#wanted to use my new post since i can now. so handy
lenreli · 9 months
Day 2 - Leaking [Human AU]
[AO3] Continuation of Model Hob! :D
Dream stares down at the white strip of paper, taking a gulp at the simple blue words, meet me in my dressing room ;) as he thinks of Hob today ― of the black eyeliner he put on intense brown eyes, of the black leather jacket, with spikes on the shoulders, of the white harness criss-crossed, the only thing to distract you from Hob’s chest. 
His insides are molten lava as he makes his way to the dressing rooms, note flicking between his fingers as he opens the door, heart rate jumping as he spots Hob, leaning against the dressing room chair, legs encased in leather and chunky black boots. “Wasn’t sure you’d show,” Hob says, giving him a smile. “Especially after last night.” 
Dream bites his cheek, feeling his face heat up as he thinks of the club, “I didn’t mind,” he breathes, stepping closer until he can feel the heat of Hob’s body, and Dream can feel his insides prickle as Hob laughs, small and bright. 
“Can I ask what you did after?” Hob whispers, eyes darkening, and Dream swallows as Hob’s hand, covered with a fingerless leather glove cups his cheek.
“Perhaps,” he replies, and Hob laughs again, nose pressing into his cheek before pulling him into a kiss, hot and deep. 
“So, what did you do?” Hob asks into the kiss, and Dream whimpers as Hob brings him closer, and Dream’s cock throbs as Hob’s hands rove over him, going up under his black shirt, and Dream manages to grab onto Hob’s chest, clutching at the harness.
Dream starts as his hands go down to the leather pants, undoing them, “I went home an―” he pauses, looking down as he feels lace. Lace?? Dream stares at the dark blue lace panties under the leather, mind shorting out as he kneels down, Hob’s legs parting as he pulls the leather down, fingers digging into hairy thighs as he stares at Hob’s cock, hard and leaking, staining the panties, mouth watering as he looks. 
“I’ll ask you later,” Hob says as gloved hands grab Dream’s hair, tugging him into Hob’s lace-covered cock, which he gladly takes the direction for, nosing into the lace before he sucks, the taste bitter as Hob maons.
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communistkenobi · 1 month
Hi, genuine good faith question if you'd like! How is TOS racist? It was my understanding that the OG Series was like, huge for equality in media?
I’m speaking primarily about the content of TOS itself, not its historical impact - I understand it had various historic firsts in terms of having characters of colour in respectable roles, which I’m not dismissing. My experience with the discourse on here surrounding the show is that people front-load these character representations as emblematic of the show’s progressive politics. Which, if we want to go that route, TOS was contemporary to the US civil rights movement, which provides us with a handy measuring stick to see how TOS actually grapples with race, not just the presence of characters of colour themselves. I'm going to be kind of defensive in this explanation, not towards you specifically, but because I have had this conversation with people online many, many, many times, and so any defensiveness on my part is in anticipation of arguments I know will come up as a result of making the basic claim that a show made in America in the 1960s is racist. I'm also going to be copy + pasting from an older post I've made on the subject since it's been a while now since I've watched TOS so some of the details are fuzzy.
Like okay, the premise of TOS is that the Enterprise, as an ambassador of Starfleet/the Federation, is seeking out new alien life to study. The Prime Directive prohibits the Enterprise crew from interfering with the development of any alien culture or people while they do this, so the research they collect needs to be done in an unobtrusive way. I think this is the first point at which people balk at the argument that TOS is racist or has a colonial conception of the world - the Enterprise’s mission is premised on non-interference, and I think when people hear ‘colonial’ as a descriptor they (understandably, obviously) assume it is describing active conquest, genocide, and dispossession. Even setting aside all the times where Kirk does directly interfere with the “development” of a people or culture (usually because they’ve “stagnated” culturally, because a culture "without conflict" cannot evolve or “develop” beyond its current presumed capacity - he is pretty explicitly imposing his own values onto another culture in order to force them to change in a particular way), or the times when the Enterprise is actually looking to extract resources from a given planet or people, I’m not exactly making this claim, or rather, that’s not the only thing I’m describing when calling TOS racist/colonial.
The show's presentation of scientific discovery and inquiry is anthropological - the “object” of analysis is alien/foreign culture, meaning that when the Enterprise crew comes into contact with a new being or person, this person is always read first and foremost through the level of (the Enterprise’s understanding of) culture. Their behaviour, beliefs, dress, way of speaking, appearance, and so on are always reflective of their culture as a whole, and more importantly, that their racial or phenotypic characteristics define the boundaries of their culture. Put another way, culture is interpreted, navigated, and bound racially - the show presents aliens as a Species, but these species are racially homogeneous, flattening race to a natural, biological difference that is always physically apparent and presented through the lens of scientific objectivity, as "species" is a unit of biological taxonomy. Basically species is a shorthand for race. This is the standard of most sci-fi/fantasy genre work, so this is not a sin unique to Star Trek.
Because of this however, Kirk and Co are never really interacting with individuals, they are interacting with components of a (foreign, exotic, fundamentally different) culture, the same way we understand that a biologist can generalize about a species using the example of an individual 'specimen'. And when the Enterprise interacts with these cultures, they very frequently measure them using a universalized scale of development - they have a teleological (which is to say, evolutionary) view of culture, ie, that all cultures go from savage to rational, primitive to advanced, economically simple to economically complex (ie, to capitalist modes of production). And the metrics they are judging these cultures by are fundamentally Western ones, always emphasising to the audience that the final destination of all cultures (that are worthy of advancing beyond their current limited/“primitive” stages) is a culture identical to the Federation, a culture that can itself engage in this anthropological mission to catalogue all life as fitting within a universal set of practices and racial similarities they call “culture.”
This is a western, colonial understanding of culture - racially and spatially homogeneous people comprise the organs of a social totality, ie, a society, which can then be analysed as an “object,” as a “phenomenon,” by the scientists in order to extract information from them to produce and advance state (ie Federation) knowledge. The Enterprise crew are allowed to be individuals, are allowed to be subjects with a capacity for reason, contradiction, emotion, compassion, and even moments of savagery or violence, without those things being assigned to their “race” or “culture” as a whole, but the people they interact with are only components of a whole which are “discovered” by the Enterprise as opportunities to expand and refine the Federation’s body of knowledge.
Spock is actually a good example of what I'm talking about, because he is an exception to this rule - unlike the others in the crew, his behaviour is always read as a symptom of his innate Vulcan-ness, where his human and Vulcan halves war for dominance in his mind and character. Bones (the doctor, one of the main cast) constantly comments on Spock's inability to feel things, that he is callous and unsympathetic, ruled by Vulcan logic to such an extreme that his rationality is a form of irrationality, as his Vulcan blood prohibits him from tempering logic with human emotion and intuition. Now you can argue that Bones is a stand-in for the racists of the world, that Spock proves Bones wrong in that he is able to feel but merely keeps it under wraps, that Vulcans are not biologically incapable of emotion but merely live in a socially repressive culture, but this still engages in the racial logic of the show - Vulcans are a racially-bound species with a single monolithic culture, and Spock's ability to express and feel 'human emotions' is the metric by which he is granted human subjectivity and sympathy.
And on the flip side you have the Klingons - a “race” that is uniformly savage, backward, violent, and dangerous. In the episode Day of the Dove, where Klingons board the Enterprise along with an alien cloud that makes everyone suddenly aggressive and racist (this show is insane lol), the Enterprise crew begins acting violent and racist, but the Klingons don’t change. They aren’t more violent than before (because they already were fundamentally violent and racist), and they don’t become less violent when the cloud eventually leaves (because they are never able to emerge from their violence and savagery as a social condition or external imposition - they simply are that way). Klingons are racially, behaviourally, psychologically, and culturally homogeneous, universally violent and immune to reason, and their racial characteristics are both physical manifestations of this universal violence as well as the origin of it. The writers and creators of TOS are explicitly invoking the orientalist idea of the “Mongolian horde,” representing both the American fear of Soviet global takeover as well as blatantly racist fears about “Asiatics” (a word used in the show, particularly in The Omega Glory where a fear of racialised communist takeover is made explicit) dominating the world.
This is colonial thinking! Like, fundamentally, at its core, this is colonial white supremacist thinking. Now this is not because TOS invents these tropes or is the origin of them, it is not individually responsible for these racial and colonial logics - these conceptions are endemic to Western thought, and I am not expecting a television show to navigate its way outside of this current colonial paradigm of scientific knowledge. I’m also not expecting an average person watching this to pick out all the intricacies of this and link it to the colonial history of Europe or the colonial history of western philosophy/thought. But this base premise of Star Trek is why the show is fundamentally colonial - even if it was the case that the crew never intervened in any alien conflict, never extracted any material resources from other people, this would still be colonial logic and colonial thinking. The show has a fundamentally colonial imagination when it comes to exploration, discovery, and culture.
I think a good place to end is the opening sequence. The show's first line is always "Space! The final frontier." I do not think the word frontier is meant metaphorically or poetically - I think the show is being honest about its conception of space as an infinitely vast, infinitely exotic frontier from which a globally Western civilisation (which the Enterprise is an emblem of) can extract resources, be they material or epistemic
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bookshelfmonkey · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @storkmuffin :)
Are you named after anyone? Not my first name, which I just chose because I liked it, but one of my middle names is Bowie (as in David Bowie).
When was the last time you cried? A couple of weeks ago, when I was feeling completely overwhelmed by the state of trans rights globally and especially in the UK (where I live) and the ongoing tragedies happening as a result. (Sidenote: it's weird to me how little I've cried since starting T, I used to cry multiple times a week and now it's every few months)
Do you have kids? No.
What sports do you play/have you played? I swam for about 6-8 years as a kid but always kinda hated it, and eventually quit when the dysphoria became too much. I did football and badminton on and off too, but was never really good at anything (asthma & possible dyspraxia & hypermobility etc.). Now I'm trying to run and work out mostly just to stay healthy. I'd like to get back into swimming but can't really afford to go to a pool regularly and I'm scared to go by myself. I also go to a lgbtq+ football club weekly when I'm in my hometown (my friend started an under-18s one which I used to do too and it was pretty much my only positive experience of sports).
Do you use sarcasm? Rarely, and only with close friends where we mutually joke like that with each other.
What's the first thing you notice about people? I actually don't know. I think most of the time I'm too caught up in the anxiety of meeting someone new that I'm more focussed on myself.
What's your eye colour? Bluey grey.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I'll watch some scary movies but sometimes they just make me too anxious to enjoy them.
Any talents? I can read pretty quickly with good comprehension (I like to take my time when reading for fun, but as an english lit student who always has a fuck ton of essays and shit to read, it's handy), I can bake really good gingerbread, and I'm weirdly good at immitating people's walks (the same way some people can do voice impressions).
Where were you born? A small city in south west england (not saying more than that for safety/privacy).
What are your hobbies? I read (a lot); I write fiction, poetry, book reviews & TV show reviews (see pinned post on where to find some of these); I embroider and sew; I enjoy baking and cooking but don't do it much atm because I don't like my flatmates so I spend as little time as possible in our kitchen where I might see them; I like going for walks but it can be difficult to get out into nature without a car (ironically) and sometimes I just solve number puzzles/do maths for fun.
Do you have any pets? Yes, this idiot (affectionate). Technically she lives with my parents, but still. Her name's Pepper and she's a generic black cat (it's hard to work out breeds of cats and she's an adopted former stray so there's no breeding history or whatever).
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How tall are you? 1.72m
Favourite subject in school? It alternated between english literature and maths.
Dream job? Author/forest wizard/please don't make me enter the workforce (I'm a uni student atm)/I don't know what I want to do with my life.
@yourlocalcorvidcryptid @autisticfordprefect @feral-enfield-with-wifi sorry if any of y'all have already done this and I missed it.
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What kind of interaction would the reader have with the hunting dogs? (Mainly teruko, tecchou, and jouno) how would they treat the reader?
Btw I love your posts so much and you can probably tell because I reblog all your posts with a heart emoji.
I adore the hunting dogs and the thought of them being self aware is very cool.
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad, that you really like my ideas 🥰
Hunting Dogs will get full entries later. But, for now, I can share some Ideas with you.
Self-Aware! Hunting Dogs x GN!Reader
Warning: OOC. Yandere. Stalking. Mentions of harming other people. English is my second language.
🐾 Hunting Dogs never thought they were fictional characters.
🐾 And Hunting Dogs never thought, that after the moment they arrived at the scene to pursue after ADA, there would be not only all ADA members, but also Port Mafia, The Guild and some other people.
🐾 Fukichi also wasn't expecting, that Chief Taneda will be okay and will claps his hand with "Alright, the last horses have arrived. To the Office. Or, maybe, you should take a walk through the important for the next scene locations?"
Michizou Tachihara
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🩹 🧲 Became Self-aware earlier, than other Hunting Dogs. Has been known about you ever since Fukuzawa and Mori decide to create an ADA/Port Mafia union.
🩹🧲 Despite only hearing some of your words and not hearing full sentences from you, can see Little Light floating above them.
🩹🧲 During the "chase" after ADA, give his colleagues a briefing. About you, about union, about plot, about Little Light.
🩹🧲 Will try his best to make other Hunting Dogs like you.
🩹🧲 Cares about you. Want others Hunting Dogs to protect you together with him.
🩹🧲 Want to become one of your bodyguards. Or helper, because he is sure, that his ability will come in handy.
Saigiku Jouno
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💧 Can feel the Little Light's presence after the first moment he woke up.
💧 His senses are sharper, than everyone's. Can hear you clearly from the first moment. He can hear your heartbeat.
💧 Immediately knew that you aren't tricking them, and your emotions are real.
💧 After hearing, what you think about his past and new way of live, will become your guardian. Very protective.
💧 Will be listening, when you're talking with someone. He's making sure, that you are bot been tricked. Have a hit list of whom he will punish for wronging you.
💧 Likes listening to your playlist. Also likes audiobooks.
Jouno was listening. You, Little Guiding Light, were talking to your 'friend'... You consider this person your friend. But Jouno knew, that he is lying to you. He doesn't care about you.
But don't worry. Soon... very soon, they will be in your world.
He will protect you. And all this people, who wronged you... Well, he will show them, what it means to be a Hunting Dog.
Tecchou Suehiro
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🌸 Tecchou is more hesitant into trusting you. He believes in Tachihara's and Jouno's words. But, he still will be on his guard, until he is 100% sure you are good.
🌸 It won't take long for him to trust you. Many people trust you already. Besides, he will also listen to your conversations with your friends and other people. Will look at your messages.
🌸 Want to carry you on his shoulders. Just because he can.
🌸 Another protective one. But, unlike Jouno, will use his words in dealing with people who wronged you. And will blackmail them.
🌸 Likes to watch documentaries with you. Because of that, he became buddies with Kenji.
🌸 Training every day. To make sure, that he will be one of the best of your bodyguards. For him, every bad things people do to you, are the worst crime. And he will bring you justice.
Tecchou was observing. He was looking at the messages, your friend left you. This person, once again, were passive-aggressive towards you.
Well, another one to put on back on their place.
Injustice must be punished. You must be protected.
Teruko Okura
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👶🧒🧓 While she is incredibly loyal to Fukuchi, she has her own free will. Will be a little bit taken aback by Fukuchi's dislike towards you. You are a simple civilian, right? Shouldn't Hunting Dogs protect civilians or, at least, be neutral towards them.
👶🧒🧓 It will take her some time, but, at the end, she will like you. It's hard not to like someone, who in fond of you.
👶🧒🧓 Another one, who is keeping an eye on you. She and Jouno will be the worst duo for your enemies. They will have to deal with two overprotective sadists.
👶🧒🧓 If you are willing, will help you with training. But not too much. Because she thinks, she would love to be your bodyguard.
👶🧒🧓 Likes watching sport competitions, either with you, or by herself. Try to learn more about how strong people in real world.
👶🧒🧓 She is a warrior. A ruthless one. She would do anything she can to protect you.
Teruko's eyes glimmed with dangerous light.
She heard you been upset by a scammer, who didn't want to give you your money back for the damaged figurine.
Well, she wonders, it would be interesting to see, how this person will feel, when he will become a child again.
She is a solder. And she will do anything to protect you.
Fukuchi Ouchi
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⚔️ Let's just say, unknowingly, you have challenge Fukuchi's authority. And you won. Also, you have destroyed his plan.
⚔️ What is the point of his plan, if there are no people out there? One Order doesn't exist, others characters are broke from the chains of plot and have a way to read manga with you. Oh, and other DOA members likes you and don't want to harm you.
⚔️ Moreover, he has nowhere to go. Everything is empty. So, he has no other way, but to stay with others. Doesn't hide his dislike towards you. Oh, great, Hunting Dogs now also don't want to listen to him.
⚔️ Will change his attitude towards you, after hearing your talking for a few times. Also, by finding more information about your world. He won't be against staying in your world. So he and other Hunting Dogs will protect you.
⚔️ Now, he just had to prove others, that he can be trusted. He doesn't want to hurt you. He, as all of them, want only the best for you.
⚔️ At the end, all Hunting Dogs will become your elite bodyguards.
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Nalbinding in G/T
Fiber Arts | Knitting | Crochet | Sewing
Honestly, this was the post I was most excited to make when I started this blog! I haven't seen many people talking about nalbinding, as it's not as widely known, but I think it could be a dark horse g/t fiber art.
The name nalbinding comes from Danish, literally meaning needle binding. It's a way to produce fabric from short pieces of wool yarn, using a large and blunt sewing needle-shaped tool to create stitches looped through one another. Tension can be kept over the thumb or the needle itself, and when torn or worn down, the fabric will not unravel!
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It predates knitting and crochet by many centuries, although in form it is most similar to the latter. One stitch is worked at a time by running the needle through the working loops and the ever-growing fabric. There are many types of stitches with differing densities, tensions, and functions. Like crochet, nalbinding is very good for making things with odd or circular shapes, like socks or mittens or hats.
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Nalbinding came into my radar when someone adjacent to my crafting circles asked about it, and I fell down the rabbit hole. It's still a relatively new craft to me, but it's gotten me so excited by the idea of sharing this with the g/t community!
For a brief history and demonstration of nalbinding (mostly to keep this post from being entirely too long) I highly recommend this short video. It certainly piqued my interest when I first heard of nalbinding!
The Potential
Nalbinding would be one of the easiest crafts to maintain by a tiny or a giant, in my opinion! For one thing, it's designed to use shorter amount of yarn at a time compared to knitting or crochet, which could be handy in environments of scarce wool sourcing (like a giant or tiny scavenging for materials). Wool would be ideal, since the fibers at the end of the yarn can easily be felted together in order to join a new strand, but it could likely be done with any fiber available.
The needles would be easy to come by as well since they can be made of wood, antler, or bone. So long as those materials are around, one can make a long, wide, and flat needle to use!
There are also more open-weave forms of nalbinding that could be great for mesh fabrics! Great for hunting/fishing for more outdoorsy giants/tinies, or bags for carrying larger items made with more conservative amounts of materials. Here's a tutorial video of someone using this looping style of nalbinding with plant fibers:
Nalbinding is a newer craft for me, and I'm still taking time to learn more about it! The project I have on the needle right now is going to be a small pouch-style bag; I'm not working from a proper pattern, sort of using the intuition I've learned from crochet to start a circular shape for the base, and now I'm working up the straight sides. It's still in the early stages, so it resembles a shallow bowl more than anything at the moment, but it's coming along!
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This is definitely more of a ramble than previous posts at this point, but this is a craft I don't see talked about a ton and I more so wanted to put in on the g/t community radar to hopefully get a conversation started! Let me know if this sparks interest, I'd love to see other ideas for the g/t potential with this fiber art!
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sofia-in-nc · 12 days
Tagged by @olath124 and @ouroboros-hideout
Making my own mods is a very new thing for me. I usually just download from Nexus and install various mods to the game, but to actually tweak the game through my own effort is a different experience. Sure, I can design, animate and strategize a plan that could potentially annex a whole country, but to be honest, my brain just goes brrr when it comes down to technical stuff. It’s a weakness, I must say.
Here is my progress at modding for which I am happy with how it is turning out. A friend of mine from college asked if I could come up with a different take on the CP2077 campaign, but instead of doing that, I decided to start a Myers election campaign.
Despite having no clue with where to start, I posed a challenge to myself by digging through the game file on Wolvenkit to obtain the materials I wanted to change. The Palladia Center billboard is the most amusing thing to edit so far, while the ads that are scattered around the city are quite a surprise, so to speak. Especially the ones that look static from afar but animate in close proximity as the workaround for these is different from the other texture files I’ve edited. The Milfgaard atlas file came in handy for this project! 😂
I just love how modding this game taps on both sides of my brain, although admittedly, I lack on the technical side.
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Virtual Photography
Yesterday, I decided to try Frans Bouma’s Reshade. I am strict with the medium I use for editing– avoiding to subject myself to numerous tools simultaneously since I want to master things one at a time. For virtual photography, I approach this department the most basic way: vanilla shots > Adobe Lightroom > ✨cinematics✨ However, I realized that this is not enough, so now I am trying to learn Reshade to amp my shots. Also, I am considering upgrading my pc as it is a potato for the time being.
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Writing/VP Storytelling
If you’ve been following my posts, by now, you’d sense my evident obsession with Kusie and visualizing them in the most romantically tragic way possible.
I don’t write– well not anymore, but one of my plans is to connect all of my shots and weave a tragic plot for this troglocouple. The goal: to punch viewers in the gut (jk… or not) No, really, my goal with this is to approach virtual photography with an all too familiar method, which is film making, but technically different because the final outputs are just static images. I want viewers to feel as if they’re watching a movie, being present at the scene, to be at the center of tension between Rosalind and Kurt.
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Welp, that’s it for now!
Tagging without pressure @cybervesna @cyberholic77 @awwwokay @dustymagpie @reilleclan-blog @barghestapologist @streetkid-named-desire @wanderingaldecaldo
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liquiduraniumbowl · 1 month
Soo!! Ima be using this platform to post little MHA men x male readers! I’m using a spin wheel to decide which characters I use, sooo! Yea! Here’s
Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura) x male reader!
(Y/c = Your Character)
I’d rather do Y/c rather than Y/n cause I’ve noticed that a lot of people use characters they’ve made rather than themselves, so Y/c is much more flexible if people use themselves as inserts or characters that they’ve made :D
Behind the scenes!:
Gender: male
Age: 21
Height/hair/skin/eyes: all up to you!
Quirk: ???? (Unknown)
Timeframe: right after AFO was defeated and the LOV base was left in shambles.
(Genre: fluff)
Y/c and Tomura Shigaraki had just finished a mission as they had patrolled a new area for a new base for the LOV. But they had been at it for a couple of nights straight, and it looked like this area that they had been scouting wasn’t going to work. Hopefully, some of the others had better luck in the places that they were scouting since they had all split up. Kurogiri, Dabi, and Toga had headed northbound to explore what they could and scout out the area to see if it was of anything useful. Spinner, twice, and Mr. Compress had headed southbound. Y/c and Tomura had gone west. They couldn’t go east because eastbound was just crawling with heroes and was too dangerous. It got too late however to keep exploring their surroundings, and, with both thoroughly exhausted from their travels, Tomura just used an alias and some pocket cash to pay for a cheap hotel room. The problem was, however, that there was only one small bed. Tomura grumbled in annoyance, but couldn’t complain too much, since, it wasn’t exactly like they were rich or anything. This room was what they could afford. He scratched at his neck, thinking about how uncomfortable this night was going to be. But, at the moment, he was too tired to care. At least it was with Y/c and not with anyone else like Bacon Face or Blood Sucker. At least Y/c was tolerable.
Tomura Shigaraki: “god damn… this night is going to be uncomfortable..”
he grumbled under his breath, barely audible but just loud enough for Y/c to hear him loud and clear.
Y/c: “You can have the bed, boss… I’ll probably do a patrol or two around the place anyways, just in case any heroes decide to lurk too close where they shouldn’t be poking their noses in.”
Tomura looked at Y/c. Oh, Y/c. Tomura’s second in command next to Kurogiri. Nobody seemed to know much about him other than the name Y/c had given them. They didn’t know his past, no background, or where he came from. They didn’t even really know how he found the LOV or why he had wanted to join. Hell, they didn’t even really know what his quirk was. All that Tomura and the rest of the LOV knew was that it somehow always seemed to come in handy in all situations they got themselves stuck in. However, despite this, Y/c wasn’t invincible. He was just as exhausted as Tomura was. And that much was obvious. He was too tired to go out on a single patrol. Let alone two rounds of patrolling. Tomura raised an eyebrow at him, before rolling his eyes. If it had been anyone else, he would’ve just let them leave. Let them learn the hard way. But not Y/c. Never Y/c.
Tomura Shigaraki: “the hell? Do you think I’m going to let my second in command go out and pass out in some alleyway? No. You’re going to stay here. Even if that means you stay in this very bed right here and now. You’re not going anywhere. I might need you.”
Tomura growled his words, scratching at his neck again. Y/c took notice of the agitated scratching and lightly grabbed Tomura’s wrist, pulling his hand away from Tomura’s neck. He was the only person who could’ve ever done something like that and gotten out alive. Y/c wasn’t even frightened or nervous, just grasping the thin man’s wrist and pulling it away, to keep Tomura from scratching and hurting himself.
Y/c: “Sir, I insist. At the very least, if you won’t allow me to go on patrol, then I’ll lay on the floor. That bed is yours.”
Y/c said sternly but with a certain softness in his voice that was only ever reserved for his boss.
Y/c: “You’re just as exhausted as I am. And this scout mission took a lot out of you. So, again I repeat, I insist you take the bed and rest. You’re the boss, after all, it’s kind of like your right, no?”
Y/c finished, finally letting go of the bluenette’s wrist. Tomura sighs, grumbling in exhausted exasperation before shrugging and shuffling over to the bed.
Tomura Shigaraki: “Fine, fine. I’ll take the damn bed since you want to be such a ‘guard dog about it, damn.”
Tomura sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the weight of exhaustion and exertion suddenly drape over him like a thick layer of fog that made him just want to pass out right then and there. Y/c nodded softly to himself upon seeing Tomura finally give in and take the bed, before walking around the room to find the softest bit of ground he could find available, not that there was exactly a very ‘comfortable’ selection of ground to choose from. Tomura watched him; feeling a pool of guilt for not trying harder to give Y/c the bed, but he quickly tried to stamp it down. He hadn’t felt like that in quite some time, not since he was a child and had accidentally killed his beloved dog. What made Y/c so special anyway? Why did he have to be so special in Tomura’s eyes? Tomura’s mind swam a million miles a minute as he watched Y/c circle the room before watching further as Y/c’s shoulders slumped a little in a defeated way as he realized there was no way to make the ground very comfortable to sleep on. Y/n slowly went to sit down against the wall, likely hoping to doze off while sitting up to save himself some of the aches that lying down on the hardwood would cause him. All the while something foreign was gnawing at Tomura’s conscious and before he realized what he was doing, he spoke up.
Tomura Shigaraki: ���Y/c, wait.”
Y/c looked over at Tomura and cocked his head to the side in mild confusion.
Y/c: “sir?”
Tomura’s mind was racing. What the hell was he doing? Why the hell was he doing it??
Tomura Shigaraki: “Come here.”
Y/c gave Tomura an odd look before slowly standing back up and approaching the bedside where Tomura was still sitting.
Tomura Shigaraki: “Get on the bed.”
Y/c’s eyes widened, as he quickly began to object.
Y/c: “Sir, we just went over this. You’re to take the bed. I can sleep on the floor. It’s not a big deal- WOAH-“
Before Y/c could continue his objections, Tomura grabbed Y/c’s arm and yanked him down onto the bed. All that went through Y/c’s mind, and frankly, even Tomura’s was thank god for the special gloves that Tomura wore that kept him from disintegrating everything. Y/c’s shirt had lifted a little as he had been thrown on the bed, and Tomura traced the curves and details of Y/c’s skin with his blood pools for eyes. Y/c squirmed and went to get up stubbornly until he felt a hand, covered in fabric, tracing along and up his spine.
Y/c: “boss- this is highly inappropriate-“
He murmured and shivered a bit, trying to protest about the touch, until that touch found that sweet spot right between his shoulder blades. Y/c was always super tense, and that was where it all built up. He practically went liquid with how limp he got, honestly taken by surprise.
Y/c: “Boss- mmm….”
Y/c practically purred as he gave up and gave in. If Y/n had any weakness, he was a huge sucker for physical touch. And this was the pinnacle of what made him turn into putty, a puddle in the hands of whoever was touching him. Tomura watched as Y/c melted and smirked, snickering to himself in a gravelly manner.
Tomura Shigaraki: “Well well. Mr. ‘Tough Guy’ has a weak spot. Now you listen here. You’re going to stay in this fucking bed, and if you try to get up, I’ll tie you to this grubby old mattress and leave you here.”
It was an empty threat of course, only there to show how serious Tomura was. The only answer that Tomura got in response was incoherent nonsense from a muffled Y/c. Tomura kept up his assaults on the tension in Y/c’s body, in his back, in between his shoulder blades, his shoulders; his neck, etc etc etc. After a while, Tomura realized that Y/c hadn’t moved in some time. Was Y/c just enjoying himself? When Tomura poked him, he got no response. Eventually, he climbed over to look at Y/c just to see that- Tomura had put him fast to sleep. Y/c must’ve been way more tired than he had been letting on. Tomura chuckled to himself as he grabbed the thin old blanket provided by the hotel and dragged it over the sleeping Y/c.
Tomura Shigaraki: “damn… what the fuck do you do to me Y/c? How do you do it?”
Tomura mumbled to himself before climbing into the bed with him and curling up next to Y/c, making himself the little spoon in Y/c’s arms. It was gonna be odd for Y/c once Y/c woke up, but something told Tomura that Y/c wasn’t going to object to holding his boss once he woke up the next morning. Or maybe he wouldn’t. Tomura in truth didn’t know. But whatever the case, the one thing that Tomura knew for sure was that he and Y/c were going to have a mutual agreement on never letting the others find out about this. Ever.
Tomura Shigaraki (POV): “Yeah right. Like the others will ever know about this.”
Tomura thought to himself as he curled up close and drifted into a deep sleep, just as Kurogiri’s warp gate opened to take them to the new base that had just been found, and the others walked in to see their boss, curled up on the arms of his second in command.
(Word count: 1778)
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martyrmystik · 3 months
I think Tumblr needs to know about my dumbass Poppy Playtime AU I literally JUST made today so uhm... Here's the AU I've been hyperfixating on-
More information under the cut!
This is the first half of the Smiling Critters references (I loved making their designs omg)
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Basically to summarize why they are a significant part in this AU:
This is an AU where the Smiling Critters survive, using anything and everything they can to continue to do so. It's a small resistance group (hence the AU name, "RESISTANCE") trying to fight against The Prototype! They still have their dynamics and everything else but they have more freedom to express themselves (hence, the clothes and accessories. And how Kickin' Chicken is wearing two bandana's because yes, he is extra.) AFTER the events of The Hour of Joy. By that time they were like what? 1st-2nd graders considering the experiments that were done? Now they are more like teenagers in this AU since I still follow the plot-line of the actual Poppy Playtime story taking place 10 years later-.
As for how the group works, everybody has their own little role and is in charge of something, they aren't made useless as it is a group based off of teamwork and friendship (despite the casualties.) Here's some of the roles they fall into:
(IF I SEE ANYBODY SEXUALIZE THESE CHARACTERS ISTG. THATS ICKY AND GROSS and I will make sure you get smited by lightning, because even if these guys are aged up THEY ARE STILL MINORS!!!)
Kickin Chicken: The vice president if you will, the leaders right hand man. (Because Dogday is the leader.) He's kind of full of himself but the confidence and pep talks help the team keep motivated, even if he is a bit self-centered
Bobby Bearhug: Assistant to Kickin Chicken (although they have a rivalry.) and also the medic. Is also the one who helps Dogday with anything considering in this AU he still has half of him torn off. (More on Dogday in his own section sometime later)
Hoppy Hopscotch: Basically explores the facility in any area at any time to gather new information on ways to try and get out (all of them are actively looking to escape btw!)
Craftycorn: Maps out stuff (maps, plans, other things) using her drawing abilities, although she also acts as the therapist friend because her art is soothing to others.
Bubba Bubbaphant: THE LITERAL. EMBODIMENT. OF. THE NERD EMOJI. He is a actual know-it-all which can come in handy but that makes him seem like a dick sometimes because of his knowledge.
Picky Piggy: I don't really have anything important to add to her, since I want to keep some of her lore a secret [might be revealed through the ask page I just set up for the AU on my page] HOWEVER she is the chef of the group and is literally the only one that can cook, if anybody else tried they'd all get food poisoning LMAO.
Here's some extra things in this AU that won't go in my other posts about this AU (maybe):
(So take notes if you want.)
- Catnap is redeemed, but it takes a VERY long time for him to get out of "old habits" as I'm going to word it. (Without spoiling too much of what I have planned.)
- I don't know what to plan for The Prototype yet but I'm talking with a couple of my mutuals on discord so maybe I'll figure it out eventually
- Dogday can normally stand and do other things because of the belts he has, however he can't put them on for too long (for like at max, more than 4 hours a day.) because they will wear into the plush, and he needs to put the belts on tight or they will come loose. He only uses such method when the group goes to hunt for food or similar activities, otherwise, he just uses a wheelchair when in the groups safe environment (the Playhouse!)
- This is going to be a shock to some people, but there is NO player character in this AU, not only is this a what if the Smiling Critters survived, but it's also a what if the player character never returned to Playtime Co.! This does come with some issues, like on how the asks are going to work, but trust me, I got everything taken care of when it comes to that!
- There also isn't really any shipping in this AU at all, I'm focusing on the story/friendship dynamics more than that, so if somehow you were looking for Dogday X Catnap this is, unfortunately not the place for that.
- This AU also has the personal interpretation of Dogday being part of the experiments some of the orphanage kids faced, as I don't really vibe with the idea that Dogday might be a Playtime Co. worker??? I don't know, I'm sticking with my idea for now but I will be keeping a close eye on canon if anything confirms or denies it, and I may adjust the AU accordingly if that's the case.
- Future posts may or may not contain other Poppy Playtime characters but the main focus is the Smiling Critters and The Prototype.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
References of Dogday and Catnap are already done but I may wait a bit on Tumblr to see how well this AU is being received :)
(I spent 6 hours on all references in total 😭😭😭)
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finduilasclln · 1 year
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Welcome to my Buddie Fic Rec List!
Since I read so many Buddie fics, and some of them are so good, I thought I’d share them in some handy lists. I’ll be posting them in different categories, and you will be able to find all the posts HERE.
Disclaimer: Always read the tags and warnings! Also, tastes differ. These are my personal favorites, which doesn’t mean they’ll automatically be yours of course.
If you want to reblog and add some of your own favorites that fit the category, please be my guest! I always love discovering new fics. I will also add new recs of my own whenever I stumble upon them.
One last thing: Please like and comment when you’ve had a nice read. It means so much to authors to hear your thoughts! And don’t hesitate to share this post and spread the love for these fics around!
Buddie Fic Rec: "Lightning Strike / Buck's Coma".
Fics that are dealing with episodes 6.10 and 6.11 aka Buck getting hit by lightning and his subsequent coma. (Speculation as well as canon compliant)
It only falls into place when you're falling to pieces, by justhockey || 4759 words ||
“You don’t deserve him,” Eddie says. “You never have, and you never will.”
And then he hangs up the phone and lets out a ragged breath - one it sounds like he’s been holding for much longer than the length of that conversation.
It makes Buck’s fingers itch with the urge to reach out and touch him. He’s reached through fire and over cliff sides, across blood-soaked asphalt and between a decades worth of trauma, all for Eddie. This - this is nothing.
one more tomorrow, by fallingthorns (@fallingthorns) || 4438 words ||
He presses Buck’s hand into his forehead and breathes in the scent of antiseptic that lingers on Buck’s skin. He doesn't understand how he missed so many clues, doesn't know how he's been so clueless. But he thinks that some part of him did know that he was in love with Buck, because he put him in his will and made him Christopher’s guardian. Some part of him, deep down, knew what Eddie himself didn’t even realize.
He exhales and squeezes Buck’s hand again. It’s not supposed to be like this – the will doesn’t cover this. It was never supposed to be Buck that goes first.
“Bobby,” he whispers, voice cracking as he closes his eyes against the dorsum of Buck’s hand again. “What am I going to do?” -- Or, in the hospital, Eddie waits, and thinks, and dreams.
coming back as we are, by markofalover (@markofalover) || 4178 words ||
“Hey, Buck,” Maddie cuts in, soft. “Evan. Look at me.”
Buck looks at her. His heart rate is up, he can hear it on the monitor, and the nurse is looking between them with a raised brow. He’ll have to remember to apologize later, after he gets to his—
“They’re in the waiting room.”
...or, wherever he was, Buck comes back.
the tide comes (and goes and goes), by renecdote (@renecdote) || 3402 words ||
It’s almost funny that Eddie brought him to the beach today. To the ocean. He doesn’t know—can’t know, Buck hasn’t told anyone—but Buck feels unbearably seen by it anyway. He almost wishes Bobby was here too, so he could let his captain wrap an arm around his shoulders and say, “See? It didn’t take either of us.”
(That’s not true though, is it? It took them, it just didn’t keep them.)
Buck, Eddie, the beach, and conversations about okay.
For BTHB: hyperventilating
like the peel clings to the pomegranate, by fallingthorns (@fallingthorns) || 3482 words ||
Buck startles awake to Chris prying his eye open. Chris’s concerned expression swims into his vision as both eyes adjust, squinting at the morning sun streaming in through the window.
“You’ve been sleeping for fourteen hours,” Chris deadpans. Buck is still half asleep, but he catches the slight waver in his voice, can see his eyebrows furrowed as he watches Buck carefully. “You went to bed at seven last night, and now it’s nine in the morning.”
“Nine in the morning, huh?” Buck’s own voice resembles more of a croak as he sits up, muscles aching and head still throbbing. It’s all a result of being struck by lightning and in a coma for a few days, he knows, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it.
But what he does like is the smell of Eddie’s sheets, the pictures of him and Eddie and Chris on Eddie’s bedroom walls. He likes the feeling of Eddie’s arms around him in the middle of the night, making sure that he’s okay and breathing.
“Christopher.” Eddie’s voice hisses through the crack in the bedroom door. “I told you not to bother him.” -- Or, Buck recovers and doesn't quite realize what he means to others.
Raise my hand before I can speak my mind, by Mellaithwen (@mellaithwen) || 1696 words ||
“My name’s Eddie, by the way. Eddie Diaz.”
“Buck,” Evan says in response, before frowning. He’s never introduced himself as Buck in his entire life. “Uh—I mean—my name is Evan but…"
“But your friends call you Buck?”
Evan wants to say no, actually, because they don't. The youngest Buckley sibling has always gone by his first name, or his full surname. Never anything in between. The closest he’s ever come to having a nickname is when kids like to call him Mr Bee! And he buzzes back in response, but….Buck? No, that’s...that's new..
Eddie meets his son's favorite teacher, although it's not technically their first meeting at all... aka a coma!dream meet-cute.
let me know you (bedhead and morning breath), by burnthatbridge (@burnthatbridge) || 6157 words ||
When Eddie wakes, it’s to Buck’s arm slung across his chest, Buck’s ankle hooked over his, and Buck’s erection pressing into his hip.
Two out of three of those aren’t unusual.
It’s six weeks since the lightning. Five weeks and two days since Buck woke up. Four weeks and three days since he was released from hospital. Four weeks exactly since he came home, came to stay at the Diaz house while he recuperates, like he should have from the start.
It’s been three weeks and four days since they started sharing the bed.
or: Buck hasn't gotten off since the lightning strike. Eddie watches him do something about it.
Fragile lines (and wasted time), by Mellaithwen (@mellaithwen) || 7457 words ||
“Hey Buck,” Christopher says a little shyly, before reaching out to grab Buck’s foot through the hospital blankets—shaking it in the same way he’s woken his father up on many a bleary-eyed morning. The familiarity of the gesture makes Eddie’s head spin.
But of course, there’s no response from the comatose man on the bed.
“I thought you said he was sleeping,” Chris mumbles, angrily swiping at his cheeks, and Eddie’s already broken heart shatters all over again for whatever hope his son had just lost when his expectations were so cruelly dashed..
While Buck sleeps, and dreams in the aftermath of the lightning strike, Eddie tries desperately to hold himself together.
Just to know you is to love you, by justhockey || 3730 words ||
As he’s about to climb the ladder he looks up, and for a moment it’s not a bright summer day and there isn’t a burning building in front of him.
He looks up, and for a second the sky is dark, and it’s cold and wet and stormy, and Buck…Buck is hanging from the ladder, a red harness the only thing keeping him suspended. He’s lifeless, the only movement in the gentle sway of his body. He’s dead. Buck is dead, or he’s dying, and Eddie needs to get to him. He needs to -
A bright summer day. A house fire. One of hundreds. Thousands, probably. Eddie is in control; Eddie is always in control.
where our eyes are never closing, by withoutthetiger (@rewritetheending) || 6614 words ||
Set in 6b, anytime after 6x12. No spec, just me rolling around in the aftermath of the lightning strike.
I will be adding my own fics that fit the category, in case you want to read those too:
lights will guide you home, by Finduilas || 916 words ||
Buck and Eddie have a talk after Buck gets back from the hospital.
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sereg0re · 5 months
follow up to this post; these tutorials are intended to help those who buy/use my psds , so that they may end up with the best possible results, as i'm no expert in editing by all means — and in saying so , like to make sure what i do put out will be fairly easy/convenient to use ( with as minimal adjustments as possible ! ) in this tutorial , i'll be showing you how i personally use minor adjustments to balance out shadows/blacks and fix ' deep fry ' coloring.
WHAT YOU WILL NEED: photopea and your desired your base image(in this example, i will be using a screencap from the series riverdale). [ screencap credit here. ] DISCLAIMER: not all lighting/images are the same, nor are psd colorings. you may need to use more or less of these adjustments with specific images/lighting. this is just a general idea, you will have to explore as you see fit. it's all going to depend on your personal taste !
by the end of this tutorial, your results should go from something like this...
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to this! much less of an eyesore.
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starting with example one(middle image/psd applied) / i'm going to apply a clipping mask(this way if you make any mistakes, it won't effect your base image and you can easily delete the error). / in the second example, i've made a video to show you how balancing adjustments out may look in real time. beginning with example one:
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once you've applied your psd of choice, go to layer tab > new adjustment layer > hue/saturation. (the three yellow highlighted tabs)
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this should instigate a pop up(circled in red) and add a layer above the image layer you're working with(it will say Hue/Saturation 1)
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now, you're going to right click the Hue/Saturation tab, and you should be greeted with a dropdown option; click the 'clipping mask' option.
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now the hue/saturation layer should be a clipping mask, and should look like the image below; the arrow indicates that it will work for the layer below the newly added adjustment. now, we can move on to the actual adjustments that will be applied within that clipping mask.
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as previously mentioned, we want to focus on the base image colors(before the psd was applied); with that being said, the colors we want to balance out are magentas/blue/red, that it will match the cyan color. you can now go to the dropdown where it says 'range'(highlighted in yellow). i'm going to adjust magenta first, since its the primary color of this lighting.
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and now, you may adjust the hue, saturation and lightness toggles as you see fit or until you feel like it matches, or is just generally less of an eyesore. in this case i did magenta > hue(-49); after that, i moved onto red > (hue-130) > (saturation7) > (lightness26) [ ... ] see how only adjusting the magenta left in the red highlight until we chose to edit it out.
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our end result for example one. now onto the example two video.
this next example(psd applied) will be a little different but ultimately the same method. instead of hue/saturation, im going to layer tab > new adjustment layer > selective color, that i may focus on shadows/blacks as well, since the psd made them a bit lighter than i'd prefer. (note: this also comes in handy if you have grain applied to an image and feel it makes it to light!)
using these two methods are my primary saving grace for inconsistent lighting, fried images or oversaturation. i hope you find this useful!
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Heartslabyul: Manicures with Them
Got a request to do from @yuyucchi-exe with the characters getting manicures with reader (aka doing their nails and vice-versa). This was so much fun to write because for some reason I never thought about what their nails were all like until now. So here we go!
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
Heartslabyul (You’re Here) | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
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Manicures with Them
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is very meticulous when it comes to keeping up appearances, and nails are included in this. He’ll normally be filing them to be more rounded and then put on a simple nail polish. More often than not, it’ll be a bright red nail polish that goes well with his dorm uniform as well as his hair.
He doesn’t mind you doing his nails as long as you follow his instructions. He doesn’t allow you to use nail clippers on him at all, it has to be a glass nail file. You also have to do exactly one coat of base and top, two coats of red nail polish, and only three strokes per finger except for the pinkie which can deal with one stroke from the brush. He is very OCD when it comes to how his nails are done, and as long as you’re fine with this, he enjoys having you do them.
If you ask him to do your nails, he will remind you that you can’t make a habit of others doing things for you, but he’ll oblige. He finds it to be rather relaxing in all honesty to be holding your hand and playing with your nails. Most likely will be painting them the same red he uses for his nails since it’s all he has on hand. If you bring your own, he’ll use that but he’d much prefer red on you.
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Trey Clover
Trey normally just clips his nails and then files them down until they’re nice and smooth. He doesn’t see a point in going wild with his nails since he does a lot of baking all the time. They’d just get messed up almost immediately, so why bother? He still doesn’t like them being long since bacteria can gather under them and that’s the last thing he needs to worry about when making pastries for the tea parties.
If you want to do his nails, he won’t argue the point. The good news is that you’ll probably be doing a better job than what he normally does with them. He doesn’t even know that cuticle oil is really a thing until you pull it out and use it on his nails. He might even start asking you since you do it so much better than him. Not to mention he enjoys that extra time spent with you. His only rule is no nail polish since it can chip and fall into his food.
If you ask him to, he’ll do so but ask why you’re asking him of all people to do your nails. He’s by no means a professional in this area of expertise, but since you asked he might as well. He’s painted his younger sister’s nails before so he’s not clueless about it. Don’t expect anything extravagant, it’ll be clipping your nails and then putting polish over them once.
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Cater Diamond
Cater files his nails down most of the time, and will occasionally go out and get a proper manicure. He enjoys matching his nails to what he’s wearing, so normally it’s either red or black to match the uniform. He’ll also sometimes get French tips done on his nails with little diamonds on them.
He adores you doing his nails since it’s a cute way to bond. He’ll give you tips on how to do things if you’re not the best and if you already know what you’re doing then go hog wild. No matter what you do, he’s going to love it and snap some photos for his Magicam. He’ll also make sure to tag you. If you’re really good, your best bet he’ll encourage you to post them yourself to promote your skills, since you never know when something like that will come in handy.
He knows how to do nails, thanks to his older sister, and will happily do your nails. He enjoys playing around with the polish colors and will always try and add designs. He does a good job with the designs as well, so that’s a bonus. It won’t look like a professional manicure, but it’s good enough to pass as a new nail tech doing the job. He enjoys taking your hand afterward and snapping a photo of holding it in his own to post his work.
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Ace Trappola
Ace just straight-up clips his nails with clippers and calls it a day. They’re normally flush against the skin so he doesn’t have to worry about them for a while. Nail polish? He might’ve had it done once or twice, but it’s not something he ever cares about. He normally ruins nail polish within the first day with it chipping due to his harsh treatment. His cuticles are also out of whack and he almost always has a hang nail he’s biting off.
You’re gonna have to grab him before he cuts them himself if you have any hope of doing anything decent with his nails. If you get him after, you’d have to push the skin from his nail back so you have room to file since they’re so short. Clean up those horrible cuticles and get rid of the hangnails. This little turd probably won’t be seeking you out to do his nails all the time either since it’s a pain, so if you want an Ace with decent nails then you have to keep it on a schedule so he doesn’t get a hold of the nail clippers again.
Good luck if you ask him to do your nails, especially if you provide all the tools he’ll be needing. He files your nails in a back-and-forth motion and will try to clip your cuticles without any prep like a softener, and ends up in you wincing as you bleed. Nail polish though? He’s not terrible since he had to paint all those roses and got decent with it. You’ll probably have some polish around your nails, but at least it’s easy to clean with a q-tip.
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Deuce Spade
Deuce is a convenience nail-biter. He doesn’t do it as an anxiety response; he’ll just one day notice his nails are long and will bite them to quickly fix the problem. This leads to a lot of hangnails which he also just chews off. If he happens to notice his nails are long and he has clippers around, he’ll use those instead, but most of the time he doesn’t so chew it is. Those nails are always uneven and sometimes even jagged.
Please start doing his nails and keeping him on a biweekly schedule. If you’re insistent that you’ll be doing his nails from now on, he’ll stop biting them…as long as you’re consistent. The moment they’re too long and causing him problems, he’s getting rid of them. File them and clean his cuticles, and if he’s feeling it he doesn’t mind you polishing them. He might be confused as to what a base and top coat are but it’s fine, just do it.
He sucks at doing nails but if you ask him to, he will reluctantly do so after warning you. He doesn’t know how to use a nail file and will probably just go straight for the nail clippers. He doesn’t know how to do anything special like cleaning around the nail and putting all the layers of polish on, but he’ll at least try. He might even attempt to draw a spade on one of your nails to be fancy, but it’ll look more like a blob on your hand.
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mephinomaly · 7 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
Time: In the afternoon of the next day
Location: ES TV station, in HELLSING’s, formerly UNDEAD’s, dressing room
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Adonis: I wonder what Sakuma-senpai is thinking.
Is this my punishment?
No, it can’t be… Since it’s Sakuma-senpai, there will be some sort of deeper meaning to it.
Koga: Huh?
You think way too highly of that stupid old man. Nothings goin’ on in that head of his.
He does whatever he wants without a thought and then afterwards he makes up some shit ‘n goes “that went all according to plan.” He’s an idiot.
Adonis: You understand Sakuma-senpai very well, Oogami.
Koga: At one point in time, he was all I thought ‘bout, so.
Don’t matter how much I think about a version of him that only exists in my head, it has nothin’ to do with reality.
Adonis: ...
Koga: Anyway. What are we doin’ ‘bout this situation?
Adonis: I’m not sure. Actually, I wanted to discuss that with you.
Yesterday, we came face-to-face with fake versions of ourselves, with HELLSING, at the AIIE testing facilities.
After we explored the facilities, Sakuma-senpai gave us a course of action.
He said “let us turn this misfortune into fortune and take advantage of what is happening.”
Koga: Hmph~, I still think it would be better if we jus’ got ridda HELLSING entirely.
But it’s hard to tell the difference between them and the real ones, so it’ll be pretty hard t’kill them ‘cos it’s like they’ve got a mind of their own.
Adonis: Umu. That is one of the problems with AI.
Should AI, and robots alike, be given human rights?
If we don’t acknowledge this, and only use them as a means to an end, are we not creating a new system of slavery?
Koga: Nn, I don’t like thinkin’ ‘bout complicated shit like that. The HELLSING guys are surprisingly nice, ‘n they follow every command we give ‘em.
Even if they start bad mouthin’ us, we can turn them off with a remote control. They’re just machines.
It’s more of a problem of, is it alright for us t’dispose of them losers for our own convenience. They’re alive— well, they’re not, they’re machines.
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Adonis: Do machines have souls?
Koga: I dunno man. But Sakuma-senpai said they might ‘n that's why we can’t get rid of them. We can’t mindlessly throw ‘em out.
Adonis: Sakuma-senpai is a nice person after all.
Koga: Yeah but he’s not a pussy, he’s jus’ sick of messin’ up other people’s lives with his own hand. AI ‘n shit ain’t humans, but, you get my point.
If I was destroyed by the person I loved, I’d want the same.
Adonis: …Anyway, HELLSING began idol activities when we were participating in that experiment and were isolated from the outside world.
And that ‘radical, immoral’ unit received widespread support, especially from long-time fans who expected that side from us.
It seems that Sakuma-senpai is taking full advantage of this situation.
Whilst HELLSING deals with radical, rock band type of activities—
UNDEAD will handle a variety of things that we have been undertaking since ES’ establishment.
It’s important to keep old fans happy whilst simultaneously bringing in new ones. Sakuma-senpai is trying to please both sides without alienating anyone.
With that, he believes that this will lead to our revival.
Koga: He wants t’split us up, divide us into light ‘n dark.
Normally I’d be totally against that…
But now we have handy robots that can act on our behalf.
It’s like they're copy robots. Hm.
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Adonis: Copy robots…?
I’m not sure what you mean by that but HELLSING’s utility was proven at today’s live.
Koga: Mhm. When Hasumi-senp—I mean, shitty glasses, tried t’attack us on stage I was thinkin’ what the hell do we do.
There’s not a chance he’d understand our situation right now.
Adonis: It wasn’t exactly an attack per say, Hasumi-senpai was worried.
Koga: Hmph, he’s always been a nosy fucker. He’s like a stray dog or somethin’ that can't bare to be alone.
Adonis: I believe that’s true for a lot of people though.
Koga: Well, whatever. Shitty glasses is a good guy at the end of the day. It’s hard t’believe that there’s robots that look like humans operatin’ behind the scenes.
Until it becomes public knowledge that we’re usin’ AI idols, no one, not even shitty glasses, is gonna notice.
Adonis: Umu. At the moment, it is better for us to keep their existence hidden as if we reveal the truth, we may be subjected to harsh words and lose credibility.
I feel as if we are deceiving fans, which upsets me.
Koga: Yeah, it’s probably better if we tell ‘em.
But not right now. We gotta focus on dealin’ with all the new things HELLSING brings.
That’s why I’m worried ‘bout lettin’ the AIs do whatever they want at the moment. It’s best if us two monitor HELLSING.
Adonis: Yes, then us, along with fake Sakuma-senpai and fake Hakaze-senpai will perform radical, immoral activities at HELLSING.
Whilst real Sakuma-senpai and real Hakaze-senpai take part in variety shows and such with fake me and you as UNDEAD.
Koga: Our AIs are pretty good at what they do, so I ain’t too worried ‘bout them.
They’re doin’ a live broadcast but they’ve gotta act properly when they do a variety show.
Adonis: Yes. I cannot say yet as to whether this decision will turn out to be a good or a bad one—
So far, everything’s been smooth sailing. So much so that it’s scary.
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
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chou-de-chambers · 2 years
My Valorant Agent Headcanons: IKEA (Part 1)
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Oh no, you're lost in IKEA and got separated from your companion! In which section will you find them?
content tags: sfw, wholesome, humor, no proof-reading, one-sitting, up to reader interpretation (platonic/romantic)
A/N: Hi new and existing mutuals! Sorry for my lack of posts. University has been a challenge lately. I know I fell behind the "weekly Kinktober" pieces but I'm currently polishing the next one now! It should be out this weekend. For those who submitted requests, thank you and I assure you I'm slowly working on them! For now, please have this HC that popped in my mind before sleeping last night.
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After searching everywhere, you see Brimstone facing one of the computer stands with his face almost sticking to the monitor and his finger simply hovering over it. You knew he wasn't versed with modern technology, so you quickly came over and asked him what he was trying to do. He told you that he recently got complaints about HQ being "too dull", so he requested assistance in checking the catalog for colorful decors to put up in the lounge and hallways.
Viper would be looking at the assortment of utility carts displayed, deciding which style would fit her laboratory best, and measuring by eye how much of her reagents will fit per shelf. She's been having trouble moving around the lab, so she thought it would be handy to have a small cart she could push and pull to each station. You pointed at one of the carts. "I usually won't pick that because it might stand out too much, but since you chose it, so be it. Thank you, little mouse," she casually said with a nod.
Omen wouldn't dare to get lost. He'd always stick close to you in fear of what people might think of him. You kept your arm clung to him while you continuously soothed the back of his hand with your thumb. He'd casually tug you a few times though to check some throw blankets and couch pillows in the Holiday section.
You'd see Cypher roaming around the Smart Home section, fascinated by how these small household products could do so much beyond surveillance, like his cameras. He even discovered one tiny device that could control several other devices and house functions, which he thought would be useful for him. You decided to surprise him by commanding the Smart Assistant to play his favorite tune. "Ah, you found me, habibi!" he said in a cheerful tone while slightly grooving to the music. This made you giggle.
You will notice Sova's tall figure standing out from the shelves of portable containers. Before you can even get to him, he'd immediately see you and walk towards you, "I found wide insulated flasks over there. Can those keep soup warm for a long time?" You nodded enthusiastically. He sighed in relief, "Spasiba. No more roaring stomachs during missions. Let's buy one for everyone."
Sage will not get lost simply because the chances of you getting lost are higher. She's a very patient person, so there's no means for her to hurry into another section when you're clearly not done with the current one. She also handles the money (if you're both shopping for VP) and has her ears open to any suggestion you have to make HQ feel more like home.
Good luck finding Phoenix in IKEA. He'd be all over the place, checking out each cool stuff he sees. Jett won't come to the furniture store with both of you but expect her to be on a video call with the fire Radiant, laughing at every shenanigan he's pulling out. That was until you phoned him and found him through his ringtone, echoing by the glassware section. "Phoenix, I'm not gonna pay for any damages you make," you huffed in distress. "Relax fam, I'm careful," he assured with a chuckle, "By the way, I found the infamous stuffed bear earlier. Want it?"
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andmaybegayer · 2 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-04-01
Boopin' Monday
Listening: Sometimes you go a while without listening to a performer well understood to be solidly good and you forget that they're solidly good and then you listen to them and you're like yeah this is good. Daft Punk's Human After All album.
A positively wet album.
Reading: Finished Glory In The Thunder, by 0xabad1dea. A very strange book to read, like, it's a peculiar mix of extremely by the book fantasy and the peculiar "teen queer perfusion" style that 0xabad1dea was aiming for. A lot of plotlines but very well plotted, they weave in and out very neatly and intersect at the right times. It's a satisfying book to read but also I get the feeling that 0xabad1dea is having more fun writing it than I could ever have reading it.
If nothing else I should understand more of her posts now, since many of them are notebook sketches of these characters. I'll get to the sequel another time but I'm busy digging through my book list for what to read next.
Watching: Not much! A lot of short web stuff most notably the new Antimemetics Division short film, which has part 2 coming out in a couple days! Exciting stuff.
Playing: Forza Horizon 5, the Audi Quattro Rally S1 is up as a reward this month and I was like hey I want one of those, although I ended up scoring one through the rally DLC quests. I did wrap up the rally DLC storylines though so I'm caught back up with all the big quests, still haven't finished a ton of the ones that came out since I kind of stopped playing it as much as I used to because I was wasting a lot of my time in that game. It's too easy to get sucked into just cruising between races idly for hours.
Making: Started poking at LÖVR in detail, started writing a boids simulation but I fell down the rabbit hole of locomotion methods in VR, dealing with the dual coordinate spaces of the headset position in space and the virtual space positioning transforms is a little daunting, I expect I'll have to write some helpers to simplify it. Slowly relearning how Lua works.
Also sat and sanded the NAS case, I was planning on painting it this weekend but I was a little sick so that is on hold until probably Friday when the workshop opens again. Also need to go finish signing up for a library card so I can use the library system's shared workshop for smaller things, it looks cool.
Tools and Equipment: I have been responsible for rescuing a dying storage server at work, and I would like to pitch mdadm. If you're still using hardware RAID, stop that. It is a bad idea. You are setting yourself up for problems. CPU's are fast enough now that software RAID is perfectly performant and it makes sure that you don't end up in the situation where something silently goes wrong with your RAID card and you don't realize that your data has turned into giblets.
mdadm is actually really nice when you aren't dealing with inscrutable bugs that I see because I'm in the bugfixing division. Very simple to manage, good documentation, comprehensible metaphors, handles itself when possible, and has several sets of instructions that are basically guaranteed not to break anything that was no already broken, which is handy if you are dealing with an already fragile system.
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click for quality, she's just a wee bit fuzzy :')
Now that we know exactly when episode 3 is coming, I think it's time to reveal this goofy little thing I've been working on for... a while. 😅 (with tons of feedback and suggestions from the wonderful, incomparable @man-down-in-hatchet-town, of course!)
I think I've seen people make bingo boards like this for other fandoms, and I've been so psyched for TGOA and having an absolute blast tossing theories back and forth in me & Brooke's dms—and sharing some with the rest of you in unreasonably long posts—that I thought it would be a lot of fun to make a little Bingo card with my own predictions for episode 3! some of these I'm really rooting for, but I'm just so excited for a new episode in general.
obviously space is limited, so i had a tough time choosing what to put on here. (special shout-out to "oops... somebody falls off the boat!" which I swapped out after we got the cover art. thanks, Jackie 😂💙) I also feel like some of my selections here might be a little too obvious/guaranteed, but look, guys... I wanted to make sure I had a decent chance of getting at least some of these right, okay???
what, do you think you could do better? 🤨
/jk but, really, I've got a blank card AND a .png of my little anchor stamp below the cut if you want to make your own and play along!!!
and hey, since I've got this handy dandy readmore, I'll also give a quick rundown of how I plan to do this light-hearted lil game.
Unless we do get another transmission or smth that completely confirms/disproves any of my current predictions, my card is locked in. I'm probably not gonna change anything between now and the 24th, and I DEFINITELY won't be changing anything once episode three starts broadcasting.
I'll repost my card before part 1 airs and (hopefully) start a reblog chain with stamped updates after each part goes up. The post will be tagged for spoilers right off the bat!!!
If anybody else wants to fill out a card and play along (please? 🥺💕 it would make my day), y'all can use whatever rules you want, I'm not ur dad lol. get silly with it, make a card full of guesses about what your fave gets up to and no one else, make the craziest guesses, whatever you want! also feel free to tag me! even if it's to show off that you're much better at guessing than I am, lmao. 😁🖤
and hey, maybe I'll do this again with future episodes? even if it's just me and Brooke playing along, lol. making this was fun!
now, without further ado, the blank card and the stamp, which mostly exists because I'm extra and I personally wanted to be able to do more than 'x' out stuff, lol:
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makeste · 2 years
BnHA Chapter 340: Now Where Were We
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Iida were all “hey Mei, I know you don’t have a lot of spare time in between constantly launching yourself at people boob-first, and singlehandedly MacGuyvering U.A. into the fucking Death Star, but we were wondering if you could lend us a hand in fixing our costumes.” Mei was all, “sure thing, here’s an upgraded pair of Movie 1 Gloves for you, anyways off you go and have fun saving the world!” Mt. Lady was all, “can you kids keep a secret?? so uh, just between you and me, I’m not a real teacher, and I’m not actually sure what I’m doing here hanging out with you guys right now.” Class 1-A was all, “don’t worry, your secret is safe with us Mt. Lady, well anyways time to assemble our CLASS 1-A SEARCH SQUAD!” The chapter ended with A BUNCH OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE getting ready to DO and/or TALK about A BUNCH OF DIFFERENT THINGS. Classic cliffhanger ending. lol this chapter really did not hold up on a re-read. I’m so sorry BnHA 339. You meandered so that future chapters could hopefully get to the damn point already.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “time to reveal our shocking and completely unpredictable battle plan of splitting up all the villains for more easily digestible mini-boss battles, using our newly acquired trump card, the handy dandy U.A. traitor!” Aizawa is all, “[cracks knuckles] time to drop some motherfucking love and compassion onto my traumatized student in order to talk him into doing this INSANELY DANGEROUS TASK for us, except that somehow I manage to do it in a way that’s genuinely moving and heartfelt and somehow not manipulative at all lol.” Shinsou is all, “hello, it’s me, making my miraculous return after three whole years of plot inactivity, so anyway what have I missed.” Well shit. Glad I’m not the only one, Shinsou.
(just a handful of quick notes here since it’s been a while! (1) as always, these are my completely blind first-time-reading reactions to the chapter. (2) as of today, I am very much NOT caught up with the manga, but will keep you posted on my progress. currently I have read up to chapter 340, a.k.a. this chapter right here lol. and (3), I have been spoiled about one major thing (explained more in depth here) which will happen later in the series, and while there are no detailed references to said spoiler in this post, there ARE a couple of vague throwaway lines because I have absolutely no self-control. so just giving you guys a heads up for that! if you absolutely don’t want to risk getting spoiled, I would highly recommend catching up with the manga first before reading any further.
anyways, onward!)
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lol they literally just thumbtacked a handwritten “LOV/PLF COUNTER-FORCE HQ” sign on a wrinkled piece of paper next to the door. how far we have fallen from the days where the heroes were holding their war councils in huge NASA ground control rooms filled with hundreds of TV screens
okay good, at least they went out and recruited Hawks to be one of the people presumably planning this whole thing
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one of only two people (the other being Momo) whom I actually trust to be able to come up with a reliably smart plan. fingers crossed this turns out better than his last big Ultimate Hero Final Battle Plan, though!
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interesting! I assume they do still know about the whole Aoyama situation though, seeing as they even told Mt. flippin’ Lady lol
OH MY GOSH, RAGDOLL? heck yeah. great to see her finally back in the thick of things again. even if she can’t participate in the actual battle, she’s still a fucking hero goddammit
wow this entire next page sure is something
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“every pre-cat-ion” breaking news, we’ve just been informed that there is a warrant out for Caleb Cook’s arrest
I know that last part is just her randomly tacking her cute dattebayoisms onto the end of this entirely unrelated sentence, but unfortunately the damage has already been done. now all I can think about is the League of Villains out there rampaging in the streets and meowing menacingly at people
anyway, so on to the planning and stuff
lmao wait, what
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DID YOU PAINT THESE BY HAND, ALL MIGHT?? DID YOU BUY THEM LAST MINUTE ON ETSY AND PAY A FORTUNE IN EXPEDITED SHIPPING. surely it must be the latter. but can you just imagine All Might sitting at his kitchen table at 3am, hand-painting a refrigerator magnet to look like an adorable chibified version of HIS MOST HATED ENEMY
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I’m actually on the fence about this lol. I mean, it makes sense on paper. lord knows they had enough trouble taking on just one massively overpowered final villain, so who even knows what would happen if they added a second one to the mix
but the problem with the “just take them down separately” plan is that it means they’ll also have to split up their OWN forces, which are already heavily depleted. not to mention that the BnHA heroes are always at their best when they’re all fighting together. so anyways, yeah, I’m not too sure about this
so blah blah blah, Tomura is now stronger than crusty!potato!AFO, big surprise. and they’ve also figured out that the two AFOs can communicate with each other via radio waves or whatever. okay yeah, but doesn’t that mean that even if you do split them up, they’ll still have a big advantage? unless you figured out some way of jamming their telepathy somehow
“should they attack together, we have no hope of victory” lol if you say so. I’m pretty sure all of the U.A. kids combined with all of the remaining A-list heroes could hold their ground fairly well, but clearly I’m not supposed to be questioning the authority of this statement so ALL RIGHT THEN
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“if they’re so powerful together then why didn’t they team up against S&S?” “because they definitely would have definitely lost.” ????????
anyway so now All Might is saying that they need to separate TomurAFO and Potato AFO (PotAFO, if you will) by at least 10km. so is that the max range of their telepathy or something then? that’s so oddly specific though
“oh and we also need to split up Dabi from them as well” ah okay lol, I see where this is going. it’s finally time for the final battle, meaning we need to assign each of the main characters to their personal final villain, yeah? great. awesome. except that they only JUST got reunited all together as a class again sob. you’re really going to do this to me again now?? just like that?? goddammit
LMAO I completely forgot that Nao’s right hand man is an actual literal fucking cat
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oh my god. what I wouldn’t give to have seen his reaction to all of those puns and MEOW shenanigans from a few minutes earlier. just standing there in the corner with a disapproving frown. “I’ll have you know I find this all very demeaning and culturally insensitive” sorry about that Sansa
oh shit lol
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somehow I momentarily forgot all about Aoyama. possibly because I haven’t seen him in eleven months!! so this is where we’re finally going to get into the nitty gritty of that “let’s use Aoyama to set a trap” plan that Aizawa shamelessly stole from Kaminari all those moons ago
All Might is all “it’s actually pretty messed up of us to be using this poor boy when he’s already basically spent his entire life being exploited and manipulated by people” and he’s not wrong though, damn
but Nao is all “very true, but to be fair this is the literal apocalypse, and he did technically make his own bed, and also our backs are REALLY against the goddamn wall here,” which is also true. still leaning more toward All Might’s side in spite of that, though. poor Yuuga
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do they really have to keep him tied up like that?? he’s just a kid for fuck’s sake. and it’s not like they aren’t capable of handling things if he does try to escape, I mean this is Aoyama we’re talking about here, he’s not exactly an all-powerful criminal mastermind
man they both look so fucking sad. Yuuga looks so ashamed. this is every 1-A child’s worst fear. they can go toe to toe with the scariest villains out there and not be fazed. but a disappointed dad??? have mercy, sweet jesus
“so after going back and forth on it a bunch, we finally decided that he’s probably not going to blow up.” thanks for the update, doc. meanwhile I just had a completely unrelated thought about certain spoiler related things, oh fuck. but now is not the time to start speculating about that! not when we have the world’s saddest detention session unfolding right before our eyes
Aizawa Shouta is sitting here wearing an eyepatch and a hospital gown and probably hasn’t showered in like three days, and despite all this he is STILL somehow the hottest character in BnHA and it’s not even close
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okay but there are like a thousand reasons why the threat of imminent murder would be infinitely more useful than an actual murder, though. like this doesn’t really make any sense. “why would AFO bother to threaten Aoyama if he could simply blow him up if and when he betrayed him?” uh, gee, maybe because he would much prefer if Aoyama didn’t actually betray him in the first place?? what, do you think U.A. traitors are so fucking easy to come by? in this economy??
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I mean, of course he is? :( man, and now I’m wondering if there’s been a single day since his enrollment at U.A. that Aoyama has not spent being constantly terrified about a whole damn slew of things. this poor fucking kid. Horikoshi please be kind to him oh my god
oh my god, yes, exactly
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he’s afraid that deep down he’s a bad person. he’s afraid that AFO will kill him. but interestingly, what he’s most afraid of, is BEING afraid. he’s afraid that if the others put their trust in him again, that when push comes to shove he’ll still be too cowardly to do what’s right
talk about ironic though. because to me, that’s a sentiment that basically confirms that he does have the heart of a hero deep down. I’m telling you guys, every single time you show me a character who is flawed and afraid, but is trying so hard to overcome their fears, and trying with all their might to become better, you will reel me in hook, line, and sinker every. single. time. seriously, how could you possibly not root for this kid now
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holy shit. hey Horikoshi, this is me, a certified angst-lover, asking you to tone it down just a little here, goddamn. yes we get it, he is tormented by years’ worth of accumulated fears and regrets and feelings of worthlessness and he doesn’t see any way that things can possibly get better, holy shit, we get it okay??? THIS IS MY FIRST CHAPTER IN ELEVEN MONTHS! THIS SHOULD BE AN OCCASION OF TRIUMPH, SO WHY THE HELL ARE YOU OUT HERE MAKING ME CRY
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somehow I forgot just how utterly ruthless this man is capable of being for the sake of his students. this is a dude who literally expels kids on a regular basis just to put the fear of god into them. also he is seriously so goddamn hot. it’s straight up ridiculous
oh wow this whole page just came straight for my heart
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Yuuga’s fear as he tries to talk himself into what he fully believes is a suicide mission. Aizawa’s blunt assessment of the heroes being no less ruthless than the villains when their backs are to the wall. but then the way he just HITS him with that “you’re still my student and I’m still your teacher” line, and how he says it with such finality. and then the face Aoyama makes in response!!
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lol I truly believe that if Horikoshi ever did truly try to kill off one of the 1-A kids, Aizawa would literally come to life and emerge from the pages and straight up murder him
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welp. there you have it. absolutely no room for argument there. SENSEI SAID YOU’RE GONNA LIVE, YUUGA, SO I GUESS YOU’LL JUST HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!
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yep. that’s right. deal with it. dlfkj don’t mind me I’m just gonna sit here dissolving into sobs again
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wait what
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uh. the path of “none of you problem children are allowed to die on my watch, are we fucking clear on that”? that path?? or the path of marching headfirst into very real danger because they have no other choice, because they’re one of the lynchpins in the heroes’ desperate plan? because that latter path is one that I’d prefer to have as few children walk as possible, ngl
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well damn. that hype and anticipation is definitely starting to build now. I am so damn fearful for all of these fictional kids’ safety, especially now that I’m watching the War arc play out again in the anime and remembering just how brutal it was. but at the same time I can’t deny that I’m super excited to see the culmination of everything. like, this is IT, though. this is THE moment, THE battle. no more safety arcs. no more training. we are done holding back, and that is as terrifying as it is exhilarating. I am so not ready for any of this, but IT IS HAPPENING WHETHER I LIKE IT OR NOT, so I guess I’ll just do my best to enjoy the ride
-- oh and lastly, I almost forgot. before we wrap up, there’s just one last thing I wanted to add here...
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so it begins.
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