#we could have built a home and were taking all the careful steps to grow closer without scaring the other away
Sorry about the theater of emotions going on my face from across the room. I'm trying to resolve an argument that I made up between two fictional characters.
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queer-irritator · 6 months
Everything Has Changed | Kratos x reader
A/N: I was listening to music and Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift came on and it made me think of how one look at Kratos and I was in love lmao. I think Kratos deserves a whirlwind, sudden teenage dream type romance. Pure fluff!
Fem reader, no use of pronouns, but feminine descriptions used.
CW: Adult language, mention of death, mention of mysophobia. 
Word Count: 4,535
You lived alone on a small island in Svartalfheim, near Dragon’s Beach. Since the towns nearby were built with dwarves in mind, you didn’t exactly find it the most comfortable to live in Nidavellir. So, you built your own little slice of paradise. You had a quaint home, not unlike those housed by dwarves. You also had your own garden to grow food, and a few pets to keep you company. You found your way into the tight-knit community created by, and for, dwarves after being taken in by the most unlikely candidate in all of Svartalfheim, Sindri.
Left an orphan after your parents were murdered under Odin’s orders, you were stuck wandering the town of Nidavellir at the age of 6. Your parents were adventurers; brave and curious truth-seekers. But when their curiosity brought them to Svartalfheim, dangerously close to what you can only assume was something very sacred to Odin, they were killed. Or, that’s what you think anyway. Odin and the aesir claim there was an “accident” when they were exploring. You didn’t know any better at the time, but Sindri did. Somehow he had convinced Odin not to take you away with him, gods know what he would have done to you if he hadn’t been successful. 
Since then, you’ve looked to Sindri, and the entire community of Nidavellir, as family. It had been almost two decades since then, and now you work hard helping out the dwarves any way you can. You perform chores that are made easy due to your height advantage over them, but most importantly you make yourself available to listen to the community, sort of like a self-appointed therapist. That’s where you were at this very moment, on a hill a few minutes walk outside of town, you call your “office”. You saw a few people each day, but today was slower than usual. On days like this you liked to practice magic and tend to your garden. You took an interest in nature, so Sindri taught you how to manipulate some natural elements, get food to grow quicker, some healing magic, stuff like that. You were planting some seeds for the upcoming harvest season. Your hands, covered in soft, cold dirt, carefully poked holes into the tender earth. You dropped a few seeds in each hole before gently covering them back up. 
The snap of a twig to your left tore your focus away from your current task. You turned your head to meet the sound and couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. You saw Sindri stepping out from behind a tree, you hadn’t seen him in a few months, the both of you had been consumed in work as of late.
“Sindri!” you called to the dwarf as you dusted the dirt off your hands and stood up.
“Hey, it’s been a while. I-”
You cut off Sindri’s words by running over to him and embracing him in a bone-crunching hug. You were careful to keep your dirty hands away from him, but he hated being touched nonetheless. This was the longest you’ve ever gone without seeing each other, so he was just going to have to deal with your close proximity. You could feel his body tense up around your arms, signaling he had enough. 
“I’m sorry, I know you hate it, but I haven’t seen you in forever!!” You flashed him a sad smile, pleading him not to be upset with you. 
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just… take a bath in bleach.” He was standing so none of his limbs were touching each other, like an awkward sparring dummy. 
“Don’t be so dramatic.” You teased him as you knelt down to rinse your hands in a bucket of water nearby. 
“We breathed the same air for nearly 20 years, a hug is nothing.” you attempted to reason with his brain. You stood up once again and really took in the sight of Sindri standing in front of you. Despite his mysophobia that refused to waver, you really missed him. 
“So, what are you doing here? Just dropping by?”
“No, I… I actually need your help with something.” Sindri’s tone had shifted from annoyed to more serious. “Anything for you, Sin’.” you smiled at him, trying to keep the conversation light. You couldn’t imagine he would have anything horrific to ask of you. You turned to a small shelf and grabbed a clean rag and a bottle of cleaner and handed it to Sindri. 
“Here. I can’t take you seriously with you standing like that, man.” You chuckled. He mumbled out a ‘thanks’ and swiftly began to clean himself.
While Sindri was getting himself into a state of cleanliness that he deemed suitable, he told you of the favor he needed. He explained that the World Tree was dangerously close to becoming overgrown, and Ratatoskr had his hands busy trying to parent the lindwyrms, who were not ready to care for the world tree on their own quite yet.
“Ahh, so now my “dirty hobby” has come to be useful!” You crossed your arms smugly as Sindri rolled his eyes with a scoff. 
“If that’s how you want to look at it…” he murmured. “Just, come to my house when you’re ready. I have to take a bath now.” 
Before you could even agree, Sindri was gone. You chuckled to yourself and began to clean up and get ready to be away for awhile. You said a spell over your newly planted seeds to keep them healthy and watered for the time being. Next you collected some clothes and supplies into a small satchel and picked up your sword. Its hilt was crafted from dwarven steel and the blade was made out of wood from a poison tree and wrapped in thorny vines. You slid it into its sheath on your back and headed to the nearest mystic gateway. 
Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir had just returned from freeing the Hafgufa from Vanaheim. There was a trail of sand following behind them.
“I’m really glad we got to set the Hafgufas free, but I don’t think I wanna go to any realms with sand for a while…” Atreus stated as he brushed some sand from his hair
“Aye, I’ve got sand in me neck stump!” Mimir shared Atreus’ disdain for feeling sand in every crevice imaginable. The sound of the front doors opening pulled the men’s attention from their current discomfort.
You took a few steps through the front door before you stopped in your tracks as you locked eyes with perhaps the most invigorating man you’ve ever seen. You hadn’t expected to see anyone else at the house, let alone someone so tantalizing. It felt as if all the breath was stolen from your lungs as you looked deep into his amber eyes. The scowl the man had on his face only a second before had noticeably softened now. It was as if the two of you were the only people in all the nine realms at that moment. After what felt like years of staring into this man’s soul through his eyes, it was cut short as sound filled the air. 
“Y/n! About time I saw you again.” Brok greeted you as he walked out from behind the counter of the workshop. You held your gaze with the giant man for just one more second before reluctantly tearing your eyes away to greet Brok. 
This was no big deal, you just had to act like you hadn’t just seen the most attractive and magnetizing person in your entire life… If you didn’t believe in love at first sight before, you sure as Hel believed in it now.
“It’s really great to see you, Brok.” You smiled at the blue dwarf and bent down to engulf him in a hug. You could only hope that he couldn’t feel your heart pounding in your chest. 
Although your back was turned, you could feel the man's eyes on your body. You stood up straight and took a deep breath, readying yourself to speak to the handsome stranger. You turned towards him and held out your hand to greet him as you found yourself drawn to his eyes once again. 
“Hi, I’m (y/n).” You introduced yourself. The man glanced down at your hand and then back at you. He reached his hand out to grasp yours in a surprisingly gentle handshake. 
“Kratos.” is all he said. The sound of his voice was better than anything you imagined. You could have melted into a puddle of goo at that very moment. 
“Kratos.” You smiled as you repeated his name. “It’s very nice to meet you.” You said, letting go of his hand, missing the warmth of his body heat immediately. You looked to your right to see a teenage boy. You had almost missed him in all the feelings and thoughts swirling around in your head. 
Kratos placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, “This is my son, Atreus.” 
You reached your hand out to greet Atreus as well, “It’s very nice to meet you too!” you smiled at the boy. He returned your smile and shook your hand, with much more grip and enthusiasm than his father.
“Good to meet you as well! So, how do you know Sindri?” Atreus asked, assuming only people close to the dwarf would be allowed access into his home. You chuckled slightly, thinking he was joking around. When he glanced around awkwardly you realized how serious he was. 
“Oh…” you started, confusion showing on your face, but it soon turned to agitation. “Oh my gods.” You quickly turned your head to Brok. “He… He doesn’t talk about me?” You practically yelled in astonishment. 
“Hey, don’t take it out on me… But, uh, let me take a look at yer sword.” Brok knew just how to evade your annoyance. You took out your sword and set it down on the workshop table with a scoff as you repeated your words with disbelief, “He doesn’t talk about me…” 
Kratos and Atreus silently exchanged glances to each other as they were left guessing how you and Sindri were acquainted. One situation in particular was swirling around Kratos’ mind, that you were romantically involved with the dwarf. Disappointment had crept up onto him as he began to entertain this thought. 
“Uhm… Are you and Sindri, like… dating?” Atreus awkwardly asked you, staring at his own feet to avoid your gaze. 
“No! Oh, no, not at all! He raised me!” You had been so lost in your annoyance that you never answered the boy's question. 
Kratos felt relief wash over him. He wasn’t sure why he was relieved, or why he cared if you had been something more than a friend or family member to Sindri. He had just met you, he should not be having these types of thoughts or feelings about anyone, let alone a stranger.
“Ohhh!” Atreus chuckled a little, finally looking up at you again. “Wait- Sindri had a kid?” He glanced at his father and then back to you. “Are you-”
You cut Atreus off before things could get awkward again, “No, I’m like an adopted sibling he never wanted.” you cleared the air. 
Seemingly right on cue, Sindri entered the house.
“Oh! I didn’t realize you three would be back already...” Sindri shifted his weight from side to side, seemingly unprepared to introduce you to his guests. But his awkward demeanor soon switched to panic as he noticed the pool of sand in his house. 
“Really?!” Sindri sighed loudly as he fetched a broom from a nearby closet. “You two, get outside!” He commanded Kratos and Atreus, pushing the broom at their heels to rush them out of his previously pristine house. 
Once the duo had been escorted outside, Sindri shot them a warning, “And do NOT come back in until you are sand-free!”
Sindri propped the front doors open and began to sweep the sand out of the house. You were left watching the entire ordeal with a slightly amused look on your face. You figured you could give Sindri shit later for not telling his friends about you, he had enough on his plate for the time being. For now, your gaze drifted back towards Kratos.
“Uhm, I’m gonna go take a bath.” Atreus notified his father before turning his back to walk through a small wooden gate on the side of the house to clean up. 
Kratos grumbled slightly and unhooked Mimir from his belt, setting him down on the bottom step of the stairs leading into the house. He then proceeded to take off each piece of his armor and shake the sand out from them. You took your time to look over his upper body. Your eyes trailed the bright red tattoo, from the sharp edge on his face to the swirl on his bicep, and the curve on his abdomen. You couldn’t help admiring his muscular physique and taking note of the large scar on his stomach, and a smaller one over his eye. 
“Alright, quit yer drooling.” Brok’s voice snapped you back into reality. He set down your sword on the counter in between the two of you.
You whipped your head towards the dwarf, a soft pink blush falling over your cheeks. 
“Fuck off, I was not drooling…” You defended yourself, snatching your sword back. You took a moment to look over Brok’s upgrades before returning it to its sheath.
“Whatever you say, princess.” Brok teased you further. 
You rolled your eyes and started to walk down the steps outside. You were careful not to make any more of a mess for Sindri, but not careful enough to notice a severed head on the very last step. In your effort to avoid stepping on the head, you tripped over your own two feet. Instead of feeling the harsh impact of the ground, you felt a warm hand on your upper arm. You looked up to see Kratos holding onto you. His piercing brown eyes were staring right into your soul, again. You felt your heart rate pick up, you opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. His grip loosened on you and he returned his hand to his side. 
“You should be more careful.” Kratos advised you. 
“Yeah- uhm, I’m sorry about that.” You turned to the severed head on the steps, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s the big oaf’s fault for settin’ me down there.” The head was surprisingly forgiving of your clumsiness. A tinge of pink settled across your cheeks as you looked back to Kratos. The man just grunted in response to the head. 
“I’m Mimir, it’s nice to meet you.” The head introduced himself at last. You sat down on the steps next to Mimir. 
“Right back at’cha. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier.” You felt guilt for over-looking him earlier. Although, you did overlook just about everyone except for Kratos… 
“Don’t even mention it. How could ya have seen me?” Mimir continued to joke at the expense of Kratos. A smile spread across your face. Before you could continue your conversation, a voice rang out.
“Master (y/n)!” A familiar voice entered your eardrums, Ratatoskr. A small sigh escaped your lips as you stood up. 
“Duty calls.” You announced. “I’ll see you two around.” You gave a smile to Mimir and a wave to Kratos before walking over to speak with the abnormally large squirrel. It was time to find out what exactly you’ll be helping him with. 
Kratos’ gaze followed you as you walked away from him. His eyes raked over your figure, memorizing the way you walked and how your hips moved with each step. 
“Father?” Atreus’ voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Hm?” Kratos turned his attention to his son and continued to shake the last of the sand out of his waist armor. 
“I was just saying that the bath is ready for you, and I can clean up out here.” Atreus shifted his gaze between Mimir and his father. Kratos simply nodded his head, dropping the armor he was holding and headed to get himself cleaned up. 
Atreus began to gather the armor from the ground. “Uhh, do you think he’s acting a little… weird today?” 
“I think he might be a wee bit tired from all the traveling, lad. Speaking of, would you mind helping me clean up a bit?” 
“Sure, no problem Mimir.” Atreus smiled and got to work. 
You spent the next few hours getting a tour of the World Tree and extremely detailed instructions from Ratatoskr on how to care for it. He explained how to prune the branches, what limbs held which realms, what you should never touch, the list went on and on. Your head was so filled with new information it felt like your brain was going to explode. You walked into the house just as it was getting dark outside after finally being relieved for the evening. Even though the realm between realms doesn’t have a sun and a moon, it was still nice to have it simulate days and nights, so as to not lose track of time. The scent of meat and spices filled your nostrils, Brok was in the kitchen stirring a large pot, of what you assume was dinner. 
“That smells amazing.” You said, walking towards Brok. You stopped in front of the giant pot and picked up a spoon to give the stew a taste test. “Tastes amazing too.” 
“It ain’t ready yet.” Brok snatched the spoon out of your hand. You put your hands up in defense.
“Sorry, I guess I’ll just wait then… and never compliment you again.” you turned your back and headed to where you used to sleep growing up.
“Wait, that’s-” Before Brok could finish his warning, you opened the door to be greeted by Kratos sitting on the side of a makeshift bed. The only item of clothing he had on was dark brown pants. He almost looked like a different person without all his armor on. There was even more scarring hiding under his wrist armor, it looked like chains had been branded onto his forearms.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were staying in here.” You apologized for intruding. 
Kratos looked up to meet your gaze, “It is fine.”
You gave him a small smile and looked around the room, “This place hasn’t changed much. I used to stay in this room when I was younger.” You leaned against the wall as a flood of memories entered your mind. 
“You can have the room if you wish.” Kratos said as he stood up with a slight grunt. 
“No, I couldn’t kick you out of your room. You probably need it more than me. Plus, the chair out there is pretty comfy.” You assured him.
“Mh… Let me know if you change your mind.” He began to wrap some red cloth around his forearms. 
“So, how did you come to have a talking severed head as your companion?” You questioned him.
“I cut it off.” Kratos replied to you plainly. 
“Huh?” You had confusion written all over your face.
“He was trapped. Imprisoned in a tree and tortured everyday. He asked me to cut off his head to free him. So I did.” Kratos further explained. 
“Oh, that’s actually really kind of you.” You said, reflecting on the odd, but thoughtful, request.
Kratos grunted in response.
Just as you were about to ask him more about himself, you heard Brok announce that dinner was ready. You gave Kratos one more look over. His lack of clothing was incredibly inviting, but you were hungry and tired. 
“I’ll see you out there.” You excused yourself and walked out to the table to sit down and get some food. 
Dinner was nice and casual, there was no residual awkwardness from the days prior events. You got to know more about Atreus, that boy really likes to talk. He was going on about the different types of monsters he’s fought with his dad. He seemed the most proud of defeating a huge electric dragon a few years ago. The most surprising detail of the story was that Sindri utilized one of the dragon’s teeth to enhance Atreus’ bow. Swapping stories around the dinner table made the time go by far too fast for your liking. It felt like the six of you had been friends for a lifetime. When the conversation had died down, you stood up and collected the empty plates. You made your way to the kitchen to wash up while Kratos and Atreus went into their respective rooms.
“I can get that, you should get some rest.” Sindri’s voice came from behind you. You turned your head to look at him.
“No, I really don’t mind!” You insisted, turning on the water. 
“Okay… Well, to be honest I don’t trust anyone else washing the dishes but me.” Sindri admitted. 
“Mmmh, the truth comes out.” You chuckled and stepped away from the sink. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
“You just rest. You’ve done a lot for me today… Thank you.” Sindri gave you a small smile and got started on cleaning up. 
You had an idea brewing in your mind. You couldn’t get your mind off of Kratos. You just wanted to know more about him, he was all you could think of. You found a spare piece of paper, scribbled down a note, slipped it under Kratos’ door and made yourself scarce. 
“Brother, someone’s slipped a note under your door.” Mimir alerted Kratos, who was laying down on his makeshift bed. He pulled the weight of himself up with a slight grunt and walked over to where the note was. He bent down and picked it up, unfolding it carefully. 
Meet me at the side of the house. 
Kratos furrowed his brows and let out a confused grumble. He set the note down on a crate near his bed and stepped out of his room. 
“Aye, what did it say??” Mimir questioned, but the only response he got was the sound of the door closing and heavy footsteps leading further and further away. 
You were sitting on a barrel, leaning your back against the side of the house and nervously tapping your fingertips on your thigh. You heard the front door open and close, causing you to spring to your feet and run a hand through your hair to tame any fly-aways. You watched as Kratos entered through the side gate, latching it behind him. Your heartbeat started to increase with each step he took toward you. He stopped a few feet away from you.
“You wanted to see me?” Kratos spoke with a hint of confusion laced in his words.
“Yeah, I did…” You took a step toward him, taking in a deep breath before looking up into his eyes. “I’ve really enjoyed talking to you, and I just wanna know you better.” You confessed your infatuation with the man.
“What would you wish to know?” Kratos asked you. 
“Everything?” You responded, taking another step closer to him, leaving only a few inches of space in between you.
“Mh… That may take awhile.” Kratos looked down at you, his chest steadily rising and falling with each breath he took. It was beyond your grasp how he could remain so calm and stoic, but it made you want him more than ever. 
“I have time.” You told him with a small smile. You lifted your hand from your side and carefully placed it on Kratos’ cheek, right where his beard began to sprout. You looked in his eyes for any signs of hesitation, but you found none. You leaned up on your tippy toes and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. 
You leaned back just a few centimeters from him and opened your eyes. He hadn’t moved a muscle, it was like you had kissed a statue. Kratos had a look of surprise and confusion sprawled across his face. His eyes were raking over your facial features, searching for any hint of disgust. He was waiting for you to shove him away, to start laughing at him. He was expecting to hear you question who would ever want to touch a monster like him. But you were just staring right back at him, looking increasingly worried by the second. 
“Are you okay?” You spoke, barely above a whisper. Had you broken him? Did he not like you? Was he trying to find a way to let you down without hurting your feelings? Your embarrassment started to manifest itself as redness across your cheeks, darkening with each moment of silence that passed. 
Kratos nodded ever so slightly and one of his hands ghosted just above your hip, barely making contact with your body. 
You placed your free hand on top of his, encouraging him to make full contact with you. You placed both of your hands on either side of his face and kissed him again. Only this time, you weren’t as gentle. You started with a firm kiss and then began to move your lips against his, trying to encourage him to kiss you back. You felt his hand on your hip pull you closer to his body and then you finally felt his lips start to move against yours. He dipped his head down so you didn’t have to strain to reach his lips. You couldn’t hold back a faint moan erupting from your throat as you wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to get even closer to Kratos. He now placed both his hands on your hips, tilting his head slightly to the side to deepen the kiss. After a few more moments, you weren’t sure if it was a lack of oxygen, or if you were getting drunk off of the feeling of Kratos on you, but you were getting dizzy. You stopped kissing him and placed a hand on his chest to steady yourself and took a moment to catch your breath. Kratos watched you cautiously, he gently brushed a strand of hair out of your face with the back of his hand. Your face was flushed pink and your lips were wet with the mix of both of your saliva. He hadn’t had any feelings like this in a long, long time. 
“Uhm…” You looked up at Kratos, pleasantly surprised to see he was watching you carefully, “Would you wanna get a drink with me sometime?” 
For the first time you saw the man’s cheeks firm up into a slight smile and heard the sweet sound of a chuckle escape his lips. 
“Why don’t we go now?” He proposed.
You nodded in response, “Yeah, that sounds great.” You smiled back at him, not caring if you looked like a complete idiot. 
“Let us go then.” He declared, walking towards the gate and holding it open for you.
“Okay, I know just the place.” You walked through the small wooden gate and excitedly waited for Kratos to catch up to you at the mystic gateway. 
A/N: Thank you for reading! I very well may do a part two to this story. Feedback and interaction helps me know if you want me to continue!
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shygirl4991 · 5 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 4 Eye for a eye
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz!
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Summary: :SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe.
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss, angst, blood and injury, Canon Character death
SMG4 gets home letting out a sigh as he changes out of his uniform, he sits on his bed holding the hat and origami rose. He was extremely happy to see such a rare sight of SMG3 kindness, he could still feel the warmth in his hands. One thing he wasn't a fan of is knowing how good Three is at reading him, then again that skill is what helped him reach out to Four when he lost himself making the perfect video. 
Setting the hat and origami rose on the table stand next to him, SMG4 lays down and falls asleep thinking about the events that happened years ago.
Two years ago
SMG4 runs around the house in a panic, SMG1 told him to bring a box of memes to Omnia academy for the meme research club and thanks to a late night of editing he is cutting it close. He picks up the box of memes and dashes to his car, he starts it only for the vehicle to make a strange sound. He groans, headbutting the steering wheel before stepping out to see what was wrong. Looking around the car he noticed the issue “What the hell? Why is there ravioli in the car engine!?” 
A horribly written note was stuck next to the mess, while he couldn't read what the note said he knew the person behind this. Running out of time he runs to catch a taxi to get to the academy. 
At Omnia academy SMG1 and two were teaching a class on memes, standing in the middle of the room was Mario. SMG1 walks up to Mario “And as you can see here, the universe's avatar is just a regular human but with extraordinary abilities!” The class gets excited taking notes as Mario stands there picking his nose not fully understanding what was happening. SMG2 chimes in “Now up next, we are going to see how meme energy can be used to power up our avatar!” 
SMG4 finally arrives at the school, he taps his shoes and skates as fast as he can to the class. He pushes the door open keeping the box of memes balanced on his right hand, he smiles and waves at the other SMG’s as he skates in “Hey so sorry i'm late guys!”
He drops the box of memes then glares at Mario “SOMEONE thought it would be funny to fill my car engine up with ravioli!” Mario laughs pointing at him “Ha got em!” SMG4 had half a mind to punch his avatar over what happen
SMG2 smiles softly at Four “Don't worry SMG4, you're just in time!” two then walked up to the box “Wonderful you brought them.”  SMG2 opens the box while one speaks up “Ok class, SMG2 and i will now conduct a little demonstration. While SMG4 explains what's going on.”
SMG4 felt himself getting nervous, this whole guardian role was new to him after all he is just a youtuber that loves memes. How he ended up being some kind of demigod over meme energy he will never fully understand, even more that his other half is his rival of several years.  Taking a deep breath he begins to explain the situation “So we meme guardians can transmute memes into energy, and then transfer them into our avatar.” SMG1 and two hold hands focusing on the memes in the box. The memes then turn into orbs and slowly flow into Mario.
Mario starts to glow as his hand grows, he stares in awe before getting excited “Hey, just in time for the end of no nut november!” SMG4 sighs hearing his friend's words. That's right everyone this idiot here is the avatar of the world, things could be worse on avatar choices they could have ended up with Bob.  SMG4 turns and smiles at the class “So we have to be careful with meme energy as it can be extremely volatile!”  At that moment Mario came up with an idea. Opening his mouth he eats one of the energy orbs, he then soon regrets it as his stomach starts to scream in pain. He spits out the energy knocking SMG1 and two down. 
Losing concentration the energy in SMG1 and two start going wild, all the students start turning into energy as they flow into mario. SMG4 panics grabbing SMG2 “You guys stop!” the pair try to pull apart unsuccessfully “W-we can't.”
SMG4 pulls as hard as he can to break the connection, with one final tug he pulls them apart. He lets out a sigh of relief only to hear Mario panicking, he turns to see the energy has turned Mario into a rocket SMG4 screams as Mario hits him they go flying taking Meggy who was in lunch with them. The rocket finally crashes when it hits power 101 exploding and knocking SMG4, Melony, Meggy and Mario down. 
The professor glares at the group “DETENTION!!!”
The crew sit in detention, annoyed at how they got in there in the first place, Melony sighs looking down at her desk. She takes out a notebook and starts doing small doodles of her and Axol, that's when something wet hits her cheek. She turns to see a student she didn't recognize sitting next to her smirking, letting out a sigh as she looks forward, the teacher still scolding them for what happened. 
SMG4 wasn't sure why he was even in detention given he wasn't a student, though since he had meme training later in the week at the school he assumed that was good enough to mark him as one. The teacher walks out of the room talking to someone which caught the attention of SMG4 “Oh no…” Swag and Chris walk into the room. 
“HELLO YOU MISBEHAVING HOOLIGANS.” Swag lets out a smirk as he looks at everyone in the room. Meggy couldn't believe out of any pair to watch over detention it would be these two “What are you guys doing here?” Four nods agreeing with Meggy “Yeah aren't you mean to oh i don't know be in the military protecting the kingdom?”
Chris sighs at Four’s comment “We are temporarily suspended because someone thought it would be funny to stuff the tank engine with ravioli!” he turns glaring at his partner. Swag chuckles to himself “HA GOT EM!”
SMG4 couldn't help smacking his forehead hearing the story, at least he knows he isn't the only one in the world dealing with an idiot.
Swag then starts telling everyone how to escape detention “GO WRITE “SWAG IS BEST” ONE BAJILLION TIMES ON THE BOARD, THEN YOU CAN LEAVE.” 
Four and Meggy roll their eyes at what they were hearing, Meggy raises her hand “And what if we don't?” he looks her straight in the eyes “I'M GONNA START YODELLING.”  In a panic SMG4 and Meggy start writing on the board, Melony goes back to doodling in her notebook while Mario comes up with his own escape plan.
Mario starts a war with Swag and Chris to escape while SMG4 and Meggy get into a competition over their assignment to escape detention. Through all the chaos someone hit Swag with a random object “ALRIGHT WHO'S THE WISE GUY!” 
“It was her!” the voice said, Swag’s head turned to look at Melony who was still practicing her drawings. She looked up confused then shook her head, all she wanted was to figure out her god power so she could never lose a loved one again. Why did things have to get so complicated, after being scolded she turns to the person next to her “What was that for?” 
He tosses another item shifting the war to the crew now throwing random items at each other, Melony did her best to avoid it all. The moment she missteps she gets hit in the face knocking her down. The guy next to her chuckles “Well you were close, next time predict their trajectory yeah? The name is Niles.” Melony looks up at Niles, taking in his words. He then hands her a goomba “Cmon clueless, fight back!”
She takes the goomba, throwing it softly in front of her, Niles laughs at her making Melony glare at him “Im trying!”
“You gotta channel your inner energy as you throw, aren't you in power 101 i thought you would be better than this.” he looks away from her acting disappointed. Melony was getting annoyed by Niles, he had a point in what he was saying but she wasnt a fan at how mean he was being about it. She needed to focus,she wanted this so she would be stronger, with her power she can make sure no one ends up like Axol. She can feel energy flow through her as she gets ready to throw another item, taking a deep breath she throws a koopa at full speed. It knocks Swag down, everyone takes it as their chance as they all run out of the room at full speed. 
It was the next day and SMG4 was standing outside waiting for his partner to show up, he looked around to see all his friends training. The one training the hardest being Melony, understandable after what happened with zero and Axol.  He lets out a sigh when he looks at the time “Where the hell is he?” 
SMG3 was panicking, going back to school after everything that happened in the past with memewarts. Man did life love to laugh at him, he drops to the floor unsure what to do. He hears a click and turns his head seeing Terrance, he lets out a soft smile “Your right Terrance, Im Supermemeguardian 3 this won't be like last time cause im better then everyone haha!” he lets out his evil laugh then grabs a pair of sunglasses. He wasn't going to be a loser this time, he taps his shoulder for Terrance to climb up then snaps his fingers to open a portal. 
SMG4 turns his head when a portal suddenly appears, there he sees SMG3 walk out with a huge grin “Yo sorry i'm late, meme guardian stuff, yada yada you know?” he lowers his shades and makes eye contact with Four “oh, hey jerkface!” SMG4 crosses his arms “Good to see you to SMG3,” his eyes flicker to the meme casually sitting on the man's head “You don't expect to train with that knuckles on you do you?
Knuckles squeaks at the attention, the thought of sending Terrance home gives Three anxiety. He knew Terrance would have his back, he made him feel that he can be loved and cared for. Sending him back would mean he might have to relive memewarts and no one would be there for him. Covering his mixed emotions he rolls his eyes “Sorry Terrence, looks like the fascist doesn't want you here.” Terrence nods, climbing down and giving his father figure a hug before going back home. SMG4 walks up to SMG3 clearly pissed off “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?” Three gets even closer their faces just an inch apart “You heard me or do you need to clean out your ears, heh maybe if you did you can finally hear how unfunny your memes are!” 
SMG1 claps, getting the pair's attention “Alright! Its training time,” noticing how close he is to SMG4 he slides away from the man slightly blushing. SMG2 smiles at the pair “I know it’s been a while, but let's start off with some basic meme transmutation.” SMG3 frowns knowing that means he has to hold the other man's hand, SMG1 steps in the middle giving them a stern look “There is something important you both must know before we get into it, never use your meme powers alone.” SMG4 tilts his head “We could use meme energy alone?”
“Yes and no, to explain we can channel meme energy and make it do what we want. But meme energy is wild and hard to fully control, using it alone without your partner could lead to damage to your body…maybe even death if done too much.” SMG1 walks back to his partner and grabs his hand only to get a smile from his long-time best friend. SMG3 and four exchange looks before One continues “Not to mention alone your meme abilities are weak, after all we come in pairs for a reason we are stronger together!” SMG2 nods pointing to the chest of memes “Now get ready to transmute!”
SMG3 looks around nervously “Aww man, do I have to hold his hand we’re in public.” The thought of someone seeing him hold his rival's hand makes him feel sick. It’s not like he enjoyed the feeling of the other man's hand in his, it didn't bring him any comfort either just made him annoyed. SMG4 couldn't stand it anymore “Dude how are we going to train if you're gonna be insecure every time we do it!” SMG3 glares at Four and stomps the ground “HEY! I'M NOT INSECURE YOUR INSECURE! Baka…” he blushes as he looks away from his other half.
Seeing SMG3 blush made SMG4 giggle, he wasn't sure why but he couldn't help finding his rival cute when he blushed. Smirking he reaches out waving his hand, with a sigh SMG3 grabs his hand. They both start to glow as they slowly absorb a random meme walking around campus. Meanwhile in the background the box club gave Mario a mission to go around the school and collect students for their ritual. Their mission was clear, with enough students to sacrifice the god box would answer them and give them unlimited power. SMG1 nods pleased with the energy the pair has absorbed “Good! Now up next we’re going to use this meme energy offensively.” SMG2 puts down several dummies “Concentrate your focus and throw the energy at the dummy over there!”
Feeling each other energy they stare at the dummy launching the energy at it only to completely miss the target. SMG2 slowly turns to the pair “Yeah uh…you guys overshot a little bit there.” SMG3 shivered, the power he felt when he connected to SMG4 was amazing to him “woah…so…..much…power! If he could lure Four to the dark side he could only picture how they both would rule the world, he chuckles to himself causing SMG4 to give him a strange look.
SMG1 claps to gain the pair's attention again “lets try that again, this time aim please.” SMG3 chuckles, grabbing Four hands “Please i bet i could aim only using one eye!” Boopkins runs up to them in a panic “Guys, Mario has been kidnapping students you have to help!” SMG4 chuckles “What? Nah he’s probably just trying to steal spaghetti or…something?” He watches as Mario drives a truck taking one of the students. Without thinking he tightens his grip on SMG3's hand, feeling this SMG3 walks closer for Four to let him know he is there  “Come on let's stop our idiot avatar.”
Seeing this SMG1 lets out a soft smile at the pair before they all run after Mario.  Catching up, the box club leader turns and stares at the group in shock, ignoring the others SMG4 lets go of Three’s hand to get closer to Mario “Mario what the hell are you doing?” Mario keeps eating his pile of spaghetti as he lets out a shrug, that was answer enough to Four that Mario was yet again doing something for food. The club leader steps in front of SMG4 “You dare interrupt the god box ceremony?!” 
SMG1 and two gasp in shock catching the groups attention, shaking SMG1 speaks up “Did….did you say god box?”  SMG4, noticing their fear steps closer to his partner “Uhh what's a god box?” SMG1 explains the God box to the group slowly losing SMG3 the moment he heard unlimited power, with which he could shape the world and be loved by all. SMG1 gives the go for the crew to fight, they need to make sure no one finds the god box. SMG3 was lost thinking about the god box not paying attention to the fight going on in the room, he was still stuck with SMG4 even with the unlimited power. He wondered if there was a way he could seduce the other man to the dark side. 
Niles smirks “Hey! It’s time to put your training to good use.” Melony nods as she connects to her deity form  The box club leader seeing this turns to the one member of the group not fighting “Hey you want power? Stop them and I will take you to the god box!” hearing this Three’s eyes brighten up as he looks around and notices Mario. Since Mario is the avatar he knew they would have no choice but to stop fighting, after all no Mario means the world ends. He walks to Mario lifting him up and hanging him above the sacrifice hole  “Oi losers!”
Four growls seeing what Three was doing “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” SMG3 looks into Four’s eyes “I want unlimited power,” he blinks and suddenly is hit by Melony. He hits the floor with a harsh thud, she readies her sword to stab SMG3. Seeing this SMG4 sprints towards them “NO! MELONY STOP THAT'S TOO FAR!”  SMG3 starts to see his life flashing before him, all his life alone and hated with no one caring if he was alive. Then an image of Terrence hit him, looking at four he gave him a sad smile “Look after Terrence for me..” 
Hearing this SMG4 runs faster throwing himself in front of SMG3 with the sword stopped an inch away from Fours neck. Melony shakes her head fighting for control “NOOO!” she drops the sword, then turns away from the pair in shock with what she almost did. SMG3 sits up staring at SMG4 with wide eyes “You…saved me?” shaken, Four drops to his knees letting out a shaky laugh “Of course..we fight and try to kill each other but I still believe we can be friends that you can change,” he turns, giving Three a bright smile “we are partners after all!”  
SMG3's heart skips a beat seeing his bright smile, blushing as he turns away confused by a strange emotion. Melony started to clutch her head in pain, the pair turned their attention to her. Before they could do anything she flys off in a panic leaving everyone behind. It was the next day, Melony was running around looking for SMG3. She wanted to check on him after what happened, lucky she ran into SMG4 who thankfully wasn't harmed when she lost control, he smiles and tells her where to find the other guardian. She finds him sitting at a table alone, slowly she approaches “Um..I’M SORRY!” She then hands him a piece of paper, nervous about his reaction. SMG3 was startled to have someone yell an apology at him, slowly he takes the paper unsure exactly what the girl was trying. 
He blushes when he sees it a drawing of the two of them back when he first recruited her, blushing he folds the paper and puts it under his hat “oh..well it's whatever, you were just doing your thing.” he wasn't sure what to do in the situation and just hope those word were enough to get rid of the melon girl. It didn't, she smiles and takes out a notebook showing him her art “Axol told me if you can't figure out your words, draw them!” She then hands him a pencil and watches him. He sighs and starts to doodle, he had to admit it was relaxing for him as if he could let his feelings out and no one would judge him. His face goes red when he notices he doodled him and Melony hanging out at Peach's castle, he attempted to hide the drawing from the girl but it was too late. Seeing the drawing her face lights up, she ends up hugging the flustered man in excitement “YAY! I hope you know I never hurt my friends, I'm going to get stronger and I will protect you all!” 
She lets Three go and gives him a wave before running off with her notebook, SMG3 couldn't help letting out a soft smile “She has changed a lot from the day we first met, wonder if it's because of that shrimp she fell for?” Remembering he had a final to get ready for he gets up, then a thought came to mind.Looking around he takes out a notebook of his own and starts to write in it “Dear Diary, Melony isn't so bad these days.” he then did a doodle of Melony, it wasn't the best looking drawing in the world but SMG3 isn't an arts guy and he never would be. “Only time i do this, after all arts and crafts aren't for manly men like me.” Humming he walks to meet his other half for training. 
Then everything changed, the box club kidnap Melony seeing that the crew goes after them only to get lured into a trap. The crew slowly started passing out, SMG3 attempted to reach Melony only to pass out a few steps away. A few moments later they woke up, the guardians stuck together while the others were locked away “Oi! What the hell is this?!” barked SMG3 as he pulled at the restraints. “Calm down, it will be over soon.” the club leader chuckled, making the guardians nervous. Meggy growled as she kicked the cage door “You're so dead when we are out of here!” The leader explains how they are going to use the guardian's power to ascend to the god box, SMG3 eyes light up hearing about it only to get a glare from his partner in return. “Oh come on, think about it SMG4, we are already powerful but with this box we can be stronger!” 
SMG1 couldn't stand it anymore “YOU IDIOT IF THE BOX OPENS THE WORLD ENDS!”  The guardians start screaming when the leader hits a switch to end their conversation, using their power he turns the members of the club into meme energy creating a ship to fly to the god box. The leader then shakes Melony and wakes her up, seeing that Meggy cheers “Kick their ass Melony!”
She blinks looking around “Guys? Where am i? Niles?” the crew stared at her confused “Who is Niles?” Tari asked. Hearing this Melony points to an empty spot next to the crew, she freezes in shock when she realizes she has been the only one able to see the man. “Who...who are you?”  Niles walks up to her and smirks, lifting up his bangs to reveal a familiar eye “It’s been a while huh Melony?” “ZERO!” with that a huge blast erupts from Melony transforming her into her deity form, in no time he takes over her body and heads straight for the god box.  
Now knowing Zero is back and now in control of Melony the group make a plan to escape and beat Zero to the god box using the SMGs USB. The crew was helping with evacuation, using Terrance they were able to find trapped memes and help them escape. SMG3 smiles proudly seeing his right hand doing such a good job, Terrance runs up to him excited to see what his father figure was thinking. SMG3 looked around to make sure no one was looking before hugging the meme "Terrance, things are going to get tough so promise me no matter what you won't leave me." after a clicks from the meme promising to stay by his side SMG1 and two arrive with their USB ships.
In no time the group get in their ships ready to face zero and save Melony, as the crew lift off no one notices an extra member making his way into the ship. Mario, SMG3 and SMG4 look around in this strange area they are in. They notice memes floating around with an energy the group has never seen before, SMG1 calls their usb “So the myths are true thats an anti meme, after memes become corrupted and the universe collapses pieces of the universe and i guess the memes end up here.” 
Mario gets nervous and holds on to SMG4 arm “Mario doesn't like the way it's looking at us,” just as those words escaped his mouth the anti meme charges at their ship. The two start screaming as SMG3 looks around trying to come up with a plan, seeing a piece of a world floating in front he speeds up the ship. Four seeing this panic “Three what the hell are you doing!? We are going to crash!” at the last second he dives the ship making the meme crash. SMG4 runs up and hugs Three making the man blush “That was amazing flying SMG3!” flustered from the attention he pushes Four away “You could have thought the same if you bothered using that brain of yours.”
Staring at the meme a thought came to mind, these anti memes were still memes therefore he and SMG4 could absorb its energy. Without another thought he grabs SMG4's hand, confused he squints at SMG3 “What are you doing?” then a surge of energy hit them both. SMG3 looks at their hands with a huge smile “This feels amazing!” another anti meme was going to attack, seeing that he uses the new energy they absorb and blows up the meme. SMG4 could only stand watching in shock of this new power flowing between them. “That felt amazing didn't it four?” he turns to the man seeing him stare at his hands “Yeah…that did feel good.” 
SMG1 seeing what happened turns on the mic “Guys anti meme energy is extremely unstable more so than normal meme energy, i would suggest you don't use it again.” SMG3 waved his hand at the older guardian “Yeah yeah, hey look a piece of a universe let's look there and not talk about this!” The group went to different universes asking every meme still living there if they have seen Melony, at one point Four lost his two companions only to find the pair at a club throwing dollar bills at dancing skeletons. Years of being rivals and somehow SMG3 was fitting right in with his friends. Back on the ship they kept getting attacked by anti memes, Three and Four grab hands absorbing the power as they fly through. The more energy they took the more the pair felt high off of the power, then they grabbed an anti meme and threw it to a piece of a universe destroying it. 
Mario’s eyes go wide seeing this, he turns to his friends to see them laughing “YESSS FEEL THE POWER!!!”SMG3 wanted more, SMG4 was starting to get into it himself.  Shaking Mario walks closer to the pair “Guys..i’m scared Mario doesn't like what's happening,”  growling SMG4 turns around “SHUT UP MARIO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE BLESSED BY THE GOD BOX!” Mario holding back his tears shakes his head “But Mario knows this isn't you, please don't go coo coo crazy!”
Seeing Mario about to cry he snaps out of it, this power was not worth hurting the people close to him. He hugs Mario “I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.” SMG3 gets excited seeing that they were finally closing in on Melony's ship he takes Four hand “Quick lets use the meme energy to take that ship down!”
Before SMG4 has a chance to pull back he can feel the corrupted energy flow through them, Mario panics “GUYS THAT'S GOING TO KILL MELONY!!!” he runs pulling at their hands he had to break them apart he was the avatar he knows he can do this. Feeling a strange energy he pulls at their hands one more time breaking them apart causing the energy to go wild blowing up their ship. They wake up in a strange cabin looking around “What happened?” Mario stomps in front of them furious “Don't you remember? You both went coo coo crazy and blew us all up!” SMG4 frowns “Right sorry guys..”
SMG3 sits up noticing another person in the room “Who the hell are you?” the person smiles and waves at them “Oh my name is SMG0! Welcome to my home.” They all freeze hearing the name, seeing this zero knew exactly what must have happened “Oh no..he.. i..we hurt you didnt we?”
SMG0 takes a deep breath looking away from them, as the group yells all kinds of questions at him. He gives the group a sad smile as he explains everything that happened, the crew stayed silent learning the truth of everything. After a few moments SMG4 speaks up “Oh no then that means, Niles that's why he came here to fuse back with SMG0!” in panic Four grabs Zero “YOU NEED TO GO NOW!” It was too late. Niles crashes through the roof finding exactly what he was looking for “Hey Zero, how you been? Missed you and was hoping you were ready to get back together?” 
Nervous Zero steps closer to the other guardians “Niles, you don't need to do this! Look see we got our old universe back. Everything is perfect again so please, come home. ”  Niles glares at Zero “Perfect?! This floating rock isn't perfect, but with the power I have acquired I can make a true paradise for you and me!” Mario, sick of the talking, runs up to Niles and kicks him, throwing him across the room “Mario’s not the smartest guy in the room but Mario knows enough to say you need to shut up and let Melony go!” Niles starts laughing as he slowly gets up, SMG3 and four get up from their seats, nervous about what Niles was planning. “Wait your turn Mario, I'm still gonna need an avatar after all this.”  Then he punches Mario, knocking him down with a chuckle, then turns to SMG3 and kicks him down holding Melony's sword above him. SMG4 panics seeing Three in danger again “STOP! JUST GIVE US MELONY BACK!” 
Niles chuckles, lowering the blade close to SMG3 right eye “I think Four SMGs is a bit much, don't you? Maybe let's cut it back a bit.” Everything went slow as he saw the blade move across SMG3's eye. SMG4 runs and kicks the possess Melony out the window quickly after he turns freezing up at the sight, SMG3 right eye was sliced, it was hard to tell how bad given three covering his eye screaming “FUCK! My eye…he got my eye ah it hurts!” Mario runs up SMG3 crying as he places his hand on top of SMG3's hand to help stop the bleeding staining his own gloves “DON'T DIE PLEASE FOR MARIO!”  Four started to shake seeing the state SMG3 was in. He wasn't fast enough, SMG3 is hurt and if they dont something he could die. He could feel himself struggling to breathe as the world became nothing but white noise, then a memory came to him.  He looks at his hand then at Three, a meme guardian can use meme energy alone but at a risk.
Without a second thought he rips his sleeve and sits next to Three who was starting to lose consciousness, he moves both men's hands seeing the wound he gasps. If he took even a second too long SMG3 wouldnt have an eye to save, shaking his head to not focus on the damage he wraps the eye. And focuses his meme energy “Don't worry SMG3 i will save you, an eye for an eye.” his eyes glow as the energy transfers to his hands stopping the bleeding. As he stops the bleeding his left eye starts to hurt, Mario noticing Four losing his focus places his hand on SMG4 shoulder “Mario believes in you!”
Suddenly four stops glowing, feeling weak his body slumps into Mario’s arms. He gives a soft smile to Mario before noticing the world looking a bit blurry, he touches his left eye “Guess I see what SMG1 was talking about.” He had no time to worry about his eye, he forces himself up to then lift SMG3. Hearing screaming outside they run out to see Melony has broken free from the control and Niles has gotten zero. 
Melony in her deity form saw her friends and waves at them “I got this go to the ship!” with a nod they run to the ship gently placing SMG3 on the floor. SMG4 starts hitting buttons and groans “Shit we can't go anywhere like this!” Mario starts to clap, catching Four’s attention “Terrance?!” he watches as SMG3 right hand meme starts fixing the ship. The moment the ship lights up, Three slowly wakes up feeling extremely weak “Uh what happened..?” he touches his face and freezes feeling SMG4 sleeve around his right eye.
He stays silent, understanding enough as Terrance gives his father figure a hug for comfort, SMG4 starts the ship as a chase begins. SMG1 and two announced they were going to blow up the god box and they all needed to leave. As the chase went on Melony did her best to fight back Zero, then in a flash Melony was gone as the creature ate her. SMG4 felt all the air in his lungs leave him, this can't be happening he lost Axol, almost lost SMG3 to now lose Melony.  SMG3 seeing the dark look on Fours face grabs his hand “Mel is strong this won't keep her down, trust in your friend and lets get out of here!” 
Zero, angry he can't reach the ship, tosses a piece of the universe at them blowing up their ship, now floating in space the crew had nowhere to go. Four sighs knowing this is the end “Mario, despite everything you’ve been a great friend.” Mario’s eyes start to water as he looks at his best friend “You too..”  Then SMG4 turns to SMG3 “Hey Three…thanks for staying by my side these past days.” Melony wakes up and slashes her way out of Zero.
The group cheered seeing her alive,  she smiles at them then at her drawing of her and Axol she will defeat Zero for him.  She charges at Zero ready to get revenge for Axol, as the fight goes on anti memes start showing up “Looks like all this noise attracted some visitors.”  the anti memes start getting in Melony’s way. Seeing this, Three comes up with a plan “Lets transmute these anti memes and get them away from Melony!” SMG4 shakes his head “It’s too risky plus what if your wound opens because of it and you bleed out! There has to be something else we can use, think!” 
SMG3's heart drops knowing there is only one way out, slowly he picks up Terrence doing his best to hold back his tears he gives the meme a sad smile “Terrence…i'm sorry little buddy. We need you to save the world…please don't hate me…goodbye.”  Terrance then hugs SMG3 “I love you,” Closing his eye he quickly grabs SMG4 hand “Three are you sure?” suddenly the meme before them is gone and the energy is going into Mario “We don't have a choice.” SMG3 turns to see the energy has turned Mario into a giant head perfect for getting rid of the anti memes and saving the day. 
It was finally over, Melony killed Zero, the god box was destroyed and the day was saved. The crew was now in the hospital being taken care of, SMG1 sighs looking at Fours eye “I told you using your meme power alone would do damage to your body, your left eye has lost a majority of its vision and color. Lucky for you we have made you a special contact that can help, they last two months before you have to come see us for another.” 
Four was getting sick of the ear full he was getting from the older SMGs, he knew what would happen choosing to save SMG3. So he can't see well in his left eye and it's now a more lighter blue, that didn't change he had no regrets. SMG2 smiles and hands him the box “The contact will also cover up the change in color, if you have any questions come to us anything!” He nods waiting for them to leave, once gone he sprints to the other room. He had to see SMG3. He needed to know the man was okay, so he opened the door to feel relief to see SMG3 with a patched up eye drawing in a notebook “SMG3! You look like a pirate thank god.” 
SMG3 glares at his partner “Really that's the first thing you say, since you mention my eye WHO THE HELL COVERS AN INJURED EYE WITH A GROSS SLEEVE! Who knows if they even wash that thing.”
SMG4 runs to hug SMG3 making the man blush “Hey what are you gay?! Stop hugging me, people might see this!” SMG4 giggles at the man letting him go. His eyes then drift to the doodles Three was doing and notice drawings of Terrence. He frowns slowly grabbing SMG3's hand, Three looks away feeling awkward from the hand grab “I’m sorry about Terrence…i know he meant a lot to you, but you're not alone you have me.” hearing this the man turns looking into Fours eyes.
He squints his eye, noticing the other man's left eye seemed strange, then again his eyes aren't doing the best after the battle Three brushes off the thought to focus on his partner's words.  “I promise SMG3 as long as I live I will always be by your side, i won't leave you no matter what.” 
Present Day SMG4 wakes up in a cold sweat, those were memories he didn't want to relive. Just remembering how badly hurt Three got put him in a panic, he had to make sure the other man was okay. He picks up his phone to call SMG3, he hears the phone ring. For him it went on for too long in his panic state, he throws his phone and runs to SMG3 coffee and bombs.  He pounds the door in a panic, SMG3 hearing the pounding run from the back room “SMG4?” 
He opens the door to be tackled by a crying SMG4, confused he holds the man close not noticing his hat slowly slipping off “Hey it's okay what happened?” he awkwardly pats four back. Once SMG4 relaxed he steps back sniffling “Sorry, I had a dream about…you know the god box and zero.” It was strange just seeing the man and being near him made all fear and panic vanish, everything felt so much better.
SMG3 sighs, this was his fault for rushing the hat and hurting himself due to it. He should make a note to keep better care, he gently takes four hands and leads him to a chair to sit on. “Guess I'm making more coffee for us since it seems you can't stay away,” SMG4 giggles wiping his tears away “Can't help it if i have such a charming boss!” as Three walks to the machine his hat slips off. Turning quickly to grab the hat he forgot that his bun was tied loose due to lack of sleep. SMG4 eyes go wide as Three grabs the hat and his long hair is set free, Four needed a distraction and a distraction he got.
Time felt like it slowed down as he watched Three catching his hat and flipping his hair out of his face, Four started to blush as his mind went blank “You…uh the er hair is long..you look haha so how about that latte?”
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prof-peach · 2 years
Heya professor!
I have a question regarding my Torterra, Ygdras. I'm starting college next semester and wil be staying in a Pokémon-allowed dorm, but the scamp evolved a bit unplanned...
Considering his size now (I'm 6ft and his head is at my chest-height), and my 3rd story room its safe to say he can't sleep with me like we were used too. My room overlooks a patch of forest on the grounds however, where he could potentially spend his nights. But winters can get a bit chilly here (north of Kalos).
How cold can Torterra handle? Are there any special steps I can take to keep my buddy healthy during the colder winter nights? Or would he be better of at home where he can sleep in his greenhouse?
Also, is it true Torterra keep growing?
Thank you!!
Think of it this way: Torterra and its evolutions exist without human intervention just fine, and know how to survive winters without us fussing so much. Plants are built to survive, and have many ways to wait out the rough weather and bounce back in spring.
Issues arise if the Torterra in question is a variant that does not belong in the region you reside in. This is not alwasy the case but for instance a palm torterra will need wildly different care to a pine torterra in winter. I will assume yours is a bog-standard pure breed deciduous turt, seeing as youve not mentioned otherwise.
So winter time the leaves should drop, their energy levels will reduce, and if its quite cold, they do tend to bury their bodies in the dirt, and wait out the worst of the cold. This is essentially hibernation. A torterra will find an adequate patch of nutrient dense dirt and start to dig. You could help them with this if they show signs of wanting to do so, but otherwise they are more than capable with those stone toes of theirs. If they struggle to find good dirt, mulch a patch for them that THEY like, and turn it into the dirt. Leave it for two weeks, and then let them dig into that. Should be fine by then. They do not need watering nor feeding during hibernation.
If it's hanging out in a forest with other tree cover, it shouldnt have any issue, even if it snows. even frost is fine with this species, theyre very tolerant. If leaves start to shed, and they seem sluggish, id encourage rooting and burrying the body. They will do this until the ground frost stops.
You could send them home, theyd stay active in a greenhouse but still slow. If theyre in dormancy with you, they wont exactly be up and moving, not wandeiring around or intercting with you much. They sleep, pretty much permanently until the spring comes when its that cold.
Have a chat with them, they may want to do this, it does usually encourage more healthy growth come the new year, and rejuvinates their energy more than if they wander around all through the colder months. You'd see healthy regrowth and a much more vibrant mon, hell, maybe even flowers next summer. Without this rest, pokemon can become a little more run down, but adequate food and rest seems to counter this just fine.
Its a personal choice, some are hot blooded and want to keep moving and battling, others are happy to huddle for the winter and store energy for the coming months. Chat with them, see if you can make your mind up.
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 (𝐩𝐭.𝟐) || 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬
“𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘐'𝘮𝘮𝘢 𝘨𝘰 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺, 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦, 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐, 𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘳, 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘸𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘦“
Inspo: Mac Miller - Cinderella Mac Miller - Stay
Pairing: Ellie Williams x Fem!reader
Summary: Everything changed since that night, but Ellie wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Warnings: Slight fluff, strap on, Sub!Ellie Williams, Dom!Reader, degradtion kink, praise kink, and mommy kink (sorta).
Previous Part
Words 2001
In Jackson, summer had finally come around and it was unforgivable. Anyone on patrols was either hating the fact that they had their shift that day or loved the faintest amount of breeze that was given. Meanwhile, anyone not working was inside their homes, hoping that they could get away from the heat as much as possible.
Ellie was one of the latter. Opting to wear a muscle shirt and some boxers with a fan blasting on her whilst she washed dishes. Her hair pulled up into a messy bun as she slightly swayed to the music playing from her small speaker beside her.
She’d convinced Tommy to give her the day off, knowing that the girl had been working constantly with Jesse with the patrols. So, she was using this time to relax and clean half-heartedly until she would pass out on the couch. Maybe she would even take a step outside, but that was highly unlikely with how hot it was getting recently.
But hearing the front door open, she felt goosebumps rise up on her body. Knowing that by the sound of boots, you were now home after helping in the greenhouses and the farm animals. And judging by how loud you were breathing, you were either exhausted or pissed. She wasn’t entirely sure which she wanted more.
Sparing a glance, Ellie felt her lips water at the sight of you. You wore a sports bra that was muddled with dust and dirt. Jeans ripped with your knees green from kneeling in the grass for a good few hours. Then there was the baseball cap you wore with two thin strands of your hair framing your features with the rest tied up at the back. You spoke complete farm girl - a complete contrast to what she had once thought you to be.
You had built a decent amount of muscle in the past few months. Often working out with weights Joel had gone into town and grabbed for you and went for runs around the settlement. And with the job of taking care of the cattle and seeing to the crop, caring shit to one place and to another, you had gotten much bigger than what Ellie had been when you two met.
Her eyes carried over your arms, seeing the faintest droplet run down and jutting to the side of its original path from your arm flexing. Her eyes quickly snapped up to yours, feeling her chest tighten when you caught her gaze. She swallowed the lump in her throat and put her attention back on the dishes.
“How was work today?” She inquired, hearing you groan as you stood to your feet. Ellie could feel something in her gut that spread throughout her body when hearing your heavy steps travel around the small garage. It had been appearing ever since that night you had tied her to your shared bed. That was when everything changed between you two.
You reached the fridge, sighing when the cold burst hit your tanned skin. “Well, Maria has been on my ass all morning telling me to make sure the corn is growing like I didn’t do that yesterday. Then she had me clean up manure after she stared at it for a fuckin’ minute,” you ranted as you grabbed a water bottle and paced back and forth behind Ellie. “But I did get to ride the new horse that we brought in a few weeks back. A feisty fella that one.”
“I feel like you always give her reasons to be on your ass, Y/n,” Ellie commented with a laugh. “I have never heard one time that you two agreed on something.”
“Well, if she didn’t have her head in her ass, maybe she could see where I am coming from half the time,” you huffed. “I mean, moving the cattle out to a clearing nearby with some guards on post is a good idea. We create more space to raise more animals and have more options for food and such.”
Taking a sip of your water, your eyes finally snapped to Ellie. Tilting your head, eyes running up and down her figure - primarily sticking to her ass - you swallowed the liquid and slowly approached.
The instant she saw your hands brace the counter on either side of her, something inside her ignited. A spark to gasoline that she had no way to stop or gain some form of control over. What didn’t help was your wet lips kissing the side of her neck and warm breath hitting her cheek softly.
“How was your day?” You inquired softly, moving closer until your frame trapped Ellie against the counter. A small smirk formed on your lips upon hearing the gasp that slipped past the auburn’s lips.
Ellie’s breaths were shaky, attempting to ignore your hips gently rocking into her ass. Nibbling on her bottom lip as she pushed her hips back, egging you on. “I’ve been in all day,” she stated just above a whisper, head beginning to cloud. “I haven’t gotten to see anyone or gotten any attention.”
Her words and tone weren’t hard for you to decipher. You raised a brow in amusement as you looked down at the perfect view of Ellie’s ass pressed against your crotch. “Is that so?” you asked, tone somewhere between uninterested, and somewhat intrigued. “So, are you saying you missed me, sweety?”
Ellie had to suck in a harsh breath when she felt you nip at her earlobe. One of your hands lowering and hooking a finger under the hem of her shirt and lifting it. Gripping her hips, the shirt bunched up around one of your wrists with your other hand grabbing the girl by the back of the neck. Pulling her back until she was flushed to your chest.
“I needed you,” she moaned out, biting down on her bottom lip feeling the stiffness of you packing in your jeans.
Your lips ghosted along her jawline, eyes shut as you inhaled her scent deeply. A sigh escaped your lips, nuzzling your face in her neck with your hand on her waist pulling her boxers down to the middle of her thighs. “How bad?” You husked out, teeth nipping at her shoulder.
But it was short-lived when Ellie spun around to you and dropped to her knees. Her fingers work effortlessly with the button of your jeans and zipper before yanking them down with your boxers. Revealing the strap on beneath that sinfully hit her forehead. The sight alone could’ve made you cum.
She gripped the base of the cock and slapped it against her cheek. Smirking with the knowledge that these small acts got your blood pumping to an extreme rate. It brought out a feral side of you that Ellie couldn’t get enough of, even if she tried.
“Let me show you,” she finally answered with her lips parting to take the cock into her mouth. But the entire time, she keeps her eyes focused on you. Ellie wanted to impress you and give her another reason to be sweating.
Slowly, inch by inch, Ellie took more of the cock. Fighting the tears in her eyes. But you rocked your hips forward, causing Ellie’s head to jolt back from the sudden thrust of your hips. Her head met the edge of the counter, trapping her. So, your thrusts were never-ending with Ellie being forced to take every inch.
“Such a good slut for Mommy,” you groaned. “Taking my cock so good. Trained my baby girl so well.” Your hand cupped her face as you continued to fuck Ellie’s throat.
It was true. Ellie’s ability to take you so well had only been possible by your persistence. At first, Ellie was quite snappy when it came to you now taking the new title. Her pride to fragile to ever submit to someone she once thought to be her little baby girl. But the more you put her in spots she never wanted to leave, she quickly fell into submission and listened to your pointers. How to ride your cock. How to be waiting for you in the bathroom a tie over her eyes. You had made her into the girl she had once thought you to be.
And taking your cock, no matter if you were soft or ruthless with her, she was prepared. Not that it made it any easier when you were feral in your actions. Almost like you were deprived of her and needed to feel something other than annoyance.
Ellie choked on your cock when you forcefully pressed further, harness pressing harshly against her nose. Her hands shot to your thighs, coughing on your cock and trying to hold back any resistance her body might want to give. And thankfully, after a few moments, you pulled away abruptly. Allowing Ellie to fall forward, her hands catching her. She coughed hoarsely, spitting out clumps of built-up slobber.
She wiped her nose but didn’t get to do anything else before you lifted her up onto the counter. Shoving the few dishes out of the way to slam onto the ground, shattering into a million pieces as you grabbed the wet cock and sunk into Ellie’s pussy.
Ellie gasped, eyes flickering down to the pink cock that stretched her. Dragging out and into her with a pace that was beginning to suck the air out of her lungs. The tip jabbed beautifully into that sensitive spot inside her.
She grappled her arms around your neck, moaning into your shoulder as you fucked her relentlessly. “Y/n-!” She cried out, head rolling back with your teeth clamping down on her shoulder. Growling into the flesh with your eyes rolled back, enjoying the rub of leather against your clit.
And with each rapid pound of your hips against hers, that rub became harsher and far appealing. Slowly building up your orgasm as you listened to the sweet noises coming from Ellie’s lips as you fucked her. Releasing your hold on her shoulder, you grabbed her by the neck and slammed your lips against her. Swallowing her moans as you forced your tongue past her parted lips and found no resistance on the other end.
Your tongue explored her mouth freely as your hands that gripped her waists tightened. Ellie was sure bruises would be left, but she didn’t care when it would be another reminder of you being able to fuck her as well as you were. Reaching places inside her she never thought possible. Treating her like a toy, but still, be able to be soft with her. It all was so addicting.
Parting ways, a string of spit connected from your lips and Ellie hung for a moment before breaking. Leaving a speck left on Ellie’s chin as she panted and moaned. Heart hammering against her chest as she jolted from one of your fingers pressing against her clit and beginning to rub aggressively.
“O-Oh shit!” She exclaimed, head falling back as she cried out. You grinned, looking up at her and back down at the fake cock and fingers. Putting all your energy into the two acts of stimulation and hoping it would be enough to bring the girl to her edge.
Which it did with Ellie unable to put together any words. Getting the rapid shake of her head as the warning you needed. Slipping out of her, you dropped to your knees and pushed your tongue into her pussy. That seemed like all Ellie needed to cum as her legs tensed around your head, crying out as you suck and lapped at her juices. Drinking from her heavenly gift to you.
By the time you were done, Ellie was a twitching and soaked mess. Whimpering when feeling you softly tap the cock against her clit. You leaned over her, kissing her softly on the forehead.
“Such a good little toy..”
Ellie’s lips twitched into a smile as she looked up at you. “Anything for Mommy.”
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spngi · 2 years
take you home - Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton x reader
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summary: in which after a relationship of years you and lewis break up, but the distance is not so easy to deal with
warnings: English isn’t my first language, sorry for any grammatical errors
I wasn't sure where the end began, where the perfect fit began to fail, but maybe something between the focus of lewis increasing in a period of great tension between the races, and not that he didn't love me, but the lack of being with him, with the love of his life and then the irritability that came with the anxiety and the growing loneliness that I felt made the best thing for the two to be to separate.
Not that it was really a good thing for us to finish something of five years but maybe that way we would avoid greater wear and tear.
Lewis went on with his life, he was in the middle of a season it was obvious that he needed to concentrate. And in the first months I managed to take it and pretend that nothing was wrong, I focused on work the same way as the driver but going back to an empty apartment every night, tasteless and generic without the smell of home killed me every night.
Because with lewis everything was different, it was not to live a fairy tale, but to be with him and just lie in his arms and his warmth was a small moment of peace that we began to value in our day. Everything reminded me of him, it was the smell of his perfume that was passing down the street, his favorite drink or his favorite tea. It was difficult to live in a post Lewis Hamilton world, in which you lived everything with him, had everything from him and now you live only with your existence in your memory.
It was better to work on the workholic routine at the bar, he was my baby, I raised him from scratch when there was nothing, in an area of London where you can combine the incredible view of the city with a more open and cozy space. The idea seemed to be crazy at first and I would be spending the little and only money I had but then my dream became a big business that expanded more and more.
We met for the first time at the Marina, he was running and something happened and we stumbled but nothing much happened, it was not a date of fate because he simply apologized as the kind man he was and made sure that we were fine to go. But maybe fate worked a little more later because then I started to see him everywhere and finally after 5 surprises when he met around he came to talk to me, he found me, in my place, in my bar.
I can't remember how it happened, life with Lewis was fast, loving him was fast like the cars he drives, and so we were dating and loving each other and not being able to imagine the limit of all that passion and devotion that existed in us. I remember the small details, the quiet mornings, of sleeping in the cabin of the plane, or of our first night in the new house with many boxes scattered and roscoe looking for his toys, I remember spending the weekends that I could not accompany him to his mother's house cheering for him.I miss this, the small details of our lives, everything we have built.
I would like to know if he still think about me, or if he remember all the 1825 days we live together, or if he think about what could have been of us.
I managed to reach a six-month milestone, six months without calling or looking for or letting myself cry for anyone who asked how I was, but it was also six months drinking until crying, and crying until I slept just to repeat everything again.
It was a summer vacation, it meant that the driver would probably be traveling with family or friends, that's why I was surprised to see him cross the space, spinz behind him laughing at some joke. Maybe he didn't expect to see me there or just didn't care, but I couldn't help but paralyze in his presence, in his way of walking and how I used to be there in his arms. Seeing lewis makes the 37 unsent messages burn in the back pocket.
I take care of serving some beers at the bar trying not to face the steps of the two men or think about what I could say to one of them in particular other than I love you or I miss you. It is when I finish talking to a group of women at one of the most reclusive tables that I see them, sitting at our table, the one that was close enough to the music machine so that we could exchange if something strange was chosen by someone and also hidden enough from the looks of others. Lewis sits there listening to the melodies of bill withers playing while tasting some of his drink, as if he were at home, as if that place had never ceased to be our place. I get hurt maybe, or even angry that he has so little respect for our memories, our past.
I find my way back to the bar counter, I talk a little with some couples who are there, and then try to go back to the papers I needed to read.
- Hi, huh.. - I hear that voice calling me, the man in front of me dull with one of his hands scratching his neck.
- Hi
- I... well, I heard that you are opening a new place and I wanted to congratulate you... I mean you know you really deserve all this... - Hamilton speaks a little nervously his hands in the pocket of his cargo pants and his chocolate eyes looking at me fixed.
- Huh.. thank you! you didn't need it! - I smile at him, it's automatic and nostalgic. - are you okay?
- Yes, yes... - he smiles, that radiant smile that paralyzed me every time. - I missed your Negroni.
Of course, it was not possible that of all the possible personalities he could have acquired he returned to his playboy era.
- Of course... - I murmur low wanting to throw the liquid from your glass on your beautiful face. - is it okay?
- It's not yours. - there was sadness there, maybe that's why I went towards the drinks to prepare your drink or for the simple fact that I couldn't deny him anything.
He just keeps there, looking at me while I do the damn negroni, while I remember how many times we were in that position, at the bar creating drinks for lewis to try and then steal passionate kisses. I give him the glass and see his face as he takes the first sip, lets out a sigh of happiness and then thanks as if maybe a piece of himself was being fitted.
- Can we talk?
- I don't think Daniel would be very happy to be abandoned.
- He can handle it.
I sign for him, picking up an Ale before going out with him next to me to a more reserved table, it's strange to be with him after everything we've lived, to pretend that I don't just want to greet him with a hug and then talk about everything.
- I went out with a woman... - he cuts the silence, his eyes in the glass in front of him and his restless hands playing on a napkin.
- That's not fair, lewis... - I murmur without being able to fix my gaze anywhere, it's not fair, it's not fair for him to come here just to tell me that, hitting me a little more. I take a long sip of beer, trying to maybe dilute that lump stuck in my throat. - You can't just come here and tell me that.
- I know... - he hurries to agree- I felt like I was cheating on you, even though I knew we're not together anymore, but I was cheating on your memory.
- Your memories chase me everywhere... - I confess with trembling breath.
- I never entered our house again, you were there in every corner, I couldn't stop thinking about you... I still can't stop! - I feel your hand pulling mine gently calming my fingers, in a minimal caress testing the waters.
- You can't start this to just leave, Lewis. - I declare with a watery voice. - I missed you in all these six months, I did everything to let you go because I knew that at some point our story didn't work out...
- Y/n, you can send me away, you can refuse to listen to what I came to talk to you but if you want to listen, believe me I won't leave. - Your hand crosses the table now, your tattooed fingers caress my face, our eyes crossing with the same spark as always.
- Do you still love me? - I finally ask.
- I've never stopped loving you, I hope you know that, I've loved you all these years, all this time apart, I can't imagine loving someone other than you!
- I... I love you so much... - I stutter with trembling breath. - my biggest fear was to have lost you forever...
- We're going to make it work out, my dear... - the driver joins the chair next to mine pulling me in his arms, surrounding me in his safe space and getting me drunk with his smell.
He holds my hand, pushes away the ring that covered the small tattoo on the ring finger that was a memory of him tattooed on me.
- When we got this tattoo, you said you chose this drawing because your heart could always find a way to me, and you always proved it. It's my turn to prove it because I chose to get this tattoo with you. - he turns our hands now pointing to the same wind rose on his ring finger matching mine. - I came here to take you home, with me!
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contrastparadoxx · 11 months
Growing Teeth
Description: Selene finally confronts Solare
Word Count: 1191
Characters: Selene- Myself, Solare- @trollbreak, Mentions of Ptillo and Keonin- @memurfevur, Mentions of Hunter- @whispertrolls
Trigger Warning: Violence, Character Death
He had never been one for tracking.
It was a skill, one most people who used it had spent many sweeps perfecting, he had not. But Selene was a shifter, and he had a scrap of his targets clothing, and worst case scenario he knew Ptillo would help him when she returned from wherever she was. But he was not willing to simply wait for that to happen, and so he set out. He decided not to tell anyone exactly what he was up to, so slipping out happened in the early hours of the evening, when many members of the hive were still asleep, especially his beloved Keonin, curled up with a wriggler on either side of her. Hopefully he would be home before anyone could worry too much.
Shifting once outside the door, he moved cautiously, ears perked forward and eyes keen, watching for Hunter. That one could cause him problems with the trying to slip away quietly thing. Perhaps if they were closer he would have requested help with his tracking, but no, he was going to do this himself. Luckily there was no sign of the wolf and Selene was able to get far enough away to feel comfortable shifting into an easier and faster movement, rather than creeping. 
The purple figured he would head to the last place he knew she was living, and start attempting to track her from there. And so he set off, glad this form was built for running. His long legs moved easily, and despite the gravity of everything he felt fantastic, wondering to himself why he did not do this more. The running, not the hunting.
Getting to Her hive was easy enough, though it was empty, her scent somewhat faint. He seemed to have gotten lucky, as he was sniffing around, as the crunch of boots on stone reached him. Peeking around the corner revealed the very Jade he had come here to confront, HIS symbol still displayed proudly on a chain. Selene shifted, stepping out, much to her surprise.
“Solare” he said with a barely held back growl. Oh, she broke into a huge grin, and her words dripped in a coo.
“Selene, I knew you’d come to your senses eventually~” 
He cut her off with a snarl, it was less threatening with his mask in the way but it got the point across. Her head tilted slightly, not unlike a bird, green eyes glittering. He did not speak again before lunging. He had always, from the time they were little, been faster than her, lighter on his feet. Her becoming a drinker had done a lot to even that playing field, while also pulling her even further ahead in terms of raw power, but Selene did not think about any of that.
Solare responded swiftly, keeping herself from toppling over just barely, her nails raking down his face. She pulled the mask down, and left gouges in the already scarred half of the purples face. He snarled, turning and snapping his teeth at her hand now that his mouth was free. They sank in. She hissed, using his grip on her to yank him forward, sinking her fangs into his neck through his clothes, right in her favorite spot. They quickly both released and retreated. Solare cradled her injured hand, eyes tinted red, while Selene held his neck, and for once, it was fury that painted his features, not fear.
“Oh my darling Moon, is that all you got? I see you got a tail, sweet pet, maybe you should tuck it between your legs and I’ll remind you how good a time we can have” she gave him a cocky grin, though it faltered for a moment “I’ll show her she was wrong, that you still need me, and once you realize that too we can get rid of that wannabe mate of yours. It will be just like old times, I’ll take care of the threat to us, and you can make the body disappear after.”
That was the final straw. Selene could feel the beast inside him, snarling, begging to be let out, to rip her to shreds. But no, he wanted to be here for this, so she knows it’s Him and not just pure Instinct and Rage. He fought against it, that moment giving her the opportunity she needed to lunge forward, pinning him against the wall. He faltered for a moment as she loomed over him, feeling so small. Once upon a time this would have felt safe. Now it felt like staring at a snake ready to strike.
She ran her tongue across her fangs, fully extended, and went to tug his jacket and shirt down enough to have access to his neck and shoulder. Both ended up tearing slightly, as he struggled to push her away to no avail. Her teeth sank in and now he had a new problem, though one that calmed the other at the very least. The warmth and pleasure of her venom started to spread, though he continued to fight, scrabbling for anything he could use to get her away. The purple undid the buckle holding her axes, and they clattered to the ground. This was just enough noise for Solare to pull back, puzzled.
He took her looser grip and dropped like a rock, grabbing one of the axes and using what turned out to be the blunt side to smack her leg, causing her to stumble and fall back slightly.
He stood, taking the unfamiliar weapon in hand. It was cruel, and heavy, nothing he would use normally, and for a split second he wavered again.
Until he saw the dried purple.
He had no way of knowing where it was from. Himself? Ptillo? Oh Ptillo, she believed in him, didn’t she? He was doing this for her, for Keonin, for the whole pack.
And so
He swung
It took the bite of the axe for her to realize he was not just playing as normal, green splattering across the delicate purple. Heh, he looked good in her green, always had, and the way her blood splattered across the wall behind him gave him the illusion of wings. And for just a moment she could think about how things used to be, how good they were.
Maybe she had driven him to this. Did she regret it?
She did not get a chance to figure that out as the blade came down again, severing her neck.
Selene stood, breathing heavily as a glint of silver caught his eye. He dropped the axe, bending down to grab the pendant he had given her once upon a time. Despite its age it still was beautiful, though the green and purple that coated it hid much of that. He held it up to the sky, one dual colored necklace framed by the moons.
“This” he said, voice strained “This is all you will EVER get from me”
The moons, of course, did not answer, not even a breeze stirred the air. And so he turned, slipping the chain into his pocket and headed for home.
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finch-the-foolish · 11 months
@pixiemage hey uh saw that ask, wrote some stuff, here ya go mate idk how good the quality is but here's some prophet Jimmy James because why the hell not.
An omen and a prophet, knower of the dead
Warnings for themes of death (like a lot), mentions of blood & weapons, it's a bit heavy but yknow this is the life series we're talking about
As far as he was concerned, Jimmy was already one with the dead. He hadn't perished yet—no, of course not, they wouldn't kill him off this early—but he knew. From the moment he'd awakened in this damned world, he could feel his coming death. The grasses beneath him seemed to wither slightly, animals shying away at his presence.. the world knew.
The first time, he'd been confused, hopeful, not yet having seen Their wrath. The coming war haunted his nightmares even before it blossomed, a feeling of anxiety which refused to leave him, no matter what his dear Scott did. And soon enough, the arrows which had flickered in his mind every time he saw them had made a lovely home in his chest.
He was wise to their wants, now, wise to his fate. Nigh on resigned to it, a canary of clipped wings and struggling breaths and that ever present feeling of demise. The wings seemed to follow him, once the second was through, growing even as he escaped to other worlds, a constant reminder of what is to come.
So, as far as he cared, he was the dead. They were the dead. He could hear the voices echoing now: you are the dead, and we shall see you perish.
Still, he awoke, made whatever shell of a life he could before it was stripped away once more. Sure, he had to ignore the dutiful gaze of his elder brother, watching as he always did, had to ignore the echoes of swords and arrows and broken clocks. Gods, those clocks. They haunted his nightmares, counting down, drowning out every last hope of life.
It didn't take long for him to see it, by the fourth run. Alone on the bridges, alone in his thoughts, he watched the world end. A bucket of lava, a bloodstained sword. Betrayal by that which is left unrestrained. Not all of it made sense to him, horrific as it was, though he knew someday it would come to pass.
Jimmy lived as he always had in these games of death, doing what he could with his allies, hearing that damn clock tick, tick, tick- He'd never been able to pry it open, look at the face; sometimes he wondered if he was hallucinating the sound. Perhaps it was already stopped. Perhaps he was already dead.
Still, he lived, for those fleeting moments, built up bridges and happiness and foolish hope that he knew deep down would collapse. These deaths meant little, at first, a comfort to him. Perhaps he would survive. Perhaps he could win. The dreams showed otherwise, they always did. He knew the curse would come for him eventually, no matter what he did in these precious hours of life.
Death came later than he'd thought, swift and horrible though it was. False hands pushing at his back, one misplaced step, a step which had lived in his mind for weeks, and he was gone. A bird with clipped wings, a dead canary warning his miners of the horror to come.
Eventually, he awoke again, back in a familiar town, gilded wings still hanging at his back. He'd said nothing of it to the old sheriff, merely downing half a dozen drinks before meandering off to one of the town's many empty buildings. Joel had shown up soon after, the madness still lingering in his now deific gaze. He knew the deaths often lingered—he could still feel the lightning striking his form, a refusal to even let him have a death of his own.
He slowly recovered, as they all did, going back to life as he knew it and trying to ignore those damned nightmares. That, he couldn't seem to escape, another lingering echo of a past he hated. The flickers, moments before someone would be harmed, the nightmares and visions, all warding something he no longer needs to prophesize.
It had always unsettled the others, how he'd always had a knack for knowing what's going to happen, what hole in a plot will go terribly wrong. They'd never questioned it, though, Joel's few stories enough for most. Still, after Jim had happened to notice a rather distant stalactite on the verge of collapse, after he'd happened to get both himself and Fwhip out of the way, after he'd happened to know before Lizzie damn near fell off a roof, after he'd happened to know a dozen different things he had no right to know- people were growing suspicious. Concerned, in a few cases.
Confrontations led nowhere, though, most questions merely eliciting a nervous chuckle and a "I suppose I've got a knack for safety, y'know?" or whatever half baked explanation he'd think up in the moment. He couldn't just tell them—no, he knew these people. They'd use it against him, abuse this sorry excuse for a power, as they had every other card he'd dropped. Thus, he continued on, ignoring the nightmares and humming to himself and steering clear of the old gold mines.
Sometimes he wondered just how far his curse would go, how far off the limits of escape were. He could still feel it, always, the decay of his presence, drying up what little plant life he'd managed to cultivate in the desert. He supposed it was a good place for him, a place of death, as it had been before. Old mines and rings of cactus and no flowers, no lovely little homes, nothing he could pray for in sight. Just him and his omen, his curse, his knowledge that even here They could reach him.
After all, he was the dead.
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The Drawing of the Fool- Epilogue
Summary: Years after renouncing the Dark Tower, the ka-tet of the 19, now living as a true family, comes across another door. Fearing a resurgence of Tower business, the group grows apprehensive. Roland Deschain, their Dinh--their father--grows excited. It seems renouncing the Tower in favor of love is not without reward, after all.
Word Count: 7,354
Relationships: Roland/Cuthbert, Eddie/Susannah, Jake/Benny
Lying in bed together, in the home the folken had helped them build, Roland and Cuthbert were doing nothing but resting and enjoying each other’s company. Cuthbert often joked that the best part of their relationship was that they got to skip straight to being an old married couple. Roland didn’t disagree. It was nice to be able to skip the uncertainty and settle down with someone so familiar.
“You say true,” Roland said. His heart had skipped a beat at the mention of the Tower. The days in which he had been single-mindedly determined to reach it had passed and he did his best to drive all thoughts of it from his mind. “We never went any further than Algul Siento. After that, we traveled away from the Tower. I knew at that time that if we had gotten too close, I would not have been able to stop myself. Not then.”
“What about now? A considerable amount of time has passed since your renunciation and I think you’re quite comfortable with the life you’ve built. Don’t you want to see it? Just to cast your eyes upon the edifice we dedicated so much of our lives to saving--that which nearly cost you everything?” He turned onto his side to face Roland, who was quiet for a moment.
“You never saw it,” Cuthbert said, seemingly out of the blue. Roland turned toward his love and furrowed his brow. It wasn’t rare that he was a step or two behind Cuthbert, but this comment seemed unrelated to anything they had previously been discussing. “The Tower, I mean,” he continued.
“I suppose I would like to see it,” Roland admitted, sounding guilty, as if he was confessing to a heinous crime. 
“Then we should go, you and I,” Cuthbert said, wrapping an arm around Roland’s waist and pulling him closer. This was something he had been thinking of quite a lot lately and he had no idea how Roland would feel about the idea. “In separate worlds, we each gave our lives for this Tower. I think we deserve to see what we were protecting so fiercely.”
“Do you not worry that you’d be tempted to go in?” 
Cuthbert shook his head. “Going inside was never a part of my plan. My goal was always to save it. And then maybe, if ka would allow, to see it. After that, I wanted to be done with it evermore. I had no such desire to go in and climb to the top. In truth, that idea always scared me.”
Roland hesitated, reluctant to voice his true fear. He rolled onto his side so they were face to face, Cuthbert’s hand still resting on his waist. When he searched his love’s face and saw nothing but sincerity, he was able to go on. “Are you not scared that I might be seduced by its charms? That I’d be just as drawn to its pull as I had been to the pink Wizard’s Glass?”
“Nay, you know better now. And nevertheless, I’ll be with you. We may not know what resides there, but we know that that knowledge comes at a high price. I’d not let you give everything up so easily. And I’m not saying that to be honorable either, I’d much like to keep you for my own selfish reasons. Who else is there to follow me around and tell me I’m pretty?”
“The Crimson King is presumably still imprisoned there,” Roland said, always so serious. 
“Then we’ll take care of him,” Cuthbert said with a shrug, ever the optimist. He felt confident that they could handle it. Improvisation was their specialty. “Someone ought to. Why not us?”
“It’s an enormous risk. We have everything to lose and nothing to gain by going there.” Roland spoke firmly, but truthfully, he was warming up to the idea. It whispered to the deep romance in his nature. Was there anything more romantic than defying the odds with the one you held dear? And Roland knew there was no one better than his beloved to laugh in the face of destiny.
“We would gain closure. I expect that it would ease your mind to know that you have seen it and turned away from it. You can finally let go of the notion that one day you might just take off for the Tower and revert back to who you were. You never give voice to them, but I suspect thoughts of the Tower still cast a shadow in your mind. It’s time to reject the hold it has over you. To come face to face and stand true.”
“I trust you understand the risks,” Roland said, already knowing that Cuthbert did, in fact, understand the risks. Despite his penchant for foolishness, he was not stupid. Far from it. When it came to intelligence, Roland had always lagged behind Cuthbert.
“Aye, I understand them very well, so I do. Still I say we go.”
“The others might not like it,” Roland said. A last resort argument if there ever was one. And a weak one, at that. Roland knew he was going to give in, he was only holding out because he felt like he was supposed to. It’s been years since he had renounced the Tower in favor of his family; he shouldn’t want to go see it. But the desire which had lay dormant in the depths of his mind was now awakened.
“I think they trust us.” Cuthbert placed his hand on the side of Roland’s face and started soothingly rubbing his thumb back and forth across his cheek. Truthfully, Cuthbert was a little worried. But he trusted Roland, and he truly believed that this would put both of their minds at rest. The Tower had taken enough of their lives, he didn’t want it hanging over them for all the time they had left.
Roland went quiet again, sorting his thoughts, which had always been slow work for him. He wanted to give this proper consideration. After a moment he spoke: “Okay.”
“Okay? You mean you want to go?”
“Aye, I do. We’ll protect each other, won’t we?”
“Of course we will.” Cuthbert rolled over again, this time pulling Roland on top of him. He reached his hand around to the back of Roland’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Roland gladly complied. When they pulled away for a breath, Cuthbert spoke again. “I’ll protect you as passionately as I once fought for the Tower.”
“Mmm, say true? How passionate are we talking?”
“Let me demonstrate for you,” Cuthbert said in a low voice. He grabbed Roland by the shoulders and flipped their positions, pinning Roland to the bed.
The next week, after some difficult goodbyes, they set out for their journey. Each carried a packsack stuffed with warm clothing and other supplies. The trip was likely to be cold and grueling, but they had what they needed to make it as safe as possible. 
A few weeks in, they passed through the former Castle of the Crimson King, Le Casse Roi Russe. At one time, the Crimson King’s Minister of State with the aid of the King’s glammer, had lain in wait for Roland’s ka-tet to come along. However, once it became clear to him that Roland’s ka-tet was never coming, he fled.
Written haphazardly upon a crumbling wall of stone in old paint were these words:
“Any idea what that means?” Cuthbert asked.
“No,” Roland said, “Mayhap we’ll find out.”
About 5 weeks after passing through Le Casse Roi Russe, they spotted a road. From the place where it first came into view, it looked like an inverted T carved into the snow. The cross arm was only perhaps four hundred feet all the way across, but the long end carried all the way to the horizon and then disappeared over it. In addition to the road, they both noted the roofs of cottages. Smoke poured out of the roof of one of these cottages.
An hour later, they reached the point in which the two roads met. Rising out of the snow was a pole with signs at the top, seeming to indicate the names of the roads. The short road was called
The other one, however, sent a chill down both their spines, causing them to unconsciously draw nearer to each other. It read:
As Roland turned his attention to the cluster of cottages, Cuthbert noticed something peculiar about one of the signs--the one that indicated Odd’s Lane.
“Why does it look like the ‘S’ was added?” Cuthbert asked.
Roland shrugged and started to move away, he was more interested in starting down Tower road than reading signs. But Cuthbert stayed behind, studying the letters. After a moment, he gasped in realization.
“Roland, I got it! Get back here!” 
“What is it?”
Cuthbert grasped Roland’s shoulders and held him in front of the sign. “Look at the letters. If you ignore the ‘S’, what do you notice?”
He looked. It was a riddle, and Roland, not very good at riddles under normal circumstances, was too anxious to try to figure it out. “Bert, my dear,” he said with an impatient sigh, “Will you not just tell me?”
Cuthbert relented. “It’s Dandelo! Odd Lane is made up of the same letters which make Dandelo. It seems the ‘S’ was put there to throw us off.”
Roland’s eyes widened as he saw Cuthbert was right. And to think that he would’ve just continued down the road without a second thought about the damned sign. Roland tilted his chin toward the chimney with smoke puffing out. “Do you think that’s Dandelo?
“Aye, who else?”
Before they had a chance to decide whether or not they should pass by, the decision was made for them. A rosy-cheeked old man hobbled out of the cottage and called to them.
“Looks like we’re in for some palaver whether we want it or not,” said Roland.
“Yar, it seems so,” Cuthbert replied. Then, lowering his voice: “Stay wary.”
The old man introduced himself as Joe Collins of Odd Lane. Something about the man’s presence filled them both with a good feeling. He was vivacious for an old man, and filled with enormous good humor. The kind of person anyone can get along with. Cuthbert wondered how he could’ve thought such a man could be dangerous. 
The old man took them in, and showed them around his house full of wonders. Through Susannah, Eddie, and Jake, they both had some second-hand knowledge about the technology from America-side. Roland had even seen some during their travels. But to see such simple wonders as fluorescent lights and magic ice boxes up close was fascinating. Joe Collins explained that a robot that he called Stuttering Bill helped him maintain the generator which supplied the electricity to keep the place running. 
After some more talking, Joe Collins gave them a fine meal. It wasn’t until after they ate that Cuthbert started to once again become suspicious. When speaking of how he came to be here, Collins mentioned that he used to be some kind of comic entertainer in a place called the Midwest. Roland, with rather uncharacteristic cheer, asked to hear some of his jokes, as he told them on the road. Joe Collins decided to give it a try.
He stood up and gave them a taste of one of the shows he put on. As he progressed, Roland lost himself in laughter. Although Cuthbert was laughing as well, he found Roland’s wild, unbridled laughter to be a little excessive. For Cuthbert, most of the humor was in the way the man carried himself, not so much the actual jokes. In fact, the jokes were kind of lame. 
It became obvious to Cuthbert that this was a trick, Roland was never that unguarded with his emotions. Most of the time he couldn’t even make Roland laugh so hard. Nay, his love had almost no sense of humor, but that was okay because he had enough for the both of them. And even he could see that this wasn’t funny. Roland, with his underdeveloped sense of humor, was just more susceptible to the trick.
Dandelo, he thought, How could I let myself forget?
Cuthbert kept laughing along with the jokes. He didn’t want to alert the creature before him to his epiphany. Now that he was conscious of it, he realized he could actually feel the good feelings being fed to him, much like the way cattle are fed nutrients before being slaughtered.
During a small lull between jokes, he excused himself to the bathroom. He needed a chance to reassess the situation. Once inside, he heard an agonized crying sound. They had noticed it a few times already, but had been too distracted to think much of it. He tried to come up with and plan and then realized he didn’t really need one. He’d just go back in and shoot the damn thing. He pulled his slingshot from his belt and left the bathroom.
When he came back, Roland was on the floor, clutching at his throat but still laughing. Cuthbert didn’t hesitate, he simply aimed and shot, as was ingrained in him since childhood. 
He shot the creature--yes, creature, not man for in its dying it was now reverting to its true form--until it stopped moving.
Once that was taken care of, he kneeled down next to Roland and caressed the side of his face. “Are you alright, love?”
Roland suddenly stood up and staggered over to the door. He ripped it open, took a couple of steps, and threw up. When he came back in, he sank to his knees before Cuthbert, who was momentarily alarmed, thinking Roland might be fainting. Then the realization hit. Always such a stickler for tradition.
“No, no, not this shit again,” Cuthbert said, chuckling nervously. But he knew Roland would not relent until Cuthbert gave him pardon. He was too ashamed of his actions. Cuthbert sighed and then gave in. “Rise, gunslinger, I give you pardon in good heart.” He paused, then added: “Though it isn’t necessary, dear one. We save each other. ‘Twas a powerful glammer and there is no shame in falling victim to it.”
Roland smiled weakly, still ashamed, but nevertheless grateful for the man before him. He rose to his feet and gave his beloved a brief kiss.
“That’s how I know my love for you is true,” Cuthbert said as he pulled away. “Only a moment ago you were spewing your guts out and yet, I still want to kiss you.” Roland gave him a flat look before pushing Cuthbert off of him in exaggerated annoyance. He went to the thing lying on the floor (which now looked like some kind of large, malformed bug) to check that it was really dead. That was when the cry rose up again.
Roland and Cuthbert's eyes met and then, in the same instant, they moved toward the noise, drawing their weapons.
They went down to the cellar, and there, they found the boy they would come to know as Patrick Danville, the artist. A young man, held prisoner by Dandelo. Cuthbert, much better with vulnerable people than Roland, drew the boy out with tenderness and humor. The boy couldn’t talk (his tongue had been removed by Dandelo) but he could communicate perfectly fine with his sketchbook and a pencil. They found these items on a high shelf, along with a jar of erasers which had been removed from the pencils. Cuthbert thought this strange. Why had Patrick been prohibited from using the erasers? Was it just some extra form of torture or had there been another reason?
They looked around Dandelo’s place for warm clothing to take for Patrick, knowing that they would need to share what they had. They packed what they could use, including a far-seeing instrument, and headed outside to see if they could find the robot that Dandelo had mentioned. It was still freezing, but thankfully no blizzard. 
About an hour later, they found the robot. He had been operating a large orange vehicle, which they later learned was called a snow-plow. The plow pulled up in front of Dandelo’s hut, blasting music from a speaker at the top. He came out and introduced himself as William, D-746541-M, Maintenance Robot, Many Other Functions. Dandelo had called him Stuttering Bill, because the robot had a fried circuit somewhere inside, causing him to stutter, and Dandelo had forbidden him from fixing it. With Dandelo gone, they suggested that Bill fix his stuttering, to which he gratefully complied.
Although he resembled a certain robot that used to reside in Calla Bryn Sturgis, it soon became clear that this robot was much friendlier. For one thing, the robot displayed genuine relief at seeing Patrick free from Dandelo. Additionally, he was eager to help them with anything they needed. 
They eventually piled into Bill’s plow, and were taken to a hut on the very edge of the White Lands. This trip had taken just a day and a half. Once there, Bill regretfully informed them that he may go no further. He did, however, offer them a truck that could take them all the way to the Tower. He assured them that it was easy enough to use and that they could arrive at the Tower by mid-morning the next day. They both found this to be a fine idea, so Cuthbert asked Bill to show him how to work it. 
They resumed their journey with Cuthbert controlling the truck. Under his seat, Roland found a box containing several of the discs that Bill had called ceedees. Music was stored on them. The robot had played some to keep them entertained on their way to the hut. Roland raised the box up for Cuthbert and Patrick to see and asked if they wanted music.
“Yeah, why not? Put one in the little slot, like the robot did.”
"Well, which one should I put in? Pick one", he said, shoving the box toward Cuthbert.
"Since I'm busy trying to maneuver this large machine, I will leave the choice of music up to you, do it please ya.” 
Roland then reached back to push the box in Patrick's direction. "What about you Patrick? Would you like to choose?"
Patrick shook his head and waved Roland off. He was busy drawing.
"Just pick one, sweetheart. Quit trying to hand the task off to someone else. Look for one that calls to ya." 
So he did just that. His digging hand found one that momentarily stole his breath. The fottergraf (that was how he always thought of it, despite having learned that the word is actually photograph) on the cover showed four gunslingers, dressed in the fashion with which Roland was very familiar. He had trouble reading the words on the cover, but he thought the first one was ‘Eagles’. At first glance, Roland had mistaken the four men as himself, Cuthbert, Jamie DeCurry, and Alain Johns. He almost instantly realized that this wasn't the case, but the similarities were eerie. He pushed the disc in.
They listened to several of the musical discs on their way, but it was this one that Roland liked the best. For the songs on that disc were undoubtedly written about gunslingers. It seemed to him that whoever had written those songs, had seen Gilead, as it was in his youth. It disheartened him to know that they would eventually need to leave the truck behind and he would likely never hear those songs again.
Once the Tower started to come into view, Cuthbert suggested that they stop the truck and walk the last bit. Roland thought it was a good idea--he found that he wasn’t quite ready to arrive. He needed more time to convince his brain that he was really about to see the very thing he had dedicated most of his life to. His heart was beating wildly and he felt light-headed. But no, that wasn’t quite right--not light-headed, just light. As if everything that had troubled his mind since setting out on his quest ceased to matter. Even so, he was daunted. 
As they got closer, that feeling of lightness persisted. Roland reached his hand toward Cuthbert’s, almost timidly. Cuthbert immediately took it and grasped it firmly. Despite the fact that Cuthbert was using his bad hand, his grip was so tight that Roland’s bones started to hurt. He didn’t mind. It kept him grounded. He felt a light touch on his other hand--the two fingered one--and saw Patrick looking at him, trying to smile. He took his hand, careful not to crush it like he and Cuthbert were currently doing to each other’s hands. 
Hand in hand they approached the Tower. With only the field of roses lying between them and the tall, enigmatic building, Roland realized he could hear voices singing. Beautiful, tantalizing voices. But they were faint. Much fainter than they would have been had he come when he had originally meant to, this he instinctively knew. Still, he held onto Cuthbert and Patrick, his anchors. 
“It’s---” Roland started, but at that moment, a great shriek floated to them on the breeze.
“GUNSLINGERS!” screamed the Crimson King. “NOW YOU DIE!”
This piercing screech was punctuated by a whistling sound, thin at first and then growing. Roland recognized it for what it was and his instincts were quick as ever, as were Cuthbert’s. They both took off, pulling Patrick along with them by their joined hands, and found cover behind a heap of stones. They watched as something golden flew through the air. It flew past the stonepile pyramid they were using as cover and then reversed direction, racing toward them. Roland shot it out of the air. After a blinding flash, it was gone.
“Sneetches,” Roland grunted. “Just like the ones by the Wolves during the fight for the Calla.”
Looking through the far seeing device, Cuthbert saw the Crimson King on a balcony, two levels up from the base of the Tower. A crate, which must hold his ammunition supply, lay at his feet. Cuthbert passed the device to Roland so that he could get a look. 
The Crimson King would continue to throw sneetches, but Roland wasn’t too worried. With both him and Cuthbert here, he was confident they could shoot anything out of the air, unless he could throw twenty five at a time. And Roland thought there was a good chance he didn’t even have that many. Even if he did, he wouldn’t want to run through his supply so quickly.
Unfortunately though, they were stuck.
Meanwhile, Patrick apparently had been using this time to draw the Crimson King. He had a pretty good portrait going, but he needed the far-seeing instrument to get the details right. He tugged on Roland’s sleeve. When Roland looked over, he pointed at his drawing and then at the instrument. 
“No Patrick, now is not the time for drawing, do ya not see it?” Roland shouted, shooting another sneetch out of the air. 
Patrick made a desperate sound and pointed emphatically at the bag in which Cuthbert stored the erasers. When Roland still didn’t understand, he pointed at the Crimson King, then at the sketchpad, and then made furious erasing motions. He cycled around these gestures waiting for it to click.
Roland, in his stress, still wasn’t following. “What does he need it for?”
“The erasers!” Cuthbert, who had always been good at making connections, shouted in realization. He was thinking of something strange that had happened on their way here. They had stopped to eat and elected to stay inside the truck. Outside the windows, they had seen a herd of bannock. Patrick quickly got to work and produced a breath-taking drawing of them. It was astounding in its accuracy, except he had drawn them about five to ten miles closer. When Cuthbert glanced from the drawing back out to the herd, he thought for a moment that he was losing his mind--for it seemed that the bannock were that close after all. Cuthbert’s eyes had always been sharp so perhaps he should’ve questioned this lapse a little more, but he chalked it up to his eyes being tired from staring out the wide front window of the truck for hours on end. “Dandelo removed the erasers! I knew there had to be a reason for it! It was in his best interest. Wasn’t it, Patrick?”
“To see, Roland, what else?” Cuthbert said impatiently. Now that he understood what the boy had been trying to say, he was anxious for Patrick to get started. “He needs to get this drawing just right. Because drawing isn’t his only talent, he can also erase. Not just from the paper, but from existence. Isn’t that right, Patrick?”
Patrick nodded and reached once again for the instrument which Roland finally handed over. “Are you sure?” Roland asked. The fact that they had never tested this ability worried him. But it made a strange bit of sense. Roland had been invested with the power of drawing people into the universe. Was it so hard to believe that Patrick could draw things into existence with his sketchpad? And if he could draw, mayhap he could also erase. “What if it doesn’t work?”
“Well, then we’re fucked,” Cuthbert said, laughing. “Let the boy try.”
Patrick nodded enthusiastically and once again pointed at Cuthbert’s bag. Cuthbert quickly pulled out what the boy needed and told Roland to give him the far-seeing tool.
Patrick worked slowly, understanding that every line needed to be perfect. While he worked, the Crimson King periodically called out to them, trying to coax them into breaking cover. Cuthbert called back tauntingly and Roland shot the sneetches thrown their way.
When Patrick finally showed them the picture, they were astounded. They’d seen his work and had known his talent, but this was something else entirely. It looked as though the Crimson King was going to jump right off the page.
As amazing as the picture was, all three of them knew that something wasn’t quite right. 
“It’s the eyes,” Roland said. “Something with the eyes.”
Patrick nodded frantically. Yes, the eyes, he thought, but what’s wrong with them?
They sat there, staring at the drawing and trying to figure it out. The longer they sat, the more stressed they became. Roland felt his heart sink. He knew he wouldn’t be able to figure it out. The singing voices from the Tower were starting to get louder and he couldn’t think straight.
So close, Roland thought, To think we came all this way just to meet our deaths. 
Patrick pulled at his sleeve once again, and then pointed at the road. Pointing back the way they had come.
Roland shook his head wearily. “To retreat would do us no good, Pat. Once we break cover, he’ll use whatever else he has. He has something. I’m sure of it.”
“Yes,” Cuthbert agreed, “And whatever it is our weapons won’t be able to stop it.”
Patrick shook his head furiously. His hair flung back and forth with the force of it. He was helpless to do anything but keep pointing, frustrated that they weren’t getting him. He grabbed Cuthbert by the arm, tightening his grip until his fingernails pushed into the gunslingers flesh through his layers of clothing. He jabbed his fingers one again toward the road. Only, it wasn’t the road he was pointing at.
"The roses!" Cuthbert cried out as understanding washed over him, "Aye, of course! He is the Crimson King after all. Roland, he needs the red from the roses!"
Patrick nodded with tears in his eyes, grateful to finally be understood in this crucial moment.
"Bert, cover me!" Roland shouted and ran for the roses.
As he ran, he heard the approaching whine of another sneetch, but he wasn’t perturbed. His beloved was covering him and he trusted no one more with his life. Just a beat later, the sneetch was blown apart by Cuthbert’s bullet. 
Roland went to the closest rose, closed his bad hand around it and wrapped his good one on top. He started pulling frantically, thorns biting into his skin. With nothing to protect his hands from the rose, enormous pain washed over him, but paid it no heed. He pulled and pulled until the rose eventually came loose, roots and all, and then raced back to Patrick.
Once he handed the rose over to the boy, Cuthbert carefully took Roland's bad hand and examined it. Roland paid no attention to this; he was busy watching Patrick get to work on creating color for his drawing. He watched as Patrick placed some of the petals in his mouth, chewed them into paste, and spat the paste into his palm. 
"Oh, love, your poor hand," Cuthbert said.
Roland looked down to see that in addition to mangling his palm, the thorns had taken one of his remaining fingers (Eddie would later joke that Roland would forever "hang loose", referencing a hand gesture from his world).
"I'll live," Roland responded, starting to pull his hand away. "Stay focused on yon Red King, if it would please ya."
When Cuthbert relinquished his mutilated hand, Patrick took it. He swiped up some of the blood and mixed it into the rose-paste, creating the perfect shade for the Red King’s eyes.
They watched as Patrick filled in the eyes of his drawing, ever so delicately. Cuthbert found that he had to look away for a moment. With the red being added, the daemon looked a little too realistic for comfort. Once done, Patrick sat up straight with a confident look in his eye. Then, he broke into an enormous, sunny grin. This time, when Patrick showed them the picture, they knew it would work.
As if to confirm this, the Crimson King started screaming once again.
Cuthbert produced the eraser and held it out to Patrick. “Go on, Patrick, make him gone. Stop his everlasting caterwauling. For he’s starting to get on my nerves, so he is.”
“Yes,” Roland said. “Make him gone.” And for a wonder, Patrick did.
When Patrick was finished, there was nothing left of The Crimson King but his eyes, both on page and in reality.
They approached the Tower just before sunset, as Roland had always seen it in his dreams.
And even now, after all this time, it was difficult to resist the pull. He was grateful to have Cuthbert here, holding his good hand and reminding him of everything he gained by giving up his life’s goal. Everything he would lose if he gave in to temptation.
All he had to do was look at Cuthbert’s bright, smiling face to drive out the beguiling voices coming from the Tower. Cuthbert, he who was lost and then found. His beloved, his person, who now wore the Horn of Eld on his belt. As he had done before, for ka had come full circle. 
“It’s beautiful,” Cuthbert said.
“It’s awful,” Roland replied, trying desperately to believe his own words. “Let us take our leave and be done with it, for all times.” He turned and moved toward Patrick, who stood a few steps behind them.
“Wait,” Cuthbert said, “There’s something we need to do first.” He stepped closer, as close as he dared, and Roland, still holding his hand, came with him. The two of them walked among the roses, tethered to each other. As they walked, Cuthbert started to cry the names of their friends, loved ones, and ka-mates. 
“We come in the name of Robert Allgood, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Grace Allgood, she of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Aileen Ritter, she of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Cortland Andrus, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Alain Johns, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Thomas Whitman, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Wallace Vannay, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Abel Vannay the Wise, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Jamie DeCurry, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Sheemie Ruiz, he of Mejis!
“We come in the name of Patrick Danville, son of Sonia!
“I am Cuthbert of Gilead, and I come as myself!
From here, Roland picked up the calls without a moment’s hesitation.
“We come in the name of Steven Deschain, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Gabrielle Deschain, she of Gilead!
“We come in the name of Hax the Cook, he of Gilead!
“We come in the name of David the Hawk, he of Gilead and the sky!
“We come in the name of Susan Delgado, she of Mejis!
“We come in the name of Pere Callahan, he of Jerusalem’s Lot, and the roads!
“We come in the name of Ted Brautigan, he of America!
“We come in the name of Dinky Earnshaw, he of America!
“We come in the name of Aunt Talitha, she of River Crossing, and I will now lay her cross here, as I was bid!
“We come in the name of Stephen King, he of Maine!
“We come in the name of Oy, the brave, he of Mid-World!
“We come in the name of Eddie Dean, he of New York!
“We come in the name of Susannah Dean, she of New York!
“We come in the name of Jake Chambers, whom I call my own true son!
“I am Roland of Gilead, and I come as myself!
“We’ve come to honor those who were lost along the way,” Cuthbert said. “Those who sacrificed their lives so that we may make it here. And those who made sacrifices of their own. But, you won’t have us. This is our stand against purpose, against fate. Against ka.” Before anything else could happen, Cuthbert tightened his grasp on Roland’s hand, turned, and fled. He ran, laughing wildly and pulling his dear one helplessly along with him, back to where Patrick stood waiting. And did he stop then? Nay. He reached out, grabbed Patrick’s hand with his free one, and kept running.
Their journey back was much quicker than their trip out. The truck managed to take them all the way back to Tower Outpost 19, where they had originally parted ways with Stuttering Bill. They got out and found Bill at the outpost, doing maintenance on one of the vehicles. The robot was excited to see them and once again offered his help. The truck they were currently using was most likely used up, but he suggested they could switch vehicles. He offered up another truck, identical to the one they had been using. This truck, he told them, should be able to take them back the way they came. If not all the way, it would at least take them a great deal closer. Cuthbert, who had grown quite fond of the robot, offered to take him back to the Calla with them. Roland thought it was a good idea; it might be nice to have a good, friendly robot in the Calla. One that could be trusted. But alas, his programming did not allow him to go too far beyond his post.
The truck eventually did stop working, but by then they were close enough that their trip home would only take a couple more days to walk. They didn’t bother trying to see if they could figure out a way to make it work again. They simply gathered their gunna, and resumed their journey on foot.
With them so close, Jake--who had been desperately trying to reach them through the touch-- was finally able to feel them, if only very faintly. He couldn’t tell exactly how far they were (or what state they were in), but he knew that they were both present and accounted for, which was enough to temporarily soothe his anxious mind. Neither one had been lost to the Tower, tell the Gods thankee.
When Roland saw their family gathered on the edge of town, he surmised that someone must have seen them coming. In truth, Jake had felt them getting close and rounded up the family. In any case, Roland’s fatigue melted away at the sight of them and he quickened his pace. Cuthbert did the same.
They hastened over to where their family stood waiting, two little kiddies amongst them. Roland believed them to be the most beautiful children to have ever graced any plane of existence on any level of the Tower. Gloria and Moses. Twins, of course. What else could be expected? The wheel, in its perpetual motion, always comes back around.
Patrick, overwhelmed by the amount of people, had withdrawn. He moved to sit under a nearby tree, placing his sketchpad in front of him. Roland and Cuthbert wordlessly allowed him the space; introductions could be made later. And they would, because Patrick was now a part of their family.
Susannah sped over to them, faster than ever in the wheelchair recently gifted to her by the Sisters of Oriza. They worked together to construct it, using her old one as a model. Still fairly primitive, but it suited her needs just fine. She stopped in front of Roland and raised her arms to be lifted, to which Roland happily complied. She embraced him heartily and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She had been the most apprehensive about their trip, but had relented when they both assured her that neither would go too near, they only wanted to look. “So,” she whispered with a conspiring smile, “What did you see?” 
He looked to the side and saw Cuthbert and Eddie sharing their own embrace, Oy excitedly running in circles around them. Jake and Benny, each with one of the twins in their arms, stood anxiously waiting for their turns to greet them. He turned his eyes back to the beautiful, courageous woman he currently held in his arms. His own true daughter, brought by ka and secured by love. 
“Nothing that was worth a damn,” he responded with a smile, matching her conspiring tone. He was surprised to find that he meant every word. Cuthbert had been right (as he often was, Roland could admit). Having seen it and turned away from it, Roland felt no urge to go back. It felt as though a spell had been broken. He gave Susannah one last squeeze and placed her back down in her chair.
Next came Jake with Gloria in his arms. The bright, goofy grin on Jake’s face temporarily returned him to the kid of eleven that Roland had first met in the desert. Since that initial meeting, Jake had bravely faced many trials and hardships, much more than a kid his age should. Roland felt contrite about much of it, but he was never regretful that they had been brought together.
“Hile father,” Jake said, fist to forehead, trying to sound casual and missing it by a long shot. He’d missed them both too much.  
“Hile son,” Roland said. Then, dropping the formalities, he pulled his boy close and hugged him tightly, minding the sma’ one between them. 
“Boppa, Boppa!” Gloria babbled, reaching her chubby little hands towards Roland. At just under two years old, this was the closest she could get to ‘Papa’. 
Roland squeezed Jake once more and then took Gloria from him. Jake was happy to hand her over. It satisfied his heart to know that Roland had once again come back--had definitively chosen his family over the Tower. A small part of his mind, the part that stubbornly remembered Roland letting him drop in the mountains, had been nervous. But that was all over and he’d never have to wonder again where his father’s loyalties lie. There was one thing he was confused about, though. 
“Who’s the kid with the sketchpad?” Jake asked. He had seen him walking into town with them, but he’d actually been aware of him even before that. While reaching out for Roland and Cuthbert, he’d briefly touched the mind of the boy. He sensed that he could’ve established communication with him--he was strong in the touch, like Jake--but the kid was shy.
“That’s Patrick, we met him on our way. You’ll meet him in a little bit. He’s not used to seeing so many people,” Roland said. “And he’s no kid. I believe he’s older than you. As unfathomable as it is to me, you’re no kid either.” Roland looked down at Gloria and started gently bouncing her in his arms. Looking at her restored his hope for his world. This bah-bo would never have to go through tribulations such as those Jake and Patrick had gone through. With Susannah and Eddie for parents and Jake for an uncle, Gloria and Moses were just about the luckiest babbies in the world. 
He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of his husband approaching.
“Let’s go see Papa,” Cuthbert cooed. Roland looked up to see Cuthbert, now with Moses in his arms, making his way over so that they could each greet the other twin. 
“Gramp!” Gloria screeched, reaching for Cuthbert. They carefully swapped twins. Once the babbies were satisfied with their greetings, they wanted to be put down to toddle freely in the grass.  
As he was putting Moses down, Roland felt something brush up against his leg. Roland smiled, knowing who had come to greet him. 
Roland knelt down to face Oy. “Why, hello, Oy. It’s good to see you, fella,” He said, stroking the bumbler’s fur. As he was petting Oy, Eddie knelt down next to him.
“Glad you made it back, ol’ long tall and ugly,” Eddie said, and hugged his father. When he pulled away, he nodded his head toward the others. “Check out the newlyweds.”
After their initial greetings, Jake and Benny seemed to have fallen back into their own little world, as was typical. The newlyweds, Eddie had said, and Roland still thought of them as such, though they had been married for over two years now. Their wedding had been a joyous occasion for the whole town. One of their own had been getting married to a gunslinger--one from the very group that helped free their town from a vicious cycle, saving their kiddies from unthinkable horrors. If anyone had had a negative word to say about it, they were drowned out by the enthusiastic support.
To come back to such a wonderful group of beings replenished Roland’s soul. And the fact that Susannah and Eddie not only allowed, but actually encouraged their children to regard both Roland and Cuthbert as grandparents? Never did he think a life could be so fulfilling.
Roland and Cuthbert’s eyes met over the group of their gathered loved ones. Roland could tell from the look on his husband’s face that they were thinking the same thoughts. That this life was more than the likes of them deserved, but they would not let that stop them from enjoying it. When Roland first started his quest--the true start, in the desert--he never could’ve predicted where his life would end up. Somehow, with the odds stacked against him, he wound up with three strong, brave people who regarded him as father, two wonderful grandchildren, a loving and fiercely protective billy-bumbler, and a beautiful husband who he endlessly adored. They’d never had a wedding, but in these days, ceremonies weren’t necessary. Let the young ones have all the joy of such occasions. For them, it was enough to express their devotion through small, every-day gestures. They had both been to Na’ar and back and knew that their love would withstand anything.
All thoughts of the Dark Tower dissolved from Roland’s mind, never to return. For nothing the Tower had to offer could have compared to this. Never in life.
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
Nazarius had been clear, he'd flee before he did something stupid. But Raelyn trusted that Rhysand and his mate would hear them out. That they'd be accommodating.
He looked up at the House of Wind, the way it had been carved from Sandstone. He didn't see the motif of wyvern here, perhaps it was built after they'd left. Another way to erase his family's lineage from this place.
Tisiphone laughed ducking away from Rhysand and the batter on his fingers. He smirked at her and winked waving a hand to start some music and darted after her.
She gasped when he winnowed behind her and caught her. She tilted her head back crinkling her nose when he brushed the batter on her nose.
"You cheated!"
He grinned against her neck and she refused to melt that easily. He stepped back, their children laughing and giggling behind them.
He held his hand out to her now cleaned.
"Dance with me Tisiphone?"
She took his hand letting him twirl her along the room. She beamed, her hair loose, and her face radiant. Rhysand flushed and shut his eyes tilting his head back.
"You look beautiful."
"Yes, I know. You've acted on that a couple times already today."
He wound her arms around his neck tapping his neck to make him look at her. She brushed the tears back.
"I told you, I will keep telling you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You -"
"Auntie Raelyn!!"
She kissed him hard, smiling when he finally pulled her closer. She couldn't follow him into the darkness of this last month but she wouldn't let him dare think she wasn't there for him.
She exhaled and followed where the children had gone to meet Raelyn. She stilled at the doorway, her vision focusing on the male next to her.
She didn't hear what Raelyn said, didn't really take in the smile and the way she touched him. She only saw his eyes, the way he watched her as if she was about to snap.
Did he know? Did he know and dared to come to her home?
She wouldn't blame Raelyn, hadn't she fallen for those eyes? Hadn't she -
She moved dragging Nesta away from them stepping between the children and them. She slid the dagger from her thigh to his throat.
He didn't defend himself, didn't move from where he took her in, dagger and all. His eyes lifted to hers and he pulled his teeth back. He stepped back trying to de-escalate things.
"You're Tisiphone. You - Cithaeron -"
"Don't you dare say his name! He -"
"You are the ones who killed him! You - do you even know who he left behind? Do you even know what happened to the family he left behind? I - "
"I don't care. Get out of my home."
"We nearly starved! I had to sell myself just to meet -"
Tisiphone finally moved Nazarius just having enough time to block the blow. Her eyes were cold, he was just trying to keep from loosing the last bit of her control.
"You want to know what I think? His entire bloodline should have died with him."
Nazarius sneered stepping closer.
"Says the murder. Says the one who so easily fell for his charm. He wrote about you, called you the most blind princess he'd swindled. We did wonder when you'd figure out just how much he was taking from your family. Or when you learned he was bedding your mother -"
Tisiphone disappeared and he exhaled. He shot Raelyn a look of horror, the entirety of his words slamming into him. He dropped the blade and stepped backward.
"I'm sorry. I - you know where to find me. I can't - fuck, I'm so sorry Raelyn."
He dissapered.
Raelyn beamed as she moved to pull them into a warm embrace, how she had missed them since she had been away. The time she had spent with her nieces and nephews had been some of the happiness she had had before now, watching them grow up and seeing how they changed.
“You have all gotten so big, before long you’ll be ready to go to the balls.” Her attention was only pulled away when she saw Tisiphone appear, with Rhysand not far behind her. “I’m sorry we came here unannounced; I would have sent word if I could.”
She rose to a stand, moving back towards Nazarius’s side as she gently took his hand, offering him a promising smile. She trusted her brother; she trusted him enough that she believed he would listen to her. Though it wasn’t along until she began to notice the change in atmosphere, especially when Tisiphone had dragged Nesta away and stood between then.
The dagger at his throat caused her to freeze, her eyes wide as she looked towards Rhysand.
Rhysand just stood back, his expression wasn’t readable beyond a cold emotion hidden in his eyes. He recognized the same thing Tisiphone did, he connected it but stayed quiet. It wasn’t his place to reveal that secret, to expose her past.
“Tisiphone, what is-?” He knew her, he knew her and. Everything seemed to descend quickly, everything seemed to twist into a world of chaos as she looked between her mate and her sister-in-law. The weight of what was being said was pressing down upon her, her throat tightened.
Then as quickly as it seemed to erupt, Tisphone was gone. Raelyn could only stand there with her eyes wide as she turned and looked towards Narazrius, everything that was said sinking in as she struggled to make sense. Had his family been involved in something to do with Tisiphone?
The shared look of horror made her understand, made her realize his actions were not of choice but of something ingrained in him from before she met him. She knew his words were not fully him, but she also recognized his error. She stood in silence for a few moments once he too had gone, her body slumped a little before she turned and looked to her brother.
Rhysand stood there, his focus upon her with a frown. “Raelyn-.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I…I thought we could come to you for help. You don’t need to say anything, I’ll leave.”
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cityandking · 2 years
oh my god i love these questions. 1, 11, 16 for dai, bran and eniko!
thanks sweets!! / oc asks: childhood edition
1. What was your muse's personality like as a kid? How has it changed since then?
DAI — is exactly the same as he was as a kid sldkfjdlksjf. honestly he's probably lightened up since then? he was a really solemn and somber kid with a distinct sense of otherness—he's never once met another drow. between that and the war and then taking care of his dad after he's just always been a tiny, determined, responsible little bean (he was So Cute. like yeah it's fucked up to have a kid in a war zone helping around camp but also. mascot!)
BRAN — bran was a little more... well-behaved? she didn't think for herself as much and was more prone to following the status quo. definitely still eager to explore and a whirlwind of a kid—she kept her parents and her tutors on their toes—but when she was a kid the world was a kind and logical place where she had everything she need and things were they way they were because they were meant to be like that, if that makes sense. it wasn't until her mom died and she got a peek behind the curtain that she realized how supremely fucked up everything was, and that dissonance built and built until the only thing she could do about it was run.
ENIKO — oh my sweet boy. enikö has always always known that he wasn't supposed to be there, and if he had any right to exist it was as something useful. his (step?) dad made that incredibly clear to him growing up, but also offered him respect when he proved he could keep up. they might honestly have eventually figured their shit out, except then his parents died and he ended up in the city with sir who just drove all of that home harder and harder in order to make enikö something useful to him. he got older, he got even more cynical, the world got bleaker. the fear got bigger, and so did the anger. it didn't change when he killed sir; he just got better at hiding it. working with wick, and traveling with the party, is probably the best thing to ever happen to him, if only because he'll finally have to confront his existence as a person and not a weapon
11. What expectations were placed on your muse as a child? Who had those expectations for your muse? How did your muse feel about them?
DAI — to be clear, nobody ever explicitly told daichi he had to do or be anything. but he was a kid in an environment where every single day was fight-or-die and he internalized the need to be useful so hard. his father's love for the sunsingers (and growing up around the order's clerics and paladins and leadership) influenced him pretty strongly as well; when he joined the order it was pretty much like going to school where all his dad's friends and allies (and daichi's childhood heroes) were the teachers. there was definitely pressure put on him by way of his father's reputation, but his own expectations have always been bigger than anyone else's. he figures that's just how things are—honestly he expects more people to step up, and definitely has been disappointed when people don't adhere to the same level of responsibility that he does.
BRAN — branwen always knew she was going to grow up and inherit the family's business and fortune and relationship with the empress, but it was a far-off thing that she didn't need to worry about because her mother was there to handle it and guide her and teach her. and then her mom got sick and then her mom died and suddenly branwen was left with all those far-off expectations laid directly at her feet and balked hard. and then ran away from home and we all know how that turned out
ENIKO — as a wee kiddo enikö's only real expectation was to work hard and keep out of the way the rest of the time. and then he met sir and was expected to do, to be, so much. quiet, attentive, smart, quick, deadly, unflinching, obedient, perfect. and he was, because he was lucky to be here, fed (mostly) and clothed (mostly) and alive (mostly), and he just let it happen and happen and happen until he didn't, and afterwards he didn't know what to be except all the things sir had made him into, so. yeah
16. If your muse could say one thing to their childhood self, what would they say? Would your muse want to meet their childhood self in the first place?
DAI — oh god. oh god. daichi with his armor and scars and self-discovery sitting down next to little daichi in the war camp. would he even recognize himself? daichi would never remember being so small; even as a kid he always felt more than half grown. little daichi would be so awed. daichi would tell him to spend more time cultivating joy. he'd wish a little more happiness for that boy.
BRAN — big bran and little bran would be an absolute nightmare (affectionate). I don't know that branwen would have anything specific to tell her childhood self. she'd give that little girl a kiss on the forehead and tell her it all turns out okay. I think that would be plenty for both of them. also they would cause SO much trouble for any period of time they were together. (I don't think Bran would willingly meet her childhood self, but I think if faced with tiny gap-toothed branwen she wouldn't be able to help herself. it would do a lot for her self-acceptance to see that little girl and realize how badly she wants to take care of her)
ENIKO — eniko would absolutely not want to meet his childhood self but it would be so good for him. his childhood self would, I think, be so sad to see himself grown up like that. maybe angry too. they'd understand each other perfectly without saying anything—the regret, the anger, the iron resolve. the pity—for what was coming, for what had happened. I don't know that eniko would have anything to say to his younger self, but his younger self, still with that fraying thread of hope, would ask him if he ever wanted to fight back. to find something better. "yes," eniko would say. "do we?" "yes," eniko would say again, not because he has, but because he will.
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yzeltia · 2 years
Something Happened in Pelican Town
Chapter 1: The Back Way Home Characters: Acre Stanford(Farmer), Sebastian, Robin Rating: Mature Notes: Sexual Content Pelican Town of Stardew Valley…a quiet seaside Hamlet of not even thirty people. A place where community is everything and everyone does their best to get along. Rich in rural tradition and natural beauty, though not wholey untouched by the modern world.  Thirty people happily living side-by-side…and among them, my beloved grandfather's murderer.
As a kid, I loved coming to my grandfather's farm in the summer. He'd take me fishing and let me feed his animals. On stormy nights we'd sit inside, and he'd tell me ghost stories and the next day we'd pick up branches that had fallen in the orchard. It never felt like work to me when he was around. When I turned sixteen though, we moved across the country and after that, I didn't get to return to the Valley. I kept up with grandfather and a few locals through letters though, mostly Sebastian through email. Those letters though were all I had of Grandfather…and even as my life got busy with college and other things, they never stopped. That is, until I received his final letter in the wake of his death.
My family didn't even get a proper goodbye. The town has taken care of him before the news even reached us. Natural causes we were told, believable given his age. I would have never thought twice if I hadn't taken to rereading his letters in my grief. And his final letter, willing me the farm stood out among all the rest.
You see, my grandfather was a pilot in his youth before he settled down. When I was little I went through a phase of wanting to be just like him when I grew up and played pilot so much he even built me my own fighter out of a log. From that summer on he called me Ace, even long after I moved from that dream. Never in any letter had he called me by my name, Acre, until the last.
I poured over it many times, comparing letter after letter to the last. The handwriting was a good imitation, but more and more little discrepancies stood out. I nearly went mad with my obsession, and finally, I shared it with Seb in an email. Using his sister's connections at the local doctor's, he found no record of autopsy or any previous health records on file for the past year leading up to his death. Despite finding this, I couldn't find a single cop willing to take the case…so I threw myself into getting my P.I. license and bided my time until I could claim my inheritance and find who forged my grandfather's dying words to me and didn't want me to know the truth of his death.
Staring down into the town from the cliffs overlooking the town, I glowered. Happy memories, tainted forever by someone removing the one person that had made it special before his time. As I seethed, the sounds of shouting started to grow louder from the house behind me followed by silence as the door slammed. Turning my head, I watched as a little orange light flickered into existence then bobbed my way, its holder angrily muttering to himself.
"You good Seb," I asked through the dark as the figure drew closer and paused.
Out from the shadows, Sebastian appeared, cigarette falling from his mouth. Eyes wide he stepped in, then embraced me. "Fuck. I thought you'd never come. I thought it was all talk."
"No. I'm here, for now. Figured I'd bring Stanford Farm back up as a cover. You still good on helping me? Think your mom can build a cat door for Pumpkin Spice?"
"With the farm? Or the other thing?"
I looked up at him for a moment. "Well, both if it's in you."
Sebastian's dark eyes seemed to search my face before he leaned in. I tensed up as his smokey lips brushed over mine then fervently locked on to them. As if we were sixteen again, he clumsily pressed me to one of the trees, holding me close. The kiss burned, the taste of tobacco still strong on his tongue. I hated the stench, yet, even when we were younger I didn't mind it secondhand like this.
The angry loner seemed all too eager to pick up where we'd left off. While my heart wasn't in it, I still returned his affection, sliding my arms up over his neck. If only this were enough to take my mind off it all.
Panting, he parted, "I've got my programming. I dunno about farm work, but I promise I'll help you with the other thing. Then we can leave this shit hole and go to the city."
My heart raced as his hand ran up my shirt, soon palming over my chest as he leaned in to kiss my neck. "Seb…"
"I can't stand it here…"
"Seb," I repeated, flushing harder as he brought my leg up between his. 
I tried to gently shake him off, but feeling his impressive length trapped against and the six years of longing rushing in, I felt more mutable about the situation than I would have liked.
"Take me away from here."
His hand dug down the back of my khakis as I finally gave in, arching back and letting out a moan as he dug his teeth into my neck. And then the door in the distance made a familiar slam, causing him to part before the crunching of leaves grew louder.
"Sebby? Sebby please come back inside," a woman's voice called out.
"Just a minute," he called out, voice cracking as he stuffed his hands in his hoodie pouch to pull down over his pants.
"I hope you're not out here smoking. I really wish you'd- Acre!? Acre Stanford? Is that really you?"
"Hello…Mrs. Robin," I answered, tugging my scarf up to hide my neck, no doubt bruised by her son.
"It's been years! Sebby, why didn't you tell us Acre was coming to visit?"
"I wasn't sure he was, for real."
"It's not a visit. I'm taking up the farm."
She moved in and embraced me, "I'm so sorry about your grandfather. He was a good man. A lot of things fell into disrepair after he left. If you need help starting back up I'll give you a good discount. Even more, if you provide the materials."
"Thanks," I responded, tensed up.
I didn't want to believe she of all people could have had something to do with grandfather's death. She was sweet and kind…but my paranoia couldn't exonerate her entirely. She was close to my grandfather. As a carpenter she could stand to gain from the acreage, perhaps waiting all this time to see if I was going to sell the property. All it would have taken was one carefully misplaced joint or loose support beam and she could have easily brought a barn down on top of him.
I clenched my knuckles as she let go, looking away in shame. Without knowing how he died I couldn't afford to write her off, even if in my heart I wanted to believe she was innocent already. 
"Of course! Anyway, I'd love to catch up soon, but it is rather late. Not that Sebby doesn't gush about you living high in the city."
"It's true honey. Your gloomies fade away when you've got an email from him."
I bit my lip, trying not to laugh as Sebastian huffed off back towards the house. "I'll see you around Acre," he called out, somewhere between embarrassment and anger.
"Oh. I feel like I interrupted something now," Robin sighed, watching her son go, "I'm sorry Acre."
"Please don't worry about it. It's late anyway and happened to be out here when he came stomping through," I assured her. 
So many questions stirred within me, but it was too soon to start asking. If she did know something, leading with his death out the gate might have her, or anyone catches on. I needed to wait for now.
"You should go into town tomorrow and let everyone know you're here. I'm sure the Mayor would be ecstatic to see you. He and your grandfather were very close. And then I'm sure Sebby will have told Sam and Abigail by then.  You four were always getting into so much trouble. And we've gained a few new faces too."
I smiled, closing my eyes and remembering the good times, playing on the beach, or with the farm animals. "I will be sure to stop in and let everyone know I've returned...and I suppose to introduce myself to others. Everyone usually meets at The Stardrop Saloon, right?"
"They do. Well, I should get inside and make sure my husband and Sebby are keeping a wide birth from one another. Have a good night. Remember my offer."
"I will. Good night."
Robin left and headed to the back trail that led to the farm. My stomach twisted once I got far enough away from the house. How was I going to get by, suspicious of everyone I already knew? It would be easier to think it was a stranger, but more likely it was someone that I knew well. 
Six years had passed…but for Sebastian, it was picking up where we left off…and it seemed Robin too held affection for me after all this time. How long would it be until I could breathe easily around them again? The sooner I settled in and established myself, the better.
Suspects: 29
Exonerated: 1
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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greythonresidential8i · 3 months
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August 4 zodiac sign
A date such as August 4th is marked by karmic pressures and issues that are out of one's conscious world of decisions. This can be a tough position for a Leo to be born in, for the outer world makes a large impact on their core and they could have a hard time dealing with the path given that they feel they didn’t ask for. Still, this is an extremely powerful place in the calendar, where one's focus determines the course of action and each step made, and there is nothing that cannot be accomplished in the real world if one rests and takes responsibility for each segment of their life.
August 4 zodiac sign
August 4th Horoscope
(Pluto) – SATURN – (Pluto) – MARS
The goal of Saturn is set before Mars in this planetary row, and we can see great plans in minds of those born on August 4th. This date carries a strong stamp of destiny and circumstances that are out of one's control, but it is overcome with hard work and dedication to the distances that feel right and through learning how their situation can be used instead of dismissed however hard or burdening it might get. Their focus needs to reside in the material world and they are happiest when their bodies are happy and well-nurtured. Structure and routine make them calm and productive, focused on what truly matters in life.
The touch of the Moon and the Sun in the second planetary row speaks of their parent's relationship and the balance that needs to be found between different loyalties that are often in some way opposed or in conflict. Depending on the imprint from their home and upbringing, they are sometimes built to understand the ways of the real world, or confused in their own body, circumstances, instincts and sexuality.
Love And Emotions
Although the emotional world of a person born on August 4th might seem a bit distant at first glance and in their early years, we will find them to be extremely passionate and in need to intimately connect with one, specific person that understands them. They need some stability and seriousness to their relationships but at the same time, they need to be careful not to stumble into repression of their instinctive needs and what they feel is right in the first place.
Their partners are typically different from their character, for they are able to understand and appreciate differences of people in their life. However, this may lead into separations that are hard to anticipate and control, as if their unconscious need to stay a bit distant throughout all phases of intimacy keeps them apart from their true emotional potential. As they learn where their place and their true qualities lie, they could end up with partners that are much older or much younger, in a way forbidden or living behind walls of family issues and patterns that cannot seem to be overcome. Belief takes them into the arms of the right partner, for once they get a project worth fighting for, they become the true loyal Leo lover they were born to be.
The most important striving in lives of people born on the 4th of August is to shape their beliefs in ways that allow them progress and positive outcomes. Efforts they put in could return small and in ways that don’t fulfill their needs until they discover that this isn’t injustice but a signal that they need to change their path, following something truer that resonates with their Soul. They are to expand, grow, get educated and travel, ready to change perspectives and build a clear vision that will provide them with solid and heart-based plans.
What They Excel In
Leo representatives born on the 4th of August excel in serious matters, research, mathematics, history and archaeology. They are builders and strive high, with the person they wish to become set as their primal goal in this lifetime. Stable and loyal friends and partners, they can be relied on and do well in deep relationships with meaning, as well as all occupations that are productive and challenging enough.
August 4th Birthday Gift
There is a lot of seriousness in lives of those born on August 4th, and they usually want their birthday to be carefree and relaxed. Their gift should send them down a memory lane or show how much you appreciate their love and friendship, helping them see that they did something right. It is important to keep your choices on a positive, colorful note, so they can remember how valued and supported they are every step of the way. Deep gifts with a dark side might inspire them, but it is always best to shoot for their joyful Sun and make them happy instead of digging through any wounds they have a hard time healing.
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designerbanana · 2 years
Tes buta warna tingkat tinggi
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No one has ever won the world and they never will. Neither one of us converted into the others faith nor do we fall into the traps of society and what people think. I love him a lot and our families support us and we are both learned in our own cultures and traditions. My husband and I are from different religions and we are very happy. It doesn’t matter what faith you belong to, I’m simply saying that we should refrain from saying ill about another’s. I don’t think it works that way, love is different. I’m not saying convert and disregard your culture and traditions, but to say that whoever falls in love with someone from a different faith is stupid and doesn’t know about their culture is ignorance. Whether you like it or not, the world is changing and the youth is taking steps to wipe out the barriers that communities have built. Interfaith marriages have been happening since the times of the Mughal empire, it’s not something new, but people nowadays have 2 sides… either they are accepting or very radical and intolerant. They know their culture, we celebrate holidays, they know their language, and I don’t need to justify to anyone that my children are happy. I don’t think anyone has any right to wish ill upon my children or say that they will grow up confused because they are not. Why do you only look at a person’s faith and nothing else? I did not hide anything from my family and neither did he, nor did we get married against anyone’s wishes. My family accepted my husband and vice versa because they knew him from the time we were young, and know he is hardworking and a kind individual. Why are others so concerned about my children? My husband and I are happy raising them, and contrary to your narrow-minded beliefs we do speak the same language and are from the same area back home. I always thought that above all God was love, and in my own belief I only believe in one God and that God is everyone’s, not just the God of a select few. All I’m trying to say is that it’s wrong to assume that anyone who does is a shame on their culture. She completes me and I thank God everyday for her.Īmrita: I am not here trying to say go and marry out of religion. But if I’m honest, religion isn’t really what comes across my mind when I’m with her, I just see her as the woman I fell in love with and I don’t really care at that point what faith she belongs to or what faith I belong to. I think I did get lucky because I get to learn new things from her side of the family everyday. We both believe in One God, and we share the same language and homeland, and giving to charity, being a good human being is the foundation of all great religions. The more the merrier is what I always say, who wouldn’t mind having more excuses to celebrate? Before we got married, my wife actually asked me the same and I told her nothing she believes contradicts my own beliefs. I was always raised liberal and my wife is also tolerant, so we don’t see anything wrong in celebrating holidays and customs from both faiths. And we have even decided on names which are found in both religions. My wife and I will teach our children the main tenets of BOTH our faiths. you should stay within your faith because it is your identity. We are happy and I don’t think someone should say it just to “please” their spouse’s family, because I think your faith is a part of who you are, and even though I am Muslim, whatever you are raised as, Hindu, Sikh, Jain, etc. She is Sikh and will remain Sikh and I am still Muslim. If I cannot change my faith, who am I to ask her to do the same? That’s hypocrisy. My thinking is more open minded and liberal, so I will never ask my wife to do something which I know I could not do. But I think it depends on the spouse in question, these kinds of things should be discussed before the wedding ceremony so that both parties know where they stand. No one in our families had a problem with that, and we are happy. We had a reception after, just to celebrate and it was fine. When we got married, she never said the Shahadah because in Islam that is a form of accepting Islam (which is the mainstream view) so she did not say it and we had a simple ceremony in the court, because we belonged to different religions. Salman: My wife is Sikh and I am a Muslim.
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opposite-idol · 2 years
Cloud Atlas Series
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12345678987654321 / Cloud Atlas
Wanted something new, so I forced out this part of you And now, I’m right here too Growing a little more, each second, every hour, every day No longer lost in the chaotic fray It still exists, but now we’ve found our way I found out how to match pretend with reality So please say you won’t run away with me
“Run away with me” he says, smile bared “but I’m so scared” I say I know I’m a coward But we both also know we’ve gotta move forward A lesson we’ve both learned individually, the hard way from living chaos every day “Stay here with me” I say “But I’m scared” he says His secret low self esteem bared Don’t you know Goddamnit, I’ve never cared “Hold my hand” I say He asks “are you okay”
I’ve never been a romantic You’ve always known this about me You’re not a romantic either But there’s something about each other that sets off these fireworks
I’ve never gotten anything right like this before I reach out my hand, with all the knowledge of what I’m looking for And everything I grasp at, shows up at my door, at my doorstep Never knew how to say no, or how to say yes but I’m now ruled by solidness, so airdrop me into all the chaos After being bored, bored, bored to death the chaos gives me breath
I’ve never been so alive, or so alright
He asks “are you okay” “yes,” I say “but just hold my hand” for today I want so badly, to convince you not to to run away with me But then you stand before me, with that body smile glistening Never knew how to say no, or how to say yes “Come on, let’s get dressed” he says “run away with me” I can’t, baby, but I want to so badly Because I’ve never gotten anything right like this before I finally know who I’ve fallen for It was me for you, and you for me, even before Even in every life we’ve lived before
Tell me you believe in fate too Then maybe we can see it through But when we put our heads together, we can’t come up with anything new Just continually sharing all the ideas that we already knew Things like “go big or go home” “Don’t sleep til it’s over” So we never go home Just stay out all night in this field of four leaf clover Counting our luck, counting our change But have we really changed
I bring one hundred precent You bring one hundred percent And together we’ll overpower the system “please, baby, listen” No, don’t ask me to run away with you But it’s in everything you do I can’t get away from it, so I guess I’m running away with you Because I’ve never been so alive, or so alright
It was always me for you, and you for me even before, even in every life we’ve lived before These nine lives have been way too short So I create analogies and make believes And I write this shit down, just to make sure you last forever
Fake Wings / Cloud Atlas pt.2
But I’ve been preparing for this, for longer than my whole life I’ve been preparing for this for all my nine lives In every one you were just outside my grasp But I could always see you just ahead, by one step Unable to reach out my hand Unable to really see anything, but your hair, strand by strand But now we’re in life nine, we meet up now
So if you think I’ll let you fly away If you think I’ll let your fake wings take you away If you think I’ll let your involuntary engineering take you from me You should know, I’ve been preparing for this, deliberately I’ve had nine lives to figure out how to tether you to me That’s not to say I’m faking I’ve just had nine whole lives to fall down and down and down All the while, you’ve been falling up and up and up with these fake wings that you built yourself, accidentally You will fly away from me I can’t stop it for anything
But let me just keep being one step behind Just let me follow you where you’re going But I just fall farther away Because I pushed you away When I realized I was falling down, down, down Because I know I can’t bear to watch you fall to hell So I just encourage your involuntary engineering So you can fly So you can fly up, and up, and up with your fake wings that you built yourself, with my help, unknowingly
So go ahead and try Try and fly away from me But you should know I’ve been preparing for this for all my nine lives I’ve been preparing for this for longer than time In every life you inspired me You inspired me to keep going You inspired me to build, and chase my dreams Because I could always see you just ahead of me Always running, always chasing, unable to touch your back Unable to really see anything, but your hair flying, strand by strand But now we’re in life nine You got here first, I find you waiting for me with a thank you, for helping build your wings I didn’t even think you noticed me
You knew I’d been preparing for this You’ve lived nine lives knowing someone had your back That’s not to say you were ignoring me You just had to take care of first, other priorities before you could turn around to face me I thought this whole time, through all these nine lives that I was falling down and down and down But all the while, you’ve been carrying me with you up and up and up, and through tethered to your fake wings that you built yourself, accidentally with my help, unknowingly You will keep flying this time, with me I won’t stop it, I won’t stop it for anything
Lightning Souls / Cloud Atlas pt.3
Our first meeting was in an airport Our destinations were the same But even then, we could tell, so were our starting points But it would be another two years before I’d learn about the nine lives theory Every human has nine lives Add the numbers of the date you were born within the month One eight equals nine, two seven equals nine I wonder sometimes..
Our first meeting was in an airport When our colleague called to me We weren’t meant to meet But then our eyes met, and there was no looking back And you found, even when you wanted to be alone I was just intriguing enough to make you want to sit with me enjoy my company I enjoyed yours too
But it would be another two years before I’d feel your arms hanging over my shoulders It would be another two years before you’d realize how much you liked me, trusted me, swooned for me Or so you tell me
Our first meeting was an accident, happenstance Couldn’t look away, glances constantly thrown your way as we sit at this airport gate, you’d think we planned to travel together We hadn’t, but that day something changed I wonder sometimes… I wonder if this has happened already I wonder how many times I wonder sometimes… How many times have we known each other, out of all our lives out of all nine
Our upbringings were the same Our fears for the future are the same And your best friend had the right intuition the first time I met him He couldn’t stop telling us we’re the same But he was right And I wonder sometimes…
I wonder sometimes Have I known you in every life Or did I meet you in life one and spend the next eight searching Only to get lucky finally And catch up with you in life nine I wonder sometimes…
I wonder sometimes
Our first meeting was in an airport Our destinations were the same But even then, we could tell, so were our starting points But it would be another two years before I’d learn about the nine lives theory Every human has nine lives Add the numbers of the date you were born within the month One eight equals nine, two seven equals nine I wonder sometimes..
Our first meeting was in an airport Our destinations were the same But even then, we could tell There was just something And in the moment it became so clear Once invisible, this red string connecting you to me Now becoming visible, in our eyes, like lightning But I’m so scared of electricity For some reason it didn’t scare me this time Instead, I’m just excited
But you claim you’re the scared one, but you never seemed scared to me You were always the more fearless one But fearlessness is what you admire about me You’re not afraid, you’re just cautious, as you should be I’ll do everything I can to protect your image, don’t worry
Years later, gears shift Did you read me wrong on day one I’m not fearless I’m not cautious either, we all know that I’m the scared one now Suddenly you’re the fearless one Is this what we’ve learned from the other person How to be opposite
But our school years were the same Our excitement for the future is the same Your friends and our parents had the right intuition the first time, the first time “You’re so similar” But weren’t they right, were they right I wonder…
Our first meeting was in an airport When our colleague called to me Our destinations were the same And so were our starting points
I wonder sometimes… I wonder if this has happened already I wonder how many times I wonder sometimes… How many times have we known each other, out of all our lives out of all nine
Even way back then, we could tell We could tell There was just something And in the moment it became so clear Once invisible, this red string connecting you to me Now becoming visible, in our eyes, like lightning
I wonder sometimes Have I known you in every life Or did I meet you in life one and spend the next eight searching, searching I wonder, I wonder sometimes, have I known you in every life Or did I only know you in the first one just so I could spend the next eight catching up
Tabloids / Cloud Atlast pt.4
My eyes are wide in fear My lungs gasping for air as I begin to drown in your tears You’re wailing in pain Your wrist lodged in my ribcage as your fingertips just barely graze my heart Everyone thinks it’s so large But here you are Discovering the truth Even with your hand deep in my chest you can’t reach my heart I’m scared you’re wondering “what’s the use?”
Does this make you want to leave? Please let us find out that this is just another commonality Do you still love me?
I’m smiling, and happy While you’re crying Please talk to me But I know you know I know you know the truth is that I just want to sit in silence But you’re not different The truth is that I just want to sit in silence Even if we’re feeling different Every therapist would say just communicate But they don’t know we’re psychic And we both revel in the silence
I’m silent, but crying Even though no tears are falling Even at this stage Your foot is still stuck in my ribcage It’s been like this for ages And we’d both be lying if we didn’t at least try to acknowledge that our souls are stuck, intertwined Though we both try to adhere to the grind that society, fame, and business demand All the while, unbeknownst to us, our hearts and minds are getting thoroughly brined To everyone, it’s so obvious But it’s never been to us Because we choose not to pay attention Because life is painful enough already without allowing other people to hurt us
But then one day I find you crying I try to help, not knowing your soul is stuck inside me grasping at my tiny heart You were trying to connect with me, silently Because I’m always smiling and happy You just wanted to siphon off a small amount of me Every therapist would say just communicate But they don’t know we’re psychic Powers that have always been conscious Though in this life they may seem idiopathic But we’ve lived nine lives And I promise, I’ll be with you till I die Till I die Despite what every stranger says We think they’re all idiotic anyway
But every therapist would say just communicate They don’t know we’re psychic And you know I really enjoy all the silence So do you, even if sometimes we’re different The real truth is that we’re totally happy We’re totally happy to just sit in silence We revel in it Even if every stranger would say just communicate What do they know? They don’t know a damn thing I’m sure of it Because the real real truth is that we’re happy
Cloud Atlas pt.5
I’m starting to be able to see it, all the threads That connect all the joints of the universe’s web And you’re one, living on the surface And I’m one too, living underneath it Why does it always feel like I’ve been imprisoned All this time As if all my dreams are things I used to have When I haven’t even gotten them yet And if there’s any reasons not to believe in past lives I can’t hear it I need to believe I need to believe That you were someone I once had Otherwise, how can I follow these red threads back To the joint where they connect
The cloud atlas calls me It used to call me to heaven, sometimes to death But unfortunately for it, I’ve always wanted to live So maybe I’ll always miss our connections But I’m really convinced That before I didn’t So please give me a sign That at some point in time I was yours, and you were mine Definitely in some other life
The coincidences all pile up too high I wish you were up here too Because, god, I really need to show you this view It’s beautiful Just like you
Apelles & Plato / Coud Atlast pt. 6
Really couldn’t care less But you wish I cared more It’s true, I too have secrets So much I don’t write down, but I can’t keep it all in my head, so I just forget Floating out there in the aether, some backlog of lore Maybe I should put up a lost thoughts poster “Reward if found, 500 drachma” But no one could use it, so I just continued to let chunks of me be lost So much so, that everything became easily forgot I guess my thoughts didn’t matter that much It’s ok, I really couldn’t care less Why does everyone wish I cared more It’s been a long time ago now, that I put up a lost thoughts poster “Reward if found, 500 drachma” Took a lifetime for someone who could use it to come along Shocked when Apelles showed up at my door Known for a steady hand, and his perfection being so honed And across his face, a knowing smile would creep As he’d find himself in the home of Plato I said “so tell me, where did my lost thoughts go?” He smirked and said “I don’t know” God, then just go Nine lives later he’d drop them all at my door Here’s your 500 drachma reward
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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