#we get it you're into foster-incest
dkettchen · 7 months
me, finally resuming my Her Private Life watch: I've had enough time to get over the confessing to your twin sister and the brother reveal thing and I'm sure they'll be done with their incest bait bs now
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
genuinely though liking age gaps and milfs ARE two separate things, I don't get why you're saying they're the same? like if you like Queen that's liking milfs, but liking Queen x Noelle that would be liking age gaps, and you specifically said age gaps, not milfs. it's kinda dodgy? can you explain why you think liking age gaps and milfs is the same thing, because I'm trying but I can't follow the logic.
i am going to explain this because you don't seem malignant and just genuinely confused, but i need you to understand that this is a you problem. and you accidentally chose the perfect example for that. queen x noelle is an age gap... sure.
queen x noelle is also yuri. it's f/f! that's all you need to fit the definition. doesn't say anything about age or (allegorical) family relation. speaking of: dess x noelle incest would ALSO be yuri. and yet when i said "this was originally a rocky mother-daughter relationship, but i decided to make them lesbians in the end", everyone CORRECTLY assumed that i meant they were no longer related.
what's happening here is that YOU arbitrarily decided that "age gap" is a bad word, regardless of context. sans and toriel have an age gap. it's not one that would foster an unhealthy power dynamic between them (which is what i beef with whenever people bring it up to discredit them), but it IS an age gap nonetheless. not only is it an age gap, that age gap is an inherent part of what i enjoy about their relationship. immortals don't exist IRL, so we don't really have an equivalent, but toriel is ANCIENT. even while interpreting her centuries in the RUINs as an allegory for the way trauma fucks with your ability to grow past it (like flowey and resetting), she has lived for so long that it does affect the way she experiences her life, a way that is both similar and immensely different from the way sans does as a mortal man.
in deltarune, too, where boss monsters likely don't exist and they both age similarly to humans. i LIKE seeing sans as younger, even more so than his undertale counterpart (theory reasons aside), because then what you have as a dynamic is a "mature" adult woman, a mother of two mostly grown up children, formerly a picture perfect wife who lived her life like a model both religiously and socially for the isolated, tight-knit community around her, suddenly separating from her husband and not coming to church and cracking that façade of white picket fenced perfection.... who proceeds to fall for a YOUNG, charming man from out of town who just moved into the place and doesn't have any attachments there yet. they're total opposites with completely different life experiences which is precisely what she needs as a character AND what makes the relationship compelling. Them having different lives due to their age is a crucial part of that.
that's an age gap ship! it doesn't make it not an age gap just because the term technically also includes paedophilia or unhealthy power disparities. if you can't fathom the fact that those statements are both true, that only speaks to your immaturity. it doesn't say a single thing about me.
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transmascutena · 5 months
what do you think about the incestuous relationships in revolutionary girl utena, and the root causes of the abuse? one of my favorite analyses I've read so far talked about how rape and incest aren't deviant, they are an extension of the patriarchal family unit. And do you have any thoughts/analysis about how it specifically manifests in RGU and the way the narrative communicates these themes?
It's so annoying the way some people act like the incest is just regular brother and sister complexes that's common in a lot of anime, and not an integral part of the show's themes about the Family fostering an environment ripe for abuse. The show treats these heavy themes seriously, and I wish I was smart enough to articulate my thoughts about Miki and Kozue, Anthy and Akio, etcetera. Hence, this ask.
Jsjsksks I know I sent an ask just yesterday about Revolutionary Girl Utena, but your analysis is so cohesive, and I really appreciate you bringing family/marriage abolition and amato-normativity into your analysis posts. It's very affirming to me as an aromantic asexual.
thank you so much! i will admit i also have a hard time putting my thoughts about these themes into words, because they are . a lot, so forgive me if this is a little rambl-y. but they are a huge and very important part of the show, so they're important to talk about.
i think i know the analysis you're talking about, and it's spot on. every kind of abuse we see in the show is a product of The System (patriarchy, the school system, the nuclear family, etc.) that's not to say that the abuse isn't purposeful, or that it doesn't often come from people choosing to do harm, but their ability to cause that harm is facilitated by these systems. for example, the system is not forcing akio to do what he does (although it is the reason he knows it will get him what he wants) it is just giving him the tools to do it effectively. abuse does come from people, but the systems are what makes the abuse so effective, and that's why we need to dismantle them.
this is something i've mentioned before, but a big part of why anthy was so trapped in her situation until the end, is because of the expectation to value family above all else, and to always love and forgive them no matter how they hurt us. and that is the reason why incest is so inherently toxic and abusive. it's not that it's "gross and unnatural" (such rhetoric really only serves to hurt and alienate victims anyway) it's that you cannot ever have a healthy relationship in a framework that tells you that you always have to stay with someone, and forgive someone, and love someone, no matter what. it doesn't matter if there's no age gap (seen in the kaoru twins) to create other kinds of power imbalances and it doesn't matter if they're not actually related by blood (seen in nanami thinking touga isn't her "real" brother, and in touga trying to use that against her.)
i've talked about how all this affects utena as well, and how even the state of not having a family makes you vulnerable to it, here.
it's not that siblings (or other family members) are more likely to be abusive people, but when they are, it is a lot harder to escape said abuse. leaving a regular abusive relationship is already incredibly difficult, but if they're you're family, it's even easier to fall into the mindset of "oh, but they really just want the best for me." when you've been taught that family is the most important thing in the world, leaving them is a huge decision. especially if you rely on them for material needs as well, like housing and food (which also happens a lot in romantic relationships and marriages.) there's also the way that with sibling incest in particular, especially if there isn't a big age gap, the victim will often be made to feel complicit in the abuse, either by their abuser or by society at large. like it's something "weird and taboo" that two people are doing together, rather than the abuse it really is.
that last part definitely manifests in the show, with the victim-blaming anthy recieves. from nanami especially. her desire to prove that she's "not like anthy" comes from an understandable place. she's dealing with figuring out that her feelings for her brother weren't what she thought they were, but it ends up with her putting equal amounts of blame on akio and anthy for the abuse she witnessed, even though there is a clear perpetrator (not helped by nanami already disliking and distrusting anthy.) it's clearest, i think, when she refers to them as "those perverted siblings" to utena.
it's funny (it's not) that this kind of thinking even manages to happen in the fandom itself. anthy is obviously not a perfect passive victim, and it's reductive of her character to say so, but the idea that she is as much an active participant in the abuse as akio is, is a take i have seen too many times for comfort. like, congrats, you fell for the exact kind of thinking that the show was trying to critique!
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yelenasdiary · 9 months
Kinktober Info
So, I have decided to join in on the kinktober trend this year! Please have a read below on how to request a fic and the times I'll be posting etc.
Please DO NOT read this post or interact with my blog in any form if you are a minor! This is for people 18+ ONLY!. Men, please do not interact, thank you.
This is kind of long but it includes everything you need to know before sending me a request x.
Requesting -
If you'd like to request a fic for Kinktober, please read these points carefully.
~ The deadline to have requests sent is September 23rd (AEST). For anybody outside Australia, this would be September 22nd.
~ When requesting, please mark your request with "For Kinktober", if you don't I will just assume your request isn't for the event.
~ Sending a request doesn’t guarantee it will be written, I may get an overwhelming amount of requests for this & if that happens, I simply cannot write them all.
~ When sending a request, please state if you want Reader to be fem or GN! If you want Reader to have a penis in the fic, please mention if you want them to be Fem, GN or AFAB/AMAB.
Here is a list of what I am comfortable with writing & what I am not comfortable writing. Please read these carefully, if you send a request that I am not comfortable with, I will delete it without an explanation.
Comfortable With: Daddy/Mommy kinks, Con Non Con, Character x Character, Character x Reader, Breeding Kink, Voyeurism, Desperation, Toys, Bondage, Double Penetration, Lactation Kink, Somnophilia, Exhibitionism. FAB! Reader with a penis and/or Character with a penis.
Not Comfortable With: Scat, Incest, Pedophilia, Character x Male Reader, Body Shaming, R*pe, Racism, Age Regression in a sexual setting.
I do not write smut for celebrity x reader. I only write smut for female fictional characters x reader.
Extra Details -
~ I will post a fic every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for kinktober, giving you all a total of 13 fics. Again, for all those outside Australia, this will be every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
~ All fics will be posted at 5PM AEST. If for any reason I will be late posting, I'll make a post about it.
~ I will not have a seperate taglist for this, if you want to be tagged for any of my work, please leave a comment on THIS POST.
Who I Will Write For -
If somebody isn’t listed here, it doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t write for them.
Yelena Belova (Marvel)
Wanda Maximoff // The Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Kate Bishop (Marvel)
Agatha Harkness (Marvel)
Melina Vostokoff (Marvel)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Charlie Ross (The Little Drummer Girl)
Kelly Foster (We Brought a Zoo)
Jane Banner (Wind River)
Leigh Shaw (Sorry For You Loss)
Alice Chambers (Don’t Worry Darling)
Taylor Sloane (Ingrid Goes West)
Any variant characters from THIS LIST.
With that, I can't wait to be apart of this little event (or trend, whatever you want to call it!) I'm excited to see what you guys come up with! If you have any further questions, concerns or if you're confused on anything, please don't hesitate to send me a message or ask.
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The initial ask felt very bitter and as other person said, pointed. The other anons attacking the initial anon and saying they were being negative... I agree on the negative part but it is still weird to be discussing people like you know them. But again the secondary anons do make valid points as a good number of people in the fandom do just want notes and attention, and not genuine connections. That's the vibe I got in the initial anon tbh. Sorry if I'm wrong but to mention the 'popular' aspect is a huge red flag. They're implying it's not but like why make such pointed references about friendships meeting up offline rn etc.
Their responses after are aggressive and defensive. Like why are they so bitter about people being friends? You have to work at building friendships. I think they have been targeting the people doing numbers in notes and it's fizzled out - they said they got ghosted? But like everyone is human, we are not machines. Not everyone is going to click with you in general. I don't think they're giving the full story but the person who is responding to these asks on their blog is taking it at face value which is hugely risky. It's not like someone is saying I feel isolated, how do I address this. The initial anon is just a rant pretending not to be and people jumping in to attack them be abuse of the tone just inflames it.
Sorry for ranting myself lol but I get so incensed at people attacking others because they have friends or a small following, like it's a crime. You no doubt had to stick your neck out and work at it on both fronts. Also just you're a person like rest of us who likes the dragon incest show. You're also not some clique popular Regina figure whose famous and on TikTok like fr, where do they Beth this idea from. Maybe this person sent you an ask or review in the past and you just responded accordingly but like it's just that. And they've gotten weird that you're not instant besties. Just totally getting that vibe.
Rant away, bud. It's frustrating. We've all felt alone and fandom is a big place. And I am just a person and I have felt these things. Any friendships that have made the jump off Tumblr have had work put into them by all parties, and that's the thing. It's putting yourself out there in a real way and attempting to foster a connection, not just commenting on something once and then being mad that we aren't friends immediately.
And yeah, the person responding should have just brought this to us instead of getting on a soapbox. That's just wildly uncomfortable and, to me, feels like some sort of clout chasing, which is also wildly uncomfortable.
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the-resurrection-3d · 2 years
Why is incest bad anyway?
I want us all to just take a moment and appreciate this ask.
Did you take a moment? Okay then, let's continue:
The most robust answer is that, in the vast majority of cases of non-accidental incest, it's abuse or otherwise has directly resulted from a dysfunctional environment. A parent raping their child is a very obvious example of abuse, but most people who argue for consensual incest are discussing incest between siblings, so I'll unpack that one a little more. Every case of consensual incest that has ever been presented to me has been the very obvious and direct result of a dysfunctional homelife -- even cases of children sexually experimenting without an obvious perpetrator and victim dynamic are the result of a lack of properly set boundaries (and, often, sexual abuse on the part of one of the children -- acting out sexually at a very young age is a very common hallmark of csa).
Further, power dynamics exist between siblings-- even often between identical twins-- which compromise the capacity for consent even into adulthood. For example, my younger brother and I are only three years apart -- he's an adult and we both live away from home -- but I still have certain kinds of power over him within the larger structure of our family that, if pressed, could put things like his financials in danger. The actual shape of these dynamics depends on the family-- sometimes the younger sibling is more favored by the parents, which causes the older sibling to lash out at them in private -- but they still exist.
The only exceptions would be the accidental incest I mentioned above, or foster care cases where you've been raised apart and have no prior relationship with each other. The latter is the best case for consensual incest, but it also seems to be the rarest, and in a way only counts as incest based on the genetic condition of its participants. But I'm not a huge fan of the genetic arguments-- you know the ones, that incest is bad because the kids will be fucked up. Sure, you're not wrong, but that leaves a lot of obvious holes: is gay incest okay now? what if the sister gets on birth control, or gets an abortion? what if one or both parties are naturally infertile, or just have really great pull-out game? This also leaves out adoptees who genuinely view their adopted family as their /family/, and for whom incestuous abuse would still be playing on a lot of the same kinds of power dynamics as "real" incest.
Basing your critique of incest in power dynamics accounts for all of this, which is why I called it the most robust reason. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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goldenlandfiascos · 2 years
"Evanatsu is incest" tell me you're stupid without telling me you're stupid. Some ppl dumb as hell LMAO it's not incest legally, it's not incest morally, it's literally family by law- aka can be broken at any time (unlike family by blood or chosen family or adoptive family). People 😳 grow a brain challenge??
i read this so wrong at first and i was so scared 💀
dfhubvfdkj literally though, it's like, if the idea still makes someone uncomfortable, fine, i guess, but it's like. fucking the in-law has kind of always been a trope? if we want to keep it straight; potentially, Natsuhi could divorce Krauss and then marry back in through Rudolf and it would be FINE. it would be completely allowed. It would be really awkward, but legally, there's no problem.
i can't speak for all families, but in-laws tend to be so far removed from one another, they barely even ever actually think of each other as "family". it's always like a disgruntled, "time to go see the in-laws". i don't think of my brother's wife as my "sister" at all. (not going too much into personal life family drama, but my parents hate her and probably want them to get divorced fdjvnfkd). In other words, "literally removed from the family". it's not like growing up with step siblings or foster ones, that's completely different, because, odds are, the people involved are going to ACTUALLY see each other as family, especially if it was from a young age.
i have no way to prove this, and maybe it would still be the same issue, but when i first read umineko, i genuinely thought there was going to be something about how Natsuhi and Rudolf had fucked in the past and Natsuhi was Battler’s real mom (it was a whole theory i had for the first 4 episodes, but i’ll spare details). it just makes me wonder, though, that if that had ended up being the case, if people would still be trying to call it “incest” or not since Rudolf’s a man. again, that’s huge speculation there, and it’s very possible people still would, but wlw ships tend to just always be held to such higher standards, it does just make me wonder.
also worth noting, is how Natsuhi so desperately wants to be accepted as part of the family, but Eva literally kind of like,, doesn’t even view her as one? going back to the whole in-laws tend to be so removed from each other and don’t even think of each other as actually family (obviously, i’m sure there are some exceptions, but generally speaking, it tends to be that way).
Also if we wanna bring another story like Higurashi into this just for an example, it would be like if Keiichi dated Mion and then suddenly broke up with her and dated Shion instead. Would that be “weird” because it’s like “ew he’s basically dating his sister now!” No, because with that logic, it’s kind of like saying Mion would be his sister while he was dating her.
anyway, there are a lot of reasons to not like evanatsu, and i totally get it if someone doesn’t, but i have seen people wrongly call it incest way too many times now over the years and it’s just kind of tiring at this point
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feed-me-romance · 1 month
The Tearsmith
*Trigger warning for incoming feminist rant*
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Ever since Twilight was published, it opened the door for romance writers to create male protagonists who are rude, and low-key horrible to the women they're interested in. I mean... we had Edward out in these streets, pretending Bella stunk to keep her away from him in chemistry class. I wonder how the book would have been different if he had offered up a simple, "Hey, you're not for me-let's just avoid each other."
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But I digress.
It opened the door for contemporary romance writers to create meaner and meaner characters: men who act cruel, and bully the women they're interested in. It harkens back to the outdated adage about boys teasing girls they like. Can we just do the future females of the world a favor and kill this myth? All it does is set women up to accept shitty behavior from men, and equate it with love.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but love should never hurt and love should not make you feel bad about yourself.
Read that one more time.
The Tearsmith is a contemporary translation (more on that in a minute) about orphans Nica and Rigel. They've been at an Alabama orphanage most of their lives (Rigel since birth, Nica since age five). At the ripe age of seventeen, a couple shows up at the orphanage to adopt Nica. Rigel dazzles them with his piano skills, and the couple decides to adopt him too. It was almost laughable...these are teenagers, not puppies at a shelter. Most adults aren't like, "Awww, I guess we'll take the surly but talented piano playing teenager as well as the cute and quiet one."
Nica hates this, since Rigel has always been mean to her, and now she's got to live with him. We immediately learn Nica is tenderhearted, tries to save animals, and wears colored Band-Aids on all her fingers. All I could think about the Band-Aids is... GERMS! Omg, the germs on her fingers from those grimy Band-Aids. Rigel is of course dark, handsome, and mysterious. Insert eye-roll.
Nica and Rigel start at their new school, and while Nica is saving a snail, she ends up meeting a student named Lionel. Is there is a less sexy name than Lionel? Find me one. I'll wait. Being a Wisconsin girl, all I can think of is Lionel Dahmer... father to one Jeffrey Dahmer.
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It becomes an all-out war between Lionel (shudder) and Rigel, with lots of violence thrown in. Again... love should never hurt. And a man beating up other men who want to be around you is a huge red flag. HUGE RED FLAG.
Of course Nica eventually realizes Rigel is in love with her, and suffers from abandonment issues (he was left at the gate of the orphanage in a box), which is why he's so horrible to her. She allows herself to fall in love with him too, only to eventually find a law textbook that states marriage between adopted siblings in Alabama is considered incest. So, she pulls back from Rigel because once they're adopted, their love will be forbidden. Girl... the incest law is the least of your problem. You live in Alabama and have grimy Band-Aids all over your fingers. Maybe figure that out first.
Nica and Rigel's love story hits a crescendo when Rigel and Lionel get in a fight on a bridge, Nica tries to break it up, and both she and Rigel end up falling off the bridge. They both end up in the hospital, and Rigel is in a coma for a few weeks. Apparently Lionel was so ashamed of his actions he just up and left town. Once Rigel wakes up from his coma, Nica finds out he asked their foster parents to not adopt him, so the incest issue will be off the table. He ends up going BACK TO AN ORPHANAGE, and leaving Nica with the foster parents so she can be adopted. I guess keeping him in foster care was off the table? Then, they live happily ever after.
The worst thing about this book was the translation. It was quite obviously a European book, and the author should have just stuck with Italy for a setting. Alabama seemed like a weird choice, especially since the setting is the only American thing in the book. One character lives in a palace with royal parents, the descriptions of the orphanage are NOT American at all, the weather was described as cold and rainy, and even the food descriptions (Sunday roast and gravy) are European. It was like the author spun a globe and landed on Alabama. The only real research she seemed to do was looking up one obscure adoption law in Alabama.
All and all, this book was a massive miss for me. The love story wasn't tender or sweet, it almost seemed begrudging. Like... "we grew up in an orphanage together, experienced mutual trauma and now we live in the same house. Might as well hook up!"
I need to go back to my 1980's romance books. The men were rugged without being mean, the women were honest about their wants and desires, and the sex was hotter. I see another Jude Deveraux book in my immediate future!
This was a half pepper on the hotness scale. The sex was described in glowing, flowy terms that wasn't the least bit spicy. Your girl wasn't having it. Although for my Italian fans (of which I'm not sure I have any)- there is a Netflix movie you can watch and feel just how Twilight-y this "love" story really is.
Until next time, Feed Me Romance and Tell Me I'm Pretty
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rokkazu · 11 months
Are you proship/comship? (Asking because your username is eagledile and hawkodile and eagleator are foster brothers. I'm not judging, I'm profic myself, just curious.)
Hey there anon! bit of a loaded question you got there! I'm honestly not sure if this is bait to get me to admit to being "problematic" or a genuine question, but i'm feeling nice and explanatory today so i'm gonna break this down for ya. I have a lot of thoughts on everything you just said so... sorry if this post gets really long. (spoiler alert it does)
first of all, the proship thing. i don't really think there's a way to be brief about this without someone twisting my words and making me out to be a literal pedo apologist or something, so i'm just gonna say the pro/anti dichotomy is dumb as hell and does nothing but cause unnecessary confusion. the question of "is fiction depicting things i find gross and unacceptable allowed to exist" is just complete fucking nonsense. there isn't one answer to this. i have friends who cope with and process their sexual trauma with things that people consider unacceptable under any circumstances because they can't comprehend that anyone would have a nuanced relationship with the things that hurt them. it is not my business to decide what is and is not allowed, and i choose to judge people based on their own individual situations. if that makes me proship then whatever i don't actually care. just because something can cause harm doesn't mean it has no use or purpose, or that it should be destroyed or hidden away. i am not saying pedophilia or incest is good, actual sexual assault is obviously horrible, i do not like those things even as fictional scenarios personally. I'm just fucking normal and don't judge people before i actually know why they're doing what they do. please for the love of god think with your brain and treat people like people i'm begging you.
(btw this isn't directed at you anon, im not assuming you're going to be weird about this right off the bat. i know some people would though, so i'm being clear just in case.)
OKAY now that's out of the way we can get to the fun part, character analysis of an inconsistently written kids cartoon for 8 year olds! I do not think eagleator and hawkodile are brothers. i straight up just don't buy it. that may sound confusing at first but let me lay it out for you in excruciating detail because autism. okay so, i've been in this fandom since like mid 2020? so i don't have ALL the context but i do have a good amount. i was around when the concept of them being adoptive brothers was first spread around. and yes, this is not an old concept. literally NOBODY thought this before like, mid 2021. so what happened? Imagine you're scrolling through the #unikitty! tag. It's a slow day in mid-late 2021, not much going on. you notice a post from someone listing off a few of their favorite ships, and one of the ones they mention is eagleator/hawkodile. You're me in this scenario, so you're naturally interested in someone mentioning your rather niche favorite ship, so you read through, maybe you notice there's a couple comments on this post, so you check them out to see what's up.
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This is what you see. If you're not familiar, this is the tumblr account of Careen Ingle, one of the directors of the show. She's known for being one of the crew members who interacts a lot with the fandom, answering questions about certain things, usually on Twitter. Now, as far as i'm aware, i was one of the first people to notice this. At first, this really confused me, because like, while the ship wasn't common it also definitely wasn't unheard of? people have very much watched The New Nemesis and immediately posted "so that was kind of really gay right? it's not just me?" no one really took it that seriously, but it was definitely A Thing. Why would she say something about his now, nearly a year after the show had ended? why not say something earlier? To be honest with you, i still don't know. I don't know why she said this. She has never, ever elaborated on this, and no one even asked. About the only thing i heard of this was people either posting this exact screenshot or referencing it, appended with something like "if you still ship them after this block me and never speak to me again." This still baffles me to this day. There was no confusion, no push-back, anyone who thought this was even remotely questionable seemed to just disappear from any discussion of it. it was a complete echo-chamber of "this isn't okay anymore because Careen Said So" and then radio silence on the topic ever since.
Now, if you're not very familiar with the show itself, this might not seem that strange to you. but, and maybe this is just my perspective.. there is no indication of this in the actual text of the show itself. Absolutely none. In fact, i would argue some episodes actually contradict this idea! At best, what i get from the few episodes that actually touch on their relationship is that them being brothers would be a perfectly fine viewer interpretation, something to headcanon maybe, but absolutely not set in stone or obviously spelled out for you.
Seriously, if you don't believe me, go watch every episode that's relevant to this. there's like, 3 of them. That's just over half an hour of runtime. Here's a list, actually: S1E3 "Action Forest"
The first episode that establishes Hawkodile and Eagleator's relationship. Notice how they refer to eachother as "bro"(as in the non-literal slang term for a close friend, i assume), but never once a full, played-straight "brother", even when hawkodile is doing his dramatic backstory spiel. Also the song that plays when they hug is reused in a scene with master frown and brock in Beach Daze, who are like no-question canonically gay. Hmmm.
S2E12 "Hawkodile Sensei"
Eagleator isn't in this one, and some of the flashback scenes straight up contradict things that happen in Action Forest's flashback scenes (i personally choose to interpret this as hawkodile just being a very unreliable narrator for my own sanity) but the main relevant takeaway here is the fact that when hawkodile is basically emulating the way Sensai Falcomodo taught him, Unikitty makes a comment about him "[...]going to be a great dad", which Hawkodile immediately rejects by saying "i'm not gonna be their dad, i'm gonna be their sensei!" which.. seems to imply that Hawkodile very much does not see Falcomodo as a parental figure, just a mentor/teacher, that those two things are completely different to him. Kinda throws a wrench in the whole "foster brothers" thing, don't it?
S3E14 "The New Nemesis"
Okay, i really need to skim over this one because this post is already getting obnoxiously long, and to be honest this is the one episode i could pick apart for hours. Just.. just watch it. This episode is pretty much half the reason anyone ships them in the first place, and i'm still wondering how one of the directors can whole-heartedly believe that these two characters shouldn't be shipped when this whole episode is... the way that it is. i could genuinely make an entire post just about this episode if anyone even wants to see that.
So yeah, in conclusion, not pro or anti ship but a secret third thing called thinking with my brain. if you use either of those labels i'm ignoring it and asking you what you actually fucking mean by that. i ship eagledile because, from my perspective, there is now way anyone could have known they were "supposed to be brothers" from the content of the show itself, and i'm not going to change my whole view of these character's relationship just because someone on the team said so, somewhat rudely, in the comments of a post made by someone who didn't even fucking ask, and failed to give any reason or evidence for why i should even believe that. Death of the author and all that. Hope this clears things up!
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tryingtodee · 3 years
Is Keaya Alberich x Diluc Ragnvindr (Kaeluc) Incest?
Tw: eh, mentions of incest ig and Homophobia and racism at the last part
Tldr: It's is.... NOT INCEST
Why is it not incest? Because they're sworn brothers
" But it's still BROTHERS!! IT'S INCEST!!!!!! "
Now listen here you ignorant fool.
Chinese version of "sworn brothers" is 义兄. Meaning 义兄 =两个人之间没有血源关系,但是兴趣相投,或者是志向相同,虽不同路,但相互怜惜便结拜为兄弟.
Translation: to 2 people, NOT related, but have the same Ideals and aspirations. However, they go different paths in the future, thus, to cherish this bond, they become sworn brothers BY a ceremony.
Kaeya and Diluc are no where near related, Diluc's dad just took Kaeya in to foster.
Notice that the word 义兄 is hardly used now in modern society, that's because it was commonly used in ancient china ( when there were emperors and wars and etc.) with many ancient Chinese literature to back the term up.
The reason why many Chinese kaeluc or luckae fans ship this is because of the double meaning. In ancient china, homosexuality is actually very common, it only became illegal in 1903 (Where the war with England and stuff happend).
A lot of famous Chinese literature like 《红楼梦》、《金瓶梅》 has some 男风(男=boy/men 风= wind, 男风= "a wave/ trend of male homosexuality" or a more secrete way of saying male homosexuality ) topics and stories. Ancient Chinese history books like 《宋书·五行志》explained :“自咸宁、太康(公元3世纪)以后,男风大兴,炽于女色,士大夫莫不尚之,天下咸相仿效,贵胄孤寡女眷尤甚,或是至夫妇离绝,怨旷妒忌者。”
男风大兴,炽于女色 = a love of men to the point that it overcame the love of woman
Thus since homosexuality was a thing in ancient china, there must be gay marriage. However, historians found that ancient people was using the term 契兄弟= contract brothers ( 契= deed/ contract, 兄弟= brothers) to describe gay marriage.
Since having a gay relationship has intertwined the words brothers "兄弟” in it, many historians also wondered that “ 义兄” which was widely used back then could have a double meaning to male lovers.
Yeah, it could or could not be in Diluc's and Kaeya's case. However, Mihoyo didn't use 继兄= step brother, but instead used 义兄= sworn brothers.
继兄= step brother 🙅‍♂️
义兄= sworn brothers 🙆‍♂️
(If they were step brother's it would be stepcest, I guess)
And since a lot of BL (boys love, basically yaoi) written in current China has risen in popularity. If you read a lot of BL novels, u may find that sworn brothers is a common troupe in them, as this is also a way to censor and give an excuse to the bond between the 2 men.
Why would we need an excuse for a bond between two men?
Because China and most other Asian countries are not as accepting to homosexuals like the west. But that can be said in another post, probably not, i dont like posting these.
Here is my closing.
I myself dont ship Kealuc. No, not because im Homophobic. No, not because im against a tan dating a white. And No, it isnt because im a Jeanluc or any other shipper. It just does'nt float my boat, ok? It's cute, yeah, angry x sly is cute.
Then what gives me the right to rant about this?
Im just tired of seeing artist on twitter, instagram and tumblr getting harrassed for liking a ship that you or anyone else dislikes. Comments like "Wow you're art is so good, such a shame that you ship Kealuc tho" or "it's always the talented artist who are the Kaeluc shippers" but the ones that hurt me more are the one who directly attack my identity "it's always the chinese who are problematic" and even "First you start a pandemic then you do this, can you be even more disgusting?"
That's not ok, that's racist.
Racism is not ok. And it never will be, dont tolerate racism cause if we do, nothing will change.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
I hope that if you were onw of the people who attack others, I hope you can change. I wish you no bad luck.
(Oh yeah, you can make fun of me for using mobile lmfao)
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babybatscreationsv2 · 2 years
The Scent of His Cologne ch2
Marvel | Starker
When Peter was twelve years old he ran away from home. If only he would have known that he wouldn’t see his father again for eight years. Now he’s broke, living in an apartment the size of a closet and working three jobs to get by. When he meets a handsome stranger at his weekend job he thinks his luck might finally be starting to turn. 
Warnings below
Warnings: emotional trauma, homlessness, incest
Peter stretched his arms over his head, reaching until his back popped. Mrs. Brown was sweet and he didn't regret coming to help her, but man was he tired. He plopped down on the couch which he had moved from one side of the room and back again, only for it to end up somewhere else entirely.
The old woman stuck her head around the corner from the kitchen. "Would you like something to eat, Peter? I made rice pudding."
Peter smiled. "Sounds great, Mrs. Brown." He got up to help her and found himself at a little table with a bowl of rice pudding, some grapes, and little pieces of cubed cheese. If this was what she considered a meal, no wonder she came to the cafe every morning. He eat it gratefully while she chatted to him, mostly about her two cats. It was refreshing.
He felt more like a person than he had in a while. Not that he hated stripping. The biggest issue was guys recognizing him outside of the club and making comments in public. You would think they wouldn't want anyone to know where they spend their time, but some don't seem to care. Mrs. Brown was sweet and gave him food and her compliments were genuine and heartfelt. He needed this.
"Do you have family that comes to visit, Mrs. Brown?"
"Oh," she smiled sadly. "Around the holidays I fly to Washington to be with my grandson."
"He never comes to visit you? I'm so sorry."
"Well, that's the world we live in. He can't help it. They won't let him take time off. I keep telling him to find other work, but he always argues. Still, it's nice that he calls every so often."
"Yeah, I'm glad you keep in touch. If you're not busy, maybe we could do this again next week. I'll cook this time."
She blushed. "Oh, you don't have to worry about me, Peter."
"I'm not worried. I genuinely enjoy your company. It would be my pleasure."
"It's a date then. And speaking of dates-"
"I should go, Mrs. Brown," Peter laughed.
She rolled her eyes. "You must be lonely if you're here chatting with me. Don't wait too long, dear. We only get so much time."
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." He made it out the door after refusing the money she offered him no less than ten times. He had more than enough now. Most of it had gone to starting the savings account he had always dreamed of. With the rest, he bought himself some new clothes and a better mattress. Now Gwen couldn't yell at him anymore about his sore back. It was nice to have one less worry on his shoulders. He had enough for a year's rent tucked away. It left him feeling safer than he had in years.
Public libraries were a gift from God. Peter was certain of that. The air conditioning protected him from the summer heat. It gave him somewhere to go during the day. The books kept his brain from rotting without access to school. In fact, he felt like he was learning more at the library than he ever had at school.
Mrs. Brown was the head librarian. Peter had been embarrassed when she asked him about his situation, but she said she understood and she wouldn't go to the police. The last thing he needed was to get bounced around foster care for his remaining five years of childhood.
She brought him food and clean clothes, but Peter refused her offers to let him move into her living room. Her husband didn't like him and Peter couldn't blame him. Plenty of homeless kids were thieves. Peter was no different. He stole food to eat and wallets to get money to buy food to eat. Once he stole a designer bag off a woman at an outdoor cafe. He survived. He felt guilty, but the money Obediah had given him had only lasted two months. It had been a year since then and he'd had to get creative.
At fifteen, he was legally allowed to work but only part time. It was enough for a sketchy hotel, but he tried to stay away from there when he had time off. Living in a place like that makes it all too easy to get involved with things like drugs or sex work.
He could have taken a couple of weeks off from dancing if he really wanted to. Dancing under the hot stage lights, feeling the sweat start to run down his neck, he couldn't lie to himself. He was hoping that the client made a return. The rumor among the dancers was that they had all been mafia gangsters, bored of the same old clubs. Someone even heard that they had come to see one of them specifically. That they'd heard a rumor that one of the guys here was particularly hot. Peter found that easy to believe. Between Steve and Thor, it was obvious why this place got so much business.
Peter kept checking the crowd, but eventually he gave up. It wasn't like he would recognize him. It had been so dark that night and up on stage, the stage lights made it hard to see anything beyond his platform. He tried to focus on work. The memory of all the money he'd made last weekend certainly put some enthusiasm into his moves. When he got done grinding against the stage, he went into the back for a quick break.
He grabbed a towel from his locker and patted away the worst of the sweat while trying to keep his body glitter intact as much as possible. He shut the door and a voice startled him.
"Uh, Peter," Flash said behind him. "There's someone here to see you." He sounded nervous. He should be nervous. Flash knows better than to let anyone into the dressing room so why-
He turned around. Cold shot through him. "Dad?"
Flash's pale face regained some color. "So it's true? This is your-" Flash looked between the two of them. "Your dad is Tony Stark..." he slowly backed away. Still looking stunned, he went back outside to, presumably, man the door once again.
"Peter Parker, huh? That's the name you chose? It's got a nice ring to it."
"Did you scare him into letting you in here?" Peter scowled. He couldn't help but feel angry. Disgusted even. Eight years and Tony had never once come looking for him. Not even the night he went missing.
Tony stuck his hands in his pockets. Peter rolled his eyes. He was nervous? Seriously?
"He put up more of a fight than I expected. He's a good guy. Protective."
"Yeah. He looks out for me." He had the audacity to look as if Peter had slapped him. Peter scoffed. "Why are you here?"
"I thought you'd be happy to see me."
"Well I'm not. It's been eight years, dad. You never went looking for me. You never gave a sh-"
"That is not what happened," He roared. He took a step forward, but Peter didn't flinch. Tony took a breath. "Can we talk somewhere else? I won't force you. I understand if you never want to see me again. But please, I just want the chance to tell you what happened that night."
"Save it. I already know." Peter turned away from him and went for the door.
"You don't know anything, kid."
"You know what? Fuck you." Peter walked back out on the floor. He stomped through the room and back behind the bar.
"Hey, Peter-," the other Peter complained as he grabbed the first bottle he saw and started swallowing it down. He took it from his hands. "Pete, what's wrong?"
Peter sunk to the floor and leaned against the back of the bar. "My life. It's all wrong." Bartender Peter bent down and squeezed his shoulder. "You're welcome to hang out. Just don't take anything else. Bruce will lose it."
"Yeah..." Peter put his head in his hands. Why in hell would his dad show up here? And why now? Peter's heart skipped a beat. Of course. Whoever that client of his was must have recognized him. He probably got off fucking the boss's whore son. Fuck him, too. Guess they really were from the mafia after all. He should have walked out the minute he heard the rumor. Not like he expected his father to suddenly care, but maybe being a hooker was too shameful for the family name.
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evilphrog · 3 years
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congrats to Wheel of Time for making so many of my top spots even though I only started posting about it 2 weeks ago. I should have known that the only people who would appreciate my tendency to write entire thesis papers on character analysis would be the fans of the million-page-long book series.
I posted 718 times in 2021
113 posts created (16%)
605 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.4 posts.
I added 459 tags in 2021
#dirk gently's holistic detective agency - 121 posts
#loki - 115 posts
#wheel of time - 64 posts
#good omens - 40 posts
#wot prime spoilers - 30 posts
#parenting - 21 posts
#loki spoilers - 21 posts
#foster care - 20 posts
#lgbt - 14 posts
#adoption - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i don't know todd. maybe an overlarge beaver knocked him into the water and he got his foot stuck in the mud and then high tide came in.
My Top Posts in 2021
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I want to say thank you to everyone in this fandom. I have never before had such a positive, welcoming experience when joining a new fandom. All of you who come onto new fan blogs just to let us know which spoiler tags you use, which blogs are and aren't safe to visit, encouraging us, and just generally being excited about getting to share the story with us. I have not once been accused of being a "fake fan" or told that I need to read the book before participating. You guys have created something special, and I couldn't be more thankful.
163 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 14:44:57 GMT
Mat: I don't know how I'm going to be able to afford lanterns for my sisters
Rand and Perrin, already reaching into their pockets:
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255 notes • Posted 2021-12-04 22:01:32 GMT
You know, I have to hand it to Amazon Prime original shows. They do not dance around the queer subtext. Wheel of Time really said "in episode one the only possible straight pairing is already broken up. The only other straight seeming couple is actually strictly a friendship. During the scene where the woman bathes naked, the only ass you're seeing is the dude's, and this scene is strictly to establish how very not attracted to each other these two are. Episode two, the male lead confesses his love to the other male lead. Episode three, we have a character confirm onscreen that homosexuality is normal and accepted in this world. Episode four, canon bisexual triad, and please do not think it is up for interpretation that the men are fucking each other as well as their girlfriend. They snuggle in each other's arms casually in public for an entire scene."
I have to respect that level of overt representation.
248 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 03:07:58 GMT
The scene where Mobius has to go in to Ravonna's office to try and talk her out of getting him and Loki into trouble after the Ren Faire mission and Loki is waiting outside awkwardly on the chair is like a thousand times funnier when you realize she used to be a high school principal. Very "teacher's pet got dragged into trouble with the class delinquent and is now trying to smooth things over using his own reputation, and she's clearly concerned and wishes his first crush wasn't on such a troublemaker" vibes.
306 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 11:30:44 GMT
It's a bit bold of the Loki fandom to be crying out against "incest" now when the top ship under the AO3 Loki tag has been Loki/Thor for over a decade.
Just admit you don't like M/F pairings and move on. It is totally okay to not like M/F pairings. It is totally okay to prefer your ship over another. But anyone who tries to make this a moral crusade is just going to make me laugh forever.
358 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 00:56:43 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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*This event has ended! Click the links in the Timeline to see individual rounds, prompts, fics, voting, and results!*
Hey, Tropesters! It’s time for another TROPED event, but this time the prompts will be in the form of MOODBOARDS! Made by yours truly, the moodboards function as the inspiration for the fics written for this event! We've got four exciting themes picked out, and the boards are already looking great, so we hope you're excited! This event will be a little different from the others that we have put on, so keep reading for more info!
How It Works:
Firstly, this is our first ever TROPED Multi-Fandom event, so share this around! We would love to get fics from fandoms we've never had for TROPED before! All Fandoms are welcome and there is in no minimum participation required for this event!Because this is a Multi-Fandom event, the voting process and the overall event structure will be a little different!
No Sign-Ups Required! We will release the prompts right here on the TROPED tumblr and you will submit your fics to the AO3 Collection! The Writing Periods will be on a rolling basis, with a moodboard dropping every ten (10) days, but fear not! If you are inspired for a round later in the event, you can still submit a fic to be included in Voting! We will simply drop the next board, but nothing will officially close or end until the end of the full Writing Period, on August 25th! Fics will be accepted into the official collection for the entirety of the event! **You will write four or more (4+) separate fanfics inspired by each round, but you do not have to participate in each and every round.**
Moodboard Prompts! As we said, the prompts for this event will be in the form of MOODBOARDS!!! Because photos are open to such a wide range of interpretations, and inspiration from a moodboard can come in all shapes and sizes, this event is much less strict in terms of 'sticking to the prompt'! We will be releasing the moodboards with a little blurb about what it is we envisioned when putting them together, but if inspiration strikes and takes you in another direction, go for it! Pretty much anything goes, as long as it fits with our standard rules! As a general rule, we'd like you to take each of the nine (9) photos and find a way to include that imagery in your fic in some way. Try to find a way to incorporate the concepts and inspirations you get from each photo into your story! Similar to the tropes used in our traditional TROPED format, the photos in the moodboards should matter to your story. You should try to have the photos not be inconsequential moments within your fic, but rather make the moments in the moodboard plot relevant!
All Pairings Allowed! TROPED is always a neutral space for any and all ships! We encourage [and sometimes require ;)] rare pairs, platonic pairings, and other out of the box dynamics within our fics! TROPED is, by design, a positive fandom space for everyone, and focusing on allowing and celebrating any and all pairings (that are allowed within the rules) is a big part of that! **Please feel free to write any pairing (within our rules) from the Fandom of your choosing. You do not have to write the same Fandom/Pairing for each round!**
**As a note, the photos in the moodboards are not definitive! A lot of stock photos are white, and straight, but we chose photos simply for the ✨vibes✨ of the photo, not the pairings themselves!! You can implement those scenes into your fics with any characters or combos, as long as it complies with our relationship rules!!**
This event will be Optionally Anonymous! Because the voting for this event is much more chill, and the writing period will be open for over a month, we will not require this event to be anonymous! However, if you would like to have your fic be anonymous, we will be sharing a small tutorial on how to make your fics anonymous and how to remove them from being anonymous sometime before the event starts, so keep your eyes peeled!
Voting! The voting for this event will be pretty simple! We will keep a list of all fics submitted for each event, and then at the end there will be a "best overall" poll for each round, along with some bonus polls! The voting will be based on the fics as a whole, and will include all fandoms together! If you do not want your fic included in the voting, you can let us know, or you can simply upload your fic to our non-anon collection instead! We will still share it along with the other fics and it will be included in all masterlists! We will provide a link to SurveyMonkey when voting begins.
For the OG Tropesters: As an added bonus for our long time The 100 fandom writers, we've cooked up an extra special little challenge for you! We will be including a special tenth (10th!!) photo, just for you! The 10th photo will be of a character of our choosing from The 100 (obviously) for you to include in your fic! We will be releasing the character we've chosen for each round when we drop the moodboard, so keep your eyes peeled!
Writing Period Dates: July 15th - August 25th!
Moodboard for R1 : July 15th at 12:00am
Moodboard for R2 : July 25th at 12:00am
Moodboard for R3 : August 4th at 12:00am
Moodboard for R4 : August 14th at 12:00am
End of Visual Writing Period: August 25th at 3:00am PST/6:00am EST [EXTENSION UNTIL SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH AT 8:00 AM EST!]
Voting: August 28th at 12:00pm - August 30th at 11:59pm
Winners: August 31st!
*All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST) unless otherwise specified!
If you are a veteran to our TROPED Challenges, the rules below are mostly the same as before, but any newbies joining the fun should definitely take a look below!
This competition was created to get creative and put out different fics into the world, and to create a fun, positive fandom experience for everyone! In order to ensure that we achieve that goal of a positive experience, here are a few rules and guidelines that must be followed!The requirements for the fics entered into the competition will be:
Must include Characters from your specific chosen Fandom
Must try to fit the Theme of each round! While this event is a lot looser, each board will have a clear concept or theme for you to use in your fics!
Must try to use ALL of the pictures selected for the round. Each of the 9 photos are meant to be taken and turned into scenes, images, or themes within your story! This isn't hard and fast, but we encourage you to try to utilize the boards in a specific way, beyond just the general ✨vibes✨ of the board!
All fics must be 10,000 words or less! (We have allowed a 500 word buffer to allow for fics that are not quite finished at the 10k mark to get wrapped up!) There is no minimum word count.
All ratings G through M are welcome, but E Rated fics are not allowed. Please be aware that some fics may not be everyone’s thing! Write what you like, but the voting is public so just keep that in mind!
Multiple Entries Allowed. We love when authors are able to pump out multiple fics for a single prompt! If you would like them to be considered seperately for voting, please be sure they are standalone fics! If you end up writing multiple chapters or parts of one fic, let us know! We will only include one for voting but we will be sure to share all the parts!
Collaborations! We've had some people ask about collaborations, and we're all for it! If you and a friend would like to write a fic together, go for it! Just let us know who to credit when we share the fics on our masterlists and we will be sure to tag anyone involved!
You will be disqualified if you include:
Smut! Due to the chance that some fandoms might include a cast of all underage characters, we have decided to exclude smut. All ratings G-M are allowed!
Underage! This means no High School AU with sex, no teacher/student if the student is underage, zero adult/under 18 romantic relationships!
Incest! Incest includes adopted siblings, foster siblings, parent/child, step siblings, biological siblings, or any familial relationship, blood related or not!
Negativity towards any character or ship! This includes any sort of abuse perpetrated by a character intending to paint them in a negative light, negative statements about a character intended purely to express your dislike of a character, or things of that nature. You MAY write characters as villains! Writing a character as a villain asks the audience to disagree with the characters motivations and choices, not to dislike the character on principle. The basis of this rule is that your fic should not be written as a way to simply express your dislike of a character.
Plagiarism! While the tropes we use in our challenges are common and communal, the stories and words you create must be your own! Fanfiction is about transformative work, and taking concepts from other writers is natural! Inspiration can come from lots of places, but rewriting someone else’s fic is unacceptable. *Following our own rules, we want to let you know that all photos used in the TROPED: VISUAL Moodboards are from Unsplash.com —a source for freely-usable images.*
This is meant to be a fun and positive experience for everyone. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone if we are reading their fic and we think it violates any of our rules!
Because this challenge is NOT completely anonymous, feel free to share your fics and post about them to your hearts content! If you wish to remain anonymous until after voting, you can, of course, wait and post about your fics then! The non-anon only applies to this event, though, so if you come back to write for us in the future be sure to keep those lips zipped!
Follow along here on Tumblr, the TROPED Twitter, the TROPED Instagram, or our Discord Server for more information on the event! We will release our prompts in these places and then everyone is free to start writing!!! We are super excited to see what you guys create!! 
If you have any questions about this event, fandoms or pairings, or any other concerns please send them to our Ask Box or DM a Mod (@dylanobrienisbatman or @thelittlefanpire)!
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Time to talk about Lillith :)
So her being MC's ancestor in the story was... A bad choice, in my opinion.
And I don't hate that she was the one who revived MC, quite the opposite, that was a fine move. I like to think that it was to show that MC had a connection to all the siblings, dead or alive, hate or love. It's just...
Why are they (technically) related? What was the purpose?
That could sound mean, but if some of your playbase could call incest and (possibly) have a leg to stand on, it's a bit... Much, let's say. But, either way, there is an alternative that I like. (And one I made up, but that's besides the point.)
I like the idea that Diavolo lied to the brothers to keep the peace. To me, it makes sense, because:
He needs to keep the peace between the three realms, and y'know, one of the humans dying kind of prevents that. So, why not lie to them to make sure this never happens again?
It would also get to a quick resolution for the brothers, since I'm pretty sure that Belph was about to kill MC... Again.
Sadly, I only have two reasons, but you're smart, you can probably expand upon this.
Anyway, this might be a bit sloppy, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.
Your Anonymous Color Coder,
Lesson 42 Anon
(P.S. I have issues with Lesson 16, 17, and 18. I say this just in case I want to rant about it. :)
So initially I wasn't the biggest fan of them being related, though when they first started hinting at a connection between Lilith and MC I had a "OH GOD. OH DAMN. PLEASE DON'T BE LILITH'S REINCARNATION" moment so finding out MC was just a distant relative was a relief but not one I was necessarily happy with? Because of all the "Is this technically incest!?" feelings I had at the time.
But it did grow on me? I think all the human au's I had roaming free in my head helped me get over it? When writing or thinking up human Aus I try to make them as close to the Canon situation as possible so it'd be:
The brothers and Lilith all living in a foster home with only Lucifer and Satan being blood related, but they all see each other as a found family. MC would be a distant (and I mean distant enough it equals to the thousands of years that separate Canon MC and Lilith) cousin who they don't even find out is related to Lilith until much later (after Lilith either leaves and joins a more permanent family or....well dies I guess).
The way I see it, it'd be the same as a group of "we're so close we see each other as siblings" friends wanting to date the distant/estranged relative of one of the group members.
So yeah, now I see the whole Lilith, MC, brothers thing as "Incest if I'm willing to reach so far my arm tears straight outta my socket" so yeah.
Though obviously it's completely valid if people are still uncomfortable with it.
ANXUSJWMNZRATQVX8 Belphie would have totally murdered MC if they didn't bring up the whole Lilith thing! And I'm so upset they all just get over it? Like damn I love Belphie no lie, but are we just gonna gloss over the fact that he was 110% okay with the genocide of the entire human race???????
I also have this headcanon that MC has chronic pain that flares up on and off after Belphie murdered them, cause remember how the ghost of the fortune teller,Gisella (?), on the train said you never forget the feeling of dying and MC had a pretty violent death so.....
I also HC that there are days, specially when the pain is bad, where they can't stand to be near Belphie and that while he was initially upset by this and was persistent about still being with them by around mid S2 or S3 he's learnt to identify those days and understand why MC can't even look at him then and he makes himself scarce and sleeps away the day in an out of the way dark, corner probably with Beel around for emotional support because honestly those days would hurt him as much as MC.
I like that in the Canon storyline that none of the brothers were 100% okay with Belphie right after Lesson 16 and how they went out of their way, more so than usual, to make sure MC wasn't alone with him? I maybe reading into that too much but I liked it..
And I mean generally MC's a very calm, collected, headstrong and stubborn character so as frustrating as it is I understand why they would want to help Belphie get along with the others again. "I died for this shit, so I might as well see it through" kinda mentality
I didn't initially like the two timelines cause it made me really sad imagining the one MC left behind and to ease that angst I always imagined since MC changed the past their original timeline -the future timeline- got erased with a new future unfolding. but someone on tumblr posted a headcanon with evidence on why they thought Barbatos joined the two timelines together so that they live with the extra day of memories and experiences that came from the original timeline AND I JUMPED THE HELL ON THAT BOAT & actually recently wrote something about it. Here have the link and some shameless self promotion cause I'm an attention whore:
"When Mammon meets his soulmate he's going to punch them in the face. It doesn't matter if he'll only find out who exactly his soulmate is when one of them is on their deathbed. He's still going to punch them."
Um anyway that's all my thoughts on 16, 17 & 18 (I think. There might be more that I can't remember at the moment tbh) and since I rambled to you about it you are now contractually obligated to rant to me about yours. Sorry, those are the rules🤷🏽
About the thing you said about Diavolo and his reasons I honestly have nothing else to add, I mean the reasons you gave make total sense and I'm okay with just what the canon gave too so
It wasn't sloppy at all! My rambles are always too long and all over the place!
Edit: I forgot! As to why they were related, yeah I don't think it was completely necessary but still I can see reasons behind it?
1. As a way to make MC other. A devilgram and a little line in S3 makes it seem like MC is neither angel, demon OR human. I HC that Lilith died right as she was changing from angel to demon making her one of a kind and that pure "Fallen Angel" magic came with her when she was reincarnated and then was passed down to MC.
2. How lilith's known as the mother of monsters in some myths and how MC is related to them... I just think it's neat. Plus MC has an insane amount of raw power - truly a monster in their own right
3. It's closure for the brothers. They never got to see Lililth as a human, never got to see her grow up, fall in love, start her own family. The last they saw her she was in pain and dying. They don't get to see if she was happy. MC's the closest proof they have to that. That she found love and had a family and was happy
4. It's closure for lilith. Just the fact that her spirit passed down from descendent to descendent along with her magic till she could see her brothers again just to see if they were happy and to tell them she had lived a long happy life. I don't know I'm really happy she was able to do that
5. The brothers find similarities between Lilith and MC but they're rare and 6 of the 7 brothers already liked MC before they found out about MC being her descendent. And even Belohie starts to like them as their own person. Just I always worry that they like MC just because of the connection between them and Lilith and that they see MC as a replacement but then U remember their Canon interactions and it feels like the brothers actually forget about that connection. MC is Lilith's legacy, they're living proof that you can be born in one world but find your true home in another, but they're not defined by Lilith. They're their own person. Even their magic is their own considering Lilith used the last of hers when she helped them in Lesson 15/16
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daniel-munthe-agger · 4 years
"do you remember in cold days(?) when harry says mentor/apprentice relationships are encouraged in the magical community" OH, FUCK, I actually forgot about that for a second! But yeah, no, fuck Butcher for that ESPECIALLY. You're right, it's predatory + grooming + (imo) yet more pseudo-incest vibes, because being a mentor of magic is such a long term thing, + these teachers get these kids when the kids are like, 10-13, + they spend so much time together. 1/? 🐦
Putting the rest of your asks and my answer under a read more, so everyone doesn’t get hit with a block of text
  2/? Remember that time in Proven Guilty when Michael referred to Molly as the "foster child" of Dresden's power? (Its the scene before Dresden let's Molly think he's going to fuck her + tells her to get on her knees, like she's going to blow him.) + how many times Dresden's acted like a parent 2 apprentice Molly? + how Dresden said in Proven Guilty that 1 of the main reasons Molly was attracted to him is because he reminds Molly of her father? Yeah, I do. And I will never not be disgusted by it. 3/? Re: Mentor/apprentice relationships being the norm in the White Council: Its straight up child grooming + csa/sexual abuse. W/ the additional grossness that all this magic stuff probably isn't something they can talk 2 their Muggle friends or parents about, so they have no escape route. + also how physically abusing your apprentice seems 2 be the norm??! Like, Justin threw baseballs at Dresden, + Luccio threw stones at Morgan as them shield training. 4/? 🐦 + then the real clusterfuck is that Dresden saw and/or knew about all of this, + then did nothing to stop it. + uses that as a justification for him abusing Molly. Remember that "little ball of sunshine" moment in White Night? Murphy calls him out for that AT FIRST... but then concludes that Dresden was right to frighten + threaten 2 (+ he almost DID, w/ sadistic glee, + just to REALLY make sure Molly "got" what he thought he was teaching her) burn a 19 year old girl's face off. 5/? 🐦 Like. That was some straight up Fire Lord Ozai type shit, but we're supposed to think Dresden did the right thing. Matter of fact, we're supposed to see this as Dresden being TOO GENTLE w/ Molly! + then Molly tells Lea in Ghost Story that Dresden "never hurt her" + ahflglab can somebody PLEASE get this girl some decent THERAPY?! Oh, + also Dresden + Mouse guilt tripping Molly in Turn Coat, + making her cry. 6/? 🐦 + Dresden goading Molly into sensing the last emotions of the dead woman in White Night, while knowing something spooky killed the victim + not bothering to check that it wasn't something addictive- like, say, a White Court vampire- first. + also letting Molly see pictures of the other dead women in White Night + doing nothing to comfort her or teach her a method of dealing w/ the trauma beyond "shove ur feelings down + power through". 7/7 🐦 + then there was Dresden blaming Molly for Thomas feeding on her/sexually assaulting her + almost raping her to death in Changes, despite the fact that Dresden knows + has said himself that women LITERALLY CANNOT SAY NO TO THOMAS when Thomas is Hungry/using his powers on them.
Everything you’ve mentioned about Molly is why I say Molly’s been done so dirty. 
A lot of the times he’s been hard on Molly, he justifies by saying that Justin/Ebenezaar were way harder than him and at least he’s still trying to be better mentors than they were. I think we need to keep in mind that Harry has had awful mentors and he believes himself to be doing better and being better for Molly. He even says something in Changes about how when he was Molly’s age, he had been living under the doom of damocles for nearly a decade and was getting his PI’s licence and Molly’s had a fairly sheltered life, even though she was on trial for messing with people’s minds as well, so it’s not like Molly wasn’t worried about the Council coming for her. He also mentions in Ghost Story that Lea’s methods teach Molly in a manner that is both lasting, faster, and more informative than Harry's slower, gentler methods. And Harry thinks he’s been "babying" Molly in her training resulting in her being less prepared, less capable and less knowledgeable without him. So maybe all magical beings are taught using a trial by fire method, so to speak? 
As for the Thomas thing, he again justifies it by saying he’s told Molly multiple times not to look into his eyes and she’s not that strong of will yet to resist him or whatever but Molly still does it? Which is dumb of him to blame her, yeah, she’s the one who was nearly taken by a predator. 
Him making Molly think he’ll have sex with her is again something he tried to justify by putting her through an embarrassing situation in the hope she gets it. Which was a stupid way to do it and could’ve been done in a more tactful manner. As for the him reminding Molly of Michael - he elaborates by saying they both fight bad guys and Harry’s just a younger, more good looking version, who saved her in Arctic Tor whereas Michael saved Charity from a dragon. It’s a dumb Freudian notion that women look for their fathers in a partner and men for their mothers, but the series has been giving us many outdated thinkings and tropes so is this really new?
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TROPED Choice: Conclave
*This event is now over! Click the links in the Timeline to see sign-up info, prompt picks, fics, voting, and results!*
We meet again, Tropesters! Welcome to the TROPED CONCLAVE!!! A new Choice event, that will be one round of a Choose Your Own Tropes Challenge, but this time with a Canonverse theme! And to add an extra bit of a challenge, this event will be a little different. If you choose to write, you will have to select from our trope list, like always, but only one writer can use each trope, location, POV character, and additional theme!! Writers will sign up in our survey, and then, in whatever order you signed up, you will get to select a time slot to choose a POV Character, a Location, a Theme, and Four Tropes. Once a writer has chosen something, it will be crossed out from the list. Can you get first choice to create your perfect fic, or can you make something magical from whatever is left?
Let’s find out!
Here's how it works!
You sign up! If you're interested in writing, we will release a SurveyMonkey link where you will just enter your tumblr or preferred method of contact, similar to Madness! We must be able to contact you so that you can select your prompt!
You pick a time slot! We will then have a spreadsheet with multiple time slots of about two hours each spread out over a day or two depending on the number of sign-ups, during which you will get to browse our masterlist and make your choices! In the order that you've signed up, you will get to choose what time slot works best for you!
You pick your Prompt! Whenever your time slot comes up, we will send you the link to our Masterlist. Anything that was already selected will be crossed out and you will get to choose from whatever remains! More information on what the fics should look like and what you have to choose will be on the masterlist in greater detail!
You write! As usual, we will have a 10-day writing period, where you will use your chosen prompt to write us your fic!!
You vote!
Sign-ups: Sunday, May 2nd at 12:00pm —Saturday, May 8th at 11:59pm
Pick Your Time Slots and Prompts: Monday, May 9th - Friday, May 14th
Writing Period: Saturday, May 15th at 12:00am - Tuesday, May 25th at 3:00am PST (6:00am EST)
Voting Period: Wednesday, May 26th 12:00am - Friday, May 28th 11:59pm
Results: May 29th!
*All times are EST unless otherwise specified. Please note the end of the Writing Period time has changed.
If you are a veteran to our TROPED Challenges, the rules below are mostly the same as before, but any newbies joining the fun should definitely take a look below!
This competition was created to get creative and put out different fics into the world, and to create a fun, positive fandom experience for everyone! In order to ensure that we achieve that goal of a positive experience, here are a few rules and guidelines that must be followed! The requirements for the fics entered into the competition will be:
Must be The 100 Characters
Must fit the Theme of Canonverse!
Must use ALL of the tropes you selected. If you don’t use the tropes, or use them in a way we deem insufficient or incorrect, we will contact you to try and work it out. Any fic not including all the tropes will not be included in voting for any polls.
10,000 words or less! (We have allowed a 500 word buffer to allow for fics that are not quite finished at the 10k mark to get it wrapped up!) There is no minimum word count.
Ratings G through E are permitted! Write what you like, but it the voting is public so just keep that in mind!
You will be disqualified if you include:
Underage! (This means no High School AU with sex, no teacher/student if the student is underage, zero adult/under 18 relationships!)
Incest! (incest includes adopted siblings, foster siblings, parent/child, step siblings, biological siblings, or any familial relationship, blood related or not!).
Negativity towards any character or ship! (This includes any sort of abuse perpetrated by a character intending to paint them in a negative light, negative statements about a character intended purely to express your dislike of a character, or things of that nature. You MAY write characters as villains! Writing a character as a villain asks the audience to disagree with the characters motivations and choices, not to dislike the character on principle. The basis of this rule is that your fic should not be written as a way to simply express your dislike of a character.)
This challenge is meant to be a fun and positive experience for everyone. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone if we are reading their fic and we think it violates any of our rules!
Please remember this is an anonymous competition!! Please don’t post your fics on your own AO3 account or on tumblr until the voting for the event is over! We will provide a link to the AO3 collection with information on how to add your fics when we release the Masterlist!
Sign-ups will begin TOMORROW, Sunday, May 2nd at 12:00pm EST, so keep your eyes peeled. You can also follow along here on Tumblr, the TROPED Twitter, or our Discord Server (dm a mod for the invite link!) for more information on the event! We will release our sign-ups and masterlist in those places and then once all the selections have been made everyone will be free to start writing!!! We are super excited to see what you guys create!!
Remember that if you have any questions at all, including whether something would fit our trope requirements, would violate one of the rules, or anything at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us at @dylanobrienisbatman or @thelittlefanpire we are here to help!
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