#warrior candidates
gordie-kisser · 5 months
Imagine parenting the warrior candidates with Reiner, and it gets cold at night. You wake up with four little kids all snuggled into your arms and body for warmth–They're all over you. You're trapped. Gabi's got her head nuzzled into your neck, falco doing the same beside her. Udo took the time to comfortably place himself on your stomach. Zofia's right behind you, clung onto your back. Gabi's stolen everyone else's blankets, she's all cuddled into them, and the rest of the kids are freezing. Reiner chuckles at you, but the moment is something you'd cherish forever.
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sundew199 · 3 months
Can you imagine how devastated Reiner might’ve been when he eventually learned about Gabi becoming a warrior candidate? I bet he blamed himself constantly and tried to think of ways to convince her to quit, until Falco talked about wanting to spare her. I bet in a way Reiner was so relieved only to have the guilt transferred to Falco :(
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aulophobus · 2 years
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Some cute lil Warrior Candidates- call me crazy but I enjoy these guys and wish we got more of them just beings kids😔
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mindstriker · 8 months
getting married to lydia in skyrim is so funny it's like hi guys this is my wife. who loves standing directly in front of my fireballs so that when she collapses on the floor charred and on the brink of death i feel immense guilt. one time i forgot her in my grim morthal manor house with nothing but a "skull room" in it. she exclusively refers to me as "thane" even though we're married and I'm not sure if it's a kink thing or not. i have eaten several dragon souls in front of her. one time i also cheated on her by getting married to a hagraven in the middle of the night after partying with actual sanguine but she forgave me and helped me on my drunken crawl towards redemption the next day. actually come to think of it she might still be in the skull room i should probably do something about that. if I don't tell her explicitly to come with me she just kinda stands in one place forever. yeah it's a bit of an issue. maybe we should see a therapist about dependency.
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splinterclan · 2 months
Just outta curiosity, did you decide on the warrior/medicine cat names or did the randomizer simply grace you with actually good ones? Pansybloom and Dropletsplash stand out compared to ones I've gotten like "Toadfeather" or "Beetlethud" lmao
It's a mix! Pansybloom was given to me by the game (I was so happy I got such a good one) but Dropletsplash was by me - I agonized for a long time what to name her honestly xD I can't remember what name the game gave her but i didn't like it
I think I also changed Moor and Myrtle's suffixes when I first made the clan? but the prefixes i always leave up to the game unless there's already a cat with that prefix or it's just weird. I almost changed Snom's when he joined the clan but I am glad I didn't now ^^
I am totally pro editing their names to sound like something your leader would actually make up/consider!
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0booboozefool0 · 1 year
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rexbalistidae · 3 months
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They’re not sure what to do really. But the reptiles like her at least.
The obligatory tags
@autistic-haven ur fault
@lesbiansupavillain ur fault
Yall have been fueling this side to my AU lately.. stop it STOP IT NOW RAHHHHHH
Erm beware there will be more joan featured in my drawings..
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kettleghost · 1 year
more succession warrior cats breh idk
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shy-forceghost · 2 years
I know they were busy saving the world and all of that, but we really got robbed of some interactions between Yasmine, Ava and Beatrice just ... being nerds together.
Imagine the potential: Yasmine blasting out fun history facts and then Beatrice complementing by bringing up a whole linguistic analysis; Ava just listens in awe before adding the most mind-blowing dystopian theory based on a sci-fi book she read.
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olegianote · 1 year
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hc timeee
i think candide had a rough childhood. not only her mom was awful, but she herself had big attitude problems. anger issues maybe. she was THE bully, always picking on the weakest classmates to 'teach them'. +weirdcore lizard obsession didn't work in her favor to make her more likeable. every single dialogue ended up with either traumadumping or niche obsession oversharing "which normalz people wouldnt understand bc it too smart for them"
anyways shes. yeah. tough case
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
You know, I won’t lie, I kinda overlooked Colt Grice the first time I watched AoT.
Now he’s a main(ish) character in one of my fics, I’ve been considering him a lot more.
What a good big brother, really. Such a shame he’s found himself subject to my whump-fuelled writing…
Marco’s there too
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myndless88 · 3 months
✨ Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same, and see which character is everyone's favorite ✨
I had seen @wardog-of-the-endless and a few of her mutuals do this, and I wanted to do the same. ^__^ It's pretty difficult to think of "all time" favorite characters, so I'll go with ones I used to talk about all the time.
It was tough to limit it to just five. Anyway, here are pics of each so that you can see what they look like. They're in the order they appear in the poll.
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While it says that I should tag five people, I'm just going to leave it to whomever would like to do this.
I'm quite curious who'll get the most votes. Happy voting!
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troutfur · 10 months
A follow up prompt to my last because how could I miss the newly appointed Squirrelstar! A Squirrelstar centered scene within the tanist framework would be interesting.
For ease of access I think I have compiled all possible candidates. Berrynose (Bramble then had CherryMole); Foxleap (Squirrel then mentored Cherry); Rosepetal (Squirrel then mentored Mole, Fern, Lark, Stem and Bristle) and Sparkpelt (BrambleSquirrel then had FinchNight). Would Lionblaze count in the running as an adopted son?
The tanist election is going to indeed be crazy by ASC times! I think I'll have to revise this however because the rule is that elligible candidates are apprentices, children, grandaprentices, grandchildren, and so on of the leader before the current. Before Squirrelstar, who got in as a Firestar kit, it would be Bramblestar. So we've got:
Berrynose (Bramblestar's apprentice, father to Cherryfall and Molewhisker)
Cherryfall (Berrynose's daughter, mentored Sparkpelt)
Molewhisker (Berryonse's son, mentored Alderheart and Honeyfur)
Sparkpelt (Bramblestar's daughter, mentored Twigbranch, mother of Finchlight, Nightheart, and Flickerkit)
Twigbranch (Mentored by Sparkpelt and herself the mentor of Flywhisker)
And we know I have gripes with the disinheriting thing from a narrative standpoint but in the interest of keeping the candidate list short I'm going to rule that no, Lionblaze would not count but not because he's not Squirrelflight's son but because Bramblestar disinherited him. But for funsies, here is the elligible Lionspawn if I had allowed them in:
Lionblaze (Bramblestar's son, mentored Dovewing, father of a whopping 6 kits: Fernsong, Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Spotfur, Snaptooth, and Flywhisker)
Fernsong (Bramblestar's grandson, father of Bristlefrost, Thriftear, and Flipclaw)
Sorrelstripe (Bramblestar's granddaughter, mother of Bayshine and Myrtlebloom)
Spotfur (Bramblestar's granddaughter, mother of Stemkit, Bristlekit, and Graykit)
So that's either 4 or 8 out of... Bonefall said over DMs it's 43 so let's run with that figure. Either 9.3% or 18.6% of ThunderClan right there elligible for the position.
“May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high-ledge for a Clan meeting!” Squirrelflight’s voice boomed across the stone hollow. Behind her a bedraggled-looking Bramblestar dragged himself out of his nest, his paws dragging behind and his hollow eyes downcast.
Quickly the whole of ThunderClan arranged themselves in their familiar position forming a semi-circle centered on the jutting ledge. Jayfeather as the senior medic climbed up to be by his leader’s right side while Alderheart remained among the rest of his Clan members. Squirrelflight’s candidates for the position of the tanist fanned out right behind as they exited Bramblestar’s den.
Getting their leader to agree to their plan for his resignation had been a team effort. But now came the part where they were each on their own.
Of course her tanist candidates weren’t only motivated by the allure of the position. It was clear for everyone to see that Bramblestar’s prime had come and gone and thus there needed to be a change in their leadership. But it wasn’t an insignificant factor, at least in getting Cherryfall and Molewhisker’s help. Unlike Twigbranch or Sparkpelt who she could appeal to directly, to convince of ThunderClan as well as Bramblestar’s own need, Berrynose’s kits more of a needed a reason to betray the memory of the leader in which their late father had put his whole confidence all his life.
As the last of the crowd arrived chatter and speculation began to ripple across. With their four choices laid out in a neat row inside of the semi-circle it didn’t leave much room for interpretation anyway. But considering how long ago ThunderClan last had an election for tanist it would certainly still be a shock when the words left her mouth.
“Cats of ThunderClan!” Squirrelflight announced. “Bramblestar has decided to step down as our current leader and as his tanist I will be assuming the leadership role. I will be heading for the Moonpool as soon as possibel but before I do we ought to settle the matter of our next tanist.”
“Alderheart, fetch the pebbles,” Jayfeather shouted to his junior medicine cat from his position in the high-ledge.
“As is our custom,” she continued, “all warriors will be given a vote in who that cat will be. Before you is Bramblestar’s legacy. Select from among them the cat who will support me from this moment forward.”
“Is the ShadowClanner going to be allowed a vote?” Cherryfall asked, turning towards Sunbeam in order to shoot her a venomous glare.
Nightheart bristled at the attack towards his mate. “Of course--”
“She is not,” Squirrelflight interrupted. “Sunbeam,” Squirrelflight said with a deliberate pause to bring Cherryfall to attention, “is only a guest among us for now. Until she passes her trial she won’t be allowed the right to participate in electing our tanist. Besides, it wouldn’t be reasonable to expect her to make a wise choice when she has barely known us very long. StarClan willing a new tanist won’t have to be elected soon but eventually the time will come.”
Satisfied, Cherryfall gave a nod and resumed her previous proud posture.
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avalon821 · 1 year
Au ra August Day 21: Melody
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Band au time! Tyr would rather hang back from the spotlight in all honesty. He’s there for the music. Please don’t try to corner him backstage
Screenshotted with the help of @pangolinheart !
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keischreiber · 6 months
Me briefly explaining to someone how Kristina ended up liking Reiner:
So, Kristina was like every other Marleyan when she was a kid. Her father who was part of the military and a friend of General Calvi (probably wasnt a General yet back then) always warned her about Eldians. How they are devils, unlike them. So she had a fear of them. One time, when her father brought her to Liberio for work, she ended up getting too curious and getting lost somewhere in the Internment Zone. She was pretty young, around 9, and sheltered so it's easy to see why she can get curious and roam about. When she could no longer find her way around, she ducks in an alley when it started raining, crying, thinking that she won't find her dad anymore.
But then, a boy of about 10 finds her and asks why she's crying. Seeing the armband, she assumes that he's Eldian and didn't want to talk or interact. So he still tries though. He has some candy on him and gives it to her to try to get her to stop crying. Asks if she's lost and finally when she nodded her head, he tells her that he will help her. He noticed he didn't have an armband either and made an assumption that she wasn't Eldian. Knowing how strict it was in the internment zone, he lends her her armband, before trying to lead her back to the part of Liberio where the Marleyans reside. She was able to reunite with her father again because of this. And because of this encounter as well, she realized that the Eldians weren't monsters like she was warned. That there are nice ones too, like the boy who helped her out.
She eventually learned that the boy was Reiner. Learned that there was a thing called Warrior Candidates because of her father going to the training grounds once and she saw Reiner there. Saw how hard he worked. And came to admire him. The admiration ended up being a crush, and a motivation for her to join the military despite her father being against it. Her hope was to one day meet him, and in one form or another provide him with support.
And of course thank him, because she was never able to do that when she was younger.
But she feels awkward about that last one because she just assumed that he probably doesn't remember her at all. Which is fair, because she never made any move to approach him even when she saw him.
And even as an adult, it was harder because of how Marleyans view the Eldians. Too much kindness and it's already enough to mark you as a restorationist or accomplices. So she is always careful. When he returned… despite wanting to be kind, she ends up being cold towards him in public. Sometimes, even in HQ where she knows listening devices have been planted.
Now, she still does have his armband. And while she doesn't like sweets, she always has that particular brand of candy on her. Or she will go out of her way to buy some when she's feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
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