experience
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uchihaharlot · 6 months
How would Shisui react if his wife gave birth to triplets instead of just one?
Oh nonny,
I’m sorry this took so long. What a cute idea 😩🥹❤️
I see you’ve chosen choas this particular morning lol and I too often wake up on the side of lunacy. I think if any one particular Uchiha was destined to have triplets—it would unfortunately be Shisui. I can’t even imagine Itachi with twins, he is patient but lacks the energy for it. And Sasuke…well. We’ve seen how he was with just one. (Don’t hate me I love Sasuke 😩🥹 He was my original Uchiha boo, but damn was he an absent father for so long..)
Mostly sfw, a few lot of suggestive and descriptive—maybe more than just suggestive ideas here and there. This also got waaaayyyy more detailed than I intended but, I’ll take it 😍❤️
Well let’s see here, Shisui is a man of many qualities. Exceptional talent, generous lover and his undying loyalty to the village and its people. He’s an amazing man all around. Did I say generous lover already? The baby making sex was hot, ok? Like really hot being folded up like a pretzel as he rutted into you with such passion…
But for fucks sake when the sonogram showed not just one, not two but it three of his fucking tadpoles bouncing around inside his wife’s poor womb. He’s definitely going to, and very silently, go through the stages of grief. Just momentarily. He is elated of course, no doubt. This is what they’ve wanted!! It also didn’t take as long to fall pregnant but the surprise of three of his Uchiha little spawns is a bit, well, too much for even him.
This escalated even further than he could have imagined. The pregnancy phase is probably his favorite, doting on his wife as she grows their cute little babies 😩🥹 spoiling her rotten with foot rubs and such. Taking advantage of her not being able to get up at some point and just eating her soft pussy as she giggles and then moans. Those sort of things he’s going to take full advantage of before these little hell raisers are bestowed upon them.
They are blessings no doubt, I don’t see Shisui as an overtly religious man. But I mean, he was gifted with Kotoamatsukami. The man thanks the Gods damn near every day for you, his family name and these sweet little angels you made.
There is no way around it, they’re born via cesarean section. As much as his wife wanted to have a natural birth, the babies have Shisui’s head and yea. Which also comes with mops of curls. And despite Shisui having seen and been drenched in the blood of his enemies. Seeing his wife split open, and not in a good way, almost makes him falter. But he perseveres through this for her, with her. She’s so out of it too, says the cutest things while under the knife and on a copious amount of drugs.
All babies are of course healthy. Two boys and one girl. Which is great, she will have mini protective brothers from the start! Funnily enough, the first out the center cavity was the little girl. 😩😍 So she’s automatically the queen between the three siblings. They all almost look alike. The boys are identical twins and the girl was her own embryo. The doctor had joked it was most likely she absorbed her twin; but they won’t mention that. Ever.
Yeah so, this is a lot. The five days in hospital are some of the most intense and painful days for his wife. They eventually go home and it’s not entirely easy for them. Triplets is a lot of work. Feedings, diapers. Not a single one of them are on the same schedule for the first few weeks. And while Shisui is hardened by battle; three babies waking up hours apart at night does wear out a man. His wife is the same; and she is recovering.
Let’s say we’re a few years into it now. 😮‍💨 These toddlers are some of the most high octane in the world. Shisui often considers what he’s done to deserve such blatantly bad children at times. Though he’s being mostly dramatic, they’re pretty well behaved…except when they’re with him. Shisui of course is the kind of father to be a child with his own. Having been robbed of his, this is the perfect excuse to be a little bad himself. And he sees so much of him and his wife in these beautiful little people.
If he prompts his wife for another baby. She’s gonna laugh and ask how many since it’s clear they’re not having just one at a time, but full litters. Luckily. The last baby, is a singular baby. The finale.
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fruitbasketball · 8 months
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lesbian stare down (that dap lasted waaaayyyy too long for my liking)
on another note, look how tall she is!!!
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nib-mettaton · 5 months
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Still suffering from burnout from the past few years, facing new burnout of this year, so I needed to draw something self-indulgent and non-cannon for myself.
And by "self-indulgent" I mean I wanted to revisit the mecha and mechagumuri designs I did of Nib a while back. Draw him again, but waaaayyyy more souped-up. Looking at it in hindsight, I probably would have changed the design of the knee because it's unrealistic to how it would work, and I would have added more to the spear-ish pen instead of making it some kind of long copper/brass tube. (Meh, too late now to fix it. Traditional art is unforgiving when it comes to mistakes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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MORE Headcanons for dean winchester that are true cause I say so;
- he has the WORST HANDWRITING EVER IN THE WORLD. He’s dyslexic AND had almost zero formative education (his dad taught him the basics but like all dads it usually ended with dean holdin back tears at the dinner table) he lets Sam write everything, because even DEAN cant read his own handwriting
- he will tell you that he thinks fidget toys r the stupidest thing ever invented and a waste of resources. (He owns like 5 fidget spinners and a 25 dollar iron fidget pen; “what!??? It’s for hunting!!!!”)
- you would think he’s a dog person, but he really prefers cats, they’re more mobile, and he feels like leaving a dog alone for so long while he hunts is cruel. Plus he doesn’t really like walking, he does enough of it on the job. (He also believes cats are good luck and trusts their judgement on where spirits are)
- he can’t sleep when it’s perfectly quiet. When it’s too quiet while he hunts it usually means danger, so he’ll crank up the ac or the radiator in whatever hotel they’re staying in just so he can hear the noise. (This drives Sam crazy sometimes, because he’s the exact opposite)
- he LOVES jewelry, if u gift him a bracelet or a necklace, the very next day you’ll see him wearing and showing it off. He has a small collection of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. His favorites are the pieces made of iron that he can use while hunting
- while he doesn’t like reading, he really likes audiobooks, on long drives he’ll put them on the radio and listen to them for hours, and he’ll listen to anything, non - fiction, biographies, physics textbooks. As long as the narrator has a nice voice he’ll listen to it.
- he doesn’t use hair spray, (he’s worried it’s too flammable and in his line of work you deal with fire A LOT) he prefers one certain brand of hair gel that he is UTTERLY loyal too. Dean will go out of his way to obtain HIS brand of hair gel, and will accept no substitute.
- he genuinely does not know how to work most electronic devices outside of the norm. Somehow, Sam hasn’t really figured this out yet.
- he never dreams; and he always thought that was a little weird, but then Sam started to have his dreams, and he felt like even more of a weirdo for never dreaming. He’s honestly a lil jealous of Sam in that regard, he’d rather have bad dreams then no dreams at all
- he’s a good southern boy, so everyone is either “sir,” or “ma’am,” he genuinely means it (most of the time) but because of a slight tone delivery problem, major attitude, and different regional dialects, people believe hes mocking them.
- Because of his lil southern self, you’ll hear him use his waaaayyyy too long analogies that don’t make a single lick of sense, and he’s often unintentionally cryptic just because that’s how he talks. (Sometimes he’s confused why people think he’s so mysterious and hard to read)
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teecupangel · 1 year
Submitted by @saberamane
I’ve spent WAAAAYYYY too long thinking about this, so I figured I’d share.
A modern day AC AU where Desmond is a bartender at a high end strip club. Altair, Ezio, and Ratonhnhaké:ton are, of course, dancers. Altair starts out as his arrogant AC1 self, he has a nice body and knows it. Ezio is, of course, flirty and loves the attention dancing gets him. He doesn’t actually need the money seeing as his family is filthy rich. Meanwhile Ratonhnhaké:ton is dancing ONLY for the money. He’s quiet but perceptive, typically steering clear of Altair as he can be quite snooty, and Ezio because his flagrant flirting makes Ratonhnhaké:ton uncomfortable.
Desmond, while an experienced bartender, is new to the establishment. And within a month of his employment all three dancers come to the same conclusion.
They need to get Desmond to agree to a date.
Now I’m thinking this evolves into a harem situation, where at first all three want to date Desmond, then are trying to out compete each other for Desmond’s affections, and in the end all 4 of them are dating each other.
Also I was thinking of a schedule for the club, lol. It’d be a mixed club, so men and woman dancers, servers, bartenders, and clientele. Mondays are men only nights, so only men are working the club and only men are allowed in. A sort of ‘gay’ night, if you will. Likewise, Wednesdays are woman only, or 'lesbian’ night. Fridays are themed, which is posted the Monday before on their website. The theme can be anything, and while clientele are encouraged to also dress in the theme, it’s not mandatory, but the workers of the club have to dress as the theme. Some examples would be like holidays, Halloween, Christmas, valentines, st Patrick’s day, etc. And then Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are mixed crowds with the dancers allowed to do their own routines.
And I’m going to stop there, because I’ve already put too much thought into a fiction idea I probably won’t ever write due to time constraints lol.
Addition from teecup:
I kinda like the idea that Desmond’s old bartending job is actually Bad Weather and he had to find a new one because Bad Weather got into… well… let’s just say it’s under investigation by the cops at the moment. The detective on the case was like “Don’t skip town for now, kid. Sure, you’re clean but it’ll look bad if you just leave while we’re investigating and shit” and Desmond got a job in the high end strip club because he has no other option. (And the pay was better than all the other options he had)
The owner looked super young to be the owner of a strip club but Desmond isn’t going to ask any questions at all and just goes to work in the high end strip club called “Thousand Eyes”.
And, ohohoho, he has been a bartender for a long time now so he knows when someone is attracted to him. All three of the best dancers being attracted to him?
Desmond didn’t like playing the field or even just leading someone on but her co-bartender Layla (a college student working there to pay for college) was like “No, no, this is pure entertainment gold, man. As long as you’re upfront about the whole ‘yeah, you three are thirsty for my dick’ (Layla!), you’ll be fine.” and well… Desmond didn’t really had any say about the matter in the end because Ezio goaded Altaïr and that turned into a competition between them which Ratonhnhaké:ton gets roped into. Desmond actually felt bad for Ratonhnhaké:ton until he realized that Ratonhnhaké:ton was just as competitive as the two and, really, having the attention of three hot men were too much for Desmond. He was only human and Layla was the devil on his shoulder pushing him to the dark side and yeah…
Desmond decided to milk it.
It backfired and he fell in love with all three of them instead.
Unorganized Notes:
Shaun is the accountant of the strip club. He comes every few weeks and always leaves slightly buzzed after hearing the latest ‘competition’ for Desmond’s hand. (Desmond is sure Shaun is living vicariously thru him… but he’s not going to say that out loud)
Layla is the main bartender for the woman only days and she’s an engineering student. She has a girlfriend named Deanna who likes to come to the club and watch her girlfriend get flirted with by other people. Desmond likes to joke it’s a voyeur thing, Layla keeps telling him that he’s not using the right word.
Clay is also a bartender and is in charge of the website and social media accounts of the strip club. On the side, he has a discord server where he talks about the shenanigans the three go to just to catch Desmond’s attention and people in his discord (which pretty much includes the regulars and some of the employees except the three idiots and the object of their affection) love it. He’s the sole reason why the strip club has an online shipping war going on and he’s milking it because of the whole ‘support your bias by coming to the club!’ posts.
Desmond has no idea who makes the ‘menu’ for private dances but he thinks they are either a genius who wishes to remain anonymous or they’re hiding their identity because they know they’re gonna get killed because some of the menu names are ‘Brotherly Love’ for requesting Malik and Kadar at the same time, ‘Trust Fund Babes’ for requesting Arno and Ezio together, and, Desmond’s favorite that he will never say out loud, ‘Repressed Catholic Special (10% off if you show your rosary)’ that is actually just Altaïr but he gets to order the customer around for the entire time.
Lots of customers want Evie to step on them (of all genders).
I feel like Jacob’s gonna have the most elaborate Magic Mike numbers for some reason.
Shao Jun has the most acrobatic set pieces and hers usually get a lot of applause because she’s a really great dancer.
Ezio’s family knows he’s a stripper and they just… let him do whatever he wants. The one time Claudia shows up in the club, Ezio actually messes his dance because “Jesus Fuck, that’s my sister!” and Claudia is like “Noooo, eeewwww, that’s my brother!”. She would sometimes show up when she knows Ezio won’t be dancing. To be sure, she always texts Ezio: “any chance I’ll see your ugly ass tonight?” and Ezio would always text back “Claudia! Stop texting me like this! People will get the wrong idea!” then text a few seconds later “No. Have fun. Make sure to tip well.”
Nikolai is the main bouncer. Cross is also a bouncer but he can get a bit too violent at times so he’s only allowed to work if Nikolai, his uncle, works with him.
Arbaaz is the father of Jayadeep who is also a stripper in the club. Arbaaz does not know about his son’s ‘part-time job’.
You know in some cabaret clubs, they actually have a wall of “top ‘employees’ of the month” and it’s ranking the top 10 for that month and I kinda think Reda would do the same because he knows many of his employees are competitive idiots.
The usual top one is Bayek, hands down. He goes to stage, people start throwing money.
… Is it too much if the ‘menu’ name for Alexios and Kassandra is ‘I Would Like One Bisexual Awakening’?
Eivor’s the only stripper that dances for both women only and men only days.
The Borgias are regulars. They tip well but they’re very handsy. They all favor Ezio.
… It would be funny if Abbas was in the corner, shades on, with a cap and being totally weird and out of place. Desmond sees him the first time and asks Clay if they should be worried about that dude in the corner. Clay goes “Naaahh, he’s harmless. I mean, he’s a weirdo that gets off getting ignored by Altaïr during his stage time but… harmless.”
You know what, all Templars are regulars and they favor the Assassin that killed them in canon (oh god, should… should we include Vidic thirsting over Desmond???)
Sidenote: I feel you. With the upcoming August megaposting this year, I’m scrambling just to prepare for the fics I wanna write for that month and there’s soooo many good ideas I have and ones I get from you guys XD Anyway, this is the best we can offer each other and to anyone who reads and enjoy this. :)
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midnightmah07 · 18 days
That took me waaaayyyy too long
Back to drawing everyone’s ocs o7
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theroyalsims · 1 year
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In less than a month, The Queen's eldest son has seemingly gotten over his recent break-up from long time girlfriend (now ex) Ximena Kalarmy!
The Prince was spotted leaving the opera with socialite and heiress Marguerite "Margeaux" Riccaforte. The two were photographed in an embrace as they waited for their town car to pull up, which the two boarded together.
The revelation of the pair's new relationship has unsurprisingly garnered mixed reactions from the public, some even leading to speculate that perhaps the real reason for the break-up was the Prince's infidelity.
One comment which, as of writing, has been "liked" over 10,000 times reads:
"The secret's finally out. There was no failed proposal. Alistair cheated on Ximena, and now he and his mistress have gone public. Poor Ximena."
Meanwhile, another commenter wrote:
"It's too soon and shady af. He and Ximena had a long and intense relationship, and I just can't believe how quickly he's moved on. It's been what? three, maybe four weeks? That's waaaayyyy too soon. I know Alistair is entitled to move on from Ximena, but at this point, getting a new girlfriend seems a little harsh and is almost an insult to his ex."
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Of course, there are fans of the new pairing, too. Some have noted that the Prince looks "very happy" with his new girl:
"Aww, they look so good together. Prince Al looks very happy with Marguerite. To all of you out there currently sulking because of a break-up, be like Alistair and focus on your happiness and never lose hope! Your 'the one' could be right around the corner!"
Another fan shares:
"Al works fast and he seems to have traded up! I dunno, I liked Ximena, she seemed sweet, but she was always clinging on to Alistair and I kinda got the feeling that she was insecure and a little unsure about their relationship. Marguerite is not only a beauty, she's also from a super rich family, so I'm sure she's not gonna have any problems with dating a Prince! Congrats you two!"
Hmmm... It does seem a bit too fast, eh? But then again, strike while the iron is hot and all that. Here's hoping Prince Al's gonna find the happiness he seeks with Margeaux!
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spaciebabie · 11 months
I never thought of Fluttershy x Twilight until I stumbled across your dash
Initially, it kinda felt a little random. I couldn't really think about canon having too many moments that felt romantic between the two. Y'know, just any other friendship in the series turned into a ship
But then I thought about it a little more.
And rewatched a few episodes.
Fluttershy was pretty much the first pony that Twilight really had something in common with in the first episode huh
Being really interested in spike and all
They both go through arcs that couldn't really have been done without the other if you think about it
And then I remembered more scenes between the two
and omygosh
you are onto something
TLDR I've been indoctrinated pls do tell me more about the reasons you like them together
its just like. im utterly fond of slow burn relationships and i think that fluttershy and twilight would be lke THE slowest burn of them all. like im talkin we're barely stoking the embers of a fire here this ship is in a SLOW COOKER!!!!!!
beyond that i mean. i feel like they would have such good chemistry. their relationship would be so gentle. they'd be so careful and gentle with each other. and in the pining stage neither of them will realize the other is flirting with them b/c they both are WAAAAYYYY TOO FUCKING AUTISTIC ta pick up on the signs. all their friends know they like each other but them!!!
in the episode where twilight becomes a princess fluttershy is the first one of her friends she helps get back and did you SEE THE WAY THEY LOOKED AT EACH OTHER AS THEY WERE SINGING THE SONG??? AND HOW THEY FORGOT RAINBOW DASH ENTIRELY B/C THEY WERE TOO BUSY STARING IN2 EACH OTHERS EYHES SJHRJHAHRHARHAHRHA
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myobsessionsspace · 4 months
TWD thoughts
Finished rewatching ‘The Saviors Arc’, second half of season 6, all of season 7 & 8 and boy oh boy. 😪
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a) Carol is a badass and her and Ezekiel make so much sense. Ngl her bond with Daryl is beautiful but they’re kindred, bonded but not romantic, no heat, no tension, not romantic to me
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b) the lack of Michonne was CRIMINAL for real I get that Danai was probably filming Black Panther around that time but nah Michonne needed way more camera time, Richonne needed way more camera time😤
c) in connection with b, so much unnecessary camera time was given to others, The Saviors plot strung on for waaaayyyy too long, ugh.
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d) f**k Negan, f**k the saviors, they ALL needed to go. WHAT COMES AFTER could still have been without them, no amount of letters make it make sense in my eyes. Seeing him bash people heads in like that, tryna pull a sacrificial lamb bit with Rick & Carl, everything he and his henchmen did.
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Naaahh sorry Junior Grimes but Rick & Michonne could have did good by you without him, without the goons.
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The powers that be wanted JDM a part of the show, the spin off etc, but couldn’t give a better way to make that happen than that piss poor way? They choose when they stay true to the comics and not, they couldn’t make his ‘redemption’ better (not that there really was in season 8 anyway)
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d) The workers in the Sanctuary, the families, for real?! With every new plan, no one and I mean no one could plan for them, so The Saviors could all be taken out but the workers protected?! Yea Daryl & Tara can have that one. Only difference is I wudda thrown molotovs in there and STAYED to finish the job. They’ve all survived herds previously and thought a herd could finish it? Tuh.
e) So Daryl and Dwight (trying not to spoil for anyone that hasn’t seen it)
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…but Daryl and Maggie end of Season 8?! I 3000% get Maggie and her hate for Negan, see point d, but…I do also place some blame on them for the bridge, sorry, not sorry.
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Again the writers??? The writers finally gave us canon Richonne, so little of it 🙁, but still brought them together
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but everything else 😑
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dindjarindiaries · 6 months
(same anon from the chapter 16 ask)
I was fine with Luke's first cameo, it was a cool surprise and he didn't take too much space either, but I really could have done without his other appearances. His whole presence in BOBF was waaaayyyy too long for nothing. Grogu's mystery is good but they should have kept the Jedi presence at that, there's beginning to be too much Force stuff in the Mandoverse (I'll go easy on Ahsoka though since she does have ties to mandalorians). I like the Skywalkers too but it's getting a little old, especially when there's all these new characters that need and deserve more development (*cough cough* Din Djarin). If I want Jedi stories, I'll watch the movies.
The fact we're talking about The Book of Boba Fett and we haven't once mentioned Boba himself is a PROBLEM. That should not have happened and especially not in that show lol
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