#we have 6 pizzas! 5 of which are the same every day!
hermeskismesistus · 11 months
please god let me be an opener again i’m sooooo so good at it & no closers will ever have to come in to an empty rack ever again
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screemu-ribbons · 1 year
MSM Headcanons - Basics (Part 1/2)
Here we are! I'm gonna start sharing my MSM headcanons topic-by-topic. Let's start with a lil' grab-bag of general ones.
Quick Key:
Information that has been explicitly stated/shown by an official source is marked in green
Information that has been directly implied by an official source is marked in yellow
Ideas that have been adopted/inspired from another person/fanwork is marked in red
1- Most monsters you know about are usually entire species. Exceptions to this are merely individuals (as in, there's only one of each of these monsters), those being The Wubboxes, The Ethereals, The Seasonals, The Mythicals/Dreamythicals, The Legendaries (Werdos, Shugafam), The Wublins and The Celestials.
-- Also notably an Individual is Enchantling; Since only very few of its kind exists at a time, there's usually only one at Magical Sanctum's helm every few hundred years.
2- Monsters are sentient and normally fairly intelligent, even the ones with more animal-like behavior. The least intelligent monsters are still at the same level as a young or below-average human.
3- The Monstro language, Monstrous, has three types: Standard, Werd, and Celestial. Though they are considered one language, and are written the same, all three are drastically different in pronunciation.
--Standard is the "normal", most common kind consisting of melodic growls, chirps, clicks and other vocalizations; aside from the vocal cord-less and those with medical exemptions (for which there is MSL (Monstrous Sign Language)), nearly all educated monsters can speak it easily. Standard Monstrous is somewhat easy to understand for English-speaking humans, once you get the sounds memorized, as it works extremely similarly to the aforementioned language.
--Werd Monstrous is a very unique dialect, sounding nearly identical to humanity's English (with a few differences, like forehead being "bonkbumper"). The odd thing about Werd Monstrous is that most monsters have a tough time speaking it, only able to retain and recite few words and phrases; aside from higher beings, the only ones who can speak it fluently are the elusive Werdos, as long as they're kept properly nourished with Relics.
--The last type of Monstrous, as the name would imply, is said to only be spoken and understood by Celestials. Legends say that, to mortals, it mostly sounds like a series of "Shaba-bum"s and "Rootitoot"s.
4- The "scalps" (as islands are referred to colloquially) are much more expansive than they seem. Monster civilization is surprisingly human-like and advanced, ranging from cozy villages to big cities. The architecture, tech and aesthetics of a given place is based heavily on what island it's atop.
5- The island castle is an ancient tradition that's still kept up to this day. Formerly used as a shared shelter for juvenile monsters, the castle, in recent years, has become a sort of guaranteed home available to any monster who needs it. The interior is like a fancy apartment building, full of cozy rooms on every wall, a communal area on the main floor and a dingy laundromat in the basement. Whenever the population rises sharply in an island, the castle will be delicately expanded to fit more residents. Though private housing is available for those who need it, it's a great option to have.
6- Monstro has a popular fast food chain called "Mawnchie's". It's basically McDonald's in brand recognition and quality, except it has a much more expansive menu, including things like pizza and turkey. Never order the turkey from there. Just don't.
7- Any monster can live on any island; it's just that only a selection of them are accounted for in the composition of the island's song. Monsters that aren't officially included are still welcome to join in, they just might get lost if they aren't great at improvision.
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bronanlynch · 6 months
it took me over nine months to finish ace attorney 5 but here we are with the lawyer rankings (of whose file clerk I'd rather be)
athena: once again I draw the line at working for a teenager, and also I would be so uncomfortable if she ever tried to tell me what emotion she knew I was feeling. cannot stress how miserable that would be for me, and also a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen. also, emotions-based lawyering doesn't seem likely to produce as much paperwork as I would like, since that leaves me with less to do. 2/10, of course there's discord in my heart I'm at work leave me alone.
apollo: if he started his own firm I would work for him in a heartbeat but unfortunately him leaving and then coming back to the wright anything agency is not great in terms of like, job security for his hypothetical file clerk. like, do I get laid off when he leaves and then brought back when he returns a few days later? I want a little more stability than that, sorry. 7/10, he would at least help get my benefits paperwork sorted out and I appreciate that in a boss.
phoenix: Idk has he learned how to pay his staff yet because judging by the repetition of the ending bit abt how he doesn't want to buy them noodles the answer seems to be no. "your bonus this year is a pizza party" kind of boss except you have to buy your own pizza. sure he's learned how to be a more supportive mentor to athena than he was to apollo but my boss's faith in me will not pay my rent. 3/10, phoenix you're dating the chief prosecutor surely you can do better than this.
edgeworth: he's gotten his shit together in a way that makes me very proud of him, and he does seem to care abt his employees. also he looks good in those glasses. 8/10, if he can get blackquill's conviction overturned he can make sure I have dental insurance.
payne: the thing about payne is that he doesn't listen to the things people tell him and he doesn't seem to learn anything ever, and that's a very frustrating quality in a boss. the kind of boss that tells you to do something but explains it badly and when you ask a clarifying question he responds with even more incomprehensible bullshit. half of your email responses to him are just copying and pasting things you've already told him. 2/10, every interaction with him is a sisyphean nightmare.
blackquill: trying to process the ethics of an imprisoned prosecutor (they make him wear a shock collar in court jesus fucking christ) makes my brain short-circuit but that's also just the ace attorney experience. other than that he seems like a decent boss, as long as you can overlook some of his uh dramatic tendencies and also as long as he doesn't sic taka on you. but I think if you had a good rapport with him it would be fine, even if it would probably mean a lot of transcribing bc presumably he'd have to hand-write anything he wants to file with the court and send them to you via bird and then you'd have to type them up and actually submit them. 6/10, honestly he gains several points just because I want to pet taka.
professor means: he's so smug, is the thing. he's just the smuggest man and he treats his students like idiots so I can't imagine he'd be any better and less condescending to his employees. he's probably looking for every excuse to be like "gotcha! you made one (1) minor error (that isn't even actually an error, it's just that he personally would have done it differently" and because everything has to be a Teaching Moment he'll bring it up in department meetings and also use you as an example in his classes. 3/10, he gains a few points for his awareness that the legal system is fucked up and rigged in favor of the prosecution and then loses most of those points for being a condescending asshole.
klavier: he would be fine probably. presumably his office is in the same state as it was in aa4, which is not ideal, as it stresses me out when filing cabinets are so full/disorganized that you can't close the drawers. on the other hand maybe that was just because he hadn't gotten around to dealing with it yet and he's not living like that on purpose and he would appreciate a file clerk to help him get his shit together. 7/10, just don't call me fraulein and we'll be fine.
( aa1 | aa2 | aa3 | aa4 | aai | dgs1 | dgs2 )
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Prompts with specific descriptions
Let people send you a number (and if they want, a specific fandom or character) and write a drabble based on the specific description you’re getting.
1. Character needs to babysit a toddler for a couple of hours
2. Someone’s going into labor!
3. Two characters are sitting on a rooftop, talking
4. It’s the first time two friends see each other after the vacation
5. A very memorable day at school
6. Looks like someone got their first period!
7. There’s two beds in the room, but only one is comfortable to sleep in
8. Character needs to tell one of their parents something important
9. Uh oh, we got caught kissing!
10. Siblings have to comfort each other after a terrible event
11. Cousins are shit-talking their family members during a family event
12. Characters play hide and seek, but someone hides too well
13. Who calls in the middle of the night?
14. To not get caught, character A hides in character B’s closet
15. Three characters are just trying to have a good time, but it’s hard
16. We accidentally got locked inside a closet and now we get the time to share some secrets
17. This dinner was supposed to turn out well and it certainly is not turning out well
18. You think I'm in love with you and I'm not and now we have a little situation
19. Stepmother and stepdaughter have a conversation
20. Someone takes a pregnancy test
21. Someone finds a letter in their locker
22. Three people in a room. One person third wheels the other two
23. Someone has broken their arm in a very absurd way
24. Character discovers they have flying abilities
25. Due to events, a character needs to take the bus instead of the train
26. A father can’t accept that his child is growing up
27. It wasn’t the plan to come out while talking on stage, but here we are
28. Well, I guess we have to steal a car now
29. Everyone thinks character is queer, but plot twist, they’re actually straight
30. In a flash, suddenly we are 10 years younger. What happens now?
31. In a flash, suddenly we are 10 years older. What happens now?
32. An alternate universe where everyone acts the opposite than what they do in canon
33. Character’s life if -insert specific moment- never happened
34. Two characters are best friends but one of them reveals they have romantic feelings. Does the other person feel the same?
35. A sleepover that got very fruity very fast
36. Character A gets bullied. Character B stands up for them
37. All I wanted to do was just to eat my lunch in peace without anyone interrupting
38. For some reason, four people meet up at a playground late at night
39. Baking a cake goes very wrong
40. Character is now a parent and this is a normal day in their life
41. The wedding speech got very chaotic when the speaker accidentally reveals a big secret
42. A band performance that goes very wrong
43. Due to an accident, the whole room is set on fire
44. Someone, somehow, eats lipstick
45. Best friends just going out roller skating and having fun
46. Some characters time travel to the 1960s, visiting places they know in their own time to see how they looked like then
47. Every character is a ghost and haunts a place
48. A family reunion turns chaotic when someone has an announcement
49. Someone forgot that character was living in their house
50. Stepsiblings bond over having insane parents
51. Flashback to a middle/elementary school where two characters does the performance of their lifetime
52. Character A discovers they can fly and Character B discovers they have telekinesis
53. Character/s has to explain to a kid where babies come from
54. Character tries jumping down from a roof with an umbrella, to see if they can fly
55. A secret couple gets exposed, with disasterous results
56. A secret couple gets exposed, but the results aren’t that bad
57. Ordering pizza goes incredibly wrong somehow
58. Everyone thinks two characters are dating and then it’s revealed they don’t even know each other
59. Character gets to re-live a memory from their childhood. Which memory do they choose?
60. How would the world be if Character didn’t exist?
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lifestyle-hub · 17 days
9 Ways to Combat Decision Fatigue in a World of Endless Choices
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Image credit: Cottonbro||
It’s the end of the day, and you’re staring blankly at your phone, unable to decide whether to order pizza, noodles, or maybe just cook dinner.
It’s not laziness, it’s decision fatigue. We live in an era where choices are everywhere, from what to wear in the morning to which Netflix show to binge at night. While more options may seem like a good thing, they can lead to mental exhaustion, leaving us drained and overwhelmed.
So how do you take back control and reduce this daily stress? Let’s dive into 9 simple, actionable ways to combat decision fatigue.
1. Simplify Your Routine
Ever heard how some of the most successful people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg stick to the same wardrobe every day? They do this for a reason, by reducing minor decisions, they save their brainpower for more important choices. You don’t have to go full uniform mode, but simplifying daily routines can go a long way in cutting down decision fatigue. Whether it's meal prepping your week’s lunches, choosing a go-to work outfit, or setting up an automatic morning routine, having fewer decisions to make will lighten the mental load.
2. Limit Your Options
The more choices we have, the harder it becomes to decide. This is the classic paradox of too much choice. To avoid this, set boundaries for yourself. For instance, limit your entertainment options to just three choices: one movie, one show, and one documentary. The same applies to your daily tasks. Prioritize the top three things you need to accomplish, and ignore the rest until they’re done. Less is more!
3. Batch Your Decisions
Imagine having to make a hundred small decisions throughout the day, it’s exhausting, right? Batching similar tasks together is a powerful way to minimize the number of decisions you make. Instead of figuring out what to eat for dinner every night, plan your meals for the week on Sunday. Instead of checking emails all day, dedicate two specific times to respond. By batching decisions into a single timeframe, you free up mental space and reduce the constant barrage of choices.
4. Create Decision-Making Habits
Habits can be your best friend when it comes to fighting decision fatigue. The more decisions you can turn into habits, the fewer choices you have to actively make. For example, if you always work out at the same time every day, it becomes second nature, eliminating the need to constantly debate with yourself about when or whether to exercise. The beauty of habits is that they automate your decisions, leaving your mind free for other things.
5. Know Your Decision-Making Peak
Your brain doesn’t operate at the same level all day. For most people, cognitive function is at its peak in the morning. This means your ability to make sound decisions is stronger earlier in the day. Schedule your most important decisions whether they’re about work, finances, or personal life for when you’re most alert. Save the less critical decisions (like what to watch on TV) for later when your mental energy is lower. By aligning your decision-making with your mental stamina, you’ll make better, more thoughtful choices.
6. Embrace “Good Enough”
I wouldn't say the term “perfect” is not possible or bad, but perfectionism is the enemy of decision-making. We often get stuck in analysis paralysis, trying to find the perfect solution when “good enough” would suffice. The truth is, in most situations, there is no perfect answer. Accepting “good enough” speeds up decision-making and reduces the stress that comes with overthinking. Whether it’s choosing a restaurant or making a work decision, ask yourself, “Is this good enough for now?” More often than not, it will be.
7. Make Use of Tools
We live in a time where technology can help ease decision fatigue. Apps like Todoist, Trello, or even simple to-do lists can help organize your tasks and priorities. Decision-making templates can help narrow down your options. For example, if you struggle with choosing a new book to read, create a shortlist based on recommendations, then use a decision matrix to weigh your options based on criteria like length, genre, and reviews. These tools act as shortcuts for your brain, giving you a framework to make faster decisions.
8. Delegate When Possible
You don’t have to make every decision yourself. Whether it's work-related or personal, delegation is a powerful tool to reduce decision fatigue. Trusting others with some choices allows you to focus on the ones that matter most to you. At work, this could mean passing tasks down to a coworker or team member. At home, it might involve letting your partner or kids make dinner choices or weekend plans. Don’t be afraid to ask for help it’s a sign of strength, not weakness.
9. Take Regular Breaks
Our brains are like muscles, they get tired from overuse. Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help reset your mental energy, allowing you to make better decisions. Whether it's stepping outside for a quick walk, doing some stretches, or practicing mindfulness for a few minutes, these small breaks can prevent decision burnout. When you feel overwhelmed, don’t push through, pause, reset, and come back refreshed.
Fewer Decisions, More Clarity
In a world filled with endless choices, the secret to clarity is cutting through the noise. It’s about making fewer decisions so you can focus on the ones that count.
So, take a deep breath, start with one small change, and watch as your decision-making power grows stronger.
Baumeister, R. F., & Tierney, J. (2011). Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength.
Schwartz, B. (2004). The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less.
Iyengar, S. S. (2010). The Art of Choosing.
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suckitsurveys · 1 month
1. First thing you touched this morning? Boyfriend./ Husband.
2. Last thing you yelled at? I’ve been saying things loudly all day I’m so hyper right now. And that sentence makes it sound like I am a 15 year old oops. / Someone who wouldn’t get out of my way on the expressway lol. 3. Is your car a piece of crap? Ahhh my favorite 14 year old piece of crap. / My car is actually in really good shape aside from the fact that it fucking leaks gas and they can’t find a replacement fuel tank so now I have to probably buy a new car.
4. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next 7 days? Being with babe and getting hella paid next Friday. / Celebrating my niece’s 11th birthday and getting sushi twice in the same week when I go out with my friends for my birthday lol.
5. What’s annoying you right now? I feel weird but not weird. / Honestly how this survey formatted when I pasted it in here and now I have to fix every answer.
6. When is the last time you looked in the mirror? Earlier when I went to the bathroom. / This morning.
7. Would you have a long distance relationship with the person you are with now? We kind of have one now but not really? I mean he lives an hour away from me but we see each other pretty often. Like most of the week. / I mean we are married now so a long distance relationship would suck, especially after living together for almost 8 years now.
8. Who was the last person to make you really mad? My sister. / Actually, my sister, haha.
9. Where is the last place you had sex? In Mark’s new bed! Well. In my old bed, which is now his bed. / In our bed.
10. Who is the last person you had sex with? Mark! / Mark!
11. Do you enjoy watching porn? I do. / Sometimes.
12. What’s your favorite drinking game? Circle of Death! / I still like Circle of Death but I never play drinking games anymore.
13. Do you cry often? Ehh.  / Yes.I have been an emotional nightmare the past year hahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.
14. Do you think someone is thinking of you right now? “Hey babe are you thinking of me right now?” “Always and forever.” / He’s still asleep so not yet.
15. Choose one to have (beer, cigs, or weed)? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. / Weed.
16. Do you wish on stars? Naw. / Not really.
17. Are you a big flirt? Nah. / Nope.
18. What is the most disgusting prank you’ve ever done? – / I don’t do pranks.
19. What would you do if you became pregnant? Get an abortion. / Get an abortion.
20. When did you last make out with someone? Was it good? Yesterday, and yes. / A couple of days ago, and yes.
21. Do you like your body? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. / Right now no.
22. Are you a likeable person? Fuck yeah I am amazing. / I don’t know, ask the people who claim to like me.
24. Who did you dream of last night? I don’t remember. / I had a dream Longfellow quit SNL but it was because he got the lead role in a movie franchise hahaha.
25. Whose body do you wish you had? My own but 30lbs lighter. / My own but 50lbs lighter.
26. What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home? Probably shower and get ready for my Grandma’s 89th birthday. I’m going home Sunday morning for that. / Put all my shit away and change into comfy clothes.
27. When is the last time you saw your mom? Alive? July 18, 2013. / July 18, 2013.
28. Have you ever been so in love, you wanted to get married? Like right now, yeah. / Yup, and I did.
29. Did you get lucky on prom night? I went with my best friend from Boston. So yeah that was pretty lucky. / In the sexual sense, no.
30. Is there a song that makes you cry? Oh god yes. / Yes, several.
31. Are you normally a horny person? Yeah. / Yeah.
32. Where is your self-esteem from 1 (low) to 10 (high)? Like an 8 right now. / 2.
33. What color are your eyes? Greeeeeen. / Green.
34. Plans for tonight? About to go swimming with babe. Then we might get pizza and wine and chill tonight. / Going to my sister’s so I can take my niece’s birthday pictures and maybe tell her she’s going to see Billie Eilish in November. Then I’m gunna go home and eat dinner with Mark.
35. Plans for the weekend? Well tomorrow I’ll still be here and Sunday is my grandma’s birthday. So that. / Tomorrow is my niece’s birthday and we’re having a family party for her. Then Sunday I’m planning on taking her to lunch and the mall to pick out a few things.
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bennydwight · 1 year
TGAMM Observations, Theories, Headcanons Pre Season 2
Long post!
1.      Scratch never tells Molly his name in episode one (there’s a theory on this that his name was divulged to her as part of the curse, since it also gave her the ability to summon him with his name)
2.      In ‘The (Un)natural’, Bartholomew can be seen writing in a cutaway scene, a diary entry saying “Dear diary, I had the strangest dream last night”
3.      In the same cutaway scene, we can see the McGees moved into the house June 2
4.      Other entries in Scratch’s scare report read:
·        06/01 Pizza Steve (I get him every time!)
·        06/08 Kid with Umbrella (Transformed into umbrella. Classic Rainy Day scare)
·        06/15 Wilderscouts (Used Howlin’ Harriet story to scare campers)
5.      In the beginning of Howlin’ Harriet, there’s a brief moment where Scratch puts his hand to his chin, deep in thought. Geoff notices and, a beat later, copies the position
6.      Weird amount of Canada references. Cousin Carl from Canada, Cousin Milly from Canada, in The Lucky Penny there’s a crashed car with a Canadian sticker on the window. When Molly is looking up a Bat Mitzvah there’s a recommended video about ghost hauntings in Toronto (it has four views and was posted eight years ago). The very last moving box in Out of House And Home has a shipping sticker that says Toronto. I’d be tempted to say that’s the last place the McGees moved from if not for Molly knowing nothing of Canada. The syrup bottle in Citizen McGee has a maple leaf on it. I’d be offended at the stereotypes if I weren’t so jazzed for the representation
7.      Despite claiming to be touch adverse, Scratch can be seen instigating physical contact even as soon as First Day Frights, where he puts his arm around Molly and pokes her nose. The touching gets more affectionate as the season goes on, but even at the end of Friend-Off (where he’s arguably ‘known’ Libby less than two days and has been fighting with her for most of that time) he initiates and seems comfortable with friendly contact
8.      Scratch first admits he may be ‘McGee adjacent’ in The Greatest Concert Ever, but (as far as I know) there isn’t a solid moment where he embraces the McGee name fully. It just kinda pops up later on
9.      Scratch is already calling Nin ‘Grandma Nin’ by the end of The Curse (which isn’t groundbreaking, I just think it’s a cute detail that he already calls her grandma)
10.   In The Best Of Nin-tentions he also calls Sharon ‘mom’, but I’m not sure whether that’s because he just does now, or because he was using Molly’s words
11.   The gravestones in Andrea’s film set in Hooray for Mollywood read ‘Howlin’ Harriet’, ‘Howlin’ Harriet’s Toes’, and ‘SK’. I wonder if the last one might be Scratch’s, but that’s just a theory seeing as how we don’t know his surname
12.   Scratch was alive sometime before the invention of the internet (a safe assumption) and after the invention of colour tv. Possibly died in the 70s-80s era?
13.   If the Ghost World doesn’t get anything until after it’s dead, how come they have mochas? Or clubs? Also Scratch is shown with a smartphone at least once in Scarin’ is Carin’
14.   Scratch may also have some variation of size-manipulation power, seeing as there’s a functional pizza box with a to-scale pizza laying around his dollhouse. Maybe it’s just a way he creatively uses curses idk
15.   The. The medical bill in Out Of House And Home guys. It’s just. Look at it. Friggin. Z Ray (x2). Minus $0.49 for insurance. The epitome of America’s medical system. Would be funny if it weren’t so true
16.   Also, hard to see the date on there, but I think it’s 05/14/21 if you’re looking for a timeline. Seeing as we’ve had a Christmas episode, this would probably mean the McGees moved in June 2, 2020
17.   Historically, the larger Scratch gets, the less stable his form is. Might just be for scary effect, but might also be a mass-displacement or concentration thing
18.   But he has no trouble maintaining consistency when he shrinks, so maybe all ghosts just have a maximum comfortable size
19.   Some aspects of transformation appear to be instinctive and subconscious, linked to a ghost’s moods, instead of all shape changes being intentional (most clearly seen in The (Un)natural)
20.   The repossession notice in Out Of House And Home is in Sharon’s name, and I admittedly don’t know a lot about mortgages, but does that mean the house is in her name? Isn’t Pete the primary breadwinner in the beginning of the show?
21.   The McGees have a ricecooker in their kitchen! I thought that was a cool detail
22.   The home purchase agreement is a little hard to read in Home is Where the Haunt Is, but it says “I, [blank], agree to buy the property at [address, I can’t read it] even if it is [a tiny bit haunted]. This contract is legally binding and Candace Green cannot be liable for anything”. Candace absolutely knew about Scratch before he revealed himself
23.   Molly has type A blood, but whether it’s negative or positive isn’t specified (hello, blood poisoning). Also, flyers in the background promote Debate club, which implies she’d donating at school. As USA blood donation requires most donors to be a minimum of 16 years old (with parental consent) or 110 lbs, we can conclude that the school is illegally harvesting blood from the student body
24.   Why do they… why do they draw Scratch’s butt like that
25.   Libby’s left handed!
26.   The cart stunt at the beginning of No Good Deed is referenced in Darryl’s file as ‘Incident 314’
27.   Scratch doesn’t cast a shadow
28.   I don’t know why, but there’s a red sticker that shows up in the school a lot, especially around the lockers, and it just says ‘Souffle’
29.   Apparently Scratch has shared custody of Molly’s phone
30.   Who did the subtitles on DisneyPlus I just wanna talk
Feel free to add on/expand/debate if you feel the desire! I’m mostly just putting these here so they’ll stop swimming around in my head
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awkward-potato-504 · 4 months
I work in a grocery store in the deli and that deli also makes pizza. The departments are sort of combined but also separate in a way where one person gets scheduled to do Pizza but other people can and will help/ do it too through out the day.
With job context out of the way I can proceed to complain. This was around 5:30pm and there were around 7 pizzas due by 6pm. A guy came in to order a couple pizzas and I had to take his order but I told him that we had a bunch of other orders so it would be ready at 6:30. He was making comments about it being to long but “I guess I’ll have to wait”. To every comment like that he made I restated that we had a lot of other pizzas to make first. [Keep in mind he could see the pizza station and the disaster that it was. There was also another employee who was helping me with the pizzas since the guy who was scheduled to do it was on break]. At the end of taking his order I said again the 2pizzas would be ready at 6:30 he said something along the lines of ok but earlier if you can and then winked at me. I guess my facial expression gave away my annoyance because he then asked if I was having a bad day.
In truth no. My day was fine and I would’ve been fine to make all (now) 9 pizzas by myself even if it would’ve been extremely stressful. But this dude was not taking ‘they’ll be ready at this time I can’t do earlier because there’s other stuff that needs to be done first’ as an answer, so I was annoyed.
Despite this I lied and said that the new guy (the one who was on break) took the orders and commuted us to making 7 pizzas in 30 mins which was a lot. I said this because explaining to him that pushing for his order to be done sooner despite me making it clear that was unlikely to happen was annoying.
Like yes they could be done sooner but at the same time the pizza station was a mess and so was the oven, which can only cook two pizzas at a time. Our space is not big enough to accommodate large or many orders and usually it’s one person who does everything for pizza. And while it’s not difficult it it time consuming and after a lot of pizzas for one’s own well being there needs to be a slight break, even though it’s just cleaning up, maybe a bit slower than otherwise.
Sorry for the rambling/venting but what really got me was him winking at me like that was going to do anything
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allieebobo · 1 year
Hi Allie!! The update was really gooooodddddd! Anw, ive been stalking and reading through the asks & while I’m enjoying those, i don’t think anyone has asked u about urself yet. Or maybe i miss it but I’m interested to know more about the author who wrote 2 of my fave IFs. Just general questions like;
1. which part of SG were you from?
2. Fav food?
3. Fav place to lepak?
4. Pri/sec school (if you were educated in sg)
5. What made you migrated to USA?
6. Where are u currently based in?
7. Are u still a student or a full-fledged career womann
8. One place in sg that will always carry beautiful memories for you, now that u’ve moved abroad.
9. What sparked your interest in writing these IFs?
Hehehe. If some of the questions are abit personal, you don’t have to share ur answers. Have a good day ahead 🤍
Ooh!! Anon, these are great questions hehe!! Sure, we can do a get-to-know-me session!
I will answer a couple, and get back to the rest at some point, OK? If there's a question that I didn't answer that y'all are really curious about, you can send me an ask with the number and I'll get to it sooner rather than later.
(P.S. no, none of them are too personal, I just think it'd take me a gajillion years to reply if I tried to answer them all!)
Got long, so the answers are below the cut!
1. which part of SG were you from?
Redhill/Bukit Merah! There's a moment in Merry Crisis where MC talks about it, and that's directly from my life! West side, best side! If me and my partner were entitled to a subsidized public housing flat (we aren't, for so many reasons including we're queer and she's not Singaporean), I'd absolutely buy a flat in the exact same neighbourhood.
2. Fav food
Wow... I can't really choose one, but if I could cheat and pick a whole cuisine then Peranakan food, hands down. Petai (stinky bean) with ikan bilis is one of my fave dishes—and it reminds me of my grandma. Otherwise, ban mian is a big comfort food for me, and so are red chili oil dumplings. I also love kaya toast with eggs for breakfast. Herbal bak kut teh and teochew fish are things I love but wouldn't eat every day... All of these might show up (the fish already has I guess!) in the game at some point!
For non-Singaporean food, I could eat udon, all kinds of pasta, and som tum all day every day.
3. Fav place to lepak
<Lepak is Singaporean/Malaysian(? I think) slang for like, 'chill' or 'hang', btw.> As you can already tell I added a lot of my own experiences/things I love into Merry Crisis already, so I'm going to have to go with Labrador Park and Sentosa. As a kid my mom would bring me and my brother to the rocky coast in Labrador after school with a box of Sarpino's pizza and we'd play in the water and eat and get really sandy. Sentosa back in the day was less commercial/touristy, and we'd just park in the carpark for $2, and spend the entire Sunday just chilling on the beach (yes, I'm a huge beach person haha), and my dad (not a big beach person) would be napping under a big tree probably wishing his wife weren't such a big beach person because it's been inherited by his kids and now this is how he'll spend his weekends for the rest of his life.
6. Where are you based in? 7. Are u still a student or a full-fledged career woman
Have a full-time job, sadly. I've been working as an urban planner in Singapore for three years now. (Think that answers both questions at the same time.) So yeah, I plan the city. Mostly I make sure future generations have enough housing, even though I'm not entitled to one myself. 🤷‍♀️ I enjoy my work and I think it's fulfilling, but it's also tough and my hours are too long. One day I hope to write full-time but I really don't think it'll pay the bills. Maybe if I live somewhere cheaper than Singapore!
Quite excited to answer 8, 9 as well, but maybe those are for another day?
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amar-bell · 9 months
I always come back Chapter 3
“Cassandra, why don’t you sit next to Gregory? There’s an open seat there.” Gregory cursed himself for not putting his bag on that empty seat, and the new girl came and sat down next to him.
Gregory was unsettled throughout the class, he was 100% certain the new girl was staring at him the whole time. It was not fun. 
The class bell rang, and the teacher told them their homework and left. The next teacher would be here in 5 minutes. Gregory could act as if he needed to use the bathroom and avoid talking to the new girl. There was no way she could be his best friend Cassie who died 5 years ago. They had come to the ruins every night for a whole month to search for her and they couldn’t find her.
Freddy and Vanessa gave up after 2 weeks, but Roxy and Gregory kept coming back to look for her, before they finally accepted that she didn’t survive.
How could she have lived?! “My name’s Cassandra, or Cassie.. I didn’t get to introduce myself to you yesterday.” The girl suddenly spoke up, making Gregory jump. “Y-Yeah nice to meet you!” He responded, cursing himself for sounding so terrified, but can you really blame him? He was about 90% sure he was speaking to a dead girl.
“Are you okay? You seem scared.. Did I do something?” The way she spoke seemed awfully robotic, like she was reading the words off of a script that someone had given her.
“Yeah I'm fine, don’t worry about it.” Gregory responded, giving her a polite smile. Cassie looked away, focusing on doing the homework the teacher had given. 
Gregory took this as an opportunity to just take a breather and plan his next move. He could ask her questions, maybe try to figure out and see if she is his Cassie, but that would just come off as annoying, he was practically poking into her past, maybe if he asked a wrong question, it could lead to her pushing him away entirely. He should play the slow game, maybe gain her trust before actually asking her about that.
“I see that you’re the type of person to do homework in school too.” He said in an attempt to make small talk. “I find it far more efficient, I can return home and do something else, like study, or read.” “Oh yeah, same here. You know, at the end of the school day, I usually go and submit the work to the teacher, she doesn’t mind me doing that, you could maybe join me?” Cassie looked up at him with a blank expression, before nodding. “Sure.” 
Soon the next teacher arrived, and things with the both of them were pretty slow. She didn’t seem to talk much, only when absolutely necessary. That wasn’t like his Cassie. She was way too talkative, even worse than him, and that was saying something, because during every parent-teacher meeting, that was the main thing they complained to Vanessa about.
At the end of the day, Gregory waited outside for Cassie, who had been talking to their biology teacher. Finally when she came out, Gregory smiled at her. “Are you ready to go?” He asked her, to which she nodded.
“Greg, wait!” The two of them looked behind them. Allison and Mason ran up to them. “Hey Greg, new girl.” Mason greeted. “Did you both hit it off? Where are you going?” Allison asked. “Oh. Gregory was just about to take me to the teachers to submit our homework.” “Oh?~ Another one who’s like you Greg?” Mason asked teasingly. “Yeah. Someone who finally understands why submitting work early is beneficial. She has some sense, unlike you two.” Cassie’s mouth curved up in an odd little smile, and that made me smile back. “We should probably go. My mother and father will be waiting for me, so I must not be late.” ‘Mother? Father?’ That made Gregory confused. Cassie’s mother had died when the girl had been 6 years old. Cassie’s father disappeared when she was 9. Certainly this can’t be his Cassie? But there was always a chance a couple found her after she escaped the pizza plex.
“Gregory? Shall we leave?” Cassie’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he nodded. “Yeah. Let’s go.” After bidding a goodbye to his friends, Gregory left with Cassie.
“There’s no way that girl can be Cassie. She’s gone! We searched for her for a month!” We were all gathered on the dining table, Roxy and Freddy were seated together, while Vanessa and I ate our food. Freddy seemed reluctant to believe that Cassie survived. “We can never be sure Freddy. There is a very real chance that she could have escaped without us knowing. But I am skeptical that the kid that Gregory has described is the same Cassie is my little Carrots.”
Gregory gave Roxy a look. “Carrots?” Roxy growled at him. “Freddy has a nickname for you, does he not? I had a nickname for my beloved Cassie too.” Greg simply rolled his eyes in response. “Back to the topic at hand, yeah her attitude was.. Weird to say the least. Nothing like how Cassie was 5 years ago. But we can’t say that it isn’t her because of that. Trauma could be a very good reason for it. She did go through a near death experience, and who knows what else after that.” Gregory says to the group. “He has a point, but what about the topic of her parents?” Vanessa asks. “She could’ve been adopted by someone. It’s as simple as that.” 
Vanessa bites down on her bottom lip as she thinks this situation over in her head. “I say that Gregory should spend more time with this girl.. What was her name Gregory?” “Cassandra Nightingale.” “I think Gregory should spend more time with this Cassandra girl, and find out if she’s actually Cassie. And if she is, then great! She’s alive. If she isn’t, Gregory gets another friend at the end of it, a cute friend.” Vanessa bats her eyelashes at him, and Greg just rolled his eyes. “Stop it mama.” “But you’re so painfully single! You have all the options out there, boys and girls! Come on Greg.” “At least I'm not pining over someone and refusing to tell him about it.” There was utter silence at the table.
“I-i’m going to tell him soon..” Vanessa mumbles with a blush. “You said that last month too.”
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Remarkable Things I’ve Seen At The Pool Working As A Lifeguard
A girl who comes in every day and never wears the same swimsuit twice.
Guy who jumped off the diving board and made such a big splash he flooded the side of the pool
Four or five kids playing “Splash the Karen” in which one of them would get out of the pool and pretend to be an angry old woman and everyone else would splash them aggressively
Two kids pretending to be different animals as they jumped off the boards but some of the animals were “fortnite addict” “flu vaccine” and “youtuber”
4 year old boy asks 6 year old girl out on a minecraft date. She declines
A mother duck and her eight ducklings having a swimming lesson (we had to chase them out of the pool with the help of the skimmer and Manager Caleb)
Taika Waititi lookalike
Whenever a family is done with their snacks they just? Give it to the lifeguards? And so most days we get like free pizza or cupcakes
8,000 gnats
Four to five kids playing realistic medieval royalty, where the roles were ‘king’ ‘queen who is also a cat’ ‘assassin’ ‘potato farmer’ and ‘peasant whose eyes got gouged out for disobeying the law’ (the average age was 5)
Two boys playing the Pokemon version of ‘Silly McDonalds’ where one of them would summon different kinds of pokemon and the other pretended to be the pokemon, but every pokemon was actually pikachu
Mackenzie from Dance Moms lookalike child
Creepy old man who I thought was west asian but actually paying more attention to his bone structure and face shape I think he’s white but just has the worst, most cancer-causing suntan I’ve ever seen I’m surprised he’s still alive. He’s really gross and I don’t like him.
Several grown men with bowl cuts
Kid who pretended to be a baby crawling off the edge of the diving board and then drowning.
Baby diving kid organizing an army? Of kids pretending to be babies?
I got to hold 2 large trash bags full of angry bees.
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sneakyspades · 8 months
ok yknow what im just gonna straight up vent about work rn bc i ran out of tags on the other post
its become such a fucking shitshow down there jesus christ i cannot fucking stand it anymore. communication doesnt exist, i dont even remember the last time back of house had a fucking meeting. the owner pushed for us to stay open during a blizzard where it was a wind chill of -40. i mean holy fuck, the city said dont travel unless its an emergency
i had issues on sunday that i wasnt sure about, but our chef was out of town doing a show with his band, and our sous chef was sitting at the bar in the restaurant a good 5 or 6 beers deep by the time i ran into this problem. i asked the other supervisor (who agrees with me that this is a shitshow) and he wasnt sure either so we straight up guessed
i only make 15 an hour despite having been there for a whole fucking year, because i only get supervisor pay when im clocked in as supervisor. which is a measly 8 of my 40 hours. but god forbid i dont act like a supervisor for all 40 hours
insurance is unsustainably expensive there. my coworker who makes 13.50 an hour takes home *more than i do per paycheck* at this point. and he works 32 hours! i havent taken home more than 750 a pay check since getting insurance! i used to be grossing 1000! IM LITERALLY PAYING 175 DOLLARS EVERY PAY CHECK! AND THATS ABOUT TO GO UP TO ALMOST 180 WHEN I TURN 27! im not making any fucking money! im not getting any savings!
not to mention they fucked up my insurance not that long ago! i was told at the doctors office and the pharmacy that i had zero coverage! but they were still taking money from my fucking paycheck for it! like holy fuck i shouldve talked to goddamn lawyer about that instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt!
i was 110% fine with making 15 an hour and doing nothing but pizzas. because the trade off was that i could cut out early, i could trade shifts, if i got sick it wasnt fucking everyone else over. but now i cant do any of that. i have to close on saturdays, dont get home and in bed until 1:30 some nights, and then have to get up and go do a 10 hour shift every sunday. every weekend! every fucking weekend! and im the only one that does that anymore! im not the only one doing a double on sunday, but im the only one who has to close the night before. and because im just exhausted by the end of a sunday, my mondays are practically wasted because im catching up on sleep!
i like. cant fucking do this anymore. i cant think of any reason why im still there. i could go worl at fucking sams club in the bakery, start at the same wage (if not more), have *less* responsibilities, be doing something i want to do, and they close at 8 every day. i dont think theyre even open on sundays!
why am i still working there? its not sustainable for me anymore. my body is fucked. its falling apart ahead of schedule. i cant even open my door in the morning because of carpal tunnel. im 26 and when i crouch down i cant always get back up. the other night my ankle just started popping every time i turned around. what am i doing? what am i doing. i dont know.
i dont even have energy left over to draw. or make stained glass. or even do a discord call. the last time i had an actual date with my partner was, what, like 4 fucking months ago? i dont have any energy left over. im using it all for a place that i dont enjoy working at anymore, and i know i wont get better hours. our sous chef has been here since the place opened and he only has night shifts. the only day he doesnt is sunday. which is 8am to 3pm.
our new hire has sunday-monday off. why cant i have that? i want a weekend day off. its not gonna happen in this industry. its not gonna happen in this kitchen. i cant do this for the next however many years,
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adiarosefandoms · 2 years
Random Stranger Things Thoughts Pt. 1
I’m back with the Stranger Things fandom in the forefront of my mind, and I have some thoughts.
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1. I miss shipping Jonathan and Nancy. The Duffers kind of pushed Johnathan to the back in recent seasons and I hate that they made him the Cali-high dude. The only moment I liked him in the more recent season was when he had the talk with Will in Surfer Boys pizza, and I used to love Jonathan. I want the Duffers to appreciate the character more and give Charlie Heaton more to work with. 2. The Stranger Things score now creates a sense of nostalgia within me, both the opening theme and the other music that just plays in the backgrounds of scenes. 3. Hopper and Eleven need to stop being separated from one another. Every time they’re split apart it breaks my heart, though I will say their reunions (season 2 after she returns from Eight, three when they meet again in the mall, four after she thought he was dead) are some of the best happy-cry moments. 4. Going back and watching season one, all I could think was this show was genius. The books, and movies, and shows that introduced me to this whole fandom world were all about these kids, who really felt and looked like teens, thrust into these extraordinary situations, prevailing, and showing everyone around them that they are more than they appear. I genuinely think that this is one of the cleverest tv show of the past 20 years. The salt bath gave the fantastical a sense of logic behind the whole process Eleven goes through, the light communication with the alphabet was amazingly thought out and executed, and they made Eleven’s adapting to society seem authentic. She didn’t know anything, but she did grow, and grew slowly as anyone else would do in that situation. 5. I really like Finn Wolfhard, but for some reason as the seasons go on I like Mike just a little bit less. I miss the quiet empathy he expresses toward El in season one, though I know he doesn’t need that anymore. 6. I also like Nancy a little less each season. She felt so new, smart, and badass at the start, but I feel like she’s being overshadowed now a days. I did love her interactions with Robin though. 7. I want all of Eddie Munson’s clothes. 8. Utilizing the established game of Dungeons and Dragons means the beasts the characters face are more recognizable, and just makes them feel more real. 9. I’d rather see the Demogorgon over the Demodogs, Mind Flayer, and Vecna any day. 10. I still can’t watch Jamie Campbell Bower without expecting him to either A) start making sarcastic quips at Clary Fray, or B) suddenly start singing “Joanna”. 11. What really makes Stranger Things work in my opinion is it plays like an 80′s movie. Not just in the clothes, or music, or aesthetic. But it has the same formula as all those iconic 80′s adventure movies, which just doesn’t exist anymore. And those 80′s movies are still beloved for a reason. Stranger Things, especially at the start and still now, brings back that comforting feeling those movies gave us. But it gave us that nostalgia while still being something new we get to experience.
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
38, 41, 99, 180, 188, 202, 213, 214, 227, 235, 236, 238, 239, 266, 268
38- do you wake up cranky?
Cranky? No. I'm usually just not awake enough after getting up to care about anything lol
41- share 2 habits
I stir my drinks with knives, not spoons
I never use people's names with them. I will use names in reference to people (when asked by another friend if I call her Buffy, my Buffy explained it pretty well. "To my face? No. In front of me? Yes." She also stated before "when Spike wants your attention he just gets your attention" when discussing with another friend that I don't use names like others do)
99- say 6 facts about your home town
1. It's small. Like... it's not technically a town. Or even a township. It's a charter township, we are technically one step above being a village
2. My hometown mostly consists of churches, liquor stores, and pizza places
3. The only thing to do there is go to the roller rink which is still the go to Friday night hang out for teens
4. Until very recently you had to drive into the city for gas
5. We have more stabbings than shootings
6. During one of the worst winter storms we were the only school district to not close, the surrounding areas made fun of us for years. And we didn't even have high enough attendance for it to count but they still made us stay the whole day
180- share a relationship story
While visiting their friends in CA for a con years ago we broke into an old abandoned zoo for cosplay pictures. We were doing punk!Lion King and even got some shots in the old lion exhibit
188- put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play
Doubt -Twenty One Pilots
Rise Above -Black Flag
Song for Ten -Doctor Who
Sleep Tight -Rhett and Link
What Do I Get? -Buzzcocks
The Devil You Know (God Is a Man) -Face to Face
Cretin Hop -Ramones
Blister in the Sun -Violent Femmes
Main Offender -The Hives
Sex and Violence -The Exploited
202- what is the first curse word that comes to mind?
Right now? Bollocks, for some reason
213- if you met me what would you do?
Tbh not much lol I'm not the most...friendly person meeting new people irl and tend to not say much, and I usually look intimidating which doesn't help put folks at ease meeting me
214: YOU have to leave me a random/ridiculous question:
What's the strangest thing in your fridge?
227- is it the thought that counts? Or is that phrase circumstancial?
235- five words/phrases that make you laugh
I honestly don't really laugh much unless you wanna count those small semi amused exhales because that's usually all you'll get from me, there aren't any specific words/phrases that get me. Now if you want people who make me laugh I suggest you watch Mythical Kitchen on YouTube, Josh will make me genuinely laugh out loud
236- share a story of something that makes you smile
I got a cameo from James Marsters when we were doing OMWF and he starts it off with "I bequeath unto you the role of Spike" and it was super genuine and he talked about how playing Spike helped him deal with personal stuff and hoped it would help me the same way. He also said he was a bit jealous because I was getting to play Spike live and he never got to do that
238- what is something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What's the story behind that?
Ok so you know Inkheart? The book by Cornelia Funk (not the movie that was rubbish) well I absolutely love it and had intended to read the whole series but my brother read Inkspell right before I was going to and as he was passing the book off to me he told me my favourite character gets killed. I refused to read it then and still haven't gotten myself to actually do it. I have the books...I just get so mad at my brother for telling me about their death every time I look at the books
239- describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life
In high school I was accepted into this special week long Shakespeare program where we worked for 1 week with professional Shakespearean actors from Stratford. At one point we had to do these bonding things and had to hug one of the others, you had to keep holding it until you were breathing together and say "I love you, [name]" we would mill about the room until they told us to stop and turn to the closest person and do this. I don't like saying those words and especially back then would basically refuse to say it to anyone, so having to say it was already awkward. We only did it twice but the first one one of the other kids was in the bathroom so I got paired with one of the instructors who I thought was attractive so that was awkward enough but then the second go I got paired with the girl I had a crush on 😬 the whole thing was real awkward for me
266- have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Honestly not sure how to answer this, I have a hard time figuring out if I have a crush on anyone really, it takes a lot of work for me to differentiate feelings like that
268- make a confession
I hate tiktok because so many people make their videos impossible for those with processing disorders to watch. I will watch the ones Buffy sends me (typically ADHD based videos) and have agreed to make tiktoks with her when I have my Hades cosplay ready, but I really hate tiktok in general
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weather-usa · 2 months
"‘Catastrophic Flooding’ in Vermont Triggers Water Rescues After 1-in-1,000-Year Rainfall Event"
Emergency responders sprang into action early Tuesday to rescue residents in flooded areas of northeast Vermont after a 1-in-1,000-year rainfall event caused a surge of dangerous floodwaters for the second time in a few weeks.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in 14622 - Rochester NY:
Ten swift-water rescue teams carried out around two dozen rescues in Caledonia and Essex counties, some of the hardest-hit areas. Flash flood emergencies warning of "catastrophic flooding" were issued as the storm unleashed inches of rainfall in just a few hours.
Nearly 8 inches of rain fell in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, within 6 hours—an amount considered a 1-in-1,000-year event, so extreme it typically occurs only once every thousand years under normal conditions. A total of 8.41 inches fell there, marking one of the highest calendar day totals in state history, according to the National Weather Service in Vermont.
Extreme rainfall is becoming more common as fossil fuel pollution raises temperatures, increasing the atmosphere’s capacity to hold water vapor. Scientists are very confident that climate change is intensifying rainfall rates—how hard the rain is falling—and the total amount of rain a storm can produce.
Rescue teams remained in the area on Tuesday to respond to potential additional calls for help, as more rainfall was possible in the afternoon and evening, according to Vermont Emergency Management.
Floodwaters have washed out roads, leading to several state road closures.
A team was dispatched to survey the damage, which included significant structural and road damage, National Weather Service meteorologist Seth Kutikoff told the Associated Press.
“Unfortunately, some of these same areas were hit three weeks ago with serious flash flooding,” he said. “The integrity of some structures was already weakened.”
In Lyndonville, a town about 40 miles (64 kilometers) north of Montpelier, the state capital, Deryck Colburn was awakened by a neighbor pounding on his door. They live along a brook.
“I went down the road to her house, and there was no road. There was just a river,” he said.
Colburn described hearing the same surge of rushing water he had heard during flooding earlier in July, along with the unnerving sound of tumbling boulders carried by the water.
The nearby Passumpsic River rose 13 feet in four hours as floodwaters surged into it.
This is the third devastating flood event to hit Vermont in just over a year.
More than 100 people were rescued and at least one person died in early July after the remnants of Hurricane Beryl drenched the state.
Northeast Vermont and other parts of the state are also still recovering from extensive flooding just over a year ago. Last year’s flooding caused numerous road and bridge washouts, landslides, and mudslides, resulting in significant property damage and loss.
‘This Community Has Been Hurt’
The owners of Papa Tirozzi’s Bakery, Pizza, and Fish Shack believed they had already seen the worst of Mother Nature when their restaurant’s driveway was destroyed by the remnants of Beryl earlier this month. Weather Forecast For 55106-Saint-Paul-MN:
On Tuesday, they learned they were wrong.
“(Our driveway) was annihilated,” Nancy Tirozzi told CNN on Tuesday. “But now, it’s 20 times worse.”
Nancy and her husband, Anthony, rushed to their restaurant in St. Johnsbury, about two hours east of Burlington, as soon as they got an emergency weather warning around 4 a.m.
“We had no idea anything like this was gonna happen,” Nancy said, adding that the floodwaters were up to 5 feet deep outside the restaurant when they arrived. Once the waters receded, the couple began working tirelessly to clean up the mess.
“I can’t stop crying,” Nancy said. “It’s bad, it’s really, really bad. This community has been hurt.”
The property was too damaged to repair themselves, so the couple focused their energy on the inside of the building, sweeping out water and mud and ripping out the molding on the floor.
They hope to clean up enough to reopen in the next few days, but their hurried work might be for naught.
“When you’re not open, you can’t make money,” Nancy said. “But at this point, you can’t get to us. Our street is closed down,” she added.
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Nancy’s belief in her tight-knit community is what is pulling her through this moment of despair, along with the hope of soon supplying them with the food that brings them together.
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bazyboo13 · 3 months
Smiling Critters: New Family Part 1 chapter 1 segment 6 : PIZZA TIME!
*a couple days later Baz nor his mom aren't present. Theodore is sleeping on the bed as Ella Thomas and Edgar are talking.*
"when are Baz and his mom coming back?! They're supposed to be home by 3:30 at most"
"just be patient! They will be back soon!"
"it's 6:00 p.m. two and a half hours late"
"maybe they're just, going through town, it was where Baz lived before here."
"wait, I think they're here. I swear I heard a door open"
*all of a sudden the door opened revealing Baz holding 3 bags*
"Hey guys, I got some cool stuff!"
*Theodore starts to wake up*
"I got this cool key! Some uranium glass-"
"-excuse me, you got WHAT."
"uranium glass, it isn't enough uranium to be extremely dangerous, Also follow me!"
*the four Critters follow Baz to the kitchen where they see 4 pizza boxes on the stove. The critters are silent because of the shock.*
"I know you don't have to eat much but I might as well treat you guys! There's two pepperoni deep dish pizzas and two cheese dish pizzas for us."
"I'm going to go to the bathroom for a second, I need to splash some water on my face, I'm tired"
"do what you need to do"
*when Theodore comes out he is a tiny bit shorter than Baz. He takes a slice of cheese pizza and goes into the bedroom.*
"wait, what's that next to the pizza?"
"a record player"
"why did you get a record player?"
"those vinyl records I got from that concert I went to"
*as Edgar and Baz were talking, Thomas and Ella have grown in size*
"hey Edgar, want some?"
*he's holding a slice of pepperoni pizza*
"no thanks I don't need to eat"
"Edgar, you haven't eaten in a month."
"the pizza is delicious, also you've refused all the food that Baz and his mom have offered you so far."
"we don't need to eat so what's the point?"
"I'm pretty sure every living thing that doesn't photosynthesize needs to eat at some point. If you don't eat soon you might start to get hunger pains."
*there's a bit of pause between Baz and Edgar*
"fine, just passed me a slice I don't care which type."
*Ella passes Edgar a slice of cheese pizza. He seems to enjoy it a lot.*
"glad to see you're enjoying it"
"it's actually really good"
*Theodore walks out of the bedroom and grabs another slice of cheese pizza, then walks back into the bedroom*
"hey Ella"
*Baz shows I love the uranium glass, it's in the shape of a cup. Baz uses a black light and shows I love that the glass glows when under black light*
"that's so cool"
"be careful with that, uranium is very dangerous"
"don't worry about it, there isn't a lot of uranium in this, it shouldn't be too dangerous"
"little or lots, it's still dangerous"
"what's that key?"
"it's just an old key I got from the same place I got the uranium glass from"
"where did you get them from?"
"an oddity shop"
"what's an oddity shop?"
"it's basically just a shop with a bunch of strange things in it. hollowed out puffer fish wearing sombreros, patches, uranium jewelry, human skulls, taxidermy frog ballerinas-"
"-what was that second to last one?!"
"human skulls?"
*Ella is silent*
"don't worry, they were fresh"
*Ella is slowly backing away*
"just kidding!
*he's giggling to himself*
(something sweet after the horror fest that was segment 5, it's mostly going to be a bit slice of Life like after this, I hope)
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