#we made ourselves feral over it
andiinaraethtash · 5 months
*slides into your mailbox with lightsabers and blue cookies* I have this idea of Paul getting Percy a lightsaber as a wedding present because not only is he marrying Sally, he’s also stepping up as a father and for the family moon, they go to Montauk and have a lightsaber duel while Sally roasts marshmallows watching her two boys get along and is happy because Percy gets to be a kid
I love the idea of Paul stepping up, he is the best, I love him so much.
Also I'm taking this as permission to rant about @itsybitsybatsyspider and my au, which just. Buckle in, it's a long one.
So it's very much a "Percy Jackson in the star wars universe," type thing, but like. Non-specific in terms of when in the timeline it takes place? I've kinda got it in my head that it's after KOTOR/SWTOR, but before the high republic.
So the idea is that the twelve Olympian gods are the twelve Counselors, with Zeus being the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. All the rest of the gods have their different rolls related to their areas of power. Eg, Demeter is the Gardenmaster, Hestia is like. Jocasta Nu in terms of her role? She maintains things, though she's not on the Counsel. Similarly, Hades is the Head of the Jedi Shadows, and he sat in on a lot of the meetings when he was on planet.
Percy is a young (ie, like. 14) Force-sensitive who gets brought to the temple. He eventually gets apprenticed to the Nautoluan Jedi Master Po'Seiden (I should mention that in this au, Percy is half-Nautolaun. For absolutely no reason. Totally has nothing to do with the fact that Master Po'Seiden visited his home planet 15 years ago AND met Sally, no sir, not at all).
Anyway, he meets and immediately irritates young initiate Annabeth Chase, who's been trying to get Master Athena's attention so she'll be her Master. Percy's impertinence is getting in her way of being chosen as Master Athena's Padawan.
So naturally they get pulled into an adventure, and end up becoming fast friends, and share a friend in the (possibly part-Deveronian? Tdb) Grover Underwood, who's Master is a Seeker, finding young Force-sensitives and bringing them to the Temple.
I'm not sure how the Lightning Theif works exactly? But the basics stay the same: Zeus's weapon--a beautiful golden-white duel-bladed lightsaber--has been stolen, Zeus suspects Percy (reasons unknown) who then has to try to track down Jedi Master Hades, who's suspected to have had a hand in it. Only they find out that HIS weapon has been stolen as well, and both end up in the hands of Master Ares, a Zabrak who held the dubious honor of being the most aggressive practitioner of Djem So in the Order. He gets put on probation, especially once it's learned that he has been influenced through his dreams by the long-thought-dead Sith Lord Kronos.
As has the recently-knighted Luke Castellan, though by the time they realize that, it's too late. He's completely Fallen. It had been a long time coming; one of his crechemates and longest-time friends had been critically injured during a mission, and had been left behind on Zeus's (her own Master!) orders. Thalia had been rescued by Grover and his Master, but it was too little, too late. Thalia was so close to dead no one really had any hope.
We haven't quite decided whether Annabeth does get apprenticed to Athena, or to Chiron (who might be a Wookie, might be one of Yoda's species. Again, tbd). But she does get a Master by the end of it!
So Percy is half-Nautolan, and has a sea-green lightsaber. Itsy has art of him, but I don't wanna share it without their consent. (Also i want to let them share their thoughts.) But like. He has gills, which aren't readily visible, so Annabeth freaks out the first time she sees them in action, because they look like his throat has been slit in multiple places. Percy mostly uses the Force to manipulate his environment, eventually learning to make earthquakes.
Annabeth, meanwhile, is at least mostly human, who uses a shorter, bronze lightsaber, made mostly from components Luke had gifted her. The crystal, I think, is hers, just by nature of how kyber crystals work. She's very agile, using the Force to leap around and move quickly enough to get close enough to end her enemies before they can react.
We have a whole thing planned for SoM, sorta a plan for BotL, and some idea of how TTC would go. But if I keep going I'm gonna make myself so worked up I'm gonna be awake all night. Lemme know if you have questions! Also bug Itsy if you wanna.
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ijustmissyouraccenths · 5 months
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I Want To Kill Her (Part 2)
Au where Y/N and Harry are neighbors who find out their spouses are cheating with each other.
Based off Fortnight by Taylor Swift
Part 1
CW: Smut, cursing, unprotected sex, emotional abuse.
Word Count: 10,085
The months following the gut-wrenching discovery of Teddy's affair were a chaotic storm of emotions and turmoil. The idea of my spouse, the person I trusted most in this world, being unfaithful was unbearable. But without any concrete evidence, doubt enveloped me like a thick fog, suffocating me as I struggled to regain my footing. Though I desperately wanted to believe he wasn't cheating, the blatant signs and whispers from those around us made it impossible to deny the painful truth.
Rage and heartbreak battle within me as I struggle to forgive Teddy, to find a way to salvage our relationship. But each attempt is met with the painful memories of his infidelity, burning like acid through my veins. I'm terrified of losing my British citizenship, my sense of identity and belonging, if I leave him. And even worse, I dread the thought of calling my family and confessing the truth - that not only did Teddy betray me with another woman, but in some sick twisted way, I am also to blame. My family adored him like a son, and he gave me a life beyond my wildest dreams. How could I ever reconcile these conflicting emotions?
Harry's sudden decision to divorce Rosie sent shockwaves through the once peaceful fortress of their home. In just a week, he had packed his bags and walked away, leaving behind a cold and empty shell that was now up for sale. As new potential buyers roamed the halls, I couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal from Harry's abrupt departure. The last time I saw him was in a dingy motel room, where we spent a desperate night together before he vanished without a trace. His disappearance was calculated and cruel, fueled by his seemingly endless wealth and power. Meanwhile, I was left with nothing but uncertainty and the option to return home to Florida. But Harry's resentment only grew as I hesitated to make a final decision. He wanted me to walk away with no regrets, but real life is messy and complicated - far from the neat and tidy ending he desired.
I was trapped in a prison of a house, held captive by a man who claimed to love me but had truly only created a tangled web of chaos and pain. We forced ourselves into therapy every week, desperate to salvage something from the wreckage he had caused. But even after all the sessions, I still felt like I was drowning in the suffocating grip of his selfishness. It was never enough, and I could feel my sanity slipping away with each passing day.
Evenings rolled into nights and days blurred into months. Each moment seemed agonizingly long as I begged time to fly quicker, to wash away the stale taste of betrayal and deception from my existence. The house that once echoed with laughter and love now felt eerily silent, its walls whispering Teddy's betrayal during the quietest hours. My heart ached in ways I never knew possible, each pulse a reminder of the pain he had caused. 
In a bid for relief, I threw myself into cooking elaborate meals, organising closets, watering the drooping plants Teddy had once loved. Yet every activity was tainted with the memory of him - his laughter rings in my mind as I repeat chores we used to do together. It was a desperate plight to keep myself sane amidst the storm that threatened to break me down.
Teddy's unfaithfulness took its toll on my spirit, but Harry's abandonment shattered me entirely. I played over our last night together again and again in my mind. There was something feral about that night; lust mixed with desperation and an underlying tone of finality. He left without any explanation, disappearing like a ghost only leaving behind the faint scent of his cologne and a raw wound that refused to heal.
The cracks were beginning to show. Laughter seemed forced, smiles rarely reached my eyes. The weekly therapy sessions felt more like an interrogation than relief, talks of my own explicit night replaying session after session. Hours spent scrutinizing every detail of our dysfunctional relationship only amplified my misery. Every shared secret, every stolen glance, every whispered promise – all now seemed meaningless and distorted under the harsh scrutiny of reality.
In the end, it was not Teddy who broke me; it was me who had allowed myself to be broken by him. My judgment clouded by love hindered me from seeing the man he truly was – a master manipulator cloaked in charm and charisma. The truth was painful to accept but liberating in its own cruel way. I was no longer in denial. I was no longer the woman who would bend over backwards to accommodate the whims of unfaithful men. I was stronger than my heartbreak, stronger than their deceit. And most importantly, I learned the toughest lesson of my life – not all love is meant to be cherished; sometimes, it's better left discarded.
As I sat in the therapist's office, the stark white walls closing in around me, my voice cracked as I attempted to verbalize the turmoil within me. "I just don't understand how it got to this point," I admitted, tears threatening to spill over.
Dr. Richards leaned forward, her gentle gaze meeting mine with empathy. "It sounds like you've been through a lot of pain and betrayal," she said softly. "But remember, healing begins with acknowledging the truth."
I nodded, wiping away a stray tear that escaped down my cheek. "I know, but it's so hard to let go of everything that was once so real to me."
Dr. Richards offered a kind smile. "It's okay to feel that way. It's all a part of the process." She paused before continuing, "Have you considered what you need to do to move forward from this?"
I took a deep breath, the weight of the question settling heavily on my shoulders. "I... I think I need to start by forgiving myself for allowing this to happen. For not seeing the signs sooner."
The words hung in the air between us, heavy with unspoken pain and regret. Dr. Richards reached out and placed a comforting hand on mine. "Forgiveness is a powerful tool, both for yourself and for others," she said gently.
I closed my eyes, trying to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. "But how do I forgive someone who shattered me into a million pieces?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.
Dr. Richards' voice was steady and reassuring as she replied, "Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing their actions. It means releasing the hold they have over your heart and mind."
As I sat there, grappling with the weight of forgiveness, a million thoughts raced through my mind. Dr. Richards' words lingered like a balm on my wounded soul, but the path to healing still seemed daunting.
"I understand that forgiveness is crucial, but how do I even begin to untangle the mess he left behind?" I asked, my voice wavering with uncertainty.
Dr. Richards leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "It's a process, one step at a time," she said gently. "Start by acknowledging your pain and allowing yourself to feel it without judgment."
Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded, the emotions swirling inside me threatening to spill over. "It's just so hard to let go of the anger and hurt," I confessed.
She nodded in understanding. "Anger is a natural response to betrayal, but holding onto it only prolongs your pain. Remember, forgiveness is not for his benefit, but for yours."
Her words struck a chord deep within me, resonating with a truth I had been avoiding. "I want to move forward, but I don't know where to begin," I admitted, feeling lost in the sea of my own emotions.
Dr. Richards reached for a tissue and handed it to me with a gentle smile. "Start by being gentle with yourself," she advised. "Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, a release from the burden of carrying someone else's actions."
I took the tissue gratefully, wiping away my tears as her words sank in. "I never thought of it that way," I murmured, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the pain.
She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You are stronger than you realize. Forgiveness is not about condoning what he did; it's about setting yourself free from his grip on your heart."
As I sat there, enveloped in Dr. Richards' compassion and wisdom, a sense of peace washed over me. The road to forgiveness may be long and arduous, but with her guidance and my own resilience, perhaps one day I could truly let go and embrace the healing that awaited me.
The following weeks were a whirlwind of emotion, a rollercoaster of highs and lows. I spent many sleepless nights replaying old memories, wrestling with anger and regret. But with each passing day, the burden on my heart felt lighter. I began journaling my thoughts, pouring out my hurt into ink instead of letting it fester within me. And despite the painful contents, there was a strange sort of relief in seeing my emotions spelled out on paper.
"Writing can be therapeutic," Dr. Richards had suggested during one of our sessions. "It provides a safe space to confront your feelings, as raw and as tumultuous as they may be."
Within the quiet sanctuary of my mind and the solitude of my room, I started to delve deeper into myself; into the wounds that had been inflicted upon me and the ones I had unknowingly inflicted upon myself. The process was painful but cathartic. For each tear that fell onto the pages of my journal, there was a tiny piece of pain and bitterness being released.
Days turned into weeks, and slowly but surely, I found myself becoming less consumed by his betrayal and more focused on my healing. I started attending group therapy sessions where I met others who bore similar scars – our shared experiences bound us together in a circle of empathy and understanding.
In those group meetings, I realized that pain was universal but so was resilience. Listening to others narrate their journeys of recovery ignited a spark within me. I saw mirrored in their stories my own strength and determination to rise above the ashes.
One day, while looking at myself in the mirror after another group therapy session, something remarkable happened. Staring back at me was a woman who looked familiar but different—a stronger version of myself; a survivor. My reflection no longer showcased the woman betrayed by love but instead revealed a woman who had found strength amidst despair.
“I am not just a victim,” I whispered to my reflection, the words filling the room with a newfound determination. “I am a survivor.”
The following week in Dr. Richard's office, I found myself recalling this moment with a sense of pride. "I am starting to see changes," I admitted, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.
She returned my smile, her eyes filled with warmth and encouragement. "Change is a testament to your strength and resilience," she responded. "You're embracing this journey with courage, learning to forgive not just him, but yourself as well."
Her words felt like a beacon of hope guiding me through the foggy path of recovery. While the pain still lingered like an unforgotten ghost, each day it seemed less potent than before. I was indeed learning to forgive—forgive him for his betrayal and forgive myself for my blindness to his deceit.
As our session ended, I left Dr. Richards' office feeling lighter than when I had come in. With every step away from her office and every step towards home, I was journeying farther from the woman who had allowed herself to be broken by betrayal and closer to the woman who had found strength in her own resilience.
Journaling had become my safe haven, a place where I could pour out my deepest thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment. But that sanctuary was shattered when one day, in a rush to make it to therapy on time, I left my journal open on the bed. My heart stopped when I returned to find Teddy holding it, his eyes scanning the pages filled with my most vulnerable moments. In an instant, my privacy was invaded and my trust was broken.
The tense silence in the room shattered as Teddy's furious voice pierced the air, causing my heart to skip a beat. I watched helplessly as he held my journal in a white-knuckled grip, his eyes scanning the pages with growing anger. "What the actual fuck is this?" he bellowed, his face contorted with rage.
I stood frozen, my mind racing to find the right words to diffuse the escalating situation. "Teddy, please put that down," I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper, but he ignored me, his expression dark and menacing.
With a sharp intake of breath, I lunged forward to grab the journal from his hands, but he deftly sidestepped me. The tension crackled between us like electricity, each heartbeat echoing in the turbulent silence that enveloped the room.
"You've been writing about our sessions? and Harry?" Teddy's voice was laced with accusation, his gaze burning into mine with searing intensity.
I felt a surge of defiance rising within me as I squared my shoulders. "It's none of your business," I shot back, my tone sharper than intended, but I refused to back down in the face of his intrusion.
His jaw clenched as he took a step closer, his towering presence casting a shadow over me. "None of my business? You've been documenting our private moments, our struggles! How you also fucked the neighbor?" His voice rose with each word, reverberating off the walls like thunder in a storm “As if that little fucking photo he sent while fucking you, my wife, wasn’t bad enough”.
I could feel my own anger building, fueled by his violation of my privacy. "You have no right to invade my thoughts like this and last I checked, you were the one who started cheating," I retorted, the words dripping with resentment and hurt.
The atmosphere crackled with tension as we stood locked in a battle of wills, neither willing to yield ground. The air grew thick with unspoken accusations and grievances left festering beneath the surface.
"You think you can just hide behind your journal and play the victim?" Teddy's voice was laced with contempt, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.
My fists clenched at my sides as a surge of defiance coursed through me. "I am not playing anything! This is my way of coping with everything you've put me through, let’s remember who started this mess," I shot back, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside me.
His laugh was harsh and bitter, cutting through the charged atmosphere like a blade. "Coping? Is that what you call it? Writing about how I've destroyed you? This is pretty much a sex book." His words were like daggers aimed straight at my heart.
The room seemed to shrink around us as we faced off in this battle of words and wills. Every breath felt heavy with unspoken truths and buried emotions that threatened to erupt like a volcano on the verge of eruption.
"I trusted you," I whispered hoarsely, tears stinging at the corners of my eyes as the weight of his betrayal bore down on me like a crushing weight.
Teddy's expression softened for a fleeting moment before hardening once more. "Trusted me? Look where that got you," he sneered, a cruel twist to his lips betraying the depths of his callousness.
The walls seemed to close in around us as the fight escalated into a tumultuous storm of emotions and accusations. Each word exchanged felt like a blow to an already fractured foundation that threatened to crumble under the weight of our shared pain.
The rumble of thunder outside echoed the turmoil inside as our voices rose in a crescendo of anger and hurt. The room pulsed with an energy so charged it felt as though lightning might strike at any moment, igniting a fire that would consume us both.
"I'm tired of being your punching bag," I declared, my voice firm with newfound resolve.
Teddy's face contorted with fury. "You think you're innocent in all this?" he shot back, his words like venom dripping from his lips.
The air crackled with electricity as we faced off in a battle neither willing to concede. It was a clash of egos and emotions, each word exchanged fueling the fire burning between us.
"I won't be silenced by your guilt-tripping," I retorted, my voice cutting through the charged atmosphere with precision.
Teddy's eyes blazed with rage as he took a step closer, his breath hot against my skin. "Guilt-tripping? You've been playing the victim since day one," he accused, his voice dripping with contempt.
The room seemed on the verge of imploding as our tempers flared and our voices clashed in a symphony of discord. It was a battle of wills and wounded pride, each unwilling to yield ground in this war of words.
"You'll never own up to your mistakes," I accused, my voice tinged with frustration and anger.
Teddy's fists clenched at his sides as he glared at me with unbridled fury. "Mistakes? You're the one who shattered everything we had, we could’ve come back from this. You didn’t have to fuck the first guy you saw!" he roared, his words echoing off the walls like thunder on a stormy night.
The fight raged on like an unrelenting tempest, each word exchanged adding fuel to the fire burning between us. The air crackled with tension as we stood face to face in a battle that threatened to consume us both.
“You know what? I’m done,” I seethed, my voice rising to a fever pitch. "I'll find a place to stay and it sure as hell won't be here!" My fists clenched at my sides, nails digging into my palms as I glared daggers at the person in front of me. The fury coursing through my body threatened to consume me, but I welcomed it, fueled by sheer determination to escape this toxic environment.
I took a deep breath and tried to steady my shaking hands as I dialed Bella's number, she was the first close friend I had made in London. The phone rang for what felt like hours before she finally picked up.
"Hey, Bella. It's me," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside of me.
"Hey, what's up?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.
"I need a place to stay for a while. Can I crash with you?" I blurted out, not wanting to beat around the bush.
Bella didn't hesitate. "Of course! What happened?"
"It's a long story," I replied, tears threatening to spill from my eyes again.
"Don't worry about it. Just come over whenever you're ready," she said reassuringly.
I thanked her and hung up the phone before splashing some cold water on my face in an attempt to compose myself. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror, I unlocked the bathroom door and made my way back to the living room.
Teddy was nowhere in sight, probably still seething from our argument. I quickly grabbed my backpack and stuffed some clothes and toiletries inside before heading out the door.
The fresh air outside helped clear my mind as I made my way towards Bella's house. As much as I wanted to stay strong and not let Teddy get to me, his words still stung like open wounds.
I couldn't believe how things had escalated so quickly between us. We used to be inseparable, but now it seemed like we were nothing but strangers living under the same roof.
My thoughts were interrupted as I arrived at Bella's house. She greeted me with open arms and led me inside as Bella and I settled down on her cozy couch, surrounded by the warmth of her living room, she handed me a mug of hot tea. The familiar scent of chamomile filled the air, soothing my frayed nerves.
"So, spill it. What happened between you and Teddy?" Bella asked gently, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.
I took a sip of the tea, feeling its comforting warmth seep into my bones. "It's just... we had another one of those fights about the cheating. The same patterns repeating over and over again. I don't think we can fix this anymore," I admitted, feeling a heavy weight lift off my chest with each word spoken.
Bella nodded knowingly, her empathy palpable. "Sometimes things reach a point where they can't be salvaged, no matter how much we try. It's okay to walk away if it's for your own well-being," she reassured me, her words like a balm to my wounded spirit.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I gazed at my friend, grateful for her unwavering support. "I just feel lost, you know? Like I don't even recognize myself anymore in all of this chaos," I whispered, the vulnerability raw in my voice.
Bella reached out and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "You're not alone in this. You have people who care about you, who want to see you happy and thriving. And remember, sometimes in letting go, we find the strength to rebuild ourselves," she offered with a gentle smile.
Her words resonated deep within me, a glimmer of hope flickering in the darkness that had clouded my heart. I wiped away the tears that had escaped and mustered a small smile in return.
"Thank you, Bella. For everything," I expressed sincerely, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over me for having such a supportive friend by my side.
The early morning light blazed through my window, a stark reminder of the emptiness that awaited me. With a heavy heart, I resolved to find a job, anything to fill the void left by my crumbling marriage. But even as I searched for employment opportunities, my thoughts kept drifting back to Harry. My desperation to know how he was doing gnawed at me like a festering wound, but there was no way to reach out and ask. As I sat in silence, I couldn't help but imagine the different path my life could have taken if I had chosen Harry over Teddy. The image of us together haunted me, a cruel reminder of what could've been. But now it was too late, and there was no turning back from the pain and regret that consumed me.
My fingers danced across the keys of my laptop, typing and retyping cover letters and resumes. The monotony of each hopeful submission echoed the emptiness in my heart, seemingly endless echoes spiraling into a void. To distract myself, I brewed a strong cup of coffee, the familiar smell offering an odd comfort in the chaos that was now my life.
As the day wore on, my efforts bore no fruit. Each potential employer remained a stranger to me, their responses automated and cold. As darkness began to creep into the room, a sense of defeat washed over me and I closed my laptop with a sigh.
I poured myself another cup of coffee, this time opting for the solitude of the balcony to nurse it. The city below shimmered with life just as it always did, indifferent to the turmoil of one seemingly insignificant inhabitant. Despite the layers of concrete and glass that separated us, I felt strangely connected to those anonymous lights - distant beacons in the abyss.
A haunting melody wafted up from somewhere far below, a soulful duet between an old saxophone and an even older piano. The notes danced through the fragmented night air, weaving stories of love lost and found again. Each note was a phantom whispering bittersweet tales into my ear.
Just then, an unexpected sound cut through my thoughts - the shrill ringtone of my phone nudged me back into reality. My heart clenched as I saw Teddy's name flash across the screen. He hadn't called since our fallout; what could he possibly want now? Nervously biting my lip, I answered it. On the other end of the line Teddy’s voice trembled with an emotion I couldn’t quite place; regret perhaps—or was it desperation?
My heart raced as I hung up and blocked Teddy's number. It was a small act of defiance, of reclaiming control over my life. But in that moment, it felt powerful.
I took a deep breath and leaned against the balcony railing, feeling the cold metal press against my cheek. It was a reminder that I was still here, still alive despite the pain and chaos swirling within me.
But even as I tried to convince myself that cutting off all contact with Teddy was for the best, doubts crept into my mind. What if he really did want to talk? What if he wanted to apologize and make things right?
I pushed those thoughts away, refusing to let them cloud my judgement. I couldn't afford to let him back into my life, not when I was finally starting to move on.
With new determination, I went back inside and resumed my job search. As midnight approached and exhaustion began to take hold, I allowed myself a moment of weakness and checked my email one last time.
A spark of hope ignited within me as I read the email from my job recruiter. It informed me that there was a hiring event happening downtown tomorrow and I had been invited to attend. My heart raced with excitement - this could be my chance to finally land a job.
I quickly confirmed my attendance and began mentally preparing for the event. As much as I hated the thought of going out into the world and facing potential rejection, I knew it was something I had to do.
The next morning, after meticulously picking out an outfit and rehearsing what I would say, I set out for downtown. The bustling streets were a chaotic blend of people rushing to work and tourists taking in the sights. As I walked among them, a sense of anonymity washed over me - just another face in the crowd.
Eventually, I reached the building where the hiring event was taking place. After taking a deep breath, I stepped inside and made my way towards the designated area.
The event was packed with job seekers like myself, all eager for a chance at employment. Despite my nerves, I felt emboldened by their determination and pushed forward to talk to employers.
One after another, I introduced myself and handed out resumes with practiced ease. Some showed interest while others dismissed me without a second glance. But instead of feeling defeated by rejection, I soldiered on with renewed purpose.
Hours passed in this manner until finally, just as hope began to wane, someone took notice of me. It was an HR rep from one of the top companies in town, Pleasing.
My heart pounded as I realized this could potentially lead me down the path to seeing Harry again. But I quickly pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the present moment.
The HR rep from Pleasing seemed impressed by my credentials and asked me to come in for an interview the following day. I couldn't believe it - this was exactly the opportunity I had been waiting for.
As I walked out of the hiring event, my mind raced with excitement and nerves. Part of me couldn't help but wonder if Harry still lived in the area, but I quickly shut down that line of thinking. It didn't matter - all that mattered was that I had a chance at a job.
The next day, I arrived at Pleasing's office early, dressed in my best professional attire. The receptionist greeted me with a smile and directed me to the HR department.
I shook myself out of my reverie as the HR rep called me into their office for the interview. Despite my nerves, I answered their questions confidently and highlighted my experience and skills.
As the interview progressed, I could feel the HR rep becoming more and more impressed. The questions became increasingly challenging, but I faced them head-on, demonstrating my knowledge and quick decision-making abilities. 
Slowly, the discussion moved on to my potential role in Pleasing and how I saw myself contributing to the company's future. Here, I outlined a comprehensive plan that included innovation, team synergy, and a commitment to meeting corporate objectives. The HR rep listened attentively, occasionally interjecting to clarify or probe deeper into my responses.
The interview concluded on a positive note and I was told that they would get back to me in a week's time. As I left the building, I felt a sense of accomplishment but there was also an underlying excitement - the possibility of crossing paths with Harry and being able to leave Bella’s to find my own flat.
A week passed in a blur of anticipation and anxiety, each day inching closer to the call from Pleasing. When it eventually came through, my heart skipped a beat. They were pleased with my performance during the interview and wanted me on board.
And so began my journey with Pleasing - a journey that was filled with arduous tasks, demanding projects, and incredible opportunities for growth. The work environment was fast-paced but rewarding, pushing me to work harder each day.
One afternoon, a couple of months into my role at Pleasing, I saw him from afar. It was Harry - my former neighbor and one night stand. He looked just as I remembered him: sharp-witted and focused in his tailored suit, there was an air of high authority about him.
My heart raced as I watched him stride through the office, making his way towards the executive level. Memories of our time together flooded back to me - the late nights he spent on top of me, the way he felt, the way he touched me, how he smelt expensive.
Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly realized that I needed to find a way to meet with him. But how? As a junior employee, I didn't have easy access to top executives like him.
Determined not to let this opportunity pass me by, I approached my manager and asked if there was any way I could have a meeting with Mr. Styles. She gave me a skeptical look but promised to see what she could do.
A few days later, she called me into her office with a smile on her face. "I spoke to Mr. Styles' assistant and they have agreed to give you 15 minutes next week," she said excitedly.
My heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Harry again after all this time. But what would I say? What would he think of me now?
The day of the meeting arrived and I nervously made my way up to the executive level. As soon as I stepped into Mr. Styles' office, my nerves disappeared - it felt like no time had passed between us at all.
As I cautiously entered his dark office, my heart pounded in my chest. The scent of tobacco and whiskey filled the air, mingling with the intense aura emanating from Harry's piercing green eyes. I could feel his gaze burning into me as I made my way to a chair by his desk.
"Y/N," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I saw the name and couldn't believe it was you, bloody hell."
A chill ran down my spine at the iciness in his tone. Memories flooded back of our tumultuous past, the love and betrayal that had torn us apart. But now, standing in front of him again, I couldn't deny the powerful pull that still existed between us.
"Harry," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's been a while."
He leaned back in his chair, studying me with an intensity that made my insides churn. "Indeed it has, Y/N," he remarked, his eyes never leaving mine. "I must say, I never expected to see you here."
I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling the weight of unspoken history hanging between us. "I didn't expect to be here either," I admitted, my voice tinged with a hint of regret.
He raised an eyebrow, a flash of something unreadable crossing his face. "And yet fate has a funny way of bringing people back together, doesn't it?"
I nodded, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me - longing, apprehension, and a spark of unresolved desire. "It seems that way," I said softly.
Harry leaned forward slightly, his expression softening imperceptibly. "Tell me, Y/N," he began, his voice quieter now. "What have you been up to since we last crossed paths?"
I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts amidst the whirlwind of emotions his presence evoked. "Well," I started hesitantly, "I've been working here at Pleasing. It's been challenging but rewarding."
A flicker of interest sparked in his eyes. "Impressive." He paused for a moment before continuing, his tone contemplative. "And what made you seek out a meeting with me today?"
I met his gaze squarely, steeling myself against the vulnerability creeping in. "I wanted to reconnect," I confessed quietly. "To clear the air and maybe... find closure."
Harry regarded me thoughtfully for a moment before speaking again. "Closure," he echoed softly. "Perhaps that's something we both need. And Teddy?"
My eyes drop to the ground, avoiding his penetrating gaze. "It's a messy situation, but I had to leave. I've been crashing at my friend Bella's place until I can scrape together enough money for a divorce."
His voice drips with insinuation and I feel my skin prickle with unease. "Oh, how convenient," he sneers. "I knew eventually you would come to your senses, although I thought our night together would have been enough to break you free." My stomach churns at his words.
The atmosphere in the room grew heavy with unspoken tension as their words hung in the air like charged lightning bolts ready to strike.
"You had no right to think that one night could define me or my decisions." I spat.
Harry's eyes flashed with a mix of surprise and something darker as my words cut through the tension between us. "And what right did you have to enter my life again after all this time, Y/N?" he countered sharply, his jaw clenched in frustration.
I squared my shoulders, meeting his challenging gaze head-on. "I didn't come here seeking your approval, Harry," I retorted, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. "I came for myself, to find closure and move on."
He leaned forward, his expression unreadable as he studied me intently. "Closure," he repeated, the word hanging heavily between us. "Is that truly what you need? Or is there something else driving you here?"
A flicker of vulnerability crossed my features before I could stop it, and I felt exposed under his piercing scrutiny. "Maybe it's both," I admitted quietly, feeling the weight of years of unresolved emotions pressing down on me.
Harry's gaze softened slightly, a hint of understanding creeping into his eyes. "I see," he murmured, a touch of regret coloring his tone. "Perhaps we both have demons to face before we can truly move forward."
I nodded slowly, acknowledging the truth in his words. "Maybe so," I agreed, a sense of resignation settling over me. "But facing them together might be easier than doing it alone."
Silence enveloped us for a moment, broken only by the sound of our breathing mingling in the charged atmosphere of the room. Finally, Harry spoke again, his voice softer now. "I never stopped thinking about you, Y/N," he confessed quietly. "Despite everything that happened between us."
My heart clenched at his words, memories flooding back with a force that left me breathless. "I never forgot you either," I whispered, a bittersweet ache settling in my chest.
A myriad of emotions played across Harry's features - longing, regret, and something else I couldn't quite decipher. "Then perhaps we owe it to ourselves to confront the past and see where it leads us, Pleasing has a nice legal plan I can lend to you for a divorce." he suggested tentatively.
I met his gaze, seeing a glimmer of hope reflected in those intense green eyes that had once been my undoing. "Maybe we do," I agreed softly, a sense of anticipation stirring within me.
I stood outside the courtroom, my heart racing with a mix of nerves and anticipation. Today was the day I had been waiting for - the day I could finally end this marriage and start a new chapter in my life. But as I took a deep breath and stepped inside, my eyes were immediately drawn to the sight of Teddy sitting at a table with his lawyer, confidently flipping through some papers.
Next to him sat Rosie, her perfectly styled hair and expensive outfit standing out like a sore thumb among the drab courtroom surroundings. She smiled smugly in my direction as if she knew something I didn't, and suddenly all my confidence wavered.
My lawyer squeezed my hand reassuringly as we walked towards our side of the court, but I couldn't help feeling like an underdog in this battle. How had Teddy managed to go back to Rosie so quickly while still begging for me just a few weeks earlier? And how long had this been going on?
As we began the proceedings, I listened half-heartedly as their lawyer presented their case - painting me as an unfit wife who refused to support her husband's successful career. The lies stung, but I held back from speaking out.
It wasn't until it was my turn to speak that I found my voice. My lawyer had prepared a strong case for me - highlighting all of Teddy's infidelities and emotional abuse throughout our marriage. As I spoke about his controlling behavior and manipulation tactics, Rosie's smug expression faltered.
But when it was time for Teddy to speak, he denied everything with such conviction that even I started doubting myself. His words were smooth and calculated, painting me as an unstable woman who couldn't handle his success.
I felt my anger bubbling up inside me - how dare he twist the truth like this? But before I could say anything, Rosie jumped in with her own version of events. She talked about how supportive Teddy had been during their brief affair, and how I was just a jealous ex who couldn't move on.
As Rosie spoke, her words felt like sharp knives twisting in my chest. The betrayal and deceit were too much to bear, she was the one who was sleeping with my husband. I clenched my fists, trying to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. But then, a familiar voice cut through the tense atmosphere.
"Objection, Your Honor!"
I turned to see my lawyer standing up, his expression firm and determined. "These allegations are baseless and unsubstantiated. My client has provided ample evidence of Mr. Teddy's infidelity and emotional abuse. I request that these false claims be stricken from the record."
The judge nodded solemnly, looking at Teddy and Rosie with a steely gaze. "I will not tolerate false accusations in my courtroom. Stick to the facts."
Teddy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. Rosie, on the other hand, remained composed, a smug smile playing on her lips.
"I have evidence that will prove my client's case, Your Honor," she declared confidently. "I request permission to present it."
The judge nodded again, signaling for Rosie to proceed. She stood up gracefully, producing a stack of papers from her briefcase.
"These documents show that Mr. Teddy was out of town on the dates in question," she began, flipping through the pages with ease. "He could not have been at the locations alleged by Mrs. Y/N."
I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Could it be true? Had I been mistaken all along? Her proof was just texts from Teddy to her saying he was out of town. Which proves nothing, if anything it was more incriminating.
But then, just as doubt started to creep in, a sudden realization hit me like a bolt of lightning.
"Your Honor," I interrupted, my voice trembling but resolute. "I have proof that Mr. Teddy and Ms. Rosie colluded to fabricate alibis and deceive me. They were working together against me all along."
The courtroom fell into stunned silence as I presented the evidence that exposed their treachery. Teddy's face drained of color, while Rosie's mask of composure finally cracked.
"I-I can explain," Teddy stammered, but it was too late.
The judge slammed his gavel down with finality. "Case closed. Divorce granted in favor of Mrs. Y/N. You are to pay her a monthly settlement of alimony."
As I walked out of the courtroom, a weight lifted off my shoulders. It was finally over - the lies, the betrayal, the manipulation. I could start anew with a sense of freedom and clarity.
And as I glanced back one last time at Teddy and Rosie, their faces twisted with defeat, I knew that justice had been served. 
Waiting outside of the courtroom was Harry with a grin, he did a sassy wave to Rosie and Teddy.
"Congratulations, Y/N," Harry said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissing the top of my forehead. "You did it."
I couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of relief and satisfaction wash over me. "I couldn't have done it without you, Harry. Thank you for everything."
"Always, love," he replied with a gentle smile.
As we walked out of the courthouse hand in hand, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having Harry by my side. 
"I'm so glad this is all over," I said with a sigh, leaning into him as we reached his car.
"Yeah, me too," he agreed, unlocking the door and helping me inside before making his way to the driver's seat.
As we drove away from the courthouse, I couldn't help but feel a sense of closure. My marriage may have ended in betrayal and deceit but now I was free to move on and start over.
"So what's next for you?" Harry asked as we drove through the city streets.
“ I think we should celebrate.” I looked at him with a playful smile.
"Celebrate?" Harry raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "And what did you have in mind for this celebration, Mrs. Y/N?"
I grinned mischievously, leaning over to gently tap his knee. "Oh, nothing too wild. Maybe just a quiet dinner for two at a cozy little bistro."
"A quiet dinner, hmm?" Harry's smirk grew wider. "And what about later, when we're no longer 'quiet'? Any ideas for that celebration?"
"Well," I purred, eyeing him up and down playfully. "That all depends on how good of a date you turn out to be."
"I'll have you know," he countered confidently, "that I'm an excellent date."
"Oh really? And what sort of things do excellent dates do to impress their partners?" I challenged him with a teasing glint in my eye.
Harry chuckled softly before leaning closer to me. "I believe the key to impressing you, love," he whispered against my ear, sending shivers down my spine, "lies somewhere between your pasta and your dessert."
"And exactly how do you plan on pulling that off?" I asked skeptically but with undeniable curiosity piqued within me. 
"Oh," he smirked wickedly as he brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "I'm sure I can come up with something...tasty."
We arrived at the bistro and Harry led me inside, his hand resting on my lower back. The smell of freshly baked bread and spices filled my nostrils as we were greeted by the friendly hostess. She guided us to a cozy booth in the corner of the restaurant before handing us each a menu.
As we perused through the options, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment with Harry. Despite the chaos that had been my life recently, he was there to make me smile and forget about all my worries. I was grateful to be able to be like this with him.
"You know," Harry said, breaking the comfortable silence between us, "I haven't had a proper date night in ages."
I smiled at him. Soon after the waiter came to take our orders and after much deliberation, we settled on sharing a few appetizers and ordering our own entrees. As we waited for our food to arrive, Harry reached across the table to take hold of my hand.
"I'm proud of you," he said sincerely, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You handled everything with grace and strength."
I felt tears welling up in my eyes at his words. It meant so much to have Harry's support and encouragement through everything I had been going through.
"Thank you," I replied softly, unable to find any other words to express how much his words meant to me.
Our food arrived shortly after and we dug into our dishes with enthusiasm. We laughed and joked as we shared bites of each other's meals, savoring every moment together.
After dinner, Harry insisted on treating me to dessert at a nearby ice cream shop. We walked through the bustling streets hand in hand, enjoying each other's company in the warm summer night.
As we sat on a bench outside the shop, enjoying our ice cream. 
My voice trembles as I stare at Harry, regret and guilt weighing heavily on my chest. "I should've left Teddy that night after the motel," I confess, tears welling up in my eyes. "But I was scared. Scared of losing my residency, scared of facing my family's disappointment. I thought I could endure it for a while longer, or that he would be the one to leave first." My words choke in my throat, coming out as a desperate plea for forgiveness.
"I'm so sorry, Harry," I continue, my voice shaking. "I never meant to hurt you or lead you on. I was just...lost and confused."
Harry's expression softens as he takes in my words. He reaches out to brush away a tear that falls from my eye.
"You don't have to apologize, love," he says gently. "I understand why you stayed with him. But I wish you had told me sooner."
The guilt bubbles up inside of me, threatening to drown me in its heavy weight. How could I have been so blind and selfish? How could I have hurt someone who cared?
"I'll make it right, Harry," I promise him, wiping away the tears from my cheeks.
Harry's eyes light up with hope as he grasps my hand tightly.
"We'll face this together," he says firmly, determination evident in his voice.
And just like that, the burden on my shoulders feels a little bit lighter knowing that I have Harry by my side.
"It's okay," he whispers soothingly, kissing the top of my head. "You did the right thing.”
We finish our ice cream in comfortable silence before heading back to Harry's flat.
"Can I ask you something?" I say, breaking the silence.
"Of course," Harry replies, squeezing my hand reassuringly.
"Why did you never tell me your feelings before?" I ask, feeling a little hesitant.
Harry pauses for a moment before answering. "I didn't want to pressure you or make things awkward between us," he admits. "I wanted you to be happy and if that meant staying with Teddy, then I accepted it. So I left, I couldn’t see you in that situation."
Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I realize just how selfless and understanding Harry has always been despite his hardened appearence. He truly cares.
"I'm sorry for being so blind," I say softly.
"It's okay," Harry reassures me. "We all make mistakes."
My heart was pounding as we entered the safety of his flat, my senses heightened by the lingering scent of his cologne. Our fingers traced each other's as he deftly made two cups of steaming tea, every touch sending sparks dancing up my arm.
"Would you like a touch of cream?" Harry asked seductively, a teasing smile playing along his lips. His sultry voice sent trepidating waves through me, igniting an insatiable desire that twisted in my belly.
The sight of him leaning casually against the kitchen counter, bathed in soft light, stirred a primal need within me. I watched as he poured a dash of cream into my cup. The way it swirled and mingled with the dark liquid mirrored our own dance - two intricate beings melding to form something far more tantalizing. 
"Thank you," I murmured, accepting the warm mug from his hand. My fingers brushed against his, eliciting a delicate shiver that rippled down my spine. "I couldn't have asked for anyone better..."
As we navigated our way towards the plush sofa, our bodies brushed together, the heat between us flaring like a bonfire on a cold night. The taste of our shared dinner still lingered on our tongues as we sipped on our teas; notes of cocoa and warm spices cascading over our taste buds.
He leaned back onto the couch, pulling me with him until I was nestled comfortably against his side. A silence fell upon us as we enjoyed our drinks; comfortable and yet teeming with an unspoken promise of what was to come.
"There's no rush," Harry purred into my ear, allowing his fingers to trace lazy circles around my wrist. His hot breath fanned out across my heated skin, setting off tremors beneath my flesh. "Let's just enjoy this moment."
His words washed over me like scalding water, igniting a yearning that threatened to consume us both. I finished my tea swiftly, setting the empty cup on the coffee table before turning back to Harry.
"Harry," I breathed out, staring into his deep emerald eyes. They were dark with desire, a mirror of my own want. "I want you...now."
With those words, our evening took on an entirely new flavor - one more intimate and fervently carnal than the most decadent dessert. And as I let go of all inhibitions and allowed myself to drown in Harry's love- the guilt and fear felt like distant memories.
Where there had been tears earlier now blossomed laughter and sighs of pleasure, echoing off the walls of Harry's flat. The heat between us couldn't be contained within mere cups of tea. It was a passionate flame that ignited every sense, searing through every inch of our bodies as we began to explore each other with newfound fervor and desperation.
The room seemed to shrink as my words echoed around us. I could feel myself growing wetter by the second, my heart pounding in anticipation of what was to come. Without another word, he stood up and pulled me close, our bodies pressing tightly against each other.
My hands found their way to his strong shoulders, digging into his skin as he claimed my lips once more. I moaned deeply into the kiss, tasting the tea we just drank on his tongue as he explored every inch of my mouth. His hands traveled down my back, over my ass cheeks, until they reached the hem of my dress.
I gasped as he lifted me off the ground with ease, carrying me towards the bedroom. My legs wrapped tightly around his waist, pulling him closer still. As we entered the room he kicked the door shut behind us, locking us in together.
As he backed me towards the bed, his cock growing hard, he paused to look down at me. His eyes dark and hungry as he took in the scene laid out before him. "You look so fucking sexy like this," he growled out, his voice rough with desire. I moaned in response, my fingers curling into the sheets beneath us as he lowered me onto the mattress.
His lips trailed hot kisses down my jawline and across my collarbone before moving southward. He nipped at my sensitive flesh while his hands explored every inch of my body, tracing patterns around my tits through the lace fabric of my bra. My breath hitched as his warm mouth hovered over my nipples, making them stand at attention.
"Please," I whispered, arching into him as he teased one of my hardened nubs between his fingers and thumb. His tongue circled around it before finally drawing it into his mouth, sucking on it with such force that I cried out in pleasure.
He pulled away slightly, looking down at me with a smirk that made my stomach do flips. "I'm going to fuck you so good, baby girl." His eyes bore into mine as he slowly undid his pants, revealing his already hard cock straining against his boxers. My mouth watered at the sight of him; all 8 inches of thickness glistening with pre-cum that reflected the light in the room.
I reached up to grab his shirt, pulling him down towards me as I wrapped my legs around his waist again. He groaned into the kiss, deepening it as he lowered himself onto the bed between my spread legs. His teeth grazed against my bottom lip before trailing hot kisses down my neck and chest.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath as he reached behind me to undo the clasp holding together my bra. It fell away from me revealing puckered nipples begging for attention which he eagerly obliged by taking one into his mouth while pinching the other between two fingers causing tiny whimpers to escape from deep within me. 
His lips trailed down my stomach, stopping momentarily to press kisses to my belly button before continuing their journey south. I shivered with anticipation as his fingers hooked into the sides of my lace panties, pulling them down and off of me in one swift motion.
He took a moment to admire me, spread out before him, completely exposed and vulnerable. His gaze traveled over every inch of me, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
"God, you're beautiful," he murmured, before diving back in between my legs. His tongue flicked against my clit sending shockwaves of pleasure through me. I gripped onto the sheets tighter as he continued to tease and lick at my most sensitive spot.
I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, his expert mouth bringing me to the brink. Just when I thought I couldn't take it any longer, he pulled away with a smirk on his face.
"Not yet," he said huskily, crawling back up towards me. He kissed me hard on the lips while positioning himself between my legs. I felt his tip brush against my entrance and I lifted my hips in response.
The room around us was hazy from the scent of our arousal, and I couldn't help but feel like I was in a dream as he continued to tease me. With every lick and nip, his touch sent shockwaves of pleasure through me. My body arched off the bed in response to his expert ministrations, my breasts pressed against his strong chest.
"You taste so fucking good," he groaned, his voice dark and rough with need. His hands slid up my thighs, teasingly close to my aching desire before moving away again. It was driving me crazy!
"Please," I begged him. "I can't take much more."
He chuckled deep in his throat, the sound sending shivers down my spine. "Oh, you think you can handle me?" He leaned down and flicked his tongue gently over my clitoris again, making me gasp in surprise at the intense sensation. "We'll see about that."
I couldn't believe how turned on I was by his dominance. As he continued to tease me, I imagined what it would be like to fully submit to him—to let him take control of my body and pleasure me however he saw fit. It was terrifying yet exhilarating all at once.
It felt like hours (or maybe just minutes?) before he finally eased himself into me, filling me up with his thick cock. I gasped at the sudden intrusion but moaned in delight as he began to move slowly inside me. Every thrust sent violent shudders through my body as we found our rhythm together—his hard and demanding possessions; mine willingly given submission underneath him amidst silk pillows and warm blankets scattered across the sheets beneath us.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into me, wanting more, needing more. His hands gripped onto my hips, holding me in place as he continued to thrust into me with increasing speed and force.
I could feel the pleasure building inside of me, growing and swelling until it was almost unbearable. My nails dug into his back as I cried out his name, consumed by the intensity of our union.
He leaned down and captured my lips in a fiery kiss that only added fuel to the fire burning between us. Our bodies moved together in perfect synchronization, reaching higher levels of ecstasy with each passing moment.
The bed rocked beneath us as we gave into pure primal desire. He was an unstoppable force, taking everything from me and giving it back tenfold.
"Fuck," he groaned against my lips, his voice thick with need. "You're so tight."
"Oh, God," I moaned, my toes curling against the sheets. "Don't stop."
He didn't listen to me of course; instead, he continued to pound into me relentlessly, driving me towards the edge again and again until I couldn't take it anymore. My orgasm crashed over me like a tidal wave, consuming every ounce of my being and leaving me shaking in its wake. He followed close behind with a muffled groan as he spilled himself inside of me. He collapsed on top of me, both of us gasping for breath as we came down from our high.
We lay there tangled together for a few moments before he rolled off of me onto his side. He pulled me against him, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist.
"Wow," I finally managed to say.
We lay there panting for several minutes afterward, our heartbeats echoing in our ears above everything else around us.
Finally, he disentangled himself from me and collapsed next to me on the bed, both of us spent and covered in a sheen of sweat.
"Fuck," he breathed out as he ran a hand through his damp hair.
"That was..." I trailed off unable to find the words to describe the intensity of our union.
He let out a bitter, exhausted chuckle laced with satisfaction. "I swore I'd never marry again, but if this is what life could be like on a regular basis, I may have to reconsider," he muttered through gritted teeth. The thought of committing himself again brought a surge of both fear and longing, but for the first time in years, he felt alive.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, he turned to me with a mix of vulnerability and determination in his eyes. "I never thought I'd find someone who could make me question my own convictions," he said softly, reaching out to gently touch my hand.
I looked back at him, her own eyes filled with understanding and a hint of mischief. "Maybe it's time to rewrite those old promises," I suggested, a smile playing on my lips.
A sense of peace settled over him as he realized that maybe, just maybe, he was ready to take a chance on love once more. With a hopeful heart and a newfound sense of purpose, he whispered, "Maybe it is." 
As the last rays of sunlight slipped beneath the horizon, their eyes locked and they both felt an electric current surge through their bodies. It was a sign that their journey together was just starting and would be filled with endless twists and turns, but they were ready for the challenge.
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clockwayswrites · 2 years
The Fic I'm Still Not Writing (2)
Part 1 that I totally didn't write.
Jason looked up from the report he was going over to see two of his people standing in the the doorway to his office. They shifted nervously and he prepared himself for bad news. While he didn’t exactly aim for a friendly demeanor (that’s what being around as Jason was for), he did attempt to make it clear his people could talk to him. If shit was going to go down then he wanted to know so that he could get on top of it.
Like now.
Things had been looking so good, too. The new shelter would be up and running next week. The supplemented housing for single parents and their kids was doing well— Jason had been by as, well, Jason early that day to make sure everything was on the up and up— and there had been no new shit heads trying to sell drugs on his street corners. He should have expected for it to go wrong.
He tucked the reports away and leaned back in his chair before motioning the two in. Ralph and Marco, Jason thought, placing the two as they came to sit across from him. Ralph mostly helped manage the gym and train new people not to get killed— an ex boxer and coach from when times were better. Marco had just recently risen to lieutenant.
Jason had no clue what trouble the two of them would be bringing him together. Maybe someone did something stupid and needed more training.
It seemed they didn’t know where to start either and kept trading each other uneasy looks. Jason shifted, just slightly, in the way he knew made his chair creek ominously and watched both his men start.
“So, um, us goons have been doing some reading,” Ralph finally started. Jason wasn’t much fond of the term ‘goons’ himself, but for some reason his people had embraced it.
“Reading.” Jason replied, keeping his voice carefully monotone. Where was this going?
“Right, reading,” Marco picked up. “Found some ourselves and then Yasmine called us idiots and suggested some other stuff, but well, we’ve been doing reading. And we didn’t know if you had been.”
“So, we, erm, well we just thought maybe we’d pass along the important bits?” Ralph said, wringing his hat in his hands so hard Jason thought he’d tear the seems apart. “See, when ya enter into a polyamorous relationship with a new partner, it’s important to make them feel included.”
“Yeah,” Marco said with an enthusiastic nod. “And we get that you and Jason already have a rhythm and everything, but Danny seems like a really sweet kid—”
“Little feral.”
“Ralph’s right, little feral, but sos you, Boss— no offense. But he seems sweet. So we don’t want to see him be hurt none just ‘cause you aren’t making room for him.”
“What.” Seriously, what?
“Yeah. Sos like, in our reading—”
Holy fucking shit. His goons did reading about polygamy for him. Because Danny had asked him to share himself. What the fucking fuck.
“—it was important that you make sure that Danny feels like he has space in your space too.”
“Yeah,” Ralph agreed and then pulled an honest to God printout from his back pocket that he smoothed out on the corner of Red Hood’s desk before sliding it over. “Small things, see? Like making sure his favorite snacks are in your apartment. Or stocking up the bath products Danny uses. Don’t just make him use what you or Jason uses.”
“He uses a 5in1 bar of soap, I’m not encouraging that behavior,” Jason growled. (Why the fuck did he say that? He only knew that as Jason.)
It made his men pause for a moment before Marco gave a little nod. “Fair enough, deserves better and all. Buy him something special to use then.”
“What’s wrong with 5in1?” Ralph asked.
“Shut up Ralph, I’ll send you some reading,” Marco replied. “Point is Boss, You have to show Danny he's just as important. We just want this to work out for you, Boss.”
Ralph nodded. “We see how you two look at each other is all. And how Jason looks at him. We aren’t blind, Boss.”
“Um, right,” Marco repeated. He stood up and slapped at Ralph’s arm till Ralph did the same. He did reach out and scoot the printouts a little closer though. “Just, we’re here for you Boss.”
Jason gave a nod of his helmet before watching them scurry out of his office.
He picked up printouts. They did research for him. His little pack of supposedly hardened criminals (fuck the fact they were more and more becoming humanitarian aid) had read up on queer relationships for him.
Shaking his head Jason set the print outs aside and tried to get back to the reports he’d been reading before whatever the fuck that just happened happened.
The third time he glanced over at the printouts he gave up, folded him up into his back pocket, and stormed out of his office. He headed for Jenny’s, the 24/7 dinner that had survived in Crime Alley for nearly 70 years through sheer determination and having good enough food and coffee that no one dared fuck with it. (Didn’t hurt that Jenny kept shotguns under the counter and was a mean shot.)
The bell clattered at his entrance as he barged in and headed to the booth in the back corner. Bright blue eyes glanced up from the pile of textbooks and notes and Danny had the nerve to smirk at him.
Jason slammed his hands down onto the table, the coffee mug rattling from the force of it. Danny calmly picked it up and cradled it to his chest.
“Want to explain to me why the fuck I just sat through two of my people trying to explain some of the finer points of polygamy to me?”
Danny choked on a sip of his coffee. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Oh Ancients, they—” Danny cut himself off with a snort that soon devolved into full on laughter. Jason gave up looming and took a seat as he waited the laughter out. Finally Danny recovered enough to ask, “Are they trying to talk you into it or out of it?”
“They think I’m already in it.”
It took effort not to stiffen as one of Danny’s feet brushed up against his calf. He was smirking in that way that Jason was coming to both love and hate— and that only seemed to come out around Red Hood. “You could be, if you’d give me an answer.”
“You asked to share Jason.”
Danny gave a little shrug. The motion caused the oversized sweater that Jason was just realizing was his to slip down Danny’s bare shoulder on the one side. “I figured you came as part of that deal.”
“What has Jason said about it?” He asked, as if he didn’t very well know.
“Nothing, I haven’t asked. I’m not a home wrecker. I’m not going to tempt a man to cheat if you’re not into the idea.”
Jason crossed his arms.
Danny watched him back from under his dark lashes.
This was insane.
“You know I won’t take off my helmet.”
What the fuck was he doing?
“Never said I need you to. I’m more creative than that, Boss.”
Danny's smirk widened.
Fiends, the lot of you. I'm still claiming I'm not writing this shut up. We're blaming the poll, alright?
The GOOOOONS. They're just trying their best to be supportive! They want everyone to be happy!
tag list, I guess? @addie-lover-of-stories @bathildaburp @d4ydr34min9 @sometimesthingsfallapart @idfk-man10 @vythika96 @worthlesswall @aroranorth-west @chrysanthemum9484 @ver-444 @impulsiveasshole @meira-3919 @lazy-bouqet @cryinginthevoid @thegatorsgoose @cutelittlebeanie @blankliferain @ramblingkat @ailithnight
They're absurd, you're all absurd. ...okay I'm absurd too. Stay delightful, my darlings.
Edit: master post of parts I didn't write. Nope.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairings: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: Matt has this weird obsession with being a predator and Y/N being a prey, but will she fall for it….
Warnings⚠️: ERMMM…..this is juicy smut so if you’re a child go to bed thank youuuuu. There’s spit, manhandling, use of the word slut, face smacking, throat grabbing, feral Matt….i feel like that’s it but bitch this was DIRTY😏
Song of the chapter: Tear You Apart- She Wants Revenge
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact⚠️
I want to hold you close
Soft breasts, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I want to fucking tear you apart
Matt had this weird obsession with wanting to chase me around a wooded area like I was his prey. At first I humored him a little bit, laughing at this crazy idea, but when it wouldnt stop, and he started to constantly bring it up I got concerned.
“Matt no, I’m scared of the woods, and I do not want you chasing me” I told him
“Come on babe. It will be so much fun, I chase after you while you’re scared and aroused” he said back
“Why the fuck would I be turned on by this” I asked him
“Oh I didn’t tell you? Well see I’m the predator and youre the prey, and if I catch you I get to fuck you how I want” he responded. This sent a shiver down my spine, and weirdly I was turned on, but still very very scared.
This conversation happened about two months ago, and suddenly stopped, so I figured his little fantasy was over.
Matt and I had flown to Boston to visit his parents, and Nick and Chris had already been there for a week at this point.
Two days after being in Boston, Matt told me he had a surprise for me. He wanted to take me on a little vacation to get away. Of course I agreed because a vacation by ourselves was what we Needed.
I didn’t ask many questions, but once I started to realize we left a busy city and entered wooded areas I started to feel uneasy.
“Where are we going Matt?’’ I asked looking over at him
“It’s a surprise baby” he said looking over at me and smiling
“I’m getting a little nervous as there is no outside life here” I told him shifting in my seat
“Baby don’t worry okay” he said to me grabbing my hand
About 30 minutes later, and we had arrived to a cabin in the middle of the fucking woods.
“Matt what the fuck is this?’’ I asked in fear
“A cute cabin get away” he said nonchalantly
“No this is frightening” I said grabbing my bag, and walking to the front door
“Oh come on it’s literally so cute here” he said rolling his eyes
“Yeah maybe to a serial killer but not me” I told him as he opened the door and we walked in
“Y/N just enjoy this please” he said groaning
“But im scared” I said walking into the living room
“Oh my god! Do you hear that??” He asked me
“HEAR WHAT” I said jumping
“Absolute fucking silence” He said smuggly
“Oh you dick! You scared the shit out of me” I said smacking him lightly on the arm
“All that peaceful silence, that will soon be broken when I fuck the shit out of you” he said pulling me in to kiss me
“Matt you’re filthy” I said kissing him back
“Only for you” he responded
Matt and I had made dinner laughing and talking the whole time, and after we ate we sat on the couch for a while laughing some more. And we both decided to shower. The whole shower Matt was teasing me, but wouldn’t do a single thing and it was making me a little bit annoyed
Once we hopped out the shower and changed I had laid in the bed and Matt was out in the living room doing god knows what.
“Babyyyy I have a surprise,” he said, calling from the living room.
“Oh yeah what is it” I asked him
He walked into the bedroom and grabbed me
“Alright close your eyes and follow me” he said, and I shut my eyes letting him guide me
All of a sudden I felt a silk material wrap around my eyes
“Matt what’s going on” I asked him confused
“Shhh you’ll see” he said while letting his fingers brush against my back
“You’ve been such a good girl for me lately. Letting me tease you, and not asking for more” he said in my ear, sending chills down my spine
“I want to reward you for that, my good good girl deserves a reward doesn’t she?” He asked smacking my ass and then gripping it
“Oh my god…..” I let out immediately getting turned on
“Answer me baby” he said grabbing my waist and feeling up on me
“Yes Matt. I deserve it” I said sighing and throwing my head back a little bit
“I will give you exactly what you want, but first we play it my way” He said walking around to the front of me
“Umm okay” I said meekly
“You’re going to go outside and run. I’ll give you a 10 second head start, but if I catch you, which I will. I get to fuck you so hard you’re a weeping mess” he said
“Matt no! I’m not doing this” I said sternly
“No?? Oh no no baby. We’re not negotiating this” he said laughing
“How bad are you yearning to be fucked like a good slut” he asked me
“Matt…..” i told him in a warning like way
“Answer the fucking question” he said bluntly
“No” I told him
“If I put my hands down your pants right now you’re telling me you won’t be dripping for me?” He asked
“Can’t you fuck me normally” I asked him
“No I can not. So you’ll be listening to me” he barked at me
“Fine Matt let’s get this going. I want to be fucked already” I told him getting annoyed. He hummed in approval
He unlocked the front door and opened it, and then came over to me removing the cover from my eyes, and immediately I booked it out the front door.
I ran so fast into the wooded area hiding behind a big tree that I knew he hadn’t seen.
10 seconds later I hear his loud voice
“You better find a better spot because you’re making this too easy” he yelled
Slowly I started to walk deeper into the woods taking zig zag patterns. However I was starting to get more and more worried as it was really dark, and I could no longer see the house
“Oh Y/N” Matt said in a sing-song way that sent shivers down my spine. I heard him step on a branch, so I ran away from him again trying to keep my breathing steady. But it was becoming harder, as I was genuinely getting scared
As I was backing towards a tree I stepped on a twig, and the sound of it was enough to echo throughout the trees
“I think i got you” I heard Matt yell, but I couldn’t tell from what direction, and then it got really really quiet
I wanted to give up, and yell out to him because I was getting really really scared now. Just as I went to spin around the tree there stood Matt
“BOO” he said, and I jumped back screaming
“What’s the matter Y/N? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost” He said and immediately grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder
“MATTTTT STOPPP MATT” I started to yell
He smacked my ass to get me to keep silent as he walked us through the woods back to the house. Once we got back to the house he got us through the front door and slammed it shut. Walking us to the living room and dropping me to the floor
“I got my pretty girl now, didn’t I?” He asked with a scary look in his eye
“What are you going to do with me” I asked looking up at him
“Whatever I want to do, and you’re going to take it” he said
“Yes sir” I said still looking up at him
“Get on your knees now” he said, and I immediately got on my knees, he removed his shirt, and started to unbuckle his belt
“You’re gonna suck my cock like the dirty little whore you are” he said as he started to pull his pants down
“Yes whatever you want I’ll do” I said looking up at him from my lashes
“Open your mouth” he said, and when I did he leaned down a bit and spit into my mouth. “Swallow” he said and I did
“Good girl” he said petting my face, and then lightly smacking me
When he backed away he started to jerk himself off, and nodded his head for me to come closer. He spit down onto his own cock and continued to jerk himself off
“Come on baby use that pretty mouth of yours” he said, and with that I grabbed his dick putting it into my mouth, and immediately deep throating him
“Fuckkkkk” he said rolling his head back
I was bobbing my head up and down, and when I got to the tip I would suck extra hard. Matt was whimpering and moaning.
“Yeah just like that you’re doing so good” he told me as he grabbed the back of my head. I gagged a few times and the vibrations made Matt moan. That sound alone was making me so fucking wet.
Suddenly he pulled me off him. Kicking his pants off and roughly grabbing me. He lifted me up, and immediately pulled my shirt off of me, and then moved us over to the coffee table. He pushed me down to kneel infront of it, and then he kneeled behind me
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t remember your name” he said
“Please Matt, I need this” I said looking back at him. He pulled me in by my throat into a disgusting, sloppy, needy make out
He pushed me over the coffee table, sending everything falling to the floor. And immediately pulled my underwear down. Smacking my ass and then massaging it
“Mmm so fucking wet for me” he said looking at my glistening cunt, and I just moaned like a bitch in heat
“Please Matt I need you” I told him
He spread my legs a little further apart, and started to massage my clit rubbing my arousal everywhere
“Fuck MATT” I said from the sudden pleasure
He put his middle finger and his finger finger in his mouth, and then immediately inserted them into my pussy
“Oh my god” I said, shuddering. He started to finger me at a downwards motion towards the ground, and my legs started to shake
“Your pussy just takes any part of me so well” he said as I heard his fingers slide back into me at an ungodly paste
“Matt Matt I’m going to cum” I told him, and I wish I never did because he ripped his fingers out of me
“Not on my fingers baby” he said smacking my ass again
He leaned down towards my pussy and spat. This made me gasp and squirm. Slowly he ran his dick up and down spreading my arousal, and his spit everywhere
“Gonna take it like a good girl” he said before sliding into me
“Oh my god” I said with my back arching back like a cat
“Fuck” he sighs lightly slowly rocking into me. Allowing me to adjust to his size.
Within a minute Matt started to pound into me ruthlessly. Grabbing my arms back allowing my back to arch as he pound into me
“Matt fuck matt matt” I said clawing at his arms
“Shut up, and take it” he said breathing heavily
Continuing to pound into me non stop. He was drilling the fuck outta me, and all I could do was cry out like a bitch
“You’re so good to me baby” He said letting my arms go allowing me to lean over the table again
This time he grabbed my hips, and started to thrust into me harder and deeper
“Oh godddddd” I pounded almost crying out
Matt was above me grunting and moaning as his sweat started to drip down on me.
“Fuck Matt I’m so fucking close” I said gripping the wooden table. I’m sure there will be marks in it from how hard I was holding onto it
“Me too baby” he said, and immediately started to slam into me. Breathing extra hard than before. And the wooden table was digging into me in such a deliciously painful way
“MATTTT IM CUMMINGGG” I screamed out arching my back, and clenching down onto his cock shaking and trembling as I came all over his cock. His name falling from my mouth like a mantra. I leaned against the table limp and exhausted and in total bliss at the crazy orgasm I just had
Matt’s thrust be came deep and slow, and within three more thrust he was cumming deep inside me holding us together
“Fuck fuck fuck Y/N” he was moaning while slightly convulsing as his lowe abdomen contracted
After we caught our breath he pulled out allowing his cum and my cum to drop down onto his cock and lower stomach
“Fuck Matt. That was so fucking good” I said as he helped me off the floor, my knees immediately feeling like jello
“You’re so fucking good to me” he said kissing me while holding my chin
“Whatever weird ass fantasies you have please just tell me, because if it ends like this? I want more of it” I told him
He smirked at me and nodded his head biting his lip
“Lets get cleaned up baby” he said as we both walked to the bathroom to take a second shower of the night.
The night ended in us immediately knocking out after our shower because of how physically drained we were.
The End
Ouuuu hope you guys my lil cabin in the woods imagine. I have 8 more stories to write 🤭🤭 so let me stfu and get to typing. Once those are done I’ll probably open my requests up again💋
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
Can I request GP Photographer Wanda x Model Reader
The Phone Call
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x reader, Tony and Pepper x reader (Parents/child)
Word Count: 1976
Warnings: Smut, Wanda has a dick, pervert Wanda, phone sex, mommy kink, bottom!Wanda, guiding, handjobs, jerking off to photos, praise, degrading, punishments, edging,
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
Wanda had a love for taking photos, especially when you’d be the model. She loved seeing you pose with a silly face, and she loved making you dress up in cute little outfits. Whether it was a dress or skimpy lingerie, she adored staring at the pictures she had taken of you. Sometimes, she couldn’t help but admire the polaroids when you were gone. And sometimes, she couldn’t help but bring a hand into her pants.
You had left only three days ago on a small road trip to visit your family. Wanda had wanted to go, but her classes and schedule restricted her from doing so. Your family loved her and wanted to see her, but they understood the stress of college.
Wanda had a small box under her bed filled with small polaroids painted with your body. She ran the pad of her thumb over your gorgeous face, smiling to herself when glancing at your beauty. The next photo she grabbed was one of you in only her sweatshirt. It was large, restricting her from seeing the cute pink panties you wore that day. You were smiling whilst holding the ends of the fabric, it was one of her favorite photos of you. The innocence laced in you could only make her imagine the things she’d do to you. Your thighs were exposed, begging to be planted with marks and love bites. Oh, how she wanted to fuck your thighs more than anything.
The next polaroid she lurked upon was one of you wearing a pair of red panties and stockings. Your arm was covering your bra-less breasts as you sucked on a lollipop. You stood on your tiptoes and looked up at nothing, a sweet smile being hidden beneath the sugary treat. Images of you teasing her cock with your mouth filled her mind. The way you licked over the tip so gently as to barely graze it made her go feral. And when you’d take her down to the base, crying and gagging as your hand would massage her balls with the sweetest care, it ruined her.
She couldn’t stop. No matter how hard she tried to stop herself from going through the box, she just couldn’t help it.
You were finishing up dinner with your family, eating the remains of the dessert your mother had baked, and creating a small talk between you and your parents.
“So, Y/N, how’s Wanda?”
“I swear you guys love her more than me at this point.” The two chuckled humorously as you smiled gently, staring down at your food to avoid them seeing your reddened cheeks. It was crazy how she could make you blush from miles and miles away.
“She’s great, yeah. She actually is waiting on her results for her final before the break.” You filled your mouth up with the moist cake that earlier was coated in a ‘Happy Birthday Pepper’ and waited for their response.
“You guys planning on doing anything over break?” Your father asked, your mother nodding along with his words.
“Well, we both want to take time for ourselves but at the same time, we want to explore. If we were to travel, we were thinking Puerto Rico would be nice. It would be great for some pictures and definitely a nice place to visit.” You all continued on for another half an hour before you separated ways and started to walk into your childhood bedroom. The two of them were in their room doing god knows what when you got a call. You looked at the name and saw that it was Wanda. Excitedly picking up the phone, your smile soon got replaced with a look of confusion as you heard small groans on the other side.
“Wanda? Are you okay?” Hearing your voice only made her harder. Her hand was wrapped around her length, slowly stroking the shaft and lightly grazing her thumb over the pre-cum leaking tip.
“Fuck! Y-Y/N, please, it feels so good.” Whimpers left her cracked-open mouth as she expressed her needs to you, only leaving a smirk on your face.
“Wanda, are you touching yourself?” She nodded, only to then remember that you couldn’t see her. But you needed to, you needed to see the way her cock twitched in her hands from the thought of you.
“Wanda, why don’t you facetime me, let mommy help you out.” In a quick few seconds, the camera was being turned on as you got the notification that she was trying to video call. You accepted, being greeted with darkness until you saw her breathtaking face make its way onto your phone.
“My angel is so beautiful, isn’t she? My pretty girl, tell mommy how pretty you are.” She tried to speak, but the moan that left her lips cut her off. She knew she should’ve slowed down her pace, making it easier for her to not cum right away. But it was impossible when picturing it was your hand instead of hers.
“Baby, what did I say? Do you think mommy will be so nice to you if you don’t listen?”
“I’m sorry! Please let me be your good girl tonight, just wanna please you.” She whimpered out in fear and frustration. She tried to listen, she really did. But sometimes, all she wanted to do was be a little brat. She only thought at the moment, not caring about the punishment that she could receive later on.
“I’m your pretty girl, I’m mommy’s pretty girl!” You smiled at her through the camera, now being dressed in nothing but your panties. You rid her of seeing your bare chest, her favorite part of your entire body. She would worship your breasts all night long if she could. She had hundreds of pictures of your chest alone, she went through them all nearly every day.
“Yeah? You’re my girl? My princess?” She groaned in annoyance, watching as her pre-cum continued to drool down her awaiting cock. She wasn’t going to last long, her best bet was just to give in.
“All yours, mommy! I’m your girl, your princess. I’m yours to touch, to own, to fuck, all yours!” She swapped the camera around, letting you watch as her palm pumped her throbbing cock. Her thighs occasionally twitched upwards, her toned abs becoming visible as her chest went up and down due to her rapid breathing. Your breath hitched when hearing footsteps from outside of your old bedroom.
“Sweetheart, you’re going to have to be quiet, okay?” She agreed in hopes you’d show her some gratitude for listening, even if deep down she knew you wouldn’t.
“But you’d like that, wouldn’t you? What if they came in here and saw what you were doing for me? I don’t think they’d like you very much if they knew you’re slutting yourself out for their child in the room next to them.”
“God, keep talking to me like that, I’m gonna cum.” She set her phone down, holding the small piece of paper that was marked with your naked body close to her pulsing cock. In the photo, your mouth was split open, your eyes closed as drops of her juices painted your face. She remembers exactly how that night went. You were tired, sleeping as you waited for her to get home from work. She came home needy and woke you up, crying as you jerked her off slowly, not letting her finish until you said. You edged her over and over, only letting her cum when she was shaking and twitching. That night, you cockwarmed her as you slept. She tried to sleep just like you, but it was impossible with the way you clenched around her so tightly. You woke up to her release dripping out of you and a sleeping Wanda that you soon woke up to head.
“Darling? You still there?” Wanda hadn’t even realized that she was stuck in her head and missed what you said. You were sat with the phone in your hand, the other in your underwear, and toying with your clit. You weren’t going to let her cum until you did, it was one of your rules that she despised and loved at the same time. She loved making you finish more than anything, but she hated waiting when she was so close to tipping over the edge. You knew how desperate she always was, and you loved that dearly. And what you loved most of all, was knowing that it was all because of you.
“Y-yeah, I was just thinking.”
“About what, baby?” She contemplated telling you, worried you’d think she was a pervert for looking at your photos. Even though you knew all about them. But you wouldn’t tell her that, you liked knowing how gross she was for you. That she’d get hard just from looking at your photos.
“C’mon, Wanda, tell mommy what you’re thinking about.” You egged her on. She could feel herself falling into that headspace, the one only you could cause. Her mind would go fuzzy, any thought leaving her mind as all she could focus on was you and your angelic voice. You loved when she got like that, when she was so needy that she couldn’t even think without your help.
“Of you, I was thinking of you, mommy.” You hummed, clearly not satisfied with her answer.
“Yeah? What about me?” When she didn’t give an answer, you forced it out of her, threatening her with a punishment if she didn’t speak.
“No! No! Please, I’ll tell you.”
“Go on then, tell mommy what nasty thoughts are going through your pretty little head.” She took in a deep breath, preparing herself to hear the degrading words that would leave your mouth.
“I was thinking about- ah! Mommy, please!” She was so close, basically on the verge of cumming as you only mocked her desperate antics.
“Baby, you know I won’t let you cum if you don’t tell me all those sweet little thoughts.”
“Fuck! I was thinking about you, and about you sucking me off. The way you wrap your mouth around me and go all the way down. The way you gag and cry. The way you moan around me. The way you look at me and talk to me. God, it’s so hot, I can’t stop picturing it.” You circled your clit faster as you listened to her speak, making a mental note to exaggerate those actions the next time you’d be with her.
“You get mommy so wet, baby. Do you like knowing that? You like knowing that mommy is dripping just for you.” She whined out pathetically.
“Hmm, what a shame you aren’t here, I would’ve had you licking me up in no time.” She begged and begged for the next few minutes, hoping you’d finally let her cum. And you were getting so close to breaking.
“Shit! My God- please! Please, mommy, I’ll do anything. You can punish me, I don’t care, just please let me cum. Just this one time?”
“Do it, Wanda, cum for me.” The second you let out those words, she let herself go, spurts of her release coating her hand and lower stomach. She moaned louder than ever before, the picture that was still in her hand being covered in her juices. You let yourself finish with her, covering your mouth to hide any noises to make sure your parents wouldn’t hear. It was late, you didn’t want to wake them up to hearing your moans for someone who they thought was so sweet and innocent.
“Holy shit. The second I come home, I want you on your knees, naked, and waiting for me on the bed.” And with that, you hung up, leaving her with a slightly hardened cock and the perfect image of what was to come.
Taglist: @boredandneedfanfics @obsessedwithhereyes
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extant-exhaustion · 8 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "extant-exhaustion "?
Well, first of all, thank you so much for your patience! I know it took me seven weeks to reply to this Ask! I agonized over my list (also, the holidays happened, which kept me busy). But I finally narrowed it down, so here we go, in no particular order:
My Top 10 Favorite Fanfics
In Another Life by LittleLuxray Haikyuu!! | T+ | 23k | Bokuto/Akaashi | angst, sickfic | It's famous for a reason. Truly one of the best pieces of writing I've ever read, including published works—I've rarely cried so hard or been moved so much.
died in my dreams by MTrash Haikyuu!! | T+ | 10k | Ushijima/Tendou | futuristic/cyberpunk AU, opposites attract, reluctant work partners to friends to lovers | fantastic characterization, really cool conceptually, a story about trauma and healing and finding your person
the weight of water by wordstruck/@redluxite Haikyuu!! | M | 6k | Iwaizumi/Oikawa | angst | Painful, soul-crushing heartbreak, but so, so beautiful. As someone who's experienced loss and grief, this story is visceral and the accompanying art haunts me.
Come and get lost with us by boxofwonder Haikyuu!! | M | 150k | Hinata/Kageyama, Daichi/Sugawara | action/adventure, Medieval AU(?) | unlike anything I've ever read before or since; a really masterful integration of an enormous cast and a plot that unravels with absolutely zero fluff or filler
shimmer in your shine by zenelly/@zenellyraen Hunter x Hunter | T+ | 91k | Leorio/Kurapika, Killua/Gon | American roadtrip AU | This story made me cry over a fist fight between Leorio and Illumi in the parking lot of a Red Lobster in Arkansas.
The Myth of Mankind by MistressEast/@mistresseast Promare | T+ | 63k | Galo/Lio | action/adventure, romance | masterful worldbuilding, kickass fight scenes, intrigue galore, falling in love while preventing mass murder? yes, please
A Second Chance To Say by KazimaKuwabara/@kazimakuwabara Yu Yu Hakusho | M | 92k | Yusuke/Kuwabara, Youko Kurama/Kuronue | action/adventure, hurt/comfort | ft. Kuronue's eternal sass and unwavering friendship, the slow burn of reincarnated already-in-love KuwaMeshi (because Kuwabara doesn't remember it), somewhat menacing levels of intrigue, and Hiei finally winning MVP of emotions on Team Urameshi
Don't Blink or You'll Miss It (Lift Up Your Head) by umisabaku/@umisabaku Kuroko no Basuke | M | 81k | Kagami/Kuroko, Kasamatsu/Kise, Midorima/Takao, Himuro/Murasakibara, Aomine/Momoi | super powers | This story and its accompanying series are so cool and so unique. The characterization is amazing and the worldbuilding is stellar.
neither fish, flesh, nor foam by twoif interactive on Twine Kuroko no Basuke | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, Little Mermaid–esque, interactive storytelling | incredible, but also devastating; a story about how sometimes our doubts can destroy not only ourselves but the good things we build; one of the coolest things I've ever interacted with as a story, a true tour de force
Transient Shadow, True Light by seafoamist/@seafoamist Kuroko no Basuke | M | 322k, WIP | Kagami/Kuroko | angst, hurt/comfort, time travel, historical (Edo Period) | If you talk to me about this story, I will go absolutely feral, because it is my current obsession and the only WIP that is on this list. I'm straight-up insane about its quality and depth. I can't even put this story into words. It knocks the wind out of me.
And lastly, my URL doesn't actually have a story behind it! It's basically just my life, haha. “Extant” is an adjective meaning “ongoing/still in existence” and “exhaustion” is pretty obvious. Essentially, I like alliteration and thought it sounded better than "tired 100% of the time."
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lackadaisycats · 11 months
Hi Tracy, i wanted to ask a somewhat personal question. How do you deal with losing beloved pet? I recently lost my 9-year-old tortie a month ago to kidney failure and GDV and even though i still got three other babies to dote for (and they're all lovely), it's really hard to feel as much love as i did with my tortie. She was my first cat and was incredibly loving and patient with, helped me immensely while grieving for my father's passing a few years ago.
With her gone, it really does feel like a lot of me also went with her. It makes living very hard. I made tiny sculpture and wood soldering in her memory but i don't really know how to deal with the actual emptiness inside me. Sorry for the word vomit but i figured since you also lost a precious cat before, you might have insight for this situation
I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved tortie.
I don't have any special skills for dealing with death, really, but I suppose I can speak a bit about personal experience.
I think it's natural to feel a yawning emptiness when something so intimately intertwined in your life - a constant companion, a source of joy, something around which your daily schedule is structured - is suddenly gone. It can be a very lonely sort of grief too, as the loss of a pet doesn't generally come with the same community and ritual that human death does. To others, your dear companion was perhaps just an animal. Not to equate it with human death in the broader scheme, exactly, but it can mean personal devastation, compounded by being alone in coping with it. Societally, we probably do ourselves some significant harm believing we must rapidly "get over" losses like this.
There's no getting-over-it that I know of, anyway, but there is the knowledge that the nature of grief changes over time (it sounds like you're no stranger to that). The stormy waves that knock you about with the immensity of the loss gradually give way to more placid waters. The sadness remains, but grows gentler and maybe sweeter even, because it creates a quiet space to reflect on the pet that enriched and graced a chapter of your life with their presence.
In the meantime, while awaiting some peace, I personally find there's an analgesic effect to making the feelings of grief actionable. The meditative nature of art and the act of memorializing a companion animal won't fill in that void, but it can help you start to process and accept it, to find a way to transmogrify it into a repository for your feelings and memories of love. I'd say keep making sculptures, make a scrapbook, draw a picture of her - anything, if it puts you in a different state of mind as you're doing it.
Looking after animals that are in need of care and attention in the moment, even if you feel emotionally distant, might help you regain some footing too. Setting up shelters for feral cats and fostering rescues are some things I like to do. There's a sort of grounding, self-rescue interwoven in focusing some energy on the living.
Most of all, grant yourself time. Do yourself the kindness of not feeling bad about feeling bad. Mourn without believing you must rush to find a cure for the sadness.
If, however, you are suffering or finding it impossible to function day to day, please do reach out to seek qualified counseling.
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The Feral Princess - Part 2
Marvel AU
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Theme: Soulmate AU / Medieval / Fantasy / Soulmate Marks
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Summary: Bucky and Steve have known they were soulmates since they were children. Fate bringing a then sickly Steve and the future King together. War takes them apart and throws them back together over and over, in and out of each other lives, arms and beds. But something is missing and throughout, they know they are missing their third and final piece. The kingdom is now Bucky's and Steve's, the latter now a leader and no longer a sickly child. Both are war heroes, with the respect of their country and those that surround it. They are a force to be reconned with, admired and respected within the other royal houses. They could have any maiden or princess they wanted, but they don't want just anyone. They want their soulmate. They want their princess. Even if she is known as The Feral Princess.
Chapter Summary: We meet the reader and a visitor witnesses her unruly behaviour.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of violence against children, physical violence against the person threatening the child, implied feeding of people to humans.
You’re already stirring when you hear the patter of little feet along the wooden floor. The voice of one of the Royal Guards comes soon after.
“Your Royal Highness where are you going? And where is your Governess?”
There was a sound of raspberries being blown.
“Princess I don’t believe your cousin has awoken yet?”
“Outta way.” Came a little voice and there was the sounds of a chair being pushed across the hall.
“Princess please be careful.”
There was a gasp and then the sounds of one of your ladies.
“What on earth are you doing child?”
“See her.”
“You can’t just let her climb up there like that.”
“My apologies Lady Dawn but to stop her would mean to place hands on her and we are under orders to avoid that after what happened.”
“Oh for goodness sake. One little bite, a nip if that, and you’re scared of a three year old. You got off lightly, Tulip was much worse, she tried to stab a guard when she was the Princess’ age.”
There was knock and the door pushed open.
“Come on little one do not loiter you will scare the guards.”
You heard the familiar sounds of your breakfast tray and Lady Dawn’s footsteps along with little ones. You shuffled down in the blankets and pretended to be sleeping. You felt them be pulled as the little princess tried to climb onto your bed.
“Do you require help your Royal Highness?”
“Nopes, I can do, seeeeee.”
“Well done, now wake Tulip for me but nicely.”
“Yes, quietly. We know how grumpy she can be when she's first woken.”
Sadly your cousin took far too much after you and although she took quiet steps to begin with she soon launched herself on top of you.
“Wakes, wakes up.”
“You Princess Lottie are a nuisance.” You exclaimed as you tickled her, her laughter bouncing around the room.
“Hmmmm, can’t think where she learned such behaviour.” Quipped Lady Dawn.
“Her father.” You quipped back.
“Daddy speak you.”
“What is that Governess teaching her?! It’s Daddy needs to speak to you.” Lady Dawn exclaimed. “She’s worse than the governess you had!”
“I may have terrorised her a little.”
“A little, every single one left either crying or running, or both. Lady Marion and I had to teach you ourselves.”
“I’m aware Lady Dawn, I was there, and what a fine lady you made me.”
Lady Dawn scowled at you.
“Sit up and eat your damn breakfast.”
"And she says I'm the grumpy one."
You made small talk with the Princess, as she stole food from your plate. You smiled softly at her, she was definitely more like you than anyone wanted to admit. She started to tell you about her lessons that morning and revealed that the Governess had raised her voice and shouted at her. You scowled and glanced at Lady Dawn, when you turned back and looked at Lottie a realisation washed over you. Her feet and legs were bare and though they often were, today the little princess was to have lessons and she should be dressed as such.
“Lottie where are your tights?”
“She took.”
Her eyes turned down in sadness and her bottom lip began to quiver. You pushed the tray away and pulled her into your lap.
“Stickkkk.” She said as she cried into your chest. Lady Dawn didn’t even hesitate and she pulled open the doors to your dressing room and began to ready your clothes.
You would be having words with the Governess. You pulled open the doors to your room moments later startling the guards.
They both nodded their heads to you and Lottie.
“Your Royal Highnesses.”
“Has she been here? The Governess? For Lottie?”
“Send word she is not to leave the castle until I have dealt with her.”
You marched down through the hallways, Lottie on your hip and Lady Dawn hurrying along behind you. The strength in your silent stride, the look on your face and the fact you were striding along in your riding clothes, sword on your waist and knife on your thigh spoke volumes, and although you wished the staff good morning they moved quickly out of your way.
You made your way towards the Great Hall, hearing raised voices as you approached. Lottie’s mother, the king’s longest serving mistress yelling at the Governess was the first thing you heard, followed by the Governess’ excuses.
“I’m sorry my lady I have looked everywhere.”
“WILL YOU DO SOMETHING RICHARD!!!” The mistress again, but yelling this time.
“She can’t have gotten far Annie, have you really looked everywhere?”
“Of course your Majesty.”
The doors to the hall opened and one of Royal Guards announced you.
“Their Royal Highnesses, Princess Charlotte and Princess Y/N, accompanied by Lady Dawn your Majesty.”
There were gasps as you entered and Annie rushed to you pulling Lottie from your arms.
“Mama, mama!!!”
“Thank you Princess.”
You smiled softly. Many had issue with Anne’s presence in court, even more so at Richard’s side and especially now her child was legitimatised and in line for the throne. But you did not. She made Richard happy after he had lost his Queen and soulmate and that was enough for you.
“Of course.” You said placing a kiss of Lottie’s head. You turned to place a kiss on Lady Anne’s cheeky but whispered to her instead. “Take her from the room you won’t want her to see what comes.”
She nodded and left, Lottie still in her arms and her two ladies following behind. Once the doors had closed you marched towards the Governess and struck her hard with the back of your hand across her face, striking with such force she fell to the floor. There were gasps from some of the newer ladies of court, with the older and regular attendees not surprised by your outburst.
You pulled the knife from your thigh holster and straddled the Governess.
“Did you just lie to the King?”
“No Tulip of course….”
“No,” you stopped her, twirling the knife in your hand as you spoke “only my friends call me that and we are not and never will be friends. Now I’ll ask you again, did you just lie to your King?”
You pressed the knife against her throat.
“No Princess. I swear it.”
“Odd, I thought I heard you tell the King twice that you’d looked everywhere for the little Princess and yet you have made no enquiries near to or within my chambers. Otherwise you would know the imp had been stealing my breakfast whilst chatting away like a court gossip upon my bed. Now, tell the King why she ran from you.”
“She doesn’t like her lessons, the ones at the desk, that she must sit for.”
“And she was being a mischief and ran from me.”
“Why would she run?”
“The lessons. The lessons.” The Governess squealed as you pressed the blade further into her neck.
“That is all!! That is all!!”
“You must find better Governesses your Majesty, for this one is a liar.”
“I am not!!!”
“Why are the Princess’ legs bare?”
At that the Governess’ eyes went wide.
You leaned down and whispered into her ear.
“Think yourself lucky there is an audience Governess, I would kill you where you lay if there wasn’t. Now tell the truth, otherwise I will tell all of court of your nightly visits to see the Priest and we both know it’s not for prayers.”
“I sort to, I was going to…..”
You rolled your eyes and let the blade nick at her neck, causing a small cut.
“I was going to strike her, to discipline her!!! She is feral.”
“Oh Governess. All the best Princesses are.”
There was light laughter around the hall but it was stopped by the King raising his hand.
“I believe there are some dragons that require feeding Tulip.”
“Of course your Majesty.”
You rose from your straddling position and left the hall. Two of your own personal guards, hand picked from your Uncle Robin’s men, emerged silently from the crowd and roughly picked up the Governess and followed you from the hall.
You didn’t see the visiting Lord turn to one of the Knights.
“You have dragons here?”
This would be harder than they thought. Because not only were you definitely feral, and in Sam's eyes a lunatic, there was also dragons here. DRAGONS!!! Which you apparently fed with human snacks!!!
It was at that moment Sam decided it was probably best if Bucky fetched you himself.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @sebastians-love @mrsevans90 @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @forgetmenotsexy
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 19)
“What the hell is this about a kid!” V burst into N's apartment without any warning the next day, as they were discussing how to handle heading to the party. Among other things.
Tera almost immediately began to wail at the sudden noise, making the irate disassembler shut up and stiffen like she'd been slapped with a board.
“Shhh! It's okay Tera.” Uzi immediately went to work in calming the pillbaby down since she had been in her arms (ya know, attached) V looked starstruck, and N glared at her for a moment before sighing.
“Yes V, I adopted a baby.” N clarified, coming up to stand by Uzi and look down at his daughter, making sure she calmed down.
Tera slowly calmed down, Uzi rocking her gently until the wail calmed down into sniffles, N finished it off with a boop to the visor which made her last sniffle turn into a light laugh.
“When?! Why wasn't I the first to know!” V whisper-screamed at the both of the, eyes darting between Uzi and N and both pairs of claws pointing at the ceiling.
“It kinda happened too fast? And uh, we kinda wanted to keep it to ourselves for awhile…? N replied, closing the gap between him and V nervously.
“We?” She crossed her arms and lifted an eyebrow at them.
“I'm listed as a caretaker. Why do you think I'm even here?” Uzi asked sarcastically, lifting Tera up to show off the short cable attached to her side.
“There's a psychopath out there, Uzi could go feral at any moment. And you decide to bring a baby into this!” She seethed, her tail sticking straight up like a flagpole, looking almost like she was pleading.
“It-it wasn't like we weren't thinking about that V. But Tera needed me-us!” He explained, gesturing back to both Tera and Uzi, who looked a little insulted at V's words. But kept her mouth shut.
“Needed? That kid would literally be safer buried under snow then with any of us. If you've forgotten, Doll wants all of us dead.”
“Yeah I know! And maybe she would be safer with someone who wasn't involved, but there was no guarantee that anyone else could take care of her!” Both N and V's voices were steadily rising again, and if Tera's face was anything to go by, she wasn't liking it.
“Enough!” Uzi's voice cracked above both of them, N immediately fell silent and looked back at her face all sorts of apologetic, surprisingly V did the same, although crossing her arms and looking petty as she did.
“You two can argue all you want about it. But not here, and not in front of Tera, Got it?”
“Sorry Zi…” Came from N as he rubbed the back of his head.
“When did you get so motherly?” Came from V as she pointed at the purple drone with a single claw pointing out at her.
“Bite me V. I'm serious.”
V made a noise of indignation, but seemed to concede. Side eyeing N but falling quiet for a moment.
“Did you want to see her V? I know you didn't come here just to chew us out.” Uzi asked after a moment, although rather awkwardly, she still wasn't sure how to “be nicer” very well, but she was trying.
V looked surprised for a moment, her claws even turning back into normal hands for a moment so she could rub them together.
“I could totally come here just to chew you two out!” She recovered, trying to snarl back, but it was rather unsuccessful in trying to look intimidating without her claws.
Uzi lifted a brow, and through grumbles V approached her, and Uzi unplugged Tera from herself before gently placing the little droneling in her arms.
“Uh… hi?” It was clear V didn't know how to interact with children, much less a baby, as she wasn't exactly holding her right, nor did she sound all that confident.
Tera looked back at her curiously, eyes drifting from her visor to her face and to her tail twitching behind her. She almost looked as if she was suspicious of her.
“That's V, Tera, she's uh… kinda your aunt.” N came up behind V, hovering over both women (because he's so damn tall) and speaking gently. V shot him a glare that said “I'm her what?”. But he just smiled and flicked his eyes back to Tera.
Tera spent another moment focusing on V's features before she smiled at her, rolling into her chest to hug her.
Uzi and N both watched as V locked up.
“What is happening…?” She asked slowly, looking taken aback.
“Awww V, she likes you!” N exclaimed, intertwining his own fingers together as he “awwwed”
V looked suddenly a little fearful of the baby now tucked in her arms, and glanced at both N, who was smiling so wide it almost look like it hurt. And then to Uzi, who was so so smug.
“Wipe that stupid grin off you face.” She growled at her, but if anything Uzi's grin just got wider.
“Didn't think I'd ever see you hold a baby V, it suits you.” Uzi teased, being unable to stop herself from antagonizing her, even if was just a little bit.
“Oh shut up.”
A muffled noise came from the pillbaby buried in her jacket, and all three of them looked down curiously, only for Tera to roll out screaming happily:
“She's starting to learn names really quickly.” N pointed out, looking proud.
V however looked like someone had stabbed her in the chest, a warped smile on her face and a golden blush sneaking up on her visor, eyelights hollow as she stared down at the droneling.
“You can say she's cute V.” Uzi laughed, seeing the was V's hold on Tera got much better after the baby said her name.
“I-I Uh-No! She's not!”
“Vee!” Tera said again, rolling around in said drones arms violently, and then giggling like crazy.
“Here!” She thrust Tera into N's arms before distancing herself quickly, facing away from both of them.
“I uh, have more important things to do!” V almost shouted as she quickly exited the apartment without so much as a goodbye. And Uzi couldn't help but laugh at the display.
And she thought she didn't want to be seen being soft.
“Well… that went…okay?” N spoke up after a minute of silence, a lopsided smile on his face as he touched his face, either out of amusement or relief he wasn't sure.
“As well as it could've.” Uzi shrugged before holding the front of her visor, the pressure in her head had grown over the last several days, with all the craziness going on, it was starting to get to her.
“Hey, try not to sweat it too much. It's why were going to this party right? De-stress?”
“Maybe it isn't a good idea? I m-mean V is kinda right for once. I'm not exactly-”
Before she could finish, N placed a hand over hers and squeezed gently, shutting her up immediately.
“It'll be fine. And even if it isn't, I'll be there yeah?” She blushed, looking away from him for a moment before returning with her own gentle squeeze, looking him in the eyes and smiling.
He found himself smiling back before the flutter of nerves in his core got the better of him and he removed it, looking away even though his tail was wagging rapidly.
She had to feel the same way right? The hug and now…this? This wasn't something that was normal for her. Wanting to be close, meeting his physical affection with her own.
The only real way to be sure was to tell her.
Tera’s voice brought him out of his thoughts again, for once resting in his arms without rolling around, he smiled down at her, nuzzling her chassis and making her squeal in delight.
“Easy Jellybean.” He hummed, and Uzi laughed at the nickname, looking at him inquisitively.
“Yeah! She's cute and sweet and bean shaped!
She rolled her eyes but laughed just the same, coming up to his side to gaze down at Tera as well, as she smiled back up at them, seemingly content.
Next ->
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polarisbibliotheque · 7 months
Devil May Halloween - The Samhain Ritual - Dante's Path
Devil May Halloween 2023 - The Samhain Ritual, Dante's Path
Pairing: Dante x Reader Summary: It’s finally Halloween and, even if the demons are a lot more active this time of the year, that doesn’t stop you from going on hunts - the partying can be done later. Or… At least that was what you thought. Maybe Nero had pretty good reasons to worry about that job after all. Author's Notes: Fucking. Finally. It took forever, but here I have around 20 pages of a demon wanting to marry the reader and Dante going feral over it. Took me ALL THIS TIME to write and I do apologize, but SO MUCH has happened since October, I'm finally managing to get my life back on track. So heeeeeey, here we have Dante's part of the Halloween Special for 2023! Be sure to read the Prologue first to understand the road so far yes Supernatural fan right here and have fun!! But I do have to thank @furyeclipse - the idea came from an ask sent a thousand years ago and I've been reading her works on ao3 and that motivated™ me to write again! Be sure to check Fury's work over there!
Oh. And I highly recommend an AC/DC playlist while reading this. Just sayin'. We all know Dante is an AC/DC guy
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Devil May Halloween 2023 – Dante’s Path
“You know, of all the things that could have happened to me as a hunter, getting into a forced marriage with a demon lord was the very last one I would’ve imagined.”
And you were definitely the only person in the world that could have made Kyrie laugh in a moment like that – at least, that was what she thought as she smiled for the first time since you both had stepped in that place.
It was desecrated ground, that was the reason why the demons chose such a place. An old cathedral, now turned into an abandoned set of ruins with a cemetery of forgotten souls in the back. Some stone walls still stood tall, but the roof was gone, along with some windows and part of its gothic architecture. The shroud of the darkest tones of night slowly crept over, having rows and sets of candles of all sizes as the only source of light beside the moon.
You and Kyrie were being kept in a secured room – the only with still four walls to hold you in, and a heavy set of crumbling wooden doors. You were handed wedding attires – white, as to demonstrate the purity of your human souls compared to demons – and shoved in there, forced to change before the ritual.
You tried to resist, but as soon as they threatened Kyrie, you had to abide. There was nothing you could do: you had promised Nero nothing would happen to her, and she was your weak spot that night.
“We will figure something out…” Kyrie murmured with a ghost of a smile on her soft lips, even if she didn’t carry too much hope in her heart. She knew that if you were alone, you would probably be fist-fighting demons with all your might to drag yourself out of that place, but with her by your side… She had never seen you so compliant.
“Hmmm. Yeah. I’m still trying to think of something.” You huffed, sitting by her side on a stone loveseat, having your elbows on your knees and your face cradled by your hands. “I feel naked without my stuff. So uncomfortable.”
Once again, Kyrie giggled. Indeed, it was probably the first time she ever saw you without your everyday clothes and specially without your weapons: be it your guns, your sword or even a pocketknife you carried around for emergency self-defense. She could only imagine how stripped you felt at that moment.
“Well, if it serves as consolation, this is definitely not my style.” She whispered in response, making you laugh immediately. Indeed, poor Kyrie looked like a princess covered in Chantilly. Too over-the-top for her, and you could say the same about your forced attire.
“Oh, what a mess we got ourselves into this time, huh…?” You still had that laugh in your lips, making Kyrie respond with a sad smile. “Though I bet Nero is going to die seeing you dressed as a bride.”
“He will never admit it.” Kyrie had to giggle with that mental image. She could almost see Nero standing in front of her, red as a tomato, stuttering while trying to maintain that nonchalant punk attitude he always tried to – even if Kyrie could easily see through all of that. “He does get all flustered whenever I’m wearing anything slightly bridal looking.”
“There you go. The hideous Chantilly wedding dress will have at least one good effect after all.” You sighed with a laugh, following Kyrie on her giggles as she blushed herself, happy to imagine that.
The moment wouldn’t last long, though, as you felt something shifting in the air. You immediately got up on your feet, keeping Kyrie safe and sound behind you. Her curious, scared eyes tried to pick up what was going on, but neither of you could see – you could just feel it.
With some fiery sparkles, one of the demons responsible for that mess materialized right in front of you.
“Well, well. It is good to see you are already prepared.” Horns and sharp features, but in the suit of a ruthless man – that was the best way you could describe the demon lords. They had the leathery wings, skin as rough as that of a lizard, eyes bright like flames in the dark – but something still carried the resemblance of a human being. They were tall – even taller than most doors – with sharp nails to be used as claws, fangs ready to tear throats apart. But they were built in the image of humans: something quite rare when it came to demons.
“Not out of our own free will – you shouldn’t be that pleased your minions managed to coerce us into these horrid things.” You pointed at your own attire, making Kyrie look up at you with tense eyes.
It was something she admired, to say the least. You could all look in the face of the most threatening of creatures and still manage to say something to taunt or belittle them. She wished she had that kind of courage.
“You do have a point, human.” The demon had a quick giggle in his voice, making you furrow your eyebrows slightly. It wasn’t every day one of those things would agree with your big mouth. “Come. I would very much like to speak with you.”
Oh. Demons and their teleportation shenanigans – to be quite honest, you hated it. Whenever you used any of their magic or even Vergil’s void thing from the Yamato, you always felt a little dizzy afterwards. It took you some quick seconds to make sense you were in what seemed to be the abandoned church’s library – in a room made of stones and rotten books, lit by decrepit candles and having just one usable table in a corner. The demon lords had clearly made that their own room for the day.
“It’s rare a demon wishes to talk.” You finally managed to say while the demon lord slowly walked towards his desk, having you in the middle of the room. Now Kyrie was alone and you had no idea what was going on with her – you had to play your cards well to see her alive again. “According to my experience, your kind prefers a bloodier approach.”
“I take it you haven’t met many demon lords then.” He had a nonchalant tone, waving his hand in disregard as he approached his desk and leaned into it, staring at you. “Nevertheless, that is more Orcus’ style.”
“Your little friend.”
“Al Pacino did play the devil once, didn’t he…?” The demon laughed in response and you did your best to cover up the shock that he understood your Scarface reference.
Movies and pop culture references with Dante were a given – the same way Vergil was an encyclopedia of forgotten and obscure texts, Dante was the go-to man when it came to movies, especially the classic ones. Making references and laughing with each other was something both of you cherished wholeheartedly – and you never thought a demon would get it.
Vergil never did – and he had to have spent some time with those guys in the last decades.
“Well, I don’t think you brought me down here just to talk about movies.” You crossed your arms, trying as much as you could to look tough in that attire. Which wasn’t going very well for you. “And it certainly wasn’t to properly ask for my hand in marriage.”
“Oh, no, no…” He answered with a laugh that crackled like fire – and you could easily see the amusement in his eyes. “I wanted to see what the son of Sparda saw in you… To bind himself to one of the weakest creatures known. Just like his father before him.”
“It’s not like Dante has married me, you know? We’re not like Eva and Sparda.” You raised one of your eyebrows. Something about that conversation was very… Weird. To put it mildly. “We’re not bonded like you want to do today. And on that note, I have to point out: marriages are quite religious. Aren’t you guys going to combust spontaneously trying to do something holy?”
“Oh, but you are bonded. He may not have chosen his father’s path, but his heart does not lie.” The demon had something quite mischievous in his eyes, and you were starting to notice the difference between him and Orcus: the second one was more of a brute, a lord of war so to speak – the one you were talking to, Erlach, was very cunning; but there was a glint of bloodthirstiness in the back of his eyes. That made him even more dangerous than you gave him credit for at first. “I shall never understand why Sparda did not wish to follow the ritual with his human. That would have made him so powerful, not even the most dangerous creatures in Hell would have dared to slaughter his family. A shame really.” He tossed aside a charred painting of Sparda and Eva: old, barely holding itself together, but still clearly depicting the couple holding hands and smiling to whoever decided to look upon them. “We do have our own rituals – and demons are no strangers to marriages. It has another name in Hell, though, it is a binding ritual: where souls connect and one can be made more from the other’s power.”
“Oh. So the other just accepts it’s going to be a puny little thing beside their partner? Sounds more like slavery to me.” You wouldn’t give the demon the benefit of the doubt nor make it all sound so wonderful. Anything related to devils always had a catch – and that had to be the catch to their own twisted version of a ‘marriage’.
And in all honesty, you weren’t looking forward to be made a slave to a demon lord.
“Some creatures enjoy that.” And the smile that covered Erlach’s lips could be only considered devilish. You did your best not to look like you were agreeing – even if you knew, deep down, that yes, some people did enjoy that. “Every con has its pro. With the binding and forfeit of power, comes protection and status. Few would want to desecrate the partner of a powerful demon – it could easily be the last thing they would do.”
“if I am bonded to Dante, then, I wonder why would someone like you decide to mess with the chosen partner of the son of Sparda.” Now you had a small smile hidden in the corner of your lips, slightly raising your head in hubris. You wouldn’t lie: the status you got from him among demons was always very welcome. “Not that I really need him to help me. If I had my weapons, you would all be laying on the floor in a pool of your own blood – and I’d be home celebrating Halloween with him.”
Erlach stared into your eyes for a good four seconds before opening a threatening smile with his sharp fangs. His own eyes burned like fire, but you never let his gaze go – it wasn’t in you to be scared by the likes of him. You had seen worse, you had fought worse… And only you knew how threatening Dante’s eyes could look when he was half asleep in a nightmare of his young years with you trying to wake him up so he could have some peace. That was worse than any demon you could ever face.
“Indeed, that is why I needed some leverage against you.” He waved his hand nonchalantly towards the door and you immediately understood he was talking about Kyrie. “It was never my intention to allow Orcus to bond to some creature as powerful as mine… But I did not knew the extent of your powers, so I needed something to keep you in line. Luckily, Sparda’s grandson is not as attuned to powerful partners as Sparda’s children.”
You furrowed your brows. Whenever you talked between the members of the crew, there was a tacit agreement Kyrie was indeed the most powerful of all – for her ability to love openly, to cry, to be vulnerable and to care with such an open heart.
But those abilities were inherently human – and appreciated in humans rather than demons. In the human point of view, Kyrie was stronger than all of you together, and no one could argue against that. But in the demonic point of view… You and Lady were top of the list when it came to being able to take demons in a fair fight.
But you… You had Dante’s heart.
“It was part of our bargain. But I would never allow Orcus to bind to the most powerful of partners, would I?” Again, that smile painted his lips. You remained in the middle of the room, holding his gaze, not even flinching as he approached you. “I must admit, though, I never thought you would have this… Fire.”
As Erlach stopped with a few inches from your own face, you didn’t recoil. You remained with your arms crossed, standing as tall as you could in front of that huge demon lord as his fiery eyes just stared deeply into yours – and you stared back.
But you sensed something… Different. In his words, in his gaze. You wanted to furrow your brows as you were slowly coming to realize something, but you did your best to remain as proud and emotionless as you could – and Erlach took note of that. A pleasurable note.
“I can see what the son of Sparda saw in you.” That devilish smile colored his lips once more as the demon took another step towards you. It took you a great amount of willpower not to step back. You would never step back. “When demons bind with demons, it is one sort of marriage. When demons bind with humans, on Samhein, with the correct ritual… Well, it is a very different thing. A kind of binding never seen before – and never attempted, not even by Sparda.” Erlach approached with another step, making you raise your head even higher. Every fiber of your being wanted to scream Dante’s name and watch your red devil storm inside that room and suplex Erlach face first on the floor – as he deserved. The demon lord, though, offered one hand to you, palm facing up. “At first, I targeted you for Dante would not take a weakling as a partner, but now… I am more than inclined to take you as mine. With me, you would have the protection and status of royalty in Hell. We can take over entire worlds. And they would all be mine and yours to rule.” You just kept staring at him as Erlach’s fiery eyes stared even more deeply into yours. “You just have to say yes.”
To say your head was spinning was an understatement. What a wild ride that night was becoming – and something inside you stirred, telling you it would become even wilder. Were you reading his words right…? His gestures…? Not that Erlach was being subtle about it, he was being as blunt as his kind could be, but… Were you going crazy? You were, probably. That was a more plausible explanation than what you had to admit yourself – than what you were living right at that moment.
“If you think I’d give up Dante for power, then you can see nothing he saw in me.” You spat back, still holding your head high. “You are just as clueless as the rest of your kind.”
Erlach laughed back – not a laugh of an evil demon as you were used to, but one of delight. He… Enjoyed your answer…?
“The more you speak, the more I see.” He finally chuckled, stepping back after one last stare. “And I will see you later.”
With a snap of his fingers, you were back to the cold, abandoned crypt you and Kyrie were being held hostages. As your dizziness faded and you came back to reality, you saw her holding one of your hands, checking if you were ok with one of her palms on your forehead. Even if you didn’t feel lightheaded anymore, your mind was still troubled – and you had to sit down on the stone loveseat you shared with Kyrie earlier.
“Are you ok, y/n? What happened?” She sat by your side, big hazelnut eyes staring at you with warmth and humanity – so much different from the fiery pit of Erlach’s eyes. So much more welcoming and cozier. So much more like home. You would’ve hugged her if you weren’t so disoriented. “Y/n. What did he do to you? What happened?!”
“I think…” You finally managed to put into words what just happened – even if you didn’t want to say what you thought out loud. It seemed that by saying it, a sort of magic would make it become true. “I think… A demon lord just fell in love with me.”
You and Kyrie just stared at each other in horror, not even knowing what to say.
“What the hell…?!”
And Kyrie finally managed to put into words what you had been thinking the whole time.
“Fuckin’ hell…”
Nico just stared at Lady as Dante growled while mounting on his bike.
To be fair, Nico wasn’t the safest person to be behind a wheel, even more in a dire situation like that with Nero by her side looking like he was about to bite ankles and throw punches – but something about Dante looking like he was about to burst into flames while viciously riding the Cavaliere and growling in a half-distorted demon voice was enough to get the gunsmith ever so slightly… Concerned.
“Everything ok there, Dante, or do we need to take you in the van?” Lady screamed out her window, while Nico hoped the bright red glint in Dante’s eyes was only her imagination. “You look like you wanna beat me in a race! We hunt demons to save humans, not run them over, you know?”
“Eh, demon spidey-sense is tinglin’, Lady! That’s no good!” Dante screamed back, doing his best to keep the demonic part of his voice repressed inside his chest. He would have more than enough opportunities to let that explode. “Y/n is unsafe. I can feel it. And I…” With that, Dante drove to the back of the van because of a narrowing road, only to come back a few seconds later. “Don’t…” Another interruption for Dante not to run over a citizen cluelessly crossing the street and almost being run over by Nico. “Like it!”
His last phrase couldn’t keep the distortion in anymore and it sounded like a deep roar that came out of his chest like fire. Trish could already see the fangs in his bared teeth: those demons were in for the fight of a lifetime, for everyone knew making Dante’s lover feel unsafe was one of the worst sins in the Sparda dictionary.
Nico opened her mouth to talk to Nero – because, maybe, he could beat some sense into his uncle’s head, given they had the very same heritage – but for the first time she just put the cigarette between her lips and decided to shut up.
She was still getting used to Nero’s new trigger, so the halfway-into-turning state was something Nico didn’t really know how to deal with. By this point, Nero’s nails were definitely claws and his fangs were very much similar to Dante’s. He was fidgeting everywhere, messing with Blue Rose, as if something was really wrong with the gun and he had to fix it – a thousand fucking times. Nico could also swear his eyes were starting to glow with an inhumane gold tinge and that was very alien to her.
“Hey, kid! What about your spidey-sense tingling? Anything new?” Luckily for Nico, she had Trish around – and that woman was a pure devil, so there were very few things she feared. They all knew Nero was getting used to his own new powers, so Trish always decided to stay around and lend a hand whenever Nero had to go through something emotionally heavy – she knew it herself that demon instinct always came crashing like a wild wave whenever emotions were running high.
“Eh, she’s not good too, Trish. Worried as heck, I can feel it.” Nero mumbled under his breath, fixing the barrels of the Blue Rose for the tenth time, probably – not even needing to mention he was talking about Kyrie. With a click, the gun cocked back to its original state and Nero turned his now slightly golden aquamarine eyes to the devil leaning on his seat. “And I don’t like it either. Not at fucking all.”
Nico had to say, it always sent shivers down her spine when Nero spoke with his demonic voice like that. She was used to him being her goofy sort of brother, bickering with her down the road and tossing over-the-top, smart mouthed taunts to demons. Hearing him like that was… Something else. And Nico didn’t like it that much as well.
The last time you felt unsafe seemed like a whole lifetime ago.
You tried to control your hands as they wanted to start shaking – but you kept telling yourself you needed to keep Kyrie safe. After all, you were the devil hunter, not her. Kyrie could kill every single one in the crew with kindness, but not those devils… Those had to be killed with blades and gunpowder.
Being with Dante had given you something you never really had before, and just now you noticed it was tied to your red devil: safety. Even if he wasn’t around physically, you could always count on the fact that Dante, son of Sparda, Crimson Slayer, would bend Hell itself around his will to keep you from any kind of harm. It had never downed on you because, up until that point, that was a given.
Today, Halloween of all days, was a little more complicated. Dante wasn’t around, the whole ritual was bound to have some heavy magic to keep him at bay, you were completely unarmed and the demons you were up against were another kind – not the stupid, belligerent type you handled almost on a daily basis; no, those were smart, cunning and dangerous.
To top all of that, you had Kyrie on your side. If you were alone, you’d probably already be trying some unhinged escape attempts, but they were so smart on deciding to kidnap her as well. She was your weak spot on that situation and the fact that you felt unsafe and couldn’t do your best to protect her, only highlighted the fear you started to feel creeping up at the base of your stomach.
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, the only thing that could at least try to calm your nerves was to imagine being back in Dante’s arms, at the Devil May Cry, the smell of warm pizza around and him humming some old tunes you both loved. That was home. That was your haven. Dante was your refuge, keeping you secure from every evil thing that could attack you in this world, and he wasn’t there.
For a split second, you wondered if he could feel how much your heart was aching – screaming with all its might in the hopes he would hear its call.
Suddenly, two demons entered the room you and Kyrie were being held. They didn’t have to say much: with swords pointed at both of you and the heavy doors wide open, you knew it was time. Knowing you had to calm your nerves so at least she could have a chance to escape, you got up and calmly walked in front of Kyrie – head high and staring those demons right back in their eyes.
“Everything will be ok.” You murmured back over your shoulder, knowing Kyrie would listen. “If you find a safe chance to run, do it and don’t look back. I can handle them better alone.”
You felt Kyrie’s soft hands brushing on one of yours, her voice nothing but a whisper. “Don’t put yourself in danger, y/n. I don’t wanna run without you.”
You closed your eyes, chuckling a little in silence. She was indeed an angel among so many demons – including all of you in the crew. “Oh, Kyrie. You have to learn… The whole crew would die for you, don’t you know that already…?” And even if your words weren’t the kindest, you had the sweetest tone in your voice – saying nothing but the truth. “You run. It’ll take more than a few demons to bring me down.”
Kyrie knew you were lying only to make her feel safer – there was a tinge of bitterness in your sweetness, a slight glint of sadness in your eyes. Those were more than a few demons, and both of you knew it.
She could only sigh in response and confirm with her head. You and Dante were bittersweetly so alike: always lying and pretending nothing was too serious, putting yourselves on the line for those you loved, trying to make them stop worrying while you were both ready to walk right into certain death. She had seen how angry you got every time he tried to pull something like that on you – and Kyrie had to smile even if a little bit upon realizing how similar you and your lover were, even if you hated when he did that.
Both of your thoughts had to be violently changed and brought back to the present moment when the time came to enter what one day was a beautiful, untarnished cathedral. The imposing gothic architecture was in shambles, the stars shining clearly in the deep night sky above your heads – the high peaks of the cathedral long gone. A long tapestry on the ground, torn apart and eaten by parasites, lead the way in a dirty blood red to the middle of the aisle, where a grandiose bonfire stood and lit none other than your groom.
That was definitely not the devil you had intended to marry if you ever walked down the aisle. Also, you always thought if you ever married Dante, the ceremony would be in the Devil May Cry: you would enter the shop, dressed in your best hunting clothes – maybe something leather, carefully picked by Trish to make you even more mesmerizing – watching Dante smiling at you, leaning on his desk, arms crossed and love pouring from his eyes.
That was the perfect marriage for you alright. And leaving for a quick honeymoon with your red devil, riding on the Cavaliere, a few cans tied to it with a “just married” sign on the back, waving at the crew at the door of the shop while Dante made the motorcycle burn the road with its demonic power? More than perfect.
“You shall enter first. The other human stays until your ritual is performed.” One of the demons held Kyrie hostage, pointing your way down the derelict aisle. Her eyes were filled with fear, and you couldn’t do anything but comply.
Holding your head high, you walked down the damned aisle. Not like a perfect fiancé, but like a wronged force of nature, just waiting for the right time to unleash your fury against all those demons. You were wearing those ridiculous clothes, on that ridiculous place, while demons started chanting and playing a song for the demonic ritual that had just started, stripped of your guns, blades and clothes.
To say you wanted to sucker punch Erlach on his face until his sharp teeth fell out was an understatement.
And yet, he had nothing but admiration and fire in his eyes for you. The more you approached, the more he smiled, offering you his hand as you were getting closer and closer – you refused to take it, standing in front of him just like you did when he first talked to you.
“You know, the kidnapping and taking my gear away, I could forgive. But these clothes…?” You pointed down at that hideous thing that was forced to you. “You could’ve done better. A lot better.”
“I judged you by all the mortals I’ve ever met – and now I realize I shouldn’t have done so. Do apologize, exquisite creature.” And Erlach answered your insult with a delighted distorted laugh. You just remained there, looking like you had just stuck a flip flop into a toaster, not knowing what to do. It seemed that the more you tried to repel him, the more Erlach liked you. “But rituals shouldn’t be taken lightly. One should wear the proper attire.”
“To think a demon would’ve dressed his counterpart a lot better and risqué than this…” You sighed, pushing all those ruffles away from your face as he, once more, tried to take your hand and guide you to approach the bonfire. “I thought this was going to be a dual wedding. Where’s your friend?”
“Orcus can try to pull off his ritual after I’m done with mine.” Erlach had a devilish smile pulling his lips up in a distorted line. It was a little… Unsettling. “We… Agreed such a powerful ritual should be done one at a time.”
“Huh. That’ll be before or after you kill him?” You had one eyebrow lifted and Erlach laughed with joy in his voice, now finally forcing you to walk with him towards the bonfire. “You got quite the silver tongue to convince him you’re gonna let him go through with his ritual with his head still on his shoulders.”
“Oh, my dear, you have no idea.” Erlach forced you to spin around and look deep into his eyes, holding you by both of your arms in an iron clasp you couldn’t break away easily without your weapons. “You are very welcome to discover soon enough. I am mesmerized with your cunning and wit – so much better than all those pitiful uninspired creatures I have to live with every day. We will be quite a pair, sweet temptation.”
That admiration was there, that fire burning in his eyes, and… Lust…?! You had to contain a shiver of pure terror thinking a creature like that lusted for you. It wasn’t necessarily his appearance – you did find Dante one hell of a piece of temptation in whatever form he was, be it human, Devil Trigger or even his Sin Devil Trigger – but his soul. Erlach lacked the very thing that made you fall madly and hopelessly for Dante: his golden heart, his gentle soul, his kind eyes and his unapologetic humanity.
That was why it didn’t matter how Dante looked like: you would always fall in love with him. Even if he was just a piece of rock with googly eyes laying on his desk, you would love that rock with all your heart.
“What if I refuse to be your pair?” You had one of your eyebrows raised, trying to hide the fear creeping at the base of your stomach. “As far as I know, all marriages require a resounding yes from both parts. What are you gonna do? Torture me?”
“As tempting as that sounds…” And even if you didn’t show it, your blood certainly froze in your veins for a second. “I fear you would take a very long time to break under such circumstances. The Son of Sparda chose you for your brave heart and hardened soul, I can see that now. Luckily for demonic rituals, the sacrifices don’t need to consent.”
“Oh. I thought I was more than just a disposable piece of meat. I’m hurt.” Masking your fear with jokes and taunts, you had learned that with the very best. Dante had all the blame for that.
“Don’t be, my creature.” Erlach’s words were laced with a laugh while he took a ceremonial dagger from an altar nearby. “That is how humans are usually named in our rituals. You will remain alive, or else, it doesn’t work. I do need your blood… A reasonable amount, but nothing lethal.”
His hand clasped your wrist with a tight grip you couldn’t break from. Your heart started beating faster and faster, as you looked around trying to find Kyrie – crossing her terrified eyes as she watched from the distance, close to the entrance where once was a door, fearing for your life. You wanted to mutter some soothing words for her, but not even you could lie that much: your survival instincts kicked in and your adrenaline spiked. It was now or never, but you had to escape.
Erlach held your arm above a bowl made of pure gold, now darkened with time and stained with all the sacrifices it contained. He spoke some words in demonic language, while the chanting got even more intense – some things you could understand, but the others were lost as your mind became hazy with trying to think what to do.
It was a surprise to all – you closed your free hand in a fist and did exactly what you wanted to do since you saw that hideous thing you were wearing: sucker punch that conceited demon right on his face.
Erlach was taken aback for a moment, looking back at you with confused eyes. Seizing his distraction, you disarmed him and took the ceremonial dagger to yourself, cutting his hand that held your wrist and demanding him to let you go. Erlach stumbled back in awe, while you took a fighting stance with the dagger in your hand, ready to kill – but not ready to get married.
And he smiled.
“Such fire…!” To say Erlach was ecstatic was an underestimation. “My creature… What are you going to do with that?” And he took a predator stance, as both of you studied your options in that fight.
If you could look back at Kyrie, you would see her smiling and supporting you as much as she could. To say she admired you, was to say you only liked Dante.
“I am going to kill every single demon in this cathedral… Including you.” Pointing the dagger at Erlach, it was your turn to allow a devilish smile to cover your lips. “Then, I’m taking my friend back home. Back into the arms of the only devil I will ever love. Back to Dante.”
As you spoke, you didn’t even hear a ragged guitar faintly playing in the background – and approaching ominously. The only thing you had in mind was a tunnel focus on Erlach, ready to tear him apart as soon as he got close to you.
“Oh, I will enjoy that, my creature. And I might even need to get rid of Dante myself.” As soon as he finished his sentence, though, you scoffed in a laughter of pure mockery.
“Now that, you would try. Dante is so much more than you will ever be – he will reduce you to ashes with a single stare. That’s how pitiful you are compared to him, Erlach.” As your words poured, you couldn’t stop laughing at how he looked slightly insulted. Fucking finally. “And I gotta say, that’s not the only thing Dante is really good at. He does burn like fire.”
“I will enjoy subduing you.” Erlach growled, baring his teeth. Now you managed to piss him off.
“I will enjoy watching you try.” You wouldn’t allow him too much time to think: spinning the blade in your hand for a better grip, you finally tried to stab him with a swift attack – but he easily dodged as you got even angrier at that ridiculous clothing you were wearing. Those frills and terrible fabric made your movement a lot debilitated.
You tried a few other attacks as Erlach dodged and started smiling again, enjoying every bit of it – starting to even try a few attacks, while you blocked with the dagger. It was all too fast… At the same pace of the guitar that now echoed loudly, with a very familiar song approaching the chorus.
“Now, my creature.” Erlach held your hand with the dagger when you tried another stab. Even if you were resisting, it was more entertaining than anything else: you needed your gear. He pulled you closer to him, even if you tried to stay away as much as you could. “It’s time to stop the fun. We can do this after the ritual.”
Before any of you could do anything else, the guitar finally arrived – with the screeching of what seemed a thousand tires, the smell of gasoline and the sound of a shot from a gun you knew so well.
Said shot hit the dagger, making it shatter into a thousand little pieces in your hand, causing Erlach to let go of you in a reflex – while AC/DC’s vocalist screamed he would shoot to thrill, play to kill.
“Well, I think we’re all ready for the afterparty, aren’t we, hot stuff?”
Dante had entered down the aisle with Cavaliere screeching, leaving a trail of fire behind him, stopping right in the middle to shoot that ceremonial dagger into oblivion. The smoke was still fresh on the barrel of his gun, while he had one foot on the ground, still mounted on his motorcycle, smirking at you with that gorgeous smile that, today, you wanted to kiss out of his mouth with so much passion the crew would probably have to throw a whole bucket of water on both of you to put out the fire.
And, right behind him, Nico crashed what was left of the cathedral’s door while blasting AC/DC’s Shoot to Thrill because she would be damned if she didn’t put a good soundtrack for that moment. You could see her smiling behind the wheel, supporting every single bit of Dante’s antics.
The smile that painted your lips – a broad one, mixed with thrill and relief – was everything Dante wanted to see. That was all the confirmation he needed to know that pull in his chest was actually your heart desperately calling for him to help.
“Ya know, I could forgive the kidnapping, you got one hell of a devil hunter in your hands to deal with…” Dante now let go of Cavaliere, leaving it in the middle of the cathedral, walking down the aisle with the sassy walk you always loved to see – moving his hips and opening his arms, taunting with a pretended carefree attitude. The distortion in his voice, sharp teeth and claws betrayed his words, though – and you couldn’t be happier. “But what’s the deal with those clothes?!”
“Exactly.” You smiled back, sighing as if someone there finally understood you. Erlach just looked at you and back at Dante trying to contain his surprise – it wasn’t possible you were synchronized in even that. “I can barely move, how am I supposed to kick his ass?”
“I can help ya with that, pretty eyes.” Dante’s voice now became darker, leaning even further into his Devil Trigger. For a split second, you could swear you saw his demonic form taking over before Dante appeared again. His eyes were almost entirely taken by red, his hand already gripping the hilt of Rebellion. “But I gotta deal with a few of these clowns first.”
“I’m not going anywhere, hot stuff.” You had the proudest of smiles on your lips as the demons started to approach, ready to fight your red devil. “Show them what a real party looks like.”
“Ya don’t have to ask twice!”
“What are you all waiting for?!” As soon as Erlach screamed, the demons ran towards Dante as a pack of rabid creatures, ready to take his blood. Erlach smiled with pride as they surrounded the Crimson Slayer, already pouncing to take a bite – there was no way a hybrid could take so many demons at once in a fight.
Looking at the crew’s van, you managed to see Lady leaning by the vehicle, watching it all with excitement but refusing to get into the fight. You almost laughed upon seeing Trish holding Nero’s jacket while he tried to let himself go from her iron tight grip, probably saying he should be in the fight too – but his eyes weren’t locked on Dante or the swarming demons: Nero was looking for Kyrie.
And you would’ve done the same, finally questioning yourself where they were keeping her after all that confusion took over the ritual. Nero could very well let himself go of Trish, but everyone knew he had his own priority – a priority you couldn’t find, and that fact started worrying you.
You would have given that a better thought if a sudden fiery explosion hadn’t sent demons flying around the cathedral like fireworks. Dante’s Devil Trigger was on, but not his normal one… It was his Sin Devil Trigger in all his demonic glory, with leathery wings hovering him from the floor and Devil Sword Dante burning like fire in his hands.
To say that would be a slaughter… Again, would be putting it lightly. With the masterfully chosen soundtrack by Nico blasting on the background, Dante single handedly slayed all the demons that decided to cross between you and him. You risked a side look to Erlach, only to find the demon astonished by Dante’s form and power – and you couldn’t resist. You leaned on the altar next to you, with a matter-of-fact look in your eyes.
“He usually has this effect on people… And demons.” You had to say it. You just couldn’t refrain from taunting and annoying that silly devil who forced you to wear those terrible wedding clothes.
With the Devil Sword Dante dripping blood, the son of Sparda approached as he slayed all the demons that tried to fight. Dante was a frightening powerhouse – usually terrifying, but today even more… After all, the human he loved most in all dimensions was kidnapped by a conceited demon who thought he would have the chance to bind his beloved in a marriage ritual without their consent. Dante was beyond angry.
“It will only be an obstacle, then.” Erlach turned his eyes back to you. “Don’t think for a second I gave up, my creature. If I have to kill the son of Sparda, I will do so – with the power you will grant me with your blood.”
Once again, the demon held your arm – but this time, digging the nails into your skin, making you scream with the sudden pain. That made Dante immediately turn to you, being hit as well and inundating the cathedral with the smell of the blood of Sparda. His fighting became sloppy as he tried to approach you even faster – but it also became even more vicious.
Erlach dragged you back to the sacrificial bowl, as you tried to get away. Even with your fighting, your limited movements weren’t helping too much. As he extended your arm above the bowl, you managed to see – behind him, in the distance, covered in shadows – Orcus holding Kyrie hostage, searching everywhere for a breech so he could finish his ritual before Erlach.
“Nero! Kyrie is over there! Go kick his ass, kid!” You screamed while fighting so Erlach couldn’t drip your blood into the bowl. Yes, he needed more than a few drops from the gashes from his claws – but he could make them bigger once you were in a decent position. And you didn’t want to give him that.
“Kyrie! I’m coming for you!” And finally, after his aquamarine eyes found Kyrie’s plea for help, Nero did let go of Trish with ease – and the she-devil didn’t even try to hold him back. With just a smile on her face, the woman looked back at Lady and they knew it was time to intervene now that both of you were located and they wouldn’t risk any of your lives.
Amidst all that, with Dante literally burning his way towards you while being held back by three demons, a few invisible cuts made them fall apart and gush blood all over the floor. Vergil entered the cathedral, while carrying an old book you saw at Erlach’s office earlier that night – the book with all the ancient, and most forbidden, devilish incantations.
“Go on, Dante. I’ll take it from here.” Vergil barely looked at the demons he was fighting with: holding the book with one hand and being assisted by summoned swords, he only needed a few well placed judgement cuts to get rid of all those nuisances.
Dante didn’t even think twice after hearing his brother’s words. Marching down the aisle, he approached you and Erlach like a death omen – his demonic form in his ultimate Devil Trigger was enough to inspire respect even in the upper echelon of Hell.
And you had to say, you were proud of that.
“Let y/n go, Erlach.” As Dante commanded, you couldn’t fail to notice his voice was slightly… Different. The more he approached, the more his voice sounded less distorted and more human. “Ya know, for a demon with such a pretentious plan, you’d think you’d put up more of a difficult fight.” And when Dante stopped right in front of the altar between you both, he was completely human – looking at you with the sky blue eyes you loved so much. “I’m barely breakin’ a sweat.”
If Erlach’s claws weren’t deep into your skin, you would’ve locked your arms around his neck already, taking in his scent and calming down your heart. Yes, Dante would be smelling of gunpowder, blood and sweat, but that was still his scent. It was enough to make you feel secure again.
“Indeed. I underestimated you.” Erlach’s claws dug out of your skin, making you retreat quickly. You managed to see a little commotion where Kyrie and Nero were before, but with everything that was happening, you couldn’t quite make the moment where Orcus was nowhere to be seen – all you could be sure was that Kyrie was safe, back into Nero’s arms. And that was enough. “It seems like the blood of Sparda still thrives to this day.”
“Yeah, yeah, daddy’s blood and all that…” Dante rolled his eyes, shooting near Erlach’s feet. The demon jumped back, farther away from you – and that made you smile. “Spit it out, spook. How did you find out ‘bout the ritual? Where did ya get that book?”
“Apparently you never heard of a library. On that aspect, I win, my creature.” Erlach still had that weird admiration in his eyes for you, making you wince. You never gave him a single reason to like you. Demons had to be masochist creatures.
“Oh, I heard about those alright. It just so happens my brother here has spent a very long vacation time in Hell and lemme tell ya…” With those words, Dante finally took Erlach by his neck, leaning the demon over the sacrificial bowl and touching the blade of Rebellion on his neck. Dante usually didn’t get that feral… But Erlach had tried him a little bit too much that night. “He doesn’t have very nice words about you and your little friends. Those rituals aren’t well known in detail. Something gave you that book. Who?”
It wasn’t a side of Dante you liked to see, but, when dealing with those kinds of demons, it was a necessary one. Erlach, as far as you could tell, wasn’t just your dumb daily demon – he was in the upper echelon. And said echelon only became worse the higher the rank.
“You would love to know, wouldn’t you?” Erlach laughed even if the sword already started to nick some blood out of his thick demonic skin. “You will have to let me go to get your answer. If you don’t, no deal.”
You closed your eyes, sighing. Erlach was the deal kind of demon. And it was always a slippery slope with those silver tongue devils.
Dante knew that as well. His heart screamed at him to kill Erlach and let his blood run over the floor of the cathedral – to take you home safely and let you know that threat would never loom over you again.
But they needed answers. Only very high rank demons would have access to that kind of book – to those kinds of rituals. Demons like Sparda… Like Mundus. And that was something none of them wanted as a threat. The single thought of the possibility of Mundus being alive made him shiver and his blood boil. His house burned in his childhood, his family slaughtered like animals, his past stained in blood and sulfur. He didn’t want that to happen again. He wouldn’t let that happen again. Not to anyone in the crew, not to his nephew, not to his brother… Not to you.
Dante let Erlach go. The demon cracked his neck, gaining his posture once again. You stood by Dante’s side, ready to suplex Erlach into oblivion if he tried anything funny.
“The two of you already have what you need to know the answer.” Erlach pointed at the book in Vergil’s hands, moving his gaze back to you soon after. “I will have you as mine, y/n. You have my word, sweet creature.”
Before you could do anything in response, Erlach set himself ablaze in flames that kept burning for a few seconds while he disappeared back to where he came from – probably Hell, if you had to guess.
“Eh. We should’ve known he would leave without giving us a decent answer.” You sighed, feeling your shoulders relax for the first time that night, knowing all demons were dead and you were around safe people again.
“And even shamelessly flirtin’ with ya, what’s up with that…?”
“No idea, red devil. I did my best for him to hate me; apparently it backfired tremendously.”
You finally turned to look at each other. Both of you looked tired, completely out of energy – you, from your human body; Dante from the toll all that fiery explosion of anger and demonic heritage could take on him. His eyes, though… Those sky blue eyes, looked at you with the human kindness you always longed for – with the admiration and fire of a lover, but the gentleness of a soul who was not only your mate, but your home.
You felt safe again. All that insecurity, that fear, that horror of being alone and having to fight on your own – to survive on your own – it washed away in that infinite blue sky. He was your home, and you were safe. Nothing bad would ever happen to you, for Dante was there to catch you and hold you in his arms until you felt you could walk with certainty again.
“I heard you, pretty eyes…” Dante murmured, taking a strand of hair out of your dirty face, watching with amusement as you furrowed your brows. He took one of his hands over his heart, eyes looking into yours. “I heard you here.”
A gradual smile lit up your face as you understood what he had said. That pull, that thing you did, of closing your eyes and praying he would find you… It worked. Of course it worked. And you couldn’t be happier, with all that pouring like a golden fountain from your heart, making your eyes laminate with a few tears and threaten to overflow.
“I’m glad you did, cowboy.” You approached him, cradling his face with your hands and leaning him down so his forehead could touch yours. “I’m glad you did. I prayed so loud for you.”
With that, you took his hand to touch your heart, in the hopes he would once again listen – but this time hear the golden tunes it sang along the overflow. The frills of the ridiculous attire didn’t allow him to find your beat, though.
“Well, I told ya I’d get rid of that, right?” Dante sighed, staring down at that horrid attire – although he would argue you could never look bad. Even with that thing on. “Ei! All of ya, look away! I’m puttin’ y/n out of their misery!”
Before you could finish asking, though, Dante masterfully moved Rebellion around you – while everyone turned away or closed their eyes. Lady and Trish, though, just kept staring at that goof of a man you called your lover. Within a few seconds, those terrifying wedding clothes tore apart, pooling around your feet on the floor while you just stared back at your red devil – the chilly air of the night all around your bare skin.
“That was hot.” You had to say it while Dante quickly checked you out like the masterpiece he always thought you were.
“Not as hot as you, babe.” With a wink, Dante took off his red coat, wrapping it around you and making you warm again.
You loved wearing Dante’s coat. It was definitely too big for you, but it was always warm – that night, you could almost say it seemed like it was enveloped in flames. But it had his scent all over it and it fit like a huge cape you could almost drag on the ground. You couldn’t have asked for a better attire for that evening.
“Hey.” As you called for his attention, those blue eyes rested on you again, little by little settling all that restlessness that whole ordeal had set in your soul. And, since words weren’t enough, you once again cradled his face with your hands, this time placing a well-deserved kiss on your lover’s lips.
Dante giggled between your lips, wrapping his strong arms around your waist to lift you off the floor – making it easier for you to kiss him unapologetically. You never saw yourself as a damsel in distress, and you would have killed every demon in that room with a dagger and your teeth if it was necessary, but it wasn’t. And that was so new: you could always count on Dante to be there for you, to protect you and to be a place for you to fall whenever you lost your balance.
Your heart stopped screaming and Dante’s soul found peace again.
“Ah, I see Nero stole Dante’s idea.”
As you saw Kyrie leaving the van’s bathroom wearing nothing but Nero’s coat, she smiled happily back at you while showing it off as soon as you pointed that out. You were sitting in the van, still in the red coat – Dante would know only later that decision would cost him his sanity while trying to get his coat back from you. A few chases and him gripping you tight to get his coat back was in store for the rest of that night.
“It was a very good idea.” Kyrie had a mischievous smile on her lips, blushing a little bit while grabbing the collar of Nero’s coat and taking in the scent. “It smells like him. It feels like he’s always around.”
“I know what you mean.” You smiled proudly as an answer, barely noticing Nico staring at both of you while Lady and Trish giggled.
“Ya know what she means…? That coat is nasty!” Nico pointed at the blue coat enveloping the crew’s little angel, making you laugh a little bit more. “And yours?! If Nero’s coat is bad, Dante’s even worse! Looks like he just blasted from the insides of a frog demon or somethin’! And you say it has his scent?!” The gunsmith couldn’t be more revolted at yours and Kyrie’s antics.
“That’s Dante’s scent for ya...” You sighed, leaning back on the van’s seat – something quite red devilish like. “Gunpowder, demon’s blood and sweat. When he’s clean, though, it’s more of a woody and musky with a hint of pizza kind of scent. Sometimes strawberries.”
“Apparently, love doesn’t make us only blind, it makes our sense of smell completely absent.” Trish strutted her way towards the seat she always took in the van, across from you, having a complacent smile on her devil lips.
“It makes us more tolerant.” Kyrie sat by your side, completely happy to be wearing Nero’s clothes and safe and sound with the crew again. “That is a thing most people need to learn more about.”
“As always, angel Kyrie is right.” Lady sighed, taking her spot inside the van – after lightly elbowing Nico just to tease the gunsmith. “Just like we tolerate the smell of your cigarettes.”
“Hey, at least I’m not turning into a fuming creature blasting demon viscera everywhere!” Nico pointed at Lady with her cigarette between her fingers, making all of you laugh. “Must take days to get those things off your hair!”
“Sometimes, it takes even weeks!” Dante’s voice added from outside of the van, entering soon after to take his seat right by your side. To say Dante would be hovering around you for months, overly protecting you over anything and everything, was a very mild way to describe his behavior after that evening.
“Ya know, once I found a piece of liver hidden right behind my ear…?” Nero approached Nico as she just glared at him with pure disgust. “Took me days to find it.”
“You’re nasty, demon boy.” Nico lightly shoved Nero out of the way, dismissing all that conversation to go back to the stirring wheel. Nero laughed back, making his way to Kyrie and sitting by her side, cradling her with one of his arms while she rested her head on his chest.
“We couldn’t find more on the origin of their knowledge…” Vergil was the last one to board, closing the van’s door behind him. As soon as he did, Nico started driving back home – and he showed you a few things he had in his hands. “But we did find your gear. I will keep it in a safe place until we get back to the shop.”
“Oh, thank you so much, Verge!” You had genuine relief in your voice, watching as he carefully placed your sword next to him. “I thought I’d never see those things again. Thanks for finding them.”
As always, Vergil didn’t answer, just bowed his head as the perfect gentleman he was. Soon, Dante’s arm found its way around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
“Huh, so much thankfulness for Vergil, while I was the one who saved your ass from that demon lord. I’m feeling a little ignored.” Of course, you knew Dante was only joking – never in all your time together you picked up any sign of jealousy he could have of you and Vergil. Dante was very secure about your relationship, knowing quite well where your heart rested – he would be insecure, sometimes, when it came to other humans.
“Oh, c’mon. How can I not be thankful when it’s my gear we’re talking about?” You raised one eyebrow, teasing him back – which only made Dante smile. “Now being a little more serious, it was rough being stripped of everything. Even with that hideous frilly attire, I felt completely naked. There’s no way for me to defend myself without all my stuff; I don’t have demonic blood running through my veins to go into a rampage and kill every single living thing in front of me.”
“Well, lucky for you, I got that goin’ for me.” Dante brought you even closer, tightening his half hug around you.
“Hmmm…” You took some time to take in his scent, this time directly from his neck, right in front of you. Yes, all those things you mentioned before, but you could always find the woody and musky Dante scent underneath all of that. And maybe it was that which made you feel so comfortable and secure. “I was scared. I was running out of options when you showed up.”
“Shhh, don’cha think ‘bout that, pretty eyes.” Whenever you voiced how uncomfortable you were with something, Dante immediately started caressing you just to at least make you feel physically comfortable again. And you had to say, it always worked.
“I know, I know… It’s just… I know I can always count on you to appear at the direst of moments, no matter where I am.” With those words, you placed one of your hands above his heart, making those sky blue eyes look back into yours. “I know you can hear me call, no matter what.”
“It’s part of the demon thing, babe.” Even though he was happy with that, Dante had a bittersweet smile on his lips.
“Yeah, maybe… But demons don’t show up to save desperate souls who are praying for them when all other options have failed.” You brushed aside some strands of dirty hair that insisted on covering those beautiful eyes – now looking at you with curiosity and admiration. “Do you know who do?”
“Angels do.” Your answer was but a murmur, even quieter than the engines of the van. “You are my very own guardian angel, Dante.”
Lady once said that, somewhere out there, even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one – but you would dare to add that devils did cry when they were loved back.
Your red devil was living proof of that on that Halloween night.
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Oh my God, I really need to have babies with your hubby tony, seriously! I would be the happiest wife in the world. Can you write a delicious baby making with him? Breeding kink is so hot and breeding kink with tony is even hotter, aaaand you write smut beautifully!
Nice and round for me
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PAIRING | Husband!Tony Stark x Wife!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tony are enjoying your honeymoon in Switzerland, and you had a little more to drink this particular night than usual. You still can't keep your hands off one another, but when the night gets more heated, a specific kink of Tony's comes to light, and you can't help but indulge him in his biggest fantasy.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ breeding kink, daddy kink, lactation kink (without milk), cockwarming, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), squirting ], mentions of pregnancy.
A/N | Hi Nonnie, thank you for this wonderful request! It will be my first time writing a breeding kink, and I'm honored you want me to write it with the wonderful hubby Tony Stark! 🖤
This one-shot takes place during the same time frame as Baby, it's cold outside. You don't need to have read that one to understand this, but I would still appreciate it if you check it out if you still need to.
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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You and Tony have been enjoying your honeymoon for the last week and a half, but neither of you has seen much of the beautiful Alps you're currently at. Today, you are planning on changing that.
''Babe, I really think it's time to go and enjoy the sights out there; I didn't bring my camera for nothing,'' you tell him while you're having breakfast together.
Honestly, you're still sore from yesterday since the two of you had been going at it all day and all night, so it would be nice to have a day off for once.
''Alright, but I might have better use for your camera-''
''No, Tony, we're not filming ourselves having sex. You can forget about that idea,'' you say sharply.
''Never say never...'' he said in a sing-song voice, quickly getting up before you could poke him in his side as punishment.
''Not fair! I'm still sore from yesterday, so I'm not as fast as you are,'' you say with a pout.
''I'm sorry, Honey Bee,'' he says as he walks back, giving you a soft kiss on your lips as an apology.
When breakfast is gone, the two of you get some walking done, and you snap some fantastic pictures of the Swiss Alps before heading back, ready for some hot chocolate by the fire.
''Alright, hot chocolate with extra marshmallows for my gorgeous Honey Bee,'' Tony says as he hands you an extra-large mug.
''Ooh, thank you so much, Babe!'' you say as you press play for the movie you will watch together. You cuddle into his side, letting your thoughts go for a little while.
''We should invite all of the Avengers over here for a vacation soon,'' you tell Tony, and he nods.
''As long as I can still have the next week and a half just with you, you can invite anyone whenever you want,'' he says, and you nod.
''Of course, our honeymoon is just for us,'' you tell him.
When both of your mugs are empty, you put them on the table in front of the couch, and when you move back, you go and straddle Tony's lap on the couch.
''Hm, I thought you were sore, Honey Bee,'' Tony says as you slowly start grinding yourself onto him.
''Well, I want you to fill me up again, Daddy. Need to be full with you again,'' you tell him in an innocent voice.
His head falls back on the couch with a soft thud as he lets out a deep grunt at the nickname. He goes absolutely feral when you call him daddy, and it sparked something in him you didn't even know was there.
''How about you make me a real Daddy, huh? Want to fill you up so much with my cum that you'll get nice and round for me when you're pregnant,'' he says, his eyes darkening immensely.
Suddenly your cheeks darken to a deep red color at the thought, but you can't say that you mind, in all honesty. You've always wanted children, so you play into his fantasy.
''Yes, please, Daddy, please get me pregnant,'' you say, and you start grinding into him more, feeling him firm up in his pants without much effort. Combined with your soft moans, he's an absolute goner for you.
His hands fly to your hips, your dress already bunched up at your waist, too, from how you sat down earlier.
''Hm, lemme feel if my Baby is wearing any panties right now,'' he says, and you softly shake your head.
''I'm not, Daddy. Decided to not wear any for you this morning,'' you say with big eyes, making yourself still look as innocent as possible.
''Fuck, you're gonna be the death of me,'' he groans and he thinks 'this would be a great way to go when my time comes.'
''Here, let me free my hard cock for you, Honey Bee; that way, I can get you nice and pregnant while you bounce on this for me,'' he says, and you get up a little, letting him unbutton his pants, shoving them down to his knees.
''Well, it's a good thing Daddy wasn't in underwear either for his Honey Bee, huh?'' he asks. You nod, almost drooling at the sight of his rock-hard member resting against his abdomen.
''F-fuck, Daddy, so hard for me. Want you to fill me up!'' you whine out, and he grabs you by your hips before manhandling you onto his dick, shoving into you in a single thrust.
''D-DADDY, YES!'' you scream out as your head falls back against your neck. You start grinding and bouncing on his dick, pulling deep groans and moans from both of you.
His fingers find their way between your bodies and onto your clit, making you scream out loud at the overwhelming pleasure he's giving you.
''Oh, fuck, Honey Bee, can't wait to fill you up so full you're dripping with my cum. Need to fill you up until you're round with my baby, milk dripping from those gorgeous tits of yours,'' he says as he pulls the collar of your dress down.
Your boobs are on full display for him as they bounce up and down in sync with your movements, and he plays with your nipple, wrapping his lips around the other and sucking on the other.
''Hmm, suck on my tits, Daddy. Get all the milk you want,'' you say as you're getting breathless from the movements, but you don't dare to stop.
''These tits will be so gorgeous for me when they're all filled with milk, dripping with the deliciousness that I will happily lap up,'' he says, moving his lips to the other breast and continuing those same actions.
''Need to cum, Daddy, am close!'' you moan, and a whine escapes you shortly after.
''Yeah, does my good girl get to cum? You think you've been good enough to Daddy to earn it?'' he asks as his hand moves back to your clit, your entire pussy soaking by now.
''Y-yeah, I'm Daddy's good girl! Been so good for you, Daddy!'' you say, almost over the edge.
''Cum. NOW.'' he orders sharply, and before you know it, you're cumming hard, squirting all over his legs, the couch, and the floor from the intensity of the orgasm.
''Thank you, Daddy,'' you say between pants, and his hands grip your hips as his thrusts get faster and sloppier.
''Fuck, keep squeezing me like that. Gonna cum deep inside your wet cunt Honey Bee,'' he says. ''Gonna get you pregnant right now to remember this amazing day,'' and not long after, he does, shooting his cum deep inside you.
You are entirely fucked out as you slouch forward against his body, keeping his softening dick still inside you.
''Wanna stay like this, Daddy. Wanna stay with you inside me,'' you say, and he nods.
''Alright, Honey Bee, I love you so much,'' he says as his hands trail lazy patterns all over your back.
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Today marks your 6 month wedding anniversary, and you and Tony are still very much in the honeymoon phase of your marriage.
Since the two of you found out you're pregnant - and expecting twins, no less -Tony hasn't left your side for a second. His duties as Iron Man are put on hold indefinitely since he just wants to be with you.
''God, you're even more beautiful than yesterday, Honey Bee,'' Tony says, and you giggle because he tells you the same exact thing every day.
''Babe, you tell me that every day. And even though I agree with you, it might be time for you to think of something else to tell me before I get used to you telling me that,'' you say as you let yourself fall onto the couch.
''No, because I will never get enough of telling you how beautiful you are when carrying my babies. I love you so much,'' he says as he sits down and rests his hand on your belly.
''I love you more,'' you say, leaning in for a kiss that leaves you breathless for a little bit. ''And I am sure our boys will love you just as much as I love you,'' you tell him, your hands resting on your belly alongside Tony's hand.
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
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Four is Better Than Two 🔥
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Oh, boy, this was a mouth full (no pun intended 😉). I have never wrote something like this and @turtlesmakemehappy you gave me a challenge. You didn't specify on which pronouns I should use, so I used female reader. Hope that's okay!
Here's your Turtle Power Martini, love! I hope you love it. ^^
🔞 Warning 🔞 NFSW 18+ Only
Cat/mouse chase, anal, sex toys, overstimulation, triple penetration, blindfold, praise, spanking, claiming/marking, and feral turtles. Literally a fivesome between the reader and four hot, ninja turtles and we're all gonna die happy. 🙃
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"Excuse me, what?" 
There was a pause from the leader in blue as he looked between his brothers. They are currently in the living room as Donnie and Raph are sitting on the sofa with Y/N next to them while Mikey sat on the floor. Leo stood awkwardly as Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. 
"Well, since we've been dating for over a year now, we are wondering if you're comfortable enough to take the next step with us." Leo repeated as he eyed his brothers for help. 
The guys have been dating Y/N for over a year and they loved every single second of it. It's quite hectic considering she's dating four guys at the same time. They all have different personalities and body language she has to watch out for. They all have their own ticks and ways to do things. The brothers were surprised when the woman agreed to date all four of them at once. 
And they were all on cloud nine. 
The brothers make sure to live up to her expectations, but also be themselves in any way because the woman requested it. The only intimacy they've done was heavy make out sessions and soft touches, only because the boys weren't confident enough to make the next step. With endless research (and masterbation), it's time to take their prize.
Raph eyed his older brother in amusement. For a leader, Leo gets flustered during certain conversations. Sex was one of them. The leader preferred to be more private with intimate stuff, same with Donnie. What's happening in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. Raph and Mikey are more adventurous. They want to take their partner everywhere in the lair, even outside. Or, at least, Mikey wants to. 
But, right now, they had to go easy.
"We've already discussed how to do it and combined our kinks and fetishes. We just need your limits and off-limits." Donnie says as he turned his body to face Y/N as he took hold of her hand, making the woman smile gently at his gesture. 
"And Sensei wouldn't be here either. So we get to have you to ourselves!" Mikey cheered as he rubbed her calves, a sigh escaped from the woman as tension slowly eased from her legs. Work has been stressful and having a massage from one of her boyfriends makes her day. 
"So what do you think, tiger?" Raph says as he leaned towards her ear. Y/N could feel him taking in her scent and her body trembled. "I promise we'll give you a good time." 
Good heavens, she's gonna die.
They are really making it difficult for her to think things over and Leo noticed. "You don't have to if you don't want to, my love. We're just asking if you're okay with it." 
"I've made up my mind," The woman says as the boys perk up, awaiting for the answer. "I will do it, if you follow the rules I have set."
"Oh, of course! We don't want you to be uncomfortable, dove." Donnie replied as he kissed her knuckles, feeling his heart melt when she kissed his knuckles back. If the purple terrapin was alone, he would be jumping because of the affection he was getting. 
These guys are touched-starved, whether they admit it or not. 
"So," the woman says as she eyed her four, ninja men. "When are we gonna start?" 
"Friday sounds good?"
"Friday sounds good."
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Friday was finally here and the woman will admit that she was nervous. She only slept with a man once and hasn't been intimate since, so hopefully the guys will go easy on her. But a part of her wants them to go all out, and that's what she told them. She told them her "do"s and "don't"s, and they respected her limits. 
Her body starts heating up just by thinking of what they all have planned for her. 
Y/N quickly starts packing her bag for the weekend. Packing four different pairs of clothes and added two more for underwear and socks. The boys mentioned they will have their way with her all weekend, so she had to put in extra pairs of undergarments. 
Her phone buzzed as she grabbed it from the pocket from her jeans. Four different messages from each of the guys: telling her how they are excited for tonight and how they can't wait to bring her so much pleasure. 
She bit her lip in anticipation as she replied to them back, saying, "I've finished packing my bag, about to leave the apartment." Hitting send Y/N zipped up her overnight bag, grabbed her keys, and exited her apartment while locking the door behind her. 
When she walked towards an abandoned part of an alleyway, she opened the cover from the sewers and slowly eased down, closing it behind her. 
When she dropped down, Y/N felt like she was being watched. Turning on her flashlight on her phone, there was nothing there. Sighing, she continues throughout the sewers. 
At the lair, the boys are in Donnie's lab as they watch the woman drop down from the entrance of the sewers. 
"Target required, heading south." Donnie says as he watched Y/N through the security cameras that he installed on the night they wanted to take things further. This was one of Donnie's fetishes; no matter where Y/N goes, he will always find her. Even if she cuts off communication, he's right there. Watching her. 
"Man, I could feel my shell tightening!" Mikey groaned as he waited for Leo's orders. If he had his way, he would go down to those sewers and take her right there. 
"Patience, little bro. All is well with patience." Leo says as he watches the screens. He smirked when Y/N took a turn. "All right, guys. It's go time!" 
"About time!" Raph gruffed as he rolled his shoulders. He was pacing back and forth; just the thought of his woman on her knees, begging him to stuff her with his cock just made the red terrapin growl. 
"You guys know the plan. Don't do anything to her until she gets to the nest." Leo warns, mainly towards Raph and Mikey as the leader watches three of his brothers leave the lab. He could hear Mikey's cheers as they entered the sewers. 
Leo turned towards the cameras once again, watching his woman look through the tunnels. "I hope you like games, my love. Cause we're gonna play 'cat and mouse'."
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Y/N cursed to herself as she encountered a three way. The guys told her to go this way of the sewers instead of the usual route, and Y/N questioned it but the guys didn't answer her. Instead, they gave her some directions but she could hardly remember them. 
Oh, how she wants to punch them for setting her up like this. She heard a creek from behind her and she quickly faced towards the sound, finding nothing. 
Just going with her gut, she went with the middle and she quickly jogged through the tunnel. Bunches of twists and turns later, she's in a hall with a bunch more tunnels. She groaned out in frustration. 
"If you guys can hear me, I swear I will murder you all!" She yelled throughout the tunnel but froze when a gush of air hit the nape of her neck.
"I would like to see you try, princess." 
Y/N quickly turned around and he wasn't there.
She could hear snickers and dark chuckles radiate throughout the dark pipes as her breathing increased. 
What kind of trickery is this? Y/N thought as she slowly backed away from where that voice came from, but stopped as she ran into something hard and warm. 
A deep groan came from its throat as it took a whiff of her scent. "You smell so delicious, dove. I can't wait to have you."
She turned around once again and he was no longer there. A whimper left the woman's throat as she looked everywhere through the tunnels, trying to find her four terrapin boyfriends. 
"Donnie? Raph?" Y/N says breathlessly as she reaches the end of the tunnel, a dead end. A sigh of defeat left her as she had no choice but to go back. She turned around and a choked scream left her as Mikey stood in front her. "Mikey?"
"Hey, angelcakes," he said as he slowly walked towards the woman and backed her against the metal wall. "God, I want you so bad."
"Easy, Mikey, you know what Leo says." Y/N looked behind Mikey, Raph stood behind him with Donnie next to him. 
"Guys, what's going on?" The woman questioned as she looked into Mikey's baby-blue eyes, begging for the orange terrapin to give her answers.
"What's going on is that you're not naked right now and not sucking me off." Mikey chuckled as he devoured her lips instantly and the woman melted into his arms. She could hear the others growl and Mikey turned them around, her body facing the others. 
When they pulled apart, Donnie grabbed her overnight bag and tossed it over his shoulder. He then took hold of her hair, pulled it back, and suckled on her neck. The woman's moans echoed through the tunnels as Mikey and Raph stripped the woman bare. 
Raph and Mikey suckled on her breasts as her eyes stared into Donnie's. "Look at you. Doing so good for us."
The woman whimpered as Donnie made her look down and watched as Raph and Mikey suckled on her nipples. The way the two men devoured her body has her trembling with want. She needs them to hurry up and take her already. 
Raph trailed his hand towards her rear and smacked it, the woman moans out as the red terrapin smirked. "I bet you're soaked, princess. I can smell ya." 
Mikey let out a guttural churr as her scent filled the tunnel. "I want her now, guys! Please? I bet she tastes so good, too!"
Raph growled low from his chest. "Spread 'em wide, babygirl." 
She didn't have to be told twice as she spread her legs, but gasped as Donnie held her legs up into his arms. Now her sex was exposed to the two turtles before her. 
Churrs and growls were heard as Mikey went forward and slowly dragged his tongue over her wet cavern. His eyes rolled back at the taste. "Holy crap, guys, she tastes so good!" 
Y/N whimpered as Raph slowly eased his finger inside her, but took it out and brought it to his mouth. A predatory growl escaped his throat and she could feel her legs tremble from it. She needs to let Donnie in on the fun. To their surprise, Y/N trailed her hand down to her wet sex and coated her fingers with her essence. She raised them towards her purple terrapin. The grip he had on her almost wavered as he slowly took her fingers into his mouth. The way he moaned around her digits sent tingles down her spine. 
Donnie pulled away from her fingers as he breathed deeply. "We have ten minutes until we head back to the lair. Give her the orgasm she wants and we continue with the plan Leo set up." 
"All I heard was give her an orgasm and I'm all in for it." Raph smirked as he devoured her sex. Y/N screamed as her legs trembled, his tongue worked wonders inside her and he reached spots that no man has ever reached with their tongue. 
"Raph, Donnie, Mikey, please! I want you so bad." The woman rocked her hips as she tried to get more friction from his tongue, but gasp as she felt a finger from her anal canal. She looked down as Mikey gave her a cheeky grin. 
"Relax, baby-cakes, we have to prepare you." He says as he rubbed the rim, coating it with his saliva and slowly eased it inside her. She laid her head back on Donnie's shoulder, turning her head towards him and kissed him with a passion. 
Donnie groans as his strength slowly wavered from the taste of her once again. He could hear her increased moans and whimpers through the intense session, Raph growls and Mikey slowly working her anal canal. Oh, how he wants to bury his cock down her throat. Or to feel her wet insides as he pounds into her with such ferocity until she begs him for mercy. 
She pulled away from the kiss as she wailed their names and came hard on Raph's tongue. Their growls, churrs, and moans echoed throughout the sewers as they felt their woman tremble. 
Raph and Mikey pulled away from her body as Donnie slowly eased her down, but Raph quickly caught her before she tumbled over. "Careful, princess. I've got ya." Y/N held on to him as he picked her up with one arm, carrying her through the tunnels. "How much time Donnie?" 
Trying to get out the fog of lust, Donnie starts scanning. "We have five minutes. We need to get going before Leo gets mad." 
Raph rolled his eyes but they picked up their pace. Mikey chuckled as Y/N met his blue ones. "Wait until Leo gets his hands on you. It'll be fun!" 
Oh, good heavens, she's definitely gonna die.
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When they entered the lair, Raph placed Y/N on the nest of blankets and pillows. She turned around and looked up, mouth turned dry as Leo stood in all of his glory. Oh, how he looks so powerful right now. Arms crossed, stance unmoving, blue eyes bore into her soul. She felt so small under his gaze as she tried to hide but couldn't. The female was naked and vulnerable. 
She can't escape her terrapin boyfriends even if she tried. 
"Judging by her scent, I am guessing she had an orgasm?" 
"Yep! And even prepared her like you said." Mikey smiled as he stood to her right. Raph behind her and Donnie to her left. She was completely surrounded. 
"Good. She needs it." Leo says as he slowly makes his way towards her, squatted, and grasps her chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Color?"
"Green. Very green." Breathless, her eyes dilated at his dominant pheromones. His smirk says it all. This man knows that he has her under their spell and they're going to deliver the best pleasure she has ever felt.
"Good girl," he replied as he kissed her forehead and stood to his feet. "Donnie, you have the bag?" 
Donnie placed a black duffel bag on the floor. "Everything should be in there. If I'm missing anything, let me know."
Leo nodded and looked through the contents. The woman's heart was pounding as he took out a blindfold, lube, a crop, and a butt plug. He tossed the plug and lube to Raph, the crop to Donnie, and blindfold to Mikey. 
"Since Donnie hardly gets any action, he'll go first. I will watch everything and go last. I want her completely brain dead before I come into play, you guys got that." His brothers nod their heads with affirmation as Leo grabs a chair and sits down. His devilish smirk widened as Y/N's eyes widened. "Itadakimasu."
"Itadakimasu." They said in unison as they all got to work. 
Raph applied the lube on the plug and got behind her, Mikey quickly placed the blindfold around her eyes and checked to make sure she couldn't see anything. Everything was going to be all sensory. Her senses heightened as she felt fingertips run her backside.
Y/N swallowed as she got into position, butt in the air as Raph growled in arousal. "Relax, baby girl. I've got ya." He said gently as he lubed his finger and kissed her shoulder blade. She relaxed the best she could as he entered his finger inside her anal canal. Even though Mikey stretched her, Raph's finger was much bigger. When he hiked his finger to his knuckle, he saw Y/N clutched the sheets below her. "Color?"
"G-Green." She whimpered out as he wiggled his finger inside her, moans soon came out of her mouth and she could hear churrs around her. "You're doing so good for us, princess. So, so good." 
The praise made her knees weak and wiggled her hips side-to-side, wanting more friction. Then she felt it, the smack of the crop. The moan that left her throat was completely sinful. It would make any pornstar blush. A whistle was heard as a palm rubbed where Donnie hit her rear with the crop. "Dang, Donnie. You're really getting into this."
"I-I'm sorry, was I too hard, dove?" Donnie asked sheepishly. The woman couldn't tell what he was doing but she would know that he was nervous that he had done something wrong. 
"Donnie, please, do it again." Was all she said and she moaned as Raph moved his finger in and out of her canal. "Oh, gods, please don't stop!" 
Raph removed his finger and slowly eased the butt plug inside of her, whimpering as he pulled away from her body - leaving the woman wanting more. But it didn't last long when another smack from the crop hit her rear, a moan of ecstasy made itself known and a chorus of groans came with it. The purple clad turtle slowly trailed the crop from her bottom to her back, then over over shoulders. The leather was feather like to the touch and she can't help but tremble when he perked her face up, probably to look up at him. 
"Look at you," Donnie's voice went deeper than the usual high pitched tone. Y/N could drool from that. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart. I can't wait to shove my cock deep down your throat."
"Then do it." Y/N challenged. She could hear chuckles from the other brothers as Donnie snickered. 
"Be careful on what you wish for, darling. You don't know what's coming to you."
"Literally." Mikey countered and a sea of groans, not from pleasure but frustration. "Sorry, I had to."
"You're fine, Mikey-baby." Y/N says but soon gasped as her hair was being pulled back. She could feel Donnie's lips hovering over hers and he chuckled when she tried to connect them.
"So desperate." She could hear the devilish smirk on Donnie's face. "I wanna hear you beg, but my time is running out before the others take over. So, I want you do something for me."
He pulled away from her but she could hear a button and zipper come undone. Oh, how she wants to see what his cock looks like. What he taste like? When Donnie discarded his pants, he groaned. "Open your mouth, darling, and make it wide." 
She opened her mouth to him, even stuck her tongue out, and the growl that came out of him made her even wetter. And that's when she felt it. His tip. Donnie's scent was all male. Musky and prominent. The woman has her hands on his thighs as she slowly teased his cock, licking and sucking on his tip. She could hear her men panting as they took off their pants as well, preparing what's next. 
When she slowly took Donnie into her mouth, however, she gasped as the males hand pushed his cock deeper into her throat. Deep throating, she tried her best not to gag. Groans and churrs escaped from Donnie as he moved her head. "Told you I will shove my cock down your throat. You should know I always keep my promises."
She could feel pleasurable tears forming in her eyes as she accompanied his size, and he was nowhere near the normal size. She knew that she couldn't take all of him, but she tried her best. Sucking sounds echoed throughout the living room and Donnie growled deep within his throat. 
"Gods, your mouth feel so good." He praised as he moved his hips, thrusting into her mouth as he felt her gag a little. "You can take me, right, darling?" He challenged, just like she did to him. And the response she gave him was a whimper. 
And the woman never backs down from a challenge. His tip hit the back of throat as Donnie laid his head back. She could have sworn she heard him say, "That's my girl."
She could feel Donnie's thrust stutter as his breathing increased and his churrs of ecstasy was louder than the earlier ones. He was close and Y/N will make sure he gets there. 
Saliva around her lips, slowly dripping on her chin, she put in more effort into her sucking and Donnie could have sworn he felt his soul left his body as he came into Y/N's mouth. She swallowed his essence and moaned at the taste. She expected him to taste bitter but no, he taste so sweet. His groans filled the room as his thrusts faltered and was gonna pull away, but he hunched over with a groan as Y/N sucked him off one last time. 
Y/N giggled as she felt Donnie laying on the sheets. "Did I satisfy you?" 
A sigh of contentment was her response and she laughed, but soon yelped when her legs have been dragged and her lips were being devoured. Her arms around his shoulders and his hands grasped her rear, the man's growls rumbled the woman's insides and he could smell her. Not that he hasn't the whole time. He could just drown in her scent. 
The blindfold was off and the woman squinted due to the bright light. When she was accustomed to the brightness, she looked up and there's Raphael. A cocky smirk on his face as he licked his lips seductively. He pinned her down with his broad arms and she felt so small under him. The red clad turtle has her legs spread and she could feel the tip of his cock at her entrance. 
"You think Donnie has it bad? Baby, he has nothin' on me." He chuckled as he pinned her hands above her head and leaned towards her neck. "I wanna hear you screamin' my name, princess. And I'm not stopping until you do."
"Raph, please," she begged as she lifted her hips, moaning as she felt his cock slide between her folds and made contact with her aching clit. "I want you inside me, please!"
"Already begging me, hm? Look at you, desperate for my dick." He growled as he positioned his shaft to her entrance and her eyes widened at the size of him. 
Holy guacamole.
She's gonna be ripped in half!
He could see the fear in her eyes and he kissed her forehead. "I won't do anythin' that will hurt you, tiger. I love you too much for that." He says as he trailed one of his hands to her entrance, the other still pined her wrists, and eased it inside. Even though he already worked her up earlier, he still wants to make sure. Her moans encourage him to continue, so he pulled his hands and stroked his cock. It was already covered in lubed and she can't help but to spread her legs wider. Raph chuckled. "Beg for it, baby."
Y/N whimpered. "Raph, c'mon! I want you inside me."
"Please what?" He smirked.
"Please, Daddy?" 
The groan came out of him was the last string of sanity as he slowly eased inside of her. "That's a good girl, taking Daddy's dick so well." He praised as he finally hilted inside her. Oh, how her legs trembled. Pain, yes, but mainly pleasure. Raph just feel so good. 
She wrapped her legs around his waist as they moaned. It's like he went even deeper, if that's even possible when he's literally hitting her cervix. 
"Raph, baby, don't hold back on me." Y/N says as she tries to lean forward to give her man a kiss. Raph took pity on her and released her wrists, growled as she pulled him in. Their passionate kisses grew heavy and Raph moved his hips back, then the woman beneath him wailed as he rammed inside her. 
"That's it, baby. Show my brothers how good I make ya feel." Raph took hold of her hips and went hard and fast; her body being used as a cock-sleeve and Y/N was drowning in ecstasy. Her hands placed on his shoulders, nails digging into his scale-like skin. She could see a bulge where his tip hitting her womb. 
She could see the others looking at her, too. Donnie, out of cloud nine, stroking his cock once again. Mikey was doing the same thing, looks like he's growing impatient and desperately wanting a piece of his girl. She leaned her head back and saw Leo. . .she could have sworn that she grew wetter. 
Leo has his arms crossed as he watched his brother taking her like a beast that's out of the cage. His legs spread and a prominent bulge in his underwear makes the woman's mouth water. She wants a taste of him. It's like Leo knew what she's eyeing because he trailed a hand down to his underwear - palming it with a groan. 
Surprising the woman she was being lifted as her legs were spread wide, her arms incasing around his neck. She turned and saw Mikey walked towards her from behind. The orange clad terrapin spread her cheeks wide, exposing her back end. A moan of satisfaction came from the youngest throat and he smacked her butt, getting a moan from the woman in front of him. 
"Dang, girl, you're wet from both ends. Bet you I can get you even wetter." He chuckled as he slowly took out the butt plug and sat it somewhere on the sheets. He watched as her hole puckered at him, making him whistle. "Oh, I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby-cakes." 
"Then do it." She challenged again, winking at Donnie that was behind Mikey. The genius shook his head. 
Mikey chuckled as he grabbed the lube, put some in his hand, and stroked his cock until it's fully covered in the slick essence. Then he used the rest to tease the rim, making the woman moan. 
He spread her cheeks once again and teased her hole with the tip of his cock. "All right, angelcakes. I'll go slow, tell me when you need to stop." When the woman nods, he slowly eased in. Every hiss that she makes he stops, pulls out, then add in more until she's moaning out from the stretch. Now, having two cocks inside both holes, she feels so full. Y/N reached out for Mikey with one hand and held Raph with the other. She moved her hips and that gave them the cue to move. They took it slow and she wailed at the overwhelming pleasure she's receiving. 
"Raph, Mikey, harder! Please!" She cried out as they went to town on her. They increased their thrusts and she could feel them everywhere in her insides, hitting all the right spots. Her eyes were rolled back as she hit her climax, but they weren't done. Far from it. 
Raph leaned down to her neck, left hickeys and bite marks while Mikey pulled her hair back as Y/N's wails crescendoed. One of the orange terrapins hands trailed to her breasts, tweaking a nipple between his fingertips. 
Y/N opened her eyes when she felt a hand caressing her cheek, turning to her right, there was Donnie. He's on his knees as he stroked his cock, a smirk evident on his face. The turtle went forward as she opened her mouth, tongue out, and eyes begging for his cum in her mouth. 
"Can't help yourself, Don?" Raph gruffed as he watched his woman's dilated eyes, completely screwed out as moans fell out of her open mouth. "Gods, look at her. I won't last long with a view like this."
"Neither can I, bro. She just feels so good!" Mikey whimpered as his thrusts became sloppy. Raph and Mikey looked at each other, then they both bit down on her neck. The woman cried out once again at the feel of her men claiming her as theirs.
Sweat trickled down on all three of the guys as they came with a roar. Both Raph and Mikey coated her insides with their essence while Donnie covered her face with his, soon trailing down her neck and breasts. Y/N came with them again and she could have sworn that the woman saw stars. Her brain didn't register that they pulled away from her and laid her down gently, she could feel their essence leaving both of her holes. 
That was when Leo stood and made his way to her, squatting down and made her look up to him. Underwear completely discarded, a devilish chuckle left him when he saw her screwed out expression. "Good job, guys. Now, let's do the main event."
That's when she's being manhandled into a position like before, but Donnie in the front and Leo in the back. Mikey and Raph stood next to her on their knees. Even though she's completely coated from the inside, they still used lube especially for Leo. 
The leader knew he wouldn't last long, but it's a challenge he was willing to take on. The whole session was such a turn on. The leader will admit that it gave him blue balls and his love will take care of that. 
"Tell us, my love," Leo leaned towards her ear as he felt a shiver go down her spine. "How do you feel about four men taking you like this? Stuffed full of cock that you can't get enough of. I better hear you scream, cry and beg for us to give you our cum. Do you understand?" 
"Y-Yes, Master! Anything for Master!" Y/N doesn't know what she was saying, all she knew was that she wants Donnie and Leo inside her right now. To fill her up with their essence like Raph and Mikey did. 
She could hear Leo groan, and could feel him starting to break his composure. "Good girl." With that, Donnie eased inside of her and her eyes widened at the length of him. He's not Raph's girth, but he's definitely got the length down pat. She could feel him so deep within her and she almost cried either from pain or pleasure, she doesn't know. 
"Color, darling?" Donnie growled, taking deep breaths to help take back whatever control he had left. He doesn't want to hurt her, that's the last thing he wants. 
"Green!" She wailed as she moved her hips, wanting Donnie to freaking move. "Hurry up and move!"
A gasp came out of her throat as Leo spanked her rear, hard. That shut her up. "I don't tolerate brats, love. You know that." He looked up to Donnie. "Pull out. We need to teach her who's in charge here."
Even though Donnie doesn't want to, he did as he was told. The woman below him whimpered and it's like she was crying, little crocodile tears filled her eyes as she looked up to her purple terrapin boyfriend. 
"Donnie, please. I need you." She begged. Oh, how he wants to fulfill her desires. He finally has a feel of her insides. Her mouth doesn't compete with her wet, hot and aching sex. It's was so warm and she was holding him inside of her. A guttural groan rumbled in his throat. 
He's cracking. 
"Don't do it, Donnie. Not yet." Leo commanded. He could see his brother starting to crack. Donnie was deprived, starving for this woman. 
"How long do I have to wait, Leo?" Donnie's eyes looked darker than the usual hazel and it turned the woman on so much. "I finally had the feeling of her wrapped around me and when she's practically begging, I am going to satisfy her every desire. You may be the leader but, in the end, she'll be begging me to fill her insides."
Oh, goodness gracious. 
Donnie was actually standing up! 
And it's so freaking hot!
She could feel Leo growl, his grip on her legs tightened and she moaned from it. "All right, Donnie. Since you want to call the shots, go right ahead." He challenged. 
"Freaking finally." Donnie growled and the woman screamed out as he slammed inside of her. Her legs trembled at the force he was taking her, arms clutching on to his neck as she felt Leo slowly slide inside of her. 
"Gods," Leo growled as he sheathed inside of her anal canal. "So freakin tight!" Wails and cries came from her as both Donnie and Leo completely lost it. Their patience and gentle persona left the door as they let their animal instincts kicked in. Pounding away her insides as slapping sounds of skin to skin echoed throughout the living room. 
"Gosh, dude, this is so hot." Mikey commented as he stroked his cock. Raph groaned in agreement, wanting to chuckle at his brother's lack of control. This went on for what feels like hours but it's only minutes; tears of pleasure came down her cheeks, the feeling of her men inside her was beyond what her imagination came up with. 
Donnie soon devoured her mouth, tongues clashed as their sounds of pleasure drove the others on. Y/N pulled away as she wailed. "I'm cumming!" 
And that's when their thrusts grew sloppy, they could feel that edge of release. Leo reached around and rubbed her clit, and it made the woman's legs tremble even more. It didn't take long for her to release, overstimulation overtook her body. 
Donnie came with a groan and he bit down on her shoulder blade, claiming her as his. Leo came after, claiming her as his as well. Raph and Mikey came on her chest, coating her with their essence. Everything else was a blur. Her body is hot. She could feel her body going slack as she leaned in Leo's plastron. A kiss was left on her forehead. 
"Good job, love. You've done so good for us. Now, let's take her to the bath." Was all Leo said as her eyes fell shut, sleep overtook her worn out body.
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Here's my Master List!
@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @thelaundrybitch @sharpwindow @scholastic-dragon
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josphitia · 3 months
Josie's CowHRT Journey Part 2 - Telling the Husband
“You want to be… a cow?” Jojer asked with equal parts incredulity and curiosity. My husband was looking up at me from their chair, dealing with the brick I had just dropped onto their lap. I know it wasn't the best way to broach the subject, but I also know it was the only way I could.
Some history on us: We actually met at a nonbinary support group that Jojer was running. I'm not nonbinary, but it was the closest trans support group I could find. I ended up meeting a lot of wonderful and unique people there. Me and Jojer immediately hit it off and before we knew it, every free moment was an excuse to text or hang out with each other.
We were the best of friends for years, we helped each other in any ways we could. I was already on Estrogen and blockers when I attended that first meeting, but I helped Jojer to get on Testosterone. We helped each other get our names legally changed. So when the time came that we both found ourselves single, is it any wonder we jumped at the opportunity? We dated for a year and decided to get married. Jojer’s my they/them husband and I couldn't be happier.
Everything since then has been the mundane life of a married couple. That is until the past few weeks when I've been keeping to myself more, my nose glued to my screen as I process my newfound sense of self. Which leads us to this moment, to when I dropped my hopes and dreams for the future, to my husband asking with a puzzled face: “You want to be… a cow?”
“Yeah! W-well I mean, I think I've always been a cow. I wanna get on Animal HRT and help to see the bovine in the mirror that I am inside.”
“Okay, is this like a kink thing? Because I'm alright with us exploring more in the bedroom. Get you a cow print bikini or something and-”
“No! I mean, the bikini sounds cute, but it's not a kink thing… Not that it doesn't make me really happy thinking of myself like that and being intimate… But it's more than that, so much more. The idea of being a cow just feels like it's me, it's who I am. Like I can finally see myself as a complete person.”
“And you'd, what, be in some field all day munching grass? I also don't think a cow would fall under the pets policy of our apartment.”
“I wouldn't be, what do they call it… a ’feral’ cow. Though some people do go that route! I'd be more in-between than that. I've been reading all about it and what they can achieve with hormones nowadays is amazing and I'd finally have cute horns and a tail and even hooves!”
“Can't we just buy you some horns online if that's what you're wanting? And I know I've seen people with clip-on tails, we can get you some of those too.”
“It's not a costume I want to just wear at home or around you… it's who I want to be. Who I feel I am. Who I need help to be. Who I want to be with you.”
“Why haven't you opened up about this before? You're so sure this is who you are but you've never made any indication you've been unhappy just being a human woman. Now you're dropping this in my lap right before we're going to bed.”
“Because I didn't have the words for it… I didn't even realize it was a thing I could be. But I've seen other girls posting about this and it was so illuminating, it's like these girls had access to a dictionary I never knew existed. But their thoughts, their feelings, their journeys, it's like reading about myself in all but name. And it's not fair to you, but I've been so scared to bring this up to you… I know you're kind and understanding, but there's so many horror stories of people being shunned by their partners over this. Of people losing their partners over this because they weren't accepted… I love you and don't want to lose you but I also can't live my life without trying this…”
“Okay, okay. I don't completely get it yet but I can tell you've been putting a lot of thought into this. I don't want to give you the impression I'm not supportive, I am, this is just so new. I love you, Josie.”
*Sniff* “I love you too Jojer…”
“So, what would the first steps be?”
“It's basically like what we've already been through. See a therapist, get a letter, then going to a supportive endocrinologist who'll fill the prescription. And I even already have the name of a therapist who can help me! But, uh, I'm hoping you can help me with actually making the phone call… You know how I am…”
“Of course honey. C’mon, let's get ready for bed. You can talk to me more about how you're feeling when we're laying down. I do have to admit though, you're right about one thing.”
“You'd look really cute with horns~”
Josie's Cow HRT Journey
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theplottdump · 3 months
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The makeshift wooden sword tumbled end over end, clearing the edge of the ship and eventually making it's way downwards. One small 𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘱! later and it had disappeared from sight.
Kāne: And now we have nothing to defend ourselves with from the royal navy. Nice going frogfa-
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Small calloused feet pounded the side of the old ship as Sunny let out an almost feral scream- wildly bounding after her discarded implement. Quickly approaching the same edge where only moments earlier Kāne had been precariously teetering himself.
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Kāne's smallish heart lept cruelly back up into his throat- his own fearful heartbeat echoing through his skull once more.
Kāne: 𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙉𝙔!
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Too late- she had already thrown herself off the side of the old hull.
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𝙎𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃 ! 💦 A tower of water rose up following her impact on the crystalline surface of the lagoon- one large enough to shake HANSEL from of his recharging cycle.
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Sunny: EXPLOSION THERAPY!! My dad taught it to me- whenever you're scared of something, face it head on- 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙙𝙚! Then it won't be so scary anymore! It will be exploded!
Kāne: 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦!!?
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Sunny: It'll make more sense when you do it!!! 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯!!
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Kāne: I'm good- I'm just- uh, I'm gonna take the ladder.
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HANSEL: Young Master Kāne, what in AI watcher's name are you doing on the roof!? Sunny: He's being a butt! Kāne: HEY I AM NOT A BUTT!
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Sunny: 𝙔𝙐𝙃 𝙃𝙐𝙃. Kāne: 𝙉𝙐𝙃 𝙃𝙐𝙃.
HANSEL: Can we all please keep our playtime and parent defying stunts to this level of the ship?
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Kāne: She made me do it! HANSEL: Unsurprising. Sunny: 𝘏𝘌𝘠-
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ohtobemare · 16 hours
Until We Fall, Intro • Logan Howlett x fem!OC
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summary: DP&W AU. It's been God knows how many years after Logan's death in North Dakota—and this wouldn't be much of a story without a shiny new villain with a hot new plan, or someone to save the world. Well, maybe two someones. Ok, you win, three. But first, you have track down that said someone—the Wolverine. And who better to do that than the girl who found him the first time? Logan/OC pairings: Logan/worst!Wolverine x fem!OC warnings: age gap, very, very alternative universe; pre-existing relationship that hasn't been written yet (based on the upcoming series, Mare & the Wolverine), fluff and angst, language, PG-13 spicy stuff, religion, violence (lots and lots of violence, this is Deadpool we're talking about), no experience writing DP or Wolvie but oh well, a bunch of other stuff we won't get into, plus size OC, a different way of approaching mutants, yes this is a self-insert leave me ALONE.
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It's Called an Intro, Mothereffers
Hi, welcome to the fuc–I mean freak, show. Don't want to blow the whole damn budget on the first 2.5 seconds of page time, right? Critics, good God–they're the worst. One sentence in and they'll judge the whole effin' book, hook line and sinker without even getting to the plot. Frickin' internet has made everyone a literary genius. Not.
ANYWAY—you're probably wondering what the eff I'm doing in the middle of this shitshow, huh? A story that isn't mine, hell—a story that isn't even technically written yet. That's a Fox thing. Or an MCU thing. Or a….thing, I guess? Dunno, this habit of timelines and then redoing and undoing them like a nun unbuckling a priests robes in a spittin' hurry after church is getting old—nobody really knows what the heck is going on. But, that's showbiz, right?
Rabbit trail, sorry. Frickin' brain. Anyway, yes–here. Ahem.
Well, really, we've got ourselves a Code Redpool (see what I did there?) with this one—someone trying to take over the world, rattle some cages, all that jazz. And if you didn't already know, such sticky little cumsucking messes requires a little bit more than a mercenary with a mouth. We already know I can't—don't—save the world. Despite what the box office may lend. It's above my paygrade, my hero tier. This rated R mothereffer hasn't gotten there yet, not on his own. Maybe another million or fifty.
Could be different this go around, though. Who effin' knows. All I know is that to save a world, to make a story, you need a couple of things—a smashin' budget, a whole helluva lot of copyright law, and a hero. An "anchor being," because Marvel has to be frickin' special. Sometimes two when the situation is Redpool, like it is. Maybe three, because I'll be EFFED if I'm not part of this one. Earnin' my stripes, going all Tony the Tiger and shit. You know the drill.
To help me out, I need the big guy. Yeah. Not talking about Jesus, though it could be argued He's a factor, here. Very non denominational, very off script, very demure. Think more…yellow. Feral, as it were. Canadian. Yeah, dumbass—we need the Wolverine. The guy with the forks, the mutton chops from the 70s that were definitely a…choice. Logan. Yeah, him. Mr. Feral Forest Weasel himself.
And we'll probably need someone who can help us get to Logan, since he wouldn't know me from fresh effin' ADAM. If you saw Logan, you'll understand. Though it didn't happen exactly that way, because this is an AU—that fanfiction shit, you know. Sigh. We need someone who's tamed the beast, has clawed under all that adamantium and seen the hero where a trainwreck of a multiple-movies-gone-bad guy has stood.
A girl, genius. We need a girl. And lucky for you, delightful little fourth-wallians, I've got just the one.
Buckle up, mothereffer's—shit's about to get Wolverine-d.
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tags: @just-a-silly-howlett-lover
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Let's tally things up, folks!
Ruby's entire depression arc is "resolved" by a one sentence exchange wherein she just... decides she's better now? 'Is this the message?' Ruby asks, on her knees in front of a not at all subtle broken piece of glass. 'That I'm just supposed to give up?' and then literally the next moment she sees Crescent Rose, the weapon she's been flinching from because it represents all the failures she hasn't actually grappled with this season, and decides that depression and suicidal ideation are for losers. Let's go fight a randomly evolved cat!
The group still doesn't care about Ruby's Volume-long struggle. What are you talking about, evil kitty? Ruby's never been confused, or weak, or feeling like she's broken. We're oblivious to all that. That's why we follow her, because we can easily ignore everything that's going on in her life and instead just focus on ourselves. Didn't she have a breakdown a couple of hours ago about having to lead all the time? Should we really be announcing the moment she steps out of the tree that we expect her to be in charge again? ... nah, it's fine!
I guess the overall message is that any and every horrific act is excusable because you're just being yourself? Sorry we doomed a Kingdom and have actively helped Salem in trying to take over the world. The horrors we've enacted are good things though because it means we're being ourselves.
Ruby is conveniently the only Ascended who retains all her memories. Can't have the protagonist undergoing any kind of actual change, after all.
Neo throws herself into the tree despite that going against every iota of her characterization. Will we ever see her again? Who knows.
Is the blacksmith lady Alyx? I still have no idea.
Jaune is made young again, because of course he is. Love that they act like this is some curse he's suffered from - "It's been so long..." - and not an actual life lived across several decades. If I got stuck somewhere for twenty-ish years and then someone tried to magic me back to my 18 year old self I'd be like wtf? No? I'm not a teenager??? Will the show ever acknowledge that Jaune is actually an old man in a de-aged body now? I doubt it, considering this plot-line had no impact on his personality, skill, or outlook.
Also love that the brothers' story is treated like this wonderful tale of growth and exploration. The blacksmith is going on about how amazing it is that you don't know what you'll get when you create something, tone all fond for the demi-gods that have left her world to toy with new ones, and I just wanted one of the characters to start screaming about all the horrors they've caused. They killed an entire population in one fell swoop and have cursed two individuals for funsies, with the entirety of Remanent permanently under threat of annihilation if they don't meet the Gods' ambiguous standards of unity. Oscar didn't fall into the void because if Ozpin had been there he would have gone feral and attacked the blacksmith with his bare hands.
We're heading back to Remnant and Ruby still doesn't know that Jaune killed Penny! Ruby didn't even get her sword back. Or consider her in the tree therapy session. Why was killing her off necessary again? Oh yeah, Jaune angst🙃
We got a "when you're needed" from the blacksmith, so expect that time-skip in Volume 10. Can't wait to see how much important stuff the story skips over...
Also, this is so minor in the grand scheme of everything else, but I YELLED when Summer admitted that she'd lied about the mission. For nine Volumes these characters have been dragging Ozpin for every problem under the sun including, in Volume 7, for the mysterious disappearance of Summer, only for it to turn out that she LIED about where she was going and on whose orders, setting him up to take the fall when she doesn't come back. Who's going to have Qrow apologize to Ozpin for blaming him for years? Who's going to have Ruby unpack that her whole family is made up of liars and she was foolish to think that anyone, including Ozpin, could survive this war with a completely clean record? Hell, who's going to have Ruby simply tell anyone - including her sister - what she now knows about her mother's death? Not the RT writers, I'd wager.
Especially when they gave us a scene of Summer leaving on what she recognizes may be a suicide mission and leaves a token of affection for one daughter but not the other. Summer is Yang's mom too! Yeeeeeaaah the story is really bad about actually writing that.
Overall this Volume just feels like a colossal waste to me. The story ignored most of what was set up in Volume 8, introduced a world it didn't have time to flesh out, threw in an unnecessarily shocking story line about the hero trying to kill herself, 100% dismissed the ramifications of that, reset everyone so that none of the characters have to actually grow or change, and has now implied that all the plot important stuff - the Atlesians' survival in the desert, trying to ally with Theodore, Salem's next attack on Remnant, the development of most of our B Team, etc. - has occurred off screen.
The only thing this Volume accomplished was getting the bees together, which was something we should have had years ago. That admission hasn't changed their dynamic in any way, or introduced new conflicts (remember, no one cares about Ruby's breakdown, including her correct accusation that Yang has cared more about her girlfriend than her struggling little sister). It's just... there, not queerbaiting anymore, thankfully, but that feels like a very low bar to meet.
2+ months later and all I'm feeling is
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