#wanda deserved better
the-edge · 3 months
Got bored so I decided to draw Wanda from Wandavision.
Love this beautiful gorgeous witch. #justiceforwanda
Drawing her hair was kinda therapeutic. Might try that again.
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muffinwalloper · 1 year
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You either die a hero or you live long enough to watch yourself become the villain.
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bi-dykes · 1 year
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“You trust me?”
“No. I trust your power.”
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: The Rescript
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therese-lokidottir · 1 year
Yeah, sorry, Marvel, I didn't shed a single tear for any of these villains when Wanda killed them in an act of heroism.
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I mean, they were there only so that their deaths could be played for shock value. (And of course, given Michael Waldron's the one who wrote them, it's no surprise that they're hero-coded villains much like the TVA are.)
Honestly, I don't understand Waldron thought process here. Not only in the comics are The Illuminati are just meant plain wrong but for the writers who keeps going "Your variants all the same" he chose a bunch of characters that have been some of the biggest douchebags. Stephen isn't perfect but I'm pretty sure he hasn't screwed up a fraction as much as Mister Fantastic or Professor X have.
There is a difference between villain and antagonist and they are much more the antagonists than Wanda is. With that most would think it's the point that's the point. That they are hypocrites that brutal end came because they put the blame on the wrong person and refuse to listen. But, no. Doctor Strange the only person trying to do something is arrogant and showing compassion to Wanda was dumb because she's evil.
And why, why is the film so determined to tear down Doctor Strange down and call him wrong? Why does the film have to waste time on that? The first film did in a sincere and interesting way.
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Neil Gaiman I’ll meet you behind the Denny’s 🔪
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trashghostt · 1 month
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New hyperfixation dropped. I've been thinking about this silly show way too much
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xenocorner · 1 year
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Small sketch page of some of my marvel blorbos ;; Couldn't fit all of them in it nor had the time but hey I got the itch scratched kinda
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What irritates the hell out of me is that Loki has been described multiple times canonically as “the most powerful sorcerer in Asgard” and yet his powers are depicted the way that they are.
Asgard. A realm built around magic. And Loki is their most powerful sorcerer. He should be just as strong as Wanda tbh.
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hausofmaxiimoff · 6 days
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Despite everything Wanda still took her first and last breath in Eastern Europe. The same as her twin and her parents.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Wandavision is unintencionally a terrifying story about how cishet middle class white woman can get away with almost anything with just a slap in the wrist and still feel like a victim.
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broadwayfan92 · 2 months
Characters who deserved better in IW and Endgame:
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I know we got Wandavision out of it, but they deserved better
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lihoromanoff · 9 months
Nothing hurts except for an angsty fic where no one cheats nor fall out of love but one of the characters die from an accident or a sickness. To make it hurt even more, it’s a Natasha or Wanda x reader fic.
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purple--queen · 11 months
It means so much to me that Kate (Hawkeye) is one of the first people that gets "recruted".
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natashowlet · 2 years
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Wanda Maximoff icons
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falcqns · 2 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 (𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦)
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Wanda Maximoff x variant!teen!daughter!Reader
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: in your original reality, you'd lost your mom. your only saving grace was that the multiverse was real, and there was a reality out there where you and your mom were safe and happy, and you were going to find that reality, no matter what it takes.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness spoilers, reality shifting but not really, M.O.M. fix it fic, fluff and angst with a happy ending, sorta permashifting, mentions of miscarriage, foster care, me making up a legend/prophecy, murder,
✰ 𝐚/𝐧: thank you for reading! there is a name mentioned, Caelestia, but that is not the reader's name! it's her 'witch' name, like Wanda's with name is the Scarlet Witch, if that makes sense!
to who ever reads this: don't bother asking for a part two, you won't get it. i am the owner of this fic, and this blog, and I, and only I, will decided what fic gets a part two and when. respect me and my wishes or get off my blog. thanks!
don't forget to read and reblog, and i do not give permission for my works to be posted anywhere other than tumblr. thank you.
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you looked down at your notebook that held your shifting script. you were slowly losing hope. you'd tried every night for the past 8 months to shift, and you'd been unsuccessful, but you knew you couldn't give up. you needed your mom back, and you were going to get to her, no matter what.
"one more try," you thought to yourself, putting the book down and sliding in bed. you turned on your favourite shifting subliminal, and closed your eyes, trying to focus your breathing, and disconnect from your reality. before you could, however, a colossal boom echoed through your basement apartment, a bright blue light shocking you awake.
you jolted up, looking up at the star shaped portal hole that had opened in your bedroom, a young girl with short brownish black hair wearing a jean jacket with the american flag on it, standing in the middle.
"what the-" you said, sitting bolt upright in bed. "who-who are-" you stuttered, but the girl stepped out of the blue portal and approached you.
"are you Y/N Maximoff?" she asked, and you nodded, too in shock to use your voice. "good. you need to come with me." she said, walking back towards the portal.
you remained on your bed, unable to move. when the other girl realized you weren't moving, she turned to face you. she sighed, seeing you utterly confused. "look," she reasoned. "come with me or don't. i can't make you do anything, but if you don't come with me it's only a matter of time before she comes here." she said, and hearing the desperation in your voice, you stood up, and walked to stand beside her, before following her through the star shaped portal.
your stomach churned as you stepped through the portal, and into what looked like Kamar Taj. the young girl followed you through, and with a loud noise, the portal shut behind her.
"where am i?" you asked, apprehensively.
the girl, who was wearing a jean jacket with what looked like an american flag painted on it, looked at you confused. "Kamar Taj?" she said, but it sounded more like a question. "is there a Kamar Taj in your universe?" she asked.
you nodded. "well, yeah, but it's been long destroyed. where am i?" you asked again, and looked around you. "wait, did you say 'your universe?'" you asked. "am i in a d-"
"different universe? yeah." a deeper voice echoed from behind you, a voice that you remembered.
"Strange?" you said and flipped around, anger growing in your stomach.
"Maximoff. it seems that you know who I am. that makes things considerably easier."
"yeah, we do," you snapped at him, glaring him down, and trying to keep your powers under control. you hadn't quite mastered control yet. you and your mom were working on it until the incident. "you killed my mother." you growled, before remembering that this was a different universe, so different Strange. "or, my universes you killed her."
Strange sighed, looking down. he squeezed his eyes shut, before looking back up at him. "look, kid." he said. "i don't know what happened in your universe, or what I did in that universe, but in this universe, your mother is alive, and well." he said, and you felt your anger disappear instantly.
this was your chance. this was your chance to see your mom again, to live the life the both of you deserve, the life that was ripped from your hands by the man standing in front of you.
"w-what?" you asked, tears welling up in your eyes. "she's alive? can-can i see her?" you stuttered, eyes flicking between the teen and Strange.
"she's on her way," Strange said, but you could sense the hesitation. there was something he wasn't telling you, something important.
you crossed your arms, your eyebrows raising. "what aren't you telling me?" you asked, and Strange cleared his throat, looking down once more.
before either you or Strange could speak again, Wong entered, and finished Strange's sentence for him.
"she's coming here to kill America." Wong stated.
you furrowed your brow, confused. America? your mom was trying to kill the entire continent? while that made sense to you (she'd never fully adjusted to America), it also didn't. your mom wasn't that stupid.
"who's-" you started, before the teen behind you interrupted.
"I'm America."
oh. America is a girl.
'oh shit,' you thought to yourself. 'mama's trying to kill a kid.'
"Wh-" you began to say, but she cut you off.
"she's trying to kill me and take my powers."
you flipped to look at America.
"why? she has her own powers, right? like from HYDRA, from Strucker? powers that look like this?" you said and lifted your hand, forming a small energy ball with your powers.
America's eyes widened, fear forming on her face. "y-yeah, just like that."
you made the energy ball disappear, and dropped your hand. from the look on America's face, she'd clearly had an experience with witches that didn't go well.
"she wants to take America's powers to reunite with her children."
"children?" you interrupted.
"Billy and Tommy," Wong said.
"she had the twins?" you asked, tears rimming in your eyes once more.
"did she not..." Strange asked, but not finishing his question.
you shook your head, blinking rapidly, and swallowing, trying to not cry. "no. she didn't. because you killed her." you said, trying to keep the venom out of your voice, knowing the Strange in front of you didn't take your mom's life. "she was pregnant, with twins. two boys." you said, sniffling as your emotions tried to overflow.
"their names were going to be Billy and Tommy." you whispered, thinking of your younger siblings you only held once, when they were cold and lifeless, and so so small. "and then you killed her. they tried to save the babies, they really tried. but nothing could be done. they weren't far enough along, and as soon as mama's heart stopped, so did theirs."
Strange turned, and ran his hand down his face. he took a deep breath, before turning back, with actual regret in his eyes. "y/n, i am so sorry."
you shook your head. "it's not your apology to give. it was you, but it wasn't you." you explained. you sniffled, wiped your eyes on your sleeve, and forced a fake smile. "it's in the past." you assured, before looking at Wong.
"what do you need me to do?" you asked, and Wong gave you a smile.
"we were hoping your presence would help Wanda come to her senses. she's got the Darkhold, and it is poisoning her mind." he explained. "if we don't get her to stop, it becomes a choice between America, and your mother, and no one should have to make that choice."
you went to answer, before something caught your eyes outside, over the courtyard. you turned your head, and saw a red dot, growing larger in the sky.
"she's here," America said, fear in her voice.
"i'll do what I can." you explained.
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"all of this, for a child you met yesterday?" Wanda asked as Stephen slowed to a stop in front of her.
"Wanda, you are justifiably angry," Strange said, as he was face to face with Wanda, hovering high above Kamar Taj. "you've had to make terrible sacrifices."
"I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved." Wanda stated, her voice shaking. "and it meant, nothing. do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange." you watched as she moved her hands down, using her powers to move closer to Strange. "if you give me what I want, I will send you to a world where you can be with Christine."
you watched from the ground as Strange backed up. "the full might of Kamar Taj stands against you." he stated, just as Wong instructed the students to take defensive positions. "do not dare to enter these sacred grounds." he stated firmly.
your eyes watered as you saw Wanda. your Mama. she was alive. it may not be the exact same Mama who gave birth to you and raised you, but it was still your Mama. you took a step forward. 'if i could just talk to her,' you thought to yourself. 'even if i can't stay with her, maybe i could change her mind.' but before you could even vocalize those thoughts to Wong, he shook his head.
"not yet. Strange has a plan."
you gave the sorcerer supreme a pleading look. "but Wong if i could just talk to her, i-"
"no, not yet. wait." he said, his head turning from you, back up to Strange and Wanda in the sky.
"you have no idea just how reasonable i've been."
Strange chuckled. "yeah, the Book of the Damned, calling yourself a witch, conjuring creatures to abduct a kid, i don't exactly call that being reasonable."
Wanda half smirked, her eyes still watery. "sending those creatures after her instead of myself was...mercy." she began. "and in spite of your...hypocrisies, and insults, i have begged you to safely get. out. of. my. way." she emphasized, firmly speaking to Strange. "you have exhausted my patience," she continued. "but i do hope you understand, that even now what's about to happen.
"this is me, being reasonable." she finished with a whisper.
"HOLD!" Wong shouted, before looking at you. "go," he said.
"what?" you asked, unsure what he meant.
"go! go to Strange!" he clarified. "the plan!"
you gulped, but nodded, and pointed your hands at the ground. but before you could take flight, Wanda aimed her powers at Strange, and a huge bang echoed through the air as it met the invisible shield.
Strange landed beside you a moment later, shaking his head. "forget it. didn't work."
Wanda flew to the side, and Wong yelled again.
"reinforce the shield!"
you watched as Wanda threw bursts of her powers at Kamar Taj, all of them being deflected by the shield. she aimed once more, but stopped, narrowing her eyes, and trying to enter the students minds.
"she's trying to get into their heads." Strange said, and Wong shouted once more.
"sorcerers, fortify your mind!"
nothing happened for a few moments, until a sorcerer with shoulder length curly hair dropped his shield, and ran in the opposite direction, knocking onto other sorcerers along the way.
the shield began to break up, a butterfly effect from the sorcerer running.
a hole formed in the shield, and Wanda shot her powers through it. the force of it hitting the ground threw you backwards, and into a pillar, knocking you out cold.
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when you came to a few moments later, Wanda was still unleashing her anger and power on Kamar Taj. sorcerers were flying left and right, and energy balls were hitting the ground with immense force.
Strange and Wong called for everyone to take cover, just before Wanda landed, a loud boom rippling through the cement below you.
Strange and Wong seemed to forget about you, running inside after the students, but Strange came to his senses and stopped at the door.
"you want the girl, you'll have to go through me." he said.
she opened her mouth to respond, but you interjected, remembering what Wanda had in her possession.
"Mama, stop!" you shouted.
Wanda's head flipped towards you, confusion written on her face.
"y/n, this isn't-" Strange began but you shook your head.
"no, i can do this!" you insisted.
"she could hurt you," he said. "seriously hurt you."
"i have powers too, or did you forget?" you asked, and you felt Wanda's eyes focus in on you.
"who is this?" she demanded.
Stephen took his eyes off of you, and looked back at Wanda.
"answer my question, Stephen." she said, eerily calm.
he sighed, but answered her. "she is your daughter. your daughter from another universe. we thought she could talk you out of this, but you decimated Kamar Taj before-"
"i have a daughter?" Wanda asked, a tear rolling down her face.
Stephen nodded. "yes, Wanda, you do."
Wanda tilted her head to the side. "how does bringing my daughter, from another universe, help me to not leave this one? you brought me someone else's child, and expect me to stop?"
"i lost you." you said. you'd finally pulled yourself to your feet, holding onto the pillar for support. "the Strange from that universe, he killed her. he killed her, and my brothers." you said, sniffling as you were overcome with emotion once more.
"you have two options, Wanda." Stephen said, but Wanda didn't take her eyes off of you. "either leave, or I will be forced to have you meet the same fate as her mother."
"and what of y/n?" Wanda asked, finally turning back to Stephen. "no mother, no brothers, no family. i leave here, what happens to her?"
"that is up to her." Strange replied, looking at you. "it's your choice kid. you can stay, or you can go back."
"i don't have anyone." you said quietly. "no family, no friends. i'm in foster care, and i'm constantly moving around. my belongings consist of a garbage bag full of clothes and books." you explained. "it's not a hard choice." you looked at Wanda. "i want to stay."
"well, there-" Stephen began, but you cut him off.
"if i get to stay with her." you finished, and Stephen looked at you, alarmed.
"no, y/n, you can't."
"why not?" you demanded.
"y/n, she's deranged and dangerous. you know the legend of the Scarlet Witch, it is her destiny to destroy the world."
you chuckled. "what about Caelestia, her daughter? do you know her legend, her prophecy?"
"can't say I have." he responded, and you laughed.
"so you read my mother's prophecy, written by Chthon himself, but you don't bother to read mine?" you asked, amused. typical Strange.
"look, kid, it's not like i have the most recent edition of the Darkhold just lying around to read whenever i please."
before you answered, a whooshing sound was heard, and the Darkhold appeared in front of Wanda. she flipped through the pages, but before she could find what she was looking for, you began to speak.
"Caelestia, first and only daughter of the Scarlet Witch. unbound by factions and invocation, but outcast. Come will the day that her true power will be known, a seed which will not sprout but burst into flame. it shall be then, when the lost scarlet falls away, revealing it's true form, that Caelestia, the exiled one, will bring forth a calm, and a unity." you recited.
"i am meant to be with her, i can see that now." you said. "i never knew what it meant when i was younger, neither did she." you said, looking at Wanda. "i was brought into my world to save her. just as my mother sacrificed her life for mine."
you turned to Wanda, who was looking at you. her head was tilted slightly, and tears rimmed her eyes. "Mama, i know you're hurting, believe me, i do." you said. "i know what it feels like, to remembering holding the boys in your arms, and be painfully reminded that you don't have them. but killing America and taking her powers won't make that pain go away."
"you don't know that."
"i do. what do you think happened to my universes Strange after he killed my mother? do you think i let him walk away?" you asked, walking closer to her. "of course i didn't. he took my mother, he took you, away from me. i wanted him to fix it, to bring her back, but he couldn't. i thought ending his life would make me feel better, but it didn't. it changed nothing."
"but i'm not just killing her."
"i know that, Mama. you're going to take her powers. i did that too; it's not worth it. think of our powers like a book character in a series. when you take another's powers, it's not like when you read a different book, not from that series. it doesn't give you a secondary power that you can switch between whenever you want. it's like reading a book within that original series. the second book in a series makes the main character stronger, their journey stronger. taking another's power gives us just that, more power. it melts and warps that new power into our own, adding it to our existing power. by killing America and taking her power, the only thing that will change is your strength. you won't be able to travel universes like her." you explained, hesitantly making your way towards her.
"but the boys, i-" she said, a tear running down her cheek.
"i lost them too." you said. "hours after i lost you. we've both lost them, but by you walking away, and me being with you, we're fulfilling a prophecy." you explained. you came to a stop in front of her, and looked her in the eyes.
"Mama, i know you. you're hurting. the world hasn't been kind to you. they've treated you like the villain, like an object. but these thoughts inside your head aren't yours. they are the Darkhold's. they are Chthon's. he said you were destined to destroy the world, but you don't have to. by fulfilling my prophecy, we'll be proving yours wrong. proving him wrong. you're a good person, Mama, i know you are. you can be a Mama again." you said, and Wanda sniffled, dropping the Darkhold.
"h-how?" she asked. "i didn't give birth to you, i could never give you what you need, or deserve."
"yes you can," you expressed, meeting her eyes. "you lost your children, i lost my mom. but my mother was you, so i am your daughter, and you are my mother. you, Mama, are all i need. i need my Mama." you whispered, swallowing the lump in your throat. "don't send me back, Mama." you asked, tears flowing from your eyes.
you looked down, and held back the sob that was fighting it's way out of your throat. you felt arms wrap around you, and you head rested on a warm chest.
"never." Wanda whispered. "you're all i need too, i think. i won't send you back. i'll be your Mama."
"Wanda, this isn't like in Westview. she isn't going to age up when it is convenient for you. she is her own person, with her own feelings, personality, and power. this isn't a fantasy, this is real life. are you sure you're ready for that?" Stephen asked, and Wanda looked up at the sorcerer.
"yes. she is my daughter, and i need to protect her." she said. "thank you, for bringing her to me. i don't know what i would have done if she didn't talk sense into me."
"you would have killed me, for starters," America said, from behind Stephen, a smirk on her face.
"i am sorry, America. i know that doesn't make up for what i did, but-"
"no, don't. don't apologize," America said. "there's no need. i lost my mothers too, i know how it feels to lose someone that important. just-" she said. "don't try to kill me again, and we can just forget this ever happened."
Wanda nodded. "agreed." she turned to Wong. "can i take my daughter home now?" she asked, and Wong nodded.
"of course, Miss Maximoff. thank you for making the right decision." he said, and Wanda nodded to you.
"i couldn't have done it if it wasn't for her." she said with a smile.
"i'll work on the lunch box," Strange said from behind you. "and i promise to not kill you." he finished with a smile.
Wanda didn't respond, she just smiled. she turned, and after pressing a kiss to your hair, the two of you were flying into the sunset.
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6 months later
you were sat on the floor, trying to undo the knot in your Air Forces. "Блядь," you whispered, before giving up and using your powers to untie them. the laces finally untied, and you were able to slip them onto your feet. you retied them, without double knotting them this time, and stood up. (fuck)
after another glance in the mirror at your outfit, you grabbed your backpack off of the bed, and headed down stairs for breakfast.
you dropped your bag off at the front door, before heading into the kitchen. as you entered the kitchen, you were greeted by a ceramic plate crashing into your head.
"ой!" you exclaimed rubbing your forehead before looking at your mother. "you and your flying saucers," you said, and she looked back at you with a smirk on her face, before walking over. (ouch!)
"i'm sorry, малышка." she said, kissing your forehead. "i had my back turned and didn't hear you come in." (babygirl)
"все в порядке, мама," you said, giving her a smile. "what's for breakfast?" (it's okay, mama)
"your favourite," she said, as you sat down at the table. you smiled, thanked her, and dug in.
(Wanda POV)
Wanda watched as you ate your breakfast eagerly. the both of you had come so far since that day at Kamar Taj. with the help of Stephen, you were enrolled in school, and had fully settled into life on Earth 616. you'd formed a close friendship with America, and to her slight dismay, Peter Parker. you'd helped her immensely. she felt content, and happier than she can ever remember being.
she was a mother. yes, she didn't have her boys, but she had you, her daughter. the daughter who came from another universe to save her, and she thanked the gods every day that Strange and Wong brought you here.
"can America come over after school? we have Kamala's birthday party tonight but Stephen can't pick her up until after the party." you asked from the table, taking a sip of orange juice as you looked down at your phone.
"of course," Wanda replied, with a smile. she had worried that her past would hinder your ability to make friends, but it seemed you had no issues with that, other than the fact that all of your friends seemed to have powers. but, you'd told her that it didn't bother you.
'it just means i don't have to hide who i truly am, Mama,' you'd justified to her, and then let the guilty thoughts go. "are you guys going to be here for dinner?"
you nodded, putting your phone down. you stood up, grabbed your plate, and placed it in the sink. "yeah, the party doesn't start until 7."
Wanda nodded, just as her alarm went off on her own phone.
"дерьмо," Wanda said. "we gotta go, baby, or we're gonna be late." (shit)
you nodded, grabbed your phone off the counter, and followed Wanda into the entryway. the two of you got ready quickly, and you grabbed your backpack.
Wanda looked at your outfit. "are you going to be warm enough in that?" she asked, and you nodded.
"yeah, Mama." you said exasperatedly. she raised her eyebrows, and watched in amusement as you sighed, but opened the closet and grabbed your coat out of it. "but i will take my coat if it makes you happy."
Wanda opened the door, and you walked out. "it does, малышка, thank you." she said, and shut the door behind her. (babygirl)
she shook her head, amused, as she watched you walk towards the car. even when you were sassy, she couldn't be more thankful for you.
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agentoffangirling · 12 days
I feel like we need to discuss how creators' respect for a character influences the project they're doing
If you don't know what I'm talking about, I don't blame you, I had no idea how to word that, but you'll get it in a sec. Let's take a look at both "WandaVision" and "Loki"
See, when Marvel started production on WandaVision and brought in Jac Shaeffer and Matt Shakman and all those people, it was very clear that there was a singular goal among the team: how can we depict Wanda Maximoff well? How can we treat her character with dignity and grace? How can we discuss her psyche in a respectful manner? And everyone delievered
Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany gave downright beautiful performances, the supporting cast played their role well. The writers did research on Scarlet Witch's character and her comics, everyone fully understood what type of project this was and they used it to its full potential. I'm no fan of Olsen for numerous reasons, I'm not even a big Wanda Maximoff fan. But I can fully admit that "WandaVision" is a stellar story, and every person on the team poured their heart into it
And hey, let's also look at the promotions for this show. When Schaeffer and others were interviewed, in no moment did they mock Wanda's character or what she goes through in the series. They treated her very similarly to how they treated her on the show, discussing the deeper parts of her character with an obvious interest. They like Wanda. They want the best for her. They want to make a story Wanda would be proud of
But now to "Loki". I've said my pieces on the Loki series too many times to count, so I will keep this brief. From the very beginning we know that Waldron was not interested in developing "Loki", only to develop his original script (which is pretty shitty anyway). He wanted to make a time-travel, sci-fi, romance type story, and Loki was the character he was saddled with
Now, this doesn't mean that he still couldn't develop his script, in fact he did, and I could think of dozens of ways that type of story could work with Loki. There's a lot of potential there. But Waldron never cared. He never cared to develop Loki. He never cared to examine his character past pop culture. He never cared to make Loki fans happy, only himself
Look at the promos he gives! He refers to Loki as a "little shit" multiple times, talks all about how they're taking him in a different direction (aka completely tearing down his character), it is so obvious he just wanted to fulfill his own personal fantasies. At least Kate Herron treats the subject material with some ounce of respect; Waldron proudly proclaims he's never seen it
And to quickly switch gears here, it's very similar to Kevin Feige vs Brad Winderbaum's view on "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Where Feige dismisses it, giving it general statements and never hinting at a possible future, Winderbaum speaks of it with a clear love of the series. He's all but admitted that he wants the characters back in the MCU, and if someone like him is heading that, I just might trust him with it. Feige is Waldron. Winderbaum is Schaeffer
In the end, it all just makes me wonder, why didn't Loki fans get their WandaVision? Why did we get the creator who puts down his characters? Why did we get the story that only existed to introduce a multiverse? Why did we get the short stick?
Loki fans deserve a WandaVision. After a literal decade of waiting for a solo project, we should've gotten the respectful, genuine creator. Pretty much every other character got it-- why not us?
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