#i’m gonna ask johnny to put me 1 on 1 w **** so i can get the security ppl up to speed
hermeskismesistus · 11 months
please god let me be an opener again i’m sooooo so good at it & no closers will ever have to come in to an empty rack ever again
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I have two things to ask:
1.-Can we be friends?
2.-Do you have any Outsiders headcanons (or any that you haven't submitted yet)?
I mean sure?? Idk who you are since you’re on anon, so not REALLY, but I’m always down to talk!
2. Yeah lol- tons. Too many. Here’s a few (okay like 25 oops) off the top of my head lol, some serious/angsty and some lighthearted/kinda stupid without any real order. (Lotta ‘em are about Steve tbh -there’s so little to him in canon that I have the freedom to hc pretty much whatever I want)
Steve Randle’s nearsighted and has no idea, which is why he’s literally always squinting. (I’ve had that one for like months but only recently mentioned it on here lol.) Steve thinks his vision is completely normal
Dally and Sylvia genuinely cared for each other, but they were both so horrible at having healthy emotions that they just made each other worse. In a bad way, not a fun way.
When Steve gets kicked out, sometimes he hangs with Johnny in the lot. They don’t really talk about anything important like their shared experiences of having lousy parents. Instead they talk about cars, girls, music, school…lighthearted stuff. Sometimes Johnny will find Steve crying, which he never mentions- he’ll just sit down as per usual, which Steve appreciates. Steve almost never finds Johnny crying though. Johnny doesn’t cry much.
Okay tangent- I love how Steve and Johnny are low-key foils. Like Steve always seems tough but then cries when pushed to his limit, while Johnny always seems skittish until he’s under a bunch of pressure- in which case he suddenly is confident. (Not necessarily thriving obviously, but confident yk? Like grinning while saving those kids in the fire.) I know SE Hinton probably didn’t intend that at all, but it’s just such an interesting detail to me. One of these days I’ll put it into words better
Johnny’s jeans-jacket is a hand-me-down from either Steve or Two-Bit. (I can’t decide which lol) (obviously Dally would make sense too, but honestly I think it’d add more depth to flesh out Johnny’s relationships with the other members of the gang)
After the events of the book, Two-Bit starts hanging around the Curtis’s place even more. At first the gang assumes he’s trying to lighten the mood. It’s only after he gets sent to the cooler for a month due to drunk driving that they realize he was actually hanging around so much because he was trying to keep his kid sister from seeing him so drunk…
Two-Bit likes to joke that he keeps failing junior year so that him and his sister can graduate together. Which is a very bad idea since his sister is a year younger than Ponyboy.
Sodapop often feels like he’s only good for looking pretty and not all that useful or interesting otherwise. He likes himself, but when he stops to think about it too much, he starts to wonder if he really has anything going for him at all
My H/C for Steve’s home life is that his Mom is sick w/ like cancer or something. Before she got sick, Steve’s life was pretty alright for an eastsider- he and his dad fought, but they always made up for the most part. They weren’t perfect, but they loved each other. But after she got sick, she wasn’t there to mediate between Steve and his Dad anymore, and the fighting got worse and worse. And then Steve’s dad started drinking more and it was pretty downhill from there. Steve’s Dad still loves him, but sometimes Steve wishes that he didn’t. If he didn’t, then he could hate him. But his dad does love him, so he can’t get himself to.
Steve and Dally taught Johnny to drive when they were all like fourteen-fifteen-ish. Johnny is a very reckless driver. He loves speeding.
Johnny also loves fast roller coasters and stuff.
Dally doesn't ‘cuz he’s low-key scared of heights- he likes riding broncos and rodeos, but put him at the top of a roller coaster and he’s convinced that it’s gonna break and he’s gonna die. He pretends he doesn’t mind. The only people who know he’s scared of them are Johnny, and before she died, Mrs. Curtis.
Steve has a napoleon complex. Johnny, who is shorter than him by a few inches, likes to bully him for it sometimes
Ponyboy and Cherry don’t interact much in the school year after the book, but in the summer after, they start to hang out. Eventually they become pretty close. They fangirl over Paul Newman together
Ponyboy still doesn’t let Cherry read his theme though until years later
Marcia and Two-Bit re-meet a few months after the book. (Two-Bit is really scared that she’s embarrassed to be dating him, and Marcia is really scared that he’s embarrassed to be dating her. Neither of them are embarrassed. They both adore each other.)
Two-Bit likes to watch Marcia barrel racing. One time while he’s there, he runs into Ponyboy watching Cherry barrel race and immediately tells everyone much to Pony’s chagrin
Evie knows a little bit about cars, and she sometimes helps out at the DX during summers. Steve is so whipped for her lol (and Soda too Steve has two hands)
Evie and Sylvia are besties, but Steve and Sylvia hate each other. They act civil in front of Evie, but as soon as her back is turned they’re growling at each other like dogs. (Well Steve is. Sylvia just acts condescending as hell. Sometimes it goes over his head, so Steve knows she’s insulting him but isn’t sure what the insult is/means. Which makes Steve kinda want to kill her.)
Steve and Soda are low-key co-dependent. (Steve more so- Soda has his family at least, while to Steve, Soda and Evie are his whole world pretty much) It’s probably not super healthy, and both of them are vaguely aware of that, but are trying not to think about it too hard rn
Ponyboy’s friend group in high school consists of Curly Shepard, Mark Jennings, Scout Jenkins (from the tv show), and eventually, in her senior year, Cherry Valance. (There’s others too but those are the main ones.)
Pony dates Cathy Carlson for a while too, idk if they’re good for each other or not- I kinda like the idea of them being a sweet couple tbh, but no one else on here seems to care about them so I haven’t really explored the idea much lol
In a Dally lives au, Mark Jennings and Dally end up spending a bit of time together through Pony, and at some point they realize that they’re half-brothers lol. Mark is a deeply obnoxious little brother to have, and he drives Dally nuts on purpose. Weirdly I think Dally’s a relatively good influence on him, as much as someone like Dally can be. And Dally does care for Mark, though not as much as he cares for Johnny- Mark is, in his head, not exactly his responsibility.
Well I have (so many) more, but I think that’s enough for now lol. Point is, even though I haven’t drawn in a minute, I love these characters and their romanticized version of 1960s Tulsa so much and I think about them way too often lol
(dw once i get more into the swing of school I’ll be doin more art!)
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nctdreamcokr · 2 years
⋆ ┊yanna’s corner: friendship talk ep. 1┊⋆
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“friendship talk” will have 22 episodes with a different member each one, the show focuses on talking about the relationship yanna has built with each member as well as notable moments and experiences they’ve had together. the order is random, but feel free to request for a certain member to come next and you can also leave a question/s for them to answer.
yanna’s dialogue = italics, ten’s dialogue = bold italics
(filmed after the last day of smtown in tokyo)
pre-filming conversations:
yanna sat in front of the camera, being given the question cards as the staff started putting food on the table.
“can i speak in english? it’s ten-hyung anyways”, she checked with the staff and the replied that it was fine. they’re just gonna translate and add korean subs on the video. she rummaged through the questions and laughed at the fan-asked ones, wondering if ten approved them and were comfortable talking about such things. the staff replied that he was and she mentioned her relief.
actual video
for a more comfortable setting, most of the staffs were asked to leave the hotel room. it was only yanna, ten & one of the managers behind the camera to help them with the questions they’re supposed to answer.
“today… is the first episode of ‘friendship talk’. we have food, so we’re just mostly gonna eat and talk about the last… 8(?) years of our friendship. how do you feel about that, hyung?”
ten could only proudly look at her
“it’s an honor to be on yanna’s corner”
of course, teasingly.
yanna only reacted by grabbing sushi with her chopsticks and acting like she didn’t hear him.
“this was a bad idea”
“i feel good. and i feel like i’ll enjoy the conversations we’ll be having. it’s not all the time that we get to talk about things like these…”
cue yanna clapping at his response, saying “as expected”
grabbing her chopsticks, the girl placed different kinds of sushi on her plate and asked which ones he liked so she could put some on his as well.
they talked about which language they’ll be using and both agreed on english but with mixed korean.
“are you ready?” “no, i’m nervous all of a sudden”
first question: “how did you two meet?”
“i remember /exactly/ where and how i met you”
cue yanna biting on her chopsticks unsure if they were remembering the same thing
“let’s say it in unison so we’ll know if we remember the same thing”
“outside the dorms because of johnny-hyung”
“after training with johnny-hyung”
yanna clapped as soon as they both answered, delighted that she remembered the same thing. ten the initiated a high-five as he smiled proudly.
“i was so scared that i was wrong”,
cue ten giving her water while laughing.
“we met because, it was after training for that day and johnny-hyung and i were going back to the dorms… ae-cha was crying outside”
yanna already covering her face in pure embarrassment.
“i really cried a lot when i was a trainee, it was really no joke”.
“you did, i was shocked. i, like, saw you a lot with mark and the others but i was surprised seeing you crying outside our dorms. i thought one of the trainees were fighting with you….”
both of them laughing at his deduction.
“i really just cried over simple things”
“she was crying and johnny-hyung got so worried so i was like (😦) too, even though we never formally, like, met. then she told us why she was crying, then-“ he stopped when yanna suddenly hit his arm— embarrassed about the next part of the story. but ten only continued.
“she had tears in her eyes, she had like puppy dog eyes when crying and she looked up to me and was like ‘who are you?’ while /still/ sobbing”
yanna pouted as she listened in on ten’s story about her, munching on her sushi shyly. she remembered that, as well as how johnny laughed saying she looked so lost all of a sudden.
“after that, we started approaching each other more. ‘cause our dance teachers talked highly of her, and i would be like ‘oh, /that/ yanna’”
“i can’t remember why i was crying…”
second question: what’s your favorite memory with each other?
yanna started clapping and laughing as she remembered hers, even raising her hand like it was necessary.
“it was in 2018”
cue ten genuinely confused, not remembering what it was.
“ten-hyung took me out to go eat bingsu…”
she glanced at him to check if he was getting where she was going with her story.
“we ate bingsu nearby our dorms and he told me that he was going to be in a new unit.”
“why’s that your favorite?”
ten still confused because he didn’t expect yanna to answer with that since it was just a random day for them.
“because you looked really excited and happy about it, after so long i saw you in that state and it really made me vividly remember how you looked like that time…”
the two turned quiet for a few seconds, making yanna shy before silently laughing.
“see, i knew this was gonna be weird at one point.”
her manager saying “you’re gonna make someone cry in one of these episodes, or you’re gonna cry” and she just continues eating while ten laughs.
“anyways, your turn”, she turned the question around and ten could only laugh even more.
“mine was back in trainee days”
“the first time you performed at the rookies show and you cried”
cue him laughing at her again.
“why am i always crying in your memories…”
“you cried, and that time you were already close with us. almost everyone. but even though that was true, you ran to me that time while crying. i, really, i was so touched”, he told her truthfully.
“i didn’t think you’d remember that….”
“i hugged hyung that time because you helped me become confident while i was practicing with mark-hyung and you seemed like you were willing to hug me, i feel like everyone else was also nervous and you seemed like you were fine.”
“but seriously why was i always crying…”
third question: what is your favorite thing about each other?
“ten-hyung liked me as i am from the start.”
cue ten smiling widely because his answer was greatly linked to that
“like, since we’ve talked about me crying a lot during trainee days, even though he knew that he never told me to be like ‘stronger’ or to stop being sensitive. with other things too, he never forces me to be like this or that. and, it’s not that other members force me to become something i’m not, but they always tell me to be stronger and that’s okay. i do need that sometimes, but ten-hyung’s always like ‘that’s fine, you’ve always been like that’. i like how he guides me that way instead of the other way.”
yanna looking away because she’s realizing it’s awkward.
so ten just answers as well while laughing at her.
“mine’s that you never change.”
yanna literally ignoring him while she drinks water.
“a lot of things changed but your heart never does, it’s just channeled towards other things now. but the way you love people is still the same, you treat those people dear to you the same. you’ve just learned how to hide yourself from people who don’t know you, but that’s okay. you needed to protect yourself a lot and that’s alright. but i really like how you never change towards me no matter, like, how far away i am and stuff like that.”
skips to the next question before anyone gets emotional
fourth question: describe each other in one word.
“are you saying i’m your fan…?”
“no, actually lovely. but that works too.”
“ten hyung’s… awesome.”
them high-fiving for no reason.
fifth question: what’s one thing you’ve wanted to do together but haven’t yet?
“ah, we want to be in a unit together! just us. and jisung!”
“right right right, we’ve been wanting to do that and we had idea back in 2020 but then jisung got injured so started just adding ideas into it even more. by now, we’ve got a great concept in mind.”
“i’ve also been meaning to take her to thailand again, just us.”
yanna agreeing while chewing on her sushi.
sixth/last question: what’s something czennies don’t know about you two?
“ten-hyung… got mad at me once, because he took louis and leon to my apartment and they didn’t want to leave.”
cue both of them laughing but also ten stuffing his mouth with sushi, slightly embarrassed.
“it wasn’t like ‘MAD mad’ but he was like ‘ae-cha, do something about it!’ and he was so irritated and i kinda didn’t wanna do anything because it was funny to me.”
it took them a while to move on before ten could give his answer.
“uhm.. yanna.. OH, yanna had me blocked the whole time i was in china!”
cue both of them laughing once again, causing ten’s water to spill all around the table.
literally a panicked yanna still laughing while wiping it with tissues and ten’s just enjoying the chaos. she then explains:
“i didn’t know i had him blocked… yangyang asked me so seriously about it like ‘did you two fight?’ and i was just like ‘no?? wait, what?’”.
“i told yangyang about it and he said maybe you weren’t feeling good and i was like ‘it’s been months though, what kind of year is she having?’”
cue both of them laughing as they remembered yangyang’s confusion.
a message to end the episode with:
yanna’s already laughing and grabbing a tissue jokingly to pass to ten while he just laughs as well.
“firstly, i’m really proud of you. you keep achieving new and better things, that you rightfully deserve. and, i’m thankful that you never get sick of guiding me despite us not having much time to be together. i really admire your hardwork and dedication as an artist, but i also admire you for being a great person and friend.”
finding it awkward, yanna starts drinking water as ten puts an arm around her and gives a hug.
before starting his message, ten told the girl to look at him while giggling.
“you grew up well, really.”
the two smiled at each other with teary eyes before jokingly punching each other to make the mood lighter.
the episode ends with a hug and pats on the back as the two kept saying “good job” to each other.
➻ requests are always open!
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isabelguerra · 2 years
i’m making a new post 4 this bc i ended up thinking way harder than i thought i would which resulted in writing a small essay on fucking johnny jhonny. so i’m going to put this the tag and make everyone look at it. bc hes a cool character. heres the og post ok enjoy ily
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@spoopyspoony i mean yea if we were dealing with ch1 johnny maybe. but we’re not, so i’m operating on 1 very important key factor here: we’ve ALREADY SEEN johnny not telling things to his friends!
this starts during hitball, the games’ ending is our as catalyst. we see that the words and actions of both hijack and max- hijacks bully/‘good violence’ monologue, max getting his arm broken to save a guy whos only been a jerk to him- begin sowing self doubt in johnny’s view of himself and his archetype role as School Bully. we even see this in action during the rope scene, ollie asks if somethings bothering him and johnny brushes it off in favor of deflecting. when ollie is mistakenly believed to say they wont use violence to get information out of ed, johnny jumps at it. we SEE ollie and rj give each other side eyes at his weird behavior. they dont pry, which is nice of them. but it also means he’s not talking to them, or anyone, about whats bothering him until we get to the ed scenes. there’s a lot going on in the ed scenes that i’m not gonna go into because it gives me a headache but my point is that johnny told a TOTAL STRANGER abt his teenage dodgeball-induced ego death crisis before he told rj, who is Right There.
‘yeah but johnnys fine by the end’ johnnys fine by the end bc he goes back to being cool w/ hurting ppl if it means his friends would still like him and everything stayed the same. u really think tht if it ended w him actually giving more entertainment to the idea ‘should i stop being a bully?’ instead of bouncing back immediately, if he was still made to question his friends’ love for him if he changed, he’d have the same happy outcome? miss me w that 
so ultimately it’s not that johnny doesn’t trust his friends enough to tell them this secret/problem, but that their good graces and friendship mean SO much to him that we see him start to not tell them things if he believes it would jeopardize that friendship.
‘ok but thats why johnny wouldn’t tell his friends about THAT. its still doesnt answer why he wouldn’t tell them about THIS’ good point! here’s what we know: johnny LOVES his friends. johnny would do anything for his friends. including putting himself in harms way and keeping things from them if he’s worried it’ll negatively impact the existence of their friendship. so i’ll counter: ‘johnny has no reason to tell his friends about this shit’? no dude johnny has EVERY reason not to tell his friends this shit! his friends ARE the reason! johnny’s so ride or die that he’ll die if it means his friends can still ride.
forge’s little soliloquy on ch5pg97 hints at a perspective of spectral existence that’s much more grim than the ‘cool superpowered kids fight ghosts’ premise we’re led into the comic with. soooooo if this new change in his life were to. say. put himself or his loved ones in danger. actual, non-teenage, ‘my-last-medium-met-her-end-as-a-result-of-this-world,-and-there-is-nothing-that-can-ensure-you-will-not-meet-the-same-fate’ danger. or! not even put them in danger! just simply lead him to believe that them just KNOWING that danger exists for him, and there’s next to nothing they can do about it? to have the friends he cares so much about constantly worried about him? if they knew, a whole lot would change. to johnny, i think that guilt would be pretty tough to deal with
well. they cant worry if they don’t know, yeah?
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honestlyfragile · 3 years
JUMPSTREET - Mark Lee x Johnny Suh
Pairing: Mark Lee x Fem!Reader, Johnny is Mark’s bestfriend, Mentions of Jaehyun and Yuta
Genre: university!au, police!au, a dash of fluff, smut,crack, fraternity!au
warnings: mild violence, mentions of guns, drugs, sexual themes, language
Summary: Mark and Johnny were partners in crime, but when feelings get in the way, will Mark stick to the law or go against it?
Wc: 15.4k
also posted in Ao3
a/n: I hope you enjoy this story heavily inspired by the 21 & 22 Jumpstreet movie franchise, and hopefully I was able to deliver it with my own ideas. Enjoy!
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Mark and Johnny start their first official day as policemen after being together in most of their high school years and studying criminology in college. They could not be more excited to see people make trouble until today.
"Let's see who's going to be able to make his first arrest." Johnny bets, scanning around the area with a cup of coffee in his hand, the other on his waist.
"Dude it's a park, what the fuck could possibly happen here?" Mark retorts, unamused.
"Oh you know, it's a crazy world we live in these days." Johnny defends, his gaze fixed on his surroundings.
"Sure it is." Mark continues to read his newspaper as he stands side by side with Johnny.
The two try to at least roam around and patrol over the area, looking for at least an ounce of any violation, it didn't matter if it was serious or not.
Mark spots a kid of about 9 years old near the pond, about to drop a piece of bread into the water.
"Excuse me kid," Mark bluffs, as if it were his first catch of the day. Technically this is his first catch of his career, hopefully.
"What?" the child frowns and looks at him obnoxiously.
"Read the sign," Mark points to it and the kid's eyes follow, but disobeys him anyway. 
"It says don't feed the ducks!" Mark argues, but the kid is unbothered.
"Let it go Mark, it's not like bread will kill them. Plus, you can't arrest a child." Johnny scoffs and tries to drag Mark to another area.
Mark lets out a sigh as the kid sticks his tongue out and he does the same before turning his back.
The two had nothing better to do, they were rookies who just got newly assigned to an area that didn't even have any trouble. Almost like they were just there for the sake of. Of course the department treated them as rookies.
Johnny takes out his pistol out of boredom and tosses it for fun. "Woah you know those are loaded right?" Mark warns him while involuntarily taking a step back.
"Yeah and?" Johnny continues to toss and play with it.
"Unload it first!" Mark panics like the goody two shoes that he was.
"Then that would be no fun." Johnny shrugs.
Mark spots a group of middle aged men from afar, but not quite. He squints and tries to take a closer look with his binoculars.
"Yo check it out, aren't those the Outlaws?" He nudges Johnny's shoulder as he takes a look himself.
The Outlaws are a known motorcycle gang in the county, they aren't always bothersome but the both of them are determined to find a loophole.
The two approach the group of men and tell them off because they have parked their motorcycles illegally. But that's not the only thing they notice, these men were stoned. One lights up a joint of Marijuana shamelessly, and Johnny loses his temper. "Excuse me Sir, you do know that the use of Marijuana is illegal right?"
"Oh look," the hideous man spits on the ground. "They must be new. He has the guts to talk to us like that. Nice to see some fresh kids here. You sure you aren't dressing up for... halloween?" The man specifically has his eyes on Mark when he said the last sentence.
Feeling offended, Mark straightens up his stance and acts more like a grown man. "That's a nice joke sir, now hand it over." He says in a stern voice.
"What a scary fella, keep up the good work! Sorry I don't have candy with me." They tease and the two have had enough.
"I'm going to have to search your motorcycle now sir." Johnny insists and doesn't wait for a response, and opens the seat and finds packets of a fine white substance. "These are.." he halts.
"DRUGS!" Mark shouts and immediately gets pushed by one of the gang members.
Johnny immediately gets a sample and keeps it in his pocket and takes his gun out. Mark gets up and does the same. The men try to run away and escape, Johnny runs after them and Mark takes his bike. The two finally get to corner them and Johnny pits one of them on the ground.
"You have the right to," Johnny tries to utter the Miranda Rights as he puts handcuffs on the man that is trying to eagerly resist him. "To shut the fuck up!" Johnny was being too focused on trying to handcuff the suspect and forgets to recite the rest,
Reciting those did not even cross Mark's mind as he just also focused on trying to handcuff the man.
"You are coming with us!" He yells and drags them to the police station, which was only a few meters away from them now.
As the case was investigated, their chief commends them but then discovers that they forgot to recite the Miranda Rights, which can possibly make the charges be dropped, but thankfully the violation to the law was enough for the men to remain in jail.
"Technically you still did this wrong," the chief puts a hand on his chin and taps the polished wooden table. "But since you're just starting out, i'll give you another offer."
The two young men eye each other, anticipating the chief's suggestion. "An offer?" Johnny asks, straightening up in his seat.
"Jump street." The chief says.
"Wha- what's that?" Mark furrows his eyebrows in curiosity.
"Since the both of you look younger than the rest of the people here, our undercover police unit is in need of officers." The chief informs.
"Please, continue." Johnny lets him explain further.
"You pretend to be college students. It's practically the same, but it would be more suitable for the both of you because it's your crowd. You see crime and injustice, you report. But, you will be disguised as college students to ease the procedures of trying to find what those students have been up to. We have your back." The chief explains.
"Cool." Mark simply says because he is astonished by the idea.
"So where do we report? Do we have a new head quarters?" Johnny asks. 
"You will be transferred. Down in 21 Jump St." The deputy Chief declares.
They head to the headquarters that was disguised as an old chapel. "You sure this is the one?" Mark questions as he gets out of the car.
"It does say 21 Jump St. so, let's have a look." Johnny turns off the engine and both of them enter.
The setting was a typical chapel, but it was dark and full of stock equipment. Mark takes a look at the altar that was dimly lit, and bows before the image of Christ to show respect . Johnny on the other hand was not a person of religion but follows Mark's simple gesture anyways.
"The both of you!" A man shouts from afar, and it echoes, "come over here." 
The two are startled but proceed to the hidden room. When they enter they see two women who are already disguised as cheerleaders. Meanwhile the two are still in their police uniforms. The ladies take a look and have a good laugh at them. "You do know that you're supposed to go undercover right?" She says, eyeing them from head to toe. 
"W-we didn't get the memo that it was gonna be today.." Mark trails off and fidgets with his hands.
"Go and dress like teenagers! Now!" The chief commands and the two quickly change right away. 
When they get back they are briefed by the set of rules they have to follow and about the goals of this undercover project.
"Rule number 1. DO NOT get expelled. No one in the system knows that you are undercover. So be disciplined and don't cause major trouble. Getting expelled would mean that you'll get your asses kicked out of jump street." The chief sternly explains, making the assigned officers hold their breath from fear.
"Rule number 2," the officer walks past the rest and stands in front of Johnny. "DO NOT have any sexual or intimate relationships with the students and professors. You hear that pretty boy?" And specifically locks his eyes on Johnny, making the boy gulp and purse his lips. After the general meeting, the two were called for a detailed one, personally with the chief.
It was said to them that they had to find a synthetic drug that has been spreading around the campus called NCT. A sample of its packaging was shown, it was definitely something you wouldn't think of as a drug. It was about a size of a large coin, and looks like a small biscuit. It was sealed using assorted hand drawn stickers of different objects. They were also advised to never give out their real names, because new identities have been assigned to them. Johnny's being Rolan Kim and Mark's being Kalen Park.
"When the youngsters take this drug, it apparently makes them laser-focused on studying for about an hour. And for the succeeding hours, they party like it's fucking 1999 until they pass out. Infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier." The chief gives his final orders and sends off the both of them for their mission.
"Dang, we're really going back to college?" Mark says as he finished up packing his things for the dorm that the agency assigned to them. They had to be as realistic as possible.
The two head to the university, reminiscing their own college days. The two might perhaps over-do this whole "blending in" thing, which might give out the disguise.
"Woah their campus is HUGE." Mark says, mesmerized and wears both straps of his backpack.
"Bro, that's not very college of you." Johnny fumbles with the strap of Mark's backpack.
"You're two strapping dude. You have to just sling one of them on your shoulder, so it's cool and grown up. You're in college, not middle school." Johnny fixes Mark's bag for him.
"Right. College." He utters to himself. He seems to be enjoying it too much, and starts saying hi to everyone he sees.
"Knock it off, Mark. You're giving us away." Johnny nudges his arm and tries to cooly stride along the campus, keeping his composure.
Mark acknowledges him and goes with the flow. The two arrive in their dorm that they gladly share only among themselves. Mark is new to this, because when he went to college he stayed with his parents. Thankfully he could trust Johnny to always have his back.
The two set their things down and pick their beds, it didn't really matter much since the room had two singles and separate desks for the both of them. It also had a small book shelf that could come in handy, if they ever plan to take lectures seriously.
"Let's just fix these later. We have to go to the Dean's office to confirm our enrollment. Act natural okay?" Johnny lazily brushes his hair back and straightens up his shirt in front of the small mirror that the vanity had.
"Oh- uh okay." Mark leaves the pile of his clothes undone on top of his bed and grabs his phone and keys.
It was the afternoon of fall, the campus has been covered with different hues of orange leaves and subtle sunlight. The breeze was cool but not strong as it blew against their hair. The university seemed peaceful, but they had no idea what went on once the sun sets and the lights are off.
After a couple minutes of walking, the two arrive at the Dean's office for their interview. 
"Good afternoon gentlemen, please take a seat." The middle aged man smiles at the both of them. 
The two are slightly nervous, but eventually get over it. "Nice to meet you, Mr..." Johnny reads the name plate on the desk "Mr. Bennet." and gives the man his signature smile. Mark does the same and they start their interview. 
"Okay, so which one is Rolan and which one is Kalen?" Mr. Bennet asks and there was a short period of silence. Two had seemed to forget which identities were theirs. 
Johnny raises his hand, "I'm Rolan sir. Rolan Kim." and he nudges Mark's shoulder. 
"Ah yes and I'm Kalen... Park" he barely manages to blurt it out. 
The dean furrows his eyebrows but lets it go and proceeds. "So the two of you are?" He asks. They were not prepared for that question. 
"Family friends." the two say at the same time. They give each other a funny look, and Mark gladly saves them from the mishap. "Well we do really treat each other as brothers sir, we grew up together pretty much." and clears his throat. A close call. 
"That's good to hear. So Rolan is going to be trying out for the football team and Kalen will try out for the Music club. Those two are very different from each other, but don't worry the opportunities in this school are endless. You can always transfer if you feel that you aren't happy with what you chose." The dean explains and the two acknowledge. 
Mr. Bennet goes a little further with the interview and gives them their schedules for the semester then eventually dismisses the two, wishing them well.
"Dude how can you forget the identity that was assigned to you!" Johnny quietly scolds Mark for his slip away. 
"I'm sorry okay it's a little confusing!" Mark scratches the back of his head and looks at the floor. 
"Ayt, I'll see you later. I have Chemistry in 15 minutes. I can still catch up. What about you?" Johnny asks, putting his hand on his pockets and the other on Mark's shoulder.
"Well, I don't really have any classes for the day anymore. I guess i'll head back to the dorm so I can start unpacking already. I'll see you then. Let me know if you find any leads." Mark gives him a small salute and heads back to the dorms.
Johnny arrives in the lecture hall and receives strange looks. He tenses up a little but nonetheless shrugs it off and takes a seat next to a boy who looks like a whole generation younger than him. 
"Yo, you look really old. Were you held back?" The boy asks in a nosy manner, unintentionally pushing Johnny's buttons.
Johnny clenches his jaw and keeps his composure. "No I don't... You look young. Super young. Were you held forward?" he tries to redeem himself. 
"No? Whatever. I'm Haechan by the way." The boy introduces himself. 
"Im Joh- Rolan." Johnny almost slips but the latter doesn't notice. 
The professor immediately hands a quiz, which Johnny has no idea of because he arrived at an odd time of the semester. He guessed all the questions with all his might. But to be quite honest he also wasn't the best in chemistry when he still went to school. 
He turns his paper in and walks towards the exit but gets stopped by Haechan. "Uh do you need help with the topic? You seem to be clueless about it." Which came off as a little rude, but that wasn't his intention at all. 
"No." Johnny insists because it hurts his pride. "I know everything." He stiffens up.
"Yeah? Do you know what a covalent bond is then?" The boy cheekily asks. 
Johnny bluffs, because he doesn't. Or to put it in a better light, he forgot. "Fuck man, I don't have to tell you what it is."
"Woah, I wasn't trying to be rude. But anyway if you need help you can just ask me. See ya." Then Haechan was off and got lost in the sea of people. 
Apparently, it was Johnny's last class for the day because it was already almost evening. He texts Mark to inform him that he's heading back to the dorm as well. He doesn't let his guard down and continues to observe the students if they're up to anything suspicious.
As he walked to the dorm, he saw a bunch of boys that were about as tall as he was but more athletic gather around the corner of the football field. He acts nonchalant but keeps an eye on what they are up to. He tries to move closer to the scene without getting caught and acts like he's only passing by. 
"Yo hook me up with some more of those, I can't fail my classes or else i'll get kicked out of the team." One says to the other. 
Johnny immediately pulls his phone out to text Mark about what he just heard and hurries back. 
"Dude, as expected the football team has it. I'm trying out tomorrow and I'll surely get with them." Johnny discusses with Mark.
"Yeah? Can I come watch your tryouts? So I can see what they look like." Mark requests. 
"Sure. 2pm at the field." Johnny informs him.
The two were mostly busy arranging their stuff in the room until they heard a knock on the door. Mark offers to get it. 
"Hey new neighbors!" two men appear with big smiles. 
"Oh hey, uh... thanks?" Mark blankly answers as he was usually awkward meeting with new people.
Johnny comes and checks to see who it was, and to his surprise, it was Haechan and his roommate. 
"Oh hey Haechan, and hey..." Johnny looks at the unfamiliar guy. 
"Renjun." He smiles.
"Right Renjun." Johnny nods. "Oh by the way Kalen, I go to the same biology class as Haechan." Johnny calls Mark by his fake name.
"Oh cool, what about you Renjun, what's your major?" Mark asks. 
"Classical music!" Renjun enthusiastically says. 
"Oh I'm in Music Prod! I'll probably see you around during org meetings." Mark smiles.
Their neighbors introduce tips for them that could be useful during their stay and seem to be genuinely nice people. But Mark and Johnny cannot trust anyone, so they keep their guards up and try their best to not give anything away. 
Although it may have seemed like an easy task for them, it wasn't. The drug was all over the school, it was going to be difficult to find the root of it if they ignored even the smallest details that could lead them to find out the supplier. 
The following day, the two wake up early ready to officially start the day. Mark and Johnny head to their own classes, hoping that they find out something about the case today. 
Mark enters the lecture hall for his Philosophy class. It was almost 80 percent full as it was a basic class for almost everyone. He awkwardly looks around, hoping to find a seat that wasn't as far because of his bad eyesight. 
"Psst." You try to catch his attention. When he looks over, you tap the vacant seat next to you, "you can sit here." You offer. 
"T-thanks." He says and gives you a smile. 
"You seem like a new face. I'm Y/N" You say to him because you have observed the people in this class every day. 
"I'm Kalen. Kalen Park." he scratches the back of his head. "I uh, just got enrolled yesterday. You know, when your family moves into another town... yeah" he trails off with his made-up excuse. 
"Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it." You genuinely assure him, "It's college. You can take your time." You chuckle because he was so awkward, but seemed very kind. 
"Definitely." He bites his lip, unsure if he should keep talking or not. But the professor arrives just on time. 
He observes his surroundings and keeps an eye on suspicious students that might have a link to what they were looking for. He whispers to the guy in front of him who was just playing games on his laptop and wasn't listening in class. "Hey, do you know where I can get myself some NCT?" 
The guy raises his brows in doubt, "are you a narc?" and might have said it way too loudly. 
Mark tries to brush it off with a stiff laugh "What are you talking about man? I'm not I swear." and refuses to make eye contact. 
The airhead lets it go and slips mark a cellphone number that could possibly be a step closer to what they were looking for. "Just text them "looking for a hookup" and they'll know what you're talking about." 
"Thanks, man." He gives him a small pat on the back just to show that he wasn't up to anything, which actually just makes him more suspicious. Thankfully, the guy didn't really care. 
Mark was delighted to have found a lead easily, and immediately texts Johnny about it. After that, he actually paid attention to the class, just because it genuinely fascinated him. 
When it ended he immediately gathered his stuff and put on his backpack, ready to meet Johnny. 
"Psst, two strapper!" You call out and try to barely tap his shoulder. 
He looks back and immediately drops one strap of his backpack off his shoulders, he definitely forgot about what Johnny has advised him. He scratches the back of his head with his hands on his pocket, "yeah?" 
"You free this evening?" You casually ask. 
He nervously gulps because he really has to be somewhere right now, but he didn't want to be rude. "Uhm, I guess? I don't know yet. Why?" 
"We're having a poetry slam at the art hall, you might be interested. I saw some good stuff you wrote in your notebook" you smile, hoping that it doesn't freak him out that you saw one of his works. 
His eyes widened, "oh, okay cool I guess I can try. But I have somewhere to be right now, I'll see you..around." And he awkwardly walks off. 
You furrow your brows because of his strange mannerisms, but he seemed like no trouble at all. In fact, it was kind of cute, how awkward he was. 
It was time for Johnny's football tryouts. Given that he was already good at it during the time that he was actually in college.
Johnny was naturally a sociable person, he blended well with crowds and easily made friends. That's why this was the perfect place for him to be in. He sits himself at the bench while he wears the spare uniforms from the team and is greeted by a dude that was a little shorter than he was, "Goodluck" the boy with ash purple hair says. 
"Thanks!" he enthusiastically replies. 
"Captain! We need you for a sec." the coach calls, then the boy who has wished him luck gets up and reports to the coach. Well, he did give off an impression of one. He was highly presentable, his smile was hospitable, his form was great and his attitude was pleasant. Everything else—was just the ideal makings of a captain. 
The tryouts start and Johnny looks around for Mark, who had just arrived and casually sat himself on the bleachers, waving at Johnny from afar. As the tryouts went on and finished, the coach praised everyone who attended for a job well done and announced the new members who had qualified. All of which included Johnny of course. 
"Hey man, great job out there." The captain is back on Johnny's side to praise him. 
"Yeah, thanks. I'm Rolan by the way." He introduces himself.
"Of course I know, I was the one who picked you from the list." He laughs, "Jaehyun. Jeong Jaehyun." 
"Hey!" Mark hears a familiar voice faintly calling his name. He searches for it but takes him awhile because of how wide the campus is. "Over here two stapper," you chuckle and he finally sees. 
"Oh hey," he muttered quite embarrassed at how awkward he was. 
He takes a seat next to you at the bench near the hall of the poetry slam event, he wanted to go together. "Chilly night huh? I should've brought my sweater.." You trail off, rubbing your arms for warmth. 
You didn't mean for it to come off that way, but Mark willingly takes off his jacket and offers it to you. "Oh it's alright really-" you insist.
"No it's fine, I'm from Canada, this is nothing." He laughs. 
You nod your head with his remark, and proceed to wear his jacket. It was quite big on you, but it was definitely cozy. "Shall we go?" You ask, standing up.
He nods and lets you lead him to the hall. The campus was only lit by lamp posts at this hour, but there were many sculptures in the school of arts that he had wished to see better. Well, there was always next time. 
The both of you enter the hall which was quite filled with students already. It had been set up like a cafe, with a small platform in front that was lit with a spotlight. 
"Give it up for Naya Kim everybody!" the emcee announces, encouraging everyone to give the person a round of applause after presenting a spoken word. "Do we have another volunteer?' 
The crowd falls silent as everyone looks around, mindlessly making eye contact with each other, waiting on who was going next. 
"Anyone?" The emcee taps the mic. 
"I have one!" You yell, and Mark looks at you with wide eyes. 
"Dude no-" he resists, trying to shrink himself into his chair. 
"C'mon it'll be fun!" You nudge his shoulder, "We have Kalen over here!" You grab his wrist and raise his arm for him, even if he was resisting it, he had no choice. 
The emcee squints and eyes the both of you and acknowledges you volunteering your new friend. "Alright we have Kalen next! Stage is yours." The emcee steps off. 
He had all eyes on him now, eyes hungry of anticipation and to witness raw talent amongst themselves. 
"G-good evening everyone." he greets, holding onto the mic tightly and takes a deep breath. His expression changes into a serious one. 
Will it ever come? 
The nights know me well. 
I was a frequent by-passer but now I am no stranger. 
A boy who grew up with sharks does not need to be taught how to swim.
Good night,
These words feel like the vast sky
Darkness, but not hollow.
Black but not bitter. 
After he recites his poem he becomes flustered again from the faint applause he had received from the audience that was present, he puts the mic back to its stand and does a small bow. 
"Not bad, tiger" You pat him on the back. There was more to him than what meets the eye, you just knew. 
"You think so?" He says with hopeful eyes. 
"Yeah!" You assure him. 
The rest of the evening passes by with the both of you having a splendid time watching others unleash their passion and talent for reciting spoken word and poetry. Some were tear jerking and some were downright hilarious. So this is college. Mark thinks to himself.
In the past he had always been a loner who didn't go to many parties because of his strict and conservative parents. 
 He was way beyond his borders now. But he couldn't get carried away. No, this isn't a time for him to redeem himself from his early years, this was time for him to perform his duties. So he snaps out of his little daydream. 
As the both of you were seated at the bench in front of the hall where he found you, he had asked you about your major. 
"Fine arts." you laugh bitterly.
"What's wrong? You don't seem like you're happy with it…" He trails off, swinging his feet that was hanging off the bench. 
You shake your head no, "I am. It's just that my parents don't really know I took this course. I told them I got a scholarship and they were just relieved that they didn't have to pay anymore. Otherwise they'd force me into some business course or something "more practical"" you emphasize with air quotes. 
"I see. Okay so fine arts huh?" He tries to lighten the mood. "What can you say about that one over there?" Mark points to the sculpture to your left, about 20 metres away. 
"They're like two beings, leaning on each other" you pause, dramatically for impact, "They support each other so one doesn't fall." you interpret. 
He seems impressed, then asks "Support huh? How about you? Do you have anyone—who supports you?" 
"Hm, not really, no. I like to be alone and just spend time with myself." Your eyes wander but all you could think about is how he's looking at you with such attentiveness and interest.
He chuckles, "I feel you. You know I'm an expert at being alone. Don't you just love it when you're in a room full of people but no one gives a shit about your presence?" He claps his hands together just once then purses his lips into a bitter lopsided smile. "Yep. Had a lot of those." He masks his personal statement with humor.
"Well," You say, kicking the shortly-trimmed grass on the building's lawn. "If you don't wanna be alone, you walk me to my dorm" you offer.
He looks around and takes no time to think about it, feeling that it was unsafe for you to go alone. "Sure." He smiles.
The walk to your dorm was silent but comfortable. You weren't sure if he was quite a talker or just shy. But one thing you couldn't get out of your head was how unconventionally attractive he was. You've never gotten a vibe like his before and you've been in this university for 2 years already. You wanted to get something out of him even if it takes you to be the bold one here. 
"We're here," You whisper, looking at him seductively. Like you were a puppy begging to not be left alone. "Do you wanna come in? My roommate left for the weekend" you smirk. 
Mark gulps. He had been resisting this kind of tension he had with you ever since he met you. But you made it so hard. "Come on," you say, putting your hand at the back of his neck while tracing mindless patterns on it with your finger. 
"My brother he might be-" 
"Oh you have a brother? Is he hot?" You joke. 
His eyes are wide with stitched eyebrows. But eventually catches on. "Nah." and he pulls you closer to him by the waist. His eyes now staring at you deeply, so hungrily like he was that tiger you called him as earlier. Come and get it.
Without any words said, he had finally crashed his lips onto yours. And you kissed him hard. Like you wanted to have him to all yourself at that very moment. Your tongue grazes his lower lip, begging for entrance which he had granted. Your tongues meshed together at a quick pace, with the heat of your core starting to throb. 
You push yourself closer to him and you start to feel his prominence and unconsciously grind on his jeans, making him grunt. You break the kiss for a quick moment, his eyes are glazed and his mouth agape, out of breath. You turn around and enter the code to your dorm and pull him inside. 
For a brief moment that your bodies were detached, Mark couldn't stop wanting more. Not even thinking the slightest of the consequences of this act that will dawn upon him if it ever gets out. 
You were back to slamming your body with his as you took off his jacket, making it fall to the floor. His hands snake underneath your shirt and started roaming around your body while he peppered kisses on your neck. With a swift flick of his fingers he had unclasped your bra and his hands groped your breasts, you threw your head back as he buried his face in your clothed cleavage. Like he was begging for this bothersome piece of clothing to be gone. 
You grant his invisible wish and quickly lift your shirt off, while your bra falls off your arms naturally, his mouth watering at the sight. You trace his abs underneath his shirt, your core getting wetter with how toned they were based on your touch.
And you didn’t doubt the results one bit. When you lift his shirt, his torso was delicately lean, toned in all the right places that your mouth could water at the sight of it. You bite your lip and roll your eyes at the sensation of him sucking your tits, his grip on you intense but gentle. 
“I don’t have condoms right now, so this is going to be all about you.” He whispers seductively, feeling your wetness through your soaked panties. You softly moan at the sensation and hungrily kiss him again, not having any moment to waste. 
When he slides two fingers to massage your folds, you whimper. "Fuck," you breathe. 
"God, that's hot." He says with a hitched breath. You couldn't possibly get any more turned on right now. 
When he slips his digits in your cunt—you go fucking insane. You haven't felt this good in quite a while, it made you ecstatic to remember how fucking good this feeling was, you hoped that this wouldn't be the last. Mark was different.
He picks up his pace, and you try to keep your composure, but the forced arch of your back says otherwise. You grab a pillow to cover your face, scared that you would be too loud and get caught, or else this would be the last time for the both of you. 
“My fucking God.” You whimper, pulling Mark’s head on your chest, holding onto him for dear life because you just entirely lost control of it all. He finishes you off like his life depended on it, licking your wetness from his fingers, savouring it, then wipes his fingers on his jeans.
“You were so good to me, yeah?” He chuckles when you are left speechless.
“What about you?” You ask, looking at his crotch that was painfully hard. 
“It’s- It’s alright. You don’t have to” He says, and it makes your heart thaw like ice. You didn’t deserve him. 
“But I want to.” You plead, you couldn’t possibly resist him. “Come here,” You say, rubbing your palm against his jeans.
You didn’t waste anymore time and unzipped his pants, lowering it with his boxers just enough t make his cock lightly hit his stomach. His size is definitely more than what you expected.  You take his wet, glistening cock in your hands and pump it gently, smirking in satisfaction when you hear him hiss and moan softly. 
“Can you keep it down for me, tiger? We might not be able to do this again,” You coo, and he obediently nods, grazing your lower lip with his tongue, asking for entrance which you gladly grant but not for long. 
You smile as you lowered your head down to his throbbing member, licking the precum that had escaped the tip. Mark bites his lip, trying to keep as quiet as possible. You slowly put his dick in your mouth, testing a few times how far you could go. He bucks his hips by accident, making you gag very slightly. “I’m so sorry,” He strokes your hair away from your face. You keep going until you reach the brim, a throaty moan escapes his lips when he couldn’t take it anymore. 
You bob your head up and down in a consistent pace while he holds your hair, “You’re such a good girl” He says, throwing his head back. You keep going until you feel tears slowly coming out of your eyes and tried to hollow your cheeks as much as possible, he was so close. 
“You don’t have to swallow,” he says, pulling back from you. Nonsense. You were more than willing to. 
“I want to.” You say, putting his cock back in your mouth. 
With a few last pumps, his member twitches in your mouth and you feel his warm release and take it all in. You wipe the sides of your mouth as you finish, giving him a sweet smile. 
After the both of you pass out on your bed, Mark has lost track of time and receives a text from Johnny. 
"Dude where the fuck are you? Do you know what time it is?" 
Mark jolts up and checks the time, 2:45am. Shit, he was screwed. He quickly gathers his clothes that had been thrown around your room and dresses himself in panic. 
"I'm sorry, uh Joh- Rolan, my brother has been waiting for me at our dorm, I lost track of time and i think he'll beat my dick off," He nervously chuckles, almost forgetting to use his fake identity again. He has got to get used to it.
"Not if i did it first" You both burst out laughing. "Alright, I'll see you in class." You say, snuggling yourself in your blanket and shutting your eyes. 
He leaves your dorm quietly and runs a hand through his hair before giving Johnny a call. 
"Dude listen-"
"Are you fucking around Mark?" Johnny answers, clearly enraged. 
Mark was scared as shit but never misses the chance to fuck around Johnny. "I might've." 
"Get your ass back here, Lee" 
He slips his phone back to his pocket and starts walking briskly to their dorm. Damn this campus was mad creepy that it actually brought chills to his body. He wondered why he felt so cold then realized he left his jacket at your place. It was too late for him to get it back so he settled by running to warm his body up. 
Finally, he was back at the dorm. He hesitates to turn the doorknob because he knows he will be dead meat or nagged to death by Johnny. Or not. 
"Where you been huh?" Johnny examines him, standing up from his bed. He sniffs Mark and the latter flinches. "You smell like sex!" He slaps his shoulder. 
"You crazy? Some expert or something" Mark brushes him off. Wincing at the sting Johnny's palm gave to the skin of his shoulder.
"I should know, Mark." His mood was lighter now. "But who did you fu- i mean have sex with? we just got here wildcat"
"A girl I met in class like uh… awhile ago" The younger bites his lip trying to keep a smile from escaping his lips. He shouldn't be feeling this giddy over a rule that he broke for you. 
Johnny could not believe what he was hearing right now, "Dang. Cheeky boy." He laughs, actually feeling happy for Mark. He can have a little fun, Johnny had his back when it came to these things.
The elder changes the topic and lets this slide. Johnny talks about the leads he gathered from hanging out with the football team. Which were still very much confusing since this substance is all over the campus. Meanwhile, Mark didn't have much besides that number he gave Johnny. Considering he was with the "decent" crowd of people today.
The two head to their quarters to report to their chief the next day, trying to ask for help on how they could improve this investigation. 
The chief dumps a folder on the table and says, "This is what the deputy gave us recently. Take a look." He opens the folder into a specific case file to discuss with the two. 
"Who's this?" Mark points at the picture of a girl, who seemed like they were around the same age as the people at University. 
"Lee Minjung." the chief rubs his hands together. "Took some NCT and got locked out of her dorm, so she ended up falling off the roof and dying." The two are shocked by this revelation, it was more serious than they thought. 
The chief flips a page, "Here's a picture of her buying the drug." The photograph had two people in it, one that had a visible face which was Minjung, and one guy who's back was facing the camera. He wore a hat so they couldn't really tell who it was. But one thing they could point out is the reflection on the window of the car beside them.
"Dude, look at this," Mark points out his observation to Johnny. "He has a tattoo, we could start with this." 
"Bingo. There's your lead." The chief closes the folder and puts it back in his file. "The next time you get back here your asses better be presenting me some actual progress. Understand?" 
"Yes sir." 
Johnny and Mark head to the resident tattoo artist that was near the university, apparently they do most of the tattoos of the students there. 
"Excuse me," They knocked on the table of the artist who was currently at the back of the shop.
The tattoo artist arrives out front and asks how they could help the two. 
"We're looking for this tattoo, is it familiar to you?" Johnny asks while showing the artists the photograph.
The artist tries to think hard, but gives a hasty answer. "I'm not sure, there's too many of them who got that." 
Mark pushes the subject, "Them? Do you think it's some kind of group tattoo?" 
"I guess so. They were boys, all of them. Very masculine, had the body of an athlete if I were to put it at that." The artist states. 
Mark and Johnny look at each other as if there were light bulbs above their heads. "Thank you!" Mark says and they run off the shop. 
The possibility of this being in the football team was huge. They were athletes, and under a lot of pressure. They had reasons to use this drug but it wasn't an excuse for them not to eliminate this. They had to get to the bottom of this before it ends up like Minjung's case again. 
Johnny was at football practice while Mark stood by the bleachers, watching the team and trying to look out as usual until Johnny calls him over to come down for a bit. 
"Jaehyun, this is Kalen, my brother." He introduces him. With his assigned name. 
Jaehyun chortles in disbelief when he sees Mark. "You have a brother?" He asks and Johnny nods. 
"Sup," Mark tries to give him a bro hug, but Jaehyun shakes his hand instead. 
Jaehyun pays no mind to Mark's presence and diverts his attention back to Johnny and proceeds to talk about their game plan.
When practice ends he tells Johnny that the football team plans to host a party tonight. It would be the perfect opportunity for them to keep an eye on everyone. 
"Can I come?" Mark asks.
Jaehyun eyes him from the side, "Yeah uh sure" and only bids goodbye to Johnny. "See ya bro." 
Mark could already feel that he didn't belong in this crowd, but he and Johnny had to stick together and investigate. 
The night of the party came and the two brothers were stoked. "Our first frat party." Mark thought. 
"Your first frat party." Johnny spat playfully, trying to meticulously style and wax his hair. 
Mark scoffs, still trying to figure out what shirt to wear but at the end, he settles with a navy blue Ralph Lauren shirt. He was too lazy to fix his hair and wears a cap instead. 
Johnny tosses Mark something that he thinks the younger might need later on. 
"Are you for real? A condom?" A baffled Mark says in disbelief, but sliding it in his pocket anyway.
"You'll never know wildcat. You'll never know." He gives him a mischievous wink.
This wasn't just any party to them, this was an operation. Though they chose to leave for the party unarmed, they were thankfully trained well for hand to hand combat, just in case things went extremely wrong. But that was besides the point, they couldn't destroy their chances of blending in.
When the tandem arrives at the party, the elder was the only one to be greeted enthusiastically, Mark shakes it off simply because being friends with these jocks were the last thing on his list. It was Johnny's call if it didn't work for him, they had their roles. 
"Go around for a bit, I'll take care of him." Johnny whispers to Mark with a drink already in his hand.  
Mark shrugs his shoulders and explores the frat house, lit with red and blue, music blaring through speakers and the muffled conversations from the people that filled it. 
Nothing seemed too off the bat here, it was everything you would expect a frat party to be. There hasn't been a trace of NCT anywhere, or maybe it was because they were being taken too discreetly. 
"Want some?" a random guy nudges him, discreetly handing a packet of the substance. He takes it and plays it cool. 
"Yo, sick. Thanks man." He pats him on the back. 
“Yo it’s not free.” The guy laughs then it disappears. “20 bucks.”
Mark's smile fades, embarrassed. Thank god he brought his wallet. “Here. Thanks.”
"Don't sweat it." and he gives him a small salute.
Mark quickly slides it in his pocket, to keep as evidence later. 
"Bad boy." You snake your hands around his shoulders. "Want some?" You offer your red punch with vodka. 
His eyes widen, but eases under your touch. Finally, someone who's familiar. Overly familiar. "Hey, y/n" he shakes his head no. "I don't feel like drinking tonight" he makes up an excuse. 
"So are you…" 
"Am i?" 
"Are you going to take that?" You say, pointing at the pocket where he hid it.
Uncertain, he shakes his head no. "But should I? Have you ever had one of these?" 
"Oh god no." You say in disgust. "I have seen people's reactions to it though. It's borderline batshit crazy, those things." You explain. Hoping that he wouldn't ever try taking those. You knew about the whole Minjung incident. "One of the girls who lived next door died because of it." 
Your remark sparks an interest in him. "Minjung?" He questions. This could be a big help to their operation. But it wasn't a good time to interrogate you.
You raise your brows, "How'd you know her name?" 
He fakes a cough and tries to quickly think of a reason. "Mr- Mr. Benett told us. He said that recently a student passed away but never said it was because of the drug…" 
You crease up, "That old man is fucking clueless." You cross your arms. "But I'm just looking out for you okay? There's safer ways to have fun." 
"Right " He pursues a smile.
Too much fun wasn't part of the plan tonight but you made it difficult for him to do his job. Effortlessly. 
You fake a pout. "C'mon tiger, live a little! It's not going to be that bad." You try to convince him, wrapping your arms around his neck, trying to keep your drink from spilling, his arms naturally overlapping and resting just right above your ass.
To hell with this. He's been dreaming of this his entire life. After being in such a conservative family and all, he deserved to try new things out. He was old enough. He thinks to himself, while catching a glimpse of Johnny chugging down a keg. "You're right." he smirks, and you offer your drink for him to taste. 
Mark's face scrunches a little from the alcohol, but it felt nice. Good enough for him to grab you by the arm and head to get one himself. 
He scans the counter full of different drinks with a variety of colored juices. He chooses the blue lemonade with vodka which you gladly made, handing him the red plastic cup after. "Cheers" you say, delighted with the smile he gave you. 
It wasn't long enough until the both of you were back to dancing again, not giving a care like everyone else. He could kiss you right now. And he did, he couldn't miss the opportunity to make your tongues turn purple. 
Johnny has done everything with all his might to get along with these jocks, kids these days do party harder huh? He doesn't remember having this kind of intolerance to alcohol before, he had to get it out of his system before he forgets what he's really here for.  
"Nah this dude's a goner!" Yuta enthusiastically points at Johnny, who now had both of his hands on his knees. 
"Hold on, I gotta have some air outside" he raises his arms in defeat, words slurring out of his mouth and vision so blurred he could barely tell where he's going. Finally after much stumbling and ending up in filthy corners, he managed to find a bathroom. Not a usable one though.
"Oh god- sorry" He says as he sees two people fucking each other's guts out on on the sink. "Nevermind" he immediately shuts the door and leaves them alone. It didn't take long for him to just head outside and vomit on the lawn of the frat house. Oh yes, great fertilizer. 
Johnny regains a very small amount of composure and he felt someone tap and rub his back. "You okay?" Jaehyun chuckles, with a drunk Yuta tagging along.
Johnny takes a deep breath and tries to stand straight with all his might, trying to act like everything was under control. "Shits wild here" He chaffs, but his brows furrow when he sees a familiar pattern on Yuta's skin. "What's that you got there?" Johnny tries to reach for the latter's arm carefully. 
Yuta excitedly raises his sleeve, revealing a tattoo. "Oh this? It's a tattoo man. Gotta get inked at some point!" Yuta says, proudly. "Do you want one? I know a place!"
Jaehyun sighs. He was hyperactive again. "Yuta-"
"What? C'mon look I got this as soon as I got out of my parent's house. Those folks made me feel like I was in jail!" The drunk boy overshares. Johnny pays attention because there was a possibility that these thoughts were sober. 
Johnny was quickly disappointed, but not surprised. "Yeah? That's cool. I'll pass. Kinda scared of needles..." He trails off. 
"Pfft. Pussy." Yuta spat, Johnny was ready to give him a piece of his knuckles. 
Jaehyun blocks Johnny with his arm, "Cut him some slack man, I've known this guy since high school. Let him have his fun. He won't even remember this." 
The three head back inside to enjoy the rest of the party when the duo completely forget what they were initially here for. Johnny had spent the rest of the night enjoying himself, so did Mark.
You and Mark decided to play along with the drinking games these people planned, with the faces that you will surely forget by tomorrow. 
You've already had a couple to drink, so it became harder for you to aim in beer pong. Luckily, Mark was right behind you, with a steady grip on your hips and one arm helping you aim for the ball. 
You close one eye trying to focus as he helped you aim for the cup. "She shoots, she scores!" he shouts playfully and there goes another drink for you. 
"You still alright? We can stop if you want," He whispers, lips tingling on your collarbone, sending chills to your spine. 
You turn to face him, a gentle hand on his lean chest. "I want you.".  You whisper, dragging a painfully slow finger to his lips. You were so knit together that you could feel the growing tent in his pants on your throbbing core. He was irresistible. 
He gulps. Here comes nothing. Johnny sure knows his shit huh?
Mark quickly leads you upstairs, looking for a vacant room to settle in. He turned the knobs one by one but they were all locked, your last resort was a surprisingly available restroom. 
"Will this do for you?" Mark hesitates, because he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
Your tipsy self playfully pinches his cheek, "You do it for me, tiger." And it was enough to drive him to the edge. 
As soon as the both of you enter the bathroom, your lips connect once again, sloppily kissing each other like you were out of your minds. Like you wanted to swallow and consume this man whole. 
"I want you to see for yourself how crazy you make me." You say through the slapdash kisses.
He puts a hand under your dress, feeling your drenched cunt. "You're so fucking wet. Is this all for me?" He says out of breath, mouth almost watering with the thought of your pussy in his mouth.
"All yours baby." You bite his lower lip and stick out your tongue for him to suck. 
He raises your dress just below your ribcage and slides down your black lace lingerie as it fell to your ankles, "Just so you know, I'm keeping this." Mark smirks as he quickly puts it in his pocket. 
"It's meant to be yours," You purr, setting your back flat on the cold tiled wall, throwing your head back at the sensation of Mark leaving wet kisses on your thighs. 
He kneels and places your legs over his shoulders, lifting your feet off the ground. He was sturdy as a rock as his two arms held your thighs for support while you removed his cap for you to wear over your head and your fingers to be locked in his hair. 
"Fuck." You hiss as his tongue lapped on your folds, slurping on your wetness like he worshiped you. He sucked repeatedly on your clit making your legs tremble, so good that you might fall over but his reflexes were out of his world and he knew where exactly to support you. 
Your eyes painfully roll to the back of your head from the sensation he was giving you, "God, Kalen don't fucking stop-" you moan and you swear this man had some spell casted on his mouth by how magical it worked. 
You grind your hips involuntarily as his mouth followed it, like this could not get any better than it already was. But you could only take so much. "Kalen I'm gonna cum, fuck" 
"It's not over until it's over baby," he sets you down and removes his mouth from your pussy, you could barely stand with your legs feeling like absolute gelatin. 
Mark gets a condom out of his pocket and quickly unbuckles his belt, making his jeans fall to the ground and expose his throbbing cock, boxers wet with precum. 
"You think you can last longer for me baby girl?" 
You could only nod your head eagerly because you were growing extremely impatient. 
He wraps your legs around his waist in a swift move. "Good girl" He whispers, and you were more than ready to take him. Again and again. 
He inserts himself inside you, stretching your walls and you whimper, wrapping your arms around his head to keep his face close to the valley of your breasts. 
"That's right, open up for me, pretty girl." He pleads as he continues to thrust in a steady pace. Breath hitched as he brought his face up to you, slurping your tongue once more like it was a popsicle that he couldn't get enough of. "Taking me so well like always huh?" he chuckles and picks up his pace, throaty moans escaping his mouth. 
Thank fuck the music in this house was loud enough to blow off people's eardrums, making your moans almost inaudible outside, but loud enough for Marks pleasure. For his ears only. 
“Fuck I’m almost-” Mark huffs, “there.” he breathes. When his pace becomes sloppy and finally comes, you hold onto him, your legs numb that you could barely stand on your own. Conscious with the fact that Mark will get to see how fucked out you look, but he absolutely loved it. 
"What'd I tell ya? That condom didn't go to waste." Johnny snickers while laying in bed, tossing his football. 
Head in the clouds with the thought of you, Mark could only smile to himself but quickly changes the subject before they both lose all purpose. 
"Find anything out yet?" Mark asks mindlessly, because all he could think about was you. 
"Nope." Johnny says, popping the p. He lied.
And something clicks with Mark. That packet of NCT he managed to keep in his pocket. He rushes over to his hamper and flips the pockets of his pants. 
"Someone handed it to me yesterday, I kept it for evidence to bring at the headquarters." He hands the packet to Johnny.
The elder observes it, trying to push the thought of Yuta possibly being a dealer to the very back of his head right now. Give it time. Mark was just starting to enjoy being with you, Johnny has been enjoying being one of the new aces in the football team, it wouldn't hurt to hold it out for a little while. 
"Also," Mark adds, "Y/n knows about Minjung. Said she lived across the hall."
"And?" Johnny anticipates. 
"That's all I know for now. It's still a big step though." Mark concludes.
Johnny spends his free time hanging with Jaehyun and the rest of the boys. If not in practice, they hit the gym to always be in tip-top shape. 
Yuta swings a heavy arm over Johnny's shoulders, "Well isn't it our quitter!" 
Johnny shoots Jaehyun a look, "You told me he wouldn't remember." 
Jaehyun could only chuckle, "Well he did." 
Yuta was loud as a goose, he seemed to have so much more energy than the other members of the team that Johnny became suspicious of where it came from. 
He recalls the time when the chief described the effects of the NCT substance, and one of them was being focused and hyperactive.
Yuta, besides being silly, was on top of his own game. After joking around he was a hundred percent focused on the gym, his reps were consistent, his routines were clean. Jaehyun tells Johnny that Yuta was also one of the greatest instruments of the football team. Though not gifted with the brightest mind, he worked hard to stay in this university to prove his parents wrong—and to avoid business school.
He was a potential heir to a known electronics company in Japan, but he insisted that he pursue being part of the varsity team to keep his scholarship in sports science. Which until now was an endless debate between him and his parents. 
Jaehyun had invited Johnny to stay over at the frat house to hang out, and he did. 
It was different to see it in daylight, with no people partying, no vomit and crushed chips on the floor, it looked well taken care of. 
"You guys clean this up yourselves after every party?" Johnny asks, impressed. 
"Yep," Jaehyun proudly says. 
"You gotta look out for the shit they leave behind here. It's amusing." Yuta retorts. 
Johnny raises a brow, "Oh yeah? Like what?" 
Without wit, Yuta replies, "Drugs"
Johnny, absolutely being taken back by his bold remark was immediately clutched by Jaehyun, "He doesn't mean it." 
His suspicion grew so much that he couldn't help but finally bring up the subject. "Like what? Like NCT?" he enunciates. 
Jaehyun, quite astounded by Johnny's knowledge with the substance replies, "Hm maybe. You know about that?" 
And he was in the trance. "Heard of it yeah, can you hook me up with some?
"Oh sure it’s right-" Yuta reaches for his pocket, "here." and sticks his middle finger out playfully. Johnny swats it away.
"Woah there-" Jaehyun almost bust a gut while laughing. "You're definitely new to this. We don't have any." He tells Johnny. "Don't be such a narc." 
Way too defensively, Johnny retorts, "I'm not!"
"That's what they all say." Yuta shrugs with a chuckle.
 He spends the rest of the afternoon with them and surprisingly hasn't dealt with unusual rituals and behavior. They acted their age, playing games on a PS5, drinking soda until their bladders exploded, filling themselves with junk food and spray cheese. He could be wrong about them after all.
Days passed and not a single thing has led them closer to their target person, it was harder than they thought even when everything felt like it was right in front of them. 
"Student-Parent day is coming soon, are you going?" You ask Mark as you take a sip of your coffee. 
You took him to your favorite coffee shop for the first time, it's a nice and quiet place for you to study and relax. 
"They have those?" Mark hesitates because then he'd have to tell his parents that he's undercover and they'd forget and blow it for him. "I guess so." 
"Good. Because I'd like you to meet my parents." You smile. Though you didn't know where you stood with Mark, the past few weeks with him had been a breath of fresh air. He was kind, funny and supportive. He was simple yet his ways of showing his thoughts were sophisticated, never had you once thought that you would get along so well with a person in such a short time. You weren't the one to ask for labels though. You simply liked to enjoy whatever you had at the moment. In your experience, putting labels on things just always gave a reason for it to vanish. 
"What why?" He says, a little too surprised.
"Look Kalen, don't break a sweat with this. I'm just going to introduce you. They won't mind." You assure him. 
He simply leaves the topic behind and ponders on how he could make this work. He was scared because you had no idea that this was all temporary, and he's terrified by the fact that he wishes it wasn't. He was finding all the possible reasons and excuses to retract himself from this relationship he has with you, but all you ever gave him was a reason to stay. It broke his heart knowing that one day, he'll have to disappoint you with the truth. 
"Something wrong?" 
He snaps out of it. "Nothing." and forces a smile. 
"We aren't making any progress man," Mark runs a hand through his hair and sighs. His back falls heavily on his bed.
Johnny anxiously bites his lap, eyes fixated on the floor. "Yuta has a tattoo…" 
"What?" the younger jolts up. 
Johnny backs up defensively, "But it wasn't the one we saw! You know how the tattoo artist said he's done a couple of those."
"Are you shitting me right now? We've been trying to find it for weeks! Why didn't you tell me?" His voice raises, and a vein on his forehead couldn't help but emerge. 
"I don't think it's him man, I told you it’s not the same tattoo" Johnny defends. 
Mark lets out a pungent laugh, poking his tongue on the inside of his cheek, his jaw stiffens. "Right. I knew it. " He says in disbelief. "Everything's right in front of you already! Too scared to bust your new besties now?" 
"They aren't my new besties stop making up bullshit." The elder stubbornly defends. 
"No you stop because I'm actually trying here!" 
"Oh you are? Explain why you're getting so serious with that girl of yours. Wait until she finds out that she's just part of the plan." He jumps on Mark's throat and walks out of the room. 
The thing is, you weren't even part of the plan. Not at all. 
"You better have good shit for me today." The chief clearly was not being in his best mood today. 
Mark scoffs, he and Johnny had not settled their differences since the fight from two days ago, they were doing their own investigations without communicating. Which was a big no.
"Ask the big guy here, I'm sure he has something." Tongue in his cheek, Mark glares. 
The chief slams a big hand on the table and shouts, "Stop acting like fucking children!" 
Johnny stiffened up on his seat, and gulped before he spoke. "I think we need to initiate a drug test on one of the students, chief. I have my eye on this one person. We could pretend to say that the thing is randomized and mandatory. If the intel can look up information about his parents, we could send a pretend automated message about their child being randomly selected for a drug test." 
The chief seems to be taking Johnny's point well, "And who is this you suspect?" 
"Nakamoto Yuta." 
Mark looks at Johnny with wide eyes, he thought Johnny wouldn't be turning him in. 
"I see. I'll get the department to execute this idea of yours and we'll let you know right away. Dismissed." 
Mark catches up to Johnny who had been walking ahead of him and tries to reach for the elder's shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?" 
"Let go of me," Johnny knocks Mark's hand off his shoulder. "Are you happy now?" 
Dumbfounded, Mark couldn't seem to understand where Johnny's irritation was coming from. "Look man, I'm sorry you had to turn one of your friends in but you know it's our job." 
"I know okay? I don't need you telling me what to do because so far, I know pretty damn well that I'm not meddling in your fucking business." 
Mark pushes a hard hand on Johnny, making him stumble a little. "My relationship has nothing to do with this. Are you jealous? Because if you are, I know pretty damn well you can score a lot of chicks here. I don't see the problem." 
Johnny tries to speak but was unable to because Mark had already stormed off elsewhere. 
 "Shit. My parents are coming to fetch me today." Yuta runs a veiny hand through his ginger hair; another reason for his parents to pull him out of university. But here's the first: 
Jaehyun, disinterested even if he knew it was serious whenever Yuta's parents butt in and ask why.
"They wanna do a drug test on me." 
Jaehyun chortles, "What? You? What made them think that? Besides you acting like a crackhead?" 
"They got this stupid email from the dean that I was amongst the randomly chosen individuals to get tested." He pops a sour kid patch in his mouth, "They're never letting this go." He pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. "I have never even tried NCT." he rolls his eyes. 
Yuta, though by the looks of him, gave an impression of a boy who would try everything in front of him, but he's a wuss with a good conscience. Too good.
"Well, you are innocent after all, right?" Jaehyun shrugs. "There's nothing to worry about. Um, besides your dyed hair, your tattoo, that lip piercing." He eyes him up and down. "No biggie, just probably uh—two weeks worth of grounding. And no allowance." 
"Fuck you man." the ginger-haired boy glared.
Johnny walks around the campus, alone. It sucked to not be on good terms with Mark, what ever happened to bros before hoes? It just wasn't the same doing things without him. Johnny had given Mark his personal space for the both of you, but at times like this—it was the hardest to stay out of it. 
As he passes by the back of the Fine Arts building, he sees two familiar faces on the exposed staircase. 
He squints his eyes and tries to focus on who those people might be, the mop of ash purple hair too familiar. But one thing that utterly shocked him was the sight of someone he expected the least.
It was you and Jaehyun, standing way too close to each other for anyone's liking.
Johnny takes a deep breath and sucks in his cheeks. He didn't know what this meant, and he wished he wouldn't have to be the one to give it any interpretation that would disappoint him and especially Mark. 
He walks away from the scene before you get a chance to see him.
"Jaehyun, you don't have to stand this close to me," You backed up, hips hitting the ledge lightly. 
He looks to the side, then back at you. "Sorry," he cockily says, backing up with both of his hands raised. "Can't help it. My best friend's too fine. And someone was looking." he mumbles.
"Nothing, he's gone"
"You know I'm with Kalen right now Jaehyun." You say with worry, it could've been anyone. "Quit. Don't ruin this for me." 
He manages to let a disgruntled chuckle, "And yet you still can't put a label on it." 
And with that, he was off. 
The entire time Johnny was battling with himself if she should tell Mark about what he saw or not. Them being in a misunderstanding right now doesn't change the fact that he was still his best friend. 
After the excruciatingly slow walk to the dorm, he had hoped that Mark wouldn't be around, so he wouldn't have to face him with the information he had right away. He couldn't even form the words for it. The. again, when did anything ever go his way, right? 
Johnny enters the room and there was Mark, munching on some chips while viewing something on his laptop. Something probably for one of his classes. Mark didn't have to take this so seriously (by this he meant his classes) but he did, because the Mark we all know just loved to learn. Good for him. 
He ignores Johnny's presence; though he was very much aware of it. The elder plops down his bed and grabs his football to toss around. It was so awkward; not greeting each other with their usual weirdness and excitement. It felt like there was this gaping hole between them that both of them were afraid to cross, and no one had the initiative to take a risk—for now. 
"Find anything?" Johnny asks Mark, eyes on the ceiling. 
"Why not?" 
"Do you have anything?"
Well, he did. But not about their task. Instead, he says "Nope." but he couldn’t help but ask. “How are you and y/n?”
“Good.” Mark plainly answers.
And left it at that. 
You were going to let your parents meet Mark today, and his would meet yours. You were new to this, there was not a single man you had introduced to your parents, aside from Jaehyun. But that was a different story, because Jaehyun was a childhood friend. 
So Mark was the first… whatever this was called. You couldn’t get yourself to call him that, you didn’t deserve to. For you labels were earned, not just given. But this will do for now. 
You see him from a distance with his parents, he resembled his father’s face structure and his mother’s eyes. His smile was uniquely his own. You wave a hand in the air and he catches the sight of it, smiling even wider. 
“You’re in college again honey?” Mark’s mom asks, clueless.
“Mom, I'm undercover please don’t bring that up anywhere. Please keep quiet for me.” He whispers sternly. 
His mom zips her mouth figuratively, his dad got the idea of the whole thing, so they acted according to the assignment. 
As he got closer to where you were, his legs grew weak. But he couldn’t falter, he had to put on a strong face. But at that moment, Mark wanted to be buried alive. He wanted to turn his back and run away.
“Mom, dad, this is Kalen.” You present him to them with a grin. 
“H-hello.” Mark lets out, his chest clenching. 
“Kalen. You sure I haven’t seen you before?” Your father says, gripping Mark’s hand firm, he could almost squeeze the guts out of it. Your father was his deputy chief. 
Mark, crushed under the man’s grip, “N-no sir.” he manages to blurt out. 
You sense the tension and tell your dad, “Dad, that’s enough.” 
Your dad let go, with a smug and bitter look on his face. Your mom, who- with absolutely no idea what Mark has to do with your father, greets him politely. 
You greet Mark's parents with glee, and proceed to walk with him, keeping a fair distance from both your parents. "Sorry about my dad, he's just stressed about his job. He's a deputy chief, rustling with knuckleheads all the time." You explain. 
Sure he's been through a lot. Mark thought. "Yea yea, I totally get it. It's fine." he nods. Knuckleheads. He laughs to himself. 
The rest of the parents’ day event was a total drag, every time Mark got into eye contact with their chief, it had seemed like the man wanted to rip his head away from his body, or maybe skin him alive. Mark had no idea, because if he did he wouldn’t have risked going this far with you. What is left to do now? How can he ever face his boss knowing that he broke the first rule given to them right in his face? And with his own daughter? He should start digging his own grave at this point. 
But the chief didn't lay a finger on him, not now when his daughter was at stake. 
Mark has been itching to tell Johnny about what had happened. He was willing to set aside their differences because he needed his best friend, now. 
"Johnny-" Mark breathes, not making eye contact with the elder who was on his phone, this room had been dead silent for days. 
Johnny's head perks up, it was nice hearing him call his name again. "Yeah?" 
"I kinda messed up… big time." Mark scratches the back of his head, shameful. 
Johnny sits up, and listens to the younger more attentively. "What do you mean?" 
"Y/n.." he trails off, "Y/n is the chief's daughter." And catches his face on his hands. 
"Fuck…" Johnny didn't know what to say. "How'd you know?" 
"The student-parent weekend thing. God, I swear dude he was going to skin me alive if he could. But shit, I didn't know!" Mark exclaims, hands all over the place. "If I did then I wouldn't have gone through with this. She has never told me about her parents until that day. I don't know what to do." 
He seemed so helpless, he didn't want to break to you like this, it was too messy. But damn if he didn't want to keep being with you. It couldn't end like this, not yet. 
"I- I don't know what to say man… God I'm sorry this sucks ass. You know I always let you do what makes you happy right? But what if," Johnny stops, debating if he should go on with what he planned to say. 
"What if?" Mark anticipates. 
"What if she isn't who you thought she was?" 
"Great. I'm so fucking stupid for thinking you would be with me on this one." Mark slams his hands on his lap and stands, slamming the door on the way out. 
"Mark-" Johnny reaches for the door but misses a beat, it was too late. He let his best friend slip away from him again. 
And as soon as Mark left their room, he was on his way to meet up with you, hoping you would be free. He hadn't had much time with you after the following days of the event because you had always excused yourself with how busy you are with your submissions and requirements, or that's what you would like to tell him. 
Your phone rings in your pocket as you excuse yourself from the people you were with at the moment, when you check to see who it was, you find the quietest place possible. 
"Kalen," You spoke, "What's up?" 
"Are you free? I was hoping I'd finally catch you." 
You sigh, you missed spending time with him. "I am," you say in advance before you bail out of this place you were in. "See you at the cafe in 10?" 
You hear him chuckle over the line, and you just knew he was smiling when he said "Great, I'll see you." 
"See you, Kal." You smile and tuck your phone back in your pocket. 
"Who was that?" Jaehyun asks when he bumps into you in the hallway of the frat house. "Oh you've got that sickening smile right now. It must've been Kalen" He rolls his eyes. 
"Whatever Jae," You brush past him. "I'm heading out." 
"But we're not done!" 
You didn't respond and left, shutting the door behind you. 
The cafe was a short walk from your university, but you just happened to bump into Mark on the way, now you don't have to walk alone. 
He smoothly slips his hand in yours, holding it gently and reading your expression. You look to the side with a wide grin on your face, unable to help the fact that you were blushing like crazy. 
"Nice hoodie," he comments. The garment looked a little too familiar to him, he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. “You never gave back my jacket..”
You mentally facepalm, forgetting the fact that you were wearing Jaehyun's hoodie. You pray that Mark wouldn't see this on him anytime soon, you wouldn't want him to get a bad idea. 
"Oh right that, I’ll get it dry cleaned and I’ll give it back" you utter. "Something bothering you?" You ask, trying to read his sulky expression. 
He shakes his head, "No no, I want you to keep it. And I just missed you." He forms a small smile, making your heart melt. You were so easily captivated by his presence that it scared you. He always left you feeling unhinged—in a good way. 
"I missed you too, tiger." You grip his hand a little tighter.  
When he licks his lips, only by then you realize how much you missed kissing him. Right then and there, you just wanted another taste. This was exactly why you were trying to keep yourself busy and away from him for a bit; you had to convince yourself that you couldn’t be attached to him because you could never take care of the things you keep. 
He opens the door for you like always and the chimes in the cafe ring in a sweet melody, a sound that always reminds you of your moments with him. The both of you always shared comfortable memories in this cafe, from small coffee dates to working on papers until it closed. You couldn’t imagine sharing it with anyone else. 
When you settle down he automatically takes your usual orders right away. You could not take your eyes off him, he was such a dream.
He sets the tray down with your drinks, and a pastry that you shared a love-hate relationship with. Cheesecake.
You chuckle at the thought of recalling all the times that you convinced Mark that cheesecake slices weren’t supposed to be as huge as they are and that there are definitely better one’s in other places, but Mark’s favorite was Starbucks’. Maybe that’s why you have learned to love it somehow, because you get to enjoy it with him. 
"I thought you didn't like this? You almost finished the whole thing… I literally bought this for myself." He says sarcastically, very much amused at how you barely even noticed that you were close to finishing the entire thing. 
"Oh shit.. sorry" You show him a pout and feed the last piece to him. "Here." You smile cutely. 
He rolls his eyes and bites it off your fork, you both bid goodbye to the cheesecake. 
Mark’s phone rings in his pocket and when he checks to see, it was Johnny. He lets out a sigh and puts his phone back in his pocket. 
“Are you going to take that?” You ask. 
But Johnny was persistent, he did see this coming. He knew that Mark would ignore him at first so he decided to send him a message. This was about their job. 
“Mark, I know you hate me right now but we have to go to the office. Yuta’s tests came back.” Johnny sends. 
Mark takes a peek at his message, immediately standing up. 
“Where are you going?” You say, surprised. 
“I’m sorry I gotta go- meet my brother. He needs me for something.” He hesitantly leans forward, wanting to kiss you on the lips but kisses your forehead instead. “Text me when you get home okay?.” And with that, he was off. 
Mark rings Johnny and the elder quickly answers the call, Mark informs him that he would be heading to the office by himself since he was already closer to the location. 
But he suddenly remembers about his conflict with the chief. So he waited for Johnny to arrive outside. 
Lowering his pride he says, “I’m scared.” 
Johnny looks at him with empathy and says, “We can’t change what happened Mark. Just take it all in for now and we’ll figure out what to do about it later.” He pats the younger’s back and gives his shoulders an assuring squeeze before heading inside. 
Mark could not look at his boss, the feeling of wanting to be eaten alive was back again, why did he have to be your father? 
When Mark finally gets the courage to face him, the chief yells, “The fuck are you looking at?” making Mark flinch and shrink into his seat. 
Johnny felt the need to protect his friend and at the same time, to get what they were really here for. “Um, Sir can you save the ass beating for next time? We really need to look into Yuta’s results now.” He scratches the back of his neck. 
The chief grunts angrily, getting the file from his drawer. “Negative.” He says. 
Mark and Johnny give each other a look and take the folder that had the results, trying to analyze how it could possibly be negative. 
“Dammit.” Johnny whispers to himself, they had to move quickly before everything slips away from them. He takes note of Yuta’s contact number in the file to use for later. He closes the folder and places it back on the desk. “We’ll take care of this chief.” 
“You better. And you,” He presses a hard finger on Mark’s chest, “Stop fucking around with my daughter. I’ll cut your dick off.” 
Mark purses his lips before speaking, “She’s-” he gulps, “She’s really great sir. I’m not playing around with her. I’d never do anything to hurt her.” 
“You already are.” 
The following day, Yuta receives a text from an unknown number, asking him to meet in an unusual location on campus. He was very skeptical at first but  believed that it was probably harmless. 
“Yah, Rolan! Sup.” He offers his fist to bump. “I was just waiting for someone here too. Some random number texted me and I was like "you know, fuck it"” he shrugs.
Johnny couldn’t help but chuckle. Was innocence even the word to describe this? "And you believed them?" Johnny shakes his head.
“Yeah! Look here’s the number” he flashes his phone screen to Johnny, “I wonder where they are. Let me give them a call.” he mindlessly puts the phone next to his ear. Yuta hears a muffled cellphone ringtone and looks around for it. “Yo, your phone’s ringing you should get that.” Yuta says to Johnny, still having absolutely no idea.
“It was us who texted you, dummy.” Mark retorts, appearing from the shadows, now both of them are cornering Yuta. 
“Yo,-” Yuta laughs, still not getting the point of this all. “What’s your name again?” 
Mark rolls his eyes, “Kalen.” 
“Right! Kalen wassup? You’re his brother right?” Yuta points to Johnny with his thumb up.
Johnny pops a tongue in his cheeks, and cocks his brow. “Alright, fun’s over.” It was a shame he had to do this too early, but it had to stop. He locks Yuta’s throat with his arm, pushing him onto the solid brick wall. 
Yuta tries to toughen up and tries to push Johnny’s arm off, but due to their size difference, Johnny definitely kept him still. 
“What do you know about him” Johnny asks sternly. 
“A-about who?” Yuta coughs.
“Jaehyun. What does he do?” Mark follows. 
“Besides being the most handsome man I know, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Mark shakes his head, “Well,” and gets a gun out of the pocket of his hoodie. “Will this make you talk?”
Yuta looks at him with wide eyes, he was now scared shitless. “Why- how- who are you guys!” He exclaims. 
“The police mother fucker.” Johnny says. 
But despite everything, Yuta’s tactless mouth was definitely not his best asset. “I knew it. you looked too old to be a freshman.” He looks over at Johnny. “And you, I didn’t expect you to be a cop but you did give Narc vibes in that philosophy class.” 
Mark and Johnny give each other a look, they could not be sidetracked. 
“Are you done?” Johnny tells Yuta, and he simply nods. “So are you going to talk?”
“I’m telling you I don’t know! He never trusts me with his business, he says I have a big mouth.” 
Mark snickers, “I can tell.”
Yuta scoffs, and follows, “He’s been out often recently, but he never tells me where he’s going. So I don’t know what I can do for you.” 
“Listen here buddy,” Johnny warns. “If this gets to your parents that you’re involved with someone who supplies and distributes drugs, you’re going to get your entire family deported. Do you want that?” 
Yuta gulps, “No.” then helplessly says, “I don’t know how to earn his trust with these kinds of things. He’s known me since forever but-” 
“No buts.” Mark interrupts. “Use that head of yours or your ass is going back to Japan.” 
Yuta had been on edge ever since that encounter with Mark and Johnny, now this entire thing would be up to him if he cooperated or not. Yuta’s heart had been lost a couple times, but it was definitely looking to be in the right place. So he’s trying his best to help out, even if it meant that he would have to turn in his best friend. 
When he gets the time to be alone with his thoughts he looks back at all the times that Jaehyun had made him feel like he wasn’t enough to be his friend. Not giving him a good position in football, walking out on him whenever he wanted to, keeping secrets from him. Maybe he was too busy trying so hard to be validated by Jaehyun that he never really got to realize that he lost himself in the process. Letting himself be trampled all over by everyone; this was his time to do something not just for himself, but for everyone else.
On the night when Jaehyun could not escape from Yuta’s presence any longer, he thought that it would be harmless to let his friend tag along for once. It’s not like he had other friends to be with, right? Right. Jaehyun could believe that if he wanted to. 
“I’m a bit sore today, you think you can drive me?” Jaehyun asks Yuta as they were walking in the parking lot after practice. 
To be fair, Yuta was sore too. But of course they wouldn’t care. “Alright, where to?” He still manages to say. 
“I’ll tell you along the way.” 
Yuta simply shrugs and Jaehyun tosses him his car keys, placing their gym bags at the trunk of his car. Jaehyun had given him directions while driving and it was somewhere he had never been and seen before. “Are you sure it’s here?” He says, trying to drive into a dark abandoned building with only the car’s headlights being the source of light. 
“Yeah yeah, wait for me here.” Jaehyun opens the door of the car and slips away from it. “Don’t worry, this place is safe.” He tells Yuta and shuts the door close. 
Yuta immediately whips out his phone, thinking that this might be his biggest clue and texts Johnny. 
I don’t know where I am, but I’m gonna send you my pinned location based on what my gps says alright? I think this was where Jaehyun had been going. 
Johnny immediately tells Mark about this and they immediately take their car to go to where Yuta had told them. 
 Rolan: Yuta, it’s not safe for you to stay there. Can you drive away and head back here? It would be better if we keep you alive. 
I guess I could, Jaehyun’s pretty far out now. I saw him go in somewhere, I’m sure you’ll find this entrance when you get here.
With that Yuta drives off and tries to find his way back to the campus, hoping that this would be successful for Mark and Johnny. He had such a strong feeling about this, everything could go right, or just extremely wrong. But he had to expect both to keep his feet on the ground. He did the right thing. He kept telling himself that. 
“Dude this place is sketchy as hell.” Mark says, looking around. “Do you think Yuta told us the truth? I mean he’s Jaehyun’s bestfriend right?”
“It wouldn’t hurt to try Mark, he seemed pretty genuine about it. Besides, all Jaehyun does is use him. I’m sure he’s tired of it.” Johnny says as they searched the place with their flashlights, their guns ready to fire if they ever go under attack. 
Finally, they find the entrance Yuta has been talking about, the chain attached to the door unlocked and loosened. When they get closer they arm themselves and keep their guard, Johnny kicks the door open and Mark could not believe what he had just seen. 
This couldn’t be. He kept repeating to himself, he didn’t want to believe that this was his reality. 
The reality that you were the one who was behind all of this.
“Hands up! We’re the police.” Johnny shouts, echoing throughout the entire warehouse. 
Mark gulps, he could not bring himself to move his feet and go closer. When you see him, you feel like you have been the biggest disappointment in someone’s life. “Kalen,” You plead with your hands up, terrified with the fact that Johnny had called off a warning shot, making you and Jaehyun back up. 
“Y/n.” Mark says, still struggling to get closer to you and lift his arm to aim his gun towards you. “Why- how could you?”
And you couldn’t answer him. The last thing you ever wanted to do was disappoint him, and yet you turned out to be every single disappointment that this world could think of. 
“Great.” Jaehyun says in anger, remorseful with the fact that both of you just got caught by the two people who had been the closest to you these past months. 
“Mark, come on. This is just as hard as it is for me than it is for you. We have to do this. It’s all we’ve been working for.” Johnny faces him, also extremely disheartened by this revelation.
Mark? His real name was Mark? “Who’s Mark?” You ask before he continues to approach you.
“Right. Now you know.” He takes a deep breath. He gets his handcuffs out of his pocket and races towards you before you could even get away. It was bizarre; how you even thought of escaping this. 
“You have the right to remain silent,” His hands shake while putting them against your back, “Anything that you say can and will be held against you in the court of law.” He swallows, and you sob. 
 “I’m so sorry I-” he cuts you off.
“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.” He concludes the Miranda rights and adds, “It’s one thing to disappoint me, but another to disappoint your father.”
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hockey-player-jeno · 3 years
fic recs
so i kinda read a lot
i shouldn’t ‘cause i have so many responsibilities to worry about but it’s fine lol
here’s a list of fics i’d read over and over again
will most likely be a lot of nct
this post will be regularly updated
UPDATED: 03.03.2022
✹ = newly added w/ last update
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lee taeyong
use me (19.3k) by @yutaholic
okay but like i'm obsessed with this writer's content and i actually read this instead of reading for my hw but it was totally worth it!! i'm also a major sucker for the brother's best friend trope. i loved this so much! warnings: smut, mentions of slut shaming, alcohol use
johnny suh
going for the gold (27.2k) by @sehunniepotwrites
THE SEXUAL TENSION OF THE ENTIRE FIC HAD ME ON EDGE!! but i loved every second of it! the childhood friends to lovers trope literally killed me. I don't read a lot of johnny content but this was so worth the read! this author man, oof- warnings: smut, food and beverage consumption, language, SEXUAL TENSION, religious imagery
nakamoto yuta
deep end (21.8k) by @yutaholic
the caring heart of yuta’s character in this fic made me absolutely melt!!! 10000/10!!! please just go read it!! warnings: SMUT, mild language, alcohol consumption, cigarette use
kim doyoung
a marriage of inconvenience (22.5k) by @lucaswithnoshirt
this fully pulls at my heart strings every time i read it!! victorian era!au’s are always some of my favs to read and this one by far is one of my favs!! warnings: arranged marriage, alcohol consumption, little bit suggestive
✹ is love a must? (13.6k) - pt.2 (8.3k) by @hyuckssunchip
beautiful. love. triangle. piece!!! i'm a ho for an arranged marriage!au where the reader's husband could not care less about the reader and then things tumble from there. not a huge fan of cheating tropes but this one was so worth it! must read! warnings: arranged marriage, language, angst, fluff, smut, cheating, pregnancy
jung jaehyun
our kids talk about us (10k) by @anashins
my heart ached for jaehyun in this, man. all he wanted was best for his daughter and y/n helping him was literally just beautiful. i strongly advise you make time to read this. warnings: mentions of death, smut
✹ sleep well, princess (12.5k) by @anashins
such a freaking cute story!! will never get over the brother's best friend trope! you follow along the journey of the reader and jaehyun through childhood and ending up as so much more with highs and lows, love and heartbreak. warnings: age gap and smut
lucas (wong yukhei)
king of hearts (19.4k) by @raibebe
i’m a sucker for any frat boy! slow burn!au and this fic does not disappoint. i can read this over and over again and my heart will feel full every time!!! warnings: SMUT (and i don’t put this lightly), smoking, language, alcohol consumption, partying
mark lee
thin ice (14.6k) by @alicanta77 (first part in the game, set, match series with nct dream)
HOCKEY. PLAYER. MARK. mark is another one of my utls so obvi i’m gonna swoon over anything he does either in real life or fiction, but just the way this writer made fictional mark talk and act in this fic, it was just UGH *heart eyes* i can’t wait to read the rest of the series when it comes out!!! warnings: some swearing, tooth rotting fluff at the end but i loved every second of it
my first and last (2.6k) by @raibebe
this is a really cute story of just mark being mark and being flustered when the dreamies asked about his and y/n's sex life. i've read it a few more times than i would like to admit... warnings: alcohol and drinking games, smut
✹ [18:37] my name is mark (452) by @ncityrave
i am obsessed with this! this author just really captured mark's awkwardness and charm! just a fun sweet, quick read. warnings: none
✹ landslide (7.1k+) by @shamrocklore
i'm personally not a fan of single parent!reader tropes but the sweetness of little graham pulled me in. the friends to lovers trope was just so beautifully written! warnings: talk of absent fathers
jeno lee
until dawn pt.1 (14k) - pt.2 (12.2k) by @alluringjae
here we go again with the college!au’s... no but seriously the beauty and heartbreak of this story i can’t get enough of! and UGH the ending!! warnings: angst, little bit of dirty humor, smut in pt.2
one hundred times (8.8k) by @choco-mark
my best friend sent this to me and i absolutely love her for it!! beautifully written soulmate!au warnings: smut, language
half a heart (13.4k) by @tyongxnct
this is another one my best friend recommended to me. i read it in the car on a road trip around a few people that don't know i read fanfic and i tried so hard not to cry. you can feel the pain jeno and the reader go through but they had each other even though they didn't always see it. such a beautiful story! warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol consumption, minor character death, whirlwind of emotions
✹ my duty as princess series by @ljxlj48
oh my actual god. so i'm not a series gal mainly 'cause i get nervous that the author might discontinue the story and we never know what they had planned for the end. however, this author had me hooked from the start! with every chapter i craved even more! truly an amazing royals/arranged marriage!au piece! please just go read it! warnings: arranged marriage, violence, explicit language, suggestive content
✹ can i love you again? (12k) by @loeycity
i am so biased towards this fic 'cause the lovely vee wrote it for me for the neo secret santa exchange. i had say in what traits jeno would have as well as the trope they wrote for me. so i obviously chose brother's best friend to which vee chose mark as the reader's brother. love it! still love it and read it all the time lol warnings: smut and swearing
na jaemin
coast to coast (3.7k) by @lunena
this is exactly how i imagine jaemin being intimate with his s/o, soft, sweet, giving. he's literally a beautiful person and this writer brought it out with such perfection! warnings: smut, fluffy jaemin being intimate
✹ it was always you (5k) by @lovelyminnieee
this piece melted my heart even more than jaemin already melts my heart. i'm all for a second chance!au. again i don't condone cheating but the actor!au pulled me in and every time i read it, i melt into a puddle. warnings: angst, lil suggestive
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extra member au’s
all extra member au’s by @anonymousuno 
nari’s plot line is prob my fav but i look forward to all of her works every single day!
all extra member au’s by @k-llama-llama 
i can’t tell you how excited i get when this author posts regardless of the oc! i love it all!!
jiho by @nctsjiho 
i am so invested in jiho’s plot line it’s insane! i love this author’s writing style!!
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fav blogs
will read everything and anything these writers create
quite literally anything by @alicanta77
the reactions are my favs but i have will probably read everything this writer writes
anything on this masterpost by @smileysuh​
idk what to say, i just love their content
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seostudios · 4 years
mark’s dad.
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pairing: johnny x fem!readr
genre: fluff + smut (like little angst) info: dilf!johnny, son!mark, best-friend!mark, aged-up!johnny warnings: age gap, unprotected sex, masturbation (fem) wc: 2.1k
note: hi i wrote this on my phone at like 1-3 in the morning... sorry if it’s bad but i wanted to put out something! i hope you guys enjoy it though cause dilf!johnny is so sexy
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i think my son ditched you for haechan today, dear.” mr.suh informed you as you stood respectively in front of him, wearing an oversized sweater and basketball shorts. “aw man, i drove all this way for a movie with mark, and he ditched me for his other best friend...” you quietly sneer, the obvious jealously making an appearance. johnny chuckled, hands resting on his hips. he felt bad you came all this way for a simple movie night. “how about this?” your eyes look up, to the terrifyingly good looking man. “i will treat you to a movie and popcorn!” he suggested, knowing very damn well he’s going out of his way to possibly spend time with his son’s best friend, who he has known since they were sewed to the hip in sophomore year, now in university. “i-i don’t think that’s be appropriate,” “why? because i’d like to spend time and get to know the friend and possible love interest of my son? i don’t see any harm in that. i’ll get my coat.” he quickly responded, saving himself.
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you knew he said you’d watch a movie together but you didn’t expect to get yourself two tickets to go watch a movie at an actual theatre. “that was amazing mr.suh-“ johnny looks down at your tiny figure holding the popcorn, “-i mean johnny!” if you’re being honest now, it was really nice getting to know johnny, besides the age difference and the possible complications with your amazing friendship with his son, you liked him. making your way over to his car, you listen on as he rambles about how he hasn’t this much of an outing since mark was in high school. “now he’s clinging onto me like we’re dudes, like i’m his dad not his bro.” he laughed, starting the car. “that’s so sweet though!! my mom never gave an effort to trying to be my friend even when i tried,” although you kind of party pooped the mood, you can literally reverse uno it right there. “but whatever!! she still brings me shopping which is good enough,”
nearing midnight and you know god damn well your mom would’ve killed you if she knew you took a taxi home alone in the middle of the night. johnny picked up on this, and even if he saw you in a new light today, a light which could possibly ruin his relationship with his son and a possible one with you, he couldn’t have let you home alone. “you know what? marks sleeping over at haechan’s anyway. i’ll call your mom and tell her you should stay over.” nodding, you let yourself in and up into his (messy) bedroom.
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“hope you enjoy peanut butter and jelly for dinner, i kind of forgot to buy groceries...” johnny said handing you a plate of mini sandwiches. you mutter a quick thanks before digging in. tonight you saw johnny not as mr.suh but as johnny, the hot ass mother fucking dilf of the neighbourhood. you thought you were just a regular teenager to him, but you thought wrong. feeling his gaze on your exposed neck, lips. how his breathing would quicken whenever you leaned in to grab another sandwich. “wanna watch america’s got talent?” you asked pointing towards the couch. he shrugs agreeing, “why not?”
you had insisted on cleaning the dishes, i mean it was the least you could do. “so what’s the point of this whole show? to humiliate people or actually scout out people?!” johnny questioned staring at the screen, not noticing how you went from being on opposite ends of the couch to being almost inches away. should you initiate something? no, that would be overstepping into something erasable.
“this is so wrong,” you tell yourself before abruptly standing up. johnny turns his attention to you, trying to foreshadow your next moves. however, he didn’t expect for you to turn back around and straddle on his lap, “whoa..” he said, gripping onto your hips. “i want you.” his mind goes blur momentarily, “i-i cant, your my son’s best friend...” god, you looked so hot with your shorts bunched up as far as they could as you slowly grinder down onto his (huge) clothed cock. “fu..fuck,” he moans aloud, pushing all thoughts aside except for the one that kept telling him to ruin you tonight. the night was going better than planned, since you were in straddled on a topless johnny with only your bra and shorts on... probably a good twenty five minutes into kiss play, but mark chose the best time to unintentionally cockblock you and his dad. “y/n!!”mark shouted through the phone loud enough for johnny to hear (and the speaker wasn’t even on!) “yes markie?” you cooed, using one hand to speak on the phone and the other to signal johnny to keep it quiet. your hands trailed overtop your breasts, cupping them through your bra and pinching your hardened nipples, soon bringing your cold fingers down to the waistband of your shorts. “it’s fine. we can always watch a movie next weekend, i literally see you everyday! go hang out with hyuck,” you encouraged. past the waistband and under the hello kitty panties your hand comes in contact with your sensitive (dripping) folds. “a-ah, m..mark i gotta go...” “are you getting laid or something? i’m out.” he quickly ends the phone and you made sure to turn on ‘do not disturb’ incase he calls again.
“go on, i’ll watch.” johnny said seductively observing you as you toyed with your sensitive clot. “i’m close johnny!” you quietly moan into his ear, rubbing faster. “cum on your fingers, now.” he ordered, feeling you twitch underneath him, grinding as you had an orgasm. “dirty girl...” he groans watching you pull your fingers up to suck dry. now, you were a filthy girl, tasting yourself without being told to, cumming in your panties which you knew damn might have to force you to go commando tonight in marks bed. it was like a slap in the face when johnny lifted you up to stand, “it’s late. i- we should head to bed... i can give you some new shorts... since you know,” he quickly stammered before swiping his shirt off the floor, heading upstairs.
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it was almost nine in the morning when you woke up, you knew johnny woke up around seven to eight so the sizzling smell of bacon wasn’t just some evil mind games. after last night, you felt, intense shame and guilt. did you seriously just betray your best friend for a lousy orgasm you could’ve done alone in the bathroom. “your up! i made breakfast, go ahead and dig in, i’m just gonna be cleaning up my bedroom.” he sounded as if you didn’t cum all over his lap not even 12 hours ago, but i guess he shouldn’t dwell in the past especially this time.
“mr.suh! my mom’s here! thank you... goodbye!” you shout from the front door. “anytime! bye!” he replies before you jolt out the door.
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it’s been a couple days and johnny hasn’t left your mind. you always think about what stopped him, was it the age? your friendship with mark? that fucking phone call? johnny and you that night was like no other, you saw him for johnny, not mr.suh and it made your panties soak at every thought. how his ink black hair is always combed and in the most attractive middle part, how his broad should could feel when you hold yourself while being railed by his enormous cock. it was big, would it even fit? you’ve been with men before but the bulge you felt poking you in then thigh was something else compared to the other men.
you roamed his mind freely too. spending his day drinking hours, pondering over you, will you just slap him in the face and let him know you want him and you don’t care? he hopes. but it’s wrong. “dad! y/n’s coming over to study today,” mark shouted running down the stairs to his father. “so don’t snatch her up and take her away for a movie date, we got an exam this monday.” he said nonchalantly, the mention of their little outing slipping oh too casually. “w-what?” he asked surprised. “yeah yeah, i know about your little date and hook up” “- we didn’t hook up.” johnny interrupted, “well whatever you were doing for her to end my phone call like that,” he goes to the fridge to grab some milk, “so...” johnny said, eager on his son’s say on this. “so..? do you want me to be mad, dad?” i was lying if i said johnny was chill now... “no!!!!” he shouted, which earns a couple laughs from mark. “hey, dad,” mark sits down infront of his father. “it’s okay, y/n probably likes you back so you can do whatever you want with her, except hurt her cause i’ll kill you.” he deadpans before letting him off with a laugh. “so she can be your new mom for all you care?” he asked, playfully of course, waiting for the “hell no” and “what the fuck dad?!” to come but... “i mean she bags and tells me what to do, she helps me with school, laundry and chicks so... i don’t see why not,”
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ding ding ding ding ding ding now what? hopping off the bean bag you were binge watching the office on, you head over to the door, not caring what you look like, just shut up to whoever had the audacity to spam a doorbell. “hello?!” you look up, “hey y/n,” johnny said with a small daisy in his hand.
“let me be your boyfriend,”
“what about mark?” you asked, staring at your feet wiggle in anticipation. hoping he’d tell you he doesn’t care and we could do whatever we wanted to. “funny you asked, he said for all he cares you could be his step mom.” you threw your head back laughing “he what?! no he didn’t....” the laughter dies down soon enough to get back to seriously listening in on what he has to say but did mark really not care? “your girlfriend huh?” you asked, raising a brow. he nodded. johnny proceeds to take the daisy and place it behind your ear, “you look like shit, but that is sexy as fuck.” he said, caressing your cheek before leaning in to place a peck on your lips.
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“i don’t get why you drove half an hour here to say that, when i was already coming over to study.” you tell your boyfriend, johnny, as your backs his mattress. it was seriously an eventful day, wasn’t it? “i thought i should be romantic,” he shrugged turning to his side to wrap his large arms around your waist pulling you in closer. “i like this...” he mumbled into your hair, slowly drifting off to sleep.
“are you falling asleep?! we need to leave in ten minutes!!” you shouted, attempting to free yourself from his hold but he was knocked out and not letting go any time soon. “i hate you.” “i think it’s the quiet opposite y/n dear,” he replied, burying himself in the blanket, bringing you with him. “now let’s take a quick nap, mark can wait,” you sigh in defeat, “okay fine... twenty minutes!”
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five months later, and you couldn’t believe having a relationship with your best friends dad was oddly working out perfectly. “johnny! fuck! baby your so good!” you whine as he penetrates into you against the wall. your legs wrapped around his waist as his cock rubs around your g-spot stimulating you into your third orgasm of that night. mark had recently gone travelling with jeno for fun so that meant you and johnny could’ve have your own fun in the empty house. “you can cum for me one more time can’t you?” he begged, placing you on the kitchen counter, kissing down your stomach. “answer me...” he sucks harhly on your clit. “yes! i can!!” you whined, squirming feeling johnny licking up your juicie; which sure as hell was mixed with his own cum, lapping his tongue around until you were shaking under his mouth and curling your toes to his mouth’s magic. “i’m- i’m cumming!!” you scream, releasing your juices onto the man’s face. “my favourite meal of the day.” he playfully joked before pinching your nipple. “tired?” he asked, as if he hadn’t been using you as a cum dump for hours. “mhm,” you reply opening your arms for him to carry you up, because “no way in hell am i walking up the stairs today after being railed by a monster cock.” you said snorting with a laugh. nonetheless, johnny swoops you up and gracefully carried you up and into his bed, “we can clean up tomorrow, let’s sleep now.” he said, feeling you wrap around him like a koala. “mmm goodnight... i love you,” you said in the crock of his neck, right below his ear before drifting off, “love you too,”
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doyumacy · 4 years
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ʜᴀᴇᴄʜᴀɴ ꜱᴍᴜᴛ (fwb) pt. 2
ɢɪꜰ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴊᴏʜʜɴʏ, ᴍᴀʀᴋ, ᴊᴇɴᴏ, ꜱɪᴄʜᴇɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴇɴ. ꜱᴍᴜᴛ (ꜰɪɴɢᴇʀɪɴɢ, ᴏʀᴀʟ ꜱᴇx ᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ. ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx.) ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ɢᴏʀᴇ; ɴᴏꜱᴇ ʙʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ, ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ, ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ᴄᴏʟʟᴀʀʙᴏɴᴇ, ʜᴏꜱᴘɪᴛᴀʟ.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 7,7k
ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1 ʜᴇʀᴇ
Doghyuck doesn't call you the next day as it was expected. You are walking to your next class when you see him talking enthusiastically to a girl; she has her back leaning against the wall and he has one arm at the side of her head. You sigh and keep walking without being noticed by him.
You know Donghyuck and know the playboy he is. You know it might don't mean anything. Donghyuck is a flirty person by nature, and you can’t even begin to list the number of girls who’ve had their hearts broken by him. And yours might get added to that list.
You shake your head and enter the classroom placing your backpack on the floor. Someone sits next to you and you see Johnny. He smirks at you. “Hey, baby girl.”
Johnny is also a natural flirter, but not a player. You smile. “What’s up, Bravo?”
“Ha! Johnny Bravo,” he beams. “That’s a nice one.”
You shrug, smiling. “You know, my birthday is this weekend and you’re of course invited to the party.”
“I’ll be there,” you nod.
Johnny tilts his head in surprise. “Wait, really?”
You laugh. “Why do you look so surprised?”
“Because it normally would take me 5 hours to convince you to go…” he glances at you.
“That’s not t…” you frown. “Okay, maybe it’s true, but this time I really wanna go.”
He raises his hand and places it on your forehead. “Are you sick?”
You giggle and remove his hand. “I’m okay. I just need a distraction.”
“You okay?” He looks at you.
You sigh. “Yeah, don’t worry.”
“You know, if you ever need to talk to someone about anything I’m here,” he smiles at you.
“I know, thank you.”
"Hey Soo," you call your roommate.
She turns to you, taking her headphones off. "Yes?"
"Can I borrow your white dress?" You ask.
She nods. "Sure, where are you going tho?"
"Johnny's party," you smile. "He invited me and I haven't gone shopping in months."
"Oh, then no. You can't borrow that one," she gets up from the bed walking to her wardrobe.
"Okay..." you frown.
"You better wear this instead," she pulls out a long-sleeved pink latex dress, with a deep neckline ending at the waistband enriched by a hexagonal buckle. Your mouth drops open. "Woah, that's so..."
"I know," she beams.
"Aren't I going to look like a dominatrix?" You laugh.
She giggles. "Of course not. You will look very hot."
"Fuck it," you say, grabbing the dress. "I'm gonna wear it."
“Donghyuck is gonna lose his shit,” Soo laughs
“Huh?” You look at her confused. “What do you mean?”
“I might be dumb but I’m not blind,” she smiles. “You always sneak out and the way you two look at each other pretty much say you two been fucking….”
You choke a whine. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t,” she pats your shoulder.
"Wow..." You sigh as you compare this amazing mansion to your house in your mind.
"Impressive, yes yes, whatever," Johnny grabs your hand, walking through the people inside the mansion.
"Where are you taking me?"
"You need a drink," Johnny smiles, "Goddamn, you look so hot tonight."
You fiddle with your hair and your necklace, hiding your face so he can't see you're blushing. "T-thanks."
When you enter the kitchen, all eyes are on you, or rather in your cleavage. You recognize a few people that are there and you greet them, smiling.  "My, my, aren't you pretty!" A boy practically sings, flipping his dark hair as he talks.
He's gorgeous. Johnny hands you a drink and you have a sip. "Ignore Yuta, he can't keep his hands to himself."
You giggle. "It's okay, I came because I wanna mingle."
Johnny tilts his head in surprise. "Weren't you dating Donghyuck?"
You almost choke on your drink. "What? W-where did you get that from?"
Johnny scratches the back of his neck. "Taeyong is Donghyuck's neighbor in the dorms and I once saw you, or heard you two doing things."
You blush and cover your face. "Oh, my God."
Johnny laughs at your reaction. "Taeyong didn't see you, don't worry. So, is your boyfriend coming?"
"He's not my boyfriend," you sigh. "We are... fuck buddies. We have been fucking our souls out."
"Nothing wrong with that," he quips.
You laugh. "It is when you catch feelings for him."
"Oh..." Johnny wiggles his eyebrows.
"Yup," you shake your head. "Whatever, I'm done. I can't keep doing it."
“Okay, lets go dance and hopefully I can introduce you to someone,” Johnny grabs your hand again, leaving the kitchen.
After Johnny and you dance a couple of songs, he invites you to play beer pong. You have one ball in one hand and a drink in the other, trying to land the damned thing in one of the red solo cups arranged across from you. You shoot and you miss, which you swear loudly at. Yuta, who is your partner, laughs. "You're the worst  beer pong player I've ever seen."
You groan. "Give me a minute."
After everyone shoots and misses, it's your turn again. You take the ball in your hand again and suddenly your sight gets lost in Donghyuck and the same girl he was flirting with days ago in the hallway. Is she his girlfriend? Was he fucking you and dating her? You wanna throw up.
You drop the ball and leave the dining table trying to find the closest bathroom. Someone grabs your arm, making you turn. It's Johnny. "Hey, you okay?"
"You invited him?" You give him a questioning look, almost angry.
"Who? Donghyuck? No!" He looks at you. "I did invite the girl he is with... she's in my marketing class. I didn't even know they were together."
You growl and yank yourself free. "I need a drink."
Johnny shakes his head in disagreement. "Come with me. I want you to introduce you to someone."
"I don't need more guys, Johnny!" You glance at him.
"He's not a guy, he's a man," he smiles, dragging you to the living room. "Hes our age, but hes everything but a guy."
"You sound whipped for him, you should date him instead," you mock him.
Johnny chuckles. "Not my type."
In a matter of seconds, you're in front of a 'man' with round eyes, small mouth, a lot of cheekbone. Small nose too, with a sort of endearing hint of crook at the bridge. Permanently surprised eyebrows, one half-hidden under black hair, styled back but for a curl coming down on the right side. He's truly beautiful.
"Hey Mark, this is y/n. y/n this is Mark Lee," Johnny smiles. "You both like ice cream and sushi. Mingle, bye!"
And Johnny disappears from the scene. You stare at Mark for a couple of seconds and then laugh. You scratch your forehead and you can tell Mark is trying to keep his eyes up from for cleavage. Nice.
There's an awkward silence until Mark breaks it. "I actually hate sushi. Anything raw."
You sigh in relief. "Me too. I hate it."
You both laugh again. "Anyway," Mark continues, "it's cool to like, actually meet you finally? Johnny talks about you a lot so I feel like I kinda know you already, haha."
"Oh really?" Which means Mark spends significant time around him. You wonder where.
"Yeah! I mean, I don't go to the same uni as you guys but we met when we were on an exchange program in America," he smiles.
"Oh that's great!" You smirk. "So you're the guy who kept him away from me when he was away?"
"I think I am? I apologize," he places a hand on his chest.
"You're forgiven," you sigh and he smiles.
Your favorite song Pour Up by Dean ft. Zico starts to play in the background and you look at him. "I love that song. You wanna go dance with me?"
"You kidding? That's my favorite song too," he grabs your hand walking to where the rest of the people are dancing.
It's not like you wanted to give Mark a lap dance, but the song is too sexy for not to do it (or maybe you did, but that is an advanced level of courage and you are not known for being a bold person). It's not like Donghyuck didn't see you with a stranger, dancing so closely and got jealous of him because that could be him.
Mark rotates his hips, running his hands up his sides and swaying. He glances over you, who are doing the same.
You roll your body provocatively, remembering just how tight the dress looks on your ass. The next move prompts him and you to face each other for a moment as you rise back up, rocking on your heels and swaying. He winks at you jokingly and you smirk.
Donghyuck finds the scene repulsive. He wants to drag you out of the house and beat the shit out of Mark. Who the hell did the guy think he is? Donghyuck gets pulled out his thoughts when his date grabs his arm. "Babe, I want another drink."
Donghyuck gives you a last glance and sighs turning to his date. "Let's go."
When the song's over, Mark and you step out of the crowded 'dance floor' and you lean against the wall. He stands next to you. "Uhm, did you hear he's having a concert next weekend?
You nod. "Yeah, I wanted to go but tickets got sold out."
He bites his lips. "I have an extra ticket, would you like to go with me?"
You look at him. "Really?"
"Yeah, you seem to enjoy his music and you're nice. And of course, I'd like to know you better," he smirks.
You beam. "Okay, I'd love to. Thank you, Mark."
Back in your dorm, you text Mark you've arrived safely and he wishes you a goodnight. You take off the dress and put on your pajamas.
Right when you're about to turn off the lights, you get a text message from Donghyuck.
𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛?
And just like that, minutes later you open the dorm door finding him on the other side of the door, shifting his weight from foot to foot. His eyes then turn into slits as he glares at you.
“Had fun with your date?” He questions and you can see his jaw set: muscles clenching tight.
"I did," you reply.
Donghyuck gets inside your dorm and shuts the door behind him. He attaches his lips to your neck which draws a soft moan from you, he harshly sucking and peppering soft kisses on the expanse of the skin of your neck. His hands running at your sides smoothly and gradually getting closer to the underside of your breasts with each pass, when he finally cups your breasts you arch in his palms further pushing yourself closer to him. "Look at you, you're all needy by me just kissing your neck."
You want to slap him, but he's right. “Why can’t you understand that I am the only one who can make you feel this way?"
You taste the residue of vodka on his lips when he kisses you and walks to your bed without breaking the kiss.
You find yourself lying naked on your bed where you two have laid your back many times but he never stayed over the night. As he slips your pajama pants down your body, your eyes water and pools in your eyes ready to spill over. ‘This is the last time,’ you tell yourself. He discharges his clothes at the other side of the bed. You manage to swipe the tears that gathered in your eyes and look at him.
Placing himself over you, he is a sight to behold and you trace the line of his body with your eyes, caressing the dips on his collarbones and the line that leads down to his cock as his face coils into a smirk smug with the knowledge that he can turn you into a whimpering mess.
His thumb is drawing circles on your clit which make your moan and your pussy clench on nothing. You hate that he is the only one who can make you feel this way, reducing you into a pleading mess as you move your hips to the rhythm that he has set.
He inserts his length into you slowly, while you grip your sheets until your knuckles turn pale. He always feels good. So good.
He knows your body so well; putting the right pressure and hitting the spots that makes you throw your head back repeatedly, moaning. You can feel his quick thrusts and knows that he is near his climax. Donghyuck makes a sound at the back of his throat when he orgasms and you follow him when he falls.
He snuggles into your neck, trying to catch his breath again. You rest beneath him and hug him, placing kisses on his shoulder. "I came inside," he tells you, rolling next to you.
"I'm on the pill," you stare at the roof.
He nods. "I should go."
You laugh. Of course he has to go. He always has to go. "Whatever, lock the door when you leave."
You cover yourself with your sheets, turning on your back. He frowns as he gets dressed. "What's up with you these days?"
"What do you mean?" You turn to face him.
"You're acting... weird," Donghyuck shrugs.
You want to yell at him and tell him that you're over heels for him. That you love him. That you've been in love with him for a year and being cold to you only hurts you more and more.
You shake your head. "Just... go."
He finishes putting his clothes on and grabs his phone. "Is this too much for you? Us fucking?"
Yes. "No."
"Great, because we're supposed to have a great time," he leans closer to you and gives you a kiss. "You know where to find me."
You nod and right after he shuts the door, tears plops down your cheeks. He doesn't love you the way you love him. And he might never do. You hate him, but you even hate yourself more. You don't want to ever see him again.
“y/n! Mark's here!” You hear Too call you.
You smile, grabbing your jacket as you hurry out the door.
Mark is standing in the doorway and you draw closer, he smiles at you. “Hey.”
“Hey,” You smile back taking in Mark's attire. He is dressed in black ripped skinny jeans, a white shirt and a denim jacket. “You look great.”
“You do too.” Mark offers you a charming grin, head tilted slightly to the side, “You always look great.”
“Oh he’s good.” You hear Soo murmur teasingly, “you two have fun.”
Mark flashes the tickets to the security guy at the entrance of the venue, the music is pumping in your ears and the flashing lights of the stage. A crowd has already found their seats.
You know how to maneuver through a crowd almost completely undetected. You seem completely in your element, the multi-colored lights dancing off your hair, as you two of them maneuver through the people. You finally find your seats and Mark sighs, relieved.
Minutes later, the artist finally gets on stage. You two are moving to the beat, the show is so good.
You catch yourself staring between songs, Mark is truly beautiful.
You're surprised when he glances over and notices you are mouthing the lyrics. He smiles watching you. "That's our song."
"Wanna dance with me again?"
"Definitely," he smirks.
You two dance to "Pour Up" again, grinding to each other. Mark feels good pressed against your back.
After the concert is done, you two stay still waiting for the rest of the people to leave the venue. Someone lets out a roar from somewhere on your left, a second later something collides with your face, hard enough to knock you more into Mark. Mark catches you before you end up face first on the floor. The second you gain your footing back, Mark turns towards the guy that hit you, furious.
“Watch it!” Mark's voice comes out harsh as the other concert attender snorts and waves him off. You feel something hot run down your face from your nose. You reach up your hand in time to catch a few drops of blood. You feel Mark shift his weight before tugging you through the crowd away from the stage, you try to follow your movements, having some difficulty with the daze of being hit.
Mark helps you over to a more secluded part of the venue. After a while Mark sets you down on a bench. You let out a groan as you raise your hand to your face, trying to keep the flow of blood from staining your clothes.
“Wait here.” Mark turns on his shoes and dashes across the venue. You look up to the roof, after some time you hear Mark's hurried footsteps behind you. He kneels next to you in the flow, handing you a handful of paper napkins for your nose.
“Thanks,” You murmur as you take the pile. Your blood easily soaks through the first few layers of paper before you get it under control. You try to pull your head back when you feel Mark's hand on the back of your head directing you forward.
“Lean forward, not back.” Mark directs as you do as told. After a few seconds you feel Mark's hand move down to your back, rubbing gentle circles as the two of you sit in silence. After a few minutes you feel the blood flow slow down.
“So, think my nose is broken?” You ask as you gently wipe the blood from your face.
“Nah, definitely not broken. You’re going to have one heck of a bruise though.” Mark warns. After a few seconds you feel something ice cold touch your cheek. You let out a surprised yelp as you lean away from the touch. You look over to see Mark handing you a cup with ice in it.
“Here, so it doesn’t swell.” You sit back up and take the cup with your free hand and gently press it on your face where you were struck.
“You’re… kinda good at this first-aid thing.”
“I've been playing hockey for years, you learn these type of things.” Mark scoffs. His eyes soften as you move the napkins from your nose, showing the bleeding has almost stopped. “Sorry you took an elbow to the face. I didn’t even see that guy come up to you.”
“Neither did I.” You admit as you pull the bloodied napkins away from your face, using one of the clean ones to clean any extra blood from your hands and face. “So, be honest, how bad does it look?”
“Like I said, you’ll be bruised tomorrow, but, it doesn’t look that bad.” Mark offers with a small smile. “The ice helped, at least your face isn’t swollen.”
“Thanks for the ice.” You offer as you look down at the cup of ice Mark had handed you, you frown a little when you see the logo on the side of the cup. “Did you…run all the way to the other side of the venue?”
“… Yes.”
“Thats-” Mark glances in the direction of the hallway, “At least two hundred meters away.”
“… Yes.”
“You ran.”
“…I don’t see what you’re getting at.”
“You-” You can't help but break into a little laugh, “You, are trying to be modest about running across the arena just to get something for my nose and face.”
“You were bleeding,” Mark points out.
“Yeah, but I could’ve used my shirt or something. You didn’t have to run like…half a mile to get something for me.”
“I run on ice pretty much everyday" Mark scoffs, shaking his head at you. You smile, standing up and reaching out for Mark.
“Come on, let’s go for a walk.”
Mark stares at you for a second before taking your hand. You pull him up and tug him along the arena, finding the exit. "So you say you play hockey?"
He nods, "Yeah. I'm the captain of the team," he smirks.
"No shit," you say.
Mark laughs. "What?"
"Nothing," you shake your head, "its just curious because my best friend is the captain of the hockey team in my uni."
"Cool, what's your friend's name?" He asks.
"Uhm Lee, Lee Donghyuck," you say.
He stops walking and he stares at you. "Dickhyuck is your best friend?"
You burst out laughing at the nickname he has given him. Oh boy, he indeed is a dick. "What did he do to you?"
"Sorry for the nickname, I was just shocked you're friends with him," he scratches the back of his neck. "He is an asshole."
"He is," you nod.
He cocks an eyebrow. "I thought you were friends."
"We are, and we might stop being friends. Long story," you sigh.
He nods. "So, uhm, next week is the playoffs, would you like to come?"
"Uhm yeah, of course. I just need to tell you that I know nothing about hockey." You giggle a bit.
"I'll explain anything you need to know," He beams at you.
𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝?
𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗’𝚝.
𝙸’𝚖 𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎.
𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚠𝚑𝚘?
𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜.
White hot jealousy surges through Donghyuck as he reads your last text. Why is he jealous? He has no right to feel jealous when he has been clear to himself you're just his friend and his fuck-buddy. He's into Yujin, right?
He throws his phone to the bed and sits in front of his computer. Why is he so upset? Is it because he's horny and you're not around? Or is it because he likes you?
He shakes his head, removing that thought. He is not in love with you.
Donghyuck stands up and goes to his bed unlocking his phone. He texts Jeno asking if he's busy, who replies back saying no. He needs a beer.
Donghyuck meets Jeno at the regular bar they used to go to. They're sitting next to the bar. Jeno stares at him and Donghyuck rolls his eyes. "What?"
"You're grumpier than usual, what's wrong?" Jeno inquires.
"Nothing," Donghyuck has a sip of his beer.
"Is it... maybe y/n?" Jeno hums.
Jeno is tired of it. It seems everyone around you knows that you two are in love, but apparently the two of you can't open your eyes. Or at least Donghyuck.
"No idea what you're talking about," Donghyuck murmurs.
Jeno sighs. "Why do you keep denying it?"
Donghyuck growls. "I'm not denying shit."
Jeno rolls his eyes and crosses his arms on his chest. "You have to be an idiot to not see the way you two look at each other. And the way you two... you know... shagging, you could say it's love. Real love."
"What are you on, Jeno?" Donghyuck glances at him.
"I'm sober, but thanks for your concern," Jeno smirks. "But you my friend, you are high off your ass on feelings."
"Shut up," Donghyuck groans and finishes his beer. He makes the waiter a signal to bring another one.
"Tell me I'm wrong," Jeno dares him.
Donghyuck stares at the beer bottle, thinking. Is Jeno right? Is he high off his ass on feelings for you?
He thinks of you: Donghyuck loves your hair and adores the way you raise your eyebrows when you're talking about something that excites you. Your lips fascinates him and the ease you have when speaking in front of many people seems incredible to him. His heart starts skipping a beat just of the thought of you: you have too much effect on him.
Donghyuck is really in love with you.
Donghyuck sighs as he pulls off his helmet and wipes at his sweaty brow. The air is cold against his skin and he can see his hot breath. He is tired as the second period ends, he skates across the ice towards the exit. He has 5 minutes before the third period starts.
Donghyuck drinks water before sitting on the bench. The ice hockey arena is full, with both schools attending the game. He sees some people he knows, some of his friends: Jungwoo, Renjun, Yangyang and Jisung. Jeno is in the team with him.
Then his sight freezes on someone that looks like you. Donghyuck stares at her for a couple of seconds to later realize it's you. You're there with Johnny and someone he doesn't know.
He frowns. You hate hockey, what are you doing there?
He follows your face, smiling to someone and he curses when he sees who you're waving your hand off.
Fucking Mark Lee.
Of course he had seen his face before and the day of the party, when you were dancing with him he thought he had seen him before.
That's who you are dating.
Donghyuck feels sad, knowing that you never accepted to go to one of his games and there you are, cheering for someone else.
"I swear that girl looks like y/n," Jeno tells him.
"It's y/n," Donghyuck states, grabbing his helmet.
"Huh?" Jeno gives him a confused look.
"She's dating Mark."
“The Mark Lee we hate?” Jeno shakes his head. “That’s… unexpected.”
“Whatever,” Donghyuck puts on his helmet.
You would lie if you say you haven't been seeing Donghyuck. He's so smooth the ice, he moves as if he had been born on the ice. Then you would cheer for Mark's team even tho, deep down, you want Donghyuck's team to win.
Jeno chases the puck behind the back of the net. Shovels it out to Donghyuck, past the waiting stick Sicheng's stick. Donghyuck takes it up the ice, looking for an open. Ten shakes free of Mark, makes himself available. Donghyuck takes the open, approaching the blue line, passes the puck to Ten, but Mark takes the puck up the right—oh! And Donghyuck goes down hard! He deals out a devastating hit. There's a whistle. Oh, this is not good. He’s not getting up.
The entire bench is on their feet in an instant. Jeno has ripped his helmet off and skates over with as much speed as his bulky pads could muster, shooing away the circle of their concerned team mates.
Donghyuck hasn't moved since he has fallen, his limbs locked in the same position they had been just before the hit.
"Why is he not moving, Johnny?" You ask.
"I don't know," he states.
You leave your seat, almost running towards the ice rink. They don't let you in and you argue you need to make sure he is okay.
Jeno kneels beside Donghyuck, he can see that his dark eyes are unblinking, wide and blank.
“Come on, Hyuck breathe for me,” Jeno says insistently.
"Hyuck!" He hears you scream. "Hyuck!"
Donghyuck draws a few stuttering breaths as he slowly swims towards something resembling consciousness. It becomes readily apparent that he can't move his left arm. "Let her in."
"What?" Jeno frowns.
"y/n," Donghyuck tries to lean forward.
Jeno turns and sees you arguing with the security guard. "She can't get on the ice without skates, she could get hurt."
Donghyuck groans and watches the paramedics bring the backboard out.
“I can walk off,” Donghyuck slurs.
“Hell no, you're no—“
Jeno is interrupted as the crowd erupts all around them. Lifting his head quickly, he spots Mark and Sicheng throwing their gloves off and locking together. Helmets are ripped off, jerseys pulled and punches thrown wildly. Before Donghyuck can shout at his team partner, the cry from the crowd goes up again. Ten and Taeyong (a guy from Mark's team) separate them.
Donghyuck leans over the backboard as they prepare to carry him off the ice. "We're so doomed."
“A five minute penalty for interference and game misconduct? That’s a fucking disgrace,” Ten grouses.
“The board’s reviewing it. With a hit like that, he should get a harsher punishment,” Jeno adds.
“If he’s not suspended for the rest of the games, someone’s getting my stick shoved up their arse,” Sicheng says.
A murmur of agreement goes around the room.
“I thought the nurse said only three visitors at a time,” Donghyuck rasps, not bothering to try to lift his head. He can't even keep his eyes open. It makes the room spin. Everything seems… too loud. And the pain on his right collarbone is too much.
“Oh, so you are awake. Here we were all worrying about you and you’re faking,” Jeno says teasingly.
Donghyuck can't bring himself to rise to the bait. Keeping himself awake is hard enough work as it is.
“…Hyuck?” You call as you open the door slightly.  
The room is silent for a few moments and the guys look at you. Donghyuck opens his eyes and spots your head between the door. "Leave. Now." He's talking to his team mates.
Jeno, Sicheng and Ten leave the room. You say goodbye to them as they leave the room. You walk standing next to him and realize he's wearing a  triangular sling. "Hey."
"Hey," he greets. "Disappointed to know I didn't die?"
"Shut up," you look at him. "I was so worried."
"You pushed a security guard," he cocks an eyebrow at you.
You giggle. "He wouldn't let me in. I wanted to make sure you were okay,"  you place a hand on his.
"And I appreciate that, you could've gotten hurt," he takes your hand to his lips and places a soft kiss.
You sigh at the scene. "I don't care."
"I do," his eyes dart to you.
"Why don't you get some rest?" You sit next to him.
"I’m having surgery in a bit," he rests his hands interlocked with yours on his chest.
"What? Why?" You ask worried.
"Broken collarbone," he sighs.
"Oh, Hyuck," you lower your head sadly.
"I'll be fine," he squeezes your hand. "And I'll be right back in the ice to beat your boyfriend up."
"Mark's not my boyfriend," you say quickly. "And after today, I don't want to see him ever again."
"It was an accident; these things happen y/n."
"He knows about us, he heard me talking to Johnny about it today before the game," you don't look at him in the eye. "I’m sorry, Hyuck."
"Hey," he frees your hand and cups your face. "This isn't your fault, okay? Don't torture yourself, it's not your fault he couldn't handle it."
You nod. A nurse enters the room telling you they need to prepare him for surgery. You say goodbye to him and kiss his cheek.
"Just lay there, Hyuck," Jeno helps him to lay on his bed. He has been discharged from the hospital that morning and his friends are taking turns to take care of him.
"I'm so fucking high, dude," Hyuck laughs, squeezing his eyes. "What are on these meds? I feel like flying."
"Those are your painkillers, my friend," Jeno shakes his head, "enough of them for you today."
There's a knock on the door and Jeno walks to it. He opens it and he sees you with a bag of food. You smile. "Hi, Jeno."
"Hey, come in," he says.
You thank him and follow him. As you reach Donghyuck's room, Jeno stops. "Now, I should warn you, he’s pretty out of it,” he says.
“That’s fine,” You reply . “I think I can handle it."
He nods. "I have practice, I'll be back later, okay?"
"Don't worry, we'll be fine," you say.
You enter the room and you are greeted with the sight of Donghyuck reclining on his bed, looking a million miles away. You walk over to peer down at him.
“Hey Hyuck. How are you feeling?”
Jon tilts his head to look up at you. “y/n? Issat you?”
You smile. “Yeah, it’s me. Those pain meds did a number on you, huh?”
“I’m so happy to see you too,“ he says, smiling at you.
You beam wider, his dark eyes are unfocused but still shining brightly. It is unfair, how gorgeous his eyes are.
"Get some rest, Hyuck," you grab a blanket to tuck him.
He stares at you, looking a bit like a kicked puppy. “No! I wanna cuddle with you!”
"Okay okay," you say and you manage to get him tucked under the blankets. As soon as you're finished, you sit down and he rests his head on your chest.
"This is my favorite place," he states, tracing his fingers on your skin.
"Because my boobs are close to your face?" You mock him.
"Because I can hear your heart beating for me," he smiles.
You choke a sound. What is he saying?
"Cheesy," you mock him again.
"I love you."
You chuckle, nervously. "You're so high."
"I am high but I love you." He stares at you. "I fucking love you, y/n."
You press your lips together. "Let's talk about this when you're not high up on meds."
It's been two weeks since you have seen Donghyuck. Two weeks since he told you he loves you. You don't know if he is regretful for what he told you or he didn't mean it.
Of course your pride won't let you text him and you learn from Jeno he has gotten his stitches removed and he will be back in practice in 8 weeks since he has some recovery to do.
You're exiting the library when you feel someone grabs your hand. You turn to see who is there and you see Donghyuck smiling. "Hello, baby cheeks."
You cross your arms on your chest. "And finally the devil shows up."
"Devil? I'm hurt," he places a hand on his chest.
You roll your eyes and turn on your heels. He sighs and grabs your arm. "Okay, I deserve that. But hey, I want to talk with you." He says as he stands in front of you.
"About what?" You cock an eyebrow. “Or you wanna fuck me and don't talk to me for days?
He lowers his head. “No. I wanna talk about us.”
"We're not fucking," you state.
"We are not," he nods.
That is a lie. Back in his dorm, you two are kissing, desperately. You walk over towards the bed, still kissing. It's a soft loving kiss that makes your heart melt. His kiss is sweet, probably from something he ate, and slow. He breaks away to look at you, "I love you" he whispers.
"So do I" you say.
He smiles and goes in for another kiss, this time a little more fiery, it's still slow but now he's using his tongue to lick at your bottom lip, eyes fluttered closed.
You tug on his hair ever so slightly, you know he likes that. He moans quietly and you bite his lip. He gets on top of you, and you can start to feel the start of an erection on your leg.
At this point both your tongues are swirling together. He slowly brings his hand up from your waist, to under your breast and cups your breast with his, squeezing it, all while looking him directly in the eye. His erection feels stronger now. You push your knee upward to create some type of friction between him and your thigh and he groans.
Donghyuck plays with your nipple through your bra, right hand still gripping your waist, tight. He pinches and pulls your nipple in a way that causes you to roll your hips forward and moan his name.
He flips you over and now he's beneath you and you're sitting on his lap, feeling his cock in your clothed ass. You start to grind on his hips, the outline of his cock can be felt even through the layers of your clothing. You can feel the heat emanating from it and you can't help but rock your hips against his gently. “Look at me,” he orders.
You look at him, his pupils are dilated and his cheeks up to his neck and shoulders have the prettiest blush on it.
You are gripping the edge of his shirt, looking so utterly innocent. He dives for your next and start nipping, placing light bites and kisses as he abuses that one sensitive spot
“Hyuck please” you feel tickling sensations that feel really good. That gasses Donghyuck up because he loves nothing more than hearing your groans and moans.You feel the slight moisture gathering on your underwear.
“Use your words, baby. ,” he says while he continues sucking and licking on that sensitive part of your neck. His hands start wandering and are now placed on top of your breast, kneading and lightly brushing your erect nipples through your bra.
“Please,” you ground your hips on his growing erection. He answers back by gripping your exposed thighs, putting a stop to the teasing he did on your breast.
“Please what baby?” he teases. Donghyuck is doing little circles with his thumbs as he grips your thighs. You feel him smiling against your neck before he bites hard on the junction of your neck and shoulder.
You moan. “Please fuck me,” you finally answer.
“Why should i?” Donghyuck asks, very visibly teasing, letting his teeth run through your shoulder.
“Please, I'm so wet for you and I missed you so much. Please Hyuck."
Donghyuck has the audacity to chuckle. Remove my shirt then,” he challenges.
Obedient as you are, you hurriedly take off his shirt and start pressing bites and kisses on his exposed chest. You give a soft kiss on his scar where he had surgery weeks ago. He can't help but let out his groans of pleasure. His large hands are back on your chest, massaging your breasts through the fabric, gently running his hands through then and giving them a squeeze, the cycle repeats again. Then, with a little help from you, he unclasped your bra. You take it off. You kiss him again.
“Wait baby,” he starts, eyes scanning the expanse of your chest. “I want to eat you out." He finishes.
You nod at his proposal. You get off from his lap (your arousal slightly darkening a patch on his light jeans) and you lay on your back. Donghyuck goes in front of you and plops on his stomach. You are buzzing with anticipation as he spreads your legs open, hands caressing your thighs and ghosting over that area where you want it the most. Donghyuck lifts his head a little to admire you: breathing heavily, erect nipples and the undeniable arousal drenching your pink lace panties.
Donghyuck's arousal is straining through his sweatpants so he decides to discard it. He is left in his white, skin tight boxers with a faint outline of his dick. Then, he situates himself between your thighs. Instead of removing your panties, he decides to tease you a little through them, gently sliding his middle finger up and down your clothed wetness.
“So fucking wet, baby” he muses.
You bite your finger as he torturously drags his long finger up and down your clothed cunt.
“Ah shit,” you moan. "Fuck me good, Hyuck."
He pulls your underwear aside and starts dragging his finger on your cunt for real. He does small shallow thrusts and proceeds to drag his finger out. Donghyuck is doing this repeatedly almost in a torturous manner.
"Fuck, go faster,"
He doesn't go faster. Instead he situates himself between your legs and puts his tongue on your soaked cunt. You can't help but moan as he licks a stripe up while spreading your lips, maximizing the sensitivity you feel. You are gripping his sheets hard and moaning his name along with strings of “oh fuck, yes please”. He moves his mouth upwards and starts licking your clit, putting harsh but enjoyable pressure. Donghyuck proceeds to put a finger inside you slowly, up to his second knuckle, then another one,  drawing out a moan.
“Look at my fingers baby, so fucking wet.” he lifted his fingers up for you to see.
“I want more, faster, Hyuck, I’m going to cum.”
He smiles at you. “No. you’re not allowed to cum until I fuck you with my dick.”
You groan. You look at him and he is now kneeling, a hand situated on his now somewhat translucent boxers, outline of his dick now visible. He then strokes himself through his boxers as he stares right at you. Donghyuck is biting his lip softly as he takes out his dick and starts playing with the tip.
“You like it when I stroke myself while you watch, baby?” His eyes are hooded and he is already sweaty.
“Yes,” you said. “fuck yes.”
“Put it in your mouth,” Donghyuck motions for you to come closer.
You put his dick in your mouth and start engulfing his dick. His abdomen becomes taut as he groans and starts threading his hand on your hair.
“So good, baby. Always so good,” he rasps.
You continue hollowing your cheek and putting him in your mouth as deep as you can. You bob your head up and down and when you look up, Donghyuck looks absolutely
“Baby,” Donghyuck's voice is husky. “Baby stop, i want to cum inside you."
“Lie on your back,” Donghyuck commands as he strips himself of his boxers.
You waste no time and you lay on your back, waiting for his instructions. He props a pillow under your head and by doing so, you feel his erection on your thigh. He takes one last glance at you: nipples fully erect, cheeks flushed, your body sweaty, and your pussy absolutely drenched. He then starts inserting his dick in your aching pussy.
“fuck fuck fuck fuck,” he chants. “you’re so fucking tight and wet.” Then he pushes himself up to the hilt.
“Full,” you whisper and meet his eyes, “so dman full.”
Donghyuck groans and starts thrusting at an erratic pace. It feels so full and hot that you can’t stop moaning his name over and over again. You can feel his cock slide in and out of your soaked cunt. He clasps his hands just above where your ribs end firmly as he starts fucking you faster, hips snapping up and you can’t help but arch your back.
Donghyuck is definitely enjoying the view and he reaches his hand out to pinch your nipples. You moan. You can definitely feel your impending orgasm.
“Hyuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum,” you look at him and his thrusts go harder. “oh god I’m gonna cum Donghyuck.”
“Cum, baby.” He puts his hand on your clit and starts rubbing with his thumb, hoping to bring you closer to orgasm.
You feel the coil getting tighter and hotter. Then you come, long and hard and your body feels like jelly.
"I'm almost there baby, fuck," he chants as he trusts so deliciously in you and your body can't take much longer. You know he has the full intention of overstimulating you and it feels good. His cock feels so raw in your pussy and you can't help but feel another orgasm.
The feeling of his cock sliding so smoothly inside of you then out then in again while your chests were in such close proximity and he is directly groaning in your ear. Donghyuck seems to be enjoying himself as his groans are becoming huskier and more prolonged as he told you, “Baby you’re so fucking tight, so tight around my cock.” He goes back to kissing you sloppily, your teeth biting his lower lip as he glares at you so menacingly and hot.
“Hyuck, baby I’m g-going to cum again.” you inform him as he lifts himself and wipes with drool on the edge of your mouth.
“Let’s cum together, eh?” he asks and you nod.
Donghyuck pulls out of you and you are about to protest until he speaks “Ass up for me baby,” he says.
Your body sings in anticipation as this is the first time, after a long while, he is going to take you from behind. You stuck your ass out and you feel him slap your cunt then insert his finger in your pussy and slaps your ass this time.
“Such a good girl for me,” he starts. then he suddenly thrust his dick inside your pussy and moans in your ear, “So fucking good.” Donghyuck then starts to grip your breasts from behind, pinching your nipples as his thrusts became more erratic.
“’Gonna cum, shit shit” He groans. The rhythmic slapping of your bodies is so sinful it turns him on.
You moan gripping his sheets, you can swear your knuckles are so white from the grip.
“I'm so close baby, so close.” Donghyuck is massaging your breast.
“Hyuck, please, Hyuck I'm so close.”
Donghyuck's thrusts are getting more erratic and you are positive that you’re going to cum soon. Then, you feel Donghyuck hugging you from behind. The act feels so intimate that you can't help but clench and then both of you are cumming. Donghyuck gives one last thrust then he pulls out. He look at your backside: his cum dripping out from your cunt, then to your thighs and that looks absolutely erotic.
“I'm gonna clean you up, okay baby?" He says, “Just lay there and I’ll take care of you.”
He goes to get towels and you lay on your back. He comes back and passes the small towel over your thighs and then your pussy carefully, knowing you're still sensitive. “Feeling okay?” he asks when he finishes it up, throwing the towel somewhere in the room and laying on the bed next to you.
You hum, smiling lazily at him. “just sleepy.” You reply and he moves to press a small kiss on your lips.
"Then sleep, baby," he surrounds you with his arms, you resting your head on his chest.
You raise your head a bit, looking at him. "Are you sleeping with me?"
He nods. His finger touches the tip of your nose and he smirks. “I never notice you had a mole here.” He says.
"Yeah, you're kind of a dick," you giggle, tracing his abdomen with your fingers.
"I am," he sighs. "I'm sorry. I was too selfish denying my feelings for you and thought behaving like a dick would push you away."
"And I almost did," he kisses the top of your head. "I'm sorry, y/n."
"It's okay," you say. "As long as you don't do it again because this time I'm gonna be the one breaking your other collarbone."
He laughs. "I'm not ever letting you go, baby. I love you."
"I love you."
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puppywritings · 4 years
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fidelium - johnny suh x gender-neutral reader masterlist
⇢   synopsis: you can’t wait to spend the weekend at johnny’s house. your boyfriend was a bad boy, and a motorcycle rider to boot. things were new, thrilling. perhaps more thrilling than you bargained for. you come to learn that it’s a lot more difficult to leave than to stay.
⇢   word count: 6.8k ⇢   trigger warnings: death, guns, toxic relationship involving manipulation, objectification, arguments. sexual elements and implied sex but no explicit scenes. ⇢   warning:  the relationship displayed in this fic is in absolutely no way healthy or ideal. it’s one red flag after another. if somebody disrespects your boundaries, threatens you, objectifies you, manipulates you, or anything of the sort, they’re not a good person to be around and they don’t deserve to stay in your life. the contents of this fic may be upsetting to read.
⇢   a/n: this is my piece for @du0tine​‘s 21 ways to kill your lover collab. intended for 18+ audiences. i also want to say, it’s not my intention to romanticize or glorify toxic, harmful, or abusive relationships - this is purely fiction. this writing also doesn’t reflect the real johnny suh, who i’m sure is a lovely person and would never engage in this sort of behaviour.
taglist: @prettyjaems @ethaeriyeol​ @1-800-seo​ @neonun-au​ (sorry if i forgot anyone i’m super disorganised w my taglists atm)
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Johnny Suh didn’t fit your usual dating criteria. With his black leather jacket, heavy lace-up boots, and hulking motorcycle, he was a bit of a bad boy. And there was something exciting in that. You’d met him late one night, in the bar where you worked. You’d served him all night - rum and coke, his drink of choice. He certainly caught your eye, at first. He was handsome, with his brown eyes twinkling and his long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. But it wasn’t until the two of you started talking that you became interested. It was a quiet night, and Johnny insisted on sitting at the bar in front of you. He was teasing, charming. And when he gave you his number at closing time, you actually tapped the digits into your phone, rather than just discarding it like you usually do. Unlike the rest of your patrons who thrust their contact details upon you, when it came to Johnny the interest was mutual.
So, while it was true that Johnny wasn’t quite the typical man you went after, the relationship had been going well. He’d been nothing short of a gentleman in the duration of your relationship, though he still thrilled you with his affinity for the more reckless things in life; late-night motorcycle rides, drinking just a little too much and partying all night. He took the mundaneness out of your life - he made your life an adventure.
Towards the end of your shift that Friday evening, you found yourself getting jittery; you checked the time every five minutes, and a swarm of butterflies was building in your stomach. Johnny was picking you up after work on his bike, and it was all you could think about. You almost ran out of the establishment, when the clock struck ten, marking the end of your shift. Your heart swelled at the sight of Johnny in the bar’s parking lot, leaning against his motorcycle with his hands in his pockets.
“Hey, angel,” he greeted you, affection glowing in his eyes and his smile.
“Hi,” you beamed, wrapping your arms around his waist and taking in his warmth. He picked you up immediately, holding you tight and spinning you. “Johnny!” you giggled, fingers grasping the cotton of his white t-shirt. 
“You ready to meet my boys?” he asked you, punctuating his question with a kiss on your nose. He was referring to the friends he considered family; he lived with them, in a rather large house on the outskirts of town, from what you’d heard. They were special to him, and you knew it was important to him that you got along with them. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t completely terrified. You knew it’d be okay, though. If they had Johnny’s approval you were sure they’d be good people. Plus, you could never be too scared with Johnny’s hand in your own.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you responded with a smile.
“Hop on,” he instructed you, tossing you a helmet and putting on his own. At the beginning of your relationship, he’d given you his own helmet, forgoing his protection for the sake of yours. You hadn’t liked this - this display of his reckless attitude that surpassed thrilling and sat nicely in the territory of dangerous - and so you’d pestered him until he bought a second helmet.
You secured your rucksack on your back, prepacked with all the clothes and toiletries you required for the weekend you’d be spending with your boyfriend, before climbing onto the large black bike behind him. Johnny had been driving you around on his bike for a number of weeks now, but you still weren’t quite used to it. The mix of fear and exhilaration, both from the wind whipping past your ears and from the sensation of your chest pressed flush against Johnny’s back, your arms tight around his waist. It made your heart race. The feeling you got from riding a motorcycle embodied everything that Johnny was: dark, exciting, intoxicating, addictive.
Johnny hadn’t been lying when he said he lived on the outskirts. The bright lights of the town centre were far behind you, and even the streetlights had begun to die out. You were alone with the moon and starlight now. The neatly paved roads gave way to rough muddy lanes. The built-up urban surroundings gave way to empty fields, then to a dense and seemingly endless forest. The bike’s headlamp shone a path through the trees, guiding Johnny to his home. Though your partner clearly felt familiar here, the environment sent chills down your spine - you could’ve sworn you felt eyes on you, peering out from the darkness. When your journey ended, at a solitary house looming tall against the dark backdrop of the forest, you were thankful.
“Here we are,” Johnny welcomed you, helping you off the bike. The house was bigger than you could’ve expected. The term mansion wouldn’t be amiss.
“So,” you commented, looking up at the structure, illustrated by the silver moonlight. “This is where you and your biker gang live?” You looked along the line of bikes, queued up around the house. They were of different styles and sizes, though (with your limited knowledge on motorcycles) they all looked rather impressive.
“I keep telling you, we’re not a biker gang,” Johnny corrected you, with a lighthearted roll of his eyes. “We’re just a group of friends who live together, and just so happen to ride together too.”
“And if that’s not a biker gang, what is?” you teased.
“Zip it,” Johnny said gently, and you complied. “Here, I’ll take your bag.”
“Ever the gentleman,” you commented, passing it to him. You braced yourself, as he led you into his home.
It was warm inside, much warmer than out in the chilly woodland. From what you could tell by looking at the entranceway, the place was tidy and well-lit. Your boyfriend led you down the hall, into an open-plan kitchen and living area, where Johnny's friends were sitting around the television. 
"We're home, guys," Johnny announced, drawing their attention towards you.
"Hey, look what Johnny brought home!" one of them called out, bringing a blush to your cheeks.
"Watch it," Johnny warned, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. "Y/N is all mine. You can look, but you can't touch. In fact, you can only look for five seconds at a time."
“These are the boys” Johnny introduced you to them. “This is Jaehyun, Ten, Mark. And that’s Donghyuck. My protege, right kid?” 
“That’s right, John” the boy grinned up at Johnny from where he was sitting.
You gave a shy wave as you looked around at Johnny's friends. Though he had named them all, introducing them, it was a redundant act. You'd asked to see pictures of everybody prior to that night, not wanting to get lost amid a sea of unfamiliar faces. You saw Jaehyun, with his dimples and broad shoulders; Mark, with pronounced cheekbones and a delicate nose; Ten, with a feline-like beauty; and Donghyuck, full cheeks and long eyelashes. 
"I think we're just gonna turn in for the night, right Y/N?" Johnny spoke, looking down at you. "See you boys tomorrow."
You waved at Johnny's friends, with a polite, "Bye." The boys chorused their goodbyes back at you, and Johnny led you away.
You couldn't help but admire the house as Johnny guided you to his bedroom, your hand in his. The place was huge, grand. You weren't sure under what circumstances Johnny and his friends acquired this house, but it can't have been cheap. 
"And this," he led you inside, "Is my room."
The room was a fair size, with several tall windows and a four-poster double bed. The matching furniture looked sturdy and high-quality, a dark antique wood.
"This is impressive," you told him honestly. Johnny beamed in pride; he was always looking for praise, and you were happy to feed his ego.
Johnny lounged on his bed, laying back propped up on his elbows. "Come feel how comfy my bed is," he invited you with a smirk.
"Johnny Suh, you are not smooth. I know that's just an excuse to get me into bed," you said, falling beside him.
"If you knew it was just an excuse," Johnny asked, pausing to plant a kiss on your jawline, "Then why'd you join me?"
"Because," you tell him, "Maybe I want to be in bed with you."
Johnny gave a low chuckle, before kissing you again; a line beginning at your jaw, trailing down to your neck, and ending at your collarbone, making you gasp and lean into his touch.
"Johnny," you purred, your voice full of want.
"Let Johnny take care of you, baby," Johnny hummed. You obliged, submitting to his touch and surrendering to the pleasure.
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Coming down from your high, you collapsed against Johnny’s bed, smiling as you looked up at your boyfriend who lay beside you.
“You’re perfect,” Johnny told you, his dark brown eyes gazing deeply into your own. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, and you looked away, only for Johnny to tilt your chin back up towards him. “It’s true,” he reiterated.
“I’m not perfect,” you denied, wrinkling your nose.
Johnny pecked your lips. “You are. My angel.”
You looked at him, lying beside you in his bed. His sex hair was immaculate, perfectly tousled from rolling around and from your fingers tugging on it. His lips were plump and pink from your kisses, and his collarbones were decorated in pink splotches. He looked beautiful, he was glowing, and you couldn’t help but grin at him.
“Hey,” Johnny says suddenly, sitting up and untangling himself from the blankets. “Let me give you a massage.”
“It’s okay, babe, you don’t have to,” you waved away his offer. He seemed deadset, however, cracking his knuckles in preparation.
“I insist. Roll over.” You obeyed, lying on your front and allowing your boyfriend to straddle your waist. His hands pressed into your skin, rubbing deeply into your muscles. The sensation was pleasant, you had to admit. Mostly, you just enjoyed the proximity between you and Johnny, and the feeling of being taken care of by someone you loved. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to slip away and ease into the feeling.
You weren’t allowed to slip away for long, however, as your phone began to buzz, startling you. The vibrations against the hardwood of Johnny’s bedside table conjured a harsh screeching noise. You lifted your head, peering at the screen.
You lifted your torso, as much as you could with Johnny’s weight on you. “Oh, it’s my mom. I should-”
“You can call her back later, angel,” Johnny said, pushing you back down onto the bed. The action was gentle, but Johnny didn’t need to use much force to manipulate your body; your boyfriend worked out, and bordered on freakishly strong - at least, in comparison to you. His buff arms held your shoulders down, preventing any movement. "This is my time to pamper you," he explained, resuming the massage.
"Okay," you tentatively agreed. "I'll call her back later." You got the sense that this massage was much more for Johnny's benefit than for yours, but if it kept him happy, then so be it.
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“Good morning, angel,” Johnny greeted you. Your eyelids fluttered open, adjusting to the light in his bedroom. With a groan, you stretched your muscles, stiff from sleeping. “I brought you a cup of coffee.”
You looked to your boyfriend, smiling at you as he entered the room, a mug in each hand. You couldn’t be sure how long he’d been awake, or what time it was, but he was dressed already, beige cable-knit sweater and loose jeans, with his hair pulled back in a low ponytail. It was a contrast to his usual greaser bad-boy image, and the sight warmed your heart. He looked cozy, soft. You smiled back at him, sitting up and letting the covers pool around your waist. 
“Morning, Johnny,” you beamed at him, accepting the cup of coffee he handed to you. You took a sip and moaned in delight. Your boyfriend made a mean cup of coffee, perfectly sweet without being overbearing. He sat beside you on the bed, caressing your cheek lightly.
“I was thinking we could go out for a walk,” he suggested, before taking a swig of his own coffee. “It’s a nice morning.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
A while later, fully dressed and hand-in-hand with Johnny, you found yourself venturing through the forest that surrounded the house. There were a few man-made footpaths winding between the trees, but for the most part, you were truly in the middle of nature, an environment completely untouched by humans. Birds flapped their wings, rustling in the trees, and creatures whose species were unknown to you scrambled to run away in your wake, paws pounding on the forest floor. Johnny had been right; it was a nice morning. The sun filtered through branches and leaves, casting light and warmth down upon you, and the air was clean and fresh.
“It’s so nice out here,” you commented, looking around at the greens and browns that encompassed you.
“Yeah,” Johnny agreed. “I’m lucky to live here.”
“You really are. I’d walk through here every morning if I were you.”
“You’re lucky, too,” Johnny acknowledged, squeezing your hand. “You’re dating me. You can walk here whenever you want as well.” You smiled, your heart swelling at his words.
“It really is isolated, huh? Your house?” you remarked, peering around at your surroundings. The nearest road was so far away that you couldn’t even hear the rush of cars from where you stood.
“Yeah,” Johnny confirmed. “It’s not easy to get out of the house.” Why anyone would wish to escape this peaceful surroundings, you had no idea. It felt so far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life; your usual troubles felt so distant.
The sun had risen higher in the sky by the time you returned to Johnny’s house, and you realised you hadn’t even brought your phone with you. You hadn’t even thought to check the time once since you woke up. This was so out of the ordinary for you, particularly on a Saturday morning, when you’d usually be lounging in your apartment scrolling through social media.
The house had woken up by the time you stepped through the front door. It had been silent when you left, though now it seemed that the entire household was up and about.
“Where have you been, John?” Ten called out, as the two of you entered the kitchen.
“Just out for a walk,” he explained, taking a seat at the kitchen island, where you joined him.
“By the way, Y/N, it’s nice to meet you,” Ten greeted you, smiling sweetly.
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” you returned, smiling back politely.
Johnny leaned in close, stage-whispering. “It’s really not all that nice to meet him. He’s a pretty lousy guy. Into some real weird stuff. Has probably killed a guy.” Ten gave Johnny a pointed glare as he departed the kitchen, and you giggled at your boyfriend’s antics.
“So,” Donghyuck asked, his voice somewhat muffled as he peered into the open fridge. “What do you guys have planned today?”
“Hmm. Not much,” Johnny answered. “Have some lunch, take it easy.”
“I want to shower first,” you announced, stretching your arms above your head. The physical exertion of your outdoor walk, along with your heated activities the night before, had left you feeling a little less than squeaky clean.
“We should do that together,” Johnny suggested, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek, which flamed at his proposition. 
“Okay,” you giggled in spite of yourself. Johnny was the only man, since you’d been twelve years of age, who was capable of reducing you to such a blushing, giggling mess.
“Let’s go,” Johnny invited you, smirking as he stood up and held out his hand. You took it, and laughed when Donghyuck fake gagged and Johnny stared at him with daggers in his eyes. You allowed Johnny to lead you, your hand in his, all the way upstairs. After retrieving your toiletries and change of clothes, you joined him in the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
“The lock is funny,” he told you, leaning over you to fiddle with it. “You really have to twist it-” he grunted, “There we go.”
You smiled, bunching up his shirt in your hands and pulling him closer towards you. He looked smug as he leaned in to kiss you, his lips sweet and commanding. Your hands went under his shirt, ghosting over his chiseled abdomen, which tensed delightfully under your touch.
Johnny pulled away, his eyes scanning up and down your body, setting you alight with his gaze. “Why don’t you doll yourself up for lunch, huh? I want to show everyone how beautiful you are.”
“Okay,” you nodded, agreeing to his suggestion. He captured your lips again, and you smiled against his lips. “We need to shower, baby. And no funny business.”
“No promises,” Johnny grinned, his eyes twinkling. When he took his shirt off, however, your request of no funny business went completely out the window.
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Sunday morning came all too fast, as your weekend with Johnny came to a close. It had been peaceful, relaxing, a greatly needed recharge, and you weren’t quite ready to return to your regular life. Walks through the city rather than through the woodland, and shifts in the bar all week long.
"I wish you didn't have to leave today," Johnny said, pouting as his fingertip traced shapes along your forearm as you lounged on his bed together.
"I know, babe, me too," you agreed. His eyelashes looked long, fanned across his cheeks as he gazed downwards.
"You should stay," Johnny suggested, a hopeful lilt to his voice. "Just another day or two?"
You shook your head at him. "I'm working all week babe, it's easier if I just go home. I can stay again next weekend." 
Johnny sighs, an irritated huff, retracting his hand from your arm. "You don't wanna stay with me?" he asked, looking up at you with hurt in his eyes.
"It's not that I don't want to, John, it'll just be complicated. You'll have to give me a lift to work, and it's so far that I'll have to wake up a lot earlier."
"You don't even sound like you're going to miss me," he pointed out. His voice had a tinge of anger and it frustrated you in turn. He was acting so petty - you hadn't seen this immature side of him before.
"Of course I'll miss you, Johnny," you assured him with a roll of your eyes. "But we can see each other next weekend, okay?"
"Whatever," Johnny scoffed.
"Whatever?" you asked incredulously. "Johnny, you're acting like a child."
"Sorry. Sorry I'm going to miss my partner because they insist on leaving me." 
You shifted away from Johnny, swinging your legs off the bed and facing away from him. "This is stupid," you muttered.
"I'm stupid?" Johnny exclaimed.
You rubbed your eyes in frustration. "I didn't say that."
"You didn't need to." Johnny jumped up from the bed, swiftly storming past you and exiting the room, complete with exaggerated stomps and a hefty slam of the door.
“God!” you cussed, in irritation and disbelief. You couldn’t believe he was acting like this. This side of Johnny, bitter and bad-tempered - you couldn’t say you enjoyed it. If anything, his outburst had only made you want to leave more. You cursed the complete and utter isolation of the place. You could hardly leave and catch a bus - you’d get lost if you even tried venturing out into the woods. Johnny was your ride home, and you didn’t want to face him. You weren’t even sure if he’d oblige, if you asked him to take you home.
You stood, scanning through your options, and your feet led you out of Johnny’s room. Down the hall, to the room you were sure belonged to Donghyuck. You knocked on the door, two uncertain taps. 
“Yeah?” Donghyuck’s voice called out from within - bingo. You pushed the door open apprehensively. The room was smaller than Johnny’s, though still a decent size. He had a large television mounted on the wall, hooked up to a gaming system that looked rather impressive, to your amateur perspective. 
“Oh, Y/N,” he remarked, sounding surprised and pausing his video game. “What’s up?”
“I’m sorry to bother you,” you prefaced, stepping into his room and closing the door behind you. “Johnny and I… had a bit of an argument. I was wondering if you could give me a ride home?”
“You fought?” Donghyuck asked. “What about?”
You sighed “It’s nothing. Something silly.” You didn’t particularly want to divulge the details to Donghyuck - you didn’t want to end up badmouthing Johnny to his friends. 
“Hey, sit down,” he invites you, patting the space beside him, on the end of his bed. “Come play video games with me. Take a minute to calm down.” You hesitantly joined him, taking a seat on the end of his bed. “Think this through, Y/N, it’s probably not a good idea to storm out.”
You picked up the controller Donghyuck gave you, holding it loosely. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Johnny wouldn’t be happy if I left without saying anything.”
“That guy has a temper,” Donghyuck commented under his voice. You felt inclined to agree, after the way he’d acted that morning.
“How do I play?” you asked, examining the controller in your hands. Donghyuck leaned over, running you through the controls and rules of the game. The other boy pressed play, and you were flung into the game headfirst, forced to learn and adapt to the fast-paced course of the game. You didn’t know how much time passed, but by your fourth round of the game, you were laughing and shouting along with Donghyuck, all thoughts of smothering boyfriends erased from your mind.
“Feeling better, huh?” Donghyuck asked, beaming at you. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, nodding. “Thanks.”
“One more round?”
“I should probably go talk to Johnny,” you denied apologetically. “But thank you.”
“Any time,” he smiled, holding out his fist for a bump, which you obliged. 
“Bye,” you bid him, before departing his bedroom and moving down the hall. You stood for a moment, outside Johnny’s bedroom door, taking a deep breath and bracing yourself.
When you pushed open the door, you found Johnny already standing in his room. You approached him slowly and with apprehension, speaking in a calm and gentle tone. “Hey, Johnny? I’m sorry for blowing up earlier.”
“It’s okay,” he assured you. His composure surprised you, after the volume of his outburst earlier. He didn’t look at you, nor did he turn around to face you. He stood before his dresser, apparently very focused on something inside it. “Why were you in Donghyuck’s room?”
Your eyes widened a little. He didn’t sound mad, nor did he have the right to be. But something about the situation, or perhaps about his demeanor, made you feel a little jittery. You didn’t know he’d been watching you. “Oh. Um. He was just convincing me to stay.” You cleared your throat, feeling the need to change the subject. “What are you doing?”
“Come look,” he beckoned you. You joined him, peering down into the dresser which he seemed so enthralled by.
You gulped. The open drawer was like something you’d find in a museum; it was lined with crimson velvet, and several vintage-looking pistols were laid out in it. They ranged in size and style, the smallest being the size of your palm and the largest stretching to the length of your forearm. “I… I didn’t know you had guns.” The sight of them made your heart race. If you were being honest, you’d led a rather sheltered life, and had never been in the presence of so many weapons. It made you feel uneasy.
“I don’t use them. They’re only collectibles.” Johnny picked up the smallest gun, and you flinched. He glanced at you, and the look in his eyes was undetectable to you - it wasn’t offence, nor regret, but his eyes definitely glinted with something. The way he handled the gun, you weren’t sure if you bought the ‘collectibles’ line. He handled it with such ease and grace, that it almost seemed like he was born with a gun in his hand. Though it was small, compact, barely the size of your hand - and it appeared even smaller in Johnny’s palm, which dwarfed it - you found yourself stunned and shivery, thinking about the damage it was capable of. Did Johnny collect bullets, too? you found yourself wondering.
You averted your gaze, discomfort taking over, and noticed that your phone lay atop the dresser. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You weren’t sure where, exactly, you had left your phone, but you were certain you hadn’t laid it there. “Hey - my phone-”
“Oh, right,” Johnny said, placing his gun back in the drawer and closing it sharply, twisting a key which sat in the keyhole, locking it away. “Your boss called. He said you don’t have to work tomorrow. That’s great, right? You can stay the night - you don’t have to leave.”
You nodded, feeling a little sick but faking a smile anyways. “Great.” You were tired, physically and emotionally. You felt bad for even thinking it, but you wanted a break from your boyfriend. You wanted some space. He was making you feel uncomfortable, bordering on unsafe, and you found yourself craving the security you felt in Donghyuck’s room.
“Um, I’m gonna take a shower,” you conjured the excuse for an escape. 
“Okay,” Johnny accepted it easily, smiling widely. He wrapped his arms around your waist, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t be gone too long, alright?”
“Alright,” you nodded, breathing a sigh of relief when he released you. You would stay another night; it wasn’t worth upsetting Johnny over.
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You had to admit that you felt a lot better after showering. The warm water had relaxed you, along with the familiar and comforting scent of your shampoo grounding you and bringing your emotions to a calmer, neutral level. You were standing before the bathroom mirror, applying moisturiser to your face, when you heard a click. A turn.
The broken lock.
Before you could act, Donghyuck was before you, staring at you with wide eyes. You let out a yelp, turning around, though most of your skin was hidden beneath your towel.
“Fuck, sorry! I’m so sorry! Don’t tell Johnny about this!” he blurted.
“It’s okay,” you responded, cheeks flushed. You weren’t sure Donghyuck had heard your forgiveness, however; you’d heard him dash away while your back was turned. You laugh awkwardly to yourself at the mishap, before closing the door again and making certain to twist the lock properly. It had only been a silly mistake, you reassured yourself. And he hadn’t seen anything, besides your bare shoulders, which was hardly a great reveal.
You shook your head, before drying and dressing yourself. The poor boy had been so flustered, and you had to admit it was sort of endearing.
“Nice shower?” Johnny asked when you returned to his room, lying on his bed atop the covers.
You nodded, joining him on the bed. “I feel so relaxed now.”
He pulled you close to him, kissing your lips gently. “Jaehyun’s making dinner for everyone, it’ll be ready before long.”
“That’s nice of him,” you murmured, laying your head on Johnny’s shoulder. “Poor Donghyuck, though. We had a really awkward moment in the bathroom, I don’t know if he’ll be ready to face me.”
You felt Johnny tense, his muscles going hard beneath you. “What do you mean?”
“He walked in on me showering. I don’t think he saw much, but-”
Johnny sat up abruptly, causing your head to fall back on the bed. “He fucking what?” Johnny hissed.
“Johnny, it’s fine,” you insisted. “I was wrapped in a towel-”
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Johnny cursed, standing.
“Johnny,” you spoke firmly, grabbing his arm in a tight grip. “Stop. I said he didn’t see anything.”
“I fucking hope not,” Johnny growled, sitting down once more. He tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, stroking your face lightly. His hand was trembling. “You’re my angel,” he said. “I don’t want anybody else seeing you like that.”
“It won’t happen again, okay? I’m all yours, I promise.” You placed your hand on top of Johnny’s, soothing him with your touch. His temper, flaring again. This wasn’t something you liked much about Johnny, and you hadn’t been all that glad to meet this side of him. But, you bargained, nobody was perfect - you certainly weren’t. Besides, you had been ready this time; your firm tone and gentle touch had helped to calm him.
Johnny stood up, rubbing his face with both of his hands. You heard him release a shaky breath.
“Please calm down, Johnny. I’m sorry.”
“I’m fine,” he said, nodding certainly. “I’m calm.”
“Let’s go get dinner, yeah?” You stood, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Yeah,” he agreed, squeezing your hand a little too tightly.
Johnny’s rather sour mood remained all throughout dinner, as evidenced by his clenched jaw and the protective hand he laid on your thigh. His sullen demeanor made him somewhat of a bore to be around, and you found yourself laughing and joking with his friends; you’d be happy to consider Donghyuck a friend, and Mark was hilarious too. Johnny didn’t seem to like this, however. You spent the last portion of the meal in silence, quietly eating and staying close to Johnny’s side.
Even afterwards, as you watched a movie with the group, Johnny refused to relax and let go of his needless worries. Everybody was laughing at the movie, but you couldn’t help but notice that Johnny hadn’t even cracked a smile the whole time. In fact, you didn’t even think he’d been watching the movie; his eyes hardly left you, flitting between your face and your body. As though if he stopped watching you, something horrible would happen. As though he were keeping guard.
He pulled you closer towards him, though there was very little space between the two of you on the couch beforehand. His lips connected with your cheek, before straying down towards your neck. You felt your skin heat up in embarrassment, although all eyes in the room were still trained on the television. Johnny wrapped his arm around your waist, using his strength to lift you onto his lap. You squeaked at the sudden action, earning inquisitive glances from Johnny’s friends, which only fuelled how flustered you were. He held your body close to his, squeezing you. His breath tickled your neck, sending shivers down your spine, before he sunk his teeth into your skin. You hoped your muffled moan went unnoticed, but your eyes were shut tightly so it was unknown to you. You squirmed in Johnny’s lap, thighs clenching together tightly.
In another show of Johnny’s strength, or perhaps just his relative power in comparison to your apparent weakness, he lifted you swiftly. The abrupt movement surprised you, and you gasped sharply.
“Y/N and I are going upstairs,” Johnny announced to the group, and you silently allowed him to guide you away.
“Because,” he continued as you two left the room, “I can take Y/N any time I want.”
“Johnny!” you scolded him, mouth agape with humiliation as his boys hollered in your wake. He ignored your cries of reprimand, scooping you up off your feet with a grin on his face. 
“C’mon, baby,” he whispered, carrying you away to his bedroom. You sighed in fond exasperation, laying your head against his chest. You condemned his announcement of “I can take Y/N any time I want,” but the fact remained true that he could certainly take you then.
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Monday morning. You were growing terribly bored of this big, old house in the middle of nowhere. Spending time with Johnny was nice, when he wasn’t baring his angry possessive side. Although you really liked him, you found yourself wanting some space. And so, when you woke up before Johnny, you left his sleeping form behind, pulled one of his oversized sweaters over your head, and set out to explore the enormous house that had become your confinement.
Nobody else was awake, or so it seemed when you ventured downstairs and poured yourself a glass of juice. You felt itchy, agitated. Even when you settled on the couch, the sense of calm you desired simply refused to fall over you. With an agitated sigh, you advanced throughout the house, exploring the ground floor. You had learned that all the bedrooms were on the first floor, and so you’d been wondering where one specific door led. Off the left of the hallway, aside from the kitchen and living area, and the ground floor bathroom.
The door creaked as you pushed it open, as did the floorboards when you stepped through the threshold. The room was dark, though you identified the furnishings of a study when you squinted your eyes. You moved to the far side of the room, drawing open the heavy red curtains thereby illuminating the space and releasing a cloud of dust at the same time. You waved the cloud away, choking.
There was a sturdy desk, littered with boxes full of clutter, accompanied by a rickety chair that looked like it would fall apart if you put any weight on it. You gasped a silent “wow” as you took in the wall opposite the door, lined with shelves that stretched from floor to ceiling, crammed to the brim with books of every size. You approached the extensive library, examining the titles. You didn’t recognise anything, apart from a few classics, but it was still an impressive collection. You began to wonder whether one of the boys had inherited the property from an older relative - none of them seemed particularly studious or academic, at least not enough to warrant an assortment of books this great. You trailed a finger along the spines, accumulating yet more dust. The books, much like the room in its entirety, had sat untouched for a long time.
You shrieked, spinning around with your arms raised in defence, only to sigh in relief and clutch your heart. “Donghyuck! You scared me!”
The boy bent in half, in stitches at the fear he’d instilled in you. “I’m sorry! I couldn’t resist!” You couldn’t help but join in with his laughter; it was just so infectious. Even minutes later, you were cackling while wiping tears away from your eyes.
“So,” Donghyuck spoke, as his laughter died down. “What are you doing in here?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, still smiling. “Just exploring, I guess.”
“I don’t think there’s anything interesting in here,” Donghyuck claimed, looking around at the books.
“Really? It seems like hidden treasure to me.” You peered upwards, at the higher shelves, before standing on your tiptoes and stretching upwards, reaching for an eye-catching book with a golden spine.
“Careful,” Donghyuck murmured, placing a hand on the small of your back to steady you as you strained.
You heard Johnny’s growl, a split second before he entered your field of vision, entering the study and shoving Donghyuck away from you.
“Johnny!” you cried, feeling helpless and out of control as he squared up to the younger man.
Donghyuck had his hands raised in surrender, looking at his friend with concern tainting his expression. “Hey, man, calm down,” he attempted to pacify Johnny.
“Stay away from Y/N,” Johnny yelled, right in Donghyuck’s face
You leapt into action, maneuvering your way in between the pair, palm flat on Johnny’s chest. “Johnny, look at me,” you commanded him firmly. There was a fire in his eyes that you didn’t recognise. It flamed, bright and angry, threatening to burn anything and everything in its path. It scared you, and you resisted strongly against the urge to cower before him.
“Come on, Y/N,” he bit, gripping your forearm tightly. Potentially tight enough to bruise.
“Come on where?” you asked, stumbling as you struggled to keep up. He tugged you out of the room and down the hall, as you tried not to trip over your own feet.
“We’re going for a walk. Put your shoes on,” he demanded, arms crossed, waiting for you to obey.
“I- Johnny- What?” you sputtered. “Can I at least go upstairs and get my coat?”
“No,” he denied flatly. You rolled your eyes, slipping into your shoes. Wasting no time, Johnny pulled you out of the house, slamming the door behind you. You followed after him, your heart pounding with a mixture of uncertainty, anxiety, and speechless anger, as he marched you out into the woods, only stopping when you reached a clearing a good distance away from the house.
“Something’s going on between you and Donghyuck,” Johnny stated with hard certainty, as though it were fact. His face was flushed red, veins prominent along his forehead. He looked at you expectantly, but you had no idea what he wanted in response.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes tiredly. You couldn’t help but yell at him. “Johnny, what are you talking about? You’re my boyfriend. I like you. But not when you act like this, Jesus Christ!”
Johnny advanced, closing the gap between you, and you flinched when he regained his grip on your arm. “You need to stay the fuck away from Donghyuck, okay?”
“This is such a huge overreaction!” You tried to struggle away from his grip, but he was far too strong, his will iron.
Johnny leaned in, impossibly even closer to your face. “I brought you here, as my baby, to show you off to all my friends,” he hissed. “And you let them get their grubby little hands on you? I thought better of you, Y/N. I thought you were fucking faithful.”
Your heart raced, pounding wildly with how badly you wanted to get away from him. You didn’t think you could forgive him for this outburst. You just wanted to leave. “You’re fucking insane,” you shouted at him.
Johnny looked disgusted at your words. “Don’t talk to me like that.”
“Me?” you asked incredulously, finally shrugging out of his grasp. “Me, don’t talk to you like that? Listen, Johnny, I’m not your shiny little toy you can show off to your friends. I’m a human being. And you have no right telling me who I can and can’t talk to.”
“Come here.” Johnny was looking at you, his mouth a straight line, his eyes cold.
“Come here,” he repeated, and you hesitantly took a step forward, afraid to disobey him when he spoke in such an angry, demanding voice. Johnny reached out, gripping you by the arm before spinning you round quickly, pulling you close to him. Your chest was pressed tightly against his back, his arm across your chest, locking you in place. You could feel his heavy, ragged breathing.
“I’m not happy, Y/N,” he jeered, whispering into your ear harshly. “You’re my angel, and you’ve upset me. Maybe you aren’t such an angel after all.” You thrashed, but his grasp on you only tightened. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Johnny, please,” you begged, your voice nothing but a hoarse whimper.
“Let me talk,” he hissed at you. “You’ve hurt me. And I need to show you - I need to hurt you back.”
“What are you- let me go!” You continued to flail in his hold, kicking out your feet but failing to do any real damage to him.
“Shh, it’ll only last a second,” he hushed you, his lips touching your ear and sending shivers down your spine. You felt him fumble behind you, and found an opportunity for escape, but it was no use. His grip on you was iron-tight, unrelenting. Johnny jabbed you in the chest, slightly to the left of your sternum, directly over your banging heart. You looked down, choking on a sob. 
One of Johnny’s pistols, the so-called collectible item, was pressing into your skin.
“Right in the heart, Y/N. That’s where you hurt me.” 
“Johnny, please!” you cried, struggling in vain. Tears blurred your vision, and spit flew from your mouth as you pleaded with him. “Let me go, Johnny, I’m sorry!”
“Goodnight, angel.”
You heard the gunshot before you felt it. In fact, you hardly even felt it at all. There was a bang, your ears rang, and then nothing. You collapsed, falling limp in Johnny’s arms. His angel.
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loudstan · 4 years
A collection of  NCT werewolf AU stories.
Doyoung (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4) (pt. 5)
Summary: The wolf population kept decreasing and those who were left had a hard time trying to fit  into society. Sure, people didn’t consider them as dangerous as vampires, but wolves could still sense some hostility every time they did as much as go for a walk in a public place. Thanks to wolves’ natural magical abilities, NCT (one of the remaining packs) found a safe place among witches in a town where no one knew their secret, allowing some members to finally get a job, study and interact with others without fear of being rejected.
Life seems to finally be peaceful for them… except that wolves have needs, and one of those needs is finding their mate.
Pairing: Werewolf! Doyoung x Witch! female reader
Warnings: The smut starts here!
 You had found Doyoung attractive since day one and you had caught yourself eyeing him up at least once every class, but he was so intimidating that you never once thought about making a move. And you certainly never imagined him dragging you into the teacher’s restroom to confess he was imprinted on you and kiss you like that.
Doyoung’s lips were soft and delicate, just like his touch. His hands traveled gently from your hair, down your chest and to your abdomen, his fingers landing on the hem of your shirt and tapping lightly, not daring to go under it just yet.
The feeling of his lips against yours was heavenly, but a part of you had a hard time processing what was happening and you were not sure you were understanding the situation.
“W-wait-,” you tried to put some distance between your mouths only for him to whine desperately and chase after you again,nipping at your bottom lip so deliciously you let out a faint moan. He groaned appreciatively and bit harder while sucking on it, needing to hear that sound again. 
 You sighed into the kiss, the overwhelming amount of feelings clouding your mind when his tongue slipped into your mouth and massaged yours sensually. Slowly you let his warmth invade you and fought his tongue back for dominance and while Doyoung liked you finally being responsive, he didn’t appreciate you challenging his authority, so he kissed back aggressively,not sparing you a single breath.
  It was when you sucked his tongue that he completely lost it.He grunted and grabbed your hips, pushing you up against the wall and slamming his hips against yours, both of you instantly moaning out loud in bliss. The two of you finally took a break from the kiss, your breath fanning each other’s mouths, panting. You felt lost, everything was a blur, and your were thoughts going wild with the need of  either running away or pulling him closer.
 Sensing your uncertainty, Doyoung licked the outline of your lip gently, “Come back,” he whispered, his fingertips drawing soothing circles on your hips.He already knew how overwhelming all this was for a werewolf, so he could imagine how confusing it was for a human.“Come back to me.”
 You hesitantly opened your eyes to meet Doyoung’s intense gaze. “Breathe in,” he commanded hushedly and you complied, inhaling with difficulty, too aware of his proximity. “Good girl,” he added when your breathing became relatively steady. 
Just when you thought you had regained some self control, you felt Doyoung’s pelvis delicately rubbing against yours.
“Oh!” you whimpered when you felt the outline of his already hard member chafing your center.“Oh god, yes...”
“I told you your body was responding to mine,” he purred, pressing himself against you and rotating his hips in a circular motion, slow but hard. “You’re so wet for me already.”
You let out a silent scream at how he slid against your clit and held onto the material of his shirt in desperation. You looked from the point where your hips met his and back to his face, to what was probably the most erotic thing you had ever seen: Doyoung’s hooded eyes had never stopped looking at your face, not wanting to miss any of your reactions, his eyebrows were furrowed and he was biting his lip almost painfully. This man was driving you insane without taking any clothes off.
“Do you know why it feels this good Y/N?” he grunted after thrusting against you sharply a few times, eliciting several moans from you. You shook your head, not trusting your voice, and he let out a chuckle before continuing, “Because you’re mine. That classmate of yours could never make you feel this good, could he?” 
You were not even sure what he was asking at this point, you could only focus on how good he felt against you and how much better he would be inside of you.
“Could he?” he asked again, stopping his movements completely, to which you responded pulling at his shirt and accidentally scratching his neck, trying to bring him closer to you.
“No! No one could!” you yelled with tears about to escape your eyes, your hips moving on its own to create an image that had Doyoung mesmerized. 
“Say you’re mine.” he demanded.
“Yes! I’m yours, I’m yours! Please-”
Needless to say more, he lifted you up against the wall and with your legs wrapped around his waist, he rammed his body against yours, grinding relentlessly, your moans mixing to a point where it was hard to know who was louder.
Blinded by desire, you moved your own hips wildly to meet his, one of your hands digging your fingernails into his back while the other pulled his hair roughly. 
“Oooh baby, yes!” he hissed before pressing his lips against yours urgently. “Look at you, so perfect for me…” he panted between kisses, “You’re gonna take all of me next time, won’t you? Let me fuck you silly for days until the only thing that you can say with that pretty mouth of yours is my name.”
You nodded automatically, tears rolling down your face as you felt your climax approaching. “I’ll t-take anything…. oohhh” your eyes rolled back into your skull. “Anything you g-...give me!”
“I’ll give it to you so good Y/N”, he nipped at your jaw and kissed his way to your earlobe. “So fucking good…”
“Ah! yesyesyes-YES! DOYOUNG!” you squirmed in his arms, your release so close it was driving you insane. You had never experienced a build up like this before. “It’s too...too much- I’m gonna-”
“Yeah?” he hummed licking your neck, feeling his orgasm close too, “Is my mate going to cum?” he inhaled deeply and felt his eyes roll back in extasis. “You’re gonna cum so nice and hard, baby, I can taste it.”
 He thrusted his pelvis brutally, at a speed that would have been impossible for a human, the exquisite friction taking you to the edge and just like that your release hit you so hard you only saw white as your body shook uncontrollably.
 Doyoung’s eyes widened in shock and he gasped when he felt an electric pleasure invade him: that was your orgasm. He could feel it in his own body. Your bond was that powerful. He was in such a state of euphoria that he couldn’t process what happened next, he only registered the feeling of his own release with him mouthing the curve of your neck and another wave of pleasure that took over your body as you came again, your legs trembling around him.
Both of you slid down the wall and onto the floor, completely out of breath, the aftermath of your orgasms leaving a tingling sensation in your fingertips and your minds clouded.
“Holy shit…”
It wasn’t you who said it, but neither was Doyoung.You blinked a couple of times and looked at the man in front of you, who was looking back at you, equally confused. Then Doyoung turned to the side, where he had discharged his phone when he dragged you into the restroom.
 “Fuck…” Doyoung muttered as he reached for his phone. “Johnny?”
“Yeah, hi…”someone’s muffled voice replied.
“What the hell?! Were you listening the entire time?” Doyoung had never been this embarrassed in his life.
“Dude, you messaged me saying you needed someone to go get you. Then I called and you picked up but started talking to someone else who turned out to be your mate and, well… we got curious.”
“Listen, do you still need me to pick you up or nah? I mean, you said you needed to leave that place before you did something you’d regret but I don’t know if it’s too late for that…”
Something he would regret? 
Doyoung stared at his phone and then at you, who still had not recovered from that mind-blowing experience, your limp body sitting on the floor, your face flushed and pretty and your eyes seemed to have a hard time focusing. That sight alone was enough to get him going again and he seriously considered it as he scanned your body until his eyes landed on your neck, which had a big purple and red mark on it.
 His body was suddenly rigid and his face pale, remembering what he had done. He was so lost in lust and adoration that he had bitten you, claiming you,a girl who didn’t even fully understand the situation, as his mate... all this while dry humping you in the teachers’ restroom of all places.
“Doyoung?” Johnny was still waiting.
Doyoung stood up and took a step back, horrified. He had done something so crucial without even asking you if you wanted it. He took a last look at you: You were coming back to reality and your hand was pressing against the injury on your neck, giving him a puzzled look.
“Please come pick me up right now,” Doyoung whimpered at the phone before abandoning the restroom, leaving you alone and confused.
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chaeryybomb · 4 years
nct dream reactions: the rooftop fight
nct dream rooftop fight?
more like nct dream’s excuse to finally ending it all
i’m not saying that they have a target list but that’s exactly what I’m saying
without further ado:
mark lee
literally does not want to be there
he says he's there to supervise them so they don't commit murder
"i'm looking at you renjun"
sits with jaemin at the side, watching the rest of them run from renjun and jeno
until haechan p r o v o k e s the fuck out of him
"come on you cOWARD FIGHT ME MARK LEE"
(mark to jaemin) "hold my glasses for me"
accidentally sucker punches hyuck in the gut and internally panics
and haechan's dramatic ass doubles over in "pain" and starts wailing
until he sees the hidden grin and mark kicks him into the next comeback with no regrets
huang renjun
(renjun, who's been waiting for this for years) "i've been waiting for this, TURN IT UP"
(renjun to the dreamies) "this is the day you die, say your prayers fuckers"
we all know renjun will not hesitate to sucker punch the dreamies
like he is ready to risk it all on cam just to do so
yk how he usually grabs someone to hold it back or he grabs his jacket to hold himself back
his target is literally haechan
renjun finally letting out all the anger his tiny ass body has been storing
dhshd I honestly picture them wearing "boom"'s suits while throwing hands
you know how rooftops usually have broken pots and bricks sitting around
and how renjun is always picking something up to hit the dreamies with?
bricks and flower pots? more like free weapons
he will mfing stRANGLE YOU
you saw how he put jisung in headlock without hesitation
lee jeno
jeno is fucking built okay
y'all have seen his mUSCLES
and he's always reading to punch the dreamies while having his eye smile on
but we all know he won't actually hurt them bc he loves them
so he's there trying to convince renjun to not shove jisung off the roof
"c'mon guys, why don't we just watch netflix and ord—WHO THREW THEIR FUCKING SHOE AT ME?!"
ᕦ(҂.◜◡◝ )ᕤ
(jeno, rolling up his sleeves) "alright sQUARE UP ASSHOLES"
he's going to start chASING THEM
now imagine this: jeno's adorable eye smile as he does his ostrich run
but add his fists raised up
and chasing chenle
and that, ladies and gents, is rooftop fighter lee jeno
lee haechan
boy is all talk and no bark
yk how he always provoking them
yeah he’s basically doing that
he's just a grade a b r a t
(hyuck, bouncing back and forth) "what are you gonna do huh? punch m—HAHSHAH WAIT I WAS KIDDING"
he is definitely not going after jeno
hyuck may be annoying but he has the braincells to know that jeno will plummet him
he considers renjun but then he sees renjun pick up a brick as he goes after jisung
and decides he'll kick mark's ass instead because he's been doing it for years
oh he's definitely going after the maknae line
all the times chenji made fun of him
oh boy he's getting his REVENGE
it is the day he finally makes chenji regret being born
(hyuck to jisung) "you are officially an adult which means you are no longer a minor which also means I am legally allowed to beat you up"
na jaemin
he's going after chenle
y'all see how badly he wanted to strangle him in that one huya live
y e a h
at first he's like jeno, he doesn't want to harm any of the dreamies
but it all took one mockery from chenle and he SHOT right out of his seat to beat his ass
I feel like jaemin will also smother the dreamies with kisses and hugs instead of actually fighting them
he knows that his can kill them with love
he'll be like "JISUNG-AH MWAH MWAH MWAH" (ノ´ з `)ノ
and once he gets ahold of one them
oh boy good luCK GETTING OUT LMAO
renjun kills with anger and jaemin kills with what he does best, loving the dreamies
zhong chenle
okay idk why but I picture chenle with a weapon
like he and jisung definitely has a plan out for everything
he's conspiracing against his hyungs ya know
and he knows that 127 hyungs love him
he's definitely going to take it to his advantage
"taeyong hyung, can I borrow your bat?"
"of course chenle but what for?"
(chenle, deadpanning) "to beat up the dreamies"
I also feel like he'll ask Johnny for advice on how to kick someone down and make sure they stay down
like he'll go around the hyungs who have experience and ask for advice ya know
and by that I mean johnny, jaehyun, doyoung and yuta-
he'll probably tell jisung something like "okay I get to punch you once and then I'll go after the hyungs"
his dolphin ass is a l w a y s screaming
park jisung
is he afraid of his hyungs? debatable
but boy he keeps second guessing himself but then reminds himself
"I can beat them I can beat them I can beat them I-"
he uses his long limbs to his advantage
aka running away from renjun
spends 80% of the time running away from jaemin and his death kisses dhwhdje
honestly he's gonna be running most of the time fhehhd
threatens to call the parent line whenever renjun or haechan gets too close
lets chenle punch him one (1) time on the shoulder and stops him after that dhshd
he's just a giant babie, taeyong come collect ur son
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gwynposting · 3 years
Justice (Ch. 1)
This is the start of an alternate ending for Cyberunk 2077, focused around Judy as she tries to help V rid herself of the relic without also shedding her soul in the process.
AO3 Link
The feigning scent of nicotine clouds leftover from the trapped remnants of Maiko’s cigarette sent itching pulses of desire through V’s body. The activation throughout her body startled and scared her. She didn’t smoke. She hadn’t puffed a stick in her life and yet she eased into it like she was sitting in a favorite chair. More than once had she caught herself reaching for a cigarette from Evelyn’s pack before swiping the inner thoughts of Johnny away.
The clack of Maiko’s stilettos began to fade into the background, “Maiko, hold up. Give us a lift?” Roxanne called out.
“Only if you don’t talk to me,” Maiko responded bitterly, “I feel a migraine coming on.”
She’s not the only one, V thought to herself. It almost felt like the cigarette fumes had been a trigger for it - like her brain was trying to associate the smell to memories that she’s never experienced before, that never existed. Flashes of seething bitter hatred and insecurity and jealousy pulsed through her veins came and went.
It took the breath out of her, and V had to brace herself with both hands to remain upright.
“Oh shit,” Judy said as she siddled besides V, “I’m scared, V.”
Judy looked down to her lap before continuing, “Speakin’ of gratitude… stuff I’m askin’ you to do, well - usually comes with a price tag, I know. You wanna help, I get that. But I’m more’n happy to pay your fee in full.”
V shifted her weight to her right arm so she could wave Judy away with her left, “C’mon Judy, you serious? Out of the question.”
“Bu-” Judy tried to make her case.
“Ah ah ah,” V tutted, “Not… not a word,” dizziness began to set in - her head began to swim and V found it difficult to even complete a sentence. She tried to provide a smile of assurance, but by the expression on Judy’s face, she wasn’t buying it.
“You okay V?” Judy reached out and placed a hand on V’s knee.
V looked up to meet Judy’s concerned eyes, which she could only meet with her own - unfocused and strained. “Don’t worry ‘bout me, just a long day.”
“How ‘bout I call a cab then,” Judy soothed.
“Preem,” V replied, before placing both hands on her knees and trying to lift herself up from the couch. “Thanks -” she began before what felt like electricity shot through her nervous system.
V clutched her head in agony as if it would stop the cosmic force tormenting her from using her skull as a sharpening stone. Every scrape and slice caused by another memory overwriting her brain, another one of her memories lost to time as one more of Johnny Silverhand’s took its place. 
V’s legs gave out from under her. She reached out for the couch’s siding to fall back onto.
But she was far too weak to support herself, and her legs began to give out from under her until she collapsed on the cushion below.
 “V? Are you okay?” Judy’s voice sounded distant.
She barely even heard Judy. She was breathless, her heart raced. She was staring down the barrel of Dexter Deshawn and he had just put a bullet through her skull.
“V?” Judy’s words became more desperate, “Talk to me.”
It sounded like V was underwater and all she could hear were the muffled desperate cries of Judy, until finally Judy reached out and shook her shoulder.
“V,” Judy stressed, “please.”
But as quickly as the searing pain shot through her body, it soon dissipated.  Yet she continued to stare forward, past Judy and into the distance - she still stood down the barrel of Deshawn’s .22.
“S-sorry to scare you like that,” V attempted a smile. Her cheeks were a deep scarlet, whether flush from the pain moments before or from the embarrassment of having Judy bear witness to one of her episodes.
“W-what the fuck, V,” Judy’s voice had a hint of shakiness, “are you like… sick?”
“Something like that,” V said with a gruff. She still felt in a sort of daze, her muscles struggled to keep herself upright. “How much you wanna know?”
Judy tilted her head, “Only what you want to, V. I just want to know if you’re okay.”
V looked off to the side before her eyes rested upon her lap, “Well,” V said with a choke that even caught herself off guard, “Might have bad news for you.”
She attempted to look Judy in the eye but faltered under their piercing worry, “You know the heist that Evelyn hired us for, the relic I was gonna klep?”
“Couldn’t forget that in a million years,” Judy said somberly.
“I’ll spare you the gritty details but… in short the chip we stole’s stuck in my head. The chip is keeping me alive, but it’s also slowly killing me.”
Judy seemed taken aback, “You bein’ serious?”
“Sounds like a lot, I know. Truly wish it was all bullshit, believe me.”
“Fuck,” Judy muttered under her breath, “Anything at all you can do?”
“One can hope,” V withered.
Judy gave a sad smile, “It’s late, you’re tired. You can crash here for the night if you’d like,” Judy gave a reassuring pat on the knee to V.
V could only nod in return, “Thanks, Jude.”
Judy stood up and walked back to her room while V took the opportunity to kick off her boots and lay down on the couch. There wasn’t a pillow to lean on, but V couldn’t care less - she was already half asleep by the time her cheeks touched the couch.
“I got some pillows and a blanket for -” Judy cut herself off as she saw V fast asleep on her couch, arms splayed out and face straight down. She couldn’t help but smile, “Pssh, fuckin’ gonk.”
Judy shifted her weight to the balls of her feet, creeping up to the sleeping merc. With as careful a touch as she could, she cradled V’s head in one hand as she slipped a pillow underneath. She then took the blanket and splayed it atop her body.
Judy looked down upon V’s form and found it hard to take her eyes away. To see such a force of nature so vulnerable, so… 
It sent butterflies to the pit of Judy’s stomach.
But in the same moment those butterflies turned to boulders, sinking within as she felt the gravity of the emotions within - vulnerability.
Of course she’s fucking dying, the dark thoughts appeared in Judy’s head. And while they were immediately beaten back down by conscious thought, she wasn’t able to push down the underlying fear that she’d open herself up to someone once more, only to lose them to the inevitable grind of Night City’s heel. But her mind was no more hostage to her first impulse as she was to her second - there was an ever present war taking place within her.
 How could I be so selfish? She’s fucking dying and I immediately make it about myself.
Judy hadn’t even realized she’d reached for the pack of cigarettes in her pocket until her other hand failed to locate her lighter. Deciding she didn’t want to bother having a fight with herself on a nicotine-deprived brain, she waited until she was back on the roof of her building, lit cigarette in hand, staring out to the NC skyline.
Is it too much to ask for just one thing to go right, she asked herself.
Yet Judy quickly reminded herself, You’re acting like she’s your girlfriend already.
Judy cursed herself at even the thought - she didn’t even know if V was even into women. She took a heavy draw from her cigarette before flicking it off the balcony.
Judy’s gaze lingered on V’s sleeping form. Maybe she was looking a bit too close - her eyes focused on a couple strands of hair drooped over V’s face. She had the overwhelming desire to sweep them back over the merc’s ear, but ultimately decided not.
“Goodnight, V.” 
Sharp cracks raced through the air. Although used to the familiar tenors, V shot up in an instant - her hair raised on end, breath rapid, and heartbeat racing. More gunfire sprung forth, followed by the screeching squeal of rubber against pavement. The gripping roar of motorcycles soon began to fade into the streets of Kabuki.
V clutched her chest as she tried to calm herself down. She was fine.
For now.
But as the adrenaline began to fade, the throbbing headache leftover from last night’s attack took its place. V groaned in pain as she began to feel her own heartbeat through her head.
“Mornin’, sleepyhead.” Judy called out.
V turned to see Judy in the kitchen making breakfast. She tried to match the energy Judy was bestowed but could only manage a pained half-smile. “Helluva alarm clock.”
“Things have been getting hot between Maelstrom and the Tyger Claws lately,” Judy sighed, “it doesn't help that I live on the border of their territories.”
Judy paused what she was doing and instead took a mug from the cupboard and filled it with coffee from the pot. She also grabbed a pill bottle and doled out a couple in her hand and brought them both over to V.
“Coffee and,” she held out her hand for V, dropping its contents into her hand, “ibuprofen. And I hope you like ham.”
“Wow,” V replied, “thanks, Judy. And yeah, I love it.”
“Least I can do.” Judy said with a smile before returning to the kitchen.
Least I can do, she repeated in her thoughts.
V tossed both tablets in her mouth and washed it down with several large gulps of coffee. The scalding liquid coating the inside of her mouth was the least of her concerns, she needed caffeine inside her ASAP.
When Judy was finished, she brought over a fresh ham sandwich. V took it and scarfed it down, only to blush as she realized what a messy eater she was being.
Wiping her lips clean, she looked up to see Judy sitting on the couch a ways away looking vaguely concerned, “Sorry I uh, freaked you out last night.”
“Does that happen a lot?” Judy asked.
V rubbed her neck, not wanting to lay it all on Judy at once, “It’s not usually that bad.”
“C’mon, V. Cut the shit. What’s really going on?”
“No gettin’ around this, huh?” V asked, but really it was more a statement of fact, knowing Judy.
Judy gave a half smile, but it gave away her underlying fears and doubts, “I’m worried, V.”
Something deeper pierced V, she couldn’t pinpoint it. All she knew was she couldn’t deny Judy this request, “You want the long version, then?”
“Call it a thanks for breakfast,” Judy smirked.
“Might want to get comfortable then. Because well, shit, where do I begin?” V thought for a moment before continuing once more, “So, my choom and I, big guy named Jackie, tangled with this hotshot fixer, Dexter Deshawn.”
“He’s the one who put you in contact with Evie?” Judy asked.
V nodded, “Mhm, as well as make us run some errands,” V said with a scoff, “but anyways, the job was to hit Konpeki Plaza, right? Klep some biochip that the son of ‘Saka was stealing for himself.”
“Which is why you came in for the braindances,” Judy affirmed.
“Exactly. But the job went wrong, as you know. I lost Jackie getting out of Konpeki. And…”
“...and?” Judy said, softly, not wanting to sound too impatient.
“I died, Judy. I fucking died.” V shuddered at the thought.
“Are you… are you joking right now?” How are you alive?” Judy leaned forward in disbelief.
“Remember that chip we were stealin’? Well, the container got busted when we were escaping. The next best place to store it was hooked into one of our brains, apparently. Jackie took the honors initially but… well….” V shook her head, “So I slotted the shard in myself after Jackie died.”
“I’m sorry, by the way. Truly,” Judy soothed as she scooched closer across the sofa so that she was now in touching distance between V.
V could really only offer a smile of acknowledgement in return, for she felt nothing but agony when she looked inward. “Guess the biochip was my saving grace - Dexter Deshawn double crossed me, put a bullet in my skull. I died then. But the craziest part is that the chip restarted my brain, god knows how much later. And I woke up to find myself in a junkyard in the badlands, covered in filth in debris.”
“J-Jesus fuck, V.” Judy’s voice hitched, “But I guess you made it out, all things considered.”
V nodded, “Got back only to realize I had the engram of a terrorist in my brain - Johnny Silverhand.”
“Woah, woah,” Judy waved, “engram?”
“Think of it like some digitized psyche, like if someone downloaded your entire brain and saved it to memory. His psyche is on the chip inside me.”
“Okay okay, so like the ‘Saka commercials just… just in your brain.”
“Yeah, something like that. But I guess when it restarted my brain, the chip began erasing me and writing in Johnny.”
“Fuck,” Judy stuttered. “So you’re becoming Johnny Silverhand?”
“Yeah,” V’s voice cracked, tears began to form on high cheekbones. “In a few weeks’ time, I’ll be someone completely different. I won’t even exist.” 
Judy instantly moved to V’s side and wrapped an arm about her, pulling her close. “I wonder what it’ll be like to die for a second time,” V pondered dryly. 
“Is there really nothing you can do?” Judy almost pleaded.
“There’s a few leads. I’m waiting to hear back from a fixer that can put me in touch with the Voodoo Boys, and I still need to look into finding the lead researcher for the biochip.”
“Ok,” Judy breathed deeply, “Alright. Then you focus on that, okay? And listen, I know you said you’d help out with Clouds but this is your life on the line here, V, I’d completely understand if you back out.”
“I said I was helping Judy, and that’s final.” 
V’s assuredness sent a shiver down Judy’s spine - her unwavering voice, despite cracked with emotion moments before, her steadied eyes, still reddened from irritation and tears yet firm in their conviction, and the almost offended expression on her face to even suggest that she’d go back on her promise. 
“Then... keep me posted? About how it goes... If you want,” Judy stumbled over her words. “I want to help if I can.”
“Of course, Judy. And thanks,” V smiled in appreciation.
Even the slightest gesture made Judy’s heart flutter. This gonk will be the death of me. 
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et-lesailes · 4 years
lockdown lust
pairing: johnny storm x reader
word count: 3270
summary: video chatting with your best friend johnny during quarantine turns a bit steamy.
themes: smut
taglist: @evanstush​​, @tanyam93​​, @bval-1​​, @wonderwinchester​​, @patzammit​​, @rohaintahquil​​, @deidrashouseofpain​​, @sammyslonglostshoe​​, @jadedhillon​​, @bohemian-barbie​​, @whysparker​​, @sebastian-i-stan​​, @sebabestianstan101​​, @lille-kattunge​​, @teller258316​​, @peach-acid​​, @allsortsofinterests​​, @xoxabs88xox​​, @heyiamthatbitch​​, @cptn-sgrogers​​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​​, @bangtan-serendipity​​, @troublermalik​​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​​, @bookish-shristi​​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​​, @straightforwardly​​,  @denisemarieangelina​​,  @frencchfries​​, @xlanawriter​​, @littlemoistcarrot​​, @pottxrwolff​​, @arianatheangelworld​​, @ifuseekamyevans​​, @southerngracela​​, @nsfwsebbie​​, @rororo06​​, @savemesteeb​​, @raveviolet​​, @inactivewhore​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​, @shaddixlife​​, @tessa-bl​​, @marvelouspottering​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​, @thegetawaywriter​​, @dwights-new-plague​​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​​, @fckdeusername​​​
notes: man i wish my quarantine was going like this. graphic creds go to the @thewritingdoll​, also patreon saw this first! click here to join :)
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You’re laying on your side on your bed, dressed in a simple tank top and shorts with your sports bra just barely peeking out from either side of your shirt, clicking through YouTube video after YouTube video on your laptop. Ever since being unemployed thanks to the pandemic, each day is the same as the previous. Wake up, eat breakfast, watch TV, play some video games, eat lunch, read, try and teach yourself a new language, sit outside on the deck for a bit, eat dinner… you’re slowly going crazy not having anything productive to do, but it at least helps being able to chat with your friends via FaceTime and Zoom. It’s rather depressing being alone and stuck at home, but one of your best friends in particular manages to help quite a lot. Even though Johnny’s going just as crazy as you are, he’s still his fun loving, goofy, and energetic self, and it’s safe to say he knows how to cheer you up whenever you’re feeling the quarantine blues.
A notification pops up on your screen indicating that he’s video calling you, and you gladly answer. “Hey there, gorgeous.” He greets you in his typical flirtatious fashion- as usual, he’s shirtless (you’re assuming also only in underwear) and lounging back in his bed with a beer in one hand. “Fuck, I’m so bored. What are you up to?” You laugh softly, sighing as you look at the YouTube videos on the side of your screen. “Literally nothing. Honestly considering just going to sleep because I have nothing else to do.” 
“You know what I miss?” he suddenly speaks up rather than responding to you, taking a swig of his beer. “Sex. No, I miss even just touching a girl. Like even if it’s a fucking handshake. I’m starting to think I should have just picked a quarantine girlfriend so I could get some action.” You blink and laugh, shaking your head to yourself though you can’t help but admit you understand the feeling. “I’m not gonna lie, I definitely miss the feeling of having someone in the bed with me.” You don’t have a boyfriend, but you did sometimes have a fling every now and then. As Johnny said, though, it’s not just about sex. You simply miss the comforting, reassuring feeling of having a male’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you close to his body in his slumber. 
“Yeah? So have you been masturbating a lot?” he asks bluntly, and you laugh; you and Johnny are extremely close, and so questions like these never throw you off or make you uncomfortable. “Kind of, yeah, but I’m sure nowhere near as much as you.” You tease with a smirk, and he snickers in return. “Touche, darling. I can’t help it, okay? I have a high sex drive.” He suddenly arches a brow, lifting his drink up slightly. “Hello, why am I the only one drinking? Go get some alcohol, c’mon!” You roll your eyes fondly at his severe ADD, but nod your head. “Alright, alright, be right back.”
You return a few moments later with a glass of wine, settling into your previous position laying on your side and propped up on your elbow, sipping from your glass. “Happy now?” you ask, and he scoffs playfully. “Wine? What are you, forty?” You blink and laugh loudly, making a face. “Beer makes my stomach feel weird! It’s all… carby or whatever.” He hums thoughtfully before reaching out of the frame to pick up something- a bottle of liquor. “Okay, what about shots?”
You look at him in amusement and disbelief, but honestly, you actually feel a little sympathy for him. He just wants company; he’s an incredibly social guy who absolutely loves going out, clubbing, dancing, and meeting new people- of course he just wants a drinking buddy right now. “Alright, alright, I literally just settled down but I’ll get out of bed again just for you.” You wrinkle your nose at him and he cheers happily, pumping his fist in the air. “Hell yeah, that’s my girl! Hurry now before my buzz dies down.” You chuckle softly and get up again, setting your wine down and going back to the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of fruit flavored rum. It’s probably going to be a long night if Johnny’s this hyped up already, but you’re actually looking forward to it. You really do love talking to him, especially during this period of time.
An hour flies by without you even realizing it. You’ve been drinking with Johnny the whole time, laughing and chatting and joking around with each other as you usually do; there’s no one who can make you smile as much as he does. His enthusiasm and rowdiness is contagious- you’ve felt so groggy and lazy during these lockdown days, but he always knows how to snap you right back. 
“Hey, Y/N.” Johnny reaches over to grab another can of beer from the table and you catch even more of a view of his rippling abs. “Yeah?” you ask, wondering just how much you’ve drank to actually be checking Johnny out. You can acknowledge he’s an attractive guy, but he’s only been a friend to you all this time- for some reason, you never really entertained the thought of anything more. Perhaps because you’ve seen the way he is with women; not necessarily bad or toxic, but not exactly boyfriend material either. 
“Let’s play a game.” He suggests, giving you a little smirk. “How about Never Have I Ever?” You blink but smile, nodding your head. “Alright, sure. Wanna start?” He suddenly lifts a hand, shaking his head. “Uh uh uh, hold on. This version of the game has a catch.” He downs the rest of his beer before wiping his lips with the back of his hand, grinning at you mischievously. “For every single thing you have done, you have to take off an article of clothing.” 
“What? You know, like, everything I’ve done!” you argue in amusement, and he grins, wiggling his eyebrows. “And you know everything I’ve done. So? C’mon, it’ll be fun. But we can’t do stupid stuff, like “Never have I ever kissed a girl” or “watched hardcore porn”. It has to be more specific.”
You roll your eyes but find yourself agreeing. “Okay. Fine. Shouldn’t you, like, maybe put on clothes first though? You know, so you actually have something to take off?” He blinks and looks down at his half naked body before laughing loudly. “Oh yeah, good point!” You watch as he stands up, eyes directly met with his boxers as he goes to grab a shirt, pants, and even socks and a watch. “You are ridiculous,” you remark, taking a sip of your wine though giggling nonetheless. As always, he knows just how to make you laugh. 
“Alright, I’ll start.” Johnny gets himself comfortable again, dressed in a simple wifebeater and basketball shorts. “Never have I ever… gotten so drunk as a freshman at a college party that I ended up making my really handsome best friend carry me all the way back to my dorm.” You blink and laugh loudly making a face, whining playfully, “Johnny! God, you didn’t even go to school there, why were you there anyways?”
“To carry your ass back home. Now go on, get stripping.” You scoff but take off your tank top, revealing your patterned sports bra underneath. You see him staring and for some reason, you actually feel… excited. This has to be the alcohol, right? You clear your throat, tossing the top aside. “My turn. Never have I ever had sex with someone new five minutes after breaking up with my significant other.” You fire bluntly, the corner of your lips tugging upwards. He laughs, shaking his head to himself. “In my defense, we had only been dating for two weeks, and she went psycho on me. You remember! Right?”
“Just take off the shirt, Johnny.” You laugh, and he arches a brow, playfully retorting, “Wow, bossy. I like it, baby.” He lifts off the wifebeater revealing his abs once again, and you force yourself not to look at them- you know he’d make a comment otherwise. “If we’re going to bring sexcapades into this,” he murmurs thoughtfully, “never have I ever been caught hooking up in a movie theater.” You immediately blush, hiding your face. “Why did I ever tell you about that? It was barely hooking up, it was just making out! And you’ve done that several times at the movies, there’s no way you haven’t.”
“I have, but I’ve never been caught.” He winks and nods towards you. “So, the bra?” You roll your eyes and shake your head, shifting yourself so you’re sitting up on your knees to wiggle out of your shorts. You’re thankful you at least put on some cute underwear today, looking down at the sky blue material with little tiny icons of penguins on it. Johnny shamelessly looks too, chuckling softly. “Wow. Those are fucking precious.” He barely bites on his lip though as he keeps staring, and you feel yourself blushing deeper, quickly settling yourself back down again. 
It’s obvious where this game’s heading. Both of you know it. You don’t know if it’s because of the alcohol, or the fact that you’re just extremely sex deprived, but you’re completely fine with how this night will end. It’s just a fun little game. Nothing wrong with that.
“My turn.” You snap him out of whatever daydream is running through his head, raising an eyebrow. “Never have I ever dated a freaking supermodel.”
“Is that jealousy I hear in your voice, Y/N?” he teases, but easily kicks off his basketball shorts. “No. Also why aren’t you just taking off your socks and the watch first?” you ask, and he grins, shrugging playfully. “I’m perfectly fine with just chilling with my dick out wearing nothing but a few accessories. What’s wrong with that?” You shake your head to yourself, though you can’t help but find the thought hilarious. How this boy became so bold and confident, you have no idea, but you have to admit it’s even a bit inspirational at times.
“Okay,” Johnny begins, taking a drink of his beer. He looks more excited now, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Never have I ever had sex with a long term significant other.” You blink and make a soft incredulous noise. “You’ve never even had a long term significant other!”
“That’s right, baby girl! Which is it gonna be, the bra or the panties?” 
“Neither.” You smirk and bring your feet into view, wiggling your toes in the fuzzy socks you had been wearing. “I’m guessing someone here doesn’t have a foot fetish at least, because you didn’t even notice that I’m wearing socks.” Johnny groans in playful annoyance as you take them off, crossing his arms. “Fine, you got me there. Your turn.”
You have to pause for a second. Not to think of what you’re going to say- God, you know Johnny better than he does, you could write a book of all the bullshit he pulls. No, you have to pause because this is where things are going to start getting intense. You’re going to see your best friend naked, and he’s going to see you naked. Both of you are horny out of your minds. Both of you are intoxicated. Do you really want to go through with this? 
“Hello? You there?” he asks impatiently, in classic Johnny fashion. You swear the boy has the attention span of a turkey.
“Never have I ever had a wet dream about my best friend.” You suddenly speak, looking at him intently- he looks at you in surprise for a few moments, but before he can move, you’re suddenly the one slowly lifting your sports bra up and over your head, your breasts moving up with it before lightly bouncing down.
He’s completely speechless, his eyes on your chest as if he’s never seen boobs before, his facial expression getting more and more serious from shock. “Holy…” he finally mumbles, nibbling on his lip. You’ve never seen him look so hungry, so full of desire, and it’s only turning you on. There’s a certain thrill and adrenaline rush that comes with getting intimate with someone you’re “not supposed” to, and you’re definitely feeling that buzz right now. 
“Well?” you ask softly, tilting your head to one side. “I have. Have you?” You’re taking a big chance here, but considering what a sleazeball Johnny can be, you’re certain it’s had to have happened at least once. He looks at you for a few moments before slowly smirking, moving his hands down…
… only to take off his socks. Your expression is one of complete disbelief as you’re about to ask him if he’s actually serious, but then he goes to take off his watch. After that, he moves his hands to the hem of his boxers and pushes them down- his erection jumps up, tall and thick, and you can feel the heat in your core simply from looking at it. He lounges back against his headboard, completely nude, his chest visibly heaving slightly from excitement.
You clear your throat trying not to be too obvious about staring at it. “Why’d you… um… why did you take more than one thing off?”
He leans over and he’s out of the frame for a second. You hear the sound of hands rubbing together. Lotion. “Because I’ve had more than one wet dream.” He answers simply upon returning, keeping his eyes on you as he slowly wraps his hand around his cock. “Do you want to hear about one?” You widen your eyes, now only paying attention to this shaft at this point, watching him pump himself slowly. Fuck, you’re so turned on right now. “Yes,” you breathe out, starting to shift uncomfortably as you subconsciously rub your thighs together.
“In the dream you were dating that dumb ex of yours. I can’t even remember his fucking name anymore. The one I hated, you know who I’m talking about.” Johnny begins, eyes briefly roaming your body on his screen. “I came over one day and he was out somewhere. You were wearing this sexy ass lingerie, to surprise him when he got back. When I walked in, you just immediately jumped up on me without realizing it was me- when you did, you looked all shocked, but I just kept holding you in my arms.” He breathes heavier, starting to pump faster. “We start kissing. Making out. My tongue’s practically down your fucking throat, my hands squeezing your perfect ass, I bring you into the bedroom.”
Your cheeks feel flushed and your own breaths are becoming a little more uneven, completely focused on everything he’s saying. “Then what?” you whisper; you don’t even realize your hand is moving to your breast. He lets out a groan simply from watching you, continuing, “I push you down on your hands and knees on the bed and slap your ass so hard, it leaves a mark. I tell you that you belong to me now, and that I don’t care if your boyfriend has to watch us fuck for me to prove that.” He stares at you as you start massaging your breast, watching in awe as your fingers pinch your nipple ever-so-slightly. “Fuck, you like this, don’t you baby girl? After that, I finger fuck you over and over again, I make you cum so goddamn many times. You’re fucking screaming by the end of it, you’re still on your hands and knees like a good girl, your face is against the mattress and your perky little butt’s up in the air for me. You fucking love every second of it.” He grits his teeth slightly as he keeps pumping, eyes dark with lust. “Then you want to know what happens next?”
“Y-yes, yes Johnny, please,” you practically moan, now practically trying to squeeze your thighs together to relieve the frustration. “Then take off your panties,” he suddenly demands, and you instantly obey, wiggling them off your legs. “Sit up so I can see your pussy,” he growls huskily. You adjust the laptop so that it’s in front of you, sitting and leaning back with your legs spread so that your bare entrance is in view, resting yourself on your elbows breathlessly. “I’m so fucking wet, Johnny,” you whine, moving your hand down your torso and using your fingers to start rubbing yourself. “Please, please keep going…”
“God damn,” he groans deeply, the mere noise in itself making you shiver in pleasure. “After I have you cumming over and over again, I grab your hair and thrust inside you, holding your ass and smacking it whenever I fucking want.” You let out a moan as you push one finger inside, tilting your head back. “Your tight little pussy felt so fucking good around me, babe. I had my big dick poking out your goddamn belly from how hard and deep I fucked you. I was tugging your hair, choking you, spanking you, playing with those perfect tits- you made the perfect little fuckdoll, so obedient, so damn needy.” He smirks, hand moving up and down faster, staring at you play with yourself as he murmurs, “Just like how you are now, hm?”
“Fuck, Johnny,” you whine breathlessly, pushing another finger in and pumping even faster. “I need you right now, o-oh… oh my God. I need your big dick inside me right fucking now…”
“Holy shit, Y/N,” he groans just from hearing you, rolling his neck to one side and shutting his eyes, head tilted upwards. “Would you cum all over my dick, just like you did in my dream?” You gasp, nodding immediately, lips parted and cheeks pink. “Yes! Yes… fuck… I want you to cum inside me, too…” He grins wider, chest heaving as he watches you weakly, hand working his long length intensely. “I can definitely do that, baby girl… o-ooh fuck, I’m close… I’m going to fucking cum right now…!”
“Me too!” you cry out, leaning against the headboard and rubbing hard; it’s not long before Johnny gets a view of you releasing, and the sight is enough to set him off with a loud groan- you can’t help but stare at how much he cums, wishing you could be there to taste all of it. 
“God damn.” He slowly exhales, leaning back entirely. “That was… wow. I fucking needed that.” He barely straightens up to grab a tissue from his nightstand, cleaning his mess but glancing up at you breathing heavily. “And especially with you. You’re so hot, Y/N, I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I met you.” You widen your eyes surprised, trying to catch your breath as you stare at him. “What? Really…? I… I didn’t think you saw me like that, we were always just such… best friends.”
“Yeah. That’s why I didn’t do anything.” He admits, carelessly tossing the tissue aside, but you’re too shocked to even show any disgust. “You’re the only girl friend I’ve had. I didn’t want to treat you like everyone else. But fuck, it’s been hard.” He pauses and nods towards his length, “This has been too, every time I’m around you.”
Despite the otherwise serious conversation, you can’t help but laugh, even feeling somewhat flattered. You move to sit more comfortably, biting your lip. “Well then,” you mumble tilting your head, “maybe on the next video call I can tell you about my dream…”
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sunriseseance · 4 years
HECK YEAH alrighty here we go then! 1. Broadly: what do you predict we'll see from Klaus in s3? I know you've mentioned him snapping a bit- what're your thoughts on what that might entail? (1/?)
I think that Klaus is experiencing his first full moment of independence, especially power independence, at the same time he is experiencing extreme emotional turmoil. They’ve told us that alcohol (at east) does jack shit to prevent his powers. I think that he has spent a long, long time with people who (IMO) do care about him, but don’t think about him all that often. “Klaus is still Klau” as a modus operandi for the entire family, at least at default. Now he no longer has a Powerful or Moral (although I have my problems with this interpretation) Ben to lean on, I think we’re gonna see a Klaus who is coming into his own, who is hurting deeply in ways the sibling do not (and possibly cannot, Klaus lies and masks A LOT) know, and who feels that the turmoil inside of him belongs outside. 
2. Do you expect to see Klaus’ powers expanded on in s3, and if so, how do you think they’ll go about that? I think levitation and telekinesis would be amazing but seeing as they’ve already given those away to his siblings, I don’t think it’s all that likely. I love your clairvoyance theory (more on that shortly), and I've been playing with the idea of a telepath or empath Klaus, something akin to his "channeling" powers from the comics. (2/?)
I think that probably the primary thing in store for Klaus is commanding ghosts and being possessed. These play together interestingly and are both extremely powerful. He can command an army without a second thought, and they listen to him, but also if he slips up they can jump in his body, he’s gone and they’re in charge. It’s an interesting and fruitful dichotomy and power structure. Also I think he can make ghosts possess other people. They made a big point of showing that Klaus was conscious before Ben entered Vanya’s mind. If he can command spirits, and spirits can possess other people that is a great deal of power. (Also, like, Klaus is able to make Ben not possess him. Neither of them may know it, but he DOES command spirits. He does.)
As to his comic powers, I think we may very well get them!! They’ve teased levitation multiple times in s2 alone, and I think this idea that a show about shitty superheroes would care if their powers were redundant does not quite vibe with me. Like, what’s the point of Luther if Vanya can stop bullets and lift a tank with sound waves. Klaus’s version of TK could EASILY have its own niche (no need for a trajectory or sound waves). I don’t want to promise that it’s coming because, like, focusing on his psychic related powers is more cohesive, but I don’t think that the option is in any way off the board. 
3. If they go ahead and give him clairvoyance, how would you like to see that play out? 4. Similarly, do you think his possession powers will be explored further in s3? (3/?)
I think that giving him clairvoyance would be a very handy plot device on top of being interesting for the character. Klaus’s powers have pushed him to the extremes of apathy. Imagine what that would look like if he has the capacity to know everything? He is a person who deals with the hurt of others by denying everything. He has had too much asked of his empathy and compassion. Giving him clairvoyance gives him access to all the hurt in the world. I would love to see that. I would love to see his brain forcing him to care about people because in this particular regard he CAN 100% help. 
Yes absolutely I think his possession powers will be explored further. I know this is a controversial subject, but I think the show took care to make it clear that is is awful and terrifying for him (however it was for Ben) and that it plays interestingly with his ability to summon and command spirits. It serves as a way to even the playing field, almost. He command them, they can take him over. That’s scary for everyone. I don’t think this is one and done at all. 
4. I would LOVE to hear more about your thoughts on Hotel Oblivion's influence on TUA s3- disclaimer, I haven't read the comics (yet). (4/?)
YES OKAY. Based on my own personal desires and my knowledge of the comics (Sparrows locked up) and also the Sparrow crest, I think s3 is going to include at least some of Team Zero locked in the hotel. It could EASILY be all of them, but I could see Reg deciding to keep Five, and even Vanya. This would be interesting because it allows Five to age, allows Five to rest, allows Vanya to see the horrors of actually BEING on a super hero team, and requires 1-4 to save themselves, and in my IDEAL world, save Five from Reg, as well. It would be so fun to watch 1-4 escape the hotel and rescue Five. IMO the hotel is going to be the best if it is treated as a piece of horror. Not something they can understand, something simultaneously enticing and hostile, and something that they have to fight their individual Bullshits to escape. Whoever is in it. I think that would be beautiful. 
5. How would you like to see Klaus' character develop this season? Seeing as s2 has left him unprecedentedly broken, I think this will lead to an AMAZING pay off in s3, esp when it comes to him being without Ben. His powers have so much potential (even w/o the comic book expansion pack) but they have all have come back to Ben's help. This is true of his choices too- Ben is constantly supporting/criticizing him. I'm so excited to see him alone and newly independent. (5/?)
YES SO MUCH. We watch Klaus shatter and regress completely in s2. I know a lot of people feel he wasn’t treated with respect by the narrative, and I respect that, but my general thinking is that this is a part of the whole, and everything we saw of him is in line with a) intense hurt b) the act he puts on. I think that Klaus shattered in s2. He killed the love of his life, he relapsed, and he did his best to make sure nobody cares about him. Ben turned into more of a harmful figure in his life than ever before, and now he’s lost him completely, left with only guilt, resentment, and complicated feelings. 
I think Klaus is going to actually have to DEAL with himself. He’s been able to deflect or hide or bury his hurt and his power and everything else. Like you said, he relied on Ben for a lot, and now it is only him. I think he is going to externalize the chaos he feels inside (and so does Sheehan), and I think he is going to have to confront who Klaus REALLY is, whatever that means. I think he will admit he is powerful, he is hurt, and he is angry. Ultimately, I think this will lead to him with more balance, and he will have a better understanding of himself. But I think he MUST snap a bit first. Nobody takes him seriously, not even himself. He has to change that before he can move on. 
6. How would you like to see Klaus' relationships with his siblings grow this season? I am wondering how him mourning Ben will be received by his siblings. I am also thinking a lot about whether him hitting rock bottom & truly alone for the first time will push him to be more vulnerable and open with his siblings OR if it'll be his breaking point where he shutters out everything he can, emotions and more OR a mix of both. (6/?)
This is a really good question. I’m not at all sure I have a definitive answer, but here I am typing anyway. I think the obvious setup of the first 2 seasons is that everyone thinks Klaus is fine, and that he can Manage, whatever that looks like. This includes Klaus. So my Most Fruitful Idea is to show that he isn’t fine, in a way he cannot hide. I feel like possession could be a good start to this, but so could him diminishing in his ability to respect ghosts, or many other things. Basically, I want the siblings to see through Klaus’s act. None of them, fucking none of them, ever have. He’s done his best to make that the case. I want the act to spread thin in s3, which I think is supported by how the act looks in s2, and I want the sibs to see through it finally, and I want it to be almost too late because he’s lost and angry and goddamn POWERFUL and he knows them in ways they have never known him. 
Also, I like the idea of Klaus and Allison snapping together. They are the two who lack hope, the two who accept as a blanket the end of the world, the two who enable each other, and also the two who bonded with Vanya. Seeing them go down a dark path, and seeing Vanya recognize it and help them stray away from it? Amazing. 
7. Any songs you would love to see in s3? (7/7) Sorry for the IMMENSE amount of questions, comments, and concerns, I have been pondering these things for weeks and since I always adore your tua content, I would love to hear your thoughts and any input from others!!
I would love “Be True To Your School” by the Beach Boys because of the 60s and the irony factor. Any Bob Dylan song would send me to an early grave due to joy, but I’m gonna say especially “A Hard Rain’s A Gonna Fall” which is an incredible song about futility and trying and hurt. I also love the idea of ANY Masseduction by St. Vincent song, but I would especially nominate Masseduction, Young Lover, and Happy Birthday Johnny. 
ALSO NO NO NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE AT ALL THIS WAS SOOOOOOOOOO FUN OH MY GOD do this any time (or come off anon and into my DMs I promise I’m friendly). Thank you so so much!!!
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Battle of the Episodes: Celebrity Deathmatch: Rockstarmageddon Vs When Animals Attack
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome to a minty fresh new segment on the blog cooked up by longtime fan and friend of the blog weirdkev27, named by me: BATTLE OF THE EPISODES! In this new segment I take two similar episodes from a show or franchise and put them up against one another and see which ones better. He pitched the idea to me for something he could do, he had two patreon reviews free so I suggested why not do it in April and here we are! 
Before I begin I will admit I’d forgotten PieGuyRulez had done a similar idea with his podcast ReCast, which I’d never seen and only vaugely heard of. However I feel what i’m doing here is still diffrent enough to keep doing, I have nothing but respect for the guy, and I promise to not do any topics he’s done. If you have any suggestions for this new segment, i’d love to hear them. I already have another one in mind for when I have a free moment on the schedule that I simply didn’t get around to next month.
But for our innugural contest, Kev being the one who pitched it picked the show and it’s a show i’m only passingly familiar with as I did see bits of it growing up: Celebrity Deathmatch. Celebrity Death Match was a late 90′s and early 2000′s tv show on MTV with a revivial on MTV2. It was born both out of a short done for MTV’s Cartoon Sushi, their equilvent of Oh Yeah Cartoons! and What a Cartoon, pitting Charles Manson against Marilon Manson, and that short was popular enough to lead to a special after the superbowl. Said special ended up being the highest rated progam MTV had broadcast at the time, so naturally it got a four season series.
The premise is exactly what it says: two celebrties battle it to the death in goofy claymation fights, one shall stand, one shall fall. Meanwhile our hosts Johnny and Nick banter and set up the fights, talk to interviewers etc. It’s essentially a combination of wrestling and celebrity mockery, and unsuprisingly given MTV’s teen audience who loved pop culture and a bit of the ultra violence it was a massive hit. 
The show later got a revivial a few years after it ended on MTV2, which fans often derided and which I saw more of as I was watching MTV2 at the time... look i’m not proud of the fact i watched “Where My Dogs at?” and i’m even less proud I watched “The Adventures of Chico and Guapo”. But with shows like that you can imagine how high quality the reboot was and how much fans flocked to it. Me I never took to either incarnation. I don’t HATE the show and do appricate it’s gorgeous claymation and copious use of Stone Cold Steve Austin. I love that beer drinking, hell raising, boss humliationg hellion, it’s just the combination of modern celebrity mockery, something that rarely ages well unless the joke is just funny on it’s own, and ultra violence never appealed to me as I was a pretty squeamish kid and teen.. i’ve grown out of that, but I just had no real desire to go back. It’s not a bad show but it’s not really one for me, but I get why i’ts well loved and popular. 
But being a death match fan, and given the similar premisses, Kev picked this to be our inagural contest. Pitting the original against the reivvial. For this he went with two death match time machine episodes: the original’s finale rockstarmageddon and the revivial’s when animals attack. Each episode has it’s own unique theme within the general theme of a dead person versus their successor... and a very much alive person one or both of the hosts thought was dead versus their succesor as a joke: the first is about rockstars and their supposed imitators, the second is about putting two animal themed people against one another.
Each Battle of the Episodes will have diffrent comparisons as every show or franchise is different, comics are also open for this by the by. So for this one i’ll be comparing time machine use, the person explaning the machine, individual episode theme, the joke about one of the “dead” combatants turning out ot be alive, and each of the three matches.  How many will also very, either 5 or 7 depending on how many talking points i have. So with that in mind LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE under the cut and see which episode walks away a champion and which episode walks away a bloody pile of clay on the floor. 
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Doing the matches first as a lot of this stuff overlaps with the later bits. 
Round 1: Lenny Kravitz Vs Jimmy Hendrix VS Horatio Sanz Vs Chris Farley Whelp this was a bad start to BOTH episodes as these matches are the worst of each episode and all 6 matches period. So it’s less which is better as both are a black hole of comedy.. and more which one sucks slightly less. 
The Jimmy Hendrix vs Lenny Kravitz bout is just.. a black hole of comedy, It’s VERY clear the writers hated Kravitz but to me in 2020.. it just hasn’t aged well. I just don’t CARE about Lenny Kravitz. He had maybe one good song, are you gonna go my way, and that’s it. He was not good.. but he was an easy target for the time and an easily forgotten one now. It’s not smart, clever or even cathartic to watch him die. He’s also nowhere similar enough to Hendrix for the comparison to work: for one he had a vastly diffrent look most of the times and for another at most both played guitars and were not white. That’s it.  It just dosen’t work. 
The finisher here is just also... one of the objectively worst grossout bits i’ve seen in animation and i’m almost 30. That’s a LOTTTT of stupid gross gags that aren’t funny. The two vomit into each others mouths. Yes really. Not only is this really disprectful to hendrix death, as ODing on drugs is not something I really find funny nor the show makes funny, but it’s just.. horrifying to think about and gross and makes me want to , ironically enough, vomit thinking about. it’s just deeply unpleasant easily the worst thing i’ve encountered in my time reviewing so far, and it’s going to be a hard bar to clear. This match sucked and it left a bad taste in my mouth. 
Now as for the Horatio Sanz vs Chris Farley Match...
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I honestly have never seen Horatio Sanz that i’m aware of and unlike Kravitz who at least is mildly memorable if not a very good musician, Sanz has just been.. forgotten. I don’t know anything about him and once again it feels like the show punching down, picking an easy target versus a legend. 
And speaking of easy targets the entire segment is just fat jokes. Just a ton of fat jokes. No really, it’s a battle of “Hog vs hog”, chris eats a lot and hte main joke is Chris Farley can’t stay alive long enough to fight. That being said while I find the joke in VERY poor taste, as Farley died of a heart attack and was a really good person and having his death be a punch line just bothers me.... I’ll admit it’s at least clever to have one of the death match time machine contestants come back again, and again, and again. It’s not Funny, it’s horrific.. but I can at least say they put in some effort ofr that one gag and given the horrifying lack of effort for the other match this one BARELY gets the W Winner: When Animals Attack: 
Round 2: Shaggy vs Bob Marley VS Christan Bale vs Adam West
This one’s a no contest... seriously the gulf between jokes is wide and deep.
The Shaggy Vs Marley bout is the best of Rockstarmageddon. It’s funny, the target actually deserves being made fun of as Shaggy was a talent vacum and is memorably bad in comparison to Kravitz, so I still like seeing him get roasted, and they find a lot of funny jokes to do with Bob Marley. I only have a passing familiarity with the guy and while they do the obvious weed joke, they also have him ask for a tiny hammer or a small axe, beat shaggy with his dreads and after using a ring post to kill him, MAKING HIS REMAINS INTO A BONG (hilariously called a “legal novelty smoking device by the commentators). This match shows me why the show was popular: not every match was GOOD.. but the ones that were were creative and a joy to watch. While I sitll feel it’s mildly punching down, it’s funny enough I don’t care. 
Bale Vs West just sucks both by comparison and just in general; The IDEA of having the current Batman at the time and the 60′s one duke it out is great.. but it’s very clear they didn’t like Batman begins nor have any actual christian bale jokes. While this was pre terminator rant and the much more iconic dark knight, if they didn’t have any good jokes , why do this. They just have nothing and are insulting a legitimately good movie instead of making anything funny and making cracks about everyone thinking Adam West is dead. More on that in a bit, but it’s just really not funny and really wasted my time... though West turning him into a batsignal of the cross was clever i’ll admit. 
Winner: Rockstarmageddon
Round 3: Dave Matthews vs Keith Richards VS Jamie Fox vs Ray Charles
Another mistmatch.. but this time in the opposite direction.
Dave Matthews Vs Keith Richards sucks. While there are some good gags up top, we’ll get to that in it’s own section, the match itself just isn’t funny and I really don’t get comparing the stones to dave matthews band. the two bands aren’t remotely similar. The most clever it gets is Dave injecting Richards with his blood, which mellows him out but also revitalizes Richards. There’s a few good jabs at richards but otherwise just nothing of susbtance and like Kravitz Dave Matthews Band has been largely forgotten and unlike Kravitz or Shaggy, just doesn’t seem like as valid a target.
Fox vs Charles on the other hand was a great misdirect, changing his opponent and “punking” fox, forcing him to go from someone he was ready to throw down with to someone he rejects. There are way too many mr mcgoo style I’M BLINDDDDD gags, but Fox is a much more deserving target, and they had far more clever gags, with charles pulling out a cat o n grammys, and using a piano to finish Jamie. It’s nothing GREAT... but at least it’s actually funny and actually picked a good target for the time, if not one that has aged well. 
Winner: When Animals Attack. 1 to 2
Round 4: Who Used the Time Machine Better?
Narrowly .. rockstarmageddon. While it had the same justification for it, the original taking on an upstart attempted replacement, the keith richards gag we’ll get to in a second is better than the farley gag for not being grossly insensitive and unfunny. But neither really use it well; Rockstarmageddon just uses it to mock artists they like and Animals uses it because the first one did. Neither really had a clever idea for it other than “get it this person sucks compared to that one. 
Winner: Rockstarmageddon. 2 to 2
Episode Theme: 
Similar to the time machine, this one comes down to which one had the better indvidual theme... and i’d have to say it’s Rockstarmageddon. It used the theme POORLY, but at least it both had an interesting idea, dead rock stars vs their successors in modern day, versus an easy one (animal matchups) it abandoned for the final match and used REALLY fucking insultingly in the first match. Seriously I don’t mind a WELL done fat joke, as an overweight guy myself, but this was just...
In it’s purest form. 
Winner: Rockstarmageddon 3 to 2
Special Guest:
Each episode had a guest for the time machine... and this one is again no real contest, Rockstarmageddon wins. 
For Rockstarmageddon the show brought back frequent guest star , wrestling legend Stone Cold Steve Austin, who I enjoy and was indeed part of my childhood and star of many video games and one of my brother’s all time favorite wrasslers. The show contrasts his blue collar hellion image with him having made the machine, getting quantum mechanics and unlike nick getting that Keith Richards is dead. Austin clearly gets the show, is fully on board playing along and has fun escorting Hendrix back to the machine and getting his revenge on Nick for doubting him that Keith Richards was alive. He just fits perfectly into the show. 
The revival.. could not get him, likely because he didn’t want to or saw the script and rightfully stone cold stunnered them, i.e. what he shoudl’ve done when Adam Sandler offered him Grown Ups 2. Seriously Adam why bring him in if he’s not going to do something wrestling related to you? This is why people don’t like your films. That and you keep giving your old buddy rob increasingly racist work. And david spade work. And nick swarsdon work. Please do keep giving Shaq work though he’s actually not half bad. 
So instead they bring in Einstein and the joke.. is that he swears a lot and drinks a lot and pulls his pants down at the end.> That.. that’s it. I mean the original , at least the episode given to me, didn’t make a GREAT impression, but at least it was creative. The Reboot came off as shockingly lazy and half assed, with lesser voice actors for our hosts and far less effort put in and this is the biggest emblem of that. Soooo
Winner; Rockstarmageddon 4 to 2
Final Round: Their Not Dead
The final round is a short one and while the winner is already decided, might as well. Both episodes do a joke about one of the guests NOT being dead.. but once again Rockstar is more clever about it. Nick is CERTAIN Keith Richards is dead, and forces Stone Cold to bring him to the present... only for Keith to show up, and there be two keiths. One fades away due to time travel stuffs, a REALLy damn good gag, and Nick’s dogged instance he’s not dead despite everyone knowing he isn’t is just damn funny. 
IN contrast all they have for the late great Adam West.. is insisting he’s dead. That’s it. that’s all they got. It’s not funny, it’s disprectful to Adam who while not an a list actor did a ton of stuff after batman. I mean the simpsons alone should shut them the fuck up...
This one short gag is a MUCH better one than that entire 7 minutes. It was also DEEPLY uncomfortable now Adam’s passed. So naturally
The Winner of this Segment and Overall; Rockstarmageddon. 
I wouldn’t say I LIKED either episode this go round, both had some pretty bad spots..but it’s very clear that while the original had it’s flaws, it was creative, had tons of energy, and a great voice cast. The revivial... has a good chris farley impersonator and that’s it. It’s very clear the people behind the reboot just don’t get the show and are doing the lazy bare minimum. While I didn’t LIKE most of the matches in Rockstarmageddon, I can at least respect the craftmanship: the animation, host jokes and energy is just BETTER. There’s a care and craft the revivial dosen’t have and the drop in quality is noticeable. 
So yeah overall the original wins.. but the episode chosen clearly wasn’t it’s best. That being said both had some good moments, and I would be open to watching more if any one wants to comission it. This experiment has been intresting so let me know in the comments if you want to see more of these and i’ll see you at the next rainbow. And please join my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet. 
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chloelucia13 · 4 years
Chapter 5: The Flea and the Acrobat
Pairing: none of the moment (currently Jonathan Byers x platonic!Henderson!reader)
Prompt:  You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter Summary: The plan the three of you created was solid, and you all thought you were prepared to kill whatever took Will and finally bring him home. Things never go how they’re planned, though, do they?
Warnings: a little angst, a little fluff, language, violence (finally!!!), horror elements, gore
Word Count: 3720
A/N: New part! I hope you guys enjoy! As always, the tag list for this series is open!
Catch up: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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As soon as you had settled down onto your bed, a knock at the front door made you get back up.
You yanked the door open after shooing Mews away, letting out a huff. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, however, when you saw who was at your door. “Jonathan. What’s going on?”
Jonathan let out a sigh. “Lonnie is at the house,” he explained gruffly, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
“What?” You shook your head slightly. W-Why? Did he do something to you?”
He shook his head. “He’s just... There. I’m guessing for the funeral, but...”
“That’s bullshit.”
Jonathan nodded in agreement, pursing his lips. 
“Well, do you want to stay the night here? Or do you want me to go over there?”
“No, no. It’s okay. I just... Needed to get out for a second.”
You nodded slowly, stepping to the side to let him in. “Did he say anything to you?” you questioned as you both walked back to your room.
“Said that mom is sick. That I’m pushing her over the edge. Told me to behave at the funeral tomorrow.” He huffed, sitting down on your bed. “Said that I should take down my Evil Dead poster because it was ‘inappropriate.’”
“God, what a fucking douche bag,” you grumbled, flopping down onto your bean bag chair. “He’s telling you to behave? And that you’re pushing your mom over the edge?” Your face felt hot, hands beginning to shake. “Fuck him!”
He sighed, tugging on the loose strings of your comforter. “It’s like he wasn’t the one who came home drunk every night and then left us to fend for ourselves.”
“He’ll be gone soon, trust me. Either your mom is gonna kick him out or...”
“Or I’m gonna kill him.”
He let out a laugh, shaking his head slightly. “Don’t kill him. He’s not worth the effort or the prison time.”
You laughed along with him, standing up and walking over to him. “Yeah I guess you’re right.” You sat down next to him on the bed, leaning your head against his shoulder. “... I’m scared, Jonathan.”
He took your hand in his and traced his fingers along the lines on your palm. “Why are you nervous?”
You shrugged slightly. “What if...” You shook your head. “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
He sighed and pulled away slightly, touching your chin to tilt your head up so you could look him in the eye. “Don’t say that. Your fears aren’t stupid.”
You offered him a small smile before taking a deep breath, gathering your emotions. “What if... Whatever took Will and Barb... What if it takes one of us? Takes me? I mean, I’m no different from them, and we’re actively hunting the thing that took them. It can take me just as easily.”
Jonathan’s hand left your chin, grabbing onto your other hand and holding them tightly. “I’m not gonna let that happen. I’m gonna be right behind you the whole time. Nothing bad is gonna happen, I promise.” 
You had dreaded getting ready that morning, both because you had to get up early on a Saturday and you had to actually put effort into your look.
You woke up at 8 and trudged to the bathroom, pulling out your mom’s curling iron and getting to work.
It had taken about an hour to get your hair perfect, not too curly but just curly enough that it looked like you made an effort. You sprayed a tiny bit of hairspray and applied some light eye shadow, mascara, blush, and chapstick in the mirror.
Afterwards, you slipped on the black button-down dress that sat in the back of your closet, unworn until that moment, along with your pair of combat boots.
Once you were finished, you stepped out into the living room where your mother and Dustin were waiting. 
“You own a dress?” Dustin remarked, half shocked and half teasing.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. “God, shut up,” you grumbled.
“You are not wearing those combat boots. There’s a pair of flats in my closet, go put them on,” your mom complained.
You sighed and grabbed your keys. “It’s fine. We’re gonna be late!”
The ceremony extremely long, and your feet were aching the entire time (thank god you wore your combat boots). The pastor droned on and on about faith and God and whatnot, placing bible passages between every other sentence.
You stood behind Jonathan, your hands resting on his shoulders and habitually smoothing down his hair, anything to make sure that the both of you didn’t drift off. You kept your eyes on the patch of grass under your feet, unable to look at the small coffin just feet from you. Even if Will’s real body wasn’t in there, the thought of him being dead and stuffed into the ground for the bugs to eat made you nauseous.
As soon as the last flower was tossed on top of the coffin, you and Jonathan hurried out of the crowd after accepting a few weak condolences. Nancy lingered behind for a moment to avoid drawing suspicion. 
“I never knew you wore dresses,” Jonathan voiced as you two walked towards the chapel. 
You scoffed. “God, that’s the third time today-” you began.
“You look nice. Pretty.”
A blush rose to your cheeks and a small smile crept onto your lips. “Thanks.”
As soon as you felt that you were far enough away, the three of you cowered behind a fenced-off gathering of headstones. Jonathan tugged out a folded up paper from his coat pocket, unfolding it as you all sat down on the dead grass. on the paper was a map of the area where Barb and Will disappeared. “This is where we know for sure it’s been, right,” Jonathan explained, showing you and Nancy the map.
“So that’s-” Nancy started, pointing at one of the areas marked with an x.
“Steve’s house.” Jonathan pointed to another x. “And that’s the woods where they found Will’s bike.” He pointed to the last x. “And that’s my house.”
“It’s all so close.”
“Yeah, exactly. I mean, it’s all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is... It’s not traveling far.”
Nancy looked at him. “..You want to go out there.”
He nodded. “We might not find anything.”
“I found something.”
“But if we do see it,” you spoke up, “then what?”
Jonathan sighed, looking off into the distance for a moment before looking back at you and Nancy. “We kill it.”
He shot up all of a sudden, not even waiting for you and Nancy before hurrying over to the parking lot. You and Nancy shared a look before chasing after him, worry immediately settling in your chest when you saw him start to pick the lock for Lonnie’s car. “Jonathan, I don’t know if this is a good idea,” you voiced when he was in earshot, not wanting to shout and draw attention. “What are you even doing?”
He yanked the passenger door open and sat down in the seat, getting to work on the glove compartment. “Just give me a second,” he huffed. After jiggling his blade in the lock, it came undone and he pulled the compartment open. He sifted through the contents before pulling out a pistol and a box of bullets, quickly examining them before stuffing them in his pockets.
“Are you serious?” Nancy ridiculed, jaw dropping.
“What? You want to find this thing and take another photo? Yell at it?”
“Jonathan, we’ve just crossed into illegal territory. If Lonnie finds out, he’s gonna sue you for everything you have!” you whisper-yelled, glancing around to make sure no one was looking.
“And that’s why he won’t find out.” He hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut.
“This is a terrible idea,” Nancy argued.
“Yeah, well, it’s the best we’ve got.” You ran a hand through your hair, trying to stay calm. “What? You can tell someone, but they’re not gonna believe you. You know that.”
“Your mom would.”
“She’s been through enough-”
“She deserves to know!”
“Yeah, and I’ll tell her. When this thing is dead.”
You let out a huff and crossed your arms, nodding once. “Fine,” you grumbled.
You met Jonathan at the small makeshift shooting range that Lonnie had set up years ago. The cans were rusted and the logs were rotted, but that didn’t seem to bother Jonathan, who was trying his hardest to shoot anything other than the dirt.
“Don’t waste all the bullets, Johnny Boy. We’re gonna need them eventually,” you teased. flashing him a smile.
He let out a chuckle and dropped his arm to his side, turning to face you. His eyes immediately glanced down to the machete you decided to bring with you. “Where did you even find that?” he asked incredulously.
“I stole it from Dustin’s room. Pretty badass, don’t you think?”
“I think you’re gonna stab one of us from swinging it.” 
You rolled your eyes and hummed. “But at least I’ll hit something, Byers.”
“Well played.” He reached his hand out and you handed him the blade. He examined it closely, poking the tip in the ground a few times before handing it back to you.
You took it from his hands and sat down in the dirt, watching as he sat down across from you. “Can I share a theory I have?”
“Of course. What is it?”
“What if the area that this creature is appearing in... What if it’s a ley line?”
“What’s a ley line?”
“It’s these lines that supposedly align prehistoric monuments and things like that. But it’s supposed to bring along energy. Maybe this area is on a ley line, and it’s bringing along this extra energy that led to all this weird stuff happening and this... thing.”
“I mean, it’s possible.”
You let out a sigh, tracing the tip of the machete in the dirt and creating random doodles. “The problem is, if it was on a ley line, these weird things would’ve been happening for a long time. It doesn’t make sense for it to randomly start happening now.”
You two sat in silence for a moment, nearly jumping out of your skin when you heard footsteps approaching. You jumped up from the ground and pointed your blade at the source.
“Jesus!” Nancy exclaimed, holding her hands up in the air, her bat dropping to the ground.
“Sorry, just a little... Jumpy,” you sighed, lowering the machete back down to your side. “Hopefully you don’t drop your bat when there’s an actual threat,” you teased, picking it up and handing it back to her.
Meanwhile, Jonathan had returned to the metallic targets, firing at them but never hitting them.
“You’re supposed to hit the cans, right?” Nancy hummed, stepping closer to him.
He chuckled. “No, actually, you see the spaces between the cans? I’m aiming for those,” he joked, a small smile on his face.
“Ah.” She shrugged off her shoulder bag, tossing that and her bat alongside your things. 
“You ever shot a gun before?”
She scoffed. “Have you met my parents?”
“I’m surprised your dad doesn’t have one hidden away in his bedside drawer, just in case the commies come for him,” you teased, nudging her shoulder with yours.
Jonathan chuckled, emptying out the shells into his hand. “I haven’t shot a gun since I was ten. My dad took me hunting on my birthday. He made me kill a rabbit.”
“A rabbit?” Nancy voiced, concerned.
“Yeah. I guess he thought it would make me more of a man or something. I cried for a week.”
“What? I’m a fan of Thumper.”
“I mean your dad.”
“Yeah. I guess he and my mother loved each other at some point. but... I wasn’t around for that part.” He quickly loaded six bullets into the chamber and cocked the gun. Nancy reached her hand out, offering to try, and he handed it to her with no hesitance. “Uh, yeah. Just point and shoot.”
“I don’t think my parents ever loved each other.”
“They must have married for some reason.”
“My mom was young. My dad was older, but he had a cushy job, money, came from a good family...”
You began to zone out at that moment, your own thoughts that you were too scared to voice swarming in your mind. Your tongue was literally in-between your teeth, trying your hardest to speak your mind.
You nearly bit through your tongue when Nancy shot the gun, the bullet connecting with the can and making it fly to the ground. Your thoughts scattered like startled birds, and you blinked your eyes a few times to get yourself focused back into the present.
“Y/N?” Jonathan voiced, his hand touching your shoulder, making you jump. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, forcing a smile. “I’m good.”
The tip of your nose and your fingers felt numb as you walked, the cold effectively chilling them to the point where they were bright red. Thoughts of regret continuously popped in your head, telling yourself that you should have stayed home instead of freezing your ass off in the Indiana woods.
“You never said what I was saying,” Nancy voiced, tearing the blanket of silence.
“What?” Jonathan responded, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yesterday. You said I was saying something and that was why you took my picture.”
“Oh, uh... I don’t know.” he was silent for a moment, pondering. “My guess... I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else. But for that moment, it was like you were alone, or you thought you were. And, you know, you could just be yourself.”
Nancy was silent for a moment. “... That is such bullshit.”
Jonathan stopped in his tracks for a moment, nearly making you run into him, before he began walking again. “What?”
Nancy stopped, prompting everyone to stop, as well. “I am not trying to be someone else. Just because I’m dating Steve and you don’t like him-”
Jonathan sighed and stomped forward. “You know what, just forget it. I just thought it was a good picture.”
Nancy followed behind him, forcing you to keep up with them. “He’s actually a good guy.”
“Yesterday, with the camera...” She rushed to catch up with him. “He’s not like that at all. He was just being protective.”
“Yeah, that’s one word for it.” He huffed and attempted to storm off. 
“Oh, and I guess what you did was okay?”
“No, I-I never said that.”
“He had every right to be pissed-”
“Okay, alright. Does that mean I have to like him?” Jonathan stopped and turned to face her, which gave you some time to catch up to them.
“Listen, don’t take it so personally, okay? I don’t like most people, he’s in the fast majority.” He huffed and turned on his heel to walk away once more.
“You know, I was actually starting to think you were okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking ‘Jonathan Byers, maybe he’s not the pretentious creep everyone says he is.’“
“Well, I was just starting to think you were okay.”
“I was thinking ‘Nancy Wheeler, she’s not just another suburban girl who thinks she’s rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does until that phase passes and they marry some boring one-time jock who now works sales and they live out a boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac., exactly like their parents who they thought were so depressing but now, hey, they get it.’“
“God, can you guys grow up for once in your goddamn lives!” you finally screamed, making them both jump and turn to you. “If you guys had forgotten what the point of this whole fucking thing is, it’s to find Will and whatever that thing is that took him. Can you guys just deal with each other for one fucking night!”
“Y/N-” Nancy began.
“And at least you guys know who your dad is, because I sure as fucking hell don’t!” Tears welled in your eyes and you looked up at the sky to keep them from falling.
They were both silent, eyes glued on you as you fell apart. “Y/N,” Jonathan voiced this time.
You cast your gaze back down to the ground, shaking your head slightly before stomping away, tears slipping down your cheeks.  
The sun had already set, leaving the woods completely barren of light, save for your tiny handheld flashlights you all carried.
None of you had spoken a word since the blow up, which happened about 2 hours ago. You could feel the dried tear tracks lingering on your cheeks, but you didn’t dare wipe them away to show Nancy and Jonathan that you had been crying.
You nearly collided with Nancy when she suddenly stopped, almost unnoticed by you due to your lingering stare towards the ground. 
“What, are you tired?” Jonathan sighed, turning to you two.
“Shut up,” Nancy commanded, glancing around nervously.
“I heard something.”
Suddenly, a sharp whimper pierced through the air, sounding as though it was coming from only yards away.
Your brows furrowed in thought for a moment before turning towards the sound and walking that way, not waiting for Nancy and Jonathan. The whimpering grew louder and more persistent with each step, causing fear to brew in the pit of your stomach.
As you shone your flashlight around, something reflective sparkled under the light, in the same area that the whimpering was coming from. Gripping the handle of your machete tightly, you made your way over to the source, your jaw dropping in horror when you finally came across the sight of a wounded deer laying in the brush.
“Oh, god,” Nancy choked out, all of you focusing your light on the wounded animal.
Slowly, you all knelt down in front of it, trying to avoid scaring it.
“It’s been hit by a car,” Nancy voiced.
You shook your head, gently reaching out and pointing at the deep cuts along its side. “A car doesn’t leave bite marks like this. Something attacked it,” you explained, gingerly gliding your fingertips along its un-wounded leg.
“We can’t just leave it.”
You nodded, bile rising in your throat as you pushed yourself to your feet. “It hasn’t lost enough blood for it to bleed out quickly.”
Nancy stared down at the pistol in her hand, then looked back at the deer.
“I’ll do it,” Jonathan voiced, holding his hand out.
“Jonathan,” you sighed, reaching out and touching his shoulder for a moment.
Nancy hesitated. “I thought you said-” she began.
“I’m not nine anymore.” He took the gun from her hand and they both rose to their feet, stepping back next to you.
You held back a sob and slowly turned around, squeezing your eyes shut and waiting for the gunshot.
Suddenly, Nancy and Jonathan jumped back in horror, Jonathan tightly grabbing onto your arm.
“What happened?” you asked, spinning around to look at the deer, only to see a bloodied patch of grass where it once laid.
“Something took it, something grabbed it,” Jonathan rushed out, letting his hand fall from your arm, fingers grazing against yours for a split second.
“Could it have been a bobcat? Or a wolf?” 
He shook his head. “It was too quick. There’s no way.”
You let out a sigh and gulped, tightening your grip on your machete before walking forward, following the bloody trail left behind.
“Where’d it go?” Nancy voiced, glancing around quickly.
“I don’t know,” Jonathan sighed. “Do you see any more blood?”
“No,” you huffed, shining your flashlight around. “It just... Stopped.”
Jonathan nodded and turned around, going the way you just came from. You and Nancy searched for more blood, slowly walking along the line and glancing forward at the large tree in front of you.
“Nancy,” you whispered, nudging her and gesturing at the base of the tree, which appeared to be dripping with something blood-like.
“What the hell is that?” she questioned, both of you crouching down and examining the cavernous and bloodied hole. 
“Sometimes animals store their food in tree trunks, but the animal doesn’t just... Disappear after.” You sighed and got down on your hands and knees, slowly inching into the tree.
It looked as if the hole in the tree continued forever, with no clear end in sight. With a sigh, you scooted forward, trying to keep the contents of your stomach from coming up at the awful smell of the odd substance that coated the insides of the tree, reeking of spit and gore and rot. Nancy followed close behind you, her gags and gulps audible.
You had finally reached what appeared to be an exit, covered by an odd membrane-like barrier. You poked the tip of your blade through it and tore it open, slipping through the new opening and coming out on the other side, feeling as if you were just born again.
Nancy came out right behind you, both of you immediately rising to your feet and glancing around, your view slightly impaired due to your flashlight which now began to flicker.
The air seemed thicker, somehow, and odd ashy particles floated around the air. Everything appeared grayer and dingier, and odd purple vines covered the forest floor and the trees.
“Where are we?” Nancy whispered, to which you could only respond with a shake of your head. You stepped forward, holding your machete out in front of you.
A loud snarl sounded to the right of you, both of you turning to view the source.
An odd, gangling and pale creature stood hunched over, feasting on the remains of the deer that you had found earlier. You covered your mouth, feeling Nancy slowly step back.
A twig snapped underneath her feet.
The creature turned to you two, letting out a horrifying roar. He had no eyes, no face, just five petals of skin flared out, covered in rows of sharp teeth. You both let out screams and turned the other way, sprinting as fast as your bodies would allow to get as far away from the creature as possible.
As your heart pounded in your ears, you could hear the faint echo of Jonathan’s voice screaming for Nancy.
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