#we get a lot of vamp!ian
sluttygallavich · 4 months
Galladrabbles: safe and sound
This week's @galladrabbles is based on @deathclassic's song prompt "Safe and Sound" by Tonight Alive.
I can't see through the stars in my eyes And I don't recall breathing steady ever since you've been in my life So let me catch my breath before you seal it once again I should be dead by now
I should be dead by now.
If not from that first time then definitely the second … or the tenth.
What the fuck am I doing?
I have always been reckless, but this is plain suicidal. 
As if reading my thoughts — fuck, maybe he is — Mikhailo lifts his head from between my legs, still stroking my cock.
“You’re safe, Ian. You still trust me?”
It’s insane, but I do. I manage a weak nod, breath too unsteady for words, and then he’s sinking his fangs back into my thigh.
I should be dead by now, but I’ve never felt so alive.
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fitzrove · 2 months
TdV Hamburg review!!
I saw two shows with the same cast (of note: Vincent van Gorp as Alfred, Kristin Backes as Sarah, Simon Loughton as Krolock) and hence feel like I have a pretty well-rounded view of this production (at least w this cast). I'm glad I went twice because things that bothered me in the matinee had less of an impact on the evening show!
TL;DR - Liked it a surprising amount though not sure how much of that is due to wishful thinking XD In any case, it's leagues better than Stuttgart 2021.
- Sarah and Alfred both hear the "sei bereit" in nie gesehn and Krolock sings gott ist tot to both of them!!! The overall impression is that both are being tempted, Alfred just resists and hesitates more. Which I enjoy hehehe
- I like Simon's Krolock overall, he is a bisexual dirty old man with some Flair akdklsls. The more time goes on the less I like tenor/high voiced Krolocks but he had some great classical singing deep notes so he seems like a good mix, I'll take it. I couldn't altogether sense any Deep Depths Of Pain in Gier but it's ok, not my main fave number in the show anyway.
- Paolo Valenti as Nightmare Alfred is a highlight, and so were the other dance soloists (Ian Vrolijk & Kezia Coulson) tbh hehe. I love Carpe Noctem and they delivered. The choreography seems lots less straightwashed than in covid safety measure times (I guess I can excuse it in hindsight then, since it's proven temporary). Also I always love white vamp's slutty little black lace stockings hehehe
- Vincent van Gorp's Alfred was much better in the evening than in the matinee. I liked him from Sie irren onwards in both shows, but I really need Alfred to have enough of an "edge" to him, some level of seriousness in his devotion to Sarah, and in the matinee he just seemed cutesy and too naive. But his overall demeanor was a lot more to my liking in the evening (save for a few choices which must come from the direction, ie. he sulks and pouts after Sarah tricks the bath from him... I never fail to mourn the deleted verse where Alfred basically says he's into the teasing lol). Bonus points for what I read as lots and lots of repressed bisexuality in vor dem schloss hehehe
- TANZSAAL!!!! We get the best of everything: Alfred tries to run to Sarah at multiple points (most touchingly when she falls to the floor), only stopped by the prof - AND he faints during the bite >:))) and literally fans himself 😌 We also get a reluctant/disillusioned Sarah, which is my preference
- Kristin Backes as Sarah is great, she reminds me a lot of Sarah Brightman (in the poto music video which is all I've seen of her). Amazing vocals (even in roten stiefel which gets pitchy with so many Sarahs), convincing arc, no notes 😌
- Oooh another fun thing: Nightmare Solo 1 was covered by Herbert in the show I saw (Jonas Steppe was off so I had Andres Vercoutere, he did great), and Nightmare Solo 2 is a woman!!! (Anne Hoth). Very enjoyable, their voices mix so nicely >:)
- I had the pleasure of seeing Anja Backus as Magda once again (she was one of the big solid wins of Stuttgart 2021 for me, even if some other things in that prod were quite lacking). And idk I think everyone who sees her unanimously agrees that she slays 😌😂
- ANYWAY to return to individual scenes...... What sold this prod for me the most was the combo of draussen 2 (mostly in terms of Sarah and Alfred) and the electric finale (which you can't really fail at if everyone gives their all, which they did). In draussen2 Sarah was soooo fun (the switch seemed natural and hmm shall we just say that everything she did after that was pretty hot) AND ALFRED. Omg alfred... I really like how it went for him hehe, very bloodthirsty, lunges for the professor three times before Sarah stops him... The thing about this prod is that he kind of pulls Sarah close and they kiss super romantically (thats what I think I saw) before agreeing to maul the audience - which they go to do hand in hand. And like mmmmmmm this is why I watch this show!!!! It's about the Central Dark Romance (😂😎 sorry i'm annoying about my ship on purpose but omg I feel so vindicated) and the level of loss of morals and depravity it took to finally get there... ahhhhh
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
Oops I missed that the ask game was for oc 😳
Also 5 and 19 for Sola, Mikhail, and Ian please 😁
you're all good. I mean I am sort of my own OC. So it's valid lol. If anyone else wants to ask me or my oc things, I may not be as honest as the OCs but i'll answer Ask Game
5. Do you have any role models? Tell us a little bit about them.
Goddess Sola: Makes a face trying to remember what that means. Gets excited once the memory comes back. "The little cloud and Alessia are my role models. They both know so much about mortals! They also do a lot of good things. Alessia protects people and the little cloud is always using her powers for others. I want to do that stuff too! Although I usually scare mortals badly, Delphia said I should only meet them if she's around after the last time..."
Human Sola: Looks around so no one is nearby. "I want to be like my mom! She's so pretty and strong. Also takes care of everyone even if they're bigger or smaller than her. I'll be just like her when I grow up! I'll wear pretty long dresses too!"
Every Ian: Fidgets with his hands nervous to be answering anything about himself. Thinks about the question and the people he's met in his life. "...Mik. He stands up for his beliefs and doesn't care if people hate him for it. Even if he couldn't be huge he'd face down anything. I want to be confident and strong like that. Have something I believe in enough to chase after it like he does too."
Streamer AU Ian: Hugs himself as he thinks a little harder. Mik is one, but he does have another role model too. "Mira too. She's been trying really hard to move forward after what she went through. Hearing how bad it was gave me nightmares and she still tries so hard. I want that strength to move forward like her."
Shifter/Giant/human Mikhail: Folds his arms across his chest eventually rubbing his chin. He lets out a sigh before settling on an answer. "I'd suppose my aunt if I have to pick one. The woman can be ferocious and doesn't let anyone abuse their size or power. Although she can be a bit too intense at times. That part I definitely don't envy. She doesn't hesitate to stand up for what's right, doesn't let her thoughts stop her. I need to be more like that."
Alien Mikhail: Has had Ian explain what that terminology means and still barely gets it. Thinks hard about it for long enough it seems like he won't answer. "It would be my teacher that aided me in becoming one of the planet seekers. They had been one for many years and brought many species into our group. I hope to leave a record like them after me."
19. Describe an average day in your life.
Goddess Sola: Excitedly bouncing on her feet and desperately wanting to take the chance to drag you along with her. "I usually go watch the clouds and draw pictures in them! Sometimes I grab one of the others to come with me. Then I go to the mortal realm and make sure the light isn't overwhelming and the clouds have become fun shapes when they aren't bringing a storm. Ash says I hurt storms when I shape those clouds so I had to stop. Sometimes I stop and watch mortals too, they do so many interesting things." She starts to ramble about games she's seen mortal children play. Describing things like tag and hide and seek. The point of the question was lost on her as she just excitedly talks about the things she sees.
Human Sola (Snake in the shed): Frowns as she thinks about it. "Mom and dad say I have to go to school even though the borrowers don't so I do that. Then I come home and play with Luna until mom finds out I didn't do my homework. Luna helps me with it and then we watch the movies he likes until bed time. Sometimes it's too hard for Luna so Ash or Rhys help me too. Oh and the days Felix or Ryder visit are the best! They play fun games and give me new toys.
Borrower Sola (Vamp Del AU): She smiles excited to tell someone all the things she does. Her parents and Delphia would yell at her if they knew. "I sneak around Del's room when she's sleeping during the day. I want to see if I can find anymore hidden things from the past us. Sometimes Vincent finds me and he makes me go back to bed. He's too quiet for being so big. Rhys reads me stories when Vincent finds me though, so I let him find me sometimes. At night the others make me and Luna practice borrowing. Just in case we have to leave here, but I don't wanna leave. I love Delphia and she lives forever so we're safe. I'm a better climber, but Luna is better at getting supplies. After that we play games with Delphia and sometimes she reads us books. They have a lot of weird sounding words, she says it's old English whatever that means. Then I fall asleep and Delphia or the others help me get to our bed."
Human Sola (mafia au): She's excited to meet someone new who wants to hear about her. She thinks hard, but her answer is pretty simple. "I have a human tutor that teaches me what I'd learn at school. Mom and Dad say school isn't safe for me, but that's fine. Then I spend time with Luna in Dad's office. Sometimes I go find my brothers or sister, but everyone else is always so busy. I hope one day I can be busy like them too. At night everyone comes to say hi, but it's too late for us to do much with them. The days they're home are the best. Those days are rare."
Borrower Ian: Sits near his house ready to bolt just in case. Stays incredibly nervous despite the promises he's safe. Giving up his routine is risky, but Mik said it was ok and to be honest and he trusts Mik. "I... I usually start by checking the entrances like Mik taught me. That they're still sealed properly and for any other borrowers who might need help. Then I try to get food, sometimes Mik left some out other times he hasn't woken up yet so I get it myself. The rest of the day I usually spend with Mik doing whatever he does. Sometimes I try to get better at making clothes with the fabric Mik gives me. Or watch the shows on the big screen that make me laugh. I-it's pretty normal for me, but other borrowers would think I'm crazy. I just like not being trapped somewhere all day anymore."
Human Ian (streamer au): Shrugs his shoulders, it's not exciting. He's kind of shocked someone wants to know. "I just play some games for my streams then usually hang out with Mik. Sometimes I sit in while he does his podcast recordings, help out with timings and sound board stuff. Then I teach him about some of the games I streamed. We just hang out, there's been a few times I just send him memes from my phone while sitting in his chest pocket. On some rarer occasions I go play games with Mira, Corus is there too. The guy is insanely good for someone so sleep deprived."
Human Ian (alien au): Hugs himself still trying to figure out what is even safe for him to do each day. "I wake up... eat the food I'm given. Then I just hang out unless Mik needs me. It's still pretty hard to be out around the alien, even worse when the guy walks around as a giant so much." Ian shudders. "Still better than being homeless in the woods. The alien tries too, I'll get used to him eventually... probably."
Shifter Mikhail: Frowns a bit since this is disrupting his average day. It's the middle of a semester and he has work to be doing. "I teach my classes at the university. Stay late for office hours in case a student needs me. Grade papers while there. Come home and often times become Ian's size to spend time with him. When I'm worn out he doesn't mind that I stay a human size and he sits on my chest while I read to unwind. I make a simple dinner that's easy for a borrower to eat without making a mess of themself and then go to sleep." Mikhail has made the active choice to avoid mentioning how annoyed the other professors make him. The times he shifts just enough his chair creaks from someone's annoying conversation topics. The aloof professor never gets to be left alone in peace and quiet while at the school.
Giant Mikhail (streamer au): Nods understanding the curiosity. He'd be curious too. Takes a few minutes to come up with an answer he hopes is good enough. His life is fairly boring outside of the time he helped Corus. "I work on the story of my horror podcast most mornings. Do research when it's time for the news episode. In the afternoon Ian comes by and usually causes some trouble until I put him in my pocket. Sometimes he actually helps. The entire time he's in my pocket he's sending memes to my phone making it vibrate and distract me." Mikhail has a soft smile on his face as he talks about the 'annoying' things Ian does. "Then we just hang out. I read books he plays games. Sometimes he shows me how to play one of his games. Some days I go see Delphia we usually get lunch or dinner. Now and then Corus joins us too."
Alien Mikhail: Thinks about how his routine would best be explained to humans. Frowns as he considers it might sound problematic, but has nothing better to explain himself. "A day for my kind is a bit longer. I usually spend it researching humans through the media I can now understand. I haven't been able to find a good explanation for some things. Like 'yeet' or why people miss vines. From my research nature still has plenty of them. I make meals for Ian and leave them for him to eat as he feels ready too. I try to mimic the lifestyle the humans in the media I've found use to make Ian feel comfortable. I'm not sure it has worked, but trial and error is my only option. I also spend a lot of time making things in the ship easier for him. I have been working on a surprise for a while, I found many humans do things like this and I hope it helps assuage his nerves. I'm sorry I've gotten off topic. Other than research, I write reports on my progress. Currently it's known I've met a human who has agreed to help me. After what I sent back so far many others are excited to learn more about humans, they are quite strange creatures. The blankets were something a lot of people have started to use on my planet." Mikhail seems to stare off, it's a little hard to tell with his eyes a solid color. It's clear he thinks he answered the question sufficiently, even with his bit of off topic additions.
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
I’m so glad you’re alright and well!! The chapter was of course a wonderful perk but I was just so pleased to hear from you. Speaking of the chapter, thank you for an amazing one! The email notification made my week as it always does.
Question time! If that’s okay. Just how sensitive are your vamps in terms of their hearing etc? Can Ian tell what heartbeat is Mickey’s or does he just know it’s his when he’s expecting him? When my dog gets all excited standing right at the door wagging his tail when he can hear someone arriving home before any of us can… that’s what I’ve been envisioning as Ian’s energy when he can hear Mickey from the elevator haha. But I assume he didn’t this time, was it because he was… preoccupied? 😭 Was his hearing and smell not as focused due to Eric and not expecting anyone else so he missed Mickey’s noises/scent?
I’m really sorry if this is either meant to be obvious or if it sounds nitpicking I hope it doesn’t come across as that as I don’t intend it to be, just genuinely find vampire lore a lot of fun! And also find it a lot of fun that Ian can be as surprised as us haha.
Thank you again for this chapter! I for one am thoroughly enjoying myself. Stay safe and have a nice week! I hope you get some time to rest.
The coolest thing about making my own version of vampire lore is that I can actually answer these questions with unabashed confidence (again, very new to the supernatural game.)
Vampire hearing is very sensitive; not werewolf/your precious dog levels, but way better than normal humans. That said, Ian would not be able to differentiate Mickey's heartbeat from anyone else's in a crowd. He knows it's Mickey because he's the person he's expecting to be in elevator in the middle of the night, on the floor where Ian is the lone occupant. Someone's scent and the smell of their blood tho? Ian could typically pick up on that as if he was Colombo.
Bingo on preoccupation being the main factor here. Ian was feeding, so he's not trying to see or hear anything else just then. It sucks to hear, but at that point, Eric was Ian's whole world. If Eric hadn't spotted him, Mickey could have probably dipped without Ian even knowing he was there. I envision feeding to be such a powerful, all-engrossing thing.
I watched Midnight Mass on Netflix and -spoilers!- when the "Angel" was feeding, they didn't even clock that they were getting royally fucked up by the enemy. Dude was having their wings ripped apart and the most they could muster at one point was a "can you not?" annoyed handwave. Now that's what I'm talking about.
Don't even worry about it, I love discussing and answering stuff, for the most part. Especially now since I know my writing is context clue heavy and I'm in the middle of furious fantasy world building.
Oh my god, the shit that's yet to come... We are nowhere yet, fam. We are nowhere.
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Listed: Jeffrey Alexander
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Jeffrey Alexander is a fixture in a free-wheeling, Grateful Dead-loving, guitar jam underground, a founder of the Iditarod and Black Forest/Black Sea and a sometime member of Jackie O Motherfucker. His Direwolves splice acid folk with a buzzing, humming motoric-ness that edges near Stereolab, but his latest band, the Heavy Lidders, is pure transcendental pleasure. In her review, Jennifer Kelly noted that, “These songs take their time to loosen and relax, pursuing repetitive vamps until the edges melt away and the hard colors swirl into pastels.” Alexander is also a DJ and here he lists some of the music he spins for listeners.
For this Listed, I decided to run down some of the bootlegs and quirky things that I often play on my radio show — hope you dig it. I started doing radio back in college in the 1980s, where I was also the record librarian. The archives at the station opened me up to a myriad of sounds and new zones. Radio for me is like a new mixtape — not knowing what is going to come next… or waiting for the next mic break to try and find out the name of that killer song they played 15 minutes ago. The mystery of it all is still exciting, like remnants of pre-internet music fandom when we searched through record stores, made lists from music magazines and traded tapes. I had a spell as a commercial FM DJ on WRNR in Maryland in the 1990s, but it wasn’t until moving to San Francisco that I started my own program called Pome Pome Tones. PPT currently broadcasts Wednesdays 7-9pm Central fortnightly on www.dunebuggyradio.com. Podcasts are up at www.mixcloud.com/dwlvs.
Fairport Convention — Reno Nevada — April 27, 1968
Recorded live on the French TV program Bouton Rouge. Brooke Sietinsons of The Espers turned me on this this when we were VHS tape trading in 2000 and I’ve been retreating to it every so often for 20 years. This is Fairport at their most delightfully blinding San Francisco ballroom jamming free flight. It’s just so fucking good. I love the crisp dual vocals of Judy Dyble and Ian Matthews, I especially love that they both sit down and look so bored during the guitar jam out. Especially Judy, just like a Donna Jean icy stare. But the jam out is super nice too — modal jazzy freak-outs, some of Richard Thompson’s best ever captured on video. This takes the most boring song from my favorite Richard and Mimi Farina album to incredible new zones. I also tend to play a lot of Ian Matthews’ early 1970s records on my radio show, as well. Such a pure voice and perfect ringwear rock vibes.
The Smiths — How Soon Is Now? (Chopped + Screwed)
The chopped + screwed style coming out of Houston, TX in the late 1990s/early 2000s is so fascinating. Full-on Robitussin-fueled shamanism, it’s like the modern-day version of dub. There are so many examples of this across the spectrum, but this 10-minute chopped version of The Smiths takes the cake — probably because 16-year-old me in 1984 sat on the floor listening to the original version of this over and over again, studying the gatefold. But this version is so much better. Thank you Scobed + Robed.
I’m Still In Love With You (Alton Ellis, Sean Paul)
Althea + Donna’s Uptown Top Ranking is one of my all-time favorite songs, and one of John Peel’s as well. A well-worn Jamaican riddim starting with Alton Ellis in 1967 and made famous again by Marcia Aitken in 1977. DJ Algoriddim has expertly mixed together a boat load of these variations here and it’s a killer 30-minute jam.
Jon Rose – Paganini’s Last Testimony
When things get autumnal each year, I gear up for a spooky edition of my radio show. One of my favorites featured this Jon Rose piece which he originally broadcast on ABC, Australia in 1988. It’s an amazing sinister collage of bible-belt radio bits, demonic violin, and Rose reciting devilish text from Paganini’s own letters. The CD is long out of print but you can hear the entire 57 minutes of this glorious creation on an old episode of Pome Pome Tones here.
10cc — I’m Not In Love 1975 Disco Purrfection Version
12-minute remix version of a favorite song from my early childhood — unbelievably smooth mix by DJ Disco Cat. Read the comments on the YouTube post for the full mix backstory. Purrfect.
Sun Ra Arkestra — at Victoria Theater, San Francisco California — Aug 3, 2013
I’ve been super fortunate to experience the live Arkestra a handful of times, and this set from 2013 simply floored me. They completely consumed that old ratty theater space with their magical floating power.
Dire Wolves — at Festival of Endless Gratitude, Copenhagen Denmark — Sep 13, 2019
Live DWLVS ! Yeah, I play my own music on my radio show all the time, somebody has to. This is a short rough audience clip — the proper audio of the whole set was released on LP by Feeding Tube / Cardinal Fuzz with a fabulous poster.
Flow & Heady by Dire Wolves Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band
Copenhagen 2019 was the last time I saw these DWLVS bandmates in person, but we have plans to meet up again at the Milwaukee Psych Fest November 19-20, 2021, unless ya all spreadnecks shut it down.
Chuck Brown and The Junkyard Band — at Wilmer’s Park, Brandywine Maryland — Sep 19, 1989
I grew up in Baltimore and spent a lot of time going to punk and hippie shows in DC (old 9:30, DC space) in the 1980s, but Wilmer’s Park in southern MD was totally the place. All-day and night go-go shows, mini festivals with overnight camping, shows from Hot Tuna, Zero, Allmans, Root Boy Slim (!!!) and some of the best BBQ I’ve eaten, oh man. There was a lot of crossover of punk/funk/crunchy scenes back then, I loved it all. I went to a lot of Trouble Funk gigs, but this was the only time I witnessed the legendary Chuck Brown.
Alice Coltrane — at Palace of Culture, Warsaw Poland — Oct 23, 1987
Harp solo during her appearance at the Jazz Jamboree festival in 1987. Perfect, transportive.
Bardo Pond — What Are Their Names?
Probably the greatest band of the last 30 years covering one of my absolute favorite David Crosby songs, what could be better? I curated this Terrastock festival in Providence RI in 2006 and assembled a CD compilation of some of the performers for a micro release on the label I used operate called Secret Eye. The original features Jerry Garcia, Neil Young, Phil Lesh (what an amazing LP!) and this Bardo version somehow channels that essence in a slow fried perfect hash jar tempo.
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x16 - What happens in Vegas... (part 1 of part 1) Enjoy!
Cut to - The Salvatore mansion family room, present day. Damon is watching Bonnie sleep. She wakes up slowly…
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DAMON: Ian? Who the heck is Ian? And tell me where he is, so I can kick his ass!
BONNIE: (Smiles) Sorry, had the craziest dream… And your name was Ian, for some screwed up reason…
DAMON: Oh, okay… then Ian is cool in my book! (Smirks and gives her a kiss).
BONNIE: What time is it?
DAMON: Almost 3pm…
BONNIE: What! Oh my god! I had to be at the airport an hour ago to meet Elena! Shit! Shit!
DAMON: Uhm… Bon… don’t you remember?
BONNIE: Remember what?
DAMON: About Elena…
BONNIE: What about Elena?
DAMON: Her flight got canceled; she got another one straight to Vegas. You don’t remember?
BONNIE: I do, I do… Told you, strange dream… I’m still a bit drowsy.
DAMON: Well, she won’t be able to help you bring all that “bachelorette” stuff. But the bachelor boys are heading the same way; I’m sure we can fit some of it; just promise me there’s nothing illegal in those bags.
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BONNIE: (Mischievous smile) I can’t promise you that…
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Cut to – Two days later, somewhere in the middle of the Mojave desert. Damon, who looks like hell, is dialing on his cell. Behind him, a crashed police car with Alaric, Iker, and Kai inside; also looking like crap. They are wearing nothing but their underwear.
 DAMON: Care, it’s Damon… Listen ...The bachelor party got a little crazy and, well...we lost Stefan.
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BONNIE: Uhm…think we might have a problem of our own…
BONNIE: It’s me, I think… Anyway; the bachelorette got a little crazy too, and, well… we lost Caroline.
Cut to – A couple of hours earlier. A Sky Villa at the Palms Casino Resort. 
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Damon wakes up confused, he is lying on the bathroom floor, drool coming out of his mouth, brain drilling headache. His vision is blurry, but he manages to recognize a familiar face, lying inside an empty bathtub, completely passed out. The familiar face is Kai, dressed in what seems to be a ballerina tutu. 
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He stares at him for a minute, wondering why he is there… not in the bathtub, but in Vegas; he hadn’t been invited. Oh well, he’ll figure it out later. For now, he needs to do an overall casualty assessment. He gets up slowly, holding on to whatever is at hand. He eventually gains the balance to find his way out of the bathroom, and into the living room. The place is a war zone, the hotel bill won’t be cheap! Amongst the debris of the previous night, he searches for other survivors… 
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Soon enough he finds Alaric, also passed out, half of his body hanging over the piano, which, to Damon’s surprise, a monkey seems to be playing.
DAMON: What the…  (shushes the monkey away from the piano, shakes Alaric to wake him up, no response… He hears a sound coming from a mount of sofa cushions and clothes; someone is under there… it’s Iker, who slowly fights his way out).
IKER: (Looking messed up and disoriented) Hey, man… (looks around, grabs his head) What the hell happened last night?
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DAMON: Beats me… I can barely remember my own name… 
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(Alaric wakes up suddenly, holding his hands up in a cheer).
ALARIC: Jackpot, bitches!!!!!!!!!!! (He realizes he has no idea where he is, or making any sense). Hey, guys… where am I? What are we doing here?  
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DAMON: (Sarcastic) Oh, boy… I have a feeling this is gonna be fun!
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(Kai walks out of the bathroom, passes them by, but apparently doesn’t notice they are there, and goes into the master bedroom, throws himself on the bed. Just as he gets comfy, he realizes something is very wrong… 
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There is an elephant in the room; literally. Jumps up, screams like a little girl, runs out of the room and shuts the door).
KAI: Holy shit! There’s an elephant in the room!
DAMON: I’d say you’re right, stalker boy. What the hell are you doing here?
KAI: … I have no idea, but I swear, there is an elephant in that room!
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DAMON: Are you sure it isn’t Stefan? He can look pretty scary in the morning…
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(Goes to check it out, vamps back about a second later) Nop, that ain’t Stefan… and there is definitely an elephant in the room... (takes a drink).
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ALARIC: So, where is Stefan? And, why the hell is he (referring to Kai) here!
DAMON: Ric, I think we have more important things to focus on right now… Like, for example, there is a freakin elephant in the room! It’s a baby elephant, yes, but still, a freaking elephant! Those things are dangerous! Oh, and I’m pretty sure there’s also a loose monkey somewhere around here! What the hell did we do last night? Rob a zoo?!
IKER: The only thing I have a vague memory of, is a steakhouse, a casino… a strip joint?
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KAI: That pretty much describes all of Las Vegas, so, not a lot to go on.
DAMON: Okay, okay, I’m sure we can figure this out.
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ALARIC: Let’s just find Stefan and get the hell out of here, before they put us in jail.
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DAMON: Fine. Shouldn’t take too long. Ric and I will check every corner of the villa. Iker, you and psycho boy check around the hotel… restaurant, pool area, casino, etc.
IKER: (To Kai) Think you can keep up, princess?
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KAI: (He hadn’t noticed he was wearing a tutu until this moment; he looks at Damon) This was definitely your doing! (Takes the tutu off).
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DAMON: (Sarcastic smirk) Probably… Okay, let’s move.
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 (They search everywhere, Stefan is nowhere to be found. They teamback at the villa).
 ALARIC: Well, we’ve searched everywhere, he’s not here. (Sarcastic) This is great! The wedding is tomorrow, our plane leaves in a couple of hours, and we are missing the groom... 
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We should call Caroline, maybe he ditched us and joined the girl’s party.
DAMON: And if he didn’t?
ALARIC: They can help us find him.
DAMON: Did you get brain damage last night?! 
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No way we are calling Caroline! I’d like to live a long and happy life with my Bon-Bon, so, not an option!  Just chill, we’ll find him. He couldn’t have gone that far… it’s Stefan, he’s probably hunting bunnies. All we have to do is retrace our steps from last night, and we’ll find him.
ALARIC: The main issue being… none of us seem to remember anything about last night!
KAI: (Coming from another part of the room) Okay, I just called reception, they assure there is no Stefan Salvatore at any of the area hospitals, morgues, or police stations…
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DAMON: No shit, Sherlock, he is a vampire! Of course he wouldn’t be in any of those places…
IKER: Wait… a police car… I remember we were in a police car!
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DAMON: Ooh, that can’t be good…
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KAI: Oh, oh, oh, no, no, no… (looks at his hand) This can’t be good either (shows them a very tacky ring).
DAMON: Come on, that’s just your daylight ring.
KAI: No, no… I don’t need a ring for that… which means this is … (takes the ring off, sees it’s engraved) most definitely a wedding ring!  
ALARIC: Who the hell would be crazy enough to marry you?!!
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IKER: (Cracking up) Shit, this too funny…
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DAMON: (Takes the ring from Kai, reads the inscription) “To my knight in shining armour, from your damsel in distress” - Cupid’s Wedding Chapel. Well, boys, I believe we have a lead… 
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We need to go to this chapel, ask them if they remember us; and if Stefan was with us.
KAI: And who the hell I married!
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DAMON: (Sarcastically) Oh, I’m sure she’s a lovely gal.
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ALARIC: I’ll get us an uber…
Cut to – Cupid’s Wedding Chapel. 
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As soon as they walk in, the receptionist recognizes them.
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, shit! You guys are back!? Please, just no stealing the “King’s” costume this time!
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DAMON: You remember us?
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RECEPTIONIST: Of course I remember you! You guys are crazy! Specially you, damsel (winks at Kai). Where are the other three?
ALARIC: What other three? We are only missing one…
RECEPTIONIST: Uhm, no you aren’t; there were seven of you. You four… the wolf man, the cop, and the handsome hero hair guy.
DAMON: So Stefan was here with us, that’s a start!
ALARIC: And, apparently, Matt and Tyler too… So, not only did we lose the groom, we managed to loose two members of the wedding party. (Sarcastic) Fantastic!
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KAI: Listen, I really need you to tell me who I married last night...
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RECEPTIONIST: Sure, you married Whitney Houston; you lucky bastard!
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KAI: What!? I mean, I love me some Whitney, but, really? She married me?
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RECEPTIONIST: (Looking confused, and a bit sorry for him) 
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Well, an impersonator, obviously. The real Whitney has been dead for a while. Boy, your hang-over must really be screwing with you.
IKER: Don’t these places usually offer packages? Like photo albums and stuff…
IKER: Did we, or he (referring to Kai), buy any?
RECEPTIONIST: The whole nine yards. I thought that’s why you guys came back. (Takes out a box of wedding souvenirs and a photo album) Look… mugs, crystal balls, pins, key chains…
DAMON: Let’s go straight for the album… (They go through the photos. Some are “somewhat” normal...
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Others, go along these lines…  Kai, dressed as a ballerina, and the bride dressed as a noble knight. Stefan, wearing an Elvis outfit, mastering every single one of his iconic poses. Iker and Damon playing catch with the bride’s bouquet. Alaric, sneaking about, in full Indiana Jones mission. Matt, riding an inflatable unicorn, role-playing to be the Lone Ranger. Tyler, on all fours, howling).
DAMON: (Terrified at the pics they just saw) Oh god… I don’t even want to know...
ALARIC: (Sharing the sentiment) Oh, fuck no... apparently, I was the one to walk Kai down the aisle… Those pictures really need to be destroyed….
RECEPTIONIST: I’m telling you… you guys are totally insane!
ALARIC: You don’t happen to know where we were heading when we left here, do you?
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RECEPTIONIST: No. But you did mention something about settling a debt; getting Britney Spears back for something…
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ALARIC: Britney Spears?
RECEPTIONIST: Yep; the hero hair guy kept going on and on, about her owing him big time; and that he was going to collect… And you (referring to Damon) kept saying “It’s Britney, bitch!” That’s all I got, hope it helps. (Alaric looks at Damon to see if he remembers anything from hearing that …)
DAMON: Sorry, man, I’m at a blank…
IKER: Wait… I think I’m getting a flashback… of you (referring to Damon), strip dancing to “Gimme More”?
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DAMON: No… I’d never strip dance to that! Britney Spears? Nice try, but nop.
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KAI: Oh, come on, everyone loves Britney!  
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ALARIC: I think I remember that… God, please, take that image out of my head! Of all things, that’s what you chose for me to remember?! Have some mercy!  
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DAMON: If I did… I probably rocked it (winks and smirks).
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IKER: Okay, I’m definitely gonna need therapy after this trip.
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ALARIC: Well, we got all the information we are going to get from this place; and I don’t think I want to find out more. So, what’s next?
DAMON: I say we pay Miss Spears a visit…
ALARIC: First, no one would ever let us be less than 300 feet from her. Second, that’s ridiculous; she is obviously not involved, aside from you stripping to her songs. What we need to find is that strip joint we apparently went to after, or before, this place.
IKER: (Who has stumbled upon a box of matches in his pocket) Maybe this can help… (shows them a very tacky match box, which reads: Mystic Divas.
Cut to – Mystic Divas strip joint. The place, given the hour, is obviously closed. Just as they are about to leave, a woman, wearing Whitney’s “Queen of the Night” outfit, spots them as they are about to leave.
 LADY: My princess! (Runs to hug Kai and kisses him) Why you bail on me last night?! Thought we were having fun!
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KAI: Uhm… I’m guessing you are, my knight in shining armour?  
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LADY: Sure am! Till death do us part… (Sees Kai’s terrified face and laughs) Don’t worry, it was only pretend, honey, nothing permanent. We were both really drunk and thought it would be fun.
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DAMON: (Sarcastic) Aw…what a love story! (To the lady) Sweetheart, you think you can help us put some dots together?
LADY: I can, but there is no way I’m letting you on my stage again. And, don’t call me sweetheart.
ALARIC: So, we were here last night?
LADY: Physically, yes. But I’m not sure any other part came along. Y’all were completely wasted.
IKER: All, meaning us four; or were there more?
LADY: Shit! You really don’t remember anything?
DAMON: (Trying to avoid the whole Britney strip thing) Nop!
LADY: Well… you were all here; plus the other three dudes.
ALARIC: I’m assuming that was before “the wedding”?
LADY: Yes. This is where (looks at Kai) we fell in love. But we came back here after the reception. Well, only me, my hubby; you fine looking thang (referring to Iker), and you, the ultimate party pooper (referring to Alaric). Don’t know where the rest of you went. All I know, is that my princess here, pulled a runaway bride after he got a call, and you two (referring to Iker and Alaric), left along with him.
ALARIC: Do you know around what time that was?
LADY: I’d say three-ish? Anyway, I have to go (kisses Kai on the cheek) It was lovely being your wife for the night. Good luck boys! (Leaves).
IKER: Not bad, psycho boy, she’s hot!
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KAI: (Proud smirk) Totally hot!
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ALARIC: Kinda reminded me of…
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DAMON: (Before Ric says the name, he knows he’s going to say, he changes the conversation) Kai, check your phone…
KAI: (Rubbing it in his face) What... she remind oyu of someone, Damon?
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DAMON: Please, you wish! 
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Now, check your freaking phone!
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KAI: Fine, fine… (looks at his received calls; sure enough he has an inbound call, from an unknown number, at 3:13 am) Well… Yep; I received a call, clueless about the caller, but seems like we had a lot to talk about, call lasted 20 minutes…
DAMON: (Sarcastic) Gee, I wonder how we can find out who the mystery caller is?
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KAI: We could try to hack into the local police system, they have a huge database. Except, we’ll need a computer, preferably a stolen one so it’s untraceable…
IKER: (Also sarcastic) Or, maybe just call the number?
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KAI: Of course I was gonna do that first! I was just thinking ahead, in case we get no answer. Amateurs! 
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(Calls the number…) What a surprise… no answer! Oh, wait… (someone answers: Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital, how can I help you? Hangs-up immediately).
DAMON: So, who was it?! Why did you hang up!!
KAI: Ooh, I’m getting a bad feeling…
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ALARIC: Give me that (takes the phone from his hand, calls the number… Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital, how can I help you? Hangs-up immediately) Shit…
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DAMON: So, who the hell was it?!
ALARIC: Not who, but what…
DAMON: Ric, I’m too hung-over to be playing guessing games.
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ALARIC: Does anyone remember anything about a psychiatric hospital?
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DAMON: Now, that’s definitely a place Stefan could be at…
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KAI: Specially if he was found hunting bunnies…
DAMON: Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go one flew over the cuckoo’s nest…
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ALARIC: I’ll get us another uber…
IKER: Wait… 
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Uber! Of course! I can’t believe we didn’t think of that! Everyone, check your phones for any trips we took last night.
DAMON: Duh! Man, we are really out of it!  (They check their phones…) Well, I have one at 5:30, from the hotel to the Andiamo Italian Steakhouse, downtown. And another one at 7:40, from the steakhouse to the Bellagio… That’s it.
IKER: I have one, from the Bellagio to Mystic Divas at 1:06am.
KAI: As for me, one, at 3:33am, from Mystic Divas to the Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital…
ALARIC: I don’t have any from last night.
DAMON: Okay, so far, our best bet at finding Stefan is at that psych hospital. Let’s move.
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 TVD 9x16 (part 2 of part 1) coming very soon! Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
P.S Had to split it into more parts otherwise it would be too long for one post per part. 
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
‘Legacies’ season 2, episode 6 review: Secrets, secrets are no fun
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I think we were all ready for Legacies season 2, episode 6. For Freya to make her first (and hopefully not last) appearance on Legacies and for some big plot pieces to start moving forward. And (whoa boy!), did they ever.
After last week’s big reveal about Vardemus and Clark and all that craziness hiding in plain sight, I was so ready for some hard truths to come out. And what better way to get secrets out in the open than a monster who consumes those keeping the biggest secrets? Read on for all my Legacies season 2, episode 6 thoughts and make sure to comment and tell me what you thought of the episode.
Josie visits hallowed Mikaelson ground
So, the raven-haired Saltzman takes a trip to New Orleans in Legacies season 2, episode 6 to get Freya’s help with a spell, but more so to get some motivation to not be selfish. An interesting head trip for Josie to go down, since she’s usually the self-less twin. This sudden and intense flip of her character’s core being is tough for the Josie-loving part of my heart to accept.
I mean, I get why she’s hesitant, she clearly loves Landon and this is going to complicate matters for him, but ultimately, wouldn’t having full knowledge of someone and what they mean to everyone around you better than keeping everyone in the dark? Holding Landon hostage to what he does and doesn’t remember wouldn’t pave an easy path for their relationship to travel, that’s for sure.
Also, who else had some serious The Originals pangs when seeing Cami, Davina, Josh, Jackson and Freya plastered all over the walls of Rousseau’s? I definitely squeaked and covered my mouth at glimpses of all the characters this world has brought us. It also reminded me just how much I NEED Davina, Kol, and/or Marcel to give their niece a visit. Especially now that they remember her existence.
Kym needs to get supernatural because I want her around PERMANENTLY
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In classic TVD fashion, as soon as a human wants to see what goes on in the (usually unexhilarating) world of the supernatural, all hell breaks loose. In Legacies season 2, episode 6 that chaos takes the form of a zombie and a Croatoan, but more on their monster selves later.
I am in love with this new character. I want Kym Hawkins to be a frequent visitor to the Salvatore School because she is smart and witty and confident in some truly refreshing ways. She gives Kaleb so much more to do in scenes, especially since he is super protective of her, and clearly wants her to stay human. I never thought Kaleb Hawkins and Elena Gilbert would have something in common, but there you go.
Let’s table this
I love that Hope and Lizzie’s big plan to keep the Malivore puddle hidden from Mystic Falls-ians was to set up a table over it for Commonwealth Day. That alone should have signaled to both of them that the zombie probably didn’t come out of the portal. Someone would have noticed a zombie climbing out from underneath a table. And, I mean, how many monsters have had the Triad symbol carved into their foreheads? I’m pretty sure that a practiced witch like Hope should have recognized it for what it was, a spellmark, but instead, she just believes Lizzie when she tells her its a Malivore monster. And I think it should have been an even bigger red flag when the Croatoan showed up, but maybe that’s just me.
Josie gives me a Davina flashback
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We knew from the Legacies season 2, episode 6 trailer that Josie was going to use black magic against Freya, but I have to take a second and talk about what she was actually doing in that scene. At first glance, I thought she was just using magic to get Freya off her back so she could get back to Mystic Falls and make up her mind about whether she wanted everyone to permanently remember or forget Hope Mikaelson.
But now, after having seen the episode in its entirety, I think she made her decision to restore Hope’s memory the minute she saw the picture of Hope and Freya smiling together on that wall. I think it reminded Josie that restoring Hope’s memory is about more than just Landon. It reminded Josie that Hope has a family out there, has loved ones who are suddenly missing a very important piece of the Mikaelson family story.
So, I think when we saw black magic throw Freya to the ground, it was Josie’s first time casting the restoring spell. I say this because Freya would have needed the heads up to travel all the way to Mystic Falls to arrive before that epic reunion with Hope in the town square. So Josie knew what she was doing before she ever stepped foot back in Mystic Falls.
‘Unhand me you turnips!’
That Sebastian. I like having him around. M.G. and Kaleb hatch an ingenious (if not a little risky) scheme to capture Sebastian, and it works like a charm thanks to the human bait, Kym. The biggest takeaway I have from this scene is that Kym is awesome and I hope they get her into as many episodes of Legacies season 2 as possible. She not only annoys the hell out of Kaleb, which is delightful, but she speaks her mind like nobody’s business. I’m telling you, I want her around ALWAYS. Can we make her a super latent witch whose powers were dormant or something? I need her to move to Mystic Falls ASAP.
Another Alyssa Chang reference!
Now that Alyssa Chang has been cast, I’m more aware than ever that Lizzie is constantly mentioning her. I can’t wait to see what adding Olivia Liang to the cast as Alyssa will do to the character dynamic we’ve been building since season 1. I’m sure she’ll fit right in, since most of our faves know her already, but it’ll be nice to not just use her as random miscellaneous Salvatore School character that gets mentioned from time to time.
The Croatoan
So, does anyone else remember learning about Roanoke in school? As soon as Kym said the name of the lost colony, I had flashbacks to one of the most enduring unsolved mysteries of American history. From this point on I knew I was going to love this episode, but little did I know how much I was about to learn about the Croatoan.
We’ll leave his creation and all that for the section about Sebastian below, but I have to say that I really liked the concept of this episode. I love the larger mystery surrounding the Croatoan. I love his whole concept and what it forces our faves to confess to. I am really glad this is a part of Legacies season 2, and I can’t wait to see what other monsters they have in store for us after this.
‘I’ll just ask him about ‘Star Wars’ and he’ll talk the whole time’
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I need to take a second and just discuss how well Lizzie knows Landon. While she’s definitely not a Jandon shipper, she is so tuned into her sister’s wants and needs that she is paying attention. The second she talked about distracting Landon by asking him questions about Star Wars, I sort of swooned for the observational skills of Lizzie Saltzman.
You know who else Lizzie is not shipping? Hosie. She is so not about Josie and Hope having crushes on each other throughout their childhood. Why is she so against them dating? I’m actually really curious about this, because while I see what she has against Landon, I would think that Josie dating Hope would be a step up from Josie’s exes that Lizzie hates, i.e. Penelope Park.
That late ‘TVD’ season Easter Egg
That candle that Lizzie lit to keep Landon safe, wasn’t that the candle that Bonnie used to keep Enzo in the cabin? My heart broke to see it in use again in Legacies season 2, episode 6.
Sebastian’s history
Not only did we learn about the Croatoan, we learned the how, why, and who of Sebastian’s dessication. Except for how he ended up in the Salvatore School basement, but we won’t worry about that for the time being.
So Cassie, Sebastian’s long lost lady love, was a witch. She summoned the Croatoan to distract the Roanoke colony leadership from hunting Sebastian. She wanted the Croatoan to ferret out everyone else’s lies and leave Sebastian alone, but the Croatoan got out of hand and killed everyone in the village.
Cassie dessicated Sebastian to keep him safe (since he was a vamp that nobody knew about, AKA BIG secret stuff), and that left him unable to save her when the Croatoan attacked her. He had to watch her be dissolved in front of his eyes, and then was left to dessicate for a few centuries. As much as I don’t know how to feel about Sebastian in the present, being helpless to save the woman he loved must have been a truly awful thing to endure.
This sheriff is going to be more Matt Donovan than Elizabeth Forbes
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Alaric gave this new sheriff a chance to prove she was willing to be in on the secret world of the supernatural, but she failed with flying colors. It seems that he’s going to have to keep her in the dark when it comes to all things vampire, werewolf, and witch… and phoenix, too. There are going to be a LOT of animal attacks in her tenure as Mystic Falls’ sheriff, maybe even more than during the Liz Forbes era, and that is saying something.
How cool was that spell?!
So how awesome was that spell that Josie cast to reinstate Hope into everyone’s memories? I loved how they chose to visualize it, and that the only supernatural creatures that weren’t knocked out were the two who know who Hope Andrea Mikaelson is.
This show has made some incredible choices when it comes to monsters and magic and how to bring them to the screen, and this spell was a big risk. I think it was really cool to see it as a sort of transparent curtain that only affected those that had prior memories of Hope Mikaelson.
Coming clean
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This was definitely the episode for hard truths. Hope is remembered, so that starts a whole wrecking ball of secret-sharing. Hope tells Landon that she knows he almost slept with Josie. Lizzie and Josie admit to each other that they both kept the secret of Hope’s truth. M.G. brings Sebastian back to the Salvatore School and comes clean to Lizzie about how she was seeing Sebastian and why everyone can see him now. Oh, and Raf tells Hope (yet again) that he must stay away from her because of his feelings. I really need him to get on the friendship train. These two have epic friendship written all over them. There were probably a few more truths sprinkled in there, but those are the major ones.
Should Hope continue flirting with the Muggles or return to the magical?
So, now that Hope is remembered and things can get back to some semblance of normal, where is Hope going to go to school? She’s made friends and started building a new life at Mystic Falls High, and clearly Leo and Maya aren’t just going to disappear because Hope’s legacy isn’t lost to Malivore anymore. So, is there a case to make for her continuing at Mystic Falls High and maybe building herself a life completely removed from all things supernatural? Or will she re-enroll at the Salvatore School and pick up where she left off?
That Freya hug
Watching Hope get bad news from Raf was rough, considering what she’s lost and gained in the last 6 episodes, but it was all healed by seeing her reunite with her magical mentor. I don’t know if Freya is going to be appearing in any other episodes anytime soon, but I really wish we could have seen these two get more than a hug. I wanted Freya to talk about how the rest of the family is taking her sudden reemergence into their family memories. Kol, Davina, Rebekah, and Marcel have to have some sort of a reaction to this. But, at least their moment was heartfelt and gratifying. I certainly hope this isn’t the last we see of Aunt Freya.
They’ve got his eye on you
So now there is a free-moving zombie eyeball just hanging out at the Salvatore School. Random, crazy, and totally wierd, I just wonder how long before SOMEONE notices?!?!
And I only have like a hundred different theories about who could be under that red cloak now. The strangest, and least well-conceived is our new sheriff and her kids. They act all normal and human, but who’s to say they aren’t just really good, old supernaturals with an agenda.
What did you think of ‘Legacies’ season 2, episode 6?
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 27 May 2019
Quick Bits:
A Walk Through Hell #10 somehow gets even more disturbing as we’re shown some of McGregor’s past as he was abused and set up as a suicide. The horror that Garth Ennis, Goran Sudžuka, Ive Svorcina, and Rob Steen keep exploring in this series keeps getting more personal and seemingly has no limit to its depth.
| Published by AfterShock
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Amazing Spider-Man #22 concludes (mostly) the “Hunted” arc as Kraven continues to try to convince Spider-Man that he’s a killer and to finally put Kraven out of his misery. It’s incredibly messed up logic, but Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba, Edgar Delgado, Erick Arciniega, and Joe Caramagna make it interesting. You could consider this end anti-climactic, especially after how long this has been, but I get the feeling we’ll be dealing with the ramifications for a while to come.
| Published by Marvel
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Amber Blake #3 takes an interesting turn as an undercover operation into a modelling agency reveals that Amber’s childhood friend Amanda is still alive. The level of intrigue and twists in this story just keeps escalating, matching the density of the layouts and art from Butch Guice, Mike Perkins, and Dan Brown.
| Published by IDW
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Angel #1 is incredible. Possibly even better than the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series and that has set a ridiculously high bar. Bryan Edward Hill, Gleb Melnikov, Gabriel Cassata, and Ed Dukeshire embrace the darker, moodier feel of Angel consistent with the different atmosphere that was present in the television series, while diving deep into building up his dark past and conflicted future. There’s a lot that is new to this interpretation, which just makes it more intriguing. And the art from Melnikov and Cassata is gorgeous.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Ascender #2 advances the vamps’ plan to eradicate the remaining technology in the universe, as Andy is reunited with Bandit, and the vamps come to threaten him and his family. This remains an interesting new take on the Descender world from Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen, and Steve Wands as we see more of what’s happened since the end of that series.
| Published by Image
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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1 is an interesting debut from Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia, and Tom Napolitano. On its surface, it’s an “Old Man Bruce” story, as a previously comatose Bruce awakens in a dark and strange future. But this existence is weird and unreliable. Especially as Bruce awakens in a fiction at first, being told that he’s in Arkham and that all of his villains and time as Batman were fever dreams cooked up by a fractured mind. This may well be the best art ever from Capullo, Glapion, and Plascencia.
| Published by DC Comics / Black Label
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Black Science #40 shows that the story still has some surprises in store as it rockets towards the end. Also some ridiculous jokes. Matteo Scalera and Moreno Dinisio continue to inventive as hell with the art.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Coda #12 is the explosive, brilliant conclusion to what has been on the best series of this year and last. Si Spurrier, Matías Bergara, Michael Doig, and Jim Campbell have delivered some stunning flights of imagination, tapping into some highly inventive nihilistic fantasy, presenting the final battle battle this issue, and, man, does it stick the landing. Phenomenal storytelling all around.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Daredevil #6 begins “No Devils, Only God” in a New York City without Daredevil. Lalit Kumar Sharma, Jay Leisten, and Java Tartaglia come on for art duties for this arc and it’s an interesting shift. Sharma’s style reminds me a bit of Klaus Janson’s, but without the heavy inks and shadows.
| Published by Marvel
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Detective Comics Annual #2 heads into Year Two territory as we get a new Reaper from Peter J. Tomasi, Travis Moore, Max Raynor, Tamra Bonvillain, Nick Filardi, and Rob Leigh. This is a nice use of the annual format, giving us a satisfying single issue story setting up a possible future arc.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Forgotten Queen #4 brings an end to this excellent series exploring the history of Vexana, War-Monger, from Tini Howard, Amilcar Pinna, Ulises Arreola, and Jeff Powell. Very interesting depth added to the character and interesting hints as to what more might be coming, hopefully.
| Published by Valiant
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Hellboy vs. Lobster Johnson: Ring of Death elaborates further on Hellboy’s time in Mexico making wrestling movies in a pair of tales from Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Mike Norton, Paul Grist, Dave Stewart, Bill Crabtree, and Clem Robins. Seeing a presentation of the movie Hellboy starred in is a real treat.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Immortal Hulk #18 leans hard into the body horror aspect of the series, debuting both Betty’s full form as this new Harpy and in the Abomination. Joe Bennett, Ruy José, and Paul Mounts just nail this perfectly.
| Published by Marvel
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Killer Groove #1 is a great first issue from Ollie Masters, Eoin Marron, Jordie Bellaire, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. It’s a taut crime drama mixing a never-was musician with the potential of life as a hitman, as he lucks into a kill during a chance encounter. Great art from Marron and Bellaire.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3 advances the alien plot, sending Kamala and her parents off to Saffa to supposedly fulfill the role of their Destined One, saving the planet again. Saladin Ahmed, Minkyu Jung, Juan Vlasco, Ian Herring, and Joe Caramagna are doing some interesting world-building here, and ensuring that nothing is quite what it seems.
| Published by Marvel
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Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt #5 is the beautiful conclusion to what has been a brilliant series from Kieron Gillen, Caspar Wijngaard, Mary Safro, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. It’s been a sequel, satire, criticism, and repudiation of Watchmen, but it’s also been an interesting mediation on “being better” while coming to terms with the nature of reality and learning to deal with the human element.
| Published by Dynamite
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Queen of Bad Dreams #2 gets more into the grit of IJ Wei’s investigation into the escaped figment, delivering some great police procedural stuff. The artwork from Jordi Pérez and Dearbhla Kelly is wonderful. Reminding me a lot of some of the work from John Watkiss, particularly during a very impressive action sequence.
| Published by Vault
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She Said Destroy #1 is an intriguing science fantasy debut from Joe Corallo, Liana Kangas, Rebecca Nalty, and Melanie Ujimori. It taps into Celtic mythology, presenting a war between Brigid and the Morrigan, but also appears to be telling a coming of age story with some members of the Morrigan’s flock as they try to combat Brigid’s oppression. 
| Published by Vault
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Star Wars #108 is essentially another one-shot in the 80th anniversary of Marvel celebration, with Matthew Rosenberg and a murderers’ row of new and old Star Wars artists delivering a tale set in the old Marvel continuity. While you’ll get more out of it if you’re familiar with the original series, with familiar faces like Valance Hunter, Domina Tagge, and Jaxxon, but it still works well on its own without having any foreknowledge of previous events.
| Published by Marvel
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Stranger Things: Six #1 begins another prequel mini-series, this time introducing us to “Six” and looking into the experiments going on at the Hawkins Labs, from Jody Houser, Edgar Salazar, Keith Champagne, Marissa Louise, and Nate Piekos. I quite liked the first one that served as a view into the terror that Will went through during season one, but this one looks like it’ll be breaking some new ground. Very interested to see more of what happened earlier.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Superman: Leviathan Rising Special #1 is a tease for Event Leviathan, the next turn in the Superman series, the forthcoming Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen minis, and the upcoming Supergirl arc once she returns to Earth, but it also manages to tell a fairly entertaining story in its own right as Talia al Ghul kidnaps Clark Kent.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #94 continues “City at War” as everything gets nastier and dirtier, and we still haven’t had a full-on incendiary spark yet to ignite even larger warfare. Dave Wachter and Ronda Pattison deliver some incredible artwork. Splinter is very chilling in this one.
| Published by IDW
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Thor #13 will make you care about Cul Borson. At least, a little bit. Maybe. Jason Aaron, Mike del Mundo, Marco D’Alfonso, and Joe Sabino deliver on another single issue story broadening the bits and pieces of the War of the Realms.
| Published by Marvel
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Transformers #6 takes a break from the ongoing narrative and gives us a look into the past friendship between Megatron and Orion Pax, from Brian Ruckley, Beth McGuire-Smith, and Tom B. Long. There are some interesting parallels between Megatron’s observations and the drifting apart of these two old friends.
| Published by IDW
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Wolverine: The Long Night #5 concludes this adaptation of the podcast of the same name from Benjamin Percy, Marcio Takara, Matt Milla, and Joe Caramagna. This has been a mature, psychological thriller amidst all of the violence and darkness, with this final chapter delivering more twists even as it brings the answers.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #4, Bad Luck Chuck #3, Black Panther #12, Blossoms 666 #4, Catwoman Annual #1, Dark Red #3, Dead Kings #5, Delver #4, Dick Tracy Forever #2, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #8, Dog Days of Summer #1, Fantastic Four #10, Fight Club 3 #5, Four Sisters 2: Hortense, Grand Abyss Hotel, KINO #16, Life on the Moon, Lumberjanes: Somewhere Green #1, Major X #4, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #39, Princeless - Book 8: Princesses #3, Punk Mambo #2, Punks Not Dead: London Calling #4, Rick & Morty #50, Spawn #297, Star Trek: Year Five #2, Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions #4, Superior Spider-Man #6, TMNT: Urban Legends #13, Thanos #2, Wailing Blade #1, War of the Realms: Giant-Man #2, War of the Realms: Spider-Man & The League of Realms #2, War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2, Wasted Space #10, X-23 #12, X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction #1
Recommended Collections: Death Orb - Volume 1, Dept. H Omnibus - Volume 1, The Goon: Bunch of Old Crap, Judge Dredd: Toxic, Punisher - Volume 2: War in Bagalia, Rick & Morty Presents - Volume 1, X-Force - Volume 1: Sins of the Past
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For the week of 20 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Action Comics #1011 is the last stop before Event Leviathan starts in earnest and it raises more questions as to what’s going on. Brian Michael Bendis, Steve Epting, Brad Anderson, and Josh Reed have done a great job elevating tension through this lead-up and moving the pieces around the board.
| Published by DC Comics
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Assassin Nation #3 is another brutal issue from Kyle Starks, Erica Henderson, and Deron Bennett. The body count remains high and we get more questions about who authorized the hit. There’s some hints that it may all just be misdirection.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Detective Comics #1004 gives us the life history of Astrid Arkham. It’s told largely in full page montages, really allowing Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Nathan Fairbairn to cut loose on the visuals.
| Published by DC Comics
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Faithless #2 sees Faith go to a party, and then it gets weird. This feels like that Griffin Dunne film of him wandering around New York, only with more magic and gorgeous art from Maria Llovet.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Ghost Tree #2 delivers well on the promise of the first issue, going further with Brandt’s conversations with the spirits around the ghost tree, and setting up the possibility of something horrible coming soon. More gorgeous artwork from Simon Gane, Ian Herring, and Becka Kinzie.
| Published by IDW
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Incursion #4 is a fitting conclusion to this series bringing Gilad back to a regular status in the world of the living, with some interesting teases as to what might be further down the line, from Andy Diggle, Alex Paknadel, Doug Braithwaite, Diego Rodriguez, Leonardo Paciarotti, and Marshall Dillon.
| Published by Valiant
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Justice League Dark #11 continues “Lords of Order” and keeps burning down the magical side of the DC Universe, while diving very deep into the back catalogue to build up the new. James Tynion IV is developing a very interesting structure for what might be coming.
| Published by DC Comics
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Middlewest #7 shows the sheer devastation that Abel can unleash as his powers manifest, similar to the rage that his father has shown, and how his newfound “family” can also let him down horribly. Great work from Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Nate Piekos as the story seems to be headed for more dangerous waters.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Jabba the Hutt #1 is an entertaining little story of how Jabba manipulates others to accomplish his goals.
| Published by Marvel
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Stone Star #3 gives us another surprise as Dail tries to save Kitzo from being eaten in the arena by Most-Maw. It’s very interesting how this series plays with elements of hero shooters and the designs for the characters and creatures by Max Dunbar are incredible.
| Published by Swords & Sassery
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Other Highlights: A Shining Beacon, Age of X-Man: Amazing Nightcrawler #4, Animosity #21, Asgardians of the Galaxy #9, Avengers #19, Batgirl #35, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command #4, Bone Parish #9, Books of Magic #8, Clue: Candlestick #1, Cyber Force #10, Dial H for Hero #3, Doctor Strange #14, The Flash #71, Freedom Fighters #6, Gasolina #18, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #262, The Goon #2, Highwayman, Invader Zim #43, Invisible Kingdom #3, Martian Manhunter #5, Marvel Comics Presents #5, Mary Shelley: Monster Hunter #2, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #6, Monstress #22, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #43, Mr. & Mrs. X #11, Redneck #20, Riverdale Season 3 #3, Road of Bones #1, Rumble #12, Runaways #21, Shuri #8, The Silencer #17, Star Trek: Q Conflict #4, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #2, Tony Stark: Iron Man #11, The Unstoppable Wasp #8, Venom #14, War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #3, War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #2, War of the Realms: The Punisher #2, War of the Realms: Strikeforce - The Land of Giants #1, War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #2, The Warning #7, Welcome to Wanderland #4. Wolverine: Infinity Watch #4, Wonder Woman #71, X-Force #8
Recommended Collections: Black Badge - Volume 1, Black Magick, Cover - Volume 1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Volume 1, East of West - Volume 9, Fantastic Four - Volume 2: Mr. & Mrs. Grimm, Friendo - Volume 1, James Bond: Blackbox, Middlewest - Book 1, Planet Terry Complete Collection, Redlands - Volume 2, Summit - Volume 3: Truth & Consequences, Wayward - Book 3
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d. emerson eddy thinks there should be more hours in the day.
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thosefeelsarereal · 7 years
More Than You Should
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Supernatural One Shot
Summary: ‘Can I get a one shot with Sam? Where she is just reckless in hunts, even more than Dean and goes out of her way to protect him? Thanks hun!’ @dazzlingfantasies The reader is in alliance with the Winchesters and has been hunting with them for some time. The reader volunteers to be bait for a hunt that goes south. Sam gets mad at the reader for putting her own life at stake. AN: This is my first one shot for son hehe so send me one shot requests! Here - DM, ask, whatever! @thosefeelsarereal Fluff/Angst Fem! Reader x Sam Y/N = your name H/L = hair length Warnings: Wearing a dress, canon typical violence, blood, martyr tendencies, Dean like tendencies (and possibly errors in writing)
You rode in the backseat of the impala, with Dean’s music loud as he drove and Sam in shotgun these were the moments you cherished.
How you almost knew every lyric of every tape Dean owned, the moments when everyone was quiet and when you would see Sam glance back at you, once in a little while. And you’d look at him too in the reflection of the side mirror stealing those glances before he could even notice. Dean pulled into the parking lot of a motel after 4 maybe 5 hours of driving from the Bunker. Kicking the motel door open, you dragged yourself over to the couch submitting yourself immediately to the stained cushions, legs up, head on the arm of the chair.
“Sleep, here I come!” You said as your bag fell to the floor. Sam and Dean soon came through the door with their bags. Dean announced that he was first in the shower before leaving.
“Y/N, we’ve got work to do. You can sleep all you want later.” Sam says as he claimed his bed with his bag, which is adjacent. You groaned “Sam, we’ve been in a car for six hours.” “If you help me with this research, I’ll make it worth your while!” he suggested whilst putting your legs above his own as he sat down. “What are you offering?” “How about instead of you sleeping on the couch, you sleep in my bed?” he said. You looked at Sam and felt heat emerge in your cheeks “W-with you?” Sam fidgeted a little, “N-no I meant that I sleep on here tonight.” “Oh, right.” You said, then smiled. “I’ll take the bed then. What did you need help with on the case?”
“No!” He said, in objection to your proposal.
“Well, I don’t think men are his type looking at the vics he’s been swiping left to - All the victims are women and have online dating profiles! We need to catch him playing his game.” You protested. “No Y/N, it’s too risky! Vampires are risky!” Sam insisted. His kind eyes begged “You guys would be there too, and I’m different from those vics, they don’t have  my training or experience. The amount of nests I’ve taken out on my own before I even met you guys. What’s one vampire? We just need to arrange a date and time with him.” “I don’t like it.” Sam said, Dean nodded in agreement. “Well, I don’t see a better plan - do you?” Sam looked to Dean, and Dean gave a stern look back. “That’s what I thought - so here’s the plan…”
There was one bar left the vampire hadn’t been to. There was a large possibility that he’d show before he fled town to another part of the country for he knew he could not stay. The bar was like any other bar, warm lighting, brown and rustic. It was crowded too, the perfect hunting ground to seduce and lure. Sam followed by Dean entered, they ordered a beer each and found a table that held a good view, they needed to be observant tonight if this was going to go smoothly. Meanwhile in the impala, you were applying the final touches to your eye make up, being careful not to blink and ruin the whole look then having to start over. You puckered your lips into rear view mirror and finished with a crimson lipstick that you were sure was definitely going everywhere tonight, but the hunt required it. You stepped out of the impala, you wore a red bodycon dress that cut just above your mid thigh and accentuated your bust, exposing the fullness of your womanly figure. On your feet you wore 2 inch heels. It almost felt impossible to carry out a hunt dressed like this, if you hadn’t have done this type of thing before you would have been really doubting yourself. Insecurity was also plaguing your mind, about the scars on your skin from past hunts, how visible and ugly they were. You felt uncomfortable now but forced yourself to stop caring as it just wasn’t important, you couldn’t put yourself first right now. This wasn’t the first time you had done this, you knew you could do it. Before truly leaving the impala you gave yourself a once over in the reflection. You fixed your h/l hair, took a deep breath and walked into the bar with your shoulders back, clutch in hand and your eyeliner on fleek as everyone’s head turned around to look at you. All staring, you felt exposed now but you had a job to do and you’d do it. You gave a glance over the room ignoring the looks while you searched for Sam and Dean in the crowd. Sam’s gaze made you feel flustered, in the way you felt like you were having a tiny heart attack. The scars bothering you a tiny bit more. You didn’t know but Sam was taken aback, he hadn’t seen you look so feminine and elegant in a dress and make up, he didn’t want to stop looking because this was a rarity. He didn’t notice the scars whatsoever. He just gave a reassuring smile, that made you realize they didn’t matter all that much right now. You returned the smile and then found a spot to sit down at the bar and ordered a glass of lemonade, deciding that alcohol would make you lose focus when your ‘date’ showed up.
A little later, he showed up. Bomber jacket, piercing blue eyes, raven black hair and a chiseled jaw of the God’s - the exact guy from the photos on his online profile. You felt a hand on your shoulder, your instincts making you tense, you froze but didn’t allow any emotion on your face. “Are you Y/N?” Time to become the best damn actress you thought. You smiled at him. “Yes, I must look a lot like my picture,” you laughed. “You must be Ian then? I must say I thought the picture wasn’t real.” He nodded and sat down “Yes, I am. I have a feeling we’re both going to have a good night.” He winked. You nearly gagged. This was going to take some effort. You giggled as you glanced behind him to Sam who watched from afar trying to remain composed.
The date was going ‘well’. He was falling for it. He was very suggestive and flirty which you hated the entire night, you covered your inward cringes with giggles and flirty comments back. Eventually, he invited you to leave with him in which you knew what it meant. You went, making strong eye contact with the brothers. Once you stepped out of the bar, you were attacked with cool lips to your own. Knowing you had to be convincing you kissed back and then led him to a more private spot from the public eye. He near enough slammed your back against the wall of the alley as his cold hand snaked up your thigh forcibly. This made you feel sick to your stomach. You hoped desperately the boys would come quickly. Not wanting to his touch for another second, you pushed him away.
“No!” You shouted.
He smiled as the shadows enveloped his face before he said “I’m sorry, I just…can’t control myself, you smell so sweet.” He inhaled your neck as you froze in place. “Maybe I don’t want to share you with my brother.” He growled lowly before his fangs appeared. You gasped. He wasn’t alone. Before you had a chance to strike, or even shout his fangs sunk down into the flesh of your neck. “No!” Sam yelled at the end of the alley, retrieving his machete and ran towards you with Dean in toe. “I don’t think so.” You said weakly. The vampire hissed at the brothers and threw you behind him, which sent you to the ground also hitting your head in which your world turned black.
“Y/N! Can you stand up? Are you alright?” Dean asked. Sam was by your side trying to help you up. “Yeah, I’m fine. Where’s the vamp?” You asked confused, standing up cautiously. “Sorted.” Dean said. Your eyes strained as you saw dark figure approach behind him. “Dean!” You shouted and he spun around. Suddenly, Dean launched into the air, his machete flew to the ground.
“You’ll pay for killing my brother, I’ll make it extra painful for you, whore.” He backhanded you.
Sam sprang to action machete swinging furiously, trying to take his head off. After recovering from the hit, you searched desperately for Dean’s machete. Sam was starting to get tired and the vampire had gained the upperhand in the fight and knocked the machete from his hand. The vampire lunged forward taking Sam backward, the vampire pounded him with punches. With no hesitation, a glimpse of silver caught your eye and you jumped for the machete and swung taking the head off in one cut. Sam with a bloody nose and blood spatter on his face was breathless and you were too.
Nothing was said in the impala between you, in fact no one said anything. You had helped Sam put Dean in the backseat to get him back to the motel with you and Sam. He volunteered to drive and you sat in the front seat. The hunt was over and finished, only with a few injuries to speak about. Sam handed you a flannel shirt and gestured to your neck. After Sam started driving you pulled out your make up bag, removing the wipes and then zipping it back up. You wiped away the blood spatter and smudged make up on your face, you eventually put them away after you were content with your face being clean. You noticed that as the drive progressed on Sam’s knuckles sometimes turned white under the wheel.
“Sam, are you alright?” You asked. “No, I’m not.” His tone conveyed that message. “I told you that vampires were risky, we got attacked by two tonight, not one.” “You’re mad about the fact we underestimated?” You asked as he pulled into the parking lot of the motel. He found a spot close to the room you were situated in and cut the engine. He turned his head to face you. His kind eyes replaced with angry ones. “No, I’m mad because you were reckless back there and any of us could have been killed.” He said, voice laced with venom. “Why do you have to throw yourself into danger all the time?” “It worked, didn’t it? Just the world has two less vampires now as opposed to one.” “Y/N, you told me that you’d be fine, that you could handle it. And when we got there you were a vampire’s supper!” You scoffed. “Sam, you’re forgetting that I saved your life back there too! So why are you so pissed off with me?” “I’m pissed off because—“
“Would you two cut it out? I feel like I’m witnessing mommy and daddy fight!” Dean shouted from the back seat. You and Sam turned your heads to him immediately. “Shut up, Dean!” You both shouted. You huffed and left the impala slamming the car door.
After much a deserved shower, you brushed your teeth, covered your wounds with some gauze and band aids. You retired to bed with a loose fitting tee and a pair of sweat pants.The wound on your neck stung when you moved, trying to get comfortable, you gasped quietly powering through the pain as it slowly faded away . Dean was snoring in the bed across from you and Sam was on the couch, asleep too. You looked upon the wallpaper in this motel room by no choice of your own, you were thinking about what Sam had said tonight. It wasn’t long before your thoughts were silenced and then replaced sleep which followed with nightmares of the unease and shock from the hunt. The unfriendly touches from that monster that made you feel vulnerable and disgusted, how close in proximity you were. The teeth sinking into your neck. You kicked back the covers, and tried to as quietly as you could to leave the motel room. You leaned on a set railings of the balcony that faced the horizon, taking in the fresh air and enjoying the breeze against your skin as you it calmed you down. If you weren’t a hunter, you wouldn’t have noticed Sam joining you outside and leaning down next to you. “Are you alright?” He asked. You nodded. “Just a bad dream.” “Do you want to talk about it?” You only shook you head. He understood completely but felt reluctant to press you for more answers. You both were silent watching the night sky and the full moon up ahead because the parking lot below held little physical appeal to the way the stars glistened. The quiet between you caused a thick electricity in your being. You couldn’t ignore the pull that Sam had on you since day one that blossomed into a friendship, a friendship that could actually be more? Admitting it was more though was practically suicide. Sam cleared his throat briefly. “I never thanked you for saving me back there.” “Yeah, you were too busy laying into me about how I could’ve died.” You shrugged. “You could’ve.” “I know that, Sam.” You agreed. “You could’ve died too, I wasn’t prepared to just stand there and let it happen. You are worth saving. And if I had died then whatever, I guess? That’s hunting, you get what you pay for so I don’t want to hear it, okay?” “Don’t you dare say that!” His voice raised slightly. His big hands covered your own as he pulled you closer into a hug that felt strange with big frame like his. How he leaned down wrapping around your back and shoulders. You were shocked at first by the way he touched you, how he had never touched you this way before, it was so unexpected that that it took you a while to melt into his embrace because it was foreign behaviour for him act like this. You were beginning to like it as well. He slowly eased out becoming taller again as his hold left you but his gaze did not.
“You deserve better than a ‘whatever’! Y/N, your life matters too. Whoever made believe that you weren’t worth anything but bait to them has an issue with me because I won’t let you believe that you could just die and it wouldn’t matter because it matters to me, Y/N. And I won’t let you believe that about yourself either.” You just couldn’t speak, for once you were dumbfounded. It was then you realised you had missed the big picture as to why calm, collected and understanding Sam Winchester would get so angry with you. It wasn’t that he hated you, wanted to make you feel inferior towards him or he wanted to blame you for the hunt going south. Sam wasn’t mad about that. No, he actually cared and probably much more than what he should. And maybe that was a little strange to you as other people and hunters couldn’t care less if you threw yourself fully into hunts and death missions. They always left you behind or left you before you even had a chance to think about turning your back on them. Sam was different though and maybe it scared you that he did care and that he acknowledged how eager you were in the job, how similar you were to Dean in attitude and possibly even more reckless than he was. After years of guarding and shielding yourself from the hurt you experienced; developing a thick skin that was impenetrable that separated you from everyone, it was scary to think that Sam Winchester was sure enough tearing through. Your eyes tearing up only slightly, until you swallowed regaining normal composure. “…right..um I should go back to bed.” “It is true, you know.” He only said, knowing how difficult is it for you to hear that. “Night, Sam.” Was all you could say as you quietly went back inside. Sam soon followed you, he went back to the couch. You were already under the cover and adjusted to a favorable position. You closed your eyes for a short while thinking. Y/N, your life matters too. You opened your eyes again, and sat up. “Sam?” You whispered yelled. “Yeah?” “Can you stay with me?” Sam looked slightly confused. “I mean, can you come over here?” You clarified. He said nothing. He padded over to the open part of the blanket and climbed into bed. You shuffled closer to him. You soon felt his presence from behind as he wrapped his arms around you keeping you safe and warm in his hold. “Thanks, Sammy.” “It’s Sam,” he said. “Goodnight.” You said smiling. “Goodnight.”
You loaded the impala with your bag and then hopped in the backseat.
“I can’t wait to leave this foggy town, it gives me the creeps.” You said as Dean started the engine and began driving.
“You can say that again,” Dean responded, as the car passed the city limit sign that said: You are now leaving Mystic Falls
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nowherexkids · 7 years
NPCs are non-player characters that act as ‘extras’ or ‘supporting cast’ to the RP narrative. I use the term NPC, also, to mean 'minor characters'.
On my blogs, there are several NPCs I may bring in to use within threads and plots. These NPCs can be moved within the story, helping to advance plot, adding drama–etc. etc. As I have created most of these NPCs, I’d prefer writing and directing them myself, in the majority of cases. Plotting is always preferred if we use NPCs extensively in our plots/threads. Some NPCs can be played by my partners--it's all a matter of circumstance/plot depending.
Some of these NPCs are from AUs, past RPs, deceased, and might only be mentioned in passing.
The FCs I use are only for reference as to what these NPC’s look like. It is highly unlikely I will use icons of them for threads.
More NPCs will be added as I create them (or remember them!).
Raegan Travis - Ian’s birth mother. She was a demon hunter (or vampire Slayer in BtVS lore). She gave birth to Ian when she was a teenager and with the help of her mother, she raised him until her death (at the hands of a demon) ten years later.  - FC:  Alexis Bledel | Tag
Alex - Ian’s vampire mother. She was briefly involved with Rae, some mystical stuff happened, Ian was created. After Rae died, she kidnapped Ian for a few years. She is bad news - FC: Linda Cardellini | Tag
Heather Morgan-Travis - Ian’s Grandmother, Rae’s mother. She helped Raegan take care of Ian, and when he was kidnapped after Rae’s death, she exhausted all her resources to get him back. Once he was safe with her, she moved them around a lot to keep him safe from his vampire mother and her vamp followers. She owns a bakery called Sinfully Sweet. - FC: Andie MacDowell | Tag
Amelia Jennings - Casey’s mother. She was a demon hunter, but she gave up that life when she had her daughter. Unfortunately, she died from bone cancer when Casey was four years old. - FC: Elisha Cuthbert | Tag
Patrick Jennings - Casey’s father. He’s a demon hunter who, after his wife’s death, did his best to raise his daughter on his own. Their life included being on the road, in various motels. When Casey was fourteen, he left on a job and never came back. Its speculated he died, but he may yet exist out there as something not like himself (a revenant, as per a plotline in my upcoming novel) - FC: Brad Pitt | Tag
Tracy Maddox - Lang’s mother. She died when he was very young, after she left her former pack with her young son. He doesn’t remember much about her. - FC: Julia Stiles | Tag
Helen Burnett-Lowell - Adam’s mother. She was devastated when her husband/mate took off with a younger woman and left her to raise their son together. She still holds some resentment, mostly directed at the son of her former mate and that woman: Lang. - FC: Sharon Stone | Tag
Nathanial Lowell - Lang and Adam’s father. He was married to Helen, but left her for Tracy when Adam was young. He later had a child with Tracy, but ended up running into trouble with a group of hunters and was killed. He was formerly an Alpha of a pack but lost his position when a younger Alpha challenged him and won. - FC: Simon Baker | Tag
Nathanial (Nate) & Ophelia (Lia) Maddox - the twins, Lang & Aiden’s ( @thewiccanmechanic ) children in v; the strength of the pack. No FCs. 
Lily Marie Maddox - Lang & Faith’s ( @faithiiisms ) daughter in v; I can’t even save myself. - FC: Alona Tal (adult) | Tag
Donovan Shreer - A demon hunter who took advantage of and hurt Mimic and led to her being exiled from her clan. Bad dude. We hate him. FC: Matt Bomer | Tag
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sugarblood7 · 7 years
Chapter One: VampFed is Cancelled
Sugar Pine 7 Vampire AU
Author: @oncemorewithvodka
Editor: @sugarpinecrews
            “Hey everybody raise your hand if you still have a job!” Mike asked the room. No one raised their hands. Not even the ghosts who haunt the halls and would still be here after we left.
           VampFed is Cancelled. There are four nights left.
           All the sets were being dismantled. All the stuff we used to relate to the humans in boxes. Even though VampFed was ending it was nice to know everything was staying the same. Even our human prisoner James was thinking of staying behind.
           “Steven, I’ve been trapped here all weekend. Please help me get down,” James let me know as he worked on taking down our lights. I closed the door and let him get back to work as he begged for me save him. But that’s what he gets for being a gross human who can’t fly. For some of our untalented employees, it was interesting to see what they had planned for the future. I did end up asking James what his plans were to which he responded, “I dunno what I’m going to do now.” Yikes. Kind of a bummer for that guy! Probably staying with the ghost unless he can learn how to deal with heights.
           One of our studio techs, Zach Taylor on the other hand, was taking initiative.
           “Uh. My name is Zack Taylor. I am for hire. This is my resume. Um it looks good.” Actually, it was just okay. It failed to include exactly how much blood he drinks in a single day which is good for any company to be aware of, especially if you’re company that hires vampires.
           I decided to go around the office testing everyone’s ability to find a new job. The test involved employees stating three things they’re good at in a matter of twenty seconds.
           “You have fifteen seconds to say three things you’re good at, otherwise you’re fired,” I told fellow vampire host Candace who responded with just staring into the distance. Though, Sam Bashor was able to answer with talking, swimming and running. Pretty good dude. That was good.
           I asked some of the others who were around their three things
“Design, editing, typography!” Hired!
           “Drawing, illustration, graphic design.”
           With Chris’s consistently snarky attitude, I was really hoping he wasn’t going to be able to answer in time.
           “Camera work, lighting, audio.” Fine.
           Making my way around the office I was given more answers.
           “Uh, not having a job, getting fired, and uh being a new unemployed wereboy” Fired.
           I even asked James who had somehow either gotten help from a witch or overcame his fear of heights.
           “Everything, nothing, and most things,” Fired.
           “I don’t know” Candace finally answered.
           I went to ask Zack who responded he same answer as Chris’s. When I told him he couldn’t double dip he explained he was like Chris but an inch taller. This was the wrong answer because Zack is a vampire and Chris is an elemental. Unbelievably James came in to the save the day.
           “Licking, he’s good at licking” Zack agreed with this. Hired! It’s important for a vampire to lick their victim though it worries me that James knows the difference between a vampire’s bad licking and good licking.
           “Cooking, eating, sleeping. Goodbye” were Matt Lieberman’s answers. Fired on the grounds that vampires don’t need to know how to cook. But he heard my response which put me in danger.
           “You take my firing back, Steven Suptic. You’re just a chicken vamp with a camera. I’m a vamp with a practice sword!” My unlife was at risk as the sword was made from wood.
           “You’re dangerous, you’re hired, you’re hired!” I yelled as he backed me into a supply closet.
           “Cool, thanks. What’s my salary?”
           “Fourt,” I responded and then chased him away. He was a little boy and I chased him. I was once again, safe.  
           You know, one question that I think really deserves an answer and I don’t think anybody knows, is how did this office keep spreading diseases so easily? Maybe it comes from the licking that is important in any vampire or werewolf society. For those of you who think vampires cannot get sick let me tell you we have our own illnesses and we can spread to them to other beings including humans. How do you think the common cold happened?
           I know what you’re thinking. Are people really okay with you filming them during such an emotionally draining process?
           “Okay, I get that you’re trying to document what’s happening here for personal gain. But…I want some too.” You could have put it up on your own vlog channel Liberman.
           “I hope you make a good bit of money off of filming all these people who just lost their jobs. I hope you make a nice bit so you can pay off the government for your fuckup,” Zack told me.
           Clearly, some people were very jealous of my enormous wealth. While others took things more seriously. Rickey Mizuno for example pretended to shoot himself with a gun, which we all know doesn’t kill vampires but then he farted thinking it would be funny. Unfortunately, that was a lot more dangerous of fart than he thought it was gonna be. Vampire farts are the worst.
           “And that was the last we saw of Rickey Mizuno” Zack mentioned.  
           Joel Rubin, one of the oldest vampires of all time came into the room. He may be old and powerful but very much a drifter as he goes from one supernatural brainwashing company to the next.
           “Guys, we need to have our Oddity meeting for the next three months of Oddity,” Joel told the room.
           “And that was the last we saw of Joel,” Zack told me, but I highly doubt it.
           I went over to Audrey, who stayed covered in her hoodie as to not expose us to the danger of her unknown power. I wanted to check in on how she was dealing with the end of VampFed but she did not look up from her editing.
           “And that was the last we saw of Audrey,” Zack was setting a theme was these announcements. Maybe it was from his extra power to see the future.
           I went to go check on Sofia, a very dangerous witch when Zack assured me:
           “We would, however, see Sofia again,” and knowing that I left the room to go bother one of the werewolves Eric.
           “Are you working on VampFed stuff?” I asked him.
           “No, no. I’m uh messaging everyone I know asking for a job.”
           Eric’s comment about reaching out to friends made me realize, I have a lot of connections in the YouTube industry. I decided to reach out to a pervious VampFed employee for help, Ian Dokie, Ruler of the channel Zombi Noggin.
           “Hey Steven.”
           “Hey Ian.”
           “What’s up?”
           “You hear the news?” I asked kind of nervously but I heard him take a deep breath.
           “That VampFed’s cancelled?” I wondered if he knew why I was calling already.
           “Yeah. So I just figured I’d just call you and see how, um, Zommbi Noggin’s doing.
           “Good. It’s doing good,” he sounded skeptical. He knew why I was calling.
           “Yeah, I’m not really the kind of guy to beg on my feet, but um, do you have, do you have a- Please give me a job,” I blurted out
           “Uh huh?”
           “I’ll get back- You’ll get back- I’ll get it. Alright I got the job, thank you, thank you,” I was in, I wouldn’t be stuck roaming the streets.
           “Someone will reach out-” I hung up when I saw Joel, and worked up the courage to confront him.
           “You got me fired, you son of bitch,” I told him.
           “Well, maybe you should have done a better…work.” Hmm! Maybe I should have done better work!
           That’s when I found a telephoto lens lying around and after all these months I was finally able to spy on Luis. He was an editor but I knew he was secretly a vampire hunter. I was able to get footage of Sofia destroying her paper trail. Zack was right, we did see her again. Though I didn’t feel like I was done talking to Joel about exactly why VampFed was being shut down.
            “I mean, it does suck, because we were doing really well. I mean, we had the most brainwashing, like the most sustained, over five months of brainwashing for the first time since 2013 on the channel? I’m looking at the human subscriber analytics right now and we haven’t had this good of subscriber numbers,” he turned the screen so I could see a guinea pig eating carrots, the code for brainwashed humans, “in I don’t even remember how long. I mean at least since, maybe July?” That was hard to hear.
            What else was hard was seeing everyone else working knowing it would coming to end soon. Filip wrote a 17-page script that I’m sure everybody was very excited to film during their last week. I suddenly then got a vision of what Matt was up to, he was writing a letter.
            “Dear guinea pigs, I’m Matt Lieberman,” he was writing. What business he had with the brainwashed humans?
            That’s when I saw the unthinkable. Look at this little punk-ass werewolf wearing the same shirt as me, making my day fuckin’ worse. I figured I would get my mind off it by playing Star a song.
            “Alright, so are there any requests? Any song in particular?” I asked sitting ready at my keyboard.
            “Shooting stars.”
            “Shooting stars, who’s that by?” Of course I knew.
            “I don’t know,” Star failed my test but I’m a gentleman.
            “Ah, I know that one! Here we go!” I began to play the song thought the keyboard did it in the voice of a banshee. I jammed more out as the keyboard contained drum beats and horrifying animal noises that I think added to the song.
            So right here. This is about the point I stopped having fun for the day, and started recognizing that everything was going to end.
            I went with my camera to one of the last meals we would all have together before the company ends. We even let James have a regular human beer instead of being the meal like he normally is. That obviously seems very abrasive. Filming people while they’re eating- it was, but everybody was a good sport about it and after this week I dunno when I’ll be able to see these guys again.
            I’m sure most of us are going our separate ways. But at the end of the day, you can’t count on a company, or another monster. You just have yourself. But when you’re feeling lonely out there, and you miss your old co-worker Steve it’ll be easy to look back on these videos and remember working for a channel called VampFed. And maybe a couple years later, you’ll shoot me a text, and we’ll get a human to feed on, and talk about the old times. Or maybe our chapter’s done. Whatever the case, it was a pleasure working with all of you. When I was alive I was an only child, and I don’t know if this is what having brothers and sisters is like, but it’ll do.
            Together everyone watched the video where we told the humans and other beings who watched the channels that VampFed, VampFed Nerd, and Vampires Be Like were canceled. We filmed our last VampFed podcast where we talked about the good memories and many nights we had spent together like a family. Because that’s what VampFed had become, a family.
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zalrb · 7 years
TVD 1x20 Review
1. I am extremely tired so that’s almost like being tipsy. Sort of. So you have been forewarned about the quality of this review.
2. Not gonna lie, I’m like pretty irritated that we see Ian topless by the quarry but Stefan wakes up in transition with his top on. Like wrong brother to clothe, guys.
3. “You had Katherine’s blood in your system when you died.” “No, I never...” “She’s been compelling you to drink it for weeks, Stefan.” I know a lot of you like Steferine and I get it, I find them very intriguing, the Dobsley chemistry is insane, but their dynamic is problematic, this was extremely selfish of her and Stefan had no say in it. 
4. Also find it totally adorable that Elena had been spending nights at the Salvatore Mansion looking after Stefan.
5. Also cute that she asks what his preferred animal blood is. Damon being Damon is just exhausting. I think there was a time I found him funny and I’m just like, why?
6. Wait, did I miss something? Does Elena hate John because he’s supposed to be an ass and everyone is supposed to hate him or does she hate him because he knew Isobel, which is like ... why do we care about Isobel again? I always forget why.
7. Topless Stefan!
8. “So that’s your choice then?” “Isn’t it yours? This was all to be with Katherine and now she’s gone, I want it over.” This is why Damon saying he would be human to be with Elena does nothing for me. He became a vampire to be with Katherine. This just seems to be what Damon does.
9. Here is another thing about this show and dynamics, no one is freaking out about how entwined everything is. Anna watched Jonathan Gilbert betray and attack her mother and now she’s in love with Jeremy, I get originally it started as a means to an end but like wouldn’t it freak her out that she’s falling for someone in the same line and Jeremy knowing that Anna was around when his ancestor was alive and knew him? And even Stefan and Elena, Stefan wiped out her ancestors after what they did to him, Elena’s ancestors consistently screwed over/owned Bonnie’s, like this is actually very meaty and could make for interesting plot lines and it’s also really fucked up, like there should be a need to work shit out. But everyone stop what you’re doing because Alaric knew Isobel who is Elena’s mother. Yeah, OK.
10. Elena’s progression of how she reacts to Stefan is also really great in this episode. She starts off cooing him, saying she loves him, trying to comfort him through his withdrawal and then when he says he won’t eat, she’s confused and frightened and now, she’s pissed, now she’s storming into the cell like I love you and you’re going to live.
11. “Get. Out.” “NO.” Still one of my favourite scenes because it shows how much they both love each other. He’s trying to scare her away because he loves her and doesn’t want to hurt her and she’s holding her ground, standing firm because she’s not going to abandon him. I love it. Because it’s also in action. Stefan vamp speeds and his veins are showing but when Elena stares him down they disappear. This isn’t like Caroline talking AT Stefan about how she’s going to be there to bring him back (when she actually isn’t there, she leaves and let’s Damon deal with it), this isn’t Elena telling Damon “I love you” in a bored voice, this is action, this is proof.
12. I also like how she shakes her head when Stefan sits back down like “Why did you even try me?”
13. Poor Henry. He was nice.
14. “And then Mr. Gilbert, may you rot in hell.” Oh Pearl. We needed more of her.
15.  Can we talk about the fact that the show frames Stefan as intentionally going to his father’s house to kill him when what actually happened was that Stefan went to his father’s house to try and explain himself because he still had faith in his father and then Giuseppe attacked him and not knowing his own strength, Stefan defended himself and when he got hurt Stefan genuinely wanted to help but he was in transition and there was blood everywhere? Like can we talk about how it was legit an accident and that’s a really fucked up thing to experience?
16. I also side-eye the show for making it seem like what happened between Stefan and Damon is somehow worse than what happened between Stefan and Giuseppe. And that Damon’s aversion to being a vampire was an aversion to being a vampire, he thought Katherine was dead and didn’t want to live anymore.
17. Lol I do like how Damon was like ELENA THIS IS MY SOB STORY and Elena is like Oh THAT’S why Stefan’s fucked up, OK let’s go help Stefan.
18. Damon literally vowing to make his 17 year old brother’s life an eternity of misery. Stay classy, Damon.
19. “Because even death, your heart is pure, Stefan, I sense that about you. That will be your curse.” Also why we love Stefan.
20. I also love how Elena kisses Stefan when she gives her “keep fighting” speech, she holds the side of his face, rubs his chest ... always has to be touching.
21. And her face right before they kiss, that relief and that sort of sadness like “how dare you scare me like that?” and the way she sighs when they do kiss. So much catharsis.
22. And how she smiles when they hug.
23. I also side-eye how easy it was for Pearl to die.
24. I really would’ve preferred if they just made Damon hate Stefan for making him turn from the beginning but no it was about Katherine, about the fact that Katherine turned him too, it was ALL about Katherine and then in season 2, it was “I miss being a human so much!” but I don’t believe him, I believe he regretted spending over a century looking for a woman who didn’t really love him, I believe he regretted ever thinking he would spend eternity with that woman but wanting to be human? Why? Because you kill people? THEN STOP, DAMON. YOU DID THAT AS A HUMAN TOO.  Like uuuuugh his writing is just so bad.
25. I didn’t feel emotionally attached to Anna finding Pearl dead like I did when Bonnie found Grams but I still feel really bad, like she spent how long on a plan to get her back and then she dies? Brutal.
26. OH AND ISOBEL SHOWS UP. Completely underwhelmed.On to the next.
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alltheselights · 7 years
so SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER. we need to talk about it. 1 favourite characters. 2 if you liked the ending.
(vamp diaries spoilers, if that wasn’t clear)
ummm okay so
1) favorite characters. i loved damen and enzo a lot. i think i have a thing for bad boys, if you can’t tell.
2) i thought it was……okay? i guess. i saw people say that it was dumb that stefan had to die and i kinda agree with that. it really pissed me off that they had him kill enzo because i feel like stefan’s character went through so much shit and that was such an unforgivable thing for him to do (plus it put bonnie through more crap, and she’s another character that was constantly abused tbh). but i liked that there was indication that they all got to reunite one day and i liked that they brought all the characters back who had died.
also, i was team delena, but the fact that ian somerhalder couldn’t even pretend to be into her in the last episode was just…….yikes. i know all the drama with them having broken up in real life and him getting remarried etc etc, but come on, dude. they could’ve made that a huge, passionate reunion, and instead, we got…….that. like, you’re an actor dude. it’s your last time filming with her ever. you can do better than that.
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
If you are going to reread your fics, they are perfect, I just wish everyone could read what you write, that's why I always recommend when the opportunity arises, you have themes for super interesting stories. But it's repetitive that Ian is always the one who does something wrong, in ALL of yours fics Ian was the one who ruined the relationship in some way, which is really funny because in your fics Ian is always obsessed with Mick, he licks the floor that Mick walks, but it is always Ian who ends up destroying everything and having to run after Mick.
I swore that this vamps fic would be different because there's a lot of opportunity for Mickey to be the one that ruins the relationship, 1 The lies he tells, 2 His vamps clients, 3 Derek trying to win over Mick and we know it's gonna happen eventually something between them, 4 He is a vampire slayer. You have a thousand and one possibilities for drama AND YOU KEEP FORCING THE NARRATIVE THAT IAN RUINS EVERYTHING. I'm glad I didn't bet with my friend, because chapter 2 proves that, again, Ian is going to be the one to slay on trying to wooing Mick.
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee make Mick be the one to fuck things up and Ian be the one to suffer and later being woo by Mick 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
I took a moment to try and think of a diplomatic response to your comment, especially because you were good enough to do it non-anonymously. But I still can't imagine what that response would actually be. This feels like someone wearing a 'No Fat Chicks' t-shirt to Peter Paul Rubens exhibit.
You're absolutely right that my modus operandi is well established by now. In that regard...It is what it is, fam.
Now, if you feel you have a handle on how the story is going to be and it's not to your flavour, it's fine to bow out of it. I'd hate to think you're wasting your time feeling frustrated. I feel I have to write this every time someone gets in their feelings about one of my stories. Stop making yourself miserable!
That being said, as a general announcement, if you're reading one of my works, please feel free to share how you feel, because I love the feedback. But don't come up in my inbox trying to tell me how to have my fun. I'm not here for that.
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Vampires, Oh My! - Part 2
Description: (Part One) Vampire Diaries AU. Mostly just fleshing out the ending/last paragraph of part one. (Can probably stand alone?)
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Ian tried his best to stay away from Mickey when he was hungry. Mickey had made his feeding habits very clear – he attacked people; he killed people; he was not one of these only-takes-as-much-as-they-need vampires; people died. So when Mickey couldn’t find a suitable target – a murderer or a rapist or a douche bag who couldn’t take a fucking hint – he told Ian to stay away. Something Ian was more than happy to do when that drought lasted, say, two or three days. Mickey had been claiming to be too hungry for a week and a half now.
           Ian paced the living room while police sirens buzzed by outside. Lip looked up from his spot on the couch. “Restless, huh?” he said. “Mickey really get rid of that much of your pent-up energy?”
           “Mandy really get rid of that little of yours?” Ian snapped. Not that the comeback made much sense. Mandy had been over three times in the last four days and each time she’d shot Ian a look somewhere between apology and what the fuck is wrong with you. Ian knew she thought her brother was insane – and she was probably right – but Ian just wanted to see him.
           “Why don’t you just go over there?” Lip said. “Demand an explanation.”
           Ian considered. “Since when do you care?”
           “About you and Mick? Never. Fuck that guy, he can burn in hell for all I care. But you? You’re my little brother. You deserve to be happy.”
           “By that logic, shouldn’t I be happier if he never calls me again?”
           Lip smirked. “Come on. We both know you have a thing for bad boys.”
           Ian frowned. He wished there was something in reach he could throw at his brother but no such luck. His phone buzzed and he went for it, hopeful it was from Mickey, saying the dry spell was finally over, but instead it was a Buzzfeed News notification about a recent animal attack. Probably Mandy’s doing.
           In a split second, Ian made a decision. He pocketed his phone, grabbed his jacket, and headed out into the night. Since dating Mickey, he rarely went out after dark without the other boy. He knew the things that went bump in the night now. He knew Mickey was one of them and could protect him. But alone? That was a no go even if Ian was military trained.
           But tonight seemed safe enough to walk the two blocks over to the Milkovich house. Around here, they were the most dangerous thing, and Ian was more or less on their do not eat list.
           Mandy opened the door and immediately frowned. “Ian.” She leaned against the doorframe and blocked his view of the house. “What are you doing here? You know Mickey’s not... well.”
           “It’s been ten days.”
           Mandy shrugged. “All the more reason for you to stay away.”
           “You really think he’d hurt me?”
           “When’s he’s starving out of his mind? Yes. I do.”
           Ian licked his lips. “Let me in, Mandy. I’ll be fine.”
           Mandy stared at him for a long time and then shook her head. “If I thought there was any chance Mickey actually asked to see you, I might let you in. But he wouldn’t do that to you. He likes you too much. So unless you have a death wish, I suggest you get off my front porch.”
           “You know I don’t have to be invited in to enter, right?”
           Mandy flipped him off with a smirk and slammed the door in his face.
           Ian sighed and stepped off the front porch. He waited a good thirty seconds, made a show of slowly walking away from the house before he turned back and walked around the side of the building. He jumped the fence into the backyard, crept through the broken beer bottles, and peered into windows until he found Mickey’s room. The window was open an inch so Ian stuck his fingers in and pulled it up. He hauled himself inside.
           The room was empty and just how Ian remembered it. Posters were plastered over every inch of the yellow-orange walls and the carpet was covered in clothing. Ian kicked a t-shirt out of the way and picked up the baseball bat lying under it. True, a baseball bat would mean nothing against Mickey, but Ian felt a little better at least having something to ward off a hungry vampire. If said hungry vampire was even here.
           Ian sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled out his phone. He texted Mickey where are you and got nothing in return. He heard a toilet flush somewhere in the house and then, with a bang, the door to Mickey’s room opened.
           Mickey jumped back when he saw Ian, accidentally slamming the door closed and trapping them both. He looked awful. His skin, normally pale, was now so white Ian could see every vein under his skin. His eyes were dark and red-rimmed, the whites almost gone. Dark circles marred the skin under his eyes, too deep to be from fatigue, more likely because the skin was dying. For the first time since Ian had met him, Mickey actually looked like a dead man walking.
           Mickey opened his mouth, probably to say something or admonish Ian, but all that came out was a feral hiss. His fangs protruded past his lips, bit into his own skin.
           Ian stared, dumbfounded, too frozen to even raise the bat or back up. “Mickey...” he managed after a minute. He swallowed hard. “Are you... are you all right?”
           Mickey fought hard to close his mouth and pressed back against the door. A minute passed in complete silence, then another. “I’m fine,” Mickey ground out. “You shouldn’t be here.”
           “I wanted to see you.”
           “I told you no.”
           “You’re my boyfriend,” Ian said. “I haven’t seen you in ten days. I was worried about you. I missed you. You can’t blame me for—”
           “For entering a vampire’s lair unarmed when you know there’s a hungry vamp inside?” Mickey snapped. He turned his red-rimmed glare on Ian. “How fucking stupid are you? This isn’t a high school relationship where I have mono and you come to kiss me anyways because you love me. I could kill you. I’m this close to killing you.”
           Ian swallowed hard and looked Mickey in the eye. “I don’t believe you.” He let the bat drop and stood. Tentatively, he took a step forward. “You love me and you don’t want to hurt me. Right?”
           Mickey gave him a look like that was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard.
           “Surely after hundreds of years, you have some modicum of self-control?” Ian approached and laid his hands on Mickey’s shoulders. Mickey went tense beneath his grip, like every single one of his nerves was firing. Ian smiled. “Look. We’re fine. Everything’s fine.”
           “Ian,” Mickey said, his voice shaking, “I’m gonna say this once and only once and consider it fair warning. If you don’t get out of my room in the next sixty seconds, I am going to bleed you dry. Understood?”
           Ian licked his lips. “I don’t believe you.”
           Mickey let out a broken sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob. He leaned back into the door and the whole thing rattled. “It’s not about whether or not you believe me, Ian,” he said. “It’s fucking fact. If you hadn’t eaten in ten days and you came into your room to see a juicy hamburger, would you not immediately devour it?”
           “Hamburgers don’t have faces. Or feelings. And I’m not in love with hamburgers, so—”
           “Which is why I haven’t already killed you,” Mickey said. “But as Mandy has probably told you more than once, my level of self-control is very, very low.”
           “Ian, I’m not fucking around. Get out.”
           Ian stared at Mickey for a moment longer before raising his hands in surrender. But instead of backing right out of the room through the window, he undid the top button of his shirt and pulled his collar to the side. “Why don’t you take a bite?”
           Mickey licked his lips, his eyes falling down the curve of Ian’s neck. “Ian...”
           “Just a bite,” Ian said, soothingly. He took a step closer. “You’ll stop yourself. I know you will.”
           Mickey met his eyes, doubt glittering in their blue depths. “This is a terrible fucking idea,” he said. He rested his hand on Ian’s neck, let his fingers flicker through the hairs at the nape of his neck. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
           “I trust you.”
           “Bad idea.” Mickey leaned in and took a deep breath. He pressed a soft kiss to Ian’s pulse point, then another lower down. A low rumble escaped his stomach.
           “Do it.”
           “It’ll hurt.”
           “Aren’t there like, endorphins in a vamp bite? Keeps the victim quiet and limp while you kill them?”
           Mickey’s teeth grazed over Ian’s neck. “Supposedly. Never really stopped to ask.”
           Ian pressed the palm of his hand to the back of Mickey’s head, pulling him closer. He felt the prick of teeth against his skin and then, all at once, a deep pain flooding through his body. He gasped but the sound didn’t quite come out. It took a moment of mind-numbing pain flooding through his whole body before everything went fuzzy and soft. He was vaguely aware of Mickey holding him up, of Mickey backing him towards the bed, of soft kisses on his neck. Then he was out.
  Ian woke sometime later. It was still dark out. Mickey lay by his side reading a book. Ian glanced over at him. “Hey,” he said.
           Mickey didn’t even look at him. “Hey, sleepy.”
           “That hurt.”
           Mickey snorted. “Told you.”
           “You look better,” Ian said. And it was true. A little bit of colour had come back to Mickey’s face, leaving him looking like a real human who could maybe use some time in the sun. His lips were bright red like he hadn’t remembered to lick the blood off of them. Ian reached out and stroked Mickey’s cheek. “A lot better.”
           Mickey leaned over and kissed him on the lips, hard. He dropped his book, not even bothering to dog ear the page he was on. He rolled over on top of Ian and deepened the kiss until Ian stopped breathing.
           “What was that for?” Ian asked, a little breathless, when Mickey pulled away.
           “A thank you,” Mickey said. “For helping me out.”
           “I’d do it again.”
           Ian smiled and pulled Mickey in for another kiss.
  Ian came home sometime before Fiona woke up and stumbled in the entryway. Although he’d spent way too much time in Mickey’s bed, resting up after losing so much blood, he probably should have eaten something before walking home. He leaned back against the door and rubbed the sore spot on his neck. His fingers came away bloody.
           Lip barrelled down the staircase and paused when he saw Ian. “Late night?” he joked. Then he saw the blood and suddenly he was at Ian’s side, spreading his fingers and leaning in close to get a good look at his neck. “What the fuck, man. What happened?”
           “Nothing.” Ian batted his brother away. “Don’t worry about it.”
           “You come back from your boyfriend’s house bleeding and I’m not supposed to worry about it?”
           Ian tried hard to swallow the smile that came to his lips but didn’t quite manage it. He pushed Lip back and headed for the kitchen, saying over his shoulder, “Mickey wouldn’t hurt me. You know that.”
           “Do I? Because you’re talking about a guy who beat the shit out of me for feeling up his sister.”
           “You probably deserved it.” Ian pulled a carton of orange juice out of the fridge and started to chug.
           Lip made a non-committal sound – not quite agreeing but not denying it either. He hopped up to sit on the counter and watched as Ian started to make breakfast. “I’m just saying, I don’t like the guy. I think you could do a lot better.”
           “You’ll have to get used to it.” Ian fired up the burners on the stove and bent down to look for a frying pan. “Even if I don’t end up with him, if you end up with Mandy, you’ll be seeing a lot of Mickey. So maybe, just maybe, you want to try to get along with him?”
           “Over my dead body,” Lip muttered.
           “Who’s dying?” Fiona said. She stepped into the kitchen with bed head and her sleep-mask on her forehead. When she saw Ian attempting to cook, she stepped forward and took the pan from him. “What are you doing? You can’t cook.”
           “I’m hungry.”
           Fiona grumbled something unkind and shooed them from the kitchen. As they made their way out the door, she called, “And don’t think I didn’t notice you didn’t come home last night!”
           Lip laughed. Ian elbowed him in the ribs.
           Slowly, the rest of the house woke up. They gathered in the kitchen for breakfast and Ian forgot about his late night escapades, the lack of blood in his body, and Lip’s vendetta against his boyfriend. At least, he forgot until they got to school and Lip curled his arm around Mandy’s waist, pulling her tight and immediately out of Mickey’s reach.
           Ian placed a hand on Mickey’s chest to prevent him from going after them.
           Mickey said, “I really fucking hate your brother.”
           “He’s fucking your sister,” Ian said. “She’s legal. It’s not a crime.” Then Ian paused. “Actually, if anything, she’s taking advantage of him, because she’s hundreds of years old and he’s seventeen, so...”
           Mickey shoved Ian back into the lockers, hard. But then he stepped forward into Ian’s face, leaned in close, and breathed out, “Does that make me a predator too?”
           “You are a predator,” Ian said, smirking. He leaned in and breathed in Mickey’s ear. “Don’t worry. I like it.”
           Mickey shook his head and stepped back. “You’re a creepy ass little perv.”
           Ian laughed and rushed to catch up with Mickey as he walked away. “Seriously though, you and Lip. You guys need to make up. You’re practically family at this point. We should all do something together. Like... get dinner, maybe.”
           Mickey gave Ian a look. “All we do is fuck and all they do is fuck but you think if we all got together and had dinner, that would go well?”
           “Unless you’re saying you want to fuck my brother and your sister—”
           Mickey shoved Ian – probably harder than he intended to – and Ian stumbled into the nearest bank of lockers. Mickey pulled him back by his side without even a nod as an apology but said, “Fine. We can all have dinner together. Tonight.”
           “Tonight,” Ian agreed. He pecked Mickey on the cheek and then disappeared into the nearest classroom too fast for Mickey to catch him.
  Ian suffered through all of Lip’s protests that night as they got ready to go to dinner. They said goodbye to Fiona at the door – who sternly warned them to actually come home tonight – and walked out into the night. Ian half-wished that they had a car or that the restaurant was closer but he would handle the dark. He was military trained after all and Lip could throw a punch.
           Lip had also been beaten half to death last time he’d taken on a vampire but Ian decided to let that slide.
           Luckily, only two blocks down they ran into the Milkoviches. Mandy threaded her arm through Lip’s and the two of them walked ahead, heads bent together and giggling. Mickey glared daggers at their backs. Ian took his hand to soothe him.
           “Try to get along,” Ian whispered. “For me.”
           “If he touches my sister in front of me, I will actually kill him this time.”
           Ian laughed even though he knew Mickey wasn’t joking and pulled him along so that they caught up with the other two. Lip and Mandy’s whispers were too low for them to hear even a foot away but Ian thought that was probably a good thing. He cleared his throat and Lip glanced back at them, a feral and mischievous smile on his face.
           “Hey, Mick,” he said. “Mandy tells me you actually get straight A’s in school. That you’re a straight up nerd.”
           Mandy elbowed him in the ribs.
           Mickey growled.
           Ian curled his fist in the back of his boyfriend’s shirt, pretending for the moment that he even had half a chance of holding him back. He laughed a little. “Mickey’s brilliant. Of course he’s brilliant. But I don’t think anyone with eyes would call him a nerd.” When Lip shrugged, Ian added, “Plus, if everyone getting good grades is a nerd, what does that make you?”
           Lip glared. “I don’t study.”
           “Neither do I,” Mickey said.
           The two glared at each other for a long moment as Mandy shot Ian a hopeless glance. He wasn’t quite sure if she was on his side in this – after all, she had problems with Mickey – but at that moment she seemed to be.
           “Let’s change the topic,” Ian said. “How does everyone feel about—”
           “Celibacy,” Mickey suggested. He shot Lip a grossly exaggerated grin. “How does everyone feel about celibacy?”
           “Oh god, Mickey. Shut the fuck up.” Mandy groaned.
           “What? I just think that discussions of things like celibacy and safe sex and the safest option always being abstinence should be part of our daily lives. And I don’t think it’s a radical idea to think that not having sex strengthens a relationship and—”
           “Yeah, because you’re celibate,” Mandy snapped.
           “It’s different.”
           “What? You’re a guy so you can be a slut?”
           “I can’t get fucking pregnant now, can I?”
           “Wouldn’t it be a different fucking world if you could?”
           “Oh! The restaurant!” Ian exclaimed and pulled Mickey hard into the building. It wasn’t the restaurant they had planned on going to – in fact, it was much fancier even if it wasn’t fancy at all, just an average chain restaurant – but he needed something to cut the conversation short before the fangs came out and Mickey and Mandy fought each other to the death. He rubbed Mickey’s arm soothingly as he stopped at the hostess’ podium and asked for a table for four.
           “Can you fucking afford this place?” Mickey whispered.
           Ian glanced at him and shrugged. “Shouldn’t be too hard.” They followed the hostess through the maze of tables. “You’re hundreds of years old. Don’t you have any money saved?”
           Mickey snorted. “I look like a fucking teenager and a thug. Who the fuck do you think is giving me any sort of money?”
           Ian shrugged and took a seat at the table. Lip, like a perfect gentleman, pulled the chair out for Mandy and Ian silently thanked him for having some modicum of respect for the situation. The group fell into an awkward silence as the hostess set down the menus and then they went on to pretend to examine them closely. Ian could feel Mickey’s knee shaking under the table. He glanced up and saw Lip giving him a questioning look somewhere along the lines of what the fuck is wrong with your boyfriend. Ian shrugged.
           After a couple of minutes, Mickey leaned in close and whispered in Ian’s ear, “Has it occurred to you that we can’t eat real food without getting really fucking sick?”
           Ian glanced at him, shocked. “I’ve seen you eat.”
           “Yeah. Fries. Or a soda. Nothing big.”
           Ian cursed under his breath and looked over at Mandy, who seemed perfectly calm.
           “Get a steak rare and it’s all the same to her,” Mickey whispered. “But me?”
           Ian licked his lips. “Order something you can move around a bit and just pretend to eat. You’ll be fine.”
           Mickey nuzzled closer and Ian felt his breath catch as Mickey’s lips moved against his throat. His pulse started beating harder and Mickey let out a small sound of pleasure. “Yeah and what about my hunger?” Mickey whispered, just the edge of a laugh in it. “What are you gonna do to keep me happy?”
           “Be civil,” Ian said, trying hard to keep his breathing under control, “and I’ll give you whatever you want.”
           “Good.” Mickey nipped at Ian’s neck – just a graze of his regular, human teeth – and fell back into his chair.
           “What were you saying about celibacy earlier?” Mandy said.
           “Let’s talk about something else,” Ian said, too quick for Mickey to respond. “Like... school. How’s school going for everyone?”
           “You sound like Fiona,” Lip said.
           Ian smirked. “Thanks.”
           “Let’s talk about your family,” Mandy said. She smiled wide. “Lip’s barely told me anything.”
           Taking the easy out, Ian started to ramble off the names of his siblings in quick succession. Then he went into more detail about each of them, pausing when Lip wanted to add something and getting into petty, playful arguments with his brother about what their siblings were or weren’t good at. Mandy laughed a couple of times and Mickey even cracked a smile. His leg stopped moving under the table and he let his knee sway outwards to tap against Ian’s thigh.
           They ordered and the food came and no big arguments broke out. Ian still felt like he was playing mediator, like he was in a courthouse or something, but he managed to avoid any big disasters. The ones he slipped up on were usually Mandy/Lip disasters, disasters that could have been worse if Mickey noticed, but Ian only slipped up when Mickey was focused on something else – ie. nuzzling Ian’s neck, running his hand along Ian’s thigh, or murmuring dirty things into Ian’s ear.
           When they finished their meals, Mandy insisted on dessert. Mickey grunted and mumbled something about going to the bathroom before getting up. When he was a few steps away, he sent a pointed glance back at Ian who quickly scrambled to his feet with some lame excuse and headed to the bathroom after Mickey.
           He didn’t see Mickey in the hall so he assumed he was already inside. He stepped into the bathroom cautiously, looking for Mickey, expecting him to be waiting in a stall, but then he was grabbed by the collar and slammed into the far wall. He laughed a little as the breath came out of him and Mickey pressed in close, his whole weight against Ian, his lips searching and soft against the long expanse of Ian’s neck.
           “We should get in a stall,” Ian whispered, still laughing. He carded his fingers through Mickey’s hair as the other boy undid the top two buttons of Ian’s shirt. “Someone could come in.”
           “I’ll be fast.” Mickey’s fangs slid out and skidded across Ian’s skin. Ian felt his knees go weak, Mickey’s hand on his ass the only thing keeping him upright. In a garbled voice, Mickey added, “You know how fast I can be.”
           “I don’t think that’s something to... ah... brag about.” Ian bit his tongue through the pain of being bitten but soon it faded into a happy high. If he focused, he could stay conscious for it, he could feel the heavy, strong weight of Mickey against him, pushing him into the wall, letting him grind against his thigh. Ian moaned a little at the feel of Mickey’s teeth in his neck and the friction between his thighs. He tried to move more but he barely had control over his limbs.
           “Mick...” Ian’s vision stated to blur, spot black around the edges. “That’s enough. That’s... enough.”
           The door to the bathroom opened and Ian felt his heart give one fleeting, panicked beat before relaxing again. Mickey didn’t even notice.
           Then, “Get a fucking room,” in Lip’s annoyed, disgusted voice.
           Mickey pulled off but didn’t turn. He licked his lips, his teeth, and met Ian’s eyes. Ian tried his best to focus, to stay on point, knowing there was little he could do at this point but keep it together. He nodded at Mickey who, after brushing his fingers across Ian’s neck, turned to face Lip.
           “Room’s a little far away,” Mickey said, lazy. “Not like you never fucked my sister in a bathroom.”
           “I use the stalls,” Lip replied. “I’m classy.”
           Mickey opened his mouth – probably to say something rude – and Ian grabbed onto the front of his shirt, a little too hard, and stumbled forward.
           Lip frowned. “Are you okay, man?” He stepped closer. “Shit. Is that blood?”
           “What? No.” Ian raised his hand to his neck and the wound there and found it still bleeding. Shit. It usually didn’t do that. “No, it’s just—”
           “It’s fucking blood!” Lip shoved Mickey backward. Ian stumbled forward and Lip caught him by the shoulders, worry etched all over his face as he started to examine the wound. With a curse, he whirled on Mickey and almost dropped Ian. “What the fuck? Why did you do this to him? Why are you hurting him, you fucking piece of shit?”
           “He’s not... hurting me.” Ian leaned hard on Lip’s shoulder, unable to figure out why his legs weren’t coming back to him. How long did he usually pass out for after this? He didn’t know. He wasn’t sure. “Lip, come on, please, we’re having a nice dinner.”
           “You expect me to just let it go that he fucking split your neck in two?”
           In two? Lip had to be exaggerating.
           “Look, man,” Mickey said, holding his hands up in surrender, “you’ve got no clue what’s going on here, okay? How about you just leave us the fuck alone?”
           “Leave my little brother alone with the guy that just made him fucking bleed? Are you fucking kidding me?” Lip tugged Ian hard and said, “We need to go.”
           “Lip, we can’t... fuck, Lip, uhh...”
           “Are you high?”
           “Am I...” Ian let the question trail off as the room spun around him. He almost fell despite Lip’s grasp on his shirt and was grateful to feel Mickey’s hand on his back, keeping him upright.
           “Yes, he’s high,” Mickey said, his voice rough and uncomfortable and filled with something nearing panic. “I’m sorry, okay? I wanted to fuck and he was game and we probably shouldn’t have gone kinky in a public bathroom but we did. He’s fine. You just gotta let me take care of him.”
           Lip snorted. “Why would I trust you with fucking anything? Ian is high and bleeding.”
           “You need to trust me with this.” Mickey’s voice got all soft and smooth. “Go back to Mandy. Tell her we left. Eat dessert, pay the bill, and leave. Ian is safe with me.”
           Lip nodded and Ian felt him let go. A few seconds later, the door slammed.
           “You compelled him?” Ian said. He hoped he sounded indignant. He doubted he did.
           “I had to.” Mickey turned Ian to face him and examined him carefully. His fingers brushed over the wound and Ian winced, surprised by how much it hurt. “Fuck. Sorry. I was really sloppy.”
           “Is my neck really torn in two?”
           Mickey snorted. “Don’t think you’d be alive if that was true.” He slung his arm around Ian’s waist and pulled him tight to him. “Turn your head into my shoulder and try to move your feet like you’re not drunk off your fucking ass, okay? We still have to get out of here safe.”
           Ian nodded and let Mickey lead him slowly out of the restaurant. They stumbled all the way back to Mickey’s house and Mickey laid Ian down in his bed. After rummaging through the house, Mickey came back with orange juice and a box of cookies. He slung them at Ian and sat a few feet away to watch him eat.
           “I’m sorry,” Mickey said.
           Ian, less out of it now, wrinkled his nose. “For what?”
           “For doing that in public. For doing it at all.”
           “You know I don’t mind. I kinda like it.”
           Mickey shook his head. “It’s stupid. I’m gonna get addicted to you.”
           Mickey’s eyes flashed with amusement. He smiled, soft and totally unlike him. “I’m just really glad you’re okay. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want anyone to think I’m hurting you.”
           “Hey.” Ian tried to reach for Mickey and failed. He let his hand drop into the empty space between them. “You’re not hurting me, okay? And don’t worry about Lip. He’s never liked any of my boyfriends and he doesn’t know you and you don’t exactly make it easy for him to trust you.” Mickey snorted and Ian continued, “But if I like you, if I love you and I’m happy, then Lip’s not gonna do anything but be a dick, okay? Don’t listen to him. You’re not hurting me. I’ll make sure Lip knows that.”
           “I love you too,” Mickey said, soft.
           Ian wiggled his fingers. “Come here.”
           Mickey stepped across the room and took Ian’s hand in his. Ian tugged him closer, forced him to sit down on the edge of the bed. Ian smiled up at him. “You’re a good boyfriend, Mickey Milkovich.”
           “In three hundred years, I don’t think anyone’s ever said that to me.” He leaned down and pecked Ian on the lips. “Get some rest. I’ll stay and watch you.”
           “Thank you,” Ian whispered. He closed his eyes.
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bookloveravenue · 6 years
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A Night Huntress novel (book 2): One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
You can run from the grave, but you can’t hide…
Half-vampire Cat Crawfield is now Special Agent Cat Crawfield, working for the government to rid the world of the rogue undead. She’s still using everything Bones, her sexy and dangerous ex, taught her, but when Cat is targeted for assassination, the only man who can help her is the vampire she left behind.
Being around Bones awakens all her emotions, from the adrenaline rush of slaying vamps side by side to the reckless passion that consumed them. But a price on her head—wanted: dead or half-alive—means her survival depends on teaming up with Bones. And no matter how hard Cat tries to keep things professional between them, she’ll find that desire lasts forever…and Bones won’t let her get away again. 
November 11, 2018
My Review: 5/5 Stars
4 years have past since the first book ended and Cat has made a new life for herself. She leads a government group in the field to rid the world of the rogue undead. Yet, she misses Bones every single day. Bones has not stopped looking for Cat. And their reunion was one long waited for! Both still love one another and Cat finally takes a chance to believe Bones when he says and believes that they can make it work. That there will be challenges, but together they can face them. Immediately, chaos occurs. We meet Ian, Bones' sire, who takes an immediate interest in Cat. Bones has never told Ian his feelings for Cat, so they have to find a way to make Ian leave them alone. Meanwhile, someone is targeting Cat and trying very hard to kill her. And when she and Bones resume their relationship, her team isn't exactly thrilled, but with time Cat knows she can prove that she still believes in what they do and that they can trust her. Lots of new revelations in the world of the supernatural. Action, twists and turns, I have to say I liked this book a lot more than the first. 
The only weird thing for me is that I had some other books in the series that are spin offs and take place later than this series, so I recognize the characters, like Ian. It'll be interesting to see who they were before the latest novels. I am definitely excited to find out! 
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