#we are not unpacking that right now
saturncoyote · 9 months
here's my toxic Rain World opinion
I think people should put more focus on on-string iterators, but not in the way you think
I see you people, don't think i don't notice ya'll Every time i go in the RW iterator tag i see them, iterator puppets with defined abs and big thighs, and i'm like, yeah sure alright, get it girl ! But are you just ignoring the city-sized sentient computer that's sitting RIGHT THERE ????
You telling me that Rain World so benevolently handed you this massive robot that you can, quite literally, get INSIDE OF, and you decide to thirst over the funny dude little weird guy inside of it ? Come on now
Where's the love for big fucking chunky computers ?? For oversized machines ? Robots so fucking big you can't even fathom their size ?????
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marragurl · 4 months
The idea just hit me: Ratio’s students are called his ducklings 
He’s fully aware of it and makes no move to stop it from spreading around campus. 
Being considered one of Ratio’s ducklings is kinda a big deal because those are the students who are willing to put in the effort and work to keep up with Ratio’s teaching style. 
They are both terrified of him and respect him so much that all the other students are in turn terrified of them. And while the ducklings don’t get any special treatment from Ratio, there’s something special and comforting about being part of the group of students who are willing to stick with Dr. Ratio’s coursework. 
This is how I see it happening: 
It started during Ratio’s first few years of teaching. Not his first year because I fully believe his first few classes were really controversial and had a lot of dropouts once his personality and harsh teaching style were made known. 
It took a while but after a few years, there’s finally a class with no drop outs, even if it’s super small. However, this class are also the students who are dedicated and truly want to learn and refuse to quit even with Ratio’s standards. 
(They still complain and cry of course, the student life is all about pain- no this is not me projecting as a uni student, I’m perfectly sane I promise-)
And of course, like any other student who needs to understand wtf is going on in class, his students do everything in their power to create study groups and attend his office hours, which are 100x scarier in the beginning since that’s prime one-on-one time with Dr. Ratio. 
At least in lecture the man is a hundred seats away from you. Here, he’s speaking directly to your face as he explains just how wrong you are and giving advice on how to fix that. 
At first, due to how unused to Ratio is from having a class of students who are truly trying to keep up with him (whether they’re succeeding is up to interpretation), he only spends time with them during lecture and office hours for the first few weeks. 
And then it spirals.
Around campus, you begin to see the esteemed Dr. Ratio being followed by a gaggle of students tripping  over each other, constantly asking question after question and him answering each one. Even as he’s being blunt, he never looks like he’s trying to outrun them, and even stops occasionally to write in one of the student’s notes.  
The ducklings nickname started out as a joke when someone made the connection of his students following him like baby ducks after lectures, and spiraled a bit more when one of the students found one of his rubber ducks in his office.
And so after finals, that first class of students got together for a nice drinking party to celebrate their freedom. A few drinks in of reminiscing about the class and how they’ll actually kinda miss Dr. Ratio, someone made a joke of buying some rubber ducks for the good doctor. Continuing on the high, an entire gaggle of drunk uni students just pull up to a craft store at 3am and start hunting for ducks. Another brilliant student laughs at the idea of personalizing each duck, and the rest of the class find the idea so funny that they buy out an entire aisle of craft supplies and get to work.
The next day, hungover but still committed to the bit, the entire class show up to Ratio’s office and each hand him a personalized rubber duck along with a terrified thank you for the class. 
Ratio would give his usual denying spiel of how “it is unnecessary” and “your education is all the reward a professor could want” but this is his first ever class with no dropouts and who all managed to pass their finals. 
The man is a failure at not caring, he is crying on the inside.
So he keeps the ducks on a shelf in his office. 
Somehow, the duckling nickname just cements itself after that day, and each class afterwards, despite all the pain and grumbling of the students, are always referred to as Ratio’s ducklings because only the truly insane (dedicated) stick it out and follow after him. 
And after each final, his little ducklings always give him their own personalized rubber duck that he continues to add to his shelf that he always had within eyesight of his desk. 
(the first class of ducklings are his personal favorite, though he’ll never claim to have any)
I’m incapable of not adding Aventurine whenever I talk about Ratio nowadays, I just have to accept that I love them both too much now. 
But yea, I like to imagine Aventurine finding out about the ducklings nickname first and teasing Ratio about actually having a heart and caring, which Ratio just denies and tries to justify as him being an attentive professor. But then Aventurine finds the rubber duck shelf and it’s just too sentimental for him to even think about joking. 
Adding to my headcanon of Aventurine being really curious about different subjects, I imagine that when he gets comfortable, he constantly asks Ratio questions about anything and everything. Ratio happily replies and teaches him. 
I like to think that one day, Aventurine would make his own personalized rubber duck to gift to Ratio as a 'thank you' for always indulging him with his questions and that rubber duck just becomes Ratio’s favorite. He gives it a little podium in his house and office and he constantly carries it around with him. He has photos of the damn thing. His first class find out about the duck and needle him about having ‘no favorites’ which he denies. Aventurine finds it both embarrassing and really cute. 
(I’m kinda pulling from my own experience with one of my old professors. She was terrifying but by god did I actually learn during her class. Every one of us would complain for hours about her exams, and boy were the averages terrible, but we were all also deeply committed to attending every office hour and defending her against the other students. It was like ‘She’s a harsh and insane professor, but she’s our harsh and insane professor.’ Everyone knew you were serious if you chose to take her class instead of other professors for the same course, she was that infamous. If I take 5 seconds to psychoanalyze myself without getting depressed, maybe that’s why I really like Ratio - outside of the burnt-out gifted child thing with emotional expression issues that also hit way too close to home. He just really reminds me of one of my own professors that I still really respect to this day) 
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 month
I would find Blondie Lockes very annoying in real life, but I love her in fiction. She's a genuinely good journalist in terms of both skill and ethical integrity, who only occasionally forgets to check the facts because she's fifteen and holds herself accountable when she does. She has incredibly high standards for everything and believes herself to be the ultimate authority on quality. She has magical lockpicking powers because her fairytale is about Goldilocks breaking into a house. She somehow completely ignores the story's moral that Goldilocks was wrong to break into the house, feels entitled to go wherever and help herself to whatever she's able to and cannot comprehend why people dislike this. She's been terrorizing an anthropomorphic bear family with her cheerful disrespect for privacy and is convinced that they love her. She has a non-anthropomorphic pet baby bear. Her motivation is dependence on external approval rooted in deeply internalized classism. She's desperate to be useful and important to those with higher social status and feels the need to lie that her family is technically royalty to fit in with her royal friends, even though they treat commoners like equals all the time. She positions herself as a conduit of true greatness; closer to it than the masses, but never the hero, always reporting on other people and evaluating what they've done. Because what she's done isn't enough to be worthwhile. What she is isn't enough. But this performative lifestyle makes her anxious about being judged as a fraud and an interloper, and ashamed of selfishly transgressing against social norms. Her microphone head looks like an adorable little bear head. That's one hex of a character alright.
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ratbastarddotfuck · 3 months
I'm a trans dude and I'm sick of all of the transandrophobia truthers out here. you're using the exact same arguments as menenists, instead of just acknowledging that specific men will face oppression over things that aren't their manhood, and that doesn't mean we are are uniquely opressed by some cosmic power that trans women are magically exempt from. they face all of the same stuff we do. plus also misogyny.
am I missing something here ?
it's literally just about the concept that trans men and mascs face certain types of oppression that are specific to (not necessarily exclusive to, but common among and often exacerbated by) being transmasc, and we deserve space and language to talk about those things without being told that we're talking over anyone. nobody* is saying that transmascs are like... more oppressed than trans women. if you are thinking in terms of more or less oppressed, you've already lost.
if you don't think that there are certain experiences with transphobia that trans men and mascs in particular are more likely to have, then I don't know what to tell you.
trans men and trans women are not opposites. trans masc and trans fem are not opposites. we are sides of the same coin. we are community. we are all gender minorities. I don't understand why there is so much harshness around the idea that transmascs deserve language and space to discuss our unique experiences. I'm not silencing anyone else by speaking about my own experiences or sharing those of other tmascs.
some of you people are starting to talk like you think transmascs are an oppressor class. please remember we still live in a cisheteropatriarchy, and that the cis part of that is still very much well and alive. we don't just opt into unfettered privilege when we pick up the he/him pronouns.
*nobody engaging in good faith anyway. there are bad faith actors in every group. don't take them as the face of anything.
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pinkieroy · 6 months
"Shush" can be so romantic
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aerithisms · 4 months
rotating the pub scene from 73 yards in my mind i think there is so much being said there about wales and welsh/english tension that is so interesting and is going so under discussed
#blahs#dw#dw spoilers#the whole thing about castles in wales being english torture centres. much to unpack#i think it's easy for most viewers to watch it and see that the characters are taking the piss and write it off#but what's interesting about it is i think rtd is basing that on real exaggerations of oppression by welsh people#most castles in wales WERE built by the english and they WERE designed to oppress the welsh. except that was like 800 years ago#and some people use this as an example of welsh oppression /now/ when it's like. not relevant to modern wales really#and 'torture chambers' is a wild exaggeration that dangerously tries to compare wales to much more recent human rights violations#i think rtd is trying to caution against a romanticised or sensationalised narrative of old wales that certain welsh nationalists have#this is also what he's doing with roger ap gwilliam#i keep seeing people say his character is 'just nukes' and i'm not gonna pretend it's The most complex politics ever#but it's also not just nukes. it's about specific political tensions and attitudes in wales.#rtd's viewpoint reminds me a lot of my dad#my dad's a proud welshman he's a native speaker he grew up in a welsh speaking community#but he doesn't really care about old welsh history about llewelyn ap gruffydd or owain glyndwr or anything like that#he doesn't see it as relevant. to him what's important is modern wales and the tensions of the 20th century#i'd wager rtd probably feels the same#and what with doctor who being produced in wales being rtd's doing i think he's enthusiastic about collaborating with england#rather than being like. isolationist about it. (that's the wrong word but i can't think of a better one)#WHICH INCIDENTALLY ties the political strand of the episode with the personal strand about ruby#who is also dealing with a self-fulfilling sense of isolation#anyway i think this episode is about wales in a very significant way. we need more welsh people writing think pieces about it#honest to god i don't think any analysis of it that doesn't talk about its welshness is quite Getting It
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outlying-hyppocrate · 1 month
well. did you fucking miss me.
#random thoughts#apologies for sounding in such a sour mood. life is fucked as of late.#scheduled post. i made this on 10.08.2024.#everything has just gone to shit. so far i've been eating less than ever. feels like my stomach is eating itself augh (':#(technically the so-called relapse started on 24.12.2023. but we are not unpacking that today or ever.)#and i am filled with this desperate urge to cut myself. really really deep. not sure how to cope with it#i also?? hate how i look??#and yet i spend all my time?? in this dark dark room?? taking pictures of my face?????#i'm not killing myself off just yet don't worry. i considered it but it won't be happening any time soon.#i originally planned on disappearing for twelve days. partly to make my friends feel bad because i'm awful#which. obviously didn't work. as i don't think anyone noticed or cared particularly.#but mostly because i can't fucking handle it. it being everything. my future feels so uncertain#i am barely alive. i love all the people in my life. but they're too far away physically and emotionally.#but yeah. back finally. although ciel disappears for a lot longer than me and if you know hym my absence would be a small stint.#ciel if you're here when i post this i love you please come back. ):#this place is so scary to come back to. i'm not sure why. i'm just. scared.#i'm not even sure if i want to return really. i'm having second thoughts now. i haven't gotten worse enough#and i can't say what that means. because in theory there's nothing wrong with me that's been speculated upon. so.#i don't think anyone would care if i disappeared for longer than this.#but being away is torture. and then again being here also sort of is. it's scary#fuck.#i can't get out of bed without feeling like shit. i don't know if i can come back. i'm so sick of everything.#if you're seeing this i'm so sorry.#I NEED TO CUT MYSELF I NEED TO CUT MYSELF NOW. I NEED TO. I MADE SO MANY PROMISES BUT I NEED TO DO IT NOW#I'VE GOT THE SCISSORS I NEED TO DO IT#I NEED TO DO IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW#(<- tags canceled for now)
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ratcandy · 2 months
I NEED TO GET DIAGNOSED! (violent explosion sounds and terrified screaming follows shortly after my proclamation of suffering
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
I have officially started painting the walls in the living room.
well, I've mixed/adjusted the paint and painted some swatches and put up masking tape and all that stuff. I'll be painting tomorrow. I'm so excited (to get started, but mostly that I'll finally be all done with evvvverything*)
*until I think of the next thing I want to do, and the next one after that, and -
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toopunkrockforshul · 1 month
Almost everything is moved into the new place and I'm so tired
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limonmaid · 1 year
Kicks Post!
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I’ll make a full post about these designs at some point!!
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compacflt · 1 year
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wip wednesday: going thru my corny arc
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kingcunny · 11 months
Viserys x Lyonel interactions are sooo underrated. I especially love the "good king" conversation when Viserys tells him he's "right as always." The entire season, Viserys keeps trying to get Lyonel to play his flirty petty ego slap fight games like he does with Otto, and Lyonel just does not know how to respond. He's aware and observant enough to know that Viserys is just being a Targaryen, and none of his interpersonal relationships are normal. But it's very, "I don't know, man. I just work here," energy from Lyonel. And Viserys gets so visibly disappointed when he won't play along.
god yes please i need to convert more people to my lyonel x viserys agenda. its probably the closest viserys comes to a healthy relationship. but viserys is still his BOSS so its not like lyonel can. directly reject him.
viserys shows such a vulnerability to lyonel that he doesnt show with anyone else. the “good king” conversation the “truly great targaryen king i am” during the hunt. even coming to him for advice about who he should marry (and viserys acting very different from how weve seen him act around anyone else…). he doesnt share these anxieties he has about his legacy with anyone else, just lyonel. and lyonel could very easily use this to his advantage, but he doesnt. but he also refues to stroke viserys ego about it. he just continues to give him good, honest advice. and thats probably why viserys feels so comfortable opening up to him…
and yeah you almost get the sense that as perplexed as lyonel is about viserys targaryenisms toward him, viserys gets just as perplexed about lyonels refusal to take advantage of him, like otto, or fluff him up, like daemon, because thats all he KNOWS.
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beaft · 10 months
So originally when I saw your drow post I just assumed you knew the general background of them and was just making a playthrough statement, but after your research update I'm curious how much you do know, at least d&d lore-wise.
Personally, I find the underground matriarchal society and their politics fascinating! By politics I mean they do have noble-style houses and that whole ordeal, but also it's not murder if no one catches you. Entire houses/lineages gone in a single night per the no witnesses rule.
(Sorry if this comes off as pretentious, I just think they're so evilly fun? that if you didn't know this already I wanted to share a small tidbit.)
it's not pretentious at all! i didn't know anything about the drow to start with - other than "they're edgy blue elves who live underground" - but after reading some background i'm absolutely fascinated by all the political/social lore. the backstabbing, the ritualistic punishments, the spider worship, the sadomasochistic power plays, the fact that wearing an ugly outfit is automatically punishable by death... it's all so juicy.
oh, and i especially love how these people have managed to build a society so fucked up that severe mental illness is simply The Norm. the average drow's personality is just one big trauma response. they'll meet a happy, healthy, well-adjusted person during a trip to the surface and come away sweating and shaking like "what the FUCK was that"
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kangaracha · 4 months
i'm moving house but queenmaker will be updated by the end of next week at the absolute latest (i'd like to say the end of this week but that feels dangerously optimistic)
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invinciblerodent · 2 months
"I don't need to buy new clothes that fit me, surely I'll soon lose the weight I've gained over the past year and start to feel comfortable in my old clothes again" is such a funny trick to play on myself
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