#we don't know what actual justice would look like bc we don't know who's telling the truth!
tirfpikachu · 1 month
i'm a tirf so i'm biased towards diplomacy between radfem & trans activists, but... @ radfems who want to actually reach non-radfems and make them care about feminism: try to have a feminism blog that isn't hateful to trans folks but still talks in-depth radfem talking points with trans-friendly language, keeping people interested in feminism. which i know would be seen as an evil twisted goal to most trans activists. like omg trying to get more activists to fight for social justice????? IT'S A TRICK GUYS YOU CAN'T AFFILIATE YOURSELVES WITH TERFS THEY WANT TO EAT OUR BONES
instead of a side-blog i recommend you sign up for tumblr again and make a different blog and use a sub-email address or whatever those are. basically you write your email address but before the @ put + with any word, like [email protected]. it makes it so you'll get the emails thru your usual email, so you don't need to make a new email account for this bullshit
i have a blog that has like TERFS DIE TOUCH THIS PAGE AND I'LL OBLITERATE YOU WITH MY KILL-BITCHES GUN or smtg written in my pinned post so ppl won't jump down my throat when they find my feminist post ~suspicious~ for being too activist. that way i'll have a better chance of actually reaching people!! and like, my real goal and honestly a main goal radfeminism should have imo is to un-demonize radical feminism among lgbtq people and average leftists!
i want to do that by telling them like "hey actually radfeminism can be reformed to be more dysphoria accessible thru non-triggering language etc so maybe if you're afab you need to look into it and not put feminism at the bottom of your activism priority list or do usual mainstream feminism crap!!! bc feminist issues affect you too even if you don't think about them!!! here's some actual feminist history to blow your little libfem mind!!!!!" so yeah let's see how it goes. highly recommend y'all who want to actually change minds do this!!! we CANNOT allow radfeminism's reputation to remain like this!!!!! we need more feminists, we need more activists, we have SOOOO much shit to do and more and more ppl identify as trans or are trans activists so that's a niche that we NEED to focus on even if you personally have mixed views about certain trans stuff!! with activism sometimes your personal opinions need to take the backseat! you gotta be professional and reach hearts and make real changes! it's not for everyone of course, and that's 100% valid, but for those interested who want more trans ppl and trans activists to be active feminists and make compromises and build bridges between the communities i RLYYYYY recommend a trans-friendly feminism blog.
tirfism is experiencing a small boom right now and i'm there for it! it could be a perfect way to rebrand radfeminism in a way that won't make trans ppl think we're all out to trigger their dysphoria carelessly or take their rights to change their bodies away and that radfeminism cannot be trans friendly. bc that's bullshit!! i'm seeing more and more transmasc radfems and transfem allies to radfeminism and it's fucking incredible. that's the future. transness is here to say, we all have to admit it, whatever your views on that are. so that means we either groan and yell at them 24/7 or we actually walk up to them and develop neutral, even positive relations. even if it's like two different nations that have a somewhat strained relationship. we need peace. we need diplomacy. we need change. we're all just people at the end of the day, being alive is hard af already. let's beat up bio/cis men..... together...... trans activists and radfems truly can bond over that <3
i also personally do feel some level of discomfort towards terfism, but i don't judge as long as ppl aren't openly hateful, and even then i still do want to hear what people who call themselves terfs or have negative views abt some trans stuff have to say! i don't want to ever be stuck in an echo chamber EVERRRRRR again. so i will always follow i disagree with on certain points. bc i truly love all women and transmasc people and what one person might say that i disagree with, they might say smtg else that absolutely blows my mind and helps me grow as a feminist activist! i have changed my opinion on social justice things a billion times and would think some of my old opinions are garbage now, but that doesn't mean i would've blocked my old self y'know? i truly do love having such a diverse feminist community! y'all are my people. and we'll never all agree on everything anyways. we can still chill and eat snacks together
the way that ppl block those they disagree with is childish af and honestly just escalates tensions bc no one listens to one another, it's just a quick block and leaving the issue to someone else! i love all my mutuals and i love respectfully disagreeing :') it genuinely is such a culture shock after coming back from super strict death threats heavy qweer spaces. i have absolutely fascinating discussions w ppl on here and we agree to disagree but still learn from one another and build bonds and find a middle ground it feels AMAZING. the grander leftist community needs to learn this and not jump to the block button so easily, it actually makes things worse for everyone!!
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wowowwild · 4 months
Who Ace Attorney Characters Would Romance In BG3 (Warning: Spoilers for all acts.)
We're starting with Klav bc I thought of him first. Klav would not romance Astarion. He thinks Astarion is annoying bc he and Astarion have too much in common in an uncomfortable way and he does not want to examine those things about himself. Lae'zel would remind him of Apollo so do with that what you will. I think he'd def be a Shadowheart girlie, she's got his vibe and he can save her from herself. I think he would threesome with Halsin on a Shadowheart run, he is very attracted to Halsin, tell me I'm wrong. A calming chill guy who is hot and fucks nasty? Sign him up. I think he would like Wyll, he'd find Wyll refreshing as a genuinely nice guy who doesn't want anything from him and they are both romantics. He didn't even know Minthara or Mizora were romanceable/bangable bc he always plays good runs. Karlach. Yes. I think he has a 50/50 of trying for Gale bc I think Gale might remind him of his brother a bit, but if he misses any of those possible connections I think he would have fun with Gale.
As a side note for Apollo, he is constantly getting asked out by the ones he's not trying to romance or is accidentally starting something with someone he didn't mean to and is having a mess of a time. Karlach's immediate wanting to ride him line freaks him out, he never romances her. The 'we just met' option was put in the game specifically for Apollo Justice. Lae'zel's boldness also weirds him out but I think he would try it once before abandoning the run or reloading a save. He likes Shadowheart. He does a Shadowheart run. Astarion is not his type, he does get to the bottom of Astarion's character and appreciates him as a character, but he is not romancing him. He does try an evil run bc he gets fed up with helping everyone all the time and I think he would actually like Minthara. He doesn't go for Mizora when she asks, though. Halsin is a little too horny for him, I think. He likes Wyll, though. Wyll would be a fantastic option for him. I think Gale would annoy him.
Maya Fey, my beloved. Wyll is the only guy she'll do a romance with, but she would do a threesome with Halsin. She does one with each of the girlies including Minty. I think Karlach's story (minus the ending) would be her favorite, I think she might relate a little too much with Shart and Lae. She also does the scene with Mizora before reloading a save.
Look, do I think Miles Edgeworth is playing bg3? No. But if he did... He is so into Halsin. He does the bear sex scene. He is blushing the whole time but he's so into it. He tries Wyll bc what's on the label sounds fantastic, but he finds that romancing Wyll just doesn't excite him in the necessary ways. He doesn't try anyone else.
Franziska is pretending she video games are beneath her but she wants to know what everyone is talking about even if she refuses to engage and so she plays in secret, usually in the middle of the night and she does a Shadowheart run bc Shadowheart propositioned her first and as she goes through her story she is just constantly bawling her eyes out, vowing to save and protect Shadowheart. She thinks Astarion is a bitch, Gale is annoying, Wyll is boring, and Halsin is too horny. She might also just be denying the fact that she's not attracted to men. I don't think she does a Karlach run, but she does go through Karlach's story every time so that Karlach can get her heart fixed. She likes that Lae'zel knows what she wants and goes for it, but I'm not sure if she would do a dedicated run. If she does, she also starts bawling her eyes out as she goes through the story. I also think she only ever has the girls in her party until she hits a lock she can't get open. She's playing a paladin btw.
Phoenix Wright. Finally someone who is down for Gale. Tbh his savior complex makes him do a run with each of the main six. I think Shadowheart and Astarion hit him the hardest, but Karlach's endings make him quit the game for a while. He also does Halsin threesome.
Ema is 100% down for Karlach. She likes the other characters (mostly), but she is a Karlach girlie through and through. I think she reclasses Karlach to rogue, though, so she doesn't have to have Astarion in the party. She has Lae'zel there to be the big hitter and I think Wyll would be in her party as well. I think she would be a Lae'zel over Shadowheart kind of person. She is SUPER into the evil run, though and it hurts so bad that she can't have Karlach in her party. On her evil run she takes Lae'zel, Shadowheart, and Astarion until she can pick up Minthara and reclass her to rogue. She doesn't absolutely despise Astarion, hater recognizes hater, but he reminds her of the fop, which is a bonus bc when she tells Klav this he gets huffy about it. On her evil run she does romance Minty.
Kristoph Gavin cannot play bg3 bc he's on death row, everyone point and laugh.
Simon is also a Shadowheart girlie. She's mean and goth when you meet her and stays that way even as she becomes a better person. He's into that. He does not romance Astarion, but he always makes sure to absolutely annihilate Cazador. As a side not he also always does the House of Hope. He likes Wyll, he likes how uncomplicated everything is (compared to the other main 5), he would do a Wyll run, but he would still let Duke Ravenguard get blown up. Athena is side eyeing him for that one. He also does not romance Gale, but he doesn't let Gale blow up, either. I don't think he romances Lae'zel or Karlach, but he does see their stories through to completion. He lets Karlach turn into a mind flayer when she offers. He says he's doing an evil run to seem edgy but then Apollo starts talking to him about things that only happen in an evil run and he starts sweating bc he actually did not do that. So he just says actually he's doing a solo run and he's killed everyone possible and Apollo doesn't believe him and forms wild incorrect theories.
Athena is super into Karlach. She basically only does Karlach runs. She thinks Astarion is funny so she always has him in the party (plus locks). Her last party spot is up for grabs depending on what she's doing. She actually brings each of them out to their story locations instead of doing stuff and telling them after.
Am I suggesting that Maya channeling Mia so she could play a video game makes any sort of sense? No. But assuming she did, Mia does a run romancing each of them. She is super into the poly relationships and threesomes bc I hc her as polyamorous and this is my post. I think she would start an evil run just to see and then be so shocked by what Minthara's character is like (in a good way) that she decides to transition into a good playthrough so Minty can see what it's like to be good. She also does the Mizora scene before reloading a save.
Ok, in the same year Athena is playing bc they are the same age, Pearl decides to try it. She goes for Wyll first bc he's a romantic and is everything she thinks she wants. This is when she realizes she's into women. Shadowheart is the female companion you actually get to be romantic with from the start (Pearl is still a romantic), so she tries that and wow. Yuri.
They do not have bg3 in Khura'in, but they do have planes, so when Nahyuta is in the states they play. They are into Lae'zel and Shadowheart equally, actually, and romancing them is very therapeutic. He tries Wyll for the heck of it, but he's too nice, Astarion is too much of a project, and Gale is... Well Gale is really fun to make fun of, so even though they do a Gale run, they're making fun of him the whole time. They are besties with Karlach. They like Halsin's character but are not interested, and they can't bring themselves to attack the druid's grove and the tieflings so no Minty.
This is not an exhaustive list! lmk if there are other characters you'd like my opinions on! I love having opinions!
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anotherpapercut · 7 months
tell me more about rbg
my main thing with rbg is that like. undeniably she had an incredible and positive impact on our jurisprudence. I really cant overstate the importance of even some of her dissents, where her opinion was not in the majority. that said
1. her jurisprudence is far from perfect. she had an iffy track record on things like incarceration probably in part due to the particular privilege that comes with being a wealthy white woman and it's weird to act like she was perfect and never made any mistakes because like she was a human person
2. the girlbossification of rbg seems to have created a sort of feedback loop that ended in her having an ego so large that she genuinely seemed to think no one could do her job as well as or better than her? which is weird bc Sotomayor was already on the court and already kicking ass but w/e. she literally said in interviews when people asked her about retirement that she didn't think anyone could take her place
3. this absolutely fucked us and if you think it didn't you're fucking kidding yourself. if she had retired, oh I don't know maybe in 2009 when there was a democratic president and democratic Senate supermajority, she would've been promptly replaced by another liberal judge. even if we assume the Republicans would still block Obama from filling Scalia's seat in 2016, that would leave the court at 5-4 in favor of conservatives instead of the 6-3 we have now and w the way the supreme court works that could mean it could have taken DECADES less to claw back to a democratic majority
people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about will look at that and say "well either way it's a conservative majority so it doesn't matter" this argument completely falls apart the second you actually inspect the voting records of these people over the past few terms. there have been many occasions where one or more conservative justices have sided with the liberals. with a 5-4 court MANY of the extremely shitty decisions that have come down recently would've gone the other way
again people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about may say "well roe would've still been overturned" and to that I say how fucking selfish and shortsighted do you have to be to think that just because ONE case would've gone the same way nothing else is important? do you guys have any idea about any of the other cases they've taken in the past few years??? this argument is just so idiotic I can barely even entertain it long enough to respond
okay anyway TL;DR rbg was obviously important and obviously affected great positive change in this country. but she knew when she accepted this job that the entire fucking country was depending on her. she chose not to retire knowing there was a significant chance she could die under a Republican administration and leave us with an extremely fucked up court and she did it anyway out of sheer egoism and that disgusts me! ultimately she doomed us to a court that's going to be impossible to come back from for decades without major reform. she did this knowingly. she knowingly endangered the country out of vanity. and she should absolutely be fucking held accountable for that shit
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mulderscully · 2 years
Do you wish the hallway kids was canon or do you think they made the right call
i'm gonna assume you mean the ftf hallway kiss lol
um, tbh i don't know. i think them kissing in that way where it's kinda implied he's taking her back to this apartment to have sex really would have changed the trajectory of their relationship for sure. i know a lot of people give mulder shit for 1. not reciprocating scully's flirting in s5 (esp in detour when she comes to his motel room) and 2. for all the diana stuff. but i'm a mulder coded mulder girl so i try to see things from his pov even tho as writing choices they weren't the best.
i think mulder, by s5/ftf, know he is in love with scully and vice versa. but i also think mulder has really deep seated trauma in regards to his sister's abduction. before mulder met scully, i don't think he had any sort of genuine human connection with another person - not just romantic connection, but ANY connection. he's an outcast, he's on a mission, he's traumatized, etc. he has these weird bonds with manipulative women, such as phoebe and diana but they obv don't mean much to him bc before scully all that mattered was finding sam and/or getting justice for her. he can kiss and fuck them bc he doesn't really care if they exit from his life.
but then he meets scully, and because he has CANONICALLY known scully in countless lifetimes before, she quickly becomes THE most important person in his entire life and when someone is the ONLY friend you have in the world and the only person who doesn't look down on you, it's hard to risk jeopardizing that which is why i think mulder ACTIVELY choses not to kiss scully, not to have sex with her etc. if they ruin what they have, he will literally lose everything that makes his life have meaning. he knows he can't get to the truth without scully by his side, but he also cannot live without her in general. if scully had died he would have killed himself. i genuinely think this. it's like how much he loves scully paralyzes him and watching her almost die just drove that further in, but when scully is going to leave him in ftf because she thinks she doesn't matter to him, THAT'S when he can't help but want to kiss her but if he actually had... then what would they have done?
at that time mulder still was on his mission, scully chose to work with him on it even when he tells her she is right to want to leave him. but he also knows that scully wants kids, she wants a "normal" life (or at least she thinks she does) and he cannot give her that at that point. if they had gotten together at that point, i think it would've been really hard bc of that aspect. it would've hurt them both. this is guilt mulder carries his entire life, that he wasn't able to give her the life she deserved but i think they could have and should have had it at the end of s8. but i don't think they could have in s5 or 6. so i do think cutting the kiss off, as frustrating as it is, is understandable. seeing them 0.001 inches from kissing shows us what their feelings are, but they still didn't cross any line they couldn't uncross.
part of me hates to say it, but i think mulder NEEDED the closure of knowing his sister was dead in order to move on with his life. he needed her to die for him to come back to life. which is why he says in "closure", after seeing her spirit, that he's free. he knows. he can stop looking. and that's why they are able to 1. have sex in s7. 2. actively PLAN to have a child together.
i honestly love the very slow progression of mulder and scully's relationship, i love the ambiguity of it. i do wish parts of it had been handled differently/better (no medical rape for scully, no sons given up, can we see them kiss? etc) but i wouldn't change anything about what their relationship is.
that said, i have rewatched the hallway kiss so many times it's burned into my eyelids.
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reiningsoral · 28 days
You can talk about Stuff for hours if you'd like, I don't mind
you know sometimes i forget this is the nerd website.
anyway you've given me an excellent excuse to talk about Stuff! disclaimer tho it's past midnight and im very very fucked in the brain rn bc finals r coming up... i kinda just used this as an excuse to word vomit a bunch of unrelated feelings and infodumps into on mildly incoherent post so yeah sorry bout that
mlp theory!!
so in the first episode of the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Nightmare Moon is prophesized to be released/freed from her prison (the moon) by the stars. now that at first gets you thinking, "okay, but why would the stars want nightmare moon to be freed? she's evil." and you're right... kind of?
twilight's cutie mark is a sparkle, or rather, a star. see where im going? well now you're thinking "but twilight actively works against nightmare moon!" and you're right! but, i dont think the prophecy was actually about freeing nightmare moon, but about freeing Luna.
luna herself didnt ever want to cause the kind of harm that happened when she was nightmare moon, and she was essentially imprisoned in her own mind via corruption in a weird sort of venom-and-eddie-but-not-really kind of thing
twilight sparkle, the stars, frees Luna from her prison (nightmare moon) which was a state originally brought on by corruption, i think(?)
dont hug me im scared makes me very nostalgic for a multitude of reasons, but also extremely uncomfortable in a comforting way?
uh if you havent guessed im autistic (undiagnosed but whtv) and this section of my half-past-midnight, feelings-induced, whatever-ness of a post/ask answer is about how dhmis made me feel and why i guess
dhmis makes me think of jack stauber's videos. i think the connection is pretty obvious, i mean, you cant take a look at bumblebees are out and then take a look at dhmis and tell me they arent at all similar.
umm, dhmis's approach to horror is very interesting and unique to itself, its (or was, when it was first introduced) a very new style of horror. it's a psychological nightmare, but even without the even surface-level analysies of the psychological horror, it's still absolutely horrifying. it's uncomfortable, it's gross, and it's generally very unpleasant.
so like,,, why do we watch it?
or i guess, why do i watch it.
all three guys (yellow, red, duck) are trapped in this repeating nightmare of a day, with incompetent people masquerading as teachers who dont know what they're talking about. this, again, very deeply resonates with me, as the kid who had a lot of special interests which coincidentally corresponded to a lot of things we learned in school. i liked a lot of things science related, expecially since my parents are both scientists. i often like, knew more about the topics that were being taught (read: shoved down my throat, incorrectly i might add) to me. i, being the justice seeker i was, would raise my hand to correct the teacher because i needed to make sure that this clearly innocent mistake was corrected so that no one carried misinformation. which is rude, apparently, there's a reason i dont like talking about stuff anymore, thanks middleschool. that bit about yellow guy turning smart for a bit really hit, sorry.
the whole part of the first ever episode about the arranging-leaves-and-sticks-into-one's-favorite-color makes me think about that time in fifth grade. the scene is so hilariously jarring in one way, then it hits you again. "go and collect some leaves and sticks, and arrange them into your favorite colors" is a line that, at first, just makes completely no sense at all, because, how the fuck does one arrange a pretty much monochromatic pallette and arrange it to be in your favorite colors? youre given only a half a second to be confused before the three comply in a different way than the viewer didnt think was the option. they arrange the sticks to spell out thier favorite colors. and then, yeah! that makes sense, so youre satisfied. but the episode punches you in the goddamn face again, by telling yellow he's wrong because "green is not a creative color" which is both very jarring and triggering, and just, infinitely hilarious to me. so how does any of that remind me of fifth grade? it's more autistic childhood stuff, lmao:
when i was in fifth grade, i had teacher who didnt communicate her kind of already nonsensical rules in a way little autistic me could understand, and i didnt ask questions because id been trained to know that asking questions is "giving sass" or fucking, whatever the hell nt adults think it is idk. anyway, this one weekish, at some point, my more rowdy classmates had gotten out of hand using their water bottles and kept spilling water everywhere, so my teacher said that we had to keep our water bottles at her desk at all times. and i was immediately distressed for two reasons: one, it was interrupting a status-quo that had been established (i.e., keeping out water bottles by us, at our feet, every day), and two, i couldnt drink water if Ms. teacher had my bottle. and the way she said it made it extremely easy for an autistic who takes almost everything too literally to misinterpert what she was saying. everyone else got the memo apparently, but i didnt.
id go on more about this but im too tired for an emotional deep dive rn and i wasnt to make an actual post about just dhmis at some point. anyway the point ofthat section was basically i really relate to yellow guy.
the truman show!!
the truman show is a work of absolute fucking genius. i was actually introduced to it via ranboo's generation loss, which is an analogue horror series with a youtube channel with around six(?) vids and a three-part streamed-vod series which was inspired by the truman series i think.
anywaay the inherent horror but comfort in your whole entire life being carefully crafted to be entertainment for thousands upon thousands of people! untapped venting market tbh.
the way that, at the start of the movie, the show is already unraveling, his dad shows up in almost the first scene.
i think the way that the actors subtly break character throughout the show and then try to cover it up in a way that makes sense to their character so that truman doesnt realize they're not real.
but then how the subtlety of the character breaks slowly becomes less and less subtle, and it just... unravels.
um, anyway yeah theres a couple of,,, things that ive been kinda thinking about, mostly incomprehensible because yet again it's past midnight, but i needed to word vomit idk
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jelzorz · 1 month
For the writing meme please:
Viren gets up. Opeli’s hand tightens around the handle of her dagger, but she does not draw it. Viren doesn't even touch the bars. “Why are you all trying so hard to keep me alive?” he asks. “You’ve made it clear I'm not welcome here, just let me die.”
Opeli scoffs at him. “The only ones who don't want you dead are your children,” she says. “I don't care what you do. I advocated for you for Soren, but whether you live or die at this point is not my concern. But know this, Viren, if you hurt him again, I will personally make sure you are kept here, fed and watered enough to stay alive with guard to make sure you will never find relief. Your children will grow and they will live their lives, and you will never trouble them again because you will never leave here. And when you do die, old and forgotten, your body will rot here. No rites. No burial. Whatever’s left of your soul can wander around for rest that will never come.”
He stares at her. Then he laughs a hollow, dead sounding laugh. “You know I have never believed in such things.”
“And yet, here you are,” sneers Opeli, “begging for Mercy in the form of Death that Justice will not let you have. How much longer would you like to tempt her? What was it that Claudia said?” She hums, feigning the thought process. “There were certain conditions that were met to make your resurrection spell permanent. How permanent do you think it meant? Shall we leave you here and find out?”
Viren holds her stare, defiant, but Opeli can see the flicker of doubt in his eyes.
“It's been eight years since Aaravos was defeated, Viren,” she says. “Eight years since Soren ran you through with a sword. How many times have you tried to end it? How many times have you failed?”
He looks away, his brow furrowed, counting the attempts, the failures, rethinking the events of his resurrection. Then his face shifts, eyes wide in horrified realisation.
Opeli smirks. “Take the kindness that is offered to you, Viren. There are worse fates than a trial. Don't make this harder for Soren than it already is.”
She turns to leave, heaving the door open with an echoing creak when Viren calls after her.
“It's his, isn't it?” he asks. “The child.”
Opeli shuts the door behind her without a response.
B L E S S Y O U @lunamoon1313
A quick disclaimer: I wrote this on night shift so I can't tell you exactly what was on my mind as I wrote it bc. I don't remember and I was very sleep deprived lmao BUT I can tell you what I intended based on how I read it now, which was, probably, ~dramaaaaa~
One of the biggest selling points of the crack quartet is how fucking Messy it gets for everyone involved. I did fully intend for Viren to dead but the idea of Soren having to deal with him while being married to Opeli was just too good for me to pass up. This entire scene is built around two things:
1) Opeli being stubborn as Fuck
2) Viren figuring everything out
Once again, most of the snake was written on night shift so I don't actually know if it was obvious that Viren had picked up on the hints. I remember going "Is this a reasonable leap he could make?" And then immediately going "🤷🏽‍♀️" and doing it anyway, but I tried, in previous scenes, to draw attention to the fact that he noticed Soren's wedding band, the little looks that passed between him and Opeli when they went down there together, and the fact that she's threatening him over Soren but not Claudia, and not even the rest of the kids. Her priority has and should have been Ezran, but instead she's demanding he play nice for Soren? Oh???
So he puts the pieces together which Opeli does not confirm but he'll bring it up with Soren later, just subtly, and Soren will go "How the Fuck do you Know" and realise Opeli went down there, and one would think they might Argue about it, but in my head, he is so desperate not have a repeat of the fruit that it'll just be a few stern words and then they're cool, as they always are.
This is entirely not canon now but I do also like to think that Opeli has always had LJs favour, whether LJ is a real deity or not. I wrote in another ask that if Opeli got power from somewhere, it wouldn't be a primal source but from LJ herself, and the fact that Viren won't die is an extremely ironic and also extremely LJ thing to happen given all his crimes. Opeli threatening him is one of the very few times she invokes power through LJ the way a cleric might invoke the power of any other god, but I think there's also something extremely ominous about a non-combatant character threatening violence through a god BC. Well. She means it, and she's right. Whatever the fuck Claudia did to bring Viren back MIGHT ACTUALLY have made him immortal in some extremely ironic sense, and LJ definitely has the vibe of a god who would Absolutely pull that kind of shit.
ANYWAY thank you for the opportunity to talk about this!!!! I put FAR too much thought into this fic and it was an absolute Pleasure to rant about it!!
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
sidebar- listening to a podcast about this season of survivor w two former players (it was rob cesternino and cassidy clarke, if u watch survivor) and there’s a player on this season, venus, who’s been the outcast for a while, but last few weeks all her opps have walked out one by one and rob goes “i think she’s got kind of an arya stark arc going on” and before he could finish cassidy whispers into her mic “she’s no one” it was hilarious aksjd (he meant as in venus is going through her kill list and might get to the end alive) ANYWAYS-
some changes i’ve noticed
i feel like part of why the series stumbles is bc it doesn’t discuss lyanna as much as it should. having that added “we’ll talk about your mother when i return” scene right before robert & ned’s talk about jon snow’s mother And the targaryens was really good tho, narratively linking the two concepts.
HOWEVER i think like rhaegar & robert, d&d saw lyanna more as a puzzle than a person, but the whole point of lyanna is that she was a living breathing girl to ned and her death completely wrecks him in an irreparable way. so when they cut out his entire milk of the poppy dream sequence later on, it cuts out that she wasn’t just the answer to a riddle of “who was jon snow’s mother” but instead an integral part of the narrative whose absence defines the people ned and jon become. but i’m getting ahead of myself bc they haven’t actually changed anything here yet and the scene where ned and robert stop to talk is really good and more or less what happens in the book aksjdj.
i don't understand why they don't have catelyn thank summer for saving her and bran from the assassin. just another mind boggling decision and weird, unnecessary departure from cat's character
another unnecessary change is taking away ned’s fashionista tendencies smFh they don’t get nedcat at all
the way jaime is like oh ned is gonna be my bestie we’re gonna trade war stories we’re gonna flirt i’ll tell him about his brother’s gruesome death and he’ll be so grateful he’ll become MY best friend instead of robert’s and meanwhile ned is like, openly snarling the whole speech. the way ned’s mouth drops open at the GALL of jaime to say killing aerys felt like justice and jaime looks DEVASTATED and PERPLEXED that this man hates him so much when they’ve talked twice aksjdjd
okay first of all I DO IN FACT GET THE CHANGE of having bran say he had to have fallen whole robb insists he never falls, and we all know this scene lives forever in my mind but i also think it’s a) another weird departure from bran’s canon, very stubborn character and b) a PALE imitation of the talk in the dark between robb & bran where they say they’ll go on an adventure
that said, there’s something that Really fucks me up about the North having this culture wherein the sick and disabled are sent out in the winter to fight and die because they’re not like, worth feeding, but at the same time As A Disabled Person i guess finding it almost enticing to be given to the chance to like Die For A Reason ya know. you always have that out. And then here’s poor sweet Bran who it just never occurred to him that he would have to take that out and now it’s all he wants. anyways i’m crying ig
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it’s the stubborn streak in him. he doesn’t want platitudes, he doesn’t want to be strong. his whole life has changed for the worse and he just needs to sit in it. it’s not fair and it all sucks and he’s just a kid!!!
the robert and barristan scene is another good one and it’s bc it plays into robert’s character, really elevates the elephant in the room of rhaenys & aegon, and the way barristan is just. disgusted. standing there consumed with loathing for everything he’s become, refusing to engage with being a driving force for why everything is this way. dragging jaime in to humiliate him in front of barristan, to humiliate barristan in front of jaime. the way barristan almost reaches out to jaime emotionally in a way he refuses to reach out to robert, but robert only gets angry and picks at them more.
“he said the same thing he’d been saying for hours. ‘burn them all.’” OH NOW ITS NOT SO FUN ANYMORE IS IT WISE GUY
gonna be honest i think the weapon talk between jorah and rakharo is one of the sexiest scenes in the show, listening to two dudes who are hit in REALLY different ways talk about their favorite ways of murdering people is really fun and hot to me also elyes gabel and amrita acharia were wasted on this show, they would have killed in later seasons smh
i don’t understand why they made the drogo storyline like a REAL TYPICAL sort of rape romance story. what was the point if they were just gonna be ~in love~ at the end anyway. such a weird choice.
do i love the change from “fear cuts deeper than swords” to “what do we say to the god of death”? like it’s fine. they should have kept both if they liked that line so much. the actor who plays syrio is so good tho he’s got such great chemistry with maisie, you really understand why syrio impacts her so much
general thoughts
“it’ll get easier” jorah is a useless binch just like aemon the dragonknight. what’s the point of your sword if you don’t kill your girl’s evil husband. go fall on it shithead.
i do love that jorah is like “ned is a little bitch for trying to behead me for slavery even tho it’s been illegal in westeros for like hundreds of years. but also maybe having a king that allows behavior like that is kinda crazy actually bc viserys is not right in the head. i’m not gonna reflect on that at all tho” iain glenn the actor that you are.
love the lannister breakfast scene. the way tyrion clearly knows but is pointedly talking around it. jaime thinks tyrion is the height of comedy and wants them to have a nice breakfast but cersei leaves haughtily halfway through even tho tommen & myrcella are having a good time. the Loaded Look jaime gives tyrion during the “life is full of possibilities” line, where he like,,,, Almost realizes Tyrion is saying something to him here emotionally about being disabled before he puts it aside to be self involved about the incest.
kit’s acting is always several degrees of magnitude better when he’s with other starklings. idk if he’s trying harder or if maisie sophie and isaac are so good they infect him with acting abilities.
there’s something fun about the cycles continuing bc joffrey gets drunk & belligerent like his father has a thousand times, but he doesn’t have half the skill or charm as his father and just gets his ass completely handed to him by a practical toddler with zero training. and he’s so embarrassed it helps snowball this situation into a war.
the kid who plays micah is real awkward. i'm not bullying i'm just saying.
“we all pray for prince joffrey’s full recovery” “pity you didn’t spare a prayer for the butcher’s boy” GET HIS ASS
have i mentioned how much i hate aiden’s acting. oh my god i’m not gonna get through this rewatch aksjsj
“war was easier than daughters” ned every emotion you’ve ever felt is harder to deal with than the war that’s why you’re so fucked in the head be so fucking fr with me rn lmao
septa mordane is a terrible guardian i think this can’t be understated
“she must take his side even when he is wrong” “but how could you let her marry someone like that?” GET HIS ASS
bran literally shivering with fear as nan talks my baby!!!!!!!!
“ah the starks. quick tempers. slow minds.” CAN WE SKIP THE EVIL VILLAIN MONOLOGUES TO THE CAMERA PLEASE
“i think we can outfox a ten year old” jaime you couldn’t even kill that ten year old correctly let’s walk before we run
nedcat giggling over ned throttling petyr and then making out in front of petyr’s establishment is amazing i’m literally so depressed right now i hope petyr cried into his pillow that night
the way both ned AND benjen just give the most ass goodbyes to jon for no good reason. are they TRYING to give him a complex oh my god
i think i’m on episode 4. once i get past season one i think it’ll be easier when the writing gets worse actually.
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achilleslyre · 10 months
itachi 1, 5, 14, 23 :3
this ask game
thank u for indulging me on my itachi bullshit
1. why do you like or dislike this character?
now i know damn well you chose this one because you’ve been asking me for ages and i keep telling you later LOLOLLL….. eugh anyways….. i’m still not the most prepared for this and i think a lot of him touches something very personal within me that i can’t put the right words to but.. here’s what i can say. my feelings for itachi are very complicated. i think we all know by now that i love him deeply and i hate him just as much. i know why i hate him is obvious… i used to be an avid itachi hater and that was the end of the sentence. i’ve talked about that a lot so i don’t really think i have to get into that.
why do i love him? that’s a good as question. why does sasuke love him? he grew up with him (we watched each other make it through life). he grew up chasing after an older brother that he could never properly reach (do you even love me? i love you…) he grew up getting lied to and pushed away (but you still like me enough to touch me and laugh…) he grew up watching the person he loved most grow colder and more private (did i do something wrong? or are you dealing with your own things?) he grew up watching his brother go through life all on his own (can you let me help you? or is it me that needs your help?) he grew up with a brother that shared sparse amounts of time with him (that small amount means you like me, right?) and he grew up with a brother that was scared (i’m scared too). he grew up to have a brother he couldn’t help but love (why do i love you?)
despite everything i think it hurts so badly when i view itachi as a kid growing up with way too many emotions to hold within himself. i love him because he was a child who was groomed. i love him because he threw his life away. i love him because at thirteen he lays alone at night surrounded by adults he doesn’t know who’ve done various kinds of atrocities. i love him because he grows up unable to stop seeing the blood of his family on his hands. i love him because he couldn’t accept love again. i love him because he doesn’t do anything right. i love him because he’s dug himself so deep he couldn’t turn back if he wanted to. i love him because he loves sasuke. i love him because he sickens me. i love him because he’s horrible. i love him because he was a kid who threw his life away.
this doesn’t begin to explain the complexity of what itachi is to me….. i hadn’t said anything for so long bc i don’t feel i can yet put to justice quite how i feel about him. but this is a start. maybe sometime i can put better words to what itachi is to me and i can update you then.
5. what’s the first song that comes to mind when you think of them?
right now…. anything by an unkindness
however more often than not it’s toy soldier by i:scintilla
14. assign a fashion aesthetic to this character
this is actually smth i’ve struggled with forever which is why i’ve pretty much always drawn him in canon clothing… lol….
anyways here's a quick board i made for him (it’s at the bottom if you’re on mobile). don't look at it. don't look at me. it's not even about what he would wear it's about what i want to see him in. i'm embarrassed. leave me alone.
23. favourite picture of this character?
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anyways. ignore that one.
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iholli · 11 months
Can we talk about Justice Lord J'onn for a moment? Because I feel like I was robbed. A Better World could've showcased how J'onn had changed due to loosing yet another person he cares for, and I frequently think about what the conversation between him and his Justice League counterpart would've been like.
Like Justice League J'onn would be so critical of him but he'd be like, "You'll be like me eventually." And that would've scared Justice League J'onn so badly IMO.
I also wish we could've seen more of how people's freedoms were taken in the Justice Lords' universe. Because something tells me Justice Lord J'onn no longer has an issue with using telepathy on those who don't accept the new regime.
YES PLEASSEEEEEEEEE. I can talk about J'onn all day and I can DEFINITELY talk about Lord J'onn omg.
YOU'RE SO RIGHT. He really didn't get enough screentime in the episode. I love love love what he got though and it says a LOT to me about his character tbh. He's very close and even kind of casual with the other Lords and he honestly seems like he doesn't want them to be on the ground [away from the Watchtower where they're protected ??? take it as you will] at least until they convince him it's necessary. He's got no problem lying to outsiders and taking advantage of their trust, and just generally going along with whatever the group decides. He reads kinda "I survived the loss of one family and I won't fail my new one [again]." to me. [this has me thinking like, what if Lord J'onn has this immense guilt bc his morals didn't allow him to read Luthor's mind without permission and that would've prevented Wally's death. SO HE DOESN'T HOLD BACK ANYMORE. fellas he makes me so sad. I make myself sad thinking about it. ow]
OH I TOTALLY AGREE, and to add, I think the conversation in Divided We Fall would be "You're already like me." [ALSO I'M STILL MAD HE'S THE ONLY ONE WE DIDN'T SEE FIGHT IN THAT SCENE.] I've got a little on this coming up in my J'onn ramble part 2 but we can see in JLU that he's already going down that road, however he knows and regrets it, he doesn't WANT to get to that point. So having that version of him that he KNOWS exists, that he's trying so desperately to keep himself from becoming, telling him he's already past that point would be a horrifying wakeup call. And I could easily believe this was a big driving force in why he ends up leaving four episodes later [he DID try to leave at the end of A Knight of Shadows sooooo 👀]. That's not going to go away especially for someone who's so intensely empathetic.
GOOOOOODDDDDDDD, I could genuinely just watch an entire DCAU series about the Justice Lords, they scratch such a specific itch in my brain and I'm so fascinated by them. I 10000000% agree with you. J'onn with no holds barred, J'onn who has lost too much, J'onn who genuinely believes it's him and his family against the world for better or for worse, he's not going to lose anyone else. LOOK AT STARCROSSED. When everything was at stake he didn't just invade Kragger's mind, he DESTROYED it. And J'onn is already incredibly impulsive as is, so if it's going to come down to the safety of his League family or the world ?? Game over. He's not even going to think twice. I actually talked about the telepathy issue in my long analysis and you are 1000% correct. In JLU J'onn already has less and less issue just taking whatever he wants from others' minds, it would genuinely only take a slight push for him to start using his powers to force people into line, so it's easy to assume this is the case for Lord J'onn. And honestly ??? League J'onn is angrier, he's more involved, he's kind of ruthless doing whatever it takes to protect his family [and only stops short because he constantly, consciously knows he has to keep himself in check. even that holds him back less and less as JLU goes on]. I think he'd be even scarier than Lord J'onn had Divided We Fall ended differently. Hell, he nearly sacrificed the world once, and that was way before he really saw the worst humanity had to offer.
or perhaps Lord J'onn was the same way at the same point in his timeline, and we just saw him after the world was already secured and he could sit back a little ?? that could explain a lot tbh. like I said, I could talk circles about him 😂
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coffee-ouji · 3 months
I was just overthinking the plot again and i need to get this out somewhere
ok so, isn't it crazy how interconnected everything in AJ is? like, how i made a joke in another post, PW cases are always so straight forward once you've already played them but in AJ everything is so much more nuanced and deep, we don't get a simple case or criminal either.
Like, in PW123 we get cases that are supposed to tell us about the main characters via parallelisms. But in AJ? every case is about it's own character- very deep and complex characters on their own- but your defendant is always guilty of something, what you do is fight for a lesser verdict- at least they're not guilty of murder, right? Not only that but the way everything is connected to everything
for example that cutscene that most would brush off as bc the first case is just SO convoluted, your mentor had a relationship with The Phoenix Wright, he's being accused of murder, a random passerby gives you a forged piece of evidence that solves the case, your mentor is FUCKING NUTS and a murderer- and - and- and- you get the point. So what i was getting at is that not only is the guy from that cutscene a very important character, by the time we get to meet him he DIED, discover he had a close eye on you for the majority of your career, phoenix wright is involved in this too- it was bc of him technically that he got disbarred- he also had a relation with Kristoph too and also Trucy's family is OF COURSE involved in this too
Now, let's talk Trucy: not only she probably saved Wright's life, by some casuality she's your long lost sister and you will never know, well, turns out the guy killed in the first case was HER FATHER too and she's everything that's left of the Gramaryes (not actually but she doesn't know) so she carries their entire legacy AND rights of the magic acts patented. ALL OF THAT, BEING JUST FIFTEEN. Trucy is most likely one of the strongest, most goated characters. ANyways
Kristoph- He's fucking insane, not only he's the main villain- yes he's the main FUCKING villain- he's almost omnipotent force for the plot. We get to see him in the main prosecutor of the game, your rival, Klavier, he left such a mark on apollo, he haunts him, Apollo probably can't sleep easy at night knowing he put him behind bars. He probably must be thinking Kristoph will send someone to kill him everyday, always left uneasy. ANd then we get the final showdown, Kristoph- thisi man, this figure of authority, who was your mentor, gave you a job, you owe him your life- he's a demon, he's shown as a literal demon. Not only we learnn he tried ruining Klavier's life he also tried ruining everybody whose involved's lives. Because HE. CAN. AND. WILL. do anything to not let his image of perfection get ruined, he will get rid of everybody in his way and has no shame in admitting it once you find out, because in the end he gives up. yes, he gives up bc he can no longer hide, hide in this figure of authority, of superiority on you. But he knows he will be there, in your mind, haunting. He's in Klavier's visage, in Phoenix's suit, in Trucy's past. He's happy to leave because he knows he's already haunting everything he once touched, moving like a pawn, like he owns them, these people. He knows this, and despite everything, Apollo still looks up to him, because if it weren't for him he wouldn't be where he stands- despite everything, he owes him everything, at least that's how he feels.
rant over
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fruggin-bitch · 6 months
hi bean my tumblr mutual bean <- are we mutuals or do i just follow you i don't even know. we're mutuals in my heart. parasocially. if not actually mutuals. anyways whatever
you like. percy jackson. i assume. based on your percy jackson posting on my dash. and i have read like. two chapters of the book but i was thinking abt watching the show bc it looks rlly good SO in your opinion as the resident percy jackson poster on my dashboard (very prestigious status to have):
do you think it would make for a better experience if i were to read the book (well all the books but the show is just stuff from the first book i think rn right. i know that much) before watching the show or should i not do that and just watch it. will probably end up reading them eventually regardless but. is it beneficial to enjoying the show do you think. okay thank you bean my tumblr mutual (i think.) bean ^-^
Hi Henry! and yes we are mutuals :)) we don’t interact very often but I’m glad you are asking my expertise:)
Honestly I think that it could be really fun either way!
Watching the show first would be a fun way for you to get to know the characters and story while the show comes out and then later you can compare it to the original material! It’ll let you theorize and try to figure out who the bad guys are before they’re revealed! It can be especially fun if you rewatch the series after reading the books so you can notice all the little references to future characters and, if you read past the original five books, characters from other books in the universe!
If you read the books first you know what happens, so you can appreciate knowing the plot and what happens and the changes that the show makes to fit a more modern audience! The books are from Percy’s pov so you get his internal commentary on everything and a bunch of little moments that won’t be in the show, but add a lot to the meaning of certain moments. There are a lot of little scenes that didn’t make it into the show that can give you extra insight into the characters and who they are, why they do what they do, why they are the way they are, etc.
All in all, I read the books first and absolutely loved them, and I love the show so much! It’s a pretty faithful adaptation and despite the changes, it has done the series so much justice and is so well done!
I can’t tell you which you’ll enjoy more, do whichever you think will work better for you! I hope you enjoy watching and reading!
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wowowwild · 1 year
Ok Justice For All. This is not going to be exhaustive or comprehensive but here we go.
The first case we don't really need to cover. It's a tutorial, it achieves what it sets out to do, there's not a whole lot else. I really like the amnesia concept and while I wish more had been done with it (like being used in a regular case), I understand the mechanical service it does for a tutorial.
Our second case is solid. It was really fun to figure out exactly what happened and if you've been following my 'game posting' tag you saw exactly how much fun I had. I kind of wish we had gotten more out of Misty, but that wouldn't really work in this medium (lol get it). Obviously I love Pearly I adore her I would be her slave she deserves the world. Phoenix, stop showing her the horrors, please. I just really have to keep coming back to how fun this case was to solve. Sometimes the correct things to do mechanically make no sense to me bc I don't leap far enough with my logic, but this case I was able to do pretty easily which tells me it was very well written with the proper foreshadowing and such (and I am a sucker for properly laid ground work). I like that we get more Fey lore. I am devastated that I guesses the twist ending but I had no one to witness it. It's probably my favorite case this game.
Bigtop is a mess. We're going to ignore the Regina age problem for our sanity and pretend she's 18 bc wtf (I knew this but just now [as I was typing the end of this paragraph] connected the dots that in Japan 16 is viewed as our 18 and they just didn't localize her age). I really like Max! He's my favorite character to come out of this case and I will never let go of my wrightica/galactright ship (is there an official ship name?). He thinks Edgeworth is dead, it could happen. Also! Diversity win! The guy who murdered you is wheelchair bound! But actually I really like the concept of Acro's motivations, driven to madness and murder by grief. I like it less when we come back to Regina's canon age, like even when she's 18 Acro should still view her as a child and personally I could never hold something like that against a child. It was decidedly and accident and not even remotely her fault. It's not her fault your brother was swayed to do something idiotic by the power of boners, my guy. Also Regina is not ok. She needs help and the only one who realizes it is Moe. Everyone else is 'enabling' (that's not exactly the word I'm looking for but it's in the ballpark) her. Her own father was likely the worst offender. Moe may not be funny (I actually liked his jokes) but he is genuinely a great guy.
Our last case: Extremely well written. I went into this already knowing the outcome, how could I not. Despite this, I was so worried about Maya everything else went out the window. For a minute I actually convinced myself of the possibility that Adrian had done it (I am so sorry for everything we put you through, but it was for Maya). This case really put me in Phoenix's shoes. I'd imagine if you don't actually like Maya, this might not do for you what it did for me, but if you don't like Maya I don't know how you've managed to play all the way through the second game. Of course the good ending where you toss Engarde to the wolves (the assassin he hired) is iconic. That's what you get. Again if you've been following my 'game posting' tag you know I had strong feelings about Edgeworth through this. Most of them were due to the stress of Maya being kidnapped (I seriously got waaayyyyyy too in character during this case), but also he was smug as hell for no reason when he showed back up. He was like 'new me!' and refused to elaborate. Phoenix is not a mind reader, my guy. He won me over again so we're good. Also the dinner? At the end it literally says "I wonder if there's anything I can give him to express how I feel...?" I think we can all imagine my first thought... actually I don't trust people to put thoughts in my head, my first thought was a kiss. (You actually give the whip and Miles yet again thinks Phoenix is a mind reader, will it ever end?) I can't forget! Gummy's official stint at Wright Co! My one post about him being a Phoenix Wright weird girl was really popular and then my second (about this case) also got some notes, so clearly this is the Gumshoe content we're all looking for. (Can they please stop firing him though? He's going to end up dead on the street from starvation.) I thought it was really something how much Phoenix trusts Gumshoe. He said
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The scene with Franziska and Miles at the end was sorely needed and it was fantastic. They're both growing and healing from shared trauma and it's beautiful.
Over all... I forget, is this the one people don't like out of the trilogy? I liked it. The first is obviously iconic and banger after banger, but I do like this one. Overall it's definitely worth playing and very enjoyable. (Idk bc I haven't tried it personally, but there's a post going around about ds estore emulation or something where you can play games from the ds estore for free now that it's closed, so as far as I know you can play it for free now.)
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soreddieforme · 1 year
bisexual richie tozier
so we all know about the discourse between gay richie and bisexual richie and i think is obvious where i stand here, but it's been bothering me too much lately, so I'm gonna put my thoughts out there even if no one asked me to
so first the first argument on why a part of the fandom says is bad is; "richie was canonically gay on the it chapter two movie"
and well they could try and tell me that all they want, but I'm still not gonna change my mind because is still subjective, in the movie it was never said richie was gay, neither was it explicitly stated
and you're gonna say to me, "but it was coded"
and all i'm gona say is ("oh like the book bi coded richie that you all ignore and underestimate" but that would just be petty of me so I'm not gonna) actually i didn't get that richie was gay from that, i just thought "oh he likes a guy, not sure who, but he likes one" so just making the assumption seems kind of a stereotypical and something that straight people would do, just because a man likes another man that doesn't make him gay and assume that is wrong
but andy moscarrietty and bill harder confirmed he was gay
the same bill harder that didn't read the book and just went with the script (look i don't have anything against bill, i actually liked his performance, it was really good, but again he didn't read the book) and the same andy moscarrietty that doesn't respect characters arc's and switched them how most convenient seemed for him and if they need the actor and director to confirmed it in interviews and such, they didn't do a good job portraying the so call gay representation, sorry to break it
"y'all can't let gay men have representation without trying to steal it"
i could say the same, people reading richie as bi existed before it chapter two, even before it chapter one, this character was seen as bisexual and andy instead of using his bi coding decide to joint his coding with eddie's gay coding, he literally admitted he used eddie coding on him because richie wasn't angsty enough (what does that even mean, a character doesn't have to suffer to be a good character), actually it was half hearted representation, just because he saw the potential to profit out of the reddie fanbase wich was huge and didn't want to let go the opportunity. he was going make it more subtle, so if that doesn't tells them how much he doesn't cares about representation, i don't know what to tell y'all
"representation is still important and they gave it to us, stop whining" (something i literally read)
look gay richie wouldn't exist if there wasn't previously a fandom that shipped reddie so hard and that same fandom was played dirty, not only by andy but the people that joined after it chapter two too, all those fic writers, edit, gif and art creators were bullied just by saying they didn't agree and still saw richie as bi, people were receiving death treats, being call homophobic and were drove off of the fandom, just by stating their opinions as if the 2019 movie was the only canon, wich it isn't
"who cares they aren't real, this are just characters"
well yeah, but the experiences that richie and eddie had are real to bisexual and gay people respectively and those aren't interchangeable (and the people being bullied were real too so), andy not respecting that is homophobic and biphobic, but also denotes then again that he doesn't care about representation, but if y'all still want to make richie gay bc andy said so, then go off you capitalistic baby, even so they have to respect the people that won't settle for his half hearted portrayal of a lgbt character, i want representation and i want it to be good and fair, i want eddie kaspbrak canonically being the gay character that he always was and i don't want andy stealing his coding to give it to richie, i want justice for this characters and the people that identify with them
"people still should respect other people's headcanons"
and i agree, gay men identifying with richie were never the problem, it is valid if you respect bi richie, identifying with gay richie doesn't make you a bad person, the thing is the majority of the fandom that saw richie as bi, me included, initially didn't care if people saw richie as gay, we were just disappointed and sad, but i used to read any fanfic and reblog any fanart even if gay richie wasn't what i hc the character as, but at least to me, it left a bad taste on my mouth thinking about gay richie, because i saw all the biphobia happening and excusing it with wokeness saying:
" yeah in the book richie may be bi coding, but it is a bad book because it has that orgy scene and book richie was racist"
even if they prefer the movies because of that, they have to be realistic, the movies were based on the book, andy moscarrietty isn't their grand savoir, the rights are still king's and he profit out of the movies, he is in it chapter two, be serious please (he was also high on drugs, which isn't a excuse, but it explains a lot), andy read the book (supposedly bc his treatment of the losers says otherwise), he's a fan, stop trying to be on the higher moral ground when you aren't, also the part of the fandom that likes the book better, condemned that scene too, just because we like the book, doesn't mean we don't have critical thinking about its problematics themes
richie was born and raised in the 50's, was a kid that didn't really understand what he was saying, he just wanted to make his friends laugh, I'm pretty sure he was imitating the comedians from the time too, this meta by @dear-wormwoods explains it better, but it just seats wrong to me that that's an excuse against bi richie when they don't have a problem using other of his treats like him being a radio host, his nicknames and pet names like eds and eddie my love, make sandy his girlfriend mind you, a lesbian (is that the only way to make his love for eddie more valid or what?) or having him say he wasn't really attracted to her, why is that ok? but bi richie isn't? if all of that is part of the book too? sounds pretty biphobic to me, but not only biphobic, is also racist and performative, (if you only care about his racism when it comes to his bisexuality, but everything else is fine, start questioning your biphobia and racism)
also just because the movies didn't say the nword doesn't mean they aren't racist, the only black character was strip of his arc, made mike hanlon just a side character that doesn't talk in the first movie and don't make me get started on how they portray mike on the second movie and no, I'm not trying to make anyone feel guilty for liking the movies, I'm just saying, be more critical and less hypocritical
also, also i have to say attacking people just because they like bi richie with things like "you're racist because you like book richie" or "you're homophobic because you're making a canon gay character like women" are so stupid, be for real guys, you don't even know if were are white or gay, because yeah I've seen black and gay folks being pro bi richie and you're just assuming what we are without knowing for sure and just making us feel bad and even if we were white what's the problem, we just like the book characterization and that's totally valid
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Day of Anger (1967) is still a tragedy after the credits stop bc there are LITERALLY no good options for Scott Mary. look. a movie with an ambiguous ending is a good thing, the movie ends there bc it's done telling its story at that point, and i think it's a good stopping point. however, im not going to shut up about it bc we so rarely get a spaghetti western that is an overt tragedy with a protagonist with a real character arc
i cannot imagine he'd stay in Clifton, even if the brothel madam Vivian Skill asks him to? he owes her so much. twenty years of being one of three people in Clifton who looked out for him, and she and the girls nursed him back to health after he got shot. it is fascinating that this is such a clean polished town, but it still has a brothel.
what does he do with Talby's saloon, the 45? burning it down would be such a lovely fuck-you to the town, unless he sells it to Vivian? i CANNOT imagine the judge (who survives) would let Scott get away with claiming the saloon without a real will, and i can't imagine Talby actually leaving Scott anything OR having a will.
so what the fuck is even an option for Scott? these are the options for Type of Guy in Clifton and they are all ill-fitting:
indigent, like Blind Bill and Murph
sheriff/deputy (both Nigel and Murph try to enact a specific and personally directed version of justice, and die. the deputies also try to kill him)
real piece of work gunslinger like Talby/Talby's men, or Wild Jack/Wild Jack's men, or Owen White the hired gun
regular townsperson (also pieces of work)
property owner/honorable professional like the judge and banker (submit him to twenty years of abuse, the rancher outside Clifton tries to kill him and Talby with a posse, the judge/banker coalition try to use him as a pawn and shuffle him off safely into a political marriage to the judge's daughter, and when that doesn't take they try to kill him)
storekeeper (the saloonkeeper and barber also submit him to twenty years of abuse, the general store clerk nearly kills him)
doctor (the most neutral townsperson, still has his hands tied within the power structure of Clifton, really isn't thrilled about treating him or Talby, i think there's a reading to be made that the doctor deliberately cut the muscle in his arm or at least told him he did)
we're ignoring the stagecoach/mail coach bc they're outside the power structure of the town, and the citizens of Bowie who he simply doesn't ever interact with.
interestingly, the only business owners who don't try to kill him are Vivian Skill the brothel madam and the unnamed tequila distiller in Bowie.
being a regular guy isn't even a possibility for Scott (at least not in Clifton). he made a name for himself as Talby's right hand, and even though he does throw the pistol away at the end, Talby formed him in his own image and kind of ruined him for any other job. killing Talby is going to haunt him forever, both by tales of his skill and speed in killing such a famous gunslinger and like, the CPTSD.
Scott is a victim of a nasty cycle of betrayal/greed and abuse/capitalism perpetuated by the town of Clifton AND Talby/Talby's rules of being a gunslinger, and these cycles and rules are their downfall as Scott shouts Talby's rules out while gunning down Talby's men. this is not a subtle movie.
even if you knock off the five richest guys in town, that doesn't break the cycle bc almost everyone in Clifton is still such a goddamn piece of work. and even though Scott throws away the gun at the end, i don't know if he can break that cycle for himself or the town either. nothing changes except for Scott, who now in theory has the backbone/freedom to go "fuck you", steal a horse, and leave for good.
does Scott go off and start a saloon/brothel/distillery somewhere that is not Clifton? what does this man become??? again, i think the fact that there are no good options for him is part of the tragedy-- losing his two father figures and his hometown in the span of like half an hour is brutal.
rotating this movie in my brain forever.
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roobylavender · 1 year
Hello! Thank you for your answer (I'm the Bruce loses his wealth anon) and you're so right about the potential for him to be in a teaching/mentorship field for civilian kids! And yeah the thought was prompted by how living in a literal manor and having that much wealth would isolate him from people to a huge degree even his peers and he likely wouldn't stop until an external shock like losing his wealth and gaining community.
I'm kind of obsessed with this au because it is genuinely baffling to me how the common understanding of Bruce is that he's a brooding pessimistic loner when he has literally devoted his life to an unattainable ideal of a crime free Gotham and has so many kids and is on multiple superhero teams. There are so many stories you could still tell with Bruce without him being Batman. And it actually works really well with the current obsession of deconstructing the myth of Batman. (1/2)
(2/2) You could explore the tension with his kids and students in how they feel about Bruce being happier without Batman while they are devoted to the superhero identity. You could give him an altered role in the justice league and explore the consequences of that. Or reveal his identity and see the response of the Gotham people now that they know Bruce as a peer. Like if we must still keep the crime fighting he could be a private detective helping people who don't trust the authorities get justice while actively being a part of the community. We can also explore the impact of both Bruce's philanthropy and Batman's vigilantism and explore the limits of both while looking at the material impact both things have caused on the community. There is endless potential for stories here that can be accomplished while giving Bruce's kids the freedom to become independent heroes and I am truly baffled why people want Bruce to remain trapped in the Batman identity. Sorry I just realised how long this got so sorry for the rambling asks (no one I know is into comics) and thank you for reading! 🌻🌻🌻
i couldn't agree more like you summarized it so succinctly! people need to drive their bruce analysis beyond the idea that bruce is nothing without batman bc it is so not true and he has so much to offer as bruce wayne! esp love your point about how it can potentially create tension with his kids bc that really should be a huge crux of how his relationship with them is explored. the fact that if there was a world where he didn't need to put on the mask he would let it go whereas with them you get the feeling their entire existence is for the sake of the mask and to their own detriment is incredibly impt. and it's really interesting people have projected the latter reading onto bruce increasingly as time goes by to the point that they believe batman supersedes his own existence, bc it's quite ahistorical. i sometimes wonder if people even understand the point of the knightfall arc or bruce's run with tim at all bc it seems all too many come out of it thinking that bruce's return to batman is necessary bc it's all he'll ever be and he's the only one who can be batman. but i think the conglomerate effect of knightfall and whatever subsequent arcs there are through rucka's run (and in spite of the many flaws in some of those stories) is to establish that bruce wayne as himself is an uncompromisable identity that cannot be lost or subsumed by the mask. what bruce does is impt and he does have somewhat of a duty to uphold by putting himself out there in the first place but that doesn't mean his own life is without value or that he can't want for personal things and exact change through his civilian identity. that seemed to be the core message of the rucka arcs esp and while i don't think it was executed flawlessly, whatever impact it had i do think was diluted by the fact that morrison was his successor and essentially walked back all of the effort rucka made to bring bruce back to himself
* also a side note but i imagine the strongest counterargument to whatever i'm saying here is denny o'neil's depiction of the batman identity and while you're not at all arguing with me on that here it's something i want to address about denny's writing style in general. i think my biggest criticism of him is that he's a painfully archetypal writer. he's great at establishing core traits for a character but it's very evident he was at his peak with dc in an era where long term continuity was not necessarily impt and comic runs were largely ruled by one-shot storylines where maintaining the integrity of the character was more important than necessarily driving them to change or evolve in any way (and that's an issue that shows up in his writing of talia as well imo and even to the point i believe it explains very well why he wanted to do death and the maidens, regardless of how differently it turned out from the original concept). it's easy for a lot of people to say the batman identity will forever and always be the absolutely priority to bruce in light of what denny has written without accounting for the fact that denny wasn't necessarily interested in seeing bruce actually grow as a character. in some ways his stubborn attachment to standard form is a blessing but in other ways i also think it's a hindrance and i wish people would acknowledge that
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hematomes · 2 years
An assumption of a connection I've noticed between the people in the act trailers and Pulcinella
They all have a form of control that can majorly affect their country/city
Diluc: 'Darknight Hero' that protects Mondstadt city while the better of the Knights of Favonius are away for fuck knows what and how long. Also a major head of the wine industry and has connections to get stuff done
Ningguang: Qixing of Liyue and head of all. Knows the ins and outs of business and literally nearly everyone would like her advice on how to get ahead in the game of profit and loss
Ayaka: A co-head of the Kamisato Clan and Yashiro commission that deals with cultural affairs. She herself may be restricted to her duties, but Ayato's limits surely aren't as much to his
Cyno: Mahamatra and one of the overseers of what work is being done by members of the Akademiya in Sumeru city. Literally has the right and duty to beat sense into the sages for their absurd plans
Then Pulcinella: Governs towns and 5th of Tsaritsa's harbingers. Known for finding a person's weakness and using it to uphold their loyalty to their line of duty
In some way and somehow, the first four get affiliated with us quite quickly and work together for a beneficial goal. Whether or not this base of a goal will truly be beneficial for the traveller in Snezhnaya is what I'm so excited for when we get to act 6. Rn I'm just wondering where we'll stand with people like Pantalone, Pulcinella, Arlecchino, Sandrone. At least 1 2 and 4, they seem indisposable with how important their role is, and Im intrigued on how traveller will reach s compromise with at least Pulcinella to get him what he wants and get a few steps closer to whatever the goal is
But then there's Fontaine and Natlan's trailer characters that make me question if my assumed correlation can truly follow. Those two for Fontaine remind me of olden day actors for the plays snd colourless television. I feel their importance may weigh with how much information they can get on people or they work with an underground organisation not dissimilar to The adventurer's guild when collecting info
And then the kid for Natlan. Someone pointed out that he's an elf, and that made me hope that they leads us to Alice. I also had the idea that maybe they could take us to meet some important elder elves? And after a quest or something they tell us to go meet the elf of Snezhnaya for more help — Pulcinella, who may be commonly known for his current position (someone said he could be Klee's grandpa lol)
Had to say this all before I sleep and forget cus I'm wondering if you have any ideas/assumptions on the trailer as well
I have more Natlan thoughts but another time 💆🏾‍♀️
honestly im not too invested in pulcinella so i don't know anything about him - tho to be honest i haven't read any of childe's voicelines about the harbingers, so im lacking info. im more interested in arlecchino and columbina :]
as for your theory, it could work still with fontaine and natlan. with fontaine's music theme and the aesthetic (beyond steampunk, i mean) + the title "masquerade of the court", it appears that lyney and lynette will hold great importance aside from the court of justice
which is a common theme with the featured characters, actually:
diluc isn't part of the kof. ningguang isn't an adeptus. ayaka wasn't exactly on the shogun's side; there's always some "rebellion" (to some extent), a form of good that's aside the most obvious form of authority in the nation.
and i think that's what the twins are gonna be. if we assume fontaine's lore is more or less inspired by france around the 18th century, masquerades were a pretty important part of french culture at that time. considering it's also linked with lying, hiding stuff etc (the masks, yk), it could be a crucial opposition to the hydro archon - once again, if we assume that the hydro archon's ideology is based on french revolution ideas
as for natlan, iansan is really interesting bc as you said she looks like an elf - however it could be a trick in her design, so i wouldn't be too excited. and layla also has pointy ears, so im not sure it'll even link to alice at all
however what sumeru has taught me is that a tiny gal can be of importance, and that's what makes me rly excited bc i could see iansan being in charge of the whole fight club thingy in natlan. i can't exactly remember what it is, but she looks like she's ready to throw hands so im just hoping that's the case. as for tying her with the rest of the featured characters, i don't know enough abt natlan tbh. i don't even know what's going on there, only that it's based on south america and that vennessa's clan comes from there. ALSO that murata could be a himeko expy so im slightly worried abt her design
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