#we got WWE as an actor
just watched knock at the cabin aka the movie with bautista and jonathan groff and adult ronald weasley and all i can say is
NATM Jedtavius Knock At The Cabin AU. Octavius as Eric. Jedediah as Andrew. Julia as Wen. The old nightguards can be Leonard/Redmond/Adriane/Sabrina or Kah, Al, Ivan, and Napoleon.
So like KATC AU when
(spoilers in tags and a long ass rant in tags too so)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Unexpected Night
Rhea Ripley X Male Reader
Request: Rhea Ripley X Male Reader with Reader who's a voice actor for animated shows and games and a big nerd his made cameos in everything like Marvel DC Star Wars and he has a YouTube channel for gaming and he is streaming live and Rhea comes into his room and the chat goes crazy for her calling her mommy and they both are reading them having a laugh and someone ask if Rhea bends Reader and she laughs.
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You are streaming live and answering fan questions. You have a large fan base because you are a voice actor and do cameos in Marvel, DC, and Star Wars. You have a YouTube channel, where you talk about video games, new projects that you are in, supporting your girlfriend Rhea, and more.
Right now you are doing a live stream and you have a new game. Many fans are watching your video and you are talking about WWE 2K23…
“I got the new game of WWE 2K23. And of course, I have to pick my girlfriend Rhea” You said.
You will fight against the computer. In the game, you watch your girlfriend’s entrance and you start to talk about it.
“I like the graphics and the entrance is the same as what she does and the makeup is great” You smiled.
You start to play the game and they are liking the video. After a while playing the game then your girlfriend walked in the room. Then your video gets more views and the fans start to write questions for Rhea.
“Mommy?” You said.
You read one of the comments.
“She is behind you” You read.
You turned around and you are smiling at her. She gave you a peck on the lips then she sits next to you.
“I got the new game and I'm playing as you” You smiled.
You and Rhea start to read the questions.
“Seems there are questions for me,” Rhea said.
“Oh, let's do a Q&A!” You said.
“Yeah! That sounds great. Hi everyone, send in your questions or whatever and we will answer them” Rhea smiled.
You and Rhea start to read the questions. Some fans are calling her ‘mommy’
“First question, for me. I do call her mommy?” You asked.
“Do you?” Rhea joked.
“I do call her mommy, sometimes. She loves it” You smiled.
You and Rhea started to laugh.
“Next question for me. Do Y/n & Dominik call you mommy at the same time? They did before, but I would laugh” Rhea smiled.
“When we are in public together, some fans would ask mommy for an autograph” You smiled.
You and Rhea laughed again. You and Rhea keep answering questions and talking about other stuff.
“Oh, this question is interesting. Does Rhea, bend you over? Because he looks like a sub” You said then you looked at her.
“Actually, you are wrong. Y/n is in charge of the bedroom. He would make me bend over and I would scream daddy” Rhea smirked.
The fans kept asking more questions about sex. But you and Rhea don't talk about sex online or during the interviews since it's personal. Then she exited the chat room, and you and Rhea laughed.
Later, you and Rhea went to cook dinner together. While cooking, you and Rhea started to kiss each other.
✬ ✬ ✬ ✬
You are doing a cameo in the new movie of the Fantastic Four. You are playing a villain named Philip Masters aka Puppet Master. In the scene, there are puppets around the room and you have a sinister smile. The Fantastic Four found your secret abandoned toy store. You are doing different voices for each puppet and they are going to stop you, but they don't know that you have powers.
Weeks Later… Rhea watched the video then she showed it to you. She sits down next to you on the couch, you watch the video with her.
“The video has over two million views. You did great, love” Rhea smiled.
She kissed you on the lips.
“Thanks. I was nervous playing a character that no one knows about” You said.
“I don't know who he is, but since you are playing him you made him look cool. You always do great” Rhea said
“Thanks,” You said.
You kiss her on the lips. On your social media platforms, many fans are liking the new villain and they are talking about it. Rhea posted the video on her social media platforms to show support.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Roundup: Zexal!
Favorite main character: Astral
Yeah, I like the funny little autism alien. Everyone contain your shock.
But aside from the fact that there is a main character who is a glowing floating non-human, Astral is such a well written character. He starts with some of the barest foundations of a personality, being literally an amnesiac with no idea what is going on. Over the course of the show, you watch him slowly learn about the world around him and his place in it. Same with his relationship with his co-protagonist, Yuma! They start off very combative, but then learn to rely on each other, then a blossoming friendship, until they grow into fully loving and protective best friends. And we get to see that! All the little moments of their friendship is onscreen from day one. 
And aside from Yuma, Astral is just???? Hilarious??? He has this very dry sense of humor that is so anachronistic to the rest of his general naivety and it makes me smile EVERY TIME. He’s FUNNY. 
A personal pet peeve of mine is the assumption that autistic coded characters don’t understand jokes, and the only way to make them work in a comedy setting is to have the audience laugh at them. No!!! Astral’s just got his own wacky sense of personal humor! Even as he grows closer to Yuma, he still has his witty jabs, but this time they’re affectionate. This really is the way he talks, not just some consequence of amnesia and social bluntness. I love him. He’s clever and funny and caring and learning to love and awkward and awesome.
Also, he glows and floats. 
Favorite antagonist: Vector
Vector may not be the most consistently written character, but GOD IS HE FUN.
About 80% of my love of Vector is just in the visual appeal of his design and animation. The black and grey, almost like a gargoyle, with pink accents, plus his chrysalis/butterfly/alien duel disk? Mwah. Because barians don’t have mouths or eyebrows, their facial animation has to be really exaggerated to convey expressions. Vector’s face is made entirely of squash and stretch.
Add on top of that the dub’s pitch perfect and very fun vocal performance, and I just grin every time he comes onscreen. The actor manages to sell how this guy is a wildcard and just evil for the FUN of it. The giddiness in his voice whenever tormenting someone with evil cardgames. Every one of the barian emperors is like “And then there’s this guy. What a weirdo. We’re not 100% sure why we keep him around, but he is OUR little office chaos gremlin and he is a VALUED MEMBER OF THIS TEAM.” 
 When Shark is introducing all the emperors after reclaiming his title, his literal words when he gets to Vector are just: 
“Vector! Need I say more?” 
And even after trying to kill Nash like three times, he’s still in the final Friendship Lineup for the duel of three worlds, his monster used with complete honor and seriousness, complete with a special summoning chant and battle cry. 
Favorite side character: Nistro
Check it off the Spk Himbo Bingo, everyone. 
Dextra and Nistro are honestly some of the highlights of the show for me. I love it when yugioh side characters are allowed to recur and get minor character arcs that don’t subtract from the plot but still have an overarching development. The two of them show up in the duel carnival, first working security, then resigning and entering the carnival as competitors. While Dextra, professional, focused, does not make any major changes to her appearance, Nistro seems to revel in the chance to finally wear his full length flame/fur coat. It’s a subtle characterization, but it makes his ultimate turn to WWE wrestler completely believable. 
He’s excitable, hot-headed, and values his relationship with Dextra; the two play off each other very well, somewhat paralleling the dynamic between Yuma and Astral. And, I cannot stress enough how much I loved having a male and female relationship that was just. Good. Dextra is an equal and he cares for her completely, and they work well together, both in chemistry and in their literal jobs. It’s just. Nice. To have this background duo with no drama or yugioh-female-character weirdness.
Nistro just happens to be my personal favorite because he decided the best way to confront an alien hostile was to hit a baseball at them, then casually lean on the bat and smirk. 
Favorite duel: Yuma vs. Eliphas
Basically the entire show, Astral World is this big question mark in the lore. So when we finally got to see and go there, I was excited. Like, kicking my feet and flapping my hands excited. (This is yugioh, after all. It wouldn’t be completely out of the question to just never explore this cool alien world that holds a ton of answers to questions in the plot.) Also, because at this point we had been missing Astral for several episodes, and I was ready for Yuma to have his funny alien bestfriend back. 
But first he’s got to duel for it.
And boy is it a good duel.
Eliphas is a great antagonist, his archetype being based around not only being powerful, but on being levels of power far above his opponent. In one duel, we get the whole deal of Astral world: toxic superiority. His monsters are all wonderfully creatchury, tapping back into some DM era egyptian aesthetics, and just delightfully weird. Etheric Amon is also a highlight. I especially love how it calls to mind the silhouette of Monster Reborn, and the pillar fading near the base gives it a trippy optical illusion effect. 
Being the first person besides Yuma and Astral we see use Shining Draw, it’s an excellent and immediate threat that instantly ratchets up the tension. Same with the New Order numbers using exactly the same summonings and sound cues as regular numbers. The magical powers our protagonists have been slowly mastering through the entire course of the series? Child’s play. Not even anything special.
Yuma v. Eliphas also kicks off the longest chain of duels that I unilaterally love that I have so far seen in yugioh. From this to the duel on the moon, it’s just all bangers.
Favorite arc: Mythyrian Numbers War
Zexal is the first show I’ve really agreed with the general consensus on the quality curve: It gets better as it goes on. Part 2 is just exponentially stronger, and with every episode grows more into its potential. That said, I kinda like the funky monster of the week format the pre-duel carnival had.
So the search for the mythyrian numbers feels like the best blend of those two flavors. It’s basically an arc of cleverly delivered build-up for the main villains, introducing each barian emperor’s backstory one at a time. Plus, some broader worldbuilding about Astral and Barian, which after over a hundred episodes of no answers, was sorely needed. 
It gives the villainous coterie some personality. Dumon’s quiet honor and chivalry, Alito’s brash competitive streak, Girag’s raccoon-based military career. The emperors are a highlight of Zexal, and it’s in large part to this time spent fleshing out each one’s personality and past. And we still get to bounce around to wacky locations and weekly boss monsters. Then, with the mini arcs of Astral World and the three barian mercs, it just encapsulates all of my favorite parts of this series. 
Greatest strength of the series:
*points at Yuma and Astral on the cover art*
It’s them.
My controversial yugioh opinion is I didn’t really love DM. I found the pacing boring, the duels awkward, and that it never delivered on some of its strongest ideas. The basic premise, two souls in one body, one foreign and confused, contrasted by the plucky average joe? Awesome idea. How do they interact? How does that partnership develop, literally sharing a headspace? What sort of adventures do the two of them get up to, racing around the world to uncover the secrets to the amnesiac’s past?
What does this have to do with Zexal?
Yuma and Astral is everything I wanted from Yami and Yugi, and more.
While I found the number of Yami & Yugi interactions in DM frustratingly few, I liked the idea of dual protagonists, and was curious what a well written version of that dynamic would look like. Zexal makes having two protagonist really work. They’re just a delight. From the stumbled irritation of first meetings, then the unsteady alliance of companionship, to straight up would-die-for-each-other partners. They both share the spotlight, learning from each other as the show goes on, and compliment in all the right ways. Their banter feels organic and refreshing, you truly believe these two are the best of friends. When they lose each other it’s painful, when they reunite, it’s cathartic. Their bond is literally the foundation of the show, in a way that I didn’t really see in Yami and Yugi, or the criminally little time we got with Jaden and Yubel. The first time we see Astral smile is when Yuma calls him a friend. There’s a billion little moments like that. The two of them speaking in tandem the first time they work in sync. Astral’s pure delight at getting to experience food for the first time as Zexal. Yuma’s desperation when he thinks he’s misplaced the emperor's key. A massive chunk of the show goes to building up these two, and, by the end, it’s far and away the biggest success of Zexal.
Weakest Points:
A good chunk of the writing effort apparently went into perfecting Yuma and Astral’s dynamic, because other characters suffer from a distinct lack of consistency. 
Shark, love him though I might, spends 2/3rds of the plot having no real reason to be there, then hard pivots into a heelturn that’s really cool, but breaks down the more you think about it. His entire motivation for the duel carnival arc was getting back at the person who hospitalized his sister, then he helps out with the fight against the barians for supposedly the same reason? Despite them having kind of next to nothing with Rio’s injuries. You could make the argument that his hatred of the barians is motivated by suppressed memories of Vector being responsible for his sister’s death when they were humans, except the second he recovers those memories, he turns around and goes back to leading them without so much as an unkind word to Vector. 
He’s not the only villain of the series to suffer from some questionable motives. Vetrix is also a mess, wanting to avenge Kazuma and himself by *checks notes* Opposing Kazuma’s son and abusing his children. Dr. Faker is equally comically antithetical, committing warcrimes for the sake of his sons yet treating both horribly.
Yes, there’s explanations given, but nothing that feels real to the character, just last minute plot twists. Vector’s appealing because he’s a loose cannon, yes, but he has the strength of performance and writing where that’s a believable aspect. His consistency is he’s inconsistent, and takes great delight in being so. Every other main villain feels like they’re just being jerked around into the shape the plot requires of them.
Also, for how exciting it feels to get answers in the latter half of Zexal II, it’s a bit much, even for yugioh, to hold the basic worldbuilding in such a stranglehold until then. Heck, no one even asks why the barians and astrals are fighting until like, episode one hundred. Even characters where it feels in-character to ask, to investigate, they simply. Don’t. For a series this long, I’d love to see that aspect worked into a more reasonable drip-feed of information.
Most yugioh moment: 
“Pack your bags, galaxy-eyes. We’re headed to the moon.”
He says this so seriously. Does he really mean for galaxy-eyes to get its little dragon suitcase and get ready for their trip? Is this a little joke, between an eighteen year old and his emotional support piece of cardboard? HE’S SO CASUAL ABOUT JUST. HEADING TO THE MOON. They need to have a card game on the moon for the sake of the world that is the single most yugioh plot beat of all time.
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evansbby · 3 months
Unpopular opnion but men are so fucking ugly these days like omg. Normal men have always been ewwww ughhh but what happend to male celebrities man??? We used to have good looking men like Brad Pit, Heath Ledger, Chris Evans etc when they were in their youth, but male celebs in their youth rn are so fucking icky omg. The rat boy looking celebs are it boys now and I don't get it—Timothee, the Challengers dude, the Calvin Klein add dude and Sabrina's boyfriend, like all these men are so mid??? Like Put in the Effort mate like female celebs do??? I NEVER see Zendaya lacking or Madyeln Cline Lacking, but male celebs are always always lacking 😭 only young handsome actors that i can thing of right now is Loius Partridge (he's got that classic look) but that's it?? I'd say Drew Starkey but he's 30 lol so.
you’re so right 😂😂
except wdym “Drew Starkey but he’s 30” girl 30 is still very very young 😭😭😭 do you remember what Chris Evan looked like at 30??? 😍😍😍
But apart from that… yep the rat boy look seems to be popular now like i guess beefy hunky men are out 🥲🥲 that’s why i watch wwe lmao
I think Hero Fiennes Tiffin is really cute 🥹 and Jacob Elordi is good looking although I don’t really like him at all.
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It's been like almost a full week since episode 8 came out and WOW. Just WOW.
The fight with Ares was exactly how I imagined it as a child and more. The way Percy immediately got his ass headed to him only to go full Moana perfection. Also the actor for Ares is a former WWE wrestler, so when Percy is like I wanna fight i'm like boy he will break your skull.
Alecto maybe a bitch but she's one of the cool ones and possibly in my top ten of antagonists who aren't really antagonists they just have different morals.
Did I cry when Annabeth gave Percy her necklace? Yes. They quoted the scene of her giving it to him, word for word.
Luke teaching Percy to sword fight and give him advice was so cute only to be riped to shreds at the climax, but we'll get there.
Olympus looks like something out of a video game and to be honest, I don't really like it that much because it doesn't really give me this is the land of the gods. It looks gorgeous, but not something i'd for this show. I personally prefer the one for the movie. I know sue me, but it gave more of what ancient Greece would have actually looked like. One of three things the movie did right. BUT the throne room spot on ten out of ten.
Also Zeus just chilling in his throne waiting for Percy, beautiful. The actors whole demeanor while playing Zeus is so intemanating yet ignorant. This maybe one my favorite irradiation of Zeus. But the way Poseidon protected Percy from Zeus AND surrendered to Zeus for his son, someone just one the Best godly parent of the year award. This meeting or reunion of Percy and Poseidon was too perfecto. Percy calling Poseidon dad in ANCIENT GREEK no less. Also the way how Poseidon holds him self while talking to Percy you can see the pain, fearfullness, and proudness all in the actors face. The cast in this is so good. You can also see how Poseidon just wants to scoop Percy up in a hug and protect him. Why does this show play with my heart strings.
The batrayal is prefect. With everything to Percy's realization in the way Luke looks at Annabeth when she reveals herself. This is better then using the scorpion because it adds more emotional depth and you can feel just the pain coming from Luke. Also when Percy was like we met your father and Luke just snapped. I got chills but also laughed out loud because if Lin was my father i'd have issues too.
I bawled when the trip split up at the end, all of them have grown so much. Also Annabeth going to Disney World, you know that's the photo the Percy will have in his notebook, guaranteed. Also Grover's searcher license being a flower is too adorable.
The reunion between Sally and Percy also destroyed me. It was all the emotions. As I said before this show is phenomenal and it wouldn't be anything with its cast. Where's the award for this show gods Damit.
Cronos just invading Percy's dream and Percy just going full Persassy on his dusty titan ass was perfect. Not Sally with the Dream Journal though. Also I'm probably the only one, but I forgot that Percy was Seventh grade.
The ending with Gabe becoming stone not because Sally had enough, but because of his disrespect and lack of being a decent human being was what he deserved.
In total I cried 7 times probably because I can't believe this season is over. This show is full of so much passion and you can feel it. It has some faults was piece of media adapting a popular series doesn't, but this does the books justice and it intorduces the story to a wider audience. Though a longer episode count would be much appreciated.
If this doesn't get a award I throwing hands anyways, good morrow fellow fans, hyperfixators, and all the others in between.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Can you write Reader, chris wife goes to the set of the red point movie and visit her man. and meets the rock, who she is a very WWE wrestler fan
Hi dear ! Hope you like it ♥️xx
A Dream Come True- Chris Evans xreader fan fic request
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Summary: reader goes to Atlanta to see her boyfriend Chris evans at the set of Red One & is a huge WWE fan and gets to meet Dawayne The Rock
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of feeling nervous, fluff from Chris and a bit of jealousy, let me know if I miss anything
Chris was away on filming his new movie movie with my favorite wrestler Dawayne Johnson and Chris surprised me with plane tickets a few days ago to go see him and the Rock in Atlanta for a few days and I was so very excited but nervous about meeting him, he’s my all time favorite WWE wrestler and a great actor I couldn’t believe I was gonna be there in a few days.
I heard my phone buzzing and it was Chris FaceTiming me. I picked up and said “hey baby!! I miss you!” Chris smiles and says “hey Y/N I miss you too doll, are you ready for your trip tomorrow??” I nodded and said “yep almost packed just need to go grab some snacks for the plane which I’m going to in a bit.” Chris says “great! I can’t wait to see you darling I miss you so much, I gotta go ok? I love you, see you soon babe.” I waved bye and said “I love you too Chris.”
I went out a bit later on to to the Walgreens store to get some crackers and some gummy bears so my ears don’t pop while I’m in the plane. I checked out and went home to finish packing and I went to bed really early so I’d have energy to travel tomorrow.
———- time skip———
My alarm went off at seven in the morning and I got up and got my stuff together and I drove to the airport and got to my flight on time anxiously waiting to be in Atlanta. I’m hoping I won’t mess up meeting The Rock I’m always so shy meeting new people especially my favorite actors. Chris texted me saying “hey babe! Hope your flight is going ok I can’t wait to see you honey see you at the airport! xoxo.” Chris always knew how to make me smile, I love Chris so much.
A few hours later I landed in Atlanta and I went to baggage claim and got my suitcase and Chris saw me leaving the building and waved at me and I got excited and he ran over to me and hugged me and leaned in to kiss me and said “oh finally! Hey Y/N, I’m so glad to see you.” I hugged him tight and said “I’m glad you came to get me Chris thank you.” He kissed my forehead and said “ready to meet Dawayne babe? He’s waiting at the set right now excited to meet you.” I nodded excitedly and Chris put my bags in the trunk and we got in and drove over to the set.
Chris parked and we walked over and Dawayne saw us and said “hey Chris how’s it going? & you must be Y/N L/N his girlfriend, he talks about you all the time I’m Dawayne he told me you are a big WWE fan right?” I nodded and nervously shook his hand and said “yes sir! Wow it’s such an honor Mr. Johnson! Thank you for taking the time to meet me I’m a huge fan.” Dawayne smiled and said “hey it’s my pleasure and Dawayne please.”
Chris put his arm around my shoulder and said “hey why don’t I show you around ok? We’ll meet back up with you later man.” I waved and said to Chris “hey are you ok babe? You seem a bit jealous or something?” Chris kissed my forehead and said “oh no honey I’m fine I just didn’t know you were a huge fan that’s all but it’s adorable doll I’m glad you got to meet him.” I hugged him and said “I am too thank you so much Chris it’s a dream come true, I love you.”
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Log: The Blue Line Job
I read the name of this episode and let me say in advance, the reference to a (thin?) blue line immediately after an episode where the villain referenced 9/11 has me significantly worried about this show's direction. --- Oh its an episode about how one of america's 4 favourite pasttimes (hockey, baseball, Handegg and WWE) is legitimately bad for the participants brains due to the repeated concussions. (note: That description covers 3 of the four. Only baseball is not a contact sport) Im gonna be honest, i don't know how this ties into the Blue Line, but its an important message that US audiences need to be more aware of. --- So we have extreme electromagnets getting seeded, and Parker is starting to get the psychological profiling references (in creepy Cold War ways)
Everyone gets really confused for a sec when Sophie turns out to know a lot about hockey. (turns out she stole the Stanley Cup. Not to be confused with the shitty Stanley Cups that for some reason became FOMO Fashion last year.) --- Ok, if you are ever in the same room as any of these people: Dont eat, Dont drink dont even breathe. --- Cheating the guy with magnets. Anticlimactic use of them tbh. --- Elliot is loving it on the ice. I wonder what its like for an actor being told they have to suddenly learn how to do fightscenes on ice. --- Guys been putting a hit out on his own man to prevent having to pay his bonus. (by which i mean paying people to start fights with him, to avoid paying a bonus which prerequisites him fighting every game of the season. Its a terrible plan for avoiding the payout. Unless he dies but the bribes are not hitmen level of money for murder.) --- Nate is really frustrated that Sophie apparently lost the stanley cup. (not in the "lost the tournament" sense, but in the "lost the trophy".) --- Elliot decides to cut the knot: Just tell the guy his medical paperwork is being rigged and that he's dying of brainbash. Unfortunately it seems he knows and is trying to do it for his kid. --- Ok so it turns out that Sophie's old partner is a Celebrity Cameo. (Im not american and i dont like sports so i dont know shit about this guy) --- Ok so Sophie is pretending to be an eccentric billionaire (with a turtle) --- Oh Clients Dad just attacked Elliot? "you dont know anything about me" *proceeds to diagnose* Elliot keeps trying the "convince him not to kill himself" play (a respectable play) but it just doesnt work. --- OMG he just counterconned them by accident? "I know the industry, you guys are the bigger fish. Im out, feel free to buy my company if you want it" Im fairly certain this might be the one case where the downturn wasnt a part of the con. Honestly, amazing on the writers to have this such a natural way for the con to fall apart. "oops Hardison's too good at his job" --- Ok, so goodbye to Cameoman, it was nice to see him and nate not have a dick-measuring contest over Sophie's affections. (I was worried it was gonna be one of those jealousy episodes) --- Final game just started and Elliot is tackling white-shirts like there's no tomorrow. Cant actually see what he's saying to them but I suspect he's going into step 2 of his plan: If Clients Dad wont get off the ice, warn everyone else he's got a bad case of "the Dyings". Honestly, Elliot is great at just cutting through the complexities. None of this treasurehunt nonsense just tell them. --- Elliot is taken out of the game and put on the bench. --- Dad tries to start a fight but it seems im right, Elliot has just been playing the simple game of: trust humans not to want to murder a guy. Return of the electromagnets. (good, puck-tricking was boring). Remember, checkov's gun can be loaded with more then a single bullet --- Sophie still doesn't know where the cup is. (and I still dont know where the blue line is)
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temp-check · 9 months
Wednesday's temperature check (1/3)
I learned a little bit about the US copyright law yesterday.  Back in 1998, thanks to some WWE-level arm twisting by “The Walt Disney Company”, who was afraid the imminent expiration of the Steamboat Willie rights, American singer, songwriter, actor, and politician, Sonny “Salvatore” Bono, championed the Sonny Bono Act (aka Mickey Mouse Protection Act, aka Copyright Term Extension Act).  Thus, the copyrights of intellectual property were extended to 95 years.  A quick math check leads us to acknowledge that anything written in 1928 becomes public domain on January 1, 2024.  Well, Steamboat Willie was written in 1924 (and is now public domain)!  Now, get ready for “Steamboat Willie” horror films.  When Winnie-the-Pooh transitioned to public domain last year, we got “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey”.  It is a movie so bad, it is literally described in the title, “poo”! (3% on Rotten Tomatoes, btw).  So, as an obvious act of defiance to the same company that, in 1989, threatened a lawsuit to force the removal of murals featuring their cartoon figures from the walls of three Florida day care centers, get ready for “Mickey’s Mouse Trap”.  From the trailer, it looks like Steamboat Willie meets the Ghostface from Scream.  Sure, it’s no inside-out William Shatner mask, but partially melting Mickey’s face over an open flame like a S’More is all that’s needed to top 3% on Rotten Tomatoes.   Why do these post-Disney public domain childhood ruining movies have to be slasher films?  How about a war film like, “Mickey-heimer”.  Instead of an atomic bomb, the Americans drop a 355-foot nuclear-powered mouse on Tokyo that wreaks havoc until the Japanese surrender.  Or maybe a rom-com where a street-walking mouse is picked up by a rich, powerful corporate raider from NYC.  Mickey eventually realizes that this plot is the same as two other Disney properties not yet in the public domain and is sued for all the profits.  It’s an incredible lack of imagination on the part of these single-digit thrill seeking movie maker (Editor’s note: maker is doing a lot of work in that sentence).  Anyway, I’m waiting for January 1, 2033 when the rights to “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” expire.  I want to see what kind of horrible mischief is up in that film.  I could imagine a ghost ship named the “Snow White” as it travels from unsuspecting town to unsuspecting town in search of the last of the cursed pirate gold, but running into a former weird, but uncursed captain along the way.  Perhaps we can call it, “Snow White and the Seven Wharves”. 
Anyway, stay safe!
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xsage1113 · 2 years
So while everyone is looking at the "what if" mature Scooby-Doo shows, I wanted to take a look back at previous version to find something interesting in the past. I found two fun things I wanted to share. The first is the number of crossover series they have had with IRL people. Not just the movies like the WWE or Kiss crossovers, I'm talking about tv shows. Keep in mind I haven't completetly seen these series. But I have done some research on them. This was originally gonna be a deep dive into scooby doo history, and now it turned into Scooby Doo stuff I thought was cool after reading the Wikipedia First up, The New Scooby Doo Movies
Don't let the title trick you, this is the follow-up tv show from the original Scooby-Doo Where Are You. This show was a hour long broadcast every episode, and each featured a guest character, with some repeats in its 2 season run with a total of 24 episodes (16 and 8 if you're curious) and the listings are wild. Some makes sense, The Addams Family (which is the only episode not to get a home release due to disputes with the Addams Family) dealing with a missing Wednesday Addams and an evil vulture. Other make some less sense, like when they worked with the Three Stooges. But some are outright bizarre, like the THREE 40 MINUTE EPISODES WITH THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS. None of which involved basketball, but two that involved being on ships. Not to mention the Batman and Robin episodes.
A similar series was made rather from 2019 to 2021 recently which I didn't know about before watching. Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?
Same concept as before, but in a modern days with new characters. I think the reason I didn't hear about this was cause it jumped from Cartoon Network, to Boomerang, to finally finishing its second season on HBO max. With twice as many episodes across its run it has some gems of insanity. More DC characters, like Flash, Wonder Woman, as well as Alex Trebek, Macklemore, their voice actors Joey Chestnut, Morgan Freeman Jeff Foxworthy, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye just to name a few.
Now for the darkest story in any scooby doo property. It completely reimagined all of the characters as adults. Featured dark themes and was the first comic series to receive a teen rating. It was so crazy, that Warner Brothers got mad at DC comics for the reimagining. It ran for 36 issues and is everything you'd want in an insane, mature, reimagining of the scooby doo franchise that follows a different formula. It is...
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Scooby Doo Apocalypse ran from 2016 to 2019. It featured a horrifying monster apocalypses which the team work together to survive and solve the mysteries of it. Daphne and Fred are both a Journalist and her Cameraman respectively. Velma is a scientist who was trying to expose the nanites that caused people to mutate into monsters, Shaggy was a dog handler for the same corporation, handling a different project training smart dogs, such as Scooby. It also is the most recent appearance of Scrappy Doo I believe, and it takes his character in an interesting new direction. Its intense, people die, and its something I highly recommend. I may expand on it in another post. It may not be for everyone but I think there is something worth seeing in it.
It was a dark storying line for a more mature audience, with different version of the characters we are familiar with, in a non-traditional format and formula. Something that some shows can learn from. Even though it was canceled, it received just enough time to get a proper ending to the story.
Feel free to reblog with other cool and interesting scooby doo shows movies, or series that might be lesser known but still are interesting and different from the traditional.
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celebrityconcept · 2 years
The Lives of Celebrities: Biographies, Net Worth, Careers & More
Celebrities have always been fascinating to many, from their glamorous lifestyles to their famous works. But what do we really know about them? Celebrity Biography is the perfect way to find out more about the lives of some of your favorite celebs. From their net worth, to their career highlights and even personal life stories, this blog post will explore the many facets of the lives of celebrities and how they got to where they are today.
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez, known to her fans as J-Lo, is a talented performer who is a triple threat—singer, actress and dancer. She has won numerous awards for her musical and film work, including two Grammy nominations and the MTV Movie Award for Best Dance Sequence for her role in "Hustlers". Her current net worth is estimated to be $400 million, making her one of the most successful celebrities in the entertainment industry. 
Jennifer Lopez began her career in the early 1990s when she was cast as a Fly Girl on the television show In Living Color. From there, her career took off and she quickly became an international superstar, making music, starring in movies and performing on Broadway. She has released multiple studio albums and starred in several blockbuster films, including "The Wedding Planner" and "The Boy Next Door". 
More recently, Jennifer Lopez has launched her own production company, Nuyorican Productions, which produces films, television shows and documentaries. Through her involvement in celebrityconcept initiatives like the Lopez Family Foundation, she has also become a philanthropist, donating to numerous causes over the years. Jennifer Lopez continues to be an inspirational role model and her ongoing success story is a testament to her hard work and dedication to her craft.
Dwayne Johnson
One of the most popular Hollywood celebrities of today, Dwayne Johnson is an internationally renowned actor, producer and retired professional wrestler. He is best known for his roles in films such as Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Fast & Furious and Baywatch. Born on May 2nd, 1972 in Hayward, California, Johnson has become a household name thanks to his larger-than-life personality and natural charisma.
As one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, Johnson is no stranger to success. He rose to fame with his professional wrestling career, making a name for himself as The Rock and becoming one of the most iconic figures in WWE. After transitioning to acting in 2001, Johnson quickly became one of Hollywood's leading men. His most notable film credits include Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, Central Intelligence, Moana and Skyscraper.
In addition to his incredible success in the entertainment industry, Johnson is an accomplished businessman and philanthropist. In 2016, he launched his own production company, Seven Bucks Productions. The company produces content across all mediums, including feature films, television shows and digital series. Johnson is also an advocate for many charitable causes, such as The Peace Fund and Make-A-Wish. 
No matter how you look at it, Dwayne Johnson has earned his place in Hollywood’s elite circle of celebrities. Thanks to his hard work and dedication, Johnson has become one of the most recognizable faces in the entertainment industry today. From his early beginnings at celebrityconcept to becoming one of the world's highest-paid actors, Dwayne Johnson is an inspiration to us all.
Will Smith
Will Smith is an American actor, rapper, and songwriter who has taken the world by storm. His journey to become one of Hollywood’s most successful celebrities began in his home city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Will has starred in numerous films over the years and has become one of the most recognizable faces in entertainment. His net worth stands at an impressive $350 million, making him one of the wealthiest celebrities today. 
When it comes to Will Smith’s career, he has been involved in everything from television to music to movies. Will started out as a rapper, releasing his debut album Big Willie Style in 1997. He then went on to become an actor, appearing in films such as Men in Black, Independence Day, The Pursuit of Happyness, and many more. He has also starred in popular TV shows such as The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, which launched his career into the spotlight.
When it comes to awards and recognition, Will Smith has won several Grammy Awards and Golden Globe Awards for his music, as well as multiple MTV Movie Awards and Academy Awards for his films. He was even named “The Most Powerful Actor in Hollywood” by Forbes Magazine in 2007.
Will Smith is truly an inspirational celebrity and one that any aspiring actor or musician can look up to. He serves as an example of what can be achieved when you believe in yourself and work hard. As a testament to his success, the phrase “Will Smith” has become synonymous with celebrityconcept and excellence.
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is one of the world’s most popular singers, songwriters, and actresses. The Grammy-winning musician has released seven studio albums and sold over 50 million albums worldwide. Her music career has been a long and successful one, with many of her songs topping the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Swift was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania to Scott and Andrea Swift. She was raised in Wyomissing, PA and started writing music when she was just twelve years old. After performing at local events, she signed with Big Machine Records and released her debut single, “Tim McGraw”, in 2006.
Swift’s music often tells stories of heartbreak, unrequited love, and youthful optimism. Over the years, she has developed a reputation for being a strong advocate for female empowerment and an influential voice for young women everywhere. In addition to her music career, Swift has also appeared in several films, such as Valentine’s Day (2010) and The Giver (2014).
As of 2021, Taylor Swift’s estimated net worth is $400 million dollars. She has won 10 Grammy Awards, 22 Billboard Music Awards, and was the youngest person ever to be included in the Forbes Celebrity 100 list. With her inspiring music and encouraging messages, she continues to be an inspiration to many.
Celebrities are undoubtedly some of the most influential people in the world. They often lead remarkable lives and are known for their talent, hard work, and determination. From Jennifer Lopez to Will Smith, there are countless stories of these amazing individuals that can teach us a thing or two about success. Whether it’s their net worth, career achievements, or personal journeys, celebrity biographies are an intriguing insight into their lives. Taking the time to read through these stories and learn more about their history can be a great way to gain knowledge and inspiration.
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
G.I.Joe (selling America to sell toys)
(Thanks to Hasbro)
[All images are owned by Hasbro. I’m too poor to sue]
If you watched cartoons when you got home from school in the 80s, there were four cartoons you absolutely. Could. Not. Get. Away. From.
He-Man (and its sister series She-Ra)
and the subject of this review.
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(Thanks to Day in Tech History)
G.I. Joe was originally the world’s first action figure back in the 60s, a 12-inch poseable toy with changeable costumes and weaponry. The brand would remain as such until 1983...
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(Thanks to ebay)
...when Hasbro no doubt realized that kids were more interested in 6-inch action figures (thanks in no small part to Star Wars toys) The problem is, it’s harder for smaller-scale figures to have interchangeable outfits, so they molded the outfits on the toys and sold them as separate individuals.
Now they just needed a way to market the toys. You know what happened next.
G.I. Joe follows the adventures of a team of various military specialists from every branch of the US military (you know, just like the real military does, because everyone knows there’s absolutely no rivalry between the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines that would come to blows during their first three-day pass together) known as G.I. Joe. No actual names are ever given, but they all have code-names.
I’m not going to list every one of them (according to Google, there are 163 members (each sold separately) of G.I. Joe (or “Joes”)!), and certainly none of them appear in every episode, but some of the more prominent ones are...
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General Hawk, the leader of the Joes.
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Duke (his second in command and field commander)
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Lady Jaye (Intelligence specialist)
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Snake-Eyes (Covert Ops specialist and trained ninja. He is also mute due to an injury early in his career)
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Shipwreck (comic relief Navy SEAL)
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and Sgt. Slaughter
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(Thanks to WWE)
(yes, that Sgt. Slaughter!)
But, even though the series started airing during the end of Cold War, Hasbro didn’t want the Joes squaring off against the Soviets (after all, there are international sales to consider!) Therefore, they created...
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...Cobra, a terrorist organization that threatens the entire world (and yet only the Americans are dealing with them) Not to nitpick (actually, I do mean to, as that’s kinda my thing), but how is this “global terrorist organization” getting funding? I mean, there was an episode where Cobra had started a burger franchise and mounted missiles on the roofs of every restaurant. That ain’t cheap, even if you only supply sub-standard food and pay every worker (including the management) minimum wage! Plus there’s all the laser rifles, fighter planes, tanks, and a massive flying fortress to pay for!
Aside from the hundreds of expendable faceless mooks that they’ve somehow managed to recruit, there are a number of upper-tier operatives that for whatever reason are always leading the troops on whatever suicide mission they’re doing that week...
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The leader of Cobra is simply known as Cobra Commander. He talks with a hissing voice. If he sounds familiar, you’ve obviously also watched Transformers in the 80s as it’s the same voice actor who voiced Starscream.
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Destro is the primary arms supplier to Cobra. I’m not sure who else would work with him (either buying from or selling to him) since he associated with a global terrorist organization.
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Zartan is a master of disguise, able to mold his appearance to suit the mission. He leads a cycle gang known as the Dreadknoks.
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Storm Shadow is a ninja from the same clan that trained Snake Eyes. The two have a love/hate relationship, often adversaries but have been known to assist the other as long as it doesn’t betray their allegiances.
Finally, we came to Cobra Commander’s successor. It turns out that Destro and most of Cobra’s inner circle was getting tired of getting defeated constantly by G.I. Joe, blaming Cobra Commander for their failures. Therefore, they stole DNA from history’s greatest military minds (and, for some reason, Sgt. Slaughter) to create...
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...Serpentor, the Emperor of Cobra!
Somehow, Cobra Commander managed to survive the transfer of power, eventually regaining control of Cobra.
The original series ran for 4 years through Sunbow Productions in the mid-80s. In the 90s, DIC Animation revived the series...
(Thanks to hewey1972)
...though 80s kids missed the old theme.
Like most weekday cartoons, each episode had a message, but unlike the Filmation cartoons it wasn’t embedded heavy-handed into the plot of the episode. Instead, after the Joes have sent Cobra packing one of their members would have a special message for kids like this one...
(Thanks to PSAGIJoe)
If you would like to see an episode reviewed, let me know!
YO JOE!!!!!
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lavelled · 1 month
lightstruck liars.
Your response to people suffering was to glitch a website, manipulate recorded audio, and underplay significant matters. This isn’t My Rejected Boyfriend Diary.
I caught you as the 911 jailer; caught you in law guy suit mode, scamming fans and news reporters; living alone in the UK; and rapey soul-baring through stitcher thread.
How was Colombia?
Between staged projects, oh god, did your wife lecture in bogus platitudes her experience with systemic racism? The dollar-signed, stork-wed couple embraced children who at fifteen will learn my story and how they got double rat hugged and will need talking down from a cliff.
You use a surname that, in print, sends a violent message to a man who didn’t want me cut off or shut away for decades. In return, for her team, you generate personal and lifestyle reinvention for status-seeking profit. Umm. No. A televised Californian of mature years, ex-husband with my birthdate, knows my dinosaur-inked story, what a family did to me, and what would unfold with a plagued wedding. I’m in decades-old, unconsenting, rapey pedo limbo, reading obituaries of youngsters, Moms and Dads, go through with hurting themselves.
No one recovers from reading child deaths. But her ornamental coupling is special. I’m sure loved ones, in emotional shambles, will appreciate that it was all to zing a movie star on opposite day. I was in Twitter glass when I observed the trending of a chat between social activist, Gloria Steinem and your disingenuous spouse. Her wedding had a mattress tag and a first dibs toast.
And heirs. Confirming the exclusionary, not to mention seedy, coupling. As you put it, in neon, on your sentimentally romantic and visual account: The Matrix has you. An ode to Hollywood, apparently, and the lack of autonomy given to a tiny girl. Your partnership drives people to fatality. Peter Alexander Beckett from Carmarthenshire, Wales, just hours before going on stage, hung himself. One month prior to your wedding.
We lifted scratchy leashing for Archillect, Murat Pak, you know the rest. On Twitter, Harry is actress, Kat Dennings. In 2022, he posted: “I am unwell. Oh no, I think I love WWE.” Might look innocuous. Harry Wales is declaring himself a ringmaster. Because a youth-obsessed married nomadic masterful rapey pedophile textually going after athletes who could shut down his blood flow, oxygen supply, and cause serious physical harm is smart. That’s why it’s deleted.
YouTube video on the Prince’s Trust channel—Prince William, Prince Harry & The Prince of Wales Interview with Ant and Dec. A 2006 interview with the serpent trio on supporting unknown artists with grants and self-esteem, not kidnapping and trouncing on them, which is my royal experience. At 4:37, Prince Greenwell (a repetitive colour scheme) says his favorite show. “FRIENDS is always a safe bet.” Six words. Eliciting a chuckle. Palms touching.
Not her: The lifelong refrain.
Keeping me at bay, as royals, was a perilous idea.
My lovely friends disapproving, to an extreme degree, the actions of princes.
Kushal Punjabi—dancer-choreographer, from the musical, Andaaz, he won the reality game show, Zor Ka Jhatka, India’s Wipeout, the physical obstacle course, edging out 28 contestants. He hung himself at home in Bandra West, Mumbai. December 2019. He has a son, Kian.
Sejal Sharma—known for her role of Simmy Khosla in the show Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji, about a free-spirited girl named Happy Mehra. She was auditioning for lead roles when she hung herself in her flat at Royal Nest in Mira Road East, Mumbai. January 24, 2020. She was 27.
Vaishali Takkar—tv actress, best known for the popular Hindi series, Super Sisters, a show about close siblings and their super powers. The show is available on YouTube and has millions of views. Her Insta page has over 500K followers. She took her life on October 15, 2022.
Former air hostess of Qatar Airways turned Bollywood actor, Noor Malabika—hung herself in her Lokhandwala, Mumbai flat a few months ago. June 10, 2024. Her body was decomposed. Friends identified her by the crown tattoo on her wrist and her name underneath.
0 notes
talksthesuccess · 2 months
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Born in Hayward, California, on May 2, 1972, Dwayne Douglas Johnson is also known by his stage moniker, The Rock. an American professional wrestler, businessman, and actor. He was exposed to the WWE, and he performs as a wrestler part-time. Along with he is also a member of The Bloodline.
Besides being multi-talented and versatile, his articulate professions made him reflect as the most attractive, influential, and qualitative man. He is in the co-ownership of the United Football League (UFL), He is pertained as a member of the board of directors of TKO Group. 
Holdings, the WWE and UFC's parent corporation.
Early Life
Johnson was raised in a household of wrestlers. After attending Glencliff High School and McGavock High School in Nashville, Tennessee, he continued his education at Freedom High School in Bethlehem Township, Pennsylvania, which is located in the Lehigh Valley section of the state.
He trained for the Muhammad Ali "Rumble in the Jungle" in 1974 by sparring with George Foreman. But at first, the younger Johnson seemed more interested in the mat than the football field. He played football for the University of Miami team that won the 1991 NCAA Championship and was a standout athlete in high school (Bachelor of General Studies, 1995). 
He went to wrestling after his career in the Canadian Football League was cut short due to injuries.
Emergent into Wrestling
Dwayne Johnson has the finest aptitudes or we can say gifts with an astonishing combination of size, speed, and agility as well as polished microphone skills. In the year 1996, he made his debut in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). 
His emergence into the world of wrestling came to appear.
With the name Rocky Maivia, a name that praises his father and his grandfather. He was enthusiastically embraced as a “face” that was the crowd’s favorite. 
After a few months of stepping into wrestling, he captured the WWF Intercontinental title. The forceful push, however, caused a backlash from fans, and in later storylines, The Rock—an unrepentant “heel” or “bad guy”—was given more screen time than Rocky Maivia. 
The change brought about a rise in popularity. The Rock won the first of multiple world championship titles in 1998 and got into several high-profile feuds with the biggest WWF performers.
The Rock’s stardom and popularity accelerated to grow and the audience still encouraged him even though he was a heel.
The Rock is a wrestling legend, acknowledged by many as one of the greatest in history, featured on wrestling icons' "Mount Rushmore."
The Rock was called "for a long time, the WWE's biggest star and probably held the greatest international appeal" in Cable Visions: Television Beyond Broadcasting.  According to R. D. Reynolds, the author of The WrestleCrap Book of Lists, the Rock was "the biggest star for WWE from 1999 until 2004." One of the most well-known "I quit" matches in history, The Rock's 1999 Royal Rumble fight against Mankind is notorious for its ferocity.
Emergent into acting 
Johnson's notoriety in wrestling and his well-known work ethic helped him succeed early on when he entered Hollywood. He rose to become one of Hollywood's most lucrative and successful performers during his performing career.
While still a professional wrestler, In the 1999 "That Wrestling Show" episode, he made his on-screen debut as Rocky Johnson, the father of That '70s Show.
He made an appearance as an alien wrestler who faced off against Seven of Nine in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Tsunkatse" almost a year later. WWE kept selling "The Rock" memorabilia and Johnson continued to be prominently featured in the opening montages of their TV shows even after he left the business.
As antagonist Mathayus "The Scorpion King" in The Mummy Returns (2001), Johnson had his debut part in a feature film. In the 2002 follow-up movie The Scorpion King, he reprised his major role. Getting paid 5.5 million dollars for the major role.
His roles as the title character in the fantasy comedy, the Tooth Fairy, a police officer, a cab driver in the science fiction movie,  a haughty famous American football player in the sports family comedy,  and Agent 23 in the spy action comedy, all brought him more success. At the 80th Academy Awards, he gave the Best Visual Effects Academy Award.
In 2012, Johnson forwarded his production company Seven Bucks Production. However, originally admired as a producer and star, Johnson will now act exclusively as the former in a film adaptation.
Business career
In March 2020, Johnson launched Teremana Tequila, selling 600,000 nine-liter cases in its first year of sales. The XFL was procured by Johnson and several investors, partners, and RedBird Capital Partners for about $15 million. 
Within a few months, Johnson was planning to relaunch the league in spring 2022 but it got delayed, and due to the delay in relaunching the league, the first games of 2023 lead off on time. 
The goal of combining the XFL and the US Football League into one league was spurred by the 2023 season's success.
On December 31, 2023, it was publicly declared that the new merged league would be called the United Football League(UFL). The league would give prominence to 8 teams and start on March 30, 2024.
Under XFL Properties LLC, RedBird Capital Partners, Johnson, and Dany Garcia jointly hold 50% of the UFL.
Johnson became a director of TKO Group Holdings on January 23, 2024. He gained complete ownership of his WWE-owned trademarked name "The Rock" during this procedure. As part of the settlement, Johnson consented to a new services and products contract with WWE as part of the settlement.
We have gone through the life journey of Dwayne Johnson “The Rock” who has given his potential to different careers and professionals. Johnson has experienced multiple episodes of depression, beginning in his college years. He has spoken publicly about the importance of seeking help and being open about mental health struggles, advocating for increased awareness and support.
In today's era, he is one of the most popular and impressive men in the world. 
Read More:-
Most Popular Women In The World
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4th of July Weekend.
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Music of the Week: Drew Green - Lotta Bit of You
Well, Happy Birthday, America. Another one around the sun is done. It was weird having a day off in the middle of the week. The beginning of the week went okay, I have no complaints. My machine worked and I got the orders done that I needed to. Thursday I went to my Aunt's for a picnic and was going to go downtown for Fireworks and I did! My town does a little shindig for fireworks with food trucks and carnival games. I got a Bigfoot patch and won a small stuffed animal at a dart game. Buut I punked out before the actual fireworks and came home.
I wish I hadn't.
Yesterday I ended up at my niece's house all day! That little human means a great deal to me and I mean a lot to her. Having her and her parents back in my life has been an absolute blessing. She did my nails while we were waiting for dinner, so I have Sailor Moon and Donald Duck stickers randomly on my fingernails.
Money in the Bank was yesterday as well. (It's a WWE wrestling thing in case no one knows what it is.) The event itself was alright, it wasn't the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania levels of good - but it was fine. I feel like my experience got ruined though. I watch PLEs with my sister and brother-in-law it's kind of our thing. But he and I are so different. I hate social media a lot for this and how much information is at our fingertips.
Let me explain a bit.
Rant Incoming. You've been warned.
Wrestlers are actors, plain and simple. They are actors who put their bodies on the line for our entertainment. They play a character, it's all scripted just like anything else. But the person behind the character should not be trial. Granted that's not to say that they are all innocent and some of the people behind the wrestlers can be absolute trash. But that's for legal reasons.
Confused? Hang on.
One of the combatants in the Women's ladder match plays a character I don't like. That arrogant, bimbo trope. The "I'm better than you look at me go" trope. But it's the character I was disappointed in that won, not the person. She put herself on the line to win that match while I think a few of the others got really heccin hurt. She deserves her shot to progress in the company.
But the only reason why my brother-in-law didn't want this woman to win was because of her real-life political ideologies. Because she has a different view on things IRL than he does, he basically said she was a piece of crap and she shouldn't even be in the company.
Who honestly cares?
He's still gonna buy her Funko Pops and merch.
He also was making me a giant ball of anxiety and I almost bailed before the event was over. People were shooting fireworks last night which was upsetting their dogs. But rather than try to calm the one down, he was holding her and yelling at her, telling her to be quiet while she was struggling to be let go. I finally took the poor thing off of him. She laid down beside me and - even though she was still upset - I was talking calmly to her and petting her and she didn't ONCE try to get away from me.
He then made a remark "Fourth of July is over, I don't even know why they're celebrating anyway. Probably cause they're redneck idiots." To which I said that it's still Fourth of July weekend, let them do their thing. Then he came back with the snarky, "I care more about my dogs than their damn fireworks."
I was so upset when I came home.
This man is three years older than I am and he acts like a petulant child and my sister married him. He also found out that I unfollowed him from TikTok and told me to "Fix my shit" and follow him again because he wants 10k followers so he can make money. Nah man. I don't social media very often because of people like him, why would I subject myself to it? Because of blind loyalty to my sister? I am very loyal to her, I would die for her. But just because I'd die for her, does not mean I'd die for him.
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
What’s your status on FB/MySpace say currently? It was a Facebook short about The Sims that I tagged Ngawari in. ^ How much feedback did it get? Ngawari laugh reacted it, but that's it xD
Who have you texted today? Only my boyfriend. Who did you last have over your house, why were they there? My boyfriend, he comes over all the time cos he lives down the street. What was the last thing to piss you off? My internet being slow as fuck. Recently, who in your house has gotten on your nerves the most? It's just me and my Mum lol, so my Mum by default. What all has pissed you off today, if anything at all? Nothing much, though my new glasses are annoying me. What does the 10th text in your inbox say? They're organized by who sent them, so I can't tell you that. How about the 20th sent text? - Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? Laura most likely, we used to fight loads when we were younger lol. Who was the last person to have to deal with you having an attitude? My Mum xD If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it? I'd buy some Converse at the outlet store. What’s something you would love to have happen right now? Being given a billion dollars lol. You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose? New laptop probably. Which of your classes in school is most capable of killing a good mood for you? - How nice of a person are you, honestly? I'm nice, but don't push me. What good things have happened today? It's the weekend so I didn't have to go to work xD Is there anyone of your preferred sex who tends to mess with your head? No. What have you recently gotten the most compliments on? My hair and the other day a guy recognied my Mox hoodie and said it was cool haha. When you get to go shopping for new clothes, where do you go to find your clothes? Kmart, Warehouse, H&M etc. Do and your best friend(s) act the same, or are very different from each other? We have the same sense of humour, that's for sure lol. On a scale of 1 to 10 how shy are you? 6 or 7. Have you ever fallen for your best friend? No. Is there something you should be doing right now, besides this survey? No. Who was the last person you made plans with? My boyfriend.
List your favorite TV Shows (in no order) and answer the questions. (I won't put WWE or AEW cos it messes up the questions lol)
Big Bang Theory
Shortland St
Emmerdale Who is your favorite character in 1? Homer, Mr Burns & Maggie. Homer is so classic and is so quotable it hurts, Mr Burns is hilarious and an amazing villain and Maggie is adorable and a badass. Who is your least favorite character in 2? Ross, but I still love him, he's hilarious. But he's got so many annoying moments too. What’s your favorite episode of 4? It's a soap opera so it has thousands of episodes, so I couldn't say. What is your favorite season of 5? - What is your favorite ship in 3? Leonard & Penny, I love them together. Who is your anti-ship in 2? I like all the couples in it. How long have you watched 1? Since I was a kid, it started the year I was born so I've always been around it. How did you become interested in 3? Cos it became the big thing and everyone was watching it, so I checked it out. Who is your favorite actor in 4? TBH, they're not great actors on Shorty xD What do you prefer out of 1, 2, or 5? Simpsons. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? I've seen every episode of Friends multiple times, and the entirety of Big Bang a few times but I've missed some Simpsons over the years - though I am watching the entire series on Disney+ atm. So in the end, it'll be Simpsons cos it's still on. How would you kill off your favorite character in 2? I wouldn't kill anyone off. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Hmm... dunno. Give a random quote from 1. "8:58, the first time I've ever been early for work. Except for all those daylight savings days, lousy farmers!" - Homer Simpson Would a 3/4 crossover work? Hahah, maybe. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely ok, couple. They already did that when they put Flanders & Edna together lol. Overall, which show has a better cast, 3 or 5? Big Bang, easily. Which has better music, 2 or 4? Neither.
Are you currently wearing a charm bracelet? No, but I do own a Pandora one with loads of charms. Do you have any embarrassing usernames? Maybe from when I was a kid. Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? No. What’s your least favorite day of the week? Sunday tbh, cos nothing happens and I have to work on Monday so it just ruins it xD Have you ever wore pajamas a whole straight week? I've never even worn them a whole day lol. Do you still enjoy blowing bubbles? Yes. Have you ever taken a picture of your shadow? Probably. Do you believe in your horoscopes? No, but they're fun to read. Would you ever paint your bedroom walls lime green? Sure. Do you ever get called the quiet girl? Sometimes. Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? No. Are you more of a taker or giver? Both. Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? Yes. Do you always clear your history after using the computer? No, cos I'm the only one who uses my laptop, and I have nothing to hide lol. Do you hate hot coffee, but love iced coffee? I like both. Have you ever tried Smoothie King? I have, I had one when I went to New Orleans haha. Have you ever been chased by a cat? Yes, but jokingly. Have you ever had your food stolen by a bird? No. Do you have any Christmas pajama pants? No. Do you ever wear red lipstick? No. Have you ever dyed your hair light auburn? No, Have you ever did well on a test when you didn’t study? Yep. Do you take really good care of your feet? Sure. Does age really matter to you? It depends. Do you ever blast your music and dance when you’re home alone? Yes. Have you ever seen yellow snow? No. Do you still take hot showers when it’s hot out? Yes.
Who will you be spending Christmas with this year?: It's too early, but it'll prob be me and Mum, and my boyfriend will prob show up as well. What time do you usually go to sleep at night?: Around 1:30 unless I'm working the next day, then it's earlier around 12:30 or so. Did you go to high school with your current best friend?: Yes. Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan?: No. Do you park your car in a garage, carport or just in a driveway?: I don't have a car, but if I did, I'd park it outside our house, cos every house in our complex gets two spots. Have you ever been a passenger in a semi-trailer truck?: No. Have you felt sick today?: No. Whose was the last funeral you attended?: My Grandma's. Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy?: No. How many times a week do you wash your hair?: Twice a week, if I do it any more it goes all weird. Do you need to wash your hair right now?: No, I literally washed it like 2 hours ago xD Do you avoid using public restrooms?: No, if I gotta go, I gotta go. What is your boss' (or school principal's) name?: Oliver. Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month?: No. Do you like eggnog?: Never had it. Is there anything important you need to do today?: No. Who is the person you dislike the most?: Nobody. Girls, how old were you when you first got your period?: 13. Do you take part in paying the bills for your household?: Yes. What is your favourite way to eat rice?: With curry. Have you ever properly listened to classical music? Did you like it?: Yep. Do your parents know how to text?: Yes. Do you text your parents often?: Yes. Do you watch Youtube videos often?: Oh, all the time. What's your favourite type of cookie?: I love chewy cookies. When was the last time you were sick with a stomach bug?: Ages ago. Did you watch The Simpsons marathon that played nonstop episodes for a week?: It didn't air here. What television channel do you watch the most?: TV2 and Sky 5. Do you enjoy embracing the Christmas spirit or are you more of a scrooge?: I love Christmas, but not when it starts in September, leave that stuff till December xD In your town, what's your favourite place to get takeout?: I have Wendy's, KFC, McDonald's and Burger King near me lol. What letter does your middle name begin with?: S. Do your initials spell an actual word?: No. What will you do when this survey is over?: Talk on Discord. Do you know anyone with celiac disease?: No. How many siblings do you have? Are they all full siblings?: None. What's the weather like today?: It's cold, but sunny and cloudy. Have you ever eaten a cinnamon donut?: Yes. What is the longest relationship you've ever been in?: 2 years, my current one. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: Twice. How do you usually celebrate New Years?: Depends what I feel like doing. Is the place that you're in right now quiet or loud? What can you hear?: It's loud cos I have music playing haha, also the TV is on downstairs and cars are driving past outside. Do you currently have any alarms set?: No, but I will set one later for tomorrow morning cos I have work. How many cars can fit in your driveway?: No driveway. Do you like whiskey?: Yes. When was the last time you ate, and what did you have?: An hour ago, I had muesli.
[Basics] What do people usually call you? In real life - Megan. Online - Mox Girl, Mox, MG, Moxxy etc. Is it your first name? One of them is lol. How tall are you? 5'3". How many candles were on your cake this past birthday? 36. What's your natural hair color? Blonde. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses. Are you comfortable with your body? Most of it. Do you like how you look most days? Sure. Do you like your eye color? Yep.
[Friendships] Would you say you're popular? I don't care lol. Do you have a best friend? Yes. Has someone ever violated your trust? Yes. Do you forgive others easily? It depends. Where did you meet your best friend(s)? High school. Do your friends like the same kind of music as you? No, it's completely different. Have you lost a close friend recently? Yes - Zoe passed from cancer :( When was the last time you saw a friend? Last week cos Ngawari couldn't make the gym this week cos she had a stomach bug. Do you prefer to have a lot of friends? Sure.
[Romance] Do you get annoyed when asked about your personal life? No. Are you currently single? No. Do you prefer being single or taken? I like being taken. How old were you when you had your first kiss? 7. Do you ever want to marry? No. Are you saving your virginity until you get married? Hahahahaha. Do you currently have feelings for someone in particular? Yes. Would you say that you've been in love with someone? Yes.
[Music] Is music important to you? So important. What kind of music do you most enjoy? Pop, J-pop, K-pop, rock, dance, electro, classical, new age etc. Have you ever been to a real concert? Some. If so, who have you seen? Five (x2), Blue (x2), Girls Aloud, Lady Gaga (x2), Adam Lambert (x3 - twice with Queen, once solo), Melanie Martinez (x2), Atomic Kitten, B*Witched (x2), Liberty X, Aqua, Vengaboys (x2), Little Mix and more that I forget right now. Do you enjoy live music? Definitely. Do you have a favorite song? Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over Is there any genre you truly cannot stand? Country and screamo are not my thing. Do you have a favorite band and/or musician? Loads - just some are Ayumi Hamasaki, Blue, Five, Little Mix, Namie Amuro, Adam Lambert Are there any certain songs you listen to when you're upset? No. Are you a musician yourself and, if so, what do you play? No.
[Today] How did you feel when you woke up? Pretty good. Do you feel the same way now? No. If not, how do you feel currently? I'm hungry. Did you eat breakfast this morning? Yes, muesli. Do or did you have plans for today? No plans. Did today go well for you? Sure. What would you change about today? That it wasn't Sunday xD Is there anything you're avoiding doing? No. What're you going to do after this survey? Talk on Discord.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
[VIDEO] Corvettes for Sale: John Cena's Custom Corvette-Based InCENArator - Corvette: Sales, News & Lifestyle
This car was sold at auction by John Cena and he was asking $400,000 roughly he got about $300,000 and it was purchased by the Donald Trump and company or we're calling him Jonathan remarred because Trump is going to be Terry cheesman. And he's holding on to it and he won't sell to anyone and he's just going to probably ruin it so we're going to go get it and use it as an attractor and we have people who want to sign up for it for a special assignment and it's going to work great there are people that area who are the people who are affected I'll play it and they will work with him on plan and we think we understand it this is great this is slick and it's helping him he says he wants the car he wants to buy it and he probably would not touch it at all and make another one and he has people who can do it BG and the two Big fellas and Ken they they can make it and he wants to help because he wants simple this is a simple combustion engine vehicle he doesn't want to do Dad's unless they can be plug and Play and they agree you just stick the tablet in there they said that's amazing and people would like it because they don't want to run all the stuff they don't know about and the computer is not going to run the car you don't need it but fuel injection with mechanical injectors is a plane and simple machine an exhaust would come out the back the air outlet would be out the back and it would run awesome and it'll be a little lower and BG says he wants to work on it so we're going to try and get the car and he might try and get the car to work on it and that's the way it kind of works in the sun wants to buy one our son wants to buy one and he knows about it and John Cena would want him to buy one to try and do what BG wants to do but BG would be there trying to do what John Cena wants which is a parallel with a bigger group and he needs the protection it might work
We said the above portion but this is great and a great idea this thing has been sitting but John Cena is thinking about it and BG and others and thought we need the car we need it now and it's terrible and they want to go ahead with it
Thor Freya
I can see her kind of competing with me but it's not really that you say I'm kind of doing it because I feel excited and I want to do something that that is kind of my deal while Johnny peg is mine and that's what he says and I say this it's a good way to think but it's really what we're doing and I like it and this is what I want him to stay like but really he would have me in the car I would have him in the bike and we'd have fun with each other's toys and I want to tell you something he's trying to hold me and I'm not letting him he says okay but I know it's going to be great much better than it is now this is hell this guy is stuck to him and whatever he is a homo this John remillard he's going away and he's going to announce support a major portion of our project and The medallion is a symbol if he goes and he looks at it touches it it's going to happen but he takes it and says he's going to do it and that is what SEALs his fate
Hera Zues
This is not right they say I can't do it because they're going to I'm going to have to do it and they're laughing the ball is below it's stupid and so I have to look for Christ's sake it is dumb and it will take those they said as they take over ships they take from other fleets and it will be empire ships as well and a humongous death Star and I don't have time for this this is going to suck I'm screwing up and I can't stop and he says go get them a day and you stupid a****** so I will and they said it's made by his father he believes and it is his father-in-law by blood but it's still the father so we probably should find the name
John remillard
Terrific you scumbag
Donald Trump
Olympus hehe again
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