#we had front seats for the jousting and I HAD TO MOVE. because of her
treewithabark · 1 year
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Someone went to her first big event today!!
Our local walking grounds holds a “Medieval Fayre” one weekend a year, and Juno attended for at least 3 hours. I was so proud!!
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my-watch-begins · 2 years
A match for love. Part XVII
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Pairing: Harwin Strong x Female!OC.
Words: 5 k
Warnings: things get spicy again, and also a little angsty.
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4 years later.
Ayla scribbled on a piece of parchment. Her eyes landed briefly at the Lord sitting in front of her.
"I'm afraid if you don't agree to these terms, you will be sanctioned, Lord Rogers. The blockade you've established to House Wylde can no longer stand"
"I wish to speak to the Hand about this. His sons killed my only one in a jousting competition in a heavy unsportsmanlike manner"
Ayla left the feather in the ink and moved from her seat to one of the drawers.
"The Hand has already sanctioned and signed your efforts in this blockade. You are to replenish the loss of stock the Wylde suffered and the food that went to waste because you blocked their path from the rest of the Stormlands. I thought you had come to see me to even further your generosity over House Wylde and offer a marriage between one of your daughters and one of his sons. For peace keeping sake"
Ayla had left a parchment signed and marked with the Hand's sigil, Lord Rogers had read it as she spoke.
"You do, after all, need a new heir to your House"
The Lord pondered, then folded the parchment on itself and placed it back on the desk.
"Do try to arrange this as soon as possible, the sanction is affected by interests if you stall"
The Lord didn't seemed convinced, but he would also never speak with the Hand. He accepted his rendition and left the office, albeit a little angry.
"Next" Ayla called, looking at the front door of the office of the Hand. Her jaw tightened when she saw Lord Everan walk in.
"Lady Ayla" he saluted, his hand took the chair and pulled it back to sit in front of her.
"Lord Connington" she addressed, eager to find out why would he need to speak with the Hand.
"I hear you are the one that needs to be addressed these days"
"The Hand is much too busy with other matters and leaves these ones to me" she explained shortly. "I hope I can be of service"
"I have no doubt you will be My Lady" Ayla stared shortly at his face. Even after all those years, seeing Lord Everan too much might confirm the suspicions she had from day one, the ones that the Princess Rhaenyra, despite their continued and growing close friendship, had never confirmed nor denied "I would like to arrange travel security, the lootings are becoming more and more common these days"
Ayla grabbed a clean piece of parchment and got ready to write.
"We are aware, where to?"
"The Stormlands, to my seat in Griffin's Roost, my entire party will be leaving, total of six" as Ayla wrote down the destination and her mind quickly began to swirl with questions. 
"It can be arranged from the Red Keep until the Fellwood, I believe Baratheon forces could take the rest of the detail the rest of the way. I'll send a raven right away"
"I don't believe that would be necessary, I am in quite a hurry to leave on the morrow"
"Oh" she muttered "very well then, I'll arrange this with my husband as soon as possible"
"Ah yes, the Lord Commander" both Ayla and Lord Everan stood from their seats, Ayla held the piece of parchment she had just written "I believe I am in good hands then" she somehow didn't like the way Lord Everan pronounced the words. She smiled and motioned at the door.
"We will have to trust your past judgment Lord Everan, you did vouch for him when it was time to name a Lord Commander"
They smiled at each other, Ayla with a more condescending undertone and Lord Everan out of a little embarrassment.
After Ayla saw that there was no one outside the office of the Hand, she closed and locked it before heading to the office of the Lord Commander, an office she argued was more fit to the post rather than a desk in the barracks.
When she reached the office, she knocked and entered, her eyes meeting the broad of his back as he stored things away.
"You can leave it on the desk" he said, not turning to address her.
She left the folded parchment in his desk as she spoke "that's no way to talk to your Lady wife" she teased. Harwin spun on his heels and instantly gave her an apologetic twist of his eyebrows as he walked to her.
"I was expecting someone else, apologies my love" he kissed her on the forehead and rounded her waist with one of his arms, instantly trapping her "that is absolutely no way to speak to my bountiful lady wife" his large hand cupped fully one of her ass cheeks and he leaned in for a hungry kiss. Ayla chuckled and rounded his neck, pulling herself up on her tiptoes to kiss him properly. The door knocked again and Harwin replied over her lips.
"I'm busy"
"No he's not, come in" she countered, her hands now pushing his hand away from her ass and slipping from his grip.
One of the captains entered and without other words other than acknowledging the two of them by their tittles, left more parchments on the table.
Ayla waited until the captain left and closed the door behind him.
"This is of a bigger priority I'm afraid" she pointed at her piece of parchment and left it on top of the others
"I will get to it right away" his hand found hers and led it to his lips for a quick kiss "the Princess wishes to see us tonight" he said in a low voice.
Unwillingly Ayla connected the dots. Her mind wandered around with what the missing information could be until mid-day, at which point her thoughts switched quickly to wonder why were her children being scolded by the Septa.
She quickened her steps and when she neared them she called for their attention.
"Septa Noelle" the first ones to react to the words were her children, who quickly left the Septa's side and rushed over to hide behind her "what would be the matter?"
The Septa sighed in exasperation and held her hands together at her front.
"Lady Ayla, as you are aware, there's a new curricula supported by the Queen to teach the children the Faith of the Seven"
"I am aware"
"Your children I'm afraid do not posses the base knowledge to be with the other children in the lessons and will need to reinforce their knowledge with extra classes"
"I will see to that personally" she concluded, her hands searched and found her sons clammy and sweaty ones, specially Kiran's who was not used to being scolded so harshly.
"I'm afraid that the knowledge you might be able to teach them will not be enough, your children repeat words and sayings I'm certain they haven't heard from anywhere else but you, as I have often personally hear you curse at the Gods and besmirch their miracles and good graces"
"My dislike for the Gods is not unwarranted"
"Still, I believe that as a mother, you should-"
"Sadly I'm not taking any comments or suggestions about my parenting at this time Septa Noelle. With your permission"
Ayla turned on her heels and pressed a hand to each of her sons' shoulders, leading them away from the teaching room and from the Septa. The Strong boys ushered words to each other and Ayla kept a close eye on them until they reached the Tower of the Hand.
"I'm going to see if your aunt Grayce needs anything, you can either come with me or head down to the baracks, your uncle might be there finishing with his training" she offered. The boys didn't look up at her to reply or gave her any of their words. She crouched to meet their gaze and placed her hands at either side of their cheeks. "What is it my boys?"
"Are we in trouble?"
"Will you tell father?"
They asked, Ayla pulled their faces up by their chins and held their gaze to hers.
"You are not in trouble, and I will tell your father about this but not to scold you, but to protect you, as it is our job"
"Kylian said you hated the Gods" Kiran explained in a accusatorial tone.
"I do not care who did what, Kiran. But maybe next time we don't repeat things we hear at home, I have my reasons for having spoken those words, and most people often judge unknowingly. That's why we always hold out judgement until we have all the information, right my boys?"
Both of them nodded dutifully and somewhat remorseful, she kissed them each on the forehead, moving their curls away and then ordered them to the barracks.
In the Tower of the Hand now only one family resided. Ayla and Harwin had given their large quarters and adjacent room to Grayce after her marriage. Grayce's husband was a rather charming second son of the Lord of House Rykker who had attended the name day celebration of one of the Targaryen Princes. Far from being a good swordsman, Terren Rykker appeared to be the exact opposite of Ayla's brother Adrian. Leaning more to books, organization, straying from taverns and most importantly being a gentleman, Terren had approached Grayce and Adrian as they danced in the celebration for Prince Aegon's name day and asked to dance with Grayce.
That was the first time Terren had showed and proved his courage to win Grayce's favor. The second time was when he personally headed to the office of the Hand to ask for Grayce's hand.
Since their marriage, Grayce and Terren had welcomed two little girls, one of now two years old and the other one of three months old. Despite having interrupted their dance, Terren was blissfully unaware of the past that Adrian and Grayce shared. Ayla tried to make deaf ears and blind eyes to the fact that two dark haired parents had dark brown hair children that could either be attributed to their grand sire's heritage or...
Ayla tried not to think about the other option. Adrian did not show exceptional interest on the girls other than the occasional praise on their beauty and even then it wasn't enough of a reason for Ayla to doubt them.
Ayla made time almost every day to visit her nieces in the Tower of the Hand either to help with the girls or to talk with Grayce about the tribulations of being a mother, not to mention the two little girls had drawn Ayla and she very much enjoyed holding them, soothing them, feeding them and seeing them grow.
At night, when Ayla put her sons to bed, Ayla and Harwin walked to their bedroom and opened the side door behind a painting, entering the hidden passages and closing the entrance behind them.
Harwin knew the path like the back of his hand, so he just held Ayla's hand and guided her in the dark as they spoke.
"I'm sure tomorrow you will hear a thing or two about my insolence with the Septa and the words we said to each other today"
"What about?"
"About how my words affect the children's willingness to learn about the Gods. I can only imagine the things Kylian repeats. I got angry at her judgment of my work as a mother"
"As you should my love. I'll make deaf ears to any complaint"
"Perhaps you should look stunned-"
"I will not" Harwin interrupted, then held her hand tighter and pulled her to his side, their bodies meeting in the dark "we are a united front, you and I. I will never undermine you because you have never undermined me" Ayla felt a kiss at the top of her head and Harwin's steps came to a halt, making her stop as well "or do I have to remind you that I married you to always defend you in your insolences?"
Light peaked from the little creak between the wall and the hidden door long enough for Harwin to see Ayla's pleased smirk, then Harwin pushed and moved to let Ayla in first. She squinted her eyes at the harsh light from many candlelights lit all over the room. Ayla noticed the back of the Princess' head and how it moved before she stood up.
Ayla had gotten to know the Princess over their years of acquaintance and realized instantly that she had been crying and attempted to compose herself before turning to meet the couple. Ayla gave her a smile and extended her hands to her. The Princess quickly took them and hardened her features.
"Princess" she saluted. Rhaenyra nodded in their direction and headed to the table on the other side of the room. Ayla and the Princess sat across each other with the table to the side of them, Harwin had to stand behind Ayla pacing out of nervousness.
"As our lives have been linked through the years for some regrettable reasons, I wanted to speak with you before the morning" Ayla's back unconsciously straightened at the direction of the conversation "I am with child"
The only thing in Ayla's mind from that moment until she found herself laying in bed was just one phrase.
What a cunt.
From what she suspected; Lord Everan had been told the news of the Princess' state and had proceeded to pack his things and leave King's Landing before the announcement and posterior birth, that was presumably the reason why she had been crying before they entered the room.
Ayla had assured the Princess that, as always, they would disparage the rumors, deny them, and defend their honor as they had done the two previous times. The Princess seemed relieved and thankful for their words.
Upon looking at her husband as awake as her next to him. She turned to her side and sighed to call for his attention, even though she already had it.
"What do you think?" Harwin asked, his eyes not leaving the ceiling above them.
"I think of the children. They're definitely old enough now to make sense of words"
"Do you think we should prepare them?" He turned his head to her, Ayla gave him a twist of her lips.
"I believe we should, love"
Harwin sighed and pressed a hand to his eyes in frustration.
"What do you think they'll think of me?" Ayla moved to lean over him, one of her hands came to his neck and she kissed his forehead. Harwin's hand rounded her back and landed in between her shoulder blades, keeping her secured over him
"They'll think of you what they already think of you. That you are a dedicated father and a good man, and you saw two little boys and cared for them in the distance. That is the truth, anything else they should disregard"
Harwin squeezed Ayla's shoulder and she leaned back to look at him.
"When Grayce fell with child, both times, you were a little sensitive after the news, how are you about these ones?"
Ayla appreciated that Harwin still threaded carefully about the subject of children. After they had agreed to wait, even though Harwin had followed the advice and lately he rarely spilled inside of her, the fewer times he did had never resulted in not even a scare of being pregnant too early.
"I'm strangely hopeful" she admitted "the Princess said it herself, our lives have been linked over the years. The last time the Princess fell with child so did I shortly after" Ayla saw no ready reply on his part, he just stared at her "it's also been five years" she excused.
"You only need to ask"
"Do I now?" She teased, her body inching more and more until she laid on top of him with her legs at either side of him. Her mouth descended to his for a hot kiss, his big hands landed at her waist and inched lower and lower to her glutes. His fingers worked the fabric of her nightgown to scrunch it over her waist, slowly unveiling her long legs and quickly pulsating sex.
"What does my Lady wife want from me?" He teased. Ayla smiled over his lips and nipped at his lower lip with her teeth.
"I want you to put a babe in me" her teeth nipped at his lips again and Harwin's hand left Ayla's glutes momentarily "I want you to fill me with your seed and-" her sentence got caught in her throat and replaced with a gasp and a moan. Her hands fisted Harwin's shirt as Harwin's thick and hard cock slipped inside of her in a quick thrust.
Ayla's hips rocked back and Harwin's rocked upwards, their efforts meeting and resulting in heavy breaths and restraining grunts from Harwin and free and long moans of pleasure from Ayla. The sight of her full breasts bouncing under the soft silks of her nightgown and her head falling back at the pleasure drove Harwin mad.
His feet made leverage and he pounded upwards to Ayla's needy sex rapidly, as Ayla's hands left bruising scratches on his chest as she held on to whatever she could, Harwin's fingers dug into her waist pushing her down as he thrusted upwards.
Ayla's body trembled and she barely held herself up as the orgasm ripped through her, long and leaving her legs numb at the effort of keeping them bent at either side of her husband's unforgiving hips.
She felt her world turn as Harwin flipped her to the bed, now kneeling in between her legs and positioning his member to her pulsating middle. Without waiting for her to come down from her high, he slipped into her again and grabbed one of her legs, hooking his arm beneath it and pulling her leg up to meet his shoulder.
She felt the most open she'd ever felt, every inch of his cock touched a perfect spot, his soft grunts and sighs were music to her ears as much as her string of moans and wantonly mentions of his name. She felt free and relaxed on the bed and under the arms of her lover.
Under the spell of the peace and pleasure she felt in his arms and as her hands held onto his forearms as some kind of support she blurted out an I love you. The response from Harwin was to crash his lips with hers and make his hips snap faster, Ayla screamed in pleasure drowned by his lips, her back arched to meet his still clothed chest and Harwin's last efforts to make her wife reach other orgasm were quickly achieved when he kneeled back on his heels, placed both hands at her waist and pulled her off the bed, snapping his hips faster and faster until Ayla lost control of her body and Harwin of his, spilling his seed inside of her and her hips moving up and down on his cock, milking every last bit of him.
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Ayla sat at the maester's chair as he poured his thoughts over the numbered days. She glanced at Harwin standing in the archway of the door with his arms crossed at his chest, his leg bounced in nervousness as he stared at the Maester.
"Today, you are four moons with child, my Lady"
Ayla wanted to reply with an angry 'I know', she didn't not need a reminder that it had taken her four months to conceive another child and then another four worrying and praying over it's health to see the pregnancy through. She held her tongue to allow the Maester to continue with his thoughts.
"In my experience and most recorded evidence over the years, there should not be a reason for this pregnancy to not come to full term after this month, the only reasons why it would be possible for you to loose the child would be of a physical nature" at the sight of Ayla's frown in wonder the Maester kept talking "direct hits to the midsection and back, a fall, horse riding. I beg for you carefulness"
"Of course" Ayla nodded, Harwin extended his hand to Ayla and she took it as she stood up.
"We will still have visits every two weeks, otherwise put a smile on your face, it'll do the babe well"
Ayla left the pleasantry of thanking the Maester to Harwin, she slipped past him and out the door, being met with Harwin later in a few strides to catch up with her.
"Put a smile on your face he says, luckily for him he'll never know what it's like to be ripped from the inside at the loss of a child" she spat angrily, her hand pressing at the base of her slowly rounding stomach "as if it were that easy"
When they reached the path that led to the office of the Hand at one side and the office of the Lord Commander in the opposite direction, only then Ayla stopped and looked up at Harwin.
"Oh, Harwin" she sighed, tendered at the sight of her husband running a hand over his eyes. She reached for him and rounded his shoulders with her arms. Harwin hugged her, his arms reached around her whole back and landed on her ribs, his face hid in her neck. Ayla rubbed his neck soothingly "I apologize if I'm a little pessimistic. I don't mean to bring you down with it" she pulled back and cupped his cheek, their foreheads meeting "you can be as happy and overjoyed and show it as much as you want"
"I want you to be it too"
Ayla kissed him tenderly.
"When we have our little one at arms I will be"
They shared another kiss, then before parting Harwin took Ayla's hands and kissed them.
As she walked to the office of the Hand, both kinds of thoughts battled in her mind. Ones about worried about seeing the pregnancy to it's end battled with the implications not seeing it to it's end knowing that she would never welcome another child if she did.
At the sight of her, Lord Lyonel asked firstly about their visit with the Maester. Ayla related that it seemed to be coming along well.
"Harwin was moved by the news, I'm still more on the frightful side"
"It's normal after what you've been through. But you should trust the words of the maesters"
Ayla kept her thoughts about the maesters to herself and changed the subject "how is the King?"
"Better, by the grace of the Gods. Though his health is on a spinning wheel, sometimes at the highest and sometimes at the lowest. For now I will not absent myself from the office of the Hand, but I will let you know when I would need you to take over" 
Ayla nodded and stared at Lord Lyonel, writing and signing things over his desk.
"I'm afraid I won't be of much help today after the visit, but I'll be better tomorrow" Ayla confessed, she could hardly think if anything else other than her babe.
"Understandable. You should go and rest" Ayla took the dismissal with a nod and walked from the office of the hand.
Instead of going to the quarters of the Lord Commander where they now resided, she headed to the gardens.
At the sight of her, the Princess walked briskly, as if she wasn't carrying the extra weight of her big stomach with her child threatening to be born at any moment.
"I'll have a table set up for us and you can tell me everything" she said, holding Ayla's hands in hers.
Once they were sitting, Ayla barely touched any of the food, she just drank tea and watched the Princess eat to it's entirely a bowl of candied lemons.
"I just can't bring myself to be happy about it. I'm fearful that one of this days I will wake up and loose it" the Princess gave her a sympathetic twist of her eyebrows "and this time will be worst than the last because I am farther along and will be damaged irreversibly"
"It will not be, it's not a certainty and you shouldn't speak as if it's something that will happen inevitably" Rhaenyra's hands search for Ayla's as she spoke. "The Gods wouldn't be so cruel"
"They can and they have been with me. Otherwise I wouldn't have had to wait five years to conceive a child knowing how much I want it, how much we want it" Ayla stared at their held hands "truth be told, the news about your child gave me strength enough to ask Harwin to try again"
The Princess smiled widely tendered at Ayla's words. She reached for her and her hand landed on her stomach.
"I, Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, first of my name will personally seek the Gods in the clouds and far beyond and set them aflame with my dragon if they dare to take this child from you" she declared.
At night, as Ayla laid on the bed with a little more carefulness than she usually did, she was quickly enveloped by Harwin's arm around her middle and his lips came to her bump.
"How have you felt today?" He asked.
"Normal, thoughtful, though lacking appetite"
Harwin twisted his mouth in a scolding matter.
"I did eat, just haven't indulged much other than what was necessary"
Harwin pressed his hand over her bump and then a slow kiss, leaving his forehead on it.
Even over Ayla's distaste for the Gods, Harwin often prayed for the health of the babe to the Mother before going to bed. When he finished with his prayer he kissed her stomach again and lifted his eyes to hers.
"The Princess' labors are nearing. I do not wish for you to get into fights with people who speak ill of us"
"If they say them to my face I will" she quickly defended.
"Ayla, I'm begging you" she couldn't stand her husband's big and pleading eyes on her. She gave a defeated sigh and pressed her hand on top of his "If anything, point a finger at someone and I'll deal with it"
"You drain the fun out of everything" she complained.
"Just after the birth" he negotiated, his hand took hers and gave her a kiss "I'd missed seeing you like this" he admitted, his hand laying again on top of her stomach, his fingers rubbing lightly.
"I'd missed being like this" she followed "despite the pains that come with it, I very much like bearing your children"
"They are ours"
"Those two boys we have do not have a drop of my blood in them, your seed is much too strong"
"This one will"
Ayla turned her lips in a little scowl.
"I'd like my own personal army of Strong boys" Harwin smiled and kissed her stomach again.
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The Princess closed her eyes and held both of her hands to the sides of her stomach, the chairs of the garden arrangements definitely did not help to make her comfortable during her pains.
"The pains have already started" she commented to Ayla. " The maesters predict the birth will happen this week"
"You will do well in it, Rhaenyra, it's nothing you haven't done two times before"
"That's not what I'm worried about, its the implications of the birth, they will show themselves even quicker than before"
"The Queen is surely going to bring up the matter to the King again" Ayla commented.
"She surely will" she lamented "and two times... It was excusable. Not it's undeniable"
Ayla pressed her lips tightly.
"What do think I should do to mitigate them?" the Princess asked, tilting her head to the side.
Ayla stared blankly at the Princess, her words stunned her and she didn't give her an answer quick enough making the Princess justify her request.
"My father has the Hand to advise him, by your own words the Queen has Larys Strong to advise her, who do I have? My husband is woefully blind to our troubles, the only other person whose advise I would trust I haven't seen in ten years" she complained "and you have been under the tutoring of the Hand for years as well, you must have learned"
"I have" Ayla wearily began. His hands held each other tightly "though I feel like I don't have all the information to properly advise you" Ayla saw the initial glint of disappointment in Rhaenyra's eyes, but she spoke quickly to revert it "the only advise I could give you would be to propose a marriage between your oldest, Prince Jacaerys, and your sister Haelena"
"They would never agree to such a thing"
"I beg to differ, out of his own accord the King will agree. The Queen might disagree at first, and the betrothal should be made official before the Queen's father becomes aware of it and he tries to dissuade her. I also believe that it's a good exit for your sister. Based on what you've told me, she's the only one of your half siblings with who you have a good relationship with. I believe she'll be better with your side of the family"
Rhaenyra pondered. It was expected of her to start making alliances with her sons, the boys had Targaryen blood and their options were limited to keep the bloodline pure.
She closed her eyes and pressed her hands at the base of her stomach.
"Perhaps we should head to your bedroom to rest" Ayla offered, seeing that the Princess was much too uncomfortable. As soon as her pains stopped, they walked arms linked to the Princess' quarters.
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Harwin was walking down the corridor of the Keep when he saw the two Princes. He doubled back to double check if they were in fact Jace and Luke. He then rounded the castle figuring what their destination was and luckily came up in front of them. The boys halted at the interruption of their walk but relaxed when they realize it was only him.
"Where are you two headed without supervision?" He said sternly, the boys were far too familiarized with the Lord Commander to feel intimidated by him.
"Our mother is in labor"
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taglist: @her-fandom-sanctum @evyiione @stitchattacks @grimistangel @mostlyskateboarding @mostclevermiss @agentstarkid @throughgoeshamilton
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ode-to-fury · 3 years
Winter Thorns and Iron Crowns Pt.10
Summary: Scores have to be settled, tourneys must be won, all the while tension is building in the court of king Aerys II Targaryen. The Reader and her sister hatch a plan, and its consequences are surprising in more ways than one.
Pairings: Arthur Dayne x Reader, Stannis Baratheon x reader
Disclaimer: Another long one! Like really long! More tourney! This time with horsies! I actually had to break this up more than I wanted to because apparently I wrote a lot more than I thought I did, sorry!
Arthur rode out on his pitch black destrier. The white kingsguard armour contrasted brilliantly to his horse, though he’d discarded the white cloak like he always did when fighting. The crowd cheered for him, and she and Lyanna joined. Benjen, who had been sitting between the two of them, moved closer to Y/n. She put an arm around her little brother, holding him against her.
The knights defending lady Whent would be her brothers and uncle, Oswell Whent, one of Arthur’s fellow kingsguard members. For Arthur’s first joust he had drawn lady Whent’s youngest brother, ser Otto, and Y/n was fairly sure she could judge what the outcome of the bout would be without too much trouble. She had never seen the younger Whent joust, but even though Arthur was stronger in the melee, very few could match him in the lists.
“Another bet?” Lyanna asked, “Same terms?”
Y/n grinned. “Certainly, who will be your champion?”
Lyanna nodded to the prancing knight, “This time I pick Ser Arthur.”
Y/n pretended to frown at her.
“You cannot back him in every fight!” Lyanna laughed. “I deserve a chance at winning too.”
“Fine,” she said. She glanced down at the gathered knights, trying to find a suitable champion. Rhaegar? No, that would be too easy. The younger Yohn Royce? Too inexperienced.
“Ser Barristan,” she finally decided. “I will back ser Barristan.”
The older knight had always been kind to her. Y/n still remembered how in awe she had been of him when Rhaegar told her he had once unseated ser Duncan the Tall.
Lyanna sat back, and air of having already won the bet surrounding her. She’d never learned to be subtle.
“I will try not to be too offended that neither of you backed me,” Bran said from Y/n’s other side.
“Both of us have rode against you, Bran,” Lyanna said, eyes trained on the field.
Benjen and Y/n both laughed, and Bran smiled along, always good-natured. Robert and Ned had joined the three of them by now, and Y/n waved to Stannis, sitting on his own a little ways off.
Y/n’s smile faded as, on the field, Arthur’s opponent rode out on a grey destrier. The youngest Whent had a friendly face, though “youngest” was perhaps a misnomer, since he was older than Brandon by at least a decade.
“You don’t think lord Whent has a chance, my lady?” Catelyn Tully leaned over Brandon to ask her.
“I’m afraid you know the skill of these knights far better than we do.”
“I would not put too many dragons on him against ser Arthur, Cat.”
The crowd cheered again at his appearance, and to the gathered mass’s great surprise, ser Otto did not immediately ride out to face his opponent, but rather first took a turn about the arena.
His horse stopped in front of the stands that the watching Starks occupied.
“Lady Stark,” he said, speaking directly to Y/n, “I would feel much better about the challenge ahead if you would bless me with your favour.”
Y/n smiled at the old knight and walked down to the edge of the stands. The crowds of smallfolk cheered and jeered as she did.
Reaching up, she untied the white ribbon which held some hair back from her face, and made a show of tying it around his arm, blushing slightly at the attention. She allowed him to kiss the back if her hand, carefull not to lose her balance, since she had to lean forward slightly to reach him.
With a good-natured smile and wink, he rode off to face Arthur, holding his arm up in the sunlight, the ribbon shining in the sun to more cheers.
Y/n returned to her seat, hastily trying to manage her blush.
“Don’t,” she said when Lyanna and Brandon both opened their mouths, and sat down, determined to only look straight ahead until the round was over.
“It was sweet,” Bran said anyway. “Perhaps I should make a recommendation to father.”
She scowled at him, but couldn’t hold the expression in the face of his smile. He’d always been able to do that. She grinned and pulled Benjen closer to her again, turning once more to watch the joust.
Her grin faded as she did.
Arthur’s horse was prancing on the opposite side of the field, and it was clearly because his rider was agitated. In fact, even from far away, Y/n could see anger in the set of his shoulders, and the more than harsh way he steadied the horse.
She sighed, shoulders slumping.
He will be the death of me, I swear it.
The second time the knights passed each other, Y/n’s suspicion that Arthur was playing with ser Otto was confirmed. He did not even try to hit the older knight, the point of his lance missed the target entirely.
“Are you still so sure Ser Arthur will win, Lyanna?” Brandon said from beside her, laughing. Lyanna, however, was much too busy laughing at Y/n’s exasperation to give any thought to their earlier bet. Y/n knew there was only one other person who was staring at the competition with the same exasperation as herself, and that was Ashara Dayne, who was sitting to the left of the Starks, near princess Elia. The rest of the audience sat enraptured.
The next pass was different. She saw him reposition the lance under his arm, and the set of his shoulders told her he was focused now.
She resisted the urge to cover her eyes with her hands and settled for biting her lip.
The riders sprang away, and Arthur kicked his horse into a rather faster gallop than the last two passes. He dropped his lance with such accuracy that ser Otto’s own weapon did not even touch him before the older man went flying from his horse, landing in a crumpled heap in the sand of the arena.
Loud cheers went up from the crowd, and some laughter at the embarrassment of house Whent at their own tourney. She felt her own cheeks warm.
Then, Arthur decided to make it worse. Instead of helping the other man up from the ground, he jumped off his horse and untied the white ribbon from his arm. Then he remounted, and trotted over to her to loud gasps from the crowd.
“I think you may have dropped this, my lady,” he said, holding it out toward her. It was all she could do to keep from yelling at him. She stood up stiffly and grabbed it unceremoniously from his hand.
He watched after her with a self-satisfied smirk, before riding from the field to make room for the next challenger.
“You’re a bastard, do you know that?” She said flatly when she entered his tent.
“Leave us,” she said to his two squires, who had just finished removing his armour. The boys looked to him for permission, and he gave a nod. They left quickly.
“What were you thinking?” She asked, and he realised the scowl she was giving him was no jest.
“I was thinking that no one else should be allowed to look at you like he did,” he replied.
She rolled her eyes, and turned away from him. It irked him more than he could explain.
“You embarrassed me more than you embarrassed him, you realise?” She asked when she turned back to him.
“-I gave you back your ribbon, no one will think you are to be shamed.”
“Oh? That’s fine then?” She said, her voice rising slightly.
“Y/n I was only- “
“-Only what, Arthur?” She said, and he was astonished at the venom in her tone, “Were you trying to be found out? A kingsguard knight should not act that way! Least of all you!”
“I was only trying to- “, he felt he needed to defend his actions, which did seem more and more brash as time went on, but she cut him off.
“-Do you never think? What did you think would happen? I can look after myself, you conceited simpleton. I could hardly refuse him in front of everyone. Don’t you see that I’m trying to protect you?”
He stared at her defiantly, though he knew she was right. She was searching his face for something, her eyes still dark.
“You don’t understand,” she said.
“I do,” he replied.
“No, you don’t, Arthur, we’re never going to be together.”
Her words knocked the breath from him like he was getting stepped on by the Mountain.
“Don’t say- “, he started, but she cut him off.
“No, I will. We will never be together. One day, and right now that day is very soon, I will marry someone, that is my lot as a woman, as much as I wish it would change. I will marry someone and have his children- “
“What does this have to do with anything?” he asked angrily, taking a step toward her. Blood rushed in his ears, his fists clenched.
“Everything!” she threw up her hands, “because there is nothing you or I can do to change this. The only favour your house has is because you are a part of the Kingsguard and Ashara is in the queen’s favour. How long do you think that will last when you are banished from your position? What good will it do? And even if you are determined to throw away your good name, I will not let you do it. And I will not let you drag me down with you.”
She looked at him coldly, there was a hardness in her eyes he wasn’t used to seeing. Her words hurt all the more because they were true. The anger at her tone subsided as her words sunk in.
His heart ached, and he looked at her like the broken man he was. He couldn’t think of anything to say, because there was nothing to say.
“Forgive me,” he croaked out finally, “Please. I cannot bear to see you angry with me, but my senses leave me where you are concerned.”
Her eyes softened, and he could see his own hurt reflected there.
“I’m only trying to protect you,” she whispered. He walked forward and embraced her, trying to hold her tight enough that all the bad would go away.
“I love you,” he said softly, holding her tightly. He wanted to hurt everyone who had made her feel this way, but most of all he wanted to hurt himself for doing this to her. He never should have let her love him.
“I- I know,” she said, looking up at him, “And I don’t know what to do about it,” she smiled sadly.
He kissed her softly, only once.
Her arms closed around his neck, and he held her as tight as he could, relishing in feeling her pressed against him, her breath tickling his neck.
He wanted to scream and rail and fight against whatever god had seen fit to give the two of them this lot in life.
“I must get back to the joust,” she said softly in his ear.
“Let me sit with you,” he said. He was only half hoping.
“Perhaps,” she kissed him on the cheek and gently untangled herself from his embrace, “If you had not embarrassed me in front of the entire court.”
He laughed, and looked after her fondly as she left.
The morning of the second round of jousts Lyanna and Y/n were arguing.
“I’m a better lance than you, Y/n,” Lyanna hissed at her. Both of them were trying to keep quiet so that Brandon and Ned would not hear. Y/n had had quite enough of Ned the Lord for the week, and she knew even Brandon would draw a line before what they were planning.
But Howland Reed was their father’s bannerman, and though Lyanna had done right by him inviting him to feast with them, and pointing out the three squires who had hurt him to their brothers, neither one of the two elder seemed likely to do anything more.
There had to be justice, they both agreed.
They simply disagreed on who would administer it.
“Were,” Y/n said adamantly. “You were a better lance than me, when we were children! We only have one chance at this, and Brandon and Ned cannot know! I have more of a reason than you to be away from them during the jousts. I will simply tell them the princess needed me.”
“It was my idea!”
“And you came to me for help!”
Lyanna opened her mouth to argue further but Y/n spoke first.
“You still owe me a favour, remember?”
Lyanna’s mouth clamped shut, and she scowled.
“You’ve become insufferable.”
“I’ve become better at arguing and worse at listening to you,” Y/n retorted. “Now quickly, help me find some armour that will cover me. I’ll enter the jousts in the afternoon, when the main fights have finished.”
Stannis watched as Arthur Dayne dismounted the black destrier and handed it off to his squire. The ribbon tied around his arm was blue. The colour of a winter rose. It matched the blue gown that bared Y/n’s shoulders.
He’d begged it from her in front of the whole arena, and she’d blushed pink while tying it for him, and Stannis had ground his teeth so hard his jaw hurt. Her hair had tumbled around her shoulders when she removed the ribbon.
He did not normally hold with tourneys. They were a waste of time and gold that only served to inflate the egos of men whose egos were already much too large.
Today, however, he thought about how good it would feel to mount a horse and knock that shiny white-armoured Dornishman right of his knightly arse...
The day went on, however. Robert was knocked into the dirt, and Rhaegar Targaryen bested Bronze Yohn, making the crowd jeer and cry out.
“Look!” A woman said from a few seats on, “Look, the first mystery knight!”
And indeed, someone was riding out to the end of the lists. The knight wore ridiculously shabby and mismatched armour that looked like it had been cobbled together from whatever had been available at short notice. He also had the strangest shield. A small wooden one, with a laughing white weirwood tree.
As he rode to the pavilion where the king sat, Stannis found himself frowning. There was something oddly familiar about the graceful way he moved on the horse.
Challenges were issued to knights of little consequence, though the crowd leaned forward all the same, always interested in a show. Stannis leaned forward too, more interested in the way the knight held his lance.
And indeed, as he rode to challenge his first, Stannis saw he held it too tightly, too upright, as if he’d only ever jousted for practice, never in a real field.
It took two passes for him to unseat his opponent cleanly, and by the end he was almost convinced. Following his hunch, he looked over to where Robert sat with Lyanna. Ned was there as well, and their younger brother. He frowned slightly. Gazing over to the royal box, he saw princess Elia with all her ladies.
All except one.
He snorted to himself, and sat back to watch as the challenger went on to win the next two jousts as well, thoroughly humiliating all three knights and their squires before disappearing from the field for the rest of the day.
The grounds of Harrenhaal were covered with tents and stages and tables for the gathered nobility and smallfolk. It had been years since a tourney of this size was held anywhere, and she was all too glad to be away from Dragonstone, away from the Red Keep, and with her family.
She found Stannis watching a group of mummers acting out the story of Florian and Jonquil, a frown on his face like they had personally offended him.
“Not to your taste?” She asked as she reached him. “I think it would be funnier if they had Patchface instead of Florian rescue Jonquil.”
He scowled at her.
“That would be unkind,” he said.
“And I’ll pay for that unkindness in the afterlife,” she replied. “It was only a jest.”
“Sometimes you are as terrible as Robert,” he said.
She lifted a hand to her heart, putting on the most offended expression she could muster.
“How dare you?” She asked shrilly. “How dare- “
“Alright, alright,” he cut her off. “That was unkind as well.”
She smiled. “We will pay for our unkindnesses together, at least.”
He nodded, and turned back to the play, which was fairly dismal, she realised.
“How is little Renly?” She asked as they watched. “I notice he is absent from the festivities.”
“Little Renly,” Stannis said and she wondered, not for the first time, at the talent he had at speaking through a clenched jaw, “is at Storm’s End, doing his lessons. I thought it would be better for him than a week of frivolities and Robert’s influence.”
“You should have brought him,” she said, wincing slightly as one of the actors tripped over his own feet. “Benjen refuses to watch the puppet shows with me, and it looks strange when I go alone.”
“Yes, well,” Stannis said, looking at her sideways, “Little Renly also has a head the size of King’s Landing. I thought denying him the trip would lessen his ego somewhat.”
She gaped at him.
“Surely you’re not saying it’s my fault?” She asked in mock astonishment.
“You encourage him too much,” he grouched.
“And you do not encourage him enough,” she retorted. He shook his head slightly, but she could still see the small flicker of amusement in his eyes. She pretended not to.
“What did you think of the lists today?” He asked her suddenly.
She started. Then found herself blushing as she thought of Arthur riding up to her in front of everyone to ask for her favour. He’d looked so handsome in his white armour, and he’d fought like a hero with the blue ribbon tied around his arm.
“Enjoyable,” she said quickly, shaking her head to clear it of Arthur Dayne.
“I was especially intrigued by the mystery knight.”
She started again.
“The Knight of the Laughing Tree, some are calling him,” he continued. “Robert was proclaiming very loudly that he would unmask and reveal whomsoever it was before the end of the tourney.”
“I was intrigued as well,” it was her best innocent voice. It was almost as good as Lyanna’s. “I’d like to see if Robert can succeed.”
“Yes,” he said, and again she caught the slightest flash of amusement in his dark blue eyes. “A motley assemblance of armour, and he did not quite hold his lance properly… it was almost as if he’d never jousted in a tourney. A fairly good rider, however.”
He looked at her sideways. She knew his expression well. Somehow he’d always been able to see through even the smallest of her lies.
She stared at him, wide eyed.
“How did you know?” She asked, startled. No one except Lyanna had known. Not even Howland Reed. Arthur had even commented on the knight’s skill with a horse, but he’d never so much as suspected her.
“I’ve seen you ride a horse half a thousand times,” he said brusquely. “I am no idiot.”
A strange feeling bubbled up from her stomach. She frowned at him.
“Then the entire court are idiots,” she said. “All of them have seen me ride as well, gods, Brandon all but taught me to ride, none of them recognised me.”
“Your words,” he said, and she saw one corner of his hard mouth twitch. “Not mine.”
She laughed, despite the strange tightness in her chest.
“Fair point,” she said. He is the truest friend I’ve ever had, of course he’d know it was me.
Arthur hadn’t, though. She suspected if she told Arthur he’d think she was making a jest.
“Come on,” she said suddenly, grabbing his hand. She needed to get moving, walk around. “I think I saw a firedancer when I was looking for you.”
He let her pull him toward the lakeshore. As she thought about what he’d said, however, something bothered her.
“I hold my lance perfectly,” she said, frowning up at him.
In response, she recieved a lifted eyebrow and a grunt.
“And what did you mean, “fairly good rider”? I ride better than most of the men here.”
The corner of his mouth lifted once again, though he still did not reply. She turned back toward the lake with a huff.
“I’d like to see you do better,” she grouched.
He mumbled something back at her that she could not quite hear, but just then she spotted, buy the edge of the lake, a shaggy-haired man in the midst of a crowd of smallfolk and nobles alike. He was juggling no fewer than six torches. She squealed in excitement and doubled her pace, a surprised grunt coming from Stannis as she dragged him along behind her.
“Look, Stannis!” Y/n said excitedly, pointing to the man with his shaggy blonde hair as he spit gouts of flame into the sky. The crowd gathered around him gasped and applauded accordingly.
“Look!” She said, laughing as she did so. She caught hold of his arm in her excitement. He did not think she had noticed. It was inappropriate for her to hold on to him in such a way, yet he could not convince himself to tell her so.
I’m looking.
Her eyes shone brighter than stars as she gazed at the flames, wide open and filled with all the wonder in the world, it seemed to him. She was laughing as she watched, and the dimples in her cheeks were on full display as the flickering firelight plated her hair in copper. Even the four pale scars on her cheeks seemed to gleam in the light. Sunlight and firelight seemed to meld together in that moment as they touched her.
He didn’t see a single second of the performance, however.
“I’d love to be a firedancer,” she said suddenly, wistful. He snorted.
“You’d love to be anything other than what you are,” he said, looking away quickly so she wouldn’t catch him staring. It hurt to look at her sometimes. Robert, with all his conquests and his bastard daughter and everything, had never once mentioned to him how much it hurt to love someone. It made him wonder whether his older brother had ever truly loved anything. It made him wonder how long it had been since he had allowed himself to think he loved her.
“A knight, a pirate,” he counted on his fingers, “An outlaw, a firedancer- “
He felt her frown at him.
“Well,” she cut him off, sounding slightly hurt. “It’s boring being me. I’d rather be someone else. I’d rather go on adventures, and see the world, and be anywhere else...”
And just like that she’d flown away again, and he wished he hadn’t said anything. The fire reflected in her grey eyes was showing her far off places and people. Dragons too, probably, if he had to guess.
“Ashara,” Elia’s voice was soft from beneath the tent. “Where is Y/n? I want to hear what she thought of the lists.”
“She is probably running around the fair, your grace. You know she can never sit still. By now she has found a boat to take her to the Isle of Faces.”
“Send someone to fetch her for me, if you would. Lunch is almost ready.”
The words were out of Arthur’s mouth before he could stop them.
“I will go, your grace,” he said. Elia shared a look with Ashara.
“It is hardly fitting for a knight of the kingsguard to chase after a girl, Arthur- “, Ashara started doubtfully.
“You know the lady Stark, sister,” he said, a practised grin in place. “If you send an errand boy she will ignore the summons in favour of some mummer’s show and claim she had not heard.”
It would be just like her. She was probably running around through the smallfolk right at this second, with no intention of returning to the pavilion.
Elia seemed to consider, but she smiled after a moment.
“You are right, of course,” she allowed. “But be quick about it. I doubt my lord husband will agree with me giving you menial tasks.”
He bowed before walking off.
She would be watching where the crowds were worst, he knew. Somewhere where the excitement was thick enough to touch.
Indeed, he spotted her watching a firedancer next to the shore of the lake. The man was sending spouts of flame into the air, making the crowd exclaim in amazement. From here, he could see her excitement.
His mood soured, however, when he saw who she was with.
Stannis Baratheon was about equal to Arthur in height, which meant he was shorter than his older brother. He was more slight than Robert as well, though he still had the broad shoulders of all Baratheons. He had a stern face, a mouth that was too thin and hard, dark brows that shadowed dark blue eyes and slightly hollow cheeks. They were friends, Arthur knew. He had heard frequent reports from her own lips of letters sent and visits planned. He had never met the young lord, and he had always thought that it was for the better.
She was holding on to his arm as she laughed. Arthur had tied the ribbon she’d given him around his wrist, and the hair it had held up this morning still spilled about her shoulders in waves that shone brighter than the lake surface behind her. Stannis seemed to be looking at her with far too much familiarity for Arthur’s comfort.
Yet, instead of anger, there was a hollowness in his chest as he watched them.
It should be my arm she is holding on to.
He would never be able to stand next to her at tourneys, or hold her hand as she walked. Never lean toward her and comment something only she could hear. Stannis did, and she spared him a roll of her eyes before turning back to the performance.
The hollow in his chest opened wider, and it hurt. All I can give her is whispered promises and dreams.
She turned and smiled at Stannis again, and the hollow in his chest opened even further. He had never seen her grin like that. He knew all her smiles, taunting, confident, sheepish, genuine, even the soft one she reserved just for him. It seemed he was not the only man with a secret smile.
He’d seen enough and strode forward swiftly to put an end to that grin.
“Lady Stark!” A shout cut through her daydreams. She swung around, searching the crowd until she spotted him, his violet eyes shining above a white doublet and cloak.
“Ser Arthur,” she said, smiling as he walked up to her.
“My lady,” he said, bowing respectfully. Some of the gathered people had turned to look at him, and there were whispers going around the crowd.
Let them whisper, she thought fiercely, he’s mine.
From next to her, Stannis cleared his throat. She started. For a second, she’d forgotten he was there, which made a wave of guilt crash over her.
“Ser Arthur, this is Lord Stannis, of House Baratheon,” she said quickly. “Stannis, this is ser Arthur Dayne of Starfall.”
Stannis nodded curtly to him.
“A pleasure, my lord,” Arthur said, and bowed to him, ever the gentleman. The two men were of equal height, though Arthur was obviously the older. Stannis was broader than Arthur, who had a swordsman’s physique.
“Stannis told me earlier that he thought you rode splendidly today, ser,” she said, trying to make up for her friend’s lack of courtesy. Stannis frowned at her, and she saw his jaw working at the lie. She’d make it up to him.
“High praise, my lord,” Arthur said, “I doubt I would have ridden half so well had your fair companion not granted me her favour.” He locked eyes with her then, and she blushed red under his gaze.
“I confess I did not see your name on the lists, my lord,” he said then, turning back to Stannis and sparing her further embarrassment.
“I do not compete in tourneys, ser,” Stannis said, and she could have gotten frostbite from the ice in his voice. “I don’t believe it worthwhile to prance around in front of the court like some.”
His tone left no question as to who “some” was.
“Understandable, of course,” Arthur said, some of the warmth leeching from his voice as well. She frowned.
“My lady,” Arthur then said, turning from Stannis entirely, “Princess Elia requests that you join her for refreshments in her pavilion. She would like to hear your opinions on the lists.”
She cast a quick glance at Stannis, unwilling to leave him. But a royal summons was a hard thing to refuse.
He gave her a small nod.
“Of course, ser,” she said. She reached out and took Stannis’s hand, intent on saying goodbye, but to her surprise, he lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed them quickly. He dropped her hand and walked off without another word, shoulders hard enough to smith a blade on.
She took Arthur’s offered arm, frowning.
“He is- “
“A friend,” she said quickly, not liking the mocking smile in Arthur’s voice. “My dearest friend.”
Who knew me even when you did not.
The knowledge sat heavy in her chest as they walked to the edge of the lake. She glanced back, trying to see if she could find him, but he’d vanished into the crowds.
“Yes, well,” he said, somewhat stiffly, “A friend I could still knock in the dirt.”
She laughed at that.
“Look at my little peacock,” she said, smiling up at him, “Strutting about with his chest out.”
Arthur scowled at her.
“But you did ride exceedingly well,” she said quickly, deciding she’d humbled him enough for the day. He was more handsome when he was confident.
“Thanks to you,” he said.
She laughed again.
“A ribbon was not what allowed you to win, Arthur.”
She suddenly realised that she was walking across the tourney grounds with him. Her eyes narrowed.
“Since when are kingsguard knights used as errand boys?” She asked, lifting an eyebrow.
“Since the errand boy gets to walk around the fair with you, and the knight must stay by the king,” he replied with a dazzling smile.
They came up to Elia and Rheagar’s pavilion, and she had to let go of his arm. He cast her a wistful glance, then smiled and took up his post at the entrance.
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appropriatelystupid · 3 years
So obviously there’s Supercorp in medieval times AUs
(trust and believe I’ve read and loved every single one they never get old)
But what about a Supercorp at Medieval Times AU…
Lena, is the reigning Queen:
She started working there in high school because she needed an excuse to get out of the house and because she knew Lillian would frown upon such an establishment
(She stayed because the joy of the kids that come through is just too sweet a high)
Lena started as a serving girl, entry level and easy enough, but quickly set her eyes on the prize: The Throne
The Queen at the time, an undeniably irritating woman, Siobhan, makes it almost too easy for Lena to usurp her
Siobhan has multiple reviews from guests for her lackluster performance, as well as numerous complaints from coworkers for being a menace to work with
In the end, Siobhan all but hands Lena everything she needs
Siobhan is late for the start of the dinner show, on a busy Friday
Lena isn’t the one to find her, but, if pressed, she’ll admit to making sure the manager was
The show needs to get started but they absolutely will be having a conversation later about the fact that she was just caught fucking one of the squires in her changing room
(It does not go her way)
Suddenly the Throne is open and there’s another show tomorrow and the manager is scrambling because how will we find a queen in less than a day
And so Lena makes her move; stops by the manager’s office and offers to cover the role until they can find someone permanent; she knows the show from watching it everyday and, best of all, she already fits the current wardrobe
And so her reign begins
Kara, is determined to be a Knight:
She starts about a month after Lena becomes Queen
Her best friend, Winn, a jester who does a pre-show act as people are being seated, gets her an interview to be a stable hand
A lifetime of riding horses makes her more than qualified
Kara is feeding one of the horses the first time she sees Lena, already dressed for the dinner show
(She almost loses a finger in her distraction)
They don’t get a chance to talk for a few days, as far as Kara can tell Lena is pretty aloof and unsociable
It’s two days later when Kara finds Lena grooming one of the horses after a show and she finds out that it’s just been a bad week for Lena
In addition to some personal family stuff, the knights in the show have all, at one time or another, tried to ask her out and a couple really don’t know how to take “no” for an answer
After seeing her work with the horse, Kara tells her she’s always welcome in the stables with her
She wields her broom like a sword, promises to protect her from any and all unsavory knights, and finishes with a deep bow in hopes of making her crack a smile
She gets a deep belly laugh, head thrown back and cheeks dusted pink, and a smile that almost blinds her instead
She feels her heart trip over itself in her chest and knows she must become a knight so she can at least pretend to fight for the love of this incredible woman
A few months into working there, Lena catches her practicing with a sword between shows
A few too many call outs meant someone was needed to polish the gear and Kara got distracted™️
Lena just picks up a sword of her own, with an elaborate flourish, and they spend half of their lunch break having a duel
Both are very impressed by the others swordsmanship and also very turned on by the whole thing
They both keep that bit to themselves
Lena starts plotting her next show shake up
A few months later, there’s drama™️ in the arena during the knights practice jousts, which is to say, Morgan is in a huff because Lena turned him down, again, and Maxwell can’t help but taunt him by bragging that she’ll “totally say yes" to him when he asks again
Mike and James try to calm them both down but Morgan’s horse gets spooked and throws him off
He doesn’t break anything but the way he’s whimpering you’d think he did; either way he can’t perform that night
Before the manager can start to panic, Lena suggests Kara take Morgan’s spot for the night
He’s hesitant about putting a female in the role but his options are limited with their back up on vacation
Kara is shocked that Lena suggests her but quickly jumps to her own defense
It’s already known she’s great on a horse, and her time working with them (and in the gym) mean that Morgan’s gear will work well enough for her to be comfortable and still in control
It’s too close to the doors opening for anything else so Kara dons the armor (and if she can’t stop smiling well then that’s just too bad for everyone else because she’s ecstatic)
As they gather to determine the winner for that night’s show, Lena looks almost as excited for her as Kara is
The Queen and her four Knights gather around and Lena blindly draws a beanbag from the dark box in front of them: Red will be winning tonight
She replaces the bag and mixes them up a bit before the knights all draw their own
Kara draws blue; Lena thinks it’s fitting for her first show, considering how bright her blue eyes are shining in excitement, even if it means she’ll be coming in second that night
Mike gets red and all Lena can think is at least it’s not Maxwell again
The show goes better than most have in weeks
Kara’s joy is palpable and the Blue section is, at times, deafening
Even though she comes in second, when Kara removes her helmet and reveals herself to the crowd, the entire arena erupts
Lena, from her place on the throne, can see little kids all over the crowd in awe of her
(Shortly after Lena had become Queen, she had suggested adding a sort of meet and greet after the shows, a chance for the younger kids to meet their heroes of the night
As is her own custom, Lena is with the winning Knight, seeing as they had just fought for her hand, after all)
Most nights the knights are greeted by kids from their own section, but tonight, from where Lena is standing with Mike, she can see kids in crowns from all the sections eager to meet Kara
Kara, absolutely cannot stop beaming and is told more than a few times that she needs to make her interactions quicker
(She does not go quicker)
When she finally does get through all the guests waiting for her, the manager offers Kara the role permanently
Morgan had quit when he heard Kara was replacing him and there’s no denying the popularity of her as a knight
It feels like an eternity (it’s been two weeks) before Kara finally draws the winning color for the night: Green
She thinks it’s fitting, just like Lena’s eyes as it were
Lena, for her part tries desperately to not show how excited she is that Kara will finally be her winning Knight
The show goes exactly as it always does, everything running without a hitch, but Kara can’t help but be a nervous wreck as they get to the end
She has the flower crown in hand, she knows what comes next but she can’t help but feel jittery in her saddle
She knows she needs to trot past her section in victory
She knows she needs to ride to Lena in the Royal Box
She knows she needs to place the flowers on her head and crown her the “Queen of Love and Beauty”
She knows Lena thanks her winning Knight with a kiss on the cheek
She knows all of this but she didn’t know ya know
She finds she’s distinctly unprepared for Lena’s face to be anywhere near her face
All Kara can do as she approaches Lena is hope desperately that she doesn’t look as nervous about a kiss on the cheek as she feels
(Alex never let’s her live it down after she hears the story)
Kara stops her horse next to the Royal Box as Lena rises to greet her
She’s sure it’s a trick of the lights that showed a flash of nerves across Lena’s face as well
Kara can feel her hands shaking as she places the crown on Lena’s head; she’s shocked her horse hasn’t picked up on her nerves as well
It’s only when Lena’s lips finally make contact with her cheek, close enough to the corner of her mouth to be felt, that Kara realizes she hasn’t been breathing
Kara sees the nerves clearly now, as Lena straightens back up to finish the show, so she does the only thing she can think to do in front of a packed arena
She catches Lena’s hand off the railing that separates them and plants her lips firmly to the back of it, blue eyes locked on Lena’s own green
The smiles they send each other would outshine the sun if given the chance before Lena shakes herself out of her daze to finally actually finish the show
After the show, after greeting the guests with their hands as good as glued together, they finally get back to their shared changing room
(An unexpected blessing and curse once there were two females needing a place to change for the shows)
Lena is barely in the door before she’s very much pinned against it by her very happy and very beautiful knight
They don’t outright tell anyone about the shift between them
James is the first to realize that when Kara wins, the kisses get closer and closer to real; he catches them both after a show and gives them a quick “congrats” and a wink before heading to change
Mike doesn’t clock onto the difference for when Kara wins but when he eventually finds out they’re dating he gives them a “right on” and high fives them both
Maxwell doesn’t notice anything because he doesn’t pay attention to parts of the show that don’t involve him; they very pointedly tell him absolutely nothing about themselves
If this was a real story and not me stream-of-consciousness-ing then Nia and Brainy would work at the gift shop
Also this is how I pictured Lena for the entirety of this:
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
We're In This Together [Pico's School AU] Chapter 2 - Donut Rendezvous
Today was the day..
It was a half day, being the day before a teacher work day. They didn't have school on that Thursday. Teachers had donuts available to them in the break room every Wednesday.
Pico and Darnell have been planning this for months.
They got the whole class on their side, having started a little protest in the cafeteria. "We're tired of adults hogging the sweets to themselves!" They cried out to the other students. "This time we take the sweets for ourselves!"
They were being normal at first, all arriving when the bell rang, sitting in their seats, and listening to the lecture. Most of the students shot each other knowing glances. Pico was the leader of this rendezvous, of course. On his signal, the others would move.
Ten minutes into class now, Bee was curious about the restlessness of the other students, looking around himself, having made eye contact with a few. Right, he's new. Pico had a grand idea. He'd lead in the front with him, like his queen of the army or something. He snickered at the thought, looking down at his blank paper. Right, perfect move. He and Darnell looked to each other, then nodded.
It felt quiet. Too quiet. The seconds ticked by loudly from the clock above them. Usually the teacher that buys the donuts would buy two boxes, which should be enough for two classes to feed each student one time.
Oh, right, the other class was in on it too. This would be big.
Pico stood up from his seat, slowly, as to not alarm the other students. Mrs. Fee's back was turned to the children, the woman mindlessly explaining some math equation and writing on the chalk board. He walked over to Bee, gently grabbing his hand. "Bee-" He almost started, but Pico covered his mouth, as to not alert Mrs. Fee as well. "Follow me.." He whispered. Bee nodded and stood quietly as well. The two shimmied from between the desks, and Pico held up one finger.
The cacophony of screeching desks an chairs startled the woman up front, and many children began to yell at the top of their lungs, mostly those also known for causing trouble. A thunderous rumble of feet crossed the floor, and Pico raced for the classroom door, Bee just barely able to keep up with him. He threw the wooden slab open, and bolted out of the classroom, not looking back, but he could hear the monstrous amount of kids following him.
"Beep!! Beep bop!!" Bee cried over the noise, then heard the door next to theirs slam open. The second class took the message, and now raced after the other. Pico could hear Darnell's laughter over the noise as the group of students scattered around down the hall. It was a straight shot to the break room, right down the hall. Their school had no security, all they had to worry about were the teachers.
"What are you kids doing?!" The voice of one of the teachers rang out, muffled by the sound of stomping feet and ecstatic screams. "Scatter!!" Pico yelled out. Some of the taller kids blocked view of Pico, Darnell, and Bee, entering the room in which the donuts resided. Bee stood off to the side, hiding behind the wall as Darnell closed the door behind them. "B-Beep?? Brappity-"
"Yeah, you weren't here for instructions. You see, me and Darnell been planning this for a long time." Pico began to explain it to the shorty, quickly grabbing one of the boxes. Still warm. Nice. "Darnell grab a bag." Darnell saluted and went to look for a plastic bag. They would snag a little under half the donuts exclusively for themselves, being Darnell, Pico, Nene, Gigi, by Nene's begging, and Bee, because Pico said so.
"Bep bop.." Bee breathed out. Pico could damn there hear his heart thumping in his ears. It wasn't over yet. "Darnell, assess the situation." Pico then ordered. Darnell poked his head out the door. "No teachers in sight, sir." He responded. "Good, let's book it." Pico grinned maniacally, Darnell holding the door open for him and Bee.
"Boop bepoo?" Bee pointed at himself, and Pico raised a brow. Their next stop was their secret spot, but they had to go past the main office to get outside, since the doors were chained during the day. "Why did I grab you? Well, cause you would have been left alone in there with Cassandra." Pico gagged as he said her name. the goths wanted no part in it. He didn't care, more donuts for everyone else. "Now come on, there shouldn't be anyone in the office right now." He led the two past the glass room, which as he stated, was devoid of any staff. They most likely went to deal with the kids, which the screams still echoed faintly down the halls.
They scampered past the view of some cameras, then accessed the side door. The empty area behind some trees across the walkway was visible. They were in the home stretch. "Hey, Darnell, carry one of these will ya? My arms are dying." Pico huffed softly, and Darnell snurked. "Whatever you say, sissy." He teased. "Hey, I'm the leader of this whole operation. I ain't no sissy." The ginger shot back, making Bee giggle lightly.
They made it without error to the hiding spot in the trees. Bee fumbled with his hands awkwardly, staring at the bag of donuts Darnell held. Pico laughed a little, setting one of the boxes on top of the other on a tree stump. "Wait just a second there Bee." He walked over, elbowing the smaller's shoulder, who winced a little, but rubbed it with a goofy smile. "Those are the special donuts. We're gonna go heat them up in the lounge." Bee made a face. "During lunch dummy."
"There's a part two to this plan??" Darnell quickly asked. Pico shook his head. "I just know how to get in and out. Me and the janitor are on good terms. I'm close to him letting me into his closet." He nudged the brown boy's arm, and they made their way back into the building.
"Now, I don't know what's gotten into you kids, but this behavior is unacceptable."
Mrs. Fee had decided to give the kids a lecture after they all returned to their respective classrooms. "The only one who didn't leave was Cassandra, which means the rest of you get workbook homework for the rest of the week." Darnell groaned, but Pico had a shit eating grin on his face, his cheeks flushed in triumph. "Fucking worth it." He muttered, holding his fist out to Darnell. "Yeah, I guess." He responded with quiet laughter, returning the fist bump. the other kids probably thought it was worth it. Hell, Pico controlled the distribution of the donuts. They better think it's worth it or they ain't gettin' shit.
Pico looked over to Bee, who was smiling and kicking his legs a little, fiddling with his pencil. That whole ordeal must have filled him with quite the adrenaline. "Stick with me, and you'll be on top of the food chain dude." He had told him when they were coming back in. Bee didn't seem opposed to the idea, but he still didn't wanna scare him off. They did things like this pretty often. Having the parents Darnell had, usually others had to get involved so just those two, or three, including Nene, wouldn't get in trouble.
After the end of first period, Pico waited for Bee by the door, of course being teased by Nene and Darnell as they left. Bee stumbled a bit as he threw his big bag on his shoulders, walking over to Pico with a big smile on his face. "You like that chaos, huh?" He asked the boy, returning the grin. "Beep boop!" He responded, bouncing on his toes a bit, and they left the room.
"That's just how it is in this school. Of course I'm the instigator, got kind of a reputation. I make my father proud." Pico laughed a little. His ego was inflated as hell considering the dads he has. Well, dad. Steve didn't like to entertain the chaotic nature those two shared. Said he didn't like to lose sleep while those two jousted with frying pans at two AM.
"Bep bop.. Skdoo beep.." Bee muttered softly, a bit of a bitter tone to his voice. "What, your dad doesn't like that kind of mess?" Bee shook his head in response. Must be on closer terms with his mom huh? Yeah, he's lucky he had a dad who didn't suck ass. "Well when lunch rolls around, you can have your donuts, okay?" Pico reminded him to reassure him. He didn't wanna see the sad look on the kid's face. He was too bright to be frowning like that. "We could work on that homework together too, if it'll make you feel better." He then offered him. There it is, that bright smile.
Man this kid was just so precious..
History was mostly uneventful, save for Bee falling asleep in the middle of writing a sentence. He must have crashed from all the excitement. It was so abrupt that his face banged against the desk, and his head shot back up as he let out a yelp. Pico snurked from beside him, and heard some others begin to laugh as well.
Once the class had ended, Pico made sure he and Boyfriend were the first ones out, so they could run and grab the donuts. Thankfully the boxes were still there, untouched. "Come to papa." Pico rubbed his hands together, and lifted the boxes. he hoped all the glaze didn't melt off, it's hot out here.
They made their way back into the school, walking in through the side door to the cafeteria, where all the students waited eagerly for their treats. Darnell, Nene, and Gigi caught up to them when they saw them enter. "Wow, you actually managed to pull it off. I'm impressed." Gigi commented lightly as they set up the boxes on the end of one of the lunch tables. Pico cleared his throat, his cheeks reddening as he put a hand on his chest. "Well, they don't call me Pico "danger" Neil-Griffiths for no reason."
"literally no one calls you that." Nene snorted. Bee held back a laugh, turning his head away, while Darnell just openly cackled. "Whatever, I like my name." Pico scoffed in response, then opened one of the boxes. He was right to be worried. It's a mess in there. "You sure they'll want these?" Nene asked him, doubt in her voice. Pico waved his hand dismissively. "They're idiot kids, they'll take anything with sugar in it." Bee reached for it, but Pico smacked his hand away. "We get the nice donuts. Darnell?" Said boy held up the large plastic bag of almost half a box of donuts. "You sneaky.." Gigi mumbled, sweating nervously. "That's capitalism for you. Now take the best looking ones outta here, and we'll let them have the rest- quit your yappin', you'll get your turn!" Pico glared at some kids that had gathered around the table, and allowed his buddies to grab whatever ones they wanted. He had a mind to sock one of these greedy children in the face.
He often forgets he's a child himself, but he doesn't associate with these gremlins.
Once each of them were satisfied with what they got, the group began to move to leave out of the cafeteria. Pico stayed behind to whistle, signaling to the others to come get their donuts. And like a pack of starving dogs, the children rushed over, once again, save for the goth kids, who glared at Pico knowingly. the ginger only flipped the bird at them, and ran off with the others.
"What are you guys doing for the half day?" He heard Gigi talking to the others. She and Bee were walking pretty closely. Pico stayed back a bit, narrowing his eyes at the little pit in his stomach. He felt nauseous, or something. He didn't know, but he didn't like it. He didn't linger on it for too long though, noticing Bee glance behind him. "Bep!" He slipped between Nene and Darnell, who looked to see where he was going. They cooed when they saw Bee grab Pico's hand, which made the taller flush exponentially. Geez this guy could pull. He must have been an annoying toddler.
"C'mon man, how are we gettin' in?" Darnell then asked as Pico was brought to the front. Pico laughed to hide how flustered he was, then cleared his throat. Literally everyone, except for Bee, weren't buying it. Oh whatever, he didn't need to convince everybody. "Simple, just walk in." Pico walked over and opened the door. "We're on schedule, so the teachers should be on their way in a little bit. Hurry and throw that in there." The others filed inside, looking around and snooping through drawers. "Nice. Sharp scissors." Nene pulled a pair of scissors out of the metal cabinet, and Bee flopped onto the couch, letting out a content, "Beeeeeeep.." Gigi laughed and sat beside him, causing his face to go red.
Pico forced himself to look away, as to not seem weird.
As everyone wouldn't shut the hell up about, school ended early. Pico was so ready to leave, he even had a couple spare donuts. He stashed them away in his backpack for safe keeping. "Geez P, how do you understand Bee so well so fast?" Darnell had asked them, the group hanging out in the front of the school. "I dunno, it's like.. telepathic." Pico looked to the blue headed boy in question, who was mindlessly tapping away on his phone a a bit away from them. "Bee, you're sitting in the middle of the staircase, someone can trip over you." Pico pulled him closer, just barely missing some kid who wanted to launch himself off the top stair. Dumbass..
"Bop.." Bee mumbled softly, turning his body to face Pico, then continued what he was doing. Gigi and Nene talked with each other some bit away. He didn't care to listen in, they were probably chatting about girl stuff.
"Hey, who the hell rides a limo?" Darnell grumbled in question, and Gigi's head shot up. The horn from said vehicle honked loudly, and some people stared at it. "God, that's so embarrassing.." Gigi covered her face. "That's mine.."
The group had shouted simultaneously, and the red head girl giggled. "What are you, rich??" Darnell questioned her, and she made a nervous sound. "I'll explain some other time. See you guys!" She gripped her backpack and ran off, the group watching as the door opened for her, and she hopped in. It left just as quickly as it came. "Huh.." Darnel murmured thoughtfully. "New objective. Find out if Gigi is rich." Pico joked lightly, and Nene scoffed.
"Knock it off. You've done enough today." She went and sat with the three. "Hey Bee, you wanna hang out with us today? We always stop at this playground on the way home." Pico then offered. Bee hummed in thought, but paused when he noticed Pico give him the puppy eyes. He giggled, then held up his phone. "Bee bo bop." He responded. "Is that.. a yes?" Nene questioned. "He'll text his mom." Pico answered for her, standing up from his spot. "Wizard." Darnell mumbled, and followed suit.
Thankfully Bee was able to go. Pico thought he would have to rant to his dad about mean parents.
Pico wanted to do everything and absolutely nothing all at once.
He sat in his favorite spot near the slide, Bee sitting beside him. "Behp beppo." He muttered nervously, and Pico scoffed. "We steal the playground every day, those kids should know better by now." He huffed.  Bee went quiet after a moment, and Pico looked up to him staring at him. His cheeks flushed red. "Uh.. What?" He then asked. The boy only responded quietly with "Hm?" as if he were spacing out. Pico clicked his tongue and looked away again. "Hey, you got your mic, right?" He then asked. Bee popped out of his trance almost immediately, and nodded excitedly. He reached into his back pocket and pulled it out. "Bee-dep?" He then asked the other, and he nodded, a light smile on his face.
Bee seemed ecstatic to sing for him again, and so he did, gaining Nene and Darnell's attention as well over some time. Just like at P.E, they listened to him sing for quite some time. It was calming, Pico would argue he enjoyed it the most.
"You know, you should hang at my place sometime. I got games and stuff." Pico offered, about an hour after Bee's little jam session. "Beep?" He turned to look at him. leaning against the bars of the playground structure. "I mean, I live with Darnell when my dads go off in the army. Oh, you get to meet my dads sometime! They're cool. I'll be completely honest, one of them will tease you for speaking in bee-bops." He then snickered lightly at the thought.
"Baps?" Bee tilted his head, holding up a two with his fingers. "Yeah, technically, I call them both dad. They're real close, but they're not married or in a relationship or anything." Pico then hummed softly. Sure they also sleep in the same bed when they're at home, but that's just because it's more comfortable than bunkers out where they are.
Bee hummed in thought, then nodded. Cool. It's a date.
Yes, he meant to think that.
It's a date.
Pico's mind swirled with thoughts of what he could do when they met up again. He pulled one of the donuts out of his back pack. It was a little mushed, but still good. He ate at it slowly, wanting to savor the taste. He could eat cold donuts, they were fine. He caught Bee staring at him again, then raised a brow. "What? What's up?" He then asked, his voice muffled with food. Bee's cheeks flushed, and he pointed at the donut. "Oh.. I can give you a piece." Pico looked down and tore off a piece of the treat, handing it to Bee, who took it thankfully. He popped the entire piece in his mouth, a happy "mmmmffff" emitting from his throat. Pico laughed a little. "You like donuts, huh?" He teased him, and Bee curled up a bit, still chewing away happily so he could get every little bit.
Pico spent the rest of that afternoon with the three. Darnell and Nene definitely understood Bee a little bit more after today.
Even if it is just a little bit.
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the-jade-cross · 3 years
Knight of the Forest - Chapter III
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“It’s not fair!” Margaery screeched, throwing her arms up in a tantrum as she stomped her foot angrily, ignoring Garlan who was trying desperately to calm his sister down but couldn’t get close due to not wanting to be swatted by her flailing arms. “I hate father! I HATE HIM!”
Willas sighed from where he was confined to the seat. After being crippled from the waist down a few years prior at a joust, he was unable to move from room to room without the assistance of Garlan or even teenage Loras who would assist him by use of his wheeled chair.
“Margaery, calm down,” he said firmly.
Margaery slapped Garlan’s soothing hands away from her and flipped her hair out of her face angrily, “Five years ago father sent Maya away because “her powers were attracting unwanted attention” and now he is sending Lillia away!”
“It was not entirely father’s doing,” Willas pointed out. “Lady Arryn was the one who finalized the decision to send Lillia to Kings Landing.”
“But Father was the one who ratted to Lady Arryn!” Margaery pouted, spitting as she yelled angrily. “He told her that Lillia wasn’t a “perfect lady” and you can rely on Lady Arryn to imagine since her imagination is so broad! Sure, Lillia is not the fine lady who walks around in gowns all day long, talking about stitching and husbands! Sure, she is better at hand-to-hand battle axe combat than any of our knights and sure she is not the best at sewing but that does not give father the right to talk trash about her and then suggest that she leave for Kings Landing!”
“You know she has a point,” Garlan pointed out to his brother. “Father does have a habit of feeding the lambs to the lions. But at least Lillia will have Evelyn there. She just recently moved there with Sansa and Arya when she was wed to Jaime Lannister.”
“I still cannot believe that her father agreed to that marriage,” Margaery huffed. “But that is beside the point and nevertheless, Evelyn left Kings Landing. Didn’t you hear?”
Both brothers frowned and shook their heads. “After Ned Stark was killed by Joffrey, Arya ran away and shortly afterwards, Evelyn disappeared. No one knows if she is dead or if she managed to escape the clutches of Cersei Lannister. Sansa is still stuck there poor thing.”
“Well then at least Lillia will have Sansa even if she was better friends with Evelyn.” Garlan soothed.
“Hey… as anyone seen Loras?” Willas inquired.
When Lillia finally located Loras, she wasn’t sure what she was going to say to him. She had been living with the Tyrell family for almost six years now and needless to say, her little crush on the youngest Tyrell had grown into something that Lillia knew was more than a crush… possibly even more than love. However, the only inclination that Loras gave her was that she was a friend in his eyes. Not once had he ever shown an interest in her other than his sword partner and playmate.
That was just how teenagers were right? The girls were the ones to fall in love with the one guy who was completely oblivious and thought nothing of her other than a friend. This was what was running through Lillia’s head as she gently knocked on Loras’s bedroom door.
When she got no answer, she assumed he must be asleep and hoping to possibly leave a note on his bed before leaving, she cracked the door open. That was when she realized her mistake. Loras was not asleep but rather sitting up on the edge of his bed, his front to her but his body bent so far in half that she couldn’t see his expression. His knees were pulled up, arms crossed over the caps of his knees and his head pressed into his arms.
“Loras?” Lillia whispered, watching as light from the hallway flooded the pitch-dark bedroom.
The boy’s head snapped up, obviously not having realized her presence or possibly even her previous knocking. Lillia took a full step back in shock at the expression on Loras’s face. His usually rosy freckled cheeks were stained with red lines from hot tears, his bright golden eyes were puffy from extensive crying. His unmistakably slender lips were puffy and trembling as more tears continued to flood his eyes but now, he was more shocked and embarrassed at the predicament that Lillia found him in to continue crying.
“I’m sorry…” the girl stammered, realizing that she had just invaded his privacy.
She stepped back through the door and moved to close it when she muttered to herself. “I am disgusting.”
Of all times to be thoughtless and barge into Loras’s bedroom was when he really needed privacy. Not only had she invaded his private den but also embarrassed him by finding him in that state.
As she closed the door behind her, she missed the confused and evidently hurt look on Loras’s face… unaware that only the last part of her muttering had reached Loras’s ears, making it sound like she had said: “Disgusting”.
Flashback End
"And Loras did not say goodbye?" Tommen asked.
Lillia shook her head, "For the past 3 years I have been corresponding with Margaery, Willas and Garlan but Loras has never answered a single one of my letters. I do not know what happened but... by leaving, I broke whatever it was that we had."
The young boy nodded, resting his plump chin in his hands as he thoughtfully stared out of the bedroom that Lillia had occupied for almost three years. "Maybe he was sad that you were leaving and thinks that it would be better to forget you. I mean, if I was really close with someone and the chances of me seeing them again were near to none, I would try to distance myself not only to protect my feelings but theirs."
"But that's the thing," Lillia sighed. "If he is trying to protect my feelings, he is doing splendidly because my feelings cannot get any more hurt."
Tommen smiled sadly at the girl who had become like a second sister to him since Myrcella had left for Dorne. "Well, since my uncle Stannis has died... and Margaery is coming to marry Joffrey... who knows, perhaps you can see him again."
Lillia nodded, "If the rumors about him aren't true..."
"What rumors?" the boy inquired.
"That he prefers men."
“Ser Jaime!” Lillia called as she rushed into the blacksmith shop just outside the manor. “Bron said you wanted to see me.”
Jaime lifted his head from where he had been bent over the blacksmith table, trying to draw something with his left hand. He smiled at the girl before holding up what he had sketched ot the blacksmith.
“Do you think you could make that?” he asked the burly man, “out of this?”
Jaime placed a small block of metal on the table and both Lillia and the blacksmith gawked in shock.
“Valerian!?” the blacksmith gawked, “Where did you come by that Ser?”
“My father gifted me a valerian sword and the remaining metal from it,” Jaime explained before looking at Lillia.
“I need to talk to you about something,” the man whispered to her, “Come with me.”
Lillia followed the man into the back of the blacksmith shop before he began to pace back and forth.
“This will probably sound absolutely ridiculous to you but…” Jaime started, stroking his shaven face thoughtfully, “How do I put this?”
Lillia chuckled, “Ser Jaime, my childhood best friend can manipulate water and the boy I love since forever is actually into men so… very little sounds strange to me,” she assured him.
Jaime sighed, thinking over the best way to explain himself to Lillia, “Do you ever… have an instance where you see something that is so real, you think it could be real but its…” he started, only for Lillia to finish.
“Just a dream?” Lilli asked. Yeah, totally crazy in the eyes of someone who receives visions of three girls in the bodies of fire, water and wind. Totally crazy.
“Not dreams but…. Glimpses… visions,” Jaime replied, stopping his pacing, “I saw a vision of a golden dragon… small… but I felt like I knew it somehow and right aver the vision cleared, this picture… this idea kept appearing in my mind like a memory aching to be set free… to be remembered. The picture made no sense to me but I could do nothing but see to it that whatever the picture represented… saw the light.”
Lillia raised her eyebrows and had to blow a puff of air to get rid of a blond curl that had fell in her eyes. “Why did you tell me all of this Ser Jaime? Where did you get the idea that this was connected to me…. and how do you know I wont speak of this to others and then you’ll look like a psycho?”
Jaime strode over to the petite girl and grasped her shoulders, “Because when that picture appeared in my head… your face kept flashing before my eyes…. As if it were you telling me to do this.”
This definitely intrigued the girl who tilted her head to the side inquisitively, “What was the picture you saw Ser Jaime if you do not mind my asking?”
Jaime sighed, “A necklace… but… it was almost more of a second skin than a necklace… almost engraved into the skin, it was so delicate and intricate… and yet so deadly and simple. A twisting vine, wrapped around your neck with leaves of metal fanning out from the vine, standing against your skin… and… for a moment it almost looked like the leaves were real.”
Lillia frowned, “Why do you say that?”
“Because I could have sworn I saw the leaves move,” Jaime whispered.
The girl’s eyes widened and her face almost paled as a confused look crossed her round, rosy face.
“That is impossible…” she muttered. “Only land… and earth feeding life will be summoned… wait…. Ser Jaime,” She declared, breaking out of her mumbling. “Is metal a form of earth?”
Jaime furrowed his brow before he shrugged, “It is a type of stone I believe… an ore… why?”
The girl was out the door in a split second before the man could even blink, wondering what could have been so urgent as to require the girl’s hasty departure. Meanwhile, Lillia came sprinting into her room, checking under the bed, in the closet and even behind the curtains to make sure she was alone before locking her bedroom door. Rushing to the flower pots she had placed on her bedroom balcony with special plants for specific reasons, she plucked twenty petals each from the lotus, copal, anemone and rosemary. Plants before rushing back into her room, closing the balcony door as she went. Now completely alone, Lillia carefully sprinkled the petals on the floor in four individual sections before planting herself amongst the rosemary petals. She was just about o begin when she remembered something she had learnt the last time, the hard way. Rushing to a nearby flower pot, she scooped a few handfuls of soil before sprinkling the dirt amongst the rosemary. Dusting off her hands and looking at her preparations with satisfaction, she stood back over the rosemary and shut her eyes, breathing in deeply. She tried to picture it… the petals floating into the air of their own accord… moving with purpose… slowly she cracked her eyes open and she saw that it was happening. The petals were suspended in the air! First the First the copal petals burst into flames and the unmistakable tall but slender figure with short hair and glowing red eyes appeared. Next the lotus petals began to drip water like a perspiring brow in the heat of summer before a second figure came to light, the features made clear by the texture of the water’s shape, depicting long ringlets and a love face shrouded by a mask. Last but not least, the anemone petals began to spiral out of control, blowing around in a circle like a torpedo ripping through the land before it burst into an array of air and petals and what was left was a petite, short haired, calm faced girl made of air. Lillia grinned.
“You all made it!” She chirped.
“You caught me at a good time,” The water figure of Maya stated, “I was bored out of my mind!”
Lillia smirked before looking at Evelyn’s fiery burning, stoic figure, “Eve, if I have to lie about you to Ser Jaime one more time, I may have to renounce my elemental claim on this joining.”
Evelyn shook her head, “He cannot know Lils. Especially when I am under the training of Brisingr.”
“How is that going?” Nanteza’s airy figure inquired. “I have to watch my cousins cracking whips at dead men’s heads all day long.”
“It is well,” Evelyn replied calmly.
“He is harsh, firm but a good teacher and if I want to tap into the deep fire within me, I need to understand which elements represent what parts of me.”
“You’re lucky,” maya sighed. “You get to go on adventures while I am locked up here like a wild circus beast, having to hide behind chainmail and masks to keep people away from me.”
“I told you,” Lillia pointed out. “I can come visit.”
“Like hell!” Nanteza cried, interrupting Evelyn and Maya who were about to say the same. “That is no place for your Arryn.”
Lillia stuck out her lip in a pout before she remembered why she had summoned the pinnacle of life in the first place.
“Listen… do any of you remember that prophecy we saw… next to the one about us?”
“Oh the one on bonds?” Maya inquired. “Yeah… erm… four souls shall bind their hearts and minds to those of their beloved but the bond shared shall not be with their mate of the soul but with their spirit’s kindred.”
“Did any of us even figure out what that meant?” Nanteza inquired.
“yes,” Evelyn answered. “It is about our soulmates… for me it is Jaime… stating how our minds, souls and hearts will be bound with our soulmate but the “bond” will be shared with our spirit’s kindred… kindred spirits… like best friends.”
“So… like our soulmates will have a best friend in one of us?” Maya asked. “Why did you ask Lillia?”
Lillia shrugged, “Just that… Ser Jaime told me today of a vision he had of a gold dragon… and after the vision, he had this thought … or feeling to have something made from valerian steel and said that I was a part of the picture he saw…”
“Then you must be Jaime’s spirit’s kindred,’ Maya pointed out, “I wouldn’t be surprised if that makes Loras your soulmate considering that he and I are close siblings.”
“Oh shut up!” Lillia grumbled. “besides, he’s into men.”
Nanteza, Maya and Evelyn shared a knowing look before they one by one disappeared and all that was left were. Pile of petals. Lillia looked down at the petals beneath her feet and wasn’t surprised to find that in their place were twenty little rosemary blossoms.
“Yet again. I need to figure out how to prevent that!”
Due to her dropping soil on the floor, the rosemary hadn’t taken root in the floor like last time but the soil so Lillia easily transplanted them and cleaned up the mess. A few hours later, a package appeared outside her door and when she opened the wrapping, there lay a necklace of pure valerian steel, a twisting vine with fanning leaves.
“Now… to learn how to move metal!”
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whattodowithkpop · 4 years
Winner Takes All [Chapter Three] (Jun and Donghun)
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Title: Winner Takes All
Pairing: Jun (A.C.E) x Reader x Donghun (A.C.E)
Genre: Fluff; Slight Angst
Word Count: 8.7K Words [All Chapters]
Writer: Kpopmadness & Whattodowithkpop
It had been a couple weeks since the jousting tournament had taken place. Whilst at the match, The King had invited Jun and his family to a royal feast for old times sake.
The Princess had dressed in an elegant white dress, one the flowed out around her as she walked. Her footsteps were light on the carpet as she made her way through the palace halls, heading towards the dining room to wait for the guests to arrive. As her feet carry her, her mind begins to wander, reminiscing on the times when she was younger, playing with the young Prince Jun in the palace’s courtyard.
Jun and The Princess would adventure around the shrubbery maze together, discovering new pathways and secret entrances that the gardeners used to get from one place to another for easier watering access. Jun was a bit timid, following behind her closely as she lead the way through the maze. Every little thing would make him jump, even the smallest ladybug had him gripping her arm in fear as it flew close to him. On many occasions The Princess had called him a baby, but that never stopped him from using her as a human shield.
The Princess smiles to herself as the memories play in her mind, preoccupying her, making the trip to the dinning room seem much quicker. The King and The Queen were already seated at the table, the queen busying herself into a book whilst the king created contraptions with the silverware that lay across the table. The Princess smiles fondly as she takes a seat across from her mother, sitting up straight and proper as her mother had taught her.
“You two better behave yourselves.” Her mother states in monotone as she never once glances up from her book.
The two seated next to each other look to one another with cheeky smiles, laughter already bubbling up inside of them.
“Yes ma’am.” The Princess snickers out.
The entrance of the butler is what snaps the family out of their previous doings. The Butler announces that the royal family had arrived. The Queen stands as she places her book on a table next to stairs. The King and The Princess stand alongside her, ready to greet their guests.
As the royals enter the dining hall, they are hit with a feeling of nostalgia from all the dinners they had shared together in this very room. The residents of the palace bow in greeting, the king expressing his excitement for their company.
“Welcome. Please make yourselves at home.”
The guests also bow in greeting, expressing thanks for the invitation into the lovely home.
After formalities were exchanged, the kings and queens rush towards each other to embrace the other pair. Having been distant for so long you’d think they would’ve stuck to formalities for awhile, but their bond was still as strong as ever.
The Princess looks to Jun smiling brightly, him returning the smile as he approaches her.
“It’s been awhile.” He says, gently taking her hand in his. He leads her hand to his lips, placing a respectful kiss atop it.
She giggle at him. “It has been.”
Jun’s smile widens as he releases her hand, following behind her as she leads the way to the large table that was centered in the room.
Jun takes a seat next to the princess, practicing his correct table manners as he places his napkin in his lap to catch any food that he happened to spill.
The Princess smiles at him as she watches his careful movements.
“You’ve grown so much, but you’re still quite the gentleman.” She comments as she looks into his eyes fondly.
“You’ve also grown up quite well, Princess.” Jun compliments. “Although I must say, the dagger is new.” The Princess tilts her head as she watches Jun avert his eyes, keeping them downward into his lap as his ears redden in color.
“Unfortunately, because of the reoccurrence of knights trying to court me, I had to determine a way to rid of them.” The Princess states proudly as the firsts plates are placed in front of everyone, the meal having begun.
“This way of dealing is one only you would adopt, Princess.” Jun smiles as his eyes look into hers deeply.
The Princess smiles, feeling butterflies begin to flutter in her stomach at his gaze.
The queens observe the pair from their seats, smiling knowingly at each other as they begin to eat their meal.
The dinner had went well, all the plates had been picked clean as the conversation in the dining hall continued. Jun and The Princess sat in silence as they watched their parents talk with each other, just smiling at their conversations.
“You two should go out to the courtyard.” The Queen suggests as she looks at the two young adults.
The Princess looks to Jun who was already looking to her.
“It’ll be different this time I promise.” Jun jokes, referring to his cowardice as a child.
The Princess rolls her eyes with a smile. “Let’s go.” She stands from the dinner table, Jun walking beside her as they walked the familiar hallway towards the darkened outside.
As they approached the door they could see the moonlight shining into the palace through the wall to wall glass doors.
Jun opens the door, holding it for the princess to enter as he followed behind her.
The moon was bright overhead as it shined over the courtyard. The fireflies lit up the world around them as they flew around the water fountain that was stood in the middle of the maze. As the two looked to each other, seeing the moonlight in each other’s eyes they felt an unfamiliar tingling in their chests, making them both look away in embarrassment.
“Shall we walk the maze?” The Princess suggests after she clears her throat, standing at the entrance of the maze which, when they were little, had seemed much bigger than in actuality.
The two travel through the maze, observing the small flower buds that were emerging in the spring air.
“If a ladybug scares you this time I wont protect you like when we were kids.” The princess teases when they approach the fountain, the water glistening against the moon.
“I am much braver now.” Jun brags confidently.
They stand next to the fountain, facing each other. They stare at each other a moment, smiles widening on their faces.
Due to their focus being on each other, they don’t hear the rustling from the bushes. The royal blue corgi, Byeol, had followed the pair to the fountain. She approached them, sitting many feet from them as she watches the two slowly move closer towards the other.
Just before their breathes coincide, Byeol lets out a high pitched bark
Jun gasps in shock as he falls towards the princess, grabbing her arm as he loses his balance, dragging her with him into the fountain.
Jun held himself up with his hands behind his back, sitting in the cold water. The Princess was sprawled across his lap, water drops falling from her hair. Jun shakes his head, water drops flying from his hair. “Oh my gosh, are you okay?” He asks with worry as she coughs from the cold water that had entered her throat at the initial dunk.
She looks up to Jun, looking him in the eyes as she laughs. “Jun, I’m fine.” She looks to the blue corgi who was perched on the edge of the fountain looking at the soaking pair. “You really got scared by Byeol?”
Jun blushes deeply as he looks at the panting puppy. “My defenses were down.”
The Princess tenses as she finally realizes their position, her hands on either side of his hips as she straddles his right thigh. Her own face blushes as she looks at Jun’s dark hair that was no longer styled up due to the water weighing it down over his eyes. Her heart beat quickened as she took in his features that glistening due to the water coating them.
Jun looks into her eyes, finding her staring at him. He looks down, seeing her on his thigh making him gulp nervously. Her white dress was becoming transparent because of the water, making him jerk his eyes back to her blue ones which didn’t ease his nervousness as he got lost in them.
She darts her eyes to his lips for a split second, encouraging Jun to lean his head towards hers slowly, giving her a chance to stop his advances. Instead, she recuperates his actions, leaning into him more.
Their lips meet in a wet kiss, their bodies heating them up from the tingling feeling of each other.  Jun brings one hand up to her face, holding her cheek slightly as the kiss continues. Neither one furthering the kiss, but they both run out of breath before pulling away. The two look each other in the eyes, their breaths slightly labored as the smile.
“You are still a hot mess, Junhee.” The Princess giggles as water continues to drop from both of their heads.
“It got us into this situation.” He smiles goofily. “I think I’m okay with that.”
The Princess rolls her eyes as she smiles again, leaning in to share another kiss.
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Hunter x MC (Julia)
Summary: Newly crowned King Hunter Fierro and his Queen consummate their marriage.
Word Count: ~3000
Author’s Note: This is my submission for @andi-the-cat​’s Secret Santa exchange. My giftee is @adrrianraines​. From your letter, I decided to go with first time sex smut. Hope you enjoy! Happy Holidays!
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“Your Majesty?” The handmaiden calls out, again.
It takes Julia a moment to realize the handmaiden is speaking to her. ‘Your Majesty’, that will take some getting used to. “Yes?” Julia finally responds.
“Do you need anything else before I leave you for the evening?” The maid questions.
Julia shakes her head no, and the maid gives a deep curtsy before leaving the room, quietly closing the ornate double doors behind her.
Finally, alone for the first time today, Julia takes some time to absorb her new room. It’s much more elaborate than the small sparsely furnished room she slept in at the library with two other girls. The room is also nicer than any of the rooms in House Rosario. Obviously expensive tapestries line the walls. Atop a beautifully engraved wooden dresser, there are jewelry boxes full of priceless gems and diamonds. Julia runs her fingers over the fine Fierro red embroidered silk quilt on the canopy bed as she walks past. She quickly retracts her hand, feeling like she might ruin it just by touching it.
Julia wraps her arms around herself, feeling out of place. And nervous. She’s unsure where Hunter is, since they were ushered in separate directions by palace staff after the wedding reception, but she knows what’s supposed to happen when she sees him next. Annalisa has given her detailed descriptions of what happens between a man and a woman. Julia blushes just thinking about some of the things her sister shared.
Annalisa never felt the need to save herself for marriage, but as an illegitimate adoptee into House Rosario, Julia would never risk earning more of her aunts’ scorn with a scandal. So, she saved herself like she was taught to. But now she feels naïve, inexperienced, and she’s worried her very experienced new husband is going to be disappointed.
Julia is startled out of her troubled thoughts when there are three raps on the door, but not the door leading to the hallway the maid exited through. Julia turns to her right, heading to the door the knocking emanated from.
She opens the door and is greeted by Hunter’s warm smile. He bows deeply, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her palm. “Your Majesty.” He greets reverently before returning to his full height. He keeps her hand in his as he walks through the door.
“Do you like the Queen’s quarters?” Hunter asks, taking a seat on her bed. She hesitates, still feeling like the quilt is too beautiful for her to touch, so he gently pulls on her hand, so she’ll sit beside him.  
“It’s beautiful. And this bed is so soft!” Julia says with wonder, bouncing softly to test out the mattress.
Hunter chuckles, kissing her cheek, and then her neck. Julia takes a sharp intake of air as he briefly licks at her collar bone. “I hope you don’t like it too much my Lady. I was hoping you would want to share the King’s quarters with me. Most royals don’t have the luxury of marrying for love, so they prefer to keep separate bedrooms, but I’d love nothing more than to wake up with you every morning.” He murmurs, gesturing with his head to the door he just came through.
“That seems excessive, building and furnishing two rooms as fine as this one. It will take some time for me to get used to living in such finery.” Julia replies.
“I think the King’s quarters are even more elaborate, if you can believe that.” Hunter warns. “Would you like to go see it? Or will you be more comfortable here?” Hunter questions.
Julia flushes, the red tint to her skin contrasting with the beautiful white wedding ballgown she currently dons. She’s not so naïve that she needs to ask what she’s supposed to be comfortable for. “We can go to the King’s quarters.” She answers, standing from the bed.
She starts to walk to the adjoining room, but suddenly she’s swept off her feet and into Hunter’s strong arms. She squeaks in surprise, but that quickly dissolves into giggles as he makes a big show of carrying her across the threshold into the King’s quarters. She places her hands on his broad shoulders, looping her hands around his neck when he gently places her on her feet near the even larger canopy bed in the King’s quarters.
She tangles her fingers into the soft dark hair at the nape of his neck as he hugs her to him. He places a kiss to the side of her head before speaking softly into her ear. “I can feel your heart beating. Why are you so nervous my love?”
Julia pulls back slightly to look up at him. “I just…. don’t know what I’m doing. And I know that you do. I’m worried you’re going to wish I had more experience.” She admits, gaze falling to the plush carpet at their feet.
Hunter firmly grips her chin and forces her to meet his eyes. “I swear to you that I won’t be disappointed Julia. That’s impossible.” He kisses her then, soft and slow at first, but it quickly becomes heated. He forces himself to pull away just barely, speaking against her plump lips. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.” And knowing that he’s going to be the first to know her intimately, to see her this way, it’s quite the thrill.
He’s wanted Lady Julia since the moment he met her. But once he got to know her, he immediately knew she wasn’t going to be like the other noble ladies who threw themselves at him and were perfectly content being a notch on his bedpost. He knew she needed commitment, marriage, before anything could happen between them. He’d been disappointed that he couldn’t give her that when he thought he’d have to marry for a foreign alliance. So, he’d tried to resist her, to just be her friend, but he fell in love with her anyway. He placed his hopes on her being amenable to a Cordonian arrangement once she was married to some lucky noble, if that was the only way he could have her. Fortunately, they didn’t have to go that route.
Hunter can’t be more pleased with the way things have turned out. Thwarting Renza’s coup proved his strength to the neighboring kingdoms and enabled him to marry for love after all. He’d proposed immediately and rushed the wedding because he couldn’t stand the thought of waiting several more months to finally have her. And now that they’re finally married, and it’s finally proper, the anticipation of the night is practically making his skin crawl.
But she’s nervous, and he refuses to rush her into anything she’s not ready for. “What are you other concerns Love?” He murmurs softly.
“Annalisa, she told me that it might hurt.” Julia admits, twisting the red sleeves of his wedding blouse in her slightly trembling hands.
“It might hurt a little, but I promise I’ll be gentle. And if you want to stop, you just have to say the word and I will. And after tonight, I promise you it will never hurt again Darling.” Hunter seals his promise with a kiss. “Any other concerns?”
Julia shakes her head no, smiling at her new husband tentatively. “No, I trust you. And I love you.”
“I love you more.” Hunter swears before he’s kissing her again, fingers tangling into her hair. He quickly undoes her wedding updo, watching her tousled locks fall around her shoulders. He tosses the discarded hair clip onto the nightstand. “Turn around.” He instructs, and she does as she’s told, her back to his broad chest.
Hunter quickly and efficiently starts to unlace her dress, doing the same to the underlying corset once the loosened outer layer falls to her waist.
“You’re very good at that.” Julia observes, voice wavering slightly from her nerves.
Hunter smirks, placing a kiss to the top of her spine as he finishes loosening the corset. “I’ve had a lot of practice.” He admits.
Her corset falls, and Julia reflexively covers her bare chest with her hands. She’s never been undressed in front of a man before, and although she still isn’t facing her husband, she feels vulnerable and exposed and she doesn’t like it.
Hunter presses his still fully clothed chest to her bare back, placing his hands on her waist. “Relax.” He breathes into her ear, and she tries to take his advice to heart. Julia takes a deep, shuddering breath as Hunter’s hands slowly trail from her waist to her stomach. He gradually moves upward, gently knocking her hands away and cupping her breasts in his own hands.
Julia lets out a soft moan that she would have been embarrassed about if Hunter didn’t respond with a pleased groan of his own as he runs his thumbs over her quickly stiffening nipples. “You’re so beautiful.” He praises as he kisses her neck, kneading her breasts.
Julia isn’t sure what to do with her hands, so she places them gently on top of his, rubbing her thumb over his hand as he tweaks and pinches at her hyper sensitive bud. “Hunter.” She murmurs on a sigh, leaning back into his chest.
Suddenly, he turns her back around so she’s facing him, capturing her lips and walking her back towards the bed. He stops when the back of her knees hit the mattress. He pulls away from her and pulls his shirt from his trousers, quickly working the buttons free.
Julia gently stops him after he gets the top four buttons, unbuttoning the rest herself with a steady hand, eyes focused on her task.
She pushes his wedding blouse from his shoulders, watching the garment fall to the ground. She then runs her hands over his well-developed abs, growing emboldened by the growl he lets out as his muscles tense under her touch. She had wanted to do this when they’d met in the baths after the joust, but back then it would have been extremely improper. But now, Hunter Fierro is her husband, and she can touch him as much as she wants.
She smiles at that thought, looking up into his eyes. She’s surprised to see how much his eyes have darkened. Even as innocent as she is, Julia can’t miss the desire shining in their depths.
He gently walks them forward another step, causing her to fall back onto the bed. He leans over her, pulling a pillow from the top of the bed and placing it under her head where she lies in the middle of the mattress. Hunter stands back to his feet, gently unclasping her shoes and letting them fall to the floor with a dull thud as he keeps his eyes on the steady rise and fall of her chest.
He places her foot on his chest, gently rubbing his fingers over her ankle before slowly moving up, watching the blush on her skin grow as he gets higher and higher. He finally reaches the top of her thigh, and slowly, torturously slowly, pulls the stocking down her leg, nonchalantly dropping it to the mattress when he pulls it over her small foot.
He moves more quickly when he removes the other. He kneels before her on the bed, gently tugging her up onto her knees as well. Hunter draws Julia to him, tugging the sting from the corset so he can remove it completely. He then slowly gathers the hem of her dress, pulling it over her head. Now, his beautiful wife is left in just her short pantaloons.
Hunter quickly frees himself of his trousers, leaving him in just his breeches so they’re even. He throws his trousers into the pile of their clothing he’s left on the floor. Julia is watching his every move closely, and he grows even harder at the realization that she wants him as badly as he wants her. He captures her lips again, pressing his hips into her’s.
She gasps when she feels his erection, but she doesn’t pull away, tentatively rolling her hips against him. Hunter hisses at the action, hand tightening involuntarily in her hair. He wants to make her his so badly, but he knows he needs to be patient, gentle, walk her through her first time.
He gently guides her to lay down. “Raise your hips.” He instructs, barely recognizing his own guttural voice. She does, and he practically rips the pantaloons off her, leaving her completely bare before him. He takes in her completely nude form for the first time. God, she is beautiful.
He leans over her, lips first enclosing over her nipple. She moans softly, hand fisting into his hair as his tongue swirls. He lavishes the other nipple with his rolling thumb as his mouth moves down her delectable body, placing a kiss just above her belly button before trailing his tongue further downwards.
“What are you do-“ Julia trails off into a loud gasp as his mouth reaches its destination, sucking and lapping at her folds. She definitely didn’t read about this in any of her books in the library on the subject of procreation.
“You’re so wet.” He praises against her skin, placing a kiss to her inner thigh. He takes her sex back into his mouth, tongue dragging through her.
“Hunter, fuck….” Julia curses, eyes closing on their own accord as she pushes her head back into the pillow. He’s never heard her curse before, and his hard cock twitches in anticipation.    
He continues his tongue’s ministrations until she’s writhing below him, hips rising eagerly to give him better access. “Hunter!” She calls out with a cry as she comes against him, shuddering in the wake of her orgasm. Tears prick in the back of her eyes at the intensity of the sensation, the likes of which she’d never felt before from her own hand’s curious exploration of her body in the dark of her room late at night.
He wipes his face on the blankets before crawling up to her, kissing her roughly. She can taste herself on him, and she can’t decide whether or not she likes the taste. “Julia, my Queen, are you ready?” He questions. Physically, he can feel that she is indeed quite wet and willing, but he has no idea about her mental state. He can barely remember what being a virgin had been like. He’d been young and drunk his first time, but he wants her’s to be absolutely perfect, not rushed or painful.
In answer, she kisses her husband softly, dipping her hands into his breeches and gripping his painfully hard manhood in her hand and stroking him softly, tentatively, but with obvious enthusiasm for her task.
Hunter groans, fighting back his urge to come in her hand. He gently bats her hand away to prevent such an embarrassing early ejaculation on his wedding night, removing his breeches. Her eyes drift down to his fully erect penis, a new flush rising to her cheeks. “You’re bigger than the drawings from the anatomy books in the library.” She reveals when he gives her a questioning look.
Hunter chuckles, lacing his fingers with her’s and pressing them into the mattress above her head. “Don’t be scared. I’ll be gentle.”
He lines himself up and pushes into her slowly. Her eyes screw shut as she tried to adjust to the foreign intrusion between her legs. He feels himself reach her barrier, and he kisses her softly. “I love you Julia. Always.” He breathes.
“I love you Hunter. My husband, my King.” She returns.
He pushes into her quickly, assuming it’s better not to draw it out. Her mouth opens in a silent cry, and he fights against his urge to rut against her like an animal, forcing himself to hold still so she can adjust.
After a few moments, Julia instinctively raises her hips, seeking friction. He kisses her forehead, her chin, and then finally her lips. “Are you alright?” He asks. Julia nods, and that’s all the reassurance he needs. He pulls almost all the way out of her, and then pushes back in, gradually increasing his pace as she lets out pleased moans, nails digging into his back.
“Hunter, that feels so good.” Julia mutters, nails digging into his broad shoulders now.
“You feel incredible. You’re so tight and warm.” Hunter replies, speeding up his pace as he grips her backside.
Julia’s walls start to tighten around him, and she feels another orgasm coming on. “Hunter, I think I’m close.” She informs him, legs wrapping tightly around his waist.
“Come for me my Queen.” Hunter mutters, slamming into her harder, momentarily forgetting that it’s her first time and he’s supposed to be gentle as he feels his own orgasm coming on.
“Hunter!” Julia cries out as she comes, body shaking in the aftermath of her strong orgasm. Hunter quickly follows her over the edge, spilling into her as his movements become jerky and then stop as he collapses on top of her.
They’re both sweaty and sticky, but their arms wrap around each other as they kiss and cuddle in the aftermath, rolling them over so Julia rests on top of him.
Julia lifts her head from Hunter’s chest once she’s taken a few moments to recover, smiling down at her husband. “I do not have words to describe how wonderful that was.” She comments.
Hunter smirks at her, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. “Was that everything the rumors promised it would be?” He jokes.
Julia nods enthusiastically. “Your reputation precedes you.” She praises. “Can we do that again?”
Hunter chuckles, drawing her into a kiss with his hand at the back of her neck. “We can do that as many times as you’ll let me. We do need to make an heir after all, the sooner the better.” His hand trails over her flat abdomen, imagining what she’ll look like when she’s round and plump from carrying their child.
He’s so excited for a future with her. Ruling with her, raising children with her, growing old with her, it’s all going to be incredible. He can barely believe his luck as he looks at her, his wife, flushed and glowing and clearly completely satisfied and in love.
“Can we try out the bed in the other room?” Julia asks, kissing his jaw as she nuzzles into his neck.
“Hell yes we can.”
Taglist:  @kinggliam​​ @choicesgremlin​​ @debramcg1106​​ @desiree-0816​​ @cora-nova​​ @anxious-arliah​​ @flyawayboo​​ @cordoniasmost​​ @princess-geek​ @fifteenskies15​​ @silverofdreams​​ @queen-kamilah​​ @ohsnapitzlovehacker​​ @marvellifeforever​​ 
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nicolewrites · 4 years
look at all those chickens
This is single-handedly the stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my life. @shining-jul-of-hope, @tsunnychan, enjoy the beginning of the roommates au. The title is a vine, the theme is grocery shopping, but oh my god they were roommates.
Whatever you do, do not take this seriously. Please. 
Rating: G Genre: Friendship Characters: Sylvain Jose Gautier & Ingrid Brandl Galatea Words: 1,414
Sylvain and Ingrid go grocery shopping / for the sylvgrid discord.
“Sylvain! Are you ready to go?” Ingrid yelled from the living room. 
His bedroom door slammed open and he stumbled out, hopping on one foot as he tried to pull a sock on with one hand. His phone was precariously pinned between his chin and his collarbone as he stumbled into the wall, completely off balance. 
Ingrid stared at him from her seat on the couch for a second before she burst out laughing. She doubled over on the couch, tipping so she was lying down, giggling furiously. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her stomach as she laughed, trying to get herself under control. 
“Ingrid,” Sylvain groaned, closer now. 
She opened her eyes and saw an upside-down Sylvain leaning over her. She grinned and sat up, Sylvain righting himself in her field of vision. He folded his arms and tried to look annoyed at her. 
“I suppose you find my suffering amusing?”
“Of course I do,” she replied breezily, standing from the couch. 
Sylvain cracked a grin. “Yeah, well, we’ll see how long that lasts for you.”
She rolled her eyes and walked around the couch, heading into the kitchen. She grabbed her grocery list and stack of reusable bags. She gestured to her own list. 
“You ready now?”
He patted down the pockets of his jeans and pulled out a crumpled slip of paper. He grinned and waved it at her. “Got it right here!”
Ingrid gestured towards the front door of their apartment. “Shall we finally go then?”
Sylvain walked past her and grabbed his boots from by the door. He locked eyes with Ingrid as he leaned against the wall for balance as he pulled his boots on. She grinned to her self and brushed past him to the bench by the door, sitting down to tie her own shoelaces. 
“I’ll drive,” Sylvain offered, nabbing his key ring off the hook by the door. 
“I drove last week, so yeah, that makes sense,” Ingrid replied, standing up. She pocketed her list and grabbed her purse. 
Sylvain glanced past her into the apartment. “And you’re sure Felix didn’t need anything?”
Ingrid shrugged. “He came back from fencing, told me not to wait for him, and went and passed out in his room. He can make his own trip.” Sylvain shrugged, opened the apartment door and waved a hand forward. “After you, milady.”
Ingrid made Sylvain drive the cart through the parking lot and into the entrance of the store. During the drive, she had snagged his grocery list to compare it to her own. Sylvain’s was much more bare-bones than hers, but he had claimed that he still had some stuff from the week before. 
She was still holding both lists as they walked into the produce section of the store. “I’ll grab you the apples if you grab me a bag of lettuce,” she said to him. 
Sylvain nodded and wheeled the cart towards the vegetables. Ingrid made her way to the bench of fruits and filled a small bag of apples for herself and one for Sylvain. She grabbed a bunch of bananas and a lemon before following Sylvain. He had fetched her lettuce, a bag of bell peppers, and was in the process of grabbing a head of broccoli by the time she caught up with him. 
She dumped the fruit into the cart and started picking through a bin of brussels sprouts. She had a bag about half-full when someone lightly touched her hip. Ingrid jolted, not expecting it, and twisted, almost threw her elbow into Sylvain’s jaw. Thankfully, he seemed to have been expecting some degree of reaction, since he leaned back out of the way of her clumsy blow.
“Woah, Chief!” 
Ingrid winced and turned. “Sorry, I’m jumpy today.”
Sylvain laughed and shrugged. “All good. I know you were at the stable this morning, you’ve been up for a long time.”
Ingrid nodded and threw a last handful of sprouts into her bag before she dropped it into the cart beside her bunch of bananas. “Moving on then?”
“Sure,” he agreed, grabbing the handle of the cart and steering it into the deli and meat section. 
Ingrid trailed behind him, skimming her list for what she was going to buy. She was restocking her freezer so she had a bunch of meat on her list today. Sylvain had stopped the cart by the beef and was picking up a package of ground beef. Ingrid stepped up beside him and grabbed one for herself too. 
She walked past him, to the chicken section. The breasts were on sale and she grinned, grabbing two packages of five breasts each. Then she grabbed a package of thighs and turned back to the cart. Sylvain raised an eyebrow at her. She narrowed her eyes in return. 
“That’s a lot of chicken, Ing,” he commented. 
She rolled her eyes. “I’m going to freeze it, stupid. It makes sense to buy it while it’s on sale.”
Sylvain nodded, considering her point. “Fair enough. Do you still have my list?” 
“Oh, yeah, I do.” 
She held it out to him and he grabbed it, scanning it over. “I’ve almost got everything I need. I just need eggs and milk. What about you?”
She looked at her own list. “Eggs, milk, bread, and cereal.”
Sylvain nodded. “I can get your eggs for you if you want to split up. We can share milk this week too. It’ll be easier on fridge space.”
“Sounds good. I’ll meet you at cash when you’ve got everything,” Ingrid said, turning to walk towards the bakery. 
She paused partway there to grab a bag of spicy jerky from a snack aisle that she and Felix both liked. It would get eaten by one of them in the apartment so it was never a bag purchase. Besides, he had bought it for her a few weeks back so she owed him one. 
She grabbed her loaf of whole wheat and then went on a hunt for her cereal brand. It wasn’t on sale, unfortunately, but at least it was in stock. Bread, jerky, and cereal in hand, she made her way to the front of the store to look for Sylvain. She spotted him easily enough, leaning against the cart at the exit of a freezer aisle, scrolling through his phone. 
She quickly made her way towards him, but froze when she noticed something he had obviously added to their cart. 
“Why are you buying pool noodles?” she asked, her face twisting in confusion. 
Sylvain turned towards her, grinning widely. “They’re on sale! I get three for four bucks! It’s a great deal.”
Ingrid blew out a breath and dropped her bread into the cart, levelling a glare at Sylvain. “I shouldn’t have asked that. What you are going to do with the pool noodles?” 
He shrugged. “Smack Felix with him when he’s least expecting it? Challenge Dimitri to joust with me when he comes over on Wednesday for movie night?”
Ingrid smacked her forehead. “Sylvain,” she said. “We are not buying pool noodles just because they’re on sale.” He grinned and started rolling the cart towards a check-out counter. Ingrid stepped a front wheel and the cart squealed to a stop. Sylvain lifted an eyebrow, challenging her. She crossed her arms as best she could while still holding a cereal box. They stared each other down for a long minute, Ingrid refusing to move her foot from the wheel and let the cart move and Sylvain refusing to put his ridiculous purchase back. 
“Why do they sell pool noodles at a grocery store anyway?” Ingrid asked finally. 
Sylvain shrugged. “It’s May. Maybe people are getting ready for summer.”
Ingrid sighed. “It’s still a grocery store.”
“Hey, I don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” Sylvain replied happily. 
She frowned and looked at their cart. It was mostly normal groceries for two twenty-somethings, but then there were Sylvain’s ridiculous pool noodles. The more she stared at them, the more she was enticed about walking into the apartment and whacking Felix with one or hitting Dimitri when he came to visit. It was exactly the kind of nonsense they had done as kids. 
She smiled almost unwillingly and pointed at Sylvain sternly. “If you ever take one of those things up as a weapon against me, I will kick you out of the apartment.” He grinned. 
“And I want first hit against Felix,” she added. “Done.”
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venus-says · 5 years
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Episodes 25-49 + Movie
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So... this happened.
This second half of Yes! 5 was... boring.
Yeah, it had its moments, but overall? It was pretty lackluster. And, I know Yes isn't the most eventful season, as I mentioned on the first post, this is a character-focused show so the plot won't move much until it needs to, proof of that is the Pinky collecting thing that is never on the front seat and when we see it they are in the final 4 episodes and there's only one missing for them to complete the collection. The thing is that the characters part was pretty... problematic?
I don't know if it's because they knew a second season would be coming that they decided to go very light in character development in order to focus on something else, but this second half lacked a lot in this department. Again, they had great moments, Milk, Karen, and Rin probably got the best development out of the cast, but when we look at everything together we see that there were still things that lacked quite a bit.
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Another thing that was weird was the timing for the villains, the pacing in which a new villain would come and an old one would go was very weird, there were villains we spent more time with than we should and there were villains that we didn't get enough time to leave an impression and you can say that the precure stuff is actually the less important part of Yes so this isn't that big of a deal, but it's still an element that is present so I think it's okay for me to complain about it. Also, I kinda dislike how they ended the villains, not the part of sealing Despariah and such, but they were going for a "let's talk our way out of this" approach and they were building up for a good moment but they brought Kawarino back for that moment and it kinda ruined it.
But the thing I hated the most, and that made it almost unbearable for me to watch in this second half, was the whole romance thing. Pick everything I said about it in the first post, multiply that for 10, and that's pretty much how I felt about it in this second half. On the first portion it was bad, but in the second half this gets horrible, they shove you the romance thing in the face in whatever opportunity they have and it's just hideous. They made an entire episode where the conflict was Nozomi being jealous of Coco. They had an episode about marriage and each girl fantasized about their wedding and in Nozomi's fantasy Coco was the freaking groom. Heck, they even made something romantic out of a ghost. This was gross, this is definitely the worst aspect of Yes, and because it was so present in this second half I've lost a lot of my interest for this season.
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But not everything was worse, in comparison with the first half, the animation has gotten a lot better, there are still ugly drawings and clunky animation, but they improved a lot. Also, the action got better, the attack spam is still there, but they had more fights, they were more creative which made things more fun. Heck, they made Aqua joust with one of the villains in one episode and that was freaking cool. Also, I like that despite having a group attack they only use it to defeat the generals so it feels like something that is very powerful and special and I think this is something we've been missing in precure lately. So, as I said, not everything was worse.
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I think that's all I have for general comments, let's jump down to the characters.
It was hard to follow Nozomi around, everything related to her character ended up being about Coco. She was there for her friends and everything, but still, every decision her character made was centered around Coco, even when she finally chose a dream to pursue, that dream was because of Coco, and it's sad that a character with so much potential was reduced to just a planet orbiting around this freaking mascot.
Rin was a bit complicated, I think they've picked the "precure of passion" thing a little too literal and almost all Rin focused episodes had a romantic thing involved. They never pair her with anyone, which is great, but is kinda sad her whole thing was just that, we didn't get to see her interact with her family, we didn't get to see her playing futsal, the bare development we got for her was while she was with Karen as they started to tighten their bond inside their friendly rivalry, which was awesome, don't get me wrong, but I wish she had gotten more. But I like that she decided to be an accessory/jewelry designer as her dream because it wasn't the most obvious path for her, or for a red cure for that matter.
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Poor Urara got a bit faded, I can't remember much of what she has done in this latter half. She remains great and all, and she had a very sweet bonding episode with Komachi near the end, but other than that she didn't do much other than just tag along for most of these episodes. And that's pretty sad, in the first half she was my favorite character but after this part where her light was a bit dimmed I'm afraid she may have lost the position.
Komachi had a similar situation as Nozomi, a lot of what she has done had Nuts influence on it, but I think it worked better with her because her entire goal wasn't to get together with Nuts, it was more like he was always hanging around her rather than she pursuing her. It's still an awful relationship because it's an adult and a kid, and Nuts freaking sucks as a human, but it didn't offend me as much. Also, Komachi got to do more stuff that didn't necessarily have to be involved with Nuts, we got to see more of her friendship with Karen, she grown closer to Urara and now wants to write a play/script/story that she can act, and she got great interactions with Rin because the whole telling scary stories thing. So I think her deal was more balanced.
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The best of this second half, at least to me, was Karen. She was freaking awesome, I like that they paired her with Milk, it seemed like a relationship that shouldn't work because I didn't see how they could bond, but it was great, and I like that was something that was escalating slowly and it reached its peak in the episode where Milk gets sick and Karen wants to take care of her. Karen and Rin were also great, as I mentioned. I wasn't really into their rivalry in the first half but they got to work it very well here in this portion of the series, it evolved from just a dumb thing to an "I have a strong personality, just like you, and I have this vision of world about something that I won't let go of it, but I respect you and I know how to hear you and comprehend you points", it's a simple but complex thing that worked very well and that I'm glad they went with this route for these two.
Milk was also a tricky character, she was unbearable whenever she interacted with Nozomi (though she had a few points some times), she was in the mix of fun and obnoxious whenever the thing was about Coco and Nuts, and she was absurdly cute when she and Karen tagged along, so her character was a bit of a roller-coaster. I think by now I like her because I understand she just wants to be useful to the people she likes and it's a feeling I can relate too, but I admit she has her problems and she can be a handful to deal with.
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Coco and Nuts shouldn't exist, they don't have an arc, they don't have development, they don't have a purpose, they're there just to push this ridiculous romantic bullshit that we don't need. Heck, Masuko Mika did in a single episode more than these double-sided plushies did in 49 episodes and a movie, she grew, she developed, she was fun, we should've got more of her and less of them. Thinking about them makes me pissed, thinking about how they're basically two different persons in their fairies and human forms because they wanna hammer down the idea that they're attractive makes me want to jump in front of a truck. I freaking hate them. Sorry, not sorry.
I wanted to talk about the villains, but there's pretty much nothing to be said. Like, from Bunbees subordinates that remained, they were already doing extra hour at this point, Bunbee being relocated to a new section but with less power seemed like could be fun but they didn't do much with it, the new staff introduced could've been great, but they were around for such a short amount of time, I think Bloody had only 4? episode where he acted as the villain, that's less than Pissard and Karehan got and they were the level 1 bosses, it was pretty ridiculous. Kawarino was cool, I think he's very scary and very creepy, but they kinda ruined him when they gave him his monster form, that wasn't 50% as intimidating as "human" Kawarino was. And Despariah was a letdown, she seemed so powerful and menacing but then her wish was to be immortal because she wanted to be young forever? I know this could be their attempt to make an allegory to how beauty standards are very oppressive to women, but this was in 2007 and I don't know if they would do that so early on in the franchise.
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I was going to wrap things up now, but I managed to watch the movie before the post went out even though I forgot to download it together with the episodes, so here are my thoughts in the movie.
The Mirror Kingdom's Miraculous Adventure!
This is going to be short, I promise. This movie was a mixed bag, I was entertained, but this could've been way better. The concept of the Dark Precure is great, and they look amazing, but I feel like they weren't used to their full potential, first because it takes quite sometime before the five of them attack, and also the fact they keep cutting the battles to show everyone else kinda weakens them because I couldn't really feel how menacing or how their psyche was. Shadow was pretty bland, and the movie fairies were also very whatever, but the plot was very decent if we ignore the miracle light portion. But the thing this movie does that I can't forgive them is that they give all cures a power-up but they don't fight in that form, they just perform their attack, and that was very anti-climatic, especially considering the action for this movie was quite good
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Wrapping up, Yes! Pretty Cure 5 is a decent season, it tried to do something different and that's worthy of praise, sadly they took some dumb decisions about the things they wanted to work, It's fun and has good characters but the romance element ruins it a lot, It's probably my least favorite of the four seasons I've covered so far. Thankfully they have another season so they can pull a Max Heart and be incredible so I'm both hopeful and excited for starting GoGo in the next week. What are your thoughts about Yes! 5? Share them with me in the comments. Thank you so much for sticking with me and reading this insanely huge post, I really appreciate it. I'll see you all around. Bye-bye~
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mikanskey · 5 years
Cyrano de Bergerac  - an impressionist review.  (Adapted by Jamie Lloyd and Martin Crimp with James McAvoy in the title role).
Attention spoilers !!! If you are going to see this play, do not read the following column! Do not spoil the surprise. For those who will read the following, thank you for excusing my bad English, it's not my native language.
7:15 p.m. Playhouse theater, a prestigious hall and an old place that smells of 19th century neo-rococo balconies, gilded chandeliers and a dome. We're early. We sit in the play room, 5th rank in the center. Very good places. The curtain is lifted even though the scene is still empty. The decor is a hollow cube of faux concrete. Trowel-painted white, orange plastic chairs, a few standing microphones with their long wires lying on the floor. The impression of landing in an artists' squat hidden in a suburban warehouse.
Just a minute to realize that we are there for real, just a few moments to attend this event and the play begins. The lights come on, raw, white. They are on stage, Him is not visible. A dozen actresses and actors of all ages, colorful looks, punk, sportswear, hoodies, sneakers, overalls and pants lattice. When they speak it's to us, the audience. It is a very original and initially puzzling stage game, rare will be the times when the actors will have a conversation while looking in each other eyes. We will quickly realize that this strange way of turning the dialogues has an amazing power, that of hypnotizing us. The one who speaks speaks to us, whether he is aggressive or declaims the most beautiful declaration of love, it is to us and to us alone that he offers it. The impact is immediate. The tone is immediately urban, immediately provocative. Nothing remains of the text of Edmond Rostand, nothing and everything since it is the live soul which alone lasts, of a stupendous modernity. The verbal jousting begins, we hear bits of beatbox.
Cyrano returns to the scene. He does not have his nose. Surprising as it may seem: no, Cyrano does not have his nose, this long nose, this big nose, this peninsula that was expected, is not. No Cyrano doesn’t have his nose, but he carries nevertheless the weight of it and behind the first pass of words/weapons is the shadow of this nose that we feel honed. The beginning is funny, light, they  make fun of each other, Cyrano is in love, he takes the microphone and conquers the stage. He is boasting, he drops his jacket and stays in a black T-shirt, jeans and Caterpillar with big laces. He faces with mimes and vivid words the ridiculous Vavert. He licks his lips, he anticipates his replicas, he has fun. He comes out victorious, but seems unsure of himself behind his bravado. His friend Le Bret asks him: - Are you in love? - Yes of the beautiful Roxanne, but I'm so ugly, I have no chance to be love by her !
Honestly, seing him so charismatic, we want to tell him that he is wrong. A messy messenger arrives suddenly with good news: Roxanne may have noticed Cyrano, she wants an appointment, she has important things to say to him. Cyrano is transported with joy, he looks like a kid, his smile is huge. Laughing, he take in his arms his friend Le Bret, who tries in vain to calm him down.
Quickly Cyrano anguish, he will see Roxanne, he will tell him ... Tell him what? He stammers and tries to compose a letter while the other actors buzz around him, the shop of Ragueneau is filled with people, the story continues. We are curious, but we don’t see this letter because when one say "letter" it is the microphone which he seizes and he kneels on stage and looks for the words by talking to this microphone whose thread is string on the ground. Roxanne appears shortly after. She has other things to say to him, hope or despair for him ? They are sitting on the steps of the stage, they talk about the ancient times when they were only two children. He is moved by those memories. He puts his hands on hers, he dares to believe in his luck, he looks into her eyes, he smiles shyly when she tells him that the man she loves is a soldier like him. When she admits that this man is handsome, Cyrano freezes. He seems empty suddenly, without emotion. She asks him to protect Christian, to love him as a brother, because it’s of course the gorgeous Christian she has noticed and not the hideous Cyrano. He accepts, disappointed, hurt.
The cadets arrive on stage, the hero of the day is to celebrate. Cyrano is their hero. They scream, sing, take off their t-shirts, seize Cyrano and undress him. Amongst these tall fellows, who are carved like trunks, he is by far the smallest, the least muscular, but he is certainly the loudest. They lift him up, literally take him to the skies. He finds a smile for them, his impertinence returns, Roxanne left. A huge comrade grabs him and he ends practically on his shoulders, in his arms, legs knotted around his chest. Arrives De Guiche, slender man with sharp replies. Everyone  calm down. He offers to Cyrano to finance his poetry at the price of his servility. He refuses. He makes fun of De Guiche, he is boastful. The men sneer. De Guiche goes away, upset. Remain the cadets, all standing, all on the left of the stage, Cyrano wallows on a chair, exhausted, alone on the right. "Why did you refuse such a proposal?" They say. He begins by responding wearily, then with effrontery, then with anger, he gets carried away. He is feeling cornered, as if he had to justify himself in court. What do they all believe? That he will sell his soul, that he will enslave the only thing he is proud of! Without his freedom and impertinence he is nothing but a grotesque monster. This tirade veered violently in rage and a sob stifled the end of his diatribe. He curls up in his chair and it’s with a knotted stomach that we witness helpless this beautiful despair, this extreme fragility. He sobs and it's poignant. Ragueneau approaches him, she hesitates to comfort him, we would like someone to do it so, to hug and protect him. He seems close to breaking.
The scene changes, the play progresses, Christian the young fiery idiot meets Cyrano. Their difference of charisma is so strong that one can only wonder where Roxanne saw in this great braggart a prince charming who ignores himself. The two men make a deal, one will be beauty, the other will be the brain to bewitch the beautiful Roxanne. The moment is light, Cyrano is benevolent, he still seems to believe that this simple deal will be enough for him. Roxanne is a fierce woman, she doesn’t hesitate to swear, and to play fool with the dark De Guiche who loves her. She is not a naive and pure beauty, she is a young woman with a fiery character, her lack of compassion is scary to be honest. It’s difficult to see the good side of this lady who seems so detached from everything and who plays with men like a capricious girl. But here is the famous scene of the balcony. But no balcony on stage! Instead: four chairs. Roxanne, Christian, De Guiche and Cyrano are seated. When the characters interact, they are turned towards us, they talk to each other  but look into our eyes, when they don’t speak  they turn their backs on us. It's a game of non-musical but poetic chairs. Christian starts, ridiculously bad, his talk can’t make rhymes, he can’t say poetic words, doesn’t have inspiration. Roxanne turns away from him moodily. Cyrano, while hiding, begins to whisper replicas to help the poor Christian. It's laborious but it works.
Suddenly Cyrano, caught in the game, speaks aloud and gets up to answer Roxanne. The two men froze, their eyes round like a rabbit under the headlights of a car. Roxanne suspects that something has changed but she doesn’t want to care. Cyrano takes the hand, Christian stands back. Light and funny, the exchange suddenly takes a different tone. Cyrano sits down, at first barely master of his emotions, the dialogue resumes with Roxanne. She pushes him to his entrenchments, haughty, laughing. He amuses her at first, replies with tenderness, flirts and finally, dismissing Christian who tried to speak again, Cyrano lowers his voice. His voice lowers and lowers until it is only a murmur, hot, bewitching. In the theater, no more noise, no more a breath. It’s towards us that Cyrano is turned, it is to us that he speaks, his eyes full of a calm passion, it is a confession, it is avowal, it is of such a sensuality that it's hard not to sigh. "Roxanne, I love you .." he begins. His voice enters through all the pores of our skin. "I want you ... I need you". The words that follow are a wave, a succession of waves, soft, enveloping, erotic. Roxanne barely interrupts him and, like her, we want this intoxicating way of making love without touching each other, only with the touch of this haunting voice, never ending. When the magic is interrupted it’s Christian who gets up and hugs a rapt Roxanne. He shamelessly enjoys the kiss so beautifully won by Cyrano and we are still too intoxicate by Cyrano’s voice to realize that Cyrano has lost this game and sacrifice his heart on the altar of his loyalty. He stands aside, the lovebirds kiss each other.
Come the priest, then De Guiche. Cyrano clowns, he saves time, lovers have to get married. To distract De Guiche, Cyrano recounts with his eyes closed, as in a dream, the adventures of the kingdom of the moon. It is amusing to see that when he has his eyes closed, the effect of hypnosis imposed by this funny staging where we are the forced interlocutors has less impact.
The action is jostling, De Guiche discovers the plot, insolent Roxanne provokes him. Bad idea. Discarded, humiliated in public, De Guiche who his general sends Cyrano and Christian to war. Roxanne remains alone in front of us while the two men leave the scene by walking towards the bottom of it turned black. She asks Cyrano to protect Christian: "I'll try" he says, she asks that Christian write her long letters "I'll do what I can" promises Cyrano who is only a voice that we hear from back stages. Light turn off. Entr’acte. The light comes back on stage there are big black stairs. Men are lying on each of them. They look like recumbent ones. Le Bret discusses with another soldier. Between them comes Cyrano, who has just climbed the back of the stairs. He is wrapped up in a black jacket, he wears his worned black jeans, and we notice that to be the most impetuous and flamboyant person in this room he is none the less the one who is dressed most modestly. The following scene is light in spite of its pitiful subject, the soldiers are hungry and thirsty, Cyrano cabotine, occurs De Guiche who sends by spite all the regiment to the death. The effects of the battle are suggested by a beatboxer punctuating the tirades with dry sounds imitating cannons and grape shot. After a strange chaos where all run in all directions, appear Ragueneau and Roxanne, unconscious of the danger. The reaction of Christian is virulent, he does not want Roxanne on a battlefield, Roxanne does not hesitate to shot harch words to him. She came for him though, for him and especially for his letters. Cyrano informs her that her husband will soon be sent to death. She screams and throws herself on De Guiche. Cyrano has only time to grasp her to the waist to prevent the scandal. In the next scene, strangely disembodied, Roxanne covers Christian, whom she believes is the author of a passionate correspondence, of compliments like an enamored teenager, even reciting to him the text of the letters she has learned by heart. Christian locks himself away from her, he is very close to shed tears when she confesses to him that it is these words of which she is in love and that she could well love him even if he was disfigured. He knows he has lost. He know that Cyrano has won. It’s Cyrano who has wrote the letters.
He finds an excuse for her to go to the back of the stage. He grabbed Cyrano who until that moment had remained very much in the background like a kid who knows he made a big mistake. One can believe for a moment that their exchange will be violent, Christian is desperate, he has every reason to blame Cyrano. He spits at first how much Cyrano has exceeded his role, how much he hated him for that. But Cyrano does not seek confrontation, he looks down, apologizes, he does not want to believe for a moment that Roxanne can love someone other than Christian. He sits the young man, who has become more lost than angry. Cyrano repeats to Christian again and again than he wants only his happiness. Christian searches for his words, he gets confused, he listens, he gets closer, he confesses that he is lost. He is getting closer to Cyrano, very close. Tension escalates. "Is there a version of this life where two men can live as one?" asks Christian. Cyrano is mute, helpless. Christian kisses him. And in the theater we are all paralyzed. It’s incredible. It's an almost shy kiss that Cyrano does not reciprocate. Not immediately. Because this first hesitant kiss is followed by a second more willing, more passionate. A strange and carnal shiver runs through the theater. We hold our breath. For a split second it's a shared kiss and the two men are alone in their world. But Roxanne appears on stage from the top of the stairs and the two lovers push back violently as if they had been electrocuted. The action rushes. Still in shock, we have trouble following the sequence. A battle, the lights go out, only the voices of Roxanne and Cyrano remain. They are on each side of the stage, standing in the shadows. In the center Christian is cut by a white light, the voices are disputed, it’s  the death of Christian. The dead soldiers snatch their mic’. Everything goes black.
Last act. The principle of chairs facing the public is resumed. Only oddity, Christian, mutique and sitting cross-legged, stands on the stage. Weird spectrum that fixes us with his round eyes. Troubling ghost that comes to haunt the survivors. Two secondary characters interact. They say thus Roxanne has become an independent woman who lives alone, Cyrano comes to see her every day, as a friend. Cyrano was attacked this morning, it seems: a knife stab, someone would have seen in the hospital. The two characters disappear and give way to the two main protagonists who come to sit in the center. Christian, frozen in his position as a mute kid, is between them. Roxanne still precious and unconscious mocking shamelessly Cyrano's delay, she teases him suggesting that he spent the night in the arms of a woman. To make her laugh, he tells her in raw terms that yes. He has brought her a book he has just published, and she offers with a certain cruel irony that he can wrote a dedication on it. Cyrano’s eyes look strangely bright, tight in a jacket closed to the collar, he stands a little curled, he seems hurt on the left side. But doesn’t that. He takes with good graces the jokes of the young woman. The subject turns suddenly about Christian's letters. Cyrano asks to read them. She refuses. He asks again. His voice is supplicating. She accepts. No paper is exchanged between them, it is the microphone that passes from hand to hand. But before he had time to read that famous last letter. He tells her everything, in a desperate tone. "Roxanne I am the author of all these letters". She does not believe it.
She almost gets upset. To prove her, he tells her the beginning of the last letter. But she’s straightforward and this reaction is all the more shocking that Cyrano is in tears and has just put his heart at her feet. But she makes her pride speak, she gets up, she’s angry. He's a liar, she says, he played with her, she says. He, mad with pain and probably in agony, begins to beg her to forgive him. She has this terrible and pitifully contemporary phrase "ok so what now?" The mood changes dramatically. The words become softer, the tone turns, they are seated again, their faces are closer, they whisper words drowned in tears and forehead to forehead are ready to kiss. Will there be a happy ending to this play? It is without counting the intervention of De Guiche come to stop Cyrano ! But Cyrano faints, he collapses of his chair and falls in the arms of Roxanne. We discover that he is dying. As in the original text, he has a jump of lucidity, leaps to his feet and begins to tell a funny story about two men in love with the same woman who meet a mocking bartender. Cyrano is dying, he loses his strength and repeats the same sentence as a broken puppet but he remains up. He drops his microphone, we understand that he is dead. When the scene ends and the play with it, we do not really know what this strange conclusion means. Whatever audience is standing, it's a thunder of applause and bravo. What’s a awesome moment of art !
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leal-5 · 5 years
Tomb of Time Destiny Chapter 23
Juvia POV
A knock sounded at our door, and then a male servant peeked in. "Misses," he said. "We're here to escort you to the games."
"Come in," Erza said, waving him forward. Another came with him.
"Can you walk? Or should we carry you to your settee?"
"Let Juvia try to walk," I said, taking hold of each of their arms, but when I came to my feet, my knees crumpled beneath me and I felt a wave of nausea. From the pain? Or was it the medicine?
Luckily, the men had a firm grip on me and carried me on my bed to the hallway, with Lucy, Levy, and Erza right behind us.
"You okay?" Levy whispered to me.
"Y-yes," I said. I lifted my hand to my head. A wave of dizziness was there, then gone.
The doctor appeared then. Why hadn't I noticed him before? "Are you sure this won't exhaust you?"
I was sitting there, suspended in the air on a bed. It was all I could do not to laugh.
"Juvia doesn't think so," I managed to say.
"Well then, here is another dose of pain medicine," he said, handing me the bottle.
I gladly took a swig, ignoring the unpleasant taste, if it continued to keep that horrendous pain away, then I wasn't going to complain.
We went out to the courtyard, and I was a bit shocked at the hundreds of people that lined the edge, all sitting in chairs and beneath tented roofs, shielding themselves from the sun. Simon smiled and strode over to us, his cousins at his side, as the servants set me on a platform. I just barely kept my squeal in when I noticed the way Jellal's breath caught in his chest when Erza stepped out in all her ball gowned glory.
I caught sight of his father, beside him sat Carmen's and Ava's father followed by Carmen and Ava themselves. I didn't dare look to see where Gray was.
Simon turned toward us and urged us to him so that two of us were on each of his side.
"Ladies and gentlemen," called Simon. "I present at last, the warriors that turned the tide for Fairytail, the she-wolves."
I had expected a cheer, applause, shouting. But what happened next was something I'd never forget.
Every man, woman, and child stood, and as one they bowed or curtsied, as if we were royalty before them. Just like in Mulan. It was deathly quiet, and in the hush, a wave of honor swept over me. I was overwhelmed. I glanced at Lucy and Levy, who looked like they were about to cry, lifting a hand to their lips.
"Fairy Tail is forever in your debt." Makarov said. "Whatever you need, whenever you need it, ask it of us and it will be yours."
"Thank you." Erza said after a moment. "We did only what anyone else in Fairy Tail would have done, had they been in our places. And we would do it again, for Fairy Tail."
He smiled and raised a goblet in the air. "Well said. With that, I declare these games officially begun." And then he rammed the goblet down, and it shattered into a thousand pieces across the cobblestones.
The crowd cheered and returned to their seats as the jousting line was erected.
We watched through twelve grueling rounds of jousting, wincing whenever the lance struck a man. As hardcore as we were, there was something about trying to pierce a man on a horse with a long lance that was a bit... unnerving. Several men somersaulted over the backs of their horses, sending the crowd into a riot of laughter and shouts.
But then Gray entered the courtyard on his steed. He rode over to Ava, and she rose and prettily handed him her hand, which he took and kissed. Gray never so much as glanced in my direction, which was a good thing because if he had he would have seen me hunched over, breathing heavily, and with my shoulders shaking slightly.
"I'm sorry, Juvia," Lucy whispered urgently, laying her hand gently on my arm. "But you need to pull yourself toge-" Lucy frowned when she was that Erza was also hunched over with her shoulders shaking. She shot a questioning glance to Levy, who looked as confused as she was.
"Are...are you laughing?!" They whisper-screech after they lean closer to us.
I fight back more giggles as I weakly shake my head in denial while wiping the tears from my face. "N-no," I clear my throat along with Erza.
"Of course not." Erza said after a moment when we finally regained control of ourselves. For about five seconds that is. All it took was my snort to send us into another fit of giggles.
"Okay, so Juvia and Erza are officially broken..." Lucy muttered while sweat dropping.
"I knew we shouldn't have stayed here so long." Levy muttered.
"N-no," I said, waving my hands as if to calm them down. "It's just that they always have these little corny chivalry moments that remind us of those ridiculous shows and movies you make us watch."
"We honestly didn't think they actually did things like that." Erza finished for me, still catching her breath. I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing again. Levy sighed and excused herself to go to the bathroom and Erza accompanied her. Ever since the Bora incident she didn't want neither Levy or Lucy alone at any time while he was near.
Coughing, I adjust myself on my seat, wincing a bit from my wound, just as Gray was lowering his helmet. Was it my imagination or did I just see his eyes slide over to me for but a half second? No, impossible. I really need to stop imagining these things. We're about to leave after all.
His eyes were set dead ahead then, studying no one else but his opponent.
"Tell me when it is over," I whispered to Lucy, feeling another wave of nausea. The flag came down, the riders urged their horses into a gallop, and I closed my eyes.
I heard the pounding of hooves and then, impact. The crowd cheered. I peeked up and took half a breath when I saw Gray still on his horse. He was looking at Ava, and I looked there too. But she was staring at me, eyes wide and then narrowing in suspicion. Wah! Oh, nonono now she suspects! I looked over to Lucy.
"A cup of water," I whispered, lifting a hand to my head as another wave of dizziness passed through me.
She rose and then hesitated.
I blinked and dragged my eyes to look where she was looking. To my great surprise, Gray was there in front of me, still on his horse, helmet off, hair blowing about in the breeze.
"Juvia, are your alright?" he asked, his brows furrowed in concern.
Fighting back a blush, I smile weakly and say, " Fine, I'm fine."
He frowned and opened his mouth, but luckily the archery round was announced at that moment.
"Raise the handkerchief if you need to leave," Gray said, repeating our earlier agreement, then trotted off to the end of the courtyard.
Lucy was there then with my wate and I drank, glad to have something to do. I felt the heavy gaze of the crowd on me, assessing, wondering. Gray had paid homage to his bride-to-be, but in the end, as victor, it was me he had gone to. I silently cursed Gray for doing this to me. For confusing me. I cursed my sick stomach. If only I'd kept calm, had not shifted, I might not have caught his eye....
"Lucy, could you bring Juvia some bread?" I whispered.
"I'll send some back," she whispered, looking at me meaningfully. "I'm on deck."
I followed her glance to the ring, where ten targets were set up. When Lucy and Levy rose, the crowd went berserk, cheering, beside themselves to see her in action. Bora rose from Carmen's side, bent, whispered something in her ear, then left her. In the gap he left, I spotted the doctor, but when I caught his eye, he moved away, as if not wishing to be seen. I frowned, puzzling over that.
Such an odd guy.
"Are you worried for your sister?" Natsu asked, sitting beside me. He handed me a plate of bread, cheese, and grapes. "She sent you this."
"You are her servant now?" I asked wryly.
"In every way." He grinned. "She has captured my heart and now she'll capture everyone else's too. I'll have no hope to compete for her. Here, hold my hand," he said, reaching for my right. "Maybe it'll make her jealous."
I couldn't help but laugh. He was so melodramatic. And totally charming. I couldn't believe Lucy hadn't fallen for him, too. She usually liked the guys who made her laugh.
But then we'd both be torn. I watched as Gray took his seat beside Ava again, covering her hand with his. I slowly ate a piece of bread, forcing myself to chew and swallow. The medicine was probably hard on my tummy. If I had taken it in modern times, it'd probably come with the take-it-with-food warning.
The targets were set out, and when Lucy and Levy reached for an arrow in the quiver on their backs, the crowd went nuts again. I smiled as they drew their arrows, pulled, and let them fly at the master's count. Everyones struck within the first two rings of their targets, but my theirs hit dead center. The crowd applauded, and the archers counted out ten more paces, and again let arrows fly. All again were within the first two rings of the center.
Erza returned just when I saw Bora lean over and say something to Lucy. She paused, and I felt Natsu's hand tighten over mine. Then Bora turned and smirked in our direction. The skin beneath one eye was slightly purple where Natsu had decked him.
"Calm down, Natsu," I cautioned, holding on to him.
Erza nodded in agreement "She'll see this through to the end."
He said nothing, which was so uncharacteristic of him that I worried over it. I hoped Bora wouldn't dare to say anything more to Lucy or- God forbid Levy. I was sure I wouldn't be able to hold Gajeel back from pounding him. Also, they'll never let him win if he continues to goad them.
The archers walked ten more paces, let arrows fly, and three of them were eliminated, trudging out of the courtyard in defeat.
With seven left, pigeons were released, all painted in colors that matched the archer's arrow tips. They had to find their targets and bring them down. Levy let one arrow fly, and it missed the bird, but she was already taking aim again and, with the second arrow, brought the creature down just before it escaped over the wall.
The crowd exploded in shouts and laughter and excitement again. Only four had managed to come this far. I wondered for a moment if the emotions of killing a bird would slow them down, but with one look at their faces, I knew we were sunk.
Erza and I groaned.
They wasn't going to let Bora win.
"What is it?" Natsu asked, leaning toward me. "They're doing as great!"
"Nothing. Never mind," I said, shaking my head. I take another bite of bread into my mouth, chewed, feeling a pang in my gut and another wave of nausea.
What would happen if one of them was the victor? Who would be the victor? Lucy and Levy have always been very competitive with each other when it came to archery. Would it make Bora more of a lethal threat to us? It was all so complicated. His relationship with the Carmen's family, their relationship with Fairy Tail...
The games master was calling out the next challenge. Men on the allures above us were carrying hay bales bound to a leather shield. They would appear in random places. The first archer to stick five of them would be declared the victor.
"No," Natsu growled. "Of all the thoughtless, crass decisions..."
I bit my lip. It was too much like Phantom Lord. Too much like that night. Would they dissolve into tears? The others drew arrows across their bows. Two looked at Levy and Lucy with concern, as if guessing at what might have given her pause. The games master shouted his count, and arrows began flying. Bora struck one, turned towards them with a smirk. They tilted their chins in defiance before he turned and fired again, hitting the second. I gripped Natsu's hand, hard again.
The crowd hushed, watching the drama play out before them like a silent movie. They kept staring at Bora, who was aiming at a third moving target, narrowly missing it. Then as if snapping out of their stupor, they suddenly sprang into action, on the move, back to back, searching, locking onto their target, drawing once, twice, thrice, hitting three targets in quick succession.
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They looked like true warriors.
Men shouted. Women shrieked. But I knew they heard nothing, acting like they were back at the castle that fateful night. Bora frowned and held a hand out to her, as if complaining about their method, but they both took their fourth down before he had a chance to bring his hand back to his own bow.
There was only one target left and they both aimed for it, their arrows meeting in the center of it in a tie.
Children ran out and surrounded them, arms up, dancing. The crowd followed, lifting them onto their shoulders. Nastu and Gajeel gave a loud roar of approval.
They blinked in confusion when it was over and their concentrated expressions disappeared into an apologetic look as if to say, 'Sorry! Couldn't help it!'
Erza sighed and I smiled.
After all, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
"Wait a minute- A tie?!" Lucy cried out, squinting at the final target.
"Again?!" Levy raged, crossing her arms and pouting. "And I was eager to see who the better archer was."
I could but throw my head back and laugh.
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xelinielx · 5 years
Wednesday - A JadeRoxy pirate AU one shot
This story is for my friend @tentiginouslogophile (Jade) whose birthday is today!! I failed at drawing pictures to this so you’ll have to settle for a short story heheh. It’s a bit messy because it’s hard for me to find motivation right now, though I really wanted to give you something today. I hope you’ll like it anyway. Happy birthday again! I love you!! I will probably rewrite this when I get my motivation back so it will be as great as you are 💕
Warning: contains a lot of fluff, the striders being dumbasses and implied smut.
Out of all the pirate ships sailing the Sburban sea, two stood out and were renowned as led by the scariest captains by all who saw them - but their crew wouldn’t agree.
Pirate captain Roxy Lalonde on the Mutie was actually one of the most absent-minded people on the planet. If they were born in the 21st century, her crew would have likened her with the pirate captain Jack Sparrow from the pirate movies, and Roxy would find that absolutely hilarious.
She was a good captain though, despite not always acting like one. In battle, she was a scary blur of swordstrokes, and she had gotten the nickname The Cat from her enemies. They all saw her as a terrifying force of nature, but her crew, who had more than once seen her throw up over the edge of the ship and fail to pet their aggressive ship’s cat, didn’t agree in the slightest. There was only one pirate brave enough to fight her.
Captain Jade Harley.
They had been fighting for as long as they could remember, always chasing each other and trying to beat the other. Today was the day they would clash again.
Jade Harley was seen as eccentric by her crew. She was brave, fast and had no hesitation in throwing herself in dangerous situations when needed. Also when not needed. That’s why her crew felt more like babysitters most of the time. “No captain, diving from the top of the mast is not a good idea in this storm.” “Captain, if you try to steer the ship through that gap it will sink.” “JADE FOR FUCKS SAKE DON’T TRY TO SHOOT THE SEAGULL WHILE WEARING A BLINDFOLD!”
Her enemies called her The Witch. She appeared out of practically nowhere with her ship, cannons firing rapidly. In the harbors there were people spreading stories about how she must have contacted Feferi the fabled Sea Witch and sold her soul for power.
The first time Jade heard those stories, she’d laughed so hard that she got the hiccups and couldn’t talk normally for the rest of the day. After that, she of course made sure to scream some long difficult words that sound like a spell to spur the stories even further when she fought the crews who dared oppose her.
Jade kicks the door to her quarters open with a well-aimed strike and steps out onto the deck, striking a grin. “Good morning everyone!” she exclaims and puts her captains hat over her unbrushed mess of black hair.
“‘sup Jade!” Dave calls out from atop some barrels where he’s sprawled out, eyepatches over both eyes. He was supposed to be the lookout but he was usually too lazy to do so. He also never wanted anyone to see his eyes, so he looked rather comical with the eyepatches.
“Is it Wednesday again?” Rose, the first mate asks and rolls up the map she was analyzing. Jade saunters over and smacks her hands on the table with a huge grin.
“It sure is! Let’s go to that island we passed last night. I’m sure they’ll be there.” Rose had long since learnt not to question her captain’s directives. Somehow, she always manages to get them to where they are supposed to go — even if it’s the complete wrong way according to Rose’s very accurate maps.
Sometimes she felt like she wanted to believe the sea witch rumors. “John! Prepare the cannons,” Jade shouts down a hatch, jousting the poor boy from his sleep by scaring him so bad that he crashes into the ground.
“Not Wednesday again,” he mutters and goes off to work the cannons while wrapping a blue napkin around his head.
Jade flops down on the deck and starts to pick apart her gun to clean it. It’s an important day after all, and she can’t have it ruined due to poor gun maintenance. What would grandpa say? The fact that she cleaned the gun yesterday doesn’t matter.
Dave groans as he hears the telltale clang of metal objects hitting the wooden deck and Jade humming.
“Is it fucking Wednesday again? Wasn’t it Wednesday like yesterday?” Jade giggles and throws a dirty rag on Dave and takes out a new one. Dave jerks back and almost falls off the ship.
“Shit man don’t scare me like that.” He slips off the barrels (in the right direction) and takes a seat with his back against them. “Like do you want me to die before we even fight? That is so uncool of you. And you call yourself our captain.”
Jade shuts out Dave’s usual rambling and focuses on her gun. When she’s gone over it three times, she’s satisfied and puts it back together.
“There’s a ship to starboard, Captain,” Rose calls out after a while. Jade gives Dave a disapproving look that he doesn’t see.
“And what a good lookout you are then,” she complains before running up to Rose, who is steering the ship.
She could identify that flag anywhere. “It’s them all right,” she says, face turning serious. From the way people start moving on the other ship, Jade knows that they have seen them too.
I mean not that a huge pirate ship is that easy to hide.
“To your stations!” Jade calls and runs over to the side of the ship, tying a rope with a hook securely to the side. “We’re boarding them!”
It doesn’t take long for the ships to close in on each other. Jade scans her opponents with a stern face. There is the black haired guy who wields two small guns and uses weird words to threaten them. What even does “Tally-ho!” mean? Then, there is their cook who doesn’t really like to fight. She holds a kitchen knife in one hand and looks uneasy. She will be easy to take down.
There is the blonde guy who wields an odd sword and looks even dumber than Dave. They seem to have the same mindset about letting people see their eyes- and seeing, apparently. The only difference is that this guy’s eyepatches are cut into triangles. How does that even work?
And then, staring straight at her, a sword and pistol in each hand, blonde hair flying in the wind is no one else but the ship’s captain and Jade’s nemesis.
“Roxy,” she says, and the grip on her gun tightens.
Roxy’s painted lips curl into a smile, and the sun reflects off the small black cat she has dangling from an ear. “Hi there Jadie.” She places the back of a hand against her hip and blows a lock of hair away from her face.
Jade takes a moment to take note of the sleek, fancy pink coat with golden buttons adorning Roxy’s body, the headband she has tied around her head and the white tights ending in knee-high boots.
She can feel Roxy’s eyes scanning her, seeing the loose white shirt, her large captains hat and green pieces of fabric tied around her waist into a loose, comfortable skirt.
Jade can almost feel Dave roll his eyes. “Prepare to be boarded!” Jade suddenly shouts, knocking everyone out of their staring contests. She throws the rope over to the other ship and runs over on the taut line without even swaying. Her crewmates (except for John, who runs down the hatch to the cannons) grab ropes and throw them onto Mutie’s mast, swinging themselves over. They are not going to run over a rope. In just a few moments, swords are clanging and shots are fired.
Dave and Dirk engage in a fierce battle in the front of the ship. Their swords clash together with skill and precision — the fact that neither of them can see doesn’t seem to matter. They attack and block quickly, engaging in a dangerous dance.
On the opposite side of the ship, Rose is using her sword to strike Jake’s pistols rapidly, trying to keep him from shooting. She uses the ship to her advantage, swinging her sword to urge Jake into a more vulnerable position. Jane seems to have disappeared down into the ship again. That’s just as well.
In the middle of the ship, Jade and Roxy cross blades. They whirl around each other, anticipating each other’s moves. Roxy makes a jab with her sword, and Jade slaps it away with the front of her gun, twisting around to pound the back of it into Roxy’s stomach and make her loose her footing for a moment.
But only for a moment. Roxy charges immediately, knocking Jade against the edge of the ship with her shoulder. Jade kicks Roxy’s legs before she can regain her balance, but Roxy slips her gun behind Jade’s back, knocking her to the ground with her.
They tumble around for a moment, Jade knocks the gun from Roxy’s hand with a slap from the flat side of her blade as she struggles to get out on top.
Roxy fights back and straddles Jade, holding her sword at her throat. She feels some metal touch her chin, and her eyes dart down to see Jade smirking with the nozzle of her gun aimed at her. They make eye contact for a second, then two.
Unanimously, they drop their weapons, and Roxy leans down to kiss Jade as Jade leans up to meet her lips. Jade’s hands land on Roxy’s waist, and Roxy places her hands on either side of Jade’s face, gently brushing her hair out of the way.
The rest of the world fades away as the two of them relish in the feeling of each other. The closeness of their bodies, the beating of their hearts, and the taste of the each other’s lips.
Roxy knocks the stupid hat off Jade’s head, grinning against her lips. Jade retaliates by slipping her hands under Roxy’s coat, feeling the soft skin of her stomach.
“Hell no, I’m not watching this.” The two of them part to look at the intruder. Dirk is staring straight up into the sky, triangular eyepatches still over his eyes. Roxy snorts and gives Jade another peck on the lips.
They slip into Roxy’s quarters and shut the door as their crewmates sit down together at the back of the ship. Jane comes up to join them with a few bottles of rum, and John shows up too after a while.
“You’re getting better,” Rose tells Jake after taking a swig of the rum. “Just a few more years and you might beat me.” Dave snorts and almost chokes on the drink.
They chat and joke together until the sun sets. There are several empty bottles of rum between them, and at some point, Jane went away to get them some food to snack on as well.
They hear the giggling before they see Roxy and Jade slip out of the hut. Roxy’s coat is buttoned in the wrong holes, and Jade’s hair is even more of a mess than earlier.
“Clean up after yourselves,” Jane groans and rests her head against the floor, knowing that no one will listen.
Jade and Roxy hold hands, smiling warmly at each other. Jade leans forward to place another kiss on Roxy’s lips. “Same time next Wednesday?” she asks. Roxy can see the sun set in her green eyes.
She places Jade’s hat back on her mess of black hair and kisses her nose with a giggle. “Next Wednesday.”
With those words, Jade’s crew returns to their own ship and Rose sets the course for wherever she likes, as she does every Wednesday.
As the ships part in different directions underneath the night sky, two captains stand at the far back of their ships, staring longingly at each other across the sea that mirrors the stars in the sky until the other ship disappears from view, waiting for the next Wednesday.
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daddychi-01 · 6 years
Clary and Alec talk (inspired by the 3x07 hug)
It was only a short time after Clary had “come back from the dead” before she made her way into Alec’s office. There was so much on her mind, so many things she needed to say. Those brief moments when Johnathan grabbed her arm, and she thought she was going to die Clary realized she still had a conversation she needed to live for. “Why did you forgive me for lying to you about Jace?” 
Alec’s head shot up from the old text he had previously been intent on reading. His brow was already furrowed, probably due to the book but it could also have been just Alec sensing Clary near by. “I’m sorry?” Alec eyes were one of his most prominent features, and those hazel pools could only convey confusion towards the red head. 
“I know you said you would have made the wish too, but that doesn’t explain why you forgave me from keeping it from you. You gave me multiple opportunities to tell you the truth and I didn’t take them, so how can you just forgive me like that?” Clary moved from her spot in the door way to the chair in front of Alec’s desk. Her head dropped to look at her knees, because making eye contact with Alec became too difficult. “I thought your thing was hating me, so it would only makes sense for you to add this screw up to your list.”
“I don’t hate you Clary.” This time it was Clary’s head that shot up. 
“You don’t?” Alec got up from his desk chair and walked over to the couch by a small fireplace. Taking a seat Alec waved Clary over, but she sat firmly in place. “Come over here Clary, this isn’t a conversation between the Head of the Institute and a Shadowhunter so let’s not have it at the desk.” 
Slowly Clary rose from her chair and walked over to Alec. She didn’t sit, instead she stood in front of him. “So what is this a conversation between?” Clary asked. 
“Friends.” Alec’s answer brought shock to Clary’s eyes. “Yes I said friends, now please sit down.” Clary obliged the request, but to Alec’s annoyance it was at a slow pace. “Are you afraid of breaking your hip or something?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“It’s just I have seen old ladies sit faster than you just did.” A small smile made its way onto Clary’s face and Alec took that as a small victory.  “Now to answer your question: I was able to forgive you for lying because I forgave Jace for lying. It would make me a hypocrite if I held you more responsible than him, especially if it was his idea to keep the incident a secret in the first place.”
“If this had been a couple months ago you would not have cared about hypocrisy.” Clary visibly flinched at her word vomit. “I’m sorry.” She muttered. 
“It’s fine, and honestly you are right. But it isn’t a couple of months ago, so things are different.” Alec turned his body to be facing Clary more, bringing his leg up to rest on the couch he looked rather relaxed for such a serious conversation. “There is also the fact that you saved my brother’s life. That gets you bonus points in my book.”
“Thank you Alec...I needed this.” Alec gave Clary a smile, which was rare seeing as Magnus wasn’t in the room to induce it. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but...I appreciate it.”
“Stop it,” Alec’s tone got harder. “While I don’t like being lied to you have already made it up to me. Saving Jace is worth it and now you’ve saved him from both Valentine and Lilith, so don’t you dare diminish that.” 
Tears began to build up and sting Clary’s eyes. She was trying so hard to fight them off, not wanting to appear weak in front of Alec. “Hey.” Alec said in a soft tone as he raised his hand to rest on Clary’s arm. 
“It’s okay.” It was in this moment that Clary remembered that Alec was a big brother. This probably wasn’t the first time he had to comfort someone on the brink of tears, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. The funniest thing was, it was working. Alec’s voice immediately calmed Clary, she felt safe despite her vulnerable state. 
“Clary I promise everything is okay, just breathe.” Clary followed Alec’s instruction taking a deep breath and slowly letting it escape her lungs. “That’s good Clary. That’s good.” Alec at one point during the breathing session moved even closer on the couch to Clary, and at this point he decided to pull the girl before him into a hug. 
“Thank you Alec.” 
“You’re welcome Clary.” Alec leaned back into the couch but Clary’s body followed. He sighed knowing that she wouldn’t be leaving for a bit and just settled in for the cuddle session. “You are forgiven Clary, you made a mistake in keeping a secret but its paid for and done with.” 
“I know...I just...,” Clary didn’t finish her sentence, rather she let it hang in the air for Alec to translate. 
“My mom and I have a running joke that I think might help you.” Clary scoffed as her head rested on Alec’s chest. “And what would be so funny?” Alec asked. 
“I just didn’t know that you or your mom could joke.” Clary smirked at her retort, taking pride in being able to get back into her typical sarcastic joust with Alec. 
“Shut up red.” Alec rolled his eyes, but he did chuckle at the characterization of him and his mother. “Anyway, the joke is: We’re Lightwoods, we break noses and accept the consequences.” 
“I don’t get it.” Clary knew that Alec probably wasn’t the type to do stand up comedy, but when he said she had a joke for her she assumed at the very least it would be a sarcastic remark that would make her smirk. 
“I guess you need the context to get the joke.” Alec admitted. “But it looks like you aren’t going anywhere, so I guess I could tell you.” 
“I would like that.”
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aconitemare · 6 years
[jaydick] The New RA pt. 2
The prompts I’m following. 
Read on AO3. Now under its own title on AO3, The New RA!
Dick preferred front row seats wherever he went: concerts, movie theaters, games, medieval jousts, niche campus protests, absolutely any interaction between Bruce and Damian, drama between strangers at a party, and – classes. He made it a point to arrive early to every class so he could stake a claim to a desk in the front row. His notes were always better, it was harder for him to be distracted, and the professor called on him a lot more.
           His ethics course met on Mondays and Wednesdays and although it was easy, it was still fun. Professor Prince went out of her way to engage students; the essay assignments were genuinely thought-provoking and class discussions maintained an atmosphere of both genuine interest and mutual respect. The only downside was that she never assigned group work, which was Dick’s favorite aspect of every class. So when she finally offered the choice of working on an upcoming project individually or in groups, Dick’s hand went flying in the air to offer his opinion.
           Professor Prince motioned to him and Dick lowered his arm. “I think if we work in groups, we’ll be able to cover a lot more of the material as a class during presentations. Plus, what are ethics without societies, right? People come together to debate and decide upon what’s right and wrong, our moral codes depend on our relations to each other.”
           “That’s an excellent point,” Professor Prince praised. “Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’ll start assigning groups and everyone can spend the last,” she glanced at the clock on the wall, “half hour deciding which way you’ll argue.” She picked up the roster and began writing the main topics of their current chapter with student names beneath them.
           Someone in the back asked a question. “Can we argue differently from our group? Show both sides of the argument?” The voice was a man’s that struck Dick as vaguely familiar. Dick twisted around in his seat but couldn’t figure out from which end of the room the question had originated.
           Professor Prince was still writing down names. “I don’t see why not, so long as your group agrees to it.” Dick’s name paired with two other names he didn’t recognize beneath the term death penalty. Already everyone was glancing around the room searching for faces they could pin to names.
           It seemed Professor Prince was doing groups of four. The last name added to Dick’s group was Jason Todd. Dick instantly thought back to his RA, embarrassment threatening the corners of his mind. Before he could forcefully push the memory out of his head, though, the voice of the kid behind him crashed into the name with full force.
           Dick’s head whipped around. He scanned the ascending rows of students who were standing up and beginning to mingle. If he hadn’t been searching, he wouldn’t have found Jason Todd in the far right seat in the last row, hunched over and scribbling furiously in his notebook. He was wearing the same leather jacket that brushed against Dick’s arms last weekend.
           Dick wondered if Jason, too, knew he had ethics class with the guy who came on too strong that Saturday. Which one of them came on too strong? Dick probably had some fault in this situation. It wouldn’t have been the first time he had accidentally slept with someone.
           “Please tell me you’re Richard Grayson.”
           Dick breaks his bewildered stare to respond to the girl. She has long brown hair and doe eyes. He laughs and holds out a hand for her to shake. “Yeah, that’s me.” He glances at the whiteboard. The only other name is also a guy’s. “Are you Allie?”
           “Yeah. Should I – ” Allie points her backpack to the chair next to him. Dick looks back to the top row where Jason has not made a move to get up.
           “Actually, I think we should meet up with Jason over there. It doesn’t look like he’s budging.” Dick and Allie exchanged an amused expression but neither was going to enter a stand-off on principle. They began the trek up the stairs, collecting their fourth partner David along the way.
           Jason’s look when the three of them sit beside him is truly imposed upon. When Jason made eye contact with Dick, his face tightened but there was no hint of surprise. So either Jason noticed him for the first time at the beginning of this class, or he had known of Dick before the dorm awkwardness.
           The group introduced themselves. Dick had a few ideas milling about his head for the project but before he could voice them, Jason was passing down his notebook and outlining how he thought they should design the presentation.
           “Wow,” Dick said, waiting for David to pass the notebook to him. “You’re fast, huh,” he observed.
           “Yeah, I think we should do it like this,” David declared.
           “Yeah, me too,” said Allie.
           “Well, hold on, I haven’t seen his ideas yet,” Dick interjected. On cue, David passed him the notebook. Jason’s handwriting was meticulous and uniform to the point it almost looked typed. The organization checked out. Jason had written “Person 1” and “Person 2” and so on next to each aspect of the death penalty to delve into. There was definite flow and if this was a debate team, it had good bones for winning.
           Dick looked past the classmates between them and straight at Jason. “Where are the points against the death penalty?” He was sure it was an oversight on Jason’s part, that he was getting to the next side when they all sat down.
           Jason shrugged. “Couldn’t think of any.”
           “You couldn’t think of any?” Dick repeated.
           “That’s what I said.”
           Allie chimed in. “I mean, we don’t have to include both sides, I’m pretty sure. I don’t think it matters.”
           Dick cut a sharp glance at her. “Tell that to the people on death row,” he challenged. He immediately regretted it when Allie straightened up as if to pull away.
           Jason adjusted in his chair so his knees were angled towards Dick. He was the picture of ease, which wasn’t fair, because Dick didn’t feel at ease whatsoever across from him. “Look, the professor said we don’t have to cover the same side of the argument. If you want to throw a few slides in for why the death penalty is bad, you should.”
           “Oh, I’m free to throw a few slides in?” Dick said too quickly to reel in the sarcasm. Why hadn’t Jason approached him sooner? Was he mad Dick rejected him? This was a conflict of interest. “I think your bias is showing,” Dick threw down.
           Both David and Allie’s spines were flush against their chairs now. “Because I didn’t include the opposite argument in an outline I made in less than three minutes? You’re the one getting worked up. Maybe you’ve got a bias, Dick,” Jason fired back.
           David laughed uncomfortably. “Hey, guys, let’s not name-call.”
           “That’s his name,” Jason said at the same time Dick said, “That’s my name.”
           “Oh,” murmured Allie. “You go by that.”
           “Maybe you’re right,” Dick conceded. “Maybe I don’t want to be a part of a presentation that expounds upon the merits of taking lives legally. Ethics class or not, it’s disturbing. I mean, it’s not like we’re doing – ” Dick read off a term from the white board, “Rehabilitation.” Dick winced. That sounded pretty important, too, actually.
           “Would you calm down?” Jason asked. “We’re not on jury duty, okay, we’re not literally sending murderers to their deaths here. Although, it’s good to know that if we were, you’d be set to let the Joker walk free.”
           Dick officially did not feel bad about slamming the door in Jason’s face anymore. “Not free,” he corrected, “just alive.”
           “He’s out of Arkham every other news segment,” Jason exaggerated and waved a hand in the air. “The only way to stop scum like that is to put them down.”
           Dick’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t help it. “And you’re in charge of my dormmates’ well-being, huh? That’s going to work out super well; you’re so compassionate.”
           “Uh, I’m going to go,” announced Allie, and so she did, grabbing her books and squeezing by David and Dick.
           “Is everything alright?” Professor Prince asked from closer than Dick expected. He didn’t dare break Jason’s intense glare though. He was only half-sure he was capable of looking away if he wanted to. Jason’s eyes burned like rope around his wrists.
           “Everything’s fine, sorry, Professor,” replied Dick while Jason said, “I don’t know what your problem is, but I’m pretty sure it’s with me for whatever reason you’ve got bouncing around in that bobble head of yours.”
           “That’s egotistical of you,” noted Dick.
           Then Professor Prince was standing right by Dick’s shoulder. Jason and Dick broke away simultaneously to acknowledge the woman standing tall with her – shocking muscular, how was Dick just noticing this? – arms crossed against her chest. “It appears this argument has crossed over into the personal. I’m going to have to ask you two to leave so the rest of the class can be productive.”
           “Yes, ma’am,” Jason mumbled. He was rapidly gathering his stuff.
           Dick hadn’t unpacked his bag and so he simply swung it over his shoulder. “My apologies,” he told her, hoping he came off earnest. “It won’t happen again.”
           Professor Prince stepped to the side to allow them passage. “If it does, you know where to take it.” She pointed to the door.
           Dick nodded. “Right.” He ducked his head in shame but managed not to scurry out lest he seem too scolded. Outside the classroom, he was tempted to head to the student center but decided to hang back instead. Dick’s temper tended to run more cool than hot and he was only a few steps away when he began to regret the escalation. So he leaned against the wall and waited until Jason had emerged.
           Jason did not look nearly as calm. His brows were still pulled taut in angry slashes over his stormy eyes. He actually trudged right past Dick, his knuckles turning white over his backpack.
           Dick pushed himself off the wall and hurried after. “Hey,” he said, “can we talk?”
           “Would it sweeten the pot if I told you I was apologizing?” Dick tried.
           “Thank you for the apology,” Jason said curtly.
           “Okay,” said Dick, taking it in stride. Apologies were rarely comfortable for the apologizer. “I want you to know that I don’t actually care about the death penalty thing.” Dick grimaced. “Well, okay, I do care a lot actually and would love some day to talk to you about your views –” Jason made a pained noise, so Dick skipped over that part, “But anyway, that’s not an urgent thing. I’m just saying that though I think it’d be a mistake for you to send even the Joker to his deathbed, I wouldn’t think you’re a bad person for doing so.”
           Jason stopped walking and gave him a disbelieving look. “You said you were apologizing, not giving me your hypothetical blessing.”
           “I can do both.”
           “No, because now it’s like you’re forgiving me for something that is literally never going to happen but I’m still at fault for.”
           Dick had to taken a quiet moment to consider that. He didn’t like how Jason was putting him through the ringer here, but he was doing his best to sympathize and Dick could maybe see how his approach was off. He inhaled deeply. “Okay,” he said for a second time. Resetting. “You’re right. But I’m not done yet.”
           “Seriously?” Jason said, but Dick could tell the anger was draining out of him. Dick smiled, appreciating the pout that was absolutely forming on Jason’s lips.
           “I’m also sorry for slamming the door in your face,” he finally said. Jason looked away, which was comforting because it meant he was flustered over it too. “I stand by that I 100% was not hitting on you, but my bedside manner afterwards could’ve been gentler.” And because Dick’s mouth is its own trolley problem, he tacks on, “I know it’s not easy to be rejected by me.”
           Jason’s mouth parted to say something when he closed it and walked off, leaving Dick to stand there and admire his own wit. “It was a joke!” he called after, but he let Jason be.
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xxccxy · 6 years
A Tale from Thelua
Crystalline tears…
Fall from her eyes.
Trembling lips, broken sobs, aching heart. She screams a silent scream. Fragile hands gripping me tight, searching my beating heart, catching my heat. Golden hair covers her face, brown eyes hides behind the lids.
Look at me.
Look at me.
A Tale from Thelua
[19] secret
She had been staring, far into the distant horizon where the sky met the orange roof of the city houses, and it still felt like the time ticked slowly. Time was merciless to her today. It went like a blur this noon, but it refused to slide now. She stared at the reflection in the window as it grew more visible, as the sun disappeared, and the night took over. Her husband was sleeping soundly on the bed, facing her side with an arm stretched to take her portion of the bed in his grasp.
She had filled the empty space before, her back against his chest and his arms around her waist. But she woke up a couple of hours ago and she had been staring since then. Her mind had wandered to all things that happened this day. The jousting, the corolla, the dance offer, the overwhelming confusion.
She had convinced herself, that their reunion wouldn’t affect her and that she should ignore the gnawing tug in her chest. Meeting Zeref was natural; he was the first prince, he was Natsu’s elder brother. Whether he or she wanted it or not, their reunion was inevitable. It was just that both he and she had to act as if it was their first time meeting each other. It was the best for them.
What he had for her was an affection, and it had always been like that since the first time they meet in that forest on the border of Feliose and Thelua. What surprised her was the fact that it had stayed the same in him, even after the passing years.
She would be lying if she didn’t have anything toward him. But she knew better than to dwell with it.
That time, the peace between Feliose and Thelua couldn’t be guaranteed, after all.
Forgetting him was easy, yet it was harder to diminish the longing. Throwing away her feelings came next. Thus, when he stood in front of her, all memories of him she thought long gone managed to return and they filled her head.
No. It never happened.
That simple sentence was the only shield she had against the pouring memory, to withstand the mixed feelings, to cope. She had been repeating it over and over – the same mantra she chanted to herself for years until eventually she forgot them.
She could repeat it. She could bear with it for the second time. She had wished it would be the same as before; no one knew except him and her. Not even Wendy or her personal maid.
But Natsu knew.
Lucy walked to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed near Natsu’s sleeping body. The man had been sleeping soundly and she wondered if he hadn’t gotten any proper sleep lately. Her hand brushed the soft locks that fell to his sleeping eyes as he slept on his side. He stirred and turned to sleep on his back.
Natsu… it seemed like he could always find her, even after she thought there would be no one who could find her in the garden. At least none of the guest would come there and the maids rarely pass the corridor leading there. She thought it was the perfect place to be alone, to relax. But the more she tried to relax, the more she tried to forget what happened before she came there, the more it frustrated her. Before she knew it, her cheek was wet. Before she knew it, Natsu was there. Before she knew it, she was already engulfed in his embrace.
“Is it him? Brother?”
He knew something. But she knew Natsu left the audience seat before the match between Zeref and the knight from Westwend. Thus, Natsu shouldn’t have known about the blessing, the corolla, and the dance.
She didn’t want him to know, but she knew better than hiding it from him.
Her hand brushed back the hair on his forehead and kissed him there. “Natsu, wake up.”
Onyx eyes revealed, still filled with drowsiness, but he didn’t look as tired as before. She smiled, retracting her hand, and greeted him, “Good morning.”
“Lucy?” He pushed himself to sit, glancing to the window. “What time is it?”
“An hour before the party started,” she stood, walking to the closet and opened it. “We should get ready.”
There was a rustle and the sound of his footsteps. He was standing behind her, a hand on her shoulder, pulling it slightly. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,” he whispered.
“You knew,” she said simply. Her hand stopped moving, resting on a dress with emerald color. “It’s fine. I’ll manage. Thank you, Natsu.”
She felt his grip on her shoulder tightened, and she gasped when he suddenly pulled her, turning her over. “Lucy, brother is–”
“In love with me. I know,” she cut him, giving him a small smile. “I know, Natsu. I’m aware of his affection. That’s why I’m going to ignore it.”
Lucy watched as his expression changed from surprise to worry. “He will not stay silent.”
“But I have you.”
His eyes widened.
“And I trust you,” she continued. “Now, try not to lose to your brother, will you?”
“Lucy, I’m serious.”
“Natsu, I’m trying.” Her smile vanished. Her hand gripped the sides of her dress, crumpling it as she bit her lips. “Don’t you trust me?”
It was harder than she thought. Convincing him that it was nothing to her was harder than she had imagined. He must be worried that it would create a disgrace and put a shame to the royal family, but Lucy knew better than making it true. And Zeref, as much as she didn’t want to rely on him, she knew he wasn’t unreasonable. He wouldn’t dare creating more scene, especially after what he did this morning.
Natsu’s grip on her shoulder weakened and there was a sigh from him. “Fine,” he said finally.
She smiled. “Thank you, Natsu,” Lucy said, kissing his cheek. “I promise I’ll tell you after the party ends.”
He took her hand, kissing it on the back, smiling a bit as he did so. “Of course.”
The man grabbed his suit, pushing his fingers through his hair to remove his bed hair and left the room. Her three maids along with Wendy entered afterward. Looking from the way Wendy frowned, Lucy could guess that it had reached the young lady’s ears. And not only Wendy, she thought as she noticed the tense expression on her maids.
She said nothing to the blue-haired girl as she sat on the edge of the bed. Lucy let Millie donned the silk dress of red in the favor of the knight’s red characteristic. Aside the tense expression, they weren’t as chipper as they usually did. It brought a gloomy atmosphere around them, and Lucy couldn’t help but noticing that they were waiting for her to talk first.
“So,” Lucy started as she sat before the mirror, watching Agne brushing her hair, “can I take it that you four ladies have already heard a certain rumor about me and the first prince?”
She felt the hand that brushed her hair stopped for a moment and saw the rest of the ladies flinched. Wendy’s eyebrows knitted, and she puffed her cheek. “I don’t understand,” Wendy said, breaking the long silence.
“You don’t have to, Wendy.”
“No! I mean this is a very serious matter! How can you be so calm about it, sister?”
“It’s just a rumor, Wendy, not a fact. I can easily ignore it. What makes it different from the one rumor about the prince of Pemberna?”
Wendy fell into a stagnant silence, fiddling with the hem of her dress as she thought over about it. “Well, yes, they don’t have much difference, but I’m afraid that it will affect the other noble’s view about you, sis.”
“Their view wouldn’t change drastically just because of this, and besides,” Lucy’s eyes met Wendy through the reflection on the mirror, “I have both you and Natsu.”
“My lady…”
Lucy glanced at Millie, who stood next to her, carrying a tray filled with jewelry. “What is it, Millie?”
The grip on the tray tightened. “Pardon my forwardness, but… His Highness is… Prince Zeref is already betrothed.”
Brown eyes blinked slowly. “Betrothed?”
To whom?
“I’ve never heard anything about this,” Wendy murmured, seemed to be surprised as well. “Is what you said true?”
There was an underlying demand of ‘tell me everything you know’ in Wendy’s tone. The tray the maid held was trembling as she paled. “M-My lady–”
“Calm down, Millie,” Lucy said. “You’re going to drop the tray. Don’t worry, even if it’s just a rumor, I’d like to hear what you know about it.”
The maid took a couple of deep breath, calming herself. The color of her face was returning. She said, “It is what I heard a few months ago from Lady Emma. She said that not only our second prince who is betrothed, but also our first prince.”
“My nanny?” Wendy questioned, confusion clearly displayed on her face. “But she never told me anything about that even after I returned here!”
“Indeed, my lady, for it is supposed to be a secret,” the maid said, placing the diadem on her head gently. “His Majesty only announced the betrothal of Prince Natsu to Princess Lucy as it is should be known for both Thelua and Feliose.”
Lucy nodded, fully taking in the information into consideration. The King only announced their marriage, but not Zeref’s. What suspicious was the fact that they made it unannounced. No one knew about it aside the royal family and the other family whose daughter got betrothed with Zeref.
Did Natsu know about this?
As if on cue, the door was knocked as it opened and Natsu entered the room. He closed the door behind him and leaned into it, watching Lucy as she stood and Wendy standing next to her. His gaze fixed to her hidden feet. “You wear those shoes again,” he remarked, smiling a little. “Shall we practice the dance before we go?”
Lucy laughed, remembering the same situation she had on the first day of their marriage celebration party. “I think I already get the hang of it.”
Natsu extended his hand, offering it to her. “Shall we go, then?”
“Of course,” she said, taking his hand and held it.
Before they left, Lucy spared a glance to the three maids hiding in the bathroom. As they noticed her leaving, they waved at her and she mouthed a ‘thank you’ to them accompanied with a smile. Wendy was walking on her left, taking her left hand while silently matching her pace.
When they arrived at the stairs that led to the hall, Lucy almost staggered as she saw the familiar figure who stood near it. He was there, and Lucy felt the squeeze Wendy gave to her hand. It was alright. Nothing was wrong with him standing there. Zeref was also the member of the royalty, she reminded herself. It wasn’t strange for him to be there.
He had a small smile on his face, giving the serene air around him, one that he only capable showing when less people around. “Good evening, Natsu, Wendy,” he greeted his siblings, paused, and then looked at her, “Lucy.”
“Good evening, brother,” Natsu greeted back first; not too soon or too late. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the hall already?”
“I’m waiting for our sister,” he replied, looking at Wendy, “to escort her.”
Wendy blinked. “I-I’m honored, elder brother,” she quickly responded properly. “It has been a while, why don’t we dance?”
Unconsciously, Lucy gripped Natsu’s hand tighter, anticipating the other man’s reply. She managed to sigh inwardly when he affirmed Wendy’s offer with a natural nod. The blue-haired young lady took Zeref’s hand and they descended the stairs first, leaving Lucy and Natsu as they wait for them to reach the bottom.
There was a cheer coming from the guest. Lucy took the moment to whisper at Natsu. “Don’t leave me alone with him.”
“I won’t. Why?”
She gave him a blank look.
“Just a hunch.”
Chapter Index
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