#we have likd what
beauleifu · 1 year
Yo beau do you have more photos of the unhinged discord??(it's pretty funny lol)
you may or may not be in the discord but either way i SERVE (behind everyone's backs yessir <333)
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chinchillinator · 2 years
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martinluvrr · 3 months
⋅˚₊‧ kate martin x actress!reader
⋅˚₊‧ summary: here we are again, just like the beginning.
⋅˚₊‧ part two || final part || nav
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"Cut, thank you everybody" the director yelled out. You let out a sigh of relief, finally this dreadful week was over and you had some free time. After the chaotic start of the week that was caused by literally a media circus, you knew that this was going to be a tough 7 days.
Sometimes, you wished you didn't go to that audition. Of course you were grateful, this was a life people would kill for, but with the good side came the brutal one. After the picture and the allegations came out, your publicist went nuts, she wen even more nuts when you said to her "I don't want to respond". Apparently not responding, is responding, and while she tried many times to convince you, you didn't budge.
Deuxmoi. Fucking deuxmoi.
While you contemplated if you should send hate messages to the site with your finsta ( your publicist somehow found out and made you promise not to ), Kate was the calm during the storm.
The night of the game, she had texted you in regards of the plans, and you sadly rain checked. While you though she would stop texting after that, she didn't, and neither did you. Her name was still saved as 6 years ago, back then , you didn't have the strength to delete it, just in case.
While the comments, the sly remarks, the articles, the posts made the time draining, Kate was your fuel. She was literally recharging you, it seemed like you guys were back like you were once, but still you didn't want to get your hopes up.
"Bye darlin'" a british accent pulled you out of your thoughts, Emma, your co star smiled sweetly at you from your dressing room doorway. You smiled at her and said your goodbyes as well. While the media was raging, the cast and crew made the week peaceful for you, what was a week ago, a funny, teasing, loud cast turned into a supportive, calm, quiet one. And of course, you knew why. You have been shooting with this people for the past 2 years, and whether you liked it or not, they knew you. and when Matt saw your face on Tuesday, news and threats spread around if anyone asked anything regarding the incident. Y/n absolutely adored them.
As you walked out of the set studio, only two things were on your mind, your bed and chinese food. When opening the door, you looked up and went to a halt. There she stood, blonde, 5'11, in an all black fit an aces hoodie on, and her car behind her. In all her glory.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked, your mouth hanging open. She stood straight ,a wide grin forming on her.
"you owe me a date"
"you can't be serious" you let out a laugh.
"dead ass. get in" she gestured to her car, while opening the passenger door. You still remained in your previous positions, your body frozen,like it couldn't believe she was actually here.
"Y/n" she replied back " what's the problem?"
"Are you sure you want this...again?" you asked, suddenly looking at the ground, your insecurity was showing. You still didn't know if you and Kate were happening again, and you knew that if you lost her again, you couldn't survive that.
"Never been more sure in my life" She replied sweetly "Now get in"
"But i look like Adam Sandler" you said, an embarrasing smile on your face .
"I don't care, now please stop making excuses and get in the car" Kate said. You sighed as you made your way to her car, before placing a kiss on her cheek and getting in.
The way to your blind destination, that you begged Kate to tell you, but immune to your charm , she didn't give a single hint. Kates hand was placed on your thigh. After teasing you about your 'adam sandler' outfit, we finally arrived in a parking lot, of what looked likd, a closed casino/hotel.
As you made your way to the elevator, suddenly the air became tense. When you looked up at her, she was already looking back at you, you could feel your face heating up, a small smile appeared on her face, and a second later you mirrored her. Just as y/n and Kates faces were close, the elevator door opened and a bell was heard.
Just as you were about to question her about the empty hallway, you halted when you saw her open the rooftop door, stairs coming down, she took your hand and helped you climb. When you were both on the roof, you took a moment to admire the view, all of the las vegas was before you, it looked majestic.
"The view...so beautiful" you whispered, still in a daze of shock.
"yeah the most" She whispered back, when you glanced back at her, you realized she was talking about you. When you took a look behind her, you saw a chinese logo. chinese food.
"I'm in love" You moaned, taking a bite of the dumpling. You heard Kate let out a laugh, both of you were dangling your feet out in the corner of the rooftop. You felt like a teenager again. Her and you were back to talking about the past, it felt liked you guys were recapping, when the breakup came up, both became hesitant.
"Where did we go wrong?" You heard her question.
"We didn't go wrong, we just went our separate ways"
"I watched suits, when i heard"
"Yeah, watched the whole season, you were great, just like i knew you were"
Kate was always supportive of your dreams, not that everybody else wasn't, but Kate was the only one you admitted your dream to.
"You were also"
"What?" shock, surprised.
"I watched you" you shamelessly admitted
"You did? no way"
"Yes way, i'm your biggest fan" You said, taking a bite out of the noodles. Kate laughed when you accidentally spilled some, suddenly nothing was tense, it was back to normal.
When you both finished your food, you hinted that you should return home because of the 7am shoot you had in the morning, Kate insisted you guys stay for another 30 minutes. And it was definitely worth it, after 15 minutes, a firework erupted. and then another, and another after that, and then 10 after that, they didn't stop for another 10 minutes.
Just as you convinced yourself to not expect anything, and this was still new, she had set this up. When you looked up at Kate and looked down at her lips, one thing was on your mind, and you weren't holding back as you pulled Kate towards you and connected your lips to hers.
As you opened your eyes, sunlight immediately made you close them back, as a groan escaped you and you stirred to get away, two hands locked on your waist held you back. Kate. When you straightened your back, you felt a kiss behind your neck. "Good morning" you heard her raspy voice say.
you didn't make it to your 7am shoot.
thank you for reading pt 3 <3333333 tune in for pt 4 soon!!!!
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reiiiei · 1 year
but the thing is,
i don't believe diavolo is "canonically yandere"
and here is why:
first off, those admissions stated are not unique to "yandere" characters only. multiple characters have expressed wanting to keep mc to themselves, and given the chance, they would proclaim so. it can't be a fact contributing to diavolo = yandere if other "non-yandere" characters (say, mammon or asmodeus, or perhaps simeon) would or have already proclaimed such things. Obey Me is a romance oriented game. It is quite normal to hear/read lines of the sort, no matter the character archetype. I've played otome/gacha games including Solmare's games since back when they were still Shall We Date. edit: —and therefore encountered those same lines multiple times.
second, his character song. i genuinely believe his character song isn't meant to suggest that he's yandere. i didn't feel any of the sort. if anything, diavolo's character song instead feels likd desperation. like he was doing his best to sell himself to mc.
"Have you noticed? This is my charm."
"Please don't look away
I will catch your heartbeats
Say no more and come here"
"I'm a formidable No.1
The unmatched only one
Fear nothing and move forward
Run run run
Always singing with grace
La la la la la"
"I have nothing to hide, I am always honest
As long as I can, I will do anything for you
So yeah, "as an exchange"...
...may not be an appropriate expression
But I want that love from you in return"
Even the chorus feels like he was trying to convince mc and him both.
"Fear nothing and move forward." seems to be a message to himself, a reminder that despite possible, suggested fears of not being chosen, not being the closest to the player in comparison to the brothers, especially Lucifer.
It's very hard to explain and I probably should be doing my research paper instead but technically, he is the number 1. He's the prince of Devildom. He has the authority, the riches, the power. He's royalty. But compared to Lucifer and the brothers, he has barely any way to connect to mc. Not to mention that Lucifer is the more present and active forefront.
It's also like...like he thinks he needs to exchange luxury or material things to be loved.
Honestly I don't think I have enough non-neurodivergent braincells to be able to express my views on the matter clearly and concisely, so this ends here.
edit: i am back from first major hurdle of research study. right now i am not playing obey me. the way the writers handled the story and the individual character depths of all the male leads disappointed me, so i only come back for fanfic ideas because yes, despite what has happened in the story, i still love the characters. so yeah. as of now, these opinions are of what i know from the character song, and from side/event stories as well as devilgram and chats. before stopping, i did play obey me for the main story for three years though.
point one: it was not diavolo who was specifically responsible for mc's estrangement into devildom. mc was chosen by random and complete bad luck, mentioned by lucifer in satan's arc. even then, choosing did not fall under diavolo's responsibilities, but lucifer's. pretty irresponsible way to choose an exchange student, especially a human one, but diavolo wasn't even meant to be a dateable character back in the earliest part of the main story for it to suggest that diavolo has yandere tendencies. the only thing that implies is that demons overestimated humans and their ability to adapt/acclimate or simply did not care. however, this argument is only viable if the yanking mc from home thing one is referring to is not from season 1.
point two: the definition of a yandere is exactly, word for word, this: Yandere is a portmanteau of two Japanese words. The first is yanderu, which means “to be sick,” and the second is deredere, used here for “lovestruck.” A yandere is often sweet, caring, and innocent before switching into someone who displays an extreme, often violent or psychotic, level of devotion to a love interest
here's a longer definition:
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point three: there's a distinct difference between yandere and somewhat possessive or jealous.
point four: barbatos is def much more of a canon yandere than diavolo, and i am not against fanon/headcanon/au yandere! diavolo.
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thinkingjasico · 1 year
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A silly hc because I love this scene with seth and summer sm
Jason knows that the roof of Nico's cabin is damaged and he keeps saying he'll fix it but every time they are in Nico's cabin and he sees the sunlight entering through that hole and illuminating the almost total darkness of the dungeon that is Nico's cabin. But they always end up getting too distracted in each other's presence and Jason ends up forgetting
So one day there's a storm in CHB and Nico was out running some errands for Hades and the door is locked, and Jason knows it's raining inside. So since he's not afraid of lightning cuz, please, he's the son of Jupiter, but also without an umbrella or raincoat cuz he usually likes to get wet, Jason ends up picking the Spiderman mask he wore last halloween (it was his year choosing the costumes that he and Nico always wore matching >>very platonic<< and jason had chosen spiderman and deadpool) to protect his eyes so he would be able to see what he was doing. So he flies there with some materials but while he's still fixing the roof he slips and falls (very much likd the guy who passes out every two chapters), but the hem of his pants catches on the ceiling gutter and he's left hanging upside down unable to reach for his ankle and thinking that it's too short a fall for him to be able to control the winds before falling if the fabric gives way if he tries to reach it, but high enough to hurt his head AGAIN if he falls. And the rain doesn't stop and Jason calls to see if anyone hears but everyone is in their cabins protected from the storm. Then he sees through the window someone turn on the light in Nico's cabin and it has to be him, so Jason starts calling Nico's name. Nico goes outside and is stunned at first when he sees the scene.
"Jason, what the fuck are you doing?!"
"Oh thank gods you're back. I was trying to fix your roof but I fell and--"
"Did you come to fix my roof in this rain?" Nico goes to Jason to try to see what he can do to help.
"Yeah, you weren't home so it would rain a lot inside and ruin your stuff and I thought--"
Nico looks up and down at Jason hanging there in the middle of that storm. "Did you come here in this rain to fix my roof because I wasn't home and the water would ruin my stuff?"
Jason frowns a little under the mask. "Hm, that's exactly what I said. Anyway, help me out here please. We have to go inside to stop the water--"
But Nico starts to smile, unable to contain it. "And the Spider-Man mask was for...?"
Jason is only now realizing the icing on the cake of his embarrasseing state. "It was to protect my eyes from the water while I was working."
Nico looks at him for a second longer, taking in how stupidly adorable this is- which pretty much sums up Jason as a whole. So then Nico can't hold back the laugh that escapes him.
Jason blushes like never before, feeling pretty stupid right now. "Can you help me here? I can't--"
Nico sighs, stopping laughing, and leans closer. "Gods, you are my favorite person in the whole world, Jason Grace."
And Nico lifts Jason's mask a little, not thinking about how this is a moment he's waited and feared so much for so long, because even though he's been on the verge of this decision many times- never before has Nico been so sure he needed to kiss Jason before the moment passed and his insecurities about it returned.
And when Nico kisses Jason, the storm across Camp Half-Blood becomes clear with lightning exploding in the sky.
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is-that-plural · 1 month
urgh not to feed into the whole demonization stuff but postal dude from the POSTAL game franchise is plural coded (and i am allowed to say this having DID.. bc i get so mad when singlets say he has "split/multiple personality disorder" (also bc its the outdated name) but when i see someone who is a system say he is im likd. YES (also most of the time those people who claim MPD on him are doing it to demonize the disorder and add nothing else.. like no nuance or whatever at all or deep discussion) GOING TO RAMBLE SORRY (should also probably content warn. postal is a pretty violent/graphic/dark humor franchise so theres gonna be bringing up of violence and guns, and also some semi disturbing imagery?? mostly it just being eerie, demon visuals, and scopophobia).. oh also religion trauma talk ALSO SPOILERS FOR POSTAL 1997 (?) AND POSTAL BRAIN DAMAGED!!! -------------------------------------------------------------
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so, in POSTAL 1 (1997), theres this whole thing where, if you look at postal dude's voicelines from Rick Hunter, iirc (my memory is a bit rusty) theyre labeled with "demon", and his death/pain sounds are voiced by Vince Desi and arent labelled as such. its also heavily implied that postal dude is TERRIFIED and scared, but then his voicelines are him making snide and mocking remarks. it has been implied that he may be "possessed by a demon" but also that he has multiple mental conditions.
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now, in POSTAL: Brain Damaged, this becomes extremely obvious. we are now more into the future, and Dude has to fight against other dude inside his own head. Other dude is the "demon" from postal 1997.
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(other dude on the left, postal dude on the right.) other dude's speech at the final cutscene, he specifically talks about how they are basically one in the same, while he also cannot be killed or defeated. (and um. after this he gets shot in the head by postal dude, and "dies" but ill get to that.) (i know alter death isnt real, but us, along with other systems weve seen, have said that in headspace , an alter for example may look like they are dead or something happened to them, but that didnt actually kill them and they arent dead. it has been said this is usually a stress thing, or a coping mechanism. we have done stuff like this before.) so i dont believe other dude is dead. ALSO! when postal dude shot him, he brought up not being able to remember things he learned in childhood after that, and his brain was going all dumb,, https://www.kapwing.com/videos/66bab3c776014924d543c4c6 (tumblr wont let me put a video so i hope this link will work!! if it doesnt you can just look up the final cutscene of the game, but like the warnings i put up above they are fighting and he does get shot.) -------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL THOUGHTS my take/headcanon whatever u wanna call it, as a DID system, is that he may have DID or OSDD-1a. but instead of just claiming that and not digging into anything else or finding nuances, here's some other stuff. as a persecutor in our sys myself who also recently fused with postal 1997 being the source, and also our other few postal introjects (a few who are also persecutors), Postal dude and Other dude are system coded. I think Other dude is a mislead persecutor who is fully convinced he is a demon, on top of Postal dude thinking the same about other dude. A big thing that happens with many systems because of trauma, especially religious trauma, is thinking they are possessed (and sometimes even those around the system also calling them possessed,) and because postal dude never got the help they needed, they have some, what i like to call, internalized demonization. the first case we ever see the postal dude is in 1997 (which is also the year the game takes place in and not just the games date), and to my math, postal dude is canonically 53-54 this current year. of course he wouldnt have gotten help, especially how under researched CDDs are still to this day! and i do think they have religious trauma, i mean, the entire thing for postal 1997 is dude thinking he is cleansing the earth for god or something. POSTAL 1997 has "diary entries" (which turn into "war journal" after a bit) and they all have very obvious religious ramblings. so, my conclusion, postal dude has DID or OSDD-1A, heavy internalized demonization, religious trauma, and is system coded. i rest my case. also... just look at this image bro tell me he isnt plural,,
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SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LONG I JUST LOVE TALKING ABOUT THIS and despite this might being seen as demonizing DID, personally i and a few others ive met who like postal and are systems dont see it that way and postal actually makes us feel seen lol
a rant is actually Really needed, because i can only do so much research myself on media we're unfamiliar with, so for you all to give your reasoning and explanations is absolutely PERFECT !!
Rating: CASE CLOSED: That Dude is Plural !
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i had this prompt idea that gives me butterflies everytime i think about it!
Peter 2 tickling peter 1 and peter 1 and doing really good at not laughing! BUT....He really wants to make him laugh so he calls in Peter 3 because he knows peter 3 can be ruthless sometimes going for people's worst spots, etc. So i see peter 2 being like "okay...i guess i have to call him...Ohh peter 3"! And Peter 1 going completely bug eyes bc he knows he's gonna lose!
Ler!Peter3 lee!peter1
(The part where Peter 2 says he would have to call Three gave me an idea for a twist in the fic 😁 I hope you enjoy Anon! ❤️)
"Okay . . . I guess I have to call him . . . Ohh Peter 3!"
The youngest's eyes widened comically as Peter 2 held up his phone.
Soon, Three's voice filled the room. "Hey guys!"
"Hey Three!"
One squirmed. "Don't listen to him Three!"
"Whahat's going on?"
Two started skittering his fingers across One's tummy and sides. "Wehell, Ihi have a stubborn lihittle ohone here that I need to help laugh. Ahany chahance you can come ohover and lend a hand?"
"Aww! I would love too Two!" Some papers shuffled around on Three's end. "Buhut I'm at work right now."
Two's fingers paused. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had to work today."
"It's okay, I'm on break right now. Plus, I'd likd to hear thohose gigglehels. I could really uhuse aha pick me up."
"Ihi would help you out, buhut I can't get him to laugh." Peter 2 added.
"Aww, come on Bug. Dohon't hog all thehe giggles."
The youngest blushed and stubbornly shook his head.
"Please?" Two asked and tried to make puppy eyes at the youngest Peter.
One shook his head again and a small smile crept across his face.
The oldest playfully sighed. "No luck Three."
"Hmm . . . We might have to work together on this one Two."
"Yeah! Put me on speaker and set the phone near One's ear."
Two did just what Three asked.
"Petey? Can you hear me?"
The youngest Peter glanced at the phone. ". . . Yes?"
"Perfect!" From Three's side of the phone came the sound of shuffling before a door closed. "Alright Two, work that wiggling finger magic!"
A grin spread across Two's face as he did so. "Ahalright."
Three cleared his throat. "Daww, whose a tickwish wittwe cuwtie? Youw awre! Yes youw awre!"
The blush on One's face darkened. "Hey!"
The next instant, two sets of fingers began crawling across the youngest's ribs.
"Ahh! T-two!"
Three chuckled. "That was cwose! Wittwe baby Buwg is being stubbown."
Two's phone vibrated. From One's perspective, he couldn't see the text. However, Peter 2 quickly read it.
The oldest's Peter grinned. "Oo."
"W-what's with th-that face?"
Peter 2 rested his fingers on One's stomach. "Go ahead Three."
Three started singing at the same Two's fingers started tapping his tummy. "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man! Bake me a cake as fast as you can!"
Two's fingers ran up and down One's tummy while Three sang, "Roooooll it."
The fingers tapped One's tummy and the voice sang, "Paaaat it."
One finger drew a B. "And mark it with a B."
"Oh no!"
Two leaned forward and blew a raspberry into One's tummy. "Add a raspberry."
Two lifted his finger and slowly wiggled his finger down while Three's voice replied. "Aaaaaaand . . ."
Two wiggled his finger into One's belly button and Three sang in a silly high pitched voice. "Put it in the oven for baby, Peter 2, and me!"
Peter 1 was a blushing, wiggling mess, but he had yet to let out a proper giggle.
"Wohow! Someone is being really stubborn."
A squeaky sound came from Peter 3's side, as if he was leaning back in a chair. "Oo, a challenge hmm? Mahahaybe he needs some 'pit' persuasion Two."
One's eyes bugged as Two quickly wrestled his arm above his head. "Waaahahay ahead of you Three."
"T-two! D-don't w-work with h-him!"
Two dangled his fingers over One's armpit. "Gehetting pretty hard toho hold those giggles back huh?"
One was already grinning and he was shaking from pent up giggles. "N-no!"
"Wehell see about thahat." The oldest Peter turned to the phone. "Whenever you're ready Three."
The squeaky sound returned. "You got those fingers wiggling?"
Two's fingers started moving. "Yep!"
"Okay! Lower 'em!"
The oldest Peter slowly lowered his fingers as Three started to sing again. "I'm a little giggle bug, giggle bug, giggle bug! I'm a little giggle bug, and I loooooove. . ."
Peter 1 squeaked.
Peter 2 attacked and One squealed.
"Giggles!" Three sang.
The youngest Peter broke into loud laughter and squirmed all over the place. "NAHAHA! NAHAHAT THEHEHRE!"
"Thehere we go!" Three teased. "Nohow was thahat soho hard?"
Two moved back down to Peter 1's sides. "Ahare yohou going to give uhus some giggles now?"
The youngest Peter giggled adorably as he squirmed in Two's hold. "Peheter!"
"Ahaww, wisten tow the cuwtness," Three cooed. "Thahat mahade my day."
"Shuhu--." One snorted. "-huhush!"
Two cooed and bent down to One's neck. "Wook at that wittwe face."
Peter 1's giggles became high pitched as Two attacked his face and neck with kisses. He had to pause to check his phone when it vibrated again.
"Whahat's uhup?" One asked.
Peter 2 wiggled some fingers into One's stomach. "Giggle fohor me?"
"Eep! Hehey!"
Peter 2 snapped a picture. "Thank you."
Peter 1 scowled at the oldest. "Why'd yohou do thahat?"
The oldest Peter typed something on his phone. "Becahause."
"Aww, thank you Two," Three cooed from the other end of the phone. "Thahat's myhy new home screen."
Peter 1 whined.
"Ahaw, sohomeone's cranky," Two teased.
"Maybe becahause you stopped?" Peter 3 asked.
Two set his phone aside. "Guehess Ihi better give him some more."
The youngest Peter squeaked and his giggles picked back up again as Two restarted his kiss attack on his neck.
"Aww, wittwe bwushy Bambino," Two cooed.
"Muhusic to my---."
Three suddenly went quiet.
Peter 2 paused his tickles. "Three?"
"Hold on a second Pete. Hey, what's up? . . . Okay, I'll be right there!"
"Everything okay." Two asked again.
"Yeah, everything's okay. I gotta head back to work now though."
"Awww, so soon?"
"Ahalright." Peter 2 held up his phone. "Say bye Peanut?"
"Byhye Three," One called out.
"Bye Bug. Are you going to be okay? We didn't go to far?"
"Noho . . . Ihit wahas fun."
Both older brothers cooed.
"Enohough with the cohooing! Ihi'm not that cute!"
"Wehe beg to differ Pete, but wehell have to discuss that later. For now, you need a nap and I need to go back to work. See ya tonight guys!"
"Bye Three!"
As soon as Three hung up, Peter 2 hopped off the youngest and grabbed a nearby blanket. "Ahalright Peanut, nap time."
"But Ihim not tired!"
One yawned immediately after his statement.
Two chuckled and crawled on to the bed next to the youngest. "Come on, we'll watch a movie until you finally fall asleep."
Peter 1 cuddled closer to his older brother. "Okahay."
Peter 2 stroked One's hair. "What do you want to watch Peanut?"
"Star Wars it is."
Peter 2 started the movie. However, even with the promise of his favorite movie, Peter 1 didn't last past the opening credits.
And Peter 2 may have snapped a quick picture to send to Peter 3.
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souwrrr · 3 months
also!!!!! im super duper intrigued by tartaglias whole story its actually really interesting i wish he got more screen time in chapter iv 🙁🙁 i saw this REALY good animatic about his experience in the abyss and stuff with the fatui abd all the awful stuff hes been through !!! it was genuinely so cool but its also kinda what brought me back into this game and i am not happy abt it
i kinda wonder abt childes opinions on all of the other harbingers as well as his battle hunger?? he realllyy idolizes getting stronger and fighting everything and everyone he can and its definitely bc of skirk and what had happened in the abyss that mustve been hell for him
i also wonder what he would do if teucer and tonia found out about all the people he has hurt??? ofc he has done SO much to help them and keep them safe and ig if traveler can overlook it so can they but i do wanna see a genuine reaction from them.... i also want to see their reaction to the damage tartaglias delusion has done to him!! considering he went back to ice kingdom or whatever after his fight with that whale, wouldnt they have seen him in his weakened state ?? honestly hes prob really good at hiding it as a means to not scare his siblings since he cares for them so much. i wonder why childe continues using his delusion despite its danger? like he even gave traveler his vision before trying to pick a fight with clorinde but he kept his delusion? i mean i get that the vision was malfuctioning but the delusions is really. Bad. i wonder if he thinks its worth it because it makes him so much more powerful?
okay back to opinions on other fatui... scara doesnt seem to respect him all that much? idk about the knave their voice overs about each other are interesting but theyve interacted pretty positively and even trash talked other fstui members LOL since its pretty obvious thry dont trust each other that much i guess they just have to pretend to like each other but id like to think they get along in unique ways.... but scara said that they all use each other for benefit so he kind of admitted it wasnt so good. i remember the first impression players had of him was that he was super strong and important and stuff (not that he isnt!!!!!!) but he is still the eleventh harbinger .... so i guess thats why hes looked down on so much and seen as reckless (but thats also just bc he is.....) i am glad that we still get more interactions w him but lowkey i think he is going to die soon and i seriously do not like that he 😭😭😭😭 hes a character i genuinely have come to like!! at least 4 now
i wish i paid more attention to him earlier on in the game bc i would always just get pissed off everytime he said anything bc i likd many at the time that he was an annoying ed sheeran water guy and i am so embarrassed i thought that for SO LONG i think i was annoyed bc everyone had a crush on him or at least a few people i didnt like being obsessed with him and not even his story just how he looks brah like come ONNNN i might have more thoughts in the future but these are a few for neow
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b1uejean · 3 months
I was tagged by @lady-larva 💕 🪐
1. are you named after anyone ?
Nope my mom wanted to call me like my grandma but she tought it brought bad luck ahaha. If I was likd Robert Pattison, and lied compulsively at each interview, for these are tumblrs interviews, I would tell you my first name is after Sylvia Plath, and my seconds after Sara, the song by Bob Dylan ad Elisa is after the other name of queen Dido. The truth tho, is thay my mom bought one of those "how to name your baby" books.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I actually don't remember . The last time I cried heavily is when I tried to fix things with a friend just to discover that maybe we have nothing left to talk about
3. Do you have kids ?
Noppp and I don't plan to.
I already took care of my whole family so I think I need a vacation. Rn my idea of family is falling in love, cherish each other, and be two for a while. Maybe that will change maybe not
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Swimming, ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skatingTbh I want to try archery lmao
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Quite a lot
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone ?
If their expression reaches the eyes. The way that they move/carry themselves
7. Eye color
8. Scary movies or happy endings ?
Scary Eery movies with an happy ending
9. Any talents?
Drawing/painting/realistic portraits I can also move just one eye per time, does it count?
10. Where were you born
in a hospital in my hometown in italy
11. Hobbies ?
I love to draw and to read, I play mtg, i used to love singing but I'm a bit self conscious
12. Any pets ?
A cat but she can't stay with me and my roommates who have a dog atm, they own the house so I don't have a say. I'm going to wait till I have my own little place
13. Height.
I'm five foot something and I'm roayalteee short king queen mama yeh
14. Favourite school subject
Literature hystory and math
15 - dream job?
Museum curator
I tag @c0ldh34rts @glitterandgorre @syrenki @orreur if you want to obv 🪽🪽
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50c14lly4nx10u5 · 6 months
mmmm so like
when i was rlly into kotlc
i would you know search the internet for shit relating to it and what have you (not the point of this post but i really liked kotlc and before this i liked hp and my uncle was the one to introduce me to hp and he heard about how much i loved kotlc and so he asked if he could borrow the first book and after he read it he was like 'idk how you went from reading hp to this' basically saying it was a down grade but mOVING ON)
so like. idk if these were official. but they looked official. and they were likd. recipes of different foods from the series. i specifically remember two. this berry puff thing i forget the name off and mallowmelt
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my ass, again, liking kotlc, decided, 'omg i wanna make mallowmelt :D' so my ass gathered the ingredients and holy fuck it was so sweet if i ate it today i would feel my teeth rotting out. and BECAUSE of how sweet it was i was the only one who could eat it cuz no way my parents were having any more. and my brother just doesn't like a lot of shit
we still have the marshmallow fluff in the cupboard i think 😬. i had gotten braces not too long after and my mom didn't have a use for it and i was the only one who would but braces so. or maybe it was finally thrown out iunno lemme check
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it wasn't thrown out lol
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was that january 20th 2015 or january 15th 2020 iunno. actually due to deduction it's 2020 bc i was into kotlc in 2017/2018 (grade 7, and i remember this because i remember doing a project on kotlc in my middle school computer lab which i had only been in in grade 7)
if i have any photos it's probably on this bugger but doubt it honestly
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lord-leclerc · 1 year
OMG this became so long, I'm sorry 🤣
I feel like this year is tricky and will continue to be so because so much is going on internally.
Starting with a TP change, it is huge and I think people overlook that if Fred goes in too hard by trashing Ferrari to the media and throwing too many out at once, the higher ups might play games to muffle him and protect the Ferrariname. Personally that's what it seemed like from his comments on Spain- he's treading carefully now because he went in deep already, now he's moving more carefully. However, he's also made it clear that he's going for a championship asap with Charles. Nonetheless, Fred is not Ferrari- he can make an impression, but not the whole impact- there is a lot if work that needs to be done and politics to be sorted through before they can get there. The good thing is that Charles reallyyyy appreciates Fred as a TP, so he might stick around for a bit longer in this case.
The problems with the car are varied, but one big thing is that the data they have is not matched to the performance. So we cannot loudly scream incompetence because there is clearly something severly wrong that will take time to solve, so performance is going to hindered by that until atleast the data can start to correlate.
As for Charles, he's feeling it, but I think it will be okay and we cannot overly pity him. He realistically (unfortunately) has the best seat he can have for the next two seasons atleast. RB would only take him to get rid of the competition by making him second driver, and Merc is full unless Lewis wants to fuck around for fun and retire. Idk about others, but I would rather watch him pull miracles from a rebuilding Ferrari team than always be second to Max in the same equipment but restrained bc it's Max's team and he has seniority. That being said, it would be smart for him to renew his contract in 1-2 year increments so he can jump ship if need be lol.
Moral of this ridiculously long ass post(sorry again!), it's painful now, but there is potential. Yes - Ferrari have a shit car and are restructuring, but those can be settled slowly in through the year. Yes- Ferrari have changed TP multiple times, but this time, it's Fred who is experienced AND has a close relationship with Charles, you cannot say that existed with other TPs. There is potential that Charles and Fred can be a strong force in Ferrari. It sucks to watch Charles suffer, but he'll bounce back because he's likd that. This is the same man who still believed in the wdc last year after France, he's not going to give up easy.
oooh, don't be sorry at all! im loving these discussions.
exactly. that's the thing. fred only became the tp this year and any kind of change would come gradually. you can't just expect the car or the team or the management to magically start working wonders suddenly. whatever change happens, it will be slow and steady and we will notice it little by little as the season continues. fred and charles are obviously well acquainted and i think fred would know what kind of talent charles possesses, having seen him in his rookie year with alfa romeo. so if he wants to go for the wdc with charles, then surely it must mean something. and charles has stated that he trusts fred and hes willing to do it for them.
as for the car, it is not only lacking pace but also the tyre management is not very good. and you're right, the data is not matching with the performance because maybe the things they require exceeds the budget cap. we all know ferrari is the most successful team logistically speaking and they would have the best sorts of database but the main problem is the budget cap. it is one of the greatest teams in f1 so it surely has the largest amount of funds of all the teams but because of the budget cap, atp its mostly making the best out of the limited resources and that's what ferrari is lacking- efficiency. the budget cap having introduced in 2021, well, we all know how that season went. so i think they're not still used to not spending however much they like to get their resources and tools. now they just dont know how to get all the best equipments in limited money. other teams however already had less budget as compared to ferrari before the cost cap, so it wasn't really a problem for them.
see that's what im saying, ferrari, as much pain as it causes, is better than him going to alpine or alfa romeo. and he wouldn't go to rb imo, atleast not as long as max is there. and yes, that's what im saying, watching him or get achievements in that car, or him evolving with ferrari(like last season until ferrari happened) is certainly quite very more thrilling than watching him win in any other team so yes, he should stay for a season or two, see how it evolves but beyond that(when the team is not performing) is just stupidness. honestly i would say the same for lando, 1-2 seasons maximum because he's got good talent tbh. getting p3 in spain in that tractor of a car was quite an achievment tbh. imagine him going to rbr, perhaps he could go even faster than max.
yes, i totally agree with you. seeing him here is painful, but watching him go to some underdog and suffering there would be even more painful. fred believes in charles and vice versa. this was not the case with binotto-he held charles accountable every chance he got and charles never got the support he deserved. change comes gradually and eventually maybe they'll figure it out(though it is not any less painful)but tbh, im glad he is where he is rn, where he could also get some good support system.
what i also like about fred is though he wants to win with charles, he does not ask carlos to sacrifice anything unlike last year because that's just plain rude. it'd be a different story if charles was p2 or leading maybe but they are both practically at the same place in the wdc. so yea, this is what i like about him as a tp too that the other driver doesn't feel hes sacrificing too much.
anyway, im sorry too abt this long ass reply😭but im loving these little(not so little) discussions
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closetdbisexual · 11 months
tagged by @batemanofficial YAYY so awesome
last song: am i awake? by they might be giants (yayyy. ive been listening to them a Bunch lately their sound is so awesome..)
favorite color: blue and red likd 3D glassess . and green .and yellow. okay i like all colors but blue and green and yellow the most theyre my friends
currently watching: i dont knowwwww i havent watched a lot recently ...i guess we'll go with my tv shows ummm currently (meaning Not right this second but like . generally in the process of.) the x files :3 i love those stupid fbi agents sorry i love cop shows i know it sucks but cop and detective shows they really get to me..
last movie: rewatched shaun of the dead my best friend does anyone else like shaun of the dead . kind of an underground movie idk has anyone even heard of it. just kidding. i should rewatch hot fuzz next <- man who just said he loves cop shows
sweet, spicy, or savory?: savoryyy i dont like spicy things👎
relationship status: in a relationship i would tell you to go follow simon but he sucks and doesnt have tumblr . sighs. i miss you girl (boy)
current obsession: jaime i have never even seen lost i haveto say it here ive never watched it. sorry i know its iconic but i still havent. ummm i guess the x files again sighs those fbi agents are Getting to me...if we want to go video games im getting obsessed with animal crossing again ohhh you (general audience) should friend me on switch we can explore ..or whagever..
last thing i googled: had to google the word "logistical" because i did not remember what it meant👎👎
tagging: okay yayyy um @faesfaggotboyfriend @you2018 @buiiterrier (he wont do it i just wanted to tag him .) @oliredandgrey @roadkillrabiez and anyone else if they want idk..sorry i never know who to tag for these
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thinfatfit · 2 years
omg no i pretty much cut myself off from family too but when I was 23, i can't imagine bring an orphan obvious there must be so much pain there and it's very different. But I think even tiny things like I hung out with a friend and her mum bought her lunch. or like family giving leftovers. Having someone to drjve you somewhere. Being alone somewhere late at night and not having a 'last resort' for someone to call. Every doctors office asks for an emergency contact and I put down a friend I have i asked her and she let me luckily. But it still feels very tentative. Also having ppl who've known u since birth and feeling safe abd stable with them and having them know your quirks and yoru personality. Having little things in common and missing those moments together. Jesus like the stability of a job or having choices and options even in a small way. even having family connections that can help you even if its just a friend of a friend knowing someone at a place that's hiring. Or having someone older and experienced who will vouch for you. Having ppl who can help with moving who can even things like. Giving you old furniture or random stuff if ur like 'Damn I don't have x thibg.'and theyre likd 'Oh we have an old... sewing machibe/some old plates/an old wardrobe they can give you. Like... or even not having room for smth and veing able to leave it with them. Like u gotta be able to take care of everything you own. And not having anyone or anything to fall back on. It's terrifying. Even stuff like family history and information bc u wanna know what u were like as a kid. Or to get a diagnosis. Or some kids book or old thing u wanna remember. And u can't just go ask them. All of that memory and information is just. Gone or inaccessible to you. And it's really lonely. ❤❤❤
Yes I 100% with every single thing you said yes yes yes and we both know there are a million other things too. One thing I thought of reading this is not being able to have someone to co-sign a loan with you or sign as your guarantor if you want to rent an apartment and you don’t earn whatever they’re random minimum is (even though you earn enough to more than pay rent).
I’m really sorry you’re experiencing this. It sucks and it is super lonely agreed. And just like….. no one understands. And yes get triggered when my friends say or I see small things like they have food at their house from their mom. Also ya just constantly have to justify and explain why life is so hard without a family. Also people who have families but are like I’m pretty self sufficient and brag about how independent they are and I’m like you get all these perks you don’t realize. Lol one time this girl was saying that if her kids are eighteen when she dies she won’t leave them any money even if she has it because she was self sufficient at that age (she wasn’t lol). I hate all those people who are like you don’t need a family past 18 and I’m like tell me you have a family without telling me you have a family.
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
When he laughed in her face after basically implying she was a gold digger😰 it was arousing and hot but also scary and condescending and super sad cuz like she desperately needed yoongi’s brother dead and he was laughing in her face😰, douche bag hit man jimin has me feeling so much confusion like I wanna hate him but also he didn’t kno & was jealous about Yoongi but also he didn’t have to be like that🙁 most of all I feel so so bad for mc now we kno why she was so scared when they “first” met, she was probably so so scared and unsure on how how to feel about him when she saw him at the door she was probably thinking did someone send a hit on me,, is my part coming to haunt me,, is this my punishment for finally defending myself and putting myself first but then it was also like but this is yoongi’s lover and she had to put the pieces together that they don’t kno about his double life and then hide it and not address it to anyone not even with jimin for months ????? Like Ik she must have so many questions but she respects jimin’s choice to not share,, how could her and jimin just avoid this elephant in the room for so long like holy shiiiiiot ,, I FEEL SO DUMV FIR NOT NOTICJNG BUT ALSO I LIKD THE GENUINE SHOCK ELEMENT OF IT ALL WUT A PLOT TWIST
i love how everyone's going back and being like "the beginning!!! the emotion!!!" because thats exactly what i wanted when i was writing the beginning- for everything to have like extra layer back. i want bily to be a story that you can re-read and realize you missed certain things that were really hints!
this might be a controversial opinion but i think there was a moment where she probably...thought that yoongi might have taken the hit out on her. like- her brains all fucked up in general but- seeing him there with yoongi she probably had a moment where she was like "oh 🥺 he doesn't want to deal with me anymore" which is SO fucked up to think about since we know how much yoongi loves her but! i digress
the thing about the "why didn't they say anything to each other for litterally months" thing is that they both were entirely unsure if the other one was the person in the bar like- imagine if jimin was just a normal dude and the m/c had gone up to him and been like "hey remember when i tried to hire you to murder my husband for me?" and jimin was just jimin 😂
i honestly don't know if bily is better as a story that like you know all the suprises before hand or if its better to be suprised by it's events! but thank you for enjoying it so much <3
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Proship April Day #3 - Parent/Child, Breakup
Mini-fic under the cut!
Rating: General Fandom: Roblox Pokémon Brick Bronze Pairing: Trainer Tess x Her Mother Wordcount: 1,475 Warnings: Parent/Child Incest, Missing Persons, Barred from Leaving, Age Gap, AdultxChild, Breakup Written for @proshipapril Day 3
Dragon Tamer's Diary
Tattered pages, a blue cover, with red lines across it, and the blue orb symbol on the front. Bronze had come across Tess’ old diary - Tess hadn’t been one to be too open about her past, focusing more on her dragon-types’ emotions and how to conserve some of the rarer Roria species, but given her silence after Jake had vanished… Bronze couldn’t help but take a peek. Maybe if they understood her, they could help. The spelling on the earlier pages wasn’t the best - muddled and clearly young, almost like she was just getting used to writing.
Date: 21/10/2004
i tund FOUR todey! momy ses this meens i HAVE to look after the bloo orb!!!! the bloo orb is SUPR speshal! it maks mr kayoger stay slepy! and also also!!! can wek him up! momy and dady hav lookd after mr kayoger for SUPR long!!!! and its MY tun now! she maks me cake latr 🙂
Momys cake was yumy!! It tastd of dragun pokemons!!!!!! 
Date: 22/10/2004 todey is my fust dey looking after mr kayoger! momys waching me to mak sur it gos well. Im a bit scard of if mr kayoger doesnt lik me much. wen i hold the bloo orb at water it gos SPLOOSH SWISH FWOOM and rains. i think mr kayoger likd momy more.
momy ses mr kayoger dosnt hayt me and is just scard. she ses shel prov to mr kayoger that i can be likd by liking me WAY WAY WAY mor!!!! dady and momy got in a fite wen she sed that. maybe dady dosnt lik me seing mr kayoger as much. he sed momy cant lov me the way she liks mr kayoger and dady. but momy is supr nise to mr kayoger!!! i want to mary momy wen i grow up.
Several pages appear to be missing, whether through being ripped out, or obscured from water damage while the young Tess was looking after Kyogre, a lot of entries are unavailable.
Date: 04/06/2005
momy sed i can mary her if i do mor SUPR than norml with mr kayoger!! she ses the weding wil be next year and we CANT tell dady EVER becus hed get upset. momy ses its because hed get jelus of mr kayoger begining to lik me mor insted of him. momy ses after we mary she taks dady on a trip to the speshal lost ilands. the lost ilands hav new old pokemon!!!! lik dark ratatatata! And sykik richoo! i cant wait to see wat momy and dady bring bak!
Date: 21/10/2005
hapy FIFTH birthdey to me! mr kyogre finaly liks me! and momy and i are girlfrneds now! momy taut me how to rite mr kyogre’s name propurly! she also gav me a speshal present. a gibbul! a gibbul is a dragun and groned pokemon! i think i wil cal my gibbul giby!
momy med cake again but i didnt get any. giby was SUPR rood and had the HOL cake in WON BITE!!!! i wus going to giv a slise to mr kyogre but giby ated the HOL THING! MEENIE!
Tomorow mommy leves for the lost ilands. So we had are weding. momy ses it wasnt ofishul becus roria wont let us mary propur. but i gotd a nise ring and dres! it was a LONG wite dres based on mr reshy ram!! mr reshy ram is a very speshal dragun and won i want to be bestest frends evar with! momy ses she buleves in me being frends with EVRY dragun pokemon! even if im ment to look after mr kyogre she enkur enkoraj enkarajes me to be frends with draguns!
i lov momy mor than anywon else!
I had school todey. They taut me how to write beter. I didnt get to sey goodbye to mommy and daddy. Both left for the lost ilands. I miss mommy alredy. I went down to the beach and crid to mr kyogre. Giby crid with me. I maried mommy and now shes alredy gon. She left a note where she sed she’s coming back in two months! So I see mommy again soon!
Its been two months. Mommy hasn’t come back and mr Kyogre isnt saying hello anymor. I dont know what hapened to make mommy not come back. Even if a mommy isnt a wife they should come back, right? Giby agrees with me. Mommy being my wife means she should be back MORE than if she wasnt!!! Its been hard to look after mr kyogre properly. Im getting worried. I mite have to give the blue orb to grampy.
I’m eight now. Mommy is still missing and I had to give up looking after Mr Kyogre to grampy. Daddy’s not come back, either… Its two more years until I get to go out on my own Pokemon journey. I hope she’s okay… weve not heard from either mommy or daddy for two years and Im wanting both of them to be okay. Happy birthday to me… none of mommys cake for me or Giby like the last two years. I miss the taste of her cooking. I miss her kisses. She doesnt get to see me grow up.
Grandpa won’t let me go outside. I was meant to start my Pokémon journey two years ago, but he found reports of a vessel crashed on the lost islands and he’s sure it’s my mom and dad’s boat. He’s worried something might have happened to them and he doesn’t want anything happening to me, either… He tells me “Tess, it’s dangerous in the Pokemon world. You’ll only get yourself lost or hurt.”
Even with Giby by my side he won’t let me do anything on my own! The most I’m allowed is to watch Kyogre from the lighthouse in Rosecove City - our home - but all the ocean does is remind me of my mother. My wife. Her disappearance… was it even right to marry her when she might never come back? I was so young… and now all the thought of her does is bring me pain.
My grandpa’s staying the guardian of the blue orb - he’s been gifting me Pokémon each year. Giby evolved into a Gabite… I have a Shelgon now, named Gony. There’s also my Axew, Axy. They all seem to take a lot of emotion to understand - there’s eternities of pain in dragon Pokemon that I think I’m starting to understand. I can feel their hurt just as they can feel mine. Where are you, mom? My birthday two days ago wasn’t anything special.
I’m sorry, Mom. It’s been far too long now… you’ve not come back, I’m locked in my lighthouse room like some sort of dragon-training Rapunzel, grandpa won’t allow me to so much as hold the blue orb anymore. I’ve failed your expectations by being banned from the outside world, unable to form friendships with new dragons… and by being unable to look after Kyogre. To think I called him “Mr Kayoger” when you first gave me the duty - now I can recite his entire movepool, his typing, and his power increase when he primal reverses, too… but it’s useless when grandpa doesn’t allow me to involve myself. 
And you’ve still not returned… Nine years, nearly ten, and you’ve vanished from my life. That’s not how a relationship stays together, mother. I’m sorry you couldn’t see me grow - see me flourish and enjoy my life. If you were here, would I still be confined to my room? Would I still be forced away from my Kyogre guardian duties? I’m unsure… but you’ve hurt me by not coming back.
If you’re avoiding Roria due to a broken ship, you should have caught a flying Pokémon, at least! If you’re dead, then… I’m sorry for how cruel this next part is. You married me back when I was only five, but your lack of presence in my life has only brought me pain… I know you can’t read this, but I’m splitting up with you. Hopefully I meet someone who can help convince grandpa to let me leave and assist me in finding you again soon - if you’re still out there, we can try at a second chance. But please. Never leave me behind again.
Bronze closes the book, looking over it - They know that they became involved in Tess’ life two days after the final entry… and all that had brought her was reminders - Bronze’s own parents were missing, and just recently they had lost Jake to Team Eclipse and Hoopa. There wasn’t anything Bronze knew to say to help soothe their friend… so they released their Pokémon, and sat in silence, offering nothing more than company.
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galactic-murmaider · 2 years
Okay gotta briefly rant about something if only because this was on TikTok but I can’t find the original video because unlike 90% of that app’s user base I usually try not to start drama. So the American vs European discourse went on a while back, albeit not completely unjustifiable it was mostly tackling the “wEll at LEASt we DON’t geT SHot Up in matHs” kind of white Europeans (and British) that try to condescendingly talk about America when in reality they have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. However this is Jess about and more of one my baffling America vs Europe TikToks:
Which is this one American woman unironically defending the right to talk and be loud on the train (I think in context it was a stitch of a video of “when you hear the Americans talk on the train 🙄” and you can even clearly hear said Americans in the background…not saying public shaming likd that is cool or anything but still), because “why do I have to respect their country’s rules? Especially when they do *insert the shit I have examples of above here*”. Maybe I’m biased because my parents work for an airline and they taught me very early in his to be a “good tourist”, I also fully accept the possibility of misremembering because sometimes I can be hyperbolic; but my response was “Jesus Christ lady, what are you doing?!”. Because at a certain point the “please don’t speak loudly on the train or in general rule” that some Americans are taught when visiting Europe (especially certain countries like Finland) are less some weird cultural thing that is bad and weird because it’s not how my country does it and more of a not being a rude asshole kind of thing. Is it hard to maintain? As a sometimes loud American™️ on the autism spectrum, certainly. But it really confuses me that your response to a slightly uncool public shaming is you defending the right to be an ugly American tourist. Like I get overwhelmed sensory wise when it’s too loud in public, is it suddenly treason because according to you being noisy and inconsiderate is within your right as an American? I just…maybe I’ll find the original video to clear up anything I might’ve gotten wrong but still what the hell?
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