#we love naomi in this house
gingerjolover · 7 months
your naomi blurb altered my brain chemistry and i need more 🥹 this is one idea that has been eating at my brain~
their gf getting ready, doing makeup + getting dressed etc while naomi is in bed bc they take approximately 5 seconds to get ready and so don’t need to be up. when they do eventually get up and see their gf they go so soft and lovey and won’t stop saying how beautiful she is🤭
i had to get up early to paint my brothers nails and do his makeup for his halloween parade at school so enjoy this mini fic that i typed entirely on my phone and didn’t even attempt to edit 🥳
wc: who the hell knows bc i’m on my phone :)
Naomi sleeps like a log, no matter how many times you snooze your alarm, they’re still curled into you. Even after you shut it off and get out of bed, Naomi is still snoozing away, their bare torso barely exposed by the duvet, only their nose, closed eyes and hair poking over the covers.
There’s a lot to do today, the dog needs to go to the vet, you absolutely need groceries, there’s prescriptions waiting at the pharmacy, and your friends wedding is tomorrow and you desperately want a manicure and pedicure.
Getting ready in the mornings is lonely, Naomi taking all of 10 minutes to get dressed, do skin care, and get their shoes on means you get up a lot earlier. Even if you’re just doing skin care and picking an outfit, you move a little slower, taking your time.
You’re sitting at the vanity (that Jo and Naomi so painstakingly built last christmas - never give them hammers) applying your skin care. Halfway applying your vitamin C serum you hear ruffling, Naomi readjusting in bed, the soft lights from the vanity making their way to their eye-line. Your view of their face in the mirror disappears, only their hair and upper back is showing, it takes everything in you to stay seated and not go take a bite out of your partners shoulder.
You finish your light makeup surprisingly quick, the morning sun aiding you in your lowlight makeup station. There’s a pregnant pause as you look at your closet, pursing your lips as you think about what to wear. A quick check of the weather you’re standing up, grabbing your favorite pair of jeans and a light top, LA too hot even in late October (hehe). As soon as your pajama shirt comes off you hear a huff, turning around seeing Naomi in bed, arms behind their head, upper body leaning against the headboard. You jump back, startled by their sudden position.
“You’re a creep,” you snort, slipping on a bralette, adjusting it before removing your pajama pants.
“And you’re beautiful,” Naomi counters, eyes widening and head leaning forward to get a better view of your bare legs. You toss your pajama pants at their face, Naomi catching them as they chuckle softly. “Don’t be mean,” Naomi huffs, sinking further into the bed, getting comfortable so they can watch you.
“Did you do your makeup already?” Naomi asks, yawning, hand scratching at their left collarbone.
“Fuck,” Naomi whines.
“Why? What’s wrong you big baby?” you giggle, hiking your jeans up your legs and buttoning them.
“I wanted to watch you,” Naomi groans, watching you diligently as you slip on your shirt. “So pretty” they mumble.
“I still have to do my mascara,” you offer, the small playful frown on Naomi’s face makes your insides turn, wondering if you could hand them the moon right now.
“Ooh yes!” Naomi cheers, rubbing their hands together.
“You’re so weird,” you comment, putting your pajamas in the hamper before walking over to the bed, leaning over and kissing Naomi softly. Their hand immediately holds the back of your head, lips moving with yours, pulling you onto them. Their hand squeezes your ass softly, nuzzling into you, your hand rubbing their torso.
“Are you getting up?” you ask softly, kissing Naomi’s cheek.
“Mhm,” eyes shining as they stare at you. There’s a softness in them, looking at you like you pulled the sun up this morning yourself. Naomi grins cheekily, smacking a kiss to your lips with an audible ‘mwah’ sound.
“Good morning by the way,” you say finally, pushing some of their curls away from their eyes. “Mornin baby,” they say softly, holding you close in a hug before releasing you, tapping your butt as you stand up.
Naomi stands, stretching, boxers peeking above the pajama pants that hang low on their hips. Naomi’s arms flex as they stretch, your eyes running down their body. “No staring, bunny,” Naomi teases, winking and laughing as you turn away quickly, going to the vanity to apply your mascara and spray some perfume.
Naomi rubs your back as they pass you, heading to the closet to get their clothes for the day. You turn to the side, watching Naomi slide their pants up their legs, eyes burning a hole in the side of your head as they watch you fix your lashes. “You’re so fucking pretty,” they murmur, buttoning their pants.
“Shut up,” you say, eyes wide as you attempt to fix your mascara without compromising your under eyes.
Naomi comes over, still shirtless, and squats next to you, chin on your shoulder, watching you as you finish. “I can’t help it, look at you,” they say, watching your reflection in the mirror, half lidded eyes and parted mouth, they turn their head to leave a long sweet kiss on your cheek. “Beautiful girl,” Naomi mumbles, leaving a few quick pecks there before going to find a shirt and shoes.
You sit at the small bench and wait, watching them finish getting ready, knowing that it will take all of 5 minutes in the bathroom for them to use the bathroom, brush their teeth, and do skincare.
“Can I put your perfume on?” Naomi’s asking, almost sheepishly.
“Mhm,” you nod, wiggling your fingers at the small dish, telling Naomi to pick one for the day. They automatically reach for the one they got you on your birthday last year. You stand, Naomi chuckles as they spritz a few times and make you walk through it, hips moving side to side. You giggle as Naomi spritzes again, holding a hand out for you and making you twirl under their arm and into their embrace. Naomi kisses your neck under your ear before doing two half sprays on each side and a small one on the hollow of your throat. “There you go baby doll,” Naomi murmurs, tucking your hair behind your ears. “Fuck,” they say, eyes darting all over your face. “You’re so pretty baby,” Naomi groans, kissing your nose softly.
“Okay, enough, go wash your face,” you giggle, pushing Naomi away and towards the en suite.
You head downstairs and not even 5 minutes later, Naomi comes downstairs, ready and fresh faced. Your dog is instantly on them, mooching, asking for treats.
“Mama would kick my ass bud, after the vet, okay? shhh” they say softly, conspiring with your dog who’s tail his wagging at max speed.
You give Noami a look, one eyebrow raised as you grab their car keys, both of your bags, the dog’s leash and y’all’s water bottles. Naomi shrugs innocently, “What babe? I didn’t give him anything!” they say softly. You’re rolling your eyes, smiling creeping up your face as you hand Naomi the leash.
Naomi looks down at your sweet pup, kneeling down and connecting the leash to his collar, “I told you man, she’s the boss,” they say, while shaking their head.
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ever-siince-new-york · 7 months
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their arms… i am dead.
they r so cutie
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kazz-brekker · 9 months
finished reading the golden enclaves and idk if this is a hot take but i feel like it had better exploration of the importance of communal unity and the necessity of societal change than like 99% of books that people like to classify as hopepunk these days simply for not just being like "working together is so good, i love community, together we can accomplish so much and change the world for the better <3" and was instead like "yeah, this work is going to be really fucking hard. it's going to suck, and it's going to be unpleasant, and people are going to hate you for doing it. and maybe you'll feel like giving up because it feels like too much, and being complacent and just going along with the status quo would be easiest. but you still need to do it, because it's what needs to be done, and eventually the world will be better for it."
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 3 months
wilson tries the entire episode (8x02) to hate house, wilson's patient talks negatively about her ex boyfriend and how he was a bad influence.
wilson gets advice from house to stop accepting the patient's wishes to die - to try harder - by doing something no normal doctor would: he calls her ex boyfriend who enables her alcoholism, who convinces her to do the painful but life extending treatment, and she gets back together with her ex boyfriend, so she's alive but back in a relationship that might ultimately be bad for her.
then wilson allows house back into his life so they can continue to be each other's enablers and bad influences, feeling alive again.... but also back in a relationship that might ultimately be bad for him 🫠
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starfoam · 1 year
//Fair warning: this library painting is a hot mess and that's kind of the point
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astrosky33 · 7 months
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Not only 10th house but also Capricorn placements can also tell about your jobs/careers based on the planet it’s in. You can also look to Saturn since it rules over working
Example 1: If you have a Capricorn Mercury you could have a career involving speaking, writing/literature, social media, cars, etc.
Example 2: If you have Saturn in the 2nd/3rd house it can indicate being a singer. Ariana Grande is an example of this
These men tend to value the person they’re dating more based on how much work they’ve put into getting you/into the relationship. If you want to win them over make them work for you and don’t spoil them let them spoil YOU. This helps the relationship in the long run whether they seem annoyed by it or not
Often people who have the same Sun, Moon, or Rising sign as your Mars will desire you a lot and have a crush on you - In my personal experience more people with my Mars sign have had a crush on me than people with my Venus sign
People try and use “underdeveloped” or “unevolved” to make an excuse for not liking someone with a certain placement. There is no such thing as “unevolved placements” because there is no perfect human that is going to take on absolutely no challenging traits EVER from their placements. We will always take on both positive and challenging traits from our placements because we as humans constantly are making mistakes all the time
Libra moons are known for being so charming because they know how to emotionally connect with people in a way that attracts others to them. The Moon rules over emotional connections and Libra is ruled by Venus which rules over charm and attraction
People in my comments tend to confuse the difference between Astrology TYPES & Astrology SYSTEMS. Placidus and Whole Signs are SYSTEMS in Astrology. Tropical and Sidereal are TYPES of Astrology. You can use any kind of system you resonate with in either type of Astrology
These people tend to be overly optimistic in love (since sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter the planet of optimistic and Venus represents love). At worst they may be the type to stay with someone who treats them poorly because of this
Example: Billie Eilish stayed with her first boyfriend Brandon for a little under a year even when he treated her poorly and constantly blew her off
People with these placements are always idealized by others. You will attract lots of people trying to mirror you and have many copycats when you have these placements
Neptune in 1H Examples: Marilyn Monroe, Ariana Grande, Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Adriana Lima, Emma Chamberlain, etc.
Neptune in 10H Examples: Jesus Christ, Princess Diana, Naomi Campbell, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, etc.
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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userheartviolet · 2 months
i don’t dance..
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a/n — haven’t posted in a while cuz of stuff, but i had this idea on my mind so here u go! i’m pretty sure this is my first official fic/drabble so that cool too ig (also new theme 🤭)
warnings: fluff, kissing, pet names (again my poor spanish skills 💀, feel free to correct anything that should be changed)
pairing: e42!miles x blk!fem!reader
summary: you and miles are out at a friends party, one of his favorite songs is playing, but he won’t dance..
🎧 - novacane by frank ocean
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you open the door and the whole house just seems alive. people chit-chatting, watching tv, laughing, you loved parties. miles however, wasn’t as fond of them.
“I wanna go” miles groans as you gently tug him by his wrist into the house. “baby we just got here” you sigh, closing the door behind you both.
“exactly” miles states heading for the doorknob. “come on, naomi invited us. can we just stay for like 2 hours?”
“pleaseee” you drag out. miles looks down to you, studying your face and your features before rolling his eyes. “you lucky i love you ma” he smiles softly.
“very lucky” you reply with a smile and a soft kiss, as you lead miles to some of your friends.
“i’ll be right back” you excuse yourself from your friends. your eyes scan over the party until you spot him, leaning against a wall with his drink, just kinda observing.
“baby come dance with me” you ask hustling over to your boyfriend. miles raises an eyebrow to your question.
“this is one of your favorite songs, please” you continue, trying to convince him. “nah, i don’t dance hermosa.”
“why not? it’s fun i promise” you question. “No lo sé, simplemente no lo sé” miles responds.
you sigh, giving up. “fine, but i’ll be over there when you change your mind” you softly kiss his cheek, walkover to your friends and start dancing.
the party’s music blasts, everyone’s having fun, laughing, singing.
miles just takes a sip of his drink, observing again.
the way your hips swayed, the way your curls bounced with every movement you made, your smile and laughter filling the room, the necklace he bought you shining in the dim lighting of the room, your matching jordans moving against the floor in a jumble of other shoes, how pretty you looked when you were having fun.
it’s no wonder he didn’t dance.
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(IK THIS IS SHORT but i finally posted so yay 🙈)
(all images from pinterest)
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lavandulawrites · 3 months
Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs men on their first date with their darling: Chuuya and Tanizaki
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Yandere Chuuya x reader, yandere Tanizaki x reader
Chuuya is such a gentleman and Tanizaki can be quite frightening at times
Warnings: mention of violence. Tanizaki and Naomi have a normal sibling relationship and are normal siblings.
Word count: 1208
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The restaurant’s lights were dimmed creating an intimate atmosphere. Soft jazz playing from a grand piano, the pianist an older man dressed in a elegant suit. The sound of wine glasses clinking together distant. You were seated in a more scheduled spot, perfect for soft whispers and lingering touches. In front of you were a plate of a delicate decorated lasagna. It was clear that the chef had taken their time on preferring your meal.
Chuuya was sitting opposite of you with a wine glass in hand. The red liquid swishing slightly around as he gently rolled his hand taking a whiff of the sweet aroma. In front of him where a plate of pasta carbonara.
“This place is really nice and the lasagna is amazing!” you beamed. You took a bite of your lasagna and hummed in delight, the flavours were melting on your tongue.
“I am glad you like it. I am a regular here actually” Chuuya smiled. His blue eyes filled with love.
“It’s not hard to imagine why. Their food really are something else” you turned your attention back to your plate. You were quite nervous. It was your first date with the handsome man.
He chucked slightly at your nervous expression. His laugh deep and as smooth as honey, making you blush slightly. “I am glad you could make it today” he placed his glass down with a soft clink.
“Yeah me too. My boss was kind enough for letting me go early” you nodded.
“You know… Stress is really bad for you” he repositioned himself in his seat and leaned forward on his elbows. “Have you considered taking a week off? I have plenty of holiday houses” his voice soft, but his eyes poorly concealed worry and something else you couldn’t quite place.
“Thank you for your offer, but I don’t think I am able to” you sighed.
His brows furrowed and he leaned back in his seat. “And why is that?”.
You fiddled nervously with your pearl bracelet. “It’s a lot to do at work at the moment. The only reason to why I got to go early today is because I have been working every day these past two weeks”.
He looked at you with a brow raised in disappointment. “You have been overworking yourself” his voice stern and disappointed. He looked at you for a moment before he opened his mouth “You should go on vacation with me. We could perhaps go to Paris. Wouldn’t that be nice?”.
“Chuuya… I can’t just do that. Did you not listen to what I just said? I appreciate your concern, but I cannot simply drop everything and take some days off” you shook your head.
“You can” he intertwined his hands and placed his head on them, leaning forward. “You definitely can. All you need to do is resign” his expression completely serious.
You looked at him with disbelief. “I know I haven’t known you for that long, but I have known you long enough for me to say that you really do need a break. You can always live with me. That way you wouldn’t need to work so much, since you wouldn’t need to worry about your rent. I have plenty of room in my penthouse” he smiled. His canine chanting the light making it glisten. He really was charming.
“I can’t do that”
“Of course you can. I have more than enough money” he furrowed his brows in slight annoyance. He picked up his glass and took a sip, he closed his eyes and hummed at the sweet taste. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. I will let you think about it” he smiled warmly. You could see obsession and determination swirling in his blue eyes.
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Tanizaki nervously pulled on the red hem of his hoodie. His eyes flickering between you and the window of the cozy French styled café. You only glanced at him out of the corner of your eye finding his behaviour cute. “Do you know what to order?” you asked the ginger as you nodded at the menu in his hands. His knuckles were white from his tight grip. He shot his gaze towards you and pink blush crept over his cheeks.
He nodded. “Y-yes…” he quacked out. “I will take a Croque Madame”.
Your eyes scanned over the menu “I will take a sourdough sandwich”.
You was about to rise to your feet to order when Tanizaki put his hand on your arm. “I will order” his lips pulled back in a small smile. You nodded and watched him making his way over to the counter.
With giddy steps he walked over to your table with a tray. “I ordered us both a caramel latte” he smiled as he took a seat.
“Thank you Tanizaki” you smiled at the ginger.
“Don’t mention it. It’s my treat” his eyes were beaming. He picked up his cutlery before he put it down again, eyes looking intensely into yours. “Thank you for agreeing to go out with me. I really appreciate it” his expression genuine.
“No need to thank me. I am glad you asked me out Tanizaki. I should be the one thank you”
His lips curled into a smile “Please call me Junichiro”
You nodded. “How’s your week been? I read in the newspaper that the amount of crimes have skyrocketed, so the agency must have been quite busy I assume”.
He nodded. “Yeah it have been quite hectic, but thanks to you I have managed” he whispered the last part while he looked down on his plate.
“I am sorry? I didn’t quite catch that”
“Oh! It’s nothing!” his cheeks where as red as his hoodie. “What about you then? How has your studies been?” his head tilted slightly in interest.
You sighed. “Well my studies are going well. The other night I got almost robbed by some random guys. It turns out that one of the guys are my friend’s ex. He decided to take revenge on me to get to her, even though I hadn’t done anything. I didn’t even know him!” you rolled your eyes and huffed in frustration.
“What did you say?” his voice eerie silent. You looked back at Tanizaki and your over dramatic expression fell. His eyes were darkened and his mouth twisted into something akin to a growl.
“It happened two days ago, it’s okay. We sorted it out. He even got in trouble with the police” you raised your hands as to calm him down.
His eyes were narrowed and his brows furrowed. He lips pulled back into a snarl. He was truly terrifying. “I should rip him apart for hurting you” his voice a low growl.
“Junichiro!” you glared at him.
“I should carve out his eyes and feed it to some strays. THIS WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!” his face was twisted in rage fitting a rabid dog.
You gently placed your hand on his. “Please calm down. Let’s just enjoy lunch together okay?” you plastered on a face smile, trying to convince him to drop it.
His hazel eyes scanned yours, before they softened. “Of course” he smiled. “I still won’t forgive him though. He will get as he deserves” his left eye twitching.
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flodeshe · 10 months
Astro Notes 4 💖🌟
I am not a professional astrologer.Keep in mind hese are just observations based on my experience and may not apply to everyone so only take what resonates. Thank you!
- First, I noticed Venus conjunct Moon people tend to be kind to everyone. They can't help it.They  have a big heart.They can be very generous. It can be hard for them to say no. Some people might want to take avantage of them. Also, they can be people pleaser because of their desire to be liked among their peers, especially if it is in Libra ♎or Taurus ♉.I know someone with this placement, and even during an argument she tends to make herself very little,she almost tries to disappear from the situation.They want to avoid conflicts. They might have deceitful tendencies.
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- I have a lot of trines and sextiles in synastry with a friend and I know that these are aspects usually considered as the "easy" ones within synastry. So, I have to say that we have a good time together and I think she's really nice but I find our relationship a bit boring sometimes, like there is not much excitment you know? And of course harsh aspects like square and opposition can add tension and difficulty to a relationship. I personally think that when I share some hard aspects whith someone, I tend to learn a lot from the relationship. And I usually build a strong bond with them, it brings more chemistry.But of course, it also brings conflit sometimes that I think are essential in order to grow. But of course, I repeat it : IT DEPENDS ON THE ONES INVOLVED IN THE RELATIONSHIP, some may prefer a lot of easy aspects. I have quite a lot of hard aspects within my natal chart so let's say that I'm used to internal conflicts lol
- I noticed Capricorn ♑ Venuses men tend to be attracted to people who are well put together. People who tend to be elegant and classy.
- We often talk about how Scorpio ♏ascendant/Pluto conjunct Ascendant or in 1st house are usually very magnetic to others. But what about Libra ♎/ Sagittarius ♐ Ascendant and Jupiter in the 1st house individuals ? They tend to attract a lot of attention and have amazing smiles !
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- Aquarius♒ placements can give off independant vibes. Kind of like I don't care I'm good on my own type of thing. Also, A LOT OF THEM wear HEADPHONES!!
-I noticed that Capricorn ♑placements always have prominent or well defined teeth/ nose/cheekbones or jawline! It's crazy!
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On the left ,Kate Moss (Capricorn ♑ Sun) and Naomi Campbell (Capricorn ♑ Rising)
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Natalia Dyer ( Capricorn ♑Uranus, Neptune and Sun)
- Many singers who uses love as an inspiration for their art have Venus conjunct Chiron : 
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Taurus ♉Venus conjunct Taurus Chiron : French singer Jacques Brel, who wrote many beautiful love songs : Ne me quitte pas, Quand on a que l’amour, La chanson des vieux amants
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Capricorn ♑Venus conjunct Capricorn Chiron : Olivia Rodrigo who wrote : drivers license (of course ! lol), traitor...
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Gemini♊ Venus conjunct Gemini Chiron : Adele, who is super known for her love songs : Someone Like you, Hello...
Unfortunately sometimes this aspect in a birth chart can indicate someone whose love life get a lot of attention : Selena Gomez ( Leo ♌Venus conjunct Leo Chiron), Hailey Bieber (Libra ♎Venus conjunct Libra Chiron), Marilyn Monroe ( 28°45' Aries ♈Venus conjunct  0°24' Taurus ♉Chiron)...
- Water Moons ( Cancer♋ /Scorpio ♏/Pisces♓) might feel relaxed and at peace when close to the water. It might be very healing for them to go to the beach/river/lake..
- Fire Moons ( Aries ♈/Leo♌/Sagittarius♐) can be very adventurous. They are usually not afraid to be ridiculous. They can be quite loud too. They are the risk-takers lol
- Earth Moons (Taurus ♉/Virgo ♍/Capricorn ♑) usually love biking 🚴!
- Air Moons (Gemini ♊/ Libra ♎/ Aquarius  ♒) tend to be very active people. They usually don’t sit still and need to do something that stimulates them.
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(the pictures were found on Pinterest)
Thank you so much for reading this post!! I hope you are doing well and enjoying your life as much as possible! Sending love 💕and joy !
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kr-han · 6 months
HiGH&LOW Random Fun Facts That You May Not Know
Disclaimer: SWORD only and the list is so random, so bear with me.
Cobra loves cupcakes, he probably has sweet tooth.
Cobra styles his hair according to his mood (not like bad or good but more like he's fired up enough or not).
Cobra has A LOT of red clothing. His real name is Hino Junpei (緋野盾兵) and the first character which is 緋 can also be read as aka which means red or scarlet.
He loves Antonio Inoki (a pro-wrestler) so much and make it his whole personality (including his red scarf).
When Cobra is drunk, he would shout, "Inoki-san, genki desuka!?". In MUGEN era, he would do it with Kohaku for the rest of the night.
Cobra admires Kohaku so much because he thinks Kohaku resembles Antonio Inoki.
Cobra has small appetite not even 1/10 of Yamato's. But he eats cupcakes.
Cobra can't draw.
Cobra didn't use sticker on LINE (the messanger).
Cobra and Yamato can't speak English. They're probably the type who'd say, "We're Japanese we don't need English!"
Yamato is afraid of cats. The reason is cat can get long.
Yamato's insult never sounds like one.
Noboru favorite food is sea cucumber. He's sea cucumber maniac.
According to Cobra Noboru type is a girl with glasses.
Dan on the other hand, can draw well. But he can't draw woman.
Rocky is a little clumsy, he forgot small things like key.
Hyuga always sleeps whenever there's no fighting nor something exciting to do.
Murayama loves corndog.
Murayama dislikes sharing his food.
G-SWORD's leaders alcohol tolerance: Cobra is rather low, Rocky is rather high, Murayama prefer to eat than drink (but according to Nakazono, Murayama didn't make any different when he's drinking or not), Hyuga prefer to sleep than anything else, and Smoky can't.
According to Kizzy, Rocky becomes a foolish/idiotic old man when he's drunk. Kizzy also said, "When he's drunk, he got no dignity whatsoever."
Murayama's favorite alcohol beverage is ryokucha-hai (which a combination of green tea and shochu. Might be wrong though, you can search: 緑茶ハイ).
Hyuga's favorite alcohol beverage is shochu.
When Oya part timer go to karaoke, they sing girl idols' songs.
Masaki do all the house chores in Amamiya's households from cleaning up to cooking.
Hiroto's favorite food is curry.
When Hiroto cooks, he only cooks curry.
Takeru is forgetful. Masaki has to remind him all the time. Hiroto? He waits to be petted by his aniki.
Kaito and Kizzy have a couple ring and they use it as necklace.
In HiGH&LOW The Movie, Kaito and Kizzy joined the fight but there's no single footage of them fighting. But they appeared before the fight and after the fight with some bruises.
From End of Sky to Final Mission, Cobra didn't wear his red scarf anymore.
Despite using his red scarf as a personality, Cobra didn't use it to fight beside for his character introduction scene in episode 1.
Ichigo Milk has been inviting Naomi to join them, but Naomi refuses due to Itokan. She wants to take care what's left by her brother.
Naomi can actually beat dudes.
Murayama keeps the strawberry bag from Oshiage and he uses it as a pillow.
Ice gave Sarah a teddy bear (and a necklace).
Ice can cook and according to Mighty Warriors' member, Ice's curry tasted like seafood when he uses zero seafood ingredients. Apparently, it matched the actor's fun fact: Elly's curry always tasted like he put seafood in it even when he's not.
There was once, Seki dressed up in sailor uniform for karaoke. Of course, they sing girl idols' songs.
Toutetsu brothers cook for Hyuga, but he sleeps almost all day long, so Katou needs to wake him up just to eat.
Ukyou cooks better than Sakyou.
Ukyou needs to separate Daruma's income into envelopes and hide them because if not, Hyuga would splurge the income into zero. Hyuga can't manage money.
Lala reads books for the kids in Mumeigai, and they literally have reading time with Lala.
Furuya has truck driver's license.
Murayama durability is top notch and it resemble his given name which is Yoshiki. His full name written like this 村山良樹 and Yoshiki (良樹) is consist of characters that mean good or skilled, and trees or wood. He's a skilled trees or wood, or whatever but that clearly means that his durability is on another level. That's why he could bear the 100 punches challenge and still fight back after that.
Hiroto and Smoky loves cat.
Murayama talked to a cat. (He's cat, but also puppy; whatever he's cute).
Murayama introduced Todoroki to Cobra in person.
Murayama has 4 vans' shoes and a pair of converse. (Haven't count how many jackets he has though, might count it when I rewatch).
At least, Tsukumo has been hit by the car twice. He should avoid getting near cars. No cars near him, please.
White Rascals' outfit are all white and it's hard to keep it clean. The visual line (Shimura, Bito, Aizawa, and Enari) has a hard time because they spend so much money for laundry and cleaning. Little did they know, Rocky actually could paid 80% of their cleaning cost. But Rocky didn't say it to them because he knows that they would be worried about how to pay Rocky back. (Rocky is so sweet). Probably the only guys that use this privilege only Koo and Kaito.
Rocky paid 100% of the girls' laundry and cleaning cost (including Kizzy).
Rocky's surname, Mutsugi, is actually a word play. It's written as 六ツ木 in Japanese. Which the character 六 can be read as mutsu (mu for short) or roku (ro for short) and it means six; ツ is a katakana for tsu and in hiragana it's written like this つ. When tsu is written small in between characters (it's called sokuon) like っ/ッ it purposes is to geminate the next character; and 木 is ki and it means tree. If we put them together and make the tsu as sokuon, we'll get 六ッ木 which read as ろっき in hiragana and ロッキ in katakana (both are rokki) we got his name, Rocky (ロッキー).
Source: rewatching the series and the movies over and over again so I can get into the useful but also useless facts, and the g-sword manga by CLAMP. If you want to read HiGH&LOW g-sword manga by CLAMP you can read HERE for English translation or DI SINI untuk translasi Bahasa Indonesia. Note: Might add more if I find or remember more. Also, I'm sorry there's too much Cobra, can't help though, I love him a little bit too much.
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athymelyreply · 11 days
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A highly recommended read. Full text of article under cut
On October 7, I was not hiding with my child in the safe room. My house was not burnt to the ground, and my husband didn't blow me a last kiss before his killer fired a fatal bullet.
I was safely at home in London where I have lived for over 30 years when my elderly peace-activist parents, Oded and Yocheved Lifschitz, along with 77 others members of the community, were taken hostage, barefoot and in their pajamas from their homes in the kibbutz where I was born and raised.
Israel's hostages in Gaza: A matter of life and death
Israeli peace activists who lost loved ones in the Hamas massacre stand their ground
What we can learn from released Hamas hostage Yocheved Lifshitz
For the past 229 days, together with the families of the other of hostages taken captive which now number 128, we have taken part in the fight for the lives of our loved ones.
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A photo of the writer, Sharone Lifschitz's parents, Yocheved and Oded Lifschitz, who were both kidnapped by Hamas to Gaza on October 7. To date, only Yocheved Lifschitz has returned. Credit: Amiram Oren
In Nir Oz, my family's kibbutz, one in four people (117 in total), were either executed or kidnapped. We are still piecing together the events of that brutal day that Hamas terrorists and some Gazan civilians, perpetrated medieval levels of cruelty, driven by hate and revenge, blinded by radical religious ideology and super-charged with amphetamines.
Last month, at the "Seder in the Streets" event in New York, activist Naomi Klein spoke as if none of that ever took place. Instead, addressing hundreds who gathered for a combination Passover Seder and protest of the war in Gaza, she spoke of what she termed the "False Idol of Zionism", comparing Jewish support of it to the Israelites "worshiping" the golden calf and recalling Moses' rage seeing the spectacle.
Klein's interpretation seems to miss the point: Moses, unlike Klein, did not disengage. He did not give up on his people when they worshipped a false idol. Instead, without compromising his integrity and beliefs, he guided them through the desert for forty more years in their journey to become a nation. Klein, at this dangerous moment in history, is failing to lead her listeners to take responsibility, to engage and work towards a shared future in the region for Jews and Palestinians, one built on the preciousness of life on both sides and an understanding of the original intention of Zionism: the necessity for a safe home for the Jewish people.
"Seder in the Street" was also protesting the heartbreaking and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank. Many in Israel, like my parents, would agree. Yet their plight and that of the other hostages – most of them civilians, from a baby boy of one year to a man of 86 - are not mentioned at Seder in the Streets or other gatherings of far-left pro-Palestinian Jewish activists.
My father, Oded Lifschitz, who is 83, and his friends who are also hostages, all in their late 70s and 80s, have worked for peace for decades. My mother, Yocheved Lifschitz, was thankfully released after 17 days of captivity.
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Yocheved Lifschitz after being released from 17 days in Hamas captivity, in Tel Aviv, Israel in late October. Credit: Tomer Appelbaum
How much more effective these protests could be if activists abroad could act as a bridge between the pro-Palestinian movement and progressives fighting for peace in Israel?
Hamas, a terrorist organization which has been systematically stripping freedom, women's rights and democracy from the Gaza strip since 2006 are also strangely left out of the discussion. In fact, I see more criticism of the Hamas attack and crimes from moderate Palestinian voices than from prominent Jewish voices of the pro-Palestinian movement in the United States and Europe.
Klein is instead content in disengaging from Israel based on a distorted idea of Zionism and in so doing offers no solidarity with the moderate, progressive Jews living in Israel and for whom rejecting Zionism is irrelevant at this moment. Whether we like our government's policies or hate them as many do, Israel is home. Just as Canada is Klein's home, whether or not she likes the policies of the Canadian government or condones its mistreatment of its Indigenous population.
I consider myself pro-Palestinian. My family has always fought for a shared future for our two peoples, understanding this key point: our fates are interlinked. My parents have advocated for peace and equality for and with the Palestinians since the 1960s. We have united as a family to protest policies of the current Israeli government we find abhorrent. I wish for the Palestinians what I want for my own people: to live without bloodshed, in their own democratic state, as part of a negotiated two-state solution.
The facts are indisputable to Zionists and non-Zionists alike: There are about 7 million Jews and 7 million Palestinians living in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Jewish Israelis cannot be expected to reject the idea that they can and should have the right to live safely in Israel. Without Israel, where would they go?
Everyone who cares about what's best for the region must strengthen those who are working for a peaceful future. As my father always says, "You make peace with your enemies."
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A Palestinian family rides on the back of a donkey-drawn carriage next to damaged buildings in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, in April.Credit: AFP
Thanks to international efforts to formulate a plan for the "day after" the war in Gaza, we are potentially closer to a long-term political agreement to lift us out of conflict than ever before. To help facilitate it, American and European progressives must distinguish between religious fanatics on both sides and those working toward a path of justice and peace for everyone in the region.
We must differentiate the liberal American pro-Palestinian activists from those who justify Hamas atrocities as acts of resistance. The dominant current narrative of the American far left, including the Jews among them, unwittingly aligns with Iran, and with antidemocratic and illiberal forces.
Instead of fostering hate and promoting disengagement from Israel, progressives abroad should help those in the region regain a sense that another future is possible and advocate for a negotiated political agreement that would create a state of Palestine established alongside the state of Israel. It won't be perfect, but it will be a good start.
The work of advocating for a different, sustainable future, must start with a call for the immediate release of hostages as part of a long-term agreement, backed by America and its allies, including moderate Arab states, that has the potential to transform the lives of Palestinians and Israelis by rescuing them from this ongoing tragedy. To fail to do so is to fail not just the hostages and their families, but to throw all the people of the region further into the abyss and undo the inspiring work of moderate forces within Israeli and Palestinian society.
In this, our darkest hour, we ask ourselves, who is our enemy? My enemy is the blind hate that seeks to erase the humanity of the other side. All of us who are horrified by what is unfolding in Gaza should work toward empowering the people of the region to move away from our common enemy. That's not Zionism, but rather the religious fanaticism we have within both our societies – Israeli and Palestinian – that threatens to engulf us all.
Sometimes, I want to shout at the news on TV, to remind people that their indulgent engagement in hatred of one side is so futile, so self-congratulatory. We can do better.
As we bleed and grieve, and in the case of families like my own – hang suspended between hope and despair for the fate of our loved ones, we must seek points of human connection between Jews and Palestinians, we must fight, not against one another, but for a practical solution that dismantles the status quo so that we can all survive – and live in freedom and security.
Sharone Lifschitz is a London-based filmmaker and academic originally from Kibbutz Nir Oz, whose parents were taken hostage on October 7. On Twitter: @Lifschitz_sha
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gingerjolover · 7 months
halloween blurb idea! naomi x soft!gf where naomi takes care of their drunk girlfriend? thank you mother 🫡
ok this is SO cute
little hc for halloweenie - naomi goes as the devil and soft!gf is an angel, the outfits are a little racy and they def take a pic where soft!gf’s ass is against naomi’s front and naomi posts it the day after and captions it something like “corrupted an angel ln”
this is more of a halloween party/after party blurb but i did add some stuff about taking care of her i promise
okay now onto da blurb
there’s two scenarios in my brain, one where y’all go to the same party and then one where maybe you just go to a party and naomi has to pick you up
first the party together! naomi def drives you both, they’ve given you full reassurance that you can get fucked up because they will be taking you home and they won’t leave your side
protective!naomi in the house!!!! literally like a guard dog, your angel outfit is anything but angelic so they are behind you, front pressed into your ass all night, hand around your shoulder (honestly fondling your tit every so often) glaring at anyone that stares too long or tries to get you a drink
naomi gets bitchy in the best way, like the one time they do leave your side, they leave you with jo and kelli because you’re already tipsy, and some rando dude comes up to you, trying to offer you a drink and naomi is squeezing in behind him, giving him the fakest smile just like “she’s got a drink bud, back off,” like killing him with kindness and then turns to you, kissing your cheek and ear before their arm snakes around your waist, hand rubbing your lower abdomen
before you’re drunk, you’re pushing naomi up against a wall, their hands on your ass pulling you to them, licking their way into your mouth. you def pull back embarrassed being like “wait we’re in public,” and naomi is laughing, wrapping their hand softly around your throat bringing you back in “no one is paying attention angel, kiss me,” before leaving kisses all down your neck.
when you start to get drunker, naomi is definitely swapping your shots for water and telling you to chug playfully but it’s literally a clear cup with lemon water in it, trying to pull one over on you
when you start to trip is when naomi makes the executive decision to take you home, your rubbing all over them while they’re basically half carrying you to the car
*Now this is if naomi is picking you up from a party, they are definitely staying on the phone with you until they get there, i imagine they aren’t dressed up so they are walking through the house, just looking for you and your friends
*when they finally found you, you turn around and are immediately jumping into their arms, one of naomi’s hands settles under your ass and the other on the back of your thigh
*being like “hi nomi,” your voice super soft and naomi just melts, kissing your cheeks
*while you’re in their arms, you’re trying to make out with them, your friends laughing because naomi is lowkey dodging your kisses being like “just wait babydoll,” giggling when you whine and plop your head down on their shoulder
*they fully carry you out to the car like that, your head on the shoulder almost like a little kid, and naomi is just nodding when they pass your friends who are waving or cooing because y’all are like “the parents” couple
(now back to what happens regardless)
1000% kisses you after buckling you into the passenger seat
you’re passed out by the time you get home, naomi’s gently lifting you bridal style and carrying you inside
i imagine soft!gf is just a really sleepy and whiny drunk so naomi is like “babe, you gotta work with me here,” while struggling to get your tights off
naomi is giving you soft cheek kisses, just being very gentle with you while undressing you, you basically don’t allow them to put you in clothes other than one of their oversized tshirts
there’s a LOT of kissing needed to convince you to slide a pair of their boxers up your legs
once you’re changed, naomi gets you comfy in bed, brushing your hair and trying to wipe the glitter off of your body
definitely washes your face and uses some cotton pads to do your skin care routine, they’re probably feeding you cheezits as a bribe to stay still
soft!gf is emetophobic so… she doesn’t get sick but naomi props her up just in case, leaving a small bin by her side of the bed
youre whining for naomi to come to bed, eyes half shut and they crawl right in, laying on their side, the back of your head resting on their bicep as they play with your hair, their opposite hand rubbing your leg
naomi is just nodding and humming, eyes wide and a small smile on their face being like “no way,” and “really baby?”, or “tell me about it pumpkin” when you’re honestly just babbling nonsense
but you fall asleep watching halloweentown (this is canon) and naomi is just stuck in this loop of staring at you and scratching your scalp and rubbing your skin softly
and you fall asleep HARD, like they’re def taking pics of you with your mouth open and sending them in the munagenius chat being like “the angel had fun, gn!”
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ever-siince-new-york · 4 months
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me & bae 😍
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i luv them so bad 😞
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All the Good Girls Go To Hell 18
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, power imbalance, injury, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You come home for the summer but your break is not as relaxing as you expect.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Note: this week has been a week!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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You steer along to Naomi's directions, hesitant as she has you turn towards the mall. You're pretty sure this isn't the right way but you have no idea. You just assumed they all lived in the same suburbs.
"Um, Nay?" You roll slowly between the rows of cars, "is this a shortcut or something?"
"Pfft, nope! We're going shopping. We need something cute to wear to the party."
"Shopping?" You frown, "I don't... have money."
"I do," she wiggles her phone, "the miracle of technology. I still have all the cards on my cell."
"Oh, do you think that's a good idea?"
"Look, we can't show up looking like this," she whines, "besides, it'll be fun. Girls' day!"
"Mmm, well, I'm fine in what I'm wearing," you shrug as you look for a spot.
Her phone lights up and she quickly reads the screen, blacking it out and rolling her eyes. She flips down the visor and checks herself in the mirror as you strain to see around her. You turn into an empty spot and roll up the windows.
"You have to get something extra cute. It's not about the boys, alright? It's about us."
"Sure," you say, letting your seat belt repel as you stare across the lot.
You still can't believe it. You're effectively homeless and Naomi doesn't seem to care. Well, she's used to the uncertainty by now, you can understand now how it made her so erratic.
You exhale. What else can you do? Wallow in reality. The distraction might do you well. No wonder she's always up to something. Anything. It's not pointless when the important things are so scary.
"Come on," she nudges you, "I wanna dress you up!"
You peek at her and give in with a nod. You grab your purse and fix your glasses. Anything to waste time, not that you're looking forward to anything.
She leads the way down the aisle of cars, almost skipping. You can't decide if she's compartmentalizing well or hopelessly optimistic. You drag your soles up the tarmac as she rushes ahead to the mall doors.
Inside, the crowd makes you want to turn around. Something about seeing the families clustered together and the teenagers hanging off each other makes you feel even more out of place. They all have somewhere to go after this. Ugh, how quickly it all dimmed to gray.
"Alright," Naomi hooks her arm through yours, "let's find the shortest dresses in this damn place."
"Nay," you huff.
"You're gonna rock it. Trust," she giggles, "you always look so sexy." She leans into you, "and tonight, we're gonna get lit."
Hours spent traversing the mall and your feet thrum. The day is far from over. As you drive down the cul de sac you dread the finish to the long day. A party. You're not a party person and the last one you went to…
Naomi has her seat belt off before you even stop. You shift into park as she reaches over to hit the horn, honking up at the large house. She trills and gets out, grabbing the bags out of the back as she watches the door expectantly. 
You climb out on your side, lingering nervously as she heads towards the winding little walkway to the steps. The door opens as she gets to the bottom. Harry greets her with a smirk and a wink, opening his arms.
"Kitty cat," he purrs, "funny seeing you here."
"Whatever, Harry," she chirps, "don't act like you weren't waiting for me."
"Mm," his eyes flit towards you, "didn't tell me you were bringing a friend."
"Two for the price of one," she lets him kiss her lips, "you know how… he is. Fucking nightmare. We need to let loose."
"Bring any goodies?" He looks at the bags in her hand curiously.
"No drinks," she pouts, "sorry, baby."
You slowly make your way up the walkway and hide behind her. You feel like an intruder. You wouldn't have let her bring you if you knew you weren't invited.
"It's fine," Harry says as he backs up, "Peter'll be here. Him and Gwen are on the outs again."
“Boo. So… can we come in or what? We gotta get all thotty for the party.”
He scoffs and waves her inside. You trail a few paces back and give a sheepish smile. He hardly seems concerned with you as he watches Naomi’s ass. Right, you’re not expecting much tonight. Really, you don’t know what to expect.
“Come on, sweetie,” Naomi looks over her shoulder as she struts on, “let’s get you dolled up.”
The lilac sheath overlaid in indigo and silver sequins is much to scant to your liking. When you tried it on in the store, you swore you'd put it back. Naomi insisted and put it in the basket before you could argue.
The dress is even skimpier than you remember, or maybe it’s Naomi’s insistence that you skip the bra. She didn’t like how the straps peeked out under the narrow purple ones. You’ll be spending most of this occasion with your arms crossed.
You hear voices as you follow her down the hall. You feel ridiculous. She spent too much time prettying you up and it doesn’t feel like long enough. The one thing she couldn’t convince you of is to leave your glasses behind. The last thing you need is to be stumbling into strangers.
“Harry,” she squeals as she takes you through the open sliding door into the backyard. There’s a folding table lined with colourful shot glasses and a cooler underneath. There are several guests already milling about and gabbing noisily. “There you are.”
She saunters forward and you stay stuck to the ground as you watch her sling her arms around Harry. He lets her and puts his hand on her lower back. They kiss, long and sloppy. You knew it wouldn’t be pretty with Naomi sipping vodka while she got dressed.
“Hey, didn’t know you were coming,” a voice shakes you from your worry.
You look over as Peter steps up. A reddish curl hangs down his forehead as he grins at you. He wears a striped short-sleeve button up and teal shorts. His muscled chest peeks out the top as he holds a red solo cup.
“How about a drink?” He offers.
“I don’t know–”
“Sort of the whole deal here, to have some fun,” he says, “she sure will be.”
He glances across the yard as Naomi hangs off of Harry, his hand now firmly on her ass. Oh, yeah, you don’t know why you’re disappointed. You cross your arms and turn back to Peter. You catch his eyes flick up from your chest. Great.
“Uh, sure, why not, I’ll have a soda.”
“Soda and…” he tilts his head coyly.
Your furrow your brows, “come on, specs, live a little,” he grabs your hand and you teeter as he tugs on you. You give in if only to keep from tripping over your own toes. He takes you to the long table and grabs two of the shot glasses, presenting the neon jello shots with a devilish grin.
“Let’s start with the appetizer.”
You accept the orange one. You examine it. You’ve never had one before. It jiggles as you move the glass.
“Go on,” he clacks his glass against yours and raises it, swiftly dumping it in his mouth.
You sigh and do the same. One shot won’t hurt. It’s sweet enough and mostly cool. You can taste the alcohol for sure but it’s not awful. You put down the empty cup and gulp down the melting gelatin.
“Mmm,” you hum through your full mouth.
“Alright, so what’s next? You want a cooler? You a beer girl?” He bends and flips open the cooler.
“Really, that’s good for me–”
“Raspberry lemon twist,” he pulls out a bright pink can, “that seems like a you drink.”
He holds it out. You stare at it. He still has his red cup in his other hand. You reluctantly take the can. He looks at you until you crack the tab open.
“Thanks,” you murmur.
He winks and takes a drink from his cup, “better catch up,” he pulls the brim back, “oh, and before I get obnoxious, I should tell you how good you look.”
“Uh, thank you,” you take a tentative sip. It’s not bad, stringent but palatable.
“You seem… grim,” his smile falls, “what’s up?”
“Nothing,” you lie.
“Look, I’m not looking for a therapy session but there’s obviously something going on–”
“Really, it’s nothing,” you crane and look for Naomi as you hear her giggle.
“Ah, yeah, trouble follows her around,” he says, “she can take care of herself. It’s a party. You need to let loose. You’re wound so tight, I’m sure you could use it.”
You turn back to him, “not to be rude but what do you care?”
“Well, I’m going through a break up. Again,” he looks into his cup and swishes around the contents, “and I need to get a little bit loose myself. So, you and me, we’re sticking together. Think you’re the only one here who doesn’t know Gwen so, yeah.”
“Ah, got it,” you say dryly.
“No, get it,” he insists as he pokes the bottom of your can, “let’s go, sunshine. Get messy.”
You let your eyes fall back to the top of the can. What is the point in staying sober in a sea of drunk idiots? You’re done being the wallflower and you’re done tiptoeing around. It’s one night and you’re not going to spend it thinking about Steve or your mom.
You lift the can and gulp from the top, stopping before you can choke. You cover your mouth and swallow painfully, holding back a bubbly belch. Peter chuckles and empties his cup.
“There we go,” he encourages you, “I knew you had it in you.”
The world is slanted. You feel light and heavy at the same time. Your vision is hazy at the corners and each step is uneven. You have your arms slightly out as you make your way across the room.
You fall onto the sofa next to Naomi as Harry talks loudly beside her. As usual, she’s in the middle of the crowd, enjoying the limelight. She looks over as you jostle her and she slumps towards you.
“Heyyyyyyy, you’re here,” she says as if she forgot.
“Mmm,” you withhold a hiccup, “yeah…”
She smiles and reaches up to pet your cheek, “are you drunk?”
“Little,” you admit as she caresses your face.
“She’s blitzed,” Peter perches on the armrest on your other side, “told her not to keep pace with me.”
“Whatever,” you blather, your tongue clumsy as his chirping piques your irritation. “You’re the one… giving me drinks.”
“Aw, babe, you’re silly,” Naomi preens as her hand tickles down your neck, “Pete, Pete,” she hisses as she waves in his direction, leaning over you, “doesn’t she look fucking hot?”
You grab the hem of your dress, remembering how short it is. She flutters her fingers down the strap and gropes your chest. You swat her away and squeal.
“You should see what’s underneath,” Naomi slurs.
“Nay,” you catch her hand as she tries to grab you again.
“What? Why are you being like this?” She snips, “she sleeps in my bed and now she’s acting like a little prude.”
“Naomi,” you exclaim.
“I made her cum, you know? She was whining and whimpering–”
“Naomi, stop,” you beg as her other hand crawls back up along your cheek, “shut up.”
“Why, baby? I’m being nice,” she looks at you with her glassy eyes. She’s so drunk her head wobbles. “You like it when I’m nice, don’t you?”
She leans in as you hear Peter snicker. Before you can stop her, her lips are on yours. You wriggle helplessly and push on her shoulder. She slips her hand behind your head, keeping you pinned between her and the couch as her other hand creeps along your thigh. You hear others oohing and awing at her scene.
You whine and shove her as hard as you can. She recoils with a gasp as she wipes the slobber from her lips. You can’t believe what she just did. You know she’s drunk, and you are too, but you don’t understand why she’d do that. 
“Ah, come on, that was fucking hot,” Peter growls.
“Yeah, that was sexy,” Harry agrees, “go on, girls, let’s get the full show–”
You grunt as you shove yourself up to your feet. It’s difficult to get them under you as your head swims dizzily. You feel Naomi try to latch on but you swipe her away. Peter pinches your ass and you yipe as you stumble and hurry away. What’s going on?
You stagger across the room without looking back. Are they following you? Where’s your phone? You have to call your mom. You’re scared.
You find your cell outside and find your mother’s number. You stop from pressing down on the screen. You can’t call her, she hates you.
You clasp your cell tight and wade through the shadows around the house. You sidle through the tight space between the fence and the siding and come out to the front lawn. Your car is blocked in by a bunch of others. It doesn’t even matter, you can’t see straight, let alone drive.
Your phone flashes suddenly and you answer without checking the screen. 
“Hello?” You garble as you walk aimlessly along the driveway.
“Hey, sweetie, you okay?”
“Dad?” You utter as the deep voice surprises you.
“No, honey, it’s me. Bucky. I’ve been calling you–”
“Bucky…” you mope, “no. I want… I want my mom. I want my dad, please.”
“Doll, where are you?”
“I don’t want to talk to you. I know what you did,” you close your eyes and push your lip out.
“Sweetheart, where’s Naomi?”
“Naomi?” You repeat, “she– please help me.”
Your legs fold and you sit in the gravel. You can’t move. You don’t want to. Moving means you need to think and you’re all out of thoughts. You don’t know where to go or what to do. You’re trapped here in this suburban hellscape. Drunk and dumb and desperate.
“Are you with Naomi?” He asks as you hear a jingle on his end.
“She’s here,” you admit as you hang your head.
“Alright, sweetie, stay on the phone,” he says calmly. The even keel of his timbre comforts you, despite everything, despite his lies, his certainty eases the swell of nerves, “how are you feeling? Why don’t you look around and tell me something. Find something red for me.”
“Red?” You sniffle.
“Yeah, like I Spy,” he says, “find something red. Make me guess.”
“Um, uh,” you stutter and look around, “alright…” you hear rustling, a soft click, and footsteps. He’s moving but you don’t know what he’s doing, “I see… something red,” you focus on the lawn gnome’s cap, the round-bellied figurine standing in the garden.
“Alright, is it something… big?” He asks.
You squint and focus on his question. Hm, it’s not very big but compared to the flowers, it is. Ugh, you don’t know. You’re too drunk.
“Doll,” Bucky urges, “stay with me. You’re gonna be okay, I promise.”
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 3 months
watching the s5 house finale, i knew something was off but I couldn't tell what, cuddy's reactions to his pranks and house's whole thing with the lipstick was really confusing me.
but fuck i wasn't expecting the whole thing to be a hallucination......
i was really confused that they only showed one night of house's detox, i chalked it up to bad writing and maybe they skipped a few days, cuz no way in hell he throws up for one night and suddenly he's sober and painfree.... and well... i guess i was right
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bookuce · 24 days
Change My Mind
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SUMMARY: Josh and Alina are great friends most days. Other days, they want to tear each other apart. Some days, they’re in love with each other, but neither of them will admit it.
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OC. The book also uses the actual names of the wrestlers. Gionna is Liv, Austin is Xavier Woods, Josh is Jey Uso, Jon is Jimmy Uso, Trinity is Naomi, Alina is just Alina. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events could pop up in the story eventually. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO POST MY WORK ON ANY SITE*
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
TROPE: Friends to Lovers
WARNINGS: Language
“One! Two! Three!” Shouts the crowd. The bell would ring, signifying the end of the tag match. The Usos rolled out the ring quickly before an angry Street Profits could reach them. The tag match ended dirty. Montez’s shoulder was up, but the referee didn’t see it. Josh and Jon knew they got off without being caught and were celebrating on the ramp without care. They would eventually run to the back, vanishing behind the curtain.
Alina is informed to be at the gorilla for Josh and Jon for a backstage interview, and she can hear them as rowdy as ever, drawing near. They would pop out from the dark ramp, bouncing around with their championships in their hands. “Jimmy, Jey, can I get a word? What happened out there?” She says, catching their attention. Jon would drop his sweaty arm across her shoulders while Josh snatched the mic and her hand up.
“What happened out there? What happened out there, Uce, is that we won! Ain’t nothing else happened out there. The Street Profits thought they could hang with us, and what happened!”
“They got dropped!” Jon chimed in.
“They got dropped!” Josh repeats. “Ain’t no one taking these from us, Uce!”
“And if you think you got a chance,” Josh takes the mic out of Alina’s hands, blocking her from the camera. She took this as a chance to rid her hand of the sweat he left behind.
“You can get dropped too!”
“Cause at the end of the day, Uce, you the number twos, and we the ones!” Josh would end his promo with a raise of his pointer finger. His twin would follow suit before they both walked off towards the locker rooms. The cameraman would put his camera down, and the light on its head turned off.
“That was good.” Alex, the cameraman, would say, causing Alina to nod in agreement.
“Ay, Lina!” Josh shouts from across the large hall. “We going out tonight! Don’t make no plans!” Every time they successfully defended their championships, they wanted to go out. Though their night was ending, Alina had to stick around for the last two matches in case the company needed her for backstage interviews.
“Too late!” She teases.
“Cancel that shit, Uce!” Jon shouts, making Alina chuckle softly.
“Text me the details!” She shouts back.
Alina didn’t do much clubbing anymore. As she got older, she noticed the club crowd got younger. At thirty-two years old, she just didn’t see the hype anymore. That and it always took her days to recover. Getting her out of the house or a hotel room wasn’t an easy accomplishment, but somehow, Josh could do it every time. Maybe it was because he would harass her until she said yes; He always knew how to make her say yes.
She didn’t like that, but he loved it.
Here she was, standing in a nightclub surrounded by sloshed party-goers, and she had no idea where her group was. What she did know was that she needed a drink. If she was going to be able to tolerate being here, she needed to join the masses. She moved through the crowd, her eyes fixated on the glowing bar at the back of the large room. She hadn’t received any text messages from Josh in over forty-five minutes. All he had to say the last time they spoke was that he was here. When she gets to the bar, she squeezes between two people. They didn't pay her any mind, but the bartender saw her just as she got in.
“What can I get for you?” He asks.
“Vodka sprite, please!” She answered. The bartender quickly moved from her sight to prepare her drink for her. While Alina waited, she took her phone out of her pocket. The screen lit up, showing that she still had no new messages. Her thumb swipes up to unlock it, tapping the messages icon immediately after. Josh’s name was at the top of her inbox, her last message still there. She’d click on the message thread to type up a new message.
Alina: Hey, I’m here at the bar.
The screen would go dark after she sent the message, but she would keep the phone in her hand. The bartender would return with her drink, a smile on his face. “Thank you.” She says. She’d hand over her debit card, allowing him to swipe it. He asked her if she would want to start a tab, but she’d declined. She knew her drinks were on Josh once he found her. She glanced down at her phone; Still no new messages.
A hand would touch the small of her back, causing her to jump. Alina glanced over her left shoulder to find a man who wasn’t her best friend. This man towered over her. If she had to guess his height, she would say he was six foot five inches. He gives her a grin. “Hi,” He greets her.
“Hi.” She returns.
He leans down slightly; his mouth is in listening shot of her ear. “I’m Gavin, and you are?” He holds his hand out for her to shake.
“Alina.” She says, taking his hand. She shakes it gently before letting go of it. “Am I in your way? I can move.” She begins to make space for him. Gavin’s hand rests on her shoulder, stopping her from moving more.
“I came over here for you,” He starts. “I couldn’t walk away without telling you you're beautiful.” Heat began to rise in Alina’s face as her eyes shifted to the floor.
“Thank you.” She says, looking up at the guy again. Gavin wasn’t bad-looking. His black hair was shaggy on his head, his eyes a deep brown that looked almost black. His skin was pale, but his cheeks were faintly pink. He had a nostalgic feel to him overall.
“Are you here with anyone?” He asks.
“Yeah, she’s with me, Uce.” A familiar voice chimes in. Josh eyes the man in front of him before holding out his hand. “You good, baby?” He asks, glancing at Alina. Took him long enough, she thought. She slips her hand into his warm one, instantly pulled to the Samoan. Once she was near him, he would slide his arm around her waist. Mentally, Alina took a deep breath to steady her now racing heart.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She says, leaning in to kiss his earlobe. Josh’s collected demeanor wouldn’t falter at the action, but boy, was he doing somersaults in his head. Gavin glances between the two before letting his brown eyes settle on Alina.
“Lucky man.” He says before turning to vanish back into the crowd.
Alina turns to look at Josh. “Damn, I thought you forgot how to use a phone.” She takes a step away from him.
“My bad, I didn’t know you texted me.” He says. Josh takes in Alina’s appearance. He couldn’t verbally tell her how good she looked, but he’s sure she knows. Of course, she knows how attractive she is. He was always having to fight off men on her behalf. Was he fighting off men for his sake or her own? Both? Both. He was selfish like that. Selfish, possessive—whatever you wanted to call it, he was that.
Alina noticed his staring. It wasn’t like he was trying to hide that he was doing it. He was blatant about things he did when it came to her. “Where is everyone?” She asks, snapping him out of his trance. He looks in two directions before allowing his eyes to settle on her.
“Oh, uh, we got a section. Come on.” Josh snatches up her hand again, pulling her through the crowd. They would zigzag through the dancefloor before making it to a set of stairs. A security guard stood there, blocking people who weren’t them from going up. He would step to the side to allow Josh and Alina to pass. They’d climb the stairs, finding themselves in an area lit up blue. In the corner was a bar that resembled the same as the bottom but smaller.
“Yay, he found her!” Gionna exclaims, jumping up from her seat on a white couch. With one hand, Alina hugs her friend. Josh stood to the side of them, watching the two women interact.
“You gonna let her go, Uce?” Jon shouts at him. The eldest twin always had time to tease Josh and Alina about their relationship. It wasn’t a friendship to him. He was beyond calling it that, as was everyone around them. The only two that were fighting for the title of friendship were the two people involved. Josh reluctantly lets go of her hand, and Alina notices instantly. Her eyes meet his back as he’s walking towards the couch.
“Have you gotten a drink yet?” Gionna asks.
It was then Alina realized she left her drink downstairs at the bar. She looks over the ledge, spotting the small cup sitting at the bar with no one around it. Well, she wasn’t going back for that. “No.” She answers, looking at the petite blonde in front of her. Gionna snatches up the same hand Josh previously held and pulls her over to the bar.
“Alina looks good,” Austin says, watching Alina and Gionna walk towards the bar. Josh and Jon look at each other before Josh looks off in the distance. He could feel his blood pressure rising by the second.
“Not too much on my sister-in-law, Uce,” Jon says. Trinity would slap Jon’s chest, making him bring his hand up to cover himself. Josh looks at his brother, pointing his finger at him.
“Quit playing with me, Jon! I done told you!” His brother would laugh, kicking his feet slightly at the reaction he’d gotten from his little brother.
“Oh, so she’s free game?” Austin asks, standing up.
“This ass whooping can be free game.” Josh snaps, rising with him. “Try it if you want to.” He warns. Austin lowered his eyes at Josh, a mischievous grin on his face. Slowly, he sits down. He wasn’t in the loop about what happens within The Usos friend group, but this little interaction told him everything he needed to know.
“So, like I said, not too much on my sister-in-law,” Jon repeats with a smile. “He don’t play about her.” Josh shoots a glare in his brother’s direction before sitting down.
Gionna ordered a tray of tequila shots at the bar for their group. She got twelve shots for six people. She was on an unspoken mission to loosen everyone up. Now that Lina was here, Gionna knew that the energy in their space would be different. Without fail, Josh and Alina always get weird around each other. “What’s new with you?” She would ask, making a quiet Alina speak up.
“Nothing,” She breathes. “I’m not complaining, though. After that last attempt, I decided to take a break from dating. It’s not worth it.”
“Why? Because of Josh?”
Alina was quiet for a moment. That was part of the reason, but not for what everyone’s thinking. She brings her index finger to her mouth, rubbing slightly at the bottom of her lower lip. It was something she often did when she was choosing her words. “I’m due for some much-needed reflection.” She settled, glancing at her friend. Gionna grinned, her lips twitching as she fought a laugh. “What?”
“Whatever the fuck that means.” She says, laughing at Alina. “I mean, I’m not one to judge…”
“You are right now!” Alina exclaims, causing Gionna to laugh more. The bartender places a tray of shots on the bar before them. Gionna grabs them, moving off her seat. Without another word, she turns to go back to their group. Alina follows behind her, quickly downing the Sex On The Beach cocktail she purchased. She’s going to need more by the end of the night.
“I come baring gifts!” Gionna shouts when they get back to their section. She places the shots on the table and drops down next to Austin, leaving a spot next to Josh open. She sits down, her body turned in towards everyone. Everyone reached for their two shots.
Josh sniffs his shots. “Girl, is this tequila?” He asks.
“Oh, hell nah, Gigi,” Jon says, shaking his head. “This ain’t gonna work for us.” The twins are both leaning to put their shots down.
“No balls.” She says. They pause, glancing up at her.
“Who!?” They shout in unison. They sit up again with their shots in their hands, ready to toss both back. Reverse psychology beats their asses without fail each time.
“Ooh, let’s toast, y’all!” Trin shouts, scooting to the edge of her seat. She holds a shot glass up. “Congrats to my honey and his brother for retaining their championships! Here’s to another successful defense and friendship!” She exclaims. Everyone cheered, leaning in to toast their glasses.
Josh turns to toast his shot glasses at Alina before they both toss them back. The alcohol warms their chests, but they both make a face of disgust before setting their glasses down. “You want another drink?” He asks, tapping her leg. “Vodka Sprite?” She nods. He stands to his feet, moving around her to the bar. Alina watches after him, a soft smile on her face.
“Alina,” Austin sings, sliding over to her. “How are you?” He asks.
“I’m good,” She answers. “You?”
“Oh, never better.” He replies. “Say, I have a question for you…” The pair wasn’t aware, but Jon and Trin were watching. The eldest twin had a grin on his face, not because Alina was talking to anyone, but because Josh was going to lose his fucking shit when he got back.
A/N: Hi! This chapter is a little long! It would’ve been longer but I chose to stop here! I’m sorry if it’s awkward or anything!!
Jey (Josh) is gonna blow a gasket LMAO
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