#wait till u see what the death note is
radio-charlie · 1 year
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Until some raytheon profiteer dies i will assume that the light yuhGAHmee who got the death note really doesn’t like elites who want to do business w china specifically
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bhavyalatha · 1 year
Lesson for a doctor in India nowadays;
1. Every patient is a potential litigant (however sweet and charming you find the attenders in counselling session)
2. When a case goes to trial, if you haven’t written date and time of your visit then your notes are questionable.
3. Never hesitate to over investigate. Err on the side of caution.
4. Never hesitate to admit in ICU. Financial status of the patient is not your headache. If not affordable the Govt is providing world class infrastructure and care in all government hospitals.
5. Save atleast ₹50 lakh for potential consumer forum litigation. Get a medical indemnity insurance (whether you are a resident, registrar, consultant)
6. Be firm in your counselling. Retaliate with the same tone. Don’t appear meek.
7. There is no bargaining in health care. If you have made a clinical decision. Stick by it.
8. Make sure you document the patient deteriorating and likelihood of patients death in ICU. (Don’t hesitate to use the word ‘Death’)
9. Dont show sympathy. Be empathetic.
10. Use caution while speaking in ICU. some of the patients are awake. And listening to what u say.
11. Take consent for blood transfusion also.
12. Never advise treatment on phone, whatsapp, skype, instagram,sms. Cite the supreme court ruling for the same.
13. If patient attenders call you asking what to do on a holiday and describe the patients condition, dont rely on them. Ask them to bring the patient to the hospital. (The only reason patient son/daughter calls you on a holiday is to get a false assurance that he can wait till tomorrow).
14. Don’t answer phone while driving. His fever of 98.9 is not more important than your life.
15. Take care of your health. You and only you are responsible for your health. The patient you so laboriously resuscitated, revived, treated wont thank you after 19 days of hospital admission.
16. Every stroke of your pen in the OP/IP sheet is medico legally answerable. Chose your words carefully.
17. If you really love your kids, inculcate the love of Maths and Physics also in them.
18. The ethics taught to you may not applicable for Indian scenario., with respect to how patients / family may behave
19. Dont be happy that you have the attenders signature on all the consent forms etc. It may not be his signature after all.
20. When you see a aggressive mob (read anything more than 3 persons) dont try to engage them.
You maybe a pink belt in Muay-Thai, kick boxing or Krav Maga you cant fight a mob. (It only happens in Tollywood, and you are not a Tollywood hero)
Dr Lalit Shah
Urological Medicolegal Forum
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pariahsparadise · 3 years
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requested - Could I request an angsty, fluff Fred and the reader and dating and she brakes up with him and she is pregnant and he doesn’t know after a year she go’s to visit her parents and she decides to go to the W’ W W. And she says hi to Fred and the baby is touching everything and he is like is this you baby and the reader says yes and he says how old is she and the reader says 8 months and that how many months they have been broken up and he does the math and he says is that my baby and the reader says nothing and Fred says Y/N!! IS THAT MY BABY and … and you can do the rest if you want to. And the baby has red hair just like Fred. Ans it’s up to you if you want to right in. Love u <3
word count- 1.1k
pairings- fred weasley x fem!reader
author’s note- i’m very much against the pregnancy trope, which is why it took me so long to get to this request, but hopefully i did it okay? idk, it's not proofread (as usual). leave me any feedback you might have in the comments :)
warnings- none really, a bit of angst and fluff?
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Fred Weasley had always been a light in your life, red hair always glowing around his head like a devilish halo, the twinkle in his eyes a constant in your memories. The brave Gryffindor had a stake on your heart since the day you met, and the two of you fell hard and fast.
However, you two were now in the middle of a war. And Fred wanted to fight.
It broke your heart. Just the mere thought of losing Fred Weasley was enough to send you into a fit, enough to trigger a panic attack, to make it feel like oblivion was crashing down on you. In a desperate play, you broke up with him, hoping maybe he would realise what he was risking, maybe he would decide not to fight. Maybe he’d send you an owl admitting his foolishness, maybe he’d choose to be safe, maybe he’d stay alive for you.
Errol never arrived.
You left for Romania at your parents’ insistence, you found lodging in their safe house there. You spent your time dealing with the aftermath of Fred Weasley and occasionally your studies, as you were practicing to become an Alchemist. However, all that soon came to a halt with the startling discovery of your pregnancy- and even less of your time was spent productively after the arrival of your daughter.
Joy, you named her, after everything that her father gave you.
It was 8 months after her birth, and your parents decided that they simply could not wait any longer to meet their granddaughter. Having been influential pawns in the war, it was far too risky for them to travel outside the safety of their home, and so they summoned you back, insistent on seeing their flesh and blood once more. You laughed at their piling letters on your mantelpiece, and finally made arrangements for a trip back home.
Jubilant yells filled the hall as you pushed open the door and made your way through, a barricade of warmth and comfort forming around you as your family embraced you.
“Y/N/N!” exclaimed your father, hand affectionately ruffling your hair as your mother practically (but carefully) snatched your child up into her arms, “It’s been far too long, dear, you look so mature!”
You laughed at your father’s awestruck expression as he looked down at you, leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek. “It really has, Dad, I’m sorry I couldn’t visit earlier. Harry warned me about lingering Death Eaters on the border, and-”
Your father cut you off with a curt wave, hand stretching out to pull you into yet another hug, “Nonsense. You did the right thing for you and your child, which was to wait till it was safe. Besides, you’re here now! And that’s what matters!”
Your watery smile was hidden by his soft sweater, but you knew he understood how you felt. Pulling away from the hug, your father gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze before shouting to your mother, who was already across the room, “Oi! That kid isn’t yours, stop trying to kidnap my granddaughter!”
She replied with a gesture that definitely would not have made a good impression on Joy, and you were glad that your daughter was already fast asleep.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It had been your idea to head to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, hoping to catch a glimpse of the tall redhead who had stolen your heart. Out of this trip, the very least that you wanted was closure, and you were set on earning it. Taking a deep breath at the door, you gathered your courage and pushed it open, the jingling bells announcing your presence in the store.
And nearly crashed into a child. Resisting the urge to yeet the wailing toddler, you carefully hefted your own kid from one arm to the other, hand gently supporting her back and covering her ears, in case the noise was too much for her. If it was, she certainly didn’t show it, her voice a happy babble as she pinched your thumb with her two tiny hands. You giggled, tickling her under her chin. You were so distracted, you didn’t even notice the tall man approaching you until he was standing right in front of you, handsomer than he had been.
You nearly crashed into yet another child, but this time it was because of the shock that came with the sight of Fred Weasley. He had grown more muscular, and a new scar dotted his eyebrow. He was the first to speak, as you found that your voice had decided now would be a great time to head out. “Y/N?” he asked, doubt laced in his words, as if he couldn’t trust his eyes. When you nodded in response, a face-splitting grin took over his features, transforming his features completely. You stumbled a little at the sight, and even more so when Fred grabbed your arms to steady you. It was then that he noticed Joy.
“Oh!” he said, recovering quickly, “Who’s this?”
“She’s my daughter,” you answered, holding her out to Fred, who took her from you wordlessly. “Joy.”
“Oh,” Fred says again, a lump visible in his throat as he swallows, “Congratulations. How old is she?”
You hesitate slightly, the silence filled by Joy’s babbles and squeals, her hands reaching up to try and grab hold of his hair, the same hue as hers. If Fred hasn’t been able to figure it out by now, he certainly will soon, the likeness between the two of them is uncanny.
“8 months.”
You can practically see the wheels turning in his head, and his mouth comically drops open, only to quickly snap shut when your daughter tries to stick her hand inside it. His eyes hold thousands of questions, and a simple nod from you is all it takes to answer them. He looks down at Joy with all the childlike wonder and bafflement of a 5 year old on Christmas, and you force yourself to take a mental photograph of this moment, not wanting to forget it anytime soon.
“How- what- you didn’t tell-,” he sputters, his gaze travelling from you to Joy and back rapidly, trying to process. Shutting his eyes, he takes a deep breath and opens them, letting out a startled laugh when he finds your daughter trying to mimic his expression. He looks at you like you’ve given him the world, like you are his world, the same way he used to look at you back in your Hogwarts days. You finally allow yourself to acknowledge the truth you’ve hidden from yourself for so long-
You were never going to get over Fred Weasley. And that was fine, because you would never have to.
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arkhamknightz · 2 years
hi! I love your writings very much! could you possibly do one where after Gwen's death, the reader who is Peter's bestfriend confesses her feelings(after a couple months ofc) and Peter said he's not ready for a relationship yet...so reader gives him some time and they just spend time like they used to as bestfriends. After a month or two, Peter finally says he's ready...(some angst maybe?)
to love someone else, part 1
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↳ in which, peter can't love someone else yet
pronouns: they/them
warnings: mentions of character death, angst, just sad idk any more warnings
notes: based off to love someone else by avery lynch. HELLOOOO pals ive missed u all ^-^ i scrapped all my other drafts due to the fact i genuinely hated them, they were so rushed and i kept pressuring myself to finish them. i try doing requests in the order i receive them, but this is the only prompt i felt okay with writing proudly! i'll work on everyone else's soon, but i wanna finish part 2 of this and then in sickness and in health! thank u all for being patient with me :) also WAS VERY EXCITED FOR THIS!! one of my first actual requests for tasm!peter :D
it had been a few months since gwen had passed. you stayed at peters house frequently and you were there for every waking nightmare, every night he spent up till 5am crying, and you stayed through the hurtful words he threw at you everytime he got upset. you let him cry into your shoulder, you let him fall asleep in your arms for months.
it felt selfish, falling in love with peter in his vulnerable moments. especially after what happened, but you fell in love with the deepest parts of peter, the ones others couldn't see. the raw version of him, not some type of persona he seems to put on when he's out in public.
you were glad peter was doing a lot better than he was all those months ago, watching your best friend stuck in a cycle of grief tore you apart knowing you couldn't help as much as you wished you could.
so, when you confessed to peter, he was more than surprised. he was well-aware you had liked him before, he just wasn't ready to hear the words spoken aloud. the advances you slowly made at him hinted the idea but he was never sure.
you were an amazing friend, you felt peter feel good in his bad moments, and he couldn't appreciate what you had done through those months more, it felt impossible. he looked at you with pure gratitude and nothing less.
he liked the way your eyes sparkled every-time he made progress, or how they sparkled while talking about your latest interest to distract him from what was going on around him. the way your face lit up at a word that was in your favorite song title and go off on a tangent about your favorite music.
but he couldn't help the gaping hole that was left in his heart. he couldn't help no matter how much company you provided he still felt empty. gwen was gone, that was enough to tear him apart for the rest of his life. the guilt that was hanging off his shoulders eating him from the inside out and he couldn't let go; no matter how hard he had tried.
you were amazing, truly. you'd been there for peter since you were children. you were there for everything. you had liked peter for years, passing it off as a silly crush till you finally felt yourself fall in love. you told him you'd be willing to wait for him to be ready. hell you'd wait a lifetime for him. maybe that's what scared him. the thought of you wasting your time waiting for someone who may never be ready for something like that ever again.
"i could fall in love with you if i wanted too, i really could. i could get attached to you in a heartbeat, but i don't think i'm ready for that. i don't know if i'll ever be ready for that" peter watched as you slowly nodded, the attempt to keep your face blank had failed. he could see the way your mood dropped just by looking into your eyes.
it felt selfish to be upset, part of you was hoping maybe he would give it a chance; even if it wasn't now, or in a month. maybe you were hoping he would tell you to give him some time. "look, i really wish i could let myself, but i feel like i can't breathe. she took a part of me with her, as stupid as it sounds, but i don't think i'll be able to let myself move on for a long time. i don't want you to be stuck waiting for me, please don't feel like you have to."
you nodded and peter brought you into a hug, whispering the words "im so sorry" profusely. you shook your head, "pete please don't be sorry for not being ready, it's my fault for saying anything so early-" peter had shushed you and let go. "you didn't pressure me at all if that's what you're getting at, this won't change anything okay? i'm not upset with you."
you and peter didn't talk for 2 weeks after that. he stopped awnsering the door and had put the extra key away from under the potted plant. he had ignored your texts and completely shut you out. it wasn't until aunt may invited you over to dinner with them that he saw you again.
you acted normal for mays sake, so did peter. and it tore you apart, he had acted like nothing happened and had continued the cycle right after. when you had asked him why your heart was ripped right out of your chest.
you watched as tears streamed down his face. "i'm scared okay? knowing that i couldn't save gwen scares me, what if i let myself move on and something happens to you? and what if i loose you too? what if i'm not enough to save the people i care about? i cant let myself do that to you."
you pulled peter into a hug, whispering reassuring words to try and ease his mind, "i'm sorry i can't love you the way you love me. i really, really want to and i hope you know that i care about you. but i cant get her out of my head, no matter how hard i try and i'm sorry that's not enough."
BOW BOW BOWOWOWWWW end of part 1 goodnight, also waiting for more people to add to my tag list so if u want on it lmk :)) making it very soon when i get a good amount of people!
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havin-a-wee · 3 years
could u ever do a smutty one where h and y/n had a fling in the best or are just each others occasional hook ups but when h has a date y/n gets like really upset and he finds out so he makes it up to her and confesses his feelings saying stuff like „y're my best girl, y'know that petal?“🥺👉🏻👈🏻 love ur writing beyond words, have an amazing day :))))
Date Night
warnings: unprotected sex
word count: 1.6k
to whoever sent in this ask im so so so sorry it literally took me like two months to answer it i feel so bad but i like how it turned out so i hope this makes up for it!
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You shouldn’t be crying. You really shouldn’t. Yet tears are spilling down your face as you break down in choppy sobs, your chest heaving and your cheeks hot.
You have no right to be jealous, and you know that. You and Harry are only friends with benefits, and nothing else. He is allowed to be on a date right now, and it’s not his fault that you’ve managed to fall in love with him throughout the course of your relationship. You met through a mutual friend, began hanging out and then later started hooking up. And while he sees you as his best friend who he just happens to fuck sometimes, you see him as so much more. And you wish that maybe it could be different between you. That maybe he does reciprocate your feelings and if you just told him how you feel he’d tell you he feels the same way.
But as far as you know, there is no chance of that happening. Especially considering the fact that he’s currently at a restaurant with some hot blonde girl he met last week.
Your thoughts are put to a halt when your phone rings, and you pick it up to see none other than Harry himself calling. And as much as you want to decline the call, Harry would never decline yours no matter what, so with a hefty sigh you bring the phone to your ear.
“Hey petal, the date was a bust, all she wanted t’talk about was m’money.” Harry laughs weakly over the phone, and you smile at the news that it didn’t work out. You shouldn’t be happy about it, and it does make you feel guilty because Harry deserves happiness. You just wish he could find that happiness with you.
Lost in your own train of thought, you forget that you’re supposed to be suppressing your tears. Another salty droplet rolls down your cheek and your sniffle.
Suddenly, Harry begins talking again, and that’s when you realize your mistake. “Petal? Y’okay? Sounds like y’crying.” His voice immediately switches from joking to sympathetic and worried, and you can imagine how he looks right now, creased forehead and wide eyes.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” You wipe the tear off your cheek with the sleeve of your hoodie, clearing your throat to try and hide the sound of your throat that's sore from crying.
“No y’not y/n, I know what y’crying sounds like. M’already going in the direction of y’house so m’coming over and staying till’ y’tell me what's wrong.”
The tone of his voice tells you there’s no changing his mind, so you sigh and murmur an “okay” before hanging up the phone.
It took about five minutes for Harry to knock on the door. During that time, you went into your bathroom and attempted to hide the red, puffy skin that had overtaken your cheeks. It didn’t really work, and you were still trying to hide it when you heard him knock. So with a disappointed sigh, you slump over to the door and open it.
Harry steps in quickly, placing his coat on a hanger and then turning back to you.
“What’s wrong pet, hmm?” He places his ringed hand on your cheek, thumb running over the skin that's been reddened from your tears.
And despite the years you’ve spent hiding your feelings, despite the hours you’ve had to listen to Harry retell stories about his hookups, despite the yearning you’ve felt for your best friend since you met him, this was your breaking point. Tear after tear after tear. They flow uncontrollably down your face and all you can manage to do is look up at Harry. He pulls you into him, placing one hand behind your head and one around your waist.
And you just cry into Harry’s shoulder.
You don’t know how long you’ve been standing there, but Harry eventually brings you couch, and as soon as he sits you both down you curl up into his warm chest.
“Y’gonna tell me what’s wrong? Y’don’t ‘ave to, just hate seeing yeh cry.”
Finally, you pick up your head from where it’s tucked into his torso.
It might be the daze you’re in from the emotions swirling through your head. It might be the glass of wine you downed earlier to help drown out the feeling of jealousy. It might be all the pent up frustration from years of pining for someone you could never have. Or it might have been none of those things. Whatever it was, there was something inside of you that snapped. Like a damn collapsing and letting the water topple over and flood everything. The barrier you spent so long building broke in two, allowing all of those emotions to spill out.
“I love you Harry.” His eyes snapped open, and his mouth moved to speak, but you cut him off. “And not just as a friend. I’ve always loved you, and I know that if you don’t feel the same way, things will be awkward, but I don’t care anymore. Seeing you excited to go out with another girl hurt, because all I’ve wanted for so long was for that girl to be me.”
He stares at you. There was a second where you debated getting up and running out of the house, afraid of what his response would be. But just before you could put that plan into action, his lips collided with yours.
Your mouth meld perfectly, soft lips biting and nipping at each other. His tongue slips past your parted lips and twirls around your own. You’re breathless by the time he disconnects, the feeling that you had been longing for sent your mind spinning.
“Y’don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that,” he pants, green irises staring deeply into yours. Without another word, you lean in and kiss him again, this time with more vigor than before. Much to your dismay, he separates the two of you again, however he keeps his arms tangled around your body and holds you close.
“Y're my best girl, y'know that petal? None of those silly girls could ever replace you.”
As your lips touch for the third time, it’s clear that both of you have been waiting for this moment for a long time. You savor the feeling, taking short moments to pause and soak in the feeling of his lips on yours.
Slowly, his hand creeps down the small of your back, but you can tell he’s hesitant to move it down further. But you want this, so you remove the hand that’s stroking his hair and place it on his, moving his hand down to your ass manually. He pulls his lips away, looking into your eyes for a sign of confirmation. You realize what he’s looking for, so you nod vigorously in response.
Quickly, he lifts himself off the couch, placing you on your back and positioning himself on top of you.
“H- please, I want you to make love to me,” you whine. His expression fills with hunger and he reaches to unbutton his jeans, shimmying them off quickly and tossing them to the ground. You can see the bulge pressed up against his boxers, and you reach out to palm him through the thin material.
“Fuck petal, y’gonna be the death o’me, y’know that?”
Harry dives into kiss you, using one of his hands to pull down your soft pajama shorts along with your panties. “Harry-”
“I gotchu petal, I gotchu, don’t worry.”
You assist him in pulling off his boxers, his large erection springing out. He’s huge, but you can’t say you didn’t expect it. The precome on his tip is calling for you to lick it, but you just want him to be inside of you, so you make a mental note to do that sometime soon. He grips the base of his cock, lining it up with your entrance. “M’gonna go slow alright?”
You hum your approval, and he responds by pushing the head inside your tight, soaking hole. Even with just an inch inside, you know it’s going to be a stretch, so you take a deep breath and hold onto his shoulders.
Inch by inch, he pushes himself inside of you. Harry stills for a minute, sensing the discomfort in your demeanor. Luckily, it doesn’t take long for the pain to subside and the pleasure to kick in, and soon enough you are moaning out for him to move.
He takes your instructions swiftly, pulling almost all the way out of you until quickly thrusting himself fully back in. “Fuck!”
Your cries are muffled when he leans down to kiss you, his hips continuing to rock as he pushes his length into you.
The air is hot, filled with moans and the smell of sex. You haven’t ever felt this good in your life, especially when he thrusts in extra deep and hits that special spot inside of you. “Harry- god,”
“Sweet girl, am I makin’ yeh feel good?”
“Tell me petal, who makes y’feel like this?”
“Harry! Only Harry,”
“Good girl.”
He slams into you, speeding up his thrusts and colliding his hips with yours. Both of you are groaning messes, caught up in the moment and unable to form any coherent sentences. You feel his cock twitch inside of you, and you know you’re close too by the way your stomach and pussy are clenching. He can feel it too, hitting deeper inside of you to bring you to your climax.
“God Y/N, I love you so fuckin much.”
That was all it took for your orgasm to come crashing down, coursing through your body with strength and fervor. The feeling of you squeezing as you came sent Harry over the edge, his milky cum shooting into your pussy and covering the soft walls.
You don’t know if this means you’re dating or not, or where his head is at. All you know is that you love him, and he loves you. And that’s enough for you.
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pink-flame · 2 years
“i’m flirting with you” & “you’ll be the death of me”
thank u 😌🤝
I present, a new locker scene for your consideration. 😌
The first time that it happened, Julie thought someone had the wrong locker.
She opened her locker after lunch, eager to grab her history textbook and get to class before Carrie told one of her minions to sit in Julie's chair just to annoy her. She was in such a hurry that she almost didn't see the folded up piece of paper that dropped to the floor, but in the end she did catch sight of it fluttering to the ground, stooping to pick it up curiously.
And rise through the night
You and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever
Song lyrics. Whatever Julie had been expecting the note to be, song lyrics were not at the top of that list. And the annoying part was...they were good. Annoying because she didn't write them. Annoying because their presence in her locker almost felt like a taunt.
She used to be a songwriter.
Used to be.
Then she lost her mom and lost her courage to sing and was barely hanging on to her spot in the music program.
So there was no reason for anyone to be slipping song lyrics into her locker, good ones or otherwise. She decided to chalk it up to a mistake and shoved them into her pocket as she hurried off to history class and Carrie's inevitable taunts.
The second time it happened Julie thought that she was being pranked.
I got a spark in me
And you're a part of me
Now till eternity
Been so long and now I'm finally free
Julie crumpled the paper in her hand then immediately unfolded it again, smoothing out the page as her guilt kicked in. She was pretty sure someone was messing with her but that didn't mean she could just treat such beautiful words so cruelly. Still. She didn't want to give anyone watching the satisfaction of thinking she was falling for whatever trick was being played on her. Maybe it was a little bit crazy, but she just couldn't see any positive reason anyone would be leaving these for her. Everyone knew she was that girl who used to be talented and was now just...existing. So she dropped the paper into her backpack and hurried off to math class where everything always added up.
The third time it happened Julie almost had a heart attack.
Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found
It's obvious
And yes, those lyrics were as beautiful as all the others that had been slipped into her locker over the last few weeks, and yes these ones in particular spoke to her in a way she had to admit despite her misgivings.
But that wasn't why she almost had a heart attack.
She almost had a heart attack because when she closed the door to her locker, still focused on the paper she held in her hand, there was a boy standing directly behind it.
Julie clutched at her chest with her free hand as she took in the only slightly sheepish looking guy in the purple shirt standing in front of her. She vaguely recognized him as Luke Patterson, a year ahead of her in the music program and the frontman of a popular band. She had wanted to go see them before...just before. But she never got around to it.
"You shouldn't do that!" She informed him as her heart rate started to slow bit by bit. "You almost scared me to death."
He just grinned and bounced in place.
"Do you like the new song?"
Julie raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"You wrote the songs?"
He nodded, and bit his lip as though waiting for her approval.
"Why have you been putting them in my locker?" She asked incredulously.
"I'm flirting with you," He said simply as though it should have been obvious though it was anything but to Julie who felt herself choking on nothing as she took in his words.
"I'm sorry...what?" She asked, her voice going high pitched. "Why? And why would putting songs in my locker be your move?"
Luke shrugged, still looking incredibly casual about the whole thing though his voice sounded ever so slightly nervous.
"Cause I like you," He explained. "And we both like music."
Julie sucked in a deep breath and shook her head.
"You must not have heard that I don't do music anymore," She said, something like shame rushing over her.
"But you are into music," Luke insisted as though it wasn't even up for debate. "I figured maybe you just needed a little push like finding the right song."
And Julie tried to resist that grin and that sentiment and the fact that the cute boy in front of her was apparently an incredible songwriter who cared about her finding music again...but she was only human.
So instead she decided to flee, turning on her heels and starting to hurry away before he could catch sight of the blush on her face.
"Hey, Julie!" He called after her. "What happens if I'm hiding behind your locker again tomorrow?"
Julie grinned but didn't turn to give him the satisfaction of seeing it, just called back over her shoulder.
"Then you'll be the death of me or I'll kill you, whichever comes first."
"Not worried," Luke shouted just before she turned the corner. "You'll sing me back to life."
Julie bit her lip and shook her head but inside something familiar and warm was growing.
She just might do that, Luke Patterson.
She just might.
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smolla-than-a-bug · 3 years
Can you do an dominic x reader where reader sided with dominic during the tree trial?, reader ended up dying first protecting dominic from an attack and dominic went berserk after seeing his s/o killed in front of him, then in his last moments he crawled to his s/o to die beside her while holding her.....
I just love angst and sad endings im so sorry
to have and to hold
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—dominic villaceran x reader
navi | trese m.list
content — fem!reader, fluff (a lil bit) to angst, blood, descriptions of violence, maj character death
notes — angst and sad endings?? don’t apologize honey i’m all up for that 🤩 thank you for requesting! i enjoyed writing this a lot actually i hope u like it AHAHA
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The sun felt so nice on your skin.
Its prickly warmth was a stark contrast to the coastal breeze. Santorini was a good pick for your honeymoon. The weather was just right; you could wear a sundress and still feel fresh, without fear of ending up sweating buckets or enduring the annoying chafing of your thighs.
You thought back to this morning, when your now-husband had helped you rub shea butter all over your body after a nice, relaxing bath in the tub. The light of the day reminded you that you were alive. As you feel the prickling heat piercing your skin, you smile as the current position of the sun behind Dominic made it look like there was a halo on his head. You're so lucky to be able to sit across from him, sipping on fine wine as baskets of fruit and several Greek delicacies are served for breakfast.
"You think your mom's still pissed we didn't have an actual wedding?" Dominic asked, popping a grape into his mouth.
He doesn't actually care what your mom thinks as long as he knows you're happy—you know this. Back when he proposed to you, he'd asked if you wanted a big wedding or a simple one. You had answered with neither, unwilling to spend a ridiculous sum of money for just one night. An expensive honeymoon trip with the love of your life was very much the better option. “She’ll get over it,” you say.
"It's a shame we never exchanged vows in a fancy cathedral though."
"Oh?" you smirked. "You didn't like the dingy courthouse setting? I thought it was rather rustic."
Dominic snorted, shaking his head.
"Did you want us to be wed at an actual church? I wouldn't have minded, you know."
Dominic thought for a moment, setting his glass down. "I already told you I didn't really care for a traditional wedding." And he didn't, truthfully. In his mind, the sooner his last name was made yours, the better. He just couldn't wait to be able to finally call you his wife and spend forever with you. "But I did hope we'd have a more... romantic place to exchange rings, say our vows."
He did have a point there. In the courthouse, there were no tears shed behind a veil. There were no pews decorated with flowers or filled with people wiping their eyes with handkerchiefs. An organ didn't play music in the background. Doves were not released overhead. In its place, there was the blinking light of a faulty lightbulb, Monobloc chairs, and the smell of a sterilized room.
Despite that, you wouldn't have changed how things were even if you had the chance, for you saw no need for it. So you reached for your husband's hand across the table. "What if we exchanged vows again right now?" You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of the view you’re blessed with, surrounded by the whitewashed, cube-shaped buildings adorned with blue accents and colorful plants that the island of Santorini is known for. "You said you wanted a romantic setting! Look around you, my love. What place is more romantic than right here?"
Dominic pursed his lips, fixing your clasped hands so they intertwined together. "A bit cheesy, but alright."
"I take you, Dominic, to be my husband,” you started, “to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."
In all honesty, you thought it would be a bit funny, but as more words left your mouth, you started to mean them more seriously rather than merely poking fun at tradition. After all, vows are meant to be taken to heart for life. If there’s anything you’re serious about, it’s loving Dominic.
And as he recited his own vows (again), you smile because there’s nowhere you’d rather be than by his side. You’d follow him anywhere. It didn’t matter what happened as long as you could be with him.
For a while, you let your words simmer in the salty breeze, absorbing the promises you'd repeated as if it were the first time.
“You think we should have just written our own vows?”
You hum, nodding absentmindedly.
When you did meet his eyes, you were met with a million words, a million promises to you that never needed to be said aloud but would have him bound to you regardless—for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and for the rest of your lives.
Loving Dominic completed you more than words could encompass. In this cold, mechanical world, he’s the one you found warmth in. He spreads that feeling throughout your body and spirit every time he called you his love or his darling, every time he looked at you, every time he held you close. He was your missing puzzle piece, and you’d do just about whatever it took to keep your love whole.
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Dominic found himself chastising the sun.
It was the middle of the day, so the temperature was at its peak. The glare of the sun was obstructing his view as if the beads of sweat rolling past his eyebrows weren’t already doing enough of that—or were those tears?
He was struggling to process anything at this point. As he recklessly maneuvered his body and slashed at whatever came his way, he thought of the events leading up to that moment. It was only this morning that he put on soft music and hugged you from behind, lightly swaying you side to side while he pressed lingering kisses on your neck and shoulder.
Those same parts of your body now were leaking blood. The scratches on your neck and shoulder along with the big pool of blood around your abdomen was the only thing he could see from where he was, and it consumed him with panic. That panic quickly spread through his brain, and consumed him with shock, leaving him with a ringing in his ears and unable to determine how to act next to killing every thing that breathes or moves within his sight.
He had to get to you somehow—fast—and the only way his body let him do that was to make a pathway of bodies on the floor until he could reach you, feel you, and most importantly, make sure you’re still warm and breathing. He thought he heard someone screaming in the distance, but the straining in his throat made him soon realize that it was him.
He never even realized the injuries he’s sustained until he fell on his knees beside your limp body that, despite your paling complexion, still somehow glows under the light of day.
“Y/N.” He rarely calls you by your name, shakily reaching for your hand. He feels a soft thumping when he presses two fingers to your wrist. It’s faint, but it’s still there and that’s more than what he could ask for right now. “Please, my love,” he begs, weakly, “open your eyes.”
Your lack of response brought a searing pain in his chest. If only you’d show him your beautiful, lively eyes just one more time. Please.
To his relief, a labored breath left your chapped lips as you struggled to blink your eyelids open. You tried to speak but he was quick to shush you. “No, no… save your strength.”
As you lay there on the dirty ground, you held onto the heat prickling at your skin to remind you that you still had a sliver of life in your vessel.
Dominic’s gaze is lost on you, knowing that of all the years he's lived, the best decision he's ever made was marrying you. Of course, he’s already long realized this, but somehow it hits him much harder how lucky he is that you chose to love him.
Your love was gentle, tender, and giving—never demanding and never expecting. You willingly gave yourself to him out of your own free will because you wanted to show him what he meant to you. Through the years, you'd shown him parts of you that you'd kept reserved, made him feel loved, appreciated, wanted. He’d forever be grateful to the gods for the time he was given to be with you for as long as he has, though he couldn’t help but wish that you’d been given more.
But he couldn’t do much about it now, especially with his growing difficulty in breathing the longer he sat upright, so he slumped down in the rubble with you, lifting your body to rest between his legs so he could hold you as you go.
A familiar warm sensation blooms within you, and you feel at peace. In attempt to make up for the words your body lacked the strength to let you say, you put all your remaining effort into squeezing his hand that was desperately clutching yours, if only to let him know that you were there. You were still with him.
With that one gesture, Dominic knows everything you’re trying to say—a reiteration of the millions of promises you’d kept for one another, gratitude for the time you’d spent together, and grief for all that could have been.
He feels you taking your final breath. A final goodbye lingers in the air as your spirit leaves this world. He thinks he can hear you teasing him with the words ‘I’ll see you in the next life.’ With tears running down his cheeks, he struggles to press one last kiss on your head.
His body feels heavier with each second that passes, and he knows it’s a matter of time before he leaves the world too. His vision begins to darken until he can see nothing. The ringing in his ears fade, and the last thing he feels is the weight of your cold body on his, as opposed to the prickling hot sun of the afternoon, but it’s all fading into nothing now too.
He smiles.
I’m right behind you, my love.
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© smolla-than-a-bug, 2021. please do not copy or repost my works. reblogs are appreciated!
trese tag list — @lumpiang-toge @binibiningbabaylan @marinac15 @effmigentlywithachainsaw
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druigswhores · 3 years
what died didn’t stay dead
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(originally posted by vormirjumper)
dedicated to @starsvck and @artipotter hope u enjoy this <333
summary: the last thing you remember was fainting in wakanda thinking you saw your own fingertips turn to dust only to wake up in a world where natasha romanoff no longer existed. inspired by marjorie by taylor swift
content warning: natasha romanoff x fem!reader, set after endgame, angst, mentions of death, trauma, their relationship ending on a bad note, trust issues & previous steve x nat, (WANDAVISION SPOILERS AT THE END)
‘моя любовь’ = ‘my love’ in russian <3
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! (please lmk if anyone written something similar to this! & if you want more nat content lmk!)
You forced your eyes open.
Pulling yourself up from the ground you glanced at your arms in confusion. You swore you saw your own hands turn to dust before fainting. You glanced around to take in your surroundings eyes widening in shock as you saw the hundreds of Wakandan's you fought beside minutes ago appearing out of dust. You stared speechless as you watched people materialise out of thin air, the dust forming into fingers, then a whole hand and eventually becoming a person who's mirroring your exact reaction.
You felt guilty about the first thought that came across your mind.
'Is Nat okay?' You panicked while rushing to look around, ignoring how you spent the last few years loathing her to hide your heartbreak.
You were an avenger since the beginning. The two of you were on the same team during the airport fight which wasn't surprising due to your history together. Despite the slight age difference between the two of you, your personalities worked well together which is why you got along well, so well in fact that those platonic feelings you thought you had for her developed into something more and somehow you found yourself in her bed many times in her arms with your bodies pressed against one another's, struggling to catch your breath, bliss written all over your face. Your legs were intertwined with hers as you embraced the warmth radiating off her. You refused to acknowledge the unspoken tension in the atmosphere due to the fear of speaking out about your feelings and end up ruining what you had. You couldn't help but let the insecurities build up as you gently caressed her cheek, her eyes met yours back in adoration, full of what could've been love.
But you knew she once looked at him in the same way.
"I love holding you in my arms моя любовь." She muttered, as she stroked your hair gently, you hummed in response, not trusting your own voice. What you both had felt right, you didn't want to ruin it, you didn't want to label what you had together due to the job you both have. Being an avenger doesn't exactly mean stability, anything could happen.
You remember the panic you felt when Ultron took her, the chance of losing her filled you with dread, but you also had faith. You knew how strong Natasha was. Your faith gave you strength and it kept you alive, Nat admired that about you.
The two of you fit together well, whether it was on the field or outside of the field. You could predict each other's moves and although telepathy isn't either of your powers, you know what the other was thinking. You made her better. You helped her wipe out the red in her ledger and when everyone's files was exposed to the globe you were right there by her side comforting her as she feared the reaction from everyone. You were there for her when nobody was and you stood by her side no matter what. Those feelings were reciprocated, you knew Natasha would've done anything for you.
She would even sacrifice herself for the possibility of you coming back.
Then the Accords happened and Nat betrayed the Accords, ending up on the run with Steve, Sam, Wanda and Vision. You were left alone at the compound with an injured Rhodey.
"How could you do this?" You spat out, voice full of hatred as you watched Natasha let Steve and Bucky get away. Your pistol shook in the palm of your hands, pointed directly at Natasha who lowered her own onto the ground, allowing herself to be defenceless.
"It's not that easy моя любовь, you out of all people should understand that." She explained, and you scoffed in response. The pet-name which once caused a flutter in your stomach now fuelling the fire that's building up. All the insecurities you felt during your relationship suddenly turned to hatred. You should've expected this, you should've expected that after all this time she would've chosen Steve over you.
"I guess you'll never change." You responded flatly, admitting defeat. You silently walked passed her and climbed out of the rubble that was created, allowing a wall to be in between the two of you not knowing you tore a piece of her heart as you did so.
That was two years ago.
You thought you'd never have to see her for a long time. You hoped you wouldn't have to see her. Clearly things never go the way you wanted it to go as you found yourself staring back at the person who once owned your heart.
"Well, you guys look like crap." Rhodey teased, wrapping the fellow avengers in his arms as you stood to the side, awkwardly watching the scene in front of you while fidgeting with your fingers. The atmosphere in the compound was comforting, it's been a long time since you've heard so much laughter in one room despite the war that's brewing.
Natasha, who was now blonde but as gorgeous as ever, hesitantly approached you. The two of you stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the next move.
"Romanoff." You nodded, greeting her before moving away to greet the other Avengers, missing the way she muttered the now bittersweet name she specifically picked you.
"моя любовь..."
Did she really love you? Or was it just for revenge? You believed that love blinded you, you managed to convince yourself that your love wasn't enough for her and that's why she left you. Your relationship with her died. It was over. You thought you buried it all, all your feelings. But you were wrong, when your eyes met her green eyes all those feelings came back to life, flowing through your veins.
After all this time you still loved her.
But your feelings for her weren't the only thing you couldn't bury.
Within an hour of reuniting with the Avengers, the team found themselves on the quinjet travelling to Wakanda. You wouldn't have said this out loud but you had faith that everything would be okay, Nat was finally by your side after all these years.
You felt as though nothing could go wrong.
That was a couple hours ago you estimated, you glance at Wanda who appeared a couple feet away from you the tears were evident on her face.
"Where is he?" Wanda cries out, clenching her fists, you saw the scarlet red energy glowing around her. You knew she must've been talking about Vsision who should've been on the ground next to her. "Wha- why does everything look different?" You realised, noticing the damages caused by the battle has disappeared. The grass was greener as ever. The corpses of the creatures you fought were no longer on the ground.
It looked as though the battle never took place.
You ran over to Wanda, helping her up from the ground when you hear someone call your name out. "That sounds like Sam." Wanda points out as the two of you held each other up.
"Wanda!" Sam called out.
"Come on, we gotta go! They need us! The fights not over yet!" He shouts from a distance, the two of you made your way to the direction you heard his voice come from, you saw all the superheroes surrounding him and a man in a red cloak. "What about Nat? Or Rhodey?" You questioned, looking for them in the crowd. You missed the sympathetic glance the man shot you before waving his hands up in the air, creating a yellow ring in the air that transformed into a portal.
"We're going to fight beside them right now." Sam confirms before flying through the portal.
The compound was completely destroyed. Your home was crumbling apart. Thor looked completely different, Tony had grey hair and Natasha was nowhere to be seen.
You wanted to finally tell her, tell her that you loved her with all of your heart.
You fought beside hundreds of Avengers that day, but you couldn't help searching for one specific Avenger. You ran over to Clint who was on the ground struggling to fight off a bunch of creatures, saving him within moments.
"Thanks kid." He pant, out of breath from all of the fighting. You smiled at him in response, reaching your hand out for him to take which he gratefully took, lifting himself up. "Have you bumped into Nat on the battlefield yet?" You asked, hopeful. There were hundreds of people fighting so you didn't expect to find her easily. The smile on Clint's face fell.
In that moment he relieved everything that happened moments ago. Flying to Vormir with Natasha, climbing the cliff with her, reminiscing about Budapest. And the way he witnessed her body hit the ground, the crack echoing so loudly he managed to hear it more than just once. He glanced down the cliff and saw her lifeless body faced towards his.
His closest friend. The person he trusted with his entire life. The person he named his son after. The Godmother of his kids.
Just like that.
"I need to do this for her Clint, she's моя любовь." Nat whispered to him before smiling back at the oldest friend she had, pushing away from the cliff and inevitably falling to her death.
You found out what happened to Natasha, hours after.
The Avengers won, but at the cost of the lives of the people you cared the most about, the person you'd do anything for and the person who owned your heart the minute you met them. Clint broke the news to you, he felt as though you deserved to hear it from him.
"She loved you till the very end." He finished after explaining what happened on Vormir. You felt as though you couldn't breathe, like your soul was crushed and pulled away from you.
Natasha Romanoff was dead and there was nothing you could do about it.
She never got to hear that you felt the same towards her.
"I didn't think the ending to be so soon." You struggled to hold back a sob, holding the letter Clint gave you tightly in your arms. Scott somehow found a letter on the ground while trying to save Clint, it was slightly damp and covered in mud. But it was written for you in Natasha's handwriting.
You couldn't bring yourself to read the letter even nine days after the blip. You had to live in a world without her, a world where people drag her name through the mud even though she is the reason they're still standing. You adjust to a world without Natasha Romanoff and reading a letter she wrote for you months ago wouldn't help.
You regretted everything. You regret spending those last few years in anger, you should've stayed with her, you could've told her how much she meant to you. You could've told her you loved her, you could've held her in your arms once more. You would do anything to have her in your arms once again.
Sometimes it felt as though she was still there, laughing at something she saw on the TV. You always felt her presence around you after she passed away, it felt as though she never died. It felt as though a part of her lives through you.
You sat in the passenger seat of Wanda's car, staring at the Sword logo plastered on the side of the building, you could feel the letter in your back pocket, dying to be read. Wanda made her way back to the car, face flared in anger, tears threatening to spill.
"Wanda?" You called out as she got into the car, turning on the ignition but not pulling out of the car park. She sniffled quietly, wiping her eyes before glancing back to you. "I saw him." She responded, her eyes glancing to the folded paper on the backseat of the car, she could see the faint colour of red that was in the shape of a heart. "But they're not letting him have a funeral." You realised, looking back at your friend, heartbroken. "I figured at least one of them deserved a funeral, it's not fair. It's not fair that the world can just go on like nothing happened and we don't get to mourn the people we lost." Wanda rants, pulling out of the parking lot and beginning to drive.
"They both deserve a funeral." You agreed solemnly, remembering the fact that Natasha's body is at the bottom of a cliff in space in 2014.
"Where are we going now?" You asked, wanting to distract yourself from that thought. You felt as though you and Wanda were left to mourn your loved ones alone as the rest of the avengers scattered across the country.
"To the only thing I have left of him."
The two of you sat in silence as Wanda drove, you stared at the shrubbery outside the window before closing your eyes and resting your head on the window, allowing yourself to drift off.
It felt like it was only seconds later when you felt the car turn harshly, you opened your eyes and glanced around in confusion when you saw that you pulled into a quaint town, you had only just missed the town sign plastered with the words "West View." You watched the pedestrians walking by, noticing how some of them sat on their own with no one to comfort them similarly to you and Wanda.
The two of you pulled up to a plot of land with the foundation of a house on the ground, it looked at though the house never had the chance to get completed.
"Stay in the car, I won't take long." Wanda reassured you before reaching towards the back of the car to grab the folded up sheet of paper and getting out of the car. You nodded, staring at the built house next to the plot of land.
Your mind wanders as you stare at the home. You think about Natasha. You think about the future you could've had with her, living together in a quaint home like the one in front of you. No stress about being an avenger, just the two of you and your family. You softly smile as you imagine Natasha's reaction to wanting to adopt 5 cats, knowing she was more of cat person. You imagine holding her hand while walking down the street and watching movies with her in your shared bed. You wanting to stay in for the day and watch movies to ignore the real world outside and her letting you.
You think about what could've been.
A heart wrenching scream snaps you out of your thoughts, you rush out of the car and look for Wanda but is blinded by a scarlet red light that knocks you unconscious.
Your eyes open on command.
The room you stood in was black and white. It was a nicely decorated living room with a dining room connected to it, you couldn't pinpoint which decade the interior was from, too preoccupied by the woman standing in front of you.
Although the lack of colour in them, you could recognise those eyes from anywhere, that smile that you've wished to see was right in front of you. The dress she wore matched the decade and decor of the room, her hair curled up neatly. Natasha stood in front of you, reaching her hand out towards you waiting for you to take it.
You hesitantly reach out towards her, happiness flooding your emotions. She pulls you closer to her, welcoming you into a hug. The palm of her hands are warm as they rested on your back, you could feel her heartbeat as you laid your head on her chest, melting in her arms.
"Welcome home моя любовь."
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btxtreads · 3 years
Breaking Free
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↳ Pairing: Hueningkai x Reader
↳ word count: 2.2k words
↳ rating: PG
↳ genre: Floof
↳ Warnings: BTS Maknae line are jerks but they mean well they’re just idiots, Kai is drinking alcohol idk if u guys can handle that yet
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“Kai, put down your phone and go talk to someone else other than the boys.” A scolding voice sounded out.
Kai flinched in surprise as he looked up, another red solo cup thrusted into his hands.
“Lea, I’m pretty sure drinking grape juice in a party is as lame as talking to my friends at a phone the whole time.” Kai said hesitantly.
“I’m still your older sister and I will not hand you alcohol willingly.” Lea rolled her eyes and propped a hand on her hip. “Still, we’ll be stuck in this resort for three more days—you’ve been refusing to talk to these kids after you played basketball with them once.”
“You don’t understand,” Kai whined before lowering his voice in a whisper. “They can’t even shoot a basket.”
Lea shakes her head.
“Kai,” she clicks her tongue. “For the love of god, please. Talk to other people.”
The boy only blinked as his older sister turned abruptly and left, swallowed by the crowd in seconds. Kai shook his head, placing the cup his sister handed him in one corner and running his hand through his freshly dyed blonde hair. His eyes fell on a girl at the side who was giving him heart-eyes, making him smile softly.
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“Jeon fucking Jungkook, set me free or I swear to god, I’m putting itch cream in your underwear drawer.”
Jungkook only cackled, hands flat on Y/N’s back as he pushed her forward. On either side of the teenage girl, the boy’s best friends Taehyung and Jimin held her arms and dragged her along with them.
“Guys, I don’t want to party.”
“You’re a teenager—what teenager doesn’t want to party?” Jimin snorted as they finally stopped walking smack-dab in the middle of the party.
“Here, drink this.” Taehyung said, patting her shoulder lightly.
“This is tequila.” Y/N deadpanned.
Taehyung shrugged as Jungkook raised his eyebrow, offering a cup he mysteriously had in his hand.
“Would you like something stronger?”
“Come on, you’re an adult.”
“It’s weird that you’re my older brother yet you’re encouraging me to drink.” Y/N sighed, smelling the content of her cup—surprisingly sweet. “This smells weird.”
“It has orange juice.” Jimin shrugged.
“I wouldn’t let you drink if you weren’t so uptight.” Jungkook shrugged. “Come on, you’re a kid. Have fun!”
Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes and tipping the cup back. The drink was surprisingly pleasant-tasting, save for the burn at the back of her throat.
“Oh dear god,” Y/N coughed, hand thumping on her chest. “That burns.”
“Alcohol is called liquid courage for a reason—“ Jungkook said, eyes trailing up to the ceiling in thought. “Definitely don’t tell mom I’m letting you do this, but for legal purposes, you are under my supervision.”
“Oh, mom’s going to fucking murder your ass.”
“And just for that—“ Jungkook snorted hand clasping on her arm as a bright light shone on him. “You know what I’m gonna do?”
“Oh, what are you gonna do tough guy?”
“Karaoke night!” Jungkook screamed, making Taehyung and Jimin laugh out loud as the former shoved his own sister in front of him. “She’s singing Start of Something New!”
“What?!” Y/N whirled around. “No, I’m not!”
As she turned back to berate her brother for shoving her in the spotlight, all three of her idiots were missing. The next thing she knew, hands were pulling her up to the stage.
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After trying (and failing) to flirt, Kai was sitting down in another chair—this time clutching a red solo cup with a coke and soju mix he remembered Yeonjun teaching him the last time they were in a party. His other hand held his phone in his hands again, having just pulled up his messages to send a text to the gc when he was almost blinded by a bright light.
“What?” He mumbled under his breath as he looked up to see a lot of faces peering down at him. “What did I do?”
“Karaoke night!” He heard a voice scream from nearby, followed by a girl screaming in protest.
“Wait, I don’t sing—“ Kai yelped as hands grasped onto him. “Wait—“
He felt himself shoved onto a small platform which acted as a makeshift stage.
“I don’t know how to sing.” Kai said, scratching his head.
A flailing girl was shoved onto the platform next to him. He can hear the girl mumble curses under her breath, her hands shaking in rage as she set down a cup of what looked like tequila in her hands. He watched the girl take the microphone in her hands, angrily speaking into it.
“Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin—You hope you all die very gruesome deaths within the next hour because you wouldn’t like it when I get my hands on your fucking asses.” She hissed, sighing as loud rambunctious laughter came back to her from somewhere in the room.
Kai smiled awkwardly as he gaze fell onto him, making her stumble back slightly. It was then that her face heated up, realizing that she was in front of an audience at the moment.
“Karaoke Night.” Kai mumbled, eyes falling over to the crowd and wincing once he saw Lea holding up her phone.
“I-I don’t sing.” The girl said weakly as another kid who was acting as the party host of the night arrived with another microphone, plopping it down into Kai’s hands.
“You guys will thank me for this one day, you know.” The boy snickered before sauntering off of the stage.
“I-I don’t think I will.” The girl spoke softly as she looked after the boy.
There was a brief silence between Kai and the girl as they waited for the music to begin, a familiar tune sounding out after a few seconds. Kai hesitated slightly, stepping back for a moment before releasing a heavy sigh and lifting the microphone to his lips.
Living in my own world,
Didn’t understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
Kai’s face reddened when the girl lowered her head as he sang, her hair covering her face. Slightly embarrassed, especially when she saw Lea’s phone blink—signalling that she was recording—he sighed again, scratching the back of his neck as he moved to leave the stage. Before he could, he heard another voice filter through the speakers.
I never believed in
What I couldn’t see
Kai turned back to the girl, whose eyes are trained on the lyrics projected in a nearby screen—hands tightly clutching the microphone. Kai swore he could see three blinking phones from somewhere by the bar. Ignoring this, the boy stepped back to his spot next to the girl.
I never opened my heart,
to other possibilities.
The girl turned over to him with an unsure smile, making him smile kindly in encouragement. Their voices harmonized together in a beautiful melody as he lifted his own microphone to sing along.
I know that something has changed,
never felt this way.
Kai watched as the girl took an unsure glance off to the side—where the three recording phones were—before looking back at him with a bright, more confident smile.
And right here tonight,
This could be the start of something new.
It feels so right to be here with you, oh.
Kai could feel more people turning over to look at the two of them on stage. The song was getting more upbeat.
And now, looking in your eyes.
I feel in my heart, the start of something new.
Kai, perhaps feeling the effects of the alcohol he took a few minutes ago, felt heat wash over him. Feeling more confident than before, he pulled off his jacket and placed it on the floor as he took the girl’s hands in his. He grinned at the cheers from the crowd, and the light snort coming from the girl.
I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me.
The girl giggled as he spinned her around. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she stopped, grip still tight on the microphone as she sang.
I didn’t know it before, but now it’s easy to see.
At the high note, there were cheers erupting from the crowd. He can see his sister sway along with the crowd and the three men by the bar scream at the top of their lungs.
It’s the start of something new,
It feels so right to be here with you, oh.
The girl pulled away from him with a giddy smile.
And now looking in your eyes,
I feel in my heart.
The start of something new.
The start of something new.
He can hear the host coming up behind him as the song faded away.
The start of something new.
The two teens smiled at each other as claps erupted from the crowd.
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This time, Kai found himself lounging in a standing table with the girl he sang with right outside the venue. He was having a genuinely good time as he talked to the girl about the experience.
“That was honestly the first time I’ve ever done that.” He laughed, making the girl laugh.
“Same!” She giggled. “Honestly, I wasn’t even picked. My brother was, he just shoved me over instead.”
“Imagine if I sang with him instead,” Kai wondered to himself making the girl laugh.
The girl laughed as the host arrived to his table, setting down two cups.
“You guys did great earlier for two people who supposedly couldn’t sing,” The host joked, patting them on the back. “Good job.”
Kai and the girl exchanged glances before laughing as the host left them. She shook her head and offered her hand out.
“My name’s Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you,” Y/N grinned, taking a sip of her drink.
“You too, Y/N who doesn’t sing.” Kai snorts as he picked up his cup.
“No, I swear to god I don’t.” Y/N laughed. “That’s more of my brother’s alley—music and shit.”
“And what would be yours?”
“Math? Science?” Y/N chuckles. “Anything in a book.”
“Sounds fascinating.” Kai nodded. “Mine’s basketball.”
“Wait, wait—“ The girl almost choked, laughing. “You’re basketball dude?”
Kai blinked in confusion as the girl, almost lost in the sound of her laughter.
“You were the guy playing basketball with my brother and his friends the other day!” Y/N laughed, making Kai’s eyes widen.
“Your brother is the one who didn’t know what a point guard was!”
“Are you kidding me? Of course he knew what the was, the three of them were in the freaking basketball varsity team.” Y/N laughed out loud. “They were making fun of you, dude.”
“Oh my god.” Kai mumbled under his breath, laughing at himself.
“They do that a lot.” Y/N shook her head as she leaned back. “But they were right, you know. You do seem like a fun guy.”
“They deduced that from making me teach three varsity players how to shoot ball?”
“Yep,” Y/N giggled, making Kai smile widely.
The boy bit his lip to suppress how big his smile had gotten. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but that was the most fun he’s had ever since he was promoted captain of the basketball team.
“Hey, can I get your number?”
“I don’t know yet,” The girl shrugged, quirking her lips to a small smile. “I still haven’t figured out whether you’re a bonehead jock or not.”
“Would a bonehead jock go up to the stage and sing a love song with you?” Kai raised his eyebrow.
“Touche.” Y/N giggled, holding out her hand. “Give me your phone, then.”
Kai smiled, handing her his phone and taking hers in his hands.
“You know,” Kai said with a smile as he took a photo of himself for the contact. “I really enjoyed today with you.”
“Did you?”
“I did.” Kai hummed, giving back her phone and taking his.
Happy New Year!
He smiled at the photo of herself that she took on his phone. Y/N turned, eyebrows raising as she saw Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin at the side beckoning her over—Jungkook pointing over to his phone, showing their mother’s caller ID. She turned to say farewell to Kai, but he was too busy marvelling over his phone.
Taking one glance at the sky, covered in colorful fireworks, she shot one last smile Kai’s way before turning around and walking over to her brother and his friends.
“Is it okay if I text you tonight?” Kai asked after a few seconds, gaining his courage to face the girl—only to find no one. “Wh—Y/N?”
He sighed, rolling his eyes with a smile as Lea ran up towards him and slinging an arm around his torso.
“There’s my baby!” Lea greeted. “Who knew I’d see you actually be half-decent at something out of the basketball court? Why didn’t you tell me you could sing?”
Kai blinked over at the girl before looking down at his phone, smiling softly at the photo of Y/N.
“I really didn’t know.”
That night was the start of something new.
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
omg I am so sorry I completely forgot to put the alphabet 😅 E C J M T for Shanks for the angst alphabet! thank you and sorry for the mistake! ❤️
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Angst Alphabet - Shanks
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a/n: hiii! Thank y’all for requesting! To the second anon, I went with Shanks (I hope that’s ok!!!) 💗💗💗
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A-Accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)
It would depend on how much he felt he could have prevented it. However, Shanks understands all to well just how cruel the world can be. He can’t constantly be in control of everything, so although it would be devastating, he would have to realize that this is reality.
B-Break up (How would they break up with you?)
Shanks would use the excuse that he is a Yonko. He’s no good for you, and you deserve so much better than an infamous pirate who only brings danger. While these are just excuses - ways to make breaking up with you easier - he really would be speaking from the heart. Shanks has always felt this way but never voiced it, but now it’s finally time to let you go.
C-Crying (how would they make you cry?)
He leaves for long periods of time and refuses to you along. You know he’s only doing it for your safety, but it hurts that he doesn’t think you’re strong or responsible enough to join his crew on their voyages (note: he doesn’t actually think you’re not strong or responsible – his pirate life is just extremely dangerous, even as a yonko).
D-Death (how would they react to your death?)
He’s seen and experienced a lot of death in his life so he’d be a able to cope with it a little better than others would. Even so, your death would still be heart-breaking (he would mourn privately though). Now, if he literally saw you get killed in front of him then RIP to the person who killed you because they will be the one/s to die next.
E-Emotion (what is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?)
Shanks is quite an open book. If he’s angry everyone knows. If he’s happy everyone knows (etc.). But, if I really had to pick one… I suppose it would be sadness or grief. He feels obligated to put on a front for his crew (although they can see right through it). He tends to let out his sadness and grief when he’s alone.
F-Fight (do you two ever fight? How big are the fights? What do you fight about? Etc.)
He tends to crack jokes before your fights can escalate into anything too serious. Sometimes it’s intentional, but other times it’s just his personality shining through. And rather than serious fights there’s just a lot of teasing and taunts between the two of you.
If you were to have a serious fight, it would be about both of your safety (As would most fights with any of the One Piece characters).
G-Guilt (what is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
More often than not, Shanks finds himself able let go of a LOT of shit. But the one thing he can’t seem to stop feeling guilty about is his failure to show up to Marineford on time. He knows he’s not directly responsible for Ace’s death, but that doesn’t stop the overwhelming guilt. If only he had gotten there a few minutes earlier.
H-Heartbreak (what would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?)
Coming back to you after each voyage is something he always looks forward to. However, that happiness is short-lived when he realizes he has to leave again in a few weeks. It’s always so painful having to say goodbye again.
I don’t think he would be too different during a break-up. Perhaps he may crack a few less jokes, but other than that, his personality and demeanour when around others remains the same. It isn’t until he’s alone that he lets his smile fall.
I-Injured (how would they react if you are badly injured?)
Undoubtedly, he’d be concerned, but he knows you’ll pull through (you have to pull through). So, after that initial concern has passed, he’ll be feeling all types of pissed off. Whoever, or whatever, injured you will pay – and honestly, he may not even deal the perpetrator himself (his crew is already on it - you are like family to them).
J-Jealousy (what do they do if they are jealous?)
I honestly think Shanks is just the type of person to just tell you if he’s jealous. But he wouldn’t say “uhh I’m feeling a little jealous” or anything along those lines – no. Instead, Shanks puts on a little pout and does a massive fake sigh until you finally ask him what’s wrong. That’s when he hits you with the “I guess my attention just isn’t enough for you”, and you’re like “HUH?? MF WHAT?” He’s literally such a child HAHA.
But, if there’s one particular person he really does not like you being around and they won’t leave you alone, then he is not at all opposed to just shoving his tongue down your throat right in front of them. That’ll definitely get the message across.
K-Kill (would they kill for revenge?)
Shanks may be a goofy and laid-back individual, but he will resort to violence if the situation calls for it. So, it is very likely that Shanks would kill for revenge. Maybe he wouldn’t necessarily do it himself. But, if he orders it, it’ll definitely happen.
L-Loss (what is their greatest loss?)
Gol D. Roger’s death was probably one of the greatest losses in Shanks’ life. Roger is the reason Shanks is a pirate today, and young shanks was absolutely broken by his death.
(hard to write much for this one seeing as shanks’ character is still quite a mystery to us!)
M-Mistake (what is the worst mistake they ever made with you?)
One time he completely forgot a date night that you spent SO LONG planning. It wasn’t just any date night either. It was a date you planned on his final night before him and his crew had to leave again for a while. You spent hours waiting for to show up, but he was nowhere to be seen. Finally, he showed up at your place, breath reeking of booze. You just looked at him and it hit him (he was like “OH SHIT”). He started apologizing profusely. He didn’t try to make any excuses, he completely owned up to being a shitty boyfriend. But, the moment he knew he had well and truly fucked up was when you just nodded and waved good night to him, wishing him safe travels – you didn’t cry, get visibly angry you just left alone. Shanks knew that was far worse than any yelling.
N-Nightmares (how often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?)
I literally am not joking when I say this but I think Shanks practically drinks till he passes out so even if he were to get nightmares he wouldn’t wake up LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO (ok maybe I am joking with this one but also kind of not).
In all seriousness though, I don’t think Shanks has nightmares very frequently. It’s gotten to the point where any fear or things of that matter that could be nightmares for him, have become so common in his life that he almost finds it not frightening to think about.
O-Outrage (how and why would they get mad at you?)
He would get mad at you for placing yourself in unnecessary danger. He’d call you stupid and irresponsible, even though he doesn’t really mean any of those things – it’s just the image of him potentially losing you forever is replaying in his mind and it absolutely terrifies him.
P-Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?)
You saw him get serious serious once before. Like the kind of serious where he uses his conquerors haki and everything. It definitely caused a bit of a change in your relationship as it was terrifying to witness. You’ve always known Shanks was strong and intimidating when needed, but that moment really showed you what it meant when people called him an “emperor of the sea”.
Q-Quality (what is their most dangerous/toxic quality?)
Not wanting to openly express his sadness and grief in front of others can be a very unhealthy quality. Shanks doesn’t allow himself good enough opportunities to express him emotions in a safe and healthy manner.
R-Rejection (how would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around))
(First of all WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO REJECT SHANKS ANYWAY LIKE HUBBA HUBBA I LOVE HIM ANYWHOOOOOOOOO…..) Shanks is the type to just shrug it off. He’d be a little disappointed, bc c’mon the hottest most amazing person he’s ever known just turned him down! But he knows not everything in life goes how you want it to. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and this just happens to be one of the things he’s lost. So ultimately, he’ll just shrug it off. (he will definitely get teased by his crew though).
S-Scars (battle or self-inflicted)
Shanks has no self-inflicted wounds. But he does have a scar across his left eye given to him by Blackbeard. He also has a missing arm which he (heroically) sacrificed as he saved lil Luffys life (does a missing arm even count as a scar?)
T-Trust (have they ever broken your trust?)
He’s never given you any reason to not trust him. He’s always open and honest with you. Well, as honest as he can be without placing you in any danger. Trust was something needed from the get-go of your relationship because he would be gone for long periods of time. The two of you wouldn’t be able to last without trust.
Oh, also if shanks ever did do anything to break your trust you best believe his crew will beat his ass (especially Benn). You’re family to them.
U-Urge (how badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?)
My god does he want to see you. He would give his other arm just to be right by your side in an instant. He’s gone for weeks, sometimes months, at a time. Shanks loves his crew, they’re a lively bunch and he trusts them with his life, and vice versa. But they’re not you. They don’t provide him with that same feeling of home that you do. Sure, this could be fixed if he let you join the crew on their journeys, but he absolutely cannot place you in that kind of danger. You’re already in enough danger as it is simply being in a relationship with him.
V-Vicious (what do they do when they lash out on you?)
Rather than lashing out at you, Shanks tends to give you the silent treatment. He looks at you without a word and just turns away. He does this in an attempt to make you feel guilty and as if everything is your fault.
W-Weak (what makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?)
There isn’t much that makes Shanks feel weak. But, being unable to be near his s/o is one of the few things that does make him feel weak. It’s a constant struggle between wanting to have them around him constantly, but also not wanting to place them in any danger. Ultimately, he decides that not placing them in danger is the better choice, despite how much it pains him.
X-X-ray (what do they hate and show it most obviously?)
Shanks can handle being picked on and ridiculed himself, but he will not tolerate that sort of behaviour towards his friends. The second someone goes after a friend (or someone else he cares about) they are done for.
Y-Yearn (what is one thing that they want but can’t have?)
Z-Zero (what do they do/say in your dying moments?)
He’d try to crack a few jokes to at least help you feel better. Other than that, he just tries to make the most of your final moments together.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Her Promise
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Summary: It wasn’t a secret that you have disliked Sangyeon since you were in diapers. He was your mother’s best friend’s son. Though he was born just 27 days after you, it seems like he was a lot older than you in terms of his maturity. You don’t understand why the bad blood between you two. Until one day, you had been arranged for a marriage with him so suddenly.
Theme: arranged marriage au, enemies to lovers
Genre: angst, sad, fluff
Warnings: mentions of leukaemia, death, alcohol, swearing
WC: 10k
Pairing: Lee Sangyeon x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! This plot just randomly came to mind. It's kind of sad and a little angsty but you'll get through reading it. I promise! also, the words in italics is a flashback :)
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Your family has been a close family friend to the Lee’s family and that was because your mother and Mrs Lee were best friends since high school. Also the reason why you were only 27 days older than Mr and Mrs Lee’s only son. However, not everyone has a happy friendship. In this case, it was you and the said son. His name was Lee Sangyeon and it was pretty obvious that you two could never get along since you were in diapers.
Despite your mothers being best friends and have been for the past 30 years, give or take. It’s no wonder that when they were pregnant with the both of you, they kept fighting with each other over small silly things when they barely got past even the slightest of arguments throughout their friendship.
And yet, it seems like luck was never on your side to begin with because throughout your whole education life up till today, he always ends up in your school or at least the school that you chose specifically hoping to be as far from him as possible.
It always baffles you how he would be the first person you spot amongst the crowd during the first day of school.
Did he do all these on purpose?
Why would he go to this extent just to annoy you if you both hated each other?
Maybe he didn’t in fact do this on purpose, but still, what are the odds that you end up in the same campus amongst the hundreds of schools available? That was a mystery you never plan on solving.
It was a bright Tuesday afternoon, students were scattered all over the large campus of Hangang University. You had just parked your car in a free space, exiting your vehicle before proceeding to lock it and walk towards the Computer Science building. You were halfway through the parking lot when someone suddenly swung an arm over your shoulder.
“Good morning my favourite person in the world!” Lisa giggled to your left as Rosie appeared on your right with her usual beaming smile that could melt hearts with just a glance.
“Hey girls, you’re early” You asked with a soft chuckle knowing Lisa was always late for class.
“Yeah, I wanted to leave my apartment now like I always do but Rosie begged me to drive her today because her baby is in the workshop.” Lisa huffs, only for the blonde girl on your right to defend herself.
“Hey, at least we got here on time. You’re welcome.”
With that, Lisa stuck out her tongue at Rosie, earning a laugh from you. The three of you continued to walk to the CS building, only to find Jennie and Jisoo chatting by the lockers while Jennie scavenged through her locker.
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“Ew, is it just me or is the barbeque chicken a little dry today?” Jisoo scowls as she drops the chicken leg back onto her plate.
“No, I agree. It’s foul.” Lisa’s face contorts in disgust before you speak up.
“Do you guys want my salmon instead? I'm kind of full already.” You said, only to find them staring at you in concern. They began asking you if you were feeling okay and if you needed any medication of any sorts. To which you shook your head and just told them you were already full from the breakfast your mother made for you before she left for work with your dad.
Lisa and Jisoo ended up sharing your salmon piece, making you smile. At least your food wouldn’t be wasted, you thought.
A few hours later, your classes for the day were finally over. All you know is that your bed has been waiting for your arrival since the minute you left for school. You left class slightly later, telling the girls you had something to discuss with your lecturer regarding the assignment.
You told them to just head home first and not wait for you.
Almost 20 minutes later, you finally left the lecture room to head towards the parking lot where you had parked your car earlier. Your mind was clouded with the assignment requirements as you scrolled through the soft copy of the assignment through your email, too caught up in your thoughts to notice the group of boys walking down the hall.
That wasn’t until your shoulder roughly collided against someone’s back. It sent your whole body to stumble back from the impact. You were about to apologize when you heard a snicker coming from whoever it was.
So you glanced up and lord behold, it was just the person you were looking for…
Not really.
“Can you pay attention to where you walk? It’s not that hard to use your eyes.” Sangyeon’s voice was monotonous yet a pitch higher than others, just like his ego.
“That’s because you’re in my way, Lee.” You said sarcastically as you walked past him, not forgetting to purposely bump into his arm. He let out a scoff under his breath, fiery glare burning a prominent hole into the back of your head.
God, you can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Him included.
A few days later, it was finally a Friday. You heard words going around campus saying that one of the seniors in the school’s football team was having a frat party at his place tonight. He invited everyone in the football team, and people that he knew. Turns out he also told his teammates to bring whoever they wanted whether he knows them or not.
Lucky for you (or maybe not), Rosie’s boyfriend happens to be one of the football players. If you remember correctly, his name is Yunhyeong.
And so you already know where this is going.
Hence, the reason why you were now standing right outside the house where the party was held.
No doubt the house was a beautiful landed property at the hills that overlooked the city, it still didn’t give you complete comfort knowing that you would be surrounded by drunk young adults who have no care in the world once the alcohol takes over their system.
Sure you sometimes go to these parties but you weren’t really that type of girl. It’s always an unpleasant surprise to others who aren't your girls, when you decline their offers of alcohol saying you don’t drink.
Though there were instances where you’d have some people still insisting on giving you a drink, you rejected them firmly whether they liked it or not.
And today was no different.
One moment, you were talking to your friends. Another moment, and you were suddenly left alone by the kitchen island. Isolating yourself from the countless intoxicated bodies, dancing freely without a single care in the world.
It suddenly dawned on you that you were indeed alone, with no other individual that you recognize in that huge house. Your friends were scattered around the main living area, each of them either with their significant other or just randomly hooking up with someone. Using alcohol as an excuse to be brave and approach someone at a party like this.
You sighed, reaching into your back pocket to fish for your phone. You were so close to texting them you wanted to head home first, when a deep voice broke your little bubble of thoughts.
“Hey… Y/N right?” The handsome boy asked as he smiled down at you softly.
He clearly didn’t seem too drunk, nor was he completely sober like you.
“Yeah… you are?” You asked, hoping you didn’t sound like a bitch.
“I’m Changkyun. I see your friends have left you so I thought maybe you’d want some company?”
Well, at least he’s being considerate enough.
“About that… I was actually about to-” As you were talking, your eyes were searching the room for at least one of the girls. But instead, your gaze was locked on a specific individual who was leaning against the staircase railings just staring at you with a subtle frown on his face, making your voice halt in your throat.
It was Sangyeon.
You should’ve known he would be there tonight. He’s the freaking midfielder in Hangang U’s soccer team for goodness sake!
For some reason, the moment you met his eyes, it was as though you got sucked into a black hole with no way to escape. That wasn’t until the warm touch on your arm made you jolt away and soon turned back to Changkyun who was now staring at you with worry.
“Hey? You okay? What’s wrong?” He asked, hoping he didn’t scare you away by that simple touch.
“Y-Yeah… Sorry Changkyun, but I think I’m gonna head home. See you around.” You gave him a sincere smile before turning to leave after he said his goodbye.
There is no way you’re gonna stay there any longer. It’s not like you were drunk or anything. Not like you’d expected him to show up in black leather pants, dark grey button down shirt tucked in, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair parted close to the middle to frame his face and show his forehead, attractively. And definitely not like you felt as though your stomach was doing a flip in your abdomen after seeing him there physically.
No. You still hate him. He’s just a walking nuisance in your life. You don’t feel anything for him. Maybe he needs to stop appearing in your line of vision every 5 minutes.
It’s been two weeks since that frat party in which you had texted your friends saying you were already at home. Of course you didn’t get a response immediately but they still replied to you the next morning, telling you they were safe and they were glad that you were too.
It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon where students were all stuck on campus with nowhere to go. You were just seated at a wooden table alone with your laptop and scattered notes on the surface when the ray of sunlight that was previously shining down on you, got blocked by a figure.
You glanced up and not surprisingly, it was Sangyeon. He was alone. For once. He was always with his friends, so you wondered why he chose to walk around alone today.
“What?” You asked nonchalantly before looking back down at your laptop.
You heard a scoff from him only for him to speak up, “Did your parents tell you?”
You got confused as you looked back up to him and blinked, incredulously at what he just asked you.
“Tell me what?” You asked. He wasn’t sure if he was faking it or not but he figured with how genuinely confused you look, it was quite clear you weren’t pretending to not know what he was referring to.
“My parents are coming over to your home this weekend to discuss ‘something serious’. I’m not going. I’m not about to sit there and listen to what the ‘something serious’ is, let alone sit there trapped and stare at you the whole night.” Sangyeon said blankly as he burned holes in your head.
“Good. I wouldn’t want you there anyway.” You scoffed, only for him to push himself off the table and smoothed down his shirt.
Sangyeon left without saying anything else, watching as he turned his head as though in search of his friends. However, the minute you looked back down at your laptop, it seems like you missed the way he glanced at you subtly before turning back in front.
That same day, you went home to find your parents in the living room. Your father was watching the news on the flat screen tv while your mother was just watering the potted plants on the shelves.
The minute you stepped into the living room, your father turned to you and smiled brightly, “Oh, sweetie you’re back. We wanted to tell you that Mr and Mrs-” but before he could finish, you did it for him, stunning them in the process.
“-Lee are coming over this weekend to discuss ‘something serious’... I know.”
With that, your mother and father glanced at each other before a smile appeared on their faces again. You already knew what they were about to ask so you beat them to it.
“Sangyeon told me… So what’s so serious that they wanna come over here and talk about it?” You asked, not knowing what to expect but all you got was silence.
“We have to wait till everyone’s there.”
“Not everyone’s gonna be there…” You said.
“What do you mean?” Your mother asked.
“Sangyeon said he’s not coming. He doesn't want to.”
“B-But, he has to be there. It’s important.”
“What’s so important that he has to be there for?” Your voice laced with annoyance at the thought of having to sit in a room with him for minutes too long. Your parents got quiet before your mother spoke up again but for some reason, her voice sounded weak.
“You’ll know on Saturday.” She gave you a weak smile. Too weak to the point that she almost looks… pale?
Why is she pale?
But your mind was too jumbled up with what the main topic for this said family dinner would revolve around. Hence, why you were now sprinting up the steps and to your room. You didn’t want to think about it anymore. You just hoped the weekend passes by before you know it.
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Saturday came in a flash and to say you were ready for whatever family gathering this was, is definitely a lie. You were curious. You were desperate to know just what important business is there to discuss with you and Sangyeon. Despite knowing he won’t be there for whatever this meeting is about, it still rendered you curious on just how important this said matter is.
You were told to look presentable even though you’ll just be at home. So you pulled out the nicest outfit you could find and just opted for a simple blouse and your denim jeans.
Once you were done getting ready, you left your room only to hear your mother calling out to you from downstairs, “Y/N sweetie, the Lee’s are here!”
You made your way down the marbled steps, ready to greet the elder couple when your eyes fell on their son who clearly said he wasn’t going to be here. But of course, it looked like he had been forced against his own will to be here and you were right.
“Oh! My sweet Y/N! It’s been so long. How are you my dear?” Mrs Lee asked as you broke your gaze from Sangyeon only to smile happily when you looked at his parents.
“Hello Mr and Mrs Lee. I’m doing well despite my crazy uni life. I hope you’re both well and healthy!” You said as Mrs Lee hugged you warmly like how she had been doing since you were young.
After greeting them, the 6 of you began walking to your dining room. You then turned to Sangyeon who was walking beside you, only to ask out of curiosity, “Didn’t you say you weren’t gonna come?”
With that, he turns to you and shoots daggers at you through his glare but it does nothing to scare you away.
“Do I look like I wanna be here?”
“Clearly.” You said, just to get on his nerves and it did.
“Fuck you.”
“I’d gladly fuck myself too.”
Sangyeon frowns at your comment despite knowing it was sarcastic. But he still found it amusing that it came out from your mouth. Sure you’ve cursed him a lot of times when you fought with him, but this was a different thing.
All of you finally sat down in the dining room, you helped your mother set the table.
A few minutes went by and everyone was just chatting amongst one another. Well, more specifically the elders while you and Sangyeon simply sat there across each other in silence. You were absentmindedly picking on your food, suddenly losing appetite.
All you wanted was for them to start discussing the very important business. Which is why your patience has run thin, making you blurt out the question that has been floating in your head since Wednesday.
“What’s the important thing you called me and Sangyeon here for?”
The room fell silent as you kept your eyes on your plate of untouched food. Completely ignoring the way Sangyeon had his eyes trained on you. After what felt like hours, your mother finally announced it.
It made your heart stop for a moment.
“We have decided to marry you off with Sangyeon.”
That was the last thing you ever wanted to hear from them. Never did you expect it to be this. Why were they doing this to you? Of course you know you’re single and not dating anyone but still… How could they?
“What?!” Both you and Sangyeon said in unison.
Tension filled the air, thick in its wake. You couldn’t look elsewhere except for your mother who had announced the news.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” You mumbled under your breath as Sangyeon got up, letting the chair drag painfully across the wooden floor. His mother grabbed his wrist to stop him but he roughly yanked his wrist from her and simply replied with his firm answer, “There’s no way I’m marrying her. I’m out.”
Sangyeon stormed out and you were so tempted to do the same but all you could do was glare at your parents in disbelief.
“Sweetie-” Your mom began but you were quick to interject.
“No! That’s not happening! Mom, you know we hate each other! How can you ask me to marry him when I don’t even love him?!” Your voice was raised as you stood up from your seat. Blood boils in your veins, heart pounding rapidly in your chest out of pure anger. You wanted nothing more but to scream.
You turned in your heels to leave but your mother caught your hands when you were about to reach the stairs. You pulled your hand from her grip, throwing your arm behind your back from the force.
“Sweetie please, listen to me-”
“No mom! I’m not marrying him and that’s final!” You yelled, too furious to even notice the way your mom had clutched her chest as her breathing started to become shallow.
Before you knew it, your mother collapsed to the ground but you were quick to catch her body right when she was about to crash onto the hard wooden floor.
“Mom!” You gasped as your dad and both of Sangyeon’s parents rushed over to where you were.
Mr Lee called the ambulance in which they came just 10 minutes later, carrying your mother’s unconscious body onto the stretcher and bringing her into the ambulance. Your father followed her in the vehicle while Mr Lee offered you a ride there.
Hours passed and you were waiting patiently outside the ER when a doctor came out. Your dad rushed over so you could only guess that she was the one who attended to your mom.
“Doctor, how’s my wife?”
“Your wife’s still under constant checks but so far, her heart is beating stably. However, it seems that her abnormal white blood cells have rapidly multiplied since her last check up.” The doctor said, making you frown.
“White blood cells? What’s going on? What’s wrong with my mother?” You asked desperately, still not sure of what’s going on.
“Your mother was diagnosed with Leukaemia stage 2 but from what I saw today, I believe it’s now up to stage 4.” The doctor announced, making you even more confused.
“What?” You whispered as you stared at your dad, hoping that it’s not true. But all you got was a disheartened smile that broke you into a million pieces.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered to him sadly, upset that they’ve been keeping this a secret from you.
“I’m sorry baby, but your mother told me not to. She… She didn’t want you to get worried.” He replied.
You don’t understand. You knowing about this was better than keeping it hidden from you. If you had known about this sooner, you wouldn’t have shouted at her. Instead, you would have taken extra care of her. You would have given her more love than what she gave you. And you wouldn’t have to stand here, right now, hoping for your mother’s safety and health.
You slumped onto one of the chairs, staring into space as your father rubbed soft circles into your back to calm you down.
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Three days passed and you have been visiting your mother at the hospital diligently after your classes. You stayed till night time, allowing your dad to fetch you from the hospital after he also came by to visit your mom.
You were currently alone in the room with your mom as your dad went out to buy dinner for all three of you.
She was just lying there sleeping peacefully after having a deep conversation with her about some things, her eyes now closed, breathing consistent, chest heaving up and down according to her oxygen intake.
You were just about to doze off when the heart rate monitor suddenly began beeping rapidly. It caused you to panic as you ran out of the room to call for the nurses.
When you came back, your mother was shaking on the hospital bed. Tears started streaming down your face as you found yourself curled up in the corner just watching the hospital staff do whatever is necessary to help your mother.
You didn’t notice your dad who had just come back, only to rush to you after putting the food down on the desk. It was when he cupped your face, that you finally realized his presence.
He pulled you against him as you couldn’t tear your eyes off your mother’s figure, shaking violently on the bed.
It was as though someone had dropped a bomb just a few feet away, a deafening silence pierced your ear drums followed by the single beep sound that was continuous without a pause. The sound soon became a mere ring in your ears.
You slowly brought your line of sight towards the heart rate monitor beside your mother’s bed and that’s when you saw it. The painful straight line with no spikes going up or down.
That’s when you knew, she was gone.
No. This can’t be real. This is just a dream. Wake up Y/N. Pinch yourself. Slap yourself. Do whatever it is to wake yourself up from this nightmare!
And yet, you’re still there in your dad’s arms listening to the nurse who wrote down the words you never hoped to hear.
“Patient is Jeong Hyemin. Time of death, 2143hrs.”
All the more you cried harder against your father’s chest. You were broken. Completely and utterly broken. Your mother left you before you could even say goodbye. She left before you could even tell her that you love her unconditionally even though you told her that everyday.
As much as your heart hurts, you knew you had to accept it. You knew you had to be strong for your mother. And that was exactly what you did.
The next whole week, you didn’t come to school. You emailed your lecturers personally and told them about your loss. They all sent you their well wishes for you and your dad, to which they excused you from school to attend your mother’s funeral. It broke you but you couldn’t collapse just then.
Your mother would want you to be happy, to continue living a wonderful life, with or without her. And that’s exactly what you were gonna do.
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The next two weeks came as a blur and you were dreading for the day to finally arrive. You couldn’t bring yourself to look in the mirror and see what you looked like. Because at that very moment, you were in an item of clothing where you never thought you would wear anytime soon.
It was a wedding dress. Your wedding dress. It has finally come to this.
Your makeup stylist did a few touch ups to your eyeshadow whilst another lady adjusted the bow on your waist that separates your laced top with your beautiful silk gown that drops to the floor elegantly behind you.
If you were being honest, you had hoped for this very day to come when you would walk down the aisle with your arm linked with your dad’s while your mother stood at the front row, watching you proudly. Witnessing you entering a new life with your chosen partner whom you’d love with all your heart.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case for you and it hurts you. But you kept telling yourself the same thing over and over again.
“I have to stay strong.”
That was the last thing you mumbled to yourself as you left the bride’s room, only to head towards the outdoor wedding ceremony where your parents had already booked an incredibly beautiful mansion located at the highest hills of the city.
It was a small ceremony with only your family and his, and very close relatives of both sides but that was it. None of your friends were there but you already told them about today.
Little did you know, his friends knew about it too.
You were approaching the outdoor garden where everyone was waiting for you when all of a sudden, your emotions started swirling in you.
A tear rolled down your cheek the minute you saw your dad standing at the doorway which leads you directly down the aisle. Your dad gave you a soft smile before cupping your face and kissing your forehead. He wiped the tear away with his thumb as he whispered, “You look so beautiful, sweetheart. I’m sure your mother would be so happy to see you like this.”
With that, you had to force your tears back, swallowing them as you nodded before linking your arm with his.
The song started playing and soon, both of you began to walk down the aisle. The first thing you saw was Sangyeon standing at the foot of the platform. He was wearing a navy blue tuxedo, looking quite handsome if you were being completely honest.
But the frown on his face was evident enough for you to know that he didn’t like this as much as you didn’t like this either.
Once you were standing just two feet away, you turned to your dad who kissed you again on the forehead before putting your hand in Sangyeon’s outstretched ones. After your dad left your side, Sangyeon guided you up the steps carefully.
His touch was soft, almost as if he wasn’t touching you at all. Minutes went by and right after you’ve both said your vows, it was time for the exchange of rings and sealing the deal with a kiss but of course, neither of you agreed to it. So when you were officially announced as husband and wife, you both looked at each other with a familiarity in your eyes which screamed “I hate all of this”.
Sangyeon lets out a soft groan before planting a chaste kiss to your temple, pulling away as soon as he kisses.
Both of you walked back down the aisle and once you were in the mansion, it took you less than a second to walk away from him and make your way straight to the bride’s makeup room.
Sangyeon didn’t bother to call for you as he too made his way to the common room, wanting to be as far away from you as possible. He hated every single minute of this. He never wanted this. But he was being forced to. And he doesn’t even know why.
When he heard from his parents that you accepted the arranged marriage, it baffled him.
You were both so adamant on rejecting this whole fiasco during that night of the dinner so what changed your mind?
That was a question he could never solve.
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Days became weeks and you had moved into the new home that his parents and yours bought for Sangyeon and you to live in. It was a beautiful one story home that had 3 bedrooms, one study room, one living room and a backyard complete with a swimming pool. You were thankful for the home but you didn’t think it was necessary considering the state that you and Sangyeon were being put in.
Nevertheless, you didn’t want to disappoint the elders. Hence the reason why you moved in with Sangyeon without a single argument with your dad and in-laws.
Unfortunately, the fact that you two were now living under the same roof, it was quite expected of you to end up fighting over the smallest little things. If being within radius of each other on campus brought unnecessary snickers and curses to one another, living under the same roof only heightened those said things by 80%.
There wasn’t a day where you could walk around the house peacefully unless the other wasn't home.
It has been 8 weeks since you lived there with him. Despite the constant fights and heated arguments that the two of you often get into, none of it leads to the other doing unfaithful things behind each other’s back.
Before the marriage, it was quite clear that you weren’t in any sort of relationship with anyone nor were you the kind to sleep around with strangers you just met at a club or parties. Whereas, Sangyeon on the other hand was completely that, except he too was single. He tends to sleep around with girls he met at a party or the clubs he went to.
But never did he actually pursue any of his one night stands because he simply didn’t feel that way for them.
However, when he got married to you despite being against it, he made a promise to himself that he should not do all those things to you even if he doesn’t love you. Because he knows that it’s wrong and that he despises people who cheat on their partners.
For that, he told himself not to be that monster.
And he didn’t. Thankfully.
But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t storm out of the house after an argument just to get fresh air and be away from you at that very moment.
This goes both ways as sometimes, you would do the same if you couldn’t stand being in radius of him.
But tonight was different.
You were just washing the dishes when the front door opened to reveal a very drained Sangyeon who had just gotten back from the gym.
He strolled through down the hallway with his duffle bag strap resting on his right shoulder, the wet patches on his grey tank top sticking to his torso, black track shorts resting on his hips. His hair was slicked back from being drenched in sweat.
You spared him a quick glance over your shoulder before you turned back to the dirty dishes. Unfortunately for you, he caught you glancing just in time.
He walked past you to go to the fridge after putting his bag down on the floor, opening it and immediately grabbing the bottle of iced water sitting there patiently for him to take it. He downed half the bottle in less than 5 seconds, only to hear him let out a satisfied sigh right after.
You remained quiet as he looked at you for a moment, a small part of him wanted to ask you if you’ve eaten but a bigger part of him, more so his ego, was telling him to walk away.
For some reason, he decided to go with the former. Something he hasn’t been doing all these years.
“Had your dinner yet?” He asked, making you turn off the tap after setting down the clean dish onto the rack above your head before turning to him with a slight confusion on your face.
“Mhm. You?”
“Not yet.” He said as he leaned his hip against the counter top.
“What do you feel like eating?” You asked, wiping your hands dry with the towel hanging off the hook on the wall.
“I kind of have the feel for kimchi fried rice… I’ll just make do with what is there in the fridge. No worries.” Sangyeon said with a soft smile on his face before he left to take a long shower. Something he always did when he had a lot going on in his mind.
The minute he left, you stared at his descending back for a minute before turning back with a confused frown on your face.
Sangyeon was in the shower for almost 20 minutes. Taking a warm bath to calm his tensed muscles due to the intense workout he did with Juyeon and Hyunjae earlier. After his stress relieving bath, Sangyeon changed into a pair of sweatpants and his oversized shirt he normally uses to sleep.
He towel dried his hair, leaving it in an utter mess on his head with no care whatsoever.
He simply brushed through his wet locks with his fingers haphazardly before leaving his bedroom toilet. Sangyeon and you weren’t sharing bedrooms. It was just a mutual agreement right from the first night together.
You took the master bedroom in this house while he took the second bedroom.
Sangyeon was just walking down the hall, scratching the back of his head randomly when he caught a strong whiff of something delicious filling his nostrils.
“What the?” He whispered to himself as he cautiously made his way closer to the end of the hall. The minute he made a right turn, that’s when he saw you scooping out the contents of the pan into a clean plate. To his surprise, it was the exact dish he told you he was planning to cook earlier.
He finally stepped out of the shadows, only to startle you.
You flinched but that was it.
“Hey… I figured you’d be too tired to cook so I made it for you. Just leave the plate in the sink after you’re done. I’ll wash it later.” You pressed your lips into a small little smile before placing the dish on the kitchen island together with a spoon.
Right when you were about to leave the kitchen, his voice stopped you from walking any further only to hear him whisper a soft “thank you” to you.
You gave him a nod and soon left.
Sangyeon stares at your descending back before you disappear from his trail of sight, only to then tilt his head in amusement at your sudden kind act. For some reason, he found himself smiling as he took a mouthful of your delicious fried rice.
Another 3 weeks went by and you had just gotten back from your night study session with Lisa and Jennie, only to find Sangyeon slumped on the couch. He had his face buried in his hands as he looked like he hadn’t slept for days.
You frowned as you locked the door and soon went over to stand behind the long couch, diagonally from the couch he was sitting at.
“Rough day?” You asked quietly, but all you got was silence so you tried again.
“Have you eaten?”
“Do you want anything to eat?”
“Sangyeon, even if you hate me, at least say yes or no so I can-” And that’s when he bursts.
“Shut the fuck up!” Sangyeon yelled as he glared at you. His nostrils flared upon every heavy breath he took. You were stunned by his harsh tone, clearly not wanting any argument when you first asked the question.
“Excuse me?” You asked with a tone that was pretty obvious to anyone that you were clearly offended by his words.
“Didn’t you hear me?! I said shut the fuck up!” Sangyeon stood tall, his face red as you could only imagine he was stressed about something. A scoff left your lips, feeling the anger seeping through your skin with every word he said to you.
“Why? Why do you want me to shut the fuck up so badly?!” You asked as you stared at him with mixed emotions.
“God, you’re so fucking annoying!” Sangyeon growled as he began to storm off but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“Answer my fucking question, Lee Sangyeon! I was just being nice and caring about your well being and all I got was to shut up? You’re a fucking asshole you know that?” You said, your words filled with venom as he gritted his teeth, jaw clenching tight.
“Who taught you to be such a brat? Your mother?” Sangyeon accidentally blurted that out of sheer anger. Your grip around his wrist left and the next thing he knew, your eyes were glossy from the tears threatening to fall.
“Don’t bring my mother into this.” You warned but he was still fuming with anger.
“Why? Why can’t I?! She’s the only reason why we’re in this stupid marriage anyway!”
You didn’t know what ran through your mind but the minute those words left his mouth, you couldn’t help but swing your hand onto his cheek. This shocked him to a certain extent as he simply glared at you but never did anything to hurt you physically.
“Do you know why I accepted the marriage proposal? Do you wanna know why I decided to walk down that fucking aisle and have myself being called as your official wife?! Well here’s the reason why. I promised my mom I would.” You paused as he remained quiet. You could almost see the cogs turning in his brain as though trying to process your words.
“My mom died wanting me to marry you. She told me she wanted to see me walk down the aisle one day and into your arms. Until now, I don’t understand why she specifically wants it to be you, but that’s what she wanted. So I promised her that she would be there for when that day comes. But she left me before she could even witness that for herself. She left before I could even say goodbye. It broke me. It fucking broke me Sangyeon! That’s why I chose to accept the proposal even when…”
You stopped for a moment, not realizing that you had been crying until you tasted salty tears on your lips.
“...even when I didn’t love you. I did it because I made a promise to her. I don’t want to let her down, Sangyeon.... I never wanted any of this to happen. And I know you feel the same so I’m sorry.” Those were the last things you said to him before going to your bedroom and locking yourself in there.
Sangyeon was left standing there, feeling completely shitty with what he said to you earlier. He never meant to hurt your feelings. He should’ve known better not to mention your mom but he only said that out of pure anger.
He knows it’s his fault but his ego was too high for him to simply give in to his mistake.
He was about to just brush this off when he heard the door click and soon, you were seen leaving your bedroom with a cross body purse on you. You didn’t give him the chance to speak as you just left the house with a soft slam of your front door. He watched as you took your white mini cooper and drove out of the driveway.
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“Sweetie, why don’t you want to accept the proposal?” Your mother asked weakly as you sat on the chair beside her hospital bed.
“Mom, you know I don’t love him. We’ve been fighting since we were kids. I don’t see why I should marry someone who I don’t love.”
“Oh sweetie, you can only learn to love by loving.”
“Mom, that’s just fairy tale talk.”
“Do you wanna know something?” She asked as you stared at her quietly while you caressed the back of her hand with your thumbs as he took this silence to continue.
“Your father and I weren’t on good terms too when we first met each other. We always fought in high school and it went on for quite a while until Mrs Lee set me up on this blind date and it was with your father. At first we found it ridiculous, but after that first date, I realized that maybe your father wasn’t as bad as I thought. And so, we started to slowly understand the process of loving someone and soon enough, we fell in love. Love doesn’t always come to you directly. Sometimes, you need to find it yourself.”
She paused, studying your facial expressions carefully to make sure you weren’t angry or about to burst at her for the next thing she was planning to say.
“Can you promise me something sweetie?”
“Anything… Anything at all mom.” You said with a glint of hope in your eyes.
“Can you promise me that you’ll marry Mrs Lee’s son? I don’t care when. Just… as long as it’s him. Even if I’m not around anymore...”
“Please? For me?”
Your heart broke hearing her pleading voice. You don’t understand why she was so persistent in you marrying him but for now, you couldn’t bear to say no. You couldn’t bear to break her heart. So, with a heavy heart, you chose your mother’s happiness before yours.
“Okay mom… I promise. But you have to promise me too that you’ll be fine and that you’ll come back to me and dad, okay?”
“I promise, sweetheart. I love you so much.” She said.
“I love you too mom.”
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That night when you came back to your old house, your dad greeted you at the door with a shocked look on his face. He asked you why you were there at such a late time so you explained to him that you got into a big fight with Sangyeon and that you wanted to stay there for the next few days. Of course your father was happy that he would finally have someone in the house with him, but he was also worried that Sangyeon would be concerned over you.
You told him not to tell Sangyeon anything and that you wanted time away from him for now, in which your dad just nodded understandingly. The next few days, you spent your days diligently avoiding Sangyeon as much as you can despite being in the same campus. Lucky for you, he had very different schedules than you.
Which means, better chance for you to avoid him and not accidentally bump into him on campus grounds. And so far, your plan is working.
It’s been at least 3 weeks since you last went home to your shared place with him and you were starting to run low on your clothing supply back at your old house. Which means, you probably had no choice but to go back there now.
In all honesty, you weren’t mad at him anymore.
You were just too stubborn to face him after that argument. But it looks like you have no other choice now.
Hence, the reason why you were currently standing outside your doorstep at 8pm, noticing the vehicles parked outside your gates. By the looks of it, those probably belonged to his friends. And you were right. Because the minute you unlocked the door, you were immediately greeted by the chattering and laughter coming from the living room.
You walked in further, carefully after taking off your shoes and placing them in the shoe rack. Right when you had just made it by the end of the hallway and the living room was in full view, that’s where you saw the 6 figures scattered around the room.
The TV was playing a movie while the coffee table was filled with boxes of pizzas and other snacks for them to munch on.
Before you could speak up, two of them noticed your presence, making the blonde haired one to say hi, “Oh, hi Y/N.”
With that, the rest of them finally turned around upon hearing their friend greet you. Sangyeon, who was standing right in front of the TV, checking the cables, whipped his head around only to lock eyes with you. He froze in his spot, unsure if this was real considering you’ve been avoiding him like a plague the past 3 weeks.
“Y/N…” Was the only thing he managed to whisper under his breath as you awkwardly chuckled, hoping you didn’t create an unsettling atmosphere for them.
“Hey…” You whispered as he carefully made his way to you. The moment he was standing right in front of you, neither of you spoke. Both of you are afraid of saying the wrong thing which could potentially lead to another argument. But Sangyeon was smart enough to know not to make unnecessary comments to you after what happened the last time. So instead, he opted for an apology.
“Listen, about that night… I- I’m really sorry… I didn’t... I didn’t know.”
You could only give him a small smile that he could clearly see was weak and almost drained as you spoke up, “It’s okay. Anyways… I think I’m gonna rest.”
He simply nodded, resisting the urge to pull you into a hug and tell you how sorry he was for treating you like crap all these while. These past 3 weeks have made him realise that he wasn’t the nicest of people to you, that he said a lot of things that had definitely hurt you in the past, that he has been nothing but mean to you.
Upon hearing your bedroom door close, Sangyeon lets out a defeated sigh before walking back to his friends who then asked him if everything was okay. After he told them that everything was indeed okay, he plopped back down on the couch but it seemed to worry his friends seeing how sad Sangyeon looked at the moment.
Whenever he was with them, he has always been the goofy, savage, often picking on the others to get a reaction out of them, kind of guy. They’ve never properly seen this softer side of him.
It’s been nearly an hour since you came home and yet, he hasn’t caught a single glimpse of you anywhere. He got worried for you, not knowing whether you’ve eaten or not. So he decided to check on you. He got up from the ground to excuse himself, telling them to just continue what they were doing.
When he arrived at your supposedly shared bedroom, he found you seated on the window couch just staring into the night sky. However, before he could even knock on the door and push it wider, he heard soft sobs from you that gradually grew louder. He stayed by the door and unintentionally listened to your whispers.
“I miss you mum… I’m sorry if I couldn’t live up to my promise just like you wanted me to. I know I’m not the best wife to him, but I’m trying… I’m trying… for you. I wish you were still here beside me. To guide me on how to be a good wife. To love someone without feeling trapped. To love someone the way you and dad loves me. I’m so sorry mum… I’m so truly sorry…”
Sangyeon’s heart shattered into a million pieces for you. That’s when he realized that his feelings for you had changed. That all he wanted to do right at this very moment was to protect you. You were broken, fragile and yet, he’s been treating you horribly all these while.
He couldn’t take it any longer. With that being said, he carefully and quietly made his way to you. Not making a sound as you had your head buried in your knees, cries getting louder the closer he came to you. However, when you felt his soft hands caress the sides of your arms, you looked up. Your eyes glistened under the moonlight, your cheeks soaked with your freshly falling tears.
At that moment, you looked so vulnerable.
So when he pulled you into his embrace, you easily let him. Burying your face into his chest as he gently rubs circles onto your back, caressing your head comfortingly.
After a few seconds of silence, you finally whispered against his chest. Just loud enough for him to hear, but soft enough that nobody standing outside the door could hear.
“I miss her Sangyeon…”
Sangyeon wasn’t sure how to respond to your confession but he tried as best as he could to make you feel better.
“And I know that she misses you too. But it’s okay, she will always be with you. You’ll be okay… I promise.” He whispered and almost immediately, you pulled back as he frowned in confusion.
“You shouldn’t promise me anything…” You said, your tears slowly getting lesser and lesser by the minute.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because the last time someone made me a promise, they promised me that they’ll be okay and that they’ll never leave me… And yet she did...” Your voice hushed. He could tell that that was your trauma. Making promises.
He felt a tear threatening to roll down his cheek but he managed to hold back. Sangyeon softly reached up to cup your face and caress your cheeks with both thumbs before he spoke up, “I’m sorry she did. I’m sorry that promise got broken. But it’s not her fault. You know it wasn’t. So let me make a promise to you now and this time, it won’t be broken.”
With that being said, you cried even harder as he just pulled you against his chest almost cradling you like a child. After almost 20 minutes in the room, he finally let go of your fragile figure and asked if you wanted to eat.
You told him you weren’t hungry and that you just wanted to rest. Sangyeon nodded, bringing you to the bed as he carefully tucked you in to make you cosy. He was about to leave you alone when you grabbed his wrists. Sangyeon turned around with such a soft gaze on you, it nearly melted you.
“Where are you going?” You asked with a soft voice, almost shy. Sangyeon found it so endearing that he couldn’t help but chuckle softly.
“I’m gonna go back to the boys and maybe call it a night early.” He smiled, to which you felt his other hand come to wrap its fingers around your extended wrist, gently pulling it away before caressing the back of your wrist with his thumb.
“Can you come back after… please?” You whispered as you saw him smile again before putting your hand down on the mattress softly.
“I will.”
Soon enough, Sangyeon left you in the room to rest for a bit while he went back to his friends and relayed the message to them. Thankfully, the boys were very understanding. They told Sangyeon to send their well wishes to you in which he definitely would. After they left, Sangyeon went ahead and cleared the leftover trash.
Silently thanking the boys for cleaning most of the mess up before he even came back into the living room. He was almost done cleaning, not forgetting to brush his teeth before going back to your room only to find you already asleep with your back facing the door.
Sangyeon couldn’t help but smile as he closed the door behind him and soon made his way quietly to the other side of the room.
He carefully pulled the duvet up, climbing into bed after putting the duvet back down.
He very gently lifted your head up to let his right arm slide under your neck as a pillow, proceeding to pull your body closer against his chest. Once you were both in a comfortable position, he gently wrapped his other hand around your waist. Caressing your side in a comforting manner.
“Goodnight Y/N.” He whispered as he soon drifted off into slumber.
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Ever since then, both of you had stopped the constant arguments. You weren’t always annoyed by every little thing the other did. In school, when you’d accidentally bump into one another, either one would smile and acknowledge the other. Some people who witnessed this, found it strange but your close friends didn’t.
It’s been a good 4 months since you’d reconciled with Sangyeon. Though there were disagreements at times, those arguments would however, be resolved as quickly as it came.
But one thing’s for sure, is that during the past 4 months, you and Sangyeon had slowly found yourselves falling for each other. Neither of you said it out loud, but apparently those around you could visibly tell. Especially your friends.
It was a Thursday afternoon, you and the girls were just walking to the lunch hall when Lisa spotted Sangyeon and his friends just walking down the main building. It seems like they were heading towards the lunch hall as well. With that being said, Lisa called out to Sangyeon’s name, causing him and the rest to turn.
The minute Sangyeon’s eyes locked on Lisa’s and then on you, his gaze softened as you saw the corner of his lips curving upwards into a cute smirk.
They stopped walking to let you girls catch up and once you did, Lisa immediately went to Juyeon and began talking to him casually. The other girls went to walk with the rest while you came to a quick stop beside Sangyeon before you continued walking with the others ahead of you.
“How was class?” He asked, his arm accidentally brushing against yours as you walked further down the building.
“Horrible. Can you believe he wants us to submit 10 codes by the end of this week? I swear that man wants me dead.” You groaned in annoyance, only to hear him chuckle. But what he said next, caught you by surprise.
“But I don’t want you dead.”
With that, you turned to him as a small smile appeared on your face despite the frown you had. Both of you walked in silence, just basking in the conversations of your friends when you felt a soft tickling feeling on your fingers.
You glanced down to see that his hand was playfully brushing against your fingers, making you look up to catch him already staring at you.
Sangyeon smiled at you innocently, not sure if he wanted to say anything else until he felt you slide your hand into his, lacing your fingers with his easily. Now it was his turn to look down and then back up at you. All he did was chuckle, a sound you could definitely get used to.
A week passed and it was finally the weekend. You and Sangyeon didn’t have anything planned for the day.
Or at least you thought.
You were just lounging on the couch on a beautiful Saturday evening when Sangyeon came over to plop down beside you with a cheeky smile on his face.
“You’re oddly happy? What’s going on?” You asked with a raise of your eyebrow.
“I have a surprise for you but you have to go get ready okay?”
“Get ready? It’s already 7 o’clock. Where can we go?” You asked but all you got was a soft whine from him telling you to just do it. You opted to listen as he reminded you to wear prettily. You weren’t sure where you were going so you didn’t want to either overdress or underdress.
So you opted for simple denim skinny jeans, a baby blue sleeveless top, a white long knit cardigan and a pair of beige chunky heeled sandals.
When you left your shared bedroom to go to the living room, you were surprised to see him dressed handsomely in his black skinny jeans, a white button down shirt with the first few buttons undone, along with a navy blue bomber jacket. You saw him look at your outfit from head to toe, only for him to smirk playfully at you.
“Damn, who knew my wife could look this beautiful?” Sangyeon teased, making you giggle.
“Sangyeon, I literally wear jeans everyday.”
When you realized what he was trying to say, you soon found yourself blushing as you walked over to him and gently slapped his chest with your hand. Urging him to go before you slapped that cute smirk off his face.
Sangyeon couldn’t help but laugh but nonetheless left the house in his matte black Bentley. You watched as he drove down the street, bringing you to a part of the city where you don’t remember going to before in your life. The car ride was filled with jokes and laughter coming from both of you. He distracted you too much to the point where you didn’t even notice you were already at the location he wanted to bring you.
You looked out the window and that’s when you realize, “Is this an outdoor cinema?” You gasped when you saw the open field with a large screen at the centre, along with the endless rows of couples seated on their own blankets with snacks and drinks of their preferences.
“Sangyeon… This is…” You were speechless and he could see.
He chuckled as he just stared at you with such endearment in his eyes. Some people would just call it love.
“It’s wonderful.” You finally got to finish your sentence, turning to him with a smile.
“I’m glad you think so. Now let’s go! The movie’s about to start.”
Two hours had passed and you were now a few minutes in of the second movie. You noticed some couples were starting to get comfortable on their blankets. You were starting to get tired just sitting up straight and Sangyeon noticed your subtle shifts, desperate to find a comfortable sitting position.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah. I’m okay, just a little tired from sitting up.” You explained with a bashful little smile. Just then, Sangyeon thought of an idea that was completely beyond your imagination.
Hence, when he patted the space in between his legs, you glanced down and then back at him who was seen smiling softly to you. None of it was making you feel creeped out. In fact, you felt safe and that you could trust him. After all, he was your husband anyways. Of course you trust him.
“Come here.” He said as he stared at you calmly. He wasn’t sure if you were entirely up for this but before he could take his words back, that’s when he saw you carefully crawling towards the space he patted earlier.
Once you were seated in front of him, Sangyeon scooted forward a little before he slid his arms around your waist.
He soon pulled you against his chest, before he whispered in your ear, “Comfortable?”
You turned your head to look at him but instead got slightly flustered by the close proximity that led you to feeling his lips accidentally brush against your own. You got quiet for a moment, praying that he didn’t hear the way your heart was pounding against your chest.
You couldn’t trust your voice so you opted for a soft hum to answer his question. The next few minutes, you found yourself getting more and more comfortable in his arms, putting your hands on top of his forearms as you unconsciously caressed his skin in a calming manner. All the while, Sangyeon was behind you, completely distracted from the movie in front of him.
Instead, his mind was fuzzy with how close you were to him at that very moment. This was something he never thought would happen back when he was still young.
But now that he was here with you, just cuddling at an outdoor movie theatre, he couldn’t help but want more of this. Sangyeon found himself smiling as he couldn’t help but give your sides a gentle squeeze, telling you that he was there with you and that he would never leave you.
Thankfully, you got the silent message.
Because right after he did that, you turned your head to look at him. His eyes held the galaxy. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes.
Both of you were silent but it wasn’t awkward. You didn’t know what came over you but a sense of confidence washes over you. With that being said, you carefully leaned forward to close the gap and soon pressed your lips on his.
To say he was taken aback slightly, is definitely an understatement.
But it took him less than 3 seconds to finally move his lips against yours in a smooth rhythm. You brought your right hand up to gently cup his face as you kissed him.
Sangyeon tightens his hold on you, pulling away from the kiss only to look into your eyes with such adoration. He wasn’t sure if now was the right time to express his feelings for you, but he thought, what was there to lose. So with that thinking, Sangyeon took a small breath before he uttered the 3 words he never thought he’d say to you but he did. And every single word he said at that moment, was as sincere as ever.
“I love you.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly at him before you kissed him again in a longing kiss before pulling away and replying to him with the exact emotions you felt for him genuinely.
“I love you too, Sangyeon.”
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jeonglixie · 4 years
[12:45am] “Can we…get out of here?”
The boy gave you a worried look but he nodded and grabbed your hand. You made your way through the drunken crowd.You took a deep breath as you stepped outside. Chan didn’t say anything,he just placed a hand on your back and slowly rubbed it.
“Are you ok,what happened?” he rasped after a while.
“I just…don’t feel like being in there right now.” you whispered.
“Are you drunk?”
You shook your head.Chan hummed and went towards his motorcycle.
“Let’s go.”
“You’ll see.”
You got to know Chan in the third year of college. You always saw him around campus with his friends,Jisung and Changbin,but you never really got a chance to speak to any of them. It’s like they all screamed trouble,their aura intimidating. So you’d either find them together or each of them alone.
Changbin seemed the scariest of them,his eyes piercing through your soul. You guessed you shouldn’t make mad this one.His hands full of tattoos and you were sure if he were to show more skin, there’d be more of them.
Jisung was more of a piercings guy,one on his left eyebrow and his ears full of them. He always seemed so confident and you could swear he screamed fuckboy.
Chan caught your attention first as you got more classes together. He seemed like a friendly one,but he didn’t really talk to anyone.He got that attractive smile that showed his dimples,on top of it, he got piercings on them. He’d usually sit in every class with his laptop and headphones. He was probably producing? You heard this trio was into music and rapping somewhere. You wondered if he ever paid attention to class though.
You were the exact opposite, cause other than staring at him before class started, was hanging from the professor’s lips and taking notes.That’s why he actually approached you the first time.
You were terrified when you turned your head to see who tapped your shoulder and met the familiar blonde haired boy.
Fuck,did he saw me staring?
When he politely asked if he could take your notes,all you could do was nod and give him your notebook with a half smile.
“Y/N right?”
“U-uh? Yeah, that’s me.”
“I’ll return this tomorrow,yeah? Thanks.” he winked,gave you a dimpled smile and left.You sighed in relief and made your way out of the class.
Little did you know he indeed saw you staring.
Since then,in every class,he would usually sit next to you and sometimes have a small talk or flirt just to tease you. Then,a group assignment happened and he asked to be your partner. It was the first time you ever saw so much music equipment on someone’s house,as you stepped in his room.
You finished the assignment rather quickly and he suggested you should stay for a while and hang out. You should’ve known he didn’t really have something innocent in mind when he did so. Like that,one thing led to another and he ended up fucking you on his couch and probably giving you the best orgasm you ever had.
“We can do this a casual thing,if you want.” he told you as you stepped out of his apartment.
You didn’t really have something to lose,and as you needed some way to relieve stress,you agreed.
“No strings attached though,I’m…not really a relationship guy.”
Months passed and your relationship stayed the same; you hang out and fucked, sometimes you just enjoyed each other’s company. The intimidating guy turned out to be one of the kindest persons you knew. And that probably was going to be the death of you. Cause as the time passed,you weren’t attracted only by his body. You could tell he wasn’t feeling the same way though,as he immediately turned cold when you got intimate. No cuddles after sex,no staying over. That didn’t mean he wasn’t the softest when it came to aftercare. But then reality hit him and turned back at being his usual self again. That’s how he was. Hot and cold.
Jisung and Changbin weren’t that bad either. Jisung was funny, talkative and a little cocky but he was a nice guy overall.
It took a while for Changbin to open up to you. He would usually act like you weren’t there most of the time. He didn’t seem to like the relationship you and Chan had, he thought everything happened too quickly and Chan didn’t know you that well when he suggested the whole friends with benefits thing.
So when you went over to Chan last week and he opened the door instead of him,you knew this was going to be awkward.
“He won’t take long,you can wait for him.”
You both sat on the couch, awkward silence filled the room. You grabbed your phone and scrolled through your apps to keep yourself occupied.After a while he sighed.
“Chan’s ex girlfriend was a horrible person. She really fucked him up.”
Your eyes widened and your head snapped towards him. His eyes anywhere but you.
“She used him,had a good time,then she cheated on him and just left. He really had a hard time getting over that bitch.”
“So when he told me about you and the whole arrangement thing you have, I knew this won’t go well. That idiot really doesn’t think before he acts…”
“Look, I love Chan, he’s my best friend and I’ve known him for years. He’s not that kind of person. He’ll eventually catch feelings and I don’t want him to get hurt. So I’ll be clear. If you don’t care about him,get the fuck out of his life before it’s too late.”
His gaze now on you. If eyes could kill you would really be dead by now. You felt shivers down your spine but that didn’t stop you from responding, feeling slightly offended by his words.
“I know where you’re coming from. But I can tell Chan has no feelings for me and-”
“If you open your mouth to say bullshit babygirl then shut it.”
Your jaw dropped.He stood up and casually walked to the door and opened it with a smirk.
“I think I was clear.”
You felt your blood boiling. Not only he didn’t let you speak and explain,he also got that smug look on his face you really wanted to punch. You jumped from the couch and stomped towards him,fuming as you grabbed and slammed the door shut.
“Listen here Seo Changbin” you aggressively placed your index finger at his chest. “I don’t care what the fuck you are to Chan or how long you know him or whatever, but that doesn’t give you the right to assume I’m the same shitty person like his ex. I care about him as much as you do and like hell I would hurt him. The only idiot here is me for throwing myself in a situation like that and then catching up feelings. So don’t fucking worry about your friend getting hurt,he doesn’t give a fuck about my feelings and I don’t plan on telling him about them so he won’t feel guilty.”
You were sure you were screaming at this point and by Changbin’s surprised face,you knew you went overboard. You didn’t realize tears were running down your cheeks till you stopped and took a deep breath.
“Hey,are you-”
“Keep it. You said enough Seo.”
The boy didn’t really have time to act as you quickly went over the couch and grabbed your things,then ran and opened the door to leave.You froze when the first thing you saw while getting out was Chan’s surprised face. Your eyes locked for a split second before you felt more tears forming and you ran past him.
That probably was going to be the last time you’ll see him.
One week passed and you didn’t really speak with Chan. You’d see him at the class but he was sitting nowhere near you and didn’t even spare a glance. You figured out he heard everything then and just didn’t want commitment. You were heartbroken of course but that was your fault. Chan said from the start he didn’t want a relationship.Jisung texted you and asked you to go to the party he was throwing but you didn’t really feel like doing this right now.
You were going back to your apartment as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.
unknown number: hey this is Changbin
unknown number: I know this is kind of random but can we meet at the café near campus? I have to talk to you
You: ok,sure
You opened the door of the café and the strong smell of coffee and cinnamon hit you. You spotted Changbin sitting on a table near the window. His face turned to you when he heard the door open and he gave you a small smile.
You sat on the opposite side of the table.
“Sorry if that caught you off guard.I guess you’re not that happy to meet me,after what happened last time.”
You shook your head.
“No I….I was indeed kinda surprised but it’s ok. What did you want to talk about?”
Changbin let out a shaky sigh.
“I wanna apologize. I really was an asshole.”
“When you left,I tried to speak to Chan but he didn’t really want to. He avoided mentioning the whole thing,but I could see he was struggling.”
“I thought a lot about this too. I was overprotective and from the start I treated you like a parasite. And that’s a dick move.”
“You’re a person with feelings too and I can tell you hurt as much as Chan did. And it wasn’t your fault,as I wanted it to be. I won’t blame Chan either. He’s confused and scared.”
“I told you many times I care about him and I want him to be happy. He seems happy with you and I can tell he’s missing you more than anything. So I just couldn’t sit back and watch you both get hurt just because you’re scared to admit your feelings.”
“So…I want you to come to Jisung’s party tomorrow. You two have to talk.”
You stood silent for a while.
“Changbin…I’m not sure what to say…”
“You don’t really have to say something. Just please,come and talk to him.” He reached your hand on the table and smiled bitterly before he stood up and left.
You sat there,trying to comprehend what just happened. After a while you stood up and left as well.
The next day,you felt anxious as you dressed up and stepped out of your apartment. You didn’t know how this would go and definitely weren’t ready to get your heart crushed but you had to get over this.
When you stepped in Jisung’s apartment people were already wasted,dancing on the music. You first spotted Changbin and his eyes widened as you made eye contact,a grin slowly appeared on his lips.
“You came.” he yelled over the loud music. “Thank you.”
You smiled.
A gasp left your lips as suddenly someone pushed Changbin out the way and you met Jisung’s ecstatic face.
“Y/N oh my God you came! I’m so happy! Here try this,I made it!” he mumbled and shoved a cup with a questionable drink at your face.
“I don’t think so.”
“Please? Please, please, please, for me?”
You let out a sigh.
“Ok,ok,here.” you drank the liquid and winced as it burned your throat.
Jisung looked satisfied and quickly went back to the kitchen, probably to grab a second one.
“Where’s Chan?” you asked Changbin.
“I’m sure he’s around here,we were talking just before you-”
You turned to see Chan,a surprised look on his face.
“I didn’t think you would come.”
“Trust me,me neither but he-” you stopped as you looked around and Changbin was nowhere to be found.
This motherfucker.
Chan tilted his head but you mouthed a “nevermind” and you both stood there awkwardly.
Minutes passed and you felt anxiety bubbling up your chest. Why did you even listen to Changbin in the first place? This was a bad idea. You weren’t ready to talk with Chan yet. The loud music started ringing at your ears,you had a hard time breathing,it felt suffocating. You felt Chan tap on your shoulder.
“Hey,are you ok?”
And that’s how you ended up here,behind Chan,holding him tight as you passed by the busy roads.
His bike stopped as you reached a hill outside the city,the view breathtaking as you watched down the flicking lights. Chan took off his helmet and placed it on his bike. You both stayed silent.
After a while he reached in his pocket,took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. A bad habit,Jisung once said,he always pulls when he’s stressed. It was the only thing you hated about him.
“I guess you heard me.” you finally spoke. “When I screamed at Changbin.”
“That day he told me about your ex….but he was quite rude so we ended up like this.”
Chan cracked a smile.
“I thought you were going to come out and take my head or something back there,I won’t lie.”
You couldn’t help but giggle,but your smile faded quickly.He inhaled the cigarette and exhaled the smoke through his nose.
“Chan,I genuinely like you. And you know I’ll never hurt you,right?”
Chan felt a pang at his chest. He sucked a deep breath.
“It’s not like you don’t know already,but I’m scared. I’m scared to give my heart to someone and be vulnerable. I’m scared everything’s going to end up the same way.”
“Thought it could work like that. Having sex,no feelings. But sometimes I can’t help but crave more. Since when I got to know you better I needed more.”
“But it’s fucked up. How my brain works. I really want to trust you but I-”
He stopped and let out a frustrated sigh. He liked you,right? Then what was holding him back?
“I don’t know…”
You both fell silent. You didn’t really know what to say at a time like this. You wish you’d know what was going on in his mind right now,he looked so lost. Your eyes fell on his plump lips as he inhaled once again the cigarette.
“Stop doing that…” you said,your voice shaking. “You’re hurting yourself…”
You meant smoking or overthinking? Chan couldn’t tell. He scoffed and his eyes turned at the trembling city lights.
After a while he dropped the remaining cigarette on the ground and stomped it.
“Fuck this,let’s…go at my place.”
His features now hardened,his expression unreadable. You just nodded.
You knew when you’d step in his house he’d probably slam you on the wall and have his way with you. That’s how Chan was. Cold and dominant, he loved to have you begging.
But that night you and Chan didn’t fuck. He made love to you. Heart on his sleeve as he softly kissed your face. You never saw that side of him. Slow and passionate,he touched you like you’d break.
You felt drunk,loved even.
When he finally slipped in you,you were far too gone to see the tears running down his face. He thrusted into you desperately, trying to cope with all these overwhelming emotions. You both came with you screaming his name and him groaning yours. He slowly then made his way to the bathroom to grab a towel. He stopped as he glanced his reflection at the mirror; all he could see was a coward with eyes red from crying,his puffy face making him wince. He returned not long after to find you still on the bed,eyes half closed,your breathing back to normal. Sleep immediately knocked you out after he cleaned you up with the soft towel.
You didn’t see his eyes glistening at the moonlight.You didn’t see how he sat at the edge of the bed,face in his palms.
You didn’t see him smoking his last cigarette and throwing the almost full pack at the trash.
That night, Chan promised himself he won’t run away. He’d stay here with you,even if that meant he could get hurt again.
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ringmyheart · 3 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
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kueruzu · 3 years
Guess who finally has the confidence to share the drabble they made based on the jumbled up Soul Eater divergence au they made up.
I do!
So this is a Soul Eater Canon Divergence drabble I did based on an au I randomly conjured up around Maka and Soul doing some “evil” shit.
Please note of something like this exists I had no idea of it!
Trigger/Content Warning:
This includes, Emotional Manipulation, Aggression, Chaining up/Imprisonment depicted (probably/assumably) incorrectly
There was no proof-reading either— Have f u n—
Here we go!
The cell floor hurt. Her legs hurt, again. The dripping water grated her nerves. The lack of things to pull her attention made her unfocused.
But she couldn't complain. She put herself there. She chose to do bad and for that long? It's a miracle Shinigami showed her mercy, even if she had been the one to outsmart his rules and get off without dying.
Was death that bad though? Compared to living in this dirty cell with her meals brought to her and someone coming in to make sure she exercised each day, death seemed like a nice release.
She looked up as the slider at the top of the door in front of her moved. Green eyes peered at her with pity before the door opened. She saw her chance immediately.
Were they dumb enough to send him of all people?
Apparently so.
She began to struggle back as he approached, crocodile tears welling up.
“Go away! Go away!”
“Maka there’s no need fo-”
“You might as well have gagged me too! I never want to see you again! Go away!”
He kneeled in front of her, still a ways away for her comfort. Still ever the ‘caring’ father.
“You watched them... You let them lock me up...”
“Maka there was nothing I-”
No words or proper syllables came out, just a guttural scream in his face as the tears poured. He kept calm though, his expression was still soft. But she knew he’d crack. She just needed to hurt him more. Just a tad bit more.
“You watched them do it... You helped! You..! You..! You threw me away! You never lo-”
“Maka you know I love you-”
His composition began to crumble and internally she smirked. So close. So, so, so close.
“Maka, please...”
“No! You! Mama! Sid! All of you! You all loved it when I went off the deep end huh?! You were all waiting for it! You were so thrilled to get the waste of talent out the academ-”
Silence befell them again. Maka’s tears streamed down her cheek. Spirit watched her as tears welled in his eyes. Her head tilted down in shame as Spirit placed down the food he had brought. His hands lifted to cup soft cheeks as his thumbs brushed away the excess tears.
“Maka. I couldn't do anything. You... You did something unspeakable. You... It’s a miracle you weaseled your way out of being on his list... I know it doesn't seem like it but really, I do lo-”
“My arms hurt... Papa my arms hurt...”
In seconds he was leaning over, peppering soft kisses on her cheeks and atop her tears. She hiccuped and sobbed as he did, beginning to struggle in the restraints.
“Papa, Papa my arms hurt. Please, please they hurt a lot. Papa-”
Soon he was shushing her, trying to soothe her to the best of his ability without crossing lines. But she kept crying and struggling and she knew he was right at the edge of his rope. Soon he’d give in. But for now, she accepted the fake affections.
Mama, Sid, Stein, Him, even Shinigami-sama. She hadn’t been lying in her accusations. She knew they were true. She knew they all saw her as weak. She was nothing more than a burden for her team. They must have celebrated when she was gone. Kid, Star, those two must have been elated. She knew it. Deep down she could hear their voices so clearly, each hiding behind those fake words of praise. They either pitied her for being so unbelievably weak or wished she’d simply die in battle so they never had to see her again. All of them did, all of them still do.
Except him. Lord Death bless him, he never thought of her as weak. He saw her as a partner, an equal, his friend, his most prized and treasured person.
And soon she’ll find him again.
“I know it hurts. I know Maka... But soon you’ll get council with Lord Death or I. Then we can discuss the proper punishment. You just... Just need to stop trying to escape...”
She whined and he sighed.
“Just behave..? Please? It hurts. I know it hurts. But if you behave, your council won’t keep getting pushed back..!”
No response came from her. She could almost hear how he fell off the ledge.
“Maka? Maka? Sweetie? Please. Talk to me... I’m sorry..”
And just like that, she wrapped him around her little finger. Just a few more words and she’d be free from these chains.
“Papa...” she watched his face light up as she gently nuzzled against his warm palm, “Papa can you take them off? Can you take them off? The arm and leg cuffs. Please..?”
“Maka you-”
“Daddy please..?”
Like that, he was uncuffing her.
People are so easy with the right words.
Her arms fell to her sides and she shifted her legs. She smiled shakily, looking up at him and sniffling. Seconds after she was engulfed in a hug. Slowly, she hugged back, her arms snaking around his neck and returning the hug. Her head rested on his shoulder as she blabbered her apologies.
Not yet.
She pushed him away gently, trying to stand after the long hours of sitting with little movement. Shakily, she got to her feet, stretching and holding his hands for support. Giggles erupted from her and she looked up at him with a beaming smile.
A bit more.
He let her walk around him, fixing her balance all on her own. Soon enough she was hugging him again, burying her face in his chest. A solemn smile curled on his face when she looked up. He closed his eyes and hugged her against him.
She pulled away, Spirit still relaxed with their moment. She grabbed his wrists firmly, a quiet hum and escaping him in confusion before she pulled and kneed him in the crotch. With a yelp, he fell forward, the girl taking the opportunity to grab him in an unrelenting chokehold.
It took only a mere 50 seconds to knock him down, what with all his struggling and confusion. Plus, he wouldn’t dare hurt his ‘pride and joy’ of a daughter. She existed in his heart as his little ray of sunshine behind the clouds.
People are so easy with the right tricks.
His body was dropped to the ground with a decisive hum. She grabbed his ID card, the keys for her restraints, two pieces of gum to chew on, and snuck off, hoping to be able to use it in her endeavors.
She crept her way towards the door, peeking out to look through the hallways. Once deducting that the coast was clear she let herself out, silently finding her way to his cell. She popped a piece gum in her mouth as she did, much too happy to enjoy the treat.
They thought putting him far away would affect her soul perception? She could find him in a sea of doppelganger easier than an addict can find their next buzz. Soul was almost like her drug anyway.
After a few minutes of careful walking and dodging other faculty members, she found his cell. After looking through the slider to double-check that it indeed was him, she began to fiddle with the lock.
A few quiet curses slipped before she got it. Why was this whole place so easy?! It’ll like Shinigami-sama made it to cater for children!
The door opened and she hummed.
“Eat shit.”
“That’s no way to talk to me.”
His eyes shot up, widening with understandable confusion. Soon he couldn't deny who stood before him. Just as he realized it wasn’t some sick joke, she lunged.
She hugged him close, a hiss of pain the only response before he nuzzled his face against her hair. She took a deep breath in, enjoying the soft embrace.
When they pulled apart, reluctantly, of course, she began to uncuff him as well.
Soon enough, he was wrapping his arms around her and she was burying her face into his chest once more. Slender pianist fingers carded through blonde strands. Small and calloused hands gripped onto his sides like a lifeline.
“It’s only been like 18 days.”
“Three weeks.”
He nodded at her stern tone. She kept track of each day. Surely she wanted to escape right? Surely she wanted to get out right? Surely she wasn’t going to simply stay here till time ran out right?
“I missed you… Your hugs are warm.”
He chuckled, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
“Hmm? Then I’ll have to give you more.”
A simple nod, “yes please.”
They both giggled, sighing and laying against each other before Maka stood, trying to get him to stand as well.
Footsteps came before she could.
The door slammed open and she yelped, falling against him instinctively. His arms wrapped around her, holding her to his chest protectively.
“Maka Albarn!”
“Wait no!”
“She’s good I swear!”
Sod stood in the doorway, managing a menacing glare at the two. While Soul glared back just as angrily, Maka held him like a vice. Actual tears welled up this time. She was so close to some sort of escape! Yet she ruined it with her sentimentality for him. She should have just took off the restraints and had him transform. It wouldn’t have taken so long and she’d probably cover more ground with a big fuckin scythe opposed to just sitting there like a dumbass.
“Sid stop it! She’s not all bad I swear!”
“She knocked you out!”
“We made a deal!”
Sid begrudgingly dropped his glare and stepped back. Spirit walked ahead of him, stopping in front of Maka.
“I-I’m sorry. Don’t lock me away again. Please don't lock me away again.”
He sighed, crouching down in front of her. Vague memories of five-year-old her looking up at her cool Papa came to mind before she squashed them.
“I can’t say we won’t. But-”
“You hate me! You really hate me! You want to throw me away into a cell so you never have to see me again!”
“Maka no! I-”
“You’re gonna let him lock me away again! You’re gonna let him lock Soul away again! I bet you told Kid and BlackStar we would be fine! You lied to them too huh?! I-”
“Let him speak!” roared through the cell, abruptly shutting up Maka’s cries and Spirit’s sputters. After Sid’s demand, Spirit fixed his tie and opened his arms for her.
“We can sort this out, Maka. I know you wouldn't have done something like that. You’re your mother’s daughter. You grew up in Death City. You understand why Shibusen is so important. Please, let me help you.”
The room was quiet save for the dripping of water that wasn’t too far off due to a faulty pipe.
Maka glanced at Soul who only motioned with his head for her to move. She tentatively squeezed Soul’s hand before moving away to wrap her arms around Spirit’s neck again. He closed his arms around her torso, hugging her close and standing up straight. He turned to face Sid, smiling and humming as she latched to him. A smug look was thrown at the zombie and Sid sighed.
Spirit’s pained yelp pulled Sod from his relaxation. Maka jumped out his hands as Spirit crumbled. Soul, fixing himself back into position as Maka landed, shot a glare at Sid. Maka darted for the door, hoping to squeeze past him in his momentary shock but she should have known getting past an assassin would be no easy task on her own.
Her arms were grabbed and she was pinned before she could get ahold of what was happening. She squirmed and kicked, screeching about him putting too much pressure and hurting her. He retorted that the only reason she hurt was her own resistance. It didn't stop completely but she calmed.
Soul stood, about to attack Sid when Maka shot him a glare from against the wall. His body stiffened and he bit back the angered insult he was about to throw.
“Spirit this is the fifth time! If she’s so good, why is she so annoying! I wasn't the type of guy to give up but really! Don’t you think this is eno-”
With a hiss, Spirit got to his feet. But he fell over just as quickly. He shook his head, “She’s just-”
“Rebelling? Angry? A teenager? Misguided? Trust me I've heard them all. I've said them all. Spirit I'm taking her to the tighter cells. She already had the same treatment Medusa had but clearly-”
Her scream came out broken and shaken. Granted, that's exactly what she wanted, “Papa!”
Sid pitied the poor man. His daughter could manipulate him easier than Medusa did Crona and he couldn't see it. Love is blind and that doesn't stop when it’s familial.
Spirit ripped his pant leg, tying it around his wound. Soon he began to protest, began to sputter out some retort to make it so Maka wouldn’t be hurt. But both knew how this ended. All four knew despite two struggling against it and two keeping their tongues tied.
“A-Arachne had that moral manipulator, right? Sh-she must have done something to Maka to make her act like this..! Maka... Maka would never!”
Soul rolled his eyes in the background and Sid sighed.
“Spirit. You can’t prove that. Besides. Even if she did, Maka still did those things...”
Spirit sighed dejectedly, sitting down and nodded.
“Ain’t she your daughter? You’re really gonna abandon her like that. You are one messed up geezer-“
“Mr. Eater.”
The shark-toothed weapon looked up with disdain upon hearing his name but his words ceased.
“You’re to be dealt with ne-“
“Soul didn’t do anything!”
And like that, the room was silent for a moment. At least, till she began sputtering just like her father had earlier.
“I-I used the machine on him! H-he didn’t want to follow along with my plans! S-so I manipulated his morals to-“
Soul stepped forward, only stopped by Spirit’s outstretched hand. Maka kept going, looking at her father with some sort of appreciation even if it was small.
“I manipulated his morals to align with mine! A-along with his loyalty and trust! I did it! Please don’t-“
“The hell is wrong with you? Stop lying!”
She twisted and struggled to try and lock eyes with Sid. To an extent she was successful but now the cold stone pressed against her cheek. She whined, her eyes pleading as she continued.
“S-see! With the manipulation his loyalty only amplified! I did everything! I did it all of my own accord and dragged him along!”
“Maka shut up!”
“I take responsibility as the Meister!”
And yet again, silence fell upon them. Spirit hung his head and Sid nodded. Soul gawked. He was the first to break the silence.
“Y-you don’t believe her right..?! I-I’d follow her to the ends of the earth to keep her safe! I did that before! Come on,” he stepped forward, grabbing at Spirit’s suit sleeve, tugging it harshly, “You gotta believe me. If she’s getting put in some sort of solitary confinement then-”
Sid began to lead her out. Spirit kept his head low. Soul tried running after him but Spirit’s hand wrapped around his wrist was firm.
The last thing she heard before being taken away was Soul’s screams. They weren't painful. At least, not in the absolute physical sense. But they were pained. Both knew this was the end of their partnership. Neither accepted it easily. Yet everyone seemed to think it was for the best.
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I’m gonna love you (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings X Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Songfic based on POV by Ariana Grande. A loving relationship with Luke is all that you need.
Warnings: Puuure Fluff! One or two bad words, mentions of alcohol (almost nothing) Grammar mistakes, probably (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 1.9k
Author’s Note: A small piece for the writing challenge created by @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof I love writing this so much and I really hope you like it ✨ Reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcome and encouraged 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading🦋
My materialist // wanna be part of my taglist?
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Anon: 4 the writing challenge, can u do Pov by Ariana grande with Luke?
“It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20/20, babe
Made of glass, the way you see through me”
You woke up when the sun started peeking through the window, slowly shaking you from your now long forgotten dream.
Nuzzling your nose in your pillow, you opened one eye to catch the time on your phone, quickly celebrating that it was still early for you to start your day and that you actually had time to go back to dreamland.
You felt a shuffling movement in the sheets behind you and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you turned around and found your boyfriend’s sleeping figure.
It has been so long since you had Luke all for yourself, long days turned into nights in the studio kept him from you lately, making it almost seem like you lived in two separate timelines. However, today was not one of those days. He had longed for a weekend off for months now and now he finally has it.
You were tempted to wake him up, to start the day off early and enjoy every second of it with him by your side. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, one because he really needed the sleep and two, you can’t bring yourself to stop staring at him.
The way the white sheets did almost nothing to cover up his broad shoulders, leaving half of his naked back for the dim sunlight to caress as the sun went up in the sky, slowly rising and falling at the calm rhythm of his soft breathing. Or the way his bleach blonde curls fell on his face, almost covering his eyes, giving him the classic angelic aura that surrounds him with every move he makes. You couldn’t help but to push some of them away to see his face a little more clearly.
Even after all these years that you’ve been together, it amazes you how easily he could leave you breathless.
You watched him sleep and tried to memorize every detail, almost like if today was the last time you’d ever see him. You counted every little mole and freckle, and took in the shade of pink of his lips that were partially parted due to his ability of heavy sleeping wherever he was. His eyelashes rested carefully on his cheeks, bringing a sense of ultimate peace to the whole image.
Peace is not something you get often that it sometimes hurts to know that these kinds of moments were just that: moments, and that at some point everything will have to go back to normal. If you could call this normal, that is.
Oh, how you wished he’d stayed like this forever.
“You’re staring” He mumbled with his eyes still closed.
“Am not” You spoke softly, not wanting to disturb him more “And how could you know? Your eyes are closed”
“It’s my superpower, love” He said, opening his eyes “I can sense everything you’re doing, even in my sleep”
You chuckled as you brought your eyes to meet his, letting out a sigh as you got lost in his sea of blue “I’m sorry, you should go back to sleep. I won’t bother you with my stare anymore”
Luke shook his head, stretching out his arm to you and pulling you closer to him “It’s never a bother if it’s you, my love” You hummed and placed a little kiss to his chest “Besides, what time is it anyways?”
“I don’t know. Wasn’t really paying attention to the time” You said, cuddling up closer to him “I got you for the day, so time is not one of my concerns as long as you’re here. Just wanna feel you close today”
Luke kissed the top of your head “Your wish is my command” He said, drawing patterns with his thumb at the side of your arm until you both drifted back to sleep.
“You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside
Permeate my ego and my pride”
You heard the front door close with a bang, making Petunia jump from her seat next to you to go see what’s happening.
“Luke?” You asked looking over your shoulder just in time to see him walk inside the kitchen without saying hello to you like he always does.
You could tell the stiffness of his shoulders from a mile away and how his haired seemed to be completely out of place. Something was wrong. You got up from the couch and followed after him.
Luke was crouched down with his head almost inside the fridge, looking for something frantically “Are there any more beers?” He called, not acknowledging you.
“We ran out of them yesterday” You said softly. Luke murmured a ‘for fucks sake’ before slamming the refrigerator door “I’ll go to the supermarket tomorrow… Luke is everything-?”
“Yes, Y/N! Everything is fine” He said throwing his hands up in the air and passing them through his curls, messing them up a little bit more.
You tried to say something but he quickly walked past you “I’m gonna take a shower” He said as he walked up the stairs.
You waited exactly five minutes before following him.
As you entered your shared bedroom you found his clothes piled up at one corner. You grabbed them softly and folded them, knowing that he’ll appreciate that gesture tomorrow when things are more cooled down. Then you walked to the bathroom and thanked the gods when you found the door was unlocked. Slowly, you took your clothes off and hopped into the shower next to him.
Luke had his back to you, already so immersed in his thoughts that he didn’t hear you come in. However, he didn’t find it surprising when your arms wrapped around his waist and your head was pressed onto his back.
He sighed as he brought one hand to cover yours “Bad day, love?” You asked. He only nodded “Wanna talk about it?”
Luke stayed silent for a while, but you were in no rush. You knew that he would want to talk about it later on if not now. That’s just who he is, always trying his best to communicate.
Finally, after for what it felt like an eternity, he said bitterly “Ashton was a total ass today”
“Oh?” You asked, waiting for him to expand on his statement.
“He just won’t cave!” Luke said, letting his frustration take over “We talked about this idea for a song and we almost got it ready, but he keeps changing it and saying we should drop it and that it’s not a good idea and-“
“And probably you are both just being stubborn?”
Luke turned around with a confused face “Are you on his side now?”
You shook your head “Babe, I’m on your side. Always” You brought your hand to his cheek, softly caressing it as you spoke “But I know how you can get when you’re tired, and this is not the first time you clash with Ashton for a thing like this, right?” He nodded “You two are just so passionate for what you do and it’s easy to get blinded by that sometimes. Maybe you’re just not hearing each other's views on the song because you’re so immersed in your own ideas that everything seems like an attack. You should just talk it out… and if that doesn’t work you could always challenge him to a duel and fight to the death”
Your comment made Luke chuckle, bringing you a sense of victory as you watch the smile come back to his face.
“How are you always right?” He asked, placing his hands at the sides of your waist, caressing it softly.
“It’s a talent” You said nonchalantly, making him laugh again “Now come, baby boy. You are still stressed and I can’t let you walk out like that. Let me make you feel better”
“You love my lips 'cause they say the
Things we've always been afraid of
I can feel it startin' to subside
Learnin' to believe in what is mine”
You walked hand in hand through the front door, still a little tipsy from the last remains of alcohol that subsided in your system.
You let out a moan when you took your heels off by the door, not bothering to look at them till tomorrow morning.
Luke couldn’t stop staring at you as you murmured something about being thirsty or hungry while walking to the kitchen. He was absolutely smitten by you and he couldn’t believe his luck of having you by his side.
As he walked into the kitchen, he watched with a gleam in his eyes as you sip on your bottle of water, holding your hair in a messy bun while the zipper of your dress was already half way down. It was just a mundane act after a party, but he was completely enamoured by you.
“Do I tell you that I love you enough times a day?” He asked, bringing your attention to him.
“Well, I’m not complaining, am I?” You smiled at him “Why?”
“I just feel like I don’t tell you enough. I don’t know if I could ever tell you just how much I love you and if that will be enough one day”
He walked over to you and placed his hands at your sides. His blue eyes were fixed on yours and you could not -nor did you want to look away.
“When we first started dating I was so afraid to say it, but I knew I loved you from the first moment I saw you. Maybe I should’ve started saying that then, but it still won’t be enough. Would it?” He said, bringing one hand to caress your cheek “I still don’t know how I manage to get that first date”
You chuckled “You were lucky I had my eye on you from the beginning” You joked, making him laugh as well “I still don’t know how are you mine? Why are with me while you could be with literally any person in the world?”
“Because I love you, Y/N” He said, thoroughly convinced “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are an amazing person, lover, friend… You are the whole package and I believe you’re the one settling for me. You are perfect in every way and I love you more than life itself. Why is it so hard for you to believe?”
You felt tears threatening to escape your eyes at his words. Good tears as he made your heart fluttered with love.
“'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do, Luke. Before you I couldn't believe it or see it for myself, my baggage being too heavy for anyone to understand till you came along. Now all that baggage is fading and I know what true happiness is” You smiled, bringing his hand to your lips and giving a kiss to his knuckles “I wanna love me the way that you love me. I'd love to see me from your point of view. Maybe that way I’d learn to love you better than I already do. Cause baby, you deserve the world and I’ll do my best to give it to you”
Luke smiled as he cupped your cheeks and brought you closer to him, lips almost touching as he said “I already have my world right here. I love you”
“Even with all of my ugly?”
“With all of your beautiful. All of you, Y/N” He said before bringing your lips together in a long awaited kiss.
“Now I'm out here, fallin', fallin'”
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kaedeharakaori · 3 years
awieee this is for a special friend of mine irl ^^ i hope u like it eonnie <3 you're (everyone) the traveler in this fic btw :DD
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Keep me warm || Kaeya
The Traveler and their floating emergency food friend were taking a stroll through the icy mountains of Dragonspine for some things that Albedo asked you to get on your way back from Liyue.
Moments before you stepped into Dragonspine, it was kind of enjoyable for the both of you since you and Paimon were accompanied by Zhongli to the boarder of Liyue and Mondstadt.
"I know you can hear me Barbatos, how have you been? Well, I guess, telling by the winds. May I ask you to guide this Traveler and their companion safely back into the walls of your kingdom." greeted Zhongli to the god of the winds, a moment of silence before he faced the Traveler.
"I belive this is as far as I can go for I cannot leave Liyue just yet, maybe in a few or so years until I am sure that my kingdom can handle it all without Rex Lapis. Take care Traveler and Paimon, 'till we meet again in a new adventure, a new page in our lives."
Said the Lord of Geo as he retreated further back into Liyue, leaving the Traveler just on the edge of Mingyun Village, on their way to gather up the materials that Albedo patiently asked for when he heard the news of the pair that will soon return to Mondstadt.
You were then left alone, Paimon went off to find a torch on the cold paths of Dragonspine, having collected most of the materials Albedo asked for, meanwhile in Mondstadt, people were now preparing for the Ludi Harpastum that will happen in the next few months, its never too late to prepare early right?
Sitting in his massive office waiting for you to return home was the Cavalry Captain of the Knights de Favonius and who was also your lover, Captain Kaeya Alberich who was really impatient and bored beyond belief.
"When are you getting back my sweet little Traveler? I miss you… but I also don't get why we're already preparing for Ludi Harpastum when its months away?" asked Kaeya to no one in particular.
Soft footsteps were heard in the hallway of the Headquarters of the Knights de Favonia. Those footsteps were getting louder until they slammed open the Cavalry Captain's door open. The very good looking Chief Alchemist, Albedo, who was now stood inside after slamming Kaeya's door open (leaving it ajar) looked panicked.
"What's the matter, Kreideprinz? This must be a serious situation because you've rarely ever come here." Kaeya teased, with a barely visible smirk painted onto his face.
"Forgive me for barging in Captain, but I've recieved a signal from one of my experiments in Dragonspine and it doesnt look like its a good one." Albedo's face was filled with terror, hands were shaking, and his normally relaxed body was stiff. Kaeya made mental notes of this as Albedo's situation is really a serious one, considering that the alchemist usually was proper and composed, seeing him streased like this was new to Kaeya, might even make him scared.
"Albedo, prepare your stuff and we're going to go to Dragonspine in a bit."
It's been almost an hour since Paimon had left you, you've already collected some of the last bits that Albedo had asked for, the only thing missing is a shard from the floating pillar on the peak of Dragonspine, and so you went off.
Going without Paimon felt weird to you, even if you were kind of annymoyed of her, you still appreciated the company that she gave you. Trudging up the path to the peak, you were getting extremely cold as some of the torches weren't alive, a sign that you were getting close to the top.
Legs trembling, knees unstable, nose clogged, you've crashed to the ground, the cold was too much to handle. The torches further up were not activated to keep anyone warm, from the looks of it, no one has touched the torches for years.
Your body was giving up on you now, the cold too much for you to handle, rethinking your life as you knew this was somehow going to be your last breath, you sighed, wishing someone a happy ending.
"Kaeya, my love, I hope you keep me warm."
Kaeya and a very panicked Albedo has entered Dragonspine and made their way to Albedo's camp, poor Kaeya was worried sick about the alchemist who was next to him, trembling in fear, hands shaking, not from the cold, but from his thoughts running through his head.
"W-what if someone messed with my experiments?! I'm not finished with those yet and those are highly dangerous items that if messed with, and will lead to unknown circumstances."
"Calm down Albedo, we're going to reach the summit in about 45 minutes. Maybe if you stop worrying we could get there a little faster." Kaeya told the little alchemist to hold himself together.
A while of walking has passed, about 8 minutes away from the camp, snow thick, and the torches were extinguised, something odd stood out to Kaeya.
"Hey Al? When was the last time you were up here?" asked Kaeya curiously, "about a week ago" was all Albedo said as he continued.
"Well if you were here a week ago, shouldn't there be no footprints up here? these almost look like fresh footprints from not too long ago." Kaeya kneeled to the ground, examined the footprints left in the snow, they look new as if someone was here hours ago.
"I guess you follow the footprints, I'll check for any intruders in the camp." Ordered the Kreideprinz to his companion.
A while of more walking while closely examining the footprints, they seem to get closer to each other, as if someone was struggling to walk and so the captain ventured further into Dragonspine, almost near the Peak of Vindagnyr.
Kaeya, peacefully walkong and somewhat enjoying the cold felt a little spike of a traumatizing aura, like as if he was about to see something that would break him, brushing that feeling off he kept walking.
A crunch was heard underneath his footsteps causing him to break his train of thought and turn back, sprinting to where a patch of red had tainted the snow.
Covered a little by the snow was a small body, looked like of a creature but it didn't look like an animal, the body almost looked human-like. Kaeya dug through with an old and rusty shovel that he found on the ground, dug up the body and gasped at what he saw.
Paimon was dead, burried in the snow dried blood smeered all around, he frantically scanned the area for more footprints on the ground and luckily he found more.
"So if Paimon is here… that means the Traveler is also somewhere in this mountain." Kaeya's eyes widen in horror.
He carefully placed Paimon's remains as if she was just relaxing on the rock and ran for the trail of footprints, the farther he went up the summit, the newer the footprints looked, the more frightened Kaeya felt, what if these were the footprints of his beloved? He shook his head to those kind of thoughts.
Kaeya arrived at the summit of the mountain, footprints nowhere to be seen, he used his elemental sight only to find a sight so cruel.
Just how he found Paimon, the Traveler is sprawled out on the ground, body parts spread in weird places that seem very uncomfortable. Kaeya ran towards the Traveler in fear of their heart not breathing.
"My beloved! Please tell me that you're alright" Kaeya sobbed, "just give me a sign, please, anything that might tell me that you're alive" the Cavalry Captain cried harder.
Far off in the distance stood a man, blond hair as bright as the sun, his posture primmed and composed, his hands elegantly gliding accross the sketchbook at the scene infront of him, cereulean blue eyes shimmering with a sinister glare, the Kredeprinz smirked.
"I'm so sorry, Captain. It appears that your Traveler froze to death because of the materials I have asked of them to gather for my experiments. Sadly, I had more intentions than you thought. The traveler does not belong in this world I tell you, how can just a supposedly other-worldian just waltz into our world without the intention of destroying it? Not when I've already found out what they are, their whole being. I'm sorry but I had to do the job that the eleventh couldn't do."
Albedo sighed happily, finishing his sketch and finally ending his experiment here.
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