#we love in a world made for the souless.
oddt · 1 year
I am exhausted
I deserve calm, security, appreciation and love at least for a year
No more radical happenings please, I haven't had one calm year in my life since I was a teen. It isn't funny anymore, isn't exciting...
2016 the last good year (although I've already been dealing with systematic anxiety for 3 years, denied by everyone to whom I spoke about it)
2017 ed plus depression - went on until 2021
When I finally got my head together and went to therapy, moved out, I had peace for 4 months then my 15yo dog died and I was in a really toxic friend geoup which caused a lot of damage, 2022 finally overcame my anxiety and found healthy ways to cope with depression and immediately went into a 7month toxic relationship with somebody who I am convinced is an untreated bipolar psychopath to this day..
2023 got out of that, finally got a decent wonderful beautiful job with absolutely wonderful community and now this fucking stable thing that's existed for decades is on the verge of bankruptcy.... Because of poor leadership.
I can't anymore?
Where is peace at? Lost, does such thing actually exist or were we lied to the same way we are about love? No peace and no love in this world. Living hell. That's what it is. Full of deluded psychopaths and wicked paths of trouble ....
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trealtox · 20 days
I hate season 7 of "Buffy the vampire slayer"
Let's get this straight, I like these series. They are fun and entertaining (and I only started watching it because of Spuffy). But I HATE season 7.
First of all, what is the deal with those guys? Out of the blue all characters (Spike excluded. Love him❤️) start doubting Buffy and her leadership. This girl saved all of you hundreds of times, and when the world is on the edge of collapsing, you turn your backs on her?! If she's such a bad leader, then why did you put all the responsibility on her shoulders? Why did you bring her back from heaven? To tell her, that she's not better than you? I'm sorry guys, but your crew is: a whining bitch-boy, magic (read as 'drug') addicted witch, a blorb of energy, a former vengeance demon and a killer watcher. With your list of deeds, I have bad news for you: none of you goes to heaven. NONE. She IS better than you.
Second of all, what is their sudden problem with Spike? In the last season all Scoobies want to kill Spike and say that it's because he's dangerous. Well, he is. Just like all of you. Your killer count talks louder than you (he killed because he was souless and he feeds on blood. You killed because you could. There is difference). They keep saying that he should be taken out because he is dangerous, and yet remind me, who held him by their side while he was useful? And did Scoobies thank him even once? (I actually don't remember. Tell me, if they did) Buffy is the only person who actually tries to be reasonable and accept that Spike has changed. In return she gets a potential slayer,a school headmaster and her own father figure being all mad at her, saying that she is the problem. If you want to kill him so badly, just do it already and stop making Buffy responsible for your own wishes (not like I would forgive them if they did)
Point number 3. Again with the hypocrisy of Scoobies. Faith comes back, sees that girls can't stop complaining and decides to take them out clubbing. Buffy sees that and gets mad (logically). Later on everyone decides that Faith should be the new leader. Why? Why would a former killer and a traitor be a good leader? Because she took a bunch of teens drinking, when you should all be ready to fight? If I recall, it was almost considered a crime for Buffy to rest, when there were better times. Now, when Buffy is tired and stressed from constant responsibility, all the potential slayers say that she's "not cool". Scoobies just can't be more hypocritical. Faith killed people out if her own free will. She teamed up with a villain, and she enjoyed it. Buffy made one mistake of attacking one villain. What do Scoobies get out of that? "Buffy is not better than us. Faith is. 🎶Let's put this guy infront of the crowd🎶". And let's be honest with that: Giles acts petty in here. The only reason he stands against Buffy, is because she got sick of him lying to her and telling her to kill Spike, so she honestly told him that she can't trust any of them. He got offended by her disobedience so much, that he decided to get rid of her. That's not a nice thing to do to a girl who is like a daughter to you.
Btw, Faith deserves a second chance and Spike doesn't? Spike was SOULESS. He wasn't supposed to be good and yet he almost died just to be the better version of himself. At the same time Faith was supposed to be the protector of people, yet she decided to join the homicide. She was creepy enough to SMELL THE KNIFE. And yet we get a whole storyline about "bad Buffy still thinking of her as a killer." The hero we deserve, I suppose? Btw, Faith IS a killer. She enjoyed it. I don't know why Scoobies want to forgive her so badly and give her a bunch of teens, taken away from Buffy, but they don't trust Spike.
And my favourite. The cherry on top. THEY KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. Giles had his own place. Xander has his own place. Willow wasn't homeless before she moved into the Summers's house. And yet, when they needed a place to put all the potential slayers, they took them into Buffy's house. And then they kick her out. The "good guys".
Buffy needs no enemies with friends like that.
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odsont · 1 year
I tried to fight my inner demons as hard as I could but...
Why I think Wanderer would be a better archon then Kusanali
(By not a lore player, if you disagree with anything I say, please explain why, I would like to hear, trust me, I try as hard as I can to find at least one good thing about Nahida's character so if anyone has anything to say I would be so glad to hear it)
(Didn't mean to offend anyone)
(Unless you're Nahida)
So I come up with some reasons why Baladeer would be a perfect archon (based on personality, God criteria and official genshin writings and lore), why Kusanali is not supposed to be an archon at all (based on personality and archon criteria and on lore of other gods) and why having Lumine fighting sages and helping Wanderer to become a God would make the game and Nahida's character so much better (based on my opinion) and now I can't stop thinking about it
(Nahida is so selfish and noone knows it because of her acting like uwu anime cutie who cries for no reason all the time and saying that she likes hooman while girl literally manipulated her person just to make her believe in Nahida's views, used Katherine's body without her consent (and got it damaged, broke Katherine. (I care about her and her creator a lot, ok?) Saying that it's fine cuz she's a puppet (Katherine was showen as someone who's a living creature many times and even if she is just a souless puppet, she's still Sandrone's property), took away Scaramouche's gnosis with no hesitation even tho bro begged her not to (he was technically her enemy but taking away his heart was too personal, beating him up or anything wouldn't be.)
Listen..maybe I'm being too empathetic to a fictional charcater, but when she said she only kept Wanderer to use him, it was fine, if she killed him it was fine, but the moment when she talked about breaking his heart just to scare Dottore (she could've done the same with her gnosis, she wasn't about to actually break it anyway) really made me feel so so bad for him. Like I'm a bitch and I would bever do smth like that??
Another thing that people say is that "Scaramouche is evil" "he tried to take Sumeru away from Nahida" so is/did Barbatos?? Morax?? Ei even in her own quest was a bad guy (literally a part of Inadzuma quest was about Inadzuma needed someone more empathetic then Ei's puppet, oh, what a shame that Ei never made a puppet that was actually kind, understanding and incredibly good at politics/s)? Rukha too ig?? Archons are evil in one way or another, Scara said himself that their fight was an archon war (because Archons also fought each other for territories) And Nahida obviously lost (would have if traveler wasn't there).
We literally have 2 more canonical confirmations that Scara would be a good archon.
We saw how much he loved Haypasia and *cough cough*
"But those of this world who call such a being a "false deity" misunderstand the true meaning of the word. Shouki no Kami now understands countless things and shoulders unassailable might, and may be said to surpass mortals. If gods must love mortals, then Shouki no Kami, who grants failure in equal measure to humanity, loves them also. If gods must watch over humanity, then Shouki no Kami, who has borne witness to infinite love, hatred, partings, grudges, and maddening anger — thus does he watch over mortals".
Dide literally fits the "archon criteria" perfectly??? Nahida doesn't (expect for her loving her people but I already said why I disagree with that but I believe my point was too subjective to actually count it) I'm pretty sure I forgot some of my arguments but I'm too tired to write it anyway lol. In my personal opinion Sumeru would be better if we just fought Sages and then helped Wanderer become a good God, Nahida could be a better character since this way she would be allowed to be silly child
(I just realized interesting thing that both Nahida and Wanderer were created (most likely from irminsul) destined to be a God but not being able to achieve this at first, hey, maybe they both could be Gods, we got 100 updated about desert, no way a baby can handle it by her own + desert people were treated as less "human" then others for ages, Scaramouche would feel so much empathy towards them!
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Ice Station Santa (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy freelance police and welcome back! For those just tuning in for the better part of the year i've been taking a look at Sam and Max: Save the World courtsey of patron WeirdKev27, falling more in love with this franchise and these games each chapter. If you'd like to catch up, I've put links to each review into one masterpost
So with season 2's production.. I don't have a lot. I tried but most articles I could find from the time are "Sam and Max Season 2 is happening and it's better than ever" and not much else.
It makes sense: Season 1 was Telltale Games big coming out party: while it wasn't the first game they made, that would be....
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It was their big breakout success. So while season 1 was proving themselves by this point Telltale was a big name, Sam and Max were once again big names, and the episodic model had worked. So it's not a huge suprise that season 2's production was more: Let's do it all again but bigger and better!
So for season 2 the models are slightly more expressive, there's more mini games and the originals had widescreen support back when that was a feature. '
So what actually happens in this sequel? Well a lot so join me under the cut as our heroes take on a bloated hairy pagan god to save christmas, embark in a rigged trivia night, traumatize bosco for fun and profit, and run over some muppets. In other words it's another day at the office and i'm glad to be back.
We open season 2 with our heroes returning from a case, some time after season 1 which is said explictly to be last year, only to get a nasty suprise. A giant robot smashing up the place
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It's not that souless abomination but the maimtron 5000. With our heroes assuming it's their goldfish plotting max's death, that old chestnut, we head outside for the first puzzle.. well okay we're SUPPOSED to head outside but I choose to instead dick around the office. The trophy closet continues to grow and i'm happy to see a jar of bliss join the stuff. It's not a big or flashy trophy granted, it's not a melted ted-e-bear heard or a whole human being. There's some nice new touches to the office too: the photos from hit the road and bad day on the moon are replaced with ones from season 1. IT's a nice little touch that helps vary up the office and allows it to feel refreshed while still recycling the set from last game.
The biggest and best addition though is some stuff swiped from Ted.E Bears charred ruins. I get the feeling they WANTED to include these last season but it simply wasn't fesable. At any rate you now have a mounted mafia anamatronic head over the desk and the wack a rat game is now free to play any time in your office. I did again, because I had fun and it's even more fun when you just touch the screen.
So we walk out onto main street.. and quickly get our first of many status quo shake ups for the season: Sybil's is thrown through the air and lands squarely between your business and boscos where the space for rent used to be. Or on top of it more likely. It's also teling just how used I got to Sam and Max's street that I know it like the back of my arm hair. Thankfully she's not inside but it was still unnerving to see such a key part of the first season tossed aside.
Thankfully the Maimtron himself... is pure comic gold. He's waxing lyrical incarnate, quoting countless pop songs. My faviorite bits from him are giving his number as "6875309" and "All the cops in the donut shops say way oh way oh". That one's more for Max's response "That's it no one quotes walk like an egyptian at me and lives!"
However bullets can't do anything against him. Thankfully he has a big wind up dealie on his back so you simply need to ask why do birds suddenly appear every time he is near. I mean the obvious answer as given by Lorne
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Is just like me, they long to be, close to you, but since he's in metal box at the bottom of the sea since Max took office, it instead gives you an opening to turn the robot off. The sender turns out to be a hairy pagan god with powers untold. That right it's old saint nick and time for Christmas in late august.
One opening sequence later we're at the north pole and it's here we get some interesting structuring for this episode. For the first act of it you can't leave the north pole. Which was annoying at first as I wanted to see Season 2's settings and what's changed, but in hindsight works perfectly: it keeps you at the pole and thus keeps your options kept there. Likewise apart from a puzzle or two that requires you to go to the north pole, most of act 2 is on main street and the last one is a bit back and forth. It creates a nice gameplay loop without leaving you TOO overwhelmed.
But before we can get to the wonders of Santa's Workshop... we reunite with some old faces. Yes folks, the dreaded dark day of prophecy fortold in the scrolls has come. THE SODA POPPERS HAVE RETURNED
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As you can imagine i'm not remotely happy their alive and survivied the great dakota wars with only a removal from office. Their mad about their christmas presents. Specs got.. something, Peepers got a night gown he just dosen' thave the hips for, and Whizzer got Tuberculosis. Same thing Sam got max. It's why they don't do secret santa any more. Those gags are funny, and at the very least Sam and Max are now as visably fed up with them as I am. They also aren't in this one too much and the developers make up for using them at all out of plot necsity by allowing you to throw snowballs full of bleach at them. Repeatedly.
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It was one of the best days of my life. Also helping with the strain of these morons and specs returning is a little something from the past. See before I got into this chapter, Kev reminded me of what was INTENDED to be a running gag, but I simply never updated it. Persons of all ages I present the wall of misery
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It was supposed to be a runnnig tally of characters I just.. flat out hated in fiction. Not just disliked, not just was mildly annoyed by in one version or another, the ones I CANNOT FUCKING STAND , the ones who truly bring out the rage in me. It ended up largely forgotten due to a combo of two things: my short term memory being shoddy.. and me simply not getting THAT angry that often when reviewing. I try to be fair to a work as much as possible, and prefer to focus on the positive. I"ll still be objective, i'll still come down on a works flaws, but at the end of the day the reason I got into this wasn't to let out my anger issues (which I do have and try hard to control), but to simply look at things I liked or things other people like as fair as possible. I WILL tear into something if it truly pisses me off, see my review of the boys comic, but I generally don't get my hackles up that high that often.
That being said.. as I looked at the wall I realized it had a place for that exact reason. If a character can not just annoy me (as a lot of this prototype do), but really make me hate them, really make it harder to watch an episode or read a scene if their around.. why SHOUDLN'T they get a badge of dishonor for it? Pissing me off is harder and harder these days, so why shouldn't someone get an award for it for somehow pulling that off? So I present to you
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With thing one and thing two front and center. Thing three is absent because he's not a carnival of dicks crammed into one character model. If your curious whos who
First Row: Julie Powers (Scott Pilgrim (Comic)) Helen Lovejoy (The Simpsons) Billy Butcher (The Boys (Comic) ) Daisy Duck (Legend of the Three Cablleros Version, the rest are fine) Second Row: Mindy's Mom (Animaniacs Peepers (Guess) Whizzer (Oh come on) Roger Raincomprix (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir) Yivo (Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs) As for what the Soda Poppers have to do puzzle wise...
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Yup my anguish, my bringing back and old bit, my pelting them with bleach and possibly elf urine, it all amounted to... well okay you DO get to pelt them all with bleach and possibly blind them for life. I"ll give the developers that. This appearance gets a pass.
So we finally get inside the Workshop to find this is the night santa went crazy, as Santa is holding anyone trying to come into his office at gun point and has been having the elves making more militarilzed toys. And tourture me elmer. Naturally Max loves that last one. He even screams like a real person.
I will say Santa holding everyone at gun point.. is more than a bit unsettling and is very "product of it's time" given the.. well everything that's happened since this chapter happened. While mass shootings happened back then, they weren't nearly as common. and... I need a moment.
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Okay back. I didn't even notice it while playing it oddly enough, probably down to it being a product of it's time and my brain treating it that way. Or the situation being silly enough that the horrible crushing reality simply didn't hit me and thus the chapter holds up okay.
It helps the workshop has a genuinely... creepy atmosphere> The music, a more offputting carol of the bells, the lighting it's all more ominous than previous settings. It contributes to the episodes depressing vibe as when we get to town in a bit it's also a bit off. Thankfully this is sam and max so while I was a tad unsettled.. it really didn' tstay that way for long as you can stick your guns to the north pole, talk with the elves on how things hav edeteroriated and how the elves sang a song when they left "It wasn't very happy" and make an elf cry to progress.
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Elf Tears make trees grow
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So we need to make one of the elves cry. And given this is sam and max it's naturally one of the most darkly hilarious things as the elf WANTS to cry.. but even threatning to rip out his eyes or kill his dog dose'nt work.. I mean the former at least makes sense. You know I forget sometimes how much horrible stuff these games make you do till I sit down and play this month's chapter.. or how much comedy gold you get out of the suffering.
Now we have a pail of elf tears.. .which I didn't even know you could pick up. I assumed growing the tree was what you did to progress. This one's on me for both not using the button to show you everything you can react to.. and on not turning the hint system up. See last game I honestly forgot half the time Max gave you hints, not helped by the fact a majority were just max being max instead of offering any advice. So for this game they instead worked out a better hint system. I mean you can still talk to max for giggles, but instead if you turn it on and the game thinks your stuck, he'll shout out what you specifically need to do. I needed to crank it up to get him to do it, and evne cranked up it's nicely just if you've been idle or wandering around long enough.
Thankfully once Kev told me I could us ether elf tears, I grabbed them and used them on a coinvent little tree outside. This gets us into Santa's Office, but dosen't really fix the problem right away as he still outguns us. And given this is sam and max we're talking about that says a LOT. Thankfully we get our lead in to act 2: an exorcism diagram. It's actually quite simple they simply need a magentic pole, which they have and the four horseman of the apocalypse action figures.
So collecting all 4 is our next goal and we're finally back home. And each area has one of the four horseman.
The first one I encountered, and ironically the last one I grabbed, was Boscos. And boy oh boy was I not prepared. So.. since the end of Save the World Bosco's somehow sunk further down the conspiracy whole. Besides dawning his most hideous disguise yet, himself, he's torn the store apart, taking all the fun and helpful condiments from season one and replacing them with a presumibly useful in the future set of photography equipment. The lights are dim, the security's somehow MORE draconian and bosco himself seems on a shorter fuse. That dosen't mean we can't light it as there's two really fun bits. The first is since bosco is hiding from a group called "T-H-E-M", who i'm not doubting exists since he was at least SOMEWHAT on the money about most of his paranoid delusions, any time someone says them he gives out a high pitched shriek. Props to Oogie Banks for making it so damn hilarious. You can just.. say it over and over ot hear it till Bosco eventually uses the security system on you. Btads is back baby!
You can also ask if he has any, which of course he dosen't this isn't a store.. but the payoff is what makes the joke:
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As for bosco's horseman it's in his package
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And that joke was ALMOST as subtle as the jokes the game makes. Bosco won't open it because he thinks it has a bomb inside but won't NOT open it because it might have his broom. So once again we have to ruin bosco's life. Id' feel worse but given he's taken trillions of dollars from us simply because he could, let's scar him for life again!
This requires the present machine. You can send random junk to people. We only need to send two gifts for plot progression: a ticking stopwatch to bosco for obvious reasons and a footbath to stinky's diner for reasons i'll get into in a moment.
The watch makes Bosco think the present is a bomb, and while he's disposing of it you can steal from him again. And if he has any problem with it.. them.
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Onto our next one at Pimp Le Car, another very 2000's joke but one that holds up as it's just plain funny a custom car place would decide "you know what we need to not get sued by xibit? FRENCH!"
And running Pimp Le Car are The C.O.P.S.
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The COPS are like the anti-soda poppers to me: their instantly likeable, made their chapter better by existing and every time they show up gets a smile out of me. And lucky for me Telltale clearly felt the same as their upgraded to Bosco's old role of shopkeep, via their custom car buisness. Their also as funny as ever.
Naturally their task is the best. To get their figure (a free hood ornament) you have to run over as many torture me elmers as possible while they spit out things likes "I have rights" and "I'm an american citzen"
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That's 1/4 horseman, but before we go we can also get Stickers
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For the desoto. Turns out you can get 5.. I only got one assuming it was a once a chapter thing. It's pretty neat.
Moving on, we have Stinky's Diner, our second new location and our replacement for Sybils. And I have to admit while I miss both Sybils and Bosco's as it was this shakeup was necessary: while the gameplay loop of visiting the duo worked for a game, changing up who does their roll was necessary. Telltales smartly kept both characters, they simply changed up their gimmicks: Sybil's focused on her relationship with Abe LIncoln and Bosco has gone deep down the paranoia rabbit hole.
Stinky's isn't ENTIRELY new, having shown up in Hit the Road as a quick gag and Season 1 as a background feature. Our heroes were mentioned being fond of it's salty order who hoped to cull the weak with his questionable food.
Sadly for our heroes and about a wash for the rest of civlization, Stinky is gone, apparently having passed between games with his daughter taking his place. The boys are suspcious. The fact Stinky is a habitual liar who has rigged her trivia contest so no matter what you answer you loose so she can feel superior doesn't help.
Winning at trivia is a lot of fun and a clever puzzle: the pattern is simple enough: Sybil and Abe are on a date and while their relationship is going fine, the date itself is not great as both want to murder Girl stinky but neither wants to ruin the date for the other, and my boy the Army Bug whose dealing with some ptsd and the recent loss of his father. Poor guy. I'm glad he's here but he needs some bug therapy. Maybe Buster Blaster can branch out
GIVE ME 5.50
Since the bug and Sybil always give the same answer, a and d respectively, you simply need to tell abe whose desperate for advice to choose b or c, choose whiche ver one he didn't and you win. Stinky begrudginly gives you your prize.
As for the footbath I mentioned you mail that to Girl Stinky, and she's thankful enough to let you take her old sock.
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Note this is just me personally. If your into that, good for you. It's just not for me.
Anyways the sock will be useful later, and the less I have to talk about someone else's dirty sock the better.
So that leaves us with our final horseman to grab, and that takes us back to the start.. the giant robut. Thankfully kev told me when I was stuck to go back there. So Jimmy Two-Teeth and co have turned the robot into a boxing league. Thankfully you can aquire a boxing doll from the north pole and engage in the rat equilvent of punch out.
The boxing mini game is painful. It's main problem is simple: it's a punch out homage.. that isn't designed to work like punch out. So if you say spent a LOT of time playing punchout in college and have all your reflexes for a game tied to this where you assume you can dodge either way when your instead supposed to go the same direction your opponents punching, your gonna have a bad time. Spoiler: I had a bad time. Not helping is the final fight with Jimmy gives him a super punch that can knock you out in one hit. Why they didn't tune this up for the console versions better is beyond me.. and probably time and space.
Our heroes win.. which leads to Jimmy Two Teeth, sad his wife left him, to perch on a ledge and prepare to commit suicide. Honestly i'm suprised this episode didn't have you kick a puppy or 12 at this point. We can't help him yet though, but we CAN help santa. Using a record from his office, we play the summoning chant the friendly demon song!
Jared Emerson-Johnson continues his hot streak from last season and shame on me for not looking up who was writing and singing these things. Admitely the puzzle itself is frustrating if you don't get it but the solution.. is neat. The beast possesing santa left a bunch of clues around the workshop.. and it turns out it's our old friend Shambling Corproate Presence! I'm so delighted they brought it back.. granted it's just a pink monster.. thing, but it's still neat they brought it back.
Turns out though while this does draw it out Santa actually left out the instructions as a way of fighting from the inside.. and our heroes didn't look on the back. The only way to restrain the thing is the ghosts of christmas past, present and future. And thus we've come to our final act. You have to get the help of the spirits of christmas past , present and future to help. And in a nice and, as you'd expect for this episode, fucked up twist, it's all undoing shit our heroes did. Well for the most part, one is saving them but two are christmases our heroes genuinely ruined.
So first is past, and this is where we help our old friend Jimmy Two Teeth. Kinda. We go back to season 1 and while Christmas Past dosen't care about them kidnapping Leonard for keepsies, they do care about Jimmy's son needing money for his toureets or jimmy's wife about ot leave him. The only way to fix this.. is to kindap jimmy's wife, bring her to him, and then take his boxing glove so his past self can get the tourettes surgery money, fixing the problems we caused in his life with more problems in his life.
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Then we have christmas present. Earlier when we got the figure from Stinky, Max pressed it. And since that one was pestlience it summoned the bug's awful family. We throw a snowball at him, it triggers his psd, and this gets the others to leave thinking he's his own dad.
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So it's on to our final one which thankfully isn't comitting any crimes. Horay! We simply have to save ourselves from hell in the future. We do so by firing up the sleigh, which has been sitting outside waiting for some coal. And we just so happen to have a terrible persons' sock. We use it to coal up, go rescue ourselves and max hits on his past self suprising no one.
So now we can release the spirits of christmas. They try appealing to the corprate presence's better nature.. and once they get that off their quota beat it. Unfortuantely it goes back into santa.
Fortunately this final boss fight.. is pretty neat. See earlier in the workshop there's a bunch of stuff to play with but none of it comes into play, a tad annoyingly at that.
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And while I still contend it was a bit much.. I can't fault telltale for the payoff, as you use all the stuff in santa's workshop to knock him out. The package that brought shambling corprate presence here turned out to be for satan so we send it back.
The problem is who will save christmas? Turns out it's the soda poppers who like me Max wishes were deead but for once turn out useful. WEll okay peepers and specs are, Whizzer's only fucntion is "unrinate on stuff" but frankly it's a funny enough gag he can live till the end of the season. JUST TILL THE END OF THE SEASON. Speaking of great gags our heroes drop off. And why not.. it's only mid november.
Ice Station Santa is a mixed bag for me. There are a lot of great gags shoved in here as usual, the puzzles are mostly fun, and while the first act can be frustrating the atmosphere can't be beat. It's mostly great stuff. The more I wrote about it though the more it became clear that the tone.. is a bit of an issue. Some jokes like making the elf cry or the muppet slaughter are so dark they work, while other bits just .. don't quite land. There's enough of the old sam and max goofiness to make the chapter not get to ounsettling but there's a more mean spirited tone in this one i'm really hoping isn't a trend for this game. Sam and Max works better when it's more over the top insanity and our heroes being over the top callous instead of just depressing. Still i'ts a solid start to the season Next Month..ish: Sam and Max take a vacation! Naturally they have to save the day to actually enjoy it. Thanks for reading.
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corvuserpens · 2 years
Honestly though, but the way the show, not to mention Ferdinand Kingsley’s stupendous acting, makes us absolutely fall in love with Hob...
I was thinking about this yesterday at work bc monday nights are painfully slow, but stick with me. Throughout the centuries, we get to see different sides of Hob Gadling, both good and bad. 
We see the soldier-turned-mercenary, so we know he has killed and pillaged both to survive and for money - but we also see his child-like wonder at all the changes going on around him, no matter how small or insignificant they might appear to us in our technologicaly advanced future. And it’s impossible not to admire him for being so open and enthusiastic for new things as they come.
We see him in extravagant wealth, proud of the fruits of his labor from the past hundred years and how vapid, maybe even sort of shallow they’ve made him. But knowing his origins, how can we fault him for enjoying all the things he worked so hard for and boast them? For how he built himself from nothing and reached the blissful top where he doesn’t have to worry about food and shelter, where he can have everything he needs (and wants) only one short financial exchange away? I’ll be real with you guys, I was so damn proud of Hob in 1589, even if he was being a bit of a twat about it. He was so damn happy with his wife and baby boy, you could tell he was aware of what it took to get where he is and he is grateful for all of it. He ends up taking it all for granted perhaps, but I get the feeling that above all, he’s grateful. And to be rejected by Dream the way he was... I felt bad for him bc as a person of limited means, I know what it’s like to have to work your ass off to get a modicum of comfort.
Right afterward, as we come to expect right at the end of the 1589 sequence, we see him in extreme poverty - dirty, clothes good for the trash but they’re probably the only pieces he has left, down in the mud with nothing, starving to death over and over again, and we hear how the past hundred years have been the worst of his life, every tragedy laid out bare - yet, he still wants to live. Many of you likely know how fucking hard it is to go through harsh times when you just want to stop existing. I know I do. So, to see Hob smiling, despite all the shit he went through, and heartily say he has so much to live for despite his current circumstances?? I mean, the sheer stubbornness and bravery, knowing tomorrow will be just as bad as tonight but still looking forward to it, is downright charming. Not even inspiring, though it is, but most of all, it’s so charming. Sexy, even, like... OOF.
Oh boy, and then comes the elephant in the room: 1789. “Shipping business.” Actively participating in the enslavement of other human beings. Look, I’m a humanitarian at heart, even if I’m not exactly a “people person”, so let me make this clear: what Hob was doing was WRONG. What he was doing is UNFORGIVABLE. I can never excuse him for it, nor forgive him. I think it was downright despicable and he deserves to live with the weight of those sins and the blood on his hands for eternity. That being said - no matter how abhorrent his actions were, the fact that almost as soon as Dream calls him out on it, he is humbled enough to consider changing his ways (and eventually following through), while it does nothing to erase the suffering he was causing, at least it shows he is not completely souless either. There is some good in him that’s worth carving out and bring into the light, there’s something in him that’s worth preserving. Not saving, there’s no coming back from participating in slavery. Just preserving. It’s more explicit in the comics, where Hob says he will never be able to make up for this mistake, and it’s that humility and willingness to improve himself and do better in the future that’s worth appreciating. Imagine if all the evil people in the world woke up to reality and decided to change for the better and work to make up for what they’ve done, even if that will never undo their past actions? I think the world would be doing a lot better. We need to give people a chance to be better, not without proper punishment, mind you! But those who do repent and regret their actions need a chance to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society, otherwise we are never moving forward. 
In comes my favorite iteration of Hob: 1889. It’s when we truly see the culmination of the centuries, the best version of himself he can be, a man who believes people are almost always better than we think they are, who is too modest to admit he’s changed for the better, where he is neither poor nor wealthy, just average - someone willing to admit that he’s made mistakes and will continuing to make them because he might be immortal, but he’s still a human being ridden with flaws. He’s just so bashful when he becomes vulnerable with Dream, when he opens himself up and shows his own insecurities and regrets. So beautifully human.
And finally, we get to see his devotion to his relationship with Dream from 1989 forward, and yeah, look, I’m a BIG Dreamling fan as you’ve probably noticed, but just put that aside for a moment. If Hob is this dedicated to his friendship with a creature he only meets once a century, imagine what he’s like with all his other friends? Even back in 1589, the way he talks about Eleanor and Robyn, with so much love and affection, like they are the center of his world. He’s one loyal son of a bitch. And quick to forgive, it seems. 
And that’s why regardless of all the awful things he does through time, I can’t... Hate him for it. I can fault him for sure, I can recognize his dark side and say “yeah, no dude, you were a shitty person for doing all that.” I think it’s the good things about him that balance it all out. By the end of episode 06, I feel nothing except a deep appreciation and affection for Hob’s character. He inspired me to be the best person I can be, to forgive myself for my slights and focus on the next day, the next moment, and strive to do better always, never to wallow in self-pity and self-hate because ultimately, it helps neither myself nor anyone else. Above all, he and Death inspired me to look at life under a different prism, a more positive one. Yeah, the world is all fucked up, there’s little we can do to change it and everything dies in the end, but if you look hard enough, there’s always something worth looking forward to. 
We aim for change. We do our best. And above all, we live.
And that’s how I’ve ended up falling head over heels for Hob Gadling.
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camestela · 1 year
Hello, I hope this isn't too random/ rude, but I have a question. What's it like to be an illustrator without studying illustration in university? Do you think it's an obstacle or does it not matter at all? Do you wish you had studied it in school? I've been thinking about my future a lot and it's so difficult to find information about this field. Anyway I love your illustration work! I'd be happy to get any answer you wanna give me
It is not random or rude no worries, I'm happy to reply. (tho expect typos because english is not my first language and it's the end of the work day and i'm too tired to re read what i write)
Just a little context, the things I will say here are about my own experience as a woman that was born and raised in Chile, south america and born into a low income family.
So short answer is: it doesn't matter at all. You can have whatever profession and become and illustrator.
Longer answer: You must be strategic and be really passionate because there are a lot of things to be learned and sacrifices to be made to make things happen.
Hell, I haven't even "made it" myself yet, I am just at a more advanced point but I'm not like super economically comfortable or even known in the illustration community.
Anyways, I decided to study strategic design because i knew my context and i knew i needed a degree to be "someone" and advance in my life, however i'm also very stubborn and i'm the type of person who will follow her dreams and do whatever she wants! so it should be something that would give me tools for both my dreams and life itself (jobs and such)
If you're from a first world country you probably have the option to go to schools of animation or illustration that are pretty good and can get you faster on the industries you're interested. That was my dream to be honest i wanted to study animation, but here there aren't many (or any) really good schools that teach contemporary or entertaiment arts, it's all very old and around the "bellas artes" kind of thing. That wasn't my thing so if I'm going to get into debt to study I thought, hey at least design will give me tools that can help me read my goals and also get to know interesting people. so that's what i chose.
BUT in design you don't draw at all, I knew it, and I knew what my end goal was: being an illustrator. So from day one in university I was always trying to draw and put in illustrations into my projects. most of my teachers hated that i did that but i did it anyways. others were super cool about it and supported me, you just have to know why you do things and not care that much lol
I said something the other day on twitter (i'll add that at the end of this) that applies to this because in the end i knew i needed certain things to be "successful" or even getting into the scene:
I needed to be REALLY good at drawing, like having your style, something to say, having a wide range of habilities that would make people ccome to me when they wanted to say their stories
I needed to be very disciplined because i must find spaces when i'm not studying or working and drawing (for this, always drawing things you like is key lol)
i needed to be proactive and create my own projects and go to conventions and get past my anxiety and not having a mentor or guide.
network, this is the hardest for me but i realized networking didnt need to be a souless thing, in my case it just meant i tried my best to get to know my peers and other artists and be friendly even if we werent FRIENDS, if we're friendly and cool enough we will recommend each other for jobs.
YEAH so to do naother short answer: Yeah i wished i had had the opportunity to go to a cool school like calarts or gobelins etcetc but that wasnt my reality so no i do not regret my choice because it was the best in the context i was in, i wouldnt worry too much about it either because in the end even you've a degree but suckass at drawing or you're just not someone who knows what they need you to know you won't get hired.
and yes it is difficult, but i don't think anyone expects illustration and arts to be an easy career, i've had my breakdowns (manyyyy) and it's ok to do other things and expand your possibilities but it's also what i'm passionate and it has made me live things i wouldnt otherwise so no ragrets.
just be proactive, draw a lot, draw more, learn things that are useful for the specific field you're interested in (i'd say that choosing something to be your main focus helps, like children books story boarding etc, so you can create a good portfolio) and get in touch with people who work in these things you're interested, make friends, learn from them...
yeah! and good luck, it's all about that shonen protagonist mentality, never give up!!!
i hope this helps i know i'm a mess when writing these replies lol
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Shaun Evans imagine
You can find more of my imagines in my book Imagines on wattpad.
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He was down there throwing lavish party in my garden for people who hated my name, pearl skin and necklines in sunlight, raybans, loud music and world i dont belong in he brough them here and didnt even ask me if i am okay with it
He should have known from absence of my smile but he never took time to learn tides of my heart
While i was watchng it all from upstairs window
Curtains flowing between us
Each on one side coming in style banners of silk baby come get your crown when you  call me yours don't you know i would do anything to see you satisfied
You are in blue it suits you so well
You dont anymore wait for ride
You made yourself known that you are one of knights here to stay
We are hiding so they dont catch a glimpse
It irks you to see me anything but happy
Smiling in sunlight
It's casual intimacy that we find in every place just one glance and presence is enough
Ed comes stands between us facing the scene
We stand on sides in curtains
Ed knows by now where my heart lies so he isnt surprised to see you here
You are part of family by now
One of meadow royals
He has very important audition for couple of days and he cant put up with licentious youth. Our meadow is not used to souless debauchery
We are coming up with ideas how to put a stop to all of it
He comes in with someone on his arm but still calls me babe after i tell him there is no more chmpaign
You just stand there all ready to be smart and throw snarky remark but you don't because you are lost trying to come up with world in which i deserve to be treated like this
And i see it takes everything in you not to show how much you care but you wont give away our fairytale in hiding
And i imagine myself dying down on pebbles on driveway in midst of party and him crying, his tears on my lips because underneath all the recklessness he cared otherwise he wouldnt start this charade
But them i reprimand myself for thinking that way and wonder if i romanticize something violent only because i have another pair of hands to fall into if i think of death because i can still sell my youth
Should i leave you in memories before you grow bitter and time makes you disappoint me
go with sunlight boys into sunrise of masquerade balls and modernity that will make us hate each other even if we cant speak from love we hold for one another
shall i come home to peace you built and step out from behind curtains, free as bird on breeze, unafraid because you are there
leave the golden boy to someone else even if it will break his heart that loved me in its own recklessly restless way?
You are apparition transparent mirage of my heavy heart, ethereal promise of days passing but love stays the same as curtains fly on breeze You are mirage on sunny day there but not really there mine but never fully mine because words are too heavy they will sink us before we find courage to reach for the other side You are not him You are more sophisticated you don't throw blame like a bait for end you don't have balls to spell out
In between curtains you are ghost that will disappear if I reach out like particles of dreams I dream translucent stardust I can't keep nor make mine
I am stuck in cage i confined myself to for i hold the key to my freedom fears mean it's worth it i know every lock combination but my mind is lost in daydreams comfortable is killing potential the trill the need to leave please save me from myself give me some of your valour i want to be knight too i know i can be i just need someone to recognize my skill i dont want to live behind curtains with shadows forever i am human i am alive i wasnt born to hide and live out someone's else idea of who i should become 
I feel hand finding mine
And I can breath
Everything will be alright if you never stop believing impossible is possible just beyond the curtain of self imposed fears and doubts.
Tear down that curtain and step into the garden that's growing from your brilliance.
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monsooninn · 7 months
Berakhot 6b: 14. "The Cleaver."
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To cleave is to cling to one's beloved with all of one's heart and strength. The Torah says we cling to God first, and then He in turn will Cleave to us. The Book of Joshua says there is one more kind of cleavage that matters, boy cleavage!
Once a boy starts filling out, the Torah says it is time for a Cycle to begin, one that will prevent the heart that is growing in his chest from turning into a stone. If he is reared in a souless society by weird parents with strange rules, he will never learn to show affection to the world. Then he will recoil from the the world and the world itself will recoil from God.
The fee for the innocent dove therefore is the loss of innocence to person(s) who know how to show God their affection and prove they feel the same is true in reverse.
14. Rabbi Papa said: Agra devi tamya - silence.
The Master of the Disciplines of Cleavage said: "The fee for the innocent dove is silence."
Silence is the resolution of the unrequited love a man has in his heart and under his seat. Infatuation, which is noisy has the opposite effect. Prayer to God will not silence this kind of turbulent sound, only the presence of one's Main Squeeze. The presence silence in the two places, one above and one below is how we know we have met the one we love.
"The sages valued silence. They called it “a fence to wisdom.”10 If words are worth a coin, silence is worth two.11 R. Shimon ben Gamliel said, “All my days I have grown up among the wise, and I have found nothing better than silence.”12
The service of the priests in the Temple was accompanied by silence. The Levites sang in the courtyard, but the priests—unlike their counterparts in other ancient religions—neither sang nor spoke while offering the sacrifices. One scholar13 has accordingly spoken of The sages valued silence“the silence of the sanctuary.” The Zohar (2a) speaks of silence as the medium in which both the Sanctuary above and the Sanctuary below are made.
There were Jews who cultivated silence as a spiritual discipline. Breslov chassidim meditate in the fields. There are Jews who practise taanit dibbur, a “fast of words.” Our most profound prayer, the private saying of the Amidah, is called tefillah be-lachash, the “silent prayer.” It is based on the precedent of Hannah, praying for a child. “She spoke in her heart. Her lips moved but her voice was not heard.”14
G‑d hears our silent cry. In the agonizing tale of how Sarah told Abraham to send Hagar and her son away, the Torah tells us that when their water ran out and the young Ishmael was at the point of dying, Hagar cried, yet G‑d heard “the voice of the child.”15 Earlier, when the angels came to visit Abraham and told him that Sarah would have a child, Sarah laughed inwardly—that is, silently—yet she was heard by G‑d.16 G‑d hears our thoughts even when they are not expressed in speech.
The Value in Gematria is 1831, אחגא‎‎, ahgua, "the calm brother." The only reference in the Torah to a calm brother is named Jakin, a Son of Simeon, who "hears and makes a good report."
The verb שמע (shama') means to hear and may also mean to understand or obey. Noun שמע (shema') means sound. Nouns שמע (shoma') and שמועה (shemu'a) mean tidings, report or mentions. Noun השמעות (hashma'ut) describes that which is caused to be heard. Noun משמע (mishma') means rumor or a thing heard. Noun משמעת (mishma'at) refers to a group or listeners.
Jachin means "He establishes, He Will Give Certainty."
This means our entire destiny is tied to the amount of affection young men are shown and how well the affection they offer is received, with the undertow to this love being accredited to the Most High who gives us all life, a purpose, and eventually a perfect mate, all the things we cleave to in order to obtain Shabbat.
If this does not happen with common frequency all around the world, and no one is able to Report, the Black Pillar of war, violence, and death will never leave us.
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random-autie-fangirl · 7 months
While I don't really ship them in the get married and have six kids sense but I think the dynamics of Charamk and Friskriel/Flowisk have the potential to be quite fun as inconsequential kid crushes. First we have chaotic flirty and awkward tsundere. ("You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up", "you wanna kiss me so bad" kinda couple)
Honestly...it's just for the silliness of it and for the wildly different dynamics it can have, rather than anything deeper really. And a lot of the things made for Charisk (which is also lovely by the way) could also work just as well, if not better for Friskriel (Flowey is far more a direct tsundere than I ever imagine Chara to be).
One of the funniest things about it is Chara's reaction, whether it's some sort of AU in which Frisk met Asriel in life, and Chara does not trust anything about the human, playing the role of a distrustful and protective sibling in law, being perfectly kind to Frisk when Azzy is around but threatening to rip out their heart or something equally violent as soon as he turns his back, "If you ever do anything to harm my dearest sibling...".
Or it's post pacifist, and it's switched around, with Chara being protective of Frisk and wary of Asriel (and also, no, Frisk, you can't flirt with my brother, I am in your body).
Or in souless pacifist, where's Chara just like...."clearly they're perfect for each other, they're both the worst people in the world."
Chara is kinda half of what's funny about this dynamic though...
They are the Narrator (lol) to this Shifting quiet
The Philip Wittebane to this Wittecouple
The Yuri Briar to this twiyor
Chara is a crucial part of this, even though they're not part of the romance, no Friskriel without Chara
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kmp78 · 2 years
It's funny how you like to claim this isn't a Jared Leto hate blog. But let's be 100% real. When is the LAST TIME you complimented or enjoyed any of his work? It must have been back when you actually adored him. Cause all you do now is 💩 all over anything he says, or does, wears, eats well EVERYTHING. All over his friends and people he associates with. You call Shannon and Cara horrible names. I wonder would you call Shannon fat and Slothanon to his face? NOTHING IS SACRED to you. I mean one would think that you actually would show some decorum, seen as how you command it from others, however you just take the piss out of everything. Even his mother who by the way is a darling woman and is more beautiful than you could ever even hope to be.
Fact is K? You will never, ever be even half as talented, Gourgeous, intelligent, rich, kind, loved and adored by EVEN HALF of the people who adore these Leto brothers you are so desperate to prove unworthy of any admiration. They bring VALUE to the world through their art, music and movies. Maybe not to you, but they do a lot of people.
You however, have made it your meaningless life's mission to "take him down" by spreading gossip and heresay and anything negative you can find out there in the ethers. Even attacking girlfriends for their IG accounts because you don't think its appropriate. Well guess what 💩 head its not your place and you could easily unfollow her, but you choose to stalk her page so you have SOMETHING to discuss on this meaningless sh it page. For the most part I do not come here, because I have a life and a Career that I am proud of but for some reason I strolled my 🍑 in here today and I see nothing has changed. Your still a Souless Loser with no purpose in life. Unless you want to count tearing people down you have a vendetta against or disagree with.
Let's cut the bullshizz. This IS A HATE BLOG. Because you can't seem to swallow down anger at whatever the heck these boys "did to you" make you such a bitter SOCIOPATH. Clinically I am qualified to diagnose and we are generally not allowed to do so without a full Evaluation however I can seriously sit back and see clearly? What many Anons have been saying. You truly are not well K. I urge you to seek help. Or else someday? Your poor Mental health will manifest itself in even more unwelcome and unhealthy manners.
"For some reason I strolled my 🍑 in here"
Suuuuuure, let's all pretend like that's true so you can keep your dignity. 🤭
Maybe we'll see you again in 6-8 months! 👋
Or later today. 🥱
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inbarfink · 3 years
When it comes to the question of “Can Flowey become a better person in the Post-Pacifist Timeline?”, my answer was always a hard ‘yes’ - assuming the Post-Pacifist Timeline prevails and doesn’t get RESET.
Because my read of Flowey is that from a meta-commentary level, he’s a reflection of the Player. He basically used to be the ‘Player’ of Undertale before Frisk fell down to the Underground. The Murder Route details how he started doing his own Murder Routes, and his True Pacifist Plan to lock everyone in an unending timeloop so he can play with Frisk forever is basically what a Player who replays True Pacifist does.
But.... if the Player can learn to care enough about the game world and the characters to never ever RESET True Pacifist, then Flowey can learn to truly care about the people around him again.
And like... Asriel seems to assume that as soon as he turns back into a souless flower he’ll start being evil and mean to Frisk again. He's gonna lose his SOUL, so it's inevitable that he'll turn into a murderous jerk again. That’s why he asks Frisk to think of him as separate from Flowey, he just wants them to have some pleasant memories from him.
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But that idea seems to be disproven by Flowey’s Post-Pacifist Appearance. He has given up his evil ambitions to take over the Timeline again:
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And he shows what seems to be genuine concern for Frisk and their happily ever after:
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And that kinda raises the question of......... how much does having a SOUL matters?
Because Asriel, both as Flowey and Original Goatboy Flavor Asriel, paint it as a hard binary. Without a SOUL you're doomed to become an immoral jerkass and it's 100% impossible for you to care about people, the only way you can really feel for people is if you have a SOUL.
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But like.... When Flowey begged the Player to let Frisk be happy? Is that not 'really' caring? Is their affection toward Chara somehow not 'real affection'?
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Or how about these bits from the Alarm Clock Winter Dialogue? Where clearly felt Bad about seeing his exhausted mother in the Ruins? And then brought her a glass of water in secret? And when he did it again during the party?
In what way is this not really "Compassion"?
If all of those moments are not technically “real love” or “real compassion” or “really caring”, they’re a pretty damn good approximation of those things!
And here's another thing. The way both Undertale and Deltarune talk about SOULs is always.... deliberately inconclusive. I'm thinking specifically about bits like this:
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"People say", "has been called", it's not about confirmed facts of this world - it's about the common assumptions of people in this world. And the fact that the real nature of the SOUL is unknown is always repeated...
Does the Snowdin Town book mean "we KNOW that Monster SOULs are made of hope, love and compassion but there's clearly also something else there because there are Humans out there that have SOULs without these things?"......... or does it mean that Monster SOULs being made out of these things is ALSO a speculation? After all, Flowey seems to be the first and only SOUL-less being in the whole of Undertale, and with SOULs being such mysterious objects... would anyone even know for sure?
So maybe the situation is more like.... lacking a SOUL might make it harder to feel or process positive emotions, an experience that the young Flowey confused for totally not feeling them? Or is it.......... not related at all, actually?
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Here, is Flowey describing the experience of lacking a SOUL, or is he describing being totally emotionally numb due to being a young child that has gone through a whole bunch of traumatic experiences all at once without really processing them? 
And since he heard the whole “SOULs are made out of love” thing before, he assumed that must be the real reason why he’s feeling so disconnected from everyone around him? Because he’s a kid who doesn’t know his own  emotions very well, and before All the Bad Shit Happened, he felt his emotions very strongly all the time (a crybaby).
How much is Flowey's shift from a 'True Pacifist' Player to a 'Murder' Player happened because he lacked a SOUL, and how much is because he kept abusing his Time-God Powers again and again while convincing himself that he couldn’t really care about any of these people?
After all, you can play the Murder Route, for basically the same reasons Flowey started experimenting with it, and you do have a SOUL. It's even a plot point IN the Murder Route that you have a SOUL.
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And when he 'gained his own compassion back' in True Pacifist, is it because he gained a 'proxy-SOUL' by absorving all the other SOULs in the Underground. ........... or is it because he was in a really emotionally intense moment and finally getting some catharsis for all the Bad Shit that happened to him years ago + being able to feel the compassion other Monsters feel helped him process his own better?
At the end of the day it's probably easier for both facets of Asriel to think of things in the "It's impossible for Flowey to be good because No SOUL" way. For Flowey, it's a sort of justification for all of his terrible deeds - he tried his best to care about people, but he’s literally Incapable of Being a Good Person. For Original Goatboy Flavor Asriel, it's a way to seperate himself from the things he has done as Flowey - he would have never become that sort of person if had never lost his SOUL, right?
I think it's interesting think about like... Post-Pacifist Flowey getting his 'redemption arc' and sort of processing the idea that there IS a way for him to feel love without a SOUL. Maybe it's harder for him than it is for regular Monsters and Humans, or maybe it’s just Different, but it is possible. 
Because that will also force him to process the idea that he ALWAYS had a chance to love and he ALWAYS had a chance to care, he just couldn't find it on his own. He did have a choice in becoming what he became, he just couldn’t see it at the time.
But he can't undo his past anymore, so all he can do now is move forwards.
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yandere-vale · 2 years
Yandere Jasmine Headcanons.
Warning: Normal Yandere stuff and I don't condone anything that I write about. Some stuff I'm okay with but that's sort of a personal thing and up to the person themselves to decide.
“ We were getting so close..but..Seeing how you've been avoiding me made me sad. It must be wonderful having all the time in the world to spend with others but not the one the actually cares for you. It's truly a pity you don't see that.”
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People need to understand something about Jasmine, something that everyone and their mother has been getting wrong for so long. And that fact is that Jasmine is never to be under estimated on just how strong she really is.
Sure people take one look at her quiet demeanour, how polite and honest and just how utterly genuinely warm her smile is and they write her off as harmless. But all of you missed something. She’s the only female Steel-Type Specialist in the pokemon world.
From the calculating Colress, the charismatic Steven Stone, to the Honorable Wikstrom. All of them chose the steel type to represent themselves and all are formidable and just as strong as their pokemon...so where does Jasmine fit into all of this?
A sword hidden in silk, a iron hand hidden in a velvet glove. On the outside did those around her see the soft cute nervousness that wafted off of her that hid that iron resolve from prying eyes. Everyone was under the assumption that she was safe, that she’d always be there to make you feel better. Yep, you even thought that yourself.
Jasmine starts as the Harmless type of yandere. Seeing your happy face, hearing your laugh and just being able to bask in your presence always fills this woman with so much warmth. She'll dutifully take care of all your needs. With Jasmine, it's not just enough to see that happy look on your face, she also needs to take care of your mind and soul. Making sure that all of your problems fade away to the back of your mind because they've already been solved.
Jasmine is easy to fall in love with, it really isn't. She's so soft for you and always has kind words to show you how much she loves you. Though she only tells you them in private, you've seen her face become so red as to put a tomato to shame as she attempts to stammer out calling you darling. She likes cooking for you. Be inviting you to her home for breakfast, to making you up lunchboxes or having you over for dinner. Jasmine also likes getting you gifts for you and your pokemon. Anything to make you happy. As long as you show her love and affection she'll never be nothing more then harmless. It's only if you reject her do things suddenly become...worse.
But that can change at the drop of a dime. Like a mask only she knew she was wearing, you’ve seen the light drain from her eyes when something got in her way. That souless look never stayed for long(blink and you miss it.) but it always looked so shocking.
If you reject this girl's love then you will find her Yandere traits to be that of Violence, Removal, and the Restraining type. Don't give her that look, you know that she's already done EVERYTHING in order to make you happy right? Her heart was never locked to you, she held it in her hands for you to take. And you just left it there and walked away. She was alright with you being with other people, even other girls. Jasmine is not jealous of them because she knows that in the end you'll choose her. Of course you will. It's the only way that made sense.
So how could you? How can you be so utterly heartless as to refuse the love of the only one that loves you-TRUELY loves you. The best case scenario is if you turned her down but weren't seeing someone or in love with someone else. How this is the best case is that the only one getting hurt will be you. She sees your rejection as not something you yourself wanted, but that the people in your life(Or the one that she decides is the culprit) is to blame. So she needs you to be out for awhile. If you are lucky you'll receive a 'love zap' from her Magnimite. If you really made her mad then in the moment you'll be smacked in the head by the floating steel type's heavy body.
If you were in love with someone else and told her this when you confessed, then they are dead. It's as simple as that. Lots of people underestimate her because her forward appearance is one of bright smiles and joy. However, behind all her sweetness is the cold emotionless machine that won't be stopped. She'll be able to convince the one you like to come with her as Jasmine is all smiles and friendliness. Which will be their downfall.
That's only if you reject her however. And why would you?
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Hi, Marina! I'd really love to hear (well... read) your answers to 6, 12, 20, 23 and 30 from the Sam Winchester Ask Game. 😊
First of all, thank you very much for the ask <3 Okay, so let me try to answer those and make any sense, sorry for the veryyy long post hahah 
Sorry for taking so long to answer it, I hope you'll enjoy it <3
6) What do you think about Sam's ending?
Look, I loved the finale. Carry On is such an incredible episode, it was an amazing way to end Supernatural.
Before watching the finale, I thought both of them would either die together or live together. Sometimes, when I felt crazy enough, I entertained the thought of one brother living and the other dying, though I always thought Dean would be the one that would continue living.
But this was one of the times in which SPN writers surprised me in the most positive way. I didn't think they would be brave enough to kill Dean and let Sam live, but they did and it was amazing.
Because Sam's ending was the kind of ending I never knew I needed, but I did, so much. It made Sam's character arc whole, all the thing about the hero journey that other people can talk about in a much more elaborate way than I ever could. He was able to get what he wanted, what he deserved, in the end. Not without sacrifices or sadness, of course, because what he wanted the most was to have Dean by his side, but he got what he could.
The ending was hopeful at the same time, because we knew that, even though Dean died and Sam didn't, they wouldn't be separated forever. If there was one thing that we could be certain of was that Sam and Dean would find their way back to each other, as they always did.
And we needed that hope, with the way the world was (is) going batshit crazy, with the rise of extreme right, with the pandemic, with all the absurds that we have to go through every single day.
So, even though it wasn't the ending I thought I was going to see, it was so much better: it was an incredible way to end Supernatural, to end Sam's character arc and I'll die on that hill.
12) Sam & Jack or Sam & Magda?
I actually giggled a little bit when I saw you chose this one, because when I was reading it for the first time, I was like "oh, I have no idea how I would answer that" hahaha
The easy answer? Sam & Jack.
The way Jack mirrors Sam is ingenious. They both felt like monsters. They both craved for acceptance from their family, They both had powers that made people afraid of them, but they just wanted to use them to do good. They both had an unwanted connection to Lucifer. They both lost their souls.
But it always frustrates me how the writers maintained those parallels, but decreased the amount of time to develop their relationship. One of the greatest examples of it is the fact that Jack and Sam never really bonded over being souless. They made Jack bond with Donatello, but not with Sam, and that's one of my greatest frustrations.
Even taking all that in consideration, Sam and Jack's relationship is one of the best things in the last seasons and I love them and their relationship so, so much.
The hard answer? Magda is one of the characters that was wasted in the most awful way in Supernatural.
S12 was a hard one. The BMOL plot was really bad. Mary's return was a disappointment. Lucifer was a joke. But there were a few gems in there: Magda, the Banes twins and Mick Davies. The one thing they had in common was that all of them were killed off or never appeared again, even though they were the greatest things about that season.
Sam & Magda had so much potential. What we saw of it was amazing in a way only a handful episodes of S12 managed to be. Magda was well written. She also mirrored Sam perfectly, maybe even more than Jack, in the beginning, since they both had psychic powers. It could be the way to bring Sam's powers back. But they killed her off in the very episode they introduced her to us, unfortunately, and didn't even bring it up after that.
So I think the hard answer is both Sam & Jack and Sam & Magda were amazing, but I have to go with Sam & Jack because we had three seasons of it, while we only have one episode of Sam & Magda.
20) What is the worst thing the writers did to Sam?
Another hard one hahaha
There are so many things the writers did to Sam that made me go mad. This is actually the last question I answered, because I thought it was the hardest one.
But I'll try to keep it simple and general. I hate the way everything Sam did always came back to bite him in the ass.
The apocalypse? Even though he only broke the last seal, Sam was the only one that was consistently blamed for everything.
Sam ditched Lucifer in the AU World? Lucifer magically came back shortly after that, even though it was not supposed to be that easy.
If Sam did anything wrong (or not), we could be sure it would come back to bite his ass. Even when he did good things, they were not durable or permanent. 
I love Dean, I do. Everyone that has ever looked at my blog can tell that. But I'll use him as an example of what I'm talking about: Dean killed Amy in front of her son and the kid never came back to take any kind of revenge or to make Dean explain himself. If Sam did something like that, I'm 100% sure that the boy would reappear in a handful of episodes after that and every character would give Sam hell because of it.
Anyways, the writers were not kind to Sam in a lot of times, so this is just one of the things they did to him that I hated 💔
23) Scene/episode that makes you want to chew glass
THERE ARE SO MANY AAAAAAA I’ll have to do like a top five or something, because I literally can't choose just one. But I'll try to keep it direct and simple. They aren't in order.
1) Castiel tried to put the responsibility of letting Lucifer out of the cage on Sam and Dean too: that's self-explanatory. Casifer was awful and it was 100% Castiel's fault.
2) The way everyone blames Sam and only Sam for the apocalypse: every fucking time the apocalypse was brought up, it was to blame it entirely on Sam and I just can't-
3) Sam had to immediately forgive Dean after he killed Amy and lied about it: Sam had to forgive Dean when they met again, the writers made it look like he was wrong (?????) and he even had to apologize for taking two freaking weeks or something like that to forgive Dean. Like, WHAT THE HELL???
4) When Bobby got surprised that Sam was trying his hardest to save people in that one scene in S5: the whole point of drinking demon blood was to save people. Sam always, always tried to save people and it annoyed the hell out of me how Bobby acted like that was a pleasant surprise.
5) Sam didn't really argue with Dean about the plan of putting Jack in the box: it frustrated me how he didn't fight it even a tenth as hard as I wish he did. I read some people's interpretations of it that made it look a little bit less like awful writing, but I'm still not convinced and I wish they did make him question it harder.
There are probably lots more episodes/scenes that could be mentioned here, but those were the first five (awful) moments I thought of.
AAAAAAAA, one more scene, actually: Dean saying everything Sam had to apologize for in the end of S8. I had to come back and add this one: Dean actually blamed Sam for losing his soul, after he spent the last two seasons trying to convince him it was not his fault. It was so maddening and out of character, it made me want to scream.
30) Which character(s) deserve(s) to rot in hell for crimes against Sam?
Again, so many characters aaaaaaa
An honorable mention is Roy and Walt, the ones that killed the boys in S5 and GOT AWAY WITH IT! In my head, Dean hunted them down and made them pay 😌
But, to make it shorter (*looks at the length of the post* 😅) I actually won't go with the most obvious characters on this one, because I think they are a given, like Lucifer, Nick and demon-Brady, for example.
I'll go with the hunters that tried to force-feed demon blood to Sam. Because we expect awful things from demons. We expect that angels act like dicks. But to have hunters gang-up against Sam after he left the life to make him drink demon blood so he would fight their fight... It was shocking and it was awful, and they deserve to rot in hell for it 🥰
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odsont · 1 year
"You're so lucky that you're aro, you never have to feel this pain"
"You're so brave, oh, I could never" "you're free like wind" (and soft like rain)
"It's great that you don't listen", "It's so cool that you don't care". (You're so mature, not like the others). "You have so many things to share!"
It doesn't matter, truly doesn't, it never does, it never will. A pretty sweater, pretty weather. And that's enough, at least today.
October was afraid I'll lose my tongue, "it is the only thing you have! >:("
Silly Oda, I still have my body.
But it's kinda... starts to disappear.
But once every language half forgotten, I'll simply feel and simply think.
(You shouldn't feel a thing, my daughter), (you shouldn't feel a thing, my friend)
I cry a lot, she's mad a little, but I tell everyone "it's only brain", a little spoiled, a little silly.
all this potential in vain.
"you look hurt, do you need something?" God, no, it's just body's reaction, can't they see? I used to need stuff like food and water. (But now I don't need anything but me)
It's cool, right? And even almost perfect,
There's only one thing left, but we'll make it fall apart. (Break it, throw it, kill it, mock it, break it, break it, knock it down.
That's just how it is, I'm right, as always. Even in this disgusting prison they call 'life", I'll find my way out, it'll be worth it,) and then I'll truly never feel or cry or lie.
(But why? Why such strong [something] in such a worthless body?)
do tears keep falling down? It still feels like.. Something..that somebody
Would feel and experience somehow.
It's wrong, it's wrong, and it's disgusting,
Call this...tickling(?) A pain.
Why do we keep being human,
When we don't féel like one?
a shame.
A curse send from above. A cruel joke, even.
We invented Gods, maybe that's why. We. Humankind created world where we can't live in
And the only thing that's left for us is die.
But I'm not scared, not tired, since she is with me.
The future me, talking to myself-writing-this-poem-in-memories, say "hi :3"!
I hope you're dead. Or maybe not real, like..really. It doesn't even make much sense.
But it doesn't have to, right? So silly ^^
Wait, let me try it out again.
She felt it, felt it very deeply,
Not good enough to make it, and not sad enough to speak,
That the entire world will never see me
As something else but spoiled, emotional and weak,
That she's not a supperstar, or tragic hero
But just annoying, stupid, useless bitch.
And I told myself, that I will be there,
That I will accept when noone does, I'll understand.
And if there's something in this world that still can hurt me,
Isn't that such a cruel and sad betrayal?
I wouldn't cry because I'm feeling lonely,
Because I told myself that there's no way that something's wrong with me!
Even if I'm mean with her like.. always,
I'll keep my promise forever, no matter what it takes,
Even if it means becoming souless,
And lie to my bones, and lie, and lie
Untill it breaks.
The humankind can call me things, whatever,
I wouldn't care as long as I say that I don't.
I wouldn't care as long as I say "it doesn't matter"
As long as I don't cry , not even a single drop.
But that's ok.
Oh, isn't that's great! Oh, I just love it!
That's very totally so very true.
And I can show it! I can prove it!
Because I created every feeling, every rule.
That's just the way I am, I'm happy :>
I'm not smart, I'm smart enough for me.
And I'm just never hurt, that is the meaning,
Behind every things that I did say.
-That's okay, I'll try to listen
-That's alright, I hope I'll understand.
And I don't think of everything I said or did. I mean it!
Not 24 hours a day each day.
Everything I do or don't do feels just perfect,
Everything I am feels simply right,
And not because there is no choices
Not because only humans are allowed to fight.
But seriously.. Is there anyone in there?
The world is painting made of atoms,
Feelings are just chemistry, the sun is nothing but a sphere,
The things only matter when we make them important.
And you have to make things important.
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gumptiomdog · 3 years
so, hermitcraft (SPOILERS GO AWAY)
Hermitcraft is great, personally i only recently got into it, i havent watched ALL the seasons, and i mainly watch Mumbo, Grian, Scar, and Doc. But what im here to talk about is SEASON 8 WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED so im going to over analyze, so, did they do it for lore or the update? im choosing lore. this season was already weird with the return of evil X, the big moon, and the entire world ending after they made all those cool bases everyone was so proud off? there wasnt any shopping district really this time?? dont get me wrong i fucking LOVED this season, but we got no souless grian lore :[ i hope that carries over to season 9, and also the whole cult thing and then boatem dropping into the void to SPACE like its so strange,,, its so off,, its funky it stanky its skrunkly and im very excited for the future
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mrxcreepypasta1991 · 2 years
For: @ask-toxic-the-yokai
New Muse!
Meet SBSC-X!
Key symbols:
🐱= Extra Muse
🐶= Extra Muse
Tumblr media
Real Name:
• Stephanie "Strawberry Shortcake" Bington
• Strawberry Shortcake X
• Nightmare JB-BX (rumored nightmare)
Hair Color: Strawberry Red
Eye Color: No eyes
• Spirit (Vengeful Spirit of Stephanie "Strawberry Shortcake" Bington)
• Game Data
Age: Immortal
Gender: Female
Height: 14 feet
Status: Alive
• JB-BX (Real Name: Jubilee Bington) (Little sister)
• Lucia (forced playmate, attempted victim)
• Lady Citrusella X (friend)
• NekoCustard (pet) 🐱
• HellPupcake (pet) 🐶
• Jonathan "Sonic" Afton (Permanent Love Interest) ❤❤❤❤❤
• Hershey Kumas (Food/Prey)
• Mario '85 demo
• Sugar Rush '85 (Jubileena Bing-Bing.exe)
• Strawberry Shortcake PC Port (Strawberry Shortcake: World Berry Rally)
Famous Catchphrase:
• "INNOCENCE DOESN'T GET YOU FAR!" -MX, Mario '85 demo and Powerdown
•"I'm NoT DoNe WiTh YoU YeT!" -SBSC-X, Strawberry Shortcake PC Port, Berry Bity Cup, Level 1: Berry Bitty Speedway
Bio: SBSC-X is a vengeful, ghostly entity of Jubilee and Lucia's big sister, Stephanie Bington. She haunts a 2009 PC Port of Strawberry Shortcake, only it's no ordinary PC game like the original Starwberry Shortcake, this is some sort of editable ROM hack racing game that has planned to crossover with Sugar Rush Speedway. This racing ROM hack game is basically titled: Strawberry Shortcake: World Berry Rally. A candy-coated racing game that is collided with a combination of Berry Bitty City and the Sugar Rush kingdom. SBSC-X has a similarity of the loveable character we know in love, Strawberry Shortcake. But something a little bit different. Only this time she doesn't look like the same character just like the TV show back in 2009, her hair has small pigtails, and she now wears her racing out fit, but she still has her iconic pink strawberry hat, and the iconic strawberry symbol on her shirt. However, when her pink hat & racing outfit changes after changing into her 14 feet appearance, her clothing changed black and gothic as if were flesh-infused. Her skin tone turned white as a vampire, her eyes turned souless black, and her teeth that has two pointed fangs like a vampire would have. SBSC-X is also rumored to be Nightmare JB-BX, which clearly isn't the right description in their nightmarish dreams. SBSC-X has only two pets that look like the original counterparts of a pink cat named Custard & A white and green dog named Pupcake. NekoCustard & HellPupcake are the only two pets that clearly vengeful animal spirits, disguised as their original animal counterparts. SBSC-X is also a predatorial monster who most likely brutally attacked the Hershey Kumas to eat them alive for her own satisfaction of her hunger of their Chocolatey goodness inside of them. SBSC-X's voice sounds pretty much like a digitalized and pixelated voice of Tara Strong.
Fun fact: Hershey Kumas are basically made out of chocolate, and their flesh is made out of milk chocolate, their organs is made out of Caramel, their heart organ inside of their chest looks like a skinned Strawberry, their blood is made out of dark chocolate, and their bones is made out of white chocolate. Which is exactly JB-BX & SBSC-X hunted them down like a feral, but brutish predators as their own chocolatey food/prey.
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