#we are all of legend now
Fictober Day 21: Just In Case This Doesn't Work
Prompt number: Prompt #14
Fandom: American Dragon Jake Long
Pairings/Characters: Jake/Rose
Rating: T
Warnings: character death; discussions of suicide; grief
You can read under the cut or click here to read it on fanfiction
Dear Jake,
I hope you never see this letter. I can tell from the way you talk that you have zero doubts about this plan and our future and if everything goes the way it’s supposed to, I never want you to know how much doubt and fear that I have right now. Your unwavering faith in us is just one of the many things I love about you.
                Just in case you’re wrong, just in case this doesn’t work, I want you to have this letter from me, telling you that it’s okay. I know what you’re going to say “Rose, nothing will ever be okay again!” and it might feel like that now. My wish for you is that you have a beautiful life that you truly love. If something happens to me tomorrow, please don’t think you failed and please don’t think I blame you.
                “But, Rose –“
                I can’t go over every ‘what if’ but I know my heart and my soul and every word I am about to write will always be true.
                I love you and I know you love me. I know you did everything to protect me and save me and even if you made a mistake, it wasn’t because you gave up. I know you’d never give up on me which is why, if I am dead and you are not, I am asking you to give me up. I’m not asking you to forget me because I know you couldn’t – the same way I could never forget you – but I’m asking you to let me go. Please, don’t wallow. Please, laugh again because I love the sound of your laugh. Keep me in your heart and move on, knowing how much I want you to have all of those things that we never can.
                I really believe I will see you in the next life and I expect you to have all sorts of wonderful stories from all the decades I had to miss.
                I love you.
                I will always love you.
                The letter was waiting for him when he arrived home from the funeral. Jake stood and stared at the familiar loops of her handwriting, struck dumb all over again by the fact that Roe was never going to write anything again. Rose was never going to do anything ever again.
                Because Rose was dead.
                Jake adjusted his hold on her urn to pick up the letter and then fled to his room before his friends and family could catch him crying and try to comfort him. Again. Jake didn’t want to be comforted. Jake wanted to hurt. Jake needed to hurt.
                The pain of Rose’s last scream was still echoing in his ears and Jake needed to feel that kind of pain if he ever hoped to have another ounce of peace in this lifetime.
                Jake sat on his bedroom floor and put Rose’s ashes on the floor next to him. He opened her letter, hoping that the contents would be enough to kill him. Death would be a blessing to Jake now. As Jake read, he felt the grief and the love give way to something much stronger: rage.
                “Why?” Jake shouted at Rose’s urn, his hands shaking so badly he worried he was going to hear the letter in half. “why would you do this to me?”
                Rose didn’t answer, because Rose was dead.
                “You can’t make me live without you! I won’t. I need you!”
                But her very last wish was for him to live and how could he possibly let her down on her very last wish? He couldn’t and she knew it and she had probably done this on purpose so he didn’t run off with her body and jump off the nearest bridge.
                “I love you,” Jake said, “and I’ll do it. I’ll leave every godforsaken year this Earth wants to give me and I’ll do it without you. But, just so you know: I hate you for it.”
                And Rose stayed silent, because she was dead.
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risingmoonyue · 1 year
Star Wars AU where the council time travels back to when Obi-Wan was still an itty-bitty baby initiate. Including, you know. Council Member Obi-Wan Kenobi. So they’re all in their younger bodies and talking with the current non-time traveling members of the council, and they’re like “hold on, we got one more coming in”
And in walks in like. Nine year old Initiate Obi-Wan, all chubby-cheeked with fluffy bright red hair, and giant blue eyes.
Just. Their faces, okay?
Now keep in mind I want the council to always be Up To Shenanigans. I’m talking like 2015 Avengers tower found family era fics okay, they’re one big family and Obi-Wan is now super officially The Baby and literally nothing he does will ever stop that again. And despite everything, every single council member is, at heart, incredibly petty in that special Jedi family way and are so ready to not be dealing with a war Right This Very Minute.
What I keep picturing is Baby-Wan wiggling his way into a chair, situating himself Very Regally, then clasping his hands in classic Negotiator style, then speaking up with the Most Serious Of Tiny Baby Voices as the main spokesperson on the Council Of Petty Time Travelers
I just want to see people not in the know
I want Jedi of all ages witnessing Jedi masters, councilmen and women, long lived and wisest of the Jedi, coming to the crèche to visit tiny lil Baby-Wan about his opinions on current events and how they should handle this treaty and also when are you free I want to test my soresu
I just think it’d be funny
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hyolks · 10 months
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I'm so normal about him. like fr. (<-lying)
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spect-era · 2 months
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As much as I love the show I NEEDED to redesign him… just a bit
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sleepyorchidmonster · 7 months
Wait a minute.
If visions are basically Celestia keeping an eye on people that might one day ascend to be gods/ become threaths to Celestia.
Then now that the Hydro Archon is no more and Neuvillette is the one giving visions, does that mean he can watch over all hydro users??
Now all I can think of is Neuvillette acting as Furina's guardian angel. Hurt her and a literal dragon descends from the skies to beat you up!
Also Albert is FINALLY getting arrested!!
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rosehipandroots · 5 months
no thoughts head empty besides wanting to sell my soul for a botw companion game where you play as zelda beating ganon's ass in uno for 100 years
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amanitacurses · 3 months
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feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
Guys I’m so proud of Ally Beardsley in the moment. Remembering good things your spells do? HUGE in any fight
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A little Zelda to go with my Link!
(design not final)
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legendary-cookies · 4 months
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Fictober Day 6: I Can't Wait For You
Prompt number: Prompt #5
Fandom: American Dragon Jake Long
Pairings/Characters: Jake/Rose; Susan; OC
Rating: M
Warnings: graphic sex scene; medical/institutional settings; swearing
You can read under the cut or click here to read it on fanfiction
Jake opened the front door of his apartment, inhaling the scent of freshly made sugar cookies and letting the sounds of the Wicked soundtrack crash over him. Jake grinned. Rose loved Wicked. He kicked off his shoes and followed the sweet smell to the kitchen, where Rose was mixing a large batch of frosting. As soon as Jake crossed the threshold from the hallway, she put the bowl aside and turned. Rose was impossible to sneak up on.
                “I made cookies!” she announced, smiling in the way he loved the most. She crossed the kitchen and folded herself in his arms. “Welcome home.”
                Jake snuggled into her, kissing the side of her neck before lifting her into a spin, her legs going around his waist. Jake held her there, nose to nose.
                “How was your day?” Jake asked, gazing into her big blue eyes. Jake would drown and die in those eyes – that’s how much he loved them.
                “Boring,” Rose admitted, her bottom lip brushing his own. “How was yours?”
                “Better, now.”
                Why would Jake want to talk about his day when he was here with her? Rose was the best part of his day, always.
                Jake kissed her deeply. Rose’s mouth opened to let him in, her legs tightening around his waist. Jake adjusted so that his hands were under her skirt and then spread his hands wider to feel the lacy underwear that left most of her bottom bare. Jake could feel the warmth and wetness coming from between her legs and he got even harder. They broke apart for a messy breath and Jake worked Jake’s shirt over his head, abandoning it on the floor so that she could run her nails down his back.
                Jake nibbled at her neck. Even the feel of his shirt against his nipples was threatening to put him over the edge, like it had been years rather than hours since the last time they’d made love.
                Jake put Rose on the counter, flipping her skirt up and pulling her underwear down over her ankles. He leant into her, his hand going up her thigh.
                “Oh, Jake, here?” Rose asked, as if she were protesting, but Jake knew better. She was already breathless, her hips already lifting off the counter in anticipation of his fingers.
                “I can’t wait for you,” Jake said.
                He kissed her again, barely being interrupted as she pulled her shirt over his head and flung her bra to some far-off corner of the kitchen. Jake bent his head, taking one of her pink nipples into his mouth while his hand kept going slowly up the inside of her leg, ghosting over her clit. He knew how she liked to be teased, barely feeling his fingertips until she bit his lip and demanded him inside of her.
                “Jake,” Rose sighed, her hips nearly completely off the counter, trying to get him to touch her more thoroughly. “Jake.”
                Jake touched his index finger to her clit, going in slow motion. Rose’s hips bucked again.
                “Jake, please, more, more, please.”
                Jake slowly slid one finger inside of her, curling it against her g-spot. She ground down on the palm of her hand, his fingers soaking with a few short movements. Jake slid another finger inside of her, leaning back a little to take in the picture of her – naked but for the pencil skirt flipped over her hips, her head tossed back, her long hair about her breasts, the way his fingers were moving in and out of her. Jake stayed like that, watching her face and her breathing change as she came, a scream in her voice as she called his name. Jake felt like he was going to explode if he wasn’t inside of her, holding her, moving together as one – but he also wasn’t done with her yet. Jake dropped to his knees in front of her, sliding her along the counter until he had her thighs wrapped around his temples.
                “Again?” Rose asked, sounding dazed. Jake gently bit her thighs before skimming his tongue along her clit. He took her clit a little between her teeth, rewarded by the little gasp from her. “Again, Jake, again.”
                Jake licked along every inch of her, putting his tongue as deep inside of her as it would go, and then doing it all over again. Jake made sure to take his time, leaving her trembling and screaming his name before he stood up and pulled off his own pants. One of Rose’s shaking legs went over his shoulder, the other went around his waist, pulling him slowly inside of her. Jake braced himself against the cupboard over her head, moving in and out at a slow pace that he knew was sweetly torturous for both of them.
                “Jake.” Rose tilted her head up, her eyes meeting his. They were nose to nose again. “Kiss me.”
                Jake did, letting her kiss herself from his lips. They stayed locked in that embrace, Jake struggling to keep an even pace, even as her fingers slid between their bodies to touch herself. Rose bit down on his lip.
                “Fuck me, Jake,” she cried. “Please, just fuck me.”
                Jake slammed their hips together, bending his head to get one of her nipples in his mouth. Her legs widened, her hands hanging around his neck so that he would hit all the right spots. Jake waited until she had orgasmed again before he let himself go, holding himself inside of her as his head bowed down to her shoulder. They were both covered in sweat as they slid down to the floor and Jake had never been so relieved that Rose was a neat freak as they laid side by side on the tile, legs still wrapped around each other, heads using each other’s shirts as pillows. Jake pulled her in for a sweet kiss.
                “I love you,” he said.
                “I love you too.” Rose rubbed her thumb across his lips, such affection in her eyes that Jake wanted to melt. “Are you going to help me with dinner tonight?”
                “In a minute,” Jake said. “I just want to cuddle some more.”
                “Me too,” Rose agreed. “We’re just doing the usual tonight, so it won’t take long. Someday you’re going to get sick of my food.”
                “Never,” Jake promised. “I’ll eat whatever you make me, even if you cook sawdust every night.”
                That got her sitting up before he was ready for her to, throwing his shirt at him. “I don’t cook sawdust.”
                Jake laughed, taking the hint and starting to get dressed. “I said if, Rose! If!”
                “Whatever,” Rose scoffed. “Get your apron on.”
                “Yes ma’am,” Jake said.
                After all, it wasn’t like he ever told Rose ‘no’.
                Susan stared blankly ahead, not even trying to conceal her disappointment and her fury as she said, “This is what you call improved?”
                “Mrs. Long,” said Dr. Chance, his leprechaun brogue smooth with sympathy. “For the first time in nearly ten years, Jake knows his own name. I’d call that an improvement, wouldn’t you?”
                “It’s been over ten years,” Susan grumbled under her breath. She pressed her forehead against the two-way mirror, knowing that Jake couldn’t see her or hear her.
                She watched her twenty-five-year-old son chatter happily, going about the motions of making dinner, not realizing that he was in a padded room with no kitchen. He didn’t realize that he was alone. He didn’t realize that the girl he was talking to had died when they were just fourteen.
                “We’re continuing to work with him and we believe we’ve hit on the correct combination of human drugs and magical treatments. Since he’s started on this regimen, he’s not only started responding to his own name, he seems more aware of reality –”
                “HE JUST FUCKED A WALL!”
                It had been over a decade of watching Jake just sit. He aged and she aged and he just sat, lost in his own mind. They said his brain had been too deeply traumatized by the events of Homecoming and the fact that Rose had sacrificed herself to take down the Huntsclan; Jake just couldn’t process that truth. Susan had tried screaming. The doctors had tried all the drugs. Lao Shi and Fu had tried all the magic. Jake had just continued sitting there, lost in his own mind. Susan knew that she should be grateful to Dr. Chance and this experimental trial that had brought some semblance of Jake back but that person on the other side of the wall was not her son. It was not who he should have grown up to be.
                “Mrs. Long, he knows how old he is. His delusions have matured with him. He believes she’s there and that they are living together in an apartment. That doesn’t stop him from recognizing his nursing staff or even pictures of your family. Watch.”
                There was a knock on the other side of Jake’s cell door.
                “Come in!” Jake called cheerfully. “Hi, Nurse Patel.”
                “Hello, Jake. I’ve brought you dinner.”
                “Thank you, Nurse Patel, but Rose already cooked.”
                The nurse used a key to fold down a small section of the wall, turning it into a makeshift table and put the tray down on top of it.
                “Make sure you eat all of it,” Nurse Patel ordered. “I’ll be back for the tray in twenty minutes.”
                “Okay,” Jake said agreeably. He went over to the table and mimed pulling out a chair before going to the other side of the table and sitting on the floor. “Dig in, Rose. It looks delicious.”
                “How does he do that?” Susan asked. “How can he think both of those things are true?”
                “The beauty and the mystery of the human brain.”
                “It’s not beautiful,” Susan said, feeling like she was on the verge of a breakdown. “It’s … It’s …” She didn’t even have the words for what it was. It was devastating. It made her physically ill. It was a thief, taking away his entire life. “Is he ever going to be a hundred percent better?”
                Dr. Chance hesitated and Susan knew what that meant but she still needed to hear him say it.
                “We’ll never stop working with him but if we were to walk in there right now and confront him with the fact that Rose has been dead this whole time, it would probably send him back to where he was six months ago. Worse, where he was six years ago. It’s a long process and it is a process with no guarantees. We’re not going to give up.”
                Susan looked back into the room. Jake was feeding his imaginary Rose bits of mashed potato, although he turned the spoon around and fed them to himself.
                “At least he’s happy,” Susan admitted. “At least we get to know that he’s happy, even if it’s with a ghost.”
                “You can go in and see him, you know. Jake would probably love a visit from his mother.”
                “No,” Susan said, turning her back on Jake. “Thank you for all you’ve done. Please, don’t give up. But, I won’t be coming back here. Whoever he is, he’s not my son anymore. He hasn’t been for a very long time.”
                And Susan walked away.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
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I cant take this anymore. Take him. I don’t have a name for him nor for the others but I love them all. I’ve explained a bit for Age’s dad’s personality and his story. I’m gonna talk about a certain battle from AOC so spoiler warning for that. It’s not connected to the story at all but just in case
There’s this battle called “a Knight’s nightmare” or something like that, and you basically have to go rescue Link who is trapped in a small area completely surrounded by guardians. It’s actually a quite challenging battle if you’re unaware of what’s happening cuz Link’s health goes down VERY quickly. It’s a sad battle really cuz it’s implied that Link is terrified of guardians and being surrounded by them, and in botw, that’s essentially how he died. Anyways I miiiight have this battle happen with his dad involved, but it gets so bad that his dad ends up losing his arm. This is after the calamity, but he loses his ranking and is pushed to retire, living in Hateno with his wife and daughter again. He doesn’t have that much time to be with Link unfortunately since Link is doing heroic work, but at least he can see his daughter more often.
His dad is a very positive man, a guy who tried to be positive even when things are bad. He’s a glass half full kinda guy, but losing his arm was very hard on him since he is an active person and gets stir crazy really easily. Out of stubbornness he does learn how to do most of his activities with just one arm. He shield surfs at mount Hylia a lot, learned how to use his sword with one arm, and a whole lot other things. It helped with him being forced to stay home, but he does miss the traveling and the action. Tho he’s just happy to spend time with his family, he only wishes that Link could be there more often.
He was also close with the other bodyguard of the king. There were two in AOC who were with Rhoam all the time tho I don’t remember what they look like lol, but I think he grew close with his partner. I’m sure he misses the talks they used to have. Rhoam is a very strict and serious man so I doubt he was super close with the king, but he was close enough to have some pleasant conversations. But the looming calamity stifled a lot of friendly conversations
Also when I was designing him, I always had Leon’s facial hair in my mind, so you know that Linebeck is gonna confuse the two of them SO much. The biggest difference tho is that they’re almost a foot apart in height (Leon is almost 6’ while this guy is around 5’-5’2) I guess the missing arm and chipped ear are good differences as well lol
Sorry for the rambling it is late and I can’t stand not rambling at times so take this dbsksbksb
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hyperionwitch · 5 months
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WELL...after almost 4 years of working on it, Evelynn is finally...FINALLY done. lmao In the end, she became a bit of an unwearable disaster, but all she had to do was look good in pictures, and by god, she did that like a champ~ 🖤
Photos by @tasty-patches (and touch ups/effect editing by me)
Wig by nori.kyoko
Lashers pattern by @kinpatsucosplayofficial-blog
Claws adapted from pattern by j.jubscosplay
So much help on the bra/harness from @greyallison
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Lost (as in the nickname for my one Link) content, here we gooooo (even though he's not physically here). Vaati is a placeholder name since [evil purple guy] was getting really old.
The low chatter of her council members barely reached Zelda’s ears, the only thing stopping her from standing up and bolting out of the room being Impa’s steady presence at her side. She knew they needed to have this meeting, but the thought of discussing what to do about the... threat, threatened to make her ill.
“Silence please,” Impa said, giving her cane a rap on the floor. “We have business to attend to. I’m sure you all know why we’re here.”
Zelda took a slow breath in, steeling herself for the words about to come out of Impa’s mouth.
“The Hero has been corrupted.”
The room went into an uproar but Zelda barely heard it, biting her lip so hard it nearly drew blood. Link, her best knight, her best friend, and really only friend aside from Impa, had been twisted into little more than a puppet for the forces of darkness to use as they pleased.
She felt distantly like she was going to throw up.
“—doesn’t even have the blade! Are we certain the boy is the Hero?” one of her councilors boomed, “for all we know Vaati merely created a lookalike of our best knight to frighten us! Are we even certain the boy is still ali—“
“That’s quite enough,” Impa said sternly, then placed a gentle hand on Zelda’s shoulder. “We have firsthand reports of what happened, Sir Link is who has been corrupted.”
“But how do we even know if he is the Hero?” one of the women shouted, and Impa sighed.
“He would not have been corrupted if he were not,” she said gravely. “Sir Rowan’s account stated that Link was the only one who was explicitly targeted. Somehow Vaati knew of Link’s potential to pull the blade, and exploited it. We cannot count on the Hero to save us now.”
The room went suddenly quiet, the emotion of the room turned abruptly from uproar to fear. The council’s gazes turned to their princess, looking for direction on what to do, and Zelda didn’t know what to tell them.
Impa gave Zelda’s shoulder a comforting squeeze, and the princess swallowed down her emotions in order to speak.
“We will need to enact a plan to deal with this threat,” she said steadily, slowly breathing out. “We will strengthen our defenses, and alert our allies to the possible danger. There have been reports of increased monster activity, doubtless Vaati’s doing, so we will deal with them accordingly.”
“And what of the Hero?” one of her councilmen asked.
Zelda swallowed.
“We will send out a description of him, and a warning about what has happened,” she said calmly. “But if... if he’s found, we must aim for capture, not... nothing else, as of now. We don’t know exactly what the enemy has done to him, but perhaps... perhaps we can still save him.”
Her voice wavered minutely on the last sentence, and Impa shortly dismissed the meeting, ushering Zelda back to her rooms. The walk there was a blur, and soon enough she found herself standing by her desk, staring blankly out the window.
The bright rays of sunset shining on her face seemed unfair.
“Your highness?” Impa asked after a minute, and Zelda closed her eyes.
“It was my idea to send the knights to the woods,” she whispered. Impa didn't reply, and Zelda wrapped her arms around herself. “I thought my dream was pointing us there. That by acting first it would protect against the darkness. But all it did was lose us our best knights, take away our strongest rsources. And...”
Zelda’s voice cracked, and a tear fell down her cheek without her permission.
“We’ve lost Link,” she choked out. “I sent him there Impa, he trusted me, and I sent him to his destruction, he’s... I don’t even know if there’s a way to get him back.”
“Your highness, you cannot blame yourself,” Impa said in a voice equally gentle and firm. “This was out of your control.“
“But it if I hadn’t sent him he would still be here,” Zelda said, another tear falling down her cheek. “What if he can’t be saved, Impa? What kind of ruler am I to doom my kingdom to darkness, and send my best friend to his death?"
The last word was punctuated by a sob, and Impa was silent a moment, tapping a quiet finger along her cane.
“Zelda,” she said finally, and the princess sniffled, looking at her through her tears. “I believe there is a way we may yet be able to stop this darkness. As well as save Link.”
Hope faintly flickered in Zelda’s heart. “Truly?”
“Indeed. If I'm recalling the old legends correctly... well. We shall see,” she said thoughtfully, then turned to Zelda with a gentle look. “Come Princess, dry your tears. Link may yet be saved. But you must see clearly to do so.”
Zelda wiped her eyes, and Impa drew her into a short embrace, silence falling between them as Zelda calmed herself. Impa was right, she needed to calm down and think clearly.
Link needed her, and she couldn't help him if she was busy crying over him.
Zelda sighed, and Impa patted her cheek as she drew back. “Now. I need to gather some things so we can properly decide our course," she said, and gave Zelda a sad smile. "...Try and get some rest in the meantime, princess. It's been a long day for us all."
Zelda nodded, and Impa gave her a long look before finally stepping back, and leaving her quarters.
Zelda breathed out as the door closed behind her, and she looked around her room, before stepping out onto her balcony. A cool breeze greeted her, sending strands of blonde hair into her face, and Zelda looked up at the sky, her chest tightening as she remembered how Link had knelt here only days before, promising her he'd be careful.
The wind blew again, and Zelda's damp cheeks felt cold.
Link... stay strong, she quietly prayed, watching as the last of the sunlight disappeared from the sky. Hold on for me.
Hold on for us all.
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awkwardpossum0 · 7 months
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They're all waiting for someone else to talk first
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THE ORDER OF PALMS An order of holy folk that serve The Helm, working to create powerful Aasimar Paladins for the purpose of protecting any who hire their help. [BACKSTORY UNDER CUT]
One day, Gjör and her peers were lead by their mentor Opheria, to a mission far from their home. On the peak of that mountain village, they saw upon the horizon, the castle of their home go up in flames. Horrified and scared, the apprentices sought to follow their mentors guidance, and followed her lead into a small barn. It was there, that Opheria proceeded to slaughter each and everyone of the apprentices. It seemed she somehow had a hand in this sudden attack on the Order of Palms. Gjör D'annevual survived a sword through the 'heart', on account of a rare condition, that places her heart on the other side of her chest. When she finally managed to bring herself back home, the Order was insulted by her survival. She had so many better peers, why couldn't any of them have survived? This runt was seriously the only thing that survived Opherias wrath? It was better to just wash their hands clean of this. Thus the Order decided to banish Gjör from their ranks. She now travels the land in search of a purpose.
#luckys original content#dungeons and dragons#MY OCSSSS MY WONDERFUL OCSSS ITS BEEN SO LONGGGG!!this is a fairly old character that i made foreeeever ago#i was trying to go full on into DND LORE ONLY instead of makin up my own stuff. so when i was lookin around i learned abt THE HELM#the god of protection or watever it was. i also like playing paladin bc i love to hit things w my sword. i also like aasimars bc theyrprett#im sure i ahd other Min Maxy reasons for her but i dont have her sheet n ive forgotten everything. never got a chance to play her but yknow#maybe someday. I LIKE HER ALOT TOO. big and strong and well meaning but a lil dumb. justa lil dense n stupid. but she tries!!#I LIKE CHARACTERS THAT HAVE JUST SMALL THINGS DIFERENT ABT THEM. i knew some1 who had that condition. where everythings just flipped#aint that fucked up? that ur organs can just be flipped? and inever see it in fiction. its so neat. imagine finding out like THIS too#she had blacked out from the sword through the heart. the last thing she heard from her mentor was;#'you were a great student. that is why you above all else must die. i hope you understand' spoken through a gentle voice and a gentle smile#the very same that had guided Gjör so far through her journey.A BETRAYAL LIKE NO OTHER! she awoke utop a pile of comrades#each bloodied and dead and cold. she used her own magic to heal herself. to catch herself from the precipice of bleeding out#when she stepped out of the barn she had found that the village was burned to the ground#she was shellshocked!! it took her weeks to limp all the way back down that mountain. all the way back to the place she called home#only to be spit on and kicked back out. being a Paladin of the Palms was her entire life. what was she to do now?#OH SO THE ART. I RLY LIKE HER DESIGN.heavily based off of THE BABY SITTER from HALO LEGENDS. i fuckin love halo so much guys.....#i just love that trope of Big Strong Person in Armor that we all thought wasa fullgrown MAN takes off the helmet to revel shesa PRETTY GIRL#my favorite in the WORLD!! i also like the silly frilly pretty dress sorta motif in gjors armor. it hides all the stuff i dont wanna draw#thats all the ramble i got in me for now. PLEASE ENJOY. and ask me abt my ocs
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