#wait does this count as manga spoilers?
tickymikky · 11 months
When a crack idea forms and you cant get rid of it till you draw it.
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Yea i have no explanation for this, but this was fun to do.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Okay, I’m going to attempt to go through this so... bear with me
The PLF leader says this
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From memory, I think Quirk Education includes things like teaching kids about the nature of quirks and how everyone is different, and Quirk Counseling is the act of teaching kids how to control their quirks for adult life (these are generally taught in middle school)
Now, about how these things tie in with mutants
Quirk Counseling. Let’s take Mirio for example
Mirio’s quirk, uncontrolled, is very scary and dangerous. Had Mirio not been supervised and taught how to control it, it could have meant he’d be slipping through the ground unintentionally with no idea how to get back up. It would mean Mirio hurting others and himself because of his quirk, which would mean he wasn’t taught properly, and it would mean a person being failed by the system, therefore unable to integrate with the rest of society
Thankfully, this was not the case. Mirio went through counseling and has been training since then to control his quirk, to not let himself slip and get stuck. He has become an expert in using his power for Hero work
Now, applying this to mutants, what would that look like? Do they get the support they need when learning how to control their quirks?
I mean, mutants are technically classed as a quirk-type. And their powers can often correspond with what type of mutant they are, like how Spinner has the appearance of a lizard and can stick to walls (hence his quirk name Gecko)
So how would you be able to control something like that? Quirks are a part of anyone who has them, sure, but I think this is especially true for mutants. If your quirk corresponds with the type of mutant you are, this being something anyone could take note of due to how you look, then there’s no clear effective way to completely control it
The point of quirk counselling is not only to help you to control your quirk, but to integrate you into a society that expects you to be equal, to behave like you’re normal because of that expectation. Everyone else has to control it, so you have to as well. Be like everyone else and try to lead a normal life
But there’s no way a mutant can lead a normal life looking different to everyone else. That is not being “equal” to everyone else. They expect you to not show your difference, but you can’t help it. You were born like this. You want to be treated equally but your definition of equal is different to everyone else's, and this will mean different needs too
You can probably control the quirk itself, but you can’t control what you look like
So you will not be treated equally. You will not be able to integrate into society. You will be pushed out - become an outcast in your own village or town or city
And this would mean they lack the proper training they should have, that should be surveyed. Even if a mutant were to practice controlling their quirk on their own, outside of quirk counseling, would this be in a safe environment? Would this be done in a healthy way, depending on the quirk and their mental state?
Not going through quirk counseling, something to help control your quirk but also ends up suppressing who you are, may be a good thing, but what does it mean for those who need to keep their quirk controlled? Who need some kind of outlet but have no idea where they could have that and/or don’t even have a support system in place to help them through it?
That kind of lack of support can lead to a dangerous life, which I will talk about next
When I think about Quirk Education, I am reminded of this
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From an early age, most children are taught to not judge people by their quirks (which includes mutants)
In the next panel, Rikiya mentions he was raised that way too, but “there’s a clear link between personality and meta-ability”
I should imagine this means, over the years of criminals and villains being arrested and taken away, there has been research conducted about the link between a person and their quirk. Like how to avoid a bad egg. This implication basically meaning that, in fact, maybe you should be wary of people’s quirks, because that might mean they’re a danger to society (a danger to the precious status quo)
That’s my assumption based on what Rikiya said generally
But looking into it, quirks are a part of you. If mutant-type quirks are being rejected, then mutants themselves are being rejected. Who they are is being cast aside because of what they look like. Therefore, they are less likely to be able to integrate into society if they cannot be properly taught due to this discrimination
Which means they are unable to integrate. If opportunities are denied based on how they look, they could end up at rock bottom; breaking the law, becoming criminals or Villains in order to survive or have an outlet for their hatred to society
So, supposing research is conducted on the link between people and their quirks, the researchers will take those who disobey the law into account
And the more people who read this research as fact (if there are more mutants being charged for crimes than humans, surely this isn’t a coincidence? - they might think this), the more mutants who are discriminated against, the more who are rejected for what they look like, who they are, their “tainted blood”, the more become outcasts and fall into a life of crime just to survive ... the more people will start to believe mutants are naturally bad
And it’s just a cycle that feeds itself
Now, something to take into account is area. While not much is specifically known about that, I can take a wild guess and say that between cities, towns and villages, villages will have the worst education surrounding mutants. This is based on what the PLF leader said, that “Yes, some claim that people educated in diverse environments won’t discriminate, but try stepping out of these big cities for a change! All you’ll find are people who say “They are gross”.”
So I think we can all agree that, regarding quirk counseling and education, villages have the worst. Which means mutants in those places, like Shouji and Spinner were, are surrounded by people who hate them just for being born
Spinner says, when recounting his experience, that “He thought it was only natural.” This speaks to how much Spinner has been through, but I think it also speaks for the education in villages. The fact that Spinner went through discrimination and his response was basically “well, of course it’s like this. this is how it’s supposed to be” shows that, maybe, quirk acceptance (also supposed to be including mutant acceptance) was not touched upon. And if it was, maybe it was only talked about briefly before reality became clearer
We don’t know about the specific state of towns and city mutant education and counseling, but I can probably take a guess and say towns are an inbetween depending on what kind of town, while cities will have more acceptance to mutants but that’s not to say there aren’t people who still oppress them (and get away with it). Cities are diverse, true, but that just means more people, which means all walks of life will be there; mutants, humans, people who accept mutants, and, inevitably, sadly, people who don’t (and probably hide it too, in order to get opportunities in the area that they couldn’t get outside of the cities)
But that last paragraph is more speculation on my part
So. yeah. Quirk education and counselling, in theory, could be good. But for the amount of damage they actually do to those with “bad” quirks and quirk-types, based on looks and misconceptions of what “bad” and “good” look like, there is no wonder that these contribute to the discrimination of mutants
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
Megumi losing his will to carry on until (y/n) shows up
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Pairing: Megumi x reader
Word Count: 1,5k
Synopsis: Megumi can't take it anymore. All the death, the grief, the misery he caused. He'll never forgive himself for losing you...But are you really dead?
Warnings: THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS! but more in a really decent way, like I actually think if you have no idea of the manga you don't get that these are spoilers lol, HEAVY angst but also comfort, poor Megumi is at his lowest so TW if that offends you
I know I promised you a Sukuna fic it technically is and I will serve, but this basically wrote itself so I hope you like this as well hehe
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Take a deep breath in and out, calm your tingling nerves, allow your feet to walk at normal pace. You waited so long for this moment, recovered from your endless injuries Sukuna conflicted on your body and soul. It took Shoko forever to stitch you up again, to make you look like a human being again. But there you go, walking on your very own legs, to finally see the true love of your life again.
When was the last time you spoke to him? Oh, you remember it exactly.
“I’m scared. Scared of what will happen, scared about the things we’ll lost…”
“Hey, you’ll never lose me, okay? I will always stay by your side.”
Little did both of you know he’ll break that promise a few weeks later and that he won’t return to your side for over a year. How hard you fought, how desperately you tried to stand a chance against Sukuna – only to get thrown out of life yourself.
“Are you sure you can handle this, that you are fit enough?”, Yuji questioned with his hand resting on your shoulder.
“You know you don’t have to-“
“This might be the only chance to get him back, right?”
Yuji smiled at you with that pained expression on his face you saw countless times these last months.
“Yuta and I think it might work. After all, everyone knows how much you mean to him.”
You clench your hands into fists. There is no doubt in the fact that Megumi Fushiguro is still in there, that he is still the boy you know and adore with all your heart. Even if it means you’ll get attacked again, even if it might end your life, you’ll have to try.
Megumi’s body doesn’t move an inch, lifeless eyes staring into nothing but darkness. What time is it? He couldn’t care less. No, time doesn’t make any sense right now. Not when he lost everyone he loved. His family, his friends, his self-control. You.
His heart stings immediately. Oh, your gorgeous face hunts him down like nothing else. The way you talked, the way you laughed. The way you looked at him with widened eyes when your lifeless body fell to the ground, the way your blood pooled around his brown shoes.
Why? Why didn’t you listen to him when he told you earlier to stay away from Sukuna? Why did you decide to show up anyway, without Yuji or Yuta by your side? There was absolutely nothing he could do to save you.
Just like his sister.
Just like Gojo-sensei.
Just like everyone else.
It seems unreal to him. Unreal that he’s the one still alive, that all these people lost their lives through his very own hands. Oh, he’ll never forget the way you cared for his sister, your dumb inside jokes with Gojo. He’ll never forget the way you held his hand that one night, how your soft smile outshone the heavy moonlight.
“Don’t worry Megumi, everything will turn out alright eventually!”
Oh, how wrong you were. How awful these words make his guts turn, how desperately he wants to close his eyes forever.
No, you didn’t deserve your fate. Everyone didn’t deserve their fates. But he? He deserves nothing but death.
Nothing but emptiness.
Nothing but darkness.
Is he hallucinating again? Is your voice hunting him down like it always does? It sounds so clear, near to reach. As if he could open his eyes, stretch out his hands and-
His skin suddenly starts to feel warm, as if someone touches his arm. Impossible, no one should be here, it’s just him in this prison that never ends-
“Hey, I’m here. It’s me, (y/n).”
That name. That gorgeous name he adores to the moon and back, that last name that saved him from giving up until you died in front of his eyes.
“Hey, it’s been a while.”
“You’re dead.”
That voice sounds so unknown, so far away that you flinch for a second. Is this really Megumi and not just a cheap copy of him? You swallow hard, desperately try to contain your emotions. Oh, how much you longed for this moment, to finally hold the love of your life again. But on the other hand, you can’t take the sight in front of you. Him laying curled up on the cold floor, face showing absolutely no emotion.
You shake your head. No, you have to be strong right now. If not for yourself, then for him.
“Open your eyes, silly. I’m right here”, you reply.
Gently, you cup his cheek with your hand the way he always secretly adored. This just has to work, you need to get him back.
He hesitates for a moment, breath stuck in his throat. Is this really you or just his own sorrow reminding him of the things he’s done? But what…
He opens his eyes.
His gaze finds yours.
Time stands still.
“I missed you, cutie patootie.”
Reality hits him with full force. This might be a cruel trick, a hallucination. But that nickname was always a little secret between both of you, how you called him in private. No one except you knows about it. No one except you looks at him with so much love gleaming in their eyes. No one except…
“(y/n)”, he breathes out.
“I know you think I’m dead but…I made it, Megumi. I never gave up hope to see you again.”
You can’t hold back the waterfall of tears that now streams down your cheeks, eyes holding onto his gorgeous face for dear life, afraid to lose him all over again.
And for the first time since you know him, his eyes get watery to the point where they overflow with tears, the salty stream getting caught in your hands.
“(y/n)”, he whimpers again.
“Don’t feel sorry for what happened. It wasn’t you but him. I don’t blame you”, you blurt out immediately.
Faster than you’re able to comprehend what’s happening, he wraps his longing arms around you, presses you so close that your lungs refuse their service for a second.
“I thought you’re dead. I thought…I killed you.”
The sheer agony in his voice forms a painful lump in your throat. Oh poor Megumi…He doesn’t deserve to feel this way, doesn’t deserve to hold all these horrible memories. How much you’d wish you could simply take his pain away, could make him forget what happened.
But all you’re able to do is holding him tightly.
“You would never harm a single hair on my body-“
“But I did!”, he screams.
“I hurt you! I almost killed you! Just like Gojo-sensei, just like Tsumiki!”
His voice breaks, a dry whimper escapes his lips.
“I…I can’t do this anymore. I can’t hurt another soul. I don’t wanna li-“
“Stop right there.”
Desperately, you force him to look into your reddened eyes.
“This wasn’t you, Megumi. Did you hear me? No one ever thought it was you. We loved you, we missed you, we want you back. When Shoko stitched me up, all I was able to think about was you. Fuck that shitty jujutsu world we’re living in, fuck all the curses and monsters and humans. Think about us, Megumi. Think about what you told me back then, that you’ll always stay by my side. Because that’s were I need you, this is why I love you more than anything else. In my eyes, you’ll never be anything apart from Megumi Fushiguro!”
Without thinking twice, you press your despairing lips against his, taste the salty tears of him and you that mixed on each other’s faces. His arms wrap themselves around your back and waist, hold you into place while you get lost against the lips you know so well but yet not at all. Megumi just needs to come back to you, needs to find his willpower again.
“I need you”, you mutter against his mouth.
“I love you.”
The agony radiating from his voice becomes almost unbearable, lets you hold onto his neck even tighter. No, Megumi didn’t deserve what happened to him. He didn’t deserve to see his loved ones die right before his eyes. He didn’t deserve all the things he’s been through. But this right here, this is just right.
This is a reason to hold on, right?
“Promise me you won’t give up”, you urge.
“Promise me you’ll give yourself the chance to heal, that you’ll stand with me and Yuji and the others. Just promise that you’ll come back.”
“I swore to myself not to be a burden to this world anymore, that I’m done with my pathetic life, that I deserve to die. But you’re alive, you’re lying in my arms…And now I’m too selfish to do that.”
Again, he caresses your lips with his in the gentlest way while his arms hold you in place.
“If I’m not able to look at myself in the mirror, I’m able to look at you.”
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Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz@darkstarlight82 @satoreo @luwumii @tachiharazsstuff @kentocalls @cheesemachine44 @ryva@kenjakusconcubine @baku2345 @komelrebi-san @deezy12299@busyreader17 @4pgletter @okay-it-is-ivy @iluvtoru
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vennilavee · 3 months
red card
pairing: barou shoei x reader
summary: italy is one of the most romantic places in the world. unfortunately, it hasn't quite felt like that in some time.
word count: 3k
a/n: happy valentine's day!! just a fun miscommunication fic to be my first bllk fic...im running away
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“Working with him is such a pain, like, who takes interviews only at 4:35 AM? Who does he think he is, anyway?” 
“Well… he is the highest goalscorer in the entire league right now,” Mari counters, “I think that warrants that he can make some demands-”
“Oh, you’re just like the rest of them, aren’t you?” you roll your eyes playfully, shoving your colleague and friend’s shoulder.
“Whatever,” she shrugs, “Better start packing, considering your flight is in…seven hours.”
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In the last few years, you’ve been to Turin, Italy almost too many times to count. Sometimes for your job, and sometimes for…other reasons. Though in the last six months, it’s been mainly for work, no thanks to your stupidly talented striker boyfriend who just coincidentally happens to play for the Ubers.
You wouldn’t trade your sports journalist job for anything else, but with the combination of his always hectic schedule and your growing responsibilities as a senior journalist, it’s been next to impossible to spend any extra time together.
Other than squeezing in an interview at 4:30 AM just so you have an extra twenty minutes with him before training starts.
You scoff as you try to conceal the fatigue under your eyes with concealer. You’d love to go to Rome, Florence or Venice, or anywhere really, with your boyfriend. But he’s stubborn and rigid in his routines. You’re not ungrateful to be with your handsome, protective boyfriend with a dry humor that only very few appreciate. You just want a little more.
So you’ve been to all of those places, and then some, by yourself or with your coworkers or friends. Pretty much everyone except for him.
You’re trying to be understanding. He’s a globally known soccer player and gets recognized everywhere and anywhere he goes. All he wants is a day off, a day to relax and spend time and the offseason with you. Is it awful that you want a little more?
The relationship itself isn’t terribly new or terribly old. Maybe the distance makes it feel newer than it is.  But you’ve known each other since childhood, both of your families being friends and both of you running around the soccer circuit since a young age. His days in blue lock coincided with your days of playing soccer for your high school. That man with the red streaks in his hair has been in your life for nearly as long as you’ve been in it, and you don’t want to change anything about that.
You sigh and shrug your coat on, mentally preparing yourself to ignore Barou Shouei’s attempts at kissing you before you take the mic.
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“Hello, Barou-san,” you say stiffly, pushing your hand out for him to shake, “It’s nice to see you before the sun has risen.” The vein in his forehead throbs at your indifference and you grin, letting the facade melt. It’s been two months since you’ve seen him. You suppose you can wait a little longer to fight with him.
“You didn’t text me when you landed,” he says, “Or when you got here-”
“I landed an hour and a half ago and came here straight from the airport,” you roll your eyes, “Someone only takes interviews at this ungodly hour and I don’t want any special treatment.”
“If I want to give you special treatment, then I will,” Barou says, pulling you in by your forearm and wrapping you in a bone-crushing hug. You inhale deeply, immediately feeling sleepy as his warmth embraces you.
“Don’t make it sound like such a threat,” you mumble, pressing your cheek into his shoulder. Your fingers thread through his longer hair, resting at the nape of his neck. He must not yet have applied his cologne, because he smells fresh.
“Wanna take this interview in bed?” you joke, pulling away from him just an inch.
“How unprofessional of you,” he says dryly, “I’ll have to inform your superiors.”
You roll your eyes again, grinning when he pulls you in for a proper kiss. His touch makes you weak in the knees, makes you yearn for him even though he’s in your arms. For just a few short days. 
Your heart aches inadvertently.
“I got you tickets for today’s training and tomorrow’s game. I know you don’t need them,” Shouei says, sticking them in your coat pocket, “Let’s get this over with so we can go.”
He squeezes your arm, dark eyes lingering with unspoken and heavy words as he takes your hand in his towards the stadium.
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Interviewing with you is always easy, despite having interviewed with you one-on-one only a handful of times. It’s the start of a new season at Ubers (and his third year with the club), and he’s eager to win the league this time. Last season, they came so close.
Barou Shouei did not become the Ubers’ number thirteen  just to come only this far.
He’d gone back home to Japan after the loss last season for a week and stayed with you. Each time he leaves you, it gets harder and harder. But despite his loss, you were promoted to being a senior sports journalist. He was so proud of you, eager to see where your career would take you.
It seemed like the tables had turned and you were the one now traveling more than him. 
But you both make it work, right? With phone calls while you both are in opposing time zones, red eye flights just to see each other for a few hours… You try to go to Italy to see him whenever you can. Even with your increased responsibilities, his schedule is far more rigid than yours.
You’re so in demand now that it’s hard to keep up with two extremely busy schedules. Still- you’re here with your bright eyes and teasing smile, and he doesn’t want to lose a single second not looking at you.
It doesn’t feel like work when it’s with you. Even with the questions about game stats, Snuffy’s leadership, his future at the Ubers and the Ubers future in the league, it never feels like an actual interview. He used to hate giving these interviews until his coach told him he had to. What was the point of it? He’s not the captain, why does he have to deal with the press and the stupid questions?
Until his first interview was with you. 
Even now, when he knows that there is a mountain to climb over with you, it still feels the way it always does. Like a conversation. You’re focused on him, cracking jokes, and Shouei has always liked when your full attention is centered on him after all.
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The last time you were in Turin, you didn’t exactly leave on a bright, hopeful note with respect to your relationship. In fact, you left in tears and had changed your flight timing at the last minute so that Shouei purposely wouldn’t be able to see you off. You didn’t want to see him just to fight once again. 
It left a sour taste in your mouth and despite that things are “normal” now, you still feel the fragility of your relationship. It rests in your hands like a delicate bird.
In the last two months, neither of you had brought up the dreaded fight. It’s not the first time this topic has arisen, and you’re sure it won’t be the last. Your excuse for ignoring the issue was that you wanted to talk to him about it in person. His excuse was that if you had a problem then you’d bring it up on your own.
Your harsh words ring clearly in your head:
“Why is it so wrong to just want a little more? You live in Italy- I don’t think I’m asking for too much to go to Rome o-or Florence or Venice or literally anywhere for a few days during your offseason-”
“I can’t just go, everyone else trains during the off-season! How am I supposed to be the best striker if I’m going on vacation with you-”
“Oh, well, don’t sound so disgusted over the prospect of taking a few days off with me-”
“Come on, I didn’t mean that and you know it.”
“Do I? Do I know it? To me, it looks like you don’t want to spend any time with me outside of when it’s convenient for you. We get what? Maybe a few weekends a season? Are you good with a few weekends a season? And when you’re not playing, you don’t want to go anywhere with me. Am I your girlfriend or your sidechick, Shouei?”
“That’s not fair-”
“No, I’ll tell you what’s not fair. You want me to be happy with breadcrumbs.”
“You knew what you were getting into!”
“That’s such a cop-out and you know it!” 
Shouei looks at you with hardly any emotion on his face, save for the downturn of his lips. You close your eyes shut to calm yourself down so that you don’t say something you regret. He wants to reach for you, to comfort you even though he’s the one who made you cry. But his feet stay planted and he watches you crumple.
“Don’t cry,” he all but begs you, finally gathering you in his arms, “We’ll figure it out. Just… don’t cry-”
“I don’t know how to not be upset with you, with this,” you mumble tearfully as he rubs your back.
“I know,” Shouei says, curling a hand around your cheek, “I know.”
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“Hey,” you mumble, with heated cheeks, “Happy game day, I guess.” You thrust a bouquet of fresh red roses that you picked up from your favorite floral vendor around the corner from the training grounds.
“What a loser,” Shouei says fondly, putting you in a light affectionate headlock, “You’re gonna make me late for warm-up.”
“Well, I’m such a big fan of Dortmund that this was my plan all along,” you reply, “If I can distract you, then they have a better chance of winning, don’t they?”
“Whatever,” he rolls his eyes, turning you in his arms to greet you properly.
“Heard Isagi’s out for blood and redemption today,” you murmur as his lips press against the column of your throat.
His ears perk up and he’s torn between questioning you about Isagi or ignoring Isagi’s name coming out of your lips.In the end, the striker in him wins. Just like you knew it would.
“That’s insider information,” you protest when he grumbles.
“What’s the point of having a journalist girlfriend if I get no secrets out of it,” Shouei glares at you, shoving your shoulder gently.
“The point is that you get this,” you take his hand and press it against your chest, “This,” you press his hand against your crotch, “And this,” finally, you press his hand against your ass. “And my charming, stellar personality.”
“Stop seducing me, you temptress,” he scoffs, pushing away your lingering lips.
“Yeah, yeah. Wouldn’t want to ruin your gameday ritual,” you reply, “I’ll see you later, honey. Have a good game.”
You turn on your heel to leave the locker room, but not before smacking his ass and giving him a kiss good luck.
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This field, and every other field in the world, is close enough to home to you as your own barely furnished apartment in Tokyo is. Fresh grass, clean white lines and adrenaline swirls in the air as you stand in front of the camera, getting ready for the half-time program.
One of your favorite moments in front of the camera is when Julian Loki nearly bowled you over in pursuit of an overhead ball. He’d given you a quick side hug with a smug grin after the game, but ever since then, you’ve maintained a safe distance from the border of the field. The last thing you need is to cause a scene when you’re not even one of the twenty-two players on the field.
You’re wearing one of Shouei’s jersey under your emerald green blazer and you find it extraordinarily difficult to not turn your head to search for him as he walks off the pitch and into the tunnel for halftime. The Ubers are down by one goal and you can envision how tense his shoulders are while he mouths off at his defense for doing a “fucking awful job”.
It’s rare that you’ve ever gone down in the tunnel to see him while you’re on the clock. Chewing on your bottom lip, you debate on it. Should you, shouldn’t you… It’s not about you, is it? His frustration on the field? Even he could admit that he wasn’t playing at his best today.
If he was feeling unsettled about the lingering aftermath of the fight, he had every opportunity to open his stupid mouth anyway. How often are you supposed to have the same fight anyway? 
Oh, who are you lying to? In every universe, you want to have this fight with him. Because it’s him.
It’s just a rough patch.
You hope he can telepathically hear your words of encouragement from inside the tunnel.
In the end, you don’t approach the tunnel but the Ubers end up winning the game in a comeback that has you and the entire stadium on your toes. Of course Shouei scored the equalizer and the winning goal with an insane fake out and a strike with incredible power, in true dramatic fashion.
You’re prepping in your tent to begin the post-game interviews with the captains of each team. Your heart is still racing from the last minute winning goal, seeing the strike sailing through the air behind your eyelids.
As Marc Snuffy walks into the tent with his chest heaving in exhilaration and a big grin, he’s roughly shoved to the side by none other than Barou Shouei. Before you can tell your cameraman to stop recording or before you can berate Shouei for nearly taking down your entire tent with his massive body, or for shoving his captain to the side like a sack of potatoes-
He crowds your personal space, giant hands cupping your cheeks and his thumbs rubbing your skin. His dark eyes dilate as he takes you in- his angel on the field in his jersey, his lucky number thirteen. You gasp in surprise as he presses his lips to yours cheekily, daring you to deepen the kiss.
You can vaguely hear his teammates hollering in the background, seeing their ever so serious striker kiss his mysterious, private girlfriend.
“Hey, I’ll see you at home, alright?” Shouei offers you a rare, small smile as he rubs your chin with his thumb.
All you can do is nod with a sheepish smile while your cameraman stares at you, stunned.
And when you watch the interview again, you flush at the reflection of your lovesick eyes and his yearning embrace.
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Nerves oddly seize you as you approach Shouei’s luxurious apartment building. It’s about four times bigger than the size of your own. It reflects his soccer player status and salary, you suppose. He’s been here for just as long as he’s been playing with the Ubers but he seemed to only care about decorating it in the last year or so. Ever since you’ve been around.
He’d told you he’d see you at home. Implying that this was your home, too. In truth, it's not your home at all, but the notion still makes you feel funny. Like butterflies fluttering in your belly, as if you can’t believe he still wants to be with you. He never makes you feel like you’re too much, even when you doubt yourself.
You didn’t mean to make yourself almost cry as you approach his unit with hesitant steps.
Shouei yanks the door open nearly off its hinges exactly one second after you text him announcing your arrival. He immediately pulls you inside, takes your coat and your bag and ushers you out of your shoes. Then, he kisses you in greeting.
It’s different from the kiss he laid upon you at the field. It’s softer, more docile.
“I bet your dm’s are flooded after that stunt you pulled today,” you mumble against his lips, peering up at him while he scoffs.
“Yeah, my agent is getting paid her worth today. At least one of us is private on social media,” Shouei says, sighing into your embrace as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“I guess I’m happy to be your mystery girl until the day comes.”
Shouei stares at you long and hard, his lips in an imperceptible line. Your heart pounds in your ears as he stares straight through you with darkened nearly red eyes, reaching into the layers and layers that you attempt to hide away from him. It’s not like you to be quiet and demure around him but you’re on unsteady ground. The words don’t come out of your mouth, wilting in your throat like dried up sunflowers.
But you look over his shoulder briefly, peering into the open space that leads into the kitchen and the dining room only to see two lit candlesticks and a bouquet of your favorite flowers at the center of his dinner table. A romantic burgundy glow illuminates the room along as the purple and orange streaks from the sunset filter in through the windows.
The question is written all over your face as you struggle not to let your bottom lip quiver. You’re usually the one who’s adept at words, but here you are unable to formulate a single one. 
“Stop crying,” he says gruffly, already wiping at your cheeks. You sniffle and laugh wetly as you hide your face from him.
“We both live in this insane world. I don’t want it to pull us apart like it has for so many others. And we can’t give up our careers but I can’t give up on you either,” you admit, feeling a weight lift off your chest.
“I know,” Shouei says simply, “We left on a shitty note last time, and I’m not heartless you know. At least, not for you.”
He grins wolfishly at you when you chuckle. He remains quiet for a beat, rubbing his thumbs into the nape of your neck soothingly until your sniffles lessen. Fidgeting with the collar of your sweater, Shouei hesitates.
“Uh,” he begins, “I got this rental in Venice, in June. It’s still a few months out, but you know…”
“You really want to go? With me?”
“No, I want to go with Isagi,” Shouei says flatly, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, “If you’re asking if I want to go with you then I’ve done something wrong here.”
“At least you finally admit it,” you shove his shoulder. It’s a beautiful rental, with big windows and a great view of the city and the water. You’re already thinking about the gondola rides, the nighttime walks, the music. All of it with Shouei.
“And you made dinner and set the table,” you pinch his cheeks (he grimaces), “You are a romantic, after all…”
“Don��t make such a big deal about it, loser,” he scoffs. He kisses you gently as he wraps himself tightly around you. You sigh into his lips happily, already feeling lighter than when you landed in Turin not even seventy-two hours ago.
“Yeah, yeah,” you reply with a sparkling smile. 
Shouei makes a vow to himself to never make you cry in Italy ever again. Twice in two trips was more than enough.
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anqelically · 10 months
Congrats !!
Dazai - 14 dialog & 13 situation :))
doomed from the start | osamu dazai x gn!reader
word count: 0.6k
content: no manga spoilers, angst, cheater dazai
navi | bsd masterlist | event (closed)
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seeking for someone to love was something you were never interested in. you believed that love comes quickly to those with the patience to wait. everyone must have a partner out there somewhere, and you’d stumble across yours eventually.
when you first met osamu dazai, you didn’t think too much about him. he was good-looking, that was a given, but he was just another person in the bar you worked at. dazai also wasn’t the first man that struck conversation with you as you worked.
dazai became a regular at the bar after the day you met. hours of his week were wasted away over drinks that never seemed to get him drunk, and he didn’t seem to mind it. after spending so much time together in the shared space, you were bound to form some sort of bond. that bond, however, was something more than you expected.
you learned early on that dazai was a flirt. while you played the piano, you’d sometimes catch glimpses of dazai sitting awfully close with other customers. sometimes he’d twirl a piece of their hair, and others he’d leave a lingering touch to die for.
he was a man who had a certain charm, and he could use it well. almost too well, really. and after constantly being around someone with said charm, you couldn’t help but fall for it too.
your heart fluttered at his touch, and his sweet words were like a melody to your ears. he’d hand you a bouquet of roses to surprise you if he didn’t go into the bar that day and was there to pick you up. and as for you, you’d lay with him, hugging him close the nights he’d randomly show up at your apartment after a rough day.
things were almost too good— and that’s why you think everything came crashing down when it did.
dazai’s hands on someone else, his teeth grazing their lip ever so slightly. his coat was discarded on the floor by your feet, and when you let your presence be known, the bottoms of your shoes dirtied the tan fabric.
you ignored the shuffling of the one dazai had been with, focusing your eyes on him as they ran out of his small, cheap apartment. your hands were clenched into fists, the disbelief painted on your face.
“how long?” you asked, keeping your voice strong. “how long were you…”
dazai didn’t meet your eyes, “not long... but knowing that doesn’t matter anymore, does it?”
your teeth ground again each other, “almost 2 years osamu. 2 years- shit…! was that time not enough for you? you’ve known me for this long, and you’re pouring everything we have down the drain like this? with someone else?”
an unreadable expression crossed dazai’s face while your shoulders dropped in defeat. your anger had already subsided, and all you could feel was devastation. the passionate kisses, the comforting hugs, the fleeting moments— despite everything, dazai didn’t give his all to you.
“i know old habits die hard, so maybe i’m the fool for thinking we could make this work.” tears formed in your eyes, but you pushed them back to the best of your ability, “i’m disappointed in you, dazai, truly. ”
“don’t, dazai. don’t.”
without giving him any chance to explain, you walked out of the shabby apartment. you knew you wouldn’t be able to last if you listened to him talk. that point was proven the moment you walked past the front door and into the long hallway. your tears spilled immediately, and feelings of foolishness weighed on your heart.
dazai always kept secrets from you. you hoped that one day he would open up to you, but deep down knew that the day would never come. he always swiftly avoided your attempts of learning about his past, so much so that you had given up on learning.
“it’s not important,” he’d say.
you should’ve realized that a relationship where he couldn’t tell you the truth was doomed to fail from the start.
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note: while i wrote i had a whole bunch of thoughts, but I'm not so sure if i put them to words correctly (i was writing at 2am while sleepy oops). thank you so much nonnie for the request <3 i hope this is to your liking
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see-arcane · 6 months
Yes Hirano's super weird with the "vampirism happens only with virgins" rule when it's decidedly not a thing in Dracula's vampirism lore. (Though not as weird as what he did to Mina, who deserves to crawl back to life and murder everyone in the whole manga for it)
True on both points.
Unfortunately, you've activated a mental trap card and now I'm about to explode into a barely-related tangent. Please stand by for hazy Hellsing spoilers to anyone who wants to look away.
The saddest thing about Hellsing is that it's one of the least headache-inducing Dracula-adjacent pieces of media I can think of.
Even with how Hirano draws Seras Victoria and That Scene with Rip Van Winkle. Even with his ~creative~ take on Vlad the Impaler. Even with what he retroactively does to Mina's remains. Even with Abraham van Helsing once again getting shoved through the No Really Honest for Real He was a Super Cool Occult Magic Man who was Definitely Solely Responsible for Taking Dracula Down!!1! filter (with Jonathan and Mina getting a whole single panel together, ooh, aah). Even with the nitpick of turning Helsing into Hellsing just because of the Edgy+ factor.
Even with all of that, I can still genuinely say I enjoy it.
First, because Alucard and company are there to kill Nazis and generally monstrous people who signed up to get superpowers to be even bigger monsters. I love seeing them get supernaturally woodchipper'd. Never disappoints.
Second, because Alucard/Dracula is--and this is vital--still a bastard. One who, via the lens of how the Hel(l)sing family did their murky magical experiments on him, got juiced up into the Mega Shounen Horror Ultrabadass version of himself...and promptly got put on a magic leash so that he could only bare his teeth at the command of his human Hel(l)sing master. And for decades, pre-Integra, he was left to wither and rot in a windowless cell. Waiting to be dusted off.
It's a unique psychological place to force the asshole into. It doesn't make him a good guy, but I'd say it makes him a better character. One who pushes the limits of how much of a monster he can be without breaking the tethers on him and his power. Even when the inevitable Count Fuckula ooh~ sexy sexypire~ glaze gets applied with his interactions with Integra, it's still shown how fucking aggravating and uninvited he is with it. How much he uses it as just another nettle. Just as he once used an admittedly classier/classic gothic predatory menace on Jonathan, Lucy, and Mina in the novel.
When the big climax comes and he gets to flex all of his bloated powers, he's reached an internal growth point where he, at the very least, takes a moment to acknowledge Integra and Seras as worthy of respect rather than just irritating or deriding them respectively.
As an aside, despite her obvious Fanservice Girl position, I do have to grudgingly give Hirano points for how he portrays Seras Victoria's position with Alucard. This is the first (and I think only!) time I've ever seen a Dracula turn some voluptuous babe and then...not make advances on her. Before or after. He turned her to save her life after shooting through her to kill the vampire at her back. If anything, this is the first time we see any form of Dracula take a non-sexual, strangely paternal approach to the assumed vampire bride of a story.
And then there's the matter of Alexander Anderson. He and the Iscariot organization are absolutely bristling with what-the-fuckery and religion-aesthetic weirdness I don't have the skill to untangle. But the set up between Anderson and Alucard at the climax by itself is an interesting thing for how it shows a kind of logical (by manga standards) extreme of Dracula looking peaceful in the novel's climax; how he died and turned to dust with serenity. He welcomed it.
Alucard/Dracula, for all his glee at being a sadistic overpowered monster, welcomes Anderson's attempt to kill him while the man is still human. He's eager to be slain by a righteous mortal hand--perhaps he always had been since that Transylvanian sunset when he was left paralyzed, but not put down. Just turned into an experiment and an attack dog for the century and change to come. And when Anderson resorts to inhumanity, to becoming a horror like him rather than remaining the human hero who rightfully slays the monster, it makes him livid. Heartbroken.
There's just a lot to pick apart with this version of Dracula that I find worth sitting through the nonsense for. He isn't watered down into a cartoon. He isn't turned into a wink-at-the-camera Casanova. He isn't ~doing it all for love~. He's still fucking Dracula. But a Dracula who's been dragged by the hair through an intriguing rock tumbler of a history and forced to play with a cast of characters that makes me want to see what happens next rather than roll my eyes at yet another cookie cutter DRACULA WAS SO AWESOME-COOL AND THE REAL ANTIHERO ALL ALONG AND ALL THE GIRLS WANTED HIM AND THE HUMAN HEROES WERE ACTUALLY ALL LAME OR SECRETLY EVIL narrative.
It's a bloodstained bullet-riddled eldritch undead fever dream.
All that and it has a Dracula who eats Nazis.
I'll take that shit and Crispin Freeman's velvet voice acting in a heartbeat over 90% of Dracula media that's been squatted out over the past 126 years.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 11 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 83... You have been warned...! 👌
So, to start things off...:
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So while he had the chance, Yuri kicked Twilight's gun out of his hands, and now they stand face to face...
While Twilight questions why he hesitated, Yuri (after calling Twilight "creepy" 😖) thinks THIS to himself...:
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And with that, the two of them square off in AN AMAZING FIGHT!! 😆
After a few hits, Twilight grabs his belt and knocks Yuri with it (and somehow looking FINE AS HELL dress as Yuri...!! 😳):
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But, just like near the end of the "Epic Monster Battle" song from Phineas and Ferb:
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...GETS UP AGAIN...!!"
So Twilight and Yuri keep having this back and forth, where Twilight knocks Yuri down, but he keeps getting back up...!! (Just like in the song... 😖) And then, we get one of my favorite parts of this chapter...:
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(Also, I loved Twilight's comment about being raised by Yor...!! 🤣)
After a few more hits (and Twilight freaking out about Yuri getting back up so much one last time), Yuri is finally down for the count... And it's time for Twilight to finish the job:
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He couldn't bring himself to do it, and just leaves Yuri in the sewer...
This scene isn't only about Twilight having conflicting feelings, but it also shows one of the ways that Twilight still sees Yor as... An innocent civilian... Which means killing Yuri would take away the only "real" family Yor has left... Especially when Operation Strix is over with... And I believe that Twilight just couldn't bring himself to do that to her...
Moving on, we catch back up with Agent Mustache and Nightfall, who decide to change the plan after Wheeler doesn't show at their location...!
Agent Mustache disguises himself as the SSS agent that Twilight (disguised as Wheeler) met up with at the park and as he starts heading out, we finally see where Wheeler's been at this whole time:
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Wheeler went to where him and the other SSS agents were gonna meet up (which tells me that Twilight was definitely the Wheeler that talked to Yuri back in Mission 81...! 😁), but no one showed up. Then, Wheeler spots Gascoigne (the guy that Agent Mustache is disguised as) and heads out...!
After that, Agent Mustache tries to lure Wheeler out, but the plan doesn't seem to be working until Nightfall looks over the area and spots someone suspicious in the crowd... It was in fact Wheeler, and now Nightfall is on the hunt...!!
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Gosh, I just love seeing Nightfall in action...!! She's just SO BADASS...!! 😆 (When Twilight isn't around of course... 😌) The only thing that takes away from this badass image of Nightfall would be her earrings...
That fact will never not be funny to me...!! 🤭
Anyway, Nightfall and the other agents chase after Wheeler and now have him cornered...:
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And then, the chapter ends... And what an incredible chapter it was!! 😆 Mission 83 is shaping up to be a new favorite of mine, as well as this arc thus far...!! 👏😆👏😆👏😆
Honestly, I could probably gush about this chapter for longer, but I think I'll stop for now and just patiently wait for Mission 84...! ⏰⌛⌚ So until the next Mission... Take care and be safe out there y'all!! BYE!! 👋😄
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originalaccountname · 28 days
WAIT. I may be misinterpretating something, but. If Fyodor takes over the person who killed him, what do you think would happen if one of the abilities that doesn't quite obey its master killed him? Would it count? Elise probably would, but maybe not? Would Demon Snow or Tiger? Also Dazai concludes that poison wouldn't fit for his plan - does it mean he intended to take Bram's body specifically or that more iandirect murder methods wouldn't count?
Also three-way singularity... Maybe Kyouka's and shin soukoku team up??? Maybe????
For an ability that's not quite controlled by its holder: grey area, depends on a lot of things. I'm ignoring the Tiger because its rules are weird to begin with. Demon Snow does obey Kyouka now, before that it was more ambiguous, but it was either still Kyouka through the infkuence of others, or the person who called the shot. Tsujimura doesn't control her ability either but SPOILERS [it was actually some else's ability that sticks to her] so it would still have a target to bounce off.
Someone that could be harder to pinpoint would be Ayatsuji, because his ability causes a fatal, genuine accident to befall the culprit of a crime. Is it still his fault if it was bad luck that got Fyodor? Can the ability know where that "bad luck" came from and bounce all the way back? Depends on author intent then I'd say.
The poison issue here I'm pretty was because Fyodor took that poison willingly, he did this to himself, so he wouldn't have anyone to jump to. Similar issue if Dazai was the one to kill him, since it wouldn't work on him. It wasn't just a matter of dying or not, but also against who and how.
Fyodor looking dejected while climbing in the helicopter and lamenting that Dazai "wasn't all that much in the end" does mean that no matter what plan A was (getting out or getting killed), he would just keep moving. I wholeheartedly believe Fyodor didn't expect Gogol, but was waiting for a vampire to either come and kill him, or make him escape, since the deadline of their plan was so close. It's not impossible that Dazai actually dying against him would have thrown a wrench in his plan and he would have to try again with a new plan. He's been at this for a long time without success, after all.
I'm not gonna hold my breath for Kyouka's relevancy, even if I would like it very much. A nice surprise if it happens, but no disapointment if Asagiri keeps forgetting about her...
What I do think needs to happen is a in-manga explanation of singularities because I'm pretty sure that despite showing up in 5(!!!!) light novels and the Dead Apple novelization, they have yet to actually talk about it in the manga.......
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super-paper · 13 days
Manga spoilers!
I wanna give the benefit of the doubt to hori bc i know this isn't the last chapter and he could always continue and mend stuff in upcoming chapters. With that said, this chapter does feel rushed and off. And i'm not talking about action wise as most fans on twt think, but i'm refering to the conclusion(?) of shigarakis character arc. Regarding the whole afo/yoichi talk, hori could get away with it a bit, but as for shigaraki.... that's another conversation. There were moments in this chapter that i loved, i really liked izuku understanding of afo deep down, and the little ,although rushed, talk between the brothers. I loved that scene of the ofa users (minus toshinori i think, why????? He deserved to be there lol) and shigaraki punching afo, i love the idea of shigaraki also being a part of that and i find that panel of his and izukus fists connected beautiful in all ways. But then at the same time it's so rushed! I heard some fans think izukus character got ruined by ending the series quirkless, (....?.....) but what bothers me is actually izukus lack of reaction. It's valid and understandable for izuku to not forgive and be upset at shigaraki, but for the same kid that was so set in saving that crying boy for multiple arcs and through this one, and all the compassion izuku felt for tenko, for izuku to not react shigaraki crumbling into dust and disappearing feels so weird and out of character for him. Can one even count that as him saving that crying little boy?? Now, i do expect hori to bring back tomura/tenko somehow, but if not.... well then that's disappointing and i have to wonder what happened with his character arc??
Like, I'm really trying to be optimistic but 😭
Like you said it was extremely rushed and jammed what should have been 2-3 chapters worth of content into a single chapter-- it makes everything seem unfocused and flat. Like, whatever happened between Tenko and Nana getting offscreened completely neutered the emotional impact and "triumph" of Tenko's "return". AFO getting psychologically dressed down by Izuku, confronted by Yoichi and the vestiges + Tenko, and ultimately "exorcised" deserved its own focus chapter rather than being forced to share breathing room with the (equally gimped) exits of two other characters. Tenko and AFO's relationship gets zero focus/introspection-- Instead we have Tenko literally getting lumped in with the rest of the vestiges instead of getting any sort of unique dialog/interaction with AFO even though his dynamic with AFO (and their melding/untangling from one another) has been a MAJOR part of the series. Honestly, if I think about Tenko/Tomura and his treatment any more I'll probably make myself sick-- other people have already said enough on why this would be a terrible ending for him/MHA as a whole if it sticks.
It's just, such an incomprehensibly bad and cowardly chapter lmao.
(heavy criticism re: Izuku's writing under the read more)
I think my main issue is that even if it is a big fakeout, there's just.... no salvaging Izuku's character for me after this chapter. His entire arc and what was supposed to distinguish him from other heroes hinged on this. Like, you can't have your "intrinsically compassionate sees-the-heart-in-everyone" MC smash through the dying remains of a character who is literally begging for Tenko's life and expect ppl to still root for him??? Shiragiri sacrifices himself to plead on Tenko's behalf and remind everyone there that Tenko is a human who has people waiting for him-- but tonally, him getting utterly steamrolled still gets treated like a hype/heroic moment by Bkg's inexplicable arrival on the scene. It's incomprehensibly tone deaf and makes Izuku's almost complete nonreaction to pretty much everything that has happened to both Tenko and himself stand out all the worse.
As a Izuku fan it boggles my mind that other Izuku fans seem to think this was a good conclusion to his character arc. Like. There's literally no way to backtrack or put any kind of positive spin on how Izuku behaved during this fight evn if Tenko does survive, and it kills me. There's no way to spin it that doesn't boil down to Izuku thinking that Tenko was an acceptable loss if it meant erasing AFO from the world.
There was not even a smidge of internal conflict or hesitation or even a single thought spared for Tenko. Zero introspection from Izuku and zero grappling with the weight of the life he's about to take (because from his perspective, even if Tenko *does* miraculously survive, Izuku had no way of knowing he would and still made the decision to whale away on his body as it crumbled!). Like. Zero reflection on the reveal that Tenko was manipulated from birth, zero attempt to reach him or even speak to him again to see if he was still "in there." Zero attempt to minimize the damage to Tenko's body, zero attempt to engage w/ the sole other character invested in trying to save him (💀💀💀) Zero communication with his fellow heroes about Tenko's situation and his desire to save him so THEY could all make an informed choice, zero hesitation in repeatedly whaling away at Tenko's dying body, zero attempt to "go beyond" and change the ending/future. like. Everything abt Izuku's writing in this chapter is utterly ghoulish.
But hey, Izuku's final punch made the rain stop or whatever. Ugh. 🙄
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strwbrrybxn · 1 year
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part v.v: she says most assuredly; word count: two thousand four hundred and forty-one words
☞︎︎︎ pairing: nanami kento x fem!reader
☞︎︎︎ warnings: MAJOR MANGA SPOILERS, shibuya incident arc spoilers, serious injuries, third person pov, blood, scars, mentions of tragedy and fighting
☞︎︎︎ genre: angst, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
☞︎︎︎ au: sugar daddy au, jjk canonverse
characters: nanami kento, reader, gojo satoru, itadori yuji, megumi fushiguro, mahito
a/n: creds to the artist who drew this beautiful fanart. I don't know who it is, but I got it from @/kuzanryo from pinterest. I had a really rough time finishing this because the first ending was so sad and heartbreaking that I needed a moment to breath before writing this so I'm sorry this has taken me so long to write, but I appreciate everyone who reads it and waited patiently for it.
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Kento was never the type of man who had the ability to speak on his emotions. He was blunt, straightforward, logical, but emotionally? He struggled. How does one tell someone they’ve known for years that they’ve been in love with them from the very start. From the minute they came crashing into him. So many thoughts, so many words swirled inside his head, feelings of love and admiration; feelings of need. 
The date earlier in the night had only sealed his feelings for the woman in his arms; the woman who made him question his very existence prior to her arrival. How did he manage to live without her by his side all those years? She was truly a miracle — his ray of sunshine, and he wanted to tell her that; he needed to tell her how in love with her he was. She who made him question his own plans — plans he made that only involved himself. Now he was thinking about how to incorporate her; how to weave her into those plans. Would she want to go to Malaysia? How many rooms should they have in their home? How many children would be running amuck throughout their home? 
“Tell me what your big plan is,” she whispered, startling him. She smiled when she looked at him, taking in the questioningly look inside his eyes. “Your plan for retirement. Tell me what it is.”
“I’m hoping it happens after this mission, to be honest.” She snuggled back into her spot, humming along to let him know she was listening. “Open a bakery in a quiet place, maybe the suburbs, maybe a different country.” 
“Different country? Have you traveled a lot?”
“I have.” His fingers brushed through the natural hair that had grown throughout the year. He remembered telling her he loved it and the next thing he knew, she was growing her hair out and cutting out the bleached ends. A new beginning, she told him when he caught her in the bathroom with clumps of damaged hair surrounding her feet. 
“What was your favorite place?”
“Malaysia,” he answered without hesitation. 
“We should go there, then.” We. We could go there. “I mean, I figure you won’t leave me behind in this place-”
“Then let me wiggle my way into your plans.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he whispered, lips pressing to the skin of her head. 
“Would you find another job?”
“I’ve thought about it.” 
“Share your ideas with me, please.”
“I’d rather hear yours.” Kento’s fingers curled around her hip, a soft hum leaving his lips as he felt her body melt against his. 
“My plans?” She thought for a moment. “I never thought about the future. I never thought the future mattered when I grew up in such a household, but after meeting you,” she smiled, chin resting on his chest so she could get a better look at him. “I think I want my future to consist of you. Just wiggle me into what you’ve already decided for yourself and I promise I will be content as long you’re in my arms every night.” Kento was about to argue, about to tell her that this isn’t how compromising and relationships would work but the next words out of her mouth forced the words to die on his tongue from the utmost assurance radiating from them. “Wherever you are is where I want to be.” 
After that, all he could hear was the hammering of his heart and feel the sweat of his palms as he sat up, startling her as she quickly pulled the sheets around her bare body. It wasn’t the most perfect moment, but she was perfect so any moment with her was the right moment for this. His fingers fumbled as he reached into the nightstand drawer. Her head tilted to the side, her own stomach churning with feelings she only ever felt with him. 
It was as if she was nervous about what was happening, the good kind of nerves that one only gets when something is about to change their life for the better. The anxious rise and fall of his chest made her fingers curl around the sheets and she caught sight of the small velvet box in his palm. 
“It’s soon — too soon,” he whispered. “I know that, but I don’t care. You don’t have to say anything. You don't have to answer me yet, but,” The ring – tear-drop in shape and just the perfect size – appeared in her line of sight. It was like the oxygen was pulled from her lungs and her heart jumped into her throat. “Wear this if you feel the same way about it. If you love me the way I love you.” 
Another beat of silence before she managed to choke out, “An-and what way is that?”
“If you’re in love with me as much as I’m in love with you.”
She didn’t have to tell him anything, she knew that, and at this point, she didn’t trust her voice. With shaky fingers, she slipped the jewelry on her left ring finger, sighing contently at how beautifully it fit. The same way she fit in his arms. 
The urgent call from Gojo came right at dawn, the phone ringing and Kento jumping out of bed with a start. She barely moved, too used to the way Kento would rush out of the bed and throughout the house to get ready for work. It wasn’t until the harsh whispers reached her ears that she stirred awake. Kento sounded frustrated and Gojo sounded… serious. It was abnormal.
The feeling of dread burrowed itself into the pits of her stomach as she pulled one of his hoodies over her head and headed into the living room to find the best friends huddled together and the vein protruding from Kento’s forehead. She couldn’t explain what this feeling was, and where it came from. Because she knew what he did and worried for his safety? Or was it something entirely different?
“Mornin’.” Gojo hummed without breaking eye contact from Kento. The blonde tilted his head to look at his girlfriend, a small smile curling at his lips. 
“Good morning, baby.” The words slipped from his lips without missing a beat, a smile gracing his face when he finally turned towards her. 
“Where are you going this time?” She whispered, eyes downcast towards the ring on her finger. Gojo shoved his hands in his pockets and Nanami took the strides across the room to kiss her forehead. 
“Shibuya,” He hummed. “It looks perfect on you,” Kento whispered, forehead pressed against hers. “I promise to come back right away. I love you.”
“I’ll bring him back safely, I promise.” The snow haired man smiled from the doorway, whisking away her boyfriend without a second glance behind him. She just prayed he’d keep his promise.
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[BIG BIG MANGA SPOILERS so *ahem* i’m not responsible for you ignoring this warning and continuing to read]
Nanami trudged down the hall after his fight; burns scorched the entirety of his left side, including his face, from Jogo’s Dragon’s Death Swarm and flames. He was growing delirious as the seconds passed with his sluggish steps. His blade dangled from his fingers. The sooner he finished this, the quicker he could go home and see her; kiss her, tell her he loved her, take her away. He could make sure she never worried about his safety again. He could retire. 
A photo booth’s curtain slid open once Nanami walked passed, Mahito, with a mischievous smile across his stitched face, holding his legs up and content with the events unraveling in front of him. 
Kento stepped off the final step, coming face to face with the swarm of transfigured humans and he stopped for a moment. 
Fwoo. “Malaysia,” he said, head tilting up to the ceiling. “Yeah, Malaysia. Taking her to Kuantan would be nice. Build us a house on a secluded beach. Finally get around to reading the countless books I’ve bought. I could finally go through them page by page… kinda like taking back the time I’ve lost.” He took a deep breath.
No, right now, you’re… you’re heading over to save Fushiguro… but what about Maki… and Naobito? What happened to them?
Tired… so tired. Yeah, I’m just tired. I’ve done enough, haven’t I?
“I can go home now.” With his blade in the air, he cut and sliced through all the transfigured humans, cutting them down before a hand pressed to his chest. His eye glanced down, taking in the appearance. Stitches on the arm. Mahito. 
“I didn’t know you were here…” Exhausted.
“Yup. The whole time. Wanna chat? We go way back, after all.”
Haibara, what the hell was I trying to do anyway? I ran. Even though I ran away, I came back with the vague reason of finding the work worthwhile.
The man standing in front of him; his old partner from high school. His dead partner from high school – Yu Haibara.
“Itadori.” A stupid smile from Mahito.
“Nanamin!” No, Haibara. That’s not right. I can’t say that to him. It’ll end up becoming a curse for him.
“Itadori…” Nanami smiled, head held high as he spoke to the protégé. “you’ve got it from here.”
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Ringing. That was all she heard; the constant ringing in her ears and it distracted her from Yuji and Megumi's words. 
What were they saying? 
What is that sound?
She watched the words leave their lips, tried to read them off. 
Severely burned. Heart stopped.
She could feel her own stop; feel the way it skipped and ripped before Yuji opened his mouth again.
“He’s awake and breathing.”
He’s alive? She could barely focus when she felt Yuji’s hands gently grip hers. They were barely there… or maybe she was just numb. She refused to get her hopes up, refused to think about what to expect when she walked into that hospital room. 
Once they got her in the car, Yuji told Ijichi everything. The assistant director knew better than to try and speak at the moment. He saw the distanced look in her eyes, the glaze over her irises and pursed his lips.
“How long–” she started, voice hoarse from screaming earlier. “How long was he out?” Her eyes memorized every scene that passed the window. She didn’t look up, didn’t spare him a glance and if it hadn’t been so quiet in the car, he never would have heard her. 
“Minutes,” was all he could bring himself to say. He couldn’t tell her his heart stopped beating for six minutes; that his breathing stopped two minutes before that. How they resuscitated him, and succeeded, is still unknown. She didn’t say anything else.
She tried to mentally prepare herself for walking into the hospital room, but she wasn’t given a chance to when she saw the tufts of blonde hair taking a walk outside in the garden (against doctor’s orders, of course). The tears blurred her eyes as she stood under the arch, taking in his ragged appearance as he watched the trees blow in the wind above him. She just wanted to run up to him and hug him, tell him she loved him and that she’s so happy he’s okay, but when he turned his head, eye scanning the figure in front of him, the tears spilled over onto her cheeks. 
He was nowhere near as okay. No one had told her that the damage caused to his face and body were as brutal, and as shocking, as they were. 
His lips parted, his own tears blurring his only good eye as he hobbled towards her with the walking cane they had given him. 
“Princess,” he whispered, voice strained. His heart was breaking at the sight of her tears.
“You’re— Na–Nami—” She managed to choke out, heart clenching as he reached her. All she wanted to do was throw herself into his arms, but she wasn’t even sure he’d be able to hold her. The worries, however, didn’t seem to reach her boyfriend as the cane clattered against the walkway and large, strong arms thrust her into his chest. That was all it took for the sobbing to start, the dam of tears drenching the hospital gown covering his ragged and worn body. He was sure she could feel the scar of a hole that almost ripped apart his entire abdomen, but it was a conversation for another time. For now, he needed to hold her as tightly as he could. “I-I thought–” She didn’t want to speak on it; couldn't speak on it. The words wouldn't leave her throat. 
“Shhh. Don’t worry, baby. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He smiled, bony fingers clad in bandages brushing through the grown out brown locks of her hair. She blubbered against his chest, heart hammering in her rib cage as she could feel his own beating just as fast. She clung to him, locked her arms around his middle — almost as though, if she let go, he’d disappear with the wind flowing around them. “I love you,” he whispered against her hair, speaking it aloud for the first time in what felt like years, but it was only a few days. A single tear slipped down his cheek, a shaky breath leaving his lungs. He was safe. He was home with her in his arms.
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BONUS — Two Years Later
The crying has finally ceased in the household and for the first time in three months, the home is quiet at 3 AM. The blonde sighs as he rubs his eyes, completely unsure of how he got her to calm down finally, but careful not to wake her up. 
“Is she asleep?” The woman whispers from the doorway, arms crossed and a yawn slipping out. Kento smiles, looking up from the baby in his arms to see his fiance trudge across the room tiredly. 
“She just fell asleep.” She takes the spot beside her fiance, leaning her head against his shoulder. As she reaches forward, the baby’s fingers wrap around her index finger instinctively. She stays like that for a moment before taking the little one into her arms and placing her back in her crib. “How do you do this so effortlessly?” 
A snort leaves her nose and she’s quick to cover her face with a surprised look. The baby stirs slightly in the crib before settling back down, asleep and content with the blanket her father bought her. It’s a mini version of the one he gifted her when she finally came back from the hospital, and it still smells like him. “I’m not as graceful as you are with her.” She strides over to her fiance, climbing into his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. “You’re a wonderful dad..” 
“A wonderful dad?”
“The most wonderful dad.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“And I love you, Nami,” she says most assuredly. A smile graces her face once more before she presses a kiss to his slightly chapped lips. 
He was beyond happy with the life he was graced with — a life that was almost taken from him; a life he’d never take for granted again.
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taglist ♡ @vynz0ne, @hashira-mal, @justmyownreality, @dahlias-love, @brunetteeiwik, @delirious-donna, @dreamcastgirl99, @usagiii3
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beesmygod · 1 year
what do u think are the top 5 stand fights in jojo
this is very hard. at first i thought it was bc there were so many to choose from but when you narrow them down it's a pretty short list of bangers. the problem is the short list is extremely good. here is my best attempt at what ive read so far
star platinum vs the world
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example: oh? you're approaching me?
like, obviously, you have to put this one up really high. its The Fight of All Time. it has everything:
a dramatic character death that is NOT in vein......rip to kakyoin the sickest little boy in all of egypt
the apparent death of beloved bastard joseph joestar, in which he gives the longest dying speech since hamlet that sounds like "jotaro! press the A button to punch dio really fast and reffill your meter!" only to be returned to full health at the end so he can do the single greatest prank of all time.
jotaro finally says something so cool it makes you want to stand up and scream for him in sheer rapturous joy
polnareff gets a good hit in.
dio becoming subject to the exact same torment that he inflicts upon others right before a death that definitively underscores that he is lesser than he knew himself to be is perfection. honestly an incredible end to one of the greatest villains of all time. it feels very, very earned and satisfying
killer queen: bite ze dusto vs. the entirety of the town of morioh
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example: yoshikage kira traumadumps about getting a boner to a stranger
i actually think this one is my absolute favorite of them all. the communal effort to take out yoshikage kira is a monumental undertaking; he is an absolute bastard with a seemingly endless string of luck. living members of the community who have good hearts, his victims who have been waiting for justice, strangers from far away dedicated to righting wrongs, and a completely powerless 10 year old powered entirely by the raw energy of a child's pure conscience band together to end a literal cycle of violence. how the fuck do you defeat a man who has already killed you and you don't even know it?? how do you stop someone who can turn back time?? it truly fucking seems like hes going to get away with it at the end. and then AGAIN you're like "oh no oh my god hes going to-" and then the single greatest villain death in the history of manga happens lol. ohhhhh its so fucking good.
its another battle thats made all the better by the sum of its parts. the entire yoshikage kira arc is near perfection. the set ups, pay offs, and who it chooses to celebrate as the heroes in the end creates a very satisfying cap to a great series.
osiris vs the stardust crusaders
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example: jotaro loses a hand, and increases his bet
i love the stand fights that barely end up being stand fights. star platinum throws i think a single punch in this fight and its to light jotaro's cigarette, a mere taste of the sheer, near impossible speed of star platinum. how fast IS star platinum anyway....would you.....bet your life on it...??!!!!
a friend online told me about the "jotaro has autism" fan theory, and i was like "hm. whatever" until this episode, when i fully 100% believe that jotaro not only has autism but has figured out how to hone and weaponize it against his enemies. all these morons have to do is win a game of chance against a professional gambler who also openly cheats. i love this shit. this is the part of the story where jotaro really, really starts to shine and his unique strengths as a little badass piece of shit start to come through. i think he really starts to solidify his personality here when he finally gets a win that isnt based on "punch something really fast".
oingo and boingo/hol horse and boingo vs themselves
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example: hol horse, noted woman respecter, does a flying jump kick on a random rich woman and she's so grateful she pays him in jewels
im counting these as one because i can and i want to. these episodes are fucking tops. easily top 5 eps of the entirety of stardust crusaders. i dont think anyone involved in the anti-dio squad had any idea oingo or boingo existed. bringing back that stupid asshole hol horse is literally always going to be appreciated as he's one of the best recurring villains even though his stand fucking sucks lmfao. boingo's too actually. his stand is he has a book but the book is an asshole. great goofy shit. what is fucking wrong with polnareff and joseph
da morioh boyz vs rohan kishibe
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example: rohan makes every comic artist in the world mad
speaking of "whats wrong with him", ive posted a lot about rohan so i'll spare you it again but it's all highlighted best in his first ep. the one where he eats a spider, tears a child's face off for artistic inspiration, and tells another he has a whack ass haircut.
~honorable mentions~
jotaro vs literally two rats: the man who defeated dio and all of his minions almost gets completely smoked by jerry the mouse of tom and jerry fame.
koichi hirose vs yoshikage kira: aka the sheer heart attack fight. clever solution, funny jotaro moments, explosions, koichi levels up, THREE FREEZE, etc
joseph joestar and avdol vs bastet: a rare comedy stand where the joke is good. mariah is a fun antagonist. its also a rare pair up that turned out to be a lot of fun. they play off each other well (badly)
yoshikage kira vs stray cat: foil ep to jotaro's rat episode. weird perspective, fun to see kira play the hero briefly.
team bucciarati vs pesci and prosciutto: aka fighting old lol. the twist on how araki keeps prosciutto's power going while making him inaccessible is twisted. beach boy is also a skin crawling stand. very dangerous boys.
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gia-xy · 3 days
Shuu's Talk, NatsuYuu on LaLa Manga Magazine July 2024. (Spoiler)
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I will not talk much about it, but Tsukiko is also appear and protested because his dad did not hold Shuu and the others back until she got back. I just realize that there are two people who call Shuu "Shuuichi-san"—Matoba in the past and Tsukiko. I will be happy if Taka also joins the group. AND, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY TAKUMA-SAN ALWAYS LOOK SO DAMN COOL EVERY DAMN TIME I SEE HIM. SHUU, HOW CAN YOU GOT ALL THE COOL MENTORS ON YOUR SIDE?? 😭 Anyway, they also had a flashback about Takuma-san's mentor, so be sure to check it out. 😉
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Taka said he does not feel at ease inside a storage, but Shuu, in the contrary, said he was used to storage since he always looked onto the document in his house's storage alone, so he did not hate storage. What a hardworking boy he was. 😭 I really like how the main chapter finally mentioned about what Shuu did on the spinoff chapters.
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Nyanko said Shuu was shady because he was counting on his intuition while do his exorcism job. But Shuu just smiled and responded, "I guess you're right." Nyanko, how can you said that while riding in his head?? I seriously love their interaction. 🤧
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Shuu got a curse on him and Taka started to wonder if he should actually learn about spells and stuffs so he can be useful to Shuu. Omg, just remember how he was super uncomfy when Shuu told him to study about spells and way to exorcise ayakashi in the past. I seriously can feel Taka got more and more attached to Shuu lately. Anyway, Shuu said that deep inside Taka should be realized by now that the spells are made by exorcists and the more someone uses it, something will be broken—he did not said what it was, but I think it is connection with ayakashis. The more they exorcises ayakashis, the ayakashis will know just by smelling them and will regards them as an enemy.
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Shuuichi has got into fight with ayakashis since he had exorcised may of them, but in the contrary, Taka is still walking by their side and regarded as someone who lives near them, as their neighbor. Anyway, Shuu wants to said that Taka should just stay as how he is now and keep his connection with ayakashis. I somehow can feel Shuu actually adores Taka's way of dealing wth ayakashis, but he understands that he could not do the same so he wants Taka to keep walking on the path Shuu could not.
Then Shuu was joking that it such a shame since they will be unbeatable duo if they works together. Nyanko responsed that it was coward to think that coward to think that someone won't be unbeatable if they do not get help from other party. Is it just m or Nyanko just want to say that Shuu himself is not that weak even if he does things without people's help? 🤣
It is sper bad of me thinking like this, but I was excited when Shuu got the curse. Omg, another Disney Princess Shuu chapter!! I somehow feel bad if could not see his shikis, but turns out he still could head their voices since he used his paper doll before the curse got onto him.
I just think as long as Shuu in problem, Sensei will tell more about him, so I was excited. LOL. Sorry, Shuu. Love you. ❤️
Cannot wait for the next chapter. Wonder how they will take care of the curse. 🤔
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Just finished episode 8 and mmmm, man there's a lot to unpack here. These are just my initial ramblings; I'll probably make other posts later this weekend as I mull over the episode further. (Manga spoilers below)
I love how they showed him using his powers in this, and how communicating with his sisters and keeping them alive actually drains Vash, unlike the original material, where only activating his weaponized abilities drains him. I like that, despite the fact that it means he's much closer to death than he was before a certain event in the manga. It means that everything he does leaves a mark on him, whether you notice it or not.
It also means Vash is literally doing everything he can to keep everyone alive, Plant and human (although, we haven't seen the human affects left on his body, other than his missing arm). However, he's got a lot of guilt over being part of the reason the ships fell (Dad pegged him with survivor's guilt when he refused food, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's right).
And hey -- looks like everyone else was right; Vash was the one who collapsed at the end of last episode, and not Meryl. I'm glad we caught a glimpse of him in the present, waking from a bad dream, only to fall back into those memories.
After the episode, Dad and I had a discussion over the information given and how it was given. Dad described this episode as a small info dump that answers questions we had before, and remarked on how it takes an incredible intelligence to come up with a world like this, give us questions to ponder, and then give us enough answers to keep going.
(Dad: It would seem that by retelling this story, he's [Nightow's] gotten a second chance -- or third chance [if you count the old anime]-- to make it more compelling and draws the reader along more, and builds the tension.)
Dad currently thinks Nai/Knives is going to try to get Vash to heal the black plants we saw at the end of episode 8. I'm currently unsure, considering that Knives tries it himself in the preview and they have a fight, but we'll have to wait and see.
(Dad is also wondering about how/when Vash loses his arm, and if Knives has something to do with it. Hooo boy.....)
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chzdavmpr · 3 months
Delicious in Dungeon Reading Diary Vol 3
Spoilers, obviously
So they confirm that dog guy on the B team IS a kobold, and not a different species.
You can tell the author has actually played DnD, cause a debate on what does and does not count as cannibalism is very authentic.
Since they are focusing on the kraken having eaten too many mid-size monsters, I wonder if it's an invasive species, or just grew too big for the ecosystem to support it. It seems to be the later, since they don't seems surprised to see it there.
1x1 lego brick
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Oooh Marcille backstory.
I wrote in my notes that it's interesting that they have Falin be seen as a worse student then Marcille, cause in the present the opposite is true. But then they show that not only does falin have much better practical knowledge, it's shown at the end that Marcille likely exaggerated how good she was in school, so that clears that up.
What ISN'T cleared up is how it makes no sense that Falin and Marcille were in school at the same time. Marcille is WAY older then Falin, this much was confirmed in the mimic chapter. There is a slight chance they explain this, but for now it seems like a plothole, albeit on that doesn't really matter.
Oh crap, SHE'S here, from the first chapter.
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I was wondering how death worked in this setting ever since they mentioned resurrection magic, to the point where I considered typing up a bit about it, asking questions like "do people just live forever if they can consistently get rezed? Does it not work on death of old age?" So it's neat to get an explanation that it's a dungeon thing, plus it helps explain things like ghosts and zombies.
This is wrong. He's practically naked without his helmet. Also how I won't be able to help but notice whenever his eyebrows should be visible under his helmet.
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Hmm. So mana doesn't come back passively, or at least not in the dungeon. In a way that almost makes it another nutrient that needs to be balanced in their food.
Excuse me? Propose? That should be very interesting when next we meet him.
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Makes me wonder why he of all people chose to leave Laios' party. Like surely saving her would be easier with the others.
Well this is just adorable. Especially how Chilchuck's doesn't line up so it's patchwork.
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Overall another good volume. I would say it gave me less to chew on then volume 2, but we're talking individual volumes of manga here so and difference in quality is very small. (Plus most of my thinking and theorizing last volume was because of one chapter). I have already checked out the next volume from my library and saw it has the red dragon on the cover, so that is very exciting. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
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daychiie · 5 months
For the manga ask: 1, 11 and 17
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Anyway I'm answering those questions here!!!
1. Your top 5 reads of 2023
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Meme for symmetry lol
No Home - NO HOME MY BELOVED MY BESTIE NO HOME,HOW IT CAN BE SO WELL WRITTEN IT MAKES ME INSANE BRO... COMICS OF ALL TIME. I have no words to explain... I do want one day stop being a coward and write out some analysis on it, buuut--oh well~~
Dungeon Meshi - I got into the party almost "too late". Well, I don't really believe that starting something after if finished is getting into it too late,but I do get that you lose some experiences if you get into something late than other... And in my case I got into it some weeks before it officially ended lmao. Always heard about it and finally gave a try, it's extremely funny and charming, can't wait for the anime this week :]
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - I saw the anime back when it was releasing, enjoyed it and...that was it. Hoped for season two (kinda still wish for it),but yeah... Then finally said fuck it and OHH IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER. LIKE ITS NOT THAT THE ANIME IS BAD BY ANY MEANS BUT WELL...it only covered one part of it and it always keep getting funnier and funnier! Wakamatsu is so much more insane and dumb... The characters we never got to met there. I do have some issue here and there but in general I have a pretty fun time :]
Ikoku Nikki - yeah maybe sometimes see that something gonna end next week really pushes me to read it lol. Anyway I do want to re read again sometime soon,but it was a very emotional read!! Makio women of all time, a aro icon <3 she everything!!!!
After School Lessons for Unripe Apples - another fun read!!! Don't think I have too much thoughts but I really enjoy Mi-ae and Cheol dynamic <3
Just making clear that in this top 5 I put stuff I started reading in 2023,so like ... No Skip to Loafer here lol even thought I enjoyed the new chapters that were released in 2023,in the rules my head made it didn't count lmao.
11. Your favorite covers
Suddenly I actually never read anything in 2023 :) GJJSAJFN ok guess Hirayasumi covers are very neat!!! I love the painting of it.
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But yeah I noticied I remember chapter covers much more than I remember volume covers, so originally I was going to show some of my favorite chapter covers...but then 10 photos limit. Even thought I was sure nowdays is 30 idk if its because I'm stuck in mobile but whatever,I spend two hours looking covers on my phone I gonna show it on a rb or something lmao
17. A manga you didn’t expect to like
Hmnm ... I don't remember lmao. Like at least not anything that I felt that extremely "omg what pleasant surprise!!!!!" ? The best I could think of is kisses x kiss x kisses that ...well does have a cringe name that kinda put you expectations at low I guess lol
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It's nothing amazing, it's a finished romance comic, that is very sweet. I liked the contrast of the protagonist and his love interest being like, boy with big family all living together and boy that lives alone with parents in another country lol. It is a cliche and not gonna pretend they do anything groundbreaking with it, but it's still a nice storyline. Lowkey big spoilers ahead I guess but: I liked that while the protagonist dream of living completely alone changed a little (cause come on its a fluffy romance lol), he still got separates room cause he does want be able to experience and enjoy not sharing a room,having more privacy and stuff. It's kinda small overall, but it's nice that his dream and his goals didn't do a complete change because of love.
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nowen422 · 8 months
November talking bou...💀💀💀
BLEACH TYBW ep 25: Well, it was nice while it lasted
What an episode. We're riding high and feeling alive; then, next thing we know, we're watching as our childhood stuffed animal is set on fire right before us. This is all hyperbole, of course, but I still feel it's a very accurate metaphor. This episode is a good episode, but it comes at a point in the story where we have to set up the insurmountable odds our true protagonist has to face in order to save the day. The downside is is that while we get to enjoy the thrills and highs of a brand new fight that seeks to make amends for a fight that was originally quite lackluster, we also have to now deal with the true ending of that fight which unfortunately cannot change and only now serves as a punch to the gut after seeing something that I feel appeased nearly all of us. So, as the title says, it was nice while it lasted. Still, great moments for the characters and an especially vicious and somewhat haunting usage of a technique that we've heard about but never gotten to see. Plus, we all now know why you don't mess with the eyeball monk.
So now to do a death tally and wait for next we-...what do you mean the next episode is out already? Wait, WHAT HAPPENS?! Soul king I need to pay attention more!
Shinigami deaths: 16
Quincy deaths: I can't count that high (20 named going by death portraits)
Spoilers below
Real fast
Things I liked:
We get to see the remaining visored again as well as Yoruichi's brother! But we also get to be reminded of Kisuke's habit of sending sacrificial pawns to buy time for him to figure out solutions. What can I say, even after a hundred years, old habits die hard.
Whenever Ichibe draws anything with his brush I always like the effect of following the brush stroke. It makes it feel more supernatural
Ywach is such a hardcore fighter, it really is a perfect matchup between him and Ichibe. One is willing to humiliate the enemy by any means while still beating them down, the other will risk deadly injury just to negate the humiliation. Absolute refusal to give an edge to both sides.
A return of sanct bogen! Although this one doesn't serve as a sword delivery device
Ichibe's eyeless moment is straight from the Manga. It is perfect and really fits the name thing he has been doing this episode (this is why I've been bolding his name btw, gotta show respect)
It's very subtle but I love Haschwalths ability just ruining everything for everyone else. It will really be great to have it explained eventually.
I think this is a great episode for Uryu because we get to see Chad, Orihime and Ichigo's power ups, but with this we see Uryu hasn't been slacking either. Also I want to thank @takibikaen for the comment on how Ywach got out of the cage. Uryu's antithesis just straight up teleports now and him dodging Tenjiro's water ball kinda proves it.
If I could have a wacky spin-off show with just Nimaya and Askin, I would be the happiest man alive. They're roommates in San Francisco and they hate each other. Boom, instant hit. But seriously, with a ton of comedic moments cut, these two provide a great amount of levity to the situation.
Aizen did the slut strand look first, but I'm willing to bet that Askin stole it and made it his. Man earned it this episode
Senjumaru is the QUEEN this episode. Has been clowning on everyone for two episodes now, if she does it in the next one, she's my new favorite (edit here: she did and she is now)
This whole fight really is a battle of overpowered ability versus overpowered ability.
Askin and Nimaya are the kids who would role-playing sword fights on the playground to try and compete on looking cooler and you cannot change my mind.
Aushwhalen is way more brutal than I thought it would be. Also it shows that Ywach never explained what it was to his army, just waving it off as just a purging of unworthy Quincy. But then when the unworthy are gone, who is picked to full their spots?
Giselle is creepy as hell in this episode. I hope her fans are enjoying themselves. I mean that legitimately
It was nice to see Bazz B and Liltotto reacting the same to the betrayl. It's a nice setup to their switching sides
UKITAKE IS BACK!! And oh no he brought a friends with him ✋️
Things I didn't like:
I feel like if they were going to introduce Yuishiro so soon, we should have gotten to see him sooner, especially since we've got one episode left of the season. It's a bit abrupt but it's nice to see him at least, let's hope he gets some love later on
I thought it was Weird how Ichibe was bleeding from his coat when he dredge Ywach's arrow. The first thing I thought was that maybe he's so ancient that his body doesn't function the same way that a more modern Souls body would. I'm probably overthinking it, but it does make me wonder
I still think we don't get to see what Kinpika really does beyond glow. Granted if I had to fight someone with a sword and someone was on the side shining a flashlight in my eyes the whole time, I would find that pretty distracting too. Not every sword gets to be super powerful
I did not expect to see Giselle like that today. Not a bad thing, but dang I was expecting her to just eat the blood from her guts, not-im gonna stop there. Also there were claims of her possibly being romantically and or amorously entangled with the otherwise alive, I don't think that it's a possibly anymore, I think it's an actually. Glad Liltotto is my favorite especially since they're the only two left. Cannibal or Zombie lover, starting to remember why I didn't like the Bambi's so much.
They cut the scene of Robert having his meltdown and trying to kill Liltotto. Real shame. Plus we get confirmed that Giselle and Liltotto are the only female sternritter left.
Last thing and this is a silly thing, but with the amount of blood that Giselle was consuming and or covered in, how does she keep the all-white outfit clean? Do Quincy uniforms repel moisture? Or do they just have an unlimited supply of stain remover everywhere?
Needless to say great episode, and now that I know that there is a second episode I have to watch that. So I guess we're getting two this week. Still, seems like it should be a fun one regardless. ( hi Nowen from the future here, just wanted to say I watched the episode and holy s***.)
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