#we hang out and have tea. go shopping. dressed so pretty with our fans and it looks like paradise
sapphic-woes · 2 years
I would be Ambessa’s sex slave
Damn anon ok. Welcome to the harem. Want to wear a pretty collar? Pretty sure she buys a specific one for every little pet she has.
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toastedkiwi · 2 years
Everybody’s Favorite Roommates
Summary: fan interactions/witnessing the chaos.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Roommate!Reader
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The roommates we never knew we needed have finally been seen outside of that very first zoom interview on Kelly Clarkson’s Show and those lovable Instagram Lives. With a collection of stories that our fans have sent in, we bring you the chaos that is Y/n Y/l/n and Chris Evans.
@/bitchesbewildin not gonna lie but Chris Evans and Y/n Y/l/n came into the Target I work at. They were in line at my register. Lizzo was playing on the speakers while they were waiting and Y/n said to Chris, “ooo, your baby mama is playing.” Chris turned to her and said, “I don’t hear you singing.” Her eyes got comically wide and she couldn’t even look at him. I don’t know if she’s pregnant but OMG!
@/anon1 my great grandma’s apartment was next to Y/n Y/l/n’s. My great grandma goes over and they’ll have tea and snacks together. Y/n will play classical music on her piano for her to hear once again. She even played all of Swan Lake. My great grandmother was a former ballerina so it meant a lot to her. Y/n even payed for the whole funeral and attended but she sat in the back and stayed in the shadows.
@/thisismyclarinetbitch ever since Juilliard opened back up, Y/n Y/l/n is roaming the halls with sheet music in hand. I have caught her on FaceTime with Chris Jamal Evans.
@/nobodylovesme y/n paid two thousand dollars to each one of us (some lowerclassmen at Juilliard) just to play Gary’s Song with her to send to her “roommate”. All she said was that she misses him.
@/idontgetpaidforthis it was Valentine’s Day. Chris Evans strolled into the flower shop I work at and he had this pissed off look on his face. Short story is that Y/n Y/l/n out did him for the holiday and the cats they have ate the flowers he got her.
@/whatsmyname my husband and I went to one of the Juilliard concerts to see my sister. We were seated next to Chris Evans who was by himself in whole ass tuxedo. He had a bouquet of flowers ready. His eyes lit up the second she got on the stage. She sang a few words before going “oh wait, I’m not here for that!” Everyone laughed and she played her piano piece which was just so beautiful and drastically different from her usual pop music. And no, we sadly didn’t see Chris give her the flowers.
@/anon2 I was lucky enough to be serving Y/n Y/l/n and Chris Evans. They were dressed up to the nines. He held her hand. He pulled out her chair— he was a complete gentleman to her. They both were so sweet to each other and to me! They were just so polite and actually conversed with me and asked me about myself. I got a huge tip when they finished up. And yes, I did see them kiss each other on the lips so I’m pretty sure they’re dating.
@/noahsbackpain I worked on the set of a recent music video that she did with Miley Cyrus. I overheard them talking about her “roommate” situation. The way Y/n talks about Chris is 🥺🥺. I’m so jealous.
@/dogslovemeeee3 I witnessed, at a dog beach, Chris take off his jacket and put it on Y/n because she said she was cold.
@/sebooway I was on the subway and across from me was Y/n Y/l/n and Chris Evans. They shared earbuds-like they had wires. I overheard them call each other “gramps” and “granny”. At one point they had given their seats to two elderly women and Chris was hanging onto one of the bars and Y/n hung onto his bicep.
@/anon3 y/n visited Chris on the set of ghosted recently. I got to watch her run up to Chris. He had to drop the coffee in his hand to catch her like Terry did with Jake on Brooklyn 99. I want that in my life.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 01
(Masterpost) (Next Episode)
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Warning: This is **FULL **of spoilers, not just for this episode but for the entire series. If you haven’t finished all 50 episodes, please don’t read it! 
Intro: 2020 continues to be much much too much while also being incredibly boring, and Im done with Shen Wei’s Lewks, so now I’m doing a deep meta dive into the Untamed. Let’s roll! 
Prologue: The Battle of Mordor
The Demise of our Protagonist
Unlike some other shows I won’t name, The Untamed kills its suicidal queer protagonist immediately, rather than waiting four seasons, so we know what we're in for. 
This is Wei Wuxian, who is about to yeet himself off of a cliff. He is having a bad day. 
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Note: if mouth blood bothers you...C-Drama might not be your thing. 
Reasons for mouth blood: a sampler
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Anyway...cliff time
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Note: if (fictional) suicide bothers you...C-Drama might not be your thing. 
To be fair there are hardly any suicides in The Untamed. No more than ...five? As long as you don’t count the entire population of the Wen Corporate Headquarters in Yiling or those wall bandits in Qinghe or Madame Yu or all those Wens who supposedly threw themselves into the mud puddle or that Mo guy who broke his own neck. Plus watching Wei Wuxian’s cliff drop several more times from multiple angles. So, you know. Hardly Any Suicides. 
This is Lan Wangji, who is about to have his first losing encounter with physics. He is having a bad day.
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In fact, if it is possible to have a worse day than the guy who is currently falling to his death, Lan Wangji is having that.
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This is Jiang Cheng, who is feeling extra stabby from this camera angle. He is having a bad day.
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Camera operator: why you gotta take it out on me? 
(Much, much more after the cut!)
The Amulet Situation
This is the Stygian Tiger Amulet. Yes, by all means, (Netflix) subtitles, let's use a 12-dollar word, “Stygian,” that every English speaker who is not a Shelley/Byron shipper will have to look up. Let’s not use a normal word like "deathly" or "corrupt" or you know... "Yin" which is clearly what they are saying on screen.
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Why does this tiger amulet look like a chameleon crossed with a remora? Wei Wuxian can paint photorealistic bunnies on a flimsy lantern while sitting in a field having distracting teenage lust, but two months of meditating with super magic gets him a tiger that looks like a chameleon. And don’t try telling me this is a traditional-Chinese-art vibe because this jade tiger from frickin 1000 BCE is way more tigerish than Wei Wuxian’s attempt. 
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Try harder next time, Wei Wuxian.
This is thousands of cultivators having a battle.  What do you mean, it looks like about 40-60 dudes?
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 Any time someone in The Untamed refers to a number of people, it is like when you do your high school play and look off into the wings at nothing and say “Hark, A Ship Approaches!” and everyone’s parents nod indulgently.
Jin Clan Mountain Hunt:
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*viewership nods indulgently*
This is Captain Blowhard, over on the right, courtesy name Clan Leader Yao. His job is to talk smack about Wei Wuxian and stick up for whoever is the biggest asshole in any given scene.  
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He represents mainstream cultivation-world values so here he is shanking one of his allies to take the deadly amulet of evilness.
The Present Day
Spilling All That Yiling Laozu Tea
Down at the Exposition Tea Shop, the Lan juniors are chilling and listening to Tea Dude tell the story of Yiling Laozu. 
How did they get permission to take this field trip? “Principal Qiran, we want to go downtown to hang out with the local rabble and learn about your favorite person, Wei Wuxian.”
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Waiting in the wings is the man with a fan and a plan, Nie Huaisan(g), who is paying tall loot to get these stories told.  
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...Why? Is Mo Xuanyu having tea here and listening? Or is Wei Wuxian being summoned back by hearing all this smack being talked about him? *Shrug.*
Gank Your Soul
Drunk flag guy out here talking about spirits. Wikipedia tells me that In one school of Daoist thought, a human being has a collection of physical souls (魄 pò) and ethereal souls (魂 hún). Drunk flag guy is saying “hún ” at the moment. 
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The many types of souls don’t translate well into English, where spiritual vocabulary has always been shackled connected to Christian beliefs, and is too limited for this context. So when the subtitles have conversations like “Is it a soul eater? No, no, it’s a spirit taker!” just roll with it. (Speaking of hún, if you have any interest in linguistics, do yourself a favor and go read all the wonderful meta @hunxi-guilai​)
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The spirit-carrying flag looks a lot like Raava and Vaatu from Korra which...probably doesn’t mean anything.
The Demise of our Trill Host
Suicide #2 happens about 8 minutes in. 
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Mo Xuanyu is that hippie roommate with the annoying wind chimes and bead curtains and blood spatter.
He is super mad at his terrible family and also at Jin Guangyao, who sent him home to his terrible family. I wonder if Fan Man Nie Huaisang influenced Jiggy’s decision-making there. Mo Xuanyu’s choice to die for revenge might be excessive, given how easy it actually is to murder the Mo family.
Being Alive Is Fine I Guess As Long As I Get To Fuck WIth People
Wei Wuxian starts his new life by splashing a little water on his face, which instantly makes his hair go from this
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to this. 
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He looks at his reflection and wishes he was dead, which--mood--but he gets over it as soon as he finds someone whose day he can fuck up.
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And he is ALL in on being crazy. 
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OP wishes she had the Wei Wuxian kind of crazy instead of the kind she actually has. 
Meanwhile, this is the sane Mo cousin:
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This asshole is wearing one of the best fabrics in the whole show, incidentally. Asshole.
My favorite bit of Wei-Mo craziness is when Wei Wuxian does a meaningless 360 all the way around this dude before ducking in the opposite direction, which is like when I make 4 right turns around a whole block to avoid making a single left across traffic.
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Perhaps I Do Miss One Thing In This Life
Wei Wuxian has pining thoughts about Lan Wangji, so he plays WangXian on a fucking blade of grass well enough for Sizhui to recognize it from his dad's guqin jams. 
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Wei Wuxian is a better flautist than even Inspector Gadget BeatBoxing Flute Guy (Google it).
Our Many Many Spirit Lure Flags have Lured A Spirit, Oh Shit
Lan Clan has a Plan and Wei Wuxian is a Fan
Having one single lure flag stuck in Wen Ning’s torso caused spirits to basically eat him alive, so to catch one evil spirit, 6 disciples holding flags on the roof plus 8 more flags on the ground seems like a good amount. Wei Wuxian is like “yep, a single one of these will lure every spirit for five miles, carry on, younglings.”
Baxia Does the Heavy Lifting
Wei Wuxian is supposed to kill four people because of this curse situation, and in the course of the series they all die, and he kills exactly zero of them. The curse on Wei Wuxian’s arm should be called the scorekeeper curse. 
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Baxia’s spirit pinballs around the Mo clan, rapidly killing three people on Mo Xuanyu’s list plus a couple extras for good measure.  Who's a good blade? Baxia is! Yess you are! Yes you are!
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This here is the exact point in the show where your friend, who has listened to you squee about The Untamed for three months and finally agreed to watch it with you, will say “what the fuck am I watching?” and try to get up off the couch. Tackle them! 
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This also the point where we all realize that the prosthetic and practical effects in this show were probably not made by the people who made the clothing, because the quality is...variable. The white eyeballs are pretty good, but the glove of death is ridiculous.
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Camera operator: why you gotta take it out on me?
While Baxia goes to town on the Mo clan, the Lan Clan babies...watch? And tie up the various victims after they are already goners. 
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Narrator: Her son is dead.
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Wei Wuxian, you motherfucker. You’ve been alive for like 7 hours and you’re already building a new zombie army. No wonder you don’t want them to call Lan Wangji.
Hanguang-Jun Cut It Up One Time
Lan Wangji shows up and very slowly kicks zombie ass with his guqin. If you are used to Hong Kong action speeds, you will find The Untamed very peaceful.
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 All of the baby Lans fan squee up at Lan Wangji like he's the cultivation world's David Bowie and...they're not wrong. Jesus Fuck, he’s charismatic.
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Lan Wangji is soft boi when he discovers this murderous sword full of dead-bastard energy, because it reminds him of his true love.
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Like the talk about souls, the conversations about the nature of the murderous entity really don’t survive translation into English.
Servant: it’s a ghost! 
WWX: it’s not a ghost, it’s a spirit
Babies: It’s a spirit
LWJ: it’s not a spirit, it’s a [...] ghost
Our Protagonist gets the FOH
Wei Wuxian is soft boi when he sees Lan Wangji, but not so soft that he considers actually, like, sticking around. 
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Wei Wuxian is also clueless boi, noting Lan Wangji’s white clothing and thinking, as in the past, that he looks like he’s dressed in mourning. The term he uses is 戴孝, which google tells me means the type of outfit worn by Jiang Yanli after Wen Ning rips her husband’s heart out someone who is in mourning. 
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Actually, Wei Wuxian, you dumbass, he is in actual mourning, actually, for you. Dumbass. He probably packed away all of his blue outer robes 16 years ago and only takes them out occasionally to reminisce about that nice date you had on your mountain of corpses. 
On his way out the door Wei Wuxian manages to find a red ribbon for his beautiful hair, so things are looking up. 
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Where to go next...hey I know, how about that one haunted mountain with the killer statue, you know, the one that all my executed friends and child came from? That’ll be fun and a great way to put the past behind me!
Episode 02 Restless Rewatch is here!
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merrybrides · 4 years
13 Fun Summer Rehearsal Dinner Ideas
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Your rehearsal dinner will set the tone for your wedding weekend, and choosing an unexpected activity, location, or menu is a sure way to get your guests into the celebratory spirit! For most people, summer is about getting outdoors, being active, and hanging out with friends. So, we think it’s only fitting your summer rehearsal dinner have one, if not all, of those elements! There are countless ways to get your wedding weekend started, but here are 13 of our all-time favorite summer rehearsal dinner ideas that would be perfect for any style, any budget, and any size crowd!
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Is there a more classic combination than summer and barbeque? We don’t think so! That’s why an outdoor barbeque continues to be a favorite summer rehearsal dinner idea for low-key couples, families on a budget, or anyone who simply loves to eat BBQ. Set up some picnic tables in your backyard or in a park, add pretty centerpieces, simple place settings, and some lighting if it will be a nighttime dinner — think cafe lights strung through the trees or candles on every table. You can either cater food from your favorite BBQ joint or have someone work the grill. Add some lawn games or other activities to give your guests a reason to get up and mingle, and you’re all set for a night of classic summer fun!
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Maybe it’s our Texas roots showing — or maybe it’s just that everyone loves tacos — but if there is something that screams summer more than an outdoor barbeque, it’s a fiesta with tacos and tequila! It’s one of the simplest yet most delicious meals with hundreds of different variations that can satisfy even the pickiest eaters. For a rehearsal dinner with more than 15-20 people, hiring a food truck is the way to go. It gives people options without putting the burden of cooking for a large group on anyone in the group. If you’re expecting a smaller crowd, though, we love the idea of a make-your-own taco buffet with all the fixing, chips, salsa, and queso. Rent a margarita machine for the night, and you’ve got yourself a fiesta!
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An ice cream social has to be the sweetest (pun intended!) summer rehearsal dinner idea we’ve heard! Not only will it help guests beat the heat, but it’s a totally unexpected treat that everyone will love. Grab a few pints of your favorite flavors, make your own ice cream at home, or hire an ice cream truck for the night! Then create a build-your-own bar with candy, sprinkles, fresh fruit, chocolate sauce, caramel, and maybe some salty items for guests who love the sweet-salty combo. If you want to take it to the next level for your adult guests, set up an adult milkshake and float station where they can add their choice of liquor.
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A picnic in the park is always a fun, super casual idea, but we love the idea of adding a theme to make it extra special for a rehearsal dinner. Because it is summer, you can’t go wrong with a camp theme that allows guests to feel one with nature and bring back some of those nostalgic summer camp days. Lay down blankets and pillows in the grass, set up small boho-inspired tents or umbrellas so guests can get some shade, and provide lots of cold beverages. You could even plan a few group games, like horseshoes or charades, to help guests get to know each other.
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Shrimp, clams, sausage, potatoes, corn, sun, sand…yes to all of the above! If you live near a beach or are having a destination beach wedding, there’s no better way to get your guests into the spirit than with a seafood boil. Check your area for companies who provide all-inclusive services to set up, cook, and clean up to make your life easy. Or make it a multi-hour event with friends or family who know how to boil seafood and invite the rest of your guests to join when it’s time to eat. Just be sure to let them know to wear casual attire that they don’t mind getting a little messy. Check the beach rules to see if you can have a bonfire and, if you can, you should definitely end the evening with s’mores.
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If you’re fortunate enough to have access to a yacht, why not make use of it for your summer rehearsal dinner? On your invitations, ask guests to dress in comfortable but nice attire and set sail a few hours before sunset. This will give you and your guests time to mingle, enjoy delicious cocktails, and watch the sunset over the water. Provide one or two signature cocktails for the evening and don’t forget a few snacks, such as meat and cheese boards, mini sliders, or shrimp cocktail.
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If you’re looking for a super low-key option for your summer rehearsal dinner, a game night is great but a backyard game night is even better to enjoy that summer weather! For a large group, have a few different game stations set up — board games on the patio, lawn games in the grass — and have a plan for getting guests to rotate between them. Order pizzas, set out bowls of chips, pretzels, and veggies with dip, and buy a few cases of beer and bottles of wine. Guests won’t be expecting anything fancy for an at-home game night, which means you can spend more time enjoying their company in a super low-key setting.
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There’s no rule that dinner has to be part of a rehearsal dinner — it’s really just the traditional name we’ve given the event. So, if your guests are getting in late in the evening, plan a late-night get together with a variety of desserts instead. You could set this up at a local coffee shop or even at your home. Simply provide a variety of your favorite desserts, such as brownies, cookies, pies, or chocolates, and a few non-sweet items for guests who might not have a sweet tooth.
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Fondue parties are fun all year round but they make for a great summer rehearsal dinner idea because they can be so informal and casual. Rather than a sit-down meal, set up one or two stations with different cheeses, bread, meat, potatoes, and veggies. Provide a couple of different wines that pair with the cheeses you select, and make sure to have plenty of extra napkins and fondue skewers on hand. If you want to add dessert, bring out the chocolate fondue later in the evening, and provide berries, marshmallows, graham crackers, and bite-size brownies for guests to dip. This would also be a great time to bring out a dessert wine or nightcap to ease your guests into the rest of their evening.
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If you and your fiance are really into beer or you have lots of craft breweries nearby, a beer tasting is a great option for a summer rehearsal dinner. Most breweries can handle large groups, but make sure you call ahead to ensure space and availability for the day you choose. If a lot of your out-of-town guests have never tried your local craft beer or are new to beer drinking, this would also be a great time to book a brewery tour for the entire group to learn the ins and outs of the process! For couples who prefer a more personal rehearsal dinner experience, have a DIY beer tasting at your home instead. Choose a variety of your favorite brews, stock up on cups, and let your guests do side-by-side tastings of all your favorites.
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Downtown dwellers might not have yards or parks that can accommodate a rehearsal dinner group, but they do have what most suburban areas don’t: a rooftop. If you can’t take your guests out to a green space, take them up to look out over the city with a chic rooftop lounge party. Set up cocktail tables they can stand around and lounge areas where they can sit, and keep the space open so they feel free to move around and mingle. Create the mood with background music to drown out the city noise and provide the same signature cocktails and finger foods you would at a traditional cocktail party. Because rooftops evoke a swankier vibe, make sure to tell your guests to dress for the occasion and opt for elevated (but simple) details, such as well-designed floral centerpieces, gold or rose gold utensils, nice plates, and real wine glasses rather than plastic or paper.
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A rehearsal dinner should speak to your personalities just as much — if not even more — than your actual wedding. So, for the movie buffs and cinephiles, we can’t think of anything better than a movie night under the stars! If you have access to an inflatable screen, that’s amazing. If not, simply hang a sheet between trees or on a free-standing frame or project the movie on a solid-color, unobstructed area of your house. Set up lawn chairs, bean bags, pillows, and blankets in the yard for guests to lounge on. And no movie watching party is complete without the classic foods: popcorn, candy, sodas, pickles, nachos, and pretzels. You could even take it up a notch with a top-your-own popcorn bar with various toppings, such as flavored salts, flavored olive oil, seasonings, or even candies for those sweet-n-salty fans.
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Last, but certainly not least, is the trusty breakfast for dinner option! For summer, you should definitely consider making it an al fresco affair. We love the idea of creating a classic, elegant dinner party setup with tea lights, floral centerpieces, nice place settings, and pretty linens to set the mood, but then serving classic breakfast favorites to keep the overall vibe casual and fun. For food, think family-style dining with egg casseroles, stacks of mini pancakes, plates of bacon, and a variety of pastries that can be easily passed and shared. For drinks, keep the theme going with customizable Bloody Mary’s or mimosas. End the evening with coffee and donut holes, and you’ve got yourself the perfect breakfast for dinner party!
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klimtandbencbatch · 6 years
A Rhodey POV where he sees his favorite white boy fall in love with a wizard???
i did 3rd person sort of Rhodey POV because uhhhh i don’t write anything that isn’t 3rd person lmaoooo
James liked to think that he knew Tony Stark pretty damn well at this point.
After all the shit that they’d been through together, he’d learned just about everything there was to learn. Tony was loud, brash, and obnoxious. He was caring, and kind, and breathtakingly smart. He was strong, and he was troubled, and he carried the weight of the world on shoulders clad in iron and steel. He liked late-night crime television and hated watching the news. He liked going for walks or flights late at night. He liked freshly-made sushi and Eye of Aga-Mocha ice cream.
Which should’ve been James’ first clue.
“Rhodey,” Tony called from the living room as James rose from the sofa during a commercial break, “can you bring me the Ben & Jerry’s in the fridge?”
“Sure, Tones,” James called back, opening the freezer.
And there was the face of one Stephen Strange, staring back at him.
Not that it was odd. Tony was a fan of Ben & Jerry’s, James knew that. But it was usually his own flavor that he stocked his freezer with. And yet, here stood a lone pint of Eye of Aga-Mocha.
“The Doctor Strange one?” James asked, picking it up out of the freezer.
A brief hesitation. Embarrassment, maybe? “Uh, yeah.”
The second clue was during a training exercise.
James and Tony were sparring, keeping themselves fit and exercising parts of the exoskeleton to ensure that it was working properly. Tony was wearing parts of the suit to match, kicking and catching punches as they worked together. It was going pretty damn well. They had a pretty good rhythm going.
Then Stephen Strange walked into the room.
He was dressed in the traditional training clothes of Kamar-Taj - tight, red, and revealing in all the right places. His arms were bare and flexing as he wrapped his hands, preparing for his own sparring session with one of the Stark tech fight dummies.
Speaking of dummies.
James didn’t notice that Tony wasn’t looking at him anymore. Which is what led to his fist colliding with Tony’s jaw.
The distracted mechanic went down in a heap, drawing Stephen’s gaze from across the room. The doctor looked concerned, striding over quickly to help Tony sit up. Then his eyes went to James.
“Why weren’t you watching?” He asked, his eyes intense.
“Woah, okay, I was doing fine until doe eyes over here - “
“Rhodey, it’s fine,” Tony said quickly, laughing around the quickly forming bruise on his face. “Just a little - slip up, that’s all. We’re fine, doc. Thanks.”
Stephen hesitated before nodding, checking Tony’s eyes briefly with his own before rising, giving both Tony and James an excellent view of his ass in his tight robes.
Tony didn’t stop looking, which meant that he missed James’ stern look.
Stephen Strange, huh?
It was a bit unlike Tony to not go full-out when he was interested in someone. Around Stephen, he seemed almost… shy. It was kinda cute. And also really annoying.
“Hey. Earth to Stark.”
“Yeah huh?”
“Pay attention next time,” James demanded, helping Tony to his feet. “Now, c’mon. It’s my turn for blocks.”
“Yo, Tones. Tony!”
Tony’s eyes finally made their way back to James, a dopey sort of grin planted firmly on the other man’s lips. He was still clutching his slowly-melting mozzarella stick, and the grease that James had been trying to keep off of Tony’s pants was sinking into the fabric.
Still he smiled like an idiot.
“Yeah, sugar bear?”
James rolled his eyes, taking the half-eaten monstrosity out of Tony’s hand and tossing it into the basket between them. “You asked me for a guy’s night out, and all you’ve been doing is staring out the window. I’m the guy, this is our night that you asked for. What’s up?”
Tony shook his head, reaching for his drink and having a sip. “Nothing. You’re right, it’s guy’s night, and I’m being - “
“Oh my God.”
Tony looked up at James, innocent confusion coloring his features. “What?”
James was looking less than amused. Much, much less than. About as far from amused as you could get. “We usually meet up at P.J. Clarke’s. The one on third. You like it because - “
“The grill’s hotter there, better burgers,” Tony interjected.
“Yeah,” James said flatly. “But all of a sudden, you wanna mix it up. I don’t say no, I tag along. I wanna see my friend, wanna spend some time with you. Catch up. But you invited me to a goddamn TGI-Friday’s, and it’s right around the corner from Doctor Weird’s magical tiki hut.”
“Sanctum Sanctorum,” Tony murmured into the edge of his glass.
“Don’t start,” James said, crossing his arms and sitting back. “Don’t even start. Tony, man, why don’t you just - ask him out?”
Tony grumbled something unintelligible, looking down into his ice water with something like contempt.
James sighed, patting his back consolingly. “Okay. We don’t have to talk about it anymore. Alright? Not right now. It’s guy’s night. But if you ever do this to me again, no more guy’s nights. Ever. Got me?”
Tony nodded, looking penitent. “Yes, Platypus. I promise.”
“Good. Now, you’ve got a massive spot of grease on your pants, and it’s driving me insane. Clean it up.”
Tony Stark was falling head over heels for one Master of the Mystic Arts, and James had a front-row seat. It was sort of adorable, at times. Tony would find out Stephen was coming to the compound, and he’d clean. He’d order the whole place to be cleaned top to bottom, and then he’d spend nearly an hour in his bathroom making sure he looked alright. He designed new bots for Stephen to fight, and looked for any excuse to talk to the sorcerer.
And it was working out in his favor.
Stephen was opening up. He would come around when Tony invited him, even just for chit-chat over coffee and tea. He thanked him for every improvement made to his sparring bots, and taught him a few meditation techniques in return. They talked shop and watched movies, shared ice cream and ordered takeout. Tony went to the sanctum a few times a week when Stephen was busy, and James assumed they kept up their innocent little flirting game that played out in front of his eyes.
Stephen was good for Tony. He made him happy, and helped him sleep, and made sure he put something in his body besides coffee and protein bars. He took care of him, and respected him, and saw him as someone to be valued. It warmed James’ heart.
And it was, for lack of a better word, adorable.
It was less adorable when James had a front row seat to the flirting and pining really paying off.
There had been a fight. A big one. A sort of rogue wizard’s gang had started up in Central Park, and it had ended up taking more muscle than everyone had thought to put them back down. Stephen had been the hammer, in a way - a massive forcefield spell followed by levitation, collecting them all at once for easier disposal.
But it had taken a lot out of him. He was currently slumped over on his knees, coughing hard as the magic convulsed through his body and made its way out.
Tony was roughed up, too. He’d taken quite a few blasts of energy directly to the chest, and his armor was broken and twitching as it tried to patch the holes back up. But he didn’t seem to care about that. He only had eyes for the doctor.
“Tony, you need to sit down,” James warned, coming over to try to stop his friend. “Your chest, Tones - “
“I’m fine,” Tony wheezed, pulling out of War Machine’s grip. “I’m fine. I gotta - I just - Steph - “
Stephen looked up as Tony came over, wiping a bit of blood away from his lips. Tony fell to his knees, his hands coming to cup Stephen’s cheeks. James couldn’t hear anything they were saying, but all of a sudden they were kissing, pressed desperately up against one another as the supers around them began to pick up the pieces.
James just watched for a bit before realizing what he was doing. He looked away, ignoring the desperate breathy sounds that Tony and Stephen were making as they pawed at one another. Finally, they pulled apart, their foreheads resting together as they breathed, in and out.
“You two done?” James called, turning to look at them again. “Jesus, Tony, you’ve done this to me twice, now, man.”
Tony chuckled weakly, resting against Stephen, their arms twined around one another. “Sorry, honey. Can’t help myself sometimes.”
“Well, I was getting sick of watching you two fawn over each other anyway,” James said, waving Tony off. “You guys need a ride?”
Stephen shook his head, his eyes glued to Tony’s face, his entire countenance light and airy as he held the man of his dreams in his arms. “I’ve got it. We just - need a few more minutes.”
“Yeah,” Tony laughed, kissing Stephen’s cheek. “We’re just gonna sit here and make out. You don’t need to hang around.”
“Alright. But I’m gonna give you the obligatory ‘fuck with Tony and you fuck with me’ speech later,” James warned the sorcerer.
He got a small smile back from the doctor, and a nod of the head. “Of course. I’d expect nothing less.”
James smiled, flipping his visor down and taking to the air.
He loved Tony. He was his best friend, and he wanted nothing but the best for him.
Stephen Strange was damn lucky he was the best.
So far.
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strwbryfemme · 6 years
i didn’t know who she was for a while after we first met. she just—literally—bumped into me in the coffee shop and asked me could she stay with me for a while? no introduction, no salutation, just that question. and, because clearly i haven’t seen enough horror movies, i said yes.
so i took her to my apartment, and i gave her some clothes since we were roughly the same size, and i showed her to my bed. i would sleep on the couch. she whispered a thank you and i told her i don’t mind.
she was still asleep when i got up to go to work the next day so i made her an omelette and hoped she wasn’t lactose intolerant and left. when i came back, she was still in bed. i quietly walked into the bedroom and peeked at her, telling myself i need to make sure she’s asleep and not dead so i wouldn’t get embarrassed by just how much i wanted to see a stranger’s face again.
of course, she decided to wake up then. i jumped out of the room, as if leaving then would somehow make her forget that she had seen me hovering over her seconds before.
cool it, you fucking weirdo, i berated myself as i stumbled into the living room and paced. she walked out a few moments later. she had changed out of the clothes i had given to her and back into what she wore when i met her, this fluttery red dress number.
god, she’s so pretty.
will you walk me outside, she asked, leaning against the doorframe.
fuck! i thought inside my head but out loud i said, sure. i’m going to the coffee shop from yesterday to get some work done, would you come?
with bated breath i waited for her response, hoping i hadn’t scared her away with the bedroom stint and now with my voice literally dripping in desperation.
but she nodded, slowly, and i hurriedly gathered up my computer and binder and we headed out the door.
we didn’t say much to each other at the coffee shop. i was still mortified that she’d caught me spying on her earlier, and she—well, i don’t know what was going through her mind. she seemed tense, like a bird ready to take flight at any second. but i learned that she liked her coffee opposite of mine, with lots of cream and sugar.
we left the coffee shop a couple hours later when of wrapped up my work. there was still light outside, but not much. i held the door open for her so she could leave first, and she said another thank you and practically fled down the street. damn, i didn’t think i was coming off that strong.
but suddenly a few shops ahead i saw her freeze. she stopped so fast her dress twirled around her ankles. i followed her eyes across the road, and saw that she was staring at a couple of armed men—military, it looked like, or guards. they didn’t see her, and when they had turned a corner, she collapsed, a pile of red.
i hadn’t run so fast in my life as i did when i ran to her. i let my laptop case and papers fall to the ground as i slammed to my knees and hoisted her up from under her arms, saying hey hey are you okay? hello? wake up! i still didn’t know her name.
her eyes gradually fluttered open. how beautiful they were looking up at me but never mind that this girl had just passed out on the street, this girl i didn’t know at all but wanted to help.
hey, are you okay? i asked. my eyes searched over her for bruises and cuts.
she nodded. can i go home with you?
my heart jumped. of course.
so we went home, and i put medicine on her rashes and gave her a sweater to wear because it’s winter and she shouldn’t be wearing a dress in this weather, and i made her some tea. that’s when she told me.
she was actually a princess. like, a real one. like the ones in fairytales who wear crowns and throw balls and marry princes. she told me some people wanted to kill her (the ones that made her faint today? yes, those ones) because of who she was.
doesn’t your family protect you? i asked. what about the royal army or whatever?
she looked away. my family are the ones who want me dead.
oh. i was confused, but she clearly didn’t want to talk about that part, so i asked for her name instead.
Rosana. But call me Ana.
That’s a beautiful name for a princess.
She blushed. And yours?
I sighed. I had always hated my name. It was plain. At any given point of time in my life I had known three people with the exact same name as me. But I told her anyway.
Olivia. She tasted the name on her tongue. A smile spread across her cheeks. Beautiful. I knew she meant it.
So how do we hide from the guards? I asked. This close to the castle, they’re always crawling around.
She said she knew someone, Beatrice, who could help, so we waited until the night was dark enough to cloak us and then left to find her.
The route wound through the city until I had no idea where I was or where home was anymore, but Ana did. She held my hand in hers as she led the way, finally to a little two-story Italian restaurant. We went around the back and climbed the fire escape stairs to the top, where there was a window. Ana knocked quickly four times.
Go away, Ana! A coarse voice whispered loudly from inside.
Beatrice, please open the window, Ana whispered back.
The window opened a crack. Dry pink lips spoke through the rectangle of space. Ana, you know I can’t help you.
No, you’re the only one who can. Please, Beatrice. Ana continued pleading until Beatrice finally gave in and propped the window all the way open. Ana slinked inside and I fell in behind her.
The room we entered was small and cramped, with peeling walls and cracked floorboards. But these were things I didn’t notice until a few trips later because on first sight, I was overwhelmed by the plants and crystals and books everywhere: stacked in piles on the floor and shelves, hanging from the ceiling, even lining the clearly neglected ceiling fan.
Well, sit down then, let’s get this over with, Beatrice said gruffly, but I saw the warmth in her face when Ana said thank you.
Ana gestured towards a pair of wicker chairs facing the window and as we walked to them she told me that Beatrice works with Diana the moon and she is going to change our appearance so we don’t get caught, would that be alright?
Considering I had just moved to this city and didn’t know anybody, I kept my family at a distance, and I had my doubts about magic, I said yes. Ana’s smile ensured that I wouldn’t change my mind.
So we sat in the moonlight-soaked chairs and Beatrice stood over us and mumbled some enchanting words and I don’t know how long we sat there for I just know that Ana’s palm never left mine and yet at some point it started to feel different.
Finally, Beatrice muttered that we were done and we could leave now and i opened my eyes and gasped. The person whose hand I had been holding was no longer Ana, but someone much older, with wrinkles and wiry hair and age spots. But then I saw her gentle smile, and I knew it was her. She cupped my cheek in her other hand.
Well, aren’t we the old married couple? She laughed. Suddenly I felt that my bones had aged several decades and I realized that I probably didn’t look much like myself either, which was the point. We laughed together until Beatrice shooed us out for good and we went back to my apartment.
A little while turned into a few years, as Ana continued to stay with me. Every other month we would visit Beatrice and take on new identities, but she was the same Ana I grew to know, whether she had electric blue hair and green eyes, or was six-foot-five-inches with a thick foreign accent, or completely bald. I learned that she likes walking like I do, so we always go on long walks together. I learned what color of fall leaf was her favorite and that she prefers sweet smells over floral ones. I learned she is afraid of thunderstorms and loud, sudden noises, so when the first one came through, I held her until it passed, and I didn’t go back to the couch after that night. I learned that she loves to bake so I helped her get a job at the coffee shop where we met, and even though she has to reapply every couple of months under a new name, she loves it. (Luckily, my job is off-site so I never have to worry about that.)
I don’t know when the identity spells stopped being as effective. I just know that one night, during a visit with Beatrice, I looked at Ana and she was back to being Ana. My beautiful princess. And I realized, I hadn’t just grown to know her—I had grown to love her.
The following day, I walked her back to our apartment after her shift at the coffee shop like I always did. Even with our changing identifies, we were always cautious on these walks just in case we passed the eye of a suspicious guard, so we didn’t hold hands and walked with a couple feet between us.
Today, we did pass a guard. Ana had always averted her eyes and walked farther away when this occurred, but today—something changed. She looked right at the guard and grabbed my hand. I gasped and tried to pull away, but she refused to let me go, and eventually I squeezed her fingers between mine.
The guard’s uncaring eyes were suddenly very interested in the two of us. The knuckles on his gun whitened ever so slightly, but he didn’t do anything except stare. And Ana didn’t let go of my hand.
We didn’t stop walking until we knew we were alone and safe again, and before I could exclaim anything, she kissed me.
I’m tired of running, she said. I’m tired of being afraid. I just want to be with you. I love you, Olivia.
I cupped her face in my hand as she had done so many moons ago, and I told her I loved her, and the princesses lived together happily ever after.
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compcssivn-blog · 5 years
( cindy kimberly. twenty-three. cisfemale. she/her. ) ❛ ELLIS LAWRENCE, a virgo from lyon, france, moved into holloway six months ago. they are a journalist & musician that lives in apartment 4d here and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -egotistical and -indecisive but others say they’re +compassionate and +endearing. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear woman by harry styles, it’s ELLIS blasting it. ( penned by cel, eighteen, pst. ) 
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hiii guys, i'm cel ! i'm here to bring you my know-it-all dork, ELLIS ! i haven’t been in a group rp in a hot minute but i’m seriously so excited for this rp. i prefer she/her pronouns, i’m the biggest lorde / khalid stan ever, & i love tea. if you'd like to plot, my im's are always open or just ask for my discord ! or *youtuber vc* smash that like button & i'll msg you ♡
introducing ... ELLIS LAWRENCE !
just think: satin shirts, wire framed reading glasses, a stack of unread newspapers, an endless love of love, red lipstick messages on mirrors, annotations written all over worn out books, sleeping with not a single bit of clothing, the smell of lavender & honey, glasses of red wine in the bath, bowls of cherries & pomegranate seeds, black lacy lingerie, red glossy heels that match red glossy lips, the sweet sound of a piano playing in the middle of the night, light makeup on dewy skin, knee high heeled boots, velvet dresses, going braless because why not, delicate fingers flipping through record players, dainty golden jewelry, the sweet taste of jasmine iced tea. more on her PINTEREST BOARD.
on september ninth, ellis was born into this little family in a small house in lyon, france, with one mother, one father, and one older half-sister. her & her sister were extremely close when they were younger, but as they got older they never really got along after that. they argued constantly & fought until her sister finally moved out & ellis never saw her again. 
her relationship with her parents was only slightly different. she loves them dearly but they also tended to argue with her & were very judgmental of her actions. they love her regardless, & they always said they were only hard on her because they cared, but she’s very angry with her parents for the way they treated her at times
she loves france sosososoo much. france has always been her home & she’s always loved every bit of it, from the museums to the food to the language. she’s also secretly good at driving stick but never drives, usually walks everywhere even if the distance is like miles & miles, she’ll still walk it.
ellis had always been in love with playing the guitar, piano, & singing. she participated in school talent shows & was never really afraid of being herself. now, she sings in bars & tries her best to get herself some gigs & is constantly writing songs in this leather journal that she never lets out of her sight
she has a degree in english literature which she got while studying in barcelona & staying with her aunt there ( who she adores ). as soon as she turned eighteen, she dipped to spain just because she didn’t want to have to deal with her family’s disappointment in her & what she was pursuing. 
she considers it her sort of backup in case the music thing doesn’t work out. she’s incredibly determined though, but she’s also a meticulous planner & loves traveling so much. she’s traveled all over most of europe, so she knows spanish pretty well too. currently she’s a journalist & does some freelance writing projects to pay the bills. & now she moved her because she thought she really needed to chill on the traveling & find something permanent to really try & get somewhere with her future
her power color is seriously red. she’s always wearing red lipstick & always tries to incorporate red into her outfits & her favorite flowers are red roses. she loves thrift shopping, hanging out in dumb hipster cafes, listening to classic rock on her record player, & is suuuuuch a romantic but can be a huge player lmao. she tends to get bored easily & randomly breaks up with someone if she doesn’t like something about them. a huge romantic but looks for love in the worst places
she can be a bit flighty & impulsive but she means well & cares so much for her friends. like, loyal as hell & would die for someone she cares about. also tends to be a bit more masculine than people expect & loves wearing suits & those button-down shirts you know which ones fjdkjd ( also coughs bi as hell )
loading ... SOME IDEAS !
a friends with benefits: pretty self explanatory. ellis would probably consider it a sort of fling as she does with many of her relationships.
unrequited / requited crush: maybe even something like fwb but with feelings ! yikes ! the drama ! or maybe either of our chars was rejected by the other. or maybe it’s all in the past now ( or is it ? )
your basic best friend: she would 100% die for them. sell their soul for them. their platonic soulmate. 
skinny love: the angst. the pain. the holding back. yes.
someone she sings with / writes with / anything music related: they could be music dorks together & jam out & go to record stores & all those things
childhood friend: someone she grew up with in france ! or maybe someone that would visit her family in france ! maybe someone she met in school ! maybe a friend she made while being a foreign exchange student ! idk i’m just spitballing here
secret admirer: someone who’s a fan of her music or her writing or knew her from school or sees her at a cafe or a museum or a thrift store idk idk
love/hate: PLEASE. get me some enemies to lovers / friends shit
literally anything
okkkk that should be about everything !! i’ve got p much everything open so pls shoot me a msg or hit the like button so we can do some plotting :^) if you’re stuck on ideas, i’ll add some things to THIS TAG or the list above. thank u for reading <3
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
Do you prefer apple cider or chai? apple cider for sure.
Do you prefer pumpkin spice tea, pumpkin spice coffee, or no pumpkin spice? no pumpkin spice. Have you ever made a stupid mistake? well, yeah. i’m human. we all make stupid mistakes. Do you ever feel insecure? yeah. all the time. and it’s super bad right now. What does your trick-or-treat bag or pail look like? i don’t have one. i’m an adult and no longer go trick or treating. i do need to get one for wy this weekend though since halloween is next week. How old will you turn on your next birthday? twenty-six.
What are your plans to celebrate? probably just hang out with family as always. What floor do you live on? i live in a house, but our room is upstairs. Do you have a balcony? nope. we do not. Do you ever feel alone? yeah. i feel that way a lot. Do you ever feel afraid people will question your sanity? i guess so.
Do you like fall evenings or mornings better? evenings. i’m not a huge morning person, regardless of season.
What is your favorite way to spend a fall evening? cuddled up inside. or maybe a bonfire.
What is your favorite way to spend a fall morning? sleeping. lol. my morning routine stays the same regardless of the season. wyatt and i wake up, and we go downstairs to eat breakfast. then he gets a diaper change. the usually we will play together, although this week he’s been busy playing with lilli and rose since they’re on fall break, so i bounce/rock on the exercise ball and do some surveys. What is your favorite fall drink, if you had to pick just one? apple cider for sure.
Which X Factor audition(s) was/were your favorite? i don’t watch it so couldn’t say.
Were you a straight A student in spelling and grammar? for the most part, yes.
Were you a straight A student in math? no. usually i got b’s in math.
Would you rather wear orange or black? black. i don’t like orange that much. i never have. Were you abused or do you know anyone who was abused? i was and i know a lot of others who were as well. Are you scared of something right now? yeah. being pregnant forever. ha.
Are you a democrat or republican, or neither? kind of somewhere in the middle i think.
Do you plan on voting in this November’s election? yeah, depending on eliana.
Do you have trouble keeping your room clean? not so far since jacob spends less time in there.
Who would take care of you if you needed surgery? my mom mostly. maybe jacob on occasion.
Do you have anyone that you can rely on? my parents. sometimes jacob.
Do you tend to wake up early or sleep in? depends entirely on wyatt.
Do you wish you could wake up earlier? i don’t really enjoy waking up early..
What is the name of your favorite coffee shop in your town? i usually just go to dunkin’ if i want iced coffee.
What is fall weather usually like where you live? cool. usually about 50-60s during the day, and 34-45s during the night.
Do you think you have an accent? not to those who live around here, no.
Have you been told you have an accent? i have been but it was weird.
Where do you live (country or state)? indiana.
Are there any churches you feel welcome at in your town? i don’t go to any churches.
If you could start a church, what would it be like? i wouldn’t do that. i’m not religious.
What color is your favorite laundry basket? i don’t have a favorite laundry basket. i just have our little tan one.
What color is your clothes hamper? tan laundry basket.
Do you use plastic, wooden, or wire hangers? my mom bought plastic ones when we moved in so that’s what i use.
What is your favorite shade of yellow? i don’t know. i guess a pale yellow that isn’t all up in your face.
Are there any shades of blue that you don’t like? If so, which ones? not really... i’ve never been a huge fan of, like, indigo, but i don’t mind it either.
What color eyeshadows look best on you? if i wear it, i use natural colors.
What is something you want to accomplish before you turn 30? i would love to get a job in my field.
Are there paper-thin walls where you live? kind of. or my sisters are just really freaking loud.
Do you feel happy today? i’ve been kind of happy i suppose. but bored.
Are you afraid of getting yelled at? no.. although i haven’t done anything to get yelled at about, so i would be confused.
Do you ever experience paranoia at random times? it’s not really random times.. it’s when i’m alone or when i go down the stairs to go bathroom early in the mornings.. i’m afraid someone is going to be standing outside our front door one of these times because we still haven’t got a curtain for the window on the front door so you can see right in.
Who has the best decorated house in your town? i have no clue.
What is your favorite part of Halloween? taking the kids trick or treating.
Do you think Halloween could be made into a Christian holiday? If so, how? i don’t know but it isn’t necessary regardless.
Is there a cemetery in your backyard? no, thank god. although i don’t mind them, that doesn’t mean i would want one in the backyard.
Do you feel a connection to the moon? can’t say that i do.
What does your heart long for? be the best mom and wife i can be and make people happy..
Do you know what your purpose in life is? take care of my babies!
If so, what is your purpose? Why are you here? ^^^
If you live in an apartment, what is the maintenance man’s name? i live in our house, so jacob and my dad does the maintenance stuff.
Did you decorate a pumpkin this year? we did this past sunday actually!
If not, will you decorate a pumpkin this year? we already did. :)
What are some fall activities you would do with your kids? we picked pumpkins and apples. read “fall/halloween” themed books (wyatt’s favorite is “there was an old lady who swallowed a bat”). maybe watch some movies, especially as he gets older (like harry potter, beetlejuice, etc). would like to go to the corn mazes, hayrides, and even haunted houses as they get older.
Have you ever seen a fox? only in zoos/animal sanctuaries.
What color are the squirrels where you live? i mostly see brown/black ones.
Do you find Halloween fun or scary? i love halloween, so i think it’s fun.
Is there anything about Halloween you find offensive? nope. nothing comes to mind.
What was the last thing you drank? water.
What do the trees look like where you live? the leaves are changing colors, so they’re pretty right now.
What is your dream vacation? i want to get out of the u.s. so maybe italy or the uk.
What was the best vacation you’ve been on so far? our florida trips were always amazing when i was younger. but the kentucky trip we took when wy was a few months old was great too, plus it was our first family vacation with him.
What is the best class trip you’ve been on? went to an amusement park for the day once. that was about it.
Did you like field trips when you were a kid? yeah. i loved field trips.
Do you find museums boring or interesting? i kind of like them actually.
What was your school’s rival team’s mascot? i don’t know. i never paid attention to any school sports in college or high school.
Do you wish you could do your life over again and make less mistakes? as long as it wouldn’t change current things going on too much.
What are three issues you are passionate about? animal abuse, child abuse, and suicide prevention.
What are three countries you have no desire to visit? i’m not sure, to be honest.
What are three countries you would like to visit? italy, u.k., and greece.
Do you like your country’s flag? sure. i don’t have any issues with it.
Would you ever wear a shirt with your country’s flag on it? i have before, and probably will again.
Do you have a bedspread or a comforter? comforter.
What size is your bed? queen, and it’s still not big enough. i still get kicked off the bed.
Do you prefer cotton or microfiber sheets? i think i’ve only ever used cotton..
Does anyone love you and support you? my husband, at least most of the time. and my parents and siblings i guess.
What’s a medicine that makes you sleepy? robitussin. knocks me right out.
Do you like bath bombs? i’ve never actually used a bath bomb. i don’t take baths really.
What was the best summer of your life? 2016 was a good one. i graduated college, got married, had fun with friends, and got pregnant with wy.
What year do you wish you could go back to? i’m okay to keep going forward.
What did your favorite homecoming dress look like? i never wore a dress to homecoming i don’t think.
Who is your favorite neighbor? don’t have a favorite. i don’t really know any of our neighbors.
What did you last have for lunch? i had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches today.
If someone told you “trick” instead of giving you a treat, what would u do? nothing.
Would you ever be friends with an alien exchange student? yeah.. why wouldn’t i?
Who are your favorite small youtubers? i don’t care for youtube that much.
Who are your favorite big youtubers? ^^^
What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? barlow girls. ha. it was a christian girl band i really enjoyed.
Do you like Disney movies? i love disney movies.
Were you ever in the popular crowd? ha. no. not even close.
If not, do you want to be popular? i never cared to be popular, and i still don’t.
Would you rather live in a log cabin or Smarthouse? i don’t know. probably a log cabin. i think the smarthouse might get annoying.
Have you ever used an outhouse? no. closest i got was the port-a-potty and i avoid using those at all costs.
What does your middle name rhyme with? see.
What was the name of the first dorm you lived in? i never lived in a dorm.
Were your college years the best years of your life? not the best, but there was  a lot of fun times. i don’t remember them all. ha.
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dreamwritesimagines · 7 years
Bad Habit 2- We Are A Fever [Billy Russo x Reader]
A.N.: Thanks to everyone who wanted a second part, here it is! I loved your feedback! <3
Special thanks to :  @boyfriendmaterialforyou @the-doctor-9-10, @jugheadjonss @vixsyncynco  @just-another-potterhead @fictionalthrill and lovely anons who  commented or sent messages! <3 
Characters: Billy Russo x Reader, Karen Page, Frank Castle
Summary: Dates are complicated
Read Bad Habit 1 here! .
Warning: Explicit language, cussing
Word Count: 2657
Please tell me what you think<3
Gif’s not mine
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Karen watched you as you paced in the room, biting your nails. You had been staring down at the number on your phone screen for the last five minutes, feeling too scared to hit the call button and you turned on your heels.
“You don’t even know what I’m gonna say!”
Karen rolled her eyes, “Some sort of a bullshit excuse to not to call the guy who you referred as ‘Personification of a wet dream’.  So no, stop being a coward.”
“Maybe we misunderstood it.”
Karen looked up, as if praying for patience.
“He gave you his phone number and asked you to call him, even threw me in a as a part of the deal- how exactly did we misunderstand it?”
“He’s way out of my league.”
“He’s an ass.”
“Why do you want me to call him then?!”
“One, for my career, and two, it’s obvious you’re attracted to him. What harm could it bring?”
You bit on your lip and shook your head, putting your phone to the small coffee table in front of her and ran your fingers through your hair, walking in the room.
“There’s no way.” You shook your head. “I mean- he probably forgot about me, or-or he was in a truth or dare situation or I accidentally spiked his coffee with hardcore drugs or alcohol-“
“It’s ringing.”
“What?” You turned on your heels and your eyes widened when you saw Karen holding your phone to her ear and you almost tackled her while snatching the phone from her hand but then froze when you heard his voice.
Karen poked you in the ribs, mouthing ‘Speak’ and you took a deep breath.
“Billy?” You said, your heart pounding against your chest. “Hey-Hi! It’s um- it’s Y/N. From- from the coffee shop. You probably don’t remember but I-“ You were cut off when you heard his silent chuckle.
“I remember.” His voice was low “How are you?”
You fanned yourself with your hand, “I’m fine, thank you. How about you?”
“Can’t sleep, I guess your coffee was strong.”
“I guess I’m to blame for that.”
“I guess you are,” You could even hear his grin, “I wonder what we should do about that.”
You licked your lips, “I can give Karen some sleepy time tea for tomorrow?” You asked, “Careful not to spill it on your overly expensive coat though, I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to pay for the dry cleaning.”  
“When do you get off work tomorrow, or did they fire you already due to your implacable serving skills?”
You snorted “I have many regulars, thank you very much.”
“Beats me why.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s not because of my implacable suit wearing skills.”
“What time do you get off work?” You could even hear his smile when he asked you again and you tried to hold your giggle back.
“At 9.”
“I’ll send you a car then.”
You paused “No offense but I really don’t trust the places you hang out in.”
“Why is that?”
“I just have a feeling they involve too many forks,” You shrugged as you heard his chuckle, “How about I pick a place and text you the address? It’s really close to the café I work in.”
There was a pause, “Okay.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow then.”
“See you, Y/N.” He said in the same low voice that made you all tingly inside and you hung up, turning to Karen who was watching you with a smirk on her full lips.
“Uh huh. We totally misunderstood it.”
“Shut up.”
The next day you went to the café carrying a huge bag that had your clothes, heels and make up in it, all planned by you and Karen. For some reason, the more you tried to calm yourself down, the more nervous you got and you did your best to focus on work, but it was no use considering you kept checking your phone to see whether you got a text even if you had it on full volume.
Of course, there was also the fact that you were a blabbermouth when you were nervous, so by now almost everyone knew you had a date.
“Told you your prince charming would come.” Liz said and you scoffed.
“I’m trying to keep my expectations low.”
“Low as in…?”
“I have already planned my wedding dress and we will have two children, one girl and one boy.”
She raised her brows, “Very low.”
“Thank you.” You placed the tray on the counter as Vicky, another coworker stumbled into the café, shedding her coat.
“Sorry, sorry!” She said as she ran to the counter, “I overslept, is the boss here?”
“Nope, you’re on a lucky day.”
“Not as lucky as her.” Liz winked at you and Vicky smiled, still breathing hard.
“What did I miss?”
“Y/N has a date.”
“Which is such a miraculous thing that I feel like we should form a circle and start chanting to the ancient Gods.”
“Show me pics!” Vicky pushed your shoulder with hers and you googled his name, then handed her the phone.
“Holy shit, does he have a brother?”
“I have no clue, but you guys and Karen are wearing navy blue in our wedding.”
“Low expectations, Y/N!”
“I didn’t say what neckline, did I?” You wiggled your brows as you went behind the counter and Liz scoffed.
“I’m serious about the brother!” Vicky said and you gave her the Girl Scout salute.
“I promise I’ll ask!”
The rest of the day went in a blur, and before you knew it, it was time for you to leave the work. After spending thirty minutes to make your eyeliner look good, you decided you were at least content with how you looked, so you left the café and made your way to the bar, texting Billy the address.
Even if it was almost 9.15 when you got to the bar and he was nowhere to be seen, you decided it wasn’t a big deal, considering you had also just got there, so you climbed onto a bar stool, motioning at the bartender and ordering a beer.
You played around in your phone, huffing out as ten minutes passed and you were already done with your beer so you ordered another one, texting Karen, and drummed your fingernails on the polished, wooden counter as you watched the crowd. Everyone seemed to have fun – everyone but you.
When another fifteen minutes passed and there was no text or call from him, you felt your heart sinking.
“Of course…” You mumbled, “Makes sense.”
Your eyes were burning so bad with the humiliation but you bit on your lip, forcing yourself not to call him or ask him where he was. It was bad enough that he had stood you up, you weren’t about to make it a big deal and make a fool of yourself more than you already had. You put some cash on the counter, downed your beer and slammed the bottle on the counter, grabbed your purse and walked out of the bar.
When you reached home, you were almost shaking with anger as you opened the door, ignoring Karen’s texts and closed the door behind you, leaning your head against the door, trying not to cry. You dug the heels of your hands into your eyes, not caring about messing up your make up and heaved a sigh, then kicked off your heels and made your way to the bathroom. You carefully took your makeup off, put your hair into a bun, then unzipped your dress, grabbing the tshirt and shorts that were lying on the floor. You went to the kitchen, made some tea for yourself, then grabbed the ice cream from the fridge while it steeped as your phone buzzed on the table and you dug the spoon into the ice cream, then went to check it.
From: Billy Russo
I’m terribly sorry, something came up.
“Oh fuck off.” You said out loud, staring at the phone, then your phone buzzed again.
From: Billy Russo
Can we meet now? I’ll make it up to you.
“No we can’t, motherfucker.” You muttered as you grabbed the phone and ice cream, then made your way to the couch and switched your laptop on, then looked for a show to take your mind off the horrible events of the night as your phone started ringing and his name flashed on the screen. You shook your head slightly, turned silent mode on, then licked around the spoon as you finally found a show and leaned back, making yourself comfortable.
You were on the third episode when someone knocked on the door and you groaned.
“For God’s sake, Karen…” You muttered, putting the ice cream bowl on the tiny table and went to the door, then swung it open, ready to vent to Karen about how it wasn’t a big deal, but you stopped dead on your tracks.
Billy was standing at the door, his hands in his pockets as he shot you a small smile.
“Hey.” He said as he took in your appearance, “So you already knew I was coming?”
You looked down at your shirt which said “Go the fuck to sleep.” and then glared up at him silently.
“I uh… got your address from Karen. She said I had good references from Frank, I don’t even know what that means.”
“So being an asshole isn’t enough, you also gotta be a creepy asshole?”
“I had that coming.”
You rolled your eyes and attempted to close the door, but he stopped you.
“I have a taser gun, I also have knives in my kitchen, don’t test me motherfu-”
“I was about to leave the building, then something came up- which I can’t talk about right now, but-“
“I don’t care, screw you and to be honest screw your hair, my ice cream is melting-”
“Let’s go now.”
You gawked at him. “Excuse you?”
“Yeah- what bar do you wanna go? We can go now.”
You could feel the anger bubbling up inside you as you tried not to smack him across his pretty face so you dug your fingernails into your palms then gritted your teeth and turned around, made your way to the kitchen while he stayed at the doorstep. You grabbed a vacuum flask, poured the tea into it, then put the lid on and went back to the door.
“Your sleepy time tea, have a good fucking night.” You said, then slammed the door on his face, then let out a breath and went back to the couch.
Even if you didn’t feel like going to work the next day, you managed to force yourself to get off the bed, and got dressed. You hair was already in a good shape after you spent an hour on it before your non-date date, so you just brushed it, grabbed your bag and walked out of the apartment.
When you got to the café, Liz and Vicky were already waiting for you, and you tried not to show the sadness you felt, instead, you just smiled at them.
“How was it?!”
“Morning to you too.” You mumbled, hanging your coat and grabbing the apron from the kitchen, as Liz followed you.
“Come on! I wanted to call yesterday but I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”
“More importantly, does he have a brother?” Vicky called out and you took a deep breath.
“It didn’t happen.”
“What do you mean it didn’t happen?”
“He stood me up.”
You shrugged, “It’s not a big deal.”
“It is! The nerve of the guy-“
“Doesn’t matter,” You shook your head, “Let’s just- let’s not talk about it.”
Vicky raised her brows and looked over your shoulder.
“That might be a little hard.” She muttered and you turned around to see Billy standing in front of the counter, as innocent as he could look. You rolled your eyes, clicking your tongue.
“Dealing with the coffee machine!”
“Sorry, tables need to be cleaned.” They both walked away and you gritted your teeth, then made your way to the counter.
“What do you want?”
“As always, amazing customer service.”
You rolled your eyes again, “I’m working, so if you could go now-“ You nodded at the customer standing behind him and he shrugged.
“I’m just here to get some coffee.”
“Make it quick then.”
“Sure. I’m gonna need twenty cups, five cappuccinos, five espresso shots, five cups of black coffee with no sugar, and five lattes, non fat, all to go.”
You, the customer and Vicky all stared at him.
“You need twenty cups of coffee.”
“All of them. You need all of them now.”
The customer behind him just shook his head and walked out of the café, while Vicky heaved a sigh.
“Dude, why do you already hate me?” She murmured as she started preparing them and Billy leaned against the counter.
“Can we talk meanwhile?”
“I’m working.”
“I’m well aware. While I’m waiting for my order?”
“Jesus Christ…” You mumbled as he handed you his credit card.
“So while we’re waiting for those to be prepared, I figured we could have a date.”
“Are you high or something?”
“Better than waiting here silently.”
“You’re not half as cute as you think you are.”
“Completely irrelevant, do you have a brother?” Vicky called out and he chuckled.
“No, sorry.”
You crossed your arms, “You can take a seat while you wait.”
“No I’m comfortable here. So, do you have any pets?”
You glared at him, “You expect me to drool for your attention after you stood me up last night? Not happening.”
“No pets then. Family?”
“A brother who could kick your ass.”
“I doubt it.”
“I don’t.”
“I used to be a Special Forces soldier so yeah, you should doubt it.”
You pulled your brows together, “You have a company,” You said, momentarily getting distracted and he nodded,
“I started that after leaving the army,” he said, “So no, I’m not the rich asshole you think I am,” he paused when he saw your glances and took a deep breath, “Fine okay, I’m an asshole but I wasn’t born into this.”
You stayed silent,
“I actually grew up in the system. Orphanage, foster parents, you name it.” He said, “Then I joined the army. I was pretty good at it too, but then I decided I wanted to leave.”
“You grow tired of people dying around you after a while,” he nodded, “You grow tired of war. Me and Frank…” he trailed off, “Anyway, yeah. Then I started Anvil. We do a lot of business overseas, hence the fucked up timing last night.”
You scoffed, but didn’t comment on it.
“And I’m not a serial killer,” he stated, “In case you still haven’t looked me up on the internet.”
“Your order is ready.” Vicky called out and you looked up to see him looking at you hopefully, his dark eyes completely focused on you. You couldn’t help but to notice the way your heart beat sped up and you scolded yourself mentally.
“So I did all the talking this time, how about you talk on the second date?”
“She’d love to!” Vicky said and you rolled your eyes,
“Vicky, he doesn’t have a brother, chill out.”
“Oh come on Y/N, if you don’t want him, I can take him.”
“She’s joking.”
“Figured as much,” Billy stated, “So? Tonight? In a place which doesn’t need more than one fork?”
You licked your lips and nodded silently, trying to hide your grin but it was hard when his lips pulled into a boyish smile.
“Keep the coffee.” He said, winked at you and walked out of the café, while Vicky gawked after him and you leaned against the counter, shaking your head.
“I’m so screwed.”
Part Three is here! 
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learningsimplify · 7 years
25 Super Special Gifting Ideas From India For Christmas
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India has a mesmerizing culture and a rich legacy. Not many things can capture the essence of this fascinating land’s beauty quite like the handlooms and handicrafts crafted to perfection in her charming little towns. With the delightful festivities of Christmas right around the corner, it is the season to be jolly, excited and to share a lot of love and warmth with your closest peeps. One of the best things about the holiday season is, of course, the fact that it is also the shopping season. Shopping for the best Christmas presents for everyone on your list and for yourselves! We understand the truckloads of thought and effort that goes into picking gifts for your family and friends. To make your life easier and give you plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy the “Santa-mental” atmosphere, here is our little Christmas present for all you lovely readers. If you are looking for the best gifts on this side of Santa’s grotto, you have found your own treasure trove. Here is a list of 25 one-offs, inspired gifting ideas that are sure to make your loved ones as happy as they can be. And what’s more? These gifts will put big smiles on not just your loved ones’ faces, but also on the faces of the many artisanal communities who craft these products to perfection with immense care.  1. Tribal Jewellery for the special woman in your life
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We all have that one woman in our lives, be it our mother, wife, daughter, sister, girlfriend or best friend whose happiness is our happiness. Make that special woman feel extra special this Christmas. Gift her a beautiful piece of statement accessory - neckpieces, earrings, bracelets, etc - crafted by different tribal communities across India. 2. Handmade Flower Vase for the ultimate flower lover
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Add some “handcrafted” freshness to the home of the ultimate flower lover in your life. Gift her/him a unique hand painted wooden vase to add to the beauty of their home. 3. Special Stationary Items for the studious boy or girl in your life
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Have a quintessential bookworm in your life? The topper of the class, the brightest one in the family? Make their sacrosanct study space better by gifting them beautifully hand painted paperweights and interesting pen stands that we are sure they will love! 4. Musician Clock Stand for your rockstar
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For someone who loses all track of time, consumed in the musical glory of their guitar, drums, piano or sitar - the perfect clock stand that will be a true reflection of their passion. 5. Exclusive Jewellery Boxes for the woman who loves all that glitters
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Take it from someone who knows, a woman who loves her jewelry will appreciate this gift more than anything else. To add a hint of muted glamour to that woman’s life, gift her an exclusive handcrafted jewelry box where she can store her precious pearls, this Christmas! 6. Chic and stylish Magazine Holders for the ultimate diva
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Have a sister/niece/wife or daughter who does not miss out on a single copy of Vogue? This stylish magazine holder featuring tribal art is sure to be an inspired addition to their gorgeous room! 7. Elegant Bedsheets, Cushion Covers and Diwan Sets for someone who loves dressing up their home
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Is there someone on your list who just loves decorating the space that is their home? Help them make a style statement not just when they walk out, but also when others step into their homes by gifting them a little something from our array of premium quality bedding products. 8. Stunningly embroidered Wall Hangings to add a touch of elegance to someone’s beautiful home
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Has someone on your list just moved into a new house? Or is someone on your list an ardent lover of wall decor? Check out our range of unique individual wall hangings and wall hanging sets to choose the best one for that lovely person and add to the beauty of their homes! 9. Unique Desk Organizer Items for the neat freak you know and love
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Anybody can appreciate the gift of an organized workspace. But for someone who cannot do without it, our smart folders and file covers featuring unique tribal art, Odisha’s famous Pattachitra art, and India's eastern state Odisha’s Dhokra craft motifs are the best gifts there can be. 10. Jute Tote Bags for the stylish teenager in your life
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Help your favorite girl be one step ahead of the rest and turn in heads as she walks into class with one of these ultra-stylish jute tote bags featuring Soura Tribal paintings. Give her chic look an edgy makeover this Christmas! 11. Designer Ikat Bags - a must have for the big bag lover you know
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Truly multipurpose, these designer Ikat bags come in varieties of laptop bags, office bags, college and shopping bags, too! So this Christmas, gift a “bagful” of joy to someone who adores bags. 12. Applique Handwork Bags for someone who just needs a reason to dress up in ethnic wear
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Indian weddings, festivals, and other functions call for dressing up our best, don’t they? If someone on your Christmas gift list this season is voraciously on the hunt for occasions to dress up on, gift them a pretty little handbag featuring intricate appliqué handwork, native to the Pipili village of Odisha, which they can flaunt at the next party they attend! 13. Rare Coconut Hanging Home Decor for the most eccentric person on your gift list
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We all have that one person in our lives who loves all things quirky. Well, can it get quirkier than an aesthetic coconut as the perfect item for home decor? We don’t think so. Gift these unique coconut hangings to someone to make their living space looks cooler. 14. Exquisite Dhokra Home Decor for a fan of sculpted crafts
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From beautifully sculpted Adivasi sets to animal figurines to spiritual motifs to modern looking pen stands, Dhokra brass work has it all and is beautiful and intricate - perfect for a lover of sculpted goodies. 15. Applique Handwork Pouches/Wallets for a lady who makes your life easier
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These handheld carry-all pouches are small enough to slip in her everyday work bag but big enough to safely store all her essentials. Gift one of these pouches featuring the rare appliqué craft from Pipili and make it uniquely hers. 16. Hand-sewn Applique Chanduas from Pipili to beautify someone’s home/office spaces
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Available in rectangular and round shapes, these applique work chanduas are to absolutely dying for! Gift them to someone special to add a rustic charm to their home or office spaces. 17. Palm Leaf Lamps and Lanterns to spread love and light into someone’s life
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In a room full of fairy lights and sky lanterns, stand out and be the palm leaf lamp! Gift someone the chance to adorn their beautiful gardens or living rooms with these gorgeous palm leaf lamps and lanterns for a cozy and ambient Christmas eve! 18. Palm Leaf Boxes to make your sister’s dressing table look more impressive
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Available in different shapes such as heart, circle, and square, these little palm leaf boxes in earthy colors look extremely pretty placed at a dressing table with tiny trinkets kept safely inside. 19. Wooden Home Decor and Utilities to gift to the simplest person on your gift list
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Know a person who likes to keep it simple and serene? We have the perfect range of gifts to delight them with. Check out our array of exclusive handmade wooden craft items such as decorative pots, pen stands, jewelry boxes, wall hangings and decorative lamps, to choose the best for the simplest! 20. Tribal Wall Paintings for the ultimate art lover
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Gift these supremely beautiful pieces of art emerging from the Soura and Gond tribal communities of Odisha to someone who talks, reads and thinks all things art. 21. Palm Leaf Engravings - Pattachitra Wall Art to add to your favorite golden oldie’s spiritual bliss
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Gift the highly renowned and auspicious “Raas-Leela” Pattachitra painted on a palm leaf, or choose from a wide variety of other depictions to the cutest people on your gift list - your grandparents. We know for a fact that they would cherish it eternally! 22. Brightly Coloured Tribal Painted Ceramic Plates for somebody with a crockery fetish
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These delicate ceramic plates featuring super interesting tribal art, available in a wide range of modish bright colors are going to be a valued addition to any crockery lover’s collection. And you can always expect some delicious home cooked goodness in return for the same. It's a win-win situtation! 23. Tribal Painted Tea Cup Sets and Coffee Mugs for someone who cannot start their day without a steaming cup of chai or coffee
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Some people are all about their cutting chai and we some, as we know, are caffeine dependent life forms. But no matter their beverage preferences, these cups/mugs featuring tribal art are going to make the person on your list extremely excited. 24. Lesser known but truly worthy Bamboo Crafts as an element of surprise for somebody
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Equally gift-able for elders and kids, our range of bamboo crafts includes decorative bamboo lamps, teddy baskets, jewelry boxes and more! Check these out now and select the best for the person in your mind. 25. Classic Wood Carved Sculptures as a charm of luck for your favorite person
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Shower your favorite person on the gift list with spirituality and the choicest of blessings by gifting them beautiful wood carved sculptures of Odisha’s Lord Jagannath and other deities. Be their four leaf clover this Christmas. With that SWEEPING, almost encyclopedic list of Christmas gifting ideas, fulfill your loved ones Christmas wish lists and be their Secret Santa. Classystreet brings you an array of the finest handmade products coming in from the vivid corners of India. Read the full article
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Life #5 (South Park)
Character Sheet
Face Claim:
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Name: Carmencita D. Tweedle
Pronunciation: Car-men-SEE-tuh
Meaning: Little Song
Nicknames: Carmen, Tweedle Dee, Mutt, Snow Bunny
Name Origins:
Carmen: Shortened from Carmen
Tweedle Dee: Used with Tweedle Dum, Middle Initial, and Last Name
Mutt: Racial Slur for Mixed Race (I will actually beat that living shit out of you if you call me this AHEM Cartman AHEM)
Snow Bunny: A weird combination of my love of snow and Kenny’s love of Playboy Bunnies
Titles: N/A
Aliases: Princess Kenny’s Personal Knight, Estrella
Alias Origin: Games with The Boys
Orientation: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: June 4th
Star Sign: Gemini
Birth Flower: Rose
Meaning: True Love
Birthstone: Pearl
Meaning: Purity
Species: Human
Affiliation: Humans, Freedom Pals
Social Status: Middle Class
Dead?: Eventually
How?: This is South Park probably really stupidly
Last Words: “SHIT!!! WE’RE GOING TO DIE!!!!”
Eye Color: Grey-Blue
Glasses/Contacts: Glasses
Skin Tone: Pale with Freckles
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Just Past Shoulder
Hair Type: Curly
Hairstyle: Ponytail Normally, 
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Loose When Estrella,
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Braids When Knight
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Height: 5’1 (Yes, I’m short… only means i’m closer to hell)
Body Build: Skinny and Scrawny
Notable Features: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: N/A
Scars: Small Mark on Left Cheek
Birthmarks: Thigh
Style: Casual and Warm
Favorite Outfit: Dark Blue Coat Lined with Dark Grey Fur, Blue Jeans with Black Star Pattern, Black Fur Lined Boots, Grey Gloves with Ugly Sweater Pattern, Gray Knit Hat with Dark Grey Poof, Black Moschino Backpack with Optimus Prime Bear, Star Ring
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Formal Outfit: Black Off Shoulder Asymmetrical Dress, Black Kitten Heels, Black Shoulder Bag with Silver Star Print, Silver Star Necklace, Silver Star Bracelet, Silver and Pearl Star Clip On Earrings, Silver Star Ring
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Alter Ego Outfit:
Stick of Truth: Grey Tank Top Cut and Sewn Together with Shoe String, Long Sleeve Black Shirt, Black Hoodie, Black Leggings, Black Boots, Plastic Champion Belt, Plastic Gauntlets, Toy Bow and Arrow
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Freedom Pals: Black Tank Top, Blue Galaxy Skater Skirt, Black Tights, Black Leather Jacket with Silver Star Pattern, Black Sneakers with Gold Star Pattern, Multiple Silver and Gold Star Bangles, Black Choker with Dangling Silver Stars, Silver Star Crossbody Bag, Silver Star Headband, Silver Star Ring, Black Lace Masquerade Mask
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Accessories: Silver Star Ring
Scent: Vanilla, Green Tea
Mother/Mother Figure: Roxane Tweedle
My mother is a very strange woman. She is very paranoid and always moving around the town. She is very attentive to my sister and I’s needs and tends to try to give us anything we could want (which doesn’t mean we actually want it). Whatever time she spends with us usually driving us around to wherever it is we’re going and it’s usually spent with us all terribly singing along to the radio and laughing. Mom isn’t one to want to sit and listen to us or to give us advice as she has a short attention span (probably where Olivia gets it from). She might not be the best mother but she does try and I still love her.
Father/Father Figure: Jackson Tweedle
My father, on the other hand, tends to love to sit and listen to (gossip with) us. He loves to try and smother with us with anything we ask for (Olivia and I honestly made it a game to see how far he would go to get us what we wanted… he has to fail). Dad is just as paranoid as mom is but he hides it a lot better. He was also the one that signed me up for martial arts which caused a huge argument between parents. My dad has been known to also beat the shit out of anyone who dares insult us or my mother (probably where I got it from).
Brothers/Brother Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Sisters/Sister Figures: Olivia Tweedle
As dumb as Olivia can be, she is a very loyal friend and sister. I have, obviously, known her my entire life and she has never let me down (In terms of loyalty and reliability not much else). She can deal with my violent tendencies ad overly snarky demeanor. I can (most of the time) deal with her oblivious, careless attitude. We rarely fight and get along better than most sisters do and I’m pretty happy to have her as my sister.
Aunts/Aunt Figures: Nancy Tweak
Aunt Nancy is very sweet. She is always supportive whatever decision we make even if it might not be the right one. She is also pretty good at telling right from wrong and standing up when she thinks we’re doing something terrible. As supportive as she is she doesn’t really listen and is known to just leave us to our devices for long periods of time. She honestly borders on child neglect with how little she pays attention to us or Tweek.
Uncle/Uncle Figures: Richard Tweak
Uncle Richard is much worse than Aunt Nancy. All he cares about is his business and pays no attention to anything any of his family does. That’s not to say he doesn’t care, he does... he just cares more about his coffee shop. He also does anything to boost his shop which includes manipulating us and Tweek to do his bidding. Yeah, I don’t like my uncle.
Cousins/Cousin Figures: Tweek Tweak
I adore my cousin Tweek. As jitter and jumpy as he is I find him absolutely adorable. I’m usually the one to take the late night calls and now late night talks about pressure and Underpants Gnomes. I try to comfort him but it doesn’t always work cuz this kid is riddled with anxiety. When he’s calmer (calmer, NOT calm) he is pretty fun to hang around and his friends are pretty crazy. You wouldn’t think this but Tweek is surprisingly protective of Olivia and I. He has actually attacked some people he thought had hurt us emotionally or physically.
Nieces/Niece Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Nephews/Nephew Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Sons/Son Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Daughter/Daughter Figures: N/A
Relationships: N/A
Current Guardian: The Tweaks
Relationship: I get along well with Aunt Nancy (I mean she tries), I hate uncle Richard (I know for a fact he’s the entire reason for Tweaks anxiety), and I adore Tweak
Current Significant Other: Kenny McCormick
Kenny McCormick was never the boy I saw myself dating. Simply put he was a major player and I wanted commitment.Kenny went around on any girl that moved and I was no exception, however, I was one of the very few who resisted his… charm. That got him interested and he is surprisingly persistent but so am I. It was a long game of cat and mouse where he would find me and drop cheesy pickup lines, offer compliments, and ask me out over and over while I offered sarcastic comment after witty comeback (if I do say so myself). The game turned into a surprisingly close friendship where the flirting got more jokey and less serious, where his true colors showed and that was when I finally caught feeling for the real Kenny McCormick. The overly perverted, vulgar, overprotective big brother Kenny. It didn’t take me to long to ask him on a date and imagine my surprise when this guy decided to actually give a committed relationship a try. I’m glad he did because now I know the jealous, overprotective, poorly timed joke slinging Kenny too. Obviously, we have a very touchy-feely relationship (which is weird because I’m not a big fan of being touched).
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Advisor: Kyle Broflovski
Confidant: Kyle Broflovski
Stick of Truth: Humans
Fracture But Whole: Freedom Pals
Friends: Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Tweek Tweak, Butters Stotch, Token Black, Craig Tucker, Jimmy Valmer, Timmy Burch, Heidi Turner (I AM going to beat Cartman for what he did), Karen McCormick
Best Friend: Olivia Tweedle
Love Interest: Kenny McCormick
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Rivals: Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens
Enemies: Eric Cartman
Person Hated Most: Eric Cartman
Most Important Person: Olivia Tweedle
Awkward Around: Wendy when she breaks up with Stan, Tweek, and Craig when they’re fighting
Admires: Dad, Kyle
Hometown: North Park
Childhood: Pretty normal, lived in a small town, small house, small family. Then, of course, our parents decided to go on some big trip and dump us with relatives for God knows how long.
Childhood Hero: JK Rowling (What? I like Harry Potter)
Most Important Memory: When my parents finally signed me up for martial arts after months of begging OR When I won my elementary school art competition
Current Location: South Park
Living With:
Occupation: Student
Pets: Wiener Dog/Golden Retriever Mix named Oz
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General Health: Meh… I tend to get colds every few weeks
Reason: Apparently I have a sucky immune system
Mental Health: I’d say I’m sane, though, according to others that’s up for debate
Reason: I’m violent and pretty loud once I’m comfortable
Sleep Habits: I sleep like a log
Diet: Umm… I’m not on one
Exercise: Martial Arts, I Ride My Bike A Lot
Allergies: Dairy Products
Injuries: I get scrapes and bruises (I’m kind of a klutz)
Disorders: N/A
Deformity: N/A
Disabilities: N/A
Mutations: N/A
Handicaps: N/A
Medication: N/A
School: South Park High School
Best Class: Art
Worst Class: Biology
Sports: Martial Arts
Clubs: Art Club
Languages: Spanish, English
Memory: Ok, I Guess
Abilities (Fracture But Whole)
List of Powers: Stellarkinesis
Gravity Slam: Using the force of gravity to slam and hold opponents to the ground (Kick them in the balls/punch in the boob)
Shooting Star: Bringdown a star from space to hit a target (Chuck Firecrackers at them)
Plasma Beam: Use beam of plasma to harm enemies (Shine flashlight in their eyes)
Stellar Healing: Use stardust remaining from destroyed stars to heal teammates (Neosporin and Band-Aids)
Stardust: Use stardust to confuse opponents (Chuck glitter in their faces)
Gravity Manipulation (Basically Telekinesis AKA Imagination)
Stardust Manipulation (Glitter)
Plasma Manipulation (Flashlight)
Origin: As a child, I was taken by a space god worshipping cult who attempted to sacrifice me to their god in a special ritual. Instead of dying, the ritual gave me the power to control the stars and become someone who could protect other children from being attacked and suffering my fate,.(AKA I wear star-shaped ring and own a lot of things with star patterns)
Elements: Space
Strengths: Stars, Night, Evasion, Long Range
Weaknesses: Cold, Water, Over-Exertion, “Nightmares from cult experience” (what the hell does that even mean?)
Restrictions: Over-Exertion of Powers
Immunities: Fire, Light, Sun
Fighting Style: Quick and Hard, Use Opponent's Strength, Momentum, and Weight Against Them
Weapons: Bow and Arrow (Stick of Truth), Hand to Hand
Good Traits: Loyal, Creative, Smart, Strategic, Athletic (Fast), Funny, Hard to Get Angry, Romantic
Bad Traits: Snarky, Overly Sarcastic, Explosive Temper, Likes to Hide Bad Feelings, Insecure About Glasses and Relationships, Stubborn
Likes: Animals, Art, Martial Arts, Laughing, Family, Games, Friends, Snow, Stars, Silver, Cheesy Romantic Dates, Reading, Cooking
Dislikes: Getting Angry, SOMEONE Insulting My Friends/Family, Swimming, Hunting, Being Touched by Most People
Turn Ons: Dirty Talk, Compliments, Jokes/Cheesy Pick Up Lines, A Little Rough
Turn Offs: Insults, Silence, Lies
Talents: Drawing, Martial Arts
Sense of Humor: Laughs at Just About Anything
Darkest Secret: Loves Cheesy Pick Up Lines
Does Anyone Know? Who?: Olivia and Possibly Kenny
Greatest Fear: Drowning
Why?: Can't Swim
Other Fears: Cartman Finding Out About Insecurities/Fear/That His Words Sometimes Hurt
Why?: Cartman is Cartman
Most at Ease When: With Karen, Kenny, Olivia, Kyle or Butters (or Any Combination)
Most Uncomfortable When: With Literally Anyone's Parents (They’re all so stupid… how are they even parents?)
Enraged When?: SOMEONE (CARTMAN) Insults My Friends/Family
Depressed When?: I Let My Stupid Insecurities Get to Me
Frightened When?: Getting Too Deep in Water
If Granted One Wish What Would It Be?: That I Didn’t Need Glasses
Hobbies: Art, Martial Arts, Reading
Instrument?: Nope (It'd be cool though)
Sport?: Martial Arts
Spending Habits: Um… If I Get Excited I Just Buy Shit but I MOstly Hate Shopping
Drinks?: NOPE
Smokes?: EW
Drugs?: EXTRA EW
Nervous Tics: Tugging on Earlobe, Chewing Lip
Prized Possession: Star Ring
Color: Silver
Song: When The Day Met The Night by PATD
Quote: “Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how loved you are”
Movie: Peter Pan
Food: Honey Butter Biscuits
Season: Fall
Book: Harry Potter
Genre: Fantasy
Flower: Stargazers
Flavor: Blueberry
Dessert: Blueberry Coffee Cake
Pessimist or Optimist: Optimist
Pacifist or Fighter: Fighter
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Proud or Humble: Humble
Messy or Tidy: Messy
Risky or Safe: Risky
Strength or Wisdom: Strength
Flashy or Simple: Simple
Long Range or Short Range: Long Range
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Hot or Cold: Cold
Book or Movie: Movie
Loud or Quiet: Quiet
Logic or Emotion: Emotion
Work or Relax: Relax
Confident or Shy: Confident
Night or Day: Night
Out of 10
Knowledge: 6/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Motivation: 4/10
Agility: 6/10
Power Control: 7/10
Hand to Hand: 8/10
Long Range Accuracy: 6/10
Offense: 7/10
Defense: 4/10
Reflexes: 5/10
Speed: 7/10
Strength: 6/10
Sociability: 5/10
Bravery: 7/10
Confidence: 6/10
Generosity: 5/10
Endurance: 4/10
Evasion: 6/10
Kindness: 5/10
Creativity: 8/10
Charisma: 6/10
Memory: 5/10
Temper: 2/10
Patience: 8/10
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#67: “Stop being so cute”  &  #70:  “This is why I fell in love with you.”  -Aleister Black.
Thank you @reigns420 for the request! I hope you like it!
Tagging: @kaitlynwwefan, @littleprincess1621, @m-a-t-91, @luckygillblog, @finnbalorsbabygirl, @unabashedwwesmut
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You moved to the US about a year ago for your fiance, Aleister Black. He had signed a contract with WWE and needed to move to Florida, so he was able to go to the performance center everyday.
It really was an exciting time. Aleister was now on NXT and was already a fan favorite. They liked the badass, mysterious vibe he had.
Aleister spent most of his time at the performance center, while you were at home most of the time. You had a job too, but it was a work from home job. You loved it. It also gives you the chance to hang out with your new cat, Totty Potato.
You and Aleister had agreed to get a cat when he realized he’d be gone so much, that way you wouldn’t be too lonely. It was nice.
Since you did have some free time, you made Totty famous. You made him an Instagram account. He was pretty popular. Not as popular as 2Pawz, but he’ll get there. He’s just as cute.
Anytime Aleister was home, he wouldn’t really hang out with Totty, he claimed we got him just for you. You knew he was lying through his teeth, just trying to be a tough guy.
Your mom called and said was in town and wanted you to go shopping with her to look at wedding dresses.
You called your fiance, “Hey babe, my mom is in town and wants to go shopping, will you be home soon so the cat isn’t alone for too long?”
“Yeah, I will be finishing up here soon.” He said.
There was a dress shop your mom took you to. There were all sorts of nice dresses. You tried on probably 13 dresses, but you found the one you want to marry the love of your life in.
Your mom wanted to go to a few more stores, then took you out for dinner. It was fairly late before you finally got home.
You were quiet when you went inside, incase Aleister was asleep. You heard the TV on in the living room so you went in there.
Sure enough, Aleister was in there asleep on the couch. So was Totty. They were cuddling each other. It warmed your heart. You knew Aleister loved that cat, he just didn’t like to show it.
Letting him sleep, you went to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea.
Aleister woke up and stumbled into the kitchen, still holding Totty.
“How was shopping?” He asked.
“It was good. I picked out my wedding dress today.” You said, with a giant smile on your face.
“Oh, that’s exciting. One step closer to being Mrs. Black.” He said.
Totty decided to hop on the counter and play with your keys.
Aleister picked them up and played with him.
Even though he wasn’t supposed to be up there, you couldn’t help but love this.
“Stop being so cute.” You said.
Aleister looked up at you, “Are you talking to me or the cat?”
“You pick.” You said, winking at him.
Totty ran off and Aleister enjoyed a cup of tea with you.
“So you picked a dress huh? What does it look like?” He asked you.
“Well I can’t tell you that, it’s bad luck. You will find out when we get married.” You said.
He sighed, “Hmm. Fair enough. That day can’t come soon enough.”
You sat there in silence for a few minutes and you were in deep thought.
Aleister noticed and asked you, “What are you thinking about?”
“You.” You said, simply.
He leaned in closer, “Really. What about me? How I’m so...handsome?”
You laughed, “No, not this time. You know, this is why I fell in love with you.”
“Care to elaborate on that a bit?” He asked you.
“You kept saying how we got Totty for me, so I’m not lonely when you’re at work, but you love him just as much as I do. He’s like our first child. I loved seeing you cuddling him and playing with him. It just warms my heart.”
“Eh. He’s alright. For a cat.” He said.
“Oh shut up. You’re a great cat dad.” You said.
Aleister was just shaking his head. He stood up and held his hand out waiting for you to grab his. He was ready to go to bed.
When you guys got situated and ready to fall asleep, Totty came in and snuggled right in between you two and fell asleep.
He was definitely you baby. It was nice to have both your favorite boys in bed with you.
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haroldslovekitten · 7 years
Sweet Creature - Pink Series pt. 1
Hello lovelies! Here is part one of that angsty, slow burn, friends to lovers series I’m starting! The series will be called Pink and there will be 10 parts in total, each one inspired by/including one of the songs on Harry’s album.
Word Count: 5k
Enjoy! .xx -M
“So, you’re ready to get back into the game again, huh?” you ask around a mouthful of scone, crumbs tumbling from your lips as you speak.
“Yeah, I think I am. It’s been a long break, and I think I’m ready to really start writing again,” Harry smiles, the future career he’s planning seeming like more and more of a reality.
“Well, I for one, am excited. Always wanted to know what you’d do on your own.”
“You’ve heard some of my own songs,” he questions, sipping his tea.
“Well yeah, but like, none of those were written for your own personal album, H, they were more for fun. I wanna see you in your element,” you say.
Harry smiles at that, thinking about all the possible directions his music career could take now that it’s just him. The prospect is exciting and terrifying. He has to admit though, having friends like you supporting him is a huge help, and he knows the boys will be supportive too as they branch out themselves.
“What about you?” Harry asks. “What are you planning now that you’ve graduated?”
“Psssh,” you huff nervously. “Honestly, I have no fucking clue. Might just be a bum. Or maybe I can be a groupie for Harry Styles on his solo tour!” you say sarcastically, dodging the question.
“I’d be happy to take you along, you know that,” he says, but you just roll your eyes. “Really though, what are you going to do?”
“Honestly, making a career as a filmmaker isn’t exactly easy. It’s not like I can just go audition on a TV show and have my entire life made for me,” you tease. “Think I’m going to have to try to be an assistant to some hotshot first, then get my scripts out there.”
“I could talk to some people, if you want?”
“No no no no, Harry. No,” you say firmly. “I will not have you doing all my networking for me and let myself become successful just because I’m Harry Styles’ best friend. Gotta do it on my own, you know?”
“Mmmm,” he nods his head, understanding completely the need to make it on your own merit. The same thought is what’s haunting him about his solo career. “Well, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Even if it’s just reading your work or summat.”
“Yeah, I will,” you smile, reaching over and squeezing his hand in thanks. “So, how’s the love life?”
“You’re a blunt one aren’t you?” Harry laughs before actually considering his answer. “It’s pretty nonexistent.”
“What about that one model?”
“Yeah, that’s over. Very, very over. Just don’t think it’s the right time for me. Don’t know when it will be, but I spend all my time with people I don’t really know. Not exactly fairytale circumstances for me.”
“Well, you spend time with me. I could be your fairytale,” you giggle at the absurd thought.
“Mmm, my tea-slurping, messy-eating, in her head entirely too often fairytale,” he teases right back.
“Oh yes, I’m quite the catch,” you respond, harmless flirting being a staple of your friendship for years now.
“What about you? Any prince charmings on the horizon?”
“As if. I have a very steamy conversation with the barista at my local Starbucks every morning if that counts.”
Harry snorts at the pun and nods, knowing the feeling.
You spend the next hour talking about mutual friends, family, venting about work and media and discussing just how important it is that Harry continue to wear women’s pants.
“Never thought me wearing ladies’ jeans would be such a fucking deal,” he laughs.
“Yeah well, you look better in them than I do, so you can go fuck yourself,” you respond, laughing.
“Nonsense,” Harry says, ever the gentleman.
You pick up your phone, reading a text and gasping. Harry looks up, slightly disappointed. You must have to leave. You never get to hang out enough, in his humble opinion, but any time he spends with you feels just like old times, so he’ll take what he can get.
“James just text, the actor we hired for our short film just bailed. Got a part in a commercial and thinks his career is going to take off, so he quit this. I’ve got to go sort this out. I’m so sorry,” you apologize.
“Don’t worry about it, good luck finding someone else. If there’s anything I can do, let me know,” he tells you, genuinely wanting to help and spend more time with you.
“Actually, yeah, come to my house Friday around 8? I’ve missed hanging out with you. We’re always so busy, I never feel like I know what’s going on with you. Let’s make an effort to see each other more, yeah? Now that you’re on a break and all? It’ll be something to look forward to for the rest of the week. Get me through the hell I have to put up with at work,” you smile and Harry feels like he might blush, which is weird. He guesses he’s just not used to being the reward for a long week of work, it feels so domestic.
“Sounds perfect. I’ll bring that wine I know you like too.”
“You’re literally the sweetest,” you reply, grabbing your purse, giving him a quick kiss to the cheek, and rushing off.
Harry finishes up his food, paying for the both of you before he heads home, a silly smile on his face the whole way there. When you live the life of a popstar, sometimes normalcy is hard to find. Life is big, luxurious, fancy, and damn expensive. Having you as a best friend brings him back down to earth as he goes to coffee shops with you where you always order the cheapest thing, despite him often paying, drink the cheapest wine he’s ever bought but knows you love it, and having conversation that doesn’t revolve around this and that famous person or catty feuds with people. You’re his breath of fresh air and he’s ecstatic that you wants him around more often, possibly more ecstatic than he should be, he thinks, but he’ll ignore that for now.
The next two days go by in a blur as he begins doing a little more writing for his album, getting his brain back in music mode. Honestly, knowing he was going to spend time at your apartment on the weekend put him in an incredibly good mood. As he finds himself writing, his song is happy, chipper even, and he finally feels like strumming away on his guitar is a fun activity, rather than an obligation. Just before he jumps in the shower Friday night, he gets a text from you.
Okay, I’m super lame and went on Pinterest to find something to make tonight and I found the most complicated recipe for cheesy chicken pasta I’ve ever fucking read. Be prepared to work your butt off suzy-homemaker.
Who says I’ll be helping?
He replies with a giggle before showering, washing his newly short hair with way too much shampoo. He still hasn’t gotten used to using like half the product he used to. By the time he’s finished getting ready, he’s smelling like Tom Ford cologne and looking good enough to eat, if he does say so himself. He doesn’t like to be a particularly cocky person, but he is well aware of how swoon-worthy he looks sometimes. He checks his phone once more before leaving.
Well, unless you want burnt chicken and overcooked pasta for dinner, you’re helping.
Only because I love you x
He winces a little after he texts that. You used to tell each other you loved each other all the time. He tells most of his friends that, if he’s being honest, but they’ve been so busy lately and have kind of drifted, so he’s a little worried that you won’t feel quite as close as you used to, that it might weird you out.
Love you too, asshole. Now hurry up, I’m hungry.
Harry’s breath huffs out in a relieved laugh when he sees the response, and he promptly jumps in his car and drives over as quickly as possible. He stops by the corner off-license to grab the wine, getting two bottles because he knows you will probably drink a whole one yourself, and makes it to your place just before 8. When you open the door, you’re in short shorts and a t-shirt with holes all in it, obviously dressed down for the occasion. Harry looks down at his skinny jeans and floral button down and instantly feels overdressed.
“Someone looks fancy,” you chirp, taking the wine from him and ushering him inside.
“Yeah,” he laughs nervously.
“You know, you don’t have to rub in how unbelievably handsome you are, right? You could at least try to look like a normal person every once in awhile,” you tease, getting all of the ingredients for dinner and setting them on the counter.
“Sorry about that, ‘m just so irresistible. Do you have that spare pair of sweats I used to keep here? I could maybe dress down? Make you feel better?” he jokes.
“And what shirt would you wear?”
“Ummm, none? Or one of yours I guess?”
“Yeah, shirtless you is going to make me feel loads better. Actually…I might have the perfect thing,” you say after contemplating for a moment.
You wave him to follow you into your bedroom, the once familiar territory looking much the same as it did two years ago when he’d spend nearly every free weekend he had hanging out here. You rustle through one of your dresser drawers, pulling out a pair of sweats from the very back. Harry can’t lie that he’s a little disappointed you had these stuffed in the back of a drawer, rather than wearing them yourself every once in awhile. He pushes the thought away though, you’re is just his best friend. Why would you wear his clothes? With a smile, you goe to your closet, thumbing through shirts until you find one.
“Aha,” you giggle, handing him a small white t-shirt that has his face from about 2014 plastered on it.
“What the actual fuck is this?” he cackles.
“Told you I was a fan, you know, before we met,” you laugh.
“This picture wasn’t taken that long before we met!” he doubles over in laughter, clutching the shirt. “Plus, it could fit a 12 year old!”
“Shut up! I developed late, okay? You know very well that I look much different now than when we met!”
“Mmm, true. Now you’ve got those cuuurves,” he giggles, beginning to unbutton his shirt to change.
He doesn’t miss the blush on your cheeks as you watch him, then shake your head and leave the room to give him some privacy. Once he finishes changing, he realizes just how absolutely ridiculous he looks. For starters, the shirt used to fit a tiny 18 year old you and barely stretches over his broad frame. His face is all dimples on the fabric, and you can see his tattoos through the shirt. It’s the silliest thing he’s ever seen. But, to top it off, he hadn’t thought about the fact that the sweats were also a few years old, and much too short for him now. So now, rather than looking hot as hell in his tight jeans and designer top, he’s wearing high-water sweats and a shirt with his own fucking fetus face staring out from it. Just what he needs.
He walks back into the kitchen slowly, head hanging in mock shame.
“Oh my god,” you shout, almost immediately falling to the floor in laughter. “You look insane,” you say between harsh breaths.
“Oi, shut up. I make this look good,” he drawls ironically, which just encourages further laughter.
“Okay okay, I need a picture. I need a picture.”
“No no no no, absolutely no fucking way,” he says, eyes going wide with worry.
“It’s not like I’m going to post it, you idiot. But I need it, for posterity’s sake. Pleeease?” you whine, and how the fuck can Harry resist those big blue puppy-dog eyes.
“For your eyes only,” he says sternly, pointing his finger at you for emphasis.
“Mmm, course,” you reply in mock seriousness before grabbing your phone and snapping a quick shot with him pouting angrily.
Now that you’re both dressed down and more comfortable, you dim the lights a little bit, and begin cooking, you doing most of the chopping and slicing of things, Harry handling anything to do with fire. You could not be trusted to not burn down the house, and to be honest, he was actually quite worried about you having a knife in your hands as well. More than once, he almost intervened and said he’d cook the whole damn meal. But, you looked so happy and excited to be cooking this new recipe with him, he couldn’t be the reason that giddy smile and look of concentration left you face when it warmed his heart so much to see it there, so instead, he kept a close eye on you, making sure you didn’t lose a finger. You both wiggle around each other in the kitchen, singing along to the Motown playlist you had put on, cooking and sipping wine together in complete harmony. Harry could not honestly say that his eyes didn’t linger as you wiggled your hips to a particularly upbeat song, or that he didn’t bite his lip when you’d bend down to get another cutting board from the cabinets. More than once, he stopped himself from reaching out and pulling you close, these new feelings definitely shocking him. Sure, it’d been awhile since he’d seen you, but he’s never thought of you as anything more than a sister before. So why now, is he sitting here struggling to keep his gaze purely platonic? You really were a sweet little thing, a sweet little creature, and he couldn’t deny that nearly everything you did put a smile on his face.
“Hey, you’ll burn the chicken if you keep looking at me like that!” you shout, swatting at his arm and bringing him out of his daze. “Don’t look that hideous, do I?” you laugh somewhat nervously.
“Not at all, love, just got a bit of something on your face,” he mentions before reaching out and smearing a bit of the cream they were using for the sauce onto your cheek.
You look at him aghast, picking up one of the cherry tomatoes you were slicing and throwing it directly at his forehead.
“Come now, don’t waste food,” he scolds, to your utter shock!
“You’re the one who initiated it!”
“No need to go pointing fingers,” he grins before going back to cooking.
“Dick,” you mumble under your breath, but can’t keep the smirk from your face.
Soon enough the meal is cooked and you are already halfway through your bottle of wine and still barely tipsy. When you sit down and eat, Harry laughs at the way you stuff your face with pasta, no shame at all. He feels a little pride when you groan in satisfaction at the taste of the pasta, knowing he did most of the work. As you both eat, Harry’s phone buzzes with a text from Gemma.
Always knew you were a self-obsessed ass.  
Apparently there is a picture attached and when he opens the message he sees the photo of himself, ridiculous shirt and sweats and all. His jaw drops as he looks at you as you unsuspectingly finish one of your last bites of food.
“What?” you ask, confused by his gaze.
“I said for your eyes only, little lady!” he scolds, showing you his phone.
You nearly spit out the food in your mouth as you realize Gemma is just as bad at keeping secrets as you are.
“Come on, how could I not send that to her?”
“Fair enough,” Harry replies, knowing his sister probably enjoyed it immensely. “Never gonna trust you again though.”
“Hey, you can trust me!” you pout, taking a gulp of wine.
“Can I really? Said you’d keep that private and now my sister’s sending it to me. Tell me the truth, did you even for a second think about actually keeping it to yourself?” Harry accuses.
“Not for a second,” you laugh loudly. “But you tell me the truth, did you ever for a second really think I would?”
“Not exactly,” he laughs, admitting defeat.
“Knew we still knew each other well,” you smirk.
“Mmm, bet there are some things we don’t know though, yeah?” he asks, a suspicious grin coming across his features.
“I suppose,” you respond, giving him a questioning look.
“What do you say to a bit of truth or dare?” Harry asks and you can honestly say you’re shocked, though it could definitely be fun.
“Hmmmm, alright then,” you say after a moment’s hesitation.
“Who first?” he asks.
“Well you, obviously! You suggested it!” you laugh, taking another admittedly huge gulp of wine.
“Alright, truth,” he says, making eye contact with you as if challenging you to ask him something really good.
This is almost your least favorite part of the game, coming up with something interesting to ask the other person. You don’t want it to be so embarrassing that they’ll lie, but you also want to find out something really great while you can. After a moment, you finally come up with your question.
“How much did you hate me when we were at that bar last year, during the summer, and that really hot blond gave you her number and offered to go home with you, but you couldn’t because I was drunk off my ass and needed you to take care of me?” you ask, almost nervous of the answer. You two had had an amazing night that night. Though you can’t remember much of it, Harry caught plenty of your drunken karaoke in his living room on video and those are some of your favorite not-so-well-remembered memories.
“Honestly, I was completely angry at first, probably a little rude to her too when she offered to come home with me and I told her no. But that night was worth it, oh so worth it,” he says, laughing at the memories he still has perfectly in his head.
You flush at the thought, knowing you probably did some terribly embarrassing things that night that you don’t recall but that Harry would have in vivid memory.
“Okay, your turn! Truth or dare?” he asks, the excited light in his eyes letting you know you definitely have something to worry about.
“Hmmm, dare,” you say, though completely nervous as to what he’ll make you do.
“Call your sister and tell her you’re in love with me and that we’re running off to get married,” he says after only a moment’s pause.
“Oh my god, we’re bringing her into this?” you ask, but take out your phone nonetheless.
“Sure are,” he chuckles, his eyes on you. “And have it on speaker too.”
With a mumbled ‘shit’ you put your phone on speaker and call your sister.
“What do you want?” she answers, always the courteous one.
“Hello to you too, asshole,” you laugh.
“Hi,” she says, obviously annoyed.
“Oh my god, lighten up, what are you doing?”
“Nothing important,” she says shortly.
“Okay, well,” Harry nods at you excitedly, some of his now short hair falling onto his forehead when he does. “I...uh, I just called to tell you I’m madly in love with Harry and uh, we’re eloping,” you try not to giggle as you tell her the blatant lie.
“Am I supposed to be surprised?” she asks coldly. She’s always had a strange way of showing affection, but you know she means no harm. “Uh...yes,” you laugh awkwardly, looking at Harry whose eyes have gone wide, mouth open slightly. “Especially since it’s a total lie, Harry dared me to tell you. How could you even think I’d be in love with Harry?” you laugh, quite enjoying this dare.
“Oi, being in love with me’s not that wild of an idea, is it?” he asks, mock offended.
“Shut up,” you giggle, trying to listen to your sister.
“Oh, ok. Well, whatever. Hi, Harry,” she says after having heard his voice.
“Hiiiii,” he drawls, giggling and apparently already a little tipsy.
“Is that it?” she asks.
“Yeah, that was it,” you respond, now wanting this conversation to be over.
“Ok, well bye.”
“Bye, love you!” you say, rushing the ‘love you’ to squeak it in before she hangs up.
“Love you too,” she says quickly before ending the call.
“Oh my god,” Harry cackles, proper rocking in his seat from laughter, but you know him well enough to see that it is at least a little fake.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” you laugh, avoiding eye contact.
“Mmhmm, course not,” he giggles.
“Anyways, truth or dare?”
He doesn’t miss the way your cheeks are flushed and your eyes are avoiding his when you ask, but that could be the wine and your sleepiness after a long week. It doesn’t have to mean anything, does it?
“Ummm, dare,” he says, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger.
You nod, thinking for a moment before finally deciding on something. This is so much easier when you have other people to discuss with before choosing your truth or dare…
“I dare you to play me the newest thing you’ve been working on,” you smile, proud of your dare. He probably would have done it anyway, but now he has to!
He stares at you for a moment, debating if he will actually do it or not. His gaze is intense, as it always is, but there’s something new behind this look. He is internally panicking, wondering what you will think of the song and also if you’ll be able to figure out it was mostly inspired by you. Of course, a few of the lines were inspired by Gemma, but you were the general idea backing the song. If you knew that...he doesn’t think he could handle it. You, on the other hand, have never heard him so nervous to sing to you, but chalk it up to the fact that this is his first solo work, the first stuff that is only him, so it carries a bit more weight.
You both move into the living room where you keep the guitar that used to be your grandpa’s but you never play, despite having tried to teach yourself  how multiple times. He picks up the guitar, tuning it quickly as he sits on the couch. You sit down on the floor below him, amping up the feeling that this is a performance, and he can’t help but stare at you, looking at him so expectantly with those eyes, those fucking eyes that drive him crazy and feel like home. Your face is full of support and admiration, and it’s the fact that he knows you will support him even if you think it’s shit that gives him the courage to really do it.
“Okay so, well this song is about Gemma really, so yeah…” he says as if excusing it somehow, to make the blow less painful if you tell him it’s awful, which you know it won’t be.
He plucks along the first few notes and already you’re in love, staring at him with the biggest smile he’s ever seen on your face, and his voice wavers a little when he begins to sing.
“Sweeeet Creature,
had another talk about where it’s goin’ wrong,
But we’re still young,
we don’t know where we’re going, but we know we belong...”
He begins and the awe on your face gives him the courage to continue the song. His belly is flip-flopping as he does, but he ignores it because here you are, listening to him sing this song, which is really all about you, though you’ll never know, and he loves your adoring eyes so much he’d sing forever if it meant you would keep looking at him that way.
“Sweet creature, sweet creature,
Wherever I go, you’ll bring me home.
Sweet creature, sweet creature,
When I run out of rope, you’ll bring me home…”
He continues and he swears to god he’s getting tears in his eyes and he’s never sang this as emotionally as he is right now and he really needs to bring it back before he scares you. One glance at you, with a small smile and watery eyes as you look at him like he put the stars in the sky makes his heart jump and he finishes the song with as much precision and passion as he can muster, wanting nothing more than for you to like it.
When he’s done, he sits in silence, not making eye contact with you, afraid of your reaction and wanting you to have space to hate it if you do.
“Harry,” you whisper, bringing your fingers up to your mouth, covering it slightly. “That was...incredible.”
You can see the breath he’s been holding leave his body in relief as he finally looks at you, and he looks like a child again, seeking approval, wanting to be liked, and boy, do you like him.
“You’re not jus’ sayin…” he trails off before you can let him finish.
“Harry, no. Don’t you dare do that. Don’t doubt yourself for a second. I’m your best friend, I of all people would be completely honest with you if it sucked and it definitely doesn’t suck, not even a little. That’s the sweetest most heartfelt song I’ve ever heard, H. Have you sung it to Gemma yet? I know she’ll adore it knowing you wrote it about her,” you say, only imagining what she’d think of it. She’d probably tear up, and you knew Gemma - she wasn’t one for tears.
“You really think it’s good?” he asks, needing as much praise as you’re willing to give.
“Absolutely stunning, Harry, just like everything you do,” you respond.
His stomach is in knots, his face blushing and whether that’s from nerves from performing new material or just the fact that he performed for you and you loved it, he’ll never be completely sure.
“I haven’t told Gemma yet, don’t think she’d care that much,” he huffs, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
“Trust me, H, if I had someone write a song like that about me, I’d about die of happiness, she’s going to love it,” you soothe him.
He tries to control his reaction to your last statement, tries to keep himself from muttering anything about the true inspiration to the song, and he keeps a good lid on it, still not completely sure why he’s so nervous to tell you. You are his best friend after all, it’s not surprising that you bring him back down to earth, that you are a super important influence in his life, and that he’d write a song about you. It doesn’t seem crazy at all, actually, but yet, he knows how he felt while writing that song, knows how he felt while performing it, and honestly, those feelings are much too intimate, even for best friends, he thinks. It’s really something he’s got to get sorted out and soon if you’re to be spending so much more time together now that he has more control over his schedule.
Sensing his discomfort, you get up from the floor, take the guitar from him and settle down next to him on your couch. He sighs when he feels your body next to his. Things are good, they are the same, nothing has changed just because you heard the song, he’s going to be okay, you’re both going to be fine, he tells himself over and over as you turn on the television and rest your head on his shoulder.
“Feels a little silly playing truth or dare after you unloaded that masterpiece on me,” you say, flicking through channels.
“Mmm, yeah, I suppose,” he agrees, wrapping one arm around your shoulders carefully so as not to cross any ‘best-friends don’t do that’ lines.
You can feel his body tense slightly when the channel lands on a rom-com, Friends with Benefits it’s called, with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, so you leave it at that, assuming his reaction means he likes the film.
As he sits next to you, your body pressed against his and watches this film about two best-friends having lots of wild sex and ultimately falling in love, his body simply can’t relax. He wonders what’s going through your brain, if you’re having the same kind of ‘maybe we should try that’ thoughts that he’s having. If you’re busy staring at the glorious creature that is Justin Timberlake or if your mind is focused on the way his body feels next to yours, because he can say with absolute certainty that he hasn’t been able to pay Mila Kunis a second of attention with you against him like this. He runs his thumb along the skin of your shoulder soothingly and you nustle deeper into him, your sweet smelling vanilla perfume wafting into his nostrils and absolutely intoxicating him. He really needs to get a lock on what he’s feeling, if these are real feelings, if they’re just lust, missing you as a friend since it’s been so long since you hung out like this, or if he just desperately needs some physical attention from a female. Yeah...he decides, that’s what it is. He hasn’t been laid in at least 3 months, too busy with family and setting things up for work to worry about it and now, having you here like this is reminding him of what he’s missing. That’s it, nothing serious. You’re just a woman and he can’t help feel this way, even if you are best-friends. But that’s all you are and all you’ll ever be - friends. And he’s completely okay with that...he thinks.
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winterromanov · 7 years
on wednesdays we wear pink / twissy fic
or, the four times missy was incredibly extra, and the one time she sort-of wasn’t.
It takes Bill a maximum of three meetings to realise that Missy is about the most extra person she’s ever met.
“You have a room,” Bill says, eyes narrowed, “Just for hats?”
Missy looks at her like she’s simple. “Where else would I put them?”
“Um, I don’t know, maybe in a box? At the top of a wardrobe? Like a normal person?”
“I’m not a normal person,” Missy titters irritably, “I’m a Time Lady. And this Time Lady wants a room for her hats, and does not care for idiotic little humans judging her choices.”
Bill rolls her eyes at the back of Missy’s head, which she can just about see over the top of the boxes thrown at her the moment she’d walked in the TARDIS control room. A small mint green one that couldn’t possibly fit a full-sized hat sits precariously on the top. She has to walk very carefully to avoid it clattering noisily onto the floor, earning another signature death glare from Missy herself.
They stop at a locked door on the corridor and Missy pauses, reaches into her cleavage, uncovers a long brass key with a suggestive red-lipstick smirk.
Bill’s lips trip over themselves as she tries to form a somewhat coherent response, shaking her head. “You—is that really necessary? Can’t you get a keyring? Or a handbag?”
Missy pouts. Pushes her boobs up outside her blouse with her hands, the material bunching, fluttering her eyelashes. Bill throws her the dirtiest look she can muster, which kind of comes across as mildly constipated in reality. “Oh, sorry, have I got you all flustered? Bless. I forgot humans couldn’t control their sexual urges around those they find irresistibly attractive.”
“Ew!” Bill gasps, affronted. The mint green box tumbles from her grip and Missy catches it in one hand, running her tongue over her teeth. “I am not… Oh, I really don’t like you.”
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t like me,” Missy says, slotting the key into the lock. She turns it in one swift motion, the door unsealing itself. “Because at present, I already have one very satisfied customer.”
Bill frowns. “I think you’ll find that Nardole isn’t exactly your number one fan, either.”
“Not the egg, you imbecile!” Missy hisses, gesturing wildly with one hand, “You know exactly who I mean. It begins with a D and ends with a…octor. Has two hearts, grey hair, screams like a little girl when he—“
Oh, that’s quite enough. Bill shudders dramatically, almost dropping all the boxes onto the floor and debates running off to the bathroom to violently throw up. No, no, this is just—she is not… “Oh my god. Oh my god. Please. No. Do not ever…”
Missy’s bottom lip juts out condescendingly. She reaches out and taps Bill’s cheek gently, her rings cool and metallic against Bill’s skin. “Mummy and daddy do it too, you know.”
Bill completely blanches and Missy laughs, grabbing one of the boxes off Bill’s pile. She tries to think of anything, literally anything, other than the Doctor and Missy shagging—she feels more violated than the time she caught Moira tugging off Greg (or was it Paul?) on the living room sofa last year. She’s never been able to look at those brown couch cushions the same way since.
She desperately tries to back track. Takes a deep breath. It’s just a Missy thing; Bill’s certain she’s made it one of her sole missions in life to make her as uncomfortable as possible. “Okay. Fine. Whatever. I’m just going to pretend that this conversation never happened.”
Missy shrugs. Blinks innocently. “If that makes you feel better.”
“Yes, it does,” Bill interrupts before she can add anything else, “And I’ve got stuff to do, so please just open the door and we can both get on with our lives.”
The bus she takes to the university is nearly always late, so Bill pops her headphones in her ears and slumps against the Perspex of the shelter, humming along to Taylor Swift’s latest track and reading an advert for a new brand of deodorant. The sun reflects off her new white Doc Martens. She smiles fondly. The Doctor helped her choose them—he was actually surprisingly useful when it came to fashion advice.
The tranquillity is ruined, however, when a black vintage convertible pulls up right in front of her. The Doctor is sat in the driver’s seat, Missy riding shotgun. Both of them are wearing Ray-Bans. Bill’s jaw drops open, tugs her headphones out her ears, wonders if she’s trapped in one of those odd, surreal dreams she’s been having lately.
“Get in loser,” Missy drawls in a fake American accent, dropping her sunglasses down her nose, “We’re going shopping.”
The Doctor turns to face her. “Have you been watching Mean Girls again?”
“Yes,” Missy says, with enthusiasm, “It’s a modern masterpiece.”
“You’re not wrong, but this is getting ridiculous. How many times have you seen it now?”
Missy shrugs, examining her cuticles. She’s painted them a deep, dark shade of blue other than her left ring finger, which is exclusively silver. “Not more times than you’ve read A Christmas Carol.”
“But that’s… That’s Charles Dickens. I’ve met Charles Dickens.”
“Now,” Missy points a finger in his direction, “That is culture snobbery, and I will not stand for it.”
The argument looks as though it’s about to get heated, so Bill takes it upon herself to intervene and sidles up to the Doctor’s side of the car. According to the dashboard—there’s definitely been some tinkering there, Bill can’t remember satnavs being standard in vintage vehicles—they’ve been listening to an Ed Sheeran album called a2 + b2 = c2, which she’s pretty sure isn’t out yet, unless she’s missed something.
“What’s going on?” Bill asks, folding her arms, “Since when have you owned a car?”
The Doctor scoffs loudly, one hand clutched round the steering wheel, the other draped across the car door. “You accept the fact that I own a time machine, but a car has you confused?”
Missy flicks open a small silver cigarette case and places one between her lips, looking expectantly over at the Doctor. He sighs, reaches into his jacket pocket, brings out a little box of old fashioned matches and quickly lights it for her. She takes a long, luxurious drag; the smoke is decadently beautiful, hanging in the air, trailing back into the wind. All she’s missing is a ridiculous headscarf and she’s walked out of one of those black-and-white movies Bill watches absent-mindedly on the drama channel.
“You should have seen his last motor,” Missy burrs, blowing a perfect ring of smoke into the air, “Might as well have had I’m an obnoxious badly-dressed alien with an intense fetish for human culture written all over it.”
“Bessie was loyal. Much more loyal than you ever were,” the Doctor says, “And if your DVD collection is anything to go by, you can hardly chastise me for having a liking of human culture.”
Missy rolls her shoulders non-committally and throws the remainders of her cigarette overboard, landing unceremoniously in a puddle. “We could have this argument all day, my dear, but you were the one who said they had more important things to do.”
“I do,” the Doctor turns his attention back to Bill, “I just wanted to remind you about that essay I set you on the origins of supernovae. Its due tomorrow evening.”
“I know that,” Bill mutters, wondering why he’s made the effort to find her at a bus stop just to tell her that. She’s always on time with deadlines, unless an inconvenient invasion by malevolent monks gets in the way. “You could have just text me, you know.”
Missy snorts a laugh under her breath. The Doctor’s face curls into a bit of a grimace, looking down at his lap. Bill blinks back, clueless.
“What?” Bill asks, “What’s happened to your phone? You didn’t drop it into a blackhole again, did you?”
“No, no,” the Doctor reassures, “I’ve just… temporarily dislocated it.”
Missy leans over. Presses a hand on the Doctor’s shoulder. “He got quite annoyed with it. Apparently he doesn’t like it when I prank call the Pope pretending to be the Guardian of Hell.”
“The Vatican get very sensitive over claims like that!” he hisses, pushing her back into her seat. Bill wonders just how she managed to get entangled in this very weird web of Time Lord panic. “Anyway. Bill. I’ll see you later.”
The car judders loudly as the Doctor applies his foot to the accelerator and changes gear. Missy elegantly pushes her sunglasses back up her nose and leans back in the leather seat, applying another coat of dark red lipstick in the rear view mirror. She pops her lips and pouts, clearly pleased with her appearance. Bill is about to call out but before the words even have chance to leave her mouth, the convertible is speeding off, leaving her standing in its wake.
“On Wednesdays we wear pink!” Missy yells out loudly, her American accented voice just audible over the top of the car engine. Her laugh somehow carries all the way down the road, despite the car a spot in the distance now. Bill sighs tetchily. She’s never going to truly understand anything about Missy, is she?
The TARDIS control room is a metallic mess of tools and wiring, glass platforms thrown up exposing bare circuit boards underneath and a spattering of bolts crunching under Bill’s trainers. She sits lazily in an armchair, hydro-spanner in one hand and a mug of tea in the other, essentially at the Doctor’s beck and call. Maintenance days were slow days. That being said, there is something remarkable in seeing how everything works beneath the surface. She leans over, looking down the stairs, where the Doctor is hunched over what looks like a large computer screen with his jacket rolled up to his elbows.
“What are you doing now?” she calls out, “I did computer science at school. I could help.”
The Doctor runs a hand through his hair, tilts the screen, his head along with it. “Thanks, but it’s not that sort of computer.”
“Oh,” Bill hums, takes another sip of tea. The TARDIS groans, shifts, and Bill wonders if this is the time machine equivalent of going to the dentist. “Right.”
Her attention is diverted when she hears a vague shuffling from the other side of the control room and a soft patter of footsteps. The Doctor gently drops the scanner onto the floor, brows furrowed. “Missy?”
A moment later, she enters, dressed only in a black bikini and a welding mask. A pair of flip-flops hang loosely off her feet and she’s carrying a blowtorch in one hand and a tool kit in the other.
At this point, Bill has run out of reactions. There is literally nothing more Missy could do to surprise her. She could ride naked on the back of a giant space toad through the TARDIS corridors and she probably wouldn’t even bat an eyelid.
Missy lifts the welding mask up and wipes a bead of sweat off her forehead. The Doctor stares at her expectantly, arms folded, waiting for whatever she’s about to throw him. “My hydro-spanner is broken. Can I borrow yours?”
The Doctor shakes his head, clearly deciding not to comment on her get-up. He flicks his arm airily in Bill’s direction. Returns to work. “Bill has it.”
Missy huffs, dropping the blowtorch and the toolbox onto the floor. She pads across the control room, shoving the Doctor pointedly with her shoulder as she passes, extends her arm out to Bill. Her fingers flex keenly. Bill is about to drop it into her palm, but retracts more out of curiosity than anything else.
“What’s with the bikini?” Bill squints, “I thought you were doing repairs.”
“I am doing repairs,” Missy grits her teeth. Pings her bikini straps with her forefingers. “But it does get quite toasty down by the Eye of Harmony, so I thought I’d try and catch a tan whilst I’m at it. Now. Hydro-spanner. Gimme.”
“You’ll not get a tan down there,” the Doctor calls out, “You’ll go crispy. And remember what happened the last time you got crispy—“
Missy rolls her eyes so forcefully it could hit a high number on the Richter scale. “Shut up. I’ll stop before I turn into bacon. I just want a nice, bronzed glow for when you take me to the Maldives.”
“What—we aren’t going to the Maldives.”
Missy tuts, grabs the spanner off Bill while she’s distracted. “And you’d think I couldn’t drop a more obvious hint.”
Bill watches as Missy trots back down the stairs and hovers over the Doctor’s shoulder, murmuring something she can’t hear from such a distance, even if she strains her ears. He laughs, and she laughs back, and their faces are so close it’s like their noses are almost touching—before the Doctor reaches out and pulls her welding mask back down over her face. Missy plants both her hands on his shoulders and pushes him playfully before turning around, picking up her tools, heading back into the corridors.
“Don’t think I don’t know you’re both checking out my arse,” she shouts, her voice echoing round the control room. Bill glances over to the Doctor, who is about as red as she is. She sinks back into the armchair, sips her tea, and tries her best to forget that ever happened.
The makeup and beauty floor of John Lewis is absolutely packed. Bill desperately elbows her way through crowds of smart, intimidatingly beautiful women in tight suits with perfect hair, each spraying her with another intoxicating burst of expensive perfume and urging for her to try a sample. She kindly declines, eyes scanning the crowd, eventually spotting the Doctor thumbing tiny little bottles of Prada whilst a puzzled shop assistant looks on.
“Hey,” she breathes, nudging him with her shoulder. “Got your message. What’s the occasion?”
“Missy’s birthday,” he states plainly, “She mentioned she wanted perfume.”
“Birthday?” Bill queries. She sniffs a liquid in a lilac coloured bottle and for some reason, it reminds her of Heather, but she associates all nice things with Heather so that isn’t such a big surprise. “Didn’t realise you lot had birthdays.”
“Well that’s ridiculously presumptive. A hallmark of your species. Of course we have birthdays. How else would we know how old we were?”
“I didn’t think you did,” Bill shrugs, unfazed. She’s never actually found out either of their exact ages. She assumes it’s a figure around two thousand. “Do you buy her a present every year?”
The Doctor wavers, looking down at his feet. A question he does not want to answer. “Not every year. We’ve—we’ve been estranged for quite a while. I like to make the effort if she’s around.”
There are hundreds of layers to that statement that Bill can never hope to understand so she smiles, picks up another bottle, admires the pretty pastel-coloured packaging. It’s no secret that she’s scared of Missy and the things she’s done, but she can’t ignore how important she is to the Doctor. You will do anything for those you love and care for. Even if those you love and care for throw little girls into volcanoes.
The Doctor strolls away from the Prada counter and over to the Dior one, where a middle-aged woman with a tight-bun and fake-tanned skin tries to talk to him, but the Doctor simply raises a hand and looks around himself. Bill smiles apologetically—she’ll have the manners chat with him again at some point.
“Do you know what sort of scents she likes?” Bill offers, trying to help. “Is it fruity, or musky, or…”
“Flowery, I think,” the Doctor edges in quickly, too quickly, Bill stunned at just how sure he is. He coughs, tugs at his earlobe. “She always smells like flowers.”
She’s about to guide him over to the Estee Lauder counter, because they do this gorgeous one she bought for Moira on her last birthday, all dark and purple and Missy’s aesthetic down to an absolute T. But her phone buzzes in her pocket so she slides her hand into the back of her jeans, breezes over a notification.
A text from an unknown number.
Tell him I like Chanel. Noir, if they have it. And for God’s sake, don’t let him anywhere near Lush. All the smells and colours confuse him. I don’t need any more bathbombs.
Bill holds a gasp at the audacity of it, but isn’t remotely surprised. Of course she’d have her number. She glances over at the Doctor, still studying a display carefully, before tapping out a response.
This is supposed to be a surprise.
A few seconds later: I promise to look very surprised when I open it.
Bill snorts a laugh. Stuffs her phone back in her pocket and wanders back over to where the Doctor is standing. “I was thinking… maybe Chanel?”
His eyes flicker over her figure as she sits at the dressing table, pulling pins out her hair and dropping them with a small porcelain clink into a white dish. Her hair hangs loose, long and dark and unbelievable, and he feels the sudden urge to run his fingers through it. Instead he sits, waits. The silk throw hung over the side of the bed feels smooth beneath his fingers. She’s humming something softly to herself, eerie and oddly familiar, but he’s unable to put his finger on it.
He exhales a long breath, like he’s about to say something, but loses the bottle. Missy stares at him in the reflection of the mirror, blue eyes unusually soft. “Something on your mind?”
“No, not…” he trails off again. Stands, walks so he’s directly behind her, strokes a stray strand of hair away from the nape of her neck. “I like it when it’s like this. When it’s just us.”
“It is you who insists on having your little pets cluttering up the place,” Missy raises an eyebrow. Her arm snakes round her shoulders until she clutches at his hand, squeezing it comfortingly. “But I do too.”
“It’s not that I don’t… I love having Bill around. She’s clever and funny, can be around you for two minutes without trying to kill you.” She smirks at that, oddly pleased. “But you’re you.”
“Ah, very specific, my dear. I know exactly what you mean.”
He chuckles, pressing a soft kiss on the top of her head. He doesn’t see the way her eyelids flutter closed. “We’ve spent so many years at each other’s throats. I hate you or you hate me, or we both hate each other, and… you know, don’t you?”
She brings his hand to her lips. Kisses the pads of his fingers, finishing at his wrist. Oh, she knows. She’s known since they first caught eyes, aged eight, standing in the entrance of the Academy with just a suitcase and two breaking hearts to keep them company. Two thousand years. Every single second leading up to now. Oh—they’re too chaotic for it to ever stay this simple, but this one moment is good enough for now.
“I know,” she says gently. “My darling Doctor. Whatever shall I do with you?”
“Come to bed?” he says, one eyebrow arched, and Missy laughs. “What?”
“It’s not usually you who has to do the asking,” Missy stands, coyly sheds her dressing gown, silk pooling at her feet. She turns and he blinks slowly, pushes him over to the bed, kisses him with her hand gripping the hair on his neck. His fingers tug at her bra strap greedily.
“Oh, come on,” Missy says, “Let’s give the pet something she can really squirm about.”
She throws his trousers across the room, and her bra along with it.
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shirayuki-wisteria · 7 years
A Day Off?!
Obiyuki Week, Day Four: Free Day
Title: A Day Off?!
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in this fan-fiction except my horrible grammar and writing skills. All of the characters or cities mentioned in this fan-fiction belong to Akiduki Sorata unless said otherwise. Any references to real people or places are purely coincidental.
Synopsis: After working so hard and finally finding out the cure for the mysterious disease, everyone is given a day off to simply enjoy themselves. Obi, only joking, asked Shirayuki if she wanted to spend her day off with him. What will happen to the two friends?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Huh? We're getting a day off?" Shirayuki asked Ryuu. He nodded in confirmation. "Yep. On the Head Pharmacist of Lilias' orders." She scratched her cheek nervously. "I guess that means we can't just ignore their orders, huh...?" He let out a sigh. "We very well can't..." Obi was just lingering around, so he easily overheard them. "Hey, Mistress, how about me and you go out into town to look around?" The mischievous glint in his eyes and his smirk should have made it evident that he was just joking around, but Shirayuki was too lost in her own mind to thoroughly think it through. "Sure. I don't see why not." "EHHH?!" Her personal knight exclaimed, backing away slowly. "You'd really like to go out into town to look around with me?!" She shrugged indifferently at him. "I've nothing else to do so that seems better than lounging around and doing nothing." His hand twitched slightly in mid-air. "You make a valid point..." "Then it's settled!" She declared as she grabbed her coat and opened the entrance door. "You and I will be touring the surrounding area in.... an hour!" The bubbly herbalist closed the door behind her and she raced back to her room to go get changed. Obi glanced at Ryuu. "Would you be willing to join us on our trip?" The young boy shook his head. "I'd much rather coop myself in the library and get familiar with all the types of plants Lilias has to offer. Good luck, nonetheless." As he went back to stuffing his nose inside a book, th Prince's Attendant let out an exasperated sigh. Master's going to kill me when he finds out...
Shirayuki wasted no time in looking through all of her clothes to find the perfect outfit to wear for this special occasion. She finally settled on a dark-indigo shirt, a violet skirt, and a dark violet coat that had fur lined out on the cuffs. Matching it with brown leather boots, she felt like she was finally ready to go. "Okay, time to go with--" She was cut off when she opened the door and was surprised. The person standing before her was no other than Yuzuri! "Heyyyyy, Shirayuki!" Her best friend greeted her as she grinned mischievously. "I heard you were going out into town with Obi?" The red-head blinked. "Yes, we are. Where'd you hear that from?" She waved her off. "Oh, a little birdie told me." Pushing her aside, Yuzuri let herself in and closed the door behind her. She walked over to her bed, plopping herself on it, while Shirayuki followed her lead and sat next to her. "Soooo..." Yuzuri began, "how do you feel about having to go on a date with Obi?" ""Date"?" The confused girl repeated, blinking in confusion. The Official Lilias Botanist nodded in confirmation. "Yep! How do you feel?" Shirayuki scratched her cheek nervously. "It's not really a "date" so much as hanging out..." "Oh, no, it's totally a date!" The blonde responded with certainty. "A man and a woman, going out into town to look around the shops on their day off? Totally a date." When her best friend put it that way, she began to blush. "N-No! It's not a date b-because.... we're... friends!" The bubbly botanist waved her off. "Now, now, let's not get hungover little details! You're going to be wearing that on your date?" The blushing herbalist nodded. "Y-Yes... I thought it'd look cute..." Her friend put a finger on her chin in a thinking posture. "That's good, but it's missing something... hmmm.... Oh, I know!" She reached inside her coat and pulled out her cat earmuffs, placing them on Shirayuki's head. "Wear these as you go tour the shops!" She glanced up at her newly acquired earmuffs. "They do look pretty cute..." "So you'll wear them?" "Uhh.... sure."
Obi held his fist in mid-air as he debated whether to knock on her door or just wait for her to come out. He didn't want to seem like he was in a hurry by knocking on her door, but he didn't want to seem apathetic either by not knocking. Ahh... what to do, what to do....? Suddenly, the door opened and he was face-to-face with her. They stood awkwardly as she took in his fist in mid-air, gathering that he was about to knock. "Oh..." He began, feeling his face getting hotter by the second. "Hi." "Hi," She chirped back. After a minute of full-on silence, she decided to speak once more. "Ready to go?" Obi unballed his fist and put it by his side. "Oh, yeah. We should get going, but are you really going to wear those cat earmuffs? She impulsively put her hand on it. "Why? Is something wrong with them?" He quickly shook his head. "Nope, nothing is wrong—are you ready to go now?" Shirayuki smiled at him. "Ready when you are."
After they rode on his horse for a while, they arrived at one of the shopping outlets in downtown Lilias. "Where should we start?" Obi asked. "We should probably make sure your horse is taken care of," She responded lightly. Once that was taken care of, they walked down the pathways to gaze at numerous shop windows to see if anything would captivate them enough to want to explore more. Unsurprisingly, they caught a few stranger's stares as they walked about. Shirayuki's red hair, combined with the cat earmuffs, caused for some unwanted attention to be directed towards them. The pair stopped at a quaint little tea shop and got a cup of tea and a cake each. They finally got sick of all the stares as they ate, so they settled on one store with an abundance of the latest Lilias fashion and decided to go inside to try on a few. "How about we pick out each other's clothing?" The ex-assassin suggested as he strode over to the women's department. "Sure, but don't come crying to me when you get arrested for looking at certain women clothing!" The young herbalist called out before disappearing into the men's section. Obi looked through all of the dresses and settled on a few, then went over to the assortment of hats the store displayed to find any matching ones. Once he was finished with that, he managed to find a few pairs of shoes that complimented the outfits picked out rather nicely. "Okay, Mistress!" He called out. "I'm done picking out your outfits. Are you finished with mine?" "Just a second!" The familiar voice called back. "Just one more thing and—okay, I'm finished!" They both took their findings to the changing rooms and exchanged them. "Shall I go first?" Obi asked, wanting to save the best for last. She shrugged back at him indifferently. "If you want to, go ahead. I'll sit here and wait." The first outfit Shirayuki picked out was an assortment of clothes that made him look like a sheriff. Somehow, she had managed to scrounge around and find pointy, brown leather boots that went up to his knees, beige-colored pants, a belt with a star on its buckle, a beige shirt with a matching vest, and a hat that looked similar to that of a fedora. Matched with a fake gold star pin, he really did look like a sheriff. "Haha!" She let out, pointing at him. "You totally look like a sheriff!" "Pfftt!' He let out, giving her a mock-annoyed look. "I do not. You totally forgot the utility belt with a gun holster and that the sheriff doesn't wear a hat that looks like a fedora. Nice try, but you've completely failed." "I'd like to see you do better!" "Fine! Why don't you go try out one of my outfits?' Shirayuki grabbed a random outfit and headed to the women's changing room. She came out with a very annoyed face as she glowered down at Obi. The outfit he had chosen consisted of three parts: red high heels with two inches of support, a matching red, silky dress that had one strap that fitted around the midsection of her arm, and to top it all off, a red, sparkly necklace. Although normally this would make a woman look more seductive, it made Shirayuki look like she was trying too hard. The high heels almost made her trip over thin air and the strap hung too loosely on her shoulder. It made it seem like the dress was made for someone more bigger than her; almost like a kid trying on clothing too big for them. Obi laughed at her failure to pull it off. "You couldn't seduce someone even if you tried! She hissed at him. "It's not my fault! Seriously, red? You couldn't think of anything better than that? You even got my size wrong!" He wouldn't stop laughing, so she snatched one of the outfits she picked out for him, put it into his arms, and pushed him into the men's changing room. "Let's see how you like that one!" The ex-assassin gave her a glare as he came out. This time, the red-head had chosen a costume that resembled that of a fox. "What are you trying to convey with this, Mistress?" She chuckled softly. "That you're a fox." "Okay, your turn again!" Unlike last time, this outfit wasn't the least bit flattering. It was made up of a black turtleneck, a green vest, baggy black pants, and boots that looked like they belonged in the men's department. When she came out, she crossed her arms angrily as she tapped her arm impatiently. "What was the message behind your choice?" "That you should shop in the men's department more often...?" "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" After punching him in the arm about a dozen times, Shirayuki finally calmed down and sat down on the bench next to him. "Did you actually think as you picked out any clothes for me?" He shrugged. "It's not my fault this store has a costume department inside it. Who'd have thought?" She grabbed the last outfit she chose for him and handed it to him. "Although the other two outfits were just for fun, I really thought about what would look best on you when I chose this." "Oh," He let out indifferently as he stared down at it. He grabbed the last outfit that he chose for her and set it down on her lap. "I also did the same with this outfit." "Okay, thanks!" She said as she gave him a gentle smile. "We should go try ours at the same time so we won't waste any more time." "Good idea." They went into their separate rooms and quickly changed. Obi came out first with Shirayuki coming out soon after. "Ohhh, I really like the outfit you chose for me!" The outfit Obi had really thought about was a white dress that had gold thread intertwining in a pretty pattern at the cuffs and hem. He had matched that with white leggings, short white boots with fur at the cuffs, and a white coat that had a gorgeous light blue pattern sewn into it. He smiled at her. "I'm glad you like it. I also like the clothing you've picked out for me." The clothing she had picked out looked similar to that of what a noble would wear but didn't feel like it. She had gotten him a black shirt with gold thread sown at the cuffs, black pants that looked tight but really weren't, and black boots with soft padding for his feet. It made him look more gentlemanly instead of like an assassin. She gave him a soft smile. "I remembered when you complained about having to wear right and uncomfortable noblemen clothes, so I decided to look around and find something that resembled it, but didn't feel like it. That way, if you wanted to, you could wear that instead of stiff noble clothing." He felt his face begin to redden, so he quickly spun on his heel and pointed towards the checkout counter. "We should probably go pay for our things and leave. The others must be wondering what's taking us so long." The two friends paid for their findings and put whatever they did not want away. When they finished, they realised that the sun had already begun to set. "Oh no!" Shirayuki gasped. "We better hurry and get home!" They got on Obi's horse and quickly made their way home. When they finally reached the Lilias Pharmacy Building, the sun had already set and the night was falling. Obi handed his horse to the stable-keeper and helped Shirayuki to her room. "Sorry, we didn't do much today..." She waved her hands frantically at her sides. "No, no! I had so much fun today! Thank you so much for taking me out!" He let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you had fun, but we should probably keep this between us. After all, if Master knew..." An image of him yelling at them entered their minds, and they had to fight to suppress a shiver. "Yeah..." Shirayuki agreed. "It'd be best not to." "Well, it wasn't all for naught!" He said cheerfully. He took out a scary mask and put it on his face. "I got this so I could scare people with it!" "Obi, you're such a..." She started but broke into a laugh. "Well, I had a nice time, anyhow. I hope we can do it again." "Really?" Her Personal Knight said as he removed the mask from his face to look her in the eye to see any sign of deception. She nodded. "Definitely! Anything with you'd be fun, no matter how boring a task it may be!" He stood silent for a moment but suddenly found his body moving on its own. He put the mask on her face and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight, Mistress." Before she could even question it or remove the mask, he had jumped out a nearby window. Geez, she thought as she puffed out one of her cheeks. He even left his mask...
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Day Four in London
We woke up this morning to a dreary looking sky which was our first taste of “typical” London weather, having had beautiful sunny skies the last three days. We had breakfast, got dressed and set off way too early for our first activity of the day - the Harry Potter Studio Tour. Our booked tour didn’t start until 10am, but we were out the door by 7:30am and the journey was apparently only going to take 45 minutes. 
We caught the tube and a train to Watford Junction, from which we were going to take a tour bus to the Warner Brothers Studio. Fortunately today’s cross country journey was much more seamless than yesterday! 
To kill a bit of time before we had to hop onto the tour bus, we stopped at a cafe for a while where we had a coffee and a hot chocolate and spent a bit of time uploading photos to the blog, Instagram and researching the journey to get to Harrods after our morning tour. 
We walked over to the bus stop and joined the short queue to board the bus, fortunately we were close enough to the front of the line to enable us to sit upstairs on the second level of the bus, which made the ride pretty cool.
We pulled up to the studio and were immediately greeted with huge chess pieces from the Philosophers Stone and large Azkaban “Wanted” posters and articles from the Daily Prophet. We made our way inside to the foyer area and were greatly impressed by the large dragon from the Gringotts Wizarding Bank that was hanging above our heads. 
We then began our tour which initially started with a short movie about the amount of work, time and detail that went into putting these movies together. Once the movie ended, the cinema in which we were sitting, raised its screen to reveal the famous Great Hall entry doors from the movie, which was an awesome reveal. We made our way through these doors into the iconic Great Hall where all the meals and school gatherings took place in the movie. 
We next moved into another exhibit that detailed some of the other major set pieces, costumes and props from the film, like the Triwizard Cup, the Griffindor Common Room, Hagrids Hut, the moving staircases, the mirror of Erised, the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore’s study, and so much more. It felt so surreal to be walking amongst these iconic pieces from the films and all felt very exciting. 
We next moved on to the Forbidden Forest exhibit which looked exactly like walking through an actual forest, before seeing the Hogwarts Express train which was incredible to walk through. We finished up this part of the tour in a cafe where we sat and had morning tea which was made up of chocolate mousse, Malteaser cheesecake and butter beer. The cheesecake was a total disappointment while the butter beer was unbelievably sweet and surprisingly very tasty.
The tour continued through some other set pieces like the Night Bus and Harry’s original home on Privet Drive. We walked through some other exhibits that detailed some of the special effects that were used in the movie, before emerging into the themed focus piece for the tour - Gringotts Wizarding Bank, which was unbelievable. It literally felt like you were right there in the movie, everything looked so authentic. We walked through another exhibit that showcased in details some of the features of the bank, before walking into another set of the Gringotts Wizarding Bank, however it had been destroyed just like it had been in the 8th movie. We stood and watched while and amazing effect played out as a dragon emerged through the smoke to breathe fire everywhere.
We then walked down the Diagon Alley set piece, before taking a walk around a gigantic model of the Hogwarts castle. Everything we looked at was just so impressive and at times breathtaking, we felt very nostalgic looking at everything from the movies that we love so much. A quick stop in the gift shop where Mike purchased the Elder Wand and a couple of keychains, and we hopped back on the tour bus and train back into town. 
We headed towards the Harrods department store and had a walk around inside. I was seeking out some make up which I was able to purchase and trying to find some earrings that I wanted, where I didn’t have much luck. We checked out the food level where everything looked delicious and the tech level where we saw an ultimate gaming chair which Mike now has on his wish list. We also took a walk through their Christmas department which was beautifully laid out with very overpriced ornaments. 
Once we finished at Harrods, we took a quick walk around the corner to a designer consignment store that I wanted to visit. The store was amazing and filled with racks and racks of actual designer gear - much better than the stores in Perth! I had great fun looking around, but unfortunately didn’t come away with anything. Many of the items that I was a fan of were still very far out of my price range. 
We then caught the tube back to our apartment in Fulham where we rested for a while before catching up with my cousin Luke for dinner. We caught the train out to Clapham Junction - which is the busiest train station in Europe and met Luke there, where he then took us on a tour of the main street in his local area. We then went and had dinner in a pub called the Northcote where we ate some tasty food and had a lovely time catching up. We stopped for gelato before taking the tube home where we both collapsed into bed completely exhausted. 
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