#was to open up my emails
takaraphoenix · 1 year
Dear Anonymous Shithead
why is this shit on the DCU (Comics) tag? Fefe and Olishitty not part of the comics. Get the hell out there with that bitch.
1. The cringe of using crap fake names for both Felicity and Olicity, in a comment on AO3, is... absolutely the level of childish behavior I’d expect from someone who can’t just scroll past fics about ships they dislike but have to click on them and leave shitty comments on them to let the author know how Very Very Upsetty they are that the Bad Bad Ship uwu exists. Makes me feel like I’m interacting with a toddler, so I’ll try to use simple words, kay kiddo?
2. Felicity is literally a comic book character. To act like the character of Felicity Smoak herself has no business in the DCU (Comics) tag just shows that you don’t know shit about the comics. She’s been around for a while, in different forms (as Ronnie Raymond’s stepmother, as a Batgirl in Bombshells), but specifically thanks to the New 52 we know Felicity Smoak exists in the main timeline in current continuity.
3. But the DCU (Comics) tag includes all the comics, like, all of them, as an umbrella term. And, you know, due to the concept of reality itself, everything is a part of that. If you write about DC stuff and want to keep it all under one umbrella, that is the umbrella.
4. And, hey! Want me to introduce you to the concept of fanfiction? It’s this super neat thing where I can make characters fall in love and be happy together, even in the medium where they aren’t canonically together?
4.1. Fun fact: Authors  can cherry pick their fanfiction canons and I love to mix em up between canons of movies, cartoons, shows and comics. This also relates to 3.), because I put the actual DCU and the Arrowverse into a blender and just press the button on that.
4.2. And in all of them, Felicity Smoak exists. Every single reality I create, whatever DC medium the starting point, even if in canon, Felicity didn’t exist. If I write for it, now Felicity Smoak explicitly exists in it.
4.3. This story, in particular, does not take place within the canon of the Arrow show. It very specifically takes place in the comic continuity. For reasons. People like you are the reason. ;)
5. Please learn how to use AO3. This story is nearly a year old, I have no fucking clue how you just... dug through the past year of all the fics in the DCU (Comics) tag totally unfiltered or whatever, but this fic is properly tagged to include both Felicity as a character and Olicity. So if you are such a sensitive little bitch, learn how to use the tools this website provides you with and filter your user experience yourself, but don’t leave shitty reviews like this on properly tagged fanfiction.
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6. Fuck you.
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gawki · 8 months
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My store is reopening this Friday! It'll only be open for about a week--
New things coming! I'll finally be debuting some finished paintings, but here's a sneaky peek of one of them. Stay tuned! Thanks, y’all! <3
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webcxre · 5 months
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im so normal
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hilsonisthecure · 1 year
amber is so different from all of the girls who came before her and by that i mean she actually took care of wilson and put his needs before hers. this is the first relationship that most likely would have gone on and on, inevitably ending in a marriage that does not fail. when you think about the things amber did for wilson, like pick out the mattress he liked, she was putting him first. once again this show defines love as doing word!
i think their relationship was so successful because amber is the type of person wilson should be with. shes bold, feisty, and unafraid of confrontation. the writers made her exactly like house because that is all they could do at the time (early 2000s). but if you look at it, amber buys the mattress for him, wilson buys the organ for house, house gives up his life for wilson. i think amber and wilson's relationship was the writers way of saying "if house and wilson got together, it would look like this and it would not fail."
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selfshipsnail · 13 hours
Hello I just wanted to say that your version of a humanoid kinito reminded me of the blues clues guy
I forgot his name but uhh y'know the one
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They auditioned a lot of people when looking for someone to replace Steve
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dumbf1sketches · 2 months
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b4kuch1n · 6 months
fucking hell man something mildly fucked just broke. I'll open for digital ink comm tomorrow
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namari-hime-moved · 7 months
IF UR TAKING DRAWING RQS. perhaps any guy of your choosing from neelaverse……
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what a normal and well adjusted young man.
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galoosreblogger · 16 days
When I was ~14 I really wanted to have international friends but my English sucked so I accidentally subscribed to a UK gay dating? hookup? site that sent me an automated email every year that said something like "We hope your Birthday is happy, healthy and full of spunk!"
And that's how I learned the word spunk.
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mystcryshcck · 20 days
"I'm a simple man. You put an S in Arkansas, I'm going to pronounce the S in Arkansas"
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Remembering the time i went for an extended interview for a company and during the team lunch portion i learned that 3/5 of the people on that team had parents who worked in the same company. Anyways i didnt get the job.
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teknikolor-walters · 12 days
So I miight not be able to get a job and I think my mom is a little pissed at me
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Actor: Has something ever gone missing and you can’t find it?
Lead Actor: Yeah, it’s called losing something.
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lilyoffandoms · 10 months
Y’all are amazing! I wanted to say something yesterday but I was truly at a loss for words when Elsa messaged me.
I don’t deserve the honor you have all given me by surprising me with your group decision for me being the next CFWC’s writer of the month. I would absolutely 100% choose any and all of you before me but I am so beyond surprised, happy, and excited that y’all did this for me. Thank you thank you thank you!
Thank you to each of you for participating in this little event and for supporting other writers and being all around some of the most amazing people!!
@aallotarenunelma @jerzwriter @storyofmychoices @karahalloway @tessa-liam @peonyblossom @mydemonsdrivealimo @trappedinfanfiction @petiteboheme @coffeeheartaddict2 @ladylamrian
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For some reason, I haven't been able to write at ALL on the weekends for like, an entire month. Why does this all have to happen during the work week? I'm tired then!!!
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