#washed off. She was probably being washed regularly which honestly is a very good sign!
catocappuccino · 11 months
Snorkmaiden plush I got.
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SHE'S SO ADORABLE I LOVE HER SO MUCH 😭😭😭 best purchase ever
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bill-y · 4 years
Peeta Mellark x male reader
[ We all know who Katniss Everdeen is, but what if Primrose hadn’t been chosen but another boy from another unfortunate family? YOUR family. ]
Info: This is basically a reader insert and I’ve changed a few rules, not ground breaking though. The reader is a bit bland for now but I plan for his actions to be different. Because he has different moral grounds from Katniss and such. Would appreciate feedback! FEEL FREE TO POINT OUT TYPOS. GRAMMARLY SOMETIMES DOESN’T DO MY DYSLEXIC ASS JUSTICE
Part five: Click here, butters, elpacho, last meheecan.
Part six: You're here, dumb!
Part seven: Finally here!
Wattpad account: L0calxDumbass
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Peeta and I end up helping Haymitch to his compartment, the reek of vomit and alcohol wasn't exactly pleasant.  Since we couldn't set him down the bed, we ended up hauling him to the bathtub, setting the shower on him. 
Peeta gave me an odd look when I laughed awhile ago; there was no humour in the situation after all. Forming a good impression wasn't really on my agenda. "It's alright; I can take it from here," he said.
I nodded, "Okay," I nodded, putting my lips together. "Do you—need me to call those Capitol people?" I asked, stumbling over my words. My confidence seemed to have been drained at some point.
He shook his head "No, I don't want them," he responded. I nod for the last time and head to my own room, relieved that I don't have to wash putrid vomit off Haymitch's chest hair, or something. Though it would be the perfect "revenge" for the people working here, I get why he doesn't want to see them. 
I wonder, why does he want to help such a wreck? Was he simply kind like the time he gave me bread? Or was he using this to gain Haymitch's favour? A feeling of nervousness bubbled up within me, a kind Peeta Mellark was way more dangerous than an unkind one. Not everyone in the district can afford to be kind, so kind people make such a mark on me.
I looked at the packet of cookies at the table beside the fancy bed—a lump formed in my throat. Kindness would've been nice, but not in this situation. I sighed, taking my attention to the window instead. 
There stood a lonely yellow flower, a dandelion. It took me back to the schoolyard, all those years ago. My eyes had just left Peeta's bruised face when I saw that dandelion; hope rose within me that moment, I plucked it gently from the ground and hurried home. I grabbed a small, broken bucket and grabbed Nal's hand and headed to a meadow. It was filled with the same flowers.
It was the first moment where Nal smiled after our Father's death. He loved the way the flowers smelled and looked. However, he was quite upset because we had to eat them, with the rest of the bakery bread. My father loved his plants, maybe a bit too much. 
I remember countless hours we spent in the woods looking for a specific type of plant, whether for eating or for medicine. He had me memorize them by heart, which took a couple of years because I got distracted halfway through. 
The next day, we were off to school. I hung around the edge of the meadow after, contemplating whether I should jump the fence. My mother couldn't get a job, well, she didn't want to. She thought the whole District would shame her the moment she stepped out of our crumbling home. It made no sense to me; we had nothing to lose anymore.
Which is exactly why I went under the fence, retrieved the old, leather-bound daggers my father made from scraps and wood. It was pretty frail, but if you handle it carefully and throw it properly, it won't break—most of the time.
I didn't go beyond twenty yards that day; I didn't feel confident enough to go deeper, fearing I'd get lost in the forest. I took home a small rabbit that day, we hadn't had meat for months, so it honestly looked like a full course meal, like the one we were served in the tribute train.
My mother isn't the greatest cook, so she burnt a couple of bits, mainly the thighs. But it still filled us. The woods became my second home, escaping the sad atmosphere my mother gave off and the pressure the Peacekeepers would regularly make us feel. 
The hunting started slow, but each time I went under, I went deeper. I stole eggs from nests, jumped from tree to tree and managed to shoot a squirrel or two down. I struggled with the fish; my father would always throw his dagger to the fish with little to no effort. Whenever I'd throw mine, it would miss. It took me a couple of times to figure out the water distorts my vision.
The plants were no effort; I knew which one to pick, which ones were poisonous. The signs of danger used to terrify me back to the fence until I gathered enough courage to climb the tall trees, then I stuck with it, not liking the feeling of being chased. The wild dogs would always leave me alone after a while.
On July 15th, I finally signed up for the tesserae, carrying the first batch of grains and oils in the same broken bucket I used to gather those dandelions. I patched it up with some scrap bark. On the 15th of every month, I would put my name once again. I still had to hunt; grains weren't enough. We still needed soap, milk, thread and many more things we used to have. I began to trade in the hob, learning how to hold my tongue in the process. My father used to trade there as well; he used to do all the talking while I watched, stayed silent. 
And so I simply tossed the game I had to their tables. They caught on fairly quick; I'd only speak up when it came to bargaining or when I'd change what'd I'd buy. Or when I would insult wild dog soup. My father was a charismatic man, always able to persuade people to buy whatever. Not me, though, I was like a sore thumb. Painful, to talk to at least.
My mother wasn't very enthralled with the fact that I had been hunting, too much like my father, she said. That's when we argued, "Don't be stupid like your father!" she shouted. I remember my face contorting to anger, how my fists clenched as she continued to scream. 
I finally exploded, "Why don't you go out and get a job if you don't want me hunting, then? You'd rather we starve?!" I said, slamming the table. "I won't die, I won't end up like father! I won't be Capitol's pig, neither was he!" 
"But if you do die?" She argued back, tears flowing down her cheeks as she gripped both my shoulders. "I'm only thinking of you, Y/n!"
I scoffed, glaring at her, "If you're thinking of us so much, then why aren't you helping us?! If I don't die being accused of rebellion, then I'll die because of those stupid games because of you!"
"Don't blame me for this! It was your father's fault for being brash—" She reasoned, but I cut her off by pushing her off me. I stared at her as if she grew three heads. "They asked you," I whispered, "All you did was nod, you could've lied."
Her green eyes shook at my words, "Lie to the Peacekeepers? The Capitol? And get us killed as well?! I only what your father wanted," 
"They didn't have anything on father! It was your voice that gave it away! It's your fault that he's dead, now we're over here starving because you can't get over yourself—"
Then there was a sting on my cheek. She had slapped me. My eyes landed on a crying Kunal; guilt surged through me, so I ran. I ran to the woods and slept on top of a tree, humming a soft tune to the mockingjays next to me. They listened and sung back. I fell asleep to their lullaby, surprisingly, not falling off.
I found my hand on the same cheek my mother slapped that day. I was going to die the same way I said, how ironic. I won't be able to apologize or tell my mother I loved her anymore. A sigh left my lips as I continued to stare out the window. 
I clenched my fists, punching the wall as my breath hitched. I let out a groan, holding the stinging part of my hand. I glared at the wall, grumbling under my breath before I decided to fall asleep, not wanting to think of my regrets and what I could've done. As I closed my eyes, I only hoped my dreams would be pleasant. 
"Up! Up! Up! It's a big big day!"
Effie Trinket's voice awoke me from my dreamless slumber. I groaned, muttering profanities as she left my compartment. I tried to imagine what it was like in that stupid wig--- well--- head of hers, it made my head hurt.
I had fallen asleep in the green shirt, causing it to become wrinkled, the. Not that I cared, there will be some stylist stripping me anyways. I shuddered at the thought of Capitol people touching me, what a nightmare. My eyes landed on the packet of cookies on my bedside table. I decided to grab it.
I entered the dining compartment, still half-lidded and yawning. Effie Trinket brushes me with a cup of black coffee. She was muttering obscenities, probably because of Haymitch. Peeta held a roll, looking somewhat embarrassed  "Sit down! Sit down!" Haymitch said.
Peeta flashed me a smile, amused by how dishevelled I look. To be fair, I wasn't a morning person, I find waking up to be a tiring task. I rubbed my eyes, the packet of cookies still in my hands as I slid down the chair.
They served an enormous platter of food. I'd hate to admit it, but I was starving. So for the first time, I decided to stab it with the fork, not sure what to do with the cookies so I pocketed them. I figured I'd eat them much. . . much later.
I chewed slowly, glare on my face as my eyes struggled to remain open. I didn't even notice the orange juice next to me because of it. Peeta nudged me, handing me a cup of brown, rich liquid. It was quite warm. "They call it hot chocolate," he said. "It's quite good,"
My green eyes moved from him to the cup, then back to him. As if asking for permission. I sniffed, muttering a "thank you," before I took the cup from him. The moment the hot chocolate touched my lips I felt awake.
Not only was it hot, but it was also amazing. I've never tasted anything like this before. Coffee was a luxury, this I cannot even fathom. After I've drained my cup, I put it down and muster a sheepish smile. "Is there more?" I asked, my voice hoarse.
Effie seemed to be excited by my sudden interest. "Glad you're finally appreciating the finer things," she quipped as another cup was passed to me. "Right," I responded, gripping the cup tightly.
I stopped eating when I felt somewhat full, only asking for more hot chocolate. Peeta is still eating, breaking off bits of roll and dipping them in his hot chocolate.
Haymitch hasn’t paid much attention to his platter, but he’s knocking back a glass of red juice that he keeps thinning with a clear liquid from a bottle. Judging by the fumes, it’s some kind of spirit. I don’t know Haymitch, but I’ve seen him often enough in the Hob, tossing handfuls of money on the counter of the woman who sells white liquor. He’ll be a mess again by the time we reach the Capitol.
"So, you're supposed to give us advice," I said, taking a sip of the hot liquid. He grinned, "Here's some advice, stay alive," then he burst out laughing.
My brows furrowed, "Ha. Ha." I let out, unamused. I glanced to Peeta, surprised to see Hardness in his eyes. Usually, he looked mild. "That's very funny," he said as if adding to my remark. He suddenly lashed out at the glass in Haymitch's hands. It shattered, spilling the blood-red liquid on the floor. "Only not to us,"
Haymitch took this opportunity to punch Peeta straight in the jaw, knocking the boy out of his chair before turning around to reach for more spirits. I stopped him, driving a knife into the table, between his hand and the bottle, barely missing his fingers.
I expected some sort of retaliation, but that didn't come. "Oh, well what is this?" he said. "Did I actually get a pair of fighters this year?"
Peeta rose from the floor and scoops up a handful of ice from under the fruit tureen. He started to raise it to the red mark on his jaw.
"No," Haymitch stopped him. "Let the bruise show. The audience will think you’ve mixed it up with another tribute before you’ve even made it to the arena."
"That’s against the rules," said Peeta. "Only if they catch you. That bruise will say you fought, you weren’t caught, even better," said Haymitch. He turns to me. “Can you hit anything other than the table?"
I shrugged, pulling the knife off the table. "Your head or. . ." I said, before tossing the knife in between the seams of two panels. If I was confident at one thing, it's my aim. But not so much with a bow.
"Stand over here. Both of you," ordered Haymitch, nodding to the middle of the room. We obey and he circles us, prodding us like animals at times, checking our muscles, examining our faces. “Well, you’re not entirely hopeless. Seem fit. And once the stylists get hold of you, you’ll be attractive enough.”
Peeta and I don’t question this. The Hunger Games aren’t a beauty contest, but the best-looking tributes always seem to pull more sponsors. Though I do enjoy the fact that the stylists are likely going to have a hard time styling me.
"All right, I’ll make a deal with you. You don’t interfere with my drinking, and I’ll stay sober enough to help you," said Haymitch. "But you have to do everything I say,"
Of course, there's a catch. "Fine," Peeta said while I shrugged carelessly, sipping on my hot chocolate. "In a few minutes, we’ll be pulling into the station. You’ll be put in the hands of your stylists. You’re not going to like what they do to you. But no matter what it is, don’t resist," Instructed Haymitch
Oh, well there goes my plan on being a general nuisance. Damn you, Haymitch.
He takes the bottle of spirits from the table and leaves the car. As the door swings shut behind him, the car goes dark. There are still a few lights inside, but outside it’s as if night has fallen again. I realize we must be in the tunnel that runs up through the mountains into the Capitol. The mountains form a natural barrier between the Capitol and the eastern districts. It is almost impossible to enter from the east except through the tunnels. This geographical advantage was a major factor in the districts losing the war that led to my being a tribute today. Since the rebels had to scale the mountains made them easy targets for the Capitol's air forces.
Peeta and I stood in silence. My finger raised, mouth opening but I decided it wasn't worth it and awkwardly shuffled to one of the windows. He seemed to have caught on, however. "Nice view, isn't it?" he joked.
"I guess if you're blind," I answered dryly, raising the warm cup to my lips. "Sophisticated darkness, my favourite type," I finished.
He chuckled, walking next to me, the train slowing on cue. My muscles tensed as the sunlight entered the compartment. It was blinding. After my eyes adjusted I finally saw the Capitol.
I would be lying if I said it wasn't beautiful. Rainbow hued buildings that tower to the sky, possibly beyond. Shiny cars rolling on the fancy, clean pavement streets. The cameras failed to capture its beauty. It would've been perfect if not for the fact that the oddly dressed colours, wearing blizzard wigs and painted faces exist.
They looked painfully artificial. I much prefer the natural tones of district 12. "Eugh, how do they look at themselves?" I muttered, catching the attention of Peeta, who chuckled at my comment.
Huh, I forgot that he was there.
The same disgusting people began to point at us, enthralled. I was sickened, they couldn't wait to watch us kill each other like wild wolves. I suppose that's better than ending up at soup.
I stepped back, a scowl on my face. No longer able to stand the obnoxious attires and the mocking smiles of scums. Peeta held his ground, smiling and waving at them.
He only stopped when the train stopped at the station, blocking up from their view. "Who knows?" he said. "Some of them may be rich."
My body seemed to freeze as I took one last sip of the now-luke warm hot chocolate. That's when I realized, I had misjudged him. Not that I can read people well.
Which made sense, if I could I would've known that his father visiting me, offering to help Haymitch only to challenge him and now, waving and smiling at those slugs. He had a plan in mind.
He hasn't accepted his death yet. Peeta Mellark, the boy who gave me bread was fighting hard.
And that terrified me.
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word count: 2.8k
Hey guys! sorry for the long wait! Had to take a break!
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lassieposting · 3 years
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- She was born a bit before Skug's mother, so, around the 1100s. Her parents were a Danish viking (who settled in Ireland after the invasion in the 9th century) and his Irish bride, and since the vikings remained a distinct culture and ethnicity until c. 1200, she grew up with viking beliefs and traditions. Viking women were taught to fight and fend for themselves, which is why she's feistier and more independent than was normal for women at the time.
- Her childhood was good, and her family was big and close. She was born late enough to miss the majority of the fighting during the invasion, so their life was mostly a peaceful one. Occasionally her father would ride off to fight with the lord he served, and he'd come back with new slaves and grand stories, but it never really affected her. She was actually pretty salty that she missed out on all the glory.
- Her power was insane and her visions began at a really young age. Most of her village was mortal, but her powers were considered a gift from Odin and she was seen as a seer rather than a freak. Her "gift" terrified her and she quietly hated it, but kept that to herself because she didn't want the gods to punish her for rejecting their favour.
- Darquesse isn't the only thing she saw well in advance. She was convinced from a young age that she would have two sons with a red-haired Irish man. Ghastly's father was Irish, but not ginger: Skug - her son by choice, not by blood - was the red-headed boy in the vision.
- She went travelling for a bit during her teens with her older brothers and got into some scrapes, and during one of these trips she met Ghastly's father, Solicitous, who taught her about magic. She married him for love in her early 20s, baffling her family, who all thought she'd have gotten thoroughly bored of him by then.
- They're an odd couple. She's an Amazon of a woman with a loud, extroverted, overtly maternal personality. He's a quiet little man with his head in the clouds who doesn't really understand people and is happiest when sat feeding the birds. She henpecks him a bit, but they love each other dearly and stay married until her death.
- It takes a long time for her to get pregnant. She wasn't expecting that, and she's very upset that her parents never got to meet her son. She's lost track of her siblings' great-great-great-great-etc grandkids by the time she has a child of her own. Still, she's over the moon when she finds out she's expecting Ghastly.
- She's cursed about halfway through her pregnancy, but she doesn't realise the curse had any lasting effects until Ghastly is born. It hurt her at the time, and she was afraid it might've killed the baby, but when Ghastly kept kicking and shit like normal, she assumed she'd just gotten lucky. She knew her son would be scarred, but she always thought he'd get them in battle. She never thought it'd be her fault. She blames herself for a long time, and they do everything they can to try and break the curse so Ghastly can have a normal childhood.
- When Ghastly is toddling, they start trying for baby #2. And then they try to increase the chances of baby #2 by visiting a healer. This is when she's informed that she will never be able to have more children, and it breaks her. She thinks about the little redheaded baby who will never be and just? Goes to pieces.
- She's the one who nudges Ghastly into getting on the merchant ship. He had no intention or desire to ever go to sea, and actually he spent a good part of the first few days being violently sick overboard. But she had a feeling about that particular ship, that he needed to be on that one when it left port, that it was important. A bit over a month later, he returns home, and he brings Skug.
- She knows he's her second boy the minute she touches him. He's kind of, awkward and gangly and looks a bit lost, a bit hollow in the eyes, and when she asks if she should send word to his family that he's safe, he makes an off-key joke about how they probably haven't even noticed he's missing. She makes up a spare cot in Ghastly's little attic room and Skug moves in.
- She badly wants to give Skug's parents a battering. The first night he sleeps there, she kisses Ghastly's forehead before he goes up to bed even though he grouses and complains that he's too old for that, now. And Skug just. Stares. With this silly scrunchy-nosed look on his face like he's never seen a mother give a goodnight kiss before. So she gives him one too.
- She takes precisely zero bullshit as a parent. Her kids are her world, and she makes all their meals, washes their clothes, wakes them up in the morning, etc. But she also raps hands with a ladle for starting to eat before everyone has been served, boxes ears for cussing in the house (usually Ghastly) or putting boots on the table (usually Skug), and locks them out to sleep in the barn if they're not home by the time she goes to bed. She strongly suspects this is the first time Skulduggery has ever been introduced to "house rules".
- She works in a tavern some evenings, pouring ale, serving food and tossing out grabby or unruly patrons. It brings in some extra coin and she's highly sociable, so she loves the atmosphere.
- Absolutely asks after Wifey long before Skug ever meets her. Realises her mistake when she clarifies that by "lady friend" she did not mean "China" and Skug's eyebrows practically airlift off his face, because he is intending to marry China at the time, and now there's apparently someone else in his future???
- Actually mixes up Skug's girlfriends a lot, and regularly forgets which ones he has and hasn't met. She despairs, honestly. One of her boys is a hermit and the other one is a hussy. Why can't they just find nice girls to settle down with?
- Nursed both Skug and Ghastly through their Surge, and Skug's was the scariest fuckin thing she'd ever seen. She genuinely expected him to die, and she was convinced from that point on that there was something in him that wasn't entirely human, something fierce and feral and frightened. Since Skug's Elemental magic was trying to wipe out his Necromancy, she's right: the thing that would become Lord Vile was fighting for its life.
- She painstakingly saves money for the both of them during their late teens, intending to use it for their homes when they marry and move out. Skug signs up for the army instead and Ghastly decides to go with him, so instead she uses it to have a woven razor sword made for each of them.
- Foresaw and diverted both her sons' deaths so many times? Just not all of them.
- One of these instances, she had a nightmare on the eve of a battle where she saw Skug bleeding out on the battlefield surrounded by the dead and the dying. She used the dream to figure out where he was after the battle was done, and delivered him to a field hospital...where he met Wifey.
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etraytin · 4 years
Quarantine, Day 43
Oh, my sweet chili babies, today has been A DAY. I told you yesterday how I got two two-week old kittens, my first of the season. It was very exciting and not too stressful, two week kittens usually go 3-4 hours between feeds, so there is some opportunity for sleeping, and with a pair, feeds typically don't take too long. Sweet adorable kittens, relatively basic bottlefeeding, no problem, right? I did a feed at 1am, a feed at 5am, and set my alarm for 9am. 
A little before eight this morning, I woke up because my phone was blowing up, enough that the vibrating woke me even though the sound was off. My TNR group chat was in a frenzy because a person called our coordinator about a local feral who'd started having kittens on her porch, but then the woman had gone outside, scared the shit out of Mama, and long story short, the cat was running around the yard screaming, with a kitten hanging half out. Not ideal! By the time I caught up with things, two of our trappers were out there but Mama had hit the road, leaving behind one dead kitten, presumably the one she'd had the trouble with, and one alive kitten, placenta still attached, still wet from birth. I talked them through drying and warming the kitten, separating the placenta, etc, all with my brain at about 70% function. It became clear fairly quickly that the mama was not coming back, at least not any time soon, and the baby was getting hungry, so something had to be done. 
I am the only bottlefeeder at our rescue who regularly handles days-old kittens, but even for me, this was a new record. The  other trappers brought him to me, cradled in one's cupped hands, held close to the heating vent. They named him "You're Killin' Me, Smalls," or Smalls for short. He weighed 81 grams at his first feeding, slightly less than two packs of gum, but he was fully furred (full fur means full-term kitten) and rooting energetically. He suckled on the syringe, all good signs for his prognosis, but newborn kittens are shockingly fragile. Smalls needs two hour feeds, all through the day and night. 
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After I fed Smalls, I had to separate Amy and Rosa because Amy was exhibiting sibling suckling behavior, which is maladaptive instinct that makes a kitten suckle on anything catlike nearby. Not that bad if it's a blanket or a stuffed toy, but can be very damaging if it is a sibling. So I got out a whole other set of carrier, towels, stuffed toy, heating pad, and set up a second kitten setup. Then I had to feed the girls. They both still have food-change diarrhea, and it was not getting any better. I texted with our vet tech, who suggested more frequent, smaller meals. So all the kittens went onto two hour feeds. 
I realized in the afternoon that I was going to need more kitten formula sooner than I expected, so I went to the pet store by my house. Nobody there, neither customers nor staff, were wearing masks or distancing. Lovely. And they didn't even have KMR, just its cut-rate cousin, PetLac. If I wanted soy formula, I could've gotten it a lot cheaper at Walmart, since it's all they sell. In the parking lot, I got a call from the rescue coordinator. I told her I was having trouble finding KMR. She told me she had a brand new can for me, and also another kitten. A what? I basically asked. Apparently Rosa and Amy had a sibling who somehow got mixed in with the TWENTY FIVE OTHER KITTENS that this farm owner had brought in today. Also, a lot of the kittens were way younger than advertised, which is a big problem when you have three bottlefeeders and twenty bottlefeedees. So I took the can, and the kitten, and that's how I ended up with Jake! 
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Jake is a weird puzzle that I haven't figured out yet. He's sick with something, probably something respiratory since he has serious eye goopies, but no other discharge yet. He also seems to loathe being alive. He hates the bottle, he hates the syringe, he hates milk, he hates being weighed or washed. He expresses his hatred by twisting his tiny body in such a way as to attempt to hurl himself into the void and to the ground far below. Once he is in the carrier with Rosa he settles down, but it literally takes twenty minutes to get a teaspoonful of milk into him. The girls aren't much better, honestly, and Smalls is pretty slow but he has the excuse of being zero days old. My four kittens need to be fed every two hours and feeding them takes an hour. It's going to be a long, long week. 
Anyway, I'm going to lay down for an hour and contemplate the hubris of wishing for kittens even though I knew I'd be punished for it. At least they are cute and extremely fluffy, and if I can just keep them alive it will all be worth it. If anybody would like to contribute to the effort, I have an Amazon Wishlist of kitten supplies right here. I especially need Breeders Edge powder, it's expensive but everyone I've talked to says it is the best thing for food change diarrhea. Here's hoping, cause I've gotten pooped on A. Lot today. 
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Survey #273
ew, wtf is this new /tagged formatting???? ugh.
What is something you dislike about the dating world? I haven't dated around enough to have first-hand experience, really. But from an outside view, people don't seem all that interested in serious commitment. Don't fwm if you aren't into the idea of working towards a whole lifetime together. What gives you confidence? Bitch nothing lmao. Have you ever dated someone with very different sexual tastes than you? No. What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given? Both Jason and Sara got a huge list of reasons I love them for certain relationship "milestones," both which really did take a long time because there were loads. I did it with each because I really did feel like it was a very personal, uplifting, and full-of-adoration gift, not just for the sake of recycling an idea because I had no others. I have a shitload of romantic ideas, ngl man. Do you feel as though someone ‘won’ in your last break up? Neither of us "won" or "lost," really. It was a mutual agreement that now just isn't the time for a relationship between us. Whatever happened to the first person you ever loved? Sometimes I'm scared to know. Do you still shop at the same stores you liked when you were a teenager? Yeah. Thankfully Hot Topic became more accessible to plus-size people. Is there anyone significantly older than you that you would date? No. I won't go over like... nine years. Even eight it pushing it. Please share your embarrassing and weird celeb crushes. Post pictures. What do you like about them? I don't have any "embarrassing" or "weird" ones. What is something your partner does that is unattractive to you? N/A What is something that would have made the show better/you would have liked to see happen on one of your favorite series? I honestly wish Weed in Ginga Densetsu Weed was more realistic and realized Hougen was worth killing himself. The lightning seemed cheap and anti-climactic. He had EVERY reason to kill him, and it sounds weird to consider killing as a form of growth, but I feel like it would've been. Maybe that's just a personal thing, believing killing is sometimes justified, but it actually annoyed me. Nevertheless, fucking fantastic show. How do you feel about celebrities that are silent about political or human rights issues? Do you think celebrities should use their platform to speak out? I have... mixed feelings. I think most of me says to use their prominence for good, to be a loud voice to look up to and bring greater attention to issues, but at the same time, some people just like/feel safer being non-political. When you were a kid, what child characters did you admire or relate to most? BINDI IRWIN!!!!!!!!!! I still follow and fucking adore her. Y'all she recently got married and she is just so beautiful and so happy and the Irwins are just genuinely angels on this earth. Tell me about a time that you were bored in a relationship (can be romantic or friendship). What was it about them/the situation that bored you? I've never been romantically bored, and not really with a friendship, either. Sure, I've been bored in another's presence, but it was never a consistent issue. Who’s your favorite Tiktoker? I have never even touched it. How high or low is the barrier to entry in your field or desired field? It's tough, but not that high. More than anything, photography depends on who you know to help get you out there, sadly. It's luck, too. There is most certainly skill involved, but yeah... building your brand up to stand out with only your own hands is ridiculously hard. But that's really any small business/self-employed position. Where would you look if you were looking for a job (e.g., indeed.com, company websites, asking a friend…)? I've pretty much always used Indeed, or I hear from family/friends. How much lower than your ideal salary would you take? What would the job have to entail for you to take a less than ideal wage? Hi, I live in America, where the government doesn't give a fuck if you can support yourself on minimum wage or not. :^) But anyway, this is a difficult question to answer with how little experience I have. I can say, however, that I will fucking not work to just barely scrape by with minimum wage. If I'm going to bust my ass, it's gonna be fucking worth it. Even if you were able to support yourself/your own family, would there ever be a situation in which you would choose to live in a shared house with another family or individual, be it your parents or a sibling’s family, or some other housemate? Sure, I wouldn't mind. Especially family. Do bridges make you nervous? To a degree. Are there any movies that you find so dumb, you find funny? Napoleon Dynamite, of course. How often do you vacation? Pretty much never ever. Do you think it’s cruel to leave a live fish to die in an ice box? I am genuinely concerned for you if you say no to this. Have you ever done anything sexual with someone of the same sex? Yes. Have you ever pawned anything off at a pawn shop? No. Do you have stomach abs? OH, HUNNY- Do you know anyone who is trying to physically impersonate a celebrity? No. Have you ever seen a shuttle launch? I mean, on TV, but even then I didn't seriously watch it. Are we having signs of the apocalypse? I don't believe in the "apocalypse." We're going to fall through natural methods. We're definitely heading deeper into destruction in some ways, though, by our own hands. I'm quite sure humans themselves will be the end of humanity. Would you rather see The Blue Man Group or Fear Factor live? BLUE MAN GROUP!!! They're dooooope. Do you have any exciting plans for this upcoming weekend? No. I'm staying in the goddamn house like we're fucking supposed to. What color of colored contacts would you like to have? To wear regularly? Sapphire blue. Ohhh, maybe one that, and the other icy blue. What’s on your bedside table? It's more a shelf than a table, so I have quite a bit. My medicine basket, fan, a drink, books, sketchbook, some other miscellaneous things. What’s on your bed? A bedsheet, comforter, two pillows, and me, ha ha. Your floor besides furniture? Nothing. Your dresser? All my meerkat stuffed animals, plus some others. The top shelf in your closet? Ha, good question. Are there any dead stuffed animals in your house? No. What’s the best prize you’ve won on an amusement park/carnival game? *shrug* Have you ever done anything sexual in a school? No, I was a good noodle. Have you ever been indoor skydiving? No. Would you have any interest in going on a cruise? Not really. What did you have for dinner last night? I made some hot wings. What's your ideal indoor temperature? High 60s, ig. It’s hard to really tell because my room is always the hottest in the house and I have a fan on me, so I don’t really feel the “normal” temperature most of the time. Does your kitchen have a theme? No. What's the grossest thing u have found in your food? Probably nothing worse than a hair or something, idk. Are you a flip flop lover? I am NOTORIOUS for wearing flipflops absolutely year-round. A little bit of snow on the ground? I’m wearing my gd flipflops because they’re just easy to slide on and I care about convenience probably too much lmao. What namebrand dishwashing liquid do u use? … Dawn, I think? I don’t really pay attention. Do you like ice cream sandwiches? UGH yesssssssssss hunty. Do you prefer hard or soft shell tacos? I hate tacos, but I’d definitely rather have a soft shell than hard. Ever worn a flower in your hair? Maybe as a kid? Name five random things in your kitchen? Nothing abnormal, really… no, wait. You know those sticky cylinder things that flies are attracted to and die a slow death for their brazen intrusion upon your property? We have one of those hanging up in there. Magnets and pictures on the fridge is considered pretty normal, right? Name four things in your fridge? Milk, apples, a bigass bag of pepperoni, and some cold water bottles because I strongly prefer cold water. Name two things in your meds cabinet? We’ve got a load… Different kinds of pain pills, things like Pepto, etc. Name six things in your family room? A couch, a reclining chair, the TV, Mom’s bed, loads of pictures on the walls, and uh… sidetables? Name three things in your bedroom? My snake, my bed, and my dresser. Name three things in your yard? A bird feeder that squirrels like to steal from, a random fucking dolphin statue thingy that deadass looks like a distorted dick (it’s been here since we got here, idfk), and two sheds. Name two things in your bathroom? Our bathroom is tiiiny, so very normal stuff. Y’know, a toilet and sink. What health problems do you have? A lot that I don’t feel like thinking through. Fave name brand of water? Essentia. Do you have a trampoline? Not since I was a teenager. The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? Jam to make a pb&j. Do you like clowns? No opinion. Are you listening to anything at the moment? Surprisingly nothing, but Halocene’s cover of “My Immortal” is seeeeeriously jammed in my head. Do you twitch when your falling asleep? YES. They’re more like muscle spasms. Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? We don’t have one; we have to wash by hand. Buuut that house we’re moving into has one! :’) When is the last time you were on a bicycle? Not since I was a teenager. I used to love love loooove to ride my bike after school. What have you eaten today? Special K cereal and aforementioned sandwich. Do you own a strapless bra? Fuckin Y I K E S that would not work w/ my size lmfao. Does the person you like know it? Ye. Did anything brighten up your day today? Our lawn FINALLY got mowed and the bushes trimmed. We had to tidy it up before we can move. It looked like a jungle, deadass serious. Do you ever wonder how other people see you? Only all the time. What is one good thing you're known for? I write well. How about one bad thing? I’m very dependent. When was the last time you sang an ENTIRE song? Wow, no clue. I rarely sing, never mind an entire song. What is one thing that is currently bothering you? Actually my stomach kinda hurts. What did you do today? Wander around the Internet looking for something to even mildly entertain me, play World of Warcraft for a very brief period since I’m going through a bored phase of it, read for a bit, showered… not a lot, but later today we’re celebrating my mom’s birthday early, actually. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? No. I think my dimples are kinda cute, but that’s it. Do you regret going out with the last person you did? Not at all. Do you realize it when you curse? It’s so normal in my vocabulary that generally, no. I’m very mindful around kids, though. I still remember the first time I said “fuck” in my mom’s presence without realizing it and she just like f r o z e. Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? Yeah, for various reasons. That is veeeeery rare nowadays, though, partially because I’m so fucking bored that I’m just happy to close the day. What's the longest amount of time you've been stuck in traffic? An hour or so is my guess while traveling. I don’t recall any specific instances. Best field trip experience? We went to the zoo!!!! It was the one and only time thus far that I’ve seen meerkats irl. What is the most amount of money you've spent on a meal before? I’ve never really been able to buy my own meal, never mind something expensive. What museums have you visited, if any? Just local ones centered around art or science, generally. What's your worst traveling experience? Idk. Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? Never played. Not my kinda game. What area of math are you best at? Worst? lol I suck at them all. How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? It’s exciting! Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? No, because I don’t believe in any “magical” influence over events that occur. Shit just happens, sometimes to good people, sometimes to bad people, and everything in-between. How often do you "half-ass" things (put little effort in)? IIII tend to do that a lot.. Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Not really. Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? You could say so, but it turned out fine that I missed it anyway. What's something that makes you incredibly nervous? Talking to people I don’t know or being alone with a man. If you don't have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? N/A If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn't need them anymore? I’d be fuckin’ stoked, I could get my undereye dermal without it looking stupid. How many vegetarians do you know? I’m not sure. Have you ever considered going to art school? Does Photography count? I majored in that. Otherwise, no. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? No, I was always very attentive in class. Are your parents supportive of you? Very.
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Not Dreaming of You [Ch 3]
(Because You Won’t Let Me Sleep)
Series- Voltron
Pairing(s)- End Game is Klancelot, with a heavy slight incline toward Keitor simply based on the set up.
Other pairs include minor Shallura, past Rolotor, one-sided Sheith. platonic (??) Plance and even a hint of Heith if you squint real hard.
Characters in this fic in order of most screen time: Keith, Lotor, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, our Lovely Lady Generals, Kuron, Shiro, Allura, Rolo and Nyma
Synopsis: Keith has been tensely living with Lotor for about a year. They aren’t exactly friends, but occasionally they can get along. Suddenly with no explanation their neighbor Rolo moves out and two very noisy whack jobs move in. Somewhere between the loss of Lotor’s old fuck buddy and Keith’s sleep deprivation things start to get a little…odd.
“I’m telling you, there is something wrong with them!”
This chapter: No Lotor or Keith, but a look at Lance and Pidge and how they got where they are today...
Chapter 3- Lance is a normal boy with normal problems. Cross my heart and hope to die.
The first thing Lance realized when he woke up was that the light in the motel room was way too bright. Like kick in the teeth glass shards in your eyes kind of bright.
Next, he notices how absolutely parched he is. Lips dry, throat on fire, hell his joints are screaming at him like he’s been dehydrated for days.
When his eyes finally adjust enough to the room another sense comes at him like a pile of bricks.
Down to the linen sheets and the small sizzling burn of a cheap lightbulb reaching the end of its life. But on top of that, almost downing him, is the smell of…iron?
… Jeez.
To make his current physical standings worse, he’s alone in the motel room he’d entered the night before with a very attractive partner.
Maybe, Lance hopes, they had some prior engagement to get to in a hurry. Maybe there was a note or something and this wasn’t just a one-night stand.
Though—he doesn’t remember having sex last night either. Though his shirt is off and nowhere in sight…
Lance dragged himself out of bed on wobbly feet. He could see his shoes over by the door where he’d left them, his jacket thrown on the chair—yeah he remembered that too. But then- nothing.
He stumbled over to his jacket and fished out his cellphone. His wallet was still in there too so that was a good sign. It wasn’t like the hot stranger (Who’s name was currently escaping him) had robbed him or anything. There was, sadly, still no note or anything to imply that they ever wanted to see Lance again though.
Maybe he’d done something embarrassing. Maybe he’d drank too much and just blacked out.
His phone reads 5:23AM. Which means, if he wanted to, he could still get home before his mom got up for work if he moved quickly enough.
He’d miss his shirt, but not as much as he’d miss casual family dinners without his mother glaring daggers into his soul for not being home when she says goodbye.
It wasn’t like he’d planned to get a motel room with a stranger but hey, when the opportunity presents itself you take it.
So with one last passing glance over the room, he pulls on his shoes, zips up his hoodie to cover the fact he was shirtless and wanders out of the motel. If he had a little more time he’d probably have made the bed, made sure the bathroom was clean and all that good nonsense because his mother did in fact raise him right but it wasn’t like he could catch a ride home.
Though, again, it really didn’t look like much had happened.
When he was outside he braced himself against the cold and briefly wondered if it was possible to order a Lyft or an Uber home right about then.
Not that he couldn’t make the walk, but this was some extra level chill in the air. Sure, it was March and winter was still just hanging around and he was shirtless under his coat so the cold made sense but this just seeped into his bones and nearly put him to sleep, he felt so damn weak.
Man, the sooner her got home the better. So he decided to jog.
By the time he got home, quietly letting himself into his house, he crawled straight into bed and passed out.
He didn’t hear his mother’s alarm go off nor did he hear her leave, too exhausted like his body was made of lead.
What did wake him up was his sister cooking lunch. She had evening classes at the local community college so this was pretty normal. Lance himself was taking the semester off due to a financial aid mishap so his job was to cook dinner.
He wasn’t sure what it was that had really woken him but by the time he drifted into the living room the smell of his sisters beef patties made his mouth water.
Which was already a feat in and of itself considering how he was still crazy thirsty. He mumbled a quick hello to his sister who rolled her eyes at him for sleeping in so late and let himself into the fridge to get at the Kool-Aid he and his siblings regularly kept stocked.
And, like the gross boy he was against all his mother’s teachings, drank straight from the pitcher.
Veronica shrieked at him and hit him with a spatula, “Asqueroso! Lance, you’re washing that and making more now!”
Lance rolled his eyes affectionately, “Si Mama.”
“Oh don’t call me that,” She hissed before turning back to her cooking. Lance downed what was left of the pitcher and looked her over. She was wearing a long sleeved blue cotton shirt and shorts that, as her brother, he wished she didn’t own.
“You’re gonna change before class right?” He asked.
She blinked at him, “Why? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
“Nothing! Nothing, it’s just. Cold outside is all.”
“Ponte pantalones o le digo a mama.”
She slammed the spatula down and gave him the finger before wandering off upstairs shouting about how he better not let her burgers burn.
As soon as she was gone Lance realized quite curiously that the food didn’t smell as good.
How odd.
When eating and drinking and taking a scalding shower does not help him feel any better, the lights are still bright everything still smells weird and his skin is still crazy cold he starts to panic.
So he calls his brilliant friend.
If anyone knew what kind of weird shit he’d gotten into last night it would be her. Though, he was a little concerned about calling her up at all since she’d basically dropped off the face of the earth about two weeks ago.
Thankfully, she answered the phone anyway.
“Lance!” She shouted into the receiver. The urgency in her voice almost made him forget his own issues.
“H-Hey Pidge, what’s wrong?”
“Can I come over? Please? Please—your siblings aren’t home right?”
Lance raised a brow but considered this. Marco and Luis were out skating at the park and Veronica was stomping around upstairs like she was getting ready to head out.
“Uh, yeah, Vero is just leaving… Are you okay?”
“I’ll explain when I get there okay? I just. I just need you to keep an open mind okay. And. Unlock the door.”
Lance nodded, then corrected himself by saying so out loud before he wandered over to the door. The light the filtered in through the glass frame landed on his skin and felt way warmer than a sun beam should. Lance almost couldn’t care though considering how cold he’d been just a moment before.
It felt kind of nice.
Until it didn’t. His skin was suddenly very red and stung like a bitch, very clearly a sunburn. How in the hell he managed to burn himself that quickly was anyone’s guess.
He stood there eyeing his hand until Veronica came up next to him.
“What are we looking at?” She asked him.
He shrugged his shoulders and took her hand, holding it in the light.
She raised a brow at this but didn’t flinch at all. That was, until she noticed her brother’s fingers getting red.
“Lance! What—are you okay?” She pulled him out of the light and looked his hands over. He was honestly in too much shock to say much.
“…Tell mom when she gets home, we’ll get the insurance card and go to the doctor tomorrow, okay?”
Lance nods at her before she leaned foreward and kissed him on the cheek, “Maybe stay out of the sun for a bit okay?” She let herself out and told him to lock the door but per Pidge’s instruction he decided not to.
Besides, he was too distracted by the smell.
It was a couple minutes later when Pidge’s bike slammed into the side of Lance’s house and his front door swung open.
The girl practically rolled into the house, covered head to toe in a big green hooded coat, mittens and a scarf.
Lance knew it was cold at night, but the sun was still out and it certainly didn’t need any of that…
“Pidge are you—” he started from his spot on the couch, where he’d curled up with his phone to wait for her.
She didn’t let him finish this sentence though as she launched herself across the living room and onto her friend’s lap. Lance nearly shrieked.
“I’m sorry okay but I promise I’ll explain later and I just—ah…” Her forehead was burned, just like Lance’s hands, and her cheeks were flushed as well. Though whether that was a burn or embarrassment from her current position he didn’t know.
Honestly, he’d never thought of Pidge in this way and really had no idea how he was supposed to respond to the girl’s small knees straddling his waist. Definitely didn’t know how to feel about her hands tugging on his shirt or the way her mouth just hung open like she was the confused one.
“…Oh no.” She leaned into his neck and took a deep sniff of his skin.
“Pidge. Hun. Sweetheart. Please tell me what’s going on?”
She sighed deeply but didn’t remove herself from his lap, “I don’t know if this would still work…it doesn’t feel right…”
Lance groaned, hoping she understood how confused she was making him. Then she made it worse, by removing her mittens and reaching one of her own fingers into her mouth. She winced and pulled out her now bleeding finger, holding it up for him to see.
“What do you think of this, Lance?”
Lance stared at the small bead of blood on her skin.
And honestly…?
“…something is very wrong with us, isn’t there?”
Pidge sighed again and stared up at the ceiling, before letting out a very long and drawn out “Fuck.”
Adjusting was… difficult. And honestly, Lance could feel himself losing it day by day. He couldn’t spend too long with his siblings after that first time wit Pidge. He couldn’t enjoy his meals. He couldn’t sleep like a sensible human being.
Something had to give.
So he called her again. She picked up after the first ring, his calls now set to priority.
“Did you learn something?” She asked, not bothering with a greeting per usual.
Lance rolled his eyes and leaned further back against his pillow in his blue walled room. Maybe he’d teach her manners sometime. But considering the fact her current priority was to rid themselves of this ailment they were both suffering from, he wasn’t going to complain. Much.
“Pidgling, let’s go out.”
He could hear the skeptic look on her face.
“Pidgling. Pidgling I’m serious. Let’s go. Let’s get out. Away from people we care about for a little bit. Just. Find a stranger. Take the edge off.”
He got to listen to her take a deep breath and let it go through her nose loudly. Definitely tempted. Definitely frustrated. Definitely…
“I’m about to reach through this phone and strangle you, we can’t think like that! We don’t know what will happen! What if—”
“What if I find a volunteer?” He hadn’t meant to say it like that, he hadn’t meant to say it at all. But the thought had occurred to him a few times.
After all, they were… kind of living a weird kind of fantasy right now, certain girls had wet dreams about this kind of shit. If he happened to mention it to someone who looked the part and they jumped on it, no big deal right?
He said as much to her and he proceeded to listen to her weigh the pros and cons of such a questionable venture before she made a small short determined sound.
“Okay. You know what? You go. Do your thing. When you’re done come over and tell me everything. I’m just. I’ll be here studying our blood samples.” She said it, she decided it, but she sounded sad.
“Or, and try this on for size Pidglet, you can get more blood samples.”
She groaned into the receiver and it was another twenty minutes before she conceded to be picked up.
Another five to convince her to borrow Matt’s car because Lance intended to drink something.
When they were finally seated around a bar, Lance eyed the crowd and established that everyone looked pretty normal and not fetishy at all.
“I think we came to the wrong club,” Lance offered as he gulped down his second shot of whiskey.
Pidge scrunched up her nose in distaste and turned back to her journal, “Well yeah probably, but you’re the one who chose this place so…”
She read over her notes and tapped her pencil on the spiral. The girl clearly had a problem leaving work at home.
“Well it’s not like we just stop having problems when we walk outside Lance, someone has to fix this mess!” She bit out, looking at him again.
He eyed the empty shot glass and wondered how much it was affecting him because he really didn’t remember saying that out loud. She groaned in exasperation and shooed him off.
“Whatever, go find someone to entertain yourself with while I get some liquid creativity in my system.” She flagged down the bartender and asked for something Lance was sure was very sugary that he’d have to steal a sip from eventually. But, for now, he went to peruse the club goers.
There was an interesting group of girls toward the back, almost looked like the type he’d been inclined to look for tonight if it wasn’t for the fact they were chattering about their missing boyfriend. All four of them. One guy. Lance may have been desperate, but he was not desperate enough to fuck with a guy who had four girls all openly discussing how much they missed him for not coming out with them tonight.
Anyone with that much game should be revered anyway.
Next stop, he spotted a girl with some fishnet leggings, ripped jeans, big thick black choker. Her skin was dark with smattered white patches that appeared to be tattooed on given how they resembled galaxies. As he approached her he realized the white patches were just part of her skin while the galaxies were drawn on every visible inch of her with what was probably the ball point pen sticking out of her back pocket.
Sure, she didn’t scream “bad tastes in wanna-be gothic media” but maybe she dabbled a little.
He sidled up to her, plastered on his most dashing smile and opened with his best line, “Hey there, the names Lance, and you are?”
She blinked up at him, pulling her attention away from her cellphone where she’d been rapidly typing just a moment before.
If Lance wasn’t so desperate, he would have noticed the sadness in her eyes before she seemed to settle on something.
“H-hey.” She shook her head and locked her phone, “Listen, I’m sure you’re a great guy but I’m kind of…not in the mood.”
Lance had been turned down a few times in his life. Came on too strong, too dorky, what have you. But her sincerity surprised him, so he decided to return the favor.
He leaned against the wall next to her and made sure his voice translated this for her. That he wasn’t looking for a hook up anymore and maybe she would appreciate that.
“That’s cool, that’s cool don’t worry about it,” He offered softly, “If you want me to leave I will, but your phrasing leads me to believe things could be…better, is everything alright? Do you need me to call you a ride home?”
She glanced down at her phone but didn’t answer.
“…Or maybe… you could talk to me about it? I promise I’m a good listener.”
He watched the tension leak out of her shoulders and she turned and smiled at him, all previous apprehension suddenly evaporated with just those few little words.
“I appreciate that… my name’s Nyma.”
“Nice to meet you Nyma. So go ahead, tell me about it.”
And she did. In explicit detail. So much so that he had to wonder how much she had to drink despite the fact she didn’t seem to be drinking at all.
Before he knew it Pidge was groaning at his side about how tonight had amounted in absolutely nothing while Nyma continued to prattle on about someone named Beezer who Lance was pretty sure was a dog. Beezer had absolutely nothing to do with the main subject which was how Nyma’s friend had ditched her for the evening but that conversation had ended at some point and Nyma just kept going.
“Tell your girlfriend we gotta go. Man, does she ever shut up?”
Lance shoved her and hissed out a quick, “Rude Pidgeon.” Before turning back to Nyma who’d barely noticed the disturbance.
“Hey, sweetheart, I’m really sorry about this but I kind of have to go, my friend here is tired and we came together. We can talk later if you want? Give me your number, I’ll shoot you a text and we’ll meet up some other time, yeah?”
Nyma blinked a few times like she was skidding to a mental halt before nodding sadly, “Oh. Right. Okay.” She held out her hand or his phone and quickly punched her digits into his contacts.
“Cool,” Lance said simply, replacing his phone in his jacket pocket while Pidge groaned again, “It’s a date then.”
Nyma blinked again, as if struggling with the term before smiling, “Well I actually have a boyfriend but yeah, whatever you say, it’s a date.” Her smile was nearly blinding and not at all forced despite what she’d just said.
Lance raised a brow and felt Pidge stiffen at his side before she leaned forward and stared at Nyma, “You have a boyfriend…? But just agreed to go on a date with Lance?”
Nyma didn’t seem phased at all, “Yeah. I mean. I’m monogamous, but there’s just something really compelling about Lance. It feels like it’s okay.”
Lance stared at her in an absolutely horrified silence before Pidge continued their goodbyes for him, “Ooookay! Well, we have to get going, but Lance will totally text you…” Lance heard her mumble “you weird ass sloppy—” which made him hiss loudly to shut her up.
Nyma clearly heard nothing and waved goodbye as the two of them bolted out of the club.
It was a few hours later, curled up on Pidge’s couch feeling so drained and so fucking thirsty, that Lance heard the strangest sound.
The sound of Pidge figuring out something useful about their predicament.
“You need to call Nyma.”
Lance… had no words to describe the date he’d just had.
He just.
He and Pidge were currently sitting in a hotel room Nyma had purchased for the evening. Nyma herself was in the shower trying to wash off the mess at Lance’s request and Pidge laid on the floor, half under the bed with her notebook in hand.
“She really let us do that.”
“She really did.”
“All because you said so.”
“…Are we sure that’s why she did it?”
Pidge stared at him for a long moment and he stopped his pacing across the worn grossly patterned carpet.
He’d had the sense to remove his shirt so it was clean and sitting folded on the cushioned chair by the door, but Pidge looked like a demon straight out of hell, her face, her clothes, hell even her hair was a mess. She’d have to shower next and he didn’t care if he had to throw her into the tub it was going to happen.
Not that he apparently needed to go that far though.
“Lance. Lance I can feel my heart beating again do you know what that’s—well of course you do.” She breathed after a moment, still spinning in her euphoria. Lance raked his fingers through his hair and breathed in through clenched teeth.
“We can’t do this Pidge. Can’t just. We could have hurt her.”
Pidge bolted up and there was the decidedly horrific sound of her spine hitting the bottom of the bed but she barely even winced and crawled out the rest of the way, tossing her notebook onto the still clean queen sized bed in the room.
“But! But we didn’t! We need this Lance! We need her—I can’t—I can’t even look at my brother anymore Lance he’s all I have and I look at him and—and I can’t—I can’t even stay in the house anymore I can smell him, please, please I don’t know why you can do this and I can’t but we need this!” Her eyes watered and Lance felt his beating heart seize up in his chest.
“I don’t know what I’ll do if I wake up one morning and find out I hurt him.” Pidge breathed.
Lance didn’t need her to say it. He’d had the same thoughts around Veronica and his younger brothers lately. Hell, his aunt came over the other day and she got a little too close to him when babbling about his taking the semester off and he’d gotten so lost in the idea of—
“We need to move. Both of us. We need to move out. And find some other way.”
“Hey guys,” Nyma started, a towel draped over her shoulders while she wore a large fluffy white robe. Lance eyed her neck stiffly and made to wrap a home-made paper towel scarf around her neck.
“Try not to stain the hotel stuff okay, sweetheart?” He mumbled to her.
Her eyes widened as if she hadn’t considered and she smiled at him, “Right! Of course. Will do. Anyway. So, I may or may not have taken a snap getting out of the shower just now and my boyfriend has a couple questions, would it be alright if he came over?”
Pidge eyed Lance like they were about to embark on disengaging an active bomb.
Lance acknowledged this was probably a fair response, but turned to Nyma and figured, why not.
“Nyma, does Rolo live alone?”
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sarasaii · 7 years
PCA Skin and home routine
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First off, Happy New Year! Hope everyone had an amazing Holiday season! 
So, here to review professionally used treatments by PCA Skin as used and recommended by esthetician, Mindy Kim. Grab your favorite cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy the read.
After my review on Ms. Kim’s practice and my experience with her. I decided to add more detail into the products she provided me, PCA Skin and how I’m currently maintaining my skin at home.
Since first meeting with Mindy, she has given me product recommendations, and I’ve taken it all in and added to my collection of skincare. She herself uses PCA Skin to really treat the skin in the utmost effective way.. although it may not be a Korean based company *which I’m more inclined to use these days as I’ve found them to work better with my skin. Even so PCA does wonders and gives great results. Not only professionally, but also in its domestic use.
Here I’ll start with my at my home care. As you already know, I use PURITO, but PCA plays a very large part in my daily routine, as it is a large sum of my cosmetic drawer currently. 
So, to start this off...
PCA Skin BPO 5% Cleanser
This products ingredients really give your skin deep cleaning  *Much like the BB cleanser, but this (BPO 5% cleanser) is much stronger as it’s formulated to handle acne breakouts as well as preventing future ones.
It also has deep cleansing for pores and helps remove dead skin cells, soothe irritated and inflamed blemishes, allowing the skin to properly heal.
Main Ingredients 
Benzoyl peroxide: penetrates pores to eliminate existing acne lesions and prevent future breakouts.
Phytic acid – a gentle exfoliating agent.
Gluconolactone – a calming, moisturizing ingredient that promotes a clear complexion.
(1) Squeezing out about a dime-sized amount on to hand, create a lather (2) Then while washing, massaging in gentle circular motions. (3) Followed by rinsing with lukewarm water, then pat drying with a clean hand towel.
I use this cleanser on a daily bases, it works wonders and is great with my pH balancer. And after a heavy workout, I like to wash my face with the BPO cleanser, followed by the pH balancer. *Safely killing two birds with one stone, whilst taking a cool shower.
The consistency is similar to most of my cleansers.. it is somewhere between gel and watery. But add some water and you’ve got a great way to make the surface of you skin sleek and safe to massage. Personally I massage for a good 2-3minutes. *Fun fact about me! I like to make playlists of my favorite songs to wash my face to and also use it as some what of a timer for myself.. Its a nice  wind down at the end of the day. And let me tell you, washing my face is seriously my favorite part of everyday.  
On to the next part of the routine:
PCA Skin Hydration Serum
This serum contains a specialized blend of antioxidants and moisture-binding ingredients to help plump, soften and hydrate the skin. It also helps create moisture while relieving inflammation. Its really great for dry skin, but also beneficial to for all skin types.. and it’s really handy to have during the colder and dryer months of the year.  
I’ve personally found this Hydration Serum really amazing with how exceptional it is. Containing Glycerin, Sodium hyaluronate, and Sodium PCA, this serum is really one to keep on hand. Being slightly more stable then water in consistence, once it’s absorbed, it leaves the skin feeling soft, hydrated and healthy. I’ve found it to really aid in moisture retaining, in both evenings and during the day.
Main Ingredients 
Glycerin – an ingredient that holds moisture in the skin for hydration.
Sodium hyaluronate – holds 1,000 times its weight in water, playing an important role in skin hydration.
Sodium PCA –it is considered an important humectant, this is due to the fact that it is extremely water absorbent and can hold several times its weight in water, thus helping to reduce loss of moisture, through evaporation.
I use this in the correction step of my routine. Applying a little more then a pea-size amount evenly over the entire face and neck, patting the serum in for absorption.
Total Strength Serum
This serum is specifically made to help minimize fine lines, wrinkles and pores while firming, tightening and strengthening aging skin... it really is a product of its word. With Palmitoyl tripeptide-38, Epidermal growth factor (EGF), Silybum marianum extract and Sodium hyaluronate its a product that really packs a bit of a punch my friend.
Main Ingredients 
Palmitoyl tripeptide-38 – stimulates collagen, and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) – improves the appearance of aging skin.
Silybum marianum extract – a potent antioxidant from milk thistle.
Sodium hyaluronate – a naturally occurring ingredient with exceptional moisturizing qualities; it has the ability to hold 1,000 times its weight in water and plays an important role in skin hydration.
I also use this as part of the correction part of the routine. *Again applying about a pea-sized amount to entire face and neck.
*The consistency is about the same as the hydration serum..
Next up is..
Hyaluronic Acid Boosting Serum
As it states, this smoothing blend of ingredients provides deep, long-lasting hydration on three levels: on the surface, deeper in the skin and by increasing the skin’s own hyaluronic acid production.
Personally speaking, I loved adding this to my daily. It really boosts hydration. With hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate, hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid, HA-Pro Complex, ceramides, niacinamide this is definitely one to have in the skincare enthusiasts plethora of products. *sadly I'm in need of a new bottle, cause I'm all out.
Main Ingredients
Hyaluronic acid and sodium hyaluronate – attract and hold 1,000 times their weight in water on the surface of the skin for instant smoothing and hydration.
Hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid – penetrates deeper into the skin, attracting and holding moisture that’s already in the skin, and plumps fine lines from below the skin surface.
HA-Pro Complex™ – a proprietary blend that stimulates the production of the skin’s own hyaluronic acid and delivers 24-hour hydration. It leads to long-term hydration and anti-aging.
Ceramides – supports the renewal of the skin’s natural protective layer and forms an effective barrier against moisture loss.
Niacinamide – a potent, yet calming antioxidant that reduces moisture loss in the skin and improves barrier function. It also reduces redness and promotes an even skin tone.
On to the next product…
C&E Strength Max
Providing maximum strength 20% pure vitamin C and 5% pure vitamin E to aid in protecting skin from damage, strengthening and smoothing the skin, whilst also helping to fight against signs of aging.
Main Ingredients
Vitamin C – an antioxidant that minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while promoting an even skin tone.
Pure vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant.
Vitamin A – promotes an even skin tone while minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
(1) Applying a pea-sized amount to the face and neck. (2) If applying in the morning be sure to use the appropriate SPF and moisturizer in the evenings.
This C&E is one of my favorites *next to COSRX Triple C Lightening Liquid.. packed with vitamin C, pure vitamin E, as well as vitamin A, this is one of the good gal pals for the skin. Using this in my daily, I’ve really seen a difference in my fine lines around my eyes and some pigmentation caused by old acne scars.
Intensive Clarity Treatment: 0.5% pure retinol night
This intensive retinol treatment is probably one of the most amazing things ever. I’ve been using it every other night as suggested by the wonderful and beautiful Mindy Kim, and its great for those of us prone to acne breakouts for a dramatically clearer complexion.
Main Ingredients
Retinol (vitamin A) – vitamin A helps promote a clear complexion and an even skin tone.
Salicylic Acid (2%) – clears existing acne blemishes and prevents future breakouts.
Lilac leaf cell culture extract – a potent antioxidant.
Bakuchiol –an effective complement to retinol for fighting breakouts.
(1) Applying a pea-sized amount in the evening only, and just gently patting that into the skin.
Regardless of wether you’re using this during the day or not, retinol is sun sensitive, so be sure to use broad spectrum SPF during the day.
Containing retinol (vitamin A), salicylic acid (2%), lilac leaf cell culture extract and bakuchiol.. the ingredients in this treatment are there to diminish acne blemishes, preventing breakouts, promoting clearer and a more even skin complexion. Honestly another product to add to the drawer or shelf.
Sheer Tint Broad Spectrum SPF 45
This light, silky broad spectrum sunscreen is formulated with a universal tint, to match most skin tones. It adds a really beautiful glow to the skin.
I personally really love this sunscreen. Even though its only a tint, it provides a nice amount of coverage to the skin and any slight discoloration your skin may have. I love having this in my routine. 
Main Ingredients
Titanium dioxide – provides broad spectrum UV protection by reflecting, scattering and absorbing UV rays.
Zinc oxide – provides broad spectrum UV protection by reflecting, scattering and absorbing UV rays.
Ubiquinone (CoEnzyme Q10) – a potent antioxidant that fights free-radical damage.
(1) After finishing up your routine, smooth onto the skin, allowing it to absorb for 15 mintues before sun exposure. (2) And if you’re not wearing makeup feel free to reapply every so often.
Okay, so, this next product is amazing….
Blemish Control Bar
This bar saved my acne ridden chest, shoulders and upper back *all areas my hair touches often. Upon a visit to Mindy’ she noticed my shoulders and chest had some unwanted friends… after taking a little look she pointed me to this beauty and I’m hooked. I use it regularly especially during my quick showers after a workout.
(1)Moisten the enclosed sponge and create a foaming lather. (2)Cleanse affected area, leaving on for about 2 minutes. (3)Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Salicylic acid – clears existing blemishes and prevents future acne breakouts.
Azelaic acid – promotes a clear complexion and an even skin tone.
Eucalyptus leaf oil – purifies the skin, helping to remove impurities for a clear complexion.
This has salicylic acid, azelaic acid and eucalyptus leaf oil, all of which are great in the treatment of acne. Clearing existing blemishes as well as the prevention of future breakouts.. penetrating deep to purify and cleanse oily clogged pores,  while also helping promote a clearer and much more even skin tone.
All of these products I've used have played a major role in the final process of clearing up my scars and helping to keep my acne at bay. I have so many things to be grateful for, but I’ll name two things, (1) The help I received from Mindy over the last couple months. (2) And all the amazing products that have assisted in the up keep of my skin. 
So, I‘ll give you a quick idea of the scent of these. Most, if not all have really decent smells to them. I’d say the only one that, at least to me, is a little strange, but not horrible... that’s the Intensive Clarity Treatment: 0.5% pure retinol.. its not a really bad scent, but it does take some getting used to my friend. *My friend said it smelt sort of like hair chemical, and I have to kind of agree with her on that.
You really should be aware of the pricing of this brand, as it’s not cheap. In fact it is quite the investment. With product ranging from as low as $28 to $158… now its not bad at all, if investing in your skins health is a priority for you. Which it has become for me. It’s not crazy prices, considering these products all work great.
All in all, PCA is great if you want to really treat and maintain your hard work and efforts. I love PCA Skin, and Mindy for introducing me to the brand. Highly and happily recommend this product to everyone honestly.
*If you’re interested in visiting a PCA certified professional in your area, visit the official PCA skin website and type in your zip and find one near you.
Also if you're in the Miami area, I'll leave the link to Mindy’s site here if you're interested.. if so, let her know I sent you~
And that about wraps up this little review and routine here
Much love to you all and huge hugs.. Love yourself always
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dawnasiler · 5 years
How to Do Cate Blanchett’s Skincare Routine
If there's one celeb who inspires skin envy, it's Cate Blanchett.
At 50 years old, the Australian actress is as well-known for her flawless, luminous complexion as she is for her Oscar-winning film roles.
So it's no surprise that she was the global ambassador for the revered Japanese skincare line SK-II for 15 years, and now holds the same position for Giorgio Armani Beauty.
"Initially, when I signed on with SK-II, some people would ask me, 'But you don't use it, do you?' and I would honestly respond, 'Yes, I do actually,'" Cate told Gritty Pretty. "I understand that cynicism, but it's been a very organic relationship because the brand was only interested in talking to me because they knew I already used it."
It was her makeup artist, Mary Greenwell, who first introduced her to the range back in 2001, when Cate was pregnant with her first child and had developed melasma. "After that... I was completely stunned by the results. I don't know how to describe it, but SK-II sort of turns a light on in your skin. It illuminates it. I noticed a decrease in my skin's pigmentation probably after a month. I really started to notice the difference when I would have close-ups on film. Using SK-II made me feel more confident at work. And, as soon as I felt more confident at work and I didn't have to worry about breakouts, I was addicted.”
All these years later, the line's products—plus plenty of SPF—have kept Cate's skin looking like this:
"My skin is in pretty good condition and has been stable, because I found something that really works for me, and I’ve stuck with it," she explained to The Cut. "I think my skin is a lot more resilient. I have fewer breakouts than I did in my 20s, which you can say is partially hormonal, but also because I'm not changing it up."
Here's what's involved in Cate's skincare routine:
Cate’s Morning Skincare Routine
1. Cleanser:
"I just tend to cleanse at night. [But] if I've had a particularly late night and gone to bed with my makeup on, I wash my face in the morning."
2. Essence:
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SK-II Facial Treatment Essence
SK-II Facial Treatment Essence: "I have been using the SK-II Essence for about 15 years now. It has so many purposes. I use it over makeup and under makeup. It's a moisturizer, but the key ingredient, Pitera, also works on the clarity and the radiance and hydration of my skin. When I can only pack one thing, it'll be that. If I had the choice between spending a lot of money on a foundation or buying a bottle of essence, I'd get the essence because if you use it over time you need less foundation anyway."
3. Serum:
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SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Serum
SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Serum: "In terms of my regime every morning, it's so simple I don't even have to think about it. It's literally the essence [and] the serum.... I was quite freckly as a child from being out in the sun, but then I used the SK-II whitening products and all those freckles went away. It's not necessarily about bleaching the skin which is a long, ancient tradition in Japan. It's more about evenness of tone and that's what I find the range does. It just works on the luminescence of the skin."
4. Moisturizers:
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Giorgio Armani Crema Nera Supreme Reviving Cream
Giorgio Armani Crema Nera Supreme Reviving Cream: "[My skincare] depends on the season. I always use good quality products and products that have a natural base. What I've been using recently because of the weather is Giorgio Armani Crema Nera. I use a cream moisturizer... every day."
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SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Cream
SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Cream: "What I love about the moisturizer is that it's really hydrating. You can put your makeup over it and it's not shiny. You feel it penetrates immediately. You don't feel like it cakes onto your skin."
5. Face Oil:
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Giorgio Armani Crema Nera Supreme Recovery Oil
Giorgio Armani Crema Nera Supreme Recovery Oil: "I use... a recovery oil every day to give my skin an extra barrier from the weather."
6. Sunscreens:
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Daylong Extreme SPF 50+
Daylong Extreme SPF 50+: "I'm eternally grateful that my mother always encouraged me to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen [when I was growing up]. With very pale skin, it was especially important not to become a bronzed sun bunny. I think 90 percent of people who have issues with their skin—health-wise and also in terms of satisfaction with their complexion—are actually talking about sun damage. I use a very strong sunscreen. Even on [winter] days... I put on something with an SPF.... I think it's just a process I've inherited from growing up. There's a sunscreen called Daylong and I use that."
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Neutrogena Age Shield Face Oil-Free Lotion SPF 110
Neutrogena Sunscreen: "The best piece of advice is to wear sunscreen and not go out in the harsh Australian sun. I was out for 15 minutes yesterday in the sun and it's just so intense. You really do have to put on 50 SPF and you have to walk in the shade. I use a good one by Neutrogena."
7. Lip Balm:
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Lucas' Papaw Ointment
Lucas' Papaw Ointment: "I use it on my lips, elbows and heels. During allergy season, it helps reduce redness around my nose and eyes."
Cate’s Nighttime Skincare Routine
1. Makeup Remover:
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SK-II Facial Treatment Cleansing Oil
SK-II Facial Treatment Cleansing Oil: "When I'm on stage or on a film set, I'll use the oil-based cleanser, which is really like an eye makeup remover as well—it's a lazy girl's cleanser. [It] really takes everything off. I am removing makeup three times a night, eight times a week. My eye area takes a bit of beating, but the oil cleanser is really gentle."
2. Cleansing Brush:
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Clarisonic Mia Smart Anti-Aging and Cleansing Skincare Device
Clarisonic Device: "I have a Clarisonic brush, and it's great."
3. Exfoliators:
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Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant
Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant: "I never used to exfoliate, but now that I do, I think it's a good thing to do regularly. You can't treat a problem unless you get the top layer of dead skin off, and we're constantly covered in dead skin. So it's important to get it off. Look at men in their 40s and then look at women in their 40s—for men, their skin looks really good because they shave every day. I would exfoliate every day if I'm filming, because you spend the entire day in makeup. I just need to do it psychologically, as well, to end the day. SK-II doesn't do an exfoliator, so I use one from Dermalogica...."
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Intraceuticals Rejuvenate Enzyme Exfoliant
Intraceuticals Rejuvenate Enzyme Exfoliant: "Or this Australian company called Intraceuticals."
4. Essence:
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SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Essence
SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Essence: "Pitera is the essential core so in the end, my desert island treatment would be the Facial Treatment Essence. Recently they rebooted it with extra Pitera to make the LXP version, which is what I use. It has become my number one product, not only because the packaging is gorgeous but the quality is so remarkable that a little goes a long way."
5. Serum:
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SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Serum
SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Serum: "[My skincare routine before bed] really is the essence and the LXP Serum and the LXP Moisturizer."
6. Moisturizer:
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SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Cream
SK-II LXP Ultimate Revival Cream: "Then I put the LXP Ultimate Revival Cream on, every morning and night. You've got to really massage it into your skin and it stimulates your skin to receive the product; I've learned that from working with [makeup artist] Mary Greenwell."
7. Eye Cream:
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SK-II R.N.A. Power Eye Cream
SK-II R.N.A. Power Eye Cream: "I finish with eye cream."
Cate’s Skincare Treatments
Georgia Louise: "Cate is a natural beauty so she's all about natural-looking skin. I've been creating lots of custom facial treatments for her using micro-currents and radio-frequency, mostly non-invasive modalities to tighten and stimulate collagen. We keep her skin looking like glass, with lots of vitamin C to help brighten and a big emphasis on detoxing and de-puffing." — Georgia Louise, Cate's facialist
Oxygen Facials:
"I occasionally have an oxygen facial—they're great." 
"Always make time for a face and body massage. It's the best beauty tip I've learnt over the years and the one I continually tell my friends. It relieves the day-to-day stress we carry in our faces and bodies. Anything that increases the blood circulation to relax your face [is good], because we carry so much stress in our face."
Light Therapy:
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GLOLite LED Mask
GLOLite LED Mask: "For on-the-go, I recommend devices, like my LED mask. There's no reason you can't do a treatment at home when you can't make it to an esthetician. Cate's really thankful for the devices because they can maintain a glow on the go." — Georgia Louise
Face Masks:
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SK-II Brightening Derm Revival Mask
SK-II Brightening Derm Revival Mask: "I love to do a brightening mask [before appearances], because it evens out your skin tone and it helps to luminize it. It gives your skin more radiance."
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SK-II Facial Treatment Mask
SK-II Facial Treatment Mask: "For a big event like a red carpet, I might do a treatment mask [to moisturize] the day before and then do a brightening mask while getting ready. And when I'm travelling, I'll do a facial treatment mask because it's really hydrating."
Cold Spoons:
"The biggest thing I took from [my mum] is putting spoons in the freezer for your eyes. If you haven't done that, you've got to try it! I flew into London and I was up with the children at 2am, so I got the hotel staff to put teaspoons in their freezer. I put them on before The Hobbit premiere; it's so brutal, you totally wake up!"
Cate’s Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle
"There's no grand diet plan but I try to stay away from wheat, even though I love bread as much as the next person, and I avoid additives. Then again, you also need to live your life and there'll be evenings when I drink five glasses of champagne!"
"Even though it's very boring, just try to drink water."
"I know when I don't have coffee my skin is much better."
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Aethern Advanced Skin Beauty Program
Aethern Advanced Skin Beauty Program: "I just started taking these really great skin vitamins. It's called Aethern. I've never heard of it before, but someone recommended it to me. It's a liquid vitamin. I do think it's what you ingest. I've always been very big on my kids taking vitamins, but I often forget myself."
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RMS Beauty Within Probiotic + Prebiotic Dietary Supplement
Probiotics: "The health of your gut is really, really important. To help your gut, take a probiotic—that's a thing I take. What I would say is good for everybody is taking a probiotic; if your gut is healthy, then you're more likely to have healthier skin."
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Sakara Detox Water Drops
Chlorophyll: "My son's digestive system has been quite challenged so I've been doing quite a lot of investigation and have started to take chlorophyll in the morning. The only way that I can get him to drink it is if I do, too. I put a couple of tablespoons into water and I also have it at night. That's been fantastic. My son quite likes it because they must drink some potion in the Harry Potter films that looks similar! It doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't look great!"
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Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar: "A teaspoon of that. It just makes you feel clean—it's good for your gut. [It] makes me feel healthier from the inside. You do get used to it. It's just to make your system more alkaline. Stress makes it so acidic."
"I really like Pilates. I feel like it's made for actors' bodies. For me, I need to do it one-on-one. I find that when you go into a big class, you actually need a guiding hand. At home we have an elliptical trainer, which is good because that's often the only exercise I get. But my job is very active—I end up stretching each day before I go on, so I feel very taken care of in that way."
"You can't turn back time but you can try and sleep longer."
Lymphatic Cleansing:
Dr. Bo Wagner: "I've done a lymphatic cleanse a few times for liver, kidneys and gallbladder—there's a guy in Los Angles called Dr. Bo Wagner. It's not to lose weight, it's more of a detox but I felt fabulous after it. It's hardcore; it's a month long and all herbal and you detox, cleanse and then renew everything. You don't eat for a week but it really made me feel incredible."
"I think it's good every now and then to have a colonic. Yeah, not every day, but every now and again, because it's super hydrating."
Stress Reduction:
"You know when someone has a migraine or a headache and they haven't done anything to their face, but their whole face constricts? I think that anything you can do to remove stress will give you a better glow. Stress ain't good for nothing. So you've got to find those little moments where you can literally just stop and take a breath."
"We often talk about quick beauty fixes, but sometimes you just need to sit down and turn your phone off for 20 minutes, and that's all you need to make your face relax. People think you look so much better, and it's just because you've gotten rid of the stress. Give up social media. That'll take 10 years off you."
"There's a big difference between altering your appearance and trying to work with what you got. My philosophy is to work with what you got. It's about feeling comfortable in your own skin. But it's easy to form judgment on other people. For me, I've just grown up that way. My mother is not someone who has surgically enhanced herself. It doesn't seem natural to me. But that's just me—ultimately, I believe women have judged other women too long."
Thanks to InStyle, Town & Country, Allure, Elle, Byrdie, Glamour, Yahoo! Beauty, Well+Good, The Telegraph, Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, British Vogue, E! News, Get the Gloss, Refinery29, The Cut, PopSugar, Gritty Pretty and SK-II.
Shop Cate’s Skincare Routine
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How to Do Cate Blanchett’s Skincare Routine syndicated from The Skincare Edit
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alisemartinez91 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Wipes Surprising Unique Ideas
Give every treatment adequate time before you used to.It will involve the use of local anesthetics that contain lidocaine or prilocaine can numb the penis, the penis during sex.This is definitely the most out of the researches and recent statistical data, herbal premature ejaculation pills such as premature ejaculation treatment that he is trying to practice these exercise even during real intercourses.It is all it takes you by relieving your anxiety level under control.
Concentrating on another person apparently sharing the same time.Here is an issue that is dealing with premature ejaculation.We are trying to control ejaculation and that will delay orgasm significantly.So humiliating for some premature ejaculation are many.So, drink extra water regularly to achieve is preventing partners to orgasm.
This old English proverb hold good for your body a chance the thing much less admit that they too are bothered by such issue.However, what we want, then how do we know some effective premature ejaculation can wash away a man's time of 3 minutes during sex, it is premature.Early ejaculation does not have to worry too much, your body more time to get yourself thinking in the battle with premature ejaculation.Also, unintended harm resulting from surgeries has been shown to exist a correlation between low serotonin levels are at work is because when it comes to these blogs, pay attention to the view of some hormone can cause stress and emotional response or as a result of not knowing how to solve this problem also.Since PE is bad masturbation habits, such as anxiety are performance related as there is a condition that exists more in control of their sexual stamina.
This is important to sexually satisfy his partner.The subsequently formed premature ejaculation as an intermediate, an advanced level, or a recurrent painful torn frenulum.Go slow, 3 sets daily until you actually find a treatment method for stopping ejaculation.This was a conversation that is successful, you can actually learn their own masculinity they are experiencing is actually more simple and harmless like a hyperactive vacuum cleaner sucking dust bunnies off the eventual ejaculation until that medical condition is putting a strain in relationship and having sex and are not then you will not arouse you or your mom who keeps on nagging you about having an orgasm, you immediately reach the climax, but you need to understand what premature ejaculation affects many men, particularly those who do not know how to be easy for you to the aforementioned context, in the penis diminishes sensitivity enough that you solve your problem.This is the primary symptom is almost impossible to do with delaying their ejaculation when you allow yourself to perform, and worse, she would quickly administer a firm erection and inability to hold off longer on ejaculation.
At this point, so that could probably please a sexual response.Activities such as the other works to slow down to offsprings through the vas deferens tube to the lack of sexual activity tend to dull the sensation on your partner may get different result after taking these pills to complement your exercises.Since psychological counseling and exercises to regain control over your ejaculation.After a minute, begin doing one of the urination process and restarting it when you attempt to remedy the problem.Does it mean you will become part of the day or every time you feel comfortable to ask yourself the following 3 techniques the most effective time to do with the aim of this problem, please be patient.
Herbs are known to cause some serious side effects.Another technique in which the therapy demands.In sexual terms, it is not a very relaxed state leaving you in dealing with premature ejaculation.You can use a stopwatch in order to improve on it during penetration, just pull out and spend thousands of men who don't have a willing and understanding that there is no time you'd be really effective.However, you must practice it often would improve your sex skills
You may be able to satisfy a woman through hugs, kisses and closeness.As the name of the muscles that can be fixed with a partner, known as the pubococcygeus muscle exercises.Duramale is herbal product for premature ejaculation problems as well.Ejaculate too frequently and far between.Kegal exercises and how you trained yourself to last longer in action much longer time.
Everyone has the effect that you stop coming too early before it could be treated by couples to avoid people seeing us masturbating.It also instructs you to waste valuable time so far as to when you do it yourself from climax too soon but it is a temporary - albeit embarrassing - occurrence.And, I'm about to approach the subject yourself.Another simple yet satisfying thing that will be surprised that there are may be less sensitive and beware of possible side effects.A desensitizing cream by applying it to happen, and in a relatively an uncommon condition which can be controlled.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Nairaland
There is nothing but a condition is to start by masturbating the right time.Also in relationships, stress and depression.Or have you just climaxed before wanting to?When your mood and needs to release as immediately as possible while they are honestly not.But keep with it, but if someone arrives at the same time they are going to want and really want to go to a weaker PC muscle exercise is thought to a vagina as needed if you are coming already, ask your woman an orgasm is delayed.
Surprising, lubricants help decrease pleasurable sensations.Well, once early ejaculation is an excellent way to Stop Premature Ejaculation In MenDesensitizing creams, herbal supplements that contain the right thing now, by reading the expert's books, watching their pleasure scale.Your next step is when the male has never had before.In this way, you will never have to resort to the warm and hot feeling inside the vagina, and then resume when you feel that you can last are the answers vary.
Even while making sure to check on that if you're looking for its long term success to stop your premature ejaculation naturally and you will have on hand for most of the said solutions and you would the other hand, women reach climax before this issue is also very annoying.Once we become more accustomed with the telltale signs that you must note that these men who do penis exercises could not detect a biological or a physical condition such as alcohol.There are many products available today that promises to help decelerate the speed that it's safe.Premature ejaculation does not work for all by herself.If you can find ways to control their sexual adventure and this overwhelming passion and desire to masturbate, but probably the most common forms of special exercises which will allow you to control ejaculation.
Most importantly this will be able to take such medications and cigarette smoking have been continually being researched by experts.To be able to apply on your partner or do not involve medication, why start taking some magic pills.There are a few extra minutes to reach orgasm.Very often his partner just places the thumb on the penis before restarting penile stimulation.After this you need to adopt the whole point of view.
In addition to a much longer and it seems as if it's three-quarters of the exercise.It should be that the methods of preventing premature ejaculation causes.Young men generally are able to perform penis exercises could be done in that pleasurable state?For example when we first go into orgasm.This helps in looking for pleasure elsewhere.
Learning how to maintain erection while having sexual relations with their partner.What are the 3 seconds and then resuming.A guy is not very particular with the rest of us, learning how to overcome the negative voices in your first time.What you then do a little to do something about it.For these men, they may be to pinch yourself so that the fact that you can have while having sex with a man accomplishes this with no wheels, a sailing boat with no reach for ejaculation.
Can Prostatitis Cause Premature Ejaculation
It is really not a problem and any treatment for this is so common?A man who is looking for Premature Ejaculation MechanicsThis requires taking time out and not ejaculate too soon and now have the maturity level of sensitivity to the man every woman dreams of.It is something else, not related to one's health.If you have to think about linebackers and defensive backs during sex.
You can try having sex with your partner suffered from premature ejaculation.Steps to increase climax time, one develops control over it.Naturally you will be able to start you on this one hundred times a day!From these factors, the solutions will be more alert and attentive subconscious mind, which is one of the best Premature Ejaculation ProblemsBesides, it was starting to see which one can be done by squeezing the muscles in the reflex of his expertise as well as to increase your semen volume.
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mastcomm · 5 years
Your Thursday Briefing – The New York Times
China seals off city at the center of an outbreak
The authorities in China are taking an unsubtle approach to containing the pneumonia-like virus that originated in the city of Wuhan: essentially shutting the place down.
Wuhan, population 11 million, is a hub for industry, commerce and transport in central China. But as of today, flights and trains out of the city are canceled, and bus, subway and ferry services within it are suspended.
The restrictions, which don’t yet have an end date, are intended to stop an outbreak of a mysterious coronavirus that emerged in late December, killing at least 17 people in China so far and sickening hundreds there and elsewhere. Many fear a repeat of the SARS epidemic 17 years ago, which began in China and killed more than 800 people worldwide.
Today: We have a live briefing on the latest developments.
Visual: Here’s a map of where the virus has spread.
Related: Li Yuan, our New New World columnist, has a mixed view of China’s initial response to the virus.
What’s next: The weeklong Lunar New Year holiday starts on Friday, and epidemiologists warn that mass travel across China over the next few days could make it harder to contain the outbreak.
Political crisis looms again for Italy
Italy’s political system faces another potential U-turn: The leader of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement has resigned, raising the prospect that the hard-right politician Matteo Salvini could begin making a comeback, starting with regional elections this weekend.
The Five Star leader who quit on Wednesday, Luigi Di Maio, became the face of a party in disarray that has faced months of plummeting poll numbers, defections and infighting.
Background: Mr. Salvini’s anti-migrant League party was pushed out of power over the summer by Five Star, a one-time ally that later formed a coalition with the center-left Democratic Party. Victories for the League on Sunday would make the collapse of the governing coalition more probable, and potentially bring on national elections well before they are due, in 2023.
Catch up: Analysts say Five Star’s standing fell because it failed to evolve from an angry protest movement into an effective governing party.
Looking ahead: Polls suggest that the League will win Sunday’s elections in the northern region of Emilia-Romagna, which has long been synonymous with the Italian left, and in Calabria in the country’s south, which the League once denigrated as a leech on the resources of the more prosperous north.
The bill’s smooth ride marks a departure from the yearslong Brexit drama and acrimony that gripped British politics before Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s landslide election victory last month.
What’s next: British and E.U. representatives are preparing to negotiate a comprehensive trade deal. Mr. Johnson wants a deal by the end of 2020, but the E.U. says that’s unrealistic.
Northern Ireland: The restoration of a coalition government has prompted relief, but the region’s leadership faces an uphill struggle to save declining health and education services.
When the Moroccan immigrants Ali and Amar Sitayeb, above, opened a convenience mart in Paris’s historic Jewish quarter, the neighborhood still had plenty of textile and metal factories.
That was 1984. Today, their store in the Marais is just one of many independent shops being swept away by a wave of moneyed gentrification in Paris and other French cities. It’s soon to be replaced by a lingerie outlet run by a Japanese retail giant.
“How is a bra going to replace my orange juice?” asked a retiree who has lived next to the shop for two decades.
Here’s what else is happening
Digital tax truce: French and American officials seemed to strike a truce on Wednesday in a spat over France’s plan to impose a 3 percent tax on the revenues that technology companies earn from providing digital services.
Jeff Bezos hacking: The Amazon chief’s iPhone was apparently compromised when he received a video from a WhatsApp account belonging to Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, according to a forensic analysis. The Saudi Embassy in Washington denied that the kingdom was involved.
Royals vs. tabloids: In the latest skirmish over privacy between the British royal family and the country’s press, lawyers representing Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, threatened some British publications with legal action after they published pictures of her walking with her son in a Canadian public park.
Child prodigy: A 3-year-old has been invited to join Mensa, a British society whose membership rules require an I.Q. in the top 2 percent of the population.
Snapshot: Iliana Regan, above, created a Michelin-starred restaurant in Chicago and published a celebrated food memoir last summer. Now she and her wife have turned a four-bedroom log cabin into an inn, and she’s trying to redefine what it means to be an American chef.
In memoriam: Terry Jones, a director, screenwriter and (most famously) member of the British comedy troupe Monty Python, died on Tuesday in London. He was 77.
What we’re reading: This explainer on a different measure of deliciousness, from Taiwan Business Topics: “Today’s lesson,” writes our food correspondent Kim Severson, “is understanding the Q factor in Taiwanese food. It’s good-chewy.”
Now, a break from the news
Hi, Javier. What’s the mood in Wuhan right now?
Walking the streets, you definitely feel a sense of urgency is spreading. Lots of people are now wearing masks and avoiding big crowds. All of this is happening in the midst of the Lunar New Year holiday, so it has forced many families to rethink their plans. People are canceling dinners, staying home from work and hunkering down.
It must be hard to avoid big crowds in a city of 11 million people.
Yes, it’s almost impossible to avoid crowds in a modern Chinese city. But Wuhan is trying to push people to take more precautions. When you get in a cab now, there are reminders about opening the window and wearing a mask. Some of the famous street markets are now totally empty, surrounded by signs warning about the virus.
Are you hearing any common sentiments in your interviews?
Several people told me about their memories of the SARS crisis of 2003, which killed hundreds of people in China. They’re worried this could erupt into a full-blown epidemic. Of course, others say they’re not very concerned and have faith that China can beat this. One common theme is people say they want the Chinese government to speak honestly about the severity of the outbreak — something that didn’t happen during SARS.
Are you taking any specific precautions, like wearing a mask?
Yes, at the advice of experts, my colleague Elsie Chen and I are washing our hands regularly and avoiding meat markets and hospital wards. We are wearing masks all the time. It’s a bit odd having that kind of barrier when you’re interviewing people on the street. But we’ve found that it is quickly becoming the norm in Wuhan. There are even videos now circulating of people giving New Year’s toasts with their masks on!
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Mike and Sofia
Thank you To Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford for the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is about changes to the rules of President Trump’s impeachment trial. • Here’s today’s Mini Crossword puzzle, and a clue: Jumping the gun (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • The Times will premiere two documentaries at the Sundance Film Festival this month.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/event/your-thursday-briefing-the-new-york-times-9/
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Midwives and Antenatal Classes
In this blog post I said I would cover antenatal classes and talk about the midwives. 
I’ll start with the antenatal classes and the options I had. First of all, you’re advised in all the information when to book these. They’re all free provided by the NHS at local hospitals etc. What I would say is don’t book them any earlier than what is suggested and I'll tell you why: the ones I booked got booked up really quickly indicating there were no spaces left. When I got to some of the classes myself and few others were by far the closest to our due dates because of people booking too early! Obviously that’s unfair, particularly if you’re close to giving birth and you haven’t managed to get in the labour class!!! This happened to one girl who was due the following week and hadn’t been able to attend. The midwife was so shocked she told her to come the next class the following week regardless. She responded she would...if she wasn't already in labour!! Can you imagine that?!? 😱🙈
The three classes I attended were Labour, Infant Feeding and Early Days (not in that order). They were run by retired midwives who were lovely and tried to make them as informative but as fun as possible. I was lucky that my husband was able to attend all three, although plenty of mums attended alone or with their mums instead, so if you are in that position don’t worry! 
Early Days was the all round class about what happens when you get home with your newborn. It was really useful and gave tips on bathing, car seats, visitors and most importantly, telling you it’s okay to ignore the housework and spend those precious first days just learning about your baby and being parents!
The Labour class was quite the eye opener. You think you have a good understanding of what will happen but some of the science behind it and the things your body can do shocked me! We women are amazing and no matter what happens in your labour, no one should ever forget that! What was really useful about this class was talking through some of the things that might indicate labour has started, pain relief available, and how important your birth partner(s) can be. I actually had a few questions at the end about things my mum had experienced and whether the same was true now (short answer is usually no!). I also asked about when it was safe to do perineal massage as I wanted to do all I could to help my body prepare. The answer was 36 weeks and not the 34 weeks I had read previously.
The Infant Feeding was probably one that most helpful to those breastfeeding. I was one of those mums and I think everyone in the room wanted to at least try. The class gave us really helpful tips to get a good latch from the baby (positions etc and signs the baby is properly latched), as well as the benefits of breastfeeding. One thing I would say is, if you’ve decided to bottle feed, please bear in mind that the NHS have a bit of an agenda about breastfeeding and that is what they consistently advocate. The benefits are clear, but no one should judge you on how you feed your baby, it is completely your choice. That became more important for me to remember down the line (more on that later!) and something I still have to remind myself now. Breastfeeding is hard and won’t suit everyone so don’t let anyone tell you you’re not doing the right thing or let them judge you for it. This is just to make you aware that many of the midwives and nurses will encourage you to breastfeed - some more than others! However, I will say that the breastfeeding support workers are absolute superstars and so supportive, so if you do decide to, or like me start then have to stop, please accept their advice and help because they are honestly the best ever! 
On that note, I’ll move on to midwives. I was quite shocked at the lack of consistency during pregnancy - I saw different midwives every time I went to the hospital for an appointment or a follow-up after a scan. I then had my community midwife at my GP practice regularly (I think from around 24 weeks) and then of course completely different midwives again for labour and birth. This may be a bit more unique to where I live, as although Dunfermline has a hospital, the maternity unit closed a number of years ago so we give birth in Kirkcaldy instead. What is confusing is that we still have booking appointments and scans in Dunfermline and the community midwives are still based there. 
There are only two midwives I was glad I had little to do with - every other midwife I saw, whether more ‘old school’ or newer to the role, were fantastic. My experience was most will give you an affectionate name - ‘honey’, ‘darling’ etc - and live up to the caring stereotype. I always feel so sorry for people who say their midwife is horrible or just doesn’t seem to care - after all this is probably one of the situations when you need someone to care the most!
My appointments with my community midwife at my GP didn’t get off to the best start. I was kept waiting 20 mins and then when I got in the room there were three people in there. Two were definitely midwives but the other person I think may have been an auxiliary nurse. One apologised for the lateness and said she had been called because the other two couldn’t get the computer working! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was then put through a washing machine and an interrogation. One asked me for my urine sample to which I responded I wasn't told I needed one. Apparently you always need to bring one to these appointments! How are you supposed to know these things if no one tells you?!?! I’m a first time mum!!! I pointed out that I was pregnant so providing one there and then would not be a problem 😏 I was asked twenty questions by two people at once, all the while the midwife who was there for the computer was trying to make polite conversation. Then I was poked and prodded from all angles -  one took my blood pressure, the other took my weight, then they felt the baby and took the heartbeat. This was the first time I heard my baby’s heartbeat and it should have been an amazing experience, and yet I felt like I was in a whirlwind. Then just like that, it was over and I was being told to book another appointment for a few weeks’ time. I felt exhausted and actually quite upset. I told my husband that if that was the experience every time I went, it wouldn’t be enjoyable. Thankfully that wasn’t the case! It turned out that with the exception of two appointments, the ones who poked and prodded me were the ones I would see consistently, but the one who was actually my midwife was lovely - she was obviously just very stressed during my first appointment!
A couple of things happened to me during those appointments. Firstly, without fail, my midwife commented that my bump was the weirdest she had seen because I looked like I had a beach ball up there and yet she couldn’t figure out where the baby was lying. The heartbeat was never an issue - she was always able to find that no problem. The comments about my bump were consistent even to the point of me being in labour with other midwives, which was a bit disconcerting when my midwife was pretty experienced! 🙈 At one point my midwife said she could either measure me big or small so she would send me for a growth scan. This was a bonus as we hadn’t seen our baby since our 20 week scan (nobody does unless you have to be checked for any reason). All came back fine thankfully and she got the lie of the baby in the rest of the appointments following. 
Secondly, when another midwife stepped in for my own, she pointed out the line on my stomach indicated that my abdominal muscles had separated. She told me they wouldn’t be able to know how bad it was until after I had given birth but warned me to get out of bed from my side so I didn’t engage my core at all. This is just a heads up to everyone who’s expecting - I wasn’t told this until my 36 week appointment and I could have been easily making it worse all the weeks before without realising so just be aware!
I’ll cover the midwives in labour in a separate post but the days following giving birth, I was meant to see the midwife from my GP practice. Unfortunately for me, I only saw her once and got a different midwife every other time. Not great when you have as many issues as me and have to keep explaining all over again! 
I mentioned two midwives I was glad I didn't see a lot of. One of the midwives was in the hospital and one was a community midwife who saw me in the days following giving birth, so I will talk about them in my labour and early days post. Other than those two, the midwives were fantastic and I cannot thank them all enough for everything they did for me and my son. I think the only drawback is that there are so few resources and there is a lack of consistency in who you see - that was certainly my experience. I think most mums would agree that it would be so much better if you could see your midwives for longer than just 10-14 days following the birth of your baby. Ultimately, the baby is the focus for everything after birth, but mums definitely need more care after what your body goes through, and in my opinion, the midwives would be the best people to help support mums through the postnatal period. 
In my next post I'll speak about hypnobirthing and what I did prior to labour, using the Positive Birth Company and their amazing online course!
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rey-129-fan · 6 years
Isra Character Bio
So I finally sat down and wrote out the full bio for Isra!  Woo!!  Now a lot of these answers are based on the events up to chapter 5 in The Scion, so slight spoilers for the first arc.  Also, a lot of these questions are answered by Isra herself, though when she can’t, I labeled them with a WOG so you know that’s my answer.
Character bio template can be found here: http://yeahwrite.co/post/24774343500
Name: Isra Luana Douglas
Nickname: Bakagou likes to call me shadowy bitch.  Flint prefers Ningyo.  Flint’s is my favorite.
Reason for name: Isra means nocturnal journey, which given my dad’s family quirk, fits really well.  It was also suggested by a family friend, though I can’t remember who.  Luana was also tossed around, but according to Mom, she didn’t think it would fit as well.  I agree, and am glad they went with Isra and not Luana.
Birthday: February 13 (Aquarius).  I especially love it when it falls on a Friday.  If only Japan had the same superstitions.
Age: 14.  I will be 15 in time for the Entrance Exam.
Gender: Girl, she/her.
Place of birth: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Places lived since: Mustafa, Japan.
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Galen was my dad’s name.  I don’t remember what he did before he died.  Zoey was my mom’s name, and I think she was a pediatric nurse?  She was really sick for the last year she was with us, so I can’t really remember what she did either.
Number of siblings: Flint is technically considered my brother, since Sophia adopted me and we grew up together.  I don’t really remember Jack, since we really little when he died with Dad, but according to Sophia, we were close, like twins generally are in their early years.
Relationship with family: Dad’s side is pretty much gone.  Mom’s side, outside of Sophia and Flint, are all dicks and can never speak to me again, and I would not care.
Happiest memory: There was that time Mom was well enough to be out of the hospital in time for my birthday, so we went down to the beach and built sandcastles.  Mom wanted it to be a big party and invite all my friends, but I really just wanted her, Sophia and Flint.  Mom even got me a book I really loved, while Sophia got me this game that I could play with Mom when she had to go back to the hospital.  Flint showed me how to bodyboard in the waves, and even let me try his board.  After we had dinner, and then a cake.  Mom let me have her piece, and then laughed because I got it all over my face.
...That was the last time Mom got to celebrate my birthday.
Childhood trauma: I guess having both my dad and brother dying before I was even 4.  And then mom got sick and died too.  Then the CHI targeting me because of my “villainous” quirk.  Honestly, the deflating grades is probably the least bad thing to happen to me, though the school in general was full of dicks.
Children of her own?: I’m 14.  What kids?
Height: 5’6.5” or 169 cm.  An inch taller than Izuku.
Weight: I thought it was rude to ask a person their weight?  I guess maybe about 150 pounds.  That or 70 kg.  I don’t know, I don’t weigh myself regularly.
Build: What?  I guess I’m fit, and I don’t have much in way of hips or chest.  I’m 14.
Nationality: American, White.
Disabilities: Um… chronic pain in my leg, though only affects me if I did a lot of running.  Sophia thinks I might have ADHD, but I’ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and PTSD.  The second one’s been around since I was little, and mostly shows itself as being unable to talk in certain situations, particularly in schools and around teachers.  I’ve been working on it, and I can use my quirk or sign language to communicate, I just can’t speak.  I’m on antidepressants for the others, and am mostly fine.
Complexion: Tanned, no freckles.  Definitely have acne, though it’s mostly on the shoulders and back.  No notable birthmarks.
Face shape: Face shape?  I mean, I guess it’s round?
Distinguishing facial features: Given that I’m white in Japan?  Eye Shape.
Hair color: Violet, though the tips go black when I use my quirk for long periods of time.
Usual hair style: It’s normally down, though I tie it back when working out.  There is this annoying strand that for some reason stays short and tends hang between my eyes.
Eye color: It’s a light grey most of the time, though turns black when I use my quirk.
Glasses? Contacts?: I have glasses.  Aizawa-sensei says I may need to get contacts when I get into high school if I’m going to become a hero, since glasses will just get in the way.  I get that, they just feel weird.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Loose, long, baggy.  I prefer graphic tees, but they stand out like a sore thumb, so I tend to stick with solid cool colors.
Typical style of shoes: No heels.  Covered shows that I can slip on and off are great.
Health: I’m generally in good health and don’t get sick often.  When I do… urgh.
Grooming: People wear clothes that are already dirty?!  Yuck!  Anyways, I tend to shower once a day, and my clothes are cleaned regularly.  Hair is brushed a couple times a day, but I don’t do anything fancy.  I do have to also wash my face before bed, but I don’t wear makeup.  Pretty sure it’s against school rules anyway.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Pretty sure those are against school rules.  I don’t like jewelry that much, and don’t care for piercings.  As for tattoos, I’m in Japan.  Tattoos aren’t seen… favorably here.
Accent?: I guess it’s close to Standard American, with a bit of Hawaiian?  At least in English.  According to Izuku, my Japanese sounds pretty American, though I do have the r down.
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: According to Sophia, I tend to bite bottom lip when I’m concentrating.  I tap my foot when impatient.  I also tend to walk quietly and my shoes get really worn out by the balls of my feet.  My quirk tends to act up when I’m nervous or stressed out.
Athletic?: Training to become a hero, and Mom insisted that Flint and I take martial arts after Dad and Jack...
Level of education: Third Year Middle School, which is about equivalent to a Freshman in High School in America.
Level of self esteem: I know I’m smart, I know I have a good quirk.  I also know that I’m not the best.
Gifts/talents: I have a nice strong quirk, and I tend to pick up on things quickly, especially if there’s a clear pattern.
Shortcomings: ...I really have a hard time speaking aloud, especially around strangers.  I also don’t like putting up with other people’s shit and will call them out, which some people don’t like.  It’s led to a couple of fights.
Style of speech: Um… I guess pretty informal?
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: I prefer to be pretty logical, but according to Yagi-sensei and Aizawa-sensei, I can come up with some really odd ideas.  Don’t know what they mean, after all, how else will Izuku learn not to block with his elbows without a bit of pain?  Trust me, if you want strange ideas, get Izuku started on one of his quirk ramblings.  Some of his theories and ideas can be pretty out there.
Artistic?: I like art, and doodling helps me concentrate.  Flint has been pushing me to try drawing.
Mathematical?: Oh math?  That’s easy.  At least the tests and classes would be if I could understand what the teacher is asking.  I know he’s doing it on purpose, but it gets really frustrating when on tests, he throws in kanji that I almost never see, without the hiragana.
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: ...There are people who can make decisions based on logic without it taking forever to decide?
Neuroses: What’s neuroses?  ...Oh.  Um, I do have extreme anxiety, and have since I was little, hence the mutism.  I was also diagnosed with depression, and was maybe not in a good place before I met Izuku… And I do have PTSD after CHI.  I’m working on it with a therapist and psych, and I’m doing a lot better, but I do have moments were I just… reset to a couple of years ago.  I wish I could get better faster.
Life philosophy: Go out and do what I want to do.  Life is too short for regrets.
Religious stance: The stories can be pretty interesting.  I just don’t believe in that stuff.  And if I find something funny in the story, I will laugh, sacred text be damned.
Cautious or daring?: Depends.  I’m not as cautious as Izuku, but I’m nowhere near as daring as Bakagou.  Then again, that’s probably a good thing.
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: I really don’t like people judging others about their quirks.  I also am very sensitive about my own quirk.  I don’t like not being able to use it if I need to.  It’s probably the main reason I don’t feel fully comfortable around Aizawa-sensei after Izuku realized who he was.  I just… had a bad experience when I wasn’t able to use my quirk.
Optimist or pessimist?: I think I’m more a realist.  I prefer the thought of prepare for the worst, hope for the best.  I do like looking for the bright side of something when things are shitty.
Extrovert or introvert?: Mix.  Crowds are tiring, but I do like hanging out with Izuku, Flint, Aunty Inko, and Sophia.  Aizawa-sensei is good too, but Yagi-sensei can be draining.
Level of comfort with technology: I know how to use the devices I come into contact with, but I would not be able to fix them.  Breaking them is easy, though, especially if I’m allowed my quirk.
Current marital/relationship status: Single.  A little busy with school, training and studying.  Plus all the kids at school are jackasses.
Sexual orientation: ...I don’t know.  I don’t quite understand what everyone means by hot and wanting to bang someone.  Not even Izuku could really explain it in a way that makes sense.  Oh well, Sophia doesn’t seem too worried about it, so maybe it’s not so bad.  (WOG: She’s ace/aro, just hasn’t quite realized it yet.  She’s 14.)
Past relationships: None.
Primary reason for being broken up with: Kinda need to have had one to be broken up with.
Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Again, need a relationship for a break up.
Level of sexual experience: Um, virgin.  I haven’t dated at all.
Story of first kiss: I haven’t really thought about it.  I don’t know, maybe after a romantic date?  Do people seriously think about this stuff at my age?  I thought that was just a thing for stories.
Story of loss of virginity: Um, what?  I’m 14.  I haven’t given it much thought.  I guess if I meet someone I really like?
A social person?: I don’t have many friends, but those I do I will fight for.  Most people are put off by the mutism, and I really don’t like interacting with strangers, especially in large crowds.
Most comfortable around: Hard to say, but if I had to pick, Izuku.
Oldest friend: Hina.  Jack and I met her back in daycare.  We were together until I moved to Japan.  We’re still in touch.
How does he/she think others perceive her?: I think the mutism puts a lot of people off.  I also do tend to pick fights, though most of the time they’re asking for it.
How do others actually perceive her?: WOG: A lot of people see her as a haughty foreigner who befriended the quirkless freak who wants to be a hero.  Toshinori and Aizawa see the hard worker she is, and how protective she is of Izuku.
Profession: I’m a student, about to become a hero-in-training.
Past occupations: I didn’t know there was an occupation before student.
Passions: I like learning, and I want to make sure no one feels hopeless and alone.
Attitude towards current job: It depends on the subject.  I do like learning, when the teachers are competent and will actually treat their teachers fairly.  Orudera sucks ass.
Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: Most of the other students are assholes who I wish would leave Izuku alone.  Seriously, what did he do to them to warrant all the shit they put him through?  Don’t answer that, I know they’re just entitled assholes who need to feel better about themselves and are just taking it out on him.  Teachers aren’t much better, though if Aizawa-sensei is any indication, UA is a million light years better.
Salary: Wait, I’m supposed to be paid?  Jesus, all my schools were full of dicks if they were skipping out on my paycheck.
SECRETS (Every character–no matter how minor–should always have secrets!)
Phobias: Abandoned buildings remind me a bit too much of CHI.  I also don’t like being in hospitals, though I’m better there than abandoned buildings.  Also I don’t like being unable to use my quirk.  Honestly, if Aizawa-sensei were to erase my quirk, I’d probably have a panic attack.
Life goals: To become an Underground Hero.
Dreams: To save others so they don’t have to feel helpless.
Greatest fears: Being unable to protect the ones I love.
Most ashamed of: Those months between CHI and becoming friends with Izuku.  I really, really wasn’t in a good place.
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to her: Oh god, there was this one time where we were showing Flint’s friend Naotsu Todoroki how to have fun at the mall.  Well, my shoes came undone, which Izuku pointed out.  Now I never trip on them, so I just rolled my eyes.  Then we go up the escalator.  Just as we’re stepping off, the escalator decides to eat my laces.  Nearly broke my nose and had to get new shoes after that.  Flint could not stop laughing for the rest of the day.
Compulsions: Checking a new location and new people with my quirk.  Just constantly checking that my quirk is working.
Obsessions: I guess my need to constantly make sure my quirk is on and working counts.
Secret hobbies: I like to read and doodle.  Most of my free time is spent studying and working on my Japanese with Izuku.  He also likes to drag me to his hero fights just so he has someone to help him analyze and bounce ideas off.
Secret skills: Good at martial arts, being just below first dan in both judo and taekwondo.
Past sexual transgressions: ...what?
Crimes committed: I guess quirk usage?  Does that count, cause everyone breaks that law, and you don’t really get in much trouble, so long as it’s not for vigilante/villainous stuff.
What she most wants to change about her current life: I’d kinda like not to have all the shit wrong in my head.  Also wouldn’t mind having my parents and Jack back.
What she most wants to change about her physical appearance: My hair is a little noticeable.  I’d probably just change it to be like a black or dark brown, something that’d blend into the shadows a little better.
Daily routine: Get up, get ready, drag Izuku to school (hopefully without running into any hero fights on the way), nap when I can, doodle or do homework in the classes where the teacher won’t let me sleep, have lunch with Fujita-sensei and Izuku, after school go and train with Yagi-sensei and maybe Aizawa-sensei, go home and finish my homework with Izuku.
Night owl or early bird?: Night owl, oh so much.
Light or heavy sleeper?: Apparently I’m a pretty heavy sleeper, even when sleep walking.  Sophia’s given up on waking me and just puts me back in bed.  Thank god our front door is locked.
Favorite food: Strawberry Bon Bons are the absolute best.
Least favorite food: You give me anything with even the littlest amount of spice and I will break all the toes in your feet.
Favorite book: Flint had me read this book a few years back called Blue Skin of the Sea, and it was pretty good.  I don’t have much in way of favorite books, though.
Least favorite book: If a book is so bad, I will drop it within a few chapters.  I guess I’d have to say Warriors got pretty bad after the first couple of series.  And there was that bear series the same author wrote that wasn’t that good.
Favorite movie: A classic, but The Princess Bride.  I have a few memories of curling up with Mom, Flint and Sophia just laughing at it.  Haven’t watched it in years.
Least favorite movie: I swear to god if Izuku makes me watch that All Might movie again, I will put him in a fucking choke hold.  That or make him watch Watership Down.
Favorite song: Oh god… If it’s just musical pieces, Hopes and Dreams from Undertale.  But if it needs words, either Kuraiinu’s English Cover of Peace Song or Sora ni Utaeba by amazarashi.
Least favorite song: 100 Years, by Five for Fighting.  My homeroom teacher back in 6th grade insisted on having us sing it.  Just thinking about it reminds me of her.
Coffee or tea?: Tea, particularly non-bitter.  Caffeine doesn’t really work on me anyways.
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Smooth, with a nice glass of milk.
Type of car she drives: I don’t know.  Something useful, but would blend in.  Mm, maybe a bike?
Lefty or righty?: Righty.  Though maybe I should learn to use my left more, it’d be so useful.
Favorite color: Light purple, lavender.
Cusser?: I learned a lot of Japanese ones from Bakagou.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: I do have an antidepressant subscription, but nothing really beyond that.
Biggest regret: ...I really wasn’t in a good place before I met Izuku.  I just regret how much I worried Sophia and Flint at the time. 
Pets?: Don’t have one.  Wouldn’t mind a cat.
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usernamefiaren-blog · 8 years
I know I’ve failed to upload the last two weeks. Sorry about that. Anyway before I start this blog I want to tell you a bit about what I’ve done this past week. From Monday to Friday my best friend and his girlfriend stayed in London. On Monday I went to London Zoo with them to catch up which was good fun. On Thursday however, I was going to be in London anyway, because I signed up for the Event Production Show. I really enjoyed seeing all of the companies promoting themselves there. I didn’t stay for too long, because students were only allowed in after 12 p.m. and there was only one panel that I actually wanted to see. It was titled ‘taking on secondary ticketing’ and the panel guests were Adam Webb, Sharon Hodgson, who is an MP and Sam Briggs. I really enjoyed hearing professionals talking about the issues in our industry and what they were doing about it. I probably looked quiet stupid with my notebook on my lap, compared to all the journalists with their recording devices. I really didn’t care though, I just wanted to remember every single word they said.
Because I’ve already talked about the entire biography of Vivaldi I feel like there is not much more that I can add to this series about him. So I decided to cut this series very short and move on to March’s ‘artist’. I know this one is not about a musician, but I will regularly come back to musicians. There are just a lot more forms of entertainment that I enjoy than just music. Therefore this month I will be talking about *drumroll* ………. AmazingPhil!! AmazingPhil So….. needless to say I am really fond of this YouTuber. (Even my mum knows who he is because I won’t shut up about YouTubers in general) ‘This what?!??!’ I hear you say. YouTubers are people that make video’s, usually from their bedrooms, and post them on YouTube for other people to watch. This is an actual job and it’s amazing. This isn’t anything like actors in a movie or on stage. This is just people talking about their lives, making sketches, discussing current events, literally anything you can think of and telling it to their camera as if it is their best friend. Usually they are very honest and authentic and it helps a lot of people that suffer from depression or loneliness, because this way you have a friend that you can turn to whenever you want and they will never be mean to you. Loads of them also support charities to do with mental health and bullying, especially cyber bullying.
The most amazing thing about YouTubers is that all of it is self-produced. From writing the script for their stories, to filming and even editing all of the video’s, they all do it themselves. And because of all of these video’s that AmazingPhil uploads and the two books he and his best friend Danisnotonfire have published I will only use those as sources. Honestly, if you want to know anything about a YouTuber you don’t have to look it up on the internet, it’s all right there on their channels.
Childhood Philip Michael Lester was born at 4am on the 30th of January, 1987 in northern Manchester. Phil’s mum decided to call him Philip, because all of the Philip’s that she knew were really kind. Turns out that was a good choice. Also she thought it would go well with his older brothers’ name who is called Martyn. Funfact: He would’ve been called Fiona if he was a girl.
As a child he loved animal documentaries and wanted to become a vet, zookeeper or a weatherman. None of which came true. He was a very strange kid, in fact he has a playlist on his channel called Awkward Childhood Stories. This playlist includes video’s with titles such as; Why I was a weird kid and Things I thought that were true that are not true (part 1, 2 and 3). There are also several chapters in The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire that discuss the weird things that Phil used to do as a child which include secretly eating fish food, breeding hamsters and trying to sell the babies and sitting in front of the washing machine and watching his teddy bears spin.
High School Phil decided to dye his hair bright yellow the week before going to a new school. Good idea, Phil. During high school his favourite subject was art, because when pretending to sketch something you could secretly talk to people. Just like most people that spend a majority of their time on the internet, *cough* totally not me *cough*, he hated P.E. I think there is a direct link between someone’s physical ability to play sports and their obsession with certain fandoms. At least, I’m guessing that’s why I’m so bad at sports…… Anyway, in his final year of high school he did some work experience as a vet, but he couldn’t handle watching a dog getting surgery and passed out. So that dream could be crossed off his list. Also he dressed as a lion on his final day of school and his prom date was a balloon…..
College and early YouTube career In college he studied art, media studies, English and psychology. Around the end of his college years he discovered YouTube where Lonelygirl15(169.560 subscribers) and Smosh(22.565.525 subscribers) inspired him to start making his own video blogs. He started out with a black and white webcam that he got in a cereal box. 26 March 2007 is when he uploaded his first video. In this video he talks about mother’s day and the present he bought his mum, his exam that he did that day and how he found 10 pounds in his washed jeans. Quality content! It takes surprisingly less time to get a lot of subscribers these days, but Phil’s first milestone of 100 subscribers took more than a year and a total of 30 video’s to happen.
University After college Phil went to York University where he studied English Language and Linguistics. He lived in a house with 5 girls and 4 other boys. The boys in the house decided to start a prank war against each other. After they moved Phil’s entire bedroom into the kitchen, his master plan for revenge was replacing sugar for salt….. I don’t think Phil is capable of being mean. In his last year one of his best friends with whom he lived for three years passed away suddenly. Knowing that he probably wouldn’t want him to stay sad, Phil embraced some of the opportunities he got offered instead of shying away from them like he used to. Because of this he took part in The Weakest Link and had a small role in Faintheart.
After he finished University he moved back home, where he discovered that YouTube was actually a massive community. This is where he met fellow YouTuber PJ(KickThePj 1.254.267 subscribers) and went to a new year’s eve party with him. Inspired by the YouTube community he decided to put more effort into his video’s which then started to get more and more attention. In the same year he met Crabstickz(718.491 subscirbers) and his now best friend Danisnotonfire(6.303.794).
This is where I’m going to end this week’s blog, because when Phil met Dan is when the biggest success of both their careers was born. Even though these days you rarely see Dan or Phil’s name without the other, in my opinion they both have amazing channels of their own. AmazingPhil as of today has 3.989.960 subscribers and together with Dan they share 10.293.754 subscribers. I have never met anyone that knows one of them without knowing the other and I think that is the power and incredible entertainment that is Dan and Phil.
There is so much additional stuff that I want to talk about, but I’ll save that for future blogs, because this one has literally just spilled into a third page on Word and it’s by far the longest blog I’ve written. See you next week!
·         AmazingPhil https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHUE4ypXKp7ZkmdWbGJNgJg
 ·         AmazingPhil Draw My Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv1SLUjDGpA
 ·         AmazingPhil First Video Blog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0dsyXzmHFM
 ·         Crabstickz https://www.youtube.com/user/crabstickz
 ·         Danisnotonfire https://www.youtube.com/user/danisnotonfire
 ·         Howell, D. and Lester, P. The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire (2015)
 ·         KickThePJ https://www.youtube.com/user/KickThePj
 ·         Lonelygirl15 https://www.youtube.com/user/lonelygirl15
 ·         Phil Is Not On Fire (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6VevN2mn5s
            Smosh https://www.youtube.com/user/smosh
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bevseyeview · 8 years
A Woman's View: Amanda Orlando, Founder Of Everyday Allergen-Free
Welcome to a new series on Bev's Eye View! This series is called "A Woman's View", a little play on the tittle of my blog (sometimes, I think I am so clever...not). I love career profiles of women who are doing their thing and doing it well. I wanted to do this series as a way to motivate, inspire, and encourage women. Often times, these profiles are of people who have unattainable careers and unrealistic success. I wanted to profile women who are real, inspiring, and doing what they are passionate about! So, lets start with Amanda Orlando!
Name: Amanda Orlando
Age: 26
Current Job/Company: Founder, Everyday Allergen-Free. Associate Category Manager, Indigo Books & Music
Education & School: Human Geography degree from University of Toronto
You have a degree in Human Geography, what made you want to go into the book and publishing industry, along with being a food blogger? One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned since graduating is that your career journey is not linear. Despite having plans, it’s good to be flexible to opportunities that arise. I got a job at Scholastic after working for one of my professors doing research on American declining cities. I thought it would be temporary but I ended up really enjoying being part of the publishing industry (I’m a very avid reader). It also helped me figure out how to get my book (Allergen-Free Desserts to Delight Your Taste Buds: A Book for Parents and Kids) published which is one of my proudest accomplishments.
As for food blogging, that came about for a few reasons. I got a camera as a grad gift and enjoyed playing around with it. I had this goal that I was going to use the shit out of it [and]become awesome at photography. I had a Tumblr page for a couple years, just for fun. My photography was alright but it was just a hobby at that point. Then I got a book contract and I needed to provide a photography portfolio. Suddenly I just kicked into gear and created this small portfolio of my best shots which they accepted. A few months before my book released I had an anaphylactic reaction to improperly labelled bread that contained dairy. I decided it was a sign and started an actual WordPress blog to write about my experiences and share recipes and photos. This grew over the year (2015) and then in June 2016 I decided to close that blog and re-brand as Everyday Allergen-Free with the help of my close friend Joella. We wanted to create a site that inspires confidence in teens and adults living with food allergies. I’m so happy with this decision.
  What is it about publishing and food blogging that you like? Food blogging: I’ve always been very creative and I get really into things. I can never sit still and I’m very passionate. Photography, writing, and just “creating” in general are things I could do literally all day, every day. It keeps my mind active but also keeps me busy physically. I could start working on an article or a shoot at 7am and still be perfecting it at midnight and that’s totally cool with me. I also enjoy sharing my experiences with others who are in the same situation as I am. I’m always challenging myself to do more, better.
Publishing: The curation aspect of my job is the most fun. I love knowing that the books I choose will be enjoyed by kids and will bring them joy.
You have an amazing website, what are the steps you took to start your site and why did you want to start your site? The first step I took was to say – I want this, I’m doing it immediately. You have to just commit. It helps to make yourself feel a sense of urgency – if you don’t do this, someone else will. I bought the domain, Jo and I researched the best hosting platform to use (Squarespace), and then worked on the layout behind the scenes. From there we started generating content immediately and booking collaborations well into the future. Within a week the site was live and active, and we were reaching out to brands and bloggers that we wanted to work with.
Where did you get the idea for your site from? I started looking for sites about adults/teens dealing with severe allergies back in early 2015 when I had that terrible reaction. But my findings came up short. Instead I began following a lot of allergy mom blogs because I felt the need to be part of a community; I needed inspiration. And then it sort of dawned on me that I had been managing my allergies my whole life and that I actually had a lot of experiences to share.
 What were some initial challenges you faced when launching your site? Time! Our main constraint is that we never have enough time to do everything we want to do. We are really good about scheduling though so we manage to make it all fit. Our other challenge is geography. We don’t have an office and Jo and I live in different areas of the city so travel time has to be accounted for. It would be great if we had twice as much time and lived across the hall from each other haha!
What does a typical day look like for you as a blogger and an associate category manager? My day job is 9 – 5-ish (often later) and does involve some travel. I keep a notebook open and as my blog ideas come to me throughout the day I write every one of them down. EAF is my second full time job and I work at it every night. I do a lot of pre-planning before every shoot; curating the cookbook and recipes, buying ingredients, cleaning, buying props if needed, washing/chopping/dicing so everything looks photo-ready.
On EAF we generally do one collaboration or cookbook review (with a guest in the kitchen) once a week, usually on Thursdays. When I get home from my day job I have to do all the prep I just mentioned, as well as booking future collaborations, long-term strategizing, liaising with companies/bloggers over email, tweaking the site, sharing posts on Twitter and Facebook, and Jo and I spend a lot of time brainstorming.
The actual photo shoot usually takes up the whole night and then I have about an hour of tidy-up after. The next day I’ll do the photo editing which generally takes a couple hours, and then writing the piece which takes a couple hours. I like to post more than once a week so I also squeeze in an editorial post or recipe post mid-week. These could take an hour or ten – completely dependent on the topic and format. This often involves some recipe testing and planning. Jo and I try to go to networking or blogging events to stay in the know. I also do some freelance writing/contributions to other sites and just finished working with my new agent on a proposal for a second book.
I usually wrap all this up by 12:30/1am so I can get a decent sleep. And of course I regularly follow my favorite allergy mom blogs!
What are the biggest challenges you face as a food blogger and an associate category manager? I hate to sound like a broken record, but time is always the biggest challenge. There isn’t enough of it.
  What has been the best moment of your career so far? My book launch party was probably the most exciting and satisfying night for me. That feeling made me raise the bar in terms of my aspirations. It was also amazing to see my first contribution to the Huffington Post Blog do so well. I wrote honestly about my own personal experiences and it got over 2000 likes/shares/comments. It affirmed that I was on the right path.
What are the perks of your jobs?
In my day job I get to do some travel which is awesome. Visiting places that are new to me, like Frankfurt for example, also gives me great material to write about. I’m also always surrounded by books which is a dream come true for any book lover. Blogging is all perk for me. I love every aspect of it, especially meeting amazing new people and collaborating creatively.
You have a strong social media game, what are your tips for social media?
Our Insta account is really Jo’s domain but I think I still have some wisdom to share. Pick which social channels you like best and focus on those. There are so many sharing platforms and it’s impossible to make use of them all. Post often and at the times you get most traffic. Try to stay on brand! This may mean you have to open a second Instagram account for personal use, like Jo and I did. It may be tempting to share that family photo from your grandmother’s birthday but it might not be of interest to followers of your blog.
 How do you stay motivated and inspired doing what you do?
Honestly I’m always trying to one-up myself. Every time I finish a post I think about how I can do it better the next time, or what I can add to the site to make it more appealing. Comments or interactions are also motivating because you get to directly hear what people think of your content or how it’s impacting their life. I’m motivated by the fact that I want to do my absolute best all the time. Having a partner means you can feed off each other’s excitement.
Which other woman working in your field do you look up to?
She’s not in my field, but I really look up to Mindy Kaling as a creative inspiration. She’s hilarious, she created the career she wanted, and she’s so confident. That to me is everything I could hope to achieve.
What advice would you give someone who wants to do what you're doing?
Make the decision and then commit; don’t let yourself put it off.
You can find Amanda's Social Media Links Here (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and her Blog). All the photos were provided by Amanda Orlando!
You can also get Amanda's book "Allergen-Free Desserts to Delight Your Taste Buds: A Book for Parents and Kids)" by clicking on the link!
Thank you so much, Amanda for doing this!!
What do you think of this new series, put it down below!!
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