#we dont have just one mad scientist but FOUR mad scientists
anigst · 2 years
What are some good anime/manga with lots of fucked up scienists and human experimentation? Besides Bleach because it's already my favorite haha
ohh nice taste anon!👍👍👍👍
The Empire of Corpses
Doctor Moreau from Vanitas no Carte.
This man is obsessed with vampires. He kidnaps human children to try to turn them into vampires. and one of the test subjects was vanitas
(ngl tho, he's soo annoying. i cant be the only one who wants to bash his head against the wall everytime he speaks😐)
Proffessor Kanou from Tokyo Ghoul.
it's revealed in the manga that he was the one who turned Kaneki into a half-ghoul, and he's been expirmenting on alot others too. (btw i haven't watched tg:re so idk if he appears in the anime)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ajin: Demi-Human.
at one point in the story Kei (the mc, who's a demi-human) is captured by humans to be expiermented on and tortured
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this scene is more gorey in the manga btw
Elfen Lied
Lucy is special breed of human referred to as "diclonius", born with a short pair of horns and invisible telekinetic hands that lands her a victim of inhumane scientific experimentation by the government.
Hange Zoë from Attack on Titan <3
Donten ni Warau touches the topic a little bit (but it is the main plot in the third movie, Donten ni Warau Gaiden - Ouka Tenbou no Kakehashi)
I haven't watched them, but I think Made in Abyss and Zankyou no Terror fit the trope too?
The Unfeeling Me
Boku no Nakama wa Isekai Saikyou Undead
Blue Phobia
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Sleeping Dead
ongoing manga, only three chapters are translated to eng.
The mad scientist in this one sometimes reminds me of Seo Moon Jo from Strangers from Hell😂
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If anyone would like to add more recs, it'd be very much appreciated<3
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Hi :3 here's a (used to be roleplay-) idea that my former friend and I had together!
The main storyline was Victorian era Roman/Logan and revolved around them. Like Logan was marrying Roman's sister and the two guys kinda didn't like each other but then had to spend time together for her (Roman wasn't home often as a opera singer so ofc his sister wanted to hang out with him, so Logan was dragged along) and yes unfortunately they did technically cheat (as happened often then) (dont condone cheating personally) but then both guys confessed and begged her forgiveness (she forgave them) (saw Lo as more of a bestie anyway, same way he saw her) (they married to save face, had roman live with them as a Hot Bachelor, she was aro I think)
But there was Remus/Virgil in this too.
Remus was sort of the unloved brother. There were four siblings total (Sister, Roman, Remus, unnamed brother) and Remus was considered the weird and odd one. They're all rather rich and among the aristocracy so it makes sense that he'd be looked at weirdly with his interests. I don't remember all of it.
Then there's this guy. Virgil, his name supposedly is. He's quiet and was born with a messed up leg so has a cane. That's not why he's bitter he's just bitter in general (but we love him). And Remus is just. So in love with him.
Remus technically helps cover Roman's affair by being more gay louder. Virgil doesn't mind being more outwardly gay because he thinks he's looked at weird anyway (ableism should die in a hole) (we had too much realism in this damn rp idea) and also neither spooky gay really wanted to go to the parties or soirees or rich people parties anyway.
I think the spooky gays owned a quaint home close to Roman/Logan (and obvi cool sister) and visited often when everything came out and was understood. They owned rats. Remus was a scientific researcher (think mad scientist) (appropriate for time period) and Virgil was an artist under a pseudonym.
(also the fourth unnamed brother had a wife and they were really sweet and cookie cutter adorable. I'm 99% sure they were also cool with the queerness and sneaking around, even covering for them. I just remember he and his wife were damn cool)
(I'm really fond of the Roman/Logan plot too it was like so heart wrenching to come up with we were INVESTED)
but spooky gays :3
— 👑
S C R E A M I N G I fucking L O V E that S O damn much!!! Opera Singer Ro is underrated as hell and I fucking L O V E the twist of Ro and Ree's sister being Aro and okay with Lo and Ro seeing each other <3 Ree really is a true brother like manz is willing to be even louder and prouder of being Gay with his boyf just to help his twin not get too much controversy over an affair (Also the Spooky Beloveds owning Rats and being a Mad Scientist X Artist couple is something I L O V E S O fucking much and the twins having more siblings is something I did not know I needed until now /positive)
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legendarybelmont · 10 months
heard you weren't feeling too good so how about telling me all about your boys D and Rocambole from VHD for the character opinion bingo? (sorry if i got the names wrong i'm still new to this dsfskksd)
<3 you got the names right hehe
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d!!! i LOVE love love d. as one of only three slash four commonly recurring characters in the entire series due to vhds status as incredibly episodic, he is quite literally everyones blorbo, and for good reason because hes amazing. however also due to vhd being written very carefully so as to not ever show what d is actually thinking, ever, at all, 90% of him is left up to interpretation, which breeds a completely insane amount of variety when it comes to opinions om him, and i think thats really lovely. my personal take is that hes largely apathetic to life in general -- much like rocambole (ill get to that), he doesnt particularly enjoy life but also has no intentions of losing his, unlike the sacred ancestor (his vampire god king manwhore mad scientist eugenicist openly suicidal incredibly obsessed really shitty father), and such... however i think one thing that is plainly obvious about d is that he is trying very hard to get all the money ever and win at capitalism. d kind of functions more as a vehicle for other characters to develop than develops himself, at least obviously so, which means you really have to read between the lines, but the fratricide arc (best 'arc' and only 'arc') is really good for implicit possibly unintentional d character development :) my favourite d characterisation moments are probably the "what have i imparted to you, my only success?" speech in armageddon, and "if youre going to regret something, dont do it in the first place" from on the night road. however! one thing i get very salty about regarding d is, due to the movies lacking the context for d's family issues and therefore almost the entire core of the books story, and also softening d a lot from his book horrible self, common interpretations from people who only watched the movies (which are good i swear) or dont respect the books (i understand not liking them, but respecting them is different) usually end up treating him like alucard 2, which is just... wrong. its wrong.
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lord rocambole!!! my beloved glup shitto!! my favouritest little bastard that nobody else remembers or cares about!!! the most forgettable brother from the fratricide arc!!! the most half-baked brother!!! the most missed opportunity ever!!! the most obvious prototype character for what would later be valcua ever!!! this wont be as long as d's commentary because ive already rambled a lot about rocambole in other posts, but i adore him, i really do, hes my terrible wife. despite being known, apparently, as a "god of atrocity" and a born mass murderer, bastard son of the sacred ancestor (the only one of the 5 actually specified to be a bastard son which is crazy), hes... well, he's certainly nowhere near as bad as lawrence "death toll of 5 million+, chucked a planetoid at the earth, tortures people for fun" valcua, in personality and what we see actually described of him, but valcua certainly doesnt get such nasty titles. rocambole is woefully underdescribed, unlike valcua we're never told exactly what he did to earn his fate and moniker, and his personality and actions onscreen can actually read as respectable! hes polite, has no personal issues with d, and is scarily well-adjusted for a vhd character in his area, all things considered, accepting his inevitable death by the sacred ancestors degree in a way valcua simply couldnt, and etc. my favourite thing about him is how he acts as a kindred spirit of a kind to d: both not particularly wanting their life but also hating the idea of just giving it away for no reason, both knowing that they cant fight openly against the sacred ancestors will but still rebelling in every way they can just to make their own will known -- ive gone into more detail about that part specifically in another post. needless to say, i love rocambole :)
actually, ive seen a sudden boost in awareness of him recently, which is really really great -- ive seen people actually drawing him!! and since you follow me, youve seen my spam reblogs of said art, oops :p but it makes me really happy to see :)
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Also, Klipse himself was a good, maybe even sweet person, cause it seems like Jeredy and Klipse was along for a long time, and Jeredy doesnt like bad guys, and face of Klipse in flashback when he was normal he seemed good guy. And so, Klipse's clones, canon and theorethical, are same. Six is sweet child, but cause of Klipse got mental problems. Four really needed in parents care, seems like more than other clones, he was willing to be cared of, but later got insane (and probably appeared on junkyjard, maybe was frown out by Klipse himself). Dom... if he's Dawnmaster, it's bipolar, Dom is crazy enough. If Dom is by himself, yes, he's just insane but seems like actually intelligent, at least with Six. Dawnmaster covers all his body so we dont even see piece of his skin, only if it's total black, and doesnt have natural voice, so probably was injured by Klipse, and because of Klipse he's assasin and thief.
Maybe Klipse was a good guy since Jeredy had good memories of their time working together at STORM, and, while Jeredy can be questionable at times, Jeredy is mostly a good judge of character as he trust Dax to do the right thing, got Jon Ace out of his brainwashed state, and Master Ey called him when he needed Kimi to be protected. So Jeredy had known Klipse when that man was still a good person and just researched Monsuno not for power, but for the science of it and we still see that man since Klipse likes to research the Monsuno more than anything.
Yet, it still doesn’t change the fact that something changed in Klipse’s character that made him the man we know today. Whether or not it was caused by Charlemagne, wanting to research solo, or other personal issues, Klipse had changed from the man Jeredy remembered, and all his clones got the brunt of the change.
You can literally just scroll through my archives on the Monsuno tag on how much I talk about Six and how Klipse’s treatment of him caused his mental health to crumble.
For Four/ Drezz, he talked about a Jupiter coming back for him, but it never happened, so it can assumed that Drezz escaped the Klipse household with another clone for whatever reason, they got separated from each other while promising to come back, and those events caused him to develop his own set of mental problem. One of which is when he started to cling to Tallis and the Punk Monks as a possible form of separation anxiety since Jupiter never came back for Drezz. We also don’t really know what he ever thought of Klipse. Maybe Drezz did once think of Klipse as a father until the day he escaped and that is also why he’s so clingy to Tallis, he’s got abandonment issues.
As for the Dawnmaster and Dom thing, I have to play a bit of a psychologist for this. Dom being Dawnmaster would be Disassociative Identity Disorder (DID) and not Bipolar Disorder as DID deals with having two or more identities/personalities states while Bipolar is a mood disorder that deals with episodes of depression, mania and elevated moods. While they can share the same symptoms that can also be found in the personality disorder spectrum, they are vastly different mental disorders. So Dom could just have Bipolar disorder since he has shown to have manic episodes, elevated moods, and had depression after Dragonburn’s death. That won’t downplay his intelligence as he can still be smart while dealing with his disorder and he has shown how smart he is, with or without being near his family.
And Dawnmaster? Well, it’s the same with Six, I made a ton of theories about him and what he’s dealing with.
All in all, Klipse and his clones are just one big tragedy as we couldn’t have a loving mad scientist dad with his numerous clone kids that would help him out with his experiments and crazy plans. That would’ve been cooler than what we got since most of the sarcastic quips and one liners went to Team Core Tech and none of the other factions have that same level of sass and camaraderie. I mean Strike Squad tried, but they got too little show time.
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shinsoups · 4 years
Student No. 22 —
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m a s t e r l i s t
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x f!reader x class 1A
genre: 1tbsp of crack, 1 tsp of fluff, a sprinkle of angst and 1 cup of chaotic randomness
synopsis: y/n was certain she would never be a Hero. She had a different goal in her mind, and that is to be a great doctor someday. With a terrible past she wants to forget, she vows she would never use her Quirk and will never let the world know what it is. Not until she finds out that the invincible quirk she thought she has can also have a certain weakness.
random updates
trigger warning : mentions of abuse/torture
OO2 : The Principal —
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There were hushed voices inside the conference room, debating on the current issue everyone seemed to disagree on. The only people who wasn’t much interested was Ectoplasm and Vlad King cause according to the latter “It wouldn’t hurt to teach another student, no matter what the circumstance is. Midnight is just making this into a big issue.” Thus a meeting was called for everyone to know the real reason.
This would be one hectic semester, Cementoss whispers as he scans the folder he was holding. Two weeks had passed since the other teachers found out about the new transferee recommended at U.A. Midnight was the first to disagree on the idea. Why would they even accept a new student in the middle of a new semester? And to top it all, a quirkless girl who has no desire of becoming a Hero.
“Before I start,” Principal Nezu’s voice came out of nowhere. “I hope everyone will understand what the situation of this child we’re talking about and why I invited her to come to U.A.”
Present Mic’s boisterous laughter interrupted the silence looming inside the room and pointed at Aizawa’s shoulder. He was trying to hold it in but the sight in front him was just too much.
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He shook his head; this is going to be a tiring meeting. Pressing his temple Aizawa sighed, “I’m pretty sure we have more chairs.” Addressing their principal as if he was patiently talking to a child.
“It’s nice and warm over here, though” the principal chided. Cuddling closer to Aizawa’s shoulder and wrapping his tiny body with the wrap scarf Aizawa always sported. The sight was so hilarious yet no one dared laugh except Present Mic as Aizawa’s eyes shone red in warning, his hair flaring up in annoyance.
Aizawa shook his head in defeat, leaning forward to take the file in front of him. “She agreed to visit and see my class once school started once again.” His monotonous voice started.
“But I’m sure she’s not convinced to attend the school. She’s a smart kid even without us knowing what her Quirk truly is. She’s lying about something as if she’s subconsciously protecting herself. Principal Nezu would like to conduct a little experiment about her.” He gave his report after meeting you. He was set and determined to give you an answer after that day and after telling Nezu what he observed about you, the Principal came up with an interesting plan.
Nezu reach his tiny arm upward, patting Aizawa’s head and continued, “The girl is not Quirkless." All-Might squinted his eyes. Something is up and he was right all along.
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"To tell you all the truth, she could defeat all of us here if she wanted to. Her strength if given a chance to grow could be on par with a Pro Hero.”
A hushed tension once again filled the room. All eyes on the Principal, Thirteen was the first one to ask. “Her file says she’s Quirkless, even registered as one. What could you possibly mean she could defeat us?”
Sliding down Aizawa’s scarf, Principal Nezu walked towards his chair and opened the same file everyone was holding. Staring at the letter he received from your late grandfather, he was certain he could share some information about you, leaving some things unsaid for your own safety.
“She was born out of Quirk Marriage. Her parents were known scientist that died in an unfortunate accident six years ago. I know you all remember this since you were there, Thirteen.”
Nezu looked at everyone as if he said something taboo. The infamous accident that killed several heroes in action. There were already several controversies rounding about it saying that the laboratory was conducting inhuman experiments on orphaned kids who possesses rare quirks at such a young age. The Hero Association knows about something yet everyone kept their mouths sealed. The news died down months after the accident. Yet the heroes who were there to witness will never forget about it.
“Her parents were obsessed on what power she would acquire. Enough to sacrifice their own child in the name of science.” Nezu looked at All-Might. His cerulean eyes stared back almost seeing the horrific incident once again.
“The bandages she wears around her arms…” All-Might trailed off. Imagining the horrors you experienced at your parents own hands. He was there, he was the one who saved you and freed you from it. All-Might closed his eyes, trying to forget the frail body he held, who was fighting and holding on for dear life. “So it was her.” He pondered.
“Countless experiment done by her own parents. They were mad so to speak. Once she reached the age of four she didn’t show any signs of inheriting either of their Quirks. The scars she received for almost five years of torture made her so conscious about it so she kept her skin hidden.” Nezu dropped the file and looked at Aizawa.
Everyone flinched. No one dared to ask again. Minutes felt like hours— as if a bucket of cold water was thrown over everyone’s faces. A tiny clap took everyone’s attention back at their principal. “I expect everyone will not agree to this, but according to her grandparents had told me in the letter, she might have inherited both her parents power.”
“Might? It’s just a possibility. We’re not even sure, right? It's not like she'll suddenly turn into a villain, right?” Midnight contradicted.
“That is why I came up with a plan and invited her here. She needs guidance. One thing she never get to experience.” Nezu smiled at her. His tiny paws clasped in front of him, leaving no room for arguments anymore. “I would like to know and see for ourselves. One week from now, one of Shota-kun’s student will help us in executing this plan.” His gaze drifted back to the raven-haired man.
“You know something we don’t.” Midnight eyed the Principal, itching to find out what he meant by you defeating them, Pro-Heroes, even without any proper training or whatsoever. Did she felt inferior? Why was she scared of your presence when she hasn’t even met you in person? Sighing in defeat she announces, “I’ll accept her once she shows something interesting.”
Nezu only smiles at her knowingly. “Good! Now who wants tea?”
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taglist: @b0ku4ka @sugarandsoft @roesaurus @moonlightbae14 @therealwalmartjesus @redperson58
i got a taglist im soft ~ want to join? just leave a comment my dudes ✨
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a/n: i just wanted to write a fic about Nezu and Aizawa using the 1st photo above kskskks 🤗 hence the chapter and title (i still dont know why i wrote this)
likes, comments and reblogs is highly appreciated 🐣this is my first time writing bnha so tips and comments are really helpful ! ✨
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
Chapter 2: Trick or Treat, Freak
Summary: After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Nancy wrestles the truth about Barb. Dustins sister finally talks to Mad Max, but doesn’t get the response she wanted.
Tag list; @folly-olly @chinchillagirl18
Story list; Chapter 1
Note; Damn I suck at keeping up with series’, I’m sorry it took me five months to get the second chapter in, school and work is keeping me (too) occupied! I also started improvising in the end because my Netflix has been cutting out, and I don’t know the episode word-for-word by heart!
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“Oh! I want to see those pearly whites!”
You and Dustin are dressed all out. Gray suits and large backpacks, each holding your own proton blaster. Side by side, you aim your blasters at one another, smiling at the camera your mother held up,
“Who you gonna call?” Claudia hums the Ghostbusters theme song, and laughs when you purposefully hit Dustin in the shoulder with your blaster. 
You skid your bike to a stop just outside the school, laughing when Will runs up, yelling, “Ghostbusters!”
“Hey, Spengler!”
“Whoa whoa.” Mike pulls you away from Lucas, pointing to Lucas’ name tag on his suit, “Why are you Venkman?”
“Because I’m Venkman.” Lucas states, Mike shaking his head. “No, I’m Venkman.”
“Why can’t there just be two Venkmans?” Will asks, innocently, Mike scoffing and glaring at Lucas. “Because there’s only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago.” 
Mike presses a hand to his chest. “I’m Venkman. Y/N’s Barrett, Dustin’s Stantz, Will’s Egon, and you’re Winston.”
“I specifically didn’t agree to Winston.” Lucas crosses his arms, Mikes eyes widening in an ‘are you serious’ expression. “Yes, you did!”
“I don’t think he did.” You look at Will, who shakes his head. “No one wants to be Winston.”
“What’s wrong with Winston?” Mike looks at you, and you press your lips together, tightly. “Winston joined the team super late, he’s not really funny, or a scientist.”
“Yeah but he’s still cool.”
“If hes so cool.” Lucas snips, “Then you be Winston.”
“I cant.” Mike sighs, and your eyes scan the school yard as they continue to argue, furrowed brows relaxing with realization. “Shit.” You face the group, “Guys?”
The four boys look at you, and you point past them, to the kids getting off the bus. “Why is no one else wearing costumes?”
Standing at your lockers side by side, Will watches you unzip your suit and step out of it. “You wore clothes underneath?”
“You didnt?” You pick up the suit and bag and shove them into your locker, slamming it shut before picking up your bookbag, turning and jerking to a stop to stare at Max, who rolled down the hall towards you on her skateboard.Your eyes watch as she skids to a stop in front of her locker, putting her board inside and grabbing her books for the next class.
“You really like her, huh?” You blink and look at Will, shaking your head as you sigh, deeply. “No. It’ll go away.” Your eyes shift back to the red head. “I hope.”
“Why dont you just talk to her?” Will asks, and you frown, finally turning your full attention to him. “She called us stalkers and creeps. I dont think she’d want to be friends with a creepy stalker.” Without realizing, your eyes are on her again, “Besides, she probably doesnt even like girls.”
“You never know until you talk to her.” Will raises an eyebrow, and you squint your eyes. “Since when did you get so good at this kinda stuff?”
“My mom has a boyfriend.” Will shrugs, and you snort, nodding towards the classroom you both shared down the hall. “C’mon.”
.           .               .
Max opens her locker and shoves her first and second period books inside, heaving a deep sigh of exhaustion.
A small clearing of a throat causes her to glance over, finding you, shifting your bookbag on your shoulder, and a nervous smile on your lips. Cute.
“Uh, hey.” You wave, and instantly drop your hand to your side, “I’m Y/N.”
“I know.” She nods, once, shifting onto one foot, “You’re a stalker like your four buddies.”
You laugh, nervously, shaking your hand as you pull at the sleeves of your shirt. “No. No, we weren’t stalking you. I-I mean my brother and my friend, Lucas, were, but I was just curious. You’re new here in Hawkins and I saw that you really like Dig Dug at the arcade.”
“So your brother is Dustin?” Max raises an eyebrow, and you nod, “Great. So you’re related to a stalker.”
“My twin, actually.” You flinch, “That’s not what I came to you about. Halloweens tonight, and since you’re new to town, I was wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with us.”
“No thanks.” Max slams her locker shut, stepping back, “I dont hang out with stalkers.” You press your lips together when she turns around, walking down the hall to the classroom you also had to walk to.
“Great talk.” You exhale, shakily, glancing around before following her. You drop down into your desk and heave a deep sigh, Will glancing over at you then to Max settled in the back, “So?”
“So what, Will?” You mutter, dropping your notebook on your desk before crossing your arms, leaning into your seat. “Did you talk to her?”
“Did I talk to her?” You repeat, and Dustin looks over his shoulder at your harsh tone, “Yeah I talked to her. She called me a stalker and a creep. Us stalkers and creeps. So she wants nothing to do with me.”
Will frowns and glances at Dustin, before he watches you prop your chin on your hand, and write the notes on the board.
. . .
“You’re late.” Billy is propped up against his car, cigar in hand as he watched Max round to the passenger side,
“I had to pick up make up homework.”
“Jesus, I don’t care.” Billy tosses his cigar down, stomping on it before tossing open his door, “Late again and you’re skating home.”
Max waits until he’s in the car before rolling her eyes, settling in next to him and curling up against the window. Halfway down the road is when Billy decides to speak up again. “God, this place is a shithole.”
“It’s not that bad.” Max protests, quietly, mind taking her back to you. She had seen how quiet you were in class today. She caused that by being cold to you in the hallway.
“You liking it here?” Billy snips, eyes glancing at her then back to stare at the road, “It smells like literal cow shit.”
“Then why are you defending it?” Billy narrows his eyes to Max, but misses her rolling her eyes a second time that day. “I’m not.”
“Sure seems like it.”
“It’s just.” Max sucks in a deep breath, trying to make sure she didn’t have an attitude. “We’re stuck here, and.”
“Yeah. Whose fault is that?”
“Yours.” Max mutters, so Billy raised his eyebrows and glanced her. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” Billy raises his hand to his ear, “Whose fault is it Max? Say it.”
Billy clenches his jaw, hand jerking to shift the gear of his car, which lurches when it suddenly picks up speed. Max’s eyes snap to the road, where up ahead, four figures pedal on their bikes. You and the party.
“Billy, slow down.” Max demands, Billy chuckling and looking at her. “What? Those your buddies?”
“No! I don’t know them.”
“Well I guess you won’t care if I hit em, huh?” Billy drums his hand on the steering wheel, eyes settled on you reaching over to shove Dustin, “Bonus points if I hit all of them in one? Or maybe just the girl.”
“Stop, that’s not funny.” Max turns in her seat, mind racing. She just met you. Is she really going to lose you before she has a chance to be friends?
You look over your shoulder at the loud roar of Billy’s car, your eyes widening when the car jerks to speed up, your gasp inaudible from how hard you suck in, “Guys. Guys, we gotta move!”
“Billy, stop!” Max orders, hand reaching out to jerk the steering wheel away from the group, to the opposite side of the road.
Your bike wobbles so you fell sideways, jaw hitting the rough road so your head jerked back up, groan loud as Dustin fell into the grass, Mike and Lucas dropping their bikes to scram back into the road, both grabbing your arms but their eyes remain on the car now speeding away.
“What the fuck?!” You jerk your arms away and rub your jaw, hissing before pulling your hand back, staring at the blood on your fingers and palm,
“Was that...?” Dustin points to the car, before looking at you, catching the blood on your face and hand, “Ah, shit.”
. . .
“I swear to God, if I get another 3-Musketeers I’m going to kill myself.”
You snort and toss your hair up into a lose ponytail, taking your candy bag back from Mike as you glance at Lucas, who holds up said candy and grimaces.
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Dustin asks, foreign high offense to the dark skinned males statement,
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Luke repeats, chucking the candy so Dustin barely caught it, grinning at it before shoving it into his bag, “No one likes 3-Musketeers,”
“Yeah, it’s just nougat.” Will agrees, shrugging at your scrunched nose face,
“Just nougat?” Dustin protests, Will nodding, “Just nougat. It is top three for me.”
“Eh, top five.” You squint, ignoring Dustins glare,
“Top three?” Mike breathes, Dustin repeating in agreement, “Oh, God, give me a break!”
“Seriously, I could eat a whole bowl of nougat, straight up!”
Suddenly, a figure wearing a white mask jumps out in front of you, your brows furrowing when the four boys at your sides all screech, your eyebrow raising as you glance at them, then to the figure, “That’s it?”
“Seriously?” The figure pulls off the mask to reveal Max’s face, her mouth gaped as she stared at you. “Out of all of you I’d expect you to scream.”
“I’m not a pussy.” You snip, Dustin hitting your shoulder with this back of his hand. You roll your shoulder away from him, narrowing your eyes to your twin.
Max nods her head and turns, only getting five steps before she glances over her shoulder, noticing that you nor the four boys had moved to follow her, “You guys coming or what? I heard we should hit up Loch Nora, that’s where the rich people live, right?”
“Seriously?” You mock, Max’s face slightly falling at the irritation in your voice, “I thought you didn’t want to hang out with us because we’re ‘stalkers’?”
“Look, I didn’t mean that,” Max sighs, and you hum, tilting your head,
“Was that before or after you had your brother almost kill us?”
“Wait. What?” Will looks at you, confused, Max shaking her head and narrowing her eyes.
“You think I did that on purpose? He’s an asshole either way, and, he’s not my brother.”
“Whatever.” You look down at your bag, “Let’s just go to Loch Nora.”
. . .
“Another full size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers.” Dustin shoves another snickers bar into his bag, handing you a full (favorite/candy) bar so you smiled, elbowing his arm, “Wait.” Dustin looks at Max, “You’re not rich, right?”
“No.” Max laughs, “I live up Old Cherry Road.”
“That’s totally tubular.” Dustin speaks, looking at you to see you shaking your head, nose scrunched up, “What? Did I say it wrong?”
“Just don’t say it at all.” You demand, and Dustin rolls his eyes, glancing over when Lucas chucks another 3-Musketeers at him.
“Hey.” Max speaks up, your eyes shifting to her. “Look. I’m sorry I called you guys stalkers.” She shrugs. “But I mean. You guys were spying on me a lot.”
“Yeah, I’ll admit to that.” You breathe out a laugh, pulling out a sucker to unwrap. “But like I said earlier today, we don’t get a lot of new people here in Fucktown, so we get every chance we can to see a new face. Especially a cute one.”
You stop mid way of putting the sucker in your mouth, eyes widening in realization to what you had said. “Shit. Shit, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Max shrugs, eyeing you. “I never said I didn’t think you were cute.”
“So you think I’m cute?” You grin, Max rolling her eyes.
“I’m not admitting it.”
“I’ll take it.” You click your tongue, looking over at Mikes shout for you. You see him knelt beside Will, whose hands are over his head in an attempt to curl himself into a ball.
“Will?” You drop your bag to move forward, kneeling down in front of your best friend so you could grab his wrists, noticing how he flinched roughly, “Will, it’s just me.”
“I saw it again.” Will breathes, his eyes snapping up to you. “The thing I saw at the arcade.”
Your brows furrow as you glance over to Mike, who shakes his head, informing you he didn’t know what Will was talking about. “Okay.” You murmur, pulling Wills hands so he began to stand up with you. “Let’s get you home.”
“Wait, you’re just going to stop trick or treating?” Max asks, and you glance at her, eyes slightly narrowed.
“Yes. I am. Dustin, take my bag. Eat my candy and I’ll pop your bike wheels.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Dustin clutches your bag and his to his chest, gasp loud. He watches as you link your arm through Wills, leading him down the street back towards Mikes house to call not only your mother, but Joyce.
“Are they, like, a thing?” Max asks, crossing her arms as she turns to the three boys left with her.
“Ew, gross.” Dustin scowls, nose scrunched. “They’ve been best friends since like, first grade.”
“Besides.” Lucas shifts his bag to hang over his shoulder. “Y/N likes girls.”
Max nods, slowly, glancing in the direction to where she could see your back, her feet bringing herself to follow after your brother.
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brain-jarred · 3 years
Chapter 2 Pear
 After the operation that ended in the two scientists parting ways for a bit, Dr. Hal finally left his room. He glanced around and saw that Dr. Param was still laying their body on the chairs outside the operating room, with a sad expression on their face. Dr. Hal sighed, and walked over to them. “Hey, Pear.” Pear was a nickname that Dr. Hal called Dr. Param sometimes. Mostly when he was being nice to them. “Sorry for snapping at you. You didn't do anything wrong.” He said, looking at his feet. Dr. Param smiled. “Thanks. I’m sorry too if I was a bit overbearing or annoying.” “You werent.” Dr. Hal sat next to his colleague. “You were just trying to be helpful.” He added, looking at a motivational poster. The poster had been there for sixteen years. It was a picture of a lake with a caption in bold white text that said “SERENITY” It was Dr. Hal’s favorite, because it was the least annoying of them all. “Yeah.” Param nodded. There was an uneasiness to their words, like they still wanted to bring up something, but did not want Dr. Hal to be mad at them again. They sighed and looked away. “Um. yeah.” They said suddenly very interested in the yellow carpet Dr. Hal took notice, and knew that Dr. Param wanted to bring up the work thing again. He didnt really know what to do about that, he really didnt want to talk about it again, because he knew he would get snappy again, but at the same time he also wanted to make Param feel comfortable, and this tension between them really sucked. “Look, pear, I’m just. I think-” Dr. Hal looked around, not sure what to say next. “I think i just need a short break. Like a vacation, and then maybe i’ll be less agitated all the time. I was wondering if you wanna take a vacation with me?” He asked. Dr. Param thought for a moment. “Sure!” They nodded. “Could be fun. Just like. Uh. A boy’s get away. Except that I'm not a boy, but you know what I mean.” “Boys can be gender neutral if you want.” Dr. Hal countered, draping his arm behind Dr. Param Dr. Param snorted. “Yeah, sure. Still not a boy.” They said, laying their hands on their lap. Or rather, hand and weird needle thing on their lap. They seemed to be more at ease with the vacation thing. This wasn't the first time the two of them had taken a vacation together. They never actually went anywhere for their vacations, that wasn't permitted. Mostly they just hung out in the green house. It was the nicest place in the campus. It was almost like being outside. Dr. Param stood up suddenly. “Let's go to the cafeteria.” They said to their colleague. They thought that Hal looked tense, maybe some nutrient solution would make him feel better? The two of them didn't exactly eat normal food, but they both needed basic vitamins and fuel for their human brains. Dr. Hal also got up “Sure.” He said. “As long as you don't repeat the yogurt incident again.” “Hey! I told you not to bring that up again!” Dr. Param playfully hit Hal. “Then don't try to put yogurt directly onto your brain, you idiot.” Hal laughed. “IT WAS A ONE TIME THING!!” Dr. Param retorted, not genuinely mad, but trying to act like it.
It was moments like this when the two scientists truly appreciated each other. Maybe things werent...ideal. Maybe being contractually obligated to remain in an underground space for the next 34 years wouldn't be great, but at least they had each other. And that was all that they needed. At least thats what Param told themself. They werent sure if He felt the same way. He did not in fact feel the same way. He was in fact very antsy to get out of this place. He just wanted to leave already, though he didn't allow himself to fully think these thoughts, always pushing them to the back of his head. But Dr. Param? He was content to just experiment on the subjects for eternity. As long as Hal was there, everything would be okay!
Everything was okay.
The two of them continued to walk down the hallways of yellow carpet and off white plaster walls. It was a familiar hallway, the two of them could probably go down it while blinded. As they walked, Hal decided to mention the vivisection, only to find out that Dr. Param had also been told about it. “Its rather short notice, dont you think?” Param remarked. “We usually have atleast 3 days of notice to prepare a strategy, and they usually give us information on how to best deal with them. When i asked Sarah who it was, she said we would be told tomorrow.”
Dr. Hal nodded. It was weird. “Well they did say it was high profile. Maybe they want to keep it under wraps. Heh. Maybe we are operating on the president or something.” The current president, Clair Vonyant, well...she was a controversial figure. A powerful psychic with the power to kill anyone just by concentrating really hard...That was pretty frightening to both of them. Not to mention her unconstitutional four terms as president. 
“I mean, she does kinda suck though.” Param rolled their eyes. “And it would be easy for me to alter her memories, since shes such a public figure and we know a lot about her. Last one we had, we didn't know a lot about. But for her? Easy. You can just make her hallucinate her dead brother and i can alter her memories so that she thinks he never died. There wouldn't be any struggle then.” They said casually, as if they were just discussing causal workplace terms. Which in their eyes, they were. Hal didn't see anything wrong with this either. Just a normal wednesday. “Agreed.” Finally they reached the cafeteria. It was a wide and large room they came upon, the yellow carpet gave way to grey linoleum, but the off white walls were the same color. It had a glass ceiling that showed the sky. Tables were placed neatly around the room. It was always strangely empty for such a big room. Like maybe it was built for more people. There were only 10 people who worked in this facility, Dr. Hal and Dr. Param included. 
There were three in the cafeteria now. Dr. Sarah was eating some lunch. She looked disinterested in the two who entered, more focused on her food. Dr. Hal was disinterested in her too, he walked around her to get to the nutrient dispenser. But Dr. Param took notice of Dr. Sarah, and they headed for her. “Greetings sarah. What are you eating?” They asked. It was some sort of soup. “Tuna soup.” She said after taking a bit to chew her food before answering. She had manners, she would have you know. Her soup looked kinda gross, but she wasn't complaining. Dr. Param nodded. “That's nice. I was wondering...well...I was wondering if there was any way that you could provide more information about the vivisection tomorrow?” Sarah looked at them with an annoyed expression. “I'm eating, Dr. Param. I would prefer not to talk about this right now.”
Dr. Param made a small noise of annoyance of their own, and sighed. “You're right, sorry.” They said as they walked away. They didn't understand what all this secrecy was about. Why would this vivisection be done on such short notice? Dr. Param didn't like it, they didn't like it one bit. This was unorderly. Something that interrupted and destroyed routine. They were soon roused from their annoyed vagaries when they saw that Dr. Hal was waiting for them. 
“Are you done being a detective?” He asked, one arm on the machine, the other sat on his hip. “It's hardly detective work to just ask a simple question.” They retorted, taking a pack of nutrient solution out of the glorified fridge. 
“You would be surprised, i’m pretty sure that's what being a detective is all about.” “So youre saying that I'm Sherlock Holmes now? That's nice of you.” Param smirked, popping the container open and inserting the needle that came with it into the back of their head. But they kept missing the hole. “Can you be like watson and help me with this darn needle?” They asked. “Sure just let me-” click, it was finally inserted into the right place. The juice poured into their brain, which was a pleasant sensation. “Thanks.” They said with a smile. “They should have made your body more streamlined for this kind of thing. Having the hole in the back of your head is a bit inefficient.” He huffed. 
“I actually like my body, thank you very much. I am the sexiest cyborg here.” They said, smirking. “Yeah sure.” Dr. Hal rolled his eyes. He didn't have a mouth, but he was smiling too, with his eyes. Sarah audibly groaned. She was so tired of having to hear those two’s banter all the time. It was so incredibly annoying! She was just trying to eat some soup, she didn't need to hear these weirdos talking about their bodies or whatever. The two scientists looked at her when she loudly groaned, before looking away. The two had an odd relationship with her. She was one of the more friendly scientists, as long as you didnt get between her and her goals. She got up and threw her plastic soup bowl in the trash and walked over to the two of them. “So the vivisection-” She began. “I can't tell you very much about it, but I will tell you that the subject has a fear of the dark.” She looked at her feet, almost shamefully. She seemed to be really hesitant to talk about this, but she was friends with the two scientists, and she wanted to make what was about to come easier on them.
“A lot of people have a fear of the dark.” Dr. Hal remarked. “But I appreciate the morsel of help. Is there anything else you can tell us?” “Hm.” Dr. Sarah thought for a moment. “She also has a fear of being perceived as weak. At least that's what the psychiatric tests told us.” So it's a female then. Dr. Param thought. “Alright. Thanks for the help.” They said brightly. Dr. Hal nodded. He figured that they wouldn't get much more info out of Sarah, and it was getting late. Might as well turn in for the night soon. He tapped Dr. Param on the shoulder and gestured towards his quarters. “I’m going to go to sleep now. See you tomorrow?” Dr. Param blinked, and looked at a clock, surprised at how late it was. It was almost 10 pm. They nodded. “See you tomorrow.” They repeated. Hal walked away as Sarah and Param continued to talk for a little bit. Eventually Dr. Param said goodbye to Sarah as well. Dr. Param’s quarters were the same size as Dr. Hal’s. But they had no bed like he did. They just had a metal table in which they laid their body on. They couldn't feel cloth, so a bed was unneeded. A small pile of junk lay in the corner of their room. Bottlecaps, paper clips and pens that they had collected. They looked at it as they initiated their body to release sleeping chemicals to lull their brain to sleep. Dr. Param was painfully human, despite being unrecognizable as one.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Congrats on 200+ followers!!! You deserve it!!!!!!!! Can you please do a bakugo or todoroki angst and smut where it’s a villain au and the reader finds out??? Idk I had a dream about it and I immediately thought of you because I know that you’re the perfect person!!! Sorry if it’s not detailed enough Also ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
villain!todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: angst, smut, cursing, villain shouto
word count: 4,437
a/n: oh man, this was supposed to come out with a bakugou part as well because i have no self control and wrote them both. i haven’t quite finished bakugou because i am still adjusting to this new life schedule I have (and my roommate has me sleeping before my crackhead hours so i’ve been writing a lot less, but it will come out i promise!!!) anyways this is kinky public sex. like 100% straight up. i’m a bit nervous if you guys don’t like the smut but it’s the best i can do LMAO enjoy!!! also i dont really know if there was an actual villain au so i made it my own...with inspiration from horikoshi
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Life was hard as a normal civilian.
To be quite honest you were mad that you weren’t blessed with some amazing quirk so you could be a hero. Instead, you had to be successful elsewhere. So you were a second-year university student with a quirk that allowed you to see probability in everything. Which, don’t get it wrong, helped you with multiple-choice tests, but besides the occasional better route to places, it wasn’t that extraordinary. 
Your boyfriend, however, was a hero, and a massively successful hero at that too! With only his hero debut two years ago he was currently the number three hero on the Hero Billboard Charts, it was insane. To be quite honest, you had met him during his debut when you had nearly died because of a villain. It had traumatized you.
You had already despised villains with all your being before that incident.
You had been in an eerily similar situation when you were younger when a villain swept you off the street and held you hostage on the tallest building of Japan. Since that moment, you were sincerely against every and all villains, none of them could be excused in your eyes. Nothing they did in the act of violence was justifiable.
But again, you guessed that the entire morality of people truly changed when people could suddenly do things that normally should not be possible. For instance, one of your classmates could physically remove his eyeballs from his eyesockets as part of his quirk and it made zero sense to you. It was a great party trick, but a terrible quirk.
You felt your hands shake slightly, a wave of dizziness hitting you as you finished walking up the hill. A few years ago, you had started suffering from anemia, your red blood count had taken a deficit hit and no one could explain why. Doctors had seen you countless amounts of times, but no one could explain to you why your blood had suddenly taken a hit. They had run tests, even going as far as culturing your cells in a lab in an attempt to find a solution, but everything was normal. So it left both the scientists and you stumped. Reaching into your backpack, you removed your daily pills to alleviate most of your symptoms and swallowed them before continuing on your way.
You walked up the stairs to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, a simple three-bedroom, with a two-bath apartment that he paid for with his earnings. “I’m home.” You call out, brushing your hair out of your eyes as you dropped your books onto the ground, trading your shoes for some slippers before walking into the common space where Shouto sat in his casual clothes.
“Hi, there,” Shouto greeted you as you groaned softly, trudging over to where he lay, and collapsed onto his lap, “Long day?” He asked, his fingers massaging your scalp softly.
“I had to sit throughout the worst lecture of all lectures because in my philosophy class we were discussing if ‘villains deserved to have second chances after inflicting damage on civilians.’“ You mutter into your boyfriend’s neck as he holds you gently in his arms.
“And your position?” Shouto asked, although already knowing your answer.
“They don’t, if heroes can’t get away with hurting other people without licenses, why in the world would I expect any less for criminals.” You say in a defeated voice as you remember most people in your class hadn’t agreed with your viewpoint. 
“What about if they’re inflicting damage because they got caught and didn’t see any other way out?” Shouto asked, picking away at your thought and you groaned again.
“Instead of being my incredible stupid smart boyfriend, can you just agree with me? Everyone already said everything you could think of and I’m sad.” You pout trying your best to disappear within your boyfriend’s arms. A small chuckle vibrates through your boyfriend’s chest and you can’t help the smile on your face as he places a kiss on your head. He was the best.
You found yourself later that night collapsed onto your shared bed, your face buried in the pillow as you longed for the next day to come. You had no classes the following day, and with Shouto having–at least so far–an open day, the two of you planned on making it a 24 hour date day. You trailed your tired gaze over to Shouto who was standing by the doorframe, his eyes concentrated on his phone, a very stiff and angry look on his face.
“Everything okay?” You ask, your voice muffled with the pillows as you watched Shouto typing away, his attention not on you in the slightest.
“Yeah…” Shouto trailed off, his face set in a small scowl as he turned off his phone screen and walked over to the bed, “The office called in, they made a stupid mistake that I need to… fix.”
You sighed softly, his office was always messing things up and you thought it was very unprofessional of them.
“Hopefully they’ll be able to work it out tonight without you, come on and sleep Shoucchan,” You yawn as your boyfriend comes to lay in your arms. “Just sleep.” You encourage.
“Okay…” Shouto nods his head as he wraps his arms around you as well, and you feel warm as sleep takes over you in the best of ways.
You woke up to an empty bed, your eyes looking over at the clock on Shouto’s bed-side that read four in the morning, and you were confused. Where was he?
You sat up and quietly walked to the bathroom, but found it empty and it made you even more disoriented, where was he?
There was a low growl, almost a snarl like snap coming from the living room, and you walked over quietly to see Shouto sitting down on your couch, surrounded by villains. Villains you recognized as the ones on Shouto’s debut.
His back was to you, the villains not even the slightest bit aware of your presence as Shouto spoke.
“How the hell, could you mess this up? Again?!” His voice is low, angry, a whole new tone to it, and it was something you had never imagined you could ever hear from your boyfriend. “I supply you with so much blood, and you can’t even produce what I need you to achieve?”
Your breathing slightly quickened as you stilled in the hallway, disappearing back into the shadows.
“I have been taking y/n’s blood for years, and you’re still unable to come up with a resolution. It’s making it seem unusual to me, you aren’t deluding me, are you?” Shouto’s voice echoes through your mind as a choking breath escapes your lips, and you panic as the pleading voices of your boyfriend’s company subsides.
You turn on your heel, running back into the room, slamming the door. 
Your breathing was staggered, your fingers trembling as you heard footsteps in the hallway. “I’ll deal with you later,” Shouto’s voice speaks, “Get out before you can’t.”
You didn’t know who he was talking to at this point, and despite being in only your sleepwear, you ran to the fire-escape of your room and left the house. The sound of the doorknob opening almost screaming through your ears.
You climbed down the ladder as fast as you could, uncaring of the shooting pain going through your feet. Your heart clenching at the revelation of what was being kept from you.
You ran.
And ran.
And ran.
Eventually, you found yourself collapsing in the middle of the street as tears fell down your cheeks, what the hell was happening?
Your head rose up from your childhood bed weeks later, it had been three weeks since you had last seen Shouto. Three weeks later and your anemic symptoms had all disappeared. Three weeks later and Pro-Hero: Shouto was still a name people loved. Three weeks later and not a single word or encounter with villains or your boyfriend and you weren’t really sure what you were expecting.
Everything just felt entirely wrong.
You still had feelings for Shouto.
Your feelings towards villains hadn’t changed though.
You now hated Shouto.
But you still loved him.
You missed him.
You resented him.
He had violated your body, for your blood, something you couldn’t comprehend as to why. Was everything between the two of you fake? Something created to obtain your blood?
Was everything a deception?
You walked aimlessly to university, your usual friendly personality had been scuffed to death at the moment, and you ignored the hello’s that still came your way. You sat down in your philosophy class later that day staring out the window, uncaring of the lecture that was taking place on the ethical and moral dilemmas that had resurfaced with the introduction of quirks and how even today it was in place. 
Your eyebrows scrunched as you saw a figure in the alley behind the building move into the sunlight, and your face muscles tightened as you saw Shouto standing there. Wearing casual clothing, staring right back at you as if he knew it was you looking at him.
You watched in slight horror as he picked up his phone as if he was signaling something to you, and a small buzz alarmed you of a text notification.
shouto: come here
You felt your blood chill slightly at those words. Why was he finally reaching out towards you? You knew that he knew that you remembered his dark secret. Despite having this information you weren’t going to be telling anyone, especially not anytime soon.
Your hands shook as if you were suddenly anemic again as you quickly grabbed your backpack and left the classroom, ignoring the curious gazes on your figure as the door closed behind you.
What the hell were you thinking? Why were you listening to him? He didn’t deserve to speak to you, and what if it was going to be a threat? You couldn’t even begin to imagine what would happen if it was a threat. You would cry for sure, but god, you craved seeing him.
Without even fully realizing it, you found yourself stepping into the alleyway where Shouto was hidden in the shadows by himself. Your fingers tingled with uneasiness as you subconsciously moved your arms to shield yourself from him.
Shouto watched you from his position against the wall, his hands shoved into his pockets, his shoulder leaning against the bricks.
God why did you meet him in this alleyway, it was a secluded area on campus already, and if he decided to kill you no one would find your body for weeks.
You begin to mentally panic as you tried to figure out a way to get out of the trap you just walked into. 
“What do you want?” You whisper softly, refusing to look at him directly and you watched as Shouto’s feet shifted as he readjusted his stance.
“I think that’s what I am supposed to be asking,” Shouto’s voice speaks to you, but it seems sharper, so foreign to you, not the man you love.
You moved your gaze to look directly at Shouto who was staring at you, almost curiously, as if you were a subject he was analyzing.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You defiantly assert your facial features set in stone as you refused to let him read any emotion that was racing through your mind.
“Hm, well,” Shouto smirks softly as he takes a step closer to you, and you automatically take a step backward. “You wanna know why I lied about my profession.” His tone suggests that he’s guessing, but you knew he could read you like a book.
A noise struggles in your throat as you refuse to acknowledge his questions.
“Simple. Being a hero is bullshit, what’s the point in being a savior to undeserving people who merited the actions of the everyday villains. It seems wrong, you would never understand, y/n, but that’s okay. Besides, there’s something so liberating doing things that aren’t… expected of you.” Shouto’s voice almost taunts you as your eyes narrow slightly as he takes another step towards you, and instinctually, you step back.
“What else would the opinionated y/n have?” Shouto says as he brushes his shaggy hair out of his eyes, their piercing colors drilling holes into your soul. “Your blood, huh? Now that is something you’ll just love. You see, your probability quirk is amazingly powerful, did you know that? The number of scenarios you can use it is unlimited with the ability to be correct ninety-nine out of a hundred times. Your quirk is good luck, and you were an idiot for never noticing it.”
Now that hit a nerve, and your lip trembled the ever so slightest as an aloof chuckle leaves Shouto’s mouth, another step forward for him, and another step backward for you.
“Did I hurt your feelings?” Shouto smirks again then a sigh leaves his lips, “You had amazing potential, my love, but your anxiety just kept you from achieving everything. So yes, I did seek you out intentionally for your quirk, but you had this fear that I could never get you over, so I had to get your blood in an… artistic way, you can say.” 
You felt like you were suffocating when your back hits the wall, but you don’t react to the feeling of the harsh brick against your back as you concentrate on the man you don’t recognize in front of you. “But of course, why did I need it?” Shouto clicks his tongue as a hand comes to press against the wall next to you, trapping you. “It will act as the ultimate judgment for every person in the world, and we needed a lot, but it turns out I had a vermin in my midst, that’s why it took so long.”
He traces a finger against your face and everything he says slams into you. Maybe you didn’t know Shouto as well as you thought you did, you were in love with a villain after all, but there was something so artificial in his words that after months of feeling numb anger flared within you. You can feel nothing but anger and hatred seeping through you towards this man before you.
“You can’t possibly think you’re superior enough to enact judgment on everyone, because of what? You save a few bad civilians?!” You spat at him finally feeling emotions and energy run through your body as your hands come up to shove Shouto’s shoulders with unknown strength and he staggers back. “Are you fucking kidding me, Shouto?!”
Your face scrunches as he takes a step backward, and now you’re on the attack. “Are you some fucking idiot? You think you can act like my boyfriend for two years and expect me not to pick up personality traits of your own? I can practically smell the anxiety from your body, you dick!” You storm as you shove Shouto again. “Your words are too pretty, too fucking rehearsed, dumbass, you’re a leader by action, you idiot, not by words! God, is someone fucking feeding you that little speech?! You’re a fucking villain, not some martyr, so you can shut the fuck up, and go feed your feeble-minded words to assholes who believe that they are the ones to shape the world! Go tell this sob story to the world, how about to your mom, let’s see how many people fucking agree with you then, Todoroki.”
You feel as if your blood is on fire as you have Shouto up onto the wall, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly opened in shock. Your breathing is harsh, fast, panting, as your eyes glare into Shouto’s eyes that are quickly turning from shock to anger to lust. You don’t even know what’s happening to you until you feel your hands grab the collar of his shirt and slam your lips against his own.
Your lips connect with his lips at every touch in a hard fashion. Your fingers fisted into his shirt as you slam your taller boyfriend–was he even your boyfriend–into the wall. You’re intensely aware of his fingers gripping your hips as your bodies came to be mangled onto each other, leaving no room between your two bodies as you continued this angry kiss.
You felt as Shouto let out a low growl, his weight shifting and he shoved you against the wall. His hands moving from your hips to cup the bottom of you ass, roughly grinding his crotch against yours, and fury went through your body. 
Why did he have to fuck this all up for the two of you?
The kiss was getting sloppy, your teeth clashing too often, breathless heaves panted into each other’s mouths as your tongue slipped into Shouto’s mouth. You defiantly press your tongue against him, not allowing him the victory of entering your mouth as your hands leave your grip from his shirt to grasp onto his hair, tugging on it sharply that makes Shouto let out a tantalizing moan. This wasn’t fair to Shouto, you knew that’s how he saw it, and just as you guessed, he moves his hands to better grasp your ass as he lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist immediately. His hands removing yours from his hair to slam them up against the wall.
A pained but lustful moan escapes your lips from this action, and you rock your hips painfully slow against Shouto’s crotch and sigh in victory as Shouto removes his lips from yours, “F-Fuck,” Shouto curses, his grip on your hands lessening slightly, and your eyes crack open to see Shouto’s head thrown back, and a mewl leaves your lips at the sight of your man stuttering because of you.
It doesn’t last long as suddenly, Shouto’s lips are back on you, leaving hot open-mouthed kisses trailing down your neck, his teeth biting down almost animalistically with every other kiss, but fuck does it make your toes curl. “Yes,” you praise the man between your legs as you roll your hips against Shouto’s in a way of retribution, and the lust and fury of Shouto’s eyes are connected with yours.
You gasp breathlessly as Shouto’s hot tongue licks slowly between the cleavage of your breasts, combined with the harsh tug of your hair sends your head snapping back, “Fuck you,” You spat, angry with yourself that he knew exactly how to please you in the best way.
“I plan on making you do that for me,” Shouto growls lowly, as you slam your lips back onto his own. 
A muffled cry leaves your lips as you feel his hands go under your shirt and massages your breast harshly through your bra, “Don’t you dare fucking think that this is going to make things okay.” You snap as you grab Shouto’s hands increasing the strength on his already harsh grip on your breasts.
“I didn’t.” Shouto laughs as his head goes under your shirt, and you can only wait helplessly as you feel your bra unclasp and a harsh roll of your nipples between his fingers sends you through another moan. You feel anger resurge through your body as you can feel the victorious smirk on his lips as he bites the sensitive underside of your breast.
With your hips still rolling away on his own crotch, you don’t hesitate as you blindly unbuckle the belt on Shouto’s pants and slip your hand through the waistline, your hand seizing the base of his cock. You hear a hiss from Shouto, and you almost laugh in manically glee of making the man you shouldn’t want tremble. 
“You’re a bitch.” Shouto gasps as he removes himself from your breasts, and goes to press wild, uncontrolled kisses onto your lips. And the coil in your stomach is tightening as he jerks against your pumping hand and rolling hips.
“And you’re a coward.” You hiss as Shouto drops you to the ground, your legs wobbly from the uncontrollable emotions you had long submitted to, the pool of heat in your underwear only seeming to intensify as Shouto slams your stomach into the wall.
“Now, are you going to behave correctly to the big bad villain who has you trapped?” Shouto whispers into your ear, his teeth biting softly onto your earlobe, shoots of tingles resonating through your body as you feel his hand move from your waist to your inner thighs, too close for comfort, not close enough for the relief you desperately sought. 
“You’d be a bigger idiot if you thought I would simply submit.” You breathlessly reply as his fingers trailed up higher, and your hips rolled slightly as his fingers touched between your legs deliciously soft, and you fought another mewl leaving your mouth.
“Ah, don’t stop yourself from making sound,” Shouto grinned against your neck, “Tell the world how much you hate me.”
You could only pant as Shouto’s hand unbuttoned your shorts and let them drop to the ground as his fingers went inside your panties, and brushed against the hood of your clit, “Fuck off,” You repeat as soundless moans leave your lips, your head thrown back again as his fingers slip into your opening, slowly moving as his other hand goes to tease your clit in a way that causes you to bite onto your tongue to contain the pleasure-filled scream ready to leave your mouth.
“Do you want me?” Shouto breathes harshly against your neck as he ground his hard pelvis into your ass, and you could only nod your head as his fingers pumped into you. The heat in your stomach only grow as the coil in you felt tighter as both the pumping and teasing intensified, “Fuck, love, aren’t you just fucking wet as always.”
You let out an exasperated cry as his fingers leave your dripping sex, and you can only watch with hooded eyes as Shouto brings his fingers to his mouth, slowly licking your juices off his fingers. “Fuck me with the same passion you have in hating me,” Shouto whispers as he twists your neck to kiss you in this twisted position, and you moan as you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and before you can even savor the feeling of his tongue on yours, his jeans are bunched by his knees, and you’re completely bent over, your underwear joining your shorts on the floor.
“You want this, you want me?” Shout asks again his voice almost a growl, his facial features intense as he drops his own underwear and is stroking his already pre-cum leaking cock. 
“I swear to god, Todoroki,” You hiss staring at the man who had your heart seem almost unsure of what was the right thing to do, “If you don’t finish what I started, I will never forgive you.”
That’s all it takes, and the uncertainty in Shouto’s mind is made up and all you could do is let out strings of curses as he slams into you from behind in one quick movement. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” Shouto groans as you pant, your hands shake against the wall, god did his dick in you send you to another planet.
“Fucking move already, pussy.” You snarl and smirk as Shouto takes it as a challenge as starts thrusting his hips, ready to kill any doubt you had in your mind.
And then you could do nothing but scream out encouragement as Shouto’s hips slam into yours, harshly, at speeds you never envisioned the two of you reaching before.
Every thrust sent you grasping for support on the brick wall as he continued thrusting into you, his fingers gripping you waist as curses leave his lips.
Your jaw drops and a shrill gasp leaves your mouth as the coil in you tightens significantly at a certain angle he comes in, “Like that?” Shouto laughs although you could hear no humor in his voice as he comes in at that angle again, and you can barely control the sob of pleasure that rips out of your mouth.
“Sh-Shouto!” You arch your back and despite the position, Shouto is edging, you can feel the tremble in his thighs, his tell when he was almost over the edge. “Fuck me, faster!”
Shouto doesn’t disappoint you as you feel his hands grasp your hair and he snakes a hand back to your clit, and you find yourself clenching your eyes in concentration, trying not to satisfy him with cumming first.
You smiled in victory as shuddering gasps left Shouto’s lips as you felt his thrusts progressively missing his usual targets, and with a drawn-out groan from him, you felt him cum in you, and you couldn’t help yourself as you looked over your shoulder and saw Shouto’s face filled with relief.
His hips stilled for moments, but your own hips didn’t stop, and another string of curses left Shouto’s mouth as he focused distractedly on your own orgasm. His body rocked into yours, and your hips met him in every motion, your lip trembling as his fingers danced against your clit.
The coil in your heat tightened and tightened, and when he pressed a kiss on the back of your neck, his fingers pinching your clit, the coil snapped and you could only see white as an immeasurable amount of pleasure ripped through you, and a scream sagged through your body as you came undone.
You whined as you felt him exit you, and you slowly straightened back up, you felt uncomfortably sore. Quietness filled the alleyway as the two of your straightened out your outfits turning towards each other, then you locked eyes, and it finally hit you. This was goodbye.
Your breathing staggered as Shouto’s lips were on yours again, and you feel overwhelmed. Your fists are clenched on his chest, his fingers hooked onto your belt loops. Your brows are brought together, and you can tell both of your jaws are clenched. It almost felt like a magnetic pull between you two, but you had to deny it. So you shift so that your foreheads press together, your lips just brushing, just barely, so faintly touching until you pull away completely with a shaking exhale, your forehead dropping into Shouto’s neck.
“I am in love with you, but I can’t love you knowing what you are.” You whisper as you break away, grabbing your bag and leaving Shouto alone in the alley, wiping tears that inevitably fall from your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
and thats all for now folks, i also updated my masterlist again so if you wanna read more crap i write, check it out :D but yes! the blood stealing is weird i know, i was told but i am so outta ideas i just rolled with it ;) anyways let me know what you tHINK I LIKE HAVING OPINIONS ON WHAT I WRITE PLEASE SEND ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT IT MAKES ME SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY
735 notes · View notes
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Chopped Madness Masterlist
To say we are overwhelmed would be the understatement of the year for sure. This challenge was so incredible, the fics we received were spectacular and we couldn’t have been more pleased with the positive and supportive space that we were able to create with your help. During such a crazy time in the world, we hope that this was able to distract you, even just a little, from the harshness of reality, and bring you some level of joy. We received an astounding forty-seven (47!!!!!!) fics in our anonymous collection, that were submitted for voting, as well as four (4) amazing fics that were added to our non anonymous collection following prompts from this event, bringing our fic total to a mind blowing FIFTY ONE (51!!!!!) fics! We honestly cannot even begin to express our thanks to all of you for putting in the time and hard work to share such creative, exciting, well written pieces of fan fiction for this event, and we hope that you all enjoyed it as much as we did! If you haven’t had a chance to read all of the brilliant fics shared with us for Chopped Madness, you can find them all below, or in our AO3 collections, which will be linked at the bottom of this post.
To all of our writers, for Chopped Madness and all other Chopped events, Chopped would not be what it is without you. You take our ideas and turn them into beautiful stories that we are privileged to read and share with this fandom, and we owe you all a huge thanks for everything you do.
We hope you all (and all your loved ones) are staying safe during this uncertain time. Keep being creative, positive, and sharing your art with the world. And dont forget to keep your eyes pealed for the next Chopped events ;)
And obviously, a huge congratulations to our CHOPPED CHAMPION, the lovely @the-most-beautiful-broom​!
We love you all,
Sara & Bailey <3
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The image above is not an entirely accurate representation of how each writer was paired up, it was the best we could do considering we shifted the order each round based on the rankings. The number next to the authors name in each bracket is their rank for that round!
Qualifying Round
Character Focus: Bellamy Blake
Theme: Canonverse
Fairy Tale AU
Write a Good Guy as a Villain or a Villain as a Good Guy
When the party’s over (Rated T) [Bellamy & Octavia] by safeandsound13 @captaindaddykru​
Summary: Bellamy goes into the anomaly to save Octavia. What he finds, is a trail of bodies. {Or: a canonverse take on Hansel & Gretel}
don’t be who you were (Rated T) [Bellamy & Diyoza] by sapphictomaz @iexasheart​
Summary: Bellamy’s forced to stay in the bunker, alone, for six years. Diyoza trapped alone on her ship. They find a way to help each other survive, because that’s what they know how to do.
Straight On Until Morning (Rated G) [Bellamy & Kane] by she_who_the_river_could_not_hold @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold​
Summary: Bellamy and his unruly band of Delinquents have been living life as they wish. Their days are filled with games and exploring while their nights are spent coordinating attacks against the dreaded Wanheda and her Mountain Men. It’s all fun and games in a world where no one gets older. But then a strange man appears one day and Marcus Kane provides a reality check to Bellamy that he’s not prepared to accept.
Where is the path to Wonderland? (Rated T) [Bellamy x Clarke] by myonetruelove @justwalkedaway​
Summary: Separated from their friends in the Anomaly, Clarke and Bellamy find themselves lost in a world so different from their own.
The Sixth Bride (Rated M) [Bellamy x Roan] by Shen_Gong_Oops @shen-gong-oops​
Summary: For their wedding, Roan gifted him an antique skeleton key attached to a thin, leather cord. Rough, callous fingertips grazed the base of his neck as they secured the necklace in place. While his husband allowed him full reign of the tower, the key provided access to the only room he barred Bellamy from entering. He was never to set foot in the sole room on the highest floor. Into Roan’s private reprieve from the world. And to be fair, Bellamy respected Roan’s right to privacy - for a while.
Gunning for Glory (Rated T) [Bellamy x Gina] by teeandrainbows @teeandsnowflakes​
Summary: While on a routine mission for Kane, Bellamy comes across a mystery girl who points him towards a treasure trove that might prove useful for Arkadia, but danger lurks up every spiraling staircase. It may just be the distraction he needs, though, to get over Clarke leaving.
On the Ground and What Bellamy Found There (Rated G) [General] by elle_stone @kinetic-elaboration​
Summary: Bellamy has a prophetic dream. An Alice in Wonderland AU.
to dream about a life (where you’re the shining star) (Rated T) [Bellamy x Murphy] by ProbablyVoldemort @probably-voldemort​
Summary: Bellamy has been dreaming about going to the coalition’s annual Camp Rock since he was a kid. The chance to escape his life and his step-father and spend his days travelling between clans and singing. This year, he finally has a chance to go–as a chef. Murphy hated what came of Clarke’s treaty with the Grounders, but even he knew it could’ve been worse. But that didn’t mean he wanted to spend his time performing for the people who had kidnapped and tortured him. He could do it, though. He could sing at whatever the fuck Camp Rock was, and he could help pick whichever winner the Grounders wanted him to pick. He could play nice. That didn’t mean he had to like it.
There’s Gonna Be a Party When the Wolf Comes Home (Rated T) [General] by kuklash @kuklash​
Summary: “Dante?” she asks, her voice a mixture of confusion and surprise. Bellamy straightens the nameplate on his desk, and the gold plaque reflects the dim fluorescent lights above him. He taps it twice, drawing her attention to the words “Dante Wallace” written in a fancy script. “That’s what they call me.” A Canon Divergent Fairy Tale AU staring Bellamy Blake
No Ordinary Apple (Rated T) [Bellamy & Josephine] by andthelightbulbclicks @andthelightbulbclicks​
Summary: When Josephine awakens in Clarke Griffin’s body, she has no reason to believe anything about her reincarnation is anything out of the ordinary. Then she learns that Clarke was far from a willing host and meets Bellamy Blake. She doesn’t expect to become invested in their love story, and she certainly doesn’t plan on risking her own like to make things right. And yet, here she is. All in the name of true love.
Brother Knows Best (Rated G) [Bellamy & Octavia] by Dylanobrienisbatman @dylanobrienisbatman​
Summary: Octavia grew up in a cave, hidden from the world, with only her brother to care for her. He kept her safe, safe from a world where people like her, where nightbloods, were hunted and slaughtered. But even with so much danger, she longs to see the world, so when a handsome stranger stumbles into their cave, she makes her escape to spend one night out under the stars. But in just one night, she begins to wonder if everything she’d grown up believing was true after all.
seeds in silence (exploded in riot) (Rated T) [Bellamy & Clarke] by justbecauseyoubelievesomething @justbecauseyoubelievesomething 
Summary: Seeds. Not the modified seeds Farm Station constantly churns out in unending batches. Genuine seeds. Earth seeds. The kind of seeds that the scientists from Alpha will sell their souls for. Doctor Griffin talks a lot about genetics and lost patterns, but Bellamy’s mind is a million miles away. He can get anything he wants for Octavia and his mom. He can make it so Octavia doesn’t have to live in hiding. He can bring the chancellor himself to his knees, if he’s careful enough.
i’ve got a heart in me (i swear) (Rating T) [Bellamy x Murphy] by hopskipaway @hopskipaway​
Summary: Belonging was not a familiar word in the Book of John Murphy. That was a fact that seemed grounded in concrete; what he wouldn’t give to stumble upon a sledgehammer someday and be reunited with his bruised and feeble, but still beating, heart.
2199 Nights (Rated M) [Bellamy x Clarke] by Mobi_On_A_Mission @mobi-on-a-mission​
Summary: Every day, the Commander Bellamy took a new wife and executed her the next morning, until one day his fleimkepa’s daughter volunteered. She kept him entertained with tales of far-off places, sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise…
we’d up and fly (if there were wings for flying) (Rated G) [Bellamy x Clarke] by the-most-beautiful-broom @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Summary: Bellamy and Wells are held captive and interrogated by the Grounders, and when he returns to Arkadia, Bellamy finds some things have changed.
The Storyteller (Rated T) [Bellamy x Clarke] by thelittlefanpire @thelittlefanpire​
Summary: A heartbroken Commander, betrayed by her beloved, vows to slay each and every one of her future lovers after they’ve spent their first night together. Bellamy Blake, the latest to be taken into the Commander of Death’s chambers, will try to save his life by weaving a succession of tales to the woman that lasts for one thousand and one nights.
How to Kill a Two-Headed Turkey (Rated T) [Bellamy & Octavia] by vmreed @vmreed​
Summary: After everyone at camp collapses from a mysterious illness (thanks Murphy), Bellamy and Octavia are sent to hunt enough food for 100 sick teenagers. When they find themselves lost, far from camp, what else can they do but move forward? Thankfully, a kind woman took them in, but all is not as it seems. Anya’s been waiting to meet these Skaikru…
simmer, simmer, simmer (Rated M) [Bellamy x Clarke] by Pawprinter @pawprinterfanfic​
Summary: When Sanctum falls to starvation, it is up to Bellamy and Clarke to find a solution. They aren’t prepared for the horrors beyond the Sanctum barrier.
So Familiar a Gleam (Rated T) [Bellamy x Clarke, Bellamy & Octavia] by Anonymous
Summary: When the dropship first lands, Bellamy is hopeful. It doesn't last. After all, the humans who were left behind, they've been on there own for a while. Things have changed. (Maleficent meets The 100 meets the author's glaring ignorance about either franchise.)
Round 1
Character Focus: Harper McIntyre
Theme: Angst
Strangers to Lovers
Road Trip AU
into a cloven pine (Rated T) [Harper/Maya] by justbecauseyoubelievesomething @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
Summary: Maya starts sitting with her at meals, shrugging aside the judgmental looks of delinquents and Mountain Men alike. When Harper tries to delicately suggest that she sit somewhere else for her own good, Maya levels her with an icy glare and threatens to kick her under the table. For some reason, that makes Harper giggle and she figures that someone who makes her giggle must be alright to sit with. So, she ignores Miller’s warning head shakes and Fox’s teary-eyed frowns and she plays footsie with Maya Vie. Life is weird. She might as well just go with it.
I Need You (Like I Need a Gaping Head Wound) (Rated T) [Harper/Echo] *Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death* by kuklash @kuklash​
Summary: “And that was the new track from Lou Bega: ‘Mambo No. 5’ off his new album ‘A Little Bit of Mambo’. Stay tuned for Backstreet, Britney Spears, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers comin’ at’cha in the next hour.” Harper shuts off the radio and leans back in the driver’s seat, taking her hands off the wheel and rubbing her temples. Traffic is worse than normal today, meaning she’s gonna be late. She’s already 45 minutes late getting back from lunch, meaning that Roan will probably call her into his office. That’s the last thing she needs today. Harper nearly jumps out of her skin when the passenger door opens and a tall, brunette woman vaults into the car. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU D–” “Drive,” the woman says, voice barely above a whisper.
venus, planet of love was destroyed by global warming (Rated G) [Harper/Monty] by safeandsound13 @captaindaddykru​
Summary: In a world tainted by darkness, Harper meets Monty.
Take back my life (Prove I’m alright) (Rated T) [Harper/Monty] by myonetruelove @justwalkedaway​
Summary: Harper and Monty have been married for ten years and she is beginning to notice the cracks in their marriage. Will a road trip for a job interview be able to save their marriage?
Like dust behind the wagon (Rated T) [Harper/Monre] *Major Character Death* by teeandrainbows @teeandsnowflakes​
Summary: Harper and her family were in search of a better life in Oregon when tragedy struck. She didn’t think she would ever recover, and then she met Monroe, a lone traveler looking for a ride to Fort Bridger.
you can bloom again (Rated T) [Harper/Clarke] by sapphictomaz @iexasheart​
Summary: Harper’s always been a survivor. She’s survived an orphaned childhood, kidnapping, and torture. When a wave of fire stretches across the sky, she knows that she’ll survive this, too - but when she meets a girl with a smile brighter than the sun, Harper wonders if surviving alone is what she really wants.
The Hardest Thing (Rated T) [Harper/Emori] by Mobi_On_A_Mission @mobi-on-a-mission​
Summary: After shooting Baylis and escaping to the woods, Emori was utterly alone. She travelled through the lands of the Coalition, stealing from anyone and everyone. All of that changed when she met the last sky girl after the Mountain Men wiped out the rest of her people. Harper had a map to a peaceful village across the sea, and Emori had nothing to lose.
Release (Rated T) [Harper/Murphy] by elle_stone @kinetic-elaboration​
Summary: Her whole body is still tense, but this long habit of distrust has been formed in her, is not native to her, and his lazy, laconic air tempts her to put herself at ease. And she is curious. Behind them, the Detention Center is teeming, yet the desolation of the dim light and barren highway makes Harper feel as if they were the only two on the wide Earth. Upon being released from the Arkadia Juvenile Detention Center, Harper takes a road trip to California with an old friend, his boyfriend, and another recently released delinquent.
What the Hell is a Pulmonary Embolism? (Rated T) [Harper & Clarke/Murphy] by vmreed @vmreed​
Summary: Harper McIntyre wasn’t trained for this. She was just a tour guide, how was she supposed to deal with the bus crashing in the middle of nowhere?
something more than momentary (Rated T) [Harper/Murphy] by ProbablyVoldemort @probably-voldemort​
Summary: The first rule of working for the Princess Protection Program was, well, keep your princess safe no matter the cost. The second rule was don’t get attached. Agent Murphy had followed that rule to the letter for years and never had an issue. But now he’s stuck in a car for the foreseeable future with a princess and a gunshot wound, and everything he’s ever believed in just might be changing.
and the road gets tough (Rated M) [Harper/Monty] by she-who-the-river-could-not-hold​ @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
Summary: It’s the end of the world and Harper McIntyre is done running. She’s done fighting against a life that relentlessly keeps pushing her down. But she has her son to worry about and she desperately wants him to have a new life and to experience it all. When they hit the road, she’s helped by a kind stranger who changes the course of things. Monty Green represents a life she wished she had been able to have, but it might still be too late.
everyone’s a different flower (Rated T) [Harper/Monty] by andthelightbulbclicks @andthelightbulbclicks​
Summary: Harper McIntyre’s life on Earth has been a simple one, and she’s always been happy with that. But with a single diagnosis, her simple life is completely upended. Her best friends think that an intergalactic trip across the universe is just what she needs to get her mind off of things. Raven thinks the change in scenery will do Harper some good. Clarke thinks the girl time will help. (Harper thinks the cute space-botanist she meets might just do the trick.)
I wanna shoot the whole day down (Rated T) [Harper/Monty] *Major Character Death* by hopskipaway @hopskipaway​
Summary: Tell me why I don’t like Mondays...Or Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, or any day since you left us.
Never Gonna Give You Up (Rated T) [Harper/Raven] by Shen_Gong_Oops @shen-gong-oops​
Summary: Unknown: Hey, Monty guilted me into a road trip with those damned puppy dog eyes and seeing as neither of you can be in the same car, I am your road trip Uber. Name’s Raven. Harper: Rookie mistake, you never look Monty in the eyes. That’s how you lose. A road trip, huh?
Macushla (Rated T) [Harper/Monty] by the-most-beautiful-broom @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Summary: Harper Noelle Margaret McIntyre, Countess of Rothes, must survive the unthinkable, when the unsinkable ship hits an iceberg in the middle of the Atlantic // aka the Titanic AU that isn’t Jack and Rose
Both (Rated T) [Harper/Monty] by the-most-beautiful-broom @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Summary: “Emori doesn’t understand why I’d want to go back up.” Their backs are against the wicker, just waiting now, as the balloon floats downward. “Emori’s my sister,” Harper clarifies. “She thinks I should be scared, and just leave it behind. But if I left, if I never went up again, then everything I’ve lost would be for nothing.” It hovers in the air, like the snow, like a balloon. “All my life,” Monty says, “I’ve found certainty in science. In numbers, quantifying things. But...this has shown me. You have, I mean. There’s a beauty in the most barren of science, and my equipment and notes cannot account for it. And I thought it was science, logic, before, but now I see: the only person that could’ve taken me to the stars was you.” {a marper Aeronauts AU based heavily off the 2019 movie}
Round 2
Character Focus: John Murphy
Theme: Dystopia
Partners In Crime
Bed Sharing
poison but tasty (Rated M) [Murphy & Josephine, Murphy/Emori] by safeandsound13 @captaindaddykru​
Summary: In a world where genetics and individual resilience decide who gets to procreate and who doesn’t, babies are a rare breed. That’s why Murphy gets the lucrative idea to steal one, and sell it. In comes Josie, who kind of, sort of? Maybe? Has the same idea? He figures, what the hell. Might as well combine their efforts and split the profits. or, Two Psychopaths and a Baby.
even heroes have the right to dream (Rated M) [Muprhy/Emori] by justbecauseyoubelievesomething @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
Summary: He doesn’t deal with people one-on-one anymore. He works his shift at the factory. He comes home. Takes his pills. Drinks himself to sleep. He doesn’t go on road trips. Or smuggle little girls under the cover of darkness. Or make small talk with his ex.
don’t mess with the flow, oh no (stick to the status quo) (Rated T) [Murphy/Clarke] by ProbablyVoldemort @probably-voldemort​
Summary: Harper and Monty tried out for the spring musical, and now everything is going to shit. Jocks think they can bake. Nerds think they can dance. Stoners think they can play cello. And Harper and Monty, Jock and Nerd respectively, think they can get callbacks for Murphy’s part. This is not what he wants. This is not what he planned. And, he’s just gotta say, he does not understand.
Good to be Back (Rated G) [Murphy/Emori] by the-most-beautiful-broom @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Summary: Murphy has been out of the wet work game for years now, but when someone from the past shows up at his bar, he doesn’t think twice before diving back in.
make a wish (count to three) (Rated T) [Murphy/Emori] by teeandrainbows @teeandsnowflakes​
Summary: In Alpha City, anyone who isn’t a Prime, the top tier of society, is claimed by a factory to work for a meager living at the age of 18. When Murphy is selected for the factory overseen by the mysterious Alie, he thinks life might finally be getting better…
The Taste of Hope (Rated T) [Murphy/Raven] by elle_stone @kinetic-elaboration​
Summary: Murphy has lived his whole life on Factory 6, stripping the planet of its resources for the benefit of the elite ruling class on The Jewel. His existence has never been more than work, sleep, and the mindless distractions of gossip, drinking, and parties. Until he and his girlfriend, Raven, start to wonder: could there be more?
Survivor’s Move (Rated G) [Muprhy/Emori] by she_who_the_river_could_not_hold @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold​
Summary: In a dying society ruled by an iron fist, it’s crucial to stay low. John Murphy has mastered that, an ex-thief doing what he can to stay out of trouble. But trouble finds him with the arrival of another ex-thief, and more importantly, his ex-girlfriend. Emori needs his help and he finds himself confronting their breakup while also trying to express to her the importance she has in his heart.
Complex Wiring (Rated T) [Murphy/Raven] by andthelightbulbclicks @andthelightbulbclicks​
Summary: According to the Commonwealth of Arkadian, cyborgs have been wiped out from the nation for years, any scientists willing to do the surgeries arrested or worse. John Murphy, whose primary goal in life is to be a general nuisance to the guards in his crummy village, has no reason to believe otherwise. That is, until he unexpectedly meets a group of cyborgs in hiding who are looking for “the Cockroach” to do a job for them.
Round 3
Character Focus: Raven Reyes
Theme: Modern
Found Family
if you choose to fly (Rated M) [Raven/Bellamy/Echo] by teeandrainbows @teeandsnowflakes​
Summary: It’s always been the three of them, for as long as she can remember, and she’s happy. Bellamy kisses her forehead and Echo raises a hand to her cheek, reaching across and pressing a featherlight kiss to her lips. A week later, she finds herself missing the tranquility of the moment. or the origin story of Raven Reyes
Hands That Burn (Rated T) [Raven/Clarke] by elle_stone @kinetic-elaboration​
Summary: WELCOME, reads a large banner, hung up between two poles in front of her, TO FLOUKRU RETREAT. The font on the banner matches the font on the invitation Raven received two months ago. Why she decided to attend this particular event, she cannot entirely explain, even to herself. Six ex-superheroes, and ex-best friends, meet for a weekend retreat, ready to confront their feelings and the past tragedy that tore them apart.
Into the Blue (Rated G) [Raven/Zeke] by the-most-beautiful-broom @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Summary: Her name is Raven Reyes. She was bitten by a radioactive spider her senior year of college; for the last two years, she’s been the one and only Spider-Woman. She joined a band, saved her dad, couldn’t save her best friend, so now she saves everyone else. She doesn’t really do the friends thing, not since her last best friend was turned into a giant lizard and she had to kill him, but things are mostly fine, going solo. Until a kaleidoscope opens in the ceiling. She’s suddenly in Times Square, but it’s not, it’s like some Other Times Square. There’s a billboard for Cocoa Kola (what even?) and there’s a Spider-Man (typical) here, and on the Other Times Square screens, she watches Zeke die again, this time as Spider-Man. // or a zaven!into the spiderverse AU
the color of truth is gray (Rated T) [Raven/Murphy] by andthelightbulbclicks @andthelightbulbclicks​
Summary: Raven’s firm beliefs on super villains have held true for as long as she can remember. And she prides herself in being a part of the Spacekru team, protecting their territory in Polis and bringing those villains to justice. But slowly, she comes to realize that maybe their super-powered world isn’t as black and white as she’s always chosen to believe. And maybe a certain villain isn’t really a villain at all. (Or: Three times Raven fights a villain, and one time she saves him.)
And It May Sound Absurd, But Don't Be Naive (Rated T) [Raven/Zeke] by Anonymous 
Summary: "Yeah, well, if life were to suddenly get fair, I doubt it would happen in high school." A Sky High AU where Raven just wants to sit there and do her Mad Science homework in peace, but life has a funny habit of removing that as an option.
Round 4
Character Focus: Luna kom Floukru
Theme: Thriller
Parallel Universe
Excuse me, where are the dinosaurs? (Rating M) [Luna/Raven/Roan] *Graphic Depictions of Violence* by ​andthelightbulbclicks @andthelightbulbclicks​
Summary: Luna is living her life on the island of Floukru with two goals in mind. 1. Keep her animal rescue up and running. 2. (Somehow) turn her relationship with her two roommates into a romantic one. When the three of them find themselves on a very different version of Floukru where living, breathing dinosaurs still exist, she supposes she should add two more to the list: 3. Avoid the psychopaths who inexplicably look exactly like them. 4. Make sure no one gets eaten by a T-Rex.
we cross our bridges and burn them behind us (Rating T) [Luna/Lincoln] by the-most-beautiful-broom @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Summary: When SHRDR powers up and tears a hole in the world, Luna watches Lincoln die. Three years later, he steps out of thin air and asks for her help. So yeah, that's how her day is going. It's fine. Everything is fine.
Promise (Rated M) [Lincoln & Luna] *Graphic Depictions Of Violence Major Character Death* by teeandrainbows @teeandsnowflakes​
Summary: During the Conclave, Luna and Octavia find themselves in another version of Polis where vampires have been terrorizing what's left of humanity.
Please take a read of all these incredible fics! Leave the authors some kudos/comments! They worked so hard this whole event. Thanks so much!
Just as a reminder, our non-anon collection is always open and we are always so excited to receive any submissions! The Chopped Madness official collection has been CLOSED but if any of our prompts inspire you, please share your fics with us in our non-anon collection! Simple put ‘Chopped_Non_Anonymous’ where it asks for the collection name, and be sure to put what round you are writing for in your notes so we can be sure to tag it appropriately when we share! Also, just as a note, fics submitted to the non-anon collection do not have to follow the word limit and do not require the same strict adherence to the tropes, though we do ask that you comply with our other rules regarding no rape, incest, negativity, and things like that! Happy writing!
Chopped Madness AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Chopped_Madness
Chopped Non-Anon AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Chopped_Non_Anonymous
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teashadephoenix · 4 years
@pomegranate-belle tagged me in Top 7 Comfort Movies and I am stalling starting my laundry so here we go!! (in sort of chronological order)
1. Beetlejuice (1988): This movie is a fucking classic. Michael Keaton is a comedic genius and apparently (according to my mom) 3yo me had a huge crush on him. Also Geena Davis??? Winona Ryder??? Yum??? The worldbuilding and character design is so imaginative and interesting.
2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989): Grew up jumping off the swings singing the Indy theme song. Momma was a huge Harrison Ford fan so we watched all of his movies but the one I know practically line for line is Last Crusade. I love John Rhys Davies as Sallah ("Please, what is it always this 'junior?!'") I love Sean Connery as Senior ("I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne! 'Might my armies be the rocks and the trees, and the birds in the sky!'") I love the whole daddy issues thing, I love punching Nazis, I love a scientist who has room for magic.
3. The Princess Bride (1987): It's funny, it's beautiful, I know all the words. Like when I say beautiful I mean the story but also the set design and the cinematography. (How is Robin Wright's hair so perfectly fantasy maidenesque?! How!?!) There's revenge and true love and magic and Mandy Patinkin as his absolute sexiest and Cary Elwes at his loveliest and Andre the Giant! and Robin goddamn Wright! This was my sicky movie when I was little.
4. Beauty and the Beast (1991): PERFECT MOVIE. Almost. The fact she never says his name bugs the hell out of me and has for thirty years. But my GOD. It's so beautiful. Cut my veins open, this color palette comes pouring out. (Blue and gold are still my favorite colors to this day, especially together.) It's the ultimate story of realising you are a shithead and changing bc someone makes you want to be a better person. The animation, the performances, the music (RIP Howard Ashman you absolute legend)
5. True Grit (1969): of course there's a fucking Western on here. I love the Duke. We probably wouldn't have got on well irl but as Rooster Cogburn, in this movie, I love him. He's flawed but strives for heroism, he's snarky but caring. Mattie Ross is boss. And Robert Duvall! That last gunfight scene where Rooster takes on four guys with the reins in his mouth and guns in each hand still gets me amped up and I've seen it dozens of times.
6. The Avengers (2012): In 2002 when Sam Raimi's Spiderman came out, I remember turning to my brother and waxing poetic about how cool it would be to see a team-up movie, like how they did in the 90s cartoons. "They never will tho. It'll cost too much." Literally only ten years later I was sitting in a cinema watching one of the best superhero movies ever put to film. I love The Avengers. When it came out on DVD it never left the player for about six months. For over a year it was all I talked about. It's Joss Whedon at his best, juggling an ensemble cast, and the actors all know their shit, or in the case of Mark Ruffalo, just embody their characters so perfectly as to be indistinguishable from them. Its been almost 10 years since this movie came out and I still get emotional about it. I waited my whole life for it and it was exactly what I dreamed.
7. IT (2017): Sometimes you don't know you need something. Sometimes a movie comes out of the blue and you watch it bc its your kind of thing but you dont realise how much you will love it. That was IT for me. I love horror stories. Always have. My childhood was spent staring at the various covers of my momma's Stephen King collection. (Like, I don't actually remember seeing Jaws or Aliens bc I was too young.) I knew I was gonna see IT based on that alone. But IT isn't a horror movie for me. (Even though of the two, it is certainly the scarier.) It's a coming of age movie with possibly my favorite cast of anything since David Tennant and Catherine Tate were on Doctor Who in 2008. I love the Losers. I love the imagery (v different from the book but still feels like theyre in the same universe) I love the music. I love the goddamn space clown from hell. But mostly I love those kids.
(Honorable mentions: Mad Max Fury Road, Lonesome Dove, and Back to the Future. Like... If I was on a desert island and only could have seven, it would be a goddamn struggle, fam.)
I'm gonna tag people but pls don't feel obligated to do it if you dont want to @whitegodiva @fox-in-the-library @lioness--hart @conjugate-wumbo @begitalarcos @oni-queen @hermywolf
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swampgallows · 5 years
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after SEVERAL DAYS ive finally completed my own version of this. not to be confused with husbando squares. i had to really reach for a couple of these as i was trying very hard to make this a favorite list and not a kin list but you can see the parts where i failed
descriptions under the cut, starting at the top and left to right:
JAN VALENTINE from Hellsing: i was obsessed with this dude when i was like 13. i wanted his beanie and i loved his fucked up piercings. also the first blowjob i ever saw. i covered my eyes. traumatizing!
RED DEATH from Venture Bros.: a dignified killer. the voice of clancy brown is absolutely integral to this character and my affinity for him. cant go wrong with a murderous family man. “brownies? yes, thank you!” plus he had a sick mohawk in the 80s.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS from Star Wars: coughing bastard wields four glowsticks at once. what’s not to love?
LURTZ from Lord of the Rings: ground zero for the closest thing to a sexual awakening
KUP from Transformers: that’s just ME, babey! old know-it-all curmudgeon stops at mcdonalds for one black coffee and leaves
JANE LANE from Daria: if i’d watched Daria in high school instead of college I would have modeled my entire existence after her. she treads between being an ideal older sister and being the greatest lesbian/girlfriend ever
THRALL from Warcraft: thrall practically raised me through my teen years and was there for me as a surrogate orc dad before he became an actual dad. the horde is thrall’s family and when i say i’m his child i MEAN it
MEWTWO from Pokémon: mewtwo knocked my socks off when i encountered him in cerulean cave in 1998 on pokémon red, and then once i found out about the first 10 minutes cut from the english version of the movie in 99, it was all over
REXXAR from Warcraft: that’s just my strong asexual mok’nathal husband. i used to pal around with him in desolace back when he was champion of the horde, and once he made his way back to his people at thunderlord stronghold we consummated our vows
DIN from Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons: this is the only zelda game i have ever played, one i bought with my own money, with CASH, and i played the shit out of it. i love nature magic and dancing and din has both. 
CHERNABOG from Disney’s Fantasia: i warped the VHS watching this part over and over as a kid. he’s called chernabog now but he was referred to as “satan” initially, and bela lugosi modeled his movement (though they ended up using the director’s poses instead). when he unfurls his wings? that’s the real shit
TWILIGHT SPARKLE from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: i love all of the ponies in their own way and despite how much i abhor tara strong’s VA work twilight remains a top favorite. her anxiety and perfectionism show the downsides of her ardent studiousness, but dont portray her erudition in a negative light. a lot of cartoons i saw growing up always had an “egghead” nerdy character who was unpopular for doing well in school or caring about academia. while i know as an adult that it’s all essentially worthless it’s really affirming to see that pressure candidly portrayed while also not being totally dismissive of it. school was one of the only things i was ever good at, and twilight’s character shows both its heavy downsides and the ways in which it actually can be applied to the real world. 
[free space] GARROSH HELLSCREAM from Warcraft: literally me
WASHU HAKUBI from Tenchi Muyo!: one of my longtime faves! washu is a genius scientist, but with tenchi muyo being a mythological sci-fi series, that points her closer to witch/mad scientist/alchemist. i also liked the gimmick of her being thousands of years old but insisting on portraying herself as a short snarky teenager. plus i love her crab motif and her little wooden cheerleader puppets
JOHN SILVER from Treasure Planet: bear cyborg dad. super huggable, great voice, and has a lil irish jig follow him around in the soundtrack. neck rolls + tooth gap = hell fuckkin yeah babey
PEPPER ANN from Disney’s Pepper Ann: this show made me excited to attend middle school LMFAO because i related to pepper ann so much as a kid. much like twilight sparkle, PA is super neurotic but has an explosive, if not borderline delusional, imagination. she dressed and behaved like an actual kid, and plus she looked like me too. even in the 90s it was rare to see a kid with glasses that wasn’t shafted to the poindexter stereotype, especially a girl (e.g. Gretchen from the fellow Disney show Recess). i liked that she wasn’t feminine but also wasn’t a hard tomboy; she gave me space to feel like i was allowed to exist outside of that kind of gender binary (and especially her younger sister Moose blows all gender expectations out of the water). 
ASUKA LANGLEY SORYU from Neon Genesis Evangelion: foundation of my childhood identity along with all the trauma and posturing therein. think garrosh if he were a 12 year old girl who piloted a mech
DEVIL ZUKIN from Dance Dance Revolution: amazing outfit, rocked the konamix. i like evil zukin too but devil zukin is the fave. sleeveless crop top hell yeah
UNDYNE from Undertale: my bi awakening at 25. strong fish lady love spagety
HELLBOY from Hellboy: mike mignola’s art style has influenced a lot of my own. he’s a demon who chooses to be the good guy and that’s everything to me. he loves kitty cats and pancakes and punches nazis, and hellboy ii: the golden army is one of the best movies of all time.
BLACKARACHNIA from Beast Wars (Transformers): LOVE this bitch. she got to hang out with tarantulas and also expressed that moral grayness i totally love, chillin with rattrap and makin jokes. spider motif is v good also
LEAH from Stardew Valley: life goals. wife goals.
NAILS from Cool World: this movie fucking blows LMFAO it’s absolutely awful but it has the most banger rave soundtrack next to hackers and ralph bakshi’s animation as always is a spectacle. Nails is a hapless anxious cop-spider who can barely load his own gun and looks like a predecessor to a Cuphead reject. plus he’s voiced by charlie adler so he’s got huge personality. funny spider guy
HAWK MOTH from Miraculous: i know what i am. im a bitch who loves bug motifs and villains who are outwitted by literal children, who are utterly convinced they are doing the right and just thing, who stare a redemption arc in the face and go “...nah”
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
People crying like they never watched the show before.
So like the GOT fandom is going crazy over certain deaths like "_______ didnt deserve to die like that"... and Ned deserved to die the way he did what about Mance Ryder, Cat, Robb, Lady, and Rickon? Like this is a story wereany characters either through thier decisions or through another person's actions die. They are good, complicated characters, that have emotional growth only to be torn down. Robb made stupid decisions but he wasnt the same boy he was when his father died. He grew into a good military leader and prospective king. His bad decisions were ones that made sense to his character and for sure didnt deserve to be massacred. But it happened. And for arguably didnt make sense to build up this character, show him on a journey of growth only to decimate what he built with like 3 bad decisions made in the season he dies.
I don't think D and D hate women or are racist. Cat was a strong female character and was butchered. Because what game of thrones does best kills off all people across the spectrum of good and bad. Talisa didnt need to be a medically trained foreigner from volantis because in the books she was a southerner or more south than riverrun if I remember correctly. So on one hand I appreciated them not going that route and giving us a stronger female partner to Robb than the books did, but it was crappy that she died, but made sense since unlike the book wife she wouldnt have had been staying with her family who was in on it.
Shae dying was sad, but it happens in the books (granted books shae wasnt nearly as interesting or that compelling of a character and was not in love with Tyrion (arguably)) Book Gilly isnt as developed as show Gilly and show gilly is pretty great. Arya and Sansa are two women who have gone through crap but are strong and fierce characters in thier respective ways. Book missandei is like 9 so I think the plot with grey worm was D and Ds add in and it explored both the characters and developed then in a way that made us love them even more. Like the women arent treated differently then the men writing wise.
Then the there is the argument about women being pitted against each other... so like did we forget this is the game of thrones and everyone is playing. Did we forget that Margery was moving against Cersei the whole time she was at kings landing. That was what made the characters compelling was that admist this War of 5 kings the women were fighting just as hard in thier own ways. And now these women have armies and are in actual positions of power and have differing interests. And we dont expect them to have tension or to distrust each other??? They did it when they had nothing so of course now that they are in charge they are gonna keep doing it.
Also the idea that Dany's character is being slaughtered to service Jon's is a total slap to his character development. Danys people have been murdered before and she has decimated those who were responsible in her eyes before too (not on that scale but not out of character). She has trusted the wrong people, hurt those that were loyal to her (mostly jorah) similar to Robb( justified in the desicion but it still wasnt the best one), etc.
Jon has been betrayed bullied killed and he even had to do some betraying too. Also as a bastard he was treated more poorly than noble women (social structure wise).He hasnt had it any easier in that sense than other characters and has earned the respect of his people just as dany did hers. Again as a woman I feel that the women of the show have had it tougher because they have to deal with that extra societal level of crap. Dany and sansa have been sexually harassed and raped, and treated poorly because they are women. But the point is that Jon hasnt had it easy either and earned the respect just as much as Dany and Sansa.
Her character isnt being butchered to make him look better. In the context of Westeros he is the better option. Dany is a foreigner with a an army made up of foreigners. The locals are there because of jon (its him they trust). All the locals know of targs since the mad king is that they are incestual, violent, dragon obsessed and conquerors. And from a small folk perspective Dany fits the bill. Of course we've seen dany from the beginning so we sympathize with her experience. But I mean Dany has been pulling some shade crap since season 3 imo. I started to dislike her character then or I should say I started to dislike they way her character went around conquering and ruling.
I think it is disappointing that we will be left with little or possibly no POC characters and that I feel could have been fixed by D and D (who arent strangers to adding or replacing character with thier own characters or changing the backgrounds). And I think that other television shows should take note and add more POCs across the board so that you arent killing off all the POCs.
But I dont think that makes them racist, they could have done better but working with so much material and so many characters I can understand how they dropped the ball. If a show has like four characters and the kill of the only POC, lgbtq+, trans, character or a character that doesn't conform to ableist standards I riot because like there is not excuse at that point when you are working with very little.
I just feel like people have been dying on this show like crazy since the beginning and so many "unfair" things have happened we like game of thrones for doing that. But now that the end is near people are more upset over these things than they were before.
I think my favorite thing about GOT is that everyone has a justification for thier actions. To Just say that Dany is suddenly going insane is unfair to her. Again books wise it seems more obvious since we get things from her perspective, but Danys experience shaped her yes she is compassionate but like she is ruthless too she has had to be to conquer cities in essos. She is just as emotional and volatile as other characters only unlike jon and sansa she has a dragon and the actual power to cause massive damage. She basically has a nuclear bomb and that kind of power in anyone's hands is dangerous. And she doesn't have to go through others to use it.
Dany is complex flawed and angry, so I dont think "Mad" as in insane is correct but she is super charged and that is a threat to many people. Always was, but now we get to see it while she is with the other main POV characters.
Again could the writing have been better..
Yes. But don't think it would change anything because Dany, Jon, sansa and the remaining characters are all justified. We have example of them being good and bad at leading, strategy, and so on, they also represent different styles and ideology that political scientists still argue about. So of course Dany stans will still stan her and people like me who sympathize with her character but cannot ideologically align themselves with her will not.
I am not saying people shouldn't be upset with the way thier fav dies. I cried so hard during the red wedding. But can we not pretend that the whole show wasn't built on that. Jaime destroyed jaime's character development he is constantly one step forward 2 steps back as a character when it comes to his family. He always has the most growth Way from them but he always goes back. This is not D and D's fault. How else could they write his character to get that across? I will see how George does it and decide if they did it justice or not. I mean again from the book people guessed that jaime would die with cersei.
I dont know yall. I do think the show is flawed and wished somethings were done better but then there are somethings that I am just like...it is game of thrones they have been doing it since the beginning why are we more mad about it now versus then?
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In Depths Below: Vengeance Part 1
Three days after Kun-Lai . . .
[ L.K ]   The incident in Kun-Lai summit had left the order completely rattled and in shambles, and there were multiple members of the Nine who had met experienced head on, the skills of the mad mercenary, Kelkiros.  He has done a number on most of them. Burns and minor scrapes and bumps to the students who were in his way, and a few of the magical users who were unfortunately in his wake.
But few others were not as fortunate. Koltun for starters may have been more or less just banged around, but the demon was hardly weak. A mistake on his part but then again who would have guessed the insane mechanical nightmare would have had powers of divinity.  Burns on his demonic flesh needed to be wrapped and treated.  The ribs that were broken, would need to mend; rest was all that could be done.  A bit of pain medicine and a few days in bed would have had him on his feet; but the injuries would last well over a months time.
Marseille lay in a hospital bed with a waterskin attached to a large pole. It was dripping a fluid through an intravenous attachment. He had been stabbed not once, not twice, but actually four times in that small stint. Kelkiros was deadly accurate as well with his blade, he hit right below his rib cage and twice in the stomach. It would be a bit touch and go for the few nights he was in anguish.
But unlike most, Shaldorei were very magically hardened. Conventional healing would be a much better manner. Casting magic would be minor to help but healing was required to take a natural course.  He was conscious but laying quietly in the room that was nearly all but empty by this point.
Doctor Whistletorque was attending. He was a scientist, an engineer and apparently a physician. The good doctor was reading blueprints while keeping tabs. It was silent and that was exactly how he liked it.
[ P.K ]   Koltun had yet to wake up and Vari more times than not often found herself beside his bed in the infirmary. Today was no different, her head bowed, her eyes closed. She looked to be sleeping, but many would know otherwise.
The reverent has been a vigilant lookout, not allowing many to tend to him and taking over. She had sponge bathed him, stroked his hair, watched his chest rise and fall for hours without turning away, but still she remained unless pulled away by someone who needed her for whatever task regarding Lazarius. But she always made her way back to the bedside, a fear beginning to bubble within her about the possibility that... he might not wake.
So now, she rested. Her head atop one palm as the other had curled around his supine hand along the bed. Her melancholy for such a moment was rare, the others in the order likely seeing such acts and leaving her be when realizing she was... changing. More times than not the woman struggled to keep her emotions in check. Her missing brother. Koltun in a coma. Kross readying to leave them. She felt overwhelmed, something she was certainly not used to. Her fingers tightened along the hand she held and she leaned forward, her forehead now pressing onto his thigh as she simply breathed.
“Please wake up...”
[ L.K ]   “The chanthes of him not waking up are approxthemetly zero point four perthent.” Whistletorque, the gnomish doctor had said as he was hardly paying her any mind but gnomes had exceptional hearing.
The little mad scientist would hum softly and sniffle a few times, he did this, he was a gnome.  “Youre that scthary lady I only met onthce at the manor...when I sthnuck in...nobody could quite figure out how..”.
He let out that creepy gnomish giggle as he looked her way. “Then ya disthapeared...did good work gettin thosthe partsth back to me for the forge though.”
Whistletorque was harmless, but mad. Arguing or insulting him would not help or affect him at all. As he placed his work down his little fat legs would wobble him over toward Vari and step up the miniature ladder to get up to Kolt and observe him. Now standing beside the Harbinger he looked her way.
“He isth strong...don’t worry. With everything that isth happening...we look to you now Harbinger...we will be your strength when you need usth mostht.”
[ V.D ]   The previous nights seemed to have had... Quite the effect on everyone it seemed. Such was a revelation that she momentarily lingered on to marvel the heart wrenching display between Vari and Koltun. Alas, Verzatea would not stare long, soon to sweep her fiery gaze across the rest of the infirmary in an effort to spot the insufferable shade of which last she saw barely breathing and being carted off by soldiers.
There was a pang of guilt she felt, having seen the Shaldorei so vulnerable. Why? She wasn't quite certain. But she liked to theorize.
Like that perhaps she felt guilty because often she wished death upon him for peace of mind, but seeing him truly be so close to death and have to revive him was... Life altering.
Because yes, he was an intolerable toe rag with a mind smaller than a seed but... He was a shade. Well trained by the Inquisitor himself, entrusted to protect the most precious of the order... And despite his behavior toward some of the Nine, he did his job. He did it well. He was as devoted as they come. A bad attitude didn't equal death.
Thus, dressed in a simple knee length sheath... The Confessor neared Mars's side, her hands clasped behind her figure before inclining her head to greet him. There would be a seamless confidence to her voice as she addressed him, such a tone was nothing like how she'd spoken in the past few weeks, especially not to him -- and it certainly fitted her.
"Marseille," she greeted him. "How are you feeling?"
[ K.A ]   Koltun had woken slowly, staying still as he assessed the damage and quietly cursed his own stupidity. A -light- user! How the hell was that mechanical monstrosity a -light- user?! Of all the magics it could have wielded it had to be that. He felt like he had been hit by zeppelin, and judging by Vari's gentle touch and whispered plea's he probably looked it as well.
Though when the gnome returned, the demon finally shifted, rolling a cottoned tongue along the insides of his mouth to try and work up some semblance of saliva before croaking out a barely heard.
"By the sunwell, dont let the gnome take anything important off me..." Gradually, he got his spectral sight working once more, felfire sputtering to life within empty sockets as he returned Vari's squeeze and rolled his head to the side to see her.
"Even if he's right... not going anywhere just yet." With several grunts he forced himself to sit up, managing a weak smirk before drawing Vari's hand up the length of his torso to place a kiss upon her knuckles. "Told you... not losing you again."
[ L.K ]   Whistletorque gave a smile and a gentle pat to the side of the bed and winked. “Told ya thisth belligerent fart wasthn’t gonna go justht yet! I have your pain meds when you’re ready demonbunsth.”. Again there was that cackle as the chubby gnome walked away and went back to his business.
[ K.A ]   "Dont ... need meds... you squat little crackpot..." Koltun fired back with a grin. Though what he said and what happened next didn't quite equate with each other. He gave a wince and sunk slowly back down, groaning like a broken tea kettle the entire way down.
"Damnit... fine. Demonbuns needs pain killers... " he chuffed, reaching down to feel his ribs. "Then I'll think of a proper insult for you, shnookums."
"And bring me Raith. . .someone find the boy.  " Koltun croaked, checking to make sure he didn't break a horn.  He hadn’t, thank goodness for asymmetry.
[ L.K ]   The gnome would go about to getting the items needed for Koltun but would otherwise go silent and fall into the background for now.
Marseille on the other hand would slowly open his eyes at the sound of the voice that had come to visit him.
“Have you any luck on finding the Master yet?”. Lazarius was actually the only thing on his mind, but he knew that Verza was trying. He didn’t want to be rude and quickly changed his tone.
“I had no idea that monster was so fast...four times...in what seemed like a second...”. The Shaldorei let out a sigh as he tried his best to lean forward and failed, a frustrating grimace would be seen, he was not used to this, he hated being useless.
“And you? Are you alright?”
[ P.K ]   Vari didn't even have time to react to the lisp-addled gnome before she felt Koltun move and then heard his voice. She immediately picked her head up, staring wide eyed at him and then seeming to look him over to make sure he was really alright. She could say nothing, just stare as he let his crack-jokes flow and checked himself over.
Eventually, though, she ignored everything and everyone in the room.
"You are okay," she breathed out, the chill of her breath reaching his bared torso and neck.
Before he could answer she quite literally tossed herself at Koltun, her arms curling around his body, forgetting about his pain and her own supernatural strength as she just wanted to.... hold him. Odd.
[ K.A ]   "You could sa--GAUGH!!" Vari was on him, sending a jolt of pain through his massive frame from injuries he didn't even know he had! It made him drool slightly... on Vari's shoulder.
"Mnerghnmpain" he wheezed, though got his arms around the knight regardless, gripping hold until the pain shuddered from his body.
"I'm okay... but if you ...keep jumping on me like that, I might not be!"
Not that he was complaining. Admittedly he was surprised by the sudden affection, savoring it gladly even if her knee had found a truly uncomfortable place to crush. "I'm okay, Vari." He said softly, letting his head come to rest against hers.
[ R / L ]   Raith was actually not very far off, and a summons brought into the infirmary, holding a book under his arm.
"What is the meaning of--" he froze upon seeing Koltun. He didn't look terribly concerned...shocked, perhaps, but not concerned. Perhaps he was just putting on a brave face, but he calmly walked over to where Koltun lay.
"Man, what happened to you?"
[ K.A ]   "I made a foolish mistake, Boy. I underestimated my opponent, didn't learn... this is the payment for it." Keeping hold of Vari, Kolt tried to shift his bits from beneath the crush of her knee. "You wanted to be useful... I have a task for you."
[ R / L ]   "Yeah?" Raith rose an eyebrow, listening.
[ V.D ]   Clearing her throat, the Confessor would incline her head, actually taking a moment to gather herself, eyes lingering on the ground as she composed herself.
"The.. Inquisitor..," she exhaled shortly, pushing down her desire to beat around the bush.
"No. No, there are no new developments. The Council will soon gather to discuss how to proceed. At least now we can breathe easier."
She wouldn't outright admit it, but the event of the previous night had shaken her to the core. It had sent her stumbling back, all that progress made seemed... Wasted. She wouldn't confide into him about that, though.
"I'll be fine. I have far too much work to do, rather than focus on bad memories."
She would peer toward the gnome and ask calmly.
“What is his status? How soon can we move forward and get him out of this bed?”
[ P.K ]   She immediately released him upon his yelp of pain and she looked... well, she looked fucking horrified and she knelt along the bed on all fours, almost straddling him. "I'msosorry!" she rushed out, blinking rapidly, trying to reach for him but not touching him, now terrified of hurting him again...
"What can I do?!" She looked panicked! Who was this Vari? As his head came to rest on her own while he kept a hold on her, she noticed his shifting and quite quickly moved her knee.
Let's thank the gods she was not in her plate. She settled beside him finally, not giving a damn of who saw the affection and simply... curled into his side as she more gently wrapped a cold arm around his torso while he talked to Raith.
[ R / L ]   Raith just...stared at Vari now.
"...Did she hit her head?"
[ P.K ]   Her lich-fire hues snapped open and she glared at Raith, her nose and mouth hidden from his view as she quite literally was snuggling into Koltun.
[ R / L ]   Raith was unphased by her glare. "No, seriously, did she?"
[ K.A ]   Kolt uttered a low growl towards Raith, a warning to mind his manners, keeping his arms around the death knight even as she shuffled around.
"She's happy I'm alive." He grinned. "I'm fine. Pounce me all you like, just easy on the bits! I still need those. And maybe a bit on the ribs for right now."
He wheezed, refusing to admit that that hurt a lot more than he would have thought. Not like he was going to say that though. Too manly. Settling into the snuggle with absolutely no shame whatsoever, Kolt looked back to Raith.
"Raith, you wanted your abilities used? You're going to use them. Don’t take this as an excuse to think your learning is finished, far from it. Even the Harbringer, The Confessor, Lazarius and myself still need to learn. The day you think you know everything is the day you label yourself a fool."
He coughed and made a check for the gnome. Dammit he needed those painkillers. Oh well.
"Lazarius is missing. We are down assets, including myself until I'm out of this bed or have killed Whistletorque. You're going to help The Confessor and The Harbinger find him. When I'm up, you will be helping me. Understood?"
[ R / L ]   "Yessir." he nodded. And with that, he left, but not before sparing another glance of confusion at the snugly Vari. Who are you and what have you done with Vari, seriously.
[ P.K ]   Vari turned her chin up to look at Koltun when he coughed, seeing him look around, and she shifted her attention to see the gnome. She gingerly peeled her self from his side and made to stand behind the gnome... tapping him on his head of wild hair.
"Pain meds for Koltun," she demanded. Ahhhh. There was Vari.
[ L.K ]   “Yesth yesth pain medsth. A pleaseth or thank you could be used...”. The gnome waddled back over with a beverage of Kolts choosing and a cup of very potent and powerful drugs.
“Yah need me tah sthick em down your throat like a pooch again demonbunsth?”.
He chortled and handed everything to Vari, the fat little gnome had wished to return to his blueprints but would continue to his next patient.
[ P.K ]   She wandered back toward Koltun before snatching the items from the gnome. "Thanks," she mumbled before looking at Koltun.
[ L.K ]   Whistletorque then waddled his fat dumpy self back over to Tea and huffed. He was tired from having to move, the most work he did all week.
“The Shaldorei isth sthtable. He hasth been that way for a day or two, perhapths he will be back on histh feet in another week or so...”
“I will be on my feet by tonight. I have leads that a member of the Magistrate is visiting his villa in southern Stranglethorn. I will be paying him a visit and extracting information from him.”. Marseille hissed as he remained on his back stuck and still hooked up to the IV. 
“And I’m sthuddenly going to sthprout up another two feet...”. Whistletorque looked back at Verza with those fat lens goggles.
“By weeksth end at bestht.”
[ V.D ]   Gently the Confessor aimed to rest a hand atop Marseille's forearm, as if to comfort him, turning to eye the gnome before expressing softly. "By weeks end. Thank you, Whistletorque."
Thus she'd turn to the dark elf, pointing out. "You're no good to us if you don't heal properly, just to get hurt even more and take even longer to heal. You'll soon be out and about-- in the meanwhile, is there any other shade you're comfortable handing the lead off to? Or any member of the order?"
[ L.K ]   “Are there ... what?”. The Shaldorei glazed over her face and suddenly pulled his hand away. Why was she touching him anyway?
“You don’t understand how this actually works do you?”.
Marseille was rather rude in his expression but serious.
“I am the only shade Lazarius has.... the Ren’dorei he was training is no shade...she is his apprentice...I am different...much different. And I will act with or without the councils digression, my orders are from Lazarius himself...if he is forfeit I am to do as instructed. I will be leaving for Stranglethorn by nights end.”.
He sighed and looked toward her. “I can’t sit in this bed knowing he is out there Verzatea.”. He used her name and had finally looked like a person, saddened and frustrated and scared.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra couldn’t tell what was happening anymore, If she wasn’t pacing she was simply forced to take a seat in the infirmary like a good little patient. Her injuries were not as dire as others, especially Marseille’s, so the now-void-elf could not find any personal reason to stay still; during her check-up and around the Bastille her Sin’dorei disguise pendant was pocketed. True form shining for the doctor.
When the diagnostics came back it was concluded that Zalra had broken ribs, a few fractures in her shoulder, and bruises to rival most. But, thankfully with the progression in Azerothian medicine, healing magic aside from the Light did not harm her. Those ribs and fractures were set into place within the first day, however, even the best of bodies demanded rest after such spells hastened natural recovery. The only way she managed to wriggle free from the infirmary was to strike a deal; a night of rest in Zalra’s own bed with the promise of a check-up the next day before being deployed to any mission revolving around the Inquisitor.
So, there she stood. In the infirmary doorway, gazing at all those checked in. The huntress bowed her head respectfully towards those gathered before she crossed the threshold further into the room. Her eyes immediately shifted to the speaking Shal’dorei.
“I am g-glad to see you are not dead.” She admitted in the most genuine way she could with such a brash statement. At least she was being honest
“Confessor. Harbinger.” she greeted. Her illuminated, violet eyes then drifted to Raith and Koltun; just before he’d left of course.. She simply gave a bow to the former. A smile was sent Siida's way as she greeted the familiar woman as well. When Marseille mentioned Stranglethorn, she stared at him. Zalra almost forgot she was at the infirmary for a god damn checkup.
[ S.K ]   "If you're going to Stranglethorn, I'm going with you." Siida said softly, looking around at those who were gathered in the infirmary. She still had the buzz of the void about her, and something in her eyes would brook little to no argument.
She'd come here to check on everyone that had gone to the summit in hopes of saving Lazarius.  She had also no intention of sitting back and waiting for people to get better, if she could be of use; well dammit all she would be.
[ V.D ]   The gesture of moving away from her touch would cause the Confessor to stand and distance herself once again, turning atop her heels to meander further from his bed, her arms folding beneath her near nonexistent bosom midst murmuring,
"I know he's out there, Marseille--," the sudden stirring of the others would draw the Confessor into a silence, her lips pressing into a firm line, concealing her irritations and aggravations all at once.
[ L.K ]   Marseille looked over toward Siida and scoffed as he rolled his head back and peered up at the ceiling. “I cannot bring you on a mission like that Little Sister.”. Her nickname was mostly because that was how Lazarius described her, as his younger sister.
“It would comprise the mission...you know nothing of stealth and infiltration.”
[ S.K ]   “And you know more than well that men are stupid and full of greed, should I arrive to plead for my brothers life and mercy they would assume little about me beyond the way that I look...not everything is a nail to be hammered, finesse could spare you another trip here Marseille.”  She had sent a tone as equal to his own right back at him.  She would be going and that was final.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra huffed softly under her breath as the Shal’dorei breezed over her statement. Fair. He didn’t have to respond to her from an obvious comment. Regardless of being metaphorically brushed aside, the Ren’dorei stepped further into the room, glancing around for the doctor. He was close by, however, once her illuminated gaze landed on him, she simply turned her head back to Marseille.
“Then I join you. If it is stealth you need.” She commented flatly.
[ L.K ]   Marseille was more than capable and was about to ignore both of them.
“I don’t need either of you.”.
His tone was fiercely persistent and he was growing annoyed.
“There may be more of these men...who knows if they even know one another. The man named Dawnseeker is the one who hired the mercenaries..supposedly Kelkiros said they were taking the Master back to Quel’thalas...that is a fools answer.”
Marseille sighed and shook his head
“Go through the dossiers Little Sister.  You and I both know where The Inquisitor was keeping his information...find the others that know nothing the Magisters plans ... and as long as she.” he pointed to Zalra. “...is willing to look after you... you both can go and remove them yourselves, let me do my own work.”
[ S.K ]   "Very well.... get-better-soon. . ." Siida said, each word snapping like bones in her maw as she left up the stairs without another word. She knew her brother's office well enough and where the dossiers were kept.  If Marseille was not going to budge on the matter then she would find a way to put her abilities to good use.
[ Z.A ]   There was a dissatisfied sigh that left her dark lips as Marseille nearly dismissed both women wanting to assist. Siida, she could understand the hesitation with the girl. Not that the young Kash’ebahl was incapable, simply she was too important to let join the fray so haphazardly.
Each member of the Nine that she had met thus far had a pride that would get them, if not others under them, killed. It was ridiculous how fast someone demanded to face a task so large alone when capable hands were available.  Then again, if he was correct and there were more of these enemies about; they may have to split their combine powers to orchestrate an attack. These thoughts that occasionally surfaced in her mind never left, however; naturally, Zalra held her tongue. As long as she got what she wanted, there was no need to further retort.
“Then we move for the order, Shal’dorei.” She whispered softly; unimpressed and decided now would be the best time to exit behind the youthful sister.
[ V.D ]   Tea watched the exchange through half lidded eyes, exhaling shortly through flared nostrils. With a small shake of the head the woman would turn, muttering out loud as she moved for the exit,
"Come see me before you three leave. I have wares you'll need, in case you get caught in a snag."
[ L.K ]   “Marseille.”. He corrected her. “You must be Azurestar. The master has told me about you.”. The white pinkish eyes of the shade would look her over.
“I'm sure you are used to a different type of interaction but I am used to working alone. The lot of you want to ridicule me for my ways, look at yourself and consider there is a reason the Master trusts me to act on his behalf without question.”.
He snapped back and attempted to leave the bed but failed, miserably.
“Gods below you would think half of you would recall how the master works within the shadows. Shades do not even know where they act or who one another are..”
[ Z.A ]   There was another dissatisfied sigh that left.  No longer did she wish to suffer through the intolerant words of the shade, choosing rather to bite her tongue yet again and be on her way.
[ K.A ]    Koltun settled back, watching in quiet amusement as Vari returned to herself and managed to attain the seemingly unattainable painkillers. Naturally as they were handed to him with a drink; non alcoholic ale, he made a face. More so at the idea of ale-less ale than the meds. They were downed in several gulps and the cups set aside, leaving Vari and Kolt with time to wait until they kicked in.
That gave him a chance to overhear what was being said. Marseille's words drew a thin frown to his lips, offering a curious glance to Vari. As far as he was concerned, she was in charge. While he was one of the Nine, the Blade Warden, Protector, she was the matron of the order.
"Have any of you considered consulting the Harbinger?" He called out casually, wriggling to try to sit up once more.
"Last I checked she was leading, as well as the closest to Lazarius. So instead of each sizing up who has the bigger cock here and dashing--" he eyed Marseille "...some of us crawling, off to Stranglethorn, why don't we consult the entire council to build on a plan that satisfies prior orders -and- helps us find Lazarius."
Koltun grunted and stiffly stretched a wing out, to inspect it. "That is unless you all truly enjoy running around with your heads up your asses while neglecting assets that could assist you." He shrugged, biting back a wince.
"That and you look like the south end of a northbound Fel fiend. Somehow I don't think you're going to be 'stealthing' anywhere just yet. No more than I am."
[ P.K ]   Vari was staring toward the opposite wall as Koltun inquired of the others their consultations. She shifted her attentions down to him when he mentioned the entire council, feeling a semblance of pride in him then. Vari lifted a hand and brought it down to stroke along one of his horns, admiring it a moment, never actually... touching one. Interesting. She continued to remain silent, however, letting the others speak of what they wished as she offered undiluted affection to Koltun, a rare thing of course, but something she was finding.... she enjoyed.
[ L.K ]   Marseille suddenly sat up. He had enough of these people.
“Be my guest demon, speak to my master about what I am to do. I will enjoy watching him put you in your place.  Oh that is right. . .he is victim to some perverse magisters psychotic greed.”. The Shaldorei suddenly ripped the iv from his arm and swung his leg over onto the floor.
“I am his Shade.  Do you know what that means?”  he snapped as his body contorted in an attempt to leave. “His shadow, his eyes and his ears.  I am to do what he cannot for I walk within his wake and act as he sees fit. Your council means little to me. So sit in your bed and lick your wounds. I will find my master. You should be grateful my services are even here, be sure to ask your twin Harbinger what my purpose is.”.
The shade then took several steps toward the door. Where Koltuns beverages and meal was being stored would be tipped to the floor as he left. This would be the last time Marseille would be heard skulking around the Bastille. He was returning to the shadows where he belonged.
Whistletorque sat there in his chair as the mess was made and the Shaldorei stumbled out.
“You need to have your sthtiches taken out!!! Sthtupid elf...”.
The gnome would grumble and hiss as he waddled over to clean the mess and get Kolt some new stuff. “I justht made thisth sthoup too...dammit.”
[ P.K ]   "That is ENOUGH," Vari finally bellowed, turning her eyes on Mars and then Koltun, her hand freezing atop his horn which... sadly began to frost in her fury. She quickly pulled her hand away from him so as not to freeze it completely and looked at everyone gathered.
"Why must we act like insulate fucking children when my brother is missing?!" She seethed, her breath catching from her anger as she watched the retreating back of the shade. Too much had happened and she was beyond over the cock swinging of the others.
She snapped her furious eyes to the gnome and then closed them, seeming to... calm herself. When she reopened her gaze, Vari was... on the verge of tears N'zoth, the world must be freezing the fuck over finally. She walked over toward the gnome and squatted down as she silently helped him clean the mess.
[ L.K ]   The little gnome would reach over with a gloved little hand that looked like a package of tiny little sausages all squashed into a soggy bag. He placed it on a finger of the Harbinger and gave her a warm hearted smile. “You are the Harbinger. I will get demonbunsth better postht hasthte... and offer any of my experimenths and inventionsth to your servithce.”
[ P.K ]   She immediately froze and snapped her eyes to her finger where his chubby palm gripped her. He'd start to feel his hand get frigid before she looked up and forced a saddened smile and a singular nod.
"You've my thanks," her quiet tone reverberated to the lisping creature as she moved her finger out of his fat, sweaty grip so she didn't frostbite him.
[ K.A ]   There wasn't much else to do but watch, rolling his tongue over a canine thoughtfully. Well, at least until Vari's sudden fury sent a brief brain freeze down from his horn. His features pinched slightly, more perplexed than anything, until they eased into silent fury. Vari held tears in her eyes. Normally he would make a shocked comment, or some teasing statement, but seeing the emotion, so raw and unbidden.... all Koltun felt was rage. Hot, roiling anger. At Marseille, at the situation.
It was enough to draw the Blade Warden out bed, large, leathery wings expending in an experimental stretch. It was both a good thing, and a bad thing those pain killers kicked in, allowing him to be able to get up at all, much less work his wings out, even if everything was a bit wobbly. "I'll bloody show you who's master you impudent little pin cushion." Kolt wheezed more than growled, lumbering over to where Vari and Whistletorque cleaned.
"Shades cant hide from me. He can dance as many bloody shadows as he likes, I can still see him. Give the word, Harbinger, and I'll hunt him down and remove his stitches personally."
[ P.K ]   Vari pushed up from where she squatted and turned to Koltun, sudden concern in her lich'd gaze.
"You should not be up," she said with that same concern in her voice a she walked over toward him, ignoring his request about hunting Marseille.
[ L.K ]   “Your Harbinger has spoken”. Kross was standing in doorway. “And this conversation is through. For if I must suffer through living for the rest of eternity it will not be listening to any of this prepubescent squabbling. Now get in bed or you will join me in the afterlife.”. Kross snapped at Koltun and pointed at the cot.
“Let Marseille do as he wishes. I expected you all to be at each others throats.  Tensions are high and our time frame to complete our task dwindles steadily closer to its end... “
Kross placed his hand on the shoulder of his surrogate daughter and inhaled slowly. “There is work to be done.”
[ P.K ]   Vari felt an overwhelming sense of appreciation for Kross' interruption, her shoulders quite literally slumping slightly. She moved to Koltun's side, an arm curling around him if allowed such.
"Thank you, Kross," she said finally, her tired, weathered face lifting to meet his own. She offered a saddened smile before shifting Koltun out the door. "Come on - I will take you to... well, you can stay in my chambers," she offered quietly, nodding at the gnome as they passed.
"Please bring anything he will need there."
[ K.A ]   Koltun's jaw hung open, staring at Kross.
"What?! But he-- I just-- they--'" he continued to stare before letting out a frustrated sigh, throwing his hands up. "That's not fair!"
Yes, folks, it was time for the man pout. We all know it, we've all seen it. It happens to all men when they are hurt or have a cold. And Koltun was no exception. For a truly vicious looking creature, he could whip up an incredible pout as well.
"I can make it to your chambers...." he mumbled almost petulantly to himself, allowing Vari to wrap her arm about him and guide him out towards her chambers. At least it wasn't an infirmary. "I'll still visit you from time to time, Shnookums" he teasingly called back to Whistletorque
[ L.K ]   “Asth you wish Harbinger.”. Squeaked the gnome as he began to gather tools, food, medicine, a mechanical squirrel, and the balloons.
“Letsth get you cozy Pill-idari.”. He chuckled and looked toward Kolt as he was leaving.
“I call him that causthe he loves histh pills!”. He cackled and clapped his chubby meat-sack hands before scooping up everything he’d need to settle the man into his new room.
[ P.K ]   Vari actually... laughed, shaking her head and out she went, Koltun in tow and that ridiculous gnome chortling after.
[ L.K ]   Kross would be all that remained in the room.  The flickering candles and torches extinguished the second he burst into a white vapor and vanished.  They had work to do. . .
TBC.... “In Depths Below: Vengeance Part 2.” . . . . .
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Love, I’ve Missed You In A Million Different Ways (How Is It We Keep On Writing Tragedies Together?) 3/14-ish
So this is part 3 of my @bering-and-wells-exchange gift for @dapperdorian. This section kept kicking my behind, and I wasn’t happy with it, and I wasn’t happy with it but I had a plan to follow. Then last Friday this idea bowled me over out of left field, and exploded, and, well. It’s not soft longing, more like love-hate if-things-were-different repressed wanting.
And warning for implied major character death.
3. She Would Have Given Everything
“I never want to meet you like this again,” Myka bit out, as she grabbed Helena's hand and jumped them both to the posh downtown lobby.
“Well, don't.” Helena lifted one shoulder. “But I'm not going to aside while this plague wrecks —”
“If you want to help, go back to your lab. You are not Batman! Or — Batwoman, or whoever. One of these days you're going to get yourself killed!” And her concern was very real. “And we need you.”
“That fictional, pouty, playboy Gary Stu? I should hope not!” Helena arched her eyebrows at Myka, and shook her head in disbelief. “Quite frankly, I’m offended that comparison even occurred to you.”
“Helena, you’re not super,” Myka hissed at her. “And you have —”
A loud crash rang out above them. Amanda lost the queen, Steve relayed.
On it. “Get out of here, and stay out,” Myka grit out, and jumped back to the 10th floor to search.
Higher than 10. Lower than 15. Closer to 15 than 10, judging by the volume of the ruckus. Coming higher, the screech of metal giving way under demonic claws. Elevator shaft. To confirm, she jumped several floors below, inside the shaft.
The breathless cold split second of everywhere and nowhere. Steeling herself against the rushing freefall, the crack of instinctual panic. Up, look up.
A forked tail, lashing out, snagged her hair. That was too close. Closing her eyes, she jumped again, without those strands.
Solid ground beneath her feet, no large, otherworldly presence. Definitely in the elevator, and climbing, Steve. Then she fell onto all fours, shaky and ungainly.
“Don't you dare talk to me about risking my life, when they need you just as much.” A fierce murmur in her ear, and a vial was pressed against her hand. “Drink.”
Myka opened her eyes just in time to see the swarm zipping up the avenue, Helena flinging a grenade through the doors into the middle of it. Flame burst through the cloud of insects, licking at wings and silencing snapping mandibles. The drones are here. First wave is dealt with, but I'm sure more are coming.
Copy. She could hear the frown in Steve's thoughts. We need to get these civilians out of here.
Shit. Why here? It wasn't a food source for them (like the nuclear power plant just outside of town) or on the dessert menu (the slaughterhouse just across the county line) or even a good nesting spot (no large, open yet enclosed spaces).
Better here than almost anywhere else.
Office complex on a Saturday afternoon… You have a point.
Helena gave you something. Take it.
You connected her, too? A miserable foreboding rose in Myka's throat. But that was Pete's forte, not hers.
Safer for everyone, was all Steve offered in return.
Myka uncorked the vial and drank. It didn't happen all at once, but her heartbeat slowed, a new energy crackling through her veins.
“What was that stuff?” She called across the lobby, as she straightened, rising, testing her knees.
“Just something I cooked up.” Helena didn't spare her a glance, alternating between eyeing the street outside and a flashing gadget on the marble floor by her feet.
“Yeah, I got that much.” She rolled her shoulders, checking for any aches.
“Well, I don't have the time to explain the various biochemical process involved,” Helena snapped.
“I was pre-med, you know. Before —” She couldn't find the words for — this madness. “Before.”
“I didn't know,” Helena said, softly, and Myka glanced at her to find that this was the thing that got her attention. A kind of sorrow flickered in her dark eyes, and Myka almost wondered if she was thinking, for the first time, about how her screw-up had affected everyone else.
“I was going to switch over to pre-law, though.” She brushed it off. Something wasn't quite right, that last jump... “Just didn't know how to tell my dad. You kind of saved me the trouble.” Because the last thing she needed was pity from Helena fucking Wells.
Helena nodded, slowly, her gaze wandering back to the now-beeping device at her feet. “I was a writer, before.”
“I know. Writer, inventor, physicist, all-around polymath.” Something in Myka's back clicked into place, and all her atoms lined up again — sans that shorn-off hair, she reminded herself, running the flat of her hand over the ragged curls. If she tried to reassemble more matter than was there…
You good to go?
“You did?” There shouldn't be that much surprise in Helena's voice, for someone once heralded as “the next Jules Verne or Anne McCaffrey.”
Yep. Where?
They were all huddled in a storage closet on the 7th floor, eight weekend workaholics, one with a kid. Steve was shielding them all from the creature’s senses for now, but the effort it was taking him slipped over their connection as well.
She jumped.
Her eidetic memory served her unspeakably well, in that she could look at a roomful of people and know exactly how to reassemble them. “Hold hands, please,” as she reached for Steve to one side of her and the nearest civilian on the other. “No disabilities or chronic conditions?”
“Asthma,” one person in the back piped up.
“All right, noted. Shouldn't be a problem.” Where to?
Mall on King and McAllister. It was a good three blocks away, but definitely out of any potential lines of fire. Myka drew on all of her focus, making sure she could feel every one of them, and jumped.
A tug, a weight on her core, as she pulled them all through spacetime. Head throbbing as she stumbled onto the sidewalk, relief flooding her as they all came through all right.
Steve tightened his grip, wrapping his other arm around her to keep her from falling.
“You all right?” It was almost startling to her his voice in her ear, after so often hearing it only in her head.
“I will be,” she muttered.
“Get back to Helena. She'll look after you while you rest up.”
“Where the hell are Amanda and Pete?” Why couldn't one of them babysit me?
Amanda and Pete are doing their damn best to contain that queen.
So she sucked in a breath and, for the third time in what felt like as many minutes, she jumped back to that damn lobby.
— Nearly jumped straight into Helena, careened as she shifted her destination at the last moment, Helena's startled “oh!” loud in her ear. Helena's arms wrapped around her, as she came to rest back in reality again.
“We've really got to stop meeting like this.” Low, teasing, warm breath feathering over her ear.
Myka let herself sag forward. “Screw you,” she muttered.
“You're quite welcome to, some other time.”
I just learned way more about you two than I ever wanted to know.
Butt out, Steve! And she could practically feel the same sentiment emanating from Helena, though she couldn't hear her directly.
Kinda hard right now, sorry.
Helena guided her over to a red leather armchair, Myka dragging her feet one after another. At least she shouldn't be crucial to operations now, unless they needed a scout, or bait, or a distraction, or a split-second save. Again.
Myka bent over, resting her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands, hair falling in her face. Tried not to feel awkward about how sweaty and gross she was making this nice chair.
She heard Helena make some kind of round of the space, muttering to herself, occasionally British-cursing at some gadget or another. Myka focused on breathing and getting her presence of mind back together. “Do you have another of those pick-me-ups?”
“I wouldn't recommend downing two in a row. Just as a precaution.”
“Okay.” She lifted her head, to watch as Helena watched the exterior. A laptop balanced on the narrow reception desk, floor plan of the building on display, surrounded by sporadically flashing indicators of, something, and now Helena paid this more attention than the view through the glass doors. A flash-bang off too their left, building lights flicking off and on again.
“Don’t tell me it wrecked the wiring somewhere.” God, she was getting fucking tired. Both right now, and of everything.
“That was me. Experimental chain-lightning —” she caught Myka's look — “Basically a super-sized swarm taser. Or, attempt at one.” And she frowned at the screen.
“Great. You can knock them out. Now just jump this entire freakshow back off of our plane of existence already.”
“Yes, thank you, I’ve been working on that for the past six months already.” Annoyance crackled through her voice.
“Stopping every time there's even the faintest hint of an attack to go play Batman with us. Or really more Lois Lane.” Myka knew only the vaguest of comic book premises from Pete. “Or whoever the mad scientist is. Harley Quinn, maybe?”
“That is low.” Helena's voice shuddered.
“I Encountered Aliens From Another Dimension,” Claims Sci-Fi Author; The Secret Crackpot Side of Physics’ Once-Rising Star; Local Mother Institutionalized, Daughter Left In Uncle's Care; the headlines flashed across her memory, and she hung her head again. “You're right. I'm sorry.”
Helena hummed vaguely. It wasn't quite acceptance, but Myka would take it.
“Hopper, 10 o'clock.” Myka winced inwardly as its spines shattered window after window on its zigzag path through downtown, thirty feet above ground.
“Yes, I'm aware. How about you do your job and let me do mine?”
“Sorry,” Myka muttered. “Just trying to be helpful.”
“Well, you're not.”
“Besides, I wouldn't exactly call this your job.”
Can you cool it with the negative energies? Really making things difficult right now.
Myka braced herself against the loud crash upstairs, the way the entire building shivered with the massive impact. Then a loud kreee! and the creature fell to the ground outside, writhing on its back, screaming as it melted from its eight feet down.
“What — did you coat the building in something? Or has someone nearby recently discovered the power of carapace-melting acid shields?”
A wicker café chair across the side street burst into flames, and Helena swore.
“Is that going to melt through the cement?” It would be kind of impressive, if this stuff did manage that trick. It almost looked like it might, as the hopper's screams died down to a low gurgle.
“It shouldn't. It should only react with their exoskeletons but —”
“It is.” The last of the creature utterly dissolved, the acidic puddle was now carving itself its own little pondspace, sinking into the middle of the intersection.
A loud sigh. “That's what field tests are for.”
“Really? In the middle of the city?” Myka stood, outrage eating away at her. “You are utterly insane.”
Helena glared at her, and for a split second, Myka was glad those piercing eyes weren't super. “Oh, I'm sorry. Was I supposed to try to lure one out into the middle of bloody nowhere, and try to contain it, just to douse it in deadly acid, and hear from you, ‘Oh, how could you, Helena? Doing something so dangerous on your own! You're too important and we need you working to fix this reality tear you ripped open! Think about others for once!’” Her mimic was mocking, annoyingly accurate for this familiar argument.
Stop it! Fight later!
If Helena heard Steve, she gave no sign. “Myka Bering, my entire life right now is dedicated to mitigating the damage I've caused the best I know how, and I don't need to hear that sort of shite from you!”
She was trembling; they both were. In her peripheral, something burst into flames; a window shattered, smoking shrapnel landing on the entryway carpet.
Myka kicked at it, and found herself swaying on her feet. “You set up a minefield?”
“A perimeter, yes. For the moment.”
“How did you lug all this stuff here on short notice?” She hadn't helped, she knew. She rested her head in her hands again.
(“You're lucky,” she'd told Pete once. “Your powers don't leave you feeling like three-day-old roadkill afterwards.”
“Yeah,” he'd returned, “but I do spend like a billion dollars on tacos now. Besides, your powers are way cooler. I'm just a regular guy who can lift a bunch of stuff.”
Myka had surrendered to eating sugar, in frankly pathetic quantities, to combat the roadkill feeling the day after. But that wasn't something she'd tell anyone, not even her best friend.)
“I didn't.” As nonchalant as you please.
Myka looked up, narrowed her eyes. “What does that mean?”
“It means, I didn't do it on short notice.” Helena glanced at her, assessingly. “It means I set up what I hoped would be a lure for the queen here. And once she's gone, the rest should shut down.”
“And you didn't think to tell us?” Myka was striding across the room, reaching out to — to strangle her, probably.
She told me, Steve interjected, and Myka stilled. The queen showed up sooner than anyone expected.
Pete might as well have punched her in the gut. We're supposed to be a team, Steve.
“Because we all know how much faith you have in my work.” Helena's momentary smile was saccharine, sardonic.
She sucked in a breath, mind reeling like the colors of a kaleidoscope. “I think you're brilliant,” slipped out. “You've got no common sense, but you're a genius. You're, what, five years older than me? And you've found a whole other universe. Like something out of one of your books.” Helena was staring at her, lips parted, that melting gaze soft and shocked. “You're just so stupid, and — and selfish sometimes!”
Incoming! Myka!
She didn't think, just grabbed Helena and jumped.
But she didn't have some destination in mind, not even some instinctive concept of safe harbor. And now Helena was here with her, floating in this strange stillness that was everywhere and nowhere. I'm sorry, she tried to say, but there was no way to hear.
Like being thrown under a waterfall, she had no idea which way was up, air, reality. Stupid stupid, she'd been so tired, she hadn't thought — and wasn't that what she always accused Helena of? The thing she feared most in herself, the not thinking, the reason for rules... So stupid.
She tried to picture the lobby they'd left, tried to reach for any anchor.
There, that stupid blinking laptop, she could almost see it, and the ceiling plaster raining down, the claws and slobbering mandibles and gigantic five-eyed frilled head.
She pushed Helena away, through, pushed her to stumble onto that ragged red lobby carpet, and then Myka met the monster's claws.
It thrashed, resisted, but Myka yanked it with her, and then everything went black.
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deathofthetext · 6 years
What's your favorite metal gear game?
probably metal gear solid (1998)
i love solid snake so much and his establishing arc in that game is soooo good. its the game ive watched the most and probably the mgs game id most like to play in a world where i could play video games. also it introduces naomi who is like my favorite. say what you will about metal gear but it does not skimp on the amoral revenge-bent mad scientist ladies! naomi - grey fox - snake is one of my favorite like. drama triangles of people who knew each other in some way or another and are fucked up about it. its really good how much naomi and snake are both so so so upset abt grey fox to the extent that snake holed himself away in his alaskan depression cabin for five years not talking to anyone else and naomi dedicated herself entirely to Hopelessness And Snake Revenge. i just love her shes such a disaster! 
runner ups and why:
peace walker is the best looking mgs game and it has strangelove (like i said. amoral revenge-bent mad scientist ladies.) it also has kaz who is A Fave. its The Game Where Big Boss Decides To Become Evil and the way that arc is done is genuinely really good. that games main plot is emotionally about bb’s relationship with the boss. and the amount of bullshit it took for him to actually understand what she was trying to say when she died (EVEN THOUGH EVA ABSOLUTELY EXPLAINED IT). and then how once he figured out she was saying that like, nations and borders and soldiers and war were artificial constructs of power, and war is bad, he took it as a BETRAYAL and decided to DOUBLE DOWN ON BEING EVIL AND HOARD ALL THE NUKES. its really the fundamental moment of “no one had to do it” that establishes his Choice To Be A Villain and his like. ideology that we see in mg 1987 and and mg2ss from 1990. 
i really like the cast and their interactions in mgs2 and i think that game does a lot of interesting things, but its hard for me to say its “a favorite”. idk, ive watched it two or three times i think and every time i end up “liking it more” or at least “getting it more”. i love iroquois “definitely not solid snake” pliskin meeting raiden and immediately deciding to pack him a lunchbox of guns and cigarettes. i love fortune. i just really like raiden hes got the problems! and ofc snotacon are extremely peak honeymoon in that game. but. its not my favorite. ig like i ended up getting pretty invested in like... raiden and emma’s weird little friendship where theyre in retraumatization hell but theyre Supporting Each Other, and then immediately it had emma die for like... otacons sad monologue. and its a really good sad monologue and super fucks me up every time abt his horrible family and horrible life and how he made a new better life! its really good! but it super bums me out that emma died for it and didnt get to see this and experience it for herself and that the narrative frames her death to be just abt otacon sad. and its a symptom of a larger problem, like three of the four female characters in that game just die and like no matter how cool they are or how moving their death scenes are its like. i like mgs2 but there were ways to tell a good and interesting story without all of this. (also dont get me started on rosemary/raiden)
mgsv is genuinely horrible in most respects and is also not finished but it has a lot of interesting horrible concepts. i love kaz’s villain arc in it its really like. hoo boy this guy is not way good. i think i “got” that game a lot more when jordan said its really not a main arc metal gear game in the same way the others are because its like, more of a side story about the lives big boss destroyed, even of people who were on his side. once again, no one had to do it, and thats what big boss is all about. 
mg1 and mg2ss i dont feel like i know quite well enough to say theyre faves, although i have read scripts for each of them. i kind of end up combining mg1 and mg2ss in my head, basically bc mg1 is short enough i think of it as a prologue to mg2ss. i do actually have a lot of feelings abt the stuff that happens in mg2ss but i often find myself thinking of those events from the perspective of mgs1 instead? because of how fundamental they are to snavids trauma and his mindset and just the way he is at the start of that game. i also make a lot of jokes about kaz deciding to set big boss on fire because i think that was really valid of him.
ok and mgs4 is the game i think is ACTUALLY second place for me but i have only watched it once or maybe once and a half and i need to rewatch it. it for real made me cry about solid snake SO much. the thing is that all the stuff w old snake in that game punched me in the gut really good. and many of the other things in there were things that SHOULDVE done that but were framed really weirdly by the narrative and didnt end up causing me Enough emotional distress when i was actually watching it but ive spent like months thinking it over and talking it over w my friends and figuring out how i think they shouldve happened in order to really be narratively effective - i am especially talking about naomi stuff here. there were also a lot of times in mgs4 where i ended up pretty checked out from what was happening, especially when the b&b corps were on screen bc i found their treatment as like Sexy Crazy Baby Women was extremely offputting. but in the end i guess my extremely subjective experience of mgs4 is that i think its really good or at least the version of it that exists in my head is.
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taxesdeathtrouble · 7 years
so! about that hogwarts au
im gonna get housing/birth status (??? whats the word for that) done right off the bat
alex is a slytherin, as stated in my previous post (i’m gonna put it in the same tag: hogwarts au)
Molly is a Gryffindor, through and through. the second it was placed on her head the hat was yelling
Chase is a Hufflepuff, which i know is controversal but it boils down to boy needs a hug and people who care about him and he gets that in Hufflepuff
Nico is also a Hufflepuff and I’m right. her sisters one too but thats not my main reasoning my main reasoning is that she’s really loyal and a fucking awesome friend and she’ll go to great lengths to protect the people she loves. 
Karolina is a Gryffindor, but she was also a hatstall because she really really wanted Hufflepuff because her mother drilled it into her that it’s the only truly good house but the hat sees her potential and puts her in with the lions and she ends up ruling them all through her kindness and how willing people are to follow her
Gert is a Ravenclaw, she was a hatstall too but she really didn’t want to be Slytherin (’not that there’s anything wrong with Slytherin it’s a great house’ but it’s just not what I want’)
So Chase and Karolina are purebloods (well, chase is. karolina’s dad is secretly a mythical being but she doesn’t even know he exists so thats for another time) nico is a halfblood (me mum’s a witch. dad’s a muggle. bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out) gert is a pureblood that doesn’t know she’s a pureblood because her mother died when she was three-four and she barely remembers her- she has dreams sometimes where she’s flying on a broomstick with a dark haired woman who’s face she can’t see. the moon is bright, and they are both laughing in joy. she got adopted by the Yorkes, a well meaning muggle scientist couple who make fast friends with their new neighbors, the Hernandezes, a pair of wizards with a child of their own. when Gert is seven and starts making the flowers in the backyard grow like crazy and begins to float down the stairs every morning, Gene and Alice spill the beans that she’s probably a witch and explain about the wizarding world. they give them Neville Longbottom’s card because they’re personal friends (he and gene go to the same bookstore a lot and are kind of buddies) and he explains about the wizarding world and hogwarts and gives gert a bunch of books about their history which leads to an obsession with Hermione. Neville checks in a few times and Gert chatters nonstop and Neville is like ‘i know her, actually’ and Gert screams. anyways Molly gets adopted by the Yorkes when her parents are killed by a mysterious accident and she’s not a pureblood because her family was never obsessed with that purity bullshit but it does make her family tree kind of...........spotty, and other relatives hard to find.
now, on to the good stuff aka Plot
- the five of them meet near the beginning of first year
- gert and chase are friends first because they meet on the train
- by the way this is going to be gertchase heavy dont @ me
- so anyways they meet on the train, and gert sees this very pretty boy sitting alone in a compartment as she walks the length of the train looking for a place to sit for the trip
- and he looks really sad. this is because ten minutes before boarding the train his father had just finished a long, self righteous lecture on why he should ask the hat to be in Gryffindor because ‘that’s what house i was in and you should be like me’ which is the last thing Chase wants.
- ‘hey, mullet, mind if i sit?’ gert asks, flouncing in and plopping down without waiting for an answer, and chase, who’s never been called a mean name by a peer in his life, and certainly never by someone this pretty, is flabbergasted.
- ‘excuse me? i do not have a mullet’ by the way chase is british gert is irish the others i dont care as much but these are the ones i’m attached to because i’m writing something else where that’s their nationalities
- ‘uh, yeah you do, mate. the name’s gert.’ she sticks out her hand, and it’s covered in scribbles. chase takes it hesitantly, and says, ‘uh. my name is chase stein.’
- gert spends that entire first year trying to get him to stop acting like he’s a grandmother at tea time and talk like a normal kid because he’s literally never hung out with anyone his age before
- the way the rest of them became friends: gert decimates alex at gobstones, alex is friends with nico, nico is friends with chase because #puffsolidarity and karolina is friends with gert from like, day two of their first year when they both got detention (the story of which they will Never Tell) (they conspired together to let the frogs from the transfiguration course escape) (they got two weeks detention)
- when chase gets sorted into hufflepuff, he cries. years later, he still doesn’t know why.
- chase develops a big crush on gert in their third year, which is also around the time she decides she’s going to be an animagus (alex told her she couldn’t do it and she got so pissed at him they didn’t talk for a month but it did start her on that path so she’s not super mad anymore) 
- so for about a month she’s being secretive as hell and won’t talk, which she comes up with a variety of reasons for, ranging from ‘i’ve taken a break from talking so you all remember how funny i am’ to ‘i have a debilitating non life threatening illness so i can’t talk until the month is over even if i wanted to’
- chase totally calls bullshit, and he’s kind of upset with her because he JUST figured out he’s likes her and now she won’t even talk?
- when she finally becomes an animagus she doesn’t tell anyone because it’s technically illegal but the first thing she says to anyone is ‘hey, mullet, pass the eggs,’ to chase (because he’s thirteen and still has the mullet although she’s probably going to be calling him that even when they’re married) and he cries. she’s like ‘woah what’s wrong?!?’ and he says through tears ‘you’re (sob sob) talking to me (sob sob) again (sob sob)’ but he gets a hug out of it so the ribbing from the guys on the quidditch team is worth it
- speaking of quidditch
- oh wait right gert’s animagi form is a kitty cat which she’s pissed about because she wanted something badass but nope she’s a fluffy calico with glasses markings around the eyes (and a purple tuft when she dies her hair)
- anyways quidditch
- gert and chase are both on their respective teams, gert is a beater and chase is a chaser (haha) and later on they become captains
- nico is the announcer for the games and a common theme is her dramatically making fun of their sexual tension/basically being a couple without being a couple bullshit
- ‘oh and there goes yorkes hitting stein with the bludger again, now, we have to wonder how bad their little lovers quarrel was’ 
- in fourth year, there’s the tournament and the yule ball
- karolina gets picked to represent hogwarts, and she doesn’t win but she still ‘loved the experience!’
- she takes nico to the ball, and that’s how they get together it’s really cute
- so obviously chase was planning to ask gert to the ball
- but he gets nervous and waits too long, and he’s literally mid sentence about to ask her when this girl from Beauxbatons (abby, if you’ve read one of my previous fics) waltzes up all cool and asks Gert straight up ‘will you go to the ball with me?’
- gert looks at chase first, just for a second, then says, ‘of course!’ because she really didn’t think anyone would ask her and abby is really really pretty and nice
- so gert looks gorgeous the night of 
- she’s wearing this long, shimmery dress, and her long, dark hair is in ringlets, and chase is enamoured
- she asks his opinion first, because best friends and all
- gert: so what do you think?
chase, completely heartbroken that he’s not taking her to this dance but trying to be cool: you look nice :) 
- gert thinks hes being insincere tho and it kind of hurts her feelings
- the dance is fine until gert goes to get her and abby drinks and abby is making out with someone random and gerts heart breaks in two
- she runs out of the ballroom in tears, and chase, who’s been sitting at a table all night completely ignoring his date, to her annoyance, sees her leave. he immediately gets up and goes after her, and finds her crying her eyes out in an empty classroom
- ‘hey’ he says, sitting down next to her. ‘hi,’ she says, voice cracking, and he wraps his arms around her and she presses her face into his chest as she cries.
- and then she starts rambling. ‘so i just saw abby kissing on some other girl, and i mean, i knew this was too good to be true, but i didn’t want to believe it, you know? i was just happy someone wanted to take me, but i should’ve known when she kept calling me beautiful. liars don’t make good dates.’
- ‘what? gert, you’re, um, you’re beautiful’
- ‘pfft yeah right i know you think so, sure-’
- chase holds her face in his hands in a rare moment of fourteen year old boldness and says ‘gert. you’re gorgeous’
- ‘o-oh’
- he seems to realize what he’s doing and pulls away, and they don’t talk about it after, but gert gets the beginning of a crush that day.
- so fifth year
- gert and chase don’t see each other all summer, because gert’s parents drag her and molly to america for research, which is where gert meets tandy and ty, super cool american wizards and she posts a picture with one of them on insta and Chase gets mega jealous even if he doesn’t say anything
- gert cuts and dyes her hair with tandy and molly’s help but keeps it a secret so she can surprise him
- they text more than call because chase’s voice is in the midst of dropping and he’s embarassed
- and the whole summer he’s bored as hell so he just goes to the gym every day
- and he finally gets a good hairstyle
- so that first day at the train station gert sees him and literally doesn’t recognize him
- who is this broad-shouldered, deep-voiced beauty standing beside her? and staring at her like he can’t believe what he’s seeing?
- ‘gert?’ ‘oh my god, chase? you look............so different. so what do you think? of my hair, i mean.’ her brain’s a little wonky. chase is so attractive, what the fuck
- he reaches over and winds his finger around a curl. ‘it’s really pretty.’ his voice is soft and to her ears, intimate, and oh, fuck you, hormones, this is the last type of reaction she wants to be having to this.
- she blushes really red and chase is like hmmm this is new
- that whole year there’s something different underlying everything. they spend a lot more time alone, doing homework together or going out on their broomsticks or splitting off from the group when they go to hogsmeade
- coincidentally, they both also make prefect that year, and through a lot of twisting schedules around by the kids (nico and karolina make prefect and there’s a few other interhouse relationships so gert and chase get paired up) they do patrols together
- and there’s a metric fuckton of flirting
- they also start playing dumb magic pranks on each other around this time, so often one of them will show up to breakfast with green hair or galaxy freckles
- chase did the freckles to piss her off but, oh no, she looks so cute, this isn’t fair
- fifth year is also when gert’s anxiety starts to get bad, so there are a lot of nights where she roams the castle in cat form, still kind of pissed about the tuft of purple that sticks up
- on one of these nights, chase can’t sleep. and i mean really can’t sleep. so he puts on the little device he wired up to make teachers not notice him because im lazy and cant think of anything else and heads down to him favourite alcove where he can look up at the moon and the snow falling and just think.
- gert comes across him, still in cat form, and she still hasn’t told him, or anyone, that she’s an animagus, so she considers just walking away, but then chase sees her and is picking her up and babytalking at her and oh, this is so cute, she can’t leave now
- so she settles in his lap and he starts petting her, saying, ‘you’re so soft, yes you are, pretty girl, yes you are,’ because ya know. he thinks hes talking to a cat.
- and then he just starts rambling about his issues and hes kind of maybe vaguely talking about ‘this girl’ (gert) and he doesnt say that he likes her but if you listen closely its clear, and okay, gert needs to transform back now or she’ll fall asleep, and she’s been meaning to tell chase anyways.
- so she changes back and oh, she didn’t think this through, because she’s sitting in his lap in her- oh, shit- pyjama shorts and tank top and no bra, what the fuck was she thinking?
- chase screams, and gert slaps her hand over his mouth so they don’t get caught. ‘are you done?’
- chase is wide eyed as he nods, and gert takes her hand off his mouth.
- ‘so. you’re an animagus, right?’ ‘yeah’ ‘how long?’ ‘remember that time in third year when alex said i wouldn’t be able to do it and we fought?’ ‘oh my god’
- his arm settles around her waist, fingers brushing against bare skin where her shirt has ridden up, and they’re both staring at each other and thinking ‘what if we made out right now’
- but then they hear a loud banging noise and jump to their feet, running back down the hallway. gert turns into a cat midstep, and chase whisper-shouts ‘that is SO not fair!’
- they make it back to their respective common rooms, just barely, and neither of them are able to sleep the entire night because of what almost happened between them
- at the end of the year, at the train station, they share a very long hug and promise to see each other over the summer. their friends are definitely making fun of them in the background
- near the start of sixth year they’re still doing patrols together, and one night, out of the blue, chase kisses her. they end up making out for like, an hour, then go back to their dorms smiling their asses off
- but guess what? they’re idiots. so they don’t get together right then
- they don’t actually talk about it. but every night they’re on patrol together, guess who’s ignoring their duties to make out in some dark corner? them
- but during the day they’re kind of ignoring each other and everyone is so sick of it so one day nico shoves them into the room of requirement (which she definitely found really early on in her hogwarts career- hufflepuffs are particularly good finders, after all) to force them to talk to each other and locking the door.
- they kind of just stand their awkwardly for a minute until gert is like ‘wanna make out’ and chase, being chase, says yes
- so they do that for a while, and there’s a couch in this nondescript room because story reasons, so it gets a little pg-13 up in the room of requirement if you know what i’m saying
-but chase gets hit with this wave of i wish she was my girlfriend why isn’t she my girlfriend what are we doing and stops kissing her. he’s so tempted to just dive back in, just from how she’s looking right now, but he really, really needs to say something.
- ‘look, gert, i want you to know.........i have feelings for you. there, i said it. and i’m not comfortable with just messing around when i care about you so much- mph!” 
- Gert cuts him off with a kiss. she pulls back, and says, ‘I like you too, mullet.’ and then they make out some more and when they come out of the room of requirement their entire friend group is waiting outside the door with Bertie Botts and chocolate frogs waiting to see the results and they come out holding hands and everyone starts cheering dramatically, like, ‘FINALLY, AFTER SIX YEARS, I KNOW PEACE!’
- and they all live happily ever after the end
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