#was a neat challenge
balshumetsbaragouin · 2 months
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Once more, with feeling! Don't think I'm finished just because this is the fifth one today. I'm back to the art mines right after lunch. >:) In the meantime, enjoy this piece by @englandamericaitaly. Thanks for the cute lines to work on! And enjoy the rest of the competition!
Title: A Prank At The Festival
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mikurulucky · 4 months
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Captain Harlock characters in The Sims 3! I'm gonna need to find good alien eyes for Miime and either a better hairstyle for Tochiro or a better texture for the hair, but I'm happy with the results so far. ^_^
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 8 months
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Day 9: Day/Night
Ngl i intended for Monkey King to be night, but I zoned out and forgot what i was doing so we ended up here as usual booois. next time i'll remember what i'm doing and do the less obvious
Prompt List
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i would just liketo say i love the way you draw frank hes so sily
Thank You!
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chubbychiquita · 7 months
now that i'm pretty much at my highest weight i think i should do a gaining challenge for the month of november 😈 i rlly want to push myself and finish out the year strong
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fox-guardian · 6 months
yknow the entities in tma are so useful from an artist's perspective cuz it's such a perfect list of prompts for an art challenge. "draw the entities as x" is such a perfect recipe for delightful art exercises. I started drawing them each as dragons once. I should go back to that. I also wanna do landscapes/domains.
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suntails · 10 months
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i know people are recommending u timeloop recs and thats very awesome but.... what are YOUR timeloop recs
Uhhh here’s three :)
Groundhog Day the Musical. It takes the original movie, which was already a wonderful Time Loop Experience™, and (in my opinion) improves upon it in every conceivable way. If you like musicals, then I wholeheartedly recommend you check this one out!
Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium. We’ve talked about it at length here, but to quickly summarize, it’s an album about a person who, due to his negative mental state, keeps splitting himself into his Heart, Mind, & Soul, feeling better & becoming Whole again, then repeating the cycle. TW for mentions of suicide in the songs & flashing lights in the videos.
Exit Strategy. It’s a 15 minute short-film on YouTube about two brothers in a time loop trying to stop a fire. I don’t want to say much more about it to prevent spoilers, you can watch it here if you’re interested :)
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willowbirds · 18 days
The immediate switch when Laudna tells Imogen that she loves her.
She falls back into herself, Delilah stops mimicking her, and her form of dread fades. She tells Imogen she loves her over and over and each time they get more desperate.
She did this for her, to keep her beloved safe, all she can do is give herself up, but the look of sadness and disappointment on Imogen’s face makes her panic.
The way Imogen hesitates sadly when responding to Laudna saying she’s more fun than scary. Laudna being scared and repeating her question with more desperation, praying that Imogen isn’t afraid of her.
“Do you still love me?”
“I’ll always love you. I just don’t know what to do with it.”
Laudna buried herself into Imogen’s hair, the pain and sadness Delilah put her through in that moment making her question if she is even worth Imogen’s love.
But she stays. Imogen stays and she holds her so tight. Never wanting to let her go.
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jesncin · 6 months
Does J'onn's beloved bartender have any relatives in Gotham that make family dinners incredibly, incredibly awkward... or is the last name just an unfortunate coincidence?
I'm pretty sure both martians would have that same doubt, but while J'onn tries to avoid the subject in order for it not to get weird, Ma'al doesn't hesitate
Jonathan Crane and Al Crane are distant cousins! Jonathan is a child of an affair, and was raised by his grandmother on his mom's side. He went by his maiden name "Keeny" until college where he switched his surname to "Crane". While they both grew up in Georgia, Al and Jonathan didn't get to actually meet each other until they both studied in Gotham College as roommates. People give them weird looks because they don't look related.
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They get along! Al is one of the few family members Jonathan tolerates. Al eventually moves to Denver to be a bartender while Jonathan becomes a psychology professor in Gotham. They stay in touch. Al doesn't know anything about the Scarecrow stuff.
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Ma'al jumped to an entirely different conclusion about their relationship.
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Obsessed with Fyodor’s as yet unknown backstory today. And not just in the ‘I need to know’ way but… idk there’s something about the way he seems to wholeheartedly believe that what he is doing will result in the removal of sin. Thinking about how he doesn’t have a god complex but is instead a follower of what he believes to be god’s will. Thinking about how he places himself as above others anyways by taking their free will from them. I think about how his ability didn’t attack him and instead seems to be working with him. The gem is in his hand, the hands he kills with, the righteous hand? I think about that gakuen profile that I can’t find anymore but I know I saw where his likes are generally good and selfless things like peace, and about how, if this is true, he’s been an extreme idealist all along. I think about how senseless violence, the people who can’t stop killing each other, seem to disgust him. That he wants to cleanse it. That he repeatedly uses the very thing he wants to cleanse as a weapon regardless. I think about him and Dazai being foils and wonder if his plan to remove the sin of ability users includes his own self-destruction. I wonder where his self-assurance in the necessity of his cruelty and the perfection of God’s intentions comes from. I wonder how old he actually is.
As funny as the idea is to me that he’s just like that… is it kind of weird that I hope whatever his deal is ends up being a gut-punch?
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d-lissa · 16 days
I am biting anyone that takes Tashi out of the throuple of doom and say that the guys only actually love each other and not her, or would've been better off without her or whatever.
Just say you can't conceive being in love with more than one person at the same time and move on, because that movie was not for you.
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hestiashand · 10 months
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no one technically requested konan but i couldn’t split up the trio again……
[ ID: three bust drawings in a canon vs your design template of yahiko, konan and nagato. yahiko smiles wide and looks at the viewer. my version is blasian with brown skin, loose dark orange coils, and freckles. konan smiles looking to the right. my version has brown skin, light freckles, and light brown eyes. nagato smiles looking to the left. my version has pale skin, heavy eye bags, visible eye veins and acne. all three of them have matching rain earrings. the background is a rainy sky. END ID. ]
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This is the only one I got done in time (and proceeded to not post).
Anyways, this is for @brucewayneweek’s 2023 challenge, Day 1: Saving the Savior
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muninnhuginn · 8 months
Keep thinking about how time in Frieren is measured in years since Himmel's death. The fact that at this point in the anime, he's been dead far longer than Frieren travelled with him, and yet, that's still how she relates time to this world.
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andrxmedaz · 10 months
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purpl doodles
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