#woke up to find return of Old problem. went to meeting with management. opened phone. issue was Literally What I Said when I took it back in
Actor: Has something ever gone missing and you can’t find it?
Lead Actor: Yeah, it’s called losing something.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Creepypasta Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 3)
I’ve opened requests now, if anybody is interested. Here’s the post:
Lost Silver
As stupid as it sounds, the game didn’t scare you.
It had started as a joke, something passed around your friend group after it had been discovered. The cartridge was just a janky version of a Pokémon game that was apparently spooky and so, everybody had taken turns messing around with it. They all said creepy things started happening but nothing too bad.
When it was your turn, you had been fully expecting something out of a horror movie. Instead, you had gotten a game that just had audio cut offs and weird notes warning you to stay out. It wasn’t all together scary.
You mentioned this to the next person you gave the game to in your friend group and they had laughed, saying it would probably ring true for them also.
But for some reason, your ally didn’t manifest.
Less than two days later, they practically threw the game at the rest of you and ran away sprouting things about curses. After that, the appeal of playing it kind of went away.
Nobody wanted to buy it and apparently throwing it out wasn’t a suggestion. So you ended up getting it.
Curiosity soon got the better of you and you booted up the game again, really sure that it would do something absolutely crazy but it never did. It ran like it always had with only that one file being completed.
So you deleted the file.
And nothing happened.
The next day, when you booted up the game, the file had simply returned as though you hadn’t deleted it in the first place. A similar thing occurred the next time. And the next.
Eventually you gave up and just started your own game. There, everything ran like it was meant to and you were beginning to think that your friends had all been imagining stuff. Maybe their paranoid got to them or something like that?
But eventually, the nightmares started. And they were bad.
You couldn’t remember exactly what happened during them. They were a swirling mess of games and glitches, horrible things spelled out in letters and blood covering everything. You would always wake up right when they seemed to be coming to a pivotal point. You’d find yourself dragged into a graveyard and then you’d wake up screaming
It was awful. You hardly got any sleep during them and they seemed to haunt you every night, keeping you up until the early hours of the morning.
But the worst only came when you didn’t wake up.
When you were dragged to the grave and looked down to see the ellipsis where the name should be. A punch to the gut that reminded you of what the game file was called. A confirmation of what was causing this dream.
You stared at it for ages before your eyes drifted up and you met his gaze. He was covered in blood, it leaked from every orifice and limb. It stained his dirty clothing even worse.
While you were staring, the world seemed to distort even though he didn’t. The game world melted away and your bedroom slowly reappeared.
It wasn’t until you saw car headlights move past your window – casting awful shadows across the room – that you realised you were no longer dreaming. He wasn’t a figment of your imagination.
The temperature in the room plummeted and you began to slowly reach for a weapon of some kind. He turned to look at what you were watching. His head tilted to the side and a glitch raced across his body before he vanished into thin air. Flicking on the lights didn’t show him hiding or cowering.
Perhaps your friends weren’t crazy after all.
“You know, if we had been a little more patient, none of this would have happened,” your sibling lectured. “We could be relaxing inside the car without having to worry about a bloody flash flood coming down from the sky.”
You shoved their back, forcing them to stumble a little as they went through the door. “Chances are the river’s going to burst its banks anyway. We would have been stuck in traffic for hours because the bridge is blocked off.”
“At least we would have been dry,” they muttered, running their fingers through their hair. “And not trapped inside an abandoned building.”
You rolled your eyes and made your way over the rubble to settle down on a camping chair. “Don’t even start. This place has been a hangout for my friends and I for ages. There’s never been a single problem bigger than a few spiders.”
“Till a landlord shows up,” they scoffed.
“Then we’ll move to the forest,” you joked. “I’m sure there’s a good bear cave we can use.”
“I’m going to be an only child,” they said, rolling their eyes. Still, they made their way over and sat. “How long do you think we have until the storm dies down?”
You relaxed back into the chair and smiled up at the asbestos-filled ceiling. “From the sound of it, a while.”
It wouldn’t have been the first time you had taken a nap in the building. You were scared of giant cockroaches coming to eat you once. You had gotten used to it since then but this time when you woke up, you were uneasy.
Glancing around, nothing was out of the ordinary. Your sibling was snoring in the chair next to you and outside the rain was pounding the roof.
You sat upright. Sometimes was definitely wrong.
Pulling your phone from your pocket, you got up from the chair and began walking as quietly as you could through the house. It had always been tiny and practically void of furniture, but the few rooms provided ample hiding spots.
Nothing but rubble was in most of the rooms but, in what you presumed had once been a bathroom, you found a person.
He had his back to you but when you pushed the door open to peer in, he spun around, his hand flying to his side. He was wearing a white mask, dark features etched onto it, and an orange jacket. A dark stain ran up the right side of it, emanating from under his hand. The oddness of his clothing made you immediately back away from the door, finger twitching on your cell phone in case you needed to call for help.
The two of you stared at each other in silence.
You were lost about what to say or do. The stain on his jacket was spreading and the more you stared at it, the more you became convinced it was blood. “Are you okay?” you finally managed to ask.
It took him a while to respond but then he nodded. The mask was unnerving you. You didn’t like not being able to see a person’s facial expressions.
“I don’t mean to pry or anything, but it really looks like you’re bleeding,” you said. “And quite badly. I can call for an ambulance or something although…” you turned your attention to the window behind his head. “I’m not sure they’ll be able to get anywhere with this weather.”
He stepped backward. “I’m fine,” he said, so soft you barely caught it. “I thought this place was abandoned.”
“It normally is,” you answered. “But we had to avoid the storm. I’m guessing that’s why you’re here also?”
“Yes,” he responded.
You waited or him to say something more, but all you got was silence. He had moved further away and now he had his back against the window. Part of you wanted to turn around and go back to your sibling but you were unsure about turning your back on the strange man.
The mask made you scared he could stab you or something.
Somebody calling your name made you turn your head on instinct. Your sibling must have woken up and realised you were missing.
Quickly, you turned back to the man, but he had disappeared. Rain spat through the now open window.
Nurse Ann
Everybody always warned you about exploring old buildings. They would yell about how many things could injure or kill you. Stray animals, drug addicts, old equipment, and all that. You had heard just about every warning imaginable. Ghosts were pretty commonly mentioned also.
But killer nurse was a new one.
“Come on, just give me a little more information,” you nagged. “I’m going there whether you’re with me or not so you may as well just tell me what you’ve heard.”
Your friend (and partner in crime for most ventures) groaned. “It’s not much. They just say that she guards the place and if you get too close, she’ll run you off with a chainsaw. Some people have died from injuries they got while there. Let’s just give this one a miss, alright?”
But you were not in agreement at all.
“Maybe she’s cute though,” you teased.
They didn’t find that funny and you didn’t push them to come with you. So later that evening, you snuck in by yourself.
The hospital was old with crumbling walls and smashed windows. It was hidden from the public by means of a tall barbed-wire fence and a substantial distance of open garden. Nothing too extreme for you and definitely worth the potential items you’d find inside. When hospitals went under, they often left tons of awesome stuff just scattered around.
You’d never sold anything you found in your abandoned building dives. They were more collectables than anything else but they meant quite a bit to you.
There weren’t any signs of crazy nurses as you approached the place. Nobody came running at you with a chainsaw at least. You didn’t even find evidence of squatters who could sometimes pose some danger.
After deciding it was safe enough, you lifted yourself through one of the windows and began to explore.
Honestly, it was creepy. Everything was way too old to be worth collecting and there were too many unidentifiable stains for your liking. The water damage was bad. It looked like the ceiling was there for aesthetics only and several rooms creaked too much for you to comfortably cross them.
And that was even without the awkward feeling of being watched.
You told yourself that it was just superstition but you couldn’t shake it. Every few seconds saw you looking over your shoulder in anticipation. It distracted you from keeping your eye on the path in front of you and the loud crack reached your ears too late.
The floor gave out and you fell through. Your shoulder hit some kind of metal object as you landed in the room below. Painful shocks ripped through your body and your head knocked against the floor with a heavy thud.
Stars danced in front of your vision and you raised your hand to the top of your head. Blood coated your hand when you lowered it to look.
Shakily, you tried to pull yourself up but quickly found that your arm was too sore. Instead, you pulled your phone from your pocket and sent off the emergency text to your friend.
The world faded to black not long after that.
When you woke up next, you were in your room with a bandage wrapped around your head. You had felt like absolute crap but still gotten up to thank them for the save. They had nodded and warned you to be more careful, happy that you had been outside the hospital so they didn’t have to look for too long.
Before you could even think about how you had crawled there, they asked how you had managed to do your own stitches so nicely.
Your camera was on 10% battery.
Grumbling, you shoved it into your bag and cursed your past self for forgetting to put it on charge. In order to get the best sunrise photos, you had found yourself waking up earlier and earlier. It was tiring but it was worth it… most of the time.
You just hoped that at least one of your pictures was usable but you could only check on them once you got home.
The streetlight above your head flickered as you walked past. It wasn’t unusual but when you were the only person awake for miles around, it was awfully creepy.
Putting your hands into your jacket pockets, you continued strolling back home. The neighborhood had never been dangerous and despite living in the area for your entire life, no incidents made you want to stop walking around at night.
Deciding that you wanted to take a precautionary shot, you headed for your neighbour’s house first. They had an arch covered in jasmine flowers that made for some perfectly safe photos and they never minded your presence.
After making your way there and getting a few photos, you were treated to the fright of your life when their began howling and barking. It wasn’t aimed at you but you didn’t like the noise regardless.
As you rounded the corner of the house, planning on racing back to your own home, you encountered the dog’s target.
A man – cloaked in the darkness and barely illuminated by the streetlight – opening one of the windows with ease. Irritated by the dog, he didn’t notice you until your finger twitched around the shutter of your camera. There was a flash.
His head snapped up and you screamed.
The man’s complexation was literally grey. He wasn’t just ill, he was the colour of storm clouds. Golden eyes with no pupils glared at you and froze you in place. Whatever he was, this man was the furthest thing from human.
Your scream woke your neighbors. The sound of movement began coming from inside the house.
He abandoned the window, stalking towards you. The air tingled like it was expecting a lightning storm. Golden tendrils grew from his fingertips and shot towards you. They had you pinned in an instant.
You struggled against them and opened your mouth to scream again but they wrapped around your head, forcing your jaw shut.
This was how you died… tears spilled down your cheeks at the realization. You were going to be an unsolved murder. All you hoped was you got a good picture of him.
Your neighbor’s front door opened and great dane let out an ear-splitting bark as he raced toward you.
The man, or creature, or monster, or whatever he was, released you to face the dog. He let it approach before vanishing into a cloud of smoke as its jaws reached him.
“What was that?” the timid voice brought you back into reality.
“It was trying to get into your house,” you said. “I screamed when I saw it and then it grabbed me.” Your voice changed to a whimper as reality hit you. You nearly died.
The small child of the house came over to hug your leg. “I’m sure Puppet didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. “He always comes to visit but he doesn’t like it when people make noise. You shouldn’t scream when you see him again.”
You made eye-contact with the parents and they wore expressions of horror at their daughter’s words.
“Puppet?” you asked in a small voice.
She nodded rapidly. “He says he stops by because he likes watching people. I think that he’s watching us all right now! But he can hide in the shadows too well.”
“I’m going to go and call the police,” somebody said.
You weren’t all too focused. The feeling of being watched grew heavier and you clutched tightly at the camera in your hands.
You couldn’t tell if they were being serious. You hoped that they were joking. They weren’t genuinely going to…
“No,” you stated.
The two younger children both turned to look at you simultaneously. Guilt flashed across their faces as though they weren’t aware you were listening. It was as though you were asked to babysit them because you didn’t pay attention. These two should have realised that by now.
“Do you think all the stories are true?” the boy asked. “I think that they are. One of my friends said she saw a huge dog in the forest and then it ran away after eating a whole cow!”
“No way!” his twin sister shouted. “Dogs don’t eat cows, so it can’t be true!”
You put on your best intimidating expression and crossed your arms. “I don’t care if they’re true or not. There is absolutely no chance that either of you are going to go running off into the woods with bears, wolves and all kinds of other creatures.”
The two children glanced at each other and bolted for the tree line before you could grab their shirts.
Thankfully your legs were longer even if they had a head start and you managed to catch up pretty quickly. Once you caught the boy and picked him up with ease, the girl dashed behind a tree.
“Can we please just leave?” you asked nicely. “If we forget about the forest adventure thing, I promise I won’t tell your parents and I’ll get you ice cream.”
The boy was trying his hardest to get out of your hold. You were starting to think babysitting didn’t pay enough.
“I don’t want ice cream,” the girl said. “I want to go and find a unicorn.”
She darted off into the forest and you let out a deep groan. Shifting the boy’s weight over your one hip, you started walking after her. If you wanted to give chase via running, you would have to put the kid down and trust him to follow or stay.
It was obvious that wasn’t happening.
It didn’t take you too long to find the girl. Mostly because she had stopped in the middle of a weird grove in the trees. She was just staring off into the dark shadows beyond it.
As you approached her, static popped in your ears. You shook your head in an effort to displace it but the closer you got, the louder it became.
The child in your arms whimpered, clutching his head.
You softly called her name and then it appeared. It was a man-like monster, standing just in the shadows of the trees. Easily over 7ft tall and insanely thin with no facial features. Your heart jumped into your throat and your stomach tied itself into a knot.
Without taking your eyes off it, you reached out a hand and fumbled around until you grabbed the girl’s shirt.
The static was getting louder and louder. You tried to shut it out as you started moving backwards, tugging the child along after you. She wasn’t willing to move her legs. She was entranced but whether by fear or magic, you couldn’t tell.
And then it was much closer.
You stumbled in fright, letting go of the girl’s shirt and landing on your ass. The boy fell on top of you but scrambled away and hide in the bushes within the blink of an eye. You sent a silent prayer to him to run back home to the other adults.
Once again, the creature was stationary but now the static was growing to such a volume that you could imagine your ears were starting to bleed.
You reached out for the girl again slowly, but something wrapped around your leg and yanked you into the air.
It took almost a full second for you to realise that the screaming ringing in your ears was you. Whatever was holding you tightened and whipped your body through the air. It was like your leg was being ripped away.
Then you were falling.
It was some feat of luck that you managed to twist your body, so you didn’t land on your head. You lay there for a while before something poking your back made you unbury your face.
The twins were staring at you with wide eyes and the monster was nowhere in sight.
“What was –“ you couldn’t finish.
“Slenderman,” they said in perfect sync.
Another stop…
You couldn’t help yourself. Every time you walked past one of the posters fluttering lightly in the wind you had to stop and stare at it.
A few days ago, your dog, your beautiful and sweet puppy, had disappeared from your house without a trace. The missing posters were depressing reminders that he wasn’t home. It hadn’t taken long for your mind to spiral into the negative thoughts about how close the road was.
Damn your coworkers. One of the had suggested the road in the first place and while they hadn’t intended anything malicious, it was definitely not helping your fears.
The dog had been with you through thick and through thin… if it was dead, you may as well have lost a close family member.
Hanging your head, you dragged your eyes away from the poster and kept walking.
People bumped into you, but it was your fault. You refused to look up in case another poster distracted you. Getting home before the sun set was your only focus now.
You had tried going out and searching in all the places where your dog once spent time to no avail. Always willing to try again, you chose to drop off your bags and head out later that evening when you ran out of distractions.
As you walked through the gates in front of your house, a gust of air gently messed up your hair. A gust of wind suspiciously similar to a laugh.
Your logical mind told you it came from the street, but something made you stop in your tracks.
The walls around your property towered. There’s no possibility that somebody could be in your garden. To try and scale one of the walls, they would have been in full view of your neighbours who would have undoubtedly called the cops.
“You’re sad,” the wind whispered before you could brush off your suspicion.
Spinning wildly, you searched around for the source. You backed up until your entrance gate was behind you. You could run down to the main street with ease if you could just get your fumbling fingers to unlock things.
“Don’t run,” the wind said, this time blowing from a separate direction. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to know why you’re upset.”
Is this what going insane was? Nobody around and the wind was talking to you. You had always feared losing your mind and now it was happening.
“I’m real,” the wind said. “I’m hiding because I’ll scare you if you see me.”
“I’m going mad,” you muttered, shaking your head. “If this is somebody pulling a prank on me I swear….”
The wind quietened for a bit and then it picked up again, ruffling your hair as it spoke. “If I show myself, it’ll prove that you’re not going crazy, but I don’t want to make it worse by frightening you… you’re so sad already.”
“I lost my best friend and people have been telling me he’s most likely dead,” you hissed. “Obviously I’m not in the best mood. Now I’m losing my fucking mind and talking to air.”
The atmosphere around you dropped, like it does moments before lightning strikes. You glanced at the sky in confusion. As expected, no clouds in sight.
You lowered your gaze and a 7ft tall creature covered in bright polka dots stood in front of your house.
Once you screamed, it disappeared.
“I’m sorry,” the wind said. “I knew I would scare you, but I had hoped it would show you that I’m not imaginary. I’m just trying to help.”
The gate finally opened behind you and you stumbled backwards through it, your heart sitting in your throat. A monster was in your house and it was probably going to kill you. Spinning on your heel, you took off full speed back towards the main street.
You were fully expecting it to give chase now that you hadn’t fallen for its claims of harmlessness but it didn’t.
Instead you reached the main road and only got a few strange looks because of how much you were shaking. Nothing followed you.
The wind picked up once more. “I’ll try and help,” it promised.
People walking around you should have heard it as well but none of them so much as blinked.
Ticci Toby
While you had been told that a noise limit for the forest existed, your laughter refused to cooperate. It rang through the trees and probably chased off all the animals nearby. A picnic out in a national forest was a fantastic way to reconcile with nature and to scare it all away.
With eleven people in your picnic party, chances of any creatures coming into view were already slim though so you didn’t worry too much.
“We didn’t bring nearly enough fruit,” you muttered as you dug in the basket.
“Excuse you, I brought a whole watermelon but you ate it,” somebody answered your grumble. “If you want fruit, it is spring. Go and forage for some berries.”
You snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m going to go out by myself in the middle of the one season where bears are irritable as fuck. I know I sometimes act a little impulsively, but I don’t exactly have a wish to die at the claws of a grumpy teddy.”
Your friend leaned towards you. “Is that so? What if we split into teams and made a bet? Loser has to take a dip in the river.”
“A bet?” you asked. “I’m interested.”
She grinned and snapped her fingers. “Okay, there are eleven people so I’m feeling groups of two with one impartial party as a judge. We should be fine if we make enough noise and stick within close vicinity to each other. See how many berries we can gather?”
Tipping out the picnic basket’s contents, you smirked and pushed it into her chest. “Oh, I hope you brought a swimming costume.”
Everybody teamed up with ease and grabbed one of the many containers lying on the blanket. You headed out with your partner and gave a wink to the other teams. All you needed was to find one good bush first and you had it won.
“We should split up,” your partner said. “Cover more ground.”
You nodded. “We meet up back here once we’ve found a good bush,” you agreed. “And we shout if we find any animals.”
Obviously, your plans hadn’t involved losing your footing almost directly after the two of you split.
Tumbling down the small hill, you tried your hardest to protect yourself from the bushes as you went through them. At some point, you lost your basket and by the time you had finally rolled to a stop, you had no idea where it was.
Grumbling, you stood up and started searching until something dark caught your eye. Thinking it was your basket, you made your way over.
The clearing you walked into housed a scene you could never have imagined.
A dead bear lay slumped against a tree, its fur being what had caught your eye earlier. A hatchet buried in its neck was spilling blood onto the floor around it. All that hardly compared to the man leaning against a tree.
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
His head immediately snapped up, allowing you to see that he was wearing a mouth guard and a pair of goggles. Blood seeped from between his fingers where they clutched against his chest, but he hardly noticed. A hatchet was hanging from his belt.
Suddenly, you were wishing you had kept your mouth shut.
He stared at you blankly for a while, an occasional twitch minorly affecting his body. Reaching up, he took off his mouthguard. “I can’t feel any pain,” he said. “So, I’m fine. Why are y-you out here? The hiking trail is far.” He struggled with one of the words, seeming to hiccup a little on it.
“I was searching for berries and I slipped down a hill,” you answered. “Are you sure you’re okay? It looks like you got into a fight with a bear. Your shirt is all bloody.”
“I did fight a bear,” he laughed, gesturing to it. “I won.”
Your eyes grew wider. “I think you should get to a hospital. What’s your name? I can call somebody for you and we’ll get you medical attention.”
“Toby,” he said. “That’s my name. What’s yours?”
You gave him your full name and pulled out your phone. “My friends are close by,” you said. “Don’t worry, they’ll be here to help soon.”
When you raised your attention from your phone, he had disappeared and so had the hatchet from the bear’s neck.
Work was hard. It made your feet ache, it made your back click and crack, and it felt like the problems would never end.
Would you give up working in the fashion industry? Not a chance.
Your boss walked past where you were calming down an irate customer over the phone and dropped the keys to the front of the building in front of you. “Close up for me,” she mouthed as she left.
Nodding, you moved them to the side of the desk where they couldn’t be lost.
Once you had finished calming the customer, you glanced around to check how many people were left in the room. Three still working and one in the process of leaving. You were technically going into overtime at this point, but you didn’t mind.
There was a reason you were promoted so quickly.
“We need to set up cameras!” one of the floor managers snapped, storming into the office. She marched straight over to your desk and glowered at you. “I put this request in a week ago.”
Scrolling through the documents, you quickly opened the file. “I see but it looks like it’s been bumped due to a shipment malfunction, I’ll flag it. What’s the problem?”
“Customers or members of staff are moving items around and throwing things out without warning. We need to catch the culprits!” she snapped.
“What has been thrown out?” you asked. “I’ll add it into the information.”
The woman started listing quicker than you could type. “I’ve found crocs, toeless thigh-high boots, bellbottomed jeans, coloured faux fur jackets, luminous lipstick, w-necks, and jeggings all in vast numbers in the trash can. Every time I put them out on shelves, they disappear again.”
It took everything in you not to snort. “I’ll mark this vital.”
She stalked off and you went back to inputting the shipping requirements. You were meant to be organising what was coming in for the latest line and subtly omitting anything that wouldn’t sell well enough.
Slowly but surely, your co-workers trickled out of the office after finishing off their daily tasks. You kept going, trying to make sure you could have a longer break the next day.
Finally, when the sun had already set, you relented and started getting ready to go home.
You sung as you finished packing up for the day. Being the last one in the building (thus having to lock up) made you a little more confident as you danced around getting everything together. You slung your bag over your shoulder and happily trotted over to the door.
It made you so happy that your boss entrusted you to be the last one around. She was so hyper-protective of company secrets that you were proud of yourself for winning her over.
Your talent with people was something you attributed to dealing with painful customers.
As you passed through the store-part of the business you stopped to rearrange a mannequin. Every morning when you came in, you always noticed something had been changed with this specific one. You figured you could move something small and see if it would be a good place to set up a hidden camera.
Though you weren’t expecting it to suddenly grab your arm.
“You may be one of the few workers here with good taste, but I advise you don’t try and change my outfit,” it said. It didn’t have a mouth, but the words rang in your head, nevertheless.
You screamed and pulled away, tearing your arm from its grip. Shelves were knocked over and clothing was sent flying as you tried to escape.
The mannequin just watched you as you fumbled madly for the door.
The glass rattled in the frame from how hard you slammed it shut behind you. You sped off down the street, moving faster than you ever had before. You collapsed on your lawn by the time you reached the house, taking deep breaths.
Nothing had followed you. Everything was okay.
With shaking fingers, you dialed your boss’ number and told her you would be taking a sick day. There wasn’t a chance in hell you were going anywhere near there again.
Not to mention the mess you made… you were definitely getting fired.
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goddesswritings · 4 years
Sins of Lovers - Colby Brock | Part Three
Title: Sins of Lovers – Part Three
Pairing: Colby x Reader
Summary: Y/n has an eye-opening conversation with her mother, but she’s not all that sure she can change. With Colby by her side, she finds ways to navigate the way she feels about what is happening.
Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: Horrible parenting and just some tooth rotting fluff.
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“How are you feeling?” Colby asked when you woke up from your nap. He was lying beside you, caressing your arm in the most wonderful way.
“I feel okay. I’m still really confused by all of this.” You admitted while turning to face the blue-eyed man beside you.
“Don’t worry, I’m confused too. But not about us. I know what I want to happen between us.” He pushed some of your hair behind your ear as he nuzzled close to you.
You happily let him pull you close. “What do you want to happen between us?” You knew what you wanted but you needed to make sure that Colby wanted the same, because you didn’t want to put all your feelings into a guy who doesn’t feel the same, but it felt like he did.
“Well.” He kissed your cheek. “I want to be with you. I want to pursue a relationship, despite the fact that our parents are engaged. I don’t care if this is wrong because all I want is to be with you.”
“You’re sure about this?”
“I am. Do you want that?” He sounded a bit scared to hear your answer.
“I do. I have liked you for way too long, to just let you go like that.” This answer satisfied him because he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips.
“Let’s see where this will go, okay?”
“That sounds perfect to me, Cole.” You both kissed again when there was a persistent knock at the door.
“Stay here, I will answer it.” He said pulling himself from the bed and making his way to the door, where the person knocked again. He opened it and immediately your mother pushed her way into the room.
“Could you give us a minute, Colby?” She asked not even looking his way.
“Umm no.” He answered clearly knowing she was going to yell at you.
“Excuse me?” She questioned finally looking at him and sending him a glare.
“This is my hotel room also, so you can’t kick me out.”
Your mother just rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She grumbled and faced you, who was still in bed. “What the fuck was that at lunch?”
Of course, you knew she was going to give you hell for it, but you at least thought she would let you recover first. “I’m sorry I got sick?” You said in a questioning tone.
“Bullshit. You just wanted to cause a scene when something special happened to me.”
“No mother, I legitimately went off to puke. I wasn’t trying to cause a scene.” You pulled yourself to sit up in bed. Your mother still looked pissed.
“Yeah that’s hard to believe.”
“Why is that?”
“You always manage to find a way to ruin whatever is going good for me.”
She was being cryptic.
“John proposed to me and instead of being happy for me, you make a bullshit excuse to get out of there instead of sitting there and enjoying the moment.”
“Would you have rather I thrown up all over the table, mother.” A level of sass was heard in your voice.
Her eyes were practically in slits as the anger went through her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I don’t know, what?”
“You’re a fucking spoiled little brat. Can’t you just let me be happy for once?”
“I don’t know why you think I’m stopping your happiness.”
“Because you walked right out of my engagement. That’s so fucking rude.”
“I already explained why.”
“I don’t buy it. Why don’t you want me to be happy?” She started to sound like a child at this point.
You still weren’t feeling completely well from lunch and her whining wasn’t helping at all. Colby looked like he was about to lose his patience.
You pulled yourself from the bed, to stand up in front of her. “Who said I didn’t want you to be happy?”
“You’ve sabotaged every chance of happiness I could have had. Your father left because of you. Then every time I tried to date; no man wanted to stay because I had a fucking child.”
Here we go again. She was blaming you for all her dating problems.
“I was four years old when my father left, how was I the one to make him leave?” You had a feeling you knew what she would say but you wanted to see if she would actually go that far.
“It’s because you were born. You were unexpected to us and he never wanted a child. He stayed for four years but he was never around. The two of us never wanted you.”
Her words slapped you in the face. It all came crashing down on you and you needed to sit down. You stepped back and sank down onto the bed.
Colby knew he had to step in now. “It’s time for you to leave.” He told your mom, and she didn’t look happy.
“Who are you to tell me to leave?” She was defensive.
“Mother please. I don’t feel good and you’ve said enough.” You argued.
She stared at you for a while before deciding to leave you alone finally. “You better change your attitude, Y/n.” She grumbled before rushing out of the room.
Her words swirled in your head. Tears blurred your vision as the gravity of her words fell on you.
“Y/n, baby. Please don’t listen to her. I don’t know what her problem is, but she had no reason to say those things to you.” Colby took a seat beside you and pulled you into his side.
“She’s right though. They never wanted me.” You mumbled into his chest, letting the tears fall.
“She’s a bitch for saying that to you. No parents should say something like that to their child. It doesn’t matter if it’s what she feels or not. That’s just fucked up.”
He was right but you couldn’t stop the tears. “But they don’t want me, Cole. My own parents don’t want me.” How pathetic.
Colby pulled you into his lap and wrapped you up into him. You two were particularly close in this position. He placed his forehead against yours and held you close.
“Y/n, sweetie. Fuck your parents. If they’re going to say that, then they don’t deserve you. They are the shit ones in this situation.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek.
You whimpered as he showered you with these intimate kisses.
“You have me, y/n. I’m not going anywhere. Please let me catch you when you fall and show you how loyal I can be. I will make sure you feel nothing but love and happiness from now on.”
“I want that.”
“You will have that. Trust me and I will make sure to bring you all the love, happiness, and acceptance one could ever ask for.”
You nodded and pressed your lips to his in a soft and truly sweet kiss. The feelings he gave you were intense, and you knew there was something much deeper between the two of you. His actions proved he felt it too.
“Thank you, Colby. I hate that I brought you into this but thank you for supporting me right now.” You were still snuggled up in his arms.
“Of course, I’m here to support you. Now what do you say we take a nap and then order some room service for dinner?”
“I like that idea. We don’t have to leave the room, so I’m down.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead, before leading you back to the bed and wrapping you up into his arms. He brought comfort to you, even when you weren’t feeling well.
The next morning, you woke up feeling better and to a text that said your mom wanted to have lunch with you. Alone. Colby woke up to you frowning over the text.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” He questioned as he looked down at your phone.
“My mother wants me to meet her for lunch, alone.” You said while still frowning.
“Damn. I guess there is no way you can get out of it, is there?” He asked while talking the phone from you.
“Nope, she will surely kill me if I bail on her. I already told her I would meet her in the lobby.”
“I’m sorry.”
You leaned over and kissed his cheek. “It’s okay, Cole. I shouldn’t be scared of my own mother. I’m hoping we can have a civilized conversation, especially if we’re in public.”
“Yes, hopefully that means she will stay levelheaded.”
You nodded but were still fretting meeting up with her. Who knows what she would say to upset you today? She seemed or be exceptionally good at making you upset. When you returned home, you thought she had changed, but she definitely had not changed.
“I can hang around and stop her if she gets out of hand?” He suggested with the cutest little smile.
“Thanks, that’s extremely sweet but no. I’m going to handle her on my own. I can do it.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am. I need to talk to her, maybe tell her that she has to stop blaming my father leaving her, on me.”
Colby smiled at you. “You’re brilliant.”
You giggled. “Thank you, Colby. I have to get ready now.”
He grabbed my hand before I could leave the bed. “Take a shower with me first?”
“I don’t have that much time.”
He leaned in close and placed the sweetest kiss on the column of my neck. “Please, I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
His offer sounded so good. “Okay, but maybe I don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself.” He sent you a sexy wink, before he pulled you off to the bathroom for that shower.
Your mother was already waiting in the lobby when you exited the elevator. The nerves had bubbled to the top by the time you’d reached the bottom floor. You had no clue what her attitude would be like today and it scared you.
She turned and found you walking towards her. You couldn’t decipher her mood from that far away, but you tried to keep up a positive mood as you walked towards her.
“Good afternoon, y/n. Are you feeling better today?” Her question took you off guard.
“Ahh, yes. I’m feeling much better today.” You answered.
“Great, let’s get going.” She led you from the hotel out into the sunny streets of Boca Raton. It was midday, which meant that the streets were full of people milling about, doing whatever the city had to offer. “There’s this cute little café about a block away.” She said as you trailed her. She still hadn’t mentioned yesterday, which felt nice.
“Sounds good to me.” You answered as the two of you quietly made your way towards the café.
It wasn’t too busy when you got there, so you both were seated pretty quickly at a table that sat right by the open window. The waitress handed you menus and left you to look over them.
“Y/n, I need to apologize for the way I acted last night. I shouldn’t have done that at all. John and I talked, and he made me see the truth. It was unfair for me to treat you like that.” She said once she’d looked over the menu.
Your stomach dropped when she said John’s name. The only reason she was apologizing was because John convinced her to do so. Of course.
“Oh, thank you, mom.” You mumbled as the waitress came to take your orders. The tension was thick between the two of you, but you both pretended it was not.
Once the waitress took your orders, she left you and your mother alone again. “I should have never said what I did last night. I didn’t mean it, sweetie. It was messed up for me to put all this blame on you.”
“Mother, you have been putting blame on me since my father left.” You retorted, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“I know I have. I need to apologize for all of that. I know it’s hard to forgive me for all I have done, and I understand that you need time. But I need you to know that I’m sincerely sorry for the way I have treated you.”
“Why apologize now?”
“Well, I’m engaged to an amazing man. A man who has changed me for the better. You’re getting older and I realized I don’t want to drive you away. I already did when you left for college, and I can’t keep doing that. You’re going to get married one day. You’re going to have kids. I want to be there for you and for them.”
Her explanation made total sense, but it didn’t sound completely genuine and it concerned you. There was a chance she could easily turn on you if you did something she didn’t agree with. Something like sleeping with the guy that was going to become your stepbrother.
“Thank you, mom. Your apology means a lot to me, but we should take it slow. You did so much to me when I was growing up. It really messed me up. But I think I can try.” You explained.
She sent you a small smile. “That’s all I ask for. I want us to get along and I want to be a real mother to you. I promise to work on myself and we will see where it goes.” She suggested.
“Okay, that sounds like a plan.” You answered, feeling an inkling of doubt bubbling up inside of you.
Once lunch ended, your mother left quickly, claiming she had a spa reservation a few streets over. You just rolled your eyes and started to head back to the hotel. You’d texted Colby to tell him the lunch was over, but he hadn’t replied. Perhaps he had gotten busy.
As you walked, a figure caught your eyes. A tall blue haired guy was walking towards you with a huge smile on his face. It was Colby. He reached you and took your hand in his.
“Hey gorgeous, someone looks happy.” He commented as he led you down the street.
“Well, lunch went well with my mother. She apologized for what she said. I told her I needed to take it slow though.” You explained as Colby led you down a street that led away from the hotel.
“I’m happy it went better than you expected. I think it’s wise to take it slow.”
“Especially since she only apologized because your father talked to her.”
“Of course it’s like that. Sorry babe.” He leaned over and kissed your cheek before continuing to lead you down the street. The crowd had considerably thinned out.
“Where are we going?” You questioned as you caught glimpses of the ocean behind the buildings.
“I have a buddy who had a beach house here, and he’s not in town this week. So I figured we should go spend the day and perhaps the night there. To get away from the parents and of course have some alone time.”
“That sounds wonderful. But I need some clothes.”
Colby smirked and sent you a wink. “You won’t need any clothes, love.” This made you blush deeply. The thing that was blooming between the two of you, felt so natural.
The two of you walked up to a gorgeous beach house. It was small but extremely cute. It felt more your pace than the opulent hotel you were staying in.
“What happens if our parents go to find us and we aren’t there?” You questioned as he led you to the house.
“We don’t have to worry. My father told me he was taking your mother to a fancy dinner to celebrate and that you and I weren’t invited.” He unlocked the house and led you into the cozy little home.
“Perfect. Then we have an evening alone together.” You acknowledged.
Colby shut the door behind you before he lightly pushed you up against it. “We sure do, sweet girl.” He captured your lips in a passionate little kiss that left you breathless.
You happily kissed back, feeling true happiness while you were with him. He really made you feel wanted and appreciated. Something that was often hard to feel when you were around your mother for long periods of time.
He pulled away from your lips and his kisses started traveling down your neck. He sucked on the sensitive skin before he finally pulled away. You grabbed a hold of him and pulled him back, not done yet. Your lips landed on his in a flurry of passion.
Colby chuckled and broke the kiss again. “I love this baby, I really do, but I have plans for us.”
“What kind of plans?” You questioned, curious of what Colby planned for the two of you.
“My buddy has a boat, and so I packed up dinner for us and I figured we’d go for a nice boat ride. How does that sound?” He asked, taking your hand and leading you through the small house.
“I love it, but I don’t have a bathing suit.”
“You do. I lied when I said we didn’t need clothes. I packed us some clothes for tonight.”
You shook your head as he led you into the bedroom. On the bed was a bag that was full of your things.
You turned and kissed his cheek. “You’re the best.” Looking through the bag, you pulled your bathing suit out.
“I wouldn’t go that far. I just want us to have a fun time here, instead of being stuck at that hotel with our parents. I’m sure they love the alone time they are getting without us there.” He stated going through his own bag.
“Of course.” You excused yourself to the bathroom to put on your suit and get ready for the evening. Once you exited the bathroom, you found Colby in the main living area, checking over the food he’d packed for you both.
“You ready?” He looked you over and licked his lips at what he saw. That action alone, had your body growing hot with desire. How did this man do this to you?
“Yes.” You helped him with the stuff as he led you from the house out to the little dock off the backyard. There was a Sea Ray boat docked onto it. It was a pretty sizable boat. “Do you know how to use a boat?”
He smiled as you walked onto the dock. It rocked lightly with the waves. “I sure do. I used to go boating every summer with my father. He had me get my boating license when I turned 18. So you’re in safe hands.” Colby stopped at the boat and put the stuff you needed down. He hopped onto the boat and then grabbed the bags. You handed yours to him. Then he took your hand and helped you onto the boat.
He settled the bags before he started to undock the boat. Once it was free from the dock, he swiftly led the boat out to the open sea. You sat on the cushioned bench as you watched him navigate the water until you were on the open sea. You pulled on your sunglasses and relaxed until Colby turned around and mentioned that the two of you needed to put on sunscreen.
You put it on him first since he was still navigating the boat. He loved the feeling of your soft hands rubbing the lotion onto him. Your fingers traced the scratches you had left on his skin two days prior. They were fading, but you could still see them. Once you finished, Colby stopped the boat and allowed it to drift. He then took the sunscreen from you and started to apply it on you.
His strong hands rubbed it over your sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to form as he rubbed it all over. He rubbed it over your shoulder, letting his hand dip over your chest and tease the tops of your breasts. Then he focused on your back, and lower back. You could tell he was itching to touch you in all your sensitive places, but you were still too close to the shoreline for you to feel comfortable. Once he’d finished applying it, the two of you washed the excess lotion from your hands.
You once again took a seat and Colby began to move the boat again. He pointed out certain spots he would love to visit one day before the two of you were finally far enough from the shoreline. He anchored the boat.
“It’s so calming out here.” You said as you looked out into the water. The ocean wasn’t too wavy today, it was perfect.
“It is and I enjoy it. But I also enjoy my company.” His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and it was beautiful.
“I think I like my company too.” You said teasing him.
“You think? Baby you better be sure of it because I’m about to show you how much you should enjoy being with me.”
“I would like that!”
He let out a cute laugh. “Of course, I should have known.” He leaned in and kissed your lips. “Do you want to swim for a bit?”
You nodded, happy to do anything with him. For the next hour, the two of you played in the water, messing around with each other and having a blast. The sun was starting to go down, but there was at least an hour in a half left of daylight.
Once you had exhausted yourselves swimming, you found yourself lying against Colby back on the boat. It was so sweet.
“Colby, can I ask you something?” You suddenly felt the need to ask this, so you wouldn’t step over the boundaries.
“You can ask anything.” He intertwined a hand with yours.
“How is your mom after what your father did to her?” He was quiet and you thought you had overstepped your bounds.
Colby squeezed your hand. “She’s better than she was when it first happened. When she first found out, she decided moving back to Kansas was the best choice for her and it hurt. I couldn’t go with her because I had to finish school. For so long, she refused to even open up about how she felt but when she did, it helped her move on. She’s now in a good relationship with a guy she dated in college and things are going well for her.”
You nodded. “So she’s okay now?”
“Yes, she is. I mean she still hates my father, and I don’t blame her, he’s such an asshole. I can’t even count the amount of women he’s had after the divorce. Cheating is just what he does, and I don’t think he will ever change.”
“My mother is going to completely see that, and I want to feel bad, but I can’t after what she has done to me.”
Colby kissed your neck sweetly. “Yeah, I wouldn’t feel bad either. She’s been so horrible to you and it’s not fair.”
“I’m a little happy you have seen the way she treats me. No one else ever believed me when I talked about it. My own father just said I was making up things for attention like many children of divorced parents do. It always been hell.”
He hated hearing that, but he knew exactly how you felt. His own father accused him of it, and honestly sometimes he was just acting out for attention. But with your mother, it was a different story.
“You never deserved it at all. We’re going to do what we can to make sure she treats you with the respect you deserve.” Just being here with him was honestly so good for you. Also hearing that he was here to support you made everything feel better.
“Thank you.” You brought your intertwined hands up and kissed his knuckles.
He buried his face into your neck. The two of you were quiet as you just basked in the comfort of being there together and being away from your parents. The warm sun on your skin was making you feel sleepy and Colby just let you relax against him.
At some point, after the sun started to set, Colby suggested some dinner and you happily agreed. He set up a little picnic for the two of you on the boat. He even packed some wine.
“This is so cute. Colby Brock, you’re secretly a romantic, aren’t you?” You teased as you sipped some wine.
“Baby, it’s not a secret. Not anymore at least. I find it’s easy when I’m with you.” He really felt that you brought out the best in him and he wished he would have made a move before you both graduated from high school.
“I love this side of you. A lot. I have never had a guy go out of his way to get a beach house for us as well as take us out on a boat and prepare dinner.” If heart eyes were a real visible thing, you knew you would have them.
Colby leaned over and kissed you like he had been doing all day. It never got old. “Good, I would expect more of this from me. Because I just want to spoil you and make you happy.”
“I will happily accept this, as long as I can spoil you in return.”
“Of course. Oh wow, look out there. I just saw some dolphins.” He pointed out into the ocean where some more dolphins jumped up making you giggle.
“That’s so cute.” Once again, your hands were intertwined, and you just had the sweetest little boat date you could have ever imagined.
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞
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Imagine: Your parents think your bringing home a boyfriend for Christmas but you don't have one, so you ask someone really nicely to be your fake boyfriend.
Pairings: Human!Klaus x Human!Reader
Warnings: none.
Words: 1895
I was just walking out of Mikaelson Enterprises- where I work as Klaus Mikaelson’s assistant. When I get a call. I look down at the screen and notice an image of my mother pop up. Great. Just what I need after a long day of work. I decided to pick up the phone otherwise she will just hound me.
“Hey Mama. What’s up ?”
“Hello Sweetheart, I just wanted to make sure you were still driving down tomorrow and ask how you are ?”
Crap. I forgot I was meant to be driving home tomorrow.
“Uh yeah, I’m still coming down. Also I’m good, how is everyone ?”
“Good apart from you brother, he got into a fight on his last day of school.”
“Mama, don’t go to hard on him you know he’s having a difficult time at the minute with Dad. I’ll talk to him when I get there.”
“Okay I won’t. Anyway I’m excited to meet this new boyfriend of yours.”
“Uh what are you talking about Mama ?”
“Well you promised you were going to bring your boyfriend home this year so that we could all meet him.”
Shit. When did I say that. Damn my mother for having a good memory at such an old age. What am I going to do ? I could say we broke up….but that would break her heart. Fine. She wants a boyfriend of mine, then she’ll get one.
“Yeah sorry Mama, it must of just flew past me just a moment ago. I’ve had a really long day at work and not much sleep.”
“Are you sure your okay to drive down ?”
“Yeah I'm sure. I gotta go Mama, I love you.”
“I love you, Sweetheart.”
I ended the phone call and stood there debating with myself where to find a boyfriend within the 19 hours before I have to leave. Bearing in mind, I still need to cater to my own needs first like sleep, food and most certainly hygiene. The problem is I can’t just go out on a date and invite him to my parents house. Preferably it needs to be someone that I already know and who doesn't have plans. I’m screwed. I know that everyone I know has plans for christmas. The only person that wasn’t was my boss, but that is in all ways wrong. Even if we have hooked up a couple of times. That’s it, if I promise to sleep with him hopefully he’ll do this for me. God forbid something goes wrong.
I walked back into Mikaelson Enterprises and passed Camille, the receptionist with a big fake smile. She’s hated me ever since she found out I got assistant to Klaus and not her but truthfully it’s because she’s too ditzy and clingy too Klaus, since she has the fattest crush on him but moving on. I got out the elevator, once it reached the top floor where Klaus was. I headed to his door and knocked.
“Come in.”
I opened the door and he looked up from his paperwork with a confused look on his face.
“I thought you’d left Miss Y/L/N.”
“Yeah I did, but my Mom called and reminded me about something. Which is actually why I’m here. Could you please please be my fake boyfriend for the week.”
He looked at me and chuckled. He stood up from his chair and leaned on the front of his desk, just in front of where I was seated.
“Your fake boyfriend for a week ? For what ?”
“Where ? Why ?”
“My hometown. Also it’s because my mom thinks I’m bringing home a boyfriend and she’s going to be so disappointed when I don’t bring anyone back.”
“What do I get out of it ?”
“What do you want ?”
“I want to take you out on an actual date afterwards.”
Woah this just went down an unexpected pathway.
“What ? You want to take me out ?”
“Is there a problem with that ?”
“No ! There’s no problem, unexpected is all.”
“Right okay then, I’ll arrive at yours with my belongings tomorrow morning at 9am.”
“Perfect. I’m leaving at 10am.”
I smiled at him and walked out, surprised by what had just happened. Nevertheless, I got home ate my dinner, showered and went to bed.
When I got up the next morning, I brushed my teeth got some coffee and put my bags in the car. Once I was ready I looked at the time, 8:59 am. I heard a knock on the door and thought it as weird that it could be Klaus since it had only just turned 9am. Weirdo. As soon as I opened the door, I led him to my car and drove off just after he had secured himself in.
13 Hours Later
Luckily Klaus was asleep for the most of it, so I just listened to my music and drove. He woke up with around an hour left on the drive, so we actually had a nice normal conversation. As soon as I pulled up outside the house, my mom and dad were stood outside waiting for me. I got out the car and ran to my dad, who has his arms wide open for me. I jumped into his arms and he held me very tightly and kisses my head. I giggled when he spun me around.
“Hi Daddy, I missed you so much.”
“We all missed you so much more sweetheart.”
I pulled away from my dad and pulled my mom in for a tight hug.
“Hi Mama.”
“Welcome home baby ! Now where is he ?!”
“Oh right.”
I ran over to Klaus, grabbed his hand and quickly whispered in his ear.
“Follow my lead okay.”
He nodded and I held his hand and walked over towards them. We stopped in front of them and my mom couldn’t stop smiling, my dad however didn’t look massively impressed.
“Mom, Dad… this is Klaus Mikaelson. My boyfriend.”
“Mikaelson as in Mikael and Esther Mikaelson ?!”
I looked at my dad confused as he said that, how would he know his parents already when me and Klaus weren’t actually dating. I haven’t even met them and they are the owners of the company I work for.
“Uh yes sir.”
“Dad, how’d you know that ?”
“Me and Mikael don’t get along very well that’s all.”
“Right, well it’s Christmas Eve and it’s getting late already Y/N you’ve been driving so long, why don’t you and Klaus go and unpack in your room and then come down and see everyone to drink some hot cocoa and watch films.”
“Okay Mama.”
I took Klaus in and was immediately bombarded by my youngest niece, Skylar.
“Hey Sky, I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too Auntie Y/N, who is this ?”
“Sky, why don’t you give us 5 minutes and then I will come down and tell everyone okay ?”
“Okay Zia.”
I smiled at her, loving the fact she’s started to embrace her Italian side now than pushing it away.
“So that’s why I don’t understand you when your mad sometimes ?”
“What do you mean, Klaus ?”
“I mean, you speak Italian when you get mad.”
“Oh right, yeah I try not to but it’s just natural.”
“So your fluent ?”
“Oh yeah my whole family is, I was actually born in Italy but we moved here when I was 2 for my Dad’s work, since he used to work in the army.”
“That’s quite cool.”
We headed to my room and I started to unpack until I saw him just standing at my door, not doing anything.
“You know you can unpack if you want, I’ll leave you 2 drawers. There’s not much room elsewhere in the house with everyone here. So your gonna have to stay with me.”
When we finished unpacking, we headed downstairs so I could introduce everyone to Klaus and reunite with my family.
“Hey everybody !”
Everyone turned around with massive grins and I managed to get around and hug everyone.
“Before we go any further, everyone this is my boyfriend Klaus Mikaelson.”
“As in Elijah ?”
What the hell is with my family knowing everyone but him in his family.
“Okay wait, your the second person to mention another one of his family members. Who else knows any Mikaelsons ?”
Three of the eleven-excluding myself and Klaus- raised their hands. My younger sister, my father, my younger brother and my sister’s boyfriend. Eventually, we found out Camilla had slept with his older brother Elijah, my father we already knew had met his parents, Christian used to be friends with Klaus’ younger brother Kol and Blaine used to date Rebekah and while back.
We eventually got over that and sat down as it was late already to watch a film and drink hot cocoa, I felt bad about leaving Klaus isolated from everyone even if Skylar was fussing over him. So I sat next to him on the couch and put a blanket over us before the film started and Skylar relaxed on the other side of me, hugging my side.
Twenty minutes into the film, my nerves from sitting next to Klaus watching films and drinking hot cocoa with my family lessened and I relaxed a bit more. That was until, Klaus put his arm on the back of the sofa and I started to fall asleep-causing me to fall into his side. When my head hit his chest, my eyes opened immediately almost as if they never closed in the first place.
“Sorry, I’m so tired.”
He chuckled and rested his hand on the side of my head bringing it back to his chest.
“It’s fine, it’s what couples do…also you have been driving all day. If you fall asleep, I promise I will take you to bed.”
I looked into his eyes and smiled before I pushed the boundaries I had made in my head and wrapped my arm around his stomach. My fingers brushed against the warm skin on his stomach as his sweatshirt had rode up a bit. I blushed very much and I’m return I felt a chuckled vibrate on my cheeks and Klaus’ hand rest on my hip as my shirt had rode up a little too. I looked up at him and without even taking any thinking time his hand gently but quickly pulled my lips closer to his and pressed them against mine. We made out for a few minutes before pulling away.
“There’s nothing weirder than making out with your boss whilst my 9yr old niece is staring at us.”
We chuckled and looked at her and she immediately averted her eyes.
“I don’t care who’s watching, I’ve wanted to do that for years.”
“Seriously ? Why haven’t you ?”
“I can’t make a spectacle in the workplace.”
“Your such a twat, Thank You for doing this. Your making it hard for me to say no to that date you asked me on. Unless you promise me that is not the last time you kiss me like that because…wow.”
He chuckled and kissed me again. I can quite easily say that I do not regret lying to my mom for once in my life. If it wasn’t for me lying, I wouldn’t have got this opportunity.
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jeonsblackgf-writes · 4 years
ONE PLUS ONE || 1 ||
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✨Summary: Trials and Tribulations of vinnie and his gf.
✨pairing: Vinnie Hacker x black!OC
✨genre: fluff ig
✨word count: 1.7k
Both characters are like 22 in this btw.
"Come on Rhey, it's not funny." Vin groaned, already embarrassed at the outcome of his recent tiktok. He had posted a thirst trap on tiktok with boxers on. He thought the video looked okay, until he read the comments where people were talking about his dick size.
Ignoring him, Rhey continued to laugh, her box braid up-do coming down in the process. She scrolled through the comments to read more as her boyfriend glared at her, "Look at this one someone said Your dick looks so small I bet your girlfriend uses it as a toothpick.' I AM SCREAMING"
"Ha ha ha." He grumbled, crossing his arms as he kept his eyes on her. The comments weren't even all that funny, she just wanted something to laugh at.
"Awwww is the wittle baby upset his weewee is small." Rhey playfully cooed at him, grabbing his face in her hands. His cheeks went red as he felt her warm hands move his face fro side to side in a cooing manner, as if she were his grandmother.
"Baby stop it's not funny. Someone said my dick looks like a pebble. My dick is literally 11 inches. What fucking pebble are they talking about." He complained as he stood up from the couch and went into their room. The second he closed the door, the rest of their friends came inside of her LA villa with confused faces. She completely forgot she gave them keys.
"He's mad his fans are calling his dick small." She responded before walking into their room to see him lying down, stomach on the bed with his phone in his hand scrolling through social media. She walked over to him and laid on top of him, putting her head on his shoulder so that she could whisper in his ear.
"You know I was only joking right. You have a whole girlfriend, your thirst trapping days are over." She stated her breathe fanning his ear, causing chills to run down his arms. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. He only posted it because half his tiktok was now filled with his girlfriend. People were tired of him expressing how long they were together. It's been 8 years, them getting together at 14.
"Everyone knows you radiate big dick energy." She exclaimed, trying to cheer him up but it didn't work. He was still upset about a bunch of 12 year old calling his dick small.
Not knowing what to do, Rhey started to get up to see the rest of their friends but Vinnie quickly grabbed her and turned her around to where she was on the bed and he was on top of her.
"I was fine a long time ago. I just wanted your attention." He admitted, laying his head on her chest, their typical position. She snorted and smacked the back of his head. He laughed and kissed her cheek
"What time do you have to head back to the studio?" Vinnie asked, momentarily breaking the silence. Rhey checked her phone.
"In about an hour. I have one more song that needs to be done. I just have I finish the last verse and record it." She replied.
Of course she wasn't going to tell him that the entire song was about him...and that she named it after him. What he won't know won't hurt him. She never told him about the other songs or the album cover either, hence why she made him do a photo shoot with her a few months ago.
"Great so that gives me enough time to cuddle you and post you again." He replied, as he went onto his phone and pulled up instagram. Rhey sighed. Every time he posted her his fans went crazy for no reason. They hated the fact that he was with someone who had a much larger platform than him.
He stuck his tongue out while she puckered her lips while grabbing his face.
"Well my phone is gonna blow up. Thanks for that Vincent." Rhey sighed as she awaited the thousands of notifications from IG.
"No problem princess." He replied cheekily, giving his girlfriend a huge smile. She playfully rolled her eyes at him.
The two sat in a comfortable silence for the next 20 to 30 minutes. No we're we're spoken, just the soft sounds of breathing could be heard from both partners. They were well aware that their friends were still in their house but they didn't care.
"Wanna know what I always found funny?" Rhey asked, playing with her boyfriends fingers. Vinnie perked his head up lightly, waiting for an answer.
"When we were 18, and I was just getting started with my career and you were getting hella famous on tiktok like you are now. I was always told that you and I would never work because of our race and two completely different personalities despite them not knowing we've been together since 2012. I don't know why I think it's funny but it just is." She explained, not looking at Vinnie. She knew he had always felt some type of way when people mentioned our relationship in a negative way. He was still getting over his anger issues at the time so of course when your at the peak of your influencer career, you're gonna make some rash decisions.
"I mean i've made some bad decisions I admit, but I knew the second I met you all of that had to change. I don't know why, but there was always something about you that I had to get to know on a more personal level when we were 14. You really are a light in my life, and I wouldn't change it for anything. Even with me being 18 at that time and so blind to new found fame, I knew what I wanted and it was you." Vinnie explained himself.
There was a period of time where he knew his feelings for Rhey were real but he knew that if he wanted to be the guy she wanted him to be he had to change, so they remained friends until he got his shit together and then he finally did he built up enough courage to ask her out, and it they're still together years later.
"Oh shit! I have to go!" Rhey shrieked after checking the time on her phone, jumping up from the bed. She hurriedly grabbed her nike slides and wallet, before rushing over to Vinnie to give him a kiss, which he happily returned, but before she turned around to leave he grabbed her hand causing her to look back at him.
"Am I gonna get a little snippet of the album?" He asked sneakily, making his girlfriend laugh.
"Theres 22 songs on the album. That's the only hint you're getting." She laughed before running out of the room to head to the studio.
Fortunately she made it in time, seeing her manager standing in front of the main studio door, waiting for her. She walked up to her and smiled wearily, not wanting to be scolded for being the second one to arrive.
"It's about time!" She exaggerated, grabbing the key and opening the door. Rhey hurriedly facetimed Vinnie who answered on the second ring. His face was deadly nonchalant as he looked at her. That's when she knew he was upset that she had left him so she tried to cheer him up by posing but it didn't work.
"I'm getting a studio built in the house. I hate leaving," She sighed, making a smile to quickly etch on his face. She rolled her eyes at his childish antics.
"I'm going to a meeting. Apparently some modelling company wants to meet up with me but my agent won't tell me who so we'll see how it goes." Vinnie explained through the phone. His nerves were shot with anxiousness.
"Well let me know how it goes."
"I will, I love you."
"I love you more,"
She hung up the phone and walked into the studio to begin her session, her producer, Pierce already working on some new beats for her last verse in her last song. After that gets perfected, the album is complete.
"You ready to get this masterpiece completed?"
Rhey smiled nervously. "Let's do it!"
"I know you said your boyfriend was your main focus behind the album. Is all the songs about him?" Pierce asked as he messed with a few buttons while Rhey got her lyric book out.
"Yes each and every song is about either him or our relationship." She replied mindlessly, flipping through pages, after finding the page with her recent song on it. She started to write words down that had came to her in the morning when she woke up. She smiled once she realized she had just finished her last verse for her last song on the album.
"Listen to this and tell me what you think about it. I added some small guitar riffs on the beginning to give it more of a natural groove." Pierce stated, turning the volume up. All of her songs were a little upbeat and happy and the last song was slow and smooth. A great way to end an album.
"It's amazing Pierce." She whispered, trying to get herself not to cry. She had been trying to find a way to express her love for Vinnie for MONTHS, and this album just might've done it.
Pierce smiled, "Then get yo ass in the booth and let's record it." He pushed her into the booth and got the music ready as she started to  get herself together to sing.
A few minutes later she stopped singing and sighed in happiness. Her album was finally finished.
>1 hour later<
"BABY! VINNIE WHERE ARE YOU?" Rhey yelled as she walks through the house, rapidly throwing her things all over the place, excited to tell her boyfriend about the news.
"Bedroom." He replied.
Rhey ran inside with a smile on her face, only for it drop once she saw the long look on her boyfriends face. He sighed and grabbed her hand, making her sit beside him. His face showed distress so she news couldn't have been good.
"The surprise meeting that I was had with vogue...they wanna sign me." He sighed, clearly not happy about the offer.
"Are you kidding me? This is huge! It means we'll be under the same company! How are you not happy about this?" She exclaimed with a large smile on her face.
"It's for Vogue Paris...not L.A."
Her smile dropped...
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Between the Ink and Papers Ch. 4
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Summary: Steve and Peggy have been divorced for a year and Sarah is still starting to find her groove in it. However, it becomes a lot easier when she and Typhanie realize it might be time for her dad to start dating again.
Pairings: tattooartist!dad!Steve x Reader, Typhanie x Sarah, Peggy x Logan, Bucky x Natasha
Word Count: 1806 words
Warnings: cussing? that’s about it!
Between the Ink and Papers Masterlist - Masterlist to Other Works
Previous Chapter
A simple creak and the door opened, casting a dim light from the hall. Their home was simple, tucked away above the shop. Steve slept on a pullout couch so that Sarah could have her own room. At her request, there were plants everywhere. A way to remind him that this was their home. Not just his.
Not that he minded one bit.
Steve quietly closed the door behind him. A small smile tugged at his lips when he saw her backpack on the cluttered counter and the mail on the floor. Poor kid had probably been so tired that she hadn’t even noticed. He scooped the letters up, tucking them back into place before grabbing her backpack. His eyes shifted briefly to the microwave, the blinking red 1:00 a.m. far too obnoxious.
He was definitely getting too old for these late nights.
Scratching the back of his head, he silently made his way to the back, cringing only when a floorboard squeaked underneath him. He paused. Surely that didn’t wake her. Steve gently opened the door.
Inside, sprawled out on her bed and half hanging off, was his daughter. That crazy teenager. She was half hanging off, her pillow already on the floor. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought that she’d gotten in a fight with the bed and that the thing won.
He gently tucked the backpack next to her dresser and crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe. What a dork. It made him think back to that awkward woman that he tattooed earlier.
The gun was between his fingers, poised and ready to go. Brow arched and lips quirked, he found himself absolutely confused. “Uh…” He shrugged. “Okay?” Steve raised the gun, waving it around. “Can I get started now?”
Y/N’s head tilted, curiosity getting the better of her. “Really? You don’t care?”
Steve snorted as she extended her arm. The familiar buzz filled the air as he got to work on the piece. “Should I? She seems to be doing better, so safe to say you’re doing your job. I’m just doing mine.”
She hadn’t said anything else after that. Apparently the buzzing had been enough for them. Not that he minded. He actually preferred when his customers weren’t the chatty kind.
Shaking his head, Steve pulled the door shut and blinked away his own sleep. He hated how tired he was. It seemed his time with Sarah passed by too quickly for him to actually enjoy it and being exhausted never helped. Still…he collapsed on the couch, too tired to unfold the bed lying underneath. Just a few minutes…
Just a few and he’d get back up.
The smell of bacon and coffee woke him up. He jolted, blood rushing and pounding in his head as his boot scraped against the floor. Blinking, he ran a hand through his messy hair before pressing his palms to his eyes.
“Hey, old man.” The squeak against the floorboard made him look up, relieved to find she was holding a mug filled with black coffee. “I don’t want to deal with you being a grouch. Drink up.”
He groaned, taking the mug before she returned to their breakfast. “Is that how you’re supposed to talk to your dad?” Downing half the mug’s contents in one gulp, Steve immediately felt better. He rose to his feet, knowing his shirt was probably a mess and realizing he still had his boots on.
Definitely – he was definitely getting too old for the shop.
“How long’ve you been up,” he asked, noticing that she was almost done with his breakfast. “You could’ve kicked me or something.”
“Why?” She pushed the plate onto the bar, grabbing a fork and knife as he took a bite of bacon. “You work hard.” Sarah grabbed her poptarts, taking a bite as Steve froze mid-bite, shoulders slumped. “What?”
He snatched the pastry out of her hand, trading it for a piece of toast that was on his plate. “Do you think just ‘cause you’re here, you can get away with that?”
She smiled a little too innocently. “It’s just a poptart.”
“Yeah, and all the other crap you eat.”
Streve smirked, gesturing to the food between them. “Eat up. We need to get you to school -- ” He glanced at his watch. “Fuck!” Looking up, he frowned when he saw that innocent look on his kid’s face.
She knew. Of course she did.
“Get your backpack. Now.” Shoving food in his mouth, he ignored the slight stomping that could only come from a teenager. “Hurry!” He snatched up a shirt, smelling it. For now, it would have to do. Changing, he shouted, “Sarah, come on!”
“I’m here.”
He spun around, tugging the shirt down. Ruffling her hair, he pushed her towards the door. “Stop huffing. You should’ve said something.”
“Maybe I just wanted to spend a day with my old man.”
Steve sighed, closing the door behind him. As much as he would love to spend the day with Sarah, he couldn’t. Not right now. “Later. We can go play pool or something. Sound good?”
Sarah hesitated, biting her lip. She knew she still needed to talk to her dad about everything she and Miss Y/L/N had gone over. And yet…the idea of just spending some fun time with him sounded too good to be true.
Yeah, talking could wait.
The bell’s shrill scream, though familiar, still managed to make Y/N jump out of her skin. She sighed softly, taking a much needed sip of her coffee. It was wonderful, warming her insides. Flipping open her planner, she grimaced when she saw who she had a meeting with.
How had she forgotten that was today of all days?
“Um…Miss Y/L/N?”
She looked up, massaging her temple only to stop when she realized who was standing in her doorway. “Hey.” Y/N stood, trying to hide her surprise. “Typhanie, right?”
She nodded, lip caught between her teeth and fingers fidgeting with the obnoxious hall pass in her hands. “I just – I wanted to ask you about something.”
Y/N smiled, gesturing to the chair. “Of course. Have a seat.”
Typhanie did, tucking a leg underneath as she looked around. “I’ve never actually been in here before. It’s…” She noticed the positive signs, the wall decorations, and all the bright colors. “Peppy.”
Chuckling, Y/N said, “I’ll tell my friends that’s how you described their decorating skills. So, what’s up?”
“I know you normally do like,” Typhanie sighed. “I don’t know, counseling sort of stuff? But I was wondering if you could also help with the whole future type thing. Y’know, with…” She bit her lip, doubts starting to creep in the back of her head. Why was she even here? This was a waste of time and –
“Hey.” Y/N watched Typhanie blink. Those negative thoughts were burying her, scaring her. “You mean colleges, right? The ‘after highschool’ path?”
Typhanie nodded, earning a smile. “It’s just me and my dad. We don’t exactly have a lot money wise and I just…I want to be prepared. Get the scholarships, do what I need, and…I…” She laughed, the sound coming across more as a nervous breath than anything else. “I really want to go to college, but I want to make sure it’s the right path.”
“What do you want to study?”
“Music,” she admitted with a determined nod. “And I know not everyone goes to school for it, so I just want to figure out where I’m going.”
Y/N nodded, scribbling down some notes. “I love how you’re approaching this, Typhanie. It’s mature and level-headed. Give me today to put some information together, okay? You can stop by tomorrow and we can go over it. How does that sound?”
She breathed, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. “That sounds amazing. Thank you!”
“No problem. But…” She pointed to the hallpass. “You might want to go back to class before your teacher realizes it wasn’t the bathroom that you wandered off to.”
Typhanie grinned, jumping up. “Right! Yeah, of course! Um…thanks again.” She hurried out of the room, earning a far too amused laugh from Y/N.
Shaking her head, Y/N went back to the notes she’d taken. Scribbled: Typhanie Wilson. Music. College?? Needs to know her options.
She knew how overwhelming the future was. Especially at that age. At least Typhanie was seeking help. It was better than what she’d done at her age.
Knock knock
Y/N looked up. Peggy and Logan. Checking her phone, sure enough. It was time for their meeting. “Hey! Right on time.”
Peggy smiled. Weak, nervous. Like most mothers she met with. “Thank you for keeping these meetings, Miss Y/L/N.”
“It really means a lot to us,” Logan admitted. That shyness of being a new, eager stepdad was still there. Even after a year. He wanted to be good to Sarah and Y/N respected that.
“I know. Just repeating for everyone’s sake, but I cannot tell you anything Sarah has confided to me during our sessions. I’m just guiding you towards what could help your family transition best.”
“We know.” There was a hint of defeat in Peggy’s voice, a silent plea for her to bend the rules.
But Y/N wouldn’t. She cared about her students too much.
“Alright, have a seat then.”
Standing up, Y/N moved to the door. She started to close the door, pausing when she saw a familiar face.
And he saw her.
Steve raised a brow. “Uh…Y/N, right?”
She smirked. “Here, it’s Miss Y/L/N.”
He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “Fair enough.” However, his eyes had wandered, catching sight of who was inside her office. “Uh…” Steve grimaced.
Peggy caught his eye, blushing. “Steve.”
“Peggy.” He glanced past her, nodding. “Logan.”
Y/N looked from mother to father and back again. She had been sure that when she started these meetings with Peggy, she had been promised that Steve was informed. He had the option to join and chose not to.
Now, it was clear that hadn’t been the case.
Peggy gave her a look, another silent plea for her to keep quiet. To not say anything and simply continue their meeting.
Y/N shook her head. Oh…hell on. She looked back at Steve, leaning against the doorframe. “We’re about to have a meeting to discuss how Sarah’s been handling the past year. Do you want to join?”
Surprise. Concern. An eagerness that only came from a loving parent. Those were the emotions etching Steve’s features. Practically shining in those pretty blue eyes of his. Relieved, he admitted, “I would love that.”
Y/N nodded, opening the door wider. “Come on in.”
He crossed the threshold and she closed the door. Lingering only for a moment, she turned to the three parents. Here goes nothing. “Coffee, anyone?”
A/N: Thank you for all the support with this fic!! I really appreciate it!!
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desire-tenderness · 3 years
I will return to old Brazil
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I’m three weeks away in New York on a laser and independence trip, I miss home. It’s only two days away and soon I’m back in Brazil to meet my family and friends. I was taking the opportunity to organize some of the things, like some clothes and documents, that’s when I missed my passport. “Where did it go, my God?! My credit card was on the cover. I’ve turned this apartment upside down and can’t find it anywhere. There’s no way I lost! This shit only happens to me. I only have two more days stay in this Irbnb, how will I solve the problem of passport loss in two days without my credit card!? I don’t have a penny more.” [ranting, going into outbreak] “OK, relax, I’m smart! I need to raise money for at least another day or two, I have enough for daily meals. Well, didn’t I want to experience something unique and inspiring? Here’s a chance to have a tragic story to tell and laugh at later.” [I thought out loud]  “I can manage as a street performer, starting tomorrow. I take my ukulele and some blank sheets of paper and make illustrations of pedestrians, I hope to reap the benefits of that. The last place I remember seeing my passport was yesterday when I was at the MoMA. Now I need to go back there and hope that I find in the "lost and found" of the place.” [The next day] I woke up early today and I’m already on my way to Central Park, hoping to find a space on Bethesda Terrace to play. The first time I went I saw a young man playing the cello so beautifully, it made me overflow with emotion. I played some songs, I noticed that I had a very positive return looking at the cover of Ukulele, I was curious to tell how much money I had made with those 5 songs played. It’s quite amazing the satisfaction of playing there, people seem to want to hear me play. I thought of ending with Naive - The Kooks and so I did. - I'm not saying it was your fault Although you could have done more Oh, you're so naïve, yet so..   {music}
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Soon formed a circle of people singing together, I was shivered, did not imagine that The Kooks still had an audience. A little girl left $16 on the cover of the instrument, it made me float. With less than a minute to go, I saw a wonderfully attractive boy, at least 15 feet away, "do I know you?" I thought while I messed up a song. At the end of the last song I thanked him and forced my eyes to reach the boy again, but he was no longer there. The minute I thanked her, the same little girl started pulling a leather saying "one more, one more". I didn’t have a repertoire anymore and I couldn’t think of anything. The sky was with an attractive texture and the climate had a palette of color that sent me the song Postcards From Italy - Beirut and without thinking too much about whether or not it made sense for the moment, I started playing and singing. As I played, I closed my eyes to feel the instrumental climax of the song that was approaching. And when I opened my eyes the same boy I saw from afar was standing in front of me watching my show. Who was he? Timothée Chalamet. My whole body was frozen with the fright, but I didn’t want to leave anything evident. If I showed my anxiety, that space would turn into an afternoon of autographs and I don’t want to take your time. Did he give me money? The cover of the instrument had received more notes of paper, but for being with eyes closed I could not see. He smiled and nodded, turned away. I kept silent. Second then I hurried thanking everyone for my return, guarding my instrument and taking my bag. I run after him. - Hey! Timo! He turned at the same second, confused, trying to find who called him. He must have noticed me tightening my stride to get close to him as soon as possible. - Hi! Our is a pleasure, I can’t believe it’s really you. I let you go so you wouldn’t make a big deal out of it, but I needed to talk to you and thank you for listening to me play and a lot of other stuff. Sorry, I’m talking too much, all right? I spoke so fast that I hardly breathed. He laughed. - Hi, Beirut, huh? It goes well with today’s weather. It was nice! Am I well and you? Alias, your name? - Do you like Beirut? Gee. My name is (xxxx) but it doesn’t matter now. - Yes, you do. Are you from New York? - No, I come from Brazil. I’m traveling.. The words were disappearing from my mind as the minutes passed, I was somewhat hypnotized. - Cool! I really want to see Brazil someday. Do you want a photo? - Man I want a photo yes. I never thought that moment would be here and now. We took the photo, he thanked me for coming to him and for me playing with such emotion. He finally said that it was "very harmonious". And with a lot of pain in my heart I let him go. "Gee, I met Timothée chalamet two days before returning to Brazil! I must confess that fate has killed, just bring my passport back." [I thought out loud] Arriving at the Moma I received the terrible news that my passport was not there, it was my only hope going down the drain. I wanted to cry out of desperation, but I was also totally happy to have met Timothée and to have taken a picture that I will keep for the rest of my life. "I wish I’d been calmer and sane, I guess I just thought I was crazy. I hope he hasn’t noticed my despair, anxiety and complete fascination. Well, back to what I need to focus on.. Do I get some freelance work at some designer studio? Well, it could be a coffee shop. " The day has gone by so fast, the clock is almost 4:00 p.m. I think I’ll have a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, and I’ll get a job, if that’s not too embarrassing. I thought I’d walk around the West Village and find some cool coffee over there. Said and done, I found a coffee visibly attractive and had a delicious smell coming out the door, but it was empty. I think this is the perfect opportunity for a presentation, so I’m gonna eat something first. I ordered a latte and a lobster, one of my favorite treats. That crispy puff pastry, filled with vanilla cream, caramel and flor de sal makes me roll my eyes. I ate with such desire that I began to remember how surprising my day was. I thought I would make an illustration of the Timothée, a drawing of how I met him, the ambience was delicious to draw in peace and so I did. I noticed that someone came through the cafeteria door, I heard the sound of the door open. It was him, he was again in the same environment as me. The coincidence was so much that I could hardly believe it, I kept my calm. He sat across the room, pretended not to see it.
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On the local radio started playing First date - Blink, obviously I started singing and trying to finish my drawing as soon as possible, who knows he could see before going. "Lets go! Don’t Wait! this night’s Almost over Honest, Let’s make this night last Forever' {Music} Suddenly someone came to my table and put a glass of Vanilla Malt and a snack with a great smell. When I looked up he completed the harmony. - Forever and Ever, Let’s make this last Forever. Hi again! "Are you kidding that this is really happening? And if it is not? Well, I will act as if I were dreaming, I can do better in this communication" - I don’t believe it. This is crazy, what are you doing here at my table?! - Would you like me to leave? - You’re crazy, of course not, sit down, please! - So, what are you doing? Wait, that’s... that’s me?! Fuck!  [He pointed to the drawing] - hãnn yes, look.. this coincidence I will never live again. Now in my head I go through a cruel dilemma. - Which would it be? Excuse me. [He took the marvelous drawing and took a photo] - Should I finish it and give it to you, or should I ask for an autograph and frame it? - Hmm look.. my autograph is nothing, I would ruin the drawing, but it’s so awesome, I would love it if it was mine, but I took a picture, it’s worth the frame! - Arranged, Mr. Chalamet. I told him about my passport drama and how distressed I was. His face of "Holy shit, I’m sorry, you’ll have a headache" didn’t help. But he offered me real help with this red tape. "Does that mean I’ll see you beyond today?!" - Okay, you’re tense. Let’s break the ice by relaxing with a theatrical technique. I say a word, you think fast and say the first one that pops into your head. -Okay... Can I get started? [What’s going on here? ] -Yes, of course, yes! - Silver - Gold - Desire - Fire - Friend - you - Call me by your name - And I call you by mine. Oh shit! [laughed with his hand in his mouth] - That’s pretty cool hahaha let me ask. What are you going to do now? I’m really surprised to see you "living normally" - It is sometimes I get this feat. But anyway, I have no plans. - Do you want to go to the street cinema and see what classic is going on today? - My God, yes I am, thank you for the suggestion. We left the cafeteria and I didn’t ask for a job, I don’t regret it, my day is being fucking awesome. We went to the cinema of East Village and Singing in the rain was on display, that was perfect! I’ll watch one of my favorite movies with Timothée, it’s the fourth time I’ve pinched myself and I notice it’s not a dream. This day cannot end. We took the tickets and entered without him being stopped or recognized, I was relieved. And sitting next to him in a movie theater, all I could think about was how I wanted to be able to take his hand, kiss it as classically as the movie we’re watching. He made a story, I’m dying to open my phone and see, knowing that I’m next to him and nobody else but me and he knows, fuck!
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At the end of the movie we came out, another coincidence or not, it was raining. I had my instrument and drawing sheets in my purse, but I wanted to literally sing in the rain, only without an umbrella. I dropped everything on the stairs and called him into this brief shower of rain. EPIC. I danced and sang in the rain with Timothée Chalamet and he seems absurdly happy about it.
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We end with: "Come on with the Rain I have a Smile on my face I walk down the Lane With a happy refrain Just Singin', Singin' in the Rain" - Do you fancy a bagel or something? - I’m in! Tompkins? - Sure, and you have better? I answer, no way. - That’s so sweet, come on! And so we continued, hungry, laughing and wet. I think he appreciates moments like this, you can see in his eyes extreme pleasure and relief, that’s beautiful. The hunger was so great that we ate 3 bagels with bacon, eggs and cheese. We were wet so we ordered for the trip and ate outside. During the final bites we’ll talk about my passport again. - Where was the last time you saw him and when did you realize he was gone? - The last time was in Moma, the day before yesterday. But I went back there and they did not find.. I realized last night when I was starting to leave part of the suitcases ready to "go back to Brazil tomorrow". - Have you looked in the pockets of the clothes you wore when you went to Moma? - I looked at that jacket 10 times and I couldn’t find it. - Why do you think it’s in my jacket? I always carry a full pair of pants. - My God this is so obvious! I took the laundry to the building, if it is there I owe you my life. - Stop it. Can I go with you and film you finding your passport? [He laughed] - That if I find, will know a mix of relief, gratitude and anger. [laughs together] - Come on.
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Yes, my passport and credit card were always "with me", were in the inside pocket of the pants as he had said. I was about to explode with relief!
I was ready to corrupt the good impression made during the day, but I was so excited and happy that I jumped in his lap grabbing his neck and kissing his cheeks.
He was silent as he stared at me confused as he held my thighs around his waist. I felt his breath on my neck, I didn’t want to leave, but I needed to.
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- I’m sorry, really, I’m just happy. Thank you. - Don’t worry, it’s fine. I’m glad you found it. Do you still want that autograph? - Of course! [ He signed my drawing and took another picture of it, but this time with me holding the art. ]
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- Sing one last song before I go. - My God that hard, I don’t know. Huh.. Sing with me? - If I know. Then I started singing Marvin Gaye’s Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, he seemed surprised. "Just call my name I’ll be there in a Hurry You don’t have to Worry'Cause, baby, there Ain’t no mountain high enough Ain’t no Valley low enough Ain’t no river wide enough To Keep me from Getting to you, baby" We laughed and finished. I was almost crying. Shame, I’m not a child. - So that’s it, I will be eternally grateful for today. Thank you and good luck girl, it was a pleasure. He turned and opened the door, waved his hand. And I recited.. "Now, when Twilight dims the sky above Recalling Thrills of our love There’s one Thing I’m Certain of I will Return to old Brazil" He smiled and came back to me, kissing my forehead. - Until one day, anywhere in the world. - See you, Timolito. He came out and I cried. {This is a fanfic. All I write about is my feelings and desires. TEXT BY: L.M }
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One shot [S.S.]
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x reader
Summary: the weird beginning of a love story
Words: 2 583
Rating: PG
Warning: vomitting, passing out, alcohol consumption, two very light allusion to sexual harassment, one swear word at the end.
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Sebastian bade goodbye to his friend, walking toward the place his Uber was about to pick him up. After months being away on the filming of The Falcon and The Winter soldier, his friends who missed him very much, invited him to drink a couple of beers at their usual bar.  He had appreciated the gesture, himself as excited as them to meet again and share new stories that had occurred while they had been apart. 
His phone indicated 5 minutes left to wait until his Uber would be there. He stared at the street in front of him where cars were passing by rather quickly, only stopping at a red light. His eyes started to unfocused themselves, getting lost in the late-night New York traffic but only to be pulled back by shuffling into the alley next to the bar behind him. He turned around to face the unusual noise and took a step forward to get a better look. He saw in the dark of the dead-end what seemed to be a girl crouch down leaning against the wall. He took a cautious step forward again to see if she needed help. As his phone ding at the notification that his Uber had arrived, the woman suddenly threw up next to the trash cans. Sebastian quickly turned around looking for his Uber and quickly spotted him. He made his way to the passenger front window that was down, letting the warm wind of July go through the car.
"Hi, I'm sorry but could you wait just five minutes, please? I have to check up something really quick. I'll pay you extra for the wait I promise." Sebastian asked, his face adorning a painfully sorry expression. 
"Yeah, no problem go ahead." The Uber driver replied with a kind smile.
"Thanks a lot !" Sebastian responded, already running back to the alley.
You were still there but this time completely sitting on the ground, arms around your stomach as black tears stained your face because of the mascara you decided to wear earlier tonight. Sebastian crouch down in front of you, looking at you with his blue eyes filled with worry. You didn't even saw him approaching too engulfed in your own sorrow.
"Are you okay? Do you need help?" Sebastian asked, with a sweet voice trying not to startle you. 
When you looked up at the sound of his voice, Sebastian winced at how young you looked. You couldn't be above 25 years old. He got even more worried at the sight of you. You were wearing something simple, not too fancy but fancy enough so he knew that you had been out, probably getting drinks with people like he had a few minutes ago. When he tried to reach for you, you immediately winced and tried to get far from him by curling up. 
"Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not going to hurt you, I swear. I won't touch you again until you allow me." He held his hands up and backed up a little to give you some space. You relaxed at his actions, reassured a little about his intentions. "Do you need help?" he repeated himself, trying to get an answer out of you.
"I-I got lost and... and I can't find my friends..." Your voice was filled with tears, wobbling at every word. "They are not answering their phones and this guy tried to..." You couldn't finish your sentence as tears were already coming back to you. You swallowed them down trying to keep a certain composture but not without a sob escaping your throat. "I just want to go home..." you whispered, tired of everything.
"Okay, okay I'll bring you home, is that alright?" Sebastian asked. When you nodded, it was all the permission he needed to help you up and get you inside the Uber with him.
"Huh, Can I change the address please?" Sebastian asked, helping you with the seat belt.
"Sure, where to?" The driver asked already typing on his phone.
"Hey, do you remember your address sweetheart?" Sebastian questioned you softly. You nodded your head, giving the Uber driver your address. Sebastian saw how you felt sick suddenly with all the effort of moving around and talking. He asked the Uber if he had some plastic bags in the car to which the Uber driver nodded and reached into the glove box before handing it to Sebastian. You threw up twice in the car before passing out on the window next to you. Once arrived at your destination, Sebastian tried to wake you up without success.
"Thank you man for putting up with all of that, sorry it had to be on you though," Sebastian said deeply sorry for the inconvenience. He reached for his wallet pulling 100 bucks from it and giving it to the driver. "Here, she didn't spill outside the bag but sorry for the smell." 
"No I can't take that, that's way too much, I can spray deodorizer it's no biggie." The driver replied, shaking his head. 
"No, I insist, it's a thank you for not throwing us out of the car like another would probably have done," Sebastian said getting the last word as the driver took the money gratefully.
"Thank you man, you don't know how much I need this money." The driver finally said.
"Of course," Sebastian said, giving him a friendly tap on the shoulder.
Sebastian got out of the car before making his way to your side. He grabbed your purse and successfully found your keys in there. He then proceeded to lift you up and carry you like a princess. He closed the car door with his foot and made his way to the entrance of the building. There was a code or a place to put a magnetic key, that you had on your bunch of keys, to enter the first door. He managed to get through the entrance but stopped in front of the lifts as he didn't know where your apartment was exactly. His luck must have kicked in because at that moment the night watchman came back from his round around the different entrances of the building. 
"Hi, can I help you?" The night watchman asked suspiciously, as to why a stranger was carrying a limp and passed out Miss (L/N) in his arms. 
"Hi! yes !" Replied Sebastian, glad to find someone who could help him. "I'm trying to get her to her apartment, I found her alone and scared to death in an alley next to this bar downtown and I don't know where her apartment is in the building exactly...I'm just trying to get her home and safe..." Sebastian said with pleading eyes. The watchman seemed to believe him enough but still mentally noted to go check up on her if he didn't come back down after a while. "Do you happen to know her ?" Sebastian continued at his lack of an answer.
"Huh yeah, Miss (L/N) leaves on the third floor, apartment B14."
"Thank you, thank you so much!" Sebastian gratefully said returning to the lifts. 
Once on the third floor, Sebastian had to get the door open which was not an easy task but he still managed. He quickly found the switch and turned on the lights. The apartment was cosy, small but well-spaced and convivial. He first set you up on your sofa to get a look around and situate the bedroom. Once he had, he lifted you up again and put you on your bed where he had previously pulled the covers aside. He removed your shoes and jacket as well as any jewellery before pulling back the covers on your body. You instinctively sighed at the feeling of your bed and pillows before putting an arm above your head. Sebastian smiled at that action and got up to go to your bathroom. There, he found some medicine for tomorrow when you'll wake up and make-up wipes he recognised because they were the same they used on set. He went to the kitchen searching for a glass and filled it with fresh water. He then came back to your room where you were still asleep on the bed. He put the glass and the medicine on your nightstand before wiping your face with the make-up wipes. He took his time, gently stroking your skin, admiring your peaceful state. You started to stir after some time and opened your eyes only halfway. 
"You took me home ?" You mumbled, sleep evident in your voice. Sebastian hummed as an answer. "Thank you," you said smiling, before falling asleep again. Sebastian got up after your small interaction and threw away the dirty wipes before putting the pack where it belonged. He left a note next to the glass of water before leaving knowing you were going to be okay. 
The next day, you woke up with a monstrous headache. You slowly opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings. You were in your bedroom which immediately brought you some relief and making the headache pound less violently in your head. You took a moment to breathe and getting acquainted with the light seeping through the curtains before sitting against the headboard. You looked around the room, your eyes finally setting in your nightstand. Not really questioning why it was there in the first place, you gladly gulped the water and the medicine down already feeling a little bit better. As you put the empty glass down you saw a note that had not your handwriting on it. You took it in your hands to get a better look at what was written on it. 
hey, I'm the guy who took you home last night. Call me when you wake up so I know you're okay.
Under the message was a phone number. Then, it hit you like a full-speed moving train. The events of last night flooded your mind, making you wince. You realised you were still in your clothes from last night which comforted you at the idea that the stranger who took you home had been an angel on earth. He did not try to take advantage of you, he got you a glass of water and medicine ready for your headache, and he had brought you home, you a complete stranger to him too, up to your apartment, probably carrying you the whole way as you assumed you had been out. You decided to deal with this whole situation later as you really needed a shower and something to eat. When you went into the bathroom you turned on the water setting it on hot and started to undress. You took a glance at yourself in the mirror and immediately smiled at the fact that he had removed your make-up, not finding a trace of dry mascara running down your face. Was he even real? Maybe it was my actual guardian angel, you thought to yourself. 
It was 7 p.m. when you decided to call him. After your shower and small brunch you made yourself, you had fallen back asleep for a few hours before being woken up by your friends' calls, making sure you were okay. You spared them with the story of how you got home, telling them you got a uber yourself. You sat on your couch, the note and your phone on the coffee table in front of you. You looked at them for a few more seconds contemplating your next move before taking them both in your hands and composing the number. It felt like the ringing went on forever until it landed on the voicemail. You thought it was better this way, far too anxious to talk to him and embarrass yourself with your lack of socialising skills. 
"Hi, I'm (Y/N)... I'm sorry to call only now but huh... I'm the girl you took home last night and in your note, you said to call so... here I am... calling you... Anyway, I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me last night and if there's anything I can do to repay you, don't hesitate. I really owe you a lot, well my life actually. So... yeah...bye."
Once you hung up, you shook your head disapprovingly at yourself, muttering "Why you gotta be so awkward...". 
Sebastian was coming back from his gym session. He hadn't had the time to check his phone after, directly going home to take a shower and relax. It had been particularly hard today. He had trouble focusing on his exercises, his mind wandering on why the stranger from last night hadn't called him yet. Once was clean and comfortable in his sweatpants and a sweatshirt, he got on his bed and started scrolling through emails and social media. It's only after a while that he realised he had a message on his voicemail. He smiled listening to it, her voice soft and sweet. It matched the face he remembered, peaceful as she slept. He absolutely did not listen to it a second time just to hear her voice again...  
About an hour later, your phone vibrated at an upcoming call. Not really paying attention to who the caller was, thinking it was one of your friends, you picked up like you usually did.
"(Y/N) speaking". You were met with silence at the end of the line. You frowned checking the ID caller. Unknown. Weird, you thought.
"Hello?" You insisted.
"H-hi! It's, hum, Sebastian." The caller finally said. You frowned, not knowing any Sebastian.
"Who ?" You continued, maybe he got the number wrong...
"Oh sorry, the guy who took you home last night ?" This made you abruptly sit up from your position on the couch.
"Oh hi! so, you got my message..." You replied still in shock that you were talking to him, part of you relating what happened last night as a dream.
"Yeah! I was pretty surprised that you had called me. Wasn't sure you would remember anything or would want to call the weird guy that got you home." He said a hint of a smile in his voice.
"Well, I do, I mean, I remember you in the alley and in the Uber but... You're just a blurry face, to be honest" You chuckled at the end of your sentence, him joining you.
"So, how are you feeling?" Sebastian asked.
"Better, all thanks to you. I really can't thank you enough for everything and I just feel bad that I put you through this..."
"Don't be, really, it was my pleasure. And It was a great adventure to live on a Friday night!" You both chuckled again at his words. 
"Well, Sebastian, if I can do anything for you just let me now, it will be my pleasure." You couldn't help but smile and feel giddy talking to this stranger. The fact that you didn't know him and how you met, thrilled you. There was a silence at the end of the line making you bite your lips nervously. 
"Well..." Sebastian started hesitantly, clearing his throat. "Maybe if you're not too busy, you could always buy me a cup of coffee and make my blurry face not so blurry." He chuckled nervously, as you contemplated what he was offering. You couldn't help but feel excited to meet him again. He couldn't be a psycho after everything he had done for you so you were safe on that end... were you really though? ahh, fuck it.
"Okay, yes, I would love to Sebastian."
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ohmyidle · 4 years
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GENRE — fluff.
PAIRING — qian kun x reader.
WORD COUNT — 1.3k.
SUMMARY — moving into a house with your beloved boyfriend kun was probably the best decision you’d ever made.
WARNINGS — nothing really! just a short fic about moving house with kun <3
A/N — please enjoy! there isn’t much for me to say, but i hope you lovely people have a good day/night/afternoon and make sure to hydrate yourselves!
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"yukhei can you help me with these boxes? these are way too heavy for me." you turned to look towards yukhei who stood staring at his phone, not offering any help to you or the other three boys who were carrying boxes of belongings into the newly bought house.
for months now, you and kun had been searching for a house. both having a similar idea of what was wanted in mind, you went on the what seemed like everlasting search of the perfect family house. at some points, you felt like giving up, finding a house and it being way out of budget. however, you now stood in front of the perfect house that was nowhere near over budget.
yukhei, sicheng and kunhang gave some of their time to help out with moving in, as it would have been much harder had it only been you and kun. both of your parents lived miles away and were unable to come down, so you opted for some of kun’s friends to help instead.
"yeah, sure. i'm really sorry about literally just standing here, just having roommate problems." he replied, and you gave him a small smile as he took the box from your hands. his roommate really wasn't the nicest of people, yukhei had to constantly remind him to pay for rent and do his own laundry; of course, he’d been looking to kick him out, but he still felt rude.
“you know, if you were busy sorting out your dick of a roommate, you didn’t have to come down to help. i’m sure we could have done it with only sicheng and kunhang.” you followed behind yukhei, him holding the much larger box and you holding the smaller one, which was filled with decorations for the house.
"no, it's fine. i'm already here aren't i?" he spoke, walking through the front door. you stood in the living room, walls painted grey with black wooden flooring. it was filled with various boxes, and you and kun exchanged a look of tiredness just by looking at them.
“i’ve got to get going, we’ll come down tomorrow and help putting everything away if you want? i’m pretty sure yangyang, ten and dejun are free tomorrow too.” kunhang placed down the last box and looked between you and kun.
"that'd be really helpful, thanks.” kun grinned towards his friends just before they all exited the house. he waited to hear the sound of the closing door, before turning to look at you. he softly placed his hands on the curve of your hips, still grinning, “finally alone huh?”
“calm down, we only just got here!” you rolled your eyes, but still pecked kun’s lips softly and pulled away from his embrace, “now help me put up the bed, or else you’ll have to sleep on the couch.”
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that night, you and kun had successfully managed to put up the bed — after the many times of the screws not being in fully and the sides falling off, almost making kun rip his hair out — however, you still did it by the time it had reached eleven pm you were both finally snuggled up in your bed; which was incredibly soft by the way.
the both of you slept all the way through the night, not once leaving the bed. it was starting to reach twelve in the afternoon, and that was when you had opened your eyes for the first time in hours. to say it was a good nights sleep would be an understatement, as that was probably the best you’d had in months.
your bedroom at your parents house was old and creaky as you’d had it for so many years, and it had been wrecked from the intense karaoke sessions you used to have with hyebin and seunghee, your two best friends whom you had practically grown up with. there were no wonders as to why you were so energetic, constantly being around them.
yawning, you sat up from the bed and stretched your arms out before turning your head to look down at kun. his newly dyed blue hair was messy, and his limbs had practically taken up the whole bed. you shook your head and smiled, stepping up and walking out of the room and towards the bathroom.
the house was a medium size, it wasn’t small nor huge. it had three bedrooms, and every time you had walked past the two empty ones you would feel some sort of euphoria, it took you to where you wanted to be, the thought of having your own children was something you almost couldn’t believe.
you walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, moving you hand to feel the skin on your face. it was a little dry, so you rummaged through the bag next to the sink which was filled with a few bathroom necessities; toothbrushes, tooth paste, soap, skin care products. taking out the moisturiser, you began to delicately rub it on your face. you were concentrating so much, you hadn’t even noticed the half naked man walking towards you.
you let out a yelp when kun’s hand pressed onto your waist to move you to the side so he could get to the bag, and you were close to giving him a slap on the back of his head, “i thought i told you to stop being so quiet everywhere you go, it’s almost like you float everywhere.” you spoke, and he replied with a scoff which was almost inaudible due to the sound of him reaching for whatever he wanted from the bag.
"well good morning to you too. i would have hoped you would notice me, considering there's a massive mirror in front of you. it's not my fault you still can't sense my presence after three years." he took out the deodorant can and sprayed it, the smell almost making you gag. you usually didn't mind the perfume or deodorant that kun used, but the store you were buying from wasn't twenty four hours and was minutes from closing, so he grabbed a random can from the isle; unfortunately, it was a bad pick.
"i just woke up, don't expect me to be so alert. by the way, i don't think we picked up anything for breakfast when we were at the store yesterday. yangyang mentioned their being a small cafe around her corner, you want to head there for breakfast?” you asked, finally finishing up with the moisturiser, smiling to yourself about how much smoother it had made your skin look — like you were almost glowing.
“yeah, he mentioned that to me too. apparently they make some mean pancakes, might as well test if they’re any better than mine.” kun smiled at you through the mirror, to which you returned. sighing, he put a hand on your hip and put his head on top of yours, “i always wonder how i managed to meet someone just as perfect as you are.”
“that would have been a lot cuter if you didn’t have morning breath.” you laughed, kun’s face dropped and he shook his head as he took out his toothbrush. normally, you would brush your teeth after eating breakfast, but it would just be weird to not right now since you were leaving the house.
within half an hour, the both of you were fully dressed and ready to venture out onto the new area. even though you had come often to move things to the house and look at its condition, you hadn’t really looked around the town — from what you had already seen though, it seemed like a nice and cute town, it all depends on the people now.
you took one look at kun while sat in the café. he was looking out of the window, and the sun beamed down onto his face making him look even more ethereal. smiling, you moved your hand towards his and wrapped your hand around it. the two of you were soulmates, and nothing could ever tear you away from each other.
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FEMSLASH FEBRUARY 2021 #9: In which Cameron meets Donna in the city
[CN: food mentions, snacking]
Cameron and Donna remained in what was basically constant contact even when Cameron was out at her property. They emailed each other several times a day, almost always about work, and they talked on the phone nightly. “It’s kind of perfect?” Donna said one night, phone balanced between her ear and shoulder, as she rubbed some of the moisturizing lotion she kept on her nightstand into her hands. “I miss you, but I never feel like I miss you, if that makes sense? I always know that I’m going to see you in a few days, and I look forward to it.”
Cameron, lying on her bed so that she could see out the window, as she usually did, conjured up a very accurate image of Donna sitting up in bed while talking to her. With a content sigh, she said, “It makes perfect sense.”
Perfect though it was, neither Cameron and Donna’s routine not the regular return to the calm and quiet of her property was enough to stave off the inevitable: several weeks later, Cameron began to experience that old familiar restlessness that she always seemed to feel two to three months into working on a project by herself. Cameron had learned a lot about ‘working smarter’ while designing the navigator with Donna; with great effort, she’d gotten much better at taking regular breaks, at alternating between coding and other tasks, and at letting herself do some of her work related thinking in a more relaxed way, while doing household chores. But she’d finally reached the point where it didn’t matter how many errands she ran, how many breaks or walks or drives she took. She needed a true change of scenery.
On another nightly call, six weeks later, Cameron asked Donna, “Do you have anything big going on at Symphonic tomorrow? Or maybe the day after? Or would it be okay if I dropped in for a random visit?”
“I’m the boss,” Donna reminded her. “If anything big happens, it has to wait for me.” 
Sitting at her desk, holding her her cordless phone to her ear, knees hugged to her chest with her free arm, Cameron pictured the dazzling smile with which Donna always made such egotistical statements, an expression that always made Donna’s male colleagues, who knew that she wasn’t really kidding, visibly uncomfortable, but always seemed to amuse the women she worked with, who understood that she was, on some level joking. (Donna absolutely was the boss, and everything very much did have to wait for her. She also never would have dreamed of making any of her staff or the firm’s partners wait just to prove that she could, and the women who worked with her knew this.) What Cameron did not and could not picture was that at that very moment, Donna, once again sitting up in bed in one of her luxe pajama sets, was hunched forward, casually painting a layer of quick drying top coat over the red polish on her toenails, as carefree as a woman who had never once answered to anyone else in her life. 
“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer gal,” Cameron smirked.
“I know, right?” Donna said, putting the cap back on her bottle of top coat. She screwed it closed, and then set it on her nightstand. “So you’re coming up to San Francisco this week, then?”
“I think I just need like, a full day out of my workspace,” Cameron said, unfolding her legs. Planting her feet back on the floor, and setting her elbows on her desk, she said, “You know that thing, where it’s the end of the beginning with a project? And like, you can feel it? And it’s like, you’ve been doing real work, but at the same time, you know that the real work is about to start?” She sighed. “I feel like that’s a completely normal part of the process. Like, you have to get to that point to get anything done, right? But for some reason, it makes me nervous. It’s like, the ground levels out, and you realize that you’ve plateaued. I guess it’s the pressure to level up. Or whatever.”
Donna leaned back into her pillows, against her upholstered headboard. “Plateaued. You know what Gordon told me once? He said that during those over nights in the kill room at Cardiff, he learned what the word ‘jump’ means. Are you getting pre-jump jitters?”
Cameron took a deep breath and thought about it. “Well, this isn’t a risk like The Giant was. But I guess so?” She leaned back in her chair. “Even if it’s not a huge risk, I guess it’s just about jumping into the project, or something. Like, committing. You’ve done the prep work, and now you know that it’s time to step back for a minute, and then start getting ready for the next phase.” She looked around her trailer, and she pictured Gordon, how he’d looked when she first met him, the Cardiff office, Bos. After noting to herself that she needed to call Bos to confirm their next weekly dinner, she said, “It probably doesn’t help that the thing we’re trying to make is about people dying, and death.”
“It’s also about rebirth, though, I think,” Donna said gently. “And connecting.”
Abruptly, Cameron said, “I’ve been thinking about Japan a lot lately.”
“Oh yeah? What about Japan?”
“About…” Cameron started. “About what it was like to work on something by myself, after working in an office with so many people for years, in a completely new place where I didn’t know anyone. I wasn’t happy at Mutiny, and then I wasn’t happy with Atari, and, for a while I just assumed that I was incapable of happiness.” She frowned, and then said, “And then, you know, seven years later I got divorced, and I was like, ‘Oh. Okay.’”
Donna laughed and then made herself stop. “Sorry. That’s not funny.”
“It’s a little funny,” Cameron smiled. “You know what’s really funny? How much easier it is to deal with work and with professional struggles when you’re partnered with the right person.”
“That is funny, isn’t it?” Donna chuckled. “So. See you tomorrow, then?”
The next day, Cameron was woken up at 6:30 in the morning by the sound of pouring rain beating against the roof of her trailer. She waited to see if it might pass, but when it was still raining heavily four hours later, she called Donna to reschedule.
The day after that, Cameron woke up when her alarm went off 10am, to a gorgeous day and a light blue sky scattered with fluffy, unthreatening clouds. She got up, turned on the radio on her nightstand, and made her bed while humming along to the new Foo Fighters single, “Monkey Wrench.” She managed to not think about work once while showering, getting dressed, quickly making an egg sandwich and coffee, packing both to go, and heading out the door. 
Around 3:30, Donna heard Cameron’s voice. She was making small talk with her assistant, Maya, and holding a paper coffee cup in each hand. Donna jumped up and rushed to her office’s door and stuck her head out. “Hey! You made it!”
Cameron and Maya both turned to look at Donna. Cameron’s shoulders loosened, and her face relaxed, that pinched ‘help me!’ grimace melting into a real smile. Donna noticed that she looked just a little disheveled. “Here, come in,” Donna beckoned. “Sit. Relax!”
Cameron turned back to Maya and said, “Gotta go, my boss is calling me,” making Maya giggle.
As soon as Cameron was in her office, Donna pulled her close, and kissed her on the cheek, and then frowned, and hastily tried to rub the dark pink spot of lipstick off of her face. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” Cameron said. She offered Donna the coffee cup in her left hand, and Donna took it, grinning when she saw that it was a London fog. Cameron sat down on Donna’s couch, and put her own cup down on the coffee table, and as Donna sat down next to her, she opened her backpack and pulled out a paper bag packed with four plain scones. 
“Oooh,” Donna said. “Don’t mind if I do,” she said, as Cameron handed one to her. 
Cameron took a scone for herself, and then she said, “These are unfortunately store-bought. I thought about making some for us, but the airstream’s baking capabilities are limited. And I also thought it’d be silly to carry them all the way here, on the bus and the train.”
Donna nearly choked on her scone. “What do you mean, the bus and the train? You took the bus and the train all the way here? From Bonny Doon?”
Cameron’s face took on that mildly pinched look again. “Yes! I did! I was curious as to how long it would take, so I figured, ‘there’s only one way to find out’!” 
Donna’s mouth hung open for a second. “And?”
Smiling ruefully, Cameron nodded, “It definitely took two buses, two trains, and five hours!” 
Donna slumped back into the couch. “I’m exhausted just thinking about that, my G-d.”
“I thought growing up in the Dallas suburbs, where you totally need a car, and then going to school in Austin, where you don’t really, was weird.” She picked up her coffee and took a long sip. Cup still in hand, she continued, “But living in Japan for seven years, and then coming back here? That’s weird.” With a real frown and a heavy sigh, Cameron wailed, “I got so spoiled by Tokyo’s transit system.”
Donna smiled glumly at her. “Wanna move back? I can always open a regional Symphonic office there.” 
“Nah. But hey, if you wanna put that money toward lobbying whoever to get a high speed rail system built in the states….”
“Ugh,” Donna scoffed, throwing her head back in disgust. “Don’t get me started on this country’s crumbling infrastructure. If I could easily throw money at that problem, I would.”
“I know you would,” Cameron said. “And I would fully support you in that endeavor.”
Donna sat up and grabbed her drink and her scone. “How was it though?”
Putting her cup down, she said, “Well, it was a lot! But it was also relaxing. I ate my breakfast, and I did some reading, and then I just sat there for a while, and before I knew it I was taking out my notebook so I could write down some work ideas.” Wistfully, she said, “I did that in Tokyo a lot, I’d go to the train station and I’d just, get on whatever train, and go wherever. And every time I would worry about getting lost, but I never did? I always had my map, and there were plenty of maps in the stations, and there were always people there, both the other riders and all of transit workers, and they were always so down to at least try to help? It wasn’t anything like needing help here. Or in Texas.” 
Donna grinned at her. “So it was the change of scene you were looking for?”
Cameron smiled back at her, and then said, “Maybe you should ask me after I make it back home? For now though, yeah, it really was. What’s the saying? It’s the journey not the destination? Something like that, yadda yadda yadda,” Cameron said.
Donna sat up, and crossed her legs at the knee. “I’m very glad to hear that it worked out, then.”
“Yeah,” Cameron agreed. She waited a full minute before asking (partly because she was, as always, distracted by Donna’s crossed legs), “But still — would it like, totally ruin the moment if I begged you to give me a ride home? Or at least, to Mountain View?”
Donna laughed so loudly that it startled her assistant.
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tae-cup · 4 years
Serendipity | The Pact (2)
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Summary: It was simple. If you weren’t married by 26, you’d get married to each other. Well, it was supposed to be simple.
Warnings: N/A
Genre: ANGST, Fluff???, Non Idol!Au, Business!Au-ish
Word Count: 2.7k Words (again?? I swear I don’t p l a n for them to be the same length)
A/N: I’m sorry the angst... Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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“Y/N, please, I just really need you right now.” His somber voice rang through the phone. 
       You ran. You ran through the pouring rain like in some movie. It almost made you want to laugh. The pavement was soaked through, you were soaked through. It felt like a cruel joke. The library was so close when you saw it on your way in, so why didn’t it feel like it was miles away now? 
       When you finally arrived, the warmth of the building drawing you in, you were shivering uncontrollably. I guess that’s what I get for running in the rain like a lunatic. The streets had thick streams of water coursing down the sides and the rain was pelting down heavier than before. You pushed into the quiet library. 
       The library was old, having been around longer than you had been alive. It reeked of dust and mold. Still, the inside managed to look semi-decent, for the 1950s. The place was retro and you were sure they hadn’t changed the furniture since when your parents were your age. You carefully maneuvered your way through the aisles, trying to find him. It felt like you were in a museum and you didn’t want to bump into anything. 
You found him sitting, leaning against a wall in the back. 
“Taehyung?” No response. “Tae?” 
       He looked up at you and his appearance almost made you gasp. He had dried tear streaks on his cheeks and red eyes, he looked downtrodden, his hair going every which way. You rushed to his side, crouching in front of him. 
“Taehyung, are you...are you alright?” 
“You’re soaked.” He looked at you, a worried expression on his face. 
“I’m more worried about you, Tae.”
    He didn’t respond, swallowing and avoiding your gaze. You waited, letting him know that you’re here for him to talk. 
“Y/N, I really didn’t want our next meeting to be like this, but I just didn’t know who else to call.” He laughed shakily. You placed your hands on his, squeezing them tightly. 
“What happened?” 
He had this broken gaze, like something was missing. 
“I tried to break up with her, Y/N.” 
The statement had your head spinning. Break up? Why? What does he mean ‘try’? Instead, you just nodded and circled your thumb on his. 
“Why?” You murmured, falling into a seated position. Your legs crossed. You could see the dust particles fly up as you sat. 
“Because...because I want you, Y/N.” 
I want you. I want you. The words shot around your head. Those words you had wanted to hear for years. You stumbled back, standing quickly and dusting yourself off. 
“You can’t have me, Taehyung.” You said harshly, your gut twisting and your heart screamed at you to stop talking. “I won’t be the reason you break up with her. I won’t do that. Do you love her?”
“Yes, but never as much as...as I love you.” There was no hesitation in his eyes.
You shook your head, crossing your arms. “You don’t love me, Taehyung. You love 15 year old me, you love an old me that isn’t coming back.” 
       So much had changed in the past years. You weren’t the same and you doubted he was the same boy you had loved. He was more mature, had an air of certainty, reliability. It was so unlike the spontaneous and fun loving boy you had first met. You watched his eyes fall, shoulders dropping. He slowly stood walking towards you. You didn’t move away. He took your hands in his and rubbed small circles with his thumb. 
“I’ve loved you for 10 years, Y/N. Even when we didn’t speak to each other, I always wished you well.” He drew backwards, unclasping your hands all too quick. “Do you know what it’s like to love someone for 10 years who never once thought about contacting you?” 
You frowned, of course you had thought about him. Did he know the countless nights you sobbed over him? The way you missed his touch? You bit your lip, deciding not to say anything, but your heart beat a little faster. 
 “I was hurt, I was looking for love. And Jennie was too. I never loved her like you, though, as much as I tried.” He looked defeated.
          You could tell he was conflicted. Deep down, maybe he did love her. Maybe he was just pushing it away. Maybe if you ended it now, took away his hopes for this to work out, then he could finally see what was in front of him. Jennie may be...clingy, possessive, and manipulative, but you wouldn’t be a place for him to escape to. He needed to deal with this on his own. Whatever was going on with them was not your problem. 
       The boy you loved, past tense, stood in front of you, now a man. And you weren’t sure if you liked what you were seeing. Not to doubt that he was incredibly handsome, that was obvious, but the brokenness in his gaze made your skin crawl. You felt ashamed knowing that you had been a cause to this, this crave for love. 
“Taehyung, I can’t give you that love, I can’t fill it.” You had so much love inside, just waiting for someone, but something about this didn’t feel right either. You had thought maybe he was the missing piece, you spent 10 years testing the theory, but now that he was here, he didn’t seem to fit. It wasn’t that it wasn’t right, no, he still fit okay, but there was an edge missing, a piece that didn’t quite click into place. 
“She asked me to marry her, Y/N.” 
       Your heart skipped a beat. You were frozen in place. What? 
“That-That’s great, Taehyung.” You resisted the urge to frown. You just told him you didn’t love him like he loves you, so shouldn’t you be happy that he’s gone ahead and gotten engaged? 
“I laughed and ran away. Like a coward.” He murmured, head dipping low in shame. You tilted your head, confused. 
“I couldn’t go through with it, not with the pact drawing so near.”
“And do you want to go through with the pact?”
      You watched him carefully, a small smile on your face. “Okay, well, just think about it. I don’t want you making any rash decisions.” This is what you wanted. Why do you still care for Jennie’s feelings? Because if you had been in her position, you would have broken. He nodded numbly, staring aimlessly at his empty ring finger. 
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      A call from Taehyung wasn’t what you had expected. It had been a few days and you had avoided him at all costs. It was just like what happened 10 years ago. No, I don’t want that to happen again. I value our friendship a lot more than I did when I was a dumb 16 year old. You were 26, dammit, why couldn’t you just talk to him like an adult? You bit your lip, finger hovering hesitantly over the accept button. On the fourth ring, you picked up. 
“Hey,” His voice lacked emotion and it felt like a slap to the face. “Would you like to go to dinner with Jennie and I?”
“When?” Your heart raced. Did you want to see him again? 
“This coming Thursday.” 
     You looked at the date. It was currently Tuesday. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. Your eyes looked around your apartment, searching for a reason to say no. You found none. 
“Sounds great, see you then.” You replied, trying to sound happier than you were. 
“See you.” 
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      The restaurant was crowded. Not in the way too overcrowded way, but more in the noisy and loud way. It made your ears hurt. You looked at the two empty seats in front of you and then anxiously glanced at your phone for the time. It wasn’t a fancy restaurant by any means, but you had looked up the menu online and it seemed like quality food. You busied yourself on your phone, trying to distract from the oncoming problem ahead. 
“Y/N, lovely to see you again.” Jennie’s voice said from your right. You quickly looked up, locking your phone and hastily putting it in your purse. She looked dazzling, truly. You pushed a smile forward and went to hug her and Taehyung. Then you sat down with them as they opened their menus. You had already looked and decided what to order, but you didn’t want to seem out of place so you picked up a menu as well. 
“Jennie, you are looking quite stunning, as per usual.” You complimented. In another life you prayed you and her could be friends, maybe even acquaintances, but instead there was this silent and bitter feud. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” Usually it’s customary to return the compliment, but Jennie went back to looking at her menu. You pursed your lips. 
“And I think you look gorgeous as well.” The deep timber of Taehyung’s voice made your heart skip a beat. How long had you been waiting for someone to call you gorgeous? Ages. You caught the way Jennie frowned ever so slightly. 
“Thank you, Taehyung, you’re looking quite ravishing.” You chuckled. You were only half joking, he did look very handsome. His hair was swept over and he wore black jeans with a loose fitting white shirt. He smiled, flashing his dazzling white teeth. 
“So how have you two been?” You continued. 
“Well, I’ve been mostly doing work and spending some quality time with Jennie.” His hand rested on hers. Jennie looked to him with a wide smile. You were struck by how lovely her smile was. She never smiled when she spoke to you or when she was with you at all for that matter. You suddenly felt like the other woman. It wasn’t a comfortable feeling. 
“That’s great.” You mustered a smile. You didn’t want to ask him what that quality time involved. 
“How have you been?” He asked, leading the conversation. 
“I’ve been..alright.” You failed to mention the hours spent at home in the dark, curled in a ball and cursing yourself for being foolish. You didn’t mention the lingering pain in your heart, the cold sweat when you woke up from a nightmare. You didn’t mention how many times he had lingered on your mind, his red eyes, his broken state. You blinked, as you replaced that image with the well put together man in front of you. He looked every part the businessman he was supposed to be. Taehyung watched you carefully. 
“Right well-” As he started on, you found yourself zoning out, drifting off into your mind. You nodded along with him every now and then, tuning in to make sure you weren’t missing anything important. “Y/N? Earth to Y/N.” 
You jolted upright, blinking. “Yes, yes, sorry I zoned out for a moment.” You said quickly. 
“That’s alright, business can be boring.” He chuckled. “But I was asking if you were going to let your soup go cold or if you wanted a to-go container.” 
   You furrowed your eyebrows. You barely remembered ordering. 
“Right, right, sorry. Yes, a to-go container would be lovely.” You watched Jennie squeeze Taehyung’s arm tightly. In your haste to grab your wallet, you accidentally knocked your silverware onto the ground. Jennie stared at you incredulously as you bent to grab the items off the floor. Taehyung bent at the same time. You glanced up at him. He was staring at you, his expression unreadable. You both had your hands on the utensils. A muscle in his jaw twitched, then he let go of them, not breaking eye contact. 
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 “Tae tae, this is such a cute wedding dress, don’t you think?” You eyed him with a mischievous smirk. He rolled his eyes. Ever since you’d made the pact, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. As much as you’d love to just date him now, you wanted to wait. After all, you were always a more slow burn romance kind of gal. 
“Sure.” He said, sounding uncommitted. You eyed him warily, the mood changing. 
“Are you alright?” You asked softly, placing a hand over his. 
“Yeah.” He grumbled, avoiding your gaze. He slowly retracted his hand, the movement feeling giving you more anxiety. Your heart raced. Is he alright? Did something happen? 
“Are you sure?”
“God, would you just cut it out already?” He whispered harshly. His eyes followed a girl walking by, someone far prettier than you. You felt your heart sink as you followed his eyeline. “I just, fuck, sorry, I just don’t want to talk about the future that much.”
      You nodded, trying to understand. You had always lived in the future, thinking about where you wanted to go in life, who you wanted to be with. It was in your nature to talk about this. 
“Oh, sorry, I’ll...I’ll try not to.” Your fingers curled in anxiously. “But isn’t that sort of part of being married? Talking about the future?”
“We’re not married”
“Oh...right.” You wanted to run away. How naive you were. Just a stupid girl. 
“Look, I think we want different things now and I’m sick of being nice to you about it.” His words were a slap to the face. 
“Did you...did you only agree because you were being nice?” You managed to choke out. He had begged you to love him, to be with him. Of course, maybe marriage wasn’t something he wanted to talk about, but as his best friend, how could you have missed it?
“No, I love you, I just don’t think I want to marry you.”
    His words were valid, truthful, and they weighed you down. You had always been a bit of a dreamer, planning your dream life, everything for as far as you could see. Were you so undesirable? Who would love you? You felt empty, like there was something missing as you stood, metaphorically and literally tearing yourself away. 
“Is the pact over?” 
“Y/N...don’t do this-”
“I said is the pact over?” You interrupted him, a steel to your voice. He simply smiled faintly, not giving away the turmoil inside. 
“A smart girl like you shouldn’t have agreed to such a foolish thing.” 
    And you ran. You ran until you could no longer breath, until your legs burned and your tears were dry. The world was cracking beneath you. Had anything been real? Had anything been true? You inhaled deeply. Trying to take more air into your lungs. A wonderful friendship broken by thoughtless words, five minutes of anger, and 10 years of silence. 
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      Taehyung was ripped away from your gaze. You both shot up. Jennie had her slender fingers wrapped around the collar of his shirt. She drew him in harshly and you could see the fire in her eyes. Taehyung’s surprised noise was drowned out by her lips on his. Your face went pale. Were they...were they making out right in front of you? 
      You gaped at the sight, unsure of what to do. Taehyung leaned into the kiss, after all, she’s his girlfriend, she obviously knows how to get him going. Your hands trembled as you held onto the edge of the table cloth. Jennie opened her eyes, smirking against his lips as she stared you down. 
       The level of anxiety in you had risen significantly. You rose quickly, throwing down the money you owed and bolted out of the restaurant, muttering something about feeling ill. Taehyung missed the little wave that Jennie gave you, but you certainly did not. Deep inside, you couldn’t blame her for wanting to stake her claim. Her man just ran out when she proposed a marriage, had a deal to marry a girl from high school, and didn’t seem the least bit interested in her at dinner. You would have made out with him too. 
       You frowned, fingers lightly brushing over your lips, imagining how his must feel. Maybe you should stop pining after him. You’re a 26 year old woman after all, not some girl head over heels in love. The pact was a silly idea, anyway. 
      As you drove away from the restaurant, you took deep breaths, suppressing the urge to scream in anguish. You can still keep him as a friend, that was supposed to be the point of not dating him before. You could stay away, right? A part of you felt bad for Jennie. It was sad that she felt so insecure in her relationship that she needed to do such things. If you saw past the mean words and simply looked at how Jennie behaved, the way she acted around Taehyung, and in public, you could see why she was perfect for him. Taehyung never liked a push over, and you weren’t exactly a push over, but you knew you would probably get on his nerves after a while. Jennie had the comfort, the love, the touch to heal whatever you left behind. You feared you would cause more damage. I should have never come out here. You pressed your lips into a thin line as you drove. You were so focused on making other people happy, did you not deserve to be happy too?
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Taglist: @tangledsparkles​ @bonnyskies​ @rjsmochii​
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exosmuttytalk · 4 years
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Characters: Kim Jongin x Do Kyungsoo 
Genre: AU!Fluff, maybe some smut at the end, but don’t know yet.
Word count: ~1600 words
Summary: Kyungsoo lives with his cat which is more problems than joy. Jongin has just moved into the house next door.
A/N: This is going to be a little series with an still undefined number of chapters to it. If you have read Guardian you probably know where the name Jackie comes from and I like you very much :3
I woke up in the morning getting my toe licked. For many people, this could a promising way of starting the day, but that was not the case. As the night progressed I had slid further down the bed so that my right foot was dangling off the edge of the bed. My annoying cat, who by then had been on a diet for a grand total of eight days, had a very early internal clock and knew when it hit exactly 6 am to come and complain because her breakfast is not on her bowl. I have to give credit to her though; she started off slow, just by licking my toe as a warning, before trying to open-mouth maul it.
“Fuck off, Jackie.” I grunted as my leg recoiled under the duvet and I pulled it up to cover my head.
Her obvious next step was hopping onto the bed and walking all over me. Most of the times, cats waking their owners up videos are cute and adorable, but that was not necessarily the reality.
Jackie came home when my brother moved countries to work and she needed a new, loving home. I wouldn’t say I fit that criteria completely, but maybe like 50% of it. Either way, she took quite a long time to adapt to his new home and at the beginning, I was barely able to convince her to stay indoors. That caused her a lot of stress and, according to the vet, she ended up eating everything edible she could find and hunt outside. Who would’ve thought cats could have mental problems as well. So she had to be put on a diet, the gate from the kitchen had to be removed and she started getting used to waking me up but sitting her whole nine kilo self on top of my belly.
I pushed her off me to the other side of the bed but sat up on the edge of it anyway. The alarm was going off in an hour and a half anyway.
I could feel Jackie’s fur brushing against my back, slyly pushing me off the bed. As I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, she was almost walking between my legs, so had to jump off the last couple steps to avoid falling.
Her veterinary told me to buy a certain type of food that had to be heated up, so I killed time throwing a ball across the kitchen which Jackie would then lazily fetch around the room but never actually return. Bowl on hand, I tried to command her to sit, but she only looked at me with round eyes and meowed insistently. I sighed and put the plate down after giving a quick stroke along her loin.
After I got dressed and closed everything up so Jackie wouldn’t stand a chance, I went for a quick stroll around my neighborhood. I was fairly new to this place, having moved into a residential area from the business part of the city, but despite that, I had already made friends with the old lady who lived next door and who never seemed to sleep and neighbors on the other side, the young couple with a little kid who actually just moved away last week. I liked them all fairly well, but although houses here have a pretty sizeable lawn and are at a distance from each other, I could hear their cute baby crying during the nights at times. Sun was already rising when I came back home from my walk and saw a moving van parking in front of the unoccupied house.
Six in the morning. Again. I’m wrong, it’s 6:02. Jackie must have enjoyed sleeping in.
After having had a particularly awful meeting at work the previous day, I had come home last night and barely cared to cook, so I ordered a pizza and opened a plain can of tuna for Jackie. This morning, she would be getting a gourmet treat, as I was going to make small croutons out of the leftover pizza crusts and add them to her wet food. She may like the crunch, let’s hope she doesn’t crack a tooth.
I had only bothered hiding the crusts from her before I went to bed the night before, quite late after I stood up watching a rerun of a show from before I was born. Pillows were all over the place and the empty box was still on top of the table next to a couple cans of stuff I chugged yesterday. I decided it would be future Kyungsoo’s problem and groggily walked towards the shower.
Future Kyungsoo sighed so hard when he came back home at 7 pm and saw what the other guy had left for him. Postponing wasn’t really an option anymore, so I decided to go for a full room cleanup instead.
I was surprised when I moved the pillows around and Jackie didn’t come zooming out from whatever corner to fight me for it. Despite having a cushiony bed, despite my attempts at making her not do it, she always managed to steal random pillows and hoard them at different places around the house.
This was quite a big house, she could be hiding at the bedroom pillows instead. Despite that, I went looking around every corner and under every piece of furniture, to no avail. I was starting to feel a bit nervous, I thought she had already adapted to being home? My gaze wondered across the room until it found a window ajar. I had opened a little this morning to let the steam of the shower come out and forgot to close it. And Jackie had probably jumped out through it. Despite her weight, Jackie was still pretty agile, and there was a tree branch reaching out not far from the windowsill.
Shit, shit, shit. I ran downstairs and hurriedly opened the kitchen door that led to the backyard. I turned the lights on but they couldn’t do much against the darkness of late fall evenings. I pulled out my phone to turn the flashlight on and started calling for Jackie. My voice rose as I looked around the bushes and found nothing. I heard movement behind me but it turned out to be nothing but a squirrel that was lucky Jackie wasn’t around.
“Hey!” A voice not higher than a talking tone said from behind the right side fencing. “I think this is may be yours.”
I rushed to the fence and as soon as I glanced over it I saw Jackie delicately sitting down on top of the only cushion on the whole porch swing. That little shit.
The second thing I noticed was the guy who had given me the heads up. He looked to be around my age, had light brown hair, slightly tanned skin and was wearing what seemed to be loungewear in old sweatpants and an oversized, seemingly fluffy dark red jumper.
“I was just here having a beer and her cute head popped up from that hole over there!” The new guy pointed at a hole in the fence that indeed connected both houses.
“Oh. I’ll have to get that repaired…”
“I can do it, don’t worry.”
“I wouldn’t want to waste your time…”
“You’re not. We just moved in and I still need to find a job here, so in the meantime I have plenty of it.” He smiled brightly at me and he seemed so self assured I didn’t want to refuse anymore.
“I’m sorry, she shouldn’t be out, but she sneaked through a window I left open. May I come in and pick her up?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I can do that for you.” Then, as if it was as easy as picking up a flower, he walked up to Jackie and picked her up. With both arms. And she even dared to cuddle up against him.
He then handed her to me over the fence, cupping her butt and tail with his big hand in order to avoid her scratching herself against the wood.
“She never lets anyone pick her up so easily.”
“Ahh, it’s a she! I was calling her a good guy when he was sitting with me. I’m sure she’s liked the food, though.”
“The food? Which food?”
“Well, she was just chilling around the yard, so I went in to take the beer. She was on top of the table and already biting some of the food, so I figured since it was already ruined, it didn’t matter if she ate more,” he shrugged. “She seemed to like it.”
“How can you just go around feeding other people’s pet like that? What if they’re sick or allergic?”
“Oh, mmm… I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was your cat and not just any street cat. Cats can eat all food, right?”
“What did she eat?”
“Almost half a chicken sandwich. Roasted chicken, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and cheese,” he recited looking anxious. Roasted chicken and vegetables wasn’t the worst option.
“I tried to feed her a chip as well, but she didn’t take it.”
The look on my face must have been unpleasant enough to make him falter a bit.
“I’m really sorry! Do you think she’s going to be okay? How can I make it up to you?”
 “It’s alright,” I said as I started to make my way back home. “She’ll be fine. I’ll make sure to lock the windows properly next time.”
Jackie II
Other Kaisoo and Ksoo business
Everyday   OC/Fluff/One Shot
Stories of my downfall      Kaisoo/Fluff/Angst/One Shot
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Catching Feelings 2/? (Keanu x OFC)
Summary: AU in which Keanu is down on his luck after he comes to Hollywood trying to be an actor. To earn some money, he joins this app for escorts and meets Steph, a rising star who hires him to try to forget her ex. Neither of them are expecting to fall in love and all the problems it brings.
Previous chapters: 1
Author’s notes: Thanks everyone for the comments on the first part. I’m glad you liked. Here’s the second chapter.
Wordcount: 4115
Warnings: prostitution and smut (D/S undertones).
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“How was it?” Were the first words Keanu heard when he stepped into the apartment he shared with his friend Scott.
Well calling that place an apartment was actually being charitable since it was basically a tiny little studio in a building that was falling apart in one of the seediest areas of Los Angeles. But it was a roof over his head and all Keanu could afford so there was no point in complaining.
“It was…” he trailed off, setting his helmet and jacket by the door and dropping on the ratty couch beside Scott. It was really all he could say about what happened the night before.
When Keanu sighed up for Mars and Venus, he wasn’t expecting it to be quite like this. Selling his body – and no matter how many times Scott told him that he didn’t really have to have sex with his clients, that was how Keanu saw it – just made him feel dirty, but he was completely broke and there weren’t too many places willing to hire a high school dropout whose only real skills were riding motorcycles, playing bass and acting.
Scratch that. Apparently, he couldn’t even act, because that had been the reason why he came to Los Angeles in the first place. He had done fairly well back in Toronto, appearing in a couple of TV specials and movies. It wasn’t much, but it got him an offer to be in a Disney movie, which to a 21-year-old guy with big dreams had sounded like an amazing offer.
So, Keanu cleared his savings, packed his stuff and moved to Los Angeles expecting to take on Hollywood. When he arrived, he found out the movie deal fell through and he was left with nothing. Fast forward six years and Keanu was still down on his luck. He gave up on acting altogether and just tried to get by, taking any jobs he managed to find. That was how Keanu met Robert and Brett and Dogstar happened.
It was currently one of the high points of his life. They were still on that phase of begging bars and clubs to let them play and barely making anything out of it, but they were good. Maybe they could make it. Keanu just had to hang on for a while longer.
Hence the whole Mars and Venus thing. Scott told him how much he would make in a date and Keanu was shocked. Sure, a subscription was expensive, but if he really could make at least 2k a date, Keanu should able to pay his bills, move into a better apartment, maybe even get a proper place for the band to rehearse and work on their music, maybe even record a demo…
Scott said it was pretty easy. Most of his clients were middle-aged women that just wanted something pretty on her arm to show off to her friends. Or a companion for the night. It was completely up to Keanu if it would turn into sex or not. So, Keanu signed up even if it still made him feel cheap. Not long after that, he got an invitation.
He had been so nervous when he got to her house. The last thing Keanu expected was to meet actress Stephanie Walker, who looked as awkward as he was. He certainly didn’t expect the night to go quite like that. It was fun and light and wonderful, and the sex had been mind-blowing.
In the morning, however, Keanu woke up to the sound of his phone. It was confirmation of payment. His bank account, which only had 2 dollars for the last two weeks had a few more zeros in it.
The sight of it made him Keanu feel ashamed because he really enjoyed Steph’s company. He liked her. It felt almost like a first date, but reality finally sunk in. It wasn't a date and Keanu just became the kind person that slept with people for money.
He sneaked out of her house while Steph was still asleep, embarrassed, disgusted and confused. Keanu expected the ride back would help clear his head, but he was still feeling the same way as he got home.
“Did you charge extra for staying over?” Scott asked, and Keanu’s only reply was a headshake. “Rookie mistake. Always charge extra for spending the night,” Scott instructed. “How much did you make?”
Keanu just handed him his phone, moving to the kitchen to get himself something to eat even if his stomach felt queasy.
“Not bad.” his friend whistled. “Now, here’s what you gonna do: get some of this money and buy yourself a suit. Nothing off the rack either. Something good, that fits you well. You never know when they’ll want to take you to a gala.”
“No, man. I’m done with this,” Keanu replied. “With this money, I can get things going and maybe…” he trailed off with a hopeful sigh.
“Suit yourself.” Scott had a doubtful look on his face but just shrugged, disappearing into his room without another word.
Keanu really thought he was done with Mars and Venus. He stayed away for two weeks, but between paying for the studio so Dogstar could finally record a demo and some idiot backing into his bike and messing up his exhaust, the money he made from his date with Steph was over too quickly. Everything was so damn expensive in LA.
So, he reinstalled the app discovering he had missed several invitations while he was offline. With a knot in his chest, he upped his price from 2k to 3k and waited. Soon enough Keanu had new invitations.
Another week passed before Keanu got another invitation from Steph. He thought he would never hear from her again because she shouldn’t need to pay for company or sex; but there it was, her name flashing on his screen during rehearsal.
Keanu knew he shouldn’t. He had been thinking about her no-stop for the last few weeks, watching her movies like a lovesick boy with a crush. He should stay very far away from Steph.
“Hey Ke! Are you gonna do this or not?” Brett called with an expectant look.
“Yeah. Just a sec,” he replied distractedly as he accepted her invitation.
This time, when Keanu arrived in front of Steph’s house and rang the intercom, she immediately had the garage gate open so he could bring his motorcycle inside, which he appreciated. His Norton was his most prized possession along with his bass. And Keanu couldn’t afford to lose it.
He parked it next to her car once again and took off his helmet to look at her, trying to ignore the fluttering on his chest. She had cut her hair. When they first met, her chestnut locks fell to her back, now it hung above her shoulders and it really suited her. It drew even more attention to her big brown eyes, which looked full of hesitation.
“Hi,” he said, getting off his bike and her lips quirked into a small smile.
“Hi. Thanks for coming.”
Once again they stood awkwardly in front of one other, not knowing what to say or do. Keanu cleared his throat and buried his hands in his jacket pockets.
“I didn’t expect to hear from you again,” he admitted, gaze on his boots.
“Yeah… I just…” Steph trailed off with a sigh and Keanu noticed her eyes were reddish and a little puffy like she had been crying.
“One of those days?” Keanu offered, curious but not wanting to pry and she just nodded, leading the way inside.
Right away he noticed the house looked different, the biggest change had been all the photos of Steph and her ex-boyfriend had disappeared from the walls, as well as some of the framed movie posters she had. By the door, he could see a box full of stuff with her name written on the side.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out she probably went through that difficult moment of returning her ex’s stuff and getting her own back. No wonder she had a bad day.
“You like Chinese?” she asked, taking his jacket. “I was gonna order in.”
“Yeah. Love Chinese,” Keanu assured, taking a seat on the couch as she placed the order. After that, she sat down as well and a strange silence hung over them, tense and awkward and Keanu raked his brain for something to say.
“How about we watch something?” Steph suggested and he could hear in her voice she felt just as weird as he did.
She grabbed the remote, flipping through channels until she froze as a picture of her ex-boyfriend was splashed over the screen.
Action movie hero Kevin Miller is seen again with Victoria’s Secret’s model Gisele Anderson. The couple was spotted leaving one of the most exclusive clubs in LA. It was only a little over a month ago that Miller was dating the Hollywood rising star, Stephanie Walker…
Keanu gently took the remote from her hands and changed the channel. He glanced over at her, noticing her eyes welling up.
“How about some Netflix instead?” he offered, and Steph nodded as he turned on the streaming service and browsed through her selection.
“Wow! You really like procedural dramas and cop thrillers, huh?” Keanu teased trying to nudge her out of her funk. She only gave him a watery smile and a shrug.
“I like to try to figure out who did it.”
“Yeah? Let’s see how good you are,” he said, picking a random movie and pressing play. Steph just snorted, but they settled more comfortably on the couch side by side, their arms brushing every time one of them moved.
As the movie progressed Keanu felt both himself and Steph finally relaxing, the conversation flowing a little easier as they joked and argued about the movie. When their takeout arrived, they spread Steph’s order on the coffee table.
“Did you order for two or twelve?” he teased, looking over the amount of food in front of him and Steph chuckled and shrugged.
“I like to have options,” she said, pilling her plate with a little bit of everything.
Keanu did not expect such a tiny thing like Steph to be able to eat that much; and making the most indecent sounds too.
“Stop looking at me like that!” she said over a mouthful, her eyes crinkling with her amusement. “I spent four months off carbs. I’m making up for the lost time.”
“I can see that. Do you want me to give you the room or something?” he asked with a playful grin. “Because it almost sounds like you’re making love with that noodle!”
Steph snorted a laugh, cheeks turning pink and Keanu grinned. She had a very nice laugh and the most perfect smile. Kevin Miller was a complete idiot for letting her go.
“I don’t sound like that at all,” she replied, sticking her tongue out at him.
“You’re right. It’s much throatier,” Keanu said, sipping his beer and smirking as the flush on her cheeks turned brighter. “And bossy.”
“I’m not bossy!” Steph argued, sounding a little embarrassed. “I just know what I like, and I try to make sure my partner knows too.” She narrowed her eyes at him, her own lips drawing onto a smirk. “If memory serves, you were very much into it.”
“I was,” Keanu said, meeting her gaze. “Still am.”
This time the tension that lingered between them wasn’t awkward, just heavy as they sneaked glances at each other throughout the rest of dinner and movie. Keanu wanted to move closer and touch her; have Steph in her arms, but there was a little voice in his head reminding him that this wasn’t real. She didn’t even know his name.
“Is everything ok?” she asked, and Keanu looked over to see she had a frown of worry. Maybe something had shown on his face.
“Yeah. Just fine,” he lied, combing his fingers through his hair and looking away. “What do you want to do now?”
Steph paused for a moment and Keanu could see she was searching for something to say. He hoped she wanted him to stay.
“I guess we should call it a night,” she said at last and he sighed, schooling his features so his disappointment wouldn’t be too obvious. Keanu put on his jacket and followed Steph to the garage. The awkward silence of unspoken words heaving on them.
“It’s a beautiful bike,” she commented, running her hand over the tank.
“Do you know anything about motorcycles?” he asked perking up at her interest.
“I just know they look awesome.”
“Do you wanna take a ride?” Keanu offered. It was a way to prolong this and for once he had his spare helmet with him.
“Let me grab a jacket and shoes,” she replied, smiling brightly and Keanu felt his heart speeding in his chest. That was all he wanted.
When Steph came back Keanu could see the excited glint in her eyes as he helped her put on the helmet, adjusting the strap under her chin before she climbed behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he could smell her perfume surrounding him as he started the bike and took off.
Keanu didn’t want to scare her, so he kept it under the speed limit as he rode the roads of Hollywood Hills, but as he noticed her delighted laugh every time he took a sharp turn, he dared to put a little more speed, her hands tightening around his waist.
“That was amazing!” Steph exclaimed as they stopped at the shoulder of the road where tourists usually parked to take pictures, but at that time of the night it was completely dark and deserted; the only light sources were the stars and his bike.
She stood there, hair messy from the helmet, cheeks flushed from the ride, with a wide grin watching the city lights in the valley below and Keanu’s breath caught in his throat. Even though he loved to watch that view, all he could do was stare at her.
“Thank you, Charles,” she said, looking up at him.
“Keanu,” he blurted out before he could stop himself.
“What?” she asked with a cute little frown of confusion.
“It’s my name. My real name.”
“Oh,” she paused for a moment before her expression shifted into a smile. “Then thank you, Keanu.”
“Where did Charles come from?” Steph asked as they sat across each other in a diner she claimed had the best milkshake in Los Angeles.
“It’s actually my middle name.”
“Keanu Charles,” she said almost as if trying it out. “Sounds good. I don’t think I ever heard that name before. Keanu.”
“It’s Hawaiian,” he explained, swirling his chocolate milkshake. “Means cool breeze over the mountains.”
“That’s really nice,” she smiled around her straw and he had to look away so he wouldn’t think about how her lips had looked wrapped around his cock. “How did you end up with a Hawaiian name?”
Keanu took a deep breath, pushing his drink aside as he launched himself into the story about his father and the rest of the family; how he came to LA and ended doing what he was doing. He didn’t share that with many people, but he wanted to share it with her.
In turn, Steph spoke a little about her own family; how she always showed a talent for dancing and acting from a young age and her mom pushed her into doing all the auditions. She told him how she quitted at thirteen because she wanted to have a normal life. She didn’t come back to it until after college, where she discovered she did really love to perform, but on her own terms.
Once again it felt just like a perfect date and when they finished their shakes, which Keanu made sure to pay for, he brought her back home walking Steph to her door.
“I really enjoyed tonight,” she said with a soft smile as they paused outside.
“Me too.” He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek before he bent down to kiss her. She tasted like strawberries and it was the best thing in the world.
Steph wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer until their bodies were pressed together as they explored each other’s mouths. Their first time had been all about frantic need. Their kisses were hard and bruising. This time, even if the same hunger and heat lingered, there was a softness to it. Almost affection.
“Do you want to come in?” she asked against his lips. Keanu grinned and nodded, letting go of her only long enough for Steph turn around in his arms. He kept peppering kisses over her neck as she giggled and struggled against the lock.
They were back in each other’s arms as soon as they were inside, kissing and touching and peeling their clothes off on the way to the living room. Keanu paused for a moment to look at her, drinking the sight of her beautiful body and he didn’t think he ever wanted anyone as much as he wanted her.
He took a step towards Steph, but she stopped him with a hand on his chest. Keanu met her gaze in confusion, finding in her eyes a heated look that made his cock throb.
The hand on his chest trailed up almost teasingly until it buried in his hair and she took a handful of it, her grip firm with just a little edge of rough that made him hiss and goosebumps of anticipation rise on his skin.
“Kneel,” she ordered, using her hold on him to push him down and Keanu obeyed, looking up at her through his lashes as Steph smirked. “You look good like this, on your knees for me.”
She rested against the couch’s arm and spread her knees. Keanu almost whimpered as he saw her soaked cunt glistening in the low light of the room. He licked his lips and met Steph’s eyes again.
“You wanna taste me?”
“Yeah,” he breathed out, his voice shaky with need. He was so hard it almost hurt. “Please.”
Her expression turned into a gorgeous sly smirk as she tugged on his hair, bringing him closer until his mouth could reach her and Keanu ran the flat of his tongue over her slit, making Steph moan.
“You don’t come until I do,” she said, rolling her hips against his mouth. “And no fingers this time.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he mumbled against her.
There was a certain thrill of letting her command him like this, tell him exactly what to do and how. It made him hot with want and eager to please her. Make sure Steph was satisfied. He explored her cunt with his tongue and lips, paying attention to every spot that made her breath hitch or dragged a moan out of her.
He sucked on her clit with just the lightest scrape of teeth and Steph rocked her hips and pulled him even closer, grinding against his face. Keanu was having a hard time breathing and his jaw was starting to ache, but he could see the way her thighs were quaking and hear how she was panting; how her hands kept tightening against his scalp. Knowing he could make her feel this good was urging Keanu on, stroking his own desire as he flicked the tip of his tongue against her clit again and Steph groaned.
“Yes! Just like that. I’m so close,” she panted and he kept his rhythm steady, digging his nails on his thighs to keep himself from touching, his dick aching and leaking in need.
Soon he felt the way her entire body tensed, her thighs pressing against the side of his head as she came crying out his name. Keanu lapped hungrily at her juices, he could get addicted to her taste. He only stopped when Steph tugged on his hair again, pulling him away from her.
Keanu looked up, noticing her flushed face, sweat making her hair stick to her cheeks, a lazy, pleased smile tucked on her lips. She looked even more beautiful like this.
“Good?” he asked with a lopsided grin.
“Fucking perfect,” she said, bringing him closer until he was on his feet again and towering over her. “Deserves a reward.” Steph caught his lip into a dirty kiss that almost felt like she was chasing her own taste in his mouth.
At the first touch of her hand on his cock, Keanu moaned hips thrusting forward at their own accord desperate for more but Steph kept her motions slow and gentle, running her thumb over the head spreading the precum over his length.
“Steph, please…” he gasped, feeling her smirk against his mouth.
“Please what?” she asked, pulling back to look at him.
“Let me fuck you,” Keanu wasn’t ashamed to admit he was begging. He just needed to be inside her and he didn’t care what he had to do to get that. “Please, ma’am.”
“Good boy,” she grinned at him, pressing a quick on his lips. “Condom.”
Keanu moved away long enough to find his discarded jacket, reach for his wallet and grab the condom he kept it there. His hands shook as he rolled it on himself and moved back to Steph, waiting for her next command.
She gestured him to come closer, stand between her legs and Keanu obeyed, stroking himself to get some relief. Steph fixed her perch on the arm of the couch, making sure she had enough balance before she hooked her legs around his hips and pulled Keanu closer wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
They both moaned when his cock glided over her slit. Keanu squeezed his eyes shut, resting his forehead against hers, his fingers digging on her hips in the effort of not thrusting into her, not until she said so.
“God, you’re desperate for me, aren’t you?” Steph caressed the side of his face gently.  
“Yeah,” he gasped, his breath mingling with hers. “May I?”
“Yes,” she said, her hand stroking him again, before lining him to her entrance. “Slow.”
Keanu nodded and forced himself to slowly thrust into the delicious tight, wet heat. He knew Steph was doing this to drive both of them crazy and Keanu was close to losing it. Pleasure coursed through his body, making his mind dizzy with want.
Finally, he was all the way in and Steph shifted a bit for a better position sending sparks of pleasure through Keanu, making his hips snap up to meet her and she grinned at him.
“I love how full you make me feel,” she said, meeting his lips for a soft kiss. “Come on, baby. Fuck me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Keanu hiked her legs up to his waist and pulled back, almost all the way out before slamming back in, groaning as the movement made heat build on the pit of his stomach, her walls throbbing and fluttering around him.
Steph held onto his shoulders, letting him do all the work since she didn’t really have much leverage to meet his thrusts. Little cries of pleasure spilled from her lips as she leaned her head back, exposing the beautiful column of her neck and Keanu kissed and nipped gently, careful not to mark her smooth skin.
He got lost in sensations. The feel of her around him squeezing his cock almost as if trying to keep him close whenever he pulled back. The wet sound of their bodies meeting mixed with their groans of pleasure. The smell of their sweat together and the taste of her skin. The sight of her blissed-out expression as Keanu fucked her into incoherent pleas of more and faster.
Keanu was so focused on Steph, on making sure she was enjoying herself that his own orgasm took him a bit by surprise. He held her close, burying his face against her neck, grunting and panting and she held him through it, petting his hair.
Once he caught his breath, he met her gaze with a frown.
“You didn’t…” Steph just smiled.
“Takes me a while to come again after the first,” she said, kissing his cheek. “It’s ok, Keanu, I enjoyed it.”
“No, it isn’t,” he said pulling back from her and going on his knees again. Steph just chuckled, brushing his cheek. “I want you to feel good and I’m not gonna stop until you do.”
“Okay,” she replied with a grin. “Get to work then.”
xxx (tbc) xxx
Go to chapter 3
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Tech-tonic Shift || Dave and Winston
When: week beginning 12/07 or so Who: @seizethecarpe​ & @danetobelieve​ Where: the station and etc. Summary: Dave brings Winston some technology that they found at the beach. Warnings: content warnings for death discussion, some slight description of gore and the like
Winston was actually starting to be able to do their job again. They’d taken the week off after Bea’s resurrection, mainly because all the tech around them had immediately gone haywire. After a week it hadn’t really been that workable but Winston had barely been in the job a week and taking an extended period of time off was hardly ideal. Things had improved vastly since then. A knock at the door however dragged them from their thoughts and Winston looked up from the array of monitors they’d been given as part of their new role. Honestly, one of the reasons that Winston enjoyed their work so much was the cool stuff they got to work with. Obviously this wasn’t all top of the line, but then again it was a ‘sleepy’ backwater town in Maine. Looking up, Winston spotted officer Redwood. “Hey Winston, there’s a guy here to see you, found some tech on the beach or something … seems more your area then ours?” Winston honestly wasn’t sure that it was, but when it came to anything with anymore then a six inch screen they were usually the one who ended up doing it. Apparently things hadn’t changed with the new job. Which was fine. “Sure, I’m happy to take a look at it.” Winston held the door open and spotted someone almost exactly there height. “Hi, my names Winston Dane, I’m a forensic technician here, you had something you’d brought in?”
Sometimes the end of the hunt wasn’t a successful kill, but the hope of closure. Dave knew a thing or two about that. Some days he woke up with nothing but the desire to feel the fury’s neck tear under his teeth, and sometimes he was too worn to want anything but the chance to say goodbye. Figured it was the same for everyone else, so when he’d heard rumbles of a beach that was the site of a number of disappearances he’d had to explore it. When he saw some seals hauled up and untouched, it looked all kinds of friendly to him, even with the broken down warning signs. But when he’d had a real walk, he’d begun finding them. Bits of sunglasses here, phones there. After an hour's walk on the beach, he’d found some things worth salvaging. Things that had been spit back out after. Some of it was beyond rescue, some of it wasn’t, but hell, maybe there was someone who would want them back. And hell, Dave had no idea what people could do with tech these days. So he’d brought the whole batch over to the WCPD. When he was finally directed to the person who could help, he offered them a wide hand to shake. “Dave Herring. I was having a walk on one of them beaches that no one sunbathes on, and found all of these ipods and kindles and I don’t know what kinda gizmos. I was told you might be able to help me get them to the right persons.”
Honestly, when Winston had started their day today (with coffee as usual) they hadn’t expected this. But it was certainly an interesting problem. Winston paused for a moment as they considered what this guy was saying. “Okay Dave, cool to meet you…” Winston glanced at the man opposite them before pulling up a chair and taking another one for themselves. “I don’t know if you’ve got all of that stuff with you, but the best way to do it would probably to see if we can work out who they belong to and then I can try and get in contact with them and let them know that you found them and returned them. I’m sure they’ll be really grateful, it’s really nice of you to bring these up.” Winston found that it was less nerve wracking talking to people in a professional capacity then it was when they were in a social environment. “Which beach did you find these at?” Winston asked, curious as to why there was such a great variety of items just being abandoned on a beach.
“As a matter’o fact, I do,” Dave replied, swinging a rough looking tackle bag from his back, that he hadn’t updated since at least the eighties. Why replace what you could stitch and fix back together? ‘Specially when things these days weren’t made to last. Piece by piece, he picked out the salvaged tech, sand grains sticking to each piece. No matter how battered each individual thing was, he set it down on this young Dane’s desk with careful reverence. Some of these things likely had photos of the people that had lost them, and maybe answers too. “Uh, the one just south of Vicker’s beach.”
“Oh, wow, cool.” Winston was pretty sure that the bag that Dave had used to bring the proverbial goodies into Winston was older then they were. However, they weren’t going to complain. At least he had thought to have the good sense to bring them in at all, which was more then most people. Apparently that fact was more true on the one just south of Vicker’s beach. Winston was pretty sure that there was a veritable plethora of iPods (there was an old nano, an iPod classic, two iPod shuffles and four iPod touches), several phones, a couple of kindles and a few other versions of e-readers, an iPad and what looked like the very battered remains of a Alienware laptop. Winston pulled on a set of gloves and glanced at the tech. “You weren’t kidding, this is really a lot of stuff. Weird that people would just leave this all behind, I guess the first thing to do is clean them all up as best I can, then get them charged and see if I can access them.” Winston looked up at Dave. “This is gonna take me a while Dave, can you come back in like a few days or something and I can let you know what sort of progress I’ve made?” 
“Sure thing,” Dave said, slinging the worn canvas bag back onto his back, looking at the random assortments  he’d left on the technician’s desk. Hoped this Dane person would be able to find their homes, even if their owners were long gone. Plucking his sunglasses from his shirt pocked, Dave nodded his head, and headed out. No point in lingering to waste anyone here’s time. 
Several days’d passed, and Dave’d eventually made the trip back to the station to see where the electronic detective had gotten with all them gizmos. He’d done another pass of the beach in the mean time, running his fingers through the sand, but nothing new had surfaced. But sand beaches could swallow and unearth their secrets at any time and maybe he’d found all the big things on his first round. Maybe he wasn’t the only one patrolling the beach for little treasure treats. All the same, he was quickly directed back to Dane’s office, and knocked politely, summer hat clasped in his hands. 
Winston had been working on the lost items as much as possible. Finding all the various charging cables had been challenging in itself. Of the gizmos that had been brought into Winston, a good proportion of them would need repairs to hardware before they could be recharged. A few had broken screens which made accessing them difficult. The rest worked to varying degrees. Spotting Dave knocking at the door to their office, Winston pulled it open and ushered him in. “Hey, welcome back Dave, you want a drink or anything …” they weren’t sure if Police Station Coffee would be to Dave’s taste but it was polite to offer, “You didn’t find anymore tech did you?” Winston asked, a little concerned about the amount of it that was apparently turning up. 
“Nah, I’m alright, thanks all the same,” Dave replied, waving away any such coffee request as he stepped inside. He set his bag down, and pulled out a quarter of some old kindle, and what had once been the motherboard of some kind of smart phone. “Ain’t too sure you’ll get any use out of these. It’s just that one shore, though. You’ll find trash anywhere, but just whole things abandoned on this one.”
“Sure, it’s cool, the coffee here sucks,” Winston raised an eyebrow at the scraps that Dave had brought in. “I’ll take a look at them if it’s all the same to you, I don’t really know what I might be able to do with it. You never know what you might be able to pull off of something, even if there’s no way to access any of the data that was once there forensics can get a lot. I’m always … surprised by it.” Winston paused for a second. “Anyway, I’ve managed to get into one of the phones, it’s one of the newer models actually and the lady who owned it had a pretty good case on it. It was just scratched up really.” Winston pulled a evidence bag towards them and turned it over so Dave could see the phone inside. “It’s belongs to a lady called Elaine Thompson, she lived here in town, is a retired lawyer apparently. When I matched the phone to her I realised that there is a missing persons report attached to it. Elaine went missing in February of this year.” 
“Ha, noted,” Dave replied with a laugh. “Not much of a coffee guy myself, but I’ll keep that in mind.” The caffeine gave him headaches as often as not these days, heavy pounding ones not worth the kickstart to the morning he promised. Besides, sleep was the one thing in his life he had complete control of. He slid the little pieces onto Winston’s desk. “Yeah, you;d know better’n me.” When Dane said they’d found something, he perked right up, clasping his hand behind his back and leaning over the phone. “Shit. That aint good. This here uh beach I found this all on, it had a couple broken signs, saying it wasn’t all that safe to stay there too long. Wonder if maybe all this has somethin’ to do with that.”
Winston was not convinced that there was such a thing as someone who wasn’t a coffee guy. They themselves lived off of the stuff. Sometimes to an unhealthy level. However, that was hardly important compared to the other problem at hand. Dave seemed concerned by the news, however it was nothing compared to the concern that Winston themselves felt at the fact that they had been found in an area with broken signs warning about a hazard. “Okay, that sounds like bad news,” Winston wondered whether this was a coincidence. Maybe Elaine had simply wandered onto the beach and something terrible had happened. They were almost praying that this wasn’t supernaturally related. “I’ve got a map of White Crest’s coastline, can you show me where on the map this area is?” Winston pulled up the map on an iPad and handed Dave a stylus, “You can just draw onto the screen, if you use your fingers to like drag the map to where you want, then you can you know … draw with the pen thing.” Why would they call it a pen thing? “Anyway, if there were signs here we should definitely get someone to check it out properly.” 
“Yeah, sure thing,” Dave agreed, sitting in the seat opposite Winston’s desk. He’d expected them to pick up a physical map, but instead he was handed an iPad and a stylus. Hell, Dave had only made the switch to a touchscreen phone three years ago, and was constantly typing the wrong buttons, clicking on things that he oughtn’t and getting lost through ads that looked like links on the website and dragged him some place else. The moment he took the iPad, he accidentally clicked the homescreen button. “Uh,” he said, gesturing for Winston to refind all of it. Once they had, Dave was more cautious, poking the screen in short bursts until he got to the area south of Vicker’s, using the pen, he cautiously drew a bubble around the beach in question. 
“Awesome,” Winston dropped slowly into the seat next to Dave’s, watching them carefully pick up the iPad. There were some set backs but that was to be expected and Winston had seen much worse. Some of the older members of staff in the station didn’t know the difference between a fax machine and a printer, many of them were convinced that faxes were the optimum method of transferring information too. “Don’t worry, happens to the best of us.” Winston watched Dave mark out the area before taking several screenshots and sending them off to the relevant people within the station. “Some officers are going to meet us down there, but you’ve actually … you know been out to this beach and gotten there relatively unscatched, do you think you could show us the areas you found everything and we can set up some method of monitoring it so we can work out why this is happening…?” 
“Hmmm,” Was all  Dave had to say to that. He was happy just fine with his laptop from 2010 and a phone with a case thick enough it could be mistaken for a brick. This was not his expertise. At Dane’s suggestion, he nodded, although he had a bad feeling about it right deep in his gut. “Ain’t too hard to get to, it just seems dangerous to stay on.” With plenty of signs of danger on all ends. It wasn’t even one of the beaches with the more dangerous waves nor riptides. “Anyhow, I’m here to help, however that might be. Just letting you know I’m new to town. Don’t know much of anything about the beaches yet.”
“Well, welcome to White Crest, I’m sorry that this was one of your first experiences of the town, it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.” Winston being one of the key culprits for that particular crime. “If you’re free now we might as well go check it out now, officer Redwood has volunteered to drive us down to the beach,” which was good because Winston didn’t think that they should be having anyone in their terrible piece of shit car within any sort of work capacity, “so if you’re happy to join us then we can get going straight away. Hopefully this won’t take too much of your time.” 
“Sure am,” Dave replied, dropping his hands to his thighs and pushing against his knees to stand up again. “No time like the present.” Not long after, there was officer Redwood, whose hand Dave shook too, and they were lead to the car. Dave gave directions to the beach, and they were soon on their way. As Officer Redwood pulled up, Dave scanned the waters. Shrinking tides, and with the sunny sky, the water wasn’t that violent either. In all things, it seemed a perfect beach day, but the beach was near empty of people. Everyone either avoided it or somethin’ worse was causing the gap. “See here. Sign’s barely even legible, completely rotted through.” He pointed it out, nudging it with his boot
The sea wind swept through Winston’s hair and slowly dried out their lips. Winston squinted into the sun through their glasses and couldn’t help but wish that they had brought their sunglasses with them. Looking down at what was a truly rotten sign, Winston couldn’t help but wonder what was up with this place. “That’s really weird,” Winston crouched down and pulled the remains of a large red sign that had once given a warning of some kind from the wet sand. “Did you see other signs like this … ?” Winston had to admit that it was weird to them, they weren’t sure what it was, but there was something off about this that didn’t quite add up, Winston took a step towards the beach. 
“Yeah, one down on the south end. Doesn’t seem to matter that you can’t seem them though, for a sand beach it sure is empty,” Dave said, looking out along the beach. He’d been wrong. There was one man, lying on a striped blue beach towel, flicking on his phone. David frowned, looking around the rest of the beach. Instinctively, he raised his hand in front of Winston, because while he knew he’d walked it fine, people didn’t avoid such a pretty place for nothing. “Careful now. Sure those signs are there for a reason.”
Spotting the man lying on the beach towel Winston was about to say something to them and was making their way over when Dave’s hand rose in front of them. “Broken signs and an empty beach,” Winston wasn’t sure whether or not this was really true, but they were almost certain that there was something going on here that was supernatural, it didn’t make sense for this to be something … mundane, and yet there was definitely something weird going on here, “that doesn’t seem weird at all.” Swallowing, Winston looked at the man on the beach, was he beginning to sink a little or were they seeing things? “Is he getting lower…?”
“I don’t have the faintest-” Dave turned back to the beach with a frown. Winston was right, the man was sinking, slowly at first. He didn’t seem to realise, but as Dave began to move, the man began to yell. Dave dropped his things and sprinted across the beach. Ignoring the police altogether, he grabbed the man’s arm, and tried to yank him back out. He came far too easily, so much so that Dave fell back from how hard he yanked. Only, the only thing he’d rescued was an arm dripping blood. “What the fuck.” He began to dig through the sand where the man had been, frantically throwing sand behind him as he dug his hands deeper and deeper, but as most when he reached the water logged sand, it smelled like iron, but he couldn’t quite see how blood soaked and red it truly was. 
What happened next would’ve been perfectly placed within a horror movie, Winston saw the man sinking, they tried to move with Dave as he went to help the sunbather but they weren’t nearly as quick or spry as their older companion. Darting after Dave, Winston was gasping for breath and had half a mind to reach for their inhaler and then they saw the hand that was in Dave’s possession. “Okay, fuck, off the sand now.” Winston wasn’t giving an option here, they could look for the man all that they wanted but from the arm that had been left behind and the red splodge of blood soaking into the water and dirt around them, Winston doubted there was anything left to look for. “I think he’s gone Dave,” they swallowed as the Officers that they had come here with looked at one another as if they should be doing something but weren’t sure what, “we need to get back to the station and cordon this place off but first we need to get out of the sand.” 
After a long pause, Dave nodded, pressing his bloodied hands against his knees to push himself standing upright. He was breathing heavily, his lungs protesting the exertion. “Think you’re right, Dane. Alright, let’s go.” Pressing a hand to his side, he followed them off the sands, still holding the arm in his hand, it dripping blood onto the sand as they returned back to the embankment. “Don’t understand a thing. I walked that beach for hours last week. Ain’t seen nothing like this.”
Pursing their lips at the scene that they had just witnessed, Winston couldn’t help but worry about all of the people who could’ve been hurt like this. They weren’t sure what they had just seen. Honestly, it didn't really make any sense to them. They had seen things that could do this, but they were always physical things. Not entire pieces of land. Apparently previous signs hadn’t been successful but they had to do something. “I don’t get it either, but I’m going to look into it, I don’t think it was entirely natural and whatever it is that can do something like that is beyond me.” Winston paused for a second longer and frowned. What was different about Dave if he had been able to comb the beach without getting harmed. “We’re missing something and as soon as we find out what we can actually do something about it.” 
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bisoo · 4 years
Shitty day (yandere!Jungkook)
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(Here, I made it @gucieguciekook​ !! It’s finally here !!! Ahh, what would I not do for this little angel who deserves all the love in the whole world :c It’s only the second time I write something yandere, and this one is not as soft as the first one-- I’m also embarrassed because it’s the first story I spot on Tumblr >< I hope you’ll like it, because after all this waiting, you shouldn’t be deceived xD )
-1535 words
Today hasn't been your day. Sometimes, luck isn't on your side and you just have to deal with it. There's nothing you can do besides enduring everything.
Easier said than done. You feel like the world's against you when you haven't done anything wrong. It started when you woke up late for school, you hit your toe against a table, you burnt your toast and missed your bus. You ran under the rain, before realizing that all your books stood home, in front of your bed. 
The rest of the day passed incredibly slowly, with more tests and homework for the next week than you can count.
 The only lesson without any problem was the last: you had to prepare a presentation with someone else. You were the last one without a pair, so you didn't mind at all when Jungkook came and asked to be your partner.
His shyness is what surprised you the most. He always appeared like a tough guy, but right now he looked more like a little bunny. 
For the first time of today, you felt yourself cracking a smile. His presence was the most comfortable thing you experienced today. You didn't know him well, he was just another student in most of your class. You may have a little crush on him, one that you quickly dismissed because of how popular with other girls he was. Still, you enjoyed his presence nonetheless.
The small conversations you've both had made your day a little bit brighter.  You could now only hope that your bad luck was completely over because you had plans for tonight. You finally managed to contact your friends, who aren't in the same school as you, to go to the cinema with you. 
You were excited and wanted everything to go well, that's why you prepared yourself early. From your hair to your outfit, no details had been overlooked.  
It's one hour later that you found yourself waiting in front of the cinema, sending a few texts to your friends and killing time with social media.
You know they're not the most punctual people out here but after an hour of waiting and still nothing, you feel like you touched rock bottom. You sit against a wall, letting a tear slip from your eyes. After a few minutes, you raise your head and come across something unexpected : "Jungkook ?"
The said man looks at you with nothing but surprise readable in his eyes. You straighten up and remove dust from your clothes while walking to him. "Alina, I-  I didn't expect to see you here !" He gave you a little smile. You returned the favor and explained that your plan for tonight was canceled at the last minute. He proposed to go to a cafe instead, and you couldn't say no. So here you are, sitting in front of your crush in a cafe after the worst day of your life. You talked about anything, but not once did one of you bring up the subject of the presentation.
It is only at the end of your da- meeting that you realize something... "Before you go, can I have your number ?" It's only by seeing his shocked face that you realize what you just asked. "F-for the project! So I can contact you for the p-project!" You clarify. The chuckle that leaves his lips made your head turns toward him quickly. He looks rather amused by the situation, while you just wish to disappear with your now red cheeks. 
He takes his phone out of his pocket and starts to dictate numbers. You immediately take your phone too and save his phone number as "Jk". "I have to say, I'm quite happy to have your number now... For the project, of course" he laughed.
You were too busy trying desperately to stop the blush from your cheeks in vain to comprehend what he just said.
It is on this exchange that you part ways. Or that's what you think so since you don't feel the presence following you a few meters away.
The next day, you start talking to him by messages. He's funny enough to ease your nerves, at least until he asks you where you two should meet. You asked if you can come to his house, not wanting him to see the mess that is your house. "No problem, though I'll have to clean a bit before. Can you come for 3 pm ?"
And that's how you found yourself in front of his house, clenching on your bag to reduce your stress. Jungkook opened the door with a bunny smile and invited you in. You admire his living room for a bit before clearing your throat. "So, about the project..."
In the middle of it, you asked where the toilets are. Once indicated, you follow the path until you hear a noise.
 It looked like a scream but muffled, and from far away. You stop in your track in the hope of hearing it again, and your patience is rewarded when the same noise can be heard.  
You find the potential source of it, but the closer you get, the more doubtful you are. Maybe it was just in your head...? Of course, it is, who are you kidding. You're probably tired after all this work, or it could be his neighbor outside. You shake your head and turn back.
 When you come back, you see a very concentrated Jungkook writing on his papers, his pout dismissing every thought you had about the noises. You sit next to him and he smiles again.
It's only 3 days later, right before going to Jungkook's house again, that your phone rings. When you see your best friend's name flashing on your screen, you sigh. She didn't send you anything for 4 days and now, she's calling you? You pick up.
"You better have a good explanation because I won't go easy on you if you just-" "Excuse me, are you close to this person ?" a manly voice asks You know for sure that this voice is unfamiliar to your ears. You continue. "Well... Yes. Why, who are you? Where did you find this phone ?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. Your best friend may be clumsy, but she has never lost her phone before.
"Not exactly, we... We found this body, and the only thing left was this phone." Silence. How can you respond to that? These words are not real, she was fine less than a week ago. "I... I swear that... If it's a joke, then you're not funny at all-" "Ma'am, I understand how difficult it must be right now, but... I'm sorry."
You can't hold back a sob now. You feel tears escaping your eyes, yet you do nothing to stop them. The number hangs up and leaves you alone now, with nothing holding you to fall and to cry until your throat hurts. At least another call. Jungkook. You slowly pick up, saying his name through sobs. "Hey hey hey, it's okay, breathe. Just breathe, calm down. It's okay." he said. "J-Jungkook, she- she's now... I can't-" you sob even harder. Jungkook tries to calm you down over the phone while you come to his house. Your vision is still a little blurry but Jungkook's words help you enough. 
When you arrive, you see him already in front of his door, running towards you the second your car comes to his vision. He hugs you tightly and takes you inside.
Once on the couch, with a blanket wrapped around you because of how cold it is outside and a box of tissues on the table, you explain everything. How your best friend hasn't responded in 4 days, how the call with the stranger went and how horrible of a friend you are.
Jungkook takes you gently in his arms, one hand stroking your back and the other on your head. You close your eyes for a moment and allow your lungs to breathe normally again. 
"Do you want some tea? I made it before you arrived" he asked while getting up. You nod your head, eyes glued on the table. When you hear his footsteps fade away, you slowly get up and look around. You've never really had the opportunity to explore his house,  with the presentation and all.
One of the first things to catch your attention is a picture upside down on the chimney. You walk toward it and turn it over before holding back a scream.
This is a picture of you and your best friend. It seems pretty old by the folds on the side, but two things are worst than this simple picture.
Firstly, your face is surrounded by hearts and the word "Mine" is written next to you.
Secondly, your friend's face is covered with red crosses everywhere. Actually, her whole body is covered in red. Dark red.
But it's not from a marker.
You jump and turn around at the sound of a cup breaking on the floor. There, right in front of the kitchen, stood Jungkook, his eyes wide just like the time in front of the cinema
But there wasn't only surprise, this time. No, there was something...
It wasn't a shitty day that you've had, it was a shitty fate that you just concluded.
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Bewildered Heart - Chapter Eight: Off the Grid
Series Summary: What happens when Sam and Dean Winchester love the same woman?
Word Count: 2385
Warnings: angst, pregnant reader, mentions of angry Sam and Dean, swearing
Pairing: Dean x Remi Leverett (OC), Sam x Remi Leverett (OC)
Winchester Fantasies’ Masterlist
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     “You want some wine?” Lauren questioned, holding up a bottle of red moscato.
      Remi shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m good.”
      “Okay,” Lauren said in surprise before filling a wine glass with the red liquid. “You sure this is the same Remington Leverett I grew up with?” she teased making her way back to the kitchen where Remi was busy chopping herbs. Lauren stirred the boiling pot of spaghetti before turning toward her friend and leaning against the counter. “I’ve never known you to turn down a glass of wine,” Lauren said, taking a sip from her glass.
      “Yeah, well, that was before I was pregnant,” Remi stated matter-of-factly, dropping the knife on the cutting board and scooping the herbs into a bowl.
      Lauren nearly spewed her wine at Remi’s confession. She swallowed quickly before going into a coughing fit. She finally composed herself before setting down her glass and turning to Remi with a shocked expression. “Pregnant?” Lauren asked.
      Remi shrugged. “Yeah, I’m pregnant. Thought I’d just lay it out on the table since every time I try to find a nice way to tell people, it all goes to shit,” she said, slamming the bowl on the counter, causing some of the leafy greens to fall onto the granite countertop.
      “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Lauren said, coming to stand beside her friend. “Where is all this anger coming from? And what the hell is going on?”
      Remi sighed. “Ren, like I said, it’s a long story. I don’t really want to talk about it.”
      Lauren huffed. “Well, tough luck! You can’t just tell me you’re pregnant and then expect me to just go on like everything’s normal.”
      Remi stared at the black granite beneath the bowl, silver flecks sparkling under the bright light of the kitchen. She wished more than anything that she could meld into the emptiness of it, escaping the reality of everything and just float into nothingness.
      She felt Lauren’s hand come to her shoulder. “Remi, please,” Lauren gently prodded. “I just want to understand.”
      Remi took a shaky breath before turning and leaning back against the counter, her arms crossing over her chest. “My life is such a shitshow right now,” she chuckled harshly. She proceeded to recount everything that had happened, from Sam getting left behind in the alternate universe, to her and Dean bonding over the last year and a half when they realized Sam wasn’t coming back, and finally finishing at Sam’s reappearance, her unexpected pregnancy, and Sam and Dean’s quickly deteriorating affection and support.
      The kitchen faded into silence as Remi finished her tale. She glanced at her friend. Lauren stood gaping at the story, seemingly unable to find words. “Wow,” she finally breathed. “Remi, I had no idea. Why didn’t you call me?”
      Remi shook her head and shrugged. “I didn’t know what to do. I was so confused and upset. It just seemed like one thing after another kept happening – building on top of one another until it came crashing down. I just…I couldn’t stay there.”
      Lauren wrapped her arm around her friend’s shoulders and pulled her close. Remi laid her head on Lauren’s shoulder as tears began falling. “I’m so sorry, Remi, that all this is happening. I can’t say that I understand one hundred percent because I’ve never been in your position before. But what I can say, is that both Sam and Dean are assholes for treating you like that.”
      Remi sniffled and swiped at her nose as she leaned away from her friend with red-rimmed eyes. “Yeah, but I was the one that fucked everything up.”
      Lauren shrugged. “So maybe you made a couple of mistakes. You’re fucking human, Remi. You’ve been through a ton of shit the last couple of years and no one can blame you for being confused and uncertain. I can’t believe how you’ve managed to remain so strong throughout all this. I don’t know that I could’ve held up as well as you,” Lauren said. “Their reactions were way out of line and that’s on them.”
      “Yeah, I guess so,” Remi mumbled, sniffing and wiping the remaining tears from her cheeks.
      Lauren smiled. “Like I said before, you stay here as long as you need. Take your time and figure everything out.” Lauren leaned her shoulder against her friend’s, jostling Remi lightly. “Plus, it’s nice to have my best friend around again. It’ll be just like old times,” she added, smirking playfully.
      Remi couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her throat just as the front door opened. “Hey, Remi!” Zach greeted, slipping off his mud covered boots and setting them by the door. He enveloped her into one of his famous bear hugs before placing a chaste kiss on her head. “Lauren told me you were here. It’s good to see you again.” Both women had known Zach since they were children. They were school friends as well as playmates and Remi had been thrilled when the high school sweethearts had tied the knot.
      “It’s great to see you, too, Zach,” Remi grinned.
      “How long are you planning on staying?” Zach asked, going to the sink and washing the dirt off his large, calloused hands.
      Remi shrugged. “I’m not sure yet.”
      Zach nodded, taking the towel from its rack and wiping the water from his skin. “I’m surprised Sam isn’t with you,” he remarked.
      Remi laughed sharply as she looked toward the ground. Zach glanced to Lauren, his expression filled with confusion. “What? What did I say?”
      “We’ll talk about it later, babe,” Lauren said, sending him a pointed look. Zach nodded vaguely before he made his way down the hall to their bedroom.
      Remi helped set the table before they all sat down to eat. They caught up on their lives and discussed the happenings of the town. Zach said he still worked with his father on their chicken farm and Lauren volunteered part-time at the local library. Their conversation soon turned toward old times and memories that all three had shared, as well as laughter.
      Later that night, Remi lay in bed, listening to the pine trees rub together. She heard an owl hoot in the distance and a dog bark down the road. She smiled into the darkness as she watched the shadows dance on the walls from the moonlight. She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed as hard as she had tonight. It was a nice reprieve to not have to worry about hunting or the problems back at the bunker. She was safe and happy and for once in a long time she felt she could let go and breathe.
     A light buzzing by Remi’s ear woke her up the next morning. She groaned as she opened her eyes, surprised to see the sun already bright and shining through the curtains. She fumbled for her phone, finding it tucked under her pillow. She sighed when Dean’s name popped up, indicating a new text message.
      “Where are you?”
      Remi gritted her teeth before turning off her phone. How dare he ask her that! What right did he have to question where she was when he had been the one to storm off without so much as a goodbye or indication of where he was going and when he would be back? For all she knew he had made the decision to never come back.
      She tossed her phone to the mattress before she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Remi made her way to the sliding glass door, pulling back the flowered curtains and stepping out onto the balcony. She went to stand at the edge, taking in the view around her. The pines sat to her right, already swaying in the morning breeze, while a large oak tree stood tall on her left, its branches reaching towards the sky. Forest surrounded the property, the ground sloping downhill, before finally plateauing off into a cliff. A valley sat below the cliff, a tiny trail of water flowing from deep underground before meeting a large creek a mile down the road.
      After changing into jeans and a hoodie she made her way downstairs. Lauren was seated on the couch facing the large windows that looked out into the backyard, a book nestled in her hand. A fire crackled in the wood burning stove that sat in the corner of the dining room, adding warmth and a sense of hominess that Remi desperately missed.
      Lauren looked up from her book as Remi’s bare feet padded across the hardwood floor. “Good morning,” Lauren greeted, a bright grin on her face. “Sleep well?”
      Remi settled down on the opposite side of the couch, drawing her legs to her chest. She returned her friend’s smile and nodded. “Yeah, better than I have in a long time, actually.”
      “Great! I made breakfast earlier this morning before Zach left for work. There’s still some in the kitchen if you’re hungry,” Lauren offered.
      “Yeah, sounds great,” Remi said, getting up from the couch and making her way into the kitchen. Biscuits sat on the stove while sausage gravy filled a large saucepan. After making herself a plate, she microwaved the food and poured herself a large mug of coffee.
      She rejoined Lauren before digging into the food. She hummed in contentment as the first bite of biscuits and gravy settled deliciously on her tongue. She closed her eyes, savoring the flavor. When she opened them again, she found Lauren staring at her, her hazel eyes dancing. “You okay over there?” she asked in amusement.
      Remi chuckled. “It’s been so long since I’ve had biscuits and gravy. I’ve missed good Southern cooking,” she said, her drawl coming through.
      “I can tell,” Lauren giggled. “Hey, I have to volunteer at the library this afternoon,” she continued as Remi took another bite. “Would you want to go with me? It’s only for a few hours.”
      Remi shrugged and nodded her head. “Yeah, sure. I haven’t been downtown in ages.”
      “Okay, awesome!” Lauren answered. “We’ll leave in about an hour.”
      After Remi finished her late breakfast and washed her plate and silverware she slipped back to her room to finish getting ready. She tied her hair into a messy bun and grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste from her duffle bag. She reached for her phone to find a missed call and another text, this time from Sam.
      “Remi, where are you? Cas said you left. I just want to talk. Call me.”
      How could Sam expect her to want to talk to him after all the callous things he had said to her? Remi rolled her eyes instead before she once more threw her phone to the bed.
     Remi milled around the library, walking along the shelves that lined every corner of the old building. Her fingers slid over the spines, her eyes scanning over the myriad of titles. She recognized some of the books, having read them when she was younger.
      She slowly made her way up the stairs to the second floor, the refurbished floorboards creaking under her feet. Although this floor held several shelves of books, it was dedicated to the history of Gentry, historical and vintage items filling several glass cases. Remi breathed in deep, the smell of mildew and dust mingling with the heady scent of aging paper. This floor had always been her favorite, not only because of the history that lined nearly every wall, but the quiet sitting area nestled behind the shelves of books.
      She took a book from one of the shelves and sat down on the overstuffed couch, sinking down into its plush cushions. Silence invaded the space around her and soon enough she was engaged in the story, the words leaping off the page and creating a vivid image in her mind.
      Remi was so engrossed in the book that she barely noticed the buzzing under her. She frowned as she felt it again before she realized it was her phone. She took it from her back pocket to find that Sam was once again calling her. She swiped her finger to the left, declining the call before she set her phone down beside her, once more focusing on the page before her.
      After a few moments her phone buzzed again, this time indicating a voicemail. She stared at the screen until it went black a few seconds later. She continued reading, but this time she found it more difficult to concentrate as her mind flicked back to the voicemail. Finally she sighed heavily, closing the book abruptly and placing it on her lap. She picked up her phone, going straight to her voicemail.
      “Hey, Remi, it’s me…Sam,” he sighed. “Listen, I know things didn’t go the way you planned the other day. But…I’m starting to worry. Please call me back.”
      Remi huffed incredulously as she dropped the phone on the cushion beside her. She had barely been gone for a day and already he was concerned. What about her? He had left so abruptly she had little time to process anything, let alone where he was going or what he was doing. He could have died and she would have been none the wiser.
      For two days Sam and Dean texted and called her. Each time they implored a little more, desperation starting to settle in. Each time Remi ignored them, the pain in her heart still too thick and heavy to respond. She didn’t even care if they were hurt; they had hurt her, and she found very little empathy for their obvious worry.
      Every text was different, the boys using various tactics to get her to respond. But each one said that same thing: “I’m sorry. Please come home.” 
     Remi finally threw her phone across the room with a scream, the device thumping against the wall with a heavy thud. She was fuming when she went over to it, a sense of satisfaction falling over her when she realized her phone was broken. She knew the boys would eventually track her GPS when they realized she wasn’t going to respond to their pleas, and she didn’t want to fall into that trap. She wasn’t ready to face them again and she knew living off the grid was the only way to escape it.
Thank you for reading! If you liked what you read, let me know!! ❤❤
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Dean Girls:
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Sam Girls:
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