#zelda: uno reverse
rosehipandroots · 9 months
no thoughts head empty besides wanting to sell my soul for a botw companion game where you play as zelda beating ganon's ass in uno for 100 years
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I love the Yiga, they always give me free stuff! Roadside bananas, arrows, swords, rupees, schematics, you name it! What generous guys… strange how they’re so aggressive about giving me gifts though, the bit about taking Link’s head in exchange is getting a bit stale.
I was perusing the unlit Depths when a bunch of Yiga biplanes tried to snipe me from way too far away. They could have just flown over, but I guess their supervisor is strict with their patrol routes lol
It was pretty funny to see them agro at me while clumsily trying to keep their planes within bounds.
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pockethexapod · 1 year
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zelda7999 · 1 year
Hiii >:3c
light blue, green, orange, turquoise
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I have the right to remain silent(in the dark)
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Well? What are you waiting for?
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fuckin' Oceans amirite?
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guideoftime · 2 years
“i care about you.”
𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰.  just a bunch of soft prompts.@sapientiiae
What a very odd word choice. Though she has used many when she talks about how she feels for him, care was not the imediate one he thought she would go for. He uses care when thinking about his mother, it's how he defines her feelings for him. She cared about him, what happens to him. He thought the word the Princess would choose would just--be a bit different. Maybe he was putting to much or to little value in one word.
Sheik shifted in front of the vanity, comb in hand, still dressed down comfortably. She'd barged in to his house, though barged is rough, she does have a key. He wasn't nready for the day yet, it's rare she's here before he goes to her. Usually, Sheik's up at dawn, inside her room by the time she's finished being dressed. He got there too early once and swung himself through her doors while she was still partly naked. He thought they'd arrest him. So, he doesn't rush to much.
Still. It's a quarter to five in the morning. Why is she up this early?
Something must have been weighing on her mind. Was it the Shadow Temple? Sheik had another nightmare about that the other night, he's spending to much time there getting Impa to answer him. She's stubborn like him. He doesn't know what she's thinking. Like this one.
He sets his comb down and begins the task of braiding his hair. "Interesting choice of wording. I can't tell if you're intentionally being vague with it or trying to convey something else with it."
He's probably overthinking, he does that to a lot of things.
Hair finished being braided he adds the weight to it and finally stands from the vanity, turning to look at her. He meets her gaze, his own unflinching in their stare. He takes a breath and then steps forward, intending to pass her to get to the suit hanging on the wall. When he's close he pauses briefly, shoulder to shoulder with his Princess. He turns his head briefly, and speaks quietly for her to hear.
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"Κρατάς την καρδιά μου.."
The language of his people slips from his tongue with ease and he continues past her over toward his suit. He pulls it down from the hook and collects the mask, cowl and headwrap from the dresser beside it. "You should--go downstairs or something."
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
Charm Ball Tennis
Context: The temporary character I was playing for this session wouldn't be introduced until the end of the big combat at the start, so I was playing one of the bad guys (Half-Elf Archfey Warlock, not that the party knows that) instead.
Me: Okay, so, yeah, I'm gonna cast Dominate Person on Barbarian
[He just barely makes the save]
Fey Wanderer Ranger: Wait, wait! Oh, I finally get to use this! I have Beguiling Twist, and since he made the save, now you have to make a save or be charmed! Uno reverse, motherfucker.
[Rest of the table laughs a little. I am just barely holding back an evil cackle]
Me: Yeah, well, you see, I have this thing called Beguiling Defenses-
[All of us erupt into hysterical laughter]
Me, barely able to speak through giggles: Which means that 1) I am immune to being charmed, and 2) now you have to make a saving throw or be charmed.
Changeling Warlock: (slams hands on table) UNO REVERSE, MOTHERFUCKER!
[We all lose our shit again]
DM: So you all watch as this tragedy, this comedy of errors, Warlock tries to charm Barbarian, fails, then Ranger tries to charm Warlock, and Warlock just throws it right back. You know how in Legend of Zelda, there are those boss fights that are just you and Ganondorf hitting energy balls at each other? Yeah, this is that.
Me: Charm Ball Tennis!
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mylonelydreaming · 3 months
Link making sure he saved her before accepting his fate
Zelda stealing his hood
A uno reverse of totk's plot in some ways (need to find Link)
Shipping it as a wholesome romance idc don't @ me
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across-violet-skies · 4 months
A GIFT FOR @noorahqar!!!!! mwah
qar. qar. qar I am platonically kissing you on the mouth. happy birthday I love you. minecraft villager noises or whatever
preview under the cut :3
It started with a rainstorm.
Four was the first to go down, with a sharp, biting cough that rumbled in his chest. Everyone quickly ushered him to his bedroll, insisting that the smithy should rest and recover. Wild made soup, Warriors watched the fever, and Sky played the harp to soothe him to sleep.
Hyrule was next, with a bright red nose and the deepest eyebags anyone had ever seen on the traveler. He joined Four in the bedrest corner of their camp.
After that, it took out the rest of them quickly. Legend’s voice disappeared, Wild was sweaty and flushed, Twilight had thick, wet sneezes, Wind was congested… even Time was running a fever.
The only ones unaffected were Sky and Warriors.
Naturally, the two of them took up parenting duty. Warriors would fetch buckets of water while Sky cooked simple broths (it was the only thing the Skyloftian could consistently cook). They would re-wet and cool down rags, resting them across sweaty foreheads. Bowls of broth were handed out or hand-fed to those most affected by illness.
And their work paid off! Eventually, everyone began to recover. Four’s cough became lighter and less frequent, the redness in Hyrule’s nose faded, Legend’s voice returned… all of them healed, finally overcoming the illness.
…Well, except for Sky and Warriors. They finally succumbed to the sickness that had consumed the rest of the Chain for the past week, crumbling under the stress of caring for the others.
Time wet a rag, cooling it with Legend’s ice rod. Warriors leaned into the touch, sighing miserably. “Thanks, Sprite,” he croaked, voice hoarse.
“Of course.” The eldest Link sat beside his brother. “I’ve got you.” He ran a hand through the Captain’s hair soothingly. “Get some rest.”
“Mmhmm…” Warriors mumbled, eyes fluttering shut. “...Sprite… is Wind…?” He made a move to sit up, dazed with fever.
Time shushed him, holding Warriors’ shoulder down. “Wind’s fine. You, however, need to rest.”
The Captain nodded, hazed blue eyes blinking up at Time. “...Yeah. Yeah, I’ll…” He trailed off, exhaustion pulling at his eyelids. They slipped shut, Warriors’ head falling to the side as sleep overtook him.
Time sighed, adjusting the blanket to better cover Warriors. It was shaping up to be a chilly night, and that fever of the Captain’s wasn’t going to help.
-> read the rest on ao3!
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Calamity Ganon, as we know, was more like a primal force of nature, though it did display some level of intelligence with its ability to formulate and execute plans (Spawning the blights and unleashing them, corrupting the Guardians, etc) it wasn't exactly a big brain genius. I mean, come on, it had 10,000 years to plan, and the best it came up with, while effective, was "Uno reverse lol" And with an additional 100 years its plan became "Cyborg time!"
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And then just. "Big pig!"
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It wasn't a tactical genius. It won because Hyrule was overly reliant on the ancient Sheikah technology to the point that they were helpless against that very technology when it was turned against them.
But what the hell was Calamity ganon? Well, we see it in three, maybe four forms. Pig Cloud
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Which Creating a Champion states is a "spirit composed of malice"
Fashion disaster Ganon
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An incomplete, slapped together body made of Malice and machinery (Apparently he started building this body when he sensed Link awaken in the chamber of resurrection)
Kaiju Ganon
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A body formed of pure malice as a final "screw you though" after his cool new cyborg body was destroyed.
And the fourth body is possibly the malice itself, seeing as he seemed to be hell bent on using it to make his new bodies. It was like clumps of flesh just sort of laying around waiting to be assembled into something.
So now that we know the calamity's 3 (or 4) main forms, I want to focus on the pig cloud, because I think that is Calamity Ganon's truest form. The malice is something it created, either intentionally or as a byproduct of simply existing, and its other bodies were things made of that malice.
Now, we know that Calamity Ganon was utterly destroyed at the end of Breath of the wild. It didn't like, return to Dry Ganondorf in the depths. That thing got nuked.
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And that means that Ganondorf's consciousness was always in his dry body and not acting through the Calamity. In fact, when Rauru seals him away, he taunts Rauru and says "Thousands of years will pass in the blink of an eye" which to me says he knows he gonna be stuck in that spot for a hot minute.
The Calamity spawned from him, but it was not him. Its almost like a giant, out of control Phantom Ganon thats just sort of up there doing its best. But with Ganondorf sealed away, how did Calamity Ganon get loose? Well, it might seem odd, but I think Majora's mask (the object) can point us in the right direction
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Majora's Mask was once just a normal mask. Carved from normal wood. (actually if you look at the renders it looks more like it was carved from stone, but whatever) It wasn't alive, it didn't possess magic powers. It was just a mask. A mask used in ancient hexing rituals. Over time, the negative energies created from those hexing rituals sort of infected the mask and eventually became conscious, with the mask acting as a body. It was a Tulpa that was housed inside the mask. (A tulpa is a concept in mysticism of an object or being that is created through mental or spiritual power. To make it extremely basic: A tulpa is an imaginary friend that stops being imaginary. Actually in that sense, Phantom Ganon is basically a tulpa.)
So, Ganondorf, sealed away, conscious or not, was just seething. Pure hate for Hyrule, for Rauru the first king, and all his descendants. That hate was so pure and intense that it basically manifested as Calamity Ganon. The pig cloud. A separate entity born of Ganondorf's sheer spite and hate.
And if you need further proof that they are not the same entity, we need only look to Ganondorf's profile in Tears of the Kingdom, unlocked after completing the game.
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Ganondorf had been slowly working on his revival for 100 years INDEPENDENTLY of Calamity Ganon. Link and Zelda just pulled a "wrong place/wrong time" when they found him at the exact moment the seal finally weakened enough to break.
Man what would Ganondorf have done if he broke out of his seal like 5 or 8 years earlier, made his way to the surface, and found pig cloud ganon just up there partying?
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jl-11037 · 2 months
The chain get lost in a forest then Wild and Hyrule get extra lost. Now the rest of the Links have to find a town before they can start the search for their missing members.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
The conversation Link and Zelda had before the new game according to my brother:
Link: “Yeah, so I’m gonna have to save you again.”
Zelda: “Hold on.” Pulls out an Uno reverse card. “It’s your turn now.”
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tixdixl · 22 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thank you for the uno reverse!!!
1. "Diggy Diggy Hole" cover by Wind Rose
2. "Farewell Hyrule King" from the Legend of Zelda
3. "I'm the Boss" by the Big Bad Bosses
4. The entire 1977 Hobbit OST
5. "Hoist the Colors" cover by Jonathan Young
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erikaember · 1 year
The Breath of the Wild trilogy idea
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So I've seen some posts about an idea for the next game in the BotW and TotK series involving Link and Zelda having to deal with a Gerudo boy, now that Ganondorf is dead.
I love that idea, so here’s my take:
   Let's have it be a few years into the future, Link and Zelda using their knowledge of Zonai technology to speed up the kingdom's restoration, utilizing the Sky Islands and the depths. And while Ganondorf is gone, the kingdom is still recovering from the remnants of his dark magic, although it’s much more manageable, the military growing in strength and reach.
Enter the news from the Gerudo that a male is born.
...it feels a bit weird to suggest this, but for the sake of drama and a more personal connection to the main characters, let’s say Riju is the mother. It’s some years into the future, Hyrule is rebuilding, the Gerudo would definitely help with military training and I think it’d be cute to have Riju find herself a voe among the soldiers. He could be a guy who wasn’t fit to be a soldier but Riju pulled him aside because she noticed his skills being more useful in strategy. Of course, he’s still training his fighting skills cuz I love the idea of them having a casual duel with a flirtatious undertone.
While having a deep love for their baby boy, the chieftess and her husband fear for the fate of their son, the only remaining history of a Gerudo male being that of Ganondorf. No one would dare to say it out loud but it still reached Riju that her people had whispered about the cruel idea to end the boy’s life before history is repeated, this new golden era being threatened by his mere existence.
Desperate to fight this alleged fate, Riju seeks Zelda’s wisdom and they begin to investigate the matter. Still having her secret stone, Zelda is able to get a sense of the boy’s future but feels nothing evil. So she encourages Riju to simply let the boy grow up and guide him like she would a normal boy who isn’t fated to be evil, and to face criticism with the fact that he will be guided by good people.
But then, when the boy reaches somewhere between 10 and 13 years, he gets some strange dreams and ends up disappearing.
The game will be about Link trying to find him, maybe FINALLY travelling WITH Zelda so she can use her time powers to see the memory of objects and find out what the boy had been up to, seeing him discover something calling to him and how he uncovers a power within himself.
Link had spent quite some time with the boy, exploring Hyrule together. It was a way to grow a love for it instead of a desire to conquer it; seeing things from the perspective of a citizen rather than from the tall position of a leader. So the boy knew his way around the land. But it also meant he had a connection with Link and they knew each other pretty well. Link and Zelda have faith in him and believes he won’t easily be tricked into evil.
And basically, they uncover the deep mysteries of the long forgotten and forbidden sorcery of the Gerudo, the witches Kotake and Koume (who somehow sealed themselves to aid Ganondorf but were too late to aid him in TotK, so they focus on this new boy)
The witches try to convince the Gerudo boy to channel his inherited power and take his mother’s secret stone; become an exceptionally powerful king (perhaps one of his strongest desires being to become someone his people can respect and that’s been so difficult, they try to convince him power is the only way).
...but the twist will be that he had already decided his fate and dives deep in order to destroy the witches from within. ...but the witches knew that and pulled an Uno reverse card and used magic on him, forcing him to fight from within himself. To make him weak against their magic, the witches made him kill Riju (parallel to Sonia, but of course, Riju won’t go down without a fight) and take her stone to amplify their control over him.
He’s tortured with that memory and unable to fight back for a while. When Link and company arrives to battle him, they manage to weaken the control but the witches then sacrifices themselves, entering the stone to amplify their control. Link still manages to weaken the spell enough for the boy to remove the stone (paralleling TotK) and throw it to him, Link destroying the stone and Zelda using her powers to purify the boy.
Happy ending where the Gerudo boy is made chief (because he refuses to be called king after all the time he spent with the “you’ll be a powerful king” witches) and the ghost of Riju expresses how proud she is of her child who defied destiny and proved the strength of the Gerudo.
   The story uses parallels to give the impression of fate being at work, and ancient Gerudo runes talking about the witches’ destiny to resurrect their king to make it seem like it’s set in stone. But the boy’s destiny isn’t mentioned... because it was never written...
And since BotW only had the surface and TotK mainly focusing on the sky islands, this one will focus more on the depths...
I call it... Legend of Zelda: Runes of the Chasm
...oh, and gotta include the fact that the boy will meet Master Kohga who believes the boy is the new Ganondorf, and the boy takes full advantage of that, remembering the stories Link told him about how stupid the Yiga clan are. He’ll send them on fools errands to locations he knows Link will be at, so they can stupidly reveal the boy’s location, keeping Link on the right track.
...also, because I’m a Zelink shipper and this idea involves a time skip of at least 11 years after the events of TotK, I say Link and Zelda are married, Link is the new king, and he’s a bit like Rauru - sneaking out on adventures and has to be fetched by Zelda who gives him a stern but loving lecture. Also, they got a little princess who has her dad’s flair for adventure.
Thanks for reading! This was based on ideas I already had for an independent Zelda story, I have no plans to delve deeper. This was just my two cents, feel free to elaborate on any of the ideas or even use them for your own take on “Link and Zelda having to deal with a Gerudo boy”. :D
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26 Days until Tears of the Kingdom Release. I believe today is Orthodox Easter so happy Easter to those who celebrate. Also I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and that we can continue the hype for TOTK for the next 26 days.
Spoilers under the cut because I'm still not done with the trailer.
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Pokemon Sword and Shield? Nah. Zelda Sword and Shield. I already love fuse so much. Sticking a royal claymore and royal shield together and then using that to parry an attack is insane.
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At first I thought this thing was a Goron but upon a closer look it's got a symbol on it. I'm guessing this ball that moves so fast and leaves flames in it's wake is some sort of game/challenge that the Goron's cooked up. Probably minigame related, like the Challenge at Gut Check Rock or that one challenge where Link has to stand the heat.
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The trampoline thing is so sick and seeing the other flying boats makes me think of how fun it would be to travel by bouncing from one to the other. Also Tulin is more grown up in this shot, proving that a few years have passed between BOTW and TOTK (at least Link and Zelda got some time to themselves before everything went to hell.) It's also my belief that just cause Link is flying with Teba and not Tulin does not mean something bad happened to Teba. I think Teba took over as Chief of the Rito so he's a bit too busy to pull stunts with Link.
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Glowy hand. Also this sequence was so satisfying, even more so than a parry or a bomb. Octoroks always hit you at the most inconvenient of times so it's nice to uno reverse their attacks back at them. Also I wonder if reversing time on one object slows/stops time for everything around it as well but leaves Link free to move. I think that's how it works and if so then I'm looking forward to seeing how it can be used in combat against groups.
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This looks like a neat side quest but also at the same time it reminds me of the escort mission in Twilight Princess. Hopefully this one is far nicer to me then than the TP quest.
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Looks like Link really fused a rocket to his shield. Also he's on Eventide island with all his stuff so we probably won't see a repeat of that shrine quest, at least not on this island. I keep thinking about how funny it would have been for Majora's Mask Link to travel to the moon via rocket in order to fight Majora. Link technically already has experience with space travel of a sort so guess it's not surprising they finally gave him a rocket.
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Speaking of space travel, MOON JUMPS. Yup, these steps absolutely have to deal with funky gravity and I'm sticking to that point (too many reactors keep saying time.) These steps also look like they lead to a giant platform, a perfect place for a boss fight, and with the weird goo in the background I'm guessing the boss fight is with the black and purple ink like alligator we see later in the trailer. If we are getting dungeons again, I wonder if this is part of one of the sky dungeons.
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Nintendo saw that we loved mine carts in BOTW and decided to use them more. Thank you Nintendo. While I think this race with a construct is hilarious, I'm even more excited by the glimpse at an underground area and once with some sick lava falls. Also this reminds me of a roller coaster at an amusement park where there are duel tracks. Maybe they should make one of these in Super Nintendo land.
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The amount of reactors I've seen start laughing once the trailer gets here is numerous. This mech battle, some may say the slowest and shittiest mech battle in history, truly showcases Aonuma's comment about how much room TOTK leaves for the player's imagination. I can't wait to craft my own shitty jousting robot and then see people on youtube make them cooler than I could ever dream. Also the new outfit that Link is wearing reminds me of a Roman Centurion.
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This shot has an even cooler looking outfit. The horns and earrings are absolutely a reference to the unknown character already shown in the trailer. In general, I really like the look of this one and can't wait to acquire it. Then there is the ruby arrow. I hope that it doesn't do the same thing as fire chu chu jelly because I want Nintendo to give us a reason to use an expensive ruby for something other than outfit upgrades and rupees. Huh I wonder if some outfits are going to boost the effects of fusing materials to weapons/arrows. That would be interesting to see. Maybe an outfit boosts the magical effects of gems/minerals and in that case you would want to use rubies instead of chu chu jelly.
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Speaking of fire chu chu jelly, I'm pretty sure that bokoblin is carrying some in a pack on his back. I assuming that some of the enemies will be throwing elemental jelly at us. Also what is that contraption Link and how did you get it up there? I wonder if he just levitated it into the camp using ultra hand and if he did then that bodes well for long range combat. Also pretty funny to drop a giant laser machine from the sky into the middle of a boko camp.
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Giant ice leviathan and 100% a boss fight. I've heard some interesting arguments about this thing being related to the Great Hebra skeleton but part of me hopes not. It'd be tragic if Ganon corrupted a creature like Levias the flying whale from Skyward Sword. Levias was nice. Still, I can't wait to fight this thing. Also Link is wearing a new outfit with some very bright blue stuff (that Tulin also seems to have on him) that I'm assuming works like extreme antifreeze. However, I think the headpiece reminds me of the Statue of Liberty so I will not be able to take this outfit seriously.
Ok, thank you for reading today's piece of trailer analysis. Probably only two-ish more days to go before I finish the trailer in its entirety.
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onequalityduck · 1 year
Rambly thoughts on Ganondorf:
Many of Nintendo’s franchises don’t focus on things like continuity and complex morality. For them, characters are thought of in a gameplay manner rather than a storytelling manner. For example, Bowser is evil because he kidnaps Princess Peach because we need Mario (the player) to find and save Peach. Bowser is not (entirely) evil when we play with him in Mario Tennis, Golf, Party, etc. games because we need him to be playable.
In the same way, Link and the player need an enemy to fight. Ganon, or Demise, Calamity Ganon, they will all be evil simply to be a villain. Nintendo will always make light good and darkness evil, monsters are always evil and born from evil, and people are only evil if they are corrupted by the evil thing.
I would say the most complexity for Ganon we get is actually the introduction of Ganondorf the man in Ocarina of Time. He is introduced as a politician and leader of the Gerudo, who also are pretty morally complex (at least for the Zelda games). The Gerudo are a tribe of “bandits and thieves” but their second-in-command Nabooru becomes the Sage of Spirit so they can’t be absolutely bad. The first time we see of Ganondorf is child Zelda saying “everyone trusts this guy but I think he’s evil!” which well, he is, but human (or I guess Gerudo) Ganondorf is much different from evil pig Ganon- the incarnation of evil, that we had only seen in the previous games.
Ocarina of Time doesn’t give us much to work with, but it does give us speculation. Monsters are monsters are pure evil beings, as these stories go, but like I said before npcs are only truly evil when they are corrupted by evil thoughts. Otherwise they are tragic.
Skyward Sword gives us another reason to think Ganondorf could be influenced by evil in the form of Demise. Ganondorf is an incarnation of Demise in the same way Zelda is an incarnation of Hylia, but Zelda isn’t fully good in fact she can be quite flawed. In the same way, Ganondorf could be merely influenced by his past life as Demise but otherwise a more morally complexed character.
Link himself isn’t even technically a “purely good” character, instead Zelda is the incarnation of Hylia, the one with the Light powers, and normally placed directly opposite Ganon. Link is more the errand boy of Zelda, or otherwise just a guy placed in a situation trying to help the people. His triforce and motif, Courage, is more humanistic as courage can only be gained in the face of fear. Rather than always being good or always being evil Link simply chooses to be a hero and help others.
I think that choice of the main character provides a good parallel to Ganondorf, that he chooses above all to be evil not that he is evil itself (except in pig form). It’s also interesting that we always start the adventure after Ganon’s enacted his revenge or is getting ready for part 2. Every time we as Link get to Ganon he’s already got beef with Hyrule.
Makes you wonder why.
…Or not, because clearly with Tears of the Kingdom retconning EVERYTHING in the “timeline” we get good-old-purely-evil Ganondorf anyways.
So while it would have been cool to see the kingdom of Hyrule being called out for past mistakes, I think that might be too much story in Nintendo’s gameplay. I understand if some people hate the whole unshakeable good/evil thing, because irl there is TONS of people who claim they’re purely good and are definitely not, but I don’t think they will ever uno reverse and make the royal family secretly the bad guys or something.
…or make Ganondorf finally reincarnate into an ally please Nintendo set him free it was the same damn man sealed since Ocarina give him a break
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onesunofagun · 2 years
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Is that--
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There are TWO major things (and one minor thing) about Ganondorf’s headgear here that I feel the need to point out at least to myself:
First of all-- That thing is PIERCED into his SKIN.
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Secondly-- That’s not a topaz jewel or polished gold. If you watch closely, that goes inwards, like a hollow. That is a portal-looking OPEN HOLE in his HEAD. That’s not Malice, and that’s not Green Spiritual/Vital Energy. 
That is molten gold swirly mystic stuff INSIDE Ganondorf’s head? It moves around, with a sense of depth, but also wisps right up to the inner sides of the headpiece. Like fire in a small well. 
What’s going on with that, anyhow?
But that leads to the minor thing-- it’s not a match for most of the Gerudo-forged gold jewellery he’s already wearing, though that isn’t to say it’s not Gerudo made. It’s looks something like the Orbs of Sol in the Twilight Realm, but not exactly like them. The designs of the Twili also contain elements of the Divine ‘magic technology’, such as we see of Hylia’s stuff in Skyward Sword too.
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There’s a cool theme of advanced Divine level magics and them being utilised in ‘magi-tech’, with circuit-like motifs. While Ganondorf’s isn’t an exact match stylistically to anything I’ve seen thus far, the vibe of it seems the same-- somewhere between circuitry and a beaming sun, his headpiece seems like some kind of artefact of some pretty heavy lift mystical nonsense going on, by itself.
Is it HIS? Did he put that shit on his face in the underground temple? Is the hand security?? COULD IT TAKE HIM TO THE SKY OR CONTROL IT OR MAYBE GIVE HIM ACCESS TO SOMEWHERE EVEN MORE SACRED WHERE HE SHOULDN’T BE, THE NAUGHTY MAN??? 
WHAT does it DO????
Imagine if he snatched this and then Mystery Arm person went NOT TODAY BITCH but didn’t realise they just opened up on the Demon King and would end up in a sealing stalemate with a geyser of Malice 
That’s mostly a joke, I’m leaning on Malice battery/draining/storing but on that note it would be really fucking funny f the Twili pulled a reverse Uno on him after TP Ganondorf ‘drawing deep of their anguish to grow strong again’
Also boy could I go on a ramble about magic circuitry themes in Zelda.  And I will. But that’s another ramble.
Right now I’m just ?????? about this headpiece. So many questions.
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